#!/bin/bash : ' ______________________________________________ PVE Kernel Cleaner By Jordan Hillis jordan@hillis.email https://jordanhillis.com ______________________________________________ MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Jordan Hillis - jordan@hillis.email - https://jordanhillis.com Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ______________________________________________ ' # Percentage of used space in the /boot which would consider it critically full boot_critical_percent="80" # To check for updates or not check_for_updates=true # Dry run mode is for testing without actually removing anything dry_run=false # Current kernel current_kernel=$(uname -r) # Name of the program program_name="pvekclean" # Version version="2.0.2" # Text Colors black="\e[38;2;0;0;0m" gray="\e[30m" red="\e[31m" green="\e[32m" yellow="\e[33m" blue="\e[34m" magenta="\e[35m" cyan="\e[36m" white="\e[37m" orange="\e[38;5;202m" # Background Colors bg_black="\e[40m" bg_red="\e[41m" bg_green="\e[42m" bg_yellow="\e[43m" bg_blue="\e[44m" bg_magenta="\e[45m" bg_cyan="\e[46m" bg_white="\e[47m" bg_orange="\e[48;5;202m" # Text Styles bold="\e[1m" # Reset formatting reset="\e[0m" # Force purging without dialog confirms force_purge=false # Allow removing kernels newer than current remove_newer=false # Check if script is ran as root, if not exit check_root() { if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then printf "${bold}[!] Error:${reset} this script must be ran as the root user.\n" exit 1 fi } # Shown current version version() { printf $version"\n" exit 0 } # Header for PVE Kernel Cleaner header_info() { echo -e " ${bg_black}${orange} ${reset} ${bg_black}${orange} █▀▀█ ▀█ █▀ █▀▀ █ █ █▀▀ █▀▀█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ █ ${reset} ${bg_black}${orange} █ █ █▄█ █▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▀ █▄▄▀ █ █ █▀▀ █ ${reset} ${bg_black}${orange} █▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ${reset} ${bg_black}${orange} ${reset} ${bg_black}${white} █▀▀ █ █▀▀ █▀▀█ █▀▀▄ █▀▀ █▀▀█ ${reset} ${bg_black}${white} █ █ █▀▀ █▄▄█ █ █ █▀▀ █▄▄▀ ${white}${bold}⎦˚◡˚⎣ v$version ${reset} ${bg_black}${white} ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ${reset} ${bg_orange}${black} ${bold}By Jordan Hillis [jordan@hillis.email] ${reset} ___________________________________________ " if [ "$dry_run" == "true" ]; then printf " ${bg_yellow}${black}${bold} DRY RUN MODE IS: ${red}ON ${reset}\n" printf "${bg_green}${bold}${black} This is what the script would do in regular mode ${reset}\n${bg_green}${bold}${black} (but without making actual changes) ${reset}\n\n" fi } # Function to get drive status based on usage percentage get_drive_status() { local usage=$1 # Check if the input is a number if ! [[ $usage =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "${bold}N/A${reset}" else if (( usage <= 50 )); then echo "${bold}${green}Healthy${reset}" elif (( usage > 50 && usage <= 75 )); then echo "${bold}${orange}Moderate Capacity${reset}" else echo "${bold}${red}Critically Full${reset}" fi fi } # Show current system information kernel_info() { # Lastest kernel installed latest_kernel=$(dpkg --list | awk '/proxmox-kernel-.*-pve/{print $2}' | sed -n 's/proxmox-kernel-//p' | sort -V | tail -n 1 | tr -d '[:space:]') [ -z "$latest_kernel" ] && latest_kernel="N/A" # Show operating system used printf " ${bold}OS:${reset} $(cat /etc/os-release | grep "PRETTY_NAME" | sed 's/PRETTY_NAME=//g' | sed 's/["]//g' | awk '{print $0}')\n" # Get information about the /boot folder boot_info=($(echo $(df -Ph | grep /boot | tail -1) | sed 's/%//g')) # Show information about the /boot printf " ${bold}Boot Disk:${reset} ${boot_info[4]}%% full [${boot_info[2]}/${boot_info[1]} used, ${boot_info[3]} free] \n" # Show current kernel in use printf " ${bold}Current Kernel:${reset} $current_kernel\n" # Check if they are running a PVE kernel if [[ "$current_kernel" == *"pve"* ]]; then # Check if we are running the latest kernel, if not warn if [[ "$latest_kernel" != *"$current_kernel"* ]]; then printf " ${bold}Latest Kernel:${reset} ${latest_kernel}\n" fi # Warn them that they aren't on a PVE kernel else printf "___________________________________________\n\n" printf "${bold}[!]${reset} Warning, you're not running a PVE kernel\n" # Ask them if they want to continue printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Would you like to continue [y/N] " read -n 1 -r printf "\n" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Continue on if they wish printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Alright, we will continue on\n" else # Exit script printf "\nGood bye!\n" exit 0 fi fi printf "___________________________________________\n\n" } # Usage information on how to use PVE Kernel Clean show_usage() { # Skip showing usage when force_purge is enabled if [ $force_purge == false ]; then printf "${bold}Usage:${reset} $(basename $0) [OPTION1] [OPTION2]...