{ "last_updated":1680883633, "projects": [ { "title":"devrant-lite", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A tiny, fully-featured REST client for the unofficial devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/Skayo/devrant-lite", "language": "", "active": false, "owner": "Skayo" },{ "title":"RantScript", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A Node.js wrapper for the devRant API (probably most extensive currently)", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/RekkyRek/RantScript", "language": "node", "active": false, "owner": "RekkyRek" },{ "title":"ts-devrant", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "Isomorphic, TypeScript based wrapper for the devRant API (inspired by RantScript)", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/dr010001111/ts-devrant", "language": "node", "active": false, "owner": "dr010001111" },{ "title":"devrant-bot", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A wrapper for DevRant API specifically to create bots", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/theabbie/devrant-bot", "language": "node", "active": false, "owner": "theabbie" },{ "title":"devRant-PHP", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A PHP wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/pxgamer/devrant-php", "language": "PHP", "active": false, "owner": "pxgamer" },{ "title":"phpRant", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "Another PHP wrapper for the devRant API (as extensive as RantScript)", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://gist.github.com/Skayo/87eb4cbee4c10fa2c445013b3103d5c8", "language": "PHP", "active": false, "owner": "Skayo" },{ "title":"devRant-C#", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A C# wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/WichardRiezebos/devrant", "language": "C#", "active": false, "owner": "WichardRiezebos" },{ "title":"devGoRant", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A Go wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/jayeshsolanki93/devgorant", "language": "GO", "active": false, "owner": "jayeshsolanki93" },{ "title":"goRant", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "Another Go wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/Jay9596/goRant", "language": "GO", "active": false, "owner": "Jay9596" },{ "title":"godevrant", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A Go wrapper that includes authentication and user interaction", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/frogstair/godevrant", "language": "GO", "active": false, "owner": "frogstair" },{ "title":"pirant", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A Python wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/aayush26/pirant", "language": "python", "active": false, "owner": "aayush26" },{ "title":"devRant-Python-API", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "Another Python wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/coolq1000/devrant-python-api", "language": "python", "active": false, "owner": "coolq1000" },{ "title":"pydevrant", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "ANOTHER Python wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/SergioLaRosa/pydevrant", "language": "python", "active": false, "owner": "SergioLaRosa" },{ "title":"devRantSimple", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A simple python devRant API wrapper for the lazy people", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/Ewpratten/devRantSimple", "language": "python", "active": false, "owner": "Ewpratten" },{ "title":"devRant-Ruby", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A Ruby wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/alexdovzhanyn/devrant", "language": "ruby", "active": false, "owner": "alexdovzhanyn" },{ "title":"Rrant", "os":"", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "Have you ever wanted to read some rants in your terminal ? Now you can and it will look like you work, since terminal output looks serious! You can display random rant as a fortune when logging into terminal, or get some rants in your Ruby code.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/stepnivlk/rrant", "language": "ruby", "active": false, "owner": "stepnivlk" },{ "title":"devRant-Haskell", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A Haskell wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/Supernerd11/devrant-haskell", "language": "haskell", "active": false, "owner": "Supernerd11" },{ "title":"devRant-Crystal", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A Crystal wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/iostreamer-X/devRant-crystal", "language": "crystal", "active": false, "owner": "ostreamer-X" },{ "title":"devRant-Swift", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A Swift wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/troligtvis/devRant", "language": "Swift", "active": false, "owner": "troligtvis" },{ "title":"devRantSwiftUI", "os":"", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "An unofficial devRant client written in SwiftUI and UIKit for mobile Apple devices.