#!/usr/bin/env bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH hui_systemd_version="${1:-latest}" hui_docker_version=":${hui_systemd_version#v}" init_var() { ECHO_TYPE="echo -e" package_manager="" release="" version="" get_arch="" HUI_DATA_DOCKER="/h-ui/" HUI_DATA_SYSTEMD="/usr/local/h-ui/" h_ui_port=8081 h_ui_time_zone=Asia/Shanghai } echo_content() { case $1 in "red") ${ECHO_TYPE} "\033[31m$2\033[0m" ;; "green") ${ECHO_TYPE} "\033[32m$2\033[0m" ;; "yellow") ${ECHO_TYPE} "\033[33m$2\033[0m" ;; "blue") ${ECHO_TYPE} "\033[34m$2\033[0m" ;; "purple") ${ECHO_TYPE} "\033[35m$2\033[0m" ;; "skyBlue") ${ECHO_TYPE} "\033[36m$2\033[0m" ;; "white") ${ECHO_TYPE} "\033[37m$2\033[0m" ;; esac } can_connect() { if ping -c2 -i0.3 -W1 "$1" &>/dev/null; then return 0 else return 1 fi } check_sys() { if [[ $(id -u) != "0" ]]; then echo_content red "You must be root to run this script" exit 1 fi can_connect www.google.com if [[ "$?" == "1" ]]; then echo_content red "---> Network connection failed" exit 1 fi if [[ $(command -v yum) ]]; then package_manager='yum' elif [[ $(command -v dnf) ]]; then package_manager='dnf' elif [[ $(command -v apt-get) ]]; then package_manager='apt-get' elif [[ $(command -v apt) ]]; then package_manager='apt' fi if [[ -z "${package_manager}" ]]; then echo_content red "This system is not currently supported" exit 1 fi if [[ -n $(find /etc -name "redhat-release") ]] || grep /etc/docker/daemon.json </dev/null && nft list tables | grep -q hui_porthopping; then nft delete table inet hui_porthopping fi if command -v iptables &>/dev/null; then for num in $(iptables -t nat -L PREROUTING -v --line-numbers | grep -i "hui_hysteria_porthopping" | awk '{print $1}' | sort -rn); do iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING $num done fi if command -v ip6tables &>/dev/null; then for num in $(ip6tables -t nat -L PREROUTING -v --line-numbers | grep -i "hui_hysteria_porthopping" | awk '{print $1}' | sort -rn); do ip6tables -t nat -D PREROUTING $num done fi } install_docker() { if [[ ! $(command -v docker) ]]; then echo_content green "---> Install Docker" bash <(curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com) setup_docker systemctl enable docker && systemctl restart docker if [[ $(command -v docker) ]]; then echo_content skyBlue "---> Docker install successful" else echo_content red "---> Docker install failed" exit 1 fi else echo_content skyBlue "---> Docker is already installed" fi } install_h_ui_docker() { if [[ -n $(docker ps -a -q -f "name=^h-ui$") ]]; then echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI is already installed" exit 0 fi echo_content green "---> Install H UI" mkdir -p ${HUI_DATA_DOCKER} read -r -p "Please enter the port of H UI (default: 8081): " h_ui_port [[ -z "${h_ui_port}" ]] && h_ui_port="8081" read -r -p "Please enter the Time zone of H UI (default: Asia/Shanghai): " h_ui_time_zone [[ -z "${h_ui_time_zone}" ]] && h_ui_time_zone="Asia/Shanghai" docker pull jonssonyan/h-ui && docker run -d --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ --name h-ui --restart always \ --network=host \ -e TZ=${h_ui_time_zone} \ -v /h-ui/bin:/h-ui/bin \ -v /h-ui/data:/h-ui/data \ -v /h-ui/export:/h-ui/export \ -v /h-ui/logs:/h-ui/logs \ jonssonyan/h-ui"${hui_docker_version}" \ ./h-ui -p ${h_ui_port} echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI install successful" } upgrade_h_ui_docker() { if [[ ! $(command -v docker) ]]; then echo_content red "---> Docker not installed" exit 0 fi if [[ -z $(docker ps -a -q -f "name=^h-ui$") ]]; then echo_content red "---> H UI not installed" exit 0 fi latest_version=$(curl -Ls "https://api.github.com/repos/jonssonyan/h-ui/releases/latest" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed 's/.*"tag_name": "\(.*\)",.*/\1/') current_version=$(docker exec h-ui ./h-ui -v | sed -n 's/.*version \([^\ ]*\).*/\1/p') if [[ "${latest_version}" == "${current_version}" ]]; then echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI is already the latest version" exit 0 fi echo_content green "---> Upgrade H UI" docker rm -f h-ui docker rmi jonssonyan/h-ui read -r -p "Please enter the port of H UI (default: 8081): " h_ui_port [[ -z "${h_ui_port}" ]] && h_ui_port="8081" read -r -p "Please enter the Time zone of H UI (default: Asia/Shanghai): " h_ui_time_zone [[ -z "${h_ui_time_zone}" ]] && h_ui_time_zone="Asia/Shanghai" docker pull jonssonyan/h-ui && docker run -d --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ --name h-ui --restart always \ --network=host \ -e TZ=${h_ui_time_zone} \ -v /h-ui/bin:/h-ui/bin \ -v /h-ui/data:/h-ui/data \ -v /h-ui/export:/h-ui/export \ -v /h-ui/logs:/h-ui/logs \ jonssonyan/h-ui \ ./h-ui -p ${h_ui_port} echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI upgrade successful" } uninstall_h_ui_docker() { if [[ ! $(command -v docker) ]]; then echo_content red "---> Docker not installed" exit 0 fi if [[ -z $(docker ps -a -q -f "name=^h-ui$") ]]; then echo_content red "---> H UI not installed" exit 0 fi echo_content green "---> Uninstall H UI" docker rm -f h-ui docker images jonssonyan/h-ui -q | xargs -r docker rmi -f rm -rf /h-ui/ remove_forward echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI uninstall successful" } install_h_ui_systemd() { if systemctl status h-ui >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI is already installed" exit 0 fi echo_content green "---> Install H UI" mkdir -p ${HUI_DATA_SYSTEMD} read -r -p "Please enter the port of H UI (default: 8081): " h_ui_port [[ -z "${h_ui_port}" ]] && h_ui_port="8081" read -r -p "Please enter the Time zone of H UI (default: Asia/Shanghai): " h_ui_time_zone [[ -z "${h_ui_time_zone}" ]] && h_ui_time_zone="Asia/Shanghai" timedatectl set-timezone ${h_ui_time_zone} && timedatectl set-local-rtc 0 systemctl restart rsyslog if [[ "${release}" == "centos" ]]; then systemctl restart crond elif [[ "${release}" == "debian" || "${release}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then systemctl restart cron fi export GIN_MODE=release bin_url=https://github.com/jonssonyan/h-ui/releases/latest/download/h-ui-linux-${get_arch} if [[ "latest" != "${hui_systemd_version}" ]]; then bin_url=https://github.com/jonssonyan/h-ui/releases/download/${hui_systemd_version}/h-ui-linux-${get_arch} fi curl -fsSL "${bin_url}" -o /usr/local/h-ui/h-ui && chmod +x /usr/local/h-ui/h-ui && curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jonssonyan/h-ui/main/h-ui.service -o /etc/systemd/system/h-ui.service && sed -i "s|^ExecStart=.*|ExecStart=/usr/local/h-ui/h-ui -p ${h_ui_port}|" "/etc/systemd/system/h-ui.service" && systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl enable h-ui && systemctl restart h-ui echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI install successful" } upgrade_h_ui_systemd() { if ! systemctl list-units --type=service --all | grep -q 'h-ui.service'; then echo_content red "---> H UI not installed" exit 0 fi latest_version=$(curl -Ls "https://api.github.com/repos/jonssonyan/h-ui/releases/latest" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed 's/.*"tag_name": "\(.*\)",.*/\1/') current_version=$(/usr/local/h-ui/h-ui -v | sed -n 's/.*version \([^\ ]*\).*/\1/p') if [[ "${latest_version}" == "${current_version}" ]]; then echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI is already the latest version" exit 0 fi echo_content green "---> Upgrade H UI" if [[ $(systemctl is-active h-ui) == "active" ]]; then systemctl stop h-ui fi curl -fsSL https://github.com/jonssonyan/h-ui/releases/latest/download/h-ui-linux-${get_arch} -o /usr/local/h-ui/h-ui && chmod +x /usr/local/h-ui/h-ui && systemctl restart h-ui echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI upgrade successful" } uninstall_h_ui_systemd() { if ! systemctl list-units --type=service --all | grep -q 'h-ui.service'; then echo_content red "---> H UI not installed" exit 0 fi echo_content green "---> Uninstall H UI" if [[ $(systemctl is-active h-ui) == "active" ]]; then systemctl stop h-ui fi systemctl disable h-ui.service && rm -f /etc/systemd/system/h-ui.service && systemctl daemon-reload && rm -rf /usr/local/h-ui/ && systemctl reset-failed remove_forward echo_content skyBlue "---> H UI uninstall successful" } main() { cd "$HOME" || exit 0 init_var check_sys install_depend clear echo_content red "\n==============================================================" echo_content skyBlue "Recommended OS: CentOS 8+/Ubuntu 20+/Debian 11+" echo_content skyBlue "Description: Quick Installation of H UI" echo_content skyBlue "Author: jonssonyan " echo_content skyBlue "Github: https://github.com/jonssonyan/h-ui" echo_content red "\n==============================================================" echo_content yellow "1. Install H UI (systemd)" echo_content yellow "2. Upgrade H UI (systemd)" echo_content yellow "3. Uninstall H UI (systemd)" echo_content red "\n==============================================================" echo_content yellow "4. Install H UI (Docker)" echo_content yellow "5. Upgrade H UI (Docker)" echo_content yellow "6. Uninstall H UI (Docker)" read -r -p "Please choose: " input_option case ${input_option} in 1) install_h_ui_systemd ;; 2) upgrade_h_ui_systemd ;; 3) uninstall_h_ui_systemd ;; 4) install_docker install_h_ui_docker ;; 5) upgrade_h_ui_docker ;; 6) uninstall_h_ui_docker ;; *) echo_content red "No such option" ;; esac } main