package requestlog; =head1 SYNOPSIS This module tries to ease the parsing of the request.log files of Day Communique; it allows one to extract the relevant information without fiddling around with the file format. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Carp; require Exporter; our @ISA= qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(parseRequestLog); =head2 parseRequestLog parseRequestLog($logfile, $record_started, $record_finished) A wrapper function for the doParse function, which reads from a file. =cut sub parseRequestLog($$$) { my $logfilename = shift; if (! -f $logfilename) { croak "File $logfilename doesn't exist\n";}; if ($logfilename =~ /.+\.gz$/) { open(FILE,"gunzip -c $logfilename |") or croak "Cannot open logfile $logfilename\n"; } else { open(FILE,$logfilename) or croak "Cannot open logfile $logfilename\n"; } return doParse(*FILE,$_[0],$_[1]); } =head2 doParse doParse (filehandle,record_started,record_finished) Tries to data from filehandle and calls some callbacks Parameters: $filehandle - an open filehandle from which the data is read $record_started - reference to a sub to handle started requests $record_finished - reference to a sub to handle finished requests Each reference may be undef; each sub takes a hash containing the keys "id","timestamp","handle","mimetype", "duration", and "statuscode", containing the elements of the record in the file. parseRequestLog returns a hash with all not finished requests. =cut sub doParse($$$) { my $FH=shift; my $record_started_request_callback = shift; my $record_finished_request_callback = shift; my %requests=(); while (my $line = <$FH>) { my %record=(); # 07/Aug/2013:23:02:22 +0200 [0] -> REPORT /crx/server/ HTTP/1.1 if ((my $timestamp,my $id,my $method, my $handle) = ($line =~ /([0-3][0-9]\/[A-Z][a-z]+\/[0-9]{4}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} (?:\-|\+)\d+) \[(\d+)\] -> (\S+) (\S+).*/o)) { $requests{"$id"}->{"handle"} = $handle; $requests{"$id"}->{"method"} = $method; $requests{"$id"}->{"id"} = $id; $requests{"$id"}->{"timestamp"} = $timestamp; if (defined($record_started_request_callback)) { $record{"id"}=$id; $record{"handle"}=$handle; $record{"method"}=$method; $record{"timestamp"}=$timestamp; &$record_started_request_callback(%record); } next; } # 07/Aug/2013:23:02:22 +0200 [0] <- 200 text/xml; charset=UTF-8 91ms if ((my $timestamp, my $id,my $statuscode, my $mimetype,my $duration) = ($line =~ /([0-3][0-9]\/[A-Z][a-z]+\/[0-9]{4}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} (?:\-|\+)\d+) \[(\d+)\] <- (\d+?) (\S+).* (\d+?)ms.*$/o)) { if (defined($record_finished_request_callback)) { $record{"id"}=$id; $record{"handle"}=$requests{"$id"}->{"handle"}; $record{"timestamp"}=$requests{"$id"}->{"timestamp"}; $record{"method"} = $requests{"$id"}->{"method"}; $record{"duration"}=$duration; $record{"mimetype"}=$mimetype; $record{"statuscode"}=$statuscode; &$record_finished_request_callback(%record); } delete $requests{"$id"}; next; } # neither "<-" nor "->" lines, so printing a warning warn "Cannot handle: $line"; } close($FH); return %requests; } =head1 AUTHOR This module was created by Joerg Hoh ( =head1 LICENSE This code is licensed under GPL version 2. There's no warranty. =cut 1;