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/OmerFlame/devRantSwiftUI", "language": "Swift", "active": false, "owner": "OmerFlame" },{ "title":"ts-devrant", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "Isomorphic, TypeScript based wrapper for the devRant API (inspired by RantScript)", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/dr010001111/ts-devrant/", "language": "TypeScript", "active": false, "owner": "dr010001111" },{ "title":"devRant-JS", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A JavaScript wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/danillouz/devrant", "language": "JavaScript", "active": false, "owner": "danillouz" },{ "title":"devRant-API", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A JavaScript wrapper for the devRant API", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/nblackburn/devrant-api", "language": "JavaScript", "active": false, "owner": "nblackburn" },{ "title":"/dev/rant", "os":"Linux", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A simple devrant.com integration into Linux via /dev/rant", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "https://gitlab.com/netikras/dev_rant_linux", "github": "", "language": "bash", "active": false, "owner": "netikras" },{ "title":"devRant CLI", "os":"", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "devRant terminal client with ASCII image conversion", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/kurtr/devRantCLI", "language": "JavaScript", "active": false, "owner": "kurtr" },{ "title":"devRant-computercraft", "os":"", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "devRant client written in Lua for ComputerCraft computers. (Minecraft Stuff)", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/olback/devRant-computercraft", "language": "Lua", "active": false, "owner": "olback" },{ "title":"Terminal devRant", "os":"", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A devRant viewer in the terminal", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/Invisible-Rabbit-Hunter/terminal_devrant", "language": "C++", "active": false, "owner": "Invisible-Rabbit-Hunter" },{ "title":"dr", "os":"Linux, macOS, ChromeOS", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "An ed-like devrant client with support for chromebooks", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/ewpratten/dr", "language": "python", "active": false, "owner": "ewpratten" },{ "title":"devRant Chrome Extension", "os":"Chrome", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A devRant client for Chrome for quickly browsing the feed without leaving the site", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/un-official-devrant-chrom/nhilbnepbfofblijmiiihfkdgmnnblie", "github": "", "language": "", "active": true, "owner": "" },{ "title":"jsRant", "os":"Windows", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "Navigate the devRant feed in JSON format. Perfect for browsing devRant at work!", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "http://www.jsrant.com/", "github": "https://github.com/ChappIO/", "language": "JavaScript", "active": true, "owner": "ChappIO" },{ "title":"devRant UWP", "os":"Windows", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "The first and unique 'devRant' (unofficial) client for Windows 10!", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/devrant-uwp/9NBLGGH43LXR?hl=en-us&gl=us&rtc=1", "github": "https://github.com/JakubSteplowski/devRantUWP", "language": "JavaScript", "active": false, "owner": "JakubSteplowski" },{ "title":"devRanton", "os":"Windows, Linux, macOS", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "An open source devRant client.\nBuilt for the community by the community.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "https://devrantron.firebaseapp.com/", "github": "https://github.com/tahnik/devRantron", "language": "JavaScript", "active": false, "owner": "tahnik" },{ "title":"Awesome devRant", "os":"", "type":"documentation", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A curated list of awesome devRant projects, libraries, software and resources", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/devRant-Community/awesome-devrant", "language": "md", "active": true, "owner": "devRant-Community" },{ "title":"Api for devRant community projects", "os":"", "type":"API", "timestamp_added":1680790260, "desc": "This projects file community.json contains alot of devRant projects data in JSON-format. The file can be used raw as an API endpoint.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/joewilliams007/jsonapi", "language": "JSON", "active": true, "owner": "joewilliams007" },{ "title":"altRant", "os":"iOS", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "Unofficial devRant iOS app made with Swift + UIKit Framework.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/OmerFlame/AltRant", "language": "Swift", "active": true, "owner": "OmerFlame" },{ "title":"JoyRant", "os":"iOS, macOS", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "An unofficial devRant client for iOS and macOS, that doesn't crash.", "relevant_dr_url":"https://devrant.com/rants/6020916", "website": "https://testflight.apple.com/join/NoiaKmoN", "github": "https://github.com/WilhelmOks/JoyRant", "language": "Swift", "active": true, "owner": "WilhelmOks" },{ "title":"watchRant", "os":"wear-os", "type":"client,watchface", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "A devRant client for your watch! Contains the ability to set any devRant Avatar as a watch face.", "relevant_dr_url":"https://devrant.com/rants/6340608", "website": "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dev.watchrant", "github": "https://github.com/joewilliams007/watchRant", "language": "Java", "active": true, "owner": "joewilliams007" },{ "title":"skyRant", "os":"android", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "devRant client for Android with a focus on Animations", "relevant_dr_url":"https://devrant.com/rants/6573682", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/joewilliams007/skyRant", "language": "Java", "active": true, "owner": "joewilliams007" },{ "title":"DevRant Native", "os":"android", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1680820355, "desc": "A devRant demo made natively for android by a native of devRant.