Grip Changelog -------------- #### Version 4.6.2 (2023-10-12) ##### Bugs fixed - Support Werkzeug 3 by using a default encoding of UTF-8 ([#377]( issues/377) - thanks, [@daniel-eichinger-bl][]!) #### Version 4.6.1 (2022-03-30) ##### Bugs fixed - Fix "ImportError: cannot import name 'safe_join' from 'flask'" when using Flask 2.1.0+ ([#360]( - thanks, [@bryce-carson][]!) #### Version 4.6.0 (2022-02-01) ##### Notable changes - Update output and **fix style issues** - Add support for **Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10** - Improve handling of PDFs and other binary files - Fix deprecation warnings from newer dependency versions ##### Deprecations - End-of-life [Python versions]( no longer intentionally supported - Python 2.6, 2.7 (Python 2 compatibility will be removed entirely in the next major release) - Python 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 ([#275]( - thanks, [@svisser][]!), 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 - Current [dependency versions](requirements.txt) (more recent versions will be required in the next major release) ##### Bugs fixed - Fix typo in error message ([#266]( - thanks, [@Godron629][]!) - Update HTML/CSS scaffold to match GitHub ([#297]( - thanks, [@phyllisstein][]!) - Fix tests by adding a missing `USER_CONTEXT` argument to one of the `GitHubRenderer` calls - Serve non-`text/` MIME types as raw files for better handling of, e.g. PDF files ([#234]( - thanks, [@wvspee][]!) - Fix style parsing, which caused some styles to be missing ([#347]( ##### Other changes - Readme: Update to correct `--no-inline` option ([#267]( - thanks, [@TomDLT][]!) - Readme: Fix links to Grip class ([#276]( - thanks, [@jacebrowning][]!) - Readme: Clarify that this sends your markdown to GitHub ([#251]( - thanks, [@courajs][]!) - Update `pytest` usages (see [pytest 3.0.0 changelog]( - Add `.pytest_cache` to `.gitignore` ([#287]( - thanks, [@svisser][]!) - Add `.venv` and `.idea` to `.gitignore` and clean up - Add `flake8` test dependency and fix linting errors ([#299]( - Add `pytest` test dependency ([#294]( - thanks, [@Methacrylon][]!) - License: Distribute LICENSE file ([#274]( - thanks, [@synapticarbors][]!) - License: Update year ###### Version 4.5.2 (2018-03-18) - Enhancement: Show more helpful error message on TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION to help people through ([#262]( - Docs: Use smaller header for patch version titles in ###### Version 4.5.1 (2018-03-18) - Bugfix: Don't print "Downloading" from `--export` when using `--quiet` - Cleanup: Move `quiet` kwarg of `export()` to the end like the other API methods - Readme: Document `quiet` kwarg of `export()` - Readme: Document `quiet` kwarg of `render_page()` #### Version 4.5.0 (2018-03-18) - Enhancement: Show warning if no styles are collected ([#265]( - Bugfix: Don't print "Exporting" from `--export` when using `--quiet` ([#247]( - thanks, [@kagof][]!) - Bugfix: Fix style parsing ([#265]( - Bugfix: Loosen up the style URLs matching ([#265]( - Internals: Fix `_strip_url_params` method name typo ([#254]( - thanks, [@jwilk][]!) - Readme: Fix syntax highlighting in README ([#264]( - thanks, [@jwilk][]!) - Readme: Remove Gratipay :frowning_face: ([Article]( - Readme: Tweak Contributing copy - Tests: Wrap map() with list() for multiple iteration for Python 3 support - Tests: Call `Popen.communicate()` only once - Tests: Regenerate render output - Cleanup: PEP8 - Thanks: [@jwilk][] for getting the GitHub repo to finally show the right Language stats :smiley: ([#263]( #### Version 4.4.0 (2017-09-24) - Patch: Work around a GitHub API header bug ([#245]( - Bugfix: Fail cleanly when server address is already in use ([#216]( - thanks, [@davisjam][]!) - Bugfix: Fix `--browser` when running on a random port (port 0) ([#219]( - Bugfix: Add defaults to USERNAME and PASSWORD in case just one is provided ([#222]( - Internals: Fix deprecation warning in Python 3.6 by using triple-quoted raw strings in regexp constants ([#223]( - thanks, [@jwilk][]!) - Internals: Decouple patchers from renderers - Docs: Fix typo in API docs ([#224]( - thanks, [@jwilk][]!) - Readme: Add