# MavensMate for Sublime Text MavensMate for Sublime Text is a plugin that aims to replicate the functionality of the Eclipse-based Force.com IDE. Its goal is to allow developers to work inside Sublime Text for all their Force.com-related tasks. * Create & Edit Salesforce.com projects with specific package metadata * Create & compile Apex Classes, Apex Trigger, Visualforce Pages, Visualforce Components * Create & Edit Lightning Components (v7 only) * Retrieve & compile other types of Salesforce.com metadata * Run Apex test methods and visualize test successes/failures & coverage * Deploy metadata to other Salesforce.com orgs * Apex Execute Anonymous * Stream Apex Logs to your local filesystem * Apex & Visualforce Code Assist ## Issues All issues are managed by the [central MavensMate project](https://github.com/joeferraro/MavensMate) ## Install ### Prerequisites - Sublime Text 3 [http://www.sublimetext.com/3](http://www.sublimetext.com/3) - Sublime Text Package Control [https://packagecontrol.io/installation](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) - MavensMate Desktop **(must be running in order for MavensMate for Sublime Text v7.0+ to function)** [https://github.com/joeferraro/mavensmate-desktop/releases](https://github.com/joeferraro/mavensmate-desktop/releases) ### Plugin Installation 1. Open Sublime Text 3 2. Run `Package Control: Install Package` command - [Running commands from Sublime Text](http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/extensibility/command_palette.html) 3. Search for `MavensMate` 4. Hit `Enter` **IMPORTANT NOTE:** If you are interested in automatically installing prereleases, you must add `"MavensMate"` to your Package Control `"install_prereleases"` user setting, see below: ![screen shot 2015-09-02 at 9 10 17 am](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/54157/9632003/79242b02-5152-11e5-8672-d91bb549cee6.png) ![package_control_sublime-settings_ _df15-react-communities-ios](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/54157/9632015/8cf6d800-5152-11e5-925e-627995a4aef5.png) ![screen shot 2015-10-12 at 12 53 39 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/54157/10433499/557e5134-70e0-11e5-81e5-8910ad6cdd68.png) ## Setup ### Important Settings (Configured in MavensMate Desktop) #### Workspaces (mm_workspace) You may set `mm_workspace` to a single path on your local filesystem or an array of paths. ##### Examples ###### Array of workspaces ``` "mm_workspace" : [ "/Users/darylshaber/Desktop/my-cool-folder", "/Users/darylshaber/Workspaces/my-mavensmate-workspace" ], ``` ###### Single workspace ``` "mm_workspace" : "/Users/darylshaber/Desktop/my-cool-folder", ``` **Windows users:** You must use escaped backslashes to set your workspaces: ``` "mm_workspace" : [ "\\Users\\darylshaber\\Desktop\\my-cool-folder", "\\Users\\darylshaber\\Workspaces\\my-mavensmate-workspace" ], ``` ## Update Updates to the plugin are handled automatically by Package Control. ## Screenshots ### Project Wizard ### Apex Test Runner ### Apex Execute Anonymous ### Quick Panel ### Apex/Visualforce Code Assist [mmcom]: http://mavensmate.com/?utm_source=github&utm_medium=st-plugin&utm_campaign=st