/** * Switch Binding Instance v2.0.3 * * Copyright 2024 Joel Wetzel * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ import groovy.json.* definition( parent: "joelwetzel:Switch Bindings", name: "Switch Binding Instance", namespace: "joelwetzel", author: "Joel Wetzel", description: "Child app that is instantiated by the Switch Bindings app.", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", iconX3Url: "") preferences { page(name: "mainPage") } def mainPage() { dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: "Preferences", install: true, uninstall: true) { if (!app.label) { app.updateLabel(app.name) } section(getFormat("title", (app?.label ?: app?.name).toString())) { input(name: "nameOverride", type: "text", title: "Custom name for this ${app.name}?", multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true) if (settings.nameOverride) { app.updateLabel(settings.nameOverride) } } section("") { input(name: "switches", type: "capability.switch", title: "Switches to Bind", description: "Select the switches to bind.", multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true) paragraph "
Select attributes/events to sync between switches:" input(name: "syncOnOff", type: "bool", title: "Switch On/Off", defaultValue: true, required: true) input(name: "syncLevel", type: "bool", title: "Switch Level", defaultValue: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true) if (syncLevel) { input(name: "syncHeld", type: "bool", title: "Does your switch implement HELD events as button presses?", defaultValue: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true) if (syncLevel && syncHeld) { input(name: "heldUpButtonNumber", type: "number", title: "Button number for holding UP", defaultValue: 1, required: false) input(name: "heldDownButtonNumber", type: "number", title: "Button number for holding DOWN", defaultValue: 2, required: false) } } input(name: "syncSpeed", type: "bool", title: "Fan Speed", defaultValue: false, required: true) paragraph "Note: Most fans also respond to level and translate it into speed. So if syncing a dimmer and a fan, you may not need to sync speed." input(name: "syncHue", type: "bool", title: "Hue", defaultValue: false, required: true) input(name: "syncSaturation", type: "bool", title: "Saturation", defaultValue: false, required: true) input(name: "syncColorTemperature", type: "bool", title: "Color Temperature", defaultValue: false, required: true) } section ("Advanced Settings", hideable: true, hidden: false) { def masterChoices = [:] settings?.switches?.each { masterChoices << [(it.deviceId.toString()): it.displayName.toString()] } input(name: "masterSwitchId", type: "enum", title: "Select an (optional) 'Master' switch", multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: (masterChoices)) def masterSwitch if (masterSwitchId != null) { masterSwitch = settings?.switches?.find { it?.deviceId?.toString() == settings?.masterSwitchId.toString() } } if (masterSwitch != null) { input(name: "masterOnly", type: "bool", title: "Bind to changes on ${masterSwitch?.displayName} only? (One-way binding instead of the normal two-way binding.)", multiple: false, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) input(name: 'pollMaster', type: 'bool', title: "Poll ${masterSwitch.displayName} and synchronize all the devices?", defaultValue: false, required: true, submitOnChange: true) if (settings?.pollMaster) { input(name: "pollingInterval", title:"Polling Interval (in minutes)?", type: "enum", required:false, multiple:false, defaultValue:"5", submitOnChange: true, options:["1", "5", "10", "15", "30"]) if (settings.pollingInterval == null) { app.updateSetting('pollingInterval', "5"); settings.pollingInterval = "5"; } } } paragraph "
WARNING: Only adjust Estimated Switch Response Time if you know what you are doing! Some dimmers don't report their new status until after they have slowly dimmed. " + "The app uses this estimated duration to make sure that the bound switches don't infinitely trigger each other. Only reduce this value if you are using very fast switches, " + "and you regularly physically toggle 2 (or more) of them right after each other (not a common case)." input(name: "responseTime", type: "number", title: "Estimated Switch Response Time (in milliseconds)", defaultValue: 5000, required: true) } section () { input(name: "enableLogging", type: "bool", title: "Enable Debug Logging?", defaultValue: false, required: true) } } } def installed() { log.info "Installed with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { log.info "Updated with settings: ${settings}" unsubscribe() unschedule() initialize() } def initialize() { log "initialize()" def masterSwitch = settings.switches.find { it.deviceId.toString() == settings.masterSwitchId?.toString() } if (masterSwitch != null && settings.masterOnly) { // If "Master Only" is set, only subscribe to events on the master switch. log "Subscribing only to master switch events" subscribeToEvents([masterSwitch]) } else { log "Subscribing to all switch events" subscribeToEvents(switches) } // Generate a label for this child app String newLabel if (settings.nameOverride && settings.nameOverride.size() > 0) { newLabel = settings.nameOverride } else { newLabel = "Bind" def switchList = [] if (masterSwitch != null) { switches.each { if (it.deviceId.toString() != masterSwitchId.toString()) { switchList << it } } } else { switchList = switches } def ss = switchList.size() for (def i = 0; i < ss; i++) { if ((i == (ss - 1)) && (ss > 1)) { if ((masterSwitch == null) && (ss == 2)) { newLabel = newLabel + " to" } else { newLabel = newLabel + " and" } } newLabel = newLabel + " ${switchList[i].displayName}" if ((i != (ss - 1)) && (ss > 2)) { newLabel = newLabel + "," } } if (masterSwitch) { newLabel = newLabel + ' to ' + masterSwitch.displayName } } app.updateLabel(newLabel) atomicState.startInteractingMillis = 0 as long atomicState.controllingDeviceId = 0 // If a master switch is set, then periodically resync if (settings.masterSwitchId && settings.pollMaster) { schedule("0 */${settings.pollingInterval} * * * ?", "reSyncFromMaster") } } def subscribeToEvents(subscriberList) { subscribe(subscriberList, "switch.on", 'switchOnHandler') subscribe(subscriberList, "switch.off", 'switchOffHandler') subscribe(subscriberList, "level", 'levelHandler') subscribe(subscriberList, "speed", 'speedHandler') subscribe(subscriberList, "hue", 'hueHandler') subscribe(subscriberList, "saturation", 'saturationHandler') subscribe(subscriberList, "colorTemperature", 'colorTemperatureHandler') subscribe(subscriberList, "held", "heldHandler") subscribe(subscriberList, "released", "releasedHandler") } void reSyncFromMaster(evt) { log.info "reSyncFromMaster()" // Is masterSwitch set? if (settings.masterSwitchId == null) { log "reSyncFromMaster: Master Switch not set" return } def masterSwitch = settings.switches.find { it.deviceId.toString() == settings.masterSwitchId.toString() } if ((now() - atomicState.startInteractingMillis as long) < 1000 * 60) { // I don't want resync happening while someone is standing at a switch fiddling with it. // Wait until the system has been stable for a bit. log "reSyncFromMaster: Skipping reSync because there has been a recent user interaction." return } def onOrOff = (masterSwitch.currentValue("switch") == "on") syncSwitchState(masterSwitchId, onOrOff) } def switchOnHandler(evt) { log "SWITCH On detected - ${evt.device.displayName}" if (checkForFeedbackLoop(evt.deviceId)) { return } syncSwitchState(evt.deviceId, true) } def switchOffHandler(evt) { log "SWITCH Off detected - ${evt.device.displayName}" if (checkForFeedbackLoop(evt.deviceId)) { return } syncSwitchState(evt.deviceId, false) } def levelHandler(evt) { // Only reflect level events while the switch is on (workaround for Zigbee driver problem that sends level immediately after turning off) if (evt.device.currentValue('switch', true) == 'off') return log "LEVEL ${evt.value} detected - ${evt.device.displayName}" if (checkForFeedbackLoop(evt.deviceId)) { return } syncLevelState(evt.deviceId) } def speedHandler(evt) { log "SPEED ${evt.value} detected - ${evt.device.displayName}" if (checkForFeedbackLoop(evt.deviceId)) { return } syncSpeedState(evt.deviceId) } def hueHandler(evt) { log "HUE ${evt.value} detected - ${evt.device.displayName}" if (checkForFeedbackLoop(evt.deviceId)) { return } syncHueState(evt.deviceId) } def saturationHandler(evt) { log "SATURATION ${evt.value} detected - ${evt.device.displayName}" if (checkForFeedbackLoop(evt.deviceId)) { return } syncSaturationState(evt.deviceId) } def colorTemperatureHandler(evt) { log "COLOR TEMPERATURE ${evt.value} detected - ${evt.device.displayName}" if (checkForFeedbackLoop(evt.deviceId)) { return } syncColorTemperatureState(evt.deviceId) } def heldHandler(evt) { log "HELD ${evt.value} detected - ${evt.device.displayName}" if (checkForFeedbackLoop(evt.deviceId)) { return } startLevelChange(evt.deviceId, evt.value) } def releasedHandler(evt) { log "RELEASED ${evt.value} detected - ${evt.device.displayName}" if (checkForFeedbackLoop(evt.deviceId)) { return } stopLevelChange(evt.deviceId, evt.value) } boolean checkForFeedbackLoop(triggeredDeviceId) { long now = (new Date()).getTime() // Don't allow feedback and event cycles. If this isn't the controlling device and we're still within the characteristic // response time, don't sync this event to the other devices. if (triggeredDeviceId != atomicState.controllingDeviceId && (now - atomicState.startInteractingMillis as long) < (responseTime as long)) { log "checkForFeedbackLoop: Preventing feedback loop" //log "preventing feedback loop variables: ${now - atomicState.startInteractingMillis as long} ${triggeredDeviceId} ${atomicState.controllingDeviceId}" return true } atomicState.controllingDeviceId = triggeredDeviceId atomicState.startInteractingMillis = now return false } def syncSwitchState(triggeredDeviceId, onOrOff) { if ((settings.syncOnOff != null) && !settings.syncOnOff) { return } def triggeredDevice = switches.find { triggeredDeviceId != null && it.deviceId.toString() == triggeredDeviceId.toString() } def newLevel = triggeredDevice.hasAttribute('level') ? triggeredDevice.currentValue("level", true) : null // If the triggered device has a level, then we're going to push it out to the other devices too. if (newLevel != null && newLevel < 5) { newLevel = 5 } // Push the event out to every switch except the one that triggered this. switches.each { s -> if (s.