Homebrew installation instructions ([#201]( - thanks, [@zmwangx][]!) - Readme: Use `pwd` instead of `PWD` in bash shell example ([#207]( - thanks, [@xxd3vin][]!) - Readme: Use 'index.html' in --export example for searchability - Readme: Fix link to `offline-renderer` branch ([#230]( - thanks, [@4ndrej][]!) - Readme: Add Configuration troubleshooting tip and example - Readme: Add [Say Thanks]( badge :smiley: - Thanks: [@JasonThomasData][] for investigating and working with GitHub Support to fix a heading bug ([#235]( #### Version 4.3.2 (2016-07-21) - Bugfix: Fix ` install` ([#199]( ###### Version 4.3.1 (2016-07-21) - Bugfix: Allow port 0 ([#197]( - Bugfix: Fix build and include octicon files in the build asset ([#198]( #### Version 4.3.0 (2016-07-19) - Bugfix: Fix `--export` deadlock ([#184]( - Bugfix: Make `--quiet` truly quiet ([#188]( - thanks, [@kba][]!) - Bugfix: Allow `--clear` to work without a README file present ([#189]( - Bugfix: Fix tests by patching sys.exc_clear to have Flask 0.11 work on pypy3 ([#190]( - Bugfix: Fix minor version check during patch_svg ([#191]( - Bugfix: Add Octicon font until the Readme API inlines SVGs ([#192]( - Bugfix: Show '- Grip' in `` only, not in page header ([#193]( - Readme: Remove duplicated words ([#177]( - thanks, [@jwilk][]!) - Readme: Remove download count badge since it's broken ([#194]( #### Version 4.2.0 (2016-04-12) - Enhancement: Expose `render_inline` through `--no-inline` CLI option ([#165]( - thanks, [@mrexmelle][]!) - Bugfix: Update Readme width to match latest GitHub changes ([#167]( - thanks, [@motevets][]!) - Bugfix: Update Octicons to match latest GitHub changes ([#167]( - thanks, [@motevets][]!) - Bugfix: Enable SVG support for Python 2.6 and below ([#157]( - Readme: Fix Mac OS name ([#162]( - thanks, [@ErikMHummel][]!) - Readme: Add tip for generating docs from Readme files ([#168]( - thanks, [@mrexmelle][]!) - License: Update year #### Version 4.1.0 (2015-12-11) - Enhancement: Prompt for password when `--user` is provided without a `--pass` ([#154]( - thanks, [@mekoda][]!) - Bugfix: Default to UTF-8 when reading from stdin and there's no encoding ([#152]( - Readme: Document `-b` - Readme: Add [link to Grip Release Letter]([14285][1]=true) for getting notified about future releases - Readme: Remove Known Issues section since they are now working ### Version 4.0.0 (2015-11-18) ##### Notable changes - Content is now refreshed when the file changes ([#135]( - thanks, [@markbt][]!) - Rename `--gfm` to `--user-content` to reduce confusion ([#139]( - Fix general Readme [Task Lists]( ([#149]( - Rearchitect the internals - Add tests ##### Breaking changes (API) - Reorder API function arguments for consistency - Remove `STATIC_URL_PATH` from settings (use `Grip` constructor or the ENV variable instead) - Remove `STYLE_URLS_SOURCE` and `STYLE_ASSET_` settings (they're now constants) - Remove `CACHE_URL` setting (the cache URL is now `{}/cache.format(GRIPURL)`) - Remove `github_renderer.render_content` (use `GitHubRenderer` instead) - Remove `offline_renderer.render_content` (use `OfflineRenderer` instead) - Remove `read_binary` and `read_text` functions (use `` directly) - Remove `resolve_readme` (use `DirectoryReader(path, force).filename_for(None)` instead) - Remove `` call in `` - Route Grip assets through `/__/grip` by default instead of `/` - Raise `ReadmeNotFoundError` when a Readme is not found instead of `ValueError` - Require a Unicode string when rendering Markdown - Set `DEBUG` to `False` by default in settings - Use UPPERCASE for constants ##### Assumptions fixed - Update URL of GitHub assets ##### Bugs fixed - Stop `--browser` from consuming all the sockets ([#136]( - thanks, [@markbt][]!) - Fix `--browser` to stop waiting when the server is terminated before it listens - Fix `--browser` when listening on `` - Fix Python 2.6 - Fix Python 3.x with `python -m grip` - Allow caching of assets that include query parameters - Take the `route` argument into account in `Grip.render` (this was broken in the old `render_app`) - Fix rendering Readme containing Unicode by manually decoding UTF-8 from the GitHub response ##### Other