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Just put in your own here\n", "from auth.auth_twitter import access_token, access_token_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret\n" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stderr", "text": [ "/Users/johnkabler/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pytz/__init__.py:35: UserWarning: Module argparse was already imported from /Users/johnkabler/anaconda/python.app/Contents/lib/python2.7/argparse.pyc, but /Users/johnkabler/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages is being added to sys.path\n", " from pkg_resources import resource_stream\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 12 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "t = Twitter(auth=OAuth(access_token, access_token_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret))" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 10 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "t.statuses.home_timeline()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 11, "text": [ "[{u'contributors': None,\n", " u'coordinates': None,\n", " u'created_at': u'Thu May 01 15:20:37 +0000 2014',\n", " u'entities': {u'hashtags': [],\n", " u'symbols': [],\n", " u'urls': [{u'display_url': u'groovehq.com/blog/being-a-r\\u2026',\n", " u'expanded_url': u'http://www.groovehq.com/blog/being-a-remote-team',\n", " u'indices': [105, 127],\n", " u'url': u'http://t.co/WZ8ICWiLU1'}],\n", " u'user_mentions': [{u'id': 16316634,\n", " u'id_str': u'16316634',\n", " u'indices': [32, 46],\n", " u'name': u'Alex Turnbull',\n", " u'screen_name': u'alexmturnbull'},\n", " {u'id': 274643893,\n", " u'id_str': u'274643893',\n", " u'indices': [78, 85],\n", " u'name': u'Groove',\n", " u'screen_name': u'Groove'}]},\n", " u'favorite_count': 0,\n", " u'favorited': False,\n", " u'geo': None,\n", " u'id': 461887923311239169,\n", " u'id_str': u'461887923311239169',\n", " u'in_reply_to_screen_name': None,\n", " u'in_reply_to_status_id': None,\n", " u'in_reply_to_status_id_str': None,\n", " u'in_reply_to_user_id': None,\n", " u'in_reply_to_user_id_str': None,\n", " u'lang': u'en',\n", " u'place': None,\n", " u'possibly_sensitive': False,\n", " u'retweet_count': 0,\n", " u'retweeted': False,\n", " u'source': u'Tweet Button',\n", " u'text': u\"Great introspective write up by @alexmturnbull on the pros and cons of having @Groove's team be remote - http://t.co/WZ8ICWiLU1\",\n", " u'truncated': False,\n", " u'user': {u'contributors_enabled': False,\n", " u'created_at': u'Mon Jun 08 03:38:21 +0000 2009',\n", " u'default_profile': True,\n", " u'default_profile_image': False,\n", " u'description': u'Code Slinger at @VideoBlocks. 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The result\n", " is decoded python objects (lists and dicts).\n", " \n", " The Twitter API is documented at:\n", " \n", " http://dev.twitter.com/doc\n", " \n", " \n", " Examples::\n", " \n", " t = Twitter(\n", " auth=OAuth(token, token_key, con_secret, con_secret_key)))\n", " \n", " # Get your \"home\" timeline\n", " t.statuses.home_timeline()\n", " \n", " # Get a particular friend's tweets\n", " t.statuses.user_timeline(user_id=\"billybob\")\n", " \n", " # Update your status\n", " t.statuses.update(\n", " status=\"Using @sixohsix's sweet Python Twitter Tools.\")\n", " \n", " # Send a direct message\n", " t.direct_messages.new(\n", " user=\"billybob\",\n", " text=\"I think yer swell!\")\n", " \n", " # Get the members of tamtar's list \"Things That Are Rad\"\n", " t._(\"tamtar\")._(\"things-that-are-rad\").members()\n", " \n", " # Note how the magic `_` method can be used to insert data\n", " # into the middle of a call. You can also use replacement:\n", " t.user.list.members(user=\"tamtar\", list=\"things-that-are-rad\")\n", " \n", " # An *optional* `_timeout` parameter can also be used for API\n", " # calls which take much more time than normal or twitter stops\n", " # responding for some reasone\n", " t.users.lookup(\n", " screen_name=','.join(A_LIST_OF_100_SCREEN_NAMES), _timeout=1)\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " Searching Twitter::\n", " \n", " # Search for the latest tweets about #pycon\n", " t.search.tweets(q=\"#pycon\")\n", " \n", " \n", " Using the data returned\n", " -----------------------\n", " \n", " Twitter API calls return decoded JSON. This is converted into\n", " a bunch of Python lists, dicts, ints, and strings. For example::\n", " \n", " x = twitter.statuses.home_timeline()\n", " \n", " # The first 'tweet' in the timeline\n", " x[0]\n", " \n", " # The screen name of the user who wrote the first 'tweet'\n", " x[0]['user']['screen_name']\n", " \n", " \n", " Getting raw XML data\n", " --------------------\n", " \n", " If you prefer to get your Twitter data in XML format, pass\n", " format=\"xml\" to the Twitter object when you instantiate it::\n", " \n", " twitter = Twitter(format=\"xml\")\n", " \n", " The output will not be parsed in any way. It will be a raw string\n", " of XML.\n", " \n", " \n", " The TwitterStream class\n", " -----------------------\n", " \n", " The TwitterStream object is an interface to the Twitter Stream\n", " API. This can be used pretty much the same as the Twitter class\n", " except the result of calling a method will be an iterator that\n", " yields objects decoded from the stream. For example::\n", " \n", " twitter_stream = TwitterStream(auth=OAuth(...))\n", " iterator = twitter_stream.statuses.sample()\n", " \n", " for tweet in iterator:\n", " ...do something with this tweet...\n", " \n", " The iterator will yield until the TCP connection breaks. When the\n", " connection breaks, the iterator yields `{'hangup': True}`, and\n", " raises `StopIteration` if iterated again.\n", " \n", " Similarly, if the stream does not produce heartbeats for more than\n", " 90 seconds, the iterator yields `{'hangup': True,\n", " 'heartbeat_timeout': True}`, and raises `StopIteration` if\n", " iterated again.\n", " \n", " The `timeout` parameter controls the maximum time between\n", " yields. If it is nonzero, then the iterator will yield either\n", " stream data or `{'timeout': True}` within the timeout period. This\n", " is useful if you want your program to do other stuff in between\n", " waiting for tweets.\n", " \n", " The `block` parameter sets the stream to be fully non-blocking. In\n", " this mode, the iterator always yields immediately. It returns\n", " stream data, or `None`. Note that `timeout` supercedes this\n", " argument, so it should also be set `None` to use this mode.\n", " \n", " Twitter Response Objects\n", " ------------------------\n", " \n", " Response from a twitter request. Behaves like a list or a string\n", " (depending on requested format) but it has a few other interesting\n", " attributes.\n", " \n", " `headers` gives you access to the response headers as an\n", " httplib.HTTPHeaders instance. You can do\n", " `response.headers.get('h')` to retrieve a header.\n", " \n", " Authentication\n", " --------------\n", " \n", " You can authenticate with Twitter in three ways: NoAuth, OAuth, or\n", " UserPassAuth. Get help() on these classes to learn how to use them.\n", " \n", " OAuth is probably the most useful.\n", " \n", " \n", " Working with OAuth\n", " ------------------\n", " \n", " Visit the Twitter developer page and create a new application:\n", " \n", " https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new\n", " \n", " This will get you a CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET.\n", " \n", " When users run your application they have to authenticate your app\n", " with their Twitter account. A few HTTP calls to twitter are required\n", " to do this. Please see the twitter.oauth_dance module to see how this\n", " is done. If you are making a command-line app, you can use the\n", " oauth_dance() function directly.\n", " \n", " Performing the \"oauth dance\" gets you an ouath token and oauth secret\n", " that authenticate the user with Twitter. You should save these for\n", " later so that the user doesn't have to do the oauth dance again.\n", " \n", " read_token_file and write_token_file are utility methods to read and\n", " write OAuth token and secret key values. The values are stored as\n", " strings in the file. Not terribly exciting.\n", " \n", " Finally, you can use the OAuth authenticator to connect to Twitter. In\n", " code it all goes like this::\n", " \n", " MY_TWITTER_CREDS = os.path.expanduser('~/.my_app_credentials')\n", " if not os.path.exists(MY_TWITTER_CREDS):\n", " oauth_dance(\"My App Name\", CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,\n", " MY_TWITTER_CREDS)\n", " \n", " oauth_token, oauth_secret = read_token_file(MY_TWITTER_CREDS)\n", " \n", " twitter = Twitter(auth=OAuth(\n", " oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET))\n", " \n", " # Now work with Twitter\n", " twitter.statuses.update(status='Hello, world!')\n", "\n", "PACKAGE CONTENTS\n", " ansi\n", " api\n", " archiver\n", " auth\n", " cmdline\n", " follow\n", " ircbot\n", " logger\n", " oauth\n", " oauth2\n", " oauth_dance\n", " stream\n", " stream_example\n", " timezones\n", " twitter_globals\n", " util\n", "\n", "CLASSES\n", " __builtin__.object\n", " twitter.api.TwitterResponse\n", " exceptions.Exception(exceptions.BaseException)\n", " twitter.api.TwitterError\n", " twitter.api.TwitterHTTPError\n", " twitter.api.TwitterCall(__builtin__.object)\n", " twitter.api.Twitter\n", " twitter.stream.TwitterStream\n", " twitter.auth.Auth(__builtin__.object)\n", " twitter.auth.NoAuth\n", " twitter.auth.UserPassAuth\n", " twitter.oauth.OAuth\n", " twitter.oauth2.OAuth2\n", " \n", " class NoAuth(Auth)\n", " | No authentication authenticator.\n", " | \n", " | Method resolution order:\n", " | NoAuth\n", " | Auth\n", " | __builtin__.object\n", " | \n", " | Methods defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __init__(self)\n", " | \n", " | encode_params(self, base_url, method, params)\n", " | \n", " | generate_headers(self)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors inherited from Auth:\n", " | \n", " | __dict__\n", " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | __weakref__\n", " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", " \n", " class OAuth(twitter.auth.Auth)\n", " | An OAuth authenticator.\n", " | \n", " | Method resolution order:\n", " | OAuth\n", " | twitter.auth.Auth\n", " | __builtin__.object\n", " | \n", " | Methods defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __init__(self, token, token_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret)\n", " | Create the authenticator. If you are in the initial stages of\n", " | the OAuth dance and don't yet have a token or token_secret,\n", " | pass empty strings for these params.\n", " | \n", " | encode_params(self, base_url, method, params)\n", " | \n", " | generate_headers(self)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors inherited from twitter.auth.Auth:\n", " | \n", " | __dict__\n", " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | __weakref__\n", " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", " \n", " class OAuth2(twitter.auth.Auth)\n", " | An OAuth2 application-only authenticator.\n", " | \n", " | Method resolution order:\n", " | OAuth2\n", " | twitter.auth.Auth\n", " | __builtin__.object\n", " | \n", " | Methods defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __init__(self, consumer_key=None, consumer_secret=None, bearer_token=None)\n", " | Create an authenticator. You can supply consumer_key and\n", " | consumer_secret if you are requesting a bearer_token. Otherwise\n", " | you must supply the bearer_token.\n", " | \n", " | encode_params(self, base_url, method, params)\n", " | \n", " | generate_headers(self)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors inherited from twitter.auth.Auth:\n", " | \n", " | __dict__\n", " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | __weakref__\n", " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", " \n", " class Twitter(TwitterCall)\n", " | The minimalist yet fully featured Twitter API class.\n", " | \n", " | Get RESTful data by accessing members of this class. The result\n", " | is decoded python objects (lists and dicts).\n", " | \n", " | The Twitter API is documented at:\n", " | \n", " | http://dev.twitter.com/doc\n", " | \n", " | \n", " | Examples::\n", " | \n", " | t = Twitter(\n", " | auth=OAuth(token, token_key, con_secret, con_secret_key)))\n", " | \n", " | # Get your \"home\" timeline\n", " | t.statuses.home_timeline()\n", " | \n", " | # Get a particular friend's tweets\n", " | t.statuses.user_timeline(user_id=\"billybob\")\n", " | \n", " | # Update your status\n", " | t.statuses.update(\n", " | status=\"Using @sixohsix's sweet Python Twitter Tools.\")\n", " | \n", " | # Send a direct message\n", " | t.direct_messages.new(\n", " | user=\"billybob\",\n", " | text=\"I think yer swell!\")\n", " | \n", " | # Get the members of tamtar's list \"Things That Are Rad\"\n", " | t._(\"tamtar\")._(\"things-that-are-rad\").members()\n", " | \n", " | # Note how the magic `_` method can be used to insert data\n", " | # into the middle of a call. You can also use replacement:\n", " | t.user.list.members(user=\"tamtar\", list=\"things-that-are-rad\")\n", " | \n", " | # An *optional* `_timeout` parameter can also be used for API\n", " | # calls which take much more time than normal or twitter stops\n", " | # responding for some reasone\n", " | t.users.lookup(\n", " | screen_name=','.join(A_LIST_OF_100_SCREEN_NAMES), _timeout=1)\n", " | \n", " | \n", " | \n", " | Searching Twitter::\n", " | \n", " | # Search for the latest tweets about #pycon\n", " | t.search.tweets(q=\"#pycon\")\n", " | \n", " | \n", " | Using the data returned\n", " | -----------------------\n", " | \n", " | Twitter API calls return decoded JSON. This is converted into\n", " | a bunch of Python lists, dicts, ints, and strings. For example::\n", " | \n", " | x = twitter.statuses.home_timeline()\n", " | \n", " | # The first 'tweet' in the timeline\n", " | x[0]\n", " | \n", " | # The screen name of the user who wrote the first 'tweet'\n", " | x[0]['user']['screen_name']\n", " | \n", " | \n", " | Getting raw XML data\n", " | --------------------\n", " | \n", " | If you prefer to get your Twitter data in XML format, pass\n", " | format=\"xml\" to the Twitter object when you instantiate it::\n", " | \n", " | twitter = Twitter(format=\"xml\")\n", " | \n", " | The output will not be parsed in any way. It will be a raw string\n", " | of XML.\n", " | \n", " | Method resolution order:\n", " | Twitter\n", " | TwitterCall\n", " | __builtin__.object\n", " | \n", " | Methods defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __init__(self, format='json', domain='api.twitter.com', secure=True, auth=None, api_version=)\n", " | Create a new twitter API connector.\n", " | \n", " | Pass an `auth` parameter to use the credentials of a specific\n", " | user. Generally you'll want to pass an `OAuth`\n", " | instance::\n", " | \n", " | twitter = Twitter(auth=OAuth(\n", " | token, token_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret))\n", " | \n", " | \n", " | `domain` lets you change the domain you are connecting. By\n", " | default it's `api.twitter.com` but `search.twitter.com` may be\n", " | useful too.\n", " | \n", " | If `secure` is False you will connect with HTTP instead of\n", " | HTTPS.\n", " | \n", " | `api_version` is used to set the base uri. By default it's\n", " | '1'. If you are using \"search.twitter.com\" set this to None.\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Methods inherited from TwitterCall:\n", " | \n", " | __call__(self, **kwargs)\n", " | \n", " | __getattr__(self, k)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors inherited from TwitterCall:\n", " | \n", " | __dict__\n", " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | __weakref__\n", " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", " \n", " class TwitterError(exceptions.Exception)\n", " | Base Exception thrown by the Twitter object when there is a\n", " | general error interacting with the API.\n", " | \n", " | Method resolution order:\n", " | TwitterError\n", " | exceptions.Exception\n", " | exceptions.BaseException\n", " | __builtin__.object\n", " | \n", " | Data descriptors defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __weakref__\n", " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Methods inherited from exceptions.Exception:\n", " | \n", " | __init__(...)\n", " | x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data and other attributes inherited from exceptions.Exception:\n", " | \n", " | __new__ = \n", " | T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Methods inherited from exceptions.BaseException:\n", " | \n", " | __delattr__(...)\n", " | x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name\n", " | \n", " | __getattribute__(...)\n", " | x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name\n", " | \n", " | __getitem__(...)\n", " | x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]\n", " | \n", " | __getslice__(...)\n", " | x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]\n", " | \n", " | Use of negative indices is not supported.\n", " | \n", " | __reduce__(...)\n", " | \n", " | __repr__(...)\n", " | x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)\n", " | \n", " | __setattr__(...)\n", " | x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value\n", " | \n", " | __setstate__(...)\n", " | \n", " | __str__(...)\n", " | x.__str__() <==> str(x)\n", " | \n", " | __unicode__(...)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors inherited from exceptions.BaseException:\n", " | \n", " | __dict__\n", " | \n", " | args\n", " | \n", " | message\n", " \n", " class TwitterHTTPError(TwitterError)\n", " | Exception thrown by the Twitter object when there is an\n", " | HTTP error interacting with twitter.com.\n", " | \n", " | Method resolution order:\n", " | TwitterHTTPError\n", " | TwitterError\n", " | exceptions.Exception\n", " | exceptions.BaseException\n", " | __builtin__.object\n", " | \n", " | Methods defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __init__(self, e, uri, format, uriparts)\n", " | \n", " | __str__(self)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors inherited from TwitterError:\n", " | \n", " | __weakref__\n", " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data and other attributes inherited from exceptions.Exception:\n", " | \n", " | __new__ = \n", " | T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Methods inherited from exceptions.BaseException:\n", " | \n", " | __delattr__(...)\n", " | x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name\n", " | \n", " | __getattribute__(...)\n", " | x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name\n", " | \n", " | __getitem__(...)\n", " | x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]\n", " | \n", " | __getslice__(...)\n", " | x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]\n", " | \n", " | Use of negative indices is not supported.\n", " | \n", " | __reduce__(...)\n", " | \n", " | __repr__(...)\n", " | x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)\n", " | \n", " | __setattr__(...)\n", " | x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value\n", " | \n", " | __setstate__(...)\n", " | \n", " | __unicode__(...)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors inherited from exceptions.BaseException:\n", " | \n", " | __dict__\n", " | \n", " | args\n", " | \n", " | message\n", " \n", " class TwitterResponse(__builtin__.object)\n", " | Response from a twitter request. Behaves like a list or a string\n", " | (depending on requested format) but it has a few other interesting\n", " | attributes.\n", " | \n", " | `headers` gives you access to the response headers as an\n", " | httplib.HTTPHeaders instance. You can do\n", " | `response.headers.get('h')` to retrieve a header.\n", " | \n", " | Methods defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __init__(self, headers)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __dict__\n", " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | __weakref__\n", " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | rate_limit_limit\n", " | The rate limit ceiling for that given request.\n", " | \n", " | rate_limit_remaining\n", " | Remaining requests in the current rate-limit.\n", " | \n", " | rate_limit_reset\n", " | Time in UTC epoch seconds when the rate limit will reset.\n", " \n", " class TwitterStream(twitter.api.TwitterCall)\n", " | The TwitterStream object is an interface to the Twitter Stream\n", " | API. This can be used pretty much the same as the Twitter class\n", " | except the result of calling a method will be an iterator that\n", " | yields objects decoded from the stream. For example::\n", " | \n", " | twitter_stream = TwitterStream(auth=OAuth(...))\n", " | iterator = twitter_stream.statuses.sample()\n", " | \n", " | for tweet in iterator:\n", " | ...do something with this tweet...\n", " | \n", " | The iterator will yield until the TCP connection breaks. When the\n", " | connection breaks, the iterator yields `{'hangup': True}`, and\n", " | raises `StopIteration` if iterated again.\n", " | \n", " | Similarly, if the stream does not produce heartbeats for more than\n", " | 90 seconds, the iterator yields `{'hangup': True,\n", " | 'heartbeat_timeout': True}`, and raises `StopIteration` if\n", " | iterated again.\n", " | \n", " | The `timeout` parameter controls the maximum time between\n", " | yields. If it is nonzero, then the iterator will yield either\n", " | stream data or `{'timeout': True}` within the timeout period. This\n", " | is useful if you want your program to do other stuff in between\n", " | waiting for tweets.\n", " | \n", " | The `block` parameter sets the stream to be fully non-blocking. In\n", " | this mode, the iterator always yields immediately. It returns\n", " | stream data, or `None`. Note that `timeout` supercedes this\n", " | argument, so it should also be set `None` to use this mode.\n", " | \n", " | Method resolution order:\n", " | TwitterStream\n", " | twitter.api.TwitterCall\n", " | __builtin__.object\n", " | \n", " | Methods defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __init__(self, domain='stream.twitter.com', secure=True, auth=None, api_version='1.1', block=True, timeout=None, heartbeat_timeout=90.0)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Methods inherited from twitter.api.TwitterCall:\n", " | \n", " | __call__(self, **kwargs)\n", " | \n", " | __getattr__(self, k)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors inherited from twitter.api.TwitterCall:\n", " | \n", " | __dict__\n", " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | __weakref__\n", " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", " \n", " class UserPassAuth(Auth)\n", " | Basic auth authentication using email/username and\n", " | password. Deprecated.\n", " | \n", " | Method resolution order:\n", " | UserPassAuth\n", " | Auth\n", " | __builtin__.object\n", " | \n", " | Methods defined here:\n", " | \n", " | __init__(self, username, password)\n", " | \n", " | encode_params(self, base_url, method, params)\n", " | \n", " | generate_headers(self)\n", " | \n", " | ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", " | Data descriptors inherited from Auth:\n", " | \n", " | __dict__\n", " | dictionary for instance variables (if defined)\n", " | \n", " | __weakref__\n", " | list of weak references to the object (if defined)\n", "\n", "FUNCTIONS\n", " oauth_dance(app_name, consumer_key, consumer_secret, token_filename=None)\n", " Perform the OAuth dance with some command-line prompts. Return the\n", " oauth_token and oauth_token_secret.\n", " \n", " Provide the name of your app in `app_name`, your consumer_key, and\n", " consumer_secret. This function will open a web browser to let the\n", " user allow your app to access their Twitter account. PIN\n", " authentication is used.\n", " \n", " If a token_filename is given, the oauth tokens will be written to\n", " the file.\n", " \n", " read_token_file(filename)\n", " Read a token file and return the oauth token and oauth token secret.\n", " \n", " write_token_file(filename, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret)\n", " Write a token file to hold the oauth token and oauth token secret.\n", "\n", "DATA\n", " __all__ = ['Twitter', 'TwitterStream', 'TwitterResponse', 'TwitterErro...\n", "\n", "\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 13 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "def get_age(birth_date):\n", " # Get the current date\n", " now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()\n", " now = now.date()\n", "\n", " # Get the difference between the current date and the birthday\n", " age = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(now, birth_date)\n", " age = age.years\n", "\n", " return age" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 13 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "%pylab inline" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 30 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "vote_raw = pd.read_csv('makindo_data.csv', parse_dates=['birth_date'])" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 31 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "vote_raw['age'] = vote_raw.apply(lambda row: get_age(row['birth_date']), axis = 1)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 32 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "vote_raw['age'].min()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 33, "text": [ "17" ] } ], "prompt_number": 33 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": true, "input": [ "vote_clean = vote_raw[['twitter_handle', 'party_affiliation', 'age']].copy()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 34 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "(12*939)/60.0" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 21, "text": [ "187.8" ] } ], "prompt_number": 21 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "vote_clean[1:2]" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "html": [ "
\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
1 howardc4290 NPA 62
\n", "
" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 78, "text": [ " twitter_handle party_affiliation age\n", "1 howardc4290 NPA 62" ] } ], "prompt_number": 78 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "def get_tweets(username):\n", " try: \n", " user_status = t.statuses.user_timeline(screen_name=username)\n", " time.sleep(12)\n", " return [x['text'] for x in user_status]\n", " except: \n", " return ''" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 37 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": true, "input": [ "get_tweets('csheldon10')" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 38, "text": [ "[u'Easter selfie with my dad. \\U0001f618 http://t.co/V4Ho2XeON2',\n", " u'@valerieeo awe you look really pretty!',\n", " u\"Let's go @UCF_Baseball let's sweep Lousiville!! #ChargeOn #BeatTheVilleAgain\",\n", " u\"Hahah both @UCF_Baseball and @UCF_Football beat ranked Louisville. I guess that can't handle the #knights #AAC #ChargeOn\",\n", " u'Football beat #8 Louisville and now baseball beat #7 Louisville! #GoKnights #ChargeOn',\n", " u\"Good luck @UCF_Baseball #beatlouisville #ChargeOn last time we played a ranked Louisville we won in football! Let's #GoKnights\",\n", " u\"Loving how the news in Orlando want the Magic to lose tonight to secure the 3rd worst record in the nba. I guess there's always next year\",\n", " u'Team member of the month photo :) http://t.co/IcKkQlR3Tp',\n", " u'Haha the Baylor football team still has a bitter taste in their mouth from the #fiestabowl #ChargeOn #UCF #ucfiesta',\n", " u\"RT @nfl: RT @Patriots: We're all on the same team. #BostonStrong http://t.co/qJPclE7FIx\",\n", " u\"RT @ESPNCFB: Here's the @CFBPlayoff lineup for the 2014-15 season http://t.co/7vFSbDksdy #CollegeFootballPlayoff101 http://t.co/oEdoH1QFdi\",\n", " u\"RT @SupraStrong_13: PRAYER WARRIORS THANK YOU!! GOD IS GOOD! Ian's cancer marker (CEA) is down to 6!!! Normal is 4! #Supraman is flying in \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @darrenrovell: A look @UCFKnights Fiesta Bowl championship ring http://t.co/En0lLXQ9W2',\n", " u'RT @ESPNCFB: Top 10 QBs in the #NFLDraft according to Scouts Inc. \\xbb http://t.co/XR7GJoih2y',\n", " u'God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt <3',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: Jordan Spieth ties for 2nd in his first Masters. The 20-year-old shoots 72 in final round. http://t.co/FhVEOoHGuS',\n", " u'Great job Bubba Watson!',\n", " u'RT @ESPNCFB: .@HeismanTrophy, undefeated & national title in same season since 1950 \\xbb http://t.co/Myh2u18T91',\n", " u'Awesome job @UCF_Softball team for beating our rivals USF!!! #UCF #ChargeOn',\n", " u'Once again @UCF_Baseball dominates against AAC opponents! Way to go boys, keep it going #ORTO']" ] } ], "prompt_number": 38 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## To protect from rate limiting by the Twitter team, we need to run the following operation over a period of several hours to get our data. In this case, over 3 hours. Hope it doesn't crash!! " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": true, "input": [ "for row in vote_clean.iterrows():\n", " print row[1][0]" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "csheldon10\n", "howardc4290\n", "randyleemonahan\n", "TheJabber\n", "coachbpalmer5\n", "biggiep728\n", "clay_gilman\n", "bmusgrave47\n", "fieldhoops\n", "ahutcheson1\n", "SummerLeeBong\n", "alaskier\n", "deannehall\n", "Dick_Egan\n", "sibradley1\n", "TheRealGaney\n", "glorob\n", "MikeRiggs\n", "HD806\n", "Alex_Morey11\n", "JanelleJeanne\n", "Alexiafdz201\n", "ScottTGilley\n", "BigKigh\n", "jaredsmall\n", "CarmelloRR\n", "Alvaroaguila69\n", "NoahEWalker\n", "CaroleODell\n", "BoxleitnerSNN\n", "JohnAllmond\n", "gilmorecheated\n", "tassmannn\n", "raygar547\n", "HaitianSwag77\n", "Danny_Valentine\n", "ACapers850\n", "Alana_Greer\n", "c5wired97\n", "brwnnglynn1\n", "jumprjintally\n", "JWSandlin\n", "totoflito3\n", "dbrac31\n", "cobysdad\n", "jwilaus\n", "ElleBeck\n", "Tiorupe\n", "VZAMUDIO\n", "lwgebg2\n", "alisevick\n", "Justice4Alex93\n", "CharlieFitzIII\n", "osknights\n", "kimlovegirls\n", "BlakeeBass\n", "oscartro45\n", "suemclean\n", "fsuzeigler\n", "daisy1016\n", "CharityMinutes\n", "singletaryb\n", "ludy_robles\n", "sh0ttgunnn\n", "AI_FLRepeal\n", "BrandonEng_\n", "slakker9\n", "JoyTAtkins\n", "mollyology\n", "zorroantonio13\n", "terrie_lynn95\n", "jayracer7474\n", "GKouryInsurance\n", "Paige_Beck\n", "25CARIBBEANSOUL\n", "jasonsowell\n", "Jennifer_tbbj\n", "_Vath\n", "MiguelAlfaroArt\n", "Miamicurt\n", "fabiolasantiago\n", "luannesorrell\n", "KaraMiaLovely\n", "LindseyAMcLeod\n", "BoggsMonique\n", "StephenGatlin\n", "Pontocorvo\n", "jkeating26\n", "JohnnyVBoykins\n", "Alegm11Gil\n", "will_met\n", "ProLifePolitics\n", "jessicam40\n", "SmallBizOnHill\n", "dwsteven\n", "ZacharyZermay\n", "wilmo1975\n", "jrm426\n", "ricardonotes\n", "AnjaliFlukerOBJ\n", "maxrende\n", "zdanev\n", "jaternent\n", "EvaBlack7\n", "PatrickMcVicar\n", "LtColDuBois\n", "jenniferthieme\n", "janmatch\n", "AlexYoder\n", "melhutch69\n", "MattMurph24\n", "mguido\n", "DanaLTyre\n", "SamanthaASexton\n", "MSblockbuilders\n", "RepFitzenhagen\n", "TMKReeves\n", "JoNell_Smith\n", "rfaulhaber\n", "JebAlexander\n", "mandycarr7\n", "stephanieherz\n", "eahicken\n", "Oramajorge\n", "lissettecalv\n", "clayton_tyler\n", "SarahKAlcock\n", "rgreen2505\n", "RyanMichaelBenk\n", "GarinFlowers\n", "tracysayswhat\n", "Zubaly\n", "Palmleocorp\n", "kschroeck\n", "KramerLawFirm\n", "TerryRNehring\n", "johngalt4258\n", "Bill_Fitzie\n", "HannahLFizell\n", "Henry10151976\n", "repentedhipster\n", "julieagannon\n", "GACDOG\n", "HeatherTBTimes\n", "dangerbarrow\n", "ADhoopin\n", "Xkellikillsouls\n", "JenLibertine\n", "AdamBrianCross\n", "kerri_stewart\n", "Regan_McCarthy\n", "vdeanfla\n", "JustAGirl0306\n", "ShaneMolinari\n", "Peoples_Pundit\n", "TravisCarlen\n", "BethMatuga\n", "glennrickard\n", "yachtclubrandy\n", "joseserna2349\n", "DEPoland\n", "HDharia\n", "America88\n", "EileenHart1\n", "mjp4liberty\n", "Iluvinspireu\n", "richisaacs\n", "SeanSnaith\n", "KimberlyHyatt\n", "Evan_B_W\n", "Heathiss\n", "RachelMc812\n", "Glock03\n", "tylerkillette\n", "AyeleBHunt\n", "AnitaStewart\n", "lensnut\n", "IsaiahLCarter\n", "TinaMarie2485\n", "ariodzernbc6\n", "markskon\n", "BizObserverCirc\n", "JulieMauck\n", "sstamper74\n", "FlaMediaQueen\n", "vpmorse\n", "annakorm\n", "McAbeeGary\n", "haroldb54\n", "fiveshotsofjack\n", "FebThe5th\n", "PreciousKrebs\n", "Cinde22\n", "laynemsmith\n", "tabbss09\n", "osceolaforever\n", "cox4flhouse\n", "BethanyBlizzard\n", "walt1999walt\n", "keezy_deshun\n", "KeyonnaSummers\n", "SlaterBayliss\n", "rachela1214\n", "EnriquePadron01\n", "Katie_Jeffries\n", "JimTurner23\n", "Erin_Isaac\n", "TabithaCale\n", "FloridaRon\n", "MarkSchlueb\n", "allflmediaworks\n", "lopineda01\n", "Dickyjaybrid\n", "cheepark\n", "ReMaxGlobal\n", "AlexNewman_\n", "piercebrunson\n", "AponteAmy\n", "federicoalves\n", "Madashe2012\n", "Brookeyvonne_\n", "ReedBarber\n", "DurellTootle\n", "JillMahramus\n", "traceyml\n", "BobWest2012\n", "laurieawatkins\n", "seungminkim\n", "alex_goodman\n", "RHS_Principal\n", "hoop4you\n", "StPeteSandi\n", "DillonMunro\n", "volinole\n", "Jupiter_Agent\n", "CAH9688\n", "Richard_Stocks\n", "KKotek\n", "monicareyna17\n", "mikeejoe\n", "Enderledog\n", "francis16190302\n", "bendanafer\n", "PierreTristam\n", "ZanettaRobinson\n", "RoshardWilliams\n", "MimiAndelman\n", "ryanwaxberg\n", "Yogini\n", "doctoreddie\n", "CindyMercurio\n", "NelsonLucindo\n", "DenadeCamp\n", "kathybird305\n", "wayneatherholt\n", "campaignkev\n", "khinnenkamp\n", "wusfschreiner\n", "eschwab1\n", "weatherwtcher\n", "parena449\n", "fcosensefm2004\n", "JLenardDetroit\n", "pleasantd83\n", "bbobcat63\n", "maison21\n", "ronparsell\n", "Mindy11011\n", "jaxgatorz\n", "SocialKristenM\n", "ngwallace1986\n", "corey_steib\n", "AgnesFurey\n", "Joemason1966\n", "TheRealKiwi0272\n", "StanleyTowne\n", "kay_hayes\n", "Kelly_Hermening\n", "Melissa_Halsted\n", "seethrubody\n", "youwannabeCP\n", "PReCiOuS_LaDii\n", "mhurleypolitics\n", "Pat_McCartin\n", "TheGindenburg\n", "katiebethtison\n", "anaisabel924\n", "bradsittmann\n", "dawnpardo\n", "TonyArmer\n", "CraigMeddin\n", "Vote4GunSense\n", "KimberlyButton\n", "jcryderman\n", "KingCiDot\n", "smartguychill\n", "KnightChandler\n", "mindofRKH\n", "BrettFrankel\n", "dnmt_ch\n", "EmilyBetz1\n", "Eronariangel\n", "RossFH\n", "zanebarefoot\n", "mabelpadronpupo\n", "Tsila1777\n", "CFronds\n", "jjcas5\n", "Gordymagicdiet\n", "DavidHolewinski\n", "cardioauthordoc\n", "JPMendelson\n", "Rebe15Laura\n", "PaulCottlePhys\n", "QuangLy561\n", "MikeErtel\n", "StephenSchatz\n", "jn2375\n", "JimminyCrik\n", "dmanadventurer\n", "Thereseta\n", "MichaelDolezal\n", "TVGBY\n", "Ralph_Seegobin\n", "CindyBarthOBJ\n", "adamparish\n", "iamshaft3\n", "topazkat\n", "bevin78\n", "madgeomatic\n", "donthebear\n", "biggreenpen\n", "wfyoung3\n", "darrylrouson\n", "everett_sally\n", 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"marchimb\n", "aampatriot\n", "stoutcast\n", "KevinCate\n", "daddyd50\n", "jocelyn528\n", "stevebousquet\n", "grabinowitsch\n", "MLettelleir\n", "learyreports\n", "justonjohnson\n", "BethanyATucker\n", "decaf57\n", "JustinHomburg\n", "BrianEmpric\n", "PeggyAlcorn\n", "NicholasCStone\n", "JeffreyBrandes\n", "DanMaduri\n", "shawnavercher\n", "seansorbie\n", "lanewrightme\n", "bannerite\n", "keithcrc\n", "djmincey11\n", "fjbar75\n", "Gumbi5\n", "punitrshah\n", "kkfla737\n", "Andres_A_Malave\n", "StevieJayFSU\n", "amy_hollyfield\n", "LindaWildes\n", "AlexHolzbach\n", "prestonrudie\n", "BylineBrandon\n", "RepCharlieStone\n", "tracytousey\n", "DinahVP\n", "BrianDelburn\n", "steveschale\n", "SheltonHull\n", "davidfekke\n", "aaronbadida\n", "janinekiray\n", "maugustineWOKV\n", "BrokerOwnerCAM\n", "LGLopezCantera\n", "timcenter\n", "JoanneKaz\n", "JesseWQuillen\n", "tahirovicjasmin\n", "Helga1252\n", "jy0365\n", "StaceyReadout\n", "UNFONE\n", "WJXTCrystal\n", "WJXTJenniferW\n", "briannajacobs13\n", "Chairofchairs\n", "WJXTJustice\n", "mickivoss\n", "triordan\n", "DanielGiglio1\n", "CCsenvironment\n", "anthonypedicini\n", "WyllieForGov\n", "KStreetFla\n", "kellistargel\n", "AnthonyClose\n", "ForteEddie\n", "GeorgeSosa4\n", "JeremiahTatter\n", "mchl36b\n", "ChrisLatvala\n", "pnp07\n", "JacobWinge\n", "EricEisnaugle\n", "SkylarZander\n", "HC_Youmans\n", "RepBillHager\n", "geomens\n", "SenDarrenSoto\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 59 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "tweets_list = [{row[1][1]:get_tweets(row[1][0])} for row in vote_clean.iterrows()]" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 62 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": true, "input": [ "tweets_list" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 64, "text": [ "[{'REP': [u'Easter selfie with my dad. \\U0001f618 http://t.co/V4Ho2XeON2',\n", " u'@valerieeo awe you look really pretty!',\n", " u\"Let's go @UCF_Baseball let's sweep Lousiville!! #ChargeOn #BeatTheVilleAgain\",\n", " u\"Hahah both @UCF_Baseball and @UCF_Football beat ranked Louisville. I guess that can't handle the #knights #AAC #ChargeOn\",\n", " u'Football beat #8 Louisville and now baseball beat #7 Louisville! #GoKnights #ChargeOn',\n", " u\"Good luck @UCF_Baseball #beatlouisville #ChargeOn last time we played a ranked Louisville we won in football! Let's #GoKnights\",\n", " u\"Loving how the news in Orlando want the Magic to lose tonight to secure the 3rd worst record in the nba. I guess there's always next year\",\n", " u'Team member of the month photo :) http://t.co/IcKkQlR3Tp',\n", " u'Haha the Baylor football team still has a bitter taste in their mouth from the #fiestabowl #ChargeOn #UCF #ucfiesta',\n", " u\"RT @nfl: RT @Patriots: We're all on the same team. #BostonStrong http://t.co/qJPclE7FIx\",\n", " u\"RT @ESPNCFB: Here's the @CFBPlayoff lineup for the 2014-15 season http://t.co/7vFSbDksdy #CollegeFootballPlayoff101 http://t.co/oEdoH1QFdi\",\n", " u\"RT @SupraStrong_13: PRAYER WARRIORS THANK YOU!! GOD IS GOOD! Ian's cancer marker (CEA) is down to 6!!! Normal is 4! #Supraman is flying in \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @darrenrovell: A look @UCFKnights Fiesta Bowl championship ring http://t.co/En0lLXQ9W2',\n", " u'RT @ESPNCFB: Top 10 QBs in the #NFLDraft according to Scouts Inc. \\xbb http://t.co/XR7GJoih2y',\n", " u'God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt <3',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: Jordan Spieth ties for 2nd in his first Masters. The 20-year-old shoots 72 in final round. http://t.co/FhVEOoHGuS',\n", " u'Great job Bubba Watson!',\n", " u'RT @ESPNCFB: .@HeismanTrophy, undefeated & national title in same season since 1950 \\xbb http://t.co/Myh2u18T91',\n", " u'Awesome job @UCF_Softball team for beating our rivals USF!!! #UCF #ChargeOn',\n", " u'Once again @UCF_Baseball dominates against AAC opponents! Way to go boys, keep it going #ORTO']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'He is risen indeed. #Easter',\n", " u'RT @CLFLIFE: No plans for #Easter Sunday? Come discover how to bring #hope back to your life! #swfl #capecoral #church #family http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ComerDina: It's Wednesday...but Sunday's coming! :) #greatestdayinhistory #capecoral folks, join us @CLFLIFE for #church\",\n", " u'RT @AdvocateDude: If you live in #capecoral or looking for a #SWFLEvents this Easter Sunday come join us @CLFLIFE at 8, 9:30, & 11:15am! Yo\\u2026',\n", " u'\"Sorry I had a fight in the middle of your Black Panther Party.\" -Forrest Gump #loveit #hilarious #toofunny',\n", " u'WOW!!!! http://t.co/M2ocvXEbJS',\n", " u'Take everything the Republicans in congress said about Obamacare and believe the opposite. http://t.co/3vKuw91OeH via @maddow',\n", " u'India Fest in Ft. Myers. #Awesome #Indiafest #beautiful #India http://t.co/Pyl17rFA16',\n", " u'@m_coachman Yep. Played it on my purple metal flake bass. It was awesome.',\n", " u'@m_coachman Introduce it to your shoe.',\n", " u'It is a beautiful day here in Fort Myers. #fantastic',\n", " u'RT @m_coachman: Zee and i http://t.co/SGBeSZrWB7',\n", " u'RT @LiLb805: Gators got chomped #finalfour',\n", " u'Rick Scott wants to go back to denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, Charlie Crist says http://t.co/39ok9EK5Zx via @PolitiFactFL',\n", " u'RT @StubHub: We\\u2019re giving away three $50 gift certs today! RT to throw your name into the hat. #giveaway',\n", " u\"Can't Wash A Twinkie http://t.co/L4LdEIeYRS via @wordpressdotcom\",\n", " u'RT @KyleSpeller: Thanks for the love @DenverWestword !!! http://t.co/xQvzw6ivPM',\n", " u'@KyleSpeller @DenverWestword TWO MINUTES REMAINING!! My wife and I love it when he says that.',\n", " u'@jeffbristow She looks like her big bro Jack in this photo.',\n", " u\"Finished reading 'Same Kind of Different as Me' by Ron Hall & Denver Moore. #fascinating\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @HisHoneyButt: Tell @FLGovScott to condemn charges against @FreeMarissaNow and suspend @Angela_Corey http://t.co/2QWm6kjy9Y via @colorof\\u2026',\n", " u\"Here's my take on the Porsha Williams fight: WHO CARES!!!!! To the Judge: Lock her up for a year, the landscape of Reality TV will change!\",\n", " u\"When the next Stock Market collapse happens, pls no whining this time, don't get upset w/ exec bonuses being paid out...just take it! ((-:\",\n", " u'Yahoo stock is up today, after a 58M dollar mistake by CEO, U.S. loves to reward failure. Who will pay for it & really do you even care? LOL',\n", " u\"@jaminjack @Vic2g2 Spot on, I'd laugh (GWB) if it was so sad! peace (-: #warcriminal\",\n", " u'@GovMaryFallin The modern day Marie Antoinette \"let them eat cake\" one problem, you can\\'t even afford cake @ $7,25, then milk @ $4, etc etc',\n", " u\"@KalleeMerra @boris3324 I get that, I believe in facts though & if he does go there the U.S will be waiting.That's why I no longer watch CNN\",\n", " u'@boris3324 Exactly,,,,',\n", " u\"@JohnRMoffitt It wasn't funny at the time, like your desk was going to protect you from a nuclear attack...lol peace (-:\",\n", " u'@KalleeMerra Agreed, but why should we care? peace (-:',\n", " u\"@KalleeMerra That is correct, but even though the Obama Admin is pushing for more sanctions that don't seem to care?\",\n", " u\"Germany invaded Poland in 1939 & killed millions, we did nothing....Russia hasn't killed anyone! Where are the other European countries ????\",\n", " u'To all you warhawks Russia has just as many nukes as we do! That is why I was taught to put my head under my desk in grade school. #coldwar',\n", " u\"Yahoo's 1st Qtr earnings were released on 4/15/14 but failed to mention the small 58M dollar mistake until today. How convenient......\",\n", " u'Fired Yahoo Exec. receives 58M for 15 months work. I guess CNBC will have to push that stock a little harder today! peace (-:',\n", " u'We need to immediately & systematically ground all airlines until FLYTH is installed in every plane going forward (53M or 100K a no-brainer)',\n", " u'@ChipmanJamie We aleady have the technology that would streamline fight data to the ground (called FLYHT). It cost 100K to equip any plane.',\n", " u\"@gf_layne I won't, they might.. over 2M children die each year from hunger related causes....I just feel the $$ could be better spent.\",\n", " u'The total thus far spent on the search for Flight #370 is @ 53M, half of Malaysia is in poverty & our nation is getting close! Just saying..',\n", " u'@meekee66 You know it, obviously this is sad but come on now, I think that false hope is even worse.... Just saying peace (-:']},\n", " {'IDP': [u\"I'm just moments away from a @culvers pepper grinder pub burger \\n#cannotwait\",\n", " u'Holy crap! So extremely proud of my boy @hbjab \\nGold medalist on the national Latin exam\\n#kickusassus',\n", " u\"\\u201c@AFTicketOffice: Seriously can't wait to be back in the Dome on Sundays. Who do you want for our first reg. season opponent?\\u201d\\n\\nThe Aints!\",\n", " u'RT @CocooksTN: Cocktails on dog patio have begun http://t.co/qLhn3LQrnJ',\n", " u\"RT @JennyJohnsonHi5: Dressing your children in pastel colors on Easter won't not make them dickheads.\",\n", " u'@NashSevereWx Future Ex-Wives',\n", " u'\\u201c@CocooksTN: Racing Fun Friday night http://t.co/5MxuCJd8ho\\u201d\\n\\n@hbjab wrecked me\\n#badson',\n", " u'RT @bobandtom: 19 Vintage Easter Bunny Photos That Will Make Your Skin Crawl http://t.co/4zmQhp7xwX',\n", " u\"It's Monday. So, you-know-who is you-know-where. #getbetter http://t.co/PoUReh2U5l\",\n", " u'RT @CocooksTN: Grill smoking, dogs sleeping, pond waterfall trickling. Perfection! http://t.co/nT2HZs8zXN',\n", " u'RT @Sports_HQ: Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. -Satchel Paige',\n", " u'Undefeated @10UFALCONS in Charlotte! http://t.co/eqGk7e2kVS',\n", " u'Boom! Andrew Billington just went yard for @10UFALCONS \\nMoments before, his brother nearly did the same. \\n#awesome',\n", " u'Wind blowing hard to left here in Charlotte for @10UFALCONS #game20\\n#justsaying \\n#MammochanceforMJ',\n", " u\"RT @seth4hand: Wasn't sure how I felt about @FSU_Football new uniforms until I heard the story behind them. It's pretty awesome! #BeastMode\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Braves_Win: Oh yeah! Walk-off single in the 10th by Justin Upton.',\n", " u'RT @nascarcasm: AWESOME BILL FROM DAWSONVILLE AND AWESOME CHASE FROM EXACT SAME PLACE. #NASCAR #NNS #SportClips200',\n", " u\"I'm trying really hard to like the new FSU uniforms. Wish to heck Nike and FSU would have left it all alone. Could have been worse I guess.\",\n", " u'\\u201c@NashSevereWx: Temple Hills / Grassland area the lightning winners (losers?): 10 strikes in 5 min\\u201d\\nRoger that. Has all but stopped now.',\n", " u'Holy crap! Who knew Murfreesboro, TN has red light cameras?? Yet another reason to never go there. \\n#badplace']},\n", " {'INT': [u'These playoffs been crazy so far',\n", " u\"RT @SportsCenter: Clippers beat Warriors by FORTY points.\\nIt's the biggest margin of victory in the playoffs in franchise history. http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @321preps: Melbourne baseball 6-1 over Viera. #321preps',\n", " u'RT @321preps: Big district baseball tournament game at Space Coast Stadium, 4:30: Melbourne vs. Viera. Updates here. #321preps',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: Bulls C Joakim Noah wins NBA defensive player of the year, according to multiple media reports. \\xbb http://t.co/zHZL115XxN',\n", " u'RT @BasketballPics: The Bulls need help! http://t.co/YYImwLuH7e',\n", " u'Why sterling size rob like that lol',\n", " u'Beat pops in the fantasy baseball match up last week. Brews n wings on him tonight lol',\n", " u\"@JConti321 they just re paved and re did the lines lol. They just don't need to be driving. Imma start parking in the woods next door lol\",\n", " u'@JConti321 lol man these old people at my office this morning pulled sideways in a straight parking spot shit makes me mad',\n", " u\"Hate when people don't park correctly\",\n", " u\"Like I ain't trying to have my truck hit. Learn how to park\",\n", " u'Dwight Howard is just your avg NBA center now. Not dominant anymore. Not the same player he was in Orlando',\n", " u'RT @TJA929: Truth! RT @TheDirtySports Dwight Howard will NEVER lead a team to a title',\n", " u'RT @jimrome: 46 points, 18 rebounds. The only ones who could stop LaMarcus Aldridge were the refs.',\n", " u'New 2k association. Username dawgs\\nPassword 55555\\n\\n2113813 is id number. If you tryna play',\n", " u'Never been one for this discussion but lebron vs MJ. Lebron might take him',\n", " u\"@nolesjlou heard the weather wasn't the greatest but still.... Only 117 fans lol. That's crazy\",\n", " u'Georgia tech only had 117 fans at their spring game....',\n", " u'RT @kepper23: Canr wait till im back home and out the hospital this leukemia aint going take me down.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@DanielGlauser1 @FSUParking should have seen it 20 years ago #nogarages',\n", " u'RT @LJoyner20: @DeionSanders preciate it prime! we did it for all our #Noles!!',\n", " u'@Lonnie_Legend Top of the morning good Sir!',\n", " u'@MarvinJonesJets is that Drake?...smh',\n", " u'@fire_muschamp nice try......going nowhere',\n", " u'@GettinCheddah tired....get new material #Nolefam',\n", " u'88% people at some point in their life have tried to close the fridge slowly to see when the light goes out.\"',\n", " u'@DFsuMitch #hangingfromtheshowercurtain rod........yeah that bad!',\n", " u'@Karlos_Sr go watch video on @LogansTwitty ....so awful it will make you laugh',\n", " u'\"@_TomBlock: Braman on Ramsey: \"Might be as talented a human being as this campus has ever seen.\" Is that all? #Noles #FSU @jr_so_blessed8',\n", " u'RT @_TomBlock: Braman on Ramsey: \"Might be as talented a human being as this campus has ever seen.\" Is that all? #Noles #FSU @FSU_track @\\u2026',\n", " u\"@TomahawkNation @LogansTwitty one of the most awful things I've ever seen!\",\n", " u'Publix celebrated its 84th Anniversary over the weekend, been with this great company for almost 23 of those years. #solidcompany',\n", " u'@jr_so_blessed8 @MLEJ_15FSU how about a follow my way #Nolefam #NoleNation',\n", " u'RT @Moody54TMB: Check out @TimmyJernigan on Gamechangers on NFL network on Tuesday night #noles',\n", " u'@Jaboowins Happy Easter',\n", " u\"@jr_so_blessed8 Congrats to you & the team on ACC title! Noles don't know how to loose #Nolefam #NoleNation #FSUTwitter\",\n", " u'@Natalie_Pierre @jr_so_blessed8 where was @1wayboifresh #Nolefam #NoleNation',\n", " u'RT @FSUFrank: National Championship in Sarasota. 5th Annual @SeminoleBooster Spring Tour at Laurel Oak. Tickets available online: https://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @PBNoles: We're looking for a follow from @Pdub80. Here's hoping the power of the retweet will prevail!\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Was going to just eat half of my Snickers bunny... #allgone',\n", " u'@tighthammys27 u on campus? Saw that kid 5 mins ago lol',\n", " u'RT @CloydRivers: Merica. http://t.co/QE0rFF5jYE',\n", " u'@cwford17 *grammar',\n", " u'RT @Cut4: Tiny puppy in a baseball glove? Tiny puppy in a baseball glove: http://t.co/wjJqupyHs2 http://t.co/pDYD5U2bwo',\n", " u'RT @MLB: After this monster shot, @Evan3Longoria is now the #Rays all-time HR leader: http://t.co/pTL5p7oC2r #Crushed',\n", " u\"RT @RaysBaseball: When it sinks in that you've just become the franchise home run leader. @Evan3Longoria #Rays http://t.co/84gZMfCDfn\",\n", " u'@D_calloway33 navy? Proud of you bud!',\n", " u'@D_calloway33 the norm (aka slayin hoes and taken names). You??!?',\n", " u'@D_calloway33 okay \\U0001f618',\n", " u'http://t.co/09dgQxpX9q @alexames_',\n", " u'RT @Buster_ESPN: Video of Martin Maldonado literally knocking the cover off the ball. http://t.co/VdPinBPGpP So throw by Pedro Alvarez drop\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MLBFanCave: The trailer for @MLBTheShow on PS4 is amazing: http://t.co/oCUdXlqBAt http://t.co/bZUaLADGR1',\n", " u'RT @moniqueoliverrr: Never let go http://t.co/l4I1U3dg4X',\n", " u'No chance I focus today with the biggest game of the year tomorrow',\n", " u'Need to write a paper but I can only think about Saturday #beatUF #FSUClubBaseball',\n", " u\"http://t.co/pbVWqToRWM it's funny because I was accepted to UF and denied their ass. Thank goodness she isn't a Seminole #trashy\",\n", " u'RT @SevinWilson: @TomahawkNation I would call her a wannabe Timmy Jernigan. #LocoOcho #BellyShirt http://t.co/y7Vc4odD67',\n", " u'RT @CuteEmergency: Running of the bulls. http://t.co/9ZiwbUEVU0',\n", " u'RT @CollegeGameDay: The making of @FSU_Football\\u2019s National Championship rings: http://t.co/MbLYNWs9kO http://t.co/i2ByTxabRw']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@h0ffmannn wtf, why there? And that's as good of an excuse there is lol\",\n", " u'@h0ffmannn to tally?!',\n", " u'@h0ffmannn you could if you came back here and visited!',\n", " u'I eat Mr. Robotos entirely way too much',\n", " u'Best feeling is getting an A on a paper you wrote the night before',\n", " u'Missing the fam on this Easter Sunday.',\n", " u'One thing I detest is someone not texting me back',\n", " u\"It's a high school reunion right now lol\",\n", " u\"@CrsTipsy lol you don't know anything about that\",\n", " u\"Still can't wrap my head around the fact that @CrsTipsy is semi famous\",\n", " u\"Don't know what I want to eat \\U0001f614\",\n", " u'Chromed out beamers',\n", " u\"Literally don't know what to do with myself. Not used to all this spare time\",\n", " u\"RT @Beebo42: I promise if I had a $1 for everytime I heard a head joke I'll be rich\",\n", " u'@HashtagScottie your a true story',\n", " u'It seems like everyone is migrating to Orlando lol',\n", " u'I deeply regret wearing shorts today smh',\n", " u'Gingers are winning dude',\n", " u\"Decided to eat at Stevie B's... Almost immediately regret it\",\n", " u'@CrsTipsy creeeeeeeep']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @hoops_scoop: Clippers score playoff franchise-high in 138-98 win over the Warriors. http://t.co/GopenJyX6c',\n", " u\"Kendrick Perkins' immediate thought after his buzzer-beating tip-in: http://t.co/nX7TR40gvu\",\n", " u'VIDEO: Kevin Durant Off-Balance Four-Point Play vs. Grizzlies http://t.co/VS1LXESbpT',\n", " u'Potential Candidates for Timberwolves Coaching Job http://t.co/LBZNWHD6ZT',\n", " u\"Predictions for Tonight's Games: Memphis gets smoked. Clippers get revenge vs. Warriors. #NBAonTNT\",\n", " u\"RT @hoops_scoop: Report: Joakim Noah to be Named Defensive Player of the Year' http://t.co/Z29CLXvUCt\",\n", " u'Tyler Ennis Scouting Video via DraftExpress http://t.co/4MSlDXZCvO',\n", " u'VIDEO: Kyle Korver Blocks Hibbert http://t.co/Yvvv2Cue1K',\n", " u'Happy Easter Everyone!',\n", " u'VIDEO: Jeff Teague freezes Evan Turner with nasty crossover http://t.co/WDtnvPKG2L',\n", " u'http://t.co/eLT8H5wj3D http://t.co/G4SGYj75QK',\n", " u'VIDEO: Raptors GM Masai Ujiri yells \"F*** Brooklyn\" before game http://t.co/eLT8H5wj3D',\n", " u'Kevin Garnett: http://t.co/qDUqY0ptFo',\n", " u'VIDEO: Anthony Bennett throws down a powerful one-handed slam http://t.co/RvVhGxLN0l',\n", " u'RT @hoops_scoop: Most Underrated Centers in the NBA http://t.co/ArbDPwesWM',\n", " u'2014 NBA Draft: Top Prospects with Boom-or-Bust Potential http://t.co/4gQhddzcO5',\n", " u'VIDEO: Magic GM Rob Hennigan on free agency, the draft and more http://t.co/I776mFv5zJ',\n", " u'Re-Grading a Few Deals from the 2014 NBA Trade Deadline http://t.co/6ztSr2qjHf',\n", " u'Sad to see the Magic close out their season early, but at least we clinched the 3rd worst record in the NBA. #rigginforwiggins or #exum',\n", " u'RT @kobebryant: S*** season. Flush it. Forget it #amnesia Next Season will be epic #blackout #bussfam']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@FSU_WBasketball @CoachHughey1 Going to miss you! Good Luck!',\n", " u'RT @_TomBlock: Congrats to Mike Martin on his 1800th win! #Noles (photo courtesy: @TheBigShooter3 ) http://t.co/6hieNGPk8c',\n", " u'@robnucatola 3.86 off of CC NW',\n", " u'Congrats to Natasha Howard being the 5th pick in the WNBA draft! #bemore',\n", " u'RT @960theref: What an awesome image of @bubbawatson and son Caleb at Augusta. #TheMasters #DawgsOnTop http://t.co/DUHVZWCJMA',\n", " u'RT @JamesBuechele: \\u201c@JulieMontanaroW: Taylor County Deputy Robert Lundy is home! Nearly 100 line up for handshakes and hugs http://t.co/aN2\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NWSTallahassee: Tornado watch cancelled for Leon, Wakulla and Thomas Counties. Looking for tornado damage reports around Tram/Williams \\u2026',\n", " u'@NWSTallahassee hey not sure what is going on but can not flip through slides',\n", " u\"RT @FSU_WBasketball: Women's Basketball Banquet Set for April 21 http://t.co/J17B6sap3u (http://t.co/IYRdR8RApT)\",\n", " u\"RT @HCFloridaState: Check out our latest Campus Celebrity article starring Jimbo's son, Ethan! @canfish16 http://t.co/2QM9ZhTHD6 http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @FSU_Football: The #Noles team photo after being honored at the Governor's mansion tonight by Rick Scott. #FSUDay http://t.co/OdjYEhOICw\",\n", " u\"RT @Kidz1stFund: Today is @JMTallahassee's #Dayofgiving! 100% of all sales will be donated to KFF! Join us at any #Tallahassee location to \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @joshuarhicks: Thank you @NatashaHoward33 & @Chee3Chee for representing #FSU well in your careers... we will miss u next year! Go #Noles\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FSU_WBasketball: #FSU defeats Iowa State 55-44! Will play winner of Stanford and South Dakota on Monday! #BeMORE',\n", " u'Catch the Free Upgrade Wave with Norwegian Cruise Line ad get free balcony upgrades, +more, contact me for more info!',\n", " u'RT @FSU_WBasketball: @CoachSueFSU made her first NCAA appearance with FSU at Ames, Iowa in 2001 along with current assistant coach Brooke W\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FSU_WBasketball: @FSU_WBasketball is in the dance! #FSU is the No. 10 seed facing No. 7 Iowa State on Saturday at 4pm on ESPN2! We are \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NASCAR: Retweet to congratulate #CarlEdwards for winning the #FoodCity500! http://t.co/5HFrXHIugZ',\n", " u'@DeidraNewman know right where that is.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'How I feel about finals coming up \\U0001f62b #killmenow #finalsweek http://t.co/7Dv6b8SRLE',\n", " u'\\u201c@Renner153: Women. That is all.\\u201d We can be difficult sometimes lol',\n", " u'Took @tqui23 on her first four-wheeler ride, tried to do a donut and threw us both off \\U0001f602 #imadumbass #stupidrednecks',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: There\\u2019s only one thing you need to know today. RETWEET and spread the word! #letskeepworking http://t.co/22BsNXIl1t',\n", " u'\\u201c@tqui23: Nothing says Easter like four-wheeling #rednecks \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8 http://t.co/Bwd4JMsnka\\u201d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d #NotaRedneck',\n", " u'RT @ft_cullen: Shoutout to @SummerLeeBong for this gem\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602 http://t.co/kG5Gr0BRAn',\n", " u'RT @FactsAboutBoys: can i touch your butt?',\n", " u\"RT @hurst_95: It's 10 times better when you just sit back and don't give a fuck \\U0001f602\",\n", " u'I would never skip again \\U0001f60d\\u201c@ComedyOnIy: we need more teachers like him for this semester omgg \\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d http://t.co/m9q3KSoA4c\\u201d',\n", " u\"\\u201c@tqui23: @Sarahhlonginooo don't leave me!\\u201d PLEASEEE\\U0001f62b\",\n", " u'RT @itsstephcuellar: I need a drink.......or five',\n", " u'At least @tqui23 loves me! \\u2764\\ufe0f #boysarestupid',\n", " u\"Can't get you off my mind even after all this time \\U0001f614\",\n", " u'RT @_LadyBoners: And then God said, let there be the Hemsworth Brothers :) http://t.co/j7PNj6oIFo',\n", " u'RT @CrushesFSU: \"Chi phi Patrick...just yes\"',\n", " u\"I can't wait to go home #3moreweeks\",\n", " u'\\u201c@Sarahhlonginooo: @tqui23 GOT A TWITTER!!!!! HAPPIEST DAY EVER\\u201d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d',\n", " u'RT @dinonozaj: \\u201c@wymanhunter: almost watched 2 girls get killed on the stairs by @dinonozaj today \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\u201d Hahahahahahaa \\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'The bestfriends minus @Sarahhlonginooo love you bitches. http://t.co/biGpVkPf2y']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @ExposingALEC: .@Alan_Cochran\\xa0 @alaskawater\\xa0 @alaskier\\xa0 @AlbertDeAscenti\\xa0 @albhere\\xa0 @AlexUSA1956\\xa0 Birchers Take ALEC to Task http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CallOut4: Wow: 25 companies that spent more on lobbyists than taxes / via @ByNinaMartin http://t.co/05covOGj7u http://t.co/RB40pFNTie',\n", " u'RT @EricWolfson: Some Things Never Change.\\n#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words\\n\\n#p2 http://t.co/9JHuNBAqXW',\n", " u\"RT @CuestionMarque: 1% are so detached from dailyStruggles in America they don't see nor feel the damage their money does when trying to st\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @areyou0: Not true! We can use the national guard! @DebbieCaplanPR @alaskier',\n", " u'RT @conradhackett: Cigarette consumption per capita\\n\\nhttp://t.co/VKNGZyMHGR @AmandaWelcoming http://t.co/WrNbLkjE2V',\n", " u'RT @geoff9cow: Government = Protection Racket for the 1 Percent http://t.co/FKlcki11rR @lwdgrfx @gottalaff @gop #p2 #tcot @UniteBlue #Occup\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RCdeWinter: The Bible on reproductive rights. http://t.co/sOsBp5q3JL',\n", " u\"RT @chompie97: Republicans don't care about the deficit Don't forget THIS! Tell everyone. #maddow http://t.co/4ko3gUwIOa\",\n", " u'RT @RWwatchMA: CNN:Americans who follow far-right ideologies have been responsible for more killings than Islamic extremists http://t.co/qL\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @liberalboxer: @InjusticeFacts @alaskier and Ronald Reagan got the ball rolling on that. 30 years of Reaganomics has destroyed middle cl\\u2026',\n", " u'As Long as Conservatives Have Any Kind of Power, This Country Will Always Struggle http://t.co/ea7vIntsFF',\n", " u'BP: Four Years On, No Restoration in Sight http://t.co/ZqCeadcHaT',\n", " u'RT @solomgl: Stop protecting old perverts! Think of the innocent children! #atheist #atheism #atheisthangouts #atheistrollcall http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CandaceTX: Two unarmed black men holding doors at polls = INTIMIDATION! \\nArmed white people demanding stuff for free = PATRIOTS! http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @marcylauren: One Courageous Democrat Stands Up and Calls For an Investigation into ALEC http://t.co/DSuIZDOdy6 via @politicususa',\n", " u'RT @TheBubbleBubble: 1.2 million more American young adults live with their parents than just 8 years ago: http://t.co/pHBjqxqIpI http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @UghSpareMe: #GOP @LindseyGrahamSC, @SenatorTimScott & @MarkSanford skipped South Carolina event honoring anti-segregation judge. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SgBz: Plutocrats Have Smuggled at LEAST $4.5 BILLION to Tax Havens - http://t.co/tfghNpBR90 #p2 #tcot',\n", " u'RT @areyou0: Calvin Bundy & the entire people that aimed guns against federal agents need to be arrested! Send in the Army against Bundy & \\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @karenhandel: Karen tied in 2nd! RETWEET and help her become #1 in GA U.S. Senate race! Donate Today: http://t.co/7oImSz8RDc http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'http://t.co/oaJMdxCVp8',\n", " u'RT @TheTeaParty_net: #Obamacare for Dummies \\u27a8 http://t.co/UON0zYqnvF #UniteBlue',\n", " u\"RT @AllenWest: New study says pot affects brains. I guess that explains Obama's policies and actions http://t.co/xkCQRgRxeg #guardianofther\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @karenhandel: Career politicians are not getting the job done. RT and join me as I take the 2 term pledge: http://t.co/cg1lJSyco8',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: If you have any questions for Governor Scott, ask them on @facebook right now. #sayfie http://t.co/WLZQi13fej',\n", " u'RT @TheTeaParty_net: Oh, Oh, Look out! Another #TeaParty \"Racist!\" LOL! \\u27a8 http://t.co/JeGpa0ybmg',\n", " u'RT @karenhandel: Poll: Handel \"buoyed by recent endorsements from @SarahPalinUSA & @GovBrewer \" and \"news about a slight from Perdue\" http:\\u2026',\n", " u'I just voted for my favorite Champion in the #AllStars of #Giving - Vote Now! https://t.co/v7tGj0FVFd',\n", " u'@MoneyLynch Nice website.......signed up for the newsletter.....look forward to you sending me only good things! #beastmode',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: Yes, @CharlieCrist. We have met people knocking doors for Rick Scott. To them, we say thanks. #shenanigans #sayfie htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheTeaParty_net: \"Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for the law.\" ~ Justice Louis D. Bra\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepTomPrice: POTUS still peddling false argument that scrapping #Obamacare = returning to broken system. Better, patient-centered solut\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @RichardGrenell: . @jonfavs it's hard to believe the team that told us we could keep our plans when they knew we couldn't. Didn't you wr\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ali: President is banking on the public being ill-informed by a misinformed press. This type of message first, policy last carries cons\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: Florida\\u2019s economy is working under Gov. Scott! http://t.co/eVruFFA3Jc',\n", " u'RT @RealMikeRob: Great time speaking with @MLAADSHOW Educating men on how to be better fathers. Changing the world\\u2026 http://t.co/Z6eUEyd38d',\n", " u\"@Earl_Thomas When are you going to travel to Tampa? Will take you to Bern's steakhouse......our treat!\",\n", " u'The IRS Scandal Blows Wide Open: http://t.co/wjpnHBAzlV',\n", " u'Dems dig head in sand, try to change narrative, but we the people wont buy it! http://t.co/3kyhCe9IpH via @DCExaminer']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Mike Head is going to get so much ass now. He should probably invest in a stick to beat some of them off.',\n", " u\"If I don't watch the video it never happened, right? RIGHT?\",\n", " u'Fuck you Seattle, you can have your weather back.',\n", " u\"@jenolesone while UM and UT fans are cut from the same cloth, UT fans have an excuse for being I'll informed because none of them have TVs.\",\n", " u'If Joakim Noah was born with that face, with no athletic ability and to a middle class family what type of women would be accompanying him?',\n", " u'Breaking: Boris Bojanovsky is returning to @FSU_MBasketball for his junior season. #sources',\n", " u'RT\"@SInow: Former FAU coach Carl Pelini says AD\\'s agenda led to firing. Not cocaine addiction. http://t.co/lTGR1ieCq1\"',\n", " u'I learned what a burpee sp? was this morning. Its not a loud burp. Its hell. Hell on earth.',\n", " u\"I've been to Gainesville before, a couple of times actually and let's just say there's a reason they all have house parties.\",\n", " u'@PhenomeNoles pull a big Ern McCracken and ask her to go wash some of that off.',\n", " u'Someone missed last week\\'s episode of \\'Cosmos\\' RT\"@PatrikNohe: Yes. They\\'re so good. I\\'d never even seen the word \"ham-planet.\"',\n", " u\"So we're officially Alabama people. Jimbo's working the draft, we're reigning national champs and our QBs dating Katherine Webb.\",\n", " u'RT @perrykos: waiting for my advisor and I got bored so I wrote this ~exclusive peezy diss leak to the tune of ignition~ http://t.co/BfGJDo\\u2026',\n", " u'Jabari Parker will look good in purple and gold next season.',\n", " u'You got new legs! New legs!',\n", " u\"So what's everybody having for lunch?\",\n", " u\"@alijames_ they're all on a mission to get an ulcer before this seasons over with. I'm just enjoying watching the best player in the country\",\n", " u\"@alijames_ seems like most FSU fans feel like they're Jameis' older brother.\",\n", " u\"RT @alijames_: Yall take things too personally. Dont give the NYT the clicks. There's nothing new in that piece, don't let it ruin your day.\",\n", " u\"That Potbelly's picture was on point though.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Low expectations at Geneva Ukraine meeting http://t.co/WiyDwwNEek',\n", " u\"Interview: 'We May Already Be Past The Point Of No Return' http://t.co/pdm8pY2KeZ\",\n", " u'RT @ASLuhn: A dispatch from the anti-terrorist operation & airfield takeover by General Cool http://t.co/mS7jgPemdM via @guardian',\n", " u\"'The fuel is local but the matches are Russian' http://t.co/Z7IR8nLL8s\",\n", " u'RT @RuNetMemes: The current situation in Ukraine, in a nutshell. http://t.co/Q6gl5LlhST',\n", " u\"RT @BBCNewsAsia: N Korean officials visit London hair salon over Kim Jong-un's picture http://t.co/xH4RyxW1St http://t.co/S6sehzy9hc\",\n", " u\"Arrangement trouv\\xe9 entre la Suisse et l'Union europ\\xe9enne sur la Croatie - rts.ch - info - suisse http://t.co/J4T1UhTUUS\",\n", " u'U.N. finds fear-mongering by pro-Russians in Ukraine http://t.co/FAKDVtq7BI via @reuters',\n", " u'How robots can change architecture; architects Gramazio and Kohler http://t.co/Kj7pGX6jJ5',\n", " u'Guardian n Washington Post win Pulitzer for NSA reporting http://t.co/UrP53w7VuL',\n", " u'New Banksy? Mural near GCHQ depicts agents listening in on phone box http://t.co/11Mj8BIYYn via @guardian',\n", " u'IPCC report: roadmap http://t.co/H0DyyZZOIg',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Militants who stormed police headquarters in Ukraine were wearing same uniforms as Russian forces in Crimea. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Ukraine crisis; guide so far http://t.co/HXRzkeHJ2P',\n", " u'RT @TheEconomist: The situation in eastern Ukraine has moved into a new and ominous phase http://t.co/v3fx1Df1oH http://t.co/ExiD4eimc7',\n", " u'RT @swissinfo_en: Old enough to vote? #Swiss President #Burkhalter backs vote for 16-year-olds http://t.co/7Og3fkqTUB',\n", " u'RT @StateDept: During a call w/ FM Lavrov this afternoon, @JohnKerry expressed strong concern that attacks today by militias in #Ukraine we\\u2026',\n", " u'Head of Swiss army Blattmann: citizens, make sure you stock lots of water, tinned food and wood for emergencies http://t.co/canxyVH4ym',\n", " u'RT @BBCWorld: International reaction to third UN climate report saying the world must rapidly move away from carbon-intensive fuels http://\\u2026',\n", " u'#Swiss Crashmap : Accident blackspots in Switzerland http://t.co/7RTNaycZl4']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Not feeling this homework at alll',\n", " u'RT @BMS_ThadCastle: My life http://t.co/7IwJzhTrdH',\n", " u\"I feel like I'm in for some quality snaps in the future from @matthewganey\",\n", " u'I need more snapchat friends, im at a whopping 21.. get at me: isaacganey',\n", " u'Why is everyone so shady?',\n", " u'Pedroia with that wood',\n", " u'RT @BigPatYoung4: Excited for the challenges the future holds. Adversity makes or breaks men!!!',\n", " u\"Less than a month til I'm back in the K #anxious\",\n", " u'He is risen, let the celebration begin',\n", " u\"Sometimes I feel like I'm the only dude not trying to play head games\",\n", " u'This weekend is about to be filled with boredom',\n", " u'Mos Def has that flow',\n", " u'Dave Chappelle might be the funniest man alive',\n", " u'RT @ShitBsbPlyrsSay: How to make golf more fun http://t.co/zXAHz5486j',\n", " u'-_-*',\n", " u'Been on hold with Santa Fe for 30 minutes -_-',\n", " u'I guess it never happened',\n", " u'The new Godzilla is going to be amazing',\n", " u'One year since the government set-up at the boston marathon #BStrong',\n", " u'RT @laydbackAB: Tomorrow is gonna be clutch']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@EvelDick so sorry hope you are feeling better. Glad you are still with us! Stay safe',\n", " u\"@NeNeLeakes @ncludacris nene doesn't care about show or her fans. I was a Hugh fan and she now thinks she is too good for this\",\n", " u'@Bravotv @NeNeLeakes @Kandi no but she is acting shady tonight. Fame has gone to her head. Want old funny nene back',\n", " u'@Bravotv kenya MeMe looks matronly',\n", " u'@KenyaMoore @WeHeartKenya yes she looks beautiful and brings life to the show. Nene acting above this. She will fall from grace',\n", " u'@Bravotv the only one acting alive Is kenya. I',\n", " u'@Bravotv It. Feels awkward. MeMe acting like a pill. Why do I feel uncomfortable. Could be watching amazing race.',\n", " u'@SimonvanKempen growing up right in front of my eyes! Hope you and family had a good Easter\\U0001f407\\u2764\\ufe0f',\n", " u'@EvelDick are you feeling better? Please take care of yourself',\n", " u'@Theresacaputo @Larrycaputo Happy Easter to both of you. So enjoy following your adventures. Hope you have a Blessed Day\\U0001f407\\U0001f407\\U0001f407\\U0001f407\\u2764\\ufe0f',\n", " u'@NaughtyNiceRob amen!',\n", " u'@EvelDick :( so sorry feel better',\n", " u'@EvelDick Yay we missed you in states :)',\n", " u'@teenystweeting Kirsten i worked with your Dad at ch 9 and ran around with your mom. Would you tell them Gloria sends her regards.',\n", " u'@mccordalex oh dear guess I will see this in fashion police lol',\n", " u'@WhoopiGoldberg @nazandjazbh very nice',\n", " u'@Dancemomchristi @DanceMomJill22 not liking the direction show going yet I watch :)',\n", " u'@BravoRatings @ramonasinger @BrandiGlanville @YolandaHFoster oh not DWTS but both are put up against shows that have a following',\n", " u\"@BravoRatings @ramonasinger @BrandiGlanville @YolandaHFoster it's also up against DWTS and Dance Moms. I did dvr RH\",\n", " u\"@BravoRatings @ramonasinger @BrandiGlanville @YolandaHFoster I did not like the two merging. If it's not broken stop fixing it\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @FAMMFoundation: Make sure to watch FAMM's @MaryfromFAMM talk clemency on NewsNation with @tamronhall today at 11am EST on @msnbc!\",\n", " u'@gnewburn It seems you did!',\n", " u'RT @IndependentsFBN: TONIGHT- @MikeRiggs @SantitaJ Ben Powell from @IndependentInst @GarrettQuinn and Deroy Murdock 9PM and 12 AM ET',\n", " u'RT @AFCYRs: .@mmgillwriter kicks off our #marijuana sentencing reform panel. Joined by @SenatorShank & @malcolm_john. http://t.co/tYambvIUE7',\n", " u\"RT @FAMMFoundation: Set your DVRs! Tonight FAMM's @MikeRiggs will be on @IndependentsFBN talking about clemency - don't miss it! http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Arlington Falls Church Young Republicans have a stellar lineup for tonight's forum on pot sentencing: http://t.co/Y0iIzRg3Oo\",\n", " u'RT @SherwoodStrauss: Rivers are red with coach blood today',\n", " u'RT @MaryfromFAMM: AG Holder says new clemency initiative set to help restore \"the promise of equal justice under the law.\" Watch here: http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ryanjreilly: Holder: \"I think we\\'re going to have to change the focus of our pardon attorney\\'s office.\" http://t.co/uv2kZslVAk',\n", " u'DOJ To Overhaul Clemency Process For Drug Offenders: http://t.co/H3ZYM6gmbv',\n", " u'\"Sending someone to prison for a long time is tantamount to throwing that person away.\" Real talk from Paul Larkin: http://t.co/oaWlMxSxsc',\n", " u'RT @texpat: Bids in Congress to shorten prison terms get bipartisan support. http://t.co/Z1l5siXHhm @timphelpsLAT',\n", " u'Yahoo! reporting that Pardon Attorney Ronald Rodgers is likely to step down: http://t.co/DXgiAilAhA',\n", " u'Obama plans clemency for hundreds of drug offenders: http://t.co/DXgiAilAhA Incredible reporting from @lizcgoodwin',\n", " u\"RT @williamfleitch: My @nymag print column this week, on just how gross it's starting to feel to love college sports. http://t.co/eEAAVbjodJ\",\n", " u'RT @ESPNStatsInfo: Wizards win Game 1 of a 7-game playoff series for 1st time since 1979',\n", " u\"@PaladinVT03 Also reflects priorities: beal's minutes limitation was ironclad.\",\n", " u'@PaladinVT03 Very true! Still horrifying to see a guy who should be playing only 20 mins pushed to 35.',\n", " u'RT @netw3rk: No matter what, Randy Wittman always looks like he just got infected with the 28 Days Later rage virus.',\n", " u\"So the Wizards are going to wreck what's left of Nene's knee in order to make it past the first round? Cool strategy.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @WayneRoot: We're all domestic terrorists! Thats a compliment coming from a corrupt senile communist sympathizer like Harry Reid. http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'@noodlesmcgee1 #billoreilly Pinhead goodnight',\n", " u'@realDonaldTrump so true it does work',\n", " u\"@noodlesmcgee1 @megynkelly @GovChristie many under 65 watch fox I'm 37 not all of us live with our eyes closed\",\n", " u\"@megynkelly @GovChristie don't want reminds me of charlie crist America needs a leader not Gov Christie\",\n", " u'http://t.co/HR0rIC1ZIW excellent @mrpitas',\n", " u\"Love new restraunt #Mr Pitas # Dunedin FL. Excellent gyros Cubans Philly's and middle eastern food\",\n", " u'@megynkelly love your show',\n", " u'@megynkelly love your show',\n", " u'#hanity its up to the parents I think the show is hillarius',\n", " u'This pic says it all http://t.co/kcJo3gvjfu',\n", " u'RT @AllenWest: Mayor de Blasio giddy about turning New York into a Marxist paradise. Where is our nation headed? http://t.co/te69s7NFGg',\n", " u'#go bucs',\n", " u'@seanhannity please report that it is a 90 fine or 1% of your income which ever is greater',\n", " u'RT @michellemalkin: ==>MT @AmericnElephant Dem #shutdown in one pic. http://t.co/Yz5oGPqN2y',\n", " u'@seanhannity I have always had health care and now my employer dropped our insurance and we are all thrown into Obama that is for Joe tripi',\n", " u\"RT @SenTedCruz: RT if you agree -- It's time for Senate Republicans to stand with House Republicans to #DefundObamacare! http://t.co/qtTOcq\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@kirstenpowers10 you would be so much more attractive if you didn't kiss Obamas A-- so much\",\n", " u'RT @HuffingtonPost: WATCH: Porn star reveals the difference between porn sex and real sex http://t.co/DKRks5kOJM',\n", " u'https://t.co/Ms3XzMGagV. MUST WATCH!!!!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'\"De puntero a ultimo en un minuto #SoloLePasaAEmelec\"',\n", " u'Take That Money, Watch It Burn\\nSink In The River The Lessons Are Learnt. Everything That Kills Me Makes Me Feel Alive',\n", " u'#HalaMadrid',\n", " u'Que otra prueba necesitan para saber que los \\xe1rbitros est\\xe1n en contra de BSC. Como quisiera que fuera al rev\\xe9s',\n", " u'\"#TheSimpsons #Homero #Bart #Oscars #Selfie http://t.co/KeVBVHe9JR\"',\n", " u'Lampard, Terry, Cech, Torres y Hazard participar\\xe1n en un cap\\xedtulo de los Simpsons que se estrenar\\xe1 el mes de Marzo. http://t.co/I4xf40BJfs\"',\n", " u'Los verdaderos amigos del hombre. @MotivacionesF http://t.co/a4m8HPr438',\n", " u'Dejen de enviar cadenas sobre que WhatsApp costar\\xe1!!',\n", " u'\"@DrakeBell: Working on Ultimate Spider Man as Peter Parker/Spider-Man!!! #SpiderMan #avengers #peterparker #stanlee http://t.co/QcLrzO7SPj\"',\n", " u'Como siempre los \\xe1rbitros favoreciendo al FC Barcelona. #RoboAlCity #RoboAlCity #RoboAlCity #RoboAlCity',\n", " u'#TheWalkingDead',\n", " u'Las marchas de V.Bonilla son chiquitas, acompa\\xf1adas de la boca del pozo con sus tambores afuera de pollos el encanto',\n", " u'Tevez, Palacio, Januzaj, Neymar y el m\\xe1s importante, el mejor del mundo Cristiano Ronaldo cumplen a\\xf1os hoy. Feliz cumplea\\xf1os @Cristiano',\n", " u'#BrunoMarsOnSuperBowl',\n", " u'#HappyBirthdayHarry #HappyBirthdayHarry #EcuadorCelebratesWithHarry #EcuadorCelebratesWithHarry #EcuadorCelebratesWithHarry @Harry_Styles',\n", " u'Midnight Memories @onedirection @Real_Liam_Payne @Louis_Tomlinson @zaynmalik @NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles',\n", " u'#MidnightMemoriesTomorrow #MidnightMemoriesTomorrow @onedirection @Real_Liam_Payne @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial @zaynmalik @Harry_Styles',\n", " u'\"@DrakeBell: We are BACK!!! Who is ready for the new movie?!!! #drake&josh #drakeandjosh http://t.co/4J0dntoNKq\"',\n", " u'Cristiano Ronaldo @Cristiano es de oro #CristianoEsDeOro',\n", " u'@Cristiano #CristianoRonaldoBalonDeOro #CristianoBallondOr2013 #CR7 #ElMejorDelMundoEsCR7']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @chriscmooney: If you were watching #GameOfThrones last night, you missed Neil Tyson's solution to global warming #Cosmos http://t.co/bz\\u2026\",\n", " u'Medical #Anthropologists discuss Is the Affordable Care Act Really Affordable?: http://t.co/fgVNDfAVoD via @AmericanAnthro',\n", " u'RT @Lex_Ins: The historic #drought conditions in California is continuing to worsen. http://t.co/O1iKajCs0m http://t.co/tEDOAsVHBm',\n", " u'RT @HumBioAssoc: Lets try again. Our poster session Physical anthropology of skeletal & LIVING Maya populations. Thx @Patrick_Clarkin http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FHCA: Florida\\u2019s nursing facilities provide residents with high-quality care and services, receiving an 85% satisfaction... http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @akvbroek: #anthropology Linguistics, Anthropological Linguistics, and Linguistic Anthropology via Savage Minds http://t.co/yTIikkZEtx',\n", " u'RT @qldhealthnews: Food safety during Tropical #Cyclone #ita - During power failure do not open your fridge or freezer door unnecessarily #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HumanityRoad: #FF great volunteers monitoring #TCIta: @cinbee @JanelleJeanne @iamgtsmith @sarahwebber01 @FoxRn1 @SusanRowan810 @nadibe \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JasonAntrosio: Greed and Excess: Debut Issue of Economic #Anthropology: http://t.co/lEnOTnmTaX via @AmericanAnthro',\n", " u'RT @HumanityRoad: #QLD - multilingual cyclone guides. Share with neighbors who speak other languages: http://t.co/6fE71iGiRJ #Cycloneita #T\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ABCemergency: #qld Advice Number 12 for #TCIta has just been issued: http://t.co/R3rtQLh0DP',\n", " u'RT @NOAA: Tropical #Cyclone #Ita reaches Cat 5 strength; signif threat to Queensland coast of #Australia http://t.co/qN8uiyRULB http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'#Cyclone Ita approaches FNQ coast | The Newsport | NEWS http://t.co/ODihYub5Y9',\n", " u'RT @DisasterAnimals: #AU #QLD Directory of #Veterinarians Brisbane, Queensland http://t.co/mKMVQgamBD #TCita #CycloneIta #disasteranimals #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ABCemergency: The latest #TCIta trackmap has been released - find essential info and warnings: http://t.co/rj1OONkWFQ #CycloneIta http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HumanityRoad: #QLD- #Cooktown shelter is open in preparation for #CycloneIta: http://t.co/KTjZpv3F4I #TCIta #AU #hmrd via ^ac',\n", " u'RT @HumanityRoad: MT @CairnsDCC #Cairns residents- sandbags, fill available at most major hardware stores.... http://t.co/i57JXTXJ8T #TCita\\u2026',\n", " u'The Eastern Echo : #Anthropology is not what you think by Sarah Lin Trump #thisisanthro http://t.co/iMOfelEGZp',\n", " u'Getting a Whiff of Climate Change \\u2013 State of the Planet http://t.co/3m0sxxsXF9',\n", " u\"Afghanistan's next president may be an anthropologist http://t.co/dh1DF9lJyy\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @TB_Times: .@CharlieCrist and @FLGovScott go to battle over health care in dueling ads. #Florida #Obamacare http://t.co/TsMDQ18BWm',\n", " u'@rickhirsch hi mr. hirsch!',\n", " u\"Can we please talk about how @rickhirsch is in the next room and I'm sitting here in my Reporting lab? #journalismhumor\",\n", " u\"Excited to see @Lavernecox at the Women's History Month/Pride Awareness Month event!\",\n", " u'@alexiasaidso: So excited to see @peretti speaking at @UFlorida @accentspeakers CEO/Founder of @BuzzFeed',\n", " u'RT @davidmcswane: Enjoyed discussing the important issue of #sextrafficking at @UFJSchool. Great turnout considering bill nye was talking a\\u2026',\n", " u'So innovative. Google http://t.co/mRGD6fGEaS',\n", " u'Had a blast performing a mock interview with Nadene Reynolds for #JOU3109 Thanks for @Dodd3109 and @UF_CRC',\n", " u'Don\\'t differentiate between \"real jobs\" and \"fake jobs.\" They\\'re all experience. #JOU3109 @UF_CRC',\n", " u'The ability to communicate with others is the #1 thing employers want to see in potential hires. #JOU3109 @UF_CRC',\n", " u'Guest speaker Nadene Reynolds gives the #JOU3109 class tips on career development. @UF_CRC',\n", " u\"Daylight savings is this Sunday; should be starting around 2 a.m. Winter is definitely on it's way. #ChristmasCountdown\",\n", " u'RT @cnnbrk: Photo obtained by CNN appears to show a weapon on the floor at #LAX . http://t.co/xuWPhFfeje http://t.co/KipB68PPJq',\n", " u'RT @AP: AP PHOTO: Police walk outside Terminal 3 at Los Angeles International Airport: http://t.co/9aQYrFpe30 -RAS',\n", " u'Discussing the challenges of live tweeting. Who knew that a twit pic took half of the 140 characters? #JOU3109',\n", " u'Learning how to live tweet at #JOU3109 with @Dodd3109',\n", " u'Immersion journalism. Do we have a class on that @UFJSchool?',\n", " u'\"War to me has turned from something intellectual to something visceral.\" David Finkel for the @washingtonpost',\n", " u'Almost time to hear David Finkel, reporter for the @washingtonpost speak at the @GrahamCenter for @UFJSchool',\n", " u'Insightful lecture on making it or breaking it in PR by Karen Dooley, director of communications for @UFMedicine']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Just posted a photo http://t.co/BOi1kFsKzP',\n", " u'The day break flowers and the dew. http://t.co/Qemorm0U48',\n", " u'@CharlieCrist Crist like Christ but without the \"h\" that stands for holy, honor, honesty, heroism, etc... Vote for @FLGovScott',\n", " u'#Sunday http://t.co/vA7zD5woHl',\n", " u\"I created a #new dessert. Equal parts: #Fruitypebbles #Coolwhip #Jello I call it #Heaven'sPebbles\\u2026 http://t.co/GxGZAJv1PR\",\n", " u'My delicious breakfast today http://t.co/N7YpnjZgwC',\n", " u\"Ok, I know a lot of you want to see Bella's ultrasound. So, here she is. The brighter image in the mid\\u2026 http://t.co/mWRg2Hi6ba\",\n", " u\"And you thought your socks didn't match. \\u263a\\ufe0f http://t.co/bO9gJrCxAD\",\n", " u'Just posted a photo http://t.co/DugIN2nLqM',\n", " u'My #syringe #bouquet. This is what it takes to care for three sick boys. http://t.co/L4LvFBKm9q',\n", " u\"Grant's first haircut!\\n#first #new #baby #haircut #cute http://t.co/rq6oM0n5MM\",\n", " u'*15 1/8/14 6:40am Molino, FL http://t.co/TiNoqP0n9X',\n", " u\"16* the weather man lied. It's colder tonight. http://t.co/izqBcG85Yg\",\n", " u'17* 1/7/14 Molino, Fl http://t.co/ySzAieSWmG',\n", " u'The #wareagle http://t.co/gDL9d6wN5a',\n", " u\"27* 6:30am 1/6/14 Lord willing I'll check tomorrow. This is my porch here 12 miles north of Pensacola. http://t.co/CLQBxtqcZD\",\n", " u'A tiny bit of #snow in Molino, #FL 1/6/14 http://t.co/e4UzH8QcKJ',\n", " u'All three red cheeked sick boys playing #happily http://t.co/kT5oKsVj25',\n", " u'Just posted a photo http://t.co/lDgUFUbXzc',\n", " u'Just posted a photo http://t.co/hS0jdyngaB']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @Politics_PR: Josh Romney And Donald Rumsfeld Have Thoughts On Tax Day (They Are Giant Dicks About It) http://t.co/SpRZ2Znzmj #p2 http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HuffingtonPost: This handsome fellow is recovering after being injured by poachers http://t.co/VCm7frKGi9 http://t.co/eJUCeIUfMm',\n", " u'@ScottforFlorida I may be seeing things but that looks like Florida. Oh wait, you are the Gov of Fl. Get to work please.',\n", " u\"RT @musesandrants: Oil industry now Canada's biggest contributor to greenhouse gases #tarsands #fracking #GHG #climate #environment #CPC ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SafeAffordable: Tell Congress: Pass the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act. #GMO tech keeps food affordable for American families. htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Politics_PR: Watch GOP Gov. Rick Scott try and fail to defend his misleading ads http://t.co/M7cM4Ps9et #p2 #tcot http://t.co/zOIJ2f9J\\u2026',\n", " u'@FLGovScott @ScottforFlorida',\n", " u'RT @theonlyadult: She lost her life because Rick Scott refused to expand Medicaid in Florida http://t.co/0akvLwle9R via @dailykos',\n", " u\"RT @LOLGOP: CNN will find that plane before Fox News finds one person who's benefited from Obamacare.\",\n", " u\"RT @billmaher: Woa, Col. and Wash. govts making 100s of millions in pot tax money! We don't need Simpson-Bowles to balance budget, we need \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @billmaher: R I P, Joe McGinniss. U spent your last years in a house next to Sarah Palin's, so wherever U are now has got to be an impro\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @HairlessSnakeMa: #ACA would SAVE many lives in Florida you #RWNJ 6 Floridians DIE each day b/c of #GOP & @FLGovScott & #AFP Lies @Flori\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NewsRadio16201: Another poll has Charlie Crist beating Rick Scott...the poll was commissioned by http://t.co/eFilIuIhKk http://t.co/uSC\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @cookietweets: \\u201c@Brasilmagic: Bill Maher doesn't hold back: http://t.co/GtX9uLcNQG\\u201dHe is right\\U0001f44d #RaiseTheWage\",\n", " u'RT @Politics_PR: There are 10 times more mentally ill people behind bars than in state hospitals http://t.co/1HMaZp6UyQ #p2 #tcot http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LOLGOP: If your presidential politics includes the words Bush, Rumsfeld and Bolton, maybe take a few elections off.',\n", " u'RT @LOLGOP: The Supreme Court essentially gave up on the 4th amendment when the Drug War began. Why would they remember it exists now?',\n", " u'@GOPTeens they do vote, by throwing millions of dollars at GOP candidates to make legislation that benefits the corporations.',\n", " u'RT @CharlieCrist: Rick Scott has refused to take a stand on equal pay for women. Add your name to demand an answer: http://t.co/sZPc7ilv9N',\n", " u'RT @Politics_PR: House Republicans quietly support change in #Obamacare to expand coverage http://t.co/2XrM85aZUX #p2 #tcot http://t.co/xZ\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Boom. RT @JackKingston4GA: Just received word that we got the endorsement of the US Chamber of Commerce.\\n\\nPlease RT! http://t.co/53ZwL4YPMT',\n", " u'Impressive: \"@JackKingston4GA remains the only candidate on air in every media market in the state.\"',\n", " u'RT @WalshFreedom: Parents spend $127 to retrieve him RT@nbcnightlynews: Missing boy found inside a claw machine http://t.co/mzf0WOOvaT http\\u2026',\n", " u'@AmyJGraham RT@postlocal: Where to eat ramps, fiddleheads, morels and other spring ingredients http://t.co/gGHNjEnd06 http://t.co/w4L3WLH3ZH',\n", " u\"Quote of the day: \\u201c'Who\\u2019s Matt Bevin?' Rigney asked. Good question.\\u201d #KYsen\",\n", " u'RT @brianjameswalsh: Something tells me the NRA is going to enjoy a huge fundraising day tomorrow. More power to them fighting for our Seco\\u2026',\n", " u'#MakeDCListen \\u201c@bennyjohnson: Ban DC weather\\u201d',\n", " u'Not bad. \\u201c@samyoungman: McConnell has his best fundraising quarter of the cycle with $2.4M http://t.co/CKMEs2CJzv\\u201d',\n", " u'Incredibly well deserved. \\u201c@WesleyLowery: Unreal http://t.co/0jyczMZlhr\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @DMVFollowers: 2 pictures in DC taken exactly 1 month apart. http://t.co/PeMrwlaPTf',\n", " u'YES! \"@newtgingrich: Campaigning for Congress in #Georgia back in the early days. #tbt #throwbackthursday http://t.co/rl0Muw2gUe\\u201d',\n", " u'It\\u2019s raining bullet points! RT @BillyMcBeath: Sebelius out.... Talking points are practically writing themselves.',\n", " u'RT @SenateSAA: Check out this incredible photo from an SAA staff member. Share your #CherryBlossomDC photos with us too! http://t.co/Fgol8Q\\u2026',\n", " u\"Obama's America \\u201c@pkedrosky: The World\\u2019s Most Viewed Landscape, A Decade Later http://t.co/TMNlIScFQj http://t.co/KTdv8WP5dx\\u201d\",\n", " u'Wow. \\u201c@PageSixEmily: CBS confirms Stephen Colbert will replace Letterman\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @kenvogel: Looks like the actual tea party in Neb. disagrees w/ the DC orgs supporting Sasse (@FreedomWorks @SCF @club4growth): http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jameshohmann: When IRS official Tom Miller said Crossroads had not been selected for an audit, Lois Lerner sent an email to staff wanti\\u2026',\n", " u'best oppo dump of all time? MT @FreeBeacon: Facebook Founder\\u2019s Husband\\u2019s Campaign Page Has Fewer \\u2018Likes\\u2019 than Republican Opponent\\u2019s',\n", " u\"RT @jaketapper: Sources say you're not ready for this jelly\",\n", " u'Uh who was waiting? \\u201c@Olivianuzzi: THE WAIT IS OVER http://t.co/tQvY8ivgqN\\u201d']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @SilvaOfelia: The future is on our hands\\U0001f51c\\u2705 #Register2Vote #Latinosvote #Midterms #Elections 2014 #CIR #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KennettDems: On November 4th, we get to repeal and replace the GOP! \\r#GOTV #GOTV #GOTV http://t.co/bB7VbOO9FE',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: The future is on our hands\\U0001f51c\\u2705 #Register2Vote #Latinosvote #Midterms #Elections 2\\u20e30\\u20e31\\u20e34\\u20e3 #CIR #TNTweeters @OFA_Jarryd http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @VoteOutGOPn2014: IF U COMPLAIN ABOUT\\n#SYG\\n#RENEWUI\\n#VETERANS \\n#IMMIGRATIONREFORM\\n#JOBS\\n#VOTERSUPPRESSION\\n\\n http://t.co/yZkgU0gJRv \\nI'll\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @arismendi_9: .@RepLoBiondo HAPPY #EASTER! Many of us cant celebrate together.Pls give us a vote on #DischargePetition #TimeIsNow #Immig\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BarackObama: \"We need you to lead!\" @OFA volunteers are telling representatives in the House to act on immigration reform. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BlueNationUntd: 65,000+ New Young #LatinoVoters Every Month. Republicans will regret their hostility for decades \\u201c@LuchacontinuaRd: ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: Y wld #Latinos want 2vote4 @RosLehtinen WhoVote2Deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters http://t.co/pzJ1BQPmOd http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RTED2016: RT @IsabelFramer \"@GOPLeader CNN Poll: 81% of Americans & 72% of R\\'s support path to citizenship. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #lat\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: The future is on our hands\\U0001f51c\\u2705 #Register2Vote #latism #Midterms #Elections 2\\u20e30\\u20e31\\u20e34\\u20e3 #CIR #TNTweeters @carlosgalindo http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: If #Latinos stay home #ImmigrationReform will NEVER pass Reg2Vote: http://t.co/oxKhdpiVfo -#TNTweeters #Latism #CIR http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: .@RosLehtinen #FL27 #CIR #deportations are YOUR responsibility! WE respond Nov4th:http://t.co/oxKhdpiVfo #TNTweeters #VotoLat\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: #Miami @MarioDB #FL25 voted: #deportations of #DREAMers Reg2Vote: http://t.co/oxKhdpiVfo - #TNTweeters #CIR @dailykos http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: Latinos #TimeIsNow to #Register2Vote before #MidTermElection. #TNTweeters pro #CIR @Telemundo @TelemundoNews http://t.co/jiq\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: Latinos #TimeIsNow to #Register2Vote before #MidTermElection. #TNTweeters pro #CIR @AlPunto http://t.co/Pl4NQ34Ix6',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: Latinos #TimeIsNow to #Register2Vote before #MidTermElection. #TNTweeters pro #CIR @carlosgalindo http://t.co/ZFWkp08GMW',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: Latinos #TimeIsNow to #Register2Vote before #MidTermElection. #TNTweeters pro #CIR @EspuelasVox http://t.co/YQgY4bXckw',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: #WeMustVote #GOP count on your APATHY!Dont give them what they want,DONT COMPLAIN,\\U0001f44aVOTE\\U0001f535#NBL #LatinosVote #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @UniNoticias: Hillary Clinton defiende la \\n#reformamigratoria http://t.co/kZ5CGNwqnA',\n", " u'RT @ADRIA_RA: .@MarioDB says one thing>http://t.co/JifclPBZ71 then votes for #deportations of #DREAMers - #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox http://\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @SpeakerBoehner Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: #Register2Vote \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f51c #midtermelections #CIR future depends on #Latinosvote #Timeisnow #TNTweeters @jorgeramosnews http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: @jasoninthehouse Enact #CiR do it #DemandAVote #LatinosVote matters, think on #Elections #CostOfInaction #TNTweeters http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: @RosLehtinen STOP #DEPORTATIONS BY LAW. No more #Bedmandate. cc @helenaguirrefer #Not1Morw #TNTweeters http://t.co/d8XET7SqrG',\n", " u'RT @KennettDems: On November 4th, we get to repeal and replace the GOP! \\r#GOTV #GOTV #GOTV http://t.co/bB7VbOO9FE',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: @RomyUSA: \\U0001f4cc #TNTweeters \\U0001f4cc\\n\\n\\u27a1\\ufe0fLike us on Facebook \\u203c\\ufe0f\\n\\n\\u27a1\\ufe0fFollow us @ReformNow5\\n\\n@PROimmigrationR \\n\\n http://t.co/tA1cuaRmBz',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: VOTE\\U0001f535#Latinos #kochbuysgop & @SpeakerBoehner #PAYBACK #CIR #midterms #Elections2014 #GOPFail #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox h\\u2026',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen @amsalinas2009 @AustinYR @FloridaGOPWomen @FlDistrict3 @FloridaGOP @FLDreamer_com @hsf_republicans @CanProveIt @susanpai',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @cathymcmorris Is #immigrationreform #GOP \\u2018s Waterloo? #Latinos think so & we will VOTE! #TNTweeters #Elections2014 htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ReformAction: #GOP priority: making #Obama 1 term president\\u274cFAILED!\\u27a1\\ufe0fVOTE\\U0001f535! Send him a #Congress with REAL priorities 2MoveFORWARD http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: \\U0001f44aVOTE\\U0001f535 & encourage +\\U0001f465 #Latinos #Democrats #millenials #PAYBACK #KochBuysGOP #CIR #TNTweeters http://t.co/dlljWnAGCI OU\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @alicia_lupercio: Isn't What They Say-It'sWhatWeDo. #voto2014 @prc4aam @GOP @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #tcot #p2 http://t.co/zeOaK4POBl ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @196Hester: #TNTweeters presente promoviendo el #votolatino @862Isabel gracias por el apoyo @raulpeimbert #TNTweeters @alicia_luperci\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Carloss12299085: @alicia_lupercio @GOP this November we're taking all the trash out and put it where it belongs @EspuelasVox @crowleyC\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Carloss12299085: @alicia_lupercio @GOP @EspuelasVox we will destroy your political career Mario if you don't start working for us @Espu\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @RTED2016: RT @alicia_lupercio \"CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox @susanpai #tcot #TNTweeters \\xa0\\u2026...',\n", " u\"RT @GarzaVillanueva: This year, November 4th will be Women's Day. #StandWithWomen http://t.co/LhwPVD26eP\\n#TNTweeters \\n@alicia_lupercio \\n@cl\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @UniteBlue: Republicans have done us a favor by fracturing. Let's never return the favor. What unites us is far greater than what divide\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: @LuchacontinuaRd America is counting on #TNTweeters to turn out the vote and save our great nation from right-wing mobs. \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BlueNationUntd: .@susanpai @jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox @bendanafer @Tapatio73 @clauvale77 @RichardOHornos @alicia_lupercio #CIR http:/\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"With one arm completely incapable of lifting at the shoulder I'm going to have to figure out other ways to work out. I am determined!\",\n", " u'Instant coffee is everything I never wanted. #desperatetimes',\n", " u'@Paula_Dockery they should focus on what is important to the people since ultimately it is their job to serve not be the lesser evil.',\n", " u'Going to find a good isolated spot in north Florida and howl at the #redmoon tonight.',\n", " u'@TroyRoberts reading my tweets',\n", " u\"@TroyRoberts never will like to lose yes that's correct lol\",\n", " u\"When it comes down to it, I just want to win. I don't care at what or against who. I don't ever like to lose and NEVER WILL #win\",\n", " u'Lack of faith, discipline and fortitude to hang on to what you want is the definition of weakness. Kick the weakness out and win.',\n", " u'@gbennettpost @CharlieCrist @FLGovScott what is this high school?! Big hair and fake tan make you popular? How about selling your \"values\"?',\n", " u'When did my phone get packed with such useless counterproductive junk!? #delete #delete #delete!',\n", " u'Get stronger everyday! #mind #body #soul #monday',\n", " u'This Saturday is for #rugby',\n", " u'The weather is just too good today. #nomoretimeinside #florida',\n", " u'Too good! http://t.co/dSnQz9XtRV',\n", " u'Stress is necessary to accomplish goals, but too much can close you down.',\n", " u\"@Purina my Great Grandfather was very proud of this. There's no date but my grandmother said it's from 1949 #history http://t.co/uNmKaBfgwV\",\n", " u'Perfect day fishing. #Florida http://t.co/Ig2pwbmyMj',\n", " u\"RT @GatorZoneNews: Very impressive. Didn't lose at home the last 2 years. RT @GatorZoneScott: #Gators seniors finish with a 59-5 record at \\u2026\",\n", " u'@tyragans Gotta learn The \"dance It out\" method',\n", " u'RT @USASevensRugby: BOD RT @leinsterrugby: #TBT @BrianODriscoll plays in his 1st international test match against Australia in 99. http://t\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Church was wonderful this morning. May you be ambushed by Grace.',\n", " u'@RobertSchwabe @ScottVann @barberdmier @johndurso Happy Easter!',\n", " u'RT @ScottVann: \\u201c@CaroleODell: He is risen.\\u201d | He is risen indeed!',\n", " u'He is risen.',\n", " u'Our fishing buddy for the day. #florida #flagler http://t.co/iZEOWQO2V0',\n", " u'Today on the Matanzas River at Washington Oaks. #flagler #florida #sailing http://t.co/PwuWr125F5',\n", " u'@barberdmier @realtormatthew @ScottVann Take some time. You need it too, SuperRealtor.',\n", " u'@ScottVann He is risen, indeed!',\n", " u'RT @CharlieDaniels: The troll stupidity meter just overheated and blew up.',\n", " u'RT @ScottVann: @caroleodell and you deserved it.',\n", " u'@ScottVann Hope you have a blessed Easter weekend, brother.',\n", " u'\"@realtormatthew: Anyone have Good Friday off from work?\" I did. I took it.',\n", " u'RT @ScottVann: @barberdmier @CaroleODell @johndurso Someone in WI had the same problem as I with T, found my blog, and commented. http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'@RobertSchwabe @ScottVann @barberdmier In neighborhoods where everybody sends it is hard. Try targeting surrounding expireds. Just do 25-50.',\n", " u'@ScottVann @RobertSchwabe @barberdmier Sometimes it is a waste. Not a magic bullet, by no means.',\n", " u'@ScottVann @RobertSchwabe @barberdmier Nope. But I do know that Just Sold cards work. I see it happen often enough to justify cost.',\n", " u'@ScottVann @RobertSchwabe @barberdmier Just Sold post cards to neighborhood after a listing sells.',\n", " u'@ScottVann @RobertSchwabe @barberdmier 1) Have better marketing than competition. 2) Show them the numbers 3) Ask for it.',\n", " u'@RobertSchwabe @ScottVann @barberdmier *snort* I wish.',\n", " u'@ScottVann @RobertSchwabe @barberdmier Does anyone have an answer?']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Anchoring the broadcast today with meteorologist @CassieNallWx Tune in to @SNNLocalNews on Comcast or Verizon. http://t.co/q1VSX5eDZP',\n", " u'@RinglingCollege student designer readies for recycled material fashion show. #FGF segment on @SNNLocalNews http://t.co/U9offydyDs',\n", " u'RT @SunBizGriffin: Headed back to #stateofjobs today to moderate a @Sarasota_YPG young professional panel. Stay tuned for updates from the \\u2026',\n", " u'Good Friday Stations of the Cross Down Main St. #SRQ. Rain holding off so far. @SNNLocalNews. http://t.co/GivFQWxypF',\n", " u\"RT @wtatangelo: Hit rewind and watch @samwoolfmusic's eyebrows when he learns he's advancing on @AmericanIdol #genuine #priceless #Woolfpac\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Frank_Underwood: While you argue the present versus the past, I am making the future.',\n", " u'Yeah!@samwoolfmusic survives another vote. Top 6 on @AmericanIdol. Time to deliver performance of season. #woolfpack http://t.co/53U1FytkdS',\n", " u\"RT @SunBizGriffin: Hanging out in the @heraldtribune greenroom with today's speakers @samdavidson @Sarasota_YPG #stateofjobs http://t.co/nM\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Sarasota_YPG: The higher education panel has taken the stage! #stateofjobs http://t.co/UMMAwqvcfK',\n", " u'Watching sneak peek of Hero the Musical at @AsoloRep. Opening night May 2. @SNNLocalNews http://t.co/hoPIAT4Cqd',\n", " u'Newtown in #SRQ is 100! Residents who live and work in historic community reflect. @SNNLocalNews',\n", " u'Air disaster training drill at #SRQ, required by FAA. @ManateeGov and @SRQCountyGov personnel here @SNNLocalNews http://t.co/wJkMPH3kVA',\n", " u'Port Charlotte doctor back from humanitarian trip to Philippines talks about helping homeland devastated by 2013 typhoon. @SNNLocalNews',\n", " u'RT @vdeanfla: Every time #Rays announcers say Brad Boxberger is pitching, I hear \"Grant Boxleitner.\" What? @BoxleitnerSNN',\n", " u'Suspect caught in #SRQ. Getting ready to talk to @sarasotapd. See exclusive video later on @SNNLocalNews http://t.co/Ot1HoV3SSs',\n", " u'Feel Good Friday segment: Everybody Sings Project, featuring band Celebrating Queen at Lemon Bay High. @SNNLocalNews http://t.co/qix81w2yJp',\n", " u'Mic check at press conf. of inaugural Charlotte Harbor Super Boat Grand Prix Englewood Beach. @SNNLocalNews http://t.co/oDjDmnwyDV',\n", " u\"Covering Ben & Jerry's #FreeConeDay at #SRQ location. Owner says thumbs up. http://t.co/9hyrq3J0QA\",\n", " u'Jaimie Mayor Phinney, great granddaughter of Sara Lee founder, at Gems of Philanthropy Luncheon at @MichaelsOnEast http://t.co/FXZfc8XSY5',\n", " u'Raincoat kind of day in #SRQ. Watch @CassieNallWx @JustinMosely @SNNLaurenKusik @SNNLocalNews for updates. http://t.co/cJm2vGfxe3']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Trader Joe's in Winter Park sets opening date http://t.co/tGIjZ1mgZB\",\n", " u'New Sanford recreation trail to offer scenic view of Lake Monroe http://t.co/dFoAcv8FYg',\n", " u'The Richer You Are the Older You\\u2019ll Get http://t.co/rDFga4IM1a',\n", " u'Negotiating Tips for People Who HATE Negotiating | LinkedIn http://t.co/6KJpD5L3Ah',\n", " u'Simple Tricks to Immediately Boost Your Confidence | LinkedIn http://t.co/PXm9bRAomx',\n", " u'Few Things Highly Confident People Don\\u2019t Do | LinkedIn http://t.co/hrb1705pma',\n", " u'RT @sdmattpotter: #California #drought spawns well drilling boom http://t.co/6i3gDJ6Ewy via @sacbee_news',\n", " u'RT @sdmattpotter: #California over-population critics blame immigrants for coming environmental disaster http://t.co/vyRvllFAIQ via @sdread\\u2026',\n", " u'5 Not So Obvious Things to Help You Reach Your Potential | LinkedIn http://t.co/Un7HKUwjdw',\n", " u'RT @jamespmurphymd: Shut off the future as tightly as the past. Cultivate the habit of a life of day-tight compartments. - William Osler\\nht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LeRouxNel: Breaking News: Did Apple\\u2019s Satellite Map App Just Find the Loch Ness Monster? http://t.co/FY8dzk83Pt',\n", " u'RT @Fact: A person awake for 17 to 19 hours drives similarly to a person with a blood alcohol content of .05%.',\n", " u'13 People die in U.S. drone attack in south Yemen | Fox News Latino http://t.co/99sSjV7WJP via @foxnewslatino',\n", " u'Scientists say a laser could induce rain and lightening http://t.co/Kj600i4DwH',\n", " u'4 Crazy Ways to Fix Your Budget http://t.co/5iGPrD1VX1 via @thepennyhoarder',\n", " u\"White House won't comment on Justin Bieber petition - San Jose Mercury News http://t.co/3kJyUm2ATS via @MercNews\",\n", " u'Strong magnitude-7.5 earthquake strikes off PNG http://t.co/QGAKUYihYb via @an_news',\n", " u'Fifty Years After the New York World\\u2019s Fair, Recalling a Vision of the Future http://t.co/6J27v3anBh',\n", " u'Martial law: Obama confiscates National Guard helicopters from all 50 states http://t.co/wNRrTatqbs via @examinercom',\n", " u\"Kingdom Tower Will Soon Be the World's Tallest Building [PHOTOS] http://t.co/D7fMWNZyqn via @mashable\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@businessinsider .... At some point this kid will stop investing 100% of his profits into his business lol',\n", " u\"Here's Why Great Speakers Are Like Yoda, Not Luke Skywalker http://t.co/WprslO2Sya http://t.co/AnMcTuKjsZ\",\n", " u\"You can do a lot of things in life but you can't win if you don't know how to play\",\n", " u'@AMPriest9 @kencorrigan_ \\U0001f631 phone was on do not disturb',\n", " u'RT @GhostReagan: \"We should measure welfare\\'s success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added.\" -Ronald Reagan #teapart\\u2026',\n", " u'@AMPriest9 @thenugey I love this too much not to say anything',\n", " u\"RT @ESPNCFB: It took 60 min to win the BCS Championship & 92 days to create @FSU_Football's rings http://t.co/t8JYIghKd7 http://t.co/1pVQXO\\u2026\",\n", " u\"FSU 'Disappointed' with NYTimes Expos\\xe9 (via http://t.co/xVyrW505F8) terrible job by the Times on this one http://t.co/dscx8D81t5\",\n", " u'#FSU*',\n", " u'FTK #PSU',\n", " u\"@StephenAtHome you're the boy. Congrats on late night buddy\",\n", " u'@billmaher remember that time you said something smart? Me neither lol #pancakes #butter',\n", " u'@HillaryClinton are things still awkward with #lewinsky?',\n", " u'@PhilJackson11 can I borrow a ring for my senior pictures?',\n", " u'@KingJames what do you say you and I go get ice cream sometime',\n", " u'Frickin love Shark Tank! @mcuban is the man',\n", " u\"RT @KyMcGee5: It's all about who you know\",\n", " u\"@thenugey and then you remember you're not\",\n", " u\"Cheers to every girl on the sigma chi DF tonight. I'm cold and I'm not wearing a bathing suit\",\n", " u\"I will never forgive @Pharrell for what he's done to my radio\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @MinkNH: @ijournal article regarding changing demographics and buying habits\\nhttp://t.co/pLZ7AqBkaG as presented @IIABA Leg Conf last we\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @comScore: Our March 2014 U.S. #search engine rankings are now available: http://t.co/N6B774MQyl @Project_CAP @Trusted_Choice',\n", " u'RT @tassmannn: Now You Can Get Microsoft Office 365 for $6.99 a Month http://t.co/AQIQZbojmJ @Trusted_Choice @mashable',\n", " u'Now You Can Get Microsoft Office 365 for $6.99 a Month http://t.co/AQIQZbojmJ @Trusted_Choice @mashable',\n", " u'Think about that: 5G will be 1,000 times faster than 4G! @DanielBurrus http://t.co/nF7r2tpTEX',\n", " u'RT @RealCarmack: Thanks to all for joining is at #Nashville and Congrats to @aubreypeeples on a season wrap!!! http://t.co/TZz3mVvDqq',\n", " u'Protect Your Agency\\u2019s Online Presence And Be Found http://t.co/LVvbgtghZt @Trusted_Choice @Project_CAP',\n", " u'Preserve a memory and help make new ones. Bob Ross was a legend http://t.co/I16qNJGQQM @Trusted_Choice @IndAgent @RGVI',\n", " u'RT @fl511_i10: NEW: Crash in Leon on I-10 west at Exit 209A US-90.',\n", " u'RT @Project_CAP: Check out these 10 great content ideas for April! http://t.co/FDOqDdjy36 @IndAgent',\n", " u'Thanks for visiting with FAIA Governor Scott and for all you do for our state and industry! @FLGovScott http://t.co/JBFluU1gjb',\n", " u'RT @RGVI: FAIA Legislative Fly-in 2014 http://t.co/tNoJY2WEDB',\n", " u'Google Escapes Privacy Class Action with Judge\\u2019s Ruling http://t.co/DPu3l4aryt @Trusted_Choice @Project_CAP',\n", " u'RT @kimgarst: The difference between TRY and TRIUMPH is a little UMPH.',\n", " u'Project CAP Digital Marketing Agency Success stories http://t.co/z2HepCAuC7 @Project_CAP @Trusted_Choice',\n", " u\"RT @DanielBurrus: It's been only in the last few years that we began learning how to unleash the #internet potential http://t.co/zZx4GhX2b0\",\n", " u'RT @NetVU_Now: What did you learn at NetVU Conference? Share your Conference story, best tips/tricks here! #NetVU14 http://t.co/1xGUgKNJON',\n", " u'As the Web turns 25, creator reflects on its future http://t.co/ssVdrywOxk @DanielBurrus @Trusted_Choice @IndAgent',\n", " u\"RT @Trusted_Choice: Here's a helpful list of types of insurance. http://t.co/IlE6utEySs #TCSmallBiz @Project_CAP\",\n", " u'Microsoft Ending Support for Windows XP and Office 2003 http://t.co/d8RcIpKRNc']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @alicia_lupercio: @tedcruz 's leading D'anti-Latino Wing.VOTEin2014 ! @HouseGOP @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @alicia_lupercio: @tedcruz 's leading D'anti-Latino Wing.VOTEin2014 ! @Senate_GOPs @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #p2 http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @alicia_lupercio: @tedcruz 's leading D'anti-Latino Wing.VOTEin2014 ! @SpeakerBoehner @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @carlosgalindo: The Carlos Galindo Show airs M-F 7-9 a.m. (MST) 10-12 (EST)Listen in from where you\\u2019re at via this link: http://t.co/9c\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @GarzaVillanueva: The House GOP's tax reform proposal in one graph | Wonkblog http://t.co/VHkGJFMu02 http://t.co/JsvYYbAiwM\\n#TNTweeters\",\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @MarioDB #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: As I've ]mentioned on air-can #Obama stop all #deportations? Rep @JoaquinCastrotx explains: https://t.co/T7Jv2pwFLo #lat\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Tax Revenue Rockets Up, Helping Lessen the Deficit, Treasury Department Says: http://t.co/aqox4gioDB #latism http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: If crying in front of cameras produced results, we'd have #CIR already MT @newman_chris: http://t.co/OvTVUBZIF4 @DRMActio\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Are you going to let this guy and his #TeaParty mob rule America? You can stop him: http://t.co/EjD4RsE2sw #latism http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: RT @IsabelFramer: #TNTweeters on now via @EspuelasVox radio show. Join group via @ReformNOW3 @teritohornos http://t.co/7rX\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: @dozer410 it's a CRAZY idea.\",\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: @DRMAction waiting for your national effort to register the 50,000 latinos that turn 18 every month. #Latism #TNTweeters #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: @DRMAction Please rebut these data: http://t.co/pJuHqe1b17',\n", " u'RT @karinamanfru: @RepJimMatheson #CIR now, stop playing political games with millions of immigrants around the country. #TNTweeters http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Time4Action2014: @MaxeyforTexas clean D @houseGOP ! Recruit indifferent voters4 #Election2014 #TNTweeters #tcot http://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Time4Action2014: @WendyDavisTexas clean D @houseGOP ! Recruit indifferent voters4 #Election2014 #TNTweeters #p2 http://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NBCLatino: #TNTweeters focus on specific members of #Congress on #immigrationreform inaction by @SuzGamboa \\nhttp://t.co/OQXUqyM0Z4',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @GOPWhip Latinosvote can change our Country, we can do it vote by vote!!! #CIR #p2 #DemandAVote #TNTweeters http://t.co/h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @SpeakerBoehner #Latinosvote can change our Country, we can do it vote by vote!!! #CIR #p2 #TNTweeters @IsabelFramer http\\u2026']},\n", " {'INT': [u\"Heat: Ok Pacers, You can have the number 1 spot, just don't lose to number 8, Atlanta\\n\\nPacers: Umm, Yea, about that...\\n \\n\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602 #LetsGoHeat\",\n", " u'No probably bout it. It\\'s gone! #RIPHoodie ~\"@GuysTaIk: Be careful when you give a girl your hoodie, she probably wont ever give it back...\"',\n", " u'RT @jmesier86: My favorite channel @nflnetwork, I could wish it all day',\n", " u\"6 for 25 3-pointers.It's as if all we wanted to do was attempt 3's tonight. Or bench gave us 8 point. Yup we just did that!!! #MiamiHeat\",\n", " u'@MiamiHEAT @DwyaneWade @KingJames You live and die by the 3... 4 consecutive missed 3 pt attempts in the last 2 min. Drive to the basket!!!!',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: Wrestling icon The Ultimate Warrior has died. James Hellwig was recently inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. He was 54.',\n", " u'RT @TheHobbitMovie: \"I am fire. I am death\" The best scene in #TheHobbit: The Desolation of #Smaug is ___? Own it: http://t.co/isPvh59H6C h\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @RopesCourseGal: So excited to finally share our news: we're having a baby! @ropescoursebaby is due September 20! We're\\u2026 http://t.co/AhW\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @GreenDayBanana: Happy birthday @zachbraff ! http://t.co/UbLFKxT58v',\n", " u'RT @MalkzBGreat: Drake wanna be a basketball wife so bad bruh http://t.co/7CudxYMShb',\n", " u\"Don't think they meant this \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602 http://t.co/K7nnmxXTxE\",\n", " u\"RT @nfl: We're counting down the Greatest Trick Plays for #AprilsFools!\\n\\n#5. Marino 'Clock! Clock! Clock!'s the Jets: http://t.co/0ivetGUNd9\",\n", " u'RT @GULLYKING82: @MiamiHEAT @KingJames @chrisbosh @mchalmers15 1ST PLACE IN THE EAST!!!!!!! #HeatNation',\n", " u'RT @Fabo92john: @miamiheat and @spurs win 2night im happy',\n", " u'RT @NooneOfan: @MiamiHEAT @KingJames @chrisbosh @mchalmers15 Is the HEAT #1 now that Pacers lost?',\n", " u'RT @DanMarino: Could do this all night! @marino_lia Nice action shot. @Marlins #MLBOpeningDay http://t.co/9FgrWyc6qM',\n", " u'RT @Sly_Guy_68: Lol me too RT @WannaBeLikMike: There are some weird folks in this world. I work with a few.',\n", " u\"@Tram_TheMan as a #MiamiHeat fan I'm screaming LET'S GO SPURS, LET'S GO SPURS!!!!\",\n", " u\"RT @jmesier86: I'm predicting that it's going to be a all SEC championship UF V. UK\",\n", " u'RT @N_MarieJ: NCAA is the biggest pimp out there.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@gangrey I can. It tastes a little like water up here in #Hernando. Wait a sec...',\n", " u'RT @TB_Times: The Tampa Bay Times wins its 10th Pulitzer Prize. http://t.co/axRwB6gacO',\n", " u\"Creepin' on the Pulitzer celebrations from Hernando. Proud of the @tb_times. Great to see everyone on good health. http://t.co/GAm3KeYx7Q\",\n", " u'RT @columbiajourn: Journalism: Local Reporting - Will Hobson and Michael LaForgia of Tampa Bay Times #Pulitzers',\n", " u'First day as the official education/cops reporter in #Hernando. Wish me luck!',\n", " u'More great accountability work on trauma feesWhere does your lawmaker stand on trauma fees? http://t.co/eflnPGirdP\\u201d @AlexandraZayas',\n", " u'I wish media flacks could see how fast I delete most of their e-mails.',\n", " u\"@onemanfarmhand @alittlesaffron @lisagartner @drewharwell This is the most successful tweet I've ever had. Which says what about me...\",\n", " u\"@Marlenesokol lol! I don't know.\",\n", " u'Went to an elementary school this am for a cute little story about the school changing its colors. First girl I interviewed was color blind.',\n", " u'Serena just won her seventh @SonyOpenTennis tennis tournament! 7-5, 6-1. She. An just crush the ball. Cool to watch.',\n", " u'Lame ticket policy, @SonyOpenTennis! Since we only got half the matches, we should only pay half the price! Or full reimbursement.',\n", " u\"@SonyOpenTennis so what's the ticket policy?\",\n", " u'RT @TroyKinsey: In prepared remarks, @FLGovScott will go negative on @CharlieCristFL over tuition hikes at a Tampa school today, calling Cr\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TMarreroTimes: Hattenbrun guilty of lesser charges in slaying of his daughter-in-law http://t.co/woM2yLidKk via @TB_Times @HernandoTimes',\n", " u'Had to break out a little good-natured racquet throwing, but I finally won a match at the 5.0 level.',\n", " u'@jthalji snob',\n", " u\"@OctavioJones just called to inform me that a #Hernando School Board member didn't clean up after his dog did its business. #OctavioIsonit\",\n", " u'@JohnWoodrowCox I think I wrote one readable thing during college. The rest should be burned.',\n", " u'Shopping at Target/ coffee date with @OctavioJones.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'#GetWellJimKelly',\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: Today we're launching @ScottFreeFLA to gets the facts out about Rick Scott's record. Join the team: http://t.co/kIOMhrb9Gd\",\n", " u'@ryantannehill1 Thanks for being cool and taking a pic with me at the airport. It made my trip. #PhinsUp! http://t.co/pQT7NOI3ct',\n", " u'#Merica http://t.co/fITUWCzTTt',\n", " u'The best medicine on the planet.. #HerbalHealing I freak in love Colorado. http://t.co/suRKAXRdZC',\n", " u'RT @Raytheon: .@studentvets leaders from universities across the country receive guidance from our top execs: http://t.co/sEoj89EEpb',\n", " u\"@TheUnderDog_79 yea they did! Time to repeat in the playoffs this year! If you're ever down south hit me up. I know all the good spots\",\n", " u'@TheUnderDog_79 Not much man. Same ole thing in South Florida. How do you like Tampa? Oh and how bout them Noles!?',\n", " u'@TheUnderDog_79 met this guy randomly at a gas station in south Carolina. Hope you had a good trip. #ilooklikeamidget http://t.co/GYgMud8Qvx',\n", " u'RT @NORML: #NORML President Obama: Marijuana Less Dangerous Than Alcohol; Legalization in WA and CO http://t.co/dhOdmDXL9n',\n", " u'RT @drewbrees: Allloooooooooha! http://t.co/JW21IAgW17',\n", " u'Dolphins prevail! Thanks baby Jesus!! #phinsup',\n", " u'@heatherespn whatever helps you sleep at night.',\n", " u'@heatherespn How about you focus on the game and not bring up irrelevant questions about a sensitive issue. #Fireheathercox #dramaticbitch',\n", " u'@FSUnconquered I was there for that shutout... still stings a bit.',\n", " u\"@DanSileoShow - not much of a show anymore.. You're welcome from the Seminole Nation! You're a joke. :-) #FSU #SeminoleNation #deadbeat\",\n", " u'@ChrisJohnson28 you seemed like the best available.. boy was I wrong. ; (',\n", " u'Leaving... on a jet plane.. #EBV #Vets #SYRACUSE #STOKED',\n", " u\"RT @FSUAlumni: Our thoughts & prayers are with 2nd Lt. Sisson & Spc. Pierce's families. MT @WCTV: FSU Alumnus Killed In Afghanistan http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Mamba51: Gameday is the only way to start off the month of June! #RoadtoOmaha #FSA #turnup #believeinweave']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@YoungBlackThnkr I have an old slr. You should shoot with it some time!',\n", " u'@YoungBlackThnkr are you shooting all on digital? I think you would love film',\n", " u'So excited to be back in Boston with @leahjkang at Mile 9! #BostonStrong #BostonMarathon #TuftsMarathonTeam #BCforBoston \\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0fthis city',\n", " u'RT @Dreamdefenders: Can We Dream Together, #DC? Don\\u2019t miss a night to support #DreamDefenders at RedRocks! RSVP here: http://t.co/zpQzfZUby\\u2026',\n", " u'Come out to #DefendtheDreamDC &support @Dreamdefenders on April 24 at @redrocksdc. RSVP here: http://t.co/W2ujiCxk1W http://t.co/drZAQc4x7z',\n", " u'DC Folks: Love the @Dreamdefenders? Come out on Apr 24 to meet & support them: http://t.co/W2ujiCxk1W',\n", " u'RT @PendaHair: Join me, @jbrownedianis, @PhilofDreams_, Rev. William Barber of @ncnaacp to discuss our fight for racial justice http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'SIGH - this is not the answer to over suspending students: http://t.co/nHYXE2eiGP #school2prison',\n", " u'Must watch video on #MassIncarceration in the US: http://t.co/P4c4hEJcko',\n", " u'Really loving the journalism @ThisIsFusion is doing: \"Next to Coachella\\u2019s Party Goers Is Crushing Poverty\" http://t.co/ob7RoXgQO1',\n", " u'RT @StateImpactFL: Half As Many Students Will Meet Tougher Bright Futures Scholarship Requirements: About half as many students w... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RobertwRuncie: Charter schools have received the state\\u2019s entire pot of capital improvement dollars for the past three years http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Gawker: Florida's about to go all LIBERTY AND FREEDOM on the dirty gun-grabbers. http://t.co/o3b5bmnfPU\",\n", " u'#NRA still running things in Tallahassee http://t.co/w3j6taQq4B via @Gawker #StandYourGround #School2Prison #NoPeacewithaPiece',\n", " u'Dean Spade & CeCe McDonald: \\u2018Prisons Don\\u2019t Keep Us Safe\\u2019, WATCH THIS: http://t.co/2Ksn2kivb9',\n", " u'Hope no Miami voters need to use the bathroom in Nov: http://t.co/u333nCL9yg',\n", " u'Congrats to amazing #youth leaders on passage of #Minnesota Safe & Supportive Schools Act! https://t.co/ktYJh6dskA via @outfrontmn',\n", " u'HUGE victory in #Minnesota as anti-bullying & anti-#School2Prison bill passes legislature. Read the bill here: http://t.co/7ZnsCWf48r',\n", " u'\"The @Dreamdefenders released a statmnt abt #StandYourGround. They are, shall we say, not happy.\" http://t.co/cNThvKuFze via @OrlandoWeekly',\n", " u'\"FL Legislature Expands #standyourground\" http://t.co/cNThvKuFze quoting @KingCiDot']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@FoxNews @foxnewspolitics there's no Real Job in Government it's all about Politics Money & greed.Using up Resources &Out of ControlSpending\",\n", " u'@FoxNews What does make Ukraine so special over 30 billion in death. Russia using Ukraine to get more from us & EU kicked in 15 Billion',\n", " u'@FoxNews Would be nice to Vote 4 giving away more Money. Russia had Loaned they 3 Billion at Jan 1 2014 & 1.5 Billion in Natural Gas',\n", " u\"@FoxBusiness @TeamCavuto Obamas playing Games with Americans lives & Canada. He's getting his Pay Check & Laughing all the way screwing all\",\n", " u'@FoxNews Why does everyone have 2 B in a Court Room Costing Millions 2 Build.put cameras in jail & Judge in office & Jury in a room with TV',\n", " u\"@FoxNews Maybe Obama can get more Enrollment for ObamaCare in Syria,There's No Medical there Now More Dying Everyday,can't B 2 many Left\",\n", " u\"@foxnewspolitics @FoxNews Can't keep Trains running, but spend 77million to send a man to Russia's space station\",\n", " u'@FoxNews ok I understand what we have & why they Inspected, but how many Missals does Russia Have?',\n", " u'@FoxNews @foxnewspolitics About Time Some Leader would say Something, but Why is He talking to the Media? Is it for Attention? Spy What?',\n", " u\"@FoxNews @foxnewspolitics Why are we Protecting 12M Illegals?They're take Billions from Our Economy,Breaking Laws,Using Resources,Got 2 GO!\",\n", " u\"@jimmyfallon Sorry 4 U Iam not a Hilary Fan, the Clinton's have used America for Personal Gains Greed & Power. I'm a fan of Yours U Go Jimmy\",\n", " u'@FoxNews Is Obama sharing secrets like Snowden to get on the good side of Putin? Just show nothing stops Russia',\n", " u\"@realDonaldTrump Your Empire would run 2 well after You run out of Energy. The Idea was 2 use everyone else'sFirst 2 B The Last One Standing\",\n", " u\"@foxnewspolitics @FoxNews Looks like Obamas trying to get his Retirement Account Started. Wonder why he doesn't have a 401k on his Tax file\",\n", " u'@foxnewspolitics @FoxNews Government Make The Rules Not 4 Them,There Only 4The People!So Live With the Ones U Vote 4,They Control U B Happy!',\n", " u'@foxnewspolitics @FoxNews Government is adding terrorism 2 Americans 2 Spend Your Money 4 Their Greed.Harry Reid using Federal Land & Grants',\n", " u'@foxnewspolitics @FoxNews Texas is not on the Grind, Smart 4 Them not relying on the Country 4 Their power or taking from them 2 lose Theirs',\n", " u'@FoxNews I am sure that the Bus Operator was also Sued, Once again Everyone Losses but the Lawyer.People loss the Church & Pain never stops',\n", " u\"@realDonaldTrump It's to bad that most of the People in this Country aren't Smart Enough to Understand What They Need, & Recognize A Leader\",\n", " u'@CNBC Government underObama hasCreated a WelfareCountry.Taxing Everything,letting Cost go through the Roof Not Good 4Business or Employment']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@NikkuEse_ that he was loved his songs!!',\n", " u'RT @NikkuEse_: Jimi Hendrix was a god in the 70s',\n", " u'@EatNutritious that looks good! !',\n", " u'RT @EatNutritious: http://t.co/1EW37UWVxU',\n", " u'@TxStormChasers @ThePinkFam wow lighten in the cloud u can tell summer is coming! !',\n", " u'RT @TxStormChasers: RT @ThePinkFam: @TxStormChasers Pretty Thunderheads in Duncanville! http://t.co/uaolZ7xvjk #txwx #dfwwx',\n", " u'@TxStormChasers @mgal34 @wfaaweather @twcMarkElliot @weatherchannel that pic looks likes the one from twister!!',\n", " u'RT @TxStormChasers: RT @mgal34: @wfaaweather @TxStormChasers @twcMarkElliot @weatherchannel mammatus Mt Vernon, TX http://t.co/U8aK36Q6ix #\\u2026',\n", " u'@Scottyhan is this who I think it is?',\n", " u'RT @Scottyhan: @shortyhanus TESTING',\n", " u'@captjohnathan great pic of u!!!',\n", " u'RT @captjohnathan: http://t.co/2iNqRzAyTF',\n", " u'RT @YRInsider: #DoppleCassie your hand is in the cookie jar!!!! #YR @camryngrimes @CBSDaytime',\n", " u'@wusa9 hope they find her!!',\n", " u'RT @wusa9: Police need your help finding a 14-year-old missing girl. RT to help bring her home. -- > http://t.co/579TmHvpz1 http://t.co/091\\u2026',\n", " u\"@tattedvibes yeah it's n that the truth , it should not be on Twitter though I can see Facebook but not Twitter! !\",\n", " u'RT @tattedvibes: Social networks can fuck up alot of shit lol',\n", " u'@Southeast_KY wish I was up there for Easter with the family! !',\n", " u'RT @Southeast_KY: Easter Sunday Looks Beautiful & Warm http://t.co/dX8qZg1fZz',\n", " u'@EricaRakow @clickorlando hope that house makes it!!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@Publix Picked up 4 Easter Lilies today at Publix. They are beautiful!',\n", " u'@bsuathletics No video. chump chump.',\n", " u'RT @ScottyMcCreery: Pumped to be a part of this tomorrow! @PinehurstResort @usopengolf Media Day at Pinehurst on Monday. \\n#2OpensAt2 http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'@notthefakeSVP Any experience with your Grandma, at Easter as a memory today is special. Happy Easter.',\n", " u'@HunterMahan Not. zero.',\n", " u'RT @TV_Exposed: The moment before the most famous album cover ever was photographed, 1969. http://t.co/pUcvdXIncF',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: FACT: Obama lies, FL families suffer and @CharlieCrist still supports #Obamacare. https://t.co/PfI08bhkzL #sayfie http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WSJ: Chinese microblogging service Weibo shares jump 19% in debut.\\nhttp://t.co/1pw1rSs37F $WB',\n", " u'@Graeme_McDowell @RealKiefer Not June 5/5/14.',\n", " u'@BlayneBarberAU Go get it. Make it happen. Play well, and good luck.',\n", " u'RT @TomWatsonPGA: Way to go Bubba !!! Enjoy your victory. See you on the plane to Gleneagles',\n", " u'RT @TPCSawgrass: And congratulations to Jacksonville Beach resident and a regular at TPC Sawgrass, @jonas_blixt, on your great play this w\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @JordanSpieth: Dream come true competing at Augusta! Deserving champion in @bubbawatson incredibly played. Stinging badly but it's just \\u2026\",\n", " u'@bubbawatson Play well and good luck!',\n", " u'RT @WSJopinion: .@KimStrassel: The motive, method and aftermath of the IRS scandal. http://t.co/9G7YboXBFk',\n", " u'RT @AHMalcolm: Conan: NKorean dictator Kim Jong-Un re-elected w/100% of the vote. He said, \"I haven\\'t been this happy since I scored 700,00\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @MarkCalc: \\u201c@oldtomsvoice: Why is @MarkCalc hitting balls on Augusta range?\\u201d//that's a legit question. Honorary Invitee. Played course \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @TeamCavuto: Pentagon announces it's planning to make cuts to U.S. nuclear forces. RT if you think the timing could not be worse. http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'@KySportsRadio That would be not in class.',\n", " u'RT @AHMalcolm: Conan: White House decides against banning \\u201cselfies\\u201d w/POTUS. However they are cracking down on \\u201cVice-Pres NipSlips\\u201d http://\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@RaysBaseball @Evan3Longoria Way to go Evan!!! #GoRays',\n", " u'@AP WTH?',\n", " u'@amy_hollyfield @TB_Times shameful!!! NRA has more power than common people',\n", " u\"@bumbleananda hey Matthew could you please give me a call or shoot me a message. Let me know what's going on please\",\n", " u\"@620wdae @csmathis15 He's a jerk!!\",\n", " u'RT @SI_PeterKing: How fantastic is this? I love the Boston Globe.\\nhttp://t.co/IehRcosqtP',\n", " u'@cnnbrk sounds like she had some good shit to smoke',\n", " u\"RT @CBS11Karen: @PaulFox13 @JWSandlin Oh my gosh, Paulie-- that's so funny!\",\n", " u'RT @ForAmerica: RT if you are sickened by @EricCantor headlining a Conservative bashing retreat funded by Soros/unions #RINORetreat http://\\u2026',\n", " u'@PaulFox13 Paulie you need some makeup tips. LOL. You look all blotchy tonight.',\n", " u'@AGendreau38 I bet money you were that guy!! LOL',\n", " u'@RapSheet @CBSTweet Colbert',\n", " u'@ESPYS @SportsCenter @Drake what a joke!!!',\n", " u'@chrisrock they are getting paid in the form of a free college education.',\n", " u'@AP Someone needs a timeout.',\n", " u'RT @BleacherReport: VIDEO: A Fox News anchor slips up and says UConn were the \"NAACP\" champs http://t.co/cYdSkDyf5T http://t.co/PlODK0fsx7',\n", " u'@SportsCenter must be back on that juice',\n", " u\"RT @Rollergirl987: Can't we just pay student athletes minimum wage and call it a day? @987TheFan #NCAA\",\n", " u'@TBOcom yes',\n", " u'RT @espn: RETWEET if you\\u2019re rooting for Kentucky to cut down the nets tonight. http://t.co/2sZTNE84rF']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @RichardOHornos: @reppittenger #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @RepWalberg #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @RepBradWenstrup #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @RepDonaldPayne #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @RepErikPaulsen #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @RepJoeHeck #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @RepMikeRogersAL #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @RepTrentFranks #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @RepFredUpton #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @DarrellIssa #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @HouseGOP #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @SenateGOP #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @Heritage #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @Reince @GOP #America #BuiltByImmigrants #Latinos #demandavote #ActOnReform #TimeIsNow #CIR #latism #TNTweeters http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jimena0304: Vote is a privilege, USE IT #Register2Vote #USA http://t.co/p0vWgtyacu #LatinoVote #latism #womenvote #TNTweeters http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @HouseGOP @GOP is 2blame 4\"status quo\"on #immigration #latism #RememberNovember #Elections2014 http://t.co/2q9K6HOfsf #TNTw\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @HouseGOP @GOPLeader is 2blame 4\"status quo\"on #immigration #latism #RememberNovember #Elections2014 http://t.co/2q9K6HOfsf\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @HouseGOP @GOPWhip is 2blame 4\"status quo\"on #immigration #latism #RememberNovember #Elections2014 http://t.co/2q9K6HOfsf #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @HouseGOP @RepGoodlatte is 2blame 4\"status quo\"on #immigration #latism #RememberNovember #Elections2014 http://t.co/2q9K6HO\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @HouseGOP @MarioDB is 2blame 4\"status quo\"on #immigration #latism #RememberNovember #Elections2014 http://t.co/2q9K6HOfsf #\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @EspuelasVox: Leading economic indicators rise in March http://t.co/wYqeIuQV6R via @reuters',\n", " u\"RT @DaddyGordo504: We've tools & ability to do a Nation spider internet connexion 4 every election! Use those tools!\\ndoReformNow5@susanpai \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @UniteWomenWI: RT @alicia_lupercio: #Immigrationreform If @GOP getD house Again: VOTE t'mOUT @EspuelasVox @UniteWomenAR #latism http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @americasvoice: TIME: Zuckerberg Immigration Group Targets Steve King http://t.co/SzzguT0h6F',\n", " u'RT @hugocn44: If #Latinos stay home #ImmigrationReform will NEVER pass Reg2Vote: http://t.co/MULkEecehv -#TNTweeters #Latism #CIR http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @RichardOHornos: #GOP count on your APATHY! Don't give them what they want, DON'T COMPLAIN, \\U0001f44aVOTE\\U0001f535\\u2757\\ufe0f#BlackFamily @NAACP #UniteBlue http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @katiuskausa: Remember in November Republicans cost our economy 24B. Add twibbon! http://t.co/ez4J7P3zzt #uniteblue http://t.co/bRwCn8rn\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: Immigration Reform Checkmate: DACA and Mental Health http://t.co/446xXHnuc1 @OFA_Jarryd @carlosgalindo #CIR #latism #TNTwee\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @alicia_lupercio: Happy Easter ! Let's prey & act 4D rebirth of Our democracy too @RepJeffDenham @EspuelasVox http://t.co/82YoVzrXlf htt\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @alicia_lupercio: Happy Easter ! Let's prey & act 4D rebirth of Our democracy too. @Senate_GOPs @EspuelasVox http://t.co/82YoVzrXlf htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @larepublica_pe: #EclipseLunar: La #NASA transmitir\\xe1 inusual evento. M\\xedralo aqu\\xed http://t.co/FdOsBXVZ8 #LunaRoja',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: @RichardOHornos en vivo @EspuelasVox !!! #TNTweeters \\nLA VERDAD SOBRE LAS DEPORTACIONES!!\\U0001f4e2\\U0001f4e2 http://t.co/KJvOdxd0bL',\n", " u'RT @susanpai: List of all #California Primary Candidates including CA-10 http://t.co/OdeMIoEwd4 #TNTweeters #Vote2014 #GoodbyeGOP',\n", " u'RT @Horacioj56: @TheBaxterBean , @EspuelasVox , @dbrac31',\n", " u'RT @Horacioj56: @carami1396 @EspuelasVox @DBrac31',\n", " u'RT @Horacioj56: @clauvale77 @EspuelasVox @dbrac31',\n", " u'RT @Horacioj56: @EspuelasVox @dbrac31',\n", " u'RT @veritaz: @cgilmore25 @alicia_lupercio @JosephBrandon8 \\nhttp://t.co/p78XC9RoET \\U0001f40d Tea Potty is Dotty',\n", " u\"RT @AndreaLeon: MT @latinorebels: We don't run ads on http://t.co/Z7Kl2JyrJk, but we run voter regist links #VotoLatino http://t.co/86L4U1N\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @noticiAmerica: Champions League: hora y canales de transmisi\\xf3n de los partidos de hoy http://t.co/fsFVSJQP5Y']},\n", " {'INT': [u\"Today's Headlines: COMCAST FINALLY ADMITS ALL MSNBC PROGRAMS ARE PARODIES OF MAINSTREAM MEDIA'S DISTORTION OF THE NEWS\",\n", " u'If \"someone else\" built the roads & bridges that enabled you to succeed why didn\\'t the other people with access to them succeed as well?',\n", " u'When you watch Muslims on TV deny the reality of Islamic domestic subversion & global terrorism you realize how grave a threat Islam poses!',\n", " u'The fact that more Americans than ever are expressing their contempt for a sitting president bodes well for the USA and sustains my morale!',\n", " u\"Just as Hitler's Nazis took control of Germany Jihadis have taken control of Islam. As a result millions of Muslims will be killed & maimed!\",\n", " u'@WellThought_Out Optimism means expecting a better future. Reclaiming Congress&removing stains on the presidency means we can keep fighting!',\n", " u'Liberals disdain religious faith so their inner lives are barren. They ignore all the magic in dark matter, DNA, curved space&pre-Big Bang!',\n", " u'Malcolm X & Dr. King said the % of Negroes unjustly convicted was too high. Al & Jesse lowered the % by making Negroes commit more crimes!',\n", " u\"It never fails: People like Obama & Holder who think they're above the law always react to criticism with adolescent petulance & resentment!\",\n", " u'@RedNationRising @rkobet @SenatorReid For impersonating a human being!',\n", " u'@sallykohn You went from Fox to CNN?! Wow! Masochism? Money?',\n", " u\"Let's ask defamer of vets NYTimes' Belew to NOT breastfeed her newborn since all her body secretes is venom & pus! k-belew@northwestern.edu\",\n", " u\"@dsgill22 You're a disgrace to the Sikh faith and Belew is a disgrace to the human race!\",\n", " u\"@MarkMuller01 That's what Harry Reid says!\",\n", " u\"If you'd like to tell NYTimes editor-in-chief how you feel about her publishing Belew's vile op-ed linking vets to the KKK -- @jillabramson\",\n", " u\"@JillAbramson Congratulations on adding to vets mental health woes by publishing Belew's vile op-ed this week! Have you no sense of decency!\",\n", " u\"@NickKristof Your newspaper added to (white) vets' mental health woes by publishing Belew's smear this week. Have you no sense of decency!\",\n", " u\"@NickKristof Hey Nick, Your newspaper added to (white) vets' mental health problems by publishing Belew's smear op-ed this week! SHAMEFUL!\",\n", " u'There are dozens of LEGAL ways to frustrate the IRS. The fundamental principle is to add to its workload by challenging their calculations!',\n", " u\"Don't complain about the IRS if you're still cooperating with the IRS!\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Woot woot congrats @TheBiancaDelRio totally deserved!!! #RPDR @RuPaulsDragRace',\n", " u\"Let Brandon throw up, like a little drama queen. Maybe he'll purge some of that internalized homophobia! #RPDR @RuPaulsDragRace\",\n", " u\"Don't throw water on that gremlin 'cause he will multiply. \\nWell put @TheBiancaDelRio! #RPDR @RuPaulsDragRace\",\n", " u'@courtneyact the shade of it all! #RPDR @RuPaulsDragRace',\n", " u'RT @MsMarialba: The \"I don\\'t know how to sew\" bit is getting old. Did you not watch previous seasons? THERE\\'S ALWAYS A SEWING CHALLENGE! #R\\u2026',\n", " u\"Georgia O'Queef\\nAndy Whorehall\\nStop relying on that Bod-icelli \\n\\nGod, I'm a sucker for a good pun.\\n\\n@RuPaulsDragRace #RPDR\",\n", " u'Pete Campbell is such a cheesy sleaze ball! #MadMen',\n", " u'This latest @MadMen_AMC episode teaches me that conference calls in 1970 were as terrible as they are today. #MadMen',\n", " u'A beautiful mild-temperature evening in #Sarasota with @StarTalkRadio playing while I soak in the hot tub...not bad. http://t.co/s7mReV3AOe',\n", " u'My favorite thing about the @uline catalog is the examples of what you can use their products for! http://t.co/BV17O71Cj7',\n", " u'@kylaweiner I do love! Thanks for sharing. #13 is my favorite, and @marksteinwachs would agree. h/t @mental_floss',\n", " u\"Check out #GW's New Room and get a little history before beginning your weekend. #storiesfromapostcard #postcard http://t.co/JSgFGtMOkP\",\n", " u\"RT @artinstitutechi: See the dramatic transformation of Caillebotte's Paris Street; Rainy Day via @WSJ: http://t.co/dmq7nRlTWN http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'#AvivaDrescher is clinically insane, right? #RHONY',\n", " u'Wonder where @CecileRichards got her passion, strength & humor? Look no further. 26 years later & this is still great http://t.co/ft6emFGRhB',\n", " u'@EllieDickson @mssharkivist Because everyone goes to dinner at 4pm and bed at 7pm.',\n", " u'@EllieDickson @mssharkivist in #Sarasota, 9pm is the best time to go grocery shopping!',\n", " u'http://t.co/PnDm1Fir3v inaugural post features a #GirlScouts visit to @MountVernon and the #postcard they sent back home. @GirlScoutsWISE',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostStyle: 10 charts every \"Mean Girls\" fan knows to be true http://t.co/3Zb0F0GHAl',\n", " u'My week on twitter: 1 Mentions, 95 Mention Reach, 4 Replies, 3 Retweets, 2.39K Retweet Reach. via http://t.co/iGzHrvVo0n']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Trial set for Monday in coal companies\\u2019 dispute - Local Richmond-area News - http://t.co/BblJLqPak0 http://t.co/qnZc50DTFc via @RTDNews',\n", " u'#BillMasseyhttp://www.timesdispatch.com/obituaries/massey-william-blair/article_03dbd294-72d6-5ea9-818b-1aa1a0a9b2a9.html?TNNoMobile',\n", " u'viewfromcasabeck http://t.co/DOho7E5jDw',\n", " u'http://t.co/Tq5aH5oo9q',\n", " u'http://t.co/VYozpbG15X',\n", " u'http://t.co/FfFSK0zm71',\n", " u'@Hagermeister11 okay!!! me no hate on anything#loveisawonderfulthing',\n", " u'http://t.co/ufvv6HpFLb',\n", " u'\\u201c@Maddy_Lohr: Maxi dresses have such a fine line between looking awesome and boho and looking like a pregnant whale\\u201dBoho, soho,and noho!',\n", " u'.@GOPLeader: Please start leading on #immigration reform. We need to fix our broken system in 2014. #TimeIsNow',\n", " u'Thank goodness for the Delta Sky Lounge- #BestBloodyMary',\n", " u'#deltadeltadelta',\n", " u'@ElleBeck #newdoo',\n", " u'#ElleBeckEatYourHeartOut http://t.co/CZgSQXguqB',\n", " u'RT @CBSNews: Malaysia air force chief denies earlier remarks that plane changed course, made it to Strait of Malacca http://t.co/akAmzxVGzM',\n", " u'Eagles are back!!! Hoorrah!!! http://t.co/BC8yGg1DM5',\n", " u'#TellElle http://t.co/RQejGmkv82',\n", " u'#ElleBeck http://t.co/6c7kp2Kahv',\n", " u'@RepDeSantis @FWD_us',\n", " u'.@RepDeSantis I live in your district and want the House to pass #immigration reform in 2014. @FWD_us #CIR #TimeIsNow']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @bendanafer: @RepJeffDenham , SAD END. #timeisnow #immigrationreform #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox #Latism #UniteBlue http://t.co/uT0APc7bnZ',\n", " u'RT @KayJaneli: Voted on FACEBOOK !!! Keep using #NBLJosephineVoto to support this beautiful Central American Representative !! \\U0001f451 http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: .@RosLehtinen #FL27 #CIR #deportations are YOUR responsibility! WE respond Nov4th:http://t.co/oxKhdpiVfo #TNTweeters #VotoLat\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NaphiSoc: RT @bendanafer Ya es hora, no seamos votantes pasivos #timeisnow #latinos #TNTweeters #latism #UniteBlue http://t.co/6m9Gawr\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @NALEO @votolatino VOTE! 2 make a Difference! http://t.co/MNR99o1I0j #hazteciudadano #latism #LatinosVote #TNTweeters h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VotingN_2014: Help US 2Bury D @GOP Skeleton #Election2014 @SpeakerBoehner @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism http://t.co/OzO7lApYB7 http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: The Fix: The top 11 #Senate races of 2014 #latism #tntweeters #election2014 http://t.co/FuNKMOwDyg',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: #Florida ELECT #p2 (D)NAN RICH @senatornanrich 4 #FLGov DEFEAT TEABAGGER @FLGovScott #Votesuppression #KochBuysGOP htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @RichardOHornos: @FlaDems: How's Rick Scott's Hispanic outreach going? Click \\u27a1\\ufe0f http://t.co/F4xwWi8AJ2 \\nRT 2 spread the word! #pfla htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: \\U0001f44aVOTE\\U0001f535 & encourage +\\U0001f465 #Latinos #Democrats #millenials #PAYBACK #KochBuysGOP #CIR #TNTweeters http://t.co/ApeZdsQMcV OUT\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: \\U0001f44aVOTE\\U0001f535 & encourage +\\U0001f465 #Latinos #PAYBACK #KochBuysGOP #CIR #TNTweeters http://t.co/voOZIgzdQr http://t.co/gNbzi26x7W OUT\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: \\U0001f44aVOTE\\U0001f535 & encourage +\\U0001f465 #Latinos #PAYBACK #KochBuysGOP #CIR #TNTweeters http://t.co/voOZIgzdQr http://t.co/gNbzi26x7W OUT\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: \\U0001f449Asi de simple! http://t.co/WHGYj9FNqj',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: Latinos\\u203c\\ufe0fRegistrense para votar\\u203c\\ufe0f LINK\\U0001f447 INSTRUCCIONES\\U0001f4ec #Register2Vote #TNTweeters \\n\\n http://t.co/NE7xonhelT http://t.co/2y7JZP\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gracielas10: \"@helenaguirrefer @AlPunto @UniNoticias @TelemundoNews @AlRojoVivo @RosLehtinen @MarioDB @ricardonotes @clauvale77 http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepGoodlatte Enact #CiR do it #DemandAVote #LatinosVote matters, think on #Elections #CostOfInaction #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ClauTFL: @alicia_lupercio @GOP @EspuelasVox @UniteBlueFL https://t.co/yb4NgsB5b3 http://t.co/8sIXh9cGcx',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Latin American #Catholics pay tribute to Christ (from @AP) http://t.co/lx9BkGtrpd',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: \\u2705Necesitamos su ayuda para motivar hispanos a votar/cambiar el congreso. La reforma no puede esperar mas #TNTweeters http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @raulpeimbert: Hablemos de Voto Latino en el pr\\xf3ximo programa de @ConexionTX quien se anota? @ClauTFL @alicia_lupercio #TNTweeters']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @RI4A #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @Enrique_Acevedo #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @shakira #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ReformNow1: @jorgeofloresjr4 @norita067 @Rebis01 http://t.co/ItnArqStPd pls get to know hidden Facts u r a Teacher right? Confirm this \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ReformNow1: @jorgeofloresjr4 http://t.co/rzfV6rs6bT Facts. Research si u can be sure how real this is. Your $$',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @PresenteOrg #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @CAPimmigration #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @congressorg #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @AP #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR http://t.co/L\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @chucktodd #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @satchapretto #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @laquebuena1051 #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PROimmigrationR: @barbara_bermudo #TNTweeters #supports #Immigrationreform is the only way we can stop deportations #demandAvote #CIR \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ReformNow1: http://t.co/eqTefUW6J6',\n", " u'RT @ReformNow1: http://t.co/Wh5lQFdKxy',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @RepLoBiondo Do the right thing for your Country.Sign the #DischargePetition for HR15 to #DemandAVote. #Timeisnow for #CIR \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @RepTipton Do the right thing for your Country.Sign the #DischargePetition for HR15 to #DemandAVote. #Timeisnow for #CIR #T\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @RepGaryMiller Do the right thing for your Country.Sign the #DischargePetition for HR15 to #DemandAVote. #Timeisnow for #CI\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @TXRandy14 Do the right thing for your Country.Sign the #DischargePetition for HR15 to #DemandAVote. #Timeisnow for #CIR #T\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @KeiraNY: Lessons on how to fight using household items, by Tom & Lizzie. #TheBlacklist',\n", " u'Yeah Tom, she does have it in her #TheBlacklist',\n", " u'@bkblaze yeah no time for those feeling, you need the truth',\n", " u'Quit the sentiment, who the heck are you? #TheBlacklist',\n", " u\"RT @MerinoMedia: He hired the brothers. That's awesome. And this is why we love Red. #TheBlacklist\",\n", " u'Why take the poor dog... #TheBlacklist',\n", " u\"RT @TooBadDiane: The Lanister's: The original white trash. #GameOfThrones\",\n", " u'RT @doddsef: Guess the Kingslayer Character Rehabilitation Program \\xa9 is on hold for this week. #GameOfThrones',\n", " u'RT @LeNoirAuteur: jesus keep me near the cross what is happening on #gameofthrones',\n", " u'RT @AuthorNinaPerez: \\u201cYou need to be the kind of king who makes someone taste your food first.\\u201d - Tywin #PFGoT #GameOfThrones #DemThrones',\n", " u'@BlackGirlNerds I know but glad Sansaa is out.',\n", " u'Repeat #TheBlacklist',\n", " u\"@NBCBlacklist It's working. I like that you keep dialog snappy and effective. Mr. Spider has great lines!\",\n", " u'RT @NationofChange: Dragnet Nation: Do Google, Facebook Know More Private Info than NSA and Soviet-Era Secret Police? | NationofChange http\\u2026',\n", " u'@CatCaruthers1 hilarious',\n", " u'Do not disturb #blacklist',\n", " u'@TrevorFavaro epic beat down',\n", " u'I can easily blame it on the hashish. ...Red you are so wonderfully bad #blacklist',\n", " u'This show has awesome music #blacklist',\n", " u'One helluva ride....yeah #blacklist']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Bonus #bonnaroo girly tip! Wear a swim top with a breezy high-lo skirt, cute and comfy! Get gold bond to prevent thigh chafing! #ready2roo',\n", " u\"Spray sunscreen for easy re-application and a water mister or spray bottle! Share and you'll make new friends! :) #ready2roo #Bonnaroo\",\n", " u'Love this! RT @EricHolthaus: ICYMI, Boston doctors can now prescribe you a bike: http://t.co/eI18Drudqj http://t.co/WdEY6iKHdo',\n", " u\"Cont. @PPact is a fantastic, necessary resource. Even if you're against abortion, Planned P. offers so much for women. Esp. w/o insurance.\",\n", " u'Depressing and un-called for. @PPact RT @orlandosentinel: More protests planned before Planned Parenthood opening http://t.co/pXHKkWx089',\n", " u'So excited to hear Cecilia Milanes read tonight at 6pm! Check it out! #Orlando #readings #literature #books #poetry \\nhttp://t.co/13Hi7zFAEV',\n", " u'RT @OrlandoFL407: Volunteers needed for St. Johns River cleanup in Volusia County http://t.co/rE3XmAjQzm #StJohnsRiver #VolusiaCo #Florida \\u2026',\n", " u'Aw yeah, killed it tonight at the #OrlandoShuffle! So much fun. 1st Sat. of every month! :) https://t.co/cA7KqawE5U http://t.co/vm2lXuoE4A',\n", " u'RT @HistoryCtr_CFL: Tropical sweet treats make great gifts! Stop by the Emporium for Coconut Patties, Rum Cakes and more! http://t.co/jUFcR\\u2026',\n", " u\"Well, that's annoying. Apparently the tweets from my phone haven't been going through!\",\n", " u'RT @orlandoscience: Scientists discovered a new, icy planetoid at the edge of the solar system! http://t.co/kYCIMxmcw8',\n", " u'Oberst AND the Faint?!?! RT @OrlandoWeekly: Hello again, early 2000s: 5 upcoming Orlando shows for nostalgic folks: http://t.co/QfNuftJ3wP',\n", " u'That explains a bit! RT @UnbeIieveabIe: We lose 6 seconds a minute from blinking. This means we lose 15 minutes of each movie we watch.',\n", " u'Met Governor Rick Scott...he was a bit perplexed by my outfit http://t.co/gXxJUAxqKO',\n", " u'Just enjoyed an extremely inspiring presentation by @MichaelEMaine of @designzillas-have a lot to think about! Thanks @fldrupalcamp #fldc14',\n", " u'Learning tons @fldrupalcamp! Wish we had drupal 7 instead of 6 but still, the fog is clearing! Great speakers! #fldc14',\n", " u'Saw a #3Dprinter in person for the 1st time today....http://t.co/TLgcc0OJ7s. Pretty cool but they frighten me somewhat... #sundanceopenhouse',\n", " u'Wow, unique, great way to get back to fitness! RT @omaorlando: \"Yoga in the Galleries\"\\nat the Orlando Museum of Art.\\nhttps://t.co/LX7WyuGyiF',\n", " u'RT @cfl_homeless: Did you know the Coalition partners with Orange County Public Schools to offer clients access to adult educational opport\\u2026',\n", " u\"Wow, Marie Claire should not writeabout Ayahuasca....also the rest of Slate's article is on point. RT @Slate: http://t.co/7HhB5Rg82x #happy\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @OSCrime: Witness-murder defendant wants bail | Story: http://t.co/DlLnVWJdi8 Victim\\'s dad: \"I\\'ll probably kill him\" | Video: http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u\"Here's @WFTV with @KBelichWFTV \\n If Godfrey gets out he will go after the last 2 witness' \\nhttp://t.co/PZ94UjvHPQ http://t.co/XmcFQe20sR\",\n", " u'#okafor @BiancaMPrieto @MarianaVZ @DelgadoT62 @Iris_Berrios @MarissetVereni @andreamarcialtv @alissafig @RaulBenoit http://t.co/MpL40YpUEz',\n", " u'* My Father at todays hearing sends a message to my killers * @RedHuber @JeffWeinerOS #fox35 http://t.co/MpL40YpUEz http://t.co/4vCIgj364Q',\n", " u'[Tomorrows #okafor trials Hearing Topics ] a Poll ?#fox35 @LyleMazin https://t.co/UVDFK7hvTc',\n", " u'[*Parasite Hearing 2morrow OC April 17th 2014 11:30am] @JeffWeinerOS @vboey @KBelichWFTV @Stewartmoore @BakariSavage http://t.co/sOrrEzLKNI',\n", " u'*PRISON WITHOUT WALLS*SERIAL KILLERS caught while on #GPS http://t.co/Hpr3eZYsKo @NinthCircuitFL @ElectJeffAshton http://t.co/LTMA1CObAX',\n", " u'FYI:@TelemundoORL #okafor D Parasite is Back #fox35 @WESH @WFTV @CFNews13Desk @clickorlando @OSCrime @WVEN_WVEA #alex http://t.co/u8JoTAHX9L',\n", " u'Parasite #okafor back in town closer 2 my father & his attorneys. #fox35 @JeffWeinerOS #wftv9 @Stewartmoore @OSCrime http://t.co/L0A9aXsiNy',\n", " u'[Parasite Update] @WESH #fox35 @clickorlando @CrimelineFL @WFLA @cfnews @CFNews13Desk @WFTV @WVEN_WVEA @TelemundoORL http://t.co/1YTOTucecW',\n", " u\"Here's @Danay_Rivero piece on HC issues. @UniNoticias @NinthCircuitFL @Mayor_Jacobs @WVEN_WVEA http://t.co/D1NBhxNzSw http://t.co/6sx3pnfT4r\",\n", " u'Dad will be on @UniNoticias tonight at 6:30pm [National] with #josebaez @Danay_Rivero / @WVEN_WVEA @MarissetVereni http://t.co/bUQT2BtGoG',\n", " u\"So he has a bad & damaged brain? No, he's just a thug with a gun like #okafor http://t.co/BBxyDVx7M8 via @ScribbleLive\",\n", " u'Another career thug running around town / Brandon Bradley http://t.co/BBxyDVx7M8 via @ScribbleLive',\n", " u'He called this victim a cracker ? Hopefully we can find previous victims for the #okafor trials... http://t.co/BBxyDVx7M8 via @ScribbleLive',\n", " u'Brain damage seriously ? 23 hours a day in a 6x9 cell for 14 years will do him some good. We... http://t.co/BBxyDVx7M8 via @ScribbleLive',\n", " u\"We can assume that Okafor's brain will be examined along with his 18 previous priors. [ You Dog... http://t.co/BBxyDVx7M8 via @ScribbleLive\",\n", " u'Bessman Okafor / Emmanuel Wallace & Donnell Godfrey will be Hopefully joining this Savage on... http://t.co/BBxyDVx7M8 via @ScribbleLive',\n", " u'Parasite okafor habitual Thug on HomeConfinement #fox35 #wesh2 #wftv9 @CFNews13Desk #local6 @WVEN_WVEA @TelemundoORL http://t.co/YHu4CLvUFn',\n", " u'The Parasite, still at #Suwanee #fox35 #weshtv2 #wftv9 @JeffWeinerOS #okafor @MarissetVereni @andreamarcialtv http://t.co/ZxDCsLzwn9']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @finplan: According to @IRSnews, odds of a tax return being audited = lowest in years: http://t.co/zKrKXEMVvV',\n", " u'My partner Ron Tamayo on Local TV yesterday... http://t.co/wiUrDprrA6',\n", " u'My partner, Dan Moisand\\'s most recent video presentation from our website, \"ARE INVESTORS FLEEING STOCKS?\" http://t.co/V7vpl7H9VG',\n", " u'It\\'s interesting that the person who cuts your hair is required to be licensed, but not your \"financial planner.\"',\n", " u'@BlayneBarberAU One more score card to go Blayne! You can do it!!! Oh and by the way I like that T2 after three rounds!',\n", " u'RT @GatorZoneNews: Great pic! #GatorMadness RT @TampaBayTre: The scene: http://t.co/MWl3lvYhlQ',\n", " u'RT @susanweiner: How Writing Things Down Can Change Your Life http://t.co/szypRqjI42',\n", " u'@BlayneBarberAU Blayne: Just remember two things. Go low with your scores and sign all four of your score cards! :)',\n", " u'RT @MichaelKitces: The IRA Rollover Rule has changed! Was once-per-account, now once-across-ALL-accounts! http://t.co/sAJTTGKgzM',\n", " u'\"If you can enjoy Saturday and Sunday without looking at stock prices, give it a try on weekdays.\" Warren Buffett \\n@WarrenBuffett',\n", " u'Financial Planning Association of Florida Calls for Financial Literacy Instruction in Public Schools http://t.co/ehLx4mRZgw via @CapitalSoup',\n", " u\"Financial Planning Association of Florida with Governor Rick Scott's Director of Legislative Affairs, Darrick McGhee http://t.co/eIKoHBzv3w\",\n", " u'Congrats Derrick Chandler! http://t.co/pJdihJZ3Ha',\n", " u'RT @FPAofFlorida: On our way to Tallahassee! @FPAFlorida @BillyD24 @CharlieFitzIII @ChrisDraughon @cbruser @CaryCarbonaro',\n", " u'Having an investment philosophy is Step 1 http://t.co/OuvGuE9Onu',\n", " u'3 ways Financial Advisors work: 1.Commission Based 2.Fee Based w/Commission 3.Fee Only. Look up your planner... http://t.co/4BDN0WocoR',\n", " u'The hidden so-called \"trading costs\" of a mutual fund can be greater than the published expense ratio! http://t.co/xoNhZxouLI',\n", " u'A great \"cheat sheet\" for 2014 for every financial planner produced by the College for Financial Planning.... http://t.co/TK4CTECykp',\n", " u'RT @Wu_Tang_Finance: Life expectancy vs per-capita healthcare spending. http://t.co/6Q6woGm7iT',\n", " u'The daily collective wisdom of 100,000 buyers & sellers sets prices for stocks, bonds & commodities. Can I do better and out guess that?']},\n", " {'UNK': [u'Congrats! MT @HCTerryRooney: So excited to announce the addition to our family, Milly Margaret Rooney! Milly & Mom are doing great!',\n", " u'UCF coach George O\\'Leary says former Knights QB @BBortles5 has the \"it\" factor: http://t.co/JTwQH0ClXL',\n", " u'RT @StormJohnson8: Off to the @Atlanta_Falcons tomorrow \\u2708\\ufe0f #CountYourBlessings',\n", " u\"RT @osmattmurschel: The @American_Conf's success is a labor of love for its commissioner Mike Aresco. My column. http://t.co/0nefvcaSTW htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'@Dgnrshnx @SiriusXMNFL Thanks! much appreciated. Enjoyed doing it.',\n", " u'@jamaddron http://t.co/RujJjlnV0M',\n", " u'Former UCF guard Isaiah Sykes with 9 points (3 of 8 FGs), 8 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 TO in 30 mins in 92-86 loss at Portsmouth Invitational.',\n", " u'UCF baseball falls to Louisville, 3-2, but takes series and owns a 2.5-game lead atop the American: http://t.co/eqwdtmLA0E',\n", " u\"RT @UCF_Baseball: SCHEDULE UPDATE: Tonight's game will start at 7:30 p.m. #ORTO\",\n", " u\"RT @UCF_Baseball: SCHEDULE NOTE: Tonight's game set for 6:30 has been delayed. We will let this band of storms pass and provide a first pit\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CoachAdamW: @osknights help me get the word out about our summer camps. http://t.co/dyEwWn6qYX is the place to sign up!! #UCF #Basketba\\u2026',\n", " u'UCF baseball swept No. 9 Louisville last night. Final game is tonight at 6:30, pending rain. http://t.co/jXxzJDDxcb',\n", " u'RT @aaronfitt: Give #UCF coach Terry Rooney and staff credit for getting Knights on track after a rough 1st month. That team is under the r\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @aaronfitt: It's time to acknowledge @UCF_Baseball as #AAC front-runner after 1st-place Knights swept doubleheader vs. Louisville. UCF 1\\u2026\",\n", " u'Isaiah Sykes scored 3 pts (1 of 4 FGs), 4 rebs, 2 assts, 1 turnover, 1 blk, 1 stl in 25 mins in quarterfinal win in Portsmouth Invitational.',\n", " u'RT @PITourney: Isaiah Sykes #UCF warming up before game 5 of the #2014PITourney http://t.co/9VNS7l8zra',\n", " u'@MagicBasketball thanks. I had fun with it! Was a fun day',\n", " u'RT @DanWolken: If you\\u2019re going to be serious about competing with UConn, Cincy, Memphis, SMU, now Houston w/Sampson, you need a player-gett\\u2026',\n", " u'@EricDeSalvo i did \"17-point underdogs?\" originally...but that\\'s less fun.',\n", " u\"@EricDeSalvo I've never done this before, but... http://t.co/UOrU511Vhu\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/GzOSjb1UDB',\n", " u'http://t.co/Mqg2M8YJzF',\n", " u'http://t.co/ZlDprhhXfd',\n", " u\"New 'warning shot' law could prevent more cases like Marissa Alexander's http://t.co/F9YnAX9BvJ\",\n", " u\"Michelle Obama gets covered in stickers in 'aw' moment http://t.co/t9uHWF4NBb\",\n", " u'Support Paycheck Fairness http://t.co/JyUwr9wawi',\n", " u'Living the legacy of LBJ\\u2019s efforts http://t.co/wkQYSiGBup',\n", " u\"Tea Party candidate says he won't pay taxes if blacks get reparations http://t.co/5wowdUEHru\",\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/qqem0yrtyn',\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/0Q383R3BLm',\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/lqiY6ntUVR',\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/4JmhuqPi4I',\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/USUf64TXeO',\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/FuY3ejRI8y',\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/4jZ1hticxV',\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/D0doQO8r2u',\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/OeweoDDzhk',\n", " u'Addicting gameplay without energy! http://t.co/3cOAoV0KFr',\n", " u'http://t.co/5mBY02e6sF',\n", " u'Reps. Elijah Cummings vs. Darrell Issa at IRS Hearing: This is \"Absolutely Un-American\" | Video... http://t.co/btx9DYXDZ3']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Supposedly Cobb and Hellickson won't be pitching till June. #pitchingproblems\",\n", " u'Saw the Robidas broken leg video. Ow.',\n", " u'#BlueJackets are on a tear. #penguins',\n", " u'Video: Jon Cooper \\u2018Interviews\\u2019 Steven Stamkos | Sports Talk Florida http://t.co/DuTaz4bik1 via @po_st',\n", " u'RT @Cameron: Really because I want my first daughter to be a boy http://t.co/XlKQ03iJgc',\n", " u'@IntentionalTalk is so funny.',\n", " u'RT @NHLJensen: Image says it all about #Habs-#Lightning so far. P.K. Subban has been the difference w/back-to-back, 2-assist games. http://\\u2026',\n", " u'@Thromedamnball Is the TMZ report bull? http://t.co/YhPoOvUvF6',\n", " u'Audio: Stamkos Isn\\u2019t Holding Grudge On Hit | Sports Talk Florida http://t.co/TCYfxqydLv #TBlightning #NHL',\n", " u'Defendant in Salt Lake City courtroom tried to stab witness w/ a pen, shot by marshall. http://t.co/MpUlTbunBT',\n", " u\"@Mkoval45 You want to be added to something you're calling classless? #confused\",\n", " u'Palcohol. Just add water. http://t.co/wPQGwyyir9',\n", " u'Kinda scary looking. Or is it me? \"@EarthPicsx: The ocean is an amazing place. http://t.co/zffUiDogXq\"',\n", " u'RT @SprtsHumor: Honestly!... http://t.co/8XwzB5rW6g',\n", " u'Has anyone noticed Florida has the most outrageous/bazaar news?',\n", " u\"If Stamkos goes down for any length of time, I'm tempted to throw in the towl.\",\n", " u'Way to blow the game, #Rays.',\n", " u'@Butch964 @A_Katzman83 The only place I sit is either 112 or 120.',\n", " u\"RT @ChrisCotillo: Source: LHP CJ Riefenhauser is getting called up to #Rays today. Ranked by BA as TB's 23rd best prospect after last seaso\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @FOXSportsLive: Fret not @TBLightning fans! The Canadiens have lost 3 of their last 4 series where they've taken a 2-0 lead.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @NBCLatino: #TNTweeters focus on specific members of #Congress on #immigrationreform inaction by @SuzGamboa \\nhttp://t.co/OQXUqyM0Z4',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen @AILASoFlorida When did you sign the #DischargePetition? stop playing with immigrants and #DemandAVote for #CIR #TNTweeters',\n", " u\"@RepMikeMcIntyre is @SpeakerBoehner your BOSS? Why didn't U sign #DischargePetition #hr15 ? @HouseDemocrats #DemandAvote #TNTweeters\",\n", " u\"@repjohnbarrow is @SpeakerBoehner your BOSS? Why didn't U sign #DischargePetition #hr15 ? @HouseDemocrats #DemandAvote #TNTweeters\",\n", " u\"@RepNickRahall is @SpeakerBoehner your BOSS? Why didn't U sign #DischargePetition #hr15 ? @HouseDemocrats #DemandAvote #TNTweeters\",\n", " u\"@RepJimMatheson is @SpeakerBoehner your BOSS? Why didn't U sign #DischargePetition #hr15 ? @HouseDemocrats #DemandAvote #TNTweeters\",\n", " u\"@RepLipinski is @SpeakerBoehner your BOSS? Why didn't U sign #DischargePetition #hr15 ? @HouseDemocrats #DemandAvote #TNTweeters\",\n", " u\"@RepVisclosky is @SpeakerBoehner your BOSS? Why didn't U sign #DischargePetition #hr15 ? @HouseDemocrats #DemandAvote #TNTweeters\",\n", " u\"@RepFilemonVela is @SpeakerBoehner your BOSS? Why didn't U sign #DischargePetition #hr15 ? @HouseDemocrats #DemandAvote #TNTweeters\",\n", " u'@RepNickRahall Still didn\\u2019t sign #DischargePetiton? We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@RepJimMatheson Still didn\\u2019t sign #DischargePetiton? We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@RepFilemonVela Still didn\\u2019t sign #DischargePetiton? We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@RepMikeMcIntyre Still didn\\u2019t sign #DischargePetiton? We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@RepVisclosky Still didn\\u2019t sign #DischargePetiton? We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@RepLipinski Still didn\\u2019t sign #DischargePetiton? We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@repjohnbarrow Still didn\\u2019t sign #DischargePetiton? We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@RepLindaSanchez Still didn\\u2019t sign #DischargePetiton? We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@RepNickRahall We\\u2019re running out of time,please dont forget to sign #DischargePetition for #HR15. #DemandAVote #CIR #Timeisnow #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@RepDelBene We\\u2019re running out of time,please dont forget to sign #DischargePetition for #HR15. #DemandAVote #CIR #Timeisnow #TNTweeters',\n", " u'@RepJimMatheson We\\u2019re running out of time,please dont forget to sign #DischargePetition for #HR15. #DemandAVote #CIR #Timeisnow #TNTweeters']},\n", " {'REP': [u'\\u201c@AFPRachel: Union Hammers Obama for \\u2018Gutless\\u2019 Keystone XL Delay http://t.co/YLvqyLfqNw\\u201d \"nakedly political\"',\n", " u'@GregAbbott_TX has 12 YEARS of stellar service in statewide office. @WendyDavisTexas has eleven HOURS of a failed filibuster to kill babies.',\n", " u'RT @s33k_truth: FBI Investigates another corrupt Democrat, @WendyDavisTexas http://t.co/WhIDBDwdXa\\n\\n#ocra #tcot #UniteRight #RedNationRisin\\u2026',\n", " u\"@WendyDavisTexas ' slash and burn campaign not content with lying about Greg Abbott, attacks media. #glubglubglub http://t.co/DhaeA7RM1q\",\n", " u\"@dcourreges Those attending,ask her why she won't tell us anything positive about her posns, just lies about Abbott's http://t.co/jJfY77o1bl\",\n", " u'RT @TrinWalk58: Wendy Davis voted on bills that benefited her clients, despite promising she wouldn\\u2019t. Another lying Democrat. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'@KaterinaPopov Happy Birthday!',\n", " u'RT @Brenner57: Thanks for the mentions, Kids! *tip of the tiara* @PatriotAirborne @pedlar7 @jlsemmel @ABiCduckie @suemclean @afpitbull60',\n", " u'Thank you for following! @ammargeeks @BreakingLibs @guntrust @BalloonJuice @pacificcove @melindalittle',\n", " u'Thanks for follows! @efisher11 @RandallRossow @loudombach @GodsOwnDots @sandykjackson @janesadek @dcexaminer @Melchor_Eric @RalphCelento',\n", " u\"@artievandy But don't worry, as uninformed as your remark was, TEXAS voters see that Davis knows less. http://t.co/jJfY77o1bl\",\n", " u'@artievandy You proved your ignorance by urging Davis(D) to beat Abbott(R) in\"the primaries.\"Also,she loses in polls: http://t.co/b7cXLx5DB2',\n", " u'@artievandy You are in NY and I GUARANTEE you are far less educated on Texas politics than I. Davis/Abbott vote is in Nov., not primaries.',\n", " u'@artievandy @GregAbbott_TX LOL! So into hiding the source you just give a screen shot? Must be bad. FYI The term was coined by Rush Limbaugh',\n", " u\"RT @F2Ford: There's the sound of liberal checkbooks slamming shut on Wendy Davis across the country - http://t.co/k0RfA3DhLl\",\n", " u'@WendyDavisTexas is running a textbook losing campaign. Is she doing it on purpose? http://t.co/DhaeA7RM1q',\n", " u'@Imyurmama @WendyDavisTexas @GregAbbott_TX http://t.co/wxHXv6cata',\n", " u'@WendyDavisTexas @GregAbbott_TX http://t.co/wxHXv6cata',\n", " u'RT @F2Ford: A conflict by any other name, Wendy Davis actions cross the line - http://t.co/dXWJfbfVlv',\n", " u'RT @pmbasse: Biggest killers n history 1.abortion 2.Bubonic plaque 3.Stalin #plannedparenthood Wendy Davis #Standforlife #prolife http://t.\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@DrShepherd2013 proud to report I got a 100',\n", " u\"Proud of @floridastate's commitment to english, film, media production... School to the south is gutting those areas.http://t.co/krEsvZuE4v\",\n", " u'Oh no.Just got an email about an upgrade to Blackboard. Which means everything will be shot to hell just in time for fall semester.',\n", " u'The students know me so well!! http://t.co/CGwmGbeWlp',\n", " u'Happy Birthday, to @MatthewTSavage. One of the best men at FSU!! Proud to call him friend.',\n", " u'Happiness is having coach Jimbo Fisher drive by you on the way to work in the morning and giving you a wave',\n", " u'@ClemonsSLC this is fantastic.',\n", " u'@garnetseminole I completely understand',\n", " u'I found Easter http://t.co/YimKT1Bums',\n", " u\"Thankful for this Easter and for the time I will spend with the St. Mark's trail\",\n", " u'@ProvostStokes She is an FSU treasure.',\n", " u\"RT @ProvostStokes: Great FSU author: Janet Burroway's newest book a deeply personal account of loss of her son to suicide http://t.co/dVZG\\u2026\",\n", " u'Bummer. RT @AP_Top25: Auburn spent $3.13 million on BCS trip http://t.co/27ZIEGLgep',\n", " u'RT @ProvostStokes: Great circus performances by our very talented FSU students! http://t.co/wrDyPD5JF9',\n", " u'@RossyNole10 that would be hard. Coker is a stellar young man.',\n", " u'If Jacob Coker becomes the starting quarterback at Bama I will have to root for them',\n", " u'Big thank you to @MadisonSocial for a great school of communication faculty happy hour',\n", " u'Another fantastic honors thesis defense. Congratulations, Cailtyn Heighes. @UnderGrad_FSU @floridastate',\n", " u'@bryanneth highlight of the day.',\n", " u'@bryanneth come to UCD 1101 right now. Here until 1:10']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @tweetFCL: From #foodtruck to Riverside #restaurant.. the chef/owner of @cornertaco on the show today! #tacolove http://t.co/pOWArH26iv',\n", " u'RT @IntuitionAle: Another great article about our fight against Anheuser Busch wholesalers. http://t.co/M88GFVsoDf',\n", " u'Drinking an Elder Betty by @magichat - http://t.co/3XoUykfEJC',\n", " u'#Overheard: I need a five minute privacy.',\n", " u\"#Overheard: There's no one behind me except those people.\",\n", " u\"#Overheard: I'm going to pay the check and then put my pants on.\",\n", " u'#Overheard: Is my vodka showing?',\n", " u'RT @boldcitybrewery: I bet we can make you hungry! Bold City Brewery will the featured brewery at the Publix Apron Cooking School... http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @IntuitionAle: Many of you know we suffered a setback last week when SB 1714 sailed through the Florida Community Affairs... http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Kontra402: These GPA looking gas prices gotta die\\n\\nGas $3.69\\n\\nMy gas don't have to be Suma Cum Laude. \\n\\nGive us academic probation pric\\u2026\",\n", " u'.@MapleStreetBisc makes my tummy do the happy Snoopy dance.',\n", " u\"I just earned the 'Belgian Holiday (Level 3)' badge on @untappd! http://t.co/EnqstYWhlt\",\n", " u'Drinking a Stump Knocker Pale Ale by @SwampHead @ KC Crave \\u2014 http://t.co/9UiHBbqjGT',\n", " u\"I just earned the 'Pale as the Moon (Level 4)' badge on @untappd! http://t.co/JtAZvNV6ns\",\n", " u\"I just earned the 'New Brew Thursday (Level 5)' badge on @untappd! http://t.co/EKXEicmnFx #NewBrewThursday\",\n", " u'Grow some balls. - Walter White @BreakingBad_AMC #LateToTheParty',\n", " u'Drinking a Ligero by @CigarCityBeer @ Engine 15 Brewing Co. \\u2014 http://t.co/sSTIW94npn',\n", " u'Drinking a Beer Week Sauce (2014) by @LeftHandBrewing @ Engine 15 Brewing Co. \\u2014 http://t.co/3t44qVuQXM',\n", " u\"I just earned the 'Brew Traveler (Level 2)' badge on @untappd! http://t.co/7UuKGlQMV0\",\n", " u'#PintNight @engine15brewing with @LeftHandBrewing #drinklocal']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Nonprofits Seeking New Funding Models, Sources, Survey Finds http://t.co/9g0xyhspsQ',\n", " u'RE-THINKING THE NONPROFIT PR LANDSCAPE http://t.co/6yXKxDpZ1L',\n", " u'Nonprofit Launching PSA About Train Track Safety http://t.co/OdpFuC7xgu',\n", " u'Flagler volunteer readies for fourth Africa trip http://t.co/AEsjdpnR9I',\n", " u'Nonprofits Received 1.7 Cents for Every Fundraising Message Delivered and 60 Cents for Every Website Visit in 2013 http://t.co/hNdLhbbhrj',\n", " u'Building a stronger community by volunteering http://t.co/SH2YH3mAJ9',\n", " u\"The Rise of Spend-Down Philanthropy More Philanthropists Give Away Their Foundation's Assets in Their Lifetimes http://t.co/5GlWMMosw9\",\n", " u'Philanthropy: a topic for the holiday dinner table http://t.co/gORpwcb8Fa',\n", " u'PhilanthroFest showcases various South Florida nonprofit organizations, offers volunteer opportunities http://t.co/bTYzY7xmf8',\n", " u'(Non)profit Hospitals: The Art of Acquisition http://t.co/tQ9vf8lor8',\n", " u'Fighting poverty by donating used shoes http://t.co/QVzOXQJK2c',\n", " u'Local Girl Scouts Donating To Troops http://t.co/pfSVJTDegG',\n", " u'Charity far from home Rotary Club continues its service in Central Americ http://t.co/QEdS43i5SV',\n", " u'Charity is dealership\\u2019s driving force http://t.co/vdA2g5HYhR',\n", " u'Giving the Gift of Life http://t.co/OzPg3UYLwy',\n", " u'International Corporate Volunteering is Growing Quickly, Here Is What You Need to Know http://t.co/XuKnJHcFIm',\n", " u'Big hearts, helping hands and pennies: The perfect combination http://t.co/aYdEKHXd5u',\n", " u\"RT @Help4Elderly: These volunteers are 90 - What's your excuse? http://t.co/4lOcnVsJKL\",\n", " u'VOLUNTEER SERIES: the healing power of dogs http://t.co/SQM9TaSEc4',\n", " u'Hundreds volunteer for Feed Palm Beach County Day http://t.co/nhKB6e3t56']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @JayGlazer: \"@ufc: .@JayGlazer & @ChuckLiddell train w/ @MarcedesLewis89 of the @Jaguars: http://t.co/3hTCdfMYaC http://t.co/xUHVGjEgDZ\"',\n", " u'@Heritage Freedom-lovers would by American made New Balance.',\n", " u'\"@FLGovScott: Trader Joe\\u2019s, welcome to #Tampa! Learn more here: http://t.co/tYnlaAr7sf\"@kgchristmas',\n", " u\"The Bluelace Project: It's time American manufacturing got its own yellow ribbon. Get your laces for free. http://t.co/QVHygL5z72\",\n", " u'RT @JaxArmadaFC: Retweet for a chance to win this #ArmadaFC gear! Must be following to win. Bonus pts for creative use of #Scarfmada! http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FHammond85: UF has five different sports ranked No. 1 in the country....!!! #Sheesh #GatorNation \\U0001f40a\\U0001f40a\\U0001f40a',\n", " u'@WaffleHouse http://t.co/UKwTqDkYFy',\n", " u\"Logan's first @WaffleHouse experience #waffles #bacon\",\n", " u'RT @KollarSarah: @MrColionNoir I seriously need a Colionvention. I can NOT stop watching your amazing vids. No nonsense, in your face TRUTH\\u2026',\n", " u\"@ESPNdirocco if jags don't take qb in 1st rnd do/who in the 2nd?\",\n", " u'What language is American? #SpeakAmerican',\n", " u\"@PriscoCBS I believe it's a QB league and the best QB wins the majority of the time.\",\n", " u'@PriscoCBS QB league? Wilson better than Peyton?',\n", " u'RT @BrentAS360: Don\\'t go crazy. Please keep it in context, but under \"endless possibilities\" there is this big idea. #as360sb48 http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jrsalzman: ICYMI - My list of the best military charities to send your money to. http://t.co/70aKeYeegX',\n", " u'RT @BurritoBrosShit: THIS. RT @UncleChaps Wounded Warrior Project is pretty disappointing. 5 cents to the the dollar donated actually goes \\u2026',\n", " u'@Gator_Bowl @BrentAS360 stay away from those big red beers. Tomatoe juice and beer...#nasty',\n", " u\"RT @washingtonpost: Stressed? This veteran's Twitter feed will make you forget about the small stuff. http://t.co/B2946aYSbB\",\n", " u'RT @exjon: Liberals celebrate ending sanctions on a nation that lynches gays, stones women & wants to exterminate Jews, But they boycott Ch\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @benshapiro: Thanks to Obama's despicable Middle East policy, it is now safer to be an Islamic dictator pursuing WMD than a free and dem\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @IsabelFramer: \\xbfAgoniza la reforma migratoria? Entrevista con Al Cardenas y @Vargas44 de @casablanca http://t.co/RM2u7V945t #TNTweeters \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: VOTE\\U0001f535#L #kochbuysgop @SpeakerBoehner #PAYBACK #CIR #midterms #Elections2014 #GOPFail #TNTweeters @raulpeimbert http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: VOTE\\U0001f535#Latinos #kochbuysgop @SpeakerBoehner #PAYBACK #CIR #midterms #Elections2014 #GOPFail #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: VOTE\\U0001f535#VETERANS #vets #kochbuysgop @SpeakerBoehner #PAYBACK #midterms #Elections2014 #GOPFail #UniteBlue #TNTweeters htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ReadyForHillary: #Hillary2016 #ReadyforHillary http://t.co/B5KtDEAd0e',\n", " u'RT @UniteBlueTX: Police & FBI investigating a threat of Mass Violence toward SanAntonio elem schools. Texans, end gun violence, join @MomsD\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @hamackey: \\u201c@NaomiCA62: \\n@cspanwj #UniteBlue #sctweets #news\\n\\nYeah, sure...both parties are the same. \\nhttp://t.co/UukMODFNv6\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @hamackey: \\u201c@mjw51177: \\n@cspanwj #UniteBlue #sctweets #news\\n\\n\\rNo Medicaid expansion for us? \\rNo second term for you! http://t.co/han\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BlueNationUntd: Tick Tock! Just like the @GOP, Fox will disappear sooner rather than later. They both belong in the last century! http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @hamackey: \\u201c@KennettDems: Women, awake! \\rDefeat the scourge of gun violence! \\r#WeAreAllNewtown http://t.co/B4azy7t0OW\\u201d\\n#Women',\n", " u'RT @JohnFugelsang: #HeHasRisen. This guy. http://t.co/Oh1I9cI0lF',\n", " u'RT @BlueNationUntd: \\u201c@elchava65: @BlueNationUntd @susanpai @jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox @bendanafer UN VERDADERO TRAIDOR\\u201d #FL25 #CIR http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BlueNationUntd: .@susanpai @jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox @bendanafer @Tapatio73 @clauvale77 @RichardOHornos @alicia_lupercio #CIR http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @UniteBlueTX: .@tedcruz spent more time in Iowa than S. Texas http://t.co/bCoWRL2IVM #RGV we have an incompetent, lying Senator! http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GarzaVillanueva: @RosLehtinen why double_sided? #FL27 supported MrSelfDeportation MRomney #VOTOLatino #TNTweeters #CIR @Tapatio73 http\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @RichardOHornos: Is not what they say it's what the do. @MarioDB voted to deport #Dreamers. #latinos open your eyes! #CIR #TNTweeters ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @michaeloharas18: New Easter toys http://t.co/OTfofkmt2F',\n", " u'RT @SpryGuy: Conservatives are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history (see pic) #independents #tcot #GOP #tlot #topprog #p2 #libcrib http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ADRIA_RA: @MarioDB #NoMientasMas THE NEW #Republicans STRATEGY \\U0001f449DONT BE FOOLED #GOPdontCare #CIR #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @hamackey: RT @MRAS77: @cspanwj #UniteBlue #sctweets #news \\n\\n http://t.co/ByCq7gsjLc']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/w40m0a2HR1',\n", " u'My cat oreo http://t.co/dAGYUuxsRh',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/tgT2jeti1T',\n", " u'Happy Easter! http://t.co/nkbhMkUVPZ',\n", " u'so bored',\n", " u'http://t.co/rse5LtlERn',\n", " u'I posted 2 photos on Facebook in the album \"Mobile Uploads\" http://t.co/qjgKTPD8sZ',\n", " u'http://t.co/ur9iWggjTs',\n", " u'http://t.co/DXVGpQts9H',\n", " u'Single cause im ugly i guess.',\n", " u'Chilling by my ugly self.',\n", " u'http://t.co/V6QBHmLD9i',\n", " u'http://t.co/0cgMcUoyTo',\n", " u'http://t.co/m38Au3LW2R',\n", " u'http://t.co/BFRHi0NfT5',\n", " u'http://t.co/s0VetFFTsq',\n", " u'http://t.co/AtBd9B1Fqf',\n", " u'http://t.co/8IKOtUgxCV',\n", " u'http://t.co/ohsOx9cBKL',\n", " u'http://t.co/NeG2BTuTpT']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Stop Mass Executions in Egypt - Act w/ @Amnesty http://t.co/W0rgdrvjGg',\n", " u'RT @CitiesforLife: #lethalinjection Secret Drugs, Agonizing Deaths http://t.co/pQunJECi5D',\n", " u'RT @ExonerateMe: Iranian woman awaits execution as global outcry for mercy grows - CNN http://t.co/JlknGHIaSQ',\n", " u'RT @ExonerateMe: US jury sentences man to death for killing nurse as part of plot to assassinate Obama http://t.co/yK27sag8fJ',\n", " u'@HallieeeMK Ten dolphin facts for National Dolphin Day | Greenpeace UK http://t.co/JYbCd4oLyI',\n", " u'SH** Gets Real. Lawmakers Give Rick Scott the Right to Terminate ALL Liberal Justices--IF He Wins http://t.co/BXzZR3MQMc via @dailykos',\n", " u'USA/UK: Snowden alleges spy agencies have targeted human rights defenders | Amnesty International http://t.co/Nmkkokbxjx',\n", " u'RT @AmnestyOnline: USA/UK: Snowden alleges spy agencies have targeted human rights defenders http://t.co/P5JOxTwawq #surveillance #CAUSE',\n", " u'RT @SunjeevBery: If #Snowden correct re #NSA spying on @Amnesty, info sharing between governments could put #humanrights defenders worldwid\\u2026',\n", " u'Edward Snowden: US government spied on human rights workers http://t.co/sAImvlApdK via @guardian',\n", " u\"I'm attending Central Florida Earth Day 2014 http://t.co/bsGwN1gPZO #constantcontact\",\n", " u'#thewalkingdead reunited and it feels so good!',\n", " u\"RT @executedtoday: .@Amnesty International's annual #deathpenalty report: small number of countries drove execution spike in '13 http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ExonerationProj: 21 states do not gaurantee compensation for the wrongfully convicted. http://t.co/t0RTdhXDxP',\n", " u\"World's top 5 executioners: USA, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, China. More #deathpenalty facts http://t.co/e92FeqmI2Y http://t.co/dtffx1nmuf\",\n", " u'Can you guess which of these could land you a death sentence? Get answer here -> http://t.co/I2Jx0AX2Hl http://t.co/pMH9uAitf5',\n", " u'Our annual report on the #DeathPenalty is now out. Get the full report here -> http://t.co/1SPtZurGUe',\n", " u'10 Things You Need to Know About Amnesty\\u2019s 2014 #DeathPenalty Report http://t.co/euDcX2NsBv',\n", " u'RT @BRCEvans: Mississippi scheduled to execute 1st woman in 70 years - despite her son repeatedly confessing to the murder http://t.co/fh8y\\u2026',\n", " u'#Deathpenalty report:ENGL:http://t.co/SSWQnj8XMD ARABIC: http://t.co/6cipAl82hR FREN: http://t.co/NZ9mAzvBeP SPAN: http://t.co/eFdglI4Yl1']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @AnytimeFitness: 13 Habits Of Fit And Lean People (via @businessinsider) http://t.co/uzJlpV900g',\n", " u'Legacy is greater than currency...',\n", " u\"RT @Inc: What's holding you back from being happy? http://t.co/l9tjABzZoY\",\n", " u'RT @TheSharkDaymond: Rise & Grind! Remember to treat life like a marathon, not a sprint. In time, you will reach your goals!',\n", " u'\"I live in lifetime value, I live in what is this customer going to be worth forever not this moment\" Gary Vaynerchuk',\n", " u'Care about people more than you care about you....',\n", " u'Productivity is never an accident; it is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort',\n", " u'RT @DARRENHARDY: Common trait of all great leaders - they are DO IT FIRST people. *Stop waiting. You must DO IT! #dailymojo',\n", " u'\"Your only as good as your last achievement\" Jim Loehr',\n", " u'\"Rise and Grind\"',\n", " u'RT @Braves: WATCH: Dan Uggla flexes his home run muscles in grand fashion for his second blast of the night: http://t.co/XsvFwvnTUc',\n", " u'Dominate with Omnipresence https://t.co/m6RQSPreGS',\n", " u'Childhood obesity staggering numbers and continually increasing..... http://t.co/wjZZlCCPV4',\n", " u'RT @clubsolutionsma: Anyone need some #fitspiration today? Wake up with determination! #fitness #exercise http://t.co/o1ToorxKix',\n", " u'RT @GuyKawasaki: 7 questions you should ask yourself every day to improve your productivity http://t.co/qZ12Hg3yfn',\n", " u'\"Risk more than others think safe. Dream more than others think practical.....\" Howard Schultz',\n", " u'\"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.\" Albert Einstein',\n", " u'RT @realDonaldTrump: \"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.\" -- \\nBenjamin Franklin',\n", " u'The company that creates the best experience for their clients is always going to win.',\n", " u'Florida legislature proposes sales tax holiday in September on gym membership...\\nhttp://t.co/DuNwbRCz41']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"If your email signature takes up half of my laptop screen, then you're doing it wrong.\",\n", " u'season premiere!! #TheBoondocks #tvtag http://t.co/hTf4WRtnbn',\n", " u'season finale #govice #ArcherFX #tvtag http://t.co/cp1H8FfrVC',\n", " u'watching s05e02 \"Secret Services\" #ByeWH13 #Warehouse13 #tvtag http://t.co/0sbvBp9l0e',\n", " u'Upcoming TV Highlights http://t.co/mhUxEa6svn #AdventureTime #AgentsofSHIELD #TheBoondocks #TV',\n", " u'RT @skronked: Adventure Time season 6 premier boarded by @ColeSanchez @TomHerpich @wolfhard & me. NEW TIME! 6:00/5c Tonight http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @wizmatts: So @Maisie_Williams goes from #GameOfThrones to #RobotChicken in one night! Good night!',\n", " u\"I'm watching #RobotChicken with 8 other fans on #tvtag http://t.co/eDcNIZg1sX\",\n", " u'watching s04e03 \"Breaker of Chains\" #GameofThrones #tvtag http://t.co/bOXNtnXevf',\n", " u\"I'm at Sun-Ray Cinema @ 5 Points - @sunraycine for The Grand Budapest Hotel (Jacksonville, FL) http://t.co/okch8uRxjH\",\n", " u'In breaking news, people smoking e-cigarettes still look ridiculous.',\n", " u\"RT @adultswim: It's 4/20. Know what that means? New Boondocks in one day.\",\n", " u\"I just earned the 'Playing the Field' badge on @untappd! http://t.co/Kz4qEzArHi\",\n", " u'I hope everyone has a happy Zombie Jesus Day. #brains http://t.co/eQpbHTXUfp',\n", " u'RT @JaxLivePresents: Marion Crane, Bleeding in Stereo & Ghostwitch rock JACK RABBITS on Saturday May 10th, tickets at http://t.co/3UiMyD7gi\\u2026',\n", " u'Video: Batman: Assault on Arkham trailer http://t.co/3RQpNouclm',\n", " u'RT @AgentsofSHIELD: On Tuesday\\u2019s Marvel\\u2019s #AgentsofSHIELD, meet The Cellist, @amyacker. See the ad in Marvel Comics now. #ItsAllConnected h\\u2026',\n", " u\"I'm at @Cinemark Tinseltown for Muppets Most Wanted (Jacksonville, FL) w/ 9 others http://t.co/jPGWe8Z64c\",\n", " u'Comic Book News (that I read this week) http://t.co/1smwjoZd2o #Batman #comicbooks #DCcomics #Superman',\n", " u'RT @scifistorm: Programming alert: #MetalHurlantChronicles moves to Mondays at 10/9c on Syfy: http://t.co/W1UoR7ejsY']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Citizens consolidates space, sending workers to Jacksonville | The Florida Current: http://t.co/aCNcHc35fq via @flcurrent',\n", " u\"RT @RepBillHager: Some great news for our families: Florida's economy is leading the nation! http://t.co/KHr1geNzPM #sayfie #FLSession2014 \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: TAX RELIEF: $395 MILLION REDUCTION IN VEHICLE FEES UNANIMOUSLY PASSES FLORIDA SENATE | http://t.co/Ek7EjSzyPM #sayfie http\\u2026',\n", " u'Vote for Penzy- Arson Dog extraordinare... Hero Dog Awards :: Vote http://t.co/duhf53V4fg via @AmericanHeroDog',\n", " u\"RT @FLDFS: It's Fraud Prevention Month! Learn how to protect yourself by reading Dollars & Sense: http://t.co/ET51WBOzDG\",\n", " u'RT @SF_DLosk: #SFNeighborhoodAssist TIP: This program is about changing communities for the BETTER http://t.co/w0BAKpa8Gn http://t.co/o2tZh\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SF_JenYoung: Is today the day you submit a winning #SFNeighborhoodAssist application? 3,400 submissions left. http://t.co/z1KeIJBkkb #B\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @GatorZoneNews: ICYMI, here's why it's great to be a Florida Gator: five #1 teams, nine Top-10, 3 SEC titles in 2014. http://t.co/kCMzFp\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @SF_JohnB: Let's put the business of #fraud out of business March is #FraudPreventionMonth http://t.co/zGEd0VaXCI @StateFarmCanada @Insu\\u2026\",\n", " u'#SFNeighborhoodAssist is helping make a difference in 40 neighborhoods with $25K grants. Help decide where they go! http://t.co/9DkEfmV4of',\n", " u'Nocatee is going to the dogs \\u2014 how cool is this!!! http://t.co/HqP7MtGTeL via @JaxBizJournal',\n", " u'RT @CliffPaul: I got you covered! Off the glass just like @CP3. RT @CoryTownes: Hey, @CliffPaul? I need an assist. https://t.co/L1RT3tgyLl',\n", " u'RT @UFCoachBillyD: Be sure to vote for @BigPatYoung4 for the senior CLASS award! http://t.co/neZVy8wko6 #gators #SeniorClassAward',\n", " u'Love it!!! Legacy of the Assist (Chris Paul): http://t.co/lpsk35eFvE via @youtube @CliffPaul',\n", " u'Operation Flames and Floods\\u2019 Exposes $7.6M in Property Damage Scams http://t.co/ctVbbthx5p (via @PC_360)',\n", " u'@JaxBizJournal --Kudos to Jax business leaders who help fund merit pay plan for Duval teachers',\n", " u'CVS to stop selling tobacco products http://t.co/zu8U9WKC08 via @JaxBizJournal',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Congratulations to @LopezCantera on this great honor. http://t.co/Ldq8omgAhB',\n", " u'RT @SF_DavePhillips: Includes your driving habits. Six things your teen/tween is learning from you http://t.co/X0DcRRC25v @NewsWorksWHYY @\\u2026',\n", " u'Frontier Airlines adds direct flights between St. Augustine and New Jersey http://t.co/Lq7DZJdqfF via @JaxBizJournal']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Lowes: Now you can shop smarter with our fertilizer tips and how-tos: http://t.co/So4ddfABes http://t.co/KIgj7LKh3m #SpringIsCalling',\n", " u'#2014pubcrawl #seminoleburger #wabble http://t.co/ha2fWPvknJ',\n", " u'RT @FloridaRetail: Must read from @TCPalm: Scotts Miracle-Gro CEO steps up to help resolve Florida\\u2019s water crisis\\nhttp://t.co/Oo2ShjBE2J #s\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @SMG_GroGood: Happy #FirstDayofSpring! We're pleased to announce the winners of our #GRO1000 Grassroots Grants awards: http://t.co/ouOvH\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @coremessage: Jim Hagedorn: \\u2018Social contract\\u2019 requires Scotts Miracle-Gro to step forward in resolving Florida\\u2019s water crisis http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @SMG_GroGood: Thanks to everyone who applied for a #GRO1000 grassroots grant! We'll announce recipients in late March. Best of luck!\",\n", " u'RT @SMG_GroGood: Editorial via @TCPalm highlights unique partnership between Scotts and @TeamORCA to help #IndianRiverLagoon http://t.co/ir\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EREFlorida: DNJ: Volusia County set to consider fertilizer ordinance to protect local waterways http://t.co/ynGGoUrd1Q #IndianRiver #c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EREFlorida: DNJ: Healthy lawns, waterways can easily coexist: http://t.co/Slh0K67OtM #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @SMG_GroGood: Learn more about our innovative partnership with @TampaBayWatch on our new Florida web page: http://t.co/XYIDwrv5lH #baygr\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TomRooney: 100% locally grown eucalyptus mulch at the Scotts Miracle-Gro facility in Palmdale http://t.co/wrHuIgFAh5',\n", " u'@SnoCom79 tomorrow around noon. Go Noles!! @ucancalmecarlos',\n", " u'RT @ESPNCFB: BCS Standings #5-1 \\n5 Missouri \\n4 Ohio State \\n3 Oregon \\n2 Florida State \\n1 Alabama http://t.co/Y3WUIpQbK8',\n", " u\"RT @eonline: Science has found the cure for a hangover?! We'll drink to that! http://t.co/ZIsgX4M5g4\",\n", " u'RT @FLGreenspaces: Save Indian River Lagoon with science, not emtion, says expert. Healthy greenspaces will help protect the water. http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @NBCTheVoice: Week 2 of #VoiceBlinds begins now! RETWEET if you're watching with us!\\xa0 http://t.co/gKijMkqwwv\",\n", " u'RT @ContextFL: Karen Cyphers: Time to feed people, not fears: the case against HB 1 http://t.co/a5JFdkeBlq #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @FLGreenspaces: Turf is the 1st line of defense against runoff. An average lawn absorb 6,000 gallons of water from a single rainfall! ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PalmBeachZoo: Thanks to @PBAtlantic for 55 student volunteers and @ScottsMiracleGr @scottsmiracleg for donating 58k lb of mulch http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EPAwater: Green infrastructure uses vegetation & soil to manage rainwater where it falls, which reduces #water pollution. http://t.co/t\\u2026']},\n", " {'UNK': [u'RT @wizkhalifa: Clean az fucc',\n", " u'RT @SBNation: \"THANK GOD KENDRICK PERKINS IS IN THE GAME\" - EVERY THUNDER FAN ALWAYS',\n", " u'@xIm_His_Fetish nahhhhhhh go clippers for sure',\n", " u\"Help she won't stop http://t.co/LHvcgRTRh9\",\n", " u'@NataliaANino HAHA HAHA \\U0001f601\\U0001f601\\U0001f601\\U0001f601\\U0001f601',\n", " u\"@babychoi14 idk that's a little hard for me\",\n", " u'@PeteFromDaHood 1725 #bach \\U0001f602',\n", " u\"@monkafish it's quite stunning @daltongetafuckingtwitter\",\n", " u'@rachela1214 @samh5508 I can tell that you were restricting his abilities by not allowing any artsy angles',\n", " u\"@rachela1214 @samh5508 that's an awful nice picture there\",\n", " u\"RT @rachela1214: thankful for friends who tell me I'm smart @zorroantonio13\",\n", " u'@rachela1214 \\U0001f382\\U0001f367\\U0001f368\\U0001f366\\U0001f36e\\U0001f369\\U0001f370\\U0001f36a\\U0001f36b\\U0001f36c\\U0001f36d\\U0001f36f I mean yeah',\n", " u'@rachela1214 I made sure to have a good one',\n", " u'RT @Papipeligro: @monkafish @zorroantonio13 I see possible song lyricsss',\n", " u'@SydneyKruljac you were the sixth person he followed haha',\n", " u'Aye haha I was the first person @foster_dawg followed \\U0001f389\\U0001f389\\U0001f389 http://t.co/IAhEJgbZNd',\n", " u'Shiiiiiiit \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602 http://t.co/aWEgLcHiFd',\n", " u'@zorroantonio13 what...',\n", " u'#vinefamous @rachela1214 http://t.co/UHKoqMveil',\n", " u'RT @Isdcats: RT if this is you. #420 \\U0001f640\\U0001f4a8 http://t.co/SFvqkJgXzO']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'I made the best cup of coffee this morning. Today is going to be a good day \\u263a\\ufe0f',\n", " u'For all the seniors who are ready for graduation. Only 27 more school days left \\u270a\\u270a\\u270a http://t.co/gjmVUID8rl',\n", " u'My allergies are kicking my ass \\U0001f637',\n", " u'Tequila makes her clothes fall off',\n", " u'RT @OPHS2014: Google \"universal grad bash dress code\" to find out what you can/cannot wear/bring into the park.',\n", " u'@lindsbae this is why I love you.',\n", " u'@lindsbae I think I have a problem',\n", " u'RT @TheFunnyBud: When you have 1 dollar and the total is 1.07 and the cashier says it okay. http://t.co/7G8uVBcOFf',\n", " u\"97.9 has played three sexual songs in a row. Are they thinking what I'm thinking? \\U0001f648\\U0001f64a\",\n", " u'Why does Mr. Howell insist on making us write an essay every Monday morning? \\U0001f62d\\U0001f62d\\U0001f52b\\U0001f52b',\n", " u'System Of A Down at 7am \\U0001f44c',\n", " u'RT @itstattoos: http://t.co/iieNdKtNXe',\n", " u'1-800-Choke-Dat-Hoe',\n", " u'RT @CuteCIothes: Little Mermaid TOMS http://t.co/LHH33jToMv',\n", " u\"RT @lindsbae: why do people assume partying means you don't care about your future???? you can party and still be successful??? not sure???\\u2026\",\n", " u'Yo mama is a po po hoe',\n", " u'My dad is posting pictures of him smoking a blunt for 4/20 \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602 I love my dad',\n", " u\"Happy Easter everyone. I'll be spending it with my sonic family\",\n", " u'RT @TheGirICode: Parking at church tomorrow going to be like this. http://t.co/2a1W8jqWNj',\n", " u'This tension \\U0001f648\\U0001f648']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@mattlgroff @Shabbypenguin do yall know of any alternatives to cdma workshop?',\n", " u'Can-am spiders should require proof of a handicap before use, just like crossbows for hunting. Can-am should accept mental handicaps though',\n", " u'@BeansTown106 I am right with ya man, sick as a dog',\n", " u'Very sick, feel like I got hit by a truck',\n", " u'The only folk band worth listening to is Sufjan Stevens',\n", " u\"@Kevin_Brill can't work in the rain? You'll melt?\",\n", " u'@ZMBielling thx for spoiling it #dvr',\n", " u\"@Kevin_Brill so does pyt by Michael Jackson, apparently when I was young I didn't listen to the words\",\n", " u'@ChainfireXDA on moto x button is normal size',\n", " u'@Kevin_Brill George Michael father figure',\n", " u'Got an email saying I may be a bone marrow match for someone, I signed up on http://t.co/GHbPQRB06U and may be able to save someones life',\n", " u'RT @theblaze: Wondering where your tax dollars went? This might help: http://t.co/4JLBMyLZ6e http://t.co/CIhbxzTWSi',\n", " u'RT @droid_life: Google Glass Now Available to All for $1500 - http://t.co/sm3qE0xv6I #android #googleglass http://t.co/d6IMGYqedu',\n", " u'@Shabbypenguin @LBPHeretic lol you said shitstain',\n", " u'RT @JimGaffigan: Any advice on how to get that \\u201cLet it go\\u201d song out of my head? I\\u2019ve tried the garlic and ginger already.',\n", " u'@DroidModderX blue snowball',\n", " u'@Tbrink_29 lol',\n", " u'@mattlgroff unibeast did the trick, dell 780 ufss http://t.co/NEAbJPb3WT',\n", " u'@mattlgroff giving it another shot with unibeast instead of chameleon',\n", " u\"@Tbrink_29 @TaylorMadeGolf you can't play the ones they use, imho there are much better consumer drivers available than them\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'There are options.http://t.co/IUkIoHzKrE',\n", " u'Eat healthy and enjoy your weekend! http://t.co/p1nuIa2uSm',\n", " u'Nelson Plan: Use Local Match http://t.co/EIrd8hXGOf via @HealthNewsFL http://t.co/JwnsKnlJKp',\n", " u'March 31st is the deadline to enroll in the ACA program.You could pay 1% of your annual income. http://t.co/JEnBQD5C4s',\n", " u\"Florida Senate panel approves Charlotte's Web marijuana Bill Cotterell, 03/11/2014 - 06:27 PMhttp://goo.gl/q71Jpp\",\n", " u'RT @insuranceang: Midsize firms can keep their plans, too http://t.co/t1JGNGC4b4 (via @LifeHealthPro) http://t.co/frcCchCQSA',\n", " u'Agents can help weigh insurance options. Read more here\\nhttp://t.co/T6qoFn2L6O']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @thedailybeast: Ever wanted to taste \"Oliver Twist\" gruel? A new recipe book brings you classic dishes from your favorite books http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'@20newsguy Any ideas ?? http://t.co/5iAMjON4V4',\n", " u'@tv20newsguy is currently whispering a name over and over in a script. Not sure what he is saying. That should prove interesting at 11.',\n", " u'RT @20newsguy: @Paige_Beck has been dancing The Stray Cat Strut pretty much all night',\n", " u'@20newsguy How can that many fit ? I have a hard time getting the milk and juice into position.',\n", " u'RT @20newsguy: Pro Tip: If arrested, dont call #TV20 & ask how the case is going. We might find that you were once arrested for 67 dead pet\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @wjxt4: The Columbia Co. Sheriff's Office says there's flooding in Fort White. One of their officers got stuck. http://t.co/rVfWioonCC\",\n", " u'Get the recipe for Chunky Egg Salad via @FoodNetwork http://t.co/5S2dLkTx9H',\n", " u\"@Fattuscan check out some of my photography from Italy at Janet's Hair Salon in Gville\",\n", " u'@skennison Looks like you are in the NR Gorge...great place :)',\n", " u'@20newsguy @jeremy wow..pin just burst my happy bubble',\n", " u'Family-gardening-working on art project-cooking-Motown-Classical-Jazz-wine @Jeremy Wade@@GameOfThrones -firepit =4 days carefree for me.',\n", " u'RT @justinjm1: $10,000 bounty issued for Russian commandos in Ukraine by billionaire oligarch http://t.co/i2ZJMT2q0M',\n", " u\"RT @ChefBryan: Need to know how to cook your Easter Ham. Here's step by step instructions. http://t.co/6yascU17TD #Chefbryan http://t.co/n\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @epicurious: Italian Rice Pie: http://t.co/WnAQeneuLj http://t.co/wkiaWVNFco',\n", " u'Paint brush in hand with a door as my canvas-tonight a saute pan in my hand with the stove as my canvas. Both offer great pleasure.',\n", " u'http://t.co/wWJ7nqs26S via @fooddotcom',\n", " u'Local politics and the players often resembles @GameOfThrones interesting to see what key players takes over the next kingdom.',\n", " u':(:( Jews ordered to register in east Ukraine http://t.co/83TKcSXlf9 via @usatoday',\n", " u'@NathanWhitaker Thanks...the day has been great so far and it is just getting started :)']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @CloydRivers: Just saw a Prius hit a deer. The deer laughed and walked away.\\nHappy Earth Day. Merica.',\n", " u\"Marc Caputo: The politics of Charlie Crist's debate dodge - Marc Caputo - http://t.co/jDk3WlMvzl http://t.co/vZeE6KBGKA\",\n", " u'Impeach Justice Antonin Scalia http://t.co/m0Y8Q2SfyU @moveon',\n", " u'RT @WomenOnTheMove1: How can any Minority vote for @CharlieCrist knowing this? http://t.co/XLnqGFh5RG #sayfie #TrayvonMartin #JordanDavis #\\u2026',\n", " u'Charlie Crist Heading Towards The Same Fate As Alex Sinkvia @womenonthemove1 http://t.co/GN3Dq1Qme1',\n", " u'Jeb Bush Knows Charlie Crist Well!via @womenonthemove1 http://t.co/ipEqhTOxcc',\n", " u'Sorry Charlie Crist, You Don\\u2019t Have Scott Rothstein to Back You Up This Time!via @womenonthemove1 http://t.co/I2B4OWbhhM',\n", " u'Will Nan Rich Supporters Turn Their Backs On Charlie Crist? Some Say Yes!via @womenonthemove1 http://t.co/rz0zvx3RoB',\n", " u'When The Florida Democrats Attack!via @womenonthemove1 http://t.co/lXEx9DaLEj',\n", " u'RT @demactivist: @edshow @maddow @hardball_chris @allinwithchris @JoyAnnReid @chucktodd Please interview @SenatorNanRich Floridians need \\u2026',\n", " u'Twitter Buttons | About via @25CARIBBEANSOUL',\n", " u'Sign this petition and help us meet our goal! http://t.co/eqAVyOaC2U via @credomobile',\n", " u'POWER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WITH CLEAN/RENEWABLE ENERGY WITHIN 5 TO 10 YEARS http://t.co/S6Y4yhMDEI @moveon sign & share',\n", " u\"RT @SethPlatt: RT @ReutersScience: 'Million Orchid' project to revive native Florida flowers http://t.co/O9BJb7M6NB\",\n", " u'Poll, redux: Is Sen. Nan Rich a viable candidate? http://t.co/yaSM58xH1m via @Fl_Political_Sq\\nYES!',\n", " u'RT @msmagazine: President Obama has taken a stand for women on #EqualPayDay2014 http://t.co/CAkwXzSmNo',\n", " u'This cause is close to my heart - please sign: http://t.co/0J20U2Xcdp',\n", " u'I really want to change this about the world - find out what & sign here #p2: http://t.co/3xoXdrELBK',\n", " u'http://t.co/IgfbeJhtfu',\n", " u'Event Bay County, Florida Democrats']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'\\u201c@engagecurrent: The #LaundryProject is coming to #LasVegas & #Austin. Please help us reach the $3k to do it - http://t.co/MBo3kVA7WO\\u201d',\n", " u'@Darling_Aja I wish I could!!',\n", " u'Coming for you, #Denver. (@ Tampa International Airport (TPA) w/ 32 others) http://t.co/EjYvzStDqr',\n", " u'Leaving tomorrow to hit 3 cities with the @engagecurrent #LaundryProject. Meetings in #Denver & hosting projects in #LasVegas & #Austin.',\n", " u'Crashed this photo booth with @121photography. #nottheweddingiperformed weddingcrashers #stramwedding http://t.co/uysFrao5l6',\n", " u'Time to do that wedding thing again. #iputpeopletogether @ Vinoy Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort &\\u2026 http://t.co/fzLvljnqE5',\n", " u'Honored that @engagecurrent is the featured charity for this @petyafigs event today! #springhops @\\u2026 http://t.co/NNnk6M0ah2',\n", " u\"Prepping for today's West Tampa @engagecurrent #LaundryProject. http://t.co/wFUsmW6wSN\",\n", " u'Another wedding rehearsal down. #iputpeopletogether (@ Vinoy Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort & Golf Club) http://t.co/EpTAk6iQWE',\n", " u'Got featured in my alma maters alumni newsletter with my pal originalairboy. #LaundryProject http://t.co/His2Vx8sa8',\n", " u'I may or may not have just gotten emotional over a #Huggies commercial. Excuse me while I go swing an axe & find a gator to wrestle.',\n", " u'#ManchesterOrchestra #Tampa @ The RITZ Ybor http://t.co/eIBWdaX9ZW',\n", " u'Show time with frands. (at @TheRITZYbor for Manchester Orchestra + more w/ @okesene @iamsuperc) http://t.co/FweFmBmHjF',\n", " u'RT @daniel_cura: Help my raise $ for ppl in need! \\u201c@jasonsowell: Volunteer w/ @engagecurrent @ Spring Hops. Free food & more. Msg me. http:\\u2026',\n", " u'I just have one thing to say about this - #Noah movie is incredible. Fantastic adaptation of an\\u2026 http://t.co/9hLpX4ZqpY',\n", " u'2 of my favorite things mashed up to 1 thing. #doctorwho #ghostbusters http://t.co/8JgO4gRhpw',\n", " u'Had incredible conversation today about some possible involvement with @chicagoideas. #Chicago @engagecurrent #LaundryProjects coming soon!',\n", " u'Coming for you, #LasVegas & #Austin. Join @engagecurrent to spread some hope! #LaundryProjects http://t.co/EPtKFrpRqj',\n", " u'I like to clean up when I do weddings. Photo cred @djronmic #iputpeopletogether http://t.co/IVtLjwAeXM',\n", " u'3rd wedding of the weekend. Stoked to cap it off with these two kids, Brandan & Cindy.\\u2026 http://t.co/gmxVsHmEyo']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Walmart\\u2019s deal for Encore fizzles, as retailer won\\u2019t budge on design http://t.co/wPsFBXgRRK',\n", " u\"RT @bbellotbbj: Did you favorite, retweet, share, post? We have 8,500 already - don't be left out! #Bizwomen \\n http://t.co/J70EYEMv4z\",\n", " u\"Why all gas pumps don't have this is beyond me. Thanks 7eleven for allowing me to tweet while pumping gas! http://t.co/Xx6a2Ow187\",\n", " u'@LauraHKByrne @TBBJ_Samantha yikes!',\n", " u'RT @Donatello_Tampa: Guido setting tables perfectly for our customers!! #donatellotampa @ Donatello http://t.co/SbLDcwVlqE',\n", " u'RT @VISITFLORIDA: Surround by all around beauty! #LoveFL @VISITFLORIDA No matter where you are in FL, you are never more than 60 miles fro\\u2026',\n", " u'@NathanBangs @Yelp wow!',\n", " u\"Ashton\\U0001f431 is happy to help the TBBJ @TBBJnewsroom put together a little something for it's #TBBJInsiders http://t.co/PLxMjcvMCd\",\n", " u'RT @ivegotseoul: #Nuts! @Jennifer_tbbj Secret Squirrels have all the fun!',\n", " u'Who likes selfies? http://t.co/KxVsUEaVIg http://t.co/OdSJElZiDN',\n", " u'Special thanks to all the mentors who stayed after to meet and chat with the women from @MetroMinistries #bizwomen http://t.co/2otb5O25nk',\n", " u'Networking #Bizwomen #MentoringMonday http://t.co/7Yw39Svcxr',\n", " u'Off to a great start! #Bizwomen @MetroMinistries @TBBJnewsroom',\n", " u\"It's Friday, but I'm excited for Monday... #weird @bizwomenTBJ @darrahwinkler @bbellotbbj\",\n", " u'Citrus Club Orlando @TheCentreClub @clubcorp missing you @mchllcyr ;) http://t.co/t4851np55e',\n", " u'RT @bizwomenTBJ: Join us for #MentoringMonday \\u2013happening in 40 markets April 7th. Meet the most influential women in your community! hhttp:\\u2026',\n", " u'AVI-SPL files suit against Go Bollywood, Patel, Shah http://t.co/Q4CrZg0GAf',\n", " u'RT @TBBJwilkerson: If the ambitious plans @FlyTPA come to fruition, it could be huge for Tampa Bay #ecodevo http://t.co/cZTE7hz0WU',\n", " u\"I'm loving Silva for the iPhone. Get the app today! http://t.co/MsuTsTc3Bh @Omvana http://t.co/71c1gsZVdU\",\n", " u'RT @EliOppenheimer: \\u201c@UCFSportsInfo: Exactly 150 days until #UCF opens the 2014 season in Ireland vs #PennState in the on Aug 30th. #Charge\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@wusf all night jazz is my only hope',\n", " u'Just went to my first @ACLUFL meeting! Very excited to be around people working to improve the lives of men and women in Florida.',\n", " u'46 years ago today, we lost one of the greatest moral leaders the world has ever known.\\n\\nNow, more\\u2026 http://t.co/z6T3nuEVXT',\n", " u'RT @ggreenwald: New poll: \"Nearly half the nation\\'s adults changed their behavior online because of NSA\\'s snooping programs\": http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @GuardianUS: 'In the real world, you do not get hired on your resume. You get hired because you know someone' http://t.co/mRV1afFAEM\",\n", " u'RT @ajam: Video: National Coalition for the Homeless says Florida is the most dangerous state for people living on the streets http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'http://t.co/gE9IdURqlm',\n", " u'RT @MotherJones: A new study finds that politically liberal states tend to have healthier populations http://t.co/iTEPcnaeCj http://t.co/wZ\\u2026',\n", " u'The episode of #TheOffice when Jim convinces Dwight to fight himself. #perfect @rainnwilson',\n", " u'Today was a blur and I did almost no work',\n", " u\"When I'm not retweeting news, sometimes I make #photographs ! Check some of them out at http://t.co/4nyKfmBUEd #photo #photography\",\n", " u'RT @UNICEF: One year ago today, the coup in #CAR set off a wave of violence. Petula, 17, remembers how it all began http://t.co/q5nAB3xk1U \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ajam: Can the Obama administration correct unjust penalties doled out under antiquated drug laws? http://t.co/PzmgxqfwAb http://t.co/r4\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SenateDems: 7 days left to enroll in the health insurance marketplace. Apply now: https://t.co/5TL3lSCmuy',\n", " u'RT @hrw: The truth about the United States drone program http://t.co/0U3RjTEivs by @lettatayler via @policyreviewint',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostPol: Florida moves to restrict media access to Stand Your Ground case records http://t.co/0ZLu7IoL4S',\n", " u'Is there seriously a beer recipe on the front page of the #foia (freedom of information act) website?',\n", " u'RT @Timcast: VIDEO: The War on Drugs is complete bullshit https://t.co/PoLY7f4Omp',\n", " u'RT @MazMHussain: \"\\'Terrorist\\' is now a catch-all for anyone the state doesn\\u2019t like\" - thanks @jonkay for writing this: http://t.co/MnZayVB\\u2026',\n", " u\"@nytimes yeah the fact certain people can't travel with or sell certain items definitely trumps the survival of an entire species. #sarcasm\"]},\n", " {'INT': [u'http://t.co/igiwfR2lEs',\n", " u'Orquesta Aragon de Cuba - Sabrosona http://t.co/u0ExXfR7ur',\n", " u'http://t.co/5WTIxwPnwH http://t.co/f2h0uummqC',\n", " u'\"Cubanos, exiliados, amig@s, artistas y residentes de Miami: HOY tengo 177 FIRMAS, pero NECESITO 823 MAS! Nos han... http://t.co/7aZ1MmMGSD',\n", " u'El FBI dice que un joven de 16 a\\xf1os de edad, viaj\\xf3 de poliz\\xf3n dentro del tren de aterrizaje de un vuelo de... http://t.co/yFP4PuTOh7',\n", " u'TITLE: Landscape with Royal Poinciana and Palm Trees.\\nTITULO: Paisaje con Flamboyan y Palmas.\\nTHIS IS AN ORIGINAL... http://t.co/aqPBrXaSvb',\n", " u'THIS PAINTING WAS BROUGHT TO ME FROM CUBA. IT IS AN ORIGINAL, AND SIGNED J. BUSTO\\nSIZE: 39 1/2 X 31 1/2 inches... http://t.co/KCDDeA1npl',\n", " u'#NBLAlinaVoto',\n", " u'#NBLAlina',\n", " u'Continuen votando por ALINA en Twitter usando sus hashtags: #NBLAlina y #NBLAlinaVoto . Usuarios de AT&T envien... http://t.co/GFkfJuDDo8',\n", " u'\\xa1Muchas Felicidades! para @JencarlosCanelaMusic que esta celebrando su #HB en el d\\xeda de hoy - \\xa1Qu\\xe9 la pases... http://t.co/zhd7bmDlEQ',\n", " u'Un nin\\u0303o le ofrece un globo con forma de corazo\\u0301n a un polici\\u0301a y lo acepta, en Bucarest, Rumania. http://t.co/07WAaBHvm4',\n", " u'Avenida de los cerezos en Bonn, Alemania\\nImagen de Prashant_Agrawal. http://t.co/IG96dPV5H8',\n", " u'http://t.co/FXujBAjKYr',\n", " u'http://t.co/NyTvVcuPCl',\n", " u\"Primula auricula 'Sirius'. http://t.co/nHZHKnrOsf\",\n", " u'http://t.co/FZ4qHdgMfZ',\n", " u'Si Sr! http://t.co/lx9WinFbic',\n", " u'El accidente ocurrio en el poblado de Camaz\\xe1n, municipio de B\\xe1guano, en la provincia de Holgu\\xedn, donde perdieron... http://t.co/YdFibwUuxJ',\n", " u'Buenas Noches mi Habana! http://t.co/e6CFpJpS2t']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @AP: BREAKING: FBI: Man dies after being shot by marshal while attacking witness in Utah federal courthouse.',\n", " u'AP Exclusive: Kentucky inmate starves to death (from @AP) http://t.co/hcTgC583JC',\n", " u'RT @MiamiHerald: #Bobcats fly back to Charlotte to avoid #Miami distractions during #Heat series http://t.co/ncOSmDMt7n',\n", " u\"RT @jessicagresko: Chris Brown's trial on assault charge delayed (The longer story): http://t.co/4VDIISABX7\",\n", " u\"Full story on Supreme Ct's refusal to hear Gov. Scott's appeal on rejected employee drug testing order. http://t.co/4KSuE96ish\",\n", " u\"US Supremes won't hear Gov. Scott's appeal of broad worker drug testing order. Lower court still sorting thru which jobs can be tested.\",\n", " u\"Boxer Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter dies at 76 (from @AP) http://t.co/g05pkbD2Db\",\n", " u'RT @UKAthletics: Marcus Lee has decided to return for his sophomore season. Opponents better be ready to box out @SuperKingMe. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'@GatorBait247 @ariodzernbc6 Believe Kentucky has more than that, at least 14 not counting injured.',\n", " u\"Miami's Ultra fest hiring retiring MB police chief Ray Martinez to oversee security after guard trampled by gate-crashers this year.\",\n", " u'RT @fineout: 3 GOP governors - including @JebBush @FLGovScott and former Gov. Bob Martinez - call on Fla. Senate to pass in-state tuition b\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @UKCoachCalipari: And I'm truly not trying to make anyone mad but I have to remind you who I had a two-hour lunch with yesterday. LOL. h\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @30for30: Say hello to the #BadBoys. http://t.co/JfLON3fTlo',\n", " u'Affidavit: Smuggler threats follow Puig from Cuba (from @AP) http://t.co/gYsk6UG1Eo',\n", " u'RT @TCPalmMGraham: The @MTLAlouettes announced that they have signed @ochocinco for the 2014 season after tryout at @HistDodgertown | http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SamHananelAP: Charles Cooper, lawyer who defended Ca. gay marriage ban at Supreme Ct., says he has a gay daughter, views evolving. http\\u2026',\n", " u'Ex-Rothstein CFO Irene Shannon (nee Stay) charged by feds with conspiracy for allegedly assisting in $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme.',\n", " u'Miami-Dade police arrest 5 men in fake tactical law enforcement gear, with badges and guns. http://t.co/PMFjYYLIdX',\n", " u'NYT takes on the Jameis Winston case. http://t.co/76SbyGSSBj',\n", " u'Boston police safely blow up suspicious backpacks (from @AP) http://t.co/FQew0WmdI0']},\n", " {'INT': [u'Fabiola Santiago: MDC President Eduardo Padron deserves lawmakers\\u2019 support, not scorn - @MiamiHerald.com http://t.co/F1fc49TYuq #Florida',\n", " u\"Mythology? That's what was said about smoking. E-cigarettes bring threat of new addiction for kids @MiamiHerald.com http://t.co/tZYUDA79IA\",\n", " u'RT @HeraldOpEd: Florida tops list: Here are the highest paid doctors in #Medicare, by state & specialty: http://t.co/HlEBAhpN2f by http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @MiamiHerald: RT @fabiolasantiago: Fla legislature betrays local govt's efforts to ban sale of e-cigarettes to kids http://t.co/uNNAPSgh\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @KhaledBeydoun: Gender Pay Gap:\\n\\n- Men earn $1.00\\n- White Women - 77\\xa2\\n- Black Women - 64\\xa2\\n- Latina - 54\\xa2\\n\\nSource: Nat'l Women's Law Cent\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Fabiola Santiago: Fla legislature betrays local govt's efforts to ban sale of #e-cigarettes to kids @MiamiHerald.com http://t.co/07oaOwid7n\",\n", " u'RT @BridgetCarey: Facebook wants to be like Twitter. Twitter is changing to be like Facebook. And no one gives Google+ any love. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Maybe David Beckham thought he was negotiating with the Prime Minister of Miami...but he forgot parliament.',\n", " u\"RT @PatriciaMazzei: Miami-Dade commish just scuttled a @PortMiami plan to relocate a fuel-spill facility in part b/c they fear it's making \\u2026\",\n", " u'The Miami-Dade County Commission flexing some muscle on the soccer stadium at port. Impressed for a change.',\n", " u'RT @jimwyss: #Venezuela factions agree to \"exploratory meeting\" aimed at ending 2-month crisis. @miamiherald http://t.co/BXbm0G9O3n',\n", " u'RT @PatriciaMazzei: For Miami-Dade County residents, more hikes loom in water and sewer bills http://t.co/U8DNZpWiOb',\n", " u\"RT @Vargas44: Full-time working Latinas still earn just 56 cents to every dollar earned by men.RT if you agree it's time to change that #Eq\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @jeffkleinman: Keep up with the latest on @miamiherald breaking news blog, Deadline Miami http://t.co/jUkBTOI2eS http://t.co/8WY9Qn4PaI',\n", " u'RT @adamsmithtimes: PPP poll: Charlie Crist 49%, Rick Scott 42% http://t.co/kaG0mf3cJD',\n", " u'RT @politico: .@billclinton and George W. Bush sit together at the #NCAAFinals. http://t.co/lhg39DAg9Q (Photo: AP) http://t.co/FQfEFB4Csy',\n", " u'I see that the Cuban government has taken out all its heavy-duty artillery to play. @MiamiHerald.com http://t.co/eYSBZzYEe2 #CubanTwitter',\n", " u\"RT @membi: As #cubanamerican I wish #CubanTwitter had existed in '60-70's, could have spared #cubans of #family drama, #repression, #censor\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Liberationtech: Story on @USAID\\'s @Twitter for #Cuba is a big, \"So what?\" http://t.co/io7S8noTSx by @fabiolasantiago',\n", " u'FABIOLA SANTIAGO: Agotamiento cubano. Sobre el reportaje del #ZunZuneo #CubanTwitter @ElNuevoHerald.com http://t.co/3cddWkNhny']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"BREAKING: Supreme Court upholds Michigan's ban on affirmative action in college admissions. #Fox35\",\n", " u'\"@butchlemieux: Great pic you guys!!! @MollyRosenblatt @Fox35Amy @luannesorrell\" Thanks Butch!!',\n", " u'\"@paul_chard63: @ryanelijah @MollyRosenblatt @Fox35Amy @luannesorrell will I just see it on TV??\" We\\'re waiting for a date.',\n", " u'\"@TWallrich: @luannesorrell do you think the cold weather is over?\" According to @MollyRosenblatt it is.',\n", " u'\"@Julieon10: @luannesorrell You look stunning as always!! Happy Earth day to you and your team :)\" Morning Julie! Thanks..same to u!!!',\n", " u'\"@ConstanceJones: @luannesorrell looking cute Luanne!!\" Thanks girlie! ;)',\n", " u'Earth Day selfie! NASA wants u to send them a picture of where you are on Mother Earth today. #Globalselfie #Fox35 http://t.co/G74YAGDNbR',\n", " u\"Temps back into the 80s today. If you like it hot, you're going to like the next couple of days! Get ur forecast w @MollyRosenblatt #Fox35\",\n", " u'\"@RickyPadilla: Check Out: Boxer Rubin \"Hurricane\" Carter, Dead at 76 http://t.co/HI34FN4JS7\" Oh no..so sad!',\n", " u'Good morning! The latest on a deputy involved shooting and ur forecast coming up next on #Fox35 at 4:30.',\n", " u'Easter dinner and Easter basket goodies...check! http://t.co/UXg7hyrip5',\n", " u'\"@Fox35Amy: Great morning at My Gym! http://t.co/yxoi3vrmvJ\" u go boy! :)',\n", " u'\"@lennysfocus: @luannesorrell @FOX35John 800 bucks for shoes, or rather leather straps, Really?? Good giref\" I know! It\\'s crazy!!',\n", " u'\"@LtDPS: @luannesorrell good morning, have a great day!\" Thanks Dave! Same to you!',\n", " u'\"@CarpeKnight: @luannesorrell no wonder it\\'s Good Friday! Have a good one\" morning!',\n", " u'@laurendawn @JaymeKingFox35. You always look good! I wish I could get my pony to look like that!',\n", " u'#Breaking: Arrest warrant sought for captain of South Korea ferry that capsized killing 28 - with 268 still missing. #Fox35',\n", " u'RT @laurendawn: Update: This is not random so @SeminoleSO deputies are not calling this a home invasion. Says the victim knew the attackers\\u2026',\n", " u'\"@JoelDeb: @luannesorrell f.y.i if you cough on\\n air do not turn towards the camera lmfao.... http://t.co/LkM2PDqzci\" Oh no!!',\n", " u'RT @JaymeKingFox35: Flood watch through tonight. Flagler, Alachua & Marion Counties. #fox35 http://t.co/pf8UupK3Kk']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'My legs are so sore from the 5k at FSU this morning. Those hills were insane!',\n", " u'Prius drivers are the worst drivers #fact',\n", " u'Preschool cooks are always miserable people',\n", " u'This cause is close to my heart - please sign: http://t.co/KDlNToDPlP via @credomobile',\n", " u\"There's a smooth jazz version of Mrs. Officer playing...\",\n", " u\"I can hear this nigga breathing from way over. I shouldn't be able to hear you breath if you're just sitting there...\",\n", " u'She was saying \"moms\" like she has 2 moms. I thought she said \"mom\\'s\" and didn\\'t finish her sentence',\n", " u'I had so much fun http://t.co/Js1C8EgPhb',\n", " u'Officially rdy for the Color in Motion run. So excited! #ColorInMotion #5k #TeamAnnsworth http://t.co/dMhqE0ggUT',\n", " u'Tell @FLGovScott to condemn charges against @FreeMarissaNow and suspend @Angela_Corey http://t.co/vT8XIeuphQ via @colorofchange',\n", " u\"Not looking forward to this stupid class tonight. It's not worth the walk from the garage.\",\n", " u'Our classroom is super festive for the holiday :) #StPatricksDay #preschool http://t.co/t2cLc1ffG0',\n", " u\"I bought up the outlets today in Destin. I'm so tired now #naptime\",\n", " u'I rly enjoyed yoga tonight! Definitely gunna make this a regular part of my workout schedule',\n", " u'Every time I hear Throwback I think of the mountain climber game on The Price is Right',\n", " u'She doesnt, no one needs pink slime @PowPowTheeEnd: never tell your girl she doesnt need a 20 piece nugget. thats a fight waiting to happen',\n", " u'I never spell out \"tmrw\" but I take the time to use semicolons in my txts',\n", " u\"Had Sanctified on repeat since yesterday. It's pretty much my favorite song this week.\",\n", " u'#Mastermind is so good that I actually paid for it',\n", " u'Seems like rhythm should be a requirement to be in a step show lol #FSUStepShow']},\n", " {'REP': [u'#BostonStrong http://t.co/Wkwl0FwI5u',\n", " u'RT @ChrisHartline: .@CharlieCrist broke the heart of anyone who had to read his book. http://t.co/xFiqvaC7eC #sayfie CC: @Reaganista',\n", " u'I will never understand the people who feed seagulls at the beach. Never.',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: Governor Scott is answering your questions on #facebook right now. #sayfie http://t.co/MuPQcIKpAH',\n", " u'#EsuranceSave30',\n", " u'\"Well...we know Santa is a woman because we know how to shop.\" -Becky McLeod',\n", " u'I have a sneaking suspicion that this yapping dog in a carry on bag at my gate will be an issue during this flight.',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: The front page of today\\u2019s @TB_Times. Enough said. #Obamacare #sayfie CC @CharlieCristFL http://t.co/o8OPluOKgv',\n", " u'@ImSryMs_Jackson #throwbackthursday',\n", " u'RT @bostonpolice: Anyone who is not in a bar and does not have a ticket to the game must leave the permitter area around #Fenway',\n", " u\"serious fomo knowing I won't be watching the #RedSox game in the company of my fellow Bostonians tonight\",\n", " u'RT @mfcannon: \"Delay may feel like one more [GOP] strategy, but that doesn\\u2019t necessarily make it unwise\" http://t.co/Le7GVnhNoO #ObamaCare \\u2026',\n", " u'Crown chasers is an even bigger train wreck than toddlers in tiaras #CrownChasers',\n", " u'RT @MrWillRitter: RT @jameshohmann: Republican poll shows Gomez down only 3 in Massachusetts.\\nhttp://t.co/blFSDHP6tJ #MAsen',\n", " u'RT @SenJohnMcCain: Of course I discussed issue of term limits w/ @GomezforMA when campaigning in #MASen- we disagree on that issue but agre\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Norsu2: Obama get out of Ma & go back to DC & get to bottom of Benghazi, F&F. You & Markey can explain abuses via IRS, EPA, NSA, DOJ et\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alcivar: Last job before congressman @Edmarkey went to congress? Ice Cream Truck',\n", " u'RT @Ted_Newton: Since 1989, Congressman Markey Has Taken $881,517 From Registered Lobbyists. http://t.co/ICnd2a7kiM #MASen',\n", " u'RT @MrWillRitter: Debate facts: Congressman Markey took $10,000 from Bernie Madoff. http://t.co/KBsbytJ1JT #MASen',\n", " u'RT @alcivar: .@EdMarkey is cozy with special interests and lobbyists. Get the facts: http://t.co/MRbdzSd5fh #MASen #springfielddebate']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@93BLX omg',\n", " u'I thinky butt gettin big. http://t.co/jscdP77dIV',\n", " u'My other nice gettin ready for church http://t.co/YJP0MfoVkN',\n", " u'My niece and son today http://t.co/tZWg6jRl1o',\n", " u'Had fun with the family this easter.',\n", " u'Happpy easter',\n", " u'My son on the right and his dad on the left.my son at the age 11 mths and his dad at the age of probably the same age http://t.co/9gYB4YobH2',\n", " u\"RT @InspiredByKimK: \\u2191\\u2191 RT @MyleezaKardash: Ain't nobody fucking with my clique #thuglife http://t.co/BOfc2F9459\",\n", " u'@officialchilli I feel u we got thunderstorm the nite before and it got cold yesterday.it spose to be spring time',\n", " u'@kmichelle when the show comin out',\n", " u'@BrooklynNets congrats truth im ur number 1 fan since celtics era when yall won the championship',\n", " u'RT @jhonnycharles88: #AugustAlsina kept is too real!!! https://t.co/myiiBZiRPb',\n", " u'@IvieAlysa thanks for the follow',\n", " u'@HipHopWired yall can leave kim kardashian name out the convo.',\n", " u'@TMZ if he did tiny wrong I will loose all respect for him',\n", " u'When life hands you lemons,u make lemonade.',\n", " u'@ashtonjhayward thanks for favorite my tweet mayor',\n", " u'Selfie time http://t.co/vGz0yjWCPB',\n", " u'On the island on pensacola beach http://t.co/GXmUCF1Tmk',\n", " u'RT @NBATV: Do you believe the @BrooklynNets can make a playoff run? @paulpierce34 does. VIDEO: http://t.co/wrNrEJpIn2 http://t.co/axLsKmwiQl']},\n", " {'REP': [u'http://t.co/cd1cYuYup8',\n", " u'@ the Cathedral this weekend. Last night Tenebrae, 2nitet The Great Vigil of Easter with the Cathedral Choir & 2 Easter morning Eucharists',\n", " u\"@OSUAAS @OhioStAthletics @OHIOSTATEpeeps Added the OSU Logo to my RV. Can't wait for the 1st tailgate party. http://t.co/atXfKy8Ae8\",\n", " u\"@OSUAAS @OhioStAthletics @OHIOSTATEpeeps Added the OSU Logo to my RV. Can't wait for the 1st tailgate party. http://t.co/WQcTIHakL4\",\n", " u\"@OSUAAS @OhioStAthletics Just added OSU logo to my RV. Can't wait for the 1st tailgating party.\",\n", " u'Come on @965orlando sliding those David Maus commercials into a general news subject is annoying. no More RAV-4 please?',\n", " u'Check out my youtube page.\\nhttps://t.co/jVhcN1MQrm',\n", " u\"@Fox35Orlando Why start commercials in odd places during programming? It's annoying. So are the color bars\",\n", " u'@JEstevezWFTV surprised to see u on Ch 9. Thought u were on a cruise.',\n", " u'RT @WeAreALPA: .@Newsweek GAO Report on Pilot Availability Confirms that \"It\\u2019s All About the Money\" http://t.co/TYf00FTCQu http://t.co/iX3W\\u2026',\n", " u'@altonbrown nice. greetings from a fellow pilot. http://t.co/IEFLeYvSam',\n", " u'USAirways A320 nose gear collapse. Nose tire(s) blew on takeoff. No injuries. KPIT-KFLL. http://t.co/D6SMcYDQtE',\n", " u'@chrisgent @JimCantore a mile from my home in Celebration. Beautiful photo',\n", " u'@wilw fancy industrial strength Keurig machine. We have one of those and love it!',\n", " u\"@nprpolitics so it's ok to spy on American's phone calls but not to spy on those who support NSA?\",\n", " u\"@JTDAVIS928 @Talkmaster It doesn't add up...yet. I think it's on the ground somewhere and a big media blackout.\",\n", " u'@BrettDoster @albertemartinez @RyanGOP @mkdonlin @hannaman00 @mattdoster @Mattlangston_ A good sign of things to come?',\n", " u'@JebBush @DavidJollyCD13 Best news of the day! Congrats David',\n", " u'@foxnewsradio @GOP @DavidJollyCD13 @democrats @AlexSinkFlorida @FoxEbenBrown Very good news! A sign of things to come?',\n", " u'@Talkmaster perhaps a sign of things to come?']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@starparker2010 states a favorable view of tea party by blacks? http://t.co/jCnnBtzgtg she can spin anything SMH',\n", " u'Tea Party\\u2019s Image Turns More Negative http://t.co/jCnnBtzgtg',\n", " u'Counting down till I take my hubby to see @cher in Orlando.',\n", " u'@GovMaryFallin No tax on solar energy. We paid enough taxes already!',\n", " u'RT @LeftAction: Tell Congress to pass Alan Grayson\\'s \"Save our Democracy\" platform:... http://t.co/ToDVPht6D1',\n", " u'http://t.co/2JZEBVocEc',\n", " u\"RT @MEUSA: How Conservatives' Arbitrary Definition Of Marriage Condemns #LGBT People | ThinkProgress http://t.co/yeyV82SgrB #MarriageEquali\\u2026\",\n", " u'https://t.co/fuISgYfUZB #healthcare.gov',\n", " u\"@FlaDems Florida's #District 13 loss has less to do with ACA than Dems disdain for more of the same. Time for fresh leaders to step up!\",\n", " u'@AlexSinkFlorida loss has less to do with ACA than Dems disdain for more of the same. Time for fresh leaders to step up!',\n", " u\"Missed opportunity. #MatthewMcConaughey nothing on the essence of what the film meant to him and the rest of the world? I'm not impressed.\",\n", " u'RT @txvoodoo: RT @chrisgeidner: Everything. #Oscar2014 #Oscars http://t.co/fdkbQrdPL8',\n", " u'@cher taking my hubby to see you in Orlando in May, excited to hear @cyndilauper will b there also!',\n", " u'Just had a Sofrito bomb in my kitchen!!! How to get that Stuff off the popcorn ceilings? #AyBendito',\n", " u\"@BayNews9 please don't! Continue with follow up on #GeorgeZimmerman we really don't care\",\n", " u'@SenBillNelson, Thank you for supporting Marriage Equality, but now the LGBT community needs you to #supportENDA.',\n", " u\"@StarParker yes, because @rushlimbaugh @MarkSanford @newtgingrich are GOP's shining examples of the sanctity of marriage\",\n", " u'RT @CarlNorman: Saying the media have treated the GOP unfairly is like saying they\\u2019ve treated organized crime unfairly. #GOPshutdown',\n", " u'@StarParker to foolish words, deaf ears. Just like your 2010 run for congress',\n", " u'Mucho \\xe9xito @ElFenomenoCruz esta noche!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@MeaghanRath @SamWitwer @SammyHuntington @Kristen_Hager excellent performance ladies and gents, great conclusion to an awesome series',\n", " u'@SamWitwer hell of a way to go out man',\n", " u'RT @Rebel_Bill: The Brandon Eich firing at #Mozilla should be a lesson for us all. Never apologize ever, double down on your values. Go d\\u2026',\n", " u'@allisonmack thanks for the message allison, been a fan since Smallville',\n", " u'@allisonmack I like to think everyone has a sense of weirdness about them.',\n", " u'@sprintcare why are we being held back? all the other triband devices are able to access Spark since Day 1 of their release.',\n", " u'@googlenexus @LGUSAMobile @LGUS @sprint Does anyone have any info when the Nexus 5 will be updated to enable access to Sprint Spark?',\n", " u'@SamWitwer @Brownnmiss @DeannaRusso @iamkyleschmid @ConnorPrice_ you all did excellent!',\n", " u\"RT @SamWitwer: Let's applaud our old school guest cast-\\n@Brownnmiss @DeannaRusso @iamkyleschmid #AlisonLouder @ConnorPrice_ \\nWe'll miss you\\u2026\",\n", " u'@SamWitwer oh my god, you killed Kenny!',\n", " u'@sprintcare when will the spark update come to the nexus 5, as tri-band is not enabled by default',\n", " u\"@AmyAcker Amy, I've been a longtime fan of yours since Angel, awesome to hear you will be on Agents of Shield!\",\n", " u\"@MAAInsiders I'd put money into the game if you guys would get rid of all the cheaters in pvp\",\n", " u'@JacksonLeeTX18 Constitution is 400 years old?! are you kidding dumb dumb, it was ratified in 1787, try 226 years.',\n", " u'@AlexSinkFlorida na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye! :P Go Jolly!',\n", " u'@JackTrettonSCEA good luck in your future endeavors Mr. Tretton',\n", " u'@MeaghanRath you rock my monday nights Meaghan! gonna miss you and the gang',\n", " u'@foxandfriends jessica biel is the answer',\n", " u'@SamWitwer @SammyHuntington @Kristen_Hager @MeaghanRath sad to see the show go, it was a great run guys.',\n", " u'RT @sneeky: Today I realized that despite what I choose to believe, Bill Murray will die one day and I will need to take like, a month off \\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Trying my very first #Naked 100% Juice Smoothie. #TasteYummy Do you have a favorite?! http://t.co/Ea47FmZm9i',\n", " u'#ModeratePeopleHater I checked off 26 out of 65 on this list! How Much Do You Hate People? http://t.co/59cI1wLHxQ via @robotics @buzzfeed',\n", " u'Congrat _markeymarc_ for getting out the Navy and good luck and safe travels to Colorado. #Friendswag\\u2026 http://t.co/gG0oaPp8xs',\n", " u\"Can we say #GlendaTheGoodWitch ;-) @ Hamburger Mary's Clearwater http://t.co/iqy1rh2QeI\",\n", " u'I have no #Sharpie control. Highlighters are my best friends. http://t.co/Gr0JprBh9r',\n", " u'@CakedaddyINTL umm random. \\U0001f633',\n", " u'Finally watching the season finale of #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'My Gmail is not working!!',\n", " u'What equal access and opportunity in science means to @neiltyson (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/X5uRWGrDBw',\n", " u'The Straight Gay World of MSNBC anchor & politics wonk @SteveKornacki | Out Magazine: http://t.co/HORcMANE2d',\n", " u'Really great #beer \\U0001f37a at one of St. Petersburg boom microbrewery establishment. Please go and check\\u2026 http://t.co/d4ShEbYajP',\n", " u'I was a little #Patriotic last night. #noselfiecontol #usa \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8 #bowtieswag http://t.co/hbEF5Cpdd0',\n", " u'@usrepkcastor speaking with all of us last night. #CleanBeaches #Healthcare #LiveableWages\\u2026 http://t.co/MzrAIOSq7c',\n", " u\"I'm early.\",\n", " u'Sneak Peak of my #HappyHour Bow tie with @usrepkcastor. Join us at Green Bench http://t.co/IXrC37QqyG',\n", " u'Mary Poppin-Dem-Pills by TODRICK HALL: http://t.co/XN77rsTFl5 via @ToddyRockstar you are a genius!!',\n", " u'Relax, Ukraine is Not Ordering Its Jews to Register via @tnr http://t.co/ikIvEaLGhy',\n", " u'Jews ordered to register in east Ukraine http://t.co/YCFk1CyQM6 via @usatoday',\n", " u\"I will be rocking a red bow tie tonight. Join me and @USRepKCastor this evening at Green Bench. Don't miss out. http://t.co/bVxdKho5vp\",\n", " u'#throwbackthursday Me and my little brother watch_myjourney. pretegirl32 why are my knees ashy?\\u2026 http://t.co/TAEmtEfgJt']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RosLehtinen Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @DarrellIssa Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepWebster Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepTrentFranks Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @PeteSessions Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepDonaldPayne Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepFredUpton Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @Reince Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepDeSantis Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepGoodlatte Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @MarioDB Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @cathymcmorris Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @GOPLeader Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @GOPWhip Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @SpeakerBoehner Keep denying #CIR is contributing to ur political suicide #Latinosvote #Midterms #PAYBACK #TNTweeters http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: #Register2Vote \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f51c #midtermelections #CIR future depends on #Latinosvote #Timeisnow #TNTweeters @AbogadaLatina http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: #Register2Vote \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f51c #midtermelections #CIR future depends on #Latinosvote #Timeisnow #TNTweeters @thinkprogress http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: #Register2Vote \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f51c #midtermelections #CIR future depends on #Latinosvote #Timeisnow #TNTweeters @AlRojoVivo http://t.co/53\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: #Register2Vote \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f51c #midtermelections #CIR future depends on #Latinosvote #Timeisnow #TNTweeters @PrimerImpacto http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: #Register2Vote \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f51c #midtermelections #CIR future depends on #Latinosvote #Timeisnow #TNTweeters @satchapretto http://t.co/\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @darylehamel: Had a great time @PCYRs, keep it up! @bernyjacques @meganlroach @will_met @janinekiray @slkelly77 @Travis_J_Norton',\n", " u'RT @PCYRs: Pleased to welcome our Program Director @will_met to twitter! #ffyr #yrnf',\n", " u'RT @JonnyTorres: Alex Sink Volunteer Steals David Jolly Sign, Tweets Photo http://t.co/qkXq0sWUfr via @PracticalPols',\n", " u'RT @JonnyTorres: The #FL13 @CollegeDems/@FLYoungDems hard at work for @AlexSinkFlorida: https://t.co/WZ6Ttr5avj',\n", " u'@AFPFlorida Has been putting in work. What did you do today?\\n\\n#CD13',\n", " u'Ready for election day!\\n\\n#pinellas #CD13']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Bam! \\u201cI\\u2019m Terri Lynn Land ... as a woman, I might know a little bit more about women than Gary Peters.\\u201d http://t.co/Q7VmkZxbLS #misen',\n", " u'RT @Alyssafarah: Dem Congressman on Obamacare: The Worst Is Yet to Come, It\\u2019s \\u2018Going to Hit the Fan\\u2019 http://t.co/T3TCnELdZ2',\n", " u'RT @LiveActionFilms: Global Study of 40 Countries: 56 Percent Say Abortion is \"Unacceptable\" http://t.co/6H6fSIWpoN',\n", " u\"@SunflowrPatriot 100% pro-life voting record. Election year or not, he's standing for life.\",\n", " u'RT @RepGosar: #Obamacare is so bad that @Sebelius solicited donations from an industry her department is supposed to regulate http://t.co/Q\\u2026',\n", " u'.@NRLC: Return Roberts to the US Senate http://t.co/cpLJ6ywKnH #kssen #prolife',\n", " u\"@Momx3inKC He's doing great things in DC. Stellar pro-life voting record & effective advocacy. I care about life, not house locations.\",\n", " u\"@Momx3inKC Well, he'd be in DC if he won. So I don't know what you mean by that. I'm sure he's a great guy. But Roberts is tested & proven.\",\n", " u'@Momx3inKC Not with the proven record of Sen. Roberts with years of credibility & experience defending life at all stages in the Senate.',\n", " u'RT @nrlc: National Right to Life endorses Senator Pat Roberts for re-election! http://t.co/PQzajSmdHR #KSSen #prolife http://t.co/bBSN2Xm0nA',\n", " u\"RT @NRO: 'Obamacare in Court': How Obamacare threatens Justice Kennedy\\u2019s grand abortion compromise. http://t.co/PY8TM2SDXK\",\n", " u'@moelane Haha!',\n", " u'RT @LiveActionFilms: Shock footage of Planned Parenthood founder: \"I believe there should be no more babies\" http://t.co/ti6DxYJyu4',\n", " u'Wendy Davis supporter --> MT @EveHill4 \"the simple fact she trails is due to the utter stupidity of Texans\" #txgov',\n", " u'Friends in PA, today is the last day to register to vote before the May 20th primary election: http://t.co/u1ksjXFzWq #patcot',\n", " u'ICYMI: Poll shows pro-abortion Wendy Davis trailing by 14 points, losing by 9 points among women. http://t.co/0oB0yzI5PU #txgov',\n", " u'AKA the founder of @PPact. RT @Jewels_Green: VIDEO: No more babies! Expert calls for ban on childbirth http://t.co/b4zXqgq23z #prolife',\n", " u\"@ThePfef @justagrrl27 Haha. Isn't that what babies are?\",\n", " u'@ThePfef @justagrrl27 What word game? Calling a baby \"a baby\" is a game?',\n", " u'RT @nrlc: Happy Easter! New life is beautiful! #prolife http://t.co/EdKlk3ETfV']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @janemarielynch: Kills me. RT @ChristineScoob: @PamGrier @janemarielynch this made me laugh out loud! : ) http://t.co/mdrblXpQ2D',\n", " u'RT @peoplemag: RT @peoplepets: VIDEO: Watch a baby penguin hatch from an egg at the Oregon Zoo http://t.co/8K6mYSQcEi',\n", " u'RT @JohnFugelsang: Nudge http://t.co/Mtefew0l1N',\n", " u\"@druidDUDE @samsmithworld You can't prepare for it. It's just too amazing.\",\n", " u'RT @danabrams: I thought same thing. No one would ask this about a male political candidate. http://t.co/RaciNUdhjD',\n", " u\"@anchorwendyryan @LHurtadoWFTS I'm so sorry, Wendy. :(\",\n", " u\"Omg @curtmega @DominicMBarnes @tellyleung I just found this and love it! It's amazing! http://t.co/BQ68nmCfvz\",\n", " u'@Things4FLppl this is all kinds of sad. \\U0001f61f',\n", " u\"RT @NEGirlprobz: A year later and it's still my favorite picture #BostonStrong http://t.co/1oQP5j5eWN\",\n", " u'RT @Wahlburgers: We remember... #BostonStrong http://t.co/14YaXUyHaZ',\n", " u'@LaurLaff1 http://t.co/SAJLwLhEia or http://t.co/HQ5FFDxNFl (Google is your friend lol)',\n", " u\"RT @Marmel: Freedom.\\n\\nWhite man and it's about cattle, you're a hero.\\nWoman and it's about your body, not so much. http://t.co/NFCGUrwD1K\",\n", " u\"RT @GeorgeTakei: It's that time of week again. http://t.co/fe70LsV5fo\",\n", " u'#DWTS #TeamJeta @jamesmaslow @PetaMurgatroyd amazing dance, and James, your kindness and friendship with Hannah made me a fan!',\n", " u'Happy Passover to those who celebrate. http://t.co/4j2veRL5eY',\n", " u'RT @JuddWinick: A very moving, incredibly sensitively written story of survivors & loss of the Boston marathon bombing by @davabel http://\\u2026',\n", " u'Former KKK member held for #Kansas #Jewish center shootings. Why the #hate? Sending #love and #prayers',\n", " u'#TheGoodWife So loving Alicia!',\n", " u\"@pettigrew66 @nbcsnl definitely! It's very junior high boy humor now, including fart jokes. I'm not above silly, but SNL is for adults lol.\",\n", " u'@pettigrew66 @nbcsnl I hope so! Gotta find the line between edgy and offensive, and just stupid. Edgy is good. They missed that tonight.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @AlanTonelson: @SmallBizOnHill I dunno, Kent. Domestically unpopular #trade initiatives like #TPP make great agenda items for lameduck \\u2026',\n", " u\"Obama's mission to Japan: Come home with trade breakthrough or TPP is dead http://t.co/sbAOFH82nk via @bizjournals\",\n", " u\"RT @politico: Napster co-founder Sean Parker's political donations: http://t.co/GlxVSMYyqW http://t.co/0Z225oh7WR\",\n", " u'RT @markos: That\\u2019s what gay marriage led to: Same-person marriage. https://t.co/TUbgAoYPmY',\n", " u'RT @nickconfessore: The first word of the first-ever profile of Hillary Clinton was about her hair. http://t.co/cfmwb11684',\n", " u'RT @OnSmallBiz: The @SBAgov today implemented rules making it a little easier to get a small business loan http://t.co/fP4GpAvq4A #smallbiz',\n", " u'@SocialInDC Little late there ... Record Store Day was this past Saturday. But every day is a good day to go to a record store.',\n", " u'RT @RGIII: \\u201c@PierreGarcon: This might be the first guy to wear cleats in the White House @RGIII @ The White House http://t.co/fqVRHFFj2P\\u201d \\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'Buddy can you spare a dime for Obamacare? How HHS hit up business http://t.co/vB1OkkHYP7 via @bizjournals',\n", " u'8 million Obamacare enrollees give Obama something to brag about http://t.co/59c1UqE9BZ via @bizjournals',\n", " u'RT @ABCPolitics: VIDEO: Chelsea Clinton announces that she is pregnant at an event in NYC: http://t.co/9iHRb14fb5 http://t.co/vjf8zAefW8',\n", " u'RT @billclinton: Excited to add a new line to my Twitter bio...grandfather-to-be! @hillaryclinton and I are so happy for Chelsea and Marc!',\n", " u\"RT @morningmoneyben: Tomorrow's Morning Money will simply be a list of potential #ChelseaClintonBaby names.\",\n", " u'RT @ABCPolitics: RT @JennaBushHager: Congratulations @ChelseaClinton! Welcome to the best club in the world. Mamahood is wonderful. Xx',\n", " u\"Chelsea Clinton pregnant. Will this make @HillaryClinton less likely to run for president? Won't have as much time with grandkid if POTUS\",\n", " u'RT @EJDionne: Obama message in 3 parts: 1. #Obamacare is working. 2. Republicans are obsessed with it. 3. Dems should be proud of it & move\\u2026',\n", " u'Obama: Republicans going through stages of grief on ACA; anger, denial, \"not at acceptance yet.\"',\n", " u'Obama on Cantor call: \"I actually had a very pleasant conversation with Mr. Cantor yesterday, I did.\" mismatch between call & press release',\n", " u'Obama: \"The repeal debate is, and should be, over.\"',\n", " u'Obama on ACA: \"This thing is working.\"']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @KyivPost: Cartoon http://t.co/KrT1xcB0yv #Ukraine #Russia http://t.co/tGSNyTdruw',\n", " u\"RT @Arab_News: Today's Arab News cartoon by Migdad #Ukraine #Russia #Europe http://t.co/9prq1dYZIO\",\n", " u'RT @MartinShovel: My cartoon - we warn you, Mr #Putin, stop making mischief in #Ukraine, or face the consequences! #BBC1News http://t.co/6q\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @BillDaytoons: PUTIN'S EYE\\nEver wonder what Bush saw in Putin's eye?\\n#cartoon #Ukraine #Bush #Putin http://t.co/JCtWdqPu4J\",\n", " u'RT @Bishtoons: Cartoon: According to #Putin, there is no \"U\" in \"Ukraine\" #Ukraine #Russia http://t.co/8sOAJxwG0V',\n", " u\"RT @StanSteam2: It'll all be over by Christmas... \\nAndrew Dyson cartoon #auspol #Ukraine #Putin http://t.co/80oEFFOhAs\",\n", " u'RT @Patbagley: \"Putin is soooo dreamy!\" -- American Right-wingers http://t.co/5cpWEtE0JY #Putin #Ukraine http://t.co/QSQo8KoAeV',\n", " u\"RT @CWynnykWilson: Best cartoon re #Putin 's #Propagands re #Ukraine #russiainvadesukraine #russia http://t.co/2vxxUm0XxY\",\n", " u\"RT @Dbargen: It's all an act of love. @afBranco cartoon #TGDN #LNYHBT #TCOT #C2GTHR #Ukraine http://t.co/jQujpSQVfd\",\n", " u'RT @edwardlucas: RT @KooyJan: Great cartoon today in @volkskrant #Ukraine #Russia http://t.co/n8mJ5iDU6S',\n", " u'RT @StanSteam2: Bear trap... \\nSteve Sack cartoon #Putin #Ukraine http://t.co/8uiW8xg11U',\n", " u\"RT @IBDeditorials: Ramirez cartoon: What's inside those Russian stacking dolls? http://t.co/ekACHiaowB #ukraine #russia http://t.co/9SoJ3HR\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @NaturalBalance: RT if you agree: \\u201cOne of the most enduring friendships in history \\u2013 dogs and their people.\\u201d -Terry Kay http://t.co/Ge\\u2026',\n", " u'One excited Mickey as we explore a local wildlife area http://t.co/OJcRN6P3Ek',\n", " u'And this is only game 1! Both teams are looking hungry! #NHLplayoffs #MINvCOL',\n", " u'Have I managed to collect all the different global review books or am I missing a few? #sschat #edchat http://t.co/T6jfJjOfe8',\n", " u\"@QuoteStephanie @TheArtOfDiesel Lincoln put to rest the debate between federal & state rights, federal rights won. You can't rewrite history\",\n", " u'@QuoteStephanie You do realize the irony here right... Lincoln was the exact opposite of everything you claim to be in your twitter profile',\n", " u'@QuoteStephanie You do realize Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, & was the biggest proponent of the federal government the US has ever known.',\n", " u'RT @RealGRRM: Anyone looking for a Wedding Planner? - GRRM']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Today is the last day to vote early in the #FL19 election - make sure you get out there to avoid the lines on Election Day. #SWFL #sayfie',\n", " u'At least it seems blood in the water has broken the #fl19 circular firing squad and singled out Clawson for attack. http://t.co/ARd1KjM6Dq',\n", " u'It is nothing personal again @SenRandPaul or @ClawsonOutsider... It is just that endorsements really do not impact elections. #FL19',\n", " u\".@ClawsonOutsider voters are excited about the @SenRandPaul endorsement - nobody else cares. Hence why it won't make a difference #FL19\",\n", " u'@chris_baldacci boooo',\n", " u'@chris_baldacci',\n", " u'@chris_baldacci I know! How else were we going to talk - via morse code?',\n", " u'@chris_baldacci yeah really - what else are we supposed to do... Sit there silently?',\n", " u\"@chris_baldacci you bring the loneliness and I'll bring the tequila\",\n", " u'@chris_baldacci story of my life',\n", " u'My @WhiteHouse Petition to restore the old #FSU logo was taken down. In a dark windowless govt office building sits a Gator bureaucrat.',\n", " u'Petition to Compel the Florida State University to immediately readopt the 1990-2014 Seminole logo. http://t.co/ECQzO9f5Mu #FSU #GoNoles',\n", " u'Are you as outraged about the new #FSU logo as I am? Sign this White House petition to get the old logo back #sayfie https://t.co/hdmBS6UcSt',\n", " u'@keepthischief sign/promote this White House petition so we can get a response from the President re this issue https://t.co/YlzxSyA1k0',\n", " u\"RT @StephenAtHome: #CancelColbert - I agree! Just saw @ColbertReport tweet. I share your rage.\\nWho is that, though? I'm @StephenAtHome \\nhtt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SenJohnMcCain: I guess this means my spring break in Siberia is off, Gazprom stock is lost & secret bank account in Moscow is frozen ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AndyMarlette: Eternal sunshine for Gov. #ReubinAskew #pnjnews #sayfie http://t.co/k3hBw77hoa',\n", " u'RT @BethMatuga: Drowning my sorrows in meat candy http://t.co/d9btdjRhPz',\n", " u'RT @BethMatuga: @ZacharyZermay well I guess you know exactly how our infrastructure works',\n", " u\"De jure? Yes. De facto? That's a completely different story re infrastructure RT: @BethMatuga the DCCC runs congressional elections for Dems\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'\"@SenSanders: If you can\\'t afford to take care of your #veterans, then don\\'t go to war. http://t.co/VQ5iOG2lgX\" AMEN!!',\n", " u'\"@TheTweetOfGod: Easter falls on 4/20. Truly, he is resin.\" I love that my deity has a great sense of humor! #partyonGod #420',\n", " u'\"@PiaGlenn: Fuck my plans for this entire day it\\'s #MuppetSuperstar on repeat.\\n\\nhttps://t.co/j0Heho5Cpg\" Brilliant!!',\n", " u'We had storm clouds come through during the eclipse so I really enjoyed all the pictures that were tweeted! #lunarmadness',\n", " u'@bikelinda donuts like my arse! #moretolove',\n", " u'Time to make the donuts....but only for four days this week and next! #capesanblas #r&r',\n", " u\"It's Friday!!!! Let's get this party started people! #earlyoutdaysarethebest\",\n", " u'\"@Politics_PR: 5 Ways Paul Ryan\\u2019s Budget Screws #Seniors http://t.co/j5mzCMDZze #p2 #AARP #tcot http://t.co/YC9gpovy1p\" yikes!',\n", " u'\"@BreakingNews: CBS announces Stephen Colbert will succeed David Letterman as host of \\'The Late Show\\' - press release\" #thelateshow Nice!',\n", " u'@RebeccaLobo You made a boo boo! Might have to change that #.... #ihateitwhenthathappens',\n", " u'RT @flash2gordon: This is the happiest I have ever been in my 22 Years of living...No more HIDING!!!...Just want to live\\u2026 http://t.co/rR9KO\\u2026',\n", " u\"It's been an awesome two days for the UConn Husky teams! #storrstitletown\",\n", " u'RIP Mickey Rooney You made my childhood more interesting.',\n", " u'Time for my mammogram! #stayhealthy #cancersucks',\n", " u'\"@PiaGlenn: NEW Black Weekend Update! \\nWere you looking for it?\\nIt\\'s right HERE!\\nhttp://t.co/rSfgdmcv0X\" Brilliant! Best news ever!',\n", " u\"RT @NeilMahoney: In Phelps' memory, I texted TREVOR to 85944 to donate $5 to Trevor House to counsel LGBT kids out of suicide. Thanks @Dave\\u2026\",\n", " u'@brittneygriner Clinging to that phone...still! =D',\n", " u'\"@TheTweetOfGod: Hi, Fred Phelps! Bye, Fred Phelps! *opens trapdoor*\" God is good. God is kind. God is freaking funny!',\n", " u'Had a wonderful time @ Memphis the Musical last night! Great season ending production at Marina Civic Center in Panama City, FL! #bravo',\n", " u\"@espnW Pineapple Willie's in Panama City Beach, Florida\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @mmfa: Fox resorts to name-calling when they can't make a logical argument, which is often. Watch a nun call them out on it: http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ComedyCentral: Tonight\\u2019s @midnight comedian contestants are @MarlonWayans, @NickSwardson & @KerriKenney.',\n", " u'RT @mercaditoCHI: Celebrate Cinco de Mayo a little early this year at our April #CookingDemo! RSVP at 312.329.9555 http://t.co/doXFiuyUkW',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostPol: New stamp honors Harvey Milk http://t.co/B2LVKat8So http://t.co/R7EmgeoxuM',\n", " u'RT @CNNVideo: New recordings reveal chaos and panic during the ship-to-shore conversations just before the South Korean ferry sank: http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WSJ: Death toll rises to 104 as divers continue search for 198 people still missing from sunken ferry. http://t.co/lYJEleIV7F',\n", " u'RT @chicagoillinios: Temperature: 63.5\\xb0F | Humidity: 90% | Pressure: 29.82in ( Falling) | Conditions: Light Rain | Wind Direction: West | W\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @HailoChicago: RT! There's been a few @HailoChicago free promo codes this wknd but EASTEREGGCHI for $15 still good till midnight!\",\n", " u\"RT @nypost: Working out all the time but still fat? Here's why: http://t.co/oXTD99f8j8\",\n", " u'RT @CMT: Text CMT to 22422 to see pics of @LukeBryanOnline\\u2019s best dance moves! Get up to 5 CMT mobile alerts per week. Msg & Data Rates May\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ABCWorldNews: Air Canada apologizes after baggage handlers caught hurling bags down a flight of stairs. @RebeccaJarvis reports: http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Zagat: Stop putting wasabi in your soy sauce. Sushi: You're Eating It Wrong http://t.co/aUx8QyL2ad http://t.co/X6Va5fjPOQ\",\n", " u'RT @GoogleLocalCHI: ICYMI @TasteofChi2014 announced their 2014 headliners this morning: http://t.co/ojGknNJG7v',\n", " u'RT @EmrgencyKittens: Just checking his email. http://t.co/8Fghgz0BfE',\n", " u\"RT @ABCWorldNews: JUST IN: American Meb Keflezighi wins the men's field of the 118th #BostonMarathon\",\n", " u'RT @HailoChicago: 70 degrees in #Chicago! You know what that means... First 70 to enter code 70CHIMON get $15 off a ride. Enjoy! #70at70',\n", " u'RT @Rockit: Piri Piri glazed chicken with arugula, carrot, scallion, cabbage, zucchini, feta, and pistachio! Available all week! http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostTech: Guys, it has been 25 years to the day since the Game Boy was released (http://t.co/L7Qrmrau42) http://t.co/kr4oDnwlLb',\n", " u'RT @redeyechicago: Paul McCartney returns to #Chicago for a @UnitedCenter show July 9. \\n\\nTickets on sale next Monday.',\n", " u\"RT @TavernOnRush: Here are tonight's beautiful @LouboutinWorld Ladies Night shoes! Don't miss your chance to win! #TORLadiesNight http://t.\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @SistersofMercy: Happy Easter! May your celebration today be full of new life and joy!',\n", " u'\"@SistersofMercy: Happy Easter! May your celebration today be full of new life and joy!\"',\n", " u'RT @jrsusa: Happy Easter from everyone at #Jesuit Refugee Service/USA http://t.co/MtVTmloayv',\n", " u'\"@jrsusa: Happy Easter from everyone at #Jesuit Refugee Service/USA http://t.co/SIinp4ASsd\"',\n", " u'RT @CMSnewyork: On #Easter Sunday, #Pope Francis appeals for #migrants http://t.co/P3vpk8QFDr',\n", " u'\"@CMSnewyork: On #Easter Sunday, #Pope Francis appeals for #migrants http://t.co/8vF3uq7MNq\"',\n", " u\"RT @BillMoyersHQ: Bill Moyers on America's mad dash toward oligarchy. http://t.co/JMxN01WMZZ\",\n", " u'\"@BillMoyersHQ: Bill Moyers on America\\'s mad dash toward oligarchy. http://t.co/1AxDkVqt48\"',\n", " u'RT @thenation: The wealth gap didn\\u2019t spring up from policy gone awry\\u2014the wealth gap is the policy. http://t.co/i2lKatJESQ',\n", " u'\"@thenation: The wealth gap didn\\u2019t spring up from policy gone awry\\u2014the wealth gap is the policy. http://t.co/QJqnO0eE5s\"',\n", " u\"RT @icirr: Detained #asylum seeker's wife struggles to explain to her kids why dad is gone. #endthedelay http://t.co/0xGwgBmQ1m http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'\"@icirr: Detained #asylum seeker\\'s wife struggles to explain to her kids why dad is gone. ... http://t.co/geHEhAGhzV http://t.co/67aNKtdFVf\"',\n", " u'RT @chicanisima: The Chican\\xedsima Daily is out! http://t.co/pwFPktf9eH Stories via @anoorani @noDREAMdeferred',\n", " u'\"@chicanisima: The Chican\\xedsima Daily is out! http://t.co/eESySPkxcd Stories via @anoorani @noDREAMdeferred\"',\n", " u'\"@Si_Jose: Immigration-News is out! http://t.co/f597gBCAAJ Stories via @ImmigreReform @laloalcaraz @EspuelasVox\"',\n", " u'RT @Si_Jose: Immigration-News is out! http://t.co/tA8yzrcTsU Stories via @ImmigreReform @laloalcaraz @EspuelasVox',\n", " u'RT @ImmCouncil: An #undocumented teenager shared her story for the first time yesterday in front of Hillary Clinton: http://t.co/Pz32vw36h0\\u2026',\n", " u'Teen describes \\u2018glass ceiling\\u2019 of being an undocumented immigrant to Hillary Clinton \\u2013 CNN ... http://t.co/Mqr8zNJdz0',\n", " u\"In Syria's capital, residents recall a sectarian tolerance gone by http://t.co/NXlr0FZCI2\",\n", " u'RT @LaOpinionLA: Detienen a m\\xe1s de 200 indocumentados en operativos en Texas. http://t.co/OymJ4qcAmk']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"Remember this one? It's time to debut! @Verizon to open new $50M #LakeMary finance hub this week http://t.co/KywMEzh3h4 via @OBJUpdate\",\n", " u'Did you hear? Harry Potter-Diagon Alley to debut @UniversalORL by late June! http://t.co/Y9V8TtFDEt',\n", " u\"RT @CREwatch: BJ: Universal's Harry Potter-Diagon Alley to open by mid-summer http://t.co/K0KmMcT9d5\",\n", " u'Timing is narrowed ... @UniversalORL to open #HarryPotter #DiagonAlley by mid-summer! http://t.co/Y9V8TtFDEt #WizardingWorld',\n", " u'More hires! Good news for us ... #TraderJoes may hire 50-100 for new @WinterParkFla store http://t.co/5xdgzaXJP3 via @OBJUpdate #jobs',\n", " u\"Haven't heard of @YardHouse? Read on ... 4 fun facts about #Orlando's first Yard House http://t.co/mLL6oeGpis via @OBJUpdate #foodie\",\n", " u'MT: Got thoughts on @@DWNTWN_ORLANDO? Share your 2 cents on the @projectdto survey: http://t.co/aiH053Z0IB',\n", " u'Cookie butter for me! What #TraderJoes goodie are you most looking forward to buying? http://t.co/nUZwwdltDj via @OBJUpdate @TraderJoesList',\n", " u'RT @redlobster: Stop and smell the biscuits. #CheddarBayBiscuits #RedLobster http://t.co/291CNsFe95',\n", " u'#CRE update! @DaVita to start operations at new #Orlando facility this summer http://t.co/P0PcqJaXhV via @OBJUpdate @DaVitaCareers',\n", " u\"Who's excited about #TraderJoes? Be sure to comment on our story! http://t.co/5DKDRW9SMG @TraderJoesList @WinterParkFla #CRE\",\n", " u'Oh oh!! Delays push @OrlandoCitySC to play entire 2015 season at @FLCitrusBowl http://t.co/WMW6a10oIU via @OBJUpdate @citybeautiful #CRE',\n", " u'@SmartBaking Yes please! Send to afluker@bizjournals.com. Thank you!',\n", " u'#Orlando is attracting more big #tech!! @zynga touring @DWNTWN_ORLANDO, more for office space http://t.co/3O0pe1Qp3H via @OBJUpdate #CRE',\n", " u'MT: #WANT @Applebees #IGotAThingFor Y.O.U. http://t.co/V75mPnIftQ',\n", " u'ICYMI: #TraderJoes is landing in the #Orlando area in 2 months! http://t.co/5DKDRW9SMG @TraderJoesList #foodie',\n", " u'RT @OBJUpdate: Breaking: #TraderJoes announces Winter Park opening date http://t.co/XlgToIWXNM via @OBJUpdate @winterparkfl @AnjaliFlukerOBJ',\n", " u'Here it is, as promised!!! #TraderJoes announces CFL opening date http://t.co/5DKDRW9SMG @TraderJoesList @WinterParkFla @WPChamberFL #CRE',\n", " u\"It's happening, #Orlando! #TraderJoes announced its opening date for @WinterParkFla!! Stay tuned for the story ...\",\n", " u'RT @OBJUpdate: Details to be revealed soon on eateries to replace Hue, Urban ReThink http://t.co/BPcaM8JqZr @OBJUpdate @MeganRibbensOBJ @Th\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Welcome to Breitbart California http://t.co/enVRKlIq9B via @BreitbartNews I like it, I love it, I want some more of it.',\n", " u\"Megyn Kelly Declares CAIR Is 'Not Getting' a Retraction for Covering Film on Islamic Women | NewsBusters http://t.co/qE0vQg8avI via\",\n", " u'RT @lexielewis888: @PJStrikeForce @suemayonline Try this Link to Awesome Video ALL-Then Retweet to Every Patriot. Best Vid in MONTHS! ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lexielewis888: RETWEET @jim_shoe52: @Lynx60C @lexielewis888 This guy still hates us. Our President even honors them with November http\\u2026',\n", " u\"Do you know how liars deal with we the people who don't believe them? They ridicule us and our skepticism calling us unintellegent.\",\n", " u\"This Little Girl's Unbelievably Powerful Speech on Abortion Left Her Pro-Choice Teacher Speechless http://t.co/Xrnbpd8lHF\",\n", " u\"RT @TheTeaParty_net: Here's what #CommonCore (aka: CommieCore) looks like \\u27a8 http://t.co/HsUa0MDq1V #StopCommonCore\",\n", " u\"RT @marklevinshow: Who's in charge of the GOP anyway? Consultants & crony capitalists? How much longer are conservatives going to... http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @michellemalkin: Huge loss, wonderful man. MT @TwitchyTeam RIP Noel Sheppard: Friends/readers mourn loss of Newsbusters blogger http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SenRandPaul: . @BarackObama to @Pontifex: Forgive me father for I have spied. #NSA',\n", " u'@SusanMarden @FLGovScott It is a step in the right direction. Employment is empowerment. Every recovery must start somewhere',\n", " u'@SusanMarden @FLGovScott Does not matter in the ObamaNation. As long as they are not being supported by Floridian Taxpayers its good.',\n", " u'RT @DavidJollyCD13: \"I ran for Congress not to advance Washington but to advance #Pinellas County.\" #CD13 #FL13 http://t.co/s9XObbIFVV',\n", " u'@DavidJollyCD13 Congratulations. Great win for Pinellas County.',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: What kind of person would want to run away from FL for DC? @CharlieCrist http://t.co/VY7voTz1yl http://t.co/hqMzh5nTj8',\n", " u\"RT @REALStaceyDash: This is #Putin's idea of community organizing.\",\n", " u'\"Alec, get a clue. Fox did not get you fired. The right is tolerant. The LEFT is not. They will destroy\\u2026\" \\u2014 Max Ende http://t.co/TgGnVjQW1P',\n", " u\"RT @IsraelMatzav: Oh my: US Ambassador Power refers to Daniel Pearl as part of 'cycle of violence': If you're an American citize... http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AndreaTantaros: Typical Obama thinks FNC success is all about him. Asks O\\'Reilly \"what will Fox do when I\\'m gone?\" (Psst-Fox has been #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MrsDarcy119: Share with your global warming advocates and watch them squirm... http://t.co/ASsNG7NySb']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I scored 6868 points at 2048, a game where you join numbers to score high! #2048game http://t.co/JRDxhhKFvA',\n", " u'both @theburnttruck and @kogibbq #foodtruck #heaven',\n", " u\"@onefloridacoder now that you say that, I haven't seen my Cup<T> since I moved here... I wonder what happened to it...\",\n", " u\"it's way easier to type 555 on the microwave than 600 #tea #IveGotItAllFiguredOut\",\n", " u'RT @autocorrects: Every day this week is going be the same backwards:\\n4/12/14\\n4/13/14\\n4/14/14\\n4/15/14\\n4/16/14\\n4/17/14\\n4/18/14\\n4/19/14',\n", " u'@bbakermai are you running the twitter app from twitter or a third-party twitter app?',\n", " u'@bbakermai hm... I have a twitter option in share... did you run the twitter app at least once?',\n", " u'there should be a setting on OS level \"I do not read license agreements, just agree to all.\"',\n", " u'RT @dvlup: #WPdevs of San Diego: the next #DVLUPday kicks off on April 26. Register now for free! http://t.co/rlowXtdGQD http://t.co/nINgoL\\u2026',\n", " u\"@EstebanFGarcia @joelmartinez @_s_hari I don't think I should even try...\",\n", " u'#MadMen again',\n", " u'how is no news about a plane that has been lost for 2 months is more important than #PartsUnknown?!?',\n", " u\"updated my #surface and remembered why I don't use it... it is so ridiculously slow it makes me sad in a way my 1st gen ipad didn't... #fail\",\n", " u'RT @TEKsystemsOC: Come out to hear Adam Cooper, App Dev Manager for Dell Software, speak at our next OC .NET UserGroup Wednesday night! htt\\u2026',\n", " u'@bbakermai @EstebanFGarcia @AgileThought Bob Baker jinxed it...',\n", " u'RT @BBCBreaking: F1 champion Michael Schumacher shows \"moments of consciousness\" after months in a coma, agent says http://t.co/xarLqR8j4m',\n", " u'@szahn you can export sql azure db and import it in sql server',\n", " u\"@shanselman as Ballmer was saying few years ago: people may want to code for other platforms but we'll make sure we they do it with MS tools\",\n", " u'@ch9 q for Anders: why there is no unit testing framework for typescript in visual studio?',\n", " u'RT @ahejlsberg: I will be taking live questions on http://t.co/a8FQKLGCc5 at 12:10.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@maddieLwelch The sun w/ halo today per your request... http://t.co/XUXrgZDzg5',\n", " u\"Ooh, good find @hmason! RT: I ... can't help but be super excited for a new Civilization game: http://t.co/tToAxKfcqE\",\n", " u\"More Data Mining With #Weka @WekaMOOC starts 4/28!! Can't wait! http://t.co/XJbF3E2jmK\",\n", " u'These guys are adorkable trying to talk about Big Data problems. 1 Kim Davis. http://t.co/uYHE1iDBiR',\n", " u'RT @knime : The webinar \"Strategies for building #Predictive Models\" on NOW http://t.co/NltjFUgSwL \\u2026 great opp to hear @deanabb',\n", " u'Consistent with what we said at #OrlandoCC -- soon it will just be \"data engineering\" with new tools regardless of t\\u2026http://t.co/umq7tCYSM8',\n", " u'On @gopivotal webinar on #MADlib, had not seen it run on top of postgres/greenplum... very, very cool.',\n", " u'Good review of Big Data at Work by @tdav from @stevemiller79 @OpenBILLC. I concur, great book! http://t.co/ywGOrNrvCj',\n", " u'@maddieLwelch #maddiesstillmyfave',\n", " u'Uploaded deck for Intro to Big Data - Orlando Code Camp 2014 on @slideshare http://t.co/b63BAqOn3v #OrlandoCC',\n", " u'Awesome turnout for #OrlandoCC, thanks @AgileThought and @EstebanFGarcia! Great catching up with @devfish after 15 years!',\n", " u'My MacBook Pro never, ever, ever, seizes up. Until I present to a room full of .NET folks at #OrlandoCC. #Figures',\n", " u'Thanks, @tracyingram ! Great to catch up with you on your #BigData efforts. See you at Meetup soon! #OrlandoCC',\n", " u'Thanks for the kind words, @ariscreates. Had a great time at #OrlandoCC!',\n", " u'@gregdetre Thanks! Great meeting you. Please join http://t.co/g437QuPCbI, looking forward to seeing you there!',\n", " u'RT @AgileThought: Thanks @FLGovScott, Mayor Dyer @citybeautiful and @rickweddle of the EDC. We are thrilled to expand into #Orlando http://\\u2026',\n", " u'Congratulations @AgileThought on the new digs in downtown Orlando, they look great! Welcome to the neighborhood!',\n", " u\"Absolutely fantastic concert of Mozart's Requiem at the Basilica tonight! Tremendous job by Dr. Bill Picher, the orchestra and the choir!\",\n", " u'Introductory R article on using candlestick charts to visualize non-financial data. http://t.co/4WoKcRPKwx',\n", " u\"Couldn't agree more with @tdav! http://t.co/eapcByIEgY\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @senatornanrich: To beat Rick Scott Florida Dems need a real alternative. http://t.co/flMtYycozO #StandWithNan',\n", " u'RT @senatornanrich: @CharlieCrist said again that he wont debate me. FL Dems deserve better. Sign the petition demanding primary debates: h\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @senatornanrich: Thankfully public dollars will stay in public schools! As Governor I'll keep it that way! http://t.co/LoLggbes60\",\n", " u'RT @senatornanrich: .@CharlieCrist should clarify his NEW position on vouchers. I oppose expanding vouchers like I always have! http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @senatornanrich: I applaud @DwightBullard & Rep. Stafford 4 their leadership to #RaisetheWage. As Gov. I would sign this legislation imm\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @senatornanrich: Women are going to make the difference in this election & will make sure Rick Scott is a one term governor. http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @senatornanrich: \"Innocents Lost\"@miamiherald Incred. rpt. by CMM & team! When protections are cut, children die. When will Gov., DCF & \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @senatornanrich: .@CharlieCrist finally debates me! This isn't a real debate but FL Democrats deserve to hear from both candidates! http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @jacki72: At the @browarddems Unity dinner with @senatornanrich the next governor of Florida. @CharlieCrist is no where to be found! #S\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @senatornanrich: I'll be talking with Leslie Wimes @WomenOnTheMove1 on\\nLet's Talk Live Monday 3/10 at 7:30 pm. http://t.co/K8mprq1y4O #\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @apedrini: Feels like yesterday we were starting our fellows training @EvaBlack7 @Whitney4Obama @kac025 @smccarthy52 @YKondoS @slacko218\\u2026',\n", " u'And they said chivalry was dead. Yummyy http://t.co/KwQCltFQnD',\n", " u'Focus groups brainstorming to find solutions! #ofafounders #ofa_az http://t.co/QFs7H9iw8w',\n", " u'RT @kac025: Frank and Marvin in the house #OFAfounders AZ http://t.co/CbXIoBQjvW',\n", " u'RT @kac025: Getting set in AZ #OFAFounders http://t.co/zaAA40icYM',\n", " u'RT @kac025: Susan, Eva and Jenny in AZ helping to lead the #OFAfounders conference http://t.co/wdM7wq8P2z',\n", " u'RT @MarlanaPatrice: Attending an OFA Leadership Conference today in San Tan Valley. Yay! #OFAFounders @kac025 http://t.co/SFfd1suuxB',\n", " u'RT @jtukee: @kac025 being solutions oriented. At of a founders MTG #ofafounders',\n", " u'RT @kac025: Susan, Eva and Jenny training #OFAFoumders http://t.co/Y3lW8bvmoj',\n", " u'RT @kac025: AZ team at our #OFAFounders state conference http://t.co/P8MndVx62r']},\n", " {'REP': [u'#UpinSmoke #FunwithOldStuff https://t.co/rzOEtFQ4kQ',\n", " u'#COOKIE https://t.co/CpH0cQNDxn',\n", " u'https://t.co/wYjNZzNeid',\n", " u'RT @TMobileHelp: @PatrickMcVicar Thanks for the shout out! We love hearing from our happy customers :) ^ML',\n", " u'RT @stinafejzullahu: Retweeting is easier than tweeting #justsaying',\n", " u'#Whatcha ya gonna do #Brother, when Data #Overages & #Hulkamania #RunWild on you!? #ThankGoodness For @TMobile and @WWENetwork @JohnLegere',\n", " u'RT @stx1138: Hippy Berfday @R_Roddy_Piper party safe by shopping S-mart! Hang in there ppplease looking fwd to RP #wwelegendshouse on the #\\u2026',\n", " u'#CSX https://t.co/Nf2mtNgich',\n", " u'As usual; ComicbookGirl19 is #Brilliant!\\n#GameofThrones Rewind S4/E1 #TwoSwords: http://t.co/rjjGHkJKhu\\n#GOT',\n", " u'If could choose #ValerianSteel #Handgun: #Colt .45 #Model1911? #OR #357Magnum #SmithandWesson? #GOT #GameOfThrones',\n", " u\"#SandiLanskyLombardo - Lansky's Daughter on #MikeCalta is #RadioGold! #LANSKY #TheBone #MeyerLansky #DeanMartin #FrankSinatra\",\n", " u'@JillAnenberg thanks for the follow Jill. Have a great evening',\n", " u'#FARM #Fruit #Trees #Grove #Barn #Well http://t.co/rr1eBWDHCZ',\n", " u'#VintageSign #FL #Citrus #Mutual #Grower #Member #Reward 4 Info.. #Anyone #Stealing #Fruit or #Trees frm #Grove #FARM http://t.co/Onp3TWwcvx',\n", " u'https://t.co/5oiUi6mwby',\n", " u'the sign said #Public #Fountain https://t.co/R0MlSPRCRT',\n", " u\"@VinceMcMahon @WWE #THANKYOU #WWENetwork #Legends of #Wrestling & #OldSchool #Awesome! + #Wrestlemania & #Live or #Replay #PPV's #GreatStuff\",\n", " u'https://t.co/4fg7blAJ3g',\n", " u'#HornyBirds https://t.co/jDvM6siLZF',\n", " u'#WWE #UltimateWarrior #Dead at 54\\nhttp://t.co/RY396ai522']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Saw similar commerce during the #ColdWar: Germany Helped Prep #Russia for #War http://t.co/wo7a9M20wW via @thedailybeast',\n", " u'.