# Starts an interactive instance of "bash" that can have input injected by
# writing to file descriptor 9.
# Origin  : http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/213805
# See also: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/179030
# bash-injectable───sh───sh───bash
# This is just an example that gathers all of the required parts together.
#                                                        JL 20150714
# An attempt at explaining what it does
# sh -cm         = start shell (sh) -m = run in own process group
#                                   -c = run following command
# '              = beginning of the command to execute in sh
# cat<&9 &       = send fd9 to standard output. Backgrounded.
# cat >&9|(      = send standard input to fd 9. Piped to subshell#1 (sh):
# trap           = perform following command when EXIT signal received
#   "            = beginning of command block to execute when signal trapped
#   stty         = set terminal attributes to subshell#2 output
#     subshell#2 = stty -g     = output terminal attributes (saves them)
#                = stty -echo raw = disables echo and enables raw mode
#   kill -1 0    = send a -HUP to host pgrp
#   "            = end of command block executed when signal trapped
#   EXIT         = the signal to trap. When subshell#1 exits, reset tty and kill pgrp
# <>"$(./pts <&9)" = set subshell#1 stdin to pts for fd9
# >&0              # set subshell#1 stdout to stdin (i.e. also the pts)
# 2>&1             # set subshell#1 stderr to stdout (i.e. also to the pts)
# setsid -wc     = start new session: execute following commadn (-c) and wait for it (-w)
# --             = end of arguments to setsid
# bash           = command executed inside subshell (runs an interactive bash shell)
# )              = end of subshell#1
#'               # end of sh command
# --             # end of arguments to sh
# 9<>/dev/ptmx   = get ptm as fd 9 for sh command
# 2>/dev/null    = redirect sh command stderr to /dev/null

# build the 'pts' executable if it isn't already on the path
[[ -x $(which $pts &> /dev/null) ]] && pts=pts || {
<<\C cc -xc - -o ${pts:=$(mktemp)}
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if(unlockpt(0)) return 2;
  char *ptsname(int fd);
  return argc - 1;
export pts

# function can be used in the enclosed bash to inject commands to itself
inject() { echo "$*" >&9; }; export -f inject

# the clever part
sh -cm 'cat <&9 &cat >&9|(             ### copy to/from host/slave
        trap "  stty $(stty -g         ### save/restore stty settings on exit
                stty -echo raw)        ### host: no echo and raw-mode
                kill -1 0" EXIT        ### send a -HUP to host pgrp on EXIT
        <>"$($pts <&9)" >&0 2>&1\
        setsid -wc -- bash) <&1        ### point bash <0,1,2> at slave and setsid bash
' --    9<>/dev/ptmx 2>/dev/null       ### open pty master on <>9