Set the heap space needed to work with the projects of ${scope.project.label} redirect changes to Oomph configuration triggered within the Eclipse instance to the setup file within the locally cloned repository, so it can be checked in Initialize JDT's package explorer to show working sets as its root objects Define the JRE needed to compile and run the Java projects of ${scope.project.label} Eclipse Core Xtext & Xtend Graphiti, GEF, EMF Transaction, Extended EMF Editing Framework Git connector Task and build connector Maven connector Xtext testing framework UI testing framework Features and plug-ins to be installed in IDE The Github user ID github.remoteURIs ${scope.project.label} Github repository remoteURI ${scope.project.label} Martin Fowler's Statemachine Example DSL Grammar Workflow Chess DSL Grammar Workflow ${git.clone.permet.location/releng/org.eclipse.xtext.example.fowlerdsl.targetplatform/} false false true (1) The Graphiti Diagram Editor for the Fowler DSL in its very first version. Shows the integration of Xtext and Graphiti to work with the very same model. (2) Chess DSL (later to be integrated with Graphiti chess example)