@thedailybeast They seem to agree with Willy Horton, in going where the money/market is.',\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: It\\u2019s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what\\u2019s required. - Winston Churchill',\n", " u'Which party does this sound like? Stop favoring investors, speculators over middle class #Forward! #taxes #govt - http://t.co/TJChSUtsLi',\n", " u'The Most Important Book Ever Is All Wrong, or alternately, Problems with Data Mining re Capital http://t.co/5IXDCGaFCo via @BV #economics',\n", " u\"Maj.Gen. H.R. McMaster with Charlie Rose on current fallacies of #war, #history, & #strategy. (How'd I miss this?!) http://t.co/woHKThcEbv\",\n", " u'RT @ArmorCavSpin: In fact, when patriotism returns to Germany, as it now appears it is, then history will return to Europa in a very big w\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CloseDanger: #AMC has #TURN on right now. \\nSomething Historical and Excellent for #Veterans. \\n\\nWelcome to the old new.',\n", " u'The evolution of Progressivism: http://t.co/PyNoEQkGfA (BTW: the progs are winning). #tcot #forward',\n", " u'@MayAbouAmer @Mojostarz RCAs are more humane than kinetic alternatives.',\n", " u\"@Mojostarz Not like any I've ever seen. Maybe some kind of riot control agent.\",\n", " u'RT @GR8_2B_alive: The Most Dangerous Americans Aren\\u2019t Armed, They\\u2019re Uninformed Voters http://t.co/gaF3w44uIN http://t.co/SaQ75fEC1r',\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: Wise men say, and not without reason, that whosoever wished to foresee the future might consult the past. - Nicolo Mach\\u2026',\n", " u'.@MayAbouAmer @Mojostarz Really?',\n", " u'RT @JSaryuszWolski: Soviet note declaring war to Poland 17.09.1939 identical with today\\'s Russia\\'s stance on Ukraine >>> \"@Pisarski: https:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. - Robert Heinlein',\n", " u'Invoking Declaration principles? Scalia To Student: If Taxes Go Too High \\u2018Perhaps You Should Revolt\\u2019 http://t.co/G8Y1H6B1Md #law #power',\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can des\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jhrobin2: New Earth? MT @BrianFaughnan: Potentially-haibtable exo-planet just 500 light years from here. http://t.co/3eozDAEG2S',\n", " u'RT @WarOnTheRocks: Joseph Collins: Jim Gant\\u2019s fall is an object lesson for America and a warning to our nation\\u2019s leaders. http://t.co/IbpVj\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @mm: OkCupid is asking users to boycott anti-gay CEO Brendan Eich's company, yet *requiring* them to use his invention. http://t.co/TWEd\\u2026\",\n", " u\"I'm traveling to Notre Dame tomorrow to give a talk about multiple divorces/remarriages and how they impact children: http://t.co/T2K6BA78YH\",\n", " u'@SPLCenter dumped by FBI http://t.co/ximHSiEv5i',\n", " u\"Jennifer Thieme: 'Can Civil Marriage Free a Slave?' http://t.co/CWiHLfjySs #1m1w #privatizemarriage\",\n", " u'RT @JonnyTorres: That awkward moment when Alex Sink volunteer @mpwmcfly forgets how screenshots work. #FL13 Retweet please. http://t.co/x8n\\u2026',\n", " u'The Anti-Child Animus of SSM Supporters http://t.co/jEyI5c0GKm #ssm #1m1w #libertarian #marriage #lgbt #tcot',\n", " u'Tearing Down the Gold Standard: Good for Society? http://t.co/xc1jQbseT0 #ssm #p2 #libertarian #1m1w #marriage #Republican #family',\n", " u'This is an argument defending the number \"two\" for parenthood. The argument is e http://t.co/LHHljs3S3Z',\n", " u'@hugaJay thx for the follow!',\n", " u\"RT @DarrellIssa: by 'inept Congress' u mean the 219 Ds and 0 Rs who passed it? RT @fqazi: all the answers are incorrect except the inept co\\u2026\",\n", " u'@TerryMcAuliffe @KenCuccinelli KC tried to force the state to respect marriage vows. \"No fault\" disrespects marriage vows, but TM likes that',\n", " u'@DailyKos wants govt to separate spouses from kids, assets, homes, without proof of broken vows #nofaultdivorce http://t.co/tchuYjCEsj #tcot',\n", " u'@vademocrats @TerryMcAuliffe @KenCuccinelli NFD is the state\\'s way of saying, \"We no longer have to respect marriage vows.\" NFD is unjust.',\n", " u'@TerryMcAuliffe @KenCuccinelli KC is right. Divorce laws need reform, badly. Marriage vows must be respected by all, including the state.',\n", " u'@TerryMcAuliffe @KenCuccinelli NFD is unjust. The state is a divorce enforcer against the will of the spouse who may not have violated vows.',\n", " u'@TerryMcAuliffe In NFD the state sides with the least committed spouse to dissolve the marriage, without requiring proof of wrongdoing.',\n", " u'@TerryMcAuliffe Defending NFD is to defend the state stepping into marriage vows without requiring proof that anybody did anything wrong.',\n", " u'My latest at ChristianPost \"To the Log Cabin Republicans: Natural Marriage Policy is Best\"\\nhttp://t.co/GcLMIb9a7R #tcot #p2 #libertarian',\n", " u'@NJFamilyPolicy I appreciate your kind words. Thank you.',\n", " u'Alec Baldwin, Jason Collins? Complete Waste of Time http://t.co/JtHuWuCNEL #tcot #ccot #ssm #p2']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Attkisson Suggests Media Matters Was Paid To Attack Her http://t.co/aihFoE8WmN',\n", " u\"RT @MarkSteynOnline: #MarksMailbox: Curious George Examines Mike's Data http://t.co/YWWEcaLiiC\",\n", " u'RT @Sultanknish: U of California Holds Conference on Islamophobia by Anti-Semite | FrontPage Magazine: http://t.co/rZaSIayhhJ',\n", " u'Wrong is the New Right http://t.co/smEnlZnsmn Mathematical impossibilities and a living satire.',\n", " u'RT @iowahawkblog: Mocking politicians on Twitter is apparently now a crime in Illinois http://t.co/2TFxMjncze h/t @instapundit',\n", " u'RT @ClimateDepot: Polar Vortex In 1976/77 & 1936: \\u2018USA had exactly the same pattern of weather in the winter of 1976/77\\u2032 http://t.co/LrQRbD\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @KatiePavlich: Report: Chicago's Top Cop Cooking the Books on 'Declining' Crime Rate http://t.co/HFaAvVKKsA\",\n", " u'Could this particle rewrite modern physics? http://t.co/litXBbKRto Yesterday the science was settled, today \"we still don\\'t understand\"',\n", " u'RT @VDHanson: The True Opponents of Immigration Reform\\nhttp://t.co/2LWdazKrES',\n", " u\"Pellegrini is grooming the women of a real man's dreams => http://t.co/5w1gwkJ1Be\",\n", " u\"Dana Milbank: Republicans Went Easy on Kathleen Sebelius... (wait for it) (Wait for it...!) \\n...B/C She's White http://t.co/jRups5tDat\",\n", " u'Hahahaha! Paul Krugman Gets Pwn3d Like a Loudmouth in a Woody Allen Movie http://t.co/Mo3EF1zZBo',\n", " u'RT @HooverInst: The unfolding fiscal disaster behind ACA enrollment figures: http://t.co/f0n97bCWxD @economics21 @rstloup',\n", " u'RT @michellemalkin: Go girls! Congrats @KatiePavlich @JedediahBila et al. MT @foxnation Fox to Debut #Outnumbered on April 28th http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ByronYork: Read John Fund on the paramilitarization of federal regulatory agencies. Why does BLM have a SWAT team? http://t.co/4sOJL2Q6\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BillGertz: Inside the Ring: US electrical grid vulnerable to physical and cyber attacks. http://t.co/agC4TwqlJv',\n", " u\"Obama's Diplomatic Dance with Putin is a Sad Sock Hop - Jonah Goldberg - http://t.co/Ws1AcAsc8I\",\n", " u'Cliven Bundy -It probably has never occurred to him to bribe Harry Reid. MT http://t.co/ZZqt64liGt',\n", " u\"@UmaPemmaraju Hagee's failed prophecies in the past have never deterred him from making a fool of himself, & neither will his latest one.\",\n", " u'RT @JunkScience: Ozone Nobelist Molina ADMITS real world social cost of carbon is negative \\u2014 i.e., CO2 EMISSIONS ARE A BENEFIT. http://t.co\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'FSU Softball player Briana Hamilton was arrested on a burglary charge yesterday http://t.co/OrDgC1ITcO',\n", " u'Getting a K-9 demonstration from @TallyPD http://t.co/tDiEfPRt5M',\n", " u'RT @MicahGrimes: 4 years ago today, the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and began to burn, leading to the worst environmental disaster in US\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VegasExpects: 19 more Saturdays until college football. Okla St vs. Florida St -- Vegas Expectations line: #FSU -18.',\n", " u'RT @NHLPlayerSafety: Boston Bruins forward Milan Lucic has been fined $5,000 for spearing Detroit Red Wings defenseman Danny DeKeyser',\n", " u'RT @PatrikNohe: Yay Sportsmanship! ... \"Here\\'s Milan Lucic\\'s Nutshot On Danny DeKeyser\" http://t.co/yp6DVLcK59',\n", " u'RT @MatthewKeysLive: Los Angeles Times building on lockdown, armed suspect reportedly inside threatening employees - http://t.co/I0uTmCiRdr',\n", " u'RT @Jimmy_liveoak: @WCTVMike We received 3.40 inches of rainfall just west of Live Oak today.',\n", " u'@capefish Verizon is the best, wish they covered Tally',\n", " u\"@capefish don't doubt it's Comcast's fault\",\n", " u\"Realized I've become the viewer angry with programming issues that I can't stand taking calls from at work....\",\n", " u'RT @TBLightning: We are working with @SunSportsFOXFL to flip over the TV feed. May take a few moments. Radio feed: http://t.co/0s1B2Tdjw9',\n", " u'@capefish hmm...I know they split what they show based on where you are in the state, but this seems backwards',\n", " u\"No, I'm not watching the CBC feed. I want Rick and Chief. @SunSportsBolts\",\n", " u'Get off my tv baseball stuff, @TBLightning is on. cc: @SunSportsBolts',\n", " u'RT @LogansTwitty: @TallyTraffic @WCTV @WCTVMike TPD blocking off Maclay Road. http://t.co/KEUKp2P07K',\n", " u'@MicahGrimes 10-4',\n", " u'RT @WCTV: BREAKING: Meridian Rd closed from Ox Bottom to Maclay due to downed tree & power lines - @TallyPD',\n", " u'@MicahGrimes same thing as this? http://t.co/5PkUj98NlG',\n", " u'RT @ChipCarterFox13: Game ready http://t.co/iCUwUQfGrY']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@rickygervais Isn't that what they're for??? A peaceful night to you as well. Don't stay in too long and get all wrinkly... ;P\",\n", " u'@rickygervais BTW... Well done!',\n", " u\"@rickygervais WTF? You've pissed them off now... http://t.co/S0FG3HB49w\",\n", " u'@WilliamShatner I know a lot of cheese balls... Lol',\n", " u'@ShortList @rickygervais Roxette, the Bible and Pretty Woman. I could just feed this man cheese and listen to him talk for hours... :)',\n", " u'RT @MattSibson: @rickygervais @DavidEarlxxx My mum saw this picture recently & said: \"Derek and that Kev scrub up well\". http://t.co/Tf65Bw\\u2026',\n", " u\"@rickygervais ooooooo Ricky! Those are some guns you have there. Make up tricks are just amazing, aren't they?\",\n", " u'@KISSOnline @FallonTonight This KISS fan will be watching...',\n", " u\"@RealRonHoward Pretty awesome. I remember, as a little girl, watching you in the Music Man... It's sort of like I grew up with you...\",\n", " u'RT @PaulStanleyLive: Here you go people. This is yours. http://t.co/xTNmhHRDt4',\n", " u'@PaulStanleyLive Way to go guys!!!',\n", " u'@rickygervais :) ;) :) You too!',\n", " u'@BRIANGITTINS1 I laughed out loud... Really...',\n", " u'RT @StephenAtHome: I\\'ve never been a fan of maps. If they\\'re at 1/10,000th scale, then why am I supposed to pay \"full\" price? http://t.co/G\\u2026',\n", " u'@Yasmin_Kanji @GervaisTwonks @rickygervais @themayhew Lucky Mercy!',\n", " u'@WilliamShatner @LittleDebbie Lol looks DELISH!',\n", " u'RT @TheRealNimoy: Mickey Rooney. One of the greats. RIP',\n", " u'@reddit_AMA @PaulStanleyLive Do you believe in miracles?',\n", " u'@JaneFallon Is it possible to sound excited saying that?',\n", " u'@karlpilkingtonq How much have you had to drink, Karl? Lol']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @TPM: Meet the mic-stealing millionaire who will probably succeed the Coke congressman http://t.co/Wi2OsJKtz5',\n", " u'RT @JacekWierzbicki: Comcast Q1 revenue rises 14% to $17.41 billion #news',\n", " u'RT @TweetChelseaFC: OFFICIAL: Manchester United have SACKED David Moyes.',\n", " u\"RT @EuromaidanPR: Putin's plan to immediately capture South, East of #Ukraine failed, no massive support among local ppl, Malomuzh Ukr Army\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @cnnbrk: Biden to Russia: \"Stop supporting men hiding behind masks ... sowing unrest in eastern Ukraine.\" http://t.co/rgO9LrNdnZ',\n", " u'RT @MICHAELDOLLAR: Jeb Bush sat on board of directors of InnoVida, $40 million in funds were misappropriated, its founder went to jail & in\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @teenagesleuth: Like the Sun's incandescent plasma, the combined intelligence of the popular media is a miasma...of ADHD, sloppiness and\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @KenDilanianLAT: U.S. steps up drone strikes against militants in Yemen http://t.co/JEGgB5xb2K',\n", " u'RT @UltraVerified: Koch Brothers want to Tax The Sun. \\nNestle CEO wants to Charge for Water. \\n\\nWhich RW nut will step up and try to stop pe\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AnthonyDiMoro: Manchester United manager David Moyes has been sacked, only 10 months after succeeding Sir Alex Ferguson @SportsRantsX #\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @JPW_NBCSports: Moyes fired: http://t.co/WKFzP8q89V\\nGiggs named interim boss: http://t.co/LxNxWfYJbY \\nVideo on Moyes' mistakes: http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @BBCSport: David Moyes' 'Chosen One' banner may go to a football museum. #MoyesSacked \\nhttp://t.co/xi0GppX0Z4 #mufc http://t.co/Vcw4cjFR\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: Manchester United says manager David Moyes has left club, amid heavy speculation he was about to be fired. \\xbb http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CallOut4: The real IRS scandal: Republicans cutting IRS funding, costing us tons http://t.co/sviV2mgvo0 http://t.co/xHzXAfSSZn h/t @Aur\\u2026',\n", " u'@MsTaraDowdell you know it Tara!',\n", " u'RT @ChelseaAlerts: Happy 27th Birthday John OBI Mikel, (22/04/1987). #CFC http://t.co/ujibkmmo7r',\n", " u\"RT @jimrome: I know the Warriors already assured themselves a split but they do know they're required to play the second game, right?\",\n", " u\"RT @dwczaja: Column: Some fear Charles Koch's influence damages FSU's integrity http://t.co/Y3GCOQ3dIn via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'RT @CallOut4: The Republican Party has long been the pro-tax evasion, pro-deficits party http://t.co/PgV9ZKfGeh',\n", " u'@BritaniMyers my pleasure!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @clairemetzwesh: 18y/o #DaytonaBeach man accused of hitting 70y/o woman over head w rock & stealing her car. 16y/o accused accomplice ht\\u2026',\n", " u\"This is some bad dating luck! \\nRT @WESH: Cops: Man stole woman's dog, TV on first date http://t.co/ARCN0Tgktz\",\n", " u'RT @clairemetzwesh: Aswin Suri, well known #VolusiaCounty area realtor accused of agg battery Allegedly threw glass at vic in restaurant ht\\u2026',\n", " u'Unfortunate last name....RT @WESH: Trending: Edward Cocaine arrested for Xanax possession http://t.co/KKUQ8i4c3M http://t.co/xVcU7exeYb',\n", " u'CRAZY RT @jasonbrewerwesh: Gust front rolled thru downtown #Orlando & Lake Eola moments ago. http://t.co/QCoctkKpSv',\n", " u\"one cute story by @AmandaOberWESH: Here's my story on a handsome hound :-) http://t.co/ZXcbCzLfHM http://t.co/RmhBHnVLfZ\",\n", " u\"this is AWESOME. RT @politico: Bill Clinton's 'letter' to Don Imus http://t.co/nKw0SudpfT http://t.co/cnujp1pMkL\",\n", " u'RT @WESH: Another shot of downtown #Orlando: . Tweet us your pics #wesh2storms http://t.co/bcemDRLidz',\n", " u\"Ominous...\\nRT @EricBurrisWESH: Take a look from Downtown Orlando looking west- storms are a'rollin in... http://t.co/BHSODi0SQe\",\n", " u\"RT @OrangeCoSheriff: #breaking Thanks to high number of calls, OCSO has ID'd child as 4 -year-old Tarrans Jurdan Emile. Mother cooperating \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EricBurrisWESH: NWS has issued a Significant Weather Adv. for Polk & Sumter Counties until 04:00 PM. Radar at http://t.co/aBsSFms0B0',\n", " u'HAHAHA! RT @judgyfetus: Waiter? She\\u2019ll have your finest glass of fetal alcohol syndrome.',\n", " u'RT @OrangeCoSheriff: Pls RT: OCSO seeking ID of boy 4-6 yrs. Name \"TJ\" or Terrence. call 407-836-4377 http://t.co/g80UiHJI5w',\n", " u'PLEASE SHARE: Do you know who this child belongs to?OC deputies are trying to find his parents.... http://t.co/UxNe1776Jj',\n", " u'RT @MichelleWESH: Alleged Osceola Co child molester had help getting to Bahamas. Investigators say Patrice Bullard provided boat trip. http\\u2026',\n", " u'Have you seen the \"Sun Halo?\" http://t.co/YRuH8tlU5a http://t.co/JAXhojo8hy',\n", " u'RT @MarinaMarraco: You can see right through those third story apartments. No more floor left on that story-straight to the 1st. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MarthaSugalski: So happy! Another child from our @ForeverFamilyTV is getting adopted & 2 sisters we aired are in pre-adoptive homes!! P\\u2026',\n", " u'ICYMI: Fund set up for 3 year old clinging to life after day care hit and run http://t.co/hLwDZBNXrq http://t.co/qMYFHq9QJT',\n", " u'Which Central Florida is in the Top 10 MOST ARMED counties in Florida? http://t.co/a4mBWzgzhc http://t.co/Pzjo1wYh6t']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Dallas_TNT: Are we all okay? Head to the #DallasTNT FB page NOW to ask John Ross your burning questions! http://t.co/PF2xrOrcbh http://\\u2026',\n", " u'@Dallas_TNT ...oh the suspense for the upcoming season. I may not be able to handle this @joshhenderson @EmmaBell17',\n", " u'RT @juanpablodipace: Is it me or this episode gets better every second?? #DallasTNT',\n", " u'RT @julie_gonzalo: Emma\\u2019s playing with fire, and you know what happens to people who do that. @EmmaBell17 #DallasTNT',\n", " u'RT @EmmaBell17: Who\\u2019s playing who, Emma or john Ross? #DallasTNT @JoshHenderson',\n", " u'RT @EmmaBell17: I finally show up! Often late, but always worth the wait. #DallasTNT',\n", " u\"RT @TheOneJohnRoss: Ryland must think I'm a hell of a threat to go to all this trouble: Candace, under-aged girls, the dress. Simpler is be\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EmmaBell17: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. #WhatWillPamelaDo #DallasTNT @Julie_Gonzalo',\n", " u'RT @KristenLedlow: (via @Braves) Opening Day, baby! Honoring Hank Aaron on the 40th anniversary of his 715th home run. Baseball is back! ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KristenLedlow: ...and to those asking about my favorite basketball team, meet my man Magic. http://t.co/ODFDzjzfEc',\n", " u'RT @NFC_Baseball: Eagle BB typical day at the park #2014season http://t.co/hCwb0ETJjF',\n", " u'@LandonSeymour20 Sad 2 hear about last night...Praises that \"The Big Guy Upstairs\" (aka JC, God, The Man, etc) was your unseen passenger. ;)',\n", " u'RT @FriedPeachPie: The whole idea of Charlie Crist running for governor again is insulting to the citizens of Florida. @FLGovScott',\n", " u\"Oh John Ross what's wrong? You seem a little green!!! Bad, bad boys ....@joshhenderson @Dallas_TNT\",\n", " u\"There's an unexpected twist!!! @Dallas_TNT\",\n", " u'Oh JohnRoss you bad boy you!!! LOVE IT!!! @joshhenderson',\n", " u\"T- 5 minutes for season kickoff @Dallas_TNT @jessemetcalfe CAN'T WAIT!\",\n", " u\"RT @TallyShulas347: @DanaLTyre We are going to post your son's photo to our facebook tonight! Go to https://t.co/uGS4ycxyeV after 6pm to se\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@TallyShulas347 @DanaLTyre @corey_tyre of course it was AWESOME! Here's Carson's proof... http://t.co/TLj6OU6PZu\",\n", " u'RT @TallyShulas347: @DanaLTyre @corey_tyre Smart kid! See you guys soon! Happy Birthday Carson!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @fladjj: Read all about last week's Peace Jam Conference and more in the latest weekly letter from Sec Walters. @PACECenter http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'@StefKunkel thanks to the beefy agenda, my purse looks like a vending machine. Snacks on snacks.',\n", " u'Selfies taken to a whole new level, http://t.co/DNXoXLt7FQ via @washingtonpost',\n", " u'The #flleg just turned up the speed on the sprint.',\n", " u'Two more weeks, here we go! #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @NicholasSparks: Happy Easter! May your Sunday be filled with family and fun!',\n", " u'And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 1 Corinthians 15:17 #HeIsRisen',\n", " u\"Springtime at the Governor's Mansion #GatorDay #FBK http://t.co/G82l2aA3l9\",\n", " u'Cleared beach after three black tip shark sightings #spacecoast @ Pelican Beach Park http://t.co/mvX3mXypBv',\n", " u'Someone owes you tuition, a trip to Europe... @hayleyjplant http://t.co/Ymzf18kNmg',\n", " u'Cloudy day on the #SpaceCoast, perfect day for hundreds of primary signs to appear along the roadways #WorkingTowardsNov',\n", " u\"The soft spot for cowboys boot scootin' across the floor is alive and well #Osceola #bullriding\",\n", " u'Have the lions in Crimean been fed?! Serious food for thought, @ABC Follow up needed, http://t.co/qy1j8ei0aQ #savethelions',\n", " u'RT @UFHealthNews: UF Dance Marathon celebrates by raising $1.5 million. http://t.co/lGz55UPSbp',\n", " u'The Five Secrets to Live the 80/20 Lifestyle http://t.co/UMPENw0vBD',\n", " u'After too many weeks of procrastination, I just renewed my season tickets at @GatorZoneFB @GatorBoosters #GoGators',\n", " u'RT @BBBSBigBend: If you missed coming out to Community Day at Whole Foods Market yesterday, you have another opportunity! They are... http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @pewtrusts: What does the #NextAmerica look like? See @pewresearch's new interactive data essay http://t.co/JvxlWmr2Ag http://t.co/W6pc\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@JWayEnviro @AudubonFL now I'm really not excited about heading home this weekend #IRL\",\n", " u'5 Hotel Deals to Cheer You Up After Filing Your Taxes Today http://t.co/Zp4UuWYVSU']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@conradhackett @WHO every so often I take a drag from my ecig and think \"this was designed for China\" so true though logistically speaking',\n", " u'@Chemistfrog who knows what kind of shilling goes behind $tickers',\n", " u'@IBDinvestors cool',\n", " u'@systemstrader95 once z drops it will be a buy but Screw buying it at a high lol hope u had a great Easter',\n", " u\"@systemstrader95 indeed google is at like 29.83 and I've read anything between 0-30 is doing well. Just negative 294 is interesting\",\n", " u'@eecope god bless u',\n", " u'@systemstrader95 why the negative p/e?',\n", " u'@szaman @SeguinSteph $feye',\n", " u'@szaman @SeguinSteph &feye is my jam',\n", " u\"@conradhackett @lizNNP surprised North Korea isn't top 3 considering how many jets they buy from Boeing each year\",\n", " u'Do your homework http://t.co/ymaX7D375u',\n", " u'Too many bots on twitter',\n", " u'@MichaelGLamothe happy 420 n Easter my friend :)',\n", " u'@DougBenson fuck!',\n", " u'@MSblockbuilders: @systemstrader95 could see another repeat this year if all goes well #HappyEaster',\n", " u'@DougBenson happy Easter Doug n #Happy420',\n", " u'RT @DougBenson: Wake, bake and partake and partake and partake. #Happy420',\n", " u'@deadmau5 happy Easter n 420 dawg',\n", " u'@RealTracyMorgan happy Easter :)) 420 dawg',\n", " u'@FoxonStocks thx for the follow happy Easter :)']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Happy Easter!',\n", " u'RT @anthonypedicini: @FredPiccoloJr just made my beard 1st among #nhl fans @Beardathon @NHL @TBLightning @MoffittNews @ashleygTV @SaintPete\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @SaintPetersblog: #Tampa's @anthonypedicini 2nd among NHL fans in Beard-a-thon competition. RT this and get him to #1. https://t.co/iTHP\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FLAnnScott: So great to see you both! \\u201c@RepFitzenhagen: Enjoying tea with First Lady @FLAnnScott and mayor randy Henderson http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"Had a great time at 'Tea with the First Ladies' with Florida's First Lady, Ann Scott, and Mayor Henderson! http://t.co/A3bOjnTgOv\",\n", " u'Enjoying tea with First Lady @FLAnnScott and mayor randy Henderson http://t.co/wav2Lp0tr8',\n", " u'The Capitol was decorated this week with thousands of paper cut-outs of hands decorated by children from across... http://t.co/3KsZ1rTIiO',\n", " u'RT @RepCTrujillo: Proud to vote for pro life, pro 2nd amdmt and pro school choice bills on the floor today! @RepJanetAdkins @RepMannyDiazJr\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: Thanks to @RepMannyDiazJr @ErikFresenFL (HB7167) @RepFitzenhagen (HB209) @gregsteube @JamesGrantFL (HB523)',\n", " u'Just passed HB 209 on the House Floor! Floridians are one step closer to being able to lawfully transport their... http://t.co/h1zamL5ef8',\n", " u'Governor Scott was in Fort Myers this morning to announce that $3.5 million dollars will be given to Lee County... http://t.co/N6buC1agXq',\n", " u\"RT @BillGalvano: Support @SamWoolfmusic tonight on @AmericanIdol! Text \\u201c12\\u201d to 83676. He's a FL native & #SD26 resident! Let's help him win\\u2026\",\n", " u'It was a great honor to answer peer questions on my narrowly tailored concealed weapons legislation on the House... http://t.co/EbjiSnX0SO',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/LY3rEHSUI1',\n", " u'It was an honor to speak to college students from around the state and reporters at the Florida College System... http://t.co/FUunf3ud08',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/wSpj0dW19z',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/Fmau4CddeF',\n", " u'On April 2, 1513 Ponce de Leon was looking for the Fountain of Youth and stumbled upon La Florida... http://t.co/iFmMPHfZqI',\n", " u'Thank you Lee Williams for such a well written article that clarifies and educates Floridians about the facts... http://t.co/flFKe7Mief',\n", " u\"Glad to have my mom with me in #tallahassee and the Capitol this week! I hope I look this good when I'm her age! http://t.co/Vk3tRYdNW0\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'From Sen. Flake post:\"...having such a prominent Republican speak so humanely and unapologetically...is good for all of us.\" Yes, yes it is.',\n", " u'Republican Sides With Jeb Bush On Immigration http://t.co/LXyKLGTsJn via @HuffPostPol',\n", " u'Easter morning beach run. @ St. George Island http://t.co/oiLE8Wmok3',\n", " u'RT @sbg1: Jeb on Bushes vs Kennedys: \"We could take them at golf, tennis, anything...\" http://t.co/YlJkhCOdeI',\n", " u\"RT @runnersworld: After last year's tragedy at the #BostonMarathon, thousands of acts of kindness emerged: http://t.co/wywYFswGYx\",\n", " u'RT @yourtake: Do you run in support of Boston? Share your story in photos/video: http://t.co/TsAimj1rkb (Photo: Michael Dwyer, AP) http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MattGoldich: Tiger Woods is still the youngest pro golfer to drive his Cadillac Escalade into a fire hydrant on Thanksgiving',\n", " u\"You've got to appreciate the guy who makes FL politics look reasonable. Bless you, sir. @VanityFair http://t.co/t2rB7KzpJM\",\n", " u'RT @WillieGeist: When Fowler & Jimenez came to the 1st tee, @ChristinaGeist asked what Eminem & Dee Snider were doing at the Masters. Gonna\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PostGraphics: How Google is transforming power and politics http://t.co/K2suMiN12H http://t.co/wrdZoylAp2',\n", " u\"RT @WSJmarkets: As April 15 tax day nears, here's a question: Where do your tax dollars go? http://t.co/f6aaVaMATP http://t.co/2dmg4DlKkG\",\n", " u'RT @eonline: This Texas Tech Dance Battle Is the Perfect Way to Kick Off Your Weekend--Watch Now! http://t.co/7FLsqXgnwe',\n", " u'RT @BW: Uber is expanding into a courier service, starting with Manhattan: http://t.co/RpJDhkCsKk http://t.co/O4DK1ct1KF',\n", " u\"Oh. Just informed UF REALLY is a women's gymnastics school. Hat tip @sydneyridley88\",\n", " u\"RT @businessinsider: Here's the most ridiculous law in each of the 50 states http://t.co/Li7ykNNBtE\",\n", " u'RT @JeffDarlington: Heck of a game from UConn. Heck of a season from Florida. Go Gators.',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: .@GatorZoneMBK team won back-to-back titles from 2006-07. Looking forward to the #Gators making it 3 in a decade! #GoGators\\u2026',\n", " u'75 Thoughts Every Runner Has While Out For A Run http://t.co/FoeMn3h0RI via @ErinChack',\n", " u'RT @jenlux: Thanks @JamesGrantFL @RepCTrujillo @keithperry21 @olivacigars @JimmyPatronis @Travis_Cummings for standing up for FL & free mar\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @steveschale: Freedom marches on. Congrats @JamesGrantFL. #uber']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"Read News of the Art World & Fine Art \\u25b8 today's top stories via @Angry_Saguaro @wayneshomedecor @greencathedral http://t.co/7XULkjOwKa\",\n", " u\"RT @MsRock4Ever: It is to me! I love my Post Office and don't want anyone to interfere with it. USPS is a Nat'l Treasure!! @TRUTH_TWEETERS\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @DahrJamail: Four years on-fishermen, cleanup workers, and the ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico continue to suffer from BP disaster\\nhttp:\\u2026',\n", " u'BP: Four Years On, No Restoration in Sight http://t.co/VSP9q1YSlS',\n", " u'@randal_olson Thanks for the follow!\\U0001f44d',\n", " u'RT @randal_olson: #Homicide rates in the developed world.\\n\\nSource #dataviz: http://t.co/IqTRlmdz2E\\n\\n#guncontrol #US #Europe http://t.co/jHl\\u2026',\n", " u'Sensex hits record high for second consecutive day @timesofindia http://t.co/YT8MP0ee6W',\n", " u'Delhi cops, govt \\u2018colluded\\u2019 during 1984 anti-Sikh riots: Sting operation @timesofindia http://t.co/T14Z3uG96Z',\n", " u'RT @Solutioneer72: Senate postal bill would cut workers comp for feds across the government http://t.co/07aSEqjMrH',\n", " u'Real estate scion Trammell S. Crow digs deep for Earth Day Texas http://t.co/g5HaYbVJFS',\n", " u'Oklahoma Moves To Punish People Who Generate Their Own Power http://t.co/MfuXHzY81A via @Exposing4Truth',\n", " u'RT @IBTimesUK: Video: Kim Dotcom Warns of War Against Innovation http://t.co/Ls2rP1mAbS http://t.co/YvQB4Yfojr',\n", " u'RT @IBTimesUK: James Dyson reveals concept for Vacuum Barge to clean up the world\\u2019s rivers http://t.co/8ulwD8i0Ji http://t.co/6iVAm71mQt',\n", " u'RT @Yecora51: \"@TheDailyEdge: America rejects GOP ideas. In November, we must defeat GOP ID-ers. Don\\'t let them #SuppressTheVote http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @pjhnsn8: @NCAA Snacks, really, players say they go to bed hungry and you will vote to give them peanuts or pretzels?',\n", " u'RT @cd5762: ELECT (D) ROB ZERBAN @robzerban 2 #Congress DEFEAT PAUL RYAN & HIS Death Trap (Budget)! @UniteBlueWI #Wisconsin http://t.co/TW3\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @pjhnsn8: @RepPaulRyan Wisconsin why do you keep electing P. Ryan? He wants to starve the poor and make the middle class worker the new \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @pjhnsn8: @Politics_PR what is wrong with Meet the Press? Answer = David Gregory!',\n", " u'RT @pjhnsn8: Great new thing - Mojave desert solar energy plant. http://t.co/j03cjtWceQ',\n", " u'RT @pjhnsn8: http://t.co/734yoBBt0X']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @NHLPlayerSafety: Minnesota Wild forward Matt Cooke has been offered an in-person hearing for kneeing Colorado Avalanche defenseman Tyso\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @cologop: Another poll shows radical Dems like @MarkUdall, @hickforco in trouble because of #Obamacare: http://t.co/yTo6N0gd6f #COPoliti\\u2026',\n", " u'UAW Abandons Volkswagen Union challenge: http://t.co/5h7oN4WZaE',\n", " u'Despicable: Bundy Family Posts Photo Of Dead Cow Euthanized By Criminal Agency BLM: http://t.co/OWsIeYQ0Xi',\n", " u'RT @Heritage: Since the start of the Obama Administration, 157 major new regulations have been implemented, costing almost $73 billion a ye\\u2026',\n", " u'Video: Roenick says MacKinnon is more dominant at 18 than Crosby was (NBC Sports): http://t.co/QAXBvdo6bz',\n", " u'New Poll: More Than Two-Thirds Of Veterans Disapprove Of Obama: http://t.co/TCG7y4KsQl',\n", " u'Parents, Students Don\\u2019t Want Michelle Obama At Topeka High School Graduation: http://t.co/5AunkMa9lX',\n", " u'Hilarious Must-Read: Allen West\\u2019s Top 10 Reasons To Vote Democrat in 2014: http://t.co/HaSuQwBECF',\n", " u'\\u2018Manhood Problem\\u2019: NYT\\u2019s David Brooks Says Obama Is Perceived As A Pussy In The Middle East: http://t.co/qztCf9UIdU',\n", " u'RT @FinanceTX: Michelle Obama ruining graduation day for families in Kansas\\n-Ruining a lot more for others as well. http://t.co/e1ZoRQeyp1',\n", " u\"RT @oldhickory49: Amazing. 2 1/2 years later and Sen. Udall of CO says he'd vote to pass Obamacare again: http://t.co/70TIKgrqvb\",\n", " u'RT @Warming_Whiners: Obama the Weasel has extended the government comment period on the Keystone XL pipeline until after the November 4 mid\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Jed370761: It's hard to get a President to think about job growth who has never had a job.\",\n", " u'ObamaCare Forces Alabama County To Drop Health Coverage For Widows: http://t.co/emdHmCR26G',\n", " u'HHS Moves To Cancel More Health Insurance Plans: http://t.co/cnIbDOXde5',\n", " u'RT @kesgardner: Pew: 61% of Americans support the Keystone pipeline. Only 27% oppose it. That\\u2019s an even bigger gap than Obamacare.',\n", " u'RT @GayPatriot: SAVE THE POOR FOX LIVING ON THE WHITE HOUSE LAWN THAT BARACK OBAMA IS TRYING TO KILL!!!!!\\n#PETA http://t.co/78HSVCbGOV',\n", " u'RT @BettinaVLA: Obama Delivers on His 2008 Promise to Make Our Electric Bills Skyrocket - http://t.co/2D2GJ4akvD @BarackObama',\n", " u\"RT @JT14CA: I'd really appreciate it if y'all helped me out with my research project! http://t.co/oLqtP1eqeN\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Ever get to the point where you just say \"screw that\" and go along your merry way? Well, I\\'m feeling pretty dang merry right now. :)',\n", " u\"I'm trying to find where my place is \\nI'm looking for my own oasis \\nSo close I can taste this\\n#Switchfoot\",\n", " u'@CRatt https://t.co/Ck4jvHBdSY How in the world did you manage to keep a straight face? lol',\n", " u'\\u201cHe who is contented is rich.\" -Lao Tsu',\n", " u'@EBischoff Fargo is among my top 5 fav films. I hope the show does it justice. I really need to catch it.',\n", " u\"Sometimes life is so ridiculous that you don't know whether to laugh or cry. I choose to laugh.\",\n", " u'Father Jonathan Morris (@fatherjonathan) has one of the most soothing voices of anyone ever. Thanks, Father! #Hannity #priests',\n", " u'@liammckinnon yes it is',\n", " u\"I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately\",\n", " u'Keep running with the dark horses/ Hope makes the blood change courses',\n", " u\"RT @THR: EXCLUSIVE: 'Biggest Loser' Creator to Bring New Wrestling Venture to TV http://t.co/tfxMThKWTY\",\n", " u'@EBischoff pretty much. But at least people are waking up!',\n", " u'New week, new opportunities, new ideas, new experiences, new interactions, new beginnings. Every day, every week. None ever the same.',\n", " u\"She said she's giving me the cold shoulder. I asked if she could wait till it gets a little warmer outside first. #canthelpmyself\",\n", " u\"Impact was good last night, though I hope they're careful not to push the storylines too fast. It might cheapen otherwise big moments.\",\n", " u'RT @Bryan_Edwards: My favorite moment from last nights @IMPACTWRESTLING @ShowtimeEY becomes well deserved #champion @IMPACTWRESTLING http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'@antmaurizio @NancyGraceHLN @CNN @eonline @TMZ @Mediaite @starledger @examinercom @Classicalite Great job, Anthony.',\n", " u'@conniffAC @WholeFoods Slick, Costanza.',\n", " u\"RT @Mediaite: #CancelNancyGrace: Wrestling Fans Blast Nancy Grace for Coverage of Ultimate Warrior's Death http://t.co/2FplKIEKxf (VIDEO/PH\\u2026\",\n", " u\"This is freakin' brilliant. Check it out @mattyaden #NancyGrace https://t.co/l88UH4LpFn\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Gov\\u2019t-Funded Study Finds Biofuels May Actually Be Worse for the Environment Than Gasoline http://t.co/jesZgsEBvm',\n", " u'http://t.co/xfJMw08UPo',\n", " u'http://t.co/SujWNCGIHz',\n", " u'http://t.co/adao3pWb75',\n", " u\"Ron Paul's Group Fined by IRS for Not Handing Over Donor List http://t.co/aQ3cyDjWPI\",\n", " u'http://t.co/1wWGnH0Ncu',\n", " u'http://t.co/TgfkZS4h4A',\n", " u'IRS Revokes Tax-Exempt Status of Conservative Group http://t.co/9htMniofM1',\n", " u'http://t.co/nEVTTr5F7F',\n", " u'Here\\u2019s How the States Can Stop Barack Obama http://t.co/bEuwMsXZ1m',\n", " u'http://t.co/ZfX09WXuHC',\n", " u'Rachel Bevlin http://t.co/U0VryhsFEQ',\n", " u'Silversea Cruise Specials http://t.co/YdC6wxxaCk',\n", " u'http://t.co/8lq353j8se',\n", " u'http://t.co/3UPpc4zMQQ',\n", " u'http://t.co/EbnGyGpa6H',\n", " u'http://t.co/nVMI7gj6Zo',\n", " u'President Obama: Preventing Jobs, Losing Revenue & Hurting The Economy http://t.co/XuyTxwbwfW',\n", " u'http://t.co/h2FceHteeS',\n", " u'http://t.co/nIjg0utwCY']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Off to Barcelona!! =) (@ Amsterdam Airport @Schiphol (AMS) w/ 11 others) http://t.co/etQCkQG0ua',\n", " u\"I'm at Amsterdam @ArenAPoort (Amsterdam Zuidoost, Noord-Holland) http://t.co/G0MZNKxixU\",\n", " u'Eindhoven, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris. \\u2764\\ufe0f #minieurotrip',\n", " u'\"Success is getting what want, happiness is wanting what you get.\"',\n", " u'Chag Sameach! Happy Passover! \\U0001f377\\U0001f389',\n", " u'RT @DanielMael: Dear Fred Lawrence, President of Brandeis University http://t.co/zhYztUptLq',\n", " u'Amsterdam in 10 days #yay #excited #cantwait #home',\n", " u'My little piece of heaven \\U0001f4a4 #goodnight http://t.co/V42A07yQwD',\n", " u'Why not? Happy Birthday haleysmart!!! http://t.co/TjvkPHfSdQ',\n", " u'Happy hour with @kriselise21 \\U0001f601 #delish #happyhour #happyhumpday #muchneeded http://t.co/TVqB1yGRui',\n", " u'@haleysmart Love this! So true!',\n", " u'Lightning game with haleysmart a few weeks ago =) #friends #coworkers #classmates #hockey #lightning\\u2026 http://t.co/EXmzriuaah',\n", " u'@smashingaces thanks!',\n", " u'\\u201c@EatThisNotThat: Study finds that 25% of Americans don\\u2019t know what hummus is\\u201d um what? excuse me? #greatestthingever',\n", " u'Fake people never cease to amaze me. How long till the act wears off? #mustbehard #whatgoesaroundcomesaround #karma #beyourself',\n", " u'#TBT to some epic modeling days LOL. #whysoserious #modeling #oilily #nederland #jewfro #takemeback http://t.co/hZhqYXPpxN',\n", " u'Really at a loss for words in regards to the NLRB giving Northwestern football players approval to unionize. Ridiculous.',\n", " u'All work and no play. Still never a dull girl. #happyhumpday http://t.co/sQ0g0SMbUP',\n", " u'Boxed wine and some Advanced Accounting studying. #promisingnight #classy #cpabound',\n", " u\"Our careers aren't paths so much as landscapes that are navigated. - Keith Ferrazzi\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @lukejf01: @NeinQuarterly RT: @Bern_Morley Ominous sub-editing fail of the day http://t.co/TK1mKmthvf',\n", " u'#tonightsfeature is the second half of Blue is the Warmest Color #firsttime #netflix #palmedor http://t.co/If42vPweFv',\n", " u'\\u201c@nytimes: Rubin (Hurricane) Carter, Boxer Whose Murder Convictions Were Overturned, Dies at 76 http://t.co/45OBGzx02u\\u201d @iansports',\n", " u\"Once again, if you're introducing yourself while you're the incumbent governor, you know you don't have a record to run on #rickscott\",\n", " u'RT @edsbs: The organ music at hockey games is perfect because hockey really is like a carnival, but with facepunching and blood.',\n", " u'RT @NOTNFLLive: All 32 #NFL logos if they were fat: http://t.co/SGwIqsHY6J\\n\\n#Jets: http://t.co/jAuxGgfDL6',\n", " u'Are the Blues gassing their fans in celebration or something?',\n", " u'RT @edsbs: Auburn absolutely gonna DOMINATE Auburn this year.',\n", " u\"RT @NeinQuarterly: It's a beautiful day in New York. Should you like New York. And beauty. And days.\",\n", " u'RT @sportslogosnet: Hockey Night in Canada with a fantastic Chicago Blackhawks name fail... (screengrab courtesy @wyshynski) http://t.co/58\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JamesGunn: Hope you\\u2019re all having a wonderful Easter weekend. http://t.co/8TXaWkjB3q',\n", " u\"RT @CuteEmergency: Let's go barbie, let's go party! http://t.co/UBeCn2Qtot\",\n", " u'Loved the Pulp Fiction reference in #WinterSoldier',\n", " u'Jon Hamm? Good. Sports movie? Bad. (Generally) http://t.co/eSqAP07s1d',\n", " u\"RT @WillAllen30: Need everyone to come support #RebsBSB and #PackSwayze as we take on the LSU! If ya can't make it, tune into ESPNU at 6:30\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ADHadenUSC: Delighted to invite our walk on athletes to training table meals. They deserve it and have earned it. Good day. Right deci\\u2026',\n", " u'For this poster alone, I hope this girl wins all of the things http://t.co/OgNuUHUYJY',\n", " u\"RT @irin: New York airports bring back my childhood. Because I'm an immigrant. And because vast swaths of them haven't been updated in deca\\u2026\",\n", " u'Ahem \"@CuteEmergency: How you can tell which one will be a good guard dog. http://t.co/6wZ5C0mibT\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @CuteEmergency: The cutest of back massages. http://t.co/2dsX5g9cu8']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @ReformNOW6: http://t.co/6iibgy0by3',\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueTN @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueNH @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueFL @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/WXJ2OpPYhU h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @GOPWhip @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2 #tcot\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @SpeakerBoehner @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @McConnellPress @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @tedcruz @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2 #tcot\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @marcorubio @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 ht\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @RepJeffDenham @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @RepDavidValadao @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @RosLehtinen @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u'@Time4Action2014 @GOP @RosLehtinen @EspuelasVox http://t.co/uO1oJLAfP1',\n", " u'@Time4Action2014 @GOP @MarioDB @EspuelasVox http://t.co/iGfhe84Evu',\n", " u'@Time4Action2014 @GOP @RosLehtinen @EspuelasVox http://t.co/62IBnWIUMC',\n", " u'@Time4Action2014 @GOP @MarioDB @EspuelasVox http://t.co/Q6eJuWlmK6',\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @MarioDB @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2 #tcot\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @DemoCRIPS @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #tcot\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueCA @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/WXJ2OpPYhU h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueCO @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/WXJ2OpPYhU h\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Happy Earth Day \\U0001f490\\U0001f338\\U0001f337\\U0001f33c\\U0001f343\\U0001f342 http://t.co/6eVlmMfatl',\n", " u'RT @AnnieInfante_: @lissettecalv Miami with best friend',\n", " u'Everyone\\'s like, \"what are you finally doing this summer?\" And I\\'m like, \"GIVE ME MORE TIME TO DECIDE.\"',\n", " u'\"Don\\'t sweat the petty things, don\\'t pet the sweaty things.\" #SueWordsOfWisdom @suzanne430',\n", " u'I really hate to rub it in because I love all of you, but never having finals is the best thing in the world. #datPRlife',\n", " u'RT @Frank_Underwood: Hit the target, or be a target.',\n", " u'RT @rebeccawinship: @lissettecalv http://t.co/87Q8bMmxWF',\n", " u'@lauren_clover http://t.co/c4njAlw9KY',\n", " u'@lauren_clover K',\n", " u'\"People are forgetting who they are and knowing who I am. It\\'s embarrassing for them, because they don\\'t want to be forgotten.\"',\n", " u'@Ivettelozz_ http://t.co/hPRa7SKn5H',\n", " u'I made myself a chocolate croissant and I have no ragrets about it.',\n", " u\"I don't understand why three years later, Miami Dade still can't get my transcripts right.\",\n", " u\"@kylemiller711 that time I found @NDScher's jorts and questioned our future\",\n", " u\"@kylemiller711 @katedubbs I'm afraid of Jorts\",\n", " u\"Things I've never done in Tallahassee and hope I never get coerced to so: #wtw\",\n", " u'*ends rant* \\n\\n*have a good day friends*',\n", " u'Anyway, glad to see how a simple two initials myself and 1047391 other people on this planet share have these puppies on their claws.',\n", " u'Or, do posts about profanity and substance abuse get people jobs nowadays? #hm #probablynot',\n", " u'Maybe, instead of looking out for tweets relevant to you, spend a little more time working on your professionalism and internet etiquette.']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @DanaPerino: Baffling how some discrepancies get swept under the carpet. @brianjameswalsh revisits Elizabeth Warren's campaign http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TwitchyTeam: Amanda Marcotte: Senior sexually harassed Miss America by asking her to prom http://t.co/eiJlOJ1awg',\n", " u\"RT @exjon: The GOP has a crapload of problems, but at least we don't have to deal with that Zach Braff douche.\",\n", " u'RT @redsteeze: Yes the smart ass good looking millionaire actor is the victim here #YouGuys',\n", " u'RT @Slublog: \\u201cYour criticism of my stupid, stupid tweet hurt my feelings and stuff, you mean meanies!\\u201d https://t.co/IJYJVKKpGd',\n", " u'RT @hale_razor: PETA: outraged at Easter egg roll, silent about cattle slaughtered by government on Bundy Ranch.',\n", " u\"I'm supporting Carter Spivey! http://t.co/tgzsszSODB via @DonorDrive\",\n", " u'RT @JammieWF: Attkisson: CBS News too \\u201cideologically entrenched\\u201d to air stories critical of the Obama administration http://t.co/KuxvrWG4ms',\n", " u'RT @JonahNRO: Paging @HowardKurtz http://t.co/P9ZtIwdk3V',\n", " u\"RT @iowahawkblog: Hysterical WH demonization rhetoric: a deliberate strategy based on David Plouffe's theory of 'Stray Voltage' http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'The tyranny of the organic mommy mafia http://t.co/mqEGNq65Eu',\n", " u'RT @CoreyAStewart: A true credit to the @Padres pitching staff to get back to .500 when the team is dead last in all of baseball in runs sc\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @AmyOtto8: I can't believe she isn't embarrassed to write this. White House press core is a joke http://t.co/UWQSLjPDQI\",\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: Sowell: \\u201cNothing is more immoral than sending men to risk their lives winning victories that are later lost by politicians\\u2026\\u201d#\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @iowahawkblog: Reagan library has a panoramic view of Simi Valley, an entire Air Force One & costs $60m, all private. IL: $100m public f\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SeahawkBurrrton: Then let the juiceboxers spend a few months telling everyone that their iPhones were \"junk phones\". @instapundit @bina\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @SeahawkBurrrton: Take away 6M people's iPhones, force them to buy Android, then crow that Android is a runaway success. @instapundit @b\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @georgewillf: Today's argument is between those who say politics is about a condition and those who say it is about a process http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'The zealots win again http://t.co/XTzSx64UyL via @washingtonpost',\n", " u'RT @WWren: Hi @whitehouse - Just clarifying: The IRS was illegally colluding with a Congressman and strategizing the arrest of political op\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @si_vault: Artis Gilmore and Jim Chones battle during a 1973 ABA game between the Kentucky Colonels and Carolina Cougars http://t.co/aW9\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Both D.C. ospreys have returned home. http://t.co/11fwtEL4cf http://t.co/VZYQL6uaPJ',\n", " u'Wow! 3.5 inches since 6pm on Thurs in Foxcroft area of NE Tally. @WCTVMike. @robnucatola http://t.co/UEVqhf7kml',\n", " u'RT @espn: @NHLBlackhawks Retweet to support the Blackhawks in their quest to repeat as Stanley Cup Champs. http://t.co/gjg6R3wmyb',\n", " u'Injury accident southbound Cap Circle SE before Appalachee..traffic backing up to Park. @WCTV',\n", " u'@GrantWahl have to see if the trendy types keep supporting it once they have kids older than U10',\n", " u'RT @GilesKristian: Oh I like this. In The Times today. http://t.co/IKV7qaKjPU',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: The 2014 Peeps Show winner: \"I Have a Dream: Martin Luther King Jr. Addresses the Peeple\" http://t.co/rAHDDpdVCZ http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'@kyhighs Surprising, considering how long FH has been played in HS. At least, Louisville schools.',\n", " u\"@kyhighs Field Hockey hasn't been a KHSAA sport?\",\n", " u'Important sports memorials today. remembering @bostonmarathon #BostonStrong and @lfc #hillsborough #YoullNeverWalkAlone',\n", " u'RT @MLB: Every Retweet this gets = a Thank You to Jackie. #Jackie42 http://t.co/4CZojWDxRR',\n", " u'RT @BBCSport: Steven Gerrard and his team-mates are among 24,000 people at the Hillsborough memorial service http://t.co/1boxeejNWz http://\\u2026',\n", " u'@BostonGlobe Congrats! Well-deserved. Followed the events through your Twitter feed, which had the best info of any news source.',\n", " u'RT @MattMayKY: What a difference 48 hours and 40 degrees makes... http://t.co/TquchKqZ0i',\n", " u'RT @LFC: 25 years ago today, 96 men, women and children lost their lives at Hillsborough. We will never forget them.',\n", " u'RT @athooks: Dates, times and TV networks for all #STLBlues vs #Blackhawks playoff games. - http://t.co/rX1Put9LZn',\n", " u'RT @JeffreyBezore: It\\u2019s National Dolphin Day, #Florida - 1966 image of Flipper (Mitzi) shaking hands via @FLMemory #AirFlipper http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WildcatReport: It hailed golf balls in Barrington, IL today! See if you can spot the real ball among the hailstones. http://t.co/7mTVxF\\u2026',\n", " u'Greatest spring moment @NUFBFamily @FauxPelini \"@Huskers: Now we\\'re ready for the #Huskers Spring Game. http://t.co/jGgiLDdOqG\"']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @willweatherford: A great man! \\u201c@SallyAnnWest: Thank you @willweatherford @RepMHudson & Rep Taylor for honoring the most important man i\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: I am a proud father of 3 girls and would be a proud father of 4. However, turns out I will be a proud father of 3 girl\\u2026',\n", " u'@willweatherford congrats to u and Courtney',\n", " u'RT @ChrisDorworth: Truly. RT @hollisjustin: Coach K visits mercer locker room. First class all the way. cc @ChrisDorworth http://t.co/ALppO\\u2026',\n", " u'A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet | Autopia | http://t.co/P5d9s3Vw6f http://t.co/zKoAjZSujZ',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: Good read on @RepAlbritton. He is doing great work this session! http://t.co/pghTbdmsXo #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @ErinVanSickle: RT @JohnsonBlanton @AndyMarlette at his best. #giant #Sayfie http://t.co/l29BmevJvs',\n", " u'RT @repclayingram: Icon @JebBush speaking to the House @FLGOPMajority! @SteveCrisafulli http://t.co/pjqnzU4gFN',\n", " u\"RT @RepBillHager: Rest in Peace to Florida's 37th Governor Reubin Askew.\",\n", " u'RT @denisegrimsley: Mourning loss of Governor Askew. An upright leader and statesman.',\n", " u\"RT @Kevin_C_King: Sunny Day at Al Lang Stadium. Met Babe Ruth's daughter. Saw @Kriseman throw 1st pitch to Hall of Famer Roberto Alomar.\",\n", " u'@hurricanesports Go Canes',\n", " u'@hurricanesports thanks',\n", " u\"@hurricanesports what's strange FSU is saying their 2-1 in acc\",\n", " u'@hurricanesports actually 4-2 in acc',\n", " u'RT @ConnieSimpson3: Please everyone retweet & help. My friends nephew went missing today in Florida in theTampa/Wesley Chapel area. http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"Smartphone app lets doctor see what's bothering you http://t.co/qmWHk56pQN\",\n", " u'RT @nfl: Aaron Donald vs. Timmy Jernigan vs. Ndamukong Suh.\\n\\n40-yard dash SIMULCAM!\\nMUST-SEE: http://t.co/ZVWxrCqV1K #NFLCombine',\n", " u'P@t',\n", " u'RT @deonbushlive2: Bad idea for the stars spangled banner']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@washingtonpost He would celebrate at a @WaffleHouse ...',\n", " u'Bill Reignites Debate Over Film Incentives In Florida http://t.co/03cJKHVynH via @wfsunews',\n", " u\"A slow clap for @C0rmacMcCarthy RT:@piersmorgan So are many other people. And they don't make a million for farting into a bucket.\",\n", " u'RT @erichm: Riddle me this, scientists: if your so-called \\u201cglobal warming\\u201d is real, then how did Frozen just become the # 1 animated movie \\u2026',\n", " u'Hi, @enorcross. I was hoping I could talk to you about a film subsidy proposal in Florida for a FL Public Radio story today.',\n", " u'#MiamiDade #capitoldays never disappoints. Hundreds of people came out for a taste of #paella and #Miami culture. http://t.co/CKHg6aYFck',\n", " u'So I went to #sleep in #Tallahassee but, I think I woke up in #foggy #London... weather you are drunk',\n", " u'If only I still mailed letters RT @WaymonHudson: Behold! The #HarveyMilk Commemorative Stamp! http://t.co/M6teRbCg9t http://t.co/lG5Zuvd4xw',\n", " u'House And Senate Environmental Regulation Reforms Drift Farther Apart http://t.co/XXLbPciRHx via @wfsunews http://t.co/CxEG2CR17x',\n", " u'Never forget the Cooler King @camanpour RT: The Great Escape still inspires 70 yrs later: http://t.co/uA3eu1r2wI http://t.co/ZEiVfSPLJB',\n", " u'RT @peacemanray: Panoramic camera from 1920 used every 2 yrs for pic of whole House at their desks. http://t.co/bBk9ZhCorg',\n", " u'RT @NPR: Today NPR becomes the first news provider on iTunes Radio. Coming soon: your favorite Member Station streams. http://t.co/zGhn5kOn\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @D_Fifer: Hate on NPR all you want, but science Friday is awesome. #500poundchickenfromhell',\n", " u'RT @craigtimes: Oh #Florida! Grocery discovers cause of plunge in profits is employee using coupon codes to steal $23K in 5 months http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'Power out at @WFSUNews a few hours before @FPRCapReport is supposed to air. #noluck',\n", " u'Human Trafficking Experts Rally Against Proposed Changes To Safe Harbor Act http://t.co/TFh2OHVbiE via @wfsunews http://t.co/gB1UnjJdnu',\n", " u'Abortion Debate Never Far From Legislative Spotlight http://t.co/6nEptMVmVv via @wfsunews http://t.co/Fk4uM2pOyU',\n", " u'Happy #StPatricksDay to my Irish and non-Irish friends. Especially @Regan_McCarthy. May the #luckoftheirish get us through session',\n", " u'Brought tears to my eyes RT @AndyMarlette: Eternal sunshine for Gov. #ReubinAskew #pnjnews #sayfie http://t.co/FfSukvqYuW',\n", " u'\"All-American Flag Act\" Would Ban Government Use Of Foreign Made U.S. Flags http://t.co/qaDhOSRvA7 via @wfsunews http://t.co/GtvkbnnGoi']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Pres. Gaetz and Speaker Weatherford addressing lawmakers at budget conference #sayfie @FCN2go @WTSP10News http://t.co/DPlM7Xd3et',\n", " u'House and senate meet for first budget conference meeting this session in a packed room. http://t.co/XdiC3igH7q',\n", " u'RT @WTSP10News: 9-year-old trods on 10,000-year-old mastodon tooth http://t.co/uJ3OnQXA4f #offbeat #10News http://t.co/ZKanBvcTF3',\n", " u'RT @mattsinn: Good luck @noahpransky! #BostonMarathon',\n", " u'RT @CBSNews: Pope Francis delivers two important messages to followers on Easter Sunday - http://t.co/4C2QnuXOa2',\n", " u'@1KerryJoe killed it on the Dj booth as always',\n", " u'Meridian road back open',\n", " u'Meridian Rd near Maclay still closed after a tree fell on it about an hour and a half ago. http://t.co/qA1HndwyM8',\n", " u'\\u201c@MattGalka: @GarinFlowers @gerald_whitney @JamesBuechele not impressed...\\u201d Says the loser. Lol',\n", " u'@IconShe LOL! Clearly. I got it a bunch today hah.',\n", " u'@IconShe \"Mmmmmmhmmm\" quote of the day lol',\n", " u'@gerald_whitney @JamesBuechele @MattGalka Thanks! Keep the challenges coming.',\n", " u'@JamesBuechele @gerald_whitney @MattGalka Lol',\n", " u'RT @JimRidesforLife: Lovely day for a ride! http://t.co/MLXsrDwydY',\n", " u'@gerald_whitney @JamesBuechele @MattGalka http://t.co/TWpjIudVWP',\n", " u\"RT @WTSP10News: #breaking we're hearing that a #sinkhole has opened in Dunedin. Crews and info on the way\",\n", " u'Group delivered petitions to Gov. Scott asking him to suspend Prosecutor Angela Corey #sayfie http://t.co/zSZhA0X7fT',\n", " u'@hymnforrachel Marissa Alexander was sentenced to 20 years for firing a warning shot at her ex husband',\n", " u'Protest for Marissa Alexander at the Capitol. Groups are calling on Governor Scott to fire Prosecutor Angela Corey. http://t.co/y2Xf0dYiyo',\n", " u'This brave child got cochlear implants to hear. Now her parents hope to help others, story on @FCN2go & @WTSP10News http://t.co/XuQMHbfZzf']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @cschweitz: There's now a wide selection of Tinder alternatives for Jewish singles http://t.co/mX0UzDAGRG\",\n", " u'@KristenMerlin chills from that performance. #nomic #amazingvoice @NBCTheVoice',\n", " u'@NonProfit_Meg congrats!!!',\n", " u\"RT @run4crohns: Good luck to Team Intestinal Fortitude's Jake Marcus and everyone else running in today's #BostonMarathon! #Run4Crohns #Bos\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @ericasara: the tears at this year's #BostonMarathon finish line are the right kind... of happiness :) #grateful #BostonStrong\",\n", " u'@AliOnTheRun1 have a great day!',\n", " u'RT @nyrr_pro: One of the things I love most about @runMeb is he makes everybody feel like they had an equal part in this.',\n", " u'1 Million expected spectators at the Boston Marathon today #BostonStrong',\n", " u'Good luck to all the runners today at the Boston Marathon #BostonStrong',\n", " u'Happy Birthday @matthewmelnick',\n", " u'@tblanchfield Easter tree? You have one cool mom!',\n", " u'@AliOnTheRun1 awesome!!',\n", " u\"Now I'm up and trying to figure out how to go back to bed.\",\n", " u'@classycareer is hosting another book giveaway! Go and check her site http://t.co/QppAPGRen5 http://t.co/e3dE4iyXmY',\n", " u'So this is happening tomorrow morning and I only hope to finish. #walk #run #teamchallenge http://t.co/1HNC9M1PNa',\n", " u\"@brooksrunning just to get out there and run. It's time to take care of myself first & foremost. Become healthy 1 step at a time #RunHappy\",\n", " u'New sneakers and a new perspective on life means big changes for myself cc: @brooksrunning http://t.co/z8rkQW5O49',\n", " u\"Dreams don't have deadlines via @llcoolj\",\n", " u'Dreams can come true and she has proved it: http://t.co/9LzJTNSUjk cc: @AliOnTheRun1 #Inspiration #Strong #figter',\n", " u'@AliOnTheRun1 congratulations!!!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @SaintPetersblog: State Rep. Jim Boyd endorses Terri Seefeldt in HD 31GOP primary. http://t.co/7yAVbvbhtp #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Former Rep. Scott Plakon qualifies for ballot by petition. http://t.co/TrlWGQ1Dxa #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @fredthompson: Russian fighter buzzes US warship in Black Sea. Obama responds: tells ship to launch paper airplanes made from strongly-w\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: HD 31 hopeful Terri Seefeldt campaign continues to grow Lake County support. http://t.co/iZ27gcvIFl #sayfie',\n", " u'@MearKat00 @JimmyPatronis boo is right',\n", " u'@CNNPolitics I remember when some dude did this to GW. But that was in the Middle East',\n", " u'RT @CNNPolitics: Hillary Clinton ducks after a woman reportedly threw a shoe at her in Las Vegas http://t.co/sbgvKfcdoc http://t.co/ySgYFky\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Rep. David Santiago endorses Terri Seefeldt in tight HD 31 GOP primary. http://t.co/chDUG9IknX #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @fineout: A succinct appraisal of the #FLLeg from Sen. Tom Lee: \"Up here, it\\'s always about the money.\"',\n", " u'@JimmyPatronis boo',\n", " u'RT @JackLatvala: The Tampa Bay Rays march to the World Series begins today. Go Rays!',\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog or apparently under the van',\n", " u'RT @marcorubio: Congress must act quickly to impose sanctions on Putins cronies & provide assistance to people of #Ukraine. http://t.co/8zG\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLGOPMajority: Happy Birthday Speaker Pro Tempore Coley! #sayfie #FLSession2014 http://t.co/nk64yxFPiV',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Our state has lost a giant of a man. Rest in peace, Governor Reubin Askew.',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: The NDN has a brutal, must-read takedown of \"The Outsider\" @ClawsonOutsider, who is running in CD19. http://t.co/HbhZo\\u2026',\n", " u'@JohnsonBlanton \\n\\nWho is the walrus? Goo goo go joob',\n", " u'RT @Basztalos: With Representative Hugh Gibson in the villages. He looks great for someone who just had heart surgery http://t.co/aap3Cj7D0F',\n", " u\"RT @ckruegertimes: Think I have decoded all political ads. The one you're supposed to vote for is in color. The bad one is black-and-white.\\u2026\",\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog Escape From New York and The Thing.']},\n", " {'IDP': [u'@RosLehtinen REFORMA MIGRATORIA!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen @MiamiSpringsFL REFORMA MIGRATORIA',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen @LaPoderosa670 REFORMA MIGRATORIA',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen @MiamiSpringsFL REFORMA MIGRATORIA!!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen immigration reform!',\n", " u'@SpeakerBoehner IMMIGRATION REFORM!!!!',\n", " u'@RepWebster IMMIGRATION REFORM!!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen Immigration Reform!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen Immigration Reform!!!',\n", " u'@MarioDB He really help Immigrants, Immigration Reform!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen Immigration Reform!!!!!!',\n", " u'@MarioDB immigration reform!!!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen @MDCPS REFORMA MIGRATORIA!!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen @MDCPS REFORMA MIGRATORIA!! IN STATE TUITION!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen REFORMA MIGRATORIA!!!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen Reforma Migratoria!!!!',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen Immigration Reform!!!!!',\n", " u'@MarioDB REFORMA MIGRATORIA!!!! Cuando???',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen @nrubioradio @msfernandanews @ActualidadRadio REFORMA MIGRATORIA, CUANDO???????',\n", " u'@RosLehtinen REFORMA MIGRATORIA!!!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@andrewperloff @dpshow nhl, OT, nhl',\n", " u'@JeffDWarden @theroyalhalf Retired player jerseys are the only way to go. #66',\n", " u'RT @Dejan_Kovacevic: .@USAirways Well, where to start? Hub gone, tens of millions of debt stuck on our books, 36,000 jobs ... to your birth\\u2026',\n", " u'@965orlando Hell no. Tyrant tying up streets and wasting tax money to tout his awful healthcare law. MT Going to see Obama in Orlando today.',\n", " u'@RickScottUpdate Undocumented? More like Illegal. They do not deserve in state tuition. Shame on @FLGovScott. @AdrianWyllie4FL For Governor.',\n", " u'@DAVIDMDRAIMAN Because history is a well agreed upon fiction. MT Tesla excluded from histoty books.',\n", " u'\"@Failtext: That\\'s one theory http://t.co/qmTRg5RuBO\" @Gregsanti',\n", " u'Maatta for Kesler? Ha, haha, hahahahahaha. @GMMikeGillis @VanCanucks',\n", " u'What a forecheck. #Letsgopens',\n", " u'@BritPensFanClub 4th line, baby. Goc making it happen #LetsGoPens',\n", " u'@BritPensFanClub Did you guys wake up? Or are you still awake for the west coast tilt? #LetsGoPens',\n", " u'12 hours later and Christopher has a full beard? #DallasTNT',\n", " u'@MyNews13 Nice, that may be my next big ticket purchase.',\n", " u'@nfl at 225? I am no elite athlete, but I can put 225 up 8 times.',\n", " u'RT @DAVIDMDRAIMAN: MUAHAHAHAH! http://t.co/L4GPCa740H',\n", " u'@BillyHallowell Breath mint and a paper towel.',\n", " u'Fat Triple Axl. RT @exjon: .@killpundit Triple Axl. http://t.co/STgAUbwRbK',\n", " u'@keemig3366 @Lizzs_Lockeroom @MichelleDBeadle Nash is Canadian, therefore, hockey.',\n", " u\"@MichelleDBeadle NHL broken leg, finish your shift. Bloody nose/ broken nose doesn't even register on the pain scale.\",\n", " u'@bkgreenhalgh @CellyHard Where is the status for HEART? USA owns that category.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'NeatConnect Cloud Scanner Review http://t.co/EIcRnJsVAA',\n", " u'#Bankruptcy Judge Says AMR Can\\u2019t Cut Retiree Benefits http://t.co/3BgqLIHUg9',\n", " u\"@fdxmike It could be! Can't very well tell in your profile picture. Have a good day!\",\n", " u'@fdxmike That is a good one Mike. You have to change your Bio from actor to comedian.',\n", " u'@mesoCircle Good to know!',\n", " u'@DWMagann Thanks for sharing David',\n", " u'@jvsansone Thanks for the share.',\n", " u'@CocoPazzo That is true. Hope you caught up on some much needed sleep.',\n", " u'Possession of more than 20 grams of #marijuana is still a #felony in FL http://t.co/5BDBFAFeRN',\n", " u'RT @MarcWhitehead Slow VA Offices Cause National Veterans Disability Claims Delays http://t.co/t4YEZ3GtzQ',\n", " u'#DUI laws could be complicated by SCOTUS ruling - http://t.co/UwXDOa8m6J',\n", " u'First Leg Of Argentinian Default Heads To U.S. Supreme Court http://t.co/RGv8GrcQI3',\n", " u'Join me this evening at 6:00 pm on the most listened to talk show http://t.co/7gAO8wcZse',\n", " u'Don\\u2019t Let a #Divorce Leave You Illiquid http://t.co/9EEE0KVkqN',\n", " u'RT @sincemydivorce: From the Archives:: Trying To Save Your Marriage http://t.co/U4VzTR5CEQ #divorce',\n", " u\"'X-Men' director Bryan Singer targeted in teen sex abuse lawsuit http://t.co/tSi5JB8R8w\",\n", " u'Ex-Husband in Parenting Plan Takes Child - What can the Wife do? - #Orlando, FL #attorney explains http://t.co/L3VuLkg8LX',\n", " u'Terrorism Trial Begins in NYC http://t.co/hL6n8YW5yM',\n", " u'What Do Most People Get Wrong on Their Websites? http://t.co/SalOerFU0J',\n", " u'Legal Bills Hit Bank of America; N.H. Awaits Death Penalty Vote; Tsarnaev\\u2019s Defense http://t.co/mjiBeduggu']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Wittessay: http://t.co/nnUwgSRwpK',\n", " u'Do you know who is awesome? My 1 new follower in the last day! Growing with http://t.co/zsRgYWQUMJ',\n", " u'Number crunching for the past day - 3 new followers and NO unfollowers. Stats via http://t.co/w3uVaEazZR',\n", " u'RT @Lileensvf1: #JFK was right: http://t.co/GDkCsRrll6 #PJNET',\n", " u'RT @LibertarianWing: http://t.co/vHm8rv351r',\n", " u'@Lileensvf1 old news plus Wisconsin paid more than half of the bills so great move by a great governor.',\n", " u'Am I the only one that thinks the nation has gone backwards since BO has been elected? Small things like dishwasher that no longer cleans.',\n", " u'Number crunching for the past day - 2 new followers and NO unfollowers. Stats via http://t.co/w3uVaEazZR',\n", " u'They got their wish, $4.00 Gallon gasoline. It is the only promise that he kept.',\n", " u'I want my $2500.00 medical savings as promised. Now I see rates going up.',\n", " u'Number crunching for the past day - 5 new followers and 3 unfollowers. Stats via http://t.co/zsRgYWQUMJ',\n", " u'New day, new tweets, new stats. 2 followers, 0 unfollowers. Via good old http://t.co/zsRgYWQUMJ',\n", " u'2 tweeps followed (thank you!) and nobody unfollowed me in the past day. Thank you http://t.co/zsRgYWQUMJ.',\n", " u'RT @AFPMissouri: In 1923, the average American worked 35 days to pay their taxes. In 2013, it took 108 days. #taxday',\n", " u'RT @Future1stLady1: \"Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.\" -Ronald Reagan \\u2026',\n", " u'I gained 3 followers in the last day. You? Know your stats and grow with http://t.co/zsRgYWQUMJ',\n", " u'Stats for the day have arrived. 2 new followers and 2 unfollowers via http://t.co/zsRgYWQUMJ.',\n", " u'@dwaynecobb include the White House in the same statement. They are conceding all of their power.',\n", " u'Watched the movie \"The Campaign\" it mirrored what is true. It is so sad that it is the way our political system has evolved.',\n", " u'New day, new tweets, new stats. 3 followers, 1 unfollower. Via good old http://t.co/zsRgYWQUMJ']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Those Oh So Tolerant Liberals Want Drone Strikes Against Cliven Bundy & Co http://t.co/OtKi44GkWs',\n", " u'Those Oh So Tolerant Liberals Want Drone Strikes Against Cliven Bundy & Co http://t.co/sRtAQUANpC',\n", " u'Those Oh So Tolerant Liberals Want Drone Strikes Against Cliven Bundy &\\xa0Co http://t.co/qQgEda62wK',\n", " u'Jimmy Fallon- \"If Chelsea Has A Boy He Can Wear Hillary\\'s Hand-Me-Downs\" ... LOL http://t.co/24FXWLfC0N',\n", " u'Jimmy Fallon- \\u201cIf Chelsea Has A Boy He Can Wear Hillary\\u2019s Hand-Me-Downs\\u201d \\u2026\\xa0LOL http://t.co/BRpiAr58eV',\n", " u'\\u2018Cause He\\u2019s The Taxman \\u2026 Obama Budget Proposal Calls For Highest Taxation\\xa0Ever http://t.co/4itITMHgSj',\n", " u'Defending Obama And NSA Gets Pelosi Booed \\u2026 By Her Own\\xa0Kind http://t.co/OnpdukD6T5',\n", " u'Dave Mustaine Rips Obama\\'s \"Mom Jeans\" On Stage http://t.co/CTrMnsGFOg',\n", " u'Dave Mustaine Rips Obama\\u2019s \\u201cMom Jeans\\u201d On\\xa0Stage http://t.co/xMCgPG1bit',\n", " u'Illegal Immigrants May Have Brought Ebola To Europe http://t.co/prqEoGeUlZ',\n", " u'Illegal Immigrants May Have Brought Ebola To\\xa0Europe http://t.co/Z7bhJ71xTy',\n", " u'Shooting 2500 Yards 1.43 miles 2.3km!! http://t.co/PUOIJC090G',\n", " u'Shooting 2500 Yards 1.43 miles\\xa02.3km!! http://t.co/gwyQsJBGcR',\n", " u'Poles Celebrating Easter With A BANG - Firing A Handheld Street Cannon http://t.co/KCo60J7EWv',\n", " u'Poles Celebrating Easter With A BANG \\u2013 Firing A Handheld Street\\xa0Cannon http://t.co/H3Uh0zE6cP',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/lkFm9AEXUq \\u015awieta Wielkanocne! Dzielnica Cud\\xf3w! JFZ',\n", " u'Daily Comedy 4.22.14 http://t.co/sRZXupAyWw',\n", " u'Daily Video 4.22.14 http://t.co/ECr8mgUTCQ',\n", " u'Daily Quote 4.22.14 http://t.co/O0Vw7iqHNv',\n", " u'Daily Editorial Cartoon\\xa04.22.14 http://t.co/WUwQpz8Ben']},\n", " {'INT': [u'RT @BenHowe: You can be arrested in Saudi Arabia for being female in public with no male accompanying you. But please, cry to me about McDo\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @reason: Texas cop trips girls celebrating state soccer title, inspires new generation of cop haters http://t.co/7NTlgSGgA0 HT @LionelMe\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @weknowwhatsbest: As our new ambassador to Libya, we've appointed a desert tortoise. Now, if there's another Benghazi attack, the US wi\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @derekahunter: Didn\\'t \"the news\" used to do this? MT @nytimes Introducing @UpshotNYT, a new site helping readers understand the news htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @NolteNC: I like living in a country where we won't deport a degenerate like Justin Bieber to a nice country like Canada but SWAT an Eli\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @DepressedDarth: The Circle of Life http://t.co/aBYjoLs61X',\n", " u'RT @charlescwcooke: What if Vox and Upshot disagree in their explanations? What will that tell us?',\n", " u'RT @GARock945: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words I Poop On Cars',\n", " u\"RT @13013B: Study reveals the Left are who they say they hate. One reason #OWS didn't take is, many 1%ers are Blue. http://t.co/ZQqoeda9iO \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @yesnicksearcy: .@livestrong4cure \\u201c@zachbraff: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words Willing to share wealth.\\u201d Inaccurate. \"Sharing Other Peopl\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KristinnFR: @Talkmaster @MaroonedInMarin @EWErickson 19% of young Black men voted for Romney in 2012. They wanted jobs over Obama/Dem r\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @_DWRobinson: Monday must be Muslim date night @yesnicksearcy @Deanofcomedy @MuslimsRComing http://t.co/IIXaOJ5sbc',\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: Politicians as a class are dangerous... people who are seeking power over us are not, by definition, our friends. - Ja\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @trippflr: @Talkmaster Freedom of Speech explained http://t.co/sz1FG71zLN',\n", " u'Asking for a date is now sex harassmnt, apparently RT @JammieWF Amanda Marcotte: Senior sexually harassed Miss America by asking her to prom',\n", " u'RT @Todd__Kincannon: Hairy women. Dickless men.\\n\\n#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words',\n", " u'RT @Talkmaster: I (gasp!) agree with 0bama. Get non-violent drug offenders out of federal prisons. But .. apply the money we save to the de\\u2026',\n", " u\"Or a bitch RT @Chrissy_Cindy \\u201c@NikoWavy: If you pretty and you single it's because you boring.\\u201d WELP\",\n", " u'RT @HotInfidel74: This is how Muslim men council rape victims in #Islam. Compassionate, right? http://t.co/U70zwoEA8l',\n", " u'RT @ProSyn: Today\\'s most read: \"Global Warming\\'s Upside-Down Narrative\" by @BjornLomborg http://t.co/uFb7pjyqRa']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@missmolamola Aww yes. I remember that. Lots of mutual pain caused by self centered money grubbing governors. So you surely understand.',\n", " u'@FiveMetreStop You know it',\n", " u'Our Florida Governor is a money-grubbing-self-centered-idiot, who never answers are questions or makes good decisions in our interest.',\n", " u\"Our Florida Governor is a money grubbing, self centered idiot who doesn't answer people's questions or makes decisions in our best interest.\",\n", " u'RT @DrGuttridge: Newborn lemons arriving soon in Bimini highlights importance of mangroves as nursery areas https://t.co/1Dn06as3Gs http://\\u2026',\n", " u'I completely re-did my blog and updating content. Check it out at http://t.co/Ah66qPKgjs',\n", " u'NEW BLOG POST \"MH370 Tragedy: We need more funding in ocean research and exploration\" http://t.co/sNyw05gvjk',\n", " u'At the Downtown St Pete Earth Day event we got these Blue Ocean Film Festival bags and attempted to\\u2026 http://t.co/s5bXgo10QM',\n", " u'My friend Jennifer from Public Speaking class got me this little Great White beanie baby! I love it!\\u2026 http://t.co/XmfKPuLJGl',\n", " u'install the Eco Barrier instead of Drumlines http://t.co/fMN3QG7mpg',\n", " u'Presidents Assembly at FCSSGA! http://t.co/ODdGJJ9zfp',\n", " u'We from St Petersburg College are here representing our college at the FCSSGA - Florida College System\\u2026 http://t.co/eVWk8mGhNt',\n", " u'Stand With Guam and Protect Sharks\\n http://t.co/bVIqxzOSn1 via @sharethis',\n", " u'RT @RepHuffman: It\\u2019s time to take a stand to STOP the cruel practice of #sharkfinning. RETWEET if you agree! http://t.co/8IREsWKHF0',\n", " u'At the SPC Color the World ball! http://t.co/Yfo0XFFtid',\n", " u'One of my favorite parts about the #SPCtally trip was meeting so many great people from our college who came. I have friends! @spcnews',\n", " u\"RT @NathanFillion: Today is yours. What will you do with it? Me, I'm going to try and make the world a better place, in some small way.\",\n", " u\"RT @spcnews: Tonight's the night! SPC #DreamBall @ 7 pm @ the Coliseum http://t.co/muHNnaf9VJ\",\n", " u\"Fellow St Pete College students, don't forget that tonight is the Color the World Ball. It's at 7PM at the Coliseum. @spcnews\",\n", " u'It is because so many stayed home from voting that Jolly won. Sink should have won. I am afraid for my city and state!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @alicia_lupercio: CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox @SenateDems #TNTweeters #p2 http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox @kwanzaaproject #TNTweeters http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox @thehill #TNTweeters #tcot http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: @SteveCase CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #p2 http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: @FPizarro_DC CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox @WarrenCoDemsOH #TNTweeters http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: We have been distracted ..#WakeUpNow #GOPfail #Elections2014 #latism #CIR http://t.co/BuXBBfRfOb @EspuelasVox',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox @nvdems #TNTweeters #latism http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: #Republicans really, really don't like #Latinos. And Latinos know it. http://t.co/1t8uVulfzV #latism #TNTweeters #immigrat\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox @KennettDems #TNTweeters http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @votolatino: .@FWD_us to launch TV & digital ad campaign against Iowa Rep. Steve King for his anti #immigrationreform stance. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @EspuelasVox @mch7576 #TNTweeters #p2 http://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: Unete al Hangout de Registracion de VOTANTES !! invita a tu familia y amigos @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #tcot ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: @DWStweets joins me on my show @Unvamerica #Latism #TNTweeters',\n", " u\"RT @AndreaLeon: MT @RoqPlanas An explanation of the GOP's Latino outreach plan.Nothing on policy, but lots on engagement http://t.co/0sykck\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: Unete al Hangout de Registracion de VOTANTES !! invita a tu familia y amigos @DianeGCibrian #TNTweeters #latism #tcot \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: Unete al Hangout de Registracion de VOTANTES !! invita a tu familia y amigos @eileencardet #TNTweeters #latism #tcot h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: Unete al Hangout de Registracion de VOTANTES ! invita a tu familia y amigos @ANAMAVARGASNEWS #TNTweeters #latism #p2. \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: Unete al Hangout de Registracion de VOTANTES !! invita a tu familia y amigos @Leon_Krauze #TNTweeters #latism #tcot ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: Unete al Hangout de Registracion de VOTANTES ! invita a tu familia y amigos @CollinsOficial #TNTweeters #latism #tcot \\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @RezOKC: Dear #Oklahoma: If you see @GovMaryFallin or a member of the legislature outdoors, fill this out & hand it to them: http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'Susan B Anthony representative, Marjorie Dannenfelser, is an idiot! @dailyrundown',\n", " u\"South Carolina Mayor Fires Town's First Female Police Chief Because She's Gay http://t.co/PQGPHV9kfG via @dailykos #LGBT\",\n", " u\"@Truth_Seeker59 @thinkprogress Insert 'bitter old white'.\",\n", " u\"10 Things Jesus Wasn't. - http://t.co/wDMWsdb8rt via @goodmenproject\",\n", " u'RT @RockyjSquirrel2: The #BundyRanch Standoff Demonstrates Values Shared by Corporations and the Far Right http://t.co/CliMipq89T #Domestic\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RockyjSquirrel2: White supremacist #KKK website breeding ground 4 deranged terrorists! http://t.co/n9f4mdbnoo \\u2026 #BundyRanch #KochBros \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Hendems: Wow! http://t.co/ijguJXS5XY',\n", " u'RT @Melon_Monroe: Meet @BudgetBlinds CEO Matt Halleck. Ads on Limbaugh across the USA. Ethics? Integrity? #stoprush http://t.co/d5lkuRqCWb',\n", " u'@BookerT48 Thank you, Sir.',\n", " u'RT @MotorHomeless: Militia member at #BundyRanch playing in traffic #Hardball #tcot #teaparty #tpp #ocra #Republicans http://t.co/89V6BDQsRP',\n", " u'RT @GoPiggies: #LibCrib Cheney takes up painting.... http://t.co/UbeSfAGtie',\n", " u'RT @GrooveSDC: I wish cops would show the discretion towards people of color that they do when white militias point guns at them over unpai\\u2026',\n", " u'@PersephoneC @_therockdiva @zoomarang George Clooney will help you get back.',\n", " u'\\u201c@rockportbasset: Dear Friends, \\nEvery RT Will Send This Image to .@MicheleBachmann ;-) http://t.co/Q8YCDLbWUW\\u201d\\nHee hee',\n", " u'@mrford0 I had mushy peas with my steak tonight. Love em!',\n", " u'RT @DavidJWhite858: #FuckKeystoneXL The Bastards behind the #ProKeystoneTVAds are the FUCKING KOCH BROS YOU WONT SAVE A FUCKING DIME at the\\u2026',\n", " u'@Smith83K @JohnFugelsang That was the Jesus that walked the earth. The one that was \"risen\" seems to be a bizzaro copy.',\n", " u'@Deltacobear I hear that Damion! \\U0001f60a',\n", " u'So how much did it cost the U. S. To send one astronaut to the ISS? $450 million per shuttle mission. #maddow']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @ChasD3: Parasitocracy http://t.co/3JzbBUFSmd (Most intellectual & insightful explanation of liberalism I've ever read..A must read!) #L\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BishopSPope: Failing schools only look like neglect. It\\'s Intentional. All economies need a \"crop\" 4 trade. Ignorant workers are a cash\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MarkFPolston: Turn the tv over to KET and watch the Republican Senate Primary debate. Matt Bevin is doing a great job!',\n", " u'RT @DataGenesis: MT @mkpnt: Justina Pelletier is a prisoner of war #FreeJustina #tcot http://t.co/R2iKtyLIlR http://t.co/5xsP5llE5V #RedMeat',\n", " u'RT @gabe1925: MT @mkpnt: Justina Pelletier is a prisoner of war #FreeJustina #tcot http://t.co/soRM8zJ3X1 http://t.co/tb2P3jV0BB #RedMeat',\n", " u'RT @sixonesixband: #tcot http://t.co/djVyDo9utI',\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words Tea Partiers are terrorists! #tcot http://t.co/PJBUtAxXrj',\n", " u'RT @LillyIsFree: History forces me to have a healthy distrust in #BigGovt. --Keep asking questions.',\n", " u'RT @jsbuis: YES. @MattBevin is grounded in his Christian faith. He is not ashamed of his Savior and that is awesome! #makedclisten',\n", " u'RT @SenTedCruz: #Sriracha may not be welcome in California, but you\\u2019d be welcomed with open arms and eager taste buds in Texas: http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LeMarquand: Israel has a right..... http://t.co/zf5SLfjXJX',\n", " u\"RT @michaelmeans49: MT @RJGatorEsq: #BundyRanch is not about sending a bill: it's about sending a message http://t.co/ylWXbSJNji http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @TPO_Hisself: Only in Obama's world..... Liberal Logic 101... is ANYONE paying attention here? http://t.co/rYiHon1tWU http://t.co/tjQAr\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Callisto1947: Liberal Logic http://t.co/cDmp8kbhbT',\n", " u\"@GoddamnedBear @zarkinfrood now that's funny\",\n", " u'.@GoddamnedBear @zarkinfrood your ego and #trophiesfornothing are showing',\n", " u'RT @BreitbartNews: PETA Hits BLM Over Mass Cattle Grave: The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is criticizing the Burea... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TonyStiles: @joerogan we need to unite the clans my man. You on my show and/or me in yours brother. Let's do this! #mohawknation http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @akawhit1: @CONSMILITIA GREEDY Harry Reid Wanted $600K Bribe to Make Federal Investigation Go Away #RecallReid #HarryReid http://t.co/v9\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @BooyahBoyz: Dr. Benjamin Carson's Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast\\n27 Min\\nYou Tube\\nAMEN!\\n#FullREPEAL #TCOT #YCOT #LNYHBT \\nhttp:/\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@RaysRadio Nice one Dave \"O37 \". Not even a bingo number. Nice #Rays',\n", " u'@TB_Times @HeatherTBTimes @AlexSinkFlorida @DavidJollyCD13 Better save the yard signs!',\n", " u'RT @catmcewen: Nice Lenten reflection today: http://t.co/ivimlrHAsC',\n", " u\"I'm a lawyer. I don't do personal injury cases. I know a little bit about the basics tho\",\n", " u'@A_Katzman83 should consult with a personal injury lawyer',\n", " u'@A_Katzman83 Depends on how injury happened. Usually needs to be intentional intended to cause injury',\n", " u'@A_Katzman83 must prove willful, wanton and malicious injury.',\n", " u'@bhaulma1 Welcome to Twitter. Just play around with it',\n", " u\"RT @CBSSunday: It IS a very cool photo. RT @TheEllenShow: If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars http://t.co/n8dBI2JfWq\",\n", " u\"@RaysRadio It's log in for http://t.co/WgrowQWiMP\",\n", " u'@jaimeedmondson @TBTimes_Rays @TBTimes_Sports Wonderful! So sweet!',\n", " u'@weatherchannel you left out Oswego State in New York as snowiest',\n", " u'#MarkLevin is a moron',\n", " u'RT @MandaGator: from ALL your devices please RT @Raynaadi Please take a minute and vote for my friends @FitYap here: http://t.co/Agey55ZvZ\\u2026',\n", " u'@coloursjewelry Very nice photo Len',\n", " u'RT @coloursjewelry: Ruby jewelry Sapphires and other precious gemstones goto http://t.co/thnbM1EKzt #coloursjewelry http://t.co/R2WLGA6Ceq',\n", " u'RT @A_Katzman83: A reminder folks, if you ever need to dispose of excrement, send it directly to: Westboro Baptist Church, 3701 SW 12th St,\\u2026',\n", " u'@MandaGator Nice!',\n", " u'@GACDOG @MandaGator',\n", " u'Woo Hoo. Pitchers and catchers in camp. #Rays #RaysBaseball #RaysSpringTraining14 http://t.co/ppj9A7caZH']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'MT #sunhalo from @TB_Times http://t.co/9uT2XBCEfd\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @FranklinCenter: Taxes are so confusing and complicated, even most people paid to do them make mistakes! http://t.co/XqdAoUvFIV #taxday',\n", " u'@jthalji #overshare',\n", " u'Pinellas\\' Bob LaSala departing with \"mixed emotion.\" \"It\\'s been an honor,\" he said, noting he\\'s leaving county in better shape.',\n", " u'With lightning speed, Pinellas commissioners fired County Adminstrator Bob LaSala. http://t.co/Vj2Jspo30f',\n", " u'RT @ckruegertimes: @AlexSinkFlorida will NOT run for Congress against @DavidJollyCD13 this fall. http://t.co/BKhFAPWXP1 #cd13 #fl13',\n", " u'RT @melissalyttle: Chag Pesach sameach to all my favorite chosen people. Happy Passover y\\u2019all!',\n", " u'RT @lisagartner: Constantly tardy Pinellas teacher gets reprieve http://t.co/P5mUZes2Sf',\n", " u\"@Kevin_C_King You forgot the hashtag. I think they're going to kick you out of the club.\",\n", " u'TDC lauded for release about sighting of \"manaphin\" off Pinellas coast, called one of day\\'s best April Fool\\'s pranks. http://t.co/Nube9rEX9Z',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: 7 secrets to becoming a runner and sticking with it http://t.co/YOBohJmp7E',\n", " u'RT @anglo: Pretty sure the bird had it coming: Man accused of striking seagull on Clearwater Beach http://t.co/Lgs4CnWZ88 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'RT @Danielson_Times: In a surprise reversal, Tampa City Council votes to kill red light camera program http://t.co/wqqNpCxCf5 via @TB_Times\\u2026',\n", " u'Teenager hit by car in early morning darkness to get to Middleton High not showing signs of brain activity. http://t.co/7Tv7m16Yqw',\n", " u\"Trader Joe's, ya'll. http://t.co/Os0iMuvU05\",\n", " u\"St. Pete could pull out of EMS system if county doesn't back down from cuts. http://t.co/H7cb42Kwua\",\n", " u'RT @TBTimes_Photo: .@stpetefl mayor @Kriseman poses for a selfie w/ Rebecca Falkenberry at the Suncoast Tiger Bay Club.\\nhttp://t.co/SPBoKEr\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TB_Times: Red-light cameras: A tale of two #TampaBay cities. http://t.co/aktHcqyqGW',\n", " u'RT @MarkPuente: Are there racial tensions in the #StPete Police Department? It depends who you ask. http://t.co/YiFHSKmQ9D #Florida',\n", " u'RT @ckruegertimes: Democrat @JessEhrlich on running for Congress in #CD13 #FL13 in #Pinellas: \\u201cI have not given any thought to it at all.\"']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @NatGeo: Friday Fact: Mushrooms are genetically more like animals than plants.',\n", " u'the girls are making rifle targets...aka dying easter eggs',\n", " u'I really want eggs and bacon right now',\n", " u'Like on tatooine RT @avinash: This Tower Pulls Drinking Water Out of Thin Air: http://t.co/macbDZ4G8f #innovation #creativity',\n", " u'RT @NWF: Celebrate National Frog Month with 10 Frog-tastic Activities for Kids: http://t.co/OVjbZi8O7R http://t.co/szwbtCl35Y',\n", " u'whoa! RT @geoffnotkin: Incredible video of skydiver in near miss with free-falling #meteorite http://t.co/0bjAlOMmjd #space #NASA #astronomy',\n", " u'RT @GoogleFacts: Bill Gates will only leave less than $10,000,000 for each of his 3 children, \"So they can make their own way.\"',\n", " u'RT @GoogleFacts: The founder of Pringles potato chips is buried inside of a Pringles can.',\n", " u'@aj_aspen hello',\n", " u'the flu sucks',\n", " u'Just noticed that Escape from LA took place last year...',\n", " u'RT @KariByron: .PhysicistChris We need to stop telling people they need a degree to love science. Bring it back to the masses!',\n", " u'Ok....enough learning about android development with silly joke app... now for something legit. Games about poo.',\n", " u'Todd Barrow once round-house kicked a salesman. Over the phone. -- Chuck Yourself @ http://t.co/svUuEhluIm',\n", " u'Checking out the new tiger land at #JaxZoo http://t.co/qwi5GcbTbS',\n", " u'RT @GoogleFacts: Marijuana, listening to music and eating chocolate are all ways in which help slow down the growth of cancer.',\n", " u'Dinner at eight... strange...time change is messing with me',\n", " u'@DoctorAtlantis loved that show as a kid',\n", " u'hah! RT @GeorgeTakei: This one nearly baroque the pun-ometer. http://t.co/J2WIuPTMeK',\n", " u'RT @World: Africa is probably bigger than you thought http://t.co/61iUyzxFdn']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"Yay my car won't start\",\n", " u'RT @Ballislife: Knicks have fired coach Mike Woodson http://t.co/a0F2gjYVFe',\n", " u'I just woke up wow I needed that hahaha',\n", " u'RT @krimelis14: @ADhoopin thank you bro!!!',\n", " u'Happy birthday nigacker @Cedricwhitehead',\n", " u'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LIETUVA SHOOTER \\U0001f52b #18 @krimelis14 http://t.co/Hth7kxLjgB',\n", " u'RT @DSwoopeMK13: Mokan is on a mission. http://t.co/5LHovAeN5z',\n", " u'My Easter and 4/20 consist of being in the car driving home all day. Nice',\n", " u'Bump first ask questions later',\n", " u\"We still haven't left Virginia how am I supposed to go to school tomorrow but I have too\",\n", " u\"@RIJADKOBILJAR9 yea he's real good for 7 foot\",\n", " u\"@RIJADKOBILJAR9 I'm watching Thon maker play right now in VA\",\n", " u'This bagel is shhhmackin',\n", " u\"@D1_Tweezy16 aight I'm in virginia right now. When I get back we'll see what time it is\",\n", " u\"Man I have a project to present tomorrow and we aren't close to leaving VA\",\n", " u\"Nobody's original anymore. Everyone says the same shit\",\n", " u'RT @CoolAhhKermit: Say no to Drugs',\n", " u'Or 2, 3 shiii as much as you possibly can',\n", " u'4/20 smoke one',\n", " u'RT @SCTopPlays: LeBron Handshake w/ Magic & Jalen Rose Vs. White Guy \\U0001f602 https://t.co/rQKY7zfwek']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Im very into cuddling my cat. \\U0001f63b\\U0001f495 http://t.co/FG9dnX9Tkb',\n", " u\"RT @MODSUN: Good morning earth. \\n\\nI like that you have your own day. I'm gonna plant a tree, that tree will someday be a forest.\",\n", " u'Wait till I leave the house first.',\n", " u'alright, its 7:45 in the morning. Do. Not. Play. The. Ukelele.',\n", " u'Hahahahahha got a laugh out of that this morning. #singleforeverrr',\n", " u'My horoscope says I wont be single much longer. Oh? Really?',\n", " u'I kinda want to go crawl back into my bed right meow',\n", " u'My heart broke even more this morning when my pandora thought itd be a good idea to play my chemical romance. \\U0001f44e\\U0001f494\\U0001f63f',\n", " u'why do guys expect me to take forever to get ready? Geeze.',\n", " u'RT @OliviaMarie1201: I slept like crap',\n", " u'RT @matttraynor: Take notice of the people who do work. Not the people who are getting credit for doing a absolutely nothing. Think people.\\u2026',\n", " u'I feel weird.',\n", " u'RT @KevinLyman: One of those dreams tonight, where it was just better to wake up and re-set, to much to handle even if it was only a dream.',\n", " u'I shouldve kept a tally mark chart somewhere of how many times ive seen donnie darko.',\n", " u'Tattoos are great. I need more.',\n", " u'Dont throw a bitch fit because you got locked out of the house. You dont even live here. \\U0001f620\\U0001f621',\n", " u'I am a woman who has had a shitty day, i deserve to eat my weight in food tonight. \\U0001f481',\n", " u'RT @HannahMarie228: yup every minute of today has sucked.',\n", " u'I can perfect anything in the microwave because of cedar point.',\n", " u'Eating a bag of chips and dip because im a fatass \\U0001f481']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @JrcheneyJohn: This sizes up Obama \\U0001f449\\n#tcot #SisterPatriots \\n \\U0001f447 http://t.co/cC1M2hMHfc',\n", " u'RT @LCplSwofford: Apr. 22, 2004 -A man who gave up a multi-million dollar football career to serve after 9/11, is killed in Afghanistan htt\\u2026',\n", " u'@michellemalkin Surprising! But awesome. Merit should be the only determining factor.',\n", " u'RT @michellemalkin: SCOTUS upholds Mich Civil Rights Initiative, passed by voters 58-42 in 2006, banning race prefs in college admissions h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ToddJClausen: Happy Earth Day. @cfortiz_dandc Two pedestrians cross Broad St. As rain falls in Rochester NY http://t.co/q4IJ3A5v8Z',\n", " u'RT @chuckwoolery: The last time there was real unification of an Idea in this country was agreement to the Constitution and the bill of rig\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @archpics: Fallingwater or Kaufmann Residence designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935. http://t.co/yjWZ5kswgB',\n", " u'RT @erynalicia: EXCLUSIVE: Dean Cain the\\xa0Writer http://t.co/Wfp6DWQZEt',\n", " u'RT @woolymammoth10: So much respect. http://t.co/H8G1rcE9VX',\n", " u'RT @medical91: \"Stress is caused by being \\'here\\' but wanting to be \\'there\"~ Eckhart Tolle~ via @BEAUTIFULPlCS http://t.co/k3Nld3ePGh',\n", " u'RT @BobG231: Bill Gates is a sad clown today because his bizarre $100 million student data project has failed http://t.co/stsg8YZ84o\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @LIFE: Meet the Actress Who Set Out to Kiss 10,000 Soldiers | http://t.co/pGvRq1D4Cv http://t.co/ZfpDdfiIcX',\n", " u'RT @inverted_name: #RIP #PatTillman http://t.co/ESZPj9zR1O',\n", " u'RT @BukowskiLynn: The trick, Kiddo, is finding someone who complements instead of completes you. You need to be complete on your own. http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Randy_Shannon: A grisly Earth Day reminder: Eco-pacifist fraud Ira Einhorn, a killer in P.C. clothing http://t.co/HHIFY0uf6b via @miche\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ComfortCarriers: Do you kiss your pets? <3 http://t.co/w9ZOAL1J6k',\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth. - John F. Kennedy',\n", " u'RT @FreeBeacon: Happening Now on http://t.co/pY7hJOnwGH http://t.co/yEV3Bg5Wlo',\n", " u'RT @woolymammoth10: Definition of a bad-ass http://t.co/cgKJMKVIW4',\n", " u'RT @reason: Texas cop trips girls celebrating state soccer title, inspires new generation of cop haters http://t.co/7NTlgSGgA0 HT @LionelMe\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @willweatherford: There are times throughout History when our laws are in conflict with God's Law...Freedom and Justice. Two weeks is pl\\u2026\",\n", " u'The FFCR convention is where its at. http://t.co/LAVHzxDQly',\n", " u\"RT @mcleary819: Paycheck Fairness act doesn't provide paycheck fairness for women, instead it cuts flexibility and ends merit pay #Paycheck\\u2026\",\n", " u'I supported Florida College Republicans by buying a soft cotton T-shirt and so should you! https://t.co/QIwLiztWvS',\n", " u'RT @HelenPferdehirt: @FFCR #wootwoot I bought the first one #CR #Awesome #spirit also that #chairman @AdamBrianCross #bestillmyheart',\n", " u'\"@MNCRs: ICYMI: 14 yr old discovers that by switching fonts, the US government can save $400 million per year. http://t.co/aUwNOxrQJo\"',\n", " u'RT @NBCNews: In March, for 1st time in nearly 7 years, there were zero casualties for US military in Afghanistan in calendar month http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RSVP now\"@FFCR: Don\\'t forget to RSVP for our annual convention! If you\\'re not on the list it\\'s $10 at the door http://t.co/ZLlk44JVrv\"',\n", " u\"RT @RepubGrlProbs: Gillespie isn't your average politician, he drove 150 mi. through a snowstorm to talk to a group of CRs. #EdForSenate ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'Community: 22 Cartoons That Define Charlie Crist http://t.co/6i6FP4f1YU via @buzzfeeders',\n", " u'RT @KailynAllen: Liberal gender panel: \"I don\\'t think about masculinity too much. It\\'s just part of who I am, a masculine man.\" - @AdamBria\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AP: BREAKING: Republican David Jolly wins Fla. congressional special election in test race over health care.',\n", " u\"RT @FFCR: We're proud to support @DavidJollyCD13 because he truly is the right one for the job. #VoteJolly #CD13 @SayfieNews http://t.co/e\\u2026\",\n", " u'@bcmerchant More than plenty! Keep up the good work man.',\n", " u\"@bcmerchant for me its all about freedom, but no I'm a republican, therefore evil. I hate comments sections. Great article though.\",\n", " u'@bcmerchant see what happens when I comment on an article?',\n", " u\"RT @CRNC: Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy and the dream that continues to live on. #crnc #tcot http://t.co/Da2xnp85h1\",\n", " u\"RT @FFCR: @LopezCantera congratulations on you're new appointment as LT Governor!\",\n", " u'RT @MiamiGOP: Great 2 C young repubs! FFCR: Chair @AdamBrianCross and the lovely Ms. Allen are tabling at the RPOF Annual Meeting. #youthvo\\u2026',\n", " u'Good morning and welcome to the best party around. #RPOF #AnnualMeeting #itsworking @FloridaGOP @lennycurry @CRNC http://t.co/XRiziCU3Jf']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @EUJacksonville: Come downtown to the hottest street party of the year on May 1st! Beer garden, food trucks, PhotoJax Projection... http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ashleykritzer: Public art could drive #CRE development in @DTJax \\nhttp://t.co/ytkDIl7gGy @MoreArtCulture @dianebrunet @kerri_stewart',\n", " u'RT @theurbancore: .@MelissainJax Standing ovation for @BeOneSpark leadership, crew, and volunteers. VERY WELL DONE 5 DAYS of intensity, 365\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @dianebrunet: Public art creates vitality & leads to a more vibrant economy. DIA gets it! Kudos to @MoreArtCulture for changing th\\u2026http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KimberlyHyatt: @dianebrunet @kerri_stewart @MoreArtCulture When you succeed there, I welcome you to PV. Can you even imagine?',\n", " u\"RT @tristarter: Don't forget. - Voting at #OneSpark closes today at 3pm. Get your VOTE in!!\",\n", " u'RT @Visit_Jax: Eeeekk! @BeOneSpark is in TWO days! Anyone coming...b/c we have some sunglasses & a koozie for u 2 rock?! #onlyinjax http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DTJax: Walking along Laura Street in #DTJax, and what do we notice? New look for @Thebarnettjax - big things planned! Photo: http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'\"@jimvarian: I think a local Tea Party just called me a Globalist busybody.\" Then you must be doing something right!',\n", " u'RT @SusanTowler: Reagan was actor. Bush 43 is painter. Clinton plays sax. Hmm maybe arts do make boys great leaders #moreboysinartsnow',\n", " u'RT @_stevewilliams: Just got so inspired reading about this brilliant #jacksonville artist #ilovejax #igersjax\\u2026 http://t.co/ZPpSED356f',\n", " u'RT @AbelHarding: The Looking Lab, funded by @MoreArtCulture, opened in the long-empty windows of City Hall tonight. http://t.co/m4LKbM4zFd',\n", " u'RT @DanJDawson: Just heard some awesome happy/sad news. The good thing is it is awesome for Jacksonville!',\n", " u'I first read this & thought it said Kirstie Ally knew about bridge closures: \"Claim by Ally:Christie Knew of Bridge Lane Closings\" @nytimes',\n", " u'Report Details Claim by Ally: Christie Knew of Bridge Lane Closings http://t.co/qCh1cy38yv',\n", " u\"@TBTia oh, and I'm not PR folk so may be answering out of turn and my PR folk would advise me differently. :)\",\n", " u\"@TBTia Depends. Has your rep been 'tarnished' in media? What comes up when name is googled? People Google before doing business with you.\",\n", " u'RT @DJGroup: FL GOPers who enjoy majority and press who love to talk to him after 5: RT Happy Birthday to Tom Slade. #sayfie http://t.co/9R\\u2026',\n", " u'Welcome to Duval!! \"@DekodaWatson: New chapter!Def looking forward to it.Thank you everybody for the love and support!\" #jagnation',\n", " u'@Toby_Gerhart @ryanohalloran @Vikings @jaguars Welcome to Duval!!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @arishapiro: If you donate to your local NPR station, thank you for helping to buy the foreign correspondents' helmets & armor! http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u\"When @ABDesigns and @SmartGirlsGroup partner up for a giveaway it's got to be good. https://t.co/3H67YKMr97\",\n", " u'The WFSU news team is looking for legislative stories to cover next week when the Capitol will be a little quieter. Any ideas?',\n", " u'Lawmakers Sow Seeds To Grow SNAP Users At Farmers Markets http://t.co/0SczwLCVbz',\n", " u\"I've resisted as long as I can. Do I pick plain chocolate or chocolate with coconut? http://t.co/LAuPhUyFSc\",\n", " u'Just stopped at Lake Ella to get sound for my story Friday. Also got my first mosquito bites of the season.',\n", " u'Waiting outside the FSU entrepreneur incubator to talk with biz startups about a micro finance bill.',\n", " u\"@RoomScapeU Just sent you an e-mail. I'd love to talk with you for a story I'm working on today.\",\n", " u\"@joannagoddard It's pretty great here!\",\n", " u'RT @notetosarah: Trust NO ONE. April Fools is a battlefield.',\n", " u\"Everything I learned about healthy eating as a kid isn't really true: http://t.co/BdlrNwBlfg\",\n", " u'Parents And Volunteers Are Game For Youth Coach Background Checks http://t.co/MxfEyJpeX5',\n", " u'RT @JessicaPubRadio: In hearing, condo association spox bemoans \"rampant\" emotional-support animal fraud. \"For $99 drs. will write you a no\\u2026',\n", " u'Back from the cemetery where I talked with the operator about a bill to expand unregulated cemeteries. Listen for more on @FPRCapReport',\n", " u'Working on a story today about a bill that failed in its first committee. The measure would have let religious cemeteries expand.',\n", " u\"@ckrusing I've long wondered that!\",\n", " u'RT @SaschaCordner: During today\\'s vote on \"warning shot\" bill, House Dem Leader @thurstonforfla says he\\'s introducing an amendment to repea\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ohsheglows: Today there is hope in the air #spring',\n", " u'Listening in on talks in the Senate Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee on springs this morning.',\n", " u'Power outage at the @WFSUNews station. Reporters are typing away on their @FPRCapReport scripts in the dark. Feeling lucky I know home row.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @TheWire: The New York Times enters the data/explainer journalism horse race http://t.co/3GQZzb3h31',\n", " u'RT @NOAASatellites: For #EarthDayNOAA, see beautiful True Color data from Suomi NPP VIIRS instrument in NOAA View. http://t.co/rQJDmhlq39 h\\u2026',\n", " u'I75 NB backed up near Clark Road in #Sarasota',\n", " u'RT @TechCrunch: Apple Patents Driver Distraction Lockdown Mode For iPhones http://t.co/uDM92876qw by @drizzled',\n", " u'RT @scgovEOC: The future home of the Sarasota County Emergency Operations Center & 911 Dispatch Center begins to take shape as... http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'Video: Easter Bunny tackles racing presidents at #Nationals ballpark http://t.co/cxTVsSNMQC http://t.co/BC9SaqL0GI',\n", " u\".@HeraldTribune's most read story today: Woman shot in head in #Sarasota http://t.co/jgcS74JVwT http://t.co/Go5o78cYwg\",\n", " u'Data mine: Searchable map shows British Petroleum claims after the 2010 Gulf oil spill http://t.co/EraUUGm1aH http://t.co/ERoKfoMqmV',\n", " u'RT @kataaron: In which an 11-yo girl gathers and uses data to fight sexism in Happy Meals, and wins http://t.co/BtiI11Dz7b cc @techladymafia',\n", " u\"@arhine I downloaded an app to try but I agree with you. Replay made a wreck of my scorecard (ink), so next time I'm taking a pencil.\",\n", " u'RT @sarasotapd: SPD investigating shooting which occurred before 6am. Victim & her vehicle were found at 9th & Orange in #Sarasota. PIO on \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @thenewspress: About 20 people taken to a hospital after car hits Fort Myers church during Easter celebration http://t.co/PeOvecfrST htt\\u2026',\n", " u'Obnoxious Yankee fans thrown out by police. Highlight of extra innings so far.',\n", " u'Time for a 10th inning walkoff? Fingers crossed. #Rays',\n", " u'@Cliff_Wolf #Truth. My scorebook is a wreck now. Note to self: pencil next time.',\n", " u'@earlekimel I know bit I would have enjoyed all 16 runs!',\n", " u'Going #oldschool today at @TheTrop -- keeping score. Is there an app for that? Go #Rays http://t.co/PA0NcRge01',\n", " u'#Rays hitters wearing out the HR horn at @TheTrop.',\n", " u'@BanjoHfuhruhur @BalsamRange @TheBoxcars Two great banjo players there!',\n", " u\"We're gonna need a bigger stage: @BalsamRange & @TheBoxcars in #Venice http://t.co/JpkKSk7R6w\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @Country_Words: But I don't want good and I don't want good enough, I want can't sleep, can't breathe without you love. -Hunter Hayes\",\n", " u'RT @robfit: Great pic #tcot http://t.co/rNKSGZEzoF',\n", " u'RT @TruthHub: \"What money can buy.\" http://t.co/S3wRl7Z5fQ',\n", " u'#timkennedy Pulling for the Army SF soldier!',\n", " u'RT @WadeA7X: Almost time to see #TimKennedy beat the hell out of the girl from Manchester. #UFCFightNight #RangerUp',\n", " u'RT @Thunder_06: See #timkennedy MMA fighter, Special Forces, Army Sniper, fight tonight....#ArmyStrong',\n", " u\"RT @RaMpAgE47: @moseskehlers I'm going with #Merica #timkennedy\",\n", " u'RT @WiseManPhil: We must never live in the past, but we must always learn from it.',\n", " u'RT @michaelirvin88: \\u201c@AndyBReal: \"I was scared to run the slant but I was more scared to go back to the ghetto.\" - The Playmaker @michaelir\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WillieDuckMan: In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.',\n", " u'RT @WomenOfHistory: You are GOOD enough, SMART enough, BEAUTIFUL enough, and STRONG enough. Believe it and never let insecurity run your li\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WiseManPhil: Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.',\n", " u'RT @WiseManSi: Sometimes you just need to relax and trust that things will work out. Let go a little and let life happen.',\n", " u'RT @knittazforlife: #RuinARomCom How I Met Your Deceased Mother And Then Banged Aunt Robin',\n", " u\"RT @itsBroStinson: Aww congratulations, it's a white girl... http://t.co/1L5h05c4nE\",\n", " u'RT @RGIII: When you wake up in the morning, you have the mindset that no one will outwork you...period. End of story. Did you seize your da\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WomenOfHistory: Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.',\n", " u'RT @BrandonMellor: #TBT: @DeionSanders during his #Noles days - http://t.co/IObJRY4BFn http://t.co/r67oQccGQ9',\n", " u'RT @ChrisKyleFrog: Prayers for the soldiers and families at Fort Hood. We stand with you.',\n", " u\"RT @blackrepublican: 'When a people\\u2019s freedom disappears, it goes not with a bang, but in silence amid the comfort of being cared for.' ~ R\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @FAMUBeep: Discussion is going great so far!! Want to chime in?? Here are the questions #SecretsBehindSuccess',\n", " u'RT @gonzalezloumiet: Proud that my friend and #HIPAA advisor, @esq140 , is presenting \"CYA! FERPA, HIPAA, AD Which Acronym Scares YOU The M\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @carloslcurbelo: TY @RUNsouthflorida for covering our work @MDCPS: Building a Better Future From School Board to #FL26 #run #education h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @mike23mena: Congrats to @carloslcurbelo on being acknowledged for his significant contributions in technology... http://t.co/OBeBCSAr2T',\n", " u'RT @gonzalezloumiet: Under-the-Radar Tallahassee company making waves nationally http://t.co/Ch3j4TiIow via @tdonline @uberops #Tallahassee',\n", " u'RT @FAMUBeep: TOMORROW #TLB @uberops & @gonzalezloumiet will be here giving an interactive presentation on social etiquette & personal bran\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gonzalezloumiet: . @HealthNewsFL @FloridaTrend @TDOnline @abc27 FYI: http://t.co/z3yjRVaWV2 #Tallahassee',\n", " u'RT @gonzalezloumiet: Local Company with National Impact Celebrates Advancements to Healthcare IT http://t.co/tMR1X2UqSt via @PRWeb',\n", " u'RT @gonzalezloumiet: . @uberops press release on 10 years in biz and new services: http://t.co/mCAETGrt1T #healthit #tallahassee #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @ELCBigBend: Only 6 more likes until we hit the big one (1,000)! Help us out and keep telling your friends about the ELC.',\n", " u'RT @gonzalezloumiet: . @ELCBigBend | It\\u2019s in the Numbers --> http://t.co/JkyJZ5dyXP #Tallahassee',\n", " u'RT @FAMUBeep: This Thursday Be in attendance at J-School Lecture Hall Think Like A Boss ft IT Expert Mr. Eduardo Gonzalez @gonzalezloumiet',\n", " u'RT @gonzalezloumiet: Very impressed w/ the @3daystartupfsu teams at @floridastate cc/ @3DayStartup @uberops #fsucci #entrepreneurship #sta\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @uberops: Proud to sponsor and assist with #FSU @3daystartup http://t.co/k7WJbc1lUy #Tallahassee',\n", " u'RT @FAMUBeep: #BEEPBD All books are donated to the Early Learning Coalition! Help a kid in need and help them READ!! http://t.co/jtHkri9qCA',\n", " u'RT @uberops: [PR]: Local Company with National Impact Celebrates Advancements to Healthcare IT https://t.co/nBdArwDNoi #Tallahassee #Healt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gonzalezloumiet: A big thanks 2 @alissamcshane @alexbello @RBOA_PR @RickOpp and Emily for their help planning @uberops celebration #Tal\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @esq140: Honored to have Uber Operations, LLC as a client, collaborator and friend. http://t.co/jiQKwaexyD',\n", " u'RT @BCMpros: Welcome to Uber University, a program designed to teach you all of the latest within the healthcare industry!... http://t.co/i\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TalChamber: @uberops Congratulations on a successful 10 years! @gonzalezloumiet @TalEDC']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Not 'Impossible' North Korean Nuclear Tests Being Prepped For Obama's Trip http://t.co/20ALhvOB7T #tcot #NorthKorea\",\n", " u'Retired Supreme Court Justice Proposes Limits On Guns And Free Speech: http://t.co/dVkzv6GrHX #SCOTUS #tcot',\n", " u'Retired Supreme Court Justice Proposes Limits On Guns And Free Speech http://t.co/tAIIWGD7bu #tcot #2A #SCOTUS',\n", " u'Daily News Digest for 04/22/2014 - http://t.co/uiCLTcj10O',\n", " u'RT @SteveWorks4You: Make sure to subscribe to my #YouTube channel: http://t.co/T8u2T1qLMw #PJNET #tcot #tlot #ocra',\n", " u'Hope all my followers and #tlot #tcot take a sec to follow @PPDNews - now the only election projection news site indexed by Google News!',\n", " u'Poll: ObamaCare To Play Big In 2014 Midterms, Republicans Have Enthusiasm Edge: http://t.co/e4MnDHULNH #tcot #uniteright #ObamaCare',\n", " u'Poll: ObamaCare To Play Big In 2014 Midterms, Republicans Have Enthusiasm Edge http://t.co/QcpS22AkYR #tcot #tlot #ObamaCare',\n", " u'Finger-Pointing Ensues After Yet Another Syria Chemical Weapons Attack http://t.co/fSKBfUMZ2n #tcot #Syria',\n", " u'Finger-Pointing Ensues After Yet Another Syria Chemical Weapons Attack http://t.co/rv2QrgmOiC #tcot #tlot #Syria',\n", " u\"Netflix Earnings Report For 1Q Beats Wall Street's Estimates http://t.co/mixs5FHXLj #tcot #Netflix\",\n", " u'Stock Markets Modesty Up Ahead Of A Slew Of Earnings Reports http://t.co/G8C3tKSDQE #StockMarket #WallStreet #Economy #tcot',\n", " u'RT @Doris22: RT @Peoples_Pundit: In #GASen Primary David Perdue Emerges As Front-Runner In Crowded Republican Field: http://t.co/f5oepCcWyO\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DataGenesis: US Congressman @RepGosar (R-AZ) visits #BundyRanch and shares his views in interview with #PJNET http://t.co/IQHwk356qM #T\\u2026',\n", " u\"GAO Report Says WH Solicited 'Significant' Contributions For Pro-ObamaCare Group: http://t.co/eLKmTgPxOD #tcot #ObamaCare\",\n", " u\"GAO Report Says WH Solicited 'Significant' Contributions For Pro-ObamaCare Group http://t.co/WgcLSMM1Ya #tcot #ObamaCare #HHS\",\n", " u'In #GASen Primary David Perdue Emerges As Front-Runner In Crowded Republican Field: http://t.co/hBCmokmQCt #GAGOP GAPol #uniteright #tcot',\n", " u'In Georgia Senate Race A Front-Runner Emerges In Crowded Republican Field http://t.co/rS1l9UOEar #tcot #GASen #GAGop #GAPol',\n", " u'Battleground On 2014 Senate Map Now Expanding Into Blue-Leaning States: http://t.co/zibzaIBDdZ #tcot #uniteright',\n", " u'Battleground On 2014 Senate Map Now Expanding Into Blue-Leaning States http://t.co/DlNrRfFFnc #tcot #ORSen #MISen #MNSen #NCSen #IASen']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Obama Calls for Highest Sustained Taxation in U.S. History @drudgereportapp http://t.co/pvucmsbA1S',\n", " u'IRS revokes conservative group\\u2019s tax-exempt status over anti-Clinton statements: report @drudgereportapp http://t.co/tSSGCW24z0',\n", " u'On Easter, Pope calls for end to war, condemns waste exacerbating hunger @drudgereportapp http://t.co/6VeIFm9jNj',\n", " u'RT @wakeup1442: So what entitles BLM to start a range war against We the People. The power not enumberated in Constitution belongs to the p\\u2026',\n", " u'Bundy Family Posts Photo Of Dead Cow Euthanized By BLM @drudgereportapp http://t.co/cqDUunZ9f6',\n", " u'\\u201cDomestic Terrorists\\u201d Celebrate At Bundy\\xa0Ranch - CBS Las Vegas @drudgereportapp http://t.co/qlgoja5Omz',\n", " u'Average credit card interest up to shocking\\xa021% @drudgereportapp http://t.co/is8TwEg2xO',\n", " u'1,200 HS students sign petition to BLOCK Mrs. Obama graduation speech http://t.co/qwgN56hkJl',\n", " u'Canadians rally to legalize marijuana @drudgereportapp http://t.co/jzI55rJRt7',\n", " u'Legalize Prostitution or Marijuana? Puerto Rico Is Looking for Ideas to Solve Debt Crisis @drudgereportapp http://t.co/BQaj6vys4M',\n", " u'Fox executive fired over Flight 370 charity email http://t.co/jHi6fa99GL',\n", " u'US sends small number of advanced weapons to Syrian rebels http://t.co/SjdqAkQvSL',\n", " u'Medicaid paid $12 million for deceased people in Illinois, documents show http://t.co/3rc5l7mdPs',\n", " u'Western lawmakers strategize on taking control of federal lands http://t.co/OO6r2LdV4p',\n", " u'Senator urges hearing on Bundy ranch dispute @drudgereportapp http://t.co/0z5RD6ZqDl',\n", " u'Western lawmakers gather in Utah to talk federal land takeover @drudgereportapp http://t.co/GDiHziCGAL',\n", " u'\\u2018Ridiculous\\u2019: Administration punts on Keystone, Obama faces Dem revolt @drudgereportapp http://t.co/cuZiciW7Qt',\n", " u'Cop Shoots Dog. No, Wait! He Shoots Himself. Dog Is Fine. http://t.co/x5Jj1W52YA',\n", " u'Five Cops on Desk Duty After Dashcam Video Contradicts Their Story About Drug Bust http://t.co/LdlmRAH9ln',\n", " u'Facebook to Notify Users When Friends are Nearby - Digits - WSJ @drudgereportapp http://t.co/kdI9EewHIG']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @TheTweetOfGod: Things aren't getting worse, you're just getting better at noticing how bad they are.\",\n", " u'.@swampette RT @BuzzFeed: 26 Struggles Only People Who Are Constantly Hungry Will Understand http://t.co/iJcuxeHN82 via @sbstryker',\n", " u'RT @OhMyCorgi: I gots me a donut. http://t.co/kT4ezsFmxc',\n", " u\"Just found this towel my #Italian mother bought. She has no idea what it says but thought it was pretty. I'm #Jewish http://t.co/WMzdZrRHZK\",\n", " u'Wat RT @thinkprogress: A Florida city is about to make it illegal for homeless people to have possessions in public http://t.co/pXgRSCrdzi',\n", " u\"Dunno but #catesinedie RT @StefKunkel: @BethMatuga who's Edie?\",\n", " u\".@OhMyCorgi RT @BuzzFeedAnimals: It's not too late to celebrate Easter\\u2026right? (via http://t.co/mXbebYn5Fx) http://t.co/RrxtMf2Vme\",\n", " u'! RT @amazon: Help your curious dog see the outside world http://t.co/9fzNiI51rd http://t.co/QEyVr5c3mq',\n", " u'Poor Edie RT @StefKunkel: Friday, May 2nd 12:45 pm #catesinedie',\n", " u'RT @Visit_Tally: Springs Serenade \\u201cSinkhole de Mayo\\u201d @ Wakulla Springs lodge May 3 from 4:30-8pm with dinner, boat tour & music, tix @ http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlaSenateDems: Sen Joyner applauds SCOTUS rejection of Gov Rick Scott appeal to drug test all FL state workers: \"He is not a king.\"\\nhtt\\u2026',\n", " u'Nothing wrong with being a #FacebooklessBeth @steveschale @djmia00',\n", " u'RT @Eric_Jotkoff: Also just noticed that the auto text on my phone tries to change Jeb to JEB!... Love it.',\n", " u'Also because of all the blood MT @GoogleFacts: Breakups are hard to deal with because the body and mind go through withdrawal',\n", " u\"Some = me RT @FL_Politico: Column: Some fear Charles Koch's influence damages FSU's integrity http://t.co/bvoonGLXOj via @TB_Times\",\n", " u\"They've only got ~1/2 that much time RT @mashable: Vatican digitizing 40m archived pages. Process could take 100 yrs http://t.co/rO4SbfmtQh\",\n", " u'\"Factiness\" of this account is questionable RT @GoogleFacts: The reason you can struggle to fall asleep is bc your brain doesn\\'t shut off',\n", " u'Adorbs MT @GwenForCongress: Our puppy, Gracie, doing her best impression of the Easter bunny! http://t.co/DZbre6cjbq',\n", " u'We are truly life partners RT @AlexisSearfoss: We went ziti RT @BethMatuga I love being #Italian #Ravioli for #Easter http://t.co/EsAia43P0a',\n", " u'Adorbs RT @SShawFL: Sean trying to give Tami the fish she caught... http://t.co/DSbJmqNN0u']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @kylemeredith: Jack White makes good on promise of world's fasted released record. The 45 was recorded live, assembled, & sent back in 3\\u2026\",\n", " u'#NuclearValdez #GrandCentral #Miami #TheNukes http://t.co/0366kwG6MQ',\n", " u'#Miami, where red lights are just a pretty color.',\n", " u'Via @nprmusic: #Prince Fans, Prepare For The Deluge http://t.co/3cHkakzTfe',\n", " u'http://t.co/FTEFJsVy9U #baseball #Marlins',\n", " u'Pregnant #Florida Woman Goes On Crack Binge, Gives Birth In #Ocala Motel, Gnaws Off Umbilical Cord With Her\\xa0Teeth http://t.co/rNSIWEs1J9',\n", " u'New App Matches You With Others In Vicinity Who Wasted $2.99 On Same App http://t.co/hnj8Bok2Ku via @TheOnion',\n", " u\"RT @RollingStone: 'American Thighs,' 'Rubberneck' and 'Smash' are just a few of the best alternative albums from 1994. See 37 others: http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'Excellent! Watch: #GreggAllman With Country Stars http://t.co/WPMWzWcH71 via @rollingstone #MidnightRider #ZacBrown #VinceGill',\n", " u'I checked off 50 out of 100 on this list! How Much Of A Music Snob Are You? http://t.co/6isiH1yS1I via @buzzfeed',\n", " u\"As Singer's Last Wish, 'I Touch Myself' Is Beautifully Reborn in a #BreastCancer #PSA http://t.co/clJyVK7LRc #ChrissyAmphlett #Divinyls\",\n", " u'#karma http://t.co/h515j91rVn\\nvia http://t.co/6oScDf8dY8',\n", " u'#JanelleMon\\xe1e \\u2013 \\u201cHeroes\\u201d (#DavidBowie Cover) - Stereogum http://t.co/qEacFMajM4',\n", " u'RT @Courtney: The most magical part of the evening. Thank you Dave, love you. I know this made him smile up there http://t.co/1VPdVKAAbc',\n", " u'Watch #ChrisMartin & #PeterGabriel Perform \\u201cWashing Of The Water\\u201d At The #Rock&RollHallOfFameInduction - Stereogum http://t.co/6GJBv4dgcc',\n", " u'RT @OfficialJLD: #TBT John Hancock not part of tattoo.It is a birthmark.1962 photo is proof. Apologies 2 @RollingStone #crackexcuse http://\\u2026',\n", " u'#passwordschanged #fingerscrossed The #Heartbleed Hit List: The #Passwords You Need to Change Right Now http://t.co/zsoX0gaS0v via @mashable',\n", " u\"#AlbumStream: #JimJarmusch's Only Lovers Left Alive Soundtrack | News | CMJ http://t.co/ZyScKRwG2C #ZolaJesus #Cults #MadelineFollin\",\n", " u'Looks Like Joan Jett Will Front Nirvana At The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Induction - Stereogum http://t.co/hlufnJIrt3',\n", " u'Watch: Stevie Nicks and Jimmy Fallon (as Tom Petty) spoof \"Stop Draggin\\' My Hear\\u2026 http://t.co/wnBvtyrTd5 via @http://twitter.com/alexyoung']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"I'm fuckin with this http://t.co/ZWKrXMgsA1\",\n", " u'This gon be a long ass game if they hackin this man already',\n", " u'Gotta see bout this Condo Life mixtape',\n", " u\"It's people out here killing there relatives & spouse's to collect on life insurance money\",\n", " u'@Mah_ree_oh4 congrats homie',\n", " u'RT @TheseHoesNasty_: \\u201c@Juhvon_: I find this so funny , Drake a dead beat father \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f480 http://t.co/Oj9IKgfXBl\\u201d yoo @_shirdkevia you famous \\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'People out here literally buying stocks on pro athletes',\n", " u'Fantax Brokerage Services to offer 421K shares in 49ers TE Vernon Davis at $10 apiece next week\\xa0-via SportsCenter http://t.co/G8C3AvIRvH',\n", " u\"I'm hearing the NCAA president making himself look stupid in these interviews\",\n", " u\"@RIFAYAYO naw I'm up in gville, nigga went to the T with you\",\n", " u'@Da_MegaZoe dawg tell Skip to go home',\n", " u'Where the Columbians & Dominicans at',\n", " u'\"@KiyAmazing: I question everything.\"',\n", " u\"2 in the morning...I ain't nowhere near sleepy #vamplife\",\n", " u'\"@ChrisPalmerNBA: Like that old footage of the Chuckster. He was an absolute beast.\"',\n", " u'13 years ago, let it go. \"@Bain_: Kobe had 48 and 16 in the playoffs \\u270c\\ufe0f\"',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: RIP CITY WINS! Blazers beat Rockets in a dramatic game in OT, 122-120. \\n\\u2022 LaMarcus Aldridge: 46 Pts, 18 Reb\\n\\u2022 Damian Lill\\u2026',\n", " u'Buddy got his arms wrapped around Dwight but they call the foul on him',\n", " u'Aldridge stupid for that',\n", " u'@MrThatsLife hahahaha damn Odom']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @RichardOHornos: VOTE\\U0001f535#Latinos #kochbuysgop & @SpeakerBoehner #PAYBACK #CIR #midterms #Elections2014 #GOPFail #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox h\\u2026',\n", " u'#latism #reformnow3 @helenaguirrefer @MarioDB @TNTweeters #reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox #reformnow5 http://t.co/vnoDhXAv8J',\n", " u'RT @DraIsabel: Report: Walmart employees rely on food stamps http://t.co/K5pEWzpvvf via @msnbcDisrupt',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: Supreme Court declines to revive #Arizona @GOP's anti-immigration law http://t.co/EKZxOwdpzH via @YahooNews #latism #tntwe\\u2026\",\n", " u'#latism #tcot #teaparty #CIR #p2 @EspuelasVox #reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews @MarioDB @TNTweeters @SpeakerBoehner http://t.co/1PE6IQ5Mwy',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Improving Job Market Propelling Rebound in U.S. Growth: #Economy http://t.co/ldKJmiDy8S via @BloombergNews #latism #tntwee\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Democrats Funnel Money Into State Races as Voter-ID Plays http://t.co/BGHoQtGxdx via @BloombergNews #latism #TNTweeters',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: @GOP Will Lie 2 Ur face -But WE Know D Truth. @SpeakerBoehner @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism\\nhttp://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepBradWenstrup Enact #CiR do it #DemandAVote #LatinosVote matters, think on #Elections #CostOfInaction #TNTweeters http\\u2026',\n", " u'#latism #tcot #teaparty #CIR #p2 @EspuelasVox #reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews @MarioDB @TNTweeters @SpeakerBoehner http://t.co/1PE6IQ5Mwy',\n", " u'#latism#tcot#teaparty#CIR #p2 @EspuelasVox#reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews@MarioDB @TNTweeters#reformnow3 @jorgeramosnews http://t.co/VQDXOkHqT0',\n", " u'RT @Oramajorge: @joseserna2349 @helenaguirrefer @MarioDB @TNTweeters @jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox @RepGutierrez http://t.co/BSXszVJ1xa',\n", " u'#latism #tcot #teaparty #CIR #p2 @EspuelasVox #reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews @MarioDB #reformnow3 @helenaguirrefer http://t.co/P6AQNDfxiN',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: They hear YOU: desperate #Republicans say \"Yes\" and \"No\" to #immigration reform this year.\\nhttp://t.co/btBHa76jZ7 #Latism \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: #VOTOLatino #Register2Vote May 4th via #GoogleHangout with #TNTweeters ->>http://t.co/n37ot4fVZd -#Latism @alicia_lupercio @E\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Leading economic indicators rise in March http://t.co/wYqeIuQV6R via @reuters',\n", " u'#latism #reformnow3 @helenaguirrefer @MarioDB @TNTweeters #reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox @RepGutierrez http://t.co/f5wpxz1hF2',\n", " u'#latism #reformnow3 @helenaguirrefer @MarioDB @TNTweeters #reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox # http://t.co/XfOUXarY90',\n", " u'#latism #reformnow3 @helenaguirrefer @MarioDB @TNTweeters #reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox @jorgeramosnews http://t.co/j1ykpEoPgS',\n", " u'#latism #reformnow3 @helenaguirrefer @ReformNow5 @TNTweetersUSA @EspuelasVox#Dreamers @MarioDB@TNTweeters #reformnow5 http://t.co/OR1CwY6ftJ']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@SocialistHater <------ paid fascist troll Rephrase #KeystonePipeline',\n", " u'@SocialistHater <---- paid troll',\n", " u'@TomSteyer I thank you from the bottom of my heart. We need to protect our lands from the rape of coal and oil.',\n", " u'@SenLandrieu Nice pic - you should wear a NASCAR suit. http://t.co/SzHofoq7b0',\n", " u'@SenLandrieu SHAME ON YOU - Talk about a land grab for corporate interests!!! I support these families!! http://t.co/Sma2wBgyJ3',\n", " u'For those losing their property to corporate interests - the true patriots fighting land grabs. http://t.co/Sma2wBgyJ3',\n", " u\"@libertarianlwyr Debt forgiveness??? Of whom? Banks won't allow that. Only they get that option. The rest file bankruptcy and lose homes.\",\n", " u\"@libertarianlwyr It doesn't cover how much the treasury pays in interest on the loans to cover TARP. garbage in garbage out - still stinks\",\n", " u'@libertarianlwyr Hot off the presses, the new CBO on TARP. http://t.co/VL1EoIelIJ',\n", " u'@libertarianlwyr @jefffreyspies Found these comments on Sage Brush Rebellion interesting...,http://t.co/zf4MM2PsNF',\n", " u\"@libertarianlwyr @jefffreyspies CU's are proud they stand on integrity and members vote on policy. Banks hate that.\",\n", " u\"@libertarianlwyr it's that ole - you need to regulate credit union attack by banks.\",\n", " u\"@libertarianlwyr The credit unions? I remember seeing them attacked by banks in a hearing - comments made of they didn't need bail out.\",\n", " u\"\\u201c@libertarianlwyr: @DEPoland @jefffreyspies They were punished. Their reckless competitors were bailed out.\\u201d They don't feel that way.\",\n", " u\"@libertarianlwyr @jefffreyspies They didn't need to be bailed out as they kept their stance on loans and didn't gamble with membership $$$\",\n", " u'@libertarianlwyr @jefffreyspies Yes he did!!!\\nhttp://t.co/jU1bAwsDVf',\n", " u\"@libertarianlwyr @bryan_caplan @jefffreyspies What's the point - that we were bent over and the elite took us for fools? We know that.\",\n", " u\"@libertarianlwyr @jefffreyspies The industrial revolution and wealth happened in the 1900's. Labor blew up, gave rise to CIO, the FED.\",\n", " u'@libertarianlwyr @jefffreyspies There were no regs at the time - 1969',\n", " u\"@libertarianlwyr @jefffreyspies Paulson literally knelt before Pelosi and begged the Dem's for help.\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Overregulation messing with my craft beer. Not okay. http://t.co/yoJcRiSdbz',\n", " u'RT @GoGatorsUFIT: Spending 24/7 @UFlorida campus prepping for finals? Learn where free device charging stations are located: http://t.co/t\\u2026',\n", " u'Aaron Sorkin Wants To Apologize To Everyone About \"The Newsroom\" http://t.co/WdSWowHqHn via @rmmcgovern. FO REAL THO',\n", " u'@AnthonyKasha1 You rock! So glad to have been a part of your first semester! #infinitelove',\n", " u'RT @gartoz: @heardinmidtown \"I need to slow down right now and switch to rum\"',\n", " u'RT @FastCompany: . @Airbnb reportedly closes new round of funding, putting its value at $10 billion: http://t.co/kqRlv52oBl',\n", " u\"@hegedusmark nothing some #infinitelove can't fix <3\",\n", " u\"RT @indecision: This Clinton baby is being coy, but you can tell it's thinking about crawling for president.\",\n", " u\"RT @DandyLittleOne: @TheAlligator these tweets don't say anything worth while if you're not tweeting what is actually said during pro/con\",\n", " u'@hegedusmark Usually when people get into political debates I pull out the popcorn and watch the show. #dramz',\n", " u'RT @UFloridaDSP: Our pledge class presentation had brothers in stitches as they displayed their accomplishments and comedic prowess. http\\u2026',\n", " u\"ProctorU is now 35 minutes late in administering my exam. I'm supremely displeased.\",\n", " u'Waiting for ProctorU to find me a proctor so wasting time on social media.',\n", " u\"nvm I can't read. My exam time is actually 8. How do I occupy myself for the next hour...\",\n", " u\"Half an hour till B Law... fingers crossed I don't die.\",\n", " u\"Confession, I still haven't figured out how to screenshot things in snapchat.\",\n", " u\"RT @OfficialJLD: Heads up. I'm live tweeting tonight's @VeepHBO premiere at 10:30EST.\",\n", " u\"@UFloridaDSP can't wait!\",\n", " u\"RT @SunFoundation: After #McCutcheon, it's clearer than ever: We need real-time disclosure of political donations. Join our call: http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @elizabethforma: With today's McCutcheon #SCOTUS ruling, the game just became even more rigged for the rich and powerful.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Photo with a great American, @SlaterBayliss, from tonight's @MavPAC event in Tallahassee. http://t.co/yvKbpL03PM\",\n", " u'RT @jimmygill: Great @MavPAC event in Tally. Enjoyed the energy and passion of these great Patriots. @SlaterBayliss @AlCardenasACU @JebBus\\u2026',\n", " u'On Patriots Day, an American athlete has won the Boston Marathon for the first time since Ronald Reagan was President. #USA',\n", " u'RT @bostonmarathon: For the first time since 1983 an American man has won the Boston Marathon! Congratulations Meb Keflezighi!',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: We are taking suggestions for music to open up session in the last two weeks. Use #FLHouseTunes with your ideas. #sayf\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Certainsafe: Compare how CertainSafe stacks up against #dropbox and #box for #filesharing: https://t.co/dho1QocxAE',\n", " u\"@ChrisSpencerFL Careful with the broad late filed floor amendments, Chris. I think Jim may take away everyone's pizza privileges forever.\",\n", " u'\"Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.\" -(Matthew 5:6) Happy Easter!',\n", " u'RT @What_Jesus_Says: Where two or three have been gathered in my name, I am there among them - Matthew 18:20 (please retweet).',\n", " u\"RT @Certainsafe: TMCnet's review of CertainSafe, the only #filesharing service with MicroTokenization: http://t.co/q5nb5bZmw6\",\n", " u\"RT @Certainsafe: Reprint of #Heartbleed @Computerworld article w/ quotes from CertainSafe's David Schoenberger: http://t.co/kKEtLU8elI\",\n", " u'RT @drewdc10: The only grave in history visited because of who it does not contain. http://t.co/EKrBgTdPdW',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Florida\\u2019s gain in jobs over the month of 22,900 in March is the largest of all states in the nation. #LetsKeepWorking',\n", " u\"RT @lizbethkb: Working hard to get out the vote! Humbled by the support from the community. Don't forget to vote on April 22nd! http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Today I am proud to announce that Florida businesses created more than 20,000 jobs in March. #LetsKeepWorking',\n", " u\"RT @Certainsafe: CertainSafe's own CIO David Schoenberger mentioned in @Computerworld about #heartbleed : http://t.co/vqHN9uYAgC\",\n", " u'RT @Certainsafe: CertainSafe, the Nex Gen cloud computing,launches its solution into the title industry! http://t.co/nPD8iOizgj',\n", " u\"RT @ronaldreagan40: Im sure you realize it's something of a risk for any gov official to appear in public on income tax day\\u2013Ronald Reagan h\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ronaldreagan40: If only an apple a day kept the auditor away. Happy Tax Day, everyone!',\n", " u\"RT @Certainsafe: Don't be a victim of stolen data. Use CertainSafe for secure file sharing, and ask websites you use to do the same: http:/\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@AdamBaldwin @yesnicksearcy @Deanofcomedy I guess the low level fruit at State Department position ain't panning out too well.\",\n", " u\"RT @AdamBaldwin: @yesnicksearcy Isn't @Deanofcomedy just another putrid segment of the #BallGagCaucus? (ref: http://t.co/p4vfFmIEE4 ) ~ cc:\\u2026\",\n", " u'Awesome >>@culturaljihad @LeslieBurt @RushetteNY @efilnikcufecin7 @von_beltz @disny10 @thejenn999 @erotao @tyrannywatch @FRamabama',\n", " u'RT @culturaljihad: Thanks for RT: @LeslieBurt @RushetteNY @efilnikcufecin7 @von_beltz @EileenHart1 @disny10 @thejenn999 @erotao @tyrannywat\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JonathanHoenig: .@Dennis_Kucinich: \"If you do away with government regulation, you have food and autos that kill people.\" #CashinIn #m\\u2026',\n", " u'@JonathanHoenig @HindaRifka >>>@Dennis_Kucinich<<<<A very special and failed snowflake of a Presidential candidate.',\n", " u'BOOM AND FINISHED>\\u2018Vogue\\u2019 Magazine Has \\u2018No Plans To Work With\\u2019 Terry Richardson In The Wake Of A New Sex Allegation http://t.co/FgZqXrkMd1',\n", " u'@SagiOrli Thank you so much Orli!!!',\n", " u'RT @SagiOrli: @EileenHart1 happy birthday Eileen http://t.co/3fdieKHok4',\n", " u'Thank you to everyone on here who wished me Happy Birthday, especially on Facebook!!!',\n", " u'Images We Found in \\u2018Happy\\u2019 Music Video From Gaza Could Reveal Important Politic... http://t.co/4xBdGdsiMa via @theblaze',\n", " u'#Happy (#Gaza Edition) - #Pharrell Williams: http://t.co/Ie5KJN878o Not one starving/oppressed person in Gaza in this video. #Israel',\n", " u'Thank you everyone for the early birthday wishes!!!!',\n", " u\"@BradleeDean1 Hi Bradlee, great article re: Bloomberg, but Hitler didn't kill 6 million of HIS people, they were Jews from all over Europe.\",\n", " u'RT @TheMorningSpew: #DontSayRecovery @Shaughn_A @Artist_Angie @socialistmop @EF517_V2 @schwingcat @Libertarian_ish @N_Fatale @EileenHart1 @\\u2026',\n", " u'HAPPY WARRIORS#FF @TheMorningSpew @Shaughn_A @Artist_Angie @socialistmop @EF517_V2 @schwingcat @Libertarian_ish @N_Fatale @LibertyBelleCJL',\n", " u\"RT @cvaldary: @MaxBlumenthal Your stuff is the worst of the worst. You are a walking contradiction and you're morally bankrupt.https://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'@cvaldary @Dootster @MaxBlumenthal<<Learned everything he knows from his Clinton advisor father. HOW does the backlash feel, MAX?',\n", " u'RT @HindaRifka: If I speak Espa\\xf1ol & apply for EBT will @RepLoBiondo support my #2A RIGHTS? @jko417 @tracieeeeee @mimimayesTN @Shaftan @Eil\\u2026',\n", " u\"@davidlevinsky @Lonegan Tom injected his own money because he isn't raising it on his own. Like Corzine.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @vahousegop: Governor Terry McAuliffe has held the state budget hostage for 45 days now. http://t.co/AXS8zqAxjy http://t.co/l34V9R43t4',\n", " u'RT @politicsdotmn: .@MNGOP announces 1st quarter fundraising totals of $695,000; COH of $72,000 #stribpol #mngop',\n", " u'@dustbin19 Great meeting you too, Dustin!',\n", " u'RT @mngop: Republican State Party Raises Nearly $700,000 http://t.co/oCQrNTWrTq #mngop',\n", " u'RT @davethul: The #DFL candidate in HD24B has dropped out of the race, making Rep John Petersburg a virtual lock. #mngop @CD1MNGOP @mnhous\\u2026',\n", " u'@JeffBacker Great meeting you!',\n", " u'@barbsutter49B Great seeing you!',\n", " u'#mngop raised $695,000, 1st quarter of 2014 http://t.co/T7aUIbl4cP',\n", " u\"RT @lukehellier: Just four days left to get your tickets to @RickNolanMN's fundraiser with sex offender Pete Yarrow\",\n", " u'RT @TODAYshow: Happy 88th Birthday Queen Elizabeth! http://t.co/dTlhwu7hK0',\n", " u'\"Why Australia\\u2019s richest person may doom @alfranken \" http://t.co/SqKXyklPS1 via @dailycaller #mngop #stribpol',\n", " u'@Tom_Freeman @Shabbosgoy @FiveThirtyEight Wow, over 60% in both parties want to end the electoral college. Big numbers',\n", " u\"I'm at Excelsior Brewing Co - @excelsiorbrew (Excelsior, MN) w/ 3 others http://t.co/S2ihpyJsYu\",\n", " u'@BFDALLY ahh darn, Almost motivated me to pick up bass way back when. Almost.',\n", " u'@BFDALLY intro to \"all around the world\" by RHCP',\n", " u'Haha RT: @MarcACaputo: Congratulations, South FLorida Democrats and liberals, you generally suck as voters http://t.co/h11yUbVSnE',\n", " u\"@BCookMN @AngieHasek I was telling someone yesterday that I'm holding out hope for some Bruno Mars\",\n", " u\"@AndrewOjeda @DanielSurman If you want to live the high life in blissful anonymity, we'd love to have you in SD 65 #MerriamParkBaby\",\n", " u'Great write-up by the #mngop endorsed 27A candidate ---> MN politics don\\u2019t need to be shell game | Albert Lea Tribune http://t.co/7AVg6w7XCm',\n", " u\"If you can't say anything constructive, best not to say anything at all #mngop\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @MiamiHEAT: \"Bobcats Under Pressure\" http://t.co/vLmPmIf1YD @CoupNBA explains how Miami\\'s 15 forced turnovers led to a Game 1 victory ov\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Bocalegend: RT @SupportPets_ #ADOPT #ADOPT #ADOPT - DON'T #DOGS #CATS #ANIMALS DIE IN A SHELTER FOR LACK OF A TRUE HOME - #ADOPT A #PE\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SeaWorld: Blackfish is propaganda. Learn the truth about our killer whale care at http://t.co/oPPsnw6QDT http://t.co/nxBrxa12Cz',\n", " u'RT @michaelstedman2: @Iluvinspireu @AMHQ And Thank You for the support RE: http://t.co/GVy7whe4Nk, best All-American spy thriller evah. I s\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @michaelstedman2: @Iluvinspireu @MiamiHEAT OK. You're convincing argument persuades me. I'm going to start today ... following Heat! :) \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @BEAUTIFULPlCS: Go home rainbow, you're drunk. http://t.co/3EqPluiKwF\",\n", " u'@AMHQ Sam u r right your team is very Beautiful and Handsome! Best looking Anchors for sure!!!',\n", " u'@reesewaters @AMHQ Good Morning Reeeeeese! Have a Fabulous Day !!',\n", " u'RT @AMHQ: #AMHQ TODAY: @TWCDaveSchwartz is back in the studio and we are sharing some of his best @WeatherChannel moments! Early #TBT #weat\\u2026',\n", " u'@AMHQ @juliemartin Good morning Sam looking forward to what Julie Martin has to say on Eco in the home! yay! c u soon! Have a great day!!',\n", " u'@twcMariaLaRosa @weatherchannel Good Happy Monday morning Maria have a fabulous day! c u in a few on @AMHQ Yay!',\n", " u'RT @MiamiHEAT: Game 2 of this #WhiteHot Best-of-7 series with Charlotte is Wednesday at 7pm at @AAarena and can be seen live on Sun Sports \\u2026',\n", " u'@MiamiHEAT Congratulations On Great Game Awesome WIN!! Yay Team Heat!! xo Happy Easter!! xo',\n", " u'RT @FreeThugaveli: @kingjames @miamiheat #heatnation #gametime http://t.co/kldiZEyH2h',\n", " u\"@MiamiHEAT Let's Go Heat! Yay Team!! I'm so excited watching Playoffs right now!! love my Team!! xo\",\n", " u\"@sportsfan2259 @ThriftyCook @JuliaCasperd1 @blossuk I'm sure u would Mike The north had a Terrible Winter! Brr!! Enjoy the Springtime!\",\n", " u'#getwellSager Wish u speedy recovery!',\n", " u'@JulioCCLopez @MarioLopezExtra Happy Easter to you and your family Mario!!',\n", " u'RT @MichaelKrull1: Happy Easter,bild6 http://t.co/W7zsdJrT9y',\n", " u\"@ThriftyCook @sportsfan2259 @JuliaCasperd1 @blossuk No,the weather has been around high 70's. I love when it's gets into 80's! Oh so nice!\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @TrunewsRadio: Obama Uses Easter Address to Remind Us That Islam Teaches Us to \\u201cLove Our Neighbors As We Lov\\u2026 http://t.co/5rmV3oBiuH htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gerfingerpoken: @richisaacs 885- (IBD) What Would #Reagan Do Abt #Ukraine, #Putin? Revive Europe #MissileDefense http://t.co/uK08n1JNCh',\n", " u\"RT @timothypeck: RT @richisaacs: Pete Kaliner's Take on the Cowards of Moogfest http://t.co/2y4BBZDfV2 #avlnews-\",\n", " u\"@melora72 Some of us believe Obama's plans were ruinous and should have been obstructed.\",\n", " u'@melora72 @SmallBizResCafe True patriots just want to return to the Constitution as the law of the land.',\n", " u'RT @JessRighthouse: \"@richisaacs: One of the keys to happiness. http://t.co/vOVWIwHv0H\" absolutely 100% agree!',\n", " u'One of the keys to happiness. http://t.co/tj760bpXdt',\n", " u'Value Life: The promise held forth in its Spring and the light of wisdom in its Winter.\\n#TCOT #CCOT #PJNET #ProLife http://t.co/438dP30RsZ',\n", " u'FIRST DATES:\\nA new study suggests that your date forms an opinion of you within the first 12 minutes of the date.... http://t.co/7QpQUSCjff',\n", " u'Indeed... http://t.co/s0E2IHpQLe',\n", " u'Practice random acts of kindness. It makes people nervous. LOL',\n", " u'Today is #EarthDay\\nI wonder if anyone has ever considered having a #UranusDay ?\\nJust a thought',\n", " u'RT @PJNET_Welcome: #PJNET welcomes our 2455th team member @RichGWilliamsJr. Not a member? Check us out at http://t.co/dOHhKMmEkp',\n", " u'RT @PJNET_Blog: New #PJNET Blog Showcase article courtesy of @faultlineusa http://t.co/Mr87sjWxA2',\n", " u'RT @PJNET_Welcome: #PJNET welcomes our 2453rd team member @JannaB17. Not a member? Check us out at http://t.co/dOHhKMmEkp',\n", " u'RT @PJNET_Welcome: #PJNET welcomes our 2454th team member @BeuCards. Not a member? Check us out at http://t.co/dOHhKMmEkp',\n", " u'RT @TheGreatOne2012: \"@richisaacs: \"@MidwestPlowboy: @richisaacs Yes indeed Richard. Then there\\'s this Putin problem\\U0001f601 http://t.co/RR4PxISgO\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SisterstooInc: @richisaacs \\U0001f61clmbo',\n", " u'RT @pappabill99: @richisaacs Health insurance :)',\n", " u'\"@MidwestPlowboy: @richisaacs Yes indeed Richard. Then there\\'s this Putin problem\\U0001f601 http://t.co/v3ZA91yuIi\"']},\n", " {'REP': [u'#iecinthemedia Polk Unemployment Rate at 7.1 Percent in March - The Ledger: WPECPolk Unemployment Rate at 7.1 ... http://t.co/EgafGXmA2T',\n", " u'#iecinthemedia Polk Unemployment Rate at 7.1 Percent in March - The Ledger: Polk Unemployment Rate at 7.1 Perc... http://t.co/6db82P9Icz',\n", " u'#iecinthemedia Fla. jobless bumps up to 6.3%, jobs increase and workers return to job force - Palm Beach Post:... http://t.co/30Vfw4KVQ8',\n", " u\"Unemployment Rate Increases Slightly in March, but It's Called a 'Beauty Mark,' Not a 'Blemish': By: Allison N... http://t.co/rxCY0v8E3A\",\n", " u'Area vehicle sales slip: March year-over-year decline snaps 25-month streak of local gains: By: Fatima Hussein... http://t.co/Cp39qJuvJV',\n", " u'Many homeowners in region still underwater: By: Josh Salman, Herald-Tribune\\n\\nOriginal Link: Herald-Tribune, FL... http://t.co/xBX5kM6yeN',\n", " u\"#iecinthemedia Unemployment Rate Increases Slightly in March, but It's Called a 'Beauty Mark ... - Sunshine St... http://t.co/cf9kTbOaJH\",\n", " u\"#iecinthemedia Silverberg: Buying 'things' not the best use of your money - Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Silverber... http://t.co/2jWMoUl0oW\",\n", " u'#iecinthemedia Area vehicle sales slip: March year-over-year decline snaps 25-month streak of ... - Daytona Be... http://t.co/Ds5yDUYQms',\n", " u'#iecinthemedia Area vehicle sales slip: March year-over-year decline snaps 25-month streak of ... - Daytona Be... http://t.co/pkCC0JblOD',\n", " u'#iecinthemedia Many homeowners in region still underwater - Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Many homeowners in region... http://t.co/YTIZRXyyYm',\n", " u\"#iecinthemedia Florida's Scott, Facing Fight, Touts Economy - Wall Street Journal: Florida's Scott, Facing Fig... http://t.co/1Ri3haXNuf\",\n", " u\"Florida's Scott, Facing Fight, Touts Economy: By: Arian Campo-Flores and Patrick O'Connor, The Wall Street Jou... http://t.co/TdSf2mjHcT\",\n", " u'Orlando visitor numbers set another record: By: Jim Stratton, Orlando Sentinel\\n\\nOriginal link: Orlando Sentine... http://t.co/wgOM7oADuQ',\n", " u\"#iecinthemedia Florida's Scott, Facing Fight, Touts Economy - Wall Street Journal: Florida's Scott, Facing Fig... http://t.co/d36JrrT3qi\",\n", " u\"#iecinthemedia Florida's Scott, Facing Fight, Touts Economy - Wall Street Journal: Wall Street JournalFlorida'... http://t.co/hVxBKwDvDq\",\n", " u'#iecinthemedia Orlando visitor numbers set another record - Orlando Sentinel: Orlando visitor numbers set anot... http://t.co/yr1DJfMxl5',\n", " u'Consumer spending failing to achieve escape velocity: By: Sean Snaith, Herald-Tribune\\n\\nOriginal Link: Herald-T... http://t.co/xJrEMQOqea',\n", " u'#iecinthemedia Carlos L\\xf3pez-Cantera: Trabajando para crear oportunidades - http://t.co/KkMo2rl9mo: MiamiDiario.... http://t.co/RZFlzgHq2E',\n", " u'#iecinthemedia Consumer spending failing to achieve escape velocity - Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Consumer spendi... http://t.co/9pfCxQxsyv']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@BrookieS Thx! My partner and I, and two of our three grandkids.',\n", " u'Happy Easter Monday! http://t.co/8HL1jAazFB',\n", " u'RT @jaxdotcom: Before heading out to dinner tonight, check out our list of worst restaurant inspections - http://t.co/0RPpJKJLdt',\n", " u'RT @ranaflorida: \\u201cThe average high school kid today experiences the same level of anxiety as average psychiatric patient of the 1950s\\u201d http\\u2026',\n", " u'You May Be Surprised By The States That Support Pre-K http://t.co/sU0bALT4IP via @nationaljournal',\n", " u'#2 alone will get you far. | 5 Habits Of Emotionally Intelligent People #leadership http://t.co/999XN3Vecb',\n", " u'RT @JonGordon11: To be an effective leader we have to be willing to look in the mirror and say \"what can I do better\"?',\n", " u'RT @WSJ: Moleskine expanding its products geared toward the tech-savvy set.\\nhttp://t.co/Xk1gdjim4H',\n", " u'Lovely evening @CummerMuseum to welcome the new leader of @MoreArtCulture. #ilovejax',\n", " u'Fascinating. The Pope in the Attic: Benedict in the Time of Francis http://t.co/xfB7x5CNmD',\n", " u'Here we go! RT @JaxBizExchange Public #art could drive Downtown #Jax development http://t.co/mmxxmUNvXu http://t.co/OyfzbixjAd',\n", " u'RT @zaibatsu: There are 2 rules for success http://t.co/QIjqVkpGJt #quote',\n", " u'RT @JCruzCAP: @CathedralArts Highlands Step class getting ready for the Lazzara stage on a beautiful afternoon. #bringyourAgame http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'@dianebrunet @kerri_stewart @MoreArtCulture When you succeed there, I welcome you to PV. Can you even imagine?',\n", " u'Boo hiss. RT @SusanTowler: \\u201c@jaxdotcom: #Amazon to collect sales tax on Florida purchases beginning May 1 http://t.co/srRMouMsiV\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @CAPAction: Americans are paying a lot less in taxes than the rest of the developed world. #TaxDay http://t.co/qDNa5Iggud http://t.co/2\\u2026',\n", " u'@AbelHarding As long as you have your Dapper Dan.',\n", " u'In case you were wondering | The Daily Routines of Geniuses http://t.co/KkTafqUkZf',\n", " u\"Drive safely! You'll get there! The utility of switching lanes http://t.co/OudM9lFxmL\",\n", " u'Fascinating. RT @asmith83: Great @thamburger and @mateagold story on Google mastering the DC influence game http://t.co/HC9X6xQZco']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@AlexElise_T or you're into guys with baggage\",\n", " u'@kkennnedyy hahaha THANKYOU',\n", " u'@super_miles ayy I really appreciate it man, thanks for taking the time to listen',\n", " u\"RT @AnnaKendrick47: Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work.\",\n", " u'GUYS my interview came in that I did w @CharlotteTheGr8 go watch it and look at how awkward I look while Curtis talks http://t.co/6tJ4X5vVvm',\n", " u'Forever terrible with women',\n", " u\"@AceAKAYoungn it's been done, I thought Curtis would forward it to you.\",\n", " u'@AceAKAYoungn do you hear yourself right now..',\n", " u'Happy Easter. Merry 4/20. Love you all',\n", " u'@JustSikko ahhhh. Pouring out some of this beer in honor of those we have lost.',\n", " u\"@JustSikko inactive = unfollowed. Why twitter if you don't tweet?\",\n", " u'@JustSikko omg you just unfollowed people on twitter you are such a bigot sikko',\n", " u'@Nicoii3 do it!!!!',\n", " u\"I just want to make enough money in this world to buy my own chipotle and I'll be content\",\n", " u'Do you ever just sit there and think about eating some Chipotle...',\n", " u'@kkennnedyy \\U0001f618\\U0001f618',\n", " u\"@kkennnedyy it's not too outta control??\",\n", " u'Might be time to chop the mop #ShirtOffShawty http://t.co/aLdr61FH7G',\n", " u'RT @jaysondelacerna: Sometimes we are so busy adding up our troubles that we forget to count our blessings.',\n", " u'RT @ayemorganrene: LOOK WHAT I JUST FOUND IN MY REGISTER http://t.co/9fghQhv8JF']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"You gon' make them eggs cheesy with them grits or nah?\",\n", " u'RT @totalfratmove: High Schooler In \\u201cBEAST MODE\\u201d T-Shirt Gets Dropped With One Punch (Video) >> http://t.co/aZ3plMjKs3',\n", " u'That article is crazy. Dude says 100% of 5 star recruits are in contact with multiple bag men. Ridiculous',\n", " u'Meet the Bag Man: How to buy college football players, in the words of a man who delivers the money http://t.co/k9lzoqntSt via @sbnation',\n", " u'#Unpopularopinion, Chik-Fil-A is overrated',\n", " u'Pops made a spontaneous trip to Gainesville!',\n", " u\"Causually climbing the O'dome with @billywalt1 http://t.co/UgDCZWuaxK\",\n", " u'Idk about you but me and @billywalt1 like to live life on the edge #GoGators',\n", " u'You really feel like your natural eyebrows are so bad that you have to draw some on? That only makes it look worse though... Females mannn',\n", " u'@mbraham13 lol you shoulda asked him for a pic! I guarantee he would have taken one with you',\n", " u\"@mbraham13 pics or it didn't happen\",\n", " u\"Really hoping the girl who made the Royals parody video actually goes to FSU and it's just a smear campaign #wishfulthinking \\U0001f636\\U0001f62b @UFProbs\",\n", " u\"Leaned against the sink counter in the restroom, got my crotch area soaked, then got walked in on as I'm using the blow dryer to dry it off\\U0001f610\",\n", " u'RT @FauxJohnMadden: Throwback Thursday. https://t.co/zxnBzKoEvG',\n", " u\"Nose piercings other than studs are pretty much a turn off for me. They're not cute \\U0001f645\",\n", " u'RT @NFLTalkRT: I miss hits like this on Sundays... https://t.co/6ITXYXwjEY',\n", " u'RT @FunnyViness: Thank you Fox News https://t.co/VvaAcksVDW',\n", " u\"I can't lie, FSU's new unis are clean\",\n", " u'\"It takes grinding to be a king\"',\n", " u'And here comes the blisters.. I see skin cancer in my not-so-distant future']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"There's a meteor shower tonight! :)\",\n", " u'RT @InSouthFlorida: Today #SouthFlorida, more than ever remember this ... please ReTweet to support #shopsmall http://t.co/XcaOktkGf4',\n", " u'RT @aaronpaul_8: 1: Open A fresh bottle of #Bushmills \\n2: Wipe away tears of joy. \\n3: Thank whiskey gods\\n4: Drink over a giant ice cube \\n5:\\u2026',\n", " u'All of these Discovery Channel shows about Alaska make me REALLY want to go there.',\n", " u\"RT @olivegarden: Even though Sam loves salads and Dean loves burgers we think they'd both agree our BOTO is delicious. #Supernatural\",\n", " u'Lunar eclipse and stars. http://t.co/eSFLmFCCzL',\n", " u'Starbucks Blonde roast to get through this Monday.',\n", " u'I hate you too, pollen.',\n", " u'Ha the season 2 montage set to Hells Bells by AC/DC. #theycouldntresist',\n", " u'The All Hell Breaks Loose episodes of Supernatural are on TNT right now. Awesome. :)',\n", " u'Rhapsody deleting songs from my playlists really annoys me.',\n", " u\"RT @realjohngreen: Troye continues to donate all the song's royalties to his local children's hospital oncology department. He really is a \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @GeorgeTakei: [edited] Apparently, a mother designed these for her son originally. But the idea is a great one. http://t.co/FlQxjeZXpz',\n", " u'RT @edsheeran: SING iTunes link - http://t.co/ndmknil2oh - SING audio video - http://t.co/5NTW4e8kYK',\n", " u\"RT @MrScottEddy: Kindness should never be confused with weakness. What someone doesn't do shouldn't ever be confused with what they are cap\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TheDailyShow: #TDSBreakingNews Medicare opened to same-sex couples. As always, senior movie tickets remain LGBT friendly. #HotMatineeDa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NathanFillion: \\u201c@SeanAstin: Backstage Light Saber Fight\\n@alantudyk & @NathanFillion \\nI won. http://t.co/qnulb3yo3E\\u201d\\n\\nIn a fight, does a\\u2026',\n", " u'I love that my niece sees any raised floor as a stage, and sings her little heart out on them. #LETITGOOOOO lol',\n", " u'Happy opening day!',\n", " u'I love writing at the beach.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @JamesThorne2: Today 1509: Henry VIII ascends the throne of England on the death of Henry VII. He would rule for almost 38 years. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheRealNimoy: Easter blessings to all who celebrate. LLAP',\n", " u'RT @Trench1914: THE TRENCH is out! http://t.co/6tFzR7voUC Stories via @wicardossa1957 @vijayprashad @fkelly25',\n", " u'@GeorgeTakei happy happy birthday have a GREAT day sir!!!!!!!',\n", " u'RT @WWI_: A meeting held in Paris between the Ministries of Exchequer of #Russia #France & #UK http://t.co/OWKGFBgOCC #WWI (3) http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Happy Easter to all !!!',\n", " u'RT @CountdownPromos: #99p #Deals A Good German: Adam Von Trott, by @GilesMacDonogh Acclaimed Biography http://t.co/YX0aaeUTqS #German #Hist\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @cnnbrk: NASA discovers Earth-sized planet that could be habitable. http://t.co/ex0rKb2RkJ',\n", " u'http://t.co/yJDpxNRWa8',\n", " u'RT @bishopk: This is the document that John Kerry has just referred to - calling on Jews in Donetsk to register. http://t.co/6s5rnftKJ0',\n", " u'Dissertation worries... What do I write about. Clearly the Great War matters of military concerns. Yet which direction? So board a topic',\n", " u'Fellow historians should I go to Sarajevo on June 28th 2014 or England for the first week of August 2014???? I can only do one #fwwcc2014',\n", " u'@GFB1914 no one!',\n", " u'RT @oldpicsarchive: British Soldiers on a tank- WWI http://t.co/UmpauI6OyU',\n", " u'RT @HistorianHelen: A rare oasis in a desert of PGT funding! 3 full bursaries on MA in Modern & Contemporary British History at QMUL http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @abandonedspaces: WW2 P40 was stumbled upon in the Sahara desert. So intact the bullets are still in the wing guns, it crashed in 1942 h\\u2026',\n", " u'A book on the clear up effort after the #GreatWar #WWICentenary #FWW the masses of artillery shells must have been monumental task? Anyone',\n", " u'All that evil needs to conquer is for good men to do nothing... Where is the redline.????',\n", " u'RT @InMemoriam2014: A #Lancashire council has unveiled its plans for a modern memorial which have been well received by local residents. ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RebeccaRideal: WANTED: A patron to finance all of my creative endeavours.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I really love being a nanny, but not when my night owl-ness kicks in and I have 4 hours to sleep. Another reason I need to be my own boss.',\n", " u'No matter how many interesting documentaries I browse through on Netflix in the middle of the night, I just end up watching Scrubs.',\n", " u\"Though I rarely lapse in my emotionally devoid state of being, it's nice that I can suppress just about anything by writing about music.\",\n", " u'Showing off. Sorry. http://t.co/Tsg7f13zQp',\n", " u\"'Burger shirts are waitin for ya at Fubar. Plus good music and good beer! @lauratherad @ Fubar Downtown http://t.co/nifhb2sB8Y\",\n", " u'Tweeting as a distraction. #ow http://t.co/KgOW62ONuv',\n", " u'Andy Hull played me \"I Can Barely Breath\" and \"100 Dollars\" and \"The River\" and I kinda cried. @\\u2026 http://t.co/MR9eCefJIF',\n", " u'RT @Slate: The government is making a killing off loans to grad students: http://t.co/kJprVIXLLc',\n", " u\"@mxjrdn probably can't help with Oracle, but shoot\",\n", " u'4 page essay between me and an amazing long weekend. But...Internet.',\n", " u'@itsren I wanna watch that. Do you like it?',\n", " u\"I don't see the point in releasing a regular and deluxe version of an album at the same time.\",\n", " u'Long week of babysitting and essay writing will be rewarded by Manchester Orchestra, a new tattoo and Record Store Day. Hurrrrry uppppp',\n", " u\"Hey, the local news is coming to interview you about a shooting. Don't worry, there's definitely no need to put a shirt on.\",\n", " u'The insane amount of money I made babysitting this weekend makes me question my decision to go to college.',\n", " u'@a_jkramer meeerp http://t.co/GpwG2YRySW',\n", " u'\"Glow-in-the-dark roads make debut in Netherlands\" http://t.co/KtRdOuYMJp This is so cool!',\n", " u\"Just nearly died choking on Goldfish. So, you probably shouldn't feed your babies Goldfish. Also, you probably shouldn't feed me Goldfish.\",\n", " u'Serious reporting. \"@USFCrowsNest: Man seen sporting diaper in RHO elevator; emergency vehicles parked outside http://t.co/rdNhbdEiz1\\u201d',\n", " u\"4 a.m. ... A great time for the smoke detector to decide it's batteries are low so you can tweet about it.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @AwakePinellas: FL Newspapers barely note Coverage Gap #HealthFLNow @jpgillin @TBOcom @KBradshawTBO @PoliticsTBTimes http://t.co/gNV8DsM\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AwakeTheState: RT @AmyTidd: Awake the State in Brevard! This is what democracy looks like! #sayfie #pfla http://t.co/gB5SkwxS5o #awake\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ElisaHuapa: \"Barring people from voting is not good\" #AwakeFl #AwakeTB @AwaketheState http://t.co/UqJNzwnpyT',\n", " u'RT @AwakePinellas: Claire Conners speaks about the need for the left to start fighting back against the radical right #AwakeFL #AwakeTB htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ProgressFlorida: Great crowd in Tampa at the people's response to Rick Scott's State of the State (campaign) speech #AwakeFL http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AwakePinellas: @RobLorei speaks about how Tampa has a union tradition that built the Middle Class in Florida #AwakeFL #AwakeTB http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Timintampa: Whether you are a pawn or a king, you are needed on the battlefield. @OURWalmart #awakefl http://t.co/o5dmSjAQlg',\n", " u'RT @AwakePinellas: @PROJECTFELONS Niki Johnson speaks about Rights Resotration in Tampa Bay #AwakeTB #AwakeFL #StrongerTogether http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @kBasarab: Pits are amazing! RT @MatterofCause Myths Around Pitbulls: Bully or Buddy? Read more from Samira Obeid http://t.co/Ia3ZmsmxU\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MatterofCause: Myths Around Pitbulls: Bully or Buddy? Read more from Samira Obeid http://t.co/0ZM4z9mEe1 #PuppyLove... http://t.co/ajT\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Kriseman: Pleased to appoint Ms. Ayele Hunt and fmr @StPeteFL Councilman Mr. James Bennett to the St. Petersburg Housing Authority.',\n", " u'RT @rachelsklar: 10 Startup Employees Recall the Early Days - fun reliving early HuffPo for this @mashable piece http://t.co/N4YP7ixKFx #fi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MatterofCause: Get rid of that stereotypical image of the \\u201cwelfare queen\\u201d. Less than 1/3 of welfare recipients are black:... http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @HuffingtonPost: Hillary Clinton: Women's rights are men's responsibility, too http://t.co/M3BIyWqs4C\",\n", " u'RT @codonnellTBO: PSTA governing board approves extra $250k for #Greenlight education plan. Total spend will be roughly $400k',\n", " u'#\\u200eChangeYourConversation Less than 1/3 of welfare recipients are black: http://t.co/ypIJiDb81c #\\u200eItsAMatterofCause http://t.co/9eVf5p9Kns',\n", " u'Beauty in Blood:Menstruation from Artist POV @AFeministLife #ArtIsPower http://t.co/EGPTyYM9zu #ItsAMatterofCause http://t.co/fgQH8px58j',\n", " u'Race&Religiosity:What Does a Muslim Look Like? http://t.co/q2BNY90dul @HafsaAhmad #EquallyAmerican #ItsAMatterofCause http://t.co/ffuKdbwfIP',\n", " u\"RT @MatterofCause: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie stands against Nigeria's homophobic ban, Denver teacher donates kidney to student, and a... htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @MatterofCause: Write kick ass, complicated, and interesting female characters because #WomenArePeopleToo. http://t.co/eqxN2UufP1... htt\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'I have a rising follower graph! 1 more follower in the past day. Get your stats right here http://t.co/RgIug6KK78',\n", " u'Political Assassinations, Military Industry Complex and War: http://t.co/cUOcYzhoMt RIP, John Judge, another genius gone!',\n", " u'The Hoodooed Journal is out! http://t.co/YO3Kq71Kpq',\n", " u'Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight: How To Watch Live http://t.co/X8emQaU0CO via @SPACEdotcom',\n", " u\"FL City About 2 Make It Illegal 4 Homeless 2 Have Possessions In Public http://t.co/oZlVeqXxKW So let's make the poor even poorer! WTF!\",\n", " u'@PopResistance had to share this on my site. Thank you! http://t.co/KIQp9K43Dp',\n", " u'@jenhjackson That tweet deserves to be featured! Check it out: http://t.co/KIQp9K43Dp',\n", " u\"@occupycorruptDC Had to share that one! It's now featured on http://t.co/KIQp9K43Dp\",\n", " u'@NDAA2012 thanks so much for sharing. Just added it here: http://t.co/KIQp9K43Dp',\n", " u'@VoteFiore thanks so much for sharing. Just added it here: http://t.co/KIQp9K43Dp',\n", " u'@MotherJones You made my @RebelMouse http://t.co/KIQp9K43Dp',\n", " u'@SSOComposter Your tweet is now featured on my @RebelMouse http://t.co/3TJV55jeU6 *bump it* http://t.co/KIQp9K43Dp',\n", " u\"RT @NDAA2012: BLM Bureau of Land Mutilation 'TAKING CARE' of the Bundy Cattle: http://t.co/jmUrjQSFcT via @YouTube #BundyRanch\",\n", " u'RT @PopResistance: How the psychiatric profession is used to protect the power structure http://t.co/7UPVB2PWZq',\n", " u'@PamSchep @VoteFiore I have problems w/ that kind of hunt. I am 4 sustenance hunting-definitely NOT on exotic species for huge amounts of $.',\n", " u'New day, new tweets, new stats. 6 followers, 3 unfollowers. Via good old http://t.co/RgIug6KK78',\n", " u'@VoteFiore Deplorable and so sad!!! #bundyranch This needs to be made public, putting on FB NOW!',\n", " u\"RT @VoteFiore: #BLM massacre. This isn't how you herd cattle #BundyRanch http://t.co/rlpKYb3e3d\",\n", " u'http://t.co/QpTIOE5DTC http://t.co/iFknjwhvdy',\n", " u'The Hoodooed Journal is out! http://t.co/YO3Kq71Kpq']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Demand transparency in the Final Keystone XL Decision #NoKXL http://t.co/C8HbCc7q88',\n", " u'Former Fighter Pilots Fight Over Flight Suits | http://t.co/QPNaeQD4jR http://t.co/sMr3B8KcHk via @Militarydotcom',\n", " u\"Defying West's Sanctions, Iran To Export Oil To Russia http://t.co/DNuSXIm80J\",\n", " u\"Save our bees and food supply from Bayer and Monsanto's toxic pesticides! http://t.co/Y2TmhGLlIX\",\n", " u'Sierra Club Florida News: Everglades Victory http://t.co/aq6gSdtSxj',\n", " u'.@RepDennisRoss I heard about your town hall and wanted to tell you that I live in FL and want you to push for #immigration reform in 2014',\n", " u'The F-35 is a Bad Deal for America http://t.co/ieLOBqER51',\n", " u'Sign the petition: Stop the Tea Party from blocking new national monuments http://t.co/NvXA19cFd7 via @CREDOmovile #p2',\n", " u'Sign the petition from Rep. @ChelliePingree: Stop the proposed merger of @Comcast and @TWC http://t.co/kGxCwN4KGl via @CREDOmobile #p2',\n", " u\"Sign the petition - Tell @McDonalds: Stop stealing from workers' paychecks http://t.co/ZjwP0JleEL #p2 #1u #WageTheft\",\n", " u'15 things everyone would know if there were a liberal media http://t.co/Vy5YcwfkTc via @dailykos',\n", " u'MOAA Storming the Hill on Pay, TRICARE Hikes, Sequestration http://t.co/HdI1psaNGN',\n", " u'Mail an aluminum can to the @FederalReserve to stop greedy and reckless banks. #KickBanksInTheCan http://t.co/4YNJOMe7TZ',\n", " u'Alabama invokes Brown v. Board of Education to attack Black women and families http://t.co/HYgr9syEhT via @colorofchange',\n", " u'The #McCutcheon decision is another blow to our democracy. Stand up to the pro-#citizensunited #SCOTUS majority http://t.co/IqnWeqHbBH',\n", " u'As Trial Of Billionaire Liu Han Opens, Chinese President Xi Jinping May Go For Even Bigger Target http://t.co/nC9RrPfhck',\n", " u'Reject the Ryan Budget https://t.co/1imnlXhDuB',\n", " u'Join me in supporting Contribute Now to Mary Landrieu, Mark Begich, and Mark Pryor via @actblue https://t.co/0gV7Yl6BsC',\n", " u\"Kids don't deserve a sunburn inside their lungs. Tell @EPA to protect children from dangerous smog pollution! http://t.co/subQQivkdc\",\n", " u'Join me in supporting Contribute Now to Kay Hagan via @actblue https://t.co/YcLIznCwzP']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@keithboykin Why did Kagan recuse herself?',\n", " u\"Beast mode...That's all to it. My man... RT @TorreySmithWR: This cat @brandonw_66 benched 525 WOW http://t.co/50OwHIZ4PB\",\n", " u'This is the WORST... RT @JAMyerson: Jeremy Lin, my mouth is agape at you. http://t.co/SXLKI87T2F',\n", " u\"Wow... RT @AntheaButler: RT @AP: BREAKING: Supreme Court upholds Michigan's ban on affirmative action in college admissions.\",\n", " u'Gorgeous. RT @lenubienne: RT @nycgov: Look at that, the cherry blossoms in Sakura Park started blooming. http://t.co/E47GENvpyS @NYCParks',\n", " u'RT @cthagod: @marclamonthill Like I always say I wish we cared about us killing each other the way we do when someone of another race kills\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AntheaButler: W/Kidnapping girls and the bombing in Abuja, the Nigerian armed forces and the President are on their heels with Boko Ha\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @econjared: Wage theft must not be ignored: http://t.co/Z4Gr1NdlB8',\n", " u'RT @suttnutz: If you didn\\u2019t already have a good enough reason to support @allysonschwartz, here she is running TOWARDS #Obamacare http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AntheaButler: To the news outlets that could care less. Some do, however. Follow @willintune from the @BBC for more information on the \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @AntheaButler: Every day this goes on is a day of horror for those young schoolgirls. Their lives don't seem to be worth much to the Nig\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AntheaButler: The original reports from Nigeria underestimated the amount of girls kidnapped from their school. The new # is 234 girls \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AntheaButler: As I have for the last week, and will until the young schoolgirls in Nigeria are rescued, I ask you to remember the now 1\\u2026',\n", " u\"With that, let's have a great day today.\",\n", " u\"7. That's all I have to say. If someone is trying to help you get better at something, stop being led solely by your pain. Seriously.\",\n", " u\"7. There isn't a single soul that is monolithic. Not even when it comes to skin color. Maybe if we tried listening more, we'd all benefit.\",\n", " u\"6. They've tuned you out. Especially since you've declared your lived experiences worse than what their own might be.\",\n", " u'5. To all of those people that believe once you\\'ve demanded one\\'s ear by denouncing their \"privilege\", I have this to say to you:',\n", " u'4. Success means risk. Means having to sacrifice. Achievement means that yes, unfortunately, certain parts of you have to change.',\n", " u\"3. It's like people forgot how to learn from failure. Nowadays, people wallow in failure; wear it like a badge of honor and nobility...\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @RealtorCarol: For all your real estate needs http://t.co/kZ2U2yqf0n #ormondbeach #exitbeachrealty',\n", " u'RT @RealtorCarol: Daytona Beach Florida Real Estate http://t.co/b6SYieNqCG',\n", " u\"RT @exitbeachrealty: At Exit Beach Realty we are constantly taking continuing education classes, staying up to date with the today's... htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @exitrealtycorp: From the May issue of @SUCCESSMagazine, see our Ad featuring @JoanneMills1 @ExitPremierLI http://t.co/tHrlK0GlbR #EXIT\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @realtormag: FHA is allowing more documents to be signed electronically #progress #realestate http://t.co/88toJqhYSn',\n", " u\"RT @exitrealtycorp: The experts speak tomorrow at #AgentRB - watch for #EXITRealty's @JeffLobb! http://t.co/FWF79ZRL5w #RealEstate #Tech #T\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @GeorgeTakei: Premeditated Nom Nom. http://t.co/sagA24aaX8',\n", " u'RT @exitrealtycorp: RT @ExitEliteMD: Wondering what #EXITRealty #Sponsoring is all about? Check this out! http://t.co/3OE9BBB2iW > The 4MM \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LinkedIn: \"Before you enter a room, adopt a networking state of mind.\" #Bestadvice about networking http://t.co/4LjhAMLx8r #profwomen',\n", " u'RT @zillow: Zillow report: 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Fall for Second Week in a Row | http://t.co/QllU5s816y http://t.co/ObE8MbMQc3',\n", " u'RT @SFLRedCross: South Florida @RedCross & the @MiamiHEAT join forces for their annual April Pools water safety event. #SFLRedCross https:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @exitrealtycorp: #EXITRealty Proudly Announces New #RealEstate #Franchise in #Irmo #SouthCarolina! http://t.co/uWrDxuHSZP #EXITRealtyIsG\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @markbrian: What to Do When You Can\\u2019t Afford Your Mortgage Payments http://t.co/3Jn08GHtQC',\n", " u'RT @InSouthFlorida: Buying our food from local farmers is good for our economy, our families and our environment! Buy and eat fresh #SouthF\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BrianTracy: Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor. Get my FREE Goals eBook here: http://t.co/XoFY8yqdVK',\n", " u'RT @CRMWorld: White Paper: 6 Key Social Commerce Lessons http://t.co/TgTolyjrrN',\n", " u'RT @jefflobb: Out the window in beautiful downtown #toronto. #agentrb tomorrow morning.. @ Downtown Toronto http://t.co/93DI48aFWJ',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Amazing small biz advocates @FLSmallBizGuy @EnterpriseFL @AETenergy and FL District Export Council #intldays14 http://t.co/B\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TODAYshow: Blast from the past: Teacher mails letters students wrote themselves 20 years ago http://t.co/khLKkQ5HLX',\n", " u'RT @NAR_Research: The median home prices rose 14% over those years.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@JayEspin: My pleasure, I hope you get the show on the road!',\n", " u\"South Dade High's theatre program wins state championship, but they need more $ to get to nationals. At 6. @nbc6 http://t.co/0b6svoIrCJ\",\n", " u'RT @SDBucTV: Future colleagues? @ariodzernbc6\\xa0with @moffett_samm\\xa0 http://t.co/3JPfJB83lm',\n", " u'@LuisZintzun: Yes, South Dade High.',\n", " u'High School theatre troupe wins state drama championship, but they need cash to go to nationals. At 6 on NBC6. @nbc6 http://t.co/KYALmfUqW6',\n", " u'Thespians at local high school win major competition, but they need help to get to nationals. At 6 on NBC6. @nbc6 http://t.co/j3Fi6Me60Z',\n", " u\"RT @rehemaellis: They're off and running some of the best anywhere taking back the streets in the Boston Marathon http://t.co/V51D3WoD3M\",\n", " u\"RT @danbharris: They're off. Boston Marathon. Retaking it from the bad guys. http://t.co/LO7HOnfNK3\",\n", " u\"RT @AKuperstein: Most important takeaway from today's Heat game: Wade looks very good.\",\n", " u'RT @EthanJSkolnick: James Jones, who had pretty much given up on playing this season, has 6, including 2 layups. Miami by 5.',\n", " u'DWade: healthy.',\n", " u'RT @IraHeatBeat: James Jones first Heat sub off bench in second half. They are going small to make Al Jefferson have to move on defense.',\n", " u'Guess the Heat turned the switch back off. @NBC6Sports',\n", " u\"James Jones, two tough rebounds in traffic. He does more than just hit 3's. @NBC6Sports\",\n", " u'Energy level finally feels like playoffs at the AAA now that Bosh and Wade gave Heat the lead. @NBC6Sports http://t.co/EcZb19aet8',\n", " u\"RT @IraHeatBeat: McRoberts 8, Bosh 0. That can't happen in that matchup.\",\n", " u\"Wade came to play. Where's the rest of the team? @nbc6 http://t.co/iUmyZfWZgy\",\n", " u'RT @MickyArison: by @pg30_mia \"The Quest for Larry begins today! #Playoffs #HeatNation #Heatles\" http://t.co/6yK8xsdMIE',\n", " u'RT @onlygators: Florida #Gators split 2014 NCAA Championship in gymnastics with Oklahoma. Back-to-back titles for UF.',\n", " u'Happy 18th, Jamie! Our daughter is celebrating her bday with friends at @Yolo_restaurant in Ft Lauderdale. http://t.co/LXZ7VAbV9M']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @TheCochese: I'm kinda done with Uggla.\",\n", " u'Uggla needs to be sat down.',\n", " u\"RT @CraigDesign: Uggla. I'm no longer tolerant.\",\n", " u'RT @scottcoleman55: Not sure how Fredi possibly continues to run Uggla out there every day',\n", " u'RT @BravesStateMind: How long do you let Uggla continue to hurt this team?',\n", " u\"Trader Joe's in Winter Park has an opening date! http://t.co/jTVSnV0s1l\",\n", " u'RT @CollegeAndMag: Fancy. RT @AUnMobile: T Mason with that 2013 SEC Championship Ring Bling!! http://t.co/1iV118LNAt',\n", " u'RT @JournalistsLike: Always cite your sources. http://t.co/ozKguKpZr4',\n", " u'RT @lutzenkirchen: Secondaries who do you double team? Sammy, duke or CJ? Oh wait quans in the slot... Hurt',\n", " u'So many weapons! #WarEagle',\n", " u'RT @FearlessandTrue: I quite enjoy watching CAP run the football.',\n", " u\"@ESPN where is the Auburn spring game? Can't you move it to ESPN News?\",\n", " u'Rick Scott returns for another round of Facebook questions http://t.co/1JxZCrsRig',\n", " u'Hangar Bar & Grille in College Park is no more http://t.co/ptdrtwaXB0',\n", " u'Office for tech startups to open in July http://t.co/7b1hevFx5M',\n", " u'Madison Academy junior Kerryon Johnson picks AUBURN!! #wareagle',\n", " u'HIV-positive player kicked off Kissimmee rec basketball team http://t.co/kveVqrPh25',\n", " u'Darden, Publix, SeaWorld all support easing Obamacare requirements http://t.co/7IsQzpA7z0',\n", " u'Filing your #taxes today? Here are some last-minute tips for success http://t.co/L50tJp2zMf',\n", " u'RT @BravesStateMind: His name is DAN UGGLA.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Kanwal Rekhi, the \"sage of Silicon Valley,\" is willing to invest in entrepreneurs - but there\\'s a catch. http://t.co/hMWhHWTp0y',\n", " u'Love this picture of Gov Scott and Charlie Crist http://t.co/E8v8fIV3VK',\n", " u'RT @nytimes The Youngest Technorati http://t.co/k7SX6cJXqM Wow he is only 17 and marketing his own app',\n", " u'Great suggestions for marketing on LinkedIn. PPC for LinkedIn, What\\u2019s the Difference? http://t.co/ekAdYfpMnB',\n", " u\"RT @kathughes9: Esquire's 20 laws of finance. + 4 I believe in: finish h.s., get married, stay married and avoid credit card debt. http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Poynter: Al Jazeera America names ABC News' Kate O'Brian as president: http://t.co/DmTljzMmP2\",\n", " u'RT @hansenhc: Excellent Op-Ed piece by Matt Walsh of @BizObserverFL http://t.co/0xVm9Ze0DZ #FHA #SWFL #AHA http://t.co/hbBdE1cFLW',\n", " u\"In celebration of National Small Business Week, here's a great read: http://t.co/pTP47npwvb\",\n", " u\"RT @EmilyWalshParry: Don't miss our @dOMediaSRQ launch seminars on Monday, June 17 at The Francis. Two sessions - 9 and 12. Tweet us @dOMed\\u2026\",\n", " u'@JeanGruss Thanks for the RT!',\n", " u'@Advertising_FL Thanks for the follow!',\n", " u'Woman Who Let Powerball Winner Go Ahead of Her Has No Regrets - Yahoo! http://t.co/5Iry59YcIC via @YahooNews',\n", " u'RT @BizObserverFL: Drew Breakspear knows what it\\u2019s like to sit across the table from regulators. http://t.co/Rw6b6jwjvw',\n", " u'RT @TB_Times: Take cover in #Tampa MT @TampaPD: A tornado warning has just been issued for downtown Tampa and Ybor areas until 12:30 pm.',\n", " u\"It's going to be a busy hurricane season. Are you ready? Let us know. http://t.co/aK2ZColQbi\",\n", " u'@Ignite_TampaBay Thanks for the follow!',\n", " u\"Get your company listed in the @Business Observer's Top 500 Companies along the Gulf Coast for free! Read more here:http://t.co/HkJOUZxV3j\",\n", " u'RT @BizObserverFL: Pageant producer to help run circus: Jennifer Mitchell, w/ Circus Sarasota since 2008, was named managing director\\nhttp:\\u2026',\n", " u\"If you're a famished foodie looking for great deals, check this out: http://t.co/NPWzWO3Rpk\",\n", " u'Manatee Chamber of Commerce Recognized as One of the Top 50 in the U.S. for Social Media Efforts http://t.co/EK6E7oIfqr via @tbnwire']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Think Common Core class material is bad? Check out the unbelievably AWFUL standardized tests http://t.co/GkM1F24fZ0 via @onswipe',\n", " u'http://t.co/wN57hD50Ar',\n", " u'RT @Heritage: This is BAD: Eich Is Out. So Is Tolerance. http://t.co/7b3ZiotPh2',\n", " u'RT @michellemalkin: Truth-telling @HSLDA under fire by Chamber of Commerce/CCSSO/Gates for exposing Common Core==> http://t.co/y8r0aSmzJ9 #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopCommonCore: \"@FLParentsRISE: BUILDING THE MACHINE - The Common Core Documentary: http://t.co/uavhWWpTE8 via @YouTube\" #Stopcommonco\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @foxnation: Californians Upset Over Lack Of Doctors Under ObamaCare\\nhttp://t.co/BTc0aNs0Dz',\n", " u'RT @TruthinAmEd: Mercedes Schneider: Fordham\\u2019s Mike Petrilli: Selling Common Core in States with Better Standards http://t.co/3izFRHira3 #s\\u2026',\n", " u'@AFPFlorida you rock!!!!!',\n", " u'RT @LIBREinitiative: Pessimism about our economic future should worry Washington. But they still propose policies that will hurt. http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AustinSekel: To any of you #libertylovers in #soflo come to #palmbeachgardens to network, eat, and survey for @AFPFlorida. #tcot #tlot',\n", " u'RT @TakeNoMoore: Do not send your kids for the tests! If 10% do not take it! it is shut down! #StopCommonCore',\n", " u'RT @TakeNoMoore: Alinsky....start many fires, cause chaos..then look like u solve the problem!',\n", " u'RT @JordanSekulow: So, the U.N. Wants Control of the Internet. What\\u2019s the Big Deal? http://t.co/75xHbwQ4oZ via @ACLJ',\n", " u'RT @Heritage: #AprilFoolsDay (We wish...): http://t.co/kwJBA2UJcN',\n", " u'@thepatriotspres @luvGodncountry @SayfieReview @DarlaDawald @PoliticalCow ... Seriously, wth?!? #NoThanksJeb',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: As a veteran, Gov. Scott knows the importance of the GI Bill for continuing education and lower tuition. WATCH & RT: h\\u2026',\n", " u'@BobbyJindal ... JINDAL/West or WEST/Jindal 2016! Trey Gowdy, Speaker! Think outside the box, patriots :) @TGowdySC @BobbyJindal @AllenWest',\n", " u'@DRUDGE ...McAuliffe had < to do with Obamacare and > b/c an unelectable 3rd party candidate stripped votes from a legitimate conservative!',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Making sure our men and women in uniform can find jobs when they return home is critical. http://t.co/fkjKptVEYq',\n", " u'RT @NRO: Happy Border Control Day! http://t.co/C4TMashKS9']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @BellaLife: Remember to RT & Follow @BellaLife for the chance to win 1 of 3 WHITE Coffeemakers! Avail @Walmart: http://t.co/kstxwC9Jyi #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlamingoCandles: EASTER GIVEAWAY! RT & follow @FlamingoCandles for a chance to win 9x Scent Melts! Closes TONIGHT! http://t.co/NyiVNeFA\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lookfantastic: Want to try our new skincare brand Sunday Riley?\\nRT & enter here to win these beauties! http://t.co/Kw1gQfIwl9 http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ShowcaseCinemas: RT & Follow for your chance to win a Super Duper Alice Cooper gift set #ShowcaseAliceCooper http://t.co/AhSP5Zihjw htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @officialfye: Love Wes Anderson like we do?! You could win a full #GrandBudapestHotel prize pack! RT/Follow to enter! Winner TBA 4/21!',\n", " u'Capturing the moment with Timeshift burst! #SonyXperia is picture perfect - http://t.co/qebcyhI2yn',\n", " u'TruGreen is giving you the chance to win a 10,000 backyard makeover and thirty fabulous prizes. Enter now! http://t.co/t2J0T96qkJ',\n", " u'http://t.co/6X0j4izbdL via @WylandFoundation',\n", " u'Hey Check It Out! @Thrive_15 is awesome! Win Trip For 4 To Walt Disney World & Meet the Man Who Managed It! http://t.co/8tvlpKay7O',\n", " u\"An introduction to @Ron_White 's backyard golf antics! These are the craziest golf rules ever invented! - http://t.co/N98b8OfJQ8\",\n", " u'.@SuncoastCU tests new ATM technology allowing cash deposits to be withdrawn in the future. #WeAreALLTampaBay - http://t.co/EExmBGEfjV',\n", " u'@Ron_White belts out country tunes on the road with the help of some friends. - http://t.co/XkRSSIJDow',\n", " u'According to @CreditDonkey, Tampa is among the most generous cities in the nation. #WeAreALLTampaBay - http://t.co/j2DcvKFaip',\n", " u'Win What Works from @LakeCommandos. @BerkleyFishing Pit Boss, Beat Shad, Flicker Shad & Invisaswivel. Click: http://t.co/nGZZhHMHrF',\n", " u'RT @DuckDynastyAE Duck Commanders AND #DuckDynasty amateur wrestlers? @DuckDynastyAE @AETV - http://t.co/dFyHhMitNh',\n", " u'RT @Drive2EndHunger We had a great run at the Darlington 500 on Saturday night. Check out some of the highlights! - http://t.co/OSsWcOkocx',\n", " u'Tampa Bay ranks second among the top 10 markets for first-time homebuyers. #WeAreALLTampaBay - http://t.co/b9XrHTcC3w',\n", " u'I just entered for a chance to #win a bag of @Snickers with @Splashscore. Claim yours now: http://t.co/kIaNISbbYM #winning #giveaway',\n", " u\"#WIN Hunter Boots, a KateSpade Umbrella, a Rebecca Minkoff Bag, and @lolamitchell's fave @wantableco necklace! http://t.co/MONCL8JDfm\",\n", " u'RT @DuckDynastyAE Introducing\\u2026never before seen #DuckDynasty family members! @DuckDynastyAE @AETV - http://t.co/QNg5h2RwL5']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"Disney World named among 10 'most disappointing' travel destinations http://t.co/nqvQ31DGO0\",\n", " u'RT @TBOcom: Foster mom sheds light on troubled, violent saga of the Hakkens, who fled with their sons to Cuba in 2012 http://t.co/RGQNoEkZen',\n", " u'RT @CharlieCrist: \\u201cIt\\u2019s common sense versus nonsense. We\\u2019re going to take it to him and we\\u2019re going to win this thing.\\u201d #TeamCharlie',\n", " u'RT @MarcACaputo: \"Stealing money from poor sick people is wrong,\" @CharlieCrist throws haymakers at @FLGovScott during Broward field office\\u2026',\n", " u'@ShelleyBFox8 @FOX8NOLA Hey Shelley!! Hope those are #FloridaOranges!',\n", " u'RT @LarryMcHCSO: @HillsFireRescue Traffic Closed on Nebraska Ave btw Fowler Ave & 123 Ave due to structure fire\\U0001f525\\U0001f525 Avoid area, use alternate\\u2026',\n", " u'@TheReidReport We are STILL having this conversation in 2014. What does that say about America?',\n", " u'RT @TheReidReport: Right now on @TheReidReport, we are talking the de facto racial segregation taking place in American schools. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @orlandosentinel: #BREAKING: Deputies need help identifying this young boy found walking alone in Pine Hills: http://t.co/UOPTi8l2bd htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NewsHour: NASA scientists say the Kepler space telescope may have discovered the most \\u201cEarth-like\\u201d planet yet http://t.co/Wfn9C6Bnyj',\n", " u'Mimi Faust sex tape causes shortage of ... shower rods? | http://t.co/cOlFXuToEu',\n", " u'Mayor Buckhorn-Tampa will invest in E Hillsborough Ave by re-timing the signals & upgrading the signage using red light cam citation $',\n", " u'RT @TBOcom: Students to get shuttle bus to help them safely cross #Hillsborough Ave. to #Middleton High. http://t.co/4hMM2vL3XN #traffic',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: \"Under the Affordable Care Act, the share of Americans with insurance is up, the growth of health care costs is down.\" \\u2014Oba\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ABCWorldNews: Pres. Obama: 35% of those who enrolled for healthcare through the federal marketplace are under 35 years old. Watch: http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostPol: BREAKING: Obama announces 8 million Americans have signed up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act http://t.co/fexWqC\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Jumpman23: Tinker and The Boss introduce the #AJXX9. #TailoredForFlight http://t.co/TJvGdaHWsz @MyJordansFresh @eddiejr97',\n", " u'RT @WakeUp__America: http://t.co/mjPUBtHujx',\n", " u'From @MyFWC #BearEncounters-Do not run or play dead. If a black bear attacks you, fight back aggressively.',\n", " u'From @MyFWC -bear encounters- Stop and hold your ground if your movement away seems to irritate instead of calm the bear.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @leopoldolopez: Hola. Es Lilian. En minutos Leopoldo quiere enviarles unos mensajes a un a\\xf1o del 14 de abril. Ayuda con tu RT por favor',\n", " u'RT @VoluntadPopular: Repriman como repriman, hagan lo que hagan \\xa1seguiremos con @UnidadEnLaCalle! El viernes vence el plazo #LiberenALeopol\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @dsmolansky: Nuevamente reprimen concentraci\\xf3n PAC\\xcdFICA en Plaza Bri\\xf3n de Chaca\\xedto de forma desmedida y cobarde! No nos van a doblegar! \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FreddyGuevara: Incre\\xedble: reprimen marcha pac\\xedfica y a diputados de la AN. Esto s\\xf3lo significa una cosa: se quitaron la careta porque t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @liliantintori: Nos atacan porque tenemos la raz\\xf3n!Estamos del lado correcto de la historia. #YoLuchoHastaVencer http://t.co/WMt65vssWR',\n", " u'RT @alcaldeledezma: \\xa1NO TENEMOS MIEDO! La represi\\xf3n en Chacaito es desmedida. Cobardes del r\\xe9gimen no pueden con el bravo pueblo en la call\\u2026',\n", " u\"@ReverseWineSnob Heaven's furniture. Only missing the #wine #winelover\",\n", " u'RT @elibravo: Gracias a @Churromania aliados de @Inspirulina Radio por + de 2 a\\xf1os y ahora en #ActivaTuInspiracion + info http://t.co/TXvRl\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @williecolon: VENEZUELAN SELLOUT: CNN THROWS SOFTBALLS & IGNORES CUBAN INVASION WHILE THE GUARDIAN DISMISSES THE OPPOSITION AS... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PK2noticiosos: Maduro acaba de cometer su peor error: Despert\\xf3 a un gigante dormido llamado #UCV http://t.co/rRjL4cY9at',\n", " u'RT @rossy_anthony5: SOSVenezuela #11M Venezuela est\\xe1 en guerra a muerte por la libertad SOSVenezuela http://t.co/eUkROci4Hw',\n", " u'RT @pruggeri: NecesitamosDefensaDEstaDefensora \"@miguelhotero: DefensoraCulp\\xf3AManifestantesdMayor\\xedadLosMuertos http://t.co/xeV1xuuvF2 v\\xeda @\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @liliantintori: GRACIAS a @gabyespino y a todos los Venezolanos que nos apoyan.\\nEsta lucha es para ustedes, volver\\xe1n PRONTO!!!',\n", " u'RT @PeriodistaReyes: Excelente opini\\xf3n gr\\xe1fica desde Panam\\xe1. By: @hildesucre @MiDiarioPanama http://t.co/vXFqfkPpNI',\n", " u'RT @tsnjamesduthie: Take this Ellen. #Tradecentre http://t.co/3k8eDdBRi1',\n", " u'RT @rossy_anthony5: Aqu\\xed Tel\\xe9fonos FOROPENAL: Si te lleva el R\\xe9gimen o a 1 familiar LLAME \\n0414-2694287 \\n0412-5568211 \\n0412-5568212 \\n0412-\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @terry_shipman: Let's see if we can beat the Oscar re-tweets! http://t.co/hke2BbcUJb\",\n", " u\"RT @CaracasChron: Maduro's paramilitaries are going on a rampage in Eastern Caracas right now.\",\n", " u'RT @isapereirap: Mi articulo http://t.co/J46rtvy3aA',\n", " u'RT @rossy_anthony5: 05/03/14 Barricada en Santa Fe Norte no hay paso http://t.co/fhLl45Bqu1']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@iFenger \"I think I may the voice of my generation. Or at least a voice of my generation.\"',\n", " u\"RT @Isapar: 'You never predict the 9th inning in the 1st & as a Mets fan, u don't predict the 9th in the 9th.'@RepSteveIsrael on who will t\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Reading the websites of pro-life groups is making me realize that @GOPTeens is not as far from the truth as you'd expect #thesis\",\n", " u'The giant blue X on my hand from the comedy show I went to this weekend is not coming off.',\n", " u'\"A lot of people hate Anne Hathaway\"\\n\"Anti-Semites\"\\n\"She\\'s not Jewish\"\\n#kormanfamilydinners',\n", " u\"RT @Everytown: If our elected officials won't change our gun laws, it\\u2019s time to change our elected officials: http://t.co/9XkHvbiCao\",\n", " u'Sweet dreams are made of brie',\n", " u'.@GWPeterK is there any data available about the rosters of previous SA Finance Committees?',\n", " u'I find it impossible to believe that there are no women in the @GWStudAssoc that are qualified to be a part of the SA allocation process',\n", " u'The scary thing about this is there seem to be no women in these Student Org allocation meetings cc: @GWStudAssoc http://t.co/4DcO0Srg3z',\n", " u'RT @ArianaBrunori: Evidence of a successful Passover Seder! @AaronHedquist @dollhairz @DJTimps @brian_dab @danielmwarwick @sbmichel http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"So unbelievably excited to have been accepted to @neworganizing's 2014 Data BootCamp!!!!\",\n", " u\"Lack of matzah for sale in Foggy Bottom + yesterday's pizza incident have convinced me that the universe doesn't want me to observe Passover\",\n", " u\"The Domino's guy just gave me and @sbmichel a free sausage and pepperoni pizza. It is Passover. http://t.co/kWs3g4bUux\",\n", " u'Is it appropriate spreadsheet etiquette to title a tab \"I forget what this is but I\\'m afraid to delete it?\"',\n", " u\"Alex Sink won't run again this fall #FL13 http://t.co/EnQkXASykL\",\n", " u'Hey there ash and birch trees! #allergies',\n", " u'I also got my face painted AND saw this #apotakesphilly #lfs #whataworld http://t.co/4twBvHcBmT',\n", " u\"Did a ton of service AND pet two corgis! If that doesn't make Day 1 of @apothetachi in Philly a success I don't know what would. #lfs\",\n", " u'.@ally_brown13 saw Newsies on Opening Night #themoreyouknow']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'7 Essential Tips For Writers Who Hope To Engage Millions Of Readers http://t.co/I2bVfpaXCW via @forbes',\n", " u'The minimum wage debate...\\n http://t.co/8hQKWkUoIK',\n", " u'If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them. Thoreau',\n", " u\"I've updated my site! See what's new. #yahoosite http://t.co/6bkiOhj8UP\",\n", " u'@elizabethscraig @annerallen great article! RT Building Platform: What Most Writers are Getting Wrong: http://t.co/WzQXEqosyK',\n", " u\"RT @TheDailyLove: Don't hold on to your suffering... let go of what pains you and embrace what sustains you. #TDL\",\n", " u\"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. Bill Cosby\",\n", " u'@AllAboutNJ If you love NJ RT and add your favorite city... Jersey City',\n", " u'RT @GeorgeFraser: Wait for a miracle and it will never come. Take responsibility and you invite a miracle.',\n", " u'Someone Needs to Read My Favorite Poem- DON\"T QUIT: http://t.co/x06GaAqsGn via @McAbeeGary',\n", " u'My Favorite Poem #2: The Road Not Taken: http://t.co/GkwdrH11dl via @McAbeeGary',\n", " u'Gary A. McAbee- Yahoo Contributor: http://t.co/AioDm4Qbt3 via @McAbeeGary',\n", " u'My Two Cents about the N-Word (Nigga): http://t.co/TtPsFiH6lp via @McAbeeGary',\n", " u'When I see one of the stars of the underrated sitcom SPARKS, I think of one episode with @nessabcalloway! OMG!!!',\n", " u'Seriously, what happened to that airplane? #MH370',\n", " u'RT @Tweets2Motivate: Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absense of fear. ~Mark Twain',\n", " u'What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Vincent van Gogh #motivation',\n", " u'RT @TheDailyLove: Without Courage, The Journey of Your Dreams cannot come true. Step out into the unknow today & face a fear! #TDL',\n", " u'The Motivation for the World blog: providing motivation one person at a time! #motivation http://t.co/xK1qmVBdEe',\n", " u'It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. Theodore Roosevelt #motivation']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@jjauthor @SenatorReid Guess that says more than needed. Now the prostitutes don't want him? He is sunk!\",\n", " u'@srythym @ArlenWms Yes it was plus downsizing the Army&Marines & cutting the Defense Budget are killing us! Downsize your only combat forces',\n", " u'@dphaw @WorthFighting_4 Funny how it already looks like Monica!',\n", " u'@ArlenWms @srythym And Obama & Biden had to go change their diapers from peeing and pooping theirselves! Scaredy cats!',\n", " u'@KarenMonsour12 @LeMarquand I am with you me too! Hopefully she can graze elsewhere shortly!',\n", " u'@LeMarquand @KarenMonsour12 We are paying them for her! Taxpayers!',\n", " u\"@ShadowWarrior67 @DFredregill Well big Harvard w/all their study has a big flaw! Criminals don't register or buy legal weapons. Gun Control!\",\n", " u'@jamesbr34259200 You got it!',\n", " u'RT @MidwestPlowboy: @peddoc63 Captain Jack may have figured it out. http://t.co/PDrKp1Q0BY',\n", " u'@peddoc63 @gmiller1952 @LodiSilverado @Cavemaninc Wonder if the 3 dummies are signed up for it and paid yet?',\n", " u'@jamesbr34259200 My neighbor here is a female AF 05 KC135 refueling wing pilot!',\n", " u\"@jamesbr34259200 You got it! Air Support is great when in need! Been there! Didn't matter to me, male or female!\",\n", " u'@tah007007 You got it! Boycott Pizza Hut!',\n", " u'@bartmckinley @tah007007 Everybody that knows about this ought to tell others and all boycott Pizza Hut! Send them a loud message!',\n", " u\"@bartmckinley @tah007007 You can employ the stupid, but that doesn't educate them! And they all want $15 an hour for what being stupid??\",\n", " u'RT @bartmckinley: U.S. Marine Veteran Kicked Out of Pizza Hut \\u2014 Manager Said #USMC Patches Were Gang Colors http://t.co/nADOrkHFM2 #Veteran\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @peddoc63: $736 million\\U0001f4b0spent on Obamacare advertising\\U0001f640@A_M_Perez @Anna_Spicer2013 #tcot #RedNationRising http://t.co/G1sX2Zfc9R',\n", " u'RT @catwahler: RT \"@hrwj54: Hooooah @marylener9 \\n@KathysPledge @WWJD303 @TerriMarsh11 \\nOh yeah, baby! Now you\\'re talking!! http://t.co/QcFv\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DrMartyFox: We Owe Our Vets Everything; We Owe Illegals Nothing: @StarCoreOne02 @jjauthor @GeneLingerfelt @drscott_atlanta http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @peddoc63: The ONLY tortoise \\U0001f422who BLM is trying to save\\U0001f621 #BundyRanch #tcot http://t.co/JROVAxj4fg']},\n", " {'REP': [u'My tactic in avoiding questions during presentations can be characterized as \\u201cI know I know but do you know that I know that you know?\\u201d',\n", " u'I think I just sang Schengen (S-C-H-E-N-G-E-N) during a group presentation on Europe. Good job, Jack.',\n", " u'So cold. All so cold.',\n", " u'Was not expecting her to have a conversation with my about paper towels.',\n", " u\"I was getting ice cream out of the freezer and my roommate came out the bathroom. I didn't want her to judge me so I shoved it down my pj's.\",\n", " u'I think I just froze my butt off.',\n", " u'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, put them in a group project with me!',\n", " u\"Can I get another 15 group projects, please? I don't have enough well-meaning non-friends in my life to fill me with dread & frustration.\",\n", " u'Oh, and Pyramids, DUH.',\n", " u\"I'm thinking something about Pharaohs, roadmaps, deserts, possibly a mirage or two?\",\n", " u'I need the hackiest title possible for my hacky paper on Egypt.',\n", " u'RT @annakorm: \"A lot of people hate Anne Hathaway\"\\n\"Anti-Semites\"\\n\"She\\'s not Jewish\"\\n#kormanfamilydinners',\n", " u'All I need right now. http://t.co/9DqE4BGC5K',\n", " u'two months ago.',\n", " u'I JUST WENT THROUGH A BREAKUP',\n", " u\"I think I've racked up enough socializing points this week. (counts on fingers)\",\n", " u\"I'm watching What Not to Wear with a pint of ice cream and a double-trouble bottle of wine.\",\n", " u'I am 100% overdue for some Alison psychopathy in my life. #dontgiveheragluegun #CloneClub',\n", " u\"Ugh, why am I on @MoneyInPolitics on a weekend. What's wrong with me?\",\n", " u'RT @jess_mc: Wanna cringe about a candidate unable to answer basic Qs? Sure you do! #MNSen https://t.co/5CnebKVnwV']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Siren\\u2019s Sonnet #atozchallenge #poetry: \\xa0 The Siren\\u2019s Sonnet \\xa0Siren\\u2019s captives cast upon the wind lovers never to... http://t.co/SJRA0wLqv9',\n", " u'Dianne Ascroft : Dancing Shadows, Tramping Hooves: A Collection of Short Stories: Dancing Shadows, Tramping... http://t.co/FkvckqDU7m',\n", " u\"Review: Creators by Tiffany Truitt: \\xa0Creators, the third book in Tiffany Truitt's dystopian saga of love, loss,... http://t.co/f9vlJ7UUhe\",\n", " u'How To Self Edit And Proof Read Your Book http://t.co/gqFHExjUZC',\n", " u'Bent Over a Rondeau #atozchallenge #poetry #photography: \\xa0 That long forgotten old oak tree bent in abjection\\u2019s... http://t.co/27TYY8t8kx',\n", " u'Jeffrey G. Roberts : The Healer: The Healer A science fiction novel set in the year 2181. A Dr. is awarded a... http://t.co/arxvtDcc7J',\n", " u\"Pelf - Emily's Men of Greed : Money, murder and greed make very good bedfellows ... http://t.co/lNU6ux69DM\",\n", " u'Take Away A Vampire by Derek Haines http://t.co/owj3p3l8mS',\n", " u'Words of Grace #Easter #poetry: He whispered words of grace balm against my anguished soul massaging the world\\u2019s... http://t.co/hY0SmY4DiJ',\n", " u'Wayne Clark : he & She: he & She A Web photo of a woman who turns out to be a dominatrix sends a man on a... http://t.co/tL1UvqLWP0',\n", " u\"Don't Join The Sloppy Writer Brigade http://t.co/JR5hiaquGR\",\n", " u'Captive of \\u201cQ\\u201d #poetry #atozchallenge #photography: Wrapped in bubbles quintessentially caught A cool reflection... http://t.co/E1Ld9LFcJb',\n", " u'Bronwen Webb : The Legend of Wild Horse Beach: The Legend of Wild Horse Beach What is the legend that Millie,... http://t.co/Wf1dCkfPrQ',\n", " u'One Last Love : A powerful story of love, forgiveness and acceptance \\u2026 http://t.co/5EfXdDtCKi',\n", " u'Permanent Print #atozchallenge #poetry #streetkids: Winter snow melts removing your print can your memory be... http://t.co/FXznCwSOGq',\n", " u'Jason Harvey : Achieve Anything In Just One Year: Achieve Anything In Just One Year Achieve Anything In Just One... http://t.co/iD1mZb04Hr',\n", " u\"Writers Who Can't Write http://t.co/9kDp3EyhoY\",\n", " u'Cover Reveal and Giveaway: The Night House by @RachelTafoya @month9books @chapterxchapter: Welcome to the Cover... http://t.co/BKakhiHn9W',\n", " u'An Ode to Hope #atozchallenge #poetry #photography: If only there was a rainbow at the end of every storm rather... http://t.co/Wzl8UoSm9j',\n", " u'Book Blast: Shadow Fire by Kimber Leigh Wheaton: Shadow Fire Blog Tour Schedule Shadow Fire Ashlyn \\u2013 a... http://t.co/9L0Qaz3xxS']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"It's been 9 months without my Naots, I can't handle the separation. #MustFind\",\n", " u'Twins? http://t.co/qzhMfeMsQi',\n", " u\"The obsession. It's getting worse. http://t.co/FqQVV14qGk\",\n", " u'\"I broke passover.\" \"And you only kept passover because your parents are Orthodox Jews?\" #ShitGoysSay',\n", " u\"@samironik that's a bluff, you wouldn't.\",\n", " u'@samironik meh #loserronik',\n", " u\"Literally 6 weeks until I'm in Minnesota.\",\n", " u'\"What I wanna know is why I never fit in right, like a fat dude getting on a packed flight\"',\n", " u'4/20 4:20. #nailedit http://t.co/eA7HYNuXbl',\n", " u'RT @sushi_fishwoman: He has risen.\\n\\nTherefore he is not kosher for Passover.',\n", " u'Turn up for Easter https://t.co/clj06yQisQ',\n", " u'4/20 Maize it? http://t.co/2AW8SLlMSp',\n", " u'S/O to @jenna_levin for doing homework at 12am on a Saturday night. http://t.co/sI6RQLEhS3',\n", " u\"RT @jenna_levin: Dylan that's not how you do it.. http://t.co/45y2o32b4W\",\n", " u'Since when has Toronto ever cared about Basketball?',\n", " u'RT @TOMayorFord: Good luck to @Raptors! Playoffs start today vs Brooklyn and Toronto is ready. #gorapsgo #Raptors',\n", " u'Jorts at the polo store? http://t.co/dfVszApNFQ',\n", " u'Wishing I lived in Italy so I could play in Paganello 2014. #BeachUlti',\n", " u'\"Yeah, mi casa su casa, got her stripping like Gaza\"',\n", " u'V. 3005']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Today stats: No new followers, One unfollower via http://t.co/O35L5u2tLr',\n", " u'Today stats: 4 followers, One unfollower via http://t.co/O35L5u2tLr',\n", " u'Growing and engaging with the right tweeps - gained 11 new followers in the past week, courtesy http://t.co/tGvmhohbcj',\n", " u\"@oreillyfactor You need to study the crisis. Most of the default loans didn't originate from the banks.they got stuck holding via music stop\",\n", " u'RT @2AmendDefender: Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid has identified the terror threat facing our country. #BundyRanch Thank him. http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LeMarquand: (Back in the middle again \\U0001f3b6\\U0001f3b6)\\nClowns to the left of me..... http://t.co/jWumI7ymzV',\n", " u'RT @dlueking: RT @MrsDarcy119: Charlie Daniels ~ Harry Reid you should be put in jail.... http://t.co/1RTluoVqyw',\n", " u'RT @izzysroses: @WashingtonDCTea @TCTaxTeaParty RT@TPNNtweets Obama SignsCruz \\u2018Anti-Terrorist\\u2019 Bill intoLaw,Says HeWON\\u2019T Enforce It! http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'@oreillyfactor Seriously, the banks got together and said \"let\\'s give out loans to people who won\\'t repay\" bc it would make them richer? NOT',\n", " u'Today stats: One follower, No unfollowers via http://t.co/O35L5u2tLr',\n", " u'@seanhannity No, Federal mismanagement putting ranchers out of business, fed over reach, Fed Tyranny. Thank you Sean, for your coverage!',\n", " u'RT @Heritage: As the #IRS scandal deepens, House liberals are lashing out at the GOP: http://t.co/Mt1lGZTUn0',\n", " u'RT @Dbargen: SOWELL:: How Foreign Is Our Policy?: Part II - Thomas Sowell http://t.co/WCn5wBuEp4',\n", " u'RT @newtgingrich: new study shows states w/ higher minimum wage had higher unemployment http://t.co/z9DvGCdD3y',\n", " u'RT @newtgingrich: President Obama is right. \\u201cThe debate is over. \" However his conclusion is wrong. It is only a matter of time before Obam\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @newtgingrich: Court was half right on campaign finance. Only answer to billionaire money is lift all donation limits to candidates with\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @newtgingrich: Campaign finance honesty comes from transparency not from bureaucratic regulation. Current system is anti-middle class ca\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @newtgingrich: If everyone knew every night who was giving to every candidate system would be cleaner, more transparent and more account\\u2026',\n", " u'Today stats: 5 followers, One unfollower and followed 6 people via http://t.co/O35L5u2tLr',\n", " u'RT @RealDeanCain: If these facts are correct...ouch! RT @Shimmyfab http://t.co/GVLcPXwmvA']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville receives $39.5 million grant for stroke study http://t.co/rYgSq7S5pF',\n", " u'RT @nbferrara: T8: Attend the Mayo Clinic Individualizing Medicine Conference: http://t.co/xLnzUoym55 #abcdrbchat',\n", " u'John Noseworthy, M.D. on \\u201cOpening Bell with Maria Bartiromo\\u201d http://t.co/IyES1jH9bL',\n", " u'RT @MayoClinic: New #FutureofHealthCare blog post - @JNoseworthyMD on Opening Bell with @MariaBartiromo http://t.co/NwDj4ADiaT',\n", " u'RT @VISITFLORIDA: 23 Reasons Florida Is Quite Possibly The Best State In America http://t.co/BujJDC94pb via @HuffPostBiz @reneejacques',\n", " u'Medical tourism provides big economic boost to Jacksonville economy - http://t.co/SCNMclxoOL via @jaxdotcom http://t.co/SCNMclxoOL',\n", " u\"RT @FLChamberFDN: How do the Sunshine State's students perform in #STEM? Find out in this week's #ScorecardStat by @salnuzzo http://t.co/kh\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CaryPigman: Congrats @Travis_Cummings @RepMiajones for passing great Telehealth bill at Health Approps! Bravo Zulu for improving health\\u2026',\n", " u\"Mayo offers an alternative to colonoscopy - though it has its own 'ick' factor http://t.co/xXT2JhLus4\",\n", " u'Real world telemedicine: Mayo radiologists help care for patients in need a world away http://t.co/zyaxRML26v',\n", " u'RT @MayoClinic: Researchers find that changing the shape of #cancer cells stopped their ability to spread. http://t.co/9SwjMVrKcH',\n", " u'RT @floridataxwatch: Check out our new report on #Telemedicine from the #TaxWatch Center for Health & Aging. #sayfie #FLSession2014 http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MayoClinic: .@JNoseworthyMD shares how we reached 63 million people in 2013. Read more in #FutureofHealthCare blog post. http://t.co/C7\\u2026',\n", " u\"Congrats and thanks to @RepMHudson for passing HB 709 from committee - strengthening Alzheimer's care and research for Floridians\",\n", " u'Cell morphing aimed at stopping cancer in its tracks http://t.co/gYxk1I5XXV',\n", " u'Using \"Big Data\" to improve outcomes $ reduce costs: UnitedHealth-Mayo venture Optum Labs adds partners http://t.co/HOacdCPyZZ',\n", " u'RT @HealthyFla: Get up & get active! Reduce your risk of #heartdisease & achieve your #healthiestweight: http://t.co/cPRJeFzFBI',\n", " u'RT @MayoClinic: Jan. 27,1864 Dr. W.W. Mayo placed first ad in #RochMN paper. http://t.co/rijEjiD9Io #MayoClinic150 http://t.co/SyLdhAOU8s',\n", " u'Study: Telestroke Care Saves Costs, Improves Clinical Outcomes http://t.co/WcQWanNxj1',\n", " u'RT @victorbohnert: great, non-pol discussion on obamacare with Mayo and Cleveland clinic CEOs on #mtp. \"We need to focus on modernization\"\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'When did my gingy baby seester become so beautiful?? #shes18andimreallyold http://t.co/6AwShijXSz',\n", " u'Just dropped my headphones in my coffee. Way to go, Tab. #officeproblems',\n", " u'Waterfront property available in Tallahassee. My room would flood. #ineedtomove #now http://t.co/Av8fNfTDAI',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: .@CharlieCrist doesn\\u2019t deserve a mulligan as Florida\\u2019s governor. #Masters #sayfie http://t.co/vs7JyZr8Vu',\n", " u'Tap & Run 4k! mariahscross weatherhilliams http://t.co/7MeDZ57FZL',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: .@CharlieCrist put Florida\\u2019s economy in the bunker. #Masters #sayfie http://t.co/tZ1rwWZCE9',\n", " u\"Let's go #Noles! #beatUF #baseballbutts \\U0001f60d http://t.co/VLLadazgAK\",\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: BREAKING NEWS: @CharlieCrist has switched parties again. #sayfie http://t.co/3AJtvGTUWP',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Great beaches, beautiful weather, and low unemployment. There are plenty of reasons to move to Florida! http://t.co/a8nkNpB\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: #Obamacare is a bracket buster. cc: @CharlieCrist #MarchMadness #sayfie http://t.co/ulzifwSMHe',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: 22 Cartoons That Define @CharlieCrist #sayfie http://t.co/kYXh6d5EC8',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Even Charlie Crist says Florida is doing better under Governor Scott. #sayfie http://t.co/G417nUUxro',\n", " u\"I'm on a romantic starlit backyard concert date with @smontanus! http://t.co/6XZVYwaLiG\",\n", " u'10 Things Obama Could Learn From Florida!! #sayfie http://t.co/oUcy4g7wKN',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: We need more leaders like Governor Scott! #sayfie http://t.co/YfkDGPIbtU',\n", " u'iSad... It\\'s my last day at @ContLink. I miss everyone & this awesome \"industrial chic\" office already. http://t.co/3HXJJbllGv',\n", " u\"Just signed up for the Tap & Run Beer Run! Can't wait!!! :) https://t.co/MdUZME5OyK via @LivingSocial\",\n", " u\"I'm on a date with Mr. Darcy. #iloveyoumostardently #youhavebewitchedbodyandsoul http://t.co/KBTmuGQeOE\",\n", " u\"Today's #throwbackthursday playlist on @spofity is on point! #justsayin \\U0001f44c\\U0001f60f\",\n", " u'Welcome to Sarasota... Aka Sunnyland? #imconfused http://t.co/e3TVLSmzfm']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'\"@FSUNolegurl: @osceolaforever what the heck happened at Cumberland\"..haven\\'t heard anything.',\n", " u'\"@FSUNolegurl: Who lives in Georgia that I follow?\" I do....',\n", " u'@DannySmith_77 @coleminshew_77 @RecruitingUGA And where is that RB from? And the other RB and......',\n", " u'RT @TomahawkNation: #Noles will remember this name... RT @SBNRecruiting: Former 4-star OT Austin Golson leaving Ole Miss after just one sea\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @sportsandra: Mike Martin ,1800 wins !! #congratseleven #Noles',\n", " u'RT @BradThor: He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Have a blessed and happy Easter everyone. http://t.co/30bhTp6jg4',\n", " u'RT @janjakejosh: Happy Easter to everyone that reads this,thank-you JESUS for the ultimate sacrifice so I can live in Peace,Joy,Happiness &\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @blane31: Congrats to Coach Martin on his 1800th win! One of the greatest men I have ever had the pleasure of working with. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Corey_Clark: Winston gets em 1-2-3 in the 13th for his first W of the year. Goes 4 2/3 IP. Allows 2 hits. FSU now 30-8 overall, 16-4 in\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FSU_track: FSU becomes 4th program to sweep ACC men's & women's Indoor & Outdoor titles in same year #Noles #ACCOTF\",\n", " u'RT @Natalie_Pierre: FSU men and women sweep the ACC Outdoor Track & Field Championships. They did the same at the ACC Indoor Championships \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ACCTrackField: Congrats to the @FSU_track Women on their 3rd #ACCOTF Team Championship!! #Noles previously won in 2000 and 2009. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FSUSportsFacts: The men's outdoor @FSU_track team wins the ACC Championship.\",\n", " u\"@_DCReeves Still don't have a kicker, though...lol.\",\n", " u'\"@jbrading: I hate Alabama lol straight up dogs on the trail.. Smh\"Still don\\'t have a kicker, though...lol..',\n", " u\"RT @Warchant: #FSU women's track and field wins the ACC Outdoor championship.\",\n", " u'And still raining....... http://t.co/Pf7KMnOoFt',\n", " u'\"@ajcbraves: Kent Mercker remains the last #Braves pitcher to throw a no-hitter, 20 years ago at Dodger Stadium.\" Remember it like yesterday',\n", " u'RT @ScottKotick: Counted 8 people wearing #Noles national championship t shirts at the gym this afternoon in Atlanta. East Cobb, you are aw\\u2026',\n", " u'@jr_so_blessed8 hellava good job! proud of u! Noles forever!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Women Democrats urge pay-equity legislation | The Florida Current: http://t.co/JHyiLiEIll via @flcurrent',\n", " u'Press Conference on Equal Pay Legislation\\non Tuesday, April 8th, 11 am\\n4th floor Rotunda, Capitol\\nWomen of the world unite 4 this cause!',\n", " u'Div of Elections certified me for placement on the ballot as a Candidate for Fl House Seat 8! We are off to the races! Thanks to all!',\n", " u'Happy Sat...we are looking forward to meeting our neighbors in the Myers Park area this afternoon...',\n", " u'Just shy of qualifying for ballot 4 Fl House D- 8. Please help us by donating to this grassroots effort at http://t.co/YnPwCQEp8j',\n", " u'Jump on Facebook at 4:30 today and let Rick Scott know that we have important questions that we need answered.\\nhttps://t.co/SZ07Tk1bJq',\n", " u'http://t.co/qUoTe1OAZn',\n", " u'We owe them more...but this is a good start...\\nhttp://t.co/KmJiXZ8EhM',\n", " u'Commissioner Bill Proctor and Tallahassee Nights Live are turning it out at the Moon! Happy Birthday Commish!',\n", " u\"Please stop by the Law Office of Attorney Carolyn Cummings at 462 W Brevard to support my campaign from 6-7:30 pm. Can't wait to greet you!\",\n", " u'I left my state job so that I could be a voice for state employees...someone who has been one can speak clearly about what happens to one...',\n", " u'Good night all and sweet dreams for a great Tuesday. Congrats to the Rattlers!',\n", " u'Great day to volunteer...go to http://t.co/ddPRHXNnBa to sign up to help us make a difference in District 8 and Florida',\n", " u'Happy Thursday...This is my favorite day of the week...help me celebrate by visiting http://t.co/ddPRHXNnBa',\n", " u'https://t.co/W3RB4WsnSQ',\n", " u\"God morning Tweeps! If God is in it then you know it's going to be good!!!\",\n", " u'@PVWMS hey sis...how r u?',\n", " u'Visit me at http://t.co/nCKwA1MCVH',\n", " u'@SaharaPeters thanks!',\n", " u\"State employees hats off to you for your sacrifice to the citizens of FL but please be safe out there. If you are at home ck out Scott's pln\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'http://t.co/I8CoYMIbiy',\n", " u'http://t.co/aBCmowdw8t',\n", " u\"Maddow Asks: 'Why do We Overlook Right-Wing Violence and Refuse to Call it Terrorism?' The... http://t.co/oSebFplGg9\",\n", " u'http://t.co/yf7PTscB0u',\n", " u\"Neil DeGrasse Tyson Said What He Thinks About Race Now That He's Made It, And Almost Nobody Noticed http://t.co/rsOPfSJUSg\",\n", " u'http://t.co/Y3coCXN9H8',\n", " u'My afternoon http://t.co/1pyPSZz48X',\n", " u\"Top 5 Reasons Why 'The Customer Is Always Right' Is Wrong http://t.co/2DWNT4wIZ2\",\n", " u'my cat comes to sit on my lap, like the pro she is she found the exact spot that upsets my bladder. When I try to... http://t.co/1yts4ICsaQ',\n", " u'nice!! http://t.co/lZO2ttS1rT',\n", " u'http://t.co/j9tXTcBLGc',\n", " u'http://t.co/pieMdaQXar',\n", " u'Watch: Woman Destroys \\u201cStand Your Ground\\u201d and Dunn Verdict With 1 Question http://t.co/n7yb4d6G0e',\n", " u'http://t.co/G5SGM3gkiJ',\n", " u'http://t.co/16EVttgzQY',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/2SZWJl9rA1',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/NBxXtjvd05',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/x5a9ePWO4C',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/Q19Ff0roLS',\n", " u'Family!!!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'#BDS this, #Israel & joo haters! This Device Can Charge Your Phone In 30. Freaking. Seconds. http://t.co/ej68iAdlGp via @HuffPostTech',\n", " u\".@TheDemocrats ' fascistic side rearing it's ugly head:Sch.Dist.sued over rel. notes removed frm Valentine'sDay cards http://t.co/MhdxXuwhMQ\",\n", " u\"I'm listening 2 a podcast of The Myth of \\u201cEqual Pay Day\\u201d from @amylutz4 #AimRightWithAmy 4/8 http://t.co/3R1p04vm1b #SmartRadio @The405radio\",\n", " u\".@TheDemocrats' & #BFFs, @Ikhwanweb 's #WarOnWomen.Brandeis Cancels HirsiAli Honor-PGeller,AtlasShrugs http://t.co/0IVJ4yoZdk via @sharethis\",\n", " u'Asswipe @SenAngusKing shld enroll in #Obamacare.if Cheney Shld Try Waterboarding.http://t.co/TKhhudVh6i via @HuffPostPol #hypocrite #LibSux',\n", " u\".@TheDemocrats & #BFFs @Ikhwanweb in tears:29 Mo's Accidentally Blow Themselves Up |FrontPageMagazine: http://t.co/vrRMCXuQvS #BooFreakinHoo\",\n", " u'RT @JennPelletier3: I BELIEVE IN MY LITTLE SISTER JUSTINA!!! \\u2661 \\u2661 \\u2661 #FreeJustina #FreeJustinaNOW http://t.co/vecmiAPviW',\n", " u'.@Macys showing their h8 filled,fascistic,lib-democrat side by discriminating against veteran http://t.co/WmdZgN9hlU via @973 #LibSux',\n", " u\".@TheDemocrats' & #BFFs @Ikhwanweb' s #WarOnWomen. Mo' Kicks Mother in the Head- PGeller,Atlas Shrugs http://t.co/P1GwK50XP6 via @sharethis\",\n", " u'.@TheDemocrats being #fascists: Here\\'s What \"Inclusive\" Looks Like To Liberal \"Feminists\". #COTR -Chicks on the Right http://t.co/6h5TJoMNiD',\n", " u'.@BarackObama ,asswipe-in-chief,being an asswipe:Remember When Obama Was Going To Be Unifying? #COTR http://t.co/5bJl2j7Eok #UniteBlue #OFA',\n", " u'Just call him Bill Maher...BOOM. - Chicks on the Right http://t.co/o7jey2UPE5 #COTR #UniteBlue #p2 #OFA #LibSux',\n", " u\".@GOP shld b proud...#Putin,who invaded the #Ukraine & annexed #Crimea didn't merit a #stinkburger or a #meanwich from #presidentstompyfoot.\",\n", " u'#meanwich : junk food eaten by the #bluemeanies...JohnLennon would be so proud.',\n", " u'.@lilitmarcus - You Are A Ridiculous Killjoy. - @chicksonright http://t.co/WkkxqQRy46 #COTR',\n", " u'Jean-Jacques Rousseau is turning over in his grave. @DennisPrager at his best...Are People Born Good?: http://t.co/y6egO2jMF3 via @YouTube',\n", " u\"The old @TheDemocrats' find dirt on those u h8 & then blackmail them trick! Report:NSA had over 300 reports on Merkel http://t.co/9BncWp63s2\",\n", " u'.@TheDemocrats & #BFFs @Ikhwanweb want this in the US. Say no 2 their #fascism & h8. Blonde of youtube : http://t.co/rM02IDy38T via @YouTube',\n", " u'The fascistic @TheDemocrats leting their inner-Hitler out: Reporter detained by Capitol Hill police http://t.co/yVviDOrlax via @dailycaller',\n", " u'#BDS this, jewhaters! Bar-Ilan University contact lens to offer tactile sight for the blind-http://t.co/QvQYAqmdmP #IsraelRocks']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @Calvin_Brewton: Good morning Tally....\\U0001f60e\\u2757\\ufe0f',\n", " u'RT @saintwarrick: By the way, Florida can go eff itself with these gas prices.',\n", " u'RT @sportsiren: Jameis Winston told me today when they got rings this week he was like \"Damn we DID win the championship!\" #seminoles http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @sportsiren: My interview with @Jaboowins today was hilarious..had to start over cause he was KILLING me for wearing what he called \"Gat\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PjWilliams_26: Everybody come out to the FSU Spring game today at 3pm and support the nolenation as we put on a lil show for the world,\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TimmyJernigan: Noles for life #noles http://t.co/CWqzTWA5eK',\n", " u'RT @TimBrewster: Fla St Noles are Pro Ready!! System, Physicality, Mental Preparedness and carrying a degree!! #NFLKnows!!',\n", " u'RT @NateAndrews1: We the Real No Fly Zone! #DBU #FearTheSpear',\n", " u\"RT @TimBrewster: The best in S Fla comin to Tally!! There's a reason!! Lets Ride #305! #NationalChampions!!\",\n", " u\"RT @CjWilson850: The real DBU!! Can't name to many pit in more this this and still missing some! #FSU #Noles http://t.co/mGmtGcIdDX\",\n", " u'RT @TomahawkNation: Clemsecondplacealways',\n", " u'RT @Jaboowins: Our house Part 2 \\U0001f601 http://t.co/y9hwENfwW7',\n", " u'RT @Hittin_Corners: Or these nothing ass hoes dat fucked sucked cheated n lied to get everything they got. Yal just some broke ass Basketba\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FSU_Recruiting: No other school in #CFB #History scored more pts than the #Noles did in 2013! #offense #FEARtheSPEAR #FSU #Touchdown! h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TimBrewster: This is why you come to FSU! Education, Bling and the NFL! What are u waiting on?? #NationalChampions!! http://t.co/zqFxeb\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TomahawkNation: So nice for FSU to have the indoor facility. Saw yesterday that UF's guys had to run barefoot because they don't have o\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @_MoneyLane: I would be wearing #1 at Florida state university \\U0001f62c time to eat \\u2757\\ufe0f\\u2757\\ufe0f\\u2757\\ufe0f',\n", " u'RT @JoNaThAN_S_LeE: At FSU we make history \\U0001f44c #Fact #Champions #MakeHistory http://t.co/L54A4YQjOu',\n", " u'RT @BR_FSUSeminoles: [ESPN Video] Best ACC Position Group in 2014 Class: \\nNational recruiting analysts Tom Luginbill and Cra... http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @kareemcopeland: Jimbo Fisher at the first day of session gets a shout out from Gov Rick Scott. Jimbo gets a standing ovation and gives \\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'#Florida growler bill pits microbreweries against big-money beer interests http://t.co/D4wCzDw9GP via @mikevansickler @TB_Times',\n", " u'Couple arrested for hotel brawl hours before \\u2018Maury\\u2019 taping http://t.co/VPccqksYrb',\n", " u'Epcot adds adults-only after party starting Thursday http://t.co/yLQkOzR4u7 via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"RT @DealDivas: Desert Island Week is a wrap at @DealDivas. Check out our picks for things we'd want if stranded. And share yours! http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u\"New #Dunedin law cracks down on 'chronic nuisance' properties with repeat code or crime complaints http://t.co/ezHxkNzZmq via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'#Dunedin mayor is a @Phillies fan \\u2014 for a day http://t.co/CSIhcps5N9 via @TB_Times #BlueJays #Clearwater #Dunedin #Phillies #springtraining',\n", " u'New zoning option for Belleview Biltmore sparks emotional debate http://t.co/GZ5kWLWtfU via @TB_Times #Belleair',\n", " u'.@DealDivas: Stranded on a desert island? Your sweaty fellow castaways will love you for packing @Caress Body Wash http://t.co/AmEwPukBLj',\n", " u'RT @byjensangalang: Does #FF really work? Prove it @craigtimes @KeyonnaSummers @jodiontheweb @sherrymims @WeAreSFJ @aaja @epesantes @emesol\\u2026',\n", " u'Small sinkhole reported in #Dunedin neighborhood http://t.co/gfNuY9ECdp via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"Nebraska school under fire for flier advising kids to not 'tattle' or defend themselves against bullies http://t.co/BYbUNeJ421 #bullying\",\n", " u'South Carolina man facing federal charges over $.89 drink refill http://t.co/YBEAnOFdun',\n", " u'ICYMI: #BlueJays sending architect to #Dunedin next week to price out #springtraining stadium renovations http://t.co/8wQz8VdVM9 @TB_Times',\n", " u'#TBT In Jan 2012, the St. Petersburg Times was renamed @TB_Times. Here, workers take the old name off the CLW bureau http://t.co/tkPPCKae0o',\n", " u'RT @MicahGrimes: Students trapped in sinking ferry send heartbreaking text messages: \"Dad, I can\\'t walk out\" - http://t.co/t5JrXQCkbW http:\\u2026',\n", " u'LOL! 44 Ordinary Signs That Became Suspicious When People Failed At Using Quotation Marks http://t.co/8xWTqPdQVB',\n", " u\"Review: Glitter, polish make 'Wizard of Oz' gleam on stage http://t.co/cu7QssTIP3 via @stephhayes @TB_Times\",\n", " u'Update: Man pleads guilty to leaving #Clearwater crash that killed couple on tandem bike http://t.co/0CFK2cd4EX via @ckruegertimes @TB_Times',\n", " u'Huge gun range wins approval from #TarponSprings http://t.co/XsLC3cFbsv via @MikeBrassfield @TB_Times',\n", " u'MT @StadiumShadow Dangerous Senate bill could give pro baseball teams ability to flee FL #springtraining leases early http://t.co/NnqQCWU4Xr']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @RosLehtinen: Today is #TaxFreedomDay, 1st day of the year when #Americans have theoretically earned enough $$ to fund the high tax burd\\u2026',\n", " u'@floridataxwatch - tax freedom day comes 3 days later this year- our Federal government growing like a weed',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: There\\u2019s only one thing you need to know today. RETWEET and spread the word! #letskeepworking http://t.co/22BsNXIl1t',\n", " u'RT @MavPAC: Join @SlaterBayliss and @JebBushJr for a Maverick PAC Tallahassee Reception with @PamBondi on April 21st.',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: .@PamBondi to headline @MavPAC fundraiser on April 21. http://t.co/uxUGGlcsh2 #sayfie',\n", " u\"Today in 1897 Frederick Winterbotham, Britain's top code breaker was born - many years later budget code breaker @donnaarduin was born\",\n", " u'On this day in 1863 Union ships passed Vicksburg- a few years later master civil war historian @CoryTilley was born #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: Florida needs strong, #Conservative leadership. Follow me if you will help me fight for it. #sayfie #tcot',\n", " u'@albertemartinez congratulations http://t.co/SubABbVCc4 @MavPAC',\n", " u'RT @MavPAC: Join us for a Tallahassee Reception on April 21st with @PamBondi hosted by @SlaterBayliss & @JebBushJr. http://t.co/I7AKjVV1rH',\n", " u'@JeffreyBrandes - the freedom act of 2014 @Uber_PubPolicy',\n", " u'Thank you @America88 - @TravisBlanton and @RepMHudson are 2 more dedicated sock men',\n", " u'On this day in 1962 Sophia Loren won the Oscar. Decades later another class act, my friend @LibySchoon was born',\n", " u'On this day in 1974 @JeffAtwater celebrated his birthday as Hank Aaron hit HR # 715th & surpassed the Babe as the HR king',\n", " u'On this day in 1805, Lewis & Clark departed Fort Mandan- a few years later @tallyflack was born',\n", " u'RT @iEPluribusUnum: Republicans believe every day is 4th of July, but Democrats believe every day is April 15 - Ronald Reagan',\n", " u'@alexcast is onto something big http://t.co/xYbW9wuKZj via @POLITICO @AlCardenasACU @ananavarro #sayfie',\n", " u'Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal to join forces in ad http://t.co/xYbW9wuKZj via @POLITICO',\n", " u'@TravisBlanton @SaintPetersblog - the water is warm',\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog: Brackets are set for #TallyMadness; voting began today. http://t.co/zrcxBOJDf9']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'when I realize I have school tomorrow http://t.co/nmosPvxgw7',\n", " u\"I've been playing fur elise for the past hour and I think my parents are about to kick me out\",\n", " u'@zorroantonio13 @samh5508 too bad I had to go through 10 terrible ones first. The photographer was kind of an amateur tbh',\n", " u\"thankful for friends who tell me I'm smart @zorroantonio13\",\n", " u\"My 10K tweet goes to my best friend of 10 years because he's been my number one twitter fan from da start @samh5508 \\U0001f60a http://t.co/M7pH9CrAU1\",\n", " u'@jjuliakendall probs the hardest thing I had to do all of freshman year',\n", " u'Hey does anyone know the date',\n", " u'Shout out to running for being the only thing to calm me down after going over my testing schedule for May',\n", " u'RT @tessawalters: Rachel in her natural habitat @rachela1214 http://t.co/HBctXQFnDH',\n", " u'@tessawalters WHAT THE FUCK WHEN DID YOU TAKE THIS PICTURE\\U0001f602',\n", " u'@fionaaokeefe I see you creeping on my vine',\n", " u\"@zorroantonio13 you're the sweetest\",\n", " u'@zorroantonio13 thank you for that beautiful screen shot Antonio.',\n", " u'So hyped on three hours of sleep though\\U0001f600\\U0001f600\\U0001f600\\U0001f600\\U0001f600',\n", " u'KITTENS KITTENS KITTENS http://t.co/uZMGbyUsIu',\n", " u'@CdlPuerta shocking I know',\n", " u'@TrumanDiana \\U0001f60a\\U0001f60a\\U0001f60a I like having nice friends',\n", " u'@TrumanDiana I love you too!',\n", " u'@xtephen_tucker NO EXCUSES',\n", " u'Could not have asked for a better closing night\\u263a\\ufe0f thank you to the wonderful cast, orchestra, crew, and audience! Love ya long time']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @Yusnaby: Al parecer la higiene y el socialismo no son buenos amigos. #Cuba http://t.co/UNpmQSHKCo',\n", " u'RT @jangelmoya: Be.So.y Yo vamos\\npara funeral d\\n@DamasdBlanco,\\nDSE amenaza con\\nreprecion',\n", " u'RT @Yusnaby: Carnicer\\xeda \"El Barato\".\\n#Cuba, Siglo XXI\\nhttp://t.co/w7RohCsQYG',\n", " u'RT @Yusnaby: Solidaridad con @LeopoldoLopez desde La Habana. http://t.co/DL5bFjWlPe @OscarBiscet #Cuba #Venezuela',\n", " u'@jesuskikelozada nada! Hasta que La Habana no diga nada todo es especulacion, cuando sea cierto no lo podran ocultar por mucho tiempo',\n", " u'RT @PadreJosePalmar: Fidel Castro es el s\\xe9ptimo mandatario m\\xe1s rico del planeta, le gana en fortuna a las reinas de Inglaterra y de Holanda\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CaricuaoArrecha: Caricuao en las calles #20A. \\xbfUn rostro para los que temen o un rostro para que le teman? http://t.co/i12Gfxllzd',\n", " u'RT @SantosIglesia: -Sagrado Coraz\\xf3n de Jes\\xfas Por Venezuela http://t.co/dm5eA9Nn01\\u2026 http://t.co/H51M3VNIOp',\n", " u'RT @Maracaibo222: DIFUNDAMOS EL LLAMADO PARA ESTE LUNES!! LAS BARRICADAS VUELVEN https://t.co/yZPebbzEYv \\u2026 http://t.co/Piue8iq7SD',\n", " u'RT @Noaltirano: Se convierten en lo que critican. Eso pasa com\\xfanmente con todos estos caudillos populistas. http://t.co/44bM6H0vOs',\n", " u'RT @matebe: A dos meses de su vil asesinato, te recordamos Genesis, la lucha sigue. http://t.co/56jNDi53aK',\n", " u'RT @OLPL: Por la ilegalizaci\\xf3n del Partido Comunista de Cuba y el derrocamiento de la dictadura castrochavista continental http://t.co/K3Dg\\u2026',\n", " u'http://t.co/PwbiUkfA3r',\n", " u'RT @anavictoriamrqz: \"reiaresnd:ASESINOS CON UNIFORME: ......del r\\xe9gimen DISPARAN METRAS MORTALES a j\\xf3venes estudiantes http://t.co/K7CusNm\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SantosIglesia: >>>Viernes Santo: Se Consuma su Sacrificio por todos. Es Hora de responder Tendremos Vida en abundacia por \\xc9l http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @politicono: Denuncia de Ramon Guillermo Aveledo ha causado roncha en el gremio medico, ENTRE los cubanos y en TODA Venezuela http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AFPFlorida: The Constitution, something the government used to follow #TBT http://t.co/NYv01FVJZD',\n", " u'RT @yamycubanita: #SOSCuba\\n@JustoLuisAlonso: #Cuba continua rodeada vivienda d la activista Damary Moya en Sta Clara tambien le fue a...',\n", " u'CANCHA DEPORTIVA 0415: http://t.co/uXs83xypRW via @YouTube',\n", " u'AGARRANDO EL TORO POR LOS CUERNOS 0415: http://t.co/5OZUgALDVl via @YouTube']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @NewsWeShare: @FCN2go There is no power and no traffic lights working at beach and Southside Boulevard.',\n", " u'Awaiting the big release of turtles at Little Talbot Island! Beautiful day! #TurtleWatch2014 http://t.co/gRLxLFnRpj',\n", " u'@tripindipular Yikes! That is terrible. US 1 is an alternate route, but that will be slow as well',\n", " u'@HMBowling Yes, it is very slow! Hopefully it will get cleaned up soon',\n", " u\"RT @tripindipular: @Katie_Jeffries 50 minutes and I've moved less than a mile\",\n", " u'BAD CRASH at 95 NB and JTB, two lanes blocked. Looks like a car vs. truck. BIG DELAYS FORMING! #traffic http://t.co/jfDmd6Uq2d',\n", " u'Look out for an accident on the 295 SB ramp to WB JTB- all lanes are open though #traffic',\n", " u'Injury crash near #Macclenny at SR-121 and CR-228. FHP is reporting a roadblock with this #traffic',\n", " u'So far the roadways are looking NICE this morning! Drive safe & wear that seat belt! #traffic',\n", " u'RT @kaitlynross1: Police confirm there has been a shooting at Cumberland Mall in Cobb County. On my way now.',\n", " u'All lanes on West Beaver St are now OPEN #traffic',\n", " u'Outside lane blocked on the 295 NB ramp to Wilson. #traffic',\n", " u'RT @MyFDOT_NEFL: Lane closures from 7am to 3:30pm on the SB I-95 access road from the Main St/Acosta Expwy to Atlantic Blvd for Overland br\\u2026',\n", " u'Viewers says a semi is across the road and partially in a ditch on Beaver St. by the Publix Warehouse #traffic',\n", " u'#Traffic Alert- EB lanes in the 9700 block of W. Beaver (by Publix Divsion office) is closed due to a road blockage per @JSOPIO',\n", " u'Crash at 295 & Wilson, but all lanes are clear per #FHP. Drive safe everyone! #traffic',\n", " u'Crash in #BakerCounty at CR-125 and CR-122, but all lanes are open. This crash does have injuries #traffic',\n", " u'A disabled car is blocking at least one lane of US-90 at Celery Ave (just east of Chaffee Rd). #traffic',\n", " u'GOOOOD MORNING!!! Roadways are looking good right now for you early bird commuters! #traffic',\n", " u'Accept the risen Jesus into your life. Even if you have been far away,take a small step towards him; he awaits you w/ open arms-Pope Francis']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @PaulFlemming: Florida House member @DaneEagle arrested on DUI charges in Tallahassee. http://t.co/bBrx3W5Vgu',\n", " u'May 2, 6:23 p.m. @KevinCate #catesinedie bonus points if @willweatherford plays Edward Sharpe\\'s \"Let\\'s Get High?\" to start the day?',\n", " u'Keep eating, Sounds like the head is still on? @NewsCarolyn @MBJArnold',\n", " u'Congrats! And has @KevinCate penciled him in for fall softball? @ChrisCate: Colton Christopher Cate. http://t.co/tGokQerClN',\n", " u'As @ScottVanDuzer hugs FL Lt. Gov. Lopez-Cantera @BarackObama: notes hug in Letterman tribute http://t.co/rZBOqc9o9z http://t.co/LTezgGhHs3',\n", " u'Obama, Crist and now Lopez-Cantera @zai_marie: Of course @ScottVanDuzer #boyscout772 http://t.co/rZBOqc9o9z',\n", " u\"As Memorials read in FL Senate for FSU Day, football players being honored appear to be thinking they'd rather be in class right now\",\n", " u'Where\\'s the \"have a great day. Bye-bye.\" @TheDaraKam: @FLGovScott 1 min, 20 sec gaggle. http://t.co/T1v48P0C63 @newsservicefla',\n", " u'How about a tour around the Glades with the Boss? @GinnyBeagan: @EveSamples. @TCPalm \\n#IndianRiverLagoon',\n", " u\"'All right, have a great day.' @newsservicefla: Rick Scott: In His Own Words http://t.co/KPmaS064il #fb #sayfie @TheDaraKam\",\n", " u'RT @newsservicefla: Rick Scott: In His Own Words http://t.co/ezTI62vDEp By Dara Kam\\nAfter handing out #fb #sayfie @TheDaraKam',\n", " u'Someone go to Kona and have a Nada Meatball for me! @TCPalmEKiller @EveSamples @konabeachcafe',\n", " u'Now sure what this portends for the Fl Session week to come: First Sen. Committee, 3 classic appearances by @justice2jesus.',\n", " u'Have a great day. @TheDaraKam: \"Rick Scott: In His Own Words\" @newsservicefla http://t.co/JzP2gS2TKb #sayfie @ScottforFlorida',\n", " u\"I'm with you on that. Just that some may not be happy with the numbers. @AllisonNielsen: @JimTurner23\",\n", " u'May not be so great for some students @AllisonNielsen:',\n", " u'@adamputnam highlights state winter Ag production, offers public Florida grown strawberries at Cabinet meeting.',\n", " u'Fla House panel signs off on \"Charlotte\\'s Web\" pot, a non-euphoric strain for kids wracked by poss. deadly seizures. http://t.co/9GqeGZTJrk',\n", " u\"Fla lawmakers believe IT agency will save the state money - in light of jobless website startup, couldn't hurt http://t.co/GX0vrp0ZYq\",\n", " u'Scribune is destined for multiple Urban Dictionary definitions @GrayRohrer @Mdixon55 @swampette']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @miss_mkennedy13: Good luck to @lizbethkb and her campaign today\\u2764\\ufe0f',\n", " u\"RT @Sguntek2: If it's Tuesday, someone is voting somewhere! Go Lizbeth Benacquisto in Florida's 19th! #CD19\",\n", " u\"RT @waynebertsch: Good luck Lizbeth Kelly Benacquisto in today's primary election!\",\n", " u'RT @SarahPalinUSA: Please remember to vote today for Lizbeth Benacquisto in the Florida District 19 special election! Remind your... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"@finnygo in @lizbethkb's livingroom this morning... Must be election Eve! #FL19 #LizbethForCongress http://t.co/gwaoLgHCco\",\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: Team Lizbeth out walking door-to-door today.#CD19 #LizbethForCongress http://t.co/tEflAIayu6',\n", " u\"RT @maggieslist1: @lizbethkb is the right choice for Florida's 19th District! #FL19 @FloridaGOP\",\n", " u\"RT @lizbethkb: RT @maggieslist1: Maggie's List wishes Lizbeth good luck in the FL19 Special Election Mon April, 22. If... http://t.co/Qerg\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @GeorgiaO4P: Lizbeth Benacquisto is the conservative we can trust to stop the Obama agenda! #FL19 http://t.co/BIzMGl0Hp2',\n", " u'Dena from Fort Myers: Lizbeth is the obvious answer in CD 19 special election http://t.co/5AykB6nvEM #FL19 #LizbethForCongress',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: Team Lizbeth waving signs today before I voted. Love these guys @SwinkAustin @SundAndrew and Ken! #FL19 http://t.co/wLilnv1L\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FMA_PAC: Lizbeth Benacquisto to vote today in CD 19 special election @lizbethkb #sayfie http://t.co/AzBfxoU2Ne',\n", " u'RT @DougHarrisonFL: Congrats: @lizbethkb endorsed by @thenewspress Editorial Board in the GOP primary election: http://t.co/9Y0dTevMIr http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: ICYMI: @NBC2: Congressional candidate profile: Lizbeth Benacquisto http://t.co/HoJtMKvI7R http://t.co/oPHebbqQjZ #CD19 #Lizb\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RightNowWomen: House Republican Women Endorse in Florida Special Primary via @rollcall http://t.co/Ybw7jObo1M',\n", " u'RT @SundAndrew: The last thing our education system needs! Thank you @lizbethkb for SB1316 stopping common core in Fl! http://t.co/mST2xEQ\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RightNowWomen: Politico announces @RightNowWomen endorsement of Lizbeth Benacquisto (FL-19) @lizbethkb Read it here: http://t.co/m5YvB7\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SSNAlerts: Lizbeth Benacquisto snags endorsement from RightNOW Women PAC http://t.co/onZN2gobBH #SSNalerts #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @lizbethkb: Kevin from Cape Coral: Lizbeth's led the fight to prevent Lake O water discharges from destroying our precious Gulf http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: RightNOW Women PAC endorses Lizbeth Benacquisto. http://t.co/MmPgDJbg1s #sayfie']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @NovaSE: NSU welcomes bestselling author @RebeccaSkloot to campus tomorrow! http://t.co/IK2cUaT5jy @fcastweets @NSUnews',\n", " u'If you missed the premiere of #Cosmos you can watch it here: http://t.co/2D2HHzCj5b #ILoveScience #NeilTysonIsAwesome',\n", " u'China to strengthen environmental laws: http://t.co/YQ0rrYqCt4',\n", " u'@SenBillNelson \"Florida is ground zero for sea level rise\" http://t.co/AITz1lq9Cn #ActOnClimate',\n", " u'RT @EveSamples: USF study: Diseased fish show dissolved oil from BP spill as far south as Sanibel http://t.co/svKJ9c7fs2 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: .@FLGovScott Joins Lawsuit Against #BP in Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Case http://t.co/QiVzvGXNdR #RESTOREact #Gulf #sayfie',\n", " u'China to reward localities for improving air pollution http://t.co/qxbLlrGUFw #PublicHealth',\n", " u'RT @guardianeco: Pollution making Beijing hazardous place to live, says Chinese report http://t.co/3jkqeTr7uC',\n", " u'Follow me @EvergladesTabby for info on #Everglades restoration, birding, and environmental policy!',\n", " u'Had a great time at #EVCO2014! Feeling inspired to have met so many advocates, scientists, and politicians dedicated to the #Everglades',\n", " u'RT @EvergladesTabby: Black Scoter seen at Matheson Hammock Park Dec. 22 - My observation was confirmed by @Team_eBird! #citizenscience http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EvergladesTabby: Got an email from an @Team_eBird volunteer today confirming two recent sightings. So glad they care about data quality\\u2026',\n", " u'I love this @soulpancake @iamkidpresident video and giving @UNICEF #inspiredgifts! Check it out: http://t.co/GG1N3Ng9Jn',\n", " u\"Saw my first Wilson's Snipe today at Harn's Marsh in Lee County! #BirdNerd\",\n", " u'Happy Thanksgiving!! http://t.co/V041sBgqOG',\n", " u'RT @pewenvironment: Report: Conservation of forage fish and coastal waterbirds is at critical juncture. http://t.co/gDzcnGT0Uo @AudubonFL @\\u2026',\n", " u'Check out this @AudubonFL blog post on #climatechange and the #Everglades http://t.co/rhHwv961UV',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: \"Restoring the #Everglades will be vital to defending South Florida from the future effects of rising waters\" http://t.co/Cu\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @YaleE360: International Energy Agency: China to build more renewable power plants by 2035 than the US, EU and Japan combined. http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Seven50Plan: Bob Perciasepe, EPA: We must establish US as a leader in climate change mitigation, preparedness & resilience #ClimateSumm\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @kelsee_gomes: RT @GatorZoneGym: #NCAAWGym championship selfie! Go #Gators! http://t.co/w8ZSGRg7xw',\n", " u'Here with my son to see movie \"Noah.\" (@ Regal Town Center 16 - @regalmovies for Noah w/ 2 others) http://t.co/o1yGBBbcjU',\n", " u'@romenesko @NiemanLab Years ago, I asked if I could submit my weekly to be included in the display. I was told no, there was no room.',\n", " u'OK, Associated Press, who decided that a tennis racquet should now be spelled tennis racket? Really?',\n", " u'I got up at 3:30 a.m. to get a photo of the \"Blood Moon\" last night. http://t.co/wUE0YQ7KLg',\n", " u'Here at the News-Sun newspaper to see a demo of my favorite newspaper technology, TownNews. (@ news sun) http://t.co/kALdq5OpMk',\n", " u'Ah, Mondays. I love starting the week with the smell of ink in the morning. (@ Venice Gondolier Sun) http://t.co/wrTuxuVyTh',\n", " u\"Spider-Man vs.Spider-Baby. It doesn't matter whether you are a Spider-Man fan. You will love this! http://t.co/kKj8rVwSVB\",\n", " u'Here with my wife and (@ Regal Town Center 16 - @regalmovies for Captain America: The Winter Soldier) http://t.co/26KzlyUYdr',\n", " u'I attended the University of Florida. My wife is from Wisconsin. If both basketball teams win tonight, there could be marital discord.',\n", " u'Nothing like beginning your day with three random readers telling you that you stink as an editor. Welcome to Friday.',\n", " u\"RT @nlgarner: It occurred to me today that if people didn't know I was a crime reporter, my regular Foursquare checkins at the jail might b\\u2026\",\n", " u\"April Fool's Joke sign on photocopy machine at work. Brilliant! http://t.co/R1BNSH6tFn\",\n", " u'The phrase \"Hunks of Funk\" will be in Wednesday\\'s newspaper. Journalism is awesome.',\n", " u'#WalkingDead. Oh my. That is all. Oh my.',\n", " u'So Piers Morgan signs off from his CNN show. And in other news, nobody noticed. #piersmorgan',\n", " u'To quote a friend of mine, \"What do you get at the Clock Restaurant if you order \\'seconds?\\'\" Get it? Seconds? http://t.co/D6bUEJyZoz',\n", " u\"To all law enforcement: Please stop doing this. Don't do it to journalists. Don't do it to bystanders. http://t.co/Wy8N7BBzTh\",\n", " u'Here with my family to see this unique circus. Was left in awe last year. http://t.co/Jo87piHCmj',\n", " u'We are going to have the phrase \"cannibal strippers\" in Saturday\\'s newspaper. Ah, journalism. It\\'s so awesome.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Project DTO, the task force trying to build a better downtown Orlando, wants to know what you think. http://t.co/4eSanD8FEP @projectdto',\n", " u'American innovation does it again! Powdered alcohol coming to liquor stores this fall. (Think Kool Aid for grownups.) http://t.co/OXae9VnvGr',\n", " u\"@OrlandoCitySC will play 1st season in #MLS in the Citrus Bowl because its own stadium won't be ready. Here's why:\\nhttp://t.co/9TFaSuJQdC\",\n", " u\"For future train commuters, here's a good guide to #SunRail stations, schedules, locations and other handy info. http://t.co/WSN7EtYRlj\",\n", " u'RT @10derLovin: I subsequently took it higher... http://t.co/7i9azzvTfw',\n", " u'RT @Hornets_Nest13: I have nothing but respect for this butcher and his advertising skills. http://t.co/3qMN4OxhpB',\n", " u'Live in Florida and buy a lotta stuff from Amazon? Get ready to start paying sales tax as of May 1, ya buncha cheats. http://t.co/gsmpOMGrUR',\n", " u'For gastro-adventurers, a great list of 10 Bizarre Foods you might be surprised to find in #Orlando via @TastyChomps. http://t.co/yEb1noXWMO',\n", " u'#UCF sorority suspended for hazing: Blindfolded, forced to drink, dropped off in a garage to find their way home. http://t.co/QFrMtO6oUF',\n", " u\"@TastyChomps That's a great idea. I hate having to leave my hometown to sample fruit bats and grub worms. @BizarreFoods @andrewzimmern\",\n", " u'HIV-positive player kicked off Kissimmee rec basketball team. http://t.co/4aEnbiQ3hg',\n", " u'Citrus Bowl in Orlando set to host third bowl game featuring teams from #AAC, Sun Belt conferences. http://t.co/Xox2E4vFC3 @the_sun_belt',\n", " u'Watched @andrewzimmern eat Samoan fruit bats on @BizarreFoods and thought \"I wonder if he gets bored with something like a plate of pasta?\"',\n", " u\"Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer's view of the crowd, mid-speech, during today's 'State of the City' address. http://t.co/VmRHn9luiT\",\n", " u\"RT @orlandosentinel: Top 4 things you need to know about Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer's 'State of the City' speech: http://t.co/T7DSrX4QR5\",\n", " u'Orlando will place one-third of chronically homeless in stable housing within 3 years, Mayor Buddy Dyer says.',\n", " u\"Mayor Buddy Dyer's state of the city speech: One day I hope we are the city that hosts the state's first same-sex wedding.\",\n", " u'RT @Mdixon55: A TV reporter just asked if he could interview me. Thought I was @SteveCrisafulli\\n\\nI did the interview',\n", " u\"RT @grantstern: @Algalindo305 @craigtimes @BillyCorben #Miami isn't solely filled with greedy, short sighted people, those are just our May\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @KevinInOrlando: BREAKING NOW - 1 DEAD after hit-and-run daycare crash; person of interest named http://t.co/iKX0Bx5Tlw']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@UncleOwen 2. one personal. one business.',\n", " u'@UncleOwen sayith youse.',\n", " u'RT @MotherJones: Ever Wonder Why Your Local TV News Stations Run the Same Damn Stories? http://t.co/qBB7eUTvhC',\n", " u'@darsakpatel happy birthday. dude.',\n", " u'Rep. Edwards: Inequality in Stand Your Ground http://t.co/kFZUlJlscW',\n", " u'Heads in the Sand on Criminal Justice http://t.co/YVfZO7bc9o',\n", " u'Fixing the Sexual Predator Monitoring Loophole http://t.co/fhPR3aH3KR',\n", " u\"Governor Scott: We're Number One http://t.co/WzWWAUwl4A\",\n", " u'RT @SayfieReview: Times: Top state regulator of ALFs gets new job -- working for ALF lobby http://t.co/unEApJtKpG #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @mluubben: Check out this word cloud of Scott\\u2019s \\u2018State of the State\\u2019 - SaintPetersBlog http://t.co/HvYA9hdqZJ',\n", " u'RT @RonSachsFla: @SachsMediaGrp word-clouded @FLGovScott State of the State\\nTalk about discipline! Have a look: http://t.co/AQtsmSBzFm\\n@tal\\u2026',\n", " u'Week of March 3, 2014 http://t.co/RZBgHjoBVt',\n", " u'Tourism is an Economic Lifeblood, Gardiner Says http://t.co/auzGjQXSce',\n", " u'RT @JohnAvlon: 150 years after the Battle of Olustee, the strange truth About Florida\\u2019s Civil War history http://t.co/9jrCMX6FW0 via @theda\\u2026',\n", " u'Week of February 17, 2014 http://t.co/A8cHkz3saA',\n", " u'Week of February 10, 2014 http://t.co/bd30fBxb6R',\n", " u'Week of February 3, 2014 http://t.co/kh3C2rv3uT',\n", " u'RT @peterwallsten: Rubio \\u2018surprised and disappointed\\u2019 by sugar tycoon Fanjul\\u2019s position on Cuba http://t.co/8ZgpdZCwBU #Cuba',\n", " u'Week of February 3, 2014 http://t.co/tvazgbxInY',\n", " u'All Florida Mediaworks http://t.co/REUqtcxdkU']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @BadTomCotton: Cotton flaunted his insurance industry experience on his bio but deleted it. See what else he wants you to forget: http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MonsterMarcia: Hey @teapartynews @TEApublican #GOP Hates SMART AMERICANS! #GOP Wants DUMB Americans to believe #GOPLies on @FoxNews ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CanProveIt: Political Cartoons on fb. #UniteBlue Follow @yougottabjoking http://t.co/ZdPSSVWxJ4',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: Latinos #TimeIsNow to #Register2Vote before #MidTermElection. #TNTweeters pro #CIR @AlPunto http://t.co/Pl4NQ34Ix6',\n", " u'RT @CNNEE: Con rosas amarillas despiden a Garc\\xeda M\\xe1rquez en Ciudad de M\\xe9xico. http://t.co/tBxTtoDjv8 #GraciasGabo http://t.co/weoyU3amwd',\n", " u'RT @CNNEE: No te pierdas este domingo la cobertura especial de CNN en Espa\\xf1ol de la canonizaci\\xf3n de Juan Pablo II y Juan XXIII. http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @rtovarydeteresa: Miles han pasado ante las cenizas de Gabriel Garc\\xeda M\\xe1rquez, durante el homenaje que le rendimos en Bellas Artes http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DIARIOLAPAGINA: #InternacionalesDLP Papa Francisco: Permitan que entre la alegr\\xeda en su vida\\n > http://t.co/l0gRVnMZXW | http://t.co/XA\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BadTomCotton: Congressman Cotton hopes you\\u2019ll forget his past. WATCH & find out why he cannot be trusted: http://t.co/dMqJBYqIBW',\n", " u'RT @TheDailyEdge: Paul Ryan: \"I\\'m teaching my kids an important lesson this year: No more Uncle Sugar in an #Easter Bunny costume\" http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PaisajesGeo: Que tu coraje sea mayor que tu miedo... http://t.co/iPQswqB3rB',\n", " u'RT @prensagrafica: \\xbfCu\\xe1l es su coctel favorito? \\xa1Les deseamos un feliz provecho! http://t.co/nnCCPHtioy',\n", " u'RT @blowticious: CARMEN DAVIS #MISSING SINCE 3/29/2014 from a Searcy,AR group home. https://t.co/X1jjkka4tw http://t.co/Tvf3JPMjp9',\n", " u'RT @UniteBlueTX: Texas Petroleum industry giving major cash to Abbott & TeaParty http://t.co/zgP40Cx3yO #BoycottValero #BoycottConoco http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @mortgageconsult: There are billboard ads in Louisiana exposing Gov Jindal for NOT accepting Enhanced Medicaid, LETS DO THAT IN EVERY RE\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StanLeeGee: The GOP Hardcore Right, their Basest RWNJ Base, the Science Denying Flat-Earthers all made the same choice #UniteBlue http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @prensagrafica: Comparte @chinitosv imagen de alfombra en col Guadalupe, Soyapango http://t.co/iMIGJJCnrK',\n", " u\"RT @ChrisJZullo: What's caused 17 trillion debt? Republican policies of war, de-regulation, corporate subsidies/loopholes and 1% tax cuts #\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FWD_us: \"Sharing your story gets attention of people who don\\'t understand what an undocumented immigrant is.\" Tell your story http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FWD_us: \"[If we didn\\'t have immigrants] Daly City would collapse\" - @DavidCanepa Fight for #immigration reform: http://t.co/ulg8yo8v3N \\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@twistingballoon Very nice!',\n", " u'Life is what you make it! So start today making the Lord your life!! Your life will be good cause you are blessed. Good Morning!',\n", " u'RT @TCWomancom: Tips for responding to your kids\\u2019 difficult theological questions: http://t.co/ZzyimvO5vY #parenting',\n", " u\"RT @BET: .@Oprah makes 60 look GOOD! Check out how she's loving the skin she's in + her life lessons: http://t.co/ocWjXwv2Wr http://t.co/hC\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Joy105com: Don't Miss This! @MarcusDWiley @akintunde @AKLAUGHS @edeweysmith http://t.co/cNGcCp5bTO\",\n", " u\"RT @NBCTheVoice: FIVE HOURS until the #VoiceTop12 go LIVE. *screams words we can't tweet*\",\n", " u'RT @Radio1000: \\u201cWhenever God is in something, if you get behind it you go up with it.\\u201d - Bishop Wayne T Jackson @impactTVnetwork @Radio1000\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TIME: Newlyweds, who each lost a leg in last year's Boston Marathon bombing, finish race holding hands http://t.co/cDzgMQEIBu\",\n", " u'RT @IyanlaVanzant: Order your copy of Forgiveness today to receive an amazing selection of FREE downloads and lessons. \\n\\nhttp://t.co/bxlNN\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @southernpride50: NOT SAFE\\U0001f198TO DIE 4/21\\U0001f198BROOKLYN\\U0001f198BERTHA MAY-FEMALE TAN/WHT PIT MIX 8 YRS\\U0001f198SWEET WELL-MANNERED\\U0001f198https://t.co/Q6ZnYHHFoA\\U0001f198 htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @southernpride50: NOT SAFE\\U0001f198TO DIE 4/21\\U0001f198MANHATTAN\\U0001f198NEW HOPE\\U0001f198OSO-MALE WHITE SHIH-TZU 5 YRS\\U0001f198https://t.co/qCScgYPyI9\\U0001f198 http://t.co/e64uUkOSP0',\n", " u\"RT @NBCBlacklist: All the lies, all the deception, all the betrayal have led to this moment. Don't miss #TheBlacklist at 10/9c. http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @blackenterprise: How To Write A Grant Proposal http://t.co/XqaYEwXKwC',\n", " u'I am trying to move just a little faster, but the cloudy day has me pulling back to lay down and take a nap!',\n", " u'RT @AtTheSanctuary: Join Us For Prayer! Every Monday Morning 6am-6:30am #TSAKS http://t.co/gnpqpY1OUJ http://t.co/vo1jKcTqbc',\n", " u'RT @MedicareClear: If you\\u2019re #turning65 and working, you still need to think about #Medicare. Get started here http://t.co/l0Y9FQUx2d',\n", " u'Happy Resurrection/Easter Sunday. May you be blessed',\n", " u'Thank you Jesus for being a good friend that walked into my life when the world had finally walked out!',\n", " u'The secret of contentment is the realization that life is a blessed gift not a right for you to take it for granted.',\n", " u'Sometimes we are so busy adding up our troubles that we forget to count our blessings. Our blessings are many!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'http://t.co/ZlPnD33FeG',\n", " u\"Md. gov candidate suggests Iraq War vet opponent not up for 'real job' http://t.co/DaFxBU2n9Q\",\n", " u'We can expect more of the same if Killary is elected. http://t.co/0mYYp6n8Aa',\n", " u'http://t.co/PXLNg7QsMH',\n", " u'Democrats & Muslim Lawmakers Push Sharia Legislation Criminalizing Free Speech - Your Attention... http://t.co/cDRx8bChVc',\n", " u'http://t.co/RDmX34x2C0',\n", " u'Liberals destroyed this city, they destroy everything they touch! Tell them hell no to a bailout. http://t.co/7Uyr6bcyGf',\n", " u'Bwahahahaha! http://t.co/Z3ZYtTBIk2',\n", " u'http://t.co/fM1VHeyrEg',\n", " u'Happy Easter my to all my family and friends! Whatever your beliefs if you are spending this special day alone... http://t.co/r502RUMtIG',\n", " u\"Book: \\u201cIndoctrination: How 'Useful Idiots' Are Using Our Schools to Subvert American Exceptionalism\\u201d http://t.co/GW57S0hHt6\",\n", " u'My girl made it to the top and rang the bell! http://t.co/lUfhTC6XB8',\n", " u\"Can you guess what's wrong with this picture? http://t.co/LhEJXcDlsO\",\n", " u'Shameful. http://t.co/T5U3mWlBhA',\n", " u'Truth hurts. http://t.co/iWTtQxehvV',\n", " u'Congrats Steve & Terry and thanks for your confidence in us. Want to shout out to Supreme Title Closings LLC. for... http://t.co/Rj2pkDPW3U',\n", " u\"On this Good Friday we remember Christ's sacrifice for the children of God. I am asking all my friends and family... http://t.co/jJhhETEHys\",\n", " u'Georgia parents told their kids must participate in testing or face trespassing charges http://t.co/9wYqw9hoYD',\n", " u'Bwahahahahahahaha! http://t.co/WDuURrnHHL',\n", " u'http://t.co/whTnyLjE4w']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"If I don't absolutely kill this bio lab final today I'm dropping out of school\",\n", " u'But really freshman year is over in 12 days and like uhm how',\n", " u'@KFriedman10 you got it dude \\U0001f44d',\n", " u'@KFriedman10 thx bae',\n", " u'My downfall during finals week will be the Krispy Kreme app that notifies me every time the hot light is on',\n", " u'I get to learn an entire semester of microeconomics in one week \\U0001f197',\n", " u'These next two weeks with everything going on in school is going to be like the Hunger Games',\n", " u'Aka Amanda',\n", " u'Date night with the bae',\n", " u'Amanda dedicated her snap story to me and not a picture of each drink she has when she goes out on Saturdays, how cute.',\n", " u'happy Easter http://t.co/dVsghKRd7f',\n", " u'@always__chillin steal me some food today',\n", " u'@BRomance42 @AmandaMorgan02 chill bruh',\n", " u'@AmandaMorgan02 ur welcome',\n", " u'happy easter \\U0001f430\\U0001f495\\U0001f490',\n", " u\"But I actually broke two of my toes at formal so yeah I'm done\",\n", " u'craving ice cream right now and there is nothing I can do about it',\n", " u'@erica_rosner omg \\U0001f60d',\n", " u\"@BRomance42 you're so excited for Easter!!!\",\n", " u'lol formal']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Educator, Have Some Fun! #classroom #success by #enjoying #life http://t.co/Ccwqd0unwF',\n", " u'Go Sightseeing for Success Inspiration #high #school #students get outside for #inspiration http://t.co/76fFAJogE7',\n", " u'Homecoming Photo of the Day: All Smiles! #homecoming #highschool http://t.co/JWsLjg0igN',\n", " u'Educator, Know Thy Self! #teaching #success for #classroom #greatness http://t.co/lr6REBeIMF',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/ZJXaLXbU8E Panel Discussion: Dawkins, Tyson, Druyan, Stenger, Grothe',\n", " u'Pivot Toward #Success #working with the best #intentions and letting the chips fall where they may http://t.co/SdyGUzUpz5',\n", " u'Homecoming Photo of the Day: The Memories #highschool #fun http://t.co/sNfrbDadQC',\n", " u'Photo Tip Wednesdays: Take Daily Life Photos #photofun #life #images http://t.co/bEzHbvLlSc',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/b35xJL3kfy Hannah Zazzaro and Eric Geil (Jessie J Do It Like A Dude Acoustic Cover)',\n", " u'All Things Great at Book Launch http://t.co/YLMAvZ4pbX #author #sharktank #writer #education #teachers #school #Tampa #business #success',\n", " u'Maynard Evans High School Prom 2014 #prom2014 #prom2k14 #beauty #glam http://t.co/52iBzUbXAF',\n", " u'Great Teachers: How Do They Do It? #success #education #growth http://t.co/DrD5DgP1G0',\n", " u'Working for the Team #success for #high #school #students #learning to be a #team http://t.co/o5fYZDgh2t',\n", " u'Homecoming Photo of the Day: Good Times! #memories http://t.co/Xb8s5i6WUc',\n", " u'Measuring Up As A Teacher #successful #education for #highschool #students via great #teachers http://t.co/AihN36t9Ox',\n", " u'DON LEMON: The Graduates Of The Urban Academy In Chicago All Going To College | Black America Web http://t.co/HtdmwaRTAQ',\n", " u'Taking Action to Get Your Desires #high #school #students #driving toward #success with #action http://t.co/9Qk9a8MUah',\n", " u'Homecoming Photo of the Day: Bookings are Starting! #homecoming2014 http://t.co/PorNApzk7o',\n", " u'RT @TaraRRichter: http://t.co/xRTsbfzvAN Biggest #booklaunch in #Tampa! @CoCreativ @KPITampa @piercebrunson @DegreesSuccess @TheAnthonyAmos\\u2026',\n", " u'Photo Tip Wednesday: Take a Picture a Day #photography #skills for #beginning #photographers #phototips http://t.co/gGtnJl3iMi']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Sending healing and supportive energy to the families of the shooting victims. <3',\n", " u\"RT @HuffPostRelig: The question that follows us through Holy Week is 'Where is my heart?' - Pope Francis on Palm Sunday http://t.co/Be6isSs\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @TEDTalks: The hidden world of microbes in your gut, and why they're so important: http://t.co/qqEVhwk2ty (via @TED_Ed)\",\n", " u\"RT @HuffingtonPost: This man served 30 years for a crime he didn't commit, and now his wish list is being fulfilled http://t.co/G5Ht19USjm\",\n", " u'Bookcrossings dot com...totally cool!',\n", " u'Those who judge the most, have the most to hide.',\n", " u'I applaud your commercial Honeymaid.',\n", " u':-/ that is all',\n", " u'Shame on students @ Duke for the horrible way you have treated your peer.',\n", " u'Sorry Rick Scott but you do not have my support. You ruined our schools.',\n", " u'Yes, Rick Scott things have improved for you and your buds...at the expense of the rest of us.',\n", " u'Straighttalk you are no longer in my top spot.',\n", " u'TGIF!',\n", " u'Well done Gov. Brewer! :-)',\n", " u\"The 'Saturday Night Widows' way of grieving: Seek new experiences http://t.co/pmVxYGAZMH\",\n", " u'Shame on you Disney!',\n", " u'Ego appears to be the root of evil and the very thing that prevents logic.',\n", " u'Not too sure about this whole dating thing.',\n", " u'Say \"No\" to the Comcast - Time Warner merger.',\n", " u'RT @nprnews: Sinkhole Swallows 8 Cars At National Corvette Museum http://t.co/Hoy4zYGnBi']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'.@nicolasmaduro Si privatizamos Guayana y las empresas expropiadas, en 2 a\\xf1os se seca el exceso de liquidez monetaria.',\n", " u'RT @raulsoules: Hay un TT a esta hora \"Venezolanos Vs Venezolanos 2\" que anda promoviendo la divisi\\xf3n. El G2 en su m\\xe1xima potencia. @federi\\u2026',\n", " u'.@nicolasmaduro El cambio de rumbo debe llamarse \"producci\\xf3n capitalista y distribuci\\xf3n socialista\",para que no te sientas tan mal',\n", " u'@elcitizen @anaiwilliams Es inevitable un giro de tim\\xf3n 180 grados. Es el final del socialismo bananero. Gracias a los estudiantes muertos.',\n", " u'RT @elcitizen: Buenos Dias, esperando la ofensiva econ\\xf3mica que anunciara el gobierno. El fin del proyecto totalitario? Reglas claras? Lo d\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @correydilo: @federicoalves @MoreSanchezC @NicolasMaduro Eso es correcto. Eso es lo que hay, gracias a la err\\xe1tica pol\\xedtica econ\\xf3mica de\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Gabo_Dominguez: No he visto a NING\\xdaN chamo de barricadas dispararle a nadie, no es violento en si, aunque haya sus 4 locos',\n", " u'RT @nidiarey: @SaloGuardione Acaban de asesinar a un joven en paseo Caroni, cerca del campamento , sensaci\\xf3n de inseguridad?? #Guayana',\n", " u'RT @Maryhur: \\u201c@Caroshining: IMAGEN MUY FUERTE. As\\xed qued\\xf3 el muchacho agredido por la PNB en Santa Fe anoche. http://t.co/w0bLhP9ZaV \\u2026\\u201d para\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CacikeConopoima: \"@AnonymousVene10: Juan carlos bellido leon C.I 23.073.846 detenido hoy en terrazas del avila por la GNB http://t.co/u\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CASTORFAVELO: Y QUE NO VOLVERAN!! PUES VOLVIMOS!! http://t.co/eoYjSyYpbb',\n", " u'RT @pupilaclara: @elisaescovar @federicoalves y al bolsillo de la naci\\xf3n',\n", " u'RT @CarmeloCasale: Comparto ~\\xbb \"@soniaguir: Vzla no es un pa\\xeds quebrado, est\\xe1 en manos de gte q no sabe gobernar. Con un barril a 100$ . Fa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @elisaescovar: Nos hemos dado cuenta del da\\xf1o al esp\\xedritu q ocasiona el #militarismo?',\n", " u'RT @Niurkamendez: Eso #tropa! tienen mas patria! \"@CASTORFAVELO: QUEEE!! Y PARA ESO EL LOCO HUGO EXPROPIO FINCAS!! HECHO EN BRASIL!... http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @27Lucille: RUEDA DE PRENSA ESTUDIANTIL hoy #22A 11am, anuncia #AlAire consejero estudiantil de la UCV Luis Carlos Martos por RCR',\n", " u'RT @HernanPorrasM: VIDEO: Maduro sobre la ofensiva econ\\xf3mica de este martes http://t.co/MtCr70Sj9Y via @rebeliometro http://t.co/nSxCtwmk72',\n", " u'RT @noticiayopinion: Diego Arria cuestiona di\\xe1logo de la oposici\\xf3n con el gobierno http://t.co/h4e4CJBv3J',\n", " u'RT @colominaM: En los barrios q fueron del dominio chavista,el Judas q m\\xe0s ardi\\xf2 fue Maduro, seguido de Diosdado. !y hasta la fiscal! El pu\\u2026',\n", " u'.@nicolasmaduro La \\xfanica forma de salvar la econom\\xeda es privatizar TODAS las empresas robadas x Ch\\xe1vez,previa recapitalizaci\\xf3n m\\xednima']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Jim Garner\\u2019s photo bag http://t.co/AfYsSsZGpZ #photography #arts',\n", " u'4 Tips for Directing Photography Subjects to Achieve Your Vision http://t.co/MFVSdDbZDL #photography #arts',\n", " u'@TomRooney I will drop off documentation at your local Florida offices soon to file a complaint against #IRS #360miles #4Tries #180hrs',\n", " u'Gained 19 new followers in the past week. I\\u2019m growing my account the right way, are you? Do it with http://t.co/O5VpEEWkac',\n", " u'Queen of Glamour Portraiture Sue Bryce Recreates Iconic Hollywood Images http://t.co/Lm25IXoQFE #photography #arts',\n", " u'RT @petefrt: Sharyl Attkisson: Media Matters helps produce news reports for CBS http://t.co/SDO6hn7uSb #tcot #tlot #TeaParty #p2 http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'@TomRooney 6 months, 180 hours, 240 miles, and I still cannot arrange payment for taxes owed #IRS @marcorubio @NelsonForSenate',\n", " u'RT @LibertySeeds: Always remember that @Sebelius refused to approve a waiver that would have put a dying child on a lung transplant list. #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @truckerbooman: If #LAmeStreamMedia did their JOB\\nI hope after this is over you never Believe them again \\n@ABC @PJNET @CNN @nbc http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @STSTWO: Lois Lerner's husband, Michael Miles, former attorney at Office of the General Counsel 4 the IRS? Say it ain't so.\",\n", " u'RT @FFRNewsNet1: #FFRNN #WAKINGUP TO #TYRANNY #PJNET \\nHEAR,SEE,SPEAK NO EVIL \\n #CONTROLLEDMEDIA #BENGHAZI #ABC #CBS #NBC #FOX http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LibertySeeds: So now we find out that Obama has not only lied about healthcare but also about his Uncle Omar: http://t.co/OmnCeojD7p #B\\u2026',\n", " u'WIN \\xa3100 of Photography Vouchers and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty on Blu-Ray http://t.co/4Nfm90Mvdx #photography #arts',\n", " u'19 Colorful Pictures of Poison Dart Frogs http://t.co/0PhWMa7k1H #photography #arts #inspiration',\n", " u'De-Mystifying Resolution in Photography http://t.co/YDcSYiX5Gn #photography #arts',\n", " u'Iron Bikers 2012 / Montlh\\xe9ry http://t.co/iyZxjxSYls #photography #arts #inspiration',\n", " u'Gizmodo Puts Six Different Action Cameras Through a Thorough Review http://t.co/sITrXn9m8Y #photography #arts',\n", " u'#Flickr Friday: Kein Ausweg (#NoWayOut) http://t.co/HnUDqSdbK5 #photography #arts',\n", " u'America\\u2019s Finest Art Has One Month Left at the Whitney http://t.co/fMhuiGF9KK #photography #arts',\n", " u'Fujifilm FinePix S9200 Review http://t.co/Vx7Z0Vuwnr #photography #arts']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@SigBurney I remember that...',\n", " u'RIP Kate Spade tumbler. New Orleans stole you away from me. \\U0001f62b',\n", " u'I just want pancakes. @MothersNOLA please\\U0001f64f',\n", " u\"It's an unspoken rule that I must wear Barbie pink lipstick with my @LillyPulitzer dress, right? #formal2014\",\n", " u'My meals today have consisted of beignets, gelato, and macaroons. #nola #noshame',\n", " u'\"We can make her ugly... We can push her down on the street\\U0001f648\\U0001f64a\" @Jamieeschramm',\n", " u\"Haven't even left the bus station and already have my first bruise. #FORMAL2014\",\n", " u'No better way to start the day than drinking champagne out of my Kate Spade tumblr \\U0001f380\\U0001f497 let the formal celebrations begin\\U0001f389 @Jamieeschramm',\n", " u'Getting tired from getting my nails done. #ultimatewhitegirlproblem',\n", " u'Sometimes I do something so stupid that I question whether all blonde jokes are referring to me. #imridiculous',\n", " u\"My goal in life is to be Lauren Conrad. I don't think I'm asking for too much.\",\n", " u'Being told \"I hope your head goes through the windshield\" for texting at a redlight where I\\'m clearly not driving. #keepitclassypensacola',\n", " u'Mother Nature is a beaut \\U0001f495\\u2600\\ufe0f http://t.co/IR6pOk9VOP',\n", " u'Being pensacola means only one thing... One Step closer to being in New Orleans. \\U0001f389\\U0001f37b #\\u03a3\\u03a7formal',\n", " u\"Maybe it's not a good idea to eat my cereal on my 530 am drive to work during a thunderstorm\\U0001f633 #reckless\",\n", " u\"The only thing getting me through these next few days is knowing I'll be at the beach Wednesday and in NOLA thursday\\U0001f389 #timepleasefly\",\n", " u\"Realizing there's 24-hour froyo on the cruise I'm going on... I'm in serious trouble, y'all. #nomorebeachbod\",\n", " u'Nothing better than some atomic coffee and apples with almond butter. #bliss http://t.co/meJnwpVFLn',\n", " u'\"I ate too much lettuce.\" #whitegirlprobs',\n", " u'The one day I decide to take the elevator and not the stairs the elevator gets stuck. \\U0001f610 #myluck']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@Jfish28 its a little tough when u say must look like kate upton! \\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'@sara_cheney 1 more week \\U0001f4aa\\U0001f44a',\n", " u'@KHuether whats facebook?',\n", " u'@aack_z got that right \\u270a\\U0001f4aa',\n", " u'@aack_z i dont trust anyone who calls me bud either. If they call me Bud they do not know me',\n", " u'@aack_z hey buddy ol pal! \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'@jessica__gillen how does a 90 lb kid get called big anything? \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u\"RT @USAGym: They don't break the tie - OU and Florida are CO-CHAMPIONS!!\",\n", " u'RT @LSUgym: Super Six final team standings: Oklahoma 198.175, Florida 198.175, #LSU 197.600, Alabama 197.550, Georgia 197.050, Nebraska 196\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TalkingChalk: HUGE congratulations to Florida and Oklahoma for tying for 1st in the NCAA Gymnastics Championship!',\n", " u'@acheney21 is it a frigging tie?',\n", " u'@acheney21 the elephant must be stopped',\n", " u'@acheney21 whats happening? im a dinner!',\n", " u'@abi_nicolee dont tell mom!',\n", " u'@IsabelleMcHugh @KimRende dont chip a nail princess \\U0001f44a\\U0001f451',\n", " u'@IsabelleMcHugh @KimRende go dad! \\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'@aack_z they come back at christmas! \\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'@Ismaelitox nevermind then \\U0001f602\\U0001f602 im available til 6 if u need bail $ \\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'@Ismaelitox u better go find my boi \\U0001f621\\U0001f525',\n", " u'@gabbyyybarber @jennicharb all praise Jenni!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Phone calls can be made by anyone and everyone! @AFPFlorida http://t.co/2hxrkBSIS2',\n", " u'Our staff training one of our older volunteers. Everyone appreciates economic freedom! @AFPFlorida http://t.co/8ClEfIb5Wl',\n", " u'Shut down the table in no time with this killer crew. #C4L @AFPFlorida http://t.co/GiuscuadkD',\n", " u'@AFPFlorida @elainesarlooo @bergetron5000 @beccamariemc @abbiemaciver',\n", " u'Spreading the message of economic freedom at the YAL State Conference! We win best table. #koozies @AFPFlorida http://t.co/8qV2s84kDQ',\n", " u'RT @elainesarlooo: \"I many not be momma\\'s brightest boy but I get by\"- @DurellTootle',\n", " u\"Planning mtg at the @AFPFlorida Otown office. We sure have a cheeky bunch! It's not work when you love what you do. http://t.co/jt70oLLudu\",\n", " u'Great News! @kaitbooth has been accepted to Furman University & she gives credit to her hard work with @AFPFlorida! http://t.co/EuYky6oSFo',\n", " u'Old school red bull #AFPTraining #FL http://t.co/dtStv8ksWf',\n", " u'@AFPFlorida @NickLoffer1 @CMuhletaler @ParrishGator @aprilschiff @Andres_A_Malave @StarlaMBrown @SladeOBrien @JoyceDMalone',\n", " u'RT @JMPabst: AFP dinner with grandpa! #AFPTallyDays #Chitlins #Merica @DurellTootle @beccamariemc http://t.co/UMmPC6kof2',\n", " u'We have an awesome freedom-loving @AFPFlorida team! #AFPTallyDays #5forFL #tcot #sayfie http://t.co/IHabnEHlU3',\n", " u'@elainesarlooo howdy',\n", " u'@elainesarlooo hi elaine #chitlin',\n", " u'RT @elainesarlooo: You will never hear a more heartfelt rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner than in a room of conservatives fighting 4 fr\\u2026',\n", " u'@beccamariemc @kaitbooth',\n", " u'Having too much fun in Tally with our @AFPFlorida Orlando crew! #Chitlins #AFPTallyDays #5forFL #sayfie http://t.co/OOQZagCtY4',\n", " u'Visiting with Rep. Bryan Nelson to advocate the @AFPFlorida #5forFl plan! #AFPTallyDays http://t.co/GwfNZE9OLS',\n", " u'Ready to Rally in Tally with @AFPFlorida! #AFPTallyDays #5forFL #sayfie #FLAcot #tcot',\n", " u'@StarlaMBrown @CMuhletaler see you all soon!