## Joruri CMS / DB更新履歴 2.0.0 CREATE TABLE `sessions` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `session_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `data` text, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `index_sessions_on_session_id` (`session_id`), KEY `index_sessions_on_updated_at` (`updated_at`) ) CREATE TABLE `storage_files` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL, `path` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `dirname` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `basename` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `directory` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `size` bigint(20), `data` longblob, `path_hash` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL, `dir_hash` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`path`) ); CREATE TABLE `sys_operation_logs` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `created_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `user_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `ipaddr` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `uri` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `action` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `item_model` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `item_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `item_unid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `item_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); CREATE TABLE sys_processes ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, started_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, closed_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, user_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, interrupt varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, total int(11) DEFAULT NULL, current int(11) DEFAULT NULL, success int(11) DEFAULT NULL, error int(11) DEFAULT NULL, message longtext DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); ALTER TABLE `sys_users_roles` ADD COLUMN `group_id` INT(11) AFTER `rid`; ALTER TABLE `sys_publishers` ADD COLUMN `internal_links` LONGTEXT NULL AFTER `content_hash` , ADD COLUMN `external_links` LONGTEXT NULL AFTER `internal_links`, ADD COLUMN `site_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `unid`, ADD COLUMN `uri` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `path`, ADD COLUMN `rel_unid` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `unid` ; DROP TABLE sys_group_changes; DROP TABLE sys_group_change_settings; DROP TABLE sys_group_change_logs; DROP TABLE sys_group_change_groups; DROP TABLE sys_group_change_items; CREATE TABLE `cms_link_checks` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `state` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `created_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `link_uri` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `source_uri` longtext DEFAULT NULL, `source_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); ALTER TABLE `cms_kana_dictionaries` DROP COLUMN `unidic_body`, DROP COLUMN `ipadic_body`, ADD COLUMN `mecab_csv` LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL AFTER `body`; ALTER TABLE `cms_sites` ADD COLUMN `alias_full_uri` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `full_uri`, ADD COLUMN `admin_full_uri` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `mobile_full_uri`; ALTER TABLE `cms_talk_tasks` ADD COLUMN `published_at` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL AFTER `updated_at` ; CREATE TABLE `entity_conversion_units` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `unid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `content_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `state` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `created_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `old_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `old_parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `move_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `new_move_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `new_parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `name_en` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `tel` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `outline_uri` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `web_state` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `layout_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ldap` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `sort_no` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); CREATE TABLE `entity_conversion_logs` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `content_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `env` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `state` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `created_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `body` longtext DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); DROP TABLE `newsletter_delivery_logs`; CREATE TABLE `newsletter_logs` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `content_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `doc_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `state` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `created_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `member_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `email` text, `letter_type` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `message` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); ALTER TABLE `newsletter_docs` ADD COLUMN `started_at` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL AFTER `delivery_state`, ADD COLUMN `total_count` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `mobile_body` , ADD COLUMN `success_count` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `total_count` , ADD COLUMN `error_count` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `success_count` ; ALTER TABLE `newsletter_requests` DROP COLUMN `unsubscribe_email` , DROP COLUMN `request_state` , DROP COLUMN `token` , ADD COLUMN `ipaddr` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE COLUMN `subscribe_email` `email` TEXT DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE `newsletter_tests` RENAME TO `newsletter_testers`; ALTER TABLE tool_simple_captcha_data RENAME TO simple_captcha_data; 1.3.2 CREATE TABLE cms_embedded_files ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, site_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, published_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, deleted_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, title text, mime_type text, size int(11) DEFAULT NULL, image_is int(11) DEFAULT NULL, image_width int(11) DEFAULT NULL, image_height int(11) DEFAULT NULL, thumb_width int(11) DEFAULT NULL, thumb_height int(11) DEFAULT NULL, thumb_size int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE cms_node_settings ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, node_id int(11) NOT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, value text, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY node_id (node_id) ); CREATE TABLE sys_settings ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, value text, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); ALTER TABLE sys_files ADD COLUMN thumb_width INT(11) NULL AFTER image_height, ADD COLUMN thumb_height INT(11) NULL AFTER thumb_width, ADD COLUMN thumb_size INT(11) NULL AFTER thumb_height; ALTER TABLE cms_data_files ADD COLUMN thumb_width INT(11) NULL AFTER image_height, ADD COLUMN thumb_height INT(11) NULL AFTER thumb_width, ADD COLUMN thumb_size INT(11) NULL AFTER thumb_height; ALTER TABLE cms_feeds ADD COLUMN fixed_categories_xml TEXT NULL; ALTER TABLE cms_feed_entries ADD COLUMN categories_xml TEXT NULL AFTER categories; ALTER TABLE article_docs ADD COLUMN event_close_date DATE NULL AFTER event_date; ALTER TABLE calendar_events ADD COLUMN event_close_date DATE NULL AFTER event_date; 1.3.1 ALTER TABLE article_docs ADD sns_link_state VARCHAR(15) NULL AFTER event_date; 1.2.5 CREATE TABLE cms_stylesheets ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, concept_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, site_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, path varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); 1.2.2 CREATE TABLE faq_categories ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, parent_id int(11) NOT NULL, concept_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, level_no int(11) NOT NULL, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, layout_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, title text, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE faq_docs ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, agent_state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, recognized_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, published_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, language_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, category_ids varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, rel_doc_ids varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, notice_state text, recent_state text, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, question text, title text, head longtext, body longtext, mobile_title text, mobile_body longtext, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY content_id (content_id,published_at) ); CREATE TABLE faq_tags ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, word text, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); 1.2.1 CREATE TABLE sys_group_changes ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, code varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, name_en varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, level_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, parent_code varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, parent_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, change_division varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, layout_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, ldap int(11) NOT NULL, start_date datetime DEFAULT NULL, old_division varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, old_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, old_code varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, old_name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, old_name_en varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, old_email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, old_layout_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE sys_group_change_settings ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, value text, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE sys_group_change_logs ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, parent_id int(11) NOT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, level_no int(11) NOT NULL, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, execute_state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, executed_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, title text, body longtext, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE sys_group_change_groups ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, group_change_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, group_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, parent_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, old_group_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE sys_group_change_items ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, item_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, item_unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, parent_item_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, model varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, owner_model varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY item_id (item_id,model) ); 1.2.0 ALTER TABLE cms_layouts ADD smart_phone_head TEXT NULL; ALTER TABLE cms_layouts ADD smart_phone_body LONGTEXT NULL; ALTER TABLE cms_layouts ADD smart_phone_stylesheet LONGTEXT NULL; 1.1.9 CREATE TABLE bbs_items ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, parent_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, thread_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, uri varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, title text, body longtext, password varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, ipaddr varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, user_agent varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE tool_simple_captcha_data ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `key` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, value varchar(6) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); 1.1.8 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS calendar_events ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, published_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, event_date date DEFAULT NULL, event_uri varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, title text, body longtext, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); 1.1.5 CREATE TABLE sys_unid_relations ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) NOT NULL, rel_unid int(11) NOT NULL, rel_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY unid (unid), KEY rel_unid (rel_unid) ); 1.1.4 ALTER TABLE article_areas ADD concept_id INT NULL AFTER parent_id; ALTER TABLE article_attributes ADD concept_id INT NULL AFTER unid; ALTER TABLE article_categories ADD concept_id INT NULL AFTER parent_id; CREATE TABLE cms_map_markers ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, map_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, lat varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, lng varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY map_id (map_id) ); 1.1.3 CREATE TABLE cms_site_settings ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, site_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, value text, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY concept_id (site_id,name) ); 1.1.2 CREATE TABLE newsletter_delivery_logs ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, doc_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, letter_type varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, title text, body longtext, delivery_state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, delivered_count int(11) DEFAULT NULL, deliverable_count int(11) DEFAULT NULL, last_member_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY content_id (content_id,doc_id,letter_type) ); CREATE TABLE newsletter_docs ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, delivery_state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, delivered_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, title text, body longtext, mobile_title text, mobile_body longtext, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY content_id (content_id,updated_at) ); CREATE TABLE newsletter_members ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, letter_type varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, email text, delivered_doc_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, delivered_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY content_id (content_id,letter_type,created_at) ); CREATE TABLE newsletter_requests ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, request_state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, request_type varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, letter_type varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, subscribe_email text, unsubscribe_email text, token text, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY content_id (content_id,request_state,request_type) ); CREATE TABLE newsletter_tests ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, agent_state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name text, email text, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); 1.1.1 CREATE TABLE cms_piece_link_items ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, piece_id int(11) NOT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, body text DEFAULT NULL, uri varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, target varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY piece_id (piece_id) ); 1.1.0 CREATE TABLE cms_feeds ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state text, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, uri text, title text, feed_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, feed_type varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, feed_updated datetime DEFAULT NULL, feed_title text, link_alternate text, entry_count int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE cms_feed_entries ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, feed_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state text, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, entry_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, entry_updated datetime DEFAULT NULL, event_date date DEFAULT NULL, title text, summary mediumtext, link_alternate text, link_enclosure text, categories text, author_name text, author_email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, author_uri text, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY feed_id (feed_id,content_id,entry_updated) ); CREATE TABLE portal_categories ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, parent_id int(11) NOT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, level_no int(11) NOT NULL, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, layout_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, title text, entry_categories mediumtext, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY parent_id (parent_id,content_id,state) ); CREATE TABLE cms_content_settings ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, content_id int(11) NOT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, value text, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY content_id (content_id) ); CREATE TABLE cms_piece_settings ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, piece_id int(11) NOT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, value text, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY piece_id (piece_id) ); DROP TABLE cms_talk_tasks; CREATE TABLE cms_talk_tasks ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, dependent varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, published_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, path text, content_hash varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY unid (unid,dependent) ); DROP TABLE sys_publishers; CREATE TABLE sys_publishers ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, dependent varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, path varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, content_hash varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY unid (unid,dependent) ); ALTER TABLE sys_groups ADD unid INT NULL AFTER id; 1.0.8 ALTER TABLE cms_pieces ADD view_title VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL AFTER title; CREATE TABLE enquete_answers ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, form_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, ipaddr varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, user_agent text, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY content_id (content_id,form_id) ); CREATE TABLE enquete_answer_columns ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, answer_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, form_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, column_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, value longtext, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY answer_id (answer_id,form_id,column_id) ); CREATE TABLE enquete_forms ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, content_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, name text, body longtext, summary text, sent_body longtext, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY content_id (content_id,sort_no) ); CREATE TABLE enquete_form_columns ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, unid int(11) DEFAULT NULL, form_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, state varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, name text, body text, column_type varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, column_style varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, required int(11) DEFAULT NULL, options longtext, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY form_id (form_id,sort_no) ); 1.0.7 ALTER TABLE article_docs ADD agent_state VARCHAR( 15 ) NULL AFTER state; 1.0.6 CREATE TABLE sys_ldap_synchros ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, parent_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, created_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, updated_at datetime DEFAULT NULL, version varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, entry_type varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, code varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, sort_no int(11) DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, name_en varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY version (version,parent_id,entry_type) ); 1.0.3 ALTER TABLE cms_nodes ADD mobile_title TEXT NULL AFTER body; ALTER TABLE cms_nodes ADD mobile_body LONGTEXT NULL AFTER mobile_title; 1.0.2 ALTER TABLE cms_data_texts ADD site_id INTEGER NULL AFTER unid;