/** * Reliable Locks Instance v1.4 * * Copyright 2019 Joel Wetzel * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ import groovy.json.* definition( parent: "joelwetzel:Reliable Locks", name: "Reliable Locks Instance", namespace: "joelwetzel", author: "Joel Wetzel", description: "Child app that is instantiated by the Reliable Locks app. It creates the binding between the physical lock and the virtual reliable lock.", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", iconX3Url: "") def notificationDevice = [ name: "notificationDevice", type: "capability.notification", title: "Devices for Notifications", description: "Send notifications to devices. ie. push notifications to a phone.", required: false, multiple: true ] preferences { page(name: "mainPage", title: "", install: true, uninstall: true) { section(getFormat("title", "Reliable Lock Instance")) { input ( name: "wrappedLock", type: "capability.lock", title: "Wrapped Lock", description: "Select the lock to WRAP IN RELIABILITY.", multiple: false, required: true ) input ( name: "refreshTime", type: "number", title: "After sending commands to lock, delay this many seconds and then refresh the lock", defaultValue: 6, required: true ) input ( name: "autoRefreshOption", type: "enum", title: "Auto refresh every X minutes?", options: ["Never", "1", "5", "10", "30" ], defaultValue: "30", required: true ) input ( type: "bool", name: "retryLockCommands", title: "Retry lock/unlock commands if the lock doesn't respond the first time?", required: true, defaultValue: false ) } section(hideable: true, hidden: true, "Notifications") { input notificationDevice paragraph "This will send a notification if the lock doesn't respond even after repeated retries." } section() { input ( type: "bool", name: "enableDebugLogging", title: "Enable Debug Logging?", required: true, defaultValue: true ) } } } def installed() { log.info "Installed with settings: ${settings}" addChildDevice("joelwetzel", "Reliable Lock Virtual Device", "Reliable-${wrappedLock.displayName}", null, [name: "Reliable-${wrappedLock.displayName}", label: "Reliable ${wrappedLock.displayName}", completedSetup: true, isComponent: true]) initialize() } def uninstalled() { childDevices.each { log.info "Deleting child device: ${it.displayName}" deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } } def updated() { log.info "Updated with settings: ${settings}" unsubscribe() initialize() } def initialize() { def reliableLock = getChildDevice("Reliable-${wrappedLock.displayName}") subscribe(wrappedLock, "lock", wrappedLockHandler) subscribe(wrappedLock, "battery", batteryHandler) // Generate a label for this child app app.updateLabel("Reliable ${wrappedLock.displayName}") // Make sure the ReliableLock state matches the WrappedLock upon initialization. wrappedLockHandler(null) if (autoRefreshOption == "30") { runEvery30Minutes(refreshWrappedLock) } else if (autoRefreshOption == "10") { runEvery10Minutes(refreshWrappedLock) } else if (autoRefreshOption == "5") { runEvery5Minutes(refreshWrappedLock) } else if (autoRefreshOption == "1") { runEvery1Minute(refreshWrappedLock) } else { unschedule(refreshWrappedLock) } } def lockWrappedLock() { def reliableLock = getChildDevice("Reliable-${wrappedLock.displayName}") log "${reliableLock.displayName}:locking detected" log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:locking" wrappedLock.lock() state.desiredLockState = "locked" state.retryCount = 0 runIn(refreshTime, refreshWrappedLockAndRetryIfNecessary) } def unlockWrappedLock() { def reliableLock = getChildDevice("Reliable-${wrappedLock.displayName}") log "${reliableLock.displayName}:unlocking detected" log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:unlocking" wrappedLock.unlock() state.desiredLockState = "unlocked" state.retryCount = 0 runIn(refreshTime, refreshWrappedLockAndRetryIfNecessary) } def refreshWrappedLock() { log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:refreshing" wrappedLock.refresh() } def refreshWrappedLockAndRetryIfNecessary() { log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:refreshing" wrappedLock.refresh() if (retryLockCommands) { runIn(5, retryIfCommandNotFollowed) } } def retryIfCommandNotFollowed() { log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:retryIfCommandNotFollowed" // Check if the command had been followed. def commandWasFollowed = wrappedLock.currentValue("lock") == state.desiredLockState if (!commandWasFollowed) { log "Command was not followed. RetryCount is ${state.retryCount}." // Check if we have exceeded 2 retries. if (state.retryCount < 2) { // If we still need to retry, fire off lockWrappedLock or unlockWrappedLock again. state.retryCount = state.retryCount + 1 if (state.desiredLockState == "locked") { log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:locking" wrappedLock.lock() } else { log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:unlocking" wrappedLock.unlock() } runIn(refreshTime, refreshWrappedLockAndRetryIfNecessary) } else { if (notificationDevice) { def commandText = state.desiredLockState == "locked" ? "Lock" : "Unlock" notificationDevice.deviceNotification("${wrappedLock.displayName} did not respond to repeated retries of the '${commandText}' command.") } } } } def wrappedLockHandler(evt) { def reliableLock = getChildDevice("Reliable-${wrappedLock.displayName}") if (wrappedLock.currentValue("lock") == "locked") { log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:locked detected" log "${reliableLock.displayName}:setting locked" reliableLock.markAsLocked() state.desiredLockState = "locked" } else { log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:unlocked detected" log "${reliableLock.displayName}:setting unlocked" reliableLock.markAsUnlocked() state.desiredLockState = "unlocked" } } def batteryHandler(evt) { def reliableLock = getChildDevice("Reliable-${wrappedLock.displayName}") log "${wrappedLock.displayName}:battery detected" log "${reliableLock.displayName}:setting battery" def batteryValue = null if (wrappedLock.currentValue("battery") != null) { batteryValue = wrappedLock.currentValue("battery") } else if (wrappedLock.currentBattery != null) { batteryValue = wrappedLock.currentBattery } reliableLock.setBattery(batteryValue) } def getFormat(type, myText=""){ if(type == "header-green") return "
" if(type == "line") return "\n
" if(type == "title") return "


" } def log(msg) { if (enableDebugLogging) { log.debug(msg) } }