""" problem5.py ===== Author: Translate a numeric grade to a letter grade. 1. Ask the user for a numeric grade. 2. Use the table below to calculate the corresponding letter: 90-100 - A 80-89 - B 70-79 - C 60-69 - D 0-59 - F 3. Print out both the number and letter grade. 4. If the value is not numeric, allow the error to happen. 5. However, if the number is not within the ranges specified in the table, output: "Could not translate NUM into a letter grade" where NUM is the numeric grade" ============== Example interactions: Run 1: ----- What grade did you get? 59 Number Grade: 59 Letter Grade: F Run 2: ----- What grade did you get? 89 Number Grade: 89 Letter Grade: B Run 3: ----- What grade did you get? 90 Number Grade: 90 Letter Grade: A Run 4: ----- What grade did you get? -12 Couldn't translate -12 into a letter grade ============== __COMMENT YOUR SOURCE CODE__ by * briefly describing parts of your program * including your name at the top of your file (above these instructions) """