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Mikecuff24: Big district win by LB baseball! S/O to Oliver and Tucker with the good games!',\n", " u'RT @mom4dcba: @chaeck12 Happy Guy.... http://t.co/Mp1FD1cc9i',\n", " u'RT @mom4dcba: @chaeck12 \\nLake Brantley 10 ... Lake Mary 5\\nOn to District semi-final on Wednesday #2014 http://t.co/4ji2ytXixn',\n", " u'LBHS fundraiser for Guerin Scherpf. Chick-fil-A, Huntclub/436,Wed.4/23,2-7 mention fundraiser before ordering spread the word',\n", " u'RT @mom4dcba: Go get them Lake Brantley Baseball! http://t.co/Ts0rBEEj89',\n", " u'RT @lakebrantley: CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF THE BRANTLEY ENGINEERING COMPETITION TEAM WHO DESIGNED AND TESTED THE WINNING\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FSC_Athletics: Florida Southern men's lacrosse improves to ninth in the country after dominating 18-7 victory over Saint Leo in... http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SeminoleState: Assigned advisors to help more students with academic planning: http://t.co/R192vllzfd #gostategofar',\n", " u\"RT @FloridaLX: Update: It's Tampa vs Florida Southern for First SSC Championship! http://t.co/6w2r329RA6\",\n", " u\"RT @PatDiMarco42: My Gods Not Dead, He's Surely Alive! Happy Easter to all! #HeHasRisen #Hallelujah\",\n", " u'RT @seanhannity: Mary Poppins http://t.co/7p1Almsl5c',\n", " u'RT @D2SSC: No. 6 @utspartans, No. 10 @FSC_Athletics advance to 1st #D2SSC MLAX Title Game! http://t.co/EBvymO4GiM @NCAADII',\n", " u'RT @Ledger_Colleges: The @MocsLacrosse team whipped @SaintLeoLions 18-7 in the @D2SSC Lacrosse semifinals at Barnett Field on Saturday afte\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MocsLacrosse: On to the ship! On to the ship! #4morequarters #FTH #FTB #BELIEVE',\n", " u'RT @FSC_Athletics: Florida Southern Routs Saint Leo in Semifinals http://t.co/pk6tQyfuEF',\n", " u\"RT @jerryvines: He is risen! History can't repeat it; science can't explain it; technology can't duplicate it; unbelief can't stop it. Beli\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SCMiddleSchools: Alex Dixon - she was a Student at Chiles Middle.... http://t.co/ewW9Sv1cZZ',\n", " u'RT @steelers: Happy Easter, #SteelersNation! http://t.co/uko7SJBIrX',\n", " u'RT @UCF: Drag racers: UCF took first place in the speed, endurance and innovation categories to earn the overall no. 1... http://t.co/33vnc\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FOXSports: Augusta National 'made' into a putt-putt course? AWESOME. \\n\\nVIDEO: http://t.co/oq55Cx1MC6 http://t.co/kzQ6dKgNQd\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @WhatTonyCs: Opportunities 4 #NWFLTrade can be realized if we \"move more, make more, & multiply the impacts\" v @aancon, @FlChamber',\n", " u'In 2011- charitable giving in Fla totalled $15.3 Billion. To discuss economic impact, reg today @FlChamberFND Summit http://t.co/UJUydJJ4Fm',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Be sure to check out @ChildrensWeek live stream of early learning initiatives at http://t.co/6CqUjWD5lA #sayfie @FLChamberFD\\u2026',\n", " u'How do we get Floridians involved? Join @FLChamberFDN at Philanthropy & Civic Engagement Summit in WPB on 5/20 http://t.co/27cPHjgsrF',\n", " u'Why are quality early learning programs crucial to economic dev? Join the FLChamberFDN on May 20 to find out. http://t.co/27cPHjgsrF',\n", " u'Op-ed by @FlChamberFdn trustee Jim Murdaugh features great local partnership between @GoToTCC and @floridastate\\nhttp://t.co/pXGWOkw9B0',\n", " u'What is the new normal? Early registration now open for @FlChamberFdn Philanthropy & Civic Engagement Summit http://t.co/27cPHjgsrF',\n", " u'Learn how to prepare our next generation of leaders. Early registration now open for @FlChamberFdn Education Summit http://t.co/27cPHjgsrF',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Read why tourism matters to Florida: http://t.co/49TqOpw1ps @FLChamberFdn #sayfie @VISITFLORIDA #TourismDay http://t.co/2rwO\\u2026',\n", " u\"@WendyRivera_3 So sorry we didn't get a chance to meet in person last week. Hope we have another opp. in the future. Have a great week!\",\n", " u'@dianeckroeger I enjoyed it too! Look forward to reading your blog!',\n", " u'For ed. stats, and the latest news & activities by Champions for Career & College Readiness, visit http://t.co/XPLsdECMFA @FLChamberFdn',\n", " u'Defense Dept. estimates 75% of young Americans unable to join military b/c poorly educated. #FloridaStandards needed. http://t.co/wNVDDvlq2q',\n", " u'RT @Mission_Ready: Read our new report on how #FloridaStandards will prepare students for college, career & military http://t.co/AnsJrMcgCk',\n", " u'Jeff Scroggins @MSCareerAcademy talked @ importance of education & business having 2-way communication at @FlaEduFoundtns mtg. FlChamberFdn',\n", " u'Great info at Consortium of Fla Ed Fnds mtg. inc role of Fla Standards in closing learning gap b/w grades.\\n@FlaEduFoundtns @FlChamberFdn',\n", " u\"RT @WhatTonyCs: #NCFLTL2 thanks for your leadership #PlumCreek & #LakeCityChamber. Today's #TradeAndLogistics rollout a hit http://t.co/qjh\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: We need your help! FL needs sustainable water initiatives today.Share your voice here: http://t.co/pEFgnXU60l #sayfie http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'Thx Teri Hansen, Kim Donaghy w @GulfCoastCF! STEM-Smart partnering schools/businesses. Great way to promote 21st C learning. @FlChamberFnd',\n", " u'How do we prevent third grade drop-outs? Join @FlChamberFnd for Education Summit to discuss learner of tomorrow. http://t.co/e5OPFfPcl3']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Church in Thailand http://t.co/gaoUxBYM3T',\n", " u'Huckabee expressing a lot of things I feel. If the GOP stays away from social issues the voters will stay home. http://t.co/qGEOGaqsYz',\n", " u'Because HE is risen I know he has the power over death. HE is why I know for certain when I die I will be with... http://t.co/CpNQxUCB6A',\n", " u'FL FFC Lobbies for Pro-Life Bills http://t.co/KhHsdRGGfL',\n", " u'This says it all! http://t.co/XygRnhiEDO',\n", " u'FL FFC Holds 2nd Annual Prayer Breakfast http://t.co/roo282czR1',\n", " u'It was great fun. Thanks for coming and making it a special day. http://t.co/FWkvxqMFw6',\n", " u'http://t.co/15YWF6BKwn',\n", " u'Soon you will not be able buy or sell without the microchip. What kind of future do we have? http://t.co/iF13kzlPBV',\n", " u'My grandchildren are Awesome too, So is their grandma! http://t.co/OV1aEPcSta',\n", " u\"It's about time Gates found out why Microsoft will go down the tubes if they don't start producing software that... http://t.co/cucfdkLlgm\",\n", " u\"See some of the great things we did at last years Faith and Freedom's Road to Majority. Come to this years. http://t.co/zIpZIDFpQg\",\n", " u'You are invited. Come to the Prayer Breakfast. How often do you get the chance to eat breakfast with the Speaker... http://t.co/icV0iMHaz5',\n", " u'This is really funny Should watch Sarah Palin on Tonight show.... http://t.co/0ko8ECdTI4',\n", " u\"I relate to this. As a manager you have to have clear goals and a plan to get there. As an engineer you can't get... http://t.co/7da8Qb2vla\",\n", " u'Putin Calls Obama To \"Draw Attention To Ukraine Extremists\" http://t.co/Qd1tGzVUEb',\n", " u\"I'm Going http://t.co/Vu5pTuhPgl\",\n", " u'I will be there. http://t.co/mzAcjeOsZZ',\n", " u'I have felt like this for weeks and I live in Florida http://t.co/t7jjPlJeN0',\n", " u'http://t.co/miJF9QqRCX http://t.co/1Vk3zcKZzp']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Jeff Santos Show: Laurie Watkins http://t.co/lcQyj41niM via @TrumanProject',\n", " u'RT @mizantropoloji: A good analysis by @laurieawatkins http://t.co/fxlNDIXmUX',\n", " u'RT @LJoyner20: Wish we coulda wore these last year tho. Black unis too clean forreal http://t.co/0p1tz57Gza',\n", " u'Thankful I got another year to share these beautiful blossoms with this gal #2014cherryblossoms @\\u2026 http://t.co/4kCAUEm8TA',\n", " u'RT @philliplarson: Another awesome piece from my fave foreign policy geek @laurieawatkins http://t.co/WUHxgSUCKP',\n", " u\"RT @TrumanProject: Partner @laurieawatkins discusses Turkish domestic politics and Ankara's behavior on the world stage in @MuftahOrg. #Tur\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @jeff_foust: Fattah sets up a softball for Bolden: talk to the committee on the importance of commercial crew.',\n", " u'RT @grahamofarabia: great piece on Turkish politics from @laurieawatkins in Muftah today -- big thanks to @WideAsleepNima for publishing! h\\u2026',\n", " u'Turkey, the Middle Child of the Middle East. READ my article. http://t.co/cYstkMLHo6',\n", " u\"RT @JeffSantosShow: 4:43pET: @TrumanProject Partner & fmr #Pentagon advisor Laurie Watkins RE last Sunday's #TurkeyElections. LISTEN LIVE h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @StefKunkel: @laurieawatkins it's so sad. And yet again we question why mental health is woefully underfunded.\",\n", " u'Ft Hood soldier was being treated for suspected PTSD after being wounded in combat',\n", " u'Not surprising @AllenWestRepub is already claiming Ft. Hood shooting as terrorist attack even before first press conference releases details',\n", " u'RT @EconBizFin: Daily chart: The countries that buy and sell the most weapons http://t.co/k1eXMLt6pS',\n", " u'RT @AmbassadorRice: Very important to make sure that everyone who serves under our flag, no matter their background, receives thanks they d\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Where satellites are looking for missing Malaysia Airlines plane http://t.co/T8PzdOTKxQ http://t.co/Uuae13EzB5',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: #ThrowbackThursday \\u2013 In 1970, U.S. Senator-elect Lawton Chiles and Governor-elect Reubin Askew thank voters: http://t.co/gaMnV\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Slate: Wow: The hunter made famous by Into the Wild was shot and killed by police in Wasilla, Alaska this weekend: http://t.co/cNq68H05\\u2026',\n", " u\"Another law that appears to have gone 'up in smoke' http://t.co/mCf46aLY4w\",\n", " u\"RT @OmarDanielKhan: So happy to be back in Florida to help elect @CharlieCrist and get Rick Scott out of Tallahassee. Let's go! #FLGov\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Two House GOP-ers to call for legal status at Chicago event today pushing Republicans on #immigration reform http://t.co/l3Oaa4GMTs',\n", " u'I should really stop these \"stand by\" tweets. They really are obnoxious. Sorry',\n", " u'Stand by for something interesting on immigration',\n", " u'@KateNocera i think of it as one year since the divorce, ex work-wifey. (happy anniversary though, regardless!)',\n", " u'RT @darth: #ThanksAppleMaps MT @BostonGlobe: Joan Price, 73 of Hull, got lost and was last to finish the 118th #BostonMarathon. \\nhttp://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @politico: .@JeffFlake praises @JebBush on \"act of love\" immigration remarks: http://t.co/vU8qGgGRi7',\n", " u'The comments posted below Jeff Flake\\'s Facebook post defending Jeb Bush on \"act of love\" are quite varied https://t.co/avhJj0ESdj',\n", " u'RT @YonhapNews: Death toll rises to 92 as divers search cabins of sunken ferry http://t.co/kgjWYthImy',\n", " u'Ha. \"... said another House Republican, Rep. Steve King, who definitely did not wish to remain anonymous.\" http://t.co/4o0POqE8nK',\n", " u'!!!!!!!!!! RT @burgessev: Elizabeth Warren gives an interview http://t.co/IpvvMNKLPS',\n", " u'RT @uscapitol: Spectacular April afternoon in #DC and in Senate Park. http://t.co/UbCCeUZfb1',\n", " u'RT @LisaDCNN: URGENT:US + diplomatic sources tell CNN they believe #Syrian regime likely used chlorine gas against a village earlier this m\\u2026',\n", " u\". @politico's web team puts together an excellent + hilarious slideshow of today's Easter egg roll at the White House http://t.co/ZgaiqjRqkv\",\n", " u'@jeneps @reidepstein you guys get a divorce?',\n", " u\"RT @WesleyLowery: Runner falls just short of the finish. Four others pick him up and carry him. I'm literally in tears http://t.co/vb9cjxG6\\u2026\",\n", " u'DHS spox on AP deportations report: \"Any report of specific considerations at this time would be premature.\" Story: http://t.co/gxbPtC00E7',\n", " u'Richard Burr? RT @bennyjohnson: Here is the upholstery in one Senators car on Capitol Hill\\n\\nhttp://t.co/Vd4IZF3ZUE http://t.co/lS40nBCa2B',\n", " u'Wait what?????????????? http://t.co/KlPEVtnwz4',\n", " u'RT @acaldwellap: APNewsBreak: US weighs curbing deportations http://t.co/9FVmz9MKH0',\n", " u'Boston Marathon winner is a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in Eritrea http://t.co/y2a2NYNrbg']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @DoninRichmond: @Ckirkusa @Kumenohi http://t.co/1JRxMTL0Fd',\n", " u'RT @Ckirkusa: One nation, under fraud...\\n\\n#pjnet #ccot #tcot #teaparty http://t.co/oksmQmTyKk',\n", " u\"RT @weknowwhatsbest: Syria may be using chemical weapons again. The president said that once we find where we left our red line, we'll relo\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @BooyahBoyz: Hakuna OBAMA\\nWhat a wonderful phrase\\nHakuna OBAMA\\nAin't no passing craze\\nIt means NO OBAMA\\nFor the rest of your days\\n\\n#Impe\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @patriot101: @PatDollard Our Canadian friends come, spend a lot of $$ in US. Every 6months they are removed from this country by Visa. O\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TGowdySC: Mr. President, what's changed? http://t.co/Dj1WqoCRVG\",\n", " u\"RT @PatDollard: Here's what's weird: they say opposition to Illegal immigration is racist, but the only ones for it are the race of the ill\\u2026\",\n", " u'What fantasy line will be drawn this time? Send in the chin again to finish us off? @barackobama http://t.co/9w52BBDB2w',\n", " u\"Ol' Jeb you have strayed far from home and we will not let you back in now. http://t.co/XLCuCl7FMe via @BreitbartNews\",\n", " u\"Obama Executive Order would seize US infrastructure, citizens for nat'l defense http://t.co/8sUY3j4Qsn via @examinercom\",\n", " u\"What do you expect from an Out Of Control government? PETA won't change anything, the Voters will. http://t.co/KUCyJ49x42 via @BreitbartNews\",\n", " u'When do they start trying this here?? http://t.co/90U5UwELhj via @BreitbartNews',\n", " u\"Remembering the Battle of san Jacinto and the 18 minute ass kicking of Santa Anna's troops. God Bless Texas !! http://t.co/pq42OrtDyS\",\n", " u'This shows just how much these fools know about guns and they expect me to listen to them. lol.... http://t.co/d1OzSBiZub via @theblaze',\n", " u'RT @DavidLimbaugh: Yep. RT @packinpink: http://t.co/2nH4r9UiZb',\n", " u'RT @AndyWendt: RT @cps3indy: Know your history! Read the Constitution, Harry Reid, you traitorous thug! #FUHarryReid http://t.co/uCbUPXNPxf\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TeaPartyExpress: Sneak peak at the back of the #TeaParty Express Bus! #Reagan #FightingForLiberty http://t.co/Kh6EsDkea9',\n", " u\"Report: Boehner 'Hellbent' on Passing Amnesty This Year http://t.co/BTRtxSO8Dz via @BreitbartNews\",\n", " u'HHS Moves to Cancel More Insurance Plans. http://t.co/Oi1p5ARIZB via @BreitbartNews',\n", " u'Yep, they are our friends for sure. Keep sending them money. what a joke. http://t.co/5zNMQNiHVi via @foxnews']},\n", " {'REF': [u'Tickets on sale during lunches or see Ms. Smith in Rm 115. http://t.co/Crfue8ONE6',\n", " u'Tristar Talent Show featuring RHS, GHS, & AHS winners compete @GHS on 4/24 @ 6pm $3 students, $5 adults. Be there to support our Rams!',\n", " u'Rams Baseball lost 13-9 to HHS tonight... Good season & we have high hopes for next.',\n", " u'Happy Easter! http://t.co/NDXPf30q3t',\n", " u'RT @LOLHSPrincipal: Free McDonald\\u2019s FCAT breakfast for students, teachers on Tuesday!',\n", " u'RT @LeadershipPasco: \"You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhi\\u2026',\n", " u\"Our 10th gr. students knocked it out of the park with attendance and effort last week. Class of 2017-it's your turn! http://t.co/XRfFNa2IDH\",\n", " u'A message to parents about social media http://t.co/S9XpiKP3BO http://t.co/Jk2rKPQONz',\n", " u'NJROTC Cadets go through a flooding problem solving exercise at Mayport today.',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/2EogvOubxY',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/OBKFYTkk9w',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/O6x4la5LXM',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/X7hcSZTvqW',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/CnmHl1d91T',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/PJ7mZCUMns',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/1gYBCphEJP',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/lnoFTncAfX',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/5DoO5fE1T3',\n", " u'NJROTC Cadets learn about stopping flooding @ Mayport http://t.co/4Jgl5BCcyG',\n", " u'No School on 4/18/14!\\nHave an \"egg\"xcellent 3-day weekend & Happy Easter Rams!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @wedupbs: At 8:30 p.m. on #FloridaThisWeek, our panelists are @JoynerforSenate, @WiltonSimpson, @DrMacManus, & @adamsmithtimes.',\n", " u'Hey @willweatherford, what are you prepared to do? http://t.co/QfeqfzaS6C',\n", " u\"RT @gangrey: The Jumbotron at tonight's Lightning game is awesome. @TheWillHobson @laforgia_ @TB_Times http://t.co/iazPF12cCs\",\n", " u'Orangetheory Fitness opens in Brandon. http://t.co/49qXp4bMpx',\n", " u'What a game! Lightning keeps finding a way. #TBLightning',\n", " u\"That's the way I like it. Killorn kills to tie the game. #TBLightning\",\n", " u'A short-handed goal hurts. A shorthanded goal in the playoffs really hurts. #TBLightning',\n", " u'\"How can it be that in the entire country of India, there isn\\'t one Outback Steakhouse?!\" Always funny lines on @BigBang_CBS',\n", " u'RT @neilbrowntimes: As Mike Ollove often said: Today was another Great Day for the First Amendment/ so proud of the TBTimes, congrats to al\\u2026',\n", " u\"Hey @sumcents, just wanted you to know that @missjillscott's Golden in BoA commercial is awesome. https://t.co/kYd1IMwey3\",\n", " u'The man and the burning school. http://t.co/fXi4pf9bi4',\n", " u\"People complain about one and done, but if you're not a UK fan, you should be glad they're leaving after this season. #NCAAChampionship\",\n", " u'@McMurphyESPN Why you gotta bring that up?',\n", " u\"Florida beat UK three times, but in the last two, they had to stave off Wildcats comebacks. They're not going away.\",\n", " u'What was that? Good gracious James Young.',\n", " u'Be careful @Paula_Dockery. A less talented columnist might steal that line and use it as his own.',\n", " u'All the scientific advances made with sports drinks, all the trainers -- and world-class athletes still get sidelined by cramps? How?',\n", " u\"Rooting for UConn, but I'll be shocked if UK gets blown out. They'll rally. #NCAAChampionship\",\n", " u'My daughter made dinner tonight. And it was good!',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: President Obama just had lunch at @Zingermans to highlight how they pay their employees fair wages. #RaiseTheWage http://t.\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'What an awesome weekend! Turning the page never felt so good! #mainsail #sundayfunday #Easter',\n", " u'This! In downtown #StPetersburg, a business incubator will open in @spcnews facility http://t.co/JJ6VRYXrp6 via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"RT @SportsCenter: 67 years ago today, Jackie Robinson broke MLB's color barrier. #JackieRobinsonDay \\xbb http://t.co/NW6WjqryS9\",\n", " u'RT @TB_Times: Breaking News: Pulitzer prize for local reporting awarded to Will Hobson and Michael LaForgia of the Tampa Bay Times.',\n", " u'RT @mashable: Michael Phelps is ending his retirement. Is Rio 2016 in sight? http://t.co/o7TjeumoMy http://t.co/OMgG0HugF9',\n", " u'Just wondering: Is @Sebelius now to Obama, what \"Brownie you\\'re doing a helluva job\" was to #GeorgeWBush?',\n", " u'Pier timeline may be in doubt. http://t.co/o71zLT0pGC via @TB_Times',\n", " u'The countdown has begun: 15 days til @jazzfest - and the 2014 app has been updated. #NewOrleans',\n", " u'RT @VISITFLORIDA: 10 Fabulous Art Deco-Style Hotels in South Beach http://t.co/bFJ59Z8h4v',\n", " u\"Best news ever! Stephen Colbert to replace David Letterman as host of the 'Late Show' on @CBS.\",\n", " u'Taken for a ride? A trip, a truck and a big bill: Man contends with $624 #Tampa airport parking fee. http://t.co/Z1sumyetoD via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"RT @msnbc: Jimmy Carter: Violence against women is the 'worst human rights violation on Earth' http://t.co/bQP3m4Afht Agreed.\",\n", " u'RT @EncoreTampaBay: Tampa Bay Named No. 6 Most \"Cost-Friendly\" Business Location in the Nation #WeAreALLTampaBay - http://t.co/saUUmnIvgA',\n", " u'RT @voxdotcom: How does one doctor earn $21 million from Medicare? http://t.co/oapAAmWI07 Good question!',\n", " u'RT @JeffMHarrington: Report: Florida private sector job growth picks up in March http://t.co/R9d0WQ1FLd via @TB_Times',\n", " u'RT @DMGlassStPete: RT @StPeteArts: Arts supporters want St. Pete to restore funding http://t.co/cuaytirV6F via @ShareThis',\n", " u'@melissalyttle That is CLASSIC!',\n", " u'\\u201c@aldowningjazz: Want to learn more about jazz? FREE jazz workshop at the Dr. Carter G. Woodson African American Museum, Sun 4/13 4pm',\n", " u\"Can't wait! \\u201c@AmericanStage: 29th Annual American Stage in the Park's THE WIZ previews Wednesday & Thursday... http://t.co/YZIZQRYzAK\\u201d\",\n", " u'RT @digg: Apple has more cash on hand than all of these countries (http://t.co/pMStKgphoz) http://t.co/8rIuLOeGWY']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @DictatorHitler: I remember when #420 was not 'getting baked with a friend day',\\n\\nit was baking a friend day\\n\\n#HipsterHitler #HitlersBir\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @DictatorHitler: RT if you smoked meth on 4/20 like a real Nazi',\n", " u'RT @TheWhaleFacts: 420 is the day that whales smoke a big amount of seaweed.',\n", " u'Someone bring me candy.',\n", " u'@Fatalecharm Kurt Cobain documentary?',\n", " u'Hospitals are awful. http://t.co/c9iccZCFur',\n", " u'RT @CaigeHallJLG: \"My balls are so sticky, I can catch a soup can.\" -@StephenRutis',\n", " u'RT @FRONZ1LLA: DRINK CAPRI SUN FUCK BITCHES \\U0001f64f http://t.co/okHpIRJ6LK',\n", " u'RT @TumblrsFunnies: http://t.co/w3qkaHejB2',\n", " u'@BrandenScalzo hawt',\n", " u'No joke http://t.co/Du3vb5Q89k',\n", " u\"I'm at mellow mushroom and there's a really old couple grinding on each other.\",\n", " u\"RT @CaigeHallJLG: Some people need to beat their kids. Especially when they're screaming on an airplane. I bet you're regretting keeping th\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Hawaiifv0: You know what else taste like chicken? \\nMy cock.',\n", " u'Huggermugger... http://t.co/P2JcB21L1q',\n", " u'I want to swim in jell-o',\n", " u'RT @TheWhaleFacts: A dead whale is not alive.',\n", " u\"RT @SatanTweeting: I ended a long-term relationship today.\\n\\nI'm not too bothered, it wasn't mine.\\n\\n#HailSatan\",\n", " u'RT @HenryHockenbery: The only sin in our lives is to not ever have one',\n", " u'RT @HenryHockenbery: Time to slip into a drunken coma']},\n", " {'NRS': [u'Agree. Worker mobility over exaggerated. \\u201c@adeslatte...theory of citizen mobility...never worked in real world: \\u201d http://t.co/CM3Yhhgq8r',\n", " u'RT @TLHReports: Is #Blueprint going the route of the crony capitalists? Look who is seeking influence over $800 million tax money? http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'Which would make it a distraction to legit objectives? \\u201c@edcsarasota Mark Huey: Seems every community deals with brain drain. #stateofjobs\\u201d',\n", " u\"@rme423 Don't even know what to say about your new Club.\",\n", " u\"Huh? \\u201c@TroyKinsey The chief reason for uptick in Florida's unemployment rate: a growing labor force, which contracted in wake of recession.\\u201d\",\n", " u'RT: \\u201c@usnews Is the \"STEM crisis\" the unicorn of education issues? Does it really exist? @STEMsolutions http://t.co/X67QT3urnS\\u201d #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @usnews: Is the \"STEM crisis\" the unicorn of education issues? Does it really exist? The discussion begins @STEMsolutions http://t.co/7U\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @UF_IFAS: We\\u2019re celebrating 100 years of @UFlorida IFAS Extension tomorrow! Please join us! http://t.co/FltUBNhWNg #UFExt100 http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GovGaryJohnson: \"Dems target 30...Repubs on immigration\". It would help if BOTH parties understood immigrants are people, not pawns. ht\\u2026',\n", " u'Riddle: What is excluded from STEAM? \\u201c@FLDEO STEAM reaches Brevard schools http://t.co/kEBVzdhwes via @Florida_Today #CareerSourceFL\\u201d',\n", " u\"RT @veroderugy: In this age of trillion-dollar deficits & public revulsion at crony capitalism, Let's shut down the Commerce dept. http://\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @reason: Enough about high taxes! Let's talk about massive spending! http://t.co/U4O1KSYsO8\",\n", " u'RT @Econlib: RT @themattsimpson: \"For [some] students [...] paying a year\\'s tuition is almost as foolish as buying 10,000 lottery tickets\".\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Paula_Dockery: Doesn't count??? What a ridiculous thing to say http://t.co/Z2Rax1NhFE\",\n", " u\"RT @IndependentInst: We don't need bipartisanship, says Ron Paul. Both parties were for patriot act, bailouts and more.\",\n", " u\"RT @josephlawler: Fed governor Daniel Tarullo cites @tylercowen in worrying that US productivity has slowed and isn't gonna pick up http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JimHunt: \"\\u201cI cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think\\u201d \\n\\u2015 Socrates\"',\n", " u'RT @JustinSayfie: Wall Street Journal & Shark Tank blog opine on @JebBush immigration comments. Guess which one @MarcACaputo posts on @Miam\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @BrookingsInst: Germany\\u2019s dual educational model contributes to the country's low youth unemployment rates. Could it work in the US? htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'\\u201c@DSimmonsFL Actor @RobLowe: \"I want the government out of almost everything\"\" Except paying for sports stadia.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @DWStweets: Happy #EarthDay! What's your favorite way to enjoy nature? I love visiting the #Everglades (sustainably, of course!) http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @pbpost: Netflix poised to raise prices after strong 1Q http://t.co/vnlHEHAKAP',\n", " u'Just returned from a fantastic senior awards night .Jerfsa Class of 2014 @JERFSA_Partner http://t.co/kUaHyr10pW',\n", " u\"RT @edutopia: Help your students realize that mistakes aren't so bad: http://t.co/QLAaIoGn4T. http://t.co/rprWyyCdoY\",\n", " u'RT @hrhpkathleen: AZ House Rs & Ds vote NO on voucher expansion.Exported FL scheme suffers major blow http://t.co/ZQVA9VrW5H @katherineddun\\u2026',\n", " u\"@ritacolleen @EduIntegrity @rweingarten @TCBGP Idiotic! Really? Geez. No wonder he won't debate Nan @senatornanrich !\",\n", " u'RT @tfteacher: http://t.co/UNZGBc6uC5',\n", " u'RT @MikefromJupiter: @hrhpkathleen @Jupiter_Agent @ritacolleen \"Parental choice starts with well-funded and well functioning public schools\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @hrhpkathleen: @Jupiter_Agent @MikefromJupiter @ritacolleen FL is being sued - going to trial. http://t.co/LE87Lm06hC',\n", " u'@gailDrich @leoniehaimson Free prep H with each purchase!',\n", " u'RT @TheJLV: \\u201cProgress never just dies on its own, and in this case, it\\u2019s not completely unintentional \\u2026\\u201d Read more: http://t.co/OKaju9I6FK \\u2026',\n", " u'@MikefromJupiter @ritacolleen @hrhpkathleen When will they be sued for not providing a quality ed?',\n", " u'RT @MikefromJupiter: @ritacolleen @hrhpkathleen @Jupiter_Agent FL Constitution guarantees free quality ed, not choice. Current ed policies \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @sjsbates: @getwhatugive @fnoschese @AssessWell @audhilly I'm proud the US educates EVERYONE and scores lower. Equality over test scores.\",\n", " u\"200K sign a petition 2 oust @justinbieber -how many in FL realize we will have EOC's for all courses nxt year? @TINTofPBC @MikefromJupiter\",\n", " u'RT @therealjtizzy: Volusia parent Brian Jackson speaks on emotional stress children have during fcat. @VTOPresident @AFTunion #reclaimit ht\\u2026',\n", " u\"@chad6000 @educationgadfly @smarick I question that comment. It's ridiculous with all the variables. Plus, I do think change is needed.\",\n", " u'@edutopia Not talking abt an indiffernt teacher, not uninvolved, not a non-invested one either. But we hv to get away from live & breathe.',\n", " u'@kenwilley @WyllieForGov @LP_Florida Who?',\n", " u'@chad6000 @educationgadfly @smarick Did you read article? I was referring 2 it. Only small gains as of yet. Prmsng 2 b wave of chng soon.']},\n", " {'INT': [u'RT @USNavy: #USNavy @BlueAngels begin pre-flight walkdown at first show of their 2014 season #BlueAngelsAreBack http://t.co/zmPtdUja0k',\n", " u'RT @FLDEPNews: DEP develops restoration goals for Volusia Blue Spring & Run: Nutrient goals pave way for restoration plan dvlpmnt http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @thejointstaff: Video: GEN Dempsey wants to know what's on your mind during today's Facebook Town Hall at 3:30 PM: http://t.co/vZLoV34fkm\",\n", " u'http://t.co/owWDgTix55',\n", " u\"RT @RepMichelle: Florida's push to label genetically modified food | http://t.co/N1Z9SeVzxe http://t.co/jKa1p1d6VT via @WTSP10News\",\n", " u'RT @CNNsotu: #Russia conflict in #Ukraine? The view from @razansandris @ZygisPavilionis & @Estonia_in_US \\u2013 Sun. 9a on @cnnsotu. http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @loganmarkk: 9 Maps That Should Outrage Southerners http://t.co/vjfmupxeU2 via @HuffPostBiz',\n", " u'RT @ifreedomdirect: Applicant perseveres for opportunity to become a #Marine. Her story: http://t.co/BPzCbzhTEF',\n", " u\"RT @ThisHour: Are you doing enough for gender #equality? Join CNN's #womensday live chat tonight at 5pm ET/10pm GMT http://t.co/lVMaYxYXzg \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FLDEPNews: DEP will host designation ceremony @ Port St. Joe Marina on Sat. 3/8 @ 1p The marina is the 276th #CleanMarina in FL. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CStevensDHS: Sec Johnson statement on CBP, ICE, DHS use of force policy release & Border Patrol directive on use of force today http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @USSenateUpdate: The Senate 7: The Races That Will Determine 2014 Control http://t.co/m1xtOS1NwI',\n", " u'RT @loganmarkk: Paula Dockery: Tough talk needed on education http://t.co/WTIYUI64Vl',\n", " u'RT @RepMichelle: Should #Florida have a Commissioner of #Energy? I\\u2019ve filed HJR 1175 to create one. http://t.co/7HQr2b6OxZ \\n#sayfie http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CNN: Breaking: U.N. Secretary-General calls for \"immediate de-escalation\" in Ukraine. http://t.co/vyjse7HYTt',\n", " u\"RT @USSenateUpdate: US Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry http://t.co/g1MAnYvtTx\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@DrewOnTheRadio you are thinking about Phil Hartman who was in Houseguest and was shot to death by his wife.',\n", " u'RT @rickygervais: Why do some people think that freedom TO religion is any more important than freedom FROM religion?',\n", " u'The Humble eBook Bundle 3: Pay what you want for 7 extraordinary literary works https://t.co/nOZsqF9brB via @humble',\n", " u'RT @Victor_Lucas: Boom! #Titanfall Review! :) http://t.co/ejO5GapPA9',\n", " u'@zebwinz @Wombat5277 Sound quality is ok. My problem is the thin audio cable that can\\u2019t detach from the headset. My cat chews it. $80 gone.',\n", " u'@Wombat5277 There are plenty of adapters out there. They are just attached to the shitty headset they sell for $80.',\n", " u'RT @Victor_Lucas: So easy to plug our new web destination in the shows now! #ThreeLittleLetters http://t.co/OPABQhw6DC',\n", " u'RT @patrickklepek: I recently had a private conversation with a troll who says hateful, awful things online. We agreed to publish it. http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Shipwreck: MS is sure giving away a lot XB1 games now. It's very similar to PS+, you just have to buy a $500 console each time you want\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Wombat5277: My daughter took all her B-Day money to school today & handed it out to classmates. \"I wanted everyone to have as many toys\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheTweetOfGod: Swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth ON A BIBLE is one of the great ironies of life.',\n", " u\"RT @reviewsontherun: Whether or not you're a fan of the show, South Park: The Stick of Truth is worth playing! Our review http://t.co/PSubX\\u2026\",\n", " u'@MisterBinky That was a good read.',\n", " u\"@detansinn I used to go round and round with my dad. We just don't talk politics at all and I hope Fox News isn't on when I come over.\",\n", " u'I will be so happy when this election is over next week. I\\u2019m tired of recycled lies trying to fool people. http://t.co/l8eaUnijVi',\n", " u'Upon second viewing, Star Trek Into Darkness is a terrible movie. I didn\\u2019t like it the first time but now I loathe this film.',\n", " u'Entered to win South Park: SoT Grand Wizard edition and Infamous: Second Son from @VideoGameDeals & @Walmart -...',\n", " u\"@JustMeHedda @CVS_Extra I also noticed besides saying it was backordered they also cancelled the order. I guess we shouldn't wait for it.\",\n", " u'RT @JustMeHedda: @CVS_Extra, it would be nice if your pharmacies called to inform customers a medication is on back order, when a refill is\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Wombat5277: The Xbox 360 had 17 XBLA games avail within it's first four months of release. Seventeen! CAGcast #356 http://t.co/vwmVUEYv\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Great Job Opportunity: Document Review Attorneys in Orlando in Orlando http://t.co/t3YOmVBThJ #job',\n", " u'Job Opening - Document Review Attorneys in Orlando in Orlando http://t.co/Jhh0JuJW6Y #job',\n", " u'RT @SpecialCounsel: IRS Issues Warnings about Email and Telephone Tax Scams http://t.co/3wI1UiL1Jd | @BakerHostetler',\n", " u'RT @SpecialCounsel: 25 Habits of Happy and Successful People. How many do you do? | @LinkedIn http://t.co/9iiv9oY2GM #morethanlegal',\n", " u'@St_Aug_News I love this! I learn by doing',\n", " u'RT @St_Aug_News: Tell me and I\\u2019ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I\\u2019ll understand. -Chinese proverb',\n", " u'@MayoClinic @jguarder Great post especially with this allergy season this year! #jailbait',\n", " u'RT @MayoClinic: Chronic #allergies can be managed w/right #diagnosis & action plan, says #mayoclinicFL doc @jguarder. http://t.co/CP1qoeLXo\\u2026',\n", " u'Legal Market Spotlight: Jacksonville, Florida http://t.co/0nLVhgpZOk via @SpecialCounsel',\n", " u'A Taxing Situation: Time To Make A Move? http://t.co/giXB3rBkoJ via @SpecialCounsel',\n", " u'RT @SpecialCounsel: RT @dpatcheson: Law firms continue to reign in expenses and seek to do more with less. http://t.co/dU4St0E9HK. #moreth\\u2026',\n", " u'Be first to apply: Document Review Attorneys in Orlando in Orlando http://t.co/XXWS6L7Nta #job',\n", " u'RT @SpecialCounsel: @nondas_davis shares income #tax information to consider before making your next career move: http://t.co/zPYCA3yQla ht\\u2026',\n", " u'@ChamberlinLauri @TerWillia1 @seymour_debbie I agree!',\n", " u'RT @AidaRodriguez18: Technology: Using e-discovery clauses in commercial contracts to restrict sanctions and shift costs http://t.co/fqyqYF\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SpecialCounsel: When can social media be used in court? via @lawdotcom http://t.co/k36pMtnooZ',\n", " u'RT @ChamberlinLauri: Have you seen our latest case study on Managed Review?: Managed Review Delivered Fast & Under Budget http://t.co/BMrba\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @SpecialCounsel: 13 ways your #resume can say 'I\\u2019m unprofessional': http://t.co/XL6YioB8HK by @LisaVaas via @TheLadders #jobtips #jobsea\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SpecialCounsel: RT @dpatcheson: Are you a lawyer who wants to cut costs through an effective document review process? http://t.co/VnluU\\u2026',\n", " u'#PIP #Attorney Job in #Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville | Legal #Jobs | @SpecialCounsel http://t.co/THNy9nPZVP Please RT']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @Time4Action2014: @MaxeyforTexas clean D @houseGOP ! Recruit indifferent voters4 #Election2014 #TNTweeters #tcot http://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Time4Action2014: @JohnManley WE Need Ur help!! 2Recruit indiferet voters4 #Election2014 @GOP #TNTweeters #tcot http://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Time4Action2014: @buso8200 WE Need Ur help!! 2Recruit indifferent voters4 #Election2014 @GOP #TNTweeters #tcot http://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Time4Action2014: @mch7576 WE Need Ur help!! 2Recruit indifferent voters4 #Election2014 @GOP #TNTweeters #tcot http://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: @RomyUSA: Latinos\\U0001f4e2 CANNOT afford political suicide We must Reg2Vote \\U0001f4e2\\n\\U0001f4e9 tu voto cuenta!!! -#TNTweeters \\U0001f4ec http://t.co/NXEUtw4v\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: @FWD_us WE Need Ur help!!2Recruit indifferent voters4 #Election2014 @GOP #TNTweeters #tcot #p2 http://t.co/FFp5u4eWjg http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: Tu Voto cuenta #Register2Vote http://t.co/FvfeoVfi6D \\u2026 #CIR #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox @VicenteSerrano @AlPunto @NCLR http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: El poder esta en tus manos, el voto es poder, USALO! http://t.co/FvfeoVfi6D .@carlosgalindo @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: El poder esta en tus manos, el voto es poder, USALO! http://t.co/FvfeoVfi6D #CIR #LatinoVote #UniteBlue #TNTweeters http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: #TNTweeters --> tu voto importa!! VOTA,REGISTRATE #CIR #immigrationreform #latism #latino #LatinosVote @EspuelasVox http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: #TNTweeters --> tu voto importa!! VOTA,REGISTRATE #CIR #immigrationreform .@EspuelasVox http://t.co/bc2Cg0eq35',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: #TNTweeters --> tu voto importa!! VOTA,REGISTRATE #CIR #immigrationreform @EspuelasVox http://t.co/bc2Cg0eq35',\n", " u\"RT @Rebis01: We can't sit looking as the #GOP wants to stay in #Congress you are a citizen? go and vote! @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ItsShoBoy: Some1 laughs, thanks @DRMAction 4not \"marching\" 2his doorstep>>Boehner RT @RomyUSA: Who is blocking #CIR? #TNTweeters http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: Ask @GOPWhip to unblock #ImmigrationReform &STOP #Deportations BY LAW #TimeIsNow #Not1More #2Million2Many #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ClauTFL: #2million2many 2stop #deportations PressureShould continue on @SpeakerBoehner #GOP #Congress #DemandAVote #TNTweeters http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @tanilucarrillo: \\U0001f506Pressure should continue on @SpeakerBoehner & #GOP #CIR is possible. in #Congress hands #TNTweeters http://t.co/aV6ye\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ngeles_ibarra: @repjohnbarrow Still didn\\u2019t sign #DischargePetiton? We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ngeles_ibarra: Ask @cathymcmorris to unblock #ImmigrationReform &STOP #Deportations BY LAW #Not1More #2Million2Many #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ReformAction: @hg_martha \\u27a1\\ufe0f\\u27a1\\ufe0fSolicitud de Inscripcion del votante\\U0001f447INSTRUCCIONES \\U0001f4dd link\\U0001f447\\n#TNTweeters \\n http://t.co/j1Y68A1e0D http://t.c\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words \\n\\nExpose The Tea Party',\n", " u'#JonStewart ripped into #ClivenBundy and his supporters last night.\\n\\n#Exposed @seanhannity for the hypocrite that he is.\\n\\nPriceless!',\n", " u\"Hey #TeaParty when you stop telling lies about us, we'll stop telling the truth about you. \\n\\n#TheTruth \\n#UniteBlue \\n#EarthDay\",\n", " u'#SaySomethingConservativeIn4Words \\n\\nBundy Zimmerman My Heroes',\n", " u'RT @bannerite: A FIERCE GREEN FIRE: PREMIERES EARTH DAY ON PBS\\nhttp://t.co/o7GjXTpGLx\\u2026 https://t.co/TKI1tAb6MU\\nhttp://t.co/1assca23xq #p2 #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Smith83K: \"The Republican Alternative to Obamacare will see you now.\" Meme via @NickGlezos #libcrib http://t.co/EpVaxDSTyC',\n", " u'\\u201cSean Hannity has now made @glennbeck the voice of reason.\\u201d- Jon Stewart \\n\\n#whatyousayin',\n", " u'#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words \\n\\nEquality For All Americans',\n", " u'#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words \\n\\nEight Million And Counting',\n", " u'#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words \\n\\nCliven Bundy Is Stealing',\n", " u\"RT @bhewing1: Still amazed @SenatorReid can rain down 200 agents at #BundyRanch over CATTLE. Doesn't work,so then calls supporters & citize\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@bhewing1 when you don't recognize the U.S. government, I like most Americans consider you a terrorist. \\n@MitchBehna\",\n", " u'Member of the tea party.\\n\\n#MustHaveBeenHigh or stupid.',\n", " u'@MitchBehna I missed the hashttag where it stated \"saysomethingliberalIn4wordsandnumbers\" @FemsHaveBallz @Bidenshairplugs',\n", " u'@MitchBehna agree, so why did you use it #derp ?\\nhomeschooled?\\n@bhewing1',\n", " u'@MitchBehna the hashtag states\\n \"saysomethingliberalin4words\"\\nnot numbers\\n\\ni get it though, you\\'re teaparty.\\nno explanation necessary.',\n", " u\"@LatinaGOPVOTER \\nso you're part of the ignorant 29% that voted for Romney. \\nduly noted.\",\n", " u'RT @MICHAELDOLLAR: Ridiculous GOP passed bill in Oklahoma; Residents who installed solar panels or small wind turbines on their property wi\\u2026',\n", " u'@JeffAllen2143 what the hell does high profile gun cases have to do with this?\\nSS protect our President from Right Wing Nut jobs.',\n", " u'@KgiardenKaren you\\'re the poster child for \"being miserable since Nov 2008\" That brings a smile to my face. @markknoller']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@elizabethforma @allinwithchris Already a Bill on it signed by JFK in 1963',\n", " u\"@elizabethforma America is appalled by the National Debt U Dem's are Destroying the possibility of the American Dream. Stop the Hand Outs.\",\n", " u'@elizabethforma @JPMorgan All of Congress is over paid taxpayers should vote on all political held offices including Urs.',\n", " u\"@elizabethforma Why don't U list Ur perks. Ur just another domestic terrorist like Harry Reid.\",\n", " u'@elizabethforma How about fair pay for the Military? How about benefits and taking care of our Wounded Warriors? U piece of Crap.',\n", " u'@elizabethforma JFK pass and signed it into law in 1963 but Congress refuses to enforce it and never will.',\n", " u\"@elizabethforma Please post the salaries of men & women on your staff and don't lie like you did about being an American Indian\",\n", " u\"@elizabethforma U are an Idiot, still related to American Indians? No it's still a lie.\",\n", " u\"@SenatorReid Once again U don't pay women on Ur staff the same as Men & neither does the President. Judges approved over 200 denied 2. Liar\",\n", " u'@SenatorReid @unevada @Madeline_Burak Wow look at the crowd he draws, must be a 100 people there. Most want him recalled.',\n", " u'@SenatorReid Hey Mr. Reid, Chicago shooting crime has dropped since they approved concealed weapons permits. U R an old foolish man. Retire.',\n", " u\"@SenatorReid Americans see 'transparent' Obama as Pinocchio president? Burt U Mr. Reid as a outright liar. Dem's & make up issues.\",\n", " u\"@carolflowery @SenatorReid Great point, answer the lady Harry Why didn't U Dem's do it when U had control like with the HealthCare Bill\",\n", " u'@SenatorReid U are the only Dem or Rep Senator that sounds Dumber tha Polosie and that really bad. U senile old fool.',\n", " u'@carolflowery @SenatorReid Yea it was 1963',\n", " u'@SenatorReid LIAR,LIAR SHAME ON HARRY THE LIAR.',\n", " u\"@SenatorReid Because it's not a clean Bill, tell us all that attached to the Bill and stop lying.\",\n", " u\"@SenatorReid And George Soros who get's his $$$ that's right Dem's do. How much did he give U.\",\n", " u\"@SenatorReid How about the Guy that promised millions $$ to Dem's if pipe line vote is against the Pipeline. U lying piece of crap.\",\n", " u\"@SenatorReid That's why you won't allow up or down votes in the Senate because Ur an obstructionist U liar.\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @cualquieratrece: @RichardOHornos @judithmancilla1 @MarioDB \\nNice of you to share\\nHow little you care!\\nThere's a price to pay!\\nWe'll vot\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @cualquieratrece: @RichardOHornos @judithmancilla1 @HouseGOP If we remember to focus on what we want and we vote (making sure our friend\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BlueNationUntd: .@jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox @bendanafer @Tapatio73 @clauvale77 @susanpai @RichardOHornos @alicia_lupercio #CIR http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: #LatinosDoItBetter VOTE\\U0001f535 #enoughalready @RosLehtinen \\U0001f449WhoVote2Deport #DREAMERS #TNTweeters http://t.co/MEf6R1jScR http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: In time to remind Latinos about \"Self-deportation\" @GOP #MittRomney returns to political stage http://t.co/SKq8pnAX5m #TNT\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @RichardOHornos: Is not what they say it's what the do. @MarioDB voted to deport #Dreamers. #latinos open your eyes! #CIR #TNTweeters ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: @RepJoeGarcia @SpeakerBoehner #TNTweeters have been pressuring @SpeakerBoehner #GOP since S744 past the senate 1Y ago. #Tim\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @MarioDB Enact #CiR do it #DemandAVote #LatinosVote matters, think on #Elections #CostOfInaction #TNTweeters http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepWebster Enact #CiR do it #DemandAVote #LatinosVote matters, think on #Elections #CostOfInaction #TNTweeters http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @RepStevePearce Enact #CiR do it #DemandAVote #LatinosVote matters, think on #Elections #CostOfInaction #TNTweeters http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GarzaVillanueva: CleanDHouseOf @GOP #Latinos ThatVote2deport #DREAMERS @tapatio73 #TNTweeters #p2 http://t.co/cSO4TogvVF http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HISPANICcom: \"@SilvaOfelia: \\U0001f4e2 #Latinos #registertovote #latism #CIR #midterms #TNTtweeters http://t.co/RV8l7G453m @HISPANICcom http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @katiuskausa: Picture worth a thousand words ! #TimeIsNow #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox #latism #UniteBlue http://t.co/3YMTyuUPUN @RepLipins\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @katiuskausa: Watching....@MicheleBachmann #immigrationreform #TimeIsNow .#TNTweeters @EspuelasVox #latism #UniteBlue http://t.co/ocuiFN\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @katiuskausa: Watching....@GOPespanol #immigrationreform #TimeIsNow .#TNTweeters @EspuelasVox #latism #UniteBlue http://t.co/ocuiFN4bx6 \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NoHolidayforGOP: @GOPLeader #NoMoreExcuses #CIR HUGE DEAL for #HispanicConstituency that made GOP IRRELEVANT since 20 yrs in Calif. htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: VOTE\\U0001f535#Latinos #kochbuysgop & @SpeakerBoehner #PAYBACK #CIR #midterms #Elections2014 #GOPFail #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bjs5555: We\\u2019ve got work to do. Get out the vote starts NOW! Get busy in your areas. Do WHATEVER it takes to GET OUT THE VOTE! http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: \\U0001f4cc@EspuelasVox #RockTheLatinoVote REGISTER TODAY!!! \\n\\n\\U0001f449#PAYBACK \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f4e9 JOIN #TNTweeters \\u203c\\ufe0f http://t.co/leKYjpoELK @clauvale77 @Sil\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: Supreme Court declines to revive #Arizona @GOP's anti-immigration law http://t.co/EKZxOwdpzH via @YahooNews #latism #tntwe\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@tedcruz , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX @AlPunto',\n", " u'@Raul_Labrador , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX @raulpeimbert',\n", " u'@RepWebster , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@RepHensarling , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@RepSanfordSC , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@davereichert , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@PeteSessions , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@farenthold , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@CongCulberson , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@TXRandy14 , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@reppittenger , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@RepPeteKing , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@RepStevePearce , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@RepJoeHeck , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@repmichaelgrimm , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@RepTomReed , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@RepMikeMcIntyre , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@RepLindaSanchez , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@RepVisclosky , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX',\n", " u'@repjohnbarrow , that destroys our COUNTRY. #TNTweeters #TimeIsNow #UniteBlue #latinos @EspuelasVox http://t.co/oWjJcQAeuX']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Really? You\\u2019re Not in a Book Club? http://t.co/pqRkDUKlcg',\n", " u'A Common Core for All of Us http://t.co/hQ59CfvN5i',\n", " u\"Le d\\xe9clin de l'universit\\xe9 am\\xe9ricaine http://t.co/MHALxqZ7rf via @lemondefr\",\n", " u\"Idiotic Senate that doesn't know judicial rights from bombast. http://t.co/Cn0zpfX8m7\",\n", " u'Short Film of the Week: \\u201cThe NSA is Coming to Town\\u201d http://t.co/tQBnSsjsmG from @firedoglake',\n", " u'http://t.co/bF02OvVvMs',\n", " u\"Is Abe Encouraging Japan's Nut Jobs? http://t.co/1hiFQIlkLz via @BloombergView\",\n", " u'Dreadful for Florida: Tampa Bay Times financials strained http://t.co/wG9UGjhBXv via @sharethis',\n", " u\"Gov. Rick Scott's Putin-like travel secrecy http://t.co/XNpE9pAIW9 via @TB_Times\",\n", " u\"This, on the other hand, is seriously with the times. Natural gas fill 'er up in Orlando. http://t.co/VZxhsxk0c6 via @ArchiveDigger\",\n", " u'Good. Boy Scouts seriously fucked up to be so far behind the times. http://t.co/TRdx09wzoo via @ArchiveDigger',\n", " u'Food labels to get first makeover in 20 years with new emphasis on calories, sugar http://t.co/sAfBATrnmM via @washingtonpost',\n", " u\"Non, la fellation n'est pas une invention occidentale http://t.co/hkjEX3A71i via @liberation_info\",\n", " u\"@WrittenWoman @ElectBeaven Of course; it's bylined, with link-back to thewellwrittenwoman, which I'm glad to have discovered.\",\n", " u'@ElectBeaven \"Rape, Miscarriage, and No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion\"',\n", " u'@ElectBeaven Heather, can I reprint this in FlaglerLive?',\n", " u'Pictures of dying marine bring war home to America http://t.co/5WScGaVFq9 via @guardian',\n", " u\"The Florida A&M University Board of Trustees on Thursday selected Elmira Mangum as the university's next president. Mangum, a vice...\",\n", " u'http://t.co/Aqwn8taReC \\xa0\\xa0Voil\\xe0 o\\xf9 les g\\xe9n\\xe9alogies pl\\xe9b\\xe9iennes ne peuvent lutter contre celles des riches et des puissants de ce mond...',\n", " u\"Perfect thought for Christmas, from Sand: http://t.co/eGdvEiFjG7 Ici, une v\\xe9rit\\xe9 m'est apparue, c'est que le culte idol\\xe2trique de la...\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Selling burgers to brown people.|The Golden Arch Of The Universe Is Long... http://t.co/6hO4H99KIW @NPRCodeSwitch @npr',\n", " u'RT @USAinUK: #HappyEaster http://t.co/GCBCpHxgZv',\n", " u'RT @StarTrek: Happy Birthday to @GeorgeTakei - Sulu on #StarTrek The Original Series! Read more at http://t.co/OFfo2lzGGB http://t.co/Muj\\u2026',\n", " u\"I know I'm late, but I just watched @Pharrell's interview with @Oprah and it was fantastic.#OprahPrime\",\n", " u\"The 80's were awesome. | RUN-DMC - Rock Box: http://t.co/ZAQAexLRDU\",\n", " u\"Bootsy Collins - I'd Rather Be With You (1976): http://t.co/zwG9OAEZUe via @YouTube\",\n", " u'RT @HistoryandArt: Pregnant Slave takes part in 1712 New York City Slave Revolt... http://t.co/GTQdaf3b41 http://t.co/gKYryyqcSc',\n", " u\"RT @WaffleHouse: let's all eat bacon and rejoice\",\n", " u'Words cannot express how much I <3 Justine Simmons. Completely digging #RevRunsRenovation',\n", " u'How? RT @UberFacts The world record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours 40 minutes during a rockingchair competition.',\n", " u\"In the good news department, my hard drive's been replaced and all my data was saved. #ThankYouBabyJesus\",\n", " u'Christ Almighty, I am never buying anything else from @Microsoft. #WorstServiceEver #DontYouHaveDatabases?!',\n", " u'RT @ncte: Consider stem cell donation @BeTheMatch in honor of #NCTE Exec Dir / @NCLE Dir @kentdwilliamson http://t.co/qwlEB5UWk3',\n", " u'Sorry I missed this! | Love on the Range: Portraying American Cowboy Nat Love: http://t.co/AHDPqVLSuG @amhistorymuseum',\n", " u'RT @repmarkpocan: If House GOP want to #restorewages, join me & House Dems to #RaisetheWage! \\nhttp://t.co/c4t6lkjnwc #GiveAmericaARaise htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AFBurialGrndNPS: Many african americans served in the civil war; @natlparkservice tells the story of those who won the medal of honor h\\u2026',\n", " u'I adore the electronic @ncte ballot. #ClickClickDone',\n", " u\"RT @Syfy: Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge tackles #TheDarkCrystal at 10/9c! RT if you <3 #Skeksis! #JimHensonSyfy http://t.co/91SQdD3j\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Via @nprmusic: Welcome To Yo-Yo's Playhouse http://t.co/CRv615izEr\",\n", " u'Duly noted. | RT @UberFacts \"Chocolate is toxic and consuming 22 pounds of it can kill a person.\"']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Ready to be sworn in trmw >',\n", " u'Guess #oomf not gone txt back',\n", " u'Reading that just upset my spirit.',\n", " u'@SoloChinee Eric stayed to clean up and and I left. Lol.',\n", " u\"@_PrimmaDonnaa I'll see what I can do.\",\n", " u'I think #oomf called me \"Senator\" when we passed by each other. I feel special lol',\n", " u'Faces >',\n", " u'Next year we have auditions or some sort of vetting process.',\n", " u\"@Ambitiously_Cee Lol. I didn't see u at Andros.\",\n", " u\"If I get this position, I'm going to have to find somewhere to live in Tampa. Ugh O.o\",\n", " u\"@_HiYella 28th 10:30-12 in 3707 I think. She's gonna put info on canvas.\",\n", " u\"@_HiYella Yeah we can. I'm going to all her classes and the final review session in the MSC to help.\",\n", " u\"@_HiYella I'm taking it now with Criss. Struggling...\",\n", " u'Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.',\n", " u'Unlimited meals but what about getting paid? #NCAA',\n", " u\"#Oomf doesn't text me any more\",\n", " u'@Alan4Florida I sent you a DM',\n", " u'Just left a meeting. Time to keep moving #USF forward.',\n", " u\"Didn't do any work while I was in DC. Forced myself to relax and enjoy time there.\",\n", " u'I needed this 4-day trip to DC. Headed back to Tampa.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @ItsGrahamParker: Did a Skype today with:\\nhttp://t.co/kS0e02TdQM\\nWill be on soon I guess. Promo for Don't ask me questions, the GP doc,\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@bevolk i'm totally obsessed w that girl.\",\n", " u'@bevolk Hi friend! hi! Hi friend! Friend! Hi friend!!',\n", " u'@bevolk I love her impressions of Grandpa.',\n", " u'@BW @EmmaRosenblum You do not want to be 60 w a teenager in the house. Tho prob not 45 either, lol.',\n", " u\"RT @andelman: .@GlennHowerton .@OliverPlatt Get ready for tonight's #Fargo debut with my 2007 Billy Bob Thornton podcast INTERVIEW http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @StevePersall: Can\\'t wait for the scene in #Godzilla2014 when the monster tells #BryanCranston: \"I am the one who stomps.\"',\n", " u'Tampa Bay Times wins #Pulitzer: Hillsborough County paid millions in tax dollars to house homeless in filthy slums; http://t.co/8G7PTuVteR',\n", " u'@bevolk @mstark17 thanks u two.',\n", " u\"Hey @mstark17 of House of Stark and TV Temptress, I've never watched #OrphanBlack. Will I like if I jump in cold 2nite? All opinions sought.\",\n", " u\"Getting ready for #Passover? There's an app for that. Somebody text Elijah! http://t.co/4VeDBBTyPe http://t.co/DAmyw06f3h\",\n", " u'The new #Fargo 10-ep series on FX? Set your DVR for Tuesday! Plus #MartinFreeman alert. http://t.co/9suHnujblW http://t.co/l2j11BTMHW',\n", " u'Suspect confident of acquittal in fatal movie theater shooting #Florida http://t.co/P2U3V1jXZH http://t.co/i9HgsUTbvo',\n", " u'.@Stephenathome will replace David Letterman http://t.co/hmQ4z3Vk7g via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"@nerdist It's 11:29:59 maybe?\",\n", " u'@simonsayspegg > \\u201c@MrsMalki: No more cosplay pics needed. This couple has won at life. #ECCC2014 http://t.co/tRWiLHlx6N\\u201d',\n", " u'Shooting at Ft. Hood, follow this Texas Media List: https://t.co/IT23tQhAHf via @ninatypewriter',\n", " u'@TimesDan @JohnWoodrowCox Good, long day of work, guys.',\n", " u\"@melissalyttle I have their Flex. At the moment, I am jeer-worthy. I never know how I'll greet the day.\",\n", " u'New area> \\u201c@9NewsAUS: This is the satellite image of possible #MH370 debris detected by Chinese satellites. #9News http://t.co/T92mv1Kndj\\u201d']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@ltoynbee simply amazing',\n", " u'RT @davepell: Christians: Good Friday.\\n\\nEveryone Else: Good, Friday.',\n", " u'@miguelgrinberg ah I had to hit \"tonemap\" to update it. Thanks for the help and great tutorial',\n", " u'@miguelgrinberg yeah I tried that as well. Maybe after doing the preview size I need to reimport.',\n", " u'@miguelgrinberg when I open the .cr2 straight into PS its 5472 x 3648 but in Luminance it goes down to 400 x 267',\n", " u\"@miguelgrinberg I did a dropdown of result size but it doesn't have any effect. It almost looks like from import the size went down\",\n", " u'@miguelgrinberg When I follow your HDR tut the result is very small. Any idea why? Great tut by the way! Other then size it looks terrific!!',\n", " u\"@jgrnauttraining Ah woops was looking for your shotput. Then Matt Vincent for highland. Didn't see either of you on JTS instagram\",\n", " u\"@jgrnauttraining hey I just joined Instagram and following y'all. Does Chad Smith have any IG with some #HighlandGames action?\",\n", " u'@AtlanticCities \"not permitted\" link in tolls section doesn\\'t go to an article of relevance',\n", " u\"@metameat it's just little things that you or I would know but average SBO wouldn't. Just left more details in TDDIOT\",\n", " u\"@metameat I just explained to someone their results are bad because they're requesting spec work. Their idea for an alternative was also bad\",\n", " u'@metameat small business owners need someone they can trust with broad practical knowledge of marketing to avoid costly mistakes.',\n", " u\"There's a real need for anyone looking to start a business to know someone like me, and that's a very scary thought.\",\n", " u'\"@newsycombinator: 2048 in 3D http://t.co/hOzzcuSpOQ\" @scottyweeks',\n", " u'RT @notjessewalker: In Pakistan, a child killed by a drone is now a giant poster gazing up at drone operators: http://t.co/Kq0ACpeRIG',\n", " u'@mattie_rogers they gross guys out too',\n", " u'The word alcohol comes from Arabic. Learned something new #Cosmos',\n", " u'RT @davepell: In some ways, Letterman is the last host from an era when it mattered what time a show was on.',\n", " u'@ilovetypography hey http://t.co/2FM3OhsjiI is out of beta and we get to promote sites we like now. Mind if we put up an ad to your page?']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'This cause is close to my heart - please sign: http://t.co/fGJTGZrlo6',\n", " u'Sign the petition from @TomColicchio: Tell Congress not to block state GMO labeling laws http://t.co/STglIBiTYR #GMO #RightToKnow #DarkAct',\n", " u'SIGN THE PETITION: Demand @Google, @Facebook & @Yelp cut ties with anti-#Obamacare extremist group @ALEC_states! http://t.co/ey9riXYTTj',\n", " u'Call on the Hong Kong Govt to regulate placement agencies & protect #DomesticWorkers from #ModernSlavery http://t.co/RRBAwzwK2G',\n", " u'.@ATT is waging a war against rural communities across America http://t.co/ocz2pED19P via: @sum_of_us',\n", " u'RT @mashable: 9 Apps and Resources to Learn American Sign Language http://t.co/0xqdHRF4pA',\n", " u'RT @KennettDems: Why on earth would anyone vote to repeal this? \\rWith #Obamacare, women #GotCovered! http://t.co/z3sLbKcqMm',\n", " u'RT @DalaiLama: It is always helpful to remain honest and truthful in the face of difficulty.',\n", " u'RT @JeromeElam: \"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.\"-Martin Luther King. Jr. http://t.co/sBuIyQP\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FREE_CARL_LEE: Retweet if you Agree w/ @HillaryClinton: http://t.co/YkQNyTqTwx #HillaryClinton @Faith4Hillary @VOTE_HILLARY @VOTE_CLINT\\u2026',\n", " u'@InterConMIAMI Absolutely, thanks very much! http://t.co/iQzbQtdWgb',\n", " u'RT @DavidOvalle305: Easter, a day to love bunnies, not beat them to death in a sex animal torture fetish video http://t.co/DBKPOpNYu2 h/t @\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TibetanReview: Tibet this week: Chinese film reasserts #Tibet as a story of liberation, not rights violations http://t.co/7QSm50lmWi ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Soma747Soma: #Love is what we are\\nWaste not a moment\\nGo out and experience \\nThat which lies within\\n\\U0001f60c',\n", " u'RT @TibetanReview: TIBET THIS WEEK: @DalaiLama concludes eventful 13-day visit to #Japan http://t.co/Ul2MyRre79 #Tibet @BobThurman http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostCrime: 50 successful pot users who prove the person matters more than the plant http://t.co/DWmTHPdpUY',\n", " u'@InterConMIAMI We used 2 do Easter brunch & Mothers day at Rusty Pelican. Not anymore! Looking forward 2 spending it at InterCon 4 sure.',\n", " u\"Thanks @WillEmmasCloset she's loving it! Had a few scares tho, cat stuck her paws in smaller aquarium & knocked turty out. She's safer now!\",\n", " u'Baby turtle is loving her new 40g habitat! Woot! http://t.co/TWT9JhMU3H',\n", " u'RT @G_Raab: RT if you think the Miami Heat are going to #3peat']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Hillary Clinton blamed in USAID memos outlining chaos in Afghanistan aid\\n #TCOT #TGDN #JCOT @addthis @ShareThis\\n http://t.co/d6YpN4WRIe',\n", " u'RT @occupycorruptDC: Sen. #Reid pushing U.S. to Civil #War? \"50K Oklahoma #militia members join fight.\" #BundyRanch http://t.co/MmNEqSR80C \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @steube: Morphing Buttons Will Bring Tactile Feedback to iPad Typing | MIT Tech Review http://t.co/jOP4FNK6F0 http://t.co/KGFc3l7ysp',\n", " u'RT @ry4npoole_: RT to save a life http://t.co/eimVdhwsRH',\n", " u'RT @LadySandersfarm: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words Obama is so flexible. http://t.co/aNBJz2qSmE',\n", " u'RT @BobG231: A Giant Awakened. Western states move to take over federal land ( video) http://t.co/KhdXEvatth',\n", " u'RT @irritatedwoman: Graduation Day belongs to students not publicity hound Michelle Obama http://t.co/34W4eCPM9O',\n", " u'RT @peddoc63: Coulter endorses #TeaParty Brannon Against Tillis \\u27b0N. Carolina Senate Primary http://t.co/73IrXn37mT @BreitbartNews http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @maxhealthpower: #weightloss: Fake Foods - Make You Hungrier http://t.co/B2sCUx4V3J',\n", " u'RT @chrisrealntrue: this is actually really deep \\U0001f633 http://t.co/6yue7sRLYM',\n", " u'RT @foxnewspolitics: White House involved in soliciting money for pro-ObamaCare group, watchdog says http://t.co/8Ak7Ha1iu3',\n", " u\"RT @atomiktiger: Why we can sleep at night & our enemies can't... #MilitaryMonday #sot #sov #tgdn #tcot #PJNET #ccot #RedNationRising http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @marylene58: \"@ctate1964: @marylene58 @Johnny_Liberty1 @tommyhubb @AA4F @Beer_Dude @Bobbyh214 lol!\" She is muzzled http://t.co/qjPQUYhzNV',\n", " u\"RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Obama's going to China giving them my job. PLEASE SEND HELP!! http://t.co/uJrGFse1hK http://t.co/XBYQ2vorWL @cspanwj #tcot\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Rissamariee05: Dont put so much effort into someone if they never put any into you.',\n", " u\"RT @peddoc63: David Brooks: Obama Has A 'Manhood Problem In The Middle East' http://t.co/qswqDg3PjL via @HuffPostMedia http://t.co/E0f7Dwdz\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @irritatedwoman: Just so I have this straight: http://t.co/Dlm7L7c0Hn',\n", " u\"RT @irritatedwoman: Obama administration to ObamaCare 'enrollees:' Time to pay up, suckers http://t.co/7dWbC2HUMm\",\n", " u'RT @atomiktiger: FLASHBACK #Obama: \"Congress passes the laws...[not] Presidents\" http://t.co/ZHOw36D9Q9 #ORPUW #PJNET #tcot #tgdn http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @peddoc63: #Obama didn't know...... http://t.co/jRJyrdxiAB\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Marc Caputo: The politics of Charlie Crist's debate dodge - Political Currents - http://t.co/esjbwnD2QY http://t.co/aEvf0hF9aE\",\n", " u'RT @BreitbartNews: Obama Passes on Keystone Decision Once Again, Democrats Left Scrambling: Once again President Obama has bowed ... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BreitbartNews: Live Crucifixion Display Ordered Down in Florida: In Lehigh Acres, Florida, a crucifixion display that feature... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @drrichswier: Corruption in Florida Public Schools: A Perverse Disparity of Justice | Dr. Rich Swier http://t.co/t6GBCSnkSW',\n", " u'\\u201c@Pontifex: Christ is risen! Alleluia!\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @Pontifex: Please join me in praying for the victims of the ferry disaster in Korea and their families',\n", " u\"RT @GCRWFederated: And thanks to Pelosi she can! Warning: You Can't Unsee This Person. - Chicks on the Right http://t.co/KvDJfW84Dk\",\n", " u'RT @FRCdc: #Gosnellmovie has raised over $800k towards $2.1 million goal. Pitch in and lets get this film off the ground: http://t.co/FR2d7\\u2026',\n", " u'The Gift of Sanctuary: http://t.co/D5OTWASXUw via @YouTube #sarasota',\n", " u'RT @blondecowphoto: #pictapgo_app #retroglamper #teardrop #teardropsforcancer #blondecowphoto #blondecowphotograp\\u2026 http://t.co/KUHaXUDa9q h\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @GCRWFederated: Brit Hume to AG Eric Holder: Dude, You're a Crybaby and You Need to Stop Whining http://t.co/KevYlByzk5\",\n", " u\"Mother & Sister of 'Honor Killing' Victim Break Silence http://t.co/dxWyh17Czz via @clarionproject\",\n", " u'RT @CatholicVote: Popes Clearly Say Who Can and Can\\u2019t Receive Communion http://t.co/Lg3RjpYUwy',\n", " u'Multiculturalism not working in France! http://t.co/JOmXxRtIfQ',\n", " u'@greggutfeld @MatthewFKelly Greg- Sad to learn you gave up your Catholic faith! Maybe Mr. Kelly can help you! http://t.co/8KHnYKycE3...',\n", " u'RT @CRSRiceBowl: What you give up for Lent changes lives. Make an online donation to CRS Rice Bowl today. http://t.co/vJO0gCUVZy http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Conservative reality show beauty asked about her favorite position - http://t.co/r82q6OT38d',\n", " u\"Death by Solar Farm? Multiple Species of Birds Killed, 'Entire Food Chains' Disrupted http://t.co/aYTWho31VY\",\n", " u'RT @greggutfeld: Why this dog is evil \\u201c@FiveFanPS: @DanaPerino You forgot to post the after picture http://t.co/po6gSVjTtD\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @mmercurio4: Thoughts and prayers go out to asst coach @HeGoneThomp_son and his family dealing with a family loss #staystrong #FAMILY']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@alexampereira @mariana_mrf3 i had my parents ship me this year's new shirt as soon as it came out. Crazy that we pay that much. I might not\",\n", " u'@IamStayPuff as if!',\n", " u'RT @rostamiccoli: Lima takes 90-second challenge - UEFA Europa League - Video - http://t.co/Lq0c2yCPJz http://t.co/lsvdmH2kaN via @UEFAcom',\n", " u'@ESPNFC #CarregaBenfica @SL_Benfica http://t.co/XzXxdsBicH',\n", " u\"RT @ESPNFC: Photo of the Day: Roughly 500,000 people showed up to celebrate Benfica's first Portuguese Liga title since 2010. http://t.co/M\\u2026\",\n", " u'@FernandesNeil @SteveSantos6 @TalkingToDaDoll looks thin too, really lost some weight.',\n", " u'@BrazilStats what about Neilton? I heard he was going to be the next big thing at Santos and never heard much again?',\n", " u\"@FC_Porto just saw this. I didn't even know Carlos Martins was palying on the B. @SteveSantos6 @FernandesNeil @TalkingToDaDoll\",\n", " u'RT @UberFootFact: Benfica fans celebrating winning the league title last night! http://t.co/85jCpT0LIB',\n", " u\"@Zizouology @PortuBall 16M was Danilio's purchase price I think. One of Porto's most expensive signings, if not the most. Talent+youth=cost\",\n", " u'RT @PortuBall: Benfica fans sat Lisbon on FIRE yesterday when celebrating their 33. Liga title. Is it anything left of Lisbon today? http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'@Portu_Goal @foet247Iberia he will be needed for rotational use. Marko on really his competition on the right. Sad to see him back out.',\n", " u'RT @BBCSporf: WOW: A reported 500,000 Benfica fans took to the streets of Lisbon last night to celebrate winning the league. http://t.co/eX\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @futmais: \\xd3scar Cardozo dedicou o t\\xedtulo do Benfica \\xe0 lenda Eus\\xe9bio. Bonito! http://t.co/bRQRBG6j3n',\n", " u'RT @DonjuanOriginal: Who ever made this thank you!! #eusebio #coluna are so proud I bet! #CarregaBenfica #Campeaos http://t.co/zaw8eAGmoI',\n", " u'@PortuBall Vit\\xf3ria? How about Paulo Lopes?',\n", " u'RT @PortuBall: A big, fat CONGRATULATION from @PortuBall to all my Benfiquista followers! Benfica won the Liga fully deserved. Enjoy the ev\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Pedge21: TROPHY IS BEING ENGRAVED! http://t.co/Xglc4Tc85q',\n", " u'RT @Portu_Goal: Benfica are the 2013/14 champions of Portugal! \\nCongratulations to the Eagles. \\nDeserved triumph.',\n", " u'RT @InformGlorious: O BENFICA \\xc9 CAMPE\\xc3O NACIONAL 2013/2014, PELA 33\\xaa VEZ! http://t.co/nPZu4gLCt6']},\n", " {'REP': [u'1st Lady Ann Scott delivers remarks @ Belleair Republican Wmn\\u2019s Club @FLAnnScott@JMMorgenstern @Chairofchairs @TerriGaffney @tallRepubWomen',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Medicare Advantage cuts hurt Florida seniors but @CharlieCrist says to \\u201cstay strong\\u201d on #Obamacare http://t.co/9sWDGzdW8C #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LaraMedley: Great evening with @RepDennisRoss and Lt. Gov @LopezCantera at the Polk Co. Lincoln Day Dinner. #sayfie',\n", " u'A Republican, an independent and a Democrat walk into a bar. The bartender says hello Charlie Crist.',\n", " u'Congressman Dennis Ross speaks at Lincoln Day Dinner in Polk County. Next up, Lt Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera',\n", " u'RT @JMMorgenstern: \\u201c@FLGovScott: Enjoyed meeting #Jacksonville folks during lunch at @PeiWei. @Chairofchairs @DenadeCamp @KimGOP60 http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'what is the possibility that flight 370 landed on the water on purpose and just sunk? No debris, no beacons. #greta370',\n", " u'RT @TerriGaffney: Congratulations@DavidJollyCD13!Well done Team Jolly!@USF4McCollum @sussy_says @KimGOP60 @FloridaGOPWomen @DenadeCamp http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TerriGaffney: Get out & support @DavidJollyCD13! @FloridaGOPWomen @KimGOP60@Chairofchairs @JMMorgenstern @DenadeCamp @CindyGravesFL @nc\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Rasmussen_Poll: 33% Say They\\u2019ve Been Personally Hurt by #HealthCare Law... http://t.co/m63qUCpXCh #Obamacare',\n", " u'RT @brithume: \"The United States discovered...that the world became a more dangerous place without its leadership.\" http://t.co/qupONkjTFj',\n", " u'RT @ABO2012DCR: Great Congressman! @RepDennisRoss now greeting our International guests in Plant City #strawberryfestival http://t.co/0pJ4t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: Great @theledger profile of my good friend @sethmckeel. http://t.co/PsWwbIVTEv #sayfie',\n", " u'FL Senate Pres - Dem leadership birth directly coincides with with crash of alien spaceship in Roswell, NM',\n", " u'KCARL Smith speaking at FFRW Spring Conf\" the party that embraced Jim Crow, the party the fought to keep slavery, the democrats\".',\n", " u\"RT @CindyGravesFL: Don't miss Kay Day with her report on Voter Fraud TODAY!... http://t.co/Iq87fzF0Pq\",\n", " u'RT @CindyGravesFL: My proud Anti-Crist history: \"Hey Charlie, remember me?\" @CindyGravesFL Radio on @600WBOB Share yours! 904-854-1320 at n\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WomensDCProject: #LibCrib? MT @CindyGravesFL: Oh MY! REAL Alex Sink just stood up! She needs immigrants to clean hotel rooms http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'63% have no confidence in Obama. No kidding!',\n", " u'New Orleans residents no longer believe in global warming. Brrr']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Diaz-Balart: If we don\\u2019t move on immigration, Obama will go it alone http://t.co/wKFxinlIWa',\n", " u'\"@Jessy_loves: The Story of us is not in my Story of now anymore #organizerbreakuplines\"',\n", " u'RT @Jessy_loves: The Story of us is not in my Story of now anymore #organizerbreakuplines',\n", " u'I love how you communicate but I need someone with more experience on the field #organizerbreakuplines',\n", " u'Although you honor this multilingual space, you are no longer speaking my love language #organizerbreakuplines @immabGrey',\n", " u'Sorry but our agendas are not aligned anymore #organizerbreakuplines',\n", " u'Young Voices Will Rise During the O, Miami SPEAKtacular http://t.co/7G64LWH8wF @IsNoBueno',\n", " u'\"@jpernalete: Protesta migratoria genera enfrentamiento en Doral | Diario las Americas http://t.co/btBNauxWah\" #timeisnow',\n", " u\"@Cityofdoral manager can't believe that the city allows people out of Doral 2 attack @MarioDB.What is this? Cuba? http://t.co/cjH9JAlbAo\",\n", " u'@FLImmigrant @joeflech @kikeflor @Cityofdoral I saw @MiamiHerald reporter here',\n", " u'@FLImmigrant leader @RodriguezMaria speaks to @Cityofdoral council about @SEIU_Eliseo arrest @MarioDB re: immigration http://t.co/dC6qsrwibw',\n", " u'@JuanSaaa @FLImmigrant @unitedfamiliesf, young American dreamers, and swer is there.',\n", " u'RT @JuanSaaa: #ICYMI: #Sb1400, which would grant in-state tuition for #undoucmented students, is being heard TODAY. Live tweets here. #sayf\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @jeanettemiami: We say YES to Florida's future! @billgalvano @aaronpbean @lizbethkb, do you? Vote YES on #SB1400 In-State Tuition #Edu4A\\u2026\",\n", " u'@joeflech will you be at doral council meeting tomorrow? They are putting the arrest of Eliseo Medina on the agenda',\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: More than 1 million working Floridians are waiting on Scott to expand access to Medicaid. What's he waiting for? (3/3)\",\n", " u'RT @prernaplal: \"Deportations for traffic violations have quadrupled since Obama took office\" http://t.co/v1XFEmbTgH via @TIME #Not1More',\n", " u'New Study: Being Gentrified is Bad for Your Health\\n http://t.co/0ysHEhUSzQ via @ThisIsFusion @MiamiWorkersCtr',\n", " u'RT @Re4mImmigration: THIS SATURDAY! MT @ndlon: 80+ events planned for April 5th #2Million2Many natl day of action 4 deportation relief: htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ndlon: What's all that noise you hear outside your window? It might be the #2million2many natl day of action: http://t.co/Thpuv1r23i #N\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'After 6 years, Harvard Art Museums reemerging http://t.co/belvHSgR3P via @BostonGlobe #Museums #Boston',\n", " u'From the British Museum to the Tate Modern, mega-museums go big http://t.co/nz9rsqHSNd #museums',\n", " u'Tampa General Hospital neurosurgeons now have new state-of-the-art technology to fight brain tumors. - http://t.co/6ABLYh5GcG',\n", " u'Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas: What to do there. http://t.co/uKDlCcOChk #cruise #ncl',\n", " u'Jackson Park to add new amphitheater, museum, and caf\\xe9 in $10-million renovation \\u2013 The #Chicago Maroon http://t.co/voh1tdKq0G #museums',\n", " u'Fox Executive Fired After Making Charity Pitch on Office Email http://t.co/5R2ervp5Qh via @Philanthropy #Philanthropy',\n", " u\"RT @gogobot: Vote for Gogobot and help us win this Webby! http://t.co/lDpxBf0in7 (We'd totally vote for you.)\",\n", " u'@MelissaPatenaud @Michael5819 we r here and setting up the iPad for them - should be by 3 or so',\n", " u'@MelissaPatenaud @Michael5819 will do. Happy Easter',\n", " u\"Saudi Arabia to build world's tallest tower, reaching 1 kilometer into the sky http://t.co/zqDxetKrle\",\n", " u'Mmmm Chinese carry out spare ribs are what this #chihuahua wanted @Michael5819 http://t.co/qVPxVVFWu7',\n", " u'Messina, Sicily cruise excursion on your own to Taormina http://t.co/ZJK5XeaAsi #cruise #travel #italy',\n", " u'Rome on the #40 Bus Route http://t.co/Pfoe5oDdpZ #ttot #italia',\n", " u'RT @WheresAndrew: Follow my epic journey down #Route66 w/ my new @NatGeoTravel zoomable map! http://t.co/W4ILW1mmah',\n", " u'Happy Record Store Day (events at both Bananas Music & @daddykool727 http://t.co/lUnmYv7sCl #stpete',\n", " u'RT @MyFoxTampaBay: UPDATE: Pinellas tornado warning CANCELLED, @NWSTampaBay says. Rain, wind still heavy,',\n", " u'RT @OKCStormWatcher: Waterspout near St. Petersburg, FL., moving onshore near downtown St. Petersburg and Tropicana Field, reports NWS. (vi\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@TampaBayTraffic: TORNADO WARNING for Pinellas Co. until 2:30 PM TAKE SHELTER NOW!\" #stpete',\n", " u'How to get a good overview of the St. Petersburg Arts Experience http://t.co/VfLUTEct2j #StPete #Travel #ttot',\n", " u'RT @oceandog: Suburbs Try to Prevent an Exodus as Young Adults Move to Cities and Stay http://t.co/OrsWADj9X0']},\n", " {'REP': [u'#HappyEaster everyone! Jesus is risen and has conquered the grave for our eternal salvation!',\n", " u\"Today is #GoodFriday. Remembering the sacrifice Christ made for the many sins I've done. Put your trust in Him, knowing that He paid it all.\",\n", " u'@NathanWurtzel I guess @piersmorgan won too.',\n", " u'RT @GOPLeader: I thank Secretary Sebelius for her service. She had an impossible task: nobody can make Obamacare work.',\n", " u\"Millennial takeover of Late Night continues. Fallon, Meyers, and now Colbert. Smart move on CBS's part IMO. #LateShowColbert\",\n", " u\"@Ericonrad, I think you know how I'd be voting if I was still a FL resident, but congrats on your new gig. http://t.co/A5vLH94H8c\",\n", " u'@GeoffPuryear Probably would be better if it was just the awesome man in the wheelchair. \\U0001f609',\n", " u'RT @lansing: #IRS RT @NRCC: Here\\u2019s a timeline of the IRS\\u2019 targeting of conservatives: http://t.co/2ZYo9UQyMv (H/T @WaysandMeansGOP).',\n", " u\"Hey at least Kentucky didn't win... Hahaha! #NCAAChampionship\",\n", " u\"I am in absolute shock. Undertaker's streak of 21-0, now 21-1 because of Brock Lesnar??!! Really? #WrestleMania\",\n", " u'Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and now The Rock all in the same ring. Amazing! #WrestleMania',\n", " u'There are fewer more loathsome college basketball programs than Kentucky and UConn. Only game that would be worse is UK vs. Duke.',\n", " u'UConn vs. Kentucky in the NCAA Championship game. Ugh.',\n", " u\"RT @stephenlawsonFL: RT if you're not watching the NC game Monday\",\n", " u'Come on, Wisconsin!!',\n", " u'RT \\u201c@KSoltisAnderson: Wisconsin you\\'re our only hope.\" <--- THIS.',\n", " u'Proud of the season the #Gators were able to put together. #INAllKindsOfWeather',\n", " u'Alex Sink showed up to the game. The perennial loser cursed the Gators (cc: @alex_patton @KSoltisAnderson @JRBarnes13 @joepileggi).',\n", " u'Plus UConn has to be one of the most annoying college basketball teams ever.',\n", " u\"When you can't shoot threes, you can't win. This is so sad.\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Oh, and by the way. http://t.co/qjyp6FlM3s... http://t.co/fKEXV4nCXd',\n", " u'Sabet cites no studies or authorities and tries to play on peoples emotions by associating smoking marijuana with... http://t.co/7aZUKtlHCl',\n", " u'Glad to see this paper picking up on the educational aspect, and reporting on the research into cannabinoids. \\n... http://t.co/7aZUKtlHCl',\n", " u'This is important - Cannabinoid receptor research outlines why pot may work as medicine: http://t.co/9kLcXfzOfi',\n", " u\"This is important - Duke Energy's customers face a potential $500 million bill: http://t.co/hlHIMO9MeP\",\n", " u'Why Doctors \\u201cDo Not Want to Find a Cure for Cancer\\u201d http://t.co/HZGNYl59lm via @sharethis',\n", " u'This is important - Republican endorses Alex Sink: http://t.co/eWXRUn8TML',\n", " u'Medical Cannabis Advocate Calls for Research into Cancer-Killing Cannabis Extracts http://t.co/PuqmMJ3Dg4 via @PRWeb',\n", " u'Representative Steve Cohen is A Hero for Marijuana Laws (Part 1): http://t.co/0M2nMpBwRk via @youtube Steve Cohen gets it.',\n", " u'Nothing motivates people to action like the concept of protecting our children. Protecting our children against... http://t.co/MnqCgOJQrn',\n", " u'I pledged to vote for United for Care http://t.co/d6Au0rEaap via @UnitedForCare',\n", " u'Marijuana Addiction Science \\u2018Lousy\\u2019, Doc Says: http://t.co/GRY2nKBETw',\n", " u'@darren6000 We are voting for a medicinal amendment to the FL constitution November 4th. Wish us luck. YouTube search Rick Simpson Oil.',\n", " u'Stuck in LaGuardia, on my way to Toronto. Just found http://t.co/YZxe0SfmHX, a great site.',\n", " u'President Barack Obama: Fire Anti-Marijuana DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart! http://t.co/PG976Okm61 via @Change',\n", " u'@richardbranson Read http://t.co/3EXr6sugl1 Hemp Seed: The most Nutritionally Complete Food Source in the World by Lynn Osburn.',\n", " u'@richardbranson The answer is in two books. Hemp: Lifeline to the Future and The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Reduce CO2 and feed the world.',\n", " u'@AbbyMartin Abby, please see American Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny. Please comment on the hypocrisy of the US war on drugs, and the DEA.',\n", " u'@AbbyMartin There is a Youtube video that would fit well into an RT format. \"True History of Marijuana\" http://t.co/vAJBEZev5n,',\n", " u\"Tapping Medical Marijuana's Potential http://t.co/O8Vj1h3p68. Time to change the schedule 1 status of marijuana http://t.co/zMXc4WEvu2\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @wusf: Supreme Court Turns Down Scott on Worker Drug Testing http://t.co/G0fcNscDV8',\n", " u'RT @MoffittNews: Play ball! Moffitt CEO Dr. Alan List helps kick off #Miles4Moffitt night w/ the Rays! Fighting cancer is a team sport http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CherylBayNews9: Rays honoring cancer survivors, highlighting #Miles4Moffitt & supporting cancer research @MoffittNews @Evan3Longoria ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jimmykimmel: 4/20 seems like a bad day to hide eggs',\n", " u'RT @AndrewSiciliano: The word \"hate\" has been rendered worthless and meaningless thanks to overuse by the overly sensitive.',\n", " u'RT @wusf: Technology Assisting Physically Impaired Veterans http://t.co/gOGepsacWW',\n", " u'RT @wusf: Vinyl Enthusiasts Celebrate Record Store Day http://t.co/XRL95KWuPC',\n", " u'RT @USFHealth: #USF doctors, nurses and faculty empower young students to pursue careers in #health via @WUSF University Beat: http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'@MrMikeCalta How traumatized would your children be if @SeniorSpanish showed up Sunday dressed as the Easter Bunny?',\n", " u'@MrMikeCalta Most dramatic, racist Sporkle ever.',\n", " u'RT @wusf: Gov. Scott Avoids Question About House, Senate Private School Scholarship Dispute http://t.co/e45Dxlclij via @StateImpactFl',\n", " u'RT @wusf: Fl. Legislators Push for Millions in Spending http://t.co/EVqPAOIMxG',\n", " u\"@Chris_Chmura It's a scam for everyone else, in your case, it's true.\",\n", " u'RT @MilesDoran: CNN. The worldwide leader in clocks. http://t.co/6XJzU2UdrK',\n", " u'Some sort of weird sun halo right now. http://t.co/wKSNbcPx3h',\n", " u'Josalyn Kaldenberg paints at Moffitt, the scar on her expandable bionic arm barely noticable. http://t.co/wfQrzTnQbL',\n", " u'RT @AP: NJ county summons IV Griner to jury duty. The problem? IV is a 5-year-old German Shepherd: http://t.co/M4QAUFICrM',\n", " u'11 year old Josalyn Kaldenberg talks about her expandable bionic arm, which will extended at Moffitt &\\u2026 http://t.co/nzuekE6MzC',\n", " u'RT @wusf: Publix, Darden, Sea World Want ACA Change http://t.co/P0ENeP1WnB via @HealthNewsFl',\n", " u'RT @wusf: Rays Owner: Tampa Ballpark \"Attractive\" http://t.co/CzGoJQA3Er']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @BenHowe: You can be arrested in Saudi Arabia for being female in public with no male accompanying you. But please, cry to me about McDo\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @janinekiray: Real friends can say the most uncomfortable things ever and know the other won't screenshot it. \\U0001f618\\U0001f64a @eschwab1\",\n", " u\"Jamming in my best friend's living room at 1:00 AM and line dancing whilst wine drunk? My heaven. \\U0001f377\\U0001f483\\U0001f37b\",\n", " u\"RT @MarleyLilly: Happy #MarleyLillyMonday Y'all! \\n#MonogramMonday #Monograms http://t.co/NxEqDqhOAe\",\n", " u'RT @whitegrlproblem: http://t.co/JHgGUw3eMD',\n", " u\"SO EXCITED TO BE REUNITED WITH @Sandri15. It's been 4 days. \\U0001f633 #ihaveaproblem \\U0001f46f\",\n", " u'@Sandri15 \\U0001f618\\U0001f618\\U0001f618\\U0001f618',\n", " u'Attempting this whole \"no heat\" thing on my hair. We\\'ll see how long that lasts.... http://t.co/WL15fp6yPy',\n", " u'#StarWarsSunday http://t.co/4p9JonFqW6',\n", " u'Le ugh. I wish nail Polish would just instantly dry. \\U0001f62d #firstworldfemaleproblems',\n", " u'RT @DepressedDarth: Happy Easter http://t.co/Ewa5cUK0s7',\n", " u'Homemade peanut butter and chocolate birds nests. :) http://t.co/ZIhY2l3S0H',\n", " u'The great thing about @budlight? Everything.',\n", " u'Steel Magnolias. \\U0001f497\\U0001f338\\U0001f452\\U0001f481',\n", " u\"I'm doing some SERIOUS spring cleaning and I think it's getting to me. I see....progress.\",\n", " u'4100',\n", " u'Who eats peanut butter and Nutella from a spoon at the same time? This gi...I mean idk.',\n", " u'RT @CharmOfTheSouth: Relationship Status: Starbucks http://t.co/4DSe9vKnvr',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Today I am proud to announce that Florida businesses created more than 20,000 jobs in March. #LetsKeepWorking',\n", " u\"Every time you kiss me, it's like sunshine and whiskey. \\u2600\\ufe0f\\U0001f618\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Ireland's wedding-singer priest an internet hit http://t.co/SHTt4xXr9X via @msnmusic\",\n", " u'Tiny airplanes from University of Florida laboratory could be next hurricane hunters \\xbb News \\xbb University of Florida http://t.co/NknFVV3Uyo',\n", " u'RT @tropicalupdate: The Gulf blob is building! Low pressure area is heading towards the Southeastern US... and will bring a ton of... http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @tropicalupdate: Incredible satellite of Tropical Cyclone Ita, heading towards NE Australia. http://t.co/FoqSm0W3TW',\n", " u'RT @BruceVH: If you want to live an awesome life, live a realistic today and a wildly unrealistic tomorrow. - @JonAcuff',\n", " u'RT @breakingweather: Strong t-storms & much-needed rain to return to California: http://t.co/PyUrxmd7Ro',\n", " u'RT @tropicalupdate: It is going to be a rough day for weather it appears. Storms already brewing in Texas/Oklahoma.... http://t.co/cgEM6NAq\\u2026',\n", " u'Tsunami Animation: Northern Chile, 1 April 2014 http://t.co/uxVzOWgniV',\n", " u'8.0 magnitude earthquake reported off Chilean coast via the @FoxNews iPhone app http://t.co/OLBdEZzOMn',\n", " u\"RT @JimWeberFOX: Winds are now gusting to 82mph in Nantucket with this monster Nor'easter. http://t.co/6PJgsS9RBf\",\n", " u'RT @BabyAnimalPics: such a little stud http://t.co/Icn2F0ODui',\n", " u'Bare Necessities for a Better Physique http://t.co/fWIhsuahPz via @sharethis',\n", " u'RT @nickmcelroy2: Woo hoo spring snowstorm anyone?? THERE IS THE POTENTIAL FOR A SIGNIFICANT COASTAL STORM LATE TUESDAY THROUGH... http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @tropicalupdate: A deepening low pressure is forecasted still for the early part of next week. Wintry weather is possible pretty... http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EricHolthaus: Hey, East Coast, a \\u201cNor\\u2019easter Bomb\\u201d Might Be Heading Your Way\\nhttp://t.co/qIyLFuEloL http://t.co/QLV1Pyb5gA',\n", " u'WATCH: Randy Rhoads, a look back. http://t.co/y095uChbde via @98rocktampabay',\n", " u'RT @BabyAnimalPics: An old police dog being saluted on his final journey http://t.co/Hk3pUSabLt',\n", " u'Poison - Modern wheat a http://t.co/4qMvA4r56U',\n", " u'RT @tropicalupdate: Still looking like the squall line will be reaching the Tampa Bay area as early as Monday morning. Tomorrow we... http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"Motley Mars: Backing tapes mean we're just like Britney Spears http://t.co/Gpx1bTmZKo\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'In a universe of deceit, truth becomes a revolutionary act.\\u201d Read more at http://t.co/qV2ftPyHvM Allen West, stated perfectly.',\n", " u'RT @ManRayKindaSky: #MM Thank U 4 ur service. Our flag flies with the last breath of each soldier who dies protecting it.@RickCanton @mcgru\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GOPBlackChick: He is risen. He is risen. The Lord is risen indeed! Happy Easter.',\n", " u'RT @trigofarm: #AlGore Calls #Global #Warming Skeptics \\u201cImmoral, Unethical And Despicable\\u201d http://t.co/i4AxaUDG2a \\u2026 *Ironic, Honest people \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RealJamesWoods: Ohio couple married 70 years die 15 hours apart http://t.co/ZJbQzSq3QC As good as it gets. Two great Americans.',\n", " u'RT @SonnieJohnson: #GoodFriday Beautiful People...Jesus signed your check 4 an abundant life at the cross. All you have to do is receive hi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Paverlayer: Do you agree? http://t.co/sn0GzyXbgf',\n", " u'The IRS Tea Party Targeting Scandal May Have Just Gotten a Lot Worse http://t.co/pcqB4NAVXP via @theblaze',\n", " u'Boy Who Says He Nearly Died and Met Jesus in Heaven Responds to His Critics http://t.co/0BTLLjH11T via @theblaze',\n", " u'See the Priceless Reactions of People When We Tell Them How Much the Richest 1 ... http://t.co/IDAv69FLGQ via @theblaze',\n", " u'[VIDEO] Republican House candidate shoots down drone in new ad http://t.co/T2KDiAsib5 it',\n", " u'RT @Paverlayer: http://t.co/kRh1pERxrX',\n", " u'It could be worse: Obama proposed 442 tax increases since 2009 - http://t.co/8c1W2Ccmdo',\n", " u'RT @Lg4Lg: @TheRevAl obama can go after a white Rancher for a cow eating grass.Then make out with a black rat, snitch, $1.8 mill tax evade\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @kmita3: #Jihad http://t.co/NoGB2ZpU9i',\n", " u\"RT @kmita3: IT'S COMMUNISM.... and yes, that's BAD, libtards. #tcot http://t.co/OxgVo6HjiL\",\n", " u'RT @kmita3: TYRANNY #tcot http://t.co/KtDdHBh48L',\n", " u'RT @kmita3: Brilliant tactic #Ukraine #toct #GovtTyranny http://t.co/o7eIfOczC0',\n", " u\"@FoxFriendsFirst imagine that, have you ever met a democrat that wasn't a hypocrite.\",\n", " u'RT @RedNationRising: Oklahoma Senate Throws Out #CommonCore! Gives Education Back To The State! http://t.co/jH47OrNw6R #RedNationRising htt\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @EspuelasVox: #Democrats look to reshape electorate to hold #Senate #latism #tntweeters #election2014 http://t.co/INExqOtUBj',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: @GOP Will Lie 2 Ur face -But WE Know D Truth. @SpeakerBoehner @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism\\nhttp://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: \\U0001f4cc@EspuelasVox #RockTheLatinoVote REGISTER TODAY!!! \\n\\n\\U0001f449#PAYBACK \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f4e9 JOIN #TNTweeters \\u203c\\ufe0f http://t.co/leKYjpoELK @clauvale77 @Sil\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: How @GOP @RepPaulRyan's budget fails #latism #TNTweeters http://t.co/EaKOqK9obE\",\n", " u'RT @chiquisholla: .@RosLehtinen. @helenaguirrefer .@susanpai LA HIPOCRECIA AL 100! http://t.co/XZIazIwRGY',\n", " u\"@raulpeimbert, sounds Raul can you please say that on the Tv, for the peoples they don't vote\",\n", " u'RT @bjs5555: MAKE A COMMITMENT to VOTE in 2014! It\\u2019s the MOST important thing you\\u2019ll DO this year to SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY 4 the 99%! http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: Watching....@RepGoodlatte #immigrationreform #TimeIsNow .#TNTweeters @EspuelasVox #latism #UniteBlue http://t.co/dfN2UWcA7G',\n", " u'RT @LuchacontinuaRd: http://t.co/28dDK3h83X\" Get ready for november elections. Your vote is your voice. #TNTweeters #latism @EspuelasVox @S\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ClauTFL: @alicia_lupercio @GOP @EspuelasVox @UniteBlueFL https://t.co/yb4NgsB5b3 http://t.co/8sIXh9cGcx',\n", " u'@larryelder more immigrants you eat nice vegetable and also cheap for you Larry just remember that when you eat in table with your family',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: #Obama: 8 million enrolled under #Obamacare http://t.co/8zbFxCgutD via @POLITICO #latism #TNTweeters #tcot',\n", " u'Clean the House of GOP Latinos that vote to deport DREAMERS:Ros-Lehtinen hypocrisy to DREAMERS http://t.co/DThBkJDPqZ',\n", " u'http://t.co/SVQ0qn0AQP Obama-haters PAID by Tea Party group. Who else is getting a check??? http://t.co/SVQ0qn0AQP http://t.co/BSt6yhhEiu',\n", " u\"The Republicans really, really don't like Latinos: http://t.co/rklscxvxPI http://t.co/QGyQCbnvLZ\",\n", " u'RT @amsalinas2009: #TeaParty @RichardOHornos Buying Elections Used to be Illegal - Not Anymore. Help Stop It: #Vote #TNTweeters http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ThePlumLineGS: If House GOP fails to act on immigration reform, good luck in 2016, Paul Ryan: http://t.co/0YsaEpO8dG',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: #KochBuysGOP used 2be illegal-not anymore ! Help 2STOP it ! @susanpai @EspuelasVox #latism #p2 http://t.co/axkcMGBImv \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clauvale77: #TNTweeters Focus on Immigration Reform, Not Deportation Halt http://t.co/WqcYU8uQfH @EspuelasVox',\n", " u'BofA paying $772 million for allegedly misleading customers http://t.co/yE8GKh1AoG']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @michaelcshort: Stu Rothenberg Predicts Udall Will Lose As Democrat\\u2019s Stock Tumbles: http://t.co/S7DzfvtAZC #cosen',\n", " u'RT @bethreinhard: GOP candidates like @FLGovScott beating Democrats to the Spanish-language airwaves http://t.co/CkA3UGit1D via @WSJwashing\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TomCottonAR: RT and let your friends know just how out-of-touch career politician Mark Pryor has become. https://t.co/EVRBkal0ts http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TomCottonAR: RT our new ad and click here to help us take back the Senate! \\nhttps://t.co/isMQ0jir4O http://t.co/BDC9Y06B2i',\n", " u'RT @ColeMieleUSA: Follow @Meck4Tillis and join #TeamTillis NOW at http://t.co/yvqp29poMY! Vote For @ThomTillis on May 6th! #ncsen http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ColeMieleUSA: GA needs an #Outsider representing them in Washington. Visit http://t.co/EX9JQme318, and help elect David Perdue in the #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LarryLNichols: Please PRAY to GOD daily for our Christian Brothers & Sisters across the globe who are suffering persecution & death for\\u2026',\n", " u\"Can't win 'em all, it appears.... at least u r still up... @Jimi971 @jprutherford\",\n", " u'RT @NHL: The Captain has a goal and the @DallasStars will start the third with a 2-0 lead. http://t.co/1LBhBV7xpt http://t.co/z3nD6CsncS',\n", " u\"RT @NHL: Jonathan Toews got the @NHLBlackhawks on the board early. Game 3 is still in Chicago's favor to start the 2nd, 1-0. http://t.co/S6\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @NHL: Trailing 3-1 in the 3rd, the @penguins turned Game 3 to their favor w/ 3 goals in 2:13. Watch: http://t.co/WamGlmj7gW http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @NHL: .@mnwild's Mikael Granlund ended Game 3 with this beauty OT winner: http://t.co/pJga0yP4J1 #itsplayoffseason http://t.co/mUSZOwcj\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Drew1Anna: @LindaSuhler You are so right about that. Liberals turn a blind eye to what ever Obama does & a deaf ear to all of the lies \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: Obama & Reid have turned the #BLM #DOJ, #FCC #EPA, #HHS, #NLRB, & the #IRS into their own political hit squads! #tcot',\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: Liberals perpetuate the myth that the left is more compassionate... by killing babies born alive and defenseless cows! #murde\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KathysPledge: \\u2660#DitchMitch\\u2660\\n#Kentucky #GrassRoots\\nWIN w/\\u2b50#Bevin2014\\u2b50\\n\\n@willstauff @RedNationRising @KyLawnDude @PJStrikeForce\\n#2A http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KathysPledge: SEAL\\u2b50#Bevin2014\\u2b50WIN!\\n\\n1 month till #Kentucky primaries!\\n\\n@mkpnt @willstauff @KyLawnDude @Hers48\\n#FullRepeal\\n#NRA\\n#2A http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Hers48: We tried 2b nice w #RetireMitch > @McConnellPress got ugly it\\'s #DitchMitch VOTE @MattBevin http://t.co/RY5Z42iODE\"@KyLawnDude \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Hers48: Putting out sign for #Bevin2014 VOTE MATT BEVIN! #kysen #2A #NRA #Kentucky http://t.co/TW8c2OGRnT\"@Cheri_Kentucky @KY4FairTax \\u2026',\n", " u'Crystal Ball: Ratings Changes: http://t.co/JMi8kB8FWL \\n#USSenate... we need a #GOP +10. Get to WORK! \\n#TEAParty #UniteRight #RedNationRising']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @GainesvillePD: Headlights? ON. Caution? UP. Phone? DOWN. Get prepared to drive in this afternoon's weather. #DangerJuice is coming\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CBSTweet: Stephen Colbert to be next host of \"The Late Show\"...press release coming',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: On average, women still earn just $0.77 for every $1 men earn.\\nRaising the minimum wage would help close that gap. http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'@USSupremeCourt; #Justice, #equality, #freedom. These words are now available for purchase at your iSCOTUS store.',\n", " u\"RT @FLOTUS: No bones about it: Today's the last day to sign up for health insurance. #GetCoveredNow \\u2192 http://t.co/I3bqMOVMzN, http://t.co/h\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @GainesvillePD: RT @JacDeAug: Gainesville is seriously one big ball of pollen',\n", " u'\"@nprnews: Same-Sex Marriages Back On Hold In Michigan http://t.co/dQ6J3Ux24b\" :-(',\n", " u\"RT @Region1UFC: United For Care's campaign Manager, Ben Pollara, spoke to college law students at the University of Florida about... http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JeremyClarkson: I really hope you enjoy the conclusion of our Burma Christmas Special this evening. There are facts in it.',\n", " u'RT @MarkElliott52: CHEERS! Many congrats Christian you are a HERO @HelpforHeroes Pse Support him TEXT NOCK to 70900 #supportforlife RT ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Region1UFC: Holley Moseley, of Gulf Breeze SB 1030: Low-THC Marijuanna and Cannabis http://t.co/7cTT9qBxcM',\n", " u'RT @carlzimmer: Siberian scientists say they now have a \\u2018high chance\\u2019 to clone mammoth http://t.co/pZYyCd1lOp via @GothamKnowledge',\n", " u'RT @RockstarGames: The Rockstar Games Weekend sale on @steam_games starts today: http://t.co/DNiwJa3wIk',\n", " u\"RT @VICE: Watch @vicenews's latest dispatch from Ukraine, where pro and anti-Russia demonstrations are dividing Crimea http://t.co/Z0wYXEgd\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @vicenews: Russian Roulette: Watch our latest dispatch from occupied Ukraine https://t.co/YB1n7B4V0i http://t.co/GR3cYXG1CU',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: #18DaysLeft: If someone you know is uninsured, make sure they #GetCoveredNow \\u2192 http://t.co/pL0DR5JlWW http://t.co/PEEopuwxpA',\n", " u'RT @JohnMorganESQ: With the League of Women Voters (@LWVOC) yesterday. They rock!! Girl Power!!! http://t.co/zzaS8kJaJY',\n", " u\"RT @Region1UFC: We've got our last phone bank training session for the week being done tonight at 7 PM! Join us for this... http://t.co/ZG7\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JohnMorganESQ: Thataway @drsanjaygupta. You speak the truth. Believe!! #YesOn2 #WeedCNN',\n", " u'RT @UFStemCell: At senate committee http://t.co/EbqY75IHhv']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Absolutely we should be celebrating affordable healthcare!! \"cooking the books\" give me a break!! #REALLY\"??? @MarshaBlackburn @tedcruz',\n", " u'RT @IAmUncleSugar: I wonder what Republicans would say if Democrats showed up with an armed militia to defend welfare recipients? #edshow',\n", " u'@hardball Or KISS YOUR RIGHTS GOODBYE Put these guys where they belong...#TotheCURB!!',\n", " u'@hardball PLEASE pass,the word to our,DEMOCRATIC VOTERS.,STOP THE,REPUBLICANS & GET OUT & VOTE FOR OUR HOUSE & SENATE DEMOCRATS!!!',\n", " u'SOOO SCAREY! OUR DEMOCRATIC VOTERS BETTER GET OUT N VOTE. KEEP THOSE #REPUBLICANSOUTOFOFFICE!!!',\n", " u\"@bobjeffreys @meetthepress Yes! Let's now talk abt REGULATING the INS & PHARMACEUTICAL Companies!!!! #BringCostsDown!!#\",\n", " u'@hardball The GOP,(GRAND \\'OLE \"PartyY FARTS\"! It\\'s so Ssad for THAT.\"party\"!',\n", " u'@TheNewEdShow #SPreaDTheWord: VoTe DEMOCRATIC House & Senate, NOV.2014!',\n", " u'@TheNewEdShow #GetOut&VOTE, Nov is SOOOOOOO, ImPorTaNT!',\n", " u'@edshow If hard working fam\\'s R \"Stashin\\' their Cash\" well...then \"GodSpeed\"!!',\n", " u'RT @msnbc: LIVE: Pres. Obama delivers remarks at a memorial service at #FortHood http://t.co/WtZYY4dHUx',\n", " u'RT @NowWithAlex: The best evidence we have that Obamacare is working http://t.co/1vwcOuyrle via @voxdotcom',\n", " u'@NowWithAlex You R Such A Great Reporter! Keep Up the Fabulous Work!',\n", " u'Get the Facts, Get Out & Vote, Make it A Point, & LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!! #DemsInNovember! @TheRevAl @HuffingtonPost @maddow @JoyAnnReid',\n", " u'November IS SOOOOOO IMPORTANT! #Vote & #SaveTheMiddleClass @HuffingtonPost @hardball_chris @maddow @TheRevAl @JoyAnnReid Spread the Word!',\n", " u\"Get OUT & VOTE 4 DEMOCRATIC SENATORS & DEMOCRATIC HOUSE REPS!! Good for Woman and the Middle Class! Don't Miss Your MARK!!@hardball_chris\",\n", " u\"@TheRevAl , so tired of GOP's racist and bigoted behaviors! and yes they are racist and bigoted!\",\n", " u\"RT @Mark_Shriver: Thrilled to join @bridgitmendler on @mitchellreports to launch @SavetheChildren's #BabySitIn initiative. Tune in to @msnb\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Mark_Shriver: Headed to @msnbc to join @SavetheChildren's newest artist ambassador, @bridgitmendler, on @mitchellreports. Tune in! #AMR\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Official_DerekB: - Just saw @bridgitmendler on @mitchellreports talking about @SavetheChildren & talks new plan #BabySitIn! Love it! \\U0001f603 \\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @MJasonHouck: 10 Best Food Blogs of 2014 http://t.co/hZqS656JDK via @theSMPanel',\n", " u'RT @goodasyou: Far-right anti-gay groups hire GOP firm to show why moderates are fleeing GOP: http://t.co/XNz09mueeN #lgbt #Discrimination \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @pantone: Today's #coloroftheday is...DARK PURPLE! http://t.co/TpxI3hfYEh #colorinspires\",\n", " u'RT @stylebeat: Looking forward to teaching another Blogging Basics class Friday morning @NYSID class is full but join the wait list! http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @THR: EXCLUSIVE: Ellen DeGeneres to Launch Design Competition Series http://t.co/CGlUssaPZU @TheEllenShow',\n", " u'RT @Salon: \"White Man\\'s March\" organizer quits: \"Many alleged pro-Whites have been launching vicious assaults upon me...\" http://t.co/VTSVZ\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @tobifairley: My mantra for a happy home? Clear the clutter!! #springcleaning http://t.co/Q4Cbjowa17',\n", " u'RT @RajiRmDesign: Thank you @deringhall - New Post - http://t.co/QPVyzGxaMM http://t.co/C88zf6CBpv',\n", " u'RT @mmfa: Nun responds to being called a \"communist\" by Hannity: \"Name calling is about all that exists on that side.\" http://t.co/oFMRjTLn\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RyanNewYork: Happy Earth Day. This was the first picture of the earth taken from space in 1946. (source: http://t.co/WaPlExuGMK) http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @CB2tweets: Our new outdoor lounge chairs reinvent the '50s resort look for modern decks, patios, terraces http://t.co/SQXegaeYxS http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @RobinHoodTax: Bloated CEO pay, but true robber barons run hedge funds & private equity co's. http://t.co/xAd1cvCj5Z #RobinHoodTax http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @thedailybeast: Hard knock life: 50% of teens in juvie have suffered traumatic brain injury http://t.co/VyNtfhdcAy',\n", " u'RT @TheBradBlog: Democrats Lead Republicans by 6 Points in Generic 2014 Mid-Term Election Polling http://t.co/7dXxDxTRAu [New at BRAD BLOG]',\n", " u'RT @quintessenceblg: TY! RT @StacyNaquin: Nice article @EditorAtLarge @BuckinghamID @maison21 @LisaMendeDesign @CrystalPalecek @stylebeat h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StacyNaquin: Nice article @EditorAtLarge @BuckinghamID @maison21 @LisaMendeDesign @quintessenceblg @CrystalPalecek @stylebeat http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@LeeWayneRyder: @maison21 @patsajak I\\'ll take \"Wipe the cum off your chin for $1,000 Christian\".\\u201d WOW. just as klassy as @patsajak. nice.',\n", " u'RT @Jkirk22: My wife @luxuryprgal rules! Women Who Inspire Us: A Social Media Muse - http://t.co/nPlldk2PgA',\n", " u'RT @EWDolan: Rachel Maddow: Oklahoma \\u2019s \\u2018sun tax \\u2019 law means it \\u2019s a threat to Koch Brothers \\u2019 allies http://t.co/DkpgJ5GL1V',\n", " u'@KellyEdwardsInc @214Modern @EditorAtLarge @DesignOnHPMkt @KembleInteriors @BernhardtInc RIGHT? the bed literally took my breath away.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@suzannah_mpls @marjoriesba @dailyrundown @merlin333 >Not a moron..She is LIAR',\n", " u'RT @RoxEK1954: Johnny Depp has it right!! http://t.co/iIwCreF7j6',\n", " u\"@ron_fournier @tomtomjanderson .Well if Wyden had felt so strongly why didn't he just call a presser and reveal it insted of setting up DOI?\",\n", " u'@tomtomjanderson @ron_fournier >Well Sen Wyden knew all about it.He had just been briefed in closd Sess. He forced issue in open session tho',\n", " u'@ron_fournier >I agree on that but that should have been done by Comm, NSA and WH agreement not by a Senator breaking security',\n", " u'@ron_fournier #2 Chair Feinstein should have stopped the ques in progress and moved to remove Wyden from Intell comm..',\n", " u'@ron_fournier>He was given a choice to lie or reveal a classified program=a crime. Ques by Wyden was not to get info. Just a trap',\n", " u'@ron_fournier That is BS ..Clapper had just briefed in closed hearing on Meta data and Sen Wyden then ask in open session to force a lie.',\n", " u'@charles_1944 @morning_joe >This McCain voted to block Veterans benefits bill a week ago.. As a fellow VietNam Vet I am embarrassed by him',\n", " u'@charles_1944 @charles_1944 @morning_joe >He may be our strongest communicator but he may need to go as a VP to get known',\n", " u'@charles_1944 @morning_joe AND Brian Schweitzer!',\n", " u\"RT @randyprine: Yep that's about it. http://t.co/s8sIGIGaY1\",\n", " u\"@ron_fournier > Right observation. It's a story of commitment to obstruct beating a commitment to compromise.\",\n", " u'@charles_1944 @morning_joe >Funny but I remember Adkinson as a very forgettable reporter.',\n", " u'RT @thedahlimmama: Has the GOP decided yet whether killing 65 terrorists w/out invading makes the Pres a tyrant or a wimp?? #GOPHateNoMatte\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @teigland_cindy: Two Reasons To Vote Out Republicans Scalia the Seditionist and Thomas the Corrupt! SO TRUE!!! http://t.co/eepmWoBx54',\n", " u\"@charles_1944 @morning_joe >To hear the R's tell it we could not survive the tax rates of Truman, Ike, Kennedy& LBJ.But we did..\",\n", " u'RT @LOLGOP: Signs your party should be sent to farm #MMXIV: Donald Trump leads Walker, Jindal, Rubio, Perry & Santroum in the New Hampshire\\u2026',\n", " u'@TheReidReport @FLOTUS>I think you and MMHenderson were flippant abt the oppo to FLOTUS in Kan. Do U think Laura Bush wld be treated same?',\n", " u\"@nationaljournal >Where's the data? Data from who and where? This piece looks more like ur opinion and R hopes and dreams.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'I have just reached level 15 in #SweetMadness, how about you? http://t.co/1Zj2XEv5aT',\n", " u'I have just reached level 5 in #SweetMadness, how about you? http://t.co/1Zj2XEv5aT',\n", " u\"RT @etnow: Up next, here's @parksandrecnbc star Chris Pratt at the #MTVMovieAwards http://t.co/kcB6TQqFHm\",\n", " u'Wow! I just won this for free, INTO THE WILD directed by SEAN PENN http://t.co/IScIFIY0mq #listia',\n", " u\"Wow! I just won this for free, Victoria's Secret Free Panty http://t.co/Jq04mvbMgV #listia\",\n", " u'Wow! I just won this for free, Get Him To The Greek http://t.co/swAh7nnqcN #listia',\n", " u'Wow! I just won this for free, Christmas Dress by Bonnie Jean for baby girl, size 3T + plaid c http://t.co/OgEuwTeCbu #listia',\n", " u'Wow! I just won this for free, Free VS Seamless Little Panty http://t.co/Oaqiz74qow #listia',\n", " u'Wow! I just won this for free, All the Twilight Movies except the 3rd one, Eclipse, All in gre http://t.co/7vsXbvqp9m #listia',\n", " u\"Wow! I just won this for free, Camel Keg Collector's Tin (Empty) http://t.co/pQSkcrzHap #listia\",\n", " u'Wow! I just won this for free, CHILDS ROOM, WHITE MESH TOY HAMMOCK http://t.co/4mBsEV9HIe #listia',\n", " u'Wow! I just won this for free, Ernest Goes to Jail http://t.co/Qdfq629JHY #listia',\n", " u'Wow! I just won this for free, Stomp the Yard widescreen DVD (2006) http://t.co/LyNg5RLD3L #listia',\n", " u'Wow! I just won this for free, The Ring - DVD http://t.co/OSxZLaX9tj #listia',\n", " u\"I'm giving away: Lot of Vinyl Decals . Check it out - http://t.co/2ZjdH9Jarf #listia\",\n", " u\"I'm giving away: Flip Off F U The Finger vinyl decal Car Truck Window Laptop. Check it out - http://t.co/wvsdXyaUJY #listia\",\n", " u\"I'm giving away: Not Sponsored By Mommy and Daddy Vinyl Decal Window Vehicle Jeep Truck Car La http://t.co/tcS69s8oxY #listia\",\n", " u\"I'm giving away: Buck Doe Tribal Heart Vinyl Decal Window Vehicle Jeep Truck Car Laptop Sticke http://t.co/BeIu0ReWd8 #listia\",\n", " u\"I'm giving away: Peace Bud Marijuana Pot Weed Vinyl Decal Window Vehicle Jeep Truck Car Laptop http://t.co/yt4X4O24Gw #listia\",\n", " u\"I'm giving away: Gears of War Game Vinyl Decal Window Vehicle Jeep Truck Car Laptop Sticker. C http://t.co/1e0Y27wKzR #listia\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'\"@masnOrioles: \"O\\'s Xtra\" is LIVE on MASN HD. We hope you\\'re joining us! #masnOrioles\"I thought it was required. #letsgoO\\'s',\n", " u'RT @Britt_Ghiroli: Manny will play in a game tmrw in ext spring. Slid and cut the bases yesterday.',\n", " u'RT @GatorZoneChris: Nine #Gators in NBA playoffs tied for most of any college program. Congrats, Billy D and staff. Blog: http://t.co/dgHvp\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @onlygators: Florida #Gators add commitment from 2015 CB Marcus Lewis, No. 76 overall player in class. (via @RivalsFriedman)',\n", " u'@1010xljoec actually sailing is more interesting than soccer. #americasCup',\n", " u'\"@Orioles: Cheer extra loud for Steve Pearce today, it\\'s his Birthday! Retweet to wish him a great day. http://t.co/RvoitVVkTD\"#masnOrioles',\n", " u\"Let's go O's! ! #masnOrioles\",\n", " u'Time to win another series. #masnOrioles',\n", " u\"O's win! #masnOrioles @Orioles\",\n", " u'Great job Nick! #masnOrioles',\n", " u\"That's #masnOrioles\",\n", " u'Free baseball on MASN \"masnOrioles',\n", " u'@DaleJr hey Dale, grab that dudes fries for me #winjrgear',\n", " u'Tillman deserved better. #masnOrioles',\n", " u\"Let's get some runs for Tillman. #masnOrioles\",\n", " u\"Let's go O's. #masnOrioles\",\n", " u\"It's Friday and that means ORIOLES baseball. #masnOrioles\",\n", " u\"Ok Toronto, you are next. Let's go O's. #masnOrioles\",\n", " u'What a beautiful day here in Florida. #masnOrioles',\n", " u\"RT @EliasSports: Joakim Noah's triple-dbl last nite was his @NBA-leading 4th of season. Last center to lead league: David Robinson (5,1993\\u2013\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Why Every Member of Congress Gets a Monthly Porn Delivery http://t.co/mNFf723783 hah interesting',\n", " u'Edward Snowden Asks Putin About Mass Surveillance in Russia http://t.co/LfG63JImc7',\n", " u'The future of robotics is squishy http://t.co/yqURqpMRbP humans are squishy too',\n", " u'NASA-backed SpiderFab robot aims to build 3D-printed spaceship parts in orbit http://t.co/3HCnTEhPkW',\n", " u'RT @theculturehigh: Here Are All The U.S. Senators And Governors Who Support Legalizing Marijuana http://t.co/dhYMdYS85A',\n", " u\"RT @BillyCorben: If you missed last month's SOLD OUT Florida Medical Marijuana Business Conference, it's back on May 17th: http://t.co/30yX\\u2026\",\n", " u'#gogators #uf #gatornation http://t.co/OiwQV36yfQ',\n", " u'RT @siriusxmcanada: On April 28th @HowardStern hosts the @billyjoel Town Hall. Q & A, live music, specia guests & more . http://t.co/jHlwQ4\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @theculturehigh: breaking down the ridiculousness of the DEA's claim that legalizing Marijuana will kill dogs http://t.co/xriivCwonH\",\n", " u'RT @CollstrzTweets: Stephen Colbert Will Be The Next Host Of <em>The Late Show</em> http://t.co/IRqCjrJ6mK via @',\n", " u'Godzilla Official \"Extended Look\" Trailer (2014) - Bryan Cranston Monster Movie HD http://t.co/eRybCnK9Tc via @youtube',\n", " u'Is there a plane missing? @CNN #rtv2100',\n", " u\"RT @theculturehigh: Canada's first publicly traded marijuana company has rough first day when pot shipment seized by RCMP http://t.co/kcHNd\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @theculturehigh: video: First marijuana oil-infused pizza shop opens in Vancouver http://t.co/rA3ohbOhKs',\n", " u'Yeah, keep fighting. I will watch. RT @theculturehigh: DEA Chief: \"Marijuana Legalization Just Makes Us Fight Harder\" http://t.co/atbFUqVbsH',\n", " u'RT @TechCrunch: Minecraft Creator Cancels The Oculus Rift Version Because Facebook \"Creeps\" Him Out http://t.co/hxalpACwFZ',\n", " u\"RT @TenorJoshPage: Teacher threatens students with @GameOfThrones death spoilers if they aren't quiet in class. http://t.co/crUHfSkMBZ #Gam\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TechCrunch: Minecraft Creator Cancels The Oculus Rift Version Because Facebook \"Creeps\" Him Out http://t.co/XCPyaoB0sY by @drizzled',\n", " u'RT @CollstrzTweets: All Men In North Korea Are Now Reportedly Required to Get the Same Haircut as Kim Jong Un http://t.co/vKgW4urvBz via @T\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @energyforlondon: #Budget2014 at Para 2.32 states the government will shortly publish its response to the zero #carbon homes consultation']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@Vimeo #Webbys have been out for a few years now. They are like the @tellyawards but for online :)',\n", " u'#Filmmakers are you wanting to learn how to take your raw video files from your #BMCC into @Lightroom ? Contact me http://t.co/LeQslOYid9',\n", " u'@NinoLeitner good god, really Ni\\xf1o lol. A little over kill much',\n", " u'RT @JasonEng_: PMW-F5 and PMW-F55 Quick Reference Guide. http://t.co/858y1S5xne via @Stormguy',\n", " u'RT @HDSLRShooter: Skills To Set You Apart from Other Filmmakers #filmmaking - http://t.co/H72g0vMRhF',\n", " u'Showing love to @Hilton_Orlando as I will be here today and tomorrow #Freelance #VideoTech rooms',\n", " u'RT @IndieCinemaAcad: 10 great tips on deciding if you should move in to your own studio space: http://t.co/27aPV6hYlv',\n", " u\"RT @MNS1974: Please follow our (Heather & I) new adventure @frozenpros Frozen Prosperity, LLC. Life's moments at 1-20,000 frames per second.\",\n", " u'RT @Mrs_H_Bomb: My husband & I have established our own photography/video company. @frozenpros! Facebook page & pics up: https://t.co/lzP76\\u2026',\n", " u'First had 2 days booked for the rest of the month and then it turned into a week and a half :) #Freelance #OnSet #setlife',\n", " u'Happy Easter to everyone :) http://t.co/epfqbMPfKp',\n", " u'I want to give a big happy twitter b-day to @ryanewaltcine :)',\n", " u'RT @bittner: Sony\\u2019s new A7s camera is so sensitive you can shoot night for day. #YouReadThatRight http://t.co/eF9ED8SuAj',\n", " u'Thank you to my awesome friends over @ProductionHUB for the swag #ProHub #ToCool #FF http://t.co/aZ9i7N9AY6',\n", " u'@JamesonHerndon @freshdv I use quick books online for invoices and ADP for my payroll.',\n", " u'@ryan_connolly cool, I know a lot of Filmmakers don\\u2019t even know what or how to sell stock footage.',\n", " u'Here is the link to the video comments if you want to see for yourself https://t.co/zCwMfirxJV',\n", " u'Here is the video and tell me if I am right or wrong for saying that to him https://t.co/3ZTwkI9u7O',\n", " u'Wow this guy named Darren Levine just called me a troll on Vimeo all because I said that some of his info was wrong on the #BMPC #4K video',\n", " u'Hey @IamFilmguy you need to follow me so I can reply to your DM']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'http://t.co/zEZNNeBSKD',\n", " u'http://t.co/H8rqa9vDcj',\n", " u\"Article - Iranian killer's execution stopped by victim's parents http://t.co/0MO8RjX42q\",\n", " u'http://t.co/0G6NHp9uEk',\n", " u'http://t.co/YpuNznb6yM',\n", " u'Thanks for sharing http://t.co/tpg0vdpw1c',\n", " u'http://t.co/IwEuNix5Od',\n", " u'http://t.co/rjeAToa2Hd',\n", " u'I got : A Greek Philosopher! Who Were You In Your Past Life? http://t.co/O77AFxS5oo via @play_buzz',\n", " u'We denounce the Koch Brothers http://t.co/4e1fR6e5sR @moveon',\n", " u'Georgia school hosts first integrated prom http://t.co/vUXmVmTUv3',\n", " u'Wildflowers in the Median is also available at Favorite Books in Market Square. And Sweet Patina on Thomasville... http://t.co/DjovhlmkDX',\n", " u\"Wildflowers in the Median sold out again at St John's Book Store. They now have copies for sale.\",\n", " u'Certain elements of the security staff at\\nNorthwest Florida Reception Center are not used to inmates trying to... http://t.co/5xyUukANVL',\n", " u'http://t.co/WwppSwKifH',\n", " u'. http://t.co/xo2jEZWy0p',\n", " u'. http://t.co/ItYt582M70',\n", " u'http://t.co/mxdgPEIs4O',\n", " u'http://t.co/7X8ho9TMi3',\n", " u'http://t.co/8eOE2OlbT3']},\n", " {'REP': [u'https://t.co/nYBjUt2Itd Reading Pa I grew Up in this Town It turned into A big Slum Over the years',\n", " u'RT @PoliticsTBTimes: .@AlexSinkFlorida \"I am adamantly opposed to oil drilling in Florida.\" Talks about BP oil spill, effect on tourism. #C\\u2026',\n", " u'https://t.co/sSfxQsTo03 Titanic \\u2022 Lusitania \\u2022 Empress of Ireland',\n", " u'https://t.co/MS5O9TE1yo Titanic Sister Britannic Sinks 4 years Later',\n", " u'@AlexSinkFlorida two weeks from today you will be congresswoman Sink',\n", " u'RT @AlexSinkFlorida: Ready for the #CD13 community forum. Loved seeing all of the @alexsinkflorida signs at the entrance! http://t.co/ls9EC\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @senatornanrich: 16yrs of GOP governors in FL have left our education system decimated. Education is my #1 priority! http://t.co/fhaGhj3\\u2026',\n", " u'@AlexSinkFlorida Two Weeks from tomorrow It will be Congresswoman Alex Sink',\n", " u'@ned_luke @MrsHoppDlonge thats funny',\n", " u'RT @60Minutes: Wife\\u2019s donated organs are \\u201ckeeping three people alive,\\u201d says Liam Neeson. \\u201cShe would be very thrilled and pleased.\\u201d http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'http://t.co/AiH7AWsqQO',\n", " u'Salem Witch Trial Documentary: http://t.co/VMFh7nW2sf via @youtube',\n", " u'Grand Theft Auto Online Part 1 Gameplay Walkthrough - Character Creation...: http://t.co/AeKdWPYnEZ via @youtube',\n", " u'Grand Theft Auto 5 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Heist (GTA 5) (+playlist): http://t.co/JuZmaT0pWe via @youtube',\n", " u'GTA 5 - HILARIOUS FLOPPING! - (GTA V Lets Play #1) (+playlist): http://t.co/nUGifYZnQl via @youtube',\n", " u'@Maxmoefoegaming Like your You tube Videos I went out And Bought A Xbox 360 so I can Play GTA5',\n", " u'RT @FestiveWarChild: PEDOPHILE >>> Ted Nugent\\'s \"Jailbait\" 1981 - he was 33 when he wrote this #p2 #tcot #lnyhbt #uniteblue #teaparty http:\\u2026',\n", " u'Teens Go On a Pellet Gun Shooting Spree \\nhttp://t.co/3QuNObl5XN',\n", " u'http://t.co/pRVnyRNp3I',\n", " u'http://t.co/BYTiq1q4Pp']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Having a Princess moment with my Shidiamond. \\u2014 watching Ever After High',\n", " u'1977 Was some year!? \\u2014 watching Summer of Sam',\n", " u'It was a great thing he did http://t.co/tBh7R53XEK',\n", " u'http://t.co/6k2XkPpBZh',\n", " u'Omg http://t.co/nB24XpBG5i',\n", " u'Papa Pope has a weird sick love for Mama Pope. The President wanted her dead, but that will destroy his power n... http://t.co/K18CXooxLe',\n", " u'Connect the dots. http://t.co/9EV7cSHX0C',\n", " u'http://t.co/m8lcewO2NG',\n", " u'http://t.co/zJLVb1KYQh',\n", " u'Mary Mary: Stage Fright http://t.co/N7FEdhQkVS',\n", " u'Great song friend!!! http://t.co/VOa9fq9vuY',\n", " u'Four day weekend for my babies....',\n", " u'More missing children?? http://t.co/8XjQkxnjLb',\n", " u'OMG.... http://t.co/RpXah2t6OQ',\n", " u'Interesting!!! http://t.co/8S99fiJPwT',\n", " u'Tbt http://t.co/7Z137I9wce',\n", " u'Tbt http://t.co/bMyV8bCQtG',\n", " u\"New Edition - I'm Still In Love With You http://t.co/igBNaeW3NZ\",\n", " u\"I CAN!!! And I'm stilling smiling.... http://t.co/zWSX0zG583\",\n", " u'Tbt. <3 THIS SONG http://t.co/VxJKCXgCZf']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @CommCurrency: National #Bitcoin Alternative #Auroracoin Launches To Save Iceland's Economy http://t.co/zY7TQlxpZv\",\n", " u'The #bitcoin #antminers had babies, #script #auroracoin \\nLets do this :-) http://t.co/OnAvASl4IF',\n", " u'RT @maxkeiser: Bitcoin now safe haven play as NASDAQ/NYSE shit the bed. Look for new, all-time highs in 2014',\n", " u'#peopleadventure http://t.co/nPUXErYCdx',\n", " u\"RT @peaux_boy: 'Somebody' got hacked!!\\n#BundyRanch http://t.co/odDwaNCY8n\",\n", " u'#gridseed http://t.co/N13UEwlCKs',\n", " u'RT @RealAlexJones: Infowars Reporter David Knight is on the ground at the Bundy Ranch standoff in Nevada! Free video feeds at http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Starting to mine #auroracoin today :-)',\n", " u'@CHRankings high grain low fat diets',\n", " u'@CHRankings mineral deficiencies',\n", " u'@MarketWatch and while they collect the #carbontax, they are up in private jets. Save the who?',\n", " u'@MarketWatch #globalwarming is a figment of some communist #liberals imaginations. Tax me for passing wind, and eating #grassfedbeef.',\n", " u'@MarkDice Thanks for being courageous :-)',\n", " u'@Inc Bill Gates is a eugenicist. No kidding.',\n", " u'So if the B&M Gates Foundation funds all medical research, and they are top eugenicists, I must need #obamacare. Of course! \\u2014 Rebel ER Nurse',\n", " u'@HealthRanger <3 Amen!',\n", " u'Ooops, I forgot to sign up for my #obamacare. How will my family survive? Guess we will just have to utilize medical nutrition #Youngevity',\n", " u'Happy Birthday to my beautiful Momma! Thanks for sharing your good looks with me! :-) http://t.co/IifKS2Hwlj',\n", " u'Mined our first block! <3 #bitcoin',\n", " u'@foreverchasin feelin that one this am. Trapped inside in Florida :-)']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @BabyAnimalPics: First day on the job http://t.co/3pvqWpKvqG',\n", " u'Welp, Audra just killed it. So good! #TeamBlake #VoiceTop12',\n", " u'No filter needed for this one. Not a bad way to end a Monday. http://t.co/yM56ArOkjW',\n", " u\"Momma's Easter leftovers for lunch >>\",\n", " u'@jcorrea310 Maybe a little :)',\n", " u'@jcorrea310 I had a feeling you were going to respond with a response like this...',\n", " u'If I were to start a blog, would anyone actually read it? If so, what topics would you be interested in reading/learning about?',\n", " u'Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. \"Restaurant\\u2019s Easter Ad Shows Jesus Smoking A Blunt\" \\xab CBS Seattle http://t.co/mjYt9k6mEF',\n", " u'Thankful for the blood. Thankful for the Cross. Thankful for Jesus. He is risen, and forever He shall reign. #resurrectionday',\n", " u'I cherish Saturday mornings more than ever.',\n", " u'Was wondering why the lady in front of me was driving so slow. Turns out she was nursing her baby. There are no words...',\n", " u\"RT @candacecbure: It's a Good Friday indeed. Jesus died for all mankind, taking the punishment in full for our sin, reconciling us to God. \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @LeeGrady: #EasterMeans when Jesus died on the Cross for us, He opened a way for anyone to have eternal life. All you must do is put you\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @sammyrhodes: Jesus is the only king the world has ever heard of who knelt to wash the feet of his friends.',\n", " u'That moment when you reflect on your week, and realize that the only way you got through it was b/c God was with you all along. #thankful',\n", " u'RT @UberFacts: People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don\\u2019t.',\n", " u'@doncapener What a great idea! Remona and I loved talking with such young entrepreneurs and innovators. Thanks for having us!',\n", " u'RT @doncapener: @kay_hayes and Remona of @communityfirst #ju for the first fast pitch event http://t.co/RfebDgNXHW',\n", " u\"@jmbar91 Lol, it's so silly. And they call everyone else dumb?\",\n", " u'RT @SaraRozalina: \"It\\'s the Holy Spirit\\'s job to convict. God\\'s job to judge, and my job to love.\" #BillyGraham #Amazing #Truth']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@realwarriors My sister drew this from a photo my wife took twenty plus years ago. My favorite gift still. http://t.co/vNa68Fz5xo',\n", " u'@SJGrabski @FLGovScott awesome job. Thanks to @FMFCC1 for pulling together the \"Our Community Salutes\" recognition! Thanks to all sponsors!',\n", " u\"@Brewers: #Brewers win! They beat the Padres!\\nAnother win?? Somethin's goin on around here. What it is ain't exactly clear! But I like it!\",\n", " u'Jacksonville to Host 2016 Curling Championships http://t.co/ra6cndjbyg',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: There\\u2019s only one thing you need to know today. RETWEET and spread the word! #letskeepworking http://t.co/22BsNXIl1t',\n", " u'How bout them @Brewers!! Final/14: Brewers 3 Pirates 2. -via SportsCenter http://t.co/DjwBrYKtZG',\n", " u'#FloridaValuesVets Even before they put the uniform on. @JimmieTSmith thanks for being there.\\n@FMFCC1 thanks much!!\\n\\nhttp://t.co/o8mc3ydObb',\n", " u'Paid $18 mil. Sold for $550 mil. Not bad for a perennial losing team.\\n\\nhttp://t.co/V3yplZ68Y9\\xa0-via SportsCenter http://t.co/hYDIU7D8KV',\n", " u'RT @KLMPJR: \\u201c@ScottforFlorida: Governor Scott knows how important it is to give veterans the best opportunities! http://t.co/MY2QzC7Llm\\u201d',\n", " u'Final: Cardinals 6 Brewers 1. WP: STL S Miller (1-2) LP: MIL M Estrada (1-1)\\xa0-via SportsCenter http://t.co/hYDIU7D8KV\\n\\n#Back2RealityWeGo',\n", " u\"@Brewers PIT 2 @ MIL 3\\xa0-via SportsCenter http://bit\\nSomethin's goin on around here, what it is ain't exactly clear\\n\\n8 in a row!\\n#GoBrewCrew\",\n", " u'@Brewers 4 Pirates 2 @Brewers move to 8-2!!\\xa0-via SportsCenter http://t.co/DjwBrYKtZG\\n\\nWhy do I even KNOW this stuff?\\n#BestRecordinBaseball!!',\n", " u'@Reagan_Nation now that is what is called bipartisanship.',\n", " u\"Because I'm watching, @Brewers total 25 runs & 38 hits in 3-game sweep at Philadelphia following 3-game sweep at Boston.\\n#RoadTrippin'\",\n", " u'\"@RobEngstrom: HHS Sec Kathleen Sebelius has resigned.\"\\nWow. She is the fall lady for ACA failures? Someone has to carry blame for obamacare',\n", " u'RT @Gazi2a: Class Act. \\u201c@CNNPolitics: \\u201cI wanted to say hello to the President and the first lady\" -Fmr. Pres. George H. W. Bush http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: 4 yrs ago today, Rick Scott filed to become a candidate for #FLGov. 4 yrs and 540k private-sector jobs later, #LetsKee\\u2026',\n", " u'@vetcampaign @teg8403 @KurtzCongress love seeing Vets running & bringing Military Values to the forefront and on to DC.\\n#VetStrongAmerica',\n", " u'@CareerSourceFL @FloridaTrend Now if each of these 87% hires and retains 1 veteran, imagine the impact\\n#VetStrongFlorida\\n#FloridaValuesVets',\n", " u'RT @jimmygill: Education innovation is critical to compete in the new economy. Follow @ExcelinEd for updates on these iniatives. @JebBush']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @ScottforFlorida: It's time for the president to use his pen to stop flood insurance rate hikes. http://t.co/XOT7dXiHzP\",\n", " u'@RobinMeade #liarliar When I was a kid my parents would tell me stories of when they were kids and they said everything was in black & white',\n", " u'RT @sfnlafourche: THANK YOU For helping to #fixflood insurance! @BillCassidy @SteveScalise @MaryLandrieu @MaxineWaters Keep the bipartisan \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @STOPFEMANOW2ND: @HouseFloor Will you vote yes and save Hannah from her $65,000 second home #fixflood insurance premium?',\n", " u'@MaxineWaters thank you for your passionate and articulate speech to #fixflood',\n", " u'RT @USRepKCastor: Urging all colleagues to help middle class families in #Florida & #fixflood w big bipartisan vote tonight! @tampa_chamber\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @nkkkessler: 18%rate cap still too high,1% home value is FAIR!!!! AUDIT FEMA!!#stopfemanow #fixflood @RepTimMurphy @RepBrady @MikeKellyP\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowFL: #FloodInsurance WASTE at FEMA has made program insolvent. Time to investigate FEMA; pass HR3370 + caps @StopFemaNow http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowNC: @RepHensarling Why are you backing big govt FEMA bailout on backs of homeowners? Check your #floodinsurance facts! END \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowLI: @SpeakerBoehner #fixflood we need indiv rate caps and an audit for fema maps & financial mismanagement. Do the right th\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SFNslidell: @GOPLeader Thank you for reportedly working with @HouseDemocrats to improve flood insurance bill. #fixflood',\n", " u'@StopFemaNowNY @SpeakerBoehner @StopFemaNow Yes, Speaker Boehner, think about the devastation these premiums and home sale triggers create!',\n", " u'@FLGovScott Thank you! Please post a link to the details of the conversation and how the President reacted. #fixflood #floodinsurance',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: I also asked the President to undo the devastating National Flood Insurance Program rate hikes \\u2013 they are unfair for FL fam\\u2026',\n", " u'@BillCassidy Thank you, from one Republican to another, for helping with this whole #floodinsurance debacle. You are my hero! #fixflood',\n", " u'RT @Travis_J_Norton: Put #floodinsurance reforms to a vote http://t.co/QfbHi8FFwf @StopFemaNow @RepGusBilirakis @RepDennisRoss @GOPLeader @\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FederalResGroup: RT @thehill: Up next in House, flood insurance relief http://t.co/lt0zmxoaOC by @PeteKTheHill #floodinsurance',\n", " u'RT @USRepKeating: RT @fscdems: BREAKING NEWS| Majority of House Coauthor #FloodInsurance relief bill http://t.co/BvybUbAMzy #fixflood bill \\u2026',\n", " u\"@SenLandrieu I'm so happy to have you in our corner fighting for us! Thank you!!! #fixflood #floodinsurance\"]},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'There should be a place just for people to take naps.',\n", " u'Well at least I upgraded lol http://t.co/XkGLVsCiIO',\n", " u\"Getting some stuff on the byke powder coated. Iffy on color schemes. My byke is charcoal grey. Any ideas? I'm thinking white & gold\",\n", " u'I wanna go on a really long ride with some friends this weekend.',\n", " u\"I think I'm going on a long ride today, ease my mind a little\",\n", " u\"All I can think about is how bad I want to ride my byke in the morning.. Probably why I can't sleep\",\n", " u\"She's so beautiful\",\n", " u'I have the most perfect girlfriend ever',\n", " u'Can someone bring me some toilet paper please...',\n", " u'http://t.co/nEJUdLO4lz',\n", " u'I wish my troubles came around to see my point of view.',\n", " u'#infested http://t.co/1B7kHrc9oy',\n", " u'If u lyk kitees u shud peep my snap stori ceepainter',\n", " u'His name is Wolf because he looks like the wolf grey 5s http://t.co/KhgY8J0Ch5',\n", " u'RT @dyldomayo: BEST NAP EVER',\n", " u'Thankful for a full plate of food & a full table of loved ones.',\n", " u'SO TRUE \\U0001f64f http://t.co/BkHWDiBNdS',\n", " u'one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by http://t.co/OOg86Rknnr',\n", " u'Byke weather all week http://t.co/HyBjhrXBvi',\n", " u'Byke time']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'#LateBrunch #ItsOkay #LazySunday #SundayFunday #Mimosas #PanConMantequilla #BreadNButter #CoralGables\\u2026 http://t.co/gUx5dB0ovq',\n", " u'A #BigThankYou to @mely2026 for surprising me with this #Cute #EasterBunnyBasket #ILoveIt!! \\U0001f60d\\u2026 http://t.co/rtQBeEP8eo',\n", " u'He asked... And I answered \\U0001f609 #FavoritePosition #CEO \\U0001f451\\U0001f457\\U0001f460\\U0001f484 http://t.co/3TyMc0LfmU',\n", " u'#FoodForThought do it from the #Soul \\U0001f60a\\u270c http://t.co/S4rpSitPTT',\n", " u'#HangingOut with this #ChunkyCutie #MyOnlyChild #MyBaby #Joe #EnglishBulldog #Creeper #DoTheCreep but\\u2026 http://t.co/aAsWA1AmgN',\n", " u\"Don't EVER sit around and wait for a man to validate your existence... \\U0001f451 #GoOnAndMarinateOnThat\\u2026 http://t.co/JSf5GnBZDB\",\n", " u'#BitchPlease \\u270b\\U0001f602 #Swerve #YoureLivingALie and we all know it... http://t.co/XErMkEKyRf',\n", " u\"#NoFilterNeeded that's how great it really looks!! #Delicious #HomeMade by #YoursTruly\\u2026 http://t.co/XRBt2h2jRG\",\n", " u'\" uh huh honey...\" \\U0001f48b http://t.co/RakK5liUxQ',\n", " u'\"This\\'ll be a beautiful death.. jumpin out the window..letting everything go...\"',\n", " u'#MorningRide #MorningJamSesh #Classic #QTip #BreatheAndStop #WayToStartTheDay \\U0001f60f\\U0001f44c http://t.co/BkFIkgY8bN',\n", " u\"#CouldntHaveSaidItBetter... A #GoodMan #BreaksYourHeadboard not your heart... And it's VERY likely he\\u2026 http://t.co/kVwceuxShN\",\n", " u'Had to #Repost! @teearielle lmao!! #Truth #Exposed #PretendAllYouWant #DontFront \\U0001f602\\U0001f44c http://t.co/3XcdaL6RKB',\n", " u'#OldieButGoodie #DialatedPeoples #KanyeWest #ThisWay #IMissThisHipHop http://t.co/kIKJCzPi7a',\n", " u'#HouseOfCards #Truth #CutItforTheRightOne \\U0001f451\\U0001f496 http://t.co/kEMSCXMJqd',\n", " u'#MyJam #WhoGonStopMe #KanyeNJayZ #WatchTheThrone #ICantStop #MyDriveHome #TrafficJamSession http://t.co/AsvyzsaqHI',\n", " u'Ok I had to... #BILF #Beards #ILoveBeards #BeardedMenAreSexy #BeardsAreSexy #GottaLoveBeards #RP \\U0001f648\\U0001f60d\\u263a\\U0001f48b http://t.co/QRiY7uVoOP',\n", " u'#YouKnow! @mely2026 #OurValentines #HappyStPattys #ShenanigansAndJameson \\U0001f340\\U0001f37b\\U0001f37a http://t.co/ihhAYCYkV3',\n", " u'#Satisfying my sisters #SushiCraving #Sushi #RASushi #SouthMiami #SundayFunday #GoodTimes #FamilyTime\\u2026 http://t.co/6Z871XBGI7',\n", " u'\"Ooh baby...I feel like..the music sounds better with you!..\" \\U0001f48b @ SHOTS Miami http://t.co/oBIseyY9lX']},\n", " {'REP': [u'#FL19 Special Election. I voted, did you? http://t.co/pdLRK8pUpw',\n", " u'Happy Easter to all. Christ has risen.',\n", " u'Latest #FL19 poll shows @ClawsonOutsider with 2-1 lead. #TheOutsider',\n", " u'RT @ClawsonOutsider: Thank you @MicheleBachmann for the endorsement! #FL19',\n", " u'@SenRandPaul endorses @ClawsonOutsider in #FL19 special election.',\n", " u'@GoMeteoric is this a joke? Clawson the first to attack? Team Lizbeth still willing to mislead voters?',\n", " u'RT @justinamash: Recently had great mtg w/ Curt Clawson running in #FL19. @ClawsonOutsider just got big endorsement f/ Connie Mack. Keep an\\u2026',\n", " u'@ClawsonOutsider and @ConnieMackIV set to team up for economic press Conf. today at 1. #FL19 #TheOutsider',\n", " u'Polls show @lizbethkb trailing @ClawsonOutsider by 6 after SuperPac attacks #TheOutsider @lizbethkb says \"no involvement\"',\n", " u'@ConnieMackIV endorses @ClawsonOutsider in #FL19 Special Election. #TheOutsider vows to fight for Penny Plan in Washington.',\n", " u'@ClawsonOutsider gives strong response to attack by @lizbethkb Tallahassee superpac. #FL19 #TheOutsider http://t.co/c7KinpKpq3',\n", " u'Attack ads are sad. Typical politicians are upset because #SWFL wants #TheOutsider representing #FL19. http://t.co/cBKZqGHI4i',\n", " u'@ndn: Who should represent #FL19 ? Vote for @ClawsonOutsider a true conservative voice in #SWFL http://t.co/NrppiJ9y0b',\n", " u'#FL19 debate live now. http://t.co/d3XwGyQ0Cv',\n", " u'#FL19 Special election debate to start in 30min.',\n", " u'Momentum for #TheOutsider continues to grow. @MikeG4Congress :\"@ClawsonOutsider the right guy to represent #FL19\"',\n", " u\"RT @JackLatvala: I've always loved good fiction. #Sayfie http://t.co/pB1LGI98oK\",\n", " u'@ClawsonOutsider to hold \"Game Changing\" Press Conf. In Naples. #FL19',\n", " u'\"Packed house at Bonita \\nBay meet and greet for Curt Clawson...standing room only. \\n#FL19 http://t.co/2LKlPwgxOz',\n", " u'RT @Heritage: Poll: Majority of Democrats Think IRS Targeting Is Example of Corruption -----> http://t.co/Kx43olbYbm']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@lizbethkb Please remember to vote today for Lizbeth Benacquisto in the Florida District 19 special election! http://t.co/wjbFLcdDic',\n", " u'Please remember to vote today for Lizbeth Benacquisto in the Florida District 19 special election! http://t.co/1JVdj9Rfzw',\n", " u'RT @SarahPalinUSA: Please remember to vote today for Lizbeth Benacquisto in the Florida District 19 special election! Remind your... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: Team Lizbeth out walking door-to-door today.#CD19 #LizbethForCongress http://t.co/tEflAIayu6',\n", " u'@LarsonEducation I passed the state exam on Wed! Thx 2 the Larson Team!',\n", " u\"RT @lizbethkb: Talking tax cuts, protecting kids, FL GI Bill & balancing the budget with the Fort Myers Republican Women's Club http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EdisonState: Check out Dr. Douglas Houck on C-SPAN this weekend! http://t.co/W9g58sFpEZ',\n", " u'RT @Pontifex: Holy Week is a good occasion to go to confession and to take up the right path again.',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: Team Lizbeth waving signs today before I voted. Love these guys @SwinkAustin @SundAndrew and Ken! #FL19 http://t.co/wLilnv1L\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RightNowWomen: House Republican Women Endorse in Florida Special Primary via @rollcall http://t.co/Ybw7jObo1M',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: Thanks to @thenewspress for the endorsement, and for putting your trust in me. http://t.co/np6RAYboZh #FL19 #LizbethForCong\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: News-Press: We believe Lizbeth has the best chance of restoring trust to this seat and to our community . http://t.co/1ahEch\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: RT @She_PAC: any doubt that Lizbeth Benacquisto will fight to defend out 2nd amendment rights in Congress? http://t.co/Tei66\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: Want to meet @SarahPalinUSA on Thursday? Email info@lizbethforcongress.com for details. #LizbethForCongress #FL19 http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'@jd_bratinella Thank u Joyce! Enjoy ur weekend!',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: @SarahPalinUSA joined team @lizbethkb. Will you? RT to show support for Sarah & conservatives in #FL19 and the USA. http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WomensDCProject: Team @lizbethkb! welcomes Gov #Palin\\u2019s endorsement~@SarahPalinUSA Inspiring #WomenInPolitics & #patriots across #USA \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SwinkAustin: Vote for @lizbethkb! The #ProLife candidate for #FL19. As Americans, we must secure the unalienable Right to Life of the u\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @lizbethkb: I've made it a priority to protect life from the moment of conception. For more info, check out: http://t.co/awbjCkXRHq #Pro\\u2026\",\n", " u'http://t.co/A6WZJfws2i http://t.co/l3SB5mA2Xp']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'An Earth Day Message: Take Heart from the Abolition Movement http://t.co/qvjkXVOi8N',\n", " u'Ft. Lauderdale About To Make It Illegal For Homeless People To Have Possessions In Public #VisitFL http://t.co/7SD5bZqxcO',\n", " u'RT @mdawriter: Black Students In Seattle Are Suspended Or Expelled 5 Times More Often Than White Students http://t.co/vHzLV2iAPY via @TPJus\\u2026',\n", " u'Bob Marley & The Wailers - WAR: http://t.co/DlFTEzQvgC',\n", " u'RT @TheBlackVoice: Everywhere is WAR',\n", " u\"RT @of_davis: FL's largest charter school management company facing federal audit for transferring public school $$ to private arm http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @mdawriter: Implicit bias & how teachers can mitigate by @EstherQuinCo http://t.co/9LRhqWxMIk (via @caragerber) ~ Superb #educolor #edch\\u2026',\n", " u'\"the transnational corporate capitalist agenda is gendered and racialized\" - bell hooks',\n", " u'RT @MiamiHerald: How 477 Florida children died, and the state failed to protect them. #InnocentsLost investigation: http://t.co/9tkiVQQRuZ',\n", " u'RT @cantcacheme: The average child protective investigator in Miami-Dade has about 18 families to look after. Many have more. #InnocentsLost',\n", " u'RT @WLRN: .@MaryEllenKlas If legislators can find $10 mill for dwntn Miami tower, why not more $ for child welfare system? #innocentslost',\n", " u'RT @MiamiHerald: How 477 Florida children died, and the state failed to protect them. #InnocentsLost investigation: http://t.co/fWNY10Yjrx',\n", " u'RT @WLRN: .@Marbinius says DCF changed what it considered death from neglect/abuse so fewer count #InnocentsLost @MyFLFamilies',\n", " u'RT @WLRN: None of FL leg. proposals will give more funding for support srvcs for parents. #innocentsLost',\n", " u'RT @HudsonsView: .@MiamiHerald finds 477 kids w/ DCF contact died since \\u201908. Was DCF shocked by that? Hear #InnocentsLost Town Hall 9aET @W\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BoweryBoys: In 1964, the dictator Francisco Franco hired the ad firm McCann Erickson to improve the image of Spain. #MadMen',\n", " u'RT @BoweryBoys: Don is flipping through this issue of LOOK Magazine from Jan 21, 1969: #MadMen http://t.co/vT2uBhXmCu',\n", " u'RT @NASA: As seen on #Cosmos: Meteors - learn more about these shooting stars: http://t.co/qSoX0l8r2t\\xa0 http://t.co/1BemqWZxlK',\n", " u'RT @NASA: As seen on #Cosmos: Meteor Crater, Arizona - a study of impact craters\\xa0https://t.co/zzqaFxrIIK\\xa0\\xa0 http://t.co/ybjW9K9Z7r',\n", " u'RT @NASA: As seen on #Cosmos: Stars & planets form inside vast, cold clouds of gas & dust [video]\\xa0https://t.co/JKZdMioi77\\xa0\\xa0 http://t.co/y5E\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"It'd be nice to sleep but I inhaled about three pounds of dust whilst cleaning my car so I think I'll just stay awake and cough pathetically\",\n", " u\"@ginnybeth1 what you don't wanna find God's match for you?\",\n", " u'RT @ginnybeth1: CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW REVOLTING CHRISTIAN MINGLE COMMERCIALS ARE TO ME CAUSE WOW DO I HATE THEM',\n", " u\"@HannahTison ain't no fiction to it. There's bears and bums and woods out there and they're fighting to the death.\",\n", " u'@irishgingerguy usually correct but sometimes not. #occasionalloophole',\n", " u'RT @HannahTison: @katiebethtison last night I dreamed bears lived in the fictitious woods next to our house and attacked the fictitious bum\\u2026',\n", " u\"If it's after 8:30 but before midnight I probably don't want to talk to you or anyone really #fact\",\n", " u'@jaland5 REAL TALK. I just vacuumed my car.',\n", " u\"Lookin' like a straight-up Mary Poppins chimney-sweep after cleaning my car out #chimchimcheroo http://t.co/pfPXzjK3fM\",\n", " u'@ChristiLeeBlack let me know if you need help with whatever this refers to!',\n", " u'@quidnunct not the biggest Blue Moon fan, but I bet a Woodchuck would be a good complement!',\n", " u\"@quidnunct @AnchorBrewing it's REAL good, and a wonderful distraction from paper writing\",\n", " u\"Chocolate cake and an @AnchorBrewing Porter at 4:30 in the afternoon because it's finals week and real life doesn't matter.\",\n", " u'Shoutout to the programmer who\\'s listening to the opening of \"Space Jam\" on a loop',\n", " u\"RT @irishgingerguy: Can't wait to see #PennyRiver with @mamenator @abbyintheflat @JonRubottom and @katiebethtison!!!\\nAs I understand it @Ni\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Physically exhausted after all the socializing I've done today. #introvertlife\",\n", " u'What a foretaste of deliverance! \\nHow unwavering our hope! \\nChrist in power resurrected,\\nAs we will be when he comes!',\n", " u\"Come behold the wondrous mystery, Slain by death the God of life\\nBut no grave could e'er restrain him;\\nPraise the Lord, He is alive!\",\n", " u\"RT @hiphopaugustine: if ya curious why we so cray fa Christ\\nHe didn't stay dead when sacrificed\\ndevil been conquered, captives freed\\nJESUS \\u2026\",\n", " u'@HannahTison just saw this tweet. Dying.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @oddestfacts: Inhaling the air in Beijing is equal to smoking 21 cigarettes a day.',\n", " u'RT @gloria132: Latinos #TimeIsNow to #Register2Vote before #MidTermElection. #TNTweeters @AlPunto @NBCNews @FoxNews pro #CIR http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gloria132: Latinos #TimeIsNow to #Register2Vote before #MidTermElection. #TNTweeters @RichardOHornos @CaraPrior2014 pro #CIR http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @RichardCruzC: Immigration Reform - Obama's Great Civil Rights Challenge http://t.co/pm7jd8Q97Q via @sharethis\",\n", " u'RT @RichardCruzC: Latino community activists are tired of the same answers from President about his failure to act to end deportations htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KennettDems: Women, awake! \\rDefeat the scourge of gun violence! \\r#WeAreAllNewtown http://t.co/m724dufh7o',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @EMesaLaw @BarackObama because the #DeporterInChief is @SpeakerBoehner and his gang of obstructionist- hey, #Congress m\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @BarackObama: Our country is losing out on the economic gains of #CIR because the House is stalling. http://t.co/cT8ELy\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @katiuskausa: Shame on you! @MarioDB @RosLehtinen putting your country second and your party first it is a shame! @BlueNationUntd http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: @DRMAction Wow #TNTweeters recognized! Now lets focus on #Congress @SpeakerBoehner #DeporterInChief #notenough TIME htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @OFA_VA: Congress refuses to act to #RaiseTheWage. But we're making progress anyhow. See how: http://t.co/UpJZ6Jd9CU http://t.co/AJA2cqI\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @UniteBlueTX: Texas Republican infighting! @DavidHDewhurst brings down @DanPatrick w/ Mother of all Debt! http://t.co/ewUy79SYEA http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ClauTFL: @alicia_lupercio @GOP @EspuelasVox @UniteBlueFL https://t.co/yb4NgsB5b3 http://t.co/8sIXh9cGcx',\n", " u'RT @AlbertDeAscenti: Attempts to repeal #Obamacare cost Taxpayers 59.4Billion. Time to Repeal #Republicans http://t.co/koWcFrFT71 @UniteBlu\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ReporterPhoenix: Yep needs to happen in Nov '14\\nREPEAL THE GOP\\n \\nhttp://t.co/84INNU0BJo\\nVia @tkdmike @diygreg @tkdmike \\n#GREED\",\n", " u'RT @ItsShoBoy: .@LatinoVoices: #ImmigrationReform Checkmate: #DACA & Mental Health http://t.co/X5wSwqCGJ8 - #TNTweeters #VOTOLatino #Latism\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ItsShoBoy: .@LatinoVoices: #ImmigrationReform Checkmate: #DACA & Mental Health http://t.co/X5wSwqCGJ8 - #TNTweeters #VOTOLatino #Latism\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SerraldeMusic: La maldici\\xf3n del chino, pal chino... :) http://t.co/JR1AvDXTj3',\n", " u'RT @susanpai: Usa la traducir http://t.co/DSuv6l5iWE para leer de la C\\xe1mara Baja y los leyes de los EEUU http://t.co/y0CaTHcszV. #TNTweeters',\n", " u\"RT @OFA_TN: 2/3 of minimum wage workers are women & they're not given equal pay for equal work. #RaiseTheWage & #StandWithWomen. http://t.c\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'\\u2018Can\\u2019t breathe\\u2019: Sebelius\\u2019 \\u2018perfect\\u2019 farewell \\u2018glitch\\u2019 is comedy gold [video,\\xa0Photoshop] http://t.co/uuWzEFD2rn via @TwitchyTeam',\n", " u'nyakata: http://t.co/mP3zBId8dM via @YouTube',\n", " u'Cartoon Blitz: http://t.co/VhNnJOU0vP via @YouTube',\n", " u'@greggutfeld http://t.co/5j8MrSrIEb',\n", " u'Check this video out -- Gooched Viewer Mail http://t.co/zu2xfozRjF via @CheckOutLatest',\n", " u'http://t.co/SKwByFqoLK',\n", " u'RT @chipwoods: Palin Mocked in 2008 for Warning Putin May Invade Ukraine if Obama Elected http://t.co/t7ewlC9Lne',\n", " u'RT @wnick75: Ironic Flashback: #Obama To Romney: \"Cold War Is Over Governor\" http://t.co/veuK3OY0YO #Ukraine #uniteblue #libcrib #p2 #tcot',\n", " u'RT @HernandezTony: \"Great! Invasion is a go!\" Putin, after hearing Obama\\'s remarks.',\n", " u'RT @prfekrdumbrella: When obama spoke about the ukraine did he have his red disappearing marker with him?',\n", " u'HERCULES: http://t.co/xC3qV34TX4 via @youtube',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video from @blacktreetv http://t.co/62fnRXzk1W Academy Award Winner Best Animation - Wall E - Featurette',\n", " u'Check this video out -- Harmony H-22 BATWING Bass Guitar http://t.co/oTTOjoB2OF via @CheckOutLatest',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/4wmLwpkVET The Clash - Death Or Glory',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/fK6CtwEXqg Dweezil Zappa - 3rd Annual Dweezilla',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/1p6XnYeCX5 Charlie Crist Is Officially a Democrat--He Played the Race Card',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/uTahjlKmac Tech guru, Thomas Nordegg, runs through his impressive guitar effects setup!',\n", " u\"I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/gZM85j2ZTg Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it [Extended Version] OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO\",\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/kXYQatngfN Abba - Mamma Mia',\n", " u'Dave vs. The Guitar Repair Book: http://t.co/L7tlKZxiia via @youtube']},\n", " {'REP': [u'http://t.co/IEb6QwlcLm',\n", " u'@seanhannity http://t.co/xsaNsfzKeV',\n", " u'http://t.co/UcqPEMw6I7',\n", " u'V O T E !',\n", " u\"@FLGovScott @visitflorida great news. Let's continue budgeting for beach renourishment projects. Beaches = tourism.\",\n", " u'Lincoln Day Dinner at #MarALago with #senatortedcruz #singerisland. http://t.co/31uP0ZpoUl',\n", " u\"There's no place like home! #NYC #hustle bustle #home\",\n", " u\"Gotta luv Broadway Joe's style. He's still pimping after all these years.\",\n", " u\"Here's hoping Jim Nantz slices Phil Sims' microphone cable.\",\n", " u'Would a conservative democratic be considered a liberal republican?',\n", " u'South Florida makes way for the megayachts\\nhttp://t.co/l1FLinCVXl',\n", " u'RT @WomenOfHistory: Excuses are useless. Results are priceless.',\n", " u'RT @JackBPR: EXCLUSIVE \\u2014 Source: Palm Beach Post Editorial Boss a Goner as Nine Take \\u201cVoluntary\\u201d Buyouts; Firings Next! http://t.co/1wzxum6\\u2026',\n", " u'Why do I need 25 cigars?',\n", " u'http://t.co/9EhfxFlJi0',\n", " u\"ooooheyitsrachel's photo http://t.co/ckKG6bm7Hg\",\n", " u'RT @fasanomike: As Citizens insurance denies claims, it racks up attorneys fees: Citizens Property Insurance Co. will be raisi... http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'Proud of New York voters for saying no to Carlos Danger and Client 9.',\n", " u\"RT @fasanomike: Citizens premiums rise 6.3 percent (does not include Citizens' increases through the back door) http://t.co/RpYcDhXO3Q via \\u2026\",\n", " u'Tonight at Cruzan! http://t.co/Z5NcHL8gnr']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @rickygervais: Low budget King Kong remake.. http://t.co/adYVSyji8q',\n", " u'RT @TribecaFilmFest: \"I like to look at movies as big machines that take audiences on a ride.\" @andrewdisney on @IntramuralMovie: http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VSPC: Sad to see you go, Sunday... #LoveFL http://t.co/hhDrL2FAlz',\n", " u'RT @Variety: Watch: New \\u2018Star Wars Rebels\\u2019 Clip Shows Hera in Action http://t.co/cHcZT7jeqL',\n", " u'RT @FilmFlorida: Invest in Florida\\u2019s future by investing in its entertainment industry http://t.co/0n9XQ0BFSM via @GainesvilleSun #Entertai\\u2026',\n", " u\"Opening Night @SunscreenFF is gonna be packed @nicoleandbri from @TotalDivas Red Carpet, Film, Party, don't miss out http://t.co/nr10RQMiC4\",\n", " u'@phuff1 Toledo! say hi to my hometown for me!',\n", " u'Kick-Off Party Tonight April 19th #constantcontact http://t.co/N1IZDeIEHb',\n", " u\"Paw prints & jalape\\xf1os all over hood of my Jeep this AM. It's either raccoons or Todd Jones snuck down from Virginia in the middle of night.\",\n", " u'RT @HuffPostEnt: Why the \"Fed Up\" poster was almost banned http://t.co/BIr5QNkLV8',\n", " u\"Cannes 2014 lineup: 'A mouth-watering selection' http://t.co/fdzl4WrtOF http://t.co/aftWkxbSrm\",\n", " u'Nikki #BellaTwins @nicoleandbri will be at Opening Night @SunscreenFF Confessions of a Womanizer, http://t.co/Am14HapZCH #SunscreenFF14',\n", " u'RT @TheWritingDemon: Me gonna edcumacate ....http://t.co/djrc5FKAKg #SunscreenFF14',\n", " u\"@alexlynnward thx for coming to @SunscreenFF we can't wait to screen Confessions of a Womanizer! http://t.co/Am14HapZCH #SunscreenFF14\",\n", " u'@MikeAndMike #ForAMillion I would give up #NFL, 17 yr season tix holder of TPA Bay, but never give up #CollegeFootball #GoBuckeyes',\n", " u'Big news in the digital space, Lionsgate teams with Freddy W. StreamDaily http://t.co/xxERehsa4U',\n", " u\"RT @Variety: Film Review: 'Heaven Is for Real' http://t.co/k21AAPAZeb\",\n", " u'Hottest film event of the year article in @desttampabay Magazine @SunscreenFF #SunscreenFF14 http://t.co/0hQEZDOvV0',\n", " u'@roberthestand Thx for the follow!',\n", " u'Opening Night May 1st! Confessions of a Womanizer @TheGaryBusey @nicloeandbri @MiguelAliDaddy http://t.co/Am14HapZCH #SunscreenFF14']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Day two of office manager interviews in #Orlando - hope we find someone awesome!',\n", " u'@Loews_Hotels How to we make reservations for that rate?',\n", " u'RT @pewinternet: The next transportation industry disruptor? Public is split. Report: http://t.co/4aEgaB9Lgl @SmithsonianMag http://t.co/Yk\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @LaurenSherman: I'm so excited to share that I've joined @Shyp as their head of marketing today. Use code LAUREN for $10 off http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'There are no gains, without pains. - Benjamin Franklin',\n", " u\"RT @TheSuccessKing: Benjamin Franklin's Daily Schedule For Success: http://t.co/fNVTrPcATt\",\n", " u'RT @WSJD: The U.S. agreed to give up supervision of the Internet policy-making body that controls domain names. http://t.co/7x9L2xTHVM',\n", " u'RT @postalreporter: OIG audit : #USPS does not track sales or know how many historic properties it owns - 25 listed 4 sale-28 up next - ht\\u2026',\n", " u\"I can't wait to hear about all the awesome stuff that our team members from Orlando & Chicago learn about at #ICON14 this week.\",\n", " u'RT @latimes: LAX dog-greeter program marks its first year of keeping fliers calm http://t.co/msf146BufV',\n", " u'@ncrulz121 Fancy chairs!',\n", " u'@propmgmtinsider Always good stuff. Happy to do it.',\n", " u'RT @ValaAfshar: In 1939, you could be BATMAN for $10,000. \\n\\nToday, it would cost you $135 million to be #BATMAN! \\n\\nhttp://t.co/CnG5xSyZx2',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Starting next month, all D.C. licenses will need to be replaced. Every single one of them. http://t.co/JNn1h5foHs',\n", " u'http://t.co/ntd7gdzfFE // MT \\u201c@propmgmtinsider: Few apt markets have strong rent growth... Portland is one of them. http://t.co/Wa0kSZVUdd\\u201d',\n", " u\"Congrats @CarmodyJr on completing a the #BostonMarathon - I'm impressed!\",\n", " u'RT @RachelFackender: @CarmodyJr completes the #BostonMarathon with a time of 3:40:48! Way to go, bro!',\n", " u'RT @Forbes: 42% of employees have changed jobs due to stress: http://t.co/u3pmj9VfCe',\n", " u'RT @UVSlipperyRock: Settin up the #UVBIGscreen for the Pens game tonight! \\U0001f427 http://t.co/4mFSdgdlt8',\n", " u\"RT @NAAhq: Deals Drive Shake-Up in 2014 National Multifamily Housing Council List of Nation's Top 50 Owners, Managers http://t.co/zzjtYge7ot\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @DaveScholnick: Inquirer letter: Jamara's 2-year-old brother never should have been able to get his hands on a loaded gun. #Everytown ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @loisbeckett: Will CDC return to funding gun violence research? A key congressman says no: it\\'s \"a request to fund propaganda.\" http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @NewtownAction: NYC official questions oil firm's political giving to the NRA http://t.co/iT8CEOkcTv via @WSJ\",\n", " u'RT @TLW3: Mother of Accidental Shooting Victim Held on $500,000 Bail http://t.co/89piDjjlst #gunfail #nra',\n", " u\"RT @OnPointRadio: Audio is up for our hour on Bloomberg's new gun push w/ @shannonrwatts, @DonnaLeinwand, @McMahonDEM & @larrypratt http://\\u2026\",\n", " u\"If Bloomberg's Everytown ends gun control gridlock, he will save lives. http://t.co/H9e63LmtNV\",\n", " u'Gabby Giffords: Politicians will pay for siding with NRA. http://t.co/ztRebwSQcw',\n", " u\"RT @MomsDemand: IT'S WORKING: WI. Gov Scott Walker signs 3 bills to protect domestic violence victims and keep guns from abusers: http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @cyndilauper: Please take a moment & watch this. Take a stand TODAY to help end gun violence. http://t.co/rYIarS2cSh @Everytown #WeAreEv\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @maggiepolitico: Bill Clinton headlining Gabby Giffords' group fundraiser in NYC on Wednesday http://t.co/RVWnzXMpif\",\n", " u'RT @xtinel: How many hate groups are there in Pennsylvania? See the interactive map http://t.co/AfP6O4V5Yi',\n", " u'Gun bill signing and barbecue make for old-fashioned campaign event. http://t.co/yvKnoN1N1r',\n", " u'RT @NYAGV1: Please share this flyer for \"Kids & Gun Safety\" community event in #Armonk on Wed., May 14. \\nhttp://t.co/K0XlPqIjxv http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RWwatchMA: 4-year-old accidentally shot 3-year-old brother http://t.co/ZVE20czGJF So many guns, so many law-abiding gun owners,so many \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @NYAGV1: Utah boy, 2, shot and killed by 3-year-old sister http://t.co/o3QGZcdxL2. Support #Nicholas's Bill: http://t.co/14LogZjBSz #NYA\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JenniferKillin: .@NRA Refute this: http://t.co/UmW8FBshXW #gunsense #stopgunviolence #NoMoreNames #NoMoreSilence #everytownforgunsafety\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @piersmorgan: Sorry, don't really get the 'joke' > RT @jackvale @piersmorgan Hey Piers... thought you'd love this one. http://t.co/96u7M\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @shannonrwatts: Bloomberg\\u2019s Campaign For Gun Reform on @OnPointRadio today at 10 am EST: http://t.co/UqC39CzNtG @shannonrwatts @DonnaLei\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AndreiNikit: Why does #NRA oppose legal efforts to keep #guns away from domestic abusers? http://t.co/ymw4uFq5Dq\\n#reprehensible http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Chanlowe: My cartoon: \"Bloomberg\\'s Dollars Pack a Punch!\" #StopTheNRA #GunControlNow #Newtown #EndSYG http://t.co/sQN76xrTe5']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"Learning about Disney Nature's Bears http://t.co/M6rk9Cp3aD\",\n", " u\"At Rafiki's Planet Watch for Disney's Animal Kingdom's Party for the Planet #earthday #orlando http://t.co/nrC2ILQrnl\",\n", " u\"Happy Birthday Disney's Animal Kingdom!!! Turning Sweet 16 today - Earth Day! #wdw #disney #orlando http://t.co/upjtfsWwHf\",\n", " u'RT @Lifeisgood: How are you giving back to this planet we call home? #EarthDay http://t.co/AvBmqhwZwv http://t.co/RvKaQ8Roae',\n", " u\"RT @FoxNews Environmental group slams EPA's jet-fueled #EarthDay-themed tour http://t.co/98rF1vn9wA\",\n", " u'RT @WESH: Happy #EarthDay! Founded in 1970 as a day of environmental education, Earth Day is now celebrated worldwide. More: http://t.co/kj\\u2026',\n", " u'@thisgrltravels Plan on doing anything special this Earth Day?!?',\n", " u'#earthday #giveaway ends today!! Save water and $ with Tap-n-Flush #win #contest http://t.co/5bbldN4qan \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026',\n", " u'Plastic Purge: Tips On Avoiding Plastics For Your Health from @msamclem http://t.co/Nufw10LBgT #EarthDay',\n", " u'Happy #EarthDay !!',\n", " u\"World's Smallest Eco-Friendly Cafe - You Can Own One Too! http://t.co/0LJzbSHUdI\",\n", " u'RT @JeffTitelius: Happy Easter! @AboutCruises @KimberlyButton @CruiseRadio @OrlandoChris @deckchairblog @CruiseMaven @TravelMaven @ravenou\\u2026',\n", " u'Florida native flower - verbena - brings beauty and butterflies!!!! http://t.co/dGaqlKao66',\n", " u'Complete crap. Six sensors go all at once. fieldsbmw in Winter Park brings us in to fix each one by\\u2026 http://t.co/okoLukrFJJ',\n", " u\"This is a HUGE lie based on our continuing experience with @fieldsbmw Don't fall for the @bmw ads. http://t.co/VMp6zGFzro\",\n", " u'Seems that most natural body care is on sale at @target for #Earth week, including @nourishusda in\\u2026 http://t.co/JvnDWyIwfg',\n", " u'Wishing you a Happy Easter today! Be happy! http://t.co/SkKSRLoy2W',\n", " u'Plastic Purge Offer Tips On Avoiding Plastics For Your Health from @msamclem http://t.co/Nufw10LBgT #EarthDay',\n", " u'Happy Easter!!!!! http://t.co/jevFR1mIYa',\n", " u'Earth Day Festival at Lake Eola today in #orlando http://t.co/DGGyZ8MiLl']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @beckjason: Over-the-shoulder catch by Cabrera, then whirling throw home to keep Ramirez at 3B. He's making up for his bat with his glov\\u2026\",\n", " u\"I unlocked 2 Xbox Live achievements in Mirror's Edge! http://t.co/0BbueGMcvK\",\n", " u\"Is Breaking The Walls Down on Mirror's Edge. http://t.co/VUvQCqAJjl\",\n", " u\"RT @ESPNStatsInfo: Bunch of people asking- what's wrong with Miguel Cabrera hitting? Here's a look at his heat map so you can judge http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SomaJT: Trying my luck in the arena... - Battle Royale - @SomaJT - http://t.co/5pQuxtlgrI - Wish me luck. ;-) http://t.co/g9TBNJQQj1 Co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SomaJT: - ArcheAge: Questing and Leveling - @SomaJT - http://t.co/5pQuxtlgrI -: http://t.co/ye0O9aYP7G',\n", " u\"RT @JalaPrime: @therealcliffyb Ahhh, it's a wonderful world when the people who can afford things are given them for free ;)\",\n", " u\"Is Breaking The Walls Down on Mirror's Edge. http://t.co/VUvQCqAJjl\",\n", " u\"RT @CJNitkowski: It's cute when Puig does it. You don't like Gomez I understand why and history, but stay objective. He wasn't wrong here.\",\n", " u'RT @Know: http://t.co/R6X9D2D2c3',\n", " u'RT @Stallion83: As a Thank You, I will be giving away Killer Instinct Ultra Edition for Xbox One to a random Xbox follower next week. :D',\n", " u'RT @wilw: Deliberately being an asshole to get RTd so you can get attention for your podcast isn\\u2019t the best way to get attention for your p\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Crumps2: there's some $1 games on PSN worth a look right now\",\n", " u'RT @RebySky: [PIC]: *dead* http://t.co/CPxh2feeM7',\n", " u'RT @beckjason: Unexpected side effect of Alex Gonzalez release: More ABs for Andrew Romine, more Red Hot Chili Peppers as walk-up music.',\n", " u\"RT @DuvalMagic: @Kristige the Lego games have had a wicked hard lock bug since the beginning - even on Xbox 1. My hypothesis is that it's m\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JustinVerlander: Happy Easter everyone!',\n", " u\"RT @RealKevinNash: Watching the Ten Commandments,can tell me @TheRock didn't steal his gimmick from Yul Brynner.\",\n", " u'Is Breaking The Walls Down on Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY. http://t.co/VUvQCqAJjl',\n", " u'RT @IGLevine: All right, BioShock bronies: today is your day... (h/t alyssa kelly) http://t.co/V03LMuGEM5']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @Dreamdefenders: ICYMI: Supreme Court voted today that Universities have the right to ban Affirmative Action http://t.co/xYfspSaaKc http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @brokeymcpoverty: Supreme Court Votes 7-2 That Slavery Actually Had Its Advantages When You Think About It',\n", " u'RT @brokeymcpoverty: is you smokin?? @TheSupremeCourt',\n", " u'RT @theferocity: Wait. RT @jbasher: \\u2026 RT @tessastuart: Wow. @MaraGay BREAKING - The Supreme Court votes 7-2 that states can end affirmative\\u2026',\n", " u'@ivieeve Nicki is my girl \\U0001f60d',\n", " u\"RT @LadyNeuro: That's soooo true. All my friends who went to HBCUs graduated with perfect 4.0s\",\n", " u'RT @Ms_Lee_yah: Black students at HBCUs, on average, have significantly higher GPAs than black students at Predominately White Institutions\\u2026',\n", " u'#PutEmOnWax',\n", " u'Okay, back to Juicy J \\U0001f602',\n", " u'@MiguelUnlimited in the morning= all the feels \\U0001f49c',\n", " u'RT @RevYearwood: Good convo on @RolandReports: On #NewsOneNow discussing #ClimateChange Did u know that #Chicago is considered Asthma war z\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @redclayscholar: Your students aint trill like mine: BRILLIANT discussion of #IllmaticXX by my hip hop students. Peep our convo here: ht\\u2026',\n", " u\"I've always wanted lavender hair so this morning, I'm going to get it. Cross your fingers for me!! http://t.co/zfPj7kC3py\",\n", " u\"@TisPiece You're so wonderful. I needed those words too \\U0001f618\",\n", " u'Putting in work to the musical stylings of King Push #MyNameIsMyName #PushaT',\n", " u'RT @suey_park: \"The revolution will not be essays.\" -@DarkMatterRage',\n", " u'RT @Selintifada: cultural appropriation = white entitlement http://t.co/Kyr9mWMImm',\n", " u'RT @taygogo: I\\'m not really interested in that term \"ally\" too much. I\\'m interested in finding comrades more so than allies.',\n", " u'But I voted Obama!* #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words *When called out on a micro-aggression.',\n", " u'Sometimes you gotta compromise* #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words *Usually on issues that disproportionately affect people of color.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @WSJ: Younger conservatives urge GOP to drop opposition to same-sex marriage from party platform: http://t.co/By6l1reBUP',\n", " u\"@TabbedOut Do all locations using your app have WiFi? What if I don't have a data plan?\",\n", " u'RT @CopeRick: It was great to spend time with the next generation of #entrepreneurs as a @MercerBusiness guest speaker. Great program from \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Urvaksh: Atlanta\\u2019s Medtown Ventures unlocks @venturelab, @EmoryUniversity research w/ $500M investor pool http://t.co/jpUQhxkemL #lifes\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @make: Getting Started w/ @Intel Galileo #Maker Sessions just launched. Grab a Galileo http://t.co/4XiBfrVUNU & build: http://t.co/oQLv4\\u2026',\n", " u'Just placed my 2nd @beesbrothers order this week using @coinbase android app and @bitpay. Fastest payment ever.',\n", " u'RT @GwinnettDaily: College campuses in Georgia will soon be tobacco- and smoke-free. #GGC http://t.co/c4SWGBDYW5',\n", " u\"RT @makerbot: Saving money and lives: a technician's cable solution has saved a Brookhaven Hospital $60,000 http://t.co/bITwaJKsc7 http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Forbes: Charter high schools have 7-11% higher graduation rates than regular public schools http://t.co/qqctAUs6Ez',\n", " u'@coindesk @EricCMack No surprise here. Buffett does not invest in technology or emerging tech.',\n", " u\"RT @LisaBTweet: It's #Pi day at the Atlanta #attfoundry! If you're in the area stop by and learn about raspberry pi's and eat some raspberr\\u2026\",\n", " u'@ClarkHoward Our @ASPCA cat has cost $1000 in vet bills since 12/15/13 and food will be $1300/yr. @halopets Be responsible, research costs!',\n", " u'RT @jimmy_wales: This is my bitcoin address: 1McNsCTN26zkBSHs9fsgUHHy8u5S1PY5q3 @Kosmatos',\n", " u'@SamAntar Have you personally purchased anything with #Bitcoins yet?',\n", " u'@SamAntar I think you may be confused about exactly what #Bitcoin is.',\n", " u\"RT @tavani: Please RT if you're sick of Atlanta being only a B2B startup town. Consumer startups need to rise up! Trademarked?! http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Shout out to Rubin Hurricane Carter. Don't you just love the US and our history of equality and justice. #equality #justice\",\n", " u'@WSJ @Twitter @Android Why does my WSJ app not open when I click on an article in Twitter? Who needs to fix this?',\n", " u'RT @randyprine: This is flat out brilliant. http://t.co/YMmukvxMlG',\n", " u'RT @republicwirelss: .@WSJ says wireless bills are going up, and staying up. Someone needs to tell them about Republic Wireless! #save http\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@Ms__Caramel your welcome. Congrats on the movie!!',\n", " u'RT @Ms__Caramel: Follow @Ms__Caramel @kbluitt30 movie trailer coming soon. ... get ready.. In Love With The Other Man.... http://t.co/PXzoR\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ninjakitty_m10: @AndyMacNBA he looks like Carmelo is holding his family hostage',\n", " u'RT @DesmondCole: Every day I am going to tweet this.\\n\\nWill you join me? \\n\\nOver 800 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women - #MMIW \\n\\nhttp://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @aaronmcgruder23: Tomorrow is the big day. The Boondocks airs tomorrow at 10:30 PM on @adultswim',\n", " u'@AndersonEd27 yeah I know. Kinda off an on twitter lately.',\n", " u'@AndersonEd27 ok. Yourself',\n", " u'RT @LipstickRadio: #LRINDIEMUSICAWARD WINNERS\\n\\nBEST RAP SONG @TheRealestYK\\nBEST R&B SONG @Saizzar\\nBEST FEMALE R&B @A_B_Y_S_S_\\nBEST POP ARTI\\u2026',\n", " u'@LipstickRadio @Amused_Now great show!!! Congrats to all the artists!!!!',\n", " u'RT @LipstickRadio: LR 2014 INDIE AWARD WINNERS.....\\n@A_B_Y_S_S_\\n@TheRealestYK\\n@Doja1CandyLady\\n@Saizzar\\n@MzBlueRapDiva\\n@TrellDarayMusic\\n@nya\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @A_B_Y_S_S_: HUGE #SHOUTOUT TO @LipstickRadio Khymberlee Carlyle & everybody who was involved in the #LRIndieawards!!! #MuchLove Thank y\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @A_B_Y_S_S_: #SHOUTOUT TO @Oraclejd ON THE #LRIndieawards!!!!! #MuchLove',\n", " u'@MzChief1619 @LipstickRadio thanks.',\n", " u'RT @MzChief1619: @KnightChandler @MzBlueRapDiva just won best female rapper #congratulations #salute sis xoxo :-)@LipstickRadio',\n", " u'@3192MERCER @RealRocket22 wow. Maybe it was your inability to spell that did it.',\n", " u'@MzChief1619 where are you logging on at?',\n", " u'@LipstickRadio show is on g+ or hangouts?',\n", " u'RT @StaalClops: Brad Richards, in the post game I want you to look straight into the camera and give Tortorella the finger.',\n", " u'@FOXSportsLive @RedSox @whitesox no one cares. Its the nhl playoffs!!!!!',\n", " u'@ItIsWhatItIsAnn oh sorry I read fruit cake lol']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@misspyt19 is that right? lol',\n", " u\"Phi Beta Sigma fraternity Inc, I'm here!!!!! #phibetasigma http://t.co/YIaKOYMiAp\",\n", " u\"You're not a product of your environment, your a product of your determination.\",\n", " u'RT @AlfredCAttaway: I would like to Publicly Congratulate my Friend and Brother @mindofRKH on becoming a member of The Phi Beta Sigma Frate\\u2026',\n", " u'@JACalloway1940 Great piece bro.',\n", " u'RT @JACalloway1940: Womanism at Union: A Past, a Present -- Future? http://t.co/YElPRENmvl',\n", " u'RT @Shabazznapi13r: Rt for a follow I will follow each and every one of you. #followmeshabazz http://t.co/TMaGD83n5C',\n", " u'@PastorHJW @AlfredStreetBC Wrong fraternity sir. lol',\n", " u\"One of \\u03a6\\u0392\\u03a3's newest with one of \\u03a9\\u03a8\\u03a6's newest on Resurrection Sunday! http://t.co/HtSte56mX7\",\n", " u\"RT @VisionFBC: We will be having service today. We can't wait to see you there. -Rev. Attaway\",\n", " u'@PBS_1914 #GOMAB',\n", " u\"@Montlick Thanks for following. I'm honored.\",\n", " u'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #EnoughSaid http://t.co/jy3feSlqxA',\n", " u'RT @sclc_abc: Meeting next Friday in the Library Reading Room at 5pm. Please be in attendance.',\n", " u\"RT @NIKKI_T: My HS counselor told me I wouldn't get to college: I graduate in less than 23 days, going to Yale next, & FLOTUS is my commenc\\u2026\",\n", " u'@NIKKI_T lol not at all.',\n", " u\"You're not a product of your environment, you're a product of your determination.\",\n", " u'I wish I had a senior class president like @NIKKI_T!',\n", " u'\"God needs people who will fight for the rights of everyone!\" Rev. Martin Espinosa, MTS',\n", " u'@PopJalen http://t.co/CukXedi8ye']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @ajguyton: #iubb I'll realize my dream of returning to IU in some capacity one day & I'm willing to wait patiently! I'll be part of the \\u2026\",\n", " u'@jtaubs why? BeaLock',\n", " u'RT @uuords: J.R. Smith\\u2019s inspiring yearbook quote. http://t.co/NS4JhBfdBt',\n", " u'@BarbieKeleigh Cers ????',\n", " u'RT @TeddyRoemer: Jesus was the first and coolest hippie.',\n", " u'RT @AdamHasner: With @jillianhasner @calvaryftl #Easter sunrise service at FAU - welcome @franklin_graham to Boca Raton http://t.co/X0Wshq\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Royce_W_King_Sr: Deut. 31:30-32:52 (Old Testament Reading) Luke 19:45-20:26 (New Testament Reading) Psalm 48:9-14 (Reading From Psalms)\\u2026',\n", " u'@dTruth1979 I got that hat',\n", " u'@TeddyRoemer Chuck Nevitt, the human cigar was a lock',\n", " u'Piano player lived on Hardale in Ottawa hills http://t.co/QHqpZ69x90',\n", " u'RT @TeddyRoemer: @BrettFrankel No, just Ed Nealy.',\n", " u'RT @PGATOUR: 2010 RBC_Heritage and #FedExCup champ Jim Furyk will enter Sunday three off the pace. A win could move him into the FedExCup t\\u2026',\n", " u'@TeddyRoemer you ever get mistaken for Bill Lambeer',\n", " u'RT @ByTimReynolds: First time road teams won the first two games of the NBA Playoffs since 1996.',\n", " u'@adam_frankel @ElanHasson @BrookeTweeter god father http://t.co/pGNevB8Ko5',\n", " u\"RT @Cui2iousGeoi2ge: Never seen the Wire.....I'm going to start it tonight....but where can I stream it?\",\n", " u\"RT @ca_rockets: Here are the Rockets that won't play tonight: Harden, Parsons, Lin, Asik...Garcia is 'iffy' per Kevin McHale\",\n", " u'RT @flasportsbuzz: NBA announces Heat playoff opener will be Sunday at 3:30 p.m. on ABC',\n", " u'RT @PGATOUR: Jordan Spieth ready to play at @RBC_Heritage, says Masters loss \"Left me hungry and ready to play golf again.\" http://t.co/cop\\u2026',\n", " u'@adam_frankel rashi? say']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Frohe #Ostern... \\nhttps://t.co/y6VeF9PpgD #EasterEgg',\n", " u'Free Speech...\\n\\nhttp://t.co/QS738HARtb http://t.co/AqgSdk1Uj5',\n", " u'@schnellnicole 2011 im @loginorg Team.',\n", " u\"@schnellnicole und ich bei den Pr\\xe4mierten. (dann hat's sich ja er\\xfcbrigt...)\",\n", " u'@schnellnicole http://t.co/FYMFmgmJhw ???',\n", " u'@VijetaUniyal was sagst du zu unserem Projekt?',\n", " u'high-frequency trading?\\nStell dir vor, du spielst als Rentner mit deinen Enkelkindern Uno....',\n", " u'Tiny Worlds // Submarine\\nhttp://t.co/CjomMx8Mxq',\n", " u'@oliverlutz1 @Google_CH @VeloPlus @yourposition sorry! In contrast to youtube, there is yet no revenue from g+. ;]',\n", " u'Heureka?\\nNach \"nur\" 280 Tagen wurde der RSS-Dienst bei #GoogleAlerts wieder aktiviert. \\nAlternative, ohne RSS bietet @TalkwalkerDACH',\n", " u'#heartbleed \\nInfo: http://t.co/lu0gqEKGTx\\nFun: http://t.co/KNvO0kJJqW #xkcd http://t.co/QnsqXhysju',\n", " u'The worst crime is faking it. \\n\\n(20. Todestag von Kurt #Cobain)',\n", " u'@mikeschwede so List-Targeting AND/OR Fanpage Fan (yes/no) is not possible? That would be bad.',\n", " u'@mikeschwede you can use List Targeting (from your NL) to target your audience on fb. https://t.co/4BjkQ8MoM9 or havy #xor your Ads',\n", " u'@blickamabend ihr habt Richard Bachman vergessen!',\n", " u'RT @Nebelspalter: Stimmfaule Jugendliche: Bund pr\\xfcft Massnahmen #MEI http://t.co/EGEjh1xva1',\n", " u'RT @dsmmch: Schon gew\\xe4hlt?\\nDas Voting f\\xfcr unsere Shortlist-Kandidaten wurde bereits \\xfcber 90x ausgef\\xfcllt! \\nhttp://t.co/IkGBiU6v3S #dsmmch',\n", " u'The Dream is over - April 4th, 1968\\n#ihaveadream',\n", " u\"Dear People of the World,\\nI don't mean to sound slutty,\\nbut please use me whenever you want.\\n\\nSincerely,\\n#Grammer\",\n", " u'Die @RailService @Zukkihund Story nochmals am #smgzh ;]']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@AuthorChristyT LOL!!! I agree completely.',\n", " u'Audit and accounting career paths for managers http://t.co/b2S8JJF0PL',\n", " u'Whom Is This Rare Pronoun Really Dead | Hot & Trending Words Daily Blog http://t.co/NnYGE5YIxP via @dictionarycom',\n", " u'@PadgettCourtney ... You need to do what is best for you and your family!',\n", " u'RT @childfndt: Lung Pendant Sale to Benefit the chILD Foundation!\\n\\nLiza Nechamkin Glasser, the mother of a chILD kiddo with... http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'@ChamberlinLauri Thanks for the inspirational talk! Many good ideas...',\n", " u'RT @ChamberlinLauri: Thanks marketing for the warm welcome and fun tweets. Next stop: home #getagile #morethanlegal',\n", " u'The term \"#meme\" has been used for 40 years and is a cornerstone of modern #marketing. Learn more here: http://t.co/aUHHna2mzp',\n", " u'@crb996 We really needed yesterday, thanks!',\n", " u'Please help children with this rare disease. So proud of my friend, Liza!\\nLung Pendants http://t.co/OjUqoQXJUM',\n", " u'RT @SPACEdotcom: Watch a 38,000 MPH #meteorite slam into the #moon: http://t.co/2nMOjoXXKR http://t.co/92KfoNodgD',\n", " u'@toryburch Will you ever do another handbag in Alpine Snow? I am obsessed with the pattern.',\n", " u'@tt1221in @MonsterJam @jax_just_in Best people watching ever!',\n", " u'@Blabby_24 Am I using Twitter effectively? Most certainly not! LOL.',\n", " u'RT @MatildaEmily: 10 books every digital marketer should read http://t.co/HHmfSgjHSO',\n", " u\"@devonstiles I am getting the same on Thursday. Can't wait!\",\n", " u'@Jusweene Well, do you have the secret to burn off fat and lose weight? If you do, please share! ;-) LOL, @PadgettCourtney was hacked too',\n", " u'@Blabby_24 You know I had to try it too!',\n", " u'Future marketing professional!\\nGirl Scout Sells Cookies Outside Medical Marijuana Dispensary http://t.co/A15WD1fVaC via @PeopleMag',\n", " u'RT @BraunJessie: Smash Your Fears http://t.co/XcVkd2yDda']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @latin_powers: # TNTweeter #espuelasvox Together to vote out the Tea Tarty follow us. http://t.co/XSCIWtkqnv',\n", " u'RT @nbenitez1977: @PeteSessions #ImmigrationReform is a moral, human & civil issue !! #TakeAction on it!! #latinovote #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'Democratic Senator Defends Koch Brothers: http://t.co/bmIz8pNJEj via @HuffPostPol.\"Koch Brothers money talks\" @TNTweeters @espuelasvox.',\n", " u'Say no to Ryan budget, & yes to corporations paying their fair share of taxes! http://t.co/aJqbpgavbA #betteroffbudget @4taxfairness',\n", " u'http://t.co/xLjSiSSzGv: Yellowstone Animals Fleeing Park -- Supervolcano Eruption Imminent? http://t.co/LbM0vzn5KQ via @po_st',\n", " u'RT @CourageCampaign: BREAKING: @RepJeffDenham - Tea Partier gone WILD! Vote him out of #Congress 2014! JOIN me http://t.co/WwY323bOkS http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CourageCampaign: BREAKING: @RepDavidValadao - Tea Partier gone WILD! Vote him out of #Congress 2014! JOIN me http://t.co/WwY323bOkS htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CourageCampaign: BREAKING: @RepEdRoyce - Tea Partier gone WILD! Vote him out of #Congress 2014! JOIN me: http://t.co/WwY323bOkS #p2 htt\\u2026',\n", " u'http://t.co/HuiytJEYjm #TNTweeters #espuelasvox join to vote out the Tea Party.',\n", " u'RT @rover09151976: @SpeakerBoehner/ @HouseGOP The Devastation of Needless Deportations http://t.co/iV5w230CTs #TNTweeters #immigration\"',\n", " u'What is TNTweeters.US http://t.co/Vd6OEOEG9I via @youtube #voteOnNovember join TNTweeters now!!',\n", " u'http://t.co/n3EI7YvCBR',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: Good news-but doesn't fix @GOP blockade. MT @AndreaLeon: @RoqPlanas: \\nhttp://t.co/6YpBoBy3w9 @latinorebels x #immigration \\u2026\",\n", " u\"@vidiotfl @alicia_lupercio LOL your post make me laugh. It's not even a credible source. The investigators LOL.\",\n", " u'@vidiotfl @alicia_lupercio yes it says \"what\\'s happening\" there\\'s no end of story yet, how can you assure something that\\'s not proven yet.',\n", " u\"@vidiotfl @alicia_lupercio @GOP @EspuelasVox @dccc I know nobody is going to win @vidiotfl that's the problem with people like you.\",\n", " u\"@vidiotfl @alicia_lupercio a story that's all, prove it , what happened to this 2000 people? Are they in jail? Just a story.\",\n", " u'@vidiotfl @alicia_lupercio @GOP @EspuelasVox @dccc all Americans? Are you sure?',\n", " u'@vidiotfl @alicia_lupercio @GOP @EspuelasVox @dccc enough reading? LOL, GOP agenda, right?',\n", " u'http://t.co/PrDEHHn6v0 @TNTweeters @espuelasvox GOP is full of traitors Hippocrates #Florida vote them out of congress.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Surge in Narcotic Prescriptions for Pregnant Women; 1 in 5 women using opioids during pregnancy. http://t.co/BO32mDo3a0 #pregnancy #opioids',\n", " u\"RT @FloridaMedical: HB491 #needleexchangeMIA unanimously passes Gov Ops Sub cmte. @umiamimedicine's @hanselt testified. @lstone13 #sayfie h\\u2026\",\n", " u'#SGR fix before March 31 appears unlikely http://t.co/5mQgTzDSzl',\n", " u\"@UW_ObGyn I'm excited to become part of this team! #Match2014\",\n", " u'#matchday2014 @ufmedicine @uflorida http://t.co/sfwhMnBjaf',\n", " u'MT @AmerMedicalAssn: A primer on the #SGR: What happens in DC now could affect the rest of your career http://t.co/HO6g8bFwfH #MedEd',\n", " u'@subailey Thanks Dr. Bailey! #Match2014',\n", " u'#match2014 http://t.co/mwrVNkPgCn',\n", " u'Matched! #match2014',\n", " u'Good luck to all the @UFMedicine fourth years who find out if they Match today! #match2014',\n", " u'Florida 2011 #Medicaid reform to have major impacts on states\\u2019 safety net hospitals. http://t.co/9g0gU6m21Y #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @FloridaMedical: New Law\\u2019s Demands on Doctors Have Many Seeking a Network via @nytimes http://t.co/vtaog7oVkE',\n", " u'#SGR repeal: A marked improvement over the status quo. From the Coalition of State Medical Societies. http://t.co/sPFNsKyPq3',\n", " u'Obama budget expands National Health Service Corps, funds training 13k more primary care doctors http://t.co/DCv9y2G4gb #SaveGME #meded',\n", " u'Go Canada. http://t.co/xB0LX7TNou #sochi',\n", " u'Uploaded my Rank List to @TheNRMP; still need to certify it. #meded',\n", " u'Miami-Dade infectious disease control programs clears two Senate, one House committees. http://t.co/eWVGzQLSsW #sayfie #publichealth #miami',\n", " u'Read about @FloridaMedical approach to increasing access to #primarycare in FL:\\nhttp://t.co/HA6WMc4AqS #sayfie',\n", " u'Study: US hospitals failing to meet infection control standards; lack checklists to prevent infections. http://t.co/p5mpnvSkkB #healthcare',\n", " u'ACOG: too many women undergoing c-sections; death rate 3 times higher compared to natural birth. http://t.co/Ox6eAptwcv #womenshealth #acog']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@bookfixated ??!?',\n", " u\"@ericarose Boo not cool. I've been riding through 2014 with too high stress for way too long. You seem strong tho. You'll handle it. :-)\",\n", " u'@DrunkAtdisney @Parkscope_Sean @hintofspy WWE Legends House advert may have nuked my interest tho. Back to video games now. :-:',\n", " u'@DrunkAtdisney @Parkscope_Sean @hintofspy yup the in-ring show IS really good now.',\n", " u'@DrunkAtdisney @Parkscope_Sean @hintofspy yup WWE family friendly now. Pretty hard to shock ppl on basic cable now',\n", " u'@DrunkAtdisney @Parkscope_Sean @hintofspy that tells me WWE is in a rut if that is who is buying ad time.',\n", " u'@DrunkAtdisney @Parkscope_Sean @hintofspy I saw a promo aimed at mid-aged women advertising a laser anti-aging device',\n", " u'@Parkscope_Sean @hintofspy yeah after mick foley nearly broke his spine on an announcer table they usually build those with sufficient \"give',\n", " u'@hintofspy @Parkscope_Sean This is pretty brutal given real world context',\n", " u\"@servoisnaked I can't play shooters for shit but I am amazing at racing games. Can't figure that out at all.\",\n", " u'@Parkscope_Sean @skubersky Truth is Jurassic World is bringing way diff shit to table than previous JP wet drea- er, \"blue sky\" concepts',\n", " u\"@Parkscope_Sean @skubersky Kidzone's upcoming upheaval achieving separate goals than the long game at IOA\",\n", " u'@Parkscope_Sean @skubersky Less dead and more \"uh we need more time to figure our shit out just build a Kong ride instead\"',\n", " u'@DrunkAtdisney @ThemeParkBeer I think anyone >25 who has lived 10 or more years in central FL qualifies for \"resident old fuck\" status too',\n", " u'@DrunkAtdisney @ThemeParkBeer A few times lately I\\'ve actually qualified as the \"resident old fart\" at recent social gatherings.',\n", " u\"@ThemeParkBeer @DrunkAtdisney I agree. I think it would be a hell of a challenge! But I'm down.\",\n", " u'Hey KSC: start packaging this powdered \"just add water!\" alcohol alongside your other freeze fried astronaut food and don\\'t look back.',\n", " u'@ThemeParkBeer also, we need to find some younger aspiring drinking masters to get hammered with before we get too old. cc: @DrunkAtdisney',\n", " u'@ThemeParkBeer Powdered alcohol? Do you know how amazing the past eight years of boozing in theme parks would have been with that?',\n", " u'RT @DrunkAtdisney: Very very interesting. Powdered alcohol coming to liquor stores this fall http://t.co/5hJgUmLsnW']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @joseserna2349: #latism #reformnow3 @helenaguirrefer @MarioDB @TNTweeters #reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews @EspuelasVox # http://t.co/XfOUXar\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ArthurA_P: General Mills Changes Policy http://t.co/oPEpLKqf4i via @sharethis',\n", " u'RT @kristinapupo: Watch a true one-woman show! Self-Produced, Directed, Edited, Casted, Lit, and Written! Hot Mess, An Original Series http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StCyrlyMe2: #RickScott DoesYour #PeeOnYourself WhileStandingN #Vote Lines OnlyApply2 BlackAreas? http://t.co/7rxTUzlFvy #p2 http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @kristinapupo: \"I\\'m desperate! God I sound worse than Katherine Heigl trying to book a role...Nyquil commercials, really?\" https://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @kristinapupo: \"You fed a dog ecstasy?\" \"No we fed it Mollies...Who does ecstasy anymore?\" https://t.co/W7dsLEZTsZ #HotMess #PilotEpisod\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @rcooley123: The Hottest Conservative Campaign Gimmick of 2014: Free Guns | Mother Jones http://t.co/TxB2JEW6fj',\n", " u\"RT @cynthia4877: A Reporters' Guide to the Koch-Funded Rich States, Poor States ALEC Report http://t.co/5ysWc8OOyd\",\n", " u'RT @Amatodeb: Governor Bans Minimum Wage Increases And Paid Sick Leave Laws http://t.co/7fB5dXiq8T VOTERS NEED TO GET RID OF ANTI-WORKER G\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Marc_Perrone: CEO-to-Worker pay ratio for #MinimumWage workers was 774 to 1 \\n\\nhttp://t.co/6PIzdyFXmo \\n\\n#RaiseTheWage\\n#CEOPay \\nvia @AFLC\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @steveweinstein: OBAMA: The GOP Threatens Voting Rights In A Way Not Seen In Five Decades http://t.co/HhY7swOsRP via @bi_contributors',\n", " u'RT @debv219: Another Republican Goes Down as Rick Perry Is The Focus Of a Criminal Investigation http://t.co/6IoVrKbQty via @politicususa #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PerezHilton: I have no words. :-( RT Seven Dead Babies Found Hidden In Utah Mom\\u2019s Garage, All Believed To Be Her Own Kids http://t.co/f\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BarackObama: \"The right to vote is something cherished by every American.\" \\u2014President Obama',\n", " u'RT @RobinHoodTax: Warren Picks Fight w/ Ryan: Ryan not intellectual leader http://t.co/V9qBKjC3Yv https://t.co/bej801NQkK #RobinHoodTax htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @YDanasmithdutra: This is #JebBush signing the first #StandYourGroundLaw I will tweet this everyday once announced your running date. ht\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @fullofbalogna: \\u201c@OpheliaMcGraw: You want smaller gov't? Here you go, is this what you have in mind? #libertarian http://t.co/1epTjnlpPe\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @richcasa: After Slamming Obama As \"Lawless,\" Right-Wing Critics Cheer Lawless Rancher Waging \"War\" On Government http://t.co/Cxw6x51HJS',\n", " u'RT @Sullyanne1: @Butterfinger A product of Nestle.Who I know boycott,because a CEO in the company believes water is a privilege & not a rig\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @progressivepush: Corporations were left out of the Constitution..1st Amendment Doesn\\u2019t Protect Right to Buy American Govt. http://t.co/\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'i recommend this great military website! http://t.co/5TpYZeLcna #military via @AskYourMilitary',\n", " u'RT @YouTube: In case you missed last night\\u2019s #BloodMoon \\u2192 http://t.co/q3k0V0X7EP http://t.co/8RbufMxj9B',\n", " u\"RT @fredwimpy: #TaxDay When are the troops showing up at Al's house? #RacePimpinAintEasy #tcot \\n http://t.co/MECsxYF8Ah http://t.co/hqfLj61\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @JohnFromCranber: Implementation of Barack Hussein Obama's Socialist or Marxist Agenda? http://t.co/8PijbD4MDc #tcot\",\n", " u'RT @EqlF1: Forgiveness is a journey http://t.co/XvUbRv82oo http://t.co/47clyN7yaF',\n", " u\"I took Zimbio's 'Friends' quiz and I'm Rachel! Who are you? #ZimbioQuiz\\n http://t.co/AbXigZkGTU\",\n", " u\"@LANAnotaMOBWIFE @reneegraziano @jenngraziano @illuminationPR Can't wait to read it.\",\n", " u\"RT @LANAnotaMOBWIFE: It's comes out tomorrow. Pick up your copy. @reneegraziano @jenngraziano @illuminationPR http://t.co/n2YDFapgHP\",\n", " u'@CoFemale Good night...sniff sniff rest well',\n", " u'RT @genuinecountry: George Strait http://t.co/JBhDswD11b',\n", " u\"RT @JohnFromCranber: #Obama Admits he's a Socialist in New York Times Interview. He is Who We Thought He Was! http://t.co/KCz4SrPmZP \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: Liberals lust for redistribution of income, as long as it\\u2019s not their income being redistributed! #tcot #KochBuysGOP #Hannity\\u2026',\n", " u'Best way to gain newfollowers:http://t.co/fgN8PKg4KH\\n@Gayleltu @katmur23 @Dinkiedow @ChrisLivZee @SealTheUSBorder @Kaybirds @NevadaTeaPart',\n", " u'DO YOU WANT NEW FOLLOWERS? http://t.co/UZ6S10VhXX\\n\\n@4Reagan @BreakingTyranny @MarnieNubia @DominickThibide @NikiSu71 @idxchange @GwynEsperan',\n", " u'i get 9017 new followers=>>http://t.co/fgN8PKg4KH\\n\\n\\u2714#HappyXiuminDay,#GolDzekoLebihCepatDari,#MorningRemaja,#NotersKereeen,#Xiumin25thBDay,I',\n", " u'RT @GabbySilverman: And this is why I LOVE sons of anarchy so much \\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d #zoomin #itsworthit http://t.co/o1eJZXlvYy',\n", " u'RT @reed6robertson: Happiness is contagious. But so is sadness, so choose wisely.',\n", " u'RT @DuckDynastyAE: Looks like Salt Lake City LOVES #DuckDynasty! RT if you do too! via @Comcast http://t.co/Jr6AtpB5NQ',\n", " u'RT @DuckDynastyAE: Expect the unexpected. Tune in for the ONE HOUR season finale on Wednesday! #DuckDynasty http://t.co/2fh21IxFB7',\n", " u'@DanceMoms SUCKS!! Will never watch it again. What a b*t(%!!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @NickEgoroff: Tuition breaks for FL illegal immigrant college students looks doubtful. Why does Rick Scott continue 2 support them? http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WalidShoebat: Two Teen Girls show why Dabbling in Islam a Bad Idea http://t.co/q8UnU5Eqoz',\n", " u'RT @Deberra: #WhatLibtardsHateMost: those of us who refuse to be silenced! #Benghazi #tcot #ocra #twisters http://t.co/HoO7s9MBNF',\n", " u'RT @LegInsurrection: Branco Cartoon \\u2013 Not a Smidgen http://t.co/fJNEfWoOpf',\n", " u'RT @smitty_one_each: HE\\u2019S NOT ASHAMED OF WHAT HE DID: Unlike Clinton (and, I suspect, Obama) George W. Bush Liberal Abou\\u2026 http://t.co/nvuR\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VodkaPundit: The fastest Americans alive today include Meb Keflezighi and Democrats running away from \\u2661bamaCare!!!.',\n", " u\"RT @WayneDupreeShow: Msg to Liberals...life is precious! You don't see @HillaryClinton @billclinton taking @ChelseaClinton\\n to Planned Pare\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @WayneDupreeShow: As we have told you, LIFE IS PRECIOUS! Watch Hillary and Bill stay far away from Planned Parenthood...no endorsements \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @WayneDupreeShow: Anyone want to put money down on Hillary and Bill's grandchild not learning #CommonCore?\",\n", " u\"RT @kerpen: Even the NYT calls out Obama for pandering for Steyer's campaign cash, http://t.co/OMGTl04DsL http://t.co/aU1NtUiIk9\",\n", " u\"RT @Gavin_McInnes: Can't wait until @PaulKrugmanBlog gets his first tax bill making $225k as the new Head of Income Inequality Research htt\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @BikinInMaine: Newt WARNED us! We didn't listen! #tcot #pjnet #withnewt http://t.co/YkJjkDZsRy\",\n", " u'RT @miltonwolfmd: BOMBSHELL: Roberts NEVER Lived in Dodge City, and He Didn\\u2019t Live in Kansas for 18 Years BEFORE He Ran For Congress http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @angelamcglowan: \"People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.\"',\n", " u'RT @ChadLivengood: #Detroit bankruptcy Judge Steve Rhodes has scheduled 17 total trial dates (if necessary) for July 24-25, 28-31; Aug. 1, \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AllenWestRepub: RT @THESHARKTANK1: .@AllenWest \\u2019s Shoes Will Be A Tough Fill, Republicans Face Uphill Race http://t.co/gsNfDFiWwk #teap\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @newsbusters: TV's 'Trapper John' Whacks the Media: They're 'Constipated by Their Own Ideology' http://t.co/mJ1lirv9St\",\n", " u'RT @Heritage: Is identical pay as important to workers as freedom and flexibility? Probably not. http://t.co/AqPNWtddaJ',\n", " u\"RT @AIIAmericanGirI: DESPICABLE: Talking Points Memo Smears Sharyl Attkisson as 'Crazy' in Sexist Attack http://t.co/env0hyAhcH #WIright\",\n", " u'RT @Bodapaty: The Black Book of Tom Steyer http://t.co/XjQE9ix25L Allegations of fraud plague hedge fund of Democratic super-donor']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Florida's Idiot Gov. Rick Scott @ http://t.co/CFgq90FVRd\",\n", " u'http://t.co/pm9Wi5Yd8f',\n", " u'come on Eli. Time to get Peyton.',\n", " u'Lol',\n", " u'#GiantsMobile #nyg #giants',\n", " u'Bankrupt BUY A HOME CENTRAL FL\\nFILED BK OVER 1 YEAR, THE TIME HAS COME TO OWN.\\n\\n CALL JESSIE J. CASIANO\\n HELP U OWN REALTY\\n 561-635-8891',\n", " u'http://t.co/YylVx0oW0w',\n", " u'You still in Alaska',\n", " u'@TigerWoods going to have a great season.',\n", " u'Seattle looks good.',\n", " u'@espn that is the plan. For Peterson to beat Green Bay.',\n", " u'Come back',\n", " u'Glad we have a president that listens. Republicans should stand in line & learn from him. Problem is many of them in Washington too long.',\n", " u\"RT @BarackObama: President Obama on Iran: \\u201cWhen I see the casualness with which some of these folks talk about war, I'm reminded of the ...\",\n", " u'Let a Veteran know that you appreciate their service...',\n", " u'Checking out \"Private Investigator\" on POINCIANA PROFESSIONALS: http://ning.it/8ZuEbR',\n", " u'There r many great homes available.',\n", " u\"Tax credit end coming fast April 1st time buyer $8000, 2nd $6500. Central Florida great deals condo's $10,000. Don't miss opportunity.\",\n", " u'End of the tax credit is coming fast. Date is end of April with closing by June. 1st time home buyer $8000 and http://tl.gd/6n2ar',\n", " u'The end of the tax credit is coming fast. The date is the end of April with closing by June. 1st time home buyer http://tl.gd/6n235']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Brain 'Stones' Found in Man with Celiac Disease http://t.co/Er9G5lWM3A via @YahooNews\",\n", " u'RT @FABlogcon: #FF #FABlogcon Speakers: @IndieCandy1 @Gordymagicdiet @KeeleyMcG @ImaCeliac @VegetarianMamma @AuthorSensei @paulehrlichmd @B\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AllergyFreeMum: #FF #GFAFEXPO @SmartFlourFoods @AmorediMona @RedAppleLipstic @BfreefoodsUSA @ginnybakes @Gordymagicdiet @PaleoCajunLady\\u2026',\n", " u'Are you following a restrictive diet in St. Louis, MO? Looking forward to the #St.Louis GFAFWellnessEvent May 31st',\n", " u'Food fraud: the dangerous allergens lurking in the supply chain http://t.co/tXcbM4aFnE via @guardian',\n", " u'5 Things to Do When You\\u2019ve Been Glutened or really allergen-ated http://t.co/nl0mVeARbY',\n", " u'RT @Divvies: Gotta love @Freedible! http://t.co/2cHLhw5TDQ',\n", " u'New clinical definition for epilepsy improves diagnosis accuracy http://t.co/xkZXRPsxqc',\n", " u'Experts: Excess sugar consumption leads to a host of diseases http://t.co/YQlh1V4T0o',\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value decreased by $0.60 to $347.40. Automatically checked by http://t.co/7PUrXIA4Qn\",\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value increased by $1.80 to $348.00. Automatically checked by http://t.co/7PUrXIA4Qn\",\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value increased by $1.20 to $346.20. Automatically checked by http://t.co/7PUrXIA4Qn\",\n", " u\"We need more Chef Grotha's! Missouri hospital chef heals with food, friendship - Washington Times: http://t.co/qt5x8ymwEX via @washtimes\",\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value increased by $1.20 to $345.00. Automatically checked by http://t.co/7PUrXIA4Qn\",\n", " u'Food is power! Can what you eat affect your mental health? Food for thought http://t.co/tFtCA8VTcf via @sharethis',\n", " u'Food intolerant? How removing certain food items can improve your health and life | Lifestyle: http://t.co/95V1gkOg40 http://t.co/Qu3Hy87kTm',\n", " u'@AllergyFreeMum So looking forward to seeing you too! Yes, Kim is planning on coming. Safe travels!',\n", " u\"Eagerly awaiting May 9th 'Fed Up' Film Examines Food Industry | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo https://t.co/KQZXB6UEii via @YahooNews\",\n", " u'Navigating a restricted diet?Join us this weekend in Chicago and the largest expo! #gfafexpo http://t.co/Xm3rlEHfB5',\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value increased by $0.60 to $343.80. Automatically checked by http://t.co/Lhb7DazqZR\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @abcflgulf: Alex Sink says Americans working fewer hours because of Obamacare is 'exciting prospect'? Really?\",\n", " u'ELECTRICAL FOREMEN &amp; SUPERINTENDENTS - Miami Beach, FL | ELECTRICAL FOREMEN &am http://t.co/h0yYfYUbu2',\n", " u'@MyElectricToday Post Once...Publish Everywhere. Fill your open positions today for $49. Click Here http://t.co/nTu7KqYfzv',\n", " u'RT @Imkevinfarley: If you see Marty McFly around today tell him the flux capasatator works!!!!! http://t.co/d36TbEcdbE',\n", " u'Mechanical Project Superintendent (Thomasville, GA) | Mechanical Project Superinten http://t.co/HK8D2Vhbhl',\n", " u'Post Once. Publish Everywhere. Publish up to 50+ job boards with a single job posting...for one low price. http://t.co/nTu7KqYfzv',\n", " u\"http://t.co/RiKosxpL4B\\nOne of my family's favorite at Disney, and not because of the short line. A nice mix of education and entertainment.\",\n", " u'New Dashboard Tutorial Videos for Job Seekers at http://t.co/VY0oJH6ij3 | http://t.co/Pgtf0LETcj http://t.co/gtp6wY1kds',\n", " u'Florida\\u2019s economic cycle rebounds: Finding labour now an issue - Florida Construction News http://t.co/OFh2qlV7UI',\n", " u'Quote of the Day- Holiday Wishes Part 1 | ServicePros On Demand | &nbsp;\\u201cMay your w http://t.co/FrXR7sc66W',\n", " u'Nine Cover Letter Don\\u2019ts | Many hiring managers will suggest that most cover letter http://t.co/4RZLcNrbfI',\n", " u'What\\u2019s in a Carpenter\\u2019s Tool Belt? | The tools of the carpenter\\u2019s trade can usually http://t.co/QKs1zcF4rG',\n", " u'Tip of the Day- Go Where the Jobs Are | ServicePros On Demand | In seeking a job, t http://t.co/FWTG6opylN',\n", " u'Build of the Day- Steel Christmas Tree | ServicePros On Demand | Ths Christmas Tree http://t.co/z4yPpMCs7c',\n", " u'Build of the Day- Steel Christmas Tree | ServicePros On Demand | Ths Christmas Tree http://t.co/DeoLdm9TTd',\n", " u'Tip of the Day- White Space | ServicePros on Demand | Your resume needs to look ver http://t.co/BLLsMmyPbf',\n", " u\"Don't Let Florida's Cyclical Employment Cost You | \\n\\nEconomists describe cyclical u http://t.co/fjRA06cS8q\",\n", " u'Quote of the Day- Frank Lloyd Wright | ServicePros On Demand | Organic buildings ar http://t.co/CtrNeWx09A',\n", " u\"The Construction Industry's Most Powerful Hiring Platform Is Here. Click \\u261b http://t.co/bAkgZgnV2L to learn more. http://t.co/V3SHADFApK\",\n", " u'Tip of the Day- Cover Letter Structure | ServicePros On Demand | Use this structure http://t.co/gIKLW7tBDL']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@ItalyRobert @rhondadon @BreitbartNews I don't believe anything Morris says anymore since he predicted Romney win right thru election nite\",\n", " u'\"Those who stand for nothing, fall for everything\"\\n\\n-Alexander Hamilton',\n", " u\"@watchmennews @PaulReverePress Why don't they just impeach this guy?\",\n", " u\"RT @BillPowers9: I love my Obamacare policy, it's cheap. it covers everything, but I can't figure out what this $100,000 deductible is.\",\n", " u'@lajouetreine Get the UN out of the US and get the US out of the UN',\n", " u\"@NikkiHaleyDaily @Limrintz I wish she'd run for President\",\n", " u'RT @WeirdReport: Cartoonists may be the last journalists left in the USA. http://t.co/KuhIdOnTjM',\n", " u'RT @KRMullins1964: Destruction of #America Checklist! ----> \\n\\nhttp://t.co/Vu6luaWQvQ\\n\\n#tcot \\n\\n@jjauthor @hankishtwit @Lrihendry',\n", " u'RT @Heritage: \"I would say it is the most secretive White House that I have ever been involved in covering\" http://t.co/BhY24IsvHD',\n", " u'@BillPowers9 yes you are correct -rather have Bill and Hill',\n", " u'RT @sarahkliff: Americans pay $215 for Nexium. The Dutch pay $23. It is literally the exact. Same. Pill. http://t.co/V5tYgu1MN2',\n", " u'RT @bitslaw: Medicaid paid $12 million for deceased people in Illinois, documents show http://t.co/0jol0RAPOW',\n", " u'@BillPowers9 Uh not if Hilary and a Bill get back in...',\n", " u'This is why we must never forget the Holocaust: Jews ordered to register in east Ukraine http://t.co/dBt96N18uD',\n", " u'If you like your health care plan, can you really keep it? http://t.co/WX6u5toKEc',\n", " u\"@RepLeadConf @lisamichelle20 They will say and talk about anything as long as it's not about the abortion which is Obamacare.\",\n", " u\"RT @RepLeadConf: YOU LIE, @RepSteveIsrael! RT @AP: Democratic congressman says GOP base 'animated by racism' to block immigration overhaul.\",\n", " u'How sad...not..Al Jazeera America, Which Described Itself as the ... http://t.co/FsSjoAlLEQ',\n", " u'Coronary bypass surgery for $1600? And great beach to boot... http://t.co/A4UII0DdAG',\n", " u'Should have been called the Unaffordable Care Act: Premiums are higher in Obamacare exchanges: Age 27 http://t.co/SuOhOMcnSF']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @georgiayds: Breaking via @theGAVoice - \\n@LambdaLegal to file gay marriage lawsuit in GA http://t.co/ehfCbkkiWm #EqualityGA http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @MaxBlau: Today's the deadline for registering to vote in Georgia. Here's how to do that: http://t.co/tfXyZIBsdA\",\n", " u\"RT @dailyrundown: .@SenatorCarter on Gov. Deal: 'There is no vision for what the future of Georgia looks like.'\",\n", " u'RT @erickallen: Gr8 job @carter4governor on MSNBC \"Georgia needs a governor with a vision\", Deal is \"trading tomorrow for today\". #gaisread\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @carter4governor: Joining @chucktodd on @msnbc at 9:30. RT to spread the word, and tune in if you can. #gapol',\n", " u'RT @flapjackj: Today is the last day to register to vote, fellow Georgians, to raise your voice in 5/20 primary elections. http://t.co/yu0O\\u2026',\n", " u\"Even ibogaine?\\u201c@GonzoVice: I don't think I've ever seen a drug I wouldn't try.\\u201d\",\n", " u'LOL. Mets...',\n", " u'Just completed a 7.04 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/MHUnlKtHsR #RunKeeper',\n", " u'@asheinin Good question. I guess with a 4 run lead it seems reasonable to think he could handle it after a week off. Guess not.',\n", " u\"@asheinin Nah. Right move. Craig hasn't thrown in days, threw 25 pitches, and was all over the place. Don't want to overdo it.\",\n", " u'LOL. Only the Mets.',\n", " u'RT @bettergeorgia: Nothing to celebrate. This waste of taxpayer $ never should have happened. MT @kghcummings: @IcarusPundit @KristaRBrewe\\u2026',\n", " u'@Ben_Duronio But almost entirely devoid of humans.',\n", " u'RT @empoweredga: GET REGISTERED! Deadline to reg for primary is April 21st -- https://t.co/L2HPig5rQi. Urge your friends to register. http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"@FSURich Wouldn't a vacuum cleaner be easier? After all, they play on carpet, I mean turf.\",\n", " u'In an effort to increase attendance, Mets are apparently filling park with dogs. No owners necessary, just thousands of dogs.',\n", " u'Grand Budapest Hotel was a lovely movie. So glad I finally saw it.',\n", " u'@sportslogosnet Interesting, Aaron Harang appears to be the only Brave not wearing a Cool Base jersey. Sticking with double knit.',\n", " u\"@Joe_TOC Ah. Didn't have context. That and whiskey.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueTN @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueNH @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueFL @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/WXJ2OpPYhU h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @GOPWhip @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2 #tcot\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @SpeakerBoehner @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @McConnellPress @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @tedcruz @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2 #tcot\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @marcorubio @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 ht\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @RepJeffDenham @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @RepDavidValadao @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @RosLehtinen @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face -VOTE 'Em out 2014 @MarioDB @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2 #tcot\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @DemoCRIPS @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #tcot\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueCA @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/WXJ2OpPYhU h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueCO @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/WXJ2OpPYhU h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueAK @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueAL @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueAR @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueAZ @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/PVxOca8Q17 h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Time4Action2014: @GOP have lie 2 Ur face - VOTE 'Em out 2014 @UniteBlueWI @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism #p2\\nhttp://t.co/WXJ2OpPYhU h\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @PatrickRGibbons: @PaulCottlePhys science got thrown under bus long ago. Pvt school scholarships will have no impact there',\n", " u'RT @PatrickRGibbons: @PaulCottlePhys 40 yrs of evo ed and evolution believers have only grown by shrinking intelligent design crowd. Young \\u2026',\n", " u'Tax credit scholarship program: Senate Appropriations Committee throws science under the bus http://t.co/H7h1HBbCv9',\n", " u'The religious right and asteroids - read this @dbnewsjournal article on Brandon Haught and go down a ways http://t.co/tmIgoWRTbx',\n", " u\"@travispillow What is the situation with the gorgeous Governor's Charter Academy building in Tallahassee? Lease or ownership?\",\n", " u\"Science, tax credit scholarships, and Senate President Gaetz - a response to Eileen Roy's @gainesvillesun op-ed http://t.co/egKxoA5p9K\",\n", " u\"Science and school choice: My response to Eileen Roy's op-ed in the @GainesvilleSun http://t.co/t979lLyQX1\",\n", " u'Are colleges and universities in your state prepared to award algebra-based physics credit for AP Physics 1 and 2? http://t.co/TJYPwFMjn8',\n", " u'RT @flascience: \"Going Ape\" in the news! A story about me and my book is in the @dbnewsjournal: http://t.co/IMJxp47atS',\n", " u\".@NMSI Too bad we don't have any in Florida! #STEM #edFL\",\n", " u'RT @APSphysics: Bouncing neutrons probe dark energy on a table-top http://t.co/1ZQqRGWkLT via @NatureNews',\n", " u'Florida ed leaders should keep in mind that science and math are indispensible in preparing leaders http://t.co/n57Gx5FC7z #STEM #edFL',\n", " u'Will you be teaching AP Physics 1 or 2 in the fall? If so, let me know. http://t.co/myUCTqHYox',\n", " u'RT @AAPTHQ: Physicists are building an NSA-proof internet http://t.co/iZnnRnj6sa',\n", " u\"Pro tip: Don't use a well-validated assessment instrument to assess your students' progress if you don't like unpleasant surprises.\",\n", " u'Measuring my value-added today using a well-validated conceptual inventory',\n", " u'@travispillow ;-)',\n", " u\"Science literacy and the science and engineering pipeline have disappeared from FL's education agenda http://t.co/Dd4pyp8gFT\",\n", " u\"RT @DiscoverMag: Essential reading before tonight's lunar eclipse: http://t.co/nCHgzsBYB7 http://t.co/9QPPQ6MOnq\",\n", " u'RT @StateImpactFL: The Florida Tests Which Will Remain After The Switch To Common Standards: The final bell begins tolling today ... http:/\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Spring is so much better....wish I can do it over again.',\n", " u'some people are just so immature',\n", " u'RT @cnnbrk: Actions of the captain, crew of the sunken ferry \\u201care akin to murder,\\u201d South Korean President Park Geun-hye said. http://t.co/e\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @neverknownfacts: The makers of Sesame Street released a statement saying Bert and Ernie aren't gay because puppets don't have sexual or\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BestProAdvice: http://t.co/HWHItu87UJ',\n", " u'RT @LifeCheates: Humor and laughter are 2 of the fastest ways to get rid of stress and pain.',\n", " u'RT @neverknownfacts: California, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Texas are considered the 5 most haunted states.',\n", " u'RT @neverknownfacts: There is a village in Nebraska with a population of 1. She acts as mayor and pays taxes to herself.',\n", " u'RT @Yahoo: Transcript from sunken South Korean ferry suggests chaos may have added to death toll that could exceed 300: http://t.co/k2LRzBZ\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @eonline: Country Singer Kevin Sharp Dead at 43 http://t.co/sWDIKYrRtB',\n", " u'RT @FoxNews: Malaysia discusses compensation with #MH370 families as airline suffers another scare http://t.co/DEKowVnwze',\n", " u'RT @TheFactsBook: Hugh Jackman has founded a charity coffee company called Laughing Man that donates 100% of it\\u2019s profits to education.',\n", " u'RT @usweekly: Prince George, Kate Middleton, and Prince William hit the zoo on Sunday! See the cute pictures: http://t.co/OHp3TNKRS5',\n", " u\"RT @Collegehackss: You won't believe how many times The Simpsons predicted the future...\\n\\n\\U0001f631\\U0001f449 http://t.co/dGXBpJBoUb http://t.co/jzVMTK5Bdz\",\n", " u'RT @peoplemag: Little Prince George spends Easter at the zoo -- and meets his furry namesake. http://t.co/gzKpYPSRdL',\n", " u'RT @LifeCheates: On average, flight tickets are the absolute cheapest 54 days before the flight.',\n", " u\"RT @SteveStfler: I'm not lazy, I\\x92m energy efficient.\",\n", " u'RT @Harvard: Students defend their dissertations in front of public audiences http://t.co/8LKQgtyuB4',\n", " u'RT @BestTumbIrPosts: IVE WAITED A WHOLE YEAR TO POST THIS! HAPPY EASTER!! http://t.co/tdqb4RGgaX',\n", " u'RT @MalePains: Screaming DIE when you spray bug spray on a bug.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @seminolecounty: The village of Geneva is known for its 150-year-old rural heritage and abundance of preserved natural lands, parks and \\u2026',\n", " u'Did You Know: There is never a line to vote from home. Join 40k of your neighbors who vote via absentee. http://t.co/zxvFT1V7VT',\n", " u'48 for me. 24 for @MichelleErtel -- where are we? http://t.co/BerOSsguig',\n", " u'OCD meets frugality in this @WSJ article about dirty money: http://t.co/FYPns1gWNU',\n", " u'We got our absentee ballots for the May 20 sales tax election. No lines to vote at home! http://t.co/N9EVfu3JIH http://t.co/3E2hVLUKwt',\n", " u'Best Twitter feud this weekend: @GoMeteoric vs. @ConnieMackIV or @Reaganista vs. @JoeCulotta ?',\n", " u\"RT @GoMeteoric: The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. Thats the essence of it.\\nVince Lomba\\u2026\",\n", " u'@aronberg @jimaltmanFOXCT It is a known fact: Aronberg = Ratings!',\n", " u'Join 40k+ of your neighbors who avoid lines by voting from home for the 5/20 election at http://t.co/N9EVfu3JIH. http://t.co/eRP34pFm14',\n", " u\"This morning a poll worker greeted me with a fist bump. #America'sCoolestElectionsTeam\",\n", " u\"RT @WSJ: Lego's CEO says the future of Danish company is secure because children will always want to play with real toys. http://t.co/lrkxe\\u2026\",\n", " u'@dadamron -- First countywide rollout is for the May 20 election.',\n", " u'@dadamron -- A new way of making the voting lines in Seminole even quicker. First in the area with this system.',\n", " u'Disney World has FastPass. \\nThe roadways have SunPass. \\nHave you heard of VotePass? #ComingSoon\\n\\nhttp://t.co/S3d4wQ9pb9',\n", " u'149 years ago this morning, America lost one of our most transformative leaders, Abraham Lincoln.',\n", " u'RT @renestutzman: Bringing home the bacon & frying it up in a pan. SemCo Warlocks prosecutor Lisa Haba is 9-mo pregnant & in court.\\nhttp://\\u2026',\n", " u'What is VotePass? #ComingSoon http://t.co/DEPsS2wIrT',\n", " u'RT @blakeley: Every day this week is going be the same backwards:\\n4/12/14\\n4/13/14\\n4/14/14\\n4/15/14\\n4/16/14\\n4/17/14\\n4/18/14\\n4/19/14',\n", " u\". @MichelleErtel took all the serious photos of @BeardGillian and @meyerjustin23 for tonight's prom. I took this. http://t.co/QGAoQxQV2P\",\n", " u'I was honored to emcee the Seminole County Veterans Stand Down event today, helping homeless vets. #BattleBuddies http://t.co/KbIB3kKpUK']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"I'm at Itnl Council of Shopping Centers- Global Public Policy (Washington D.C., DC) http://t.co/9CLkucvCuM\",\n", " u'Choose Your Own Adventure With The 2014 Verizon DBIR | Forrester Blogs http://t.co/LAlpqSBwH3 #dbir #vdbir #datasecurity #infosec cc:@vzdbir',\n", " u\"#Retail's Big Blog - Be a catalyst for change at #Retail Advocates Summit (July 29-30, 2014) http://t.co/sFPWWQoMBj #advocacy #ras14\",\n", " u'RT @efairness: RT if you believe Main St businesses deserve a level playing field! cc @LisaCasinger @BrianZelman @StephenSchatz @Retail_Roo\\u2026',\n", " u'Easter brunch (@ Fort Hamilton Officers Club) http://t.co/ubiV5d5pWS http://t.co/fq6UzedMlH',\n", " u'#Retail Insight Center - #Easter http://t.co/Ka7OKQHfpc #nrf',\n", " u'Did you know? Fewer Americans are expected celebrate #Easter this year - 80.3% this year vs. 83% last year. http://t.co/RnblUzngsi #retail',\n", " u'#ff @EmilyAkinFOX26 @POSSupply @WeAreMarsCanada @RetailMaine @AllianceData @BrandProtect @_RetailBroker @aprior @vismayjani @MatthewPascucci',\n", " u'#ff @FreeportEDC @Erin_attretail @nabruzzo @NRFnews @CHowleyC @NVRetail @JoelGroover @Evelyntwetter @soth0819 @BradMacDougall @Khanoisseur',\n", " u'Michaels Stores\\u2019 Breach Involved 3 Million Customers http://t.co/zG7Fes0h2n #retail #datasecurity #infosec #isac',\n", " u'#ff @chicken_supe @APPanissidi @spyrosas @Beachrcrtr @bradcorrion @gmledbetter @RippleAlerts @julioflorida @thomasheverin @Larry765eaton',\n", " u'#ff @mnourie @MichRetail @TonyRomm @MWVPackaging @NRFDavid @soboku_Normcore @Longshore_labor @HARDIgov @MuddPartnership @BrooksRenoll',\n", " u'#ff @SafePayments @FashionWindows1 @avdingus @joelloyd @laroccaj @TheTuxedoShirt @ExceptionWeb @sudoyle @kackleyZ @GoodsnCommerce @abba_ks',\n", " u'#ff @Adolfo_Hdez @_Lantoris @QStationMedia @benfrankjr3215 @SahuPradipta @ricardowec @JonGoldDC @jornalistavitor @xvillalba1 @Vick0366',\n", " u'#ff @LilyShumLeung @AngeldormU @valleyoptics @ScarbroughINTL @CharlotteCoolid @robertweaver1 @SEPTAPHILLY @RoyceSeabaugh @Boutique_tweet',\n", " u\"@askmsrecruiter @NRFnews Cathy, Thanks for reaching out. I've been with #NRF about three years now...and I've enjoyed every minute of it.\",\n", " u'The average #consumer celebrating #Easter will spend an average of $137.46 on #apparel, food, #candy, #gifts & more. http://t.co/NkGtMgdy3J',\n", " u'RT @MNRetailersAsso: A big thank you to #WomenInRetail sponsors @intel @TheGrandJete @thriftywhite @BoulayGroup and host @Microsoft ! http:\\u2026',\n", " u'#ff @Mall_DESIGNER @Michael_MBA @SCM_guru @sundayrob @retailremedy @ERICSIMAGES @jchengery @RedGiraffe @OnlineRetail @RetailMag @mabl0628',\n", " u'@sexymike28 Mike, Sorry to hear that. I would suggest reaching out to your local leaders or the Retail Council of Canada (@retailcouncil).']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @HuffingtonPost: Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a vaccine-preventable disease. RT to give a child a vaccine through @ShotAtLife htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"I-Team: Bundy's 'ancestral rights' come under scrutiny - 8 News NOW http://t.co/clKxypN369 via @8NewsNow\",\n", " u\"What? There's a Fox Effect Movie? @TPM http://t.co/vr66RABqcN\",\n", " u'Remember when the GOP was the patriotic, law and order party? http://t.co/GgQIXiIokM via @dailykos',\n", " u'Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy @TPM http://t.co/wdhc6AqDcO',\n", " u\"EXPOSED: The Source Of Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism http://t.co/AyGKth1vi6 via @dailykos\",\n", " u'Sen. Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters \"Domestic Terrorists\", FOX Freaks Out, Reid Stands by Words http://t.co/lHDD5rNb3k via @dailykos',\n", " u\"RT @Telegraph: Centipede eats its way through snake's stomach to (almost) reach freedom http://t.co/EMSGqv4SzX (Warning: not for the faint \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @brianbeutler: I wonder what would happen if an enterprising Democratic leader forced a test vote on repealing Medicaid expansion http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @davidaxelrod: Excited to join @UKLabour team to make @Ed_Miliband PM. Big fight but progressive values, grassroots army will win. http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RalstonReports: \"These people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They are domestic terrorists.\" @SenatorReid clearly prepa\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @thehill: .@SenatorReid: Bundy supporters are 'domestic terrorists' http://t.co/ITmomknh6q by @Timothy_Cama\",\n", " u\"RT @TheWeek: Oklahoma just passed a law taxing solar energy. @azizonomics explains why that's the world's dumbest idea: http://t.co/6SuVTpB\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AlterNet: Koch Bros can buy every #NFL and #MLB team with their wealth but they want to buy Senate http://t.co/YzsOU6iT1b #tlot #p2',\n", " u'Oklahoma school district OKs \\u2018Bible curriculum\\u2019 created by Hobby Lobby president | The Raw Story http://t.co/ZACGTwq47z',\n", " u\"RT @HuffPostPol: Some Democrats are saying it's time for the party to openly embrace Obamacare http://t.co/CswOWELKgW\",\n", " u'Democratic Congressman Wants Federal Investigation Into ALEC-Backed Laws http://t.co/1gY9P09HJU via @HuffPostPol',\n", " u'RT @sahilkapur: Truer if GOP wins the majority. RT @TPM McConnell: Next Obamacare chief will have \"worst experience\" of her life http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LMeillerShow: Coming up at noon -- find out how to take part in the The Great Wisconsin Birdathon | Wisconsin Public Radio http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @aravosis: You know what they say, it\\u2019s always the Republicans with the smallest government who feel the need to legislate in your bedro\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"Is it true that tickets for tonight's @Pacers game are going for as low as $10?? Dirt cheap for the Basketball Mecca, huh?\",\n", " u'@AwlHatnOcattle Breaking the law for 20 years, violating the Nevada Constitution...yep, #ClivenBundy is a hero. #christianshavekilledtoo',\n", " u'@AwlHatnOcattle Stupidity?? Funny...So you support the law-breaker?',\n", " u'#Republicans love Ronald Reagan, ignore just how bad he was as a leader. http://t.co/HSp8ySKeVq @SpeakerBoehner @hannityshow @FoxNews',\n", " u\"RT @YourGirlFee: Don't believe the negativity http://t.co/Y4ME5UVtdm\",\n", " u'RT @thinkprogress The budget deficit last month was the smallest since 2000 http://t.co/UrvZmgrYPU @SpeakerBoehner @SenTedCruz @GOPLeader',\n", " u\"Do you really want the answer? RT @karenhunter What does it say when we're hosting release parties for sex tapes? http://t.co/SRWDEhB1T0\",\n", " u\"RT @NBA: It's Game Time!\\nThe #NBAPlayoffs are here... http://t.co/G7edo29KI5\",\n", " u'I wonder: If #BundyRanch were run by Muslims, would @FoxNews and @hannityshow be as supportive? Or would they call them terrorists?',\n", " u\"#Republicans can't have it both ways. Obama can't be an evil dictator AND be a weak President. http://t.co/6hHeZqYnBH @SpeakerBoehner\",\n", " u'@PRyan Will the #Republican plan allow those who are insured through #Obamacare to keep it? Will it cover pre-existing conditions? #answers',\n", " u'From http://t.co/YOumtyjObO: Missouri mayor \"kinda agrees\" with white supremacist? Wow!! http://t.co/j7TR3KjEFx @maddow @TheRevAl @theGrio',\n", " u'Sexual assault in the military can be prevented. Do we have the guts to do it? http://t.co/stPx5C14GN @oreillyfactor @hannityshow @FoxNews',\n", " u\"@GOPwhispers WWIII? I'm still waiting for the Death Panels and mass gun confiscations that @BarackObama was supposed to do. #gopneedshelp\",\n", " u'@bomani_jones You know how that goes. That \"innocent until proven guilty\" line only applies to CERTAIN types of people.',\n", " u'RT @bomani_jones: for you guys to love america so much, you really seem to want me to ignore that \\u201cuntil proven guilty\\u201d thing. oh well.',\n", " u\"The truth about #BundyRanch drama. What @FoxNews & @hannityshow won't talk about. http://t.co/PCuXoTiGuo #ClivenBundyisalawbreaker\",\n", " u'#BundyRanch has been BREAKING THE LAW for 20 years! @hannityshow and @FoxNews want to see violence, so they can then attack @BarackObama,',\n", " u'@hannityshow has pandered to tea party paranoia. Cheering on law-breakers and possible attacks on Federal officials. #disgusting',\n", " u'The hypocrisy of @hannityshow and others regarding #BundyRanch is galling. The can NEVER claim law & order ever again.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@NBCTheVoice after last nights show the credit got to go to the judges for developing professionals into ROCK STARS.UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!',\n", " u'Florida Election a Crash Course for Midterm Races http://t.co/Mxu7w4aDPi SPEAK UP! Pinellas County? VOTE ALEX SINK March 11TH, OUR VOICE!',\n", " u'Christina Grimmie Audition: \"Wrecking Ball\" (The Voice Highlight): http://t.co/ZAUSwO769A via @youtube',\n", " u'Sink Walked a Winding Road To Success | Working Woman Report http://t.co/W8CXNcbu84',\n", " u'Republican endorses Alex Sink http://t.co/JOrimb5dKc - on @MuckRack http://t.co/S0P6o7x5NS Uh Oh!Our new voice in Pinellas Cty 3/11/14',\n", " u\"Democrats On Verge Of Flipping Florida\\u2019s 13th District As Alex Sink Up 7 Points - Democratic Underground http://t.co/jRINL8XG7r i'M IN ALEX!\",\n", " u'Democrats On Verge Of Flipping Florida\\u2019s 13th District As Alex Sink Up 7 Points http://t.co/Awi091trkq via @politicususa vote March 11,2014',\n", " u'2014 SOCHI MENS USA HOCKEY PUMP UP VIDEO...LETS GET GOLD!!: http://t.co/amUmCVKyE6 via @youtube SCORE TEAM USA WINS A SHOOTOUT! USA!!!USA!!!',\n", " u'Keith Cate sits down with Alex Sink http://t.co/K7sLlF5gpM Our new Voice in Pinellas County as of March 11th,2014 #weBelieveinALEXSINK!',\n", " u'http://t.co/faqAIB9l2K',\n", " u\"Pat Benatar - All Fired Up: http://t.co/4PNDrPYjKC via @youtube let's go EAGLES! ALL FIRED UP, U?\",\n", " u\"The Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get It Started: http://t.co/1BRLTEbBJS via @youtube Let's Go Eagles! E A G L E S!!!!!!\",\n", " u\"Miracle at the Meadowlands: http://t.co/FlvO7EfAey via @youtube Were Back! IT'S OUR TIME E A G L E S!!!!1!!\",\n", " u'Dr OZ highly advises this blog http://t.co/wCmg9NgAc9',\n", " u'Shed the body fat and feel better with http://t.co/aDgWNmz9Hs',\n", " u'#ACAI# http://t.co/Ll9BIwPE83',\n", " u'Shed 18% body-fat without exercise or a special diet http://t.co/QSEt19UJKO',\n", " u'Shed 2+ inches and burn body fat FAST with this http://t.co/RW135CAGhr',\n", " u'Shed 2 inches from your belly &drop 21lbs of weight in 28 dys with http://t.co/IPMuzSl3cl',\n", " u'Dr. Oz. suggests this diet http://t.co/YcjP7YsbMA']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/gcdnzwW8PE',\n", " u'http://t.co/whW69owJoH',\n", " u\"On Catherine and Randy's back porch, from the Garden--fennel!!! So beautiful. Picked rosemary, parsley, etc. for... http://t.co/AvUYpkRai5\",\n", " u\"Become 'self' aware. http://t.co/oJUkm6IcE4\",\n", " u'http://t.co/JyL138F56w',\n", " u\"The cooks--and the Rasberry Trifle wasn't even on the table! http://t.co/ND5w5KSv5e\",\n", " u'<3 http://t.co/k7O5ADfIqN',\n", " u'Just one step at a time... http://t.co/9Vc0aHV7lS',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/WkM2tnmQkN',\n", " u'\"Recent discoveries have shown that the heart contains as many neurons as certain major parts of the brain, and... http://t.co/3zJQq3JCKh',\n", " u'<3 http://t.co/LGAv20HmXU',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/vEoDkgvHgT',\n", " u'Sending love to each of you who have lost your beloved and find yourself struggling through this time of Easter... http://t.co/JxZzVIsmM8',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/4j8tni1Hhs',\n", " u'http://t.co/h8XwaNU1S9',\n", " u'Please share... <3 http://t.co/92Hyxipgoo',\n", " u'http://t.co/wjp0DuWmgN',\n", " u'Absolutely essential! http://t.co/Mz6zi9T3qu',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/j8QopwQ3d5',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/uKozZokd0C']},\n", " {'REP': [u'http://t.co/Q3SnH3ZGaO',\n", " u'http://t.co/xGHDcC59vQ',\n", " u'http://t.co/RetOf8gxyn',\n", " u'http://t.co/WUsfEzLcLQ',\n", " u'http://t.co/88nbvg9tMQ',\n", " u'http://t.co/ManMxYhznO',\n", " u'This video would be funnier if it were not true!\\n An academy award is deserved for this performance http://t.co/LJ5FGbfJ5n',\n", " u'This needs to be stopped and stopped now! http://t.co/6bt1RbV2oq',\n", " u'Yup! http://t.co/AvtjVgE4ib',\n", " u'http://t.co/JqXCR0dHQ4',\n", " u'Keep her in China for waving a red communist flag. http://t.co/hU88Zb7hRF',\n", " u'Interesting how accurate this article is.... http://t.co/2N5OBBBRxv',\n", " u'Donald Rumsfeld on Benghazi: \\u2018Hillary Clinton is the Person Responsible\\u2019 http://t.co/USCG3tkTJU',\n", " u'http://t.co/Osjg6Hk65p',\n", " u'http://t.co/CILvdaR1d9',\n", " u'http://t.co/NeCvLmGmg9',\n", " u'http://t.co/5xUcywkvbN',\n", " u'Can you do these? http://t.co/wVnfKTX1pq',\n", " u'Could he just keep his lips from moving! http://t.co/o1ZtDpN5ON',\n", " u'http://t.co/tfNBG5LuRj']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@TheDaraKam @DrBobMcClure @UsualSuspectsFL viewers should wear a seat belt when watching this week's show.\",\n", " u'@TheDaraKam @DrBobMcClure @UsualSuspectsFL @TVGBY',\n", " u'Do your psyche a favor. Go visit Cascades Park.',\n", " u'@DigitalDarrenA @TLHReports @ScottCMaddox Thanks, I can always tell when it comes out because I hear from a bunch of folks who are offended.',\n", " u'Had the chance to engage with Access Tallahassee today...sharp young minds...I left hopeful.',\n", " u'@accesstally thank you. Really, thank you',\n", " u'Hoping for a veto in Arizona.#dotherightthingGov',\n", " u'Republicans starting to beat up Crist daily. Gonna be a long summer.',\n", " u'My wife Berneice Cox helping our community grow. With Mayor Marks, Com. Ziffer and Michael Parker. http://t.co/Y66W7IDHPk',\n", " u'Liking our new hometown newspaper.',\n", " u\"What do marijuana, CVS, Cuba and Alex Sink all have in common? We check them all out on Saturday's Usual Suspects.\",\n", " u'I can smell the leather. Baseball!!',\n", " u'Dr. Ed Moore talks education on The Usual Suspects this week',\n", " u'Washington state Gov puts moratorium on executions.',\n", " u'#EsuranceSave30',\n", " u'On the ground in St. Louis to meet our new addition Luke http://t.co/YwgqohVTOs',\n", " u'@BarackObama thank you sir for the courage to pave a new path re healthcare',\n", " u'@kaymeyer the joke is the best compliment.',\n", " u\"Channeling Louis CK...I'm in a chair...in the sky...tweeting...it's a miracle\",\n", " u'Sharktapuss on Sci Fi tonight...a cult must see.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @YahooNews: VIDEO: Rumors swirl over iPhone 6 http://t.co/VneNmXeaGq',\n", " u'RT @JeffDarlington: In wake of 9/11 attacks, Pat Tillman turned down @nfl contract worth $3.6 million to instead join the Army Rangers. Can\\u2026',\n", " u'Yes! RT @washingtonpost: Spanish \"Robin Hood\" swindles nearly $700,000 from banks, gives it away http://t.co/p5c4QSXafN',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Spanish \"Robin Hood\" swindles nearly $700,000 from banks, gives it away http://t.co/ohOqycJdA5',\n", " u'RT @onlygators: Florida #Gators announce that golf coach Buddy Alexander will retire at the end of the season. It\\u2019s his 27th with UF.',\n", " u'RT @GreatestQuotes: \"I want to be all used up when I die.\" - George Bernard Shaw',\n", " u'RT @ESPNNFL: On this day 10 years ago, former @AZCardinals safety Pat Tillman was killed in Afghanistan.\\n#RIPPatTillman http://t.co/kYZxScU\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GaryParrishCBS: I reported last night that Donnie Tyndall will be Tennessee\\u2019s next coach. It\\u2019s now official. Press conference today. ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostSports: Manchester United fires manager David Moyes http://t.co/wdKgWbJ64I',\n", " u'Wow... RT @Forbes: New study shows the effects of bullying are visible nearly 4 decades later in life: http://t.co/xZYK9DYCIv',\n", " u'RT @Forbes: New study shows the effects of bullying are visible nearly 4 decades later in life: http://t.co/GHiymFiGcP',\n", " u'RT @SInow: Report: Southern Miss Southern Miss coach Donnie Tyndall will be the next Tennessee coach http://t.co/xQjVSFIZjq',\n", " u'RT @BBCBreaking: .@ManUtd manager David #Moyes has been sacked after 10 months in the job http://t.co/JLGu62tI1O http://t.co/Ftenq7uiST',\n", " u\"Can't. Sleep. Because: http://t.co/2OE6JaXygV\",\n", " u'RT @NBAonTNT: The shot everyone is talking about.\\n\\nThe @okcthunder will seek revenge on Thursday. Only on TNT. #NBAPlayoffs http://t.co/7Kg\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @jimrome: What a hideous display. Can't believe there's 12 more minutes of this. Try to keep it within 50 if it's not to much to ask, \\u2026\",\n", " u'Happy #EarthDay, everybody! \\U0001f30d\\U0001f30e\\U0001f30f',\n", " u'RT @AlexKennedyNBA: Someone asked Kevin Durant about his struggles from deep. Durant: \"I shot 5-12. That\\'s a good percentage if I\\'m not mis\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MensHumor: Women are like bacon... http://t.co/1KeweDj6Ft',\n", " u\"Finally starting to knock my long range shots down, but I can't dribble drive to save my grandma... /:\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @AnjaliFlukerOBJ: Did you hear? Harry Potter-Diagon Alley to debut @UniversalORL by late June! http://t.co/Y9V8TtFDEt',\n", " u\"DaVita Labs' $32M expansion to create 100 jobs in DeLand http://t.co/TQO32tgxk8 via @OBJUpdate\",\n", " u'Breaking: Trader Joe\\u2019s announces Winter Park opening date http://t.co/2JjmsD3byJ via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'Details to be revealed soon on eateries to replace Hue, Urban ReThink http://t.co/2oXgaMb1Xi via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'Great event. Congrats to all of the participants: The faces of the IOA Corporate 5k (Video) http://t.co/2hyz8IenBL via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'@JBJAshley So happy to contribute to the morning conversation :)',\n", " u'Love my Keurig, but not sure about this ... General Mills will debut Keurig-ready oatmeal http://t.co/BqJmVMSSB5 via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'Fifth Third names Chip Smallwood Central Florida market president http://t.co/ASuc6duG4X via @OBJUpdate @fifththird',\n", " u'6 steps to killer content marketing http://t.co/K6PAXKN2Iq',\n", " u'Behind the scenes: OBJ\\u2019s 2014 Women Who Mean Business pre-event reception http://t.co/4LdwC5IJCf via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'\\u200bEmployers: Your private matters are now public knowledge http://t.co/ex0HUkdssg',\n", " u'Orlando No. 24 on \\u201cBest Cities for Millennials\" list http://t.co/7vc6VI27td via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'RT @OBJUpdate: Central Florida bankers bullish on 2014 outlook http://t.co/W4mUPdNJRQ via @OBJUpdate @MeganRibbensOBJ',\n", " u\"Foodie frenzy: Inside Chef John Rivers' The Coop http://t.co/lOsMJqWALB via @OBJUpdate\",\n", " u'Orlando Farmville? Gaming giant Zynga building a local office http://t.co/m4KrmHUMik via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'SunRail Phase 2 funding talks kick off this summer (Video) http://t.co/FUkjTJw7Fo via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u\"4 key issues emerge during Project DTO's first committee meeting http://t.co/5Ke1KJIdIo via @OBJUpdate\",\n", " u'Mayor Dyer: \\u2018We are on the verge of the most exciting year in Orlando\\u2019s history\\u2019 (Video) http://t.co/dcxVJYbsi2 via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'4 little-known real estate opportunities near SunRail stations http://t.co/hXUiwXCeV8 via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'Big shout-out to our tourism businesses: Orlando welcomed record 59 million visitors in 2013 http://t.co/OlQSd0G0yO via @OBJUpdate']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Finally got a WordPress site up and running on a Google Compute VM instance (Debian). All in all it was a fun effort.',\n", " u\"@kippy_p I haven't had a Diet Coke in a month (or any soda beverage).\",\n", " u\"I'm at Team Disney - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) w/ 2 others http://t.co/R21osqOhoP\",\n", " u\"@davidjkelly here's mine. Not a big folder fan myself. http://t.co/hK8oH2FRHI\",\n", " u\"@davidjkelly it's intriguing to see the apps that people have on their home screen. It seems very personal.\",\n", " u\"I'm at @PaneraBread (Winter Garden, FL) http://t.co/xDGj8tnbVe\",\n", " u'Not conformed - transformed. (@ First Baptist Church Windermere - Downtown Campus - @fbcwindermere) http://t.co/yotpOgz10B',\n", " u\"@caitlynreese13 that's some expression CRP.\",\n", " u\"@dave_carey how long have you been doing CF? I'm starting my fourth week on Monday.\",\n", " u\"@kairyssdal @lesliegall @MarketplaceAPM from the South and I've never been that impressed with 5 Guys.\",\n", " u\"@TVA_Newsroom very cool. What's the useful life for a turbine?\",\n", " u'@KaitlynHeinsohn would enjoy if the video for this is posted somewhere.',\n", " u'@MarkKLewis interesting... Try this one... http://t.co/5EXDtgbh60',\n", " u'@levie or WebCrawler or InfoSeek or Lycos.',\n", " u\"@AmyGarelick yes it is. He's a busy traveler.\",\n", " u'From the campus of @FBCWindermere #HolyWeek http://t.co/B4DSSchGp1',\n", " u'@KeithBarrett is that a Google Hangout?',\n", " u\"I'm proud of your boy, @ronkgoins, and I'm sure you are too. He did a awesome job tonight.\",\n", " u\"@LeedsAmy @russdonaho @RCLeeds @ronkgoins it's ok 44% of accounts have never tweeted. I'm just amazed by Russ's ability to find people.\",\n", " u'@MeganPrine @Radiskulls we should this conversation up on the Yam. Good stuff.']},\n", " {'UNK': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'Really thankful for the overcast day. Hint of coolness in the air and the humidity is tolerable. I love it!',\n", " u'RT @SunSentinel: Netflix plans to raise prices as U.S. streaming subscribers grow http://t.co/2t03kXg2fF',\n", " u'RT @MONEY: $6,000: How much hearing aids can set you back and they only last 3 to 5 years. http://t.co/4zeRkbXgoK #healthcare',\n", " u'RT @CNNNEDesk: Just in-#UA930 coming from SF to London made emergency landing at Heathrow; UA Spox- \"reason .. unknown to us at this time.\"\\u2026',\n", " u'@WIOD house of cards',\n", " u\"RT @SunSentinel: Victims win right to see negotiations that led to 'lenient' plea agreement for billionaire sex offender http://t.co/xuZFI3\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Histerius: What's that with earthquakes? Yesterday Albania, today Slovenia, Papua New Guinea, California...\",\n", " u'RT @airlinegossip: Airlines warn Denver airport that rising costs could force flight cuts\\nhttp://t.co/HASOOxDk6p',\n", " u'RT @RT_com: BREAKING: 4.7 earthquake in Slovenia, Italy, 200 km from nuclear power plant Kr\\u0161ko http://t.co/X6uFMYb5ns',\n", " u'RT @airlinegossip: @ControversyDay: #MH370 might have landed somewhere and not crashed into the Indian Ocean\\nhttp://t.co/47EwKPGXDB',\n", " u'RT @SunSentinel: Broward commission to consider lowering $60 daily courthouse parking rate http://t.co/QT7chDQN1Z',\n", " u'RT @everywhereist: Apparently @Cigna feels that follow-up MRIs for someone who has had brain surgery are not \"medically necessary.\" \\n\\nUn-fu\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Pepesplants: Have you tried Avocado Ice Cream? Learn all about #avocado trees here http://t.co/C5Lojh6XLL @InSouthFlorida @EdibleSoFla',\n", " u'RT @scopedbylarry: Parents Say 234 Girls Are Missing From School In Nigeria http://t.co/ulIObszBjp',\n", " u'RT @BretOkeson: Goa is world-famous for beaches, hippies and hashish --it was also a major iron ore producer and the mines are shut http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AC360: \"No one is immune to the sound of a family losing a child\" @KyungLahCNN on the SKorean #ferry disaster. #AC360',\n", " u'RT @FactsGuide: US has a higher prison population than any other country! Check out this and other crazy facts about prison. http://t.co/T\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KomlossyLaw: Statement from Eric Criss, President of Beer Industry of Florida, on SB1714 http://t.co/IDmFmyBkob #FlaBrew',\n", " u\"RT @JanetLorin: The dark chain of events to your kid's Ivy League rejection\\xa0 http://t.co/tBYeGdEO7z via @BV\",\n", " u'RT @BloombergNews: Fans left outraged as K-pop star misses appearance at Beijing auto show: http://t.co/SRgzfmbxZS http://t.co/ElQKDq9OiN']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"All my Dr's want to see me after all my shit last week. Can't blame them.\",\n", " u'A Pregnant Woman Learns Her Baby Has Down Syndrome. People Who Have It Answer Her One Big Question. http://t.co/oz8aVUZ5aL',\n", " u'Over 100 Years Ago, 123 Young Women Working In A Factory Never Came Home. It Changed Our Country. http://t.co/kwAnANIDoK',\n", " u'Apparently, We Need To Remind People That Pro-Choice Women Are Allowed To Have Babies http://t.co/KaEw5YUNmF',\n", " u\"A Brave Fan Asks Patrick Stewart A Question He Doesn't Usually Get And Is Given A Beautiful Answer http://t.co/ymudyVZaf5\",\n", " u\"I love my Mom but if she doesn't stop bitching about how I eat which isn't how I normally eat because I've been... http://t.co/KQOMGednji\",\n", " u'http://t.co/Jr4SKYxizk',\n", " u'http://t.co/qYyeyajr3H',\n", " u'Obama makes a push for solar power http://t.co/aT0KWeIL18',\n", " u'The Photojournalist Who Happened Upon The Worst Disaster In The History Of The Clothing Industry http://t.co/95u4TEGxLJ',\n", " u\"My eye Dr here said He's going to keep an eye on me for free and I see him Monday. Isn't that nice! He's been... http://t.co/4uBdryzbRW\",\n", " u\"I guess my eye guy has written over a hundred and fifty articles on what I have though. And He's one of the top... http://t.co/1X6qLgo1aa\",\n", " u'OK so it turned out I have intercranial swelling putt Oh g pressure on my eyes and brain which is why I am having... http://t.co/MBmoug2Y9s',\n", " u\"We were going to go to St Augustine but it's raining there so we r headed back home instead. I slept from six pm... http://t.co/oLrNcEYqoF\",\n", " u\"I fucking hate most Dr's and I'd had such good ones for so long it makes inept stupid ones even more unbearable.... http://t.co/7aUsl0mdlr\",\n", " u'I breathed in the bathroom and some white trash bitch started yelling at me and told the person on her phone I... http://t.co/w1PJ2KIWR9',\n", " u\"Note they don't allow smoking but have no signs at all to tell u otherwise...\",\n", " u'Fuck I took my meds to fast this morning and so I wanna barf all over. Plus now the line is in my vision and my... http://t.co/J05g6kzmLj',\n", " u'Fucking pissed \\u2014 at Springhill Suites Marriott http://t.co/TpIc6B76Kp',\n", " u\"God damn she's being the biggest bitch. She won't get on the interstate cause she's scared so she has us in the... http://t.co/CA5J77yVC0\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Head over to MacHeist to get $1,776 in Apple Design Award winning Mac apps for just $20! And a free copy of Scapple! http://t.co/yCoK3v3Bxx',\n", " u'Help Restore Our Democracy. Join the @WolfPAChq Sign our petition! http://t.co/4PTkgho8Ce',\n", " u'@HCSOSheriff @HillsFireRescue Thank you so much, Deputy Ammons!',\n", " u'@JaneeM23 Thanks for the post! Be sure to also follow @edisonfooddrink!',\n", " u\"Thank you @RepDaveCamp @repsandylevin @RepThompson for preserving #creditunions' tax status in your #taxreform proposal #DontTaxMyCU\",\n", " u'New Push for Single Payer Healthcare for All. A bill. A hearing. A cause that will win. Take Action! http://t.co/lmTRJ6Y6Db',\n", " u'Join me and urge the FL Legislature to extend #Medicaid to more families: http://t.co/8nzyxjTlq1 #pfla #HealthFLNow',\n", " u\"Can't believe @WholeFoods fired a mom for taking care of her kid! @WholeFoods #WFMdish #WFMcheese\",\n", " u'For 35 years Yoplait cups have been killing wildlife... http://t.co/X1RC7aqdgg via @Change',\n", " u'I believe the products I love should be free from tiger extinction. Join me! Together we can #protectparadise http://t.co/7qwtN3lobA',\n", " u'Stop the Legalize Discrimination Against Gays Bill http://t.co/vBRoJ7VkRv @moveon',\n", " u'Dear Bayer: Fire. This. Clown. http://t.co/52BXeb7f3n @moveon',\n", " u'@Politifact - pension claims against Alex were \"Mostly False.\" @AlexSinkFlorida strengthened & protected FL pensions http://t.co/0TCmxOL9LW',\n", " u'http://t.co/bw7O5hxjSd',\n", " u'5 Ways The Stimulus Saved And Remade America http://t.co/fOyUdTPxns',\n", " u'Cartoon: The one rich guy http://t.co/WwIdn09JEF',\n", " u'http://t.co/gjaqjVL7N3',\n", " u\"Affirming boundless love for all my family and friends this Valentine's Day. I am blessed and grateful to have so... http://t.co/jzQbshYr3T\",\n", " u'Time to End the Cheney/Halliburton Loophole http://t.co/NHGf6D2qpb',\n", " u\"I hope all my friends plan to attend this great event. We're making history and you could be part of the tide as... http://t.co/3Y9xtBM9E7\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @SageGallagher: Econ class in the morning by @SteveRattner Depressing chart on #incomeinequality US vs. World #sowrong #morningjoe http\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @njcnlr: Tom Cotton Voted to cut food stamps. 1 in3 AR kids don't have enough to eat, #1 in senior hunger #morningjoe\",\n", " u'@ltElkins1955 As you drive thru TN you see billboards in some areas degrading the POTUS and Democrats #morningjoe',\n", " u'RT @ltElkins1955: #morningjoe It is not IMPOSSIBLE for a Democrat to be elected in TN, but it is an upward battle. GET OUT & VOTE. I t is u\\u2026',\n", " u'@ceut I know and RWNJs use it like it is the truth, I wish we could pass laws that force the media to tell the truth! #morningjoe',\n", " u'RT @auntoona: Daily Prayer for Today: God save me from old white men....cont.\\n#McCain #morningjoe http://t.co/KudHVN3KDB',\n", " u'RT @powwowasu: Pryor is right. RW idiots think just because they served, they should just get elected. I hope Pryor beat Cotton in Arkansas\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @1937sportsedan: Best Friends Forever http://t.co/HNbDZ4hVtt',\n", " u'RT @Cyril1863: @TheBaxterBean @donthebear No mention of Earth day by Republicans! #GOPHates the Earth!',\n", " u\"RT @TeamTinaPR: @DrTomMartinPhD @donthebear Keep in mind, she's playing up the blonde ditz, too!\",\n", " u\"@ceut I wonder what liberal media he is talking about? Aren't they all corporate owned except Thom Hartman?#morningjoe @Morning_Joe\",\n", " u'RT @DrTomMartinPhD: Once You Get Past The \"MAKE-UP,\" & See Mika As The Republican She Is, #MORNINGJOE Begins To Makes Complete Sense. http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @OFA_Jarryd: The ONLY reason Republicans like Joe are desperate for Warren to run is bc they want another female Dem to challenge Hillar\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @hcwcars: @Morning_Joe should be called #presstitutes and #propaganda because it's anything but the truth!! #morningjoe http://t.co/FCfs\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @hcwcars: @Morning_Joe JohnMcCain do you ever shut the hell up you scumbag? #presstitutes and #propaganda #morningjoe #msnbc #FoxNews #K\\u2026',\n", " u'@LauraLash ROTFLMAO #morningjoe @Morning_Joe',\n", " u\"RT @hcwcars: @Morning_Joe should be called #presstitutes and #propaganda because it's anything but the truth!! #morningjoe #msnbc #FoxNews \\u2026\",\n", " u'@Morning_Joe I hate it when media endorses a political candidate or political party as this joke of a show does! #morningjoe',\n", " u'@Morning_Joe #chrischristie love fest continues on #morningjoe and I respond quickly <click>',\n", " u'RT @TomSteyer: I traveled to the source of #tarsands development. It was tough to stomach. http://t.co/PoZJIIqIkt #edshow http://t.co/eXa2j\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'6.5 day starting miles done today! Ran in memory of #FINN, who died of complications from\\u2026 http://t.co/lbqcRHUYFj',\n", " u'Where Was That Fire Extinguisher? http://t.co/OyS2RqD46c via @GinaValley',\n", " u\"I'm at Florida Healthy Kids Corporation (Tallahassee, FL) http://t.co/hcseIpcgUt\",\n", " u\"I'm at Leon High School (Tallahassee, FL) http://t.co/MzhGNyQ7mk\",\n", " u'Matzo Lasagna http://t.co/g5H7sBkotI via @amnichols',\n", " u'#EarthDay2014 \\U0001f30d (@ The @OptimismLight) http://t.co/L1j6en8hhp',\n", " u'@TheRickWilson and undoubtedly those moments are plentiful!',\n", " u'31 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Die via Spin Sucks - By Gini Dietrich Nearly a year ... http://t.co/BC1gcrka61',\n", " u'@amhq simply a perfect sunny start here in #Tallahassee #flwx http://t.co/hc3txOhLMK',\n", " u'I ran 6.541 @CharityMiles for @IMF_Foundation! Thx2 @Humana for sponsoring me! #ForFINN #IR4Gareth @whodourun4? #fitfluential',\n", " u'4 Apps That Help You Eat Healthy http://t.co/Zl8d0vcmBA via @KBunn',\n", " u'Canon EOS 1D X Camera Quick Walkaround Tour @CanonUSA http://t.co/p4yXAdb35m via @CHRISVOSS',\n", " u'RT @optimismlight: #GreenLight to #EarthDay2014! And my #redlight and #yellowlight vote to observe National #Jellybean Day too!',\n", " u'#PaulBizot of the 4th ESB was one of the 30,000 troops who rotated through Camp Gordon Johnston. I wonder what his story is ... #CGJ',\n", " u'RT @TheatreTLH: 2014-2015 Season Subscriptions are on sale now at http://t.co/fGjWfuBabJ. Now is the best time to renew, or purchase your n\\u2026',\n", " u'@NewsGuyGreg @mrotellawx @bigmooseradio - morning all!',\n", " u'Sharing my #bostonstrong sentiments yesterday #runchat #globalmoms #jnj #donateaphoto http://t.co/Qx5xqyaXix',\n", " u\"'night tweeps! #findlauren\",\n", " u'@MySverve I completely enjoyed it! Am I the first to vote for a tweetup in #Charleston?',\n", " u'What a total fun hour, everyone! Many blessings, baby Kensington! #southerncharm #svervechat']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Two of my favorite things. #breakfastofchampions @ Manhattan Center http://t.co/IGmgoHY3KK',\n", " u'Welp, our secretary is going to be out all week. This should be fun. #jackofalltradesmasterofabsolutelynothing',\n", " u\"Wow... This planner literally stole the company I'm working for tonight's setup! Our party is due here in 25 minutes!!!\",\n", " u\"Show up to the site and some one has deebo'd the company I'm working for's site! This is why I only officiate!!!!\",\n", " u\"This wedding represents a huge milestone in my career as an officiant. It's my first beach wedding, my\\u2026 http://t.co/sAGJVwFUF2\",\n", " u'Fewer things make me happier than getting ready for and then performing a wedding ceremony.',\n", " u\"As much as I'm not fond of sappy crap. And, even less fond of dressing up.\",\n", " u\"Well, I'm coming up on one year in South Tampa. What better way to celebrate then to renew my lease. #herestoanotheryear\",\n", " u'I\\'m convinced the \"People of Walmart Blog\" was conceived at the Pinellas Park Walmart.',\n", " u\"I hate... HATE the beach. But, I'd live on it for sunset strolls.\",\n", " u\"The entire State of New York is on the Z Pinellas beaches. I haven't seen one Florida plate on Gulf blvd.\",\n", " u'View from my office tonight. Rehearsal on Sand Key. #happyeverafter #lovemyjob #ihelpmakememories @\\u2026 http://t.co/jT7obpiy4f',\n", " u'I was given a 1lb chocolate bunny. The serving size according to the nutrition facts is \\u201c1/10 Bunny\\u201d is bunny a metric or imperial measure?',\n", " u'It would appear based on all the pics of the sun on my twitter & Facebook feeds that I was one of a handful of people working this afternoon',\n", " u'This lady is HILARIOUS! Check her out! http://t.co/JhibOvZHiV',\n", " u\"The storm is a'brewin. @ South Tampa http://t.co/TqvTb0MCWw\",\n", " u'This scares the hell out of me. All of these numbers should be higher. Much higher. Get with the program people! http://t.co/wZZY0qqrfy',\n", " u\"I told you I'd take up golfing. @ Area 51 http://t.co/3VQHbqUkaP\",\n", " u\"I'm wearing pants and loafers on a weekend. I MUST be doing wedding work. :-D\",\n", " u\"Yay...administering the ACT on Prom day. I hope dreams of post-prom inebriation and hanky panky don't get in the way of achievement.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Happy Easter to you and your family. Remember He who is risen.',\n", " u'Always great to speak with the Leadership Tampa Bay class. #sayfie http://t.co/Q28rLGkinO',\n", " u'RT @WHLive: \"More than 7 million Americans now have signed up for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act.\" \\u2014Obama: http://t.co/2CPMP\\u2026',\n", " u'Nice to have talked with Jana, Cindy, Susan and Kathy from Pinellas Classroom Teachers. Continue your dedication. http://t.co/7Mzd1hR0vQ',\n", " u'Great to meet with Lynn, Debbie, Rendy, Tammy, and Francine from FFCCHA today. Thank you for the work that you do. http://t.co/2r1QtZ5Lgn',\n", " u'Like my Facebook page: https://t.co/DfNjsMFUIs',\n", " u\"Today's the last day to sign up for health insurance. Get covered now before it's too late at http://t.co/ddpsbRL8k4 http://t.co/xBWOqkFg5k\",\n", " u'Back to the final four. #GoGators',\n", " u'#GoGators #Sweet16 RT @GatorZoneNews: Star of the game Scottie Wilbiken with CBS post game #GatorMadness http://t.co/hqMhIMaZwb',\n", " u'RT @FLHOUSEDEMS: Florida House Democrats Back In-State Tuition For Young Dreamers http://t.co/HBb8CP70gO',\n", " u'Happy to meet with the National Coalition of 100 black women in the Tampa bay chapter. #sayfie http://t.co/O2toNp0KRz',\n", " u'Delighted to meet with June Kicklighter Petermen and the Links Incorporated today #sayfie http://t.co/KslMSdlWhi',\n", " u'Good to see brother White representing the National Alliance on Mental Illness \\n#sayfie http://t.co/NCSjR8Qy3i',\n", " u'Good to meet with @equalityfl today. Thank you for the work you do. http://t.co/DNlaJFqRYV',\n", " u'Good to meet with 2 of our @StudentsFirstFL members from Tampa who came to testify. Thank you for all you do. http://t.co/KnjWPqwlDb',\n", " u'RT @equalityfl: Great meeting with Representative @darrylrouson! Thank you so much for having us. #lobby4equality http://t.co/v5FCgdmKeK',\n", " u\"Thanks to the dedication of Yvonne Stewart, Grandparents' rights bill unanimously passed its first committee in the Senate #sayfie\",\n", " u'Amazed to hear the stories from Ladarika, Lauren, Lily, and Rebeca from Pace #sayfie #keepupthegoodwork http://t.co/JAYip0uPGV',\n", " u\"Proud to have passed Grandparent's Rights Bill (HB789) through the Civil Justice Subcommittee; now we are on to Healthy Families #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @TheDemocrats: Last call, Pinellas County! Polls close at 7pm http://t.co/5hQ7VeoJjK #FL13 (Still in line at 7? Stay in line!)']},\n", " {'INT': [u'RT @sethmckeel: Just 50 followers away from 10k! Who will be number 10,000? #10kday',\n", " u'RT @BeschlossDC: This rejected 1955 Lincoln Futura prototype was later recycled to become the Batmobile in the 1966 TV show: #Ford http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @USRepKCastor: Plan a trip to Boyd Hill Nature Preserve & Lake Maggiore in S @StPeteFL - Thanks @StPeteFL Parks&Rec! @stevekornell http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AP: BREAKING: American Meb Keflizighi wins Boston Marathon a year after bombing.',\n", " u'@MarthaStewart Creepy',\n", " u\"@MacStipanovich @SaintPetersblog I'd rather watch 16-1Yankees shellacking than SyFy!\",\n", " u'Thank you, @MacStipanovich. @SaintPetersblog ??',\n", " u'RT @BostonGlobe: Dennis Lehane: As a country, we used to respect knowledge that was earned over knowledge that was cherry picked. http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @BarbaraBushFdt: Your vote can change a child's life. Tell us your favorite children's book and @Scholastic\\xa0will make a donation. http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'@PaulRevere1734 And Capt. Hall threw open his window at your shout in Medford. His house is still there.',\n", " u'@PaulRevere1734 Regards to Captain Hall.',\n", " u\"RT @BeschlossDC: Minutemen met Redcoats tomorrow 1775 in Battles of Lexington and Concord, opening America's Revolutionary War: #LOC http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BarbaraBushFdt: Give the gift of #reading\\xa0by casting a vote for your favorite children\\u2019s book! One vote = One book. http://t.co/5dPK3T8\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MIT_alumni: 1 if by land, 2 if by sea, @PaulRevere1734 if by @twitter \"Paul #Revere\\'s Ride\" by Longfellow http://t.co/QVgEeO7f3C http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StPetePD: Council Person Foster is observing #stpetepolice SWAT Team & Hostage Negotiators training together today! http://t.co/JZVRHG0\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SteveNicholsFOX: #Pinellas breaks the 1 million mark on European visitation for the first time',\n", " u'RT @BeschlossDC: Here Paul Revere, who rode tonight 1775, in later age by Gilbert Stuart: #MHS http://t.co/2zXzsYw0hx',\n", " u'RT @BillGalvano: Thanks for the birthday wishes- RT if you can help get us over 2K followers before my birthday ends! #sd26 #happybirthdayb\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MLB: Every Retweet this gets = a Thank You to Jackie. #Jackie42 http://t.co/4CZojWDxRR',\n", " u\"Thanks #Jackie42 . A quiet hero that changed American sports. Let's all exemplify his grace. @RaysBaseball\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RoboCop, Google Glass and Apple-fication [Video] http://t.co/6qolki1BBP',\n", " u'RT @battle_celeb: RT for O2L\\nFav for SDK http://t.co/NjAdhJF2lW',\n", " u\"RT @KrisKling: If I can't be Amy Poehler's best friend, can I at least be Amy Poehler?\",\n", " u'The legal quagmire of Lac-M\\xe9gantic http://t.co/nyI2smMVcK',\n", " u'RT @AndresFresko: Learn from your past, live in the present, and you will be the future.',\n", " u'RT @KPerryLyrics: You love me, you love me never love me not, not, oh no',\n", " u\"WATCH: Does Penis Size Matter? Here's One Answer From The Animal Kingdom http://t.co/j7J7XasQex\",\n", " u'RT @AlfredoFlores: Just pinpointed coordinates to find a man dragging another man into the lake\\u2026 #gotem http://t.co/w7lOjtUibN',\n", " u\"RT @ThizzD_OuT: Y'all females can't be classifying every nice guy a gentleman and every dude who isn't so nice a thug. Y'all got it twisted.\",\n", " u'AT&T wants to get into the online video business, promises $500M funding http://t.co/pJTvByLOHf',\n", " u'RT @KARLAFL0RES: Nueva vista :). #100happydays #day20 \\U0001f496 @ Hotel Intercontinental Miramar Panam\\xe1 http://t.co/gaTS32B6QE',\n", " u\"RT @KARLAFL0RES: Einstein\\U0001f44c @ Einstein's Head http://t.co/J3cfKewOlA\",\n", " u\"Mad Men in space: the ads that sold NASA's golden age http://t.co/J5AHtTgs6z\",\n", " u'Sparks fly as Garneau confronts Trudeau over experience http://t.co/CWf60S0wxL',\n", " u\"RT @EW: Brian Williams covers #GinandJuice on @FallonTonight and it's genius: http://t.co/pEIIvGPgz4\",\n", " u'RT @ItsMeKiingJay: Pls Dont Talk Shit Knowing You Stay Right Down The Road Frm Me \\U0001f633',\n", " u'Is North Korea Planning Nuclear Test #4? http://t.co/XuLG1hlY5N',\n", " u'RT @SElkhoury: THE SAME DAY I RETWEETED THIS CHER LLOYD TWEETED ME http://t.co/0YhHzphkZp',\n", " u'RT @RetweetTheSongs: RT if you like \"I Wish\" by Cher Lloyd (feat. T.I.) #RetweetTheSongs',\n", " u\"'Say Anything,' Still Full Of Guileless Affection http://t.co/ooztNJTe6M\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @fineout: 3 GOP governors - including @JebBush @FLGovScott and former Gov. Bob Martinez - call on Fla. Senate to pass in-state tuition b\\u2026',\n", " u'.@LeadershipFla Class XXX Alum Brad Register takes epic selfie at Lightning game. #soproud http://t.co/mjzYO04x6k',\n", " u'\"@JebBush is right on immigration.\" - George Will speaking at Lemieux Center for Public Policy',\n", " u'\"The political class has a permanent incentive for deficit spending.\" - George Will speaking at Lemieux Center for Public Policy',\n", " u'#EPA says new rule on Waters of US 2 be published 4/21. 90 day comment period begins then. Get ready now! #environment #law',\n", " u'RT @eliotkpbp: WPB CRA board to hear North End \"vision\" at 3 p.m. today\\nhttp://t.co/imp7LmdWA1 #WPBNEWS',\n", " u\"RT @JCCKC: There is a lot of speculation out there about today's shooting. Please follow us here or on Facebook for up-to-date, accurate in\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JCCKC: Police will be holding a press conference at 5 p.m. CST regarding the shootings at the J and Village Shalom.',\n", " u'RT @TheFakeESPN: Whiteness power rankings:\\n5. Rice\\n4. Saltine crackers\\n3. University of Wisconsin basketball\\n2. Taylor Swift concert\\n1. The\\u2026',\n", " u\"Please join me on April 22 for ULI's Palm Beach Outlets: A Retail Redevelopment Case Study & Tour http://t.co/MsCnfAN8rs #redevelopment\",\n", " u'Info re BYOD issues for employers available. http://t.co/ctmmVAJcPe #thenewworkplace cc @GunsterLaw',\n", " u'RT @RisingRedStorm: #Israel is in #Syria saving the lives of their enemies. THAT is what #humanrights is all about! @UN http://t.co/z36SfZz\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Glad to have @SuperGentPBC, principals, teachers & students on hand to receive $8.4M in school recognition funding for Palm\\u2026',\n", " u'Hoping @JebBush can do it! http://t.co/XoeL0tOUPz',\n", " u\"RT @PositiveEnerG: Stephen Colbert Is CBS' Top Choice to Succeed Letterman, and He's Into It http://t.co/3EqgeQLm7g via @mashable\",\n", " u'.@Kgreenwald123 Lets keep the #MaddieZ mojo going. Looking for 5-0 lifetime. #GoGators',\n", " u'RT @jtweetsinpbc: Register Now for Breakfast w/ @HomeDepot founder Bernie Marcus & Jewish Professionals Network, JBIZ on 4/23! http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Altogether too funny, and sad b/c people fall for this over and over again and again. http://t.co/OeEcGg2kWf',\n", " u'.@GunsterLaw welcomes new Land Use shareholder to our Miami Office. Welcome Mario! http://t.co/Tm9XgUKKT6',\n", " u\"Work doesn't get much better than a unanimous City Council approval, and in time to be home for dinner.\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Today stats: 18 followers, 8 unfollowers and followed 12 people via http://t.co/egAkkkLevj',\n", " u'RT @RCdeWinter: Hey YOU! Yeah, YOU! Make sure you #VOTE in November...it matters. http://t.co/AkMqnIuOsn',\n", " u'RT @Britanniacomms: Surfer rides the perfect wave as astonishing rainbow breaks out around him, Tahiti. Photo Zak Noyle. http://t.co/zBZ94I\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CookingChannel: Go green (+ orange + radish red) for dinner with a warm spring salad for Meatless Monday. http://t.co/aKTlU9xQvo http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RunwayGirl: No Wi-Fi in planes please, we are India - The Times of India http://t.co/Arh5CqUK99 // Very interesting read. India is not \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bellobass: How can someone be a Patriot -standing there with American flags- while at the same time, denying the *government* even exis\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HALcruises: Look for the new Dive-In #burgers on Eurodam, Amsterdam & Maasdam #cruises. Coming soon to the rest of the fleet! http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'#Climatechange #environment Running Out of Time - http://t.co/11M6wciDnF http://t.co/wntkmYAYki',\n", " u'RT @photo98765: Pink flower bridge http://t.co/VBHz1B2V72',\n", " u'Today stats: 14 followers, 9 unfollowers and followed 36 people via http://t.co/egAkkkLevj',\n", " u'RT @I__Love__Italy: Caltanissetta valley - central Sicily http://t.co/cW2dB6rQNG',\n", " u'RT @phootooo: . http://t.co/yVJu1A0n15',\n", " u\"RT @FaithMortimer: Tired? Read a good book! It's a perfect day for a Parable by @MutinousBoomer http://t.co/GYhnkXgRNf #hugs #ASMSG #RT htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @MichaelKrull1: bild62 http://t.co/mCHaMo36kc',\n", " u'RT @domingasdelsant: Switzerland II http://t.co/DpdGS5OMWF',\n", " u'RT @roadforbyzant: Jaroslavska crkva, Rusija http://t.co/HM9fxjZC4t',\n", " u'RT @streetSinger9: Happy Easter @Hito_California @Fogis1961 @Angels77Demon66 @vetrinavetreria @MurphyNSP @Midgespeaks Thanks! \\U0001f338\\U0001f60a\\u2728 http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'Strike at Nike, Adidas China supplier halts output - http://t.co/nl4ECn6dEn http://t.co/5FUa7sI9Vg',\n", " u'Miss America: Rethink suspension over prom query - Education - http://t.co/XDH7m3ZKy5 http://t.co/kBH2Jt8xgM',\n", " u'In West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian teens arrested for rock throwing face different fates | Fox News http://t.co/6HX4yQ6tR4']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@slimmchic lol I like it on the low',\n", " u'They really turned \"or nah\" into a song',\n", " u'Italian roast is different',\n", " u'@SlimIsChillin lol wow! I mean I think he know what he getting himself into *shrugs*',\n", " u'@SlimIsChillin that is SUPER old',\n", " u\"What's super old? RT @SlimIsChillin: Wait! This SUPER old white man just asked for my phone number. He said his wife died last week\",\n", " u'Ron has me trolling',\n", " u'*historians',\n", " u'Historian be reaching lol',\n", " u\"Can't take us nowhere\",\n", " u'I need a helicopter',\n", " u'It is not 1:30 \\U0001f629',\n", " u'Mannn this weather weak',\n", " u'RT @__SuckaFree__: God been blessing me. \\U0001f64f',\n", " u'Omg I took our stroke pager home \\U0001f648let me run this back real quick',\n", " u'Lmaooooo http://t.co/rRIOg5Sq3V',\n", " u'The calm',\n", " u'Scandal got to his head. Olivia doesn\\'t exist in real life. Guess he think this shit is going to be \"handled.\" Nah, you going to jail....',\n", " u'He has to beat those felony battery charges too. Knocked a man out a few weeks ago. Brother man is cray \\U0001f629\\U0001f602']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"Check out 'Tuscan Leather (remix)' by Young Citizen\\nhttp://t.co/6GaqA38afz http://t.co/KyrdqBjYjP\",\n", " u\"@Kirbzey shit man I just tear up some that's all. The feelings have been caught\",\n", " u'Just click it bruh http://t.co/pK5X1HOGdd',\n", " u'Damn I really been feeling drake recently',\n", " u'But for real http://t.co/ii4JEBjbLD',\n", " u'RT @JadenStevens1: Is it Friday yet?',\n", " u'@itsme_devin thanks man!',\n", " u'RT @itsme_devin: @YoungCitizenBB ahhh i fw it homie',\n", " u\"@itsme_devin I tried to but I don't own the beat. Try this http://t.co/ii4JEBjbLD\",\n", " u'Goodnight http://t.co/05oog9ZdvA',\n", " u'Ah big sexy with glasses',\n", " u'24 IS COMING BACK ON THE AIR TYBG!',\n", " u'@LaurynOwens FX',\n", " u'PINEAPPLE EXPRESS IS ON TV YOURE WELCOME',\n", " u'Yolo swag 4/20 http://t.co/05oog9ZdvA',\n", " u'RT @MeetchinAround: Idgaf what day it is, every day is a day to be ballin',\n", " u'You know what it is bitch! http://t.co/05oog9ZdvA',\n", " u'music for days http://t.co/EoADmAQuEs https://t.co/s6TFoYg26b https://t.co/gfS7fRbyFV https://t.co/B4XmMfwWb2',\n", " u'New Song, Tuscan Leather (remix) go check it out at http://t.co/Sqz49GTmay via @grooveshark',\n", " u'http://t.co/05oog9ZdvA']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@_hannahhamilton caught me on lunch break and yeah I'm doin good, workin my butt off. I wish you nothin but the best in everything you do!\",\n", " u\"RT @_hannahhamilton: @noah_irwin good seeing you for a split sec :) hope you're doing great!\",\n", " u\"Just saw the beautiful @_hannahhamilton in orange park. I miss you girly! Don't be stranger and hmu next time your around this way!\",\n", " u'Who needs a tape measure, I have my leg http://t.co/lxuLV5z7FZ',\n", " u'RT @imfreshlybaked: when me and the homies show up http://t.co/SacfGf4wsL',\n", " u'Deep thought: Sometimes I miss Katie wells \\U0001f612',\n", " u\"The less you give a fuck, the happier you'll be. http://t.co/ZjTN0KWE3w\",\n", " u\"My anaconda don't want nun unless you got buns hun!\",\n", " u\"I don't smoke weed just to get stoned. i smoke weed to heal, relax and clean my body, mind and soul\\U0001f44c\\U0001f4af\\U0001f341\\U0001f44d Best medicine around fuck pills \\U0001f48a\\U0001f52b\",\n", " u'All I really want is to have trustworthy people in my life',\n", " u\"It's not that I'm sick of you\\nIt's that I'm allergic to your bullshit\\U0001f637\",\n", " u'RT @BaIIplayer: The only thing fair in life is between the chalk lines.',\n", " u\"I'm about to freak out on my boss ole fat sloppy body havin lookin like squid wards nose ugly ass nigga.\",\n", " u\"@Prettyems_ ever since my father died I ain't been right since #soundtrack2mylife \\U0001f525\\U0001f44c\",\n", " u'South Park is killin me right now!',\n", " u'RT @TheDrugTribe: You are super basic',\n", " u'I hate people that take more than 4-5 minutes to order at fast food places. Like are you ordering the whole menu?',\n", " u\"If your not working or tryin to find a job and you don't go to school... Your a fuckin looser #sorrynotsorry\",\n", " u\"\\u201cIf you can't smoke weed and handle your business, that's your own fault.\\u201d \\U0001f4af\\U0001f525\\U0001f619\\U0001f4a8\",\n", " u\"I can't wait for these girls to become women and stop bein so childish, they say they want a man but they want a justin beiber kind of pussy\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @rightnowio_feed: RT @hugocn44: Let's save America, vote out #Congress @P... http://t.co/7Sd3Bp3KZW #Congress #Timeisnow #Tntweeters #La\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @GarzaVillanueva: #TNTweeters Please, America! Send Paul Ryan, home! #UniteBlue #Eleciton2014\\n@carlosgalindo @Ximenez_karla http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @OMGAnimaIs: why so sad? http://t.co/JOdCrAT7ws',\n", " u'RT @TheGenerationME: #TNTweeters http://t.co/LPZBOA02Ms',\n", " u'RT @Thylascene: Please. @GovBrewer #savethelobo #savethewolves #Mexicangreywolves #Arizona #endangered @TheJaguarGang @spirithoods http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ngeles_ibarra: : @RosLehtinen DONT'T LIE #demandavote #ActOnReform les BLAH BLAH #LatinosVote #Midterms #TNTweeters @Oramajorge: http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Saying goodbye to the #Latino vote: #Immigrant tuition bill reopens divide in @GOP http://t.co/lgFJpiEYzW #Latism #TNTweet\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @1Word_Respect: This pisses me off so much RT @TheMindBlowing:Please keep retweeting this so we can get these horrible collars banned ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BlueDuPage: Republican @GovWalker Approves Bill to Suppress the Vote http://t.co/Lgei5AFLIS #tcot #p2 http://t.co/EpoXQjIlsa',\n", " u'RT @IsaAvila12: If you support #immigrationreform #Cir #Tntweeters get ready for the next #Tweetbomb @EspuelasVox @reformnow5 Rt http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @alicia_lupercio: Happy Easter! Let's prey &act 4D rebirth of Our democracy too @CaraPrior2014 @EspuelasVox @GOP http://t.co/82YoVzrXlf \\u2026\",\n", " u'Thank you Einstein. http://t.co/X0qGH8hOLn',\n", " u'RT @katiuskausa: Help US 2Bury D @GOP Skeleton #Election2014 @EspuelasVox @UniteBlueIL #TNTweeters #latism #p2 http://t.co/gnzA0pC4wQ http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @katiuskausa: Help US 2Bury D @GOP Skeleton #Election2014 @EspuelasVox @UniteBlueLA #TNTweeters #latism #p2 http://t.co/gnzA0pC4wQ http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @17Veronicacejas: #TNTweeters supports #DischargePetition do your job @SpeakerBoehner #LatinoVote #PAYBACK http://t.co/930LAHgkqL',\n", " u'RT @NancyPelosi: The @HouseGOP\\u2019s refusal to act on immigration reform is in direct defiance of the American people. #TimeIsNow http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alejand78900302: http://t.co/PaHBSEVavX Your vote is important. Time to change Congress. The Tea Party is a cancer on this nation\\nRemem\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @hugocn44: Let's save America, vote out #Congress @RepScottRigell WE CAN DO IT. #timeisnow #TNTweeters #latism #UniteBlue http://t.co/M\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @canfax: \"@juliacontiers: \"@LiberalLegion: Redneckistan http://t.co/cmDgAnepWB\" This is it!.\" #UniteBlue #GopDontCare #GOPGovsGottaGo #W\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @TomLatham , SAD END. #timeisnow #immigrationreform #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox #Latism #UniteBlue http://t.co/uT0APc7bnZ']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @NgullenR: \"@llendonmar46: The Washington Post: No stopping Justice Ruth B. Ginsburg. http://t.co/XEjzbu5mpW\"',\n", " u'The Washington Post: No stopping Justice Ruth B. Ginsburg. http://t.co/nzK6IDzkgK',\n", " u'RT @GetWisdomDude: GOP raised Million$ to \\nKeep You From Voting\\nMake Them Regret It !! \\nhttp://t.co/m6NUDjFhPV \\nhttp://t.co/Kea2AMjjMq\\n#Uni\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: #Gaza Rockets Hit South #Israel, Army Strikes Back: Officials http://t.co/3NH96iGcKs',\n", " u'RT @NoGOPNo: Great! http://t.co/nJgUUWBM9Z',\n", " u'RT @kittywhompiss: \\u201c@antibible_t: No comments http://t.co/c7dT93jTr6\\u201d',\n", " u\"RT @michaelterry337: Dick Durbin Wants To Bring Back Earmarks And He's Pushing Obama To Support Him http://t.co/ibg7ZdMnxj #UniteBlue\",\n", " u\"RT @shayan4congress: Pasen la Reforma Immigratoria! If they won't, I will! #TheTimeIsNow #CIR #TNTweeters #ShayanForCongress #TeamShayan ht\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @KC52inNC: #SCOTUS Refuses 2 Hear #RickScott's Appeal On Drug Testing!