false false serverName = databaseName jmeter = db_user jmeter = db_pass test = true 5000 mariadbConnection jdbc:mysql://${serverName}:3306/${databaseName} com.mysql.jdbc.Driver true ${db_pass} 0 10000 DEFAULT 60000 ${db_user} continue false 1 1 1 1514752646000 1514752646000 false Even though the tearDown also drops the table, we can't assume initial state without guarantees so we drop it here as well and just let it silently fail. mariadbConnection Update Statement DROP TABLE testing; Store as String mariadbConnection Update Statement CREATE TABLE testing (id int unsigned); Store as String continue false 5000 100 1 1514704729000 1514704729000 false mariadbConnection Update Statement INSERT INTO testing (id) VALUES (23); Store as String false saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false false true false false false true 0 true true true true true INSERT Response Time 5 4 1 20000 false saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false false true false false false true 0 true true true true true continue false 1 1 1 1514753771000 1514753771000 false Even though the tearDown also drops the table, we can't assume initial state without guarantees so we drop it here as well and just let it silently fail. mariadbConnection Update Statement DROP TABLE testing; Store as String true