""" problem2.py ==== Author: In this program you will be reading data from the web. You can go through the module that covers that topic at https://cs.nyu.edu/elearning/CSCI_UA_0002/module09.php The class slides for this week also have instructions on how to do this. Write a Python program that asks the user to type in a word in English. Determine if that word is one of the most 100 popular English words. Here is a link to a data file on the web which contains this information: https://joannakl.github.io/core109_f17/slides/week10/popular_words_English.txt The words in this file are sorted in alphabetical order. Here's how to get started: * Read in the data and print it out (use the sample code above to get started) - use the code from the slides to read the text of the file from the url above. * Next, split the data using the correct separator character (hint: there is a line break between each word). * Finally, use appropriate built-in functions and list methods to determine if the user's word is contained in the list that you generated in the previous step. Restriction: You are not allowed to use any loops!!!!! ============== Here are a few sample runs of your program: What word would you like me to search for? here Your word is one of the 100 most popular words! -- What word would you like me to search for? college Sorry, your word is not one of the most popular words. ============== __COMMENT YOUR SOURCE CODE__ by * briefly describing parts of your program * including your name at the top of your file (above these instructions) """