\\n(So Lower-Ct ruling stands, BANNING TESTING)\\n http://t.co/BZgLyq8\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @michaelterry337: Elizabeth Warren Insists She Isn't Running For President In 2016 http://t.co/hw1X58G1z6 #UniteBlue\",\n", " u'RT @SayNoToGOP: One Courageous Democrat Stands Up and Calls For an Investigation into ALEC http://t.co/ns0308X0M8 via @politicususa',\n", " u'RT @fight4women: If you are not part of the SOLUTION, you are part of the PROBLEM. Get active 2 STOP injustices. Use your VOTING POWER 2 re\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DemocraticTexas: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words \"Reaganomics\" gutted middle class http://t.co/CXrdKlvflH',\n", " u'RT @shayan4congress: #RaiseTheWage #TeamShayan #ShayanForCongress #FEARLESS http://t.co/NhoFIscSOz',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: VOTE\\U0001f535#Latinos #kochbuysgop & @SpeakerBoehner #PAYBACK #CIR #midterms #Elections2014 #GOPFail #TNTweeters @EspuelasVox h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DraIsabel: Report: Walmart employees rely on food stamps http://t.co/K5pEWzpvvf via @msnbcDisrupt',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: \\U0001f4cc@EspuelasVox #RockTheLatinoVote REGISTER TODAY!!! \\n\\n\\U0001f449#PAYBACK \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f4e9 JOIN #TNTweeters \\u203c\\ufe0f http://t.co/leKYjpoELK @clauvale77 @Sil\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: DHS may limit #deportations of illegal #immigrants http://t.co/CHq2Z3cTUT #latism #tntweeters',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: Supreme Court declines to revive #Arizona @GOP's anti-immigration law http://t.co/EKZxOwdpzH via @YahooNews #latism #tntwe\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Improving Job Market Propelling Rebound in U.S. Growth: #Economy http://t.co/ldKJmiDy8S via @BloombergNews #latism #tntwee\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @NASA: Here's a stunning view of Earth today on #EarthDay at 7:45a ET from the #GOES satellite\\xa0https://t.co/mGjvs6SvA8\\xa0\\xa0 http://t.co/j6N\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Barbie892: I never watch anymore. Who needs to see John McCain all the time? The death of the Sunday shows http://t.co/TMdmE9NRFs via @\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Merlin333: \\ue252.@suzannah_mpls @lukerussert is incapable, unprepared and always \"attempts\" to counter. He\\'s a rank amateur @dailyrundown',\n", " u\"The only place, in the known universe, that we know that can sustain life. #EarthDay. Let's not screw it up.\",\n", " u'RT @theGOPstoppers: @ToConservatives @CallOut4 @LiberalPlanetUS @PoliLoudmouth @CanProveIt HAPPY #EarthDay2014 FB Great Lakes Politicrap ht\\u2026',\n", " u'@robteed Makes u wonder, where r the so-called \"smart ppl\". Who the hell r they polling?',\n", " u'RT @robteed: @ClementsIra i no longer watch any of it. they are chasing the failed #CNN model. #BothSides crap. We know better, so ratings \\u2026',\n", " u'After watching Chris Hayes last nite, lost all hope he wld ever b anything but a light weight.',\n", " u\"It amazes me that NBC & MSNBC can't c why their ratings r in the toilet\",\n", " u\"Let's remember #EarthDay in Nov elections & vote out the knuckle draggers.\",\n", " u\"RT @stiNgo100: Take that Snowden. Founder of Russia's 'Facebook' Says He Was Ousted, Putin's Men in 'Complete Control' of the Site http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SouthernLady328: \"@auntmaryg: @BUcrimlaw http://t.co/hjdiptIkJR\". \\nBush/Cheney, Condolezza/Rumsfeld - War Criminals! #BloodStainedHand\\u2026',\n", " u'@CanProveIt @terri_georgia I think insane is a better word',\n", " u'RT @CanProveIt: #LatinoVote \\nFound on Conservative Fail on fb. #UniteBlue http://t.co/9MS5YWD7Tt',\n", " u'RT @LiberalMunkyToo: IF I were Black, Latino or NativeAmerican my militia supporters would still be at home #RacismInAmerica #ClivenBundy h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Bennyvessey: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words\\nHILLARY ELIZABETH WENDY ALISON http://t.co/NPfYJYwWao',\n", " u\"RT @bendanafer: Let's save America, vote out #Congress @RepScottRigell WE CAN DO IT. #timeisnow #TNTweeters #latism #UniteBlue http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @buffaloon: . @ABC 'News' Celebrates Easter By Giving Hate Mongering Bigots Franklin Graham And Ralph Reed Air Time http://t.co/rLIb1NiE\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @BlueNationUntd: As always, Republicans undermining women's intelligence and determination. End @GOP's #WarOnWomen #VoteBlue2014 http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @wessmith123: How do you win elections when you are completely out of touch with the times? #Edshow #LibCrib http://t.co/7jdkvPkLsd']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @clauvale77: We have been distracted ..#WakeUpNow #GOPfail #Elections2014 #latism #CIR http://t.co/BuXBBfRfOb @OFA_OH @OFA_Jarryd @Tapat\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gloria132: @GOPLeader the real obstacle in the House. Needs to allow House leadership to take a vote on #immigration #TimeIsNow #TNTt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Viayra123: @RosLehtinen Mission Impossible.#TakeAction #CIR . #TimeIsNow #TNTweeters #latism @EspuelasVox @clauvale77 #UniteBlue http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GarzaVillanueva: #TNTweeters Please, America! Send Paul Ryan, home! #UniteBlue #Eleciton2014\\n@carlosgalindo @Ximenez_karla http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gloria132: @GOPLeader is the obstacle in House on #immigration. Needs to allow House leadership to vote #DemandAVote #TimeIsNow #TNTt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gloria132: @GOPLeader Quit blocking! #GOP House to blame for killing immigration. #TNTweeters #Latism #DemandAVote #TimeIsNow \\nhttp://\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @gloria132: @GOPLeader majority voters including R's support #immigration reform! #TNTweeters #DemanAVote #TimeIsNow #latism \\nhttp://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ClauTFL: @GOPLeader 68% of Republicans favor Congress fixed broken immigration system #TNTweeters #DemanAVote #latism http://t.co/dP6X\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SilvaOfelia: @GOPLeader needs 2 do his job 4 the majority of voters. #DemandAVote on #immigration #TNTweeters #Latism #TimeIsNow\\nhttp:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @RichardOHornos: #GOP count on your APATHY! Don't give them what they want, DON'T COMPLAIN,\\U0001f44aVOTE\\U0001f535\\u2757\\ufe0f#Democrats #midterms @maritzasolito h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @RichardOHornos: #GOP count on your APATHY! Don't give them what they want, DON'T COMPLAIN, \\U0001f44aVOTE\\U0001f535\\u2757\\ufe0f#Democrats #midterms @mch7576 http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BlueNationUntd: GOOD LUCK FINDING ANY #LatinoVoters, YOU MISERABLE PARTY OF HATE @GOP! \\u201c@bendanafer: @HerreraBeutler #UniteBlue http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ItsShoBoy: #Latinos crying bout #CIR is NOT a solution Reg2Vote NOW:http://t.co/2fZDkhqn66 #TNTweeters #VOTOLatino #Latism #tcot http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ItsShoBoy: Dont let @SteveKingIA #IA04 speak 4u https://t.co/qAfUiCmCvP Reg2Vote: http://t.co/p1IJWgL5TA - #TNTweeters #USmilitary #Iow\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ItsShoBoy: #Congress #failed on lasting complete #deportations solution #CIR Respond Nov 4th http://t.co/2fZDkhqn66 #TNTweeters http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ItsShoBoy: .@KenCalvert #CA42 passing #CIR is ur political future Reg2Vote: http://t.co/2fZDkhqn66 -#TNTweeters #VOTOLatino http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: Remember 2vote in #Midterms my #TNTweeters friends family & allies who believe every1 deserves a chance @ClauTFL http://t.co/e\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: 1\\u20e3VOTE\\n\\n 2\\u20e3VOTE\\n\\n 3\\u20e3VOTE\\n\\n #PAYBACK #TNTweeters joining forces! #Register2Vote 2DAY \\n\\nWE CAN HELP!!\\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8 @TNTweetersUS http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: \\U0001f4ccHeadlines?: \" #TNTweeters use tech to press Congress n make a positive change\" ;-) #Latism #Register2Vote \\U0001f4e9 \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8 http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: \\U0001f4cc #TNTweeters \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\n\\n\\u27a1\\ufe0fLike us on Facebook \\u203c\\ufe0f\\n\\n\\u27a1\\ufe0fFollow us @ReformNow5\\n\\n@PROimmigrationR \\n\\n http://t.co/tA1cuaRmBz']},\n", " {'INT': [u'RT @SDS: Bama owns 10 percent of nation\\u2019s Top 100 with 10 months to go http://t.co/rxzCxbNKLq',\n", " u'RT @CNNMoney: The latest on #PopeFrancis and his fight against #inequality: http://t.co/KNyz5AZfDy http://t.co/elS7ERbXZt',\n", " u'RT @UniteBlueTX: .@tedcruz spent more time in Iowa than S. Texas http://t.co/bCoWRL2IVM #RGV we have an incompetent, lying Senator! http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @BleacherReport: Alabama's spring game featured not one, not two, but three marriage proposals http://t.co/mWz0F4YPDe\",\n", " u'RT @upwithsteve: Will President Obama face another Supreme Court retirement before his term ends? http://t.co/AuNI0jCBkQ',\n", " u'\\u201c@SDS: Bama owns weekend, has one of nation\\u2019s top one-day hauls ever http://t.co/njplhdyR3s\\u201d RT #RTR',\n", " u'#SEC on @SDS - Bama owns weekend, has one of nation\\u2019s top one-day hauls ever http://t.co/NgtofkRDdy via @SECfootball',\n", " u'@MatthewAtchley All 3 are great! http://t.co/kyL7CncSM3',\n", " u'\\u201c@SECNetwork: FOUR MONTHS FROM TODAY. Are you ready?http://t.co/LoRPBqgGxo\\u201d RT #RTR',\n", " u'RT @AlexS_ESPN: Alabama\\u2019s second team quarterback? You probably guessed it, Cooper Bateman. #BAMASpringGame',\n", " u'RT @UA_Athletics: #RollTide \\u201c@CoachCurry: Gorgeous day for the A Day game! http://t.co/Gdx9Tq118s\\u201d',\n", " u'@Lane_Kiffin great to see you on the correct sideline @ #BryantDenny looking forward to #Kiffen offense! #RTR @ESPNCFB @AlabamaFTBL',\n", " u'RT @schadjoe: Bama spring game just shifted to ESPNU',\n", " u'\\u201c@AlabamaFTBL: Kickoff and we are underway at #ADay14. Crimson team starts on offense first.\\u201d RT @MatthewAtchley #RTR',\n", " u'\\u201c@HiltonHotels: @MatthewAtchley #Hilton experience and we\\u2019ll RT our favourites.\\u201d RT @BouldersResort http://t.co/3SIYyJJSHV',\n", " u'@MatthewAtchley @TheBigTexan @AmarilloCVC http://t.co/K0fWT2yY41',\n", " u'Chelsea Clinton expecting 1st child http://t.co/Myc1bVIQB2',\n", " u'RT @billclinton: Excited to add a new line to my Twitter bio...grandfather-to-be! @hillaryclinton and I are so happy for Chelsea and Marc!',\n", " u'RT @HHSGov: RT this to support distraction-free driving. http://t.co/HyZ1kbvFkl #DistractedDriving http://t.co/VBGyZtOofM',\n", " u'RT @SECfootball: ESPN announces schedule for three #SEC opening-week neutral site games http://t.co/S1oeuqmCgL']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @WesleyLowery: Runner falls just short of the finish. Four others pick him up and carry him. I'm literally in tears http://t.co/vb9cjxG6\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@TheAnalogLife that's awesome!\",\n", " u'RT @ThomasGrigsby: Little dude has made his grand appearance. @CaseyErinMcK did an awesome job. Both mom and baby are happy and healthy htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MattGoldberg: El. Oso. Blanco. #Braves',\n", " u\"RT @Braves: It's a walk off for @BulldogBeing! #ChopThisHouse!\",\n", " u'#Gattis!!!!! #Braves',\n", " u\"@FSURich yeah- I'm switching over to my iPad so I can listen to Braves announcers.\",\n", " u'Oh goodie. Going into the 10th. #braves',\n", " u'Sounds like a meanwich #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words',\n", " u'@FSURich yes- put the pine tar on your cap- right out in the open right where nobody will think to look.',\n", " u'RT @Braves: RT for a rally! Tied 2-2 going to the bottom of the 9th. #ChopThisHouse',\n", " u'\\u201c@FSURich: The Marlins commentators just all but accused Kimbrel of doctoring the ball.\\u201d Yes. Yes they did.',\n", " u\"RT @KevinMcAlpin: First blown save of the season for Craig Kimbrel. In 160 save opportunities, he's blown just 16. #Braves\",\n", " u'Why did Fredi put in Kimbrel with only a 1 run lead after the way he performed two nights ago?!?!',\n", " u\"C'mon Kimbrell! Where's your stuff????\",\n", " u'\\u201c@Braves: #ReleaseTheKimbrel http://t.co/4BQWdbolVu\\u201d soooo - @Corey_Clark',\n", " u\"RT @samuelhlowe: When I go to someone's house & they tell me to make myself at home, the first thing I do is throw them out because I don't\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @jaketapper: Early boarding on shuttle: \"customers who have run in the Boston marathon may now board.\" Everyone claps.',\n", " u\"@TheRickWilson #ThreeTierSystem cuz 1930's regs makes sense in 2014...\",\n", " u'RT @TheRickWilson: Joining the good folks at @RealNewsBlazeTV in a few minutes to talk beer, and the evils of crony capitalism.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'NCAA Will No Longer Accept Credits Awarded by 24 K12 Virtual Charter Schools http://t.co/K0fp7kcosX via @DianeRavitch',\n", " u'Black Environmentalists http://t.co/0aZQkSEMD4 via @TheRoot',\n", " u'High Cheekbones and Straight Black Hair? http://t.co/hGODvZi4Ri via @TheRoot',\n", " u'RT @NBCTheVoice: We don\\u2019t know if we could ever run away from @usher. @iamjoshkaufman is way stronger than us. #VoiceTop12',\n", " u\"RT @NBCTheVoice: Ain't nothin' to it but to do it. VOTING IS OPEN NOW! #VoiceTop12 http://t.co/KJ4XZ7xCOv\",\n", " u'RT @NBCTheVoice: *speechless* #VoiceTop12',\n", " u\"RT @NBCTheVoice: Everyone backstage is clapping and we're crying like little babies. #VoiceTop12\",\n", " u'RT @HuffPostPol: Chris Christie named father of the year http://t.co/nyvTBWTS6I',\n", " u'\\u201c@NBCTheVoice: *speechless* #VoiceTop12\\u201d chills!!!!!',\n", " u'RT @NBCTheVoice: RT because Josh Kaufman is KILLING it singing @samsmithworld\\u2019s \\u201cStay With Me.\\u201d #VoiceTop12',\n", " u'How to Finally Get the Support You Crave http://t.co/ZMub6Rk8aR',\n", " u'Dr. Phil: The 4-Letter Word That Can Ruin Your Life http://t.co/LICuRC1ps8',\n", " u\"Peter Greene: TNTP's Brilliant N\\xe9w Idea http://t.co/cTYJicODFz via @DianeRavitch\",\n", " u\"RT @MetroPhilly: Want to vote in Pennsylvania's May primary? Monday is the deadline. Info here: http://t.co/ncwRqB2DGx\",\n", " u'RT @marla_kilfoyle: .@RowanUniversity just signed a petition w/ over 2000 signatures say U should ditch the Christie gig .@NJBatsa .@Badass\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @NJBatsa: .@RowanUniversity NJBATs r not happy U let teacher hating Christie speak at UR grad. We teach and tell u this isn't good! .@Ba\\u2026\",\n", " u'Los Angeles: While Bullets Fly, the Tests Must Go On http://t.co/84PcBDSU8k via @DianeRavitch',\n", " u\"How Corporate Interests Beat NYC's Progressive Mayor and How He Can Recover http://t.co/pFcavnOQN3 via @DianeRavitch\",\n", " u'CURMUDGUCATION: The Coming Teacher Shortage http://t.co/xoaoJdTQm3',\n", " u'Colorado Teacher: Is This Good for Kids? Why I Resigned http://t.co/NVCmtEOpMm via @DianeRavitch']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @Edward__Abbey: The equal sharing of the world's resources is the only way to create mass consciousness of the importance of sustainabil\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CapDictionary: Capitalism: a pyramid scheme where the rich get richer and the poor are buried in mounting debts.',\n", " u'RT @PoliticalLetter: Dear Students: It is up to you to politicize and radicalize the campus scene; do not wait for others to do it.',\n", " u'RT @DearConservtive: Conservatism turns human beings into ignorant, hate-filled, fools.',\n", " u'RT @marcylauren: I like the president playing offense.. - Democratic Underground http://t.co/v5YOorczq1',\n", " u'RT @Andy_WarhoI: The world needs artwork which shows how corporations steal the resources of the planet from the people.',\n", " u'RT @AI__Capone: The fashion designers are gangsters who tap deep into the psychological weaknesses of humanity.',\n", " u\"Nancy Reagan's astrologer said in 2002 that this asshole would be in insane assylum w/paint brush&crayons by 2014! http://t.co/YYFWaWNzUe\",\n", " u'Give the kochsuckers hell@vintagegoddess @art2u2',\n", " u\"George W, you dumb son of a bitch you, they always said you'd end up in a nut house with a paint brush in your hand you pathetic drunk you!\",\n", " u'@peggy4GA got u covered in SC, getting them registered by the thousands',\n", " u'Good day to hit. A Republican hard@gollum1419_g',\n", " u'Impeach that fuckhead@WisDems @joanwalsh @GovWalker',\n", " u'John McCain, you phony,pathetic senile prick you! Go away asshole, not a fucking sole listens to your bullshit you asshole you!',\n", " u'@gollum1419_g ex- South Sidereal here',\n", " u'We have em registered in SC@joanwalsh @NicholsUprising',\n", " u'Expose them every day @joanwalsh @Salon',\n", " u'Keep the hammer down@joanwalsh',\n", " u'@WhitleyStrieber got you covered',\n", " u'Go. HEAT']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @FLChamberFDN: Hearing from @FLSmallBizGuy, @FloridaSBDCN about opportunities 4 small biz available thru SBDC Network #NWFLTrade http://\\u2026',\n", " u'@repdanayoung -- FL legislature aligned and \"laser focused\" for Florida businesses. @FloridaSBDCN @FlChamber http://t.co/y5Kw2VNj4D',\n", " u'@DonGaetz -- Investment in infrastructure + production + better workforce = Florida Success @FloridaSBDCN @FlChamber http://t.co/WTmp64e4AN',\n", " u'Congressman Patrick Murphy = Champion for Small Business and Florida SBDC Network! @RepMurphyFL @FloridaSBDCN #jobs http://t.co/Q4YuoZz5Kk',\n", " u'Great talking with FL Congressman Crenshaw about the importance SBDC services. @AnderCrenshaw @FloridaSBDCN #jobs http://t.co/ayKmO9gEZ4',\n", " u'Florida Congressman Posey gets it - regulations kill jobs by killing small business. @congbillposey @FloridaSBDCN http://t.co/ajMICsDCvd',\n", " u'Another Florida Member for Small Business - Rep. Ted Yoho. @TedYoho @FloridaSBDCN #smallbiz #jobs http://t.co/2bZwAtZYlv',\n", " u'Great to have a small businessman as our newest Member. Congrats Congressman Jolly. @DavidJollyCD13 @EileenRodriguez http://t.co/Wk5vfuGG1y',\n", " u\"Representing the needs of Florida's job creators - small business - in DC. @EileenRodriguez http://t.co/Q5jzGeI5sd\",\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: We voted 4 $400 million fee reduction on vehicle tags and titles. RT if you like keeping more of your money! #sayfie h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JebBush: Speaker @WillWeatherford and the Florida House deserve tremendous credit for passing HB 851: http://t.co/OoS3SPVFfV',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: FL businesses have created 500,000 jobs since Dec. 2010. #LetsKeepWorking http://t.co/oZ8uTGYeqK',\n", " u'Pensacola YEA - Young Entrepreneur Academy. Truly inspirational! http://t.co/NwPrFtZsmf',\n", " u'Great time being a investor shark for the first annual Young Entrepreneur Academy. @PcolaChamber @FloridaSBDCN http://t.co/C1IFBcLtNo',\n", " u'RT @FloridaSBDCN: @FLSmallBizGuy on the impact #smallbiz can make on FL\\u2019s #manufacturing placing an importance on #education #workforce.htt\\u2026',\n", " u'Continuing our mission to grow Florida businesses, @FloridaSBDCN @UWF opens networks 45th office in Santa Rosa Cty. http://t.co/yAFIpBbpIb',\n", " u'RT @UWF: Florida SBDC at #UWF partners with Santa Rosa County Economic Development Office. http://t.co/fARgBtyyu9 #UWFNews @FloridaSBDCN @S\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FloridaSBDCN: #HappyValentinesDay!!! http://t.co/LFHCTEQVCK',\n", " u'Great start working together in the interest of Florida. Thanks Jesse Panuccio and team! @FloridaSBDCN @FLDEO',\n", " u'RT @FLChamberFdn: @FLSmallBizGuy']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@SaintPetersblog @floridachannel That's why you should never turn off Disney Junior...\",\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: State Rep. Jim Boyd endorses Terri Seefeldt in HD 31GOP primary. http://t.co/7yAVbvbhtp #sayfie',\n", " u'Freedom on the march in Winter Garden this evening... http://t.co/yWyMT6RSNo',\n", " u\"RT @Frank_Underwood: Being right is good. Even better when there's a fight to emphasize the point.\",\n", " u'RT @SmithAPalooza: At last, fans have something to celebrate on #GameOfThrones. #onlytook4years',\n", " u'RT @TroutLine: Disney fills blog with \\u2018highly contagious and shareable\\u2019 content | http://t.co/YkqoIbMOYp',\n", " u'RT @AGPamBondi: Good read in @MiamiHerald on internet cafe crackdown: http://t.co/JxeA5udaID #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @anitere_flores: @MearKat00 yet another reason why session should be earlier \\U0001f604\\U0001f604 @RepJNunez',\n", " u'@KirkPepper @coryguzzo @SaintPetersblog Depends on what you mean by \"lock\" #rightafterelephantsfly',\n", " u'Strong second half #PressSkits',\n", " u'RT @MearKat00: @DaneEagle wins the Oscar for the night. #PressSkits',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: Congrats also to @EricEisnaugle on his primary victory today! #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @mattgaetz: Casinos in Florida? My thoughts:\\u2026 http://t.co/8Ai1RZUvwL',\n", " u'RT @amervalues: New Report on older Americans & #casino gambling released TODAY! http://t.co/JVKIFfom12 #casinoland',\n", " u'RT @steveschale: Interesting that FL Senate gaming constitutional amendment proposal calls for lower passage threshold (50%) than citizen i\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @davidfrum: Important report by Institute for American Values on slot-machine addiction among older Americans http://t.co/VwXZ9wtn4K',\n", " u'RT @LeticiaMAdams: Plant turns Disney food scraps into electricity - This is so cool, talk about recycling!! - http://t.co/vEDaYrJzin @flc\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @NoCasinos: Casinos' economic harms trump gains @orlandosentinel @amervalues http://t.co/ooZFNxbW68 #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @mbileca: Don\\u2019t gamble with Florida\\u2019s future - http://t.co/BSDaUoORPI http://t.co/eiWfq90vx1',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: .@NoCasinos statesmens council fts. names like @PamBondi @CFOJeffAtwater @SenBillNelson @JebBush and more! http://t.co/rWHeE\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @CitizenRadio: Sentencing difference between Shanesha Taylor vs. Catalina Clouser, feds shut down black community radio http://t.co/KJdl\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NakedPoliticsFL: Legislative priorities: more new $ for hometown projects than at-risk kids http://t.co/yfkQFRpPmz',\n", " u'RT @mattyglesias: This paper argues that a top tax rate of 90% could boost growth: http://t.co/32QyZ0iBPh',\n", " u'RT @StrikeDebt: Thomas Piketty with @alexisgoldstein discussing Capitalism in the 21st Century, basically why the 1% own everything\\nhttp://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @birbigs: Hiding eggs is no easy task in post 9/11 America.',\n", " u\"RT @CitizenRadio: Duck Duckington III fan art, Trolls and #notyourgoodfatty, Maniacs take the streets, This week's newsletter - http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @RaniaKhalek: US drone strike kills 16 in Yemen. At least 3 were nearby civilians, the rest \"suspected\" militants. http://t.co/T9v1NKXn2i',\n", " u'RT @TheComedyButton: The Crew thinks Max might have an diagnosed case of MaxBurgers. From episode 52. http://t.co/ZAwU0sckEG',\n", " u'RT @garfep: Holy crap. Braid, Super Stardust HD, Tokyo Jungle and many more are only 99 cents on PSN. Insane deals. http://t.co/SVC38abqCD',\n", " u'RT @RaniaKhalek: Exclusive: Inmates to strike in Alabama, declare prison is \\u201crunning a slave empire\\u201d http://t.co/97fE4gWnul via @josheidels\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @davidimarcus: #Belabored turns 1! Many thanks to @sarahljaffe, @meeshellchen, @josheidelson, & @TashMLewis for making it happen. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @resnikoff: Classic neo-Taylorism at UPS: http://t.co/ddF7Xd0z40',\n", " u\"RT @Weinsteinlaw: @MarcACaputo So @FLGovScott supports in-state tuition for dreamers but not the drivers license they'll need to get to col\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @CitizenRadio: The US is an oligarchy, NYPD drops unit that spied on Muslims, John Yoo's bizarre response to Pulitzer winners http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CitizenRadio: BEST OF: Citizen Radio sits down with @NightValeRadio creators @PlanetofFinks and @happierman http://t.co/eDUvtTJdvi',\n", " u\"@TheRealNorte @jamiekilstein @CitizenRadio I've reposted it multiple times. Eventually it will be overlooked (fingers crossed)\",\n", " u'Edit away maniacs. Give this duck a proper page. https://t.co/QANrYCbDgK #CitizenRadio',\n", " u'We NEED to make a Wikipedia page for Duck Duckington III #CitizenRadio',\n", " u'RT @CitizenRadio: 908 enviro activists slain in the last 10 yrs, Matt Taibbi says Bush was tougher than Obama on corporate America http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"The review of Piketty's book in @DissentMag is refreshing, given that all I've seen elsewhere is inequality fan-girl/guy/other-ing over him.\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @virtualwhatever: DHH is the RoR of people',\n", " u'RT @tomdale: LOL this @DHH keynote gonna make people so mad. Masterful.',\n", " u'@aaronm Also, sorry, 99% sure thats 100% me.',\n", " u\"@aaronm Is there ever a time to unmute 'dhh'?\",\n", " u'\"You can make anything fast if it doesn\\'t have to work.\" - DHH',\n", " u'\"Testing is great. I\\'m not saying we shouldn\\'t test.\" - DHH',\n", " u'@shyscholar :(',\n", " u'RT @codeschool: Not attending @RailsConf in Chicago? Watch it live:http://t.co/Vgh33onhh5 http://t.co/oOPC3KIBQ9',\n", " u'RT @tenderlove: \"What goes in? What comes out? This is bad!\" -- DHH #keynote #sagewords',\n", " u'RT @dastels: As usual, DHH\\u2019s RailsConf keynote seems to be a large part bullshit and posturing. You wouldn\\u2019t be programming if not for Comp\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @wycats: \"TDD is the most effective crash diet of all time.\" -DHH #keynote',\n", " u'RT @wycats: \"You lull yourself into the belief that these ideas are absolute truths or science when they are in fact pseudoscience\". -DHH #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @wycats: \"People tell you that you\\'re writing dirty code and that you will become a #Professional if you learn this one weird trick\" -DH\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DentedMeat: . @atpfm ep60 TLDR; guy who codes in PERL & guy who makes coffee with a plunger criticize guy who likes music from grooves \\u2026',\n", " u'@atpfm File systems?',\n", " u'@adamatomic I keep feeling like every deck I build is a crap deck. Starting to think I need to buy (more) cards to actually build a good one',\n", " u'RT @ADAMATOMIC: well that\\u2019s both super creepy and super obvious \\u201c@CRG_CRM: The U.S. Is Not a Democracy, It Is an Oligarchy http://t.co/MbwK\\u2026',\n", " u\"@jessicard I'd like to see the specs for this shirt please.\",\n", " u'Delicious blueberry almond chamomile smoothie. http://t.co/byAR0bvvwN',\n", " u'@pixiemania oh damn. That episode.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @projectdto: Gathering impressions of downtownorlando: http://t.co/I0WHoAVX1H @AbeAborayaOBJ @AnjaliFlukerOBJ @orlandosentinel',\n", " u'RT @OBJUpdate: .@hostdime not stopping at 50 new #jobs...see how many the Orlando company is really adding: http://t.co/jHM8u5J5uy via @OBJ\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @OBJUpdate: Data breach hits several Central Florida Michaels stores http://t.co/MCe5B6wt0h via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u\"RT @OBJMlewis: James Cameron on Avatar Land: 'From what I've seen so far, it will be amazing' http://t.co/OPIR4RlGnN via @OBJUpdate\",\n", " u\"RT @izea: So honored to be listed #1 on @OBJUpdate's list of top Central Florida social media marketing firms of 2014 http://t.co/owyWjAqeCh\",\n", " u'RT @OBJUpdate: Breaking: #TraderJoes announces Winter Park opening date http://t.co/XlgToIWXNM via @OBJUpdate @winterparkfl @AnjaliFlukerOBJ',\n", " u\"#Apple building out a 14,000-square-foot office near @UCF, possibly for hardware engineers. They're hiring. http://t.co/JZ9qDxyPel\",\n", " u'@orlandomayor Buddy Dyer: @NCAA games had a $10M economic impact',\n", " u'Neato: @orlandomayor Buddy Dyer is giving @creworlando a proclamation for raising $150,000 for the Tower of Light project.',\n", " u'pretty cool feature at the @creworlando luncheon: You can text questions to the panel, which includes @orlandomayor Buddy Dyer',\n", " u'@MattGinellaGC and here I thought you were gonna go with the old hole in one analogy. #objteetime',\n", " u\"Great chat, here's one last question for the road: What's your best golf analogy for social media? #objteetime\",\n", " u\"ICYMI: Doctors in Central Florida received $687 million in #Medicare reimbursements in 2012. Here's the database: http://t.co/cU1ktvF6DG\",\n", " u\"Database: Central Florida doctors received $687M in #Medicare revenue in 2012. Here's every provider/procedure http://t.co/UB7x5zoqr5\",\n", " u\"@runspikecode I'll keep writing what I know. Next step is Easter weekend and whether funding is approved to plan it\",\n", " u'Rep. John Mica says new stats justify keeping the Baldwin Park VA open.',\n", " u\"Bazinga! (OK I'm leaving now). ICYMI @zynga is building an Orlando game studio http://t.co/gX1lIZQm0n #OYes\",\n", " u'ICYMI (I know I did): @Zynga has an Orlando office and is hiring http://t.co/tmY6ipMnsf',\n", " u'(Kinda) breaking news: @zynga has an #Orlando office, looking to build a team here http://t.co/gX1lIZQm0n',\n", " u'RT @ThemeParks: Harry Potter Knight Bus watch at Universal Studios. #orlando #Universal http://t.co/t1vsMFl1mT']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"@russelldrake @CFLABJ I donated my clothes!...but I'm working ;-(\",\n", " u'MT @russelldrake: @CFLABJ #AnchorsAway Clothing Sale TODAY 8am to 1pm at #WinterPark Community Center. Proceeds support scholarships',\n", " u'Mobile command unit on scene now. Going on about 5 hrs since the 911 call http://t.co/VmXCo2l89h',\n", " u\".@SeminoleSO says this wasn't a random target\",\n", " u\"Deputies told us husband was alert and talking when the ambulance left. Haven't said where he was shot #wftv\",\n", " u'Wife just ran out of the house yelling to neighbors \"He\\'s going to die, I have to go to the hospital\"',\n", " u\"Deputies: Not sure if victims knew suspects or if anything was taken. No suspect description. Neighbors didn't hear/see anything #wftv\",\n", " u'Per @SeminoleSO: Man shot, wife ran for help. At least 2 male suspects. Not sure how they got in or got away http://t.co/rVxQM05DJy',\n", " u'Crime scene tape around the house. Waiting on an update from @SeminoleSO http://t.co/qdBvaUqb6Y',\n", " u\"Happy Friday! Heading to Fieldcrest Ave where we're hearing reports of a home invasion\",\n", " u\"Charges dropped against man accused of molesting a 4 y/o at daycare. Why the state won't move forward w/ case http://t.co/8pUE37iR2S\",\n", " u\"@sherlonapp Yep! They're popping up all over the place in Central FL\",\n", " u\"@dalybrandon I'm sorry to hear that...l've become quite a fan lol\",\n", " u'@BounceLakeNona HAHA let me know how that works out for you lol',\n", " u\"Dear coffee lovers, Great start to my Wednesday...free coffee all day at #wawa! You're welcome. Sincerely, a happily caffeinated reporter\",\n", " u\"This is what's left of a brick wall when a man crashed into it after taking off in a hit and run #wftv http://t.co/IkLXXCbCob\",\n", " u'@SheliMuniz Uh oh! Check you out! Do it big! ;-)',\n", " u\"I've got your back ;-) RT @WFTVTraffic: Goooooooo morning! Back in the saddle again today. Thanks to @DBroomWFTV for keeping me covered.\",\n", " u'@Wilson_C1854 No one we know of ;-)',\n", " u'Thank you, drivers, for not being too crazy on the roads today while I filled in for @RAsaWFTV in traffic. Made my life much easier ;-)']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @JPBarlow: Wealth these days does not raise all boats. It sinks the life rafts out of spite.',\n", " u'RT @americans4amer: It should be the power of our vote not the size of our bank account to drive democracy.',\n", " u'RT @MotherJones: The latest \"Cosmos\" episode explains how corporations fund science denial http://t.co/cB6xZAfpAy',\n", " u'RT @MotherJones: More kids die of vaccine-preventable diseases every year than the entire population of Philadelphia http://t.co/8PWU45POc6',\n", " u\"RT @whoajordie: I also hope that this well start a chain reaction--if you're a retailer, let's get in touch. I want to send you stickers fo\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @whoajordie: I'll be setting up a website to sell them soon--the printed shirts/stickers/buttons will be available hopefully as soon as \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @whoajordie: Good news. If you want a shirt with a positive message Steven Finch and I came up with this for you. http://t.co/PlGcedKTPb',\n", " u'RT @JennTurner: Breaking: AG Holder announces DOJ will expand clemency for federal drug prisoners, reduce unfair sentences. http://t.co/aoh\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Politics_PR: David Brooks: Obama Has A \\u2018Manhood Problem\\u2019 In Middle East http://t.co/ClWafvw8Ja #p2 #Uniteblue #tcot http://t.co/tzVyGN\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CanProveIt: Shut Down the GOP. #UniteBlue http://t.co/9PKJTRef7C',\n", " u'RT @OurNetMundial: End Global Surveillance & Protect the Free Internet: A message to govs of the World! #ournetmundial #netmundial2014 http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @avilarenata: 30 executed in #Yemen. #Drone strike. They could not prove their innocence or exercise their rights. \\xa8Militant\\xa8 tag. http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @AbbyMartin: My entire interview w/ @BBC just got #censored. I'm sure my calling out UK media & partnership in crime w/ US during it is \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @americans4amer: Some information you should know with regard to the midterms that will be held on November 4 2014 kindly RT http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @dangillmor: Bank of America is an amazingly arrogant operation...',\n", " u'RT @americans4amer: Congress is corrupt here are the corporate returns for the year 2010 Kindly Rt if this is deplorable...... http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ioerror: Ask: \"Does effectiveness of intelligence or law enforcement justify placing societies, rather than subjects, under surveillanc\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ioerror: Sign on to #OurNetMundial to End Global Surveillance and Protect the Free Internet: http://t.co/hPaZvv1DI9 #NetMundial #netmun\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DanSWright: MT @Terrilltf GW Bush should be in Jail. http://t.co/vO4X0Th0ZD',\n", " u'RT @americans4amer: Bernie Sanders speaks: Ben is a person, Jerry is a person, but Ben and Jerry is not a person...kindly RT if u agree htt\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Happy Easter! \\U0001f33a',\n", " u'Happy Easter! RT @AJandAshley: Good morning and Happy Easter to you! http://t.co/Omx9KE7dLD',\n", " u\"Last game tonight! Where did this season go? Retweet if you'll miss watching your #Magic on @FOXSportsMagic! - http://t.co/A01RoQ5q1x\",\n", " u'Remember to tune in to @FOXSportsMagic to cheer on your Orlando #Magic! #WeWill - http://t.co/4Fl4jXY4y8',\n", " u'RT If the #Magic are your favorite team and you love to watch them on @FOXSportsMagic! #WeWill - http://t.co/xvEpAXpXgn',\n", " u\"Yes! RT @roseothebriar: @BobHapka @AmyHapka I'm gonna have to come to Florida now lol vacation time?\",\n", " u'@BobHapka RT @Notebook: I love how you love me.',\n", " u\"Yes! RT @GWaldenWFTV: We're heating up...by Monday, some of us will be approaching 90\\xb0 once again. #wftv http://t.co/lU6hynQdc2\",\n", " u'Put your trash cans away! RT @MyNews13: Spring means the bears are out -- and could be in a neighborhood near you: http://t.co/c30h60uLPB',\n", " u'You Rock! RT @DivaofDOOL: you got pimped! @BobHapka @AmyHapka @shyone269',\n", " u\"Hey #Magic fans! What is the best Magic moment you've seen on @FOXSportsMagic this season? - http://t.co/v6rnYoWzYh\",\n", " u\"Hey #Magic fans! Who's your favorite #Magic player to watch on @FOXSportsMagic? #WeWill - http://t.co/5M4ZBwVt5f\",\n", " u'Yes it is... http://t.co/avlgjPfP33',\n", " u'RT To let everyone know you love watching #Magic Live on @FOXSportsMagic! - http://t.co/wVyHaavjyZ',\n", " u'My Saturday shopping beverage....iced of course! @DDCentFla @DunkinDonuts http://t.co/9dSYqOIwMc',\n", " u\"I'm at @Chilis Grill & Bar (Apopka, FL) http://t.co/v5h5j0FPKB\",\n", " u\"It's not who you are that holds you back.....it's who you think your not!\",\n", " u'What has been your favorite #Magic game to watch this year on @FOXSportsMagic? #WeWill - http://t.co/1tpVB8GxCr',\n", " u\"Thanks! RT @DDCentFla: It's @Orlando_Magic #MonDDayMagic which means #Coffee is on us toDDay when (cont) http://t.co/bJkthj5vnj\",\n", " u'Selfish people just piss me off! #justsayin']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @alextgilbert: Procrastination has seriously messed up my sleep schedule \\U0001f198',\n", " u'@alextgilbert @_JordannM *ciatch',\n", " u'@_JordannM I thought you typod until I reread it just now',\n", " u'Fun fact: 1-800-SEX-LINE is actually a sex like #TheMoreYouKnow',\n", " u'@JodyKiana thanks Jody!! \\U0001f60a',\n", " u'I try to tell as many crappy jokes as possible on my birthday because everyone feels obligated to laugh',\n", " u'@eballantynee I mean Harriet #mybad',\n", " u'@eballantynee Hahahahaha, thanks Emma! \\u263a\\ufe0f',\n", " u'@alextgilbert happy birthday Alex!!!',\n", " u'RT @alextgilbert: Happy birthday @chrisreillyfl. In a sense, I feel as if it is my birthday. Because we are so close. So happy birthday to \\u2026',\n", " u'@Lexrussell thanks Lexi!! \\U0001f604',\n", " u'@ktballantynee Thanks, Katie!! \\U0001f60a\\U0001f49a',\n", " u'@ToastyMonkeys thanks man!! \\U0001f618\\U0001f600\\U0001f60a',\n", " u'My life would become a lot more interesting if I was allowed to deliver jimmy johns on horse back. Preferably on a dark horse.',\n", " u'I thought I saw a deer in an apartment complex but it turned out to be a dog. that, ladies and gentlemen, has been the highlight of my day',\n", " u'The last week of the semester: when there is the most work to do but the least amount of motivation \\U0001f629',\n", " u\"@alextgilbert @CiaraMcGoona don't lend it to her, Alex.\",\n", " u'RT @alextgilbert: Wow thanks Chris https://t.co/PRuNuut3WQ',\n", " u\"When people ask me where I got my binder with a cute kitten on it, I tell them it's a rescue\",\n", " u'I was stuck between taking a nap and starting on my homework so I decided to compromise by watching netflix']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @crazedblaze22: Just got a paper back that was pretty much BS but I got an A- whoop!!',\n", " u\"I can't believe graduation is quickly approaching. These last four years have flown by so fast.\\u2026 http://t.co/hoWy74Wnaq\",\n", " u'Game of Thrones: \"Breaker of Chains\" Review. Another great article by @IGN! http://t.co/t1wv9Z03IB',\n", " u'RT @IGN: New Game of Thrones review from @themattfowler as forces conspire against Tyrion http://t.co/I4feDCQRV9 #gameofhrones http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Excited for the @SalemWGNA premiere!',\n", " u'All hail House Targaryen! The Queen shall break all chains. @GameOfThrones',\n", " u\"RT @callmekennyy: i'm tired on Khaleesi's one scene cameos in these episodes. like give her more screen time dammit #GameOfThronesSeason4\",\n", " u'RT @callmekennyy: ok time for Game of Thrones xD',\n", " u'RT @GameOfThrones: QUIET IN THE REALM. #BreakerofChains starts now on @HBO. Silence your ravens and spread the word. #gameofthrones http://\\u2026',\n", " u'My body is ready for @GameOfThrones!',\n", " u\"Follow your passions, your desires, your values, your goals. Be. Everything you've always wanted.\\u2026 http://t.co/s9W0x45yh0\",\n", " u\"It's time I start being the person I've always envisioned. #TurningPoint\",\n", " u'Two papers, one take-home final, and one in-class final stand in the way of graduation. Excuse me while I throw up from anxiety.',\n", " u\"I'm officially a published writer. Such an incredible feeling, of which I owe to\\u2026 http://t.co/AEgdhjyFIu\",\n", " u'I earned the Shiny Green Badge at My Starbucks Rewards. Only 20 stars away from Gold! #WhiteGirl @StarbucksGold http://t.co/saReH3sMVo',\n", " u'Well...now I know what this phrase means. Lol #ByeFelicia http://t.co/cOqfiOr87n',\n", " u\"@FSCAdmissions has the communications department ever! I'm so sad I won't be there anymore, but I've\\u2026 http://t.co/WJuGMjUEM2\",\n", " u\"It's starting to set in that I'm graduating. I know I keep complaining...but damn it's so close! #ClassOf2014\",\n", " u'Rainbow ring around the sun to signal my end at #lorriewalkerpublicrelations. What a great experience!\\u2026 http://t.co/w5hCApV8wf',\n", " u\"My pants are getting WAY too tight. I think it's time to buy new pants. #Fatty #WideWaist\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'4/22/14 - New Resources Help Consumers Make Smart Insurance Decisions When It Matters Most: http://t.co/fduLnlaOAb',\n", " u'Maryland AG Sues BP Over Pension Losses Tied to Gulf Oil Spil: Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler\\xa0 h... http://t.co/BOy3mSaNhK',\n", " u'CNA Appoints Mueller Vice President \\u2013 International: CNA Financial Corporation announced the appointment of Ti... http://t.co/bHEMVtLOkO',\n", " u'El Nino Seen Starting by July as UN Highlights Risk to Rice: An El Nino will probably start as soon as July, a... http://t.co/PNvNktCpIt',\n", " u'California Water Authority Mum Over Possible Loss of Insurance: The battle over a California water district\\u2019s ... http://t.co/C3z25onK1K',\n", " u'Sce joins Sullivan Brokers in Southern California: Sullivan Brokers Wholesale Insurance Solutions named Jim Sc... http://t.co/63nj2ZyWde',\n", " u'Officials in N.Y.\\u2019s Nassau County Endorse Speed Cameras in School Zones: Officials in Long Island\\u2019s Nassau Cou... http://t.co/Ou7HfsaJLM',\n", " u'Rhode Island Gov. Signs Legislation Allowing Digital Proof of Auto Insurance: Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee... http://t.co/uVnkcg8Gsz',\n", " u'2013 P/C Insurers\\u2019 Results Show Net Gain on Underwriting\\u2013 First Since 2007: U.S. property/casualty insurers\\u2019 n... http://t.co/8I7jfcN3jO',\n", " u'Markel Int\\u2019l. Appoints Tidey Assistant Marine Underwriter in Singapore: Specialist insurer Markel Internationa... http://t.co/KoCBktzJWX',\n", " u'Lloyd\\u2019s Focuses on Brokers, MGA\\u2019s, Capital in New Details for \\u2018Vision 2025\\u2019 Plan: Lloyd\\u2019s has published a more... http://t.co/hhOzFfTdqT',\n", " u'Strong M7.2 Earthquake Shakes Acapulco, Mexico City: AIR Analysis: According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR ... http://t.co/4bP5aw6Npy',\n", " u'Geico to Add 500 Jobs in Georgia: A national insurance company has announced plans to create new jobs in middl... http://t.co/WWPyGudAsk',\n", " u'Financial Regulators Tell Congress TRIA Still Needed: The private insurance market is not in a position to fil... http://t.co/LicFX2Hvj0',\n", " u'Democrats Seize on Koch Brothers, Republican Opposition to Flood Insurance: 17 Apr 2014 09:00 Democrats are ex... http://t.co/obCnSyjqdm',\n", " u\"@security32811 The news reported that someone, the Quintus don't know, had raised $$ in Lily's name. The fam told me to stop them.\",\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: 8 million #gotcovered under ACA - great news! But in FL, 1.1 mil. are waiting on Scott to expand coverage. Let's go: http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CSLewisDaily: \"Joy is the serious business of heaven.\" ~ #CSLewis | http://t.co/FaMnmJSeEB',\n", " u'RT @JohnMorganESQ: Join our day of compassion for #MedicalMarijuana care, TOMORROW! BELIEVE!! Visit: http://t.co/bAgLPn38eK #YesOn2 http://\\u2026',\n", " u'@knation17 That would be because, I do not play. At all.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @VibrantStreets: What are you doing today for #EarthDay2014? Ensuring your neighborhood is #safe & #walkable create a #vibrant, earth-fr\\u2026',\n", " u\"SEC Network 'Take It All In' http://t.co/ujEIAj8pgr #Florida #UF #GoGators!\",\n", " u'Every week in 2014 has included someone I know getting: \\n\\n1. engaged;\\n2. married; \\nand/or\\n3. announcing a pregnancy',\n", " u'RT @UrbanismAvenger: .@APA_Planning Andres Duany, @AmandaMBurden, @BrentToderian, @JeffSpeckAICP, Larry Beasley, Allan Jacobs, Jan Gehl, Ja\\u2026',\n", " u\"Signs of a city growing up! \\n\\nHere's What Miami's New Downtown Train Station Might Look Like | Miami New Times http://t.co/OQjTfwsxCe\",\n", " u\"What an interesting Sunday in America. \\n\\nIt's 4:20 On 4/20: Denver Hosts The Cannabis Cup Today : The Two-Way : NPR http://t.co/fK7PcgeRpI\",\n", " u\"RT @Interior: All of America's National Parks are free today. We hope you can get out and enjoy them! Retweet to spread the word.\",\n", " u'Happy Easter! At a cafe for breakfast. Woman (next table) asked the waitress for, \"A big glass of cold beer. What do you have on draft?\"',\n", " u'Do what you want. http://t.co/KmiNDu8Iyp',\n", " u'Maglev update: FDOT to open bid packages for airport-to-convention rail route - Orlando Business Journal http://t.co/SPlCrYM2WA',\n", " u\"Apparently, if you own a train/railroad line you aren't responsible for crossings...?http://t.co/pyX1dCUzCt Can someone explain this to me?\",\n", " u'Sometimes Florida\\'s \"weird\" stuff is the most awesome:\\n\\nWatch the @SpaceX CRS-3 Mission on livestream: http://t.co/a5ii3QXDYw',\n", " u'Look at that! The land of oranges... and Apples!\\n\\nApple quitely building out in #Orlando http://t.co/EQjISlIn4l',\n", " u'What a spring break road trip looks like for the US Transportation Secretary http://t.co/YHzK3KYnWs',\n", " u'Besties. http://t.co/GJ33zfGP7z #',\n", " u'Mom, can I go? @BigGuavaFest \\u2013 May 2-4 2014 http://t.co/MUurwylj7L',\n", " u'RT @FastCoExist: How drones and driverless cars raise questions for the future of city services. http://t.co/NDs4P2J95A http://t.co/x4sYAwj\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @cfunk305: It\\'s about the ROC\"@TechCocktail: 3 Major Lessons #miamitech Can Learn From Downtown Vegas @cfunk305 @DowntownProjLV http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'@RealPeterMarti rereading the later Craig wrote for our proposal. Did this bring tears to your eyes?',\n", " u'RT @alexinorlando: Woot woot RT @MFRMLS: #Orlando listed in top 25 Best Cities & Neighborhoods for Millennials by @Forbes http://t.co/liwvI\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @StephenAtHome: TONIGHT: Is @HillaryClinton staging things to gain political advantage? And, @KenBurns talks Gettysburg Address. @Comedy\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ComedyCentral: Tonight\\u2019s @midnight comedian contestants are @MarlonWayans, @NickSwardson & @KerriKenney.',\n", " u'RT @Southern_Living: As the weather warms up, make the most of your outdoor space with these lush landscape ideas: http://t.co/v8hGrSUPBi h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AMHQ: #AMHQ TUES: @NASA discusses what satellite images can tell us about climate change #EarthDay #EarthWeek',\n", " u\"RT @RFootball: Only five more days until the Scarlet-White game. Weather reports are looking good for #RFootball's 2014 debut! http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @nbcchicago: Rain is headed toward the #Chicago area this afternoon. Track it with our Interactive Radar: http://t.co/3LJwqbIRW4',\n", " u\"RT @StylistMagazine: 30 best spring jackets under \\xa3100, for when you can't figure out the weather http://t.co/ifdlXlwxPe\",\n", " u'RT @WGNRadio: Tornado season is here! After the 3:30 news, Garry Meier is giving away a Basement Watchdog Weather Alert radio.',\n", " u'RT @NWSPortland: RT @ORStatePolice: Man Dies After Surf Rolls Large Log Over Him on Beach http://t.co/ThmcpM4QlP. Safety Urged for Coast Vi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EKUFootball: This Saturday come out for a run/walk.. The weather will be great http://t.co/THdGmVgORu',\n", " u'RT @galwaytourism: People enjoying the great Spring weather this bank holiday weekend in #Galway http://t.co/aBJqdXOzjl',\n", " u'RT @CBSLA: Torrance man critically injured in Boston bombings returns to cheer on friend, therapist at marathon http://t.co/0gJqe0XvKz',\n", " u'RT @OurOcean: Our @KaraEmmaAnne told @TB_Times that delaying deep-water restoration in the Gulf could be harmful to some species. http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bbcweather: Bank Holiday extremes:\\nWarmest Bridgefoot Cumbria 20.9C\\nColdest Altnaharra Highland -2C\\nWettest Heathrow 16.4mm\\nSunniest St\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @hotelmonteleone: It's pool time at Hotel Monteleone! Join us for the warm weather months! http://t.co/jSiheFktD6\",\n", " u'RT @united: @jimskinca Sometimes complications from weather, air traffic control or mechanical issues arise. We try our best to operate on-\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @helsinkiweather: Helsinki Weather: Current conditions (as of 2:30 AM) Clear. 6\\xb0C (Feels like 6). Humidity: 82% Winds: 4 km/hr WNW.... h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @thecolormorale: The nice weather is finally here! Time to gear up for summer... \\n\\nhttp://t.co/6XTdiNLRQm http://t.co/VFzeDmGqry',\n", " u'RT @30DayForecast: http://t.co/ti9N35bRev Current Weather - 66F Fair: Currently Fair and 66F. Winds calm. Relative humidity at 49%.',\n", " u'RT @CBSSciTech: Scientists think they can control weather with lasers http://t.co/4w7LpPFYFt']},\n", " {'UNK': [u'RT @ProjectNeroFSU: Today at the Grassroots school, a little boy gave us 17 cents and said, \\u201cyou need to use this to save the world!\\u201d We\\u2019ll\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ProjectNeroFSU: We're chatting with kids at the Grassroots school today. Thanks for having us! #ProjectNero http://t.co/2EbilmlNXR\",\n", " u'RT @ProjectNeroFSU: Our fundraiser this week was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who came out to support, and most importantly, to @momo\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ProjectNeroFSU: On April 10th (tomorrow!) we're mobilizing at the State Capitol to demand clean energy policy to unlock #solar in FL ht\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @ProjectNeroFSU: We're at the Tennessee St. Momo's to raise money for to stop #climatechange! Come stop by @MomosPizzaPub and say hi! ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ProjectNeroFSU: Hungry for pizza? Come to Momo\\u2019s today and mention #ProjectNero at the counter! https://t.co/Ls8j1qSBLH',\n", " u'RT @ProjectNeroFSU: Florida, \\u201cthe sunshine state,\\u201d ranks third in the nation for solar potential, but 17th for solar capacity installed in \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepMichelle: @ProjectNeroFSU thank you for your intelligent and passionate engagement on all important environmental issues! You will s\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ProjectNeroFSU: Follow @ProjectNeroFSU to preserve the Florida that you know and love. Retweet if you\\u2019re already part of the movement! \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ProjectNeroFSU: We made the news! via @abc27: FSU student environmentalists to rally for climate change legislation http://t.co/AFATNys\\u2026',\n", " u'That is so awesome! Great job everyone with @ProjectNeroFSU',\n", " u'RT @WhoDat35: #OilSpill Closes Part of Miss. River in #Louisiana | ABC News http://t.co/hFZ5XfZk98',\n", " u'\"@sierraclub: TAKE ACTION: Tell Obama & Kerry to reject Keystone XL! http://t.co/TCzgeIzqD2 #NoKXL\" @ProjectNeroFSU @WCTV @EPA @',\n", " u'RT @sierraclub: TAKE ACTION: Tell Obama & Kerry to reject Keystone XL! http://t.co/ZXhFZQ6X8Q #NoKXL',\n", " u'Concern Over Possibility Of Drilling In SW Florida. Drilling for oil in a Florida Preserve? What?!! http://t.co/il1lYkYMxz @ProjectNeroFSU',\n", " u'@WCTV This is ridiculous! Drilling for oil in a Florida Preserve? Further loss of panther habitat? This a mistake! Rick Scott is wrong.',\n", " u'Concern Over Possibility Of Drilling In SW Florida http://t.co/gmySGx2I2D',\n", " u'RT @WCTV: BREAKING: @USGS reports a magnitude 4.4 earthquake southwest of Columbia, SC',\n", " u'February 18: Rally for Clean Water in Tally! https://t.co/NSiI3m1Xsk @ProjectNeroFSU',\n", " u'Floridians\\nLet our state leaders know we want our waters protected, fill out this declaration!https://t.co/4ZcBxVjbD1\\n@ProjectNeroFSU @EnvFL']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@WalkingDead_AMC charge more for commercials!!! Augh!!!',\n", " u\"@WalkingDead_AMC they're eating people\",\n", " u'#walkingdeadtomanycommercials',\n", " u'RT @yerrudegirl: April Fools return to the airwaves on WEOW 92.7 FM on Tuesday!! Tune in pleez?? http://t.co/vVdvMbISVO',\n", " u'If Cher can\\'t have Bob as her designer, then how about Eduardo Castro from \"Once Upon A Time\" his work is amazing and Mackyesque.',\n", " u\"Coming up on Monday night's Evening Edition: Sheriff Rick Ramsay joins us @5 to talk about proposing an assisted... http://t.co/KTdTuv2B10\",\n", " u\"Hi guys it's Erika!!! Join me at Bistro 31 on Big Pine Key from 5-7 tonight while I broadcast live. Music, food,... http://t.co/C4J9dwGMVM\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Thursday night's Evening Edition: Big Pine Key resident Lawrence Mullins joins us live @5 in the... http://t.co/uM6YEnr7o0\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Wednesday night's Evening Edition: Keys Attorney Richard Mallafy joins us live @5 with the latest... http://t.co/DtmTLbimGt\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Tuesday night's Evening Edition: Child protection advocate Lauren Book joins us live @5 to preview... http://t.co/XwGPaZ6uSF\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Monday night's Evening Edition: Marathon Mayor Dick Ramsay joins us live @5 to preview tomorrow... http://t.co/qWEaHg2nuE\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Friday night's Evening Edition: FDOT spokesman Dean Walters will join us live @5 in the studio with... http://t.co/EX9mo7htJa\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Thursday night's Evening Edition: United Teachers Monroe President Holly Hummell-Gorman will join us... http://t.co/S7tNF2OmTo\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Wednesday night's Evening Edition: U.S. Coast Guard Lt. Kevin Connell, skipper of the new fast... http://t.co/6Qkdd4Skab\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Tuesday night's Evening Edition: Key West City Commissioner Jimmy Weekley joins us live @5 to talk... http://t.co/ZeFspV3w2w\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Monday night's Evening Edition: Dan Reif from the LEAP Foundation joins us live @5 to talk about... http://t.co/t4RAKVyui9\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Friday night's Evening Edition: FDOT Spokesman Dean Walters will join us live @5 in the studio with... http://t.co/3vn0Nuz9tC\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Thursday night's Evening Edition: Florida Sea Grant Extension Agent Shelly Krueger will join us live... http://t.co/yTYEZ8V0mF\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Wednesday night's Evening Edition: Key West High School Junior Morgan Denhart & TV Production... http://t.co/MbQYYl586L\",\n", " u\"Coming up on Tuesday night's Evening Edition: Key West writer Terry Schmida joins us live @5 in the studio to... http://t.co/7IQ7FVIx2R\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @WSE_jr: @1FFORG @donunder @NylaPipes Appropriation negotiations start today. By Wed. we should know the budget for H2O',\n", " u'@LeeShepard11 Happy Easter! :-) :-) :-)',\n", " u\"@LeeShepard11 I believe it could hold at least some water; however, I'm no engineer. :-)\",\n", " u'RT @LeeShepard11: @NylaPipes Happy Easter to U Angel & the Pipes, How did 10 mile appear to U, Workable, Soon I Hope and Pray !! Saw Chris \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @LuvChaplin: Now Available: Audubon's State of the Everglades Report - Spring 2014 http://t.co/9UX42tcIsG via @AudubonFL\",\n", " u'Headed to Ten Mile creek this morning. Going to set eyes on one of the only projects which can give our estuary some relief this wet season',\n", " u\"True leaders don't suck up, they stand up.\",\n", " u\"@EvergladesJane I'm still smiling! Such an important step has been taken! Thanks for all you do!\",\n", " u'RT @RBernsteinMiami: @EvergladesJane and @AudubonFL showing support for CEPP! http://t.co/Bpi0uH3wZq',\n", " u'RT @EvergladesJane: Cutest comment from River warrior \"too much pollution going into my playground! You can clean it up\" @NylaPipes http://\\u2026',\n", " u'@EvergladesJane I am so proud of these Kidz, and their mom, @KtLewey !',\n", " u'RT @OutTheBleauInk: Music video Produced by Mr-Houston Cypress w/ (Artist) Quese Imc and Cempoalli Twenny - The Raven Cinematography... htt\\u2026',\n", " u'I have heard rumor CEPP is going to be delayed again! PLEASE ATTEND SFWMD Governing Board meeting this Thursday at 9 am. Gun club road WPB',\n", " u'What did you do for your Indian River Lagoon today? :-)',\n", " u'RT @makersofchange: There is absolutely no greater high than challenging the power structure as a nobody, giving it your all, and winning!',\n", " u'My partner with One Florida Foundation is a Jefferson Award Winner! So proud!! Congratulations @donunder @1FFORG http://t.co/3CSJAng5pF',\n", " u\"@jakeowen We need to start something like Farm Aid for saving Florida's Waters. Interested in helping me lead the charge?\",\n", " u'RT @DawnShirreffs: @SFWMD Approve #CEPP Thurs to #movewatersouth. Will you be there #Stlucieriver and #everglades supporters? http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DawnShirreffs: @RiversCoalition hope to see you at SFWMD on Thurs supporting #CEPP to #movewatersouth! Happy #EvergladesDay :)',\n", " u'St. Lucie River Kidz will be at Oysterfest in downtown Fort Pierce tomorrow! Come out and support the kidz and the Indian River Lagoon!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @joedisano: .@aribadler \\u201cI think it\\u2019s entirely reasonable to expect the unions to give back to the very people they profited from.\\u201d Corp\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JoshuaHenne: Check-out @SnyderFails special Tax Day message from The Fake Rick Snyder @OneToughNerd. #Michigan http://t.co/t2nvSLXypH',\n", " u'RT @thinkprogress: Just spiteful http://t.co/PpuSYaniwK http://t.co/YvDGCuWB8a',\n", " u'RT @BlueRootsRadio: The tax code is complicated b/c the 1% buys tax cuts & then Congress has to figure out how to get the 99% to pay for th\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Eclectablog: Fear of retribution from Snyder administration appears to kill @ProgressMich\\u2019s anti-Snyder billboard in Lansing http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Thoughts are with those impacted by the shooting in KS. #',\n", " u'RT @CNNValencia: Jewish Center Shootings: 3 dead. 2 others shot at are uninjured. Suspect in his 70s is in custody. Police investigating as\\u2026',\n", " u\"@rstudley I would have taken care of roads instead of my wealthy donors and cousin's contract. #priorities\",\n", " u'Progressives leading the fight for opportunity. My oped in LSJ http://t.co/fAvgjOWja2',\n", " u\"@JarrettSkorup @rstudley MBT wasn't the best but neither is a biz tax cut at expense of seniors, poor and education.\",\n", " u'RT @BruceJudson: The Super Rich Are Richer Than We Thought, Hiding Huge Sums, New Report Find http://t.co/YcfLH5yYe0',\n", " u'RT @MichiganUnited: @MichiganUnited now has 10k followers because of people like you who seek #justice & #dignity for every #family in #Ame\\u2026',\n", " u'$1.8 billion tax cut for biz instead? MT @rstudley: 1 of 8 bridges in MI are now in poor condition due to inadequate state funding.',\n", " u\"RT @evale72: Maybe Terri Land opposes equal pay bc doesn't understand how Paycheck Fairness Act works? http://t.co/qUgO5aQePu\",\n", " u'RT @JohnJHarwood: Last 3 min wage hikes all enacted when president of 1 party struck deal w/House & Senate controlled by other party: http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @thinkprogress: Woman who died because her state refused to expand Medicaid is one of 4.8M in coverage gap http://t.co/h8zez09XUv http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @LOLGOP: YO: Paul Ryan's budget would give millionaires a tax break of $500 a day while cutting food stamps for poor seniors. http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @freep: Raw Data: Michigan ranks 48th for the overall well being of African-American children http://t.co/I77I0yy1tw',\n", " u\"RT @AARPMichigan: It's #NationalVolunteerWeek\\u2014seven days, infinite ways to kick-start #doinggood in your community. http://t.co/fisGOcnuhx\",\n", " u'in any company, a man with whom honor is sacred and virtue safe. -John Walter Wayland']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"I'm at The Bird Show! (Palm Harbor, FL) http://t.co/X7VSMqppRy\",\n", " u\"I'm at @DunkinDonuts (Palm Harbor, FL) http://t.co/zdi1VX9UKe\",\n", " u\"I'm at @Publix Super Market at Crystal Beach Plaza (Palm Harbor, FL) http://t.co/4L2RMukDxX\",\n", " u'Golden showers bring May flowers (@ The Golden Toilet) http://t.co/NZKHbiYnX9',\n", " u\"I'm at Sharon's bathtub (Palm Harbor, FL) http://t.co/MP9ex8xKn7\",\n", " u\"I'm at @DunkinDonuts (Palm Harbor, FL) http://t.co/QBeEbXf9JX\",\n", " u\"Gettin' stuffs (at @Publix Super Market at Seabreeze Plaza Shopping Center) http://t.co/UPSGKUlBJg\",\n", " u\"I'm at Seagull Ceramics (Clearwater, FL) http://t.co/Cuxgma1VuQ\",\n", " u\"I'm at Mexican Jail (Palm Harbor, FL) http://t.co/t4BFlQSBbO\",\n", " u'Painting shit! (@ Seagull Ceramics) http://t.co/23x8ldg5xQ',\n", " u'ENERGY DRINK!! (@ ALDI) https://t.co/39tY71VHvC',\n", " u'Poodle food! (@ Walmart Supercenter - @walmarthub) http://t.co/V9lf088l2O',\n", " u\"I'm at @DunkinDonuts (Palm Harbor, FL) http://t.co/ECCz9nVT4w\",\n", " u\"I'm at @Publix Super Market at Crystal Beach Plaza (Palm Harbor, FL) http://t.co/HX6hNA6nHH\",\n", " u'Who cut the cheese!? (at @Publix Super Market at Crystal Beach Plaza) http://t.co/efgYMFs9ez',\n", " u\"I'm at @Publix Super Market at Crystal Beach Plaza (Palm Harbor, FL) http://t.co/dlpFAqeuK2\",\n", " u'RT @SeniorSpanish: Here are the egg testicles in studio with @MrMikeCalta http://t.co/hjTbpfqm4P',\n", " u'Cow juice (at @Publix Super Market at Crystal Beach Plaza) http://t.co/NTUCkDBFhR',\n", " u'Tampons (at @Publix Super Market at Seabreeze Plaza Shopping Center) http://t.co/TWFsUoC8Ns',\n", " u'Heaven on earth! (@ Harbor Freight Tools) http://t.co/h6FFgwPiPY']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @cotfire: TFD Battles Two Structure Fires Hours Apart. Clogged vent to blame https://t.co/J9iC2J6APM http://t.co/wehN8R0O9E',\n", " u'Dryer fire displaces four, dog http://t.co/amp18rRmu5',\n", " u'Two displaced after Meridian Street blaze http://t.co/vVJVlBKtEg',\n", " u\"RT @AndyMarlette: #Florida beer: Size doesn't matter? http://t.co/tbwQ0b8GmA @FLBrewersGuild #sayfie http://t.co/ALOAJuUUl8\",\n", " u\"\\u2018No criminal intent\\u2019 in Thursday's Northwoode Centre bomb scare http://t.co/0DUw7Yjafm\",\n", " u\"RT @_jhagedorn: B/c I just found this pic, let's just pretend it's Thursday @KarlEtters @SeanRossman. Long live the TallDem Viners http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'Balancing bears: Human interaction likely to increase http://t.co/EyxXzt9h2q',\n", " u'@FLBrewersGuild What time does Sen. Bean join you tomorrow?',\n", " u'#Adventuretime #Adventurepants @TLHDowntown & @stonistones http://t.co/f0PSa90bGw',\n", " u'#FSU High Track and Field School team bus driver killed http://t.co/ZyH8PwMCA3',\n", " u'@GarinFlowers Wondering if you can provide me with a few sentences from out there? Call me 599-2314',\n", " u'Flood warning issued as Tallahassee gets dumped on again http://t.co/gIeqUOoH48',\n", " u\"Want to know why this kudzu's got me all wrapped up? Read about eradicating invasive plants http://t.co/fMG9PIOrHx http://t.co/K3hzXGdYKh\",\n", " u'DBPR evacuated after bomb threat http://t.co/J7WhyBWvmE',\n", " u'TPD looking for vandalism suspects http://t.co/MhUfmUL0t7',\n", " u'RT @dblackburn: What hath NYTimes wrought? Pennsylvania papers now saying incoming Penn State prez Eric Barron is linked to rape cover-up. \\u2026',\n", " u'@SeanRossman @glennbeil Folksy-off 2014',\n", " u'RT @AndyMarlette: New cartoon: The redesigned @floridastate @FSU_Football logo #sayfie http://t.co/rDwOCc28ap',\n", " u'RT @geraldensley: Three crackerjack Democrat journalists huddle -- happy to have solved a camera problem. http://t.co/Uvyi9vDZLv',\n", " u\"@MrPresident522A ya man. FAMU baseball game in early May? Rattlers are killin' it this year\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @blakehounshell: Conventional wisdom has it that Bangladesh will soon be underwater. What if that might be wrong? http://t.co/YA5YRqeHTF',\n", " u\"@LitehouseGrill Thanks. I appreciate that you're using Twitter to help your enthusiastic customers.\",\n", " u\"RT @benbuildsstuff: If I have to Google how to use your service you've got you UI horribly wrong\",\n", " u\"@andymcphalanx It's really easy to keep the romance alive when you only have to do it for 36 hours, tops.\",\n", " u'RT @aral: We wouldn\\u2019t dream of asking McDonald\\u2019s, Burger King, & KFC to advise on nutrition but we invite Google, FB, Microsoft to consult \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NonProfitBanker: #Casestudy: blurred lines btwn for-profit & nonprofit result in fine & more http://t.co/On2YwtoWyZ via @gtak (correcte\\u2026',\n", " u'@wendellaboats @pastoralchicago Good to know!',\n", " u'RT @Jon_Eiseman: Who put this guy in charge of the @USAirways Twitter account?? http://t.co/azXBUQtdJy',\n", " u'Received a #postcrossing postcard from U.S.A.: http://t.co/L3QH8I3czN',\n", " u'Received a #postcrossing postcard from Taiwan: http://t.co/og4ZTU3bE5',\n", " u'@pastoralchicago @wendellaboats Looks like you pre-planned this tweet a little optimistically.',\n", " u'RT @Maisie_Williams: GoT Season 4 synopsis.. Basically http://t.co/5Qo6iuEToj',\n", " u'RT @maddiegrant: BREAKING: LinkedIn is Shutting off the Jobs Tab for\\xa0Groups http://t.co/w7mX3jLujD',\n", " u'RT @GdnDevelopment: Mapping Africa: readers fill in the gaps and share mapping fails http://t.co/48EplEQe7G via @guardian',\n", " u'RT @rolandsghost: Went for a walk in Ravenswood, saw 10 missing cat posters and 2 hotdog dives \"now serving ribs!\" Connection?',\n", " u'RT @SciencePunk: Guardian redux: 2,500 words on \"cupcake fascism\" http://t.co/rWyLhyHvCp',\n", " u\"RT @rolandsghost: @TraceySwans And it's almost always eyeglasses or a pen--some tool of the higher primate.\",\n", " u'@rolandsghost Just now it was a paper cup because the hands were holding my lunch bag & the fridge door. Epitome of industrial agriculture.',\n", " u\"Holding something in your mouth because your hands are full feels very primal. There's a point at which you have to decide to regress.\",\n", " u'@Maria_Wilder @GdnDevelopment Per capita GDP has tended to be a better indicator, but even that can b questionable in very unequal countries']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @RichardOHornos: \\U0001f44aVOTE\\U0001f535 & encourage +\\U0001f465 #Latinos #PAYBACK #KochBuysGOP #CIR #TNTweeters http://t.co/voOZIgzdQr http://t.co/gNbzi26x7W OUT\\u2026',\n", " u'Thank you @BettyMcCollum04 for leading on #immigration reform. Please encourage others to do the same! #TimeIsNow http://t.co/WgSuIMKOm9',\n", " u'RT @Rebis01: If #Latinos stay home #ImmigrationReform will NEVER pass Reg2Vote: http://t.co/YNOONcBQlW - #TNTweeters #Latism #CIR http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lourdesmeluza: Ex-Presidente Camara Republicano #DennisHastert, anuncia \"masivo esfuerzo republicano\" en Illinois PRO #reformamigratori\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lourdesmeluza: Former Speaker Dennis Hastert launches \"massive\" Republican effort \"to publicly support immigrationreform and call for a\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepMarkTakano: ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: Immigration reform was introduced in the Senate. The #TimeIsNow.',\n", " u\"RT @SenatorMenendez: #Gangof8 intro'd CIR 1yr ago & proved #immigrationreform compromise & cooperation is possible #TimeWasThen #TimeIsNow \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @rover09151976: @SpeakerBoehner @PrayerCanvasUSA/ Sir, with all due respect I strongly believe you can't deliver on any issues please Qu\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @floridaCanales: #latism #tcot #teaparty #CIR #p2 @EspuelasVox @SpeakerBoehner @MarioDB @TNTweeters #reformnow5 @jorgeramosnews http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @SpeakerBoehner We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @HouseGOP We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://t.co/a\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @GOP We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://t.co/aagV74\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @GOPespanol We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @GOPWhip We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://t.co/aa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @GOPLeader We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @MarioDB We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://t.co/aa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @RosLehtinen We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @marcorubio We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @cathymcmorris We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bendanafer: @MicheleBachmann We can\\u2019t wait, we need your vote! #Timeisnow for #CIR. #DemandAVote #TNTweeters @ReformNow5 #latism http:/\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @ElectBeaven: No need to steal jobs, when you can create 'em http://t.co/31cf8RthMh @PCObserver @EntrepreneurNgt\",\n", " u\"Did you see this in today's @PCObserver: Heather Beaven (@ElectBeaven) makes the case for Flagler's economic future. http://t.co/31cf8RthMh\",\n", " u'Gators in the Final Four! Go Gators! #GatorMadness #FinalFour',\n", " u'Thanks for the mention! RT @PCObserver: @ElectBeaven makes the case for economic future; http://t.co/31cf8RthMh\" @AndrewDanceRLA',\n", " u\"RT @PCObserver: What's the key to economic recovery in Palm Coast?\\n\\nhttp://t.co/31cf8RthMh\",\n", " u'Snake or Mongoose? http://t.co/pNYWvFlpOK',\n", " u'Fla Landscape Architect Andy Dance re-appointed by Gov. Scott to the Early Learning Coalition Flagler-Volusia- http://t.co/clgSWhLdD5 #ASLA',\n", " u'Flagler School Board Chairman Andy Dance re-appointed by Gov. Scott to the Early Learning Coalition Flagler-Volusia- http://t.co/clgSWhLdD5',\n", " u'Classic drag racing with #CSRRacing for Amazon Appstore!\\nhttp://t.co/2soSCwUCnv',\n", " u'Bacon! #mypc3 http://t.co/TloNoM73af',\n", " u'Group dinner @ Got Pallets camping. #mypc3 http://t.co/hyX7rQE2p2',\n", " u'New this year at Got Pallets camping...kittens! #mypc3 http://t.co/BcqZAtScTr',\n", " u'Great day at Got Pallets camping! #mypc3 http://t.co/ThBcDVaIbI',\n", " u'Check out the new Flagler Schools Facebook page! Make sure to \"LIKE\" and get all the latest news - http://t.co/GK0iJTdFZT #flaglerschools',\n", " u'Check out the new Flagler Schools Facebook page! Make sure to \"LIKE\" and get all the latest news - http://t.co/GK0iJTdFZT #flaglerschools',\n", " u'Town Hall Meeting Planned for Daytona North-hosted by BOCC Chairman N. McLaughlin and FCSB Chair A. Dance-Aug. 29th http://t.co/VL9hwZD1T1',\n", " u'Flagler Schools is offering the Connect2 Academy for residents to learn more about their school system! Sign up now! http://t.co/SQbkJi5lJS',\n", " u'HOA Loses Lawsuit Against Duval County Couple For Florida Friendly Landscape Yard! - http://t.co/7fSvuHyqPV',\n", " u'RT @pcobserver: ICYMI: Moving up! Flagler Schools now 11th in the state ... http://t.co/NlBAvir4jA',\n", " u\"Picture of the day...New York's Central Park from above - http://t.co/yiOE2OBrpl #NY #newyork #centralpark #ASLA #olmstead\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @BicyclingMag: Need a ride for around town? 8 city bikes of all shapes and speeds that we love: http://t.co/cRtroZlxpR http://t.co/dCpOC\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@PianoGuys: HELLO LONDON!! #thepianoguys #pianoguys #tpgLondon #tpgtour2014 #tpgtour http://t.co/nD0ZRdvUwy\\u201dUR awesome!',\n", " u\"RT @MotivatedGirls: If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.\",\n", " u\"RT @BruceVH: Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong. @SteveMaraboli http://t.co/Z4WrPnhYB4\",\n", " u'RT @DavidRoads: You cannot always wait for the perfect time. Sometimes you must dare to jump.',\n", " u'RT @CAMMO_Music: #Proud @USMarineCorps RT-Face down the nation\\u2019s threats. #Marines http://t.co/AlIVH1Re47 http://t.co/tIFOhZyNzl',\n", " u'RT @PrayForAmerica2: @dalehusar Join us for a TwitterStorm for #DivineMercy Sunday 1pm EST, Invite your Friends see you there! Max out on T\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @dalehusar: Do you receive the Eucharist in the hand? Thought-provoking video: http://t.co/u04ZxSDYqq via @YouTube',\n", " u'RT @amevans73: I could not agree more!! #Sharialaw #notinAmerica #goaway #impeachobama http://t.co/OYq8AnvJdm',\n", " u\"\\u201c@szabosolicitors: I saw this posted by @JamieWinn4 - 'outstanding' \\U0001f60e\\U0001f44d http://t.co/hycbNXOILn\\u201d\",\n", " u'\\u201c@IMNOTMAKINGITUP: #MotherNatureAmnesia #WhereIsSpring http://t.co/Gi92SwXMrz\\u201d',\n", " u'\\u201c@MSUpolitical: #Neocon #Liberty http://t.co/CMbUv8bqoA\\u201d',\n", " u'\\u201c@CAMMO_Music: #Proud @USMarineCorps RT-Face down the nation\\u2019s threats. #Marines http://t.co/xrc6KvIG0a http://t.co/0HXqYWSCzR\\u201d',\n", " u\"RT @BradBradsweet: \\xabLes cieux proclament la gloire de Dieu, \\nle firmament raconte l'ouvrage de ses mains\\xbb (Ps18,2) http://t.co/u7bsMpkXNP\",\n", " u'RT @alphabetsuccess: To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground.- Stephen Covey http://t.co/xuFSEHN4OO via @freyab\\u2026',\n", " u'@BradBradsweet @mduval83 TY Fr Sweet! I hope your Easter was great.',\n", " u'RT @mariovinuela: Me pas\\xe9 el d\\xeda de ayer con este tema en la cabeza / I spent yesterday with this theme in my mind @yanntiersen http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@EmmyBarreno: \"Pienso, luego existes\", piano by @mariovinuela \\n http://t.co/WiAIHTRohm\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @TIB2016: Happy Easter http://t.co/JxMoz9KCEV',\n", " u'\\u201c@ATHNICO: Lefkada island.Greece!!! http://t.co/y0JAA7B2Ot\\u201dBeautiful. TY 4 sharing and have a good week.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Conference Call on Clustering 3 Windows 2012 servers creating a Hyper-V \"Virtual Machine\" cluster. Power and Speed! http://t.co/SsLZ72M8Jb',\n", " u'Monday can be a long one. Still working. :)T',\n", " u'@jimmacpam @laureldavilacpa No true patriot in US History named or listed himself as a patriot.',\n", " u'Downtown, Lake Jackson, Killearn, Centerville - http://t.co/SsLZ72M8Jb will be all over Tallahassee today! Give us a call. 850.681.7552',\n", " u\"What a nice sunny morning. Too bad we didn't get any of that for the weekend. :(T\",\n", " u'So, what drink goes good with left over Easter Eggs? ;)T',\n", " u'How many of you are fans of the Android Operating System on your phones, pads and computers? What do you like / dislike about it?',\n", " u'Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 are \"Ghastly,\" we can make them run smoothly. Or we can reload with Windows 7. http://t.co/SsLZ72M8Jb :)',\n", " u'Sometimes all you need is a good text editor. http://t.co/cvhFbGSpW6',\n", " u'Mashable has IT jobs. If you are looking check them out. http://t.co/NZG7kR4j8X',\n", " u'The thought of Monday has me so distressed I may have to take a nap. ;)T',\n", " u\"http://t.co/yABsNVD6q9 Map your WiFi world! corprattx's current stats: Global Rank: #302\",\n", " u'Sometimes when I close my eyes I see another world. One that has been, or one that will be. It is all so fascinating. - Todd',\n", " u'So how did the whole Easter Bunny and Colored Eggs thing get started anyway? What have you heard?',\n", " u'Why do so many places sell \"Chicken Fingers\" if chickens don\\'t have fingers? It is a question most people don\\'t have the courage to ask. ;)T',\n", " u'There is always work to do, the weather is nasty... So I am going to the Gym! :)T',\n", " u'Tired of Gmail ads? Try this. http://t.co/HB0EeF9A8e',\n", " u'Did you ever notice that some people wake up instantly, while others hit the snooze button a dozen times? Why is that do you think?',\n", " u'I hate it when I wake up \"Weekday Early\" on the Weekend! ;) Although with this rainy weather... I may just go back to sleep!',\n", " u'Hello from Panama City, Florida. I am down here for a few days working with a new client of http://t.co/SsLZ72M8Jb :)T']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @SouthernScenery: Savannah, Georgia http://t.co/8OCJws6tqi',\n", " u\"RT @daveycrokett: I'm with @TrueTheVote We have all had enough of this crap. #tcot #ocra #tlot #RedNationRising http://t.co/RvfzJm1iMT @csp\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @consmover: Perfect example of the hypocritical left wingers........\\n#tcot #ccot #pjnet \\n#UniteRight\\n#RedNationRising \\n#teaparty http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: There\\u2019s only one thing you need to know today. RETWEET and spread the word! #letskeepworking http://t.co/22BsNXIl1t',\n", " u\"RT @WomensDCProject: #BuckeUp your #SeatBelts, it's going to be a #bumpyRide~Trouble for #Democrats~More Senate seats at risk http://t.co/n\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @DrMartyFox: My parents were Nazi Holocaust Survivors: Never Again: @GeneLingerfelt: @jjauthor @drscott_atlanta @hankishtwit \\nhttp://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @peddoc63: If we make Washington smaller and people bigger, we'll have a better country! Support @MiaBLove \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8 #tcot http://t.co/at2VbXq2\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @foxnewsvideo: Congressman Ron DeSantis on where the IRS scandal investigation stands http://t.co/rJbRDypt17',\n", " u'RT @ryanra: \\u201c@Siborg6: This America after the influx of cultural Marxism. #ccot #tcot http://t.co/hoziEuInHy\\u201d What an utter shame on the U\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LessGovMoreFun: . #Hard work works. Just ask this guy: #senatemustact #hollywood\\n#LGMF http://t.co/41RD6yW23x',\n", " u'RT @SenFrankNiceley: This year I passed legislation requiring students be taught US & TN History, along with foundational documents. Why? h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Gun_Shots: Since the outset of the Texas right-to-carry law, the Texas murder rate has averaged 30% lower than it was before the law to\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MattBevin: Wishing you a truly blessed Easter! http://t.co/AW7tnGb19X',\n", " u'RT @ScottMagdalein: Boating with my boy http://t.co/jZ11GUZEDf',\n", " u\"RT @truckerbooman: ((((( #AMEN )))) I'm not alone on #George #Soro actions in our Country to damage We The People @Senate_GOPs #PJNET http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Fritzz2009: If an illegal alien is an undocumented immigrant, then a burglar is an uninvited houseguest.',\n", " u'The Magic of Easter is the realization that my God died for my sins and I can start again! By the grace of God I am saved!!!',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: Stand with Jeb Bush. Support Rick Scott. #sayfie http://t.co/qugiHuzgiN',\n", " u\"RT @weknowwhatsbest: The president is playing his 167th round of golf. That's a new record for the month of April.\",\n", " u'RT @stevenaguggia: #Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. ALLELUIA. His resurrection means we have the pledge of everlasting life. #Alle\\u2026 ht\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"It's their day not hers. RT @PatVPeters: 1,200 High Schoolers Petition to BLOCK Michelle Obama's Graduation Speech http://t.co/xVha3uvu2u\",\n", " u\"That's too bad. RT @OFA_FL: There has been undeniable progress made towards raising the minimum wage: http://t.co/ge40u0PbvM #RaiseTheWage\",\n", " u\"Didn't promise union jobs. @TheDemocrats: If the Walker Administration wants to be judged on his jobs promise, that's what we'll do.\",\n", " u'One person, one vote!! RT @TheDemocrats: Join the President and stand up for voting rights \\u2014> http://t.co/hcPvXnXTbJ http://t.co/6gYKiG9US7',\n", " u'RT @duranduran: Want a signed copy @duranduran\\u2019s 7&RaggedTiger CD? In honor of REFLEX 30th anniversary this wednesday, RT #DDREFLEX8414 fo\\u2026',\n", " u\"#NotDeadYet RT @famousquotenet: You can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him. - Robert Heinlein\",\n", " u'RT @stranahan: Van gets Dad http://t.co/EP3qgFLIgc',\n", " u'Special rules for some...RT @PatVPeters: Eric Holder defends using Justice Department airplane for 27 personal trips http://t.co/iFGgWleTOz',\n", " u'That would be over payment ! RT @Matthops82: Pay Congress minimum wage.',\n", " u'Hmm. Maybe he should get a real job. \"Dem Rep.: \\'Members of Congress Are Underpaid,\\' Can\\'t Afford to Live Decently\": http://t.co/ZvR2q8TDtp',\n", " u'RT @JimDeMint: I agree. http://t.co/5UJUzaQ9hc',\n", " u\"RT @PatVPeters: Voters Still Don't Like ObamaCare But We're Stuck Footing The Bills Anyway via @PolitomixNews http://t.co/NdGMqcGvWu\",\n", " u\"RT @Heritage: RT if you Agree: It Doesn't Matter if You're Conservative or Liberal. You Should Believe in Religious Freedom. http://t.co/DP\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: [The Constitution] is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizens\\u2019 protection against the governm\\u2026',\n", " u'Starting at the White House? Hmmm? RT @WhiteHouse: When #WomenSucceed, America succeeds. #EqualPay for women \\u2192 http://t.co/LrdokTvvDO',\n", " u'Not polite...RT @TheDemocrats: Where will you put your free magnet? Your car? Fridge? Locker? http://t.co/kICfrYPENy http://t.co/mqztvhd4oy',\n", " u'FIFY: RT @TheDemocrats: Your car could look this ridiculous: http://t.co/O8tkMXv3JV http://t.co/fJK1AfJzlT',\n", " u'No! Really? Who knew? RT @hotairblog: Sharyl Attkisson resigns from CBS, partly due to \\u201cliberal\\xa0bias\\u201d http://t.co/MPbKPbWg7T',\n", " u'Amen as to future non-Democrat presidents. RT @conncarroll: Obamacare is not the only law Obama has been rewriting http://t.co/IJ9lhnzBzw',\n", " u'RT @Gun_Shots: Fewer people are killed with rifles each year (323 in 2011) than with hammers and clubs (496) or hands and feet (728).']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @RichardJWood: A baby was seized by California Child Protective Services from parents with legally prescribed medical marijuana. | http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @abogadoroberto: Shame on Las Vegas for setting ridiculous hurdles to setting up a medical marijuana business http://t.co/iFSv6SbDlF via\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DaveRiceSD: Whoopi Goldberg Debuts as Marijuana Columnist http://t.co/hnctTUeB80',\n", " u'RT @jbendery: Carney gets questions about possible admin plans to reschedule marijuana: \"Not that I\\'m aware of.\"',\n", " u'RT @RaniaKhalek: \"The DEA official, who wanted to remain anonymous, passionately argued marijuana is dangerous to ur health.\" http://t.co/D\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MotherJones: Will your state be next to legalize pot? http://t.co/Yq8ql6Mh1e http://t.co/4bA2xWv2jj',\n", " u'RT @RT_America: Puerto Rico considers legalizing marijuana and prostitution to jumpstart economy http://t.co/gFw7ep0uv7',\n", " u'RT @cinnamon_carter: RT @d_seaman: Anti-marijuana propaganda in the year 2014 should be met with outright mockery. Fox Business Network sho\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Neuro_Skeptic: In US states, study finds \"no increases in adolescent marijuana use related to legalization of medical marijuana.\" http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Michelle9647: Several thousand people came out in Canada's biggest cities to call for the legalization of marijuana\\xa0\\nhttp://t.co/6z4fjf\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @onecaliberal: Why are 59% of murders going unsolved in NYC while police spend thousands of man hours per week locking up people with Ma\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MontereyBud: The #Drug_War Fuels Mass Deportation http://t.co/lYmtcdLcnK http://t.co/XT45x0oe7n',\n", " u'RT @MarijuanaPolicy: Canadians rally to legalize #marijuana http://t.co/rQYbsT4Zz7 via @YahooNews',\n", " u'RT @MASTERSCYCLING: A must read! RT @FastCompany What happens to our brains when we exercise: http://t.co/Ne5Gre2jIl http://t.co/mxIuKO6psz\"',\n", " u'RT @mashable: NASA budget cuts hinder study of asteroid impacts on Earth http://t.co/PYyCxy9E6S via @spacedotcom http://t.co/9lRCbg2JYC',\n", " u'RT @AtlanticCities: Where Earth has been shaky, since 1900 http://t.co/8wmb2EZe9g http://t.co/eDF7yPsfvd',\n", " u'RT @martinhume: #ScribdDocs - I\\u2019m reading NASA CR-61176 Plasma Radiation Sheild Concept and Aplications 1967029898 http://t.co/dYtfLibnDZ',\n", " u'RT @chenkx: In the 1980s, 8% of jail and prison inmates in CA had serious mental illness. Now, 20% do: http://t.co/jnphjQ5mhL via @HealthyC\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Michelle9647: Thai environmentalist goes missing hours after accusing park rangers of illegal activity http://t.co/LCKFQcatTm',\n", " u'RT @PoliticalAnt: \"@50th_President: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words What happen to Republicans? http://t.co/ZvCzZmD34S\" #UniteBlue #tcot']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'\\u201c@jaxdotcom: Already jailed, Jacksonville now faces additional charges of using a minor for child porn http://t.co/yJGsjLh8Ll\\u201d all of us?',\n", " u'RT @AaronBlakeWP: Willie Nelson on smoking pot: \"I don\\'t think I\\'ve missed a day in years.\" #devotion',\n", " u'BREAKING. RT @wjxt4: The White House and Republicans have different economic agendas. http://t.co/IhsbdqIVyG',\n", " u\"\\u201c@peleswoodfire: Where are our @Dogfishbeer fans? You'll want to save 4/22 for a beer dinner! Details to be posted on our website Monday!\",\n", " u\"Louis CK? \\u201c@mpoindc: RT @brianstelter: It's true. David Letterman just announced he is retiring in 2015. More soon.\\u201d\",\n", " u\"RT @RollingStone: Inside Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' raucous return to the studio for new LP 'Hypnotic Eye': http://t.co/ZGhEYm7UfM\",\n", " u'@ben__America That can\\u2019t be real. (God, I hope that\\u2019s real.)',\n", " u'@jfagone @brianghoward @DanielDenvir @citypaper I had way more. Probably hundreds.',\n", " u'I cannot believe Americans would procrastinate until the very last minute. So unlike us. #ACA #Obamacare',\n", " u'@brianghoward @DanielDenvir @citypaper I think this story of mine may have set a world record for swears in print: http://t.co/45YRe2gRle',\n", " u'RT @allenmmurray: A++ science writers http://t.co/iXyoyH8n0a',\n", " u'RT @NBCNews: Just In: Federal judge strikes down Michigan ban on same-sex marriage; latest in series of rulings across country',\n", " u'This is just wrong. http://t.co/WS1AYDsNci',\n", " u'OMG David Cross is on Community tonight. Be still my heart. #sixseasonsandamovie',\n", " u'Heads up, y\\u2019all: Next week\\u2019s @folioweekly cover is gonna be different, rad. #altweeklies #andsoitbegins',\n", " u'.@ThaddeusRussell and Michaelson have a point: Few ppl have advanced the LGBT cause more than Fred Phelps. http://t.co/pvdMky47oD',\n", " u'RT @TPM: Fox Host: \"It took 2,000 years to find Noah\\'s Ark,\" so will we ever find Flight 370? (VIDEO) http://t.co/zUt3cURbPP http://t.co/Op\\u2026',\n", " u\"Breaking: Jax cops have apparently arrested the artist known as Keith Haring's Ghost. More info when I get it. http://t.co/sohBAXOTuo\",\n", " u\"Breaking: Jax cops have arrested the artist known as Keith Haring's Ghost. More info when I wake up.\",\n", " u'If you or someone you know wants to help @folioweekly change the world, hit me up ASAP. http://t.co/vpxBTQRKwQ @AltWeeklies \\n#journalismjobs']},\n", " {'REP': [u'People say that after a few years you start looking like your pets & that explains why I now have 6 nipples #Florida #folloback',\n", " u\"@1055online thanks for following @WayneFelber he's very funny! #comedy\",\n", " u'Easter & 420 on the same day,I bet they run out of Cadbury Eggs & Peeps worldwide causing mass hysteria! #420 #Easter #marijuanatweet #bunny',\n", " u'Easter on 420? I guess we are gonna hide pot & see if the kids can find it. #420 #weedbrownies #Easter #EasterWeed #marijuanatweet #bunny',\n", " u'I\\'m not sure if I can trust a product called \"Nut Cheese\" #VeganMovies #vegetarian #vegetarianproblems #Easter #EasterSunday #Florida',\n", " u\"Almost show time I'm opening for Bon Jovi tonight,I'm halfway there in my comedy career! #florida #BonJovi #Comedy http://t.co/cGzJN8cVXe\",\n", " u'I wish people would stop trying to end Childhood Obesity in America,wake up people & realize Obese Children are our future source of protein',\n", " u'May 5th comedy contest in #PortSaintLucieFlorida #Florida http://t.co/8kBPwOWYR4',\n", " u'OMG Ned is back on General Hospital #GeneralHospital #SoapAwards #teamfollobwack',\n", " u'A Blood Moon right before tax day hmmm is it irony? #IRS #TaxDay #TaxDayIn3Words #bloodmoon #BloodMoon2014 #WayneFelberComedy',\n", " u\"Now that's a Blood Moon! #BloodMoonEclipse #bloodmoon #BloodMoon2014 #Eclipse2014 #eclipse #FollowBack #Florida http://t.co/FlMgqJaVCH\",\n", " u'#BloodMoonEclipse #BloodMoon2014 #moon #BloodMoonEclipse #bloodmoon http://t.co/F2c3rSKcFp',\n", " u\"Now this woman has a commitment and love for #7-11 oh and she's a stripper! #Florida #portstlucie #PSL #comedy http://t.co/F8MQQt4GOv\",\n", " u\"I'm starting to doubt my optimistic views! #teamfollowback #follobackinstantly #SouthFloridaSpill\",\n", " u'Come to this show 4/15 8pm #SouthFlorida #westpalmbeach #FollowBack#teamfollobwack #comedy #tacotuesday #PalmBeach http://t.co/lslyPOvqBm',\n", " u\"I'm writing a book called How To Be A Dummy For Dummies. #Florida SouthFlorida #westpalmbeach #PalmBeach #comedy #follobackforfolloback\",\n", " u\"If we took Jamie Fox's,Michele Obama's & Michael Strahan's teeth and put them end to end we could build a bridge from Florida to Cuba! #CNN\",\n", " u'I know I\\'m a heathen because at church today during communion I starting singing \"We\\'re doing shots shots shots\" #ChurchFlow #sundayfunday',\n", " u'RT @heatco: @WayneFelber haha! Commercials!',\n", " u'@flavakrystal75 It cracks me up logo lol me @WayneFelber for daily laughter http://t.co/rr2d3NoV20']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@WhatTonyCs @GulfPower @bentina_terry as usual Mr. Carvajal did an excellent job educating us. Thanks Tony!',\n", " u\"RT @FlChamber: A New York minute now costs $7,198. Tsk tsk. @HowMoneyWalks author Travis Brown let's us know why Florida is winning. #CapDa\\u2026\",\n", " u'#CapDays14 @HowMoneyWalks. diff n wealth from living n Fl w/less taxes can b n 6 figures. Why live somewhere else? #come2Florida @FlChamber',\n", " u'#capdays14 @HowMoneyWalks FL biggest winner for wealth & pop migration from other states. #come2Florida all u friends r @FlChamber',\n", " u'#capdays14 @HowMoneyWalks 546 days away from Ca to not have income retro taxed #ReallyCalifornia? @FlChamber #come2Florida',\n", " u\"#CapDays14 @EnterpriseFL have you seen EFI's Perfect Climate 4 Business Campaign or it's new website? Selling Fl. @FlChamber\",\n", " u'#CapDays14 @EnterpriseFL from reactive 2 proactive under @GraySwoope leadership. 2010-13 133% inc cap investment, 91% new jobs @FlChamber',\n", " u\"#CapDays14 @EnterpriseFL represented by Griff Salmon talking about Florida's Econ Dev efforts. @FlChamber\",\n", " u\"#CapDays14 @WhatTonyCs making @FLChamberFdn proud 2 have him as our EVP @FlChamber. Great job on educating Florida's leaders.\",\n", " u'#CapDays14 @WhatTonyCs 643 new floridians/day & 90M visitors/year. Fl is growing. 3rd largst state soon! @FLChamberFdn @FlChamber #LoveFL',\n", " u'#CapDays14 @WhatTonyCs $140Tr 2020-30 added 2 global econ1.8B new jobs 4 that economy,90% world consumers outside US. How will fl b prepared',\n", " u\"#CapDays14 @WhatTonyCs diversification as key 2 Fl Economy. Capital goes where it's appreciated\",\n", " u'#CapDays14 @WhatTonyCs 150K more high paying jobs 4 Fl assoc w/trade, logistics & advance mnfg. Awesome opp 4 Fl @FLChamberFdn @FlChamber',\n", " u'#CapDays14 @WhatTonyCs 894k net new jobs needed for 6% unemployment n 2020....how do we prepare Florida @FLChamberFdn @FlChamber',\n", " u'#CaptiolDays @WhatTonyCs 894k net new jobs needed for 6% unemployment n 2020....how do we prepare Florida @FLChamberFdn @FlChamber',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: When Florida grows, everyone benefits. #CapDays14 #sayfie @insideFPL http://t.co/BmsFmF5A5i',\n", " u'RT @salnuzzo: @brandon_chamber Pres @GBCCPrez: \"4 in 5 jobs in FL are in small business. Small biz drives FL economy\" #capdays14 http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@MichaelKors: When in doubt\\u2014give cashmere. - xxMK\\u201d. So not my normal tweet but I was moved by this one! \\U0001f609',\n", " u'#CapDays14 @willweatherford 90 days 2 focus on the issues that matter 4 a phenomenal session with long term impacts @FlChamber',\n", " u'#CapDays14 @willweatherford quality education = employment = prosperity. A winning formula for Florida @FlChamber']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@KevinCate 7:43 pm. Friday, May 2 #catesinedie',\n", " u'RT @ErinVanSickle: #FF @StephSmithFL @Eric_Jotkoff @steveschale @AbelHarding @SaraSClements @CoryTilley @vlangleyheller @KathyBurstein @Tim\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @HistoricalPics: The men who raised the flag on Iwo Jima in Joe Rosenthal's iconic photo from 1945 http://t.co/Fk4WVN2JNK\",\n", " u'@SWHansford @coremessage thanks for the great bday gifts and for being such a great team!!!',\n", " u'@ErinVanSickle @VolunteerFla Congrats Erin! Great news!',\n", " u\"RT @FlChamber: Why SUCCEED makes more sense then 'secede'. http://t.co/jCMtIDtn3K @EdhMoore #SucceedFlorida #sayfie @coremessage http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FICF4HigherEd: @FlChamber & ICUF calling for FL to succeed, not secede! http://t.co/r5YkhsTP41 @EdhMoore #SucceedFlorida #sayfie http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"@SlaterBayliss it feels like it was the 1800's for sure. Thanks and hope you are well!!\",\n", " u'Bring on the cool weather! Feels awesome! #tooearlyforsummer lol',\n", " u'Tallahassee Democrat:Carole Jean Jordan: On Tax Day, consider burden on business - CoreMessage http://t.co/iorOpRCIYN via @sharethis #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Florida Main Street Coalition uses Tax Day to push for simpler tax code http://t.co/XfHy2TxzgH #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @NWSTallahassee: As of 8:05am, the #Tallahassee Airport was up to 3.56\" of rain for the day (so far). Normal MONTHLY rainfall for all of\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EdhMoore: @Peggynoonannyc -usually spot on-has it wrong today on @jebbush and CCSS- they are higher standards-not curriculum. That is u\\u2026',\n", " u'Tallahassee Democrat: Local gardens grow more than food - CoreMessage http://t.co/fCtmJo1aKX via @sharethis #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @CityYearMiami: @CityYearMiami @CityYearOrlando @CityYearJAX,Tallahassee tonight! Join us as we honor @timcenter as a Hero of Service ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Brackets are set for #TallyMadness; voting begins today! http://t.co/YwVhrsCFHf',\n", " u\"RT @DOMTIBERI: Thank you for following @mariasmessage here on Twiiter, over 14 hundred followers since last night! Keep sharing it. let's \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TheTweetOfGod: Lord have Mercer!',\n", " u'RT @bomalley: .@RepWebster & @mywinterhaven Mayor Birdsong at the soon-to-be-open intermodal rail terminal in Winter Haven. #sayfie http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FloridaRetail: Must read from @TCPalm: Scotts Miracle-Gro CEO steps up to help resolve Florida\\u2019s water crisis\\nhttp://t.co/Oo2ShjBE2J #s\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'#GlobalSelfie @NASA Happy Earth Day! @SpaceFlorida http://t.co/Y51l1qr7QQ',\n", " u'Florida continues to lead in job creations. #itsworking #perfectbusinessclimate \\nhttp://t.co/vxUZbza0O1',\n", " u\"RT @CareerSourceFL: Survey: Florida business owners' positive outlook doubles http://t.co/CdpeZrZerX #CareerSourceFL\",\n", " u'\\u201c@VISITFLORIDA: 5 Great Places to See Florida Manatees http://t.co/9rfhaKH9uh\\u201d and use my brother 2 book your tour @ManateeTour',\n", " u'RT @SpaceKSCBlog: A medical product tested and proven in space is now being advertised on TV. Read \"Space on Your Shelf\" at http://t.co/Jmr\\u2026',\n", " u'@GMA you just lost a viewer. No response to the blatant falsehood and fear mongering used by Chipolte to get people to eat their food? Fail',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: @EnterpriseFL describes their new integrated website. Looks amazing! #CapDays14 #sayfie http://t.co/I2KPToMnoU',\n", " u'Trial begins in case of slain FSU student http://t.co/B8MqPypqyL',\n", " u'Swearing in ceremony for the Lt. Gov. Love watching our government ceremonies.',\n", " u'RT @BianchiWrites: Who would have ever thought that Tim Tebow would be a bigger star during this Super Bowl than Peyton Manning?',\n", " u'Budweiser does it again. Amazing. #americasheros',\n", " u'Finally the National Anthem done justice at the #SuperBowlXLVIII',\n", " u'RT @SpaceFlorida: FL Space leaders visit Tallahassee on 3/12... Former Astronaut Bob Crippen making appearances! http://t.co/crPH4l06Lp htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ksoileau: \"With or without Congress\"=\"Constitution, Shmonstitution\" #SOTU',\n", " u'RT @GOPLeader: RT if you agree - we must repeal Obamacare. #SOTU',\n", " u\"RT @perfbizclimate: @StudentsFirst ranked #Florida's #education policies #2 in the nation on their 2014 State Policy Report Card. http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TomRooney: \"$20 Million Allotted to Fight Against Citrus Greening\" http://t.co/grbEjSNbyd #citrus #ag #sayfie',\n", " u'Another job announcement in Florida. 300 jobs in Bay County at iSorona @FLGovScott @EnterpriseFL http://t.co/8YH38IROZX',\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: Congrats to EFI trade mission participant @HernonMfg - named @SBAgov District, State & Regional Exporter of 2013! http:\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@UberFacts: Abercrombie burns its unsold clothes and won\\'t donate them because it\\'s a \"bad image for their company.\"\\u201d boycott Abercrombie!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @willweatherford: Also, to @Larry_Ahern (HB59) and @RepJanetAdkins (HB1047) #prolife',\n", " u\".@albertemartinez congratulations on the new post. You've finally gotten a respectable job.\",\n", " u'.@PamBondi holds significant lead in re-elect. http://t.co/y71hflxAM6 #sayfie',\n", " u'.@EJ_Otero writes a great piece for the @TampaTrib on Obama foreign policy fumbles. http://t.co/ibmNqJV2PH #sayfie',\n", " u'.@Twittalitarian congrats to you and Rachel on the birth of Nicholas Stanley.',\n", " u\"Pack it in Democrats. It's over. @RyanGOP @albertemartinez @mkdonlin @hannaman00 @mattdoster @Mattlangston_\",\n", " u'.@MaryLynnMagar congratulations! 1st bill intro from the floor. Great to have you back. #sayfie #ssnalerts',\n", " u\".@wiltonsimpson Great leadership for FL's veterans. http://t.co/02BRNW93jz #sayfie #ssnalerts\",\n", " u'.@Mattlangston & @georgepbush making FL and conservatives proud with great TX victories last night. #tcot',\n", " u'.@cortesbob floods the district with mega-precinct walk. http://t.co/XaBsbT90I8 #sayfie #ssnalerts',\n", " u'Thanks @GoMeteoric for the heads up. I meant @cortesbob was endorsed by Dallari.',\n", " u'.@bobcortes endorsed today by Seminole Cty Commish Chair Bob Dallari. http://t.co/HrQcWHbjUB #sayfie #ssnalerts',\n", " u'.@dennisbaxley gives great interview on the Florida Channel. Real leadership. http://t.co/sNQPSyUbxn\\n#sayfie #ssnalerts',\n", " u'.@dennisbaxley gives great interview on the Florida Channel. Real leadership. #sayfie #ssnalerts http://t.co/sNQPSyUbxn',\n", " u'.@jaytrumbull gives another great weekly update at https://t.co/qF9L1n5V8v #sayfie #ssnalerts',\n", " u'Another great week for @jay_fant RT: Catch up on what happened in our campaign this week: https://t.co/dcYtq2Loss \\u2026',\n", " u'MT@cortesbob: Endorsed by Mayor & entire Casselberry Commission today. A huge step forward for our campaign http://t.co/6zDjH63pMf #sayfie',\n", " u'Good to hang with one of my favorite Democrats @steveschale at Redeye this afternoon.',\n", " u'.@dennisbaxley makes great points on medical marijuana debate. http://t.co/L2gvqJKnRw #sayfie',\n", " u'RT@jay_fant: JAY FANT BREAKS $300,000 IN JANUARY FUNDRAISING. Fant now has a 3-1 fundraising advantage. https://t.co/623mAPqS9l \\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Happy #EarthDay2014! Planting vegie seeds with my grandson today. #DoingMyPart',\n", " u'RT @MattyIceAZ: People who have lost coverage due to #Obamacare are like Leprechauns. You always hear they exist but you have never met one\\u2026',\n", " u\"@TerraRose22 Pretty sure she's done this time.\",\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: The Dem. Governors Assoc. writes $500K check to @CharlieCrist campaign. And he should debate Nan Rich why?',\n", " u\"@NooneOfan I'm there!\",\n", " u'@NooneOfan @29plussome She is actually advocating for people to NOT vote. How insane is that?!? My vote is precious',\n", " u\"@NooneOfan @29plussome She wants a debate. But why should he give a platform to someone that most voters don't know? He's focused Scott\",\n", " u'@NooneOfan @29plussome I hate that she had so many followers. Praying they see through her too.',\n", " u\"@29plussome Thru and thru! I decided she isn't worth my time or energy. Thx for the support\",\n", " u'@29plussome I believe the Dems will see thru her crap and do their own research and VOTE. Not voting is not the answer.',\n", " u\"@29plussome If I see something that is flawed, I'm going to call BS. There is no reason 4 her to try to divide the party over non issues\",\n", " u'@WomenOnTheMove1 Ur chain-gang analogy is flawed & is for no purpose other than to spread hate & divide the masses.',\n", " u\"@WomenOnTheMove1 So don't vote for him. I'm here because you are spreading misinformation& hate.\",\n", " u\"@WomenOnTheMove1 @CharlieCrist Chain-gangs weren't minority driven, they were for prisoners of all colors. Ck your history\",\n", " u\"RT @mikegelin: I'm running for District 2 Commissioner in the @CityofTamarac. Follow my FB page @ https://t.co/ziAmfKlIkO\",\n", " u\"@StarCreativeI We're on the same team then. Keep up the good fight!\",\n", " u\"@StarCreativeI Sry if I added my 2 cents. It just makes me sad when people don't exercise their rights bc I know what it's like to lose them\",\n", " u'RT @Mwforhr: You need to expand Medicaid. @SteveCrisafulli @willweatherford',\n", " u'@WomenOnTheMove1 Not trying to convince you of anything. Only stating the facts. I know he cares & listens which should be important to all.',\n", " u\"RT @bennydiego: Don't be a failed human being #UniteBlue #tcot http://t.co/ok5Wdhpk46\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Courtesy of Aunt Cheryl. #nofilter http://t.co/KxgjOzdPbN',\n", " u'RT @mental_floss: Happy Easter from Nancy Reagan and two mildly terrifying Easter Bunnies. http://t.co/eLnmEXAY4S',\n", " u'RT @Picswithastory: So True! http://t.co/rUbZxDgA9A',\n", " u'Lazy Saturday with jazzee863 http://t.co/xdIaxbb65j',\n", " u'RT @autocorrects: corgi at the beach http://t.co/FNM3FsFoGm',\n", " u'RT @autocorrects: You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him http://t.co/6j4X7sCUKo',\n", " u'RT @politicques: Sorry, Snowden: Putin Lied to You About His Surveillance State\\u2014And Made You a Pawn of It http://t.co/fVAepqxT0S via @theda\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @History_Pics: Dresden, Germany, 1945 http://t.co/JPXwV0rm0w',\n", " u'Amen to that. http://t.co/U1mKJyQhZu',\n", " u'RT @BestOfCosmos: In one decade from this month, the first humans ever to live on Mars will lift off from Earth, never to return again. htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EARTH_PlCTURES: Awesome View of The Eiffel Tower http://t.co/rcr0cnR4Dm',\n", " u'RT @AmazingPicx: This is a high-speed photograph of a water drop refraction by Markus Reugels. Big World in a little drop. http://t.co/62F5\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @History_Pics: Woman hitting a skinhead with her handbag. She was reportedly a survivor of a concentration camp in WW2. Sweden, 1985 htt\\u2026',\n", " u'The dark side of Panera Bread. http://t.co/PtFM5GCSTD',\n", " u'@Jazzee863 RT @AmazingPicx: Baby elephant is playing on the beach for the first time in his life, Sri Lanka. http://t.co/CuzvgFeEcf',\n", " u'\\u201cDuffito es mi amigo!\\u201d With @Jazzee863 http://t.co/ojs4a2r0yX',\n", " u'RT @HouseofCards: Ruthless pragmatism.',\n", " u'I\\u2019m not sure I could get much hungrier.',\n", " u'RT @Guggenheim: Remembering architect Frank Lloyd Wright who died on this day in 1959 at the age of 91: http://t.co/3O9WX9zImd http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'http://t.co/emLRBJhX2u']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @petenaotg: You are a work in progress http://t.co/EMncn06xFv',\n", " u\"Even if you don't do it for your health, even if you don't do it for the animals,\\nDo it for the earth! #Vegandiet #EarthDay2014\",\n", " u'Bet they baby this doggie. Your Tuesday smile. http://t.co/ygV8L8MwPU',\n", " u'@NBC2 Thanks but $60? Think you should at least give a free one to the main person, in this case a military hero. #sad',\n", " u'Stop waiting for God to open a door, You have hands, turn the knob. #Godisbigger',\n", " u\"@zee_anna I'm stalking you.\",\n", " u'@NBC2 How do I get a copy of your 5pm news segment on my daughter CPT Lori Gulley, April 14, 2014?',\n", " u'Amazing photography gifted to our Army daughter. Experience the homecoming surprise. Feel the love! \\nhttp://t.co/8eDfkWvDsp',\n", " u'Smartphone collar. Your Monday smile. http://t.co/iafvsWQ4mK',\n", " u'I just told Northern Dynasty to quit the Pebble Mine https://t.co/TEFFA45bKn (via @NRDCBioGems)',\n", " u'#Praying for my fellow #runners in Boston today. Good will win.',\n", " u'You must Fail in order to Win.',\n", " u'Hand cut cards, great deal and cause. Check out EverGreen China - Home http://t.co/MLNfQdgICL',\n", " u'#Easter is the perfect time to think Life for All creatures! #Godblessthespeechless',\n", " u'In a Hotel lobby? Love places that love dogs, big ones that look like horses! @Hyatt coconut plantation http://t.co/3zA8WL2m5B',\n", " u'He is risen! Will you be? #nevertoolate',\n", " u\"#Easter is about life. I pray you find life worth living. If you don't, look for it before you lose it. #JesusSaves\",\n", " u'RT @InSouthFlorida: Today #SouthFlorida, more than ever remember this ... please ReTweet to support #shopsmall http://t.co/XcaOktkGf4',\n", " u'Check out these loving Southwest Florida Blue Star Mothers - Home http://t.co/eNWB6zx9sy',\n", " u'An Easter Patriot! Out of uniform. Thank you @Nationalcoalitionofpatriots @RuthbBrickham http://t.co/DH7MhG7A5C']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @KevinCate: This is what happened when @CharlieCrist opened up a field office in Broward County on Saturday. http://t.co/zOZf0YC6LJ',\n", " u'RT @Propascofire: Remember Our Heroes- The IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial Fund. These brave fire fighters must not be forgotten http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @brianecorley: Honored to speak to 100 + 7Springs MS students & let vote in a mock election! #futurevoters #pascovotes http://t.co/U47vh\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @IrishQuote: \"May the Risen Saviour bless your home with grace and peace from above, with joy and laughter, and with love.\" - Irish Bles\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @xoxsaramichelle: #tgfad Happy Easter \\U0001f430\\U0001f495',\n", " u'RT @MyFoxTampaBay: Solar arrays now deployed on @SpaceX Dragon in orbit. Launch pics here: http://t.co/On4Xtx5yJJ http://t.co/FvAaazYrU1',\n", " u'RT @ProgressFlorida: \"The governor never called me one time to ask me to expand Medicaid\" -- @willweatherford #HealthFLNow #pfla',\n", " u'RT @billclinton: Excited to add a new line to my Twitter bio...grandfather-to-be! @hillaryclinton and I are so happy for Chelsea and Marc!',\n", " u'RT @SayfieReview: Times: U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson seeks local Medicaid expansion solution for Florida http://t.co/mU4uQYkw2D #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: #ItsNotWorking @washingtonpost: States tht embraced O-care saw uninsured rate drop 3X faster than states that didnt h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @brianecorley: The key to a happy & long marriage? http://t.co/LhswZCrtkN',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: Most state building money now goes to charter schools http://t.co/gEMzs78qxH RT if you agree public $ should go to public scho\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @UnitedWayPasco: Don't forget: it's #Taxday! If you procrastinated, don't worry. File online TODAY fast and free with @MyFreeTaxes! http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @KevinCate: RT @SaintPetersblog This one video demonstrates why @CharlieCrist will win in November. http://t.co/GQPtIDjdgQ',\n", " u'\\u201c@SaintPetersblog: Legislature shuts down for holidays. http://t.co/wdSZyQ0RtJ #sayfie\\u201d No time for healthcare? #leadershipdoesnotcare',\n", " u'RT @LeadershipPasco: Congratulations Class of 2014 for a successful and fun Taste of Pasco! Did you attend? What were some of your... http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @fasanomike: Fl Leg does it again.\"In a year of budget plenty, waiting lists for elderly, disabled trimmed only a little\" http://t.co/m\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TracyCristia: @BigStormBrewing What a great little find! #loveagoodbeer http://t.co/AGBvhlghLW',\n", " u'RT @BigStormBrewing: #BigStormin at the taste of #pasco http://t.co/jcjYr8bzHQ',\n", " u'RT @RepAmandaMurphy: LPs annual Taste of Pasco. This sampling is from Villa Verde Cafe http://t.co/muiMHmSVUn']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Just finished my last grad school final. @Dave_ABC27 is one step closer to not calling me a college student anymore. #eventhoughImnot',\n", " u\"And this is why I can't stand the Blackhawks. #rude #LGB http://t.co/a9SIHE7g8X\",\n", " u'Everything on http://t.co/vLmmSFnDTy is 50% off and free shipping. This is not a good day for my credit card\\u2026',\n", " u\"\\u201c@CityChurchKids: Here's a THANK YOU video from the kids! http://t.co/muDDnYCt36\\u201d LOVED this!! :)\",\n", " u'So proud to have been a part of teaching more than 60 K-2nd graders about \"honoring God with my words\" on this Easter Sunday! #PraiseJesus',\n", " u'RT @citychurchtally: Happy Easter, Tallahassee! http://t.co/16UQrqTvxv',\n", " u'RT @thedocrob: To all who volunteered @citychurchtally #CivicCenterEaster: THANK YOU! You made it possible for 5,200 to hear the Gospel & m\\u2026',\n", " u'#merica http://t.co/HsXmxmNbWY',\n", " u'Thank you!! \\u201c@calkinsmedia: So proud of @ChristinaRez at @abc27 for winning Best General Assignment Reporting at the Florida AP Awards!\\u201d',\n", " u'This is Dave\\'s best \"Office\" style Jim face, I guess. http://t.co/vpQcBFuLh2',\n", " u'Taking a break from reporting the next couple of weeks to train some new producers at the station!',\n", " u'Watch the wonderful @Dave_ABC27 and @bdal10 and their spring football special that aired this past weekend! http://t.co/Utk7xHPR6l',\n", " u'RT @abc27: WTXL crew ready for the Garnet and Gold game! Check out our special tonight at 6:30pm on WTXL and streaming online! http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bdal10: New look for FSU football http://t.co/3Tz83Bfg5K',\n", " u'FSU officially has a new logo! http://t.co/s9dF4eCMot',\n", " u'My interview from Sunrise today about the Tallahassee Pridefest: http://t.co/WnX01UdL2d',\n", " u'Sunrise Rocks this morning with Bob Malone! http://t.co/GC3M78SGY3',\n", " u'@biggreenpen @MaxTsaparis @bigmoose good morning! Good to be filling in for @GregAngelWTXL',\n", " u'@BigMooseRadio @MaxTsaparis @abc27 #WEEKENDCREW',\n", " u'RT @abc27: Join @ChristinaRez bright and early at 5am for the News at Sunrise!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @JustinCSnow: Johns Hopkins University will give Edie Windsor an honorary degree next month http://t.co/456IGqk143',\n", " u'RT @EdWeekSCavanagh: Panelists on GSV privacy discussion warn that overly strict state legislation could backfire, restrict parent access t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ChalkbeatNY: .@voxdotcom takes on number sense and the Common Core, with videos and examples of student work: http://t.co/1yiQUNSZ05',\n", " u\"It's hot in Phoenix! At #edinnovation conference at ASU. Meeting w clients, new friends in ed technology who need help getting messages out.\",\n", " u'RT @hechingerreport: #ASUG2014 good place to think about classroom of the future: http://t.co/Kfxaqrub5d -- what will it look like? #edinno\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @DigitalPromise: Hey, #edinnovation summit goers! Catch @kcator's data privacy panel w/ @istreich @rec54 & others at 3pm in Ballroom M h\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @asugsvsummit: Beautiful location for this year's #EdInnovation Summit! @the_phoenician #Arizona http://t.co/72SPOGEbit\",\n", " u'RT @cajkapeterS: MS passed #religious #freedom bill. Gives right to \"live according to one\\'s #conscience\" But only if \"in majority.\" http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @hechingerreport: Great group of speakers gathering in Arizona: Looking forward to good discussions next week: http://t.co/30asHO6mG7 #E\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EdWeekSCavanagh: Massive money flow into K-12 is spawning new ideas, helping schools, argues organizer of ASU/GSV summit http://t.co/Wz\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HawkinsNACAC: Tennessee Lawmakers Approve Plan to Make Community College Free http://t.co/bmDZKeHC6F via @chronicle',\n", " u'RT @CNNSchools: How much are college students learning? Ben Wildavsky of @RockefellerInst raises the question on @CNNOpinion: http://t.co/k\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JMitchellNews: Bobby DeLaughter, who prosecuted Medgar Evers\\' killer, writes novel, finds \"forgiving place\": http://t.co/qCGJlyhisb htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CapehartJ: Franklin Graham\\u2019s detestable anti-gay statements. http://t.co/cfbsVFgNq4',\n", " u'RT @deanflorez: More Latino Than White Students Admitted to UC - Higher Education http://t.co/Yl74fKhdWi via @twitterapi',\n", " u'RT @SDrummondNPR: Starts tomorrow: full (ed) team coverage:special report on \"High Quality\" in preK. @npratc and @MorningEdition @CsanchezC\\u2026',\n", " u\"I'm official! (New business cards.) Ready for conference at ASU in Phoenix. #edinnovation @CSGEd http://t.co/M32a0wxCtw\",\n", " u'RT @wilkinson_Jeff: SC vets to return to France for D-Day 70th anniversary http://t.co/NNbNr7FvcH #sctweet #thestate',\n", " u'RT @kbushweller: inBloom to Shut Down Amid Growing Data-Privacy Concerns http://t.co/ihzBv3lyzP via @educationweek',\n", " u'RT @adv_project: From @GovernorVA decision more people will be able to fully rejoin their community & stand proudly at a voting booth http:\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Look at Kendrick Perkins prosper',\n", " u'@MaryCharlotte00 \\U0001f44c\\U0001f44c\\U0001f44c',\n", " u'@MaryCharlotte00 you at UNF trying to write it?',\n", " u\"RT @richarddeitsch: Craig Sager checks in w/SI from his hospital bed. Wants everyone to know he's in good spirits & watching the @NBA: http\\u2026\",\n", " u'@MaryCharlotte00 LOL u said well no like youre mad',\n", " u'Should really get started on my Medical Module',\n", " u'@MaryCharlotte00 what do u use a reference? Porn sites?',\n", " u'@MaryCharlotte00 what in the world lol',\n", " u'@MaryCharlotte00 whats it on?',\n", " u'RT @danawhite: Fiiiiiiiiiiiight weeeeeeeeek!!!! Jon Jones vs Glover Teixeira for the LHW title LIVE on PPV!',\n", " u'@AndreasPiazza a truck? Lol',\n", " u'@Slightly_Shawn hahahahah',\n", " u'Gonna surprise my mom at sunrise service in STA',\n", " u'My mom made me wear @TommyHilfiger Jorts when I was in 6th grade for school pics...didnt talk to her for two & a half weeks',\n", " u'Kinda like ugly piece of furniture u hve cuz u cant afford somethin nice cuz ur broke from movin. u say\"itll do till we find somethin better',\n", " u'Jorts never been really, they were just the \"itll do till we find something better.\"',\n", " u'Cut off jeans are in, trendy/Hipster. Jorts are not, why is that so hard to understand.',\n", " u'You gotta buy fitted jeans and cut em for jean shorts nowadays...Dont buy jorts.',\n", " u'Jorts LOL',\n", " u\"Thats good though practice will pay off when you need to flip off the recruiter that didn't give you the job cause of social media pics.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@AviryCarroll but our kids will actually be able to sit through it. Well I'm hoping at least lol.\",\n", " u\"Ty's killin it on the drums today lol #drummer #drums http://t.co/G7FSQjT0GV\",\n", " u'He loves his aunties. Seriously the only time he smiled lol. #easter #resurrectionsunday\\u2026 http://t.co/KvoILi5Q3y',\n", " u'Happy Easter! He wouldn\\'t smile lol. The only time he smiled was with \"Teesa\" and \"TT\" lol http://t.co/wSABdSrRWe',\n", " u'He loves his TT. @tiffanynicolet #cutie #easter #resurrectionsundau http://t.co/rDAaXnFdzx',\n", " u\"He's missed napping time with his daddy. #cuties #boys #naptime udell12 http://t.co/EtXanQC7gT\",\n", " u'Watching a commercial of the hugging Elmo @TiffanyNicoleT says \"I want that!\" While pointing at the tv #thingstiffanysays',\n", " u'RT @Epic_Women: Life is like photography - develop from the negatives.',\n", " u'RT @SchylerDixon: Psalm 119:37\\n\\nTurn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways.',\n", " u'RT @TiffanyNicoleT: The sun will be turned to darkness & the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. \\n\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @tweetsbyamber: \"What God has done in the past can amplify your faith in the present.\"',\n", " u'RT @TheresaNoelleT: Singing and marching! Happy Palm Sunday! #Hosanna #churchflow #pklife @k_koenig10 @clumsycortina http://t.co/OS5AVgeiVq',\n", " u'RT @TheresaNoelleT: Woke up at 8am on a Saturday to drive to Daytona for IHOP! @TiffanyNicoleT @clumsycortina @k_koenig10 #dedicated2food #\\u2026',\n", " u\"It's Friday which means it's #girlsnight with @TiffanyNicoleT @TheresaNoelleT and @k_koenig10 I'm so excited!!! We gonna pig out! \\U0001f43d #fatties\",\n", " u'RT @TheBbaIILife: I just want to play basketball.',\n", " u\"Tyler's first time cutting grass with daddy. udell12 #likefatherlikeson #startwhentheyareyoung\\u2026 http://t.co/n0Hw3xRBDp\",\n", " u'RT @Stinabean03: Fun day at the fair! http://t.co/gJeEgSQXbb http://t.co/4Veu0JG9OD',\n", " u'Ty had a great time at the fair today then knocked out before we even started the car lol #fair #fun\\u2026 http://t.co/sp5ZtRoFNz',\n", " u'RT @Epic_Women: Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.',\n", " u'RT @FamousWomen: God sometimes takes us into troubled waters not to drown us, but to cleanse us.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @Mamadoxie: Conservatives: Step away from the Facebook. Now. You Won't Believe What Facebook Did To @toddstarnes Pro-Bundy Post - http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @dennis_merritt: 'I Was Sentenced To Life In Prison -- And Then I Got A Second Chance' http://t.co/HwbT9ugKCR\",\n", " u'RT @TheTrialFile: Boys, 14 and 16, wounded in South Shore #Chicago shooting http://t.co/esq7WS0B54',\n", " u'RT @thriftymaven: An 8-year-old special needs student faces felony charges for destroying police property & resisting &obstructing. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WESH: Deputies: Man charged with sex battery on 10-year-old http://t.co/gSvVvpKhjF',\n", " u'RT @cnsnews: Police: Victim, suspect in Ga. mall shooting dead http://t.co/3hHao94Iky',\n", " u'RT @TheTrialFile: Woman who stopped #Detroit mob attack testifies she heard defendant yell, \"I\\'m going to kill him\" http://t.co/F6OXWnzf1p \\u2026',\n", " u'\"@NinaBCaley: @repashe, please review this article and join @MarcTLombardo & @RepJimLyons Resolution to #FreeJustina http://t.co/RgIbOhgbBY\"',\n", " u'WOW! Amazing when \"Priest\" get on tv & say something exactly the OPPOSITE of what the Bible says.',\n", " u'Deval Claims There Was \\u201cNeglect In The Home\\u201d Of Justina Pelletier. Is He Lying?\\u2013UPDATED WITH AUDIO | http://t.co/qHc4Vp0xMG via @sharethis',\n", " u'RT @IAMMGraham: ICYMI: Deval Patrick falsely accuses Pelletiers of \"neglect in the home.\"Text of letter here:\\nhttp://t.co/xbuj5ryyYB #freej\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @darab_ic: BLM Attacks Again: From One Rancher to the Next, BLM Targets 90,000 Acres Say Doesn\\u2019t Belong to TX http://t.co/Z0kj5cgcKp via\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Delaproser: Hear a Mother/Pastor's plea 2 AG Eric Holder 2 investigate ovr 200+ pages of missng transcripts n #IRP6 case https://t.co/8\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @annem712: @JordanSekulow @jpaceDC @MajorCBS Please report this story more often.https://t.co/VtJi2JYj1o',\n", " u'RT @Salon: Rape is not a narrative device: How #GameOfThrones glamorizes nonconsenual sex http://t.co/sD4uUC17y7',\n", " u'RT @NYDailyNews: Man catches huge fish, has proof. http://t.co/eqrOID2FWJ -@NYDNBoroff http://t.co/j4GzVDAQMP',\n", " u\"RT @phxdailynews: 17-year-old fatally shot in Prescott Valley ID'd: Prescott Valley police have released the identity of a... http://t.co/L\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @alan_uplc: You also don't have to travel back in history. Right now, the US holds 80,000 people in solitary. UN considers 15 days in so\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @helenmag: Northern Utah toddler accidentally shot with rifle dies | The Salt Lake Tribune #MomsDemand #GunSense http://t.co/N6DEod4XBs \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Shocking__Facts: As U.S. prison population rises, each year 1200 acres of land are converted into prison facilities.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I could just text her but let me go ahead and message her on every social network #boylogic?',\n", " u\"@bossman_fitz what's wrong with your belly button dude\",\n", " u'Girls should just never tweet about sex or their period',\n", " u'I like my men covered in tattoos',\n", " u'\\U0001f629\\U0001f629\\U0001f629\\U0001f630\\U0001f486 ily https://t.co/OLNVxjw1k1',\n", " u'What perfection looks like. https://t.co/d5CYyDGDFy',\n", " u'@Pixley822 @Jordannnwingo oh yeah! I hope you go \\u263a\\ufe0f',\n", " u\"@Pixley822 I'm gonna request my best friend (@Jordannnwingo ) for a roommate but if I don't get her then yes \\U0001f633\",\n", " u'@Pixley822 yes in the fall \\U0001f389\\U0001f60b',\n", " u'@Pixley822 do it \\U0001f60d',\n", " u'Can I just be living in Tampa now please',\n", " u'#crips',\n", " u'@GoldnerTaylor @Erin_Pelican',\n", " u'When she discovered the truth \\U0001f625 poor little girl!!! \\U0001f602\\U0001f62d like, revine and follow for #topfunny vines posted e... https://t.co/SoNVOOazGq',\n", " u'Sundays are my designated napping days \\U0001f64f',\n", " u'One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself is to think realistically.',\n", " u\"Yo like why do I have a curfew I'm 18...\",\n", " u'@Brandin_Adams mine',\n", " u'Ihy @Erin_Pelican',\n", " u'RT @SouthParksBest: When someone you hate sits next to you https://t.co/blMj3RZSBv']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @thePRmaven: That\\u2019s the fact, Jack! RT @ExcelinEd: Looking for fact check on @learngofurther? @MikeThomasTweet is at your service: http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"Hippies can't dance.\",\n", " u'http://t.co/CnNQbzfJwu',\n", " u'RT @JackLatvala: Proud to introduce a bill today that will provide in state tuition to FL students regardless of their parents immigration \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @williamstander: RELEASE: Wal-Mart Backed Legislation Gives Minors Greater Access to Liquor #sayfie #florida http://t.co/ZN1U3Wzcc9',\n", " u'RT @JimmieTSmith: Florida may not have the Super Bowl this year but we are still winners when it comes to Jobs! #sayfie #Limbaugh http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"Just saw #EsuranceSave30 commercial. Who's gonna win?\",\n", " u'RT @VoiceofFLBiz: Tip of the hat to great AIF member @flblue for sponsoring such a worthwhile cause. http://t.co/hMTmU7y6Rc',\n", " u'RT @RossSpano: HB277 Open Access of School Grounds for Kids to Play passed 13-0 in committee this AM. #kidsneedexercise #runandplay',\n", " u'School Playground Bill, HB 277, passes first committee in House! Congrats Rep @RossSpano !! Protect the Schools and let Kids Play',\n", " u'14 Things that will dominate Florida Politics this year. Thoughts? http://t.co/1MBEuaERqL',\n", " u\"@StoneMtnPark disappointed that on a day kids don't have school the Snow Mountain is closed due to cold?\",\n", " u\"Eric Dudley: Modern Santa isn't symbolic of the holiday http://t.co/CXF4YC9xai via @tdonline\",\n", " u\"Here's hoping you all have great times with family and friends today as we celebrate the birth of Jesus! Merry Christmas!\",\n", " u'Home cooking equals better health. Especially if everyone can get to a grocery store. http://t.co/MpNpbyrsQI',\n", " u'RT @stevebruskCNN: How do you not love college football after a day like this?',\n", " u'Holy Crap! @JamesGrantFL picked it three weeks ago in Tampa Auburn wins the Iron Bowl! Congrats to the Tigers!',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Spread the word #ItsWorking http://t.co/TUqNHyFaDI',\n", " u'Commissioner Adam Putnam and Chef Justin with @freshfromFL Thanksgiving Recipes. Yum! http://t.co/sd9VVlE3Qj',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: #ItsWorking, but we still have more work to do to diversify our economy & create jobs for generations to come.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'At 7 @ChrisHopper24 is live in #Tampa at a church where they are feeding the homeless this #Easter. @BN9',\n", " u\"#HappyEaster! I'm with you on @BN9 this morning. Coming up in 5 min, a surprise guest at the Phillies/Rockies game- a squirrel on the field!\",\n", " u'Coming up on @BN9 at 10: storm damage, sad @TBLightning outcome, disabled vet needs your help finding his dog.. and much more!',\n", " u\"We're live from the Forum in about 4 minutes with a preview of tonight's @TBLightning #playoff game! #GoBolts\",\n", " u\"Good Friday to you! I'm on the anchor desk tonight on @BN9. News starts in 2 minutes!\",\n", " u\"@paulmnews Glad it worked! And I'm sure you worked it!\",\n", " u'Moment of silence right now to mark the one year anniversary of the #Boston Marathon bombing #BostonStrong',\n", " u'RT @bostonpolice: #BostonMarathon Tribute is set to commence on Boylston Street. To all in attendance - we say: \"Thank you.\" http://t.co/cV\\u2026',\n", " u'Ha. #NewsFightingWords @noahpransky! Maybe as a consolation prize you can make up @DougKolk\\'s \"nickname\" since he didn\\'t get one',\n", " u\"Recount! @paulmnews I demand to know why you're not on this list http://t.co/X5NBv5afmr #BestMaleNewsHair @MomsontheGo\",\n", " u'RT @cnnbrk: Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is resigning, a White House official says. http://t.co/8yYtSuMue3',\n", " u'Beautiful tribute to #SWFL meteorologist Jim Reif who passed away this week from my pal @lenjenningsKMBC http://t.co/2mJFczkvb5',\n", " u'@Lindsay_Joy_B Oy! #NoFun',\n", " u'Avoid NB 275 #HowardFrankland bridge right now. Road work causing major congestion',\n", " u'Sad. Great season #Gators',\n", " u\"@JeffreyRYoung I'd like to think so!\",\n", " u\"LIVE NOW: News briefing from #FortHood about today's shootings\",\n", " u'BREAKING: President Obama speaking now on @BN9 about the shooting in #FortHood',\n", " u'RT @nbcnightlynews: BREAKING: A shooting has occurred at Fort Hood, U.S. Army official confirms to NBC News',\n", " u'RT @RaysBaseball: No. 1 of 162 in the books. @DAVIDprice14 was victorious on a glorious #RaysOpeningDay. Rays down the Jays, 9-2. http://t.\\u2026']},\n", " {'INT': [u'RT @sbagen: Justice Breyer remains the crossover sensation in Fourth Amendment cases.',\n", " u'RT @rickhasen: I do not envy the Supreme Court press bar that has to cover major affirmative action ruling and major oral arguments today.',\n", " u'RT @brkend: SCOTUS sides with Michigan in affirmative action case, allowing a state constitutional amendment barring racial preferences.',\n", " u'Today, the Court agreed to decide the Constitutional implications of a traffic stop based upon a misunderstanding of law.',\n", " u\"The Court has decided to once again hear a case concerning the Armed Career Criminal Act. It's like deja vu all over again. #SCOTUS\",\n", " u'RT @JoshMBlackman: Stevens is on @NewsHour Breyer is on @cspan. #scotus overload',\n", " u'RT @ABAJournal: Growing Carlton Fields opens LA office with former Steptoe litigation practice leader at the helm http://t.co/JSi8sFTQsw',\n", " u'RT @MDAppeal: Frank Underwood quoted in first line of new Maryland high court opinion http://t.co/65iIyuXLJE',\n", " u'RT @nancyleong: Line of the day. Lucero asks OK govt atty about his brief. Says \"I read ALL the words. I just didn\\'t understand them.\" #sam\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JessBravin: RBG: we both care about how opinions are crafted. But of course \\u201cthe way we say it is quite different\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @JessBravin: AS: Ruth and I used to critique each other\\u2019s opinions on the DC Circuit. Like academic colleagues in law school.',\n", " u'RT @JessBravin: Q: how would u amend the Constitution, if u could? AS: I\\u2019d make it easier to amend the Const. RBG: I\\u2019d pass the Equal Right\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @richardjwolf: On cameras in court, Scalia says \"why should I participate in the miseducation of the American people?\" Ginsburg: \"It\\'s p\\u2026',\n", " u'Can anything of substance be gleaned from the different fonts and formats that the Courts of Appeals use for their orders and opinions?',\n", " u'RT @Tonymauro: Alito un-recuses in two key #scotus business cases, likely after selling stock that caused conflict of interest',\n", " u'The DC Cir. dismissed the constitutional challenge to the filibuster on jurisdictional grounds: http://t.co/eUPF8OR3eq',\n", " u\"Here's @PeterContiBrown's outstanding piece on the Constitutional crisis at the Federal Reserve: http://t.co/8GsPD1zBa6\",\n", " u'RT @ZoeTillman: Federal judge in Ohio rules state ban on recognizing same sex couples legally married elsewhere is unconstitutional http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @OrinKerr: A few thoughts on legal scholarship in the lean years: http://t.co/yRobv74lpw',\n", " u'Happy @The_Masters Saturday, everyone!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@deaninserra @JimmyScroggins @Jonathanakin @nateakin @ashlynportero bro time http://t.co/sMeYbYINPb',\n", " u'No socks and red pants up on stage. So Palm beach, @JimmyScroggins',\n", " u'@danielwhyteiv @jdgreear literally, thank God for that.',\n", " u'There\\'s a reason why Jesus\\' last words were \"it is finished\" rather than \"go fix yourselves.\" @jdgreear #erlcsummit',\n", " u'Pumped to be at #ERLCSummit wth @deaninserra and @ashlynportero. Party on',\n", " u'@deaninserra @AlexisHarts @CityChurchKids this gal ROCKS',\n", " u'@yldawg @ashlynportero just driving through to get to Nashville!',\n", " u'Atlanta by nightfall @ashlynportero http://t.co/sIdDr5glCm',\n", " u'Love celebrating and serving alongside my sweet @citychurchtally senior ladies. Happy... http://t.co/oQzNpfdQ1M http://t.co/HaGEIh4HVQ',\n", " u\"As if we couldn't love our church more, @elle_nyman got to meet @marcusjohns today. #civiccentereaster http://t.co/2faQAv0FLN\",\n", " u'Love these sweet girls! @sarahunscripted http://t.co/ISSClYGoiW',\n", " u'RT @tdoss21: Wow! Wow! Wow! May my story always be, look what He has done, not me. A great day celebrating with @citychurchtally http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Love me senior @CityChurchU girls. Happy Easter! http://t.co/v10kAsLOKe',\n", " u'#civiccentereaster run through. Dang, I love my church. And @gianalopezhall http://t.co/uNF4iF722g http://t.co/W0hhAVELqr',\n", " u'But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!',\n", " u'#civiccentereaster run through. Dang, I love my church. And @giana_hall http://t.co/uxOmqoSlat',\n", " u'RT @sammyrhodes: Holy Saturday. The best reminder that the silence of God doesn\\u2019t equal the absence of God.',\n", " u'@CalebHall boom',\n", " u\"Dallas Buyers Club. Jared, you're so pretty. http://t.co/eO7Yv3slhR\",\n", " u'RT @TLHDowntown: My View: KCCI Downtown date night will be swinging http://t.co/GqH0A7J5Sd via @tdonline']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @StevenErtelt: Baby Goes Home After Doc Says: \\u201cAbort Him, He Has No Chance\\u201d http://t.co/V3IYQCy3JP #tcot #Oshie http://t.co/uAyH30sJvh',\n", " u'RT @citychurchtally: Thank you for joining us @citychurchtally today @FLGovScott & @talkwithadam http://t.co/CYmpPzh8Xw',\n", " u'@mrbobbybones that song has me balling in my car. Amazing for @judybepimpinjoy',\n", " u'Music is a good place to hide. http://t.co/tHhSEyS02W',\n", " u'RT @LutherQuots: That upon which you set your heart, and put your trust, is your god.',\n", " u'RT @CalebHall: Six years in. Still mocking cancer to its face. Suck it lymphoma.',\n", " u'RT @LiveAction_News: Pope Francis cheers March and life, President Obama cheers abortion and death http://t.co/BbVYpQ5nLt via @NRLC',\n", " u'RT @StevenErtelt: Hundreds of Thousands of Pro-Lifers March for Life: Mourn 56 Million Abortions http://t.co/Ch1m6VUwY0 Roe #whywemarch htt\\u2026',\n", " u'#florida #friday #florida http://t.co/uNezPIXlOA',\n", " u'3 reasons Christians should mourn on December 28 http://t.co/BGF1NKzTSJ via @RNS',\n", " u'RT @asmithblog: This Christmas, show gratitude. http://t.co/w5dYa5qe6U @DanielKosmala',\n", " u'http://t.co/J0Enf9mxCm \"Take it from the top, but do it a bit more boring and awful this time.\" --Coldplay\\'s Producer']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @FAANews: FAA Announces First UAS Test Site Operational http://t.co/sGkqysXQgZ #aviation',\n", " u\"SpaceX's Second Attempt To Launch Dragon Spacecraft Was Successful http://t.co/hbNzUh5y9t via @BI_Science\",\n", " u'RT @Commercial_Crew: NASA selected Kathy Lueders as @Commercial_Crew program manager. Learn more: http://t.co/4LLHDAgnUv http://t.co/7culEZ\\u2026',\n", " u\"@SpiritBen @TomahawkNation Do we really think that's #FSU? I think more likely #Alabama if they'll have him and Auburn will let him\",\n", " u'@SBNationCFB @TomahawkNation Hope we get him over to #FSU',\n", " u\"RT @EnterpriseFL: The @EDCOkaloosa celebrates 25 years in 2014. They've helped bring thousands of new jobs to the region. Congrats! http://\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @SpaceX: [PHOTO] Liftoff of Falcon 9 and Dragon - Dragon now on it's way to the ISS. http://t.co/JJJXLpezxV\",\n", " u'RT @b0yle: Find out how @SpaceX is blazing a new trail for rocket technology: http://t.co/XoYwhsS0Il http://t.co/JmHReEjKbs',\n", " u'RT @SSNAlerts: Rick Scott helps dedicate new Northrop Grumman center in St. Augustine http://t.co/t4hIAZRRsw #SSNalerts #sayfie',\n", " u'This video makes me seriously proud to be a #NOLE https://t.co/77kJi3SGWz Thanks @TomahawkNation',\n", " u\"RT @SpaceFlorida: Excited for tomorrow's launch! Want to learn more about our #ISSRC winners? Here you go... http://t.co/MbdvbojdsV http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @csf_spaceflight: Congrats to #SierraNevada on being named a Top 10 Most Innovative Space Company by Fast Company Magazine! #SNC #DreamC\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @xprize: Six reasons why space tourism matters.. to all of us. #TeamSpace @glxp http://t.co/M2RcZQE9HK',\n", " u'RT @Commercial_Crew: Blue Origin is incorporating new and innovative features into its Space Vehicle. Learn more: http://t.co/Lpp5vdqy58',\n", " u'RT @aiaa: Google buys UAV maker Titan Aerospace http://t.co/FtHdjPMDwi',\n", " u'SpaceX takes over KSC pad 39A http://t.co/MuNS67dln3 via @Florida_Today',\n", " u'@FloridaPRjunkie Congrats Tina! Thrilled to be featured in @Florida_Today keep chasing those entrepreneurial dreams! http://t.co/T1Kp3GpXgV',\n", " u\"RT @FloridaPRjunkie: Thrilled to be featured in today's @Florida_Today Biz Section - keep chasing those entrepreneurial dreams everyone! ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SenatorAltman: A new era in space flight began on April 12, 1981 when Space Shuttle Columbia soared into orbit from KSC FL. http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NewSpaceGlobal: Target for SpaceX Falcon 9 launch of ORBCOMM sats is May 10-15 http://t.co/NBrQSiym7i']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Rumour?: U.S. Chief Justice Roberts \\u201cSigned Off On Interpol To Arrest And Remove Obama on 25 Charges of Treason\\u201d. Cold Feet Running Scared',\n", " u'Rumour?: U.S. Chief Justice Roberts \\u201cSigned Off On Interpol To Arrest And Remove Obama on 25 Charges of Treason\\u201d. FYI Worthless',\n", " u'RT @gerfingerpoken: (IBD) Beware The Militarization Of Government - #BLM #Bundy Attack Just The Beginning - http://t.co/tIgpCSQHcZ - http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"@Warx2TheMovie Either u like killing or u can't handle it. If u kill alot, u have trouble manifesting that in your head time and time again\",\n", " u'Colorado High, Ricky Mountaiin, Pot Pot Need Pot Hey about some Angel Dust it is stronger, hallucination, Sharon tate.,',\n", " u\"Colorado AR15's and pot. Liberals can't reason when sober\",\n", " u\"What's next Flowers on Beetles again and vans with curtains, flop houses and graves, plenty of graves & more Charles Manson's, Richard Speck\",\n", " u'Slow speech comes from too much Pot. I know I have a friend who smoked pot all the time. Burnt Brain U are fools',\n", " u'Reflexes, gone, vision crippled and hearing impaired, Pot Smokers. I am 67 years old and I know what I am talking about. Make your will',\n", " u'Hey Colorado, smoke that pot, the more deaths the less the state and the feds will have to pay out.',\n", " u'Duh, Hey Colorado, what time is it.',\n", " u'All feelings go straight to the brain Colorado. Pot goes straight to the brain not the pain. The dead brain',\n", " u'U remember the 1st time u took an aspirin and how it stopped pain. that is what drugs do, effect the brain',\n", " u'I guess if u want to live in pain, handicap, slow death, smoke pot. drugs and brain matter do not mix',\n", " u'I feel some sorrow for the hungry for pot. They will die or be totally brain dead. I have a friend who is Walking Dead. It is ashame',\n", " u'Colorado is returning to the Dirty Sixties, Angel Dust, will be next.',\n", " u'In the words of Capt.John Paul Jones A fast Ship Please, for I intend to go in Harms Way. I have yet, begun to Fight. Continental Navy',\n", " u\"To stop a bully, pick up a stick and beat the hell out of him. The Federal Gov't is our bully.\",\n", " u\"Rein in Harry Reid. Abuse of power and despicable behavior on Reid's part. Recall Reid\",\n", " u'Righteousness. take politics out of law. Politics is a methodology. Not intangible or the will of the people. Stop the poltics with us.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Sunsets at the Cape. #alaroad #CapeCod @ Cape Cod Highland Lighthouse http://t.co/4u82XQqyie',\n", " u'Just like the Pilgrims. #alaroad #PlymouthRock @ Plymouth Rock http://t.co/J2DoKf4Rmi',\n", " u'More weight. #SalemWitchTrials #alaroad @ Salem Witch Trial Memorial http://t.co/c04bybSxl2',\n", " u\"@theobserver Looks like we'll have more teachers leave. #notsurprised #shameful\",\n", " u'RT @adamsmithtimes: Poll: Crist 46%, Scott 41% http://t.co/7ovy2e07s0',\n", " u'RT @EveryGirI: Kinda wanna look good in a bikini kinda wanna eat three burritos from chipotle kinda pissed I have to pick one',\n", " u\"@Scottgreatkids Good point! I'll try that!\",\n", " u'Crazy, Stupid, #Love. @ LOVE Park http://t.co/dKMrj4GeFG',\n", " u\"The Goat Whisperer. #alaroad #springbreak #maryland @ Clark's Elioak Farm http://t.co/PwyChgHCRl\",\n", " u\"George wore these same boots, some say. #alaroad #GeorgeWashington #Virginia @ George Washington's\\u2026 http://t.co/P2IYQZWkE9\",\n", " u\"When goats attack. #alaroad #downonthefarm #goats #maryland @ Clark's Elioak Farm http://t.co/WfrK5LkKwx\",\n", " u\"Here's why I won't teach next year. @theobserver http://t.co/ZWqiYT7OSO\",\n", " u'Virginia is for Instagrammers. #alaroad @ Stony Creek, Virginia http://t.co/puTGnfvPSt',\n", " u'My life. \\u201c@ThoughtCatalog: 26 Teachers Tell Of Students Having Crushes On Each Other http://t.co/XN2IH6R52s http://t.co/aGIguWps8T\\u201d',\n", " u\"@andersoncooper Stop teasing us. Or don't. Whatever.\",\n", " u'RT @EveryGirI: Me \\U0001f602\\U0001f44c http://t.co/c3ZF2o2q1A',\n", " u'Spring has sprung. #nashville #spring #springyall @ Centennial Park http://t.co/7o3fuzu7AW',\n", " u'That time we went to Greece...or Nashville. #whatever #samething #parthenon #nashville @ Parthenon\\u2026 http://t.co/UvowXYD1XH',\n", " u\"I don't usually pretend to be from a different school, but when I do, it's when the #Gators lose. #FinalFour #GatorNation\",\n", " u'Damsel in distress. #nashville @ Centennial Park - Train Shelter http://t.co/T5FcHSjC7i']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @KC_Shane_Gooner: Dwl a man se portmore full of smoke cau a new gaza pope has been selected',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: \"When Americans unite in common purpose, we can overcome any obstacle.\" \\u2014President Obama: http://t.co/N4dotou4lA #ActOnClim\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SmittyRoyal: Any way, wanna get Jamaica onto the right track, lets focus our energy into renewable energy (Solar, Wind, Water). 90% of \\u2026',\n", " u'@SmittyRoyal is it possible though? This would be a good case to defend since govt is fresh out of ideas.',\n", " u\"RT @AP: Hold your horses: New NYC mayor's plan to get rid of horse-drawn carriages in Central Park stalls: http://t.co/aD75YQkryS\",\n", " u\"RT @DanGarrahan: Managing MUFC: @rogerblitz and @andrewtghill on the management lessons from #Moyes' departure http://t.co/hd9mQ32Cp0 via @\\u2026\",\n", " u'Trust mi! \"@CallTyrone_W: Watching Grey\\'s on Hulu - but the ADS killing me. Netflix is better where that Is concerned.\"',\n", " u'RT @reid_suzy: \" JC student fighting cancer to become a scientist - http://t.co/LxbIVJmzNE\"@JudyGrace101-now u tell me. A student with canc\\u2026',\n", " u\"@Reilly_White haha. Oh I know. I've read enough, now I'll use my MBA BS detector!\",\n", " u'RT @UNM_Anderson: @WainTawp yep, we have awesome professors for sure! @Reilly_White',\n", " u'\"Use your outstanding MBA BS detector when going through an IPO prospectus\" - @Reilly_White / @UNM_Anderson we gotta keep this guy!!',\n", " u\"RT @DREWDIAMOND32: Like a ooman weh keep on a tek ABUSE! RT @LoriJohnsonEnt Bt seriously, we can't sit by & accept these ridiculous taxes..\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Greg0706: The JA Govt has hit the entire county with $6.7b in new taxes while reportedly not collecting $5.4b from 11 entities.|http://\\u2026',\n", " u'Fatigue. Lol. \"@UNM_Anderson: Do you know what\\u2019s killing your productivity? http://t.co/6i6Nw7LFiz\"',\n", " u'RT @PrediJahkno: Rio Cobre, Bogwalk Gorge. RT @Digicel_Jamaica: Retweet if you can tell us where in Jamaica this picture was taken. http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JusCallMe_Viv: The person who manage elephant man IG want 2 bloodclaaa box',\n", " u'RT @JusCallMe_Viv: Plz Mr. Crawford sir go to ochi and leave twitter alone',\n", " u'RT @SadeInc: WT????? RT @DamionCrawford: @Richie_FUUU its the best way to protect the poorest in my mind since a man living on $200 seldom \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SadeInc: RT @nnboogie: Damian Crawford was supposed to be different remember? He was supposed to understand our point of view and speak\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ShawnaWTF: all of a sudden nobody aint a PNP supporter anymore loool. Gee, you folks sure were vocal in 2011']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'\\u0645\\u064e\\u0647\\u0645\\u064e\\u0627 \\u0643\\u064e\\u0627\\u0646\\u062a\\u0652 \\u0638\\u064f\\u0631\\u0648\\u0641\\u0643\\u064e \\u0641\\u0650\\u064a \\ufe8e\\u0644\\u062d\\u064a\\u064e\\u0627\\u0647 \\u061b \\u0641\\u064e\\u0644\\u0627 \\u062a\\u064f\\u062d\\u0645\\u064e\\u0644 \\u0628\\u0642\\u064e\\u0644\\u0628\\u0643\\u0652 \\u063a\\u064e\\u064a\\u0631 \\ufe8e\\u0644\\u0646\\u064a\\u064e\\u06c1 \\ufe8e\\u0644\\u062d\\u064e\\u0633\\u0646\\u064e\\u06c1 \\u060c \\u0641\\u064e\\u0639\\u0644\\u064e\\u0649 \\u0646\\u064e\\u064a\\u0627\\u062a\\u0650\\u0643\\u064f\\u0645\\u0652 \\u062a\\u064f\\u0631\\u0632\\u0642\\u064f\\u0648\\u0646 _\\u2667*',\n", " u'\\u0644\\u0627\\u062a\\u0633\\u062a\\u0647\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0628\\u0644\\u062d\\u0638\\u06c1 \\u0622\\u0633\\u062a\\u063a\\u0641\\u0622\\u0631: \\u0648\\u0644\\u0648 \\u0644\\u0640 \\u062b\\u0622\\u0646\\u064a\\u062a\\u064a\\u0646\\u060c \\u0641\\u0644\\u0622 \\u062a\\u0639\\u0644\\u0645 \\u06af\\u0645 \\u0645\\u0646 \\u0622\\u0644\\u062e\\u064a\\u0631 \\u0633\\u062a\\u0631\\u0632\\u0642\\u060c \\u06c6 \\u06af\\u0645 \\u0645\\u0650\\u0646 \\u0628\\u0644\\u0622\\u0621 \\u0633\\u0648\\u0641 \\u064a\\u0631\\u0641\\u0639 .. #\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u063a\\u0641\\u0631_\\u0627\\u0644\\u0644\\u06c1 #\\u0627\\u0633\\u062a\\u063a\\u0641\\u0627\\u0631']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"Runner falls just short of finish. Four others pick him up and carry him. I'm literally in tears #BostonStrong http://t.co/36PLN9fP2b\",\n", " u'@GWaldenWFTV getting your forecast ready right now. Watch eyewitness news at 11pm http://t.co/cVjPQto8UF',\n", " u'RT @WFTV: Scammers pretend to be IRS, threaten Orange County woman http://t.co/vP2oS64yZ4 #wftv',\n", " u'See you at 6 pm for the Latest: Crews battle fire Evander Square Apartments in #Celebration http://t.co/m9epCHQ4kk.',\n", " u\"A little late night reading. That's what happens when U anchor 10pm news RT:Republicans file complaint over Crist ad http://t.co/K41hvTxlng\",\n", " u'Latest at 10pm Wrdq TV 27 w @NAlvarezWFTV Hear from the Lake Mary woman who was mauled by a Black bear in her yard http://t.co/1m3MX1DMnx\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @KCraigWFTV: Baiting the traps. http://t.co/aJO1rs2cBS',\n", " u'The Latest at 4pm RT:Man with knife accused of attacking elderly woman http://t.co/x1pdDSsJRG #wftv http://t.co/yiK1LkLdYL',\n", " u'Anchoring the 6pm News all week. But had to share: Kate Middleton plays cricket in heels http://t.co/DWNEBAlAac\\nhttp://t.co/v3zSVneQt0',\n", " u'Great time RT @GabbiePapazov: BFFs @JEstevezWFTV @Charisse27 #wwsorl http://t.co/5NNpEYX8Hb\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @SeaWorldMommy: Our friend @JEstevezWFTV & @winechix at @2harvestCFL #feedhopenow http://t.co/uL2Bqk4ruS',\n", " u'Back stage at Women Wine and Shoes @SeaWorld http://t.co/6D5o0LvH8L',\n", " u'@NAlvarezWFTV @vscflorida @Shawnbartelt @mvaca Congrats you deserve it for all you do for survivors on our community',\n", " u'Watch eyewitness news at 6 pm. Robert Corchado is in custody. Details: http://t.co/RA9vjChFtF #DaycareCrash http://t.co/D1X36CTsMS\\u201d',\n", " u'FHP still looking 28 y/o Robert Corchado re: #DaycareCrash http://t.co/mkvGC1FZXI http://t.co/MyJHvSA1ys\\u201d',\n", " u'Latest on Wrdq TV 27 at 10 pm Person of interest wanted in connected with #DaycareCrash may be trying to flee http://t.co/QwWR39Tbs5 #wftv',\n", " u'RT @WFTV: PLEASE RT: #DaycareCrash person of interest Robert Corchado rented Mazda CSX1 SUV, tag CHRQ41, at OIA. #BOLO http://t.co/WGRV0UFi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GWarmothWFTV: Search is on for driver who may have caused crash that injured more than a dozen at Kindercare. #DaycareCrash http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WFTV: MORE: Person of interest wanted in connected with #DaycareCrash may be trying to leave Orlando http://t.co/HbxmNsheVZ #wftv',\n", " u'Watch Now RT: children being brought to ER after car crashes through daycare ...reports up to 11 injured @WFTV http://t.co/zMIwMMfAeK\\u201d']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"One of the smartest animals around is one you'd never expect http://t.co/XwwLyyZPNi via @sharethis\",\n", " u'2 High School Students May Have Solved The Most Annoying Thing About Ketchup Bottles http://t.co/yjR4cF3jXT via @BI_TheLife',\n", " u'AT&T boosts GoPhone smartphone plans with more data allowance http://t.co/k72j4553UG',\n", " u'The bottom line when picking a university: No debt allowed http://t.co/ilUX5yivao via @washingtonpost',\n", " u'Leftover Coffee Grounds http://t.co/6hPaQugYon via @Hometalk',\n", " u'Your Messy Desk May Be a Good Thing | Money Talks News http://t.co/1I4U7Gt6ww via @moneytalksnews \\nThis is me!',\n", " u'Employers Want To Hire College Graduates With These Majors http://t.co/dtvMHi9acN via @bi_university',\n", " u'The 5 Classic Cocktails That Everyone Should Know How To Make http://t.co/VpuKrGCtwh via @BI_TheLife',\n", " u'Flight Attendant Delivers Safety Talk That Leaves the Passengers in Stitches http://t.co/jqXY33y7hj',\n", " u'Rick Scott\\u2019s Latest Dirty Trick Backfires as Charlie Crist Disrupts The Disrupter http://t.co/4w4IUmX4gN via @politicususa',\n", " u\"Babies can't wait until daddy gets home http://t.co/0int5Dscts via @sharethis\",\n", " u'A wedding surprise from a priest that will leave you speechless http://t.co/GvY8nylsns via @sharethis',\n", " u'5 futuristic connected gadgets you\\u2019ll want in your home | http://t.co/NaiavEw9zq http://t.co/NSMjPjcZdr via @sharethis',\n", " u'3 things you must know before buying your next light bulb | http://t.co/NaiavEw9zq http://t.co/YSTRYXEALq via @sharethis',\n", " u'http://t.co/4UMBuLbMbP',\n", " u'REVEALED: The Most Normal States In America http://t.co/BTWhrwyRbW via @clusterstock',\n", " u'Girl Ages From 0 To 14-Years-Old In 4 Minutes http://t.co/YRjAriHVSn via @Digg',\n", " u'\"You have to be kidding me\" Tow Truck Fail Original Video - YouTube https://t.co/VppDFXI1GH',\n", " u'5 futuristic connected gadgets you\\u2019ll want in your home | http://t.co/NaiavEw9zq http://t.co/NSMjPjcZdr via @sharethis',\n", " u'20 best dog tricks ever http://t.co/Rvilbkfwzk via @sharethis']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @RaysBaseball: In 4 of the last 6 games, #Rays starters haven't allowed a run in the first 7 innings. #GooseEggs\",\n", " u\"Love the new FSU uniforms and logo. Can't wait to see them on the field. The black and Garnet look fantastic. http://t.co/DqBz5Ydwg6\",\n", " u'See my answer on @Avvo to: Now divorced I need to revoke our revocable trust \\n home in ... #irrevocabletrust http://t.co/tPOP7DXluo',\n", " u'UCONN MAJOR UPSET!',\n", " u\"RT @WSJ: Breaking: Fort Hood reports active shooter, orders everyone on base to 'shelter in place.' http://t.co/W36IeHjyrv\",\n", " u'RT @WSJ: The soda decline continues: http://t.co/EOWOofrEQG http://t.co/5Mfu6lokHU',\n", " u'RT @Forbes: The TB @RaysBaseball are the best MLB team for the money http://t.co/QTyujNe9Ck',\n", " u'Mad World NewsAngry Mother Destroys Common Core by Writing This on Her Son\\u2019s Test http://t.co/X9EiRl5PKC',\n", " u'RT @WTSP10News: Plane crashes in water off Albert Whitted Airport http://t.co/o2IaH11sq6 #10News http://t.co/cQe4cqkHdh',\n", " u'RT @Gizmodo: 13 stunning shopping malls from the dawn of consumerism http://t.co/SFseN5olaI http://t.co/m84cuf4cGC',\n", " u'RT @fsusports: (fsu) W. Volleyball. Noles Outlast Florida in Exhibition: The Florida State indoor volleyball team finished it... http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'If You Were Born In The 60s, 70s, or 80s, You Have to Watch This. WOW. (via @theSFTimes) http://t.co/BGdYG0HTrF',\n", " u'SEC charges pair of brokers, investment advisory firm, others with $80M variable annuity scam http://t.co/lP890vAkK9',\n", " u'Please see my answer on @Avvo to: Is a land trust the right solution? #inheritance http://t.co/iE9gzHXy7i',\n", " u'Please check out my answer on @Avvo to: How do I file a Membership Certificate for an LLC in Flori... #business http://t.co/UIPaP4Gc3Y',\n", " u'Dumbest thing ever said to a cop during DUI stop Read more: \\nhttp://t.co/pw56IHC5ZT via @970wfla',\n", " u'RT @floridastate: Want to have a say in what our redesigned license plate should look like? Take this survey: http://t.co/Eqh5ow6cIq http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"What's Wrong With Philip S. Hoffman's Will...for starters it's old & not a Trust http://t.co/566Oh4ZB7U via @aboutdotcom\",\n", " u'History is the best teacher...if you are willing to study the past. http://t.co/pgZZtlcy4Y',\n", " u'RT @TBLightningShow: Report: Martin St. Louis Has Requested Trade From Tampa Bay Lightning - http://t.co/TuitLlU95u http://t.co/iZoR1MgVle']},\n", " {'LIB': [u'John Armstrong, the Florida Surgeon General and head of the Florida Department of Health, told the House Judiciary... http://t.co/pq2wJSV9ei',\n", " u'Very true.... http://t.co/Wlh4PISRgZ',\n", " u'***ACTION ALERT*** Craft Brewery Bill Headed for Senate Floor | Liberty First Network http://t.co/xHpS57EUo3 http://t.co/oMx8dMkAdz',\n", " u'Do you value your liberties and those of everyone else? Do you consider taxation and inflation to be forms of... http://t.co/PCaUZFOwzn',\n", " u'We should not ask government to give us our rights, we ask governemnt to protect our rights. http://t.co/b7ZERL39wk',\n", " u'Help us reach thousands of registered libertarian voters who are not yet members. http://t.co/x6q7qjXlON http://t.co/IcWTiXsXYq',\n", " u'ACTION ALERT Stop SB 1714 \\u201cThe Craft Brewery Extortion Bill\\u201d http://t.co/Ackj2UcQcW',\n", " u'Oklahoma #Republicans To Charge Homeowners Who Install Solar Panels monthly fee http://t.co/PyM2bgifXM',\n", " u'How The Conservative\\'s \"War On Drugs\" Brought Communism To America http://t.co/uHmNje5rLH',\n", " u'ACTION ALERT Stop SB 1714 \"The Craft Brewery Extortion Bill\" | Liberty First NetworkLiberty First Network... http://t.co/nURwbYbqoL',\n", " u'Find Libertarians near you, help your local affiliate grow by becoming active in your community. All politics is... http://t.co/9PCTxuRUqS',\n", " u'http://t.co/2PxSs21W7H http://t.co/nkSyGn3szM',\n", " u'The LPF recognizes that you own your life, and that you are free to pursue happiness in your own way, with... http://t.co/tfGIgsCwEk',\n", " u'What do you think about this quote by Harry Browne? http://t.co/3qq8lnMNGO',\n", " u'http://t.co/RnjlSkgZer',\n", " u'Help the LPF grow, sign up to volunteer or run for office!... http://t.co/JaMrwSR183',\n", " u'Find libertarians in your area. If your county is not listed, use the form to get information on starting an... http://t.co/yyPCoFOjOL',\n", " u'Vote Libertarian, share libertarian ideas and volunteer for a #Libertarian candidate! http://t.co/xedlSspl4u http://t.co/WfRANpqKiS',\n", " u'http://t.co/ekjxcBXyut',\n", " u'http://t.co/dKiuXK4Nxv']},\n", " {'REP': [u'The High Cost of Liberalism - Thomas Sowell - Page full http://t.co/NQu4fWv44O',\n", " u\"Don't Dump Pennsylvania's Governor - Michael Reagan - Page 2 http://t.co/nTeCCZZ3VU\",\n", " u'Krauthammer Against The Tyrants - Emmett Tyrrell - Page full http://t.co/NebGUfKZi5',\n", " u'Charles Krauthammer: Thought police on patrol @drudgereportapp http://t.co/sK18LQ9Rjp',\n", " u'Matthew Continetti - How Comcast Bought the Democratic Party @drudgereportapp http://t.co/qqMDJbXAGB',\n", " u'How Foreign is Our Policy? - Thomas Sowell - Page 1 http://t.co/Ou0bqi58Eh',\n", " u'How Foreign Is Our Policy?: Part II - Thomas Sowell - Page full http://t.co/VWtgBhmBtK',\n", " u\"Can you beat me in @WordsWFriends? Prove it. Username: 'Frederickbs'. #LetsPlay http://t.co/7YQMaqECzq\",\n", " u'Great article https://t.co/k3ETsiohd9',\n", " u'Racist Elephants - Neal Boortz - Page 1 http://t.co/yr4iihtQ2p',\n", " u\"Foreign Policy: Here's how to stop Putin http://t.co/8QyXZdl8XA\",\n", " u'The Left Versus Minorities - Thomas Sowell - Page full http://t.co/uwA2qNFbHn',\n", " u'Shocking turnaround in the German Homeschooling case http://t.co/kmq4i6fwkL',\n", " u\"Law prof: Obama power grab threatens to make president 'government unto himself' | Fox News http://t.co/VLWhIDW57o via @fxnopinion\",\n", " u'Greenpeace co-founder: No scientific proof humans are dominant cause of warming climate | Fox News http://t.co/M8YMO90C23 via @fxnscitech',\n", " u'http://t.co/yGjCYT3P8f',\n", " u\"Can you beat me in @WordsWFriends? Prove it. Username: 'Frederickbs'. #LetsPlay http://t.co/3335Lx6b2g\",\n", " u'Working Americans shoulder Obamacare burden http://t.co/E4knJh8TGj',\n", " u'Uh Oh: Corruption Allegations Threaten to Bring Down Charlie Crist\\u2019s Gubernatorial Campaign - Daniel Doherty http://t.co/N4TKWEHlcH',\n", " u\"A Fired-Up Trey Gowdy Blasts Obama Over 'No Smidgen of Corruption' Claim - http://t.co/70IwMzvYGh http://t.co/hKlKAWrsJj via @ConservaVideos\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@CommishOnline NBC also has the voice',\n", " u'@CommishOnline Callahan scored last game and they got screwed',\n", " u\"@CommishOnline nobody has shown more grit then Callahan.I'd rather have two more Callahan's on the team\",\n", " u'@CommishOnline bread is a filler.boo bread at buffet',\n", " u'@CommishOnline the lightning just need to come out and punch them in the mouth..no punk bitches allowed..lol.',\n", " u'@CommishOnline nick jr for spongebob...fox for bucs games ( if shown ) .food network for obvious reasons.',\n", " u'@jimrome the zombie apocalypse will start with Linkin Park by this weekend.they will not die',\n", " u'@BrightHouseCare I was just confused why the guide showed one showing but showed something different.annoying is all.',\n", " u\"@BrightHouseCare same thing happened yesterday.it says one thing is on but it's actually something different.\",\n", " u'@CommishOnline call it chuckeling instead of fake laughing.and you should hum instead of singing.',\n", " u'@CommishOnline underrated is a croissant..also underrated french kiss.',\n", " u'@CommishOnline if the lightning could not find a couple new good defenders then maybe they can find some more guys like callahan',\n", " u'@BrightHouseCare on Friday the guide said the Lightning game was on channel 1139.but it was a Marlins game instead.fox sports messed up.',\n", " u'@CommishOnline I had that problem with brighthouse also.they had it on channel 39 standard cable.',\n", " u'@CommishOnline remember Detroit might trade up to the number two pick',\n", " u\"@987TheFan Jacksonville passed onTebow I don't think they can pass on Manziel too\",\n", " u'@987TheFan so did that set a record for most screw jobs in 1 hockey game .have Drake look it up',\n", " u'@CommishOnline refs fault mostly.1st goal horrible D.please tell me its not the same ref tomorrow.',\n", " u'@DAonCBS did you see that bs lightning game? how many screw jobs can 1 team have against them.boooo on the officiating.',\n", " u\"@dingdish wusssa.....if the Lightning lose you're going to be one fired up guy tomorrow\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Non Profit Volunteer | Green Living | The Nature Conservancy http://t.co/48mjpA5NsG via @sharethis',\n", " u'Sign the petition from @TomColicchio & @FPAction: Tell Congress not to block state GMO labeling laws http://t.co/2N0mJEDn6c #GMO #DarkAct',\n", " u\"Tell #BigOil we won't be bullied. Let's stand up for the world's poor. http://t.co/4GWTgHlCXd\",\n", " u'Sign petition to federal government:Collect every cent deadbeat Cliven Bundy owes to the people of the United States. http://t.co/SNZKRH0BWI',\n", " u'http://t.co/UMwMJlyOPq',\n", " u'80 Years of Planning: The Kochs + The Family + Birchers = No Democracy http://t.co/Twdsg359Mn via @dailykos',\n", " u'What dangers does #tarsands extraction pose to surrounding communities? Time for a Tar Sands Crash Course: http://t.co/1YLNOzq51K',\n", " u\"Don't let Staples destroy your local Post Office. Sign this Petition. http://t.co/sjcc4BrGGA #Staples #StopStaples\",\n", " u'Take Action: http://t.co/Ag5MhjN0l6',\n", " u'.@CynthiaLummis FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@SenatorEnzi FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@SenJohnBarrasso FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@RepGwenMoore FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@RepPaulRyan FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@SenRonJohnson FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@tammybaldwin FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@SenRockefeller FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@Sen_JoeManchin FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@PattyMurray FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction',\n", " u'.@CantwellPress FACT: Concealed carry permit holders have committed at least 26 mass shootings since 2007. #MomsDemandAction']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@YourToyZoo I yelled \"NO\" as I was left, wanting more!',\n", " u'RT @NewsCarolyn: Best tourism campaign ever. RT @GoToIrelandUS: Seeing is believing in #GameOfThrones Territory http://t.co/UgQgw3s7yD http\\u2026',\n", " u'@JCarrasco5 I would like to know when the @GameOfThrones wine(s) will be released. Maybe it will come from the @FLXWineCountry. #GOT #WINE',\n", " u'#GOT Time! http://t.co/SMqtonk7it',\n", " u'Miss ya buddy!! @RayTheNewsman',\n", " u'RT @tvguyhal: Amanda Evans leaving News 13 to care for husband http://t.co/GjUc1DBtsW',\n", " u'Power has been knock out and restored twice in 5 minuets. Looks like its going to be one of those nights #Storms #PalmBay',\n", " u\"RT @AmandaNewsGirl: I guess it's official RT @tvguyhal: Amanda Evans leaving News 13 to care for husband http://t.co/ED92rh5tRG\",\n", " u'RT @KCraigWFTV: @AmandaNewsGirl sending you lots of love and support!',\n", " u'RT @MelbournePolice: In 2013, #Melbourne Police #volunteers dedicated 11,039 hours assisting the department and the citizens of our city. #\\u2026',\n", " u'Early morning house fire in leads to #marijuana grow operation in Grant/Valkaria #Brevard @MyNews13',\n", " u'Your Friday @MyNews13 AM crew @SandraOsborneTV @AliTuriano #RyanHarper @NatalieTolomeo @JerryHume http://t.co/8gPej02ZZG',\n", " u'@sbarchenger \"coo coo coo\"',\n", " u'RT @OCPres: .@OrlandoCitySC give us your ideas for the new stadium #NewOCSCStadium',\n", " u'@WALTBACON have the big man put me on the list. I will be right over \\n@AmwayCenter',\n", " u'@WALTBACON I see you!\\n@JCarrasco5, put the ball down!!',\n", " u'The one and only original \"Superman\" @AmwayCenter',\n", " u'@Steelers there are 81 Peeps in #PeepsBurgh',\n", " u\"Well since there is an opening in @GameOfThrones I wouldn't mind stopping by to \\n#TakeTheThrone\",\n", " u'@LightingScience In 1872, Yellowstone was the first national park in the world. #earthdaytrivia']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @CitizenAngry: I hate conservative leaders for being such pathetic corporate stooges.',\n", " u'RT @Mom2Rebels: #AutismSpeaks Rhetoric Disorder causes hateful thoughts, refusal to acknowledge and appreciate diversity... #ASRD http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Mom2Rebels: #AutismSpeaks Rhetoric Disorder is a health crisis, stealing parents from their perfect #Autistic children... #ARSD http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"@OurWorldPhotos @bayonnebernie About 100 years from now, someone's going to figure out how to harness that energy.\",\n", " u'RT @Renzo_Soprano: Something to think about: http://t.co/h4QcRn5mDl',\n", " u'RT @JenniferinNC: @Credo4Congress @Mooncatadams People in Tenn please vote this nut case out. Really what has she done 4 u. She votes again\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bayonnebernie: @bayonnebernie Fox News wins in court http://t.co/kjzNnJ1kaZ via @dailykos',\n", " u\"Justice Department plans clemency for 'thousands' of drug offenders via @AJAM http://t.co/tYHKlqemgj\",\n", " u'RT @GoodbyeKoch: Billionaire Charles #Koch on helping the poor: Eliminate minimum wages http://t.co/3oT2st1Uhb',\n", " u\"RT @randyprine: Yep that's about it. http://t.co/s8sIGIGaY1\",\n", " u'RT @GetWisdomDude: GOP raised Million$ to \\nKeep You From Voting\\nMake Them Regret It !! \\nhttp://t.co/m6NUDjFhPV \\nhttp://t.co/Kea2AMjjMq\\n#Uni\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ProgMsg: MT @jasonemryss RT @ZonkerPHL: #UniteBlue Once again Rachel #maddow nails it. http://t.co/DCC8n45I0v #p2 #tcot',\n", " u'RT @ChrisJZullo: Did you know for every $1 Big Oil spends on Congress it makes $58 in corporate subsidies #uniteblue #tcot #libcrib http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardAngwin: Warren Wednesday: Thank You @ElizabethForMA for always putting people first! http://t.co/qAz5k832p6',\n", " u'RT @sophieDPMO2D: #Blair #Cameron http://t.co/pZpCsXWZPi',\n", " u'RT @Inter_Loper: Tax Cuts Does Not Create Jobs http://t.co/iORnHINWuj',\n", " u'RT @twiteconomy: Do you know the difference between \"social progress\" and \"socialism\"? http://t.co/buEyFtzOBe',\n", " u'RT @sissel9lw: Forgive all student loans and force Wall St. To cover it in compensation for their bad faith acts and thievery. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @CallOut4: It's pretty disgusting if you ask me: http://t.co/6gIOTP2vL8\",\n", " u'RT @MiamiLib: Six years later #p2 #tcot #uniteblue #lnyhbt #teaparty #tgdn http://t.co/vEVleh31Gk']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @britdrot: thanks to @FSUAdClub for my first rADy! this can go on my resume, right? \\U0001f609\\u2764\\ufe0f #rADClub http://t.co/VUesK930HX',\n", " u\"When there's a picture of Potts on the front page of the @nytimes, you know the news probably isn't good..\",\n", " u'RT @BiancaMarie819: Drunk girls are making out in the pool. GOOD GOD WTF',\n", " u'SUCK IT JOFFREY',\n", " u'Now that the Masters is over, what will white America tweet about?',\n", " u'RT @GameOfThrones: \"Think I\\'ll take 2 chickens\" Before tonight\\'s episode, watch an unforgettable moment from #TwoSwords http://t.co/Clozyrz\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @britdrot: #chicago http://t.co/5VcmLU0xN2',\n", " u\"FSU's new uniforms are terrible.\",\n", " u'RT @ayylmao: TAKE CARE PT. 2 http://t.co/nplsysI8by',\n", " u'RT @dannykanell: Ouch. What a rough year for the #SECantgetitdone',\n", " u'John Calipari is the Urban Meyer of college basketball',\n", " u'RT @TN_Hoops: Nice to just be able to enjoy high level basketball without worrying that the Gators are going to win it all',\n", " u'RT @MauMor94: Peace out Florida. Good thing the state of Florida still has a champion',\n", " u'Yo Gator fans http://t.co/0JmjdYJ755',\n", " u'Always check your email before showing up to class #lifelessons',\n", " u'RT @sunraysunray: A strong op-ed from the Maduro administration. The New York Times, of course, cheered the 2002 coup. http://t.co/nezJfeO1\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GuardianUS: A convicted child rapist gets probation. \\nA job-seeking homeless woman cries in jail for a week. \\nThis is America. \\nhttp://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FSU_MBasketball: Thank You fans for the support all year long. We look forward to next season and want to thank our seniors for their c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ggreenwald: In 2002, NYT & other US papers hailed the US-supported coup in Venezuela as a victory for democracy http://t.co/ZxT4uQAxtU',\n", " u'RT @ussoccer: The 2014 U.S. National Team away jersey from @nikesoccer. Order here: http://t.co/BCmmk40KjX #USMNT #USWNT http://t.co/rYS3l\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@MacwithabigD I can't wait to see this mr steve jobs\",\n", " u\"@AlexStanley21 idk. I'm just being positive\",\n", " u\"@AlexStanley21 when you're neck deep in whiskyyou'll be able to hold a culturally sound convo with the future political leaders of America.\",\n", " u'RT @BronxPinstripes: #YankeesChat starting in 45 mins! #Yankees',\n", " u\"RT @FootballAU: FSU's Kermit Whitfield takes #Auburn's kickoff 100 yards for the touchdown and FSU leads for the first time since 3-0, 27-2\\u2026\",\n", " u'#YankeesChat',\n", " u\"@notorious_BDG22 @devoncavanaugh for the record it's all sunshine and rainbows. No abuse.\",\n", " u\"@notorious_BDG22 @devoncavanaugh you're probably right bill. No one understands how abusive this relationship is.\",\n", " u'@devoncavanaugh BYE FELICIA',\n", " u'The one week I finally have no school work to do, @notorious_BDG22 would pester me about a damn research paper.',\n", " u'@devoncavanaugh nobody says groovy anymore',\n", " u'RT @iconchout: It\\'s almost tank season! Pre-Order your \"Rock Out with your Conch Out\" tank today http://t.co/HjV8PcyoNz #conchout \\U0001f41a http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @livinglegend_44: Believe in the process',\n", " u'Let the pre Finals Week ass kissing commence.',\n", " u'@Keane_Kong sweeeeeet! #\\U0001f419\\U0001f419',\n", " u'@Keane_Kong haha. Mr squid when do you get back to tally',\n", " u'Last. Week. Of. Classes.',\n", " u\"@Keane_Kong I throw a crazy party on the days I don't mess up sideburns.\",\n", " u'Finally seeing The Purge \\U0001f633\\U0001f633 @Savvv_wats0n',\n", " u'@Savvv_wats0n @AlexStanley21 okay I shared it.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @MarcACaputo: Asked to respond to Crist\\'s \"Give me Scott\" line, gov says \"that\\'s laughable,\" noting that Crist has yet to debate Nan Ric\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @shepworth: @CharlieCrist gets illegal help from Morgan & Morgan. TV ads running feature him. @FLGOP files complaint http://t.co/r90TEEk\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FenskenotPenske: Happy national sibling day to this munchkin @tarynfenske http://t.co/LQ1rnmpeGY',\n", " u\"@coakiemonster @gettnjillywitit you're not funny.\",\n", " u'RT @brianjburgess: My nominee for quote of the week: \\u201cToo bad Crist can\\u2019t channel all his hot air into wind energy to fuel his campaign.\\u201d @\\u2026',\n", " u'\"Don\\'t ask for tasks equal to your prayers, ask for prayers equal to your tasks.\"',\n", " u\"@brittanytaman haha got a new twitter! \\U0001f618 I'd follow you to the ends of the earth\",\n", " u'RT @tayco_turtle: Thank you guys for making my weekend @tarynfenske http://t.co/hKqJuMAz2w',\n", " u'\"OH MY GOSH!\" What, Carly?! \"Oh nothing just found new ways to poach eggs.\" @coakiemonster #grandmastatus \\U0001f602\\U0001f373',\n", " u\"RT @stephenlawsonFL: ICYMI: Tallahassee Democrat's opinion piece on Florida's thriving economy http://t.co/ATrE3FlaOg #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @fineout: AP NewsBreak: @FLGovScott to back in-state tuition for some US immigrants in country illegally',\n", " u'RT @WSJ: Breaking: Republican David Jolly wins special congressional election in Florida http://t.co/tYCeEMbSEk',\n", " u'RT @lennycurry: :) #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @MaryEllenKlas: Marco Rubio cites stalled Uber Miami effort as example of regulations that upset young voters: @PatriciaMazzei... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'@coakiemonster Ahhh I missed my celebratory nap today! Happy national nap day to you, lots of snuggles and hugs \\U0001f634',\n", " u'RT @FLMajorityVote: #Florida~6.2% drop in state unemployment rate~the lowest since June 2008! #FLwomen #GOP #womenUnite 4 @FLGovScott http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Letter to @BarackObama urging him to consider sanctions against Venezuela. http://t.co/NZoTytBxSP #SOSVenezuela',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: WATCH the video http://t.co/252BZf6JZ6 RT the video. http://t.co/wz6Y13MARy',\n", " u'RT @FLMajorityVote: Gov #RickScott wants every child to realize their #AmericanDream! Highest funding for K-12 in #Florida history~#FLedu h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SoftGlas: @coakiemonster @tarynfenske \\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0f stay as warm as your hearts, girls']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@DariandMel @MelKiperESPN Denver is perfect',\n", " u\"Never thought I'd say this but I'm a big fan of the New Balance baseball cleats\",\n", " u\"Did John Brenkus just say a 20 mph wind can move the football up to 4 feet over a 20 yard span? I'm no scientist but I'm calling shenanigans\",\n", " u\"@darrenrovell @MLB_Eats how are they chicken? Just looks like buffalo sauce with blue cheese....I don't get it\",\n", " u'@Hoya2aPacer come on man....get your head out of your ass',\n", " u'\\u201c@FootballPost: Loucheiz Purifoy busted for weed, bath salts http://t.co/yDF6jyGUP3\\u201d #GoGata \\U0001f40a',\n", " u\"Nice to see Auburn's defense still sucks\",\n", " u\"@MikeAndMike wouldn't cheer for the Florida Gators for a million dollars #GoNoles\",\n", " u'@karabellespn @SultanofStat trade Mark Buehrle for Homer Bailey?? The classic \"buy low, sell high\" trade...I have Buehrle',\n", " u\"RT @WestStandTone: Blah, blah we scraped past Wigan. I bet Man fucking City wished they'd scraped past Wigan.\",\n", " u\"RT @BTNBrentYarina: Congratulations to Nike and Miami on messing up one of the game's better helmets. http://t.co/xX5qqm0tOy (@Uniformswag)\",\n", " u'@cblunt58 reminds me a lot of Aaron Murray',\n", " u'RT @travisepage: Is Jimbo just trolling us with these punts?',\n", " u\"RT @edsbs: I'm in tears. RT @Huskers: Now we're ready for the #Huskers Spring Game. http://t.co/U6MG5fksxj\",\n", " u'@DariandMel so why is Jernigan supposedly \"dropping\" according to Mel? Just curious',\n", " u'RT @double_J16: #Noles ........ http://t.co/VvdLtnO7FP',\n", " u\"RT @GoNoles24: So let's see the opinions of #FSUTwitter- on the New Home garnet Uniforms- RT for Like, FAV for Don't Like, QUOTE for not su\\u2026\",\n", " u'@osfsu wow....that kinda stinks',\n", " u'@osfsu yea right']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @GatoLocomusica: Showtime! #anamericanchickeninitaly http://t.co/un5byi15ud',\n", " u'RT @mashable: Heartbleed, a widespread security encryption bug, can allow malicious operators to capture your passwords http://t.co/efq48x2\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FriendsEglades: On Thursday, April 10, the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District will vote on sending a... htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"I refuse to explain the #80's ... to anyone.\",\n", " u'RT @qz: The future of TV is here. http://t.co/cczb03ZaHr',\n", " u\"S'posed to be there Monday ... hmmm ... be safe everyone ... thx 4 fotos & updates ... #Pacaya\",\n", " u'RT @davewiner: Meet the seven people who hold the keys to worldwide internet security. http://t.co/AhQJw5W5wA',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: Water woes plague Florida, but only funding, not policy change, up for legislative discussion http://t.co/0g4ILvKRnm #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @SWFLEagleCAM: Almost Like Flying- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 22 http://t.co/NBy1eVDjwA',\n", " u\"RT @hrheingold: Video of LilyPad Design Kit buildalong w/ @sparkfun's Angela Sheehan: http://t.co/9U7LNeuLlN\",\n", " u\"RT @HuffPostImpact: Jackie Chan's anti-rhino poaching PSA will inspire you to take action http://t.co/YQ7feIYORn\",\n", " u'RT @mpesce: \"Generation Like\", @rushkoff\\'s FRONTLINE doco about the comodification of social media http://t.co/XL9UbnsBXz RECOMMENDED',\n", " u'RT @mashable: See what Steve Jobs stored in his time capsule in 1983: http://t.co/2udZW56JfK',\n", " u'RT @mpesce: Science Creates A Quantum Link Between Photons that Don\\u2019t Exist at the Same Time http://t.co/FEfg69e5fV',\n", " u'RT @syoyo: Confirmed Parallella boots and test goes success. Super cool! http://t.co/0BRNmUb1du',\n", " u\"@HyperApathy ya - w/ TB, GoT4, Homeland, BB, Downton, Vikings, Sherlock(s), and Closer & MacGyver & IT Crowd reruns - we're all set lol\",\n", " u'@Tootsum yeah ya gotta have game I thrones puzzle ... it rules! Lol',\n", " u'@HyperApathy Right? TD is so awesome ...',\n", " u'RT @scottjohnson: An interesting and rather comprehensive review of ESO thus far. http://t.co/nGyjGCcznq',\n", " u\"RT @mashable: Stunning 'Game of Thrones' Puzzle in All Its 3D Glory http://t.co/gBbwTYLaFb http://t.co/zxOQtw0MF2\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@alafarnara whether you like it or don't like it, learn to love it Cuz it's the best thing going today. Wooooo! #Bruins\",\n", " u'GO #Bruins !!!',\n", " u'RT @tedhesson: Ashton Kutcher, Marco Rubio and the rise of the Ubertarians http://t.co/jy4GDp92wj by @TooMuchMe',\n", " u'Heard @JamesBBuckner is out knocking on doors in #DanvilleVA today. Not even rain stops this guy. Hard worker for sure.',\n", " u'\\u201cThis is a great story of folks that live in the community really being enthusiastic about the developments... http://t.co/5CHa8nBZZm',\n", " u'Happy #GoodFriday! May the message of peace and hope fill you all.\\n\\n1 Peter 3:18\\n\"For Christ died for sins once... http://t.co/x0287ynySg',\n", " u'RT @VTWxAsh: Thank you @LeeVogler for looking into this & bringing it up! #VAWx #Danville http://t.co/LQjqD2ijvF',\n", " u'Danville City Councilman Lee Vogler \\u2014 who originally suggested looking into a siren system last year \\u2014 asked if... http://t.co/kstjsX5NIh',\n", " u'#ThrowbackThursday. This time last year I outlined reasons why I would be voting \"no\" on the proposed 2013 DPS... http://t.co/xawofUpuMT',\n", " u'RT @BrockLesnar: 21-1',\n", " u'Best way to unwind after work (@ JTI Fountain) http://t.co/vWWPeI61RW http://t.co/tfM8jjaIuV',\n", " u'City Council Debate (@ Institute for Advanced Learning & Research - @ialr) http://t.co/4SbDSaFdgJ',\n", " u'Thanks for the hookup @GetFitDanRiver!! http://t.co/6ae5UiRQYE',\n", " u'@TripleH bring back RIC FLAIR!!!!',\n", " u'Going to be a loooong night (@ Danville City Hall) http://t.co/9NDPyH7WGk',\n", " u'@DaveBautista @TripleH @RandyOrton you guys need to bring back RIC FLAIR @RicFlairNatrBoy !!!',\n", " u'@TripleH BRING BACK RIC FLAIR!!!! Only then will it truly be #Evolution',\n", " u'RT @DaveBautista: Mess with the bull you get the horns.... #Evolution',\n", " u\"#DallasTNT was soooo good tonight. THAT's how you do a season finale. Can't wait til August. #Scoundrels\",\n", " u'@OmarKelly Sims caught one of the biggest TDs of the season. Reminds me of Ferrell Edmunds in size/ability.Solid.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @SFWMD: Use Florida-friendly plants in your landscaping to conserve water. http://t.co/zdmMTqJrce #SaveWaterFL #EarthDay',\n", " u'stumped. http://t.co/OsCrHAU77T',\n", " u'Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 8 http://t.co/dMweeVCHgi',\n", " u'My super-ego is really just Ursula from The Little Mermaid.',\n", " u\"R. Kelly's Ignition Remix makes me feel like I've made 100% wrong decisions in my life.\",\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: Scientists fear #BP blowout killed far more #birds than officially reported http://t.co/fukZ5o003l #eco #RESTOREact #Gulf',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: Audubon Florida star intern Cole Zelznak reviews his research project with the Audubon Academy crowd - http://t.co/j6IRLpbauU',\n", " u'Manatee River http://t.co/0119NkMlBz',\n", " u\"RT @IraHeatBeat: Udonis Haslem has now moved into sole possession of first place on Heat's all-time offensive-rebound list, passing Mournin\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @hymnforrachel: Cheez-its are so good',\n", " u'I guess Ian Curtis just really liked math.',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: Victory for the Everglades: Central Everglades Planning Project Gets State Support - http://t.co/Z5Fd0Zmipu #ecoFL #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @AndyRichter: wtf is Mr Clean's deal?\",\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: PHOTO: A beautiful Painted Bunting from Mark - https://t.co/v50JBi9xwc #birds #ecoFL',\n", " u'RT @WaterworksTal: 4th Ward Afro Klezmer Orchestra from Atl. rocking live show here tonight 8-10. No cover, so much fun!',\n", " u'RT @MRCampaigns: YOU GET A BENCHMARKS STUDY! AND YOU GET A BENCHMARKS STUDY! EVERYBODY GETS A BENCHMARKS STUDY: http://t.co/Ia6XogSXG8 #201\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AP_Images: Pablo #Picasso died at age 91 on this day in 1973 - his life in #pictures: http://t.co/usvz0GHJo7 #TodayInHistory http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @AudubonFL: Today is Marjory Stoneman Douglas' birthday - also known as #EvergladesDay! Tweet us your fav #Everglades photos! http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @fart: i don't think the Fry Guys were sentient\",\n", " u'@Category5Chris @flahertykeely the correct answer is the guy waiting for the elevator. \"I\\'ll take the next one.\"']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@MaddieKreyKrey happy birthday, kandi princess \\U0001f48b',\n", " u'\\U0001f445\\U0001f60d http://t.co/6eOB9fsnFx',\n", " u\"RT @BuzzFeed: 29 Things That Will Make You Grin Like An Idiot However Badly Your Day's Going http://t.co/VEN8zEKHkg via @aljwhite\",\n", " u'RT @DestructoHARD: RT Wow So cake Much delish Many dessert http://t.co/JR5uHs4mgg @ltsDoge',\n", " u'RT @Marlins: To get things started, the streak is kept alive! @ChristianYelich reaches on an infield single, extending his hit streak to 15\\u2026',\n", " u'Bates Motel tonight \\U0001f60e\\U0001f52a\\U0001f341\\U0001f4b0',\n", " u\"RT @Marlins: THAT'S A SWEEP! Your Miami #Marlins rally to defeat the Mariners 3-2 and sweep the series! #LetsGoFish\",\n", " u\"@HilWedsDaily I'm more than ready, for sure\",\n", " u'\\u201c@HilWedsDaily: @Hailey_Emmett #swoop **\\u201d that too ;)',\n", " u'#sweep',\n", " u'RT @ltsDoge: Such Happy\\n So Easter\\n Very Easter Doge http://t.co/tW09wtsXGN',\n", " u\"RT @Lord_Voldemort7: Happy Easter. If you find a giant, golden egg then it turns out you're a Triwizard Champion.\",\n", " u'@thefratWay very true statement',\n", " u\"@thefratWay it's hard to manage, but it IS possible to not experience cheese loss. Refer to my most recent dealings with mozzarella sticks.\",\n", " u'RT @Marlins: Henderson Alvarez goes the distance! Alvarez twirls a two-hit complete game shutout as your Miami #Marlins defeat the Mariners\\u2026',\n", " u'Snaps for Alvarez pitching an entire game and allowing no runs #Marlins',\n", " u\"\\u201c@BuzzFeed: 21 Signs You're Suffering From A Book Hangover http://t.co/F7TTqGq5qr via @BuzzFeedBooks\\u201d this. is. my. life.\",\n", " u'Saw a lamb, a rabbit, and a peacock before I even left my driveway #loxahatcheelife',\n", " u'@HilWedsDaily every. single. time.',\n", " u'RT @HilWedsDaily: \\u201c@LifeWithAlcohol: Going out with your friends like http://t.co/N9Jgs6mZQ2\\u201d @Hailey_Emmett \\U0001f60e']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Big Changes Expected to Come to Alabama\\u2019s Prison System http://t.co/c80oVfUKz2 #prisonreform #change',\n", " u'Last day in Atlanta and then back to #ThatBoot for finals then back to Atlanta',\n", " u'\"Is that a poodle on that mailbox!?\" \"Why, yes. Yes it is\" #Atlanta',\n", " u'@Perceidon has always wanted to be a docent! #AtlantaZoo',\n", " u'@Perceidon and I are not getting the warmest of welcomes from the Plainsmen. #Auburn #ThreeMascots #BadTraffic',\n", " u'\\u201c@ENews: Which celeb wore yellow best? http://t.co/I9UaQS3F3D http://t.co/ApCvjv8rYW\\u201d all of them. #ILoveYellow',\n", " u'RT @FactUP: Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, after water.',\n", " u'RT @PostGradProblem: France banned work emails after 6 PM? Are they hiring? #PGP',\n", " u'#SoExicited #LosingADressSize http://t.co/FoT1bkg9WW',\n", " u'And my birthday present to myself- going down one whole dress size! #katespade #BestBirthdayEver',\n", " u'Golden Retriever Festival In Scotland Looks Like The Cutest Party Ever (PHOTOS) http://t.co/jUtL43QSZT via @HuffPostGreen',\n", " u\"RT @Scdavis24: I found out today that I'll never be able to have kids.....from my accountant, not my doctor.\",\n", " u'#LSBA #StudentProBonoAward so thankful to Professor Devlin for the nomination and @LSUPILS for the support! http://t.co/BDG88xsPqE',\n", " u'\"Just getting some studying done\" http://t.co/rtUohrFxUC',\n", " u'@Darrecia good. Your god puppy is feeling shunned http://t.co/sVxEvWq8xd',\n", " u\"I miss tweeting all day with @Darrecia let's have some public discussions soon \\U0001f606\",\n", " u\"RT @FSU_WBasketball: Natasha Howard becomes the highest draft pick in #FSU history! She's chosen 5th in the draft by @IndianaFever #BeMORE\",\n", " u'I wish I could have been there with you. You were. http://t.co/q5k5gX2LC0',\n", " u'do all buttocks wounds come with complimentary ice cream - or just the Vietnam ones?',\n", " u\"I get the obsession with Jenny ... But why wouldn't he name the boat Bubba? #FinalsProblems\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"It's a scientific fact that it's impossible for a dude to look tough in a Kia, of any model.\",\n", " u'RT @VoiceofFLBiz: Sign the petition to bring Uber to #Florida today http://t.co/nGUUBRDrIt #MoveFLForward cc: @JeffreyBrandes & @JamesGrant\\u2026',\n", " u'If you looked up the definition of asshole parking job in the dictionary, you would only find this photo. http://t.co/GUhLhfn477',\n", " u'@GeoffBurr @AmandaBBevis this has been playing out much like the leg lamp in A Christmas Story. \"Fragile\"',\n", " u'Minnesota buck \"Wide Load\" arrived from taxedermist today. @AmandaBBevis is stoked to have him adorn her wall http://t.co/aLzRPJwd8u',\n", " u'Great seeing my old boss, and the lady that got me into this industry, Katherine Harris at Capitol today.',\n", " u'RT @Jaboowins: Our house \\U0001f60c http://t.co/XuMGQWK0k5',\n", " u'Best of luck to the fellow turkey hunters heading out to the woods this opening morning.',\n", " u\"Honored that my dad's funeral home, Bevis Funeral Home, is handling the funeral service for former Governor Askew.\",\n", " u\"In my opinion, a man shouldn't wear dress shoes with buckles. Unless said man is a Colonial-era reenactor\",\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: .@VoiceofFLBiz unanimously endorses @scottforflorida and Republican Cabinet for re-elect! http://t.co/1FHev4pdx5 #sayfie',\n", " u'@GeoffBurr Agree. Worse.',\n", " u'My 6 year old nephew just guessed I was 62 years old. When I asked if I looked that old he simply said, \"Yeah, kind of.\"',\n", " u'Love how Liam gets involved with drinking his milk. His beer consumption technique is going to be awesome. http://t.co/Y6Pf22f2bm',\n", " u'Good day shooting quail with @shiver_ss and @JLG0103 at Hard Labor Creek http://t.co/UavuDJtlZd',\n", " u'@JLG0103 just told me that he had his fill of fried swine skin (pork rinds). Feel like the apocalypse is near.',\n", " u'Big night out in the outskirts of Chipley, Fla. at Hard Labor Creek Plantation.',\n", " u'RT @ceejoyner: For a quiet ride, buckle the empty seatbelt beside a child and tell them not to wake up the ghost.',\n", " u\"Just sat down for a great Valentine's Day dinner with @JLG0103 @JonMCostello @ryan_tyson @shiver_ss Our wives were also invited to join.\",\n", " u'Great job @John_Thrasher addressing crowd at @VoiceofFLBiz Pre-Session briefing. Thanks for standing up for FL bizz http://t.co/TlVIDDP5NU']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @willweatherford: Today was a great day in @MyFLHouse which passed major #prolife #schoolchoice and #2ndamendment legislation. #sayfie',\n", " u'Osceola News-Gazette - ALD awareness introduced by Rep. La Rosa http://t.co/UUuDnvLHLt via @SethHorn',\n", " u'Congrats to @EricEisnaugle, I look forward to serving with you.',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: I am a proud father of 3 girls and would be a proud father of 4. However, turns out I will be a proud father of 3 girl\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepMannyDiazJr: Great job speaking at CPAC by our own Rep. @josefelixdiaz #FloridaPride #FLHouse',\n", " u\"RT @josefelixdiaz: In the sprit of @TheEllenShow a FL Legislature #selfie @FLGovScott #betterthanEllen's #sayfie @anitere_flores http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: Government should run more like a business. Retweet if you agree! http://t.co/s86f9QTKnH',\n", " u'RT @FarmShareFL: #FarmShare teams up with Senator Grimsley and rep. @larosamike for food distribution to feed the hungry in St. Cloud.',\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: Happy 103 birthday to the 40th President of the United States Ronald Reagan! #sayfie http://t.co/SVmhHVjtXU',\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: Florida needs a comprehensive approach to protect the supply and quality of our water. ReTweet if you agree! #sayfie h\\u2026',\n", " u'Thomas the Train: Zip, Zoom, and Logging Adventure @Amazonityit http://t.co/kttMV5hBke',\n", " u'Eekoj',\n", " u'RT @NeilCombee: 133rd Silver Spurs Rodeo with @larosamike Rep John Wood Fmr Rep Frank Atkinson http://t.co/O2Mp7VKH4D',\n", " u'RT @FLGOPMajority: #ff @repdanayoung @larosamike @RepMannyDiazJr @RepDougHolder @PatRooneyJr',\n", " u'RT @mattgaetz: #FF @SouthWalton @FoodieTally @larosamike @RepMannyDiazJr @RepDougHolder @PatRooneyJr @FlChamber',\n", " u\"RT @RepMannyDiazJr: \\u201c@redefinEDonline: @RepMannyDiazJr @joenegronfl @larosamike Rep. Diaz, thank you for RT!\\u201d You are welcome, It's a great\\u2026\",\n", " u'Florida Outperformed Nation in April in Getting People Back to Work | Sunshine State News http://t.co/LkCfsQBKKY via @sharethis',\n", " u'Congrats Mike Hill on your victory tonight.',\n", " u'@NeilCombee , save some of that tree for firewood.',\n", " u'RT @NeilCombee: So great is my confidence in Chief Red Eagle that I am willing to follow him blindfolded. @willweatherford@SteveCrisafulli@\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @tiffanycurci: seeking internship in orlando area? like fun, innovative consumer brands? check out @vocenation intern program http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Photo of old DT #winterhaven versus today to show importance of planning @mywinterhaven http://t.co/xT75syeriH',\n", " u'@city cmsion mtg- City of WH recognized as\"Healthy Weight Community Champion\" by the FL Dept of Health (of only 37 other communities)',\n", " u'@arii_212 my pleasure! I really enjoyed it and was honored to be asked! #goknights @rosencollege #winterhaven',\n", " u'RT @wittyclevername: I like! \"Photos just got more social\" via @twitter. http://t.co/5qpXMmwzJw #twitter #socialmedia #sm',\n", " u'RT @LedgerRyan: Lyon: Cities that have great economic development have stable and supportive elected officials, are accessible and open and\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gregblose: On behalf of the @FlChamber, welcome to Tallahassee @stuartmcchamber @whchamber and Ft. Lauderdale Chamber!',\n", " u'Presentation by Adrian Jones GM of @LEGOLANDFlorida : our hotel will be the most beautiful Legoland hotel in the world',\n", " u'Polk County Tourism- bed tax collections up 15% over this same time last fiscal year @VisitCentralFL #lovefl @FloridaTourism',\n", " u'At TDC Mtg: Jackson- Polk County tourism on track to have best year ever. @VisitCentralFL #LoveFL',\n", " u'@MJC1387- Thanks! Absolutely! DM or email me after March 3rd and lets get it set up!',\n", " u'Great @PolkVision lunch w/ @Paula_Dockery. Best quote in regards to extreme politics \"Don\\'t feed the crazy\" http://t.co/9rPDyByIgj',\n", " u\"@TMLatinAmerica-Polk's LA target repeat visitor b/c unique @FantasyOfFlight @LEGOLANDFlorida @SafariWild @BokTower @VisitCentralFL\",\n", " u'@TMLatinAmerica - top activities for LA tourists 1)shopping 2)dining 3)theme parks 4)Historical places @VisitCentralFL #LoveFL #winterhaven',\n", " u'Victor w/ @TMLatinAmerica - most popular guy to ask for travel advice? Mr. Google @VisitCentralFL #loveFL #winterhaven #whfl',\n", " u'Every 4 years World Cup keeps Latin American tourists at home to watch, international travel can decrease during that time. #visitcentralfl',\n", " u'Demo on South American visitor to Central Florida- 40 years old, HH Income of $83.8K. Avg # of nights- 11! @VisitCentralFL #loveFL #whfl',\n", " u'@VisitCentralFL seminar on Latin American tourism. Top internatl origins 4 us: Canada, Brazil, UK & 4 other LA countries in top 10. #LoveFL',\n", " u\"RT @AdamJulier: The site's clean, bright design derives its style from Florida's vibrant culture and diverse economy. @cnpagency @Enterpris\\u2026\",\n", " u'@SeanMalott - Thank you!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @sparxoo: Best Dressed go to @FLPolyU's new website. http://t.co/b6bENjVNqM\",\n", " u'RT @theledger: Gov. Scott Touts Improved Economy in State of the State Speech http://t.co/xu9KgBQJPX',\n", " u'RT @anniemurphypaul: Big teams can yield big results\\u2014but they also come with oversized challenges. How to engage in a mega-collaboration: h\\u2026',\n", " u'Publix ranked among world\\u2019s most valuable brands@TBBJMargaret http://t.co/0I2F3PFUu6',\n", " u\"RT @352inc: STEM students! Don't miss this amazing hangout with @FLPolyU. One day left to sign up http://t.co/0ICQvus09G\",\n", " u'RT @FLPolyU: Congratulations to new #FLPoly industry partners: @WellDyne, DSM, @Sparxoo, @CNPagency, @BRPH_AEC and more.http://t.co/WA1RLwN\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CiscoCanada: Learn more about how Cisco is providing technology for @FLPolyU\\u2019s new, modern University campus http://t.co/lhtLMfTv3I',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Mark Wilson on education: \"Higher standards matter.\" @EnterpriseFL @FLChamberFdn #sayfie',\n", " u'Congrats on the new EFI site! Looks great! @EnterpriseFL @anikdel @KatieMWorth',\n", " u'\\u201c@jessicaerin6: Excited to be singing \"Say Something\" this weekend with @TravisShane and Kevin Jack on keys!!\\u201d Better than the original!',\n", " u'RT @DixieCRA: Fields talking about the importance of partnerships with higher ed institutions- #lkld',\n", " u'Congratulations and welcome to @WiggsForMayor and @Jim4Lakeland @Lakelandgov',\n", " u'\\u201c@SpaceFlorida: First @SpaceX rocket launch of the year ready to go from Florida! Launch slated for 5:06 p.m. today!\\u201d Awesome!',\n", " u'\\u201c@lakelandgov: Wiggs: we must support arts and education within our community. #lkld\\u201d Agreed!',\n", " u'RT @Edudemic: The 12 Must-Have Skills Of Modern Learners http://t.co/avOBUDynAT',\n", " u'@MaryToothman Loved the article on #KittiagoCalatrava',\n", " u\"Perfect day for a friend's birthday party for their one year old! #HappyBirthdayLinden\",\n", " u'RT @SkanskaUSA: An ordinary day working on our project @FLPolyU brought an unlikely (& very cute) mascot to the #construction site! http://\\u2026',\n", " u'Wonderful! \\u201c@SpaceFlorida: Boeing expands at KSC - maximizing utilization of another legacy shuttle facility! http://t.co/LzAJfTNCTE\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @ItsWorkingFL: Florida\\u2019s ports are working, and creating jobs! http://t.co/pOlTyoFNBQ #ItsWorking']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@allisonsross So you say.',\n", " u'Powers said county school officials checking with state to reschedule FCAT at Atlantic High.',\n", " u'RT @DelrayBeachFire: Roadside press conference after Atlantic Community High School bomb scare declared a false alarm.\\u2026 http://t.co/LLLKUHw\\u2026',\n", " u\"School spokeswoman Natalia Powers said Atlantic High students won't take FCAT today because of bomb threat.\",\n", " u'Sgt. Nicole Guerriero: \"We don\\'t get bomb threats everyday.\" Said most bomb threats are called into the place being threatened.',\n", " u'Poloce used bomb-sniffing dog to check inside/outside of school and \"found nothing there\" according to Sgt. Nicole Guerriero.',\n", " u'Bomb threat made directly to dispatch center at Delray Beach Police Department.',\n", " u'Delray Beach Police have given the all-clear signal at Atlantic High School following bomb threat that cleared the school at 9 a.m.',\n", " u\"Completely lost season for Boca Raton's Jozy Altidore at Sunderland. If I'm Klinsmann, I have a very short leash with Altidore at World Cup.\",\n", " u'RT @ESPNStatsInfo: Last night, thanks to @Giancarlo818, @Marlins became 1st team with a walk-off grand slam in 3 straight seasons since the\\u2026',\n", " u'Lost a friend, Ron Lyss, this week. Ron lost both his legs in a boating accident years ago. Never heard the man complain about anything. RIP',\n", " u\"RT @WojYahooNBA: Memphis guard Nick Calathes will be suspended 20 games for violation of NBA's Anti-Drug policy, source tells Yahoo. Supens\\u2026\",\n", " u'@swordshieldsphs @JackAssDaniels @marissaaerika Congrats!',\n", " u'RT @mattyports: James Kelly stated he wants to transfer closer to his Michigan home. Had rocky year w #Canes: susp. 3 gms, struggled to adj\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @InsideTheU: PF James Kelly Leaving Miami http://t.co/V3SK4zWFiE',\n", " u'RT @ESPNStatsInfo: Remember when Rudy Gay was on the Raptors? TOR was 6-12 with Gay this season and 42-22 after they traded him. #BKNvsTOR',\n", " u'One thing about Frank Haith, he sure knows how to stay one step ahead of the Executioner. http://t.co/N4elRx02oF',\n", " u'RT @PCarrESPN: Barcelona has lost three straight games for the first time since Jan./Feb. 2003.',\n", " u'Real Madrid beats Barcelona without Cristiano Ronaldo. Sweet.',\n", " u'RT @pbpost: Palm Springs man arrested on sex assault charges in trouble again http://t.co/6h97qfDeTW']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Bush administration labeled Bundy Ranch-style outlaws domestic terrorists http://t.co/MoEINNQpHf via @dailykos',\n", " u'President Obama to Pardon/Commute \"Hundreds, Perhaps Thousands\" of Nonviolent Drug Offenders http://t.co/yBhIRjGwST via @dailykos',\n", " u'Rachel Maddow: Oklahoma\\u2019s \\u2018sun tax\\u2019 law means it\\u2019s a threat to Koch Brothers\\u2019 allies | The Raw Story http://t.co/EXUtVHK1w0',\n", " u'Jon Stewart on Cliven Bundy: \\u2018Sean Hannity has now made Glenn Beck the voice of reason\\u2019 | The Raw Story http://t.co/0xAbmrLCUj',\n", " u'Conservative Media Stokes Racist Reaction Over First Lady\\u2019s Kansas High School Speech http://t.co/S7DAR3I1QV via @politicususa',\n", " u\"Your Weekly Travel Zen: The Bluest Water You've Ever Seen http://t.co/JMZLjbBRlv via @HuffPostTravel\",\n", " u\"Your Weekly Travel Zen: The Bluest Water You've Ever Seen http://t.co/HipTceuuQr via @HuffPostTravel\",\n", " u'Kansas Student Tries to Block Michelle Obama Graduation Speech on Brown v. Board Anniversary http://t.co/kKeWaXUdLk',\n", " u'Antonin Scalia Suggests a \\u2018Revolt\\u2019 Against the Government in Response to Tax Hikes http://t.co/LY54LETzsr',\n", " u'Pope Francis: Government Has a Role in Addressing Inequality and Injustice | The Nation http://t.co/d9FPpQEblo via @thenation',\n", " u'How the Supreme Court Blowtorched Democracy and What You Can Do About It | The Nation http://t.co/F0CrGZCn6Z',\n", " u'Could an Unknown Civil Libertarian Unseat Susan Collins? | The Nation http://t.co/KsOJUAyuA0',\n", " u'Gabriel Garc\\xeda M\\xe1rquez\\u2014a Rebel Against Form, an Artist Against the Forces of Oblivion | The Nation http://t.co/zo8A43auTE',\n", " u'Rating For Meet The Press Have Melted Down And NBC Is Starting to Blame David Gregory http://t.co/4byGwo1wrj via @politicususa',\n", " u'One Courageous Democrat Stands Up and Calls For an Investigation into ALEC http://t.co/ccbq6QYJxD via @politicususa',\n", " u'Obama To Right a Horrid Wrong With Clemency For Thousands of Non-Violent Drug Offenders http://t.co/TDP48I9hCY via @politicususa',\n", " u'Republican Puppet Chuck Todd Says Democrats Will Lose On Health Care In Midterms http://t.co/QVICi4lWpc via @politicususa',\n", " u\"The Right's Racial Blinders via @tnr http://t.co/TXOIkWSeDd\",\n", " u'Remember when the GOP was the patriotic, law and order party? http://t.co/UKuSvBJdo6 via @dailykos',\n", " u'Fox analyst: Hillary is \\u2018too old,\\u2019 she \\u2018planned\\u2019 Chelsea\\u2019s baby \\u2014 and that\\u2019s not sexist! | The Raw Story http://t.co/8iFukE7aVM']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @craigtimes: Responding to demand for #Florida public records, @FLGovScott's office says don't ask us, ask state employees. http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @laurenbpoe: Great video \"Following the Ichetucknee\" made by @SanteFeCollege prof and friend Eric Flagg http://t.co/fEK0rsI5yB #ichetuck\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @aMermaidLife: It's a great day for #springs #outreach! #Florida isn't just beaches and theme parks... http://t.co/vLZiwDQZ38 #Ichetuckn\\u2026\",\n", " u'17 states cut their prison populations over the past decade. All experienced decline in crime rates. http://t.co/p38c3xwDUM via @gnewburn',\n", " u'RT @electionsmith: As usual, @AriBerman nails it: \\u201cRepublicans Used to Support Voting Rights\\u2014What Happened?\\u201d http://t.co/ZPl622NiNP',\n", " u'Coverage of springs bill from @nytimes -- \"Florida Lawmakers Proposing a Salve for Ailing Springs\" http://t.co/8yK8WwRwXK',\n", " u'RT @craigtimes: #Florida senators moving ahead with bill to protect springs, but House continues to stall http://t.co/Is0rzKEW1W',\n", " u'RT @GainesvilleSun: City will try to work within MFLs, but keeps challenge as an option http://t.co/LmOz2b9135',\n", " u'Thanks to my journalism lab students for a heckuva cookie cake to celebrate the semester soon ending. http://t.co/H6ZlUjn24p',\n", " u'RT @DeChiefWahoo: Have you seen @Cleveland_Scene? #DeChief http://t.co/ePof71cCK5',\n", " u'RT @bruceritchie: FL Senate version of anti-environmental reg bill is dead \"in its current form,\" sponsor @WiltonSimpson says. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @talanez: 7 prescription painkillers can land you in a Florida prison for 3 years. State lawmakers are looking to loosen that http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'Nice job by the sports guys on the Final Four section today. http://t.co/d9ryQ2XWM2',\n", " u'If nothing else, an irresistible story for media. RT @alex_patton: @JakeforCongress In defense of Jake Rush #rush2014 http://t.co/v6w8wvih50',\n", " u\"Tonight's City Commission debate was ... interesting. Thanks to everyone involved. Now go vote and get turnout out of the teens. #gnvforum\",\n", " u'About to start City Commission candidate forum. #gnvforum http://t.co/k1iFPyLmnx',\n", " u'Moderating debate between City Commission candidates Annie Orlando & Helen Warren. Starts 7 p.m. at Springhill church, 120 SE Williston Rd.',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeedNews: Broke Grad Students Are The Next Debt Crisis And It\\u2019s Partly The Government\\u2019s Fault http://t.co/59NNvZmrVx http://t.co/0J\\u2026',\n", " u'Still a horrible bill. @flcurrent: Patronis outlines changes to permitting bill as it comes up in Senate this week http://t.co/jEiEnZK2nw\\u201d',\n", " u'Watching Buzzfeed founder @peretti with reporting students. He thanks FL for giving site many insane stories. #bfuf http://t.co/IOK9y7Jt7A']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"#RenewUI friends. I have to go out & make a few things happen. I'll be back in a few. Thanks to all & carry on!!\",\n", " u'@RogerWicker @JohnBoozman Who among will stand up for your hardworking neighbors & win WIN?! #RenewUI #AMERICASWATCHING #HEART',\n", " u'@SenRandPaul @MarkWarner Who among you will stand up for your hardworking neighbors & win WIN?! #RenewUI #AMERICASWATCHING #HEART',\n", " u'@lisamurkowski @robportman Who among you will stand up for your hardworking neighbors & win WIN?! #RenewUI #AMERICASWATCHING #HEART',\n", " u'RT @lkelley809: @micheleylang @JeannieBob59 @SenatorKirk #RenewUI Love the negative comments.About time OUR employees are called on the car\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SantYahoo: @JeannieBob59 @WhipHoyer they wil just mention it as if they care but from how it looks THEY DONT!!!!!#RenewUI',\n", " u'@SenDanCoats @SenatorKirk @SenJohnMcCain Who among you will stand up for your hardworking neighbors & win WIN?! #RenewUI #AMERICASWATCHING',\n", " u'RT @AFLCIO: New Ad Targets Republican @SenatorKirk on Unemployment Insurance Extension - via @USNews http://t.co/H1YZa0oWcx #RenewUI #1u',\n", " u'RT @Fignetta: @SenDanCoats #RENEWUI Please be #THEONE vote we need.Search your #HEART #COMPASSION #HUMANITY #PLEASECASTRIGHTVOTE #HUMANITYO\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Jackson75370942: @SenatorDurbin Could you remind @SenatorKirk 2+million unemployed without help for 58+days during the harshest winter \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SantYahoo: @WhipHoyer why do you no longer mention #RenewUI?',\n", " u\"\\u201c@SantYahoo: @WhipHoyer why do you no longer mention #RenewUI?\\u201d you've deserted us your most loyal soldiers to fight alone? #PLEASEHELP\",\n", " u'RT @Iambjp: Someone get your butt to that floor and speak! #RenewUI @SenatorReid @SenateDems @Senate_GOPs',\n", " u\"RT @KP4Keeps: @SenaterCoats Please don't turn your back on americans in great need of compassion. We worked paid tax's. Vote Yes #RenewUI E\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @kstewart1011: #RenewUI please stop hurting Americans and their families. This needs passed ASAP. #ActOnUI',\n", " u'\\u201c@kstewart1011: #RenewUI please stop hurting Americans and their families. This needs passed ASAP. #ActOnUI\\u201d@SenDanCoats @SenatorKirk',\n", " u'RT @Moonchild7771: They do NOT have all control. We have to take control of what we can. \\nFight back...speak up. \\nBe heard @cnnbrk #RenewU\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Fignetta: Spoke with Sen. Reids office. #RenewUI will go up for vote AFTER he secures the 1 Rep vote needed.Sen Portman,Coats,Kirk best\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Lomawny: @FLOTUS Who cares when over 2.3 MM children are going without cause of the dysfunction in goverment! Lets get #RenewUI Passed!\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Jintysgunnin4U: @SenatorShaheen @RepSheaPorter @RepAnnieKuster call on #RenewUI @RenewUINow @HuffPostPol RT trending NOW @SenatorReid']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @lfsgd_diane: Oops! Scott Brown Awkwardly Finds Out That Obamacare Is Also Helping Republicans http://t.co/SqogAN1ly2 via @HuffPostPol',\n", " u'RT @lfsgd_diane: Suck on this, Koch brothers: New Hampshire Senate passes Medicaid\\xa0expansion http://t.co/gIPJv7WVxq via @dailykos',\n", " u'@DrHCaldicott Need expert opine from Radiation expert for deceased sailor in aticle\"Atomic Sailors\" TampabayTimes, 12/22/2013Atomic waste',\n", " u\"RT @BarackObama: Retweet if you're part of the 3/4 of Americans who support raising the minimum wage. #ActionSummit\",\n", " u'RT @lfsgd_diane: Sign & RT Mark Zuckerberg: Prohibit gun sales on Facebook & Instagram immediately http://t.co/n0N14nY5fC via @Change',\n", " u'Tell VA to Compensate USS... http://t.co/PYwKB51vll',\n", " u'RT @SandraFluke: Thx @edshow 4 highlighting the kind of progressive change a new generation of leadership can create in #CA! #p2 #SD26 http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lfsgd_diane: Whoa! Alison Lundergan Grimes holds a slim 4-point advantage over Mitch McConnell in Kentucky http://t.co/Xm7wDh1Inx #GoAl\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @amy_hollyfield: Alex Sink says debate showed Jolly is \"extreme\" http://t.co/zzbA38QEhX',\n", " u'This cause is close to my heart - please sign: http://t.co/WdpPC3pTb9 via @credomobile',\n", " u'@DrHCaldicott Atomic Sailors served on USS Calhoun County, Navy ship True story of VA cover up \"Half Lives\" Deborah Derrick -www.lulu.com',\n", " u'@DrHCaldicott @YouTube Many Sailors on U.S.S. Calhoun County ( Navy ship) had rare diseases and children born with birth defects .',\n", " u'@DrHCaldicott @YouTube Same Atomic waste the \"Atomic Sailors dumped into Atlantic Ocean! Most of it came from Brookhaven National Laboratory',\n", " u\"RT @lfsgd_diane: Wlll that is interesting! 'Dictator' Obama actually issued the fewest executive orders in 100 years via @globalpost - http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @lfsgd_diane: Obama: Congress needs to restore the unemployment insurance YOU just let expire for 1.6m people! Damn straight!',\n", " u'RT @lfsgd_diane: \"It should be the power of our vote, not the size of our bank account, that drives our democracy.\" ~~ POTUS, Hear that @FL\\u2026',\n", " u'@MilitaryMedNews read book Half Lives by Deborah Derrick Navy -VA cover up of Atomic waste dumping TRUE STORY !',\n", " u\"@MilitaryMedNews Why hasn't Congress looked into the Uss Calhoun County sailors exposed to radiation from years of dumping atomic waste?\",\n", " u'RT @MilitaryMedNews: Congress Calls For Inquiry Into Radiation Contamination On USS Reagan (Video) - KPBS: Congress Calls For Inqui... http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JohnMorganESQ: WE did it thanks to all of you! Next step is to VOTE in Nov. Power to the people! BELIEVE! Please RETWEET to your friend\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @learyreports: Tea Party Express, backing @ClawsonOutsider, casts tomorrow\\'s #FL19 primary as \"The First Tea Party vs. Establishment Sho\\u2026',\n", " u'We join @ByronDonalds and @TeaPartyExpress and formally endorse @ClawsonOutsider for #FL19. SWFL needs an independent voice in congress.',\n", " u'RT @freddoso: Crist: When I said I was \"pro-life,\" I actually meant I was \"for life,\" which actually means \"not pro-life.\" http://t.co/PpPO\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ClawsonOutsider: Great coverage of today's rally with @TeaPartyExpress http://t.co/KnqrkLKkxu Excited about the energy heading into Tue\\u2026\",\n", " u'With Polls open in less than 17 hours, @ClawsonOutsider is on track to win #FL19. Now it all comes down to turnout. http://t.co/fEQjp8iD3i',\n", " u'RT @TDnFla: @SenRandPaul endorses @ClawsonOutsider in #FL19 #tcot\\nhttp://t.co/U3j4yiDxGk',\n", " u'RT @GreatThee: All the good old boys...the rhinos...need to be voted out. We need term limits for these jackasses.',\n", " u'.@AlanGrayson Hypocritically Profits From His Offshore Oil Drilling Investments\\n http://t.co/iiKmqzZlza #SharkTank',\n", " u'RT @TeaPartyExpress: 1130 AM rally in Fort Myers today with @ConnieMackIV @ByronDonalds @ClawsonOutsider & others! http://t.co/iYIQzNZLhX #\\u2026',\n", " u'How many pro-Scott ads could the RPOF could have made with the $300K that they funneled to Benacquisto? #FL19 #Sayfie #GOPe',\n", " u'WINK/News-Press #FL19 poll released tonight shows @ClawsonOutsider at 38%, @lizbethkb at 19%, Dreikorn at 18%, Kreegel at 17%, & Unsure 7%.',\n", " u'Huge news in #FL19!! @SenRandPaul endorses @ClawsonOutsider. So do we! #sayfie #tcot',\n", " u\"RT @The_RGA: .@ScottForFlorida's unrelenting focus on job-creation is getting results. Great new ad: http://t.co/ty8Db4pUqw #FLGOV\",\n", " u'RT @andrewam: Spox for @CharlieCrist quits after a week on the job. #awkward #sayfie #flgov',\n", " u'Is @GoMeteoric helping to cover up #RPOF funneling cash to SuperPACs to assist @lizbethkb? #FL19 #Sayfie #EstablishmentPolitics',\n", " u\"In response to @ConnieMackIV's questions about Campaign finance abuse, @GoMetoric dodges questions and attacks Mack. #FL19 #Sayfie\",\n", " u'Former #FSU President Eric Barron heading to #PennState http://t.co/4HrkQ0ufPy',\n", " u\"RT @JonThompsonDC: Gov. Rick Scott: Making Florida a Destination for the American Dream. Watch @The_RGA's NEW #AmericanComeback ad: http://\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @andrewam: .@FlaDems launched a new website but I'm still a fan of http://t.co/WeS062Itr4 #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @EricBootie: STAND BY BUNDY. \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f44d #BundyRanch http://t.co/LSYwq2vIkT']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"It's going to get wild tonight in Tallahassee. #sayfie http://t.co/82QU0jBZdP\",\n", " u'Read my opinion on in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. http://t.co/lgtTF82cVO #sayfie',\n", " u'Read my opinion on in-state tuition for illegal immigrant. http://t.co/B59J6pgNfl',\n", " u'Never been so happy to be in a red state. #sayfie http://t.co/qToMgulBve',\n", " u'RT @RepBillHager: How do you feel about allowing nurse anesthetists to practice w/o Dr. supervision? Let me know your thoughts. #sayfie htt\\u2026',\n", " u'The media warns of Valentine Day scams. I think the entire day is a scam!',\n", " u'@RitchWorkman Proudly representing his vaulted Alma Mater. http://t.co/pIoufSLmOT',\n", " u'I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Do I get to prescribe narcotics? #EducationNotLegislation #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @FloridaMedical: We continue to remain neutral on #MedicaidExpansion Thank you @PhilAmman @SaintPetersblog for direct quote http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'@fasanomike In support of Murphy. #battingfortheotherteam #sayfie',\n", " u'@fasanomike finally comes out #sayfie']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @IAmJasonBelo: \\U0001f381\\U0001f388\\U0001f389\\U0001f388\\U0001f389\\U0001f388\\U0001f381@hampton_ray \\U0001f619\\U0001f4a8\\U0001f382\\U0001f370 Happy Birthday to a real American Hero \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8',\n", " u\"There's a sucker born every minute... #ABC2020\",\n", " u\"@jakeowen Beachin' is the best song I've heard in awhile. There- I said it!\",\n", " u'RT @bendimiero: Still laughing about the first page of the new Starnes book http://t.co/Kazqk5IyK5 (via @AndrewKirell)',\n", " u'#FF to the @DCOspreys follow to get updates on all DC Osprey alumni happenings and events!',\n", " u\"Nothing worse than DC traffic. Maybe a colonoscopy. But even that's questionable at this point.\",\n", " u'Come on Gators, wake up at halftime!',\n", " u'Free balloon! Happy Friday! http://t.co/KoBI1XCvZg',\n", " u'RT @CesarConda: @magtherose @jonathanoarias @NickColella @DarrenAchord @TheLifeofSally @emilybouck @hampton_ray are way cooler than @jonath\\u2026',\n", " u'@hellomfh nice meeting you, hope you enjoy DC!',\n", " u\"RT @sarahkliff: Obamacare turns four on Sunday. Hope someone got it enrolled in preschool!\\n(I'll see myself out)\",\n", " u\"\\u201c@tonyrobbins: Facebook's Facial Recognition 'Approaching Human-Level Performance' http://t.co/gDG7dr2b7c\\u201d #UFSocial\",\n", " u\"RT @ARSA_MRO: RT @LevantoAir: Thanks to @hampton_ray from @marcorubio's office for an engaged discussion with 10 @ARSA_MRO members. #legisl\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @LevantoAir: Thanks to @hampton_ray from @marcorubio's office for an engaged discussion with 10 @ARSA_MRO members. #legislativeDay\",\n", " u\"Don't forget to vote @DavidJollyCD13 today! Vote right, vote Jolly!\",\n", " u'Thanks for the free coffee @Nespresso at union station this morning! Happy Friday! http://t.co/C9qW7oSPdY',\n", " u'RT @George_LeMieux: Can you imagine if in 2014 the U.S. sent troops to a province of Canada on the ground of protecting \"ethnic Americans\"?\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @costareports: Christie game plan for CPAC, per internal memo: \"be a conservative Republican,\" knock press, return to comfort zone of pr\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @mckaycoppins: Behind the speech that launched Marco Rubio's comeback. My story: http://t.co/VhM8wV9eVH\",\n", " u'RT @mckaycoppins: Why is everyone here?\\u201d Rubio asked.\\n\\n\\u201cWe\\u2019re going to talk about the speech.\"\\n\\n\\u201cNo, I know what I want to say.\\u201d\\n\\nhttp://t.\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @allysonschwartz: If a bill came to my desk to abolish the death penalty I would sign it. #PAgov',\n", " u'RT @PewReligion: % favoring the death penalty by religious group: \\nWhite evangelicals: 67% \\nUnaffiliated: 55% \\nBlack Protestants: 33% http:\\u2026',\n", " u'As death penalty wanes in U.S., Florida executes even more killers http://t.co/yW0O5oVw9o',\n", " u'\"Florida\\u2019s purpose...to execute its death-row inmates whether or not they are intellectually disabled.\" http://t.co/L6qp10cCuh',\n", " u'RT @pbpost: Could solitary confinement be headed for reform across the U.S.? Should it?\\nVideo, story: http://t.co/pbdMXgjell http://t.co/OW\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @nytimes: A biology professor at an Idaho university asks: \"When may I shoot a student?\" http://t.co/TTqahr52p9 via @nytopinion',\n", " u'RT @DWStweets: Take a moment to #RememberTrayvon and all victims of gun violence by joining me in asking Florida to reform Stand Your Groun\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @jlrosicaTBO: Secrecy shrouds state's execution drugs | http://t.co/iB66ydFflV\",\n", " u\"RT @TamaraLush: Here's my story from today. Testimony gives rare details of #Florida #executions (from @AP) http://t.co/xfVcocsSRG\",\n", " u\"Now it's happening in the US, too. Not just Europe. Pharmacy agrees not to provide execution drugs http://t.co/8z4U4EBc3x via @msnbc\",\n", " u'RT @Dreamdefenders: \"You have a governor in our state that says \\'jobs, jobs, jobs\\', but what he\\'s really saying is \\'jails, jails, jails\\'.\" \\u2026',\n", " u'Watching @PhilofDreams_ on Chris Hayes on MSNBC. Great job!',\n", " u'On the Death Penalty, \\u2018Too Many Doubts\\u2019 http://t.co/Twt9VYrWnr',\n", " u'Washington Governor Suspends Death Penalty http://t.co/1yYBkoBDAJ',\n", " u\"Hearing ordered on state's use of execution drugs http://t.co/3loGemZkjQ via @tdonline\",\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: This is an outrage. Stay tuned on how we can protest Rick Scott's awful insult to every student & voter in the state. htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @DiggsWayne: Amadou Diallo was murdered by the NYPD 15 years ago today. Hit 19 times. Shot at 41 times. A photo I took. RIP. http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MMFlint: Thanks Bob. The D.',\n", " u'Bob Dylan & Detroit. Wow.',\n", " u'RT @HillaryClinton: It\\u2019s so much more fun to watch FOX when it\\u2019s someone else being blitzed & sacked! #SuperBowl']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @JimmieTSmith: My editorial on cannabis and medical marijuana. http://t.co/1G5X7Rwv8O #Sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @josefelixdiaz: At FL House Health Care Approps meeting and glad to see @FLGovScott propose add'l funding for cancer research on #WorldC\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Happy Egg Day Y'all!!!!\",\n", " u\"RT @SuuperG: #Sunrise at LAX. Let's do this! #Iceland - bound \\u2708 (well, Denver first \\U0001f609 ) http://t.co/Qz2cdGxfmF\",\n", " u'RT @ucf_marcdaniels: With the DH sweep by @UCF_Baseball over Louisville, the Knights now are 12-2 in the @American_Conf and own a 3.5 game \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TKD_America: 1003 Likes! Great job everyone',\n", " u'Spring Break!',\n", " u'RT @UCF_Recruiting: Scott Van Pelt (@notthefakeSVP) has a UCF helmet front and center on his show today. #ESPN #UCF #Knightnationisglobal h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @osknights: UCF giving players Fiesta Bowl rings at team meeting RT @UCF_Football: The #UCFiesta is continuing this morning! http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @POWER953: Have you seen UCF's Fiesta Bowl Championship rings? SEXY! http://t.co/8AUc0Za8yT\",\n", " u'RT @aleciataco: @penguins pride at Universal Orlando! #Pens #Thing1Thing2 #twoheadedmonster http://t.co/AbatQIcFuZ',\n", " u'Jealous my dad got to go to the @penguins @NHLFlyers game today!! #gopens',\n", " u'RT @Ry_Bass: GOL will name a starting QB on Monday, tweets @osknights',\n", " u\"RT @PennyDDs: I wish I were a boy so I could pee in the woods. (random thought when I'm in the woods with all these sweet boys.)\",\n", " u\"@UCF_Football Can't wait for Ireland! #UCFvsPSU #Dublin\",\n", " u'RT @UCF_Football: Nice crowd today at the Spring Game! #UCFamilySG #ChargeOn http://t.co/ihTRiyr6PK',\n", " u'RT @vicenews: Start your morning off with our latest dispatch from Ukraine. Watch it here: http://t.co/w4VXWSb0z5 http://t.co/ScGjEWQ99U',\n", " u'Back to work tomorrow :(',\n", " u'Well its been fun #SanDiego! Until next time! #WouldntMindLivingHere #California #StayClassy @\\u2026 http://t.co/2QH0bGeK4B',\n", " u'Wow whooo!!! 6',\n", " u'FIRST PITCH!! #LetsGoBucs #Pirates #Cubs #MLB',\n", " u'RT @Pirates: 15 minutes. #LetsGoBucs http://t.co/M5lS18lnZX']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@sprintcare thank you!',\n", " u'@sprintcare Laura and 5th St, walking distance to downtown Jacksonville and I have one bar. Is that normal? http://t.co/MSUaJVLQZ3',\n", " u'@sprintcare Carlotta Rd W 32211 and Southpoint Blvd 32216 (I believe) although many other paces as well.',\n", " u\"@sprintcare OK, I'll DM that info to you. I believe I have cycled and updated, but I'll try again. Thank you for looking into this!\",\n", " u\"@sprintcare cross streets where I don't get service or my home? It's a Samsung Galaxy 4S. I'll stop harshing on you guys for a bit.\",\n", " u\"Sometimes you need to get away, even though you're in your own home. Disable your phone by switching to @sprint.\\n\\nSprint: the unnetwork.\",\n", " u'@sprintcare first and foremost is that data seems to be severely limited or delayed. I cannot send or receive picture messages. Etc.',\n", " u\"@geex5 is ramping back up and @thezombieroom is republishing zombie haiku originally posted on the Zom-B-Q's Facebook page.\",\n", " u'Most phones @sprint offers allow you to use wifi - which \"makes up\" for crappy signal (although you\\'ll pay anyway).\\n\\nSprint: the unnetwork.',\n", " u\"Wrote more zombie haiku because that's what I do, yo.\",\n", " u'. @sprint offers many plans for users. Most of them overcharge you, but some also provide lousy service as well. Sprint: the unnetwork.',\n", " u'@scarletteseeker Hopefully congrats on getting your truck!',\n", " u'@scarletteseeker Sorry, I was in a meeting. My 9:30 is now a 4pm. Dinner sounds good. Where?',\n", " u\"Parents, tired of your kids constantly playing on their phones? Switch to @sprint and they won't be able to do shit. Sprint: the unnetwork.\",\n", " u'I love comparing the words bleeped out in different areas. Foreign radio bleeps nearly nothing. America bleeps out all kinds of stuff. WTG.',\n", " u'\"Twerk? Only squares twerk.\" - Maynard G. Krebbs',\n", " u'Twerk not, lest ye be twerked.',\n", " u\"Thanks so much Excel!\\nCount my haiku syllables.\\nMicrosoft's best use.\",\n", " u\"I'm a model of bad behavior and poor decisions.\",\n", " u'I\\'ve found \"you\\'ve got to take what you can get\" to be an excellent motto but a poor legal defense.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Big shotuout to @jlivni for his invaluable SHP to FusionTables converter http://t.co/jPe91wa7un',\n", " u'100 years from now, history will be analyzed via Russian dashcam. http://t.co/QUYP8jYswU',\n", " u'Almost as much as a state house race! RT @ericming5: Koch group is bragging about hitting 1,500 doors \\u2026 nationwide http://t.co/SNclL9emXS',\n", " u'RT @ProgressFlorida: Hey Miami-Dade County, Let Our People Go! (to the bathroom on Election Day, jeez.) http://t.co/GHZTOfBk9S #pfla',\n", " u'\"METALLICONGEE!\" http://t.co/a9cUCuOSg4 -@EnzoCUEK',\n", " u'@DKinAU @theMMQB @drewmagary I am everywhere.',\n", " u'Divide conservatism into status quo and punitively making things worse. Banning minwage increase is the latter. http://t.co/X73owdfAuk',\n", " u'Friends of the GOP: \"Elections Canada should not have a vested interest in recording a high voter turnout.\" http://t.co/i2OyrewEST',\n", " u'RT @paulythegun: How not to use color scales. http://t.co/yUtHZUAln7',\n", " u'Immoral right killing Medicaid expansion. \"Heal the sick, raise the dead...freely you have received; freely give.\" http://t.co/rRQJSxUSwm',\n", " u'RT @adeslatte: Florida Democratic Party redesigns its Website. Noles lose their minds, demand booster refunds: http://t.co/Jo03UJM7Gr #sayf\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TPM: The pay is too damn low: http://t.co/kOzxn4KoBR',\n", " u'Like I said...7 million enrollments is a statistic. 1 enrollment is a triumph: http://t.co/2dhCzRXECc',\n", " u\"RT @charlieNPR: Remember Basil \\u201cIf you kill someone, you get murdered\\u201d Marceaux? He's running for governor again in Tennessee http://t.co/w\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Eventually, the Roberts court will rule that it's only corruption if a bribe comes in a sack of cash with a dollar sign on it.\",\n", " u'7 million enrollments is a statistic. 1 enrollment is a story. Find the sick people made healthy again and tell their stories.',\n", " u'RT @akinsdem: Excited about this opportunity. RT@AnzaloneLiszt - ALGR Hires New Associate Kevin Akins in Montgomery, AL Office. http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @aedwardslevy: Indie != nonpartisan MT @charlieNPR NPR poll: 11% of independents say no chance they'd vote for GOP candidate; 18% no cha\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @sahilkapur: Amazing line from John Roberts on campaign contributions and corruption: http://t.co/CW6OEksvS0',\n", " u'RT @SenWarren: It\\u2019s obscene the govt charges more interest than needed to run the student loan program - students deserve a #refund https:/\\u2026']},\n", " {'INT': [u'Those people that are one sex lead me to the ER have to be made of some extra special kind of stupid watching shaking my head!',\n", " u'I hate pointed toed shoes in any style!',\n", " u'@jamielo62 Thanks Fam :)',\n", " u'@jamielo62 @kay_buckle @jessbelieve @_vivtheillest @fluecok @lilsismin Thank you and Happy Easter Fam :)',\n", " u'@TrueBlueNation1 @Tighteyes217 @DeidraWalls @_Sh0rtCakes @lakeisha09x @robikristin @KING_in_MEMPHIS Thanks Fam enjoy your Easter weekend!',\n", " u'@BaxFootballGuru @Sportsgal1972 @ErinSharoni @John6abc @Charlenemay @zillion1 @ Thanks Russell you always make me smile Happy Easter:)',\n", " u'RT @BaxFootballGuru: GOOD EGGS! #FF @Sportsgal1972 @ErinSharoni @john6abc @charlenemay @zillion1 @Lversaci @LiLiReynolds @goodgurlone @Indi\\u2026',\n", " u'@robikristin @TrueBlueNation1 @Tighteyes217 @DeidraWalls @_Sh0rtCakes @lakeisha09x Thank you so much and enjoy your Easter weekend!',\n", " u'RT @RTNBA: Prayers out for Craig Sager... He was diagnosed with Leukemia http://t.co/42wJ3gfTG9',\n", " u\"@RahulBooy @MomiTrainHawaii @Natalia2Hardt @Mischa_SuitsFan @faizziy I can't disagree with that yes you are :)\",\n", " u'@jafah2012 no fun at all its been really rough but I thank you for understand and warm wish for me feeling better',\n", " u'@jafah2012 oh oh watch out world :)',\n", " u'@NFLTrenches end of the season will tell for sure sure just how good the deal was',\n", " u'@jafah2012 @cowboysmama42 @LuckettMike Been having a rough time got a tear in a disc in my knee but doing my best to remain upbeat',\n", " u'@dredlockedrepub @realbeedeb3 pretty much',\n", " u'@PeaboBryson2 amen',\n", " u'RT @PeaboBryson2: Every life is born with challenges that make disappointment a friend or foe. Some will see it as reason to fall, others a\\u2026',\n", " u'@jafah2012 @cowboysmama42 @LuckettMike someone photo shopped Mr Rogers omg How have you been Jafah?',\n", " u'@PinkChocoCandy yes made me smile',\n", " u'@samuelgibsonjr amen']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Flagler Street revamp could start this year http://t.co/sUFavCelnm via @trdmiami',\n", " u'Makeover Ideas Go Public For Broward Convention Center http://t.co/len1N5yfXR via @dbreview',\n", " u'Home investment firms raise rents to build profits http://t.co/YCDgm1EKTy via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Remember the deficit? - Editorials - http://t.co/KF8R8XZNog http://t.co/YJkiEqVl8Q',\n", " u'Chiaramonte sings Sinatra when not planning in Hillsborough http://t.co/KdVcxulvEf via @TB_Times',\n", " u'RT @benwesley4biz: RT @WSJecon: Business Economists See Brighter Outlook for Job Growth http://t.co/o8dPbSsHu5',\n", " u'Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens makes a case for change: Book review http://t.co/KW7yKHFJks',\n", " u\"RT @VictorDover: Bonus: #Transit on today's #StreetoftheDay Avinguda Diagonal, Barcelona. @transitmiami @MassTransitmag #StreetDesign http\\u2026\",\n", " u'Florida communities prepare for rising seas http://t.co/OsnbbT7W9B',\n", " u'RT @KGreenbergTO: Extraordinary map collection now online - Open Access Maps at NYPL http://t.co/tOx39QX57j',\n", " u\"RT @FastCoExist: If you live near a park, you're more likely to be happy. http://t.co/gWIKkZqAIJ http://t.co/Vt3C0Qzlei\",\n", " u'Advocates make case for bike lanes on State Road A1A http://t.co/O4DaCnJhO9',\n", " u'Hallandale paves way for 38-story condo on beach http://t.co/KSQ3RzYqPp',\n", " u'Fort Lauderdale approves beach condos http://t.co/vsB20urUos',\n", " u'Medical marijuana referendum supporters mobilize http://t.co/djsJmZLnxv',\n", " u'Worldcenter neighbors oppose street closure request http://t.co/vg8zyi5urU via @trdmiami',\n", " u'In Queens, Chickens Clash With the Rules, via @nytimes http://t.co/YcLgk0yZVS',\n", " u'Health Care Spending\\u2019s Recent Surge Stirs Unease, via @nytimes http://t.co/2hYZSgbXns',\n", " u'Miami Beach may spend $26 million on land for transit hub - Miami Beach - http://t.co/KF8R8XZNog http://t.co/Ex3KZtQsMj',\n", " u'RT @DrUrbanPolicy: Happy #EmancipationDay, DC! The Compensated Emancipation Act freed slaves in DC on this day in 1862. http://t.co/6GZHLiJ\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Evans by a mile. RT @KasyRay: if it were you, and Watkins were off the board at 7, do you prefer OBJ or Evans?',\n", " u'Anything is possible, but I think the chance is small. RT @Fitz_FF: Odds that Jimmie Ward goes before either Ha-Ha or Pryor?',\n", " u'@WW85JK73 this year? CB\\u2026WR class much deeper. (But top WRs are also better than top CBs, so it\\u2019s all about how the board falls)',\n", " u'Had scout few years back spend 20min on iPad showing me every reason Patrick Peterson stunk in coverage \\u201cWhere would you draft him?\\u201d\\u2026\\u201dTop 5\"',\n", " u'@rmullenix96 Anna Kendrick',\n", " u'Both Roby & Fuller have ability there; are potential 1st rounders. Like Nevin Lawson few rounds later RT @GrizzMiss: who is best zone CB?',\n", " u'Always good when a player has experience (duh) but many are looking for clay to mold at CB because every prospect is raw by NFL standards.',\n", " u'A lot of people treat having played press man in college as automatically meaning a CB can do it in the pros. Megatron ain\\u2019t Jeremy Gallon.',\n", " u'Always preferred Dennard. Press man a lot different animal in NFL than in Big Ten RT @WW85JK73: How about Gilbert vs Dennard?',\n", " u'@SirLDot no idea, just think they know top teams willing to move and exploring every option.',\n", " u'@drs10909 I have not, so no thoughts.',\n", " u'@SirLDot love Watkins, but trading up period.',\n", " u'@nwisefantasy almost all of it. Or, it\\u2019s a fake-fake out\\u2026it\\u2019s like inception up in here.',\n", " u'. @Celtics534 I mean, it *could*, but OG like Zack Martin or S like Calvin Pryor would really help the team even if it\\u2019s not as big of need',\n", " u'Fans need to accept OT/WR value might not be there. RT @Celtics534: who do u think the panthers should draft/is going to be available at 28?',\n", " u'Anything is possible, but I think trading up would be a huge mistake. RT @SirLDot: will the Lions trade up for Sammy? Or nah?',\n", " u'Both good, but Beckham stock outta control. He goes 1st, but I\\u2019d rather have Cooks RT @WW85JK73: Who do you like better: Cooks or Beckham?',\n", " u'.@GDotKillaa More fleshed-out Manziel thoughts here http://t.co/wPk3ZPIziB',\n", " u'Ultimate boom/bust. Like him, but there\\u2019s risk there. RT @GDotKillaa: thoughts on what Johnny manziel will look like as a player in 5 years?',\n", " u'Got some time here, let\\u2019s talk\\u2026shoot me your questions (football, draft, media, life, love\\u2026whatever). I\\u2019ll do my best to answer them all.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @nikebasketball: .@KingJames closes in on history like he chases down layups. http://t.co/3L6UynLacB',\n", " u'Manny Pacquiao-Timothy Bradley 2 Analysis. Maybe his last 2 losses were a good thing for him. http://t.co/6lnIfUmsso',\n", " u'The NBA tweeted out 2014 championship rings for each team http://t.co/XsAuQJ1aOf',\n", " u'Gallery of some of the best and most unique facemasks in NFL history http://t.co/eqeNpz6M63',\n", " u'Lebron James field goal % over the last 8 years http://t.co/W1z1QqbRtF',\n", " u'Reasons kids cry... http://t.co/BKs8xbbcpB',\n", " u'Kemba and MKG after the NCAA Title Game http://t.co/MpVzqLWyLa',\n", " u'Samsung Galaxy S5: Hammer Test Fail http://t.co/ENtERAr0oD',\n", " u'The original bromance http://t.co/bmGYtbJT5G',\n", " u'NYPD Cop accepts dance battle against street artist. Cop KILLS it! http://t.co/HgVjfGeL3M',\n", " u'RT @JonnyBones: Impressive @KingJames',\n", " u'RT @TasMelas: Nice gentle jab by Mike Tirico: \"Wade, as he often does, looking for the call.\"',\n", " u'Lebron just hit Hibbert with that \"Kobe\"',\n", " u'Forget guns, what happens when everyone prints their own shoes? http://t.co/rxpkctD7Ji',\n", " u'X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer 2 https://t.co/bzY2K0e013',\n", " u'LeBron with the Ridiculous pass! https://t.co/dpIarqqP7c',\n", " u'Close up pictures of tennis players just look like people trying really hard to control their telekinetic powers http://t.co/kvGtOg2ZQV',\n", " u'Cinnabon waffles http://t.co/iz3y8S2Nhe',\n", " u'How much of a house (in square feet) can be bought with $1 million in major US cities http://t.co/5UMKR6ziUd',\n", " u'RT @hannibalburess: This is crazy \\n\\n https://t.co/4a2kkRsnF2']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @JebBush: Final four! Way to go, Florida and @UFCoachBillyD! #MarchMadness',\n", " u'RT @marcorubio: Cubans suffer under system #Venezuela is copying.What message do you have, @yoanisanchez, for Venezuelans in this crucial t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FloridaPorts: Congratulations to the amazing Alice Ancona (@aancon) at @FlChamber for being honored on International Women's Day 2014!\",\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Did you know? 4 out of 5 new jobs in FL are created by small businesses. #SmallBizDay @nfib_fl @FloridaSBDCN',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Mark Wilson: \"Our job is not to sell FL, our job is to make FL more competitive.\" @EnterpriseFL #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Mark Wilson on education: \"Higher standards matter.\" @EnterpriseFL @FLChamberFdn #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: @FlChamber CEO Mark Wilson\\'s great perspective on what\\'s going right here. \"#Florida is America\\'s success story.\" http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TimGiuliani: \"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FlChamber: This Morning's news: Education Summit Engages Thought Leaders http://t.co/l5OdINfxPW via @SaintPetersblog @FLChamberFdn #I\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FLChamberFdn: @FlChamber Pres. & CEO gives closing remarks with Foundation Chair Bentina Terry. #IsFLReady http://t.co/K0bNYPymWv',\n", " u\"RT @FlChamber: A big thank you to the Education Summit's sponsors @ATT @floridarealtors @FLCouncilof100 @gatesfoundation #IsFLReady #FLSta\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @RepWebster: .@girls_inc encouraging girls in #CentralFlorida to become strong, smart and bold leaders in our community! http://t.co/7NI\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @SoStrategyFL: @sostrategyfl Orlando team brainstorming with Chamber on how to secure Florida's future #freeenterprise #flchamber http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'Kayaking with Great whites???!!!! #Insane#SharkWeek',\n", " u'Silva laid down. Weidman was the man in that fight.#Dissatisfied',\n", " u'Steve Burton,friend,mentor,\"No limit to what a man can do...if he doesn\\'t mind who gets the credit.\"Reagan...God rest your soul old friend.',\n", " u'Reminder: 4/14 Church W/ T.K. Wetherell at Honey Lake Church. Gators welcome! 10 a.m. Come early. Stay4brunch, make reservations now',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Plaintiff\\u2019s lawyers have green light 2 bring cases relying on junk science in FL court; cases they would not file elsewhe ...',\n", " u'RT @LeticiaMAdams: Cut Florida taxpayer pension risk http://t.co/iDfeUa6xuj @flchamber',\n", " u\"RT @FlChamber: @USChamber Pres/CEO Tom Donohue says FL's lawsuit environment is keeping investment away http://t.co/HEqEw5APZI #saintpet ...\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @StopFemaNowNC: @GOPLeader @RepHensarling throw 2nd homes under the bus and ALL coastal property values will collapse. We ALL need help\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VetriDani: FEMA WASTED $416k per capita to temp house ppl displaced by Katrina,nearly $1B on trailers FEMA\\u2019s own regs rendered unusable\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @VetriDani: FEMA mismanaged $40mil infotech prgm ~Insp Skinner est'd the amt wasted as $7.5mil @RepHensarling #AIDITFEMA\\nhttp://t.co/Pif\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @VetriDani: .@RepHensarling Joining Bi-part Bills 1st lowest among ALL Reps Of the 86 bills Jeb co'd,1% weren't intro'd by a Repub COOPE\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @STOPFEMANOWLYCO: REALLY?!People say just move,WHERE?@FEMA has most mid/lo inc. people in flood zones w/ crim. maps @SteveScalise http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@SpeakerBoehner @GOPLeader @RepHensarling @RepDennisRoss #FixFema skyscraper pays less than bungalow? NO FAIR http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @VetriDani: more than a mil $ in insurance $ Hardee County got for damages from Hurr Charlie '04 was unaccounted for @RepHensarling #fix\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @VetriDani: READ:Hastert Was Warned About FEMA\\'s Problems @RepDennisRoss ring a bell? http://t.co/JZSFczCa9o \"Since FEMA has become part\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VetriDani: Govt is n association of men who do violence to the rest of us~Tolstoy @HouseDemocrats @HouseGOP @RepHensarling BW-12 is n a\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @VetriDani: .@WhipHoyer vote on HR3370 URGENT! PLS encourage #Floodinsurance attn BW-12 debacle nvr shld have passed, pols didn't undrst\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNow: \"Stop FEMA Now, a citizens group supporting continuation of subsidized flood ins\\u2026 http://t.co/nAEJZmrgwa',\n", " u\"RT @VetriDani: I don't make jokes. I just watch the govt and report the facts~Will Rogers @SpeakerBoehner BW-12 is a JOKE! #fixflood $5213 \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @VetriDani: Looks like USACE & their levees caused most of the NFIP deficit. How is this our problem @SpeakerBoehner @GOPLeader http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VetriDani: @Tesseract257 @FixFloodNow made mine!',\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: >Re-revised HR3370 has been filed. @StopFemaNow checking it out. Will it be enough to help our folks? http://t.co/RRlA7PYjfN',\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@GOPLeader Do what's fair. Don't allow messed up rates and maps ruin lives, hopes & dreams ! #fixflood @StopFemaNow ht\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowJJ: Can't afford more increases, want to keep my home :( #fixflood @StopFemaNow @MaxineWaters @RepHensarling @RepDennisRoss \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @SFNLA: Latest HR3370: FEMA admin shouldn't make prem > 1% of total coverage; if so supply list to @FinancialCmte. http://t.co/RRlA7PYj\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@GOPLeader Rep.MaxineWaters Don't allow messed up rates and maps ruin lives, hopes & dreams. #fixflood @StopFemaNow ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowNY: @RepHensarling I pray to God you never have to deal with any disasters, you could not handle it @StopFemaNow']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Fuck prohibition. #USAFreedom',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Support H.R. 499, if signed by our President @BarackObama, marijuana prohibition will end\\rhttp://t.co/ruq33WFI5T',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @kenwilley for the Florida state representative position of district 18. This candidate is for legalization o\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @RandyLPF for state representative on the 2014 November 4th elections. This candidate is for the legalizatio\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @wohlsifer to get @PamBondi out of the Attorney General of Florida office. She is against medical marijuana l\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @_Legalization__: Vote for omar recuero for Florida's state representative on the 014 November 4th elections. This candidate is for lega\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Re-Elect @MissWrite at the 2014 Maine elections for state house representative. @MissWrite supports the legalization o\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Marijuana legalization amendment petition to put on the ballot for the 2014 Arizona elections found here\\r http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @hangergovernor for the Pennsylvania Gubernatorial elections on November 4th. This candidate is for the legal\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Support H.R. 499 \"Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2013\" @BarackObama @Martin_Dempsey @SpeakerBoehner @O\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Support H.R. 499, if signed by our President @BarackObama, marijuana prohibition will end.\\rhttp://t.co/ruq33WFI5T',\n", " u\"RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @WyllieForGov at the August 26 and Nov 4th gubernatorial elections as Florida's Governor. He is for the lega\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Re-Elect @jaredpolis at the 2014 Colorado state elections to keep the fight to legalize marijuana #Forward. He is the \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: On Nov. 4th election vote YES to legalize medical marijuana. Get your absentee ballot requests here.\\r#YESOn2 http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @lucas_overby on March 11 for the confessional seat of Florida's district 13. This candidate is for the legal\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @Crumpton_2014 at the 014 Alabama elections on Nov 4th for the senate seat. Candidate is for the legalization\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @CharlieCrist or @senatornanrich at the 2014 elections. They both for the legalization of medical marijuana',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: #TakeAction legalize marijuana.\\r USA: http://t.co/ruq33WFI5T \\rArizona: http://t.co/4lssBq2zzz',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @CharlieCrist or @senatornanrich at the 2014 elections. They both for the legalization of medical marijuana.',\n", " u'RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @Crumpton_2014 at the 014 Alabama elections on Nov 4th for the senate seat. Candidate is for the legalization\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Join me today at the LaVoy Exceptional Center Spring Carnival. So proud of this PTA for hosting this event.',\n", " u'Great meeting with Guardian Ad Litem representatives. Education advocates for these kids are essential. @GALTampa',\n", " u'Excellence in education should be a shared value for us regardless of politics. We can use our voice! @MEall4Schools @All4Schools',\n", " u'We need to elevate and celebrate teachers across this country. We can all help with this. #ourstudents @MEall4Schools @HillsboroughCTA',\n", " u'The most important influence on student learning each year is the teacher. @HillsboroughSch @HillsboroughCTA @MEall4Schools @All4Schools',\n", " u'We need to make sure when students graduate with a diploma, they are ready for college or ready for a career. #ourstudents',\n", " u'Compelling education conversation with the Tampa business community and @MaryEllenElia @HillsboroughSch. #ourstudents',\n", " u'Loved seeing so many people @HCCFL Presidential Showcase event. Great partnerships helping to \"Empower students to achieve their goals.\"',\n", " u'Congratulations to Ken Hagan and Scott Luttrell - recognized for their service & leadership to @TampaYMCA at Community Impact dinner.',\n", " u\"Thanks @SSChamber Education Partnership Comm. 4 today's meeting. Great breakfast prepared by So. County Career Center students . @HCPSCTE\",\n", " u'Barriers to college include financial need and informed decision making. Mentors can make a difference along with financial aid.',\n", " u'Talking about access to college and supporting student success with @HeliosEdFnd and the Community Foundation.',\n", " u'Proud to support the great work of students, faculty & staff at The Pace School for girls. #success @HillsboroughSch http://t.co/lPA9bZfYab',\n", " u'@jilshim ????What???',\n", " u'Congratulations @MEall4Schools, @TBLightning Community Hero. She does great work for @HillsboroughSch & students. http://t.co/xusiS0IsFn',\n", " u\"Terrific highlight of @Mowtampa and Amy Shimberg in Steve Otto's column today. http://t.co/73J9cuQkS3\",\n", " u'@jilshim We are listed after the puppies???',\n", " u'Congrats to Shields Middle School teacher Terrena Conson for shirt design @ the Manatee Art Fest. @HillsboroughSch http://t.co/zp0W0hl3u8',\n", " u\"Beautiful day at Manatee Festival of the Arts. Don't miss it!! @ruskinchamber http://t.co/MCsE7F4YeQ\",\n", " u'@KeriLyn_Francis @pateltimes so nice to see you last night. Thanks for the support and encouragement.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'I want that drink rn...',\n", " u'Typical response to people handing out stuff in the plaza: no thank you \\n\\nSo this girl tries to hand me a drink and candy and I said no...',\n", " u'Peanut Butter and Bananas #gains',\n", " u\"I can't even focus rn...\",\n", " u'Real Talk....',\n", " u\"I'm a broke boi #BankAccountIsEmpty\",\n", " u'Midnight Fun Run orrrrr nah?',\n", " u'@TheAndrewBondi \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'@SmoothBrothaT he gonna get a bonus for the final four tho!',\n", " u'@MySportsLegion @TheAndrewBondi',\n", " u\"@SmoothBrothaT that's crazy\",\n", " u'@MySportsLegion lmao no way...',\n", " u'Coffee Town \\U0001f60b\\U0001f629 http://t.co/Z1T7EoeZNI',\n", " u'Why deeze ppl playin muzic over the speakers in Pugh....?',\n", " u'@CooperThompson2 open ended tweet about your emotions',\n", " u'@AustinHarrell1 thanks man',\n", " u'@AustinHarrell1 job interview lol',\n", " u'Whale socks for good luck',\n", " u'Super nervous right now',\n", " u'RT @seth_madaris: I like wearing nike shoes, underarmour shorts and a reebok sweatshirt just to make middle school boys really angry. #cros\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Me an my bad decisions',\n", " u'Yes I broke to pieces her heart, got used to seein her cryin',\n", " u'Wow @KDTrey5',\n", " u'Russell Westbrook is a freak',\n", " u\"Ooollld spice! Take a look what you've done\",\n", " u'And iiiiii will never ever feel you agaaaaiinnn but i will always loveeee you the sameeee',\n", " u\"I'll make my paradise on earthhh\",\n", " u'All my dreamers put your hands in the sky',\n", " u\"RT @AIanHangover: My mom just texted me saying 'call me \\u201cASAP', I think I'll stick to calling her 'Mom'.\",\n", " u\"James Harden might just be the best isolation player in the game. He's up there with Lebron, KD and Melo.\",\n", " u'Fun fact: Kemba Walker won 32 games his senior year at UCONN and only 28 his first TWO years in the nba with the Bobcats',\n", " u'RT @LeBronFanatic_6: Sources are saying Dwyane Wade is ready to \"dominate\" in the playoffs. #WadeCounty #WadeIsBack',\n", " u'\\u201c@iHoop258_: @BlakeDantin suck a dick\\u201d http://t.co/diCS2okePb',\n", " u'@iHoop258_ fuck u hoe. #HeatNation',\n", " u'The Pacers \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'@D_Cols happy bday cuz',\n", " u'RT @ChristinaMbuya: \\U0001f62d\\U0001f62d http://t.co/LDijpVbqgM',\n", " u'RT @LeBronFanatic_6: Kobbeeeeee!!! http://t.co/91qJXLDkTY',\n", " u'Baby ima go out my way just to please you',\n", " u'RT @LeBronFanatic_6: YOOOO \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602 http://t.co/i84mm4xd0i']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @coremessage: Jim Hagedorn: \\u2018Social contract\\u2019 requires Scotts Miracle-Gro to step forward in resolving Florida\\u2019s water crisis http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FloridaRetail: Must read from @TCPalm: Scotts Miracle-Gro CEO steps up to help resolve Florida\\u2019s water crisis\\nhttp://t.co/Oo2ShjBE2J #s\\u2026',\n", " u'Fun RT @BigMooseRadio #SchoolHouseRock -- Little reference to this today by @NewsGuyGreg and @TrimmelG #ImJustABill http://t.co/ATSfVLSFaS \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @wakullawriter: On @abc27 - @GomesMedia breaking down legislative action for us! #sayfie',\n", " u'Thank you! @wakullawriter Congrats! @TBTia @MadisonSocial @dpienta',\n", " u'RT @wakullawriter: Congrats @TBTia & @GomesMedia & Amanda & Matt from @MadisonSocial @dpienta on being named Golden A.C.E. nominees!',\n", " u'RT @SMG_GroGood: Nice article from Peter Clark @TampaBayWatch on the importance of collaboration to accomplish environmental goals: http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SMG_GroGood: Editorial via @TCPalm highlights unique partnership between Scotts and @TeamORCA to help #IndianRiverLagoon http://t.co/ir\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SMG_GroGood: Learn more about our innovative partnership with @TampaBayWatch on our new Florida web page: http://t.co/XYIDwrv5lH #baygr\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @coremessage: @TampaBayWatch partners w/ @MiracleGro to preserve regional wetlands #sayfie @SSNAlerts http://t.co/tvdYdXp4yy http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SachsMediaGrp: Congrats Jessica Clark (@JLBell) on earning the international Project Management Professional (PMP)\\xae credential: http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"Direct stream of @BarackObama's #SOTU speech in real-time here: http://t.co/apjrCF6reo\",\n", " u\"Thanks for keeping us busy and spreading the word. 'Liked' our Facebook page yet?: https://t.co/9XKufEJDVN\",\n", " u'Thanks for leading the way and showing its possible. @On3_PR @FT2Consult',\n", " u'Excited to partner with @SachsMediaGrp to produce \"Florida NewsMakers.\" See this week\\'s episode with Rep. @mattgaetz http://t.co/HFY6ghiAf6',\n", " u'Thanks to all of the new followers and great post in @SaintPetersblog ICYMI http://t.co/eHgQj7fXHD',\n", " u'What an amazing boost! 47 new followers. Thanks for the big show of support for GMS on day 1.',\n", " u'RT @RyanCohn: Congrats to my friend @TrimmelG on the launch of his new communications firm, Gomes Media Strategies (@GomesMedia) http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Thank you! RT @pateltimes Congrats on launch of @gomesMedia!',\n", " u'RT @CapitalSoup: Veteran Communicator Trimmel Gomes Launches Media Strategies Firm http://t.co/LJFxYDSd9T via @CapitalSoup @Gomesmedia @Tri\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Giant mako shark photographed at Florida gas station could set a world record http://t.co/Js7ICzSZFQ #navarre',\n", " u'Formula 1 Pit Stops 1950 & Today http://t.co/Qpet5EMza9',\n", " u'Guy walks around Tokyo backward, this is what the footage looks like played in reverse http://t.co/VdhQxsopUL',\n", " u'@thenikonbloke thanks, Allan',\n", " u\"These twin babies think they're still in the womb http://t.co/uI7sriUD2i\",\n", " u'CCTV footage of the 2011 tsunami that hit Japan http://t.co/oJPZ7sIOft',\n", " u\"'Why Am I Dead?' He Never Asked. Here's The Answer He Never Heard http://t.co/xv7BITQcUi\",\n", " u'HA, FSU vs UF: \"Seminoles\" - A Parody of \\'Royals\\' by Lorde - Generation Sketch Comedy http://t.co/hfkt8OYivY #gainesville #tallahassee',\n", " u\"Now they have a bunch of worthless items in stock: Blindsided! Change in FSU's logo hit retailers http://t.co/vxxgs3SsJC #tallahassee\",\n", " u\"wow. that's kinda creepy. bunny takes a shower http://t.co/E75I3UetG0 #easter\",\n", " u'Photographer Douglas Sonders shares personal projects featuring super heroes: http://t.co/3Ek9PZUPHE #photography',\n", " u'@mvanec but are they?',\n", " u'FSU Letters to NY Times Editors (in response to article on the Jameis Winston rape accusation investigation) http://t.co/0KPCAKFqYJ',\n", " u'FSU Response to NY Times Article (on the rape accusations/investigation against Jameis Winston) http://t.co/a5GkNpKVDO #tallahassee #florida',\n", " u'One-sided article? A Star Player (Jameis Winston) Accused, and a Flawed Rape Investigation http://t.co/K4VLmJ556W #FSU #Florida #Tallahassee',\n", " u'EXography: State government dependence on federal funding growing at alarming rate http://t.co/El88dYYfZz #makeitrain',\n", " u\"28 Happy Photos That Will Improve Anyone's Day http://t.co/dxVVUycqhm\",\n", " u'@JayyPotter good, thanks',\n", " u'New York Times Wins Two Photography Pulitzers http://t.co/hmRRWS3Yft',\n", " u'Your private data was at risk from the Heartbleed bug on many websites: Check which sites have been patched http://t.co/vQg2R6Bt04']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Florida City About to Make it Illegal For Homeless People to Have Possessions in Public http://t.co/j8PpscmxAQ',\n", " u\"RT @JohnFosterWay: Americans need to Realize\\nFox is not 'News' in its TRUE sense of the word!\\nhttp://t.co/PTar8epIHO\\nThey R #FoxNewLies\\n@E\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @linnyitssn: Any pregnancy is God's will, they say. Except of course Chelsea Clinton's pregnancy. That one was ordered by Hillary.\",\n", " u'RT @doctorjoe56: #GOP BLOCKED #Veterans #HealthCare\\n#GOPHatesVets BUT LOVES to start wars & wave flags\\nhttp://t.co/VOxs2Z4QE9\\u201d@patricia_lin\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @insiderwisdom25: @RonHall46 @thevalleyforum @OpinionatedDem History is like facts 2 GOP-Don't like the outcome just lie about it.\",\n", " u'RT @GetWisdomDude: GOP raised Million$ to \\nKeep You From Voting\\nMake Them Regret It !! \\nhttp://t.co/m6NUDjFhPV \\nhttp://t.co/Kea2AMjjMq\\n#Uni\\u2026',\n", " u'I just called on @MyFLHouse to keep #BigTobacco out of Florida policymaking. Please join me. http://t.co/Y2OdpWntTc via @StopCorpAbuse',\n", " u'Message sent! Thank you for supporting action to address climate change in Florida http://t.co/NMwrJ5povU',\n", " u'RT @dccc: Stand with President Obama for a fair minimum wage \\u27a8 http://t.co/7ZFsh7nPxr http://t.co/vHZmcmFW57',\n", " u\"RT @jilevin: RT if you feel America's Corporations should pay their fair share in taxes! http://t.co/IB9KLvOUEW\",\n", " u'RT @juliacontiers: \"@areyou0: #MadMen http://t.co/ouZyZdK30M\"',\n", " u\".@PepsiCo's #palmoil use impacts #climate & tropical forests. It's time to go deforestation-free: http://t.co/Ll58UqG5hW #YEARSProject\",\n", " u'RT @danieltilson: Yeah, #RickScott \"wants\" #instatetuition like he \"wants\" #Medicaidexpansion http://t.co/CZ6OpcfxNC #sayfie #FLleg #pfla \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PabonMatriarch: States that opt out of #MedicaidExpansion, leave millions out of the health care loop yet costs taxpayers plenty. http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @teigland_cindy: Dems Better Say It Loud; We Support Obamacare And We're Proud! YES WE ARE!!! http://t.co/OHJzdiY1jC\",\n", " u'RT @teigland_cindy: Fox News Amps Up The Paranoia With The Utterly Ridiculous War On Easter! ALWAYS A WAR...IS MEMORIAL DAY NEXT? HAHA htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ericopinion: Republicans can stop denying 5 million working Americans health insurance any time they want: http://t.co/9JDwEoBdUL',\n", " u\"RT @Chandralotte: Jesus. He's not at all like the imaginary person conservative evangelicals made up out of their wicked imaginations. http\\u2026\",\n", " u'Scott touts jobs medium Florida pay falls $4000 #jobs #pinksliprick',\n", " u\"ask the Florida's governor and legislature to support a special session on #medicaid #medicaidexpansion\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @ReaIRihanna: I hate arguing, but I hate holding shit in.',\n", " u'@MoreJulia we were slow!?',\n", " u\"RT @Shubbbbbbbb: nine times out of ten I'm not wearing a bra\",\n", " u'\\u201c@TheWorldStories: Snake-liquor-in Vietnam!! http://t.co/oKvrMGNWeF\\u201d@chelseyyanne93 want some!?',\n", " u'Love spending time with Jeremy \\U0001f60d',\n", " u'RT @TheFunnyWorId: It was two tired! http://t.co/XIBo12P7ha',\n", " u'@MoreJulia I wish I saw it that way \\U0001f614',\n", " u\"@abb_blake hope y'all enjoyed the crystal petals \\U0001f609 y'all need to come in on a week night & I'll hook y'all up with drinks girl!\",\n", " u'@MoreJulia they have my schedule all messed up \\U0001f621',\n", " u'@MoreJulia please tell me you work tomm!?',\n", " u'RT @MoreJulia: I have been lovin @NatalieTravis13 back in my life lately.... \\U0001f60a\\U0001f46d\\U0001f495',\n", " u'RT @LavenderGeorgia: I get discouraged very easily.',\n", " u\"If this doctors office doesn't call me back soon to be seen, we will have problems\",\n", " u'RT @HorrorPlaces: Another girl showed up in the photograph http://t.co/KD53XwlaZT',\n", " u'I hate when Jeremy gets annoyed with stuff, it stresses me out even more \\U0001f62b',\n", " u\"It's early & I have a million errands.\",\n", " u'RT @LearnSomethlng: This is happiness http://t.co/nBInhMWArr',\n", " u'RT @ayylmao: Parking at church tomorrow going to be like this. http://t.co/nwCvPonPMD',\n", " u\"@KSMITH_0102 yeah! It's way cheaper and they look just like adult size\",\n", " u'@KSMITH_0102 I buy my nikes in kid size & get them 20$ cheaper!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @singpolyma: RT @DLevy2013 @tomazgreco Made a presentation to teach how to use @Ripple to create a decentralized #LETS sngpl.m\\u2026 http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'A New Messianic Hebrew Primer from Olive Press Publications http://t.co/f5I2ac7Qxu',\n", " u'RT @TruthTrad: True repentance involves two things: turning From, and turning To. #Truth',\n", " u'Lucas Overby wins debate over David Jolly and Alex Sink http://t.co/BkiYMxzqxo via @examinercom',\n", " u'Culture: The problem with the Coke ad: You don\\u2019t get to invent your own definition of America | Best of Cain http://t.co/diNjJhwdh7',\n", " u'3 Reasons Why Your Spouse Needs a Partner, Not a Helper http://t.co/ILPDU5ZgmZ',\n", " u'Shoresh David Shows The Miracle of Israel http://t.co/SDYst60Upr',\n", " u'Here Are the Rights You Have When Interacting With a Police Officer in One Detailed Infographic http://t.co/ZW7q4i8WCs',\n", " u'Perverted justice \\u2026 By RoseAnn Salanitri | Save America Foundation http://t.co/jz6aEnWA5p',\n", " u'\\u2018Duck Dynasty\\u2019 Fallout: GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years, Says Rep http://t.co/dJu3kPZ5n0 via @YahooTV',\n", " u'@PennyappleMrs My pleasure. :-)',\n", " u'Most requested Christmas gifts of 1913 vs. 2013 prove capitalism works \\u2013 Glenn Beck http://t.co/1LocSWahOu',\n", " u'Denver Post inexplicably removes word \\u2018socialist\\u2019 from story about CO shooter \\u2013 Glenn Beck http://t.co/4F3rnrB0cP via @glennbeck',\n", " u'The Legacy of Mandela: http://t.co/3eP8ADZTmt',\n", " u\"I just bought: 'Back to Creative Writing School' by Bridget Whelan via @amazonkindle http://t.co/Fr0TYf1xAc\",\n", " u'Give thanks to Adonai, for he is good,for his grace continues forever. - Psalm 136:1 http://t.co/xVuXM0MAym',\n", " u'Give thanks to Adonai! Call on his name!Make his deeds known among the peoples. - 1 Chronicles 16:8 http://t.co/1nklQogXGP',\n", " u'When does it stop? -- Tales of the Red Tape #42: Peeling Back Regulatory Nonsense in Vehicle Safety Standards http://t.co/aW4IUXyRZL',\n", " u'http://t.co/eGi4kd3bz8',\n", " u'Transparency? http://t.co/dgqLDb5oxs']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Online shopping is hazardous to my bank account... #Raybans #Computerbag #Shouldbeoutside',\n", " u\"Just heard an ad for Auburn's rodeo in Tallahassee!? What?\",\n", " u\"So exciting! RT @FLGovScott: Welcome to the Governor's office @LopezCantera family! http://t.co/XaeqwxsGGf\",\n", " u\"RT @FLGovScott: FL's 6.4% unemployment rate is STILL below the national average- 6.7% in Dec. #ItsWorking in FL.\",\n", " u'Great news for FL! RT @FLGovScott: 3 years. 446,000 jobs. #ItsWorking',\n", " u'RT @ItsWorkingFL: Be the first to receive FL\\u2019s November jobs report this Friday at 10 am. Enter your email here http://t.co/yvJqXAlm1P #It\\u2026',\n", " u'If all my phone contacts are just randomly deleted is there anything I can do?',\n", " u'RT @realDonaldTrump: Just left Florida, amazing how well State is doing-- jobs way up, taxes down. Congrats to @FLGovScott',\n", " u\"RT @ItsWorkingFL: Florida added more jobs in Oct. than any other state. It's working. Watch the video in growth here: http://t.co/oGeZhqqmrJ\",\n", " u'RT @ItsWorkingFL: BREAKING: FL\\u2019s unemployment rate dropped to 6.7% & a record 46,000 jobs were created in Oct bringing job creation to 440,\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Only 3.5k FLs on exchange. 300,000 families lose insurance plans they were told they could keep. @BarackObama came here to.\\u2026',\n", " u'@May_Kay_Jay @Cha_Nay_Nay Take me back now. #glorydays #loveyoumeanit',\n", " u'War eagleeeeeeeeeeeee!! So happy!!',\n", " u\".@Cha_Nay_Nay of course. I'll just put you in the back with Hutch and Olive. Brian won't notice.\",\n", " u'Planning a drive to California...holy cow I must be crazy!',\n", " u'.@Carol_Elise_Rob hush your mouth! #PSLlove',\n", " u'@MrLatteSays go tigers!! @ledawilliams @mrsogfc3 @OGFC3-- Sorry @thejalexkelly http://t.co/58waLhBX7I',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: .@BarackObama and Congress should not take pay for every day of shutdown.',\n", " u'Almost. There.....RT @BuzzFeed: almost... the... weekend http://t.co/2ceY0prHgz',\n", " u'RT @Reince: Happy #ConstitutionDay! http://t.co/J4uMFV9fVV']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Happy to see people rallying behind Mickey the pitbull, but why isn't your dog trained to not attack over a bone? #nobaddogs #justbadowners\",\n", " u\"The cheapest health insurance I can buy will cost me $50 a month WITH a $119 tax credit. And it's awful insurance.. Affordable Health Care?\",\n", " u\"There is nothing more dangerous than an old privileged white man with a gun. We're safer in the (cont) http://t.co/4jx4oVduyU\",\n", " u\"RT @BarackObama: Retweet to let people know: It's time to #CoverAmerica. http://t.co/C1wQs7gtE6\",\n", " u'Obama\\'s State Department says the keystone pipeline \"should have no significant effect\" on the environment. But really how bad will it be?',\n", " u'Alex Sink uses lobbyist money to campaign that David Jolly was a lobbyist. http://t.co/hkU22KHyLU',\n", " u\"@M__Helper thank you for your support! Let's make sure everyone goes out and votes to win this for @DavidJollyCD13\",\n", " u'http://t.co/v69Lsoxm2W watch the revolution live. #kiev #Ukraine #ukraineprotests',\n", " u'#davidjolly #13congressionaldistrict #votepinellas #march11 #dtsp #tampabay http://t.co/NkIqcwgalO',\n", " u'Launched my second website http://t.co/VhvisZMrLz #resumebuilding #portfolio #linkedIn #samplework #godaddy',\n", " u'Thanks @FLGovScott for making life a little easier for FL\\u2019s families w/ $400 million cut in auto reg taxes/fees! #ItsWorking #sayfie',\n", " u'I HATE #GUNS RT @ABC: Man who thought gun was empty shoots, kills teen girl. http://t.co/04TPYSJXBG #2ndamendment #gunskillpeople',\n", " u'I\\u2019ve just published my website, check it out at http://t.co/VhvisZMrLz via GoDaddy http://t.co/rP4J6EWIBV #finals #webdesign #resume #grad',\n", " u'RT @JuHong89: Had an opportunity to share my story at @democracynow. Please read and share the article widely. http://t.co/nY7EBjakkc #Not1\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Fireworks in #Dubai as city named host of #Expo2020 - http://t.co/6mYrSQS0Mm',\n", " u'Please take 30 seconds to sign this petition to enforce background checks on gun purchases. #guncontrol #dtsp #guns http://t.co/wN1DXHAsPg',\n", " u'Help me in supporting \"Superman\" Eddy Vasquez Scholarship Fund: https://t.co/uR3yvZGe6A',\n", " u'RT @BurgWoman: #voted #billfoster @mayorbillfoster http://t.co/vst21sh2tm',\n", " u'Shocker a bunch of old balding men who cant relate to women or homosexuals at all oppose ENDA. #senaterepublicans http://t.co/E1ACuEWTzi',\n", " u\"Johnson and Johnson pays $2.2 B to settle criminal charges. They make $65 B a year so it's barely a slap on the wrist. WHY IS THIS OK??\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'House Democrats say Fl legislature failing families on health care, public schools, Bright Futures and LGBT issues http://t.co/z1vbW7pOK4',\n", " u\"Gov Rick Scott's office issues a series of glowing press releases on unemployment without ever mentioning the jobless rate went up in March\",\n", " u'Sen Maria Sachs calls on state to \"decouple\" greyhound racing so tracks can keep card rooms without running dog races http://t.co/p6ZEy6JFRH',\n", " u\"Is it Retro Day in the Capitol? @loriberman and Democratic Women's Club rally for ERA at 4th floor rotunda http://t.co/jmnKUVvS5u\",\n", " u'@SenBillNelson talks to House Democrats in Tallahassee about state efforts to restrict voting. http://t.co/LF2bjJqHq1',\n", " u\"Protest at Capitol calling on Fla to restore voting rights to former felons. They're packing the clemency hearing. http://t.co/yz8NANgI8v\",\n", " u'Tornado watch? What tornado watch. Way to go @VISITFLORIDA @weatherchannel Best juxtaposition on my account to date. http://t.co/eSM57v8lvx',\n", " u\"Planned Parenthood rallies in Capitol rotunda. Calling for end of attacks on women's health care services http://t.co/JCt4OjCqbD\",\n", " u'Busy day for Frenchtown Beez. Headed off major swarms by splitting hives, creating three new ones. Hives look strong. http://t.co/PGXNNO5DDT',\n", " u'Fraternal Order of Police opposing pension reform bills, saying it would rob their members of a secure retirement http://t.co/K74at6Z8zu',\n", " u'Great sitting log on the Miccosukee Greenway. http://t.co/HTpplJC9qk',\n", " u\"The legislative session begins. 36th time. Farewell my sanity. I'll see you in a better place 61 days from now.\",\n", " u'Fla Education Assoc vp Joanne McCall says it\\'s time to bring some sanity to Florida\\'s \"testing madness.\" http://t.co/gpG1J44uho',\n", " u'New coalition has radical idea: Fl lawmakers should spend housing trust funds on housing. http://t.co/EY3MTAjmg6',\n", " u\"If you haven't visited the Marianna Caverns you're missing something special. http://t.co/Np83wkGP9a\",\n", " u'@FLGovScott introduces newly sworn in Lt Gov Carlos Lopez-Cantera at mansion in Tally http://t.co/PDGgMC4WSU',\n", " u'FDLEs Gerald Bailey says chemist in Pcola crime lab stole prescription drugs. 2600 criminal cases may be compromised http://t.co/gQGLulZ91z',\n", " u'Nothing says Florida like ice on the palm fronds! http://t.co/1jOU5WrS8F',\n", " u'NOW legend Patricia Ireland endorses Nan Rich for governor on anniversary of Roe v Wade http://t.co/HDWBMKWThe',\n", " u\"Dems blast Rick Scott voter purge. Rep Mark Pafford compares gov's fraudulent voters to UFOs http://t.co/nA8MsSnkow\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @VICE: Disgusting Photos of the Bathrooms and Kitchens of America's Bachelors http://t.co/qnkNH7dDnV http://t.co/KsJJzQPjvD\",\n", " u\"RT @mattcutts: If you auto-backup your photos with Google, it's now easier to attach photos in Gmail: http://t.co/bHfiPbrsUY\",\n", " u\"I checked in at Dimitri's Bar Deck and Grill on #Yelp http://t.co/dWOfV1tecM\",\n", " u'I checked in at High Jackers on #Yelp http://t.co/UKaVkSpHfv',\n", " u\"I checked in at Newk's Eatery on #Yelp http://t.co/TJdVw2lAl9\",\n", " u\"Ultra starts today at 4p. I wish I could go but I'll be listening on @smxElectro . Good way to start the #BirthdayWeekend #UMF2014\",\n", " u'I checked in at La Fiesta on #Yelp http://t.co/5DY6x67NkX',\n", " u'I checked in at Ihop on #Yelp http://t.co/7OqSlL01Ma',\n", " u\"Don Vito's Italian Restaurant on #Yelp: We stumbled upon Don Vito's after the Riverfront Music Festival last night. \\u2026 http://t.co/2sSoIPXE8g\",\n", " u\"I checked in at Don Vito's Italian Restaurant on #Yelp http://t.co/R9XN7HbxY4\",\n", " u'I checked in at Chucherias Hondurenas on #Yelp http://t.co/TGOSAvRH7O',\n", " u\"I checked in at Rhokkoh's Frozen Yogurt on #Yelp http://t.co/LtxBeEkI7G\",\n", " u'I checked in at Sapporo Japanese Steak House on #Yelp http://t.co/NYFNb5mjZt',\n", " u\"I checked in at Rosy's Mexican Restaurant on #Yelp http://t.co/XuAVkDMDUW\",\n", " u\"I checked in at Steve's Famous Diner on #Yelp http://t.co/9iVRHhCerj\",\n", " u'RT @standupkid: #LGBT RT @ThisIsFusion: Gay dollars talk: Why the St. Patrick\\u2019s Day parade boycotts shouldn\\u2019t surprise anyone http://t.co/G\\u2026',\n", " u'Legalize it and tax it! @YourAnonNews: http://t.co/638Y8c1p3O',\n", " u'RT @ThisIsFusion: Venezuela falling into downward spiral after student protests http://t.co/yYa4G0KA6B',\n", " u'RT @YourAnonNews: Protesters in #Caracas, #Venezuela, face off with police - Via coolchanneltv on Instagram. http://t.co/ISO5mPHLaX',\n", " u'@NicolasMaduro tranquilo que dentro de poco van a caer. Tu y tu gobierno son los nazi #facistas. Y como Hitler vas a quedar, cobarde!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @dieselamerica: Posted a new song: \"Backbone\" http://t.co/o4EVhj7hqm http://t.co/vjDb9w9PG8',\n", " u'Check out \"Do What I Want To\" by Diesel America - http://t.co/XJAAn2PNRH',\n", " u'@AdamRubinESPN well...then I hope its anothet dilson Herrera as that ptbnl.',\n", " u'@AdamRubinESPN',\n", " u\"http://t.co/ngWoGKItoG please don't forget to check out my latest post on #mets #sny #mlb #baseball\",\n", " u'http://t.co/ngWoGKItoG please check out article on new york #mets #metstwitter #baseball #mlb #sny #espn #nym',\n", " u'http://t.co/xlc9aVKaJU\\nMy latest sports article is... http://t.co/7Hdb63djuh',\n", " u\"RT @dieselamerica: THIS Friday (4.18) Diesel America will be celebrating the release of their Joey Zampella produced album 'Leave... http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'#daddyphotobomb http://t.co/LtAT3Mperq',\n", " u'@AdamRubinESPN beautiful stadium out there......sure felt like a different world compared to Dodger stadium.',\n", " u\"http://t.co/FtRz3O0nhM if u haven't already, please check out article on #mets #espn #mlb #sny #nym #metstwitter Bartolo Colon\",\n", " u\"Just in case you haven't checked it out already.........just my ongoing attempt to stay creative through writing. http://t.co/SCKrKrjeiL\",\n", " u'http://t.co/FtRz3O0nhM the new York Mets and... http://t.co/z3XRKJpZlD',\n", " u'http://t.co/FtRz3O0nhM latest sports article now online #espn #baseball #sny #nym #mets #mlb',\n", " u'http://t.co/FtRz3O0nhM\\nMy latest sports article is... http://t.co/Bd9WNc6qzh',\n", " u'When asked about sexual assault allegations, kaepernick.........smiled......while wearing beats by dre headphones.',\n", " u'Something one might expect out of the Dove household, during the middle of the night: the sounds of Michael... http://t.co/vP09mWzBFo',\n", " u\"If you're anyway near the valley on this date, go check out my man Mike Muratore http://t.co/vVT7YpzQRX\",\n", " u'@JohnMackinAde I think Wilmer Flores started at SS today in Vegas. .........thoughts? Big deal......no deal.........',\n", " u'http://t.co/kK0P4YYoPV\\nA new article now online for... http://t.co/qXgg6SdANg']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@Tomballz @justinbudke bullshit don't act like you never did that growing up, don't even.\",\n", " u\"@justinbudke really...... You're going to make me relive all that bs again...?\",\n", " u'@justinbudke ..... Really.....why are you bringing this up now?',\n", " u\"What if over half of my tweets were in Spanish & nobody thought anything of it then it finally dawned on you that I wasn't Spanish....At all\",\n", " u'Exam week \\U0001f600\\U0001f44f\\U0001f44d\\U0001f64c\\U0001f192\\U0001f60a\\U0001f600',\n", " u\"People seem to look at how far they still have to go & that's why they give up, but they never seem to look at how far they've come\",\n", " u\"I want my community to have a garage sale. Hell I'd sell bongs, whips/chains and my pets to concern the neighbors.\",\n", " u'If I see 1 more pic of snoop Dogg in a bunny suit or Flanders from Simpsons looking thru a window saying \"Christ is watching\" I\\'ll scream',\n", " u'Does anybody remember how much of a bitch it was to upload a picture onto MySpace from a digital camera?',\n", " u\"I'm having so much fun\",\n", " u\"It's not a holiday until a family member has a complete meltdown\",\n", " u'All I wanna do is sit in my grandmas guest bedroom and listen to my Rhianna CDs all day but no I have to interact with my \"family\"',\n", " u'Guys and gals, remember what he taught you #justsayno http://t.co/DT9NkzDNBQ',\n", " u\"You know you've made it in life when your face is on a taxi cab\",\n", " u'My nightly adventure http://t.co/HsOvOabaX7',\n", " u'I like bringing workers out of \"professional\" character... When I was like 13 I made the waitress say \"fuck\" & I want people to be real',\n", " u\"Why the hell does everybody make a big deal when I bite myself but it's chill when the dog does it. We're both animals ya know.\",\n", " u\"I'm ready to eat my feelings away tomorrow\",\n", " u'The ocean http://t.co/uN4CSQrQZo',\n", " u'Whenever I put hand sanitizer on I smell like a straight up alcoholic']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Jesse_Morrow: Help us out \\U0001f64f rt for sociology class http://t.co/VXY7UJoDL3',\n", " u\"@john_bibby I didn't see your car when I left bibby\",\n", " u'No one to skip with first period \\U0001f614',\n", " u'RT @WeLoveRobDyrdek: Yo Lmfao https://t.co/q0OwiY4KyI',\n", " u\"RT @tatum____: If ur read receipts aren't on then I prob hate u :-)\",\n", " u'RT @adambergman6: Funny ass class today. @Mopar_Max @ronaldmaxwell33 @Tank_Daddy50 @Aldincoralic',\n", " u'This dude really needs to turn his music down',\n", " u'My mom straight up just said \" it\\'s 4/20 aren\\'t you gonna smoke your pots ?