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId) { return } if (onOrOff) { // Special case for Hue bulbs. They have a device setting for transitionTime, and to honor that, we need to setLevel with the transitionTime, instead of just turning on. if (s.currentValue('switch', true) != 'on' && s.getSetting("transitionTime") != null && s.hasAttribute('level') && newLevel != null) { def transitionTime = s.getSetting("transitionTime") s.setLevel(newLevel, transitionTime) return } if (s.currentValue('switch', true) != 'on') { s.on() } if (s.hasCommand('setLevel') && newLevel != null && s.currentValue('level', true) != newLevel) { // Push the level of the triggering device (if it has one) out to the other devices. (If they support it) s.setLevel(newLevel) } } else { if (s.currentValue('switch', true) != 'off') { s.off() } } } } def syncLevelState(triggeredDeviceId) { if ((settings.syncLevel != null) && !settings.syncLevel) { return } def triggeredDevice = switches.find { it.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId } def newLevel = triggeredDevice.hasAttribute('level') ? triggeredDevice.currentValue("level", true) : null if (newLevel == null) { return } // Push the event out to every switch except the one that triggered this. switches.each { s -> if (s.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId) { return } if (s.hasCommand('setLevel')) { if (newLevel != null && s.currentValue('level', true) != newLevel) { s.setLevel(newLevel) } } else if (s.currentValue('switch') == 'off' && newLevel > 0) { s.on() } } } def syncHueState(triggeredDeviceId) { if ((settings.syncHue != null) && !settings.syncHue) { return } def triggeredDevice = switches.find { it.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId } def newHue = triggeredDevice.hasAttribute('hue') ? triggeredDevice.currentValue("hue", true) : null if (newHue == null) { return } // Push the event out to every switch except the one that triggered this. switches.each { s -> if (s.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId) { return } if (s.hasCommand('setHue') && s.currentValue('hue', true) != newHue) { s.setHue(newHue) } } } def syncSaturationState(triggeredDeviceId) { if ((settings.syncSaturation != null) && !settings.syncSaturation) { return } def triggeredDevice = switches.find { it.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId } def newSaturation = triggeredDevice.hasAttribute('saturation') ? triggeredDevice.currentValue("saturation", true) : null if (newSaturation == null) { return } // Push the event out to every switch except the one that triggered this. switches.each { s -> if (s.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId) { return } if (s.hasCommand('setSaturation') && s.currentValue('saturation', true) != newSaturation) { s.setSaturation(newSaturation) } } } def syncColorTemperatureState(triggeredDeviceId) { if ((settings.syncColorTemperature != null) && !settings.syncColorTemperature) { return } def triggeredDevice = switches.find { it.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId } def newColorTemperature = triggeredDevice.hasAttribute('colorTemperature') ? triggeredDevice.currentValue("colorTemperature", true) : null if (newColorTemperature == null) { return } // Push the event out to every switch except the one that triggered this. switches.each { s -> if (s.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId) { return } if (s.hasCommand('setColorTemperature') && s.currentValue('colorTemperature', true) != newColorTemperature) { s.setColorTemperature(newColorTemperature) } } } def syncSpeedState(triggeredDeviceId) { if ((settings.syncSpeed != null) && !settings.syncSpeed) { return } def triggeredDevice = switches.find { it.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId } def newSpeed = triggeredDevice.hasAttribute('speed') ? triggeredDevice.currentValue("speed") : null if (newSpeed == null) { return } // Push the event out to every switch except the one that triggered this. switches.each { s -> if (s.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId) { return } if (s.hasCommand('setSpeed')) { if (s.currentValue('speed', true) != newSpeed) { s.setSpeed(newSpeed) } } } } def startLevelChange(triggeredDeviceId, buttonNumber) { if (settings.syncHeld == null || !settings.syncHeld || settings.heldUpButtonNumber == null || settings.heldDownButtonNumber == null) { return } def direction = 'none' if (buttonNumber == settings.heldUpButtonNumber.toString()) { direction = 'up' } else if (buttonNumber == settings.heldDownButtonNumber.toString()) { direction = 'down' } if (direction == 'none') { return } // Push the event out to every switch except the one that triggered this. switches.each { s -> if (s.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId) { return } if (s.hasCommand('startLevelChange')) { s.startLevelChange(direction) } } } def stopLevelChange(triggeredDeviceId, buttonNumber) { if (settings.syncHeld == null || !settings.syncHeld || settings.heldUpButtonNumber == null || settings.heldDownButtonNumber == null) { return } // Push the event out to every switch except the one that triggered this. switches.each { s -> if (s.deviceId == triggeredDeviceId) { return } if (s.hasCommand('stopLevelChange')) { s.stopLevelChange() } } } def getFormat(type, myText=""){ if(type == "header-green") return "
" if(type == "line") return "\n
" if(type == "title") return "


" } def log(msg) { if (enableLogging) { log.debug msg } }