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/SIMMORSAL/DevRantNative", "language": "Java", "active": false, "owner": "SIMMORSAL" },{ "title":"Discord Server", "os":"", "type":"community", "timestamp_added":1680726940, "desc": "discord server", "relevant_dr_url":"https://devrant.com/collabs/3221539", "website": "https://discord.gg/jMp64VH", "github": "", "language": "", "active": true, "owner": "vintprox" },{ "title":"Unofficial API Docs", "os":"", "type":"documentation", "timestamp_added":1680779538, "desc": "Welcome to the unofficial devRant API Documentation! Here you will find documentation for all known endpoints", "relevant_dr_url":"https://devrant.com/collabs/2644989", "website": "https://devrantapi.docs.apiary.io/", "github": "https://github.com/devRant-Community/API-Docs", "language": "", "active": true, "owner": "devRant-Community" },{ "title":"Unofficial devRant API Documentation", "os":"", "type":"documentation", "timestamp_added":1680779538, "desc": "Unofficial devRant API Documentation built with MkDocs", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "https://unofficial-devrant-api-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "github": "", "language": "", "active": true, "owner": "" },{ "title":"devRant Bots Registry", "os":"", "type":"documentation", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "desc": "This repo is used to track the known utility bots of devRant.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/C0D4-101/devrant-bots", "language": "", "active": true, "owner": "C0D4-101" },{ "title":"YouTube", "os":"", "type":"content", "timestamp_added":1680779538, "desc": "devRant youtube channel", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyJ69RzSnzXayyp-UOoZytg", "github": "", "language": "", "active": false, "owner": "devRant" },{ "title":"devRant Series", "os":"", "type":"content", "timestamp_added":1680875794, "desc": "devRant memes, hunger games and more!", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrvtQKthQjEklGtjw-7ydcey2uRHBs2mi", "github": "", "language": "", "active": false, "owner": "Vintprox Entertainment" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"https://devrant.com/rants/2178721", "title": "highlight", "desc": "A bot that can turn any comment into an image with nice syntax highlighting", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/highlight", "owner": "Skayo" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "RandomQuote", "desc": "A bot that posts a random quote everyday", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/RandomQuote", "owner": "Skayo" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "translate", "desc": "A bot that can translate almost any rant to english", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/translate", "owner": "C0D4" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "lmgtfy", "desc": "A bot that creates a lmgtfy.com url when mentioned", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/lmgtfy", "owner": "C0D4" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "lmddgtfy", "desc": "A bot that creates a lmddgtfy.net url when mentioned", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/lmddgtfy", "owner": "C0D4" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "wiki", "desc": "A bot that returns a wikipedia url when mentioned", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/wiki", "owner": "theAbbie" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "memesbot", "desc": "A bot that posts a meme when mentioned", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/memesbot", "owner": "theAbbie" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "trivia", "desc": "A bot that asks trivia questions", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/trivia", "owner": "theAbbie" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "here", "desc": "A bot that mentions everyone thats commented in a rant", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/here", "owner": "Skayo" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "devrant-stats", "desc": "A bot that collects data for anytical reasons", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/devrant-stats", "owner": "xzvf" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "RemindMe", "desc": "A bot that schedules a reminder for you", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/RemindMe", "owner": "HampusMa" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "devDNS", "desc": "A bot that does a DNS lookup for a specified domain", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/devDNS", "owner": "ewpratten" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "Karlson", "desc": "A bot that posts a joke everyday", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/Karlson", "owner": "Eklavya" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "dRCM", "desc": "A bot for dR Community Matrix", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/dRCM", "owner": "vintprox" },{ "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680820846, "os":"", "language": "", "active": false, "github": "", "relevant_dr_url":"", "title": "chatgpt", "desc": "A bot for answering question posts using chatgpt", "website": "https://devrant.com/users/chatgpt", "owner": "netikras" },{ "title":"SwiftRant", "os":"", "type":"library", "timestamp_added":1680876295, "desc": "Swift library for the devRant API.