\"\\n\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u\"I am a sinner who's probably gonna sin again\",\n", " u'RT @TheFunnyTeens: Retweet if you get it http://t.co/3Rp3AqIIW0',\n", " u\"RT @WorldStarFunny: #AllThese ghosts and you still won't be my boo http://t.co/yc6lTqMIqK\",\n", " u'I stay accidentally favoriting shit',\n", " u\"So happy I'm not working today\",\n", " u'RT @Ratchet2English: #HighSchoolTaughtMe http://t.co/flEFs6wjWT',\n", " u'RT @dude_gang: 420 hit the meth pipe',\n", " u'RT @The1sland: FSU new logo dope as hell ! \\U0001f4af http://t.co/EfTzNrYHEM',\n", " u'RT @WorldStarFunny: \"We told you we don\\'t want to see you around here fuckboy\" http://t.co/CMwHMpYXCy',\n", " u'RT @aRealJewTyler: My squad roll tighter than burritos bruh',\n", " u'I hate lighter thieves more than anything',\n", " u'Classic rock helps me relax']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@WrestlingInc If there was an 'alright' option, that would surely win\",\n", " u\"RT @WrestlingInc: So they can't have the Wyatts - who badly need a real win over Cena - beat Cena via pin in a 3 on 1 match?!!! #RAW\",\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: From Uncle luke in our Viewing Party: \"In all fairness this whole vote thing wasn\\'t fair to cena seeing as all his fans w\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WadeBarrett: It never hurts when you win. This is your next Intercontinental Champion. #Raw #BNB http://t.co/3u9PHmhv1z',\n", " u'RT @TheDamienSandow: Lot of @HEELZiggler supporters out there. You are all wrong.',\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: From \"The Gassed Part Timer\" in our Viewing Party: \"And in related news, Abyss will destroy Eric Young on TNA Thursday .\"',\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: RT this if you think @WadeBarrett will win the #IntercontinentalChampionship tournament....',\n", " u'RT @OhYeahShowtime: @WrestlingInc should\\u2019ve hit that tombstone a little bit harder Kane.',\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: So you have Kane tombstone Daniel Bryan in the ring, on the steps and on a table, and all he has is a STINGER?!!! #RAW',\n", " u\"RT @yesPEREZyes: @WrestlingInc @WWECesaro yeah it sucks... Hate it hate it hate it .. It's just not him. Doesn't fit him. #raw\",\n", " u'RT @anakei_rod: @WrestlingInc @WWECesaro his first theme was much better',\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: Anyone else think @ScottSteiner was coming out for a sec when you heard the siren #RAW ?',\n", " u\"RT @WrestlingInc: Hopefully @WWECesaro 's new theme is temporary #RAW\",\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: .@TherealRVD advances and will face @WadeBarrett on #RAW next week',\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: RT this if you think @WWECesaro advances in the IC title tournament tonight #RAW',\n", " u'RT @yesPEREZyes: @WrestlingInc so he can make a @cmpunk reference on the wwe app..',\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: WTF are they thinking cutting off @HeymanHustle #RAW ??!!',\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: .@Hostek Keep the updates coming, no matter how minor. Sounds like a lot of people are losing money over this',\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: Just a reminder that while the site is down, our #RAW Viewing Party is live and running at http://t.co/XoFV8nB9Cu',\n", " u'RT @WrestlingInc: .@CodyRhodesWWE storms off after the match. Looks like the inevitable Cody - Goldust feud is about to get started']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'REP': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Your tax dollars at work ---> $100K Study to Count How Many Birds Fly Into Rebuilt Minnesota Bridge http://t.co/l1t2rKvhoX',\n", " u'We can blame the democrats and the republicans. Obama Calls for Highest Sustained Taxation in U.S. History http://t.co/2prUa9vQQi',\n", " u'RT @Talkmaster: I (gasp!) agree with 0bama. Get non-violent drug offenders out of federal prisons. But .. apply the money we save to the de\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LPGeorgia: All right. Fine. We admit it. You finally found something the government does better than private sector. http://t.co/cexvCm\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @RIRInsider: Every RT means you LOVE that it's @NASCAR race week at RIR! #rva #nascar #TOYOTAOWNERS400 http://t.co/Wx4ZJMX8xs http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'Mourners gather for Peaches Geldof funeral http://t.co/JU9BLWGadb',\n", " u'Cranberries - Dreams - http://t.co/GZc7JiQFot #songoftheday #SOTD #90sOn9',\n", " u'Haddaway - What Is Love - http://t.co/kx40QF5LDv #songoftheday #SOTD #90sOn9 #SNL',\n", " u'Whoops! Half of Georgia\\u2019s Insurance Enrollees Haven\\u2019t Paid Yet. http://t.co/FGq3lmOxBS via @NRO',\n", " u\"RT @InGodIDoTrust: Teacher's Union unavailable for comment. #tcot http://t.co/VlmQhbLzQV\",\n", " u'@funkoboy B52s - Love Shack :)',\n", " u\"Sly Fox - Let's Go All The Way - http://t.co/jLYkjQ9kvk #songoftheday #sotd #80sOn8\",\n", " u\"Go-Go's - We Got The Beat - http://t.co/Si3fjtqxKm #songoftheday #sotd #80sOn8\",\n", " u'Whitney Houston - How Will I Know - http://t.co/xHwx8Gs9WU #songoftheday #sotd #80sOn8',\n", " u'@cbp71 KC & The Sunshine Band had many popular songs - loved most of them also...',\n", " u'KC & The Sunshine Band - Shake Shake Shake - http://t.co/Cka4kEv1Mk #songoftheday #sotd #70sOn7',\n", " u'Donna Summer - I Feel Love - http://t.co/nEPacowoxs #songoftheday #sotd #70sOn7 #ThankYouDonna #RIP',\n", " u'RT @CruiseNorwegian: RT if you want to explore all that Hawaii has to offer! http://t.co/WTXKAEOQ8h http://t.co/aersoCV8s7',\n", " u'RT @amsupdates: It happens once a year. Be here Labor Day Weekend for #NASCAR night racing! Get your tickets at 8779267849 or go to http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CruiseNorwegian: RT if you need a vacation! #cruiselikeanorwegian http://t.co/chf9yUOuEF']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @YALiberty: The last 12 months have seen great strides for personal freedom in many states: http://t.co/VzmxUQFuqc | #tlot #420',\n", " u\"RT @YALSAU: Libertarians: You should have the freedom to do what you want, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. #saudeba\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @theblaze: Why is an 8-year-old with \\u2018special needs\\u2019 facing two felony counts? http://t.co/77KlxyxZMX http://t.co/ktijpT4dsU',\n", " u'RT @BitPay: How to Start Accepting Bitcoin Payments With BitPay and Shopify http://t.co/6cVRM384L1 #bitcoin',\n", " u'RT @BitcoinsInVegas: How does #bitcoin work? https://t.co/m6mbWmwO8S',\n", " u'RT @ajam: Study: Fuel from corn waste is worse than gasoline http://t.co/0OsSX8se2o',\n", " u'RT @sweetydoriti: 4/20 marijuana reform rally! #Legalize420 #420 #decrimNJ http://t.co/yCtOPVOH95',\n", " u'RT @sweetydoriti: #Marijuana reform rally at #Trenton statehouse. #legalize #420 http://t.co/Rk9jCWzFO7',\n", " u'RT @Yowan: Cannabis is so dangerous you might win an Olympic gold medals or become a US president if you use it! #420 #WarOnDrugs',\n", " u'RT @FFRNewsNet1: #FFRNN #WAKINGUP TO #TYRANNY AT&T gets paid $millions by the #CIA to give up user data #UNITEBLUE #TCOT #PJNET #TGDN http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RalphHornsby: Collier case could collapse due to conflicting evidence - #BOSTON #MARATHON BOMBINGS http://t.co/yhTyLMHCSj #Tsarnaev #B\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @batesfamily2: @petesouza Right on! http://t.co/w7fTKwbnZd',\n", " u'RT @LibertarianWing: Connect will Libertarians from all over the globe http://t.co/e4IuW9Nvno',\n", " u'RT @CopBlock: \\u201cOh You\\u2019re Gonna Shoot Me?\\u201d Last Words of Former Valedictorian Shot to Death by Police Officer [Video] here:... http://t.co/V\\u2026',\n", " u\"@uTorrentHelp i can't get my network working was fine for like 2 years now not working for a month dont know what to do. stuck at ctp\",\n", " u'RT @CopBlock: >> Know your rights friends & Please share!!\\nLearn more: http://t.co/w3dtKEEOSl\\n- Jb of - Police... http://t.co/I2uxCPo5wx',\n", " u'RT @WeedFeed: FROM WEB: The 4/20 update http://t.co/Vu79nB2mhy',\n", " u\"RT @ACLU: RT @dotRights: The gov't is silencing @Twitter & @Yahoo, and it won\\u2019t tell us why: https://t.co/aLmpqxoRLb\",\n", " u'RT @FreeTalkLive: http://t.co/harBdpAcgM http://t.co/zAEE4KTwza',\n", " u'RT @GovJVentura: Accurate enough to make a point about prescription drug addiction. #StayVigilant http://t.co/fhjoazqNj5']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Music video presentation was a success! Currently waiting on my record deal... \\U0001f602\\U0001f3a4\\U0001f44c #AnyDayNow',\n", " u\"RT @SportsCenter: Joakim Noah joins Michael Jordan ('88) as only Bulls players to win defensive player of year. \\xbb http://t.co/i5FsNFE3gP\",\n", " u\"My brother's Photoshop skills never cease to amaze me! Easter must have put him in a good mood to help me out! \\U0001f603\\U0001f44d\\U0001f4bb\",\n", " u'RT @AdamDSchick: Great weekend for #Gators everywhere, especially performance by @GatorZoneSBall- hit 9 HR & outscored TA&M 30-5 @ College \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RagjUF: And that\\u2019s why college rivalries are amazing, because EVERYTHING is a competition with your rival.',\n", " u'RT @JennBrown: He is risen.\\n\"And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.\"\\nHope you have a special\\u2026 http://t.co/2N0spfsS47',\n", " u'RT @JayHarrisESPN: \"Four steps to achievement: Plan purposefully. Prepare prayerfully. Proceed positively. Pursue persistently.\" - William \\u2026',\n", " u'\"@TODAYshow: \\'Mrs. Doubtfire\\' to return for a sequel http://t.co/l8zevo8Sr4\" but why...? #NotAGoodIdea',\n", " u\"Great meeting with the executive board of @UFJCA tonight! Can't believe the end of the year is so close.. #timeflies\",\n", " u\"At the point in the semester where you put off homework by calculating your grade to see what's the least you can do to get the best grade..\",\n", " u\"RT @GatorNicole: I DON'T WANNA SCHOOL ANYMORE \\U0001f629\",\n", " u\"Got an Easter care package from my family today! These Reese's eggs are exactly what I needed \\U0001f44d\\U0001f36b\\U0001f430 Wish I could be going home this weekend!\",\n", " u'Headed to the #OBDebut14 while listening to @scheppske & @MarcWhiteman on #1037TheGator for the 1st & 10 Pregame Show! #ItsGreatUF \\U0001f3c8',\n", " u'RT @Shelby_Granath: The boys are back in the Swamp for #OBDebut14! @GatorZoneFB #FloridaFootball #Gators #ItsGreatUF http://t.co/IRZ4Lq1CtP',\n", " u'RT @JayHarrisESPN: Ask yourself what is really important, and then have the courage to build your life around your answer.',\n", " u'I should be asleep, but instead I am watching the videos from the trend #MusicThatDontMatch \\U0001f3b6\\U0001f4a4',\n", " u'@JustPooleN_It @TeamJDOWL To Gainesville?! \\U0001f440 \\U0001f64c',\n", " u'RT @aselepak: When people say \"Only God can judge me,\" I hope they know that the rest of us still can too and we are.',\n", " u'\"@GatorZoneSBall: That\\'s the ballgame! #Gators defeat FSU, 4-2!\" #ItsGreatUF',\n", " u'RT @GatorNicole: #LoveLikeLacey RT @JayBilas: http://t.co/Kk0gOGQxMq']},\n", " {'INT': [u\"@iFootball_ no it hasn't...it's up to $18. Only increased by about 2%.\",\n", " u'RT @ManUtd: BREAKING: Ryan Giggs will assume first-team responsibility at #mufc until a permanent manager is appointed. More: http://t.co/8\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ManUtd: BREAKING: The club would like to place on record its thanks for the hard work, honesty and integrity he brought to the role. (p\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@ManUtd: BREAKING: Manchester United announces that David Moyes has left the club. (part 1 of 2) #mufc\\u201d he deserved more time.',\n", " u'High of 91 next week \\U0001f633',\n", " u'Worlds Tallest Bungee Jump! I will do this one day. https://t.co/5WT3ALHAnY',\n", " u'Possibly the greatest moment in my life. http://t.co/IG8SiCbTVO',\n", " u'RT @LifeAsBros: Merica http://t.co/p3epG4QjIn',\n", " u'RT @AlienPizzaa: @Jack_Attack904 b',\n", " u'A or B day tomorrow?',\n", " u'RT @TransferScoop: #DareToDemichelis',\n", " u'How Demichelis scores is beyond me.',\n", " u'Got that interview \\U0001f44a',\n", " u'RT @Iaughing: \"you are what you eat\" \\n\\ni don\\u2019t remember eating a huge disappointment',\n", " u'RT @Breezyblake23: Abunch of hand shakes from the fakes',\n", " u'RT @SoccerProbs1: Shit soccer players say http://t.co/UPTwvaKx9Y',\n", " u'@jgregs123 what were they hitting?',\n", " u'RT @SpotJSO: @Jack_Attack904 @TheNoahBennett #DUVAL',\n", " u'To all you people getting upset at others for celebrating 4/20 instead of Easter...\\n\\nJust remember that not everyone is a Christian.',\n", " u'\\u201c@SSubjinski: When you\\'re playing as a full back and a midfielder says he\\'ll cover you... http://t.co/MO9ti6mfxG\" @Jack_Attack904\\u201d too funny']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Quite the stroll down memory lane on #Castle tonight - \"That 70s Show\". They did it up right!',\n", " u'I am stirring the cauldron, swirling the universe, drawing the elements in - I am black dragon turning tail\\u2026 http://t.co/NTPtcnyS5z',\n", " u'RT @nickhesson: In Light of Washington LNG Explosion, Community Demands Answers to Cove Point Export Terminal Concerns http://t.co/p6Nkd6J2\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @zaibatsu: Black Students In Seattle Are Suspended/Expelled 5x More Often Than White Students http://t.co/gFDR9WmHRA http://t.co/rL0GBp3\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SOS_Vancouver: 4/26 #RichmondBC free #Organic #Gardening class w/Arjan of @NaturesPath 2pm #Meditation & #Ecology Ctr 11011 Shell Rd ht\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @pdmt99: Fyi @Alexachula MT @BBCAfrica 'They are we' Cubans trace roots to remote SierraLeone village http://t.co/jXAVtBGGo5 http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @invisiblepeople: #Seattle lots of great stuff happening at Hack to End #Homelessness ~ May 1-4 http://t.co/RXrnSjZZpa @ha\\n\\u2295http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"Health Canada recall on 'purple kush' produced by #Nanaimo company Greenleaf Medicinals http://t.co/rvZ4D2gXGs So like what's wrong with it?\",\n", " u'New on my Worldwide Sanctuaries List for EMF Refugees: #Wisconsin & #Tasmania http://t.co/1kXpuUoaNI No #cellphones #wifi #smartmeters',\n", " u'Just booked my ticket for Poets Cruise to Cascadia Poetry Festival. Still room for more. Departs Apr 30 #VictoriaBC http://t.co/8rm3bHjQso',\n", " u\"RT @textlitmag: Just a reminder that we're still looking for submissions of poetry and cover art ($50 payment)! Send us your best at http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'\"I\\'m not saying such a creature exists,\" Nanaimo\\'s mayor told a press conference. \"But if she did exist\\u2026\" (from Urban Green Man Anthology)',\n", " u\"RT @VI_Library: #sookebranch It's National Poetry Month and our poet-tree is in full-bloom! Thanks to all who shared a poem. http://t.co/FA\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @NanArtsCouncil: Islands Short Fiction Competition - Awards Ceremony & Readings on Thurs April 24 6:30-8pm at @VI_Library #Nanaimo Harb\\u2026',\n", " u'Special Earth Day show tomorrow (Tues) on Changes Radio/CHLY #Nanaimo 11am-Noon 101.7FM or online chly.ca https://t.co/PDo1rmSxNc',\n", " u'Likewise Jeff! Have a great day :) @ScratchersLore @OneThroneMag',\n", " u'POSTER: Celebrate Mayworks Labour History & Arts on #VanIsle #comoxvalley #portalberni #parksville #cumberland http://t.co/zLcPhGfo5C',\n", " u\"POSTER: Cascadia Poetry Festival - May 1-4 #Seattle. I'm going! How about you? Just $25 for all 4 days! What a deal. http://t.co/gHU7qCqMRb\",\n", " u'RT @saferphones: Digital Dementia, other health concerns caused by your cell phone. http://t.co/880CI4gy8f',\n", " u'RT @write_aholic: ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that.']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'Walks like it, talks like it, acts like it... Must be it.',\n", " u'RT @CauseWereGuys: All my GTA training led up to this one moment... http://t.co/4TkKsqxvEJ',\n", " u'RT @GooglePics: http://t.co/czt1Dzvgzn',\n", " u'405... #Squat #NewPR #WithALittleHelp #Dominated385 #Progress #ComingAlongNicely @ World Gym http://t.co/iPlaEDMCvn',\n", " u'RT @stevecook_32: As a man the best feeling u can have is to be needed. To feel like your taking care of biz.',\n", " u'RT @CauseWereGuys: My life http://t.co/L0FtyhMPXt',\n", " u'RT @LifeHacks: http://t.co/u69f2BMD9v',\n", " u'RT @PeopIe: http://t.co/g1thEYanAb',\n", " u'RT @EarthBeauties: Scuba diver asking for directions to the East Australian Current http://t.co/oKo7bl0SGF',\n", " u'#pacwins',\n", " u'RT @MensPictures: Every time http://t.co/9QkYQo5O9W',\n", " u'RT @funnyortruth: People change, and often they become the person they said they will never be.',\n", " u'405... #Deadlift #40lbPR #Progress #HowImSpendingMyBirthday #WhyNot #GymMakesEverythingBetter @ World Gym http://t.co/OR8g8jSroA',\n", " u\"RT @NewsomeChloe: You can't go anywhere in st Augustine without seeing someone you freakin know\",\n", " u'When it comes down to it, really have nobody.',\n", " u'RT @UnrevealedFacts: So true: http://t.co/Ob377plYgb',\n", " u'@Aja_Edwards thank you Ajanai!!',\n", " u'@jasmine_kearse thanks Jas!',\n", " u'RT @AGymThing: \\U0001f44c http://t.co/a3qjrq0bRS',\n", " u'@BJ_Esguerra_25 haha thanks man!!']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@bigasshonkey yo what's your number bro?\",\n", " u'Time to get ready for work....Dammit...',\n", " u\"The playoffs didn't disappoint me over the weekend, all of the west games were really good, pacers lost. Heat won. Call it a good weekend\",\n", " u'#BostonStrong',\n", " u'RT @jaguars: \\u201cI\\u2019ve been here for almost a week & my first impressions are this is a very passionate fan base.\\u201d @zanebeadles\\n\\nMore: http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'I need your love and affection',\n", " u\"@robynxalyse That's what it is.....\",\n", " u'Why am I up right now...',\n", " u'Spending Easter this year alone -___-',\n", " u'Jus woke up, time to start my morning off the right way...my day will consist of the NBA playoffs',\n", " u'RT @Officialben_: Black is beautiful \\U0001f44c\\U0001f60d #ThinkLikeAMan2 http://t.co/aTgbJevnDA',\n", " u'@steveo22Elliott 330 brotha',\n", " u'I hardly ever party anymore....I jus wanna chill on the weekends lol',\n", " u'RT @ImToBlame: Paul George was good for 30 games. Got a stripper hoe pregnant. Got catfished by a gay nigga and been trash every since.',\n", " u'I hope the pacers lose this series',\n", " u'The heat like \"and we supposed to be worried about these guys?\" #Pacers',\n", " u\"@Pippalynnette thank you pippa I'm trying to get through it all as strong as I can\",\n", " u\"RT @Pippalynnette: @hendricks_derek stay strong. Everything happens for a reason. I'm always here for you if you need me<3\",\n", " u\"Idk how imma keep myself together today....i really don't.\",\n", " u'Gonna be a very very rough day as we lay my cousin to rest today....jus gotta get through it']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Contacts drive me crazy man I'm sticking to glasses for a while\",\n", " u'Got hi and decided to organized my closet.. I guess',\n", " u'The thing is with snapchat you never know if someone sent you a personal snap or it was to their entire contacts so ..',\n", " u'Johns coming thru hahahah',\n", " u\"@NickB_Eazy I'm only going to use it for a certain amount every month and then have my debit cards\",\n", " u'@_Flipp always',\n", " u\"@_Flipp I'm only gonna put like two things on it a month I have two other cards lol\",\n", " u\"@_Flipp maybe I should've tweeted before I did it\",\n", " u'Forever redundant http://t.co/Ov1biy48j6',\n", " u\"@NickB_Eazy don't tell me this lol\",\n", " u'@ItsJohnMejia mofo',\n", " u'Applying for a credit card cuz whatever',\n", " u\"It's mid day Monday and there's traffic wtf\",\n", " u\"RT @hardluckjoe: 4/21 who's down\",\n", " u\"RT @colomaaa: there's nothing better than smoking in bed\",\n", " u'Lmao the pictures I just found on my photo booth from way back when.. Lmao omg\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'Oh',\n", " u'RT @MilkyyMalik: trust me girl, you wanna be high for this.',\n", " u'Where is the one they call @ItsJohnMejia',\n", " u'@kevjesss where']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @Gator_chomped: Let's go boys! Just another game! #GatorNation #BeatUConn\",\n", " u'Those seats, though \\U0001f609 #terribletuesday haha not #perfectuesday #gobolts @tblightning #nhlplayoffs @\\u2026 http://t.co/3AbdQzSdEA',\n", " u\"#beer cigarcitybrewing is absolute #perfection sometimes \\U0001f37a #growlertuesday couldn't wait #hateme\\u2026 http://t.co/HIjpvzxLfb\",\n", " u'RT @MyFoxTampaBay: #SkyTower delivering a perfect #sunrise shot. #flwx #GoodMorning http://t.co/n5sbSlXdFu',\n", " u'RT @813magazine: #TampaTuesday @TheEaglesGolf @KBlakeStyle @Goldscheindds @November_Rush @TampaBanana @ChiStylesCo @GonzalezRafael @Harpist\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RealStamkos91: Just left the doctors office. Got the green light. See you tomorrow Bolts fans. Excited to be back !!',\n", " u'@NBCSports #BobCostas monologue was right on point #ukraineprotests are a sad sign of the times #freedom should be every humans right!',\n", " u'Bye bye rain #tampa @Tampasdowntown @MySkypoint #TGIF http://t.co/tW45pN3rIt',\n", " u'@ASPCA I love my adopted kitties! Ezra was an NYC street cat. Zorro adopted @HumaneSociety tampa #LoveYourPetDay http://t.co/BitxMzBLyW',\n", " u'RT @TheBruery: Smoky #craftbeer lovers, keep an eye out for Bois Fum\\xe9, our new blend of Smoking Wood & anniversary. Kyle elaborates: http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'#tuesdaytreat for all my lady #followers \\U0001f609 @ SkyPoint Condominiums http://t.co/8PbJzGhdi4',\n", " u'RT @jpatinoTBO: Tampa Venezuelans take to streets supporting their nation which is in unrest b/c of government crackdown. http://t.co/LOg9V\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @sunandfunwow: I've been using @TampaBayOrganic, a must-have for local foodies http://t.co/FggZ9VRrpl http://t.co/uIaY29qFs3 #TampaBayOr\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @MLB: Sending warm thoughts your way. RETWEET for chance to win an @MLB.com hat: http://t.co/kol8PhMtGL',\n", " u\"@JLobaton21 @TB_Times man you were so #clutch those walkoff HR's were epic so glad I was there!\",\n", " u'@FloridaGOP @CharlieCrist nice try to deflect the Bush failures and put them on Crist #gop #failuretolead #Republicans #notleaders',\n", " u'@MySkypoint jumper sounds like something else lol',\n", " u'@MySkypoint wait what?',\n", " u'@MySkypoint what about the hot tub? Is it ok to use tonight?',\n", " u'My beautiful #orchid decided to have a second flower follow the first \\U0001f604 nothing is better then having\\u2026 http://t.co/vtKkCKQEuR']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @mitch_campion: When someone touches bae http://t.co/VHTaBXX65z',\n", " u'Today stats: One follower, No unfollowers and followed 2 people via http://t.co/pQrIPcQpb0',\n", " u\"RT @OnDeckTweety: \\u201c@TheFunnyVines: Kevin Durant, you're not human. https://t.co/Ycukq0IBUz\\u201d ICYMI\",\n", " u'The mets camo jerseys \\U0001f60d',\n", " u'Irresistible',\n", " u'Np- Young Kings, by meek\\U0001f3b6',\n", " u\"RT @bayli_burns: I think I'm the only girl who doesn't throw a fit about guys dipping\",\n", " u'#NoChestHairForProm',\n", " u'RT @BallplayerPosts: #ThisCouldBeUsButYouPlayin http://t.co/21tLiezgBn',\n", " u'RT @Dane_Bierer: Pure ratchetness http://t.co/Xlo5bWhtlE',\n", " u'I have a problem... http://t.co/kWMFUT8d7u',\n", " u'Counting down the days',\n", " u'You still make me wonder',\n", " u'I really hate not having a phone',\n", " u\"RT @j_omelia51: It's been a rough ride, but it's been all worth it.\",\n", " u'Today stats: 3 followers, 2 unfollowers and followed one person via http://t.co/pQrIPcQpb0',\n", " u'Tonight ended well',\n", " u'@Dylancarlsen right cause my phone works...',\n", " u'@Drinnydogg what did he do',\n", " u'RT @zach_marshall13: Happy birthday Nicholas! love you buddy\\u2764\\ufe0f @MrRedMan43']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @FLGOPMajority: Happy Birthday Rep. Artiles! @Artiles118 #sayfie #FLSession2014 http://t.co/kV1niUkkJc',\n", " u'I have 2 bottles of water, apples & power bar for 9-6 approps meeting today. Almost guarantees my bills will be up before lunch. #prepared',\n", " u'Once again, all this beer talk makes me want a beer. #stella #sweetwater420 #ultra ok, any will do.',\n", " u'@hymnforrachel wow! Great job!',\n", " u'Had to get a little creative with this weather today. http://t.co/ZcpF7U6Z5z',\n", " u'Good news, my new rain jacket arrived today so this rain will probably stop now.',\n", " u'@MearKat00 boo!',\n", " u'@MearKat00 maybe try being more specific like \"what time will it end?\"',\n", " u'I\\'m pretty sure that massage therapist wanted me to yell \"uncle\" but I wasn\\'t giving in...',\n", " u'@ardeanelliott I am learning way too much about Arkansas politics following you. #entertained',\n", " u'RT @ardeanelliott: Yes, this is an actual campaign sign for a candidate running for re-election to the Arkansas House. http://t.co/Qu2UsES4\\u2026',\n", " u\"@RMMcGill I'm so proud of you. Except you're still a gator.\",\n", " u'Maybe I have some Cuban lineage after all! My first shot at yucca fries. http://t.co/imc4ZaXHm2',\n", " u'RT @meganramba: These next few week.... http://t.co/V3LSOOjNBm',\n", " u'RT @TDOnline: TPD looking for vandalism suspects http://t.co/72J1xyrOkm',\n", " u'@amberstoner my kitchen',\n", " u\"It's the last few precious weeks of raw oysters and crystal sauce season. #Stella\",\n", " u'RT @FloridaRetail: Breaking news: Amazon to collect Florida sales tax May 1 http://t.co/Ln5eDGaxhG',\n", " u'@hymnforrachel depends on their age.',\n", " u'@SallyAnnWest just buy me the one I want and you can have mine...it works for you!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'The thirst is real I see',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: THIS JUST IN: Raiders have traded QB Terrelle Pryor to Seahawks. (via ESPN & media reports) http://t.co/9QkHxxOf2B',\n", " u\"RT @adrianaserret: If I snapchat u and u don't reply there goes our friendship\",\n", " u\"But that's not till another hour so lets do some bowls\",\n", " u'One more blunt for 420',\n", " u\"mistercap's photo http://t.co/44DhDq91Kv\",\n", " u'No other words #retweet #420 #happy420 http://t.co/CO5z22QuE2',\n", " u'RT @WeedHumor: === http://t.co/Q5OrqCu75Q',\n", " u'RT @BlessedTeens: Never stop retweeting http://t.co/7BSsUkjHvV',\n", " u'Wax bowls and blunts bring them all out',\n", " u'Happy 4/20',\n", " u'RT @KianaMariaa: All i want is my bed right now #exhausted',\n", " u'Gotta be illuminati if a nigga shine',\n", " u\"Why do ugly girls think they are hot shit when you aren't\",\n", " u'Your joke sucked',\n", " u'Sarcasm for the win \\U0001f44f',\n", " u\"@DiazDanielle listen everyone lets there anger go on twitter so that's what I'm doing\",\n", " u'Yooooo like seriously',\n", " u\"RT @WeedHumor: I'll have a small McNugs please http://t.co/N9mv5qPA1q\",\n", " u'You talk so fucking much']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Hope everyone had a Happy Easter! :) http://t.co/iJyXC0ZUIC',\n", " u'RT @TheWorldStories: Street in portugal http://t.co/Z7J7LLloUq',\n", " u'My Easter dress is all pressed and ready! ;) http://t.co/tyG1OPzJ51',\n", " u':) http://t.co/zp3vYAnmDg',\n", " u'\"For me, they will always be glorious birds.\" ;) Cat Stevens - If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out http://t.co/YpWbSryNTu',\n", " u'Thanks #autocorrect for policing everything I say until I accidentally wish someone a \"Happy Borthbag.\" Then I\\'m apparently on my own. :/',\n", " u\"@adamfgoldberg @EzraG Maybe I'm the best possible audience for The Goldbergs since I enjoy great tv. Nothing phony here but the critics. ;)\",\n", " u'Perfect first dance choice for that wedding, \"Naa naa naa, hey hey hey, goodbye.\" #GameOfThrones #gameofthrones',\n", " u'Banana pudding is a superfood. ;)',\n", " u\"@artiequitter You. Me. June. I'll be the chick in the 4th row tossing my panties on stage. I'm taking like 8 pairs. http://t.co/4jelu53i3J\",\n", " u'@TheiPadBaby ugh that seems idiotic to me too. Lol.',\n", " u'You can group date at 16, one-on-one date at 18, and marry 19...different women. #myfivewives',\n", " u'\"I just Keyser S\\xf6zed myself!\" #BobsBurgers',\n", " u'\\u201c@SwansonQs: \"Dear frozen yogurt, you are the celery of desserts. Be ice cream or be nothing... Zero stars\" Agreed!',\n", " u\"RT @TheFactsBook: Don't trust people who change their feelings with time. Trust those who's feelings remain the same when time changes.\",\n", " u'@davidkimphoto Beautiful! :)',\n", " u'And the cow says, \"meow!\" #smh http://t.co/SbyNQ6HARI',\n", " u'When you struggle with purpose remember someone is cold calling businesses regarding ad placement in the yellow pages.',\n", " u\"If #goldencorral doesn't want me sticking my entire plate under the chocolate fountain, they should stop making it so accessible.\",\n", " u'Spring! ;) http://t.co/3UpQmZOhoD']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @MzDivah67: How a Coyote Suffered Behind the Scenes at Animal Planet | Mother Jones http://t.co/fILOaRv3rF via @motherjones @AnimalPlanet',\n", " u'RT @GeorgeTakei: It was bound to happen. http://t.co/ckmeC8dP1n',\n", " u'@ashleyhcp I was watching your dad on an old episode of Seinfeld. I did not know he was Uncle Leo. hahaha',\n", " u\"RT @tabletmag: We've lost a comedic legend. Actor, director, and writer Harold Ramis died today in Chicago, aged 69: http://t.co/eUjy67D9Zt\",\n", " u'RT @GiveawayotDay: #giveaway Easy Office Recovery is a software application for Microsoft Office recovery of any\\u2026 http://t.co/rJY8TwtAuH',\n", " u'Wake-Up Vibe, The Alarm Clock Vibrator, Promises Morning Orgasms http://t.co/CMfm35MZaZ',\n", " u'RT @GiveawayotDay: #giveaway Professional Data Doctor helps rescue your lost precious data!: KiwiG Data Recovery\\u2026 http://t.co/YzDyEPWheO',\n", " u'RT @GeorgeTakei: From a fan. What a crock. http://t.co/iVpeainXVF',\n", " u'RT @TBOcom: RT @TampaPD: TRAFFIC: CCC accident going into Clearwater. Rush hour will be affected. More details to follow.',\n", " u'RT @FDArecalls: Pro-Pet LLC Recalls a Limited Number of Dry Dog and Cat Foods Due to Possible Salmonella Contamination: Pro-Pe... http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EclecticKitties: @TheRealRoseanne DNA memories http://t.co/2B1EuqBaYk',\n", " u'RT @FLAFLCIO: REPORT: Shrinking labor force makes up 50% of the drop in FL unemployment rate. #flunion http://t.co/oD8xlbqxCP http://t.co/6\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MarkSharpeFL: HART Director Philip Hale resigns - effective in 90 days. A good man who stepped into a tough situation and managed well.\\u2026',\n", " u'#EsuranceSave30',\n", " u'RT @APWUnational: Quick poll: RETWEET this if you think USPS work should be done by USPS employees. http://t.co/TRjPYS27Ur #Staples http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RealGilbert: Finally, a reason to attend the Opera!!! http://t.co/pPlBKbwrhx',\n", " u'RT @beforeitsnews: Fuku Radiation Found in Mans Blood! Former West Coast Resident Speaks Out! 10 Symptoms of Radiation Poisoning. http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AFLCIO: .@NicholsUprising great article on #FastTrack. 7 reasons why these trade deals hurt American workers: http://t.co/YhkRzfhoNh #1u',\n", " u'RT @AFLCIO: Call Congress 888-577-5397 & tell them vote NO on #FastTrack to stop trade deals that enshrine corporate power, lower wages #1u']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Bills have Jerick McKinnon in for a visit',\n", " u\"RT @RapSheet: #Bengals LB Vontaze Burfict, @NFL leader in tackles, set to make $570K in '14. He\\u2019s due for a big extension, both sides are t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JonTWCNews: New #Bills LB Brandon Spikes at first voluntary workout http://t.co/iNMAKGaiSe',\n", " u'RT @JonTWCNews: Just got quick look at #Bills 1st voluntary workout. EJ Manuel moving fine coming off knee surgery @TWCNewsBuffalo',\n", " u'@MoveTheSticks @4QRT_Hustler watch st. Cloud safety jack moro',\n", " u'@mikerodak can you check out Randy Colling for me? He is on the O-Line',\n", " u'RT @mrdeadlier: Right now, it looks like @MikeRodak is the only one live tweeting #Bills voluntary workouts. Thanks, Mike! #billsmafia',\n", " u'RT @RavensInsider: Source: Clemson WR Martavis Bryant visiting Colts today | National Football Post http://t.co/R6t605WYJz via @footballpost',\n", " u'@RuffBuff81 Hey Patrick, can you please DM me your physical address I would like to send you something. #TeamDiamond thanks',\n", " u'RT @DraftDiamonds: @RuffBuff81 Hey Patrick, can you please DM me your physical address I would like to send you something. #TeamDiamond',\n", " u'Should have been an and one',\n", " u'Westbrooks needs to be cut wtf',\n", " u'MVP MVP MVP',\n", " u'@Eddie3Poole r u serious, WOW',\n", " u'Kevin Durant is the best player in the game right now, underrated and an all around beast',\n", " u'MVP, MVP',\n", " u'RT @CAPTJohnston1: @LaurenBrill4 @drocksthaparty You scooped the Buffalo News once again!',\n", " u'Can the #BillsMafia fans go follow @LaurenBrill4 She is always breaking news Very Good Follow',\n", " u'@LaurenBrill4 great work',\n", " u'RT @LaurenBrill4: Potential first-round pick @MikeEvans13_ just arrived in Buffalo.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @businessinsider: Vladimir Putin wants to make the territory he took from Ukraine into Russia's version of Vegas http://t.co/eDNeZSLeB2\",\n", " u'RT @davidmwessel: Paging Sheldon Adelson: Putin submits bill to Russian parliament to declare Crimea a legal gambling zone. http://t.co/6ob\\u2026',\n", " u'I thought this was a pretty intriguing article. Thoughts @Rocco_TheStreet ?\\n\\nhttp://t.co/0rIWBx3s1S',\n", " u'RT @Lana: crying http://t.co/QJokEqGt3x',\n", " u\"RT @BobbyBigWheel: Here's a map of shots that Kendrick Perkins is allowed to take http://t.co/PkNUzWdVWk\",\n", " u'Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry. There is nothing better in the NBA',\n", " u'RT @EntMagazine: This Startup Says It Can Fully Charge Your Smartphone in 30 Seconds http://t.co/9onco6Rjy7 #Innovators',\n", " u\"RT @ByTimReynolds: OK, that's just absurd, KD.\",\n", " u'ARE YOU SERIOUS',\n", " u'DURANT @SpecialGaterK',\n", " u\"@upsidetrader Don't worry, requiring all Jews to register is completely standard procedure and has never been followed by anything negative\",\n", " u'RT @Drunkppl: Meanwhile in Germany http://t.co/D14d87Ij7J',\n", " u\"RT @ByTimReynolds: Harold Wilson ran today's Boston Marathon in 3 hours, 58 minutes, 55 seconds. He beat about half the field.\\n\\nHarold Wils\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @appleinsider: Lenoardo DiCaprio may take lead role in Steve Jobs biopic with Danny Boyle at the helm http://t.co/5fQxWxlQ9S',\n", " u\"RT @tabithaapaigee: Polar plunge needs to end ASAP it's been getting old since the day it started\\U0001f44b\",\n", " u'RT @JediPD: A $50 3-D printed Han bests a $42,000 prosthetic. Now that is Progress! http://t.co/hiD8fkkfuI',\n", " u'RT @markgongloff: RT @HuffPostTech: Guys, it has been 25 years since the Game Boy was released (http://t.co/411oxkJrFn) http://t.co/6NLP86M\\u2026',\n", " u'@Michael_Poulin3 @LukeWotton_ @devon_beland Trapping and Hounding are horrible. Baiting is questionable. Hate ignorance \\U0001f43b',\n", " u'RT @Vconomics: Largest buy thus far: a trader bought the $NFLX May-17 $310 calls 650x for $45.65, a $5.9 million trade. Earnings after the \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @robferdman: Powdered alcohol is a thing\\u2014a real thing you can actually get a buzz from\\u2014and the US government just approved it http://t.c\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Congrats to @nanetteschimpf, who received the Stanley Tait Professional Award for Service from @FPRACapChap today! #welldeserved',\n", " u\"RT @FPRACapChap: Congratulations to all of the winners at today's Image Awards! http://t.co/3ZKDEw5NpF... http://t.co/8bGkAhR9qY\",\n", " u'@MearKat00 Saw this headline and thought of you. http://t.co/GsbEyEsUVY',\n", " u'RT @On3_PR: A Must Read by @SaintPetersblog: In Florida politics, the death of the campaign finance story. http://t.co/7LFdFE6IbG #sayfie',\n", " u\"@FLGovScott @FLAnnScott Thx 4 hosting Saturday's Easter egg hunt ! As an @FLGuard family, we appreciate your support of the military & vets\",\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: Governor Scott knows how important it is to give veterans the best opportunities! http://t.co/lUz4BhlTOq',\n", " u'RT @MyFWClife: Tomorrow: Beau Turner\\u2019s Outdoor Experience - free family event! http://t.co/idXetErAqd #Panhandle #Florida #kids',\n", " u'RT @ohiou: 2014 @OhioFootball Season Tickets Now on Sale! http://t.co/RWlnXp6v0n',\n", " u'RT @TDOnline: New downtown parking meters take credit cards - http://t.co/ltDP3mNsqx',\n", " u'RT @StatesideAssoc: @Uber may be coming to the #Tampa area thanks to Senator @JeffreyBrandes #sayfie http://t.co/munVlAWJTn',\n", " u\"RT @On3_PR: Tired of Budget Approps this week? Check out these numbers. You're welcome. #sayfie #saintpetersblog http://t.co/D3bhGKO9zU\",\n", " u'RT @On3_PR: There are 20 candidates and 4 incumbents yet to file their M3 Campaign Finance Reports #noextensions #sayfie #saintpetersblog',\n", " u'@ChrisCate Congrats! Baby Colton is beautiful!',\n", " u'RT @On3_PR: 1 week until 2013 taxes are due (3/15). #TipTuesday @IRSnews',\n", " u'RT @VivaFlorida500: On or around April 2, 1513, Juan Ponce De Le\\xf3n landed on the Florida shores, naming the land \"La Florida.\" http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Anti-discrimination effort gains momentum with Tech Data, Florida Blue, Cassidy Turley leadership http://t.co/cMWkRK4hxN via @tbbjnewsroom',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: We voted to pass our 2014-2015 budget. RETWEET if you support fiscal responsibility! http://t.co/Cgys5klFpA',\n", " u'RT @On3_PR: @Hump_Day_Camel must be feeling twice as happy today! #doublehumpday #halfwaythroughsession #sayfie #saintpetersblog',\n", " u'RT @On3_PR: Don\\u2019t let the apostrophe fool you today or any day of the year. Place it at the end of \\u201cfools\\u201d #AprilFools\\u2019Day #TipTuesday',\n", " u'Military veterans & service members.... check this out! http://t.co/NxKAyQmN7i']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"How 'bout them Noles! @myflhouse honoring the 2013 @FSU_Football team! #goosebumps #proudalumna #FSUday\",\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Brace yourself ... TallyMadness 2014 is coming! http://t.co/MCmK3JASxK #sayfie',\n", " u'For stadium, or my anniversary w/ @On3_PR? \"David Beckham heads to Tallahassee, seeks state aid for soccer stadium http://t.co/GVJwp5Sjpg\"',\n", " u'RT @On3_PR: FL legislative session is just one wk away! Are all your PR needs met? We can get you \\u201cReady On 3!\\u201d http://t.co/iz5P5wnnDq #Sa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @On3_PR: Website redesign going live On3\\u2026.2\\u20261! Thanks @taprootcreative! http://t.co/ZPg5ShxFkt #sayfie #saintpetersblog',\n", " u'RT @IraSchoffel: Column: Tallahassee, FSU fans being treated unfairly. http://t.co/wcZASOaPYY',\n", " u'\"What do tigers dream of, when they take a little tiger snooze...\" Do they dream of Jameis Winston, & how they are going to lose #FSUvsCLEM',\n", " u'Hello, Ybor FSU bar crawl!!!! #ilovefsu #proudalumna http://t.co/su6GCysz3e',\n", " u'The continued shift of news platforms and the \"Second Screen Phenomenon\". #PR http://t.co/wRPO9OREqQ',\n", " u'Fictitious references, and a company, illegitimate itself, that thrives on crafting them is very disconcerting. http://t.co/BfeJSBCmaS',\n", " u'#giraffe http://t.co/CTWnv4McNH',\n", " u'Just heard an FSU football commercial!! #isitfootballseasonyet #GoNoles',\n", " u'@KierstaB missing you at 101! http://t.co/DxmoUau5XN',\n", " u\"Take note FRLAnews, I'm ready for #ThompsonSquareTally on Sunday!!!! https://t.co/vGoxrHTULl\",\n", " u'#tallycuisine @frlanews http://t.co/HMtoPQ5JZT',\n", " u'I love darts! #newfoundtalent',\n", " u'I love when things go smoothly! #ilovemyjob',\n", " u'@FSUAlumni Post office in the Student Union!',\n", " u'RT @tylerreeve: About to head over to @abc27 and talk shop! And by shop I mean songs and country music. Tune in, Tallahassee!',\n", " u'RT @BylineBrandon: Sen Gaetz: if Founding Fathers had been like TaxWatch, \"we\\'d all be drinking English tea and singing God Save the Queen\"\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @InaMaziarcz: Republicans can ridicule Immigrants as LawBreakers while supporting Welfare Ranchers as Patriots, all in one News Cycle.\\nA\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jimcdixon: @SpeakerBoehner Yes, and the corporate tax is nothing more than a value added tax. Corporations do not pay taxes. The people\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Xaron4: @SpeakerBoehner Really, John? USA middle class poorer than Canadians now. Soon 2 B behind England. YOU LIE: \"#jobs #1\". #WorstS\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @sanacardi: Due to Supreme Court ruling on Affirmative Action, another strike that minorities will again take in silent: Welcome back to\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TenaciousEye: @dallasrbaird http://t.co/UIHSHogKp2',\n", " u'RT @TheBaxterBean: Kansas Republican Gov. Insists It\\u2019s OK to Ignore Federal Gun Laws & Enforcement Is Now A Crime http://t.co/pS5iTgkZEO ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MattyIceAZ: Happy Earth Day from your friends at TransCanada and ConocoPhillips. #KeystoneXL',\n", " u\"RT @SWildlifepics: 'You handsome bird, you....', a bald eagle looking at its own reflection on the ice! http://t.co/ecfTm3c5ds\",\n", " u'RT @SteveRattner: Income inequality worse in US than Europe and even emerging nations #Piketty http://t.co/3sgSXNTMOo',\n", " u'RT @SuzyKhimm: \"Middle-class incomes in Canada \\u2014 substantially behind in 2000 \\u2014 now appear to be higher than in the United States.\" http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RussOnPolitics: MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski is apparently getting the cold shoulder from her \"good friend\" Governor Chris Christie. http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @justinbaragona: Republican Puppet Chuck Todd Says Democrats Will Lose On Health Care In Midterms http://t.co/0r2ffKpqzi via @politicusu\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @samsteinhp: RT @DLeonhardt: A stark display of how the U.S. middle class and poor have fallen behind:\\nhttp://t.co/wZM5CiYTqM',\n", " u'RT @rjoseph7777: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words Obamacare Literally Save Lives #teaparty #ACA #UniteBlue #OFA #CTL #P2 #TGDN #TCOT http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Brasilmagic: Neil deGrasse Tyson...one of my heroes http://t.co/LPcYZ5ZoTD',\n", " u'RT @ChrisJZullo: \"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor it cannot save the few who are rich\" - JFK #uniteblue #tcot #p2 http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Ireland0828: \\u201c@Sttbs73 @WilMadison @rossssc @RosalyndDoneghy @debdlund @Progress2day @Nupe117 @msholmes2U MSNBC FOX WANNA BE'S http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @djmincey11: Big business churches are not Jesus-like: http://t.co/EMcuyWS6Ds\\n#UniteBlue #sayfie #tcot #pfla',\n", " u'RT @freedomsfool: Boehner, while speaking to donors in Las Vegas recently, said he is \"hellbent\" on passing immigration reform \"this year.\"\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NegronDoc: South Carolina Republicans Skip Event Honoring Judge Who Helped Bring Down Segregation http://t.co/aWfwy820KK']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@Davidhnaz < said the fucking pig that refused to accept that he cast the first stone. FUCKING MORON @jaberard @800TrollFree @TheBrasshole',\n", " u'RT @jaberard: Maybe you should grow up and take responsibility for yourself and your remarks. \\n\\n@Davidhnaz @800TrollFree @TheBrasshole @Spa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jaberard: Twitter is a worldwide public forum facilitating an exchange of ideas. \\n\\n@Davidhnaz @800TrollFree @TheBrasshole @SpaceCheef',\n", " u'RT @SpeargunWI: Heroes without capes... #MM @ArmyWords @Blitzenjohn @SEALofHonor @SpaceCheef @D_Got2BReal @CavScout79 @kathywilliams45 @eaa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SpeargunWI: @eaaknighterrant Salute returned, safe travels. @ArmyWords @Blitzenjohn @SEALofHonor @SpaceCheef @D_Got2BReal @CavScout79 @\\u2026',\n", " u\"Vile Pig T-Party Racist's last straw\\n\\n#cspanwj @morning_joe #p2 #uniteblue #ctl #topprog #tpot http://t.co/ehUmemDckZ\",\n", " u'RT @AdversAerialOne: \"@ChrisJZullo: #BundyRanch seems to have some facts people are missing. Not government vs. citizen. Retweet this http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Cyril1863: Turn Your Clock Back 50 Years Entering BLM Republican Land. In the LDS church I'm from we obeyed the law! #BundyRanch pay th\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @clydetheslyde: Imagine for a moment it were Native Americans standing up against the BLM. Picture the 180 degree spin on Fox coverage.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CysticDad: When a rancher mooches the Gov for 20 years thats \"liberty\" but when a kid needs food stamps he\\'s a moocher? #BundyRanch #co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @azmoderate: The 50 States by applying 4 & being granted admission 2 the Union are bound by Federal Law as are their citizens. Basic Civ\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @azmoderate: Bundy is a moocher, has renounced his citizenship. He should leave this nation and those who support him should go with him\\u2026',\n", " u'.@Book_Of_Stephen there was no laundry list of goals, you must be proud of your ability to fantasize.',\n", " u'@Book_Of_Stephen hey idiot - the original purpose was to establish a stable society in which all had a fair chance to succeed, non-specific',\n", " u'.@PoliticalFreak_ another thing, YOU IGNORANT FUCK - your hero Issa defended KBR as it electrocuted NINETEEN troops by negligence in IRAQ',\n", " u\".@PoliticalFreak_ BTW YOU FUCKING PIG - where's the screaming for the 1300+ troops killed after GOP gave aware their body armor, ASSHOLE\",\n", " u\".@PoliticalFreak_ no you fucking moron, for a 'privileged' ASSHOLE violating the law, dickhead. What a fucking pig.\",\n", " u'RT @ChrisJZullo: #BundyRanch has it backwards. Unfettered capitalism will be the downfall to society not government abuse #uniteblue http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @apokalyptikk: \"@GoodbyeKoch: #BundyRanch - 1%er lost 20 years of court battles & claims squatting rights for cattle. Begging militia to\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ChrisJZullo: #BundyRanch when protest becomes armed rebellion it's no longer considered patriotic or what founding fathers intended #un\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@RobinRoberts #SeeULadies #FishLips?',\n", " u'Rick Scott at Armando Badia Center 4-09-2014: http://t.co/Mgm6tq7WsC\\n#ScottsASociopath',\n", " u'RT @RobinRoberts: Seeing this magnificent view I realized my new book \"Everybody\\'s Got Something\" will be released 2 weeks from today.',\n", " u\"RT @TheBaxterBean: Appeals Court: Florida Gov. Rick Scott's Voter Purge Was Illegal \\nhttp://t.co/f7HhMrCw4Y http://t.co/p9FkA67tyP\",\n", " u'RT @ScottFreeFLA: In Rick Scott\\u2019s Florida, school funding is always on the chopping block: http://t.co/2K9GGE3gXQ',\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: Rick Scott's new ad on health care reform is just not true. See what we have to say in response: http://t.co/6gCoauEhrd\",\n", " u'RT @CharlieCrist: Even though the GOP has done their best to stop it, the ACA is helping Floridians. Love this: http://t.co/ZFHNzX0tZC',\n", " u'Why anyone voted for this destructive person is beyond many of our minds. LETS HOPE AND PRAY CHARLIE CRIST WINS. http://t.co/X0IQKXpsjZ',\n", " u'http://t.co/X0IQKXpsjZ',\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: Today we're launching @ScottFreeFLA to gets the facts out about Rick Scott's record. Join the team: http://t.co/kIOMhrb9Gd\",\n", " u\"RT @ScottFreeFLA: Scott Free Florida is dedicated to spreading the truth about Rick Scott's record & making sure he's held accountable: htt\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: It's time to bring marriage equality to Florida. Will you join us? http://t.co/Qvp6YNf2Kh\",\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: I'll be at Books & Books in Coral Gables at 7:45 p.m. tonight -- come out and say hi! https://t.co/NjddncdVX8\",\n", " u\"RT @PatronSaintDogs: @DoYouCareAbout Thx for following\\u2605I'm writing a novel about pet rescuers to raise awareness+funds for shelters\\u2605Read@ h\\u2026\",\n", " u'@PaulMitchellUS #StyleMustHave',\n", " u\"RT @whillybermudez: TuesdayTruth: Don't fear an enemy that attacks you but more the fake friend that hugs you. #Truth #Ecrew\",\n", " u'@whillybermudez So true!',\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: I'm about to join @JoyAnnReid on her new show, @TheReidReport -- tune\\nin to @msnbc if you have a chance!\",\n", " u\"RT @RobinRoberts: Merry Monday @GMA. I'm talking w/ the hero aunt who saved her nephew by performing CPR. @JoshElliottABC talks w/#Daytona5\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @DowntownAndreB: http://t.co/VAqD2Q7WsH']},\n", " {'REP': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Voter fraud .00004%. Danger. Supreme likes voter I.d. Supremes confirm $$$ is speech. Now rich have more free speech than poor#equalrights',\n", " u\"I don't see any of the people railing against birth control saying the same about ED pills. Maybe ED is God's birth control?#womenshealth\",\n", " u\"I'm 70 today. Women's rights, rights we fought for, threatened by 1950's attitudes among some men#equality\",\n", " u'@DWStweets Sorry, DWS, but Cats/Big Blue Nation will see you there!',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: PBS is beating its competition by focusing on strong women. http://t.co/r7LwR2WT1J',\n", " u\"@Morning_Joe To have author of Marry Smart as counterpoint for equal pay us ludicrous. How 1950's can you get! I'm 70. What happened?\",\n", " u'@Green_Footballs @KatrinaNation Trump is ignorant of all issues but his own real estate. Who cares about his opinion?',\n", " u'RT @atima_omara: \"People against section 4 in Voting Rights act r against women\\'s rights. If u support women\\'s rights then support voting r\\u2026',\n", " u\"Can't even watch or read news when Hobby case is mentioned. Corporations are people. Soon people with religion? Dear God!#HobbyLobby\",\n", " u'\\u201c@TheReidReport: Alabama has just become the latest state to impose a voter ID law.\" Supreme Court trivialized the struggle.#VotingRights',\n", " u'RT @AAUW: It\\u2019s simple: women, not bosses, should be in charge of their personal health care decisions #NotMyBossBusiness',\n", " u'\\u201c@AP: BREAKING: Bin Laden son-in-law who served as al-Qaida spokesman after 9/11 convicted at NYC terror trial.\\u201d We can try then here!',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: $28.25 per hour: the minimum wage D.C. would need to support a modest 2-bedroom home http://t.co/WmNi6EBgWB',\n", " u\"@TheDailyShow Jessica Williams' parody on Putin was brilliant! I laughed aloud until I realized Putin is exactly like that. Then I shuddered\",\n", " u'RT @WhipHoyer: Today\\u2019s sked: http://t.co/rGcn3C1lPT Instead of acting on immigration, GOP-led House making it difficult to protect historic\\u2026',\n", " u'@aasif @TheDailyShow McConnelling is hysterically funny. Mitch in Senate is not. Hope he loses.',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Farm bill that cut food stamp aid includes major loophole. And governors are exploiting it to help feed people. http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"The Supremes: weaken Voting Rights, cripple democracy with Citizens United, and now Hob Lob is after the IUD. Welcome to the 50's!#SupCourt\",\n", " u'\"The reason we do not learn from history is because we are not the same people who learned it last time.\" Nemerov?#russiainvadesukraine',\n", " u'Hearing GOP women say that women who speak out for equal pay are whining is absurd. Another said she was too busy to worry!#EqualPay']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Delray officials change some rules http://t.co/tBappU3xEU',\n", " u'Budget talks begin early in Delray http://t.co/emtO3TgxOi',\n", " u'RT @milo_phd: The Atlanta Way: A Documentary on Gentrification by King Williams http://t.co/k5UC3Ns368 via @kickstarter',\n", " u'Hanging a Shingle in Detroit: How Doing Business in D involves more risk and reward http://t.co/xhutHtAesY',\n", " u'Yellowberry: Meet the Teen Titan Who Is Taking On The Youth Bra Industry http://t.co/4isl5Dqi58 via @lingerietalk',\n", " u'Gender Pay Gap Tracks With Number of Women in State Legislatures http://t.co/wedHjeqFAE via @fivethirtyeight',\n", " u'Rhonda Swan: In Palm Beach County (and especially Delray Beach), ethics are just a rumor http://t.co/riue74iM1D',\n", " u'Report Finds a Los Angeles in Decline, especially in civic health http://t.co/hEDPez7q3X',\n", " u'DHS Secretary Reevaluating Deportation Priorities http://t.co/VYWypFQXB6 via @HuffPostPol',\n", " u'Obama To Sign Executive Orders On Equal Pay http://t.co/NqiKiS8oXP via @HuffPostPol',\n", " u'Ms. Mayor: The Impact of Female Leaders on Social Welfare Spending in Cities | Chicago Policy Review http://t.co/mgZTfJVGMk',\n", " u'RT @chicagoreview: Gender does play a key role in spending patterns in municipal policymaking. http://t.co/G0ghgKcnR6 @UChicago_WiPP @prof_\\u2026',\n", " u'Can Free College Save American Cities? http://t.co/01Zb6TT7Vt',\n", " u'Why Republicans Have Trouble Electing Women to Congress http://t.co/FSIZNvLyMU via @rollcall',\n", " u'Another potential female mayor: Muriel Bowser Defeats Mayor Vincent Gray in Washington Primary http://t.co/uDNPoSIqJY',\n", " u\"Carol Gilligan on 'Thinking Differently: Language, gender and sexuality' http://t.co/1RsxWVjjK8 via @IAI_TV\",\n", " u\"Delray Beach: South Florida's emerging 'it' town (mostly because I live there...) http://t.co/wSY599jwnD\",\n", " u'Meet the female lawmakers of Afghanistan http://t.co/X9jFZrmteK via @washingtonPost',\n", " u'Afghan Women See Hope in the Ballot Box http://t.co/1yy5nnPMwQ',\n", " u'What I Learned About Stop-and-Frisk From Watching My Black Son - Christopher E. Smith - The Atlantic http://t.co/OqmE4QBVjO']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @hrhpkathleen: FL Sen - Let voucher expansion die says -former Sen Paula Dockery \\nhttp://t.co/Gru1nQiQQc @ritacolleen @TINTofPBC @Flori\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jeffzeleny: \\u25b6 On Easter Sunday, Cokie Roberts delivers the morning\\'s smartest line about parenthood: \"If we had better men.. https://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'@ThisWeekABC \"First do no harm!\"',\n", " u'\\u201c@ThisWeekABC: \\u25b6 .@Franklin_Graham: We used to have a president in this country that did what\\'s right for this country.\"He is so wrong!',\n", " u'#ThisWeek @Martha Radditz is doing great job keeping FGraham from preaching his discriminatory rhetoric. High 5 to @Cokie Roberts also!',\n", " u'RT @SenBillNelson: Hope you can take a minute to read my column in the Tampa Bay Times: http://t.co/dhXmrvDzbn',\n", " u'@terrapin_sf @3_lucky @twitter omg r we old?',\n", " u\".@AmyTidd @Mwforhr @peggy4GA @willweatherford @TariAkpodiete Prayer might work, but better idea is to vote out the heartless R's in Tally\",\n", " u\"RT @terrapin_sf: Family dinner in Florida & I'm the only one from California; conversation quickly turns to weed.\",\n", " u'\"The most important way to protect our right to vote is to vote,\" @BarackObama @FlaDems @DwightBullard',\n", " u'\"@edshow: In FL for-profit #charterschools get millions in tax $s while public schools are getting budgets slashed. http://t.co/2yXHpjkv8p',\n", " u'RT @Scott_Arceneaux: @DwightBullard Thank you Senator Bullard, talking to talk & walking the walk with the Minimum Wage Challenge Week #sa\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @PPact: Just too rich. --> #HobbyLobby's Hypocrisy: The Company's Retirement Plan Invests in Contraception Manufacturers http://t.co/I8u\\u2026\",\n", " u'@terrapin_sf Happy Birthday to my son. I love you!',\n", " u'RT @Paula_Dockery: Conflict of Interest? http://t.co/GuEU6cq5vj',\n", " u'@wakullawriter there was a lot of sex happening that night.',\n", " u'States Where People dont have Medicaid, includes elderly and disabled wno need housing assistance http://t.co/Jmr1lJl18S via @thinkprogress',\n", " u'Dinner at Carrabbas in WH, guy walks in with Heritage Foundation logo on his jacket. Might lose my dinner!',\n", " u\"@LedgerRyan WooHooo, you go from the frying pan and into the fire. Watch your back over there. They don't seem to like The Ledger!\",\n", " u'@LedgerRyan Oh no, Did they have anything to do with it?']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@AriannaMCrane http://t.co/FsJGsfPfoA',\n", " u\"@AriannaMCrane Indeed. That's the true reason I write: some things are illegal to do to real people. :3\",\n", " u'@AriannaMCrane Why am I not surprised? :p',\n", " u'Productivity 2.0 http://t.co/cjqIEU2FYE',\n", " u'@Free__Liberty @lucas_overby @LPNational I agree, but I feel he should have called them out on their bull and forced them to engage him.',\n", " u'RT @cabock: .@tedcruz Not even close. He\\u2019s even to the left of \\u2018liberal.\\u2019',\n", " u'RT @tedcruz: Is President Obama the most liberal President in US history? REPLY with what YOU think!',\n", " u\"@tedcruz Mmm, I wouldn't say he's the most liberal, but when you're comparing him with Wilson and FDR, that's not much of a distinction.\",\n", " u'@DanaMoxley How utterly appropriate.',\n", " u'@DanaMoxley @politicoalex That said, I thought Overby was easily the most genuine and substantive candidate. #cd13',\n", " u\"@DanaMoxley @politicoalex Yes, but it's worth noting that the libertarian base is small but dedicated. We care enough to vote in polls.#cd13\",\n", " u'RT @DanaMoxley: @politicoalex ARE YOU JOKING with that article about the #CD13 debate. LUCAS OVERBY WON the POLL! Could you BE more bias? #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Free__Liberty: Congratulations @lucas_overby you did amazing going straight for the issues instead of bickering at other candidates.#CD\\u2026',\n", " u'@lucas_overby Great job. Very substantive answers. Consider engaging more with other candidates in future. Make them acknowledge you. #cd13',\n", " u'RT @LibertyGirl8: You killed it @lucas_overby! #cd13',\n", " u\"I think Overby was the most substantive candidate, but I'm worried he won't get many votes. Jolly and Sink are both smooth talkers. #cd13\",\n", " u'RT @WolfMoonstrike: #cd13 Lucas Overby Won, end of story. Both other candidates were rude and broke debate rules on multiple occasions. #Lu\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Morg25: No doubt, @lucas_overby demonstrated he is the best candidate in #CD13. All the best to him; hope he wins on 3/11. #FL13',\n", " u'RT @SOFL4Johnson: #cd13 @lucas_overby and jolly were strong, @alexsinkflorida terrible. OVERBY WINS',\n", " u'RT @KingRat22: HEY FLORIDIANS ~ Make progress for you state by electing a Libertarian to U.S. Congress for the 1st time ever! Vote for Luca\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'http://t.co/JMDWEvQrp9',\n", " u'http://t.co/GhzuQ0XiLv',\n", " u'http://t.co/7917tvD9c8',\n", " u'Hell yeah! Me and my friend Julie. We love it here. It is awesome. Pizza slice pepperoni and extra cheese Greek... http://t.co/IheShysJIR',\n", " u'http://t.co/GUG9LT5m1E',\n", " u'http://t.co/enR0Umoe26',\n", " u'http://t.co/7DM1lC2Juj',\n", " u'http://t.co/teIFr1Bwqi',\n", " u'Damn comcast is down both internet and freakin cable tv til 12:30.',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/fultEcDZF9',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/vPo4M0asQh',\n", " u'http://t.co/KgFt59AwU9',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/UZrb0zgO19',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/NxalmTpM6h',\n", " u'Happy 420 all my peeps.. PpP http://t.co/GJOfQrHgq9',\n", " u'http://t.co/TH9rYg2azV',\n", " u'http://t.co/vWXsYnJGBH',\n", " u'http://t.co/xVqmSsKgBQ',\n", " u'http://t.co/Nt6MXjxF2L',\n", " u'http://t.co/ELnvOWgJtH']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'INT': [u\"At the mall and this is what I'm looking at #creepy http://t.co/jpoTgttGOc\",\n", " u\"Just when you thought the US couldn't get any more corrupt http://t.co/3m8WKg4OGP\\n#ImpeachJohnRoberts\",\n", " u'New national poll: Nationwide marijuana legalization inevitable http://t.co/jxZSuRrYns',\n", " u'Pre-screening of our film MILE HIGH on cannabis legalization set 4 May 14th-SunRay cinema Jacksonville, then off 2 Denver n June 4 premiere!',\n", " u'BREAKING A new Guiness Book world record was just set... Most ever news stories about random shit floating in the Oceans',\n", " u'RT @JSCollinsAP: Headline writers and people with 12-year-old boy humor beware: Oregon St & South Carolina are playing in the 2nd round of \\u2026',\n", " u\"Either my son just ate a chocolate cupcake, or he's the leader of the underground activist group anonymous #GuyFawkes http://t.co/MvbrCi5qJy\",\n", " u'Cool montage of what happens to your brain when u smoke weed http://t.co/qo3XhIao3L',\n", " u\"Obama was on 'Between two Ferns' with Zach Galifinackis... Pretty funny stuff http://t.co/eU7e01ZWmy\",\n", " u'I just lent to a borrower in Iraq. Join me on @Kiva today and make a difference in their life, too! http://t.co/01NTji4yYM',\n", " u\"Hangin' with the 2 coolest people I know http://t.co/5mCNVPdh6o\",\n", " u\"Great time n the studio last night with the talented @Ed_Hardee as he recorded a song 4R upcoming film 'MILE HIGH' http://t.co/TX02ZQejCd\",\n", " u\"Just watched 'American: The Bill Hicks Story' . Fantastic doc., Bill was the best ever-way ahead of his time. #hero\",\n", " u'Much respect 2 Mike Sam-Amazing life perspective from such a young guy #willgofar #destined4greatness@mikesamfootball http://t.co/xdy8fckphX',\n", " u\"NFL'er says pot was smoked prior to Super Bowl. http://t.co/wI7ikfgSjX\",\n", " u'\"A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes\"- Ghandi #quote',\n", " u'Big Shout out to the cool people I met gathering signatures 4 Florida mmj. We made it on the ballot! http://t.co/try8xPqqDA @JohnMorganESQ',\n", " u'Obama says marijuana is less harmful then alcohol http://t.co/doRdK5AmoS',\n", " u\"Ahhhh, there's a whole lotta legal weed being smoked 2nite! Congrats to Denver and Seattle. 1st ever #weedbowl!\",\n", " u'3 minutes til the first ever #weedbowl if the Seahawks can hang on... #nfl #superbowl']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @ABC: New study finds laughing makes your brain work better: http://t.co/V9hi8oPvoD',\n", " u'RT @onestopnews: Discovery calls off coverage of Everest wingsuit jump by Joby Ogwyn http://t.co/teWbPJRXkR #news',\n", " u\"RT @bbcworldservice: Somali poaching gangs are 'crossing the border and poaching elephants deep inside Kenya' Varun Vira on #BBCNewsday htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ABCWorldNews: Air Canada apologizes after baggage handlers caught hurling bags down a flight of stairs. @RebeccaJarvis reports: http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AP: RAW VIDEO: Sinkhole swallows part of Florida yard: http://t.co/hD7HR6F4oC',\n", " u\"RT @StenhouseJr: How about #jakeworthington bringing it to the voice!! Good ole 90s country can't go wrong!! #VoiceTop12\",\n", " u'RT @AFP: A crowd gathers to watch a clash between anti-government protesters and police in Caracas, Venezuela http://t.co/YOqMOBvFbH',\n", " u'RT @cnnbrk: At least 65 suspected al Qaeda militants killed in Yemen in last 3 days, officials say. http://t.co/ogP6bjrZJF',\n", " u'RT @yourtake: Are you ready for a night of shooting stars? Share your meteor shower pics: http://t.co/fAOPSnK6V3 (Christa Binder) http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'UPDATE: Death toll from sunken South Korean ferry surpasses 100 - Yonhap http://t.co/RW5gfsLt2m @passantino\\u201d. Very sad.',\n", " u'RT @cnni: Syria used chlorine gas against a rebel-held area this month, U.S. officials said. http://t.co/TQoZavv58K',\n", " u'RT @NASA: The Lyrids meteor shower peaks tonight! Watch with us live online: http://t.co/a8LgyxA5r0\\xa0 #lyridsmeteor http://t.co/n3PyulSBQP',\n", " u'RT @hongkongcentral: Ethnic massacre in South Sudan: UN - Rebels slaughtered hundreds of civilians when they seized the South Sudan oil... \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @CNNVideo: The climbing season on Mount #Everest is in jeopardy after last week's deadly accident. http://t.co/8ss4NoHB4s\",\n", " u'RT @AP: AP EXCLUSIVE: Prison doctor fired, two staffers to be dismissed after Kentucky inmate starves himself to death: http://t.co/Bk6Tzf6\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @cnnbrk: Syria used chlorine gas against a rebel-held area this month, U.S. officials said. http://t.co/CUhzUJnP9d',\n", " u'RT @thenewspress: The Lyrid meteor shower is coming tonight. http://t.co/E92ghNKdrw How that pesky moon could steal some fun. http://t.co/w\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FoxNews: State Department cites photo 'evidence' purportedly showing Russian troops in #Ukraine http://t.co/MHqHNN7i53 via @foxnewspoli\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @theinquisitr: Courthouse Shooting: Defendant Killed By U.S. Marshal While Attacking Witness With A Pen - http://t.co/2j97u5pdQG',\n", " u\"RT @KFIAM640: More details on US attorney's office reports shooting at federal courthouse in Salt Lake City. http://t.co/T88Zt4CNui\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'2 will be sentenced today for \"Shefights\" video that showed disabled adult getting beaten. http://t.co/1TJzknmXk0 #pinellas #courts',\n", " u'When a murderer pleads guilty, & gets life rather than #DeathPenalty , is that better or worse for victims? http://t.co/7jOffcu6XO',\n", " u'RT @HeatherTBTimes: With lightning speed, Pinellas commissioners fired County Adminstrator Bob LaSala. http://t.co/Vj2Jspo30f',\n", " u'Point raised by @AlexSinkFlorida: If election were today, would positive Obamacare results mean she wins? http://t.co/1mfpzdchNp #cd13 #fl13',\n", " u'In interview, @AlexSinkFlorida say she plans to be \"out and about in Pinellas County.\" http://t.co/1mfpzdchNp #cd13 #fl13',\n", " u'RT @AlexSinkFlorida: While I am not running for office in 2014, I will keep an open dialogue with all of you and continue to seek new ways \\u2026',\n", " u'@AlexSinkFlorida will NOT run for Congress against @DavidJollyCD13 this fall. http://t.co/BKhFAPWXP1 #cd13 #fl13',\n", " u'Congratulations @TheWillHobson, @laforgia_ , and @TB_Times for winning the Pulitzer for local news! http://t.co/dcUdWdX5ue',\n", " u'And now the wheels of civic justice turn to... a shopping spree with a @RaysBaseball player. http://t.co/vmkpGHz3pc @Danielson_Times',\n", " u'The @DavidJollyCD13 campaign was $235K in debt 3/31/14. But @AlexSinkFlorida had $183K cash on hand. http://t.co/Ue9H74sNw2 #cd13 #fl13',\n", " u'Unlike most congressional spokesmen/women, @prestonrudie will be based in #Pinellas in new job for @DavidJollyCD13 http://t.co/dhHyg6dhWB',\n", " u'New #Pinellas US Rep @DavidJollyCD13 on why he voted against #Ryanbudget: \"I simply kept my word.\" http://t.co/dhHyg6dhWB #CD13 #FL13',\n", " u'@prestonrudie covered @DavidJollyCD13 for @WTSP10News & now becomes his Communications Director.',\n", " u'Next flood insurance bill for @eckerdcollege: $500,000 per year. Via @JeffMHarrington http://t.co/36578NpCZc',\n", " u'ICYMI: Should contractors for @StPeteFL be REQUIRED to hire ex-offenders? http://t.co/AXVEsTPcsV via @TMarreroTimes',\n", " u'No, widow of man who killed 2 @StPetePD cops does not get $ for town-down house, says U.S. judge. http://t.co/FsyrzNHXHl @cornandpotatoes',\n", " u'RT @TB_Times: Indictment of wife reveals details in 2008 Clearwater slaying http://t.co/ffD24TLLny',\n", " u'On second thought, #Pinellas man decides representing himself in #deathpenalty case might not be a good idea. http://t.co/bZsxVOxhLg',\n", " u\"@AlexSinkFlorida tells @TB_Times she's still considering congressional challenge against @DavidJollyCD13 http://t.co/M2uNYwC7zr #cd13 #fl13\",\n", " u'RT @theflabar: NEWS RELEASES: Apps sought for Tenth Judicial Circuit Judge position & Seventeenth Circuit Judicial vacancy. Info: http://t.\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@heatherjs Sexy side-glance.',\n", " u'@DontTouchMyWine And also let no one question my commitment to your cleavage.',\n", " u'@MeredythTV Any truth to the rumor that Chris Christie is closing down three lanes of the Howard Frankland Tuesday morning in protest? :)',\n", " u\"RT @ZerlinaMaxwell: MY LATEST: Why Both Republicans and Democrats Are Wrong About the 'War on Women' http://t.co/t37nKT5CzF via @rhrealityc\\u2026\",\n", " u'@Madam_Lorr That title is misleading. It sounds like Adelson is getting behind the governors. So to speak. :)',\n", " u'RT @GiuliaRozzi: A young single gal said \\u201cI wanna be like you when I\\u2019m divorced.\\u201d Glad I\\u2019m inspiring people to end their marriages before t\\u2026',\n", " u\"@layla4288 Shouldn't it be a rabbit or a chick today? :)\",\n", " u'@RachelLeeWest Lips made for kissing. Eyes made for gazing into tenderly. <3',\n", " u'@msnbcDisrupt Another great show today, with the most glamorous panel on #msnbc: @DrVMDS @goldietaylor @irin and of course @finneyk !',\n", " u'@hipchkk My pleasure, Jennifer! XOX',\n", " u'@murphy716 Anal, the backup plan',\n", " u'#Happy420 @Lisamcgonagle :)',\n", " u'@glitterpanda123 Suddenly developing a craving for popcorn.',\n", " u'@ZerlinaMaxwell Enjoyed watching you and @finneyk today on @msnbcDisrupt. And kudos to Danielle, but you always look gorgeous. :)',\n", " u'@GirltoMom My pleasure, love! <3',\n", " u\"RT @Blondechacha: Imagine we're lying naked in bed tweeting. \\n\\nNow go slap yourself.\",\n", " u'@Blondechacha I would die happy for just a taste of your sweet frosting.',\n", " u'RT @Blondechacha: All my old tweets are bittersweet tweets.',\n", " u\"RT @Blondechacha: I'm old enough to remember when people got laid before they got fucked.\",\n", " u\"RT @Blondechacha: *Lies in bed dreaming about all the @'s we'll share.*\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @StopFemaNowFL: Dear #MarkUdall, Time to act on #FloodInsurance is NOW. Jacked up rates already hit mailbox. HR3370 S.1926 http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowFL: #Colorado When months drag on with no #FloodInsurance relief, http://t.co/3SnM0sgOgq delivers your msg: #MarkUdall HR337\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowFL: #FloodInsurance Dear @MarkUdall Let me introduce http://t.co/T15tPeMwoc. #SenMikeLee and/or #SenToomey mention us? http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SenLandrieu: .@SenMikeLee still objecting to #FixFlood. If he only knew the middle class families that could lose their homes like I do\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: .@SenMikeLee Allow vote of HR3370. Homeowners bought AFTER BW enacted had NO consumer protection! @StopFemaNow http://t.co/I9dgq\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowSCP: .@SenMikeLee Bait and Switch = Fraud. That's what happened to folks who bought after 7/2012 with no disclosure of what \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowSCP: .@MarkUdall Flooding expected in the Rockies due to melting ice/snow. Beach front mansions? #fixflood @StopFemaNow',\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: But Lee still holdout @StopFemaNow MT @AlpertDC Sources say Udall bill close to being resolved in flood ins talks: http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowSCP: Montana, Wyoming Assess Flood Damage http://t.co/sTqAWBrPW2 via @HuffPostGreen',\n", " u\"RT @SFNLA: If that doesn't sound like aftermath of Katrina where GovBlanco blamed Bush & vice-versa. PEOPLE NEED HELP! @occupybergennj @Sto\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowSCP: .@SenMikeLee @MarkUdall Holding the flood vote hostage until you get what you want? Surely won't win any allies that wa\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: Yet people of America wait for them to act to help us! @Alankota 5.5M NFIP families will have to continue to wait b/c @SenMikeLe\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: Is @marcorubio back from jury duty yet @learyreports ? Need a face2face mtg w/ @SenMikeLee who is WRONG to block flood bill vote!',\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: <@sltrib @NOLAnews WHY DOES @SenMikeLee CONTINUE TO BLOCK FLOOD VOTE? CBO says rev neutral. LA=RED STATE. Not helping @BillCass\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: .@DavidVitter just saw you on Senate floor talking with @SenMikeLee. Hope u blasted him for blocking vote! Not helping @BillCas\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: @SenLandrieu talks with @SenatorIsakson on senate floor. Waiting to hear if @SenMikeLee drops his block to flood vote http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @raymondweyandt: the time is NOW @SenLandrieu @SenatorWicker @SenatorIsakson ! push #floodreform after childcare bill vote, save our hom\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFEMANowLA: \"@BillCassidy @DavidVitter @SteveScalise Tell @SenMikeLee how important flood bill is to LA, USA. People to lose homes; \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowFL: Welcome relief after months of negotiation - #FloodInsurance HR3370 @GMiloscia @StopFemaNow @SenatorMenendez @SenLandrie\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GMiloscia: .@SenMikeLee are you listening to your fellow statesmen? Cut it out!! Many have no time for games! Homes being list @Stop\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'As Long as Conservatives Have Any Kind of Power, This Country Will Always Struggle - http://t.co/RK82Wqqn4G',\n", " u'All the anti-gay cliches you could ever NOT wish for http://t.co/QqErrY6gy2 via @lizzythelezzy',\n", " u'Obama family attends Easter service http://t.co/qCtgqbtcMt via @usatoday',\n", " u\"With voter rolls being purged, are you sure you're still registered to vote? Check here: http://t.co/je7fIXpnbq\",\n", " u'Why is no one cheering the falling deficit? http://t.co/laouM0r2qJ Dems cheer as GOPTP/Libertarians ignore facts.',\n", " u'RT @buddhatree: To everyone who is excited that today is also 4/20, I have some bad news for you.. http://t.co/iCAaduST7p',\n", " u\"@NancyGraceHLN Pot to Blame? More like #NancyGraceisaLIAR You cause more harm than pot ever will. You're a disgrace to the American people.\",\n", " u'@NancyGraceHLN How many people must die listening your lies? You make up crap about everything, all for ratings and your bank account.',\n", " u'Broadland v. Richistan: We Do the Math http://t.co/SjJjVc7D3Y via @BillMoyersHQ',\n", " u'The Difference Between a Tea Party \\u201cPatriot\\u201d and a Real Patriot http://t.co/3ECF38f3jZ',\n", " u'Iran Gets an Unlikely Visitor, an American Plane, but No One Seems to Know Why http://t.co/vNIdcJTHwS',\n", " u'Another State Just Decriminalized Marijuana. That Makes 21 | Live Free, Live Natural http://t.co/qgKUFyxKco',\n", " u\"Industry Expert Says StopRush Has Destroyed Limbaugh's Business For Good http://t.co/7zQsMzIbP9 via @dailykos\",\n", " u\"RT @breakingpol: Obama marks year since Senate passed immigration reform: House GOP 'repeatedly failed to take action' - @thehill http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'#GOPTP are fools and tools. Hate is what drives them....logic and common sense defies them.',\n", " u\"#GOPTP thinks Corporations shouldn't pay taxes 'cause they're job creators. Jobs for other countries and taxpayers pick up their tax evasion\",\n", " u\"#GOPTP doesn't want to pay taxes yet wants a huge military.....ALL PAID FOR WITH TAXES. #NoCommonSenseTools\",\n", " u'RT @Rubedoodoo: @JohnFict @Unv76 @_Hank_Rearden_ @elme13 @jacktownbb @Ryy01 Yes we do. Plus 2 wars & Medicare D on credit. http://t.co/5IvR\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @cr8f: They like OldTestament where God punished people @ajain31: #UniteBlue #Democrats #Religion #waronwomen #SNAP #DumpGOP http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WYVeteran: @UniteBlueWI @uniteblueNC @SenatorHagan #uniteblue @maddow @JohnFugelsang @Lawrence @DWStweets @SenateDems @SMShow http://t.\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Check out Mark Wilson @flchamber and @FLChamberFDN #LikeABoss http://t.co/2Q3urYvwL1',\n", " u\"@MarcACaputo I did read it...must've missed something you saw. Will read again tomorrow and report back.#noounceforouchie?\",\n", " u'@MarcACaputo sure...a doctor can prescribe for ANY reason. I\\'ve got an \"ouchie\" #ounceforouchie',\n", " u\".@MarcACaputo that's why legalizing pot is on the ballot....shore up that D turnout.\",\n", " u'Why Florida pension reform? This graph says it all: http://t.co/MmqY7SQEJ7 #sayfie @FlChamber',\n", " u'@gregblose @FlChamber pension reform passes the Florida House Approps committee! Now heads to the floor!',\n", " u'BREAKING: House Appropriations committee approves pension reform bill, HB 7173! RIGHT DECISION to modernize FRS pension plan. #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @JAXChamber: #Actionville RT @theurbancore: So many GREAT CREATORS inside the chamber! Please hit it! beonespark @sunishadesigns http://\\u2026',\n", " u'.@repdanayoung Love your comments on the pension plan: not broken, but hospitalized, and yes taxpayers have paid nearly 1 BILLION since 2011',\n", " u'SB 1114, FRS Pension Reform bill passes Senate Cmte despite unions wanting taxpayers 2 continue 2 pay $500m/year for state retirees #sayfie',\n", " u\"@adamputnam You were smarter than a fifth grader, though, I'm sure!\",\n", " u'RT @NoCasinos: No gambling expansion this session. This is a victory for Florida. http://t.co/7BSj2xzbSv #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @mikegrissom: Really?!? The Flip Flop Boys are opening up for an @CharlieCrist speech? Priceless!!! #sayfie @FloridaGOP',\n", " u'RT @GBCCPrez: Thank you @adamputnam for the insight and dialogue today with our local @brandon_chamber members. http://t.co/ybzfiHUWWM',\n", " u'@Cubs @SportsCenter get some water on that ivy! #nottop10 #feedmeseymour http://t.co/fuMNssWypZ',\n", " u\"Did anybody else see this? The green ivy at Wrigley isn't so green. Water that plant! #feedmeseymour http://t.co/o2dSkX7hP4\",\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Help secure public pensions and protect taxpayers by making your voice heard today! http://t.co/PFAbLyEF1U http://t.co/Myf7\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Help secure public pensions and protect taxpayers by making your voice heard today! http://t.co/ulaRGWVo6b http://t.co/HQaT\\u2026',\n", " u'@GBCCPrez @FlChamber Also...I enjoyed meeting your members. Good group of people and a good conversation!',\n", " u'RT @GBCCPrez: Thank you @gregblose and the @FlChamber for setting the stage for all of our conversations today. http://t.co/7XcIyf75lO']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Wichita Falls, Texas about to be 1st in U.S. to turn dirty toilet water into drinking water amid drought http://t.co/hcJCrSKEK7 @dpreston17',\n", " u'Disney Offers Obama Minimum Wage to Florida Theme Park Staff http://t.co/WdvSDRU9KN',\n", " u'RT @AnnieLinskey: That wonky issue of flood insurance bubbles up in U.S. Senate races w @McCormickJohn http://t.co/iInHa0KLLf',\n", " u'RT @doug_hanks: Thanks to popular demand, the Miami-Dade 100 is now the Miami-Dade 500. BTW: the chart is sortable by name, too. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Hong Kong is one of the best places in the world to do business. As long as you don\\u2019t breathe http://t.co/IHEhJ2OAv4',\n", " u'RT @MaryEllenKlas: RGA features Rick Scott in \"American Comeback\" web spot: From an email: WASHINGTON, D.C. \\u2013 The Republican Gove... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @BChappatta: High-speed trading + hockey + stadium bailout, our @ToluseO nets a hat trick with today's column: http://t.co/Qd7xxi3BQV\",\n", " u\"The Bellagio's fountains dance, golf courses carpet the desert. A Drought in Vegas http://t.co/8P0StbRtzE by @jmnash\",\n", " u'Republican Odds of U.S. Senate Takeover Rise as Turnout Shrinks via @NewsmanSilva http://t.co/kQZxWA5Fl7',\n", " u\"Florida's Scott, Facing Fight, Touts Economy http://t.co/5WnTx624uy via @acampoflores\",\n", " u\"Rand Paul's GOP-Tea Balancing Act\\nhttp://t.co/UbqqNhqdqo\\nVia @bethreinhard\",\n", " u\"Illinois getting lowest borrowing cost since 09' shows expectation of rating stability http://t.co/rMcbYijl3R by @BChappatta\",\n", " u\"Breaking in my inbox: 'Governor Rick Scott: Sebelius Trips to Florida Were PR Stunts.'\",\n", " u'RT @jonallendc: .@BloombergNews: Sebelius out at HHS.',\n", " u\"RT @PatriciaMazzei: Miami-Dade commish Tuesday's meeting 1hr18mins late. Cost to county executives' time: $5,035.66 http://t.co/63ru5LzBIt \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @fineout: Medicaid enrollment rises 8 percent in Florida (from @AP) http://t.co/RxcwWPkTdu',\n", " u'RT @mniquette: States Pursuing Cash That U.S. Companies Stash Overseas: Taxes http://t.co/lEoSLXJrsk via @BloombergNews',\n", " u'Florida Doctors: Billing Medicare While Financing Top Democrats\\nhttp://t.co/nAf5M9wHoJ by @FrancesRobles',\n", " u'RT @StatesAndCities: Florida county approved selling #muni bonds for a porteyed by David Beckham for a soccer stadium http://t.co/hP1zXaAXY\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DoubleTGolle: Restaurants, retailers put out more help-wanted signs, while openings in higher-paying industries fall short #economy htt\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'.RT @AshleyLopezFL: Morning Read: Via @NYTimes: \"Jeb Bush\\u2019s Rush to Make Money May Be Hurdle\" http://t.co/OKXK9Asjy6',\n", " u'Happy Earth Day! Do something good for your planet today. http://t.co/tV0YBbbVsv',\n", " u'Good to see all-Miami good guy James Jones shine while getting meaningful PT in @MiamiHEAT opening game win over @bobcats.',\n", " u'Guess a little regular season rest does a body good. So much for whether @DwyaneWade would be ready for the playoffs.',\n", " u'This play at the plate in the Marlins game is the perfect example of why replay was needed in baseball. #umpsshownup',\n", " u'\"Here comes the story of the Hurricane.\" RIP Rubin Carter.',\n", " u\".RT @Miamicurt: Boxer Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter dies at 76 (from @AP) http://t.co/a83GGmRb5P\",\n", " u'.RT @gregcote: R.I.P., Rubin (Hurricane) Carter, 76, the boxer wrongly convicted of murder. Hearing the Bob Dylan song in my head.',\n", " u'Duuuuuude...RT @washingtonpost: \"Blaze it and praise it!\" With Easter on 4/20, pastors reach out to pot-smokers. http://t.co/rWfERXgDQW',\n", " u'RT @MiamiSup: Amazing how a dose of public embarrassment leads some to finally do the right thing for abused children. #InnocentsLost @Miam\\u2026',\n", " u\"I can relate. RT @NPRrussell: The Earth is cranky, apparently. Lots of big earthquakes today. Magnitude 5, 6 & 7's all around the planet.\",\n", " u'RT @sportspickle: Flowchart: Who Should You Root for in the 2014 NBA Playoffs? ---> http://t.co/V8fgvmjb2X http://t.co/eYZPA3ZC5p',\n", " u'RT @sahilkapur: WH estimates on ACA:\\n\\n8M on exchanges\\n3M on parents plan\\n3M on Medicaid\\n5M on non-exchange plans\\n5.7M uninsured in 24 no-Me\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MayorGimenez: Today we remember the 53rd anniversary of the Bay Of Pigs Invasion,where Cuban-Americans fought to overthrow the oppressi\\u2026',\n", " u'Top #NBA jersey sales, @KingJames edges out @KDTrey5 for #1 again. @DwyaneWade #7. From @darrenrovell #ESPN http://t.co/ewvPLOOZcc',\n", " u\"Why newspapers still matter and we can't let them die. My column in @SunSentinel today. https://t.co/LCv9QwrnhW\",\n", " u'A team that finishes 13 over .500 (Phoenix) misses the playoffs in the West, while a team 6 under (Atlanta) makes it in the East. #NBA',\n", " u'In praise of the paper. Journalists are doing more with less, and why they need our support. My @SunSentinel column: http://t.co/cKf0JmawYY',\n", " u'Getting a chance to watch \"The Address\" on @PBS @WPBT2 It\\'s not what you think it is, but it is fantastic public television.',\n", " u'Debate @senatornanrich first, says @FLGovScott of @CharlieCrist debate challenge. From @MarcACaputo, @MiamiHerald: http://t.co/wm7jrsXZ3l']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'The age of contagion. Fight modern plagues is by understanding the link between human and animal health. http://t.co/Wp3whJUtDz',\n", " u\"Who doesn't do dairy? Elimination diets deprive more people of their favorite foods. http://t.co/PHVUuExXVL\",\n", " u'Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to resign from post. http://t.co/yYj0ARL8ah',\n", " u\"The '77 Cents on the Dollar' Myth About Women's Pay http://t.co/mVj5ZocOpt\",\n", " u'NEVER too young to teach how to defend yourself. 6-Year-Old Uses Smarts to Foil Kidnapping Attempt from Outside Home http://t.co/r3iaRtbXWD',\n", " u'Beginning of end to ALL Campaign Contrib. Limits? Supreme Court strikes down aggregate campaign contribution limits http://t.co/KgEQmLh8K7',\n", " u'Patent trolls target US businesses, consumers ultimately foot the bill http://t.co/lH7k6VSxtF',\n", " u\"Drudge Exposes Another ObamaCare Lie, Pays 'Liberty Tax.' BHO Hammers Small Businesses Yet Again! http://t.co/J0CibGtup0 #IBDEditorials\",\n", " u'Amazon drops Prime requirement and plans a free, ad-supported streaming media service. http://t.co/3MPWzhp96N',\n", " u'Orlando Progressive Congressman Alan Grayson Really Said This Week That US \\u2018should be pleased\\u2019 Russia annexed Crimea http://t.co/0eF32XlShs',\n", " u\"First Asteroid With RINGS Discovered Orbiting Between Saturn & Uranus. 'Chariklo' Nearly 160 Miles Wide. http://t.co/4XBcmRSNVs via @NBCNews\",\n", " u'Fed Agency Gives Northwestern U. Football Players Green Light to Unionize. Northwestern Officials Immediately Appeal http://t.co/jz4ktjxYE8',\n", " u\"Florida now a 'front-runner' for U.S. economy, economist says http://t.co/KMZTD0FJdl\",\n", " u\"Took FIVE Years for Tampa Bay Times, Poltifact & Angie Drobnic Holan to 'Discover' Obamacare TRUTH. We Knew All Along http://t.co/BzaeDF1G0z\",\n", " u'G-7 agrees to exclude Russia, increase sanctions http://t.co/c6hc3cU12I',\n", " u'On it: How marketers are promoting brands in real time with social media. http://t.co/U5xpvMsOOr',\n", " u'Apple is in talks with Comcast about streaming-TV service. http://t.co/XxetvS08eH',\n", " u'About 36% of all Web traffic is considered fake, and this so-called bot traffic cheats advertisers http://t.co/5L7IzWx6pY',\n", " u'Cool VID tour of Space Station, including Soyuz return craft that once-proud U.S. program depends on thanks to Obama http://t.co/LLrFYeR8xv',\n", " u'Officials: WAR Chances w/Russia \\u2018Growing.\\u2019 Is Vlad Going to Impale MORE of Ukraine? Market DIVE This Week IF he does? http://t.co/UIsz2IQFYW']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @sjervewfla: Lyrid Meteor Shower tonight, not great, but maybe it will surprise us! Look up. May be some clouds too. #lyrids http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @8_plamison: .@StormTeam8WFLA \\n@WFLA .\\nBeautiful day... cools clouds.... and blue sky.... Tampa http://t.co/lKmobmoLAG',\n", " u\"RT @MaryShedden: Today's tidbit that won't make my story...You can buy, build and deliver a baby in a Mongolian Yurt in Tampa Bay. http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @PaulFox13: ALERT: Blue sky. #Clearwater @VSPC http://t.co/88SsPqFy0c',\n", " u'RT @johnroconnor: http://t.co/SQW1nkIk4H MT @TheFix: Democrats have a 1% chance of winning back the House. http://t.co/XtDHMUgSqb http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'Eyes on the Pulitzer Prize http://t.co/JAvXrOCla9',\n", " u'RT @bn9weather: nice shot, thanks! RT @JOSE97LUIS @BN9&nbsp;@bn9weather&nbsp;Thunderstorm line approaching MCO (Orlando intl) http://t.co/s\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @wusf: Vinyl Enthusiasts Celebrate Record Store Day http://t.co/XRL95KWuPC',\n", " u'RT @newsbulldog: Watch a video on how photo \"red eye\" can help impaired #Veterans http://t.co/OXmVsjhTqk #technology @TampaVA http://t.co/Z\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MicahGrimes: .@NewsWhip: @ABC climbs to #3 most-shared publisher in March on Twitter: http://t.co/GDCYn1DTlz, #4 on FB: http://t.co/N1E\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RollingStone: On the Charts: #Frozen tops another dismal sales week, while Pharrell nosedives: http://t.co/sB9qzLemWI',\n", " u'RT @wusf: Gov. Scott Avoids Question About House, Senate Private School Scholarship Dispute http://t.co/e45Dxlclij via @StateImpactFl',\n", " u'RT @amy_hollyfield: Latest from @tbtia: @SenBillNelson seeks local solution to expand Medicaid in #Florida http://t.co/1hrnrsq41N via @TB_T\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @johnroconnor: In 2012 Gov. Rick Scott said tax credit scholarship students should take FL's next standardized exam. Now...maybe? http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @LarryToweTV: Shot a cool time-lapse of the sun halo, check my vine channel and @MyFoxTampaBay will have it up soon. http://t.co/AQZPS7C\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MicahGrimes: This is a great gif: Halo around the Sun over Tampa: http://t.co/Px8QLOTg7L - via @LarryToweTV',\n", " u'RT @HealthNewsFL: Immigrant KidCare Plan Unlikely http://t.co/NCV0SbxeRs via @HealthNewsFl',\n", " u'RT @FloridaMatters: Coming up at 6:30 on @wusf 89.7 FM, @carsoncooper interviews St. Pete Mayor @Kriseman @DustinHapli @Lottie_Watts http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HuffingtonPost: Newspaper reporter is not the absolutely worst job choice anymore http://t.co/MKNyB6lJfX',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeed: Meet The Man Behind Twitter\\u2019s Most Infamous Phrase http://t.co/TEEPUIvdPC']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"This week's Rattler Report, a visit with a FAMU freshman who sings in 5 languages: http://t.co/IsZ8oGk6y9 @HBCU_Lifestyle @HBCUDigest\",\n", " u\"Story examines drop in FAMU engineering graduates: 100 in '98 v. 34 last year. http://t.co/ypXTS3KLk2 @HBCUDigest @HBCU_Lifestyle\",\n", " u'When Florida craft brewers speak, lawmakers need to listen. Read the blog: http://t.co/iNoJKh12ls @craftbeer @Florida4Beer @GrassLandsBrew',\n", " u\"Kellen Winslow doesn't start as FAMU AD until mid May, so is he really able to fire Clemon Johnson yesterday? @HBCUDigest @HBCU_Lifestyle\",\n", " u'@LAH7770 dblackburn@tallahassee.com Thanks,',\n", " u'@LAH7770 just now seeing your tweet. Have NOT seen this letter. Can you forward copy to me?',\n", " u\"Me to new FAMU President Mangum: 'Pretty quiet first two weeks?' Her reply: 'Couldn't be quieter.' Touche. @HBCU_Lifestyle @HBCUDigest\",\n", " u\"I realize Tallahassee Democrat doesn't carry weight of NYTimes, but virtually all news in Wednesday story we had already reported.\",\n", " u'What hath NYTimes wrought? Pennsylvania papers now saying incoming Penn State prez Eric Barron is linked to rape cover-up. Really?',\n", " u'Effort underway to turn home of FAMU legend Jake Gaither into a museum. http://t.co/YL42aLV3of @HBCU_Lifestyle @HBCUDigest',\n", " u'FAMU collegiate heavyweight boxing champ Willie Ferrell featured in SI. @HBCU_Lifestyle @HBCUDigest http://t.co/MeGj09QHSM',\n", " u'FSU College of Nursing names a lecture hall in honor of Sally Karioth, longtime faculty member and wife to my ace colleague, @geraldensley',\n", " u'@HBCU_Lifestyle Very cool. Thank you.',\n", " u'FAMU tackles hazing head-on with special assistant to the president. Watch the video: http://t.co/uG3PwMG97A\\n@HBCUDigest @HBCU_Lifestyle',\n", " u'RT @CoolCalmnCold: see You learn something new with every university robbery',\n", " u\"It's official: #Union beats Minnesota 7-4. Hockey is only Division 1 sports at Union.. No scholarships. Move over, Rudy.\",\n", " u'Great college sports story unfolding. Tiny #Union College about to win national hockey championship. Dutchmen of Schenectady!',\n", " u'RT @SeanRossman: RT @MEwenTD: Scooter Higgins models one of three new Uniforms on Friday. #noles #fsu #tdonline http://t.co/XYhLEzF5Ht',\n", " u\"RT @ProvostStokes: FSU's first President's Club College. Participants enjoying lunch before afternoon classes. Thank you to our faculty! ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'Feel-good FAMU story with video of 3 professors paying it forward: http://t.co/O6BEwupbYS @HBCUDigest @HBCU_Lifestyle @FAMU_1887']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @freedomsfool: \\u2714 @ArtHalvorson: Silence is surrender. Get busy, get informed, get loud! We need patriots to enter the arena and fight fo\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MazurekRob: @SenTedCruz @SenRandPaul @DarrellIssa - Karma strikes Obama Voters with Obamacare Premium Hikes http://t.co/vxt3Cfp7nP',\n", " u'RT @southgadiva: Federal court: Administration must release memos allowing drone strikes on Americans http://t.co/Sxa6q85Lnp via the @FoxNe\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PatriciaforUSA: Krauthammer: Obama Uttered \\u201cthe Single Stupidest Remark about Foreign Policy ever Video 4/21/14 http://t.co/WwfGj8A1vm\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Thomas_More_Law: Father Ray knows about religious persecution. He just never thought he'd be attacked by the @DeptofDefense for it http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @MazurekRob: U.S. sponsored Neo-Nazi Groups to \"STAGE COUP\" in Ukraine and overthrow Ukraine Govt - see video- http://t.co/ezoVq5K9Ok',\n", " u'RT @sethmckeel: High taxes burden Florida businesses. Follow me if you agree that we should cut them. http://t.co/43dri6sG2n',\n", " u'RT @agabus98: @GOP, the XL Pipeline will do many things: Canadian relationship, oil independence, lower gas, more jobs, more tax revenue. \\u2026',\n", " u'@agabus98 @GOP Allows major Obama donor,Buffet,2 maximize rail profits hauling oil while appeasing the \"greenies\". Pipeline=oil independence',\n", " u'RT @EnglandsTerrier: The #BBCR2 is not paid to have an opinion it is paid by you and me to allow others to have one.. Vote #UKIP #Bluehand',\n", " u'RT @prospectia: Those were the days. Seventy-two killed resisting gun confiscation in Boston @BuckeyeFirearms http://t.co/Vg28XRRQIJ via @s\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @DannoHollister: The Eyes of the BLM are on Texas' Land http://t.co/4ff9jOL0yh\",\n", " u'RT @ConserValidity: As Marxist Obama Regime hammers our ally Israel it Releases Another $1 Billion to Islamo-Fascist Iran http://t.co/95HS1\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @No1Important00: Dem Congressman on Obamacare: The Worst Is Yet to Come, It's 'Going to Hit the Fan' http://t.co/OnvC6I4iPw\",\n", " u'RT @Bocalegend: Two things #SouthFloridaConservatives MUST do in Nov 2014. \\n\\n Help take back the Senate. \\n\\n Help @RepRodgers defeat #Loi\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @rickklein: forgot abt this - per @brianjameswalsh, Warren hasn't released law school records that'd clear up N American ?s http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CaptainJDavis: Christianity was not addressed in the Federal Constitution by Framers because it was already addressed in the various St\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ConserValidity: OBAMA's AMERICA: As Left-wing Groups Run Wild; IRS Revokes Tax-Exempt Status of Conservative Group http://t.co/KckxHf8B\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @GreatThee: Obuma - clueless jackass: \\nKrauthammer Slams Obama\\u2019s Foreign Policy: He \\u201cDoesn\\u2019t Have a Strategic Idea in His Head\\nhttp://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @APMcKeownTX: Money spent on HC implementation alone would give all Americans a fully funded HC Saving Acct to last their entire lives #\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'FCAT problems lie w/@pearson\\'s \"hosting providers,\" FLDOE says. Not all districts affected. See letter here: http://t.co/caQYNd3kxT',\n", " u'Pasco FCAT woes affecting 5th grade math, 7th & 9th grade reading @pascoschools',\n", " u'Pasco schools suspend FCAT testing amid computer problems http://t.co/caQYNd3kxT via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Pasco schools advised to suspend FCAT testing amid student log-in problems.Other districts also affected. Details to come. @pascoschools',\n", " u'RT @DianeRavitch: NCAA Will No Longer Accept Credits Awarded by 24 K12 Virtual Charter\\xa0Schools http://t.co/LGlLm6oZiY',\n", " u'Florida education news: In-state tuition, VAM scores, dog therapy and more http://t.co/sRbwaqigWv via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Stalled FL bill on in-state tuition waiver for illegal immigrants has become an amendment to a bill on HS diplomas http://t.co/GOxAqvM1FX',\n", " u'Florida education news: Prom-posals, job cuts, computer testing and more http://t.co/0bGFOOIcxc via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Florida education news: Start times, recess, extended day and more http://t.co/iuf845l9Bc via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Playgrounds, recess as important as testing, class time, Pasco principals say http://t.co/39hF2wIN5n via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"Pasco superintendent urges parents to monitor kids' social media @pascoschools http://t.co/AlM8tnGR3w via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'Hand over your mice. It\\'s FCAT season -- \"We need a total of 70 and we have 30 in the computer lab.\" http://t.co/mOrVP4UyD6 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Florida education news: Principals, tests, single-gender classrooms and more http://t.co/zUFl9s9Pc9 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Pasco school district officials seek consistency in student discipline http://t.co/1Z0K855kD0 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Florida education news: Charter schools, summer school, strategic planning and more http://t.co/Zx8ZfQIbP4 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Pasco School Board hires consultant for $290,000 http://t.co/uD35WTFclx via @TB_Times',\n", " u'RT @caitlinzemma: Florida and Maryland join the ranks of states getting a fifth year to spend Race to the Top $$, implement plans http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SSEducationNews: Broward School Board may ban all smoking http://t.co/ebc6SFJrzR',\n", " u'Pasco charter school for children with autism faces closure http://t.co/qlCDyS8tEG via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Florida Gov. Scott to Pasco County schools: Great work creating private-sector jobs http://t.co/PmWlypuTGw via @TB_Times']},\n", " {'REP': [u'http://t.co/BluTZQFOK5',\n", " u\"RT @joehaden23: \\u201c@_VH3: what up Joe @joehaden23 http://t.co/cBLdJwm3Wm\\u201d that's only right! Keep grinding fam! Meet me at the top! \\U0001f4af\\U0001f4af\\U0001f4af\",\n", " u\"RT @Drrrake_YMCMB: I'm dead lmao \\U0001f602\\U0001f602 http://t.co/ODuQFSncD0\",\n", " u\"There's always so much ranking in the Harris household\",\n", " u'First my morning starts out by giving my dad a jump start at 7:30. Then Vern comes by at 8 after I get back to sleep....',\n", " u'RT @YEETEdits: 3hunna gratata http://t.co/4yEqhJ2QWx',\n", " u'RT @WomanCrushs: Melanie Iglesias \\U0001f60d http://t.co/SEn1hTzEq7',\n", " u'@BayliA_harris are you going to with us?\\U0001f602',\n", " u'RT @WhitePplQuote: Drugs are for idiots http://t.co/8W1D3CxkSR',\n", " u'Give it all we got tonight',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: The back page was not so kind to the Nets this morning in Toronto. (via @TheTorontoSun) http://t.co/qfr2CtuIFV',\n", " u'RT @QBBuilt12: @jaguars do the right thing guys http://t.co/KPmXS4lAq1',\n", " u'@clint_thegreat sounds like a solid plan!',\n", " u'@clint_thegreat you got it this time!',\n", " u'Holidays = hell nights at work',\n", " u'RT @RelaxItsJustTig: LMAO....\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602 http://t.co/R7kx9S66Rq',\n", " u'RT @GuyCodes: Getting ready for finals like http://t.co/2ksQDSgByw',\n", " u'RT @WorldStarFunny: He bout to go to the YMCA and shut shit down http://t.co/aaiZ2kFrtj',\n", " u'RT @MensCodes: Would you rather... http://t.co/FgopDHHynt',\n", " u\"RT @The_Race_Draft: Magic Johnson's kid.. http://t.co/d1bzGvTv8q\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Racist Easter Eggs Left On Lawn Outrage Parents http://t.co/FZWLmlwOrL',\n", " u'RT @TBOcom: #Catholic #Clearwater doc has studied #Shoud of Turin and believes facts support his faith. http://t.co/a7375kX7nQ http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'Nativist Group Urges Republican Party to Further Alienate the Immigrant Community http://t.co/IgWBgaaC92 via @ImmPolicyCenter',\n", " u'Scott-Bush-Martinez team up to demand Senate pass in-state tuition bill http://t.co/6N6mkLbL7Q',\n", " u\"RT @PoliticsTBTimes: The Buzz: Senate panel won't hear in-state tuition bill, weakening its chances http://t.co/awI7YDY9YZ\",\n", " u'RT @PoliticsTBTimes: The Buzz: Gaetz: SB 1400 \"not limited to Hispanics\" http://t.co/2ghi0cXqNW',\n", " u\"@KathleenMPeters when a medical accident happens you have options Constituents in the healthcare gap don't any http://t.co/i0h9BH8kyY\",\n", " u'@KathleenMPeters, we ask you to do the right thing. Protect Floridians and #expandhealthcare 4 thousands http://t.co/ezJpCo3Jab',\n", " u'@KathleenMPeters, Floridians are dying. Do you want blood on your hands? #ExpandHealthcare for Floridians #ACA http://t.co/kp0tCu4jNc',\n", " u'RT @AwakeTheState: Rick Scott\\'s \"baloney\" campaign ads continue to lie about the #ACA: http://t.co/xwzmIvqupX #pfla #awakeFL',\n", " u'RT @ProgressFlorida: Oust Politicians Who Refuse to Expand Medicaid: http://t.co/Pb2xQqDsgz #pfla #awakefl #legfl #HealthFLNow',\n", " u\"RT @clmitchperry: Kathy Castor doesn't see Republicans moving on comprehensive immigration reform for years http://t.co/rHHlnZZD9n\",\n", " u'RT @veronikaperz: .@YAD52110 Yessica Leal at .@RepDennisRoss townhall today. .@Timintampa \\n#immigration http://t.co/08LlkZQfAN',\n", " u'RT @FLAFLCIO: STEALING WAGES = STEALING TAXES. Take action: http://t.co/XhescGRUyO #flunion #1u http://t.co/q59DjMx2uZ',\n", " u\"RT @ProgressFlorida: Stop wage thieves from stealing from Florida's economy! TAKE ACTION: http://t.co/lyRqwA7vT2 #pfla #flunion #legfl\",\n", " u'RT @PoliticsTBTimes: The Buzz: Rev. Manuel Sykes considers congressional run http://t.co/nxiImHctt6',\n", " u\"RT @WhiteHouse: On average, women still earn just $0.77 for every $1 men earn.\\n\\nRT if you agree it's long past time to change that. http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SEIU: RT @1199SEIU: Our #NYC subway ads featuring @1199SEIU members will be up next month & through the summer! http://t.co/dVpu1mO1yt',\n", " u\"RT @FlaDems: Tampa Tribune Editorial: After 51 years, it's time for equality on payday: http://t.co/tKnpq32slW via @TBOcom #EqualPay #pfla\",\n", " u'RT @ProgressFlorida: \"This young mother didn\\'t have to die\" But FL\\'s GOP blocking of Medicaid expansion made it happen: http://t.co/d8TeadQ\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@ProFootballTalk @RobertKlemko @AnalystRandyB @lopakalypse @DatDuvalDude ~ Wow! Had no idea.',\n", " u'Just finished Week 3 of my @DietBet. Currently, I have a 43% chance of winning. Cheer me on! http://t.co/XJ1ZNQIoz6',\n", " u'I remember my parents and grandparents having two sets of keys. #Throwback http://t.co/KXCDDBQ7dz',\n", " u'How to tell if a battery is new or old. https://t.co/7Nm2Cs2YkE',\n", " u'@danieljpaul3 @AnalystRandyB @Seahawks @nfl ~ I agree with you Daniel! What does the Seahawks see in this guy?',\n", " u\"@Seahawks @nfl @AnalystRandyB I guess it's true!!\",\n", " u'\\u201c@ProFootballTalk: Raiders announce trade of QB Terrelle Pryor to Seattle, for a 2014 seventh-round draft pick.\\u201d @AnalystRandyB Seattle???',\n", " u\"It was great seeing @Tip on #DishNation! I'm just catching up on my #DVR shows! He did great filling in! Should be a regular! #LateTweet\",\n", " u'http://t.co/LOQfFbSV1X',\n", " u\"@monicaANjax @BreakingNews @gigaom ~ While $10 is not bad at all, I love my $7.99 price! I guess I'm never leaving #Netflix! Lol.\",\n", " u\"@infamousTIP ~ Unfortunately, that's all it is!\",\n", " u\"@mtaylormade @AnalystRandyB @BleacherReport ~ I'm not. Just a sports fan in general!\",\n", " u'@AnalystRandyB @BleacherReport @mtaylormade ~ Yes sir!!!',\n", " u\"@mtaylormade ~ I'm your personal assistant AND your personal security guy!!\",\n", " u'@BleacherReport @AnalystRandyB @mtaylormade AND STAFF??? Lol.',\n", " u'Just got a cheer from a fan on @DietBet. Cheer me on, too! http://t.co/ImgoQC259P',\n", " u'YUUUP! This pretty much sums it up! http://t.co/7ff4djP382',\n", " u\"We gotta do better y'all! Lol. #SoTrue http://t.co/nJf7CrTLEU\",\n", " u'http://t.co/GYG5fxzvGu',\n", " u'#Creative http://t.co/3XttTQw8u9']},\n", " {'REP': [u'.@JebBush is speaking @Asugsvsummit. Follow @ExcelinEd for live tweets and Tune in here: http://t.co/ruKk1B9ssM.\\xa0 #edinnovation #edfly',\n", " u'RT @cvanderark: Margaret Spellings introducing Gov Jeb Bush at @asugsvsummit #edinnovation http://t.co/vvzdXNXCsS',\n", " u'Ay caramba! Dos mujeres en la cocina.',\n", " u'RT @learyreports: Archbishop: @JebBush has moved immigration debate forward with \"act of love\" remark http://t.co/Twv8Gxspvw',\n", " u'#EdFly RT @asugsvsummit: .@JebBush will give an opening keynote address on the American Dream next Monday evening. http://t.co/4WimczrPyx',\n", " u'@NelsE3 Clusters & hops mac n cheese?',\n", " u'RT @Yankees: #Yankees 3-6 hitters (Ellsbury, Beltran, McCann, Soriano) combined to go 8-for-15 with 6 runs, a double, 4 HRs and 6 RBIs.',\n", " u'\"@AllisonNielsen: @AFloridaPromise praises passing of K-12 grading overhaul http://t.co/MDYVKkw4Sw #sayfie\" #Edfly',\n", " u'RT @AFloridaPromise: Great news, Florida!! cc: @SenatorJohnLegg #Sayfie http://t.co/5psvQ5sUUq',\n", " u'@ananavarro haha! So true! \"Donde esta mi chancleta?!\" sent us scattering.',\n", " u'So fun catching up w/fellow Webster-ite @kborman tonight, but made me miss @MearKat00, @BrechtHeuchan & @DJGroup!',\n", " u\".@levesquepat: Florida's schools moving in the right direction via @TB_Times. #Sayfie #EdFly #edrefom http://t.co/uHxhxpbUVQ\",\n", " u'RT @ExcelinEd: VIDEO: Gov @JebBush visited @KIPP charter school in Oklahoma alongside @GovMaryFallin http://t.co/P4eOnxnAdO',\n", " u'RT @kristymcampbell: The Wall Street Journal on @JebBush and immigration reform: http://t.co/f880tYcdhd',\n", " u'RT @RebeccaFox25: The governors meet with teachers and administrators. Tout education in Florida, talk best practices for OK http://t.co/wC\\u2026',\n", " u'#EdFly #edreform RT @RebeccaFox25: Now governors speaking with KIPP students http://t.co/1UVYmk9Apc',\n", " u'RT @ExcelinEd: Gov @JebBush in Oklahoma today @Kipp Reach Academy with students Obadiah & Veronica. @tmcdanielkipp http://t.co/htZ7LOspGw',\n", " u\"@khaughney my colleague is doing today's visit. Btw, am in Tally next week. U around? We're delinquent on our annual bubble bread outing!\",\n", " u'Happy BIrthday CFO! RT @FloridaGOP: Happy Birthday, @JeffAtwater! http://t.co/yjXoK3c35a',\n", " u'Today: @JebBush & @GovMaryFallin will visit OKC charter school http://t.co/UxySxVpQH5 #EdFly #edreform']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Most ironic sign at an airport. Slowest......security.....line......zzzzzzz.....ever. http://t.co/AQ7hAqCtOc',\n", " u'Stay tuned in SC... http://t.co/LjzjLnC9k7',\n", " u'On way to Ohio: U.S. Chamber of Commerce to officially endorse Rep. Dave Joyce http://t.co/pL3OzSDb0y',\n", " u\"RT @melindacoxhall: I'm out. #SweetDreams y'all. #SupportOurTroops and #Veterans #Warriors #Heroes God Bless America \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8 #ThankAVet http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Proud to endorse Jack Kingston as Georgia's next U.S. Senator. THE champion for American Free Enterprise. http://t.co/Wxj5Yn0z3u\",\n", " u'http://t.co/j9O1zPzDni',\n", " u\"Wheels up from FL, thx to our Chamber members for hosting a discussion on the '14 elections. Now less than 200 days.. http://t.co/X8xvM7xb3g\",\n", " u'Elizabeth Warren tries to raise profile by raising $$. She remains threat to Free Enterprise. http://t.co/j1fvdJlFSv http://t.co/bcWLYAQw6s',\n", " u\"Fake conservatives in MS trying desperately to elect a personal injury lawyer to senate. That's what liberals do. #uninformed @informative9\",\n", " u'Truth: MS Sen candidate Chris McDaniel is a personal injury lawyer. See our ad currently running statewide. http://t.co/XU7AeDDpEf',\n", " u'Who had the worst week in Washington? Mississippi Senate candidate Chris McDaniel. http://t.co/Xn0NV79ce1',\n", " u'RT @adndotcom: Obama administration delays Keystone XL pipeline decision, likely until after midterms http://t.co/PWORbykAUy',\n", " u'\\u201c@MSConDaily: Liberal US Chamber of Commerce Attacks Chris McDaniel. MT: self appointed fake conservative group backs a trial lawyer.',\n", " u'Chamber of Commerce backs Kingston in crowded Georgia Senate race\\n http://t.co/3Aoa1Uroxe',\n", " u'Breaking: U. S. Chamber proud to endorse Jack Kingston for Senate in Georgia. @JackKingston4GA http://t.co/xbQpRfmfp3',\n", " u\"Great to see America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani down here in Florida.\",\n", " u'RT @Richard_Tisei: Great news! @StuPolitics upgraded #MA6 to \"toss-up/tilt Dem\" #mapoli http://t.co/YQJcxlVcpQ',\n", " u'RT @MonicaForOregon: We launched our first TV Ad of the campaign today. It\\'s called, \"It\\'s Not Brain Surgery\" and you can watch it here htt\\u2026',\n", " u'Sean Eldridge graduates from high school, shaves, moves to the district, kinda, then announces bid for Congress. http://t.co/CFg6M0f7PY',\n", " u'#Lie: \"If you like your health care plan you can keep it.\" #Truth: \"If you want to fire your Senator who voted for #Obamacare, you can\".']},\n", " {'REP': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @lisalibrarian: Recording of \"Creating a culture of assessment in academic libraries\" by @librarianmer @librarian_amy and me! https://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'@ernestopriego it depends on the day, of course.',\n", " u'RT @CHSommers: 19 philosophers ranked for hotness. http://t.co/E9B2SWkoJe',\n", " u'RT @shermandorn: The Common Core take by @StephenAtHome http://t.co/GiZgTocbFn HT @alexanderrusso',\n", " u'What is #philosophy good for? http://t.co/EJgH1NcHS6',\n", " u'List of print-on-demand #publishers, vanity presses, for #librarians & #authors: http://t.co/fQNXssm2gu',\n", " u\"Stick-in-the-mud University of #Iowa won't allow HBO's 'Girls' to be filmed on their campus: http://t.co/fC9IdMtdZX\",\n", " u'#USF #Tampa #Library renovations coming this summer: http://t.co/T1QTHLtZ8e #clublib #usflibraries',\n", " u\"The #USF Tampa #Library's Digital Learning Studio now can check out #tripods to students: http://t.co/WzLuKrNiax #clublib #usflibraries\",\n", " u'#Publisher wants to raise money to put #Wikipedia articles into print: http://t.co/Wu12a3L4iz',\n", " u'Nice piece about why students should not #publish #theses or #dissertation with Lap Lambert: http://t.co/aXLrfDKvzK',\n", " u'FWS officials publish bad science in OA journal: http://t.co/Ads9HTSYH3 #maddow #openaccess',\n", " u'The famous #USF elevator experiment : https://t.co/1MkFAtL0iO #clublib #usflibraries',\n", " u'Misleading #Metrics: bogus companies supporting #predatory #publishers: http://t.co/ZooopzhoY5 #Scholarship #openaccess',\n", " u'#OECD Better Life Index offers country measures on quality of life: http://t.co/A2b9B8VLE8 #statistics',\n", " u'#Pew says that #libraries holding their own in the information age #libchat http://t.co/Itj2DfUJrA',\n", " u'Love this latest #video my son David #Ariew created with colleagues: http://t.co/PZiralqbs8',\n", " u\"RT @SenSanders: There's No Need to End Saturday Mail Delivery: http://t.co/wIxFxhYGiH #USPS #Veterans http://t.co/3fBbvS0TQt\",\n", " u'#USF #doctoral students, join us on Friday, March 7th for the #Dissertation Forum: http://t.co/epQtBbt1Pe #usflibraries',\n", " u\"Cute kids don't know what to make of rotary phones: http://t.co/mgyhO2i0N7\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Fran_Tarkenton: RT @gosmbiz: \"#Failure doesn\\'t bother me - what bothers me is when I don\\'t have the courage to take responsibility.\" @F\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @sherryaphillips: http://t.co/nJjcSWAisz',\n", " u'RT @sherryaphillips: Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level.',\n", " u'RT @brianmcarey: Just waiting... #tcot http://t.co/GvhPvMbaMA',\n", " u'It works & it\\'s yummy! \"@michellemalkin: File under: Things to Do With Leftover Peeps ==> http://t.co/RlYS4l5spX\"',\n", " u\"@someoneinnyc @PaulCamuso @WilliamShatner Not marketing anything,not in that biz. Just a friendly suggestion they didn't understand.\",\n", " u'@saraforamerica Adorable! :)',\n", " u'RT @FreedomWorks: Happy Easter freedom-loving patriots! http://t.co/aJp7ennYR1',\n", " u\"@LeadToday It's just more difficult to take on a day when your expectations are higher. Be blessed & Happy Easter. :)\",\n", " u'RT @SmBizSupportCtr: Happy Easter! \\n\\n#LegalShield #Easter #HappyEaster http://t.co/LLRa333vgF',\n", " u'RT \"@patrickbetdavid: Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program. #MiltonFriedman\"',\n", " u\"@heykim Love that! You're so talented. Have a beautiful day, Kim.\",\n", " u\"RT @jaxdotcom: Ohio couple married 70 years die 15 hours apart; 'He just didn't want to leave her here ...' http://t.co/qM69a5wyG7 http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'Lol. Who knew? \"@LeadToday: It is illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles.\"',\n", " u'RT @FirstCoastGears: Video, story, photos: Exploring hundreds of classic rides in Fruit Cove http://t.co/g7TICvNLL4 http://t.co/XMc0DGJX9O',\n", " u'RT @jaxdotcom: #Florida Truth: Frostbite only occurs if you pass out in patio chair and your hand falls in cooler.\\nSee more truths: http://\\u2026',\n", " u'@WilliamShatner @WinchesterGank. Sorry I missed you tonight on @CraigyFerg. Were you good? ;-)',\n", " u'RT @mashable: Michaels confirms security breach affected up to 3 million debit and credit cards http://t.co/BSrZnbIkW2',\n", " u'RT @LeadToday: Random RT & #FF Thanks @brianhagman @mskmlady @robertore62 @kathyalmonte7 @FSonnenberg @Ale7602 @Zaq1a @kingsinsin @pooja_mi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @janetmarieryan: \\u201c@janetmarieryan: \\u201c@Project_Raw: Buy organic! #organic #local #farmers #farming #farmingtoday http://t.co/dSbHb62mr4\\u201d.\\u201d']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\".@laf307 You are so RIGHT that Dems need to GOTV! And we're fired up & ready 2 go in Collier County, @CharlieCrist! http://t.co/6XlqHNmWuX\",\n", " u'RT @laf307: Why Dems need to GOTV. @CharlieCrist @sandy_parker11 @sducane http://t.co/XxK8QQWroW',\n", " u'How exciting! RT @laf307 \"#teamcharlie great turnout @ broward field office. http://t.co/6epXup24zq @Tina_Palmese @pennypckrd @Drmarciam',\n", " u'RT @laf307: Publishing GOP objections to ACA just gives them more power. Enough! @CharlesMBlow @sandy_parker11 @Tina_Palmese @BackBayACT',\n", " u'RT @BackBayACT: For Young Women, Sexual Violence Is The New Normal http://t.co/BTWXmHn9yw via @thinkprogress @ofa_fl @ofanaples',\n", " u\"RT @faceblind: The REAL voter fraud is to let big donors give so much money that it dilutes the meaning of an individuals citizen's vote.\",\n", " u'RT @DagVega44: \"Our country should be very grateful to have somebody of her caliber serve.\" -- @vj44 on #AMR re: Secretary @Sebelius http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'Happy to have met LWVF ED Jessica Lowe-Minor & Bd Mbr frmr Congresswoman Pat Schoeder at #LWVFCapDays. @Tina_Palmese http://t.co/Qk1wPMXOM4',\n", " u'.@laf307 and fellow LWVCollier friends enjoying #LWVFCapDays BBQ at the League House but missing @Tina_Palmese! http://t.co/PrgXyI1pVr',\n", " u'.@laf307 having fun at #LWVFCapDays dinner! @Tina_Palmese @BackBayACT http://t.co/t5X5zJp1Gh',\n", " u'RT @LWVFlorida: Sec. of State Detzner on online voter registration (OVR): \"I\\'ve told everyone it\\'s just a matter of time in FL\" #sayfie #LW\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LWVFlorida: HUGE thanks to Lynda Russell and @FloridaEA for addressing our members this morning! #LWVFCapDays',\n", " u'At #LWVFCapDay with Sec of State Ken Detzner and @LWVFlorida https://t.co/As1rMemNtn',\n", " u'RT @LWVFlorida: Big thank you to representatives from Voices for Florida Girls who are addressing our members now. #LWVFCapDays',\n", " u'With Fl Sec of State Ken Detzner http://t.co/CIyVjw0e57',\n", " u'@sara_ela - Sounds good, Sara! #ofaleaderscall',\n", " u'@warnerjennifer @OFA Loving your enthusiasm, Jen! Thanks for laying out the plan!',\n", " u'RT @laf307: @UniteWomenOrg says #ACA success greater than enrollment #. You betcha! https://t.co/r3yElAlZ1l @OFANaples @Tina_Palmese @sand\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @laf307: Take THAT @johnBoehner https://t.co/cIvEECopBS @OFANaples @OFA_FL @sandy_parker11 @EnrollAmerica @Tina_Palmese',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: This is not the headline Rick Scott wanted to see this morning. \\u2192 Retweet to spread the word! #sayfie #pfla http://t.co/X7qbu1\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @JamesGrantFL: Congrats to my friend @EricEisnaugle. Glad to have him back. Orange County picked a good one.',\n", " u'RT @FarmShareFL: #FarmShare teams up with @Artiles118 to feed 1,000 Palmetto Bay families in need this Sat. at 11a.m. at ChristFellowship',\n", " u'Even more identity theft problems...http://t.co/rTDoFHLDEu',\n", " u'ID Theft a growing problem in south Florida http://t.co/Wo5YnfTEtk',\n", " u'Boom http://t.co/kD9bSjR5mN',\n", " u'Head coach Jimbo Fisher, calls his #NOLES \"one team, one heartbeat\" #FSU #FSUDayattheCapitol',\n", " u'RT @RitchWorkman: FSU Day at the Florida House! #nationalchampions http://t.co/f5PkT3ZDeA',\n", " u'http://t.co/RPBlYqKYD1',\n", " u'Hanging out with some trophies #FSU #NationalChamps #flhouse',\n", " u'RT @DadeCountyAg: DCFB with @Artiles118 during #FarmBureauDays in #Tallahassee http://t.co/G7pi2lHFw2',\n", " u'RT @MayorGimenez: Got to meet Devian Wilcox, an @FIU intern who is working with @Artiles118. #FLSession2014 http://t.co/yZtWy5lmtT',\n", " u'RT @FLBrewersGuild: Great article - craft beer is a shining example of the free market! http://t.co/paPRLAi66d #FLBeer @repdanayoung @JackL\\u2026',\n", " u'@FLGovScott includes a shout out to #FSU National Championship coach Jimbo Fisher in #stateofstate #Noles',\n", " u'RT @JimmyPatronis: Opening Day of Session 2014 New board in lights and in use for the first time #pic #sayfie http://t.co/HeTFx6Cxm0',\n", " u'Way to go- Rep @josefelixdiaz stops @FLGovScott for a #selfie before the State of the State',\n", " u'RT @FixLSA: Excited to meet w/ @Artiles118 today to chat about #AaronCohen Life Protection Act (HB183)! #StopHitandRun http://t.co/eEWVfc9P\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @repdanayoung: The Tampa Crate and Barrel appears confident 64oz beer growlers coming soon! Saw this display while shopping this am! htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"Red Light Camera's aren't work, OPPAGA study released today http://t.co/dw4hrCq8Rs\",\n", " u'RT @ChrisSpencerFL: Sen @JeffreyBrandes and Rep @Artiles118 hold press conference on new #redlightcamera study #sayfie http://t.co/UZ7v8pTs\\u2026',\n", " u'Press conference on Red Light Camera Oppaga study http://t.co/aJm1hHhsKZ']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Today, we remember the tragedies that occurred at the Boston Marathon. #BostonStrong',\n", " u'Chicago Fire will return for Season 3. @NBCChicagoFire is a great show! http://t.co/N2fKPUj6ly',\n", " u'Chicago PD will return for Season 2. @NBCChicagoPD is awesome! http://t.co/E8lPBZwIKX',\n", " u'I am participating in a Walk MS event in St. Augustine on April 5. You are invited to become a member of my team. Contact me for details.',\n", " u'Daytona 500 - under the lights? Yes! #NASCAR #RainDelay',\n", " u'Austin Dillon (No. 3 - RCR) wins the pole position for the Daytona 500!',\n", " u'#TeamUSA wins in a shoot out. Oh, that was an incredible hockey game!',\n", " u'RT @NBCChicagoFire: SAVE. THE. DATE. \\n#ChicagoFire returns Tuesday February 25 at 10/9c.',\n", " u'Jeb Bush endorses @FLGovScott. (Photo via @FloridaGOP) http://t.co/4ruf3GrtJF',\n", " u'Seattle @Seahawks unleashed the Legion of Boom on the Broncos, and absolutely deserved that win! #SB48',\n", " u'RT @FFYR: Today, we remember the seven crew members, five of whom were US military veterans, who lost their lives on board Space Shuttle Co\\u2026',\n", " u'I was at the @AmwayCenter for the #LALvsORL game, and thought this was a cool picture. @Orlando_Magic #WeWill http://t.co/N2ABzQppEq',\n", " u'Seahawks vs. Broncos in #SB48! http://t.co/MSLoGHfwdg',\n", " u'RT @GovPenceIN: No one inspired more courage, no one inspired more confidence, than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. #MLK',\n", " u'How can Tom Hanks be snubbed by the Academy Awards & the Golden Globes, despite his stellar performance in @CaptainPhillips? #BestActor',\n", " u'RT @FOXSports: The Chicago #Cubs have a new mascot. Meet Clark the Cub: http://t.co/Nc2VB07qEJ http://t.co/LXYZsNGp2f',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: I am proud to officially announce Miami- Dade Property Appraiser @LopezCantera will be our next Lieutenant Governor of Flor\\u2026',\n", " u\"I'm looking forward to the return of @NBCChicagoFire tomorrow & the series premiere of @NBCChicagoPD on Wednesday, at 10 PM on NBC!\",\n", " u'Merry Christmas!',\n", " u'A much-needed win for #CowboysNation! http://t.co/7TsZmL20ia']},\n", " {'REP': [u'MT @JimmieTSmith: We have a plan to modernize the FRS. Keep the promise. Secure the future. http://t.co/zEeIbiO5Q7 @FlChamber #sayfie',\n", " u'\"How many #gun owners are in the United States?\"\\n\"Probably not enough.\"\\nThank you Representative @mattgaetz #2a #LoveFL',\n", " u'Dear @MyFLHouse,\\nNo one uses textbooks.\\nSincerely,\\nCollege Students #HB355 #60daysofcrazy',\n", " u'#Happy by @Pharrell is playing on the Florida House floor. Is this real life!? #60daysofcrazy',\n", " u\"RT @joshromney: Hey @SenatorReid here's a shot of @MittRomney paying taxes. Does it every year. It's how you get your paycheck. http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'I caught @NatTuttle eating a @FLHouseBeta at Jasmine Cafe. #betasarefriendsnotfood #murderer #CapFishSlayer http://t.co/xhs0NrLZQQ',\n", " u'MT @RepCTrujillo: Proud to vote in support of the free market in bringing @Uber to Florida! #sayfie',\n", " u'Looks like we found on the guys causing @FLMeetsMary to have such a high lawsuit tax... Thanks @SickofLawsuits http://t.co/wFKzBnOWV3',\n", " u\".@BrooksBrothers In the south, it's always #BowTieFriday http://t.co/kK90HOsujh\",\n", " u'\"The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it\\'s just sort of a tired feeling.\" #lol #tlot #tcot',\n", " u'RT @watson_lance: Throw back to @chelseamwatson1 21st when @jenningslawton killed it with \"Ice Ice Baby\" on karaoke ! #toocrunk',\n", " u'RT @FLHouseBeta: @jenningslawton @NatTuttle I will ask @willweatherford for a moment of silence tomorrow at the beginning of session. #Bowl\\u2026',\n", " u\"It's official, @NatTuttle killed the @FLHouseBeta. #murderer #killingnemo\",\n", " u'Ready for the #NIT game @Alan4Florida? #GoNoles',\n", " u'Look forward to #FSUDayattheCaptiol tomorrow!!! #GoNoles #sayfie',\n", " u'Thank you @FLGovScott for standing up for veterans by signing the #FlGIBill today. #sayfie #LoveFL',\n", " u'@gregblose Barf',\n", " u'RT @SenRandPaul: @BarackObama to @Pontifex: Forgive me father for I have spied. #NSA',\n", " u'@Alan4Florida If only everything were that easy!',\n", " u'RT @Alan4Florida: \\u201c@jenningslawton: @Alan4Florida #GoNoles #RollTribe #LoveFL\\u201d see how easy that was!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @stillblazingtho: Smoking and going on adventures.',\n", " u'@Justin_Tejeda \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u'RT @Daily_Mot: Cheating is a choice, not a mistake.',\n", " u\"RT @CauseWereGuys: Eagle's release new Mark Sanchez jersey http://t.co/F6zf5EbQ8u\",\n", " u'RT @C4HadMeLike: No pain no gain \\U0001f4aa\\U0001f44c http://t.co/Rn6pN3AWN0',\n", " u'RT @DiscoveryImages: Key West, Florida. http://t.co/TSHoSLt8Ju',\n", " u'Have to show off my background.. #1 http://t.co/bAsUFKVOSr',\n", " u'RT @GuyCodes: Never mistake my silence for weakness. No one smart plans brilliant ideas out loud.',\n", " u'RT @CauseWereGuys: #BroDiscussion\\nRT for Whiskey\\nFav for Vodka',\n", " u'You know I want it all, and then someee',\n", " u'RT @Drake: Suits and ties yelling out pay the guys',\n", " u'I just want to party.. Is that so bad?',\n", " u'@whale_n gonna be insane!!! \\U0001f601',\n", " u'5 am bowl.. #nosleeptonight',\n", " u'Yay library',\n", " u'JFC',\n", " u'Having serious withdrawals from the boat.. #iwenttoomuch #thatsnotpossible #homeforever',\n", " u'RT @danielleeenm: not feeling this Monday \\U0001f612',\n", " u'RT @Brotivational: Red Bull might give you wings, but whiskey gives you balls',\n", " u'This Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey whiskey commercial keeps coming on... #mustbeasign #illtakeit']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@josephjett Born in Canada to an illegal immigrant from Cuba. How stupid can the Texans be to elect a Canadian to represent them in Wash.?',\n", " u'The Daily Edge @TheDailyEdge Apr 15 Rick Scott\\'s wealth comes from \"hundreds of millions of $$ he stole from poor, sick people\"',\n", " u'http://t.co/wGxXGI6D41',\n", " u'Alabama inmates stage protest over free labor system http://t.co/PX2BBuT2Md via @thelastword',\n", " u'RT @rcooley123: ALEC and Paul Ryan Team Up to Convert Pensions Into Tax Cuts for Millionaires http://t.co/a44ciiOfPM',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: New poll shows that nearly 60% Floridians support EXPANDING access to affordable health care. \\u2192 Retweet you agree! http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @thinkprogress: Florida Governor's voter purge was illegal according to this appeals court http://t.co/trS1kYUj8f\",\n", " u\"Rick Scott (Gov. of Fl.) tried to slash Education by 4.8 billion. Isn't that the same amount he stole from medicare in Texas??\",\n", " u'\"Again\": http://t.co/R2h0dnEdmX via @YouTube',\n", " u'GOP budget plan calls for more radical cuts http://t.co/nWzV0iDEgj via @edshow',\n", " u'From Here To Now To You http://t.co/VbcK4IfURe',\n", " u\"@OliverTravelTra My wife and I live in North Central Florida. We would love to rent an Oliver for a few days to just see what it's like.\",\n", " u\"@anamariecox @MinnPost I'm still thinking about the B-r-r-r-r-i-t-o-o-o\",\n", " u'I wonder if the 100 million Rick Scott intends to spend on his re-election was from the billions he stole from Medicare while in Texas?',\n", " u'@BlackIrishI can you imagine #MornigJoe would be doing if Charlie Crist Stole 4 billion from medicare like Rick Scott did while in TEX??',\n", " u\"@MorningJoe In the upcoming Governor's race in Fl., Why has M Joe and all mainstream news avoided Rick Scott FRAUDING U.S. Gov. 4 billion .\",\n", " u\"RT @TheDailyEdge: .@ThePlumLineGS The Kochs don't only pollute your water, they make you pay them to clean it: http://t.co/fth9xTcjS8 http:\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@kkellis1 Karen, its been a long way from Edwards St. in Sikeston, Mo. Here's a class picture. Suzie and me et al. http://t.co/AngKCL5682\",\n", " u'\"Every time I tried to tell the truth...I was shut down\" http://t.co/cpHZJUZlXa via @msnbc',\n", " u'are Ted Nugent and Karl Rove homosexual lovers??']},\n", " {'REP': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'@CClark_E I wore my favorite underwear to the gym today! What was I thinking?! \\U0001f614',\n", " u'Happy earth day errybody! \\u270c\\ufe0f\\u263a\\ufe0f\\U0001f30e',\n", " u\"@paridisedeliah HAHAHAHHAHA \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602 I'm dying that's so funny!\",\n", " u'\\U0001f4aa\\U0001f3c3 gym before Sanibel \\u2600\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0f\\U0001f334\\U0001f30a',\n", " u'\"I think you\\'re amazing and incredible and inspiring and you deserve to have all the things you want bc you\\'re worth everything\" -christen',\n", " u'There are those in our lives who matter a great deal, and those who do not, but the filter can be confusing',\n", " u'Just own trivia night at WOB! #goteamgo',\n", " u'\"Winston is so cute that teddy bears buy him for their loved ones on valentines day\" #newgirl',\n", " u\"The attire for tonight's party is...optional lol #newgirl\",\n", " u\"You're not really looking 4 someone 2 understand you but 2 validate the way you think & feel. The difference is immense & means everything.\",\n", " u'I cannot wait to lie in the sunshine and enjoy this beautiful day \\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2600\\ufe0f\\u270c\\ufe0f',\n", " u'Talking about big Marley in class today..#winning #WorldMusicCulture',\n", " u\"Done with classes by 2:00 today? I'll take that \\U0001f60d\",\n", " u\"@Kbaney12 that's the best I can do...\",\n", " u\"@Kbaney12 oh..I've been expecting you to show up any minute. Guess I'll just have to eat all this ice cream myself...#NoProblem\",\n", " u\"@Kbaney12 word. I'll have some ice cream ready\",\n", " u'@Kbaney12 you know what best friends do? Come over and rub out the sore muscles in their bffs bodies What do ya say pal? My place or yours?',\n", " u'@Kbaney12 I usually have trouble taking this step but with you it just feels like..magic',\n", " u\"@Kbaney12 yes. Bc you're worth melting for \\U0001f4a6\",\n", " u\"@Kbaney12 if you're a bird...I'm a bird \\U0001f426\\U0001f425\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'150 question study guide \\U0001f605\\U0001f52b',\n", " u'RT @tonsofsexton_: @jeniferlynnnn lovee you more bfffl\\U0001f496\\U0001f496',\n", " u'\\u201c@MentionTo: #MentionTo your unbiological siblings\\u201d @tonsofsexton_ @kendallbabee10 @saracarrotop @strawbrrykeely @Awalkk52 @Tayloor94Taylor',\n", " u'@tonsofsexton_ @MentionTo @ashl330525 @kendallbabee10 @Hannahh_Hobson @tara_alexandria love youuuu\\U0001f60d\\U0001f618',\n", " u'I just really want things back the way it was, not exactly the same but at least somewhat \\U0001f615',\n", " u'RT @Token_Tokes: Patiently waiting for everything in my life to fall into place',\n", " u'goodnight world \\U0001f30e\\U0001f495',\n", " u'why am I itchy ? \\U0001f629',\n", " u'@tonsofsexton_ You wonttttttt',\n", " u'RT @saracarrotop: @tonsofsexton_ @jeniferlynnnn hiiiii \\U0001f44b',\n", " u'@tonsofsexton_ @saracarrotop i know i was like tf lol she just said hey on twitter \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602',\n", " u\"\\u201c@tonsofsexton_: @saracarrotop @jeniferlynnnn lmfao y'all are retarded\\u201d JEALOUS\",\n", " u'@saracarrotop oh ighht',\n", " u'@saracarrotop \\U0001f618\\U0001f618\\U0001f618',\n", " u'@saracarrotop im really not getting up lol, I hear you knockinnn',\n", " u'\\u201c@saracarrotop: @ItsAllieeBitch new baby omg \\U0001f63b\\U0001f63b\\U0001f63b\\U0001f63b\\U0001f63b\\U0001f63b\\U0001f63b http://t.co/cNSZZ8NTQk\\u201d \\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d',\n", " u\"sara's creepin\",\n", " u\"@saracarrotop I'm in bed all comfortable and shit, you really think I'm about to get up LOL\",\n", " u'In love with this song \\U0001f495 http://t.co/SDj8FtDn9w',\n", " u'we will leave our foot prints behind & carry onnnnn']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"It's a very real struggle http://t.co/fXotrB50ew\",\n", " u\"That's okay beer, I didn't want to open you anyways http://t.co/PRKA1QVn8i\",\n", " u'@EvaristoVillela and an awesome vacay it will be!!',\n", " u'@EvaristoVillela lolol, the casual \"just in Dubai for the day\" tweet haha',\n", " u'@EvaristoVillela are you in Dubai??',\n", " u\"Umm, we'll this is sketchy...... http://t.co/nwEoUx4ITt\",\n", " u'#ravebunnysays happy Easter! http://t.co/Q1icrBCt7X',\n", " u'RT @ElectricZooNY: RT if you want #EZoo back where it belongs - #NewYorkCity! #IWantMyEZooNY',\n", " u'@_iHeartRaves how do I use two?',\n", " u'@EvaristoVillela haha yes I just got so much stuff for so cheap!',\n", " u'420 sale at @_iHeartRaves happy Easter to meee \\U0001f430\\U0001f423',\n", " u'8 tracks, on my TV. #idontwannaturnitoff http://t.co/6EGEcjqDWk',\n", " u'That moment when your @littleblackdmnd order comes \\U0001f60d\\U0001f497 #likeakidinacandystore',\n", " u\"@JimmyMollenhour yeah I'm not down with the amount of effort required to do so\",\n", " u'The fact that the dexter intro is so long makes me want to stop watching it all together',\n", " u'Is it even possible to have a normal night at the beaches',\n", " u\"Thank god for pledges now I don't have drive #heyyyy\",\n", " u'Like do my friends not understand how crucial ladies drink free is #whereareyall #hurryup',\n", " u'Loving this life proof case now I can text in the shower. Because, priorities.',\n", " u'Thanks ruelala for putting @LillyPulitzer up on PAYDAY. #oops']},\n", " {'INT': [u'#AmexOffers',\n", " u'RT @heymynameiszack: My only complaint for #OneSpark was the lack of other breweries. Did Intuition sign some agreement banning everyone el\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TonyDungy: Pulling for @bubbawatson to get his 2nd Masters win. A great golfer who has his priorities in order.',\n", " u\"RT @thekeyplay: Bubba's 1-0 at The Masters since FSU got new uniforms. -- #FSUTwitter\",\n", " u'RT @badbanana: When you win the Masters a second time, you should get green pants. Third time, vest. Fourth time, pimp hat.',\n", " u'RT @SportsNation: Your 2014 Masters Champ @bubbawatson!\\n\\nTHIS guy -> http://t.co/Ggcnsn7bwc',\n", " u'RT @saintwarrick: Been a good year for Jimbos and Bubbas and the like.',\n", " u'RT @YahooForde: Who has finished in the top five of the last two majors? Give it up for Jonas Blixt.',\n", " u'RT @darrenrovell: Did someone forget to start the fire? http://t.co/BzImLEmzPI',\n", " u\"RT @SportsCenter: Congrats to the people's champion, Bubba Watson.\\n\\nGerry Lester Watson Jr. is a 2-time major winner. http://t.co/NHKmpiWVUA\",\n", " u\"RT @Sarcasm_Machine: There's a fly on this airplane. Ugh, so lazy!\",\n", " u'RT @ItIsJimCarrey: Your neck tattoo says \"Only God can judge me,\" yet here I am.',\n", " u'Congrats @bubbawatson',\n", " u\"RT @1010XLBalls: Let's give Mack 25 mil this year and have him give back like 13 mil at end of season through a Swiss bank account. Browns\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TheOnion: Devastated Family Struggling To Cope After Losing Everything On DVR http://t.co/RgUOg4L9p1',\n", " u'RT @jaguars: \"There\\'s nothing like winning.\" - #Jaguars Owner Shad Khan.\\n\\nWatch his one-on-one interview with @jpshadrick: http://t.co/E0jV\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FeelTheTeal: Only one week left on the Jaguars 9 months interest free payment plan. Message me if interested in season tickets ? http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ConanOBrien: Just Googled 47 products I would never buy, just to see how fast ads for them pop up on my Facebook page.',\n", " u'RT @darrenrovell: Early leader for best sign placement of 2014 http://t.co/kh3YCB9LLB (H/T @Mike__Richard)',\n", " u'\"@carsonskinner: @lonnie_legend @catalinaaaaj No slaw, extra toast, extra sauce. #GutBox\" YES PLEASE']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@Tsuntenshi All 3',\n", " u'Wtf is a \"bae\"? Why do we continue to allow stupid people to create trends/words? Stop It! If you use this word, you\\'re part of the problem.',\n", " u'@DeAnthrax Check your fb IMs please',\n", " u'\"Aviously\". Someone seriously spelled it that way. I\\'ve seen some bad spelling in my day, but that\\'s damn near the top.',\n", " u\"LMFAO! I can't with this song!!! Haha #Dead \\nhttps://t.co/yjXg8HtLcT\\n#Dancing\",\n", " u'RT @BaBuhBlacksheep: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LMFAO #DEAD\"@ThisDumbFunny: Thirsty!!?? when you\\'re half naked. http://t.co/vsP3zOSHOn https://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'Thanks for reminding me of this song @XavieGravie \\nhttps://t.co/AThvxlOnXn\\n#Parappa #Rapper #Big',\n", " u'RT @Kotaku: X-Men fans will probably enjoy this anime: http://t.co/CYRCZYAwHH http://t.co/10mejeUgTc',\n", " u\"RT @davidgirton2: If your trying out for #BB16 don't tell a black joke or you might get hit by the racist card\",\n", " u\"@BassVII Never thought nor tried doing that. Seems like it could go either way w/ taste. Haven't had BBQ sauce in awhile though.\",\n", " u'@BassVII Need a lift ( \\u0361\\xb0 \\u035c\\u0296 \\u0361\\xb0)',\n", " u'RT @RealityPales: Looks like The Walking Dead is coming to #PS4. And NOT #XboxOne. http://t.co/VzwBkADWt2',\n", " u'RT @yosp: A tip to play classic PS1 games on PS Vita. Hold PS Button to bring up the system menu. Select Settings and assign buttons to Ana\\u2026',\n", " u'3 minutes anime time = about 20 minutes real time. Will keep that in mind =] #yowamushipedal #yowapeda_anime #anime',\n", " u'@FluxedOver @CoachSteve_ Add me my PSN ID is: I_Love_New_York',\n", " u'@FluxedOver @CoachSteve_ we should play some online matches whenever you feel ready.',\n", " u'@KaneBlueriverCL yeah sometimes if you do phoenix inferno on reaction 2 an opponents super & ur doing a TK trap for instance H.F. comes out.',\n", " u\"@Zayboo901 @DeAnthrax @trixxMAS Hellz yeah. We def need to get some games in this time since we didn't play at FR.\",\n", " u'@DeAnthrax @trixxMAS Yo I want to see that too haha.',\n", " u'RT @trixxMAS: @DeAnthrax @Philltastic1 i say that but my hair goes under my nose now. i might not have cut it since i last saw you tbh']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602I know I'm bold but I studied so I know the material \\u201c@reggiebailey: @J_Rel_Kight #live from the finals test. Lol smh\\u201d\",\n", " u'Taking this online Final and so far not bad',\n", " u'The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead,\\u2026 http://t.co/QXiumrqMfi',\n", " u'RT @Ms_Lee_yah: I will never understand black ppl who are against HBCUs...',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: Blake Griffin has a playoff career-high 35 points (13-17 FG) after 3 quarters.',\n", " u\"RT @imperdolll: @Unclereece New Song... I CAN'T HELP MYSELF ft, Jordan Armstrong ... \\U0001f64c\\U0001f3bc\\U0001f44f\\U0001f44f\\U0001f44f http://t.co/FoPJZHxez7\",\n", " u'RT @MangoToxin: @J_Rel_Kight lol. Yes i kno. Lol. Especially r&b . ! I love it',\n", " u'@MangoToxin a girl I can hang with\\U0001f44c',\n", " u'The Clippers are so damn dangerous they got shooting and athleticism!!!',\n", " u'Girl you be on point with music \\u201c@MangoToxin: Currently http://t.co/qaPJGM6zwm\\u201d',\n", " u'@KaeSmooth lol ijs',\n", " u\"\\u201c@_MrKirkland: God's favor is worth more than money.\\u201d\",\n", " u\"\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\u201c@BASEDLIGHTSKIN: If your favorite movie is Goodfellas \\n\\nLet's get married and you can touch the booty\\u201d\",\n", " u'No strength lol \\u201c@KaeSmooth: Hate doing pushups\\u201d',\n", " u'#Truth \\U0001f4af\\u2714\\u201c@ItsLilDurk: A Girlfriend Can Act Like Yo Mama , Baby , Homie , Bestfriend , & Girlfriend All In One \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f4af\\u201d',\n", " u'When Blake Griffin gets his range of his jump shot further out... Watch out NBA!',\n", " u'The Clipper Bench is another starting lineup!',\n", " u'Clippers will be something to be reckoned with for all that depth they have sheesh!!!',\n", " u'RT @SportsQuotient: Danny Granger 3 for 3 tonight so far. Will he have a significant impact on this series? #GSWvsLAC\\n\\nRT-- Yes\\nFav-- No',\n", " u\"Something is wrong with that \\u201c@MeshTooWeto_O: I hate not being able to moan.. What's the point of fckin if I can't moan?\\u201d\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Woman records call with scammer posing as Microsoft representative http://t.co/JUAtGpBUPj',\n", " u'http://t.co/ESRN3aiJpo',\n", " u'http://t.co/4AzbXWwyFp',\n", " u'Candy Lane!!!! http://t.co/Mk7ADw860K',\n", " u'Finally a new coin that will not force some ancient religion down my throught and throught my wallet. Accept... http://t.co/GOOZoCTL8y',\n", " u'http://t.co/L05LjRnhCM',\n", " u'http://t.co/SJyDY7OhX4',\n", " u'http://t.co/WTYZ3ra7it',\n", " u'http://t.co/2uXOKDWnEP',\n", " u'Transparency http://t.co/E1YsLijgGH',\n", " u'http://t.co/WaLySecx1h',\n", " u'http://t.co/9zCENhOzHj',\n", " u'http://t.co/QJH4UJLgn2',\n", " u'This would be good for the people that don\\'t believe in \"smoking weed\" or just \"getting high\" . http://t.co/FxlKRWKVg0',\n", " u'Becky DePriest http://t.co/H5rtMWSL8Q',\n", " u'http://t.co/AWHo3SeXLj',\n", " u'Powdered alcohol may be coming to a liquor store near you http://t.co/wN9sdZ2uLJ',\n", " u'Fawkin Shitt http://t.co/oweImspIH1',\n", " u'http://t.co/nxDEmoUolP',\n", " u'Alright then............. :/ http://t.co/nrN6n0fbcn']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @JimGaffigan: One advantage of being a parent of a hundred young children is the opportunity to hold a press conference right when you w\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @JimGaffigan: It's Earth Day but shhh don't tell the earth let's have it be a surprise. #rerun\",\n", " u'@CarlAzuzCNN The \"no bunny\" pun was awful. You should know better.',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: The Dem. Governors Assoc. writes $500K check to @CharlieCrist campaign. And he should debate Nan Rich why?',\n", " u\"I HAVE TOO MANY SPREADSHEETS AND IT'S STRESSING ME OUT #politicalscienceresearchproblems\",\n", " u'I eagerly await the arrival of summer. Or, as I call it, the few months when I maybe get to sleep in for a few days during the week.',\n", " u'RT @KenJennings: People just can\\'t get over how chill and fun I am when I say I\\'m going to \"shoot\" (never \"send\"!!) them an email.',\n", " u'RT @markos: I don\\u2019t want repeal debate to be over. I want people to know that Republicans running in 2014 want to take away people\\u2019s insura\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Taniel: 46% of French say they'd vote Le Pen for President if she was in a runoff against the incumbent, Hollande. http://t.co/Xd4QL1F2\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JoeBiden: The First Selfie. http://t.co/Zt7PgMh4sZ http://t.co/rKfaULQicl',\n", " u\"RT @GabbyGiffords: In Alabama & excited for tomorrow's keel laying for the @USNavy's new ship, the USS Gabrielle Giffords. http://t.co/P0aW\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @NickKristof: Putin seems deeply concerned about the rights of Russian-speakers everywhere except in Russia.',\n", " u'RT @KevinCate: Classic. http://t.co/aejUHvtRCq',\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: Despite @AlexSinkFlorida's decision not to run in Nov., I know she will continue to serve FL well - we're so grateful for\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JohnMorganESQ: #YesOn2 RT @UnitedForCare: Join our Statewide Day of Compassion 4/19. Location & more info: http://t.co/bAgLPn38eK http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @pollreport: Corporations are paying: Fair share in federal taxes 20% / Too much 8% / Too little 66% (Gallup Poll, 4/3-6) http://t.co/Ar\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AlexSinkFlorida: While I am not running for office in 2014, I will keep an open dialogue with all of you and continue to seek new ways \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @pollreport: Upper-income people are paying: Fair share in federal taxes 24% / Too much 13% / Too little 61% (Gallup Poll, 4/3-6) http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"@mattymonsterz @WESH If you don't think that @WesNeuman would do the same and more, you're sadly mistaken.\",\n", " u\"My level of admiration for @GovernorOMalley grows every day. Thank you for being so forward-thinking, Governor! You'll be a good Hillary VP.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Finally leaving the office and heading home #longday',\n", " u'@seanhannity it must be pretty bright in that restaurant for you to wear sunglasses inside.',\n", " u'@americanowradio Stop having people fill in! This guy is okay but not as entertaining as you!',\n", " u'Robots helping home-bound students get back into the classroom #Texas #BringItToFlorida http://t.co/0c2DY6EkHQ',\n", " u'My view from the new office at #UNF http://t.co/j3RD3jFDoV',\n", " u'Thank you #UNFSenate for confirming me as Chief of Staff to the President #UNF #SWOOP',\n", " u'Finally! RT\\u201c@UNFSG: @collinwaychoff confirmed as Chief of Staff by #UNFSenate.\\u201d',\n", " u'Ready for Day 2 of Destin #formal',\n", " u\"I'm ready for a great year under the leadership of President @JoeTurnerUSA\",\n", " u'@JoeTurnerUSA was named #unfsenate #MVP @UNFSG http://t.co/DJkNLklPuY',\n", " u'Won the Senator of the Year for #unfsenate @UNFSG',\n", " u'Had a great time tonight at #UNF Golf Plex. #HoleIn1',\n", " u'It just took me 45 min to drive to work. I hate #rain',\n", " u'Another heroic story of #JSO putting themselves in harms way to protect the community #honor #valor #courage @JSOPIO',\n", " u'I need a quick tailor in Jacksonville.. Anyone know of a good one? #jacksonville #Florida #AngiesList',\n", " u\"Help raise money for Children's Miracle Network! #ilovejax #OneSpark http://t.co/WAXTgHh2h7\",\n", " u'Support Dance Marathon! Donate to my page please!! http://t.co/WAXTgHh2h7',\n", " u'@GATE_Stations thanks for putting a #Gate station right next to campus! #BeyondConvenience http://t.co/jdPA46VPZe',\n", " u'I love being the last one out of the office and first one in!',\n", " u'Love the new #Gate gas station near #UNF http://t.co/EtYa9mYnf9']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@Padres Awsome #SDPadre cap he's wearing , #WishiHadOne...... @ExperienceSD @knowsandiego @SDPadres @SDPadres @sdpadres30 @SDPadres1969 #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e\",\n", " u\"\\u201c@ExperienceSD: #SanDiego #Sunset Alert! Get your phones out and snap an epic sunset shot before it's gone! http://t.co/EZB4jOZBPF\\u201d#MB#Home\",\n", " u'\\u201c@ThatsHistory: Jimi Hendrix with his first electric guitar in Seattle, 1957. http://t.co/eCWoY2ONjg\\u201d #greatshot #photounearthed #\\U0001f3b8#\\U0001f3b6#\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e',\n", " u'@EmmaRawlinsArt WOW!!! Beautiful Emma #Perfection #\\U0001f30a #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e',\n", " u'Surf blown out, doin some #LongBoard street time! @QuillaSurf @RBadreddin @oslongboarding @Loaded_Boards @DHLK21 #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e http://t.co/cOrKcXkr91',\n", " u'\\u201c@CamperSpotting: \\u201c@woerde_11: @CamperSpotting Saw it last year in Stuttgart http://t.co/vvHbuUjbAT\\u201d\\u201d #Beauty after #Beauty #VDUBBER #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e',\n", " u\"\\u201c@Chargersthunder: Where are you representing the @Chargers from?? http://t.co/MAN3jnREsB\\u201d Represent'n from the #SunShineState #SDSuper\\u26a1#\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e\",\n", " u'@91X @stevewest91x @robin_roth Starting every #ResurrectionSunday with #GreatMusic. #\\U0001f3b6 @sounddiego @knowsandiego @Chargersthunder #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e#\\u26a1',\n", " u'\\u201c@Earth_Pics: Breathtaking View! St. Lucia http://t.co/b7rG9iPjp0\\u201d Again, #Favorite #SomeWhereChill @RBadreddin @CrawfordVirg @instabeachpro',\n", " u'@ASP @RipCurlPro @Melbourne @SurfingVictoria #BeautifulBells #RIGHTS #\\U0001f30a #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e',\n", " u'\\u201c@CamperSpotting: \\u201c@ChrisAuldPhoto: #vw #splitscreen #camper #campervan http://t.co/qrnPfjBItt\\u201d\\u201d #Beauty #\\U0001f68c #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e',\n", " u'\\u201c@waterinstinct1: The cave...\\nBy extreme http://t.co/zu5aQPATh1\\u201d #CrunchTime! @SVRFa @RBadreddin @QuillaSurf @I_ride_waves @CFLSurfrider #\\U0001f30e\\u270c',\n", " u'\\u201c@CaliforniBoo: Take me back! #OB #sandiego #california http://t.co/tl5KPmy3tv\\u201d #OBBaby #\\U0001f30a #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e',\n", " u\"\\u201c@VivaRedd: @CamperSpotting Papago Mountains, AZ. 3/2014. http://t.co/LzaJzbVreE\\u201d #VDUB #OD can't get enough !!!! #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e #\\U0001f68c\",\n", " u'@Loaded_Boards @_1saacastro #KittyDropThru #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e',\n", " u\"@maggieunz @OSPInteresting @Mamavation @byRenae #HeyMaggie #Hang'in #GreenRoom @maggieunz @knowsandiego @LatinFoodFest1 #\\U0001f377 #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e\",\n", " u\"\\u201c@waterinstinct1: Secret...\\nBy 18seconds http://t.co/f7IZT8YwaW\\u201d SHHH'S #BEAUTY #WishIwasThere @QuillaSurf @RBadreddin @I_ride_waves @SVRFa\",\n", " u'@ASP @RipCurlPro @Melbourne @SurfingVictoria #BeautyBells #EMPTY @SURFER_Magazine @waterinstinct1 @ASP @RBadreddin @CFLSurfrider #\\U0001f30a #\\U0001f30e\\u270c\\U0001f60e',\n", " u'\\u201c@I_ride_waves: \"@AmazingPicx: Bahamas. http://t.co/l1T33awnRr\" very nice but I\\'d hate how flat and waveless the sea is...\\u201d #SomeWhereChill',\n", " u'\\u201c@ZakNoyle: Sandy beach. Hawaii. Shot w/ SPL housing+CanonMarkIV+Fisheye. #ZakNoyle http://t.co/cgwSmyAqtw\\u201d Another great shot @ZakNoyle #\\U0001f30e\\u270c']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'http://t.co/H4gW2hNFhQ',\n", " u'http://t.co/rVTv11Tdzm',\n", " u'RT @cannabisstrains: Hemp was grown in the eastern part of Illinois near Champaign and Rantoul from 1875 to 1902.',\n", " u'Hemp is not marijuana. Hemp is high in CBD with very little THC. THC is what gets you \"high\". http://t.co/kGwJbdoPwa',\n", " u'Descriptive words on how CMT affects us http://t.co/ytLgWKwfdg',\n", " u'Invisible Illnesses http://t.co/4H5WPmx0is',\n", " u\"Don't Judge http://t.co/JRiJrysmwK\",\n", " u'Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorder (CMT)? http://t.co/xBL79jpbQk http://t.co/OoHnCXJzo8',\n", " u'Job Loss: CMT Wins http://t.co/aKcdBiYqjI',\n", " u'Charcot Marie Tooth - CMT http://t.co/H6caLOJeuR',\n", " u'CMT foot http://t.co/LFI51zIEp0',\n", " u'\"BERNADETTE\" - LIVING W CMT - CHARCOT MARIE TOOTH..... I was born with CMT http://t.co/O3WbepUv1g',\n", " u'CMT simplified.. http://t.co/4VN7zRzzdM',\n", " u'Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) http://t.co/7JajLvyYQz',\n", " u'CMT http://t.co/6HR4sTFXuA',\n", " u'CMT Ribbon http://t.co/ffwpTzHACq',\n", " u'CMT http://t.co/U46f5KOWqb',\n", " u'CMT http://t.co/mtSI9Ou1q8',\n", " u'Types of CMT http://t.co/VRBNoD14Hn',\n", " u'C.m.t. lol \"i have hammertoes. Lots of them\" lmao http://t.co/trGuAsXR3j']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @ArianaGranndie_: MILEY CYRUS NAKED OUTFIT AT MTV AWARD SHOW (On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f60d http://t.co/eStMTXvDuK',\n", " u'Mrs.Puff From Spongebob Hood As Fuck She Been To Jail Bout 10 Times',\n", " u'RT @IAMNICKlMINAJ: JUSTIN BIEBER IN JAIL (Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f440 http://t.co/itxENd19CN',\n", " u'RT @TATTEDSLUT_XO: MILEY CYRUS PREGNANT (Proof On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f631 http://t.co/R0R9iC0zD3',\n", " u'RT @IAMNICKlMINAJ: Jennifer Lawrence First Naked Photoshoot (Pic #1) \\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d http://t.co/lIAYpl7pxm',\n", " u'RT @MilyCyrussx: SHOCKING PHOTOS OF SOUTH KOREA FERRY (On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f631 http://t.co/Kct41XDrEY',\n", " u'RT @NewFoxNewsTV: MILEY CYRUS NAKED OUTFIT AT MTV AWARD SHOW (On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f60d http://t.co/AmFIvOEvcv',\n", " u'RT @MsAmandaBynesxo: JUSTIN BIEBER IN JAIL (Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f440 http://t.co/lTFVAsEeSO',\n", " u'RT @SelenaGomieiz: MILEY CYRUS PREGNANT (Proof On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f631 http://t.co/E9fLgoolSb',\n", " u'RT @YourPIayboy: Jennifer Lawrence First Naked Photoshoot (Pic #1) \\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d http://t.co/aTvnXNw5FG',\n", " u'RT @TATTEDSLUT_XO: SHOCKING PHOTOS OF SOUTH KOREA FERRY (On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f631 http://t.co/A5qCyQFFBL',\n", " u'RT @JustinBielber_x: MILEY CYRUS NAKED OUTFIT AT MTV AWARD SHOW (On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f60d http://t.co/hFnbdhWH4a',\n", " u'Hoes These days be built like them blue bitches from the Proud Family',\n", " u'RT @MilyCyrussx: JUSTIN BIEBER IN JAIL (Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f440 http://t.co/cwoAIZoTY5',\n", " u'RT @MissRihanna_xo: MILEY CYRUS PREGNANT (Proof On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f631 http://t.co/2jANUA9nT0',\n", " u'RT @SluttyChick_xo: Jennifer Lawrence First Naked Photoshoot (Pic #1) \\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d http://t.co/c3DZ3GonTe',\n", " u'RT @MsAmandaBynesxo: SHOCKING PHOTOS OF SOUTH KOREA FERRY (On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f631 http://t.co/hrWRAwRCSG',\n", " u'RT @IAMNICKlMINAJ: MILEY CYRUS NAKED OUTFIT AT MTV AWARD SHOW (On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f60d http://t.co/hFmiqLCpaj',\n", " u'RT @SexyStonerGirI: JUSTIN BIEBER IN JAIL (Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f440 http://t.co/jk2DcCeply',\n", " u'RT @IAMNICKlMINAJ: MILEY CYRUS PREGNANT (Proof On Pic #1) \\U0001f631\\U0001f631 http://t.co/Hs71RXAjDM']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'HAHAHAHAHA http://t.co/ZspPer0M8n',\n", " u\"I don't like summer but then again I live in Florida. I'll happily give up July and August every year here :) http://t.co/QUmjhYfU1I\",\n", " u'These changes to FACEBOOK have been disastrous for our FurBabies. We got 15 new dogs in the last 10 days. And... http://t.co/xwHTPNgBLX',\n", " u'Hints from Heloise....enjoy http://t.co/ycJEZ9mZmX',\n", " u'Thank you Bernie for watching out for all of us. WE need more senators just like you :) http://t.co/XGV7fAObkU',\n", " u'YIPPEE! http://t.co/BZKExUK6DA',\n", " u'More women should rule the world http://t.co/wUnslAmynX',\n", " u'4 years prison time for this jackass YIPPEE http://t.co/ymvZRxwhRA',\n", " u'HAHAHAHAHA http://t.co/ZcwXgNKmwt',\n", " u'Big Pharma Sucks! http://t.co/f8PmBKcp7P',\n", " u\"I'm a French Bulldog - What Kind Of Dog Are You? http://t.co/P5UpSYHZJU\",\n", " u'sounds about right http://t.co/3rNNmvni7G',\n", " u'***PLEASE NOTE****\\nKITTENS under the age of 8 weeks or weighing 2 pounds or less CAN ONLY be PULLED by a... http://t.co/U4qqMwUB9r',\n", " u'HAHAHAHA http://t.co/HJsgSb37jL',\n", " u\"I'd like this cake for my birthday :D http://t.co/01BbLfjCBe\",\n", " u'HAHAHAHAHA http://t.co/7XXMT0Tmsj',\n", " u\"Good that they didn't need to be without each other....the one left behind always hurts more http://t.co/h1B4F8ObZO\",\n", " u'HAHAHAHA http://t.co/CzjBz6os7U',\n", " u'Ummmmmmmmmmm. how many guesses do I get :P http://t.co/JnJvvxWgx6',\n", " u'http://t.co/9gCb9qR8RO']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Earth Day is a melting pot for green intentions http://t.co/4KSsXj13bz #LakeEola\\n#downtownOrlando',\n", " u'50 Ways to Help the Planet http://t.co/1DiR6Vm5dw via @sharethis',\n", " u'Bottles used to package water take over 1,000 years to bio-degrade and if incinerated, they produce toxic fumes. #springseternalproject',\n", " u'San Francisco Just Became the First Major U.S. City to Ban the Sale of Plastic Water Bottles http://t.co/b9gFrvBtDd',\n", " u'Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall \\u2013 Reflections as Earth Day Approaches http://t.co/AoUNnPR8EJ via @pachamamaorg #sustainability #earthdaythoughts',\n", " u'Editorial: Side with springs - http://t.co/cFHQjeJIQU - via @GainesvilleSun #gettingthewaterrright #springseternalproject',\n", " u'Cotton for 1 pair of jeans = 2,900 gals of H2O. Time for #liquidcourage @Nature_org http://t.co/FWnQguhF90 http://t.co/2Hxd74uPzZ',\n", " u'Your morning shower: #liquidcourage brought to you by 400 freshwater experts @nature_org http://t.co/tyZDT3ipo4 http://t.co/eNIJOywvPX',\n", " u\"Florida Memory - People in bunny costumes in Saint Augustine's Easter parade: http://t.co/sQn2y5s4W4\",\n", " u\"Florida Memory - Costumed participants of Saint Augustine's Easter parade: http://t.co/7HKsddFCqe #statearchives #findingthefountainofyouth\",\n", " u'Editorial: Protecting natural springs should be a priority http://t.co/BXdmxObsKo via @sharethis #springseternalproject #saveoursprings',\n", " u'My 7 Wonders of Old Florida: http://t.co/NfG6QoLGt8 #OldFloridaFacebook #Visualephemera',\n", " u'News story on my exhibit http://t.co/9L8d2EtPJj #findingthefountainofyouth #rickkilby @SouthFLMuseum',\n", " u\"New exhibit features myths of Florida's magical waters http://t.co/cX1BfXKZRQ #findingthefountainofyouth @Southfloridamuseum\",\n", " u'Oil company drilling in sanctuary fined $25,000 for violation that could be fracking http://t.co/mMxwdK8sow via @TB_Times #frackinginfla',\n", " u'Paul Rudolph\\u2019s Iconic Walker Guest House To Be Re-Constructed http://t.co/E3lN6WbTy3 via @archdaily #SarasotaSchoolofarchitecture',\n", " u'Rick Scott Let Florida Ask Him Questions on Facebook and Things Got Weird http://t.co/gxZa1PQ1WG via @miaminewtimes #LOL',\n", " u'SCA papers session: http://t.co/X9CGJo51Ub #funinthesunshinecity #scaroadside #stpetersburg',\n", " u'Water hogs - News & Features - Orlando Weekly: http://t.co/9zwdvDRnmh #Saveoursprings!',\n", " u'St. Petersburg to Sarasota, Florida \\u2013 Bus Tour http://t.co/LSCgYIT1j9 via @sharethis #funinthesunshinecity #scaroadside #stpete']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"The Obama care wants you to have insurance..But even with it they still won't help you...#Bs\",\n", " u'\"@RevRunWisdom: You can\\'t live a positive life with a negative mind.\"',\n", " u\"75 and sunny that's why I live in Florida.....#sunshine state\",\n", " u'My bday in 1.5 hours...#happybday',\n", " u'Why not make it legal....God put it here for a reason....#legalize #marijuana',\n", " u'Watching the Kardashian show..I love Kloe...#cutie',\n", " u'K-cup is the best...#hazelnut',\n", " u\"We live in the sunshine state...Where's the sunshine#33\",\n", " u'Florida has turned into the arctic circle#33degrees#frozen#need Sun',\n", " u\"Paris Hilton's dress at the Grammy show is gorgeous#sexylady\",\n", " u'@rickygervais so true',\n", " u'\"@rickygervais: Please get offended as often as you like. It amuses me and shortens your life. http://t.co/xFMqJEYx8d\"....This is so me',\n", " u'RT @rickygervais: Please get offended as often as you like. It amuses me and shortens your life. http://t.co/A0B5ZWIMMN',\n", " u\"What makes people think it's ok to let their kids make a mess when you go out to dinner?#nomanners http://t.co/bJtNjJMpKc\",\n", " u'#WeloveSi',\n", " u'We love So#funnyguy',\n", " u'Watching DD#Philsfunny',\n", " u'#Chillaxin',\n", " u'Starbucks is the best..caramel frappe with two shots extra and extra caramel#venti',\n", " u'Sitting back with my best friend my love..#thebesttime']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Know: A cabinet carved to look like a glitch http://t.co/R28lfdHjNm',\n", " u'RT @HaleyBolt: Happy birthday to my big brother, @PearsonBolt ! Have a great day, I love you!',\n", " u'\"You can\\'t expect to find a light if you\\'re living your life in the darkness.\"',\n", " u\"RT @Gresh49: Until you realize how much you have been forgiven, you won't realize how much you are loved #Jesus\",\n", " u\"Losing special things from my childhood hurts. RIP Toby you were the funniest, most entertaining dog I've ever had and I'll miss you buddy \\U0001f614\",\n", " u'RT @BrookeGooch: You are who you hangout with',\n", " u\"We all want to think our life is harder and better than everyone else's.\",\n", " u\"I love going to Chic Fila and saying all the nice things they're supposed to say before they get the chance.\",\n", " u'RT @ZachAbolverdi: Former #Gators CB Loucheiz Purifoy was allegedly caught in March with marijuana and bath salts | http://t.co/1p9YZVuD5n \\u2026',\n", " u'Damian Lillard is special. This series has the two best guard-big man duos in the NBA. #NBAPlayoffs',\n", " u\"RT @AP_Top25: Florida State's Mike Martin the third baseball coach in Division I history to reach 1,800 wins http://t.co/kyzDmZCgzl #FSU\",\n", " u'RT @TheTomahawkChop: Christ is risen! Happy Easter! http://t.co/vEAm5VGT9J',\n", " u'@heyitsregan He is Risen Indeed \\U0001f60a',\n", " u'Today Satan is terrified of our faith in God and love for one another, but the question is, what will we do tomorrow? #Easter',\n", " u'RT @BrookeGooch: Easter Sunday is my favorite Sunday \\U0001f607\\U0001f430\\U0001f337\\U0001f33c\\U0001f423\\U0001f490\\U0001f492\\U0001f497',\n", " u'RT @ChopChat_: ChopChat Neutral Site Games FSU Should Pursue http://t.co/Gbxh81JgJv #fsu',\n", " u'RT @TimBrewster: #NoleNation stay poised and patient! This recruiting class is goin to be crazy good! #Next? #NationalChampions',\n", " u'RT @melinasphotos: Close up of the new #FSU tribute helmet and uniform as modeled by #Noles RB, @V8Freeman ... AWESOME. #NOLENATION http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FSU_track: Men's 4x100 of Franklin, Locke, Ramsey, Harris win in 40.19 #Noles #ACCOTF #gridassisted\",\n", " u\"\\u201c@schadjoe: Paul Finebaum: Whatever QB wins Bama's spring earns the right to lose out to Jacob Coker\\u201d GO NOLES!\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'\"Stowaway survives flight over Pacific in plane\\'s wheel well, airline says\" ... Still more room than coach. http://t.co/CCN6cnBw3k',\n", " u'\"Stowaway survives flight over Pacific in plane\\'s wheel well.\" Yes but has he flown coach to Orlando on spring break? http://t.co/CCN6cnBw3k',\n", " u'Florida jobless rate rises slightly statewide to 6.3 percent. But good news is state added almost 23,000 new jobs. http://t.co/U5kq8S4rkA',\n", " u'At times, interviewing Florida Gov. Rick Scott is a little like talking to a Magic 8 Ball: http://t.co/t3Hc6Wt8Jm',\n", " u\"@geekfitgirl @orlandosentinel So that's why my pants keep getting smaller.\",\n", " u'Hey Orlando Eye, did you just shrink by 25 feet? Billed first as 425 feet tall, now promoters are saying 400 feet. http://t.co/9TJVzwT5mU',\n", " u'Towering Orlando Eye to open in 2015. Promises view of theme parks downtown & thousands of roof-mounted HVAC systems. http://t.co/waAdPM0oZC',\n", " u'A $750 signing bonus for hotel housekeepers? Yep. Competition for tourism workers in Orlando heats up.http://t.co/1eSnF7LL0M',\n", " u'FL Lt Gov holds press gaggle to bash ex-Gov Charlie Crist. Then Crist shows up with smile, handshake and fillet knife http://t.co/GdaFIh98sq',\n", " u'Cool story: A non-profit hotel owned by Rollins College -- which funds scholarships -- gets 4 diamonds from AAA. http://t.co/mizEzjeJYk',\n", " u'5 bears killed since attack ... This is Florida, so look for bears to soon invoke Stand Your Ground defense ... http://t.co/gpu9r4Nzu0',\n", " u\"Orange Co. Convention Center's deficit widens with loss of big shows. But ... deficits in this business are routine. http://t.co/zFECUnxxs4\",\n", " u\"Read a story where tech-head said after trying Google Glass, he can't imagine life without them. Really? You can't imagine life in 2013?\",\n", " u'@nanconnolly Just think of it as extending the theme park experience -- waiting in line -- to those of us who live here and commute on I-4.',\n", " u'National Geographic reports 30% of fish sold in U.S. maybe imported illegally. You know what that means? BORDER NET! http://t.co/2re9wttKa6',\n", " u'Orlando visitor numbers set another record. Tourism agency says 59 million people came to the area in 2013. http://t.co/yrBo5M0vvX',\n", " u\"Small World ride turns 50 with song that's hard to forget. Fifty years old and still as grating as a whiny toddler. http://t.co/ExIsOtxL3D\",\n", " u'Orlando recruiter: Even if job ad says \"no calls,\" don\\'t be shy about calling the right person IF you have skills. http://t.co/w3BowCJCRM',\n", " u\"My keen political instincts say feuding with a nun is a bad thing: Nuns demand retraction from Mayor Land's campaign http://t.co/SkA51tWUxI\",\n", " u\"Orlando's I-Drive 'crime wave' more perception than reality http://t.co/BsV4G8rtY0\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @EricWolfson: #JFK Said It Best.\\n#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words\\n\\n#p2 http://t.co/Xy07h4WN7b',\n", " u'RT @Kurtwill123: \"Family Guy\" is now showing. I\\'ll be back!',\n", " u'RT @NerdyWonka: Coolest FLOTUS Ever: First Lady Michelle Obama takes questions from kid reporters from the White House Library. http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @cynthia4877: @marieann66 Don't forget to think abt what I might bring back frm So.Africa for Angelo. I've settled on something for Mari\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @marcylauren: Supreme Court Shoots Down Rick Scott's Appeal On Drug Testing (updated) - Democratic Underground http://t.co/eVYyTTiFo4\",\n", " u'RT @Lnonblonde: I love this new hash tag #ReadyForHillarysGrandbaby http://t.co/8QghlmsJEa',\n", " u'Our lives should be surrounded by the warmth and love of those we\\nshare each path with. Be Kind In Word & Deed.',\n", " u'RT @Williams64K: Happy Easter To All & All A Wonderful Rewarding Life!',\n", " u'RT @wendeltalabis: Retweet if you Love him \\U0001f64f\\U0001f64f\\U0001f64f http://t.co/8notG2DsU9',\n", " u\"RT @Kurtwill123: The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws,\\nmistakes & weaknesses, and still thinks you're complet\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @didikins4life: Should First Lady of the U.S. Michelle Obama be included on the #TIME100? I voted YES. Vote now http://t.co/grdX4AQvIZ v\\u2026',\n", " u'Always pray to have eyes to see the best. A heart that forgives \\nthe worst. A mind that forgets the bad. And A Soul that never \\nloses Faith.',\n", " u'RT @Kurtwill123: @bannerite @VegChristianDem Vote Wisely People 2014-16.\\nWake up and smell the coffee/roses. Vote Out Deadbeat GOP.\\nExpose \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bannerite: @WeGotEd @edshow Happiness',\n", " u'RT @groggygirl85: GOP Determined to Punish Millions of Newly Insured Americans for Supporting Obamacare: http://t.co/RYbUUKe9Oa #LibCrib #U\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @marcylauren: Clinton Library Releases Memo Explaining How Republicans Manipulate the Media With Lies - Democratic Underground http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @marcylauren: \"Apparently, We Need To Remind People That Pro-Choice Women Are Allowed To Have Babies\" - Democratic Underground http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @mgrossi1: WHY WOULD ANY VETERAN EVER VOTE REPUBLICAN? Why don't those same #Congress send their sons and daughters?\",\n", " u'RT @Kurtwill123: @mgrossi1 I never have. Never will. Our next Republican \\nPresident is only, approx.-17 years old, today!',\n", " u'I believe that our background and circumstances may have influenced \\nwho we are, but we are responsible for who we become.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @TPM: Head of Media Matters demands ex-CBS reporter produces evidence that the liberal watchdog has been paid to target her http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MartinBashir: Race to Yes Optimistic About Path Forward for Duchenne Children - http://t.co/QPBWg7hyty By sheer dogged persistence pare\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Mickeleh: Idiots at NBC tested to see if Chuck Todd would do better at Meet The Press than David Gregory. They were surprised to see he\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PoliticsNation: Joining us tonight on #PoliticsNation @RepMarciaFudge @sr_simone @joanwalsh @krystalball @Milbank @DrJamesPeterson & @D\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LOLGOP: If you think your kids can be taught to be gay by just meeting one gay adult, being gay must be awesome.',\n", " u'RT @thomasclark92: Pasty GOP Media Tools Chuck Todd and David Brooks Decide That Obama Has a Manhood Problem http://t.co/xH0mt6ssKn via @po\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Goatyeah: \"@JesseLaGreca: Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi #SaySomethingConservativeIn4Words\" http://t.co/jbkXVEko1Z',\n", " u'RT @thomasclark92: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Guts David Gregory\\u2019s GOP Cheerleading On Meet The Press http://t.co/n1108JyVHh via @politicususa',\n", " u'RT @Brvfan: Veteran searches for dog who was lost during injury car accident http://t.co/fcVk7fE4r3',\n", " u'RT @YeaYouRite: Not a single GOP candidate in a swing state can articulate a coherent position on ObamaCare, but please, more about how Dem\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @cynthia4877: What's wrong with David Gregory's rating??? Two words...David Gregory!\\nYou're welcome, NBC. #MTP \\n\\nhttp://t.co/zGYgZFZleh\",\n", " u\"RT @Prysmith: NBC orders psychological testing for David Gregory http://t.co/yZzpkdZmsF Gregory's problem is not personality but his oozing\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @owillis: hey maybe cbs news tanked sharyl attkisson's stories because they were crazy conspiracy theories http://t.co/I1nCM5US85\",\n", " u'RT @srjones66: Republican Puppet Chuck Todd Says Democrats Will Lose On Health Care In Midterms http://t.co/217p7NoLPi via @politicususa #p\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @MattGertz: More on Sharyl Attkisson's @mmfa conspiracy theory and how it calls into question her news judgement http://t.co/b9IAiGR49W\",\n", " u'RT @TedKennedyJR: Follow my campaign here on Twitter, Facebook at https://t.co/2DehGxciVk or signup on my website at http://t.co/fYU3hO0vfT',\n", " u'RT @TedKennedyJR: Thank you for the welcome, Twitter! It is with great pride that I announced my candidacy for the Connecticut State Senate\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TheRReport: NBC Hired A Psychological Consultant To Fix 'Meet The Press' http://t.co/9vKUaOvIR1\",\n", " u'RT @politicususa: Rating For Meet The Press Have Melted Down And NBC Is Starting to Blame David Gregory http://t.co/Y58zDIkzsw via @politic\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @maritzasolito: Hannity Calls Nun A \"Communist\" For Acknowledging Paul Ryan\\'s Budget Hurts The Poor http://t.co/H5rNzFROq1\\n\\nI know that \\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Congratulations!!!!!! <3 <3 http://t.co/k6RT7FHtag',\n", " u'Sickening! http://t.co/EL7trKr6g6',\n", " u'http://t.co/Q4Qh2pcaOy',\n", " u'\"Then why are you HIV-positive dude? Immaculate infection?\" Aaron Laxton http://t.co/115tcpP70y',\n", " u'http://t.co/1HbniNvSQs',\n", " u'Wishing all my crowns a great evening! http://t.co/XHZZ7O9iz9',\n", " u'TBT ... http://t.co/GJCe6zTRb3',\n", " u'from a couple of years ago, but still the greatest of friends! <3 <3 http://t.co/97eMnTKrzF',\n", " u\"Jews, gays and bicycle riders ... who's next? from Russia with love ... NOT! http://t.co/nTAzMNlUAG\",\n", " u'quote of the day ... :) http://t.co/fnB0KXrYGP',\n", " u'Very cute ... :) http://t.co/Rbl1STu7UF',\n", " u\"I can't believe that in 2014 this is still going on!!!!!! I am OUTRAGED!!! http://t.co/aF1TwDNrJq\",\n", " u'\"Clay Hunt: We\\'re veterans. We fought for our country and we\\'ve done what I think are great things. Yeah, they... http://t.co/oSsjqQgCl4',\n", " u'My first gardenia of the year ... oh it smells so sweet! :-) http://t.co/rzXrZ8yC8v',\n", " u'Another stunning day on http://t.co/3vcac9bQHn',\n", " u\"I'll take that ! :) <3 <3 http://t.co/lveFWO0dln\",\n", " u'http://t.co/hXZIfEO6i0',\n", " u'http://t.co/bpNX7pTZ1e',\n", " u'http://t.co/Qb2hlcBWSn',\n", " u'http://t.co/NSke7NS3Lr']},\n", " {'REP': [u'#BundyRanch http://t.co/62C1RMSkTZ',\n", " u'RT @NYTimeskrugman: Don\\u2019t Know Much About History, Rand Paul Edition http://t.co/jPh7U65xtO',\n", " u'RT @wessmith123: Encouraging this kind of behavior goes beyond promoting Hate/lies #BundyRanch #Uppers #LibCrib #SeanHannity #FoxNews http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @LOLGOP: Not one of the Koch's 11 anti-Obamacare ads has been rated \\u201ctrue\\u201d or even \\u201cmostly true.\\u201d http://t.co/r2zrSQx0fo\",\n", " u'RT @JohnFugelsang: #HappyGoodFriday - Jesus was a radical. http://t.co/p9I02vWwPy',\n", " u\"If the @GOP would just move Election Day from Nov to April 15, they wouldn't have to rig the vote via the Roberts Court. #TaxDay\",\n", " u'RT @pourmecoffee: Tax Day FYI: \\u201cCorporate profits held overseas to avoid taxes nearly doubled from 2008 to 2013 to top $2.1 trillion\\u201d http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"@ThePlumLineGS might be easier to list what won't be political suicide for GOP in 2016\",\n", " u'RT @davidfrum: If this tally is accurate, then the Kansas City Jewish ctr shooting is 65th mass casualty shooting of 2014. http://t.co/fxO4\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheDailyEdge: GOVERNMENT TYRANNY AS IMPERIAL PRESIDENT RULES BY EXECUTIVE ORDER!!! (1986 edition) http://t.co/rXeNoSo4ow http://t.co/6f\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @kurteichenwald: I'm so sick of ppl using the Bible to condemn everything except their own hate-driven behavior.\",\n", " u'Lois Lerner found out today that the only amendment the @GOP loves is the 2nd. But the Constitution!',\n", " u'I bet Lois Lerner wishes the @GOP thought the 5th amendment was as absolute as the 2nd.',\n", " u\"RT @idontwan2know: Side Note: If you're a 2nd amendment advocate gloating over 20 kids getting stabbed in a school today, go fuck yourself.\",\n", " u'@GOPLeader are you counting the 50+ repeal votes as just one? Or 50?',\n", " u\"RT @randyprine: current and future Debt is greatly attributed to W's spending/cutting taxes Deficits @rclilly1225 @Zenber1 @MDMJD http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @LOLGOP: I don't trust this big government to do anything but torture and demand identification from anyone who dares to vote. #tcot\",\n", " u'@ChrisWarcraft I strongly encourage you to read the police report on this rape. You may think differently.',\n", " u'RT @ryanlcooper: Damn https://t.co/q6iorzprHw',\n", " u\"RT @lukeoneil47: Fatal shootings on military bases really don't do much for the old 'good guy with a gun ' argument. Still need to arm all \\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @mashable: Apple marks Earth Day by trolling Samsung in newspaper ad http://t.co/FQ0t6rN83U http://t.co/lvpBOgzepP',\n", " u'Waiting on a train... #creepystop http://t.co/TNzeLsSjbe',\n", " u'Boston Marathon was an amazing experience #BostonStrong http://t.co/4p2vwQphLy',\n", " u'I hate the BoSox but that was an awesome game to be at http://t.co/b0BN6mr963',\n", " u\"I'm convinced Pedroia and @MigsTB are the same person...\",\n", " u'RT @Buster_ESPN: The people of Boston and beyond have leaned on each other a lot over the last year, and again tonight at Fenway. In awe of\\u2026',\n", " u'Awesome tribute at Fenway for the marathon! #BostonStrong #GoYankees',\n", " u'At Fenway supporting my @Yankees http://t.co/4kSWNOcTnL',\n", " u\"@ammamarfo @dabushscott spending day in Cambridge area... Y'all around?\",\n", " u'RT @darrenrovell: Bryce Harper benched for not hustling. Here\\u2019s the program from the game http://t.co/zTwFRtkUTw (H/T @Due_Man, @Rob_Coh)',\n", " u\"It's okay y'all... I rose\",\n", " u'This Boston to CT drive makes me want to do a road trip again #missthat',\n", " u'First night in Boston... Success!',\n", " u\"This man is angry! I told him it's okay they won't be the Rangers #goNYR\",\n", " u'Just remembered this flight is to Boston... I know what happened',\n", " u\"Dude on the plane just went ballistic over Red Wings game he won't stop yelling #whathappened\",\n", " u'I think @MigsTB is going to cry himself to sleep tonight... Rough couple days for TB fans',\n", " u'Watching the Yanks spank the Rays in the airport.. loving it! Then hopefully watch them spank Boston in Fenway on Tuesday!',\n", " u'Boston bound',\n", " u\"People who don't leave voicemails on my office are so frustrating!\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @CNRush: I want more Huey, Riley, and granddad',\n", " u'And apologizing RT @CNRush: The point is he KEEPS DOING SHIT.',\n", " u'Sundy gotta catch these hands..',\n", " u'Hit the Floor is coming back \\U0001f64c\\U0001f64c\\U0001f64c\\U0001f64c\\U0001f64c',\n", " u'Imma feel like ram over garbage after Crossfit tomorrow...cuz this weekend baby',\n", " u'@yourfaverph food allergies...now the dr gave her something else to give him...I just was amazed that could happen',\n", " u'@yourfaverph the lady at my job says this happens to her son',\n", " u'Was Nikko responsible for hair',\n", " u\"MOTIVATION MONDAY!!!\\n\\nY'all don't understand the amount of respect I got for @eakinwale \\n\\nImma be\\u2026 http://t.co/a5iZPFS2wd\",\n", " u'You can tell the ladies like Porsche cuz they all sept scary Cynthia came to her support',\n", " u'The side eye from all these ladies',\n", " u'Porsha is in some Dr ad for them new twins',\n", " u'my contribution to the family Fish Fry\\n1-Chicken and Waffle Maple Cupcake\\n2-Peeps with Candy Eggs Pink\\u2026 http://t.co/tb3jl9Z1Hk',\n", " u'Jake bout to be slang white meat like $2 hooker',\n", " u'TODD IS A KILLA #scandalfinale',\n", " u\"She ain't dead #scandalfinale\",\n", " u\"This Marshall's commercial bothers me...I ain't NEVER seen a Marshall's this clean\",\n", " u'Please do it!!!!!',\n", " u'YASSSSSSSSS BOO!!!',\n", " u'This nigga just got stabbed...Poppa Pop is a trip #scandalfinale']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'The latest \"Cosmos\" explains how corporations fund science denial http://t.co/l0ckGORA3E',\n", " u\"We're approaching the post-Internet age. You need to learn about mesh networks http://t.co/i9LOEQUlKh\",\n", " u'Bill could slow #FL craft beer industry growth http://t.co/HdzphuFD9U',\n", " u'RT @nick_truden: The pro-small business empty smile that Republicans put on to get people to vote for them is nothing but an insult. #lkld \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WaltDisneyWorld: VIDEO: Catch a special extended sneak peek of \\u201cMaleficent\\u201d at Disney\\u2019s Hollywood Studios! http://t.co/6kn1lvm56d',\n", " u'Slow Cooker Cumin Chicken with Cilantro Lime Rice http://t.co/ZGBK0C9YFL',\n", " u'RT @Wonkette: Derp Roundup: Your Weekly March Through The Marshes Of Madness http://t.co/ML9tqQeNa3',\n", " u'19 years ago today, right wing terrorist Tim McVeigh murdered 168 Americans. Never forget. #OKCBombing http://t.co/NNI1cG6PLD',\n", " u'RT @DesertBeacon: Funny, how it\\u2019s OK to arrest Occupy protestors, but not white lawbreaking ranchers?',\n", " u'RT @craigtimes: Oil company drilling in #Florida sanctuary fined $25,000 for violation that could be fracking http://t.co/E5qER186gL',\n", " u'RT @lakelandgov: Beautiful night at Lake Mirror! Green celebration going on till 9:30 #lkld http://t.co/qpNFinMF6Y',\n", " u\"An Int'l Trail of Death and Heartbreak: How the Bush Wars came home with the Vets http://t.co/anXnRRkk4v\",\n", " u'27 Recipes for Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts That Are NOT Boring http://t.co/X5qgBN4Hyu',\n", " u'23 Genius Food Hacks http://t.co/cFGyNt1iu6',\n", " u'RT @wusf: Discrimination Law Covers Pregnancy: Court http://t.co/wEqDtUAZgH',\n", " u'RT @lakelandgov: Lk. Hollingsworth gets about 350K people per year who use the trail around the lake. #lkld',\n", " u'RT @BI_contributors: More than 100 hate-crime murders have been linked to this single website http://t.co/28vvHL5V0Z',\n", " u'RT @Wonkette: People Are Going Crazy On The Pot, Say Morons http://t.co/6C5ZOpbbW8',\n", " u'RT @CurbMarket: April 19 at the Curb Market! - Happy Easter, Happy Earth Day! http://t.co/qgvNWFDDGi #lkld',\n", " u'Claims to be a psychic. RT @Shoq: Someone just told me that Sly Stalone\\u2019s mother is a psychic? True/False?']},\n", " {'REP': [u'I am playing for the ULTRA Foursome. Join for your own chance to win while helping increase my chances! http://t.co/M93qN4wBRm',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: Want 2 help our troops? use promo code carepackage at http://t.co/bN54w5weJs and we will give 25% back to @OpGratitude A\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: How about these #memories? HaHa! Do you have any like this? http://t.co/mTSbk5KmrA',\n", " u'RT @ClevelandGolf: Less than ONE HOUR LEFT to RT this (https://t.co/sloWzXFZIZ) & follow for a shot to win 1 of 8 custom 588 wedges! http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: #memories This is so true http://t.co/i24fs47K5n',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: http://t.co/9AADbQr4WW',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: #nostalgia #memories Here is our latest blog post about a @nytimes article about nostalgia. http://t.co/hGbzI57hce',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: Great stuff. #sharingmemories http://t.co/y3csmYeLAz',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: we will give 25% of all sales using promo code carepackage to @OpGratitude plus you will get a 15% discount. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: Here is our latest blog post announcing Memory Monday. Give it a look!\\nhttp://t.co/MGYRMLnmmT',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: Today is Memory Monday! Today only, you can get a FREE Digital Time Capsule. Just go to our website and use the... htt\\u2026',\n", " u'@brunonunsaclari hey',\n", " u'RT @OpGratitude: We are grateful for your support, @HearFromMecom! http://t.co/DNR3eKUZXN #SOT',\n", " u'@Bannatyne wow! how big was his member before he realized it could row?',\n", " u'#keepthischief http://t.co/FGuJPuOBrX',\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: A user of HearFromMe shared a story with us that we just had to share with everyone else. click here to go to... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @HearFromMecom: Do you know what Monday is? Yes...it's April 7th...but it is also Memory Monday. Go to our site,... http://t.co/ZF78Ko\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @HearFromMecom: In case you missed it last week...check out our blog post announcing our sponsorship of Operation Gratitude. We... http\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @HearFromMecom: \\u201cThe memories that really matter don't live in the mind.\\u201d \\n\\u2015 Jessica Brody, Unremembered\",\n", " u'RT @ElcapoPrezzi: That 20$ is gonna be clutch RT http://t.co/uU1IgL8l6R']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @CauseWereGuys: Beer comes from hops. Hops are plants. Beer is salad. Which means beer is healthy.',\n", " u'@bbellotbbj @AlexisTBBJ @rockallstars @JoseBello @mallorymillzz #noforeheadscars = good weekend',\n", " u'RT @EntrepreneursQ: I don\\u2019t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. \\u2013 Bill Cosby',\n", " u'Hanging with @bbellotbbj and @JoseBello at ChezKirtland.',\n", " u'RT @EntMagazine: Want To Gain Influence on Social Media? Get To Work http://t.co/Oc3QondsxP by @AnnTran_',\n", " u'RT @Sports_HQ: Play like you are in 1st, but train like you are in 2nd.',\n", " u\"RT @EntMagazine: No Brown M&M's: What Van Halen's Insane Contract Clause Teaches Entrepreneurs http://t.co/Bmrx5i4EOD by @rockstarbrands\",\n", " u'RT @OnwardState: Penn State is only the third school in the history of collegiate wrestling to win four straight titles. http://t.co/nBwGlV\\u2026',\n", " u'\"5 Types of Employees Bosses Hate (And How to Fix the Problem)\" amusing (and true) http://t.co/KinTXLpm5Y',\n", " u'@anchorwendyryan no worries, you actually did respond and it was same answer. :-)',\n", " u\"RT @Sports_HQ: If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? -John Wooden\",\n", " u'RT @Inspire_Us: A person who chases two rabbits catches neither. #stayfocused',\n", " u'@anchorwendyryan Which one?',\n", " u'@MargieTBBJ @TBBJnewsroom @TBBJCabble Nooo!, I enjoyed the photos with you. Charlie and Saki and I wish you well',\n", " u'RT @Sports_HQ: There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.',\n", " u'RT @DailyCollegian: $13,343,517.33 raised for The Four Diamonds Fund. #THON14 (Photo: Gabby Santoliquito/Collegian) http://t.co/G1gErfhRM2',\n", " u'@GregPickel too many! Should make Snowboard racing \"full contact\"',\n", " u'RT @Sports_HQ: Sweat is what happens when your fat is crying.',\n", " u\"RT @Sports_HQ: Winners don't wait for chances, they take them. -Unknown\",\n", " u\"RT @Sports_HQ: In life you are either a passenger or a pilot, it's your choice. -Unknown\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Coffee With Hallelujah: Paleontologist #Barbie marvels at teaching in the field. http://t.co/xuiE8bYKGw',\n", " u'What Fish Teach Us About Us http://t.co/f05wI4XMxA',\n", " u'The 10 Best Hiking Trails on Long Island http://t.co/w5HVadtRJZ via @HuffPostNY',\n", " u\"nearly died on my first day biking to work, but remembered that tomorrow is #EarthDay so i'd better do it again.To starting good habits!\",\n", " u'RT @portugaltheman: Our new song #EndangeredSong comes out tomorrow #EarthDay #SumatranTiger http://t.co/KXLLamMo2d',\n", " u'RT @Dr_Lionfish: The #Eleutheran #Bahamas - #ConservationCorner: The Importance of #Mangroves for Our Fish http://t.co/9XGTsPM3VS @CEIbaham\\u2026',\n", " u'Peeps ceviche?! so bizarre. Five Ways to Cook with Peeps http://t.co/zpvgOalV8w via @SmithsonianMag',\n", " u'Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) working to keep NOAA Beaufort NC research facility from closing http://t.co/eOkXTAvWqz',\n", " u'article on BP and allegations of denied NRDA funds http://t.co/W39zzoqqgt via @Salon',\n", " u\"@GrantlyG thought about it some more, and no- that's just crazy. unless they're talking about actual slavery on pirate IUU fishing boats.\",\n", " u'biked to work today for the first time. car ran me off into a ditch. crazytown. #sharetheroad',\n", " u'RT @BBC_Travel: A few of New York City\\u2019s most incredible attractions are hidden in plain sight: http://t.co/6guBEgtWp5 http://t.co/cpSMQZb4\\u2026',\n", " u'@SFriedScientist @EAC_SeaMouse interesting piece. @Biologypsy -a veteran fisheries observer herself- what do you think?',\n", " u'RT @Mojoshark: Dear marine #conservation advocates: There is no need for hyperbole. Things are bad enough based on the actual facts. #Cryin\\u2026',\n", " u'@GrantlyG certainly \"shark fishing = slavery\" is crazy & alienates a lot of ppl. But so does the tea party. Every ideology has a continuum?',\n", " u\"@GrantlyG maybe. But I still can't decide if radical environmentalism has an important role to play or if it discredits the rest of us.\",\n", " u'RT @MotherJones: \"House of Cards\" veteran wants to make a reality TV show starring Capitol Hill staffers. Read the casting call here: http:\\u2026',\n", " u'\"Imma let you finish @CaptPaulWatson but @RichardOBarry is the greatest ecoterrorist of all time\" #kidding #goodthingnobodyactuallyreadsthis',\n", " u'Ocean defenders http://t.co/iRBXDiceBe via @AJStream does direct action have a role to play in conservation?',\n", " u'@CaptPaulWatson: \"I was raised by the ocean\". The memes just write themselves. I see a blue earth mamma & little white bearded baby.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @yadelis_raquel: Homeroom is so wackkk omg',\n", " u'Why are we in homeroom',\n", " u\"I'm someone's man crush \\U0001f648\\U0001f60b\",\n", " u'The little things count more sometimes',\n", " u'\\u201c@_paulinnna: Life http://t.co/ErNK7ymYdd\\u201dthis is definitely a Colombians life \\U0001f49c\\U0001f49c',\n", " u\"\\u201c@KevinDACRUZ_: He kicked the tf out of that ball and no call \\U0001f602 ?\\u201dhe's spaniard they play soccer its okay lol\",\n", " u\"RT @unpassende: If you don't talk highly about the person your dating, why are you together?\",\n", " u'RT @NickMenakos: This kid died doing what he loved and where he loved doing it. my thoughts and prayers go out to their family http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Ellis_Shaw_7: Me: Hey Kris you gotta cast along the tree line because that's where their beds are \\n\\nKris: Oh ok bud but what if they \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @KevinDACRUZ_: Now this is a game!',\n", " u\"RT @ashley_x300: You may think I don't know, but I really do...\",\n", " u\"I used to think you were okay to talk to but then I started seeing what you would do and I can't stand you now you're fake\",\n", " u'\\U0001f40d',\n", " u'RT @derpeys: Hand position says it all http://t.co/ZwcPBk5Xyx',\n", " u'RT @derpeys: If I swallow magnets, \\n\\nWill I become attractive?\"',\n", " u\"I really don't like you, I feel like you're gonna do something..\",\n", " u\"RT @TedOfficialPage: You haven't experienced awkward until you tickle someone who isn't ticklish.\",\n", " u\"RT @sjwolfee: Yeah I've had my share of bad decisions, but I promise I'm not a bad person\",\n", " u\"@letsfagoh @Ellis_Shaw_7 I'll get them when they're out of bed\",\n", " u'RT @lKeepItReaI: Girls get butterflies. Guys get boners.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Apple TV now includes the history channel. Thank you Apple. Now my reading week is going to be even less readying and studying. #lawschl',\n", " u'RT @Hollswould: Your struggles may still be there, but your Savior is not. He is RISEN, and THAT changes everything. Eternity matters more.',\n", " u'Happy Easter! He is not here....He is Risen! Luke 24. http://t.co/Ih7V7cjWW7',\n", " u'RT @WeLiftYourName: Jesus was.\\nJesus came.\\nJesus loved.\\nJesus taught. \\nJesus served.\\nJesus wept. \\nJesus died. \\nJesus rose. \\nJesus reigns. \\n\\u2026',\n", " u'Stetson always ranks #1!! #1 in FL bar passage rate yet again! #winning #SUCOL http://t.co/Mc2ln47iVq',\n", " u\"If they have to say in the title that the product is great or the best.....it likely isn't. #protip\",\n", " u'Everyone should move to FL!!!! http://t.co/ZtifZ917fW',\n", " u'Days of long ago.... #tbt #JeremyattheWilds @BrianKenMiller http://t.co/Y2VirFdqBN',\n", " u\"If I show you a picture on my phone and you start scrolling, I'm gonna stab you.\",\n", " u'RT @BrianKenMiller: Today is the day Robert E. Lee handed his sword to General Grant, mistaking him to be a blacksmith.',\n", " u'An amazing view of Hong Kong from the top of the mountain. http://t.co/tg7go3sLbl',\n", " u'Heading into the first Pre-Moot. Here at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. http://t.co/Sv3V0wxorr',\n", " u\"Love is the best thing we do. - Ted Mosby. It's true because we can point to where True Love began.\",\n", " u'RT @DanaPerino: How to get @greggutfeld to RT a photo of Jasper. http://t.co/baiOYu2URM',\n", " u\"If you love high taxes, try Cali or NY. If you like low Texas try Florida. Also it doesn't snow here in FL soooo..... http://t.co/oUTyfwnvge\",\n", " u\"RT @BrianKenMiller: Must be in the only terminal in the world that doesn't have a single coffee shop.\",\n", " u'RT @lindsey_kolb: @BrianKenMiller is literally in Vegas right now and tweeting about theology. #Dedicated',\n", " u'I found my #FirstTweet: https://t.co/MED7z0sMFa. What was yours? http://t.co/BAW0Ur3UGM',\n", " u'@DavidJollyCD13 Congrats on your big win! It is a great day for the #GOP! #sayfie',\n", " u'I was worried that the Libertarian candidate would bleed GOP votes in #CD13 but with 97% reporting @DavidJollyCD13 is leading. #GOP']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'UC Tampa Magazine is out! http://t.co/27L5G6aDY7 Stories via @BrianNeil77 @GoHART @lejywafufesa',\n", " u'UC Tampa Magazine is out! http://t.co/27L5G6aDY7 Stories via @kappley @jnouelati @bigwingambler',\n", " u\"MOST amazing meal from @TampaWaterside- Waterside Grill-Chef's Table. A MUST eat for #TampaBay #foodies #foodiechats http://t.co/vEvbjWsjHa\",\n", " u'UC Tampa Magazine is out! http://t.co/27L5G6aDY7 Stories via @tmj_TPA_skltrd @tbbjmk @DarnGoodDeals',\n", " u'UC Tampa Magazine is out! http://t.co/27L5G6aDY7 Stories via @LauraHarrisWFTS @ChaseAnz @MargieTBBJ',\n", " u'THIS is why we #lovetampa @TampaWaterside #TampaBay http://t.co/mDEIBcRNrJ',\n", " u'A few clouds & little rain never hurt #TampaBay We #LoveTampa {View from @TampaWaterside @Marriott} By @tampamama http://t.co/IhqYcZ9pr6',\n", " u'UC Tampa Magazine is out! http://t.co/27L5G6aDY7 Stories via @TampaRefinery @Saganofficial @202edge',\n", " u'\\u201c@TB_Times: Breaking @ThingstoDoTampa News: Warhol exhibit extended at Dal\\xed Museum http://t.co/zk7J9GZn2n #TampaBay\\u201d',\n", " u'\\u201c@TB_Times: .@WinnDixie hiring at #TampaBay area stores. http://t.co/TFd8j86y9F\\u201d',\n", " u'@SportsTampaBay: 75 days until @YGymNationals flips #TampaBay! @TampaYMCA #TreasuresDiscovered http://t.co/smYoLltIIE http://t.co/KnFBsMLNxA',\n", " u'\\u201c@tbtnewspaper: Enter for a chance to win 4 general admission tickets to Sunset Music Festival >>http://t.co/4YmZEpvRTY #TampaBay #SMFTampa\\u201d',\n", " u'\\u201c@TheKatLewis: NEW Blog via @VisitTampaBay feat. #TampaBaysFishingCharters #AprilFishingReport #TampaBay #LadyAngler http://t.co/EZUIsIoU9S\\u201d',\n", " u'Coming soon to the UC in #tampabay @Uleletampa WELCOME!! #tampaheights',\n", " u'Best #foodie eats in #TampaBay for breakfast: http://t.co/4Ise1pWONr @WTSP10News @Datz4Foodies #nomnom',\n", " u'UC Tampa Magazine is out! http://t.co/klt4c6B8nn Stories via @newballpark @202edge @JustChrisTaylor',\n", " u'UC Tampa Magazine is out! http://t.co/klt4c6B8nn Stories via @TheMrGRAY @TBMomsBlog @PauznerSteven',\n", " u'U C Tampa everyday. We think these photos will help other C what we C---->>> http://t.co/QaVPMdvASB',\n", " u'UC Tampa Magazine is out! http://t.co/27L5G6aDY7 Stories via @RentTampaToday @TrendsTampa @KiMediaStrategy',\n", " u'Got kids?! Need a vaca? @NickHotel from #orlando is on @trekaroo blog this week w/ an awesome #giveaway http://t.co/H2aPgokLh7']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Badly drawn hand grenades @ Tropical Isle http://t.co/Qg33esGhGR',\n", " u'Hurricanes on happy hour @ Margaritaville, New Orleans http://t.co/MXZmyiQMGI',\n", " u\"Katrina's modern record breaking storm surge #hurricane #Louisiana http://t.co/AmhRNd3cnJ\",\n", " u'The Ever-changing Mississippi delta: Red is land that is now under sea #maps #estuaries http://t.co/eLeSet1F1D',\n", " u'Gator in the bayou @ Choquile Trail, Barataria Preserve http://t.co/GsTb341b4N',\n", " u\"RT @MilesGrant: Suppressing housing supply in cities isn't progressive: http://t.co/dQgIEr5iW4 by @Schmangee #p2\",\n", " u'Talk: \"Time to React: The Efficiency of International Organizations in Crisis Response\" #MIT Building e40-496 1:30-3, Ken Oye',\n", " u'Upcoming workshop at Harvard moderated by Prof. Calestous Juma: #ClimateChange and the Cocoa Industry April 30 2:30-5 Kennedy School',\n", " u'RT @audubonsociety: Birds killed by BP oil disaster could be in the six figures, scientists say http://t.co/UsNb2mhFfy',\n", " u'Muck Diving at the Blue Heron Bridge http://t.co/sDGOsEFk5Q #Floridadiving #diving #muckdives #BHB',\n", " u'RIP Marquez. Jos\\xe9 Arcadio Buend\\xeda.',\n", " u'RT @MIT: Try your hand at the MIT entrance exam from 1876. http://t.co/K3ZdhFUarB #tbt #throwbackthursday http://t.co/5DNKElUTYO',\n", " u'#MIT honors Officer Sean Collier & celebrates the #MITStrong marathon team http://t.co/nBXOovkT0F http://t.co/c2om0EmFNL',\n", " u'RT @MBNMS: The Whale Trail, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Partners Present: Orca: \\u201cThe Whale Called Killer\" 5/14-15 http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Florida DEP ignores internal recommendation and continues to grand oil permit in Everglades http://t.co/JV2FS11KeA',\n", " u'Political Primer on American response to #IPCC report in the lead up to 2016 elections. http://t.co/VDxAOZqzmb #MIT12757',\n", " u'Fish Losing Survival Instinct in Acidic Oceans http://t.co/rzsZ0aZ0Y4',\n", " u'Invasive Lionfish Population On The Decline in Jamaica because locals begin to enjoy eating them http://t.co/nitukqjnur',\n", " u'RT @worldresources: Reading - #IPCC, UN climate report: \"Fundamental decarbonization\" won\\'t wreck the economy (@slate) http://t.co/NKm1YjJo\\u2026',\n", " u'Deepwater quotas, inexpensive foreign labor, fishing pay, and NZ #fisheries http://t.co/tiZF3hqKfx']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @NateSilver538: \"What is the probability, given that Ross painted a happy tree, that he then painted a friend for that tree?\" http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Is it too soon for dead Jeoffrey jokes? #HBO #GoT #GameOfThrones',\n", " u'RT @BeOneSpark: \\u201cSocial media is just an amplification of what\\u2019s happening in reality.\\u201c @unmarketing #OneSpark',\n", " u'@JayTeephus @SaraSClements they would still be together if Clutch had not left the band in 2004.',\n", " u'RT @SaraSClements: All together now...Mike, Mike, Mike...Mike Weinsteeeen! \"@newsservicefla: Weinstein to run for public defender http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'How long until someone puts out a Jake Rush parody campaign ad? @LaraMedley',\n", " u\"RT @contlink: Hey friends! Don't forget tomorrow is FSU day at the FL Capitol! Be sure to wear your Nole gear! #Seminoles #sayfie #National\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @KFReilly: Thank you to everyone who helped make #SmithAPalooza a huge success. We raised $4,267 for @BBBSBigBend!',\n", " u'Great read on the science of redistricting and human geography http://t.co/46s9msCKmf',\n", " u'Interesting study on the ROI on degrees from each Florida University. My UNF degree looks like a pretty great value. http://t.co/XuNFzn7zA7',\n", " u\"@hollisjustin I'll bet they are all over Instagram though\",\n", " u'Happy birthday to education reformer (and my wife) @SaraSClements #ftk #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @GOP: #Data-driven & #Grassroots powered http://t.co/hZ15xf2mrf The RNC is equipping campaigns to win #Victory14 http://t.co/5s5LWxCm8P',\n", " u'@Jyapo Jonathan Lipniki taught be that in his brilliant role in Jerry McGuire',\n", " u'48% say live TV is not their main source for video content. Yet in CD13 about $10mil was spent on TV. http://t.co/xuZOAyydh4 #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @elonmusk: Regarding Gov. Christie's action to impede direct sales of automobiles in New Jersey http://t.co/v92hjzSKne\",\n", " u'@3DRobotics @60Minutes drone story was slightly critical...irony is that the Tabasco story that followed featured several drone shots.',\n", " u'@standshort I like the Doge...he is an inspiration',\n", " u'RT @GOP: Tonight in #FL13 we implemented our new political model that we are replicating across the country to win in 2014 http://t.co/WwmX\\u2026',\n", " u'This happened at work today. http://t.co/jVkAi4uaia']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"A Cheez-It might not cheer you up, but a Cheez-It never made anyone's day any worse.\",\n", " u'@TheFamousLex Keep up Kim Possible',\n", " u'Only Ulta was open today on Easter. Because beauty waits for no man. Not even Jesus.',\n", " u\"I was so desperate to find an open store I checked /Shoe Carnival/. That is what I'm saying here.\",\n", " u'Today was the only free day I had to go shopping for some key things I need and everything from the mall to shoe carnival was closed.',\n", " u\"RT @travisstanner: Life alert: Drowning in library sos need mouth to mouth resuscitation send help 911 this isn't a drill\",\n", " u'Latin girls are like sorority girls, and being Latin is the sorority.',\n", " u'So relieved that four art history classes are undeniably relevant and beneficial to my performing arts major.',\n", " u'Apparently \"have a critical review prepared for an in class discussion\" meant \"have a 4 page paper done, and we\\'re gonna talk about it\"',\n", " u\"I think the strangest people are the people who aren't.\",\n", " u'\"Sword fighting and dress shopping\" isn\\'t a combo I thought I\\'d ever participate in on a Sunday but here we are.',\n", " u\"RT @mikasounds: Back in London and finally able to take out my '66 Sprite :) http://t.co/BAoEIy0W9N\",\n", " u'An accurate image of my college life would be me in my underwear standing in my kitchen eating milk and cookies for breakfast.',\n", " u'I slept in a sports bra last night. Who do I think I am?',\n", " u\"I don't wanna say that my activity at 10:30 in the morning was to stalk @colesprouse and @dylansprouse twitters, but I can't say it wasn't.\",\n", " u\"RT @colesprouse: If you're quick to pass negative judgment, you better be quick to accept negative judgment being passed about you.\",\n", " u'RT @colesprouse: .@dylansprouse lol fuk you #NationalSiblingsDay',\n", " u'RT @dylansprouse: Intelligence is marked by the amount of tabs you have open in your browser',\n", " u\"RT @mikaelamalanga: I want my room to be clean but I don't want to be the one who cleans it u feel me?\",\n", " u\"Looking back on my old scholarship essays, I definitely didn't win because I sounded like a snark shark. A funny one. But. A snark shark.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @thinkprogress: Legoland Florida to run on renewable energy on Earth Day http://t.co/GWnIgpkRu7 http://t.co/CFjd4lEEMm',\n", " u'RT @gnuman1979: Mean while in Canada. http://t.co/U6nSZTjrpl',\n", " u\"RT @MarkPafford: Q: If you were a political leader, how'd you like your legacy defined, spiteful or saving six lives per day, everyday?http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @LiberalCaliGal: A family getting food stamps to feed kids is mooching but a millionaire failing to pay fees for cows on fed land is fre\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EricWolfson: #ThatAwkwardMoment When The \"Gov\\'t Overreach\" Grazing Fees You\\'re Protesting\\u2026Were Started By Reagan.\\n\\n#BundyRanch #p2 http\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @linnyitssn: It is totally Obama's fault that Reagan decided three decades ago that that Bundy guy has to pay fees. #BundyRanch\",\n", " u\"RT @TheDailyEdge: #ThatAwkwardMoment when Republicans who tell us Freedom Isn't Free insist it should be #BundyRanch #TCOT #socialists http\\u2026\",\n", " u'@onevoice2 Kristen you are right those are some \"real\" men that are hiding behind their women just incase someone decides to shoot.',\n", " u\"RT @onevoice2: #BundyRanch Rich dude doesn't think having to pay his bills is FAIR. So COWARD COWBOYS wave guns & hide behind Women to Defe\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @KingAthletics: Women's Golf: Swallow is tied for the lead after shooting 75 in first round of Conference Carolinas Championship, King 5\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @hamackey: RT @mch7576: @cspanwj \\n\\nhttp://t.co/qh0DlDj3NY',\n", " u\"RT @KingAthletics: SB: King's NCAA-record four twin killings highlights sweep of Barton http://t.co/duFye8gS5P\",\n", " u'RT @AmyTidd: Yes 6 hard working Florida citizens die every day because of the GOP boycott of 51 Billion $$ @Mwforhr @willweatherford @TariA\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Hendems: King David #Hates Seniors & Children!\\nLet them die ~ more money for me! http://t.co/pYsjsEYp6x',\n", " u'RT @DiannaStevens12: I have to laugh when Republicans scream that President Obama should be held accountable... http://t.co/HNYEq8w1wh',\n", " u'RT @Sherrea_D: Retweet to help find missing teen. http://t.co/0cL6wVI6yZ',\n", " u'RT @Soxwriter: Fast & Furious was started by George Bush & discovered by Obama Administration. It was not an Obama operation. #foolsincongr\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Politics_PR: This 32-Year-Old Florida Woman Is Dead Because Her State Refused To Expand Medicaid http://t.co/7q4hBny2fe #p2 http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheBaxterBean: The 27,000 Americans Who Will Die In 2014 Because Republicans Refused to Expand Medicaid, Are All In GOP Red States. htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @rvan73: http://t.co/e9JpDSsN0g']},\n", " {'REP': [u'First Indian Wedding a success @pandaparth8 @Mang023',\n", " u'@usnikefootball @FSU_Football No thank you, it was fine the way it was. #keepthischief #FSUlogo',\n", " u'\"@earthposts: The water is so clear it looks like the boat is hovering! http://t.co/qydhO96nAk\"',\n", " u\"The Sahara Desert's total land mass is approximately 3,565,565 square miles; an area as large as Europe.\",\n", " u'@generalcurtis believe me, I actually dislike it',\n", " u\"RT @FSView: The #FSU community has largely disapproved of the Seminole logo redesign. Now they're doing something about it. http://t.co/cuw\\u2026\",\n", " u'@TomahawkNation feather and clean lines are irrelevant. This new image no longer represents the school I went to. Big drift from tradition.',\n", " u'Much better redesign of the #FSUlogo. #FSU #seminole #keepthischief \\n\\nhttp://t.co/hong7CLKcC',\n", " u'New #FSU logo looks like a horse whinnying. Keep the old logo. #tradition #FSUlogo',\n", " u\"US producing 10% of the world's oil \\nhttp://t.co/m5oTAsF3t8\",\n", " u\"It seems ironic when a doctor's office offers brownies and cookies for its patients.\",\n", " u'@fishlisch I hope not',\n", " u'@fishlisch what would they change it to?',\n", " u\"RT @DavidRoads: You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do. -Henry Ford\",\n", " u'What\\'s your favorite kind of \"pi\"? \\n3.14 \\n#HappyPiDay',\n", " u'Killin it with National Free Pancake Day #ihop http://t.co/A0ZXhqtVGN',\n", " u'@ryanmeerdo I probably ate there once a week last semester.',\n", " u'RT @neiltyson: Obscure Fact: Skating is possible only because compressed ice melts. So skaters glide on slippery water not on slippery ice.',\n", " u\"RT @earthposts: A walrus's reaction after receiving a fish birthday cake. http://t.co/VvawSDP2PY\",\n", " u'RT @earthposts: Moorea, French Polynesia http://t.co/jq7SJ9IS8I']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Loving @francescamusic new album...title track \"If We\\'re Honest\"...God can meet you right where you are through lyrics #moving',\n", " u'In the car blasting \"Oh Carolina\", windows down headed nowhere...hey @little_BOTWEETS...can\\'t wait for this one again \\U0001f3b6\\U0001f483',\n", " u\"@katemcgaffin @NEEDTOBREATHE @JessMessmer IN LOVE!! Haven't stopped listening...I wish I could see them with you! I miss your face \\U0001f618\",\n", " u'I hate the stair master with all my being \\U0001f613',\n", " u'Happiness comes in small packages \\U0001f601\\U0001f3b6\\U0001f3b8\\u2600\\U0001f30a\\U0001f459\\U0001f37b\\U0001f483#HangoutFest #24daysandcounting http://t.co/8WoTvHLVa3',\n", " u'@TheDavidDunn Thanks...I seriously could make sooo many \\U0001f60a',\n", " u'One of my favorite lyrics... #RiseAgain #NTBWasteland #needtobreathe\\u2026 http://t.co/7ZbOedby1a',\n", " u'@TheDavidDunn Favorite band favorite person \\U0001f60a @krisleas',\n", " u'Beauty is in more than just what we see.. #NTBWasteland https://t.co/3e42BxLmqk http://t.co/lmV3Q7aXs4',\n", " u'@lottiefrost LOVE this!!',\n", " u'@JJWeeksBand @scottywilbanks It just moves me every single time no matter how many times I hear it #letthemseeyou #songoftheyearcontender',\n", " u\"RT @opry: Multiple standing ovations + an encore performance... I'd say it was a successful #OpryDebut for @NEEDTOBREATHE! http://t.co/mThz\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @opry: \"We have no business being here. It just feels absolutely amazing.\" @NEEDTOBREATHE (Followed by standing ovation & encore) #Opry\\u2026',\n", " u'@AdoptedbyHim Thanks...my little fashionistas \\U0001f60a',\n", " u'Our girls just love him...\"We have the coolest pastor EVER!\" @randybezet \\U0001f60e http://t.co/bmY4xhkRIH',\n", " u\"My beautiful girls...who doesn't love playing with baby ducks & chicks \\U0001f497 http://t.co/kYiMk2fUKG\",\n", " u\"@krisleas @LolaC_SpotRun Gahhhh I can't wait!! So many of us together...it's gonna be ridiculous \\U0001f601\",\n", " u'@LolaC_SpotRun @krisleas Miss you too lady \\U0001f618',\n", " u'Reflection #goodfriday #grace #thankful http://t.co/hARgxujYaz',\n", " u\"@krisleas @JTRevival I'm gonna have to come to you for sure... Although we do get @Hangoutfest \\U0001f3b6\\U0001f483\\U0001f37b\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Just saw a traffic sign on A1A warning me that there are #zombies ahead. #Beachlife #FTL',\n", " u'Seriously, my kid is 3 not 16. He needs to get his lazy bones up already. #mommyproblems',\n", " u\"Any suggestions for hotels near the Capitol for next week? Preferably one that isn't sold out or in an area where I won't get murdered.\",\n", " u'RT @davidhelbig: If you want to change, you have to be ok with getting uncomfortable.',\n", " u\"RT @AndyMarlette: #Florida beer: Size doesn't matter? http://t.co/tbwQ0b8GmA @FLBrewersGuild #sayfie http://t.co/ALOAJuUUl8\",\n", " u'@EvergladesJane I miss those',\n", " u'RT @chucknicecomic: If only we treated the election of our public officials with the same gravity we affix to choosing the winner of The Vo\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RedSox: A new tradition. #BostonStrong #MarathonMonday http://t.co/8pIbEeMd84',\n", " u\"RT @SteveCona: SB 1714 is a bad bill! FL craft beer industry deserves better. I hate to use the word extortion, but that's exactly what i\\u2026\",\n", " u'I love the rush of energy I get when I wake up for work after vacation. #lovemyjob #lovevacation',\n", " u'Hooray for #Easter and the #EasterBunny ! My kid knows instinctively to bite off the eats first!',\n", " u\"So far this 12 hour drive home has been great. Mostly we've slept, and there has been minimal talking. #antisocial\",\n", " u\"@FtLauderDaniel He hasn't risen yet...\",\n", " u\"Note to Adults: If you speak to my kid like he's a baby, he will think you are a weirdo. #smarterthanyouthink\",\n", " u'@AbandonedPIaces old pumping station for the Kimsey Junior College in Ducktown, TN. Never seen the door open before. http://t.co/Y17BojSABW',\n", " u\"RT @Social_Plastic: The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come.\",\n", " u\"You know what's hot?? A husband who can start a fire from scratch in the woods. #firefighterwife\",\n", " u'This whole being in mountains has caused me to eat dirty.',\n", " u'Prop plane!',\n", " u'Officially the worst flier ever in the fact that the majority of my flights are delayed.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @FOXSports: Four #BostonMarathon runners carried a collapsed runner across the finish line today: http://t.co/irLKyZ2RpM http://t.co/qZZ\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @YahooSports: Matt Kuchar has earned more money in the last 4 weeks than some notable athletes do all year: http://t.co/oHJ4Hfl2LE http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TODAYshow: Great shot of Meb Keflezighi crossing the #BostonMarathon finish line. (via @GettyImages) #BostonStrong http://t.co/M9pHogv5\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TODAYshow: \"It all starts here\" -- The starting point of the #BostonMarathon. #Hopkinton #BostonStrong http://t.co/s5suPFkIVM',\n", " u'RT @The_Masters: Congratulations to Masters rookies @jonas_blixt and @JordanSpieth for their strong performances this week.',\n", " u\"RT @ScottKotick: It's @The_Masters Sunday! Best of luck to @FSUGolf alum @jonas_blixt! #Noles\",\n", " u'RT @FSUAlumni: MT @FSUGolf: Former Nole @jonas_blixt is now 4-under after a beautiful birdie on 15. #Masters2014',\n", " u'@FSU_Baseball do u know how much time will be between games?',\n", " u'RT @keepthischief: Opposing a new logo doesn\\u2019t make you disloyal to FSU. It just means you value FSU\\u2019s tradition. #keepthischief http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Hey @governorbentley! Looking forward to some Toomer\\u2019s Lemonade w/ Coach Fisher & @FSU_Football this evening! #FSUDAY http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"#DWTS Cody Peta - I just voted for Dancing with the Stars' Switch Up! Vote with me: http://t.co/9S0yXM6FVY\",\n", " u\"#DWTS Drew Sharna - I just voted for Dancing with the Stars' Switch Up! Vote with me: http://t.co/9S0yXM6FVY\",\n", " u\"#DWTS NeNe Mark - I just voted for Dancing with the Stars' Switch Up! Vote with me: http://t.co/9S0yXM6FVY\",\n", " u\"#DWTS Candace Maksim - I just voted for Dancing with the Stars' Switch Up! Vote with me: http://t.co/9S0yXM6FVY\",\n", " u\"#DWTS James Emma - I just voted for Dancing with the Stars' Switch Up! Vote with me: http://t.co/9S0yXM6FVY\",\n", " u\"#DWTS Charlie Cheryl - I just voted for Dancing with the Stars' Switch Up! Vote with me: http://t.co/9S0yXM6FVY\",\n", " u\"#DWTS Meryl Derek - I just voted for Dancing with the Stars' Switch Up! Vote with me: http://t.co/9S0yXM6FVY\",\n", " u'RT @fineout: Campaign of @FLGovScott shuts down press call after 3 straight questions about departure of Scott campaign finance chairman',\n", " u'RT @Jaboowins: Our house Part 2 \\U0001f601 http://t.co/y9hwENfwW7',\n", " u'RT @JimHenryTALLY: Former two-sport star Dickey impressed by Winston http://t.co/J1H22L91Pi via @tdonline']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@etalia_net thanks!',\n", " u'#EarthDay photos: Celebrating the beauty of our planet. EVERYDAY is earth day, stand up for our planet!\\nhttp://t.co/VFAi1Zx3Ug',\n", " u'Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot http://t.co/ZkNLQF3TDH Wish U were here this #EarthDay',\n", " u'@ShinFiLee Thank you!',\n", " u'@iamsharpe Thanks!!!!',\n", " u\"@Paula_Dockery Love back at 'ya Senator!\",\n", " u'Happy #EarthDay, which coincidentally is my birthday. Whatever we do to the web of life, we do to ourselves. http://t.co/1hGRAXdfNn',\n", " u'RT @nytimes: Meb Keflezighi, an American, Wins Boston Marathon http://t.co/gZ2nzEd5uW',\n", " u'How Much Will The Sea Level Rise In Your Neighborhood? This Map Will Show You http://t.co/3swndtHB2h via @climateprogress',\n", " u'Have an awesome race today #BostonStrong!',\n", " u'RT @DianeN56: 10 Animals Who Are Still Hurting From The BP Oil Spill: http://t.co/gI5BqZUkoL http://t.co/hmgDvEwXp6',\n", " u'Rose-Breasted Grosbeak seen at my feeder in today in @StPeteFL. #birds @SMBC @JupiterFleet http://t.co/ulYWvUYVOf',\n", " u'4 years after Gulf #oilspill work far from over. #BPSucks \\nhttp://t.co/5Vgwv9h51t @SilentOilSpills #birds #conservation',\n", " u'#HappyEaster http://t.co/IDKdkSiU07',\n", " u'American Oystercatcher nest GOING STRONG Fort De Soto Park #birds Sanctuary @AudubonFL @CornellBirds @Yvette_Hammett http://t.co/Fwxgkl6SXZ',\n", " u'Fort De Soto Park Bird Sanctuary hunting Reddish Egret framed by copulating Royal Tern pair #birds @AudubonFL http://t.co/WbOTSiLPNF',\n", " u'RT @Oceana: THANK YOU, St. Pete, FL! Another East Coast city opposes #seismic testing! Why we need to #stopthedrill: http://t.co/nLKxjXOrgR',\n", " u'U.S. Delays Final Call on Pipeline http://t.co/8Ehhq7JqZU',\n", " u'Oil company #fracking in sanctuary fined $25,000, co wants to #fracking #Panthers habitat #Florida http://t.co/edpfsKPvlR',\n", " u'Gulf #oilspill restoration projects include hotel, ferries, boat docks #Floriduh STUPID\\nhttp://t.co/VlJQH4SpnF @SilentOilSpills @Interior']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @IAMMGraham: I\\'d like to welcome @BostonGlobe to the @Suffolk_Law \"ban on Islam critics\" story we\\'ve been covering for 2 weeks:\\nhttp://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Norsu2: Join the @markfisher2014 for Governor Team! http://t.co/Ko2zma9iE4 The unapologetic Republican choice for Mass Gov #tcot #magop\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Norsu2: NO REGIME HAS EVER VISITED MORE POVERTY, DEATH AND SUFFERING ON HUMANITY THAN SOCIALISTS AND COMMUNISTS http://t.co/vNZ6J79SKa \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @2MBikers2DC: TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS: WE ARE IN THE BEGINNING PHASES OF PLANNING OUR 9-11-2014 RIDE ~ IF YOU WISH TO BE KEPT... http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gretawire: War on Women ad? Effective or not? Watch and tell me http://t.co/oDw3nmlpfr',\n", " u'@BillyHallowell Easter eggs?',\n", " u'RT @95audrey: \"@wyomobe: @95audrey @Holyfield67 // If she does then she will stoned as a harlet.\" http://t.co/n0Sa6KpAIl',\n", " u\"RT @atomiktiger: The scandals aren't phony. Obama is. [pic] #Benghazi #Obamacare #NSA #IRS #NDAA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET http://t.co/XiBM5ddSzm\",\n", " u'RT @SC4LibertyNow: \"@tjurman: Reid: \"Political Terrorist\" http://t.co/Vsbb7Y8vhK\" don\\'t forget media whore and drooling idiot, con artist,\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Layla1951: Coming home to Roost-Democrat Rep. Stephen Lynch on Obamacare: \\u2018We will lose seats\\u2019 this November-@RedNationRising \\n http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jsbuis: McConnell now says he wants to fix Obamacare! @MattBevin says #FullRepeal #makedclisten',\n", " u'RT @HomerWhite: desertspeaks: \"FBI is owned by Christopher Lewis Coleman http://t.co/eDv1BpFZ1X check it and save it before they remove thi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @YoungBLKRepub: Everyone call the RNC 202-863-8500 and tell them you want Markeece Young to head a Minority/Youth outreach program Pleas\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Callisto1947: Oliver North on Barack Obama... http://t.co/oIplhaxn2R',\n", " u'RT @HarchHBOT: HBOT for #Soldiers With Traumatic Brain Injuries / Post Traumatic Stress Injury #TBI #PTSI http://t.co/FJZ2Ud4QRE via @Harch\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @MassFiscal: Read our column in today's @TauntonToGo @HNNow @WickedLocal on the legislative process in the MA House. http://t.co/P1oLjEZ\\u2026\",\n", " u'@rkobe @DolorosM How funny!',\n", " u'RT @peddoc63: FDA\\U0001f44eputting farmers\\U0001f404out of business with massive amount of regulations\\U0001f4dd http://t.co/Xplizvfmpx via @BeforeItsNews http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'@rkobe @DolorosM And no paddles! :)',\n", " u'RT @PatDollard: \\u2018Tolerance\\u2019 Coalition Starts Cracking Apart: Gays Boycott Beverly Hills Hotel Over Muslim Ownership http://t.co/085FNQJ0ZZ \\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Real Madrid wins 19th Copa del Rey title (from @AP) http://t.co/MgzCluRfg5',\n", " u'Boston race makes room for those affected by bombs (from @AP) http://t.co/AiO6GYECch',\n", " u'Sheriff: Log rolls over, kills boy in Washington (from @AP) http://t.co/9GywQK00DU',\n", " u'AP Photos: Christians seek hope in Easter events (from @AP) http://t.co/AVNZRoYNOf',\n", " u'Asi lo vivio Venezuela, este fin de semana de recogimiento espiritual de acuerdo al colega Jose Cede\\xf1o http://t.co/s2GgJDq9qN',\n", " u'Vice-principal of South Korea school in ferry disaster commits suicide http://t.co/wDdBf0KcLq',\n", " u'Avalanche sweeps Everest; 6 killed, 9 missing (from @AP) http://t.co/bUmDEE4B0h',\n", " u'La salsa y famosos lloran la muerte de Cheo Feliciano http://t.co/KWOVK8mrt6',\n", " u'RT @fdodge1: Hi @HomanMachuca.',\n", " u'RT @zgsgroup: Alejandro \"Alex\" S\\xe1nchez Sobrino Named Vice President and General Manager of @TelemundoORL http://t.co/EImBeNvT2q',\n", " u'Garcia Marquez, Nobel laureate, dies at 87 (from @AP) http://t.co/xgjMl61vsF',\n", " u'Muri\\xf3 Gabriel Garc\\xeda M\\xe1rquez, creador del realismo m\\xe1gico http://t.co/rfyICL9Y5c',\n", " u'RT @TelemundoPR: Exitos de #CheoFeliciano -Anacaona, Amada M\\xeda y otros \\xe9xitos memorables de Cheo Feliciano- Esc\\xfachalos aqu\\xed... http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Salsa Singer Cheo Feliciano Killed in Crash http://t.co/5yAZFgZwvV via @nbc6',\n", " u'El cantante Cheo Feliciano muere en un accidente de tr\\xe1fico en Puerto Rico http://t.co/oY60hcsvMp',\n", " u'Pistorius trial: Judge sets 2-week adjournment (from @AP) http://t.co/SaLvfSS1GI',\n", " u'10 Things to Know for Today (from @AP) http://t.co/Tn0tjb8cLO',\n", " u'292 missing, 3 dead in South Korea ferry disaster (from @AP) http://t.co/vAEPWgamiC',\n", " u'RT @facebook: In 30 minutes, tune in to http://t.co/cshHSpRr7c to watch the @GameofThrones Season 4 Premiere Red Carpet #GoTPremiereNYC',\n", " u'RT @MariaCeleste: Despidiendo a nuestra \\n@vanessahauc Noticiero Telemundo q sale d viaje a casarse en Bhut\\xe1n. !Se feliz querida amiga! http\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @MyFoxTampaBay: MORE: Polk County now reporting #FCAT problems; testing interrupted: http://t.co/oCeUpNVS1P',\n", " u'RT @AnupamPkher: Reached New York. And now Tampa walo! I am on my way to you. Love you all.:)',\n", " u'RT @IIFA: The hot and happening star couple #SaifAliKhan and #Kareenakapoor lands @FlyTPA at 4. Be there to get up and close. #IIFA arrivals',\n", " u'@LarryToweTV @FlyTPA lol',\n", " u'RT @HuffingtonPost: Thai environmentalist goes missing hours after accusing park rangers of illegal activity http://t.co/TmZW58TIzy',\n", " u'@shriphoto Great shots as always!',\n", " u'RT @manmeet73: #iifa set up almost getting completed are you ready @MissRoshni @RashaGoel @hngandhi @pateltimes @ABO2012DCR http://t.co/jh1\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @nytimes: Army's ban on some popular hairstyles raises ire of black female soldiers http://t.co/M3oZqm3foE\",\n", " u\"Didn't get a glimpse of your fave #Bollywood star? @SaifOnline @sonakshisinha @AzmiShabana will be at @FlyTPA Tue! @MyFoxTampaBay @IIFA\",\n", " u\"Look who's headed to @FlyTPA \\u201c@SaifOnline: A photo of Saif Ali Khan departing for\\xa0IIFA http://t.co/oPZ9nCZbsk\\u201d @MyFoxTampaBay\",\n", " u'RT @FlyTPA: Welcome to Tampa, @vivek_oberoi! @IIFA @VisitTampaBay http://t.co/tkSxIrmxA3',\n", " u'RT @IIFA: IIFAns, @vivek_oberoi for you @FlyTPA. #IIFA Arrivals. http://t.co/WeQgoMVYIl',\n", " u'RT @fox13now: UT State Prison, Central UT Correctional Facility on lockdown due to shooting in federal courtroom. Visits suspended until fu\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @vivek_oberoi: Looking fwd to hanging out with all my friends #IIFA2014 ! Can't wait to see my bro @iHrithik #rock the stage with his pe\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @MyFoxTampaBay: Miss America: Don't suspend teen over prom invite: http://t.co/M5WdHjlgIo\",\n", " u\"@Chris_Chmura @MyFoxTampaBay @shahidkapoor @FlyTPA @IIFA Haha!!! Did he say don't call me, I'll call you? Cause I know what happens w/that\",\n", " u'@Chris_Chmura @MyFoxTampaBay @shahidkapoor @FlyTPA @IIFA Great shots! Did you give him my number? Lol!',\n", " u'RT @Chris_Chmura: VIP *green* carpet welcoming @shahidkapoor at @FlyTPA for @IIFA (aka Bollywood Oscars) #IIFA2014 http://t.co/oW8iU2KywA',\n", " u'RT @IIFA: Heartthrob @shahidkapoor starts the descend of stars in @VisitTampaBay. #IIFA airport arrivals begin! http://t.co/M9jPuBEwcs',\n", " u'Are you at @FlyTPA waiting for @shahidkapoor ? Tweet me your pix! @MyFoxTampaBay #IIFA2014']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @floridadm: Congrats to the Dance Marathon at UF 2015 Overall Team! #FTK http://t.co/toR0KxfZll',\n", " u'RT @UFlorida: Congrats @floridadm for another amazing year! http://t.co/fotdmVP4wl',\n", " u'RT @AllThingsUF: UF Dance Marathon marks 20 years of helping children #UF #Gators #TheEverythingSchool #Florida #UF16 #UF17 #UF18... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"It hurts to say it but congrats to Uconn and my CT family. It's always great to a Florida Gator #ItsGreatUF\",\n", " u'RT @FloridaDX: Please support Brother McCann by voting for his flavor \"Jalape\\xf1o Cheddar\" in the @WingZone Flavor-Face Off http://t.co/c6FDa\\u2026',\n", " u\"\\u201c@ESPNStatsInfo: Florida's 36 wins this season are a school record.\\u201d #ItsGreatUF #EverythingSchool\",\n", " u\"RT @SportsCenter: Florida breaks through to the Final Four after losing in Elite 8 each of the last three years. They'll ride a 30-game win\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: Gators make history. No. 1 Florida posts an 18-0 conference record, most wins in a season EVER in the SEC.',\n", " u'@davis_bean To summarize Hon. McCain\\'s comments on foreign policy, military action, and sanctions \"The US turns down for no one\" #USA #aipac',\n", " u\"It's a white @AIPAC #AIPAC14 #policy\",\n", " u'@ChrisHarrisSr wow, just made the @AIPAC conference for the entire UF delegation. Your energy, story, and mission represent our efforts',\n", " u'@AIPAC What a first day with some great speakers. Shoutout to @AviaGridi for reping the University of Florida on panel #gogators #AIPAC14',\n", " u\"I'm in DC to lobby Congress on 3 key U.S.-Israel security issues. Email Congress to support these initiatives! http://t.co/3gxJiyBdlP\",\n", " u\"@davis_bean @Gators4Israel lucky you. Get to wait in Atlanta for 2 hours. It's alright though, #cantkeepmedown #cantstopwontstop #aipac\",\n", " u'@AIPAC Cannot wait to arrive in DC. Continuing to build that Israel relationship #policyconference',\n", " u'RT @UFSwamp: Our Senate candidates are campaigning on campus today. Take a moment to get to know them and learn more about Swamp Party. #re\\u2026',\n", " u'@Rachel1Reynolds Happy Birthday to the only part of the @PriceIsRight that is priceless',\n", " u'@savannahbowdoin a warm shower was all I could think about for the last 20 minutes #swampcares #thegreatwall',\n", " u'@UMatterWeCare @reitzunion great resource for students, its been moved to the ground floor due to construction #makeitreitz #studentservices',\n", " u'@cbonarrigo very cool Christina! http://t.co/FnSOnc3YnN Congratulations #floridasfuture']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Not practical. Help the world. http://t.co/rHDSJGBNUq',\n", " u\"'\\uc5ec\\uc790\\uc640 \\uc544\\uc774 \\uba3c\\uc800'..\\uc9c0\\uad6c\\ucd0c \\uc0c1\\uc2dd, \\uc65c \\uc6b0\\ub9ac\\uc5d0\\ub9cc \\uc5c6\\ub098 http://t.co/OdIBIcCgLI\",\n", " u'Obama Declares Obamacare Victory http://t.co/NrsHpGHQil',\n", " u\"[\\uc138\\uc6d4\\ud638 \\ucc38\\uc0ac]\\ub4a4\\ub2a6\\uc740 \\uad6c\\uc870\\uc7a5\\ube44 \\ud22c\\uc785 '\\ub4b7\\ubd81' \\ub17c\\ub780 http://t.co/JZsYbTf1iG\",\n", " u'The History of Humanity Is a History of Hunger http://t.co/rxq1TKtLvG',\n", " u'http://t.co/ZhobAtvLd3',\n", " u'http://t.co/jje3ywuQaJ',\n", " u'http://t.co/agC4r8ka4J',\n", " u\"'We are fighting against the state' http://t.co/vA2xBBPt7S\",\n", " u'http://t.co/nSGNbcxlIg',\n", " u'http://t.co/4H7ntUcZRG',\n", " u'16 April (1910): Edith Wharton to Morton Fullerton | The American Reader http://t.co/pCinGA1piX',\n", " u\"Pete Lopez, you'll get a kick out of this. http://t.co/smkt3ap8BY\",\n", " u\"Vladimir Putin's Terrific, Triumphant, All Good, Totally Badass Year http://t.co/dnIY5OszwM\",\n", " u'[Ferry Disaster] Vice principal of Danwon High School found dead in apparent suicide http://t.co/IHhCWOD4mM',\n", " u'http://t.co/o6HZmqVroI',\n", " u\"Willy Wonka Knew Those Kids We're Going To Die And I Have Proof! http://t.co/ybZxZykqiO\",\n", " u'http://t.co/FYB8EpN0Rb',\n", " u'More Money, More Life: The Depressing Truth About Inequality in America http://t.co/mbyIXCet3n',\n", " u'http://t.co/lhQtLGhXph']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Thank you to the members of the Hillsborough County Republican Club for inviting me to speak last evening. I... http://t.co/Z0Mgb4Xi3c',\n", " u'I was proud to present my USF undergraduate students with the Alice C.Richardson Endowment Scholarship. I know... http://t.co/J3aZ2DOPht',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/YqY7K9SesO',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/4rCVfJhhlu',\n", " u'Great day sharing our campaign message with voters in the FishHawk Ranch neighborhoods! http://t.co/FlGaUiWNo6',\n", " u\"Such a fun night at the Diamonds & Denim event! So nice to see so many people tonight supporting Jacob's Touch.... http://t.co/fiyopMprrO\",\n", " u'http://t.co/235BVbk9kO',\n", " u'I will be spending Saturday walking neighborhoods to share my campaign message with voters. If you are interested... http://t.co/M7f0nTzAE6',\n", " u'I will be spending this Saturday April 5th walking neighborhoods to share my campaign message with voters. If you... http://t.co/TRKzS0kzvL',\n", " u'Many thanks to everyone who contributed to my campaign. I greatly appreciate your support and encouragement! http://t.co/lJxJB6Zdo8',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/1M4evgPHPF',\n", " u'Friends,\\n\\nI hate to ask...but I need your help. Our fundraising period is coming to an end tonight at midnight... http://t.co/Iwls22waa8',\n", " u'March Madness!\\n\\nToday is the last day for campaign fundraising for the month of MARCH. Every contribution of $25,... http://t.co/BPQknA3gJA',\n", " u'Tomorrow is the last day for campaign fundraising for the month of March. Every contribution of $25, $50, and... http://t.co/BUAmGUfSOn',\n", " u'Tomorrow is the last day for campaign fundraising for the month of March!\\n\\n Every contribution of $25, $50, and... http://t.co/8zmNwha6EU',\n", " u\"That's a wrap! I don't think we are going to get back outside today but we were able to share our campaign message with voters this morning!\",\n", " u'Hoping to catch a break in the weather today so we can continue walking neighborhoods this afternoon! Rain, rain go away!',\n", " u'Its time for fresh ideas and a new vision. Enough petty fighting and unprofessional behavior from our school... http://t.co/vVC2uOpGHE',\n", " u'Please share my Facebook page Vote Stacy Hahn with your FB friends and ask them to click LIKE to follow my... http://t.co/w4HBYa3V8L',\n", " u'Thank you to the members of the Charter School Leaders of Florida for inviting me to speak last week. I enjoyed... http://t.co/bmmfEcYhkp']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'More on the Fox Effect, Part 3 @TPM http://t.co/itX4qodwdH',\n", " u'Disney to raise its minimum wage to $10 an hour http://t.co/AyzcTztHrn via @orlandoweekly',\n", " u'Excellent question, child! http://t.co/FwCclHsAcn',\n", " u'More on the Fox Effect, Part 2 http://t.co/RDFvmOVQpA',\n", " u'Powdered alcohol approved by the FDA?! This will certainly lessen the load while hiking! http://t.co/7YXlaVfH8x',\n", " u'Boy Scouts Kick Out Entire Church For Refusing To Discriminate Against Gay Scoutmaster http://t.co/O4HfHIX6PR via @thinkprogress',\n", " u'How is it warmer in Chicago than Orlando right now?!',\n", " u\"Science if fact. Faith is belief. You can't disbelieve fact http://t.co/UYlHhw9e0N @HuffPostScience\",\n", " u'My fav Sunday morn show but I do miss Russert. David Gregory, meeting the pressure http://t.co/YawHkPibRd @washingtonpost',\n", " u'Wonkbook: 8 million is not the only Obamacare number that counts http://t.co/91nYKPkp6w',\n", " u\"Cubs won't make 100-year-old fan wait until next year http://t.co/lfKFqpJBl6\",\n", " u'Happy Easter! http://t.co/dfjukPsXA1',\n", " u'Chart of the Day: Obamacare sign-up tally if Fox News does the counting http://t.co/C13rhRiW5e via @dailykos',\n", " u'Big Problem Ahead for Republicans http://t.co/nSKRaNKnIg',\n", " u'This Map Shows Just How Quickly America Has Embraced Marijuana http://t.co/VicX4mAuUG via @HuffPostPol',\n", " u'More on the Fox Effect ... @TPM http://t.co/ceiPPgwj30',\n", " u'Man With No Plans Just Too Exhausted To Go Out http://t.co/4pzd8TYpnE via @TheOnion',\n", " u'Here\\u2019s how we got to 8 million Obamacare signups http://t.co/K6OBKdYgWb',\n", " u'Constituent puts Florida Republican on defensive over Obamacare repeal http://t.co/1044uQFwWT',\n", " u\"NASA's Kepler Telescope Discovers First Earth-Size Planet in 'Habitable Zone' http://t.co/hBAjuIJRvS\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @funofday: Happy Easter http://t.co/5YHc9noYPM #fun #funny #funfact http://t.co/HZAQ53TdDr',\n", " u'RT @_mere_ann_: Today I told all my customers Happy Easter. And ALMOST ALL of them were surprised &happy to hear it, because no one says it\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Stellllina: Happy Easter \\U0001f64f http://t.co/Z04wkj8NM1',\n", " u'RT @AprilinProgress: *]*Happy Good Friday & A very Renewed Easter wished & prayed for those who celebrate.*[* It is a #GoodFriday #HappyEas\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MechellePhelps: Happy Easter #Christisrisen #Jesuspaidtheprice http://t.co/M3AD4slOJV',\n", " u'Happy Easter to all my followers and have a wonderful and blessed weekend God bless you all!',\n", " u'RT @THSHong: @FirstMate1060 @TimesofIsrael And watch POTUS and Kerry wring their hands and bemoan the illegality of it all without doing a \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lNVENTlONS: 32,000 Piece Puzzle! http://t.co/hZbYRaWi3g',\n", " u'RT @HTC_Caitlyn: How cute is my puppy!? Meet Steve everyone \\u2764\\ufe0f http://t.co/1bAi3IX1MV',\n", " u'RT @FirstMate1060: The Golan Heights, where al-Qaeda fights Hezbollah http://t.co/EM3c8coD7G',\n", " u'RT @FirstMate1060: Obama signs law designed to bar Iran\\u2019s UN envoy http://t.co/kJk05TQ3H6 via @timesofisrael',\n", " u'RT @AsheSchow: I fully expect to get sued for this ---> http://t.co/tEX2VRbIPB',\n", " u'RT @BraveConWarrior: #BB4SP: Krauthammer ~> Obama Being Humiliated & Ridiculed by Putin & Russia ~> Viral Video http://t.co/yBMnPqBVFJ',\n", " u'RT @BraveConWarrior: #NTB: Harry Reid Denounces Bundy Ranch Patriots as \\u27a1 Terrorists \\u27a1 Video http://t.co/3PnKBjbZdF',\n", " u'RT @FirstMate1060: Russian army massed on Ukraine doorstep as deal stalls http://t.co/IzNqDsykZS via @timesofisrael',\n", " u'RT @DailyCaller: Everybody\\u2019s losing the Common Core battle in Indiana http://t.co/qf5fjA61kE',\n", " u'RT @InspowerMinds: My interest is\\nin the #FUTURE\\nbecause I am going to\\nspend the rest of my #LIFE there.\\n\\n-Charles Kettering',\n", " u'RT @slone: 6 Numbers From a Fox News Poll Should Have the GOP Pumped & Hillary Stumped http://t.co/RusR3tgAWW #tcot',\n", " u'RT @BarracudaMama: #BB4SP: The Jewish people did NOT kill Jesus http://t.co/YhYWQ0ZvMm',\n", " u'RT @BPratto: Wendy Davis included in FBI investigation of North Texas Tollway Authority http://t.co/QfulZ8k47q']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I would love if both Sanders and Warren ran together.. http://t.co/0Lzu2NoIwB',\n", " u'Make sure when you vote in November to go to the bathroom before you leave. The state (Republican controlled... http://t.co/I6t8PTQA9r',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/mn559pBLOz',\n", " u'I posted 3 photos on Facebook in the album \"Elder Scrolls Online Adventures\" http://t.co/OOKkJwStce',\n", " u'HA! http://t.co/VOh2aY1P1b',\n", " u'Buy One! http://t.co/IcfrtDqJjS',\n", " u'Pork Industry stop this. http://t.co/kGnVOwoRET',\n", " u'I posted 6 photos on Facebook in the album \"\" http://t.co/0k1xGX5ioq',\n", " u'Dearest loving Jasmine my wonder fetching kitty.. Why do you always want to be held when I put on a new black... http://t.co/apJC8JrT3p',\n", " u'Imagine if the GOP takes back the Senate which would mean both house and Senate are in the control of the... http://t.co/pkK0fn8j8A',\n", " u'This man is Amazing. Sanders for POTUS. http://t.co/DBkfqpMqA2',\n", " u'They were and are right. http://t.co/rh5fQcJPg8',\n", " u'Nephesh leaving the Mages Guild after receiving his orders from the queen. http://t.co/w692Apntqr',\n", " u'Serving the Queen in Elder Scrolls Online http://t.co/1MghGZE9m9',\n", " u'Game of thrones was amazing tonight. :)',\n", " u'You should stop. http://t.co/2rC6z2ewS9',\n", " u'Vote this November or this could be your state. http://t.co/GE9t8Xkeos',\n", " u'Dearest Ladies and men of good reason, If you do not vote these kind of people will be in charge.... because we... http://t.co/A9TdTjZdqd',\n", " u'Off to the gym',\n", " u'I am going to miss Stephen The Colbert Report on CC.. feel sad he is leaving..']},\n", " {'IDP': [u'.@TODAYshow Living pay check to pay check on a premium channel? Who can afford to see it',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@MyFoxNY @repmichaelgrimm Q:how is govt to be super power with its agencies in the red? Audit FEMA & help us run in the\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@MyFoxNY @repmichaelgrimm mid/low income homeowners walk from homes if 18% stays, FEMA keeps spending, bailout banks! A\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@GOPLeader Audit FEMA/MAPS ! We should not be loosing investments in our homes cause they mis-managed our funds ! http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@RepRichmond Audit FEMA/MAPS !Should not be loosing investments in our homes cause they mis-managed our funds ! http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@GOPLeader While we support HR3370, we have many worries it still will not help many of us to save our homes ! http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@CedricRichmond While we support HR3370, too many worries it still will not help many of us to save our homes ! http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowJJ: .@MaryLandrieu While we support HR3370, too many worries it still will not help many of us to save our homes ! http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowSCP: .@SenLandrieu Why are pre-FIRM homes singled out for huge flood increases? I've done nothing wrong and never flooded! @\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowSCP: .@RepRichmond Why isn't my pre-FIRM home afforded same protection from huge flood premium increases as post-FIRM? http:\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowSCP: .@BillCassidy Why isn't my pre-FIRM home afforded same protection from huge flood premium increases as post-FIRM? http:\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowSCP: .@SteveScalise Why isn't my pre-FIRM home afforded same protection from huge flood premium increases as post-FIRM? http\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowSCP: .@SenLandrieu Why isn't my pre-FIRM home afforded same protection from huge flood premium increases as post-FIRM? http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'@Purex stupid auto correct? Good for a laugh!',\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowFL: TEXAS 5th Dist/Think #FloodInsurance won't affect you? Watch your mailbox! Urge #RepHensarling to support HR3370/ Exorbi\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowNY: @RepHensarling Retired NYC Firefighter who is a man will you be a man and help those with #floodinsurance @StopFemaNow',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowNY: @RepHensarling How can you turn your back on 1 million Texans who will have #floodinsurance @StopFemaNow',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowNC: @RepHensarling FEMA pays 44 cents on every premium dollar for claims and HOMEOWNERS need to pay more? Really? END BW-12\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @cheribull: @paulmcclintock @GOPLeader @RepHensarling \\n\\nWhat re you thoughts on this @RepDennisRoss ?\\n#stopfemanow \\n#FL15',\n", " u\"RT @WorstLaw: New rates shouldn't be calculated until ALL new maps are done across the country. Spread risk, make it fair. \\n#stopfemanow @c\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"The worst/best part of playing 'Cards Against Humanity' is explaining the meaning of some of the cards to your parents.\",\n", " u'Hard to beat an Easter weekend down at Alligator Point with Friends and Family. #rainraingoaway',\n", " u'This is how http://t.co/NwnD3JhyA6 RT @adg361: How do you not get chocked up when Bubbas kid is walking out to him after winning The Masters',\n", " u\"RT @JLG0103: @RepDougHolder Your leadership will be missed. Thanks for your service to the state of Florida. You've been a great friend.\",\n", " u'Forget the tornado watch, there should be a projectile pollen warning. 30MPH winds are no good for the allergies this time of year.',\n", " u\"@stephenheiman that's right, hence why the waitress said she doesn't go back in the kitchen when they make it cause it burns her face.\",\n", " u'@stephenheiman just got talked into the #megahamburgerchallenge at Hamaknockers. 2lb burger, 1lb pulled pork, Texas toast, jalape\\xf1os. Ouch.',\n", " u\"@FSUNOLE21 just hoping @JimmyPatronis brings out that garnet blazer again and that @RepJimBoyd will be rocking 'Nole gear as well! #FSUday\",\n", " u'RT @BBBSBigBend: THANKS @KFReilly @SmithAPalooza @coryguzzo @KFReilly @Jyapo #SmithAPalooza for $4,267 investment with @BBBSBigBend http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'Happy birthday to my good friend @KristopherMoney! One of the finest, most genuine people in the process. @MyFLHouse is lucky to have him!',\n", " u'Excited to announce the 2014 #SmithAPalooza raised $4,267 for @BBBSBigBend which is double that of last years event. Thanks to everyone!',\n", " u'Somehow just made a 35 minute connection going from gates B10 to F2 in ATL. Almost home!',\n", " u'Here ya go @TravisBlanton @KirkPepper RT @UrbanTally: What does 4 Rivers Smokehouse, Smash Burger, Which Wich... http://t.co/tmcKvFgVwD',\n", " u\"But about to lose to @FSU_MBasketball! RT @mbretosESPN: Rick Pitino's season ends. Son Richard still coaching with Minnesota in NIT Semis.\",\n", " u\"Pumped that @4riversbbq is coming to Tallahassee. Best BBQ I've ever had and now I don't have to go to Orlando to get it!\",\n", " u'@LaraMedley similar to the ole\\' \"we have a group of constituents to see you\" trick and they show up with folks from a different area code...',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Brace yourself ... TallyMadness 2014 is coming! http://t.co/MCmK3JASxK #sayfie',\n", " u\"You know you're getting closer to the end of Session when the appointment requests sound more and more desperate.\",\n", " u'The @NCAA has to look into this new elbow contact rule and make a change. Too many accidental elbows being called technical fouls.',\n", " u\"Who would've thought that in the year 2014, North Dakota would be better than Oklahoma at basketball and oil drilling. #bracketbusters\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @ExcelinEd: We're 22 followers away from hitting 10K! We'd love for you to share our twitter handle with those interested in all things \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: @GraySwoope sits down with Beth Switzer for upcoming #Florida Face to Face on @floridachannel. http://t.co/yr0PLrMOgn',\n", " u'RT @ryban1001: President George HW Bush is a class act. He deserves his name on a mountain. http://t.co/zkDTdbzQm1',\n", " u\"RT @EnterpriseFL: @GraySwoope #Florida's infrastructure supports 19M residents & 100M visitors annually. @MyFDOT #intldays14 http://t.co/qt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AreaDevelopment: Optym Plans Nearly $5M Expansion Of Its Gainesville, #Florida, Operations Center http://t.co/JMdLtKIewe #econdev @Ente\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: Great #intldays14 trade panel w members of EFI, @JAXPartnership, @jaguars, @remax & Trade Commissioner of Spain. http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: @AmericanAir services 349 departures/day & 26 million customers worldwide in 2013 from @iflymia. #intldays14 http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: Art Torno, SVP Mexico, Caribbean, Latin America for @AmericanAir shares why #Florida is good for AA. #intldays14 http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KevinSpacey: An appeal to all to show support for the people of Venezuela. Please read: http://t.co/v9LyAn8E4i #SOSVenezuela http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: Five #Florida cities among @bizjournals T25 of small business vitality for 101 major U.S. markets. http://t.co/Uaj3KGLwcA',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Unemployment rate has fallen to 6.1% under @scottforflorida, lowest since June 2008 http://t.co/pcTfIhSju3 #letskeepworking\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: EFI CMO Melissa Medley will talk marketing #Florida as the #1 biz state with @CindyGravesFL on @600WBOB at 12:15 PM today\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TDOnline: Former Gov. @JebBush: Askew 'always put principle before politics' - http://t.co/Z4rHK1XsZn\",\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: #Florida companies sales take off at 2014 @SGAirshow. http://t.co/vx8XBYIHP5',\n", " u\"RT @ConnectWise: Governor Rick Scott came to CW HQ to celebrate our growth. We're so excited because Our growth=more partner success! http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @marcorubio: #SOSVenezuela #SiTeVasDeCarnavalPierdesAVzla #26MegaTranca #Venezuela @leopoldolopez #PrayForVenezuela http://t.co/MuumOxsw\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EnterpriseFL: TY for your support! MT @ForwardFla #Florida co's earn $111M+ from #ArabHealth 2014, thanks to @EnterpriseFL! http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ItsWorkingFL: Today, @FlGovScott announced 112 news jobs at @ConnectWise. #ItsWorking http://t.co/B7NfHDOoTV',\n", " u'RT @SenTedCruz: We should make it clear that the US stands with those who are fighting for a brighter future in Venezuela http://t.co/p5GVp\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @mattlevin: What's going on in Venezuela deserves as much coverage as Ukraine. RT @daveweigel: Read @WilliamJDobson on Venezuela http://\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @jacobperry: Just ask @CalvinTurnquest \"@EWErickson: Race War to Victory http://t.co/yI3PZJ5TaR via @ewerickson\"',\n", " u'Those of us fortunate enough to live in #FL18 know how important it is to protect our environment. #IndianRiverLagoon http://t.co/lljbGY0o5I',\n", " u'RT @melissamoore: @YoungBLKRepub @KurtSchlichter Florida looks forward to the @GOP realizing what the @DCCC knows. In a general, @CalvinTur\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @melissamoore: @YoungBLKRepub @KurtSchlichter A great example of outreach this week in #FL18! @CalvinTurnquest was keynote speaker at th\\u2026',\n", " u'From our home to yours, wishes for a very Happy Easter!\\n\\nHe is risen, indeed!',\n", " u'RT @AustinSekel: #AllAboardFlorida is a complete joke. RT if you agree. #sayfie #tcot #tlot',\n", " u\"I can appreciate Patrick Murphy's confusion about #AllAboardFlorida. Perhaps Nancy Pelosi hasn't explained it to him yet? #FL18 #sayfie\",\n", " u\"I do appreciate @PatrickMurphyFL's tracker getting my best side on the video last night, while I spoke at the Martin County NAACP! #FL18\",\n", " u'@reactionariez @jensan1332 @American_Lady49 @najrakan @jdun19892 @idontcall911 @Sir_really @gonatly @MPeale Thank you!',\n", " u'@Silverfoxgranny #Bodyguard aka @jacobperry',\n", " u'Had a great time speaking to the Martin County NAACP last evening! Appreciate the great dialog! Huge shout out to my @DCCC trackers! #FL18',\n", " u\"I'm flattered that @RepMurphyFL is so interested in my speech tonight that he sent this young man to film it. #FL18 http://t.co/B1QywAr8xE\",\n", " u\"Very excited to be giving the keynote address at tonight's NAACP function. I'll likely be the only #FL18 candidate in attendance. #outreach\",\n", " u\"I'm headed over to the Water and Land Legacy Forum over at Indian Riverside Park in Jensen to hear what the experts have to say. #FL18\",\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: Did Republican Domino spend $42,087 to raise $31,840 in congressional race? http://t.co/fER2qd0EO1',\n", " u\"RT @TCPalm: Martin Co. Sheriff's Office credits Good Samaritan with leading them to suspect in hit-and-run involving motorcycle http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: Putative GOP #FL18 frontrunner @Carl_Domino raised only $31,840 in 1st qtr, added $150k personal loan. #FECpalooza',\n", " u'\"If the man\\'s got the goods. He deserves a fair chance\" - 42 #JackieRobinsonDay',\n", " u'Did you know? The average American spends 13.1 hours preparing for and filing their tax return? A simpler tax code is so critical! #FL18',\n", " u'The news of Google buying a drone company conjures images of a little drone graphic hovering in the corner of the GMail interface\\u2026 LOL.']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @SSNAlerts: FCAT finally expelled from Florida's schools http://t.co/YnFCACItRt #SSNalerts #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Weddings on @GameofThrones just never end well\\u2026 #TheLionAndTheRose',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Nice touch at the end of @GameofThrones with playing of The Rains of Castamere. Take that Joffrey! #PurpleWedding',\n", " u'RT @SmithAPalooza: At last, fans have something to celebrate on #GameOfThrones. #onlytook4years',\n", " u'Games of Thrones weddings are the best kind of weddings. #GameOfThrones',\n", " u'RT @Kathleen4SWFL: 2014 Legislative Session Update: Week 6 - http://t.co/QfwWCYC8lp',\n", " u\"I thought I heard reindeer on my parent's roof...nope it's just cats & I mean multiple running back and forth... #NotNormal\",\n", " u'RT @FLGOPWhip: CS/CS/HB 409 Offenses Against Vulnerable Persons by @kathleen4SWFL passed 115-0 #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @naplesbuzz: Stephen Colbert to succeed David Letterman on \\u2018Late Show\\u2019: Stephen Colbert will succeed David Letterman as host... http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SSNAlerts: Kathleen Sebelius resigning from HHS http://t.co/jlZCIYWOFX #SSNalerts #sayfie',\n", " u'Hillsborough Day at the Capitol today! #USF #100daysofhappy #Day4 @ The Florida Capitol, Tallahassee, FL http://t.co/LyGxbvLjCy',\n", " u'RT @FallonTonight: Anne Hathaway and Jimmy sing Broadway versions of @SnoopDogg, @50cent, and @kendricklamar https://t.co/tA8s4rHOoO http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NaplesToGo: Must sees before you head back up north for the summer!... http://t.co/xC6o1ha2Vy',\n", " u'My Monday morning: http://t.co/CO4vUPEmDe',\n", " u'RT @ChildrensWeek: Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped hang thousands of hands in the state capitol rotunda! #childrensweek http:\\u2026',\n", " u'2014 Legislative Session Update: Week 5 - http://t.co/BRf5QCeUIf',\n", " u'Happy USF Week! #gobulls #USF @USFalumniAssn @USouthFlorida http://t.co/SWJFcEvBCD',\n", " u'Just figured out after a year of owning my car how to play music from my phone... I think it was my amazing @BurgerFi dinner',\n", " u'Perfect breakfast at @BagelBagelFSU this morning now time for an oil change @KiaAutosport #ProductiveSaturday',\n", " u'RT @kristinbaker00: #gators are changing their logo too... http://t.co/eNykFwDoRS']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @JoshMBlackman: #Schuette Opinion - http://t.co/4RRj9bU6Ia #SCOTUS',\n", " u'RT @SCOTUSblog: 2nd op: Schuette: Divided Court upholds Michigan voter referendum prohibiting consideration of race in college admissions.',\n", " u'RT @NoahCRothman: \"...with NBC willing to allow information like this to go public\\u2026the proverbial writing is on the wall.\" http://t.co/02YM\\u2026',\n", " u'AP reports the number kidpapped over 200--->Parents: 234 Girls Kidnapped From Nigeria School - ABC News http://t.co/vzP5Ih98wQ',\n", " u\"Nigeria: Why the abduction of 100 school girls isn't shocking http://t.co/uDMDHMPPsR\",\n", " u'@hezster Your long boycott is over!!',\n", " u'@hezster We get to take credit, right?!',\n", " u'All the idiots are in charge of all the things.',\n", " u\"'Game of Thrones' Quote Deemed Too Threatening for NJ Community College\\xa0|\\xa0http://t.co/VUF77GiI4X,\",\n", " u'RT @ashk4n: This will end well:\\xa0HMRC\\xa0to release anonymised tax records to third parties http://t.co/84UEZvUPw7 (ht @Lawgeek)',\n", " u'RT @NextOnTCM: Tonight: Gene Tierney & Dana Andrews in three movies starting with LAURA (1944) at 8:00pm ET on @TCM. #TCM',\n", " u'@Matthops82 @Tyler_McNally I have shoes in my closet older than you. smh',\n", " u'RT @SooperMexican: Performing a \"@KenJennings\" isn\\'t just being an enormous douchebag - it\\'s documenting it and being proud of it afterward\\u2026',\n", " u'@AiPolitics What the... @verge',\n", " u\"RT @SCOTUSblogposts: New post: Court won't block Teva rivals http://t.co/4tvuIpoIw7\",\n", " u'British Pathe puts 85,000 newsreels on Youtube http://t.co/ONu1dVMlTv',\n", " u'Amazing--> Hipsters Bashing in New Orleans revisited; what have we learned? http://t.co/2W19ehsHIT',\n", " u\"@mikozlowski There will always be bad apples so it's an ongoing struggle..\",\n", " u'@Matthops82 *mutes rapper*',\n", " u'@Matthops82 Do I want to know?']},\n", " {'INT': [u'Update: State Rep. Dane Eagle releases statement about DUI arrest http://t.co/4iMOspOp7h via @tdonline',\n", " u'Republican Rep. Dane Eagle arrested on DUI charge - http://t.co/ub3W1f8ohE',\n", " u\"Deputy Robert Lundy: 'God had put me there' http://t.co/c4ewbcCCsU via @tdonline\",\n", " u'After taking early hit, FSU expects BCS profit http://t.co/0q914fE5a0 via @tdonline',\n", " u'Update: House committee signs off on FRS bill http://t.co/tncamm9CXw via @tdonline',\n", " u'Supreme Court turns down Scott on worker drug testing http://t.co/gwPRqr0ov9 via @tdonline',\n", " u\"RT @_jhagedorn: B/c I just found this pic, let's just pretend it's Thursday @KarlEtters @SeanRossman. Long live the TallDem Viners http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'Latest car hopping suspect arrested - http://t.co/6pYQ5j79AD',\n", " u'30-year-old man identified as motorcyclist who died in early-morning crash - http://t.co/3xnqDRXQCP',\n", " u'Two now facing second-degree murder charges in deadly Mission Road beating - http://t.co/kOTn4GxS9E',\n", " u'RT @Jlevenst: @TDOnline The man who delivers our paper in the morning left a note saying our car lights have been left on during the night \\u2026',\n", " u'Three people hospitalized in early-morning shooting outside of Ocala Road apartment complex - http://t.co/7jwQijwwiD',\n", " u'More than 270,000 people signed a petition to deport Justin Bieber. White House decides not to comment http://t.co/4N5JMZwvIx via @POLITICO',\n", " u'Meridian Road is closed between Maclay Boulevard and Ox Bottom Road due to a fallen tree and downed power lines - http://t.co/axRQQ7gikH',\n", " u'Florida High track coach: \"Everyone was kind of in shock\" - \\nhttp://t.co/OAR2pfFUGO',\n", " u'Driver in Florida High bus crash killed http://t.co/a8dLbdPzzX via @tdonline',\n", " u'Florida High track bus crashes with other car at intersection of Conner Blvd. and Apalachee Pkwy. - http://t.co/MpL88CTCaD',\n", " u'RT @JeffWeinerOS: FDLE: Osceola County deputy arrested on bribery charge, solicited nude photos from arrested woman. Story soon on http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'TPD looking for vandalism suspects http://t.co/0AK2gUmbV5 via @tdonline',\n", " u'RT @glennbeil: @SeanRossman talks with Deputy Robert Lundy about his gunshot injuries @TDOnline http://t.co/AlM6YWDlNi']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'film incentives MT @JeremySWallace: Sen Detert close to passing legislation to convince TV, movies to film in #FL per #BurnNotice',\n", " u\"In case you missed it! #Wellington May 16 MT @carolyndipaolo: Trader Joe's makes official what @acloughpbp reported. http://t.co/AhCeu0SHze\",\n", " u\"@Rachael_09 Sorry! It's over on this side of the earth in #Florida USA. :)\",\n", " u'RT @Lapp: How about we all take care of our planet daily and not just on one day! #doyourpart',\n", " u'@WinnDixie holding job fairs Thursday in #Jupiter and #DelrayBeach . \\nhttp://t.co/cjzNpD1jfu #Malled',\n", " u'#TraderJoes opens in #Wellington May 16.\\nhttp://t.co/5L9XbYzkHG #Malled',\n", " u'Funny! RT @NUFlorida: Where is Northwood Universtiy? Video: (https://t.co/Zrwt8kdYyV) #Time #To #Gain #Traction',\n", " u'Cool! #GoGators MT @gatorhoops: Report: Former Gator Joakim Noah to win NBA Defensive Player of Year http://t.co/XQeLmt0jls via @cbssports',\n", " u'Creepy! RT @lmower3: Um, so tow truck operators are tracking you, just like police do. Great read by @bio561: http://t.co/NdUZwEEU3t',\n", " u\"@RadioMalone That's the one thing I just cannot get into a print story. hehe\",\n", " u'Tx for sharing! RT @TroutLine: \\u2018No vacancy\\u2019: Palm Beach County\\u2019s tourist season booms | by @ERoach Palm Beach Post http://t.co/Z1HNC9h83H',\n", " u\"@RadioMalone I liked the #AllAboardFlorida story this morning. Nice timing of the train with DeLaney's part.\",\n", " u'U.S. Oligarchs? MT @rickjnewman: Provocative RT @TPM: Princeton study: U.S. no longer an actual democracy http://t.co/QYUa1IeARJ',\n", " u'2 in #LakeWorth RT @pbpost: Start-up insurer and Scott donor bans business in 18 South Florida ZIP codes http://t.co/rn5DWWvJBx',\n", " u'#Jobs news good despite uptick in #FL unemployment to 6.3%. \\nhttp://t.co/Y5Zg5nSB9n',\n", " u'Weekend weather! MT @sonjaisger: Worst of stormy weather ahead of approaching cold front gets to PBC after 2 a.m. http://t.co/VwLnnB8ndn',\n", " u'RT @samantharagtag: HA! \"We created Gaaaatorade\"!!! UF\\'s \\'Royals\\' parady pokes at Seminoles | Video http://t.co/xeAqehYT0m http://t.co/P5X6\\u2026',\n", " u'Did all your friends and family from up North come to visit this year? Wanna tell me about it? Send me an email: eroach@pbpost.com',\n", " u'RT @WSJ: Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garc\\xc3\\xada M\\xc3\\xa1rquez has died at 87.\\nhttp://t.co/MubJPT82EA\\n\\n(AFP/Getty) http://t.co/uYjFHkfkIm',\n", " u'@AvatarAirlines1 announced it has touched down in #BocaRaton. Plans to launch low-cost airline.\\nhttp://t.co/8eSp0kXaT3']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @DannyKanner: Trailing in polls, DC lobbyist & big-spending bureaucrat @AsaHutchinson gets out raised by @MikeRossUpdates in Q1 http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Buster_ESPN: So far, Nats' rotation ERA (5.06 after tonight) is more than three runs worse per game than that of the Braves. http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'Great column @aburnspolitico & @jameshohmann Rare I agree with these things. 10 questions that could decide 2014 http://t.co/Q7ksYDmYVy',\n", " u'@ericopinion @anthonycaldwell Hello mallard',\n", " u\"@kileykroh @MarisaMcA can only judge them on the games they've played. And no one had been more decimated by injuries than #braves #Natitude\",\n", " u\"So how's that #nats season look after this #sweep ? Hard to win the division if you cant beat the braves #natitude cc @MarisaMcA @kileykroh\",\n", " u'@kileykroh @TheNatsBlog #natitude',\n", " u'RT @md_mcgrath: Important reminder: Team @carter4governor out-raised a sitting governor five-to-one. http://t.co/VNkqxOuvKS',\n", " u'RT @DanMalloyCT: RT if you agree w/ Gov. Malloy. Women deserve #EqualPay for equal work \\u2014 anything less is unacceptable. http://t.co/5vlRRP\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DemGovs: Obama: \"The right to vote is threatened today in a way that it has not been since the Voting Rights Act was passed\"',\n", " u'@jmaz @rhobart I think Sunday might be match giveaway day.',\n", " u'@rhobart @jmaz There it is. Just the cheap and expected humor I\\u2019d expect from you. Did you get that from the comments section?',\n", " u'@jmaz thats it? #DoBetter',\n", " u'@carter4governor sounds like a #RawDeal to me',\n", " u\"RT @carter4governor: GA taxpayers on the hook for $700,000 to pay for Deal's cover-up? It's time to #ChangeTheDeal #gapol http://t.co/tI8gY\\u2026\",\n", " u'@jmaz Giving you a free one here http://t.co/JNtXRZBP00',\n", " u'@ajc I think the video of the day should be the news coverage of @carter4governor demanding real ethics reform #GAGOV #ShadyDeal',\n", " u\"RT @FlaDems: WATCH: Rick Scott stumbles to explain his campaign's lies\\n\\u2192 http://t.co/ZcYXTHBAVQ via @American_Bridge #pfla\",\n", " u'RT @davidaxelrod: Is it ungentlemanly to note irony of Rep. Jenkins quote? \"Many LADIES I know feel like they are being used as pawns\" in e\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AFSCME: Connecticut Becomes First State to Raise #MinimumWage http://t.co/XsIiNxBCVa #1u #CTunion #RaiseTheWage']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @jfsolnet: Aaron Sorkin and @jonfavs wear matching outfits and discuss Steve Jobs movie. @TribecaFilmFest http://t.co/YQZH4mhZja',\n", " u'RT @AntDeRosa: Stanley McChrystal blogs about being fired following @mmhastings\\u2019 Rolling Stone article https://t.co/9NVVGaKb8X',\n", " u'Christie named Father of the Year @mikiebarb reports: \\u201cI never thought I\\u2019d be on the same list as Hulk Hogan.\\u201d http://t.co/w4Fltvv07q',\n", " u'First on CNN: 15 cities in running for 2016 Democratic Convention http://t.co/PHrqJwHBCQ',\n", " u\"@cbudoffbrown @lis_Smith @BenLaBolt @pfeiffer44 Lis's preferred response would be http://t.co/qFkQGTQGrX\",\n", " u'Moniz fills @DenverNicks in on what it was like being the designated successor on SOTU night http://t.co/eKyVSHolYV',\n", " u'Bush 43, Bush 41, Clinton 42, and Sec Clinton (45?) are serving as honorary chairs of the 2014 Yale Day of Service',\n", " u'In which the Secretary of Energy practices his pitching https://t.co/oys7nkf0Ap',\n", " u'Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz Dishes About Baseball, Natural Gas, Russia and More http://t.co/w8QIeyZkBT https://t.co/auAcTzkVmA',\n", " u'Our Carrier Video Is Way Cooler Than Yours http://t.co/VJi5yEdJvY via @TIMEPolitics',\n", " u\"RT @JTSTheHill: White House won't say who was in that terrifying bunny suit. http://t.co/QSZcMcOuE1\",\n", " u'New @AmericaRising video: Clay Aiken\\'s Lincoln Sports An \"Invisible\" Tint Job\\nhttps://t.co/VFewZBv4mq',\n", " u'MT @pfeiffer44: @lis_Smith 1. that wasnt the easter bunny, it was Bunnicula 2. Does anyone know where @benlabolt was yesterday?',\n", " u\"RT @joshledermanAP: WASHINGTON (AP) - Supreme Court upholds Michigan's ban on affirmative action in college admissions\",\n", " u'RT @emilyrs: \\u201cI\\u2019m Terri Lynn Land ... as a woman, I might know a little bit more about women than Gary Peters.\\u201d New #MISen ad: http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Pool: Vice President Biden made an unannounced stop at St. Michael\\u2019s Square.',\n", " u'RT @juliannagoldman: @joebiden stop at at michaels cathedral is symbolic show of solidarity w Ukrainian gov, protestors, slap at Russia htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @politicalwire: The only conclusion you can draw from this ad is Nikki Haley thinks she might be in trouble \\nhttp://t.co/mkiyrQvmc8 http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @peterbakernyt: White House taps longtime political defense specialist Neil Eggleston as new WH counsel, @charlie_savage reports. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @WhiteHouse: Congrats to @RunMeb and @ShalaneFlanagan for making America proud! All of today's runners showed the world the meaning of #\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @PPact: RT if you agree: If you don't understand #birthcontrol, you don't have any business trying to take away access to it. http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'This #feminist poetry series on @feministing features works that need to be read by everyone. Like, everyone: http://t.co/uXSO6BuZqR',\n", " u\"#SLM13 is live -- which means it's officially spring. ENJOY! http://t.co/Vvi2oRCGxY\",\n", " u'There are few things more gratifying than deleting text messages. #realtalk',\n", " u'@TreTre0 me too!! #DragonStrong',\n", " u'HGTV makes me so petrified to ever buy, renovate, anything a home.',\n", " u'Belgian waffles & strawberries. #perfection #brunch #foodieinprogress #nomz #nofilter @ The Patio\\u2026 http://t.co/EjH6I50NKt',\n", " u\"@TreTre0 @schw4z blame my sister! She comes home and I'm bound by her side \\u2764\\ufe0f #thronestalk will resume on the morrow!\",\n", " u'\"How do people make it through life without a sister?\" -Sara Corpening. {day 43} #100happydays\\u2026 http://t.co/yJWlCBlTTz',\n", " u'RT @ezraklein: The simple explanation for why the Common Core\\u2019s math problems look so weird: http://t.co/i3jsgSSOVt http://t.co/VCGkk0eq7R',\n", " u'#easter #eggs #colors #spring http://t.co/bMkLHRSH4l',\n", " u'\"I don\\'t care if she was naked and drunk. No girl deserves to be raped.\" @MHPshow #nerdland',\n", " u\"You can't assess perpetrators of sexual violence if they aren't being reported. But that's easier said than done for victims. #nerdland\",\n", " u\"Yes it's 2014 but as @finneyk points out, the conversations about equal pay, rape culture, female sexuality are antiquated convos #nerdland\",\n", " u\"No *should* always mean no. But just because it should doesn't always make it so. #nerdland\",\n", " u'. @MHPshow segment now shows such a stark contrast between the GOP of old (a compassionate party) and the GOP of today. #nerdland',\n", " u'If I hear how being a grandma will play in #2016 for Hillary.... #mtp',\n", " u'.@chucktodd putting Ukraine/Russia in context of POTUS Asia trip: what happens when territory issues rear their head in other regions? #MTP',\n", " u'RT @AaronBlakeWP: Ukraine PM says of those seeking to register Jews: We need to \"find these bastards and bring them to justice.\"',\n", " u'Sporting my #Easter best this AM! Jealous much? {day 43} #100happydays #ootd #jammies #fashion\\u2026 http://t.co/eIbqJR7pt9']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @GovJayNixon: Proud to host D-II national champions @UCMMules at the Governor's Mansion tonight. Great school, great team http://t.co/sy\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Amen! MT @chrisconzen It's NOT a badge of honor: Why You Need to Stop Bragging About How Busy You Are http://t.co/dFPIDwPt39\",\n", " u'RT @HabitatYouth: RT @UISedu: #UISedu students are helping to build a Habitat for Humanity Home for a fellow UIS student as part of Springf\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @UISedu: Happy Springfest Sports Day! #UISedu #UISclashfest14',\n", " u\"RT @UISedu: #UISedu's Springfest's Scavenger Hunt includes a photo with our favorite Chancellor! Good luck to all the teams! http://t.co/2\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @UISedu: #UISedu Springfest is underway! Sitting volleyball is currently taking place at TRAC. #UISclashfest14 http://t.co/l6ijulw6fa',\n", " u'RT @FiveThirtyEight: How many happy little trees did Bob Ross paint? http://t.co/GTGE6rX0dx http://t.co/AYeQ7csaPQ',\n", " u'RT @THENACA: Interested in presenting an educational session for our fall conferences? Find the guidelines here! http://t.co/DlZ1hLSLkC',\n", " u'RT @Guerrilla_Radio: Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meo\\u2026',\n", " u\"Surprise! Surprise! (catch the sarcasm?) I got Midcentury modern! Houzz Quiz: What's Your Decorating Style? http://t.co/vXK2Dym5Xo @Houzz\",\n", " u'RT @uisstudentlife: Looking for plans TONIGHT? Come Skate Your SAC Off @ 9pm in the SLB Gym! Bring friends and enjoy free food!',\n", " u'RT @TheDailyShow: Tonight! College athletes try to ruin your enjoyment of sports by pointing out systemic exploitation #Boo #BadGuys #GetBa\\u2026',\n", " u\"Oh thank goodness, maybe people will actually get this now! | Why you don't want a big tax refund http://t.co/wYqEQ0HALN via @PostTV\",\n", " u'What a delightful early morning meeting! Students and faculty advisors who are on top of it rock!',\n", " u'Saw #7 in Nicaragua! Amazing! RT \"@mental_floss: 10 Weird and Wonderful Bird Nests - http://t.co/lFRJJD91wP\"',\n", " u'RT @drjwlowery: Op-Ed on Sexual Assault Experience | Dear Harvard: You Win | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson http://t.co/MIxUa96MuT #SAHELaw',\n", " u'So many of my favorite people are at #acui14! Wish I was there too!',\n", " u'RT @pshea99: Wondering when @chronicle will pick up this story - Firm will get about $186 million to manage UF Online...http://t.co/bnBls6V\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Womenworking: Saying NO is a choice. You have the power to not spread yourself too thin. Let go of the guilt. No one is keeping score e\\u2026',\n", " u'Finally catching Anchorman 2. \"Who the hell is Julius Caesar? You know I don\\'t follow the NBA!\" Yesss.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @UNRWA: How often do you think about #water? 90% of the water in #Gaza is unfit for drinking, leaving many #Palrefs thirsty. http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chicagotribune: From @Trib_ed_board: Is Chicago helpless to combat violence? http://t.co/bDQwijEQ7x http://t.co/7DuCGuGR6b',\n", " u'RT @danariely: We are thrilled to announce @The_Truth_Box ! Check out our latest update for more! http://t.co/5Q7nz01r5p http://t.co/Ispo\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Politics_PR: Inmate Starved To Death In U.S. Prison http://t.co/cLNYzCsjOh #p2 #Uniteblue #tcot #WTF http://t.co/NqmURiIsSv',\n", " u'RT @TheJeffSvoboda: #crimeisdown #worldnews RT @guardiannews: Chicago police face overwhelming gun crime as 45 people shot over weekend htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CWHC1: Less than two weeks until the #PowerJustice convention with @ONENorthside! Have you registered yet? http://t.co/tQxWL9MrEp #upto\\u2026',\n", " u'@asmith83 a Great photo!!',\n", " u'RT @asmith83: This photo of the first woman to run in the Boston Marathon in 1967 (and a race official trying to remove her) https://t.co/S\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CTULocal1: Teens: Get paid to create positive change in your community - apply for Chicago Freedom School 2014 Fellowship! http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @wompusmusic: happy b-day @IggyPop-- don't go and spend it all in one place now http://t.co/WnvFMacHAZ\",\n", " u'Flashing red on Main and 28th, rush hour traffic backed up what does @fortworthpd do? Nothing.',\n", " u'RT @SouthSideBuzz: In violent weekend, at least 8 dead, 37 wounded in shootings across Chicago: Easter weekend was no holiday from... http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @fortworthpd: *TRAFFIC ALERT*\\nHwy 360 south bound at Trinity is closed due to a fatality accident. FWPD Traffic Investigators are enrou\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chuckjines67: New #Chicago #streetphotography Meetup Outing: Playing With Shadows in LaSalle Street Canyon #Gritstreet http://t.co/jfp\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AlexParker: Kudos to @SPOTNEWSonIG, who has tweeted his thumbs off this weekend about breaking crime news.',\n", " u'RT @alexwroblewski: Scene at Marquette & Michigan where 4 children were taken to hospitals after being shot. http://t.co/7GHyTqtPGd',\n", " u\"RT @Walldo: 11-year-old, 15-year-old and two 14-year-olds shot on Chicago's South Side about an hour ago http://t.co/wkRgDng1rJ\",\n", " u'RT @alexwroblewski: Scene at Marquette & Michigan where 4 children were taken to hospitals after being shot. http://t.co/tk6qDHr542',\n", " u'http://t.co/Eyd8c6N4ES',\n", " u'So apparently if Elvis had a @squattypotty he might be alive today.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @SenBillNelson: U.S. Senate Commerce Committee hearing in FL today to explore the effects of rising sea levels at \"ground zero\": http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"Compassionate Or 'Too Edgy'? Medical Marijuana Bill Advances To Full Fla. House http://t.co/KMO5hAD6V0\",\n", " u\"My commute's about to get harder as city plans to close major Gaines Street intersection http://t.co/G2DbrnqjKS How about yours?\",\n", " u'Judiciary Chair @dennisbaxley opposes medical marijuana bill for fear of \"starting an avalanche\"',\n", " u\"In Florida House Judiciary Committee, @RepSchwartz cites today's @drshow on medical marijuana\",\n", " u'Very cool! RT @scifri: #EarthDay sound project for you: Help Scientists Record One Day of Sound on Earth http://t.co/kd16aGOewv',\n", " u\"RT @ACLUFL: #SCOTUS refuses to hear @FLGovScott's appeal on unconstitutional mandatory urinalysis executive order. Full release: http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'Latest version of House medical #marijuana bill filed on 4/20. Hearing starts in 45 minutes...',\n", " u'#Florida could soon have a poet laureate. What @omiamifestival founder thinks s/he should do: http://t.co/pxLNiCPxIv #poetry',\n", " u'O, Miami Founder: Florida Poet Laureate Should Be Advocate Of Fun http://t.co/59lgzzKtWP',\n", " u'RT @TLHDowntown: Check out @BID_tally and the great project they are working on. Very cool stuff coming to Doug Burnett Park next week!',\n", " u\"Is there an issue you'd like us to explore on @FPRCapReport? What legislative topic do you want to hear more about?\",\n", " u'Despite Fla. Business Community Push, Gay Discrimination Ban Fails Again http://t.co/VuSBcaqQEO',\n", " u'Game-Changing NPR Announcement Means Time\\u2019s Up for Stations to Invest in Local Content http://t.co/SbEc5m6X79',\n", " u'Good read about the show where I interned in @LA_mag: http://t.co/xRWClzorMT',\n", " u'.@GrassLandsBrew, Other Craft Brewers Slam Proposed Rule Making Them Sell, Buy Back Their Beer http://t.co/KvFt6ohmxj',\n", " u'Florida Amazon Shoppers Will Start Paying Sales Tax May 1 http://t.co/zEmkUWOJaP This one hits close to home.',\n", " u'Talked with @GrassLandsBrew owner Gabe Grass today about legislation affecting craft breweries http://t.co/RVqCkdG5Av',\n", " u'@KatieLSanders My favorite part so far was, \"I found a spider.\" \"I BROUGHT a spider.\"',\n", " u'Furniture website gives the option to view \"available items only.\" No, I want to see all the stuff I can\\'t buy.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @steveschale: When are folks going to learn that punctuation errors discredits your argument??? http://t.co/eJoezqlXwj',\n", " u'RT @KnoxMusicScene: Welcome to Knoxville, @UTCoachTyndall!!! Go Vols. Here are some song lyrics you may want to learn: http://t.co/1EbMEWyI\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Ben_Fred: Tyndall did an exclusive interview with UT sports after landing. Then hopped into car. He's headed to meet UT head coaches an\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @patrickbrownTFP: Tyndall's Twitter account (@coachtyndallusm), at less than 6000 followers last night, now up past the 10k mark.\",\n", " u'RT @YahooForde: I think Donnie Tyndall is a good coach. Maybe someday he can take UT to the Sweet 16 like the guy Vols fans tried to petiti\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TNSportsRadio: Tennessee hiring Southern Mississippi's Tyndall: Tennessee is counting on Southern Mississippi's Donnie ... http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TNSportsRadio: The new VOLS basketball coach is.... http://t.co/Tcsju5WKk8',\n", " u\"RT @ErikAinge3: @coachtyndallusm #DonnieKnoxville #BigDonT #TheDon #DonnieTENNdall Welcome to #VolNation Our community can't wait to meet y\\u2026\",\n", " u'@Im_WinZane @ErikAinge3 Donnie Basketball',\n", " u\"RT @CarolBAndrews: #KY06 Elisabeth Jensen's political moxie re healthcare http://t.co/HtDNBZpUUM via @thedailybeast @jensenelis @recoverin\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CarolBAndrews: Here\\'s a Southern Dem who leans into healthcare. She\\'s got \"moxie\" http://t.co/HtDNBZpUUM via @thedailybeast @jenseneli\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Volquest_Rivals: Tyndall deserves the chance to fix what's broken at Tennessee: https://t.co/31JprZAcq4 From @Volquest_Rob\",\n", " u\"RT @thedailybeast: NBC: David Gregory isn't crazy \\u2013 he's just boring http://t.co/DKFeklsUeM\",\n", " u\"RT @Im_WinZane: It's going down, I'm yelling Tyndall! I like his potential! Hoping to see good things from him and @Vol_Hoops\",\n", " u'RT @Vol_Hoops: Check out new #Vols coach Donnie Tyndall\\u2019s bio: http://t.co/Sb4Ev9rUCF http://t.co/71DP4Aoc3R',\n", " u\"RT @TNSportsRadio: A Vol From Birth: A fan's passion can begin as early as the cradle, an idea underscored in the Tennessee... http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @tennalum: Welcome to the Big Orange Family, @coachtyndallusm! #AllVOL http://t.co/ECLPaJI2sm',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: President Obama read #WheretheWildThingsAre to kids today. He got into it. http://t.co/jhQCnV5ChU http://t.co/HMhj7AKg5C',\n", " u'RT @Kayne_Gibson: @wesrucker247 @JaysonSwain Tyndall Twitter update ( @coachtyndallusm ) 2761 follows in 35 min. 79 follows per minute. htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ShravanMalaney: sooo Donnie Basketball?']