17 January 2015 03:25:20 PM NS3DE_PRB C++ version Test the NS3DE library. TEST01 Estimate the range of velocity and pressure at the initial time T = 0, in a region that is the cube centered at (0,0,0) with 'radius' 1.0. Parameter A = 0.785398 Parameter D = 1.5708 Minimum Maximum U: 0.00257472 2.96676 V: 0.00646353 3.10466 W: 0.00166943 3.00826 P: 0.00587719 5.50593 TEST02 Sample the Navier-Stokes residuals at the initial time T = 0, using a region that is the cube centered at (0,0,0) with 'radius' 1.0, Parameter A = 0.785398 Parameter D = 1.5708 Minimum Maximum Ur: 0 3.55271e-15 Vr: 0 3.55271e-15 Wr: 0 3.55271e-15 Pr: 0 3.33067e-16 NS3DE_PRB Normal end of execution. 17 January 2015 03:25:20 PM