""" problem1.py ==== Author: Write a program that accepts a potential DNA string from the user. The program should verify if the string is a valid strand or not. The valid DNA strands have to satisfy the following conditions: - the only legal characters are A, T, C, G (upper and lower case) - the strand has to start with a start codon ATG (upper or lower case) - the strand has to end with one of the stop codons TAA, TGA, TAG (upper or lower case) - the strand's length has to be a multiple of 3 ============== Here are a few sample runs of this program: Enter the DNA strand: atgctatag This strand is VALID. --- Enter the DNA strand: acgtagtag This is not a valid strand. Valid strands have to start with ATG. --- Enter the DNA strand: atgctaa This is not a valid strand. Length of a valid strand should be a multiple of 3. --- Enter the DNA strand: ATGcactgaCGC This is not a valid strand. Valid strands have to end with TAA or TGA or TAG. ============== __COMMENT YOUR SOURCE CODE__ by * briefly describing parts of your program * including your name at the top of your file (above these instructions) """