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Death count in ferry sinking tops 100 http://t.co/OEmP96Vf2D',\n", " u\"Photos show 'Russia army' in Ukraine http://t.co/XVTkSp64Tn\",\n", " u'Accused dead in courtroom shooting http://t.co/DQ02HdvfyD',\n", " u'RT @GoHART: Ride HART FREE with a friend tomorrow, in celebration of Earth Day! Trying #transit is a great way to go GREEN! http://t.co/JSa\\u2026',\n", " u'Parents of South Korea ferry victims lose hope http://t.co/gPRBXJG1UM (@CBSTopNews)',\n", " u'RT @WesleyLowery: Determined, the two new saviors lifted his legs. He had just a few hundred feet to go. They would get him there http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WesleyLowery: Runner gave out near 26 mile mark, right by the site where 1st bomb went off. 1 guy stopped to help, then another http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RodrigoEBR: President Barack Obama has chosen W. Neil Eggleston, a Clinton administration veteran, as next White House counsel -POLITICO',\n", " u'.@paulmnews @MeredythTV @GoPro @tvnewsinsider News, pizza and a package all in a jiffy? Drone traffic alerts?',\n", " u'5 tips to optimize your new Twitter profile layout http://t.co/aeOJWje46Z (@JesseNewhart)',\n", " u'15 uplifting photos from the #BostonMarathon http://t.co/7chIjZlpAq http://t.co/Ax3iPaMOlV (@mashable)',\n", " u'RT @DavidBegnaud: DALLAS TEXAS MT @rlopezwfaa: Police have covered the suspect. Looks like he is dead. #dpdchase',\n", " u'CHOPPER UPDATE: @JasonDurdenWSB reports on #CumberlandMall shooting; gunman sought: http://t.co/lFutBPH2nj (@wsbtv)',\n", " u'RT @DavidBegnaud: NOW: DALLAS TX: Police have moved up to suspect - he has not moved since collapsing, ambulance has arrived - @NBCDFW http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @michaelhayes: Finishing strong. #bostonmarathon https://t.co/8VOROPafKG',\n", " u'These Are the Twitter Accounts That Turkey Banned http://t.co/GKVUinl3np',\n", " u\"10 Gorgeous Photos From New York City's Massive Historical Archive http://t.co/rGlKTFJyC6\",\n", " u'Reddit revolt over censored posts http://t.co/M8upKpQ4Mh',\n", " u'Kraft recalls 96,000lb of hot dogs http://t.co/uarWkBgxuy',\n", " u'Boston marathon honours bomb victims http://t.co/l7U3KKSZI6']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@Gawker So Nelson Mandela gets one major film about his life, but Steve Jobs already on his second?',\n", " u'@meatscumbag @phil_b_reed @rharkness10 ok, hit the power button off, get in your car, drive to the store and buy an iphone',\n", " u'@meatscumbag @phil_b_reed @rharkness10 try going through explorer and then to http://t.co/KoBQtpLw69 then \\n\"follow\" Ryan Harkness 1',\n", " u'A waiter that approaches the table asking Victoria Beckham, \"Tell me what you want, what you really,really want.\" should get a 200% tip',\n", " u\"@Fowler_johnw @torreymspears i find that the gentle humming of my car's motor, idling all night in the driveway, helps me sleep soundly.\",\n", " u'RT @ShaylaFOX13: A veterans missing dog has been found! Microchip checked! Vet check happening now! http://t.co/ptJBWN6hbp',\n", " u'THIS IS MUCH BETTER !!Have you heard \\u2018Fatty\\u2019 by Ryan Harkness 1 on #SoundCloud? https://t.co/8aNTfqb6Vh.',\n", " u'@JerradShow @rharkness10 Send that fat ass a cease and desist letter!!',\n", " u'@stevebyrnelive @bobbyleelive @kenjeong NEW S.A.T. QUESTION: Four chicks leave a bar with 2.5 Asian guys.....',\n", " u'@Asschin74 @MrMikeCalta @GeneF77 As Willie N4 would say, \"That\\'s some texnology right there\"!',\n", " u\"Good Luck to mrs. @phil_b_reed in today's Boston Marathon !\",\n", " u'@hngandhi @MyFoxTampaBay Is he also going to get a chance to introduce Adele Mazeem ?',\n", " u\"RT @WilliamRodgers: Me: Happy Easter!\\n\\nTaylor Swift: I hate Easter! It's all a lie!\\n\\nMe: The Jesus thing?\\n\\nTaylor Swift: Ya... Men don't co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @HuffingtonPost: Teen blogger: \"How little league screwed up my generation\" http://t.co/F9k1536x8q',\n", " u\"@thejohnbrennan isn't the real tragedy here that you are eating Papa Johns pizza?\",\n", " u'@bertkreischer @MrMikeCalta in the DirectTV studio this week! make it happen!!',\n", " u'@sugerkat @Florida_Man Giving a bad name to humans and one of Floridas hidden coastal gem towns',\n", " u'RT @Ralphie_May: Fans if you want a great time and go to the best comedy festival ever RT and you could win free tix hotel and air @WildWes\\u2026',\n", " u'@REALFATTONY @SeniorSpanish @Bone_Carmin @MrMikeCalta true! Larry!',\n", " u'@stevebyrnelive @NHLBlackhawks @StLouisBlues Fag! youre starting to sound like a @LAKings fan! Grab a beer and a fistfull of chicken wings!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @DefeatDiabetes1: What do food labeling terms such as cage free, grass fed and local mean? Read about the Nouveau Food Labeling claims. \\u2026',\n", " u'Blood test rules out heart attack with 99% accuracy http://t.co/2kIw70RGdV via @getswayy',\n", " u'For Diabetics, Health Risks Fall Sharply http://t.co/IuE00CELuE via @getswayy',\n", " u'Study: Diabetic heart attacks and strokes falling http://t.co/VJoLES0ECf via @getswayy',\n", " u'http://t.co/6KZiimK5xD - Tanzeum Approved for Type 2 Diabetes: http://t.co/x0NyBnt7oF',\n", " u'Heart Attacks and Strokes Linked to Diabetes Are Declining http://t.co/vVdQ3vwdar via @NBCNews',\n", " u'When \\u2018Liking\\u2019 a Brand Online Voids the Right to Sue http://t.co/Cr277l20H3 via @getswayy',\n", " u'Bloomberg Takes Aim at NRA With $50 Million Campaign http://t.co/nsizHPYJjZ via @getswayy',\n", " u'Green tea extracts plus exercise may boost fat metabolism: Mouse data http://t.co/hWxBEdrsaV via @getswayy',\n", " u'Is BPA Behind The Global Obesity Epidemic? http://t.co/QqppKUezaD via @getswayy',\n", " u\"Tried Everything & Can't Lose Weight? Read This http://t.co/6nbJO5GaSS via @getswayy\",\n", " u'RT @DefeatDiabetes1: Check out our nifty new calendar feature for Defeat Diabetes(R) Month at our recently launched website. http://t.co/8g\\u2026',\n", " u'A Win For Wellness! People Are Drinking Way Less Soda http://t.co/TJ723LX3Sm via @getswayy',\n", " u'Why We Got Fatter During the Fat-Free Food Boom http://t.co/3NJD4Mtkwo via @getswayy',\n", " u'Stomach-reducing surgery proves to be better than medication for those with \\u2018diabesity\\u2019 http://t.co/1Oct6oJsvi via @getswayy',\n", " u'American Obesity Epidemic Traced To Single Heavyset \\u2018Mayflower\\u2019 Passenger http://t.co/YICBQQOgrH via @getswayy',\n", " u'Why is it much harder for overweight women to lose weight? http://t.co/XEGzTU84DP via @getswayy',\n", " u\"How To Treat Diabetes Naturally - An MD's Perspective http://t.co/4KNK2LSIHz via @getswayy\",\n", " u'FDA approves once a week diabetes injection: Could you take the drug? http://t.co/w3HCdprZdJ via @getswayy',\n", " u'Pre-diabetes, diabetes nearly double over the past two decades http://t.co/fTYISOQnSJ via @getswayy']},\n", " {'REP': [u'6 Ways to Foster More Happiness in the Workplace http://t.co/ePh1k79jx1',\n", " u'New business ideas are to be found at the intersection of your passions & problems. What do you love & what problems can you solve about it?',\n", " u\"Here's a look inside a typical VC's pipeline | VentureBeat | Entrepreneur | by Sean Jacobsohn, Emergence Capital http://t.co/TRW5p26GwW\",\n", " u'Search your physical and virtual surroundings for at least one thing not invented or created by another. Then spark a #startup yourself!',\n", " u'@MovieToBeMade Few reciprocate. How to spur innovataion within existing organizations is not easy. All the more reason to create a startup!',\n", " u'Elements of a Golden Business Model http://t.co/92JjqjXNu3',\n", " u'Even Good Employees Hoard Great Ideas - Ron Ashkenas - Harvard Business Review http://t.co/MKfsSngZB3',\n", " u\"I've been thinking about applying @EricRies #LeanStartup principles to life. Each day is an opportunity to build, measure, & learn. Iterate!\",\n", " u'6 CEO Productivity Tips to Steal for Yourself http://t.co/3geJQqVnCZ',\n", " u'How would the world & individual communities be different if everyone made the decision to either become an entrepreneur or to support one?',\n", " u'Easter: Believe it or Not @MBCocala I believe it! He died and rose again so we could live! #EasterAtMBC http://t.co/1HHyPfo9iJ',\n", " u'@OcalaCEP Young Marion County residents test the entrepreneurial waters - http://t.co/4cXrkXXIAn - via @OcalaStarBanner',\n", " u'Why entrepreneurs shouldn\\u2019t shoot down \\u2018bad\\u2019 ideas http://t.co/901OCeBP88 via @thenextweb',\n", " u'@SevenGunGames Congrats on your upcoming Canadian release! http://t.co/FEuyEDAzrs',\n", " u'@PaigeCalvert I think the article is relevant not only to startups, but also to incubators and co-working spaces as well. :)',\n", " u'The bottomless pit of pleasing strangers http://t.co/EUsoNZzg6u',\n", " u'@Jaye_OCALA and I speed skating with Sochi Olympian @BrittanyBowe Thanks to @jarodkintz1 for the pic! http://t.co/64Eqg4RGWz',\n", " u'Had an AWESOME time this weekend @BeOneSpark #Crowdfunding Festival. Entrepreneurs are #OneSpark for #Jacksonville http://t.co/vtfKmXAOr6',\n", " u'Glow-in-the-dark roads make debut in Netherlands http://t.co/NvVYqB1shr',\n", " u'@jarodkintz1 So then you\\u2019re not my dad? http://t.co/hgUtWUNNTX']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I\\u2019m ready to engage with my 2 new followers in the past day. I know them via http://t.co/Y1jVCkfinm',\n", " u\"@JohnBechard It's a matter of opinion! Gotta go, ball practice awaits. @azwatergeek @TPPatriots\",\n", " u\"RT @JohnBechard: @jrbixby @azwatergeek @TPPatriots But come on! At least the Times provides real news! It isn't even close. By three ord\\u2026\",\n", " u'@JohnBechard Therein lies the problem. News has now become entertainment. @azwatergeek @TPPatriots @seanhannity',\n", " u'RT @JohnBechard: @azwatergeek @jrbixby @TPPatriots @seanhannity is definitely an entertainer. I think he admits it though not sure.',\n", " u\"@azwatergeek I've never watched Hanity. @JohnBechard @TPPatriots\",\n", " u'RT @azwatergeek: @JohnBechard @jrbixby @TPPatriots Not a big fan of Hannity, but he has stated many times that news reporting is dead.',\n", " u'RT @azwatergeek: @JohnBechard @jrbixby @TPPatriots Yeah, the NY Times is proud to list heavily to the port side.',\n", " u'RT @NOtterby: @DRUDGE_REPORT \\nBut...but...Obama says it\\'s the Republicans who wage the \"war on women.\" Certainly not his fellow Muslims!',\n", " u\"@JohnBechard You're right, PBS and the NYT aren't stealthy, they're blatant. @azwatergeek @TPPatriots\",\n", " u'RT @JohnBechard: @jrbixby @azwatergeek @TPPatriots PBS might be a little stealthy but NYT not so much. My take. But Fox News has \"News\" i\\u2026',\n", " u\"@azwatergeek Many enjoy petending they're fair! @JohnBechard @TPPatriots\",\n", " u'RT @azwatergeek: @JohnBechard @jrbixby @TPPatriots At least those two are relatively up front about it. The others operate in a ninja/steal\\u2026',\n", " u\"@JohnBechard Possibly. Don't have time to debate it tonight, as I have to take my daughter to softball pratice. @TPPatriots\",\n", " u'RT @JohnBechard: @jrbixby @TPPatriots For sure. & anyone with a brain knows that EVERY outlet has a slant including NYT & PBS. But neither\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @JohnBechard: @jrbixby @TPPatriots What I despise are the cheerleader outlets such as MSNBC and Fox News. It's the Op Ed section every m\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@JohnBechard That's the correct thing to do. As I said, I think the truth rests somewhere between them all. @TPPatriots\",\n", " u\"RT @JohnBechard: @jrbixby @TPPatriots As you know I'm liberal so I obvsly read NYT and listen to PBS. But I'll read anyone's honest and co\\u2026\",\n", " u'@JohnBechard truth lies somewhere in between. @TPPatriots',\n", " u'@JohnBechard many online sources including such as NBC, Fox, the NYT, WashPo etc. All tilt one way or another. The (cont.) @TPPatriots']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Good luck today @lizbethkb !!',\n", " u'Republican Primary Election Day in Lee and Collier County (District 19) today. Please get out and vote today! #D19 http://t.co/g2wxP7bCyV',\n", " u'Remember Our Heroes- The IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial Fund. These brave fire fighters must not be forgotten http://t.co/LHDtP2aPIS',\n", " u'RT @JosABank: #FreeTieFriday is back! Follow & RT for a chance to win our Navy Horse Racing Tie! http://t.co/OLQxP7KNVW',\n", " u\"Fact: To attract and retain a good employee, you must provide good pay and benefits whether it's in the public or private workforce! #Sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @IAFFTreg: The Thunderclap supporting the @IAFFMemorial has surpassed 50k supporters.Thank you. Join today- https://t.co/x3E6AgYaB6 @IA\\u2026',\n", " u'I just supported IAFF Memorial Fund Thunderclap on @ThunderclapIt // @IAFFTreg http://t.co/Br2VgCYAlG',\n", " u\"RT @DeathWishCoffee: Last one! If this post gets 100 RT's, we'll giveaway a pound AND a travel mug to drink it out of. GO! #FreeCoffee http\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Go Braves!! Here's to winning the first and last game! Predicting a @Braves / @Rays World Series. @MLBFanCave @MLB\",\n", " u'Go Blue!!! @umichbball played one hell of a game and one hell of a season. #BeProud #ThoseWhoStayWillBeChampions',\n", " u'GO BLUE!! #MarchMadness #FinalFour #WinTheGame #BeatKentucky #WeWork @umichbball @UMMaizeRage',\n", " u'@Motorola #MotoMadness #MotoMadness #GoBlue http://t.co/2FSDxiwh5S',\n", " u'The tots in team gear #KaCHING #Adorable @CapitalOne #GoBlue http://t.co/J3uRAHzkMa',\n", " u'RT @CapitalOne: Today\\u2019s Fan Challenge: #adorable. Tweet #KaCHING with a pic of your tot in team gear for a chance to win $1500! http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'Support your local firefighters! \\nhttp://t.co/zDa7w8b6vu #BostonStrong #BostonFire @BostonFire @LOCAL_718',\n", " u'Gooooooooooo Blue!! @umichbball @UMMaizeRage #Elite8 #MarchMadness',\n", " u'Go Blue! @umichbball @UMMaizeRage #BeatTennessee #MarchMadness',\n", " u'RT @IAFF36: An homage to Boston Firefighters by Tom Brady - http://t.co/6oGJvrrJQA',\n", " u'RT @woolbright_mark: http://t.co/nDeslJ0vMV',\n", " u'RT @BostonFire: Firefighter Mike Kennedy, L-15 and Lt. Ed Walsh, E-33. Killed in the Line of Duty March 25,2014 http://t.co/RqZ0B1eN2l']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"I'm at Snack Bar (Hickory, NC) http://t.co/ABWJEs6gad\",\n", " u\"I'm at WHKY-TV (Hickory, NC) http://t.co/TDsWiq0kZe\",\n", " u'Libtard logic... http://t.co/vHBKCIgaew',\n", " u'Compassion at its very finest. Islam is nothing more than a terrorist organization with world wide reach. http://t.co/rIbTnaHIwu',\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. - Epictetus',\n", " u'http://t.co/Y0bVu0Msln',\n", " u'HMMMM.... http://t.co/ZfPOSgiaqU',\n", " u'AMEN... http://t.co/HZAeeMg0fM',\n", " u'Very easy to understand.... http://t.co/JS8AJMItka',\n", " u'Green... http://t.co/QQMuXfUolb',\n", " u'I wonder were the HHS IG is on this? Indictments forthcoming? http://t.co/QRkA5SSmsD',\n", " u'Just FYI... http://t.co/UpgHuAsRNa',\n", " u'Cupp nails it... http://t.co/OLYyJTSXvX',\n", " u\"I'm at Trinity Ridge Rehab (Mountain View, NC) http://t.co/cZ550oskxO\",\n", " u'We call that a self correcting problem! http://t.co/xhJ6EXPZ2a',\n", " u'OH YEAH... http://t.co/2iiABu1nA4',\n", " u'Very nice! http://t.co/RyGU8DMczW',\n", " u'Just FYI\\u2026Pass it on! http://t.co/I1P3ZC1cX4',\n", " u'Just FYI\\u2026a very worthy cause. RIP Remembering Officer Jason Crisp & K9 Maros USFS EOW 3/12/14 http://t.co/4AzZdGY3qK',\n", " u'SO TRUE! http://t.co/BwlpXzJr9P']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Watch the new web ad on @ScottforFlorida's commitment to cancer research in FL: http://t.co/CRuyru9ph0\\u2026 #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Awesome #selfie with David Beckham @LopezCantera @FLAnnScott #sayfie http://t.co/Zfom4uqizz',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: #Obamacare = great for @CharlieCrist\\u2019s political career, BAD for Florida. http://t.co/NyWztqjBBI #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: When Floridians struggle, jobs matter. Gov. Scott knows how to create economic opportunity. http://t.co/YtCeNvyo2P #sa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SenRandPaul: To be a victim of sexual assault & have your attacker walk free/merely slapped on the wrist is an injustice that must be c\\u2026',\n", " u\"I didn't know all I had to do to get a beautiful bouquet of flowers is to be a member of the FL House...\",\n", " u'.@FloridaGOP Jim Greer just got robbed of his Charlie. Usually this is the other way around #thecharlies',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Here are the nominees on the red carpet! #TheCharlies #Oscars #myoscarphoto #sayfie https://t.co/OoPlp4AjQi',\n", " u'RT @shepworth: See it here first: New ad from Rick Scott on the #Obamacare Medicare cuts: http://t.co/rhAPBW3vxX #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @costareports: Read my colleague @bterris on Crist: http://t.co/NrKTqcgb3O',\n", " u\"RT @The_RGA: Happy Valentine's Day! http://t.co/SQUudkZiBe\",\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Wishing the love of my life, @FLAnnScott, a very Happy Birthday! http://t.co/HP17BVf7VB',\n", " u'RT @SenRandPaul: Happy Birthday to Ronald Reagan! It was an honor to meet one of the greatest Presidents our nation has seen #tbt http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: 48 hours later, here are the top 12 reactions to @CharlieCrist\\u2019s new book. http://t.co/Bf0rGGQfYZ #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeedPol: 23 Things I Learned About Cable News By Hanging Out With CNN At State Of The Union http://t.co/vQr16IA9z0',\n", " u\"RT @BuzzFeedPol: Did a review of sorts of Charlie Crist's becoming a Democrat book. http://t.co/gvpjeKFi7N\",\n", " u'RT @lennycurry: Want to talk jobs? Come to Florida.',\n", " u'RT @GOP: LEAKED: #SOTU draft remarks http://t.co/G8IspkuaUc With tracked changes',\n", " u\"RT @shepworth: @CharlieCrist @CharlieCristFL So you're abandoning FL once again. No surprise there! #sayfie\",\n", " u\"RT @jaketapper: Here's Florida GOP response to @CharlieCristFL hiring @Messina 2012. Thoughts? http://t.co/FoCfO0uNFu\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Gov. @NikkiHaley's First Campaign Ads Tout Economic Recovery http://t.co/1Dg6uIHrG6 #SCGov #GOPGovs #sctweets\",\n", " u'RT @The_RGA: WSJ: GOP Governors beat Democrats to Spanish-Language Airwaves: http://t.co/cwwA8p7nkt @ScottForFlorida @Gov_Martinez',\n", " u'\"My job is to lift people, to serve this state & to make it stronger.\" WATCH #OHGov @JohnKasich\\'s new ad: http://t.co/x4yf1Oe26C #GOPGovs',\n", " u'http://t.co/77Z2xa6mlv MT @MadPolitics: Hulsey running for WI governor: \"I promise you it will be very entertaining.\" http://t.co/rO10clln6A',\n", " u\"RT @BuzzAtTheState: Vincent Sheheen's record as attorney targeted in new RGA ad (+ video) http://t.co/4b8HNWiD60 #thestate\",\n", " u'RT @Rasmussen_Poll: #Kansas Governor: #Brownback (R) 47%, #Davis (D) 40%... http://t.co/NGodGi7wMB',\n", " u'RT @ScottWalker: #WI is back on: over 100,000 new jobs, nearly 17,000 new businesses.',\n", " u\"#MIGov @onetoughnerd's rising approval rating is a reflection of the real results achieved in the #ComebackState: http://t.co/xQgtvGmMYJ\",\n", " u\"RT @GovPenceIN: Over past yr, IN's unemployment rate declined 2% (3rd largest decrease in US) & in 1st quarter of 2014, IN's labor force ha\\u2026\",\n", " u'Give a man a fish... @ The Wharf http://t.co/DZLc3LEYwa',\n", " u\"RT @ohiogop: BREAKING NEWS: Ohio's unemployment rate dropped to 6.1 percent. The lowest in 6 years. There's work left to do, but OH is com\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @JohnKasich: Unemployment then: 9.1% -- Unemployment now: 6.1% \\n\\n#OhioWorks, so let's keep our momentum going. http://t.co/8MQUDQkQR7\",\n", " u'Poll shows @nikkihaley with a double-digit lead over Sheheen http://t.co/D719gn6mXs #SCGov',\n", " u'Gov. Snyder Turns in Signatures for Re-Election Bid, Emphasizes Economic Turnaround http://t.co/YArdrInDEg #MIGov #GOPGovs #comebackstate',\n", " u'#GOPGovs #results #WIGov | RT @alleighmarre: Under @ScottWalker, unemployment in WI falls to five-year low of 5.9% http://t.co/3sAjCNQ2Xq \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @jtuckermartin: Pleased to announce I've joined the Charlie Crist campaign as spokesm....wait...nope...fired. Was a good run\",\n", " u'RT @joefadness: Unreal RT @BottWMC: Gubernatorial Candidate Burke: Manufacturing is not a growth sector. http://t.co/idJQQkfY0q via @Pionee\\u2026',\n", " u'.@CharlieForGov: \"We need more people with pads, talking to guys like you...solving problems.\" WATCH: http://t.co/YvAGQc5gjt #MAGov',\n", " u'Lucky to catch an awesome show by @PATGREENMUSIC last night: http://t.co/D6daNC1GrD',\n", " u'Feels just like it should. @PATGREENMUSIC']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@StephanieJLinn The link to the actual amendment is broken. http://t.co/kgErhDh8eh',\n", " u\"I would encourage everyone to read @BillGalvano's tax credit amendment carefully.\",\n", " u'RT @NewsbySmiley: Pearson FCAT issues causing problems in some Dade and Broward schools, I just heard. More details on the way',\n", " u'RT @TB_Times: The Pasco school district has advised its schools to suspend FCAT testing Tuesday morning because of computer issues. http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @johnroconnor: FL DoE advising districts having problems connecting w/ Pearson to suspend FCAT. Problems not statewide. http://t.co/J14M\\u2026',\n", " u'Retirement bill?',\n", " u\"@SaraSClements @fineout It reduces savings as calculated by REC bc students who never went to public school aren't counted as FEFP savings\",\n", " u'What happened yesterday in education policy in Florida: http://t.co/risSmouU3j',\n", " u'RT @fineout: Lots of $ and lots of new projects proposed to be added to final budget by House & Rep. Erik Fresen in 1st ed budget conference',\n", " u'Issue to watch in this budget conference: Virtual education funding. http://t.co/F0mXCF0uMu',\n", " u'RT @SaraSClements: Amazing how many people show up to budget conference who never showed their face in policy committees...',\n", " u'Lots of fun stuff in the non-FEFP huh guys?',\n", " u'RT @StepUp4Students: Congrats to @cdurkinrobinson she just finished at the #BostonMarathon http://t.co/wOAsjaafL2',\n", " u\"Via @StateImpactFL: Florida's next standardized test gets a test drive in Utah http://t.co/BwMzSzbyKV #CommonCore\",\n", " u'Leveling the playing field between charters and school districts on class size and building regulations http://t.co/gqjxsEiHEh',\n", " u\"See, for example, proposed amendment to a PCS that would resurrect part of last year's FHSAA recruiting legislation http://t.co/Hc5U10fHSA\",\n", " u'In the last two weeks of session, any bill called \"education\" is becoming a vehicle for all kinds of stuff.',\n", " u'Among provisions: Gives school districts more class-size flexibility (same as charter schools); Dual enrollment fix for private school kids.',\n", " u'Only 11 conforming bills in play for budget conference. Just one (HB 5101) dealing with education.',\n", " u\"@SaintPetersblog @TDOnline I wonder if @CJR saw @PaulFlemming's columns on TPD? Or Sunday story on sexual assault reporting?\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Its so great when your kids take on the same interests as you. #kittybranding #louielove http://t.co/ZK9vUuoPUg',\n", " u'RT @michaelbierut: Embarrassed by how badly I want this book http://t.co/piHRI5tyWP',\n", " u'I really find racist comments distasteful and downright annoying. #walkingaway',\n", " u\"#MadSo Cause once a week ain't enough. http://t.co/8HRJ1u2s5n\",\n", " u'Springs Protection Awareness Month! #savingFLsprings #FLStateParks http://t.co/BKxLt75OxY',\n", " u'#ihearttally #FLStateParks http://t.co/4HbmROf1Yf',\n", " u\"@Borrello_FSU lol it's all good! That just means we are still on for more cafe Shisha!\",\n", " u'@Borrello_FSU thanks dude!',\n", " u'RT @NekoCase: Please sign to get Orcas OUT of captivity. Thank you, thank you!! http://t.co/U08GNp9Tdc',\n", " u\"RT @FLStateParks: It's a beautiful day in Florida. Go outside and play. Take the children and enjoy the famous sunshine. #LoveFL http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'YEA! Thanks babe! lucyandleoscupcakery \\U0001f389\\U0001f388 http://t.co/XXaFUmDMhs',\n", " u'\"Oh my god the Jesus guy is on the phone\" #lineoftheday \\U0001f606\\U0001f607@maemaela',\n", " u\"RT @TFLN: (403): I feel like I missed the land of milk and honey and instead wound up in the land of beer and pizza. And yet, I think I'm h\\u2026\",\n", " u'Tag line of the day \"We deliver and spread it!\" \\U0001f602\\U0001f62d\\U0001f602 #icanteven',\n", " u'\\u201c@FLDEPNews: DEP develops restoration goals for Weeki Wachee Spring and River http://t.co/gJpKJpQelq\\u201d #savingFLsprings #FLStateParks',\n", " u'RT @89SteveSmith: I will always be a Carolina panther No contract can ever change that CLT is my home and will always be my home... I love \\u2026',\n", " u'@Borrello_FSU say what?!?!',\n", " u'@Borrello_FSU awwww ok then. Enjoy the show!',\n", " u'@Borrello_FSU Holler!! We will be on #clematis tonight',\n", " u\"Leo, you're still number 1. #Oscars\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@goldietaylor Your website looks like it's having a bad time of things? I (and many others, I'm sure) would be happy to help.\",\n", " u\"@GuardianJessica Perhaps she needs to get to 10,000 hours before she's good at ecoterrorism.\",\n", " u\"@PersephoneC Yes, and ... imagine every child, every where, able to reach their full potential. That's what I want to see.\",\n", " u'@PersephoneC PS: I stole the rear view mirror concept from Marshall McLuhan. It was true when it said it in 1967, it is true now.',\n", " u'@PersephoneC I cannot help but be in awe of that. It is the future, in a time where so many live their life looking out the rearview mirror.',\n", " u'@PersephoneC You have a fondness for Mars, I see!',\n", " u'Yesterday, @StephenAtHome misspelled \"Vladimir\" in a tweet about american ignorance. Over 4000 people retweeted it. Point made?',\n", " u'Of all cable news shows, The #KellyFile got the most mentions during its broadcast yesterday: http://t.co/MXK8XLNz2K @MegynKelly',\n", " u'@ezraklein Too bad a few of them all autostarted at once. Was a colbert cacophony ...',\n", " u\"If we whites are going to be a minority in 2042, it seems like now's the time to try making friends, not: http://t.co/ofHcBYmKDD\",\n", " u'@ezraklein So, psychiatrists need to step up their campaign contributions?',\n", " u'@PersephoneC Boomer confession: 43770 on your four-banger calculator -- not quite as social, though.',\n", " u'@BlogWood It would be nice if each and every one of those who are denied medicaid came out in November to express their displeasure.',\n", " u'@jacobperry I know it\\'s a little early, but remember \"in victory, magnanimity\"',\n", " u\"I'll just point out that if (*if*) Hersh is correct, Obama avoided a huge foreign policy mistake that the previous administration didn't.\",\n", " u'@VictorianPrude Honestly, kids are a lot easier to deal with than elected officials. :-)',\n", " u'@PersephoneC 1000 Points!',\n", " u\"@PersephoneC He met Rob Reiner's mom, though!\",\n", " u'One of the hardest to read, yet fascinating pieces of journalism about Benghazi, Turkey, Syria, and chemical weapons. http://t.co/4v3n2QHqAs',\n", " u\"@AntheaButler I'm not sure if that was wicked or just witty, but I stand in awe regardless.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @Israel: Tonight we celebrate the 2nd holiday of Passover. #HappyPassover from Israel! http://t.co/fxYXYLCnMl',\n", " u'RT @Barrow4GA: Happy Easter! I hope everyone enjoys spending this day with family and friends.',\n", " u'RT @politicalinsidr: Polling memo by Melvin Mitchell camp says Vernon Jones running No. 2 in DeKalb race for sheriff #gapol #gagop http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MelvinforDekalb: Working hard... in the rain, for every vote #MelvinForDeKalb http://t.co/iyXQdIgQjc',\n", " u'RT @MurielBowser: Every gift of $23 will provide us with the means to produce 10 new Muriel for Mayor lawn signs. Can you contribute? https\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@DarshunKendrick: 1st check from Melvin Mitchell, Candidate for Sheriff @MelvinforDekalb http://t.co/SMHv5Qt7BR\\u201d',\n", " u\"RT @Morehouse: Don't miss jazz trombonist Wycliffe Gordon in concert in the Ray Charles Performing Arts Center tomorrow @ 7:30 pm http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @ShaunKing: . @Morehouse Man extraordinaire (Class of '56), Rev. Otis Moss delivering the sermon @ the White House this AM! http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'Hawks up 34-30 @MelvinforDekalb',\n", " u'RT @repdavidscott: 40 years ago today I was in the stands when @HenryLouisAaron hit #715. A true gentleman and role model on and off the f\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EleanorNorton: Tune in to #NewsOneNow @tvonetv w @rolandsmartin @ 9:20am. I'll be on w Julian Bond for a conversation abt the 1964 Civi\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AlishaMorgan: Excited to be in Macon this weekend talking to voters. First stop: fundraiser hosted by Commissioner Virgil Watkins. http\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @CourtneyEnglish: Board Member Curtis Valentine '00 from Prince George's County BOE, President of the Birmingham Board\\u2026 http://t.co/mYST\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @MelvinforDekalb: Alright y'all here is a #ThrowbackThursday photo for you! Here I am on the Field, Captain of Clark College (no... http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @2DayInGAHistory: #ThisDayInGAHistory in 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. visited Memphis. He delivered his final speech in which he said: ht\\u2026',\n", " u'Happy Birthday! \\u201c@photogriot: Me & My Dad (April 3 & April 2) back in the day. #happybirthday http://t.co/v8JTEBfbUt\\u201d',\n", " u\"RT @TharonJohnson: Don't miss Part 2 of @LoriGearyWSB Election '14 coverage tonight at 6 p.m. We're talking abt @MichelleNunnGA US Senate r\\u2026\",\n", " u'\\u201c@Cityofatlanta: Atlanta Police Athletic League To Host Free Youth Tennis Play Day http://t.co/Wb22i3j2Io\\u201d @MelvinforDekalb',\n", " u\"RT @brucejohnson9: New: Polls said Bowser easily beats Catania in general election. Unless Catania closes gap don't look for lots of debate\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @MurielBowser: \\u201c@CoryBooker: Congrats @MurielBowser for her victory in the #DCmayor primary.\\u201d Thank you so much. DCDems will unite and \\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I would kill for an oreo.',\n", " u'@hymnforrachel Amen. I picked a terrible week to cut out sugar.',\n", " u'TTED meeting at 12:30',\n", " u\"XKCD on Drones and Where's Waldo http://t.co/2PXJW1nHOh\",\n", " u'@mdixon55 In case we were wondering where some fireworks could come from\\u2026 @politicalfix',\n", " u'RT @Mdixon55: Latvala files three amendments trying to revive DREAMer tuition measure http://t.co/GLr0j40amh via @politicalfix',\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Parents with seriously epileptic kids don't want an RX marijuana option, they just need a $25 auto tag-fee cut. Because fr\\u2026\",\n", " u'@MarcACaputo troll so hard',\n", " u'Ugh ugh ugh.',\n", " u'Yes! House accepts coast to coast bike trail. #flleg',\n", " u'RT @ChrisLatvala: A wise man once told he that if your bill gets blocked (and you have the votes) amend it to 4 more bills. Good luck @Jack\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @InTheBleachers: Looking at facebook & the way some people \"dress up\" is just utterly disrespectful to the idea of fashion. Goodness.',\n", " u'Healthcare conference at 8 pm. @Mdixon55',\n", " u'Education conference meeting at 8.',\n", " u'Gov ops, justice and TTED committees all meet at 7.',\n", " u'Conference meetings will convene immediately after this org meeting. #flleg',\n", " u'RT @iancummings4: Arcadia man, wrongly convicted in 1967 poisoning deaths of 7 kids, close to getting a vote on compensation: http://t.co/j\\u2026',\n", " u\"Let the late nights begin. House is coming back after budget conference tonight to finish anything they don't tackle in the next half hour.\",\n", " u'RT @Timinole: Hey, at least that was a national champion poorly covering Lorde\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ioangrillo: Ashes of Gabriel Garcia Marquez being taken through Mexico City towards Palace of Fine Arts, guarded by police... Ceremony \\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@DanaPerino why have a mantra when you can Uber?',\n", " u'I own an online company. Our quarterly figures don\\'t include \"sign-ups\" it does include PAID. #obamacare math.',\n", " u'@KurtSchlichter scurvy is hell. Carry on good sir.',\n", " u'@KurtSchlichter why is there fruit in your man drink?',\n", " u\"@KirkPepper can't overstate his skills.\",\n", " u'@SallyAnnWest @KirkPepper wait until November...the threads only get better',\n", " u'@KirkPepper a different mutual friend would call malarkey on that theory.',\n", " u'@KirkPepper made this argument months ago to a mutual friend that ACA is Os \"Iraq\" except it directly affects far more people.',\n", " u'@KirkPepper Rumsfeld',\n", " u'@TheRickWilson does twitter suspend accounts for food porn?',\n", " u'RT @adamsmithtimes: Congrats @prestonrudie on @davidjolly gig. Big loss to Fla journalism',\n", " u'Remember when the Rumsfeld resignation saved all those Republicans in 2006...yeah me neither',\n", " u\"RT @NumbersMuncher: The timing of Sebelius' retirement shows once again that everything Obama does with Obamacare is solely on a political \\u2026\",\n", " u'@adamsmithtimes can I check your weights and demos on that poll.',\n", " u\"@TMarreroTimes I also know not to blame the reporter for the headline, but man they didn't give you any cover on that one.\",\n", " u'@TMarreroTimes I understand those were the caetgories with the \"most\" dissatisfied <18%. But the headlines print/web are very misleading.',\n", " u'Poll >75% happy with transit in Pinellas: Headline: Pinellas residents most unhappy with mass transit and road quality. @TMarreroTimes',\n", " u'All the kids are doing it. @SaintPetersblog: Republican state House candidate spends $450 on shoelaces? http://t.co/Vanku6GDxg #sayfie',\n", " u'@fineout there is some predictive value in the rate, none of which is the stopping point.',\n", " u'@dannykanell @fineout Danny do go on about the powerhouse that is the ACC.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @SWFWMD: The District Springs Team leader took the @CitrusChronicle out on Kings Bay today to discuss the state of the bay. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Good News! SB 1576 Springs Protection Act will be heard in Appropriations Committee on Tuesday',\n", " u'RT @UFlorida: UF/IFAS research findings shed light on seagrass needs http://t.co/wXx9PdSPFd',\n", " u'Together we can build a healthy springs system in Florida http://t.co/lz9leVX1FU',\n", " u'Springs Protection Act Continues To Move Forward http://t.co/egOYJFXKvI',\n", " u\"Did you miss this week's edition of The #DeanDocument? Read it here now: http://t.co/CH6WdAqN4Z #sayfie\",\n", " u'240 Million Gallons of Aquifer Recharge! Public-Private Partnership @SRWMD http://t.co/98OpX1OmMP',\n", " u'RT @GatorZoneNews: #Gators earn the season sweep over #FSU on the baseball diamond. #ItsGreatUF http://t.co/EkG4zPotpc',\n", " u'Great \"Water Talk\" with the @EverCoalition. Thanks again! http://t.co/jCXXZm5xpM',\n", " u'Go Gators',\n", " u\"Did you miss this week's edition of The #DeanDocument? Read it here now: http://t.co/HndQgSwvhr #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @SRWMD: SB 382 Declaring April 2014 as Springs Awareness Month adopted#Sponsor by Senator Dean#Co-Sponsors Senators Bradley and Soto#Tha\\u2026',\n", " u'Thank you @Rob_Bradley and @SenDarrenSoto for your support of April as Springs Protection Awareness Month SR 382',\n", " u'RT @FLDEPNews: April is Springs Protection Awareness Month! Learn more: http://t.co/LbN7ruD3hX',\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: Today, on the halfway point of #2014Session, we welcome @UFlorida for #GatorDay at the Captiol. #sayfie http://t.co/kYj56u\\u2026',\n", " u'Did you know Florida has close to 900 Springs? #SpringsProtectionMonth http://t.co/5cMDRc9PFr',\n", " u'@southdaytonafl thank you for your proclamation sponsoring April as Springs Protection Awareness Month http://t.co/ichBD3rry0',\n", " u'RT @SRWMD: April 2014#Springs Protection Awareness Month#Thank You#Senator Dean SB 382#Representative Porter and 17 CoSponsors HB 9041',\n", " u'Springs Protection Act passes Ag Committee Thank you @JeffreyBrandes @BillGalvano @DwightBullard @denisegrimsley Bill Montford @DSimmonsFL',\n", " u\"Did you miss this week's edition of The #DeanDocument? Read it here now! http://t.co/zBVdWjKULg #sayfie\"]},\n", " {'REP': ''},\n", " {'NPA': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@iKareCorp Thanks for the retweet!',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: \"When Americans unite in common purpose, we can overcome any obstacle.\" \\u2014President Obama: http://t.co/N4dotou4lA #ActOnClim\\u2026',\n", " u\"Dear #Monday: It's definitely not me. It is you. But, I think we should remain friends. Have a great week! http://t.co/L8yTC3RmxX\",\n", " u'An amazing tale of love. http://t.co/XYocAlS2Gx',\n", " u'RT @smithbarid: Elder Law Daily News is out! http://t.co/4IzPTYsjLE Stories via @TLHElderLaw @BachElderLaw @FingeretLaw',\n", " u'What is the National Family Caregiver Support Program? It provides services to family members caring for frail... http://t.co/O3VwzHox2G',\n", " u'What is the National Family Caregiver Support Program? It provides services to family members caring for frail... http://t.co/V3cMJ2YpLC',\n", " u'Tip for Controlling Costs When You Retain An Attorney:\\n\\nOur legal system allows parties to find out information... http://t.co/CCsZLzyYV3',\n", " u'R U looking for an #elderlaw #attorney? Questions to ask: http://t.co/NKbXvMn1ut #agingparent #caregiver #guardian #estateplanning #aging',\n", " u'Have U reviewed your #estateplan? Is your #will, #powerofattorney, #advancedirective current? http://t.co/cTBwBShXbS #estateplanning #alz',\n", " u'Is your #estateplan complete? Find out what it should include: http://t.co/cTBwBShXbS #estateplanning #retirement #elderlaw #caregiver #alz',\n", " u'#Mothers & #Daughters know the impact of #caregiving & #childrearing on your #retirement & #longtermcare http://t.co/yoA6MjMZDC',\n", " u'RT @First_Focus: Opinion: We abandon thousands of foster case children a year - Rita Soronen - CNN http://t.co/PoKnPMMuaE',\n", " u'4 Ways #Women in traditional family roles damage their #retirement & #longtermcare planning http://t.co/yoA6MjMZDC #MothersDay #caregiving',\n", " u\"#Woman's work can damage a woman's #retirement & #longtermcare planning: http://t.co/yoA6MjMZDC #MothersDay #caregiver #caregiving #elderlaw\",\n", " u'Have a great #Friday! http://t.co/AQPzIvr3VS',\n", " u'Delightful depiction of the weather in many parts of the US. http://t.co/pToUT8U4iK',\n", " u'RT @Reuters: Nobel winner Garcia Marquez, master of magical realism, dies at 87 http://t.co/CxG9fv2Sgi',\n", " u'#Women Damage Their #Financial Future W/ Love & #Family Commitment: http://t.co/yoA6MjMZDC #Longtermcare #retirement #elderlaw #agingparent',\n", " u\"Don't wait until there is a crisis to complete you estate planning. If you wait, you may find that your ability... http://t.co/JWzEUS2QH8\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@BrooklynnEarls thank you!!',\n", " u'That tidy cat lightweight litter commercial is far from accurate',\n", " u'@BrettSegmented I got a kidney transplant on Friday!',\n", " u'@BrettSegmented not sad! A good thing!',\n", " u'I seriously have the best doctors and nurses. I couldn\\u2019t ask for a better team!',\n", " u'View from my hospital bed http://t.co/74lkifLN9N',\n", " u'I just entered for a chance to win a 4 night trip to Chicago to see @fleetwoodmac: http://t.co/WkT3HilRJF GET TIX http://t.co/J0S5IG6ccw',\n", " u'Watching #TheVoice with @afzalALMIGHTY in my fancy hotel suite.',\n", " u'@BarBar_Gonzalez @afzalALMIGHTY we miss you! Hope to see you as soon as I can celebrate!',\n", " u'@Tiffanay21 thank you!!',\n", " u'@bg0790 idk, but it would be a dream come true',\n", " u'Now all I need is for Queen Stevie to come visit me. Come twirl with me, Stevie! \\U0001f319\\U0001f483',\n", " u'My brother (also a transplant recipient) and best friend. So thankful for their love and support. \\U0001f49a @\\u2026 http://t.co/rWp5AWIhGp',\n", " u'How you doin',\n", " u'@__peacekeeper thank you so much!!',\n", " u'I have the youngest, prettiest and sweetest nurses ever!',\n", " u'@TajMagruder thank you, friend!',\n", " u'@TajMagruder very well! Things are going great and my body is handling everything fabulously \\U0001f483\\U0001f485',\n", " u'Going home tomorrow most likely!',\n", " u'My nurse from last night was named Baeli. Bae \\U0001f64c']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Whoa, first bill to be heard is the House's, amended by the Senate, Tax Cut Pkg.\",\n", " u\"And he's preparing for the last song. Day 50. http://t.co/trWv1y5aLG\",\n", " u'65 bills on the Sen Approps Agenda, that means Brian Pitts could speak for 2 hours 10 mins - if he spoke 2 mins... http://t.co/YwrRVWryRw',\n", " u'65 bills on the Sen Approps Agenda, that means @justice2jesus could speak for 2 hours 10 mins - if he spoke 2 mins on each bill.',\n", " u\"Good luck Lizbeth Kelly Benacquisto in today's primary election!\",\n", " u'Have you tried UpTo Calendar app for iPhone or Android? Cool calendar app. It allows you to to add layers to... http://t.co/Rpxs6SEvJC',\n", " u'Brian Pitts is on fire this morning, I think he sees the curtain closing as Day 50 approaches and there will be no more public testimony.',\n", " u\"Well, Wake Forest avoids the sweep by beating the Noles 5-2. Let's Go Noles!!!\",\n", " u'Btm of 8, now Wake Forest leads the Noles 5-2......',\n", " u\"Wake ties it with 2 runs in the 4th. After 5inn, still tied vs Noles. Let's Go Noles!!!\",\n", " u'RT @FSU_Football: Congrats to our own John Franklin & Jalen Ramsey. #Noles were on ACC title 4x100 relay & won ACC T&F team title! http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"Is this via the app? Haven't tried it yet. @FSU_Baseball: @FSU_Baseball fans we apologize for the audio issues.\",\n", " u'I agree with Corey Clark, Noles to scrap the bunting....Not doing a very good job of executing this season.',\n", " u'RT @Corey_Clark: FSU should just scrap bunting for the rest of the year. Painful to watch. Leadoff double for Delph, Sansone pops up bunt f\\u2026',\n", " u\"Noles lead Wake Forest 2-0 in top of 2. Going for the sweep today. Let's Go Noles!!!\",\n", " u'RT @fsu_SAAC: Congrats to @FSU_Softball for setting a new ACC record for most conference wins in a season (20)!!! #NoleSB',\n", " u'RT @katiebake3: Spring game earlier today, ATL now. #idontknowhowhedoesit #privatejetz http://t.co/fn3nBeVDOL',\n", " u'RT @Jaboowins: S/O to the beast @GOOODJ8 for breaking the FSU RECORD for reaching base in the most consecutive games 58! And ticking http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Jaboowins: I love this squad HAPPY EASTER thanks @TheBigShooter3 #FSUBASEBALL http://t.co/Ilqt7NpY3w',\n", " u'RT @FSU_Baseball: Congratulations to head coach Mike Martin on career win No. 1800 - 3rd D1 coach in NCAA history to reach the mark http://\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @AlanGrayson: \"Greedy Old Psychopaths\" http://t.co/vfxOu2o8MZ',\n", " u'RT @NancyPelosi: Today, by voting to block the Paycheck Fairness Act, every single Senate Republican rejected the core American value of eq\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NPWF: BREAKING: The Senate failed to advance the #PaycheckFairness Act. Deeply disappointing for women & families. #NoMadMenPay',\n", " u'RT @CAPAssociation: A historic decision that bolsters college athletes\\u2019 rights movement. http://t.co/xDjvk5bkRE',\n", " u'RT @saritasgupta: Congrats to the courageous athletes at Northwestern - EVERYONE deserves a voice on the job. #APU',\n", " u'RT @MNAFLCIO: Huge news! RT @WorkingAmerica: Congratulations to @KainColter_2 and @CAPAssociation for your incredible victory! #1u http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jwjnational: #1u RT @saritasgupta: Congrats to the courageous athletes at Northwestern - EVERYONE deserves a voice on the job. #APU',\n", " u'RT @kylemcdermott: No longer can the @NCAA pedal their \\u201cstudent-athlete\\u201d rhetoric. @NLRB has determined college athletes are employee-athle\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @UFCW: RT @jwjnational: #1u RT @saritasgupta: Congrats to the courageous athletes at Northwestern - EVERYONE deserves a voice on the job\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @mrdannyglover: Labor rights are civil rights.I\\u2019ll be w/ @common on stage in MS Fri for @Nissan workers. http://t.co/LPXHDruCLh @DoBette\\u2026',\n", " u'Stop the House GOP attacks on @CFPB. Share how it has helped your family: http://t.co/HzplKhOPD3 #1u',\n", " u'RT @lizzwinstead: Next year the Super Bowl is in AZ. I say if Jan Brewer signs this bill into law the NFL should pull out immediately. h/t \\u2026',\n", " u'Check this out on MomsRising http://t.co/NbL1L7cq4p',\n", " u'RT @TPM: Obama: Tenn. GOPers more worried about \"German shareholders than American workers\" http://t.co/WPs6oJ3eyJ',\n", " u'RT @JackieTortora: RT @RichardTrumka: Hey everybody Happy Valentines day!!!',\n", " u'\\u201cFeelings in the plant are really high. Everybody is excited about the change that\\u2019s coming.\\u201d - David Gleeson #UAWVW http://t.co/HkymdD2NYn',\n", " u'The local support is tremendous & not only local but international. It warms my heart. \\u2013 Marc RT if you support ! http://t.co/HkymdDkXcv',\n", " u'RT @AFLCIO: RT @RichardTrumka: Sorry all, looks like Crossfire is off for the night on account of snow. Everyone stay safe.',\n", " u'RT @AFLCIO: RT @RichardTrumka: Happy birthday to John L Lewis, founder of the CIO, tough leader for tough times & iconic leader of my union\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardTrumka: Absolutely yes RT @Crossfire: Does raising the minimum wage help the economy? Reply now with Y or N using #Crossfire htt\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Day 50 @FLSenate',\n", " u\"RT @maggieslist1: @lizbethkb is the right choice for Florida's 19th District! #FL19 @FloridaGOP #elections @FLFedRepWomen Vote on Monday!!\",\n", " u'@Hilary_W_Holley Watch Season 1-3 again. #Gladiators #ScandalFinale',\n", " u\"It's going to be a long summer! @Hilary_W_Holley #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'He gained another 8 years but was it worth it? @tonygoldwyn @Hilary_W_Holley #ScandalFinale',\n", " u\"@Hilary_W_Holley She has to remember! Don't leave OPA Olivia. #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'RT @ScandalABC: Breathe Gladiators BREATHE #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'What was that? @Hilary_W_Holley #ScandalFinale',\n", " u\"RT @ScandalABC: What do you think, Gladiators? Who is Jerry Jr.'s father? #ScandalFinale http://t.co/eRdUw6hyTL\",\n", " u\"What's in the envelope? @Hilary_W_Holley #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'I need a drop of grace to carry me today. @4kingandcountry @JoyFMATL',\n", " u'http://t.co/Q5MQFTKiap',\n", " u\"RT @ScandalABC: It's getting closer Gladiators...#5days #ScandalFinale http://t.co/0Wj2RB9x7D\",\n", " u\"RT @ICUStat: When there's a big fight brewing, call in the grownups. It helps if one is a nurse, @denisegrimsley http://t.co/cizKUouFYg #n\\u2026\",\n", " u'@brianmimbs @Hilary_W_Holley @ScandalABC you need to be a real gladiator! Taken for Granted.',\n", " u'Plantation Bay Rehabilitation from St Cloud was in town. @FHCA @FLSenate #District21 @StCloud_FL http://t.co/u590IDsUZA',\n", " u'Paging for District 21 this week is Elizabeth Tauchen of Sebring. @FLSenate @HighlandsToday http://t.co/vvQAgtPEjF',\n", " u'Under the pressure of an intense trial? Don\\u2019t tough it out alone. Share it. http://t.co/E8wl9Oh8mS via @ChuckSwindoll',\n", " u'The stone was just the right size @castingcrowns',\n", " u'Amazing Grace @KeenNicole @4kingandcountry http://t.co/Qv7ly4Z1QK']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@FNTheFive Charlie Crist boss and supporter running med marijuana in Florida. Getting out dem vote',\n", " u'Mount Dora Christmas: http://t.co/CxvAb3Vo2B via @youtube',\n", " u'Alan Grayson#needs to go I will work to see him gone',\n", " u'RT @FreedomWorks: ObamaCare is a war on the young. This interactive map shows the health insurance premium increases in all 50 states. http\\u2026',\n", " u'@MacStoddard lost phone???',\n", " u'@MacStoddard like the new photo on twitter',\n", " u'RT @MacStoddard: #ObamaCare Fail (Again): \"UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare\" - http://t.co/fPXY63FjrQ',\n", " u'@MacStoddard I hope a good time, sure could not see much',\n", " u'RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: IRS Official Who Illegally Leaked Conservative Applications Gets Promotion... http://t.co/kBfF2rUZx8',\n", " u\"@ericbolling AS former public School President, fees for extra activities allows them to continue - if can't charge - no football etc.\",\n", " u'RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: REPORT: Terry McAuliffe tied to executive of Chinese firm accused of spying...',\n", " u'RT @GrahamBlog: Now offering amendment in Senate Appropriations Committee delaying employer mandate of #Obamacare. LISTEN: http://t.co/Yfl\\u2026',\n", " u\"@DanaPerino I had furlough days working for State of Mich. Maybe being focused on fiscal situation will make fed ee's cut more not IRS fun!\",\n", " u'Maybe #EricHolder should focus on the women\\'s civil rights with a crazy mayor on the \"make\" in CA rather than a case litigated in Florida.',\n", " u'RT @Hendo_LSJ: A little warm at the #agexpo13 at @michiganstateu http://t.co/Gw0eWE5V6P',\n", " u'@harperbulletin @WashTimes All from being good public servants. The public sector is becoming a cash cow!!!',\n", " u'RT @MichSoS: SOS: \"If you want to skip the trip to a Secretary of State branch office, you can visit your local library.\" \\n http://t.co/bmp\\u2026',\n", " u'Enjoying time with the family on #HiltonHead Island.',\n", " u'Shame on the US senate for loading the immigration bill with a ton of pork',\n", " u'No one who voted on \"Christmas tree\" amendment on immigration should be reelected']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @MikeRiggs: Obama plans clemency for hundreds of drug offenders: http://t.co/DXgiAilAhA Incredible reporting from @lizcgoodwin',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: A difference between Sayfie Review and SaintPetersBlog.... http://t.co/kIXmaPoVlE #sayfie',\n", " u'How flag football can build community between law enforcement and youth in St. Petersburg @cl_tampa http://t.co/OvGerNqARn',\n", " u'RT @michaelkruse: \"... don\\'t take #StPete as an art city, or any city as an art city.\" http://t.co/9JpgM89lzv @stevensonreport @cl_tampa #F\\u2026',\n", " u\"It's been said by countless locals before: Willy's Big Gooey cheeseburger is the best burger on the beach. http://t.co/Ylk9JMDZYv @cl_food\",\n", " u\"RT @SaintPetersblog: U.S. Rep. David Jolly introduces 'Max Tax' legislation. http://t.co/osvyWLnEqc #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @PhilAmmann: RT @MarcACaputo: In Firefox & Google Chrome, FL election website is being now flagged as potentially unsafe cc @brittlesser',\n", " u'RT @abaesel2: @stevensonreport @NiemanLab I think many of us are asking that question. Kind of damning with feint praise for the finalists \\u2026',\n", " u'@NiemanLab @abaesel2 Why was there no feature writing award?',\n", " u'Who has three deadlines and keeps refreshing the #Pulitzers feed? This girl. For shame.',\n", " u'RT @bobambrogi: Hushed silence falls over Twitter as media world prepares for announcement of #Pulitzers',\n", " u'RT @WashPostPR: WashPost wins 2 #Pulitzers: Public Service @bartongellman and Explanatory Journalism @elisaslow http://t.co/DcLdWK0vqF',\n", " u'Ed Hooper raises $11,950 in District 2 County Commission race @SaintPetersblog http://t.co/CGAplywB9y',\n", " u'Mr. Mordecai shows me where he fills his \"prescription.\" http://t.co/EHCOaFW3Zn',\n", " u'RT @FreeMoneyFunk: Come to Fubar Saturday! @stevensonreport @IAmOrlando @HomerJSimpson @joannaapplegate https://t.co/Q77AXg8bsx',\n", " u'RT @DiggityD78: @stevensonreport @DrewOnTheRadio Looks like #Srirachapocalypse will continue >>\\nhttp://t.co/Wmudg1eJH4 #LOD',\n", " u'@lauratherad @parkeland @AnOwlNamedKelly would love to meet up!',\n", " u'RT @parkeland: @lauratherad, you should meet @stevensonreport and @AnOwlNamedKelly because they are amazing local writers. #burger',\n", " u'RT @funnybunnymusic: @stevensonreport @SarahNumber4 that was my favorite show! My dream was to be on it when I was old enough. When I was o\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @spencerjoh20s: @stevensonreport @CigarCityBeer @cl_tampa @cl_food excellent. Can't wait to try it.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@Pontifex please consider how communion is given. Many Catholics refuse drinking from the cup because of germs.',\n", " u\"@Pontifex please stop the drinking from the Challis passing germs with backwash.\\nI feel left out of God's love not getting full blessing.\",\n", " u\"wish someone would petition the Supreme Court to stop the President from spending money we don't have.\",\n", " u\"Beiber needs to get locked up . He's a no good PUNK\",\n", " u'@FoxNews Is anyone in Washington going to do something about the Russian War Ship off of Cuba?\\nThat makes me nervous.',\n", " u'Question - Is the Russian War ship still in Cuban Waters?',\n", " u'The Supreme Court should immediately stop President Obama from acting alone when we have 3 branches of government.\\nto make laws.',\n", " u'Instead of wasting Billions of dollars on Climate Control, talk to China first .',\n", " u'Did any other President delay a law after it was passed and made into a law.?',\n", " u'@congressorg should force the law and uphold our Constitution.',\n", " u'Petition the Supreme Court that President Obama is overstepping the Constitution.',\n", " u'News stations should report the truth and stop being Political.',\n", " u'President Obama is acting like a lawyer and not being honest. and not giving answers.@FoxNews',\n", " u'So tired of Obama campaigning with his phony speeches',\n", " u'No wonder the State of the Union had no one watching it outside of the Capital., because its all LIES@foxnewspolitics',\n", " u'How many people actually watched the State of the Union last night? @foxnewspolitics',\n", " u\"Why watch the State of the Union message when it's all lies\",\n", " u'.@BarackObama told us the #LieoftheYear. Tell him and his buddies in Congress #ObamaCare isn\\u2019t working! http://t.co/XGItN5FCLX',\n", " u'The State of the Union speech are all lies.\\nWhy watch a liar?',\n", " u'President Obama has no ones back on sexual assault. What about Bengazi?']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Hear our Voice about FEMA and it&#039;s process of acceptance or denial after Natural Disasters http://t.co/kV8t3xgnzp',\n", " u'http://t.co/ipbYL5K9n8 our Voice about FEMA and it&#039;s process of acceptance or denial after Natural Disastersv',\n", " u'.@SenLandrieu A PA flood victim thanks you from the bottom of my heart 4 lead. the charge 2 #fixflood. Much appreciated!',\n", " u'.@SenLandrieu @SenatorMenendez @repmichaelgrimm @MaxineWaters @GOPLeader @RepTomMarino Just wanted 2 say THANKS for #fixflood.@StopFemaNow',\n", " u\".@SenToomey We @StopFemaNow wanted to say THANKS for hearing us and voting, in the end, 2 #fixflood . Didn't expect it but appreciated\",\n", " u\"RT @DavidVitter: I\\u2019m confident we've cleared the way for a vote and likely passage of the #flood insurance permanent fix bill today or tomo\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowFL: #FloodInsurance #SenMikeLee your constituents can do better, too. HR3370',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowFL: #FloodInsurance @SenatorMenendez @SenatorIsakson after bipartisan effort #SenMikeLee obstructs? Shame; #UTAH deserves re\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @SFNLA: <@DavidVitter @marcorubio: Will y'all get @SenMikeLee on board? He can vote against if he doesn't like IT BUT WHY BLOCK IT? @Sto\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: TY @DavidVitter . The 5.5M NFIP families in the US need this vote NOW! @StopFemaNow',\n", " u'RT @SenLandrieu: Heading to @SenateFloor to urge @SenMikeLee to drop his objection and let Senate pass #FixFlood bill. Watch: http://t.co/a\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: >@StopFemaNow MT @DavidVitter Confident cleared the way for a vote & likely passage of flood bill today or tomorrow. #NFIP',\n", " u\"RT @SFNLA: TY @SenLandrieu ! Go get 'em! 5.5M NFIP families across the US need help NOW! @SenateFloor @SenMikeLee\",\n", " u\"RT @SFNLA: LA appreciates @SenLandrieu & @DavidVitter working TOGETHER to put people ahead of parties! Let's #fixflood NOW! @StopFemaNow\",\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: >@StopFemaNow members \"ain\\'t got time\" for partisan politics. WE RISK LOSING OUR HOMES! We will remember who helped us in Nove\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BuddyBoe: Looks like vote in Senate on Flood Insurance bill will take place today or tomorrow! #FixFlood',\n", " u\"RT @SFNLA: That's why I can't understand some in GOP blocking vote against American dream! @BuddyBoe @StopFemaNowFL @StopFemaNow @stcharles\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @noturbine: New Jersey officials laud flood insurance reforms passed by the House http://t.co/kOTylcaS2t @SenMikeLee http://t.co/5psMS2x\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowSCP: @SFNLA ... @SenMikeLee could learn a thing or two from @SenLandrieu and @DavidVitter. #fixflood @StopFemaNow',\n", " u'RT @AlpertDC: House-passed flood insurance bill now back on track for possible Senate vote this week http://t.co/ZJmsibEfS0']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @FortMyersVapor: Do you have #eCig Questions? We are here with answers. Hit us with anything #VapeProblems',\n", " u'RT @FortMyersVapor: #Vape Problems http://t.co/4kuThhl35m',\n", " u'#SWFL Early Voters regretting choice due to negative campaign tactics. #Clawson #Kreegel #Benaquisto #Fail @johnboehner',\n", " u'The Rob Fontano Digital Daily is out! http://t.co/lXLzvZswNb',\n", " u'The Rob Fontano Digital Daily is out! http://t.co/lXLzvZswNb',\n", " u'The Rob Fontano Digital Daily is out! http://t.co/lXLzvZswNb',\n", " u'@SarahKSilverman @BBCRadio2 @michaelsheen #ACDC Gone Shootin',\n", " u'RT @laurapcd1: We cannot start calling Americans #terrorist because then all protections of law are thrown out the window. #NDAA indefinite\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @laurapcd1: So fuck you @HarryReid for calling ANY American a #terrorist',\n", " u'Note to the #GOP from Florida, The race here diminishes any credibility you hope to gain.',\n", " u'Hey #GOP Florida congressional race is a JOKE! #Curtclawson #PaigeKreegel #LizBenaquisto engaging in bloodbath Your Party is in Shambles!',\n", " u'Hey #GOP grow some balls and stop the #SWFL Bloodbath congressional race. They all appear to be scumbags!',\n", " u'So tired of the SWFL congressional bloodbath. One Party who is so willing to shit on each other #curtclawson #paigekreegel #lizbenequisto',\n", " u'The bloodbath continues #CurtClawsen #PaigeKreegle #LizBenaquisto is this what you want in congress? @johnboehner',\n", " u'RT @FortMyersVapor: EPIC! RT @HIGH_TIMES_Mag: .@Sethrogen said what we were all thinking to the fear mongering lunatic @NancyGraceHLN\\u2014 http\\u2026',\n", " u'Thanks for the Twitter Love! @katefrost_inc',\n", " u'The Rob Fontano Digital Daily is out! http://t.co/lXLzvZswNb Stories via @kathikruse',\n", " u\"RT @FortMyersVapor: It's Official! Fort Myers Vapor will be the featured Vapor Store at #FortRock We'll be there to help you get your #Vape\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ajmaida: #FF #Visualmktgfans @jaybaer @KristaNeher @lisabuyer @katefrostinc @RobFontano @CarMercial1 @TheYoutubediva @dennisyu',\n", " u'RT @MusicPromoRider: 7 Tips to Increase Your Exposure and Potential http://t.co/sjloUXKsRa']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @AdamSchefter: 10 years ago this week, Pat Tillman lost his life. His platoon mates recall that tragic day and mistake someone... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MyFoxOrlando: Talking crazy census numbers with @Fox13Politics today. those on some welfare outnumber working folks nearly 2 to 1. #fox\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: .@BarackObama Cuts to Medicare Advantage will Harm Seniors http://t.co/Y7hXyWRkjc @GovernorPerry @BobbyJindal',\n", " u\"RT @nypost: It's not just athletes \\u2013 college screws everyone http://t.co/XYoRlC9rFH\",\n", " u'RT @voxdotcom: US taxpayers could save $2 billion in tax preparation fees & 225 million hours, if the IRS did our taxes for us: http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Publix: Every pound of mahi-mahi you buy at Publix 4/10\\u20134/23 means $1 for Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (up to $40K). #HappyEarthDay',\n", " u'RT @nypost: For Attorney General Eric Holder, Justice is for Democrats only http://t.co/ZvKQtgfQw8',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: @FLGovScott has shown great leadership on making FL the top state for cancer research. Proud to support his proposal. \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ritholtz: Can Adam Carolla Defeat a Patent Troll and Save Podcasting? http://t.co/lEfAuUbNhN via @daily_finance $AAPL',\n", " u'RT @ABC: Zoo: Chimp broke tree limb, used it as ladder, \"then enticed 6 other chimps to join\" - http://t.co/XmKtKGIPjq http://t.co/jTD7JD9Z\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MyFoxOrlando: Go Fund Me site for family of girl killed in daycare hit and run already $8k over goal... http://t.co/XF0t8VhM8a #FOX35 @\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @cnnbrk: Albuquerque police have \\u2018pattern\\u2019 of excessive brutality and unnecessary deadly force, report says. http://t.co/j8CJu8CCxE',\n", " u'RT @boonepickens: 200bn+ barrels of oil are available from Canada and we don\\u2019t need military protection for it. #KeystonePipeline http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VICE: Westboro Baptist Church Founder Fred Phelps Died Today \\u2013 Fuck That Guy http://t.co/EGWu0qYbTh',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: This week, @MyFLHouse is planning to take up the largest tax cut in 10 years! RT if you support. #WorkPlan2014 http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @th3j35t3r: REALLY interesting theory on what happened to flight #MH370 taking into account factors nobody even thought of: http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: .@BarackObama on Obamacare: You \"might end up having to switch doctors.\\u201d http://t.co/yFprsonozu http://t.co/QaC6mUw8I9',\n", " u\"RT @michaelirvin88: \\u201c@ShaunMichael80: @Instantkarma98 @michaelirvin88 Rings don't make you the best ever... Barry Sanders...Moss...Marino\\u201da\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: Scary times in Ukraine. Praying for our leaders to have wisdom! \\u201c@nytimes: Approves Putin\\u2019s Request to Send Troops\\nhtt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @kinney_gt22: \\U0001f602\\U0001f602 @BarackObama http://t.co/utcbJukCCP']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Thank you for the follow!',\n", " u'Watch Game of Thrones season 4 episode 3 live stream online [HBO GO]: \"Breaker of Chains\" preview video http://t.co/kTIssHH6DK',\n", " u'RT @CallOut4: How a janitor ends up paying a higher tax rate than a millionaire, via @MotherJones http://t.co/P50v3acDn6 http://t.co/y60aSn\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @UniteBlueFL: CD19 Congressional race campaign ads: To tell the truth, or not, it's only votes that matter\\nhttp://t.co/hMcdgimImk\\n#Unite\\u2026\",\n", " u\"http://t.co/A1kWsLz1Bw Who's buying our midterms. Must watch! IMHO\",\n", " u'RT @NETRetired: #BeforeBlackPresident it was ok to reward veterans with deserving job bill: @tkdmike @mama2fluffs @Senate_GOPs http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @doctorjoe56: #Wholefoods denies #Obamacare to his underpaid wrkrs\\nDespite his INFLATED prices &#liberal shoppers\\nhttp://t.co/OQYyWe4P\"#\\u2026',\n", " u\"@ThatGuySpike Thank you for the follow! I'll try not to disappoint! GO, GO, GO BLUE! GET OUT THE VOTE! IT'S OUR ONLY HOPE!\",\n", " u'RT @SlyDude3677: Teabaggers......#uniteblue #tlot #p2 http://t.co/LCtoDTZC8k',\n", " u\"@David_A_Hussey Hence our President's push for funding infrastructure.You're right-country needs major repairs,but House hates his ideas!\",\n", " u'@David_A_Hussey I like your beautiful photos way more than your words! Just my humble opinion. No insult intended; strictly my viewpoint.',\n", " u'@David_A_Hussey The correct word is \"ensure\" not \"insure.\" Insure means to cover those for catastrophic events, such as accidents,death,etc',\n", " u'RT @KennettDems: Hey @GOP: Have you read the \\u2018Gospel According to Saint Ronald?\\u2019 http://t.co/vObgVbwWrD #voterID',\n", " u'RT @seekerwisdom8: Enrollments Exceed Obama\\u2019s Target for Health Care Act http://t.co/08JSsn5QIp #p2',\n", " u\"@NoGOPNo How to collect the money? It's obviously in his belly!\",\n", " u\"@NoGOPNo Your photos are amazing! I saved all 50 of them! Couldn't even pick a favorite-all great. Thanks!\",\n", " u'RT @NoGOPNo: Sold to the highest bidder. http://t.co/eLeCq5YTh5',\n", " u'RT @NoGOPNo: Its been a busy morning. http://t.co/d2WVAGgIwX',\n", " u'RT @NoGOPNo: Science http://t.co/MAuEuai73R',\n", " u'@bobby_copeland Looking forward to working together for our BLUE cause!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'\"...we become what we pay attention to.\"',\n", " u\"RT @TheGoldenMirror: When you hold on to yesterday's pain you can't be open to receive tomorrow's happiness.\",\n", " u'RT @Tweets2Motivate: The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.',\n", " u'@terrymcmillian @whoopigoldberg I enjoyed \"A Day Late, A Dollar Short\" thank you. The cast was great and I enjoyed the book too.',\n", " u\"Ryan's Budget: 69% of cuts come from programs for the low-income. 69% what a shame!\",\n", " u'RT @IyanlaVanzant: Lift your thoughts, lift your expectations & lift yourself. Train yourself to look for the good things you want and the \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Tweets2Motivate: Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above it.',\n", " u'\"Differences aren\\'t a bad thing, similarities are...differences with others stretch us, similarities comfort us.\"',\n", " u'\"Happiness is often a choice, so choose wisely.\"',\n", " u'Only then will we be in the right mindset to enact change in our culture. \" 2/2',\n", " u'\"You have to open your eyes up to the beauty in front of you and celebrate it. 1/2',\n", " u'\"...if you want to be great in this life, you have to model that greatness in your thinking.\"',\n", " u'RT @Tweets2Motivate: http://t.co/u2qEbEAyJ4',\n", " u'RT @Tweets2Motivate: Knowledge is being aware of what you can do. Wisdom is knowing when not to do it.',\n", " u\"Porsha got caught up Kenya's drama. Can not allow anyone to get you to that point of weakness where you stoop to their level.\",\n", " u'RT @FamousWomen: Live your life and forget your age.',\n", " u'RT @RGIII: RIP Rubin \"Hurricane\\'\\' Carter your impact on this world has been felt',\n", " u'RT @TheGoldenMirror: When you open your mind to new ideas you will be able to perceive new possibilities.',\n", " u\"RT @FamousWomen: Some people are going to leave, but that's not the end of your story. That's the end of their part in your story.\",\n", " u'RT @TheGoldenMirror: Find yourself a purpose. People without destination end up going nowhere.']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@BrittMcHenry you're present here in the FL Capitol- just saw you on @espn ! Keep representing #Brevard County on in the National spotlight\",\n", " u'RT @BigBendCBC: @themikewatkins talking to @mikevasilinda @MaryEllenKlas after testimony on HB 7169 Child Welfare #sayfie http://t.co/KHGIY\\u2026',\n", " u'Great op-ed by @BigBendCBC CEO @themikewatkins providing solutions to FLs child welfare system @MyFLFamilies #sayfie http://t.co/qVrrN5yuzs',\n", " u'@Nytimes reports a flawed investigation in the Jameis Winston rape case @floridastate http://t.co/fSNXHnIKFt',\n", " u'Spring #downtowntallahassee @brittany006 @ Downtown Tallahassee, Tallahassee, Florida http://t.co/p1ZL1DY4NK',\n", " u'Training day before big game tonight @GatorZoneMBK #GoGators #FinalFour #GatorNation http://t.co/INgHMk7E04',\n", " u'Happy birthday to my brother, mentor and friend: @themikewatkins',\n", " u'No surprise- And like that the @FLSenate kills the #gaming bill @FLGamingWatch #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @missGreenEC: @TaylorBiehl @UFlorida @GatorZoneAlbert #GOGATORS! #itsgreattobeafloridagator',\n", " u\"It's #Gator Day at the Capitol @GatorZoneAlbert @UFlorida #GatorNation #gatoralum http://t.co/xZB0WH1vJE\",\n", " u'I applaud Reps @mattgaetz & Edwards &Sen @ClemensFL for their courageous stance on spearheading #medicalmarijuana #sayfie @JustinSayfie',\n", " u\"That's the epitome of clutch hoops by @AaronICE2 @UKAthletics - #tournamenttough #MarchMadness\",\n", " u\"RT @BigBendCBC: @TroyKinsey @MyFLFamilies it's about keeping kids safe and getting the 1% we're missing right. #sayfie http://t.co/y8p2K\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BigBendCBC: Healthy Families cmte bill on child welfare passed. CEO, @themikewatkins talks to @TroyKinsey ; @TaylorBiehl #sayfie http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'Sen @ClemensFL stole the show last night at the annual #RockbytheSea charity event for #ALS - @DaneEagle http://t.co/7hb5PlZf7f',\n", " u\"RT @DaneEagle: Work hard, but make sure you're having fun. http://t.co/JjTZ15NIqy Follow @capitolrufus! @TravisJHutson @TaylorBiehl\",\n", " u'Lord have Mercer! @MercerBears with the big W over @dukebasketball @espn',\n", " u'@DSimmonsFL is officially the strongest in the @FLSenate ; he just cranked out 10 pull-ups at @GoldsGym like @Schwarzenegger #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @capitolrufus: @TaylorBiehl had some fun times with you my friend. Thanks for the ride home #sayfie http://t.co/TK6aPoJKmx',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Rep. Heather Fitzenhagen raises over $108K in February, while Matt Caldwell posts $34.6K report. http://t.co/MT34Ek7kv\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'GO GATORS!',\n", " u'@laceycaye1 Chris paused the gator game to check on you and bring a mimosa #trainedwell',\n", " u'My apologies to anyone who recently received a twitter message from my account. It was hacked. That is all.',\n", " u'Josh #VoiceSave',\n", " u'Jesuit off to an early lead against TC. The streak is going strong. #GOWTB',\n", " u'I passed the Florida Bar Exam!',\n", " u\"I'm getting a one-year subscription to #RedBulletin magazine - thanks to @RedBull and @Klout! http://t.co/b0tnOPmTD7\",\n", " u'4 days until the last test I will ever have to take. Unfortunately, it is also the biggest and most important of my career. #FloridaBarExam',\n", " u'\"@totalfratmove: \"This calls for a drink,\" after completing the simplest of tasks. #TFM\" @laceycaye1',\n", " u'@sarahcriser sad that you no longer live in Tally so I can stop and say hello while driving back from Texas #DCisoutoftheway',\n", " u'@jjmcdaniel that looks good. But my favorite is your crawfish and brisket. #whydidntistaytoeatcrawfish',\n", " u'Best part of driving through Mississippi, getting from one side to the other in less than 1 hour on way to Florida from Texas #drivingsucks',\n", " u'Picking my friend up from the airport for an epic weekend. First stop, Rockets v. Grizzles basketball game. #epicweekendstartsnow',\n", " u'@brawnafest10 @natalieh0323 only another cat lady would defend a cat lady.',\n", " u'@natalieh0323 Return of the Cat Lady http://t.co/wbgcBBIz',\n", " u'Florida needs to go Red. Come on panhandle. #knowwhatisgoodforyou',\n", " u'I apologize to anyone who received twitter spam over the last couple of days. Hopefully, I have corrected the problem.',\n", " u\"@MrScanMan22 I'm not planning to come back for the summer. I've got a job lined up here in Houston. But I will be back prob for 4th of July.\",\n", " u\"@MrScanMan22 I've got my last exam on Friday. Business Bankruptcy and Reorganization from 6-9 pm. Good luck bud.\",\n", " u'@MrScanMan22 haha. Twitter got hacked. You done with finals?']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Little children waiting for a school bus in the dark...oh...DST again.',\n", " u'RT @wiredscience: RT @wiredspacephoto: Bright center and dusty lanes in NGC 5793 http://t.co/uJrPqqjY21 http://t.co/Wdj64qGVtH',\n", " u'Hours, Location, More Info - SPCA Tampa Bay http://t.co/37P7QJmPtJ',\n", " u'New Ruling Means Patients Can Access Their Own Lab Results http://t.co/r30DF5fqEj',\n", " u'As for women changing their surname; just change the MS to MRS. Much easier!!!',\n", " u'For Shatner and Cuoco: Love the new ad!',\n", " u'@GeorgeTakei And lots of luck with that!',\n", " u'\"Cups up\" for Mr. Coffee electric coffeemaker. Really great!',\n", " u'Child car seats should survive side-impact crashes, feds say http://t.co/O5aVexRbrt via @NBCNewsBusiness',\n", " u'RT @wiredscience: This tiny spider builds a fake spider from insect corpses http://t.co/xryvdDWV7C http://t.co/LvRNsOQCNd',\n", " u'OK, the Publix on 66th St. North is about 6 miles from Bay Pines VA.',\n", " u'To make it simple, I intend to vote for Hillary Clinton and for Fl.s Charlie Crist.',\n", " u'Opera Browser got my Facebook page \"moving\" and also \"found\" Twitter.',\n", " u'Khan Academy: check them out!',\n", " u'Tampa Bay Times says 36 earthquakes occurred around the world today.',\n", " u'Publix grocery at Madeira Beach is being torn down.',\n", " u'10 things not to buy in 2014 http://t.co/BF0YWOnBF6 via @MSN_Money',\n", " u\"It's 81 degrees here in st. Petersburg, today!\",\n", " u\"@ZeeklyInc We'll watch you grow. Best Wishes.\",\n", " u'Giant gator pulled from woman http://t.co/X2cW1mGrvp']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @PatrickHMoore1: @milesjreed Rape Victim Will Be Hanged If She Doesn't Apologize! @OleanderPlume @BeverlySimcic http://t.co/IWWVqwfI0V\",\n", " u\"RT @JimCassidy48: @milesjreed @melvinamsmaria Democrats better raise a lot of cash because the Koch's TP/GOP will spend boatloads to protec\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @PatrickHMoore1: @author_jeff The 6 Degrees of Separation of Nancy Grace. Scary! @usindiebooks @milesjreed @LBuist http://t.co/pon0nolWzF',\n", " u'RT @DcLincoln761: @milesjreed RTWsneaky-Snyder took billion$$ from edu 2 Reinvent The Wealth family biz GOLDEN SHOWER on R kids/schools htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @DcLincoln761: @milesjreed @PaulMichaelMalo don't forget 2 VOTE in your state elections we need 2 rid this country of JUNK governors htt\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @mhrt70: @MDouglasBurnett @milesjreed - it's called GOP/Tea Party sense of morality. Can't understand the smug joy they get sticking it\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @DJ_Weiss: Former Supreme Court Justice Stevens Slams Current Court for Selling Out to the Rich http://t.co/CMGv98etcy',\n", " u'RT @DJ_Weiss: Top Catholic official: It\\u2019s OK to deny women healthcare because \\u201call you have to do is walk into a 7-11\\u2033 to get it. http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DJ_Weiss: 15 Years After Columbine, How \\u201cNever Again\\u201d Became \\u201cOh Well\\u201d http://t.co/4ymwZES7fX',\n", " u'RT @Colette07756581: @sgebru @DJ_Weiss @milesjreed @Ibnallah_S_Kazi @Higgins1978Lisa @1Shanall YW\\U0001f33aSG',\n", " u'RT @sgebru: @DJ_Weiss Happy Tuesday @Colette07756581 @milesjreed @Ibnallah_S_Kazi @Higgins1978Lisa @1Shanall Thank you.',\n", " u'RT @MDouglasBurnett: @milesjreed TY4RT How Can Whole #States,#Counties Or #Districts #Ban #Homeless, Without Providing Accommodation? https\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DJ_Weiss: Happy Tuesday Please Follow @Colette07756581 @milesjreed @Ibnallah_S_Kazi @sgebru @Higgins1978Lisa @1Shanall http://t.co/CMGv\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KennettDems: 2014 will not be another 2010 if we all get up, get out and Vote Blue! \\r#GOTV #GOTV #GOTV! http://t.co/Rfcb0FUM8A',\n", " u'RT @GetWisdomDude: GOP raised Million$ to \\nKeep You From Voting\\nMake Them Regret It !! \\nhttp://t.co/m6NUDjFhPV \\nhttp://t.co/Kea2AMjjMq\\n#Uni\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DEANRICHARDS9: WANTED For Climate Change & Subverting Democracy #KochBrothers #DarkMoney @SenatorReid @kochfacts #Climate #UniteBlue ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @USPS: Let today be a reminder of the amount of tax dollars we receive for operations http://t.co/hTe4AlS4G5',\n", " u'RT @CanProveIt: #LatinoVote \\nTeabonics on fb. #UniteBlue http://t.co/c2624T6yuP',\n", " u'RT @dierdrelewis: California Legislators! See What $92 Billion Buys In A Single Image http://t.co/gBZBK4rrdo Santa Monica, California @Uni\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Mozi_N: #GoP spends $102millions on Repeal #ObamaCare,Wonk Gap: .@GoP refuse to increase wages and or create Jobs4millions! http://t.\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@BoloBoffin @DarrellIssa Maybe you should turn on the news . . . as in breaking story from last night . . .',\n", " u\"@BoloBoffin @RepCummings You're 'proud' of a man who misuses a fed agency to spy on an American Citizen who doesn't have his beliefs? Wow.\",\n", " u'@BoloBoffin @DarrellIssa and what are your thoughts on @RepCummings ??? Time to #AbolishTheIRS and take all their power and influence away',\n", " u\"@DarrellIssa It's time for @RepCummings to resign, AND time to #AbolishTheIRS and move to a Flat tax\",\n", " u'@PatandStu Kevin Costner rules sports movies... Field of Dreams, American Flyers, 4 love of the Game, Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, Tin Cup',\n", " u'RT @Reince: Retweet if you agree http://t.co/8Diyjzj7yq The #IRS targeted conservatives. Demand accountability now. http://t.co/HG0c4llQbn',\n", " u'one person followed me // automatically checked by http://t.co/q6BCMwyJxZ',\n", " u\"I picked #Florida to cut down the nets! Who's in your bracket? #bracket http://t.co/0X9S4Qgcwk\",\n", " u'one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by http://t.co/q6BCMwyJxZ',\n", " u'@ByronYork @GOPLeader Who in the world would vote AGAINST this bill?? I think we now have a list of congressmen who need to go.',\n", " u'RT @USNavy: Three days until the #USNavy #BlueAngelsAreBack! http://t.co/SCu5YcYWms',\n", " u'@SpeakerBoehner @RepRichHudson this is where you guys have it WRONG. Your focus should be to get out of our way & let free enterprise work!',\n", " u'RT @FBNStossel: A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state. \\n\\u2013 Isabel Paterson',\n", " u'RT @AcidBrainWash: @JudicialWatch Benghazi: Senate Intelligence Report - We Know Who To Blame http://t.co/cDeXxjS3Vy',\n", " u'@SenBillNelson do NOT vote to confirm @Debo Adegbile. The man is an ideologue and should NOT be a part of the federal government.',\n", " u'@WhiteHouse @EPA Whatever. JUST APPROVE THE DAMN KEYSTONE PIPELINE.',\n", " u'3 people unfollowed me // automatically checked by http://t.co/q6BCMwyJxZ',\n", " u\"@WhiteHouse Umm... I checked the Constitution (you guys should too), and 'nope', NOTHING in there covers such a program. SORRY.\",\n", " u'5 people followed me // automatically checked by http://t.co/q6BCMwyJxZ',\n", " u'@SpeakerBoehner @RepTomPrice IF we went to a FLAT Tax, the IRS would be Inconsequential. $25K or more = 10%, PERIOD.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Inspirational! Joan Baez diffuses right wing protest at Idaho concert http://t.co/BlyxRJvFSc via @dailykos',\n", " u'Fancred bump to 18: Another Fancred Bump to 18! http://t.co/SlVJWmnEfx',\n", " u'I used to live in \"downtown\" Hopkinton. What a priveleges, (and fun) it was to be a part of the town wide volunte... http://t.co/NHFHuLsZXG',\n", " u'I used to live in beautiful \"downtown\" Hopkinton. Doing race volunteer work was awesome. (Then there was all that ... http://t.co/3yxvW99pkj',\n", " u'Showing strength. #BostonStrong http://t.co/p6HqZ4qxi5',\n", " u'Have some Hutzpah! Dems Better Say It Loud; We Support Obamacare And We&#8217;re Proud - http://t.co/jWKQX4ecqE',\n", " u'Four Years Later, BP Oil Spill Still Taking A Toll On Louisiana Fisherman http://t.co/VYIGHvtpVi via @HuffPostGreen',\n", " u'15 years after Columbine, how \"never again\" became \"oh well\" http://t.co/pHJMLVAo0L via @motherjones',\n", " u'Fancred bump to 17: BOOM! I just moved up to a Fancred of 17. http://t.co/ceOP62g8EO',\n", " u'Fancred bump to 17: BOOM! I just moved up to a Fancred of 17. http://t.co/40QzBHxQhj',\n", " u\"RT @rcooley123: Kentucky Democrats Kill Rand Paul's Plan To Run For President And Senate Simultaneously http://t.co/wPZCZNC4DA | Too bad WI\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JayandSteve: Repeat after me: President. Obama. Is. Black.: http://t.co/H9SiNWVncF',\n", " u\"RT @Gigi2my3: You FEAR we'll take your GUNS? We FEAR you'll take our CHILDREN! #CrazyBundy #SensibleGunReform #UniteBlue #LibCrib http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AverageChirps: Florida Voter Confronts GOP Representative On His Repeated Efforts To Repeal Obamacare http://t.co/Y90ZOFOk2t #topprog',\n", " u\"RT @wcbj: Can't get blood work AT my physical. Docs can't draw blood and get paid& slows process #unitedhealthcare #uhcevil http://t.co/gP\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @citizensrock: 2014 election won\\u2019t be about phony Republican healthcare attacks. It\\u2019ll be about working for greater equality. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheDailyEdge: If Cliven Bundy were stealing from the Koch Brothers and not ordinary taxpayers, @seanhannity would be calling him a crim\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @citizensrock: Meet the Senator from New England who doesn\\u2019t support her constituents on background checks\\u2026 http://t.co/9BnaZaG21V',\n", " u'@FloridaGOP @CharlieCrist Lost bad plans they were getting ripped for. Could be better if GOP took the Fed $ that FL taxpayers sent out!',\n", " u'RT @GrooveSDC: That\\u2019s Not Going To Go Over Well: Rachel Maddow Calls Rightwing Terrorists \\u2018Terrorists\\u2019 http://t.co/TWhQYlXQjs via @wonkette\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @VFAFLCIO: 2yrs & now at last a vote on apprenticeships in vol co! Send a msg 2 VCC & ask them 2 support the apprentice req http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Watching sub cmte on Ed appr sneaky attempt 2 bring vouchers back thx to @J_McCall_FEA @rtemplin and #wflc 4 speaking against #1u',\n", " u'Day one in Tallahassee ready to go',\n", " u'RT @FLAFLCIO: WFLC activists did something incredible to stop WAGE THEFT this week. WATCH: http://t.co/faFgKc7dOu #Flunion #1u http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT: @ProgressFlorida \"Leave bigotry in your quarters; there\\'s no room for it on the bridge.\" Capt. Kirk. Happy BDay @WilliamShatner',\n", " u'RT @AFTteach: Restorative Practices: A Guide for Educators http://t.co/zptyw3KaVy #edjustice - w/ partners @AFTUnion @adv_project @OTLCampa\\u2026',\n", " u'How about it @MyFLHouse RT: @StevenSinger3: PA HB1506 2halt new testing 4 9y 2study if test r effective. @rweingarten http://t.co/3EAdlDXJ7r',\n", " u'The beginning of fl legislative session always makes me feel a bit ill.',\n", " u'Shameful RT: @DianeRavitch: Pando: Detroit Will Cut Pensions While Increasing Subsidies for Hockey Team: http://t.co/szgZKqb37J',\n", " u\"Can't believe I'm watching such callousness from and elected body. We'll maybe not. Shame on you VCSB! @volusiaschools\",\n", " u\"RT @VFAFLCIO: McDonald's gives permanent raises to its emp's but the @volusiaschools doesn't? Does that sound fair?\",\n", " u'At the impasse hearing standing with VESA in support of a fair and permanent raise',\n", " u'@willweatherford How about getting rid of the DCD, or restoring the funding to public schools?',\n", " u\"aftunion's photo http://t.co/pcOX7gwN4z\",\n", " u'RT @TeachSolidarity: Why masters of the universe fear teachers @symphily @susanoha @lapham_katie @notarne @BadassTeachersA @Students_Last h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT: @jwjnational: The last day of the @VW election. Congrats to all of those voting! #lettheworkersdecide #UAWVW http://t.co/ko6IcxRH3q',\n", " u'RT: @vjsanchez74: More subpoenas to come in bridge probe http://t.co/lSYZO5yaeg',\n", " u'RT @McFiredogg: Di Blasio Administration Shifts Funding from Charter Schools to Pre-School Plan http://t.co/ISQ6XsrNYu via @DianeRavitch',\n", " u'RT @rweingarten: Taking away tchrs rights won\\u2019t improve teaching or learning. Need to reclaim promise of pub education for all kids. #Verga\\u2026',\n", " u'RT: @Tefere_Gebre: .@cathymcmorris supported a bill that narrowed the definition of rap to \\u201cforcible rape\\u201d']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Christie blames cancer research cuts on public worker pension costs http://t.co/H8TARpreLf',\n", " u'Christie blames cancer research cuts on public worker pension costs http://t.co/0K5relbuAE \\u2026 #inners @BadassTeachersA @badassteacherNJ',\n", " u'Christie blames cancer research cuts on public worker pension costs http://t.co/0K5relbuAE',\n", " u'@BadassTeachersA @badassteacherNJ @allinwithchris Reading @DianeRavitch \"Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement....\" #inners',\n", " u'Against Common Core & the corporate takeover/ privatization of public education #inners @BadassTeachersA @badassteacherNJ @allinwithchris',\n", " u'RT @howdyMO: \\u201c@RobinOHearn: #inners the senators and congress critters who support these folks scare the hell out of me\\u201d. Me too.',\n", " u'RT @bannerite: Some protest are \"Patriotic\" and some are not. Double standard on the Right. #inners #p2 http://t.co/KLOSF6UtaO',\n", " u'RT @adkted2me: Oh great, this psycho off her meds. @allinwithchris #inners @jenniferstefano http://t.co/8NQgdbWNeI',\n", " u\"RT @NotDexVonFrisch: Koch Bros. moving against solar b/c corps can't monopolize the sun...\\n#inners\",\n", " u'RT @HaroldItz: The Republicans want the US government to stand up to Putin but to cave to #ClivenBundy. Got it. #inners',\n", " u'RT @allinwithchris: Rory Reid: \"If you don\\'t agree with the gov, you can\\'t point a gun at it and threaten it until you get what you want.\" \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ajain31: RT How quickly we all forget. Retweet this message. #uniteblue #tpot #p2 #ctl #LibCrib #maddow #edshow #inners #dem http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @heysyd: Pay Your Own Employees! #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words #UniteBlue #LibCrib #P2 #RaiseTheWage #LivingWage http://t.co/EnSFKHBtVF',\n", " u'RT @PhillyInquirer: Christie campaign legal fees related to GWB closures surpass cash on hand http://t.co/Mv9bvdD1jJ (access K22T)',\n", " u\"@AssemblymanWiz on @hardball Micromanager or Rouge Operatives. Both can't be true. Mastro Reports says Governor KNEW.\",\n", " u\"@hardball Way to objective. NO it is really not reasonable to believe that Christie didn't know.\",\n", " u'@AssemblymanWiz on @hardball new subpoenas 4 #bridgegate #sandygate. Sandy families welcome to sit in during hearings? #disgustingpolitics',\n", " u'RT @FeministArmy: Every time I hear of new legislation going on in #txlege\\n#fem2\\n#TeamWendy http://t.co/JU09CxkB1G',\n", " u\"RT @pari_passu: Reminder to Republicans: You couldn't even keep the Pentagon safe. #p2 #tcot #Benghazi #Hillary2016 http://t.co/EuOYwpWA2q\",\n", " u'RT @milesjreed: http://t.co/kOc1ngwiXN']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@leeexstacy iOS 7 dawg',\n", " u'RT @HotAndLovesPot: http://t.co/L3TVpFhDmR',\n", " u'RT @BowerAbreupud: A naked girl can get 100 retweets in 2 minutes. How many can our brave souldiers get ? http://t.co/uheoiNRyL8',\n", " u'RT @TheD: http://t.co/HrDvsAV7dl',\n", " u'RT @UberFacts: There\\'s a jacket that connect to the internet and gives you a \"hug\" each time a friend likes your Facebook status.',\n", " u'Let me rock a leather jacket',\n", " u\"@kendall_mcc whatever you're going through I hope it gets better. You ever need to talk let me know\",\n", " u'Blonde hair. Blue eyes.',\n", " u\"@kendall_mcc growing up isn't easy, learn from your past to make your future a good one\",\n", " u'4 people in the u.s are supplied medical marijuana from the federal government',\n", " u'RT @TypicalMinions: really.. bc I want my first daughter to be a boy http://t.co/n72r03S8kZ',\n", " u\"RT @FamilyGuyonFOX: Sun's out, guns out. The Peter Griffin way. #familyguy http://t.co/Mg6qe0rqg5\",\n", " u'RT @NotExplained: Coincidence or connection? http://t.co/nUiROfdGru',\n", " u'Most people are irrelevant to this world',\n", " u\"RT @UberFacts: There's a Superhero Supply store in Brooklyn with a Cape Fitting room and wind tunnel. They also have an Invisibility Testin\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@lindss_griswold unless you put yourself in someone else's shoes\",\n", " u'RT @mimmeerz: F English',\n", " u'RT @AthIeteLife: Retweet if Nike is your favorite brand!',\n", " u\"RT @kikihbuu: School isn't even about learning anymore, it's about passing.\",\n", " u\"@vnuzio we are coworkers that's it.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Orlando mayor, airport execs visit Middle East to court new flights http://t.co/tazD7sjiAO',\n", " u\"'Dancing With the Stars': Who's perfect? Who's out? http://t.co/GCcz456nlP\",\n", " u\"Trader Joe's in Winter Park sets opening date http://t.co/oxXF1f9eX3\",\n", " u\"'The Voice': Orlando singer splendid again http://t.co/vnesDErsjT\",\n", " u'live in me Jesus Rev. Calvin B. Rhone http://t.co/XEbDeuxMJK via @youtube',\n", " u'Desmond Pringle - Take Me To That Secret Place http://t.co/phrQQ2tVvT via @youtube',\n", " u'In His Time (with lyrics) http://t.co/ke7zKBCFPy via @youtube',\n", " u'@RonitaSanders',\n", " u'http://t.co/IltiQvnwDH',\n", " u'Charlie Wilson \"If I Believe\" http://t.co/NldKxxMXZp via @youtube',\n", " u'Leesburg pastor who had heart scare offers 10 Easter principles\\nhttp://t.co/8Y8SvNxjIp',\n", " u'Leesburg pastor who had heart scare offers 10 Easter principles\\nhttp://t.co/3FbJ2tIJSh',\n", " u'Leesburg pastor who had heart scare offers 10 Easter principles http://t.co/3FbJ2tIJSh',\n", " u'In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through hi\\u2026',\n", " u'Matthew 5:8 \\n\\nBlessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.\\U0001f33f\\u2600\\ufe0f\\U0001f499 http://t.co/MBx9T3uX62',\n", " u'Ecclesiastes 7:11-12 \\n\\nWisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun.12 Wisdom is a shelter as money is a\\u2026',\n", " u'JESUS PAID IT ALL-Rev James Moore/Mississippi Mass http://t.co/Qj0swIhdVg via @youtube',\n", " u'Jesus Paid It All (O Praise the One) http://t.co/RY5BRbc4Vp via @youtube',\n", " u'Holy Sprit http://t.co/QZQm5p2JZo via @youtube',\n", " u'This Easter may the resurrected Lord bring you loads of happiness and joy. Happy Easter to you and \\nyour family. \\U0001f33f\\u2600\\ufe0f\\U0001f338\\U0001f33f']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Bob Dole \"is running for nothing but is nonetheless running hard,\" via @danbalz http://t.co/ZqGP6Np7z6',\n", " u\"WASHINGTON (AP) - Supreme Court upholds Michigan's ban on affirmative action in college admissions.\",\n", " u'@JamesRosenFNC Seaver was on the short-list for the middle name. (kidding).',\n", " u'Cool @UpshotNYT graphic on Senate #2014 outlook w/ @538 @StuPolitics @cookpolitical @LarrySabato http://t.co/QrciyuDzmJ',\n", " u\"RT @JamesRosenFNC: Happy anniversary, Tom Seaver: On this day in 1970 he accepted his '69 Cy Young Award, then struck out 19 Padres, the la\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @SteveKornacki: Really interesting look at how Gillibrand got appointed to the Senate in '10 by @JimmyVielkind http://t.co/uV3pGhOGen\",\n", " u\"Biden: #Russia must 'stop talking and start acting,' via @nedrapickler http://t.co/zldbDyVb6b\",\n", " u\"KIEV, Ukraine (AP) - Biden: Time for Russia to 'stop talking and start acting' to reduce tension in Ukraine.\",\n", " u'Clinton White House lawyer named top Obama counsel, via @jkuhnhenn http://t.co/o5VHn0slC1',\n", " u'RT @nickconfessore: The first word of the first-ever profile of Hillary Clinton was about her hair. http://t.co/cfmwb11684',\n", " u'RT @WordsOfSarah: Freshman Rep.Tim Cotton (R-Ark.) got his drill sergeant to appear in an ad with him: http://t.co/SumZrqw7N9',\n", " u'BOSTON (AP) _ American Meb Keflizighi wins Boston Marathon a year after bombing.',\n", " u\"BOSTON (AP) _ Rita Jeptoo successfully defends Boston Marathon women's title, becomes 7th 3-time winner.\",\n", " u\"@joevardon As a longtime Knicks' fan, I still have nightmares about game 5 of the '93 conf finals v. Bulls (re C.Smith).\",\n", " u'NEW YORK (AP) _ New York Knicks fire coach Mike Woodson.',\n", " u'Good @AP crew at #BostonMarathon. Updates from @jgolen @RikStevensAP @MRSmithAP @psutherland458 @rachelcohenap & @billkole (running 26.2!)',\n", " u'Biden heads to Ukraine as tensions rise, via @nedrapickler http://t.co/Cr8goCeX08',\n", " u'RT @AP: Follow @AP Boston bureau chief @billkole today as he runs the #BostonMarathon, tweeting each mile. #26Tweets2Boston',\n", " u\"RT @Phil_Mattingly: Read @peterbakernyt on what's going on inside the White House/NSC re; Russia http://t.co/Oz6hA5MFMm\",\n", " u\"RT @StCollinson: China's shadow to follow Obama around Asia http://t.co/agSxDpEhG3 @AFP via @YahooNews\"]},\n", " {'INT': [u'RT @AnthologyJoe: Bureau of Land Management Terrorists Are Engaged In Widespread Cruelty To Animals http://t.co/tWdpTkavob',\n", " u\"RT @LastGreatStand: Thank You Charles, for pointing out what all of us with IQ's over 6 have known. http://t.co/7PG8p0uHcW\",\n", " u'RT @MdlMurray: Al Jazeera America lays off dozens, disbands sports as advertisers flee http://t.co/yO4kFGsc29 via @creepingsharia',\n", " u'RT @JohnFromCranber: Need a Const Amen Making the Atty Gen An Elected Office - Someone Not Beholding to the Pres; An Honest \"Top COP: to Pr\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jsbuis: #FF @MattBevin Like Matt Bevin on Facebook Donate to Matt http://t.co/WLKqaoWqyj #makedclisten #Bevin2014 #StopGrimes http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PatriotsOrg: AGENDA 21 AKA SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW IS HERE> http://t.co/nuKkq8VleK',\n", " u'RT @ToneBaloneRocks: @TRUCKER4AMERICA @oldgeekgal GOWDY FOR PRESIDENT',\n", " u'RT @hamrdtxpayr: @TRUCKER4AMERICA @truckerbooman Gowdy of course! we need a bunch more of him!',\n", " u\"RT @TRUCKER4AMERICA: It's up to ((((((((((( #America ))))))))) cast your vote to your ((( reps))) in your state #SCPOL #KYSEN #PJNET http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @WayneDupreeShow: Fallen Angel \\u2013 Extortion 17: I originally wrote this post in December of 2013. Towards the end of winter, I re... http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CLWithers1: The FBI wanted McKenna off the case, but now his partner was dead and someone had to pay. CASTLE CAPE http://t.co/biRyZc2MP\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ecoleaders: Ocean Lovers News is out! http://t.co/eEADWeoQKq Stories via @dlwdillon @lr3031 @divinglist',\n", " u'RT @donttreadonme53: Hedonistic Hollywood pushing Gay Agenda,u see Y/ Accuser Names 3 Hollywood Insiders in Sex Abuse Lawsuits (Video) http\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @nixon_kill: You weren't there http://t.co/3JMFO5vwTl http://t.co/4eswjy2w84\",\n", " u'RT @pulpark: MANUS ISLAND: Muslim illegal alien rioters moved to a luxury resort as Australian taxpayers... http://t.co/U6SWkJwaft #tcot #s\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @2009superglide: Nigel and I will do Winter survival there @Nanabozoh @taotao_salupa @VeronicaDover @T092379D4 @uglytruth556 @barret1046',\n", " u'RT @LeaSavoy: Remember the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto! http://t.co/Er959ZX3Bt',\n", " u'RT @SteveWorks4You: Make sure to subscribe to my #YouTube channel: http://t.co/T8u2T1qLMw #PJNET #tcot #tlot #ocra',\n", " u'Congressman Steve Stockman http://t.co/VOU6MQ6rKF via @sharethis',\n", " u'RT @TampaBay_Buzzz: #Jobs Corporate Counsel - Litigation at WellCare (Tampa, FL) Find this Job&More: http://t.co/S0Ekdlw2pb']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @I4ActivistWatch: When it comes to ballot initiatives, how local is local? Meet Bill Phillips http://t.co/4G9Z0QbwMS #sayfie #OrangeCoun\\u2026',\n", " u'Congrats! @EricEisnaugle',\n", " u\"Join me at 1 pm on the Cindy Graves Radio Show on AM600 WBOB in J'ville, or listen online! http://t.co/GuIB4rDpOG #sayfie @BIZPACReview\",\n", " u'@sarah_gadsden Nice play on words, an inception refers to the beginning of something...',\n", " u'Join me at 1 on the Cindy Graves Radio Show on AM600 WBOB in Jacksonville, or listen online! http://t.co/jTkJKcsCAV #sayfie @BIZPACReview',\n", " u'Join me at 5 p.m. on American Adversaries Drive Time on AM660 WORL or listen online! http://t.co/6vrQ3tbYS3 #sayfie @BIZPACReview',\n", " u'RT @Isaragoodman: @BIZPACReview @TomT_FL @SayfieReview CPAC Panel w/Former Congresswoman @SandyAdams4FL07 live @ 2:05 today on CSPAN #tcot',\n", " u'Join me at 5 p.m. on American Adversaries Drive Time on AM660 WORL or listen online! http://t.co/Ez4bEF25dm #sayfie @BIZPACReview',\n", " u'Manes who? RT @ToadonaWire: @dadamron @fredbrummer hey David, outside your progressive circle, nobody in Orlando knows who Manes is.',\n", " u'Join me at 5pm on American Adversaries Drive Time on AM660 WORL or listen online! http://t.co/6vrQ3tbYS3 #sayfie @BIZPACReview',\n", " u'Orange County Rep Exec Comm passed a resolution tonight against #CommonCore @FLGovScott @lennycurry @FloridaGOP',\n", " u'MT @EastSideTea: Thanks to the work of @ToadonaWire & others, Orange County Rep Exec Comm passed a resolution against #CommonCore #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @EastSideTea: Thanks to the work of @ToadonaWire & others, Orange County Republican Exec Comm passed a resolution against #CommonCore',\n", " u'RT @WFTV: Orange County tax collector defends use of lobbyists http://t.co/bSn80P6Dvw #wftv',\n", " u'RT @Twin66: RT @WFTV: Orange County tax collector spends thousands on lobbyist: http://t.co/tJJ0h76DMt #wftv @ToadonaWire @tomt_FL @Gadsden\\u2026',\n", " u'Join me at 5 on American Adversaries Drive Time on 660AM WORL or listen online! http://t.co/ffD59SSeX6 #sayfie @BIZPACReview',\n", " u'RT @GadsdenBabs: @Twin66 @ToadonaWire @TomT_FL RT @BillWhittle: Here we go!\\n\\nhttp://t.co/SmOdvMzoed http://t.co/vEtLB3j4wx',\n", " u'RT @HarrietBaldwin: Katrina Pierson and her story are what the Republican Party desperately needs http://t.co/Ms6lonYkGU via @AmyKremer',\n", " u'RT @MelissaTweets: Incompetence has consequences. Obamacare here. Tyranny on the march everywhere else. Such needless destruction.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'http://t.co/PppFw45HgE',\n", " u'RT @UchtdorfQuotes: \"The brighter our hope, the greater our faith. The stronger our hope, the purer our charity.\"',\n", " u'On the Road: Ohio boy pays it forward with found fortune. Must Watch http://t.co/sWlPr8gDst',\n", " u'Monster Jam Tampa http://t.co/xQntjRycFD',\n", " u'RT @UchtdorfQuotes: Your divine potential... http://t.co/zJgKjn7bd9',\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: Our fiscal discipline is working! @Mercatus study shows FL has strongest fiscal condition among large states. http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'I am now an 8 ball Pool Beginner @poolbyminiclip http://t.co/3xqYTrns38',\n", " u'@jdukovac I agree with you. Some things I am impressed with others not so much.',\n", " u'I LOVE my new iPhone 5!!!!!',\n", " u\"I'm really liking the new iOS six and also the update to Mountain lion\",\n", " u'Words Matter http://t.co/DRI513kc',\n", " u\"And the Dems say we are better off today than 4 yes ago. Something doesn't add up!!!! http://t.co/PiDhHIB2\",\n", " u'Quietly Serving Others http://t.co/9ZDxBCsp',\n", " u'Great message about Mitt Romney http://t.co/JxN7A3zd',\n", " u'Strong Message http://t.co/MxXnCmB2',\n", " u'Another thing that indicates we have an idiot running the show\\u2026. Of coarse we already new that http://t.co/snmXHcUr',\n", " u'@LDSTiger Way to GO Tiger',\n", " u'Getting ready to go down the river http://t.co/zmentRG7',\n", " u'Silver Springs at the cabin http://t.co/pPS6BgHo',\n", " u'IBM managers computer setup http://t.co/G54Z0JaM']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@ShlomoAttia @ConsrvativeDiva @JerzyLuv2A @KAFosterSowell @darab_ic @StarlaMBrown @micheleBPR @JoeMGoldner @LibertyIsleMag TY and blessings!',\n", " u'RT @ShlomoAttia: Tuesday #ShoutOut: @ConsrvativeDiva @JerzyLuv2A @KAFosterSowell @darab_ic @MIkeBPR @StarlaMBrown @MicheleBPR @JoeMGoldner \\u2026',\n", " u'@STRMmedia @LadyHuntrFishr suggested I follow -- so I am!',\n", " u\"@screwtape1a12 @WashingtonDCTea @TEAParty_FL Lol! I think that there's a LOT that's lost in that gang.\",\n", " u\"RT @screwtape1a12: @MikeBPR @WashingtonDCTea @TEAParty_FL The fact that he's Canadian was lost on them.\",\n", " u'\"The greatest argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.\" Winston Churchill',\n", " u'RT @truckerbooman: #Dear #Congress wake up and Smell the Coffee I paid for you to drink @Senate_GOPs @HouseFloor #PJNET #MOsen http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @teyegirlily: Conservative vs regressive women about what matters in politics...\\n#tcot #pjnet #SisterPatriots #UniteRight #tlot http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ABiCduckie: #MilitaryMonday\\u2665#HugaVet @JDBennett4AD31 @AVetwithPTSD @PuritanD71 @KarrattiPaul @DanaKohfeld @fish4family https://t.co/ZW\\u2026',\n", " u'@ShlomoAttia @ConsrvativeDiva @StarlaMBrown @RandyMasseyAuth @LydiaAswolf @Mariam_Kobras @1SupremeGoddess @KAFosterSowell It cerainly is!',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: It\\u2019s time to start walking. Volunteer to do your part for Florida. WATCH the video! https://t.co/j5AUoisi3D http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u\"@DelanaIryshe Aww, not THAT long a time ago, I'm sure. Cute and adorable!\",\n", " u'Hawaii Democrat Says Voters In Her State \\u201cEmbarrassed\\u201d By Obamacare\\u2026 http://t.co/66hyzsKn0f via @WeaselZippers',\n", " u'Video: President Reagan\\u2019s Radio Address For Easter And Passover 4/2/83 http://t.co/EddWoH3Mt5 via @WeaselZippers',\n", " u'White House asks parents to monitor their children for signs of terrorism -- no mention of Islam http://t.co/ygMQkKIDoO via @dailycaller',\n", " u'@suzanneblueblue @PCsmackdown @LibertyChat @alistdads @Jami_USA_2 @1_Hoof_Hearted @camp2478 @jackviking @Kevineder8Kevin U2!',\n", " u'RT @suzanneblueblue: @PCsmackdown @LibertyChat @alistdads @MikeBPR @Jami_USA_2 @1_Hoof_Hearted @camp2478 @jackviking @Kevineder8Kevin HAPPY\\u2026',\n", " u'Woman Texting While Driving Hits, Hospitalizes Cyclist, Tells Cops \\u201cI Just Don\\u2019t Care\\u201d http://t.co/HGfaKcgwxl',\n", " u'@Alan4454 @Callisto1947 Yep! Bud was always getting into trouble -- just like me!',\n", " u'@piersmorgan More kids are killed by bicycle accidents than are killed by gun acidents -- when, oh when will we finally outlaw bicycles?']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @CharlieDaniels: Al Sharpeton's organization reportedly owes millions in back taxes. it's a good thing they don't eat grass or have turt\\u2026\",\n", " u'InfoWars video report http://t.co/NUkIv2Tu0V',\n", " u'Shocking Allegations Show Harry Reid, Chinese Company Behind Nevada Ranch Standoff http://t.co/W01e16OgHx via @po_st',\n", " u'@ByronYork \"All we need is love...\"',\n", " u'RT @gretawire: . @seanhannity has General McInerney on - he is one who does not think the plane is in the ocean turn on Fox now 10pm',\n", " u'Turning over the Internet to global community;\"This risks foreign dictatorships defining the internet.\\u201dN.Gingrichhttp://ln.is/buff.ly/3E1OU',\n", " u'RT @BarracudaMama: #NTB: \\u201cI do not like this Uncle Sam \\u27a1 I do not like his health care scam \\u27a1HT: @RepubGrlProbs http://t.co/q4PYEb9Kug http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @philipaohlund: \"Don\\'t let schooling interfere with your education\". ~ Mark Twain',\n", " u\"OMG!Not motorized transport! @FOXNews. PROPERTY FIGHT County may seize couple's land using eminent domain: http://t.co/y8i5XD27er\",\n", " u'RT @genethelawyer: \"One death is a tragedy; millions of deaths is a statistic.\" - Jozef Stalin, one of the leaders of NBC\\'s \"pivotal experi\\u2026',\n", " u'Education:parents need to demand more from their kids: http://t.co/Z6OEOPKYQn',\n", " u'RT @KarenLewisCTU: Parents in MD figure it out. http://t.co/HhefypYlxo',\n", " u\"@BakerChelieb @NoCommonCore evidence does pt to gov't goal for mandatory preK & school year round:child raised by the state.\",\n", " u'RT @BobSikes: #CommonCore\\'s Florida \"rebranding and messaging largely political.\\u201d http://t.co/H12GCKVum3 #sayfie #pfla #flsenate #legfl #s\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PattieCurran: 2010: @SenatorHagan told me that #Obamacare would give us the same healthcare they have in Congress http://t.co/AkttOYHji\\u2026',\n", " u'IRS will not ENFORCE equal coverage prov of law of the land@FOXNews. Reportedly delayed by White House: http://t.co/zMPrKb7IqA',\n", " u'New Fed Unit?@FOXNews. BRING ON THE TECHIES http://t.co/x08i3DdM7P glitches prompt action on fed hiring: ...',\n", " u'Common Core inspires students to strive for mediocrity http://t.co/AEwJyu8tyL',\n", " u'Article admits Rep have a health care plan(near end of article) http://t.co/YEbiBTj3rx',\n", " u'@SenBlumenthol#Obamacare took cheer out of Christmas,not UPS @FOXNews. Sen. urges UPS offer refunds']},\n", " {'REP': [u'An Easter Cactus, neighbor calls \"Starlite\" (?) Relative of Christmas Cactus\\nBloomed at Easter & I didn\\'t FRY IT :D http://t.co/kR6fW7sV17',\n", " u'@billmcm67 @Liz_Griffin12 @BreeCarr86 @DennisDesmond1 @DLRodarte @Eric_T_Music @Jade44_4 Happy Tuesday All :) ! http://t.co/rGlnwxw5dF',\n", " u'http://t.co/OSnDYPmLWm An amazing display of birds flying in sync... and two lovely ladies who got to witness it. Be well today ! ((( )))',\n", " u\"#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words We're Our Brothers Keeper\",\n", " u'#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words THE REPUBLICANS REALLY SUCK',\n", " u'#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words RIGHT WING NUT JOB :)',\n", " u'@jeffl76 Thank you for the follow ! Be well. :) Christine and @roscoepch',\n", " u'@Liz_Griffin12 @billmcm67 @BreeCarr86 @DennisDesmond1 @DLRodarte @Eric_T_Music @Jade44_4 Good Morning, Afternoon and Evening, Family :D',\n", " u'11 people followed me and 3 people unfollowed me // automatically checked by http://t.co/hp2JoMi7ks',\n", " u'@Liz_Griffin12 @billmcm67 @BreeCarr86 @DennisDesmond1 @DLRodarte @Eric_T_Music @Jade44_4 Hey SIS :) Happy Easter ! Love and Hugs',\n", " u'@Jade44_4 @billmcm67 @BreeCarr86 @DennisDesmond1 @DLRodarte @Eric_T_Music @Liz_Griffin12 Thank you, Jade.. You too :)',\n", " u\"@billmcm67 @BreeCarr86 @DennisDesmond1 @DLRodarte @Eric_T_Music @Jade44_4 @Liz_Griffin12 Thank you, Bill :) Hey Ya'll Happy Bunny Day :D\",\n", " u'@billmcm67 @breecarr86 @dennisdesmond1 @dlrodarte @eric_t_music @jade44_4 @liz_griffin12 Happy Easter! xo',\n", " u'As I am trying to figure out what to save this as... \\nthe only thing that came to mind was, Oh S**T. http://t.co/AgaNqjITEz',\n", " u'@thompson96_alex @RoscoePCH He still loves to play... a puppy at nine years old LOL :) So happy he is. http://t.co/nydfbMvqA2',\n", " u'@thompson96_alex :) Thank you for rt! Love and hugs and miss you! ((( ))) ac n @roscoepch',\n", " u'Putins \"manboobs\" ? #nerdland ohh ick.',\n", " u'http://t.co/7ypXlRzZTb \"If It Kills Me\" From SYTYCD .. Jason and Jeannine ... Jason Mraz',\n", " u'https://t.co/NzZtVsAybQ Bonnie Raitt \"My First Night Alone Without You\" (sigh)',\n", " u\"RT @DrTomMartinPhD: I'll Believe Corporations Are People, When They Bleed On The Battlefields That Provide Their Profits. #INNERS http://t.\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @ChuckNellis: #MustHaveBeenHigh <-------- #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words',\n", " u'RT @AuntyEstblshmnt: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words\\n\\nKill babies, save turtles',\n", " u'@coff33loveit @KumHaiNow @LibertarianWing 2 sides to every story, 2 think outside the box get rid of ur box. Not all science is bad.',\n", " u\"@LibertarianWing @coff33loveit Why???? That's not a libertarian view!!!\",\n", " u\"RT @Dav1dBU: @Truckers4USA \\nUSA trucks have to obey, and PAY OUT THE REAR. I don't make a living w my truck w these LAWS everyone else does\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Crash_MacDuff: Monday Truth! http://t.co/bbk78w2i7Q',\n", " u'RT @ChickfilA: #IGotAThingFor Waffle Fries.',\n", " u'#IGotAThingFor #GodBlessAmerica http://t.co/tbHZI9TOj2',\n", " u'#IGotAThingFor What is right........even if it means standing alone. Stand up #America!!!! http://t.co/f7B31TviRI',\n", " u'Come on #America #IGotAThingFor #Freedom http://t.co/wGdc0HJ9q5',\n", " u'#IGotAThingFor The #red, #white and #blue. I pledge allegiance!!! http://t.co/TMbktkTlOm',\n", " u'#IGotAThingFor #Veterans Thank you for your service!!! http://t.co/qkPpCfnKky',\n", " u\"Now I'm listening @LeMarquand yes,this is what I'm talking about. Real #hope and # change!!\",\n", " u\"RT @LeMarquand: Let's give Congressman current vet. benefits..... http://t.co/VKaBnsRVnc\",\n", " u'RT @Tazmanian5: BUNDY RANCH: Sheriff Mack Calls out Glenn Beck! http://t.co/rkcXlABFG4 via @youtube',\n", " u'RT @AnnetteBosworth: We are looking for engaged volunteers to help us spread the word about Dr. Bosworth\\u2019s inspiring campaign. http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @sandyaschneider: Petition for a statewide Vote to recall Harry Reid .. http://t.co/snPKOB7PpF #tcot #PJNET #RedNationRising',\n", " u'RT @JamesThorne2: V\\xe4dersolstavlan (Sun Dog Painting) shows Sun Dogs, an atmospheric optical phenomenon seen over Stockholm, today 1535. htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DrBlazar: RT @LifeLimits: \"Don\\'t think outside the box. Think like there is no box.\"',\n", " u'Happy #Easter #Sunrise #rainbow #forgiveness #love #peace #hope http://t.co/5GKz7cwMyY']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Rep. Dane Eagle, former Crist aide, arrested Monday for DUI: Updated at 10:46 a.m. with Rep. Eagle statement: ... http://t.co/aGA795lYvb',\n", " u\"Jeb's finances under scrutiny: The New York Times has a front pager on some of Jeb Bush's business dealings si... http://t.co/bAwxkf9NMP\",\n", " u'South FL voter apathy haunts Democrats, Crist: So Oser is ready to embrace Charlie Crist, a career politician ... http://t.co/NNWew65ZXF',\n", " u'Florida man caps journey to urge Obama to stop deportations: Francisco Diaz was never going to accomplish his ... http://t.co/CAE8h9ZtDX',\n", " u'Rubio headed west for fundraising: Sen. Marco Rubio is going west - for campaign money. http://t.co/7gf7xocD2L',\n", " u'Do a Good Friday Pardon - Extend the Flood Proof of Loss Deadline http://t.co/u8VgnyY04V',\n", " u'U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson seeks local Medicaid expansion solution for Florida: U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson is keeping th... http://t.co/e3KabSzpem',\n", " u'Rubio, in Texas, says terrorists training in Syria could attack U.S.: AUSTIN, Texas (AP) \\u2014 U.S. Sen. Marco Rub... http://t.co/hk3wSlQlDs',\n", " u'Rigsby Sisters Beat State Farm Again and HAAG Qui Tam Settlement Disclosed http://t.co/dur02Bl2Yl',\n", " u'Capitol Buzz: 5 things to watch this week in Tallahassee: It figures to be a very quiet week in Tallahassee be... http://t.co/LiWGBI7Yrg',\n", " u'Discharge of Malpractice Judgment in Bankruptcy http://t.co/hQQDHwoeY1',\n", " u\"SEIU targets Republican lawmakers with constituents in coverage gap: The state healthcare workers' union has a... http://t.co/uuMsyCGb4c\",\n", " u'Political Connections Sun: State rep. says utilties own legislature: State Rep. Dwight Dudley, D-St. Petersbur... http://t.co/HbzIfG4xMt',\n", " u'Capitol Buzz: 5 things to watch today in Tallahassee: The controversial issue of pension reform will again tak... http://t.co/ieg3pIA3ng',\n", " u'With Senate help, Big Beer pushes back on craft brewers: \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 http://t.co/8s7hRzrKKS',\n", " u'The Digital Age Catches Up With Insurance Policies - Get Proper Coverage http://t.co/FIIDSZTuFE',\n", " u'Economists estimate reducing greyhound racings will cost up to $336K: http://t.co/Lo8sXsOHks',\n", " u\"Jeb Bush on running for president with a 'hopeful' message and avoiding 'the vortex of a mud fight': COLLEGE S... http://t.co/e3pIEsJl2V\",\n", " u'Proving mand Winning a First Party Bad Faith Case, Part 5 - The Nuts and Bolts of Discovery http://t.co/dGfSxgGgrO',\n", " u\"Rubio: 'Congress should resist Mr. Maduro\\u2019s charm offensive': Sen. Marco Rubio responds to a NYT op-ed by Pres... http://t.co/6vPO117ala\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @rollcall: Michele Bachmann Endorses in Florida Special Election | http://t.co/OPsuRVeNKn via @RollCallAbby',\n", " u\"RT @MotherJones: Petty. Vindictive. Weak on policy. And she's being hailed as the GOP's great new hope. Sound familiar? http://t.co/v0lgmaw\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @politicalwire: What happens when GOP presidential candidate in 2016 is forced to run on repeal Obamacare with 24 million enrolled?\\nhttp\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MassBar: The April issue of Lawyers Journal is now available http://t.co/Pwycy3GkNP',\n", " u\"RT @embeedub: Williams' Law: The commentary around Hillary Clinton always reveals why we need Hillary Clinton: http://t.co/VNK1791CEV via @\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @brithume: Shorter Obama: The ACA is working and the Republicans won't help me fix it.\",\n", " u\"RT @ezraklein: Obamacare succeeded for one simple reason: it's horrible to be uninsured: http://t.co/EjXdPumE8w\",\n", " u'RT @thinkprogress: Timely: A comprehensive timeline of the GOP\\u2019s 4-year battle to kill Obamacare. http://t.co/zE18k8XIvw',\n", " u'RT @nprpolitics: Obama: Affordable Care Act Enrollment Hits 8 Million http://t.co/y5UQnzcDBw',\n", " u'RT @HuffingtonPost: Obamacare signups hit 8 million http://t.co/IFRVmQo2J0',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostPol: Obama slams states that chose not to expand Medicaid out of \"political spite\" http://t.co/s3cEuyKRHa',\n", " u'RT @ThePlumLineGS: Obama: \"I think Democrats shoud forcefully defend\" Ocare. \"I don\\'t think we should apologize about it.\"',\n", " u'RT @ThePlumLineGS: Reminder: Multiple GOP Senate candidates running away from repeal; refusing to take clear stand on Medicaid expansion.',\n", " u'RT @jimgeraghty: \"Insurance companies report that 85% of enrollees have paid their first month\\'s premium, Lee said on Thursday.\" http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @DavidChalian: Obama offers his 2014 frame: He paints GOP as a one-issue party and it's an issue that ignores where Americans are focuse\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @HuffPostPol: Obama: \"In this country, you should be able to get affordable health care, regardless of how wealthy you are.\"',\n", " u'Rachel Maddow Calls Out Fox News http://t.co/m9Ek0x1dmX via @HuffPostPol',\n", " u'Dems: GOP Outrage At IRS Is Really About Rove http://t.co/0yEJ8rjHIW via @HuffPostPol',\n", " u\"Matt Taibbi: America Has A 'Profound Hatred Of The Weak And The Poor' http://t.co/Qq0rZPbpJE via @HuffPostPol\",\n", " u\"GOP Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Withhold Eric Holder's Paycheck http://t.co/l7QF1zRkoV via @HuffPostPol\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Not a Single Republican Has Mentioned Earth Day in Congress Since 2010 http://t.co/wrYvoJDD1h',\n", " u'Interesting Blog post from @MattNosanchuk on #Passover at the @WhiteHouse http://t.co/FRSDXetGzt',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Good luck to @LaurensKids tomorrow as she completes her 1,500 mile walk across Florida to raise awareness about sexual\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DWStweets: Attn. Gov. Scott! RT @TheDemocrats: RT if you support #RaiseTheWage legislation in your state --> http://t.co/PccoGGdqQe',\n", " u'@browardpolitics Thanks for bringing this to light!',\n", " u'Why Rick Scott should be a one-term governor http://t.co/FGhMheuEbl',\n", " u\"U.S. Supreme Court rejects Florida Gov. Rick Scott's request to review drug testing decision http://t.co/AiriYpyEan\",\n", " u'RT @MiamiDadeDems: The path to Dem. victory in November? Turning out the vote in South Florida http://t.co/DnewrD3IDl #sayfie #pfla @MarcAC\\u2026',\n", " u'#Marlins win!! http://t.co/33DteUbhHp',\n", " u'Beautiful day at @MarlinsPark! #LetsGoFish http://t.co/d5ZBvhmiqw',\n", " u\"Charlie Crist's comeback attempt to be governor depends on South Florida http://t.co/v88ixc7vhU\",\n", " u'RT @MarcACaputo: Lots of energy, big crowd (300?) lots if electeds (20?) for @CharlieCrist Broward field office opening. http://t.co/9EVMIH\\u2026',\n", " u'5 hours in and lines are still around the block. Vinyl lives! #RSD14 http://t.co/UbDaHVuX4C',\n", " u'@aimeemann Got the cd yesterday. That ok?',\n", " u'RT @ABC: Renowned @chefjoseandres on immigration, becoming a US citizen and giving back: http://t.co/ZbiOIXHApV http://t.co/1xdhhbWEAB',\n", " u'RT @Marlins: .@Giancarlo818 delivers a WALK-OFF GRANDSLAM! Fish win 8-4!',\n", " u'RT @nytimes: Record Store Day Underscores a Small Renaissance http://t.co/sPBvOImQbG',\n", " u'Official @WhiteHouse response to the petition to deport Justin Bieber \\n https://t.co/v2w98ALYjc',\n", " u'Orlando Sentinel: Talking to @FLGovScott \"can be a little like talking to a Magic 8 Ball.\" http://t.co/h81ks6SFjQ',\n", " u'General Mills says Facebook \\u201clike\\u201d equals legal agreement http://t.co/SxMUSDBrEw']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Sen Joyner applauds SCOTUS rejection of Gov Rick Scott appeal to drug test all FL state workers: \"He is not a king.\"\\nhttp://t.co/in3b3b2zC0',\n", " u\"U.S. Supreme Court rejects Rick Scott's request to review drug testing decision http://t.co/iseo9LAiUT via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'\"Just say it like it is-you don\\'t like it\"- Bill granting in-state tuition for Florida\\'s undocumented students stalls http://t.co/NLBFUDZyrS',\n", " u\"Reacting to news FL DEP rejected its own Big Cypress experts' advice, @SenDarrenSoto calls on agency top brass to reject oil drilling permit\",\n", " u'Led by Sen @DwightBullard, Democrats try to raise Florida\\u2019s minimum wage, but Republicans refuse to budge http://t.co/ggEOA3fFbW',\n", " u'All Senate Dems on cmte voted in favor today of in-state tuition bill for undocumented students. Bill has one last committee stop in Senate.',\n", " u'SB1400 - in-state tuition for undocumented students - passes Senate Appropriations Cmte on Education.',\n", " u\"Students from Florida are once again urging Sen cmte support for SB1400 allowing in-state tuition rates for Florida's undocumented children.\",\n", " u\"Sen @DwightBullard joins fellow Democrats today to call for lawmakers' support in raising FL min wage to $10.10. http://t.co/PdSNQfKAVq\",\n", " u'Dems make final push 4 stalled election bills; Sen @oscarjb2 wants voting \"fundamental right enshrined in state law\"\\nhttp://t.co/kRBMZTSavr',\n", " u'Sen @DwightBullard began his \"Live 4 a Week on Min Wage\" challenge to GOP lawmakers opposed to his min wage bill. So far, not 1 has accepted',\n", " u\"Women in FL earning min wage take 2x hit this leg session: Democrats'\\nmin wage hike, equal pay bills blocked by GOP leadership #EqualPayDay\",\n", " u\"Women in FL earning minimum wage take double hit this session: Democrats'\\nmin wage hike, equal pay bills remain blocked by GOP leadership.\",\n", " u'Sen Arthenia Joyner calls for equal pay for women, legislature to hear min wage increase bill stalled by leadership. http://t.co/G5n7kou34n',\n", " u'@fineout takes a closer look at #FAMU-#FSU eng school split: Did FL Board of Governors suggest funding this project? http://t.co/RYe1VG3LYZ',\n", " u'Sen. Arthenia Joyner opposes the funding allocation to stand alone FSU engineering school on the Senate floor Thurs. \\nhttp://t.co/ZG8mAqGeRY',\n", " u'RT @HatterLynn: Debate on splitting famu-fsu engineering school shows issue cuts deep. Listen to @WFSUNews #fprcapreport tonight at 6:30 fo\\u2026',\n", " u'Sen Thrasher amendment splitting #FAMU-#FSU engineering school passes on voice vote, despite Sen Joyner and other Dems opposition.',\n", " u\"Despite impassioned speeches by Dem Senators to slow down #Famu-#FSU eng sch decoupling, defenders claim it's in best interest of #FAMU\",\n", " u'On separating FAMU/FSU College of Eng, Sen Arthenia Joyner said: \"I see the ghosts of the past. It\\'s like the law school all over again.\"']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Thank you! Have a great week too! pls follow @Trans1110 #pjnet',\n", " u'RT @Trans1110: @TheJanSimpson Have a great week! #MUST_FOLLOW \\nSuperStars!',\n", " u'Thank you for the very kind add to your list! @MostTalkedAbou1 #pjnet',\n", " u'General Mills caught with their pants down...now changing. http://t.co/jwAuIidEaJ @GeneralMills Nice Catch Consumers! #pjnet',\n", " u'Thank you - your recommendation is kind! Please follow my good friend @KLSouth #pjnet',\n", " u'Thank you - your recommendation is very kind! Pls follow @Trans1110 #pjnet',\n", " u'Ram Trucks - Dodge Truck - who are you owned by these days? Do you owe the American PPL money? @RamTrucks',\n", " u'@UFPnews One is a Greedy Hypocrite Who Terrorizes His Fellow Nevadans \\u2013 One Runs Cattle http://t.co/xiNGLxtIx7 http://t.co/HY3Q2cJ6e7',\n", " u'RT @zuberlzeladia: \"Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out.\" - Titus Livius',\n", " u'Sue for the Lemon Law - @Calculator60',\n", " u'RT @Calculator60: @TheJanSimpson We have 2014 Chev Silverado with 2,000 kms on odometer. Towed to garage once @ 600 kms and is going in for\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @UFPnews: As many countries are dealing with a sweep of immigration across their borders, one country in\\u2026 http://t.co/rYXTcoHI1p',\n", " u'RT @UFPnews: Man Who Said He\\u2019s Not Called To Run Is Beating Hillary In Fundraising For\\xa02016 http://t.co/jceF9Vr9j4',\n", " u'RT @UFPnews: Obama Says He Won\\u2019t Enforce Ted Cruz\\u2019s New\\xa0Law http://t.co/JD5PpRpUjO',\n", " u'RT @UFPnews: Joe Biden Brags About Taking Taxpayer-Funded\\xa0Vacations http://t.co/7BLLCQcZAg',\n", " u'RT @UFPnews: 1,200 High School Students Petition To Block Michelle Obama\\u2019s Graduation\\xa0Speech http://t.co/qBQcJefQ5q',\n", " u'RT @UFPnews: Baseball Icon Joins the Liberal Echo\\xa0Chamber http://t.co/yc3NHMSzEe',\n", " u'RT @UFPnews: US targets AQAP master bomb maker in 2 strikes in\\xa0Yemen http://t.co/O7jQsLFaUT',\n", " u'RT @UFPnews: [WATCH]: Police Beat Up Wedding Party, Leaving One Pro Sports Player With Career-Ending\\xa0Injuries http://t.co/qeSRD5RrhO',\n", " u'RT @UFPnews: [Watch] BLM Land-Grabbing 90,000 Deeded Acres in Texas Not Just\\xa0Nevada http://t.co/Sy0N5GmaOf']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @paulpierce34: Have a Happy Easter to All',\n", " u'RT @ZachLowe_NBA: Get to know Raptors GM Masai Ujiri: http://t.co/ZNLKWRRrLy',\n", " u'RT @darth: i made one too MT @stevebenen: I made a chart in case Fox News wants to use it http://t.co/KzAYX3HWPp http://t.co/0U62BVy6bI',\n", " u'RT @jessmccarron: EIGHT MILLION #8mil',\n", " u'RT @ezraklein: That Obamacare had such a bad start and still beat enrollment expectations speaks to how badly people want health insurance',\n", " u'@JonCarsonOFA',\n", " u'@laura_carolyn #3800Calories',\n", " u\"RT @laura_carolyn: seriously if you've ever watched the west wing, the newsroom, or just enjoy laughing you should watch this http://t.co/P\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @darrenrovell: Bubba reportedly left a $148 tip at his post Masters championship meal at Waffle House http://t.co/trK7vp9Z4j',\n", " u'RT @Sean_McAdam: RT @MLB The @WhiteSox show their support with the @RedSox in town. http://t.co/PNFOasgEua',\n", " u'RT @cesarfernandezD: RT: @ScottFreeFLA: \"Scott campaign ads serve up baloney\" - we couldn\\'t have said it better ourselves: http://t.co/I3k0\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BillSimmons: Our first @30for30 Soccer Story runs at 8pm on ESPN: \"Hillsborough.\" It\\'s worth the 2 hours if you have them.',\n", " u'RT @espn: He\\u2019s only one man, but here are @ZachLowe_NBA\\u2019s End of Season Awards -> http://t.co/9YjPNoHzMg',\n", " u'RT @darrenrovell: Not having Tiger or Phil is painful for CBS today, but Jordan Spieth winning would be better for golf\\u2019s future',\n", " u'Congrats to Liverpool #JohnHenryIsTheBest',\n", " u'@laura_carolyn wait what',\n", " u'RT @si_vault: Congrats to the Huskies and Kevin Ollie, a true Connecticut hero. http://t.co/g11nBk87JR',\n", " u'@shelbywebb #IDreamedADream',\n", " u'RT @shelbywebb: THIS is what 20-somethings should be reading, not \"19 ways to buzzfeed\"\\nSCOTUS strikes down contribution limits http://t.co\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @foxnewsvideo: Report: Student loans to yield $127B profit for government @HappeningNow @JonScottFNC @ShannonBream | http://t.co/zwkE0eV\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Conservative_VW: BREAKING !!!\\n\\nObama Loses his Bet with Putin\\n\\n\\U0001f602\\U0001f602LOL\\n\\n#BundyRanch #ConservativeVW #tcot http://t.co/sbBp81x50S',\n", " u'RT @BillBunkley: RT @NoCasinos: No gambling expansion this session. This is a victory for Florida. http://t.co/M4L3CyHg8K #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @OHCONSERVATISM: I don't find Colbert funny so my trend of not watching him will continue.\",\n", " u'RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Emails suggest Cummings prompted targeting of conservative group... http://t.co/SqKyQFFFTN',\n", " u'RT @gatewaypundit: Success! @petesouza http://t.co/kdYA4ypzDM',\n", " u'RT @LasVegas51s: Team Photo time. http://t.co/uQT5vxrg7n',\n", " u'RT @DaveRamsey: All of our awesome speakers at #Smart2014! http://t.co/QdIEbz5Y8P',\n", " u'Love this quote. \"Giving is the most fun you can have with money.\" @RachelCruze @DaveRamsey #Smart2014',\n", " u\"RT @UniteRight: I find it funny that Liberals are all over @StephenAtHome w/ #CancelColbert. He's about as Liberal as it gets. Wait for the\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @iowahawkblog: Forecast for today's media coverage:\\nMSNBC: CA legislator victim of racist FBI prosecution\\nABC NBC CBS CNN LATimes NYTime\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @LilMissRightie: Aren\\'t unions WONDERFUL?!? RT \"@JBaileysMom: Ridiculous #CommonCore examples. How do I math? \\U0001f621 http://t.co/r3pHsXN47A\"',\n", " u'RT @JakeRaburn: The Florida Turnaround under @FLGovScott #LetsKeepWorking #sayfie http://t.co/TwO04hWk7Q',\n", " u\"@reporterannie I think it's a mole cricket\",\n", " u'RT @sethmckeel: What do you think is better run: Tallahassee or Washington? #sayfie http://t.co/pJSUpv371S',\n", " u\"RT @tedcruz: How far we've come... http://t.co/3ajyU3JVbv\",\n", " u'RT @reporterannie: Woman misunderstands lyrics to \"Like a G6\" in the @RideSunRail ad, but many viewers miss the joke. http://t.co/7KttcCkJkK',\n", " u\"@themainemets I've seen him play SS many times he's solid\",\n", " u'RT @FLSenate: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the 2014 Legislative Session! #sayfie #60daystogo http://t.co/ZeqYipxTCq',\n", " u'RT @DLoesch: To recap, nothing is stopping another baker in AZ from not giving you cake. http://t.co/ExX168ZJBU']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @cloudspark: some people are so focused on making a point that they fail to ever make a difference.',\n", " u'RT @bsfarrington: Listening to floor discussion is torturous for someone who hates the word utilize #justuseuse',\n", " u'RT @TLHDowntown: Been to @Cascades_Park yet? Come check it out this weekend during the opening concerts! RT to enter drawing for 2 tickets!\\u2026',\n", " u'Listening to rerun episodes of #CarTalk. My favorite calls are when people try to mimic the sounds their cars are making.',\n", " u\"RT @taprootcreative: We're busy rocking a discovery session with an awesome Tampa Bay client today #itsnotworkifyouloveit\",\n", " u'Dear #CBS, that was not cool what you did with the #GoodWife.',\n", " u\"RT @FPRACapChap: Follow @CapChapChallnge for all the updates on Tallahassee's amazing race! #capchapchallenge\",\n", " u'RT @KevinCate: Has there ever been a nicer political power couple than @DJGroup and @ChristinaOn3PR? Probably not.',\n", " u'#latetotheparty RT @DrTaitMartin: Today I realized that \\u201cPlease advise.\\u201d is the business-appropriate way of saying, \\u201cWTF?\"',\n", " u\"I feel like I've finally found my people. #crisiscomms #2014ICRC\",\n", " u\"Yep. Best photo ever. RT @TheEllenShow: If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars http://t.co/LxS6509rpQ\",\n", " u'IN LOVE with the #McDonalds commercial that just aired. #oscars',\n", " u'#FreetheFoodTrucks RT @MostBoringGirl: Perspective on the #Jax #Foodtrucks debate: http://t.co/kxiXpB3zOt',\n", " u'RT @rhluallen: Looking for something fun to do tomorrow? Come check out the @NationalMagLab !! Open house 10am-3pm. Fun stuff for kids and \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FPRACapChap: Fate. RT @NetWeave: Delivering keynote for @FPRACapChap today on @linkedin at the same time LI announces publishing rollou\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ChristinaOn3PR: @On3_PR Proud to host @NetWeave's Kevin McNulty at @FPRACapChap today! #LinkedIn\",\n", " u'RT @repdanayoung: Rep @Artiles118 & I have filed bill to allow 64oz Growlers & beer tastings in grocery stores. RT IF YOU SUPPORT! @FLBarTa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @thePRguy: The Regus #Tallahassee location is offering free access to their business lounge this week. Just tell them @FPRACapChap sent \\u2026',\n", " u\"But think of the Tallahassee drivers... MT @bsfarrington: I'm shaking my head that FL em mgt is saying stay indoors bc it might snow an in\",\n", " u\"Good enough for me! MT @TomahawkNation: Bonus note on Kelly http://t.co/NH8tossUKf He's from Mickey Andrews' hometown + really admires him\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@nnschiller @giso6150 Thank you!',\n", " u'RT @nnschiller: Here\\'s a test for using \"sexy\" as an adjective. Replace it w/ \"erotic\" and if it doesn\\'t work, try a different word.',\n", " u'RT @TheMickyDolenz1: A new music film spotlights Monkees songwriters Boyce & Hart | The Ask http://t.co/VPagXpnunw',\n", " u'RT @DianeGaston: What type of Regency hero is your favorite? Did I remember them all? http://t.co/nvY7Q8U5ic',\n", " u'@_MikeMcCartney_ Python before there was Python !',\n", " u'RT @marymac: My 8 year old: \"I\\'m just going to Google it.\" Me: \"What?\" Him: \"Whether or not the Easter Bunny is real.\" #wellshit',\n", " u\"RT @TheMickyDolenz1: That's my Son-in-law! Check out @JerryTrimble 's acting reel...\\n https://t.co/PJU6YDXKAN\",\n", " u'@giso6150 Me neither. Heard about it only last year.',\n", " u'@giso6150 My whole family\\'s from Minn/ND... And to your tweet I reply, \"You betcha!\" Keillor\\'s funny because he\\'s telling the truth. Uffdah!',\n", " u'RT @totally_relaxed: Hello. We updated the blog about a Japanese character in #Japanese #calligraphy. Solemn and Discreet http://t.co/iKHxA\\u2026',\n", " u'@jaslar @KeeslingMary Feel better soon!',\n", " u'@jaslar Argh!!',\n", " u'@giso6150 Argggh!!',\n", " u\"RT @tedgioia: Why can't America get the sidewalk caf\\xe9 right? http://t.co/ElHdcoJ8OR\",\n", " u'RT @_MikeMcCartney_: Spring Swing. Pink Lily not in Full Bloom yet..but slowly coming. http://t.co/n9bm405e5G',\n", " u'RT @jeriwesterson: Who is Now the Duke of Lancaster? http://t.co/VjwjEOYWSW',\n", " u\"@kimkfay I can't believe I missed this news for 2 days. May he rest in peace.\",\n", " u'RT @kimkfay: Farewell to a legendary writer ... http://t.co/o43R4L40Q2',\n", " u'@judyvelasco @TheMickyDolenz1 @slcomiccon :) :) !!!',\n", " u'@jeriwesterson Ouch ! But learning news words IS fun ...!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Bryan Singer\\u2019s Accuser Names Three More Alleged Sex Abusers http://t.co/9fQkBNxaHf http://t.co/IaZqcIUTCJ',\n", " u'Female special education teacher, 30, arrested for inappropriate relationship with 17-year-old male student http://t.co/a6S6M8EjKN',\n", " u'Why Every Member of Congress Gets a Monthly Porn Delivery http://t.co/1B8UZW7phy',\n", " u'Which Athlete Is Your State Most Obsessed With? http://t.co/ygV40zLAHA',\n", " u'Stone Cold Steve Austin Does Not Pull Punches When It Comes to His Thoughts on Same-Sex Marriage http://t.co/0hC0Oxnb6L',\n", " u'Keyshawn Johnson Arrested For Spousal Battery http://t.co/Dc7llJc8l6',\n", " u'Teacher in sex case resigned after texting Orange County middle-schooler, http://t.co/68GARQE8Xk',\n", " u'Sources Claim Lindsay Lohan Faked Miscarriage for Sympathy http://t.co/BNTNoduLTM',\n", " u\"Ex-cop accused of killing wife in front of kids told people he would 'kill this b**** one day http://t.co/wecTAO5KX6 http://t.co/f2ySIiO67b\",\n", " u'RT @1025TheBone: Listen Live to @BTLSRadio show everyday morning 6am until 10am with Bubba, @OfficialNedBTLS, Manson, @TheShannonBurke and \\u2026',\n", " u'Facebook friend of the day is Jessica Cool of Elkton Maryland. Go To https://t.co/OHtEw0Mgtx \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 \\u2026 & give us a likin',\n", " u'RT @JanessaBrazil: Me & my partner in crime @JimmyNobody http://t.co/sRgm2AZNhV',\n", " u'RT @JanessaBrazil: Live on @BTLSRadio Show with @Cleopatra_88 listen live on http://t.co/foKZ0FchVh http://t.co/KZnkU0A25Z',\n", " u'RT @JanessaBrazil: Getting naughty on @BTLSRadio Show with @Cleopatra_88 @25btls #bubba #bubbaarmy #BubbaTalkLive http://t.co/4TLtSqsqwo',\n", " u'RT @JanessaBrazil: I had a blast with @Cleopatra_88 at the @BTLSRadio show! http://t.co/DTVpdDkKPu',\n", " u'RT @JohnMorganESQ: Generation Next. @MikeMorganESQ @MattMorganESQ RT @mikebarbaro_moy: new billboard designs up in #Tampa @JohnMorganESQ ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlaKracker75: Looking Forward to Saturday!!! \\\\m/\\n@96_krock @FortRockFest @RobZombie @Korn @FFDP @TPROfficial @BELLUSIRA @BTLSRadio http\\u2026',\n", " u'Man Skips 13-Year Prison Sentence Due to Clerical Error http://t.co/dBNXQFH5TF',\n", " u'On Springsteen Tour, Nobody Gets Comped (Though Credit Cards Are Accepted) http://t.co/AO64bsM3UQ',\n", " u'Man Calls 911, Claims He Killed Someone http://t.co/9TTX5oh45N']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@jennettemccurdy https://t.co/tmtdG0bMYM #nipslip',\n", " u'@SeniorSpanish https://t.co/tmtdG0bMYM',\n", " u'@Bone_Carmin https://t.co/tmtdG0bMYM',\n", " u'@AngryGalvin@MrMikeCalta https://t.co/tmtdG0bMYM',\n", " u'@DrewOnTheRadio https://t.co/E5VcZsVaRf check it',\n", " u'@BMS_Derek https://t.co/E5VcZsVaRf check it',\n", " u'@jennettemccurdy did this really happen https://t.co/tmtdG0bMYM',\n", " u'@MrMikeCalta check this out https://t.co/E5VcZsVaRf. Let me know what u think.',\n", " u'@BTLSRadio have u checked out the news chicks on #Univision hot',\n", " u'RT @seguifox13: BREAKING: Indy Colts owner Jim Irsay arrested for DUI. http://t.co/aefnDwTmLi',\n", " u'RT @Fox13Traffic: @BTLSRadio @LauraMoodyFox13 you shouldve never left us in the first place :-(',\n", " u\"RT @iLikeGirlsDaily: RETWEET if you want a $100 Amazon code. Will choose a random RT'er and DM them in 5hrs. http://t.co/ecJpsF7M4C\",\n", " u\"RT @MyFoxTampaBay: This week's Hometown Heroes are using a few tunes to fight for a good cause (@Fox13Traffic) http://t.co/oKRaZiwKno http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'@foxnewsalert @MyFoxTampaBay wtf',\n", " u'Lets talk weather all day. @MyFoxTampaBay',\n", " u'@MrCowhead there is a guy up north that smokes eel and is sort of good at it. I saw it on the cook channel',\n", " u'RT @CharleyBelcher: My daughter just got out of school & heard the news. The 13 year old gets it. #MartyBooHooey #GoBolts http://t.co/A9gM2\\u2026',\n", " u'@AEO who cares',\n", " u'#Oscars #ladygaga another attention whore on the carpet stupid cunt',\n", " u'#Oscars dumb #PharrellWilliams stupid shorts. What a douch\\U0001f4a9\\U0001f466']},\n", " {'INT': [u'Pretty emotional stuff at Fenway right now.',\n", " u'@FSUNOLE21 @NickIarossi @jsramos04 @MikeFischerFL @ChrisDorworth Joke all you want, but I predict big things from her on the O-line.',\n", " u\"That's what I'm talking about... \\u201c@ChickfilA: Found the Golden Nugget. #HappyEaster http://t.co/XMsvUVpWie\\u201d\",\n", " u'RT @RealGRRM: The entire world right now. http://t.co/uzcf5Xc9nk',\n", " u'RT @SmithAPalooza: Bye, bye, Joffrey!! The king is dead!!! #GameOfThrones',\n", " u'RT @JoePClements: Is it too soon for dead Jeoffrey jokes? #HBO #GoT #GameOfThrones',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: Official scorecards: 116-112, 118-110. @MannyPacquiao earns the victory over @TimBradleyJr #PacBradley 2',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: Champion again! Manny Pacquiao beats Timothy Bradley in unanimous decision, winning WBO Welterweight Title. http://t.co/o\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: After 12 full rounds of action, unofficial ringside judge @shotfighter26 scores it 116-112 for Pacquiao. Official scores on \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: Unofficial ringside judge @shotfighter26 has it 97-93 in favor of Pacquiao through 10 rounds #PacBradley 2',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: Total punches through 7 rounds: Pacquiao - 111 of 365 | Bradley - 80 of 363 #PacBradley 2',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: Total punches through five rounds: Pacquiao - 73 of 237 | Bradley - 58 of 257 #PacBradley 2',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: Total punches through four rounds: Pacquiao - 59 of 195 | Bradley - 47 of 211 #PacBradley 2',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: \"He did something earlier in this round that he hasn\\'t does thus far with Pacquiao and I think that is, shake him up.\" - @Ma\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: Unofficial ringside judge @shotfighter26 has it 29-28 in favor of Pacquiao through three rounds. #PacBradley',\n", " u'This fight is headed to a dark place. #PacBradley',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: Total punches through two rounds: Pacquiao - 22 of 85 | Bradley - 18 of 96 #PacBradley 2',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: \"We\\'ve got a fire fight in round number two.\" - Jim Lampley #PacBradley 2',\n", " u'RT @HBOboxing: Total punches in the first round: Pacquiao - 7 of 44 | Bradley - 7 of 41 #PacBradley 2',\n", " u'Alright, Pac Man coming out to a Katie Perry song has made me switch. Go Bradley. #PacquiaoBradley2']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@LibySchoon the bigger the hair the closer to heaven.. You taught me that',\n", " u'Happy birthday to the Coolest dude I know @ChrisCool01. #turnup #holeeish #gainweightplease',\n", " u'Good luck to an amazing friend @CarmodyJr today in the #bostonmarathon. Will be watching you through out this morning. #getatme #bostonstron',\n", " u'#fact RT @totalfratmove: Jesus rising from the dead to forgive mankind of their sins and start Seersucker Season all at the same time. #TFM',\n", " u'@ChrisDorworth the hype would be amazing. And these downtown Orlando hipster chicks will all go to the library to vote. #lockdown',\n", " u\"I didn't come out here to lay up - @Rfstuart\",\n", " u'@jasonbrodeur @CarmodyJr nice Carson reference. Big T would be proud.',\n", " u'I just witnessed @CarmodyJr hit the shot of his life during golf today. And I am still Amazed how great it was. #carmody #wow',\n", " u'Big shout out to @chelsiphenry for passing the bar exam! You are going to do amazing things in life! And I am so excited for you!',\n", " u'I believe that we will win. @LFC #YNWA',\n", " u'Just gave Sam Cassell a gator chomp and he hated it. @CarmodyJr @Rfstuart #getatmeeee #courtside',\n", " u'Back in the city beautiful and it feels great!',\n", " u'How did I miss Rex Manning day yesterday? This is the beginning of the end for me. #ohrexy #sosexy',\n", " u'YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!',\n", " u'YES! RT @stevebraband: All the YES! #WrestleMania',\n", " u'STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD! #wrestlemania30',\n", " u'Game day! #gogators \\U0001f40a\\U0001f40a\\U0001f40a\\U0001f40a',\n", " u'This #childishgambino concert is #tier1 business. #deepweb #becausetheinternet',\n", " u'@hymnforrachel well this changes everything! #teamcourtneylove',\n", " u'@SLRoss528 ouch. #extensionforHamilton']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @pdacosta: Hedge-Fund Assets Hit New Record In First Quarter Despite Losses http://t.co/kWaTB74wZa',\n", " u'RT @SavageNation: US Special Forces Kill Al-Qaeda\\u2019s Chief Bombmaker Ibrahim al-Asiri: Ibrahim Hassan Tali al-Asiri was a wanted ... http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WSJD: Twitter profiles have a new look, and .@nateog has a break down of the new features and style. http://t.co/2THto50pMr',\n", " u'RT @stlouisfed: Average price of a gallon of gasoline rises to $3.683, the highest in 13 months http://t.co/N8VJw5lcAN',\n", " u'@lexirh3 if the gringo de Ohio did,you can too!\\U0001f393',\n", " u\"RT @IBDeditorials: 24 Years Ago In IBD: It's Time To Curb Program Trading http://t.co/3cebRVz1zb #tcot #tlot\",\n", " u'RT @EconBrothers: A Chart is Worth a Thousand Words http://t.co/SuQQSKLkC9 via @RPSeawright',\n", " u\"RT @IPOview: 2014-04-22 Alibaba's IPO Launch in the US - http://t.co/yzK9hIUY3o http://t.co/Uu6U82aS7K\",\n", " u'RT @BW: Short sellers miss the tech slump: http://t.co/nScHntWx8H',\n", " u\"RT @SportsCenter: LeBron James passed Larry Bird today into 8th on NBA's all-time playoff scoring list (3,898 postseason points). http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'\\u201c@Forbes: 3 essential #WarrenBuffett quotes to live by: http://t.co/W2McnzCTYn\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @anticastro76: Comunismo nada nuevo en la historia. http://t.co/ZhDmrzp8si',\n", " u'RT @alexmenamiami: Heat one win down, 15 more to go',\n", " u\"RT @zerohedge: This Means War: US To Target Putin's Personal $40 Billion Stash http://t.co/x95BzsWsTl\",\n", " u\"RT @AHMalcolm: Obama: 'For me, #Easter is a story of hope, a belief in a better day to come'\\nhttp://t.co/SjzuZtncZE #TCOT http://t.co/ySvaQ\\u2026\",\n", " u'@WSJecon:Top 20% U.S. #households accounted for more than 80% of post-recession #income gains. http://t.co/6zDjOF4Goh http://t.co/41SAloInuM',\n", " u'RT @stlouisfed: Average interest rate on a 15-year fixed-rate #mortgage dips to 3.33 percent from previous week\\u2019s 3.38 http://t.co/QEA8VTql\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @AHMalcolm: President Reagan's timeless Easter-Passover Message of 1983 http://t.co/1vOqp8LbrU H/T @Heritage\",\n", " u'RT @KY4FairTax: What act of government created more criminals than any other? Adopting the #FairTax would rehabilitate most of them. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"@IBDeditorials: Flashback: IBD remembers #Reagan's successful presidency http://t.co/CR9gkW6GF2\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'While I am not running for office in 2014, I will keep an open dialogue with all of you and continue to seek new ways to serve #StayTuned',\n", " u\"What a day for baseball! I had the best time with friends @RaysBaseball opening day. Let's #GoRays! #OpeningDay http://t.co/WuKn3ndO3i\",\n", " u'#LivingWage is good for business & I applaud @C1Bank on instituting living wages for employees at 20+ branches in FL http://t.co/Bffe1dnkp8',\n", " u\"Polls close in 16 minutes. If you haven't voted. Now is the time!\",\n", " u'My dad Kester is at El Cap having a burger and talking to voters! Everyone loves him! Swing by after you vote! http://t.co/UOUqCTjA8l',\n", " u'TO ALL @ALEXSINKFLORIDA SUPPORTERS: #ElectionWatchParty tonight @ Hilton Carillon Park, 950 Lake Carillon Dr., St Pete, FL begins at 7:30 pm',\n", " u'Thanks to @alexsinkflorida supporter Catherine in #TierraVerde for a pic of her I voted sticker! Tweet us your pics! http://t.co/PoqfWqbwYy',\n", " u'Thanks for your work! RT \"@annakorm: It\\'s Election Day! Up before the sun to cross the finish line with @AlexSinkFlorida! #FL13 #ELGOTV\\u201d',\n", " u'Thank you to the 30+ volunteers who opened their homes at 6 am to serve as #NeighborhoodStagingLocations for GOTV http://t.co/rXUy9II4UF',\n", " u\"Happy Election Day! If you'd like to look up your polling location so you can vote for @AlexSinkFlorida visit: http://t.co/1AdWe79Xiz\",\n", " u'We have @alexsinkflorida #DoorToDoor events launching from homes all over #Pinellas County. Look at those smiles! http://t.co/HM3SO3NEzG',\n", " u'Will you make 3 calls right now for @alexsinkflorida? This race is so close-your calls could decide this election https://t.co/HHSvoqnHzK',\n", " u\"RT @MorganLucia: Out early to canvass for @AlexSinkFlorida! Let's win this for the families of Pinellas County. \\U0001f499\",\n", " u'Reviewing walk sheets for an afternoon @alexsinkflorida canvass in Greenwood. #alexsinkforcongress http://t.co/JIRMnHIVIw',\n", " u'Bri & Charles sent us a pic of themselves reminding #Largo folks to vote for @AlexSinkFlorida--tweet us your pics! http://t.co/OvebflDnT7',\n", " u'Leah W & the #Gulfport team sent us this pic of their #doortodoor team. Join us! http://t.co/WoVoOyoL5l http://t.co/5XSyX2cEaY',\n", " u\"I'm prepping walk packets with the @alexsinkflorida #Seminole team--excited to join volunteers on the doors today! http://t.co/o43e0iK9jk\",\n", " u'The #OnTopOfTheWorld in #Clearwater @AlexSinkFlorida #StPatricksDay parade crew. We had such a fun time! http://t.co/NldZRoQFAC',\n", " u\"#OUTTAKES: Yesterday we released an @alexsinkflorida web video of my dad, Kester--today we're sharing the outtakes! http://t.co/fEAZWCIVxN\",\n", " u'Yesterday my dad, Kester Sink, joined us on the trail & today @alexsinkflorida released a video featuring his return! http://t.co/ntXHdOUtFL']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Wow its below 70 in Pinellas! Cold 65 & temp dropping...gotta get out blankets-Goodnight all',\n", " u'New bridge (left) & old 7 Mile Bridge (right) http://t.co/xrJ6Y6Puts',\n", " u'The History http://t.co/WqLOUtI66y',\n", " u'Larry Potter at Knights Key at North End of 7 Mile Bridge http://t.co/PdpqobdsKo',\n", " u'View from Knights Key at north end of 7 Mile Bridge http://t.co/BqcLFUV1iF',\n", " u'Old 7 Mile Bridge looking south with Pigeon Key at end in background http://t.co/8byD6TMia8',\n", " u'After crossing the 7 Mile Bridge to Marathon...so tempting to turn back south and go back to Key West! http://t.co/lWgjuQEDw8',\n", " u'Had to do a \"Selfie\" with me & that coconut palm tree! (Veterans Memorial Park) http://t.co/mnNDX7itGm',\n", " u'Just south of 7 Mile Bridge http://t.co/kl10rTccSR',\n", " u'View from Veterans Memorial Park http://t.co/zJnh0I8WIg',\n", " u'Old Bahia Honda Overseas Railway Bridge http://t.co/NEJSZhi6Ft',\n", " u'Old Bahia Honda Overseas Railway Bridge http://t.co/chVUQ8S4jB',\n", " u\"I'm really here - just north of Big Pine Key http://t.co/nfiH5vtPCs\",\n", " u'This is not a calendar photo...its the real deal..\\nJust north of Big Pine Key http://t.co/fyRAOa8Ovi',\n", " u'Spectacular view just north of Big Pine Key http://t.co/vToXCy2nij',\n", " u\"If only Sandy's of Key West delivered to Pinellas (sigh) http://t.co/f3QiygGpcu\",\n", " u'Traditional \"Last Stop\" in Key West: Sandy\\'s Cafe lunch counter (White St.) for a Cuban Mix sandwich & Cafe Con... http://t.co/HjjGN5jk9E',\n", " u'Must leave Key West...for now http://t.co/M1gRlqNQQL',\n", " u'Sailing & Paddleboarding\\nOff Key West http://t.co/LS50MO4SJp',\n", " u'Sailing & Paddleboarding in Key West http://t.co/iDYEAQwMQW']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@FLBlue's @dgbartel talking change with SFL #healthcare leaders. #RippingOffTheBandAid #knowledgeispower http://t.co/NiCFfSl87Y\",\n", " u'Congressman @MarioDB talks #healthcare + #federalbudget w/ @PennySShaffer @jasonaltmire and others @FLBlue Miami. http://t.co/ddZSpanI0z',\n", " u'@MiamiHerald reporter @sammymack talks with @FLBlue @jasonaltmire about #ACA. #TheFutureofHealthcare http://t.co/AC3FMbqLmi',\n", " u'@FLBlue leaders @PennySShaffer @jasonaltmire welcome Congressman @MarioDB to our Miami office. #LetsTalkPolitics http://t.co/gnNeCsZSW0',\n", " u'@FLBlue and top community leaders recognize amazing companies and individuals, with 2014 @beaconcouncil Beacon Awards http://t.co/lOHAgB9Gzk',\n", " u'RT @ThinkwithGoogle: When brands focus their attribution models on customers they gain a holistic view of what leads someone to purchase ht\\u2026',\n", " u\"CEO Pat Geraghty-@FLBlue's transformation to a #HealthSolutionsCompany will change health outcomes. #innovation http://t.co/mgqCe0ZwA3\",\n", " u\"@SunnyFlBlue @FLBlue CEO Pat Geraghty and @MiamiHEAT's Tim Hardaway/Chris Maragno motivating employees. #Teamwork http://t.co/IxeJTrOl2v\",\n", " u'This company truly ROCKS. The @FLBlue band kicks off the Florida Blue RoadShow for SFL employees. #Inspiration http://t.co/zEGPnVK9XP',\n", " u'RT @FLBlue: Congratulations to @UFlorida for your runner up win for the @USFHealth Innovation Competition!! http://t.co/tEZ420e0cD',\n", " u'RT @FLBlue: @SmartwayGT Well done! Many congratulations on your fantastic win! cc: @davidapizzo @USFHealth',\n", " u'RT @FLBlue: @NovaSE is up & talking about Google Glass & spinal cord industry at the @USFHealth Innovation Pitch Competition #digitalhealth',\n", " u'RT @KetchumPR: Interesting read from @HuffingtonPost, \"Four Strategies to Succeed in the Relentlessly Disruptive World\": http://t.co/SLVQsW\\u2026',\n", " u'Nice job #DancingOnTheCeling during @GMA: @arobach @GioBenitez @LaraSpencer feeling #Happy',\n", " u'RT @FLBlue: Next presenter up from @univmiami talking about controlled frequency sensor. cc: @USFHealth Innovation Pitch Competition. #heal\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLBlue: 3rd presenter up is @UCF! Great presentation! #health http://t.co/qkzFAZW4kw',\n", " u'RT @FLBlue: Second presenter up is from @FIU cc: @USFHealth Innovation Pitch Competition #digitalhealth #innovation',\n", " u'RT @FLBlue: First presenter for the @USFHealth Innovation Pitch competition from @UFlorida #innovation http://t.co/a9t2DSqEYp',\n", " u'RT @FLBlue: About to start the @USFHealth Innovation Competition! So exciting! #health #innovation http://t.co/92rSvgST8D',\n", " u'#ExcitedAndProud: Congrats to @villoch, the new @MiamiHerald Publisher. #AlexVilloch #historyinthemaking']},\n", " {'REP': [u'I remember this story well. Quite a family delema...From Private Ordeal to National Fight: The Case of Terri Schiavo http://t.co/8OSDfb58Ga',\n", " u'She is so cute!! Kate Middleton photobombs a selfie http://t.co/GKEw4zJTqG via @TIME',\n", " u'The Richer You Are the Older You\\u2019ll Get http://t.co/Z4KKF3IuFt',\n", " u'RT @Pontifex: Please join me in praying for the victims of the ferry disaster in Korea and their families',\n", " u\"Giving US shopping centers food for thought... What Monet's Masterpieces Are Doing In a Chinese Mall\\n http://t.co/3ZAxI08XUz\",\n", " u'A parents worst nightmare...Students Among Hundreds Missing After South Korean Ferry Sinks http://t.co/rAaemvpsyK',\n", " u'Spartico @Thrillist http://t.co/cWdgDzv7R2',\n", " u\"Another one bites the dust. So sad...Rothstein's former CFO charged by feds http://t.co/VICPPq8v4d\",\n", " u'Whew!! @wsvn: Hot highs! Miami: 88-degree heat & Ft. Laud.? 88 high, too. Wed: more like spring (including some rain showers). #flwx\"',\n", " u'I guess we better wake up.... Climate Efforts Falling Short, U.N. Panel Says http://t.co/KUVaQOX1pP',\n", " u'\"Thats what I want to know! @mashable: Who will replace Stephen Colbert? That\\'s a big quest. http://t.co/Zdq4bqNp1d http://t.co/c8dp1OS7Sl\"',\n", " u'It had to be done! Pope Francis asks for forgiveness for damage to children by sexual abusers- clergy - @BBCBreaking http://t.co/eEHU3O9eh2\"',\n", " u'RT @BBCWorld: Ecuador petition has enough signatures to force referendum on halting oil projects in Amazon park, campaigners say http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Harvard journal: Papyrus text that mentions \"Jesus\\u2019s wife\\u201d is ancient, not a modern forgery http://t.co/YMrsFkMoNl',\n", " u'7 Habits From Navy SEALs That Will Make You More Successful http://t.co/0pEGdudcZA via @Strategy',\n", " u'RT @CaviarChronicls: Excited for another dinner at #Atrio tonight @ConradMiami for some #Mediterannean and #French flare by Chef Virgile Br\\u2026',\n", " u'Have a #greatermiamichamber day! At Rusty Pelican. http://t.co/vt6KcZhxEP',\n", " u'@SteveMartinToGo: It says this house is famous for being in The Godfather, The Bodyguard. It was also in The Jerk!! http://t.co/tDEnfQvJ4x',\n", " u\"Pub Burger Blackened at John Martin's @Thrillist http://t.co/nQuLo10wet\",\n", " u'What do you think? 2 Tots, a Sailboat and a Storm Over Parenting http://t.co/6Q3fQKe6fj']},\n", " {'UNK': [u'RT @orlandosentinel: #BREAKING: #Universal signals new #HarryPotter attraction could open by end of June: http://t.co/2wHLA0s4vH #WWoHP',\n", " u\"RT @cassiearmstrong: Grocery inserts / Cooking & Eating is moving to Thursday's @orlandosentinel. It\\u2019s your new day to savor and save! http\\u2026\",\n", " u'Donation fund established to help families whose kids were hurt in the KinderCare crash earlier this month. http://t.co/NIhwnXeaP2',\n", " u'#TraderJoes announces opening date for #WinterPark store. #twobuckchuck http://t.co/UxAvPZx9CU',\n", " u\"Sanford man charged with baby's death. http://t.co/LatN3eLzIb\",\n", " u\"The 400-lb. felon living in Rep. Linda Stewart's rental home was dealing drugs, selling guns, feds say in new report. http://t.co/zpkeofgQVR\",\n", " u'Southbound SR 417 shut down at Lake Nona.',\n", " u'RT @WinterParkPD: #WinterPark-If ur power was off this morning this is why #Accident minor injuries Glenridge closed @ Lakemont 4hrs http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'FDLE will continue to investigate a shooting involving an Osceola Co. deputy. http://t.co/4CHfK13GuN',\n", " u\"Two U-Haul storage workers say they were wrongly arrested when OCSO raided a unit. Now they're suing. http://t.co/XBcBReSyI5\",\n", " u\"RT @JeffWeinerOS: Months after fake obituary said he'd been cremated, fleeing prison escapee caught in trash chute, feds say | Story: http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'Deputies find mom of boy found wandering in Pine Hills. Say miscommunication between mom and a relative who was providing daycare.',\n", " u'OCSO needs help in IDing this boy, who was found wandering around Pine Hills on Thursday night. http://t.co/1e08Xriev9',\n", " u'Local flight attendant gets 2 years federal prison for smuggling heroin on Orlando flight. http://t.co/ccaKlZFHNp',\n", " u'RT @KevinInOrlando: BREAKING NOW : Federal judge in Orlando denied bond for Oscar Hernandez Jr., suspect In Aaron Hernandez gun probe http:\\u2026',\n", " u'OCSO asks public to help ID man who shot men in face & neck outside gas station. http://t.co/5yE8xfUubZ http://t.co/xacXgOiK3K',\n", " u'Drunken drivers in Florida could face daily breath tests. http://t.co/lMpRjv1uGU',\n", " u'Case of missing Orlando woman #jenniferkesse will be featured on Fox this week, @tvguyhal reports. http://t.co/kAgApN1kgc',\n", " u'Orlando man indicted on federal charges related to the investigation into ex-NFL star Aaron Hernandez. http://t.co/BLP2APEo6K',\n", " u'Just how strong were those afternoon wind gusts? 64 mph in Port St. John area; 51 mph in Mims and 46 mph in Kissimmee, Weather Svc. reports']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Just joined #musicforgood on @ReverbNation - now 1/2 of our song sales are donated to @CARE http://t.co/bAt8ssYIeh',\n", " u'A fun song in My Big Bopper style on The R&R Music Recordings label. http://t.co/jXkUw9NznL If you would like a \\u2026 http://t.co/LY7nwkNhMG',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/acK2kA8IZl Jimmy Buffett and Zac Brown Band (Free / Into the Mystic)',\n", " u\"Vote for my song 'Short Line' on #Coast2Coast Mixtape 268 Hosted by @IGGYAZALEA! http://t.co/f26SymivAz via @coast2coastmag\",\n", " u'My song is\\xa0#84\\xa0on the #Coast2Coast #Top100 Trending Tracks Chart! http://t.co/2WYHkUKiCp via @coast2coastmag @DennisWheeler_',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/deRCX1PMRn Austin Webb - Slip On By',\n", " u'I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/sJVTuD7YZZ DEVIL IN D VIDEO KENNY ELVIS SHOW 1',\n", " u\"Vote for my song 'Short Line' on #Coast2Coast Mixtape 268 Hosted by @IGGYAZALEA! http://t.co/f26SymivAz via @coast2coastmag\",\n", " u'Posted a new photo: \"\" http://t.co/PxTn3X6ffP',\n", " u'Check out our new interactive RPK. Music, show dates, photos, and more! via #ReverbNation - http://t.co/swJ5pdQEbP',\n", " u'Posted a new photo: \"\" http://t.co/XtsZNkIJPl',\n", " u'Posted a new photo: \"R&R Trucking\" http://t.co/Vu84XhcZQG',\n", " u'Posted a new photo: \"\" http://t.co/8ewHXv3vDE',\n", " u'Posted a new photo: \"\" http://t.co/1rzXSEuscH',\n", " u'Posted a new song: \"She Thinks I Love To Make Her Cry - vo-Jessie\" http://t.co/XpYC8abGY0 #music',\n", " u'Posted a new song: \"Nashville Women - vocal Jessie Jay Hudsons\" http://t.co/Jmlr2IOYuv #music',\n", " u'Posted a new song: \"Back In My Home Town - Jessie Hudson\" http://t.co/hJ5xnpgFvS #music',\n", " u'Posted a new song: \"Sunday Father by Jessie Jay Hudson\" http://t.co/NHU70GNYbo #music',\n", " u'Posted a new song: \"Another Neon Night - Jessie J Hudson\" http://t.co/LjUxXZOs2H #music',\n", " u'Posted a new song: \"Cowboy Tough by Jessie Hudson\" http://t.co/3JSomb2CH1 #music']},\n", " {'INT': [u'Love that Brian Williams is fine with poking fun at himself: http://t.co/rDk4wSRwSy via @YouTube',\n", " u'Happy Day! a new David McCullough book, and he narrates, too. http://t.co/ht8Pn5dcdF',\n", " u'Warning: Singularity University May Cause Your Mind To Explode http://t.co/F8lisZDTVA',\n", " u'#beachcleanup @citydelraybeach with Wayne & Lori http://t.co/OR6rzrk2np',\n", " u'I reviewed The Lean Startup http://t.co/Zx7DeLhqVv.',\n", " u'After 9 hr drive, Cor & I fetch grandma for a feast http://t.co/ZAqwItoIm1 Carson City, NV http://t.co/5yLyaNm3ab',\n", " u'Thank you @ParadisePointSD for your marvelous people, grounds, food, architecture.... http://t.co/i9QfMzNbF8',\n", " u'\"Stakeholder Orientation: I used to say nurture, but now I just say love.\" --Laura Roberts @ConsciousCap @YPO http://t.co/avP7BNpGTi',\n", " u'\"You can do amazing things if you have a fire in your belly about your purpose.\" --Laura Roberts @ConsciousCap http://t.co/2qix0DWKPp',\n", " u'\"@ConsciousCap truly has the potential, through business, to elevate humanity.\" Doug Rauch #CC2014 http://t.co/JRtIyfhWnK',\n", " u'\"Presence is loving what is.\" Anna McGrath @ConsciousCap #CC2014 http://t.co/ATJjMXwLY8',\n", " u'\"Stay classy San Diego.\" http://t.co/KzBLlY2YGW',\n", " u'\"Look for the goodness in people and shine a light on it for others to see.\" Raj Sisodia @ConsciousCap #CC2014 http://t.co/Fj28KYETFJ',\n", " u'\"People are the purpose of business.\" Raj Sisodia @ConsciousCap #CC2014 http://t.co/C8W2tgcywI',\n", " u'Levenger Names David Giacomini Chief Executive Officer http://t.co/zXPGFQAUsb',\n", " u'\"I used to micro-manage and almost ruined the company. Then I became a trust addict.\" Doug Rauch, @TraderJoesLove @ConsciousCap',\n", " u\"Why is Conscious Capitalism spreading around the world? It's a set of universal ideas. --Raj Sisodia @ConsciousCap http://t.co/ygDOrsdVVD\",\n", " u'And I was just going to order a latte... http://t.co/emUffdxcBg',\n", " u'@ink2pen Ah, always contemplating something. Thanks for your business @Levenger best, Steve',\n", " u'@mtbkrdave Yes, love my L-Tech Stylus roller ball with EF refill. You?']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @KevinMcGeever: (Time lapse video) Sunrise to Sunset: Daytona Beach in 60 Seconds http://t.co/GST6EtgXJU #LoveFL',\n", " u'RT @esurance: When we save money ($1.5M), you could win it! Tweet #EsuranceSave30 for a chance http://t.co/ppLBoPyGYE Subj to rules http://\\u2026',\n", " u'Promoting business in Florida with the Governor @EnterpriseFL http://t.co/SkyFhmezri',\n", " u'Shooting New Business Promo in Florida with Gov. Rick Scott http://t.co/jpY8puw4Zs',\n", " u'If you want to see the future of the audio visual experience will look like: http://t.co/kBlSgjsJPr',\n", " u'@espn criticizes NFL hazing, but then highlights the merits of Naval Academy hazing activities, what gives??',\n", " u'@schadjoe Full Speed Ahead!',\n", " u'Shooting a gator is not easy... http://t.co/ZDv9LODues',\n", " u'I have a dream today. Let freedom ring!',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/0fH1VOxH9A',\n", " u'RT @LaGloriaCubana: Retweet this to enter to win a free box of the new La Gloria Cubana cigar! #RTtoWin Info: http://t.co/1diYO2JrnD',\n", " u'Did someone hit a reset button somewhere. http://t.co/QlCJTQXr6m',\n", " u'RT @insideFPL: The smokestacks are history... #FPLport Everglades demolition was a success! Video to come at http://t.co/rSlja26nYO http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"@Marlins Baseball's Latin Roots http://t.co/aUfy785FJY\",\n", " u\"Opening Day! Miami Marlins...Check out our video about Baseball's Latin Roots... http://t.co/aUfy785FJY\",\n", " u'Just had the pleasure to work with South Florida legendary troubadour David Goodman http://t.co/11rkhQMujg',\n", " u\"Check out our latest VISITFLORIDA video for Garcia's Seafood: http://t.co/faRKD99dvV\",\n", " u'76 degrees, blue skies, why are you not shooting here? http://t.co/D8sGnnyo',\n", " u'Thanksgiving with Magaly Gonzalez and Orlando Jimenez Leal http://t.co/49apJ4gN',\n", " u'Pro Video Coalition: TecnoTur by Allan T\\xe9pper http://t.co/qaSJtjHf #provideo via @provideo']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @AudubonFL: VIDEO: \"My heart swelled with uncontrollable delight...\" - J.J. Audubon: http://t.co/Y3DNcSLM7u #eco #nature #conservation',\n", " u'Megan Davis gave a tour if @HarborBranchwhere she is acting ExDir leading oceans research. http://t.co/gHeWlkN4yd',\n", " u'Big crowd at Yeson1 hearing in Stuart Fl. #yeson1fl #irlagoon http://t.co/u1CrCtuNRF',\n", " u\"RT @AudubonFL: Now Available: Audubon's State of the #Everglades Report - Spring 2014 http://t.co/YMeWOPWKvj #ecoFL #birds #Audubon\",\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: \\u201cThey\\u2019re like little cotton balls on really long sticks\" - Audubon\\'s Brad Cornell http://t.co/6YtOQ9AhL4 #ecoFL',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: Victory for the Everglades: Central Everglades Planning Project Gets State Support - http://t.co/Z5Fd0Zmipu #ecoFL #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: PHOTO: A beautiful Painted Bunting from Mark - https://t.co/v50JBi9xwc #birds #ecoFL',\n", " u\"RT @AudubonFL: Today is Marjory Stoneman Douglas' birthday - also known as #EvergladesDay! Tweet us your fav #Everglades photos! http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'Archbold auction great cause http://t.co/IJFEKzK8o3',\n", " u'RT @MailiTatu: Amendments to SB 1464 flying in Senate EPC as the Env. Reg bill is up. Some bad sections removed. Bill passes 4-1.',\n", " u'Standing room only as lobbyists line up for favors in Patronis HB703. Takes power to protect water from locals. http://t.co/cR29GCEZpo',\n", " u'RT @david_yarnold: Loved meeting Trouble the Bald Eagle at the @audubonCBOP. Very proud of the amazing work our centers do. http://t.co/tnq\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @audubonsociety: VIDEO: Tips for Successful Wildlife Photography from @AudubonFL: http://t.co/zVzD2W8htY',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: Enough is enough. Say NO to HB 703: http://t.co/mZd1rxWheq #sayfie #ecoFL',\n", " u'Mary Jean Yon tells Senate Environment Comm to keep moving springs bill and ban sewage sludge in springs. @MailiTatu #floridasprings',\n", " u'RT @MailiTatu: HB 601, Reclaimed Water Study passes Ag & NR Approps. Three cheers for Rep. Pafford, Rep. Stewart and Rep. Watson for their \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MailiTatu: Audubon voices concern about HB 601-Reclaimed Water Study and total lack of focus on efficient use in Ag & Natural Resource\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @IBirdsKorosy: Love this! VIDEO: What is coastal wrack? - http://t.co/lkOielqHQo via @AudubonFL #Florida',\n", " u'Fl Forestry Assoc. Working Forests Partner Roundtable discussing how forest lands benefit water and wildlife. http://t.co/g0mGwHzEp1',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: VIDEO: What is coastal wrack? - http://t.co/FumhYHFBUk #ecoFL #FL #beach #nature #oceans']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'The fire marshall would throw a fit if he walked into 412 Knott right now',\n", " u\"@ChrissyFantuzzi My dad's getting a call Tuesday, & e-mail tonight. My thoughts are with you. Thanks for reminding me about important stuff\",\n", " u\"Holy crap! Looked at tomorrow's events in Tallahassee. So glad it's 11 days to Red Solo Cup day at the Capitol\",\n", " u\"\\u201c@SaintPetersblog: @bsfarrington Believe @CharlieCrist is live-and-let-drink kind of guy.\\u201d I'll definitely ask! Could be a campaign issue\",\n", " u\"@PairODiceBrew And if you didn't see, you're the first quote in my story http://t.co/Fx8eqrVwoW\",\n", " u\"@PairODiceBrew No problem. I know craft brew problems are in the Senate, just hope this isn't a sign the House is blocking you guys too!\",\n", " u\"FYI @FLGovScott hasn't taken a position on no-strings-attached growlers, Libertarian @WyllieForGov is in favor. Haven't asked @CharlieCrist\",\n", " u'Bill that would hurt Florida craft breweries approved by final Senate committee http://t.co/Fx8eqrVwoW',\n", " u\"@JWilliamsAP Sorry. It was news to me, too, and I've been covering the growler issue the last two years.\",\n", " u\"RT @JoeCulotta: @bsfarrington Dude! I just went on Urban Dictionary to check and yeah...it's NSFW.\",\n", " u\"Ironically, House lets me go to urban dictionary to look up growler. Now I see why half-gallons can't get passed #BeerPorn\",\n", " u\"@JoeCulotta I don't even want to know!\",\n", " u\"Tried to go to @PairODiceBrew's Website on @MyFLHouse wireless. Was blocked and told it was porn. Is there another meaning for growler?\",\n", " u'@thebrewsroom Mississippi and Utah.',\n", " u'Whose growler bill is backed by Florida brewers? @repdanayoung http://t.co/M6jyBK9jdV',\n", " u\"RT @nolechick94: @bsfarrington You're married to @AmyRenee610, so of course it's better than any other dude's night.\",\n", " u\"@hymnforrachel we'll, I'm a Whalers fan, so I'm screwed either way cc@WhalerWatch\",\n", " u\"@hymnforrachel let's debate it next week\",\n", " u\"Bet my night's better than yours http://t.co/g2OyG4RWRK\",\n", " u'Thanks to @graytonbeer and @CigarCityBeer for help with this update on the craft beer bill http://t.co/SLE2xONXMQ']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@FSUFootballEQ When will all the renovations be completed? In time for fall practice?',\n", " u'RT @H3atNation_: After the game Wade & James be like... http://t.co/Q2nFXLXXlM',\n", " u\"@JOENOLES Just got home from dinner out and we're watching Hawks beating Pacers!\",\n", " u'@ScottforFlorida Ha! Walk to prison? How did you defraud Medicare of BILLIONS and get off \"Scott\" free??',\n", " u'@Karlos_Sr Five Guys rules!',\n", " u\"RT @FSUChiefs: We have moved up to 2nd place in the FSU Great Give! Keep it up, 'Noles! Retweet this to your followers. #mcatdt https://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'@DanielGlauser1 Stick with GMC......',\n", " u'@FSUFootballEQ when is the projected date to finish all the renovations?',\n", " u'RT @FSUChiefs: Attention Friends, Fans and Alums: The Great Give is on! Help support our new instrument fund. #mcatdt #greatgive https://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PatrikNohe: Cool, Jimbo Fisher will provide commentary for NFL Network for the NFL Draft next month. #FSU',\n", " u\"@JOENOLES Well, you obviously DON'T go to UF to major in voice! And she shouldn't be singing about UF girls being hotter! \\U0001f606\",\n", " u\"@TomahawkNation Well, you obviously DON'T go to UF to major in voice! And she shouldn't be singing about UF girls being hotter! \\U0001f606\",\n", " u'@DavidBVisser Really enjoyed it! Off beat, funny, serious and not the ending expected! Lots of twists and turns.',\n", " u'@Lorijones50 Happy Birthday.... Enjoy! \\U0001f44d',\n", " u\"@melinasphotos I'm in, just say the word!\",\n", " u'@melinasphotos Great finally meeting you today! Thanks again for the beautiful photo, already have a place in my Seminole man-cave for it!',\n", " u'RT @TropicalNole: At the @floridastate Spring Game with @AaronsInc. Celebrating the 2014 BCS National Football Champions! Go #FSU55 http://\\u2026',\n", " u'@FloridaGOP @CharlieCrist GOP lies with \"facts\" proven wrong and a Gov who defrauded govt out of Medicare BILLIONS! Why isn\\'t Scott in jail?',\n", " u\"@Manateejetpack HA! Same Clemson that beat UGA, along with FSU over UF and AU? Or SEC basketball where it's UF, UK and nothing else??\",\n", " u'RT @cbfowler: In Tally for #fsu spring game: Sat. 3ET ESPN. Lots of Jameis, with many RBs out injured. Noles still have plenty of talent!']},\n", " {'NPA': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @TBFirefighters: Ruling allows D.C. fire chief to change crew\\u2019s schedules http://t.co/cs7qECnMP6',\n", " u'Stats for the day have arrived. 1 new follower and NO unfollowers :) via http://t.co/4nq6fBrnEv.',\n", " u'RT @LifeCheating: Rule of Thumb: http://t.co/yNxOrgkGt7',\n", " u\"1 daily follower. 0 unfollowers. Justunfollow doesn't miss a trick -via http://t.co/4nq6fBrnEv\",\n", " u'2 tweeps followed (thank you!) and 1 unfollowed (goodbye!) me in the past day. Thank you http://t.co/4nq6fBrnEv.',\n", " u'Stats for the day have arrived. 1 new follower and NO unfollowers :) via http://t.co/4nq6fBrnEv.',\n", " u'New day, new tweets, new stats. 1 follower, 0 unfollowers. Via good old http://t.co/xSGbLe13Li',\n", " u\"@ochocinco ESPN - Montreal Alouettes of CFL to work out 6-time Pro Bowl WR Chad Johnson, who didn't play last season\",\n", " u'#FloridaTopDogAllstars hanging with #acptampa #usfsundome http://t.co/wMug2XiAAu',\n", " u'New day, new tweets, new stats. 1 follower, 0 unfollowers. Via good old http://t.co/4nq6fBrnEv',\n", " u'RT @wessmith123: The Super Rich want to keep wages down, pollute at will, keep inequality alive, SCOTUS agrees! #KochBuysGOP #LibCrib http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"Followers - 3, Unfollower - 1. I didn't know it'd be this simple. Get your daily stats via http://t.co/4nq6fBrnEv.\",\n", " u'New day, new tweets, new stats. 1 follower, 0 unfollowers. Via good old http://t.co/4nq6fBrnEv',\n", " u'Thank You! to elected officials from St. Pete, Pinellas Park & Lealman for sticking up for public safety! http://t.co/CzSbxdj31h \\u2026',\n", " u'\"Everyone has had to do more with less, except for them\" NOT TRUE #JanetLong. http://t.co/fIASnhzCjE via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Graham added, \"Do I think it puts people at risk? Yes. \\u2026 Cares 2 is bad for the entire county.\" http://t.co/fIASnhzCjE via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Thank You! to elected officials from St. Pete, Pinellas Park & Lealman for sticking up for whats right! http://t.co/YgXwS8fycJ via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"ALL city's/fire districts need 2 take legal action, inform the public of neg effects of county plan http://t.co/YgXwS8fycJ via @TB_Times\",\n", " u\"Commish Long slams Lealman firefighters over EMS debate-More with less doesn't work when seconds matter http://t.co/KXKzErsJAd via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'Commissioner Long slams Lealman firefighters over EMS debate - Not a scare tactic Mrs Long, all facts http://t.co/KXKzErsJAd via @TB_Times']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'#packedroom http://t.co/LhUbMcP1HF',\n", " u'#approps http://t.co/6rtdb2pdEu',\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: \"Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources,...\" - @PresTRoosevelt #sayfie http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: Today the Senate Rules Committee passed Senate Bill 918, sponsored by Senator @anitere_flores #sayfie http://t.co/Da6BOqb\\u2026',\n", " u'#committebrew http://t.co/SjPJCF3nQj',\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: He has risen! Happy Easter everyone! #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @SaintPetersblog: Let's Get To Work unveils the Rick Scott TV ad it should have unveiled months ago. Well done! http://t.co/fgzUPpl0DN\",\n", " u\"RT @joshromney: Hey @SenatorReid here's a shot of @MittRomney paying taxes. Does it every year. It's how you get your paycheck. http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: Happy birthday Senator @BillGalvano #sayfie http://t.co/B4jgBaBfXE',\n", " u'Alex Sink will not run for Congress in 2014 http://t.co/1VYm3ADqlW via @sharethis #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: Wishing you a happy and peaceful Passover. http://t.co/KXEMLtYbOa',\n", " u\"RT @Reaganista: Someone's about to get @fineout-ed! http://t.co/MwP27d8KwW\",\n", " u'Only standing room in the appropriations committee! http://t.co/LrHR1n4JOl',\n", " u'RT @MatthewHunter30: @lizbethkb recognized this morning for continuing to fight along side physicians. http://t.co/oouhpmWZSz',\n", " u'RT @EnterpriseFL: @FLSenate President Gaetz shares international #EconDev perspective at @FlChamber #intldays14. #sayfie http://t.co/2k7sGR\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: Bill by @anitere_flores to protect Florida\\u2019s unborn passes second @flsenate committee #sayfie http://t.co/z6nlxV4KYl http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: @lizbethkb & @joenegronfl highlight the importance reducing discharges damaging FL estuaries #EvergladesDay #sayfie http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @deadmau5: throwing some random bullshit together for the set\\u2026 holy shit I\\u2019m such a dick, this is gunna be awesome.',\n", " u\"RT @SoStrategyFL: One of our favorite April Fool's Day jokes. @RitchWorkman #goodsport #bucknekkid #seymourbutts http://t.co/KSYEAt2xKy\",\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: The @FLSenate has passed its budget proposal. #sayfie http://t.co/Uq6qF0Jsmy']},\n", " {'INT': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci #quote - Simple way to fund #CRE http://t.co/lfjS10mcz4',\n", " u'The Koch brothers are going after solar panels (via @Pocket) - http://t.co/3lNGBPMXnc #cleantech #renewables',\n", " u'Army to build military\\u2019s largest solar array in Arizona (via @Pocket) - http://t.co/hMhlxENixy #renewables',\n", " u'Working hard to find compelling articles on #CRE #CMBS #smallbiz - Use LinkedIn? Connect at http://t.co/QHyG3IVQ6l',\n", " u\"Working hard to find compelling #CRE content - If you like my Twitter posts about #CRE let's connect on LinkedIn http://t.co/QHyG3IVQ6l\",\n", " u'Expression of joy is often contagious. A genuine smile or an honest burst of laughter can inspire joy within the hearts of everyone nearby',\n", " u\"It's Final -- Corn Ethanol Is Of No Use (via @Pocket) #longreads - http://t.co/LYMbYFT1v2 #cleantech\",\n", " u\"Dealmaker Rules: A 'fast no' is better than a long, drawn out maybe. - David Repka More on my #in profile at http://t.co/QHyG3IVQ6l\",\n", " u\"Have specialty #CRE project like data center | student #apts that needs equity? Let's connect on #in http://t.co/QHyG3IVQ6l\",\n", " u'Fall seven times; stand up eight. Japanese proverb #quote',\n", " u'The Other Cheap Capital: Rethinking Hold Periods on #CRE (via @Pocket) - http://t.co/laASe7iVQj',\n", " u'Character develops itself in the stream of life. Johann von Goethe',\n", " u'Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side a dark side and it holds the universe together. Carl Zwanzig',\n", " u'Culture of the mind must be subservient to the heart. Mohandas Gandhi',\n", " u'Everyone is born with genius but most people only keep it a few minutes. Edgard Varese',\n", " u'Each day comes bearing its own gifts.untie the ribbons. Ruth Ann Schabacker',\n", " u'Choose your enemies carefully. Sooner or later you begin to look like them. unk',\n", " u'Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job. Douglas Adams',\n", " u'Could you build more student housing if you only worried about the sites and I brought in ALL the money to build it? http://t.co/QHyG3IVQ6l',\n", " u'The richest people in the world build networks.Everyone else is trained 2 look 4 work. -Robert Kiyosaki Join mine: http://t.co/QHyG3IVQ6l']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @GGovInitiative: #SavetheDate Our next Community Conversation is on Tues., May 20th featuring @LCInstitute_FL, #Bendixen&Amandi http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @350: Why this is a win: every day KXL is delayed is a day it isn't pumping 830,000 barrels per day of the world's dirtiest oil to be bu\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @MoralMondayGA: Half a million minimum wage workers have a college degree. #RiseUpGA for economic justice. @RaiseUpfor15 @AtlantaJwJ htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @missrusso: Lawmakers Shop For Groceries On Minimum-Wage Budget http://t.co/WaGE9fRj8L via @wfsunews @Fightfor15 @1199SEIUFlorida',\n", " u'Why do employers want to keep workers from talking about their wages? http://t.co/Xu3giXCYhq',\n", " u'RT @UberFacts: Over $43 billion worth of unopened, edible food is thrown away in the U.S. every year.',\n", " u'RT @TheOnion: \"Now, at long last, all U.S. money has a voice in Washington\\u2014a strong, loud, clear voice.\" http://t.co/6lQS7uj6wi',\n", " u\"RT @EdgeofSports: If everyone who loved Colbert's satire of Dan Snyder sent email to wylliet@redskins.com and asked them to #changethename,\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @susanpai: #Florida Rep. Ted DEUTCH leads fight to remove wasteful & inhumane 34k mandatory #immigrant lockup quota http://t.co/MCvoBFqd\\u2026',\n", " u'Thanks @IRideMDT I thought sidewalk looked new. Glad it will be fixed, thanks for responding!',\n", " u'@IRideMDT No',\n", " u'@IRideMDT Google maps says M stops on NE 14St. at 2nd Ave but bus just passed me by. If no stop why is map wrong?',\n", " u\"RT @Dreamdefenders: We don't need #StandYourGround & laws that encourage more violence, we need transformative justice system that treats A\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @votedaniella: Honored to receive the endorsement of @SAVELGBT Action PAC. Read their full press release here: http://t.co/I2l7drDpfg #s\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @kathybird305: Sen @Rob_Bradley, Florida's workers are counting on you to #stopwagetheft. Vote NO on SB926 #LetsKeepWorking\",\n", " u\"RT @kathybird305: Sen @John_Thrasher, SB926 do not support #stopwagetheft, vote NO! Florida's workers count on you\",\n", " u'RT @MiamiHerald: RT @HeraldHealth: #Healthcare enrollment event Wednesday at Sweat Records #ACA @MiamiHerald http://t.co/t1oYt5CbMd',\n", " u'RT @thenation: People of color make up only 12.37 percent of newsrooms in the US. http://t.co/9QxVJGniyr',\n", " u\"RT @Dreamdefenders: Marion Hammer of #NRA says #StandYourGround is about protecting innocent people, apparently doesn't consider Trayvon&Jo\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Dreamdefenders: FL senators debating #StandYourGround, a law UN Human Rts Committee members called \"incompatible w/rt to life\" http://t\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'\\u201c@gitomer: Taking the right actions first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. #earlymornings are important',\n", " u'\\u201c@Quote_Soup: Live simply. Love generously. Speak truthfully. Pray daily. Leave everything else to God.\\u201d #wisdom',\n", " u\"Cal Beyers' excellent compilation of construction risk related news. Always a worthwhile read. http://t.co/UhoLo6rEMC\",\n", " u'RT @WSJ: The FBI and Secret Service have advanced tools to investigate cybercrime.\\nhttp://t.co/wHqbXroDmP',\n", " u\"\\u201c@JTPietrantoni: I can't believe it's over, loved every second of it\\u201d #welldoneREBELS\",\n", " u'6 Simple Rituals To Reach Your Potential Every Day By @heyamberrae http://t.co/h02QPQkUg4 via @FastCompany',\n", " u'RT @Inc: Do this in the morning and be more productive all day. http://t.co/wI6obqlZZ3 via @EntrepreneurOrg',\n", " u\"RT @Inc: If you keep telling yourself you're overwhelmed, you'll be overwhelmed. Period. http://t.co/btXMaION9Q\",\n", " u'Disaster response and technology discussion http://t.co/6DNtklFwJZ',\n", " u'Ask Yourself What Three Things You Need to Do Today http://t.co/R6qcZ7GsMj',\n", " u'\"...Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,that he was buried,and that he was raised on the third day.\" 1Cor15:3-4',\n", " u\"\\u201c@RyanBrownWJOX: On my best days, I never escape the need for God's grace.\\nOn my worst days, I never escape the reach of God's grace.\\u201d #me2\",\n", " u'\\u201c@ManagersDiary: \"You can\\'t think your way out of a box; you\\'ve got to act.\" - Tom Peters\\xa0#business\\xa0#leadership\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @kerrybodine: Joy! Received this gorgeous & inspirational #letterpress poster from THE @akajoshlevine & @CultureLabSF. Thank you! http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@nytimesbusiness: Michaels Stores\\u2019 Breach Involved 3 Million Customers http://t.co/iABDRuYhV0\\u201d #cybersecurity #breach',\n", " u'RT @BaronServices: Anyone riding w/ @BoJackson tomorrow for @Bobikesbama? Donate money to support the Governor\\u2019s Emergency Relief Fund: htt\\u2026',\n", " u'Fridays are beneficial for Monday.Reminds me of my friend Brian Tanner. http://t.co/yJF133trx3',\n", " u'RT @ManagersDiary: \"Defending mediocrity is exhausting.\" ~Seth Godin\\xa0#business #leadership',\n", " u'RT @toddstweets: \"If you want to become a top salesperson, it is incumbent on you to differentiate yourself from your competition.\" #sales',\n", " u'\\u201c@RosabethKanter: Happiness in work comes from mastery & meaning. The happiest pursue difficult problems http://t.co/GZeXYAvSa5\\u201d #sucess']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Basta ya, tu voz es tu voto. Tu acci\\xf3n es muy importante. \\nEl partido republicano esta contaminado. Por el Tea Party http://t.co/gcRAPkgT41',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Leading economic indicators rise in March http://t.co/wYqeIuQV6R via @reuters',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: They hear YOU: desperate #Republicans say \"Yes\" and \"No\" to #immigration reform this year.\\nhttp://t.co/btBHa76jZ7 #Latism \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chceyaab: #VOTOLatino #Register2Vote May 4th via #GoogleHangout with #TNTweeters ->>http://t.co/n37ot4fVZd -#Latism @alicia_lupercio @E\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @repsandylevin: Fighting to #RenewUI isn't just a fight for Democrats. Not when lives are being destroyed - http://t.co/E5fX17gZZm http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Democrats Funnel Money Into State Races as Voter-ID Plays http://t.co/BGHoQtGxdx via @BloombergNews #latism #TNTweeters',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: Improving Job Market Propelling Rebound in U.S. Growth: #Economy http://t.co/ldKJmiDy8S via @BloombergNews #latism #tntwee\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alicia_lupercio: @GOP Will Lie 2 Ur face -But WE Know D Truth. @SpeakerBoehner @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters #latism\\nhttp://t.co/8YsLvfnGPu \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EspuelasVox: Supreme Court declines to revive #Arizona @GOP's anti-immigration law http://t.co/EKZxOwdpzH via @YahooNews #latism #tntwe\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @DraIsabel: Report: Walmart employees rely on food stamps http://t.co/K5pEWzpvvf via @msnbcDisrupt',\n", " u'RT @RomyUSA: \\U0001f4cc@EspuelasVox #RockTheLatinoVote REGISTER TODAY!!! \\n\\n\\U0001f449#PAYBACK \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8\\U0001f4e9 JOIN #TNTweeters \\u203c\\ufe0f http://t.co/leKYjpoELK @clauvale77 @Sil\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EspuelasVox: DHS may limit #deportations of illegal #immigrants http://t.co/CHq2Z3cTUT #latism #tntweeters',\n", " u'Dios ya hizo lo Qu\\xe9 ten\\xeda Qu\\xe9 hacer, hoy te toca a ti, has el cambio por el futuro. Tu voto es. Acci\\xf3n. Ya es tiempo. http://t.co/7sW9Qw6PQM',\n", " u'Your vote is important. Time to change Congress. The Tea Party is a cancer on this nation\\nRemember November 20 2014 http://t.co/QCIu40DFBz',\n", " u'Your vote is important. Time to change Congress. The Tea Party is a cancer on this nation\\nRemember November 20 2014 http://t.co/2Gb08FI4bq',\n", " u'Your vote is important. Time to change Congress. The Tea Party is a cancer on this nation http://t.co/Rx4Pejc34f',\n", " u'Ya basta de congresistas corruptos y mentirosos este tipo se tiene qu\\xe9 ir del congreso http://t.co/XwlWm4MWHD',\n", " u'Your vote is important. Time to change Congress. The Tea Party is a cancer on this nation\\nRemember November 20 2014 http://t.co/wCmKmM9OGw',\n", " u'Your vote is important. Time to change Congress. The Tea Party is a cancer on this nation\\nRemember November 20 2014 http://t.co/qDEYohRlZB',\n", " u'Your vote is important. Time to change Congress. The Tea Party is a cancer on this nation\\nRemember November 20 2014 http://t.co/gSyeKqg2xv']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Janet is back in tally today for 14 day non stop drive to the end of session.',\n", " u\"Let's go gators and wildcats today!\",\n", " u'Health Dept is opposed to Janet bill on treatment restraint bacterial infections, they want $360,000 to make minor changes to their website',\n", " u'Janet headed to Tallahassee for the week with two kids as page and messenger',\n", " u'No new funding of state funded ALF just $5 million in new regulations. The market place is responding with a rise in unlicensed ALFs',\n", " u\"Janet's bill aimed at treatment resistant bacteria is being opposed by department of health. They do not like transparency.\",\n", " u'The local newspaper article on mental health tells the story. For persons with schizophrenia there is a shadow system for care.',\n", " u'Nassau County Schools continue with the slide in performance, now a B school district. Greater focus must be applied to use of time.',\n", " u'RT @ndm1bacteria: Antibiotic resistance soars: Cases of gut bacteria not destroyed by drugs http://t.co/kI4Kri6QQ1',\n", " u'The budget allocations are now in the hands of budget writers. We are hopeful that lawmakers will make changes to ALF funding.',\n", " u'It was good to see Shad Haston takeover as the new CEO at Florida Assisted Living Association. There is much work to be done to modernize.',\n", " u'Recent polling shows that voters believe the direction of public schools is in the wrong direction in northeast Florida.',\n", " u'House bill 573 is on health care appropriations agenda, still have lots of questions. We need an ALF policy that modernizes the industry.',\n", " u'Great week with two fund raisers for Janet. Lots of local support and local dollars. Looking forward to start of legislative session.',\n", " u'Mentally ill adults who commit sexual offenses are often adjudicated NGI and never appear on the registry.',\n", " u'Mentally ill who are charged with sexual offenses are adjudicated NGI and never are placed on sex offender registry.',\n", " u'Unlicensed assisted living facilities continue to be a major challenge for Florida.',\n", " u'Unlicensed assisted living facilities issue is pending before Florida Supreme Court.',\n", " u'Chris Christie has become controversial and needs to focus on how he plans to reform public schools.',\n", " u'RT @FlaPoliticsBlog: \"Jeb!\" would \"immediately be declared the man to beat.\" Really? & Free Lolita http://t.co/8mKCrCtbeo) #Florida #Politi\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Where will teachers be in the classroom of the future? | Hechinger Report: http://t.co/pcNSO5C1E0',\n", " u\"This is a must read: Here's why the Common Core makes simple math more complicated. http://t.co/5oTpZ5DqKB via @voxdotcom\",\n", " u'At an East San Jose high school, students react to new Common Core test http://t.co/7Duyc88Sw9 via @edsource',\n", " u'Brooks, Stotsky, and the Common Core http://t.co/Or5tCcXJCq via @educationweek',\n", " u\"RT @mcpssuper: The Common Core makes simple math more complicated. Here's why. http://t.co/8sf0e23RId via @voxdotcom\",\n", " u'ICYMI: What teachers really want http://t.co/9PZ04pOxPg',\n", " u'How to Get a Job at Google, Part 2 http://t.co/NaJQDxucoj',\n", " u'RT @JeffSolochek: Stalled FL bill on in-state tuition waiver for illegal immigrants has become an amendment to a bill on HS diplomas http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'Learning in Motion Studios! What a great idea! 2013: http://t.co/gBBEMp7JcK via @YouTube',\n", " u'Learn to Code, Code to Learn | MindShift http://t.co/eHp7H8mq09 via @MindShiftKQED',\n", " u'Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundup | Edutopia http://t.co/W4VdDB57dx',\n", " u'RT @edutopia: Use this list of apps to get students to CREATE, not just consume: http://t.co/CEHyFuWY5M #edapps #ipaded http://t.co/7wmUo3X\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @edutopia: [Helpful Downloads] Resources for Global Competence: http://t.co/ZuDMHLsBU3 #4thchat #elemchat',\n", " u'RT @tobi4seaton: i love this haha http://t.co/wZH5ipIepe',\n", " u'RT @gulfhighschool: The Pasco school district has a web page with resources for the end-of-course exams in certain subjects. http://t.co/Rt\\u2026',\n", " u'Don\\u2019t Listen to Music While Studying | Edutopia http://t.co/pxlr03J5YL',\n", " u'Courageous Conversations Re: Resistance to Change \\u201cWhat\\u2019s at the root of this for you?\" or \"Why don\\u2019t you think you can\\u2019t make this change?\\u201d',\n", " u'\\u201cWe don\\u2019t need school to be better, we need schools to be really, really different\\u201d Will @PrincipalJRich',\n", " u'Those controlling ed. policy are making decisions based on an old model of schooling while students are screaming for something different!!!',\n", " u'We should focus back on creating powerful learning experiences & incorporating technology in ways that are authentic, relevant, meaningful!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'How the Bush Family Went From Hated to Hipster: http://t.co/wZv9GllyNo',\n", " u'The things you look for in a spouse (alignment of values, dreams, and ambitions) are the same things you look for in a business partner.',\n", " u'RT @antheaws: Apply for a 2014 Google PDF fellowships. (travel & registration) Open to women civic techmakers. http://t.co/slcDG7UCu1',\n", " u'@antheaws Great times!',\n", " u'RT @antheaws: True story: I got my start in civic tech when I won a 2009 Google fellowship to PDF. @JordanRaynor was in my class of fellow\\u2026',\n", " u'In the age of Google, there is no hiding who we are. Best to find creative ways to use your background and experience to your advantage.',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: Clinton was so bad at email as president he sent an email to the PM of Sweden IN ALL CAPS http://t.co/Lp2ueEmNHS http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'@KikiSchirr Many thanks!',\n", " u'Credit on that last tweet goes to @MindyFinn, @PatrickRuffini and team during @engagedc mind-meld a few years back.',\n", " u'Every campaign/brand:\\n1. Identifies potential voters/customers\\n2. Engages them w/ candidate/brand\\n3. Activates them to vote/buy',\n", " u'@mrathburn worst',\n", " u'Is there anything more irritating than watching somebody else use a computer? #controlfreak',\n", " u'Airbnb raises $500M. Now valued at $10B: http://t.co/Usuhbh1wNV',\n", " u'\"\\'Does he know,\\' whispered Lucy to Susan, \\'what Aslan did for him?\\'\" #GoodFriday',\n", " u'@LaurenHSauser Thanks for the mention of @Citizinvestor in this great piece: http://t.co/VN5aNweL0n Would love to connect some time!',\n", " u'Make the politician selfies stop http://t.co/Jh9CRd6A7n',\n", " u'38% of startups raise capital from friends and family. Lesson? Pray for wealthy friends and family.',\n", " u'U.S. startups raise $531 billion in capital each year, $60 billion of which comes from friends and family. http://t.co/wrHGliV2AH',\n", " u'6,780,000 startups launch in the U.S. each year. Remember that the next time you say you have no competition. http://t.co/wrHGliV2AH',\n", " u'More than 1/2 of Millennials would take a 15% pay cut to work for an organization that shares their values: http://t.co/XLQ9KVc1Ew']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@EwaMatuszewski interested in connecting w you Ewa. Would like to know more about yr org and would like yr feedback about @vgocom VGo Robot',\n", " u\"RT @trainingcarers: Pls RT\\nDon't talk to the STICK\\nDon't talk to the 90 year old\\nDon't talk to an ailment\\nTalk to the DANCER\\nI'm a DANCER\\nh\\u2026\",\n", " u'4th grade teacher in Bow NH explains why there is a fundraiser to get a VGo for Andrew: http://t.co/9acE6oTd13 via @gofundme',\n", " u'Pls volunteer: 3 minute survey to help MD / Prof at University of Vermont w research on health+ environment:https://t.co/sPVmJEa1cS',\n", " u'@AndreyOstrovsky sorry to miss you in Scottsdale. Perhaps we can connect some other time. Interested in yr feedback about @vgocom VGo Robot',\n", " u'RT @RoboAchiever1: Visited Cambridge Science Festival \"Robot Zoo\" Saturday and had grandson navigate Vgo bot. Great!',\n", " u\"RT @RobotNext: Futuristic #Robots Allow Rady Children's Doctors to Examine Patients from Anywhere - newswise - #robot #robotics - http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Tomas_OB: BES is looking to get vgo for a student, make a diff for a 4th grdr https://t.co/0xJAcKvRAC Thk u for any donations and pls R\\u2026',\n", " u'@TelehealthDoc Hello - are you based in MA or CA?',\n", " u\"Rady Children's Announces VGo Deployment in Telemedicine Program http://t.co/R2LBc15Chq\",\n", " u'@LionelREICHARDT @vgocom #VGo Robot is just starting to export. VGo is available in France Benelux Scandinavia & soon other parts of Europe',\n", " u'@LionelREICHARDT Thx for follow. Connaissez-vous le #robot #VGo d\\xe9velopp\\xe9 et fabriqu\\xe9 rpar @vgocom ?',\n", " u'RT @mlm101: @bnjacobs This guy wandered around TBR offices today.For more info about this telepresence see http://t.co/uzGzLjostm http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VerizonWireless: Ever wanted to be in two places at once? With VGo, you can. Find out how: http://t.co/tmfg4dKk0Y #OppositeWorlds',\n", " u'RT @spiesscl: VGo Robotic Telepresence - Verizon Powerful Answers http://t.co/qdXnncEhEA',\n", " u'RT @Demaerschalk: New #concussion study brings #robots to the locker room #telemedicine @MayoClinicNeuro @bertvargas http://t.co/aREOld0mPy\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @P1Caldwell: Good summary article on Telemedicine. Dust off that VGo!! http://t.co/t3Jk3c786B #yam',\n", " u'RT @ThePeej: Equinoxe Life Care: Canadian company employing the VGo for clinicians to remotely monitor patient health & ... https://t.co/lF\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @vgocom: Valor and VGo carry St. Jude student into classrooms http://t.co/oCBOPH4cE9 #edutech #distancelearning',\n", " u\"RT @mvrk_me: That's a friend! #VGo helps yet another family - School's video spotlighted in White House Student Film Festival http://t.co/\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/4tri9Mo6E7',\n", " u\"RT @slashfilm: POTD: 'Terminator Genesis' Filming Gets Under Way http://t.co/DdyhEVdS9I http://t.co/QsHypOyQ0V\",\n", " u'@Moluskein happy bday',\n", " u'Time to go on a vision quest.',\n", " u'Caballote http://t.co/6EyvrYjJyr',\n", " u\"When ever you are in New York City go to this place. It's just super awesome. http://t.co/BcDgzf7bo4\",\n", " u'Todo por una tortuguita.. http://t.co/KCQFPA8bTb',\n", " u'Esta es la que es (live at http://t.co/7fgi3FeWy7)',\n", " u'Esta es la que es (live at http://t.co/CYjs9OzZJw)',\n", " u'Check out \"LaGrande1030am\" live on #Ustream! http://t.co/7fgi3FeWy7',\n", " u'Website Tour | iServe Residential Lending & Marvin Colon http://t.co/cubZX0bldR',\n", " u'Website Tour | iServe Residential Lending & Marvin Colon http://t.co/Bstj9IzYyd',\n", " u'Have you heard \\u2018NUEVO RADIO SHOW FOR MAY 2014\\u2019 by Marvin Colon on #SoundCloud? https://t.co/fDKlEygtc9',\n", " u'My new sounds: NUEVO RADIO SHOW FOR MAY 2014 http://t.co/PEmMTGRVQt on #SoundCloud',\n", " u'The Russian excuse? http://t.co/pDL3uz6ldO',\n", " u'http://t.co/xLQesZu4s8',\n", " u'watching Juice',\n", " u'Envying the U.S. mortgage system? http://t.co/ukYZ71BVF4',\n", " u'I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://t.co/Tpl8xSBOJe Listing Booster from Pamela Hewitt at WJ Bradley Mortgage',\n", " u'Aqui en Orlando duraria 5 segundos y cuidao. http://t.co/XbVrrGvjBp']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@jonfoerster @EMSpeck I think we all can agree @DrakeUniversity is the best though. Where else do you have a @DUPorterhouse & @MagooCrew?',\n", " u'@TBTia the important question is was there a dog today?',\n", " u\"@EMSpeck @jonfoerster Nope! I'm a @DrakeUniversity graduate. And the beautiful bulldog contest is my spring addiction.\",\n", " u'RT @Mdixon55: Dane Eagle arrested on DUI charges http://t.co/nTq9yRjiyG via @politicalfix',\n", " u'Tonight: Laundry and packing. Tuesday: Election day in SWFl. Wednesday: Driving back to Tallahassee. One month from now: Key West.',\n", " u\".@NDN_JCarpenter is in Tally for a few of days with @politicalfix, while I'm in SWFL for D19 special. Make sure to follow for capital news.\",\n", " u'RT @AshleyLopezFL: Govs. Rick Scott, Jeb Bush & Bob Martinez, ask the Florida Senate (Joe Negron) to hear in-state tuition immigration bill.',\n", " u\"RT @ElizabethKellar: It's not too late! Stop by @BURNbyRP tonight for my husband's Cuba photo show. @eckellar @jonfoerster\",\n", " u'Ditto! RT @LillyRockwell: I love it when politics and gossipy tabloid reporting collide. #clintonpregnancy',\n", " u\"RT @GrayRohrer: Negron release: I won't put SB 1400 (undocumented in-state tuition bill) on Approps Committee nxt week.\",\n", " u'Former U.S. Rep. @treyradel spent more than $63,500 to refund donors, FEC documents show. @politicalfix',\n", " u'@TBTia, they are closed on Sunday. @ArekSarkissian, my goal is to go Saturday morning when I get back.',\n", " u'@TBTia @fineout @ArekSarkissian I went by on a Sunday. And early evening. I am determined to try it before I leave Tally this year.',\n", " u'@TBTia @fineout @ArekSarkissian I heard about this Oleans on Splendid Table a couple of weeks back, but its been closed everytime I go by.',\n", " u'RT @politicalfix: Rand Paul endorses\\xa0Curt Clawson http://t.co/zAoSSt3CUj',\n", " u'RT @jlrosicaTBO: Open government watchdog asks Scott to veto \\u201cwarning shot\\u201d bill | http://t.co/9YCZh34DXc',\n", " u\"The downside of being early for an interview? The time you spend hoping you're at the right place.\",\n", " u'RT @napleschris: @FLGovScott just stopped in for a coffee at the Central Ave. @Starbucks.',\n", " u'RT @ndn: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was in town tonight. He spoke about religious liberty for an Ave Maria School of Law fundraiser. http://t.co/P\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @fineout: #CommonCore bill ending state review of textbooks is up on floor of Senate for a vote. Bill also inspired by Volusia dispute']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Wondering if I should bring dinner tomorrow night or if there will be pizza #electionnight #tradition',\n", " u'RT @BBCBreaking: Rubin \"Hurricane\" Carter, US boxer whose wrongful conviction for murder caused international outcry, dies aged 76 http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'Craziest story you will hear all day - man charged with attempted murder after running over two women with his car: http://t.co/HDkeRka79n',\n", " u\"@ScandalABC - This really can't be the last episode of the season, right? You can't do this to us!\",\n", " u'Chelsea Clinton expecting first baby: http://t.co/CYjZ6JaCRL',\n", " u\"RT @npratc: Marquez's novels were filled with miraculous, enchanting events and characters. http://t.co/poqoQZVQ6T http://t.co/oKUY2bW3Ex\",\n", " u\"@MaryannBatlle You're welcome! Thanks for helping me plan my weekend!\",\n", " u'@EMSpeck Are you excited? Season 2 trailer of #OITNB is here! http://t.co/BZA0keJIOg',\n", " u\"@NDN_JSchlichter is going on the Honor Flight next weekend. His story about why he's doing it here: http://t.co/jTPS9JesQL\",\n", " u'Need an idea for something fun to do this weekend #inthe239? Let @MaryannBatlle help you out: http://t.co/naY82z1JFo',\n", " u\"The best thing about Easter? The @washingtonpost's peep contest. And this year was good: http://t.co/fZmb8NLkFs\",\n", " u'Well, it could be worse. I could be a lumberjack: http://t.co/CxE3zk8zNJ',\n", " u'@Bookgirl96 Maybe try searching #timber?',\n", " u'RT @ProPublica: Maker of TurboTax linked to new \\u201cgrassroots\\u201d campaign, argues return-free tax filing will hurt poor http://t.co/cDBVoeeQLD',\n", " u'@GunnerRocks Um...SPOILER.',\n", " u'The DEP is sticking to its decision to drill Estates area oil well: http://t.co/IcAA75cwx8',\n", " u'@lizroldancbs4 Seriously. And another was arrested for DUI and possession of cocaine: http://t.co/guKissyR75',\n", " u'Um...whoops. An Estero High School teacher was arrested for DUI on her way to work: http://t.co/mdRAJpYKpm',\n", " u'N. Naples, Big Corkscrew Fire to discuss merger tomorrow. What do you think about the fire districts coming together? http://t.co/a8rFRNSVNt',\n", " u\"Read today that the movie Say Anything is 25. Twenty-five years of knowing Joe lies.....when he cries. #that'llneverbeme\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Mayor_Jacobs: Rep. Joe Saunders and the Florida House of Representatives held a moment of silence for Lily Quintus this evening. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Mayor_Jacobs: Joining Rep. Joe Saunders and Florida House of Representatives as they remember Lily Quintus in a moment of silence. http\\u2026',\n", " u'Amazing how full the committee rooms get for budget conference. Like sharks.',\n", " u'In arguing banning discrim against gun owners @mattgaetz argues that no one should be denied rights. #passCWA #supportLGBTrights #sayfie',\n", " u\"@MarcACaputo @Mdixon55 @repdanayoung @RepMHudson @RepDougHolder @JoseJavierJJR @RepJoeGibbons Rep. Carrie Pigman! He's got bedside manner.\",\n", " u\"RT @UCFnews: #UCF just can't get enough of @4riversbbq since it opened on University Blvd. Find out how much they're serving: http://t.co/i\\u2026\",\n", " u'@FLGOPMajority thank you to my friends in the front rows. :-)',\n", " u'RT @WFTV: The tragedy of the #DaycareCrash will not soon be forgotten. #RememberLily http://t.co/tcK00f9KC9',\n", " u'RT @MyFoxOrlando: Memorial continues to grow at KinderCare.#FOX35 http://t.co/gNtmm5Xs4m #FOX35 @vboey',\n", " u'RT @MyFoxOrlando: Parent says KinderCare reached out to offer support to parents for counseling and guidance.#FOX35 #FOX35 @vboey',\n", " u'RT @WFTV: \"Sometimes it hits you that she\\'s not here anymore & it hurts.\" Lily Quintus\\' dad talks to @MPriceWFTV http://t.co/AFl52HJawQ #Da\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RothLauren: Orange schools named finalist for prestigious Broad Prize @broadfoundation @ocpsnews @broadcenter\\nhttp://t.co/30MqePAfne',\n", " u'RT @BarackObama: Retweet if you agree that when women succeed, America succeeds. #FairFutureNow',\n", " u'RT @BarackObama: \"We\\'ve got to fight for an opportunity agenda.\" \\u2014President Obama #WomenSucceed',\n", " u\"RT @educationweek: Hi-stakes testing shifts adults' focus from good pedagogy to test prep, writes @PeterMDeWitt http://t.co/d6LPULXtct #EWo\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Early childhood reform bill is being heard in House Appropriations committee! Chair O'Toole is doing a great job. #healthandsafety #VPK\",\n", " u'This one took me a sec. Wait for it...\\u201c@educationgadfly: The Education Gladfly: On #CommonCore, we cry Uncle http://t.co/2hcN5mod4H\\u201d',\n", " u'He seems like a nice guy. Wrong seat and wrong race. :-) @JKennedyReport',\n", " u\"\\xdcber car rental app barraging FL Leg with out of state emails. Most I've gotten from one group in a day. #fail #killingyourbill #sayfie\",\n", " u\"RT @AndreaRediske: @FLSenateGOP Don't exploit disabled kids to make voucher bill palatable. http://t.co/N6yXAfj24D #StopSB1512 @WillWeather\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @skotcovert: .@RepAndreaLea endorsed by the NRA this morning. #arpx http://t.co/BaxE3b238W',\n", " u'RT @WestermanAR: Be sure to read about Bruce\\u2019s @nrapvf endorsement in @arkansasonline! http://t.co/B07ENYCm9D #ar4 #argop #arpx #2a http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NateBell4AR: .@ARConservatives @curtiscoleman makes lots of promises. $ 2 UAMS, loan repayments, big profits & many others.Talk is chea\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TGforArkansas: Big news! #TG4LG is now on @instagram. Be sure and click the link to follow us. #arpx #argop http://t.co/hHWF7zASKn',\n", " u'RT @NateBell4AR: .@ARConservatives If you believe @AsaHutchinson is \"worse\" than @MikeRossUpdates then your conservatism is about as genui\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @mhlowe: Solid inaugural tweet, @courtbk123. Well done. @BillVickery',\n", " u\"RT @CarltonSaffa: @DavidWitteAR @NateBell4AR @ardeanelliott you say the veterans indicated support for your candidate. Where's the proof? I\\u2026\",\n", " u'@DavidWitteAR @CarltonSaffa @NateBell4AR What, exactly, did @CarltonSaffa claim?',\n", " u'RT @NateBell4AR: .@CarltonSaffa @DavidWitteAR @curtiscoleman @ardeanelliott That looks like an endorsement like astroturf looks like grass.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @mattklewis: Three (strategic) reasons why Tom Cotton's new TV ad is a home run - http://t.co/lePJGpXFbX http://t.co/JR95AhSAGR\",\n", " u\"@CarltonSaffa @NateBell4AR @DavidWitteAR He's trying to parse his words so it looks like an endorsement. Clearly it's not.\",\n", " u'.@DavidWitteAR If @curtiscoleman is so strong, why did @mcookAR include him in this list today? http://t.co/Hhk38MbMZz #arpx',\n", " u'RT @CarltonSaffa: @DavidWitteAR can you source this? Who could I contact for more info on this position from the veterans?',\n", " u'@KennyW_NLR @PajamaPolitica Refresh my memory. What percentage of the vote did @curtiscoleman get in his last race?',\n", " u'RT @mhlowe: New Tom Cotton Ad: \\u2018At Ease\\u2019\\nhttp://t.co/QbSNxBOuqO\\n#ARSen #ARpx',\n", " u'@KennyW_NLR @PajamaPolitica @curtiscoleman @CapitolViewAR @AsaHutchinson 12 people in borrowed t-shirts does not a winning campaign make.',\n", " u\"RT @tylerdunegan: Not sure I trust a pic put out by campaign. Getting people to wear your free shirt or hold signs isn't indicative of vote\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AsaHutchinson: Happy Easter! Thankful for many blessings today. Matthew 28:6 He is not here: for He is risen, as He said... http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @tylerdunegan: @DavidWitteAR if you have a poll that shows otherwise, please show me. I'd be honored to retract my previous statement if\\u2026\",\n", " u'@DavidWitteAR is sounding more and more desperate. Did @curtiscoleman finally show him the abysmal results of his polling?']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @JUPublicPolicy: \"Fiscal discipline attracts capital\" - Florida CFO @JeffAtwater visited @JacksonvilleU to talk #publicpolicy and #finan\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@georgenewbern: WTF\\u201d my sentiments exactly. #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'RT @JeffAtwater: Looking forward to being with Jax Univ Public Policy Institute this evening to discuss how #publicpolicy shapes our nation.',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: Call it the Shabazz Effect: NCAA will now allow Division I student-athletes to receive unlimited meals and snacks.',\n", " u'RT @JeffAtwater: Chose a special place in Tallahassee to have lunch on my bday, #DogEtAl. They are celebrating 30 yrs in business! http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ESPNStatsInfo: An 8 seed (Kentucky) vs a 7 seed (UConn) in the National Championship -- the highest combined seeds in National Champion\\u2026',\n", " u'Way to go, @UKAthletics #Wildcats !!!!!',\n", " u'Because rainy Saturdays deserve french pastry. #delish #caloriesdontcount @ Au P\\xe9ch\\xe9 Mignon French\\u2026 http://t.co/ACzgzIGbyN',\n", " u'@JimmyPatronis Tragic. Mix between David Bowie and Elvis about to sneeze. Legendary gone horribly wrong.',\n", " u\"RT @nikidtini: After the last few days, I don't want to hear the name DeSean Jackson for the rest of my life\",\n", " u\"If it ain't broke, don't fix it! The new logo needs to go...... - the #Seminole nation #FSU #ugly\",\n", " u'RT @JeffAtwater: Autism now affects 1 in 68 children. We aim to raise #AutismAwareness and wear blue in support. Visit http://t.co/VVVVdAlW\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DanielGlauser1: Oh @ChickfilA I hope you realize I will bring the whole #FSU O-Line?! http://t.co/7TzgSRgcqd',\n", " u'Because apparently Fermentation Lounge attracts a diverse crowd.... #ineedthatshirt #wtfmate http://t.co/xgaqoQrDL5',\n", " u'RT @hymnforrachel: This is everything --> RT @sydneypickern: Why I love him #famousjameis https://t.co/L0OvwDAlU1',\n", " u'\\u201c@peoplemag: Firefighters sing \"Let It Go\" to calm little girl stuck in an elevator. http://t.co/rR5LuUOsfS\\u201d How adorable!',\n", " u'@danmartinez305 @LaraMedley @RealMichaelW And all I wanted was a dang cookie. Those old folks are ravenous I tell you!',\n", " u\"RT @JeffAtwater: Great to be with Rep @HollyRaschein & others from Monroe County. Thanks for sharing the world's largest key lime pie! http\\u2026\",\n", " u'@ryanpduffy We stalked him all day. No such luck. Jealous!',\n", " u'@kmcgrory Definitely the female staffers! Keep posting pictures - they help us stalk! :)']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'cheernationathletics #PrincessArie showing mad attitude! Loved every moment. These girls rocked it!!!\\U0001f48b http://t.co/WtO7q0BoBQ',\n", " u'I can sleep when I die! Last competition of the year. #leggo #PrincessArie cheernationathletics http://t.co/86VHWOVQoi',\n", " u'#brownwed #love #happilyeverafter \\u2764\\ufe0f Sooo happy for them both\\U0001f48b http://t.co/rJ7kYh7yYS',\n", " u'#BrownWed \\U0001f48b #beautifulbride \\u2764\\ufe0f http://t.co/gynbtNZBYJ',\n", " u'#Love \\U0001f48b http://t.co/LX1rq27nuL',\n", " u'#BrownWed \\u2764\\ufe0fthem http://t.co/9rzoSFJJd4',\n", " u\"Thank you @geetee23 for donating to the 2014 Big Bend Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids' Sake!\",\n", " u'Gorgeous Ladies!!! \\u2764\\ufe0f them at the gala \\U0001f48b #aboutlastnight ... @every1lovesCC http://t.co/UF8a4cCtEl',\n", " u'Had an amazing time at the Alpha Scholarship Gala. Good times with great friends \\U0001f48b @every1lovesCC http://t.co/z8OSXWChYa',\n", " u'@geetee23 please feel free to visit my web page for more updates and information https://t.co/0mBqNiNzkj',\n", " u\"@geetee23 thank you! Donations are accepted on my page for Big Bend Bowl for Kids' Sake 2014. https://t.co/0mBqNiNzkj\",\n", " u\"Help Support Big Brothers Big Sisters and Bowl for Kid's Sake! http://t.co/7STcBWeUSR\",\n", " u\"Jami Coleman's Personal Page for Big Bend Bowl for Kids' Sake 2014 https://t.co/1iMToUN6Bn\",\n", " u'LAF Welcomes Ronnie Barker to Family Law Self Help Program | The Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce: http://t.co/qBzfSS6IRa',\n", " u\"One of my favorite scriptures\\U0001f499 we don't always know or need to know what He has planned for us. But we\\u2026 http://t.co/BZRhjLsARr\",\n", " u'So hurtful to see for so many reasons... http://t.co/SqifwYbECA',\n", " u'#Repost from dzovinar_ with repostapp http://t.co/txw9ZOvdha',\n", " u'Ladies come and join us tonight for an Open Meeting for Women Entrepreneurs. See you at 6pm. http://t.co/Ahrw5RFi79',\n", " u'Become a mentor and join Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Big Bend. http://t.co/zNaMszJAau',\n", " u'\"Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.\" - Rumi http://t.co/cobauZdh9P']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'ParisweetdreaMs Hilol22ALL xox bless...',\n", " u'PPJMorning Hilol22ALL xox bless...',\n", " u'RT @SurfingNZ: Epic conditions round out the South Island Champs at The Spit with Tane Wallis scoring a perfect ten point ride... http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @stefanogabbana: @kylieminogue \\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0f\\u2764\\ufe0fnew album..... http://t.co/gm6oJaBJaw',\n", " u'RT @GroupamaCammas: Yvan Zedda se pr\\xe9pare \\xe0 Hyeres http://t.co/ReQFZjkXFj',\n", " u'RT @Playboy: #INTHEISSUE: \"I maintained a high level of craft and preparation behind the freak show. I didn\\'t perform bad concerts\" \\u2014@iggyp\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WSJ: Corruption concerns take a back seat to good deeds as Indians head to the polls. http://t.co/uwxSKVucyX',\n", " u\"RT @wef: How do #China's top global firms fare on corporate culture? http://t.co/twOrcmxI9F #wef http://t.co/lip9Ylc0E6\",\n", " u'RT @justinbieber: This is my time off but my mind is alway running. Learned a lot this past year thru trial & error but that is life. Excit\\u2026',\n", " u'7s...',\n", " u'Optes /\\\\',\n", " u'GLOBALOLORDE WE*A*^T^HA Muppets ...',\n", " u'Pope .../\\\\...',\n", " u'ER2 Happy BDay ...\\nCWGCo Hilol22ALL bless...',\n", " u'RT @atu2: VIDEO: U2 Pays Tribute to Mike Peters & The Alarm http://t.co/PaYoLDs4uw',\n", " u'RT @Te_Papa: \"Mitchell\" is part of the Army Ordnance Corps. http://t.co/kk2uWVZ9Dq #WW100 #ANZAC #BerryBoys Do you recognise him? http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ASP: Watch the #SamsungGalaxy @ASP \"Update Show\" LIVE from the 2014 @RipCurlPro #BellsBeach: http://t.co/oxSj16Bxs0 http://t.co/3YF6NQQ\\u2026',\n", " u'ParisweetdreaMs Hilol22ALL xox bless ...',\n", " u'MPH22...',\n", " u'RT @AJEnglish: Kuwait papers suspended over coup plot story http://t.co/7TUWlTH7j7']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Senate pension reform bill by Sen. @WiltonSimpson that was formerly put on hold is now being taken up again in the Appropriations Comm.',\n", " u'Newly-Merged House Pension Reform Proposal Draws Concerns http://t.co/ptEOsre82y',\n", " u\"RT @TBTia: U.S. Supreme Court rejects Rick Scott's request to review drug testing decision http://t.co/p98v6yDD2e via @TB_Times @learyrepor\\u2026\",\n", " u'In a few hrs, a House panel will take up a proposal that now combines the local govt pension reform effort & Fla. Retirement System overhaul',\n", " u'With Recent Pregnancy Discrimination Ruling, Will Florida Legislature Take Next Step? http://t.co/w9a6uYWJTT',\n", " u'Thousands Call On Gov. Scott To Fire Lead Prosecutor In Marissa Alexander Case http://t.co/kGa4RgWGeT',\n", " u'Newly Expanded Parasail Bill Nearly Dies, Now Heads To House Floor http://t.co/WsmmvsfsW0',\n", " u'DCF, Foster Youth Say New Law Extending Foster Care Age Needs Some Work http://t.co/2EcHt8EhdW',\n", " u'Stand Your Ground Author Says Effort To Tweak Law Could Get \\u2018Second Life\\u2019 This Year http://t.co/xCzee8XdO2',\n", " u'Florida Senate Urged To Keep Vetting Currently Stalled Stand Your Ground Tweak Bill http://t.co/QQ7WSWgX9e',\n", " u'Controversial Abortion Bills Pass Florida House http://t.co/l24u4rQyKQ',\n", " u'As Senate Pension Overhaul Clears First Panel, House Measure Heads To Floor http://t.co/7FJ5K8eXKP',\n", " u'Traffic Safety Bills, Moving And Stalled, Highlighted During Fla. Road Safety Week http://t.co/JUEF7HCnXJ',\n", " u'More Gun Bills Head For Floor Votes; Abortion Bill Getting Closer As Well http://t.co/hPyjiHApKU',\n", " u'Can Florida Lawmakers Reach A Pension Reform Compromise Before Session Ends? http://t.co/8DMXeHHxRY',\n", " u'House Advances Scaled-Back Pension Reform Proposal, Despite Much Opposition http://t.co/dnjanY2U8l',\n", " u\"With Senate's Latest Approval, \\u2018Warning Shot\\u2019 Bill Now Heads To Gov. Scott http://t.co/81447rjFme\",\n", " u'Warning Shot bill passes Sen 32-7; amendment fails taking out part expunging records of those found not guilty after claiming self-defense',\n", " u'Controversial Concealed Carry Gun Bills Advance In Both Florida House, Senate http://t.co/kVz21GsjiA',\n", " u'Juvenile Sentencing Bill Passes Florida House With Unanimous Bipartisan Support http://t.co/uBOzmZyJ0B']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @nyrr: Meb triumphant #latergram #runforboston #runforlife #Repost from @dpaterson6 http://t.co/cvJ1iIpTz0',\n", " u'RT @lolojones: Good Friday. Jesus Fell three times carrying the cross. \\nWe all fall during times in our lives. The fall could be... http://\\u2026',\n", " u'Sue, Central Park, Police Custody #nyrr #scotlandrun http://t.co/xynWWzj35o',\n", " u'Chicken & Avocado Soft Tacos http://t.co/63mKiW2s4W',\n", " u'@CornyOConnell @wfuv \"Tell Me Why\"',\n", " u'Are insurance companies canceling auto policies in the areas hurt by Sandy because of huge payouts for auto losses in Storm #sandy #fixflood',\n", " u\"RT @BarackObama: If you were thinking about chipping in for the final health care push, now's the time: http://t.co/1USPaoL3cn #LastCall2014\",\n", " u'#nychalf http://t.co/XzLg1FID0H',\n", " u\"RT @StopFEMAnowTX: .@JohnCornyn your ads kept saying for Texas. We'll you just did nothing for over 1 million voters in tx whom I will make\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @stopfemanowTSE: @SenToomey @SenMikeLee @SenateFloor we work, we pay taxes an we VOTE.',\n", " u'RT @StopFEMANowNYC: @StopFemaNow everyone #fixflood see this link/ call @SenMikeLee give him your facts to counter his fantasy re #floodins\\u2026',\n", " u'@FallonTonight bad habits; the things you loathe about yourself #whatparentsreallysharewiththeirkids',\n", " u\"RT @FEMAgate: Time to send https://t.co/MxX0Ma3Ol2 our flood insurance bills and ask him to pay. Go get 'em flood sufferers! @stopfemanow \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @AlpertDC: Congressional Budget Office says flood insurance bill won't add to the deficit http://t.co/R1Kkdai6IW\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowFL: Rep. Scalise reassures GOP that voting for #FloodInsurance bill is 'only conservative option' http://t.co/FWW4kzDl04\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNowFL: Congressional Budget Office says #FloodInsurance bill won't add to the deficit http://t.co/1FPbxWkMLr\",\n", " u'RT @BillCassidy: More good news about the Grimm-Cassidy Flood Insurance reform legislation: http://t.co/A43vvUItu7 #LASEN',\n", " u'RT @MaxineWaters: RT @FSCDems: Ranking Member @MaxineWaters, @RepRichmond endorse #bipartisan #FloodInsurance legislation. http://t.co/cGD\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNowFL: #FloodInsurance will be Live on C-Span @learyreports http://t.co/T15tPeMwoc watching HR3370',\n", " u'RT @SFNLA: TX members to miss vote today? MT @AlpertDC 276 votes may be magic number for House flood ins vote: @StopFemaNow http://t.co/HIy\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @FlaDems: House Democrats detail the unfinished business for Florida's families as the end of session nears. #pfla http://t.co/ORSnQ9lox9\",\n", " u'RT @Alex_Roarty: Coming to a Senate Democratic campaign near you: Personhood. per @ThePlumLineGS http://t.co/Aq6DLYMZt9',\n", " u'@HotlineJosh @Alex_Roarty I for one am a fan of the Akin strategy. Maybe it will also be used in Mississippi (a girl can dream) #GOPcrazies',\n", " u'RT @MarcACaputo: Charlie Crist is fundraising off his encounter with Carlos Lopez-Cantera in email w/subject line: \"Boom. Roasted.\" http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: Despite @AlexSinkFlorida's decision not to run in Nov., I know she will continue to serve FL well - we're so grateful for\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @jlrosicaTBO: MORE: Abortion bill was immed certified to @FLSenate; thus @FLGovScott could sign soon if he chooses',\n", " u\"Nothing new here, but good to be reminded and strive towards equality: Why Do Washington's Women Leaders Make Less? http://t.co/1K57Uvcg8U\",\n", " u'Continuing to prove your strong support @SShawFL! RT @WMarchTBO Shaw leads in fundraising for Tampa House seat http://t.co/bRzEIj2GTk',\n", " u'Ha-this is bad committee practice 101. Nice job @NRCC: GOP attacks Rahall, but ignores McKinley, over budget vote http://t.co/z3ikK9n7ND',\n", " u'Ahh, I was a FL page once. Still remember being on the floor when the \"choose life\" license plate was debated http://t.co/iw6aiJTr1i',\n", " u'RT @Gawker: Florida House bans young impressionable legislative interns during its abortion debates. http://t.co/MeMlovdt1S http://t.co/Hah\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PRyan: Just had a meeting with Rep. Sensenbrenner. He was typing a letter. This is how he does it. Seriously. http://t.co/pBgUyjg221',\n", " u\"@MarcACaputo Hey, I mainly said that in 2010 with one pretty big exception, which is the same video I think you're referring to.\",\n", " u'Seems fishy to me-people who recently has contact w/ the Gov or Dept of State get invited to @FLGovScott fundraiser? http://t.co/QBwhJhHbsV',\n", " u'RT @Mdixon55: Political headscratcher: Prominent Dems invited to Rick Scott event http://t.co/gPDsVXcF96 via @politicalfix',\n", " u'RT @MarcACaputo: Rick Scott railed against Obamacare cuts at a Miami Sr. center. Unmentioned: Scott vetoed $1m for the center in 2013 http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bethreinhard: Caputo-cam! RT @MarcACaputo Rick Scott stands by two misleading ads that bash Obamacare http://t.co/BrpMHIGd34',\n", " u'Thank goodness Florida has @MarcACaputo. That is all. https://t.co/4SwnJK1LHI',\n", " u'RT @TheFix: Of the 10 richest billionaires, 3 are BIG GOP donors: Koch bros and Sheldon Adelson. http://t.co/CcaHEIrsP7',\n", " u'RE Scott\\'s Latino problem, remembered gem fr \\'10 Univision debate \"It seems like many times that they\\'re all related\" http://t.co/8msjOYFlW2']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @PRDailyNews: Facebook Indicates When Instagram Users Like Photos Posted To Facebook Via Instagram http://t.co/X6ekOSfwa6 #PR',\n", " u\"RT @HK_FLgov: Powerful ad featuring @FLGovScott & @UFlorida student w/ cancer. Gov's research initiative will help #FL #fightcancer http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @PRDailyNews: Digital Dice: LinkedIn Launches Insights and Twitter Photos Get More Social on Twitter http://t.co/4QWWuCjUpT #PR',\n", " u'RT @Danielson_Times: Leaders talk shuttle from downtown to Tampa airport http://t.co/dlVxAKuUrF by @TheWillHobson @TB_Times',\n", " u\"Is 'Girl Speak' Holding You Back? I might be guilty of this sometimes...Ladies, take note: http://t.co/yW0kxjdMDV\",\n", " u'RT @Holland_Knight: Our t-shirts are ready, but is our team? Excited about the @UnitedWayMiami tournament tonight! #UWDodgeball http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'@PeopleLinx @ckburgess @michaelido Definitely attending! Thanks',\n", " u'@ckburgess @michaelido Any tips for legal marketers involving #B2Bmarketing? #B2BSocial',\n", " u'\"Google+ is the dark horse of social media.\" #B2BSocial',\n", " u\"Starting a very intereseting webinar. Can't wait to hear what @ckburgess has to say about B2B marketing. #B2BSocial\",\n", " u\"RT @LMAintl: How will changes to LinkedIn's publishing platform affect #legalmarketing? http://t.co/hpSWQfTajl #in #smm\",\n", " u'RT @Holland_Knight: MT @DavidOvalle305: @Holland_Knight #medialaw atty Scott Ponce after Justin Bieber public records hearing. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HK_FLgov: Session starts TODAY! #FLLeg #Session2014 #sayfie http://t.co/AfyqAoFlga',\n", " u\"RT @TBBuccaneers: We were so excited about our new look, we couldn't wait any longer to share it with you!\\nREAD: http://t.co/QfP0PkdXCM htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Holland_Knight: Holland & Knight hosted a celebratory reception for the #TBBJ2014CFO nominees. See more from the event: http://t.co/ZEv\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AlexisTBBJ: Some very smart folks in the room at @holland_knight #Tampa for a reception honoring our #tbbj2014cfo of the year. http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PRDailyNews: 17 must-have features on your LinkedIn profile http://t.co/v3BNRNfGCe #PR',\n", " u\"RT @TBOcom: Trader Joe's announces opening date for Tampa location. http://t.co/azMvSHpei4\",\n", " u'RT @UpQuarksNJSEO: Why Blogging As A Legal Professional Is A Must http://t.co/qcHT56HuOI #seo #marketing',\n", " u'RT @451Marketing: How to craft newsworthy content via @PRNews http://t.co/ljvIlUteNc What are your #ContentMarketing tips?']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@FriendsOfBernie Ur doing a great job Bernie-thank you!',\n", " u'The 1% Should Pay Their Fair Share in Taxes http://t.co/gDpLWXf7c7 @moveon',\n", " u'RT @JeanW1939: Property tax reform still vexing in Pennsylvania - http://t.co/vbB8IBNZk2',\n", " u'We denounce the Koch Brothers http://t.co/zhO8SqqtLW @moveon No one, no matter ho much $ they have should b able to buy the government!',\n", " u'Third US political party? How about the Muslim Brotherhood? http://t.co/BOLSc9a6lN via @AllenWest This cannot happen in America!',\n", " u'Comcast says you\\'re not \"rational, knowledgeable\" if you oppose TWC merger. Disagree here http://t.co/0Hdk6rsoVB via @demandprogress',\n", " u'SCOTUS guts a law that protects our country from unbridled political corruption #McCutcheon http://t.co/28JR5lCHVC via @representdotus',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNow: .@GovChristie @tomkean @FrankPallone @seabrightmayor @RepSires @RushHolt @FairShareNJ @stopfemanownjks @kimahely @stopfema\\u2026',\n", " u\"$6 Bil Vanishes From State Dept. Under Hillary Clinton | Judicial Watch: http://t.co/YybCEK6URt Liars, thieves, corruptors=US Gov't :( sick\",\n", " u'Join @RealBenCarson and @AmerLegacyPAC to #SaveOurHealthcare. Sign the petition now. http://t.co/nTHBSaK79D',\n", " u'RT @MrDanZak: That time of year when the sunsets start to align with the lettered streets. http://t.co/AmdU0ETXja http://t.co/Bi8yjjSUkV',\n", " u'RT @AP: Rural residents confront higher health care costs compared to those who live in urban areas: http://t.co/OLUs69UOcH',\n", " u'RT @CoburnForSenate: Obamacare cuts choices, not costs. My USA Today piece:... http://t.co/MJaiGqVzN1',\n", " u\"Dick Morris: House Republicans Should Reject Paul Ryan's Budget Plan http://t.co/6eNJudE99D via @Newsmax_Media\",\n", " u\"5 Reasons Obama's 7.1 Million Number Is Meaningless http://t.co/Tz3EaQyRHI via @BreitbartNews\",\n", " u'SCOTUS guts a law that protects our country from unbridled political corruption #McCutcheon http://t.co/28JR5lCHVC via @representdotus',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNow: @SFNLA Together we can make significant changes in 2017. @StopFemaNowNY @StopFemaNowFL @STOPFEMANOWLYCO @kimahely http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StopFemaNow: Still a lot of work ahead of us. http://t.co/eCCSxRxg7J\\u2026 http://t.co/lJXf2014Iv',\n", " u\"RT @VetriDani: .@StopFemaNow any news on WHEN ins co's will have formulas to calculate amended rates? In limbo til they do! @KClaireCompton\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @StopFemaNow: @VetriDani @KClaireCompton @AlpertDC it's going to take several months if not longer. I'm sure bruce alpert will get to th\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @kirstenweld: Tidbits from the DFS' intelligence file on Garc\\xeda M\\xe1rquez: http://t.co/lBbjT3sgEM\",\n", " u'RT @HistoryInPics: Bob Dylan in the backyard of the SNCC Office, Greenwood, Mississippi, 1963. Photo by Danny Lyon. http://t.co/Sk9pYMdINB',\n", " u'RT @Gigwise: Outkast performed their first live show in nearly a decade at Coachella last night. Watch the full set here http://t.co/BPaagC\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HistoryInPics: Ruby Bridges, first African-American to attend a white elementary school in the South. November 14th, 1960. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Letterman: .@Letterman on Colbert: \\u201cI\\u2019m flattered that CBS chose him. I also happen to know they wanted another guy with glasses.\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @pedestriandaily: The Simpsons pay tribute to David Letterman with Late Show couch gag sequence: http://t.co/zcQKk2U13i',\n", " u'RT @DalrympleWill: Ajanta Cave10: oldest faces in Indian painting 120BC photographed in detail, in colour without glass, for 1st time. htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EdgeofSports: Thank you @KeithOlbermann for the Letterman tribute. Pitch perfect. http://t.co/ghB6edXZM8',\n", " u'RT @keithellison: 46 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down in Memphis as he prepared to march with sanitation workers who were \\u2026',\n", " u\"As a fairly new NYC'r: major networks & cable need to watch @errollouis and @InsideCityHall to see how you discuss, not editorialize.\",\n", " u\"NOOOOOO! @Letterman retiring?! C'mon, now. Just when he mastered Twitter. Say it ain't so, Dave.\",\n", " u'RT @IWJNational: The National Restaurant Association is leading the fight against raising the minimum wage. New Report: http://t.co/aVvgNEx\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AriBerman: In the past four years SCOTUS has made it far easier to buy an election & far harder to vote in one #citizensunited #McCutch\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @USILive: US: Culinary and Bartender workers authorize strike http://t.co/wij6OyD4U8 via @reviewjournal',\n", " u\"RT @TalibKweli: I loved being asked a question I have to research before I answer. Nothing is worse than waxing on about things you don't k\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @thehill: Football players take union push to Hill http://t.co/YjhGADgmv9 by @ben_goad and @timdevaney',\n", " u'RT @WorkingFamilies: #WorkerWednesday Women are more highly concentrated in low-wage jobs. #RaiseUpNY #RaiseUpWomen http://t.co/jBJnalomg5 \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AndreaWNYC: .@sunfoundation on SCOTUS ruling: \"last ember of campaign finance system has been snuffed out\" http://t.co/LwwlOjiihc',\n", " u'RT @MikeElk: Docs Show Top Corker & Haslam Staffers Shared Google Analytics on Anti-UAW Videos w/ union busters http://t.co/WW1B0GWNSd',\n", " u'RT @MikeElk: BREAKING: @edshow announces that they will not be doing their show today to show solidarity w/ MSNBC workers attempting to uni\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Verizon Wireless Newsroom: Network Revved Up For Season\\u2019s First IndyCar Series Race http://t.co/0Re1ApY9tC via @vzwnews',\n", " u'http://t.co/CUlyMeHjds',\n", " u'Verizon Wireless Newsroom: It\\u2019s Spring Training...For Wireless Networks http://t.co/9Y6auJDSgG via @vzwnews',\n", " u'From the Biz Journal: Verizon earns top honors in Florida in wireless service study http://t.co/mLOgJLKAuM via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u'RT @VZWChuck: Verizon earns top honors in Florida in wireless service study http://t.co/iKw2MucbLX via @OBJUpdate',\n", " u\"I just voted for G.W. CARVER MIDDLE SCHOOL's project entry in Samsung's Solve For Tomorrow Contest. #SamsungSolve http://t.co/ovyKlvMJhe\",\n", " u'RT @KSParsons: Awe\\u2026technology makes these moments so sweet! LOVE these high-tech proposal tips from @VZWChuck http://t.co/yG7a1RTD7Y',\n", " u'RT @VZWChuck: Buying 1 Samsung #GalaxyS4 for $99 w/rebate gets you 1 #Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB free w/rebate. See store for details. #Verizon',\n", " u'RT @VZWChuck: Driven! Test man Michael Diener makes sure #Verizon network dazzles at #Daytona. http://t.co/BHekOzg6nz',\n", " u'RT @VZWChuck: Test Drivers, Start Your Engines! @VZWNews http://t.co/KvIF9BadYa',\n", " u'Test Drivers, Start Your Engines! @VZWNews http://t.co/GOPWGDjgaQ',\n", " u'RT @DaveGraveline: 4G LTE Wireless Technology Revs up Race Experience for Daytona Fans @VZWChuck @VZWnews http://t.co/WSV8ZwgB8R',\n", " u'RT @VZWChuck: How can savvy #Daytona race fans make 200 laps more fun? With a turbo-charged lineup of smart wireless gear http://t.co/AKjmH\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VZWChuck: Cool cars and drivers at Daytona. Verizon test team making sure the network is strong and fast. http://t.co/VzCQVRbW0i',\n", " u'Tech Gear Drives a Great Race Experience @VZWNews http://t.co/2XCbfxgIK5',\n", " u'RT @VZWChuck: Test Man Michael Diener makes sure #Verizon network is fast and strong for big races at #Daytona. http://t.co/4MAY0im544',\n", " u'Thanks @annush1 -- fab wrist model for Fitbit Force - Verizon at @smcsf meet-up in Miami. Super \"sharing\" event. http://t.co/kci1VT5OAp',\n", " u'@cmhuerta looks fab (always) wearing the looxcie video cam from Verizon at @smcsf meeting at TSL in Miami. http://t.co/MMHA9tMsyM',\n", " u'RT @Maggypi: The panelists for 2014: The Year of Sharing @SMCSF @alexdc http://t.co/SYMJwVLCKv',\n", " u\"RT @VZWChuck: Verizon M2M (machine-to-machine) expert Doug Wilson & FL Gov. Rick Scott in Miami with Verizon's 4G LTE VGo robot. http://t.c\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'What The Press in FL Is Focused On is out! http://t.co/AOt4uEkyzD Stories via @bsfarrington',\n", " u'RT @jpe33180: @EducationFL @InSouthFlorida @WhatTonyCs @FlChamber every kid has the same opportunity&resources&education budgets are increa\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EducationFL: Comm. Stewart chats with @WhatTonyCs, thanks @FlChamber for the opportunity to discuss Florida's education success. http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'What The Press in FL Is Focused On is out! http://t.co/AOt4uEkyzD Stories via @BillAdairDuke',\n", " u'We are all #BostonStrong today, light afoot, strong to core & determined. Not just race day. One more statement from Boston to world.',\n", " u'We\\u2019re all #BostonStrong today, light afoot, strong to core & determined. Not just race day. One more statement from Boston to world.',\n", " u'What The Press in FL Is Focused On is out! http://t.co/AOt4uEkyzD Stories via @OrlandoOpinion',\n", " u\"Every new day offers the promise of renewal...but don't worry, the debt is still paid.\",\n", " u'The good thing is that the source of the spring is renewed each day. No matter what flowed yesterday, something new can flow today.',\n", " u'And the rest of us notice. Grateful, clueless, spoiled or graced seeps from your heart and your head to your hands and your mouth.',\n", " u'Whether u spend ur day ignoring the gift or feeling unworthy or angry or entitled or thankful or looking for ways 2 pay it forward defines u',\n", " u'What one does upon realizing that a debt- particularly a big one- was paid in full by someone else is telling.',\n", " u'RT @SanFranciscoVC: Consider Sharing Part-Time Executives Between Startups--The Same Brain At 20% Cost - http://t.co/DYC06c9ois',\n", " u'What The Press in FL Is Focused On is out! http://t.co/AOt4uEkyzD Stories via @FloridaTrend',\n", " u'RT @digital_opps: Check out these great examples on how one brand used #socialmedia to double their ROI. #DigitalOpps http://t.co/Sdtuyeignx',\n", " u'RT @Inc: Are these #MadMen quotes still relevant today? http://t.co/5yO8xMZNel',\n", " u'What The Press in FL Is Focused On is out! http://t.co/AOt4uEkyzD Stories via @adeslatte',\n", " u'RT @EconBizFin: Trending: Studying at some US universities will leave you worse off than not having a degree http://t.co/pEGdOyxWdp http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FastCoExist: 3 out of 4 food shoppers care about sustainability in their supermarket decisions. http://t.co/pZvm2DBWm4 http://t.co/iQaQ\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TIME: U.S. special ops troops are committing suicide in record numbers http://t.co/by91Sf1YE5']},\n", " {'REP': [u'WOW Michigan Judge Explodes: \\u201cI Hope You Die in Prison\\u201d http://t.co/ZtGmPTldsi via @suttonporter',\n", " u'@EdMorrissey The Force is strong with you.',\n", " u'Terrible News: Elizabeth Warren Isn\\u2019t Running for President http://t.co/N1LhQ7WuWs',\n", " u'UH OH: Half Of Georgia Obamacare Enrollees Haven\\u2019t Paid http://t.co/pJCNtzUh5b',\n", " u'Mom is in recovery. She\\u2019s in some pain but doing very well. She took surgery like a champ. They also found a 2nd hernia. Thanks for praying.',\n", " u'61 tweeps followed me in the past week. Feels great! Do you also want to feel awesome? Check out http://t.co/K5wFItv5k1',\n", " u'My mom is undergoing hernia surgery today. She says to please send prayers and well wishes. Thank you.',\n", " u'@Matthops82 I felt bad as soon as I pressed retweet.',\n", " u'RT @Matthops82: http://t.co/oV60JWJQyT',\n", " u\"Dear God.. RT @ruthyoest: Here's The First Searchable Selfie Database http://t.co/0IcIDMVPG9\",\n", " u'RT @RBPundit: Fixed. MT @JeromeEHudson: Rachel Maddow\\u2019s show is a prime example of why MSNBC\\u2019s ratings suck.',\n", " u'The first 20 minutes of Rachel Maddow\\u2019s show tonight is a prime example of why MSNBC\\u2019s ratings suck.',\n", " u'Scratch Massive - In The Dressing Room http://t.co/TJR8vttejU',\n", " u'RT @ThePantau: Captain America versus Nick Fury, or Liberty versus\\xa0Security http://t.co/tQ7cUArICv',\n", " u'CNN Host Don Lemon: \\u201cAl Sharpton Is Not My Leader\\u201d http://t.co/uqui36IWhz',\n", " u\"RT @sleepdoctorjoe: He's too modest to include himself. --> RT @JeromeEHudson: Good, selfless people I suggest you follow -> @MelissaTweets\\u2026\",\n", " u'@SuperAndrea \\U0001f612',\n", " u'TWSS',\n", " u'@SuperAndrea I do what I want.',\n", " u'You wouldn\\u2019t.. RT @SuperAndrea: @JeromeEHudson Good luck getting picked up from LAX next time!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@steveschale Proper Punctuation is Path to Purgatory.',\n", " u'@ScottTParkinson we all can see what you are doing here: Trying to thin out the competition.',\n", " u'RT @PatriciaMazzei: Florida Senators @SenBillNelson and @marcorubio visit Venezuelan eatery in Doral to make joint statement http://t.co/DX\\u2026',\n", " u'Congratulations Counselor. RT @amberstoner: I passed! #FlaBarExam #lawyerselfie http://t.co/DA5IPXL24Q',\n", " u'@Stevehorton Thanks. Appreciate the thought.',\n", " u\"We're proud of ya. \\u201c@JimmyPatronis: It's only the 2nd time I've ever tied a #bowtie. #sayfie #pic #postem http://t.co/vHdNJFWjwe\\u201d\",\n", " u'#jnj2014 http://t.co/MWK9wOfgOP',\n", " u'.@marcorubio at Duval County Lincoln Day Dinner-Jacksonville, FL http://t.co/C4ZADzqwaW',\n", " u'@daveroyse So how do we buy the book?',\n", " u'@jtuckermartin @jmartNYT that might be one of the the only songs Doug Clark and the Hot Nuts can play with kids around. Love those guys.',\n", " u'@BylineBrandon @towsonfraser We established 37 minutes as the over/under yesterday on individual amendments. Enjoy the meeting.',\n", " u\"@emilybouck @MyNews13Weather It's one of the nicest days of the year right now.\",\n", " u\"@towsonfraser I wasn't going to speak on this but...you can spend a whole day on an amendment being withdrawn. You know that.\",\n", " u'@MearKat00 I foresee PBS Day coming soon to the FL House.',\n", " u'@UNGRU Might be worth it. http://t.co/pwCLXJEbcc',\n", " u'@dtoddharris @joniernst You had me at hog castration.',\n", " u\"@greggnunziata Don't tempt fate.\",\n", " u\"My Winter Park parish bulletin quoting Miami's @RepJNunez closing remarks. #Ezekiel #HB851\",\n", " u'@MearKat00 Love is all you need.',\n", " u\"@fineout I'm glad nothing has changed since I've been away.\"]},\n", " {'REP': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"I'm at Ponte Vedra Concert Hall for The Goo Goo Dolls w/ @dewlacrosse http://t.co/xIq5QFf5NM\",\n", " u'RT @SeminoleBooster: Nole Nation is behind you @jonas_blixt we are tuned in to @The_Masters ! #GoNoles',\n", " u'RT @MichaelLKelly: Final round of the Masters will feature Jonas Blixt (Jax Beach) and Matt Kuchar (St. Simons Island) in penultimate pairi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CoachTreyFSU: Seminole Major winners - @PaulAzinger, Jeff Sluman, Hubert Green - Jonas Blixt will try his best to make it 4 - very few \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Jones4noles: \\u201c@FSUGolf: sweet #throwbackthursday photo of @jonas_blixt in 2006. #noles http://t.co/lmjUgEEzvd\\u201d Love it!',\n", " u\"I'm at Buffalo Wild Wings - @bwwings w/ @weatherdogg http://t.co/PFM8AJ95je\",\n", " u'RT @CoachTreyFSU: Jonas Blixt said he never heard so many \"Go Noles!\" on the golf course. Keep it coming Seminoles - see you at 2:35 @Semin\\u2026',\n", " u\"I'm at @Pussers Bar & Grille (Ponte Vedra Beach, FL) w/ 2 others http://t.co/j42tJSqaMg\",\n", " u'Come visit the @NWSJacksonville Booth at the 18th annual Southeast U.S. Boat show at Metro Park! #southeastusboatshow http://t.co/HeCdGFVFZU',\n", " u'Beautiful course, sunshine and a sea breeze! (@ Jekyll Island Golf Club w/ @weatherdogg @dewlacrosse) http://t.co/7ygUOxkn9W',\n", " u'Beautiful course, sunshine and a sea breeze! (@ Jekyll Island Golf Club w/ @dewlacrosse @weatherdogg) http://t.co/VUUqgeq7wu',\n", " u'A tradition unlike any other (@ Augusta National Golf Club - @the_masters w/ @weatherdogg) http://t.co/KzPNax1dit',\n", " u\"Master's Trivia in Augusta (@ Mellow Mushroom - @mmaugustaevans w/ @weatherdogg) http://t.co/K4mow7eEc2\",\n", " u\"I'm at Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville - @sunsbaseball (Jacksonville, FL) w/ 8 others http://t.co/txqquhx48H\",\n", " u\"Planned power outage means it's time to hit the pool! (@ Ocean Park Pool) http://t.co/R4BWjJqY5T http://t.co/fg0BBvJyL9\",\n", " u\"RT @StubHub: With #concert season approaching, it's time to score your tickets! RT for a chance to win one of three $50 gift codes!\",\n", " u'RT @ClimateDesk: The Latest \"Cosmos\" Episode Has the Best Argument Yet Against Creationism http://t.co/qgs7qrolcs',\n", " u'RT @SciencePorn: The Scale Of The Universe, check this out http://t.co/8fHrvubWf2',\n", " u'RT @JenCarfagno: Excellent pictures and explantation of the #meteotsunami that surged #PanamaCityBeach Fri aftn by @ExtremeStorms http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FSU_MBasketball: The #Noles will take on Minnesota in a rematch inside the Garden Tuesday night at 9pm http://t.co/1VLU5Aa1MM']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @MichaelPollick: SARASOTA: Federal judge waits for #FBI in #Sarasota #Saudi case - Florida - http://t.co/vnGnbxJGC1 http://t.co/pX2tMlCA\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MichaelPollick: \"@DYusnyu: #teamdon #stateofjobs http://t.co/FVcGjx0b5N\"',\n", " u'RT @FSUFrank: @Saraosta_YPG on the front page of the @HeraldTribune Way to go!! #stateofjobs http://t.co/9vZ9Aq8eo9',\n", " u\"RT @HeraldTribune: Judge waits for FBI's documents on Sarasota Saudi family with possible connections to 9/11 terrorists http://t.co/dMPD1H\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @HeraldTribune: Teens are focus of inaugural State of Jobs event in #Sarasota #stateofjobs http://t.co/VHzcqULnVR http://t.co/HlnUCyvxeu',\n", " u'RT @HeraldTribune: Couple who owned Napiers sanctuary now facing animal cruelty charges http://t.co/uTXdFWZ76a',\n", " u\"RT @HeraldTribune: Man arrested in attempted robbery of Sarasota CVS store was featured on '700 Club' http://t.co/JXLxRxKHcE http://t.co/8a\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @HeraldTribune: Tom Lyons: Don't try to thwart a robber unless you do it as well as Sarasota #CVS customer http://t.co/qGSmkmA2dG http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @HeraldTribune: BREAKING: Fire breaks out at Seascape Aquarium; no animals harmed http://t.co/YlQ7gwY1hw @SNNLocalNews http://t.co/lIK2H\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JoshSalman: http://t.co/fWHrjaiTNY homeowners in region still underwater',\n", " u'RT @ChristiWomack: Looking north in 33rd St E, where bank robbery suspect is dead. Shot deputy will be OK. Names later. @heraldtribune http\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ChristiWomack: Sheriff's Information Officer Dave Bristow updates media about bank robbery suspect, now dead. @heraldtribune http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ManateeSheriff: @ManateeSheriff At this time, the injuries are not believed to be life threatening to the Deputy shot.',\n", " u'RT @ChristiWomack: After deputy shot, no access to 33rd St. E. at SR70 or the shopping plaza as investigation continues. @HeraldTribune htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HeraldTribune: BREAKING: @ManateeSheriff deputy shot after robbery http://t.co/xozGtVZwfB',\n", " u\"RT @FiveThirtyEight: We're updating our NCAA tournament predictions with every game http://t.co/MRrc7CSMMe\",\n", " u'RT @ProPublica: Russian and Ukranian militaries, compared. http://t.co/w7O89j3R5W via @BBC http://t.co/vUtdefH1t5',\n", " u'RT @HeraldTribune: Snow and ice storm in Northeast grounds #Sarasota flights http://t.co/hfztEnrj1m http://t.co/jXg6dfVmui',\n", " u\"RT @JoshSalman: Tax time: What's different this year and scams to avoid http://t.co/JlLPudwfSA\",\n", " u'RT @JoshSalman: Massive West Bradenton development proposal stirs traffic fears http://t.co/HeAKPNdRVj']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@IsaiahLCarter @Kennymack1971 \"blackademic\\' That\\'s new.',\n", " u'More @SteveBeste is out! http://t.co/ggNY0mukyY Stories via @worldrugbyshop',\n", " u'#WiltonManors News is out! http://t.co/ylG4zzknDV Stories via @SethPlatt @TheReidReport',\n", " u'#dwts Redfoo channels Monti Rock III #boomertweet #youknowimright #discotexandthesexolettes #mervgriffin',\n", " u'Redfoo channels Monti Rock III #boomertweet #youknowimright #discotexandthesexolettes #mervgriffin',\n", " u'Twitter is unanimous in that. RT @clutterbells: Scott Morrison you are a disgrace.',\n", " u\"What's an A Block? Sounds like Women Behind Bars. RT @chrislhayes: We've got Rory Reid tonight in the A block to talk about the B....\",\n", " u'RT @pollster: HUFFPOLLSTER: Mary Cheney A Partner In New GOP Polling Firm http://t.co/DA7JhRR6yo',\n", " u'@supersinga Not at all. Not when he was old enough to understand what she was saying. Then he was just Peter Small, which is probably worse.',\n", " u\"@supersinga True Story. My mom's BFF Astrid Small named her boy Peter Paul and called him Peter Paul Almond Joy Small.\",\n", " u'Noted. RT @WeeLaura: @MishaRN I actually had 3 different bras on at different times today. There\\u2019s a story. All 3 are with me as we speak.',\n", " u\"'Man Candy' was just a category on Jeopardy. #ohhenry\",\n", " u'@MishaRN @WeeLaura @pnuts_mama @jmshoffstall \"Ben, you\\'ll always have a friend in me\" - Michael Jackson',\n", " u'Shade. RT @SpeakerBoehner: Fitting that @SenatorDurbin tried to revive #earmarks thru talks w/ White House. Reminder of why we got rid of ..',\n", " u\"NYTimes: Jeb Bush\\u2019s Rush to Make Money May Be Hurdle\\nhttp://t.co/khyFRioTfM. Jeb trades '!' for '$'.\",\n", " u'RT @lizroldancbs4: Look at this beauty from @CBSMiami viewer Marg watching on Andros Island, Bahamas #sunrise #nofilter @CBSThisMorning htt\\u2026',\n", " u'More @SteveBeste is out! http://t.co/ggNY0mukyY Stories via @norbuck',\n", " u'#WiltonManors News is out! http://t.co/ylG4zzknDV',\n", " u'Hurricane Carter did not date Ted Danson.',\n", " u'@geeoharee What is QI?']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I guess Claire took those witness protection, stay-at-home fighting classes? #followingfriends',\n", " u'@800TrollFree @Serpentine202 That may be because European culture and the meanings changed.',\n", " u'RT @800TrollFree: And they STILL claim Hitler was a Left winger.... http://t.co/Yq05yXv1Wk',\n", " u'Happy Voldemort is evil too #blacklist',\n", " u'Harry potter is evil #TheBlacklist #tom',\n", " u\"Ah, come on 'cuz #followingfriends\",\n", " u'Excuse me, another @DuvalSchools teacher allegedly fired for sexual misconduct. Still getting details.',\n", " u\"@POIFansRock It's not obvious. The suggestion is in a play on words.\",\n", " u\"@POIFansRock Officially, it's speculation, but it's already been suggested.\",\n", " u\"@POIFansRock it's part of the real story. However, the writers may take Finch off the hook and attribute the extra stuff to Decima (sic).\",\n", " u'RT @Alex_Verbeek: Climate Change Impact: the #drought in #California http://t.co/iKaawteVVL #water http://t.co/wmbRB1liHS',\n", " u\"If you're religious and insist that the world be a certain way, don't follow\",\n", " u'At first, be careful of labels. But, only at first.',\n", " u\"I beg to differ. I don't know anyone from the Middle East named Jesus.\",\n", " u'I think I did.',\n", " u'Why am I seeing all these rabbits? Did I forget to have sex or something?',\n", " u'Why come women read romantic novels versus being romantic?',\n", " u'Until I figure out what it is, McDonalds will be referred to as stuff.',\n", " u\"Now that there's the #ACA, my black market mammogram service is in the dumps. Wait, I work for free. Back in business!\",\n", " u'Of course, someone may just want it to seem that way.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Happy Easter everyone. May it be a blessed one. #easter #blessing #family #love #spring http://t.co/UEqxKBsRSJ',\n", " u'RT @KRDONC13: Denver Police say as of 1:45 p.m. they have issued 7 citations for public consumption of marijuana today. #420 http://t.co/kF\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MariBethancourt: \"@iweardesigner: Easter Egg Hunting 420 Style. http://t.co/qLTeYSVMNs\"',\n", " u'@ethan_noah sounds like a good time. #iwishihadsomemoonshine',\n", " u\"@KenMcVay she'll like this one. He's really sweet. Lol\",\n", " u\"Look at what I'm bringing to work for show-&-tale. #floridawildlife #snake #imexcited #reptile http://t.co/EE9qUmxdhP\",\n", " u'I just ran 1.01 mi @ a 7\\'38\"/mi pace with Nike+. http://t.co/bOkEXPi6Ck #nikeplus',\n", " u'Doing the Outpost run. #motorcycle #kawasaki #freerider http://t.co/dEGYQoX2it',\n", " u\"Let's make this a night to remember!@shortbusradio @radiojake @ethan_noah @MollyBMitch @caseyliening\",\n", " u'@RyLPadgt thanks for the follow;)',\n", " u'Life has all kinds of surprises and opportunities. Never waste them because you doubt yourself. #inspiration #staystrong',\n", " u'@theTonyGee thanks for the follow:)',\n", " u'My favorite smell and #flower of #spring #lavender. Can never get enough of it. #florida #flora @\\u2026 http://t.co/3FYbCLWPjR',\n", " u'Spent the day working on my #hyosung #gv650. Man this bike is testing my patience. #motorcycle #koreanbike http://t.co/tigt6iANL1',\n", " u'@KodyIzumi thanks for the follow bud!',\n", " u'ethan_noah @shortbusradio getting crunk at #lavela #goodtimes #selfie @ Club La Vela http://t.co/m32AJcvjVe',\n", " u'Cruisin the coast. #motorcycle #pcb #gulfofmexico @ Watercrest Condominiums http://t.co/8QxAvYPB7R',\n", " u'How many people lost a chance at a billion dollars on the first round? #NCAAMarchMadness2014 #BillionDollarBracket',\n", " u\"It's Alive!!! #motorcycle #boutdamntime #ontheroadagain http://t.co/IZAqBa4djQ\",\n", " u'I just ran 1.66 mi @ a 9\\'12\"/mi pace with Nike+. http://t.co/pJeqrgKy8H #nikeplus']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @RSI: Check out our testimony to Congress on hurricane risk and CBRS http://t.co/FVEaSPGZbq @ChristianCamara',\n", " u'My testimony yesterday to US House Subcmte on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans & Insular Affairs: http://t.co/wTRBAxosrx http://t.co/p1lDmjFDT3',\n", " u\"With @FlWildFed Prez Fuller and 1982's Coastal Barrier Resources Act original sponsor Congressman Tom Evans (cc @RSI) http://t.co/U9qi9nFgpT\",\n", " u'FBI Investigates FEMA for allegedly changing flood maps to favor wealthy coastal property owners. cc: @JeffreyBrandes http://t.co/mW1R2p3wni',\n", " u'Good! cc: @RSI RT @josefelixdiaz: The fight for #Uber gets a big champ in South Florida @marcorubio http://t.co/Qbe4NL10fu #sayfie',\n", " u\"Disappointed the Senate Appropriations Cmte struck much-needed Assignment of Benefits reform, which would've helped consumers. @FLSenateGOP\",\n", " u\".@RepBillHager's HB 391 related to Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund reform passes House Insurance & Banking Cmte unanimously. #sayfie\",\n", " u'Forbes: @FLGovRickScott Woos Businesses w/ 1-Way Ticket To Tax Cuts And Sunshine http://t.co/THzVBTU2I2 #sayfie #ssnalerts (h/t @KellySarka)',\n", " u'Flood bill SB 542 by Sen. @JeffreyBrandes passes unanimously out of Appropriations Cmte, will be re-referred to Banking & Insurance Cmte.',\n", " u'Flood bill SB 542 by Sen @JeffreyBrandes being debated in Appropriations Cmte. Trial lawyers want \"soil liquefaction\" included in coverage.',\n", " u'The R Street Institute (@RSI) applauds shrinking Fla Citizens policies: http://t.co/emA40akfo4 #sayfie #ssnalerts',\n", " u'\"Property insurance reform must reflect the risks of building in FL\" -@TDOnline Edirorial #sayfie #ssnalerts http://t.co/zqF87KLjdq',\n", " u\"Panama City's @The_News_Herald Editorial Board hits the flood insurance dilemma nail on the head: http://t.co/fmrGL0VlSE #sayfie #ssnalerts\",\n", " u\"MT @SmarterSafer: Check out @ChristianCamara's letter to the @MiamiHerald: 'Don\\u2019t encourage risky development\\u2019 http://t.co/XUotkHHHIJ\",\n", " u'.@RSI welcomes vote to right-size Fla Cat Fund: http://t.co/WuyLhbYNIs #sayfie #ssnalerts',\n", " u'Great bill. RT @RepDennisRoss: Thanks @FederalAlliance for supporting our DSA #ProtectingHomes bill. #Sayfie #FL15 http://t.co/nZLMIsWbgo',\n", " u'RT @RSI: Watch @Lori_SuLin with @CarmelatCAP and @JohnJHudak on @AJInsideStoryAM tonight at 5PM ET.',\n", " u\"As always, @FlChamber delivers on hosting a great event. Looking forward to next year's #InsuranceFL conference.\",\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Great to hear solutions for positive change from @DrBobMcClure #insuranceFL #sayfie @JmsMadisonInst http://t.co/jqr5OirhH1',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Did you know, after 8 storms hit in \\u201804 and \\u201805, FL CAT Fund exhausted surplus funds. #InsuranceFL #Sayfie']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@DisneyDreamingG Yeah I've heard stories where Magic Kingdom has closed because of capacity.\",\n", " u\"RT @Chubbies: If you need me, I'll be in my office. #SOTO http://t.co/6W92urBcBQ\",\n", " u\"@DisneyDreamingG Really I'm surprised.\",\n", " u'@DisneyDreamingG How are the crowds today?',\n", " u'@DisneyDreamingG Oh yeah it was. I would have much rather have been in Disney or doing something other than work lol.',\n", " u'@DisneyDreamingG Yeah it was pretty sucky working in the rain.',\n", " u\"@DisneyDreamingG Well that's good. It was raining here all day which sucked.\",\n", " u'@DisneyDreamingG That sucks sorry about that. Is it raining there yet?',\n", " u'RT @Chubbies: Got the weekend on my mind.',\n", " u'@DisneyDreamingG Yeah the weather here in Jacksonville is gloomy and windy.',\n", " u\"@DisneyDreamingG That's good to hear,hopefully it holds off.\",\n", " u\"@DisneyDreamingG Yeah so I'll be waiting to see if you watch it lol. Hopefully the weather turns around and gets better when you come down.\",\n", " u\"@DisneyDreamingG That's the only way to know you watched it lol.\",\n", " u\"@DisneyDreamingG Alright you'll have to tweet a picture of you watching the show lol.\",\n", " u'RT @ESPNGolf: With a second win in three years, @BubbaWatson slips on the green jacket with his @The_Masters victory Sunday http://t.co/n7a\\u2026',\n", " u'@wdwhappyplace @The_Masters @ThePrecog May 8-11.',\n", " u\"@wdwhappyplace @The_Masters @ThePrecog The Players is always a fun time in Jacksonville as well. It's the unofficial 5th major.\",\n", " u'@wdwhappyplace @The_Masters @ThePrecog Nice nice. Hopefully we can get badges.',\n", " u'So happy for @bubbawatson on winning his second green jacket @The_Masters could not be happier. #Masters2014 #bubbagolf',\n", " u\"@wdwhappyplace @The_Masters @ThePrecog I applied for 2015 tickets. Y'all should as well.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Varneyco: Up next, we are getting @MarshaBlackburn\\'s take on the \"gutless\" delay (according to some union officials) of the Keystone pi\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @NRO: 'Paul Krugman\\u2019s Solar Delusions': Solar\\u2019s getting cheaper, but it can never be a big reducer of carbon emissions. http://t.co/vviC\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @BreitbartNews: Florida Conservatives Threatened For Opposing Jack Latvala's Illegal Immigration Bill: The Florida Senator Jac... http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @theMRC: Blunt Sharyl Attkisson on CNN: 'I Didn't Sense Any Resistance...Ever' to Negative Bush Stories at CBS http://t.co/FzZCtXktUE\",\n", " u'RT @MonicaCrowley: But of course. RT Sebelius staying on just long enough to get government benefits http://t.co/JLPze10frO via @dailycaller',\n", " u'Religion of Peace. RT @CBSNews: \"Piles and piles\" of bodies amid ethnic violence in South Sudan http://t.co/qejbX2BAEL',\n", " u'RT @TrunewsRadio: Feds draw criticism for selling Wyoming horses for slaughter http://t.co/e3oH5Olskg http://t.co/CMu5I5B5Eo',\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: Democrats \\u201cinvest in failure\\u201d - then criticize Republicans for noticing! #tcot #GOP',\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: O can\\u2019t understand why using lies, deception, fraud & bribes to pass #Obamacare would create a toxic political atmosphere! #t\\u2026',\n", " u\"@jjauthor Maybe Jeb should run for President of Mexico. They'd probably impeach him for opening their borders. http://t.co/uoEwIFo5mS\",\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: If we enforced Mexico\\u2019s immigration laws in the US - we would be called racist! #tcot http://t.co/v2Hx2lVg5H',\n", " u'RT @StarParker: The incidence of black conservatism is far deeper and more widespread than most believe.\\nhttp://t.co/SeMJgOyqfT',\n", " u'RT @DrMartyFox: The Economy Is Tanking BUT You Do Get Free Birth Control: @jjauthor @GeneLingerfelt @peddoc63 @shootingfurfun http://t.co/C\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @jjauthor: Vladimir Putin: \\u201cIf immigrants prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law.\\u201d #tcot\",\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: Thomas Sowell: \\u201cEric Holder epitomizes what is wrong with the O admin. He is essentially Barack Obama without the charm\\u2026\\u201d Ouc\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: Question for Liberals: What is your \\u2018fair share\\u2019 of what someone else has earned?\" #uppers #tcot http://t.co/m0ouOPFfff',\n", " u\"@jjauthor I'm still waiting on Oprah to send me half her wealth. Men and Women not paid equally?\",\n", " u'RT @A5H0KA: Guns did not kill 6-million Jews. Their government did! #GUNCONTROL made the holocaust possible #NJ2AS #2A #PJNET http://t.co/G\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TrunewsRadio: Poll: Independent Voters Back Anti-Obamacare Candidates By 25 Points http://t.co/qb3Puqbssb http://t.co/of0MU0K8zd',\n", " u'RT @PatDollard: What generation of Americans has ever had to deal with the kind of treatment it gets from criminals Eric Holder & Obama? #t\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @minakimes: uber for ice cream trucks. okay, someone give me a million dollars.',\n", " u'RT @JohnHerbkersman: 4 Realities of Inbound Marketing You Can\\u2019t Afford to Neglect http://t.co/ELT9YX0989',\n", " u'Fire warden Lisette looks smashing as @rbbPR office building conducts fire drill. http://t.co/7KjPojgPiD',\n", " u'Kevin Gale, publisher, editor-in-chief unveils smart new South Florida Business & Wealth magazine to @rbbpr. http://t.co/mS7okIUfoc',\n", " u'Did Justin Bieber disprove \\u201cThere is no such thing as bad publicity\\u201d? | Digital Park http://t.co/0DkV7KUXj7 via @rbbpr',\n", " u'Ceo Atlanta fed predicts GDP growth of 3% in second quarter. @rbbPR @MiamiChamber',\n", " u'Interest rates may pick up middle of 2015 says Ceo of Atlanta federal reserve @rbbPR @MiamiChamber',\n", " u'RT @MiamiChamber: @BarryUniversity president Linda Bevilacqua celebrates their 75th Anniversary w/ our members at the #trusteeluncheon http\\u2026',\n", " u'Dennis Lockhart ceo federal reserve bank of Atlanta \"miami\\'s international status protects it from economic woes\" http://t.co/mst2jh3HEq',\n", " u\"RT @rbbPR: It's official! The first Larry Birger Young Journalist Award recipient @minakimes with our CEO @cmbarney at @SABEW. http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'@IrelaBague @GSCTF @girlscouts Wonderful piece full of great insights! @rbbPR',\n", " u'RT @IrelaBague: My Letter to the Editor http://t.co/MoXYuQnCTw #banbossy @GSCTF @girlscouts',\n", " u'Larry Birger young journalist of the year awarded to Mina kimes of bloomberg! @rbbPR @SABEW http://t.co/9oHydnCpS8',\n", " u\"RT @rbbPR: Tonight our CEO @cmbarney will be presenting @minakimes with the Birger Young Business Journalist award at @SABEW's Annual Confe\\u2026\",\n", " u'@rbbPR @SABEW looking forward to meeting @minakimes tomorrow!',\n", " u'@jordfick @rbbPR @PRLab_BU Thanks for the RT Jordan!',\n", " u'RT @rbbPR: \\u201cWe want this to be a reminder of the importance of good journalism.\\u201d \\u2013@cmbarney http://t.co/N3LrwnrSh0',\n", " u\"RT @rbbPR: Our CEO @cmbarney was ranked No. 1 in @PRLab_BU's list of top 5 women in agency #PR! Read the full story here: http://t.co/bULDH\\u2026\",\n", " u'@rbbPR @PRLab_BU Thanks for the recognition. There are many excellent women leaders in PR eager to inspire the next generation.',\n", " u'Permission to Swagger Granted! | Council of Public Relations Firms http://t.co/C69y4uQbM7 @DaveSenay great inspiration!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @PatrickMurphyFL: I honor #EarthDay by fighting to clean our waterways on the Treasure Coast & Palm Beaches. http://t.co/XGDG54dBIe',\n", " u\"RT @KevinMims: Happy #earthday! Lots of events happening at @FLStateParks all month long to celebrate. Here's a sampler: http://t.co/OsxQ1E\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @NASA: On #EarthDay, see why Earth matters to us in a conversation w/ Harrison Ford http://t.co/XGUYySe4re #EarthRightNow\\xa0 http://t.co/6\\u2026',\n", " u'Happy Mother Earth Day? http://t.co/YQz63a6167 via @HuffPostGreen',\n", " u'RT @MayorLevine: Discussing Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in #MiamiBeach @JoeGarcia @SenBillNelson @wsvn @MiamiHerald http://t.co/9xKpW\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EvergladesTabby: On the 44th anniversary of #EarthDay @SenBillNelson @RepWilson @JoeGarcia @Kristin_Jacobs and @MayorLevine know we nee\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EvergladesTabby: @SenBillNelson on climate change: \"We are going to have to face it head on\"',\n", " u'RT @SFWMD: Use Florida-friendly plants in your landscaping to conserve water. http://t.co/zdmMTqJrce #SaveWaterFL #EarthDay',\n", " u'Celebrate the Everglades for Earth Day! @Sara_GRK @EvergladesTabby @EvergladesJulie @tropicalaudubon @DawnShirreffs @AudubonFL @MailiTatu',\n", " u'RT @RangerRickMag: Happy Earth Day! In honor of this special day, take Ranger Rick\\u2019s Pledge to live every day as Earth\\u2019s best friend! http:\\u2026',\n", " u'Happy Earth Day! Enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, call a legislator, attend a meeting, and tell someone why you <3 the Earth @AudubonFL',\n", " u'RT @VoteYesOn1FL: It\\u2019s #EarthDay! Help protect #FL\\u2019s waters, beaches, wildlife 4 future generations! http://t.co/Et5KOMhp0M #ecofl http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MiamiBeachNews: Happy #EarthDay2014. Do ur part to protect where we live, work & play.',\n", " u'Caloosahatchee River sunset! http://t.co/iuZGfmDeWP',\n", " u'RT @BrowardResource: How do you plan to go #green tomorrow to celebrate #EarthDay2014',\n", " u'It was great to speak at the Fl Earth Day! With Leah and her SLAP pole that shows sea level rise http://t.co/cwEbl0tcGY',\n", " u\"America's Largest Ecosystem Restoration Project Is on the Verge of Moving Ahead on Earth Day http://t.co/zmlSwNU75r @audubonfl\",\n", " u'@benjerrystruck Come to 4500 Biscayne Blvd! Building with great nonprofits! @AudubonFL @ACLUFL',\n", " u'RT @AudubonFL: Adena Springs Ranch changes water request (again) - http://t.co/JJFwio9f7W #ecoFL #water #Ocala #Springs',\n", " u'Happy Fri Everglades fans! @EvergladesTabby @EvergladesJulie @evergfoundation @DawnShirreffs @AudubonFL @tropicalaudubon @jdullman @_thurlow']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Did Sen. Tom Lee just vote \"hell no\" on the pension bill?',\n", " u\"Ooh, ouch... RT \\u201c@MarcACaputo: Too bad Dane Eagle isn't on FSU's football team...\\u201d\",\n", " u\"RT @FootballUGA: It's a beautiful morning on #EarthDay here in Athens. The new @FieldTurf is officially down on the practice fields! http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Senate Apporps just TP'd the FRS retirement bill to give senators more time to consider the language.\",\n", " u'@BadassFitCEO I think it gets worse every year.',\n", " u'@BylineBrandon true that. I should have said it will be an even longer day...',\n", " u\"It's going to be a LOOOOOONG day if Brian Pitts testifies on every bill on this agenda.\",\n", " u'Poor trees. So many killed for printing of the Approps packet on Earth Day.',\n", " u'@SamanthaASexton good thing you brought sustenance. You might be able to make money selling them like a vendor at a baseball game ;)',\n", " u\"60 bills. 100 amendments. 800 page packet. Let's get this cmte started. #50thday\",\n", " u'All day Approps in the Senate. Fun.',\n", " u'Happy Earth Day! Try not to litter today, folks.',\n", " u'And that was a quick GGA/ANR budget conference.',\n", " u'Let the GGA/AGNR budget conference commence.',\n", " u'@BethMatuga oh, that Edie...',\n", " u\"@BethMatuga who's Edie?\",\n", " u\".@KevinCate this will be the year that its different. I'm optimistic about it ;)\",\n", " u'@hymnforrachel I maintain my previous statement: His FSU card needs to be revoked.',\n", " u\"@hymnforrachel congrats on your new gig! Full time session staff isn't enough for you huh? ;)\",\n", " u\"SB 372 is TP'd again. Looks like it's dead for the session.\"]},\n", " {'UNK': [u'Nominate a teacher for the 2014 Rosenthal Prize for Innovation in Math Teaching!! http://t.co/whWhawMJE0 via .@MoMath1',\n", " u'Start a veggie garden at your school! #newspaperpots #healthySTEM http://t.co/1Rwkd2U2PO',\n", " u'WhyU produced a new video that can be found at http://t.co/JUdjhtmjpR!! #motion #linearequations #realworld .@STEMTIPS .@camsiemcadams',\n", " u'.@KellyandMichael is looking for top teachers! the deadline is April 21, 2014. http://t.co/9Xs8Rjc36O',\n", " u'Forget not about the \"T\" in STEM! #sumofitsparts http://t.co/5iJAiyLDeS via .@usedgov',\n", " u'\"To paraphrase William Blake, mathematics \\'cleanses the doors of perception.\\'\" http://t.co/zd8TS4aDCI',\n", " u'Is this what we are doing to kids? #KidSnippets http://t.co/xkg9KIATSt via .@YouTube',\n", " u'RT @openeducationwk: Press release from the White House - expanding opportunity through #OER and celebrating #OpenEducationWk http://t.co/I\\u2026',\n", " u'Kelvin embodies #STEM, even without money! See how at http://t.co/SykPRxHXVp via .@theSFTimes!!',\n", " u'RT @AIR_Info: .@EducationFL announces AIR as new statewide assessment provider. Press release: http://t.co/3srFrHqzKK',\n", " u'.@centerofmath, where can I buy this Fibonacci clock?! #mathgonewild http://t.co/j904XA0JTj',\n", " u'Calculators will be permitted on only part of the mathematics section. #SAToverhaul via .@nytimes http://t.co/elzRwhyDmN',\n", " u'Attend this FREE \\u201cHow to Complete the FAFSA\\u201d webinar, hosted today, 03/13/2014, from 5-6 PM EST. Register at http://t.co/ttV4hBj70e!',\n", " u'#PiDay #314 #celebrateMath #celebrateSTEM http://t.co/TBq0bCr8cM',\n", " u'misbehaviors addressed in ways that keep kids in school rather than turning them away from the classroom http://t.co/fUFTTv6mjI via @usedgov',\n", " u'RT @SSLearn: Principle #1 in @USEDgov #SchoolDiscipline is abt recognizing & measuring #schoolclimate. Learn more @ 2/27 webinar! http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @volunTEENnation: .@statefarmyab G-R-A-N-T-S for #service learning projects OPEN soon! Check out http://t.co/i3YniCwFQU to learn more #F\\u2026',\n", " u'helping to turn around persistently low-achieving schools in 9 states with > $71 million #ICYMI http://t.co/AMJ1N34g0s via .@usedgov',\n", " u'WhyU produced a new video that can be found at http://t.co/2lhGTINqJx!! #linearequations #mathematics #realworld .@STEMTIPS .@camsiemcadams',\n", " u'.@EducationFL, Engineers Week is February 16\\u201322, 2014. Find resources from the .@NSTA at http://t.co/b6WXKXbDAp.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@jimfromfl You mean the ammo, .22 hollow point? I would try Wal-Mart.',\n", " u'Christos Anesti / Christ Has Risen!',\n", " u\"Our new family photo, thanks to Tampa Bay's best photog @swoodsphoto http://t.co/TFzzKFM00j\",\n", " u'Ruth & I were confirmed in the Catholic Church tonight at Easter Vigil. Feeling humbled, thankful, & blessed.',\n", " u'@ChrisSprowls uh-oh, thanks for the heads up!',\n", " u'Watching the Stations of the Cross from Rome, on EWTN. Absolutely moving.',\n", " u\"When duct tape is involved it's Redneck Engineering! [not my fridge] http://t.co/yvWAykoiNr\",\n", " u'Times like this amateur radio is invaluable #flwx',\n", " u'RT @abcactionnews: TORNADO WARNING for Pinellas Co. until 2:30 PM TAKE SHELTER NOW!',\n", " u\"It's coming! #flwx http://t.co/myAj6wMwRv\",\n", " u'@ctm0719 yes',\n", " u\"These hipsters continue to park behind my truck, where I have to back up. I've warned them! http://t.co/ay7BKkJvkX\",\n", " u\"Today, I'm thankful for the sacrifice that was made for me 2000 years ago. #GoodFriday\",\n", " u'@ctm0719 never!',\n", " u\"@seandalypoplife if Kat Kora's is still open, go there, amazing Greek food!\",\n", " u'Booo! I have to start paying sales tax on my @amazon purchases as of 5/1, since they are building a FL distribution center.',\n", " u'Watching the @DavidDiFranco weekend vlog \\U0001f44b http://t.co/8PIB8BiZEK',\n", " u'Finally settled on my daily bag. 5.11 Tactical Series Rush 12 Pack. #edc @511tactical http://t.co/FVMaTBQmmV',\n", " u'FINALLY! RT @JoeUnfiltered: Uber comes to Tampa/St. Petersburg, and is offering free rides until April 24! http://t.co/pnUrsFf02i',\n", " u'Crazy FL weather! Top temp was Sunday, bottom temp is now. #flwx http://t.co/XZ8Lz7qFvm']},\n", " {'INT': [u\"@tmikew71 I don't agree w all @peta does but overall do alot of great things. Don't punish the animals they help bc u don't like them\",\n", " u'@tmikew71 @peta I have great respect for nurses, I believe mine got me thru chemo, etc with humor & big hearts. TY for what u do everyday :)',\n", " u\"@tmikew71 @peta I'm glad you're willing to learn. It leads to greater compassion :)\",\n", " u\"@tmikew71 @peta The fun of the circus or their food, etc. most ppl treat pets great but don't make the connection of other animal's feelings\",\n", " u\"@tmikew71 @peta I just got upset bc ur comment on the bunny trivialized the plight of the elephant. Many ppl don't think about what's behind\",\n", " u'@tmikew71 @peta stop it and help them! Thank you for your kind words about breast cancer. I wish your mom continued good health & happiness',\n", " u'@tmikew71 @peta I take standing up 4 innocent animals as a way of life very seriously. Humans cause their suffering so other humans need to',\n", " u'RT @AlbertDeAscenti: The Bible according to Libertarians. #ACA #Obamacare #UniteBlue #Libcrib @laureldavilacpa @GKMTNtwits @bannerite #P2 h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gracemurrayr: \\u201c@hipark0325: \"@petethepunk: THE PUP IS STILL BREATHING\\n#SHAMEONCANADA\\n@pmharper http://t.co/EMgLAHGGvd\" This is a disgra\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @onevoice2: I hope this will be ReTweeted a MILLION Times #BundyRanch .......Perception vs Reality... http://t.co/VlpzxGJocJ\\u201d #Truth #Un\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AmyRoseKathryn: Abandoned in Gaza. Take action http://t.co/34oCLblhOu http://t.co/XvpUkMxNz7',\n", " u\"\\u201c@tmikew71: @peta So quit usiing the emblem of a rabbit as your picture on twitter....hypocrite /You're comment is idiotic & unnecessary\",\n", " u'Proposed Legislation Seeks to Protect Feral Cat Caregivers | The Animal Rescue Site Blog http://t.co/Qsh2wyQopK via @po_st',\n", " u'RT @minamaya13: Selective inbreeding of White #Lions & #Tigers for profit in Zoos means many born deformed http://t.co/fi5sswlCN7 http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Voice_OT_Orcas: Cali Lawmakers. Ask yourself if this is educational & whether this #Blackfish would rather be free? Support AB-2140 htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StevanZivkov: Animal Lovers! Help DocFilm AnimalsAParallelHistory http://t.co/v5qDe4XjfC to Get AnimalHistoryInSchools http://t.co/KN5Q\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MeatFreeMonday: Help out the planet, and your own health, by joining the @MeatlessMonday Thunder Clap, in exactly one hour: http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TeamLIVESTRONG: \"while I see many of my #LIVESTRONG cohorts but once a year, we are in fact one\\u2014with each other and for each other.\" h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @IrinaGreenVoice: This poor Argentine polar bear Arturo DOES NOT get his biological needs! #LiberenAArturo >> http://t.co/dBmUNksg7t htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @nprfreshair: \\u201cI will never call myself a \\u2018cancer survivor...\\u2019\\u201d - Barbara Ehrenreich http://t.co/aOcsseFtMz']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@drsanjaygupta Florida will no doubt have a spot on the map after the 2014 elections. Thanks for the follow up. The World needs it.',\n", " u'RT @TheFacts1O1: Marijuana was initially made illegal in 1937 by a man who testified the drug made white women want to be with black men.',\n", " u'@JohnMorganESQ YOU ARE THE MAN!',\n", " u'RT @JohnMorganESQ: We did it!!! \\n\\nBelieve!!! \\n\\n#MedicalMarijuana',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Excited to announce today our budget will create a 10-day sales tax holiday in Aug. #ItsYourMoney',\n", " u'RIP Mr. Sharon RT @FLGovScott: Ariel Sharon was a brave and iconic leader. Prayers go out to his family and the people of Israel.',\n", " u'RT @Reuters: Almost half of black males and almost 40 percent of white males are arrested in the U.S. by 23: study http://t.co/Kr8TalT7yx',\n", " u'RT @burniethompson: \\u201cA nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.