25 March 2014 11:17:40 AM BLAS0_PRB C++ version Test the BLAS0 library. TEST01 R4_ABS returns the absolute value of an R4. -1.25265 1.25265 4.65054 4.65054 3.63607 3.63607 1.49356 1.49356 0.322457 0.322457 -2.47105 2.47105 -0.939378 0.939378 -2.12035 2.12035 -2.64937 2.64937 2.07173 2.07173 TEST015 R4_SIGN returns the sign of a number. -1.25 -1 -0.25 -1 0 1 0.5 1 9 1 TEST02 R8_ABS returns the absolute value of an R8. X R8_ABS(X) -1.25265 1.25265 4.65054 4.65054 3.63607 3.63607 1.49356 1.49356 0.322457 0.322457 -2.47105 2.47105 -0.939378 0.939378 -2.12035 2.12035 -2.64937 2.64937 2.07173 2.07173 TEST03 R8_SIGN returns the sign of a number. -1.25 -1 -0.25 -1 0 1 0.5 1 9 1 BLAS0_PRB Normal end of execution. 25 March 2014 11:17:40 AM