com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later Foliate A simple and modern eBook viewer com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate

Foliate is a simple and modern GTK eBook viewer.

Features include:

John Factotum

Fixed various bugs

Fixed a performance issue with zipped files (including EPUB files)

Fix UI when running with libhandy 1.x

Fixed automatic layout


  • Added support for opening HTML files
  • Consistent inner and outer margins
  • The automatic layout no longer supports 4 columns
  • Fixed long words overflowing
  • Fixed custom themes not saved across sessions
  • Fixed shortcuts for key pads
  • Fixed opening non-UTF-8 zipped FB2 files
  • Fixed books not opening on GNOME 40


  • Improved support for touch screens
  • OPDS credentials can now be remembered
  • Various fixes for GNOME 3.38
  • Fixed Wiktionary internal links
  • Added Basque, Korean, and Norwegian translations

Fixed unable to open some EPUB files

Fixed unable to open Mobipocket files


  • Improved metadata display
  • Improved FictionBook rendering
  • Improved UI for acquiring books from OPDS
  • Fixed unique identifier extraction for EPUB files
  • Fixed missing window icon
  • Fixed TTS environment variables not set when using Flatpak
  • Fixed eSpeak NG voice not selected when testing TTS configuration
  • Fixed wrong “__ibooks_internal_theme” attribute when “Invert” is enabled

OPDS catalogs:

  • Catalogs are now opened in the main library window
  • View current location
  • Go to catalog start page
  • Reload catalog
  • Add current feed to catalogs
  • HTTP authentication support

Other changes:

  • Fixed unique identifier extraction for FictionBook (.fb2, files
  • Fixed newlines being ignored when copying text
  • “Turn page on tap” is now disabled in non-paginated layouts
  • Opening a book from the library view now closes the library window
  • Language and publication dates in metadata are now parsed and formatted
  • Export annotations from the library view


  • Fixed blurry book covers on HiDPI
  • Fixed OPDS links to Standard Ebooks and Project Gutenberg
  • Fixed wrong view icon on startup


  • A library view showing recent books and reading progress
  • Search books by metadata
  • E-book discovery with OPDS

New supported formats:

  • FictionBook (.fb2,
  • Comic book archive (.cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cb7)
  • Plain text (.txt)
  • Unpacked EPUB files


  • Option to set maximum page width
  • The "Automatic" layout will now show four columns when the page width is wide

Image viewer:

  • Improved image viewer, with new shortcuts and the ability to rotate and invert images
  • Option to disable image viewer, or to open images on double, middle, or right click


  • Improved text-to-speech configuration UI
  • Ability to set text-to-speech voice based on book language


  • Import annotations from JSON
  • Search in annotations
  • Annotations are now sorted in the same order as they appear in the book


  • "Allow Unsafe Content" now only enables JavaScript; external content will no longer be loaded
  • WebKit processes are now sandboxed

Other featues and fixes:

  • Improved support for vertical and right-to-left books
  • Support for StarDict dictionaries
  • Fixed current location not preserved when resizing
  • Fixed auto-hiding header bar under some themes
  • Command-line options for showing version and adding books to library
  • Option to clear or disable cache
  • When an HTML page contains invalid self-closing anchor tags, it is now parsed as XHTML


  • Fixed wrong version number
  • Fixed dictionary, translation, and Wikipedia not working in the Snap package

New features:

  • New and improved icon
  • Option to disable turn page on tap
  • A menu on the welcome screen for opening recent files
  • Restored shortcuts for showing ToC, annotations, and bookmarks


  • Fixed application not translated


  • A redesigned interface that works better for smaller screens
  • Improved fullscreen mode with an overlaid headerbar
  • The headerbar and the progress bar now auto-hide, for a distraction-free reading experience
  • Various location information, as well as a clock, can now be displayed in the footer
  • A new location popover (Ctrl + L) that shows reading time estimates and allows skipping to locations
  • E-reader style navigation: go to the previous or next page by tapping on the left or right part of the view; tap on the middle to toggle header bar and progress bar
  • Annotations, bookmarks, and find results now show chapter titles
  • When looking up words in dictionaries, the query can now be edited
  • New shortcut for viewing metadata (Ctrl + I) and preferences (Ctrl + ,)
  • A new traditional menubar, which may be displayed depending on the desktop environment
  • Option to use a traditional titlebar and menubar instead of a headerbar (experimental)


  • Continuous scrolling layout
  • Option to show decorative shadows that mimic the appearance of a real book
  • Ability to zoom in and zoom out
  • Improved image viewer with "save as" option
  • Open copies of a book in new windows (Ctrl + N)
  • Reload book (Ctrl + R)
  • New built-in themes: Gray, Solarized, Gruvbox, Nord

Text selection:

  • Ability to select text across pages
  • Find selected text in book
  • Speak selected text or from the selected locatio


  • Spellcheck notes
  • Export annotations to Markdown
  • Options to use custom colors for highlights

For publishers and developers:

  • Support for Apple Books theme attribute, which allows books to detect themes without JavaScript
  • WebKit's developer tools can be enabled

Breaking changes:

  • The settings schemas has been reorganized
  • The format for custom themes has changed
  • Locations are now 1024 characters in size

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed not restoring exact last location
  • Fixed navigation not working with scrolled layout
  • Fixed font size not changing when the book uses absolute-size keywords
  • Fixed text cut off at margin edge
  • Fixed unable to open books with "#" or "?" in the file name


  • Fixed Flatpak version not being able to open .mobi, .azw, and .azw3 files
  • Improved Wiktionary lookup, now with links and example sentences
  • Improved popover footnote extraction and formatting
  • Added option to export annotations to BibTeX


  • Fixed table of contents navigation not working with some books
  • Fixed not being able to zoom images with Kindle books
  • Fixed not being able to open books with .epub3 filename extension
  • Fixed temporary directory not being cleaned after closing


  • Fixed F9 shortcut not working
  • Updated translations


  • External resources and JavaScript are now blocked by default
  • Basic text-to-speech support
  • Export annotations to HTML, plain text, or JSON
  • Support for viewing .mobi, .azw, and .azw3 files


  • New alternative sidebar UI
  • Lookup words in Wikipedia and offline dictionaries
  • Translate passages with Google Translate
  • Configure default action when words are selected
  • Experimental popup footnote support
  • Ability to find within only the current chapter
  • Fixed CPU spikes when left open
  • Fixed highlights not rendering at the correct positions


  • Fixed crashing when opening files
  • Updated translations


  • Customize page margins and brightness
  • Tweak the theme colors, or add your own custom themes
  • Ability to zoom and copy images
  • Option to auto-hide cursor
  • See reading time left by hovering over the reading progress slider


  • Fixed some books not rendering sometimes
  • Fixed images being too wide in some cases

New features:

  • Auto-hyphenation
  • Option to switch between left and full justification
  • New layout option: single-column paginated view


  • Generated locations are now stored in the cache directory rather than localStorage


  • Allow font size adjustment when using publisher fonts
  • Fixed reading progress slider not appearing after localStorage quota is exceeded

New features:

  • Touchpad gestures and ability to scroll through pages
  • Fullscreen mode
  • Option to hide reading progress bar
  • Option to disable dictionary
  • Option to use publisher font


  • Restoring reading progress is now smooth and jank-free
  • Fixed custom styles not applying in some cases

Fixed invalid AppData file

Initial release

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