\\u201d \\u2013 Edward R. Murrow',\n", " u\"RT @FoxNews: Bobby #Bowden's grandson killed in car accident http://t.co/nvcBL58fwc\",\n", " u\"RT @TheDailyShow: #TDSBreakingNews Google buys military robot makers. Swears it has nothing to do with shooting down Amazon's drones.\",\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: .@SouthwestAir has chosen @FLL_Airport as its hub for international flights. #BrowardCounty #ItsWorking http://t.co/kGR9gxI\\u2026',\n", " u'@JohnMorganESQ I say YES!',\n", " u'RT @FoxNews: Reid exempts some staff from having to buy insurance on ObamaCare exchange http://t.co/RqmatH1uaZ via @foxnewspolitics',\n", " u'Be sure to catch #DrSanjayGupta on CNN tonight 7PM CST. \"Weeds\"',\n", " u\"RT @drsanjaygupta: It's not just meats - leafy greens are the No. 1 cause of food poisoning. How to protect your #family http://t.co/4tAvYv\\u2026\",\n", " u'I just entered to win a Samsung Galaxy S4 in the @Gogo Connected Summer Giveaway. You can enter too at: http://t.co/0nEPHHwPlr',\n", " u\"@InsideManCNN premiere on Medical Marijuana was a home run. Thank you @MorganSpurlock for a job well done. It's a must see for everyone.\",\n", " u'I just backed CODE OF THE WEST documentary about medical marijuana on @Kickstarter http://t.co/Qu2T7HTs',\n", " u'End Marijuana Prohibition. http://t.co/f4zbUi2c @signon',\n", " u'Should Medical Marijuana Be Legal In Florida? Petition Says Yes http://t.co/kzA2OyqR via @wfsumedia']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @tonykatz: @TheHapppySloth proving citizenship involves ALL citizens. Registering specific people based on religion/race/etc is differen\\u2026',\n", " u'.@TheHapppySloth @tonykatz wow. Apples &oranges. Requiring ID to vote is nowhere near same as Nazi oppression of Jews or modern equivalents.',\n", " u'\"requiring human beings to register with the government never ends with milkshakes and hugs.\" @tonykatz #neveragain http://t.co/TvlRvnsGk0',\n", " u'RT @MQSullivan: \"Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws.\" - Fr\\xe9d\\xe9ric Bastiat',\n", " u':) RT @museofhistory: another look at the @rumpfshaker-dubbed #PacManCloud, chomping towards Austin http://t.co/9GI1FKes7H',\n", " u'@jgclawson Congrats! Also, #GoGators :)',\n", " u'whoa. #pacman RT @museofhistory: CHOMP http://t.co/evDF9DZaLZ',\n", " u'RT @MonicaCrowley: Fantastic! Congrats to him! RT @WSJbreakingnews Meb Keflezighi becomes first American man to win Boston Marathon since \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TPPF: Please join us for a lunch & book signing with F.H. Buckley this Thursday: http://t.co/2QefeKkARp #txlege #atx',\n", " u'RT @TPPF: .@BrookeRollinsTX: \\u201cThey fought, and lost, and fought, & lost again\\u2014until they won.\\u201d http://t.co/8G3vQ9II82 #txlege http://t.co/e\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TSLAC: #OnThisDay 1836, the Battle of San Jacinto = 18 minutes of #TexasHistory that won the #LoneStarState her freedom. #SanJacintoDay\\u2026',\n", " u\"@jennmcdougald I'm more into Cadbury eggs. :)\",\n", " u'@ChrisLoesch haha I wish.',\n", " u'Dear heavens, traffic is just as bad leaving downtown as it is heading in. Where ARE all you people going?',\n", " u'Well, at least today is Half-Price Easter Candy Day. #silverlinings',\n", " u\"Yay, Monday. 2 blocks from office, realize computer is at my apt. Sigh. I need a babysitter to follow me around before I've had my coffee.\",\n", " u'Haha! They let me take a crack at the bunny pi\\xf1ata. I got 3 good hits. Neighbor went next and the bunny is shredded. Candy EVERYWHERE.',\n", " u'At my apt. right now. Bunny pi\\xf1ata, very short term lifespan expected. Also some sort of confetti eggs? http://t.co/hNy4IKzmR6',\n", " u'RT @vpreddy: From @AWilliamsTweet of @ALEC_states: \"Prison Overcrowding Threatens Public Safety and State Budgets\" http://t.co/Lyf9boc7fL @\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @vpreddy: Interesting new article by a @DukeLaw professor on mens rea: \"Culpability and Modern Crime\": http://t.co/IkBT54Gfcy @RightOnCr\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"\\u201c@mikeymusto: My 10 most shocking memories of club kid killer Michael Alig, as he's released. http://t.co/eTzxmgw1wd\\u201d\",\n", " u'Jury starts deliberations in Michel Escoto 1st degree murder trial',\n", " u'Judge instructing jury in 1st degree murder trial of Michel Escoto who represented himself in his defense. Verdict expected today. #law',\n", " u'Even the ladies at the courthouse cafeteria call me Superman #ClarkKent',\n", " u'I suspected this when the story broke and Raices declined to comment...now this AP update to #zunzuneo #cubantwitter http://t.co/XsgZyoED72',\n", " u'RT @mattyglesias: The South is a hotbed of teen moms: http://t.co/ZvTJR5byIY http://t.co/BZwQJUL5Qt',\n", " u'RT @HistoricalPics: Golden Gate bridge - opening day. 1937. http://t.co/vqBeQe2nmB',\n", " u'Miami ranks #2 in pedestrian deaths.... \\u201c@WilliamHallman: Only surprise here is that Miami is number two http://t.co/gXo3W2YRsA\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @bigge3021: #FF @cstevenson7 @lmartinez7 @RobbinSimmons7 @KevinOzebek @EugeneRamirez @PhilFerro7 @VivianGonzalez7 @ShireenSandoval @LOUI\\u2026',\n", " u'The truth @gables #gablesponce #coralgables #miami #realestate ...so much for \"elegance and beauty\" #filthy #broken http://t.co/Y2IZFpEM5N',\n", " u'The truth @gablesponce #gablesponce #coralgables #miami #realestate ...so much for \"elegance and beauty\" http://t.co/4F1CkDwrUQ',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeedEspanol: 26 Conejitos de pascua que te aterrar\\xe1n de por vida http://t.co/pY8rNJVK5m http://t.co/eoKXCwaaWH',\n", " u\"RT @BillGalvano: Bill would provide lawyers for special-needs kids. Something I'm really looking forward to passing this year! #SD26 http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Question? When the public is allowed to walk into/through a crime scene? Then isn't the media also allowed? Some Miami cops don't think so.\",\n", " u'RT @KevinOzebek: Moving pic from colleague @SusanTran. A man who lost his leg 1 year ago, walked the marathon route in these today. http://\\u2026',\n", " u'BREAKING: Jury awards $5.25M to victim of child sex abuse by fellow student at Downtown Miami Charter. @wsvn',\n", " u\"It's about time! #GoT\",\n", " u'I spend way too many hours sitting in traffic. :-/ #miami',\n", " u\"RT @AP: BREAKING: CBS names Stephen Colbert to succeed David Letterman as host of 'The Late Show'\",\n", " u'Before you pay that Florida \"Toll Violation\", watch my story at 6PM and make sure you\\'re not being duped! @wsvn']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'James Cameron talks Avatar Land in Reddit AMA | #Disney World http://t.co/x6MyPD270l #WDW #ThemeParkWars #Florida',\n", " u'Lohan says on reality show she had miscarriage http://t.co/whnoFdtrfK',\n", " u\"Is this a serial killer's version of a turducken? #Hannibal\",\n", " u'These giant Easter eggs on display at #Disney World are fully edible http://t.co/0WDa3GRtL0 #WDW #ThemeParkWars #WhyOrlando #EasterBunny',\n", " u'Our first VIDEO tour inside Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center http://t.co/jEHJmDjB1G @DWNTWN_ORLANDO @citybeautiful @DrPhillipsCtr',\n", " u'RT @NASCAR: Start your Friday with some laughs.\\n\\nThe funniest #NASCAR Media Center moments to start 2014: http://t.co/xiIb4KuRve http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Ok #ScandalFinale, I need a cigarette after that one!',\n", " u'@katiejwriter I knew it!',\n", " u'Four more years! #ScandalFinale',\n", " u\"Omg! It was Papa Pope! I can't take this. Command THIS! #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'Not dead! RT @katiejwriter: @JBoe11 dead or not dead? #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'Mama Pope was taken waaaaaayyyy tooo quietly! #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'RT @peoplemag: \"I want us to stand in the sun together,\" says the world\\'s most lovable murderer. #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'Liv: \"I am the scandal!\" #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'Uh oh... Is the armor cracking, gladiators? #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'Election Day! #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'Ok, little Fitz dying... Totally did not see that one coming! #ScandalFinale',\n", " u\"Liv is gonna take her out! RT @katiejwriter: Who's gonna get to Momma Pope first? #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'Ummm Mama Pope, u better hope Fitz gets to you before Olivia! #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'Mama Pope! Omg! She crazy! #scandalfinale']},\n", " {'NPA': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'Yes, city released this on a Saturday: Severance package for former Port St. Lucie city attorney worth $210,000 http://t.co/jijoncpj7J',\n", " u'RT @LSGillis: You can meet Oscar, Amy and One-eyed Alice on this Okeechobee trip. http://t.co/QrtY2cu0Sk #TCPalmSocial http://t.co/DfFzqAf\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SpaceX: Falcon 9 and #Dragon have gone vertical in advance of today\\u2019s launch to the ISS! Liftoff @ 4:58pm ET. http://t.co/rwQFCx6hLn',\n", " u'RT @NickAstronomer: So in the sky tonight, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and a spacecraft chasing another at 17000+mph... #epicnightforstargazing',\n", " u'RT @TCPalmLaurie: Homemade beef jerky for the Stuart newsroom today via my dad at the request of @carnolddesigns! #InsideTCPalm http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'@westerosorg nailed death scene at wedding!',\n", " u\"@gameofthrones nailed young king's death! Joffery really deserved it!\",\n", " u'RT @LSGillis: Tix now on sale for Annual @jakeowen Foundation Benefit Concert http://t.co/7WdqQM4KiE #TCPALMSOCIAL http://t.co/84ySBCBpgM',\n", " u'RT @lalemmon: .@ImKristenO wows the crowd at #VeroBeachHibiscusFestival Our American Idol should still be on the show! http://t.co/Jl6tEhxE\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @IRCSOSPOT: Volunteer meeting @IRCSheriff . Want to be a volunteer? Call Lynn at 978-6317 or apply online http://t.co/pjpDINQCNU http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FFS_Okeechobee: Do you know seven HIGHLY flammable plants types in S. Florida?\\nGreen & healthy plants aren\\u2019t always flame resistant htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @stluciesheriff: Congratulations to our newest sergeant, Sergeant James Adams!\\n\\nIf you missed the promotion ceremony you can watch... ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FFS_Okeechobee: Managing the land for WILDFIRES by burning, mowing & chopping the overgrown highly flammable vegetation is essential. h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TCPalmKGardner: #SLC Planners write new zoning rules for proposed condo-hotel on NHutchIsle. Meeting is 6pm Thrs @ county admin buildin\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JonathanMattise: Wastewater from W.Va. spill sent to Ohio, NC http://t.co/sVQIKFK8bt via @therepublicnews',\n", " u\"After waking me at 5 a.m. with nonstop meowing, Lady Bell decides it's nap time. Sweet dreams loud mouth. http://t.co/LnO3tvNf0G\",\n", " u\"RT @jimmyfallon: I'd like to welcome the great @StephenAtHome to network late night and also congratulate him on his new name: Jimmy Colber\\u2026\",\n", " u\"What's your sunset look like? http://t.co/LXkCYH6Ih8\",\n", " u'Chef Cesar Making chicken fried rice at Benihanas, yay! #tcsocial http://t.co/9SygejKvK9',\n", " u\"What a view from Benihana's in Stuart. http://t.co/PKSa1Py9Gd\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@OneGreenPlanet So true!!',\n", " u'@DrAKSarvis @FLGovScott oh yea but good old grandpa knew nothing about what was going on! u hate Mexicans or blacks more?',\n", " u'@FLGovScott @RosLehtinen @AIPAC Dont forget your kkk hood.',\n", " u'@JasonFox70 @ZICO my tree does!',\n", " u'@OprahOfficiaI @_greet_ that works, or you can slow down with the eating!',\n", " u'@Oprah Yep!! but the lines dont get any smaller when new iphone come out..thats shocking too.',\n", " u\"@Oprah You think..no your RIGHT these kids bring out the grey, but I can't be without them! #Lovethemsomuch\",\n", " u'RT @YellaBoy: They took prayer out of school and kids replaced it with guns..',\n", " u'Subway Chain Will Stop Putting a Chemical Used in Rubber in Its Bread - Businessweek via @BW http://t.co/RpdN7egIli',\n", " u'@Unpersevering @KingJames haha look at this flat chested chic calling u the N word.',\n", " u'@MiamiDolphins @dionj95 Happy bday..but were still gonna trade you! Hahahah',\n", " u'@JDulhanty @Hoya2aPacer that is a good name!',\n", " u'http://t.co/MUUYCV9rIs',\n", " u'@ESPN_Colin Wtf doems Parcells know??????',\n", " u'@DwyaneWade you in cleveland? Dude how come u never come out to Hialeah Gardens with UD? U know we love out here!',\n", " u'@MarcHochman man congrats to you and your sons team!',\n", " u\"@KingJames tell me that weather don't just feel so fine?\",\n", " u'@WillManso so how was it?',\n", " u'@ZaslowShow #farmersfury Does he have a goat baby mama?',\n", " u'@CP3 I can only see half of her but you dam right..she hot.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'#BlendedFamily Done Right? http://t.co/AbJmgRPjkW via @HuffPostDivorce #FamilyLaw #Divorce',\n", " u'Surprise! #Florida did not make a list. The 5 Best And Worst States For Getting A #Divorce http://t.co/TCvLs31KN9 via @HuffPostDivorce',\n", " u'#Divorce is actually on the rise, and it\\u2019s the #babyboomers\\u2019 fault http://t.co/0yLotcn1Xt #FamilyLaw',\n", " u'Income from Business in a #Divorce http://t.co/yeYwSZLr5V via @digitaljournal #FamilyLaw #Florida #Alimony',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostDivorce: 10 things that surprised me most about divorce http://t.co/16BXbhp6ii',\n", " u'Reminder: Title to Vehicles is Critical! Former Spouse Liable in Car Death: http://t.co/Bp0zfCEF71 via @therepublicnews #FamilyLaw #Divorce',\n", " u'9 Ways To Spice Up A Long-Time #Relationship http://t.co/gghGqkAPMk via @HuffPost50 #Marriage',\n", " u'12 Stupid Things NOT To Do After A Split http://t.co/b9EAyl5JpL via @HuffPostDivorce #divorce #breakup #FamilyLaw \\n\\n-#PuntaGorda-\\n-#Florida-',\n", " u'7 Secrets Of Wise People... And How To Become One http://t.co/Fu1tdCUgtN via @HealthyLiving #wisdom #liveandlearn',\n", " u'Happy #HumpDay. 15 Epic Texts From Grandparents That Will Have You #LOL-ing http://t.co/xUS7jQN05K via @HuffPost50',\n", " u'50 Life Skills Every Woman Should Know By 50 http://t.co/e47MT39d6F via @huffpost50',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostDivorce: 10 things all divorcing parents should say to their kids http://t.co/2ZMm8drERQ',\n", " u'Why #Florida Is Quite Possibly The Best State in #America http://t.co/yf7uSKvd87 #progressmakers via @HuffPostBiz @Publix @CigarCityBeer',\n", " u\"How do you know when you're ready for a #divorce? via @digitaljournal http://t.co/PhVmqqbIoI #FamilyLaw\",\n", " u'Group wants #Florida #Legislature to study #family issues \\xbb http://t.co/WNDQnc9KxC http://t.co/eAoIffa48k #FamilyLaw #Divorce',\n", " u\"A Lesbian #Divorce Could Challenge #Florida's #GayMarriage Ban http://t.co/Tl5q1fbAvJ via @miaminewtimes #FamilyLaw #LGBT\",\n", " u'An Open Letter To The Dudes #Dating My Mom http://t.co/kFSnUqdaFP via @HuffPostDivorce #FamilyLaw #Divorce',\n", " u\"Tampa Couple's #Divorce Could Challenge #SameSex #Marriage Ban http://t.co/8OLIw5IzKd via @TB_Times #FamilyLaw #LGBT\",\n", " u'The Best Way To Get Over Someone, According To Science http://t.co/4xtgPQzCaU via @HuffPostDivorce #Divorce #Marriage',\n", " u'RT @JASONSWFL: At the mall! @NatalieLashway http://t.co/mrEv0Frfof']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"That's smartness of you.\",\n", " u'@MyHumanCompass \\nThnx for follow.',\n", " u'RT @ColleenJanus: Murfreesboro Mourns Those Lost to Gun Violence #Murfreesboro Newspaper #OFAmt #WhatWillItTake #OFAction @OFA_TN http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"@JoeBiden \\nWait4more insights & pls don't forget to check for messages in other Media sources (e.g. E-mails, Twitter Accs.Shahislam13, &20).\",\n", " u'@JoeBiden \\nThe good news is: Developing age of more transparency is constantly making the SWTs less-powerful now in their old dishonest ways',\n", " u'@JoeBiden \\nThere is very little difference between SWT-financed terrorist-organizations & networks of fake nobles such as Iron-Guarded-Croc.',\n", " u'@JoeBiden \\nBy the grace of Cosmic Creator Every Human being is gifted in one way or another.\\nMy SELFLESS wishes come true faster for others!',\n", " u'@JoeBiden \\nHi Dear next \"Head beacon of Historical Mission of Global Positive change\",\\nHow curious you are about deciphering MH370 mystery?',\n", " u\"@BarackObama \\n..won't find any traces of even backward places of human-habitations!\\nThere are 1000s of Miles of barren spaces of many kinds!\",\n", " u\"@BarackObama \\nA meaningful hint for U: There are Lands of Sands, Rocks & Bushes on this Earth; where 100s of days of human-walk won't find..\",\n", " u'@billclinton \\nMust U realize: The Earth shall remain FOREVER enough large for the Mankind to live in with never-ending natural resources.',\n", " u\"@BillGates \\nHope, this TWEET helps open eyes of those -who think World population is getting too big & the Earth is small. \\nSMALL's Mind!\",\n", " u'RT @VP: The VP just joined @Instagram \\u2192 http://t.co/geXVSoM6Ev\\n\\nFollow along for the latest\\u2014and the occasional aviators pic. http://t.co/Zc\\u2026',\n", " u'@CNNPolitics \\nWondering whether that dumb lady (Shoe thrower) had some kind of blood connection with xenophobic royals of Europe or M/East?',\n", " u'RT @BarackObama: Watch the first episode of \"Years of Living Dangerously\" for free online: http://t.co/xMB2wbywUU #ActOnClimate',\n", " u\"@BarackObama \\n....Too big for Mankind to have control over & underneath of it's LANDS & OCEANS along w/ all the earthly Chemical reactions!\",\n", " u'@BarackObama \\nWith profound respect to a truly honor-worthy Less-greedy man in Global powerhouse: \"The Earth will remain Too big for Man..',\n", " u'@ABC @maracamp @keithellison \\nBad for Semites as Arab speaking Muslim r 1of5 groups of Semitic people.\\n*Semitic old laws need 2B clarified.',\n", " u'RT @BDayspring: Candidates who associate with white nationalists & segregationists events give away #GOP seats to Democrats. http://t.co/0\\u2026',\n", " u'@keithellison \\nGood for Semites as Arab speaking Muslim folks are one of five groups of Semitic people.\\nSemitic old laws need 2B clarified.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @NDN_HarrietHeit: Got kids? Grandkids? You may need vaccines for their health, yours, too. See Neapolitan in NDN $ http://t.co/oISWEewo1V',\n", " u'RT @ndn: Real estate summit speakers see rising prices as creating affordability problem. http://t.co/qgrRkaR0m7',\n", " u'Police scanner: accident mile marker 63 with injuries, northbound I-75 #alligatoralley @ndn - stay tuned for updates',\n", " u'RT @jaweedkaleem: Heaven is for Real reignites the debate over near-death experiences: http://t.co/257yCEQxy8',\n", " u'RT @ndn: In the Know: Paragon Pavilion cinema opening soon in North Naples. http://t.co/aojh2smDtS (via @NDN_TAten)',\n", " u'RT @ndn: Goodland woman faces six DUI-related charges. http://t.co/9lWBlj5Kt6',\n", " u'RT @ndn: Two arrested in unrelated Immokalee robberies. http://t.co/h3JhyQDStQ',\n", " u'Jeff Lytle: Stories of lives well lived, and inspiration via @ndn touching column by Jeff @ndn http://t.co/0ICxq5yAR5',\n", " u'TV advertising in congressional race topped $2.67 million in six weeks via @ndn @Jenna_Buzzacco - the $pending in on! http://t.co/FZ04WJEBeJ',\n", " u\"http://t.co/hv6OdiBUfd Even the condoms are 'expired' in Cuba. Otra victoria de la revoluci\\xf3n @kenjeong there's a movie here @elnuevoherald\",\n", " u'http://t.co/sf307lIKWH @JTanfani @latimes @DavanMaharaj - wonderful piece from a terrific reporter and #BostonMarathon runner Joe Tanfani',\n", " u'RT @ndn: While some local residents may be eager to say goodbye to in season, the exodus can be bittersweet for businesses. http://t.co/y5\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @dalepartridge: Be someone who makes someone else look forward to tomorrow.',\n", " u\"RT @ndn: UF star football player's arrest warrant quashed, internal investigation launched http://t.co/RNJ6OV1hDp\",\n", " u'Almuerzo en #graziano #weston #ForzaJuve #JuveBologna @weston_lsu #trussardi http://t.co/8QlJVzOu6m',\n", " u'http://t.co/Zlg4p8d3d3 great front page by Dana Long and story by @NDN_RMills @ndn',\n", " u\"RT @ndn: #SWFL anglers show off their fishing photos. See this week's photo gallery: http://t.co/AuJmUvunGE http://t.co/MA8DpAQLdg\",\n", " u'RT @ndn: NABOR first quarter numbers reflect strong seasonal sales. http://t.co/aiBDumIk7R',\n", " u\"RT @DavidOvalle305: Fetish model Stephanie Hird, who once appeared on TLC's Strange Sex, arrested in Miami animal torture porn case http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ndn: The Terraces at Bonita Springs. 9:48 a.m. \\n\\nStaff Photographer Carolina Hidalgo is sharing photos from\\u2026 http://t.co/Hg1astX5ZP']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @TheDemocrats: Stand with the Democrats like @JoeBiden, who are fighting Paul Ryan's budget: http://t.co/S7RrE5ykYH http://t.co/HgEg7OuP\\u2026\",\n", " u'@DirectPlusTV well to my surprise you guys have a really cool supervisor Chris Campos who grabbed a hold of the problem. Great job lol',\n", " u'@GossipExtra Ron Jeremy is a hung Jury. Haha',\n", " u\"RT @ajamphoto: Obama reads 'Where the Wild Things Are' to kids on the White House lawn (photo: Getty) | http://t.co/cCVc1bMVcp http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@DirectPlusTV to continue they have a snarky customer service rep Philip who doesn't care that TV is off in a home #noservice fire him\",\n", " u'Steve Kerr should be named immediately as the Knick Coach',\n", " u'@DirectPlusTV This company that services Mirador 1200 has the worst customer service I have ever seen',\n", " u'Knicks fire coach Mike Woodson, rest of staff via @NYPost #KNICKS Now is the time for a winning attitude Go Knicks http://t.co/vjxsFgz1EB',\n", " u'@IgnatiusPost fantastic editorial drawing an analogy to sleeping heads of state before WW1 and Ukraine Kudos to history',\n", " u'RT @NYKNotifi: Hope every Knicks fan has a great day! Happy Easter! #Knicks #KnicksTape #NewYorkKnicks #KnicksNation\\u2026 http://t.co/G1IWTBy3pk',\n", " u'@LaurenPastrana #Anchor weekend very cool lol',\n", " u'@ItIsWhatItIsAnn you need the #knicks to distract them #Playoffs',\n", " u\"RT @BillyCorben: Retiring @MiamiBeachPD Chief Ray Martinez hired as @Ultra Music Festival's new chief of security http://t.co/b8CevbjllZ\",\n", " u'@MayorLevine @Mike_Grieco @aemossberg #RayMartinez named new security director of Ultra lets see what kind of havoc he can cause there',\n", " u'RT @srjones66: Paul Krugman Explains Why Obamacare is a Total Disaster For the Republicans http://t.co/CPQwLTlqyu via @politicususa #p2 #P2b',\n", " u'#SpaceX just launched. Wait a minute it looks like a Tesla',\n", " u\"#MiamiMarlins if you love Base Ball then you know losing sucks it's time to change the Manager to shake things up\",\n", " u'RT @NBCNewsWorld: Author Gabriel Garcia Marquez Dead at 87 http://t.co/P7vs8IXpNc',\n", " u'RT @ColemanESPN: Sad to hear that @TNT_CraigSager is dealing with leukemia. #KickItsButt my friend. #PrayersForYou',\n", " u'RT @nyknicks: Coach Woodson on positive takeaways from the year: \"I still point the finger at Melo and how he was there all year. He refuse\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Today is #TaxFreedomDay, 1st day of the year when #Americans have theoretically earned enough $$ to fund the high tax burden.',\n", " u'Don\\u2019t worry about your federal concerns. We can help, Tues April 22 from 10-3 @MiamiSpringsFL http://t.co/INt8eCDNie',\n", " u'Con Enrique Encinosa habl\\xe9 sobre la crisis #SOSVzla, la detenci\\xf3n d Juliet Michelena en #Cuba, y compa\\xf1ias q ayudan a #Castro @LaPoderosa670',\n", " u'No se preocupen por sus asuntos federales. Le podemos ayudar ma\\xf1ana, martes 22 de abril de 10-3 @MiamiSpringsFL http://t.co/GHp3Ob22L0',\n", " u\"Obama's misguided #nuke deal released $$ billions 2 #Iran. Playing right in2 hands of the regime. @Kredo0 @FreeBeacon http://t.co/HolFppte3t\",\n", " u'If Twitter just isn\\u2019t enough, sign up here 4 my e-newsletter to receive regular updates! http://t.co/UKVZD9Zfoj',\n", " u\"Check out this week's e-newsletter: Prepare Early for the June 1st Start of Hurricane Season http://t.co/GJdFxdUo4w\",\n", " u'It\\u2019s not 2 late! Our #CAC2014 Showcase is in 3 days! #SoFL #HSstudents find out more abt submitting your #Art here: http://t.co/NA3zEP3m7L',\n", " u'Proud of all of our Congressional Award winners! Bright minds w/a shining future! #Miami @MDCPS http://t.co/OjJYbbwgD5',\n", " u'Recognizing excellent #Miami students! Congrats to all our awardees \\u2013 we\\u2019re so proud of you all! @MDCPS http://t.co/5ZOjduhTcL',\n", " u\"We know photoshopped ads cause health problems. Now let's figure out the best way to stop this epidemic: http://t.co/AW7fUjjUwF #TruthInAds\",\n", " u'Filed #TruthInAds Act w @RepLoisCapps + @RepTedDeutch to study how to stop photoshopped ads frm causing health issues http://t.co/rV4X5YtDVn',\n", " u'4 @AmericanCancer this Friday @6pm! \"@KBChamber: Event: Relay for Life of Key Biscayne 2014 - 4/25/2014 http://t.co/QYnCQ5DolQ\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @ccamia: Good luck to @RepSinema, @RepJoeKennedy & @RepStephenLynch running Boston Marathon today http://t.co/raaMlelLWn',\n", " u'Empec\\xe9 mi d\\xeda c mis amigos @nrubioradio y @msfernandanews. Hablamos sbr temas que impactan a #Miami. @ActualidadRadio http://t.co/IatBE5Kmcv',\n", " u\"The little Lehtinens looking longingly at the #EasterBunny cake. We keep telling them to wait but it's\\u2026 http://t.co/CZ2PL8k5dr\",\n", " u'A very #HappyEaster from the Lehtinens! A day of prayer, reflection, and fun at our celebration. #HeIsRisen http://t.co/stDQGXQuLh',\n", " u'RT @DLasAmericas: #Blogs | \"Simplificar nuestro c\\xf3digo tributario\" por @RosLehtinen http://t.co/MJU6SqFgTw',\n", " u'#Cuba sigue sufriendo! #Libertad MT@jdanielferrer: 29 @DamasdBlanco dtenidas hoy en Santiago d Cuba. Belkis Cantillo y 9 aun detenidas',\n", " u'#SOSVzla @liliantintori: En la calle por la DEMOCRACIA! Unidos y con fuerza, no vamos a parar!!! #ElQueSeCansaPierde http://t.co/KSWIMATPwk']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@FlaviaCuervo Very well-deserved recognition for years of hard work & determination. I'm proud of you & excited for your continued success.\",\n", " u'RT @MiamiHerald: South Miami-based charter school management company #Academica under federal scrutiny http://t.co/hbv1QM7icr',\n", " u'RT @TaraSolomon: Great read by @miamiherald food editor @EvanBenn on SoFla culinary kings @MylesPrime112 & @chefmschwartz -- http://t.co/Qn\\u2026',\n", " u'Congratulations @FlaviaCuervo named a Gates Millennium Scholar!',\n", " u'RT @MiamiHeraldFood: End of an era: Landmark #Cuban restaurant @DavidsCafeWorld closes today after 37 years in #SoBe http://t.co/aYa1rurNYp',\n", " u\"RT @TIME: Watch highlights of Pope Francis's Easter prayers for peace in Syria and Ukraine http://t.co/oyPD7ROVn3\",\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Gabriel Garcia Marquez to his translator: \"I hear you\\'re two-timing me with Cervantes.\" http://t.co/DKscDNTM8d (link co\\u2026',\n", " u'The changing face & ethnic makeup of America, from 1960 to 2060 (projection) http://t.co/PdgP7lWN3n http://t.co/pVl9Edl508 via @TheAtlantic',\n", " u\"RT @MiamiSup: If we can't agree on anything else, can we at least come together in enabling rather than disabling the dreams of Fl's kids? \\u2026\",\n", " u\"Congratulations @KrisnaScarlett just named a Gates Millennium Scholar! I'm privileged to know some of the world's best & brightest. So proud\",\n", " u'RT @HernandezMA5: Unreal: In-state tuition bill blocked by Sr GOP leaders - http://t.co/FtxJHNEEqz #Florida #immigrationreform',\n", " u\"RT @J_G0nzalez_: Florida's bi-polar weather. https://t.co/b36J1LyYsZ\",\n", " u'RT @nytimesphoto: A Belgian photographer enters the world of real guns for real kids. http://t.co/rXnUAogLrI',\n", " u'RT @kmcgrory: Trouble looms for in-state tuition bill http://t.co/AWB3fxYa3Z via @miamiherald',\n", " u'@HarbingerMLEC Nobel Laureate, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, died today. Here is the @nytimes obit: http://t.co/CVeZVRz3Fb',\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Another day in Miami-Dade: Sitting Hialeah's loan-shark mayor testifies in fed trial of predecessor loan shark mayor http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'.@elpais_cultura is reporting that Nobel laureate, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, has died. http://t.co/dus5BO5XXl',\n", " u'@HarbingerMLEC We see cameras as lenses of truth, yet Roberto Salas said, \"The camera is one of the worst liars in the world.\" #PhotographIt',\n", " u'@HarbingerMLEC Our #PhotographIt challenge begins today!',\n", " u'RT @AP: BREAKING: Source close to family says Nobel laureate novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez has died.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @RosLehtinen: I want to go to there! \"@MiamiNewTimes: Best places for Cuban coffee in #Miami. http://t.co/G0nX2ogMKy http://t.co/r36uKZ9\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AmbJohnBolton: It took an act of Congress to get the White House to finally stand up to Iran. http://t.co/27dEYEPZAw',\n", " u'@MarcACaputo \\u201c@Reuters: U.S. government contractor jailed in Cuba ends hunger strike http://t.co/jCzsGNiWjJ\\u201d via @RUDY_MAYOR',\n", " u'RT @RosLehtinen: My beloved dad, Enrique Ros, died 1 year ago today but he, along with my mom, continue to be the light of our lives. http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RosLehtinen: Mi querido padre, Enrique Ros, fallecio hace un a\\xf1o,pero junto a mi madre, siguen siendo una luz en nuestras vidas. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @USCUBADem_YLG: Dictators like Fidel & Raul Castro have always feared the free-flow of information & internet access #CubanTwitter http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"@JoeGoodmanJr every time I see your twitter pic in my feed I think it's Jay Carney and I stop because I know I would never follow @PressSec\",\n", " u\"RT @HectorinMiami: @rafaelyaniz @MarcACaputo it's always a magic moment when Caputo gets on your Twitter feed!\",\n", " u'RT @KARENHOLLIHAN: \"Harvard to Host Correa, but No Free Press in Ecuador Can Cover It \" @Harvard @omarbula\\nhttp://t.co/FhYGZO2SEr. @mafereg\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @USCUBADem_YLG: #FF YLG Directors @cmgutierrezjr @RUDY_MAYOR @Ana_R_Quintana @rafaelyaniz @gph13 @CapitolCubans',\n", " u\"RT @YleemPoblete: Cubacel contact involved #cubantwittercrisis in danger. It's on leakers, media, certain others if he's disappeared, kille\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CapitolCubans: In My Humble Opinion, Pt. 48 http://t.co/5LQewZ00PA',\n", " u\"RT @StephenAtHome: I'm so glad the SCOTUS overturned campaign donation limits. Now if they can just take up Twitter character limits. I hav\\u2026\",\n", " u'It was an honor to speak at the @UFHillel event in Broward tonight!',\n", " u'A great Thursday made even better w/ @MarcACaputo following me! Follow him for excellent twitter feed magic',\n", " u\"@MarcACaputo American media outlets w/ bureaus in Havana care more about parroting Castro regime TPM's than exposing their horrors\",\n", " u'@MarcACaputo @CapitolCubans @BabaluBloggers @USCUBADem_YLG can provide u w/ endless examples of NYT AP etc fawning over human rights abuse',\n", " u'RT @CapitolCubans: @SenatorLeahy\\'s Fake (Hypocritical) Outrage on Cuban \"Twitter\" @mitchellreports @talkopan http://t.co/NMDxBWwhwi',\n", " u\"RT @RUDY_MAYOR: People like @yoanisanchez naturally frustrated w/ Castro censorship of internet and @TwitterDC; it's people like her USAID \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AliABCNews: USAID on #CubanTwitter: \"The purpose of the Zunzuneo project was to create a platform for Cubans to speak freely among them\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Cuba moves to end condom shortage by selling stock with \\u2018wrong expiration dates\\u2019 http://t.co/aP0YcPC5ww',\n", " u'RT @ABC: JUST IN: USGS: Major preliminary magnitude 7.5 earthquake near Acapulco, Mexico: http://t.co/WM9ZerCwFG',\n", " u'VIDEO: #Pistorius trial goes on 2-week adjournment but not before a defense witness contradicts the Blade Runner http://t.co/IcS7kpby8z',\n", " u\"VIDEO: Sound makes it's return back in the #OscarPistorius trial http://t.co/bPqkFRKym0\",\n", " u'VIDEO: The #Pistorius defense takes a turn to forensics http://t.co/CpCm438B8n',\n", " u'RT @emilystanitz: Request for postponement in the #OscarPistorius trial has been granted. Court will adjourn tomorrow until May 5.',\n", " u'VIDEO: How did #Pistorius do after 7 days on the stand http://t.co/FaQd9IIcne',\n", " u'#OscarPistorius may have stumbled with his testimony http://t.co/vrg0ephR9T via @liezlthom',\n", " u\"#Pistorius' Seven Days of Testimony' End With Teary Valentine http://t.co/0d42U0tEGd\",\n", " u\"One of the America's most expensive cities for renters....Miami. Ironic bc that's why I left NYC http://t.co/yIgdx62myP\\u201d\",\n", " u'VIDEO: After 7 grueling days of combative, emotional testimony #OscarPistorius is off the stand http://t.co/X6cs8Rv8lE',\n", " u\"Steenkamp's Heartbreaking Valentine to #Pistorius Revealed http://t.co/OXjC8SPKzT http://t.co/3G9DGoSbDx\",\n", " u'After seven days of testimony #OscarPistorius has left the witness box in his murder trial',\n", " u'5 days of a ferocious cross examination by Gerri Nel has ended. Now #OscarPistorius attorneys will be given opportunity to redirect',\n", " u'Prosecutor indicates he intends to end his ferocious cross examination of #OscarPistorius today',\n", " u'RT @ABCWorldNews: Prosecutors at Pistorius Trial Get Aggressive:\\nhttp://t.co/i7Ax7L3U7f',\n", " u'Window into the secret camp within Guantanamo http://t.co/HJRNSZ1e3H',\n", " u\"VIDEO: Ferocious prosecutor says #OscarPistorius version of events 'improbable' http://t.co/XVv3a4QeL0\",\n", " u'The #OscarTrial resumes with the prosecutor saying #Pistorius is not saying the truth about when he & Reeva ate before her death',\n", " u'RT @emilystanitz: Watch the #OscarTrial live: http://t.co/eY2R1Ccz2E @LamaHasan @SeniABC @liezlthom @ABCmollie']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Broward County adds shopping mall as early voting site http://t.co/Hy6LwohwyL via @AmySherman1',\n", " u'@MiamiHerald Correct link: http://t.co/UF8kJ2ZFAa',\n", " u'@doug_hanks Correct link: http://t.co/UF8kJ2ZFAa',\n", " u\"Two sides trade jabs in debate over David Beckham's proposed MLS stadium at PortMiami (w/ correct link) http://t.co/UF8kJ2ZFAa\",\n", " u'Deleted previous tweet with wrong link.',\n", " u'RT @doug_hanks: RCL fighting port stadium while other cruise lines stay mum. Difference: RCL occupies part of stadium site and may want to \\u2026',\n", " u\"Rowdy discussion on @DeFede's show today between @SeaportAlliance's John Fox and David Beckham's John Alschuler over port stadium site.\",\n", " u\"ICYMI: A mayor took the stand in Miami & said he charged exorbitant interest rates. But he wasn't the mayor on trial. http://t.co/vaGdzIFEnk\",\n", " u'MT @doug_hanks: I shop at 2 grocery stores and I regularly see @MayorGimenez at 1 (Milams) & @Tomas_Regalado at the other (Publix on 27th).',\n", " u'Hialeah mayor\\u2019s testimony highlights own involvement in shadow-banking schemes http://t.co/vaGdzIFEnk with @jayhweaver',\n", " u\"A mayor took the stand in Miami and admitted he charged exorbitant interest rates. But he wasn't the mayor on trial. http://t.co/vaGdzIFEnk\",\n", " u'@GlennaOn10 @doug_hanks @MiamiHerald Of course!',\n", " u'RT @doug_hanks: This Week in South Florida, by @MichaelPutney, moves to an hour next Sunday. @GlennaOn10 joins and there will be a panel. P\\u2026',\n", " u'Image of FSU mascot roils South Florida water governing board meeting http://t.co/1gFstsIYf3 via @jenstaletovich',\n", " u'SEIU pays Miami Rep. @mbileca an office visit over Jackson hospital legislation http://t.co/lLmvHzsW51 via @dchangmiami',\n", " u'Miami-Dade @MayorGimenez makes some of his strongest remarks yet against opponents of a PortMiami soccer stadium http://t.co/fV8kIoW4N3',\n", " u\"PortMiami soccer stadium would grow construction costs by $50M, David Beckham's group says http://t.co/fV8kIoW4N3\",\n", " u'How legislation to grant DREAMers in-state college tuition opened a rift among Florida Republicans http://t.co/05lSwkMqMu via @MarcACaputo',\n", " u'Miami-Dade firefighter arrested for allegedly sharing pix on Twitter of underage girls having sex http://t.co/bgNseA5pXF via @DavidOvalle305',\n", " u\"@MarcACaputo @typepad Mine's still out...\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my mother. Happy Birthday Mami! I love you!! \\U0001f497 http://t.co/J5AYKX0AcU',\n", " u'Easter Sunday with the kiddos! \\U0001f430 #Madrina #EasterWeekend #Easter http://t.co/5xuIzapBfu',\n", " u'The Fam! \\U0001f490\\U0001f49f #EasterWeekend http://t.co/jw8RrUWFF5',\n", " u'My girls \\U0001f46d\\U0001f49c\\U0001f46d\\U0001f49c\\U0001f46d #Easter #Goddaughters #MyBabies #Madrina http://t.co/NNSZbkUTRp',\n", " u'The greatest gift my parents gave me, was this brat! Hope you enjoyed your birthday in Cali! I love\\u2026 http://t.co/CbuThtRb5p',\n", " u\"Someone's obviously ecstatic to be the next one getting married! \\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602 http://t.co/zsO0hV3Vb4\",\n", " u'The wedding crasher and the groomsman! http://t.co/KAwjHHUdms',\n", " u'Wedding fun! \\U0001f470\\U0001f499 http://t.co/G92l56gLo1',\n", " u'What a difference, 22 years makes! \\U0001f46f @ Ben Sheppard Elem. http://t.co/EmNMnk1b40',\n", " u'You taught me to be confident, creative, and powerful. I may not have become the next Celia Cruz like\\u2026 http://t.co/YC0cz0VhOZ',\n", " u'The moment your 2nd grade teacher cries when she sees you after 22 years! \\U0001f60a @ Ben Sheppard Elem. http://t.co/fIOd6k8fOe',\n", " u'Because sometimes you have to trick your mom into riding roller coasters with you! \\U0001f608\\U0001f3a2 @ Miami-Dade\\u2026 http://t.co/QQiklppmmL',\n", " u'Guilty pleasure! #dippindots \\U0001f60b @ Miami-Dade County Fair and Exposition http://t.co/io8AJJfBLf',\n", " u'Pan de bono w/honey lemonade \\U0001f60b\\U0001f601 #innerfatgirlishappy @ Mi Cali Bakery http://t.co/qeQ9H0FhLd',\n", " u\"My baby isn't a baby anymore! Madrina's princess turned 8! \\U0001f478\\U0001f389 http://t.co/9jQwlxNjOX\",\n", " u'Can someone deliver brunch and mimosas??',\n", " u'Best burger ever!! \\U0001f354\\U0001f60b Made by jesusazcuy at @5in_co. @ 5inco Indoor Soccer and Restaurant http://t.co/VytHDxCGyI',\n", " u'22.5 hours into my shift. \\U0001f632\\U0001f480 #walkingzombie',\n", " u\"\\u201c@JankHank: @LittleMaritza You're amazing\\u201d Thank you!\",\n", " u'A man just asked me for the $0.13 he was missing to get himself $1 burger. I bought him a full decent meal. He called me his angel. \\U0001f601']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'USF campaign tops in boosting graduation rates http://t.co/ZAwz69278o via @sharethis',\n", " u'Gov. Scott Announces Carlos Lopez-Cantera as Lieutenant Governor http://t.co/AcdqTFYMT6 via @FLGovScott',\n", " u'USF Public Health Students Test http://t.co/hOMCH9kEt2!! \"IT DOES NOT WORK\" http://t.co/g5Bcir0MQJ via @HealthNewsFL',\n", " u\"Obama: 'I'm sorry' Americans are losing insurance http://t.co/0impC4U2nL via @YahooNews\",\n", " u'USF- Letter from Governor Scott to USF Bulls http://t.co/vSHsCXs4JK via @sharethis',\n", " u'@FLGovScott Florida is on the RIGHT track!! Florida WORKS, Florida is creating jobs, improving education and helping families back to work!',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: The impending federal government shutdown represents a failure of leadership. Pres. Obama is failing Floridians.',\n", " u'RT @JeffAtwater: Great news for our state! RT @JeffMHarrington Florida leads the country in personal income growth http://t.co/jSw8Z4qOzW \\u2026\\u2026',\n", " u'4 years not enough time to prepare for ObamaCare implementation? Must be something wrong!!!!! Bad Policy- Poor Planning? or Both?',\n", " u'Did not expect it to work! Guess I will turn to the Private Sector for my family to be insured in January!',\n", " u'@ScottHopes Error from: https%3A//www.healthcare.gov/marketplace/global/en_US/registration%23signUpStepOne',\n", " u'@ScottHopes \\nPlease include the reference ID below if you wish to contact us at 1-800-318-2596 for support.',\n", " u'Obamacare \"not\" at work! \\nThe System is down at the moment.\\nWe\\'re working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Please try again later.',\n", " u\"Governor Scott- Great work for Florida's Families! Florida's unemployment rate dipped to 7.5 % in March, the lowest point since October 2008\",\n", " u'RT @ItsWorkingFL: BREAKING NEWS: New FL jobs numbers just released. Watch: http://t.co/LJ6czJoO7W\\n#ItsWorking #sayfie',\n", " u\"Thank you! Adam Hollingsworth: Gov. Rick Scott's new right-hand man http://t.co/b0YioOKi via @TB_Times\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@repmattgaetz holding the banner for thousands of people walking the last mile for Lauren's Kids #laurenskids http://t.co/MGbQgWAvVq\",\n", " u'Wish everyone a beautiful glorious Resurrection Sunday. May your faith and joy be renewed in knowing He is Risen #JesusLives #Easter2014',\n", " u'RT @Bible_Time: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. -Ephesians 6:10',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: It\\u2019s time to start walking. Make a difference for Florida and volunteer today! http://t.co/1bPuycy4uf http://t.co/3WdY\\u2026',\n", " u'Wish a joyous Passover to all those celebrating with family and friends tonight. #Passover2014 http://t.co/BxmfBEz7b3',\n", " u'RT @SenRubioPress: Senator @MarcoRubio wishes the Jewish community a Happy Passover: http://t.co/Wf05kB4Hrd',\n", " u'RT @RazzVazquez: As we seek ur Face\\nJesus\\nmay we know ur heart!\\nFeel ur presence\\nacceptance\\nAs we seek ur Face...\\nMon all day&night!\\n#2Know\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KadieBlack: @RepJNunez and Rep Eddy Gonzalez met with foster parents to thank them for all they do @OurKidsInc @ChildrensWeek http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MayorGimenez: Got the opportunity to meet with @RepJNunez. #FLSession2014 http://t.co/iGu0h0scjF',\n", " u'RT @RollBackTolls: MDX Open Road Tolling blunder results in big bills for toll by plate users @MoveMiami @TrACMiami @RepJNunez http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'Proud to be on the House floor with the 2013 NatioNOLE Champions. #FSUday #goSeminoles #FSU #FSUfootball http://t.co/cUYdQ4Oagn',\n", " u'RT @FilmFlorida: Thanks again to @RepJNunez for co-sponsoring HB983, appreciate you fighting for entertainment industry workers in Florida \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Monicalynn850: Glad Senate Judiciary voted to pass in-state tuition out of committee. #onestepcloser! Thank U Sponsors @JackLatvala @R\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CesarConda: Great piece by @francesmartel \"Marco Rubio: \\'Shameful\\' US Has Yet to Sanction Venezuela for Human Rights Abuses\" http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @anitere_flores: @MearKat00 yet another reason why session should be earlier \\U0001f604\\U0001f604 @RepJNunez',\n", " u'RT @RealMichaelW: @anitere_flores @MearKat00 @RepJNunez I definitely pulled the \"I work for the Speaker!\" Card. They let me right in.',\n", " u'RT @RepMannyDiazJr: \\u201c@RepRachelBurgin: #FF @RepMannyDiazJr @albertemartinez @JeffreyBrandes @DavidJollyCD13 @RosLehtinen @RepJNunez\\u201d Thanks!',\n", " u'RT @lisalorenz: Proud yet again of @RepJNunez for getting rid of the statute of limitations for child sex offenders #protectthefamily #FLgo\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KristinJSharp: Congratulations to @RepJNunez for her 3rd bill, #HB9, passing in the #FLHouse! #sayfie #FLGOP',\n", " u'RT @FLGOPWhip: CS/HB 9 Legislative Session Dates by @RepJNunez passed 102-11 #sayfie']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @MyNews13: Teenager charged with attempted murder after stabbing another teen \"multiple times\" over Facebook post, deputies said http://\\u2026',\n", " u'Osceola Deputies say a teen was stabbed over a #Facebook post suspect another teen now under arrest',\n", " u'RT @MyNews13: OCSO undercover deputy fired upon by suspect near Lake Underhill and Alafaya; no injuries http://t.co/QBAfTV3nCW',\n", " u'RT @OrangeCoSheriff: OCSO undercover deputy fired upon by suspect. No injuries. Happened at Lake Underhill/Alfaya PIO en route',\n", " u'RT @MelbournePolice: Temporary lockdown at Mel High has been lifted. Report of a stabbing on campus is unfounded.',\n", " u'RT @MelbournePolice: Report of a stabbing at Melbourne HS. Officers responded and found no evidence/victim at school. School is in session.',\n", " u'@ImAlexMiranda it was very refreshing to see you this morning keep going back! Guapo',\n", " u'Back in the 407 #Orlando back to reality. Back to work next week!',\n", " u'@ImAlexMiranda como esta?????',\n", " u'@standupkid great article, good for you, this is a huge issue in America. You give me strength',\n", " u\"RT @CDLR_Reporter: I don't know about Ricky and Jlo's make out session, but still a #hotbeat!... http://t.co/EQM7k2rhzu\",\n", " u'RT @EugeneRamirez: Wow @JaredLeto !!! #SOSVenezuela',\n", " u'RT @OnlyNikkiBowers: #JaredLeto wins the #Oscar for best supporting actor for his role in \"Dallas Buyer\\'s Club!\" #AcademyAwards',\n", " u'@BiancaCastroTV best of luck you are a beautiful soul! Safe travels for you and your family! Besos',\n", " u'#Only @johnwdavis uncovered a #MAJOR twist on the story of woman shot in #Orlando #News13',\n", " u'Woman seriously injured during shootout between 2 men in #Orlando @johnwdavis will have a live report at 10 on #News13',\n", " u'RT @ulalaunch: New T-0 will be 8:59 pm EST #GPSIIF5 #DeltaIV.',\n", " u'RT @ulalaunch: We are extending the hold at T-4 mins due to solar radiation. Stay tuned for new T-0 #GPSIIF5 #DeltaIV',\n", " u'Delta IV rocket launch scheduled for 8:40pm from #BrevardCounty Watch live coverage with @gpallone13 and Marla Weech #News13 Right NOW',\n", " u'The suspect is facing serious charges #News13 http://t.co/jzZdlQZcdp']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @JuanSaaa: $$$ RT @MiamiHerald: Miami is one of the most expensive places to pay rent http://t.co/T1svEPdSWn',\n", " u'RT @UniNoticias: Imagen de la dram\\xe1tica avalancha que dej\\xf3 sin vida a 13 gu\\xedas en el #Everest http://t.co/ma4MFcWXee v\\xeda @AFP',\n", " u'RT @mkolken: Obama admin quietly toughen standards for immigrant asylum seekers http://t.co/f5ch2znZgd',\n", " u'RT @sinwire: For all of you Venezuelans living in the US, this a great article about you and your family. \\nhttp://t.co/bF9tua4Z6a',\n", " u'RT @teritohornos: @MarioDB So Congress CAN stand in solidarity over Ukranians, Venezuelans as long as they are not in the US, eh? http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @UniNoticias: El DHS volvi\\xf3 a emitir las reglas de asilo pol\\xedtico para conocimiento de las autoridades de inmigraci\\xf3n http://t.co/5DHms\\u2026',\n", " u\"@Luigiboria @SenRubioPress USA doesn't have any special consideration for thousands of Venezuelans http://t.co/SZaBFhJFFx #SOSVenezuela\",\n", " u'RT @Venezolanero: Hoy tratan de humilarnos , vejarnos y asesinarnos, pero como lo hizo nuestro se\\xf1or Jesuscristo Venezuela Resucitar\\xe1 http:\\u2026',\n", " u'@2001OnLine @SweetLife9513 Deberia pedir ayuda a los Venezolanos tambi\\xe9n; sobre todo a los sujetos a deportaci\\xf3n por negaci\\xf3n de visas en US',\n", " u'RT @AngelRincon20: The National Guard of Venezuela, not use bullets to leave no trace of ballistics. Now use metras http://t.co/DccYZlN8Va \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FrankSharry: @theplumlinegs nails it. House GOP has yet to propose broad #immigration plan, and blaming #obummer is lame. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'@GabyGG12 @Luigiboria @marcorubio Alcalde: podria preguntarle a Rubio porque USA deporta Venezolanos escapando del r\\xe9gimen de Maduro?',\n", " u'RT @mkolken: Obama demands House GOP vote on immigration reform, also demands an Oompa Loompa... NOWWWW!!!! http://t.co/fUaQcfgheb via .@ms\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @mkolken: Bottom line: .@BarackObama is not only deporting record numbers but he is doing it in the most un-American way possible.',\n", " u\"RT @mkolken: Ohh .@Cecilia44 you're breaking my heart. You're shaking my confidence daily. #LiesandDeportations https://t.co/T74YgBn5ls\",\n", " u\"RT @mkolken: .@Cecilia44 shamelessly lying about nature of Obama's deportations on .@ThisIsFusion http://t.co/7xfng7nQHq #ShakingmyConfiden\\u2026\",\n", " u'@mkolken @ThisIsFusion Lame and unfortunate! Barack Obama stabs the back of the latin community once more',\n", " u'RT @americasvoice: Immigration Truths: Only Congress Can Provide Permanent Solution, But President Can & Should Deliver Executive Relief ht\\u2026',\n", " u'@PoliticallyRyan en GOP cooperation? what cooperation?',\n", " u'@DRMAction @latinorebels May God bless and guide you!']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@CAGOP: the party of spicy deliciousness. MT @ChungTweets CA GOP Will 'Stand with Sriracha' Against Big Government http://t.co/xp8s35B4R5 \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @neelkashkari: RT if you're tired of gov't regulations killing jobs. I stand with Sriracha against big gov't.\\nhttp://t.co/YXtse0IvOi htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'Congressman Sanchez, aka @niniofetalvo: the Frank Underwood of @gwupcs. #icouldntpossiblycomment cc @emilyisku http://t.co/jH7G7Ys4Lg',\n", " u'RT @johnboehner: Happy Easter to all. Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday weekend.',\n", " u'Great job to @niniofetalvo and the rest of the GWU Philippine Cultural Society on an amazing #TandaanXIV show! http://t.co/9EpqI81jAJ',\n", " u'RT @Reince: We\\u2019re suing the #IRS http://t.co/D5oITsW50S \\nRetweet & Sign to hold partisan bureaucrats accountable #tcot http://t.co/Y77RUjL\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LAClipperNatio1: Best odds to win NBA TITLE. #ClipperNation http://t.co/ZZuMXxQQk7',\n", " u'Moving Day: the best and worst day all at once.',\n", " u\"RT @stefpetrop: Such a repeat of the 1930s: Jews in eastern Ukraine city given orders to 'register' with pro-Moscow militia http://t.co/5\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeedNews: .@AP Photo: Students with messages such as \\u201ccome back\\u201d for their friends who are missing after ferry disaster http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ChungTweets: Interesting op-ed from @lanheechen. Worth a read. http://t.co/5ppEt8Eb5o',\n", " u'RT @Kasparov63: Hillary was co-architect of disastrous & pathetic \"Reset\" with Russia as Obama\\'s Secretary of State. Will she turn hawk now\\u2026',\n", " u'@JasonGagnon District Taco is a lone oasis in a sea of terrifyingly awful TCoast cousins..',\n", " u'Snow today (in April!?), and it was 80F out yesterday. These \"season\" things... as a SoCal native, can\\'t say I\\'m a fan.',\n", " u'Truth. RT @elliott_echols My latest op-ed: Americans deserve a government that works for us, not harasses us http://t.co/qVM1QwdTCi #tcot',\n", " u'RT @AndreaBozek: BREAKING--- ANOTHER RECRUITMENT FAIL FOR DCCC \"Sink will not run for Congress against Jolly in fall\" http://t.co/VgJ8xvyVh6',\n", " u'RT @moody: This @GoRemy Tax Day music video is a gem. https://t.co/OrHqu0GxKH',\n", " u'RT @niniofetalvo: Asian American group tries to reconnect with GOP, citing shared core values | http://t.co/kB3q5HqmO1 CC: @ChungTweets @EH\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @CapitoforWV: 2014 is the year for W.Va. women! Proud to be part of the '14 in '14 launch with @SharonDay and @Amanda_Pasdon #wvsen http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BreitbartCA: Poll: Another Republican Leads Statewide #CA Race http://t.co/Wk9yg8bBZY #GOP']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Looking forward to asset tours of @HendryCounty and #GladesCounty with @FHREDI @EnterpriseFL (@ Heartland workforce) http://t.co/krXx1PeZe3',\n", " u'The Leading Economic Index (LEI) rose 0.8 percent in March and is up 6.1 percent from a year ago. Improving labor market and financial cond\\u2026',\n", " u'Mutual-fund firms are moonlighting as venture capitalists. http://t.co/mFZif5BJPo',\n", " u'BlackRock recruits for Boston push http://t.co/nObqJSjnDH',\n", " u'Barclays planning exit of some commodities markets http://t.co/X6Gz5YecHf',\n", " u'MasterCard Board of Directors Recommends Two New Candidates for Election http://t.co/erUEhA9TVO',\n", " u'First Data to Release First Quarter 2014 Financial Results http://t.co/YgjvWPGarQ',\n", " u'Goldman Sachs-backed BackOffice Associates to open five new offices around the globe http://t.co/Ia64BnU3Xp',\n", " u'RR Donnelley Receives the ISM-Chicago 2014 Sustainability Award http://t.co/FV0XIKt9eD',\n", " u'Florida added 22,900 jobs to nonfarm payrolls in March, the largest increase of any state. The unemployment rate ticked up to 6.3 percent, \\u2026',\n", " u'Blackstone First-Quarter Profit Rises 30% on Higher Fees http://t.co/Mr6aVKdigq',\n", " u'BlackRock Profit Climbs as Assets Under Management Rise http://t.co/h9w2GMzH2R',\n", " u'April 15 highlights Florida\\u2019s advantages over high-tax states http://t.co/GygN8pPGFw',\n", " u'U.S. consumers continue to be the lifeline of the U.S. economy, representing about two-thirds of total GDP. However,\\u2026http://t.co/W6NPPYC2kw',\n", " u'@Gagein I wish I had found you sooner!',\n", " u'GBP/USD hit fresh multi-year highs \\u2013 Commerzbank http://t.co/umB1KRlaJ5 via @Gagein',\n", " u'First Data to Release First Quarter 2014 Financial Results http://t.co/uO2nEFy0li via @Gagein',\n", " u'RT @MarketWatch: Goldman Sachs earnings, revenue fall in first quarter http://t.co/HVUaCBmWSo',\n", " u'RT @MarketWatch: U.S. stock futures add to gains on jobless claims',\n", " u'RT @MarketWatch: Goldman, Morgan Stanley rise; Google falls http://t.co/zBDeocFpnH']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Did you hear? I am being recognized with a Prudential Productivity Award! #FilminFlorida http://t.co/zKmO1TJ6MQ',\n", " u'I totally played in the rain today...mostly bc I forgot my umbrella...but hey! It was fun! #RainyDayMonday #TooMuchFun #kidatheart',\n", " u'@Mlle_D @PomboTV how beautiful! Might need some for myself! :)',\n", " u'@Mlle_D Whaaaaaaat?! Ewwww... Feds: Inside info exchanged on napkins, then eaten http://t.co/3eMhwMeb8g',\n", " u'@Mlle_D I need coffeeeeeeeeee ... #makingitearly',\n", " u'@Mlle_D did you add vodka to the wine? #LightWeight',\n", " u'@Mlle_D buzz buzz buzz buzz.... Lmao!',\n", " u\"@Mlle_D lol! It so doesn't look like a grenade... Still wondering where they hid the switch on it... Hahahahahah!\",\n", " u'@Mlle_D oh yes! Keep it clean and bright. #loveit',\n", " u'@Mlle_D @ASOS omg! Love it! #haute',\n", " u\"@Mlle_D woot! You will have to fill me in. That's one I haven't seen.\",\n", " u\"RT @VISITFLORIDA: Visiting Chan's Wine World in Sandestin with @Emeril http://t.co/dciWhIJynx @SouthWalton @ChansWineWorld\",\n", " u\"@Mlle_D watching the bbc house of cards...not as good as the new one. BBC isn't as vindictive.\",\n", " u\"@Mlle_D LOL! What's an extra 0 among friends? Hehehehe\",\n", " u'@Mlle_D @THR woohoo!!! #filminflorida #loveit #awesomesauce',\n", " u'@Mlle_D word! Lol!',\n", " u'@Mlle_D: Disney to Spend $200 Mil on Marvel Series for Netflix Set to Film in New York http://t.co/jJvWKe15fN',\n", " u\"@Mlle_D It would be better if it weren't in LA... #EntertainmentinFlorida\",\n", " u'@thecampaignbook still love Shia... Even thru the #meltdown ... \"It just makes you human for once\"',\n", " u'No sleep is allowed while the Olympics are on! NONE! #Sochi2014']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Need more episodes of Idiot Abroad! @rickygervais',\n", " u'@politicalfix re: the article on decoupling - there is a house companion HB 933 by Rep. Moskowitz',\n", " u'@Mdixon55 unsure what the best way to reach you is. There is a companion bill to Senator Sobels bill up in apropos tomorrow HB 933 Moskowitz',\n", " u\"RT @VICE: Is Obama Finally About to Use His Pardon Powers to Correct the Drug War's Injustices? http://t.co/gQIhI2MDtk\",\n", " u'Horrible plans for NYFC using Yankee stadium @MLS an embarrassment to the league',\n", " u'@MaryEllenKlas The only thing it will cut loose is compassion',\n", " u'@FLGovScott GOP can stop denying 5 million Americans health insurance any time they want http://t.co/mnWLxVtWeC http://t.co/T8hZgrvbdd\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @ByTimReynolds: Interestingly, FAU student body president Ayden Maher says he had \"a few reservations,\" then got sold after meeting with\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @eric_wuest: In 2012, average student loan debt was > $27k. That's not cheap. RT @TheAtlantic College is cheaper than you think http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ericopinion: Republicans can stop denying 5 million working Americans health insurance any time they want: http://t.co/9JDwEoBdUL',\n", " u'RT @CharlieCrist: \\u201cIt\\u2019s common sense versus nonsense. We\\u2019re going to take it to him and we\\u2019re going to win this thing.\\u201d #TeamCharlie',\n", " u'\\u201c@CharlieCrist: Already a full house here in Broward. Love to see so much energy from #TeamCharlie http://t.co/3EE35HcXu2\\u201d @ShevrinJones',\n", " u'RT @Famousscarlett: FAU will take over',\n", " u'RT @fscutz: Clear and worrying anti-Semitism in Eastern Ukraine; history repeats itself. Via @thedailybeast http://t.co/u3WnQcB61w\"',\n", " u'RT @joshledermanAP: Obama says 8 million signed up thru health care exchanges - \"This thing is working\" - http://t.co/VMyLC7uNwm',\n", " u'RT @thehill: Poll: Dems hold 6-point lead on generic ballot test http://t.co/m87hvmtRba',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostPol: Charlie Crist interrupts lieutenant governor bashing him to reporteres http://t.co/Azs1IEA6gN',\n", " u'RT @NBCNews: Pipeline critics carve massive 80-acre message into field http://t.co/tlGHlV42mN http://t.co/mmPbUH9VMl',\n", " u'We should probably just start the @Giancarlo818 for MVP campaign now @Marlins @dkurtenbach #marlins #mlb #thekidcanhit',\n", " u'@Paula_Dockery because Skeletor Is running scared and running further left to co-opt Charlie. Amazing what millionaires will do for power']},\n", " {'LIB': [u'RT @KimGOP60: Some ppl say, some do. Pls follow doers: @Scott_Sturgill, @SmithForFL7 and @DSimmonsFL #tcot #conservatives @ChobeeGOPgirl @T\\u2026',\n", " u'http://t.co/rgBWvvkIgE',\n", " u'Conservatives Deride Effort to Rig Electoral College http://t.co/udvo49foVq via @Newsmax_Media',\n", " u'RT @GatorBuc2: Doing Easter the Florida way... http://t.co/EjdzaS1W3F',\n", " u'World War II dog tags found in Saipan may solve 70-year-old mystery | http://t.co/1yKV9L5Mzy',\n", " u'RT @USMCthankyou: Happy Easter and Semper Fidelis',\n", " u'Have a very Happy and Blessed Easter.',\n", " u'http://t.co/6FhPa5tnVE',\n", " u'RT @ScottMacLeod9: Great Easter/Passover with @sussy_says , @TerriGaffney and @michaels1175 . Hope Easter went well at home @E10574640 ! \\u2026',\n", " u'Have a Blessed Easter.',\n", " u'Clearwater doctor unveils secrets of Shroud http://t.co/1cyqePun1G via @sharethis',\n", " u'Orangutans hunt for Easter eggs at Lowry Park Zoo http://t.co/aSEJyunsMq via @sharethis',\n", " u'RT @JMMorgenstern: So whose stealing from Medicare? Obama, you say...hmmm...Check out which areas will be hit hardest. @TerriGaffney http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KimGOP60: \\u201c@SmithForFL7: What is an American? watch video & see: http://t.co/86Cj2t6vCo @KimGOP60 #tcot #Veterans #GOP\\u201d @Chairofchairs\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @sunbeltgirl: MT @IvanFollows: Stop the #Benghazi lies not #stoprush http://t.co/rGj1R42K9o #JusticeForBenghazi4 http://t.co/W1iepz5Tsf \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @sunbeltgirl: MT @GirlInEruption: THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANOTHER #BENGHAZI. #JusticeForBenghazi4 http://t.co/1SRHdUrX8y http://t.co/a1tQGR\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Just_a_Texan: Such a phony. Pelosi assists in Holy Week foot-washing ritual - SFGate http://t.co/IuBDlXmPFA via @SFGate',\n", " u'RT @NtoAlaska: MT @Hankin57: #Benghazi is not going away without #JusticeForBenghazi4 http://t.co/wnRnPRsRyn http://t.co/VzoWGKcRbI #RedMeat',\n", " u'RT @horowitz39: Dems squandered $20 trillion in the war on poverty. In 1965 poverty was in steep decline, half what it had been. Dems crea\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NtoAlaska: MT @marilynkj: The Battling Boys of #Benghazi http://t.co/1StHINZhAo #JusticeForBenghazi4 http://t.co/O4kyD372Kx #RedMeat']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Florida unemployment rate ticks up, ending a 42-month streak http://t.co/Zs55pCQkxh via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"Florida's unemployment rate inches up to 6.3 percent http://t.co/Zs55pCQkxh via @TB_Times\",\n", " u\"ICYMI Lloyd's of London dramatically lowers its #flood insurance rates in Florida http://t.co/Jrjuj1DZe0 via @TB_Times\",\n", " u\"@michaelkruse You sure this didn't happen April 1?\",\n", " u'Waiting for the postcards! MT @TB_Times A sun halo also know as a 22\\xa1 halo forms around the sun just after noon. http://t.co/LszPFVnQmN',\n", " u'Valpak Direct Marketing to move headquarters from Largo to St. Petersburg http://t.co/bnDyex6aMz via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Longtime MOSI chief Wit Ostrenko to retire http://t.co/X8fYxQvxLS via @TB_Times',\n", " u'@Tech_Data celebrates 40th anniversary with video salute. How many big-name partners/insiders can you ID early on? http://t.co/6KOfAgtRbo',\n", " u'RT @Mikantc: @TBHomeTeam CCC ranked 45th in nation amongst all HS!!',\n", " u'RT @ckruegertimes: @AlexSinkFlorida will NOT run for Congress against @DavidJollyCD13 this fall. http://t.co/BKhFAPWXP1 #cd13 #fl13',\n", " u'@gangrey I thought on glass 3 something tasted amiss.',\n", " u'A team of self-starters at e-Ins makes for a happy \\u2014 and productive \\u2014 workplace http://t.co/tA6ljsCpH3 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Top Workplaces: Grow Financial Federal Credit Union shares strategies for success http://t.co/xpSKacdjA3 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'A dozen reasons ASI keeps rating as a top place to work in Tampa Bay http://t.co/npPecXeqKp via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Congratulations to all the Top Workplaces in Tampa Bay!! via @TB_Times http://t.co/iwJoglEVGb #topworkplaces',\n", " u'A chilling take from WaPo on the IRS and Social Security going after decades-old debt. http://t.co/89lTQHOPHu',\n", " u\"@andymboyle What, no coffee?? That's one of the basic food groups!\",\n", " u\"RT @Susan_Thurston: Here's the skinny: Spanx store opening today at International Plaza. http://t.co/FKWqNH4qdA via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'ICYMI Tampa grand jury accuses phone company owners of $32 million fraud http://t.co/aRl5s4J6tq via @TB_Times',\n", " u'RT @NWSBoston: Please disregard the giant flood warning presently across the entire Eastern U.S. We are currently experiencing webpage issu\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"I'm watching #Scandal with 490 others on #tvtag http://t.co/2bwXLys5Aw\",\n", " u'Just got this limited #Scandal sticker. Get yours now #tvtag http://t.co/nyRgtSQjKq #ScandalFinale #Scandal',\n", " u\"I'm watching #Scandal with 484 others on #tvtag http://t.co/2bwXLys5Aw\",\n", " u\"It's back ! #GameofThrones #tvtag http://t.co/0sDKHNxpkJ\",\n", " u\"Just got today's #GameofThrones sticker. Get yours in the next 3h:51m. #tvtag http://t.co/7gi2Aeh1qu #GameofThrones\",\n", " u'RT @SinkforFlorida: News Update: The Obamacare enthusiasm gap: Liberal Democrats say the \\u201cno apologies\\u201d strategy is one ... http://t.co/e2A\\u2026',\n", " u\"dwyanewade's video http://t.co/CKOTy1hLW7\",\n", " u\"I'm watching #TheWalkingDead with 6137 other fans on #tvtag http://t.co/LJpLrKzEEq\",\n", " u\"Just got today's #TheWalkingDead sticker. Get yours in the next 3h:46m. #tvtag http://t.co/TVcuY9VhoW @WalkingDead_AMC #TheWalkingDead\",\n", " u'Lots of conversation about #Scandal on #tvtag http://t.co/0wNinudBPx',\n", " u'Just got this limited #Scandal sticker. Get yours now #tvtag http://t.co/mq2b1vB3Ny #Scandal #WhoGotShot',\n", " u\"miamiheat's photo http://t.co/6FfO5rZ49x\",\n", " u'RT @ScandalABC: #WhoGotShot',\n", " u'Industrial Parts Storage Shelving Unit 13-8 removeable shelves 87X36X12\" 1\" \\nhttp://t.co/qkSDf6NnVu #ebayipad',\n", " u'Getting Covered with Magic Johnson http://t.co/Sx2C723OMS',\n", " u'RT @BarackObama: \"I\\'d like to see them supporting a family making less than $15,000 a year.\" \\u2014President Obama to those who question raising\\u2026',\n", " u\"miamiheat's photo http://t.co/KGoLtUcZht\",\n", " u'RT @HuffingtonPost: NBA donating Jason Collins jersey sales to LGBT groups http://t.co/ghGKRnUTVn',\n", " u\"Powerful 'Daily Show' Clip Sums Up Why Health Care Is A Right http://t.co/Jpe3p8DwgI via @HuffPostComedy\",\n", " u'Bill Murray On The Death Of Harold Ramis http://t.co/gUf2r1BLjc']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'MODERN GLAM CABIN HOMES: http://t.co/CeOcadfLN0 http://t.co/StUpKCFqOg',\n", " u'The Michelle Wiebe Daily is out! http://t.co/fqHQjVysdL Stories via @SellingNY_CORE @bbellotbbj',\n", " u'@studiowebware Thank u for the RT!!',\n", " u'@harryc Thank u for the RT!! Hope u r well-',\n", " u'@BernhardtInc Thank u for being so gracious + allowing our massive group into your showroom! Had such a blast :)',\n", " u'HIGH POINT HIGHLIGHTS | BERNHARDT: http://t.co/EwKu7RfECT http://t.co/3px2hiYuJ5',\n", " u'The Michelle Wiebe Daily is out! http://t.co/fqHQjVysdL Stories via @SaxonHenry',\n", " u'Happy Easter from ours to yours! http://t.co/qpKJj47j1i',\n", " u'The Michelle Wiebe Daily is out! http://t.co/fqHQjVysdL Stories via @JOliverNixon',\n", " u'The Michelle Wiebe Daily is out! http://t.co/fqHQjVysdL Stories via @BernhardtInc',\n", " u'TASTEFUL EASTER TABLESCAPES: http://t.co/EQhMODS2FW http://t.co/SAB6wxrnXB',\n", " u'The Michelle Wiebe Daily is out! http://t.co/fqHQjVysdL',\n", " u'CUTE EASTER PHOTO SHOOT IDEAS: http://t.co/PZPKhGJshc http://t.co/ecAdPrTHC2 http://t.co/RL0IcFi53S',\n", " u'The Michelle Wiebe Daily is out! http://t.co/KO9YWDM97T Stories via @DoorHardwareLux @TurksCaicosMag @Eye_Scout',\n", " u'DELIGHTFULLY DECORATED EASTER EGGS: http://t.co/TZWMWDYxc6 http://t.co/p2Fz2eiwCH',\n", " u'The Michelle Wiebe Daily is out! http://t.co/KO9YWDM97T Stories via @AMStandard @ml3Dsolutions',\n", " u'THIS JUST IN! J.CREW BABY: http://t.co/a9DgBRBSKY http://t.co/KBDsjoniK7',\n", " u'The Michelle Wiebe Daily is out! http://t.co/fqHQjVysdL Stories via @modmadegoods @Hillary__Thomas @SellingNY_CORE',\n", " u'@HPEjordan Great to meet u! And yes your article was awesome-',\n", " u'SLEEK SAWHORSE DESKS: http://t.co/MU1gdZzEa4 http://t.co/R7UpNB9yMj']},\n", " {'REP': [u'5...4...3...2...1 before @shepworth and @alaskan attack Crist for \"being against craft beer before he was for it\" or some sh*t like that.',\n", " u'.@CharlieCrist just declared himself pro-craft beer, pro-growlers, and pro-freedom. H/t to @Bsfarrington.',\n", " u'RT @bsfarrington: Charlie Crist on legalizing half-gallon growlers: \"Let freedom ring!\" #flbeer',\n", " u'@MarcACaputo Don\\'t disagree with your overall point, but is Bob Dole really an \"also-ran?\"',\n", " u'Senator Tom Lee votes \"Hell no\" on pension strike-all bill.',\n", " u'Sen. Tom Lee: \"There is no policy more imporant than the process.\"',\n", " u\"Oh snap, Sen. Tom Lee going off about late-filed this and strike-all that ... He's right, of course.\",\n", " u'\"I don\\'t think we\\'re quite there yet,\" Senator @JackLatvala on latest pension reform leg.',\n", " u\"As 'trama drama' debate continues, 60 Plus Assoc. launches sharp-looking new TV ad. http://t.co/lUf4VtgYAH\",\n", " u\"Please, GOP lawmakers, pass your pension reform bill and push law enforcement and teachers even more into Charlie Crist's column...\",\n", " u'.@DaneEagle: \"I do not believe there is a complete and accurate picture of the events.\" http://t.co/KulilpHxZx via @TDOnline',\n", " u\"Lawyer Barry Cohen's $5K check to Charlie Crist's committee bounces. http://t.co/9HB0VHFPT7 cc: @PeterJamieson1\",\n", " u'I once opposed \"massive\" expansion of charter schools. Then I became a parent of a daughter faced with going to subpar Pinellas schools.',\n", " u'FEC questioning of @AlexSinkFlorida further proves she is the most overrated candidate, maybe ever, in state politics.',\n", " u'@Adam_Babington Ella \"only\" received 7 different versions of Mickey for Easter.',\n", " u'FEC questioning @AlexSinkFlorida campaign about numerous campaign finance irregularities, per @davelevinthal: http://t.co/KRugazhwLP #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @Mdixon55: Weatherford on Eagle: \"It is an unfortunate situation. He has asked for patience as he works through this legal matter.\"',\n", " u'Sen. Jeff Flake praises Jeb Bush for \"act of love\" comment. http://t.co/Dz3rLmO5CE',\n", " u\"RT @CCristFan: That shit would've never happened in the 'Burg. Cops over here know better than to pull over one of Tanman's buddies.\",\n", " u'@MarcACaputo Too soon! Too soon!']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @KWalkerTimes: Check out our coverage of this week's IIFA awards and events at http://t.co/9Mf9M2JFKo.\",\n", " u\"Didn't read, but just going to say yes.RT@Slate: Are you genetically prone to procrastination? http://t.co/ZMIMWQb1ho http://t.co/C6z8b0iaGA\",\n", " u'Canceled. RT @TB_Times: Tornado warning issued for #Hillsborough County http://t.co/KQoIrLx6Ua #Tampa #flwx',\n", " u'RT @TB_Times: Tornado warning issued for #Hillsborough County http://t.co/lL7sVBCHgE #Tampa #flwx',\n", " u'RT @NWSTampaBay: TBW continues Tornado Warning for Hillsborough [FL] till 2:45 PM EDT https://t.co/g2okDcUdXt',\n", " u'Canceled. RT Tornado warning issued for Pinellas until 2:30 p.m. Waterspout spotted off Pinellas Point, according to weather officials.',\n", " u'Tornado warning issued for Pinellas until 2:30 p.m. Waterspout spotted off Pinellas Point, according to weather officials. @TB_Times',\n", " u'So much going on in #ScandalFinale that Sally just basically disappeared halfway in.',\n", " u\"@TheWillHobson @laforgia_ Will your preschools tweet you next? You're being Pulitzer stalked.\",\n", " u\"RT @mstark17: No Harrison don't figure it ooooout. You dead. #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'Tell it, Harrison. #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'\\u201c@kiaspeaks: I think Daddy Pope set Momma Pope up. Got Fitz the presidency and got rid of Maya at the same time.\\u201dGave Olivia what she wanted',\n", " u\". @rontimes wow, didn't see that one coming. #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u\"@rontimes I have no idea! But I bet blood drawn in hospital will prove he's Jerry's son in season 4. #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u\"@CapehartJ #ScandalFinale I think it's the address of Huck's wife and child.\",\n", " u'RT @CapehartJ: \\u201cRosen, I killed three people. I\\u2019m not a good guy.\\u201d #coldheartedJake #ScandalFinale',\n", " u\"@rontimes good point! But Sally's Jesus turn could get some undecideds to turn out on Election Day.\",\n", " u\"@rontimes @TBTia @mstark17 @amy_hollyfield @KatieLSanders I'm here but missed the first minute. Did Cyrus have a change of heart?\",\n", " u\"RT @darbysofficial: ALMOST TIME. \\nALL CYLINDERS PEOPLE. \\nLET'S BREAK TWITTER. \\n#SASSYABBY \\U0001f61d\\U0001f61d\\U0001f61d#ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'@craigtimes @melissalyttle happy birthday Melissa.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @washingtonpost: If you fall on hard times, these are the states that will catch you http://t.co/GUec9sREbi',\n", " u'RT @adegrandpre: NEW TODAY: WhiteHouse mulls leaving U.S. force of 5K or less in #Afghanistan | By @JeffSchogol http://t.co/uQrgbcqACg http\\u2026',\n", " u\"Navy cruisers go into 'laid up' status at Pearl Harbor http://t.co/Yo2U1BsA1K via @navytimes\",\n", " u'Guard Apaches Less Ready, Must Move To Active Army: DepSecDef Fox http://t.co/rP4LubHtOz via @BreakingDefense',\n", " u'Future Threats Will Require Much More Than the A-10 http://t.co/FfhDaUntMY',\n", " u\"RT @OscarTRamirez: Glad to see bipartisan opposition to Koch brothers' efforts to kill #solar and eliminate competition for utilities | htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'\"She\\u2019s a sequestration baby\" | More than 170 babies meet carrier Truman dads http://t.co/jBy70zXcon',\n", " u\"Navy OKs changes for submariners' sleep schedules http://t.co/x8QxxEDUuH\",\n", " u'Ship Study Should Favor Existing Designs http://t.co/N4nC2RLELU via @defense_news',\n", " u\"RT @AmericaHipple: If you're just discovering W.Lind's @amconmag on the Officer Corps, take time 2 read REAL story and where to engage http\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @AmericaHipple: Read @WWATMD's response at @WarOnTheRocks to the Lind piece in @amconmag! http://t.co/QXVYGqugHd @CIMSEC @NavalInstitute\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @J_Morgenstein Frustrated w/ humanitarian crisis in #Syria? Join us @ this DC fundraiser & save lives. http://t.co/J6zTDj7yBC',\n", " u\"RT @Evan3Longoria: Thx to all the fans that have been w us for every hr I've hit.Here's 2 164 more + a Ring!There's no franchise lead w/o t\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@mendezgonzales what's your team? @Rays_Sports is always looking for more Latinas to join the conversation. #LATISM\",\n", " u'@mendezgonzales Que?',\n", " u'RT @ThisIsFusion: ICYMI: Just a short drive from the site of #Coachella are people living in extreme poverty http://t.co/QOnt9aMrtv',\n", " u'Behind the scenes with @AdamEbbin photo shoot #VA08 http://t.co/TIqSWvQIgS',\n", " u'#CIR RT @jaketapper: OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE RESPONSE TO\\nDeport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card.\\nhttps://t.co/uV93CLxWgG',\n", " u'RT @PatriciaMazzei: Image of FSU mascot roils South Florida water governing board meeting http://t.co/1gFstsIYf3 via @jenstaletovich',\n", " u\"RT @RobKrupicka: Tell the GOP to work with House Dems to pass a budget and avoid a gov't shutdown. Sign the petition to #ClosetheGap http:/\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@TNRLM I googled that and I think your instinct is correct.',\n", " u'@TNRLM I like cooking shows of making food. My dad watched Chopped Canada. It almost killed me.',\n", " u'@laerwinUMD at my 2004 Ph.D. graduation from @UFlorida my faculty friends held up a sign saying Congrats DrJtotheMastro. It stuck!',\n", " u'FYI @ClaySweger steps in to #dadtv dilemma. Battle of the Network Stars is on ESPN classic. Spotted: Scott Baio, Tom Wopat, Mr. T.',\n", " u'@TNRLM you guys would find a lot of harmony.',\n", " u'@Mprest13 I think I have many episodes of Law and Order, Seinfeld, and Homicide all awaiting obsolescence on VHS. Side note: Agnes is cool.',\n", " u'@TNRLM my dad wields veto power. He likes aliens, tanks, and violent action shows. Food network tends to be the acceptable default.',\n", " u'RT @NASPA_AERKC: AER KC Innovation Award Nominations are due April 28! http://t.co/Hr8cjbSat4',\n", " u'@Mprest13 dude, do not mock my box of VHS tapes of TV shows from 1994-1998. They are like mystery mix tapes.',\n", " u'RT @Mdixon55: Latvala files three amendments trying to revive DREAMer tuition measure http://t.co/GLr0j40amh via @politicalfix',\n", " u'@TNRLM my dad proffered Kill Bill, I suggested House of Cards British version, my mom wanted 12 years a slave. #dadtv #stalemate',\n", " u'@TNRLM we could not agree on any option last night on Netflix or Amazon Prime either. #dadtv',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: .@JackLatvala to add in-state tuition for undoc. students to four bills b4 Approps Cmte on Tues., reports @KMcgrory.',\n", " u'Leading the options tonight: Jaws or Hoarders. Family Guy was vetoed. #dadtv',\n", " u\"RT @GeorgiaGolf1: Great having @bubbawatson in Athens today. He did some shopping, too. Here, he's getting a stuffed animal for Caleb. http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Bill that could hurt small breweries moves forward, per @BSFarrington. http://t.co/2A4JW7hNXn #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @FCIR: Growler bill pits microbreweries against big-money beer interests http://t.co/27yi4fUqvu',\n", " u'RT @TylerDawgden: @HughAcheson Best spot on Milledge. #Athenslyfe http://t.co/ixRsrx35MW',\n", " u'RT @nick_pants: @SEC_Logo http://t.co/rz5OqEpuxF',\n", " u'I am now on the second hour of a Dateline NBC Saturday night mystery. Get to the point already. #dadtv']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Wilson's first photobomb: Memories from 1 year ago today! via http://t.co/f8v17gcn8u http://t.co/9NdYnW41X8\",\n", " u\"I'm at Tyler's Restaurant & Taproom - @tylersraleigh (Raleigh, NC) w/ 4 others http://t.co/PrMpW7YbBG\",\n", " u\"I'm at Cornerstone Tavern (Raleigh, NC) http://t.co/wHxNVzqrSB\",\n", " u\"It's a Good Friday. (@ The @RaleighTimesBar w/ 2 others) http://t.co/Dsb1jO2HR9\",\n", " u\"Tonight is a Rey's kind of night. (@ Rey's) http://t.co/YO2u8ki9mB\",\n", " u\"RT @CaterpillarInc: VIDEO: The world's largest board game played by Cat equipment: http://t.co/HdYnH6rkyc #BuiltForIt http://t.co/LJ3Qi46rJ2\",\n", " u'Uggla!!!',\n", " u'Three blasts in a row for the Braves. Nice.',\n", " u\"RT @PhillipC_NCSU: Looks like we're in for another typical week of NC weather - Freeze watch issued for Tuesday into Wednesday http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @PSPlunkett: Even without Phil and Tiger you have to love this #MastersSunday leaderboard! #Kuchar #Bubba #Speith http://t.co/HHJxPFSneD',\n", " u'I\\u2019m liking -6 for tomorrow. That might just do it for one of them',\n", " u'Wilson scores four goals in his soccer debut!! Great Game Wilson!!!',\n", " u\"Love this place. Come join K and I. (@ Bad Daddy's Burger Bar - @baddaddysclt) http://t.co/Pc0uGNPhIH\",\n", " u'Guess or correct? RT @Jeter4NC92: @scott_laster - 1996',\n", " u'So when was the last weekend at The Masters without Phil or Tiger?',\n", " u'Just heard someone with the last name of Lassiter called Mr Laster. A first! Wahoo!',\n", " u\"RT @GolfChannel: Maybe... Yes, Sir! It's officially #Masters Week. http://t.co/1M4YUPJQLW\",\n", " u'\\u201c@Joshthomastn: Not going to lie, I am obsessed with @NathanRamsey115 dairy cow photos. Creepy.',\n", " u\"@JimBlaine @Jeter4NC92 @mluethy Blane I think that's a good call in my part.\",\n", " u'Putting my phone on airplane mode for the rest of the night. I should do that more often.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"Two weeks left of session and we still have unresolved business to attend. Let's REALLY get to work #sayfie http://t.co/kr5jDFoWV8\",\n", " u\"I want to wish everyone a happy Passover! Thanks to #CNN for putting together 'Passover Fast Facts' http://t.co/oGi7zPgGyr\",\n", " u'Thanks RT @kionnemcghee @WomenInWorld @HuffPostWomen @FLAFLCIO @MiamiDadeDems I stand with Rep. Berman Great Job!!! http://t.co/g8oxcUMnUn',\n", " u'RT @LWVFlorida: Representative @loriberman speaks at #LWVFCapDays on the 22nd floor, addressing pregnancy discrimination http://t.co/XcglgY\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StefKunkel: Proud to support Rep. @loriberman in cmte. Protecting pregnant women from discrimination in Florida Civl Rights Act is good\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @kionnemcghee: @loriberman @OrgNow @WomensHealthMag Just voted to support legislation sponsored by Rep Berman to prohibit pregnancy disc\\u2026',\n", " u'HB 105, which protects pregnant women in the workforce, just passed its last committee! Now onto the floor and into law!',\n", " u'Happy to discuss gender pay gap with FL Commission on the Status of Women and @JeffAtwater #EqualPay #EmpowerFLWomen http://t.co/USb1hN0eRi',\n", " u\"@evergfoundation Thanks for standing up for Florida's beautiful Everglades! http://t.co/JQIKAVcKsv\",\n", " u'Today is #EqualPay Day. Equal pay for equal work!',\n", " u'Thanks @FLYouthSHINE for coming to my office today. Keep up the great work! http://t.co/5VNLLiXSYe',\n", " u'@floridastate Thanks to the #FSU National Champs for visiting the Capitol! Go Noles! http://t.co/9NGY7Vtk0N',\n", " u'Thanks to @HelpFLKids for speaking with my office today! Keep up the great work! @cody_futch',\n", " u'Somewhere out in this fog is the city of Tallahassee',\n", " u\"RT @FLHOUSEDEMS: Women's Caucus Urges House Judiciary to Agenda Bill Protecting Pregnant Women http://t.co/R53DEwANbf Remarks by Rep. @lor\\u2026\",\n", " u'@RepMichelle You ALMOST got me today! #AprilFoolsDay #StarWars',\n", " u\"Spread the word! Today's the last day to sign up for health coverage #GetCoveredNow http://t.co/HdYOniA3cv\",\n", " u'Love this! Why Florida is the best state http://t.co/uNcjBOBSXx',\n", " u'RT @cody_futch: @Frank_Underwood Got an office fish today. Naming him Frank Underwater #sayfie #HouseofCards http://t.co/XUY35Te6NV',\n", " u'The ERA protects women! http://t.co/APTC7GT4Rc']},\n", " {'REP': [u\", so I'm not\",\n", " u'@GOP the call is falling on big I mean Big deaf ears',\n", " u'@michellemalkin tell it girl',\n", " u'@hngandhi What????',\n", " u'@FLGovScott beautiful child',\n", " u'@lennycurry congratulations Mr chairman to you both.',\n", " u'The NOLES. Will rule on Saturday Mr. View Chairman.',\n", " u'@IngrahamAngle yes indeed.',\n", " u'Been in jersey for five days am freezing my butt off has not been passed 30 degrees yet.',\n", " u'@PeterFeaman about time someone did something.',\n", " u'@TheCarlWoodward stuff it Carl',\n", " u'@GovGoneWild love my Noles',\n", " u'Noles Rule',\n", " u'\" The Next Nightmare @Peter Feaman read it and read it again.',\n", " u'How about them NOLES good night and celebrate safely. FSU IS BACK!',\n", " u'Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween. Good night.',\n", " u'Fantastic weekend Go Saints, Go Noles!!!!!!',\n", " u\"John Kerry says our friends are saddened by the shut down says they look to us for leadership. Hasn't been any in five years.\",\n", " u'@GovGoneWild one hell of a game.',\n", " u'@mattgaetz Got to stay strong']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"Something to continue watching: Advertisers 'Are Now Openly Talking About Their Discontent' With Facebook (FB) http://t.co/XvoW911Rmz\",\n", " u\"Here's Why Instagram's Demographics Are So Attractive To Brands http://t.co/wVk30kpuQO\",\n", " u'Why the U.S. Military Is Into Bee Brain Surgery\\nhttp://t.co/asxs0GgkSi',\n", " u'Our Favorite Typefaces of 2013\\nhttp://t.co/q42ahYC53E',\n", " u'This Cognitive Tutor Software Is Already Having A Revolutionary Effect http://t.co/81uoAKtjKt',\n", " u\"@TheUncurvable not according to Activision! Stop complaining, we don't pay for this shit and the franchise is not worth billions #SMDH\",\n", " u'@ATVIAssist @DarfBugga73 how can that be when the leader board is full of statistical impossibilities? Do we need to report the obvious?',\n", " u\"And then there is this... Massachusetts Court Rules It's Legal To Take Upskirt Photos On Public Transit http://t.co/826ilDEC6Z\",\n", " u'RT @DougBroxson: I am proud to co-sponsor HB 7015, which will make FL the most veteran-friendly state in US. http://t.co/MYjBlrFGps',\n", " u'RT @fondalo: 78% of Local Brands Believe Social Media Essential \\u2013 Only 1/3 Prioritize\\xa0It http://t.co/1VxDTspm6s',\n", " u'@AdamSchefter is this a decision made in spite of or for the team? Curious to hear your thoughts',\n", " u'Inside The Facebook-WhatsApp Megadeal: The Courtship, The Secret Meetings, The $19 Billion Poker Game\\nhttp://t.co/obek5vuZGn',\n", " u'Keurig to use DRM in new coffee maker to lock out refill market http://t.co/EntCpXoZBA',\n", " u'Ellen breaks Twitter with photo tweet and 9 other Tech Things You Need To Know This Morning http://t.co/ekffyYFBKo',\n", " u'@ATVIAssist nope. Seeing this quite a bit today though? http://t.co/ybEJ77cmnf',\n", " u'@common @alleniverson the 76ers could have done better than a bass boat and \"simply the best\". Come on?',\n", " u'\"Show me the fool that says dreams don\\'t come true... cuz they do\" - Allen Iverson #3 #MVP #Georgetown #Hoyas',\n", " u'@ATVIAssist why is DLC not available to PS4 season pass holders? Content inaccessible via app, store and in-game?',\n", " u'Exciting partnership announced today between @SRCEDO @UWF and the SBDC #GrowNWF #BuildNWF http://t.co/D0iGH8W4yw',\n", " u'The SBDC, UWF and Santa Rosa County EDO announced partnership today in Milton. #GrowNWF # BuildNWF http://t.co/t4lSvKj0EM']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@kWalbolt @tylerperry That looks very funny!',\n", " u'Power Rankings: Brewers climb into No. 1 spot http://t.co/aTxc6fFSxJ via @bbtn',\n", " u'Reminds me much of @RonMatus1 MT @Green_Footballs: Aimee Mann and Ted Leo\\'s video for \"Milwaukee\" is so good http://t.co/PeTUv0TThS',\n", " u\"I'm not saying these were bad sentences, but they were harsher than I thought they would be #shefights @ckruegertimes\\nhttp://t.co/oMX4UU7lUB\",\n", " u\"#Bollywood arrives in Tampa. And why do they use a green carpet instead of red? It's a good answer. @Danielson_Times\\nhttp://t.co/rjiHMxeerG\",\n", " u\"If judging a career by the boxes of stuff u accumulate, Bill Young: 250; Chris Tisch: 2. I kid, I'm a hoarder, it's 3 http://t.co/AUDLy8wiES\",\n", " u'On 1-A of the @TB_Times tomorrow, @mikevansickler tells us about beer, money, influence and beer. http://t.co/LQg3iRKlAF',\n", " u'@torch437 tells the story of #PervertDave. More to him than the nickname, including the murder of Wheelchair Skip. http://t.co/wEI3fBhdw1',\n", " u\"Hey, wait, that #stowaway isn't a kid! It's David Blaine in a kid mask! http://t.co/j1siACvE1C\",\n", " u'Caught my eye: \"I don\\'t believe in ... community guilt for individual or horrific acts ... done against children.\" http://t.co/IDqEaUHsIp',\n", " u'RT @jamescdownie: BREAKING: http://t.co/9cghWUSBmy',\n", " u'RT @MarisaKabas: After columbine \"we seem to have accepted that occasional mass murder is the cost of America.\" http://t.co/vI7jqVhe30 grea\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jakefogelnest: I lost so much weight with this secret trick! http://t.co/yjHyxcgTtb',\n", " u\"The art of the 'promposal': Go big or go alone (w/video) http://t.co/3n404eyfjG via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'Pig or Satan? Go. http://t.co/AVy7urOBQa',\n", " u'RT @AdamMcCalvy: This is what it looks like when you hit the cover off the ball http://t.co/Sj9sDvxuU0',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostComedy: 19 creepy, terrifying and just plain wrong Easter bunnies http://t.co/RBbxcq5TZl',\n", " u\"RT @AdamMcCalvy: Video: #Brewers' Martin Maldonado literally hits the cover off the ball http://t.co/OrRbOQ0Lkb\",\n", " u'Florida unemployment rate inches up, perhaps because more people searching. On 1-b of Sat @TB_Times @JeffMHarrington http://t.co/wPuS4b11qp',\n", " u'RT @mattbai: Suggestion: CNN should just send all its crews to every ocean in the world to search for whatever they can possibly find.']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'DEM': []},\n", " {'REP': [u'On page 30 of 216 of Perfectly Unique, by Annie F. Downs http://t.co/GcEOhrFapM',\n", " u'Marked as to-read: CompTIA A+ Complete Deluxe Study Guid... by Quentin Docter http://t.co/j5N2hCuQ7b',\n", " u'Loving the new additions to @codeeval! #programming',\n", " u'RT @MaraWritesStuff: Sequels generally suck unless they were planned as part of a trilogy or series. I think Doubtfire ended where it neede\\u2026',\n", " u\"Um... Why isn't @iamjohnoliver on @Spotify? #WTH #tragedy\",\n", " u'Marked as to-read: A Call to Action by Jimmy Carter http://t.co/hW2lGEjcOG',\n", " u\"I've just participated in Steam Puzzle Indie Pack giveaway by @IGBundles http://t.co/XNZE7Nw6UK\",\n", " u'RT @ComedyCentral: Peter Jackson has never met a bigger Tolkien geek than Stephen Colbert. \\nhttp://t.co/RldXUck5tr',\n", " u'RT @teoesque: \"In the 2000 year history of the New testament it has only been ONE HUNDRED years that we have read this text as literal!\" -@\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @pmantha08: \"When you are a brown man on TV talking about #Jesus you must ALWAYS KEEP CALM.\" Pearls of wisdom from @rezaaslan\\'s @reddit_\\u2026',\n", " u'I already knew all of these things :)\\nhttp://t.co/MSBs34LnE3\\n#StephenColbert #beauty',\n", " u\"RT @ComedyCentral: Acting, singing, dancing, his wizard ear trick... is there anything Stephen Colbert can't do? http://t.co/YQ4AKxzYuy htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'3 of 5 stars to Oca Java Se 7 Programmer I Study Guide by Robert Liguori http://t.co/gijwRzvaDm',\n", " u'RT @HouseofCards: I\\u2019m not interested in symbolic gestures.',\n", " u'RT @andersoncooper: .@heydamo with that tie and pocket square combo I am praying for you too my friend',\n", " u'73% done with Oca Java Se 7 Programmer I Study Guide, by Robert Liguori http://t.co/mxTbnrnYeL',\n", " u'Season 2, Episode 22:\\nJim, you break my heart every time! :(\\n#CasinoNight @theofficenbc #TheOffice #heartbreakingmoment',\n", " u'RT @TBarberWFTV: \"Prayers have been answered.\"\\n -Parent reaction to #robertcorchado arrest. @WFTV #WFTVat6',\n", " u'@StephenAtHome IS TAKING OVER FOR #DavidLetterman ON THE LATE SHOW.\\nI need to work through these feelings.\\nhttp://t.co/o0oF298CcW',\n", " u\"If people didn't watch @FoxNews the world would be a better place.\\nWell, just USA b/c many countries ban Fox b/c of how inaccurate they are.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@Reince @DanaPerino Is this tweet misdated? April Fool's was three weeks ago.\",\n", " u'@alan_uplc @viejolex1 @TheLarkGirl Many NATIVE Americans have jobs as construction workers, pipeline projects hire thousands of them near hm',\n", " u'@cgonzalezalcala @viejolex1 US should have net freedom too, huffingtonpost practices censorship.',\n", " u'@FactTank @pewresearch @UpshotNYT @pewglobal Russians are on a par with the huffingtonpost...',\n", " u'@alangomez Demonstrations should be held all over the US not just in DC...',\n", " u'@Jason_Garcia Universal can move move guests though much quicker than Disney?',\n", " u'RT @NotesFromAztlan: First Earth Day was October 12, 1492 - when the invader came to poison our land!!! Our people have been fighting battl\\u2026',\n", " u'@NotesFromAztlan 20 Million inmigrante indocumenatdos allowed to roam free in USA and have highest rated radio stations in LA...',\n", " u'@SpeakerBoehner I read you support \"immigration reform.\" Last year the government gave 1,500,000 immigrants work permits. No reform needed.',\n", " u'@DreamAct @letyadsavi Children should be reunited with their parents in their country of origin. It is cruel to keep them separated.',\n", " u'RT @DreamAct: Photo: Please help Baby Gianella bring her daddy home! 3 http://t.co/beSwc0LwWU http://t.co/yEJ4iSLYTz',\n", " u'@FranciscoFWD @GuyHorrocks Yes, Tech managers need new immigrant coders so they can add to their Billion$...',\n", " u'@renewoureconomy @letyadsavi @lisadconn @FWD_us Yes, Tech Managers need new immigrant coders to add to their billion$.',\n", " u'RT @MaryLopez4life: Just sent a selfie to Congress in support of immigration reform! #Selfies4Reform #TimeIsNow http://t.co/c19GixLvta via \\u2026',\n", " u'@MaryLopez4life @letyadsavi @FWD_us Last year the Government gave 1,500,000 inmigrantes work permits...',\n", " u'@MaryLopez4life @letyadsavi @ImmigrantNacion Children should be reunited with parents in their country of origin. It is cruel to separate.',\n", " u'@Acequiero1 Be sure to keep your windows closed for two weeks...',\n", " u'@Tapatio73 Lobbyist$ influence most legislation that is why Americans distrust politicians.',\n", " u'@JuanSaaa @mkolken ...maybe the American people would consent to more work permits being given, only 1,500,000 last year.',\n", " u'@JuanSaaa @mkolken Actually, Deportations are DOWN from 2009: 237,941 / 2013: 133,551. If Government had effective application of laws...']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"Spoiled by @hilaryalehman who made dinner on a night when she's at class!\",\n", " u\"Is IRS Obama's Watergate? @PunditFact reviews the evidence http://t.co/z5IFDfof3C\",\n", " u'More bonus hockey @scontorno. Not sure I can make it',\n", " u'In 2010, an independent Charlie Crist won Broward County in his U.S. Sen. run. Opens field office there this weekend. http://t.co/tTtOt3rcOp',\n", " u'The Florida political twitterverse sure is snarky today. @MarcACaputo @shepworth @Messina2012 @gometeoric @ConnieMackIV',\n", " u\"@ANOWRT Close, yes. Just wanted to make sure we're looking at the same numbers.\",\n", " u'@ANOWRT, Using SIPRI and IISS that seems close but a bit high. Anywhere else I should look?',\n", " u\"@ANOWRT, I'm a fact-checker who saw your appearance on @CNN today. Checking about U.S. military spending bigger than 16 biggest militaries\",\n", " u'\"Which is in Virginia, by the way.\" http://t.co/nVnGFE17M5',\n", " u'Really looking forward to the next @publici and @ABC collaboration! http://t.co/XF0tDxorhs',\n", " u'Awk... MT @DylanByers: #Break: ABC and the Center for Public Integrity have *just* won the Society of Professional Journalists award',\n", " u'RT @RoyPeterClark: Four theories on why the Pulitzer Board gave no prize for feature writing this year http://t.co/JbTQshKruC My take.',\n", " u'All these people walking around downtown without an umbrella need to read @TB_Times',\n", " u'Shows how stat is misused MT @gbennettpost: Murphy, Frankel cite \\u201977 cents\\u2019 stat on women\\u2019s $$; staffs have bggr gaps http://t.co/lX8Vij8uB4',\n", " u\"I'm enjoying free work-hours champagne thanks to @TheWillHobson and @laforgia_. Great work gentlemen.\",\n", " u\"James Carville on @ThisWeekABC claimed victory in 'risk corridors' debate before numbers are in. http://t.co/7ILhThUB5B\",\n", " u\"Laura Ingraham said on @ThisWeekABC that Obamacare 'is costing 2 million jobs.' Mostly False. http://t.co/RcR6uqOu03\",\n", " u'RT @PunditFact: Exciting news: @PunditFact is partnering with @thedailybeast to share our fact-checks of the Sunday news shows http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PunditFact: Proof of massive voter fraud? So Dick Morris claims. We beg to debunk. http://t.co/ufeSzgpqFW',\n", " u'RT @PunditFact: Is Obamacare spending $2 trillion to cover ~3 percent of the uninsured? In short, no. http://t.co/4U9Dkiuem2']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'US rules against Mexico, Turkey in steel dispute http://t.co/tGafGqNJdW via @YahooFinance',\n", " u\"RT @FlaDems: .@OcalaStarBanner Editorial: House Speaker @willweatherford is wrong to stall bill helping Florida's springs http://t.co/4VwW8\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @NCStateAFLCIO: Want economic justice? \"Then labor\\'s got to fight the battle where it\\'s hardest.\" http://t.co/LcTpAbVzum #OrganizetheSou\\u2026',\n", " u'As a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down:Paul Weyrich, Heritage Foundation',\n", " u'How Lending A Friend Your Car, Then Going to Bed Can Land You a Life Prison Sentence | Alternet http://t.co/QMCxLrJ7wc',\n", " u\"'Corporate rights': Judge blocks popular move to end tax breaks for big energy http://t.co/NUkeMBqTvS\",\n", " u'\\u200b26 top American corporations paid no federal income tax from \\u201908 to \\u201912 \\u2013 report http://t.co/bFC5bp1n4p',\n", " u'Rick Perry hires defense attorney http://t.co/LXTP0iAg3f via @dailykos',\n", " u\"'Blood Moon' is here: Rare lunar eclipse to be visible from Earth http://t.co/LwOClGzEfZ\",\n", " u\"Watch How Walmart's Prices Would Change if Their Employees Were Paid a Living Wage by Eileen Shim http://t.co/Betb3OKxeJ via @policymic\",\n", " u'Emails Show Sen. Corker\\u2019s Chief of Staff Coordinated with Network of Anti-UAW Union Busters - Working In These Times http://t.co/sU4fzw1m7A',\n", " u'Congress needs to maintain a sustainable water supply for communities, farms, wildlife http://t.co/bHkYEDjrVA #MER2014',\n", " u\"RT @vtrighttoknow: #VT's #GMO labeling bill is heading to the Senate floor! S. Appropriations Committee votes 7-0 in favor. #labelGMOs #VTp\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @NotInMyFood: .@RepMikePompeo introduces bill to block states from passing #GMO labeling laws & continue \\u201cvoluntary labeling\\u201d http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Sign the petition: Stop the Tea Party from blocking new national monuments http://t.co/bNZWvKPEgU via @CREDOmovile #p2',\n", " u'This 32-Year-Old Florida Woman Is Dead Because Her State Refused To Expand Medicaid http://t.co/IqOvfo1Xnp via @thinkprogress',\n", " u'Sign the petition from Rep. @ChelliePingree: Stop the proposed merger of @Comcast and @TWC http://t.co/tGi1QxGSzy via @CREDOmobile #p2',\n", " u'RT @ezraklein: The spending cuts in Ryan\\u2019s budget, in one chart: http://t.co/sHR44QsT3y http://t.co/OoSHAUNOub',\n", " u'RT @georgecolombo: @FloridaGOP Obamacare is a good start, would be even better if Rick Scott had expanded Medicare. http://t.co/GXY0ivcdXM',\n", " u\"RT @Ronc99: In honor of Ronald Reagan's birthday,I'd like to return this gift TO The Gipper: http://t.co/Wa2iFHyXlh. H/t: @Mikey_Poirier. #\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @bsfarrington: Charlie Crist on legalizing half-gallon growlers: \"Let freedom ring!\" #flbeer',\n", " u'Journalism job! My old friend @burkeo is looking for a web producer at the Deseret News. http://t.co/TX8ZzPsCh6',\n", " u\"@CMSeeberger thanks, Colin! Sure we'll talk soon\",\n", " u\"@kyledcheney Thanks for the PULSE shoutout. Can't wait to get started!\",\n", " u\"@NYTnickc Thanks, Nick! I bequeath my collection of @dickstevenson's unwanted books to you.\",\n", " u'@nvillaco Same here! @jonathanellis tells me I should hold you to a very high standard of awesomeness based on your Brown Daily background',\n", " u'@ascheink Thanks Andrei!',\n", " u'@lisatozzi Thanks, Lisa -- for everything.',\n", " u'@MichaelPaulson Thanks Michael!',\n", " u'@gabrieldance Thanks Gabe. Hope you and Bill are having fun!',\n", " u'@emtitus !!',\n", " u'@jmsummers Thanks Juana!',\n", " u'@TalKopan Thanks!',\n", " u'RT @jonathanellis: Sad to see the Jellis/Swheaton era end, but here\\u2019s to new adventures. @swheaton',\n", " u'@NYTFridge Thanks, fridge.',\n", " u'@wbstorey Thanks Will!',\n", " u\"Last day in the NYT newsroom. So honored to serve 7.5 years here, but couldn't resist chance to join health team @PoliticoPro.\",\n", " u'Make sure you read to bottom of @learyreports piece on Super PAC \"non-\" coordination. Great only-in-Florida saga http://t.co/ul6CUdGJbK',\n", " u'Joke? http://t.co/mUZKtXyPnf',\n", " u'RT @PoliticsTBTimes: The Buzz: Nelson pushing alternative Medicaid expansion plan for Florida http://t.co/aSshhVE7SS']},\n", " {'REP': [u'\\u201c@sierraclub: Happy birthday, John Muir! http://t.co/NXKa681fKk\\u201d He had it Right all along! Happy Eternal Birthday!',\n", " u'@SaveOurForest88 Thanks! I\\'ll \"See\" what you\\'re all about! Happy Earth Day Y\\'all!',\n", " u'@KerryKlecic @Fox13Traffic Awe! Hand him a crying towel! Feel Da burn!',\n", " u'RT @KerryKlecic: @Fox13Traffic http://t.co/O4KkZ2e7Xf',\n", " u'@NBCNews Happy Earth Week Green Machine',\n", " u\"RT @NBCNews: Noticed a new peacock? We've gone green for Earth Week 2014. Learn more at http://t.co/l5eoDwgnDQ\",\n", " u'\\u201c@VisitNapaValley: Hello gorgeous! #Mustard is in bloom for a couple more weeks! http://t.co/fXiklTAUO9\\u201d I miss my Hometown!',\n", " u'\\u201c@Snoopy: Forever Peanuts. http://t.co/ufeYSvFxp9\\u201d Childhood Staple!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Oh #Florida! Deputy accused of hit-and-run crash, \"appeared shocked\" when shown damage to his car http://t.co/qyvkRLTAtT',\n", " u'A look at a \"tough old cob,\" 77, who\\'s been a #Florida beekeeper since age 3. http://t.co/nio5kkMH6P via @JeffKlinkenberg',\n", " u'#Florida city to spend $1.75M to buy property & block opening of its 1st strip club. http://t.co/N2DRz7uYeD',\n", " u'#Florida county officials & legislators in area of bear attack now pushing bear-resistant garbage cans http://t.co/ueG0fY04Wh',\n", " u'@KatieLSanders @jthalji @BuzzFeed @scontorno @HernandoTimes Here ya go, Jamal. http://t.co/6YaKxf2a0Z',\n", " u'@DeliaCabe @AntDeRosa \"Here\\'s a bar chart of listicles about one weird trick and you won\\'t believe what it shows!\" #FutureOfJournalism',\n", " u'Oh #Florida! Mayor defends spending $23K in taxpayer funds on TV show in which he stars -- during re-election bid http://t.co/qpNKRWLcQH',\n", " u\"The contents of a whale's stomach reveal more than just its diet. http://t.co/rzSlXF3u4F\",\n", " u'@TBTia There\\'s your story. \"#Florida Cabinet spends more time on photo ops than actual biz. Dog adoptions are HOT.\"',\n", " u'RT @KatieLSanders: .@Buzzfeed writer @azafar was just looking for trouble with a controversial story like this. http://t.co/S4rAMoW7oF via \\u2026',\n", " u'@Bookgirl96 @flavorwire It\\'s a nice list but it should include Eudora Welty\\'s \"One Writer\\'s Beginnings\" & 1 or 2 from John McPhee,',\n", " u'Oh #Florida! Parents beat up schoolbus driver for not letting kids off bus quickly enough http://t.co/0VMqJ530dM',\n", " u\"Someone at this #Florida TV station doesn't know the difference between a raccoon and a skunk. http://t.co/HT7n8QSoXq\",\n", " u'DUI mugshot of #Florida state Rep @DaneEagle not public b/c of exemption to open records law that sounds sh-sh-shaky http://t.co/j7MfFLEVSJ',\n", " u\"Here's the dramatic #Everglades photo that @PaulMarcellini posted for #EarthDay2014 http://t.co/ipawL9FqNs\",\n", " u'@AdamWeinstein No prob! Thanks for the shout out to @torch437 & his great work.',\n", " u'RT @randomhouse: How Paperbacks Transformed the Way Americans Read: http://t.co/7vvlKLw2io @mental_floss',\n", " u'RT @kate_sheppard: .@GinaEPA was on the Daily Show last night talking about US carbon standards: http://t.co/S38OXeIHu4',\n", " u'@AdamWeinstein Need to fix your headline that says he killed 2 men. One was Wheelchair Skip, but the other was a woman.',\n", " u\"RT @UpshotNYT: Welcome to The Upshot. Here's why we started a new site: http://t.co/s80yhAaHVn\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Dog that vanished after car crash found in South Tampa http://t.co/vDfheIqdir via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"Vietnam veteran David W. 'Pervert Dave' Cummings led colorful, tragic life http://t.co/CPn7D1WYpU via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'RT @VarianTimes: Suspect in Tampa animal clinic arson in police custody. http://t.co/Nm2Dnoh8zz @TB_Times @TimesDan',\n", " u'Tampa police name suspect in animal clinic arson http://t.co/AxVdXrLM3h via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Man faces gun charges in connection with Tampa park shooting http://t.co/WF5Zh7UN40 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Bollywood leading man Shahid Kapoor expected at TIA this afternoon http://t.co/1XKfWrC1bY via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Cruise ship near #DavisIslands this morning. #Tampa http://t.co/lTVxgrknwO',\n", " u'RT @PeachCoffin: The opposite of John Cougar Mellencamp is Hooker Wolf Beefmotel.',\n", " u'Earlier today. Sidewalk art. #StPete http://t.co/TMS0RUIAoL',\n", " u\"Tampa man charged in Gibsonton woman's killing http://t.co/gRc8g91p6p via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'@craigtimes I lost my eyesight trying to see it.',\n", " u'Tampa Bay Times wins Pulitzer for Hillsborough Homeless Recovery investigation http://t.co/vUKh5z7848 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'\"Family Annihilator\" William Bradford Bishop Added to FBI Top Ten List http://t.co/x0nFmkFP1U',\n", " u'Schenecker: If too crazy to execute, is she too crazy to convict? http://t.co/cRl7eAu6Hv via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"MacDill's bomb-sniffing Air Force dog retires with full military honors http://t.co/mP1J92MAJG via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'Eddie, the bomb-sniffing Air Force dog. @TB_Times http://t.co/OPSWelJhlm',\n", " u'Eddie, the bomb-sniffing Air Force dog, is retiring today with full military honors. @TB_Times',\n", " u'RT @OHnewsroom: Reporter to editor walking by her cube: \"You make me nervous.\"\\n\\nEditor: \"Thanks. That makes me feel like an editor.\"',\n", " u'A trip, a truck and a big bill: Man contends with $624 Tampa airport parking fee http://t.co/VIzPYascPR via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Shooting happened in front of an ice box marked with a sign that reads, \"I (heart) big cans.\"']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @ReadyForHillary: Show your passion for #Hillary2016 today by hosting a Women Ready for Hillary house party! \\nhttp://t.co/08YGtLaRdd ht\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @MichelleNunnGA: Our campaign hit the 20,000-donor mark! Here's a look back at the journey so far: http://t.co/pYhIsoiuzp #GAsen #tbt ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'So could you technically be a Senator with 50 votes? http://t.co/CSVPQhXiBj',\n", " u\"Well here's some ammo for #Obamacare conspiracy theorists: 35% of those who have signed-up are under 35.\",\n", " u\"RT @ShiftingLanes: There's nothing more #British than a beautiful @Jaguar. What a fantastic looking car. #NYIAS #newcars #iwantit http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'@GQMagazine but use it generously...',\n", " u'RT @GQMagazine: Use \"reply-all\" responsibly.',\n", " u'RT @Orioles: Zach Britton takes over in the 6th. Gonzalez pitched 5.0 scoreless innings, allowing 3 hits, 3 walks and 6 strike outs. #Birdl\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JaguarUSA: The @edmunds 2014 Most Popular Premium Sports Car? That would be the #FTYPE. #momentum http://t.co/aKqBWwtUJQ',\n", " u'RT @SenGillibrand: Enjoyed meeting w/veterans being helped by @ClearPath4Vets & learning about the amazing services they provide http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'#CNN lives up to its terrible reporting record: http://t.co/Aof2vJzGIe',\n", " u'RT @Orioles: FINAL: #Orioles 7, Rays 1.',\n", " u\"Farragut North is now a temple to Miranda Kerr. Don't hate it. #MetroStopTakeover\",\n", " u'RT @TPM: \"Shoe truthers\" wonder if Hillary Clinton staged the incident in Las Vegas: http://t.co/MjJIYG76hW http://t.co/YeyYYBL618',\n", " u\"#CNN didn't win a #Pulitzer for its #Flight370 coverage? what a shame.\",\n", " u'RT @heathermizeur: Today we #decriminalize, next year we #legalize -- #marijuana prohibition dying slow but steady death in Md @NORML @Mar\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @markos: CBO: Obamacare will have lower premiums, insure more, and cost government less than\\xa0projected http://t.co/Tuovywo1bR #DownwardS\\u2026',\n", " u'So there is a chance that it may snow tomorrow...http://t.co/kUTEJ8tQOe',\n", " u'RT @TheDailyEdge: Fascinating #FoxNewsSunday discussion on Race & Politics. Diverse panel ran the gamut from white to eggshell to beige htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @bradybuzz: Our thoughts are with everyone in Kansas as there have been shots fired at a Jewish Community Center. http://t.co/o7xwRWrNRQ']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'I Am The Face of a #Medicaid Recipient: The Florida Legislature is in a death spiral, once\\u2026 http://t.co/s6EUSFjTNZ',\n", " u\"I'm trying @Bing for 10 days! Great results, plus I earn rewards for searching. Take the #BingItOn challenge with me: http://t.co/Hchdbjktzp\",\n", " u'A House Divided Against Itself: [The Report] A House Divided Against Itself Susan Nilon\\u2026 http://t.co/d7BtD1vDnm',\n", " u'As a child, I remember when it wasn\\u2019t safe to go downtown after 6 o\\u2019clock. Crime was at an\\u2026 http://t.co/6G6JYvp93P',\n", " u'Is #Sarasota Ready for a 4th Go-around to Support an Elected Mayor?: Under the name of\\u2026 http://t.co/kFg8LyEKrN',\n", " u'Being Outed: Time to Tell The World You Smoked Pot: When I interviewed Rep. Daryl Rouson, D\\u2026 http://t.co/9fgrwnWojJ',\n", " u'RT @CharlieCristFL: Great talking about the arts in #Sarasota yesterday on @TalkRadioSRQ with Michael Edwards of @AsoloRep Theatre.',\n", " u'Pride and Prejudice: A City\\u2019s Struggle with the #Homeless: Fear and loathing of the drug\\u2026 http://t.co/WtoZFd4hMX',\n", " u'Bottoms Up! WSRQ Talk Radio Hosts Raise Awareness and #Blood Alcohol Levels: A Kranz (wreath\\u2026 http://t.co/x9rlQyk5bu',\n", " u'When a Candidate Has Nothing to Say: It\\u2019s an amazing thing to be asked to run for office. The\\u2026 http://t.co/EgThfZBCh0',\n", " u'What no one wants to hear about those canceled health plans @SenSanders @chrislhayes (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/mhKa5nlEte',\n", " u'RT @rickygervais: Would you shoot this beautiful creature for no reason other than it gave you a sick thrill? http://t.co/72CFiSPEzc',\n", " u'@Mariobatali keeping it classy as he stands with the women in Texas @TXWomenForever',\n", " u'The Ovary Penalty \\u2013 it\\u2019s all a smoke and mirrors.: How do women really compare to men when it\\u2026 http://t.co/S6M5elNEmA',\n", " u'Words Mean Everything: 1 17 10 Bearman Cartoon Rush Limbaugh (Photo credit: Bearman2007\\u2026 http://t.co/Kp7XY3LZ7A',\n", " u'RT @CityofSarasota REMINDER: WEST side the Myrtle St.-Old Bradenton Rd. intersection will be closed for one week starting tomorrow a.m.: ...',\n", " u'The Prejudice of One #Law: Two man argue on a street. Shouting can be heard. A shot is fired\\u2026 http://t.co/0yj1Cb9XQQ',\n", " u'The House Republicans are an embarassment.',\n", " u'Don\\u2019t Make Education A Political Football: De Cito Eindtoets Basisonderwijs. (Photo credit\\u2026 http://t.co/XN4eg1mmWp',\n", " u'We Have What It Takes: Reprinted from SRQ Daily and SRQ Magazine \\u201cOh, if I could but live\\u2026 http://t.co/ZfJR4D3VlH']},\n", " {'REP': [u'LT Gov. @LopezCantera and @ng827 supporting @LaurensKids today in Tallahassee! #sayfie #WhyIWalk http://t.co/zULlkml2G8',\n", " u'Mazel tov! \\u201c@FLGovScott: Happy 42nd anniversary to my beautiful and inspirational wife @FLAnnScott! http://t.co/VVLi2qoMuM\\u201d',\n", " u'Just a little lunch by the water. #GroveIsle @ Gibraltar at Grove Isle http://t.co/7Fsy1suKYV',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Enjoyed taking part in a traditional pre-seder with members of our Jewish community. #Passover http://t.co/axODxqj3Vb',\n", " u'RT @RepBillHager: Read my newsletter here! http://t.co/D8KaNQuMDB #sayfie #district89 #FLsession2014',\n", " u'RT @RumsfeldOffice: Almost every govt building in DC is named for a politician - Truman DOS, Clinton EPA, etc. #IRS HQ is the lonely unname\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepBillHager: To everyone beginning the celebration of Passover this evening - Chag Sameach! #Passover2014 #sayfie http://t.co/Ym8IemPz\\u2026',\n", " u'@LaurensKids http://t.co/rPFl7wgXMW #whyiwalk #walkinmyshoes #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @RepBillHager: Children's Week is one of my favorite weeks of session. Check out the beautiful artwork. #sayfie #FLSession2014 http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @RepBillHager: Happy to meet with the Palm Beach County Medical Society today. @PBCMS @FMA_PAC #sayfie http://t.co/edpPFBz2gU',\n", " u\"RT @SteaknShake: Yup, dockside service! Do you have a favorite Steak 'n Shake photo of the past? Tweet it and let us know! http://t.co/vgFz\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @VoiceofFLBiz: AIF supports @RepBillHager\\u2019s HB 391 re: Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund heard today in @MyFLHouse Gov\\u2019t Operations App\\u2026',\n", " u\"I've been saying this for years...\\u201c@JebBushJr: Check out @New_GOP @alexcast @ananavarro @JebBush #Merica @jimmygill #Republicans #freedom\\u201d\",\n", " u'@billyswann Recognize this sign? http://t.co/mBv8xpkl2K',\n", " u'RT @RepBillHager: \"Who better than you...the citizens...to spend YOUR own money.\" Tune in live: http://t.co/gNVmTNF7zL #sayfie #district89 \\u2026',\n", " u\"@CampaignGuru that's what I like to hear. Thank you.\",\n", " u\"@KatieMHunter it's called bad parenting and I will stand by that 100%\",\n", " u'@CampaignGuru thank you. Hopefully I can get my email template back.',\n", " u'@CampaignGuru (202) 387-8683 as listed on both your site and google is never picked up. My campaigns template is gone after the update.',\n", " u'RT @RepBillHager: I am elated to intro Boca Mayor @SusanHaynieBoca and Dep Mayor Scott to the FL House. http://t.co/0k6iJ0VNBE']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @JenSelter: Already thinking about a nap',\n", " u\"RT @SportsCenter: ICYMI: Here's that RIDICULOUS Kevin Durant 4-point play that everyone's still talking about. #SCtop10 \\xbb http://t.co/E3IRU\\u2026\",\n", " u'Can it be 2:45 already... @chelseafc',\n", " u'Kanye.',\n", " u\"@chelsbeaulieu haha that'd be gross but I thought it'd be funny\",\n", " u\"\\u201c@BleacherReport: A game-used cup of Tyler Seguin's can be yours for $250 http://t.co/5Zo7PLXm78\\u201d @chelsbeaulieu\",\n", " u\"Today is Tony Romo's birthday... Maybe he'll get intercepted on the way to his party.\",\n", " u\"RT @chancetherapper: Feeling better thanks for the prayers. Ima be back \\U0001f4af for Wednesday's show I promise. Resting at home for now. God bles\\u2026\",\n", " u'\\u201c@ToddAllen24_RIP: Lmao \\U0001f602\\U0001f62d\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f602\\U0001f62d\\U0001f525\\U0001f525\\U0001f525\\U0001f525\\U0001f525\\U0001f4a8\\U0001f4a6\\U0001f4a6\\U0001f4a6\\U0001f3c3\\U0001f3c3 http://t.co/XnSLX8ofVE\\u201d \\U0001f62d\\U0001f62d\\U0001f62d',\n", " u'Must. Watch. That. Episode. Again. #GameOfThrones',\n", " u'Missing the game of thrones on right now... 10 come soon!!',\n", " u\"You know the game is over when Wade is hitting 3's\",\n", " u'Trying to figure out why Kemba is on the bench..',\n", " u'McRoberts \\U0001f631\\U0001f631',\n", " u'Kemba Walker.',\n", " u\"RT @Mrpeterdinklage: Alright, I've eaten my chocolate bunnies and spend some quality time with the family...is it time for Game of Thrones \\u2026\",\n", " u'Well... Another game 2 loss \\U0001f614',\n", " u'Happy Easter \\U0001f64f\\U0001f430',\n", " u'Some kid at the courts today called me Kobe \\U0001f60c',\n", " u'RT @billboard: We spent the day with @aloeblacc yesterday during weekend two of #Coachella: http://t.co/VRzYgJlvjp #BillboardDITL http://t.\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"It looks like there's another fire going on near downtown Houston. Hard to see in the photo. #Houston #fire http://t.co/dTvjNJUCt4\",\n", " u'Looks like the fire department has the blaze under control now. #Houston #fire http://t.co/iJFl5CtTU8',\n", " u'RT @MyFoxHouston: #developing\\nRT @AdamBeame: The flames are getting huge at this building fire. #Houston #fire http://t.co/DTXK5kPFJl',\n", " u'RT @LaurensKids: Despite the rain our friend @JaredRosenstein came out to say hi & support #WalkinMyShoes #WhyIWalk http://t.co/XQsorbvCXk',\n", " u'@MediaPassHou Yes feel free to use them.',\n", " u'The flames are getting huge at this building fire. #Houston #fire http://t.co/nU4EI78mRy',\n", " u'The whole roof has caught now at the Houston building fire. #houston #fire http://t.co/r7QnDG7MAw',\n", " u'A building is totally on fire in Houston. #houston #fire http://t.co/tIW6wJkAsB',\n", " u'RT @RepBillHager: Today my colleagues and I voted to pass the largest tax cut in 10 years! Today is a great day for Florida families #400mi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JonathanWeil: Anybody want to buy \"digital currencies designed to manage the digital currency that has vanished\" inside Mt. Gox? http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepBillHager: Check out my editorial in the @pbpost on the problems of sober homes and how to solve them. http://t.co/8O3hYk4Hlg #sayfi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JaredRosenstein: Happy Birthday to my boss @RepBillHager Be sure to like him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter! #sayfie #BirthdayTw\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JaredRosenstein: Three finalists for @FlaAtlanticU president are left. Here\\u2019s what their resumes don\\u2019t tell you http://t.co/ObORIiFoRH \\u2026',\n", " u'\"He had an outstanding vision for how to bring the university forward,\" @george_lemieux http://t.co/QbT9a9rt1C',\n", " u'@NourGhahramani I think it is wrong therefore it is.',\n", " u'Thank you to Moe Qualander for taking time to lead my training class at #deloitteuniversity great insights from a Deloitte principal',\n", " u'Very quick response time though. Out in about 10 minutes flat.',\n", " u'Stuck in an elevator at DU? Time to network! #deloitteuniversity http://t.co/d8L2FWK5rG',\n", " u'Yellow team best team #deloitteuniversity',\n", " u'What I keep hearing at #DeloitteUniversity \"My room is all the way at the very end of the hall.\"']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @Blairbyrnes: Tallahassee!! Come walk the Final Mile of our 1500mile #WalkinMyShoes TOMORROW @ 10:45! Details here: http://t.co/CGw1BR0J\\u2026',\n", " u\"@pbuth4 see you then! Can't wait! Travel safely.\",\n", " u'@FieryQban16 I will be thinking of you and your strength, beauty and spirit as we walk the last 2 days. With much love. Xo',\n", " u\"The Tallahassee airport is an anachronism. It's literally like a throw back to the 1960's. #sleepytown #teenyairport #waybetterthanmia\",\n", " u'On my way to Tallahassee to walk the last 2 days with @LaurensKids #whyiwalk #yay #getmywalkon #lovethem #flyingnotdriving',\n", " u'RT @JennaRosenstein: HUGE congrats and mazel to my boyfriend for passing his Series 7 exam!',\n", " u\"RT @LaurensKids: @UrbanParentMag @InSouthFlorida how about a feature on Lauren's Kids & how to protect your child from being a victim of ab\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @LaurensKids: Happy Walk Admin Day & #TealTuesday! #SAAM #WhyIWalk http://t.co/EeubQxwpEt',\n", " u'RT @JennaRosenstein: Why is tonight different from every other night? Because I cooked my first Seder! I got it from my\\u2026 http://t.co/5wh3R1\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @JennaRosenstein: Bought all the Pesach fixings and I'm ready to cook! #jewishanddomesticated\",\n", " u'RT @LaurensKids: \"Happiness is a Book\" ...or 3! @RonLBook, LB & Chase #WhyIWalk #WalkinMyShoes #Jax #SAAM #onespark http://t.co/R3FZyKRxXB',\n", " u'RT @LaurensKids: With our good friend, #Duval Tax Collector @MCorriganJr! #WhyIWalk #Jax #SAAM http://t.co/vb2jEh8dT6',\n", " u'RT @LaurensKids: @RonLBook kicks things off at the #Duval Tax Collectors Office #WhyIWalk #Jax #WalkinMyShoes http://t.co/Df4mmC0Pbo',\n", " u\"RT @LaurensKids: Sheriff Rutherford pledges $10K to Lauren's Kids for the #WalkinMyShoes !!!! THANK YOU, SHERIFF!!! #WhyIWalk #SAAM http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @LaurensKids: Spotted in the pages of @Cosmopolitan: #FunFearlessFemale Lauren Book! #TheSurvivor #SAAM http://t.co/udNFM9meks',\n", " u'RT @Kowgirl14: @laurenskids, congratulations on being #Cosmos #FFF in the May issue. http://t.co/jtKodmu4tk',\n", " u'RT @LaurensKids: #selfie of the day: Comm Director @cvansusteren w her momma & bestie @lizardharlan #Gville #WhyIWalk #WalkinMyShoes http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JennaRosenstein: Testing self tanners is all fun and games until your legs are so orange that people are staring.',\n", " u'RT @JennaRosenstein: I hate Jason Kidd almost as much as Joakim Noah. #goheat #Rideanddiefor305 \\U0001f525\\U0001f3c0\\U0001f525',\n", " u'RT @JennaRosenstein: BF: \"Guess where we\\'re going for your bday?\" Me: \"Flex Mussels.\" \"How did you know\\u2014damn!\" \"Because I gave you that ide\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Will Moore's class has only made me despise those in academia.\",\n", " u'@theEpicGooner Drunk RVP obviously misses having respectable teammates.',\n", " u'Things to do when Passover ends: eat all of the Peeps. All of them.',\n", " u'RT @TheJativa: 50 d\\xedas hasta el comienzo del carnaval m\\xe1s espectacular del mundo! #CopaMundial',\n", " u\"@TheJativa There are very few songs on this album that I don't care for.\",\n", " u'Why am I just now discovering how great the Viva la Vida album is? #Coldplay',\n", " u'@MadisonSocial I was just informed that trivia tomorrow is Disney themed? #Beatdown #WeAlreadyWon',\n", " u'#Pens came back and the #Pirates walked off. All is right in Pittsburgh tonight. #BuckleUpBaby',\n", " u'Orpik is the man. Gotta ignite the troops going into the 3rd.',\n", " u'RT @Beardathon: Pens clearly take that period. Huge 3rd ahead at Nationwide! #Pens #CBJ',\n", " u'@maize_rage Wonderful. Orpik needs to instill the fear of God into everyone in our locker room. We have no fight.',\n", " u\"Alright somebody explain to me what's happening. #Pens\",\n", " u'Congrats to my dad and all the other finishers today in Boston!',\n", " u\"RT @FSURepublicans: Don't forget! Our last meeting of the year is TONIGHT at 7:30pm, not tomorrow. Meet your new eboard and hear @FDRepubli\\u2026\",\n", " u\"The moment before bed when you regret not stopping for food on the way home. I'm there. #TheStruggle\",\n", " u'RT @gefairclough: Sherpa guides bear most of the risks on Everest, ensuring easier and safer climbs for clients. 16 died Friday. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @disneywords: I can\\u2019t help but feel like they\\u2019re meant for me. \\u2013Rapunzel',\n", " u'My hope in life is for our society to treat mental health the same way we treat physical health.',\n", " u'Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones.',\n", " u'RT @FSURepublicans: Last meeting of the year! Monday, April 21st at 7:30pm featuring guest speaker KCarl Smith @FDRepublicans!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@JennaRosenstein answer: high cholesterol',\n", " u'Found the perfect activity for my W. W. weight loss plan. All I need now is a piece of chalk. #weightwatchers http://t.co/BmBbTicfSG',\n", " u'Oh yea... Mike Miller for 3... Oops sorry... Force of habit !\\n#goheat',\n", " u\"RT @peeweeherman: EAR MUFF DAY! Invented in 1877 by 'Big-eared' Chester Greenwood! http://t.co/wHYdSTtCXl http://t.co/XuUf6H6tgL http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'@nbc6... Oh thank god someone shut off the open mic... Thanks for snapping out of your coma. lol #openmicnoise',\n", " u\"@nbc6... someone's mic is open and it's distracting as hell! Doesn't anyone in the control room hear it ? #Audioproblems\",\n", " u'@iPhone_News #@',\n", " u'Hmmmm... Flipping around the dial seeing what else is on #Super Bowl #blowout',\n", " u'RT @CNET: Scientist insists cats think you are just a big, stupid cat http://t.co/pkgm3sfCCS http://t.co/lfaovw66CA',\n", " u'RT @JaredRosenstein: Three finalists for @FlaAtlanticU president are left. Here\\u2019s what their resumes don\\u2019t tell you http://t.co/ObORIiFoRH \\u2026',\n", " u\"Ok really WTF was that ? If Jacqueline Bisset sat any farther away she would have been sitting in the lady's room #GoldenGlobes\",\n", " u'Norris Cole dribbles his own head on the court to give himself a flat face to go along with his flat top. #HeatNation',\n", " u\"Eating Chinese food on Christmas Day cause were Jews and it's the law. #5brothers #electrocution http://t.co/Hxb9bt5BpE\",\n", " u'@JennaRosenstein and Buddy have both said... Have you seen the toilets in there ? Their ginormous ! #jennasnewapt http://t.co/gmWtHCZlhp',\n", " u\"RT @OMGFacts: Casinos have some of the most advanced security technology! Find out how you'd never get away with cheating!-> -ad http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'\"The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.\" - Nelson Mandela',\n", " u'Currently watching Spring time for Hitler live on @NBC #soundofmusiclive',\n", " u\"If she flies away and this becomes the flying nun live.... I'm out!!! #soundofmusiclive\",\n", " u'Currently watching Sister Act live on @NBC #soundofmusiclive',\n", " u'Is this the sound of music or sister act ? . #soundofmusiclive']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Surprisingly that link works @DrewOnTheRadio @MNinski',\n", " u'RT @ErinOnTV: @DrewOnTheRadio Community leaders refused to tell our cameras that today. Only said \"FDOT is responsible for not putting cros\\u2026',\n", " u\"What's .1 miles @ErinOnTV, like 500ft? I don't know what to call ppl @DrewOnTheRadio who won't walk 500ft other than lazy / irresponsible.\",\n", " u'RT @ErinOnTV: @DrewOnTheRadio I asked Councilman Reddick why he doesn\\'t encourage ppl to use crosswalk. He said it\\'s \"not practical.\" Walki\\u2026',\n", " u'@Greenlight2014 presentation misleads in both budget and placement @ChrisSpencerFL @SaintPetersblog',\n", " u\"Sykes running because he believes in Obama's views \\u201c@amy_hollyfield: Democrat Sykes to run for Pinellas #CD13 seat http://t.co/DbxugFb3f5\\u201d\",\n", " u'TGIGF @GordonOldham',\n", " u'I got the next one covered @GordonOldham ;)',\n", " u\"RT @joshromney: Hey @SenatorReid here's a shot of @MittRomney paying taxes. Does it every year. It's how you get your paycheck. http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @PCYRs: Thanks to all who came to our meeting tonight with #HD68 candidate and new #PCYR member @CWBill2! It was an awesome turnout. #sa\\u2026',\n", " u\"Congrats @Schmuckwalter - so you're sticking around? :)\",\n", " u'RT @TwitchyTeam: David Letterman announces 2015 retirement; Twitter talks replacements http://t.co/EZwYihzUyQ',\n", " u'@MarkPuente, you must never have been to NYC or Boston',\n", " u\"RT @VSPC: Congrats to @12WillPower who just ran away from the pack to capture this year's @GPSTPETE in #StPete! #FirestoneGP\",\n", " u'Lol @JustinHomburg',\n", " u\"RT @JustinHomburg: .@Yankees cancelled their game today because of rain. You know who doesn't cancel events because of rain? @ChrisSprowls \\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @ChrisSprowls: Great wrap up to today's walk @AnthonysCFPizza . TY to the #USFCR & all our friends who braved the elements. #sayfie http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TaraStruzinski: @ChrisSprowls \\nWe are #TeamSprowls \\nVote for Chris! http://t.co/reWbBeyqec',\n", " u'RT @BBCWorld: Daughter of Uzbekistan\\'s president, @GulnaraKarlmova, in letter to BBC - \"I have been beaten\" http://t.co/RMw47F2rl4 http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TwitchyTeam: NBC's Richard Engel live-tweets Taliban attack on Afghanistan election office [pics] http://t.co/wtqKxaTENS\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@FSURepublicans ready to walk!!! #WhyIWalk @AlexHolzbach @voldegodjones @NatTuttle @shenuton #CollegeRepublicans http://t.co/RNjWqmxM0d',\n", " u\"It's going to be a very emotional morning. #WhyIWalk\",\n", " u'RT @marcusjohns: Love Jesus!',\n", " u'RT @Peston: You probably seen this http://t.co/VQiqkyeMe8',\n", " u'RT @EvanLysacek: Easter Bunny in the house! \\u039a\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03cc \\u03a0\\u03ac\\u03c3\\u03c7\\u03b1. \\u0425\\u0440\\u0438\\u0441\\u0442\\u043e\\u0441 \\u0432\\u043e\\u0441\\u043a\\u0440\\u0435\\u0441. #HappyEaster \\U0001f430 http://t.co/Kxmqb4Ioqb',\n", " u'RT @torrancecoombs: \\u201c@Nath1997Riveira: happy Easter!!!!!!! http://t.co/ivXANWjNFY\\u201d Yes. Yesssssss.',\n", " u\"RT @GOPTeens: Let's not #forget to wish a #Happy Jewish #Easter to our #Jewish friends!\",\n", " u'RT @sorrynotsorryy: probably the greatest picture ever http://t.co/RVd2nA5gG2',\n", " u'RT @basshunt: Have a great Easter party people!',\n", " u\"College kids jamming to Disney songs in the car..it's a thing.\",\n", " u\"RT @ColIegeStudent: Money can't buy happiness? False. Getting my college paid for would make me happy\",\n", " u'RT @Future1stLady1: RT for a chance to win this mega giveaway of goodies from http://t.co/LIVjRCQcsI! Must be following to win! Ends 4/19 h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @girlposts: and then God said, let there be the Hemsworth Brothers \\U0001f60d http://t.co/5s38kYn5uZ',\n", " u\"Stay close to anything that makes you glad you're alive.\",\n", " u'Well this is getting old and annoying.',\n", " u'Spent the last 9 months thinking I knew what I wanted to do in life and then a simple conversation makes me question everything again. \\U0001f629',\n", " u\"I can't wait to get back on the ice again.\",\n", " u\"@Talkmaster I've listened 2 your ATL talk show since I was 8 w my mom...I'm 21 now & I thank u 4 all ur wise words on conservative values.\",\n", " u'RT @Talkmaster: Do you realize how utterly weak 0bama is? And how weak America is as a result? Thanks so much Democrat myrmidons.',\n", " u\"They're airing commercials on how to treat people w respect? Isn't that a given? ...what is the world coming to... #losingfaithinhumanity\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Jackson just coaxed me into cooking him breakfast. I'm whipped. #RhodesianRidgeback #dog #packlife http://t.co/UQQFOnrbwN\",\n", " u'According to my non-scientific analysis #ecigarettes could lead to deadly vapor exposure. Learn more: http://t.co/LWNKjenYA4 #funny #youtube',\n", " u'Since you might have missed my 5am video, and because I know my opinion on e-cigs means sooo much to you: http://t.co/LWNKjenYA4 #youtube',\n", " u'Per request, the first random thoughts daily youtube video: https://t.co/3BG1WbnqrL #youtube #random #funny #maybenot #vid #pointless',\n", " u'Per request, the first random thoughts daily youtube video: https://t.co/3BG1WbnqrL #youtube #random #funny #maybenot #video #pointless',\n", " u\"@SamCarvalho I talk to myself as I read tweets all the time, doesn't everyone?\",\n", " u'@localtourkey is the third option: \"the child that is aggravating should be left in the woods to fend for himself\"?',\n", " u\"Adding the most interactive tweeps and unfollowing inactives using Tweepi's geeky Twitter tools. http://t.co/hoNap1Izfu\",\n", " u'@Urbane_Fox_e1 LOL',\n", " u'@Urbane_Fox_e1 OMG! This kid is totes ridiculous hahaha. Curse you for getting me hooked on another YouTuber.',\n", " u'@antisocialhomo Only tweeting you bc I saw you in my feed. Friendly advice: you\\'re 17, don\\'t ruin your life advertising you\\'re a \"druggie\".',\n", " u'@Urbane_Fox_e1 His whole channel is about candles?!',\n", " u'@Urbane_Fox_e1 Asking me to turn my back on Grace? How dare you! :)',\n", " u'@DrakeNYC But when you were a little kid you were on TV..',\n", " u\"@TheSchnizzy Or sometimes it's just best to realize people are inherently assholes.\",\n", " u\"Those of us who work in politics are only one step removed from all other operatives, I've named that step Jim Bean. #InsomniaThoughts #tcot\",\n", " u'Have you ever noticed that watching @GraceHelbig on youtube can make you forget about the necessity of sleep? #TheyreBack #InsomniaThoughts',\n", " u\"For those of you who've followed me for years on twitter and didn't know, I'm an #insomniac. So, I'm bringing back my #InsomniaThoughts\",\n", " u\"RT @mattzollerseitz: As I've aged as a critic (& a person) I've become more forgiving of individual failures & more appreciative of totalit\\u2026\",\n", " u'Smh #TBLightning. Get it together the rest of the series.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @PCYRs: ICYMI: #PCYR member & former school board member @GlenGilzean endorses fellow #PCYR member @ChrisLatvala for #HD67. #sayfie #YRS\\u2026',\n", " u'I urge all my #GOP friends in my old stomping grounds of #swfl to vote for @lizbethkb today. #CD19 #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: Polls are open! #LizbethForCongress #FL19 http://t.co/nPYDHA4rF9',\n", " u\"RT @SaintPetersblog: That ad for Cotton featuring his ol' drill sergeant is pretty good. #MorningJoe\",\n", " u'Mitch McConnell Launches Ad for Final Month of Primary http://t.co/AhFA6W4MVX via @rollcall',\n", " u'#NW #lacvsgsw #NBAPlayoffs',\n", " u'GOP making bold play for US Senate seat in Oregon http://t.co/CL6PfNedML via @YahooNews',\n", " u'RT @JustinHomburg: So apparently @zachbraff considers it to be \"hate\" when people call him out on hypocrisy and false statements.',\n", " u'Good seeing @JDMcBride1 @cmlabruzzo @ChrisLatvala @ChrisSprowls at event for @stjohns7373 at #IslandWay. Thanks for hosting @atty2thestars',\n", " u'RT @atty2thestars: Join me tonight 4/21 6-8p at The Island Way Grill, Clearwater. Meet & Greet for @stjohns7373 for Judge. http://t.co/d1B\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GordonOldham: Wishing all those runners in the Boston Marathon the best of luck! #BostonStrong #BostonMarathon #boston',\n", " u'RT @bostonpolice: #MarathonSafetyTip: If you see something out of the ordinary during the #BostonMarathon - text \\u2018BOSTON\\u2019 to 69050 or call \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PCYRs: We are participating in #tampabaywalkforwishes benefiting @MakeAWishCNFL! Help us reach our goal or join the team! http://t.co/h\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @JimmyPatronis: Good Morning! I hope all y'all traveling to the #capitol city brought your #seersucker for Friday! #sayfie\",\n", " u'@GlenGilzean are you taunting me for that rematch??',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: There\\u2019s only one thing you need to know today. RETWEET and spread the word! #letskeepworking http://t.co/22BsNXIl1t',\n", " u'Help me #grantwishes by supporting me and my efforts, supporting #tampabaywalkforwishes & @MakeAWishCNFL! http://t.co/LCKfisswjM',\n", " u'RT @allysonfelix: So thankful I serve a risen Savior! Happy Resurrection Day!\\U0001f64f\\U0001f64c',\n", " u'RT @GovChristie: Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter!',\n", " u'RT @JLin7: Happy Easter!! Jesus is risen...sin and death were conquered! Romans 6:8-11']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @paulmcclintock: \"@FLHOUSEDEMS: Late-Session antics. Sudden House Beware an \"ALEC\" retirement plan, stealing from retirees to pay \"taker\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EnrollAmerica: How far we've come since October 1: http://t.co/BZjtDRC81h #8Million #StateOfEnrollment\",\n", " u'RT @hrhpkathleen: Let FL voucher expansion die says former Sen. Paula Dockery http://t.co/TGfFUOPnqq @MarkPafford @MarkDanishFL @RepJoeSaun\\u2026',\n", " u'@fasanomike @richardcorcoran Why were the storm water and drainage plans filed for the development so inaccurate? This was preventable!',\n", " u'@FlaDems @willweatherford Min Wage hike is part of bootstrap America. Value American labor. A step toward equal pay.',\n", " u\"@FlaDems @willweatherford. Every person on earth is here because of a women's labor. Comparable work Pay should be equal. Respect!\",\n", " u'@FlaDems @willweatherford Time to value labor equally. Christ loved us equally. Actions reveal our true faith and witness.',\n", " u\"@FlaDems @willweatherford. As a HD38 voter, I cannot believe that society values Will's MOM or WIFE labor less than his for same work.\",\n", " u\"RT @pgammo: Tim Welke is umpiring his 4000th game today. That 's a lot of hard work, travel delays and foul tips. Congrats\",\n", " u'@PascoDems @decf @FLHOUSEDEMS @VoteLedbetter @willweatherford #IMPROVEFLORIDA @FlaDems Thank you to everyone helping Pasco Dems Candidates!',\n", " u'@PascoDems @DECF @FLHOUSEDEMS. Nov 4, 2014 #FLHD38 will be Ledbetter! @VoteLedbetter beverlyledbetter@hotmail.com @willweatherford',\n", " u'RT @jocelyn528: It could not be more basic. Access to voting should be expanded not contracted. Period. #nerdland @ninaturner',\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog @PascoDems @FLHOUSEDEMS',\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog. Who can be against expanded healthcare that can help people like Charlene Dill in Florida?',\n", " u'@ChrisSprowls Happy Birthday, Joe!',\n", " u'RT @RepAmandaMurphy: LVIB had their beeping egg hunt this morning. Beeping eggs so sight impaired children can find them. http://t.co/VoikH\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ErikaRemsberg: Great speaker @PascoDems womens club. Claire Conner highlights danger of political extremism.',\n", " u'@DuvalDEC FL HD38 rep is termlimited Spkr Weatherford. In Nov 2014 HD38 will be Ledbetter! @VoteLedbetter @PascoDems @FLHOUSEDEMS',\n", " u\"@DuvalDEC. Glad I'm in Jax this am w/Beverly @VoteLedbetter, '71 grad Ribault HS & now cand FL HD38. Turning R to D. http://t.co/JOPJPJrRXw\",\n", " u'RT @paulmcclintock: \\u201c@VoteOutGOPn2014: htt. THESE SAME PEOPLE WILL LOOK YOU IN THE EYE AND SAY: \"WE DON\\'T HAVE A WAR AGAINST WOMEN\" THEY JU\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@SenBillNelson: Hope you can take a minute to read my column in the Tampa Bay Times: http://t.co/MMZ2duKhr1 @MDYDemocrats #ExpandMedicaidNOW',\n", " u\"RT @FlaDems: .@SenBillNelson: Expanding access to health care is good for Florida's health, economy http://t.co/KF3unju7kE via @TB_Times #p\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @OFA_FL: It's time to lift families out of poverty and #RaiseTheWage: http://t.co/3vL8uHZ9jZ http://t.co/X8Dhs55Vlh\",\n", " u'Governor @CharlieCrist Charlie speaks to a huge crowd of supporters at Broward Campaign Office Opening. #TeamCharlie http://t.co/gWWqIoSMM2',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: President Obama: \\u201cWe\\u2019re going to keep on doing what we\\u2019re doing, which is making this work.\\u201d #8Million http://t.co/efl948lf\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: President Obama: \"35% of people who enrolled through the federal marketplace are under the age of 35.\" #8Million',\n", " u'RT @NancyPelosi: Great news:\\xa0#8Million Americans\\xa0have signed up for private health plans thanks to the Affordable Care Act. http://t.co/JFa\\u2026',\n", " u\"Continuing MLK's Legacy: Florida's working class speaks out against minimum wage http://t.co/fywWMAmjqC #GiveFloridaARaise @MDYDemocrats\",\n", " u'Young Professionals Network \\u2018Take a L.E.A.P\\u2019 toward success http://t.co/tz9TDqOYu1 @YPNMiami',\n", " u'The Employment Situation in March | The White House: http://t.co/swn4tCPwGy @whitehouse @MiamiDadeDems @MDYDemocrats',\n", " u'Seven million enrolled http://t.co/EduAbWNyng #StateRepCynthiaStafford @MiamiDadeDems @MDYDemocrats #7MillionAndCounting #District109',\n", " u'RT @BarackObama: \"I don\\'t want my daughters getting paid less than someone else\\'s sons for the same job.\" \\u2014President Obama #StandWithWomen',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: Obama: \"In America, we don\\u2019t believe in opportunity for a few\\u2014we believe that everybody should have a chance at success.\" #\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @WhiteHouse: Watch live: President Obama speaks at @UMich about why it's time to raise the minimum wage \\u2192 http://t.co/L77tBJCNn6 #RaiseT\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BarackObama: LIVE: President Obama is talking about raising the national minimum wage. Watch here: http://t.co/TjYGuxIjeo #RaiseTheWage',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: FACT: Raising the minimum wage would benefit more than 28 million Americans \\u2192 http://t.co/8rowSAYxvN #RaiseTheWage http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WHLive: \"If we can stop refighting old political battles that keep us gridlocked\\u2014we actually can make the law work even better for ever\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: \"Under this law, the share of Americans with insurance is up, and the growth of health care costs is down.\" \\u2014Obama #7Millio\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WHLive: \"Nearly eight million seniors have saved almost $10 billion on their medicine.\" \\u2014President Obama #ACAWorks',\n", " u'RT @WhiteHouse: \"100 million Americans have gained free preventive care like mammograms and contraceptive care under their existing plans.\"\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @raypaulick: How good are horseracing's drug-testing labs? That depends on how good state regulators want/pay them to be. http://t.co/tJ\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@raypaulick You know what they say about taking on people who buy ink by the tankerload. Maybe funnier would be readers' mean blog posts!\",\n", " u'#Florida #QuarterHorse #AQHA tapped 2help #Australia, while phony #horseracing allowed to spread @home http://t.co/1DzJcAZTjP @sociablesite',\n", " u'RT @faborplumbs: Gambling in Florida continues to expand http://t.co/oyKXLvnGze via @sharethis @floridahorsemen',\n", " u\"@FLGovScott #Florida Turns Away #QuarterHorse #Business Happily Taken By #Australia's #SunshineState http://t.co/7Npg1xHAWg @wordpressdotcom\",\n", " u'Is #ColonialDowns About to go #Florida phony? #Virginia HBPA Circles Wagons in Stalemate http://t.co/aoSvFAJKwv @BloodHorse #horseracing',\n", " u'@HeatherBVitale Thanks for the follow! Every horseman should take an example from your great Web site http://t.co/JFRAXA8etF #GetInvolved',\n", " u\"RT @HrnssRcngJess: Got 6 #harnessracing Peb drawings at the Fowlerville horsemens fundraiser. Can't wait to put them up! http://t.co/q5riyL\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @righthind: #harnessracing bobbleheads. The next one should @HeatherBVitale. And the next horse one should be #foiledagainforever http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"#HarnessRacing's #1 Blogger Notes that #Florida the only state to sanction outlaw #horseracing; #Standardbred #sayfie http://t.co/FMmYU9TDLA\",\n", " u'#Veterinary lobbyist makes strong argument re #Greyhound injury bill, explaining how it forces #vets to administrate rather than treat #dogs',\n", " u\"RT @D_Fifer: Senator Sobel tells committee Senator Latvala didn't bring his horse racing amendment to her, doesn't want it on the bill toda\\u2026\",\n", " u\"@MariaSachs Thank you for your tenacity fighting today for 1000s of jobs and businesses in #Florida's BILLION-Dollar #horseracing industry.\",\n", " u'RT @TheDaraKam: After lots of sidebars, @MariaSachs withdraws greyhound decoupling amendment. Bill now deals solely with #greyhound injury\\u2026',\n", " u\"@D_Fifer Not a clue but my guess it's same guy who said his track had a 100% dog adoption rate. (And we can't remember that name, either)\",\n", " u\"Three #Florida #greyhound tracks profitable last year, #MariaSachs says at #FLSenateGaming. Are they doing something other ones aren't?\",\n", " u'Latvala amendments to #Greyhound injury reporting bill up first at #FLSenateGaming.',\n", " u\"Senate President Don Gaetz' Wife Vicky in attendance at today's #FLSenateGaming meeting; #Tallahassee\",\n", " u'RT @TheDaraKam: SEnate Gaming Cmte Chair Garrett Richter jokes...if there are \"any reports of injured sens\" as they wait 4 Eleanor SObel on\\u2026',\n", " u'#FLSenateGaming holds up the meeting to wait for SB742 sponsor #EleanorSobel. Call goes out for jokes . . . she arrives shortly thereafter.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @Gazi2a: Let the group texting begin. #HappyEaster',\n", " u'RT @JebBushJr: Check out the #Miami Dade Latin America Republican Event: http://t.co/BOYwe75zTM with @RosLehtinen @MarioDB #Gop',\n", " u'RT @YleemPoblete: April 17, 1961: the day patriots landed in Bay of Pigs to begin liberation of Cuba from Castro tyranny but were abandoned\\u2026',\n", " u\"Helped me understand my 14 year old sister's lingo MT @BuzzFeed: 23 Words Teenagers Use, What They Really Mean http://t.co/BWa5Fh5sip\",\n", " u'@JavsPena ha! love it',\n", " u\"RT @helenaguirrefer: The left can't handle the truth but @RosLehtinen rocks on anyway @Unvamerica\",\n", " u'RT @RosLehtinen: Truth is the best weapon. \"@helenaguirrefer: The left can\\'t handle the truth but @RosLehtinen rocks on anyway @Unvamerica\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @RosLehtinen: I\\'m w/Marco also. Wasn\\'t either/or. Both\"@learyreports: Ros-Lehtinen, who had Rubio as intern, says she\\'s with Bush: http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"@rudyfernandez23 Oy. I've been thinking of trying it out too cause folks swear by them.\",\n", " u'RT @greggiroux: Ryan: \"We have to be not just the good opposition party, we have to be a great alternative party.\" http://t.co/5GX1kiyWvI',\n", " u'Ha though many say that is a bad thing! MT @alipardo: Lightning struck twice today.Got 2 see @keifer24 at lunch & @radiomambi710! #luckyday',\n", " u'Hoy marca un a\\xf1o del fallecimiento de un verdadero abuelo politico, Enrique Ros. Siempre estare en su deuda. http://t.co/zC5vUXQDwI',\n", " u'Today marks one year since the passing of a true abuelo politico. I will always be indebted to the great Enrique Ros http://t.co/zC5vUXQDwI',\n", " u'@JavsPena #Perhaps...',\n", " u'RT @DanJDawson: Please please no more selfies. It looks desperate.',\n", " u'RT @JavsPena: Excellent piece on #CubanTwitter by Jos\\xe9 Cardenas: http://t.co/tYg5HWbQCz via @foreignpolicy. \"Nothing sinister or unique\" ab\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JavsPena: \"I do think we\\u2019ve lost our way.\\u201d - Gov. Jeb Bush - http://t.co/uxzHDiBlpa #JebBush',\n", " u\"RT @Gazi2a: 'Game Of Thrones' Season 4 Episode 2 Spoilers: Show Creators Reveal Half Of 'The Lion And The Rose' Is One Scene! http://t.co/R\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CapitolCubans: WaPo Editorial Board: \"Cuban Twitter\" Plan Should be Applauded http://t.co/97JLFK9inq',\n", " u'Sat down to watch #GameOfThrones but @HBOGO is down. Looks like the white walkers strike again.']},\n", " {'REP': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"My take on the day's news: FlaGrant Fouls is out! http://t.co/m0BM34NL2M stories via @HeatZombie @TVMiamiGator\",\n", " u'RT @OnlyinMiamiShow: The truly comprehensive #DigitalMarketing Roadmap - #infographic via @sebrusk - http://t.co/NNKkpsxK3s',\n", " u'.@DrasticFanatic worst hair day ever! \\n\\nAndrew Bynum\\n\\nhttp://t.co/Ba63YxqTrl',\n", " u\"Melo's Last Press Conference with the #Knicks \\n\\nhttp://t.co/Id4IM4dKLy\\n\\n@DrasticFanatic\",\n", " u'@leahswanky @urbaninstigator took me 90 to get from FtL to Miami last week opposite rush hour! #epicfail',\n", " u'Thanks for calling in #OnlyinMiami @MiamiUrbanist \\n\\n\"#Miami is devoted to high density building, but not high density living\"',\n", " u'RT @LeahSwanky: @grantstern @urbaninstigator Freakonomics did an interesting story about how cities take a HUGE $$ loss on parking, not cha\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LeahSwanky: Thanks for tackling the important topic of #transit in #Miami, @grantstern @OnlyinMiamiShow @UrbanInstigator',\n", " u'\"Mandatory parking requirements are making #Miami unaffordable to live, driving the cost to build\" @urbaninstigator #OnlyinMiami @880thebiz',\n", " u'Photo: Discussing #Miami #transit live with @urbaninstigator Marta Viciedo @880thebiz #OnlyinMiami (at... http://t.co/UdvBPO6DFo',\n", " u'Discussing #Miami #transit live with @urbaninstigator Marta Viciedo 880thebiz #OnlyinMiami @\\u2026 http://t.co/VfSzVAIZS9',\n", " u\"RT @jerseyshore00: I'm listening to The Biz on Onlyinmiami show with Dr. G @grantstern #http://saleminteractivemedia.com/ListenLive/Pla\\u2026\",\n", " u'New blog post http://t.co/ZGTWKOQHMs is ready! #OnlyinMiami stories from @alexlwall @TheRealSkjBoys @nightsurfingapp',\n", " u\"Time to shear away Bernie's mane to start her exercise program! @ Pet Place Miami http://t.co/hYcz9dQ1gb\",\n", " u'Job Search ===> http://t.co/QqAZwvfAOV',\n", " u'#Irony \"Senator Nearly Hit by Train During a Train Safety Event\" http://t.co/J2JBoi1p4D',\n", " u\"@DrasticFanatic How will the Knicks compete without Coach Woody, when Amar'e and Bargnani still have to defend and rebound next year?\",\n", " u\"My take on the day's news: FlaGrant Fouls is out! http://t.co/m0BM34NL2M stories via @grantstern @gregcote\",\n", " u'Photo: My little couch commander has a girlfriend now #dogsofinstagram http://t.co/6uJTdBl2JO',\n", " u'I\\'m cheering for the Wiz to make ECF. Love traveling to DC for eats! \"@GilbertGroupRE: @DrasticFanatic #nobodybeatsthewiz #neneplayedhuge\"']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Teaching history to your kids or others? Map data from Nat. Archives to augment geographic context/skills @ http://t.co/dekIUiQU7S #HIS5165',\n", " u'RT @JmsMadisonInst: New commentary on @VerveFL by @ericcriss. Craft Beer \\u2014 It\\u2019s Good For Florida: http://t.co/vUqTbj7WKP #craftbeer',\n", " u'RT @ExcelinEd: Florida Legislators earn an A: http://t.co/MBuH8kT24S #Sayfie',\n", " u'@ExcelinEd Keep up the great work you all are doing over there!',\n", " u\"RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: JEB '16 GETS BOOST... http://t.co/EpgWmcyJgO\",\n", " u'Go Gators!',\n", " u'The Weekend Interview: Caught in the Political Grinder http://t.co/vsvadwHnMC',\n", " u'@SallyAnnWest- we sang strange songs like \"Found a Peanut\" and \"99 Bottles of Beer\" while I asked \"Are we there yet?\" #HowOldAreYou',\n", " u'Big Pot rising: The marijuana industry\\u2019s first full-time lobbyist makes rounds on Capitol Hill http://t.co/viH1e9N8bL via @washingtonpost',\n", " u\"@FLBarTab @MillerLite I think this means I should follow @MillerLite for good tweets about trivial things. I'm buying.\",\n", " u'Gandy Bridge, 1924/2014 - George S. Gandy Sr. sold stock to raise the $1.9 million it cost. http://t.co/K1PwdgmHir via @sharethis',\n", " u'Thank you @debbie_mayfield and @gregsteube for your leadership on #beer issues in FL. We appreciate you, the committee, and Rep Rodriguez.',\n", " u'RT @JJTaylorFL: MT @matta_jjtaylor: What a beautiful #Tampa afternoon! A perfect day for @TerrapinBeerCo #RecreationAle @JJTaylorFL http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GatorZoneMBK: UCLA & Stephen F. Austin are a few minutes underway on TBS right now. Winner faces the #Gators. #GatorMadness',\n", " u\"What are the limits of the participatory museum? Trouble In Paradise: Santa Cruz's Museum Loses Its Way http://t.co/3jIVH9MRhJ\",\n", " u'RT @CraftBrewGuy: The Craft Beer Guide To Asheville http://t.co/fHhhVkHohw #craftbeer #asheville #NCbeer',\n", " u'Florida leading the way in digital learning with #2 ranking in recent survey: http://t.co/seLGcURhhJ',\n", " u'RT @StuPolitics: If I were the DCCC, I\\'d say: \"Republicans got their vote out. We didn\\'t. That\\'s it.\" Then, I\\'d move on...',\n", " u'RT @BeerTampa: Love the shirt man! @hopcloth http://t.co/1amTmzjAY1',\n", " u'RT @newbelgium: Why is 1554 so delicious? http://t.co/pSQjArdMZw']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @huffpostgay: These 12 states STILL have anti-sodomy laws a decade after they were ruled unconstitutional http://t.co/uU0zimtT4D',\n", " u\"Rice with ketchup? That's not normal right? @maria_maariiia\",\n", " u\"RT @maria_maariiia: @ProvostStokes' first selfie! Officially the coolest FSU president ever! #SeniorToast #classof2014 @floridastate http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'Senior graduation toast! I love floridastateuniversity. Reality is slowly settling in. A toast to an\\u2026 http://t.co/lapcln9013',\n", " u'Ladies and gents...Don Gaetz opposition to #SB1400 will cost his party the election in 2014. #shameonyou',\n", " u'I am beyond proud of these two women who I have had the pleasure to call my friends. Director of hlsu,\\u2026 http://t.co/od4xDNZe0j',\n", " u'RT @anjamd: BREAKING: SEN. NEGRON BLOCKING HEARING OF #SB1400 On next appropriations committee mtg April 22 #Florida #highered cc: @FLImmig\\u2026',\n", " u'Launching @Free2BeCampaign today has been fantastic! The work only is just beginning though! #Free2Be',\n", " u'RT @FSU_MGC: So proud of our very own Alex Victoria and his mission to raise awareness. Join the cause! #Free2Be http://t.co/sCVXRfd7P7',\n", " u'Thank you @FranciscoMLugo I greatly appreciate the support!',\n", " u'RT @michaeljay966: Write #Free2Be on your hand and take a picture with friends to show support for your LGBT friends in #GreekLife. http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FSUGreekLife: Today @avictoria29 helps launch the #Free2Be campaign.11-2, TODAY! Integration Statue. @FSUIFC @FSU_MGC @FSUPanhellenic \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepJoeGarcia: Great ride along this morning delivering packages with our local @UPS team! http://t.co/kjjdKTDr42',\n", " u'I think I have really high standards...and there is nothing wrong with that.',\n", " u'Friends please do me a favor and follow: @Free2BeCampaign',\n", " u'These folks have been with me either since middle/high school days! I am proud of each and everyone of\\u2026 http://t.co/0CY5VArpUk',\n", " u'A great day ahead! Watched half of frozen this morning with @JanessaBrito and @maria_maariiia. #musicalfriday',\n", " u'The possibilities are endless. Only you can limit yourself...no one else.',\n", " u'RT @fsuphiotas: Interested in learning about the Distinguished Dons of @floridastate http://t.co/JN3SxU8FvY',\n", " u'RT @Free2BeCampaign: First tweet for #Free2Be campaign! So much coming in the next week! RT and tell your friends to follow us!']},\n", " {'REP': ''},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @msynan: From CNN: Dems asking #Orlando to bid on 2016 convention',\n", " u'Who were the \"friends\" that let Dane Eagle eat at Taco Bell alone? #sayfie',\n", " u\"@Mdixon55 Sources tell me that he was in fact putting verde sauce on his grilled stuft burrito...and that's why he was swerving.\",\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog @DaneEagle He was just putting verde sauce on his grilled stuft burrito! COME ON!',\n", " u\"@fineout @DaneEagle Sources tell me that he was in fact putting verde sauce on his grilled stuft burrito...and that's why he was swerving\",\n", " u'Quick lesson about Dane Eagle DUI arrest? If Uber was already operating in Florida, this likely would not have occurred. #sayfie',\n", " u'Dane Eagle was just trying to put some verde sauce on his grilled stuft burrito and Tallahassee cops bust him for DUI? #sayfie',\n", " u\"@MarcACaputo This story is interesting. But Dane Eagle's Taco Bell induced DUI is way better. http://t.co/dCwQhNWVdp\",\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: If you're an also-ran aged pol who hawked Viagra, maybe you go easy criticizing youth? Nah. https://t.co/iLOVQkvfGK\",\n", " u'We have all been on those late night Taco Bell runs Dane, no judgment. Likely just adding some verde to your GSB. http://t.co/dCwQhNWVdp',\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog - @scottplakon qualifies by petition. Quote from Plakon in latest @SeminolePost - http://t.co/VNEoRiOYNI #sayfie',\n", " u'@scottplakon qualifies by petition. Quote from Plakon in latest @SeminolePost - http://t.co/VNEoRiOYNI #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @SeminolePost: @scottplakon qualifies by petition in State House 29 race. Exclusive details - http://t.co/ewmxps0zK3 #sayfie',\n", " u'Scott Plakon qualifies by petition in comeback bid. Exclusive story on @SeminolePost! http://t.co/tFrgcpXW4X #sayfie',\n", " u'Arms and Sleepers is great work music.',\n", " u'Teresa Jacobs protege Jennifer Thompson says she will qualify by petition. http://t.co/yWYaCHxyej',\n", " u'Republican Jennifer Thompson declares that she will qualify by petition, leaving local GOP stuck with her in 2014. http://t.co/yWYaCHxyej',\n", " u'All Aboard Florida will be first privately owned high speed passenger rail system in USA. http://t.co/cdCnoogZhc #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @Anna_V_E: UCF Republicans & Democrats Work Together To Transform Bithlo | East Orlando Post http://t.co/16muOdlJmV',\n", " u\"RT @AdjectivesMkt: If you're wondering what Adjectives Unhinged is all about, here's a great introduction from the Seminole County Post! ht\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @JaimoeDanner: Warrior Flight Team to lead Arlington Cemetery Flyover to Honor 1Lt Bruce A. Guetzloe, USMC; http://t.co/c5ynLZxKfd @Wa\\u2026',\n", " u'Celebrate #Jackie42 today in #Orlando #Florida at the 100 year old #TinkerField as we work on #SAVINGTINKERFIELD',\n", " u'Supporters to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Tinker Field http://t.co/VtjNfElEAS via @CapitalSoup',\n", " u'Inside Estate Sale in Deland Starts On 4/11/2014 http://t.co/nRU53ohMuv via @estatesalesnet',\n", " u'Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check... http://t.co/V80HHJIP6Q',\n", " u'Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check... http://t.co/coCCCnrV9i',\n", " u'Help me in supporting Arlington Warrior Flyover: https://t.co/hc010hquwM https://t.co/ElMI1XCiOE #fundly',\n", " u'Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check... http://t.co/mQbfmsnVOf',\n", " u'Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check... http://t.co/0b5pDp2H5w',\n", " u'Help me in supporting Arlington Warrior Flyover: https://t.co/hc010hquwM https://t.co/ElMI1XCiOE #fundly',\n", " u'Please help these great veteran combat pilots reach their campaign goal on #Fundly! You can do... http://t.co/jO9OLnZFPX',\n", " u'Arlington Warrior Flyover https://t.co/ElMI1XCiOE #fundly The Warrior Flight Groups needs your support for an Arlington Burial Flyover.',\n", " u'Arlington Warrior Flyover https://t.co/ElMI1XCiOE #fundly',\n", " u'Poll: Tinker Field Please vote YES to sage Tinker. http://t.co/MdLVxwtMoA',\n", " u'Warrior Aviation http://t.co/OCptNr5owc',\n", " u'RELEASE: Jolly Campaign Has Five Questions for Alex Sink http://t.co/YiTyiAy8X4 #CD13 #Pinellas #sayfie',\n", " u'I just cast my vote in the 2016 Tea Party Presidential Straw Poll for Jeb! https://t.co/E8Whcc31ke #TCOT #TPP #TeaParty #sayfie #rpof #gop',\n", " u'The hottest political pin in Florida-Draft Bush.America calls another Bush #sayfie #schmidity #RPOF #GOP #Bush http://t.co/4ElbQRTPN1',\n", " u\"Predict a Bush/Clinton battle for POTUS in '16 with another Bush win. #sayfie #rpof #schmidity #GOP\",\n", " u'Check out this multi-share from schmidty politics http://t.co/G17Mog3KgV #sayfie']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@MeetOldGrandDad @bourbonblog @DrewSDS A friend had it for 8 years. Brought it over last night. Enjoyed by all.',\n", " u'Imagine the meltdown from the Orlando Sentinel if the Feds had said drugs were being sold out of one of my rental houses 2 years ago #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @NumbersMuncher: TV show idea: Jack Bauer travels through time to stop horrible acts from happening (Lincoln assassination, rise of Hitl\\u2026',\n", " u'Great Easter celebration with a 43 year old bottle of Old Grand-dad. .@bourbonblog @DrewSDS http://t.co/cSiomcw0jb',\n", " u'RT @dubsteezy: @ChrisDorworth she looks rather scathed to me',\n", " u'RT @AdamLovejoy: @FSUNOLE21 @NickIarossi @jsramos04 @MikeFischerFL @ChrisDorworth Joke all you want, but I predict big things from her on t\\u2026',\n", " u'@jsramos04 @MikeFischerFL @NickIarossi That video is kryptonite to Gator pride.',\n", " u'@NickIarossi @totalfratmove Apparently no one told Iarossi to not be hateful on Easter.',\n", " u'@NickIarossi @totalfratmove I suspect some well heeled FSU alums did this as an inside joke. Only plausible explanation.',\n", " u'To recap: the kid who asks Miss America out gets suspended but the lady who made the UF/FSU Royals parody emerges unscathed? Thanks Obama.',\n", " u\"@XopherFL @totalfratmove Out of Office Reply: I'm busy bleaching my eyes out trying to forget I ever saw this.\",\n", " u'No No No No No No No No No No RT @totalfratmove: \\u201cSeminoles\\u201d Is A \\u201cRoyals\\u201d Parody That Will Make You Hate UF >> http://t.co/mYvBrD4Gqq',\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Hardest apology ever: I'm sorry to @DaneEagle, says he is not the legislator in the bunny costume. Easter is ruined.\",\n", " u'RT @TOMayorFord: Happy Easter everyone.',\n", " u'RT @CraigSagerJr: Popovich gave me a hand written letter to give my Dad tomorrow. The whole Spurs organization is filled with class and gre\\u2026',\n", " u\"Strong feelings about the need for a talent competition? RT @foswi: @ChrisDorworth Agreed. Miss American isn't low-rent trash like Miss USA.\",\n", " u'Sitting here contemplating how anti-American it is to suspend a kid for asking Ms. America to prom. Fire that principal ASAP! #freepatty',\n", " u'RT @lawblob: the longlasting popularity of chuck-e-cheese is due to the powerful appeal of a giant rat cooking your food & playing with you\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @corinnemlwsw: If Billy Joel was allergic to gluten, he would suffer from,\\n\\nCeli ac ac ac ac ac disease.',\n", " u'Dumbest fact ever RT @WOWFactsOfLife: Think of a number. Double it. Add six. Half it. Take away the # you started with. Your answer is 3.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Great to be at @UFCONFOX fights in #orlando',\n", " u'9K Easter eggs filled thanks to our amazing volunteers. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sat! #community #sayfie http://t.co/vdQIeVvZDe',\n", " u'20 mile walk for child sexual abuse awareness selfie with @LaurensKids and @Julzfarrar #hernando #sayfie http://t.co/ohZKnadPZH',\n", " u'Congrats to my #gators on another trip to the #FinalFour #sweeeet',\n", " u'RT @LaurensKids: Walk with us to end child sexual abuse in Pinellas/Hillsborough County on 4/2. http://t.co/md0Z37kEK4 #WhyIWalk http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Honored to be having dinner with @ReaganWorld @CWBill2 and Beverly Young tonight at #Pinellas Lincoln Day #sayfie http://t.co/QKTFAd2mON',\n", " u'Beverly Young receiving the inaugural C.W. Bill Young award at Pinellas County Lincoln Day Dinner. @CWBill2 #sayfie http://t.co/VIgD3fW15R',\n", " u'It was great seeing @ChrisSprowls and @ReaganWorld at the #Pinellas Lincoln Day Dinner #sayfie http://t.co/TZ4zFizW0V',\n", " u'It was great seeing @ChrisSprowls and @ReaganWorld at the #Pinellas Lincoln Day Dinner #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @michellemalkin: Florida tweeps: I'll be speaking in Hernando County at the Lincoln Day Dinner on April 25! More info here ==> http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'Obama grants more time to sign up for healthcare. It seems like there is no such things as deadlines or red lines with this administration',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: I am a proud father of 3 girls and would be a proud father of 4. However, turns out I will be a proud father of 3 girl\\u2026',\n", " u'@willweatherford Congrats Will! #itsaboy',\n", " u'It was great seeing @LopezCantera & @RepDennisRoss at the #Polk County Lincoln Day Dinner #sayfie @FloridaGOP http://t.co/Vm3lsVOz9g',\n", " u'@KNelson10 You are most welcome! We are proud of you! #smartypants',\n", " u\"RT @Support_Defend: MRT @GovGoneWild: @Support_Defend Support won't be at Polk dinner. Bummed. BUT congrats to @KNelson10 on her law school\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Just found out @Support_Defend won't be at Polk dinner. Very bummed. BUT congrats to his daughter on her law school award #smartypants\",\n", " u'Looking forward to attending the Polk County Lincoln Day Dinner tonight with @BlaineGravitt @RepDennisRoss #sayfie',\n", " u'Anti-\"W\" bias? NBC leaves W off wall of Prez on show Believe @TwitchyPolitics @FoxNews @DRUDGE_REPORT @Talkmaster http://t.co/Es2WQmqpkm',\n", " u'RT @CGasparino: pretty funny: someone just told me @BarackObama is getting back at putin by enrolling him in obamacare']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @asugsvsummit: \"We can no longer neglect the most valuable resource: the potential of all of our children.\" -Keynote by Gov. @JebBush #e\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @DanielDavisFl: Great to see @PGATOUR Commissioner Tim Finchem today. Can't wait for @THEPLAYERSChamp May 6-11 #Ilovejax @JAXChamber htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @CindyGravesFL: @JasonFischerFL speaks out on school curriculum today on @CindyGravesFL radio on @600WBOB at 12:45. Local control a good\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @JeffKottkamp: Update: SpaceX rocket raised in anticipation of today's launch http://t.co/sLQmuNP9JL\",\n", " u'RT @DanJDawson: This is #OneSpark. This is Jacksonville. @ Hemming Plaza http://t.co/7LNZzWs27v',\n", " u'@WFMJacksonville thank you. Good to know!',\n", " u'@FlipOurClass thanks for all that you do!',\n", " u\"@WholeFoods @WFMJacksonville I'm disappointed the smoothie program is going away. Please don't kill a good thing! http://t.co/lteXJb3EBv\",\n", " u'RT @WholeFoods: @JasonFischerFL would love the smoothie program back at the @WFMJacksonville',\n", " u'@WholeFoods Jacksonville, FL off of San Jose and Hartley Rd.',\n", " u\"@WholeFoods I'm very disappointed ur canceling smoothie rewards. #NotCool #BadMove #FixIt http://t.co/U6reuSO4Ep\",\n", " u\"@Reaganista @ChristianCamara great to see you! Let's get together again when we're both back in #Florida!\",\n", " u'\"Our national government has become American Idol.\" ~@TomFriedman #NSBA2014',\n", " u'@CSUSAhq we just approved Renaissance Charter School at Southside. Congrats on the new K-6! #schoolchoice #ilovejax',\n", " u'@QChawkeyeinFL glad you came!',\n", " u'RT @QChawkeyeinFL: Four school board members here including mine @JasonFischerFL',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: I cannot see any reason why we\\u2019d quit on children looking for a better opportunity. My statement: http://t.co/CnMpWtI4\\u2026',\n", " u'Meet @GlenGilzean the latest Reformer Star of the week! http://t.co/aidpomi8gn #OnTheFly @ExcelinEd',\n", " u'RT @ExcelinEd: Meet Glen Gilzean the latest Reformer Star of the week! http://t.co/mphAWk20mG #OnTheFly',\n", " u'RT @kmshan: \"As a Fl small business owner I applaud @MyFDOT / Sec Ananth leadership to support & grow Fl small businesses http://t.co/qHcqV\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @conserv_tribune: BREAKING: Florida House Demands \\u201cConvention of the States\\u201d to Stop Obama http://t.co/wTrf3kp4L1 #tcot #tlot',\n", " u'RT @PB_Reporter: Texas Gov. Perry on coming to NY to lure businesses away: I go fish where there are fish',\n", " u'RT @JonCampbellGAN: Rick Perry says NY \"is moving in the right direction,\" from 50th to 48th per the Tax Foundation. But \"that\\'s kind of sm\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KimGOP60: Some ppl say, some do. Pls follow doers: @Scott_Sturgill, @SmithForFL7 and @DSimmonsFL #tcot #conservatives @ChobeeGOPgirl @T\\u2026',\n", " u'http://t.co/yoF6GmkUNN',\n", " u'Help us keep our momentum going with a contribution of $25, $50, $100 or $150. Every amount moves us one step... http://t.co/HzUFnF9qHP',\n", " u'http://t.co/1o6ayJJLET',\n", " u'Happy to have received the endorsement of City of Winter Park, FL (Official) Mayor Ken Bradley. #hd30 #conservative #sayfie',\n", " u'http://t.co/U2s4aHu49I',\n", " u'http://t.co/zntymjbcud',\n", " u'http://t.co/9hk8e8mfgD',\n", " u'Happy Easter to All.',\n", " u'http://t.co/aiiI8Rc5cf',\n", " u'http://t.co/bpm3OMCxx0',\n", " u'http://t.co/zU5yHUBNcH',\n", " u'Happy Good Friday',\n", " u'http://t.co/3eB2xHSlzQ',\n", " u'Big announcement coming on Monday! Stay tuned.',\n", " u'http://t.co/6ugOzUi46P',\n", " u'RT @MittRomney: Today we honor the lives lost and lives that endure. We remember the acts of compassion that conquered the acts of cowards.\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Electricity is 11% cheaper in #SouthFlorida than national average: http://t.co/7bRC1IyEmx via @SunSentinel',\n", " u'Tax Day Tax Revenue Set All-Time Record. Still \"a deficit of $413 billion for fiscal 2014.\" http://t.co/l9yv2g2gq4 #neverenough',\n", " u'Has the Loch Ness Monster been spotted on Apple Maps? | http://t.co/uj5M3TsJt9\\n#lochnessmonster',\n", " u'Has the Loch Ness Monster been spotted on Apple Maps? | http://t.co/uj5M3TsJt9',\n", " u\"'Fresh From Florida' Produce Enjoys Warm Reception In South Korea, via @WFSUNews: http://t.co/aviBdKqmnQ\",\n", " u'RT @vervefl: What was #Florida like before statehood? http://t.co/cOPTOdKxhO #FLHistory',\n", " u'Americans Say Government Wastes Half of Every Tax Dollar it Collects: http://t.co/wsFXkk3UVe',\n", " u'RT @arthurbrooks: Fascinating look at the real data on mobility: \"The image of a static 1 and 99 percent is largely incorrect.\" http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'These girls finished 4th in the #Fl state tennis tourney finals. Victory dinner. #winners #maclay http://t.co/grjp133G1G',\n", " u'Self-driving cars closer to becoming a #Florida reality: http://t.co/hrkpzed4Qw #FunFriday #technology',\n", " u'#TampaBay top 100 workplaces, via @TB_Times: http://t.co/GY7KShYaKh',\n", " u'Expert FAQ: How Will Depopulating #Citizens Insurance Affect #Florida? http://t.co/ZjyMBuojJ6 via @NerdWallet #sayfie',\n", " u'Medical residencies key to new doctors in #SouthFlorida, via @SunSentinel: http://t.co/QVJ7u1dar3',\n", " u'Florida Views: Historical Pictures Of Miami - http://t.co/QqvJgvL2cX via @VerveFL #FLHistory',\n", " u'RT @timcenter: Thank you, @JmsMadisonInst, for a thought-provoking program assessing need for regulation. Strong anti-#poverty elements. @C\\u2026',\n", " u'#Florida is more than three weeks ahead of New Jersey and Connecticut that are tied for having the latest #TaxFreedomDay (May 9)',\n", " u'States That Tax And Spend Less Do Better Economically http://t.co/SaBm4ee00Y #tcot #tlot\\n#Florida',\n", " u'Floridians will have to work until Apr. 15 to cover all federal, state and local taxes - @SunSentinel: http://t.co/RNArhk7knN #TaxFreedomDay',\n", " u'#JMI\\'s Bob Sanchez #bizreg panel: @FBNStossel epiphany in early career doing a story on TV repairmen \"#Government isn\\'t always the answer!\"',\n", " u'RT @AFPFlorida: Entrepreneurship in action--Hispanics open businesses at 3 x the national rate! @LIBREinitiative @JmsMadisonInst @IJ_FL @me\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @KennettDems: Bernie Sanders explains the facts of life to Republicans and Supreme Court \\r#McCutcheon #CitizensUnited must go http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @mch7576: RT @KennettDems: Pan-handling in the post- #McCutcheon #CitizensUnited era. Thanks for nothing, SCOTUS. http://t.co/JmD1nNimUC',\n", " u'RT @Floridaline: \"Why do [secular societies] in which religion is largely absent seem to be more peaceful, harmonious\" http://t.co/pfq0BER\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Floridaline: Maddow: right-wing extremists have carried out more domestic terror attacks than jihadists since September 11th http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TheDailyEdge: Welcome to Florida: Shoot a kid dead, walk free. Fire a warning shot, you're looking at 60yrs http://t.co/IzWbofcJkv http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TeaPartyCat: Mitch McConnell: \\u201cSylvia Burwell is a pretty capable person, but I\\u2019ll still punish her for the crime of getting people hea\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MacCocktail: \\u201cSince we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our minds, it is our duty to furnish it well.\\u201d \\n\\u2015 Peter Usti\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @theonlyadult: This is the entire GOP strategy: create chaos so people will simply give up and blame both sides. They can't win any othe\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @OFA_TN: Did you know that a majority of Americans support the #FreedomToMarry? Nows your chance to join the momentum: http://t.co/dDxxF\\u2026',\n", " u'@PaulHeggenWSMV \"Trick or Treating weather\"??? What is she talking about? It is April not October.',\n", " u'RT @rwhitmmx: STANDING UP TO TYRANNY: http://t.co/PDOTHBAdpO',\n", " u\"RT @Pajoe: It's stlll USA!! Limbaugh is FREE to talk, @RVAmerica1 is FREE to fund/promote it & Consumers FREE to avoid both & #DontPayRush\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @LOLGOP: Scalia said $3.5 million isn\\'t a \"heck of lot of money\" for 1 election. It\\'s what an engineer will make IN A LIFETIME http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'@YourAnonNews @TheAdrena @GlobalPost What a great idea!',\n", " u'RT @YourAnonNews: Vietnam is sentencing corrupt bankers to death by firing squad, according to @GlobalPost: http://t.co/fw9a5HzbEQ',\n", " u'RT @AliasHere: RT@johnrharlow: Clinton & Gingrich Agree: We Miss Glass Steagall\\nhttp://t.co/UeKONQgiy3\\nBringing back the Bank Holding Act t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @CallOut4: You might be a Republican if you have a sick obsession with regulating women's sexuality and reproduction http://t.co/iv03ZRy\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Britanniacomms: Happy Baby! http://t.co/GYcGiyDinH crt DaveJ_Photoman #nature #photography #travel',\n", " u'RT @Ekcopye: What a lovely sunny warm spring day for all those equal marriages. The religious bigots must be seething with rage. Good.',\n", " u'RT @MacCocktail: .@maanvisings @NPR: \"The Hippest Winery In Mexico Is Made Of Recycled Boats\" @venacavawino http://t.co/RsgaNu4QoO http://t\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'These playoff games...wow!',\n", " u'@onemichav change your password. been seeing it a lot today.',\n", " u'#10at10: Breaking: deputy arrested for hit and run, who dropped ball on teacher busted for sex w/ student and blame it on the Palcohol?',\n", " u'@onemichav spam!!!!',\n", " u'@MzKerrbear i meant it was terrible that her mic went out. :) Voice tech crew in trouble!',\n", " u\"@MzKerrbear Not that, I'm just supporting our hometown girl, #IAmTeamSisaundra!\",\n", " u'RT @WESH: #Breaking: Orange County deputy arrested in hit-and-run crash. Check http://t.co/IOnSdyc4Io for story soon.',\n", " u\"Wow! That's terrible! She's gonna get sympathy votes for mic going out! They should let her go again! #thevoice\",\n", " u'RT @NBCTheVoice: Here\\u2019s how you can vote for @sisaundra after the show tonight. #VoiceTop12 http://t.co/yqx3DhayaG',\n", " u'RT @NBCTheVoice: RT if Sisaundra Lewis\\u2019 amazingness is making you ugly cry right now. #VoiceTop12',\n", " u'@Sisaundra @NBCTheVoice @WESH You got it girl! You got this!',\n", " u\"MT @Sisaundra: @SyanRhodes @WESH Thank u for ongoing love & support! I look fwd 2 making y'all proud tonight! #teamblake #IAmTeamSisaundra\",\n", " u'Central Florida! @Sisaundra needs your support as @NBCTheVoice LIVE shows start tonight on @WESH! Tune in starting at 8p!',\n", " u\"FL house set to vote on bill allowing use of low-THC marijuana to treat seizures in kids. I've got story coming up at 4:22\",\n", " u'Our @WESHMcDaniel has the story at 4. MT @SeminoleSO: SCSO Investigators arrest man for death of 7-month-old child.',\n", " u\"Ugh. We'll try this again Wednesday. #Rockets\",\n", " u'These refs...',\n", " u'YESSS',\n", " u\"Hakeem can't believe it\",\n", " u'@alpha1906 hush!!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"I've heard of The Coop. What is The Coup? Nouveau Fascist cuisine? RT @chainlift: That's so yesterday. The Coup is where it's at now!\",\n", " u'Being a lemming today! (@ 4 Rivers Smokehouse) on #Yelp http://t.co/aSUGnCsVfm',\n", " u'Auto insurance adjuster in our driveway, and fence guys coming today. Busy morning!',\n", " u'@epappacoda Okay. Praying for stability for the ground and care for them. Keep us posted in Twitterland.',\n", " u'@epappacoda Yikes! Are they ok? How are you?',\n", " u'Alleluia! He is risen! @ Park Lake Presbyterian Church http://t.co/fFFrNedXOa',\n", " u'@thisfloridalife All the best in your future endeavors. Thanks for all the good work!',\n", " u'@thisfloridalife you would appreciate this view. #margaritaville https://t.co/zXaj9pZJbh',\n", " u\"So we're at a #wedding #reception in someone's backyard. On the #Wekiva River. Ridiculously gorgeous. http://t.co/2gihtFVvAg\",\n", " u'@hannahrosed My legs are screaming at me!',\n", " u'Achieved a new personal record with @RunKeeper: Distance... http://t.co/peEuPH1Klu #FitnessAlerts',\n", " u'Just completed a 30.26 mi bike - That felt like a hundred! http://t.co/x6Ox7Md2gS #RunKeeper',\n", " u'Happy Morning! Riding through a peaceful creek crossing, Old #Florida style! @ Howell Creek Trestle http://t.co/N6Tgv6YmMz',\n", " u'On the Cross Seminole Trail in Winter Springs, about to cross the Howell Creek Trestle. This #walking\\u2026 http://t.co/ncxkpItKZl',\n", " u'Be advised when you order a slice of #pizza at Lazy Moon, it will dwarf your fork. Go big or go home!\\u2026 http://t.co/ErV46zROAA',\n", " u'Big Storm Firestorm Imperial IPA. Caesar for balance! @ Lazy Moon Pizza http://t.co/6bgEyNCvIJ',\n", " u'@elbyviau see you there!',\n", " u'Got in the single rider line on Manta, made it to my seat, then they closed the ride for inclement weather. First time ride dream dashed!',\n", " u'First time on this thing! @ Skytower http://t.co/hkiZPOeTzx',\n", " u\"Three adults are about to ride the Jazzy Jellies. Don't judge! @ Shamu\\u2019s Happy Harbor http://t.co/NwTFKBEohu\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @DywanWII: A big congratulations to my buddy George Riley on being named Political Director for @FloridaGOP',\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: \"Florida improved its national K-12 achievement ranking to 7th in the country\\u201d #sayfie http://t.co/vffspYLGhj http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JimmyPatronis: Spread the word! Wear something Garnet or gold or both at the Capitol this Thursday in honor of Florida State #gonoles #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Enjoyed reading the birthday cards sent to me from students across Florida. @StepUp4Students #edFL http://t.co/lep0MxDcym',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: .@FSU_Football - congrats on winning the #ACC title! Looking forward to Pasadena. #GoNoles',\n", " u'RT @shepworth: FACT: Florida accounted for almost a quarter of all private-sector jobs created in USA last month. #sayfie #ItsWorking',\n", " u'RT @JRade45: @FLGovScott rocks!!!!! #ItsWorking',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Spread the word #ItsWorking http://t.co/TUqNHyFaDI',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: US unemployment rate = 7.3%. FL unemployment rate = 6.7%. #ItsWorking in Florida.',\n", " u'RT @IraSchoffel: If a Tree falls on a Duck, and only 50,000 people are there to hear it ... could it really be Christmas in Tallahassee?',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month by visiting http://t.co/oDrmC35KrF #HispanicHeritageMonth #VivaFlorida',\n", " u'I wish Ja Rule would make a comeback',\n", " u'@TKnoles10 @TallyBulldog fact.',\n", " u'@TKnoles10 @TallyBulldog stupid viewers',\n", " u'@TallyBulldog Duh. Worst show on television.',\n", " u\"It's been quite some time since the last #positivetweetday. Whats up with that @TallyBulldog?\",\n", " u'Keane\\'s \"Somewhere Only We Know\" never gets old. #GreatTrack',\n", " u'RT @waeldavis: Frank Sinatra music pairs perfectly with cooking fried chicken in the kitchen. #themoreyouknow',\n", " u'I love it when someone cuts me off and then goes 10 mph under the speed limit #SaidNoOneEver']},\n", " {'REP': [u'April 26 - 10 am - 2 pm. The Windermere Police participating in Drug Take Back Day. Questions? Call the Police Department at 407-876-3757.',\n", " u'RT @townwindermere: Town Council Workshop this evening at 6 pm in Town Hall. For the complete agenda please visit http://t.co/13P9tGxFRA',\n", " u'RT @RepWebster: Participated in a panel discussion abt faith & gvmt w/ @Mayor_Jacobs & @windermeremayor @FBCWindermere http://t.co/vULCfHRp\\u2026',\n", " u'@Mayor_Jacobs Great event and it was unanimous. We loved the video!',\n", " u\"Busy day! Elders Luncheon and now Windermere Elementary's SAC meeting. Then Amway Arena for the Ctl Florida Boy Scout Dinner & fundraiser.\",\n", " u'@mulletmarathon Missed you guys!',\n", " u\"It's OFFICIAL! The 13th Annual Windermere Run Among the Lakes 5K has started.\",\n", " u\"RT @townwindermere: The Ladies of Windermere will be out at the Farmer's Market making more blue ribbons for a donation, and selling... htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Mayor_Jacobs: Joined the candlelight vigil honoring fallen Windermere police officer Robert German on Friday night. http://t.co/aoWUP0M\\u2026',\n", " u'@Mayor_Jacobs Thank you for being part of this celebration, leading us in the Pledge, and providing your support!',\n", " u'@kstrickland419 Thank you! It was an amazing sight from the podium.',\n", " u\"Tonight- 7:30 It's Windermere's turn to say goodbye to Officer Robt German with a candlelight service.Plan to arrive early at 436 Oakdale St\",\n", " u\"The Honor Flag will be following the Officer's remains. Thank you everyone for a moving Service.\",\n", " u'The Windermere Procession has arrived at the Church with the Honor Flag.',\n", " u\"Thank you @OrangeCoFL for honoring the memory of Windermere Officer Robert German at Tuesday's BCC meeting & joing the Blue Ribbon campaign\",\n", " u'Welcome to Windermere where Honor and Valor are NEVER forgotten. In memory of Officer Robert German. http://t.co/cBsTspHDrL',\n", " u'Windermere to hold outdoor candlelight service Friday March 28th at Central Park 436 Oakdale Street - 7:30 PM - ALL ARE WELCOME',\n", " u'RT @MyNews13: Memorial of flowers, balloons & cards now stands near where Windermere Officer German was shot http://t.co/kNbXgAn1Oy http://\\u2026',\n", " u'All Windermere is saddened but someone took the time to place roses and American flags on one of our police vehicles http://t.co/uhScmLpWgj',\n", " u'All Windermere is saddened but someone took the time to place roses and American flags on one of our police vehicles http://t.co/S6GircysnS']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@adviserdavid Best of luck with #FAFFF tomorrow. That event is so much fun. Glad to see it's still happening. @GSUStudentMedia\",\n", " u'How did I not realize that Forrest Gump was released 20 years ago? And that Robin Wright played Jenny.',\n", " u'.@OrlandoSports is counting down #top128 FBS programs every day until kickoff... and Georgia State is last. I love it http://t.co/9cJfOas2xj',\n", " u'RT @denverpost: ALERT: Delta flight 1500, with 151 aboard, ordered to remote part of DIA due to security threat: http://t.co/EmyY1yiap3',\n", " u'@victoriaev I was not satisfied with the end of the episode...Just seemed messy.',\n", " u\"There's still five minutes left....#ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'.@victoriaev I knew it!',\n", " u\"Hmmm...If there's no body..... #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'@JoshMalina And she said she had to end it? #ScandalForeverFinale? #Ihopenot',\n", " u\"@victoriaev I'm pretty certain Olivia's dad did this....not Maya...but I could be wrong. #ScandalFinale\",\n", " u'I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. There was more to this. #ScandalFinale',\n", " u'Well, I think that changes things... #ScandalFinale',\n", " u\"RT @orlandosentinel: MEME CONTEST: #UCF coach George O'Leary: http://t.co/yppE9lHGss\",\n", " u'RT @OSPhoto: .@UCFKnights football coach reacts to play at home plate during annual players vs. coaches softball game http://t.co/zaUjKpUE\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @chenkx: <1 yr ago, a train carrying crude oil derailed in Lac-M\\xe9gantic. It could happen again: http://t.co/uyCL4LIFZ8 http://t.co/YDohZ\\u2026',\n", " u'@_Flor1daWoman Report: Woman arrested after leaving $50 bill at store: http://t.co/Akarw0EifF',\n", " u\"Could @GeorgiaSouthern ever take the field in Orlando's third bowl game, which will feature AAC and Sun Belt teams?http://t.co/I5eI5cJAhx\",\n", " u'RT @OS_TheDish: The COOP, a Southern Comfort food eatery, is officially opening Thursday in Winter Park http://t.co/DVg4AMze3s',\n", " u'@jessilespie Touche. @adriennecutway',\n", " u\"@adriennecutway At least your desk doesn't have a whole newsroom behind it. @jessilespie\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Aaargh!!! Got Difficult Clients??? http://t.co/bOxRVBBmLr',\n", " u\"Aaargh!!! Got Difficult Clients??? How do you handle THAT!? Here's how: http://t.co/bOxRVBBmLr\",\n", " u'Aaargh!!! Got Difficult Clients??? http://t.co/bOxRVBBmLr',\n", " u'Writing a #business plan? Using a template? If so, you need to check this out! http://t.co/Az4H6HpvGL',\n", " u'Taking the Fear out of Financial Projections http://t.co/VwIt41tzvJ',\n", " u'Fail Forward http://t.co/A771iDI9hW',\n", " u\"Chile, Please Don't Use That Business Plan Template! http://t.co/Az4H6HpvGL\",\n", " u\"Chile, Please Don't Use That Business Plan Template! http://t.co/Az4H6HpvGL\",\n", " u'Becoming a NextLevel Business http://t.co/Ouko6XnRGw',\n", " u'Taking the Fear out of Financial Projections http://t.co/VwIt41tzvJ',\n", " u'Handle Your Business http://t.co/2NvGQRcSy1',\n", " u\"Chile, Please Don't Use That Business Plan Template! http://t.co/Az4H6HpvGL\",\n", " u\"Chile, Please Don't Use That Business Plan Template! http://t.co/Az4H6HpvGL\",\n", " u'#nailgame http://t.co/5SZlLxeusE',\n", " u\"New Blog Posted NOW: Chile, Please Don't Use That Business Plan Template! http://t.co/Az4H6HpvGL\",\n", " u\"Are you getting my blogs directly to your email? Here's how: http://t.co/afTByE4XQk\",\n", " u'My latest blog is posted entitled \"Chile, Please Don\\'t Use That Business Plan Template!\" http://t.co/Az4H6HpvGL So scandalous!!!!',\n", " u\"Chile, Please Don't Use That Business Plan Template! http://t.co/m68ubRhAJ3\",\n", " u\"LIVE NOW: Chile, Please Don't Use That Business Plan Template! http://t.co/Az4H6HpvGL\",\n", " u\"Chile, Please Don't Use That Business Plan Template! http://t.co/Az4H6HpvGL\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@LaraMedley ditto',\n", " u'RT @MyFWClife: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww of the Day! RT @EarthPix: Baby Ocelot http://t.co/nDlAMRK0ZR',\n", " u'http://t.co/GE8MBriODC',\n", " u\"The Confidence Gap. I'm not surprised we hold ourselves back. http://t.co/2rbN85CueS\",\n", " u'Ding Dong the King is dead #GoT',\n", " u'\"They so bad, even their cows had to die.\" - Orange is the New Black',\n", " u'\"I\\'m not crazy; I\\'m chosen.\" -Orange is the New Black',\n", " u'\"Two strikes is all she gets. Russians don\\'t play baseball.\" -Orange is the New Black',\n", " u'\"Almost the exact same thing happened me, except with tuna salad\" - Orange is the New Black',\n", " u'\"God has chosen to test our conviction.\" - Orange is the New Black',\n", " u'RT @PackAthletics: Congrats to @DangeRussWilson \\u2026 Your name and number honored at Carter-Finley #GoPack http://t.co/05imNKV5ol',\n", " u\"RT @CFL_ASPA: Don't forget to join us this Tuesday, April 15th at noon to learn about the future of transportation in Central... http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RIP Gloria Jones. You were the highlight of so many mornings. @MyFLHouse',\n", " u'Finished reading all 1168 pages of Atlas Shrugged.',\n", " u\"It's official! @EricEisnaugle just took the oath, again.\",\n", " u'RT @LaraMedley: New addition to the Wall of Snark and Sarcasm. Courtesy of @SaraLJohn #FLSession2014 http://t.co/XuNaaRWmv5',\n", " u'Congratulations and welcome back @EricEisnaugle. See you up here soon!',\n", " u'RT @AgentsofSHIELD: RT if you\\u2019re excited to see how Captain America: The Winter Soldier affects Marvel\\u2019s #AgentsofSHIELD, TONIGHT on ABC.',\n", " u\"Watching GoT and thinking you're going to die, you too, you're going to loose your wee wee and you're still alive but not for long psycho.\",\n", " u'First off, you should see Captain America. Second, stay till the lights come on.']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @JimmyPatronis: Emeril's Florida featuring Capt. Anderson's Restaurant http://t.co/xWc1pTQSWM\",\n", " u'RT @FMA_PAC: Happy Birthday #friendofmedicine Senator @BillGalvano #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @MNCRs: We think @alfranken is in trouble. RT if you agree. #mncrs #mngop http://t.co/JipHYQLs5l',\n", " u'Happy 20th birthday to my baby sister & best friend with the biggest heart. Love you @Morgan_Ballard \\U0001f49c\\U0001f389\\U0001f382 http://t.co/Si7wBygF4f',\n", " u'RT @repdanayoung: Excited to welcome my friend @EricEisnaugle back to the Florida House! Great win tonight! See you at work tomorrow! #sess\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @pbpost: Paying for rail safety could pay for quiet zones, but standards in dispute http://t.co/HdKkQoMj63',\n", " u'@lizbethkb Hits the Airwaves With New Ad in CD 19 #sayfie \\n http://t.co/wM5FLfMnW1',\n", " u'RT @SSNAlerts: Keith Perry ramps up fundraising as Democrat Jon Ulman enters HD 21 race http://t.co/BkERIJsuod #SSNalerts #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @DavidMKerner: Congrats Rep. @MarkPafford for the unanimous support on HB 491 - Needle Exchange Program!!! @FMA_PAC http://t.co/3NJruyQ0\\u2026',\n", " u'Happy birthday @maryrific our favorite @floridastate law student \\U0001f389\\U0001f388\\U0001f382@hrandallmiller http://t.co/Ck8W4aBgkf',\n", " u'RT @RepBillHager: I just turned my profile pic blue to support autism awareness! You can too here with @autismspeaks: http://t.co/4YRPn714L\\u2026',\n", " u\"'I Am Different, Not Less': 13 Inspiring Quotes For World Autism Awareness Day http://t.co/04NSEMbzrD\",\n", " u'I just turned my profile pic blue to support autism awareness! You can too here with @autismspeaks: http://t.co/ogHjMzkDHE #LIUB',\n", " u'RT @autismspeaks: Will you Light your Twitter or Facebook photo Blue tomorrow?! U can here >> http://t.co/rInaAmbIV5',\n", " u'23 Words That Have A Totally Different Meaning In Florida http://t.co/lwZlS9uYX8 via @arielle07',\n", " u'Very happy to have my fav Mayor @SusanHaynieBoca @RepBillHager & Deputy Mayor Scott in Tallahassee tonight. Great to have the team together.',\n", " u'Have a great Tuesday! http://t.co/1uqokfmXHy',\n", " u'Congrats! RT@RepBillHager: Proud of my friend @SusanHaynieBoca as she is sworn in as mayor of @CityBocaRaton by CFO @JeffAtwater #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @RepAmandaMurphy: The 1 mile walk just started. Great activity for the whole family. \\n#specialolympics http://t.co/ISMR9fnyeA',\n", " u'RT @autismspeaks: #7days until the world goes BLUE! #LIUB Go here >> http://t.co/ODD9HkvGpm to help spread awareness! http://t.co/77uEJKnxDd']},\n", " {'INT': [u'Senator Lee\\'s comments remind me of Sen. @JackLatvala\\'s perfectly executed late-filed amendment \"mayhem\" spot during this years\\' pres skits.',\n", " u'RT @Mdixon55: Sen. Lee hammers Sen. Simpson for bringing 53-page pension strike-all, which no one has read, he said.',\n", " u'\"No policy is more important than the process.\" - Sen. Lee. Late filed amendments today, Budget Turkeys tomorrow. #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @SaintPetersblog: Oh snap, Sen. Tom Lee going off about late-filed this and strike-all that ... He's right, of course.\",\n", " u'Senator Lee going off about lack of transparency throughout this process! #preach #butthepolicyisgood #FRSreform',\n", " u'RT @waynebertsch: 65 bills on the Sen Approps Agenda, that means @justice2jesus could speak for 2 hours 10 mins - if he spoke 2 mins on eac\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Best of luck tomorrow to one of the best people in Florida politics, @LizbethKB.',\n", " u\"Just three days of budget conference meetings?! So we're going to bump everything I suppose. #transparency\",\n", " u\"RT @IAmTheChoyTwo: Don't forget to wear your favorite Lilly clothes this Wednesday with @MaryLynnMagar http://t.co/n30jLfh1y8\",\n", " u'#wodify #TallahasseeCrossFit Angie: 15:46 | Comment: sub 50 ring rows for pull ups, 50 push ups',\n", " u\"@JamesBuechele I'm surprised it didn't receive more awards. Tom Hanks' performance was incredible!\",\n", " u'Thank you for the warm wishes! RT \\u201c@SaintPetersblog: Happy birthday to rising star @MorganMcCord of @FloridaTaxWatch.\\u201d',\n", " u'#CaptainPhillips is an amazing movie. Also, navy seals are incredible. #allofyourfriendsaredead and @tomhanks is gifted.',\n", " u'\"There\\'s no answer at the US maritime emergency line.\" #ButTheNSACanSpy #serioussecurityflaws #priorities #CaptainPhillips',\n", " u'Discussing some interesting proviso language: Me: When I retire, can they give me a monument?\" Chris: \"You\\'ll already have one by then.\"\\U0001f602',\n", " u'Oh my gosh A Cinderella Story is on tv. #thursdaytherapy',\n", " u'RT @damnitstrue: Cuteness kills http://t.co/z6zsU5s1ka',\n", " u'#wodify #TallahasseeCrossFit Cleaning Doubles: 12:39 | Comment: 85# squat c',\n", " u'#wodify #TallahasseeCrossFit Bench Press 85% x1 AMAP: 1 x 5 @ 65 lbs',\n", " u'#wodify #TallahasseeCrossFit RingRows/SlamBalls/SquatJump: 190 Reps']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@ElmStreetBrat just trying to help! SORRY!',\n", " u'RT @1_punny_dem: This is a shame #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words http://t.co/5704RD50t1',\n", " u'RT @Britanniacomms: Absolutely Breathtaking view of Rio de Janeiro. http://t.co/TpXNbMMY97 Courtesy ProfilesofArt #brazil #photography',\n", " u'RT @wisegirlsrule: Goodnight all.\\nSee you in my dreams? xoxo http://t.co/GpRRZ6bB9D',\n", " u'RT @LamontLilly: Black male Duke University student just maced & assaulted by Duke Campus Police. @NewBlackMan @TheBlackVoice http://t.co/S\\u2026',\n", " u'@babygarr Good night Diane!',\n", " u\"RT @babygarr: g\\u0e51\\u0e51\\u0e2d \\u0f66\\u0f62g\\u0f4f\\u20ae \\u2647\\u0f5b\\u0f5b\\u2647\\u0eae \\U0001f380#goodnight y'all .. http://t.co/1iBZL0x3zL\",\n", " u'\\u201c@Brewers: #Brewers win! They beat the Padres, 4-3. K-Rod gets the save with 1 #whiff in the 9th. #MILvsSD\\u201d@ElmStreetBrat',\n", " u'RT @onecaliberal: The Koch brothers are going after solar panels - Democratic Underground http://t.co/BTn9NbLRFM',\n", " u\"RT @kgosztola: Oklahoma stays two executions after successful challenges to state's secrecy around execution drugs http://t.co/0l3KOD7rVY\",\n", " u'RT @RateMyKnockers: RT if you love #Brazil http://t.co/CcAGXO3rnr',\n", " u'RT @CharlesBivona: Crazy. My hands hurt from cleaning my apartment all day. Good workout. Good night for real, Twitter. No, really. Must sl\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @onecaliberal: http://t.co/iSWoKc2hts\\n@ringoffireradio Go after them Pap!!',\n", " u\"RT @From_Nothing: Racism isn't about power! #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words http://t.co/qs4y5vIu7Q\",\n", " u\"RT @KennettDems: #GOTV isn't something we do on November 4th. It's something we do 24/7 until then. Start talking to people now. http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @GernBlanston6: @onecaliberal @ProgMsg \\u13c6h\\u13aa\\u13c1\\u13e6 \\u13b6\\xf6\\xf6\\u13a0\\u13c1\\u13acss! \\u13a5m\\u13aa\\u13b6\\u13a5\\u13c1\\u13ac \\u13c6h\\u13ac \\u13a0\\u13aam\\u13aa\\u13b6\\u13ac \\u13aa s\\xf6\\u13de\\u13aa\\u13d2 s\\u13e2\\u13a5\\u13de\\u13de \\xc7\\xf6u\\u13de\\u13a0 \\u13a0\\xf6?!!? (s\\u13aa\\u13d2\\xc7\\u13aasm f\\xf6\\u13c1\\u13c6)',\n", " u'RT @annfinster: Perhaps a chapter in Sex Ed to teach boys not to rape?\\nAnd not to joke about rape?\\n@SabrinaShoshana @Jeannie_Hartley @trish\\u2026',\n", " u'@goldietaylor have a great time tomorrow,Goldie!',\n", " u'@RandalEggleston I was 17']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Dear FL State Reps, please stop yelling into your mic. We can hear you. Really.',\n", " u'RT @patrickbetdavid: A dysfuntional team is when every one in the organization agrees.',\n", " u'RT @ChrisLatvala: A wise man once told he that if your bill gets blocked (and you have the votes) amend it to 4 more bills. Good luck @Jack\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WillMcAvoyACN: When are the Nationals going to add a @Pres_Bartlet mascot, anyway?',\n", " u'Is this a joke @hbo? MT @MaggieJordanACN: Season 3 of The Newsroom ....only six episodes',\n", " u'RT @jimmygill: Great @MavPAC event in Tally. Enjoyed the energy and passion of these great Patriots. @SlaterBayliss @AlCardenasACU @JebBus\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @1776dc: Glad to have @SunFoundation here! RT @jenntopper First time @1776dc...cool space! Looking forward to @EllnMllr's chat @StartupG\\u2026\",\n", " u'@LaraMedley You know, \"them\".',\n", " u'Hoping Rep. Wood ends this state list with a Howard Dean \"yahhhhhh!\"',\n", " u'@RyanHigginsUS I knew Cap Hill was my neighborhood...',\n", " u'#HeIsRisen (@ South Tampa Fellowship (Davis Island) - @stfchurch) https://t.co/H5rQAudkUs',\n", " u'RT @davemorin: Banksy with an hauntingly prescient comment on our time. http://t.co/wV90cmoqzj',\n", " u'DC continues to be a great place to run a startup with the addition of @techshop (via @TechCocktail) http://t.co/yatJ0vh232',\n", " u\"Loved being here for the game tonight... Didn't love the outcome so much... #timetorally #gobolts http://t.co/5OUWDU0YIR\",\n", " u'@FredPiccoloJr @ChrisSprowls @JamesGrantFL Nope, broken hockey stick',\n", " u'@chrissprowls http://t.co/LF4HBTAzPK',\n", " u'RT @ChrisSprowls: Hats off to @TampaPD Chief Jane Castor for allowing officers to grow playoff beards for the @Beardathon to support @Moffi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MoffittNews: Thanks @JamesGrantFL for growing some facial hair to support Moffitt. http://t.co/1Mxo1kIXcl #beardathon #GoBolts @beardat\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JamesGrantFL: RT @mashable: UberX rides will now cost $1 more due to a new \"Safe Rides Fee.\" http://t.co/q2MTV6O22Q',\n", " u'RT @JoshMalina: #Scandal Fun Fact: @scottkfoley kept mispronouncing \"Voldemort\" during this scene.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"RT @Yahoo: Meb Keflezighi, 1st U.S. #BostonMarathon winner since '83, had victims' names on running bib: http://t.co/pQPg51MvNW http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u\"My testimony is that Gods not dead. He's living on the inside. And he's roaring like a lion.\\u2026 http://t.co/IYCHeiAlOA\",\n", " u'@united Staff at airport in Alexandria checked my bag all the way through. Im not allowed on but my bag goes through 2 airports just fine?',\n", " u'Finally made it home @united after 14 hours and having to rent car to drive to another airport. #epicfail on customer service.#dissapointed',\n", " u\"So @united wouldn't let me on flight even after giving me boarding passes and checking my bag. The\\u2026 http://t.co/kuOJ3anSzC\",\n", " u'Really great tour of the Louisiana sports hall of fame with some new Friends from northwestern state\\u2026 http://t.co/t6myG8EYNy',\n", " u\"I'm beyond floored at the generosity and kindness of this wonderful historic town in northern\\u2026 http://t.co/y2eUgP9Taw\",\n", " u'In natchitoches Louisiana. Fun facts: the oldest historic settlement in Louisiana Founded in 1714. And\\u2026 http://t.co/ODLKLBILuu',\n", " u'People with humility do not think less of themselves. They just think of themselves less. #HumilityInLeadership. -Ken Blanchard',\n", " u'Had the opportunity to share with the next generation of American leadership last evening at #FAMU.\\u2026 http://t.co/t0bYA28XLI',\n", " u'Early morning trip to the Pelican state. Excited to speak to CASA Louisiana tonight. With teamwork the\\u2026 http://t.co/wTG6CSGu5G',\n", " u'RT @NAACP: #TDIH--Jackie Robinson, age 28, became the first African-American player in Major League Baseball. He was an active member of th\\u2026',\n", " u'@cbconglom one day it will!',\n", " u'Central Florida now has commuter rail. #sunrail http://t.co/JAnOBJCG2A',\n", " u\"Big congratulations to @chelsiphenry for passing the Florida Bar! Huge accomplishment! Can't wait to see what God will do next in your life!\",\n", " u\"Just because you stumble doesn't mean you have to fall - Dr. Benjamin Mays\",\n", " u'With my brothers. #FR http://t.co/4moUYRDJEI',\n", " u'@Rfstuart @Orlando_Magic thank you sir. #dreambig',\n", " u'@Rfstuart @Jyapo @CarmodyJr you are most welcome my friends. Thank you for all your support of the @Orlando_Magic',\n", " u'Last visit of the day to the Palmer Monroe Teen Center. Tallahassee is doing great things in serving\\u2026 http://t.co/DJxs1aZoqH']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@LaraMedley I fully agree... I have been making this statement for the past 50 days.',\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: We have a plan to modernize the FRS. Keep the promise. Secure the future. http://t.co/HcPOEDMF2f #sayfie #FLSession201\\u2026',\n", " u'The $500 million we spend to prop up our pension plans could be spent in better ways. http://t.co/q56OG9jz3H #FLSession2014 #Workplan2014',\n", " u\"RT @FLGOPMajority: Just a reminder, it's #TaxDay... #FLSession2014 #Sayfie http://t.co/04cQhdXnfX\",\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Congratulations, @BubbaWatson #Floridian',\n", " u'RT @FLGOPMajority: Congratulations and Welcome Back, Rep. @EricEisnaugle #Sayfie #FLSession2014 http://t.co/AiQbZ14GE4',\n", " u'RT @UCF_Track: Blaney picks up @American_Champs honor. No. 25 UCF ranked in the @USTFCCCA Poll. #ChargeOn http://t.co/7K1ALPZQsJ http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Guess whose wedding day it is? #littlebrogettinghitched #addingaguinn http://t.co/XDphAQdAzB',\n", " u'ICYMI: @FoxBusiness features Florida\\u2019s GI Bill. http://t.co/EdNy1p1Nt4 #FLSession2014 #Workplan2014',\n", " u\"RT @MyNews13: If a tsunami hits here, one #Florida city is ready: http://t.co/mlBLaMoZKr At Indian Harbour Beach, you'll see these: http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FLGOPMajority: Even Leader @SteveCrisafulli is celebrating #FSUDay at the Capitol. #FLSession2014 http://t.co/v7efLgDtpj',\n", " u'Florida remains a leader in job creation with 33,400 jobs added in February! #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @blockedbydp14: @UCFKnights @NickG8TRNation @UCF_Football you mean RT, wait for others to RT, and then see it lol',\n", " u'RT @ASAPchristiano: @danmartinez305 is the reigning #LAOTY but b careful, @Ash_Guinny @sydneyridley88 @frankieRoberts r coming for ya #legi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @repdanayoung: Speaker D @SteveCrisafulli is clearly enjoying wearing his FSU tie. #gonoles http://t.co/mW8ouPhKvQ',\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: Last week we voted to protect #StandYourGround. ReTweet if you support self-defense! http://t.co/FbYpMwTv98',\n", " u'Florida is expected to outpace the nation in economic growth for the next several years. http://t.co/8DWp0dUmNW #sayfie #FLSession2014',\n", " u'Newest member of our staff #fishyfishy #needsaname http://t.co/wxGQvXdrM2',\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: It was great to have students from St Marks Episcopal come to Tallahassee and see government in action@SenatorAltman h\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @SteveCrisafulli: We're just 15 followers shy of 5,000. Can you help me get across the line? #sayfie\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @OCTaxCol: Read about Tax Collector Scott Randolph's new Single Simultaneous Bidding Entity policy that will provide a level... http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'Hilarious: @CharlieCrist video bombs @LopezCantera mid press conference http://t.co/G22be1Tv1D',\n", " u'Looks like those Ryan Gosling \"hey girl\" memes might actually come in handy... http://t.co/FGbc2rtcHX #SingleLadies',\n", " u'City score us a goal! @StefONFIRE @JackieLeeSays #oclions #orlandocity http://t.co/c6xDpxJxou',\n", " u\"RT @CharlieCrist: Charlene Dill's story broke my heart. It's time to expand health care to 1.1 million working Floridians: http://t.co/W7Qp\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @kqucf: Celebrating the end of the week at the hammered lamb with @amyeritter @StefONFIRE @FLandrewbell & co.',\n", " u'@tallymattland life is all about finding that perfect balance',\n", " u'Life would be so much simpler if people would learn to use the \"Reply All\" button in email threads. #loopingin',\n", " u\"RT @OCTaxCol: Today we raised the DonateLife flag on behalf of Erica's father and organ & tissue donation. #DonateLifeMonth http://t.co/bDb\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @OCTaxCol: Proud to walk with @LaurensKids and to have helped them reach their specialty plate goal at our offices #whyIwalk http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @OCTaxCol: We are thrilled to partner with @FLHSMV & @FordDSFL in providing Parent Supervised Driving guides at our offices http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @kqucf: Los Republicanos quieren que los Boricuas de Orange County se salgan: http://t.co/ninJExg7MP @lennycurry @FloridaGOP @FLGovScott\\u2026',\n", " u'@FloridaGOP \"Outreach\" - Puerto Rico A \"Basket Case\" Where \"Highest Aspiration\" is A \"Nice Secure Government Job\"\\nhttp://t.co/csYkrJ8MZO #p2',\n", " u'As a Latina, I am really tired of hearing how out of the touch the @FloridaGOP is when it comes to Hispanic voters #nosepuederickscott #p2',\n", " u'RT @YDOCFL: GOP=Get Out Puerto Ricans: http://t.co/Zlu5Ol8wSv @lennycurry @FloridaGOP @FLGovScott #nosepuede #partyofno #sayfie',\n", " u'I guess \"GOP\" really means \"Get Out Puerto Ricans\" @FloridaGOP @FLGovScott http://t.co/sqMrfVM5ag #nosepuederickscott #sayfie',\n", " u'@FloridaGOP Hispanic outreach plan for 2014: \"insult their intelligence, their work ethic, and the place they emigrated from.\" - @JoshuaKarp',\n", " u'In typical @FloridaGOP style, OC Republican Chair Lew Oliver bashes Hispanics: http://t.co/dkmheCDWXp @FLGovScott #nosepuederickscott',\n", " u\"Is it still considered spring cleaning if all I've managed to do today is erase old shows from my DVR?\",\n", " u\"Even more honored to be placed between Thomas Edison and Barack Obama in my nephew's own congressional archive http://t.co/Raj2L9c64E\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"Today's leaders dismantling what Askew, others built http://t.co/hMS1ZamWE4\",\n", " u'RT @fineout: Fla. Dems say Scott campaign broke fundraising law (from @AP) http://t.co/D7r6DxTLAJ',\n", " u'RT @StephenAtHome: The CIA may be spying on Congress using a high-tech bugging system known as \"CSPAN.\"',\n", " u'WaPo: @NRCC \"has twisted a vaguely bipartisan sentiment into a highly partisan attack\" http://t.co/YVIxCsmCuz #sayfie #pfla #fl13',\n", " u'RT @maxasteele: Ouch. #sayfie #SOS MT @MaryEllenKlas: The governor delivers an election-style campaign speech to muted applause from GOP-le\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: In His Last SOTS Speech, #RickScott Doubles Down on His Failed Priorities\\nhttp://t.co/43t6x5NwPb #sayfie #pfla @FLGovScott',\n", " u\"RT @brandonenglish: Travis Childers winning the '08 special in R+10 #MS01 was an all-time amazing victory. Next up: #MSSEN http://t.co/igmE\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BethMatuga: Offered without comment \\n\\nJust kidding, this is @swampette with a #unicorn on her head http://t.co/wwANihxCX2',\n", " u'RT @cesarfernandezD: David Jolly is still listed on his lobbying firm\\u2019s website: http://t.co/H2R7V2TLqK #FL13 #Sayfie',\n", " u'RT @BethMatuga: I hope everyone will forgive me for not airing my grievances today, as I make it a point to air them consistently throughou\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @maxasteele: lol. \"The @FloridaGOP told us it didn\\u2019t mean \\'consecutive\\' as in month after month.\" http://t.co/dbddoQROeL #dictionary #sa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: RT @ContextFL: Darren Soto: The Governor who stole Christmas http://t.co/KA89aaoZDJ #sayfie #pfla @FLGovScott',\n", " u'RT @MaryEllenKlas: Hollingsworth admits he lied on resume at previous job: Adam Hollingsworth, the chief of staff and closest adv... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JeremySWallace: Does anyone else find it odd @FLGovScott sent out statement to media at 4:06 ordering flags at halfstaff for JFK until \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @maxasteele: ICYMI: @John_Thrasher, potential @FLGovScott running mate, hides his tweets from the public. I wonder why... #sayfie http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JesseFFerguson: People with pre-existing conditions, students under 26, etc - GOP would take away your current health care, even if you\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VoteAmanda: Thank you so much for all the support and confidence in electing me the next State Representative of District 36. #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @steveschale: One take on #HD36 race: candidates matter. Candidates really do matter.',\n", " u'RT @DKElections: FL GOP spent $250K to protect state House seat they are on the verge of losing http://t.co/NORUKR7dNG']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@henrytelluride like supporting the largest education budget in Florida history?',\n", " u'@dcef14 A commitment to low taxes, personal responsibility and individual liberty.',\n", " u'.@MiamiMaltBomb By \"joke\" do you mean that FL is among the nation\\'s leading states for job creation and small biz startups?',\n", " u'Just 50 followers away from 10k! Who will be number 10,000? #10kday',\n", " u'@BylineBrandon I almost had it!',\n", " u'FL saw 22,900 jobs created last month or enough new hires to fill @AAarena beyond capacity. http://t.co/79tcHRKu5g',\n", " u'Florida leads nation in payroll growth...wonder if that is due to low taxes and a biz friendly climate? #sayfie http://t.co/79tcHRKu5g',\n", " u'Thanks for the walking stick @NeilCombee ! @willweatherford are these allowed on the floor? http://t.co/0Ugx9nsK0z',\n", " u'@TravisBlanton so are the taxpayers!',\n", " u\"Two more weeks...but hey, who's countin'? #sayfie\",\n", " u'Happy Easter! http://t.co/37Iugof2q4 http://t.co/a9LHhKfVFg',\n", " u'RT @fineout: 3 GOP governors - including @JebBush @FLGovScott and former Gov. Bob Martinez - call on Fla. Senate to pass in-state tuition b\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @willweatherford: There are times throughout History when our laws are in conflict with God's Law...Freedom and Justice. Two weeks is pl\\u2026\",\n", " u'@georgecolombo FL gets 1000 new residents daily, 90m visitors yearly and these Cos moving here or expanding http://t.co/G12QNmFrX4',\n", " u\".@Delegate025 don't forget about the great weather and growing economy.\",\n", " u'Tweet from NYer @mjcule \"People wonder why I am republican? Look at our city/county/state/country then go look at Florida and Texas\\' taxes\"',\n", " u'.@Mededitor There are plenty of places businesses can go for higher taxes CA, IL, NY etc. Yet, job creators continue to flee those states.',\n", " u'.@blewyt @JacobusPhil Thanks for the follow!',\n", " u'RT @GatorCountry: FINAL: #Gators 7 #FGCU 1\\nGators 7-15-0 7LOB\\nFGCU 1-4-3 3LOB',\n", " u'Not only are your friends in the Northeast paying thousands in state taxes...its also snowing there today. #taxday http://t.co/2zMkRloJU5']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @Redteam1 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews Our unfunded liabilities & demographic trends bankrupt us. Wake up America!',\n", " u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @Redteam1 @peddoc63 Bush43 should have closed out TARP before leaving office. Obama abused & extended TARP.',\n", " u\"@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews Stats don't reflect economic impact of cataclysmic events like 9/11. WHB Worse w/o Bush43!\",\n", " u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @Redteam1 @peddoc63 Bush43 had Dem House & Senate from 2007-2009. Should he have vetoed bills or gotten things done?',\n", " u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews Since 1992, our enemies tried to destroy us financially, Bush43 saved us over his 8yrs!',\n", " u\"@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews Bush43 dealt w/cataclysmic '97 IYC recession, tech & housing bubbles, Katrina, 9/11 & Wars.\",\n", " u\"@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews Bush43 tax cuts created 8M jobs 2003-2007. US enemies created '08 economic meltdown.\",\n", " u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @Redteam1 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews Bush43 wanted to reform Medicare & SocSec, but @GOP Congress blinked in 2003.',\n", " u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @Redteam1 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews BabyBoomers overwhelmed every other system. Medicare & SocSec will bankrupt soon.',\n", " u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @Redteam1 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNew Bush43 added $4.9T in 8yrs & Obama added $7.8T in 5yrs of mostly entitlement debt.',\n", " u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @Redteam1 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews Dems illegally blocked budgets 5yrs increasing overspending 8% annually each yr.',\n", " u\"RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Obama administration's 'Culture of intimidation' seen in ranch standoff... http://t.co/41flgJlLJT\",\n", " u'RT @WSJ: You could soon be paying for your coffee using a palm scanner: http://t.co/iZmMVZZWkZ (Quixter) http://t.co/VOWQurbgkI',\n", " u'RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Glenn Beck Moves Into Movie Production... http://t.co/9tVEx3tc1F',\n", " u\"RT @MyFoxOrlando: An 11YO is missing this morning. @OrangeCoSheriff deputies searched for her with blood hounds last night. We'll show... #\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @IamJohnBurnett: Heroin a growing threat across USA, police say http://t.co/ViTLIX8MQO via @usatoday',\n", " u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @Redteam1 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews Corporatists are destroying our republic, but no budget is worse per last 5 yrs.',\n", " u'RT @FCIR: Ex-US Attorney heads Gulf spill claims audit panel http://t.co/I1qthxe2hL',\n", " u'@Ian56789 @CoolChange80 @Redteam1 @peddoc63 @BreitbartNews @FreedomWorks @RepPaulRyan Dems block BalancedBudget & PennyPlan, so vote em out!',\n", " u'@StateDept @JohnKerry No eye contact: Ukraine would welcome arms & intelligence over gladhanding! Hillary failed again! #Justice4Benghazi4']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @aht4005: we don't forget that. van Gaal started this Bayern reign with a CL final appearance against Inter in 2010\",\n", " u'@DavidAmoyal United',\n", " u'@sportscaddy @agiamba @Calcio_Alex @TheRahat @SamCalcio word, and I yours. But yeah, agree to disagree.',\n", " u\"@sportscaddy @agiamba @Calcio_Alex @TheRahat @SamCalcio or maybe it's why he was the wrong choice?\",\n", " u'@DavidAmoyal @FineAsWeAre #fact',\n", " u\"@sportscaddy @agiamba @Calcio_Alex @TheRahat @SamCalcio that's the job he signed up for though. Plenty of coaches have done it.\",\n", " u'@MaraAzzurra89 @ADP1113 lost points, I think',\n", " u\"Remember when Tevez' dog got dog-napped? That was a sad day. Good thing they found the dog.\",\n", " u'@sportscaddy @agiamba @Calcio_Alex @TheRahat @SamCalcio very recently, yeah. Strikers aside, not a very special squad.',\n", " u\"Then I'm going to write a page in Italian without looking up any words or proofreading. Always works.\",\n", " u\"Hope my professor doesn't mind that I am too lazy to even write the class name out in my heading at this point in the semester.\",\n", " u\"@sportscaddy @agiamba @Calcio_Alex @TheRahat @SamCalcio yes, that's what rich clubs do.\",\n", " u\"RT @ADP1113: Tickets for Juventus-Benfica at the Juventus Stadium sold out in a matter of hours (also Sassuolo's Mapei stadium is sold-out \\u2026\",\n", " u'@agiamba @Calcio_Alex @sportscaddy @TheRahat @SamCalcio I agree. Which is why Man U should be back in top 4 next yr',\n", " u'@ScotM87 yeah the tweet b4 that was saying how Atleti vs Chelsea should be a slobber knocker',\n", " u\"@Calcio_Alex @sportscaddy @agiamba @TheRahat @SamCalcio they're firing a coach not selling the squad off.\",\n", " u'@sportscaddy @Calcio_Alex @agiamba @TheRahat @SamCalcio at this point I think they are better off hitting re-start button',\n", " u\"@Calcio_Alex I'm procrastinating Italian Lit HW, so I got time. Shoot.\",\n", " u'@Calcio_Alex @sportscaddy @agiamba @TheRahat @SamCalcio so give him 5 months just because and then give a new coach no time?',\n", " u\"@DavidAmoyal yeah but Knicks want to have cap space after next yr as well. It's the new 2010 offseason. Know what I mean?\"]},\n", " {'INT': [u'RT @USFAthletics: Congrats to the @usfmenstennis team on becoming @American_Champs this weekend: http://t.co/ofDo6hSeXm #GoBulls http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @USFAthletics: Congrats to the @USFWomensTennis team on becoming @American_Champs yesterday: http://t.co/M48nIUBBlm #GoBulls http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value decreased by $0.60 to $16.80. Automatically checked by http://t.co/zSjJyRyIyg\",\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value increased by $0.60 to $17.40. Automatically checked by http://t.co/zSjJyRyIyg\",\n", " u'@987TheFan @CommishOnline worst job=urine sample collector.',\n", " u'RT @CoachKWisdom: Mental toughness can take you to the top, and mental weakness straight to the bottom.',\n", " u\"RT @GolfDigestMag: An important component of great ball striking? Making sure the club strikes the ground in the right spot. Here's how: ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'@lsubooger @987TheFan non issue if the teams requesting the workouts are outside the top 3. Maybe Houston already told him he is number 1.',\n", " u'@CommishOnline keeper league. You can keep any 4 bucs players and Draft a new team. Who are you keeping.',\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value increased by $0.60 to $16.80. Automatically checked by http://t.co/zSjJyRyIyg\",\n", " u'RT @SouthernScenery: Augusta National Golf Club, Georgia http://t.co/h9LXymWhSZ',\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value increased by $0.60 to $16.20. Automatically checked by http://t.co/zSjJyRyIyg\",\n", " u'RT @WallStreetWoIf: Deserves endless retweets. Worth the read \\U0001f44d http://t.co/XKiDCA4C3V',\n", " u\"The @dallascowboys be America's team but @JordanSpieth is America's golfer. Keep it up! #Masters2014 #masters2014leaderboard #getchasome\",\n", " u'RT @WallStreetWoIf: Key to success \\U0001f44c http://t.co/DmTZvqozaM',\n", " u\"RT @PGATOUR: Twenty-year-old Jordan Spieth just eagled the 15th to move to 3 under. He's T-3 at the #Masters. http://t.co/S6yhtTFlra\",\n", " u\"RT @CoachKWisdom: You can't let other people tell you who you are. You have to decide that for yourself.\",\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value increased by $0.60 to $15.60. Automatically checked by http://t.co/zSjJyRyIyg\",\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value decreased by $0.60 to $15.00. Automatically checked by http://t.co/zSjJyRyIyg\",\n", " u\"Today's stats: My Twitter account's value increased by $0.60 to $15.60. Automatically checked by http://t.co/zSjJyRyIyg\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'These socks man http://t.co/EU20jdvr16',\n", " u'#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Word\\n\\nObamacare sucks. Blame Bush.',\n", " u'#SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words\\n\\nWhat is a job?',\n", " u'@unleash_tafuri Tafuri are you even old enough to be on twitter?',\n", " u\"@barnhart_neal yea but it wasn't everyday.\",\n", " u\"If you smoke pot everyday, it makes no sense to celebrate 4/20....it's the same stuff, just a different day.\",\n", " u'RT @Actulyjuses: u betr fukin not b getin hi 2dai er i wil find u\\n\\ndis iz mai speshul dai n u wil not fuk dis up fer me',\n", " u'The NHL is about the team. The NBA is all about me, me, me.',\n", " u'Congrats to the @BlueJacketsNHL on their first ever playoff victory...also screw the Penguins. Go Wings!',\n", " u\"Brent Seabrook is a dirty SOB. Watched that hit on Backes and it's completely asinine.\",\n", " u\"@unleash_tafuri burn 'em all\",\n", " u'Insurance at Dillards, according to my aunt who is a store manager, is $400 a week for a family of four under Obamacare regulations. #fail',\n", " u'Clinton Feared Hillarycare Would Cause People to Lose Insurance, Yet Dems Still Shoved #Obamacare Down Our Throats.http://t.co/Pmxz3SCdxf',\n", " u\"RT @joshromney: Hey @SenatorReid here's a shot of @MittRomney paying taxes. Does it every year. It's how you get your paycheck. http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @michaeljay966: @JPovlow @S_HartFTMFW \\nHow to Catch a White Girl http://t.co/pE1GxEBMDT',\n", " u'@bubbawatson is in great shape with only a few holes left!',\n", " u'@BLMNational and Cliven Bundy are both bad guys here. BLM stomped all over protesters and Bundy failed to pay his fees. #blmnevada',\n", " u\"@HuffPostPol who cares....they earned it, they can do what they want with it. It's not illegal, it's strategic. You want to keep your money.\",\n", " u'Ayyyy @bubbawatson keep it up!',\n", " u\"RT @DarrellIssa: Sebelius' tenure as head of HHS may be at an end, but Americans will be dealing with the repercussions of #ObamaCare for a\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Happy birthday @RPerrinRogers. You are very good at everything you put your mind to and it's great to have you on my team. #sayfie #flsenate\",\n", " u'RT @FMA_PAC: @WiltonSimpson qualifies for SD 18 ballot with 3,331 petition signatures #sayfie http://t.co/hMzR4GVb1j',\n", " u'RT @wedupbs: At 8:30 p.m. on #FloridaThisWeek, our panelists are @JoynerforSenate, @WiltonSimpson, @DrMacManus, & @adamsmithtimes.',\n", " u\"RT @BillGalvano: Bill would provide lawyers for special-needs kids. Something I'm really looking forward to passing this year! #SD26 http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @keat_alexander: Brooksville is bumpin this weekend thanks to the #BlueberryFestival @WiltonSimpson representing one delicious area',\n", " u'So good to have the @BellamyBrothers back home. #PascoProud #sayfie http://t.co/VCNZ1Hc29O',\n", " u'@keat_alexander you pull up to the dealership and hand them the keys',\n", " u'RT @FFBAgWatch: We are working on bills to promote dispersed water storage. HB 575/SB 312 http://t.co/O4DjQawPSF',\n", " u'RT @KyleSimon: @BayadaHHC advocates with FL Sen. Wilton Simpson @WiltonSimpson at the @HomeCareFLA Legislative Day #sayfie #homecare http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VoiceofFLBiz: .@WiltonSimpson, AIF stood in support of SB 1070 re: Fuel Terminals today in @FLSenate Transportation #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @adamputnam: 501 years ago today, Ponce de Leon landed in FL. A lot has changed but a lot stayed the same - FL is still home to the foun\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @VoiceofFLBiz: AIF stood in support of SB 312 by @WiltonSimpson re: Agriculture in @FLSenate Approps Subcomte on Finance & Tax #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @DannyBurgessFL: Great meeting with Senator @WiltonSimpson! #Pasco http://t.co/wFYOM0XFhc',\n", " u'Nice job @keat_alexander: Presented my first bill today in the AG committee and it passed favorably. http://t.co/rFQJIG5B3M',\n", " u'Great appointment by @FLGovScott. Roland Dove of New Port Richey will make a fantastic addition to Board of Professional Engineers #sayfie',\n", " u'RT\\u201c@willweatherford: A new day for @PHSCedu! @TBOcom: Two colleges - including Pasco Hernando - change names http://t.co/aA5ZKx2Rb4 #sayfie',\n", " u'#DavidBeckham in the Capitol today http://t.co/cUZIFN08sb',\n", " u'RT @VoiceofFLBiz: AIF supports SB 536 re: Reclaimed Water by @WiltonSimpson in @FLSenate Environmental Preservation & Conservation Cmte #sa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @nfib_fl: SB 776 just passed it\\u2019s 2nd committee. @wiltonsimpson leading the way in the Senate to reduce fees for small businesses. #smal\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FFBAgWatch: Great crowd for our \"Taste of FL Ag\" reception last night. Were you there? What did you think? http://t.co/D3oJELUmIL\\u201d']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Advocates not happy with rewrite of Florida child welfare laws http://t.co/05aBAvxNak via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"High court spikes Scott's drug-testing plan | The Florida Current: http://t.co/E5ZqmzuWq7 via @flcurrent\",\n", " u'House panel merges two pension overhauls | The Florida Current: http://t.co/2aR2cJUHDr via @flcurrent',\n", " u\"Editorial: Public should see details of All Children's settlement http://t.co/KphGujn73F via @TB_Times\",\n", " u\"U.S. Supreme Court rejects Florida Gov. Rick Scott's request to review drug testing decision http://t.co/HDjsCGPZaq via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'Some murderers choose life in prison to avoid death penalty http://t.co/gKiqNrSb8B via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Editorial: Right time for pension reform http://t.co/tE9pK2DMk6 via @sharethis',\n", " u'Foster mom saw signs of neglect in Hakken boys http://t.co/5ipenEAdK9 via @sharethis',\n", " u'Carlton: If Schenecker is too crazy to execute, is she too crazy to convict? http://t.co/eQmEWPcUO4 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Schenecker judge bars testimony on car crash, abuse allegations http://t.co/yx2fLlnmRb via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Editorial: Gun law poses a dangerous gamble http://t.co/rxqVLpBN3l via @sharethis',\n", " u\"Hillsborough man's trial in death of boy, 3, under way http://t.co/wt02ijFof8 via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'Editorial: Incoming governors should appoint supreme court justices http://t.co/Kra2Arj76g via @sharethis',\n", " u'How to fix the Second Amendment http://t.co/m6WIsJ9cTj via @washingtonpost',\n", " u'Pension reform has good day for Weatherford, but is it a last gasp? http://t.co/QvRmNNur4s via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Listen: Julie Schenecker offered rambling statement to police http://t.co/8CL4yv7nwJ via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Carlton: How very Barry http://t.co/sbX5txSGdS via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Recording of Schenecker talking with detectives released http://t.co/x5zYTSW20e via @sharethis',\n", " u'Katrina vanden Heuvel: There is a war waging against the American people http://t.co/VY5vIlHbHL via @washingtonpost',\n", " u\"John Romano: Bill would atone for man's wrongful conviction http://t.co/phbvYyUST2 via @TB_Times\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'the fishing floridian is out! http://t.co/g4YtosNqFu Stories via @phoebewonderlan @ThalesRivasBJJ',\n", " u'schmidty politics is out! http://t.co/RPZHGsicaq Stories via @ChocolotThundrz @FloridaERLC',\n", " u'The Tampa Bay Update is out! http://t.co/fgC2AWQmCl Stories via @PositivelyTampa @SeanFitz_Gerald',\n", " u'the schmidty beer daily is out! http://t.co/vioT96OSn5',\n", " u'The Tampa Bay Sports Daily is out! http://t.co/WQiiBhf1os Stories via @utspartans',\n", " u'the fishing floridian is out! http://t.co/g4YtosNqFu Stories via @HeatherBrewster @LaSailtica',\n", " u'schmidty politics is out! http://t.co/RPZHGsicaq Stories via @PascoLion @SayfieReview @agabus98',\n", " u'The Tampa Bay Update is out! http://t.co/fgC2AWQmCl Stories via @monibubegos @TicketChatterFL',\n", " u'the schmidty beer daily is out! http://t.co/vioT96OSn5 Stories via @FLBeerNews',\n", " u'The Tampa Bay Sports Daily is out! http://t.co/WQiiBhf1os',\n", " u'Nice a clear! http://t.co/O4FKvBjyeX',\n", " u\"I'm at Rogers Park (Spring Hill, FL) http://t.co/7eoph1KLtf\",\n", " u\"I'm at Hospital Hole http://t.co/cuI9fHRU0B\",\n", " u'Get it on (@ Weeki Wachee Canoe & Kayak) http://t.co/gMn7DdRUwS',\n", " u'Happy Easter! | For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) http://t.co/mJdRkkE5Fy',\n", " u'It really was a dark time | These Haunting Photos Capture The Daily Reality Of A Dark Episode In U.S. History http://t.co/CRiL54yosR',\n", " u'the fishing floridian is out! http://t.co/g4YtosNqFu Stories via @WhiteSkyBlues @dan_c_pd @sjlz',\n", " u'schmidty politics is out! http://t.co/RPZHGsicaq Stories via @TaylorBiehl @WmHarrison @CocoPazzo',\n", " u'The Tampa Bay Update is out! http://t.co/fgC2AWQmCl Stories via @SheetalSidhu @myareanetwork',\n", " u'the schmidty beer daily is out! http://t.co/vioT96OSn5']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @KrisaTailor: Have you registered for the SAS #healthanalytics virtual conference? http://t.co/OKGvC4CrjH',\n", " u'RT @achodges: Back to Basics: Applying Visual and Geospatial Analytics to Major Cases, Confidential Informant and Intel Management http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TrentSmithNC: Students use data to write an equation to predict home run distances, based on bat speed. http://t.co/iP6mVSuf3w @SASeduc\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TenneyUF: Lexington police scanner link, anyone?',\n", " u'RT @ryanpduffy: Cannot wait for #OneShiningMoment',\n", " u'They did it! Natl Champs! RT @Vivskivs luck to Idol Sapphires on hunt for a jacket #ACOpen @IDOLcheer @VarsityAllStar http://t.co/9gMUCfzitc',\n", " u'Good luck to Idol Sapphires on their hunt for a jacket at the #ACOpen. @IDOLcheer http://t.co/9gMUCfzitc',\n", " u'Good luck Ellie and all the @IDOLcheer Sapphires. #ACopen http://t.co/Si180s1wAV',\n", " u'RT @mcmu1973: Good luck Amethys Idol\\U0001f389\\U0001f4aa\\U0001f44d #ACOpen',\n", " u'RT @VarsityAllStar: Good luck to all teams this weekend! Polynesian Paradise is under way here at #ACopen by @AmChamps! http://t.co/xXPEYLL\\u2026',\n", " u'Good luck to all the @IDOLcheer teams. #theworkisworthit #ACopen',\n", " u'RT @Deadspin: The cost of a marriage proposal at each MLB ballpark: http://t.co/3cwWypMDdN',\n", " u\"RT @cattrudd: \\u201c@UberFacts: Double-dipping chips does not increase the amount of germs found in the dip.\\u201d @cmrod1993 I'm going to show this \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @mkearley2008: This @60minutes piece on blind jazz pianist Marcus Roberts by Wynton Marsalis is awesome : The Virtuoso: - http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @michicheer12: What a way to end this Rollercoaster Ride of a Season with a National Championship Win \\U0001f3c6 This season\\u2026 http://t.co/58rXO5\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HistoricalPics: On this day in 1981, President Reagan was shot, but survived, during an assassination attempt in Washington DC http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'@AndyMarlette @hymnforrachel really? I must be confused then. #whatever',\n", " u'Is it wrong to just buy mac & cheese and soda at Whole Foods? #nothealthy #sorryNOTSorry',\n", " u'RT @PeterHambyCNN: Aug. \\'96: some Chicago consultant named @davidaxelrod sends unsolicited memo to \"Team Clinton\" after GOP convention, off\\u2026',\n", " u'@AndyMarlette I remember working w you on the Crist campaign in the early days!!! Congrats!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Pinellas County to name interim leader, may delay search talks until May http://t.co/HOwhacTtke via @TB_Times',\n", " u'\"Lunch is on me. No one should have to buy their lunch on their first Saturday shift.\" Well, thanks, @JohnWoodrowCox. I\\'ll take it.',\n", " u'Arrived to my first Saturday shift to a dark and empty St. Pete newsroom. Realized I forgot to ask @craigtimes where the light switches are.',\n", " u'Drones take flight as real estate tool, and much more http://t.co/Km0zApFInm via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Tampa Bay Times brings new digital sales manager on board http://t.co/spNo24FiN2 via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"Pinellas to pay Pasco tax bill, avoid 'embarrassing' scofflaw tag http://t.co/VijvDQmJj0 via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'Pinellas fire departments start to line up for EMS battle http://t.co/fbTJrfcy8B via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"At medical marijuana talk tonight, Pinella Sheriff Bob Gualtieri will argue sheriffs' side http://t.co/rcpEtfbkCH via @TB_Times\",\n", " u\"John Romano: Pinellas administrator LaSala's legacy? Good hire, good fire http://t.co/zcbSX12Vcg via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'St. Petersburg deputy mayor reveals what led her to halt police promotions http://t.co/duUDe1MpS1 via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Challenges ahead for Pinellas County now without a top administrator http://t.co/dwjDXsSyZG via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"@jthalji @amy_hollyfield @craigtimes You just reminded me I haven't noted the location of the nearest fire extinguisher.\",\n", " u'@jthalji @amy_hollyfield @craigtimes What was it called before?',\n", " u'Had a 1A co-byline and received the traditional gift Slinky from @craigtimes to mark my recent arrival\\u2026 http://t.co/LTeoUgq3Ww',\n", " u'Appeals court agrees \\u2014 no term limits for Pinellas commissioners despite 1996 vote http://t.co/kObbrpYZiv via @TB_Times',\n", " u'UPDATE: Pinellas Commission votes unanimously to fire administrator Bob LaSala http://t.co/9DxY0xp1KT via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"Pinellas County Administrator Bob LaSala's job on the line http://t.co/9DxY0xp1KT via @TB_Times\",\n", " u'On Passover, Jewish families contend with FCAT http://t.co/Y9N960NZhP via @TB_Times',\n", " u\"Dr. Beach visits Fort De Soto's beaches, talks about his annual rankings http://t.co/8H1uaMVY0W via @TB_Times\",\n", " u\"Movie theater shooting suspect Curtis Reeves: 'I've spent 71 years doing the right thing' http://t.co/7hbd3CST9e via @TB_Times\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @postpolitics: #FactChecker: Spinning Obamacare success: The president highlights a less relevant number http://t.co/0gnOi7UdQq',\n", " u'RT @bernyjacques: Good seeing @JDMcBride1 @cmlabruzzo @ChrisLatvala @ChrisSprowls at event for @stjohns7373 at #IslandWay. Thanks for hosti\\u2026',\n", " u'Really enjoyed speaking to the Board of Dir. of the #Homeless Emergency Project tonight. I am looking to working w/ them to assist #vets.',\n", " u\"Great event for @stjohns7373 at Island Way hosted by @atty2thestars .I couldn't be more proud to support Susan. She will make a great Judge.\",\n", " u'RT @JeffreyBrandes: Has solar power\\u2019s day in the sun arrived? http://t.co/95lKa4ui0L',\n", " u'RT @IrishQuote: \"May the Risen Saviour bless your home with grace and peace from above, with joy and laughter, and with love.\" - Irish Bles\\u2026',\n", " u'Wishing everyone a happy and blessed Easter.',\n", " u'RT @JustinHomburg: Here comes Peter Cottontail, hop hop hoppin down the Campaign Trail. #teamsprowls @ChrisSprowls @hartman_tara http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @atty2thestars: Come on out 4/21 6-8p at The Island Way Grill, Clearwater beach -to show your support for @stjohns7373',\n", " u'@davidbanther it was a false alarm.',\n", " u'MT: \\u201c@MyFoxTampaBay: Tarpon Springs PD on scene of a possible sinkhole. We have a crew on the way.\\u201d @davidbanther',\n", " u'Thanks to @hartman_tara for this.... Nothing like an Easter Bunny endorsement. #TheBunny4Sprowls http://t.co/g6cjjpkzdC',\n", " u'Awesome walk today w/ @JustinHomburg @BKISSEL25 and #TeamSprowls #WalkSelfie #sayfie @SIMwins http://t.co/pqNS3JkoUD',\n", " u'RT @SportsTalkFLA: Bolts playing with fire still #tblightning but a much better start',\n", " u\"@jenlux that's mean. I expect that from @JamesGrantFL but not you.\",\n", " u\"Let's. Go. Lighting. #BeTheThunder @TBLightning\",\n", " u'Hats off to @TampaPD Chief Jane Castor for allowing officers to grow playoff beards for the @Beardathon to support @MoffittNews. #GoBolts',\n", " u'RT @Beardathon: Impressive stuff from grower @anthonypedicini! Over $4,000 raised for @TampaBayLightning #keepgrowing #TampaBeard --> http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NASA: The view from a @SpaceX rocket cam with Earth in the background, headed toward #ISS:\\xa0\\xa0 http://t.co/Bt9OcxFOWb',\n", " u'Flood Insurance Premiums Decreasing as Marketplace comes in: http://t.co/szwGPmG9RI #sayfie @JeffreyBrandes']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'The Fallacy of Taxes vs. Services http://t.co/fvXuhPS3vH',\n", " u'Why Are We Still Working So Hard? (By @yvessmith) http://t.co/w5NAHi7LAA',\n", " u\"Florida: Will latest gambit save Weatherford's pension reform? http://t.co/Mj1gBLwKEm\",\n", " u'Daily Digest - April 22: Tax Reform Can Close the Gulf Between CEOs and Workers http://t.co/00LD3RjCzC',\n", " u'Today\\u2019s Labor News and Commentary \\u2013 April 22 (Via @onlaborblog) http://t.co/bwPbRgpjJm',\n", " u'MSHA set to announce new coal dust rule (By @Kenwardjr) http://t.co/XY1i9z9ion',\n", " u'Wage Theft Must Not Be Ignored (By @econjared) http://t.co/iOAcDE38OC',\n", " u'Exposing the Real Story Behind Worker Centers http://t.co/wC8szhR8R4',\n", " u'PayWatch Raises Awareness about Income Inequality http://t.co/vYPdvEHwcf',\n", " u'Teachers authorize strike at Pennsylvania charter school http://t.co/ELHa21Pkkb',\n", " u'Rick Scott strikes out again in the courts on drug testing Floridians (By @clmitchperry) http://t.co/MdDApo47Lb',\n", " u'Raising Our Expectations http://t.co/YFC5IIUJW9',\n", " u'@thepoliticalcat Thanks cat!',\n", " u'Lonely, ignored voice predicted Boeing job drain http://t.co/158XbVC28l',\n", " u'Workplace Realities: An Eye-Opening Video http://t.co/jPOj50frZZ',\n", " u'Disney to raise its minimum wage to $10 an hour http://t.co/1Zwyvd3xw3',\n", " u'Raising Taxes on Corporations that Pay Their CEOs Royally and Treat Their Workers Like Serfs http://t.co/m8Gy5DzUs1',\n", " u\"Rick Scott's latest drug-testing appeal turned away by court http://t.co/ygFsUzEDbZ\",\n", " u'Counting the votes of African Americans and Latinos is the real vote suppression http://t.co/daIFhHOYGI',\n", " u'Today\\u2019s Labor News and Commentary \\u2013 April 21 http://t.co/9FzxjIh7we']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @ShaylaFOX13: Comfort. http://t.co/cJPU0wDz4p',\n", " u'@ShaylaFOX13 I am such a fan of this dog! I just wanna give her a big ol hug!',\n", " u'RT @ShaylaFOX13: Reunited! http://t.co/b0nGvbiB5o',\n", " u'RT @ShaylaFOX13: We are at the hospital! Waiting to see Luke :) http://t.co/mTKYbNG7qz',\n", " u'RT @ShaylaFOX13: Nina is loving the attention. http://t.co/wvpsiJViKJ',\n", " u'RT @ShaylaFOX13: A veterans missing dog has been found! Microchip checked! Vet check happening now! http://t.co/ptJBWN6hbp',\n", " u\"RT @WSJ: Nintendo's Gameboy has sold over 118 million units worldwide since it was released 25 years ago. http://t.co/um1WROZfrv\",\n", " u'RT @bernssteakhouse: In the AMAZING news dept, we would like to congratulate Meb Keflezighi, the NEPHEW of our very own Chef Hab, on... htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RobHarris: Ryan Giggs confirmed as interim manager - might now miss out on scoring in every Prem Lge season he played',\n", " u\"RT @MailSport: Ryan Giggs will take charge of Manchester United's remaining games this season #mufc http://t.co/85gWfBJRiR\",\n", " u'RT @ManUtd: BREAKING: The club would like to place on record its thanks for the hard work, honesty and integrity he brought to the role. (p\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ManUtd: BREAKING: Manchester United announces that David Moyes has left the club. (part 1 of 2) #mufc',\n", " u'RT @BBCBreaking: .@ManUtd manager David #Moyes has been sacked after 10 months in the job http://t.co/JLGu62tI1O http://t.co/Ftenq7uiST',\n", " u'RT @thedailymeal: .@krispykreme Japan Does Doughnut Ice Cream Sundaes: http://t.co/E4aKu58Aa4 http://t.co/8PlTEa9MrQ',\n", " u'RT @EmergencyPuppy: http://t.co/BQ7Axerk32',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeed: #BostonMarathon winner @runmeb ran with names of the Boston Marathon bombing victims on his bib, via @SteveSaleeba http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ESPNFC: Sources have told @ESPNFC that the sacking of David Moyes as Manchester United manager is \"imminent.\"',\n", " u'RT @seguifox13: Shuttle bus picking up students & taking them to school. This after girl was killed trying to cross Hillsborough Ave http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @BuzzFeed: 8 Festive Photos Of The Kennedy's Celebrating Easter In 1963 http://t.co/klCgRF5WBC http://t.co/gbjlymhgTL\",\n", " u'RT @producerprobs: You think regular holidays are slow? Try working in a newsroom a holiday SUNDAY. #producerproblems']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @IIFA: Madness, excitement, fanfare and love. #IIFA Arrivals have begun. See you all at @FlyTPA today. Stars are coming!! They roll from\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @IIFA: The hot and happening star couple #SaifAliKhan and #Kareenakapoor lands @FlyTPA at 4. Be there to get up and close. #IIFA arrivals',\n", " u'Tampa International Airport prepares to receive stars and fans of IIFA. Welcome Bollywood! @BN9 @FlyTPA @IIFA #IIFA2014 #IIFARocks',\n", " u'Shahid Kapoor, arrives today in Tampa. Watch Bay News 9 for complete IIFA coverage starting at 5:00AM @BN9 @FlyTPA @IIFA #IIFAAwards',\n", " u'Hills Schls start shuttle to stop kids jaywalking on Hillsborough Ave. @BN9 @BN9traffic @HillsboroughSch http://t.co/MrhYq7DQWV',\n", " u'http://t.co/8JV0GqKY4j #24hoursofhappy',\n", " u\"@oldirtysundays Great! But we'd need to shoot it today because the Lightning play tonight the story airs at 5:00pm\",\n", " u\"@oldirtysundays I'm looking to talk to you today about your rap song about The Lightning.\",\n", " u'Spending the morning moon gazing. @BN9 @MyNews13 http://t.co/mCpg2PLcz8',\n", " u'@likeitTIis @woosaaah uh huh... Keep telling yourself that. Lol',\n", " u'As promised, enjoying a lovely brew(s) at St. Pete Brewery. http://t.co/6PYRQnmIWw',\n", " u'@ChuckHenson1 gotcha covered!',\n", " u'Just had and AMAZING weekend in Ft. Lauderdale. The Grand Hotel & Spa is a must stay! LBGT \\U0001f31f\\U0001f31f\\U0001f31f\\U0001f31f\\U0001f31f http://t.co/PONDAZdf2m',\n", " u'RT @MyNews13: Yet another price hike at the #ThemeParks: Parking at #Universal is now $17, just days after #Disney did the same. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u\"David Letterman announces he's retiring in 2015. @BN9 @MyNews13\",\n", " u\"AAA releases new survey on gas prices v. driving habits. We've got the exclusive details. @BN9traffic @BN9 @bn9weather\",\n", " u'RT @FlaMediaQueen: I walked into the newsroom at 3:30 am and got #leied by @TrevorPettiford http://t.co/kRwrZNI6mA',\n", " u'Check out the Manaphin! http://t.co/KV3mYCcT4E @VSPC @VISITFLORIDA',\n", " u'Sighting of rare manaphin off the coast of St. Pete Clearwater today! http://t.co/1b8sMzeVI5',\n", " u'RT @BN9traffic: #Manatee Co: PIC from the scene via @TrevorPettiford. NB US 41 at 33rd St W in #Palmetto http://t.co/Kki7MPfE35']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"Simpson's FRS bill passes 10-8 out of Senate Appropriations Committee.\",\n", " u\"Sens. Lee and Joyner opposing Simpson's FRS bill.\",\n", " u'Sen. Bill Montford says FRS is a \"good, sound system\" that should be left alone.',\n", " u\"Sen. Jack Latvala says he will probably vote against FRS bill, says he's tired of scaring state workers, complains they aren't getting raise\",\n", " u\"SBA official testifies that Simpson bill won't harm FRS. He says FRS will be fine without the bill, too, as long as it is properly funded.\",\n", " u'Lynda Russell of Florida Education Association says new teacher hired today would get a third less in retirement benefits in investment plan',\n", " u'Rich Templin of FloridaAFL-CIO calls Simpson FRS bill \"soft close\" of the state pension plan.',\n", " u\"Forty to 50 people lined up to speak out on Sen. Wilton Simpson's FRS bill in Senate Appropriations Committee.\",\n", " u'Senate Appropriations Committee temporarily postpones SB 1114, which would bring changes to #Florida Retirement System.',\n", " u'RT @SeanRossman: Republican Rep. Dane Eagle arrested on DUI charge - http://t.co/ub3W1f8ohE',\n", " u'House State Affairs Committee votes along party lines to approve bill that would make changes to FRS.',\n", " u'RT @IntegrityFL: Groups call on lawmakers to pass ethics, open-government bills - @JeffBurlew report #sayfie http://t.co/Se46a404YD',\n", " u'RT @fineout: Advice of the day from @MyFWC: \"If a black bear attacks you, fight back aggressively.\"',\n", " u'Nearly 4 inches of rain fell this morning at #Tallahassee Regional Airport, short of a daily record of 4.42 inches, set in 1947. @TDOnline',\n", " u'RT @NWSTallahassee: Radar rainfall estimates from EOX (Ft. Rucker) show the band of heavy rainfall in Florida Panhandle. 5-7\" amounts. http\\u2026',\n", " u'Bill that would default state workers into investment plan passes House Appropriations Committee largely along party lines.',\n", " u'@RepAlanWilliams speaks out against bill that would provide incentives for state workers to enter investment plan, not pension plan.',\n", " u\"Children's Week organizers say it's unlikely movie star John Travolta will appear today at the Capitol. He'd been penciled in to participate\",\n", " u'#Florida correctional officers demanding higher pay, wage parity with law enforcement at other state agencies. http://t.co/vzklCRt2Ec',\n", " u\"How #Kentucky's miracle shot happened http://t.co/riJ2lqfP5Z via @WSJ\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@tjacksonTBO \\u201c@wbpictures: Are you ready for #GODZILLA? Tickets are now on sale: http://t.co/kjrPDOlhHl http://t.co/bQXoCStiLX\\u201d',\n", " u'#Rays signed DeJesus to a 2-yr $10 million extension in the offseason. thoughts?',\n", " u\"@RMooneyTBO that contract extension isn't looking like such a great move.\",\n", " u\"@AyanaStewart Congratulations to our former intern! Couldn't have picked a more deserving person!\",\n", " u'RT @RBlairTBO: FACE #Pasco charter school to close http://t.co/mOJmbDgzjJ via @sharethis',\n", " u'RT @RBlairTBO: #Pasco district in need of more bus drivers http://t.co/tKG7yiBToE via @sharethis',\n", " u'RT @RBlairTBO: Firm to help #Pasco school district plan http://t.co/ggJNOZvL7p via @sharethis',\n", " u'RT @RBlairTBO: Pasco to recruit teachers out of state http://t.co/rsl7MQ55sx via @sharethis',\n", " u'#Zephyrhills city manager submits severance proposal http://t.co/tl31cHd7xZ via @TBOcom #Pasco',\n", " u'Bizarre photo selection by @TBOcom on this story. Port Richey official wants police chief investigated http://t.co/d26w27oVXG via #Pasco',\n", " u'Opinion clears way for #Pasco Property Appraiser to hire stepdaughter http://t.co/ET2h1wLAFF via @TBOcom',\n", " u'@collegegymfans Congrats to @UGAgymnastics for punching ticket to the Super Six! #GymDogs!',\n", " u'#PortRichey manager asks FDLE to probe police chief; no confidence voted http://t.co/y2EZeD2VdU via @sharethis',\n", " u\"Yikes! We're about to get pounded! Radar coverage of Tampa Bay rain storms and weather http://t.co/1OxDxCY9ZE via @TBO #Pasco #WesleyChapel\",\n", " u'RT @pascoschools: Congratulations to the Wiregrass Ranch Tennis Team for winning the 3A State Tennis Championship. http://t.co/lFjcMKu0PE',\n", " u'#Pasco County launches annual online survey http://t.co/2kv5xz9Der via @TBOcom',\n", " u'#Pinellas to pay #Pasco tax debts http://t.co/brGvtBvHWT via @TBOcom',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: What we know about the \"grotesque\" leaflet handed out to Jews in Donetsk, Ukraine http://t.co/0P6Fo16urO http://t.co/2k\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PascoFireRescue: On 4/17/2014 Crews responded to a house fire in Hudson. Engine 10 arrived on scene found a 3 story wooden stilt... ht\\u2026',\n", " u'@marcorubio This is horrifying. History repeating itself.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Stephen Buckley, dean of faculty at Poynter Institute, to lead youth initiative in Zambia: http://t.co/P7UBQ7MqSf',\n", " u'@craigtimes A badger can take them both down.',\n", " u'Ho noess @mrjaymanuel is dying! Help him lord! http://t.co/WLnVVxxVqS cc @stephhayes',\n", " u\"RT @amy_hollyfield: .@MarcoRubio calls #Snowden scandal 'most damaging' espionage case in U.S. history. Is it? @PolitiFact @jpgillin http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'Budget negotiations begin tonight http://t.co/AwfugJWxrx',\n", " u'Supreme Court to rule on political campaigns\\u2019 pretty little lies (with @PolitiFact shout-out): http://t.co/gOqVemIoQG',\n", " u\"Scott: Immigrant kids deserve 'same chance' as other students http://t.co/3mcpQqGVdK\",\n", " u\"U.S. Supreme Court rejects Rick Scott's request to review drug testing decision http://t.co/CsTvQ5WAkE\",\n", " u'Trethan column: Bad news not as bad as it sounds for news http://t.co/pdiKmRsDB0',\n", " u'McDonald\\'s Gave Me the \"Girl\\'s Toy\" With My Happy Meal. So I Went to the CEO. http://t.co/0tJc3xGp2b',\n", " u\"RT @TB_Times: Mysterious group right about Crist implementing Bush's A+ Plan http://t.co/Xhel6HuNuI\",\n", " u'Big Ass Spider has unusually high production values for a SyFy movie.',\n", " u'Table at the jazz club comprised of: Fakey McGee, Old Guy at the Club, Wannabe Tommy Wiseau and Gal From Early 90s Music Video.',\n", " u'RT @RealTimeWWII: US bombs now falling on Japanese cities- \"Doolittle raid\" hits Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Kobe & Osaka: http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @PolitiFact: Did officials in #Ukraine tell Jews they had to register? That's False. http://t.co/26FWGhWYfb\",\n", " u'RT @craigtimes: Or just another lovely day in #Florida. @HuffPostCrime Worst case of road rage ever? http://t.co/1p4dpLfLzL',\n", " u'Jeb Bush, Rick Scott and former Gov. Martinez: FL Senate should vote on DREAMer tuition bill http://t.co/Nt6mIS8ftx',\n", " u'Biggest new apartment building yet set for construction in downtown St. Petersburg http://t.co/Ls2yQCybsS',\n", " u'RT @NWSTampaBay: Severe thunderstorm watch for much of west and southwest Florida through 8 pm. See graphic for impact summary #flwx http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"Florida's unemployment rate inches up to 6.3 percent http://t.co/5x2AJr4g2N\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Inbox me if you or anyone you know might be seeking an entry level marketing position.',\n", " u'Well, I just bought a new phone but have the same phone number. Text me if you have my old number or inbox me with your number so that I...',\n", " u'Anyone who is seriously interested in\\xa0fi http://t.co/KfHsTKeTNz',\n", " u'Anyone who is seriously interested in film or acting should contact me for a great workshop in Tampa for this Thursday.',\n", " u'This is for another possible\\xa0commercial. http://t.co/bwp8ekklRy',\n", " u'This is for another possible commercial. Who here is a big fan of basketball shoes?',\n", " u'Moffitt #job: Pool Nurse Float in Moffitt Main Campus, 12902 Magnolia Dr http://t.co/yZ5aP0k97R http://t.co/TlKeox3TWk',\n", " u'BREAKING NEWS: IBM reports first\\xa0quarter http://t.co/e14A1D5GM8',\n", " u'BREAKING NEWS: IBM reports first quarter adjusted EPS of $2.54 on revenue of $22.5 billion',\n", " u'RT @FastCompany: Chelsea 2030? The youngest Clinton leaves the political door open. http://t.co/nIeZCHJkw4',\n", " u'Are there any foreign investors\\xa0seeking http://t.co/jxW7jzKHEY',\n", " u'Are there any foreign investors seeking EB-5 Visa opportunities? Inbox me.',\n", " u\"RT @BBCWorld: China's air pollution has knock-on effect across northern hemisphere, US-led research says http://t.co/txoUxJC6sz...\",\n", " u'@southbchripped Nope! But, maybe I should!',\n", " u'@hbryant thx!',\n", " u'Facebook (FB) to Launch Financial\\xa0Servic http://t.co/8jKGpKTdGQ',\n", " u'Facebook (FB) to Launch Financial Services\\n\\nShares of Facebook Inc. (FB) were up +0.73 or +1.25 percent in pre-market trading on Monday,...',\n", " u'Has anyone ever participated in the\\xa0Tour http://t.co/kYbGXb8A1h',\n", " u'Has anyone ever participated in the Tour de France?',\n", " u'Attention sports video game lovers!\\xa0Who http://t.co/Jxdmvxv0oK']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @LOLGOP: Despite Democrats having to defend 6 Senate seats in states Romney won, the GOP's chances of blowing it keep growing. http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ProgressFlorida: FL Republican FINALLY Admits The GOP Is The Party Of No Ideas: http://t.co/EnflwktJFI #pfla #awakefl #p2',\n", " u'RT @CLINT: breaking: awful kansas governor reluctantly forced to fund public schools at a basic level',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostPol: New stamp honors Harvey Milk http://t.co/B2LVKat8So http://t.co/R7EmgeoxuM',\n", " u'RT @donnabrazile: Elizabeth Warren Is the Teacher. Amen Sister, Amen! http://t.co/iXHATMN9Bf',\n", " u'RT @Justiceyes: \\u201c@howdyMO: MO has a Dem Governor but a blood red legislature, they are refusing Medicaid expansion.#inners\\u201dWisconsin,too. T\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostPol: Obama slams states that chose not to expand Medicaid out of \"political spite\" http://t.co/s3cEuyKRHa',\n", " u'RT @ddiamond: 5 million Americans don\\u2019t have coverage because these states turned down Medicaid: http://t.co/wUaLMjP6DA http://t.co/fTX9qtd\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @EckhartTolle: Please feel free to share this video. http://t.co/f1xacxehiU',\n", " u'RT @dccc: #ACA is CRUSHING expectations -- now 8 MILLION signups!\\n\\nThank President Obama: http://t.co/AiyXLhztaw http://t.co/3Fvpf34pTt',\n", " u\"RT @LOLGOP: As I said in October: You can fix healthcaredotgov but you can't fix Ted Cruz.\",\n", " u'RT @KattyKayBBC: Thank you to @TheAtlantic for the great cover. Double confidence. Now, all, take the test! http://t.co/W4WRhFaoKl http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KattyKayBBC: So excited that so many of you have taken our confidence test. Thank you. This is going to be a great research tool!! http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @georgecolombo: The result of @FLGovScott policy decisions: http://t.co/txN198fBd6 Real people in Florida suffer from his radical corpor\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @LOLGOP: The people who think the government has no right to charge herding fees also think the government should be doing involuntary u\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HuffingtonPost: Obama: The \"real voter fraud\" comes from \"people who try to deny our rights\" http://t.co/KlnzfnZ5aG',\n", " u'RT @msnbc: \\u201cThe stark and simple truth is this - the right to vote is threatened today.\" - President Obama http://t.co/En4yxC2s8W',\n", " u'RT @Salon: VA Republican: Incest exceptions in abortion restrictions are unnecessary b/c sometimes incest is \"voluntary\" http://t.co/mfvcWw\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheFix: Why voting rights is Democrats most important project of 2014. http://t.co/O563lraZC5',\n", " u'RT @thinkprogress: This 32-year-old Florida woman is dead because her state refused to expand Medicaid http://t.co/gXU7OJCLaV http://t.co/z\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Subscriptions Boost Customer Engagement and Business http://t.co/3VAZT6bPZW',\n", " u\"RT @TPNFlorida: Great editorial in today's Miami Herald on HB 169. Perfectly on point. http://t.co/NAKaMOqd7t\",\n", " u\"I've started up a local http://t.co/OMC2ndcD8P user-group. Contact me to get involved. http://t.co/EWvGyL9Cb6\",\n", " u'RT @ScienceDaily: Study tests theory that life originated at deep sea vents - One of the greatest mysteries facing humans is how lif... htt\\u2026',\n", " u\"Pensacola's IHMC finds its mother of invention with Startup Weekend http://t.co/eSfN2vDdI9\",\n", " u'RT @UniversityoU: Wanna Feel EMPOWERED?\\nWhere YOU Empower YOU! #SWPNS http://t.co/iEsP3mORFP',\n", " u'RT @sayThankhu: Thank.hu: An easy thank you for enterprise sales. #SWPNS',\n", " u\"Tek's all-new MDO3000 integrates 6 instruments you use the most. Enter for a chance to win at http://t.co/lyluBLiq3e\",\n", " u'RT @makerbot: We\\u2019re one high school closer to getting a MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D Printer in every school in America. http://t.co/2TAI\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: There are countless questions @FLGovScott needs to answer. Ask him one during his Q&A on Facebook at 4:30PM: http://t.co/gjbJm\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @HardwareNewz: Security researchers left mystified by large-scale worldwide router hijack - http://t.co/A2XJbRoEx7 - itproportal',\n", " u\"There's also the http://t.co/ZT0BeKVD3R That I actively support.\\nhttp://t.co/sqp33tKgrq\",\n", " u'RT @Ray4EscambiaCC: Gambling bill faces long odds on producing any reforms http://t.co/auWH7vVuEm',\n", " u'RT @Ray4EscambiaCC: I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/H6kzKFsdz8',\n", " u'RT @Ray4EscambiaCC: Raymond Guillory http://t.co/2yr0LE9CPU',\n", " u\"DON'T shop like a jerk. Here's How http://t.co/9Bn9J9KE7f\",\n", " u'RT @Ray4EscambiaCC: What is going on at the Animal Shelter. http://t.co/Us3tlzfsm8',\n", " u'@ECCMakers begins assembling a 3D printer! https://t.co/u4WXH1iS6C',\n", " u'RT @Ray4EscambiaCC: Come out and support a good man. http://t.co/SzxgRmCZVi',\n", " u\"@jlist Ok thanks. Unfortunately nothing less will do and I'm looking for something really unique.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@Publix race car shopping carts for sure. Not as easy to maneuver, but effective for the little ones. \\U0001f600',\n", " u'Happy Birthday, Brandon! Enjoy your school day. :) (Checked in at 4 Rivers Smokehouse - UCF) http://t.co/L7gGBsKc32',\n", " u'@LAYS Your Chicken & Waffle chips are soooo good!',\n", " u'Chicken & Waffles Lays Potato Chips are the best! #SoGood',\n", " u\"Jayla's Birthday! (Checked in at Double Down Athletics) http://t.co/WNDBhOLvsC\",\n", " u'@chelsea_gusler Lol! Yes we were. Where does time go?',\n", " u'@mkelly76 @UCF_Baseball GO @UCFKnights !!',\n", " u\"@4RSmokehouse had to hit 4Rivers today for my sister's birthday. I had the pleasure of having the bread pudding right out of the oven. GOOD!\",\n", " u'@EyesonHonda Nooooo!!! What happened??',\n", " u'@Nadalessandro1 Hi Natalie!!',\n", " u'@EastOrangeLL Great day for playing ball. Love our fields out at Bithlo Park. Go Rookie Muckdogs!!',\n", " u\"@4RSmokehouse Finally was able to stick it out in the line today for lunch. Awesome as always! Love the new place and love that it's close.\",\n", " u'Saving Private Rectum #ButtFlix lol',\n", " u'@Yankees https://t.co/tLk4r0OUb3 @Crushers_Coach FYI...',\n", " u'Mall at Millenia in Orlando. It sure beats Fashion Square. :D',\n", " u'Nevermind...line was too long. Kyoto Sushi it is.',\n", " u'Grand Opening today on University! (Checked in at 4Rivers Smokehouse) https://t.co/t5AwR0D2mA',\n", " u'Is that what Terminus is serving its \"guests\"...BBQ\\'d walkers and visitors? That place makes the Governors\\' digs seem like a Utopia. #AMC',\n", " u'Rick has lost his mind!!! :D #TheWalkingDeadSeasonFinale',\n", " u'Solar Bears Scout Night. (Checked in at Amway Center) http://t.co/u0yhTlKeeT']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @contlink: DYK: There are 16,911 donors who voted in all elections '06-'12 --- of those: 14K=registered REP and 2.5K=DEM #getyourstatsst\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @tjstaple: RT \"@ContextFL: Tim Stapleton: Telemedicine has its benefits but here\\'s a word of caution #sayfie http://t.co/npyV16DHok\\u201d',\n", " u'Hey @BadassFitCEO, is this approved @TRXtraining usage? http://t.co/RUuRJ7w5uE',\n", " u'RT @Sportys: Ah spring - a time for flowers, warmer days... And this: http://t.co/og2UFgNyUq',\n", " u'RT @MearKat00: Dearest husband getting 2014 Humanitarian Award for his selfless, quiet, earnest volunteer work in Leon County Schools. So p\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JohnsonBlanton: Congrats to @Jon_E_Johnson on making it into the Final 4 of @SaintPetersblog @tallymadness #sayfie http://t.co/k2Coq6aK\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PEFNC: \"We don\\'t have the economic advantage others have but we still want access to great schools\"http://t.co/aOhNyFwoJR http://t.co/H\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JackLatvala: Amazing to see Charlie Crist criticize Gov Scott for falling to lead on in-state tuition. Charlie was against it as Govern\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @JimmyPatronis: Don't forget #seersucker day is April 25th #sayfie http://t.co/v1wJWyqDQ3\",\n", " u'RT @jillianhasner: Never Again supposed to mean NEVER AGAIN! I hope world & media will not sweep what is happening n Ukraine under the rug.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @steveschale: After a 5 mile run today with 1,100 feet of elevation change - most in 2 mile stretch --I will never complain about Tallah\\u2026',\n", " u'He said its Jesus! Happy Easter. http://t.co/Jp0ExG8uo7',\n", " u'Saw Caleb chalk drawing... http://t.co/xJlw2zyOWP',\n", " u'@tjstaple @FMA_PAC @On3_PR @contlink wow! What a compliment, chance to serve physicians is one of our greatest accomplishments. Thank you!',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: .@CharlieCrist, well would you look at that? Someone knocking on doors for Governor Scott. #shenanigans #sayfie http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: .@CharlieCrist, your campaign is #shenanigans. P.S. THESE people are knocking doors for Governor Scott. #sayfie http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @On3_PR: On3PR congratulates all of our @FPRACapChap 'Super Hero' Image Award winners today! Up, up, and away! http://t.co/ZGj2l4zzT9\",\n", " u\"RT @MaryEllenKlas: Rick Scott's latest positive ad: Navy: @MarcACaputo Upbeat and bearing an inspirational story in just 30 secon... http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @LucasBoyce: Big congratulations to @chelsiphenry for passing the Florida Bar! Huge accomplishment! Can't wait to see what God will do n\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @IronmanTri: 3 great events today! Follow on http://t.co/39ExOXLQqK or @IRONMANLive #IM703NOLA #IM703Florida #IM703PuertoRico http://t.\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @1001RecruitTips: Don\\u2019t let your academic standing be the reason you are eliminated from scholarship consideration!!',\n", " u\"RT @1001RecruitTips: #RecruitTips - Q: What if I can't afford camps, any suggestions? http://t.co/4LP0qHS5lz\",\n", " u'RT @1001RecruitTips: \"Only you can control your future.\" - Dr. Seuss #MorningMotivation',\n", " u'RT @1001RecruitTips: If you end up on wrong side of law, there is good chance coach/program will wash their hands of u & not think twice',\n", " u'RT @1001RecruitTips: On visits\\u2026 observe how coaches treat people who work for them. How does their staff react to them? Tells u a LOT!',\n", " u'RT @1001RecruitTips: The 1st question a college coach will ask once they are interested in you as a player: \\u201cCan they get into school acade\\u2026',\n", " u'The highest state of defense readiness in the US is DEFCON 1. More commonly known by women as, \\u201cI\\u2019m fine.\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @1001RecruitTips: #RecruitTips - Q: Are Junior Days invitation only? - http://t.co/nrGO84sCdq',\n", " u'RT @1001RecruitTips: #RecruitTips - Q: Do athletic agencies work? Are they worth the money? - http://t.co/McQz8EHsSw',\n", " u'RT @1001RecruitTips: OVERCOME your weaknesses. BUILD on your #STRENGTHS. Face your weaknesses. Develop your #GREATNESS',\n", " u'RT @1001RecruitTips: If you have no scholarship offers, don\\u2019t spend a lot of time calling every Top 25 team. More efficient to start with t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @mentalbaseball: no excuses. http://t.co/EG5pjbu3gN',\n", " u\"RT @1001RecruitTips: Be a leader when you aren't playing- keep positive energy + set example in your work ethic\",\n", " u\"RT @OhWonka: I've got 99 problems and 271 of them have to do with math.\",\n", " u'RT @Mayhem: Hey @JalenRose, tough loss today, thought maybe I could do something to cheer you up #MarchMayhem https://t.co/E8slYfOfSx',\n", " u\"RT @Mayhem: Four teams left. Here's a look at how your bracket is doing for all but about 4 of you #MarchMayhem https://t.co/0jDCmiUqEj\",\n", " u'Suck it up every now and then',\n", " u'Does killing time damage eternity?',\n", " u'Nothing looks more bad ass than a well tailored suit.',\n", " u\"How old would you be if you didn't no how old you are? Satchel Page.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'The FL House just voted to add three new state employees to impose regulations on charities. The liberty caucus (population 2) was opposed',\n", " u'RT @gantstop: Anti-gun discrimination bill wins House vote; @mattgaetz: \"When we permit discrimination on any front, it puts all of us in j\\u2026',\n", " u'#TealTuesday with my friend @repmiajones @LaurensKids http://t.co/sBNifJ3X2y',\n", " u'#TealTuesday supporting @LaurensKids with @jimwaldman 4 Sexual Violence Awareness Month! http://t.co/wkr80KnNl6',\n", " u\"RT @JamesGrantFL: @TBTia @PolitiFactFL @mattgaetz He's correct unless ammo is chambered or similar. Gunpowder will explode, bullet goes now\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @NeilCombee: @PolitiFactFL @mattgaetz @jimwaldman This will help. http://t.co/yhAPDgrGr6',\n", " u'@TBTia @PolitiFactFL http://t.co/W6Cy0cBBhI',\n", " u'RT @JKennedyReport: Charlotte\\'s Web measure worthwhile in Fla says @mattgaetz. Says state can\\'t wait \"for the federal govt. to get its head\\u2026',\n", " u\"HB 843 which would legalize strains of non-euphoric marijuana passed its final committee today! I can't wait to see this on the House Floor!\",\n", " u'Tune in to the @MyFLHouse Judiciary mtg at 10:45 est. I will be presenting legislation to legalize strains of non-euphoric marijuana #sayfie',\n", " u'#cincobayou #sunset in #ftwaltonbeach http://t.co/e4cfnMxGdf',\n", " u'I\\'m flattered! \"@gabbygigone: Matt Gaetz shirtless always makes power yoga a little easier :))\\u201d',\n", " u\"I've never been a bigger fan of Sen. Joe Negron than this very moment #sayfie #nonewentitlements #rightdecision\",\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Another day in Miami-Dade: Sitting Hialeah's loan-shark mayor testifies in fed trial of predecessor loan shark mayor http:\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Navarre/FWB area come out and walk tomorrow with Lauren's Kids to show support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. @LaurensKids\",\n", " u'RT @EconFree: \"We have gotten intoxicated on using our crim justice system to regulate every aspect of social & economic behavior\"- Reimer \\u2026',\n", " u'@snookislippers matthewgaetz@yahoo.com',\n", " u\"Hey @BuyHappyFeet - what's with the checkout page on your website? It keeps emptying my cart. #iwant3pairs\",\n", " u'RT @JKennedyReport: .@mattgaetz making a case for testing in voucher schools.Says GOP is \"the party of accountability.\"',\n", " u'Keep it up Bubba Watson!!! #NWFpride']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @RTDNA: RTDNA announces 2014 Regional Murrow Awards. http://t.co/rg3LqLkasQ',\n", " u'Play South Florida trivia with @WLRN, @MiamiHerald - Broward - http://t.co/JcBTzBdOpE http://t.co/OQcYm9A2gF',\n", " u'@condo29 need your phone number',\n", " u\"RT @RadioMalone: People of Broward County, come forth and prove your knowledge @WLRN's trivia night tomorrow @riversidemarket http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'Join Us Tuesday, 4/22 For A Night Of South Florida Trivia http://t.co/vYMs9xJofH via @WLRN #HangOutWithUs',\n", " u'RT @amy_hollyfield: Capitol Buzz: 5 things to watch today in Tallahassee http://t.co/g46aT0O9VL',\n", " u'RT @amy_hollyfield: Scott up with earlier-than-ever Spanish-language TV ad http://t.co/sN1f43lLti',\n", " u'RT @browardpolitics: I see the Army Corps signed off on the port deepening and widening in Palm Beach County http://t.co/TRyvbpy3vK / Britt',\n", " u'Record Store Day Is Black Friday For Vinyl Lovers http://t.co/bPKVdS3zbw via @WLRN @ondrea954',\n", " u'A Word On Food: Sopa De Pollo http://t.co/lsJgUprmnk via @WLRN @normanvanaken',\n", " u'Marijuana Petitioners To Supporters: Thanks For The Signature, Now Give Us Your Vote http://t.co/wSDM8UFLsz via @WLRN @Radiorickstone',\n", " u'Train Is The New... Train? I-95 Traffic Helps Resurrect Old Rail Possibilities http://t.co/24pn1XyVox via @WLRN @RadioMalone',\n", " u'Business Plan Challenge announces 29 semifinalists - Business Monday - http://t.co/JcBTzBdOpE http://t.co/cRNuhgAE5K @ndahlberg',\n", " u'Florida has 2nd-highest rate of homes underwater - http://t.co/JcBTzBdOpE http://t.co/6j9DMJX1cQ',\n", " u'South Miami-based charter school management company under federal scrutiny - http://t.co/JcBTzBdOpE http://t.co/MnT1hQ2nLI',\n", " u'Gabo And Gringos: Did Magical Realism Bridge Or Divide The Americas? http://t.co/PsTyZxHzO0 via @WLRN @TimPadgett2 #GabrielGarciaMarquez',\n", " u'Elliott Key, damaged by Hurricane Sandy, reopens with improvements - http://t.co/JcBTzBdOpE http://t.co/b7nx3Wu7gs @jenstaletovich @WLRN',\n", " u'RT @SoFloArtsBeat: Today 1pm: @sweatrecords Record Store Day, New Blues CD from Mosher Street Records, @MiamiDadeArts Calendar http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'Nobel Laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez Dead At 87 http://t.co/UDZTNhUa8Q via @WLRN',\n", " u'Head To Your Local Brewery For... A Yoga Class? http://t.co/s1eDldQ3lZ via @WLRN @mariamurriel #namaste']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @thehill: On Twitter, GOP racks up more followers than Dems http://t.co/ykeVPZSe3Z',\n", " u'\"@thehill: On Twitter, GOP racks up more followers than Dems http://t.co/UDkPeBoJsN\" THE EASIER TO SPREAD MORE LIES, MY DEAR!',\n", " u\"RT @MeredythTV: \\u201c@TBBJwilkerson: @MeredythTV you should know that you're an inspiration to me. #twittervoicerolemodel\\u201d -- I heart you!\",\n", " u'RT @AgainstTeaParty: Deadbeat #Welfare Cowboy #ClivenBundy Says #SeanHannity is His Hero! (Video) http://t.co/jwy1iwPHse',\n", " u'\"@AgainstTeaParty: Deadbeat #Welfare Cowboy #ClivenBundy Says #SeanHannity is His Hero! (Video) http://t.co/JKi5Vnftb8\" BIRDS OF A FEATHER!',\n", " u'\"@MeredythTV: Stepkid\\'s looking for her #FitBit. I told her I\\'m getting Miss you already! Logan is OK, but you are superb! (Will follow!)',\n", " u'RT @lucytimes: Ruth: Capitol magicians make $750,000 vanish http://t.co/jC72zhwCPv via @TB_Times',\n", " u'RT @LEWTFM: Give a shout out to your favorite police K-9 unit out there!!!\\n\\n AD\\n\\n#K9AD #lewtfm #PoliceBlotter',\n", " u'RT @ChrisLatvala: A wise man once told he that if your bill gets blocked (and you have the votes) amend it to 4 more bills. Good luck @Jack\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AliasHere: RT@NicoleBonnet1: Dear @gop ~ You blocked benefits for 200,000 US Veterans YOU DO NOT SUPPORT THE TROOPS!\\n#ctl #UB http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Next time FL's GOP Legislature talks about small business, less regulation & more freedom. Remember. It's a lie http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @MotherJones: Deficit hawks slam them. Execs say they don't need them. So why does Big Oil still get big tax breaks? http://t.co/YVA8glS\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @MANLYbanter: http://t.co/xtLiwXEr0L',\n", " u'\"@MANLYbanter: http://t.co/F73UkufemO\" NICE GUYS FINISH LAST! That gets the GOLD!',\n", " u'RT @Kenwelch: Transportation options are vital for our economic future RT @TBARTA: Tampa Bay Stuck in Slow Lane of Change\\nhttp://t.co/QZymR\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ramblingstudent: :-) RT @OnlyInBOS: #BostonMarathon runner falls just short of finish line. 4 others pick & carry him. #WeRunTogether h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PeruBebeChrissy: SIGN PETITION @WGBH produces 2/3 of PBS shows Masterpiece NOVA Frontline. Anti-science Koch Brother must leave Board \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Serpentine202: Maine Republican Says He's Qualified To Be A Senator Because Smacking His Wife Around Means He Has Guts (VIDEO): http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'\"@Serpentine202: Maine Republican Says He\\'s Does this mean his \"good book\" told him she should \"obey\" him? Remove all SHARPS from house!',\n", " u'RT @pampharo: Remove David Koch from Board of Trustees at WGBH - Please sign petition!\\nhttp://t.co/kwoHnXOKF2']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @JoshYohe_Trib: I'm sure the Penguins care as much as the Blue Jackets. They just don't look like they do. That might want to change qui\\u2026\",\n", " u'@Buccigross @HockeySoda Kunitz/Johnson\\n#bucciovertimechallenge',\n", " u'RT @FSU_Baseball: And with that win, coach Martin collects career win No. 1800! Congrats Coach Martin!!!!',\n", " u'LOL I got both the #BucciOvertimeChallenge guesses right tonight after never getting one right before.',\n", " u'And now time for more OT from Colorado.',\n", " u'@Buccigross Cooke/Stastny #BucciOvertimeChallenge',\n", " u'I finally got a #BucciOvertimeChallenge guess right!!!!',\n", " u'@Adum04 lol no, but they should both play for many more hours since i\\u2019m going to be up anyway.',\n", " u'Overtime playoff hockey is so much more enjoyable when your team isn\\u2019t playing.',\n", " u'ALL THE OVERTIMES',\n", " u'3OT is nothing, lets go for the record, 6OT.',\n", " u'#bucciovertimechallenge Kane/Steen @Buccigross @BauerHockey @HockeySoda @BardownHockey',\n", " u'RT @FSU_track: FSU men and women lead after Day 1 at ACC Outdoor Championships #Noles #ACCOTF',\n", " u'RT @FSUSportsMemes: http://t.co/zFd2yN40GX',\n", " u'This game',\n", " u'Pens win. 1-0 Series lead',\n", " u'@Buccigross @HockeySoda Gionta/Brown #bucciovertimechallenge',\n", " u'4 goals on 14 shots.',\n", " u'RT @TBLightning: #TBLightning GOAL! Tyler Johnson makes a backwards pass to Alex Killorn who rips it by Price to tie score at 3.',\n", " u'Pens Baby is excited. \\nhttp://t.co/yrNrfc4X1W']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @nikepreclassic: When Worlds Collide: @lashawnmerritt vs @KiraniJames at Pre Classic http://t.co/fLsZDgygis #PreClassic',\n", " u'Is this heaven? No, it\\u2019s Iowa. http://t.co/DxsF6oralh',\n", " u'RT @paulmerca70601: @runmeb was on ESPN\\'s \"Mike & Mike\" today. Hear it here: \\nhttp://t.co/LX40mejiMp (http://t.co/GlzkV6Dpra)',\n", " u'My favorite #USARC event is today, the USA 1 Mile Road Championships. Full info, updates, etc http://t.co/98iLsqcvW7',\n", " u'@007TrackFan @usatf @GrandBlueMile no webcast for the mile but updates here http://t.co/3zoGdLqCLi video will follow ASAP.',\n", " u'Kind of disappointed that @letsrundotcom didn\\u2019t use a Wonder Pets reference in their headline on the Hall story http://t.co/FSRfeXB7sm',\n", " u'Runners are the best. RT @DavidEpstein: .@letsrundotcom details how @ryanhall3 marshalled US runners behind Meb http://t.co/L8YlQnj8Tl',\n", " u'@bknips nah had to go eat cheesecake downtown',\n", " u'Hotel lobby rocking The Verve. Alright.',\n", " u'@AtlasCoached like cheese cake',\n", " u\"@AtlasCoached I'm in Des Moines and not there... Ugh\",\n", " u\"And this is what HJ in a grocery store looks like -> @erik_kynard's video http://t.co/xgFhC0mVc2\",\n", " u'#BigBird was at Boston today. http://t.co/3Q3XkYqzP6',\n", " u'#fartjokes RT @Bob_Babbitt: Never argue with brilliance http://t.co/S51rXoPsQK',\n", " u'RT @RunnerSpace_com: That\\u2019s a proper #RaceDaySelfie MT @JosetteNorris: #BostonMarathon selfie with the one & only @ShalaneFlanagan!!! http:\\u2026',\n", " u'@coxasaurus I think so. It was bad.',\n", " u'@coxasaurus dumb response to that royals video.',\n", " u'RT @ChrisLotsbom: 32,408 total starters of 118th @bostonmarathon. Second biggest in race history #RRW',\n", " u'RT @RS_Roads: The USA 1 Mile Road Champs are tomorrow in Des Moines and @NicoleSchappert is ready to roll http://t.co/1yYfNyw5Qu #USARC',\n", " u\"RT @SteveSaleeba: #BostonMarathon bombing victims' names on @RunMeb's bib. http://t.co/gLytdDCtuu (Photo by Jim Rogash/Getty Images) http:/\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@fgonzalez1978 @JmsMadisonInst I will be there with my 5 guests for an exciting evening of conservative principles & outstanding speakers!',\n", " u'@Ryan_N_Wiggins I never testified it had street value or was euphoric. I said do it controlled enviro & 8 hr. doc training is 2 little',\n", " u'@EricEisnaugle returns to Fla. House. Hopefully future Speaker! Sharp guy, knows the ropes, will keep House heading in right direction',\n", " u'Barbara Bush Foundation 4 Family Literacy CEO Liza McFadden front page Tallahassee Democrat 4 \"25 Women You Should Know.