#!/bin/bash # # Name this job. # #MOAB -N day1 # # Run this job in the "backfill" queue. # #MOAB -q backfill # # Request 8 processors. # #MOAB -l nodes=1:ppn=8 # # Maximum wallclock time :( Hours : Minutes : Seconds ) # #MOAB -l walltime=00:02:00 # # Join the two output files (standard output and standard error) into one. # Based on the job name, this means the single output file will be called # "day1.oJOBID" where JOBID is a job id number assigned when the job is # submitted. # #MOAB -j oe # # This command is required to set up the Gnu version of OpenMPI. # module load gnu-openmpi # # This command moves from your home directory to the directory # from which this script was submitted. # cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # # Compile and load. # Wise people do this BEFORE the run! # mpiCC day1_mpi.cpp # if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Errors compiling day1_mpi.cpp" exit fi # # Rename the executable. # mv a.out day1 # # Ask MPI to use 8 processes to run your program. # mpirun -np 8 ./day1 > day1_fsu_output.txt # # Clean up. # rm day1 # echo "Program output written to day1_fsu_output.txt"