package org.freecode.demo.model; import java.util.List; import javax.transaction.Transactional; import; import; import; public interface ArticleRepository extends CrudRepository, JpaRepository { /** * common methods defined in CrudRepository: * long count() * void delete(T) * void deleteAll() * void deleteAll(Iterable * boolean deleteById(ID) * boolean existsById(ID) * Iterable findAll() * Iterable findAllById(Iterable) * Optional findById(ID) * S save(S) * Iterable saveAll(Iterable) */ List
findAll(); Article save(Article article); // Optional
findById(Long id); // Optional is from JDK 1.8.x Article findById(Integer id); // this is from ArticleRepository, not CrudRepository above long count(); @Transactional // Transactional annotation avoids javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException // void deleteById(Integer id); /** * JpaRepository allows using native queries to define custom methods */ @Query(value = "SELECT NEXTVAL('article_id_seq')", nativeQuery = true) /** * because save() in CrudRepository requires an ID before persisting the object, need to get the next value from the database sequence * @return */ Integer getIdForNewArticle(); /** * for custom methods, the field name needs to be mapped to the one defined in entity * e.g. findAllByCategory(String category) uses the category field defined in Article */ List
findAllByCategory(String category); }