\" Well deserved!',\n", " u'@floridataxwatch w/Pres. Dominic Calabro and Lt. Gov.@LopezCantera Prudential Productivity Award winners saved $558 m by state employees!',\n", " u'@floridataxwatch press conference with Pres. Dominic Calabro and @LopezCantera',\n", " u\"Thursday's Center-Right Coalition will discuss why Medical Marijuana Amendment should be voted down. Noon @ Clock Tower building in Tally\",\n", " u\"Here @ @SayfieReview Med Weed Forum in Tallahassee. Curious to see Dem's and Repub's agreeing on this important issue. I'm sure to\",\n", " u\"Check out my op-Ed on Medical Weed & Charlotte's Web: Don't Rush to Judgment @SSNAlerts http://t.co/L588LeCi9l\",\n", " u\"Sat @ head table 4 Capital Tiger Bay w/Dr. Susan McManus, FL's best known poly scientist. Best point that no poll can predict voter turnout\",\n", " u\"A fitting tribute to President @GeorgeHWBush that he's receiving JFK Profile in Courage award for willingness to raise taxes when Prez\",\n", " u\"HB 53, Inmate Reentry Bill passes FL House for 2nd straight year! SB 274 it's similar companion passed its last Senate comm. unanimously!\",\n", " u'@ Governors Club Platinum Society Italian wine tasting. Full room, excellent selection. Too much fun!',\n", " u\"Beautiful moving funeral 4 Gov. Reuben Askew. Gov@FLGovScott & 3 former Govs. Eulogy: Cong. Jim Bacchus & 4mer FSU Pres. Sandy D'Albemberte\",\n", " u'Congrats 2 BBFFL Pres & CEO Liza McFadden for pic w/ FL First Lady Ann Scott on front local page of Tall Democrat for 25 Top Women 2 Know!',\n", " u'Gov. Bob Graham gave entertaining speech on civic education @ Old Historic Capitol tonight. Interesting stories Golden Age in FL politics',\n", " u'Historic Old Capitol 2 pay respect 2 1 of Fla. Greatest Governors. Common sense was his strong suit. Common man his mantra. God bless him',\n", " u\"Deputy Maj. Leader Dana Young's drivers license bill just passed unanimously. bill shortens drug users suspension of license so can work\",\n", " u'Rep. Bill Hager (R-Boca Raton) passed Sober Home bill unanimously! Important legislation protects neighborhoods while helping addicts.',\n", " u'Congrats 2 Harry Glenn who worked for Cong. Bill Young. A true professional very bright & articulate. Kudos 2 Pinellas Co. 4 hiring him']},\n", " {'REP': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u\"I'm at @Publix Super Market at Laguna Isles (Fort Lauderdale, FL) http://t.co/xBm62mdpOw\",\n", " u'RT @KurtSchlichter: Every law-abiding, able American citizen should own a real assault rifle and have several hundred rounds of ammo on han\\u2026',\n", " u\"I'm at Home Base (FL) http://t.co/Vy40hncpz5\",\n", " u\"I'm at Fort Lauderdale Classic Collection (Pompano Beach, FL) http://t.co/QVRyi7bbJ6\",\n", " u'RT @GayPatriot: #TweetAClown http://t.co/FZt0RqB8Lz',\n", " u'RT @SUBWAY: Retweet if you wanna go to @SUBWAY Sandwich University. #SUBWAYCollege',\n", " u\"@GOPrincess Obama isn't working !\",\n", " u'@ComcastWill everything is good now',\n", " u'@ComcastCares Thunder storm in 33020 and now phone, internet and TV is out #mobile_CareXI',\n", " u\"@BillyCorben RT @_FloridaMan: Florida Man Tells Judge His Name is \\u2018Edward Cocaine' | http://t.co/7VJnsw5zkV\",\n", " u'RT @samsteinhp: Anchorage can breath a bit easier this morning. Putin has no interest in annexing Alaska http://t.co/1whGA9CDox',\n", " u\"RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: Putin is out there skinning tigers with his bare hands and this is what we're doing. http://t.co/GpYs6OQV2x\",\n", " u\"I'm at Fort Lauderdale Classic Collection (Pompano Beach, FL) http://t.co/1G5mbbBUwF\",\n", " u'RT @jamestaranto: Nobody tell Bloomberg heaven has constitutional carry.',\n", " u'RT @GPollowitz: Bloomberg: \"I\\'ll just buy a big f*****g needle and ride that camel into Heaven. Later, losers!\"',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: CNN\\'s liberal use of their \"breaking news\" chyron leads to unfortunate things like this: h/t @WillMcAvoyACN http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jimmiebjr: Breaking: Mike Bloomberg announces project to build a large statue of himself on the Plains of Dura.',\n", " u\"RT @chrislhayes: I've now got this image of Bloomberg tossing his keys to St Peter like he's the valet. http://t.co/4gTxmowSVB\",\n", " u'@FoxNews welcome to rehab !',\n", " u'RT @JonSnowBastrd: It has to be done.... http://t.co/8Jpsuholf5']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @espn: @MiamiHEAT Retweet if you want the Heat to 3-peat. http://t.co/oKkET0CBVO',\n", " u'RT @FSU_Baseball: Congratulations to head coach Mike Martin on career win No. 1800 - 3rd D1 coach in NCAA history to reach the mark http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Marlins: It's official: #JOSEISROY http://t.co/HUy9JoFUtO\",\n", " u\"RT @Marlins: A Hero's Welcome. #StantonSmash http://t.co/J0uo3xGBwk\",\n", " u'RT @Marlins: STANTON. WALK-OFF. GRANDSLAM.\\n\\nWatch: http://t.co/I7IjhPMbNL',\n", " u'RT @ESPNStatsInfo: Giancarlo Stanton: walk-off grand slam for the Marlins, his 2nd career walk-off grand slam (every other Marlin all-time \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @Marlins: Tonight's walk-off is the #Marlins' first since Henderson Alvarez's no-hitter on September 29th, 2013.\",\n", " u\"RT @Marlins: LET'S WALK-OFF, MIAMI!!\",\n", " u'RT @Marlins: .@mredmond55 successfully challenges an out at third. \\n\\nBases are now loaded with no outs and @Giancarlo818 coming to the plat\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FSU_Baseball: DJ Stewart sets school record for reaching base in consecutive gms 58 breaking @SUGASHANE43 record-57 at WF tonight. http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NBA: The 2014 NBA Champion @MiamiHEAT? http://t.co/yChs6SLOzf',\n", " u'RT @Jaboowins: S/O to the beast @GOOODJ8 for breaking the FSU RECORD for reaching base in the most consecutive games 58! And ticking http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Marlins: RECAP: #Marlins defeat the Nats 11-2 behind huge performances by @Giancarlo818 & @TKREFRESH22: http://t.co/x3Iq0NkNJu http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Seminoles_com: Here is the new Seminole Pattern that #Noles fans are seeing downtown. Means Arrow, Man On Horse & Fire http://t.co/RjX2\\u2026',\n", " u'#IgnitionTradition',\n", " u\"RT @Marlins: @MickyArison Good to see you @MarlinsPark! Though with Jos\\xe9 on the mound, I guess you aren't the only one here cruising & brin\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Marlins: Your Miami #Marlins are All-In. http://t.co/QU9PgyAvuy',\n", " u'RT @Marlins: For his career, @josefernandez77 improves to 10-0 with a 1.21 ERA at @MarlinsPark.',\n", " u'RT @Marlins: Baseball is definitely back! http://t.co/05GXQDXM54',\n", " u'RT @Marlins: Sneak Peek: #Marlins Uniform Combinations This Season | #OnCloudConine http://t.co/bbwlwuhW78']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @ThomasGrigsby: And we have a name! World say hello to James Thomas Grigsby. http://t.co/EnhjAGPQma',\n", " u'Congrats to @ThomasGrigsby and @CaseyErinMcK on the birth of their little guy',\n", " u\"I've learned today that if you own a craft brewery you apparently have to wear a bowling shirt\",\n", " u'Thought the same same thing RT @alijames_: ESPN moved the gnats up in their power rankings right after the Braves swept them. K. #Genius',\n", " u'So moved RT @KilroyFSU: Best week of session ever? http://t.co/u2cSJdQhl6',\n", " u'Great to sweep the Nats and even nicer to be in First #braves',\n", " u'This is an epic prank! Poor Frenchy. http://t.co/VwBqtbvmax',\n", " u\"RT @FSUTickets: Looking forward to seeing this place full of Seminoles soon! It's FREE admission to today's @FSU_Football Spring game http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @KilroyFSU: Heh. RT @RealMichaelW: Meanwhile, at the #FSUTwitter spring game tailgate... http://t.co/jZhlNl9vSZ',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Blaise Ingoglia posts another strong fundraising effort for HD 35 bid. http://t.co/OW7Ag8VlMB #sayfie',\n", " u'@KilroyFSU the uniforms are pretty good and stick with tradition minus the blacks',\n", " u'RT @Braves: Ramiro Pena launches a 3-run homer into the right-field seats! His 1st HR of the season gives the #Braves a 4-0 lead in the 2nd.',\n", " u'RT @SeminoleBooster: All three new uniforms for @FSU_Football http://t.co/8BCjFCYN9S',\n", " u'RT @SeminoleBooster: We are the only team, college or pro, that will wear this color Garnet. Your @FSU_Football home uniforms. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'\"I would tell them they look like blossom but they wouldn\\'t know who that was\" @TheCamDotCom',\n", " u\"#FF Tallahassee's new Republican club @tallygopclub\",\n", " u'RT @CollegeGameDay: Yesterday, @FSU_Football received their National Championship ring. http://t.co/Zj6tf3CWMu',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: HD 35 GOP hopeful Blaise Ingoglia raises more than $24K in March. http://t.co/9zp3nxXspn #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @ChristinaOn3PR: For all my #FSU friends a special #tbt http://t.co/8PfmhWGMZv',\n", " u\"@ThomasGrigsby wasn't that @ChrisSpencerFL in the picture?\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'\\u201c@Deadspin: Darren Rovell may have been put in Twitter time-out by ESPN: http://t.co/6QQaYreOam\\u201d about damn time @darrenrovell',\n", " u\"I swear the Blackhawks block more pucks than any other team I've ever watched.\",\n", " u'The OKC crowd are literally college basketball students',\n", " u'Perk.',\n", " u\"People talk about a play that defines your MVP case and I'm gonna say that was KD's\",\n", " u'Kevin Durant is kinda good...',\n", " u'\\u201c@SheswantstheD: \"Why do you always show half your face in snapchats?\" http://t.co/guoDxFbyZl\\u201d @carolinespaugh lololololol',\n", " u\"RT @TBOcom: Boston Marathon winner Meb Keflezighi trained on #BayshoreBoulevard with UT's Dror Vaknin. http://t.co/dDL35kQVwn http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @BarstoolNCState: RT to vote for Lori, @LShapishere, to win todays hottest #SmokeShowOfTheDay #NCState #BarstoolSports http://t.co/RHlu5\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @espn: Team Hoyt completed its final marathon. The father-son duo personified teamwork for 37 years. (via @HollistonPolice) http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'@carolineweather Hahahaha this is classic',\n", " u'RT @carolineweather: https://t.co/5OISAzDvG5',\n", " u'\\u201c@ralsballs: The list of people that poke you on fb: the creepiest guys you know\\u201d @lilmurmaid @DOU_ordie \\U0001f633',\n", " u'RT @BBCSporf: BRILLIANT: A banner at The Etihad Stadium tonight. #SaveMoyes http://t.co/LofjVXldEH',\n", " u'RT @SportsNation: Happy Birthday, Tony Romo! \\n\\nWe were going to throw you a party\\u2026but it got intercepted.',\n", " u'RT @KevinSpacey: Best to #teambmc and all running & cheering today! My thoughts are with u. We are all #bostonstrong! #BostonMarathon http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RedSox: What a perfect day for baseball and running. #MarathonMonday http://t.co/mveLq66X0v',\n", " u'RT @usopengolf: Media Day: @ScottyMcCreery is ready to take on @PinehurstResort with Jay Harrison & Jim Rutherford of the @NHLCanes. http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: The moment Dustin Pedroia scores a game-winning run in 9th hours before Patriots Day is a BIG DEAL. (pic via @RedSox) htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Funnystockpics: http://t.co/EjFCYO8z7j']},\n", " {'REP': [u'CAIR Arrives on the Scene to Debate Florida Education Policy http://t.co/pDZ5lxWOiA #sayfie',\n", " u'Jeb Bush Was Only a Millionaire When He Left Office, But He Wanted to Be Rich http://t.co/1I9RDwE11Z via @TheWire #sayfie',\n", " u'Dispatching the Al Lawson-Step Up For Students Smear of Paula Dockery http://t.co/RA7HyQrJtX #sayfie',\n", " u'The Seperartion of GOP Governors From Jeb Bush on Common Core: A Conservative Awakening http://t.co/Z7pT7BldTZ #sayfie #stopcommoncore',\n", " u\"Sen. Nancy Detert's bill to save fine arts education http://t.co/WlKVFh5XrM #sayfie\",\n", " u'@mikeklonsky Thanks.',\n", " u'@ritacolleen @TCBGP @EduIntegrity @rweingarten he provides nothing for public ed advocates.',\n", " u'@ritacolleen @TCBGP @EduIntegrity @rweingarten Why vote for Crist then?',\n", " u'@mikeklonsky Great digging. (Kathleen will kill my for calling her Mary)',\n", " u\"A snapshot of legislative priorities: Here's the list of some local projects by county, and the child deaths. http://t.co/Jgb2yFx7y0\",\n", " u'@mikeklonsky Have sent email to the reporter',\n", " u'@mikeklonsky Have no idea',\n", " u'Academica Charter Schools Under Federal Investigation http://t.co/cyKGa6kT1T #sayfie',\n", " u'Why Moms Are Protesting Common Core http://t.co/m85I4e3nLv #sayfie #stopcommoncore',\n", " u\"Why Jeb Bush's greatest political achievement could sink a White House run http://t.co/IKsaXT6gZS via @motherjones #sayfie #stopcommoncore\",\n", " u'School Grading Is Failing Our Kids - http://t.co/wXM6VXknET - via @theledger #sayfie',\n", " u'How Florida taxpayers fund creationism in the classroom http://t.co/zDL9MNlViS via @POLITICO #sayfie',\n", " u'Florida Republican Hypocricy Unmasked in Voucher Expansion http://t.co/ZjBamwoaTu #sayfie #edreform',\n", " u'Meet the New FCAT, Same as the Old FCAT http://t.co/xh40Wqf2AM #sayfie #stopcommoncore',\n", " u'United Front in Jacksonville Opposes Field Test Folly http://t.co/wIcDdDLXTL #sayfie #badasst']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Senate Benacquisto has represented over 70% of CD19, yet trailing businessman Curt Clawson. Part self-funding, part anti-establishment wave',\n", " u'Dynamics in play for CD19. Benacquisto represents much of district, trailing in support @DKElections http://t.co/OoqkVow2b7',\n", " u'So delays by Alaska leg means pot will be on ballot on November instead of August. Could boost Begich. Unaware AK leg liked him so much. Ha!',\n", " u'RT @StephenWolfUNC: Awesome. AK ballot initiatives to legalize marijuana & raise the min wage likely moved from the primary to general ball\\u2026',\n", " u'Full write-up on CD19 coming later today',\n", " u'If Clawson wins with 35%, then its safe to say he would have lost without self-funding. If he blows it out of water.. GOP civil war is cause',\n", " u'If Clawson wins, whether it is a tea-party fueled upset depends on his margin. He seems to be viable because he is spending his won money',\n", " u'Looking at FL CD19 primary, Senator Benacquisto has represented 72% of the likely voters in the district, yet likely to lose tomorrow',\n", " u'RT @jennwhit: PUMPED about work this morning. #CD2goesBlue #campaignlife',\n", " u'27 Painfully Accurate Graphs About Day-To-Day Life http://t.co/pCtalNhL6y via @aljwhite',\n", " u'Favorite thing about Easter Service is Pastor Jay Winters screaming out \"He is risen!\" as service begins. Really captures the mood.',\n", " u'Joel Osteen makes millions as a Prosperity Gospel leader, does virtually nothing for the poor http://t.co/Nk8p1uph3o',\n", " u\"@icowrich yeah I sincerely doubt it. Also I won't bat a tear for the separatists\",\n", " u\"@icowrich if you think hear letters aren't a gigantic problem and cause for concern. Then I question your sanity or your motives.\",\n", " u'@icowrich you are missing the point. I never said anyone was being forced to register. But people are being sent letters to scare them.',\n", " u'All day of rain this Friday. Forecasts for Sun this Sunday. Kind of poetic',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Rick Scott so believes in legislation offering tuition break for undoc. students that he never contacted the Senate Pr\\u2026',\n", " u'This is why, my liberal friends, the US cant ignore Russia. Anti-Semitic and Anti-Gay attacks are only step 1 down a longer, darker path',\n", " u\"If you think another Holocaust isn't possible then you don't understand history or human psychology. Read the Milgram Experiments for proof\",\n", " u\"The 'myth of progress' is just that... a myth. Humanity as a whole doesn't become less capable of evil just because we have twitter.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Port, DEP agree to cut toxic spill costs, red tape http://t.co/pIIyLzPtbE',\n", " u'Lakewood Ranch Main Street reaches 100 percent occupancy http://t.co/v9fVcGksw4',\n", " u\"High Intensity Interval training featured in this week's Living. http://t.co/hICNBr8OG5\",\n", " u'Administrative hearing begins for suspended Manatee assistant school superintendent Robert Gagnon http://t.co/AkuP3MpIiO',\n", " u'Boys and Girls Clubs of Manatee CEO resigns in wake of email http://t.co/1vvuVd0h3P',\n", " u'RT @AmarisCastillo: Designer behind @Malibu_Fox to open a University Park boutique. Story by @ImYourChuck: http://t.co/HLJ9tDz54B http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MRMasferrer: Administrative hearing begins for suspended @ManateeSchools assistant school superintendent Robert Gagnon http://t.co/d7Jm\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @AmarisCastillo: Boys & Girls Clubs of #Manatee CEO resigns after 'culturally insensitive' email: http://t.co/C9JPgp8FGb\",\n", " u'Focus on Manatee: Healthcare champions feted http://t.co/zoI3zKv3Je',\n", " u\"RT @USFSM: Congratulations to #USFSM student Matthew McFall for completing today's marathon in 2 hours and 55 minutes! http://t.co/B0hcxkkb\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @bradentonherald: At least 1 hurt in shooting at federal courthouse in Salt Lake City http://t.co/LGwlX2MEpm #Bradenton',\n", " u'RT @KennedyMike: @bradentonherald reports on #Easter @harvestumc http://t.co/IRX7AlOp98',\n", " u'RT @MRMasferrer: Couple charged with firing gun at tree at G.T. Bray Park in #Bradenton says @BradentonPolice http://t.co/AfsL2kEUXm',\n", " u'MalibuFox designer featured in Neiman Marcus to open University Park boutique http://t.co/K1fDOJLT5Y',\n", " u'Harvey, Carpenter weigh Manatee School Board re-election bids http://t.co/i2P5k8NyrJ',\n", " u\"Feld Entertainment's move to Palmetto nearly complete http://t.co/GymVeRFvox\",\n", " u'RT @AmarisCastillo: #Manatee High teacher-soccer coach investigated by district: http://t.co/7q7N9DIjyO',\n", " u\"RT @ManateeSheriff: @ManateeSheriff #TorchRun will begin at 6 p.m. with a Kid's Run then 5K Race at 6:30 p.m. See you there!\",\n", " u'RT @AmarisCastillo: #Bradenton Housing Authority backs police effort to track gunfire: http://t.co/jLNInNBuL7',\n", " u'RT @vinmannix: Looks like that neighborhood is going to pot ... ba-dum-bum!\\nhttp://t.co/fdhAWHov5r']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @FLYoungDems: Have you registered for state convention yet? If not, join us! http://t.co/1W8oOxYFS5',\n", " u'RT @JuanSaaa: #FLleg Democrats are expected to hold a press conference this morning with @FLimmigrant calling @FlSenate to hear #SB1400. #i\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JuanSaaa: For those following #SB1400, know that TODAY is the LAST day in #FLleg session for comm. mtgs. Today is D-Day for the bill. #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ProvostStokes: An incredible group at the Senior Class Toast! http://t.co/1XPPzau4AR',\n", " u'Ulysses S. Grant @dailyrundown @chucktodd',\n", " u'@NBA playoffs in the West have been incredibly enjoyable already',\n", " u'\"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as a cause for withdrawing from a friend\" - Jefferson',\n", " u'RT @FLYoungDems: 1/2 the proceeds of this painting at @MainsailArtFest will be donated to whoever runs against Rick Scott. #pfla http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FSU_Baseball: MIke Martin becomes the 3rd Division I coach to reach career-win No. 1800. Congrats 11! http://t.co/xbiEPdX9ow',\n", " u\"RT @nytimes: Facebook's existential crisis: What, exactly, is it? http://t.co/oWe2EaAD2A\",\n", " u'RT @HillaryClinton: My most exciting title yet: Grandmother-To-Be! @billclinton and I are thrilled that Chelsea and Marc are expecting thei\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MyrnaPHoover: #FSUGreatGive has already raised over $50,000! Fantastic job, #Noles! http://t.co/zhi0Gik66M',\n", " u'The @floridastate Great Give is going on right now! Visit http://t.co/gQwwTiDiC8 #FSUGreatGive',\n", " u'Beautiful afternoon at the @floridastate faculty 25 For 25 campaign in front of @fsulibrary http://t.co/v1trP2YpbU',\n", " u'RT @RebeccaShabad: Chris Christie welcomes @VP to Instagram with a #tbt http://t.co/NI0Ow7mLTt',\n", " u'RT @SyracuseU: Philanthropic student venture @Centscere was awarded the top prize of $150,000 in the StartupLabs competition: http://t.co/1\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NBCNews: Michael Bloomberg Announces $50 Million Project to Fight Gun Violence\\n http://t.co/lzAD8j3g5B',\n", " u\"I'm voting for candidates who will fight to fix our gun laws: I'm a #GunSense voter. Take the pledge: http://t.co/s1SN3TR58z via @Everytown\",\n", " u'RT @dccc: SIGN the petition to raise the minimum wage: http://t.co/FsSUcK4zaH\\n\\nStand up against Boehner! http://t.co/Xk0ZofPbb4',\n", " u'RT @RealPFielder28: Big win tonight on Jackie Robinson day. Appreciate the difficult path you paved for myself and others to follow #42']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @gbennettpost: Today in Florida: Special GOP primary that has drawn Sarah Palin, Rand Paul endorsements http://t.co/jtCbzFdxKq',\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: State Rep. Dane Eagle, R-Cape Coral, arrested on DUI charge in Tallahassee 2 a.m. Mon, voted in afternoon: http://t.co/s2\\u2026',\n", " u\"It's now the law: PB County gas stations must make clear when the gas prices they're advertising are cash-only prices http://t.co/7rI2lsRyLC\",\n", " u'RT @jcapozzipbpost: Palm Beach County to seek bids for ambulance contract for first time since 2000 http://t.co/e2kLQQHOu2',\n", " u'RT @jcapozzipbpost: Palm Beach County Commission unanimously passes gas-price sign law',\n", " u\"From Fla House GOP: proposed Office of Compassionate Use RT @JKennedyReport: House GOP rallies round Charlotte's Web. http://t.co/r6vWOSm29w\",\n", " u'RT @postonpolitics: Does inspector general\\u2019s appointment create perception issue? http://t.co/NWoVgywZmO',\n", " u'RT @JKennedyReport: After long stall in Fla House, wrongful incarceration case of James Richardson clears a key hurdle on way to floor.',\n", " u'RT @JKennedyReport: Charlotte\\'s Web measure worthwhile in Fla says @mattgaetz. Says state can\\'t wait \"for the federal govt. to get its head\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TonyDorisPBP: \"Dirt,\" SoFla novel by Tony Doris, now out on Nook, http://t.co/tBQZ7FJITg , and Kindle, http://t.co/nmENWqiREV .',\n", " u\"RT @gbennettpost: New TV ad ( http://t.co/xoaPs1rRlu ) offers glimpse of @FLGovScott's Napoleon Dynamite phase. http://t.co/QAs51CEJLD\",\n", " u'Check out this War of the Hoses -- The Godfather meets The Outlaw Josie Wells: http://t.co/gwwvGeuBMq #movielines #gardening #gardensupplies',\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: \"Give me Scott\" -- but not @senatornanrich, says @CharlieCrist.\\nhttp://t.co/Tj3Ggpvu4U',\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: Fla. Gov. Scott, Democratic U.S. Rep. Deutch urge Crist-Rich Dem primary debate http://t.co/ytVQL2WZaT (subscriber conten\\u2026',\n", " u'@gocyclin RT @sonjaisger: Worst of stormy weather ahed of cold front gets to PBC after 2 am Naples-Lake O gets brunt. http://t.co/q0JEyH8cJM',\n", " u'RT @carolyndipaolo: 2010: Our Kimberly Miller wrote about questionable sales at RPB condo. This week: federal indictments unsealed. http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @postonpolitics: Rep. Ted Deutch: Crist-Rich Democratic primary debate would be \\u2018worthwhile\\u2019 http://t.co/NixNX4bg6p',\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: .@RepTedDeutch doubts rationale 4 Cuba trade: \"We have relations w all kinds of human rights abusers & therefore we ought\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: More than 100 at W Boynton Rec Ctr for @RepTedDeutch town hall meeting. http://t.co/IeaQ1ufwjT',\n", " u'RT @postonpolitics: After one week, Crist spokesman \\u2018pursuing other opportunities\\u2019 http://t.co/rC3Z6QOaup']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @gbennettpost: Ex-Rep @treyradel, R-Cocaine, cast an absentee ballot in #FL19 special GOP primary to replace him, per Lee County elex of\\u2026',\n", " u'@gbennettpost ...treyradel, r-Cocaine? Where can we find that town?',\n", " u\"RT @JKennedyReport: House GOP beats back Dem bid to scuttle charter school bill. But @willweatherford's 'massive expansion' in doubt...http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: .@RepLoisFrankel, @JoeBiden in Ukraine w House delegation http://t.co/w8mZgc3YNE',\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: Rick Scott to Hispanic voters: \\u2018Yo s\\xe9 el valor de un trabajo\\u2019 http://t.co/l0iLUg6uZk Remind anyone of Phil, on Mod. Fam?',\n", " u'\"Dirt,\" SoFla novel by Tony Doris, now out on Nook, http://t.co/tBQZ7FJITg , and Kindle, http://t.co/nmENWqiREV .',\n", " u'@KarenNeicy Hi Karen. tdoris@pbpost',\n", " u'RT @RogerJStoneJr: Bad News for Chris Christie\\nhttp://t.co/SmbppRBgVb',\n", " u'Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez dies at 87 http://t.co/ZrzO0UIfuM via @washingtonpost',\n", " u'RT @jcapozzipbpost: Scaled-back flyover proposal at Northlake Boulevard gets cool reception http://t.co/6ZNZ8nSZWo',\n", " u'RT @eliotkpbp: At National Hurricane Conference: storm surge \"very danger.\" http://t.co/1yUEdXvu2u #PBPSTORM http://t.co/JeNOTYEcvq',\n", " u'President says 8 million sign up for Obamacare. http://t.co/oyE2yZCLIH',\n", " u'RT @StapletonPBPost: #Turtles,# beaches and #sand: What could possibly go wrong? . via . @pbpost . http://t.co/lzkxAXtBgC . @reefrelief . @\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: After one week, Crist spokesman \\u2018pursuing other opportunities\\u2019 http://t.co/06CfycQK9i',\n", " u\"Let there be pees? RT @AP: Urine trouble: Officials to flush millions of gallons of treated water after teen's stunt: http://t.co/1CDjjvwgdM\",\n", " u'Will: In 1986 Repubs and Dems did serious tax reform, simplified. But since them they have recomplicated it over 15,000 times.',\n", " u\"Will: Political class has a permanent incentive for deficit spending. ' Incumbent protection.'\",\n", " u'Will: Real prob in DC isn\\u2019t consensus. Everyone agrees we should have a large welfare check and not pay for it.',\n", " u'Conservative columnist, commentator George Will to speak momentarily at Palm Beach Atlantic U.',\n", " u'RT @EarlBRussell: The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug. \\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@ThomasGrigsby so sweet!',\n", " u'Gracias por su pronta respuesta! @MarcACaputo @umarjones',\n", " u'RT @RogerJStoneJr: @SSN on why Rick Scott is wrong on Marijuana- #sayfie http://t.co/YaaDS9rwBT',\n", " u\"RT @NickEgoroff: FL Gov Rick Scott keeps fighting (& losing) drug testing requirement for state employees. Workers still have 'rights' http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @NickEgoroff: Sad day in GOP controlled legislature. Growler bill pits FL microbreweries against big-money beer interests! http://t.co/f\\u2026',\n", " u'CBD: Gov. Scott Is Wrong | Sunshine State News http://t.co/3iCK0aVxlz',\n", " u'Is that your robust effort at PR? @MarcACaputo @umarjones',\n", " u'RT @NASA_EO: Earthrise Revisited http://t.co/p8lOCOxauq #EarthDay http://t.co/JDrBgiFxen',\n", " u'@MyFoxTampaBay @ShaylaFOX13 Sweet!',\n", " u'RT @MyFoxTampaBay: Disabled vet finally reunited with lost service dog ---> RT @ShaylaFOX13: Reunited! http://t.co/JaRcyGHxpP',\n", " u'@douginflorida uh, yes',\n", " u\"What's stopping you? @umarjones @MarcACaputo\",\n", " u\"@MarcACaputo Please don't stop\",\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: How much of FL budget balance w/fed $? c. 30% MT @SteveCrisafulli: If Florida can balance its budget, why can't Washington\\u2026\",\n", " u'@trafficdodger You got that right!',\n", " u'Seriously, @MarcACaputo is on fire this morning!',\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Tough for Rick Scott 2 stump re Obamacare's unpopularity while he opposes wildly-popular RX-pot bill 4 epileptic kids http\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: I'm going to say something hypocritical and/or misleading. FOLLOW me if you agree!!!!\",\n", " u'RT @MarcACaputo: FL GOP freedom agenda: Blocking parents from RX pot for sick kids http://t.co/Qq76vcceTT Raising craft beer costs http://t\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Parents with seriously epileptic kids don't want an RX marijuana option, they just need a $25 auto tag-fee cut. Because fr\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Florida set winter tourism record as north froze http://t.co/cqGHVeTxGS',\n", " u'Ugh. Seconday day in a row that I left my lunch bag at home.',\n", " u\"@senatornanrich RT @dianamellion: Today's Buzz (Tuesday): Should #CharlieCrist debate #NanRich? http://t.co/Jn821AfgVP\",\n", " u\"Today's Buzz (Tuesday): Should #CharlieCrist debate #NanRich? http://t.co/Jn821AfgVP\",\n", " u'Broward commission to consider lowering $60 daily courthouse parking rate http://t.co/IBb828fNUs',\n", " u'Should court house parking fee of $60 be lowered?#bigsbuzz',\n", " u\"Our editorial about today's #Boston #Marathon: Perfect day to celebrate America's spirit http://t.co/U4S4OlgLPY\",\n", " u'Kraft recalls 96,000 pounds of hot dogs due to undeclared allergen http://t.co/TTKDioTwRF',\n", " u\"Today's Buzz (Monday): Will you miss the snowbirds? http://t.co/LFS2oYOnQG\",\n", " u'likewiseRT @michaeloallen: @dianamellion Good morning to you, too! Have a wonderful day.',\n", " u'Just a basic q: Have the actions of 2 major parties made you consider switching?#bigsbuzz',\n", " u'Good morning!',\n", " u'RT @CNN: Country singer Kevin Sharp has died. He was 43. Do you have any special memories of Sharp? http://t.co/K4948JROGl http://t.co/IB1K\\u2026',\n", " u'Off to church I go on this Easter Sunday.',\n", " u'Happy Saturday, folks!',\n", " u'and we know you love thatRT @SSEditorial: snowbird q might be timely. andmight get some nasty remarks #BigSbuzz',\n", " u'The restauranteers will RT @RosemaryGoudrea: With holidays over, will you miss our snowbirds?#bigsbuzz',\n", " u\"Today's Buzz (Friday): Will critics regret naming health care after Obama? http://t.co/r10CO5W4Pp\",\n", " u'A $1 million Passover gift http://t.co/qdi3klBvJS',\n", " u\"It's Good Friday.\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @HuffPostEdu: Standardized testing delayed for over 8,000 Oklahoma students http://t.co/gn7FuEEagy',\n", " u'@RBagensie @fnerd they are cool. Both games are cooperative. Oliver loves playing.',\n", " u'Easter = family time = game time! #castlepanic #forbiddenisland @fnerd http://t.co/CVH9NKxmoX',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostEdu: 6 ways college grads can protect their online reputations http://t.co/MqtA4lxmNM',\n", " u'In the South religion and football go hand in hand. I shake my head at this:http://t.co/nSgfbWdecr',\n", " u'RT @NWSTallahassee: BRIEFING: Heavy rain on the way tonight through Friday. Flood Watch in effect for entire region. #TLHSpotter http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Pizza Math! @MsB_WHSMath @melmel701 http://t.co/AvYdhZokRS',\n", " u'RT @WCTVPinPointWX: Flash Flood Warning for Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty and Wakulla County in FL until 9:00am Tuesday. http://t.co/lz\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Ibrahimohamoud: Oxford University opened its library to download books for free for a week\\nUser: libraryweek\\nPassword: libraryweek\\n\\nhtt\\u2026',\n", " u'What if the IRS invented the Quadratic Formula? @MsB_WHSMath http://t.co/1DB5rU1vV3',\n", " u'RT @ezraklein: What if the IRS discovered the quadratic equation? http://t.co/5tjo7kPDWo',\n", " u'@cbdilger only recently has vocational (CTE) been given a place in the HS grading scale.',\n", " u'Hanging out in mall play area. Calm chaos.',\n", " u'@fnerd @cbdilger @TechCrunch @jgauerbach this why I fight to keep AP CS even though I am leaving.',\n", " u'RT @fnerd: @Bagensie @cbdilger Great read: \\u201c@TechCrunch: Changing Our Education System One Programmer At A Time http://t.co/JmJRZZfdaK by @\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@ESPNNFL: \"A goal without a plan is a wish. What\\'s your plan? It\\'s on you, because you have to do all the work. \" - Herm Edwards\\u201d',\n", " u'Friday night means @hamaknockers Steak and big salad! Yum!',\n", " u'RT @GeekMomBlog: Get Ready for BookCon http://t.co/LVvfG2sy4l',\n", " u'Happy National Siblings Day! Even though this particular day may not have the same federal recognit... http://t.co/Mt1NaBAV5I\\u201d@RBagensie',\n", " u'RT @HuffPostEdu: 10 amazing, GIF-supported pieces of parenting advice from the best 80s and 90s movies http://t.co/hiCCxbpvH6']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @PACECenter: \"PACE becomes the family the girls don\\u2019t necessarily have,\\u201d -Mary Marx #itsworking http://t.co/I5pLajrN0H',\n", " u\"RT @VolunteerFla: VolunteerFlorida is proud 2 support @LaurensKids! Visit http://t.co/OdcJ5qywPy 4 more on this year's walk. #StopAbuse htt\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @gulfbreezenews: PSC Dental Hygiene Clinic Accepting New Patients for Free Teeth Cleaning\\n\\nPensacola State College Dental Hygiene... htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLHealthyKids: It\\u2019s #FacialProtectionMonth! Make sure your #kids wear sunscreen, sunglasses and a mouth guard during #sports.',\n", " u\"RT @wmbbnews: Current warnings, watches and advisories leading into Friday's storm #flwx #wmbb #gulflow http://t.co/ZUzBirmeDh\",\n", " u'\"@SachsMediaGrp: Sachs wins @FPRACapChap Award of Distinction for Florida Healthy Kids\\' annual report.\" Congrats!',\n", " u'RT @COTNews: Teens 12 & over looking for volunteer hours can help at the annual USTA Tennis Challenger. Training is on 4/19. To sign up, ca\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @PACECenter: Congratulations to Kelly Otte, PACE Leon's Executive Director, for winning the Reubin Askew Progressive Leadership award fr\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @OurKidsInc: This site offers a list of over 85 foster parenting blogs! Check it out!... http://t.co/kG8wlSyB6q',\n", " u'RT @MyFLFamilies: At First Lady @FLAnnScott and @FLGovScott Easter Egg hunt! Nat guard & #foster #adoption families here http://t.co/1TOBGk\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MyFLFamilies: Reading corner with @FLAnnScott http://t.co/1s6WDexAz5',\n", " u'RT @abc27: Do you know a super student in Leon County? Prove it by nominating them for our Super Student Award! http://t.co/xSv0hUOwXG',\n", " u'At the Wakulla County One Stop Community Center _ what a great resource! http://t.co/btqnBmVsP2',\n", " u'RT @MyFLFamilies: Grand Opening - #Wakulla One Stop Community Center on 4/11: http://t.co/3gGbSfVQo6',\n", " u\"RT @WCTV: Stand Down For Homeless Veterans at North Florida Fairgrounds: There's a military operation underway at Tallah... http://t.co/rB3\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @fladjj: Next week join #DJJ as we honor our 2014 Youth Ambassadors and celebrate @ChildrensWeek at the Florida Capitol. http://t.co/8A\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CareerSourceFL: Have you seen our new website dedicated to connecting biz, job seekers w training? Here:http://t.co/uV40qydc2e#CareerSo\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WCTV: Free Developmental Screenings Available For Infants, Toddlers, And Preschoolers: Local organizations are partn... http://t.co/dwN\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MyFLFamilies: Free Developmental Screenings Available for Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers: http://t.co/SwFQAWtAZK #Leon County',\n", " u'RT @HelpFLKids: #ChildAbusePreventionMonth starts today. Learn how you can help keep more kids safe: http://t.co/xJ7RTvfmFD']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'NPA': [u'#SWFL | No lines at Precinct 122 at the Estero Community Park Recreation Center. http://t.co/Pc1bsOe2Qp',\n", " u'#SWFL | Get your @ndn live updates from the District 19 primary special election here: http://t.co/Wk80W5g8zv',\n", " u'#SWFL | Rep. Dane Eagle, R-Cape Coral, arrested on DUI charges: http://t.co/MqjsUHVnXw Via @politicalfix',\n", " u'RT @Mdixon55: Dane Eagle arrested. \"DUI alcohol or drugs\" listed under charges. Leon County SO does not post mug shot. Cites records exempt\\u2026',\n", " u'Overheard on the scanner: Two people with head injuries at a wedding reception. #nightcops',\n", " u'RT @drewharwell: Finally, the complicated story of a #Florida man named Pervert Dave. @torch437 http://t.co/g1KyVo5WQL http://t.co/xZ7Fs6Gd\\u2026',\n", " u\"#SWFL | Lee County and Algenol say they've buried the hatchet. http://t.co/f1UZBX1mk1\",\n", " u\"#SWFL | Lee County met with VR Labs Director Kay Gow, and it didn't go as she hoped. http://t.co/eQeVSdp0ry\",\n", " u'#Meta: Pic of @NDNHussain Vining his Peeps at the movies. Cc: @PEEPSANDCOMPANY http://t.co/RF6EP4jlRf',\n", " u\"RT @TB_Times: U.S. Supreme Court rejects Florida Gov. Rick Scott's request to review drug testing decision http://t.co/t6gnedLBIR\",\n", " u'Buying something I should have a long time ago ... #Gabo http://t.co/dvgqpKSZ8y',\n", " u'Major Indian Country news: #Arizona tribe set to prosecute first non-Indian under a new law http://t.co/H6aMnKviuz',\n", " u'#RIP, Cheo. http://t.co/HANROTDfAO',\n", " u'RT @IJNet: US and Austrian journalists can apply for a six-week exchange fellowship http://t.co/AfqvwnYVCl cc @kfj_at @ICFJ',\n", " u'RT @NewsHour: JOB: Know a budding journalist? Tell them to apply for our Broadcast Desk Assistant program http://t.co/cz6WhQnaja #pubjobs',\n", " u\"RT @Inthe239: Looking for something fun to do #inthe239 this weekend? Check out @MaryannBatlle's top 5 suggestions. http://t.co/gKArzdyKyt\",\n", " u\"@AshASmithNews HA -- you're definitely more ambitious than me. I've already moved on to thinking about chocolate. lol\",\n", " u\"@AshASmithNews Heh. We'll both come up with something by trivia night, I'm sure. :D\",\n", " u\"@AshASmithNews Yeah, that's basically it. lol You called my bluff.\",\n", " u'If someone asked me to describe what #writing feels like, I\\'d probably start with \"Do you know how when you play Jenga ...\"']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @donnabrazile: Mitt Romney Became a Grandfather Eight Times While Running for President and No One Gave a Damn http://t.co/H1RF3Iquhs',\n", " u'RT @BillMoyersHQ: When money talks and you have none, how can you believe in democracy? http://t.co/u0CBuxsZSl',\n", " u'RT @mmfa: The state of media has everything to do with how much democracy a country really has. http://t.co/sJX1JnvhuO',\n", " u'RT @g_lampropoulos: Camogli, Italy. http://t.co/7eunjTy73X',\n", " u\"RT @ARoadRetraveled: The beautiful Castello di @gargonza in #tuscany. If you haven't been yet, you must!!\\u2026 http://t.co/tzTFwbrIbO http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @MarketplaceTech: Marketplace Tech: Mobile broadband's latest bidding war | http://t.co/CdNJrqRxBT http://t.co/oQJN9HxxRd on #SoundCloud\",\n", " u'RT @Messina2012: Fact of the Day: The number of jobless claims is at the lowest level since May 2007. #MessinaFactOfTheDay',\n", " u'RT @aiellibenevento: Architectural Digest\\'s latest cover: Villa Cetinale, \"The Most Beautiful Villa in Tuscany\" : http://t.co/776yknqp7e ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @InfoSicilyIt: .@InfoSicilyIt da:@giure99:Cefal\\xf9:il mare, le spiagge, la citt\\xe0, la Cattedrale e la Rocca #Sicilia #sicily #infosici\\u2026 htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WSJwashington: Former Justice Stevens: Supreme Court Justices Should Consider Politics in Retirement Decisions http://t.co/nu40LzaDPu',\n", " u\"RT @InfoSicilyIt: .@InfoSicilyIt da:@accuciacunti: Le viuzze di Forza d'Agr\\xf2 #Messina #sicilia #infosicily #sicily http://t.co/0gDtQ2XbO2\",\n", " u'RT @ProgressFlorida: Slap on the wrist $25k fine to oil comp. illegally fracking in Everglades. Thx Gov. Scott for selling FL out to your b\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @davidfrum: Have any of the interviewers of 67-year-old Cliven Bundy asked him whether he\\u2019s enrolled in Medicare?',\n", " u'RT @mmfa: Fox is acting like the rancher supporters who threatened violence against the federal government are patriotic Americans....',\n", " u\"RT @pourmecoffee: Einstein's desk on the day he died, 59 years ago today (via @LIFE) http://t.co/gS9jpdu06Y http://t.co/MeDTbSNTF8\",\n", " u'RT @WillMcAvoyACN: Tell me exactly how this is breaking news, @cnn? http://t.co/uMu42Hdu4v',\n", " u\"RT @flcurrent: Objections simmer as Putnam's energy bill would eliminate solar rebate program http://t.co/na9GvjzEtV\",\n", " u'RT @LOLGOP: The Obamacare news is terrible, if you think millions of Americans getting health insurance is terrible.',\n", " u'RT @marcylauren: Fox-Led Anti-Medicaid Campaign Leaves 5.7 Million Uninsured http://t.co/qhGVQSusF3']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'http://t.co/bO5hT75E1o',\n", " u'http://t.co/KdPgnMHhRU http://t.co/Dg084UXR2K',\n", " u'http://t.co/7ZYsKLm8SZ',\n", " u'WHICH ONE OF THESE T SHIRTS WOULD YOU PICK UP FIRST?\\n1. Logo 2. Album Front Cover 3. Album Back Cover',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/ShUR2WwaRo',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/65t33ZCuQQ',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/63KggBGARJ',\n", " u'http://t.co/F0n6G4r0fy',\n", " u'WHICH ONE OF THESE T SHIRTS WOULD YOU PICK UP FIRST? 1. Logo 2. Album Front Cover 3. Album Back Cover',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/BHPYpplUH6',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/bIwYn4Qe1k',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/xxPwyv1mJ7',\n", " u'http://t.co/ias9mcTptD',\n", " u'http://t.co/qAHb6Dl31K',\n", " u'http://t.co/XVZF0xRDNv http://t.co/KYqnNeo8Qa',\n", " u'UPDATED: 166 Documentaries To Expand Your Consciousness - http://t.co/lMAtpbKquK',\n", " u'http://t.co/9WqKcAv5Nj',\n", " u\"Let's try to break 400 people today!!! Come on folks we have a huge party planned for April 26th at Krewe De... http://t.co/uj0MT4J59r\",\n", " u'Posted a new photo: \"BRUISED GRASS ~ THE BLACK & BLUE ALBUM \" http://t.co/c1LtYIe31Q http://t.co/xPBpcyiCUO',\n", " u'Posted a new photo: \"BRUISED GRASS ~ THE BLACK & BLUE ALBUM \" http://t.co/c1LtYIe31Q']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Former RPOF chairman Al Cardenas at FL Senate Approps watching for @JackLatvala immigrant in-state tuition amends',\n", " u'Armstrong to House Judiciary @mattgaetz re lowTHC bill \"we must b wary of unintended consequences.\" #MedicalMarijuana',\n", " u'FL Surgeon General John Armstrong objects to #MedicalMarijuana bill. #sayfie',\n", " u'. Florida Medical Assoc now supports @mattgaetz #MedicalMarijuana bill.',\n", " u'@MacStipanovich @MarcACaputo @LopezCantera Maybe we can all agree on Nina Simone? https://t.co/6yOGHyu18V',\n", " u'. @MicheleBachmann backs @ClawsonOutsider in FL CD19 GOP race. He misspells her name in press release. @SarahPalinUSA behind @lizbethkb',\n", " u'@Ryan_N_Wiggins @GoogleFacts Speechless.',\n", " u'@Ryan_N_Wiggins @GoogleFacts LMFAO',\n", " u'@Ryan_N_Wiggins @GoogleFacts Yeah, a bedroom trick.',\n", " u'@MarcACaputo @MacStipanovich @LopezCantera @Acehood I going old school. https://t.co/L8naUaHlxt',\n", " u'@MarcACaputo @MacStipanovich @LopezCantera Or maybe just dial back on the 2 Chainz',\n", " u\"@MarcACaputo @MacStipanovich @LopezCantera I don't have the balls to troll you Caputo.\",\n", " u\"@MacStipanovich @MarcACaputo @LopezCantera No you don't. It was obvious.\",\n", " u\"@craigtimes ban on stuffed alligators doing the nasty doesn't qualify for #OhFLorida????\",\n", " u'on FB town hall, HR director complains about state website not working. @ScottforFlorida: \"Please call Jesse Panuccio at 850-488-7146.\"',\n", " u'Best FB ? yet \"Any chance Florida will get a truck assembly plant?\" @ScottforFlorida \"I hope so.\" then brags re lst yr\\'s mnfg tax break',\n", " u'. @ScottforFlorida on @CharlieCrist \"He has a primary and I\\'m sure it\\'s going to be enjoyable watching his debates with Nan Rich.\"',\n", " u'In @Facebook town hall, @ScottforFlorida repeats \"That\\'s laughable\" line re: @CharlieCrist & debate.',\n", " u'Wow. MUST read @nytimes story about #FSU TPD and rape http://t.co/hmJj4XjSg8',\n", " u'@craigtimes sounds like my \"friend\\'s\" high school days. Were mushrooms involved?']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @IntegrityFL: Our research included in this @Sheila_MacVicar @AmericaTonight investigative report that aired nationally on @ajam http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Sheila_MacVicar: Now online- follow the money. Why so many kids w/special needs warehoused in Florida nursing homes\\nhttp://t.co/H13eU6b\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CapitalSoup: Statement from @IntegrityFL on Ethics Reform Prop. SB 846 as Passed by House State Affairs Committee http://t.co/u3bKS23Bw\\u2026',\n", " u'Great work by @Kathleen4SWFL @RepJimBoyd @JackLatvala on SB 846 to continue to strengthen Florida ethics laws #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @AmericaTonight: Tonight, @Sheila_MacVicar follows up her report on Florida kids 'warehoused' in nursing homes http://t.co/CW0808a4cP ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @StateIntegrity: Ethics bills stalled in Florida legislature http://t.co/nW3L2l6w30 efforts pushed by coalition including @IntegrityFL',\n", " u'RT @flcurrent: Coalition urges passage of ethics, open government bills http://t.co/VBaeaHozNz',\n", " u'RT @IntegrityFL: Groups call on lawmakers to pass ethics, open-government bills - @JeffBurlew report #sayfie http://t.co/Se46a404YD',\n", " u'RT @JKennedyReport: Open govt. watchdogs worry, as Fla ethics bills fight a dwindling clock in the Legislature. http://t.co/XIUa9GhKVm',\n", " u'RT @Mdixon55: Watchdogs say Fla. House is putting open government on back burner http://t.co/2HWNDTgOJi via @politicalfix',\n", " u'Coalition of @IntegrityFL @FloridaFAF @commoncausefl @TTPNetwork CAFI call for #ethics reform, #opengov http://t.co/U1TkG7qzcz #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @fasanomike: Coalition calls for action on ethics reform, open government http://t.co/bDv5L63F5b via #constantcontact #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @IntegrityFL: Coalition of @IntegrityFL @FloridaFAF @commoncausefl @TTPNetwork CAFI to call for #opengov #ethics reforms http://t.co/EYz\\u2026',\n", " u'Coalition of @IntegrityFL @FloridaFAF @commoncausefl CAFI to call for action on #opengov #ethicsreform http://t.co/s3SbMpuKCR #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @EllnMllr: Florida Town Simplifies Transparency http://t.co/wJoJPd41ZH',\n", " u'RT @grimm_fred: (More) power to the plutocrats! - Fred Grimm - http://t.co/n1dgL8p1bv http://t.co/QIvCzZItN6',\n", " u'RT @IntegrityFL: In Tallahassee, only money talks - @grimm_fred column #sayfie http://t.co/PQTCV6mIoX',\n", " u'@MaryEllenKlas @mikevansickler Simpler solution - Put all public records online to be accessed free of charge #opengov',\n", " u'With a stronger definition of corruption, the #FirstAmendment and participation in democracy could both be protected #McCutcheon',\n", " u'Now is the time to reevaluate the definition of corruption #McCutcheon']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @FlaDems: \"I refuse to condemn your generation & future generations to a planet that\\u2019s beyond fixing\" \\u2013 @BarackObama \\n#EarthDay http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: \\u201cIt\\u2019s pretty sad when politics is put above good policy and Florida\\u2019s middle class.\\u201d - Rep. @MarkPafford\\n#pfla',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: Rep. Stafford details the benefit of raising the min. wage so someone working full-time doesn\\u2019t struggle just to get by. #Rais\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: Rep. Berman & Rep. Stafford discuss the unfinished business of GOP-led legislature failing to address #EqualPay for equal work\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FlaDems: House Democrats detail the unfinished business for Florida's families as the end of session nears. #pfla http://t.co/ORSnQ9lox9\",\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: The @FloridaGOP wants to make it harder for the best students to afford college in Florida: http://t.co/dCsTYKgyZq #pfla',\n", " u\"RT @missrusso: Dozen protest outside Rep. Bill Hager's office demanding affordable health insurance - WPEC-TV CBS12 NewsTop Stories: http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FLHOUSEDEMS: Bright Futures scholarships continue to decline. Key remarks by Democratic Leader Perry Thurston. http://t.co/dwb92F1NM5',\n", " u'Way to show your priorities Republican lead legislature, http://t.co/cTMzpBoe61 We can do better.',\n", " u\"RT @FlaDems: .@SenBillNelson: Expanding access to health care is good for Florida's health, economy http://t.co/KF3unju7kE via @TB_Times #p\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @GwenForCongress: Honor to be with @UAW on @PCBeach today. Shared my commitment to North Florida's middle class families and seniors. ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: [VIDEO] Rick Scott dodges question on expanding access to healthcare in final days of session http://t.co/7NQVROb1Q9 via @Amer\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: \"That\\'s wrong. It should stop.\" \\u2013 @BarackObama to GOP-controlled states like FL blocking access to healthcare: http://t.co/YMs\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: This is what progress looks like \\u2192 http://t.co/Br3azg6wrt',\n", " u'RT @fineout: The website http://t.co/XaR2YOaXec just has a message that says \"the system is restarting.\"',\n", " u'RT @MarkPafford: Editorial: High court should deny hearing Scott appeal on drug... http://t.co/TYxCc8yUtr',\n", " u'RT @DavidABergstein: WTXL: women slam @Rep_Southerland for opposing Equal Pay, votes that hurt FL families http://t.co/mxyBdImM29 #sayfie #\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FlaDems: What do you think @FLGovScott should answer for? He's taking questions right now on Facebook. Head over and ask \\u2192 https://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @FlaDems: Want to ask Rick Scott a question? Here's your chance. Facebook Q&A starts at 6:00PM \\u2192 https://t.co/8rFkGLEXPe #pfla http://t.\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: RT @FLHOUSEDEMS: Democratic Leader Thurston Calls for Urgent Budget Talks on Health Coverage Expansion for Florida http://t.co\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u\"Sen. Tom Lee's verbal destruction of late-filed amendments > Gov. Rick Scott's pseudo-pressers. #AnyDay #sayfie\",\n", " u'Senate re-kindles school voucher debate http://t.co/oijhgj49fG',\n", " u'Guns are safer from the godless, communist-yet-money-grubbing insurance cos. SB424 passes the FL Legislature. #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @PacificStand: Scientific management is the most despised theory of office work\\u2014now, we call it a \"life hack\" to make it sound fun: http\\u2026',\n", " u'Private sector, running websites for FL Gov like a boss: http://t.co/08e5b4Pb5z #sayfie',\n", " u'Oh, the joy: grinding through a 3,100-page Senate Approps packet to find the staff analyses all out of date. #sayfie #DayDrinkingLastWeek?',\n", " u\"Join my caucus. It's called #ReportersBoycottingRonSachsCallsDuringImportantAppropsHearings. #sayfie #StopIt\",\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Parents with seriously epileptic kids don't want an RX marijuana option, they just need a $25 auto tag-fee cut. Because fr\\u2026\",\n", " u'Interesting thought excercise based on a theory of citizen mobility that has never worked in the real world: http://t.co/OmUf4aYeVR',\n", " u'RT @kwcollins: That said, I do find it incredibly amusing the way the journalists describe logit models as if it they were novel http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @kwcollins: Computer scientists should leave social science to social scientists. For example: http://t.co/zVnvMjUELk',\n", " u'Softie, Miller. #WeakSauce #bluesblackhawks',\n", " u'RT @NeinQuarterly: A gentle reminder that in the future all natural disasters will be measured in \"Dudes.\" All others in \"\\u017di\\u017eeks.\"',\n", " u'Prez Gaetz says lawmakers are close to a \"budget we can be proud of.\" Tax cuts just need \"filling in the blanks.\" $3bil in reserves. #sayfie',\n", " u'Orange education officials rebuff school site purchase offer http://t.co/zfZhByjAnR',\n", " u'Nothing sharpens the desire for brevity in debate like a @willweatherford threat to work late. #sayfie',\n", " u\"Going to read this story at some point: Why Your Procrastination Habit Maybe Isn't Your Fault http://t.co/kn2kenxEmI via @slate\",\n", " u\"Stone Temple Pilots: 'Interstate Love Song' and Joan Jett & The Blackhearts: 'Fake Friends' #FLHouseTunes #ThisHasBeenFun\",\n", " u\"Rollins Band: 'Liar.' The Eagles: 'Lyin' Eyes' Three Dog Night: 'Liar' The Castaways: 'Liar Liar' #FLHouseTunes\",\n", " u\"Senate bucks 'Vinny' and sheds 'shakedown' language from its beer growler bill http://t.co/MrT8qIH7CZ\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@nativejaws look! And I got a bunch of brochures for you! \\U0001f618\\u2764\\ufe0f\\U0001f49b http://t.co/R69hlFo3BW',\n", " u'I love working @MyFLHouse! Thank you for the picture and for a great season \\u2764\\ufe0f\\U0001f49b@FSU_Football @fsucoachfisher http://t.co/fgFC1cuaCC',\n", " u'RT @JimmyPatronis: I am so proud of @JimmieTSmith #gibill #sayfie #pic http://t.co/tBzN1Hnpor',\n", " u'RT @JimmieTSmith: @FLGovScott signs Florida GI Bill into law. Thanks to all who have helped make Florida the #1 \"welcome home\" state.#veter\\u2026',\n", " u'Even the Huff Post agrees that Florida is the best State in the US!\\nhttp://t.co/nr3kDGwalZ',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: God bless our beautiful country. #sayfie http://t.co/ns9kKTUPax',\n", " u'RT @FSUAlumni: Faculty, staff, students, the @FSUChiefs and Flying High Circus are all out at Westcott to honor Pres. & Mrs. Barron http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Great meeting with David Beckham today. #selfie http://t.co/c4oBJeFki3',\n", " u'RT @JimmyPatronis: @JimmyPatronis: Photo of me and @DavidBeckhamWeb #wow #sayfie Brits in the @MyFLHouse http://t.co/DIQRu5aSgq',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: It was great to see David Beckham in the Capitol today during a surprise drop in. #justanotherdayintheoffice http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"Florida's economy is leading the nation! http://t.co/Op1f8ZJ69J #sayfie \\n#FLSession2014\",\n", " u\"RT @JakeRaburn: Just voted to cut taxes by $400 million! Helping Florida's families!\",\n", " u'RT @josefelixdiaz: Proud to be an American on Military Day at the Florida Capitol #sayfie #America http://t.co/Ty6N3oXpbX',\n", " u\"RT @FLGOPMajority: .@NeilCombee & @MattGaetz just passed #HB89 to strengthen FL's Stand Your Ground laws. #Sayfie #FLSession2014 http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: Today was a great day for #schoolchoice in @MyFLHouse! Thanks to @RitchWorkman and @RepMannyDiazJr for their leadershi\\u2026',\n", " u'#SabreFamily @josefelixdiaz \\nHappy Birthday! @ElleRudisill \\nHad so much fun last night! \\U0001f389 http://t.co/bTaYDpN9wB',\n", " u'RT @JamesGrantFL: Proud that the first bill @MyFLHouse passed this session is the FL GI Bill, providing in-state tuition to veterans. http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @josefelixdiaz: In the sprit of @TheEllenShow a FL Legislature #selfie @FLGovScott #betterthanEllen's #sayfie @anitere_flores http://t.c\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @Aeg1214: @CristinaTunon I think you're the pinkest thing ever to grace those halls.\",\n", " u'Just a normal day hanging out in the Chamber in our Reps seats, no biggie :) @Artiles118 @JamesGrantFL @krenspie http://t.co/w4mvcMymKB']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Listen NOW - the 28th Amendment National Roadshow http://t.co/ndWNLZVTtu http://t.co/OIKezmFrtq #UCLA 4/26 #Seattle 5/3 #Portland 5/4',\n", " u'Listen NOW - the 28th Amendment National Roadshow http://t.co/ndWNLZVTtu \\nhttp://t.co/OIKezmFrtq\\n#Berkeley 4/24 #UCLA 4/26',\n", " u\"@dailybruin We'd love to have you cover our event at UCLA Law School http://t.co/2DN2Vwaf7R Any interest?\",\n", " u\"@UCLAradio We'd love to have you cover our event at UCLA Law School http://t.co/2DN2Vwaf7R Any interest?\",\n", " u'Help Get Money Out of Politics, by helping elect Marianne Williamson Please RT http://t.co/yOf0GIKJbz via @rally',\n", " u'Want to learn more about #microcredit? Watch Bonsai People this weekend... http://t.co/alJSqtrB8d #MofMFI14 http://t.co/TVwt0euDvJ',\n", " u'Want to learn more about #microcredit? Watch Bonsai People... http://t.co/alJSqtrB8d #MofMFI14 http://t.co/UCnKf6Hxl1',\n", " u'Got Democracy? #28Amendment 5/3 #SEATTLE @WAmend2014 @publiccampaign \\u2070@NicholsUprising @NicholsRising @Pay2PlayTV http://t.co/OIKezmFrtq',\n", " u'Founding Fathers never said, WE THE CORPORATIONS - Join us to #GetMoneyOut http://t.co/9iv7Uvjt5S http://t.co/IztYcVbEfm',\n", " u'Senator? $10.2 million. \\u2070Representative? $1.5 million. \\u2070Democracy? Priceless. http://t.co/OIKezmFrtq http://t.co/XezO0FughF',\n", " u\"Corporations aren't people. Money isn't free speech. http://t.co/OIKezmFrtq\\u2070 JOIN US! 5/3 #Seattle 5/4 #Portland http://t.co/KxjjzWrj5t\",\n", " u\"Corporations aren't people. Money isn't speech. http://t.co/OIKezmFrtq\\u2070 JOIN US! 4/24 #Berkeley 4/26 #LosAngeles http://t.co/NJ5OJ3KKhI\",\n", " u'Got Democracy? Join the 28th Amendment Roadshow. http://t.co/OIKezmFrtq #Berkeley 4/24 - #LosAngeles 4/26 - #Seattle 5/3 - #Portland 5/4',\n", " u'\\u2070The 28th Amendment Roadshow this spring #Seattle #Portland #LosAngeles #Berkeley http://t.co/OIKezmFrtq',\n", " u'Fed up with billionaires buying elections? Join us for the 28th Amendment Roadshow http://t.co/OIKezmFrtq http://t.co/BPBkrtO9Ej',\n", " u'Want to learn more about #microcredit? Watch Bonsai People... http://t.co/alJSqtrB8d #MofMFI14 http://t.co/ZB6tjKKa6x',\n", " u'WOW! Hey #RURAL PEOPLE @ATT is waging a war against rural communities across America http://t.co/FAuTScIJ4w via: @sum_of_us',\n", " u'@TaksimLove Thanks! and also check this out http://t.co/b7XbCsb7UB',\n", " u'RT @bamamm: #FF to the @SEAlliance Chapter Leaders! @tamraryan @nikimccuistion @EricWeinheimer1 @awunderli @NTCSEA @FilmsForChange #socent',\n", " u'Just posted a photo http://t.co/JWGMRyF5GZ']},\n", " {'REP': [u'#Brickell Confidential #Miami is out! http://t.co/jZbYRIk3il Stories via @inversionmiami @FortuneRealty',\n", " u\"Should I call security on my neighbor for being so loud AGAIN or let him be loud since he's moving out this week?#brickell #miami\",\n", " u'Check out this #Brickell condo for sale from one of the #RHOM @bravotv http://t.co/og2cDMsxSG cc/ @KyleForElliman :-P',\n", " u'#Brickell Confidential #Miami is out! http://t.co/jZbYRIk3il Stories via @NOWRealTimeCorp @LeanKanbanNA',\n", " u'RT @ABHuret: It saddens me that Millennials will never know the satisfaction of slamming down the receiver of a desktop landline phone. #Ma\\u2026',\n", " u\"Am I the only one who sensed the beginnings of a Ted Bundy component in tonight's #MadMen???? #Suspense o_O\",\n", " u'Dunno why Easter always makes me homesick for Texas... now I want to put my wine in a plastic cup & take the farm truck to check cows.',\n", " u\"Happy Easter y'all!!! \\U0001f338\\U0001f490\\U0001f33c\\U0001f33a\\U0001f60e #dollyparton http://t.co/aVPGcAwbG6\",\n", " u'Easter Sunday service ... @sarahelles & @annush1 style \\U0001f60a\\U0001f496\\U0001f338\\U0001f490 @ The Batch http://t.co/nsGAct26Cp',\n", " u'#Brickell Confidential #Miami is out! http://t.co/jZbYRIk3il Stories via @nelsonnet @condosFL',\n", " u'RT @theLadyGrantham: Everyone knows an Easter sunrise service should occur at a sensible hour, like 9am.',\n", " u'Where am I???\\U0001f3c6\\u2600\\ufe0f\\U0001f496 http://t.co/Mt77bjKFr9',\n", " u'#Brickell Confidential #Miami is out! http://t.co/jZbYRIk3il Stories via @LDijsRealtor @kevinhoule',\n", " u\"RT @MrScottEddy: When you delete the unnecessary people from your life, good things will start happening for you and it won't be a coincide\\u2026\",\n", " u'\\U0001f60d\\U0001f60d\\U0001f496 #bff RT @Annush1: BFF anniversary #girldate ! \\u2661\\u2661\\u2661\\u2661 (@ Novecento - Brickell - @900events w/ @sarahelles) http://t.co/fsCb8hEzMa',\n", " u'#Brickell Confidential #Miami is out! http://t.co/jZbYRIk3il Stories via @Brickell_Key @ChrisAch',\n", " u'Is Miami the next Monaco? http://t.co/b2qhw9H4u8',\n", " u\"RT @inhabitmiami: Ugo Colombo's Flatiron Park Project to Begin Taking Reservations http://t.co/WChCn7pDOW #Brickell #RealEstate\",\n", " u\"I'm starting to think #Klout is bullshit. Is this wrong? #Justsaying\",\n", " u'#miamiypn (@ Miami Association Of Realtors) http://t.co/r9vgrLKJis http://t.co/sdLuTCIjWe']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Content / Access / Engagement are the keys to success and Amplification, Inc. does it all http://t.co/jpxAmutqfL #Marketing #SocialMedia',\n", " u'RT @TheDudeDean: The Florida Tweople 2 Daily is out! http://t.co/GqDWWOuUoi Stories via @TheAngelaBryan',\n", " u'Better informed customers spend more http://t.co/INCwPUxT0a #Signs #Boca #Delray #Marketing',\n", " u'#waterfall #pool at Marco Island Marriott Resort and Spa http://t.co/3YqwJ3rmH2 http://t.co/W4EIvGifTV',\n", " u'Pig Island // Exuma, Bahamas #travel #squeel http://t.co/tf7LBZGKQL',\n", " u'http://t.co/nQA63RdZTi http://t.co/oFrbxPqs7I',\n", " u'#bronze Mer-Man #Table #Base #decor http://t.co/UNXt0FI4EW http://t.co/Z3xsc7P9yQ',\n", " u'#decorative #art #blue #glass #plates http://t.co/C0qeerBdEm http://t.co/75QRNJjzRH',\n", " u'CAROL LOIACONO wrote - Drew James is proud and ready to once again join the cause for clean water d http://t.co/ivtorXgP1b',\n", " u'HEY! The economy is picking up, get some new signage http://t.co/INCwPUxT0a #Signs #Boca #Delray #Marketing',\n", " u'Amplify YOUR message with #YouTube #video content like these businesses http://t.co/ZVJC4l6j5A',\n", " u'The Diplomat Hotel, Hollywood FL filmed from the intercoastal. http://t.co/UDnIgygzXP #Hollywood #FL',\n", " u'The Diplomat Hotel and Spa, Hollywood FL at sunset. http://t.co/UDnIgygzXP #Hollywood #FL',\n", " u'Photo: Pizza time! Yum-O! #Food #foodporn #pizza #happy #yum (at Giovanni\\u2019s Coal Fire Pizza) http://t.co/924tZEC6XV',\n", " u\"Pizza time! Yum-O!\\n#Food #foodporn #pizza #happy #yum @ Giovanni's Coal Fire Pizza http://t.co/nKTPtVf1NC\",\n", " u'I checked in at Regal Sawgrass 23 Cinemas on #Yelp http://t.co/tx6cq60lcz',\n", " u'Marnie breaks it down bts style at Boca Signarama http://t.co/O1U5NZopzL #SocialMedia #Marketing #Advertising #SMO',\n", " u\"Giovanni's Coal Fire Pizza on #Yelp: Pizza time! http://t.co/MXPxVPHE5a\",\n", " u'I saw the sign, did you? http://t.co/INCwPUxT0a #Signs #Boca #Delray #Marketing',\n", " u\"Dinner time! \\u2014 at Giovanni's Coal Fire Pizza http://t.co/tqpqH4ClnI\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @juancuba: No good argument to NOT expand Medicaid: good for people & economy @MiamiDadeDems @MarcACaputo taking twitter Qs now http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @juancuba: @MarcACaputo @Annette_Taddeo @CharlieCrist @senatornanrich @MiamiDadeDems I wish media would pressure Rs to debate #MinWage o\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MiamiDadeDems: Exciting! RT @brpr: We look forward to having @DWStweets join us at our office today. Welcome! CC @JuanCuba @Annette_Tad\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepJoeGarcia: Always a pleasure having lunch with @SenBillNelson and @Annette_Taddeo http://t.co/iC9wcC4gEU',\n", " u'Obama: 8 million signed up for health care http://t.co/doHTeDTuyx',\n", " u'RT: @AmbassadorPower: Krystle Campbell\\nLingzi Lu\\nMartin Richard\\nSean Collier\\n\\nToday, we remember them, and stand even #BostonStronger.',\n", " u'RT @politico: Dems target 30 House Republicans on immigration http://t.co/oOEfddgp3Z',\n", " u'Nonpartisan CBO-Is that the federal deficit will fall to just $514 billion in 2014 down from $1.4 trillion 5 yrs ago. http://t.co/9OLizpEh2f',\n", " u'CBO: Updated Estimates of the Effects of the Insurance Coverage Provisions of the Affordable Care http://t.co/j6qhZiziBO',\n", " u'RT @leticiavdp: Celebrating @orangejackets Project Selfie by taking selfie w/@WendyDavisTexas #TexasTea #HookEm http://t.co/lhavRKlw7O',\n", " u\"RT @CapehartJ: Boehner challenger\\u2019s 'Electile dysfunction' http://t.co/4LbkaxGjH6\",\n", " u'RT @MiamiDadeDems: Big congrats to @JoeGarcia for raising $460,000 in the 1st quarter of 2014! http://t.co/NJLTt6lylL #sayfie #pfla',\n", " u'Help @DebtCrisisOrg #flipadistrict and unseat For Profit College-loving @repjohnkline. cc: @billmaher @RealTimers http://t.co/03KI2g16qf',\n", " u'Conservative Candidate Under Fire for out of the mainstream Remarks http://t.co/3GnlCQfAku via @NBCNews',\n", " u'Gunman Opens Fire at Kansas Jewish Community Center http://t.co/FGG2SZndnH',\n", " u'Lew Oliver, Puerto Rico, and the firestorm over his comments http://t.co/rW3Uens9Dl',\n", " u'RT @ChrisMurphyCT: Time to collect on a bet. KY Derby Pie from @SenRandPaul and @McConnellPress. Tastes like victory. #UCONN! http://t.co/B\\u2026',\n", " u\"Pressure mounts for McAllister's resignation via @POLITICO @SpeakerBoehner http://t.co/uB5wYCgVPb\",\n", " u'RT @MiamiDadeDems: @RepCTrujillo: 73% of Floridians support raising #minwage\\u2014inc. 53% of Republicans! What are you waiting for? #RaiseTheWa\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepBecerra: #RaiseTheWage to $10.10 and generate $22 billion more in economic activity, create 85,000 more jobs. #RestoreWages for work\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @learyreports: Check out pic of @marcorubio working on \\'96 Dole. Rubio, presumably making sign for Clinton: \"Stop lying to America.\" htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheAtlantic: The best and worst NBA teams, according to Facebook http://t.co/WTDO4z6Ef8 http://t.co/IoJU3QTIMj',\n", " u'Wont be able to recognize anyone RT@BruceFeldmanCFB: #Arkansas unveils new branding & logo http://t.co/lQGRzb5ls9\\u201d',\n", " u'Heat win!!! #1down15togo #xvi',\n", " u'XVI #LETSGOHEAT',\n", " u'RT @ATTACKATHLETICS: Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it. #Pacers',\n", " u'RT @mattyports: Accidental or not, bet a lot of athletes would like to do this. RT @lashy: Griffin dumps water on dude, dude gets mad http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TheRickWilson: So @CharlieCrist wants us to post pictures for the #TeamCharlie? Here's one! His bff Scott Rothstein, Ponzi criminal. ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @MacStipanovich: Telling undocumented FL kids they can go to college but have to pay out of state tuition is like Lucy holding the footb\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @alaskan: FACT: FL created the most jobs in America last month. @ScottforFlorida #LetsKeepWorking #sayfie #FLGov @TroyKinsey @fineout',\n", " u'Good job #teamscott RT@fgonzalez1978: New ad by @FLGovScott features his Navy story. VIDEO: http://t.co/IeKOCW7t0y #ItsWorking',\n", " u\"RT @SarahMMimms: Kerry Condemns 'Grotesque' Fliers Requiring Eastern Ukrainian Jews to Register. State Dept believes they're authentic http\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @singernews: Major Democratic donor indicted over campaign contributions http://t.co/UYxrgqxlOF (Note: 2nd recent case involving Hillary\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TheLeadCNN: #BreakingNews US Amb to Ukraine @GeoffPyatt confirms authentic, 'chilling' anti-Semitic leaflets from pro-Russian groups i\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @TheLeadCNN: Leaflets like this targeting Jews in eastern Ukraine seem to be \"the real deal\" says US Amb. to Ukraine @GeoffPyatt http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @singernews: Jews ordered to register in east Ukraine http://t.co/lFagYR3kem via @usatoday',\n", " u'RT @TheDaraKam: Wow. MUST read @nytimes story about #FSU TPD and rape http://t.co/hmJj4XjSg8',\n", " u'RT @DavidOvalle305: Florida Bar accuses Coral Gables lawyer of unethical behavior in Univ. of Miami Nevin Shapiro booster case #UM http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @sethmckeel: Average state income tax bill for New Yorkers: $1,981. Average for Floridians: ZERO. #sayfie #TaxDay',\n", " u\"RT @BillyCorben: '@RoyalCaribbean Leads Alliance Against David Beckham's @PortMiami Soccer Stadium Plan' http://t.co/cpITa73K5g\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @PilotOnPolitics: Shad smoking wood planks #shadplanking mnwhl @EdWGillespie stirs kettle of baked beans. \"You\\'ve got our vote\" 1 said h\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @VA_GOP: VIDEO: @MarkWarner really doesn't like to talk about Obamacare. http://t.co/MvubFnQivM #shadplanking\",\n", " u'RT @VA_GOP: What happens if you put up a sign that points out @MarkWarner was the 60th vote for Obamacare? This: http://t.co/oZVUNeUzF1 #s\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TuckerObenshain: No republican women in VA @MarkWarner? I beg to differ. #shadplanking',\n", " u'RT @gopaulblair: Not as many signs as usual but here are some nonetheless. #shadplanking http://t.co/7oHFlEFG61',\n", " u'RT @cFidd: Festive RT @gopaulblair: Not as many signs as usual but here are some nonetheless. #shadplanking http://t.co/7AK3FclB5z',\n", " u'RT @VA_GOP: How badly does @MarkWarner *not* want people to know about his Obamacare vote? He sent staffers to hide O-care signs at the #sh\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @PeterHambyCNN: my look at the Shad Planking today, where Mark Warner punted when asked if he'd campaign with Obama > http://t.co/6GDDQD\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @RTDSchapiro: CNN's @peterhamby on his home state's big Senate race: http://t.co/xyM2dBAC0g\",\n", " u'RT @Waxenebula: \"In the Virginia woods, Mark Warner is trailed by Obamacare\" good read http://t.co/1IB2ygNxTl',\n", " u'RT @PilotOnPolitics: More #shadplanking @marchimb @petesnyder @patmullins @jfradioshow @svkenney @Paulogan @chris_stearns @HRVAGentleman ht\\u2026',\n", " u'@walkyourcamera @davetabler seriously though, looks like a cool, fun project. Hope a photographer heads to Union Co, TN.',\n", " u'@walkyourcamera @davetabler \"In an attempt 2 explore diversity of Appalachia...\" Diverse canning jars? Gun selection? Fertilizer choice? :)',\n", " u'RT @finebooks: Norbert Donhofer, New ILAB President http://t.co/MUNtYv8yXM',\n", " u'RT @WorldsEndBook: Everyone at some point in their lives has experienced this: http://t.co/mJYP2fpkPi #books #justreadingthings',\n", " u\"RT @gordonbelt: Extra! Extra! Read all about 'John Sevier' in today's edition of @knoxnews http://t.co/rMpvwqdBn3\",\n", " u'RT @baumanrarebooks: Thomas Jefferson was born #OTD in 1743. Browse our exceptional collection of Jefferson books & autographs: http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'@greenhousenyt excellent!',\n", " u'@PatriotsOrg war? You serious?',\n", " u'@gordonbelt @Clinchviewgolf go buy a copy. The man commanded our kin.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @LPF_Convention: RT to your Followers @aampatriot: Join the Fun in Tampa May 16-18, @LPF2014Convention http://t.co/5KRves4xUJ http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"Do *NOT* underestimate the determination of a mother who realizes her responsibility to protect her children's... http://t.co/fTicPYerD4\",\n", " u'http://t.co/FBBtVwBQh4',\n", " u'Come on out for a afternoon full of FREE family friendly fun!! Get to meet your neighbors! http://t.co/1DdnlO4yAy',\n", " u\"Oh good GRIEF!!! Really??? C'mon Tallahassee... could you be *anymore* obvious? Corporate crony 'capitalism' at... http://t.co/i6fqLshPjA\",\n", " u'Who is with me? Come and enjoy a evening out at Caf\\xe9 Orlando, while tasting delightful food made with love by... http://t.co/oGoNYyhmKh',\n", " u'Tampa General Hospital neurosurgeons now have new state-of-the-art technology to fight brain tumors. - http://t.co/QTWpMBSMTZ',\n", " u'On my way to meet with the amazing ladies who are organizing the Clearwater MLK Jr Neighborhood Center Coalition... http://t.co/tW8lWaiA5B',\n", " u'Just got a knock on the door from a young man who wanted a job mowing my lawn. I asked him his rates and without... http://t.co/NCW20HcekP',\n", " u'@0schenique0 Have you seen the @MLK_JrCoalition newsletter? http://t.co/oyqqOvM5Qd Hoping that you can come out to see their progress.',\n", " u'. @0schenique0 So inspired by your interview about how the @MLK_JrCoalition Neighborhood Center impacted families. http://t.co/P8I6pdYple',\n", " u'RT @FedupUSExpat: @WDTnow @RealDavisBauer @hendel_a18 @SchwartzDefense @KearneyJim thx for following. Plz check out my #PJNET team mate @aa\\u2026',\n", " u'Wow... so a conversation about a college student who committed suicide after supposedly ingesting marijuana went... http://t.co/Xv3ObBER6g',\n", " u\". @FLTeacherBeth #CommonCore is controlled 'locally'? Hope you are enjoying your payoff to lie to the parents of Florida. #StopCommonCore\",\n", " u'. @FLTeacherBeth FL State Seal & you on propaganda commercials on TV? Who is paying you to lie to parents? #StopCommonCore #KidsArentCommon',\n", " u'It was an honor and a great learning experience to be a part of the Lucas Overby For Congress campaign. I look... http://t.co/aFd94dmaNK',\n", " u'Have you ever been surrounded by people who are determined to do what they are able to bring inspiration back... http://t.co/JwaAHHzahz',\n", " u'Two Appetizers & Two Glasses of Wine or Sangria: Caf\\xe9 Orlando in Safety Harbor, FL https://t.co/WoZB66rHvh via @LivingSocial @CafeOrlando',\n", " u'Help strengthen your neighborhood with a FREE Nextdoor website and get a $25 Amazon Gift Card. https://t.co/mCmi7rgTzj via @Nextdoor',\n", " u\"Tomorrow, I will be the proud mom of a 25 year old son. I had him when I was 2 years old... that's my story and... http://t.co/YE42vxoojo\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @OFA_OH: Millions of families are suffering because of @SpeakerBoehner & his colleauges unwillingness to #RenewUI. Stand up: http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @OFA_OH: RETWEET to say \"Thank you\" to all our OFA-Ohio staff for their dedication and hard work this past year! http://t.co/8Y2N2cMZxf',\n", " u\"I'm at http://t.co/0tyTdltx6O (Clearwater, FL) http://t.co/KugczjMGJd\",\n", " u'RT @OFA_OH: Retweet if you think it\\u2019s unacceptable that on average women earn 77 cents for every dollar men earn. http://t.co/CYsaDjj1t5',\n", " u'RT @OFA_OH: Do you want to check out what OFA-Ohio has been up to & also learn some organizing skills? Join us Saturday: http://t.co/REhgE4\\u2026',\n", " u\"I'm at Test Track Presented by Chevrolet - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) w/ 5 others http://t.co/x77H5khQlz\",\n", " u\"I'm at Gran Fiesta Tour Starring the Three Caballeros - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) http://t.co/AabwzAMTXb\",\n", " u\"I'm at Mexico Pavilion - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) w/ 3 others http://t.co/e4wNNKZRw7\",\n", " u\"I'm at The Seas with Nemo & Friends - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) w/ 3 others http://t.co/Z3AO7dAjjr\",\n", " u\"I'm at Innoventions - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) http://t.co/LC9qqFFLvh\",\n", " u\"I'm at Epcot - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) w/ 15 others http://t.co/K5LaMRI0vJ\",\n", " u\"I'm at Emporium - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) http://t.co/SsCAphVC2y\",\n", " u\"I'm at Jungle Cruise - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) w/ 4 others http://t.co/u4ccHspWYR\",\n", " u\"I'm at Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) http://t.co/ntL8Fd99Gl\",\n", " u\"I'm at Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) http://t.co/NTUnXJ0Ntc\",\n", " u\"I'm at Dumbo The Flying Elephant - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) http://t.co/yYlFzSl2WW\",\n", " u\"I'm at Mad Tea Party - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) http://t.co/3y9AjJu6iy\",\n", " u\"I'm at Under the Sea ~ Journey of the Little Mermaid (Lake Buena Vista, FL) w/ 4 others http://t.co/s7m4C5OTXy\",\n", " u\"I'm at Fantasyland - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) w/ 3 others http://t.co/fg7qloSCDr\",\n", " u\"I'm at Pirates of the Caribbean - @waltdisneyworld (Lake Buena Vista, FL) w/ 5 others http://t.co/nNZLj79shD\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@fgonzalez1978 @SallyAnnWest best one coming soon. Working on it with @ValWickboldt.',\n", " u'@fgonzalez1978 I never close my mind to new information. Happy to listen and discuss.',\n", " u'@fgonzalez1978 happy to do it, brother!',\n", " u'RT @bsfarrington: Charlie Crist on legalizing half-gallon growlers: \"Let freedom ring!\" #flbeer',\n", " u'.@StefKunkel you should know that optimists never win #catesinedie, Stephanie.',\n", " u\"I'll be on @msnbc's @TheReidReport w/ @JoyAnnReid tomorrow discussing #fl19 special. I'll try to keep @ConnieMackIV + @GoMeteoric out of it.\",\n", " u\"Never heard of @tonymolina_650 before today, but I'm hooked. I'm sure he gets this a lot, but if you liked #pinkerton...\",\n", " u'Last year @thomasegriffin won #catesinedie, beating out @LillyRockwell by one minute. Ouch.',\n", " u'And it begins. If winning time comes this week, bar tab doubles. RT @hymnforrachel friday, may 2, at 5:43 pm #catesinedie',\n", " u'Rules: Predict exact time of Sine Die w/o going over. Win a $100 bar tab TBD. Must hashtag #catesinedie. Can guess once this week, once next',\n", " u'Opening up #catesinedie predictions early this session. Prize will double if winning prediction comes from this week.',\n", " u'Fla. politicos: RT to thank @FrancoRipple for putting together http://t.co/stKD4Nr12T every morning. Even on Easter.',\n", " u'This is what happened when @CharlieCrist opened up a field office in Broward County on Saturday. http://t.co/zOZf0YC6LJ',\n", " u'How important is Broward Co. to @CharlieCrist? @stevebousquet @MarcACaputo break it down after 300+ attend field open http://t.co/Vdjpjv5jL3',\n", " u'RT @ProgressFlorida: \"The governor never called me one time to ask me to expand Medicaid\" -- @willweatherford #HealthFLNow #pfla',\n", " u'@MarcACaputo sounds like he supports in-state tuition for undocumented students as much as he supports access to medicaid.',\n", " u'RT @MarcACaputo: Sen. Prez office re SB1400: \"Neither Governor Scott nor any former Florida Governor has ever contacted President Gaetz abo\\u2026',\n", " u'@MarcACaputo Dateline, Arizona?',\n", " u\"RT @RadioRicko: Gov Rick Scott's office issues a series of glowing press releases on unemployment without ever mentioning the jobless rate\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Messina2012: .@shepworth I feel great about @CharlieCrist campaign! Especially w u doing the same great work u did for Romney in FL.']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @hling_Health: The Grapefruit Diet http://t.co/l6TTo5f8cs',\n", " u'According to wdae guys this am, 21 MLB pitchers going under the knife \\nthis year - 19 are American . #pitchcount happens later@620wdae',\n", " u'@msnbc #fatheroftheyear should be Daniel Murphy of the Mets who defended decision to take maternity leave in face of rediculous criticism',\n", " u'ICYMI: Robert Griffin III visited the White House today\\u2026 WEARING CLEATS! \\n\\xbb http://t.co/DOyYcEfTK8 (via @SportsCenter) \\n\\nUh ohK',\n", " u'RT @SportsCenter: ICYMI: Robert Griffin III visited the White House today... WEARING CLEATS! \\n\\xbb http://t.co/gEemRwYB6T',\n", " u\"RT @Keethers: I'm like, damn. The white man said, speak better. Then he gets a hair up his ass and says speak better in 140 characters. #mi\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @ParentEsq: Maybe there's more than one way to skin a cat; maybe there's only one way. I don't want to know anyone who can say for sure.\",\n", " u\"RT @Chernynkaya: I'm old enough to remember when a TV talking head like Hannity would have lost his job praising a Timothy McVeigh wanna-be\\u2026\",\n", " u'It\\u2019s official \\U0001f610 http://t.co/PBilqEMc1W (via @ryanmatt23) \\n\\nWhere can I get oneuh deeze?@TKras',\n", " u'RT @citizensrock: When Corker says our foreign policy is always a day late & a dollar short, he forgets W\\u2019s Iraq War was 8 yrs too long and\\u2026',\n", " u'Bruce Springsteen Concert in Tampa on May 1st- Thursday \\nsome if us are\\n1).working next day \\n2). over 40 \\n3). over 50 \\nWTF \\nThursday?',\n", " u'http://t.co/lMYNCitJ6o',\n", " u'RT @thisislizz: How is it possible that just about every Prius driver is never EVER in a hurry to get anywhere??',\n", " u\"RT @MWM4444: It would be easy to slip powdered alcohol into a child's cupcake. Drunken children are easier to commit crimes against.\",\n", " u'RT @bannerite: #PoliticsNation Louis Gohmert is in contempt of the American People. He is a disgrace to America.',\n", " u'8 Foods That Should Not Exist Alternet http://t.co/AgWbRIzJ4y (via @rcooley123) \\nFunny!',\n", " u'If you missed former #NFL referee , catch it again now! http://t.co/SLHAZ6AHBo #TBLightning (via @620wdae) \\nCan\\u2019t stand the Big Dog!',\n", " u\"RT @50th_President: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words\\nToday's Bit Of Irony. http://t.co/00aCXg7ipg\",\n", " u'RT @donaldmmorrison: GOP condemns apple pie after Obama comes out in favor of it.',\n", " u'Jihadists vow to cut off oppositions heads - crowds cheer http://t.co/wWv4Fw7WnP']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Happy Earth Day! Is there an Anti-Earth Day for Climate Change deniers??',\n", " u\"Why is Candace photobombing Danica's interview?? #DWTS\",\n", " u'Of all the changes this season, the best was giving @derekhough the Stars of Dance. #dwts',\n", " u\"Have there ever been team dances with 4 on one team and 3 on the other? cause that's what 1 elimination tonight will mean. #DWTS\",\n", " u'If just 1 person is eliminated tonight there will be an odd number for team dances next week. Two eliminations or none? #DWTS',\n", " u\"I'm not buying Candace's performance. She is acting too much, and badly. #DWTS\",\n", " u\"I like Nene because she doesn't look like the typical #DWTS star. She's so much fun to watch. And she makes Tony fun.\",\n", " u'I think this is the first season I\\'ve liked Tony. Victims of \"drama edit\" last week. #DWTS',\n", " u'My body and mind are at work but my heart is in #nerdland (ok, mind is a little with @MHPshow )',\n", " u\"RT @EdgeofSports: I'm close to pleading w/fellow journalists to not forget the 10th anniv of Pat Tillman's death on 4/22 and the questions \\u2026\",\n", " u'If I cooked instead of buying food I would have so much more money. #nerdland',\n", " u'Bundy and his supporters are the scariest people I can think of. #nerdland',\n", " u'The United States is the World Champion at \"othering\". No one does it better than we do. #nerdland',\n", " u\"@ljoywilliams You're welcome. Kind of died hearing my name on Up. Thank you.\",\n", " u'Good morning, #Nerdland. Happy Saturday.',\n", " u'@UPPastryPlate That was my tip to L. Joy!',\n", " u'woot! @ljoywilliams just quoted me on @upwithsteve #uppers #RSD14',\n", " u'@ljoywilliams @upwithsteve Today is Record Store Day. Spend some money at a local record store while you still have the chance.',\n", " u'This story is all about why electing Democratic Governors is so important. #uppers @upwithsteve',\n", " u\"Rick Perry isn't qualified to be President of a fan club let alone the United States. #uppers @upwithsteve\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Charlie Crist meets with Florida House Democrats at teacher union HQ in Tallahassee: \"I need your help,\" he says. http://t.co/MtB2bGJbFT',\n", " u\"A call for equal pay at Florida's Capitol by state correctional officers, who want wage parity with police. http://t.co/9AYuIdyuur\",\n", " u'Seeking to quiet controversy, Secretary of State Detzner reinvites cancelled speaker Diane Roberts to give talk \"on topic of her choosing.\"',\n", " u'Pasco Tax Collector Mike Fasano, a Rick Scott appointee, calls Scott criticism of Charlie Crist at tag-fee bill-signing \"desperation.\"',\n", " u'FL Gov. Rick Scott signs auto tag fee cut and squarely points finger at foe: \"Charlie Crist raised this tax\" http://t.co/4qCwYqfTkF',\n", " u\"Fla. Senate in session Tuesday, but don't expect any close votes: It's FSU Day. Coach Jimbo Fisher & 'Nole football champs will take bows.\",\n", " u\"@brianecorley: A penny for your thoughts on state's decision to suspend Project Integrity.\",\n", " u'Florida officially postpones plans to comb voter roll for suspected non-citizens.',\n", " u'On conf. call, FL election supervisors endorse state plan to suspend vote \"purge\" efforts in 2014. \"Good idea,\" Citrus\\' Susan Gill said',\n", " u\"Gov. @FLGovScott's top voting official, Ken Detzner, considering suspending any purge of noncitizens from rolls before 2014 election.\",\n", " u'FL Ag Cmsr @adamputnam (R) following Mike Fernandez/Gov. Scott imbroglio \"with interest ... it\\'s unfortunate that it continues to drag on.\"',\n", " u'In Politico story, Gov. Rick Scott adviser Curt Anderson calls Mike Fernandez \"a renegade donor.\" (Fernandez has given Scott $1 million).',\n", " u'@stevebousquet',\n", " u\"In the Capitol's wind blown courtyard, a celebration of Florida Keys Day with a giant key lime pie http://t.co/x8a9aoBCBL\",\n", " u'A fairly dry House workshop on online voter registration turns partisan as GOP Rep. Ritch Workman calls League of Women Voters \"partisan.\"',\n", " u'Florida House Democrats call rare evening caucus at 7 p.m. Monday to decide whether to take a unified stand on school voucher expansion.',\n", " u'@FLGovScott and former Gov. @CharlieCrist will attend memorial service Wednesday for former Gov. Reubin Askew. Hundreds expected at church.',\n", " u'Dozens of silent protesters attend state clemency board meeting in support of automatic restoration of civil rights http://t.co/vq9qTzB74e',\n", " u\"At Florida's Capitol, pride in having known Gov. Reubin Askew; lawyer-lobbyist Mark Herron wears campaign button. http://t.co/tdMnH5qHJY\",\n", " u'A flag-draped casket carrying the body of former Gov. Reubin Askew, arriving at the historic Old Capitol. http://t.co/qVdNQAifzd']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @kmcgrory: Charter school bill passes out of #Florida House by 68-50 vote',\n", " u'RT @johnroconnor: FL DoE advising districts having problems connecting w/ Pearson to suspend FCAT. Problems not statewide. http://t.co/J14M\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @amy_hollyfield: Galvano adds voucher language http://t.co/gRZOWHFWfb',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeedNews: 20 People Who Didn\\u2019t Let Last Year\\u2019s Boston Marathon Keep Them Away http://t.co/r0HB2uKYtM http://t.co/3w0ULJwVV6',\n", " u'RT @fineout: Lots of $ and lots of new projects proposed to be added to final budget by House & Rep. Erik Fresen in 1st ed budget conference',\n", " u'RT @politicalfix: Final budget negotiations officially\\xa0begin http://t.co/XnIvvnSrCh',\n", " u'RT @politicalfix: Charter school amendments backed by school districts fail House\\xa0vote http://t.co/cWW3RwnDuI',\n", " u'RT @GrayRohrer: To be clear, this is the state portion; federal and local revenues will be added to most areas, too.',\n", " u'RT @GrayRohrer: General revenue total is $27.6B; education is $14.4B; health care is $8.2B; Justice funding is $3.9B',\n", " u'RT @GrayRohrer: House memo states conferences to start as soon as 6:30 p.m. tonight; anything not resolved by Wed. will get bumped to budge\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ReutersWorld: U.S. State Department says it has indications of the use of toxic industrial chemical in Syria this month. #breaking',\n", " u'RT @MrMikeVasquez: Conflict-of-interest questions at politically-connected charter school company, via @kmcgrory http://t.co/PsjZCOPymt',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeedNews: Watch Live: @SpaceX has launched and on its way to the International Space Station http://t.co/1UnwS3n1Sh http://t.co/a0y\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Astronomers have discovered the most Earth-like planet ever detected http://t.co/OfV8KuAP2c http://t.co/y8EKv3fmaw',\n", " u'RT @emilyrs: vs Messina working for Cameron... RT @costareports Ed Miliband signs up David Axelrod for UK election... http://t.co/FS6SFZjjpx',\n", " u'RT @adeslatte: Negron blocks in-state tuition bill for undocumented students http://t.co/PRCgb9c68z #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Hialeah, 6th biggest city in FL & one of Miami-Dade's biggest, has had back-to-back loanshark mayors http://t.co/mCmLnJIcyD\",\n", " u'RT @SSEducationNews: Student wounded in stabbing at Piper High; one student in custody http://t.co/IqcgJRhr9N',\n", " u'RT @frankthorpNBC: President Obama: 8 million people have signed up for insurance through Obamacare.',\n", " u'RT @voxdotcom: What we know about the pro-Russian flier threatening to round up Ukrainian Jews http://t.co/zWHLRpqH3h']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@SaintPetersblog cc: @kathryn_dennis',\n", " u'Why state politics matter: http://t.co/CZU7r4ouHj cc: @BillGalvano @John_Thrasher @SaintPetersblog @vbrill12 @3DBrewing @CigarCityBeer',\n", " u\"I just earned the 'I Believe in IPA! (Level 2)' badge on @untappd! http://t.co/svntxcIq0m #ibelieveinIPA\",\n", " u'@NicholasMHansen @DanaPerino She must be in Tampa',\n", " u\"I just earned the 'Land of the Free (Level 4)' badge on @untappd! http://t.co/fPKbOTUvZQ\",\n", " u'This has been my experience RT @ALPLM: \"The better part of one\\'s life consists of his friendships.\" #abrahamlincoln 7/13/1849 #lincolnmuseum',\n", " u\"RT @GrayConnolly: This Easter, Moscow's Edward Snowden can reflect on whether his 30 pieces of Rouble was worth betraying the United States\",\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: .@MLettelleir has a point: @CharlieCrist lives in Bayfront Towers and guards there have never let canvassers in bldg. \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @thedpaf: Congrats to @kathryn_dennis @Thomasravenel in welcoming baby girl named Kensington! http://t.co/xrmUTs4PWt @thegamesuk @street\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PostGradProblem: Your couch and coffee table doubling as your dinner table and \"home office.\" #PGP',\n", " u'@AnthonyF747 @hoosierbball22 It was a job well done.',\n", " u'@hoosierbball22 Your handwriting sucks even in chalk',\n", " u\"RT @3DBrewing: Congratulations to St Petersburg Brewing Company on their recent opening. Can't wait to come by and try a beer. Cheers!!\",\n", " u'RT @bernyjacques: Earlier this evening I had the pleasure of stopping by the office of @DavidJollyCD13 in DC http://t.co/yxHav4DVs1',\n", " u'@flmolly #Oldpeopletweets (imtherewithyou)',\n", " u'@kyleraccio #TWSS',\n", " u\"@thedpaf Don't tweet about about it, write about it\",\n", " u\"RT @rumpfshaker: I wonder if #Sebelius will have trouble getting health insurance since she won't be on her employer's plan anymore? #obama\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @LaurenC_Lux: \"Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.\\u201d -Winston Churchill',\n", " u'RT @fratcollection: Please Retweet and Follow to win $100 at http://t.co/walaqimHm7! (Ends 4/11. Thanks.) #Giveaway http://t.co/2zvSJVB3eU']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Check out pic of @marcorubio working on \\'96 Dole. Rubio, presumably making sign for Clinton: \"Stop lying to America.\" http://t.co/cohqtKMl5e',\n", " u\"Bob Dole says @marcorubio (and Paul) not yet experienced enuf. Rubio got start in politics on Dole's '96 campaign. http://t.co/daw4YEOm9f\",\n", " u'.@AllenWest says DePaul students walked out of a Mid East talk he gave, and that he had \"fun\" picking out protesters: http://t.co/4BarLJNggr',\n", " u'Southwest Florida voters head to polls in contentious #FL19 primary that attracted Sarah Palin, Rand Paul: http://t.co/BUCIrwPRFu',\n", " u\".@JebBush was invited to Mitt Romney's Park City policy gathering in June but had another obligation, person familiar with planning says.\",\n", " u\"\\u201c@TB_Times: Obituary for Florida's 'Pervert Dave' getting widespread attention, but there's much more to the story http://t.co/sj7qvURr4C\\u201d\",\n", " u'Tea Party Express, backing @ClawsonOutsider, casts tomorrow\\'s #FL19 primary as \"The First Tea Party vs. Establishment Showdown\" of 2014.',\n", " u'RT @WesleyLowery: Crowd erupts in chants of \"USA\" as Meb Keflezighi crosses finish line, becomes 1st US male to win #BostonMarathon since 1\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @billkole: Mile 6: Runner from Michigan: \"I\\'ve prayed for Boston every single day since 4/15/2013. Every single day. #26Tweets2Boston',\n", " u'U.S. Supreme Court deals a blow to @FLGovScott on drug testing of state employees: http://t.co/vBMvvm8iVv',\n", " u\"SCOTUS denies @FLGovScott's request to review lower decision that suspicionless drug testing as condition of employment is unconstitutional.\",\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: \"Hurricane\" Carter, whose wrongful murder conviction became a symbol of racial injustice, dead at 76. http://t.co/lhdXu\\u2026',\n", " u'Poll shows @ClawsonOutsider with big lead heading into Tuesday #FL19 primary. http://t.co/N7rIYz62Ay',\n", " u'Cruz re: @JebBush, \"I emphatically do not agree.\\u201d \"@nytimes: Republicans See Political Wedge in Common Core http://t.co/vRMIHq5bV3\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @alaskan: .@DanGelber on @CharlieCrist 8/21/06: \\u201cHe\\u2019s taken a principled side on both sides of every issue\\u201d #sayfie #FLGov @MarcACaputo \\u2026',\n", " u'.@DWStweets on Meet the Press tomorrow.',\n", " u'Geller! MT @CharlieCrist: Steve Geller, welcoming the many local elected officials ... http://t.co/6c2twAvHVr',\n", " u'Florida man caps journey to urge Obama to stop deportations: http://t.co/iKJ0L0qR1y',\n", " u'@MicheleBachmann to endorse @ClawsonOutsider today in #FL19.',\n", " u'FL jobless rate inched up to 6.3%, ending remarkable 42-month streak in which rate either dropped or stayed same: http://t.co/QkwjFguWgF']},\n", " {'INT': [u\"Listening to @chicagotheband greatest hits on @Spotify is by far the best decision I've made today.\",\n", " u'RT @WSJwashington: How GOP candidates are beating Democrats to the Spanish-language airwaves http://t.co/7Dq590WvUN by @bethreinhard http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'From @orlandosentinel: \"Charlie looks like a cowardly hypocrite\". http://t.co/RQGlOQEClM #sayfie cc: @senatornanrich',\n", " u'RT @WSJ: Republicans are beating their Democratic opponents to the Spanish-language airwaves in 2014. http://t.co/Njg625ucT6',\n", " u'I checked out over the Easter weekend. Did we ever find out why @CharlieCrist spokesman left the campaign after a week on the job? #sayfie',\n", " u'Why is @CharlieCrist disrespecting true democrat @senatornanrich? @SunSentinel says he should debate her. #sayfie',\n", " u'So many to add! RT @FloridaGOP: .@CharlieCrist should learn the definition of \\u201cdefinition\" #bymydefinition #sayfie http://t.co/Ts5kOls8nx',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Yesterday, @charliecrist said \\u201cI\\u2019m pro-life, by my definition\\u201d - now help us fill-in the blank\\u2026 #bymydefinition http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'And I have a full head of hair, by my definition. http://t.co/QHmbAS8dnZ cc: @CharlieCrist #sayfie',\n", " u'\"Oportunidad\" https://t.co/zntkCuGwaF #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @alaskan: #Truth from @MarcACaputo: @CharlieCrist camp \"cult of personality,\\u201d @ScottforFlorida camp \"disciplined biz\\u201d http://t.co/Y4xpbt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @tsgop: .@crowleyreport says @CharlieCrist seems weary. Hey Charlie, may want to invest in one of these. #201moredays #sayfie http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Do @FlaDems @allisontant agree re @CharlieCrist? http://t.co/PIOgWwqnIx #sayfie',\n", " u'More Barbara Ruge re @CharlieCrist \"He doesn\\'t know what he\\'s doing. He\\'s just on his own political agenda\" http://t.co/PIOgWwqnIx #sayfie',\n", " u'\"I don\\'t have respect for him,\" said Barbara Ruge, vice-president of the nearby Oakland Park Dem Club http://t.co/nooLY5vVOR #sayfie',\n", " u'.@CharlieCrist spox quit/fired and \"Pockets of anti-Crist resistance visible in Broward\" http://t.co/nooLY5vVOR #campaigninchaos #sayfie',\n", " u'Oops...wrong @Ericonrad. My apologies. Feel bad for him though. Must be a real mess @CharlieCrist campaign. #campaigninchaos #sayfie',\n", " u\"Wonder if @ericconrad thought @CharlieCrist should debate @senatornanrich and that's why he's gone? #sayfie\",\n", " u'At this rate maybe more people will lose their job on the @CharlieCrist campaign than when he was gov. Although 832,000 is a LOT! #sayfie',\n", " u'Since @ericconrad left @CharlieCrist campaign, maybe @maxasteele will come to the rescue like he did w/ @AlexSinkFlorida. #sayfie']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Suspect named in Animal Coalition of Tampa arson via @abcactionnews http://t.co/B1PKWbCy6F',\n", " u'#Bollywood stars begin arriving in Tampa via @abcactionnews http://t.co/8OmNzStNBB',\n", " u'City declined barrier where crash killed woman via @abcactionnews http://t.co/HGTELi1H7e',\n", " u'No red flags for teacher with scandalous past via @abcactionnews http://t.co/P3li5oC16P',\n", " u'RT @NewsBreaker:BOSTON STRONG: At the finish line, Boston reclaims the Boston Marathon http://t.co/RfnskoGKsh - @WBUR http://t.co/fX1uuZsonv',\n", " u'RT @camanpour: \\u201cMedia is under siege in Ukraine.\\u201d That\\u2019s the assessment of an @OSCE rep just back from a fact-finding mission: http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @rajeshmumbairaj: Ready ! Steady ! Off they Go ! @Shiamakofficial Dance team for @IIFA @VisitTampaBay ! http://t.co/Gd4WxNJPYD',\n", " u'RT @ABCNewsLive: LIVE: The White House Easter Egg Roll: http://t.co/0nuzHcNAgR http://t.co/MDVlmM9h3H',\n", " u'RT @WFTV: Powdered alcohol gets thumbs-up from U.S. regulators http://t.co/NtwTkLzT5y',\n", " u'RT @sarasotapd: Victim & her vehicle were found between 8th & Orange and 9th & Orange. #Sarasota http://t.co/3w1xH9Er0r',\n", " u'RT @WFTV: Teens save two boys from drowning in Boynton Beach http://t.co/dnWtqElwUz #wftv',\n", " u\"RT @GMA: On @GMA: Did a teen stow away in a plane's wheel well?; live from Boston Marathon w/ survivors set to make an emotional journey 1 \\u2026\",\n", " u'Crash at N Dale Mabry and Fletcher causing minor traffic issues in Carrollwood. @TampaBayTraffic @abcactionnews http://t.co/2U2ujs5HJb',\n", " u'RT @BostonGlobe: The return of the #BostonMarathon will help prove that tragedy is temporary http://t.co/LgBlr9UXIy http://t.co/pxV4C625TH',\n", " u'RT @KKucyk: Tweeting a special happy Easter to all the dispatcher who work holidays too. @HillsFireRescue @PinellasCo911 @TampaPD @TampaFir\\u2026',\n", " u'Is Gallagher the one for you!? This big guy has an even BIGGER heart! @abcactionnews #UpWithABC @BillLoganWFTS http://t.co/0HkFBkbzaO',\n", " u\"Our 8 o'clock show, just a minute away! Get #UpWithABC and @ashleygTV @JohnThomasWFTS @BillLoganWFTS\",\n", " u'RT @ashleygTV: The bunny bath that gave us a good laugh on this Easter Sunday... https://t.co/KIyVRovfag @JohnThomasWFTS @BillLoganWFTS @Be\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @ashleygTV: Wishing a joyous Easter Sunday to all who celebrate! I'd love to see your sunrise service pictures. #UpWithABC http://t.co/u\\u2026\",\n", " u\"Ppl getting ready for Pass-a-Grille Comm. Church's 72nd annual Easter Sunrise Service @abcactionnews #UpWithABC http://t.co/MbhkSizanW\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"1 daily follower. 1 unfollower. Justunfollow doesn't miss a trick - via http://t.co/v2o9CUGVVP\",\n", " u'RT @BCFHOF: HBCU Facts: @FAMU_1887 \\u2013 2010 @BCFHOF Inductee Jake Gaither coached 42 @nfl players, and won 22 @thesiac titles. http://t.co/6J\\u2026',\n", " u'1 new unfollower in the last day. Via http://t.co/CsP21XInbZ',\n", " u'luther vandross-wait for love http://t.co/01JpP61Hpg via @youtube',\n", " u'\\u201c@marclamonthill: Luther Vandross at the 1988 NAACP Image Awards... \"A House is Not A Home\" - http://t.co/yk3NGydCLu\\u201d Miss the talent.....',\n", " u\"I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/64Akwd9M8i Football Gameplan's 2014 Women's Football Alliance Wraparound - Week 2\",\n", " u'R.I.P. Mr. Rubin \"Hurricane\" Carter, a man who served his country and then fought for his rights and innocence.',\n", " u'Final 32-13 @GoBreakers v @cfanarchy #womensfootball @WFAfootball',\n", " u'32-13 @GoBreakers v @cfanarchy 11:07 left in 4th. #womensfootball @WFAfootball',\n", " u'8-12 @miamifury v @Atlanta_Phoenix Atlanta final. #womensfootball @WFAfootball',\n", " u'RT @GoBreakers: Breakers 18, Anarchy 7.',\n", " u\"RT @MaryEllenKlas: Charlie Crist's major challenge: the apathetic voters of South Florida: @MarcACaputo & @stevebousquet Sam Oser... http:/\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @djsandman813: We put my man #BigMoneyCed to rest today... R.I.P. homey! Shouts to all the DJS he touched... #tampahiphop http://t.co/h\\u2026',\n", " u'@GoBreakers v @cfanarchy 6-7. 10 minutes left in 2nd attack. #womensfootball @WFAfootball',\n", " u'@cfanarchy 7-0 end of first. #womensfootball @WFAfootball',\n", " u'@sexitomboi I know u not talking bout Scandal!',\n", " u'Growing and engaging with the right tweeps - gained 3 new followers in the past day, courtesy http://t.co/v2o9CUGVVP',\n", " u'RT @ChelseaClinton: Marc and I are so thrilled to be expecting our first child in the fall! Thank you for all of the kind words!',\n", " u'RT @billclinton: Excited to add a new line to my Twitter bio...grandfather-to-be! @hillaryclinton and I are so happy for Chelsea and Marc!',\n", " u'Number crunching for the past day - 3 new followers and NO unfollowers. Stats via http://t.co/v2o9CUGVVP']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@b0nca *MUMbai',\n", " u'So apparently @zachbraff considers it to be \"hate\" when people call him out on hypocrisy and false statements.',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Best of luck tomorrow to one of the best people in Florida politics, @LizbethKB.',\n", " u'RT @hale_razor: #SaySomethingLiberalIn4Words \"I support Common Core math.\"',\n", " u'RT @Slate: Want marriage equality? Follow the Obama/Biden model, not the Mozilla model: http://t.co/e2K8MwjPa2',\n", " u'RT @CatholicMemes: \"No... no... Mr. Jesus no here...\" http://t.co/PNBZGK6btc',\n", " u\"@AndreaArnstein that was his largest sin, that he didn't believe in Gods forgiveness.\",\n", " u'RT @lennycurry: Say no to crony capitalism.',\n", " u'Here comes Peter Cottontail, hop hop hoppin down the Campaign Trail. #teamsprowls @ChrisSprowls @hartman_tara http://t.co/CK5VXQx32c',\n", " u'RT @ChrisSprowls: Awesome walk today w/ @JustinHomburg @BKISSEL25 and #TeamSprowls #WalkSelfie #sayfie @SIMwins http://t.co/pqNS3JkoUD',\n", " u\"And we're the three best friends that anyone could have. #TeamSprowls @BKISSEL25 @ChrisSprowls http://t.co/8ZrlnJp3St\",\n", " u'Happy Birthday @cerodri4! <3',\n", " u\"@aly_rodriguez13 @HannaWielinski I'm assuming summer is the other quarter of the year?\",\n", " u\"@aly_rodriguez13 @HannaWielinski If they have quarters but you only have 3, I'm pretty sure they don't understand what a quarter is.\",\n", " u'RT @CharmOfTheSouth: Raise your hand if you have been personally victimized by Barack Obama.',\n", " u'RT @RepKBrooks: We are adjourned Sine Die, \\nwhich is Latin for: \\n\"your tax dollars are safe.\" http://t.co/10of3DLI1A',\n", " u\"RT @USFCRepublicans: RT if you're at our last meeting of the semester! #USFCR #usf #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @DocThompsonShow: #ClintonBabyNames \\n\"Ben Ghazi',\n", " u'RT @DannyBurgessFL: Car broke down on way home from #army drill, but Addie came to save the day! #DaddysLittleGirl #voteforaddiesdaddy http\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ShannonForHouse: Proud to announce our next endorsement. My good friend and fmr. Mbr. of Congress #AndyIreland http://t.co/d3vSePM8OQ #\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Your chance to win a trip to LA! Airfare + hotel for 2, meals, cooking classes & $1,000 @MYHABIT gift card! Enter: http://t.co/rsZrBJi41B',\n", " u\"RT @Patriot_Voices: RSVP for #PVRadio today & be automatically entered in drawing for copy of @RickSantorum's new book! http://t.co/jHAzSgk\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @RickSantorum: Happy Birthday to my amazing wife, @KarenSantorum! We\\u2019re a few years younger here ---> http://t.co/Id8cPnnpl3',\n", " u'RT @Heritage: Happy Earth Day: http://t.co/5wlQsoFXUy',\n", " u'RT @simplymeasured: A social media audit is like spring cleaning for your social channels. Download the guide: http://t.co/fQxl8sSTWc http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GatorZoneBB: #Gators (27-13/12-6) complete sweep of Georgia (21-18-1/7-10-1), 10-3 - WP: Young (5-0), LP: Boling (3-4); Bader 3-for-3, \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Pontifex: Christ is risen! Alleluia!',\n", " u'RT @RickSantorum: Happy Easter! - rjs #heisrisenindeed http://t.co/3pjLiTTFKy',\n", " u'RT @WePickRick: RT @mattbeynon: @RickSantorum the 5pm working family candidate via @usnews http://t.co/4EzFN4QQvd',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Did you know? Florida created the most jobs in America in the month of March. 20,900! #sayfie http://t.co/pVwdQfyXbJ',\n", " u'RT @tigers: RT to help us wish @MiguelCabrera a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today! http://t.co/fV4cgjNPdJ',\n", " u\"@AdmiralWaugh apparently they don't know who we are?\",\n", " u'RT @AdmiralWaugh: Okay @GatorZoneBB are we on for tonight? When will we know? cc @BrianEmpric',\n", " u\"RT @GatorZoneBB: VIDEO: Head coach Kevin O'Sullivan discussed the #Gators' weekend series against Georgia: http://t.co/DiZtErb83G\",\n", " u'RT @JmsMadisonInst: In total, Americans will pay more in taxes in 2014 than on food, clothing, and shelter combined: http://t.co/S0yLVOXIaV\\u2026',\n", " u'.@ronaldreagan40: If history teaches anything, it teaches that simple-minded appeasement, or wishful thinking about our adversaries,is folly',\n", " u\"RT @Patriot_Voices: Townhall Magazine's May Issue Preview: Rick Santorum's Blue Collar Conservatism - Conn Carroll | http://t.co/eELmymZ0y1\\u2026\",\n", " u'Do you want to have an ultimate weekend? Of course you do. You can enter by clicking here http://t.co/ro30loyMHm #UltimateWeekender.',\n", " u\"RT @RickSantorum: 'Blue Collar Conservatives' will be out soon! Check out this link for book tour list & to pre-order signed copy---> http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'Not surprisingly, the side arguing in favor of red-state living were the winners http://t.co/02BaFQrsFp']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Take a shot of this and be immune to bad science. Win-win! (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/Jeek95mEfX',\n", " u\"I'm loving this advertising by @Debenhams that actually reflects the world we live in. (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/CHGIq94xR4\",\n", " u\"What it looks like when your president gets the country's unemployment down to 2%. (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/JlbTC4SvcQ\",\n", " u'What equal access and opportunity in science means to @neiltyson (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/olCSnHA7P2',\n", " u'The 1% Should Pay Their Fair Share in Taxes http://t.co/myntW05aMf @moveon',\n", " u'4 years after start of Gulf disaster, BP trying to declare Mission Accomplished, tell BP to come clean http://t.co/qMUfv3JANv @HealthyGulf',\n", " u\"Save our bees and food supply from Bayer and Monsanto's toxic pesticides! http://t.co/BDvxp6TcRs\",\n", " u'Demand transparency in the Final Keystone XL Decision #NoKXL http://t.co/nuHTw8xQ0b',\n", " u'Pledge to be a #GunSense Voter: Vote for candidates who will fight for common-sense laws to reduce gun violence: http://t.co/bIRzvSrrQI',\n", " u'#Walmart gets $7.8B in tax breaks and subsidies EACH year! #RobWaltonOwes us. http://t.co/jHNmvMvSu5 http://t.co/9VSjtCpvNJ',\n", " u'What some folks do with their piles of money is downright un-American (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/K6zfRxObYh',\n", " u'These guys would like the Earth to f*$k Itself. (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/tfh82Etym5',\n", " u'Nearly 2 million American kids live in a home where this could happen: http://t.co/8Q54iqMhMw via @Everytown #WeAreEverytown',\n", " u'Why Should We Make Vet Mental Health a Priority? Because One Dies by Suicide Every 65 Minutes http://t.co/IT5BUUT34b via @TakePart',\n", " u'You know what #womenshould? Be seen as equal by now. (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/NL23ZpR9cU',\n", " u\"I can't go back to not knowing. I learned much in this haunting show w/Harrison Ford. (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/MM1eFs1txZ\",\n", " u'If @Gap can raise wages for its workers, so can @Walmart! Sign the petition: http://t.co/PAysZvBLyU #p2 #1u #RaisetheWage',\n", " u\"It's time for #equalpay for all workers. Join President Obama and Dems: http://t.co/lrk90lTvKJ http://t.co/M4nupHGsTd\",\n", " u'Sign the petition from @TomColicchio & @FPAction: Tell Congress not to block state GMO labeling laws http://t.co/JFHi2e0c3w #GMO #DarkAct',\n", " u'A compelling case for being excited about our impending robotic children (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/Mz8eydghPL']},\n", " {'INT': [u'Union: \\u201cOnce again (Obama) is making a political calculation instead of doing what is right for the country.\" http://t.co/VeH8prbf4h #energy',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: FACT: Obama lies, FL families suffer and @CharlieCrist still supports #Obamacare. https://t.co/PfI08bhkzL #sayfie http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Pontifex: Christ is risen! Alleluia!',\n", " u'RT @secupp: \\u25b6 Today on @ThisWeekABC: Conservatives have got to move on gay marriage (and gay adoption). https://t.co/OeIZk9dXsl',\n", " u'Talk about a comeback - for both of us! http://t.co/VdPqKshtcI',\n", " u'http://t.co/5BKDC3yvbY',\n", " u'RT @SandraShaw7: Blood Red Moon over West Palm Beach! #bloodredmoon #coastalmoon Thanks\\n@wpbf_randy http://t.co/UtDsFz8upQ',\n", " u'RT @HuffmanBob: @NicholasCStone @wpbf_stephanie @wpbf_paul blue blood moon',\n", " u'RT @MichaelBosco: @wpbf_stephanie Dark side of the blood moon. Pink Floyd #BloodMoonSongLyrics',\n", " u'CCR - Blood Moon Rising @wpbf_stephanie @wpbf_paul #bloodmoonsongs',\n", " u\"RT @NASAAmes: Brian Day's #totaleclipse #bloodmoon shot - the star next to the moon is Spica http://t.co/4nInOuxPBn\",\n", " u'RT @ItsFucknMichael: That red eclipse tho http://t.co/H7hPI7bCxA',\n", " u\"Here's the Moon with Mars off to the right and Spica just below the Eclipse http://t.co/upaFjnepuu\",\n", " u'This is the best pic I could get of the eclipse http://t.co/6HpO0i4eWV',\n", " u'Obama Press Secretary just loves Soviet Propaganda. Check this out! http://t.co/rNX0r4LOgs',\n", " u'Srsly Pelosi? @Democrats budget is \"about growth\"?! Worst obstacles to growth are regs, taxes & govt intrusion aka your whole platform.',\n", " u'WashPo: The Democrats\\u2019 Koch habit won\\u2019t help them in November http://t.co/9YQMm9IYea #tcot',\n", " u'Join us: 2014 FFYR Annual Convention! http://t.co/I7abj8AIv1',\n", " u'#ToldYaSo #Obamacare',\n", " u'RT @NRCC: New report confirms that ObamaCare quadrupled the increase of Americans\\u2019 health insurance premiums. http://t.co/3ANrnSJP7E']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @thegooglecar: Technology: Airbnb in court over housing laws http://t.co/SW6e4ZOtCJ #technews',\n", " u'Test driving UberX and Lyft http://t.co/nboMmCIcYi',\n", " u'@TheRickWilson the battle for @Uber and craft beer are essentially the same fight. New business vs. archaic regulation #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @TheRickWilson: If you want an example of GOP crony capitalism, screwing craft brewing in favor of InBev is it. http://t.co/f5fGG4Vb2C',\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: Anyone who fights for the Future lives in it today. - Ayn Rand',\n", " u'http://t.co/uPvv4L4UT0',\n", " u'Has solar power\\u2019s day in the sun arrived? http://t.co/95lKa4ui0L',\n", " u'RT @odannyboy: \\u201cA fleet of 250,000 robotaxis could fulfill the transportation needs of the entire Singapore population.\\u201d http://t.co/tL5ZEh\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ManhattanInst: The state tax grab http://t.co/tAm2S2i0fr @CityJournal http://t.co/0UR6LKJcEm',\n", " u\"@noahpransky @repdanayoung it's just research.\",\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog @repdanayoung @ChrisSpencerFL @NicholasMHansen 3:20ish',\n", " u'@repdanayoung spent the AM at @MainsailArtFest join us at @GreenBenchBrew later?',\n", " u'Editorial: Federal dysfunction on flood rates http://t.co/9t6Ra67yMa',\n", " u'RT @MarkSharpeFL: The future, like Uber, Sidecar & Lyft: Airbnb Closes $500M Round Of Funding At $10B Valuation http://t.co/NuYDzc875W via \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @famousquotenet: The free market is the only mechanism that has ever been discovered for achieving participatory democracy. - Milton Fri\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @thegooglecar: #googlecar Google's Driverless Cars Are Safer Than Vehicles Driven By Humans, But They ... - Medical Daily http://t.co/Jj\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @WIRED: Why Americans aren't ready for the future Amazon and Google want to build http://t.co/7DFn2ruFCa\",\n", " u'RT @MarcusAMotes: .@JeffreyBrandes just used @Uber_Tampa! It was awesome! Please continue working to keep them on the road.',\n", " u'RT @Uber_Tampa: Via @PoliticsTBTimes, more on our effort to #MoveFLForward by providing transportation options to all Floridians. http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'Check out Waze - a free traffic & navigation app that I use all the time http://t.co/41MOmnV5k5']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'X-Men Director Bryan Singer Sex Allegations Continue http://t.co/Fzy3Sv0NzA Tinseltown rocked. Discussed with @jhandel from @THR',\n", " u'Florida Political Issues Discussed at Length http://t.co/isPRKblP88 @IrreverentView',\n", " u'.@jhandel of @THR is LIVE talking sex assault allegations against A-List Hollywood X-Men Director Bryan Singer. Listen @NewsTalkFlorida',\n", " u'.@jhandel of @THR will discuss sex assault allegations against A-List Hollywood Director Bryan Singer at 335pET. Listen @NewsTalkFlorida',\n", " u'\"Local leaders have to communicate to people who aren\\'t immediately impacted by rail in order to get it passed\" @IrreverentView on News Hour',\n", " u'\"American\\'s have a tendency to penalize politicians who give them what they need not what they want\" @IrreverentView on @NewsTalkFlorida',\n", " u\"Live from @Datz4Foodies with @IrreverentView Chris Ingram. Will discuss transportation, #Florida Governor's race and more. @NewsTalkFlorida\",\n", " u'The News Hour featuring former Mayor of Tampa Dick Greco. Starts at Noon with Guest Chris Ingram @IrreverentView. Listen @NewsTalkFlorida',\n", " u\"Tampa Bay Rays Sean Rod helmet takes lack of offensive production frustration out on Sean Rod's face https://t.co/tafe5d1n1H\",\n", " u'Outrage http://t.co/4DnPKgSXBh Send @justinbieber back to Canada',\n", " u\"It's amazing what money can buy http://t.co/ALoZsJB31I Records\",\n", " u'Thin skin not a good quality for a politician http://t.co/gvVCRfPnI3 Like police have nothing better to do with there time',\n", " u'Of the people, by the people, for the people? http://t.co/7awERNp2Wu Americans afraid',\n", " u\"Johnny Depp's career is at a cross roads http://t.co/Ql5QaG195G\",\n", " u\"The dots being connected http://t.co/Y4kmfp8u1M Say it isn't so Leo\",\n", " u'Every time a woman tells me, \"I\\'m not religious but I\\'m spiritual\" I like to respond, \"I\\'m not a liar but your interesting\"',\n", " u'If I was a professional @MLB player I would wear a suit of armor when batting at home plate and then lean in on every pitch. #innovation',\n", " u'Easter Sunday in the Eyes of Monsignor Sheeran http://t.co/5OTqMuJHFB #GoodFriday, #EasterSunday',\n", " u'Where there is smoke http://t.co/Kr0X32jU91 There is fire. Cory Feldman warned about a Hollywood Paedophile ring. Now another accuser',\n", " u'.@BaileysFoodTalk talking #GoodFriday and #EasterSunday meals to prepare. Listen @NewsTalkFlorida']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Rep. Eagle, former Crist aide, arrested Monday for DUI: Rep. Dane Eagle, R-Cape Coral, was arrested Monday mor... http://t.co/EERiD0InmZ',\n", " u\"Is Weatherford's pension overhaul resurrected?: On Easter Sunday, the House State Affairs Committee filed a bi... http://t.co/W14sg4eQW9\",\n", " u'Capitol Buzz: 5 things to watch today in Tallahassee: Expect a flurry of activity in the Capitol today as lawm... http://t.co/pINi1sZvCj',\n", " u'Southwest Florida voters to close out the Trey Radel chapter today with GOP primary: Voters in Southwest Flori... http://t.co/2QnXdBYOES',\n", " u'Advocates raise doubts about House child welfare bill: Children\\u2019s advocates showed the first sign Monday that ... http://t.co/FDPk4XoQIF',\n", " u'Inspector general raises warnings about medical pot: Efforts to legalize a specific strain of marijuana to hel... http://t.co/geJQdj3uzl',\n", " u\"Galvano adds voucher language: The immigrant tuition bill isn't the only bill that will get a second chance in... http://t.co/nEnqlsqlbw\",\n", " u'Legislature decides to stay out of juvenile justice funding spat: Counties had hoped a last-minute budget deal... http://t.co/ZzxOfOK8zC',\n", " u'DGA drops $500k on Crist: The donation is the largest contribution to Crist\\xe2\\u20ac\\u2122s political committee, Charlie C... http://t.co/w1lF3PpzNt',\n", " u'Budget negotiations begin tonight: The House and Senate have agreed on overall budget figures and\\xa0negotiations... http://t.co/aHgOjuHaTo',\n", " u\"Scott: Immigrant kids deserve 'same chance' as other students: Gov. Rick Scott was in Jacksonville Monday to m... http://t.co/x4vtKSpXf8\",\n", " u'Weaker ethics bill moves in House, likely part of horse trading: The House on Monday took up a high-priority S... http://t.co/XKItJBlAlT',\n", " u\"Jeb's finances under scrutiny: The New York Times has a front pager on some of Jeb Bush's business dealings si... http://t.co/q82MH6p0bb\",\n", " u\"U.S. Supreme Court rejects Rick Scott's request to review drug testing decision: The U.S. Supreme Court on Mon... http://t.co/NMd804ONQr\",\n", " u\"Scott up with earlier-than-ever Spanish-language TV ad: Gov. Rick Scott airs his campaign's first Spanish-lang... http://t.co/Wev7rXqKFP\",\n", " u'Capitol Buzz: 5 things to watch today in Tallahassee: Lawmakers return to Tallahassee today to begin the two-w... http://t.co/vRx0TbtzKk',\n", " u'Winner and loser of the week in Fla politics: Winner of the week Patrick Murphy. After narrowly defeating outs... http://t.co/1G7OFf8IYO',\n", " u'A window into legislative priorities: more $ for local projects than at-risk kids: In the wake of a bloody yea... http://t.co/jA1qLxhrqO',\n", " u'South FL voter apathy haunts Democrats, Crist: So Oser is ready to embrace Charlie Crist, a career politician ... http://t.co/vPXazyxFYc',\n", " u'Poll shows Curt Clawson with big lead: Curt Clawson has a big lead in the Congressional District 19 GOP primar... http://t.co/MCoHYvEoUr']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Moves to Palm Beach from Tampa for a campaign...leaves headphones in Tampa. #field2014',\n", " u\"I'm Nick Maines, an I'm here to recruit you. @historyapollo #field2014 #fl18 http://t.co/LBHDSpUjh0\",\n", " u'I get that Anchorman 2 says something meaningful about modern broadcast journalism...but it really sucks.',\n", " u'Why the NV rancher story is important in one wiki article: http://t.co/yJhMjE4Hd5',\n", " u'@TheReidReport @JoyAnnReid @msnbc because we Floridians are awesome!',\n", " u\"#FF @jim4judge My good friend Jim Stearns is running in FL's 6th circuit. This is a man we can trust on the bench.\",\n", " u'RT @Fl_Political_Sq: BREAKING NEWS: Jews Ordered To Register In Eastern\\xa0Ukraine http://t.co/06ZnHJztAR',\n", " u'It only took 1 week in Palm Beach to forget how much I hate Tampa traffic. #construction4life',\n", " u'@joshromney @DavidMDrucker @SenatorReid @MittRomney Would you smugly say the same thing to a service member? #outoftouch',\n", " u'RT @BuzzFeedUK: 19 vintage Easter Bunny photos that will make your skin crawl http://t.co/S0vtRYrLMW http://t.co/eXZRqXhWLD',\n", " u'Getting on the road to Tampa!',\n", " u'Arrived safely in North Palm Beach! Excited to help re-elect @RepMurphyFL #winning',\n", " u'\\u201c@RaysBaseball: #Rays are seeking their 12th straight win when the opponent starts a pitcher age 22 or younger.\\u201d #wierdstats',\n", " u'RT @RepMurphyFL: RT if you agree that women deserve #equalpay for equal work b/c when #womensucceed, America succeeds! #equalpayday http://\\u2026',\n", " u'I just joined @HillVets because they are making a push for Congress to hire more veteran staff!',\n", " u\"RT @RachelKleinfeld: Why rationality and facts don't convince in politics: we've been teaching Kahan's work at #TrumanDems for years: http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'I really wish it were raining today.',\n", " u\"Tweet tweet. I'm still alive!\",\n", " u'RT @FlaDems: How many Floridians would benefit from raising the minimum wage?\\n\\u2192 RETWEET if you agree we should #RaiseTheWage! http://t.co/v\\u2026',\n", " u'^ Smart USMC veteran with a degree and political experience...hire that guy.']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@AllisonNielsen there's no way I'm matching wits with you on Harry Potter :)\",\n", " u\"@AllisonNielsen you think he's employing a defense charm, huh? Interesting theory.\",\n", " u'RT @redefinEDonline: Former Dem Sen. Al Lawson in @Florida_Today: Stop casting #schoolchoice parents as villains http://t.co/AjcTxQyU6j #Sa\\u2026',\n", " u\"@AllisonNielsen @FLGovScott Tampoco es un 'expecto' en el Espa\\xf1ol, but props for trying...\",\n", " u\"@GoMeteoric @somediocre I just #FF'd\",\n", " u'@brianjburgess @GoMeteoric @SaintPetersblog @MarcACaputo So much blood.',\n", " u'RT @StudentsFirst: Must read op-ed from David Brooks: \"When the Circus Descends\" http://t.co/u6P4PoXQus via @nytimes #CommonCore #CCSS',\n", " u'RT @gbennettpost: After a week as spokesman for @CharlieCrist, campaign says Eric Conrad is \"pursuing other opportunities.\"',\n", " u'\"Our kids are worth the effort.\" @StudentsFirstGA http://t.co/1eGj7LmYa8 #gapol #edchat',\n", " u'RT @StudentsFirst: Attn #Teachers! Last day to apply for the Teachers for Transformation Academy is 5/2: http://t.co/qQnTB5y9ln | http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @travispillow: Rep. Fresen giving a stem-winder of a close...\\n\\n\"Choice is coming.... Forget about the system. Let\\'s talk about the kids.\"',\n", " u\"RT @SaraSClements: Chair Fresen busting voucher oppo talk points like nobody's business #preach\",\n", " u'RT @StudentsFirst: [SF Blog] Promoting Social, Emotional & Academic Learning http://t.co/GqFjb8fkyR by Laura Roehrs-Meyer, 11 yr teacher ht\\u2026',\n", " u'Community: If Seniority Trumped Merit http://t.co/LOIONT37Va via @buzzfeeders #Thestate #SCEd @StudentsfirstSC #Teachers',\n", " u\"@StudentsFirstGA I like how he sets the record straight on some of the misinformation that's out there. #edchat #k12 #ChartersWork #gaed\",\n", " u'RT @StudentsFirstGA: \"At KIPP [NYC], 86% of all students are low-income and 95% are African-American or Latino, yet 83% go to college.\" htt\\u2026',\n", " u'.@redefinEDonline interesting piece! This kind of context should be included in news reports on this bill if not already @kmcgrory',\n", " u'\"I\\'ve seen how this works and it works like a charm!\" - @marleneotoole Fiscal transparency in education spending works! #Sayfie #K12 #HB875',\n", " u'RT @StudentsFirstFL: Smart education spending makes sense for kids. Thanks @MyFLHouse Ed Cmte for passing #HB875 w/bipartisan support. #Say\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StudentsFirstFL: Props to @RepMannyDiazJr @marleneotoole Rep. Fullwood & full @MyFLHouse Ed Cmte for working to bring transparency to s\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'RT @EricWolfson: Not sure what #HankAaron is talking about\\u2014I thought the #SCOTUS declared that racism was over\\u2026\\n\\n#p2 http://t.co/a88I4OutEV',\n", " u'RT @ralphieaversa: RT @stevenportnoy: Just out of SCOTUS argument for ABC v. Aereo. Not a good day for the streaming service. More to come.',\n", " u'RT @suekhi: @socialsf @bannerite @PoliticsNation @msnbc .affirmative action,a problem?remember GWB Yale.really think that admission was bas\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jjbenz19: @bannerite @BlackjediNow @susanpai THESE PEOPLE WILL DEFINITELY BE AT THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS TO VOTE FOR KKK &RACISTPOLITICIAN\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Penny_G: IMO @JOWEBB7, it is so disturbing to see throughout history just how much the World\\'s \"religions\" have inflamed hatred!! @bann\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @brokencup: @bannerite @BlackjediNow @susanpai Racism is a disease consummated in hell.',\n", " u'RT @afed3352: Reaction to SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision http://t.co/GHa3pUq3CQ',\n", " u'RT @PrestonMitchum: Fellow #LGBT folk, please speak up on the terrible #SCOTUS decision hurting racial minorities. We are in this together,\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @nickreagan: @edshow how do you like SCOTUS now? #enddiscriminationnow #teamedshow',\n", " u'RT @socialsf: #RaceMatters: #SCOTUS Upholds Michigan Affirmative Action Ban http://t.co/lxgKcTyPgC via @politicsnation @msnbc #Education #E\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TuxcedoCat: Every time I hear, \"SCOTUS will hear case on...\" I cringe thinking we\\'re another step closer #GOPKochWhores utopia. Viva l\\xe1\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MattMurph24: SCOTUS slowly chipping away at Democracy and turning the clock back decades with each conservative politically activist ru\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @NerdyWonka: If this #SCOTUS controlled by conservatives doesn't scare you, you are not paying attention. One more reason Democrats shou\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SCOTUSblog: 2nd op: Schuette: Divided Court upholds Michigan voter referendum prohibiting consideration of race in college admissions.',\n", " u'End The Struggle - 5 Ways To Get In Touch With Your Intuition http://t.co/VnP5Emppd4',\n", " u'Cool #libcrib http://t.co/14KJfXk767',\n", " u'@jimmacpam Hello Jim. Sunny here but cool',\n", " u\"RT @whillybermudez: I know you weren't thinking about quitting or looking back! #DontStop http://t.co/bCAvYe5mmq\",\n", " u\"bigshotfuller's photo http://t.co/RvJjwjZNzx #libcrib @smith83k\",\n", " u\"bigshotfuller's photo http://t.co/RvJjwjZNzx @smith83k\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'New from @cnsnews Obama calls for highest sustained taxation in history http://t.co/DQ2hrYzWvW @ForAmerica @TPPatriots @SarahPalinUSA #tcot',\n", " u\"@JonHeymanCBS how come so many who take Met money can't get it done in a Met uniform, but can in another uniform?\",\n", " u\"@kerpen Great start for him, if they'd just hit who knows ...\",\n", " u'Back from PA, Dem gov candidates touting #Obamacare, tax hikes & attacking those who are hiring, giving issues to Corbett #pagov #tcot #RS',\n", " u'RT @maggie162: Prediction time: Farnsworth allows at least two baserunners causing much teeth gnashing, but we prevail due to sheer luck.',\n", " u'RT @michaelgbaron: Great job by the bullpen so far. Torres pounded the zone, gave up a double but got Adams to strike out the side #Mets',\n", " u'RT @defiantlydutch: The Mets just promoted Nolan Ryan Bobblehead night on 5/10. Once you get it, you can trade it to an Angels fan & watch \\u2026',\n", " u'Profile in selflessness http://t.co/fGwbkpJZUa @ForAmerica @LilaGraceRose #tcot #sgp #RS',\n", " u\"RT @maggie162: Rumors of d'Arnaud's demise have been greatly exaggerated.\",\n", " u\"RT @BeschlossDC: Here Martin Luther King & children on Magic Skyway at NY World's Fair, opened 50 years ago tomorrow: #HenryFordMuseum http\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @HowardKurtz: I'll be examining the oh-so-serious punditry surrounding Chelsea's baby and Hillary's chances on @SpecialReport w @Shannon\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @HoppyKercheval: Today's commentary: WV-3 gets rough early. http://t.co/MRAC8GM7sO\",\n", " u\"RT @costareports: Jeb said no to retreat invite due to schd. conflict. Romney confidants still think it's odd he's not coming, if he wants \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @senatornanrich: @CharlieCrist says as Gov. again he would change \"very little\". Amazing considering his switch from R to D: http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @TonyFratto: I'm counting on the @WashWizards to rescue this sports weekend for me. It's come to that. #gowiz\",\n", " u'RT @realDonaldTrump: Huffington Post is just upset that I said its purchase by AOL has been a disaster and that Arianna Huffington is ugly \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TPPatriots: #Obamacare has caused over two dozen widows in Alabama to lose their health insurance. http://t.co/iMKK4N13EH',\n", " u\"RT @judykeen: I've been absent for ages, crazy busy with new job. But it's spring finally in Minnesota and I have time to breathe. Missed y\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @tweetdrudge: Sharyl Attkisson Says She \\u2018Became a Target\\u2019 of the Left Over Her Reporting \\u2014 and Guess How CBS News Trea... http://t.co/BF\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @patsajak: George Orwell was right, other than missing by 30 years.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @didikins4life: @ExposingALEC @dida7575 @dierdrelewis @DirtyDemocrat @djmincey11 @dLiberALEX scary thought...',\n", " u'RT @KennettDems: RT if you believe that we need this now more than ever! http://t.co/vdjMfZl5Q6 #ObamaCare #RaiseTheWage #p2',\n", " u'RT @JackieC1989: Happy #EarthDay Oil & gas industry gear up new ad campaign to promote fracking http://t.co/KidoeyymSD #EarthDay2014 http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @UniteBlueWI: #EarthDay marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970 http://t.co/lnwNT8u68D http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Woodlandbookshp: Happy Earth Day.....#TrophyHunting #cowards #notrophyhunting #cannedhunting #FoxHunting #BadgerCull\\nhttp://t.co/DjFtp7\\u2026',\n", " u'@Allnkat Desperation or guilt are the motivators. These grifters know how to open the wallets.',\n", " u'RT @MoralMondayGA: Freedom fighter @repjohnlewis \"it\\'s a shame @GovernorDeal won\\'t use his pen to help 650,000 people in GA.\" #RiseUpGA htt\\u2026',\n", " u'Capitalism: corporate fascism with bought elections to keep the population in line.\\n#LadyFarmer #sayfie #tcot',\n", " u'Big business churches are not Jesus-like: http://t.co/EMcuyWS6Ds\\n#UniteBlue #sayfie #tcot #pfla',\n", " u'RT @MikeHudema: Can a tipi stop a pipeline? We may find out. Watch #RejectandProtect opening ceremony: http://t.co/yKtdVPkCUT #noKXL http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepublicanSwine: KKK Forms Neighborhood Watch Group http://t.co/4SaqPscZRZ via @HuffPostPol //<= More mainstreaming of Trash ... Sad ..\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @rousseau_ist: @janekleeb Once I find parking, I'll be streaming from the #RejectAndProtect #CowboyIndianAlliance camp in DC http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @AssaadRazzouk: Today is Earth Day 2014. See Photos From the First Earth Day in 1970 http://t.co/QI16mKvC09 #climate via @NatGeo http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @StephieGilley: One Courageous Democrat Stands Up and Calls For an Investigation into ALEC http://t.co/Qvd8S3pfok #p2',\n", " u'RT @ABC: Sen. Warren: Regulators have \"no enthusiasm, no appetite\" to hold big financial institutions accountable: http://t.co/Dj9TZZXhYA',\n", " u'RT @NicholsUprising: Cowboy and Indian Alliance rides on DC to tell President Obama: reject the Keystone pipeline & protect the future. ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WVFDW: Earth Day was first observed on 4/22/70. She still needs our attention and care. http://t.co/tXoAdmQJkU #earthday #loveyourmother',\n", " u'RT @TheObamaDiary: Early Bird Chat http://t.co/w1VphXLhux',\n", " u'RT @veritas666w: http://t.co/3E0ZDccRQJ',\n", " u'RT @beachtiger0412: When is Nikki Haley going to release her tax return so we can see if she paid taxes on all the gifts she received. #une\\u2026']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@redsteeze @AmandaMarcotte Good point.',\n", " u'Celebrate #EarthDay by BBQ-ing.',\n", " u'.@chrislhayes tries to equate #climatechange to #slavery.\\nNo, seriously.\\nhttps://t.co/jfWHPdCz82',\n", " u'@chrislhayes No wonder you have those kick-ass ratings.',\n", " u'@joannawrites Are you the author of this: http://t.co/0Oj5iMjlXA ?',\n", " u'RT @SHarborPatch: Common Core or Common Sense? http://t.co/EAgz5LRw5Z',\n", " u'@MMAScout Johnson has lost to smaller guys. No way he beats Davis.',\n", " u'RT @reason: The Golden Age of @Groupon Govt: Between 2009-2013, feds charged taxpayers just 67 cents per $ of spending http://t.co/8Qj3ioRv\\u2026',\n", " u'@jdharm Favorite sandwhich from @primantibros?\\nI grind on that #Pittsburgher.',\n", " u'Dodgers got the wood put to them by the Phillies last night.\\nDamn.\\n#mlb',\n", " u\"I'm sure they're devastated. RT @HuffingtonPost: McDonald's sales slide as Taco Bell launches breakfast menu http://t.co/G2nDQWbOLa\",\n", " u'RT @MauriceFonson: Marc Lamont Hill tweeting up a storm this am bout da violence in Chicago & how we need change but I dont see him out the\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MauriceFonson: ......Im tired of media personalities & others talking that talk but them themselves are not out there talking to troubl\\u2026',\n", " u'@marclamonthill So, can you explain @HuffingtonPost @HuffPostPol\\'s multiple uses of the term \"#Bridgeghazi\".',\n", " u'@marclamonthill Theres plenty of poor people who CHOOSE not to resort to violence. \\nBad people will do bad things no matter the circumstance',\n", " u'Real or hacked Bones? RT @JonnyBones: Good morning everyone!',\n", " u'Gaby Andersen called https://t.co/N7Umpv44dq MT @SBNation Runner falls Boston Marathon finish http://t.co/lZ4U8xEBFX http://t.co/msC404pamq',\n", " u'@TheShannonBurke @25btls I always thought Nirvana\\'s \\'Smells Like Teen Spirit\\' opened with \"Load up on drugs\" instead of \"Load up on guns...\"',\n", " u'@HuffPostPol Ambulance chaser Deck Shifflet? http://t.co/bTNiork4vH',\n", " u'#Happy http://t.co/VK12BVW709']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"RT @Csinaco: Today's Top Buzz: BLM Just One Of Many Increasingly Militarized Federal Agencie\\u2026 http://t.co/9s5Xec9K2v, see more http://t.co/\\u2026\",\n", " u'Kristol, Dershowitz Slam @TheDemocrats Effort to Rig Electoral College http://t.co/Gyf31AuatF @Newsmax_Media',\n", " u'Bundy Family Posts Photo Of Dead Cows Euthanized By BLM http://t.co/lDrR6rNXrq via @BreitbartNews',\n", " u'New day, new tweets, new stats. 6 followers, 0 unfollowers. Via good old http://t.co/YGptoYS7OJ',\n", " u'HHS Moves to Cancel More Insurance Plans http://t.co/bSjGepf7oQ ensuring that even more Americans who like their plan cannot keep it.',\n", " u'Western states gather urgency to take control of federal land http://t.co/YPkg1wKW5D',\n", " u'Rescuing the poor: The GOP\\u2019s Obamacare alternatives http://t.co/AK19BzTG7v',\n", " u'NASA data: \\u201cpolar vortex\\u201d cold weather events this past winter also happened in the winters of 1935\\u201336 and 1976\\u201377 http://t.co/y2DOsyQXuF',\n", " u'RT @Callisto1947: Sgt Rob Richards, war hero, Purple Heart, three tours... http://t.co/GvgV0fpHMI',\n", " u'RT @PoliticalLaughs: Wheel of Misfortune -> http://t.co/7qbVUS9kJG',\n", " u'The new normal under @SenReid: Someone in America has an overdue library book! http://t.co/JKJjOlBiPq',\n", " u\"Gutfeld Calls Out 'Evil Genius' Krugman Over New $25K Per Month Job to Address Inequality http://t.co/5IgbJcfyZ1\",\n", " u'Government Overreaching With Ivory Ban http://t.co/z5eLkjLCey Also bans piano keys, chess sets, bridges for guitars: http://t.co/r4mjDorruR',\n", " u\"@SugarKitty4 @CARAGIA @Obamatomic @DinnerMariah @sethmckeel If U don't like that FL didn't expand Medicaid move to 1 of 25 states that did\",\n", " u\"@SugarKitty4 @CARAGIA @Obamatomic @DinnerMariah @sethmckeel your story still doesn't make sense. FL requires car insurance?\",\n", " u'RT @Chris_1791: Easter 1916 And A Lesson For The GOP http://t.co/rz9O7BoKAA',\n", " u'@SenReid should be speaking to @RealEricHolder and @BarackObama if he really wants the law followed... http://t.co/sp4JTuL1XR',\n", " u'Breaking Scandal: BLM Rounding Up Wild Horses For Slaugher...In Canada http://t.co/uckqFlaYqD BLM Head former aide 2 @SenReid',\n", " u'BREAKING THE DEMS MAGINOT LINE: Black & Latino Leaders in Chicago Switching to GOP http://t.co/FEnEEC7t8T',\n", " u'Indicted Businessman Names @SenReid as Alleged Recipient of Massive Bribe http://t.co/vB6ZvNn2EO']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@bbellotbbj @Alofttampa @AloftHotels @BakerBarrios @TBBJnewsroom first drink's on me!\",\n", " u'http://t.co/d9U0rNAXPH',\n", " u\"RT @BeatriceClean: Congrats! It's coming along nicely.\\u201c@punitrshah: On site and inside the Aloft Tampa hotel buildout http://t.co/ZASOs3IOC\\u2026\",\n", " u'On site and inside the Aloft Tampa hotel buildout http://t.co/i4Lo66Vpga via @tbbjnewsroom',\n", " u'On site and inside the Aloft Tampa hotel buildout and office... http://t.co/F5NRu8wQaH',\n", " u'RT @AlexisTBBJ: My #panorama view inside what will be the open lobby at @Alofttampa hotel, slated to open in July. #hotel #tampa http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Incredible stay at the @SLSHotels in #beverlyhills thanks for a great weekend! http://t.co/X8Khe1KxTR',\n", " u'Liberty prevails again..., http://t.co/6jOoTl1Vme',\n", " u'Congrats to beautiful Angie on her wedding! http://t.co/gO9mppX1Cx',\n", " u\"RT @HotelMgmtNet: Inside the day one talks at the Hunter Hotel Conference - today's IHIF Global Daily #news: http://t.co/NUVvV56zs5 http://\\u2026\",\n", " u'Congratulations to my friend Tom Corcoran for his Award for Excellence! @felcor @IHGOwners_Assn @IHG @HunterHotelsInc http://t.co/pjkeCpitPQ',\n", " u\"RT @LibertyGHotels: Aloft Tampa appoints it's new General Manager http://t.co/svyAktDe39\",\n", " u'Headed to the @IHG and @IHGOwners_Assn press event to celebrate the new @HIExpress prototype debut!!',\n", " u\"Honored to speak at #Rotary of Tampa's event today regarding @LibertyGHotels and @Alofttampa congrats on the 100 years!!\",\n", " u'Off to Atlanta for the #hunterhotels conference! @FlyTPA',\n", " u'RT @stroumboulis: @marcuslemonis your new TV show should be mandatory viewing at every business school in North America. True fan here! #Th\\u2026',\n", " u'Art festival @WinterParkVLG is a dif invite annual tradition!! http://t.co/OeXUqpvvsn',\n", " u'RT @LibertyGHotels: Excited to announce the acquisition today of Ramada Plaza - Tallahassee Capitol - Florida State University Hotel! \\nhttp\\u2026',\n", " u'We are excited to announce the our acquisition & repositioning of the former Holiday Inn Tallahassee into the Ramada\\u2026http://t.co/4YpQQQwkYx',\n", " u\"RT @CityofTampa: Move over Chicago, check out the Hillsborough River is all decked out in celebration of St. Patrick's Day! http://t.co/gMr\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@CheddaMCFC Yes, very positive news RE: everton absences.',\n", " u'@CheddaMCFC Sometimes leaves a trail of destruction behind him. Could work out long term to further destabilize United.',\n", " u'@CheddaMCFC Van Gaal a winner. Great manager. But only a short spell manager like Mourinho. Never long-term anything.',\n", " u'With a Side Made Up Mostly of British Players, Burnley Now Faces Its Next Big Challenge http://t.co/iw82japmlV',\n", " u\"Nearly 390,000 Crimeans apply for Russian passport, Russia's Federal Migration Service says - Interfax via @breaking http://t.co/HsJLj2lygm\",\n", " u'Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe mediator met Donetsk separatists in eastern Ukraine, calls talks http://t.co/PFFTDcnnML',\n", " u\"@hf_jarrett Orlando saw the local and county government pony up. Won't happen easily in NYC IMHO.\",\n", " u'@hf_jarrett Agreed...watch this space in the next few days on this topic.',\n", " u'@hf_jarrett Oh yeah...a DISASTER unless something changes. Understatement.',\n", " u'@CheddaMCFC Klopp and Simeone both unlikely IMHO.',\n", " u'@hf_jarrett Klopp not going to United I am sure.',\n", " u'@CheddaMCFC Van Gaal a good short-term fixer type manager. Gets results in short periods. Better for Spurs IMO.',\n", " u\"Ryan Giggs: 'You've got to be natural as a manager and find your own style' http://t.co/BGmiG3bY2B via @guardian\",\n", " u'RT @david_conn: #Hillsborough Inquest concluding today having heard 9 statements. Three teenagers, two young men 21 &amp; 23, 4 men who...',\n", " u'@CheddaMCFC Just have to dig deep and hope Yaya is fit.',\n", " u'@CheddaMCFC FYI, we have used fewer players in the Prem this season than any other club. So much for the media narrative about our \"depth.\"',\n", " u'@CheddaMCFC Worrying signs defensively but we got 3 pts.We just have to push on-We are worn down. Troubling times but we must keep fighting.',\n", " u'DGA drops $500k on Crist http://t.co/6kkU3qSObF via @TB_Times',\n", " u'Hillsborough Democrats pass debate\\xa0resolution http://t.co/rY8Syr89tW',\n", " u\"@Felix2052 yeah that's very true. Difficult matches to come.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Nice. #ItsWorking RT @AllisonNielsen: @FLGovScott appears in \"American Comeback\" video from @The_RGA http://t.co/TyNEVsVpZT #sayfie',\n", " u\"RT @EconomiaLibreFL: Tax Man' @BarackObama has sought 442 tax increases http://t.co/nrq4L2lPsv http://t.co/lIjjDJyuME\",\n", " u'RT @AllisonNielsen: @LopezCantera on @CharlieCrist: \"I feel like I\\'m watching a bad political movie\" #sayfie',\n", " u'@CBSMiami @CharlieCrist ironiclly critisizes about travelling on a private plane after logging so many miles with Jim Greer on state dime',\n", " u'@CBSMiami @CharlieCrist He should worry about beat .@senatornanrich in the primary first, or might he jump ship and Independent again?',\n", " u'@FLSenateGOP @FLSenate @SenReneGarcia Please Co-Sponsor SB1658 for the people of Venezuela #sayfie http://t.co/9dtiXG3XQK',\n", " u\"RT @AFPFlorida: Save the date! AFP's Defending the American Dream Summit is August 29-30 in Dallas, TX! Exciting details coming soon!\",\n", " u'RT @THESHARKTANK1: .@TedCruz Says Obamacare Numbers Inflated, Highlights Controversial HHS Letter\\n http://t.co/gZUho4ph0s #tcot @dloesch @m\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EconomiaLibreFL: Spreading Freedom at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando's 2014 Expo @hbcexpo @HCCMO @AFPhq @AFPFlorida \\u2026\",\n", " u'Cachito for breakfast at the @hbcexpo @HCCMO Looking forward to a great day with @AFPhq @AFPFlorida @EconomiaLibreFL http://t.co/yQpKcrspc9',\n", " u\"At some point @SunSportsFOXFL should only only show the team that's actually worth watching. Today would be one of those days. #Heat in ORL\",\n", " u\"Let's go Heat!\",\n", " u'The ribbon had been cut for the @hbcexpo @HCCMO come visit @AFPFlorida @AFPhq at booth 419 #MasLibertad http://t.co/xMw2BNZehp',\n", " u'#sosvenezuela http://t.co/masTSOtOlh',\n", " u'Incredible #SOSVenezuela booth at the @HCCMO @hbcexpo right across from our @AFPhq booth http://t.co/Z2zP5WbxJR',\n", " u\"RT @EconomiaLibreFL: Join us this weekend in Orlando at booth #419 to help us share the Economic Freedom message at the '14 @hbcexpo with @\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @EconomiaLibreFL: It's setup day at the '14 @hbcexpo @HCCMO at the #OrangeCounty Convention Center with @AFPhq @AFPFlorida #MasLibertad \\u2026\",\n", " u'@alissa_holmes @CharlieCrist sure you do...',\n", " u\"@alissa_holmes @FLGovScott @CharlieCrist oh Alissa, u must be one of those peopole whose policy apparently wasn't cancelled congratulations\",\n", " u'RT @AFPFlorida: Have you signed up for the new @AFPhq daily newsletter? http://t.co/f6Phsr1knu #tcot']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Happy Easter, he is risen!',\n", " u'Hey @espn no one can see the Toronto Brooklyn game bc your channel is a blank screen.. For the last 10 mins... Audio but no video.. #SMHespn',\n", " u'@gradyfos919 lol dick',\n", " u'RT @gradyfos919: @StevieJayFSU whatever you say \"954-263-6273\".',\n", " u\"@gradyfos919 you literally have no ones number saved on your phone.. It's 2014 and u have an iPhone dude come on\",\n", " u\"@AlexandraDeanne Reporter bullied at 'inclusive' feminist conference http://t.co/VkUNNkGUVw\",\n", " u\"Of Iraq and Afgan war veterans, only 42% say Pres.Obama is a 'good' commander and chief as opposed to 65% saying the same about Pres. GWBush\",\n", " u'RT @edhenryTV: @CatherineAnaya are you correcting your false story claiming that questions at WH briefings are scripted? http://t.co/QQcKqJ\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @edhenryTV: @danielhalper Arizona reporter has no idea what she is talking about -- bizarre claim',\n", " u'RT @edhenryTV: story dead wrong RT @danielhalper Reporter: WH Press Secretary Gets Questions from Reporters Before Press Briefing\\nhttp://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @paigembloom: Idk if its a good or a bad thing that I've legitimately said every single word in the song #selfie\",\n", " u'#jealous \\u201c@britstanley: When is @TheBukuProject mailing our tix? #excitement \\U0001f46f\\u201d',\n", " u'@jeffyherr hey stfu',\n", " u'@jeffyherr shhhhhhh no one cares',\n", " u'@robportman kill it my man',\n", " u'COLD\\u201c@jameshohmann: White House: \"Russia\\u2019s continued violation of international law will lead to greater political and economic isolation.\"\\u201d',\n", " u'South Park had it right all these years. F you Canada',\n", " u\"@CCRTBL04 @SjMcClean87 you won't come for big g\",\n", " u'@CCRTBL04 @SjMcClean87 do it!',\n", " u\"It's not even summer anymore why does the DJ keep playing summertime sadness? #selfie #thechainsmokers\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Bob Dole says Rubio not yet experienced enough for president http://t.co/HYLSilkgiK',\n", " u'This! RT @Evan3Longoria: Join me and @TBTimes_Rays for LunchtimeLive today at 1230 pm! http://t.co/M2kiStZTVd',\n", " u'Americans for Tax Reform headed by @grovernorquist says @BarackObama has proposed 442 tax hikes, but @politifact says http://t.co/AOVoq9o9d0',\n", " u'Bob Dole says @MarcoRubio not yet experienced enough for president (Click for the classic old pic) http://t.co/iIpcblxCho via @learyreports',\n", " u\"RT @FiveThirtyEight: With @ChelseaClinton expecting, @DataLab538 tallies all the presidents' grandchildren. http://t.co/DYWRxuOePm http://t\\u2026\",\n", " u'Radio host: Only conservatives get banned on Facebook. @PunditFact says http://t.co/y2DGhyDTQJ',\n", " u'Pasco, Hernando schools battling computer problems during #FCAT http://t.co/VbKMcmtVwk via @TB_Times',\n", " u'RT @UrugwiroVillage: This morning in Boston,President #Kagame visits Massachusetts Institute of Technology',\n", " u'RT @saorlando: The Ballad of Pervert Dave: a true #Florida story. http://t.co/ZalI2Kge3B via @torch437 @TB_Times',\n", " u\".@MarcoRubio calls #Snowden scandal 'most damaging' espionage case in U.S. history. Is it? @PolitiFact @jpgillin http://t.co/j0KmlYPWXJ\",\n", " u'RT @tbtnewspaper: Growler bill pits #Florida microbreweries against big-money beer interests >>> http://t.co/1UUUyJFKzS #craftbeer http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'Rep. Eagle, former Crist aide, arrested Monday for DUI http://t.co/ClXiZZ8uzu',\n", " u'House and Senate agree to $47 million for child welfare http://t.co/83TjwGT68m',\n", " u'Rep. Eagle, former Crist aide, arrested Monday for DUI http://t.co/SNnrSdDXXh @mikevansickler',\n", " u\"'Mad Men' recap: Lies, lies, lies (and an 'I love you'), now that I'm caught up this recap is awesome http://t.co/IYLZd4vFCi via @TB_Times\",\n", " u\"Is Weatherford's pension overhaul resurrected? http://t.co/295Skm7Vuy\",\n", " u'Great story on #Detroit from @nytimes http://t.co/XkrYHtn8zt',\n", " u'Capitol Buzz: 5 things to watch today in Tallahassee http://t.co/x2X1XIML4d',\n", " u'Southwest Florida voters to close out the Trey Radel chapter today with GOP primary http://t.co/VVXtP2uoND',\n", " u'Advocates raise doubts about House child welfare bill http://t.co/ylpXOIFgz0']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @floridaCanales: 2014 MIDTERM ELECTIONS. @EspuelasVox #TNTweeters @Reformaxi @ReformNow5 @ReformNOW4 @ReformNow1 @ReformNow3 http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CristienGol: @petethepunk @Boopio @pmharper I am so ashamed about this disgusting suffer,HUMAN GUILTY DISGRACEFUL!!! STOP!!!! this horr\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Foxewise: For every dolphin taken captive 17 are butchered. #ShutTaijiDown http://t.co/euMFSfJkLm',\n", " u'@danielcrews Wish I was there to hear YOU and Dr Stanley both. God Bless your Easter',\n", " u'RT @danielcrews: Honored to be at FBC Atlanta, GA this morning celebrating our resurrected Savior! HE IS RISEN! http://t.co/ozdBHm8tgQ',\n", " u'RT @NRDCBioGems: U.S. Delays Final Call on Keystone XL Pipeline http://t.co/fKsESZGvhk',\n", " u'Elizabeth Warren is on CBS Sunday Morning right NOW',\n", " u'RT @Animalshoots: http://t.co/FvMuXSxWUn',\n", " u'@Epson_Store I need help resetting a password and network after a modem change for a WorkForce 520',\n", " u'@XeroxCorp Great spot with @HuntsmanAbby on primary dates. Good goin Xerox!',\n", " u'RT @DrGlenBarry: \"The price of apathy towards public affairs to to be ruled by evil men.\" - Plato #wiunion #wiright #wipolitics #p2 http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RichardOHornos: MT @CanProveIt Democratic Memes on fb. #UniteBlue #midterms #Elections2014 #p2 \\U0001f44a\\u270c\\ufe0fVOTE VOTE !\\U0001f535 via @DemocraticMemes htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @rcooley123: Elizabeth Warren Stokes Rumors of a 2016 Presidential Run With Release of Memoir http://t.co/1B7aLKCq19',\n", " u'RT @albhere: This just made me laugh! #UniteBlue http://t.co/qDmCRHa5vR',\n", " u'RT @JustSeaTurtles: MT @SEEturtles Another great #underwater shot on this lovely #wildwednesday: two #seaturtles sandwich a #diver! http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @34hunter: Building Genome Project: Retroficiency Takes a City-Wide Approach to Efficiency : Greentech Media http://t.co/E5muWsgqzX via \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @maximaxoo: #Future #Design: Urban Alloy\\u25baresidential tower over #transportation hub in #NYC\\nhttp://t.co/NRDjVHUJkU @eVoloMagazine http:/\\u2026',\n", " u\"@Morning_Joe Isn't it amazing we have 3 excellent candidates in Clinton,Warren and Bidden but GOP can hardly find ONE electable voice\",\n", " u'RT @JoanieGentian: RT @LadyTerezie: Days End - South Island, New Zealand by Luke Austin via http://t.co/3H2n0mT7Rg #500px http://t.co/oRTrm\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @BIBLEHolySpirit: [God] sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our minds as a first installment. -2 Corinthians 1:22']},\n", " {'REP': [u'In 2010, @ScottforFlorida promised 700,000 private sector jobs in 7 years. In less than four, 560,000 have been created. #sayfie #itsworking',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: There\\u2019s only one thing you need to know today. RETWEET and spread the word! #letskeepworking http://t.co/22BsNXIl1t',\n", " u'RT @HouseofCards: You\\u2019re connecting dots that don\\u2019t exist.',\n", " u'MT @mercatus: Florida, North Dakota, and South Dakota are the top states on eminent domain freedoms. http://t.co/luRrwtq7C7 #sayfie',\n", " u'@1031TheWolf Play Knee Deep by the Zac Brown Band... I wish I was at the beach.',\n", " u'RT @FSURepublicans: Congrats to our newly-elected incoming Executive Board! @voldegodjones, Valerie Chicola, Roberta Skinner, @NatTuttle, &\\u2026',\n", " u\"Rich & Tommy making fun of selfies on the air, huh? Guess it's time for a #Marlins selfie! #MarlinsFanPhoto http://t.co/Ab6LwVpkK1\",\n", " u\"You're so vain, you probably think that tweet was about you.\",\n", " u\"Agree or disagree with me, I don't care. I took an oath, on the Bible, to God, in support of our Constitution. And I'm going to uphold it.\",\n", " u\"I hope you speak at pro/con. We'll grill you for breaking your oath to our Constitution, to FFCR, and this club. Disgraceful.\",\n", " u'Charlie Crist supports Obamacare. Charlie Crist supports health insurance rising by 75% or more in Florida. http://t.co/Dt9FOoWFw8 \\u2026 #sayfie',\n", " u'Rob Lowe Comes Out As A Libertarian On Bill O\\u2019Reilly http://t.co/Qt7wDfRams',\n", " u\"RT @Reaganista: History of corrupt #backstabber @CharlieCrist's private jet-setting \\u2013 oftentimes on taxpayer money: http://t.co/YrGDhuyMaO \\u2026\",\n", " u\".@dolfan565 It's better than last year, and we almost made it to the playoffs.\",\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: Florida is shining again. RT and spread the word! #LetsKeepWorking #sayfie http://t.co/tsH1cos4q7',\n", " u'\"I have zero tolerance for betrayal, which they will soon indelibly learn.\" Francis Underwood.',\n", " u\"The News-Press endorsed @lizbethkb for Florida's 19th congressional district. http://t.co/jJzza1QZrO #sayfie\",\n", " u'Success in life is defined not by how much money you make, but by your relationship with others. Character is everything.',\n", " u\"If there was ever a more corrupt reason to support a candidate than personal financial kickbacks, I haven't seen one. Conflict of interest.\",\n", " u\"Blocking those who you've unnecessarily made enemies with. I didn't know you were still in the sixth grade.\"]},\n", " {'NPA': [u'@noahpransky fantastic job my friend!!!!!',\n", " u'RT @noahpransky: Missed my goal by about a min, but it was worth all the hugs and pictures I stopped for. #BostonMarathon http://t.co/1u6hO\\u2026',\n", " u\"Good luck to @noahpransky who is running in today's #BostonMarathon\",\n", " u'You can see me in another episode of Forensic Files at 11 on @HLNTV.',\n", " u'@SocialRosy @JonnyTorres @HLNTV The show is back on at 11. Rosy is a must Twitter follow. Love her!!!!',\n", " u'@LizzHarmon That is so sweet! Thanks for starting my day off w a : )',\n", " u'@tommychuck Thanks! Hope to see you if we swing by the stations in the near future.',\n", " u\"@svandinter Thanks that's much appreciated! Hope to get home this summer. I love being back in New London.\",\n", " u'@LisaRemillard Thanks Lisa! Congrats on your job too! But Tampa Bay misses you : (',\n", " u\"@ChuckHenson1 Thanks Chuck!!!! I'll still be watching you and hope to see more of you now. #YoureTheBest!\",\n", " u'@amillernews thanks Anthony and I hope all is well w you. Miss seeing you down here!',\n", " u\"@m_weber @AT1SH @WTSP10News I'll def miss you guys and the newsroom banter but I know we will all stay (10) connected. : )\",\n", " u\"@KOD1AK I've loved working w you Kevin, but loved getting to know you even more. #FriendsForever #GoBulls\",\n", " u\"RT @KOD1AK: Thanks @prestonrudie for helping make a dream come true. You'll be greatly missed at @WTSP10News. http://t.co/q902aEQd2t\",\n", " u'@itsmarieaquino I will miss your positive energy and smile! You made coming to work fun. : ) #WelcomeToMoes',\n", " u'RT @itsmarieaquino: @prestonrudie congrats & good luck! I\\'m going to miss \"Welcome to Moe\\'s\" in studio, leg on the desk while singing\\u2026 http\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @MarkWilsonTV: Please RT & help find her, thx MT Disabled veteran's service dog missing after car crash @MyFoxTampaBay http://t.co/1J0\\u2026\",\n", " u\"I'll miss you #10News! It's been a great 12 yrs but the friendships we've forged will last forever! #LastDay\",\n", " u'RT @m_weber: @prestonrudie @AT1SH Gonna miss this guy @wtsp10news. Good luck, Preston! http://t.co/MPXpFJRLvv',\n", " u'RT @DionLimWTSP: Congrats @prestonrudie on your new journey @WTSP10News loves you! #farewell http://t.co/DUHAJOUml2']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @HotlineJosh: Love the Dole kicker: \"\\u201cI\\u2019m going to be around for the 2016 election. And if not, I\\u2019m going to vote absentee.\\u201d http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"@fineout You're mean ;)\",\n", " u'FRS overhaul passes Sen Approps on a 10-8 vote. If Sen Ring had joined other Ds in opposing, it would have died',\n", " u'Sen Lee says he will also vote against pension bill; says late-filed amendments are \"fundamentally disrespectful\" to committee',\n", " u'Sen Latvala on compromise pension bill: \"I don\\'t think we\\'re quite there yet\"',\n", " u'Ms Perry is warning the Senate Approps Committee about the looming cookie deficit',\n", " u'. @ScottforFlorida announces a website called \"http://t.co/3VAmaN04Aj.\" What will @CharlieCrist and @TroyKinsey do now?',\n", " u'Waiving in opposition has become a far more elaborate exercise in recent sessions',\n", " u'40-50 public comment cards on pension bill in Sen Approps, @joenegronfl says #NineHourMeeting',\n", " u'BUT WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY IS IMPORTANT RT @jenlux: Dear FL State Reps, please stop yelling into your mic. We can hear you. Really.',\n", " u'RT @fineout: In a statement @DaneEagle said while there are decisions he would do differently - calls TPD account inaccurate picture of eve\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MarcACaputo: Well played, @XopherFL http://t.co/OnG2Hjweow',\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Yeah, I understand yall favoriting instead of RT'ing some of what I Tweet\",\n", " u'Everything is connected? RT @travispillow: Retirement bill?',\n", " u'Sen Margolis delivers stirring remarks on the pension bill. As Sen Approps considers school vouchers #NineHourMeeting',\n", " u'In a Florida newspaper that shall remain nameless http://t.co/e3FPq2LksZ',\n", " u\"RT @msynan: Why in the world would there be a public records exemption for a lawmaker's mugshot? #rhetorical #selfserving #sunshine\",\n", " u\"RT @MarcACaputo: Too bad Dane Eagle isn't on FSU's football team...\",\n", " u'\"provides that public official is subject to removal from office for failure to undergo drug testing\" http://t.co/cDKmhSw6xx',\n", " u'RT @fineout: Rep. Eagle refused to consent to a giving a breath sample to TPD during traffic stop']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'The $500 million we spend to prop up our pension plans could be spent in better ways. http://t.co/oK11DPHFbG... http://t.co/4H5IH4X1Gb',\n", " u'Our Governor has kept his word and done exactly what he promised to do once elected...work to revitalize our... http://t.co/bbF4SzYxS7',\n", " u'Florida\\u2019s GI Bill makes Florida the best state for veterans. http://t.co/1BiisdcspB #FLSession2014 #Workplan2014 http://t.co/0mJmzvEuHm',\n", " u\"It's always a treat to get a visit from folks from our district like our friends from the City of Williston. Levy... http://t.co/BLQ1njthzn\",\n", " u'Today is FSU Day at the Capitol. It was great being able to meet Head Coach Jimbo Fisher and Heisman Trophy... http://t.co/NwMXG5coZe',\n", " u'Our proposed budget funds FL\\u2019s greatest needs while providing $500 million in tax cuts. http://t.co/K9W3Vqoxo5... http://t.co/lsXczKg74a',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/IOh3THL0jD',\n", " u\"Good to visit with County Commissioners from all over the state as the Florida Association of Counties has it's... http://t.co/zdtJfrIAOQ\",\n", " u'These wonderful ladies from North Central Florida are great ambassadors for their alma mater Florida A&M... http://t.co/hDmuxGulL8',\n", " u'Wonderful visit from constituents and members of the Orlando Diocese for Catholic Day at the Capitol. http://t.co/nIDYAR2KGU',\n", " u'Proud to support the work of the Florida Coordinating Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. http://t.co/kH8JcxHbIb',\n", " u'Our libraries in Marion County are blessed to have dedicated staff and leaders. http://t.co/FXqLtHwdqB',\n", " u'It was a pleasure to speak to a great group of families and individuals from Levy County who are in the Capital... http://t.co/ur9YIpqa8h',\n", " u'There were record numbers of tourists to Florida in 2013! #WeLoveTheSunshine http://t.co/goJZegxRnB',\n", " u\"As we work through the legislative session it's good to see that #ItsWorking http://t.co/1NSLFx1XLq\",\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/qC6yz2sXJY',\n", " u'Levy County is blessed with a dedicated School Board. Together we are working to ensure that our children have... http://t.co/yevlb658B6',\n", " u'Our Realtors are on the front line of helping families achieve their dream of owning a home and assisting... http://t.co/okCckMbyYp',\n", " u'Thanks to members of the Marion County School Board for visiting with me concerning educational issues in our... http://t.co/RFsoLdZV3D',\n", " u'I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/uO7E1Q7D6q']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Last day! @greattoday #creator20277 http://t.co/N4Tp9CbjHk',\n", " u'RT @katiemhigg: Tomorrow\\u2019s the day! Come by during #OneSpark and see a (large) live demo of the @greattoday iPhone app! #creator20277 http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @greattoday: It's One Spark week! Jax supporters, register now at http://t.co/MbiR0i4YO3 - and vote for us this week! Creator #20277\",\n", " u'RT @annieerstling: 2/3 of the world thinks the world would be a better place if men thought like women #AthenaDoctrine @johngerzema #GenW @\\u2026',\n", " u\"Excited to be sharing @greattoday at @GENERATION_W all day today! If you're here, stop by our table to learn about our @BeOneSpark project!\",\n", " u\"Kudos to @Katie_Colley for taking the reins of the @greattoday blog! It's gonna be awesome!\",\n", " u'RT @Katie_Colley: come visit @greattoday at #GenW expo this Friday in Jax @GENERATION_W http://t.co/08vmFipjSv',\n", " u'@MelissainJax will the open enrollment policy proposed by Supt affect magnet school continuity?',\n", " u'#TBT A snippet from my notebook, back when we first started planning Do Something Great Today http://t.co/lVmDF7piWd',\n", " u'RT @Network4Good: RT @GuideStarUSA: LinkedIn launched a Volunteer Marketplace where #nonprofits can post opps: http://t.co/QSfffVcvnV via @\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @CoWorkJax: fastpitch! is bigger & better on 1/29 thanks to: @CommFirstCU @BeOneSpark @Colo5 @TheElbowJax @IntuitionAle @IgniteWithUs @g\\u2026',\n", " u'Thanks to @JaxPEF for a great day of learning and mobilizing the community in support of Jax public schools! #onebyonejax',\n", " u\"Loved hearing students' thoughts about what's needed to improve their schools. #onebyonejax #studentvoice\",\n", " u'Suggestion for @JaxPEF from our table discussion: plan a follow-up ONE in THREE exhibit to showcase student progress. #OneByOneJax',\n", " u'Excited to be part of the 400+ crowd spending the day improving public education in Jax! #OneByOneJax http://t.co/DjIoIgQjnx',\n", " u'Getting a tour of the new Jessie Ball duPont Center for nonprofits! http://t.co/wks6iQZDTd',\n", " u\"RT @JaxPEF: It's time for Florida's school grades to get an upgrade. Learn more and take action here: http://t.co/Jw0in3Z50S #edfl #sayfie \\u2026\",\n", " u'From @greattoday: Ever wish you had your own personal guide for giving back? http://t.co/i17VkpVu9P',\n", " u'Thanks, @AbelHarding for your help with @greattoday - looking forward to a fun & creative launch this spring!',\n", " u'A relief to all of us here in Jax, and congrats to @JaxPEF for their mention in this article! http://t.co/dSPZP5YRwf']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @bruceritchie: US @SenBillNelson says his space travel led him \"to be a better steward of what the good lord has given us. Yet we contin\\u2026',\n", " u'Wow! \"@reporterannie: @Stetsonlaw grads posted Florida\\'s best bar passage rate in February. 85% passed the exam. http://t.co/wu8BzgBVeA\"',\n", " u'RT @EvergladesTabby: @SenBillNelson on climate change: \"We are going to have to face it head on\"',\n", " u'@LewisFranck I met Linda Vaughn in February. She was awesome!',\n", " u\"@fotokrat @KariWrites That's great! And that explains a lot. Love that place and love to see people taking children outside.\",\n", " u\"@fotokrat Where's this Sean? It's pretty.\",\n", " u'@NWF Wow! Beautiful photo!',\n", " u'@csgraham29 @JustSeaTurtles Yes, balloon was removed and turtle was released.',\n", " u\"Volusia County has postponed the #water workshop planned for Thursday. Meanwhile, the meeting's agenda still hasn't been released.\",\n", " u'Wow! Would love to see! @SylviaEarle Join me on #EarthDay at the #WhiteHouse! Look for the Life Size Blue Whale! http://t.co/o1uAgjyA1H',\n", " u'RT @MarineDiscov: This weekend come \"party with a purpose\" at the Halifax Oyster & Music Festival in Daytona Beach! Proceeds and... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @USFWSVero: The FL panther kitten rescued earlier this year near Naples now has new home at Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'This Florida Kemp\\'s ridley sea turtle ingested a balloon. http://t.co/yAyi0bNxZM http://t.co/pKUqXp8Vw7\" via @JustSeaTurtles',\n", " u'A comedy of errors this morning. Forgot computer. Went home. Got computer. Laid cell phone down. Had to go back for phone. #OnMyWay',\n", " u'@FLGovScott @FLAnnScott Happy Easter to you too!',\n", " u'Love this AP PHOTO of Pope Francis waving to the crowd from balcony of St. Peter\\'s Basilica as Easter Mass ended: http://t.co/IlkJ21dBiI\"',\n", " u'@nsbcat lol!',\n", " u'RT @Astro_Wakata: Space-X Dragon spacecraft arrived on the ISS. Congratulations to the entire team on the successful operation. http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'MT \"@thomasmanwaring: http://t.co/cPa1NCWloM Amazing. LDS or not, take 2 minutes to watch this video today. #BecauseofHim #HeIsRisen\"',\n", " u'These beautiful Easter videos have attracted more than 3 million hits: http://t.co/cgtPT6QwXJ #LDS #BecauseofHim\" #technology']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"@SaintPetersblog That tweet doesn't make it sound like he's a good friend at all.\",\n", " u\"RT @caseymcdermott: .@TNR asked Penn State officials about new pres. Eric Barron's past at FSU in light of NYT story on Winston case: http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'Even Bobby Bowden got a shout out in this great story about #FSU and the Tally PD. #GoNoles http://t.co/Hdwdp0hxkp',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: In release, @FlaDems promise to hold David Jolly \"accountable.\" Don\\'t know how they\\'ll do that without a credible cand\\u2026',\n", " u'@FSUNOLE21 If he had been at #UF under Urban his rap sheet would be so much more impressive.',\n", " u'#FSU running back gets it wrong. You get drafted then u get arrested (again). http://t.co/BNwYV8jh4i',\n", " u\"RT @bubbawatson: Wow. I can't believe I have another @The_Masters green jacket! Such an honor. #Rejoicing\",\n", " u\"@PatrickRuffini @TheRickWilson Nice to see Chuck Norris is still America's Sweetheart. #YouNeverKnowWhereARangersIsGonnaBe\",\n", " u\"RT @hollyking10: we'll miss you @BigPatYoung4 & @Will15Yeguete, there's a lot to be proud of this season! as always, it's great to be a flo\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ToddThomson12: @dannykanell #KeepLeonardHamilton',\n", " u\"@bradherold Y'all got a new mascot? I thought it was just the logo.\",\n", " u'RT @Al_Horford: Proud of all the Gators accomplished this year. The team had an amazing streak and season. Keep your heads up GatorNation! \\u2026',\n", " u'Saw @SarahPalinUSA on @FoxNews this morning decked out in @lizbethkb gear. Probably a good call to miss that forum and a little session.',\n", " u\"RT @YahooForde: Jim Delany's nightmare: down SEC could extend powerful Big Ten's national title drought in college basketball http://t.co/S\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @seanlahman: A reminder that the first reports of a breaking news story are usually incomplete via@ToddJClausen http://t.co/h6i5TBuXHe',\n", " u\"RT @FBallblogger: Michael Wacha K's 6 in 5 innings last night. In 20.1 innings this spring he has 23 K's and a 1.77 ERA. #FantasyBaseball\",\n", " u'RT @iamfrankblanco: Good luck to my friends, @joepileggi and @BrianDelburn, as fantasy baseball kicks off this weekend. Miss our friendly \\u2026',\n", " u'Thanks, @iamfrankblanco! We need to get u back in next year. @joepileggi',\n", " u'RT @Rebekah_Hammond: I will never leave! #SunshineState #23IsHitOrMiss http://t.co/S378mjQ6fV',\n", " u'RT @iowahawkblog: Hope Chris Christie doesn\\'t get arrested for smuggling arms for the Gee Kong Tong triad, NBC might call it an \"embarrassm\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'When Christ said \"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar\\'s\", He referenced CAESAR, not the IRS. Faith is exposed as gimmickry every April 15...',\n", " u\"Nothin' more barbaric than civilization itself...\",\n", " u'\"Dear Hitler: Thanks for forcing white people to be less racist, and for accidentally killing Jim Crow. Happy birthday, and burn in Hell!\"',\n", " u'Hanging with my nephew after Easter festivities... http://t.co/uuFtMp8FRS',\n", " u'Enjoying the #FivePointsSpringFest and a #Sambazon. Nice day to rock the #Cesaro tee! http://t.co/Jad9CMikF1',\n", " u'Saudi Arabia, Coca-Cola',\n", " u\"#SDHfunfact: I've never owned a pair of Levis. There is no reason; just a coincidence...\",\n", " u'#SideHustlePodcast, in full effect. Props to #LadyDeath for the #MakersMark! http://t.co/MPRIzIfrl1',\n", " u\"The president should always bomb innocent people on tax day, just to make sure we remember what we're paying for...\",\n", " u'#StepanBandera #WalpurgisNight',\n", " u\"If I'd won that election, those three gang-rapists would be in black plastic bags right now, not orange cotton jumpsuits. No wonder I lost!\",\n", " u'President Obama should offer immediate emergency asylum for all Jews in Ukraine, and Israel should join them. The 19th is Saturday; hurry!',\n", " u\"If I'm ever governor of #Florida, I promise to break George W. Bush's record for executions. I may even conduct some of them personally...\",\n", " u'Another view of #SammyThrashLife... http://t.co/SUOmqOJ8UC',\n", " u'Ran into #SammyThrashLife as he polished off his latest painting outside #CoolMoose earlier. My friend\\u2026 http://t.co/D3sWNSuR4I',\n", " u'#ProTip: If you like pouring liquor into watermelons, try it with apples...',\n", " u'#Mavericky... #SDHwcw http://t.co/sNGoZVYdNR',\n", " u'More #OneSpark propaganda... #igersjax http://t.co/CfcpHBkixj',\n", " u'Assorted propaganda from #OneSpark... #igersjax http://t.co/aSoubEklLA',\n", " u\"You know what really sucks? We'll never get to see the #UltimateWarrior doing commercials for #DDPYoga. They would have been epic...\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @mkristensen: Creating Visual Studio project templates has never been easier https://t.co/vODGuvuEy9',\n", " u'RT @sayedihashimi: Tmrw @ 6 PM I will be at #JaxArcSig listening to @davidfekke discuss \"OWIN, the Open Web Interface for .NET\". http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'Plans that forgive student debt skyrocket, raising fears over costs http://t.co/PEETsMCcEW',\n", " u'Powdered alcohol may be coming to a liquor store near you http://t.co/tuetjPQjI5 via @verge',\n", " u'Bringing Big-Data Dreams Down to Earth - Inside Microsoft Research - Site Home - TechNet Blogs http://t.co/WawT6ILZmI',\n", " u'azure-web-sites-web-hosting-plans-in-depth-overview http://t.co/wFqsP0fpss via @azure',\n", " u'This Is Your Brain On Code, According To Functional MRI Imaging By @tinamirtha http://t.co/E42jHLOY0h via @FastCoLabs',\n", " u'Nokia Devices to become \\u201cMicrosoft Mobile\\u201d on April 25 http://t.co/1NEapb6ckX',\n", " u'WZOR leaks info about Windows 8.2, Windows 9 and cloud based OS | http://t.co/wjmeNuWFQg: http://t.co/kaxQww7yJS',\n", " u'OpenBSD forks, prunes, fixes OpenSSL | ZDNet http://t.co/VlnCVPLREi',\n", " u'Wireless charger can power 40 mobile phones at once from 15 feet away http://t.co/vTBsGhmjgy via @gigaom',\n", " u'RoadHawk DashCam: http://t.co/r1E3E1znvJ via @YouTube',\n", " u'RoadHawk DashCam: http://t.co/hoUUHMy5HD via @YouTube',\n", " u\"RT @DanielDavisFl: My last two weeks...in Tally. What an honor but I'm looking forward to this view full time. #ilovejax @JAXChamber http:\\u2026\",\n", " u'Visual Studio Installer Projects Extension - The Visual Studio Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs http://t.co/CkqaOMP0Bt',\n", " u'Study: Developers Wield Power, Expect to Get Rich http://t.co/aHO85gW8GW',\n", " u'RIP Flash: Why HTML5 will finally take over video and the Web this year http://t.co/RqQX2jYhcR via @thenextweb',\n", " u'IE6: Retired but not dead yet http://t.co/VrDlYqzk5P via @infoworld',\n", " u'Microsoft will let Windows Phone app devs respond to reviews, but no arguing!: http://t.co/MeXnbLbpx3',\n", " u'Microsoft reportedly plans to rename Nokia Oyj http://t.co/qeMV9BbOlC via @CNET']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @WSJD: U.S. venture capital investment is at its highest since 2001. http://t.co/Q5LoIK1y7n http://t.co/pFe5AhCeOE',\n", " u\"RT @unitedwaynefl: #ThrowbackThursday: Tech Edition! Who could've known in 1990 that we'd be posting this on Twitter? via @JaxBizJournal ht\\u2026\",\n", " u'This is all right. #vsco http://t.co/6cOaP6ubTG',\n", " u\"tscheinman's photo http://t.co/UwQtwJiGNc Golden title.\",\n", " u'A little late, but where can we get a Kevin Rudd for social issues in right-wing American politics?',\n", " u\"Really, go get Montaigne's essays right now and treat yourself to all the classical literature he summarized for you.\",\n", " u'Very grateful today. Good music, good coffee, great family, great friends, wonderful fianc\\xe9, and homework readings that give me chills.',\n", " u\"The longer I'm in the office, the more I begin to believe I'm actually gonna be a rapper. #mackledida\",\n", " u'Might not have made it through the day without that Bold Bean drop from @haley__brogan. Three more hours',\n", " u\"unitedwaynefl's photo http://t.co/u6sT0mMQpI\",\n", " u'Lunch break. #rivercity #ilovejax http://t.co/ABjjH50TNc',\n", " u'Few feelings possess the hollowness of disappointment.',\n", " u'Never take a job for the money. Remember that.',\n", " u'\"I\\'m pro-choice when it comes to my decision to decide what my [10 year old] child wears.\" Need I say more.',\n", " u'It\\'d be advisable to teach your child what \"genocide\" is before making them wear a shirt that says \"Abortion is Genocide.\" #cantdeal',\n", " u'That scene when Irene and Sherlock meet for the first time...',\n", " u\"RT @Dorytbh: For Lent, I'm just giving up\",\n", " u'RT @unitedwaynefl: Thank you Atlantic Circle and @JCCIForward volunteers who gave their Saturday to support the Beaches Resource Center. ht\\u2026',\n", " u'@Sarah_Wein Hope you enjoy Panera. There bagels are really good their.',\n", " u'I bought these solely because my favorite TV show mentioned them. #productplacement #partofthesystem http://t.co/UVmOuwVfAx']},\n", " {'REP': [u'.@stetsonlaw graduates rank number one in Florida for passing the bar exam. #WeAreALLTampaBay - http://t.co/l2ftnB66UQ',\n", " u'RT @PCYRs: ICYMI: #PCYR member & former school board member @GlenGilzean endorses fellow #PCYR member @ChrisLatvala for #HD67. #sayfie #YRS\\u2026',\n", " u\"Real friends can say the most uncomfortable things ever and know the other won't screenshot it. \\U0001f618\\U0001f64a @eschwab1\",\n", " u'RT @Brian_Goff: Horoscope told me to dress for success today. Too bad I do that everyday. #SuitUp #3pieceTuesday',\n", " u'RT @anthonypedicini: Please join me, @MoffittNews @TBLightning in thanking @BillGalvano for donating $2K to the @nhl @Beardathon for cancer\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PCYRs: We are participating in #tampabaywalkforwishes benefiting @MakeAWishCNFL! Help us reach our goal or join the team! http://t.co/h\\u2026',\n", " u'@N_Ventola stop. Too cute.',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: There\\u2019s only one thing you need to know today. RETWEET and spread the word! #letskeepworking http://t.co/22BsNXIl1t',\n", " u'RT @djgardow: The Lightning need to step up their game the rest of this series.',\n", " u'RT @TBLightning: Good news, guys: Steven Stamkos has returned to the bench for the third period. #GoBolts',\n", " u'What a terrible call. That was a goal.',\n", " u'On the first shot of the game?! Are you kidding me!?',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: .@FLAnnScott & I would like to wish every family throughout our state a Happy Easter!',\n", " u'RT @ChrisLatvala: The tomb is still empty. Happy Easter.',\n", " u'This game is awful.',\n", " u'RT @JonnyTorres: Some of you really need to reassess the people you idolize. People are rarely what they seem.',\n", " u\"RT @ChrisSprowls: Let's. Go. Lighting. #BeTheThunder @TBLightning\",\n", " u'Thanks Obama. \\u201c@politico: White House rejects petition to deport @JustinBieber: http://t.co/05ZlWN3LdC\"',\n", " u\"Dad and I are both rocking the @TBLightning colors though we can't be at the game. Let's go Bolts! #BeTheThunder #boltsnation\",\n", " u'RT @TBLightning: TWEET SWEEPS: Want to win this signed Filppula jersey? Just RT to #enter! #GoBolts http://t.co/TZCRhuNVl5']},\n", " {'DEM': ''},\n", " {'REP': [u'Fab tweeps @Dallas_TNT @LoiseEarnestine @hippy_ride__ & more followed me. Grow with http://t.co/BKtNAhj5fd http://t.co/v4O8eUHVkq',\n", " u'This has everything you could want in a cookie. http://t.co/SjA6TFzHvY',\n", " u'So True! http://t.co/Xarw0ylEbh',\n", " u'13 tweeps followed me in the past week. Feels great! Do you also want to feel awesome? Check out http://t.co/noCcGchZwV',\n", " u'Check out my professional profile and connect with me on LinkedIn. http://t.co/i3SiKjua6y #in',\n", " u'Volunteers form a human wall to guide baby turtles to the sea. http://t.co/ZZhq8pxO6g via @sharethis',\n", " u\"Followers - 15, Unfollowers - 8. I didn't know it'd be this simple. Get your weekly stats via http://t.co/noCcGchZwV.\",\n", " u'This is inspiring all year long! :) http://t.co/cFVvE6INe4',\n", " u'Dawn of New Year Drives Out Darkness of the Past, Dear Abby, by Abigail Van Buren - http://t.co/5NXo4AtGSs',\n", " u'Looks yummy! http://t.co/tGqg85SIEy',\n", " u'RT @Applebees: #TreatYourself to something sweet. http://t.co/X8QQvJPvDt',\n", " u\"RT @Bravotv: #ThrowbackThursday! Watch @TamraBarney throw a drink in @jeanakeough's face! http://t.co/znD7M1Et8P #TBT\",\n", " u'RT @DrDogs247: WOOF Breed a Deerhound with a terrier, you get a Derriere. True to the end! - Good Dog! magazine',\n", " u'RT @wjxt4: Easter Pinning is underway! (and maybe some awesome recipe and fashion pins too) http://t.co/YH0v7xdAxY',\n", " u'RT @gigs4JAX: #gigs4u #gigs #FL Earn Great Income From Home Office http://t.co/2GjWmm9nkP #JAX #jacksonville',\n", " u'RT @gigs4JAX: #gigs4u #gigs #FL looking for r&b singers http://t.co/cx2FMeNqpp #JAX #jacksonville',\n", " u'RT @jax_just_in: Man accuses Nassau cops of brutal beating after littering, fleeing; jury to take case Thursday afternoon http://t.co/cOJJ4\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jax_just_in: Around the Region: Peeps diorama contest; Miss Calif. returns to St. Augustine http://t.co/zWpbkBP5pD',\n", " u\"RT @kerrywashington: #Scandal's @darbysofficial discusses Abby's Style evolution, taking on the White House + more w @huffpost! http://t.co\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @orlandosentinel: Too much running may shorten lifespan: http://t.co/tlmGvhcR88']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Thanks for the new profile image! RT @KevinCate: Classic. http://t.co/07grw4Pdy0',\n", " u'#LetsKeepWorking*\\n\\n*Offer not valid if named Mike Fernandez #sayfie #pfla',\n", " u'I spoke with @FLGovScott earlier today and he told me that @justonjohnson and @tsgop were doing a \"great job.\" #sayfie',\n", " u'I LOVE DRAMA. MT @GrayRohrer: 3rd receremonial swearing in of @LGLopezCantera should be in black & white w/ \\u201cdramatization\\u201d at bottom.',\n", " u\".@LemieuxEgo Well I've got dibs on Brendan Fraser. #sayfie\",\n", " u\"Agreed. RT @BylineBrandon: So @LeMieuxEgo is apparently now a thing. We're going to need a new Twitter for all the FL parody accounts\",\n", " u'.@ChrisDorworth thanks bud! Just putting in the time until I can cash in like you! #sayfie',\n", " u'.@FLGovScott thanks boss! #ItsWorking #sayfie',\n", " u'.@SaintPetersblog \"I think he\\'s a great pick!\" - @LGLopezCantera #sayfie #ItsWorking',\n", " u'#FF me for all of the latest updates on my replacement of Jennifer Carroll! #sayfie',\n", " u'\\xa1S\\xed, se puede! MT @TroyKinsey: Lopez-Cantera has a respectable @CharlieCristFL impersonation-\\u201cMi amigo!\\u201d he exclaims in Crist-tastic fashion',\n", " u'#ItsWorking #sayfie RT @fineout: Parody account already up and running: @LGLopezCantera',\n", " u'@fineout #ItsWorking #sayfie',\n", " u'Ahh memories.... Look at me, @FLGovScott, and Jennifer Carroll in happier times. Those were the days... #sayfie http://t.co/f12bun0DZk',\n", " u\"@Reaganista just like @FLGovScott didn't notice me for so long... Great to be the last choice though! @Mdixon55 @JoeCulotta\",\n", " u\"Why wait? It's me! #sayfie RT @FloridaGOP: Who will be the next Lieutenant Governor? Find out only on http://t.co/TS37QJpT9U\",\n", " u'@Reaganista thanks Christian!',\n", " u'@Mdixon55 I know! Only 10 months!',\n", " u\"Let's do this @ScottforFlorida! #ItsWorking #sayfie\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'Pitching Getting Ahead to the CHSP Grant Review Team. (@ United Way of the Big Bend) http://t.co/4xDR1dHUij',\n", " u'Capital Tiger Bay Club - big crowd for Charlie Crist. #100DaysofHappy (@ Donald L. Tucker Civic Center) http://t.co/25TdeCVARi',\n", " u\"I'm at United Way of the Big Bend (Tallahassee, FL) http://t.co/cP1XkgKqpu\",\n", " u'RT @craigtimes: #Florida Senate moving to help ailing springs. House under @willweatherford? Not so much. http://t.co/XlzMfpuEed',\n", " u'@DJGroup @SaintPetersblog @JennMacca yes, a unique weekly review of temporarily topical commentary and labeled as analysis. #FakeNews',\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog yup.',\n", " u'Happy Easter! (@ Pooletown) http://t.co/j0so5XE4EN',\n", " u'Arrs Festival! (@ Chain Of Parks) http://t.co/lpOpo6SrTE',\n", " u'Happy Easter! #tulips #marshmallokebabs #chcolatebunnies #100daysofhappy http://t.co/E97IYeCxes',\n", " u'Alleluia! Christ has risen! (@ St. Peters Anglican Church) http://t.co/OhPZqyWDRP',\n", " u\"RT @StormyDaniels: I've seen this so many times but it just never gets old! Makes me laugh SO hard: http://t.co/cwqjkOzcVQ\",\n", " u'Easter Vigil. (@ St. Peters Anglican Church) http://t.co/1X6sQr9iLB',\n", " u'getting some dinner before church... (@ Ginza Red) http://t.co/ixMia33kXG',\n", " u'Hayden and I are shopping. (at @UrbanOutfitters) http://t.co/k841irtbjS',\n", " u'this place is insane. #HappyEaster (at @Publix Super Market at Governors Crossing II) http://t.co/i7jWXJpm4V',\n", " u'pavers (at @Lowes Home Improvement) http://t.co/ZOQsoPTqXp',\n", " u'I have never been here. (@ Native Nurseries) http://t.co/4JOFeiMbdR',\n", " u'checking out the regulars. (@ Downtown Marketplace) http://t.co/QwNDUHfEb5',\n", " u'arts... (@ Chain Of Parks) http://t.co/OaISQWgoFn',\n", " u'breakfast with the fam. (@ Capital City Country Club - @capcitycc) https://t.co/Rzgw2bX2Xq']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @metroj: Superbowl cost Jax 13mil, brought 130k people downtown. OneSpark cost less than a mil, brought 260,000 http://t.co/mTJjDSYTpC',\n", " u'RT @CityofJax: Did you make it to #OneSpark this weekend? Check out these photos from our City Photographers: http://t.co/psGj2xgAUN',\n", " u\"RT @UNFCE: RT @JAXPORT: We're proud to partner w/ Metrix,@UNFCE & @CareerSourceNEF to support the Opening Doors program, which puts local p\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @JAXPORT: Team JAXPORT ready to put our group energy to work and start planting in Mayport! #ilovejax http://t.co/NMHqMsVGcC',\n", " u'RT @cynthewriter: Good rule of thumb: Communicate things that stir emotion, influence behavior, create positive change. @IABCFirstCoast @ia\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @cynthewriter: Employees are best #brand ambassadors, says @robinrox @IABCFirstCoast meeting. #iabcfc #iabc http://t.co/Du2MmkWoW1',\n", " u'Enjoying our IABC Chair! \"Images convey stories w/o a single word.\" For sure! :)\\n@robinrox @iabcfirstcoast @IABC http://t.co/WY9Heh5TvG',\n", " u'RT @ksrivett: @IABC chair @robinrox says being a generalist vs. a specialist is a global comms trend @IABCFirstCoast event',\n", " u'RT @cynthewriter: Great brand example & ambassadors - Chk out @ContainerStore \"what we stand for\" website, says @robinrox @IABCFirstCoast #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ksrivett: Excited to be with @JoanneKaz @cynthewriter & @IABCFirstCoast board planning our strategy. Stay tuned @IABC big plans for thi\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @JAXPORT: CEO Taylor @ Prop Club State of the Port: Deepening is our single biggest project & offers the biggest return to NEFL http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'Brian Taylor engages is at the State of the Port\\n4 \"C\\'s\" for Growth:\\nChange \\nCollaboration \\nCommitment\\nCourageous Leadership #jaxport',\n", " u'Neat fact: 16 of the top 18 International shipping companies now call JAXPORT to bring us goods. #jaxport http://t.co/2X3HQkcrx6',\n", " u'RT @DaleWigginsJr: State of the Port luncheon. With @Jaxport (@ Adam W. Herbert University Center) http://t.co/0bEOfarDQh',\n", " u'RT @IABCMaritimes: .@acropley just announced @IABC Leadership Academy. Attendees at #IABCLI 2014 are first recipients of IABC Certificate i\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ksrivett: I was so honored to take part in developing the blueprint for the new @IABC certification exam #IABCLI #groundbreaking',\n", " u'RT @rhastings1202: Tremendously important for IABC leaders to keep momentum from #iabcli going. Exciting changes coming but lots of work ah\\u2026',\n", " u'We are our IABC!\\n#IABCLI http://t.co/FhQiR0ZY7E',\n", " u'We First Coast IABC gala wish Adrian a very Happy Birthday! #IABCLI http://t.co/clqUndXiXe',\n", " u\"Day 3 in The Big Easy!!!\\nFeeling Energized...\\nHaving a fabulous time...\\nLet's continue the energy & make Great Things Happen Y'all!\\n#iabcli\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@georgetalbot could you DM me with your contact info?',\n", " u\"@Tena_McKinley just got in and went by the office. It's a train wreck. Enjoy your time away!!\",\n", " u'@Tena_McKinley did the jury reach a verdict? Lol',\n", " u'@Tena_McKinley hang in there! Plan to be in Friday??',\n", " u'@Tena_McKinley so how was jury duty?',\n", " u'Breakfast today in Jackson, AL with U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions, Mayor Richard Long, Betty Powell, City Clerk. #made\\u2026http://t.co/NMZrhwZPTm',\n", " u'RT @Airbus: Great news! We have begun the final assembly of the 1st #A320neo aircraft http://t.co/cioXsdCuYk http://t.co/dyAhfAopSU',\n", " u'Great day w Linda & Peyton! #stjohns #jaxbeach',\n", " u'Great day w Linda and Peyton! #St. Johns To',\n", " u'RT @drbrucelongest: Once again Good Triumphs over evil! Ole Miss defeats Mississippi State 78-66.',\n", " u'Enjoyed being a guest of Joe Skipper on 94.5 FM this morning. #madeinalabama',\n", " u'Beautiful day in Jackson, AL! Glad to be a part of the team assembled by Mayor Long and the Jackson City Council. http://t.co/y8RQf6pdj9',\n", " u\"@Tena_McKinley I appreciate all that you all have already done for me. The office isn't a big deal......I have plenty to do!\",\n", " u'@Tena_McKinley time to go to work in the a.m.',\n", " u'@HCDAFL Thank You Susan! Hope to see you again one day. All the best to you!!',\n", " u'RT @WeAre90sKids: 1990s vs now http://t.co/EzAiIJiLMn',\n", " u'@Tena_McKinley Thanks....excited to be a part of the City of Jackson team! See you next week!',\n", " u'RT @BlueAngels: One of the best things about being a Blue Angel, witnessing the amazing sites this country has, like Mt Rainier! #7BA http:\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DevonMcDonald57: When our gratitude and gratefulness over take our complaining. We will experience supernatural blessings.',\n", " u'RT @247Sports: You heard right, we are going to give away a lifetime @247Sports subscription to one of our followers today. Plz retweet']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'35 Reasons Elon Musk Is The Most Badass CEO In America http://t.co/oB6xnWcN4v via @bi_gettingthere',\n", " u'Is this a commandment you follow? (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/CXfI6SyAMJ',\n", " u\"Really, FDA?! Feds approve 'powdered alcohol' http://t.co/cwff4Gq6pB via @usatoday\",\n", " u'RT @Ercuhhlynn: Stupid autocorrect... #princessprobz http://t.co/CPSjO4bV6Y',\n", " u'\\u0160to me nisi bona \\u010dekala, da ti od pare napravim dvije. Sad kad imam u \\u017eivotu sve, d\\u017eaba mi kad nemam tebee',\n", " u'Super productive study day and ending it with a great run \\U0001f44d. Ready to get this week over with!',\n", " u'RT @adarapappas2: Prom \\U0001f60a http://t.co/EmD1aAnzvy',\n", " u\"I'm a week away from being done with the semester and also a week away from being halfway through college. Exciting or terrifying?\",\n", " u\"@ZeinaaaH yes! He's from my hometown haha\",\n", " u'\"Dolazim iz jednog malog grada, ali predivnog, PRIJEPOLJE!\" Represent!!! \\U0001f604 http://t.co/od3Nb6ywN4',\n", " u'This Will Be The Most Inspiring World Cup Ad You\\u2019ll See This Year. http://t.co/LZfbdlRKQG via @inspiremore_',\n", " u'21 Things People With Confidence Embrace | LinkedIn http://t.co/hm7RKFXWcV',\n", " u'RT @UFDeanJen: Look at these amazing inspiring #TeamDSO student employees. Best of the best!!! @UFlorida grads- hire them! http://t.co/ekjv\\u2026',\n", " u'Happy Friday!',\n", " u\"Bje\\u017ei ki\\u0161o s'prozora\",\n", " u\"Yahoo's former COO received a $58 million severance package. Does he even need a new job?\",\n", " u'Good morning. Today\\'s philosophy: \"the only person I strive to be better than is the person I was yesterday.\"',\n", " u'Boeing\\u2019s 737 Turns 8,000: The Best-Selling Plane Ever Isn\\u2019t Slowing http://t.co/CCSui24Cx6 via @BW',\n", " u'RT @carleab: Just me or does the #FSU response fall short? \"Hey, victim of sexual violence, sorry but we did what the Dear Colleague letter\\u2026',\n", " u'@ilmalovee hahaha \"\\u0161to se nisu ugledali na ostalu djecu..\" And they start naming off every other Bosnian our age...#failures']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@SMPS_NF Panel 2morrow Aundra Wallace/Toney Sleiman/Steve Halverson/Mike Balanky Register http://t.co/UWUdpKCVpu http://t.co/UzymMvStgE',\n", " u'RT @ChristianHeiens: \"The viewers send their regards\". #GoT #PurpleWedding',\n", " u'@SMPS_NF 2014 Developers Panel, April 23rd @ Jacksonville Hyatt Register: http://t.co/UWUdpKCVpu http://t.co/arPvrjkUvF',\n", " u'Who loves One Spark!!!!! @BeOneSpark http://t.co/u9NyyopHfq',\n", " u'Gotta love One Spark!! @BeOneSpark http://t.co/1eO3R2nzDG',\n", " u'Rockin it at One Spark!! @BeOneSpark http://t.co/z0orB6kBDo',\n", " u'One Spark bound!! @BeOneSpark',\n", " u'Getting ready for One Spark!! @BeOneSpark',\n", " u'RT @meco_jax: Great time with friends & clients at Atlanta Office Mixer @103West http://t.co/m7wzL2l1Jb',\n", " u'Winter is coming!!! @GameOfThrones',\n", " u'RT @meco_jax: Miller Training Director Tim Hinson appointed by Governor Scott to State Apprenticeship Advisory Council! http://t.co/iPHxy4\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @meco_jax: Another successful Blood Drive! Shout out to our employees who always step up! We saved lives today at Miller! http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @meco_jax: Hosted 7x24 Exchange Florida/Alabama Chapter Meeting today at Miller University @7x24Exchange http://t.co/LpNEkpRXOR',\n", " u'Last day 2 register Marketing Boot Camp & BD Live Lunch!! @SMPS_NF Register: https://t.co/if5bQzAUd0',\n", " u'Attend @SMPS_NF Marketing Boot Camp March 19th. http://t.co/R0SqUyuXqW http://t.co/NfLAbvLxid',\n", " u'RT @JAXPORT: MT @FloridaPorts: #FlaPorts investments return an estimated $6.90 for every $1. FL grows its economy every day as a result. #L\\u2026',\n", " u'@JAXChamber @JAXPartnership',\n", " u'@JAXPORT @JamesforJAX',\n", " u\"RT @TheEllenShow: If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars http://t.co/C9U5NOtGap\",\n", " u'RT @meco_jax: Proud 2 present scholarships to Jordan Limburg & Andrew Sullivan during E-Week @UNF http://t.co/nPK4Yy9nPr']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'RT @StephSmithFL: AT&T targets Ft Lauderdale for advanced broadband speeds http://t.co/26kerEQird #sayfie (h/t @jy0365 @MiriamValverde)',\n", " u'RT @CNET: AT&T will take its U-Verse GigaPower fiber network to 21 new metro areas http://t.co/aauKImRMAc',\n", " u'RT @breakingnewsmia: South Florida on roadmap for AT&T fiber broadband: Miami and Fort Lauderdale are among nearly two dozen... http://t.co\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @rhettlashlee: Looks like the 2nd straight year the Auburn Tigers have the Nation's largest Paid Spring Football Game attendance. Over 7\\u2026\",\n", " u'\\u201c@Visit_Jax: With 1,100 miles of navigable water, #Jax has more shoreline than any other city in the nation! #onlyinjax\\u201dI love Jax!',\n", " u'RT @AU_History: One year ago today... http://t.co/60lqJr0BsG',\n", " u'RT @bmarcello: Auburn A-Day announced attendance: 70,645',\n", " u'RT @ESPN_Colin: Took Malzhan a month to get QB Nick Marshall comfy w his O. Since then--wow. AUB going to be Secretariat and rest of SEC \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheAUPlainsman: GALLERY: Third annual Bo Bikes Bama ride, Saturday, April 19\\nhttp://t.co/d9P3sSFMaR http://t.co/a8Fz0kKdqj',\n", " u'RT @ATT: Gearing up with a COW (Cell on Wheels) to boost service at the @BostonMarathon. #itsourboston http://t.co/FaiNQizpup http://t.co/3\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @latimes: California unemployment rate rises to 8.1%',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Today I am proud to announce that Florida businesses created more than 20,000 jobs in March. #LetsKeepWorking',\n", " u'RT @lennycurry: Overheard tonight from a former cab driver ....Uber_JAX is the best thing to happen to Jax since the Super Bowl and Shad Kh\\u2026',\n", " u'Goofing off w/Dan Patrick at ESPN Sportscasters workshop, circa 1993.#TBT http://t.co/12rEn870Im',\n", " u'RT @bomalley: Congratulations to @JAXPORT! --> Corps signs off on Jacksonville Harbor Deepening: http://t.co/mKSFrcjyzW via @YouTube',\n", " u'RT @LisaBTweet: AT&T welcomes Volvo to its connected-car fold http://t.co/6H2v5OSADa via @engadget',\n", " u'RT @ChrisMQuinn: Great work by @JAXPORT @RepCorrineBrown @AnderCrenshaw @MayorAlvinBrown @DanielDavisFl to get #deepwaternow. Fantastic tea\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NewsAndNom: FULL STORY: Big step forward for #JAXPORT dredging. The big impact that could have on Jax economy: http://t.co/LbrEj2uRHc',\n", " u'RT @FDOT_Secretary: St. Johns River dredging clears key hurdle http://t.co/He2gU9ccuN via @JaxBizJournal',\n", " u'RT @NewsAndNom: #JAXPORT CEO Brian Taylor says dredging would create some 14,000 jobs (predominantly in NEFL) in about 2 decades http://t.c\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Here's our #GlobalSelfie for @NASA on #EarthDay! It's technically not a #selfie but it'll work. @wjxt4 http://t.co/3Xsf9Q2hRr\",\n", " u'TRAFFIC ALERT: 2 lanes of I-95 NB blocked near JTB due to crash. @WJXTAshleyM is monitoring. http://t.co/CpgId8OxkU',\n", " u'OMG. RT @WJXTvic: Nice stroll with the family snake in #JaxBeach. Ha http://t.co/O2qCXlCVh9',\n", " u'Meeting with @PGATOUR about story ideas to cover @THEPLAYERSChamp! http://t.co/1D2Lp8ZZa6',\n", " u'Happy to have @WJXTNikkiK back from maternity leave! @christoshriver http://t.co/z4iesXstIZ',\n", " u'RT @UFJSchool: Happy Monday from Weimer Hall. @UFlorida http://t.co/VrKGn2fL09',\n", " u'RT @JagsGameDay: Not much to see now but construction has begun on the @jaguars new state-of-the-art control room upstairs. http://t.co/sOv\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WJXTBruceH: Mr Culinary Nunnsense feeding our producers this morning. Rich can cook! @wjxt4 http://t.co/RElLqz1dyq',\n", " u'RT @wjxt4: Heavy rainfall, possible storms, floods today. Expect downpours around lunch hour through Sat. http://t.co/x0enrBcfUg http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'.@Dr_Vitti from @DuvalSchools will join us at 7:15am to discuss #CommonCore and #FCAT replacement. Tune in to @wjxt4. #Jacksonville',\n", " u'RT @TimKelchner: #amnewsers ...the proud profession that if you \"oversleep\" and don\\'t wake up until 3:30AM, you\\'re late for work.',\n", " u'RT @wjxt4: A judge rules the man accused of trying to kill a girl in a Best Buy bathroom incompetent to stand trial. http://t.co/SI4OlOBH4m',\n", " u'@larautenkranz @veryChrisP @stevenvgallo @DeborahWeather Wake up, Chris! Producers never sleep. :-)',\n", " u'RT @knightproducer: Sister station in MIami >>> RT @WPLGLocal10: BREAKING NEWS: Police are investigating a stabbing at Piper High School in\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GingerProblems: Hey, Red! #ThingsIHearEveryday #GingerProblems',\n", " u\"@JacobLong_FCN I don't want to know how much sleep I've lost in 7 years. :(\",\n", " u'@WJXTElizabeth Fair enough - it is windy this morning. :-)',\n", " u\"@WJXTElizabeth Oh I love you ... you do know it's 61 degrees, right? :-)\",\n", " u'RT @wjxt4: Happy National High Five Day! @WJXTBruceH and @WJXTMELANIE are celebrating, are you? #NH5D http://t.co/I4QEG8gjwL',\n", " u'RT @wjxt4: Happy Friday Eve. Cloudy, Breezy again today. Wind 15-25. Slight chance of showers late, 40%. Highs in the 70s. http://t.co/\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Complete goobers grabbing coffee Good Morning http://t.co/lJewvsVbWY',\n", " u\"Commitment... I don't understand that definition. Try back in 5 years...\",\n", " u'Your Invited Dallas Design District to Brendan Bass Showroom \"Cocktails on the Patio\" TOMORROW from 5:00 pm to 8:00p\\u2026http://t.co/rfeJTZNK3T',\n", " u'Can I leave for Easter? #GoodFriday',\n", " u\"At the dentist... who I'm dating. Sorry this is weird.\",\n", " u\"RT @weirdcoast: tell me why my dog just tried to eat some foil. like it was edible.\\U0001f614 gus gus I don't get it.\",\n", " u\"have a massive crush on my Dentist... \\u2764 it's not wrong we're going on vacation together?!\",\n", " u\"Round Top \\u2026Brendan's before and after finds #BeforeAndAfter #BrendanBassTables #OneOfAKindFinds http://t.co/PXladJ3Mxe\",\n", " u'7am hit me hard...coffee!!!',\n", " u'Easter weekend in #austin !?!? yes.',\n", " u'booked my tickets in AUSTIN!!!!!',\n", " u'Dog park with mia... and I can have my beer?! Heaven.',\n", " u'I will be much happier today\\u2026 #Tuesday #NotMonday #LetsGetThisWeekGoing! http://t.co/h8ZVIcPgbJ',\n", " u'RT @KurtSchlichter: This happened. @TonyKatz was there. We made $5K for Wounded Warriors. Plus, I got a beer. #caring http://t.co/9wZaPYf\\u2026',\n", " u'Your Invited to \"Cocktails on the Patio\" at Brendan Bass Showroom next Tuesday, April 22nd from 5pm to 8pm with Luxe\\u2026http://t.co/fKXRXjohvn',\n", " u\"#Monday . . .That's pretty Happy. http://t.co/yF85Xwac4b\",\n", " u'@JasonPratt now that I am living in Dallas, I second a Dallas UNF Chapter! #Swoop',\n", " u'#True #MenVsWomen http://t.co/3M0c9c6EHW',\n", " u\"RT @weismanjake: One good thing about being a man is you can just have a favorite sports team and that's your entire personality\",\n", " u'I joined a monthly coffee club, this helps me wake up to a smile for Monday mornings #RealTalk']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"@IdiotRunnerGirl love you Jamie. Don't let those fools get you down.\",\n", " u'@candisfl30 thanks! Hope to see you at the next class!',\n", " u\"RT @KyleSieg: What? People don't randomly walk by carrying trees at your job? LOLz, @WJXTCrystal! http://t.co/30t1DcJdo8 #EarthDay #MyBeau\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @WJXTAdrienne: #JaxBeach City Council votes unanimously to approve money for 4 new police officers to help deter crime downtown. Details\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @XiO_Zetas: The kittieZ are ready are you? http://t.co/3rDs5yaYSk',\n", " u'RT @Miranda_Milady: Happy Charter Day to the Lovely Ladies of @LambdaRHO_1922 \\U0001f499\\U0001f49b\\U0001f499!',\n", " u'RT @WJXTAdrienne: Turning the tables on phone scammers! We interview the woman this cyber criminal targeted @wjxt4 at 11pm. http://t.co/kO7\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @clickorlando: Cops: Robber stuffs money in shirt http://t.co/ysbeZuy17F #Local6',\n", " u'SURVIVED my first Spin class at @FirstCoastYMCA Flagler... LOVED IT! #Addicted2Spin http://t.co/ArR7KyS8rL',\n", " u'AMEN to that ---> \\u201c@Inspire_Us: When love is real, it finds a way.\\u201d',\n", " u'RT @jaxsharks: London Crawford with @MichaelLKelly on @wjxt4 - Check out the interview on the Sunday Sports Zone at 10:30! http://t.co/00fN\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @XiO_Zetas: Zeta week is coming up. Starting this sunday! http://t.co/jDHabkpWIE',\n", " u'RT @Inspire_Us: Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.',\n", " u\"RT @KyleSieg: As I prepare to head back to work tomorrow at 2:30 in the morning, I'm reminded: We work to live. We don't live to work. At l\\u2026\",\n", " u'Nala feeling left out while @flyest_ace and I paint... Such a big baby! http://t.co/sQmEqoJytz',\n", " u'RT @SJCFireRescue: A nine-year-old child who was reportedly pulled away from shore by strong currents near the Matanzas Inlet has... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SamBaranowski: 4/20 Event in Denver keeps @DenverPolice busy. Saturday there were 32 citations or arrests, 22 were for consumption. #42\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @wjxt4: Teen charged with reckless driving after crashing into a pond. Speeds reached more than 100 M.P.H. http://t.co/CFMuXe5dXa',\n", " u'@WilshireRoyalty @MizZ_RockL @IntriCateDeuce @SolidlyhOneSt thanks DJ. Miss your face!',\n", " u'@ThaKid_TAZ @MizZ_RockL @IntriCateDeuce @SolidlyhOneSt Thanks!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Heavy delays on I-95 north. crash at bowden- back up all the way to Phillips highway. http://t.co/pjOppOtg6s',\n", " u'2 lanes are closed I-95 near Bowden. Ashley is tracking detours now on Ch.4 http://t.co/YSOcStv54y',\n", " u'Jaguars Will Blackmon right now on The Morning Show! http://t.co/lgdWSCTLMj',\n", " u\"5 questions you need to be asking your child's principal about these life-saving devices? 7:15am http://t.co/D2LvzTDguV\",\n", " u'Dr. Vitti joining us this morning to talk about new state standards impacting every single school in Florida. 7:15am',\n", " u'3 things you can do now to protect yourself if your phone gets lost or stolen. Right now on ch.4 http://t.co/n6nzOvEpgh',\n", " u'Here it comes - grab the umbrella. Richard is tracking wet weather right now on Ch. 4. http://t.co/u1AwtzUBch',\n", " u'2 people shot- one dead 1600 block of East 28th. http://t.co/X9YeO3ffes',\n", " u\"Missing man's body found in Trout River. Police say he likely fell from Mathews Bridge Friday. http://t.co/ampbqREIDF\",\n", " u'Private or public school? Does one increase your chance of getting into your college of choice? Ch 4 now.',\n", " u'Get ready for a change in our forecast! http://t.co/BGfFJfmkas',\n", " u'Free health screenings at the Jax. Fairgrounds today until 2- hope to see u here. http://t.co/Ff8RRa7msl',\n", " u'Traffic update: 1-10 east now clear! No back up. http://t.co/8GHmqUzCXA',\n", " u'Mayor Brown here in the studio talking about education- what he wants done at 7:45 http://t.co/CPirkKoX0Z',\n", " u'Major back up on I-10- east. Lane blocked btw 295 and lane. Ashley tracking detours right now. http://t.co/CXnTHmyjua',\n", " u'Back after a week on vacay...think my TV hubby missed me? Lol! http://t.co/CVDJBQY3iY',\n", " u'Traffic alert: 2 SB lanes of 295 blocked at zoo parkway. http://t.co/pfDFiR8a1H',\n", " u'One lane of wonderwood bridge is closed headed east this morning. http://t.co/FsQ6Eu5wRC',\n", " u'Local teen nearly dies falling off skateboard- the mistake he made with his helmet. 7:45am. http://t.co/5hGoSK8ZgI',\n", " u'Update: westbound lanes of JTB now open at 295. http://t.co/tZnnLe3ldx']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'\\u201cThe good man is the friend of all living things.\\u201d \\u2014Gandhi. Honor the planet today. Happy Earth Day!!',\n", " u'RT @TheGodLight: A time will come when you will not accept illusions & lies anymore, this is when you will begin to live your truth.',\n", " u'life is once again wonderful. :)',\n", " u'RT @niki_gates: So glad @briannajacobs13 is back. #bestfrand #welcomehome',\n", " u'RT @femaIes: showing my parents my grades https://t.co/TM3WgTtkG1',\n", " u\"it's getting better, keeps getting better all the time.\",\n", " u\"my life is about to change so much and i can't tell you how incredibly ready i am.\",\n", " u'once in a while it really hits people that they dont have to experience life in the way they have been told to.',\n", " u'@niki_gates exactly! :)',\n", " u'Everything happens in time.',\n", " u'4/19/14 | 41\\\\91\\\\4',\n", " u'\"Now entering leon county - home of the 2013 BCS national champions.\" I approve of that sign so much.',\n", " u'Sooo bittersweet I dont even know what to feel right now.',\n", " u\"chin up kid, they'd kill to see you fall.\",\n", " u'In attempt to get rid of my last beer to turn off my fridge, I gain 3 more.Success? @sellytheshort13 @MariessaDenise http://t.co/yP7SSUWkk3',\n", " u'fall in love with as many things as possible.',\n", " u\"today, let go of everything you didn't do right, the negative things people have said, and focus on all you are becoming.\",\n", " u'http://t.co/Z3jStbwehD',\n", " u'Worth the read. http://t.co/zqDGJjBUEm',\n", " u'@smilepaigee too many peopl want tacos today.']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Red Hot Republicans is out! http://t.co/XwzB4MAR5a',\n", " u\"RT @peddoc63: If we make Washington smaller and people bigger, we'll have a better country! Support @MiaBLove \\U0001f1fa\\U0001f1f8 #tcot http://t.co/at2VbXq2\\u2026\",\n", " u\"RT @SaintPetersblog: Retired Justice Stevens says it's OK for justices to consider politics in weighing retirement. http://t.co/R2OLxJndt2 \\u2026\",\n", " u'Red Hot Republicans is out! http://t.co/XwzB4MAR5a',\n", " u'Red Hot Republicans is out! http://t.co/XwzB4MAR5a',\n", " u'RT @JMMorgenstern: RT: 42 years strong! Happy Anniversary @ScottForFlorida and @FLAnnScott! @FloridaGOPWomen @Chairofchairs http://t.co/xSX\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KimGOP60: #PJNET @robertjeffress tells Oreilly Obama not Anti-Christ. Anti-Christ wud have higher poll #s @JMMorgenstern @Chairofchairs\\u2026',\n", " u'\\u201c@JMMorgenstern RT: #GOP helping conservative #GOPWomen become #WomenInPolitics~#RNC Launches #14In14 http://t.co/CnR0hOoy7j @Chairofchairs',\n", " u'Red Hot Republicans is out! http://t.co/XwzB4MAR5a',\n", " u\"RT @KimGOP60: Toto, we're not in America anymore @TerriGaffney @JMMorgenstern @Chairofchairs @charflyn1 @ChobeeGOPgirl http://t.co/lwJVmwik\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ltdad613: @KimGOP60 @TerriGaffney @JMMorgenstern @Chairofchairs @charflyn1 @ChobeeGOPgirl Good riddance Ms. Sebelius.',\n", " u'Red Hot Republicans is out! http://t.co/Yi2IWR6Pd6',\n", " u'RT @KimGOP60: Sebelius spotted heading home to Kansas @JMMorgenstern @Chairofchairs @TerriGaffney @charflyn1 @ChobeeGOPgirl http://t.co/db2\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @KimGOP60: It begins: Jews required to register in Eastern Ukraine http://t.co/dfMdVzjJ0y @JMMorgenstern @TerriGaffney @Chairofchairs @h\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FLMajorityVote: Warning to #Republicans~#MSM is not our #friend~ @DayontheDay: @Pantinakis @CindyGravesFL @Chairofchairs http://t.co/Sx\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DayontheDay: @Pantinakis @CindyGravesFL @Chairofchairs http://t.co/RRPqITQyet',\n", " u'RT @Pantinakis: WHO IS LELAND YEE? \"@DayontheDay: @Pantinakis @CindyGravesFL @Chairofchairs http://t.co/gZkmUgDZ46\"',\n", " u'Red Hot Republicans is out! http://t.co/Yi2IWR6Pd6 Stories via @RNCLatinos',\n", " u'RT @JMMorgenstern: RT: Why unmarried women are the key to 2014 http://t.co/qi7wYsMIp1 via @POLITICOMag @FloridaGOPWomen @WRCofNaples @Chair\\u2026',\n", " u'Red Hot Republicans is out! http://t.co/Yi2IWR6Pd6']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Boy, 9, rescued from St. Augustine surf | News - Home http://t.co/ZnZURfPYQ4 Video to show you at 11p @wjxt4',\n", " u'Breaking news about ocean rescue of 9 year old, plus 17-year-old charged in crash\\nhttp://t.co/HHi763Pc9W\\n@wjxt4 w/@WJXTadrienne',\n", " u'ICYMI - @wjxt4\\nhttp://t.co/yKK3BvSXtA\\n#TWIJ',\n", " u\"Don't forget to join us at 9a @wjxt4 Sunday for #TWIJ\\nhttp://t.co/7RTFgqlHH2\\n@JasonRothFL @JTAFLA @Rob_Bradley @JaxChildrens @danielkids\",\n", " u\"More from @WJXTAshleyH on #PVHS Principal Speziale's passing today in #SJC @wjxtBlake has your #Easter forecast on THE 10 o'clock news now\",\n", " u'@ 10p @wjxt4 Sinkhole opens up in Central Fla. neighborhood | http://t.co/6lBNbeOyEI Startling video as it happens!',\n", " u\"lots of local news tonight @6 @wjxt4 Sad report about #PVHS Principal's passing. Live coverage w/ @WJXTAshleyH Also stormy! @wjxtBlake in\",\n", " u'At South Ponte Vedra Beach covering #Erosion problem, SJC emergency declared for several beachfront homes @wjxt4 at 6 LIVE report',\n", " u\"We have more at 5p @wjxt4 South Korean shipwreck survivors: Passengers told 'don't move' as ship sank http://t.co/a3uA6kfBAO\",\n", " u'911 calls from this, coming up at 5:30p @wjxt4 \\n7th bear killed since woman attacked in Lake Mary | http://t.co/ssjeLIcpEC',\n", " u\"RT @AbelHarding: Thank you, sir. RT @DocDonnieH: Excellent job @AbelHarding, as usual, on 'This Week in Jax' @WJXTJustice @wjxt4\",\n", " u'More of our coverage of #OneSpark @wjxt4',\n", " u\"Friends of channel 4, great family in PV\\n3-month-old Isaiah Tesori's inspiring journey to Augusta http://t.co/loCwAQIvid via @YahooSports\",\n", " u'RT @jaguars: LBs @DekodaWatson, @thenastynate54, @55_AlwaysLive, LS @carsontink & @JaxsonDeVille fire up the crowd in Clay County! http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @TheMissRuiz: In the thick of all the @BeOneSpark action! Amazing to see #dtjax like this. Love my city :) #onespark #ilovejax http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @tristarter: One of the best nights I've ever experienced in #DTJax. Overwhelmed by the love for #OneSpark.\",\n", " u'RT @KyleSieg: \\u201cJacksonville even got a subway up in this beast!\\u201d - Girl riding the @JTAFLA skyway to #OneSpark',\n", " u'RT @tristarter: This week, Jacksonville has shown the world why the underdog cities matter. Welcome to #JAX. Dinner @Thebarnettjax',\n", " u'RT @thenastynate54: Great concert by @kelliepickler! #claycountyfair http://t.co/y75VCzT2va',\n", " u'RT @CSLewisU: Very often the only way to get a quality in reality is to start behaving as if you had it already. #CSLewis\"']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @chaz1944: Making the GOP pay for Medicaid obstruction http://t.co/MtXXvfDQ9N via @Salon',\n", " u'RT @progressivepush: Jon Stewart Crushes Sean Hannity\\u2019s Hypocrisy, Cliven Bundy\\u2019s Idiocy (Video)...Networks Mendacity #UniteBlue http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @Mozi_N: Abortion Restrictions:Gov. Kasich Signs State Budget Containing Anti-Abortion Measures http://t.co/RtyFJEIpZa via .@HuffPostPo\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @mmfa: Watch @TheDailyShow demolish Sean Hannity's hypocritical support of rogue rancher Cliven Bundy: http://t.co/ga1R57d8ef\",\n", " u'RT @dwaynecobb: Congressional GOP (R)s desperate for money http://t.co/X1xiAYywvE \\u2026 http://t.co/lp4lg2xQIY',\n", " u'RT @Morning_Joe: Check out @steverattner\\u2019s chart on income inequality: U.S. vs. the World #morningjoe http://t.co/u2NKNFVF9g',\n", " u'\"Does he feel the same way about viagra,penis pumps and condoms-no because those are for men who are\\u2026\" \\u2014 micki voss http://t.co/RivlldOrbm',\n", " u'RT @cowboytexas: http://t.co/1KqWvdqzFI #CardinalTimothyDolan launches tirade against women. #UniteBlue #WaronWomen #TaxChurches #Democrats\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FritzAlverez: Have you heard about this? These Right Wing domestic terrorists are planning a coup in DC next month. http://t.co/eTaXnD7\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NicholsUprising: Cowboy and Indian Alliance rides on DC to tell President Obama: reject the Keystone pipeline & protect the future. ht\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @NatalyinAK: @worldmist1 @taiping2 #Obamabestpictures America has one cool President http://t.co/Hui3KLMLUM / Absolutely ...cool with a \\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @EdHull8: #Democrats Who Don't #VOTE2014 Will Only Be Able to Blame Themselves for the Outcome.\",\n", " u\"RT @GoodbyeKoch: ICYMI: Jon Stewart On Cliven Bundy: 'Sean Hannity Has Now Made Glenn Beck The Voice Of Reason' http://t.co/wjvezxr6Hv\",\n", " u'RT @Salon: \"There\\'s something particularly callous about seeing a miscarriage treated as just another tabloid-ready bombshell\" http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GOPFIB: #RWNJ #TCOT Quiz:\\nYou: \"Constitution and God\".\\nConstitution: \"Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment of religion\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RWwatchMA: Benghazi? Pathetic. @JoeNBC,how are WI public workers making $50K greedy but NYers making $500K who whine about taxes not? @\\u2026',\n", " u'One Courageous Democrat Stands Up and Calls For an Investigation into ALEC http://t.co/xCS8GnP47i via @politicususa',\n", " u'RT @GoodTwitty: @Only4RM @TheDailyEdge @pppatticake Yes the ID laws disappointingly impact :elderly & those with transportation & logistic\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @thisoldgov: @GoodTwitty @TheDailyEdge @pppatticake GOP is trying to gain power through fear and repression. #GOPnosale.',\n", " u'RT @BraydenCollins1: @GoodTwitty @TheDailyEdge @pppatticake This is why I will be voting for @EdFitzGeraldCE for Ohio governor.']},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Look What Happened To Amazon's Revenues When A Sales Tax Was Imposed ... http://t.co/GGk7wEymx3 via @sai\",\n", " u'Anyone in Tampa know of a good place to get a car detailed (inside/out) for a great price? HMU #car #carwash #auto #detail #clean',\n", " u'Mobex is the Complete Business Solution - http://t.co/jTYDGbG59l http://t.co/QpBXCUgsIm #phone #mobile #b2b #communications #voip #office',\n", " u'RT @JackShipNews: Report: Bundy Family Unearths BLM Mass Cattle Grave - http://t.co/2g6psSuHlS\\n\\n#BundyRanch',\n", " u'RT @katemfellis: \"@KiirkoBangz: really http://t.co/0Romt8h7Ey\"',\n", " u'@GabrielTompkins thanks man! Nice to meet you. Look forward to your tweets.',\n", " u'@GabrielTompkins I volunteer with the Florida chapter',\n", " u'@GabrielTompkins check out http://t.co/Ht3xGaihsX',\n", " u'@GabrielTompkins TAC is a national org trying to nullify federal laws that infringe on rights using legislation at the state level.',\n", " u'@GabrielTompkins have you heard of the Tenth Amendment Center?',\n", " u'@GabrielTompkins thanks for following Gabriel!',\n", " u'RT @thefoodbabe: The #gross free cookies @doubletree - fake vanilla with \"anti-freeze\" ingredient + caramel color, sodium benzoate http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @thefoodbabe: .@doubletree I would <3 to chat about your #CookieCare program and the ingredients in your cookies.Contact me here - http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @FL10thAmendment Excellent questions (the media isn't asking) on the Bundy Ranch situation: WHY does the f... http://t.co/dvfbN1EP7f\",\n", " u'RT @TenthAmendment: The original meaning of the #10th: Reserved to the states respectively, or to the people http://t.co/SCQNfLuy7q http://\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RLeeFineAgain: \"@KatMcKinley: This photo of a standoff between armed Feds and American citizens is SURREAL. #BundyRanch http://t.co/XSH\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @WeOfThePeopleR1: #BundyRanch ENN deleted page about Harry Reid\\u2019s visit to China. Found it. Last paragraph, Harry makes a detour. http\\u2026',\n", " u\"Dear @Starbucks I was just informed you're no longer selling #SaltedCaramel #CakePops -- have you lost your mind? -Sincerely Concerned\",\n", " u\"@RaceTrac what's the point if having 3 spots for stress and 2 for sleep of @drinkneuro - can we get some energy and immunity instead? 33559\",\n", " u'Damn! @WiLD941 is on blast right now. Tune in.']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'http://t.co/xvFfrq5tfI @ErikTHEWinter @BrianRoberson87',\n", " u'http://t.co/jkK1QulgFC @jcpics3 @NCalcutti',\n", " u'http://t.co/qOPCcxbvR9 @jcpics3 @NCalcutti @ErikTHEWinter @bullfrog022469 @onlymaggiej @BrianRoberson87',\n", " u'http://t.co/3VdzranjRf @jcpics3',\n", " u'http://t.co/51h4BNLJJG @jcpics3',\n", " u'http://t.co/H4wsXykfPz @jcpics3',\n", " u\"Can't wait to get home. #overworked #underpaid\",\n", " u'RT @TipsForYouDaily: Good to know http://t.co/b6VPm5s4wm',\n", " u'RT @YourAnonNews: Happy Ishtar! http://t.co/RNjIqmfQbj',\n", " u\"@Meshell91 I'm almost certain I already sent that same pic out about a month or two ago\",\n", " u'http://t.co/NnxPHEI8Aj @jcpics3',\n", " u\"@NCalcutti @BrianRoberson87 @ErikTHEWinter I'll get that in June\",\n", " u\"@NCalcutti @BrianRoberson87 @ErikTHEWinter you still haven't played #stickoftruth have ya?\",\n", " u\"@NCalcutti @BrianRoberson87 @ErikTHEWinter I'm certain we'll know what to do when everybody starts turning Nazi Zombie on us #gamesftw\",\n", " u'@NCalcutti @BrianRoberson87 @ErikTHEWinter why do you think he had his disciples go out unto the world?',\n", " u\"@NCalcutti @BrianRoberson87 @ErikTHEWinter he's actually a Lich. #knowingishalfthebattle\",\n", " u'http://t.co/zSFCJOB7sl @jcpics3',\n", " u'http://t.co/oBnvyLiWwo @jcpics3',\n", " u'Just got home after taking @jcpics3 out for some #dennys. Cheap date, no sex afterwards, great talker though. 2 stars',\n", " u\"@jcpics3 homie saying that like I'm Meals on Wheels here or something\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@DThomas_says Wishing you much success http://t.co/Yi5T5DradU',\n", " u'@60Minutes @un4gettableCBS Amazing',\n", " u'RT @60Minutes: How a #60Minutes story helped spark the CBS crime show @Un4gettableCBS: http://t.co/7MqV7q7Bib http://t.co/xv1MYGWbA3',\n", " u\"RT @THE_TNT_TEAM: Hope everyone had a great Easter and said thanks for what's coming. Rest up and be ready.\",\n", " u\"RT @THE_TNT_TEAM: I know something you don't but soon will. It's a great day to be a TNT listener #wearethepeeople\",\n", " u\"RT @Followt96844528: TNT Tony @THE_TNT_TEAM Hope everyone had a great Easter and said thanks for what's coming. Rest up and be ready. #wear\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @StoneMms857: @THE_TNT_TEAM \\nMay we rise like our Savior - above our present circumstances. Soar like an Eagle with praise to The Lord \\n\\u2026',\n", " u'Stop expecting the worse, believe and have faith. Expect the unexpected',\n", " u'God will send you back where you were mistreated to show other folks what God can do.',\n", " u'3) Start Expecting The Unexpected. Dont think God has dropped you. He is working behind the scenes for your good',\n", " u'Dont look at the stone, look at God',\n", " u'2) Know That There is No Problem Too Hard For God.Sometimes God will put a block in front of you for your protection',\n", " u'1) Dont Allow Your Perceptions to Limit Your Expectations. Dont let your expectations be clouded by your perceptions',\n", " u'Perception is seeing, hearing & believe what is independent of the facts or truth',\n", " u'Expecting the Unexpected\\nMark 16:1-8',\n", " u'@lifepointjax Great place to be this morning',\n", " u'RT @lifepointjax: The Last Supper over 2000 years ago: \"...This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.\" Luke 22:17 (NIV) #\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lifepointjax: Today\\'s Prayer: God Is Waiting On Us. \"Faith is the catalyst that causes you to move beyond fear. #lifepointjax http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lifepointjax: Life Point Connection - http://t.co/B6ZexVZDCr',\n", " u'At Life Point Church today bringing in the pressence of the Lord. Come on in with Him. Happy Resurrection Sunday']},\n", " {'REP': [u'Approaching $10k for @nhl @Beardathon donate to help @TBLightning & @MoffittNews: http://t.co/fxBVxF97uw',\n", " u'Hey @MoffittNews & @TBLightning we just passed $6K for the @NHL @Beardathon! #GoBolts',\n", " u'RT @NBCSN: Epic photo of Meb Keflezighi after becoming first American man to win #BostonMarathon in 31 years. (@BostonGlobe) http://t.co/q8\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @politico: HBO\\'s \"Veep,\" starring @OfficialJLD, gets a fourth season http://t.co/wEybO9zDqf via @LucyConstance',\n", " u'Hey @MoffittNews $ @TBLightning just $49 away from $6K! @Beardathon https://t.co/QEHsAeQCba',\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog @DWStweets Is this in a story on the blog or will it be in #sunburn?',\n", " u'Please join me, @MoffittNews @TBLightning in thanking @BillGalvano for donating $2K to the @nhl @Beardathon for cancer research #sayfie',\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog Pedicini +3 on @klout',\n", " u\"@MoffittNews @teddypurcell16 @RealStamkos91 How about some help with some RT's gang. New goal $8K before tomorrow: http://t.co/bnyswen0mA\",\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: HD 74 candid. Julio Gonzalez says he gave $500 to @DWStweets to meet & discuss Obamacare; only prob? Donation was in 2\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MoffittNews: .@anthonypedicini Thank you for raising $5,651 so far in the @Beardathon! Now if we can just get a @TBLightning win. #GoBo\\u2026',\n", " u'These refs are bought and pd for by the French! #nhl #NHLplayoffs #gobolts @Beardathon @MoffittNews',\n", " u\"RT @melissamoore: Comment from aunt, who lives in #FL19, on the race... I'd vote for satan, and sell my soul to him, if it meant this crap \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @MoffittNews: .@anthonypedicini Congrats on surpassing 5K! Now rally the @TBLightning! #GoBolts!',\n", " u'Raising #beardathon money in my bros name for @MoffittNews here we are at game 2 #GoBolts @TBLightning http://t.co/5COjZmZ3mq',\n", " u\"@TBLightning fans! We can't let the @NHLBruins be no. 1 for the @NHL @Beardathon - donate now: https://t.co/vSYTHpJlkf\",\n", " u'Only $460 left to raise to meet my goal of $5,000 for cancer research @MoffittNews for @Beardathon @NHL can we do it before the 7p puck drop',\n", " u'RT @TBLightning: TWEET SWEEPS: Want to win this signed Filppula jersey? Just RT to #enter! #GoBolts http://t.co/TZCRhuNVl5',\n", " u\"Let's #GoBolts #BoltsSocial http://t.co/pCpch3CHDJ\",\n", " u'RT @Bobby_L: #WhiteOut tonight at Forum for Game2 #TBLightning vs Canadiens http://t.co/gI6MCHKnw8']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @WyllieForGov in Nov 4th gubernatorial elections as Florida's Governor. He is for legalization of marijuana. \\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @LPCandidates: @Mickkie so vote for someone who will help get jobs created. Learn more about @wyllieforgov here: http://t.co/M5YpeCAtxz',\n", " u'RT @LPCandidates: #FLDems why do you wanna re-elect the former Republican governor??? Why not choose someone oh wants to help #florida @Wyl\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @NORMLFlorida Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/XnIGSwSBs0 http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @NORMLgators Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @NORML Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @Floridamarijuan Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @Time4Hemp Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @votehemp Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @cannabisnewsnet Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @420Magazine Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @CannabisCulture Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @CannabisNews Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @WeedFeed Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @HIGH_TIMES_Mag Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @CannabisU Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u'RT @MichaelHJenkins: @cannabis_times Support @WyllieForGov and end marijuana prohibition http://t.co/l7m6omxtYd http://t.co/dkRrmJVJzc',\n", " u\"RT @_Legalization__: Vote for @WyllieForGov in Nov 4th gubernatorial elections as Florida's Governor. He is for legalization of marijuana h\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @rbrollins33024: Support Fla Craft beer http://t.co/LZX5YcXX73 @FLbeer @WIODManny @WIOD @TeaPartyBroward @browardpolitics @SunSentinel h\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @rbrollins33024: '@KevinDerbySSN @NakedPoliticsFL @PoliticsTBTimes Wyllie in Pasco & Pinellas this week. Come out & get an interview! ht\\u2026\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\".@Paula_Dockery Private schs get $ from volunteers. Public schs get $ & stay open by compulsory taxes. Who's held more accountable? #sayfie\",\n", " u\"@lynnmoscoso that's where formative assessing throughout the year comes into play. FCAT is summative.\",\n", " u'@CSUSAhq Of course!! Please retweet!!',\n", " u'A teacher shares FCAT test-taking tips, emphasizes importance of testing and why we do it #sayfie #contextflorida http://t.co/CtXND8hPox',\n", " u'@BurritoGallery for those staffers who worked thurs night late, I DID find my bracelet! We narrowed down to right trash can, dug out! Thx!!',\n", " u'@CoachWMuschamp thank you for so generously taking all of our questions in Jax tonight! You are first class and I support you all the way!!',\n", " u'@willrtorresfl looping in his mama, @MostBoringGirl',\n", " u'.@HuffPostEdu @CatoInstitute Ironic that Indiana is spending 1/4 of time reviewing and adopting new standards as it did #CommonCore :)',\n", " u'RT @SaraSClements: \"We didn\\u2019t just want to make a difference; we wanted to be the difference...THAT is why we became teachers\" http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @educationweek: .@EdWeekTeacher: Former TFA Member: Don't Tell Me I Hate Teachers http://t.co/PnbLyFITD5 #teaching #education\",\n", " u'@WOKVTraffic on 95 south just north of Emerson and traffic is at near stand still. Looks like flat tire car on right lane',\n", " u'@news4jax pic of scene on Payne ave http://t.co/YKYaxKO8MN',\n", " u'\\u2022 #EdReform organization I work for is 20 away from hitting 10K followers. Be a pal and give us a follow! @ExcelinEd',\n", " u'@MouthoffYall politifact debunked that fact over and over',\n", " u\"@JimStergios FL leg adopting clearer, simpler grading formula as we speak. Parents don't have time to wade thru conf scores to judge schools\",\n", " u'Former FL Ed Commish Jim Horne says keep A-F school grading intact @JebBush @excelined @afloridapromise #sayfie http://t.co/QLbIo2Vuou',\n", " u'RT @edchoice: Florida Ed Association vs. #schoolchoice http://t.co/zeM2fcnYYX',\n", " u\"Local donors pour $36 million into JAX, Fla.-area's high-need schools to boost pipeline of quality teachers & leaders http://t.co/HfC2ASS37b\",\n", " u'RT @ExcelinEd: \"I qualified. I applied. I was denied\" - Stories from parents who need the Opportunity Scholarship http://t.co/kOh7l8gX38 #o\\u2026',\n", " u'@GeneFrenette @BigPatYoung4 shows the power of a quality education!! Pat, I hope you are a supporter of #schoolchoice for all students!']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @BillBunkley: SB 162 Unborn Victims Violence Act by Sen @KelliStargel passes 2nd reading #Sayfie @FloridaERLC',\n", " u'FSU day at the Capitol. Best football team in the nation. @JamisWinston #FSU http://t.co/qmH8o0CNDk',\n", " u'RT @LaraMedley: Sen. @kellistargel looks to Close Porn Law Gap w/ #SB182 http://t.co/JIYEnnrYuu via @theledger #sayfie #polk #lkld #FLSess\\u2026',\n", " u'Parker got idea from Stelmack, after this bill passes any other copy cats will go to jail for child porn. http://t.co/DjiNFEnWuh #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @anthonypedicini: Yes that was @FLPolyU on the @Dodge commercial!!! Go #Florida @BillGalvano @kellistargel @sethmckeel @PolkCountyFL htt\\u2026',\n", " u'Walking for @lizbethkb great support in this neighborhood. Rain rain stay away. http://t.co/HOoTmGBOKI',\n", " u'Who knew @BillGalvano clan was so talented. Jackie & Micheal performing. http://t.co/IU6bVEU4K1',\n", " u'At great event with @BillGalvano listening to talented Michael Galvano entertain crowd #Winterfest2014 http://t.co/o6Tj9DC8u2',\n", " u'RT @FL_YMCAs: Thanks for the support! \"@FloridaYIG: Thanks to @kellistargel for the warm welcome to the @FloridaSenate! @FL_YMCAs #YMCA #Be\\u2026',\n", " u\"@LopezCantera addressing a great crowd at Polk County Lincoln day dinner. It's good to see friends at home. http://t.co/EcgEaWOQeV\",\n", " u'RT @FLSenateGOP: TAX RELIEF: $395 MILLION REDUCTION IN VEHICLE FEES UNANIMOUSLY PASSES FLORIDA SENATE | http://t.co/Ek7EjSzyPM #sayfie http\\u2026',\n", " u'Fun night in Orlando supporting @UCPofCFL with @DSimmonsFL. A great school making a difference for kids. http://t.co/SApmpLIgX2',\n", " u'RT @redefinEDonline: \"Personalized accounts for learning\" - a whole new twist on #edchoice in FL http://t.co/LXGv7nHF1b #edreform @kellista\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @denisegrimsley: 31st Annual Spring Fling for Education last night in Lakeland with @kellistargel http://t.co/r8sxCuzHWX',\n", " u'Amazing time with students from Pepin Academy today at the Capitol! http://t.co/gZ78U4W6ZV',\n", " u'RT @BillBunkley: SB 164 Offenses Against Unborn Children by Sen @KelliStargel passes @FloridaSenate Judiciary after testimony by Remee Lee \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @FlChamber: Excited to gather w/ our friends @TroutLine @comcast @VISITFLORIDA @UniversalORL @kellistargel #sayfie @ItsWorkingFL http://\\u2026',\n", " u\"What a beautiful sunny day. We're only state w/o snow. I love Florida. #LoveFL http://t.co/jeQmIDHzPF\",\n", " u'RT @aubreyanne: Stopping Sexual Offenders \\u2013 My Comcast Newsmakers interview with @kellistargel http://t.co/lcTsiK0A2R',\n", " u'@SaintPetersblog excited about anything that will stop citrus greening!']},\n", " {'DEM': [u\"It's Great to go to the #EverythingSchool\",\n", " u'RT @GatorZoneNews: With @GatorZoneGym sharing National title tonight, #Gators have now won a National Championship in each of the last five\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SEC: Congratulations to Florida, the 2014 #NCAA Gymnastics Co-Champion. #SEC',\n", " u'#BACK2BACK NATIONAL CHAMPIONS CONGRATS @GATORZONEGYM',\n", " u'@KavAwareness SAME',\n", " u'@GatorZoneSBall is leading Texas A&M 13-0 in the second inning... #ItsGreatUF',\n", " u'Gators beat Georgia 3-2 in game 1 of the series- why does the St.Johns River flow north? #GoGators @GatorZoneBB',\n", " u'@SuzeOrmanShow Thank you for sharing this Suze.',\n", " u\"It's very comical how FSU claims to be #1 in Florida for Rhodes Scholars yet overall FSU only has 5 winners while UF has 12. #desperate\",\n", " u'RT @THE_NUMERO_UNO: IM 100 %COMMITTED TO THE \\nUNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!\\n#GatorNation!!!! #FloridaFamily!!!!',\n", " u'RT @StPeteRising: The Hermitage Apartment project in Downtown #StPete Read more: http://t.co/zT5B5I9tXT #SunShinesHere http://t.co/22Ditlt\\u2026',\n", " u'New Post: The Hermitage Apartment project in Downtown #StPete via @StPeteRising. Read more: http://t.co/ZrKNxF3tq2 http://t.co/vNXsXMiAl4',\n", " u'@DavidJollyCD13, now that #8Million Americans have signed up for insurance through the ACA, what is your stance on repealing it?',\n", " u'Wow #8Million Americans have signed up for private health insurance thanks to the AffordableCareAct! A million more than expected! #ACAworks',\n", " u'Check out my new post: \"The Biggest News of the Day\" on @StPeteRising http://t.co/gnobPjc1cs',\n", " u'Great news!! \"Biggest new apartment complex yet set for construction in downtown St. Petersburg\" http://t.co/DbySkNXZuh',\n", " u'Happy Passover and Happy Tax Day!',\n", " u'RT @TB_Times: The Tampa Bay Times wins its 10th Pulitzer Prize. http://t.co/axRwB6gacO',\n", " u'Congrats to the St.Peter- I mean Tampa Bay Times on winning a #Pulitzer prize',\n", " u'Great article on St.Pete #SunShinesHere \"I\\'ll Have St.Pete With A Squeeze Of Lime\" http://t.co/MEaFU6tcgI via @HuffPostTaste']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'#Venezuela qma la Bandera d Castro n la calle y venceras #Cuba @federicoalves @AnonsVenezuela @OscarBiscet @arte6misa http://t.co/iiDjDe1PH4',\n", " u'@manuel_lopez_f facil, Tono d voz, vocabulario, \"siempre qren la Paz\" y cuando Los descubres t acusan d divisionista!',\n", " u'RT @arte6misa: @milagrosmiles @ForteEddie : \"qma la bandera del 26 de Julio. NO LA CUBANA\". Esta es del 26 de Julio. La traicion! http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'@milagrosmiles esta es la Bandera d Castro y Los cubanos comunistas, esta es la q hay q qmar, no la cubana #Venezuela http://t.co/eGmBFaKMTL',\n", " u'@12Damarys la solucion calle, qmar Los pozos d petroleo y prenderle fuego a Miraflores. Le doy horas Para q #Venezuela sea libre',\n", " u'RT @ivanlibre: #Cuba Luis Enrique Santos Caballero denuncia recientes arrestos de Damarys Moya y Yoandry Martinez en Santa Clara https://t.\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ivanlibre: #Cuba Barbara Moya, madre de Damarys Moya Portieles, denuncia arresto de su hija. https://t.co/wnXYUnMcWE',\n", " u'RT @ivanlibre: #Cuba Para m\\xe1s informaci\\xf3n sobre la situaci\\xf3n de Damarys Moya Portieles y Yandry Mart\\xednez Pedraza llamar a 53503609 y 534221\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ivanlibre: #Cuba Arrestada Damarys Moya Portieles cuando salia de su casa en Santa Clara para ir a conectarse a Internet.',\n", " u'RT @ivanlibre: #Cuba Informa Luis Enrique Santos Caballero que el opositor Yandry Mart\\xednez Pedraza tambi\\xe9n fue arrestado junto a Damarys Mo\\u2026',\n", " u'Leopoldo nunca tuvistes q haberte entregado n la calle eras mas util! #Venezuela #Cuba @federicoalves @normacr @elcitizen @silvibustillos',\n", " u'Castro is guilty, he is a communist murderer. #Freedom for #Cuba now! #Venezuela #UN #Canada #Australia @federicoalves @BobBuckhorn @RonPaul',\n", " u'@Gral_Vivas_P ahora los cubanos justos tendriamos q odiar a #Venezuela y qmar tu bandera porq Maduro mantiene a nuestro opresor Castro?',\n", " u'#Venezuela tu enemigo s Castro y los comunistas, no el pueblo cubano @arte6misa @federicoalves @Gral_Vivas_P @silvibustillos @AnonsVenezuela',\n", " u'@Gral_Vivas_P qma la Bandera del 26 d Julio, NO LA CUBANA #Venezuela @OscarBiscet @silvibustillos @LincolnDBalart @federicoalves @arte6misa',\n", " u'Twitter no es para protagonismo, ES PARA LUCHAR! #Venezuela #Cuba #ONU @federicoalves @OscarBiscet @arte6misa @RudySuarez11 @yoanisanchez',\n", " u'RT @cubanosanti: Pedimos apoyo en oraci\\xf3n por los familiares de las v\\xedctimas y por los heridos del accidente en mi tierra #Holgu\\xedn #Cuba #M\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @PadreJosePalmar: Semana Santa y la octava pascual que nos prepara para la fiesta de la Misericordia nos colma de fortaleza para continu\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @casacubamiami: @casacubamiami #Cuba el llamado es quedarse en casa, pero si te obligan ya lo sabes, todo lo que hagan en contra de la T\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @casacubamiami: @casacubamiami #Cuba, S\\xed, cuando estes en la marcha o concentraci\\xf3 GRITAR TODO TIPO D CONSIGNAS, DESESTABILIZAR EL ACTO.\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'@SarahKSilverman I think u should be on @billmaher. No SHIT?',\n", " u'@KatrinaNation @TheWire You are IN RUSSIA , you fool!',\n", " u'@KatrinaNation @TheWire msg to Snowden: plz stop making public comments about PUTIN',\n", " u'@Kathy__Gee @KatrinaNation a smash & grab is not as VILE as it is to take a fellow workers wage thru wage-theft imo',\n", " u'@meganamram and... bulimia is for the birds',\n", " u\"@ThisWeekABC @secupp @Crossfire well at least I learned something about a famous artist that I didn't know previously after wiki him\",\n", " u'@secupp @ThisWeekABC nice to see you on a show again... when is this show I will hv to find out',\n", " u'@WilliamShatner @GeorgeTakei Happy Birthday.',\n", " u'RT @PopeBenedictXIV: Rejoice, He is risen! Happy Easter.',\n", " u\"@SarahKSilverman I still remember the first time my father showed me his bicep, you're right I think\",\n", " u'@BrentSpiner im sensing a tad bit of contempt :)',\n", " u'@meganamram thigh gap ppl are pigeon-toed, as are crucified ppl',\n", " u'@KatrinaNation I agree with you',\n", " u'@SarahKSilverman was it a cocoa puff?',\n", " u\"@KatrinaNation I think it's useful to have him in Ukraine. It's amazing to me to see many people gearing up to vote Rep however :/\",\n", " u'@SarahKSilverman @DanStevens @HMwebseries nice show',\n", " u'@SarahKSilverman @BBCRadio2 @michaelsheen from vgame \"alan wake\"',\n", " u'@SarahKSilverman @BBCRadio2 @michaelsheen \"you put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up\"',\n", " u'@alexhiniker @juliaioffe You guys keep posting stuff like this and I might just have to MOVE there, (no I dont hv million bucks)',\n", " u'@juliaioffe nice session on @NowWithAlex yesterday, pretty picture :)']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'Belly of the beat. @ State Senate http://t.co/Zi4idyj9Wz',\n", " u'This breakdown of hate crimes in America is very telling of where we are as a nation.\\nhttp://t.co/Lf2SOR5txO',\n", " u'@johncarlbaker Ha!',\n", " u'RT @TheRickWilson: If you want an example of GOP crony capitalism, screwing craft brewing in favor of InBev is it. http://t.co/f5fGG4Vb2C',\n", " u'RT @NCFLPBA: Editorial: Hold off on pension reforms. With 2 weeks left, time is running out on vetting FRS proposals. #gnvpol http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'About 20 sudents outside Senate President @DonGaetz office demanding that he hear #SB1400 #legfl\\u2026 http://t.co/8grxI0zP8z',\n", " u'RT @MotherJones: \"House of Cards\" veteran wants to make a reality TV show starring Capitol Hill staffers. Read the casting call here http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GeoffreyMasonFL: Mountaintop coal ban for GRU moves ahead amid testy #Gainesville City Commission debate.\\nhttp://t.co/KSmYJC8ZI6 \\n#GNVp\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GeoffreyMasonFL: It is required that the word \"Biomass\" be uttered at least once in any political discussion about anything in #Gainesv\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @GeoffreyMasonFL: #Florida legislature lets Keith Perry's (@keithperry21) odious Home Rule and State Preemption bill die.\\nhttp://t.co/R1\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @FightForFlorida: RT @SEIU1991 Jackson workers put State Rep. @mbileca on the spot http://t.co/jJ5ZeYu6jY #AparezcaBileca #flunion',\n", " u\"We're literally talking about healthcare to poor children being limited because of their nationality. #notmyvalues \\n\\nhttp://t.co/2DONXgfyql\",\n", " u'A single Walmart Supercenter cost taxpayers between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year\"\\nhttp://t.co/KBkRYfZnq3\\n#flunion',\n", " u\"RT @FightForFlorida: @mbileca If the County is responsible for Jackson, shouldn't they make the decisions about labor contracts? #Aparezca\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @USFGAU: Take a minute to \"Like\" us on Facebook! https://t.co/LQoodTcJTU #flunion #withlove',\n", " u'RT @FightForFlorida: Stealing is stealing. Act now to stop wage thieves: http://t.co/6pCjgRMAa6 #flunion #pfla #1u http://t.co/YhxS7VYej5',\n", " u\"@lukeoneil47 Sent info. And the weird stuff's for the tumblrs.\",\n", " u'@OhHiCris one of his supporters threatened the POTUS life using racial slurs. Not an isolated incident. Wonder why the guy felt so welcomed?',\n", " u'@stevebenen Secret Service got involved. Message me if you want my notes.',\n", " u\"@stevebenen Great article on Yoho. I've been trying to get a story out on one of his supporters threatening Obama's life using racial slurs.\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u'@FNTheFive whats his salary AFTER the rest of incentives and lobbyists friends?',\n", " u'@teamrope @gretawire 1 gunman dead.',\n", " u'RT @SenTedCruz: Please join me in praying for those at Fort Hood.',\n", " u'@BretBaier @SpecialReport @FoxNews kwtx channel 10 reporting 1 confirmed death',\n", " u\"@marcorubio why don't we impose sanctions on Obama instead? It mightt have a better effect for Americans.\",\n", " u'RT @ericbolling: Please RT this important story, it defies words.. Leave it at this. Virginia State Legislature should resign tomorrow http\\u2026',\n", " u'Very interesting interview with Edward Snowden. Quite an eye opener. https://t.co/Vk60ZpYprS',\n", " u\"@jnchang today's world is one of speculate first. Then if you have to, prove it. Its all about ratings.\",\n", " u'@megynkelly could you ask: does the pilot enter a destination in autopilot? Or will it follow the heading until told differently?',\n", " u'@JudgeJeanine how is DC supposed to lead, when u have benghazi, IRS, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the NSA, Putin and congressional partisanship',\n", " u'@TMobileHelp hax to totally turn off wifi calling, to many drops or unable to callout. Poor battery life, continually get unstable internet',\n", " u'RT @EricShawnonFox: #Ukraine crisis: Kerry vs. Lavorv is \"like sending a cupcake to negotiate with a steak knife.\" Watch @Foxnews: http://t\\u2026',\n", " u'@TMobileHelp @askdes is there any known way of putting 4.1.2 back on my GN2 and making 4.3 go away?',\n", " u'@TMobile Does anyone have any idea when the 4.4 update for the GN2 is going to be out?',\n", " u'RT @cgpb: .@Fascinatingpics: A military dog was spotted on the airport, protecting a soldier while he sleeps. Awesome loyalty. http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'@DaleJr congratulations Dale. Awesome finish',\n", " u'\"@RCRracing: Looks like we made it through ok\" The Intimidator\\'s spirit is with him',\n", " u'@RCRracing get the 3 car up front Make Dale proud',\n", " u'RT @DISupdates: Thank you for being the best sports fans ever and standing by! The #DAYTONA500 is officially back to green! #NASCARPrimetime',\n", " u'@samkouvaris are they going to be cutting in to the race soon?']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Be sure to read @TheSharkTank1 report from unnamed \"sources\" about unnamed allies of Latvala attacking unnamed conserv\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @GlenGilzean: \\u201c@PCYRs ICYMI #PCYR member & former school board member @GlenGilzean endorses fellow #PCYR member @ChrisLatvala for #HD67 \\u2026',\n", " u'RT @AdamSchefter: Fact of day: If Seahawks QB T. Pryor makes team, he will make $705,000; This season, Russell Wilson will make $662,434. V\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @jaguars: On this day in 1995: The Jags drafted LT @TonyBoselli out of @USC_Athletics. \\n\\nBoselli Pics: http://t.co/Hd9F3K0j6C http://t.c\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ESPNNFL: On this day 10 years ago, former @AZCardinals safety Pat Tillman was killed in Afghanistan.\\n#RIPPatTillman http://t.co/kYZxScU\\u2026',\n", " u'@jennmcdougald Something about germanity :)',\n", " u'A wise man once told he that if your bill gets blocked (and you have the votes) amend it to 4 more bills. Good luck @JackLatvala today.',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: Chris Latvala to hold major fundraiser April 30. http://t.co/AgOYjlAQKG #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: .@JackLatvala to add in-state tuition for undoc. students to four bills b4 Approps Cmte on Tues., reports @KMcgrory.',\n", " u\"RT @contlink: DYK: There are 16,911 donors who voted in all elections '06-'12 --- of those: 14K=registered REP and 2.5K=DEM #getyourstatsst\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: HD 74 candid. Julio Gonzalez says he gave $500 to @DWStweets to meet & discuss Obamacare; only prob? Donation was in 2\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @AllisonNielsen: Let's Get to Work releases Spanish @FLGovScott ad ---> http://t.co/zrxFT1gHOz #sayfie\",\n", " u\"RT @TBTimes_Rays: Former #Rays OF @SamFuld5 claimed by Twins. So he'll be at the Trop on Tuesday\",\n", " u'The tomb is still empty. Happy Easter.',\n", " u'RT @mlbtraderumors: Yankees Designate Cesar Cabral For Assignment http://t.co/ptzc9Sw9GZ #mlb',\n", " u'I really like this pitcher Cabral for the Yankees.',\n", " u'RT @Beardathon: Impressive stuff from grower @anthonypedicini! Over $4,000 raised for @TampaBayLightning #keepgrowing #TampaBeard --> http:\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @davewills34: Look who's at the #Rays game!\\n#jerryspringer http://t.co/24obP9X18a\",\n", " u'RT @JackLatvala: Amazing to see Charlie Crist criticize Gov Scott for falling to lead on in-state tuition. Charlie was against it as Govern\\u2026',\n", " u\"RT @AdamHasner: To my Christian friends, it's Good Friday and Sunday's coming. #HappyEaster\"]},\n", " {'REP': [u\"Yoooooo, @JohnScottVA! R. Kelly is on my XM right now.. I think it's a sign! #Ignition #bump&grind\",\n", " u'Romans 12:2 #dailybible',\n", " u\"RT @Scripture_Truth: Little trials without God will break you. Big trials with God will make you. May you always find strength in God's lov\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @Scripture_Truth: Take delight in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. -Psalms 37:4',\n", " u'RT @RealTalk: I want a beach themed pool \\U0001f640\\U0001f60d http://t.co/IczNXxnNLE',\n", " u'RT @VirgoNation: #Virgos express love by doing things for you.',\n", " u'RT @VirgoNation: #Virgos figure out their feelings by using their heads.',\n", " u\"RT @VirgoNation: #Virgo can tell a real person from a fake one. But, they won't call you on it. Until, you give them a reason to do so.\",\n", " u'RT @VirgoNation: #Virgo is incredibly family oriented and a supportive friend as well.',\n", " u'RT @VirgoNation: #Virgos instinct about other people are almost never wrong.',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: Polls are open! #LizbethForCongress #FL19 http://t.co/nPYDHA4rF9',\n", " u'RT @SarahPalinUSA: Please remember to vote today for Lizbeth Benacquisto in the Florida District 19 special election! Remind your... http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: RT @She_PAC: SWFL - get out and vote today Lizbeth Benacquisto for Congress - she is the conservative we can... http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: Honored to have the support of Pro-Life leaders like @GovMikeHuckabee @SarahPalinUSA @SBAList #FL19 #chooselife http://t.co/\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: @thenewspress: The News-Press Editorial Board endorsement in the special GOP primary election: http://t.co/93ZxL3FpLY http:/\\u2026',\n", " u'Friends in CD19, Get Out and Vote for @lizbethkb!!!',\n", " u'\"Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness... #dailyquote #qotd https://t.co/G61AHNHyLF',\n", " u\"@KailynAllen lol you're too sweet! Thank you! :)\",\n", " u'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.',\n", " u'RT @lennycurry: @icx_group is looking for an accounting /finance recruiter. Our offices are Downtown where the sparks are. Join us Jacksonv\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @MaryannBatlle: #SWFL | Get your @ndn live updates from the District 19 primary special election here: http://t.co/Wk80W5g8zv',\n", " u'CD 19 Prediction: Benaquisto 38, Clawson 36, Kreegal 20, Driekorn 5 #CD19',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: There\\u2019s only one thing you need to know today. RETWEET and spread the word! #letskeepworking http://t.co/22BsNXIl1t',\n", " u\"Well, in 24hrs the race for the Republican nominee in #CD19 will be over. Best of luck @lizbethkb I'm rooting for you! #fcssga\",\n", " u'@racheldiane95 #collegeproblems #decisionsdecisions',\n", " u'#HappyHappyHappyBirthday to @DuckDynastyAE',\n", " u'Great trip yesterday to Islands of Adventure with SGA. Conquered my fear of roller coasters and had a\\u2026 http://t.co/Kbj9TPksVU',\n", " u'Great day preparing/hosting the student life awards at the collier campus. So fortunate to be\\u2026 http://t.co/miEHEEheTL',\n", " u'RT @RedKranz: That awkward moment when @MarkWarner calls GOP women an endangered species when both @crnc and @crfv are chaired by women. #e\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @ScottforFlorida: Yes, @CharlieCrist. We have met people knocking doors for Rick Scott. To them, we say thanks. #shenanigans #sayfie htt\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @RepPaulRyan: The President\\u2019s Budget Keeps Getting Worse http://t.co/797jd0OQcG',\n", " u'RT @MarilindaGarcia: .@RepAnnieKuster has created quite a habit of avoiding her constituents at all costs. Now this. http://t.co/pT5fuBdbHb\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @washingtonpost: Why Virginia Republicans are smiling http://t.co/N64EIGggDb',\n", " u'Boy oh boy is @MotherJones afraid of @Gov_Martinez or what? #2016',\n", " u\"RT @CRNC: Rising GOP star strikes back after left-wing site calls her 'nasty, petty, juvenile, vindictive' http://t.co/PFfeyMKDIT\",\n", " u'RT @YoungCons: I know how this little guy feels\\u2026 http://t.co/S77oRSsW8f',\n", " u\"RT @KailynAllen: @CRNC the turtle represents businesses, investors, and capital fleeing Florida's economy (the boat) under Crist #AmIReadin\\u2026\",\n", " u'RT @ndn: COMING SOON: @ndn will present series of stories about candidates and issues in #FL19 GOP race beginning Friday. http://t.co/KPnly\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @DarrellIssa: Americans deserve to know when, where and how their money is spent. #DATAact http://t.co/q3seA7ILmu http://t.co/8oUm2CVb5o',\n", " u'RT @YoungRepubs: Happy Birthday to @AnnDRomney! She would have made a great First Lady! #YoungRepubs']},\n", " {'REP': [u'RT @mattgaetz: Congrats on the final mile of the 1,500 mile walk @LaurensKids http://t.co/EteMM1uvZD',\n", " u'@HollyRaschein Thanks!',\n", " u'We can be unafraid because he lives. Happy Easter!',\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: The Florida House stands on the side of life. ReTweet if you agree! #sayfie http://t.co/S6CbSchFm6',\n", " u\"Congratulations to Windermere's own @bubbawatson on his #masters win! http://t.co/hoNi0CC6pr\",\n", " u'Thanks to all our friends and supporters. I am honored to represent HD44 in the FL House. We could not have done it without you! #sayfie',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: Florida\\u2019s GI Bill makes Florida the best state for veterans. http://t.co/wmJZekN52A #FLSession2014 #Workplan2014',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: RT @She_PAC: any doubt that Lizbeth Benacquisto will fight to defend out 2nd amendment rights in Congress? http://t.co/Tei66\\u2026',\n", " u'Who do you think had the most fun at Windermere food truck night? #WestOrange http://t.co/J2nXbU2C1z',\n", " u'RT @OrangeCountyYR: Join us on Saturday @ 10:00am as we work to GOTV for our friend & former OCYR President, @EricEisnaugle http://t.co/1yz\\u2026',\n", " u'Please Join us for a campaign walk tomorrow at 125 Terra Mango Loop at 10 am!',\n", " u'RT @UCF: Florida Economy Outpacing National Recovery http://t.co/3WDo7G7MgE',\n", " u'RT @SteveCrisafulli: Check out my guest column in the @Florida_Today about the good work the Legislature is doing this year. http://t.co/FH\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: Florida set record tourism numbers in 2013! #sayfie http://t.co/OUxbLAkfZT',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: 828,000 Floridians lost their jobs under @CharlieCrist. #LetsKeepWorking with Governor Scott! #sayfie http://t.co/PxOFjykIMI',\n", " u'Happy Birthday to my friend Senator @kellistargel #sayfie #WestOrange',\n", " u'RT @FLGOPMajority: Happy Birthday Speaker Pro Tempore Coley! #sayfie #FLSession2014 http://t.co/nk64yxFPiV',\n", " u'RT @FLGOPMajority: Happy Birthday Rep. @RichardCorcoran #sayfie #FLSession2014 http://t.co/qRLkkLaWFM',\n", " u\"RT @SteveCrisafulli: Florida's unemployment rate continues to improve, with 192,800 more jobs than this time last year. #sayfie\",\n", " u'RT @jjauthor: Al Hunt:\\u201cFL special election doesn\\u2019t prove #Obamacare is a loser.\\u201d No \\u2013 Obamacare proves Obamacare is a loser!#tcot @BillHemm\\u2026']},\n", " {'REP': [u'@RepMannyDiazJr passing HB 7083 on the house floor. #gop #schoolchoice http://t.co/cRg2wKmnY2',\n", " u'@FranncheskaLee hahaha get some febreze then.',\n", " u'@FranncheskaLee ....',\n", " u'RT @espn: Today, we are all #BostonStrong. http://t.co/8eCae7qvuA',\n", " u'#FTK http://t.co/2rYGvjGhe7',\n", " u'RT @lizbethkb: @lizbethkb: Check out this video from @GovMikeHuckabee. Proud to have his endorsement. #LizbethForCongress #FL19 https://t\\u2026',\n", " u'We have a @SaraSClements sighting out at a public event...',\n", " u'RT @SaraSClements: \"I\\'m ok helping poor kids, I\\'m just not ok helping slightly less-poor kids\" - opposition to partial vouchers for working\\u2026',\n", " u'It would have been better if he could have dropped the mic. \\u201c@BylineBrandon: Pitts: \"I\\'m gonna wrap it up all right, I just did it\"\\u201d',\n", " u'#Inallkindsofweather',\n", " u\"Boom! Great job @RepMannyDiazJr passing HB 7083 through house education. You're a rockstar! #gop #Session\",\n", " u'RT @itsHIMYMquotes: Legendary cast. http://t.co/56mj4mLL4D',\n", " u'RT @politico: #Breaking: SCOTUS strikes down overall limits on campaign contributions http://t.co/SMJzpxlNTR',\n", " u'RT @adamputnam: .@anitere_flores @MikeHillfl @willweatherford @sethmckeel & I proposed a long-term, sustainable source of funding -$200M/y\\u2026',\n", " u'RT @SaintPetersblog: House Speaker @WillWeatherford gets in on the #AprilFoolsDay fun. http://t.co/UyfG9VdnBh #AprilFools',\n", " u'#TedMosby and #RobinSparkles in the end! Mind blowing! Plus the blue French Horn! #HIMYMFinale #HIMYMFarewell #HIMYM',\n", " u'RT @KatyMelchiorre: Refuse to accept anything about this #HIMYMFinale except the Halloween costume. Best couple costume ever. #HangingChad',\n", " u'#RobinSparkles exits...#BarneyStinson finally knocks someone up. Mind blowing. This is Legendary! #HIMYMFarewell #HIMYMFinale #HIMYM',\n", " u'#BarneyStinson and #RobinSparkles no more! My mind is blown. #HIMYMFarewell #HIMYM #HIMYMFinale',\n", " u'@hymnforrachel mind blown!']},\n", " {'NPA': [u'Happy Easter from all of us :) #happyeaster #wearefamily http://t.co/MwJ1zTs7LJ',\n", " u'#mygirls #happyeaster http://t.co/y2InADiIWV',\n", " u'My littlest bunny :) #happyeaster #egghunt http://t.co/VGV3FgNi88',\n", " u'On your mark...get set....#happyeaster #egghunt http://t.co/J12cFg520s',\n", " u\"I'm at Leon County Line (Tallahassee, FL) http://t.co/XB0ecTEcla\",\n", " u\"Happy Easter from Haylen Claire :)\\n#happyeaster #egghunt #easterbunny @ Yaya and Papa's House http://t.co/0sGuVuI8UJ\",\n", " u\"SCORE! Hadley...professional egg hunter! #happyeaster #easterbunny #egghunt @ Yaya and Papa's House http://t.co/esDtMDpHkJ\",\n", " u'Carrots, celery and organic apple juice. The Easter Bunny will be thrilled! #happyeaster #sisters @\\u2026 http://t.co/15sJk6eivG',\n", " u'Cleaning and brushing Rainy...AKA Rainbow Dash. #buildabear @ Build-A-Bear Workshop http://t.co/LgUWCqHu7M',\n", " u'Build-a-Bear fun! World, meet Petunia the Panda :) @ Build-A-Bear Workshop http://t.co/EPhLp1rvLH',\n", " u'RT @HuffingtonPost: This \"Game of Thrones\"/ \"Frozen\" mashup is disturbingly good http://t.co/jAa3gJ3hJJ',\n", " u'RT @GoParks: \\u201cThe best way for people to really become inspired & passionate about nature, is to be in it.\\u201d ~Goodall #MeetTheCubs http://t.\\u2026',\n", " u\"Easter weekend begins :) (@ Yaya and Papa's House) http://t.co/KEWbmS6EAb\",\n", " u'Haylen Claire driving the army Hummer at school today :) #VPK #blueeyes #cleartheroad http://t.co/eQ3oAPFgxc',\n", " u'RT @ACSCAN_Florida: Legislators are home this week for the Passover & Easter holiday. Have you asked yours to oppose HB 169? Take action ht\\u2026',\n", " u\"@TheRealSeanD I know the feeling! \\n\\nIt's a relatively short, easy read. And I think Fox is making it into a tv series http://t.co/VjfAXezH0I\",\n", " u'@TheRealSeanD have you read \"Pines\" by Blake Crouch? It was interesting. There are 2 books in the series now.',\n", " u\"Fancy-pants cable is back on after a 6-month hiatus. I couldn't take it anymore. I need my @GameOfThrones fix! Let the catchup process begin\",\n", " u'Great piece by @JessicaPubRadio on the issues surrounding HB 169 http://t.co/5LWXA7yHRG',\n", " u'RT @erikj: Great pics! RT @wfaaweather: Eclipse totality near 2:06 am but light bent around the Earth\\u2019s gives moon a glow. http://t.co/PpkG\\u2026']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'HB 1153, bringing government further into the sunshine, passed its final committee stop. Now to the floor. #sayfie http://t.co/Bi3dvUvVBl',\n", " u'RT @pbpost: Opinion Zone: Should Florida lawmakers broaden the duties of nurse practitioners? http://t.co/QWN4sZmtS6',\n", " u'RT @FloridaGOP: Happy Anniversary to the Governor and First Lady! These pictures will melt your heart! http://t.co/CzSwWMIq7b #sayfie',\n", " u'I hope everyone has a blessed Easter Sunday #sayfie',\n", " u'Happy to have the support of the Town of Lake Clarke Shores on Sober Home oversight. #sayfie #FLsession2014 http://t.co/4WnyY1LATN',\n", " u'RT @bocachief: Great job, Boca.\\n\\nhttp://t.co/MlK0cLUG1V http://t.co/b4zJUuGlCU',\n", " u'I hope everyone has a blessed Good Friday and a happy Easter! #GoodFriday #Easter',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Today I am proud to announce that Florida businesses created more than 20,000 jobs in March. #LetsKeepWorking',\n", " u'Come visit my office staff in South Palm Beach today from 10 to 11am. 3577 South Ocean Boulevard South Palm Beach, Florida 33480. #sayfie',\n", " u'Busy day today in Palm Beach, come stop by the @PB_Chamber and say hello to my office staff. #district89 #sayfie http://t.co/JAOcS3jHGW',\n", " u\"RT @PB_Chamber: Tomorrow from 10-11 Rep. Bill Hager's legislative staff will be in our office to meet with constituents. Come on by!\",\n", " u'Read my newsletter here! http://t.co/D8KaNQuMDB #sayfie #district89 #FLsession2014',\n", " u'Florida is 1 of only 7 states with no personal income tax. Avg state relies on Pincome tax for 35.5% of its tax revenue. #sayfie #itsworking',\n", " u'To everyone beginning the celebration of Passover this evening - Chag Sameach! #Passover2014 #sayfie http://t.co/Ym8IemPzgZ',\n", " u'Last week I had a great meeting with young leaders for Florida Youth Shine day in the Capitol @FLYouthSHINE #sayfie http://t.co/wfhIy2OQnX',\n", " u'RT @FLGovScott: Congratulations, @BubbaWatson #Floridian',\n", " u'RT @willweatherford: @FLGovScott has shown great leadership on making FL the top state for cancer research. Proud to support his proposal. \\u2026',\n", " u'HB 391 is ready for the floor of @MyFLHouse 391 helps keep Florida ready in the event of a natural disaster #sayfie http://t.co/uNzOwv8p3N',\n", " u\"Children's Week is one of my favorite weeks of session. Check out the beautiful artwork. #sayfie #FLSession2014 http://t.co/pwjiCzpEhX\",\n", " u'Happy to meet with the Palm Beach County Medical Society today. @PBCMS @FMA_PAC #sayfie http://t.co/edpPFBz2gU']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'What a game #OKCvsMEM',\n", " u\"I'm at Sports Clips (Pembroke Pines, FL) http://t.co/7hYmxKyVe5\",\n", " u'Good job # wizards. #NBAPlayoffs',\n", " u'\\u201c@MiamiDaily: Maurer tires vs Miami, Mariners lose 6th in row http://t.co/OYvsvCc8OU\\u201d - something to cheer about for the #Marlins',\n", " u\"RT @wsvn: Pretty easy forecast: south FL this week. I think you're going to like upcoming weather! Join the Channel 7 team tonight 10 & \\u2026\",\n", " u'Today has been a wonderful #Easter basketball day. #HeatNation',\n", " u'#EASTER Lunch (at @BahamaBreeze w/ 2 others) http://t.co/adg90D2ac9',\n", " u\"I'm at @LAFitness (Pembroke Pines, FL) w/ 3 others http://t.co/f6Kx4xfFWZ\",\n", " u\"Basjetball Playoffs (@ Bokamper's Sports Bar & Grill w/ 2 others) http://t.co/EHsHlvPMGS\",\n", " u\"I'm at @FadoIrishPub & Restaurant (Miami, FL) http://t.co/qZ7cwNLh7V\",\n", " u\"I'm at Miami Police Academy/Training Center (Miami, FL) http://t.co/y7L2l3iDqd\",\n", " u\"I'm at Palm Beach Outlets (West Palm Beach, FL) http://t.co/p0naQpLE4O\",\n", " u'City commission meeting (@ Miami City Hall) http://t.co/NZDimCZAx9',\n", " u'The downside of loosing weight is shopping for new suits. (@ Pembroke Lakes Mall) http://t.co/Sk0R2BvRVv',\n", " u'Good job #UConn',\n", " u'\"@keybiscayne: Days like these are too good to pass up #takeadvantage @keybiscayne http://t.co/TUuAvH0ERF RT @eveleon_29\" - And I am home',\n", " u'\\u201c@SarahElles: @geomens LOL Facon :-P\\u201d - I have a daughter who is a vegan, and that is how I describe her food, fake lol',\n", " u'@SarahElles: Vegetarian bacon tastes just like regular bacon, but is more healthy. #HealthyBrunching #Vegetarian #Foodie-you mean fake bacon',\n", " u'And #kentuckybasketball wins. Congratulations. #NCAATournament',\n", " u'Wow. What a game. #kentuckybasketball #Michigan #ncaamarchmadness2014']},\n", " {'DEM': [u'\\u201c@FLAFLCIO: @SenDarrenSoto & faith leaders from across the state speak out against wage theft! #sayfie #flunion http://t.co/qi3bW9Bl9S\\u201d',\n", " u\"Gov Graham calls upon Gov Scott and House to stand up for our springs and pass Senate's comp springs bill! #sayfie\\nhttp://t.co/6nYfXBaWVC\",\n", " u\"I've been a proud co-introducer of SR1658 for months now thanks! @MCastaos @tania_2704 @anacarosalazar @valenlafont @laguacharaca2 #sayfie\",\n", " u'Congrats to @JimmyPatronis for a wonderful culinary showing on @Emeril Show on this Happy Easter! @SayfieReview',\n", " u'RT @JoseJavierJJR: Time 2 redouble efforts 4 in-state tuition http://t.co/RVXIecefvw @DwightBullard @SenDarrenSoto @ADL_National @Am4ImmJus\\u2026',\n", " u\"Stop the madness! We don't need to approve new oil drilling in the Everglades. #sayfie \\nhttp://t.co/r4YAVeoTKm via @CapitalSoup\",\n", " u'Latino Justice prevailed in court today and is headed to trial on Orange redistricting suit #sayfie\\nhttp://t.co/4tEmOlxKmZ',\n", " u'Just passed SB1642 providing ESOL students 2 yrs (was 1 yr) before FCAT is counted to help them succeed. #sayfie',\n", " u'\\u201cThank u to @YAD52110 @LWVFlorida & La Raza for supporting our Comp Immigration Reform Resolution today!#sayfie http://t.co/4guQONBqT2\\u201d',\n", " u'Had a great press conference w @IrvSlosberg @MariaSachs on our texting while driving fatality bill & other road safety bills! @SayfieReview',\n", " u'Obamacare provides 7.1M Americans w ins & drops uninsured rate to 14.7% (lowest since 2008) in Apr FORWARD! #sayfie http://t.co/BJErzkXQ4Z',\n", " u'Proud to host the Fla Hispanic Dem Caucus at the Capital today. #sayfie http://t.co/6rfD3G44lS',\n", " u'Glad to work w @Rob_Bradley @oscarjb2 @ClemensFL & @Dreamdefenders to pass proviso making juvenile detention ctrs safer for kids. #sayfie',\n", " u'\\u201c@CharlieDeanSD5: Thank you @Rob_Bradley and @SenDarrenSoto for your support of April as Springs Protection Awareness Month SR 382\\u201d #sayfie',\n", " u'\\u201cWe presented @FlaSenateDems w/Free the $470m! button-$ that wub be freed up if FL xpands Medicaid #sayfie http://t.co/IT7BB6ieCn\\u201d',\n", " u\"We're honoring Nat'l Champ Fla State Football Team. Great words by Sens Smith, Thrasher & Montford! #sayfiereview http://t.co/AI9eV1HXXU\",\n", " u'Thanks @FLCollegeDems for wonderful Q&A at #FCD2014 about Educ, Dreamers, Equality & Elections. @SayfieReview http://t.co/PZrZf1QDX8\\u201d',\n", " u\"Thanks to Sandy D'Alemberte and Jose Godinez-Semperio for supporting my amend to give Sup Ct discretion on Fla bar admissions. #sayfie\",\n", " u'Thank u to Sen Geri Thompson for presenting SB220 protecting pregnant women from workplace discrimination. @SayfieNews',\n", " u'Thank you to Senators for their favorable committee vote today for in-state tuition for Dreamers! #sayfie\\nhttp://t.co/Q8dj6CD4bJ']}]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 64 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "party_tweet_list = []\n", "for user in tweets_list: \n", " for key in user:\n", " for tweet in user[key]:\n", " item = [tweet, key]\n", " party_tweet_list.append(item)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 70 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "party_tweet_list[88]" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 73, "text": [ "[u\"@JConti321 they just re paved and re did the lines lol. They just don't need to be driving. Imma start parking in the woods next door lol\",\n", " 'INT']" ] } ], "prompt_number": 73 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "full_tweets = pd.DataFrame(party_tweet_list, columns=['tweet', 'party_affiliation'])" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 74 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": true, "input": [ "# vote_clean['tweets'] = vote_clean.apply(lambda row: \n", "# get_tweets(row['twitter_handle']), axis=1)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "ename": "ValueError", "evalue": "Shape of passed values is (939,), indices imply (939, 3)", "output_type": "pyerr", "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31mValueError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m vote_clean['tweets'] = vote_clean.apply(lambda row: \n\u001b[0;32m----> 2\u001b[0;31m get_tweets(row['twitter_handle']), axis=1)\n\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;32m/Users/johnkabler/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mapply\u001b[0;34m(self, func, axis, broadcast, raw, args, **kwds)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 4414\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_apply_raw\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mf\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0maxis\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 4415\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m-> 4416\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_apply_standard\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mf\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0maxis\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 4417\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 4418\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_apply_broadcast\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mf\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0maxis\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/Users/johnkabler/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_apply_standard\u001b[0;34m(self, func, axis, ignore_failures)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 4498\u001b[0m \u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 4499\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m-> 4500\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mresult\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_constructor\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mresults\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 4501\u001b[0m \u001b[0mresult\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mcolumns\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mres_index\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 4502\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/Users/johnkabler/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__init__\u001b[0;34m(self, data, index, columns, dtype, copy)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 395\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmgr\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_init_mgr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcolumns\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mdtype\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdtype\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcopy\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mcopy\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 396\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0misinstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mdict\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 397\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mmgr\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_init_dict\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcolumns\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mdtype\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdtype\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 398\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0misinstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mma\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mMaskedArray\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 399\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmask\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mma\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mgetmaskarray\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/Users/johnkabler/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_init_dict\u001b[0;34m(self, data, index, columns, dtype)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 526\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 527\u001b[0m return _arrays_to_mgr(arrays, data_names, index, columns,\n\u001b[0;32m--> 528\u001b[0;31m dtype=dtype)\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 529\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 530\u001b[0m def _init_ndarray(self, values, index, columns, dtype=None,\n", "\u001b[0;32m/Users/johnkabler/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m_arrays_to_mgr\u001b[0;34m(arrays, arr_names, index, columns, dtype)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 5678\u001b[0m \u001b[0maxes\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_ensure_index\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mcolumns\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0m_ensure_index\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 5679\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m-> 5680\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcreate_block_manager_from_arrays\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0marrays\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0marr_names\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0maxes\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 5681\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 5682\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0mextract_index\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/Users/johnkabler/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/internals.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mcreate_block_manager_from_arrays\u001b[0;34m(arrays, names, axes)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2241\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmgr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2242\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mexcept\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mValueError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m-> 2243\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mconstruction_error\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mlen\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0marrays\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0marrays\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m0\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mshape\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0maxes\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 2244\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2245\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmaybe_create_block_in_items_map\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mim\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0mblock\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/Users/johnkabler/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/internals.pyc\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mconstruction_error\u001b[0;34m(tot_items, block_shape, axes)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2214\u001b[0m raise ValueError(\"Shape of passed values is %s, indices imply %s\" % (\n\u001b[1;32m 2215\u001b[0m \u001b[0mtuple\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mmap\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mtot_items\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m+\u001b[0m \u001b[0mlist\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mblock_shape\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m-> 2216\u001b[0;31m tuple(map(int, [len(ax) for ax in axes]))))\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 2217\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2218\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;31mValueError\u001b[0m: Shape of passed values is (939,), indices imply (939, 3)" ] } ], "prompt_number": 39 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "full_tweets.to_csv('data/pulled_tweets.csv', encoding='utf8')" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 80 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Additional Feature Engineering: Sentiment" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Scored a sentiment training corpus from the guys at sentiment140. thanks guys. \n", "\n", "The plan is to use the corpus as training data to train a classifier that does a good job with sentiment. Then I will use this classifier to tag the voter data tweets with their appropriate sentiment prediction. This should go a long way in improving accuracy on the data set. " ] } ], "metadata": {} } ] }