# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ problem5.py ==== Author: Write a program that determines the user's salary at the end of each year from year 1 to 10. Your program should prompt the user for the initial salary and for the percent increasy that is going to be applied at the end of each year (same for all of the years). Hint: For dollar amounts we want to limit the number of decimal places to just two (we are not going to be listing fractions of a cent). To do so, you can use the format() function as follows: assume that that variable salary is equal to 10.038791 format (salary, '.2f') returns a string "10.03" Try to use this function in your pgoram to print the dollar amounts with two decimal places. ============== Possible interaction: Enter your initial salary: 50000 Enter the percent increase at the end of each year [2, for 2%, for example]: 2 year salary 1 $51000.00 2 $52020.00 3 $53060.40 4 $54121.61 5 $55204.04 6 $56308.12 7 $57434.28 8 $58582.97 9 $59754.63 10 $60949.72 ============== __COMMENT YOUR SOURCE CODE__ by * briefly describing parts of your program * including your name at the top of your file (above these instructions) """