\n\n" printf " -k, --keep [number] Keep the specified number of most recent PVE kernels on the system\n" printf " Can be used with -f or --force for non-interactive removal\n" printf " -f, --force Force the removal of old PVE kernels without confirm prompts\n" printf " -rn, --remove-newer Remove kernels that are newer than the currently running kernel\n" printf " -s, --scheduler Have old PVE kernels removed on a scheduled basis\n" printf " -v, --version Shows current version of $program_name\n" printf " -r, --remove Uninstall $program_name from the system\n" printf " -i, --install Install $program_name to the system\n" printf " -d, --dry-run Run the program in dry run mode for testing without making system changes\n" printf "___________________________________________\n\n" fi } # Schedule PVE Kernel Cleaner at a time desired scheduler() { # Check if pvekclean is on the system, if not exit if [ ! -f /usr/local/sbin/$program_name ]; then printf "${bold}[!]${reset} Sorry $program_name is required to be installed on the system for this functionality.\n" exit 1 fi # Check if cron is installed if ! [ -x "$(command -v crontab)" ]; then printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Error, cron does not appear to be installed.\n" printf " Please install cron with the command 'sudo apt-get install cron'\n\n" exit 1 fi # Check if the cronjob exists on the system check_cron_exists=$(crontab -l | grep "$program_name") # Cronjob exists if [ -n "$check_cron_exists" ]; then # Get the current cronjob scheduling cron_current=$(crontab -l | grep "$program_name" | sed "s/[^a-zA-Z']/ /g" | sed -e "s/\b\(.\)/\u\1/g" | awk '{print $1;}') # Ask the user if they would like to remove the scheduling printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Would you like to remove the currently scheduled PVE Kernel Cleaner? (Current: $cron_current) [y/N] " read -n 1 -r if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Remove the cronjob (crontab -l | grep -v "$program_name")| crontab - printf "\n[*] Successfully removed the ${cron_current,,} scheduled PVE Kernel Cleaner!\n" else # Keep it printf "\n\nAlright we will keep your current settings then.\n" fi # Cronjob does not exist else # Ask how often the would like to check for old PVE kernels printf "${bold}[-]${reset} How often would you like to check for old PVE kernels?\n 1) Daily\n 2) Weekly\n 3) Monthly\n\n - Enter a number option above? " read -r -p "" response case "$response" in 1) cron_time="daily" ;; 2) cron_time="weekly" ;; 3) cron_time="monthly" ;; *) printf "\nThat is not a valid option!\n" exit 1 ;; esac # Ask if they want to set a specific number of kernels to keep printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Enter the number of latest kernels to keep (or press Enter to skip): " read number_of_kernels if [[ "$number_of_kernels" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then kernel_option=" -k $number_of_kernels" printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Okay, we will keep at least $number_of_kernels kernels on the system." else kernel_option="" fi # Add the cronjob (crontab -l ; echo "@$cron_time /usr/local/sbin/$program_name -f$kernel_option")| crontab - printf "\n[-] Scheduled $cron_time PVE Kernel Cleaner successfully!\n" fi exit 0 } # Installs PVE Kernel Cleaner for easier access install_program() { force_pvekclean_update=false local tmp_file="/tmp/.pvekclean_install_lock" local install=false local ask_interval=3600 # 1 hour in seconds # If pvekclean exists on the system if [ -e /usr/local/sbin/$program_name ]; then # Get current version of pvekclean pvekclean_installed_version=$(/usr/local/sbin/$program_name -v | awk '{printf $0}') # If the version differs, update it to the latest from the script if [ $version != $pvekclean_installed_version ] && [ $force_purge == false ]; then printf "${bold}[!]${reset} A new version of PVE Kernel Cleaner has been detected (Installed: $pvekclean_installed_version | New: $version).\n" printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Installing update...\n" force_pvekclean_update=true fi fi # Check if the file doesn't exist or it's been over an hour since the last ask if [ ! -e "$tmp_file" ] || [ ! -f "$tmp_file" ] || [ $(( $(date +%s) - $(cat "$tmp_file") )) -gt $ask_interval ] || [ $force_pvekclean_update == true ] || [ -n "$force_pvekclean_install" ]; then # If pvekclean does not exist on the system or force_purge is enabled if [ ! -f /usr/local/sbin/$program_name ] || [ $force_pvekclean_update == true ] || [ -n "$force_pvekclean_install" ]; then # Ask user if we can install it to their system if [ $force_purge == true ]; then REPLY="n" else # Update the timestamp in the file to record the time of the last ask echo $(date +%s) > "$tmp_file" # Ask if we can install it printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Can we install PVE Kernel Cleaner to your /usr/local/sbin for easier access [y/N] " read -n 1 -r printf "\n" fi # User agrees to have it installed if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Copy the script to /usr/local/sbin and set execution permissions cp $0 /usr/local/sbin/$program_name chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/$program_name # Tell user how to use it printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Installed PVE Kernel Cleaner to /usr/local/sbin/$program_name\n" printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Run the command \"$program_name\" to begin using this program.