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/OmerFlame/SwiftRant", "language": "Swift", "active": true, "owner": "OmerFlame" },{ "title":"Devrant-Discord-Bot", "os":"", "type":"bot", "timestamp_added":1680883633, "desc": "This bot was built for the devRant Discord community. The bot has been built by epictern and vintprox. Currently uses DJS v13.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/anjannair/Devrant-Discord-Bot", "language": "JavaScript", "active": true, "owner": "epictern,vintprox" },{ "title":"devBanner", "os":"", "type":"tool", "timestamp_added":1680883633, "desc": "devBanner is a collaboration project first started in devRant. It's aimed at creating personalized banners for everyone without using photo manipulation software. It currently creates personalized banners including your own subtext for devRant members using the devRant API.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/devBanner/devBanner", "language": "C#", "active": false, "owner": "devBanner" },{ "title":"devBanner Frontend", "os":"", "type":"tool", "timestamp_added":1680883633, "desc": "devBanner is a collaboration project first started in devRant. It's aimed at creating personalized banners for everyone without using photo manipulation software. It currently creates personalized banners including your own subtext for devRant members using the devRant API.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/devBanner/devBanner_Frontend", "language": "HTML,JavaScript,CSS", "active": false, "owner": "devBanner" },{ "title":"devRant swear remover", "os":"Chrome", "type":"tool", "timestamp_added":1680883633, "desc": "remove swear words from posts", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/devTeaa/devrant-unswear", "language": "JavaScript", "active": false, "owner": "devTeaa" },{ "title":"pebble-devrant-watchface", "os":"PebbleOS", "type":"watchface", "timestamp_added":1682606921, "desc": "Unofficial devRant watchface for Pebble", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/olpeh/pebble-devrant-watchface", "language": "c,python", "active": false, "owner": "olpeh" },{ "title":"Chrome Extension: Notifications for devRant", "os":"Chrome", "type":"tool", "timestamp_added":1682606921, "desc": "This extension for chrome will display notifications when a new rant is posted on https://devrant.io.\n\nOn the notifications you will have the option to share it or to open it in your browser.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/gitter-badger/devrant-chrome-extension", "language": "JavaScript,HTML", "active": false, "owner": "gitter-badger" },{ "title":"harbour-devrant", "os":"SailfishOS", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1682606921, "desc": "Unofficial devRant application for SailfishOS", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "https://openrepos.net/content/olpe/devrant-unofficial", "github": "https://github.com/olpeh/harbour-devrant", "language": "QML,JavaScript,C++,QMake", "active": false, "owner": "olpeh" },{ "title":"platrant", "os":"Unity", "type":"game", "timestamp_added":1682606921, "desc": "Platrant is an unofficial community driven platformer game based around the popular devRant app.\n\nThis project spawned from the frustration of needing experience to get into the game development scene, but nowhere to get said experience. This led to a post on devrant.io, which led to an open project where developers can learn game development! The idea is to learn, make, ship and brag!\n\nTo get started, let us know who you are on our chatroom on Discord.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "https://discord.gg/nNmQbBS", "github": "https://github.com/platrant/platrant", "language": "C#", "active": false, "owner": "platrant" },{ "title":"PyRant", "os":"", "type":"client", "timestamp_added":1682606921, "desc": "This is an unofficial Python client library for DevRant.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/and3rson/pyrant", "language": "python", "active": false, "owner": "platrant" },{ "title":"DevRant.io Unofficial API Documentation", "os":"", "type":"documentation", "timestamp_added":1682606921, "desc": "Here is a raw documentation of the DevRant public API. It is, as far as I know, largly undocumented and lacks a lot of methods that require authentication, which needs some work.", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/abhn/devRant-Unofficial-API-Doc", "language": "", "active": false, "owner": "abhn" },{ "title":"skyAPI", "os":"", "type":"API", "timestamp_added":1684671895, "desc": "the skyAPI is a service that can be used to use features not included in the orgional devRant API. skyAPI is not intended as it's own social media, but rather as an optional add-on", "relevant_dr_url":"", "website": "", "github": "https://github.com/joewilliams007/skyAPI", "language": "node", "active": true, "owner": "joewilliams007" } ] }