CRUD Admin Generator =================== What is CRUD Admin Generator? ----------------------------- **CRUD Admin Generator** ([][1]) is a tool to **generate a complete backend from a MySql database** where you can create, read, update and delete records in a database. **The backend is generated in seconds** without configuration files where there is a lot of *"magic"* and is very difficult to adapt to your needs. **The generated code is fully customizable and extensible.** It has been programmed with the Silex framework, so the resulting code is PHP. Installation ------------ Clone the repository git clone admingenerator cd admingenerator Download composer: curl -sS | php Install vendors: php composer.phar install You need point the document root of your virtual host to /path_to/admingenerator/web This is an example of VirtualHost: DocumentRoot /path_to/admingenerator/web DirectoryIndex index.php Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Order Allow,Deny Allow from all AllowOverride all php_admin_flag engine on php_admin_flag safe_mode off php_admin_value open_basedir none You can customize the url using the .htaccess file, maybe this will help you: []( Generate CRUD backend --------------------- Edit the file /path_to/admingenerator/src/app.php and set your database conection data: $app->register(new Silex\Provider\DoctrineServiceProvider(), array( 'dbs.options' => array( 'db' => array( 'driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'dbname' => 'DATABASE_NAME', 'host' => 'localhost', 'user' => 'DATABASE_USER', 'password' => 'DATABASE_PASS', 'charset' => 'utf8', ), ) )); You need to set the url of the resources folder. Change this line: $app['asset_path'] = '/resources'; For the url of your project, for example: $app['asset_path'] = ''; Now, execute the command that will generate the CRUD backend: php console generate:admin **This is it!** Now access with your favorite web browser. The command generates one menu section for each database table. **Now will be much easier to list, create, edit and delete rows!** Customize the result -------------------- The generated code is fully configurable and editable, you just have to edit the corresponding files. - The **controller** you can find it in **/web/controllers/TABLE_NAME/index.php** - The **views** are in **/web/views/TABLE_NAME** It has generated a folder for each database table. Contributing ------------ If you want to contribute code to CRUD Admin Generator, we are waiting for your pull requests! Some suggestions for improvement could be: - Different form fields depending on data type.: datetime, time... - Create admin user with a login and logout page. - Generate CRUD for tables with more than one primary key. - Any other useful functionality! Author ------ * Jon Segador * Personal site: []( * Twitter: *[@jonseg](* * CRUD Admin Generator webpage: []( [1]: