""" problem4.py ==== Author: You and your friends are all enjoying lunch together at Kimmel. The bill comes and you need to figure out how much to tip and how much each person should pay. To speed up this process, you built a Dynamic Tip Calculator the night before. Your program accepts - the total amount listed on the bill, - the tip percentage that you would like to leave, - how many individuals will be splitting the bill. When the program finishes, it prints the total tip amount and how much the total bill will be (including tip). Finally, it shows how much each person should contribute to the bill (assume the bill will be split evenly). ============== Example interaction: Hello! I'm here to help you calculate your tip. How much was your bill? (Enter a numeric value without commas or dollar signs): 56.50 How much tip would you like to leave? (Enter an integer value - i.e. 15 = 15%): 17 How many individuals are splitting the bill? (Enter an integer value): 4 Thanks! Calculating your bill & tip ... You need to leave $9.61 as a tip. Your total bill will be $66.11. Each individual should pay $16.53. ============== __COMMENT YOUR SOURCE CODE__ by * briefly describing parts of your program * including your name at the top of your file (above these instructions) """