\n" printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Run the command \"$program_name -r\" to remove this program at any time.\n" exit 0 fi fi fi if [ -n "$force_pvekclean_install" ]; then exit 0 fi } # Uninstall pvekclean from the system uninstall_program() { # If pvekclean exists on the system if [ -e /usr/local/sbin/$program_name ]; then # Confirm that they wish to remove it printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Are you sure that you would like to remove $program_name? [y/N] " read -n 1 -r printf "\n" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Remove the program rm -f /usr/local/sbin/$program_name printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Successfully removed PVE Kernel Cleaner from the system!\n" printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Sorry to see you go :(\n" else printf "\nExiting...\nThat was a close one ⎦˚◡˚⎣\n" fi exit 0 else # Tell the user that it is not installed printf "${bold}[!]${reset} This program is not installed on the system.\n" exit 1 fi } # PVE Kernel Clean main function pve_kernel_clean() { # Find all the PVE kernels on the system kernels=$(dpkg --list | grep -E "(pve-kernel|proxmox-kernel)-[0-9].*" | grep -E "Kernel Image" | grep -vE "${latest_kernel%-pve}|series|transitional" | awk '{print $2}' | sed -n 's/\(pve\|proxmox\)-kernel-\(.*\)/\2/p' | sort -V) # List of kernels that will be removed (adds them as the script goes on) kernels_to_remove=() # Boot drive status boot_drive_status=$(get_drive_status ${boot_info[4]}) # Show space used, status and free space available printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Boot disk space used is ${bold}${boot_drive_status}${reset} at ${boot_info[4]}%% capacity (${boot_info[3]} free)\n" # For each kernel that was found via dpkg current_kernel_passed=false for kernel in $kernels do # Check if the kernel is already in the array if [[ " ${kernels_to_remove[@]} " =~ " $kernel " ]]; then continue # Skip adding it again fi # Only if not removing newer kernels and kernel matches the current kernel if [ "$(echo $kernel | grep "$current_kernel")" ]; then if [ "$remove_newer" == "false" ]; then break else current_kernel_passed=true continue fi # Add kernel to the list of removal since it is old else kernels_to_remove+=("$kernel") # Add the kernel to the array fi done # If remove_newer is set keep the last kernel installed as its newest # if [ "$remove_newer" == "true" ] && [ "$current_kernel_passed" == "true" ] && [ ${#kernels_to_remove[@]} -gt 0 ]; then # unset kernels_to_remove[-1] # fi # If keep_kernels is set we remove this number from the array to remove if [[ -n "$keep_kernels" ]] && [[ "$keep_kernels" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then if [ $keep_kernels -gt 0 ]; then printf "${bold}[*]${reset} The last ${bold}$keep_kernels${reset} kernel$([ "$keep_kernels" -eq 1 ] || echo 's') will be held back from being removed.\n" # Check if the number of kernels to keep is greater than or equal to the number of kernels in the array if [ "$keep_kernels" -ge "${#kernels_to_remove[@]}" ]; then # Set keep_kernels to the number of kernels in the array keep_kernels="${#kernels_to_remove[@]}" fi kernels_to_keep=("${kernels_to_remove[@]:${#kernels_to_remove[@]}-$keep_kernels:$keep_kernels}") kernels_to_remove=("${kernels_to_remove[@]::${#kernels_to_remove[@]}-$keep_kernels}") fi fi # Show kernels to be removed printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Searching for old PVE kernels on your system...\n" for kernel in "${kernels_to_remove[@]}" do printf " ${bold}${green}+${reset} \"$kernel\" added to the kernel remove list\n" done for kernel in "${kernels_to_keep[@]}" do printf " ${bold}${red}-${reset} \"$kernel\" is being held back from removal\n" done printf "${bold}[-]${reset} PVE kernel search complete!\n" # If there are no kernels to be removed then exit if [ ${#kernels_to_remove[@]} -eq 0 ]; then printf "${bold}[!]${reset} It appears there are no old PVE kernels on your system ⎦˚◡˚⎣\n" printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Good bye!\n" # Kernels found in removal list else num_to_remove=${#kernels_to_remove[@]} # Check if force removal was passed if [ $force_purge == true ]; then REPLY="y" # Ask the user if they want to remove the selected kernels found else printf "${bold}[!]${reset} Would you like to remove the ${bold}$num_to_remove${reset} selected PVE kernel$([ "$num_to_remove" -eq 1 ] || echo 's') listed above? [y/N]: " read -n 1 -r printf "\n" fi # User wishes to remove the kernels if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Removing $num_to_remove old PVE kernel$([ "$num_to_remove" -eq 1 ] || echo 's')...\n" for kernel in "${kernels_to_remove[@]}" do printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Removing kernel: $kernel..." # Purge the old kernels via apt and suppress output if [ "$dry_run" != "true" ]; then /usr/bin/apt purge -y pve-kernel-$kernel > /dev/null 2>&1 /usr/bin/apt purge -y proxmox-kernel-$kernel > /dev/null 2>&1 /usr/bin/apt purge -y pve-kernel-${kernel%-pve} > /dev/null 2>&1 /usr/bin/apt purge -y proxmox-kernel-${kernel%-pve} > /dev/null 2>&1 /usr/bin/apt purge -y pve-headers-${kernel%-pve} > /dev/null 2>&1 /usr/bin/apt purge -y proxmox-headers-${kernel%-pve} > /dev/null 2>&1 fi sleep 1 printf "${bold}${green}DONE!${reset}\n" done printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Updating GRUB..." # Update grub after kernels are removed, suppress output if [ "$dry_run" != "true" ]; then /usr/sbin/update-grub > /dev/null 2>&1 fi printf "${bold}${green}DONE!${reset}\n" # Get information about the /boot folder boot_info=($(echo $(df -Ph | grep /boot | tail -1) | sed 's/%//g')) # Show information about the /boot printf "${bold}[-]${reset} ${bold}Boot Disk:${reset} ${boot_info[4]}%% full [${boot_info[2]}/${boot_info[1]} used, ${boot_info[3]} free] \n" # Script finished successfully printf "${bold}[-]${reset} Have a nice $(timeGreeting) ⎦˚◡˚⎣\n" # User wishes to not remove the kernels above, exit else printf "\nExiting...\n" printf "See you later ⎦˚◡˚⎣\n" fi fi exit 0 } # Function to check for updates check_for_update() { if [ "$check_for_updates" == "true" ] && [ "$force_purge" == "false" ]; then # Get latest version number local remote_version=$(curl -s -m 10 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jordanhillis/pvekclean/master/version.txt | tr -d '\n' || echo "") # Unable to fetch remote version, so just skip the update check if [ -z "$remote_version" ]; then printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Failed to check for updates. Skipping update check.\n" return fi # Validate the remote_version format using a regex if [[ ! "$remote_version" =~ ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$ ]]; then printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Invalid remote version format: ${bold}${orange}$remote_version${reset}. Skipping update check.\n" return fi # If version isn't the same if [ "$remote_version" != "$version" ]; then printf "*** A new version $remote_version is available! ***\n" printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Do you want to update? [y/N] " read -n 1 -r printf "\n" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then local updated_script=$(curl -s -m 10 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jordanhillis/pvekclean/master/pvekclean.sh) # Check if the updated script contains the shebang line if [[ "$updated_script" == "#!/bin/bash"* ]]; then echo "$updated_script" > "$0" # Overwrite the current script printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Successfully updated to version $remote_version\n" exec "$0" "$@" else printf "${bold}[*]${reset} The updated script does not contain the expected shebang line.\n" printf "${bold}[*]${reset} Update aborted!\n" fi fi fi fi } timeGreeting() { h=$(date +%k) # Use %k to get the hour as a decimal number (no leading zero) ((h >= 5 && h < 12)) && echo "morning" && return ((h >= 12 && h < 17)) && echo "afternoon" && return ((h >= 17 && h < 21)) && echo "evening" && return echo "night" } main() { # Check for root check_root # Show header information header_info # Script usage show_usage # Show kernel information kernel_info # Check for updates check_for_update # Install program to /usr/local/sbin/ install_program } while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -i|--install ) force_pvekclean_install=true main install_program ;; -r|--remove ) main uninstall_program ;; -s|--scheduler) main scheduler ;; -v|--version) version ;; -h|--help) main exit 0 ;; -k|--keep) if [[ $# -gt 1 && "$2" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then keep_kernels="$2" shift 2 continue else echo -e "${bold}Error:${reset} --keep/-k requires a number argument." exit 1 fi ;; -f|--force) force_purge=true shift continue ;; -rn|--remove-newer) remove_newer=true shift continue ;; -d|--dry-run) dry_run=true shift continue ;; *) echo -e "${bold}Unknown option:${reset} $1" exit 1 ;; esac shift done main pve_kernel_clean