from collections import defaultdict import glob import hashlib import os import random import requests import shutil import sys import time import cv2 from skimage import io # Mapping: (class, Name, groups) STYLE_MAPPING = [ (0, 'Bokeh', ['1543486@N25']), (1, 'Bright', ['799643@N24']), (2, 'Depth_of_Field', ['75418467@N00', '407825@N20']), (3, 'Detailed', ['1670588@N24', '1131378@N23']), (4, 'Ethereal', ['907784@N22']), (5, 'Geometric_Composition', ['46353124@N00']), (6, 'Hazy', ['38694591@N00']), (7, 'HDR', ['99275357@N00']), (8, 'Horror', ['29561404@N00']), (9, 'Long_Exposure', ['52240257802@N01']), (10, 'Macro', ['52241335207@N01']), (11, 'Melancholy', ['70495179@N00']), (12, 'Minimal', ['42097308@N00']), (13, 'Noir', ['42109523@N00']), (14, 'Romantic', ['54284561@N00']), (15, 'Serene', ['1081625@N25']), (16, 'Pastel', ['1055565@N24', '1371818@N25']), (17, 'Sunny', ['1242213@N23']), (18, 'Texture', ['70176273@N00']), (19, 'Vintage', ['1222306@N25', "1176551@N24"]), ] def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 5: print('Usage: python image_path train_file test_file images_per_style') return image_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) train_file = sys.argv[2] test_file = sys.argv[3] images_per_style = int(sys.argv[4]) url_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'flickr_style_url.txt') img_info_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'flickr_style_img_info.txt') collect_image_style_url(url_file, images_per_style) fetch_images(url_file, img_info_file, image_path) generate_train_test_dataset(img_info_file, train_file, test_file, train_ratio=0.8) def collect_image_style_url(url_file, photos_per_style): if os.path.exists(url_file): print('[Skip] Url file exists: {}'.format(url_file)) return with open(url_file, 'w') as f: for class_id, style, groups in STYLE_MAPPING: print('Get_photos_for_style: {}'.format(style)) urls = get_image_url_from_group(groups, photos_per_style) for url in urls: print('{} {}'.format(url, class_id), file=f) print('[Done] Url file saves to: {}'.format(url_file)) def get_image_url_from_group(groups, num_images): params = { 'api_key': "d31c7cb60c57aa7483c5c80919df5371", 'per_page': 500, # 500 is the maximum allowed 'content_type': 1, # only photos } image_urls = [] for page in range(10): params['page'] = page for group in groups: params['group_id'] = group url = ('' '' '&api_key={api_key}&content_type={content_type}' '&group_id={group_id}&page={page}&per_page={per_page}') url = url.format(**params) # Make the request and ensure it succeeds. try: page_data = requests.get(url).json() except: print(requests.get(url)) raise if page_data['stat'] != 'ok': raise Exception("Something is wrong: API returned {}".format(page_data['stat'])) for photo_item in page_data['photos']['photo']: image_urls.append(_get_image_url(photo_item)) if len(image_urls) >= num_images: return image_urls[:num_images] raise Exception('Not enough images, only find {}'.format(len(image_urls))) def _get_image_url(photo_item, size_flag=''): """ size_flag: string [''] See for options. '': 500 px on longest side '_m': 240px on longest side """ url = "http://farm{farm}{server}/{id}_{secret}{size}.jpg" return url.format(size=size_flag, **photo_item) def fetch_images(url_file, img_info_file, image_folder): if os.path.exists(img_info_file): print('[Skip] Image info file exists: {}'.format(img_info_file)) return os.makedirs(image_folder, exist_ok=True) with open(url_file, 'r') as f: lines = [line.strip() for line in f] image_info = [] for line in lines: url, class_id = line.strip().split() image_name = _get_image_name(url, class_id) image_file = os.path.join(image_folder, image_name) # Download and verify if not os.path.exists(image_file): res = download_image(url, image_file) res = verify_image(image_file) if not res: print('[FAILURE] {}'.format(url)) else: image_info.append((image_file, class_id)) print('[SUCCESS] {}'.format(url)) with open(img_info_file, 'w') as f: for image_file, class_id in image_info: print('{} {}'.format(image_file, class_id), file=f) print('Success: {}, Failure: {}'.format(len(image_info), len(lines) - len(image_info))) print('[Done] Image info file saves to: {}'.format(img_info_file)) def _get_image_name(url, class_id): return '{}_{}.jpg'.format(hashlib.sha1(url.encode()).hexdigest(), class_id) def download_image(url, file): try: if os.path.exists(file): return True r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(file, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) return True else: return False except KeyboardInterrupt: raise Exception() # multiprocessing doesn't catch keyboard exceptions except: return False def verify_image(img_file): try: img = io.imread(img_file) except: return False return True def generate_train_test_dataset(img_info_file, train_file, test_file, train_ratio=0.8): class_to_images = defaultdict(list) with open(img_info_file, 'r') as f: lines = [line.strip() for line in f] random.seed(1211) random.shuffle(lines) train_size = int(len(lines) * train_ratio) with open(train_file, 'w') as f: for line in lines[:train_size]: print(line, file=f) with open(test_file, 'w') as f: for line in lines[train_size:]: print(line, file=f) print('[Done] Test file (size={}) saves to: {}'.format(train_size, train_file)) print('[Done] Train file (size={}) saves to: {}'.format(len(lines) - train_size, test_file)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()