name: DS-geospatial channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - python=3.11 - ipython - jupyter - jupyterlab>3 - numpy # pinning pandas temporary because 2.1 causes warnings with geopandas and seaborn - pandas=2.0 - xarray - geopandas - rasterio - owslib - rasterstats - matplotlib - mapclassify - cartopy - contextily - geoplot - fsspec - s3fs - dask - distributed - dask-labextension - bokeh - jupyter_bokeh - intake - intake-xarray - ipympl - ipyleaflet - folium - seaborn - hvplot - geoviews - datashader - cmocean - pygeoprocessing - zarr - h5netcdf - h5py - cfgrib - pooch - rioxarray - xarray-spatial - pyepsg