changes - Add `` as a supported default file title for GitHub Wikis - Add `AlreadyRunningError` for calling `` while the server is already running - Add `ReadmeNotFoundError` for cross-Python-version file-not-found errors - Add `Grip`, a subclass of `Flask` - Add `ReadmeAssetManager` and `GitHubAssetManager` - Add `ReadmeReader`, `DirectoryReader`, `StdinReader`, and `TextReader` - Add `ReadmeRenderer`, `GitHubRenderer`, and `OfflineRenderer` - Add `grip.command.version` for printing version information (similar to `grip.command.usage`) - Print version with `-V` - Make `port` and `cancel_event` optional arguments in `wait_and_start_browser` - Add `start_browser_when_ready` to wait and start the browser in a background thread - Add the `--quiet` CLI option - The `GRIPHOME` ENV variable now expands the user directory (`~`), e.g. `~/.config/grip` - Add `DEFAULT_API_URL` constant as a fallback for when `api_url` is not specified in `render_content` or `GitHubRenderer` - Add `grip_url` and its fallback constant `DEFAULT_GRIPURL` for specifying a route to serve Grip assets from - Remove implicit dependencies in `requirements.txt` - Readme: Add [Tips section]( #### Version 3.3.0 (2015-06-28) - Enhancement: Add `GRIPHOME` environment variable for alternative `` locations ([#117]( - thanks, [@zmwangx][]!) - Enhancement: Allow alternative github API URL ([#119]( - thanks, [@dandavison][]!) - Enhancement: Change the default port to `6419` to avoid conflicts ([#124]( - Enhancement: Automatically open grip in a new tab in browser ([122]( - thanks, [@ssundarraj][]!) - Enhancement: Only cache styles and assets if all downloads are successful - Enhancement: Add `--title` option to manually set the title on the rendered page ([#125]( - thanks, [@jlhonora][]!) - Enhancement: Render tables and lists in `render_offline` mode ([#133]( - thanks, [@akawhy][]!) - Bugfix: Don't print info messages to `STDOUT` for when exporting to `STDOUT` ([#101]( - Bugfix: Don't swallow system exceptions - Bugfix: Use list builder notation instead of `map` to get `default_filenames` to evaluate it to non-empty on Python 3 - Bugfix: Fix asset retrieval on both Python 2 and 3 - Bugfix: Fix `InsecureRequestWarning` problems ([#111](, [#128]( - Bugfix: Fix missing Octicons by properly downloading assets as binary files ([#127]( - Bugfix: Add trailing slashes to directories and remove them for files so relative links are correct ([#131]( - CLI: Add "Omit this to render as a normal GitHub README file." to help avoid confusion of `--gfm` - Readme: Add note about `^D` and `^Z` on Windows ([#105]( - Cleanup: PEP8 #### Version 3.2.0 (2015-02-24) - Bugfix: Encode to UTF-8 before sending text off to GitHub to support non-`latin-1` characters ([#99]( #### Version 3.1.0 (2015-02-08) - Bugfix: Support non-ascii languages ([#86]( - Bugfix: Fix links to header anchors ([#94]( - Bugfix: Unpin dependencies so there's no conflict with other globally-installed packages - Bugfix: Fix missing octicons ([#95]( - thanks, [@madflow][]!) - Bugfix: Fix "Could not retrieve styles" error on Windows ([#90]( - thanks, [@alexandre-mbm][]!) - Cleanup ### Version 3.0.0 (2014-08-08) - Enhancement: Add `{version}` format argument to `CACHE_DIRECTORY` so upgrades can start fresh and also drive cache clearing - Enhancement: Allow exporting to stdout ([#73]( - Enhancement: Allow reading from stdin ([#72]( - Enhancement: Allow `:<port>` pattern in CLI - Enhancement: Add a favicon ![favicon](artwork/favicon.ico) ([#60]( - Enhancement: Add "GitHub rate limit" page to replace the generic 403 error ([#48]( - Enhancement: Add option to clear the cache ([#68]( - Enhancement: Allow storing credentials in config file ([#61]( - Enhancement: Read user settings from `~/.grip` - Enhancement: Add `` for allowing grip to be run as a module with `python -m grip` - Enhancement: Add `--wide` option to render as the old GitHub size (to opt out of [#47]( - Enhancement: Add title to rendered page to look more like GitHub - Bugfix: Allow using [personal auth tokens]( without a username - Bugfix: Show images from their canonical source instead of using GitHub's cache ([#50]( - Bugfix: Inline assets into the exported file ([#69]( - Bugfix: Cache the assets of the styles, ([#56]( - Bugfix: Allow cross-platform newlines in config ([#67]( - Bugfix: Fix running from another directory ([#36]( - Bugfix: Move `instance_path` to `~/.grip` to cache to a non-privileged directory ([#39]( - thanks, [@swsnider][]!) - Bugfix: Change the default width to match GitHub's new README style ([#47]( - Readme: Mention personal access tokens and link to the appropriate GitHub page ([#74]( - thanks, [@davejamesmiller][]!) - Readme: Add badges, more usage example, and support and contact information - Readme: Specify that HTTPS is always used to access the GitHub API - Readme: Document credentials and rate limit ([#46]( - Readme: Document configuration options - Readme: Clarify command line arguments and `--gfm` - Readme: Add Known Issues section - Infrastructure and code cleanup ###### Version 2.0.1 (2014-06-14) - Enhancement: Add ability to export to a specific file using the CLI ([#33]( - Enhancement: Python 3 compatibility ([#54]( - thanks, [@fly][]!) - Bugfix: Fix issue styles weren't being downloaded properly (thanks, [@fly][]!) - Bugfix: Support anchoring to section headers like GitHub ([#58]( - Readme: Document rate limits and --user / --pass - Readme: Refer to the "offline rendering" work - Readme: Fix 'GitHub' spelling - Extract and expose constants - Update requirements ### Version 2.0.0 (2013-09-26) - Feature: Styles are now cached (from the not-yet-released offline rendering) (thanks, [@isbadawi][]!) - Feature: Add user/pass options for GitHub auth (thanks, [@joelittlejohn][]!) - Feature: Add export to single HTML file (thanks, [@iliggio][]!) - Enhancement: Better HTML titles by normalizing the path, always providing a title - Enhancement: Allow styles to be overridden, with examples in static directory - Enhancement: Relay GitHub API HTTP errors to browser for debuggability - Enhancement: Extract render_app and add create_app in API - Bugfix: Fix manual installs using (thanks, [@briancappello][]!) - Bugfix: Fix rendering local images (thanks, [@jgallagher][]!) - Bugfix: Handle File Not Found errors as 404 when given a directory - Rename and re-arrange the configuration files - Update with new features - Update format - Upgrade requirements - Simplify code #### Version 1.2.0 (2013-03-17) - Add for attributing credit - Feature: Can now click hyperlinks to render other files without re-running (thanks, [@vladwing][]!) - Update GitHub CSS regular expression ###### Version 1.1.1 (2013-01-05) - Upgrade path-and-address - Use exact versions in requirements #### Version 1.1 (2013-01-04) - Readme: Clarify and add examples - Bugfix: Typo in requirements - Clean up ### Version 1.0 (2012-12-08) - CLI: now accepts an address, not just a port - CLI: now accepts --gfm and --context=<repo> arguments for rendering GitHub Flavored Markdown - API: `serve` function now accepts `None` for its arguments to indicate 'use default' - API: `serve` function now accepts a 'host' - API: `serve` now resolves the default file when given a path - Now using docopt for more advanced argument processing - Now using path-and-address for humanistic path / address handling #### Version 0.2.1 (2012-12-02) - Issue #5: Fixed the installer to work in the case where the requirements are not already installed #### Version 0.2 (2012-12-01) - GitHub styles are now retrieved dynamically when run, instead of using the outdated styles from the config #### Version 0.1.1 (2012-11-20) - Added the port command-line argument #### Version 0.1 (2012-11-19) - First public preview release [@vladwing]: [@isbadawi]: [@joelittlejohn]: [@briancappello]: [@jgallagher]: [@iliggio]: [@fly]: [@swsnider]: [@davejamesmiller]: [@alexandre-mbm]: [@madflow]: [@zmwangx]: [@dandavison]: [@ssundarraj]: [@jlhonora]: [@akawhy]: [@markbt]: [@mekoda]: [@ErikMHummel]: [@mrexmelle]: [@motevets]: [@kba]: [@jwilk]: [@xxd3vin]: [@davisjam]: [@JasonThomasData]: [@4ndrej]: [@erikrtn]: [@kagof]: [@Godron629]: [@TomDLT]: [@synapticarbors]: [@svisser]: [@jacebrowning]: [@phyllisstein]: [@courajs]: [@wvspee]: [@Methacrylon]: [@bryce-carson]: [@daniel-eichinger-bl]: