% -------------------------------------------- % Euler Yet another proof Engine -- Jos De Roo % -------------------------------------------- % % See https://github.com/eyereasoner/eye % :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(gensym)). :- use_module(library(system)). :- use_module(library(terms)). :- use_module(library(url)). :- use_module(library(charsio)). :- use_module(library(qsave)). :- use_module(library(base64)). :- use_module(library(date)). :- use_module(library(prolog_jiti)). :- use_module(library(sha)). :- use_module(library(dif)). :- use_module(library(semweb/turtle)). :- use_module(library(pcre)). :- catch(use_module(library(process)), _, true). :- catch(use_module(library(http/http_open)), _, true). version_info('EYE v10.2.19 (2024-04-16)'). license_info('MIT License Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Jos De Roo Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.'). help_info('Usage: eye * * * eye swipl -g main eye.pl -- --csv-separator CSV separator such as , or ; --debug output debug info on stderr --debug-cnt output debug info about counters on stderr --debug-djiti output debug info about DJITI on stderr --debug-implies output debug info about implies on stderr --debug-pvm output debug info about PVM code on stderr --help show help info --hmac-key HMAC key used in e:hmac-sha built-in --ignore-inference-fuse do not halt in case of inference fuse --image output all and all code to --intermediate output all to --license show license info --max-inferences halt after maximum number of inferences --n3p-output reasoner output in n3p --no-beautified-output no beautified output --no-distinct-input no distinct triples in the input --no-distinct-output no distinct answers in the output --no-numerals no numerals in the output --no-qnames no qnames in the output --no-qvars no qvars in the output --no-ucall no extended unifier for forward rules --nope no proof explanation --output write reasoner output to --profile output profile info on stderr --quantify quantify uris with in the output --quiet quiet mode --random-seed create random seed for e:random built-in --rdf-list-output output lists as RDF lists --restricted restricting to core built-ins --rule-histogram output rule histogram info on stderr --skolem-genid use in Skolem IRIs --source read command line arguments from --statistics output statistics info on stderr --strings output log:outputString objects on stdout --tactic limited-answer give only a limited number of answers --tactic linear-select select each rule only once --version show version info --warn output warning info on stderr --wcache to tell that is cached as [--n3] N3 triples and rules --n3p N3P intermediate --proof N3 proof lemmas --trig TriG data --turtle Turtle triples --entail output true if RDF graph is entailed --not-entail output true if RDF graph is not entailed --pass output deductive closure --pass-all output deductive closure plus rules --pass-all-ground ground the rules and run --pass-all --pass-merged output merged data without deductive closure --pass-only-new output only new derived triples --query output filtered with filter rules'). :- dynamic(answer/3). % answer(Predicate, Subject, Object) :- dynamic(apfx/2). :- dynamic(argi/1). :- dynamic(askcache/2). :- dynamic(base_uri/1). :- dynamic(bcnd/2). :- dynamic(bgot/3). :- dynamic(brake/0). :- dynamic(bref/2). :- dynamic(bvar/1). :- dynamic(cc/1). :- dynamic(cpred/1). :- dynamic(data_fuse/0). :- dynamic(evar/3). :- dynamic(exopred/3). % exopred(Predicate, Subject, Object) :- dynamic(fact/1). :- dynamic(flag/1). :- dynamic(flag/2). :- dynamic(fpred/1). :- dynamic(got_cs/1). :- dynamic(got_dq/0). :- dynamic(got_head/0). :- dynamic(got_labelvars/3). :- dynamic(got_pi/0). :- dynamic(got_random/3). :- dynamic(got_sq/0). :- dynamic(got_unique/2). :- dynamic(got_wi/5). % got_wi(Source, Premise, Premise_index, Conclusion, Rule) :- dynamic(graph/2). :- dynamic(hash_value/2). :- dynamic(implies/3). % implies(Premise, Conclusion, Source) :- dynamic(input_statements/1). :- dynamic(intern/1). :- dynamic(keep_ng/1). :- dynamic(keep_skolem/1). :- dynamic(lemma/6). % lemma(Count, Source, Premise, Conclusion, Premise-Conclusion_index, Rule) :- dynamic(mtime/2). :- dynamic(n3s/2). :- dynamic(ncllit/0). :- dynamic(nonl/0). :- dynamic(ns/2). :- dynamic(parsed_as_n3/2). :- dynamic(pass_only_new/1). :- dynamic(pfx/2). :- dynamic(pred/1). :- dynamic(prfstep/7). % prfstep(Conclusion_triple, Premise, Premise_index, Conclusion, Rule, Chaining, Source) :- dynamic(qevar/3). :- dynamic(quad/2). :- dynamic(query/2). :- dynamic(quvar/3). :- dynamic(recursion/1). :- dynamic(retwist/3). :- dynamic(rule_uvar/1). :- dynamic(scope/1). :- dynamic(scount/1). :- dynamic(semantics/2). :- dynamic(shellcache/2). :- dynamic(tabl/3). :- dynamic(tmpfile/1). :- dynamic(tuple/2). :- dynamic(tuple/3). :- dynamic(tuple/4). :- dynamic(tuple/5). :- dynamic(tuple/6). :- dynamic(tuple/7). :- dynamic(tuple/8). :- dynamic(unify/2). :- dynamic(uuid/2). :- dynamic(wcache/2). :- dynamic(wpfx/1). :- dynamic(wtcache/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). :- dynamic(''/2). % % Main goal % main(Argv) :- set_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), catch(run, Exc, ( Exc = halt(_) -> true ; throw(Exc) ) ). main :- catch(run, Exc, ( Exc = halt(EC) -> halt(EC) ; throw(Exc) ) ). run :- nb_setval(fm, 0), nb_setval(mf, 0), current_prolog_flag(version_data, swi(SV, _, _, _)), ( SV < 8 -> format(user_error, '** ERROR ** EYE requires at least swipl version 8 **~n', []), flush_output(user_error), throw(halt(1)) ; true ), catch(set_stream(user_output, encoding(utf8)), _, true), current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), ( append(_, ['--'|Argvp], Argv) -> true ; Argvp = Argv ), ( Argvp = ['--source', File] -> ( File = '-' -> read_line_to_codes(user_input, Codes) ; read_file_to_codes(File, Codes, []) ), atom_codes(Atom, Codes), atomic_list_concat(Argvs, ' ', Atom) ; Argvs = Argvp ), argv(Argvs, Argus), findall(Argij, ( argi(Argij) ), Argil ), append(Argil, Argi), ( member('--quiet', Argus) -> true ; format(user_error, 'eye~@~@~n', [w0(Argi), w1(Argus)]), version_info(Version), format(user_error, '~w~n', [Version]), ( current_prolog_flag(version_git, PVersion) -> true ; current_prolog_flag(version_data, swi(Major, Minor, Patch, Options)), ( memberchk(tag(Tag), Options) -> atomic_list_concat([Major, '.', Minor, '.', Patch, '-', Tag], PVersion) ; atomic_list_concat([Major, '.', Minor, '.', Patch], PVersion) ) ), format(user_error, 'SWI-Prolog version ~w~n', [PVersion]), flush_output(user_error) ), ( retract(prolog_file_type(qlf, qlf)) -> assertz(prolog_file_type(pvm, qlf)) ; true ), ( Argv = ['--n3', _] -> retractall(flag('parse-only')), assertz(flag('parse-only')) ; true ), catch(gre(Argus), Exc, ( Exc = halt(0) -> true ; ( flag('parse-only') -> true ; format(user_error, '** ERROR ** gre ** ~w~n', [Exc]), flush_output(user_error), nb_setval(exit_code, 3) ) ) ), ( flag(statistics) -> statistics ; true ), ( flag('debug-implies') -> mf(implies(_, _, _)) ; true ), ( flag('debug-pvm') -> tell(user_error), ignore(vm_list(_)), told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ) ; true ), ( flag('debug-djiti') -> tell(user_error), jiti_list, nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ) ; true ), nb_getval(fm, Fm), ( Fm = 0 -> true ; format(user_error, '*** fm=~w~n', [Fm]), flush_output(user_error) ), nb_getval(mf, Mf), ( Mf = 0 -> true ; format(user_error, '*** mf=~w~n', [Mf]), flush_output(user_error) ), nb_getval(exit_code, EC), flush_output, throw(halt(EC)). argv([], []) :- !. argv([Arg|Argvs], [U, V|Argus]) :- sub_atom(Arg, B, 1, E, '='), sub_atom(Arg, 0, B, _, U), memberchk(U, ['--csv-separator', '--hmac-key', '--image', '--max-inferences', '--n3', '--n3p', '--proof', '--quantify', '--query', '--output', '--skolem-genid', '--tactic', '--trig', '--turtle']), !, sub_atom(Arg, _, E, 0, V), argv(Argvs, Argus). argv([Arg|Argvs], [Arg|Argus]) :- argv(Argvs, Argus). % ------------------------------ % GRE (Generic Reasoning Engine) % ------------------------------ gre(Argus) :- statistics(runtime, [T0, _]), statistics(walltime, [T1, _]), ( member('--quiet', Argus) -> true ; format(user_error, 'starting ~w [msec cputime] ~w [msec walltime]~n', [T0, T1]), flush_output(user_error) ), nb_setval(entail_mode, false), nb_setval(exit_code, 0), nb_setval(indentation, 0), nb_setval(limit, -1), nb_setval(bnet, not_done), nb_setval(fnet, not_done), nb_setval(tabl, -1), nb_setval(tuple, -1), nb_setval(fdepth, 0), nb_setval(pdepth, 0), nb_setval(cdepth, 0), ( input_statements(Ist) -> nb_setval(input_statements, Ist) ; nb_setval(input_statements, 0) ), nb_setval(output_statements, 0), nb_setval(current_scope, '<>'), nb_setval(wn, 0), opts(Argus, Args), ( Args = [] -> opts(['--help'], _) ; true ), ( flag('skolem-genid', Genid) -> true ; uuid(Genid) ), atomic_list_concat(['https://eyereasoner.github.io/.well-known/genid/', Genid, '#'], Sns), nb_setval(var_ns, Sns), ( ( flag(strings) ; flag(image, _) ) -> true ; version_info(Version), ( flag(quiet) -> true ; ( flag('n3p-output') -> format('% Processed by ~w~n', [Version]) ; format('# Processed by ~w~n', [Version]) ) ), findall(Argij, ( argi(Argij) ), Argil ), append(Argil, Argi), ( flag(quiet) -> true ; ( flag('n3p-output') -> format('% eye~@~@~n~n', [w0(Argi), w1(Argus)]) ; format('# eye~@~@~n~n', [w0(Argi), w1(Argus)]) ), flush_output ) ), ( ( flag('no-qvars') ; flag('pass-all-ground') ) -> retractall(pfx('var:', _)), assertz(pfx('var:', '')) ; true ), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> format(Out, 'flag(\'quantify\', \'~w\').~n', [Sns]) ; true ), args(Args), % lingua ( ( ''(Subj, Obj), atomic(Subj), atomic(Obj) ; ''(Subj, Obj), atomic(Subj), atomic(Obj) ; ''(Subj, Obj), atomic(Subj), atomic(Obj) ; ''(_, Obj), atomic(Obj) ) -> retractall(flag(lingua)), assertz(flag(lingua)), % create named graphs ( quad(triple(_, _, _), G), findall(C, ( retract(quad(triple(S, P, O), G)), C =.. [P, S, O] ), D ), D \= [], conjoin(D, E), assertz(graph(G, E)), fail ; true ), % move rdf lists and values ( graph(A, B), conj_list(B, C), move_rdf(C, D), conj_list(E, D), E \= B, retract(graph(A, B)), assertz(graph(A, E)), fail ; true ), % create terms ( pred(P), P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', P \= quad, X =.. [P, _, _], call(X), ground(X), getterm(X, Y), ( Y = X -> true ; retract(X), assertz(Y) ), fail ; true ), % remove rdf lists retractall(''(_, _)), retractall(''(_, _)), % remove rdf values retractall(''(_, _)), % remove rdf named graphs retractall(graph(_, _)), % create forward rules assertz(implies(( ''(A, B), ground([A, B]), findvars([A, B], V, alpha), list_to_set(V, U), makevars([A, B, U], [Q, I, X], beta(U)) ), ''(Q, I), '')), % create backward rules assertz(implies(( ''(B, A), findvars([A, B], V, alpha), list_to_set(V, U), makevars([A, B, U], [Q, I, X], beta(U)), C = ':-'(I, Q), copy_term_nat(C, CC), labelvars(CC, 0, _, avar), ( \+cc(CC) -> assertz(cc(CC)), assertz(C), retractall(brake) ; true )), true, '')), % create queries assertz(implies(( ''(A, B), djiti_answer(answer(B), J), findvars([A, B], V, alpha), list_to_set(V, U), makevars([A, J, U], [Q, I, X], beta(U)), C = implies(Q, I, '<>'), copy_term_nat(C, CC), labelvars(CC, 0, _, avar), ( \+cc(CC) -> assertz(cc(CC)), assertz(C), retractall(brake) ; true )), true, '')), % create universal statements ( pred(P), \+atom_concat(''(_, _) -> retractall(flag(rdfsurfaces)), assertz(flag(rdfsurfaces)), % assert positive surfaces assertz(implies(( ''([], ''([], G)), \+call(G) ), G, '')), % simplify negative surfaces assertz(implies(( ''(V, G), getlist(V, Vl), is_list(Vl), is_graph(G), conj_list(G, L), list_to_set(L, B), select(''(Z, H), B, K), getlist(Z, Zl), is_list(Zl), is_graph(H), conj_list(H, M), list_to_set(M, T), select(''(W, O), T, N), getlist(W, Wl), is_list(Wl), is_graph(O), ( conj_list(O, D), append(K, D, E), conj_list(C, E) ; length(K, I), I > 1, conj_list(F, N), conj_list(C, [''([], F)|K]) ), findvars(H, R, beta), intersection(Zl, R, X), findvars(O, S, beta), intersection(Wl, S, Y), append([Vl, X, Y], U) ), ''(U, C), '')), % resolve negative surfaces assertz(implies(( ''(V, G), getlist(V, Vl), is_list(Vl), is_graph(G), conj_list(G, L), list_to_set(L, B), \+member(''(_, _), B), \+member(''(_, _), B), findall(1, ( member(''(_, _), B) ), O ), length(O, E), length(B, D), memberchk(E, [0, 2, D]), ''(W, F), getlist(W, Wl), is_list(Wl), is_graph(F), conj_list(F, K), list_to_set(K, N), \+member(''(_, _), N), \+member(''(_, _), N), length(N, 2), makevars(N, J, beta(Wl)), select(''(U, C), J, [P]), getlist(U, Ul), is_list(Ul), is_graph(C), ( select(''(Z, Q), B, A), M = [''(Ul, C)|A], conj_list(Q, R), memberchk(P, R) ; select(Q, B, A), M = [P|A], conj_list(C, R), memberchk(Q, R) ), list_to_set(M, T), conj_list(H, T), ground(''(Vl, H)) ), ''(Vl, H), '')), % convert negative surfaces to forward rules assertz(implies(( ''(V, G), getlist(V, Vl), is_list(Vl), is_graph(G), conj_list(G, L), list_to_set(L, B), \+member(''(_, _), B), \+member(''(_, _), B), select(''(_, H), B, K), conj_list(R, K), find_graffiti(K, D), append(Vl, D, U), makevars([R, H], [Q, S], beta(U)), findvars(S, W, beta), makevars(S, I, beta(W)) ), ''(Q, I), '')), % convert negative surfaces to forward contrapositive rules assertz(implies(( ''(V, G), getlist(V, Vl), is_list(Vl), is_graph(G), conj_list(G, L), list_to_set(L, B), \+member(''(_, _), B), \+member(''(_, _), B), \+member(''(_, _), B), \+member(exopred(_, _, _), B), ( length(B, O), O =< 2 -> select(R, B, J), J \= [] ; B = [R|J] ), conj_list(T, J), findvars(R, N, beta), findall(A, ( member(A, Vl), \+member(A, N) ), Z ), E = ''(Z, T), find_graffiti([R], D), append(Vl, D, U), makevars([R, E], [Q, S], beta(U)), findvars(S, W, beta), makevars(S, I, beta(W)) ), ''(Q, I), '')), % convert negative surfaces to backward rules assertz(implies(( ''(V, G), getlist(V, Vl), is_list(Vl), is_graph(G), conj_list(G, L), list_to_set(L, B), select(''(_, T), B, K), conj_list(R, K), conjify(R, S), find_graffiti([R], D), append(Vl, D, U), makevars(':-'(T, S), C, beta(U)), copy_term_nat(C, CC), labelvars(CC, 0, _, avar), ( \+cc(CC) -> assertz(cc(CC)), assertz(C), retractall(brake) ; true )), true, '')), % convert negative surfaces to universal statements assertz(implies(( ''(V, G), getlist(V, Vl), is_list(Vl), Vl \= [], is_graph(G), conj_list(G, [G]), ( G = ''(Z, H) -> is_list(Z) ; Z = [], H = ''([], G) ), findvars(H, R, beta), intersection(Z, R, X), conj_list(H, B), member(M, B), findall(''(Vl, W), ( member(W, X) ), Y ), conj_list(S, Y), append(Vl, X, U), makevars(':-'(M, S), C, beta(U)), copy_term_nat(C, CC), labelvars(CC, 0, _, avar), ( \+cc(CC) -> assertz(cc(CC)), assertz(C), retractall(brake) ; true )), true, '')), % convert negative surfaces to answer rules assertz(implies(( ''(V, G), getlist(V, Vl), is_list(Vl), is_graph(G), conj_list(G, L), list_to_set(L, B), select(''(_, H), B, K), conj_list(I, K), djiti_answer(answer(H), J), find_graffiti(K, D), append(Vl, D, U), makevars(implies(I, J, '<>'), C, beta(U)), copy_term_nat(C, CC), labelvars(CC, 0, _, avar), ( \+cc(CC) -> assertz(cc(CC)), assertz(C), retractall(brake) ; true )), true, '')), % blow inference fuse assertz(implies(( ''(V, G), call(( getlist(V, Vl), is_list(Vl), is_graph(G), conj_list(G, L), \+member(''(_, _), L), makevars(G, H, beta(Vl)), ( H = ''(_, false), J = true ; catch(call(H), _, false), J = H ), ( H = ''(_, C) -> I = ''(_, C) ; I = H ) )), J, ''(_, I) ), false, '')) ; true ), % set engine values ( implies(_, Conc, _), ( var(Conc) ; Conc \= answer(_, _, _), Conc \= (answer(_, _, _), _) ) -> true ; ( \+flag(image, _), \+flag(tactic, 'linear-select') -> assertz(flag(tactic, 'linear-select')) ; true ) ), findall(Sc, ( scope(Sc) ), Scope ), nb_setval(scope, Scope), nb_setval(keep_ng, true), statistics(runtime, [_, T2]), statistics(walltime, [_, T3]), ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'networking ~w [msec cputime] ~w [msec walltime]~n', [T2, T3]), flush_output(user_error) ), nb_getval(input_statements, SC), ( flag(image, File) -> assertz(argi(Argus)), retractall(flag(image, _)), assertz(flag('quantify', Sns)), retractall(input_statements(_)), assertz(input_statements(SC)), reset_gensym, ( current_predicate(qsave:qsave_program/1) -> qsave_program(File) ; save_program(File) ), throw(halt(0)) ; true ), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> ( SC =\= 0 -> write(Out, scount(SC)), writeln(Out, '.') ; true ), writeln(Out, 'end_of_file.'), close(Out) ; true ), ( \+implies(_, answer(_, _, _), _), \+implies(_, (answer(_, _, _), _), _), \+query(_, _), \+flag('pass-only-new'), \+flag(strings), \+flag(lingua), \+flag(rdfsurfaces) -> throw(halt(0)) ; true ), ( pfx('r:', _) -> true ; assertz(pfx('r:', '')) ), ( pfx('var:', _) -> true ; assertz(pfx('var:', '')) ), ( pfx('skolem:', _) -> true ; nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, '>'], B), assertz(pfx('skolem:', B)) ), ( pfx('n3:', _) -> true ; assertz(pfx('n3:', '')) ), nb_setval(tr, 0), nb_setval(tc, 0), nb_setval(tp, 0), nb_setval(rn, 0), nb_setval(lemma_count, 0), nb_setval(lemma_cursor, 0), nb_setval(answer_count, 0), ( flag(profile) -> asserta(pce_profile:pce_show_profile :- fail), profile(eam(0)) ; catch(eam(0), Exc3, ( ( Exc3 = halt(0) -> true ; format(user_error, '** ERROR ** eam ** ~w~n', [Exc3]), flush_output(user_error), ( Exc3 = inference_fuse(_) -> nb_setval(exit_code, 2) ; nb_setval(exit_code, 3) ) ) ) ) ), ( flag('pass-only-new') -> open_null_stream(Ws), tell(Ws), w2, retractall(pfx(_, _)), retractall(wpfx(_)), nb_setval(lemma_cursor, 0), forall( apfx(Pfx, Uri), assertz(pfx(Pfx, Uri)) ), told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), w2 ; true ), ( flag(strings) -> wst ; true ), nb_getval(tc, TC), nb_getval(tp, TP), statistics(runtime, [_, T4]), statistics(walltime, [_, T5]), ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'reasoning ~w [msec cputime] ~w [msec walltime]~n', [T4, T5]), flush_output(user_error) ), nb_getval(input_statements, Inp), nb_getval(output_statements, Outp), timestamp(Stamp), Ent is TC, Step is TP, statistics(runtime, [Cpu, _]), nb_getval(tr, TR), Brake is TR, ( statistics(inferences, Inf) -> true ; Inf = '' ), catch(Speed is round(Inf/Cpu*1000), _, Speed = ''), ( ( flag(strings) ; flag(quiet) ) -> true ; ( flag('n3p-output') -> format('% ~w in=~d out=~d ent=~d step=~w brake=~w inf=~w sec=~3d inf/sec=~w~n% ENDS~n~n', [Stamp, Inp, Outp, Ent, Step, Brake, Inf, Cpu, Speed]) ; format('# ~w in=~d out=~d ent=~d step=~w brake=~w inf=~w sec=~3d inf/sec=~w~n# ENDS~n~n', [Stamp, Inp, Outp, Ent, Step, Brake, Inf, Cpu, Speed]) ) ), ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, '~w in=~d out=~d ent=~d step=~w brake=~w inf=~w sec=~3d inf/sec=~w~n~n', [Stamp, Inp, Outp, Ent, Step, Brake, Inf, Cpu, Speed]), flush_output(user_error) ), ( flag('rule-histogram') -> findall([RTC, RTP, R], ( tabl(ETP, tp, Rule), nb_getval(ETP, RTP), ( tabl(ETC, tc, Rule) -> nb_getval(ETC, RTC) ; RTC = 0 ), with_output_to(atom(R), wt(Rule)) ), CntRl ), sort(CntRl, CntRs), reverse(CntRs, CntRr), format(user_error, '>>> rule histogram TR=~w <<<~n', [TR]), forall( member(RCnt, CntRr), ( ( last(RCnt, ''(X, Y)), conj_append(X, pstep(_), Z), catch(clause(Y, Z), _, fail) -> format(user_error, 'TC=~w TP=~w for component ~w~n', RCnt) ; format(user_error, 'TC=~w TP=~w for rule ~w~n', RCnt) ) ) ), format(user_error, '~n', []), flush_output(user_error) ; true ). % % command line options % opts([], []) :- !. opts(['--csv-separator', Separator|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('csv-separator')), assertz(flag('csv-separator', Separator)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--debug'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(debug)), assertz(flag(debug)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--debug-cnt'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('debug-cnt')), assertz(flag('debug-cnt')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--debug-djiti'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('debug-djiti')), assertz(flag('debug-djiti')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--debug-implies'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('debug-implies')), assertz(flag('debug-implies')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--debug-pvm'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('debug-pvm')), assertz(flag('debug-pvm')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--help'|_], _) :- \+flag(image, _), \+flag('debug-pvm'), !, help_info(Help), format(user_error, '~w~n', [Help]), flush_output(user_error), throw(halt(0)). opts(['--hmac-key', Key|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('hmac-key', _)), assertz(flag('hmac-key', Key)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--ignore-inference-fuse'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('ignore-inference-fuse')), assertz(flag('ignore-inference-fuse')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--image', File|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(image, _)), assertz(flag(image, File)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--legacy'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(legacy)), assertz(flag(legacy)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--license'|_], _) :- !, license_info(License), format(user_error, '~w~n', [License]), flush_output(user_error), throw(halt(0)). opts(['--max-inferences', Lim|Argus], Args) :- !, ( number(Lim) -> Limit = Lim ; catch(atom_number(Lim, Limit), Exc, ( format(user_error, '** ERROR ** max-inferences ** ~w~n', [Exc]), flush_output(user_error), flush_output, throw(halt(1)) ) ) ), retractall(flag('max-inferences', _)), assertz(flag('max-inferences', Limit)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--n3p-output'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('n3p-output')), assertz(flag('n3p-output')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--no-beautified-output'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('no-beautified-output')), assertz(flag('no-beautified-output')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--no-distinct-input'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('no-distinct-input')), assertz(flag('no-distinct-input')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--no-distinct-output'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('no-distinct-output')), assertz(flag('no-distinct-output')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--no-numerals'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('no-numerals')), assertz(flag('no-numerals')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--no-qnames'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('no-qnames')), assertz(flag('no-qnames')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--no-qvars'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('no-qvars')), assertz(flag('no-qvars')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--no-ucall'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('no-ucall')), assertz(flag('no-ucall')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--nope'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(nope)), assertz(flag(nope)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--output', File|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('output', _)), open(File, write, Out, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Out), assertz(flag('output', Out)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--pass-all-ground'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('pass-all-ground')), assertz(flag('pass-all-ground')), opts(['--pass-all'|Argus], Args). opts(['--pass-merged'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('pass-merged')), assertz(flag('pass-merged')), opts(['--pass-all'|Argus], Args). opts(['--pass-only-new'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('pass-only-new')), assertz(flag('pass-only-new')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--intermediate', File|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(intermediate, _)), open(File, write, Out, [encoding(utf8)]), assertz(flag(intermediate, Out)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--profile'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(profile)), assertz(flag(profile)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--quantify', Prefix|Argus], Args) :- !, assertz(flag('quantify', Prefix)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--quiet'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(quiet)), assertz(flag(quiet)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--random-seed'|Argus], Args) :- !, N is random(2^120), nb_setval(random, N), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--rdf-list-output'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('rdf-list-output')), assertz(flag('rdf-list-output')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--restricted'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(restricted)), assertz(flag(restricted)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--rule-histogram'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('rule-histogram')), assertz(flag('rule-histogram')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--skolem-genid', Genid|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag('skolem-genid', _)), assertz(flag('skolem-genid', Genid)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--statistics'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(statistics)), assertz(flag(statistics)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--strings'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(strings)), assertz(flag(strings)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--tactic', 'limited-answer', Lim|Argus], Args) :- !, ( number(Lim) -> Limit = Lim ; catch(atom_number(Lim, Limit), Exc, ( format(user_error, '** ERROR ** limited-answer ** ~w~n', [Exc]), flush_output(user_error), flush_output, throw(halt(1)) ) ) ), retractall(flag('limited-answer', _)), assertz(flag('limited-answer', Limit)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--tactic', 'linear-select'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(tactic, 'linear-select')), assertz(flag(tactic, 'linear-select')), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--tactic', Tactic|_], _) :- !, throw(not_supported_tactic(Tactic)). opts(['--version'|_], _) :- !, throw(halt(0)). opts(['--warn'|Argus], Args) :- !, retractall(flag(warn)), assertz(flag(warn)), opts(Argus, Args). opts(['--wcache', Argument, File|Argus], Args) :- !, absolute_uri(Argument, Arg), retractall(wcache(Arg, _)), assertz(wcache(Arg, File)), opts(Argus, Args). opts([Arg|_], _) :- \+memberchk(Arg, ['--entail', '--help', '--n3', '--n3p', '--not-entail', '--pass', '--pass-all', '--proof', '--query', '--trig', '--turtle']), sub_atom(Arg, 0, 2, _, '--'), !, throw(not_supported_option(Arg)). opts([Arg|Argus], [Arg|Args]) :- opts(Argus, Args). args([]) :- !. args(['--entail', Arg|Args]) :- !, nb_setval(entail_mode, true), n3_n3p(Arg, entail), nb_setval(entail_mode, false), args(Args). args(['--not-entail', Arg|Args]) :- !, nb_setval(entail_mode, true), n3_n3p(Arg, 'not-entail'), nb_setval(entail_mode, false), args(Args). args(['--n3', Arg|Args]) :- !, absolute_uri(Arg, A), atomic_list_concat(['<', A, '>'], R), assertz(scope(R)), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> portray_clause(Out, scope(R)) ; true ), n3_n3p(Arg, data), nb_setval(fdepth, 0), nb_setval(pdepth, 0), nb_setval(cdepth, 0), args(Args). args(['--n3p', Argument|Args]) :- !, retractall(flag(n3p)), assertz(flag(n3p)), absolute_uri(Argument, Arg), ( wcacher(Arg, File) -> ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'GET ~w FROM ~w ', [Arg, File]), flush_output(user_error) ), open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]) ; ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'GET ~w ', [Arg]), flush_output(user_error) ), ( ( sub_atom(Arg, 0, 5, _, 'http:') -> true ; sub_atom(Arg, 0, 6, _, 'https:') ) -> http_open(Arg, In, []), set_stream(In, encoding(utf8)) ; ( sub_atom(Arg, 0, 5, _, 'file:') -> ( parse_url(Arg, Parts) -> memberchk(path(File), Parts) ; sub_atom(Arg, 7, _, 0, File) ) ; File = Arg ), ( File = '-' -> In = user_input ; open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]) ) ) ), repeat, read_term(In, Rt, []), ( Rt = end_of_file -> catch(read_term(In, _, []), _, true) ; n3pin(Rt, In, File, data), fail ), !, ( File = '-' -> true ; close(In) ), ( retract(tmpfile(File)) -> delete_file(File) ; true ), findall(SCnt, ( retract(scount(SCnt)) ), SCnts ), sum(SCnts, SC), nb_getval(input_statements, IN), Inp is SC+IN, nb_setval(input_statements, Inp), ( flag(quiet) -> true ; ( SC =\= 0 -> format(user_error, 'SC=~w~n', [SC]) ; format(user_error, '~n', []) ), flush_output(user_error) ), args(Args). args(['--pass'|Args]) :- !, ( flag(nope), \+flag('limited-answer', _), ( flag('no-distinct-input') -> flag('no-distinct-output') ; true ), \+implies(_, answer(_, _, _), _), \+implies(_, (answer(_, _, _), _), _) -> assertz(query(exopred(P, S, O), exopred(P, S, O))) ; assertz(implies(exopred(P, S, O), answer(P, S, O), '')) ), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> portray_clause(Out, implies(exopred(P, S, O), answer(P, S, O), '')) ; true ), args(Args). args(['--pass-all'|Args]) :- !, assertz(implies((exopred(P, S, O), \+''(P, '')), answer(P, S, O), '')), assertz(implies((''(A, C), \+''(A, true), \+implies(A, C, '<>')), answer('', A, C), '')), assertz(implies(':-'(C, A), answer(':-', C, A), '')), assertz(implies((quad(triple(S, P, O), G), \+''(P, '')), answer(quad, triple(S, P, O), G), '')), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> portray_clause(Out, implies((exopred(P, S, O), \+''(P, '')), answer(P, S, O), '')), portray_clause(Out, implies((''(A, C), \+''(A, true)), answer('', A, C), '')), portray_clause(Out, implies((':-'(C, A), \+''(A, true)), answer(':-', C, A), '')), portray_clause(Out, implies((quad(triple(S, P, O), G), \+''(P, '')), answer(quad, triple(S, P, O), G), '')) ; true ), args(Args). args(['--proof', Arg|Args]) :- !, absolute_uri(Arg, A), atomic_list_concat(['<', A, '>'], R), assertz(scope(R)), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> portray_clause(Out, scope(R)) ; true ), n3_n3p(Arg, data), ( got_pi -> true ; assertz(implies((''(LEMMA, ''), ''(LEMMA, GRAPH), ''(GRAPH, exopred(P, S, O))), exopred(P, S, O), '')), assertz(implies((''(LEMMA, ''), ''(LEMMA, GRAPH), ''(GRAPH, exopred(P, S, O))), exopred(P, S, O), '')), assertz(got_pi) ), args(Args). args(['--query', Arg|Args]) :- !, n3_n3p(Arg, query), args(Args). args(['--trig', Argument|Args]) :- !, absolute_uri(Argument, Arg), atomic_list_concat(['<', Arg, '>'], R), assertz(scope(R)), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> portray_clause(Out, scope(R)) ; true ), ( wcacher(Arg, File) -> ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'GET ~w FROM ~w ', [Arg, File]), flush_output(user_error) ), open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]) ; ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'GET ~w ', [Arg]), flush_output(user_error) ), ( ( sub_atom(Arg, 0, 5, _, 'http:') -> true ; sub_atom(Arg, 0, 6, _, 'https:') ) -> http_open(Arg, In, []), set_stream(In, encoding(utf8)) ; ( sub_atom(Arg, 0, 5, _, 'file:') -> ( parse_url(Arg, Parts) -> memberchk(path(File), Parts) ; sub_atom(Arg, 7, _, 0, File) ) ; File = Arg ), ( File = '-' -> In = user_input ; open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]) ) ) ), retractall(base_uri(_)), ( Arg = '-' -> absolute_uri('', Abu), assertz(base_uri(Abu)) ; assertz(base_uri(Arg)) ), retractall(ns(_, _)), ( Arg = '-' -> D = '#' ; atomic_list_concat([Arg, '#'], D) ), assertz(ns('', D)), nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), assertz(ns(skolem, Sns)), nb_setval(sc, 0), rdf_read_turtle(stream(In), Triples, [base_uri(Arg), format(trig), prefixes(Pfxs), on_error(error)]), close(In), forall( member(Pfx-Ns, Pfxs), put_pfx(Pfx, Ns) ), put_pfx('', 'http://example.org/#'), forall( member(rdf(S, P, O), Triples), ( ttl_n3p(S, Subject), ttl_n3p(P, Predicate), ttl_n3p(O, Object), Triple =.. [Predicate, Subject, Object], djiti_assertz(Triple), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> format(Out, '~q.~n', [Triple]) ; true ), ( flag(nope) -> true ; assertz(prfstep(Triple, true, _, Triple, _, forward, R)) ) ) ), forall( member(rdf(S, P, O, G), Triples), ( ttl_n3p(S, Subject), ttl_n3p(P, Predicate), ttl_n3p(O, Object), G = H:_, ttl_n3p(H, Graph), assertz(quad(triple(Subject, Predicate, Object), Graph)) ) ), length(Triples, SC), nb_getval(input_statements, IN), Inp is SC+IN, nb_setval(input_statements, Inp), ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'SC=~w~n', [SC]), flush_output(user_error) ), args(Args). args(['--turtle', Arg|Args]) :- !, args(['--trig', Arg|Args]). args([Arg|Args]) :- args(['--n3', Arg|Args]). n3pin(Rt, In, File, Mode) :- ( Rt = ':-'(Rg) -> ( flag('parse-only') -> true ; call(Rg) ), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> format(Out, '~q.~n', [Rt]) ; true ) ; dynify(Rt), ( ( Rt = ':-'(Rh, _) -> predicate_property(Rh, dynamic) ; predicate_property(Rt, dynamic) ) -> true ; ( File = '-' -> true ; close(In) ), ( retract(tmpfile(File)) -> delete_file(File) ; true ), throw(builtin_redefinition(Rt)) ), ( Rt = pfx(Pfx, _) -> retractall(pfx(Pfx, _)) ; true ), ( Rt = scope(Scope) -> nb_setval(current_scope, Scope) ; true ), ( Rt = ':-'(Ci, Px), conjify(Px, Pi) -> ( Ci = true -> ( flag('parse-only') -> true ; call(Pi) ) ; nb_getval(current_scope, Si), copy_term_nat(''(Pi, Ci), Ri), ( flag(nope) -> Ph = Pi ; ( Pi = when(Ai, Bi) -> conj_append(Bi, istep(Si, Pi, Ci, Ri), Bh), Ph = when(Ai, Bh) ; conj_append(Pi, istep(Si, Pi, Ci, Ri), Ph) ) ), ( flag('rule-histogram') -> ( Ph = when(Ak, Bk) -> conj_append(Bk, pstep(Ri), Bj), Pj = when(Ak, Bj) ; conj_append(Ph, pstep(Ri), Pj) ) ; Pj = Ph ), functor(Ci, CPi, _), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> ( \+cpred(CPi) -> portray_clause(Out, cpred(CPi)) ; true ), portray_clause(Out, ':-'(Ci, Pi)) ; true ), ( \+cpred(CPi) -> assertz(cpred(CPi)) ; true ), assertz(':-'(Ci, Pj)) ) ; ( Rt \= implies(_, _, _), Rt \= scount(_), Rt \= ''(_, _), Rt \= ''(_, _), \+flag('no-distinct-input'), call(Rt) -> true ; ( Rt \= pred(''), \+ (Rt = scope(_), Mode = query) -> djiti_assertz(Rt), ( flag(intermediate, Out), Rt \= scount(_) -> format(Out, '~q.~n', [Rt]) ; true ), ( Rt \= flag(_, _), Rt \= scope(_), Rt \= pfx(_, _), Rt \= pred(_), Rt \= cpred(_), Rt \= scount(_) -> ( flag(nope) -> true ; term_index(true, Pnd), nb_getval(current_scope, Src), assertz(prfstep(Rt, true, Pnd, Rt, _, forward, Src)) ) ; true ) ; true ) ) ) ). % N3 to N3P compiler n3_n3p(Argument, Mode) :- absolute_uri(Argument, Arg), tmp_file(Tmp), ( wcacher(Arg, File) -> ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'GET ~w FROM ~w ', [Arg, File]), flush_output(user_error) ), open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]) ; ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'GET ~w ', [Arg]), flush_output(user_error) ), ( ( sub_atom(Arg, 0, 5, _, 'http:') -> true ; sub_atom(Arg, 0, 6, _, 'https:') ) -> http_open(Arg, In, []), set_stream(In, encoding(utf8)) ; ( sub_atom(Arg, 0, 5, _, 'file:') -> ( parse_url(Arg, Parts) -> memberchk(path(File), Parts) ; sub_atom(Arg, 7, _, 0, File) ) ; File = Arg ), ( File = '-' -> In = user_input ; open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]) ) ) ), retractall(base_uri(_)), ( Arg = '-' -> absolute_uri('', Abu), assertz(base_uri(Abu)) ; assertz(base_uri(Arg)) ), retractall(ns(_, _)), ( Arg = '-' -> D = '#' ; atomic_list_concat([Arg, '#'], D) ), assertz(ns('', D)), nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), assertz(ns(skolem, Sns)), retractall(quvar(_, _, _)), retractall(qevar(_, _, _)), retractall(evar(_, _, _)), nb_setval(line_number, 1), nb_setval(sc, 0), nb_setval(semantics, []), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Arg, '>\''], Src), nb_setval(current_scope, Src), atomic_list_concat([Tmp, '_p'], Tmp_p), assertz(tmpfile(Tmp_p)), open(Tmp_p, write, Ws, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws), catch( ( repeat, tokens(In, Tokens), phrase(document(Triples), Tokens, Rest), ( Rest = [] -> true ; nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(invalid_document(after_line(Ln))) ), ( Mode = semantics -> nb_getval(semantics, TriplesPrev), append(TriplesPrev, Triples, TriplesNext), findall(Tr, ( member(Triple, TriplesNext), ( Triple = ':-'(Head, Body) -> Tr = '\'\''(Body, Head) ; Tr = Triple ) ), TriplesNext2 ), nb_setval(semantics, TriplesNext2) ; tr_n3p(Triples, Src, Mode) ), Tokens = [] ), Exc2, ( ( Mode = semantics -> told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), throw(Exc2) ; true ), ( wcacher(Arg, File) -> format(user_error, '** ERROR ** ~w FROM ~w ** ~w~n', [Arg, File, Exc2]) ; format(user_error, '** ERROR ** ~w ** ~w~n', [Arg, Exc2]) ), flush_output(user_error), nb_setval(exit_code, 1), ( ( \+data_fuse, Mode == 'not-entail' ; data_fuse, Mode == entail ) -> write(query(true, true)), writeln('.') ; true ), assertz(data_fuse) ) ), ( Mode = semantics -> nb_getval(semantics, List), write(semantics(Src, List)), writeln('.') ; true ), told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), ( File = '-' -> true ; close(In) ), ( retract(tmpfile(Tmp)) -> delete_file(Tmp) ; true ), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> forall( ( pfx(Pp, Pu), \+wpfx(Pp) ), ( portray_clause(Out, pfx(Pp, Pu)), assertz(wpfx(Pp)) ) ) ; true ), open(Tmp_p, read, Rs, [encoding(utf8)]), ( Mode = semantics -> repeat, read(Rs, Rt), ( Rt = end_of_file -> true ; djiti_assertz(Rt), ( Rt = semantics(_, L) -> length(L, N), nb_setval(sc, N) ; Rt \= semantics(_, []), nb_setval(sc, 1) ), fail ) ; repeat, read(Rs, Rt), ( Rt = end_of_file -> true ; dynify(Rt), ( ground(Rt), Rt \= ':-'(_, _) -> ( predicate_property(Rt, dynamic) -> true ; close(Rs), ( retract(tmpfile(Tmp_p)) -> delete_file(Tmp_p) ; true ), throw(builtin_redefinition(Rt)) ), ( Rt \= implies(_, _, _), Rt \= ''(_, _), Rt \= ''(_, _), \+flag('no-distinct-input'), call(Rt) -> true ; djiti_assertz(Rt), cnt(sc), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> portray_clause(Out, Rt) ; true ) ) ; ( Rt = prfstep(Ct, Pt, _, Qt, It, Mt, St) -> term_index(Pt, Pnd), ( nonvar(It) -> copy_term_nat(It, Ic) ; Ic = It ), ( \+prfstep(Ct, Pt, Pnd, Qt, Ic, Mt, St) -> assertz(prfstep(Ct, Pt, Pnd, Qt, Ic, Mt, St)) ; true ) ; ( Rt = ':-'(Ci, Px), ( Px = true -> functor(Ci, Cf, _), ( \+pred(Cf), \+cpred(Cf) -> assertz(pred(Cf)) ; true ) ; true ), conjify(Px, Pi) -> ( Ci = true -> ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> portray_clause(Out, ':-'(Pi)) ; true ), ( flag('parse-only') -> true ; call(Pi) ) ; atomic_list_concat(['<', Arg, '>'], Si), copy_term_nat(''(Pi, Ci), Ri), ( flag(nope) -> Ph = Pi ; ( Pi = when(Ai, Bi) -> conj_append(Bi, istep(Si, Pi, Ci, Ri), Bh), Ph = when(Ai, Bh) ; conj_append(Pi, istep(Si, Pi, Ci, Ri), Ph) ) ), ( flag('rule-histogram') -> ( Ph = when(Ak, Bk) -> conj_append(Bk, pstep(Ri), Bj), Pj = when(Ak, Bj) ; conj_append(Ph, pstep(Ri), Pj) ) ; Pj = Ph ), cnt(sc), functor(Ci, CPi, _), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> ( \+cpred(CPi) -> portray_clause(Out, cpred(CPi)) ; true ), portray_clause(Out, ':-'(Ci, Pi)) ; true ), ( \+cpred(CPi) -> assertz(cpred(CPi)) ; true ), assertz(':-'(Ci, Pj)) ) ; djiti_assertz(Rt), cnt(sc), ( flag(intermediate, Out) -> portray_clause(Out, Rt) ; true ) ) ) ), fail ) ), close(Rs), ( retract(tmpfile(Tmp_p)) -> delete_file(Tmp_p) ; true ), nb_getval(sc, SC), nb_getval(input_statements, IN), Inp is SC+IN, nb_setval(input_statements, Inp), ( flag(quiet) -> true ; format(user_error, 'SC=~w~n', [SC]), flush_output(user_error) ), !. tr_n3p([], _, _) :- !. tr_n3p(X, _, entail) :- !, conj_list(Y, X), write(query(Y, true)), writeln('.'). tr_n3p(X, _, 'not-entail') :- !, conj_list(Y, X), write(query(\+Y, true)), writeln('.'). tr_n3p(['\'\''(X, Y)|Z], Src, query) :- \+ (atomic(X), atomic(Y)), !, ( Y = '\'\''(L, T) -> ( is_list(T) -> H = T ; findvars(X, U, epsilon), distinct(U, H) ), nb_setval(csv_header, H), ( is_list(L) -> findall(F, ( member(literal(E, _), L), sub_atom(E, 1, _, 1, F) ), Q ) ; Q = H ), nb_setval(csv_header_strings, Q), V = '\'\''(_, H) ; V = Y ), ( \+flag('limited-answer', _), flag(nope), ( flag('no-distinct-output') ; V = '\'\''(_, _) ) -> write(query(X, V)), writeln('.') ; djiti_answer(answer(V), A), write(implies(X, A, Src)), writeln('.') ), tr_n3p(Z, Src, query). tr_n3p([':-'(Y, X)|Z], Src, query) :- \+ (atomic(X), atomic(Y)), !, ( Y = '\'\''(L, T) -> ( is_list(T) -> H = T ; findvars(X, U, epsilon), distinct(U, H) ), nb_setval(csv_header, H), ( is_list(L) -> findall(F, ( member(literal(E, _), L), sub_atom(E, 1, _, 1, F) ), Q ) ; Q = H ), nb_setval(csv_header_strings, Q), V = '\'\''(_, H) ; V = Y ), ( ( \+flag('limited-answer', _) ; V = '\'\''(_, _), flag(strings) ), flag(nope) -> write(query(X, V)), writeln('.') ; djiti_answer(answer(V), A), write(implies(X, A, Src)), writeln('.') ), tr_n3p(Z, Src, query). tr_n3p(['\'\''(X, Y)|Z], Src, Mode) :- \+ (atomic(X), atomic(Y)), !, ( flag(tactic, 'linear-select') -> write(implies(X, '\'\''(X, Y), Src)), writeln('.'), write(implies('\'\''(X, Y), Y, Src)), writeln('.') ; write(implies(X, Y, Src)), writeln('.') ), tr_n3p(Z, Src, Mode). tr_n3p([':-'(Y, X)|Z], Src, Mode) :- !, tr_tr(Y, U), ( atomic(X), atomic(Y) -> write('\'\''(U, X)) ; write(':-'(U, X)) ), writeln('.'), tr_n3p(Z, Src, Mode). tr_n3p(['\'\''(X, Y)|Z], Src, Mode) :- \+ (atomic(X), atomic(Y)), !, djiti_answer(answer(Y), A), write(implies(X, A, Src)), writeln('.'), tr_n3p(Z, Src, Mode). tr_n3p(['\'\''(X, Y)|Z], Src, Mode) :- !, write('\'\''(X, Y)), writeln('.'), tr_n3p(Z, Src, Mode). tr_n3p([X|Z], Src, Mode) :- ( X \= '\'\''(_, _) -> tr_tr(X, Y) ; Y = X ), ( findvars(Y, U, epsilon), U = [] -> write(Y), writeln('.'), ( flag(nope) -> true ; write(prfstep(Y, true, _, Y, _, forward, Src)), writeln('.') ) ; write(':-'(Y, true)), writeln('.') ), tr_n3p(Z, Src, Mode). tr_tr([], []) :- !. tr_tr([A|B], [C|D]) :- !, tr_tr(A, C), tr_tr(B, D). tr_tr(A, B) :- atom(A), !, ( atom_concat('_', C, A), ( sub_atom(C, 0, _, _, 'bn_') ; sub_atom(C, 0, _, _, 'e_') ) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, C, '>\''], B) ; B = A ). tr_tr(A, A) :- number(A), !. tr_tr(edge(N, triple(A, B, C)), edge(N, triple(D, E, F))) :- G =.. [B, A, C], \+sub_atom(B, 0, _, _, '_e_'), !, tr_tr(G, H), H =.. [E, D, F]. tr_tr(A, B) :- A =.. [C|D], tr_tr(D, E), B =.. [C|E]. tr_split([], [], []) :- !. tr_split([A|B], C, [A|D]) :- functor(A, '\'\'', _), !, tr_split(B, C, D). tr_split([A|B], C, D) :- functor(A, '\'\'', _), !, tr_split(B, C, D). tr_split([A|B], [A|C], D) :- tr_split(B, C, D). ttl_n3p(literal(type(A, B)), C) :- memberchk(A, ['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#long', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double']), atom_number(B, C), !. ttl_n3p(literal(type('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean', A)), A) :- !. ttl_n3p(literal(type(A, B)), literal(E, type(F))) :- atom_codes(B, C), escape_string(C, D), atom_codes(E, D), atomic_list_concat(['<', A, '>'], F), !. ttl_n3p(literal(lang(A, B)), literal(E, lang(A))) :- atom_codes(B, C), escape_string(C, D), atom_codes(E, D), !. ttl_n3p(literal(A), literal(E, type(''))) :- atom_codes(A, C), escape_string(C, D), atom_codes(E, D), !. ttl_n3p(node(A), B) :- !, nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, 'node_', A, '>'], B). ttl_n3p(A, B) :- atomic_list_concat(['<', A, '>'], B). rename('\'\'', []) :- !. rename('\'\'', ':-') :- !. rename(A, A). % % N3 parser % % according to http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3-ietf.txt % inspired by http://code.google.com/p/km-rdf/wiki/Henry % annotation(Triple, Triples) --> [lb_pipe], !, propertylist(Triple, Triples), { ( Triples \= [] -> true ; nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw('empty_triple_annotation'(after_line(Ln))) ) }, [pipe_rb]. annotation(_, []) --> []. barename(BareName) --> [name(BareName)]. barename_csl([BareName|Tail]) --> barename(BareName), !, barename_csl_tail(Tail). barename_csl([]) --> []. barename_csl_tail([BareName|Tail]) --> [','], !, barename(BareName), barename_csl_tail(Tail). barename_csl_tail([]) --> []. boolean(true) --> [name('true')], !. boolean(false) --> [name('false')], !. boolean(Boolean) --> literal(Atom, type(T)), { T = '\'\'', ( memberchk([Boolean, Atom], [[true, '\'true\''], [true, true], [true, '\'1\''], [false, '\'false\''], [false, false], [false, '\'0\'']]) -> true ; ( flag('parse-only') -> true ; nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(invalid_boolean_literal(Atom, after_line(Ln))) ) ) }. declaration --> [atname(base)], !, explicituri(U), { base_uri(V), resolve_uri(U, V, URI), retractall(base_uri(_)), assertz(base_uri(URI)) }. declaration --> [name(Name)], { downcase_atom(Name, 'base') }, !, explicituri(U), { base_uri(V), resolve_uri(U, V, URI), retractall(base_uri(_)), assertz(base_uri(URI)) }, withoutdot. declaration --> [atname(prefix)], !, prefix(Prefix), explicituri(U), { base_uri(V), resolve_uri(U, V, URI), retractall(ns(Prefix, _)), assertz(ns(Prefix, URI)), put_pfx(Prefix, URI) }. declaration --> [name(Name)], { downcase_atom(Name, 'prefix') }, prefix(Prefix), explicituri(U), { base_uri(V), resolve_uri(U, V, URI), retractall(ns(Prefix, _)), assertz(ns(Prefix, URI)), put_pfx(Prefix, URI) }, withoutdot. document(Triples) --> statements_optional(Triples). dtlang(lang(Langcode)) --> [atname(Name)], { Name \= 'is', Name \= 'has' }, !, { downcase_atom(Name, N), atomic_list_concat(['\'', N, '\''], Langcode) }. dtlang(type(Datatype)) --> [caret_caret], !, uri(Datatype). dtlang(type(T)) --> { T = '\'\'' }, []. existential --> [atname(forSome)], !, symbol_csl(Symbols), { nb_getval(fdepth, D), forall( member(S, Symbols), ( gensym('qe_', Q), asserta(qevar(S, Q, D)) ) ) }. explicituri(ExplicitURI) --> [relative_uri(ExplicitURI)]. expression(Node, T) --> pathitem(N1, T1), pathtail(N1, N, T2), { rename(N, Node), append(T1, T2, T) }. formulacontent(Formula) --> statementlist(List), { conj_list(Formula, List) }. literal(Atom, DtLang) --> string(Codes), dtlang(DtLang), { escape_string(Codes, B), escape_string(B, C), atom_codes(A, C), ( sub_atom(A, _, 1, _, '\'') -> escape_squote(C, D), atom_codes(E, D) ; E = A ), atomic_list_concat(['\'', E, '\''], Atom) }. numericliteral(Number) --> [numeric(_, NumB)], { numeral(NumB, NumC), number_codes(Number, NumC) }. object(Node, Triples) --> expression(Node, Triples). objecttail(Subject, Verb, Triples) --> [','], object(Object, Triples1), { ( Verb = isof(Vrb) -> Trpl = triple(Object, Vrb, Subject) ; Trpl = triple(Subject, Verb, Object) ) }, pathitem(Graph, []), !, objecttail(Subject, Verb, Triples3), { append([Triples1, [quad(Trpl, Graph)], Triples3], Triples) }. objecttail(Subject, Verb, [Triple|Triples]) --> [','], !, object(Object, Triples1), { gensym('bne_', N), ( ( nb_getval(entail_mode, false), nb_getval(fdepth, 0) ; flag('pass-all-ground') ) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, N, '>\''], BN) ; atom_concat('_', N, BN) ), ( Verb = isof(Vrb) -> Edge = edge(BN, triple(Object, Vrb, Subject)) ; Edge = edge(BN, triple(Subject, Verb, Object)) ) }, annotation(Edge, Triples2), objecttail(Subject, Verb, Triples3), { append([Triples1, Triples2, Triples3], Triples), ( Verb = isof(V) -> ( atom(V), \+sub_atom(V, 0, 1, _, '_') -> Triple =.. [V, Object, Subject] ; Triple = exopred(V, Object, Subject) ) ; ( atom(Verb), \+sub_atom(Verb, 0, 1, _, '_') -> Triple =.. [Verb, Subject, Object] ; Triple = exopred(Verb, Subject, Object) ) ) }. objecttail(_, _, []) --> []. pathitem(Name, []) --> symbol(S), !, { ( qevar(S, N, D) -> ( D = 1, nb_getval(fdepth, FD), FD >= D, \+flag('pass-all-ground') -> atom_concat('_', N, Name) ; atomic_list_concat(['\'\''], Name), ( pfx('var:', _) -> true ; assertz(pfx('var:', '')) ) ) ; ( quvar(S, N, D) -> ( nb_getval(fdepth, FD), ( FD > D ; FD =:= D, FD =\= 1 ), \+flag('pass-all-ground') -> atom_concat('_', N, Name) ; atomic_list_concat(['\'\''], Name), ( pfx('var:', _) -> true ; assertz(pfx('var:', '')) ) ) ; Name = S ) ) }. pathitem(VarID, []) --> [uvar(Var)], !, { atom_codes(Var, VarCodes), subst([[[0'-], [0'_, 0'M, 0'I, 0'N, 0'U, 0'S, 0'_]], [[0'.], [0'_, 0'D, 0'O, 0'T, 0'_]]], VarCodes, VarTidy), atom_codes(VarAtom, [0'_|VarTidy]), ( flag('pass-all-ground') -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atom_codes(VarFrag, VarTidy), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, VarFrag, '>\''], VarID) ; VarID = VarAtom ) }. pathitem(Number, []) --> numericliteral(Number), !. pathitem(Boolean, []) --> boolean(Boolean), !. pathitem(Atom, []) --> literal(A, type(T)), { T = '\'\'' }, !, { atom_codes(A, B), escape_string(C, B), atom_codes(Atom, C) }. pathitem(Number, [], L1, L2) :- literal(Atom, type(Type), L1, L2), nb_getval(fdepth, 0), memberchk(Type, ['\'\'', '\'\'', '\'\'', '\'\'']), sub_atom(Atom, 1, _, 1, A), atom_codes(A, NumB), numeral(NumB, NumC), number_codes(Number, NumC), !. pathitem(literal(Atom, DtLang), []) --> literal(Atom, DtLang), !. pathitem(Subject, Triples) --> ['[', name(id)], !, expression(Subject, T1), propertylist(Subject, T2), { append(T1, T2, Triples) }, [']']. pathitem(Node, Triples) --> ['['], !, { gensym('bn_', S), ( ( nb_getval(entail_mode, false), nb_getval(fdepth, 0) ; flag('pass-all-ground') ) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, S, '>\''], BN) ; atom_concat('_', S, BN) ) }, propertylist(BN, T), { Node = BN, Triples = T }, [']']. pathitem(set(Distinct), Triples) --> ['(', '$'], !, pathlist(List, Triples), { sort(List, Distinct) }, ['$', ')']. pathitem(List, Triples) --> ['('], !, pathlist(List, Triples), [')']. pathitem(edge(BN, triple(S, P, O)), []) --> [lt_lt], !, subject(S, []), verb(P, []), object(O, []), { gensym('bne_', N), ( ( nb_getval(entail_mode, false), nb_getval(fdepth, 0) ; flag('pass-all-ground') ) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, N, '>\''], BN) ; atom_concat('_', N, BN) ) }, [gt_gt]. pathitem(Node, []) --> ['{'], { nb_getval(fdepth, I), J is I+1, nb_setval(fdepth, J) }, formulacontent(Node), { retractall(quvar(_, _, J)), retractall(qevar(_, _, J)), retractall(evar(_, _, J)), nb_setval(fdepth, I), ( nb_getval(entail_mode, true) -> nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(non_rdf_entailment(Node, after_line(Ln))) ; true ) }, ['}']. pathlist([Node|Rest], Triples) --> expression(Node, T), !, pathlist(Rest, Tail), { append(T, Tail, Triples) }. pathlist([], []) --> []. pathtail(Node, PNode, [Triple|Triples]) --> ['!'], !, pathitem(Item, Triples2), { prolog_verb(Item, Verb), gensym('bn_', S), ( ( nb_getval(fdepth, 0) ; flag('pass-all-ground') ) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, S, '>\''], BNode) ; atom_concat('_', S, BNode) ), ( Verb = isof(V) -> ( atom(V), \+sub_atom(V, 0, 1, _, '_') -> Triple =.. [V, BNode, Node] ; Triple = exopred(V, BNode, Node) ) ; ( Verb = prolog:Pred -> ( BNode = true -> Triple =.. [Pred|Node] ; ( BNode = false -> T =.. [Pred|Node], Triple = \+(T) ; ( prolog_sym(_, Pred, func) -> T =.. [Pred|Node], Triple = is(BNode, T) ; Triple =.. [Pred, Node, BNode] ) ) ) ; ( atom(Verb), \+sub_atom(Verb, 0, 1, _, '_') -> Triple =.. [Verb, Node, BNode] ; Triple = exopred(Verb, Node, BNode) ) ) ) }, pathtail(BNode, PNode, Tail), { append(Triples2, Tail, Triples) }. pathtail(Node, PNode, [Triple|Triples]) --> ['^'], !, pathitem(Item, Triples2), { prolog_verb(Item, Verb), gensym('bn_', S), ( ( nb_getval(fdepth, 0) ; flag('pass-all-ground') ) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, S, '>\''], BNode) ; atom_concat('_', S, BNode) ), ( Verb = isof(V) -> ( atom(V), \+sub_atom(V, 0, 1, _, '_') -> Triple =.. [V, Node, BNode] ; Triple = exopred(V, Node, BNode) ) ; ( Verb = prolog:Pred -> ( Node = true -> Triple =.. [Pred|BNode] ; ( Node = false -> T =.. [Pred|BNode], Triple = \+(T) ; ( prolog_sym(_, Pred, func) -> T =.. [Pred|BNode], Triple = is(Node, T) ; Triple =.. [Pred, BNode, Node] ) ) ) ; ( atom(Verb), \+sub_atom(Verb, 0, 1, _, '_') -> Triple =.. [Verb, BNode, Node] ; Triple = exopred(Verb, BNode, Node) ) ) ) }, pathtail(BNode, PNode, Tail), { append(Triples2, Tail, Triples) }. pathtail(Node, Node, []) --> []. prefix(Prefix) --> [Prefix:'']. propertylist(Subject, Triples) --> verb(Item, Triples1), { prolog_verb(Item, Verb) }, object(Object, Triples2), { ( Verb = isof(Vrb) -> Trpl = triple(Object, Vrb, Subject) ; Trpl = triple(Subject, Verb, Object) ) }, pathitem(Graph, []), !, objecttail(Subject, Verb, Triples4), propertylisttail(Subject, Triples5), { append([Triples1, Triples2, [quad(Trpl, Graph)], Triples4, Triples5], Triples) }. propertylist(Subject, [Triple|Triples]) --> verb(Item, Triples1), { prolog_verb(Item, Verb) }, !, object(Object, Triples2), { gensym('bne_', N), ( ( nb_getval(fdepth, 0) ; flag('pass-all-ground') ) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, N, '>\''], BN) ; atom_concat('_', N, BN) ), ( Verb = isof(Vrb) -> Edge = edge(BN, triple(Object, Vrb, Subject)) ; Edge = edge(BN, triple(Subject, Verb, Object)) ) }, annotation(Edge, Triples3), objecttail(Subject, Verb, Triples4), propertylisttail(Subject, Triples5), { append([Triples1, Triples2, Triples3, Triples4, Triples5], Triples), ( Verb = isof(V) -> ( atom(V), \+sub_atom(V, 0, 1, _, '_') -> Triple =.. [V, Object, Subject] ; Triple = exopred(V, Object, Subject) ) ; ( Verb = prolog:Pred -> ( Object = true -> Triple =.. [Pred|Subject] ; ( Object = false -> T =.. [Pred|Subject], Triple = \+(T) ; ( prolog_sym(_, Pred, func) -> T =.. [Pred|Subject], Triple = is(Object, T) ; Triple =.. [Pred, Subject, Object] ) ) ) ; ( atom(Verb), \+sub_atom(Verb, 0, 1, _, '_') -> Triple =.. [Verb, Subject, Object] ; Triple = exopred(Verb, Subject, Object) ) ) ) }. propertylist(_, []) --> []. propertylisttail(Subject, Triples) --> [';'], !, propertylisttailsemis, propertylist(Subject, Triples). propertylisttail(_, []) --> []. propertylisttailsemis --> [';'], !, propertylisttailsemis. propertylisttailsemis --> []. qname(URI) --> [NS:Name], { ( ns(NS, Base) -> atomic_list_concat([Base, Name], Name1), ( sub_atom(Name1, _, 1, _, '\'') -> atom_codes(Name1, Codes1), escape_squote(Codes1, Codes2), atom_codes(Name2, Codes2) ; Name2 = Name1 ), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Name2, '>\''], URI) ; nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(no_prefix_directive(NS, after_line(Ln))) ) }, !. simpleStatement(Quads) --> [name(Name)], { downcase_atom(Name, 'graph') }, !, symbol(N), ['{'], formulacontent(G), ['}'], withoutdot, { conj_list(G, L), findall(quad(triple(S, P, O), N), ( member(M, L), M =.. [P, S, O] ), Quads ) }. simpleStatement(Quads) --> symbol(N), ['{'], formulacontent(G), ['}'], withoutdot, !, { conj_list(G, L), findall(quad(triple(S, P, O), N), ( member(M, L), M =.. [P, S, O] ), Quads ) }. simpleStatement(Triples) --> subject(Subject, Triples1), ( { Subject = (D1;D2) } -> { Triples = [(D1;D2)] } ; propertylist(Subject, Triples2), { append(Triples1, Triples2, Triples) } ). statement([]) --> declaration, !. statement([]) --> universal, !. statement([]) --> existential, !. statement(Statement) --> simpleStatement(Statement). statementlist(Triples) --> statement(Tr), !, statementtail(T), { append(Tr, T, Triples) }. statementlist([]) --> []. statements_optional(Triples) --> statement(Tr), [dot(Ln)], !, { nb_setval(line_number, Ln) }, statements_optional(T), { append(Tr, T, Triples) }. statements_optional(Triples) --> ['{'], statementlist(Tr), ['}'], !, statements_optional(T), { append(Tr, T, Triples) }. statements_optional([]) --> []. statementtail(T) --> [dot(Ln)], !, { nb_setval(line_number, Ln) }, statementlist(T). statementtail([]) --> []. string(Codes) --> [literal(Codes)]. subject(Node, Triples) --> expression(Node, Triples). symbol(Name) --> uri(Name), !. symbol(Name) --> [name(N)], !, { ( memberchk(N, [true, false]) -> Name = N ; ( N = a -> Name = '\'\'' ; nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(invalid_keyword(N, after_line(Ln))) ) ) }. symbol(Name) --> [bnode(Lbl)], { atom_codes(Lbl, LblCodes), subst([[[0'-], [0'_, 0'M, 0'I, 0'N, 0'U, 0'S, 0'_]], [[0'.], [0'_, 0'D, 0'O, 0'T, 0'_]]], LblCodes, LblTidy), atom_codes(Label, LblTidy), ( evar(Label, S, 0) -> true ; atom_concat(Label, '_', M), gensym(M, S), assertz(evar(Label, S, 0)) ), ( ( nb_getval(entail_mode, false), nb_getval(fdepth, 0) ; flag('pass-all-ground') ) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), ( flag('pass-all-ground') -> atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, Label, '>\''], Name) ; atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Sns, 'e_', S, '>\''], Name) ) ; atom_concat('_e_', S, Name) ) }. symbol_csl([Symbol|Tail]) --> symbol(Symbol), !, symbol_csl_tail(Tail). symbol_csl([]) --> []. symbol_csl_tail([Symbol|T]) --> [','], !, symbol(Symbol), symbol_csl_tail(T). symbol_csl_tail([]) --> []. universal --> [atname(forAll)], !, symbol_csl(Symbols), { nb_getval(fdepth, D), forall( member(S, Symbols), ( gensym('qu_', Q), asserta(quvar(S, Q, D)) ) ) }. uri(Name) --> explicituri(U), !, { base_uri(V), resolve_uri(U, V, W), ( sub_atom(W, _, 1, _, '\'') -> atom_codes(W, X), escape_squote(X, Y), atom_codes(Z, Y) ; Z = W ), atomic_list_concat(['\'<', Z, '>\''], Name) }. uri(Name) --> qname(Name). verb('\'\'', []) --> ['=', '>'], !. verb('\'\'', []) --> ['='], !. verb(':-', []) --> [lt_eq], !. verb('\'\'', []) --> [name(a)], !. verb(Node, Triples) --> [name(has)], !, expression(Node, Triples). verb(isof(Node), Triples) --> [name(is)], !, expression(Node, Triples), [name(of)]. verb(isof(Node), Triples) --> [lt_dash], !, expression(Node, Triples). verb(Node, Triples) --> expression(Node, Triples). withoutdot, [dot(Ln)] --> [dot(Ln)], !, { throw(unexpected_dot(after_line(Ln))) }. withoutdot, [dot(Ln)] --> [], { nb_getval(line_number, Ln) }. % % N3 tokenizer % tokens(In, List) :- get_code(In, C0), ( token(C0, In, C1, Tok1) -> true ; nb_getval(line_number, Ln), char_code(Char, C0), throw(illegal_token(char_code(Char, C0), line(Ln))) ), ( Tok1 == end_of_file -> List = [] ; List = [Tok1|Tokens], tokens(C1, In, Tokens) ). tokens(C0, In, List) :- ( token(C0, In, C1, H) -> true ; nb_getval(line_number, Ln), char_code(Char, C0), throw(illegal_token(char_code(Char, C0), line(Ln))) ), ( H == end_of_file -> List = [] ; List = [H|T], tokens(C1, In, T) ). token(-1, _, -1, end_of_file) :- !. token(0'., In, C, Token) :- ( peek_code(In, C0), ( e(C0) -> T1 = [0'0|T2], get_code(In, CN1) ; 0'0 =< C0, C0 =< 0'9, get_code(In, C1), integer_codes(C1, In, CN1, T1, T2) ) -> ( exponent(CN1, In, C, T2) -> Type = double ; C = CN1, T2 = [], Type = decimal ), Token = numeric(Type, [0'0, 0'.|T1]) ; nb_getval(line_number, Ln), get_code(In, C), !, Token = dot(Ln) ). token(0'#, In, C, Token) :- !, get_code(In, C1), skip_line(C1, In, C2), token(C2, In, C, Token). token(C0, In, C, Token) :- white_space(C0), !, get_code(In, C1), token(C1, In, C, Token). token(C0, In, C, Number) :- 0'0 =< C0, C0 =< 0'9, !, number_n(C0, In, C, Number). token(0'-, In, C, Number) :- !, number_n(0'-, In, C, Number). token(0'+, In, C, Number) :- !, number_n(0'+, In, C, Number). token(0'", In, C, literal(Codes)) :- !, ( peek_code(In, 0'") -> get_code(In, 0'"), ( peek_code(In, 0'") -> get_code(In, 0'"), get_code(In, C1), dq_string(C1, In, C, Codes) ; get_code(In, C), Codes = [] ) ; get_code(In, C1), string_dq(C1, In, C, Codes) ). token(0'', In, C, literal(Codes)) :- !, ( peek_code(In, 0'') -> get_code(In, 0''), ( peek_code(In, 0'') -> get_code(In, 0''), get_code(In, C1), sq_string(C1, In, C, Codes) ; get_code(In, C), Codes = [] ) ; get_code(In, C1), string_sq(C1, In, C, Codes) ). token(0'?, In, C, uvar(Name)) :- !, get_code(In, C0), ( name(C0, In, C, Name) -> true ; C = C0, nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(empty_quickvar_name(line(Ln))) ). token(0'_, In, C, bnode(Name)) :- peek_code(In, 0':), !, get_code(In, _), get_code(In, C0), ( name(C0, In, C, Name) -> true ; C = C0, Name = '' ). token(0'<, In, C, lt_lt) :- peek_code(In, 0'<), !, get_code(In, _), get_code(In, C). token(0'<, In, C, lt_eq) :- peek_string(In, 2, D), string_codes(D, [0'=, E]), ( white_space(E) ; punctuation(E, _) ), !, get_code(In, _), get_code(In, C). token(0'<, In, C, lt_dash) :- peek_code(In, 0'-), !, get_code(In, _), get_code(In, C). token(0'<, In, C, relative_uri(URI)) :- peek_code(In, C1), !, get_code(In, C1), iri_chars(C1, In, C, Codes), D = Codes, atom_codes(URI, D). token(0'>, In, C, gt_gt) :- peek_code(In, 0'>), !, get_code(In, _), get_code(In, C). token(0'{, In, C, lb_pipe) :- peek_code(In, 0'|), !, get_code(In, _), get_code(In, C). token(0'|, In, C, pipe_rb) :- peek_code(In, 0'}), !, get_code(In, _), get_code(In, C). token(0':, In, C, Token) :- !, get_code(In, C0), ( local_name(C0, In, C, Name) -> Token = '':Name ; Token = '':'', C = C0 ). token(0'@, In, C, atname(Name)) :- get_code(In, C0), token(C0, In, C, name(Name)), !. token(0'^, In, C, caret_caret) :- peek_code(In, 0'^), !, get_code(In, _), get_code(In, C). token(C0, In, C, Token) :- name(C0, In, C1, Name), !, ( C1 == 0': -> get_code(In, C2), ( local_name(C2, In, C, Name2) -> Token = (Name:Name2) ; Token = (Name:''), C = C2 ) ; Token = name(Name), C = C1 ). token(C0, In, C, P) :- punctuation(C0, P), !, get_code(In, C). number_n(0'-, In, CN, numeric(T, [0'-|Codes])) :- !, get_code(In, C0), number_nn(C0, In, CN, numeric(T, Codes)). number_n(0'+, In, CN, numeric(T, [0'+|Codes])) :- !, get_code(In, C0), number_nn(C0, In, CN, numeric(T, Codes)). number_n(C0, In, CN, Value) :- number_nn(C0, In, CN, Value). number_nn(C, In, CN, numeric(Type, Codes)) :- integer_codes(C, In, CN0, Codes, T0), ( CN0 == 0'., peek_code(In, C0), ( e(C0) -> T1 = [0'0|T2], get_code(In, CN1) ; 0'0 =< C0, C0 =< 0'9, get_code(In, C1), integer_codes(C1, In, CN1, T1, T2) ), T0 = [0'.|T1] -> ( exponent(CN1, In, CN, T2) -> Type = double ; CN = CN1, T2 = [], Type = decimal ) ; ( exponent(CN0, In, CN, T0) -> Type = double ; T0 = [], CN = CN0, Type = integer ) ). integer_codes(C0, In, CN, [C0|T0], T) :- 0'0 =< C0, C0 =< 0'9, !, get_code(In, C1), integer_codes(C1, In, CN, T0, T). integer_codes(CN, _, CN, T, T). exponent(C0, In, CN, [C0|T0]) :- e(C0), !, get_code(In, C1), optional_sign(C1, In, CN0, T0, T1), integer_codes(CN0, In, CN, T1, []), ( T1 = [] -> nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(invalid_exponent(line(Ln))) ; true ). optional_sign(C0, In, CN, [C0|T], T) :- sign(C0), !, get_code(In, CN). optional_sign(CN, _, CN, T, T). e(0'e). e(0'E). sign(0'-). sign(0'+). dq_string(-1, _, _, []) :- !, nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(unexpected_end_of_input(line(Ln))). dq_string(0'", In, C, []) :- ( retract(got_dq) -> true ; peek_code(In, 0'"), get_code(In, _) ), ( retract(got_dq) -> assertz(got_dq) ; assertz(got_dq), peek_code(In, 0'"), get_code(In, _), assertz(got_dq) ), !, ( peek_code(In, 0'") -> nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(unexpected_double_quote(line(Ln))) ; true ), retractall(got_dq), get_code(In, C). dq_string(0'", In, C, [0'"|T]) :- !, ( retract(got_dq) -> C1 = 0'" ; get_code(In, C1) ), dq_string(C1, In, C, T). dq_string(0'\\, In, C, [H|T]) :- ( retract(got_dq) -> C1 = 0'" ; get_code(In, C1) ), !, string_escape(C1, In, C2, H), dq_string(C2, In, C, T). dq_string(C0, In, C, [C0|T]) :- ( retract(got_dq) -> C1 = 0'" ; get_code(In, C1) ), dq_string(C1, In, C, T). sq_string(-1, _, _, []) :- !, nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(unexpected_end_of_input(line(Ln))). sq_string(0'', In, C, []) :- ( retract(got_sq) -> true ; peek_code(In, 0''), get_code(In, _) ), ( retract(got_sq) -> assertz(got_sq) ; assertz(got_sq), peek_code(In, 0''), get_code(In, _), assertz(got_sq) ), !, ( peek_code(In, 0'') -> nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(unexpected_single_quote(line(Ln))) ; true ), retractall(got_sq), get_code(In, C). sq_string(0'', In, C, [0''|T]) :- !, ( retract(got_sq) -> C1 = 0'' ; get_code(In, C1) ), sq_string(C1, In, C, T). sq_string(0'\\, In, C, [H|T]) :- ( retract(got_sq) -> C1 = 0'' ; get_code(In, C1) ), !, string_escape(C1, In, C2, H), sq_string(C2, In, C, T). sq_string(C0, In, C, [C0|T]) :- ( retract(got_sq) -> C1 = 0'' ; get_code(In, C1) ), sq_string(C1, In, C, T). string_dq(-1, _, _, []) :- !, nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(unexpected_end_of_input(line(Ln))). string_dq(0'\n, _, _, []) :- !, nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(unexpected_end_of_line(line(Ln))). string_dq(0'", In, C, []) :- !, get_code(In, C). string_dq(0'\\, In, C, D) :- get_code(In, C1), !, string_escape(C1, In, C2, H), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true), H > 0xFFFF -> E is (H-0x10000)>>10+0xD800, F is (H-0x10000) mod 0x400+0xDC00, D = [E, F|T] ; D = [H|T] ), string_dq(C2, In, C, T). string_dq(C0, In, C, D) :- ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true), C0 > 0xFFFF -> E is (C0-0x10000)>>10+0xD800, F is (C0-0x10000) mod 0x400+0xDC00, D = [E, F|T] ; D = [C0|T] ), get_code(In, C1), string_dq(C1, In, C, T). string_sq(-1, _, _, []) :- !, nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(unexpected_end_of_input(line(Ln))). string_sq(0'', In, C, []) :- !, get_code(In, C). string_sq(0'\\, In, C, D) :- get_code(In, C1), !, string_escape(C1, In, C2, H), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true), H > 0xFFFF -> E is (H-0x10000)>>10+0xD800, F is (H-0x10000) mod 0x400+0xDC00, D = [E, F|T] ; D = [H|T] ), string_sq(C2, In, C, T). string_sq(C0, In, C, D) :- ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true), C0 > 0xFFFF -> E is (C0-0x10000)>>10+0xD800, F is (C0-0x10000) mod 0x400+0xDC00, D = [E, F|T] ; D = [C0|T] ), get_code(In, C1), string_sq(C1, In, C, T). string_escape(0't, In, C, 0'\t) :- !, get_code(In, C). string_escape(0'b, In, C, 0'\b) :- !, get_code(In, C). string_escape(0'n, In, C, 0'\n) :- !, get_code(In, C). string_escape(0'r, In, C, 0'\r) :- !, get_code(In, C). string_escape(0'f, In, C, 0'\f) :- !, get_code(In, C). string_escape(0'", In, C, 0'") :- !, get_code(In, C). string_escape(0'', In, C, 0'') :- !, get_code(In, C). string_escape(0'\\, In, C, 0'\\) :- !, get_code(In, C). string_escape(0'u, In, C, Code) :- !, get_hhhh(In, A), ( 0xD800 =< A, A =< 0xDBFF -> get_code(In, 0'\\), get_code(In, 0'u), get_hhhh(In, B), Code is 0x10000+(A-0xD800)*0x400+(B-0xDC00) ; Code is A ), get_code(In, C). string_escape(0'U, In, C, Code) :- !, get_hhhh(In, Code0), get_hhhh(In, Code1), Code is Code0 << 16 + Code1, get_code(In, C). string_escape(C, _, _, _) :- nb_getval(line_number, Ln), atom_codes(A, [0'\\, C]), throw(illegal_string_escape_sequence(A, line(Ln))). get_hhhh(In, Code) :- get_code(In, C1), code_type(C1, xdigit(D1)), get_code(In, C2), code_type(C2, xdigit(D2)), get_code(In, C3), code_type(C3, xdigit(D3)), get_code(In, C4), code_type(C4, xdigit(D4)), Code is D1<<12+D2<<8+D3<<4+D4. language(C0, In, C, [C0|Codes]) :- code_type(C0, lower), get_code(In, C1), lwr_word(C1, In, C2, Codes, Tail), sub_langs(C2, In, C, Tail, []). lwr_word(C0, In, C, [C0|T0], T) :- code_type(C0, lower), !, get_code(In, C1), lwr_word(C1, In, C, T0, T). lwr_word(C, _, C, T, T). sub_langs(0'-, In, C, [0'-, C1|Codes], T) :- get_code(In, C1), lwrdig(C1), !, get_code(In, C2), lwrdigs(C2, In, C3, Codes, Tail), sub_langs(C3, In, C, Tail, T). sub_langs(C, _, C, T, T). lwrdig(C) :- code_type(C, lower), !. lwrdig(C) :- code_type(C, digit). lwrdigs(C0, In, C, [C0|T0], T) :- lwrdig(C0), !, get_code(In, C1), lwr_word(C1, In, C, T0, T). lwrdigs(C, _, C, T, T). iri_chars(0'>, In, C, []) :- !, get_code(In, C). iri_chars(0'\\, In, C, D) :- !, get_code(In, C1), iri_escape(C1, In, C2, H), \+non_iri_char(H), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true), H > 0xFFFF -> E is (H-0x10000)>>10+0xD800, F is (H-0x10000) mod 0x400+0xDC00, D = [E, F|T] ; D = [H|T] ), iri_chars(C2, In, C, T). iri_chars(0'%, In, C, [0'%, C1, C2|T]) :- !, get_code(In, C1), code_type(C1, xdigit(_)), get_code(In, C2), code_type(C2, xdigit(_)), get_code(In, C3), iri_chars(C3, In, C, T). iri_chars(-1, _, _, _) :- !, fail. iri_chars(C0, In, C, D) :- \+non_iri_char(C0), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true), C0 > 0xFFFF -> E is (C0-0x10000)>>10+0xD800, F is (C0-0x10000) mod 0x400+0xDC00, D = [E, F|T] ; D = [C0|T] ), get_code(In, C1), iri_chars(C1, In, C, T). iri_escape(0'u, In, C, Code) :- !, get_hhhh(In, A), ( 0xD800 =< A, A =< 0xDBFF -> get_code(In, 0'\\), get_code(In, 0'u), get_hhhh(In, B), Code is 0x10000+(A-0xD800)*0x400+(B-0xDC00) ; Code is A ), get_code(In, C). iri_escape(0'U, In, C, Code) :- !, get_hhhh(In, Code0), get_hhhh(In, Code1), Code is Code0 << 16 + Code1, get_code(In, C). iri_escape(C, _, _, _) :- nb_getval(line_number, Ln), atom_codes(A, [0'\\, C]), throw(illegal_iri_escape_sequence(A, line(Ln))). non_iri_char(C) :- 0x00 =< C, C =< 0x20, !. non_iri_char(0'<). non_iri_char(0'>). non_iri_char(0'"). non_iri_char(0'{). non_iri_char(0'}). non_iri_char(0'|). non_iri_char(0'^). non_iri_char(0'`). non_iri_char(0'\\). name(C0, In, C, Atom) :- name_start_char(C0), get_code(In, C1), name_chars(C1, In, C, T), atom_codes(Atom, [C0|T]). name_start_char(C) :- pn_chars_base(C), !. name_start_char(0'_). name_start_char(C) :- code_type(C, digit). name_chars(0'., In, C, [0'.|T]) :- peek_code(In, C1), pn_chars(C1), !, get_code(In, C1), name_chars(C1, In, C, T). name_chars(C0, In, C, [C0|T]) :- pn_chars(C0), !, get_code(In, C1), name_chars(C1, In, C, T). name_chars(C, _, C, []). pn_chars_base(C) :- code_type(C, alpha), !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0xC0 =< C, C =< 0xD6, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0xD8 =< C, C =< 0xF6, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0xF8 =< C, C =< 0x2FF, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0x370 =< C, C =< 0x37D, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0x37F =< C, C =< 0x1FFF, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0x200C =< C, C =< 0x200D, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0x2070 =< C, C =< 0x218F, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0x2C00 =< C, C =< 0x2FEF, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0x3001 =< C, C =< 0xD7FF, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0xF900 =< C, C =< 0xFDCF, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0xFDF0 =< C, C =< 0xFFFD, !. pn_chars_base(C) :- 0x10000 =< C, C =< 0xEFFFF. pn_chars(C) :- code_type(C, csym), !. pn_chars(C) :- pn_chars_base(C), !. pn_chars(0'-) :- !. pn_chars(0xB7) :- !. pn_chars(C) :- 0x0300 =< C, C =< 0x036F, !. pn_chars(C) :- 0x203F =< C, C =< 0x2040. local_name(0'\\, In, C, Atom) :- !, get_code(In, C0), reserved_char_escapes(C0), get_code(In, C1), local_name_chars(C1, In, C, T), atom_codes(Atom, [C0|T]). local_name(0'%, In, C, Atom) :- !, get_code(In, C0), code_type(C0, xdigit(_)), get_code(In, C1), code_type(C1, xdigit(_)), get_code(In, C2), local_name_chars(C2, In, C, T), atom_codes(Atom, [0'%, C0, C1|T]). local_name(C0, In, C, Atom) :- local_name_start_char(C0), get_code(In, C1), local_name_chars(C1, In, C, T), atom_codes(Atom, [C0|T]). local_name_chars(0'\\, In, C, [C0|T]) :- !, get_code(In, C0), reserved_char_escapes(C0), get_code(In, C1), local_name_chars(C1, In, C, T). local_name_chars(0'%, In, C, [0'%, C0, C1|T]) :- !, get_code(In, C0), code_type(C0, xdigit(_)), get_code(In, C1), code_type(C1, xdigit(_)), get_code(In, C2), local_name_chars(C2, In, C, T). local_name_chars(0'., In, C, [0'.|T]) :- peek_code(In, C1), ( local_name_char(C1) ; C1 = 0'. ), !, get_code(In, C1), local_name_chars(C1, In, C, T). local_name_chars(C0, In, C, [C0|T]) :- local_name_char(C0), !, get_code(In, C1), local_name_chars(C1, In, C, T). local_name_chars(C, _, C, []). local_name_start_char(C) :- name_start_char(C), !. local_name_start_char(0':). local_name_start_char(0'%). local_name_start_char(0'\\). local_name_char(C) :- pn_chars(C), !. local_name_char(0':). local_name_char(0'%). local_name_char(0'\\). reserved_char_escapes(0'~). reserved_char_escapes(0'.). reserved_char_escapes(0'-). reserved_char_escapes(0'!). reserved_char_escapes(0'$). reserved_char_escapes(0'&). reserved_char_escapes(0''). reserved_char_escapes(0'(). reserved_char_escapes(0')). reserved_char_escapes(0'*). reserved_char_escapes(0'+). reserved_char_escapes(0',). reserved_char_escapes(0';). reserved_char_escapes(0'=). reserved_char_escapes(0'/). reserved_char_escapes(0'?). reserved_char_escapes(0'#). reserved_char_escapes(0'@). reserved_char_escapes(0'%). reserved_char_escapes(0'_). punctuation(0'(, '('). punctuation(0'), ')'). punctuation(0'[, '['). punctuation(0'], ']'). punctuation(0',, ','). punctuation(0':, ':'). punctuation(0';, ';'). punctuation(0'{, '{'). punctuation(0'}, '}'). punctuation(0'?, '?'). punctuation(0'!, '!'). punctuation(0'^, '^'). punctuation(0'=, '='). punctuation(0'<, '<'). punctuation(0'>, '>'). punctuation(0'$, '$'). skip_line(-1, _, -1) :- !. skip_line(0xA, In, C) :- !, cnt(line_number), get_code(In, C). skip_line(0xD, In, C) :- !, get_code(In, C). skip_line(_, In, C) :- get_code(In, C1), skip_line(C1, In, C). white_space(0x9). white_space(0xA) :- cnt(line_number). white_space(0xD). white_space(0x20). % % Reasoning output % w0([]) :- !. w0(['--image', _|A]) :- !, w0(A). w0([A|B]) :- ( \+sub_atom(A, 1, _, _, '"'), sub_atom(A, _, 1, _, ' '), \+sub_atom(A, _, _, 1, '"') -> format(' "~w"', [A]) ; format(' ~w', [A]) ), w0(B). w1([]) :- !. w1([A|B]) :- ( \+sub_atom(A, 1, _, _, '"'), sub_atom(A, _, 1, _, ' '), \+sub_atom(A, _, _, 1, '"') -> format(' "~w"', [A]) ; format(' ~w', [A]) ), w1(B). wh :- ( keep_skolem(_) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), put_pfx('skolem', Sns) ; true ), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; nb_setval(wpfx, false), forall( ( pfx(A, B), \+wpfx(A) ), ( format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [A, B]), assertz(wpfx(A)), nb_setval(wpfx, true) ) ), ( \+ (flag('pass-only-new'), flag(nope)), nb_getval(wpfx, true) -> nl ; true ) ). w2 :- ( flag('n3p-output') -> true ; wh, nl ), forall( pass_only_new(Zn), ( indent, relabel(Zn, Zr), ( flag('n3p-output') -> makeblank(Zr, Zs), writeq(Zs) ; wt(Zr) ), ws(Zr), write('.'), nl, ( ( Zr = ''(_, _) ) -> nl ; true ), cnt(output_statements) ) ). w3 :- ( flag('n3p-output') -> true ; wh ), nb_setval(fdepth, 0), nb_setval(pdepth, 0), nb_setval(cdepth, 0), flag(nope), !, ( query(Q, A), ( Q = \+(R) -> \+catch(call(R), _, fail) ; catch(call(Q), _, fail) ), nb_getval(wn, W), labelvars(A, W, N, some), nb_setval(wn, N), relabel(A, B), indent, ( flag('n3p-output') -> makeblank(B, Ba), exo_pred(Ba, Bb), writeq(Bb) ; wt(B) ), ws(B), write('.'), nl, ( A = (_, _), conj_list(A, L) -> length(L, I), cnt(output_statements, I) ; cnt(output_statements) ), fail ; true ), ( answer(B1, B2, B3), relabel([B1, B2, B3], [C1, C2, C3]), djiti_answer(answer(C), answer(C1, C2, C3)), indent, ( flag('n3p-output') -> makeblank(C, Ca), exo_pred(Ca, Cb), writeq(Cb) ; wt(C) ), ws(C), write('.'), nl, cnt(output_statements), fail ; true ). w3 :- ( prfstep(answer(_, _, _), _, _, _, _, _, _), !, nb_setval(empty_gives, false), indent, nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, 'proof', '>'], Sk), wp(Sk), write(' '), wp(''), write(' '), wp(''), write(', '), wp(''), write(';'), indentation(4), nl, indent, ( prfstep(answer(_, _, _), B, Pnd, Cn, R, _, A), R =.. [P, S, O1], djiti_answer(answer(O), O1), Rule =.. [P, S, O], djiti_answer(answer(C), Cn), nb_setval(empty_gives, C), \+got_wi(A, B, Pnd, C, Rule), assertz(got_wi(A, B, Pnd, C, Rule)), wp(''), write(' '), wi(A, B, C, Rule), write(';'), nl, indent, fail ; retractall(got_wi(_, _, _, _, _)) ), wp(''), ( nb_getval(empty_gives, true) -> write(' true.') ; write(' {'), indentation(4), ( prfstep(answer(B1, B2, B3), _, _, _, _, _, _), relabel([B1, B2, B3], [C1, C2, C3]), djiti_answer(answer(C), answer(C1, C2, C3)), nl, indent, getvars(C, D), ( C = ''(_, _) -> Q = allv ; Q = some ), wq(D, Q), wt(C), ws(C), write('.'), cnt(output_statements), fail ; true ), indentation(-4), nl, indent, write('}.') ), indentation(-4), nl, nl ; true ), ( nb_getval(lemma_count, Lco), nb_getval(lemma_cursor, Lcu), Lcu < Lco -> repeat, cnt(lemma_cursor), nb_getval(lemma_cursor, Cursor), lemma(Cursor, Ai, Bi, Ci, _, Di), indent, wj(Cursor, Ai, Bi, Ci, Di), nl, nl, nb_getval(lemma_count, Cnt), Cursor = Cnt, ! ; true ). wi('<>', _, rule(_, _, A), _) :- % wi(Source, Premise, Conclusion, Rule) !, assertz(nonl), wr(A), retract(nonl). wi('', _, _, _) :- write('[]'), !. wi(A, B, C, Rule) :- term_index(B-C, Ind), ( lemma(Cnt, A, B, C, Ind, Rule) -> true ; cnt(lemma_count), nb_getval(lemma_count, Cnt), assertz(lemma(Cnt, A, B, C, Ind, Rule)) ), nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, 'lemma', Cnt, '>'], Sk), wp(Sk). wj(Cnt, A, true, C, Rule) :- % wj(Count, Source, Premise, Conclusion, Rule) var(Rule), C \= ''(_, _), !, nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, 'lemma', Cnt, '>'], Sk), wp(Sk), write(' '), wp(''), write(' '), wp(''), writeln(';'), indentation(4), indent, wp(''), ( C = true -> write(' true;') ; write(' {'), nl, indentation(4), indent, ( C = rule(PVars, EVars, Rule) -> wq(PVars, allv), wq(EVars, some), wt(Rule) ; labelvars([A, C], 0, _, avar), getvars(C, D), wq(D, some), wt(C) ), ws(C), write('.'), nl, indentation(-4), indent, write('};') ), nl, indent, wp(''), write(' [ '), wp(''), write(' '), wp(''), write('; '), wp(''), write(' '), ( C = rule(_, _, Rl), Rl =.. [P, S, O], ''(edge(_, triple(S, P, O)), Src) -> wt(Src) ; ( C =.. [P, S, O], ''(edge(_, triple(S, P, O)), Src) -> wt(Src) ; wt(A) ) ), write('].'), indentation(-4). wj(Cnt, A, B, C, Rule) :- nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, 'lemma', Cnt, '>'], Sk), wp(Sk), write(' '), wp(''), write(' '), wp(''), writeln(';'), indentation(4), indent, wp(''), ( C = true -> write(' true;') ; write(' {'), nl, Rule = ''(Prem, Conc), nb_getval(wn, W), labelvars([A, B, C], W, N, avar), nb_setval(wn, N), unifiable(Prem, B, Bs), ( unifiable(Conc, C, Cs) -> true ; Cs = [] ), append(Bs, Cs, Ds), sort(Ds, Bindings), term_variables(Prem, PVars), term_variables(Conc, CVars), labelvars([Rule, PVars, CVars], 0, _, avar), findall(V, ( member(V, CVars), \+member(V, PVars) ), EVars ), getvars(C, D), ( C = ''(_, _) -> Q = allv ; Q = some ), indentation(4), indent, wq(D, Q), wt(C), ws(C), write('.'), nl, indentation(-4), indent, write('};') ), nl, indent, wp(''), write(' ('), indentation(4), wr(B), indentation(-4), nl, indent, write(');'), retractall(got_wi(_, _, _, _, _)), nl, indent, wb(Bindings), wp(''), write(' '), wi(A, true, rule(PVars, EVars, Rule), _), write('.'), indentation(-4). wr(exopred(P, S, O)) :- % write reason atom(P), !, U =.. [P, S, O], wr(U). wr((X, Y)) :- !, wr(X), wr(Y). wr(Z) :- prfstep(Z, Y, _, Q, Rule, _, X), !, ( nonl -> true ; nl, indent ), wi(X, Y, Q, Rule). wr(Y) :- ( nonl -> true ; nl, indent ), write('[ '), wp(''), write(' '), wp(''), write('; '), wp(''), write(' '), ( Y = true -> wt(Y) ; write('{'), labelvars(Y, 0, _, avar), getvars(Y, Z), wq(Z, some), X = Y, wt(X), write('}') ), write(']'). wt(X) :- var(X), !, write('?'), write(X). wt(X) :- functor(X, _, A), ( A = 0, !, wt0(X) ; A = 1, !, wt1(X) ; A = 2, !, wt2(X) ; wtn(X) ). wt0(!) :- !, wm(true), write(' '), wp(''), write(' true'). wt0(:-) :- !, wp(''). wt0(fail) :- !, write('("fail") '), wp(''), write(' true'). wt0([]) :- !, ( flag('rdf-list-output') -> wt0('') ; write('()') ). wt0(X) :- number(X), !, ( flag('no-numerals') -> dtlit([U, V], X), dtlit([U, V], W), wt(W) ; write(X) ). wt0(X) :- atom(X), atom_concat(some, Y, X), !, ( \+flag('no-qvars') -> ( rule_uvar(L), ( ncllit -> ( memberchk(X, L) -> true ; retract(rule_uvar(L)), assertz(rule_uvar([X|L])) ) ; memberchk(X, L) ) -> write('?U_') ; write('_:sk_') ), write(Y) ; atomic_list_concat([''], Z), wt0(Z) ). wt0(X) :- atom(X), atom_concat(allv, Y, X), !, ( \+flag('no-qvars'), \+flag('pass-all-ground') -> write('?U_'), write(Y) ; atomic_list_concat([''], Z), wt0(Z) ). wt0(X) :- atom(X), atom_concat(avar, Y, X), !, atomic_list_concat([''], Z), wt0(Z). wt0(X) :- flag(nope), \+flag('pass-all-ground'), \+keep_skolem(X), nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atom(X), sub_atom(X, 1, I, _, Sns), J is I+1, sub_atom(X, J, _, 1, Y), ( getlist(X, M) -> wt(M) ; ( rule_uvar(L), ( ncllit -> ( memberchk(Y, L) -> true ; retract(rule_uvar(L)), assertz(rule_uvar([Y|L])) ) ; memberchk(Y, L) ) -> ( ( sub_atom(Y, 0, 2, _, 'e_') ; sub_atom(Y, 0, 3, _, 'bn_') ) -> write('_:') ; sub_atom(Y, 0, 2, _, Z), memberchk(Z, ['x_', 't_']), write('?') ) ; ( \+flag('no-qvars') -> true ; flag('quantify', Prefix), sub_atom(X, 1, _, _, Prefix) ), write('_:') ), write(Y), ( sub_atom(Y, 0, 2, _, 'x_') -> write('_'), nb_getval(rn, N), write(N) ; true ) ), !. wt0(X) :- flag('quantify', Prefix), flag(nope), atom(X), sub_atom(X, 1, _, _, Prefix), !, ( getlist(X, M) -> wt(M) ; ''(Y, ['quantify', Prefix, X]), wt0(Y) ). wt0(X) :- ( wtcache(X, W) -> true ; ( \+flag('no-qnames'), atom(X), ( sub_atom(X, I, 1, J, '#') -> J > 1, sub_atom(X, 0, I, _, C), atom_concat(C, '#>', D) ; ( sub_atom_last(X, I, 1, J, '/') -> J > 1, sub_atom(X, 0, I, _, C), atom_concat(C, '/>', D) ; ( sub_atom_last(X, I, 1, J, ':') -> sub_atom(X, 0, I, _, C), atom_concat(C, ':>', D) ; J = 1, D = X ) ) ), pfx(E, D), ( apfx(E, D) -> true ; assertz(apfx(E, D)) ), K is J-1, sub_atom(X, _, K, 1, F) -> atom_concat(E, F, W), assertz(wtcache(X, W)) ; ( \+flag(strings), atom(X), \+ (sub_atom(X, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(X, _, 1, 0, '>')), \+sub_atom(X, 0, 2, _, '_:'), X \= true, X \= false -> W = literal(X, type('')) ; W = X ) ) ), ( W = literal(X, type('')) -> wt2(W) ; ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> atom_codes(W, U), escape_unicode(U, V), atom_codes(Z, V) ; Z = W ), ( atom(Z) -> write(Z) ; ''(A, [blob, Z]), wt(A) ) ). wt1(set(X)) :- !, write('($'), wl(X), write(' $)'). wt1('$VAR'(X)) :- !, write('?V'), write(X). wt1(X) :- X =.. [B|C], ( atom(B), \+ (sub_atom(B, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(B, _, 1, 0, '>')) -> write('"'), writeq(X), write('"') ; wt(C), write(' '), wp(B), write(' true') ). wt2((X, Y)) :- !, ( atomic(X), X \= '!', X \= true -> wt2([X, Y]), write(' '), wt0(''), write(' true') ; wt(X), ws(X), write('.'), ( flag(strings) -> write(' ') ; ( flag('no-beautified-output') -> write(' ') ; nl, indent ) ), wt(Y) ). wt2([X|Y]) :- !, ( flag('rdf-list-output') -> write('['), nl, indentation(4), indent, wt0(''), write(' '), wg(X), write('; '), nl, indent, wt0(''), write(' '), wt(Y), nl, indentation(-4), indent, write(']') ; write('('), wg(X), wl(Y), write(')') ). wt2(literal(X, lang(Y))) :- !, write('"'), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> atom_codes(X, U), escape_unicode(U, V), atom_codes(Z, V) ; Z = X ), write(Z), write('"@'), write(Y). wt2(literal(X, type(''))) :- !, write('"'), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> atom_codes(X, U), escape_unicode(U, V), atom_codes(Z, V) ; Z = X ), write(Z), write('"'). wt2(literal(X, type(Y))) :- !, write('"'), ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> atom_codes(X, U), escape_unicode(U, V), atom_codes(Z, V) ; Z = X ), write(Z), write('"^^'), wt(Y). wt2(rdiv(X, Y)) :- number_codes(Y, [0'1|Z]), lzero(Z, Z), !, ( Z = [] -> F = '~d.0' ; length(Z, N), number_codes(X, U), ( length(U, N) -> F = '0.~d' ; atomic_list_concat(['~', N, 'd'], F) ) ), ( flag('no-numerals') -> write('"') ; true ), format(F, [X]), ( flag('no-numerals') -> write('"^^'), wt0('') ; true ). wt2(rdiv(X, Y)) :- !, ( flag('no-numerals') -> write('"') ; true ), format('~g', [rdiv(X, Y)]), ( flag('no-numerals') -> write('"^^'), wt0('') ; true ). wt2(''([X|Y], Z)) :- flag(nope), !, ''(Y, U), write('{'), wt(U), write('. _: '), wp(''), write(' '), wt(Z), write('} '), wp(''), write(' {'), wt(X), write('}'). wt2(''([X|Y], Z)) :- flag(nope), !, ''(Y, U), write('{'), wt(U), write('. _: '), wp(''), write(' '), wt(Z), write('} '), wp(''), write(' {'), wt(X), write('}'). wt2(''(X, Y)) :- \+flag(lingua), ( flag(nope) -> U = X ; ( X = when(A, B) -> conj_append(B, istep(_, _, _, _), C), U = when(A, C) ; conj_append(X, istep(_, _, _, _), U) ) ), ( flag('rule-histogram') -> ( U = when(D, E) -> conj_append(E, pstep(_), F), Z = when(D, F) ; conj_append(U, pstep(_), Z) ) ; Z = U ), ( rule_uvar(R) -> true ; R = [], cnt(rn) ), ( nb_getval(pdepth, 0), nb_getval(cdepth, 0) -> assertz(rule_uvar(R)) ; true ), ( catch(clause(Y, Z), _, fail) -> ( nb_getval(fdepth, 0) -> assertz(ncllit) ; true ), wg(Y), write(' <= '), wg(X), ( nb_getval(fdepth, 0) -> retract(ncllit) ; true ) ; ( clause(''(X, Y, _, _, _, _), true) -> wg(X), write(' => '), wg(Y) ; ( nb_getval(fdepth, 0) -> assertz(ncllit) ; true ), ( \+atom(X) -> nb_getval(pdepth, PD), PD1 is PD+1, nb_setval(pdepth, PD1) ; true ), wg(X), ( \+atom(X) -> nb_setval(pdepth, PD) ; true ), ( nb_getval(fdepth, 0) -> retract(ncllit) ; true ), write(' => '), ( \+atom(Y) -> nb_getval(cdepth, CD), CD1 is CD+1, nb_setval(cdepth, CD1) ; true ), wg(Y), ( \+atom(Y) -> nb_setval(cdepth, CD) ; true ) ) ), ( nb_getval(pdepth, 0), nb_getval(cdepth, 0) -> retract(rule_uvar(_)) ; true ), !. wt2(':-'(X, Y)) :- ( rule_uvar(R) -> true ; R = [], cnt(rn) ), ( nb_getval(fdepth, 0) -> assertz(ncllit) ; true ), assertz(rule_uvar(R)), wg(X), write(' <= '), wg(Y), retract(rule_uvar(U)), ( U \= [], retract(rule_uvar(V)), append(U, V, W) -> assertz(rule_uvar(W)) ; true ), ( nb_getval(fdepth, 0) -> retract(ncllit) ; true ), !. wt2(quad(triple(S, P, O), G)) :- !, wg(S), write(' '), wt0(P), write(' '), wg(O), write(' '), wg(G). wt2(graph(X, Y)) :- !, wp(X), write(' '), nb_setval(keep_ng, false), retractall(keep_ng(graph(X, Y))), wg(Y). wt2(edge(_, triple(S, P, O))) :- !, write('<< '), wg(S), write(' '), wp(P), write(' '), wg(O), write(' >>'). wt2(is(O, T)) :- !, ( number(T), T < 0 -> P = -, Q is -T, S = [Q] ; T =.. [P|S] ), wg(S), write(' '), wp(P), write(' '), wg(O). wt2(prolog:X) :- !, ( X = '\';\'' -> Y = disjunction ; prolog_sym(Y, X, _) ), atomic_list_concat([''], Z), wt0(Z). wt2(X-Y) :- !, term_to_atom(X-Y, Z), wt0(Z). wt2(X) :- X =.. [P, S, O], ( atom(P), \+ (sub_atom(P, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(P, _, 1, 0, '>')), \+sub_atom(P, 0, 4, _, avar), \+sub_atom(P, 0, 4, _, allv), \+sub_atom(P, 0, 4, _, some), \+sub_atom(P, 0, 2, _, '_:'), P \= true, P \= false -> write('"'), writeq(X), write('"') ; wm(S), write(' '), wp(P), write(' '), wg(O) ). wtn(exopred(P, S, O)) :- !, ( atom(P) -> X =.. [P, S, O], wt2(X) ; wm(S), write(' '), wg(P), write(' '), wg(O) ). wtn(triple(S, P, O)) :- !, write('<< '), wg(S), write(' '), wp(P), write(' '), wg(O), write(' >>'). wtn(X) :- X =.. [B|C], ( atom(B), \+ (sub_atom(B, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(B, _, 1, 0, '>')) -> write('"'), writeq(X), write('"') ; wt(C), write(' '), wp(B), write(' true') ). wg(X) :- var(X), !, write('?'), write(X). wg(X) :- functor(X, F, A), ( ( F = exopred, ! ; prolog_sym(_, F, _), F \= true, F \= false, F \= '-', F \= /, ! ; A = 2, F \= '.', F \= '[|]', F \= ':', F \= literal, F \= rdiv, ( sub_atom(F, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(F, _, 1, 0, '>') ; sub_atom(F, 0, 2, _, '_:') ; F = ':-' ) ) -> ( flag(lingua), nb_getval(keep_ng, true) -> ( graph(N, X) -> true ; gensym('bng_', Y), nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, Y, '>'], N), assertz(graph(N, X)) ), ( \+keep_ng(graph(N, X)) -> assertz(keep_ng(graph(N, X))) ; true ), wt(N) ; ( flag(lingua) -> nb_setval(keep_ng, true) ; true ), write('{'), indentation(4), ( flag(strings) -> true ; ( flag('no-beautified-output') -> true ; nl, indent ) ), nb_getval(fdepth, D), E is D+1, nb_setval(fdepth, E), wt(X), nb_setval(fdepth, D), indentation(-4), ( flag(strings) -> true ; ( flag('no-beautified-output') -> true ; write('.'), nl, indent ) ), write('}') ) ; wt(X) ). wp('') :- \+flag('no-qnames'), !, write('a'). wp('') :- \+flag('no-qnames'), \+flag(lingua), !, write('=>'). wp(':-') :- \+flag('no-qnames'), !, write('<='). wp(X) :- ( prolog_sym(Y, X, _), X \= true, X \= false -> atomic_list_concat([''], Z), wt(Z) ; wg(X) ). wk([]) :- !. wk([X|Y]) :- write(', '), wt(X), wk(Y). wl([]) :- !. wl([X|Y]) :- write(' '), wg(X), wl(Y). wm(A) :- ( flag(lingua), raw_type(A, '') -> write('[] '), wp(''), write(' '), wt(A), write(';') ; wg(A) ). wq([], _) :- !. wq([X|Y], allv) :- !, write('@forAll '), wt(X), wk(Y), write('. '). wq([X|Y], some) :- ( \+flag('no-qvars') -> write('@forSome '), wt(X), wk(Y), write('. ') ; true ). wb([]) :- !. wb([X = Y|Z]) :- wp(''), write(' [ '), wp(''), write(' '), wv(X), write('; '), wp(''), write(' '), wv(Y), write('];'), nl, indent, wb(Z). wv(X) :- atom(X), atom_concat(avar, Y, X), !, write('[ '), wp(''), write(' "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/var#x_'), write(Y), write('"]'). wv(X) :- atom(X), atom_concat(some, Y, X), !, write('[ '), wp(''), write(' '), wp(''), write('; '), wp(''), write(' "_:sk_'), write(Y), write('"]'). wv(X) :- atom(X), nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), sub_atom(X, 1, I, _, Sns), !, write('[ '), wp(''), write(' '), wp(''), write('; '), wp(''), write(' "'), write(Sns), J is I+1, sub_atom(X, J, _, 1, Q), write(Q), write('"]'). wv(X) :- atom(X), sub_atom(X, 1, _, 1, U), atomic_list_concat(['<', U, '>'], X), !, write('[ '), wp(''), write(' "'), write(U), write('"]'). wv(X) :- wg(X). ws((X, Y)) :- !, conj_list((X, Y), Z), last(Z, U), ws(U). ws(X) :- X =.. Y, last(Y, Z), ( \+number(Z), Z \= rdiv(_, _) -> true ; ( \+flag('n3p-output') -> write(' ') ; true ) ). wst :- findall([Key, Str], ( ''(Key, Str) ; answer(A1, A2, A3), djiti_answer(answer(''(Key, Str)), answer(A1, A2, A3)) ), KS ), sort(KS, KT), forall( ( member([_, MT], KT), getcodes(MT, LT) ), ( escape_string(NT, LT), atom_codes(ST, NT), wt(ST) ) ), ( catch(nb_getval(csv_header, Header), _, Header = []), catch(nb_getval(csv_header_strings, Headers), _, Headers = []), wct(Headers, Header), length(Header, Headerl), query(Where, ''(_, Select)), catch(call(Where), _, fail), \+got_cs(Select), assertz(got_cs(Select)), write('\r\n'), wct(Select, Header), cnt(output_statements, Headerl), cnt(answer_count), nb_getval(answer_count, AnswerCount), ( flag('limited-answer', AnswerLimit), AnswerCount >= AnswerLimit -> true ; fail ) ; true ), nl. wct([], []) :- !. wct([A], [C]) :- !, wcf(A, C). wct([A|B], [C|D]) :- wcf(A, C), ( flag('csv-separator', S) -> true ; S = ',' ), write(S), wct(B, D). wcf(A, _) :- var(A), !. wcf(rdiv(X, Y), _) :- number_codes(Y, [0'1|Z]), lzero(Z, Z), !, ( Z = [] -> F = '~d.0' ; length(Z, N), number_codes(X, U), ( length(U, N) -> F = '0.~d' ; atomic_list_concat(['~', N, 'd'], F) ) ), format(F, [X]). wcf(literal(A, B), _) :- !, atom_codes(A, C), subst([[[0'\\, 0'"], [0'", 0'"]]], C, E), atom_codes(F, E), ( B \= type(''), B \= type(''), B \= type(''), B \= type(''), B \= type(''), B \= type('') -> write('"'), write(F), write('"') ; write(F) ). wcf(A, _) :- atom(A), nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), sub_atom(A, 1, I, _, Sns), !, J is I+1, sub_atom(A, J, _, 1, B), write('_:'), write(B). wcf(A, _) :- atom(A), flag('quantify', Prefix), sub_atom(A, 1, _, _, Prefix), !, ''(B, ['quantify', Prefix, A]), wt0(B). wcf(A, B) :- atom(A), relabel(A, C), sub_atom(C, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(C, _, 1, 0, '>'), !, sub_atom(C, 1, _, 1, D), ( sub_atom(B, _, 2, 0, 'ID') -> ( flag('hmac-key', Key) -> hmac_sha(Key, D, E, [algorithm(sha1)]) ; sha_hash(D, E, [algorithm(sha1)]) ), atom_codes(F, E), base64xml(F, G), write(G) ; write(D) ). wcf(A, _) :- atom(A), sub_atom(A, 0, 1, _, '_'), !, sub_atom(A, 1, _, 0, B), write(B). wcf(A, _) :- with_output_to(atom(B), wg(A)), write(B). indent:- nb_getval(indentation, A), tab(A). indentation(C) :- nb_getval(indentation, A), B is A+C, nb_setval(indentation, B). % ---------------------------- % EAM (Euler Abstract Machine) % ---------------------------- % % In a nutshell: % % 1/ Select rule P => C % 2/ Prove P & NOT(C) (backward chaining) and if it fails backtrack to 1/ % 3/ If P & NOT(C) assert C (forward chaining) and remove brake % 4/ If C = answer(A) and tactic limited-answer stop, else backtrack to 2/ % 5/ If brake or tactic linear-select stop, else start again at 1/ % eam(Recursion) :- ( cnt(tr), ( flag(debug) -> format(user_error, 'eam/1 entering recursion ~w~n', [Recursion]), flush_output(user_error) ; true ), ( flag('max-inferences', MaxInf), statistics(inferences, Inf), Inf > MaxInf -> throw(max_inferences_exceeded(MaxInf)) ; true ), implies(Prem, Conc, Src), ( flag('pass-merged') -> Src = '' ; true ), ignore(Prem = true), ( flag(nope), \+flag('rule-histogram') -> true ; copy_term_nat(''(Prem, Conc), Rule) ), ( flag(debug) -> format(user_error, '. eam/1 selecting rule ~q~n', [implies(Prem, Conc, Src)]), flush_output(user_error) ; true ), ( flag('no-ucall') -> catch(call_residue_vars(call(Prem), []), Exc, ( Exc = error(existence_error(procedure, _), _) -> fail ; throw(Exc) ) ) ; catch(call_residue_vars(ucall(Prem), []), Exc, ( Exc = error(existence_error(procedure, _), _) -> fail ; throw(Exc) ) ) ), ( ( Conc = false ; Conc = answer(false, void, void) ) -> ( flag(rdfsurfaces) -> conj_list(Prem, Lst), Lst = [_|Lst2], ( select(call(_), Lst2, Lst3) -> true ; Lst3 = Lst2 ), conj_list(Prem2, Lst3) ; Prem2 = Prem ), ( flag('n3p-output') -> with_output_to(atom(PN3), writeq(''(Prem2, false))) ; with_output_to(atom(PN3), wt(''(Prem2, false))) ), ( flag('ignore-inference-fuse') -> format(user_error, '** ERROR ** eam ** ~w~n', [inference_fuse(PN3)]), fail ; throw(inference_fuse(PN3)) ) ; true ), \+atom(Conc), \+is_list(Conc), ( flag('rule-histogram'), copy_term_nat(Rule, RuleL) -> lookup(RTP, tp, RuleL), catch(cnt(RTP), _, nb_setval(RTP, 0)) ; true ), cnt(tp), djiti_conc(Conc, Concd), ( Concd = ':-'(Head, Body) -> \+clause(Head, Body) ; ( Concd = ''(_, _) -> copy_term_nat(Concd, Concc), labelvars(Concc, 0, _, avar), \+cc(Concc), assertz(cc(Concc)) ; ( flag('no-ucall') -> \+catch(call(Concd), _, fail) ; \+catch(ucall(Concd), _, fail) ) ) ), ( flag('rule-histogram') -> lookup(RTC, tc, RuleL), catch(cnt(RTC), _, nb_setval(RTC, 0)) ; true ), ( Concd = (_, _), conj_list(Concd, Cl) -> length(Cl, Ci), cnt(tc, Ci) ; cnt(tc) ), ( Concd \= ''(_, _), Concd \= ':-'(_, _) -> nb_getval(wn, W), labelvars(Prem-Concd, W, N), % failing when Prem contains attributed variables nb_setval(wn, N) ; true ), ( flag(debug) -> format(user_error, '... eam/1 assert step ~q~n', [Concd]), flush_output(user_error) ; true ), conj_list(Concd, La), couple(La, La, Lc), findall([D, F], ( member([D, D], Lc), unify(D, F), ( F = ''(_, _) -> true ; catch(\+F, _, true) ) ), Ld ), couple(Ls, Le, Ld), conj_list(Concs, Ls), conj_list(Conce, Le), astep(Src, Prem, Concd, Conce, Rule), ( ( Concs = answer(_, _, _) ; Concs = (answer(_, _, _), _) ) -> cnt(answer_count) ; true ), nb_getval(answer_count, AnswerCount), ( flag('limited-answer', AnswerLimit), AnswerCount >= AnswerLimit -> ( flag(strings) -> true ; w3 ) ; retract(brake), fail ) ; ( brake ; flag(tactic, 'linear-select') ), ( R is Recursion+1, ( \+recursion(R) -> assertz(recursion(R)) ; true ), nb_getval(limit, Limit), Recursion < Limit, eam(R) ; ( flag(strings) -> true ; ( flag('pass-only-new') -> true ; open_null_stream(Ws), tell(Ws), nb_getval(wn, Wn), w3, forall( retract(keep_ng(NG)), ( nl, wt(NG), nl ) ), forall( retract(keep_ng(NG)), ( nl, wt(NG), nl ) ), retractall(pfx(_, _)), retractall(wpfx(_)), nb_setval(wn, Wn), nb_setval(output_statements, 0), nb_setval(lemma_cursor, 0), forall( apfx(Pfx, Uri), assertz(pfx(Pfx, Uri)) ), told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), w3, forall( retract(keep_ng(NG)), ( nl, wt(NG), nl ) ), forall( retract(keep_ng(NG)), ( nl, wt(NG), nl ) ) ) ) ; true ), ! ; assertz(brake), exogen, eam(Recursion) ). astep(A, B, Cd, Cn, Rule) :- % astep(Source, Premise, Conclusion, Conclusion_unique, Rule) ( Cn = (Dn, En) -> functor(Dn, P, N), ( \+pred(P), P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', N = 2 -> assertz(pred(P)) ; true ), ( Dn \= ''(_, _), catch(call(Dn), _, fail) -> true ; djiti_assertz(Dn), ( flag('pass-only-new'), Dn \= answer(_, _, _), \+pass_only_new(Dn) -> assertz(pass_only_new(Dn)) ; true ), ( flag(nope) -> true ; ( B = ''(P1, Q1), Rule = ''(Q6, R6), prfstep(''(P1, Q1), Q3, Q4, _, ''(P6, Q6), forward, A) -> assertz(prfstep(Dn, Q3, Q4, Cd, ''(P6, R6), forward, A)) ; term_index(B, Pnd), assertz(prfstep(Dn, B, Pnd, Cd, Rule, forward, A)) ) ) ), astep(A, B, Cd, En, Rule) ; ( Cn = true -> true ; functor(Cn, P, N), ( \+pred(P), P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', N = 2 -> assertz(pred(P)) ; true ), ( Cn \= ''(_, _), catch(call(Cn), _, fail) -> true ; djiti_assertz(Cn), ( flag('pass-only-new'), Cn \= answer(_, _, _), \+pass_only_new(Cn) -> assertz(pass_only_new(Cn)) ; true ), ( flag(nope) -> true ; ( B = ''(P1, Q1), Rule = ''(Q6, R6), prfstep(''(P1, Q1), Q3, Q4, _, ''(P6, Q6), forward, A) -> assertz(prfstep(Cn, Q3, Q4, Cd, ''(P6, R6), forward, A)) ; term_index(B, Pnd), assertz(prfstep(Cn, B, Pnd, Cd, Rule, forward, A)) ) ) ) ) ). istep(Src, Prem, Conc, Rule) :- % istep(Source, Premise, Conclusion, Rule) copy_term_nat(Prem, Prec), labelvars(Prec, 0, _), term_index(Prec, Pnd), ( \+prfstep(Conc, Prec, Pnd, Conc, Rule, backward, Src) -> assertz(prfstep(Conc, Prec, Pnd, Conc, Rule, backward, Src)) ; true ). pstep(Rule) :- copy_term_nat(Rule, RuleL), lookup(RTC, tc, RuleL), catch(cnt(RTC), _, nb_setval(RTC, 0)), lookup(RTP, tp, RuleL), catch(cnt(RTP), _, nb_setval(RTP, 0)). hstep(A, B) :- ( nonvar(A), A = exopred(P, S, O) -> pred(P), U =.. [P, S, O], qstep(U, B) ; qstep(A, B) ). qstep(A, B) :- prfstep(A, B, _, _, _, _, _). qstep(A, true) :- ( nonvar(A) -> ( A =.. [P, [S1, S2|S3], O] -> B =.. [P, S1, S2, S3, O] ; ( A =.. [P, S, literal(O1, O2)] -> B =.. [P, S, O1, O2] ; B = A ) ) ; pred(P), A =.. [P, _, _], B = A ), catch(clause(B, true), _, fail), \+prfstep(A, _, _, _, _, _, _). % % DJITI (Deep Just In Time Indexing) % djiti_answer(answer((A, B)), (C, D)) :- !, djiti_answer(answer(A), C), djiti_answer(answer(B), D). djiti_answer(answer(A), answer(P, S, O)) :- ( nonvar(A) ; atom(P), S \= void ), A =.. [P, S, O], !. djiti_answer(answer(exopred(P, S, O)), answer(P, S, O)) :- ( var(S) ; S \= void ), !. djiti_answer(answer(A), answer(A, void, void)) :- !. djiti_answer(A, A). djiti_conc(':-'(exopred(P, S, O), B), ':-'(A, B)) :- !, A =.. [P, S, O]. djiti_conc(answer((A, B), void, void), (answer(A, void, void), D)) :- !, djiti_conc(answer(B, void, void), D). djiti_conc(A, A). djiti_fact(answer(P, S, O), answer(P, S, O)) :- atomic(P), !, ( P \= '', P \= '', \+pred(P) -> assertz(pred(P)) ; true ). djiti_fact(implies(A, B, C), implies(A, B, C)) :- nonvar(B), conj_list(B, D), forall( member(E, D), ( unify(E, F), F =.. [P, _, _], ( \+fpred(P) -> assertz(fpred(P)) ; true ) ) ), !. djiti_fact(''(A, B), C) :- nonvar(B), ( \+atomic(A) ; \+atomic(B) ), ( conj_list(B, D) -> true ; D = B ), forall( member(E, D), ( unify(E, F), ( F =.. [P, _, _], \+fpred(P) -> assertz(fpred(P)) ; true ) ) ), !, ( retwist(A, B, Z) -> true ; Z = '<>' ), makevars(implies(A, B, Z), C, zeta). djiti_fact(':-'(A, B), ':-'(C, D)) :- !, makevars((A, B), (C, E), eta), copy_term_nat(''(E, C), F), ( flag(nope) -> D = E ; ( retwist(E, C, G) -> true ; G = '<>' ), ( E = when(H, I) -> conj_append(I, istep(G, E, C, F), J), D = when(H, J) ; conj_append(E, istep(G, E, C, F), D) ) ). djiti_fact(''(_, literal(A, type(''))), B) :- !, read_term_from_atom(A, C, []), dcg_translate_rule(C, B). djiti_fact(A, A) :- ground(A), A =.. [P, _, _], ( P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', P \= '', P \= query, P \= pfx, P \= flag, P \= semantics, \+pred(P) -> assertz(pred(P)) ; true ), !. djiti_fact(A, A). djiti_assertz(A) :- djiti_fact(A, B), assertz(B). % % Built-ins % ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), avg(A, B). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), catch(call(A), _, fail), A \= B, unify(A, C), conj_list(C, D), forall( member(E, D), ( ( E = ''(Prem, Conc) -> retract(implies(Prem, Conc, Src)), assertz(retwist(Prem, Conc, Src)) ; ( E = ':-'(Ci, Pi), Pi \= true -> ( flag(nope) -> Ph = Pi ; ( Pi = when(Ai, Bi) -> conj_append(Bi, istep(Si, Pi, Ci, _), Bh), Ph = when(Ai, Bh) ; conj_append(Pi, istep(Si, Pi, Ci, _), Ph) ), ':-'(Ci, Ph), assertz(retwist(Pi, Ci, Si)) ), retract(':-'(Ci, Ph)) ; E \= ':-'(_, true), retract(E) ) ), djiti_answer(answer(E), Z), retractall(Z), ( flag('pass-only-new'), pass_only_new(E) -> retract(pass_only_new(E)) ; true ) ) ), nb_getval(wn, W), labelvars(B, W, N), nb_setval(wn, N), unify(B, F), conj_list(F, G), forall( member(H, G), ( djiti_assertz(H), ( flag('pass-only-new'), \+pass_only_new(H) -> assertz(pass_only_new(H)) ; true ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), A, B. ''([''(A, B)|C], D) :- \+flag(restricted), within_scope(_), ( nb_getval(bnet, done) -> true ; bnet, nb_setval(bnet, done) ), bvar(A), bval(B), bcon([''(A, B)], C, D). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), getnumber(A, C), ( C =:= 0.0 -> B is 0.0 ; ( C =:= 1.0 -> B is 0.0 ; B is -(C*log(C)+(1-C)*log(1-C))/log(2) ) ). ''([literal(A, type(''))|B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), findall(U, ( member(V, B), getnumber(V, U) ), W ), read_term_from_atom(A, D, [variables(W)]), catch(C is D, _, fail). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), nonvar(A), A \= [_, _], !, when( ( nonvar(B) ), ( reset_gensym, tmp_file(Tmp1), open(Tmp1, write, Ws1, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws1), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(C, D), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [C, D]) ), nl ), labelvars(A, 0, _), wt(A), write('.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp2), open(Tmp2, write, Ws2, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws2), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(E, F), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [E, F]) ), nl ), labelvars(B, 0, _), write('{'), wt(B), write('} => {'), wt(B), write('}.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp3), !, ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> A1 = ['cmd.exe', '/C'] ; A1 = [] ), ( current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), append(Argu, ['--'|_], Argv) -> append(Argu, ['--'], A2) ; A2 = ['eye'] ), ( flag(quiet) -> Quiet = '--quiet' ; Quiet = '' ), append([A1, A2, ['--nope', Quiet, Tmp1, '--query', Tmp2, '>', Tmp3]], A4), findall([G, ' '], ( member(G, A4) ), H ), flatten(H, I), atomic_list_concat(I, J), ( catch(exec(J, _), _, fail) -> n3_n3p(Tmp3, semantics), absolute_uri(Tmp3, Tmp), atomic_list_concat(['<', Tmp, '>'], Res), semantics(Res, L), delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3), L \= [] ; delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3), fail ) ) ). ''(Sc, A) :- \+flag(restricted), within_scope(Sc), nonvar(A), conjify(A, B), catch(call(B), _, fail), ( flag(nope) -> true ; copy_term_nat(''(B, ''(Sc, B)), C), istep('<>', B, ''(Sc, B), C) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), findall(C, ( cartesian(A, C) ), B ). ''(Sc, A) :- \+flag(restricted), within_scope(Sc), hstep(A, _). ''([literal(A, type(''))|B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), atomify(B, D), read_term_from_atom(A, C, [variables(D)]). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), cov(A, B). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), atomify(A, C), D =.. C, ( B = true -> catch(call(D), _, fail) ; \+catch(call(D), _, fail) ). ''(literal(A, type('')), B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( exec(A, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), nonvar(A), A \= [_, _], !, when( ( nonvar(B) ), ( reset_gensym, tmp_file(Tmp1), open(Tmp1, write, Ws1, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws1), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(C, D), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [C, D]) ), nl ), labelvars(A, 0, _), wt(A), write('.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp2), open(Tmp2, write, Ws2, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws2), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(E, F), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [E, F]) ), nl ), labelvars(B, 0, _), write('{'), wt(B), write('} => {'), wt(B), write('}.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp3), !, ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> A1 = ['cmd.exe', '/C'] ; A1 = [] ), ( current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), append(Argu, ['--'|_], Argv) -> append(Argu, ['--'], A2) ; A2 = ['eye'] ), ( flag(quiet) -> Quiet = '--quiet' ; Quiet = '' ), append([A1, A2, ['--nope', Quiet, Tmp1, '--query', Tmp2, '>', Tmp3]], A4), findall([G, ' '], ( member(G, A4) ), H ), flatten(H, I), atomic_list_concat(I, J), ( catch(exec(J, _), _, fail) -> n3_n3p(Tmp3, semantics), absolute_uri(Tmp3, Tmp), atomic_list_concat(['<', Tmp, '>'], Res), semantics(Res, L), delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3), L = [] ; delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3), fail ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), within_scope(A), \+catch(call(B), _, fail). ''(literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), read_file_to_string(A, C, []), ( string_concat(D, "\n", C) -> true ; D = C ), atom_string(B, D). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), call_cleanup(A, B), ( flag(nope) -> true ; conj_append(A, B, C), copy_term_nat(''(C, ''(A, B)), D), istep('<>', C, ''(A, B), D) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), nonvar(A), A \= [_, _], !, when( ( nonvar(B) ), ( reset_gensym, tmp_file(Tmp1), open(Tmp1, write, Ws1, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws1), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(C, D), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [C, D]) ), nl ), labelvars(A, 0, _), wt(A), write('.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp2), open(Tmp2, write, Ws2, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws2), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(E, F), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [E, F]) ), nl ), write('{'), wt(''(_, B)), write('} => {'), wt(''(_, B)), write('}.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp3), !, ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> A1 = ['cmd.exe', '/C'] ; A1 = [] ), ( current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), append(Argu, ['--'|_], Argv) -> append(Argu, ['--'], A2) ; A2 = ['eye'] ), ( flag(quiet) -> Quiet = '--quiet' ; Quiet = '' ), append([A1, A2, ['--nope', Quiet, Tmp1, '--query', Tmp2, '>', Tmp3]], A4), findall([G, ' '], ( member(G, A4) ), H ), flatten(H, I), atomic_list_concat(I, J), ( catch(exec(J, _), _, fail) -> n3_n3p(Tmp3, semantics), absolute_uri(Tmp3, Tmp), atomic_list_concat(['<', Tmp, '>'], Res), semantics(Res, L), conj_list(K, L), labelvars(K, 0, _), B = [_, _, M], K = ''(_, [_, _, M]), delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3) ; delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3), fail ) ) ). ''(Sc, [A, B, C]) :- \+flag(restricted), within_scope(Sc), nonvar(B), \+is_list(B), catch(findall(A, B, E), _, E = []), ( flag(warn) -> copy_term_nat([A, B, E], [Ac, Bc, Ec]), labelvars([Ac, Bc, Ec], 0, _), ( fact(''(Sc, [Ac, Bc, G])) -> ( E \= G -> format(user_error, '** WARNING ** conflicting_findall_answers ~w VERSUS ~w~n', [[A, B, G], [A, B, E]]), flush_output(user_error) ; true ) ; assertz(fact(''(Sc, [Ac, Bc, Ec]))) ) ; true ), E = C. ''([A|B], [A, B]) :- \+flag(restricted). ''([literal(A, type(''))|B], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, D), preformat(B, E), format_to_chars(D, E, F), atom_codes(C, F) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( ''(A, C), conj_list(C, L), sort(L, M), conj_list(K, M), unify(K, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( makevars(A, C, delta), difference(C, D), unify(D, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( intersect(A, M), unify(M, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( unify(A, C), conj_list(C, D), ( nonvar(B) -> cflat(B, E), ( ground(E) -> distinct(E, D) ; D = E ) ; ( ground(D) -> distinct(D, B) ; B = D ) ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( conj_list(A, C), member(D, C), unify(D, B) ) ). ''((A, B), [A, B]) :- \+flag(restricted). ''(literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), flag('hmac-key', Key), hmac_sha(Key, A, C, [algorithm(sha1)]), atom_codes(D, C), base64xml(D, B). ''(Sc, A) :- \+flag(restricted), within_scope(Sc), nonvar(A), ( catch(call(A), _, fail) -> ( flag(nope) -> true ; copy_term_nat(''(A, ''(Sc, A)), R), istep('<>', A, ''(Sc, A), R) ) ; true ). ''(A, literal(B, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( atom(A), ( sub_atom(A, _, 19, _, '/.well-known/genid/') -> ( sub_atom(A, I, 1, _, '#') -> J is I+1, sub_atom(A, J, _, 1, B) ; B = '' ) ; atom_concat(some, C, A), atomic_list_concat(['sk_', C], B) ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), copy_term_nat(A, C), labelvars(C, 0, _), term_index(C, D), ( got_labelvars(C, D, B) -> true ; copy_term_nat(A, B), labelvars(B, 0, _, avar), assertz(got_labelvars(C, D, B)) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( ( getlist(A, C) -> true ; conj_list(A, D), ( ground(D) -> distinct(D, C) ; C = D ) ), length(C, B) ) ). ''(_, B) :- \+flag(restricted), \+ \+catch(call(B), _, fail). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( bmax(A, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( bmin(A, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A), nonvar(B) ), ( sort(0, @=<, A, C), sort(0, @=<, B, C) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), \+''(A, B). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), \+''(A, B). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( getnumber(A, B) ) ). ''(Sc, A) :- \+flag(restricted), within_scope(Sc), nonvar(A), ( \+catch(call(A), _, fail) -> true ; catch(call(A), _, fail), ( flag(nope) -> true ; copy_term_nat(''(A, ''(Sc, A)), R), istep('<>', A, ''(Sc, A), R) ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), pcc([A, B], C). ''(Sc, literal(A, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), within_scope(Sc), with_output_to_codes(wh, C), atom_codes(A, C), retractall(wpfx(_)). ''([A], [B, C]) :- \+flag(restricted), !, D =.. [A, B, C], catch(call(D), _, fail). ''([A|B], [C, D]) :- \+flag(restricted), E =.. [A, C, F], catch(call(E), _, fail), ''(B, [F, D]). ''([A|B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), term_index([A|B], I), ( B \= [], got_random([A|B], I, C) -> true ; catch(nb_getval(random, D), _, D = 16127), E is mod(1046527*D+16769023, 1073676287), nb_setval(random, E), C is mod(E, A), ( B \= [] -> assertz(got_random([A|B], I, C)) ; true ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), reverse(A, B). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), rms(A, B). ''(St, [Sen, Asp]) :- \+flag(restricted), getnumber(St, K), ( getnumber(Sen, S) -> Asp is 1-(1-exp(-K*(S-1)))*(1+exp(K))/(1+exp(-K*(S-1)))/(1-exp(K)) ; getnumber(Asp, A), Sen is (1-exp(-K*A))*(1+exp(-K))/(1+exp(-K*A))/(1-exp(-K)) ). ''(literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), sha_hash(A, C, [algorithm(sha1)]), atom_codes(D, C), base64xml(D, B). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), getnumber(A, C), B is 1/(1+exp(-C)). ''(X, Y) :- \+flag(restricted), ''(Y, X), ( \+keep_skolem(Y) -> assertz(keep_skolem(Y)) ; true ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( sort(A, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), std(A, B). ''(literal(X, Y), literal(Z, Y)) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(X) ), ( atom_codes(X, U), escape_string(U, V), atom_codes(Z, V) ) ). ''(literal(X, Y), literal(Z, Y)) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(X) ), ( atom_codes(X, U), reverse(U, V), atom_codes(Z, V) ) ). ''([literal(X, type('')), literal(Y, type(''))], Z) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( atom_codes(X, U), atom_codes(Y, C), escape_string(T, U), escape_string(V, C), ( V = [] -> findall(literal(A, type('')), ( member(B, T), atom_codes(A, [B]) ), Z ) ; esplit_string(T, V, [], W), findall(literal(A, type('')), ( member(B, W), atom_codes(A, B) ), Z ) ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( sub_list(A, B) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- \+flag(restricted), tell(user_error), copy_term_nat(X, U), wg(U), write(' TRACE '), copy_term_nat(Y, V), wg(V), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( e_transpose(A, B) ) ). ''(A, [B, C, D]) :- \+flag(restricted), A =.. [C, B, D]. ''(X, Y) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( ( is_list(Y), length(Y, I), I < 8 -> Z =.. [tuple, X|Y] ; Z = tuple(X, Y) ), ( call(Z) -> true ; var(X), nb_getval(tuple, M), N is M+1, nb_setval(tuple, N), atom_number(A, N), nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, 't_', A, '>'], X), assertz(Z) ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), ( got_unique(A, B) -> fail ; assertz(got_unique(A, B)) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( findvars(A, C, delta), C \= [] -> true ; catch(call(B), _, A = B) ) ). ''(X, literal(Y, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( ( ground(X) -> ( number(X) -> atom_number(T, X) ; X = literal(T, _) ), www_form_encode(T, Z), atom_codes(Z, U), subst([[[0'%, 0'2, 0'0], [0'+]]], U, V), atom_codes(Y, V) ; www_form_encode(X, Y) ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( nonvar(X) ; nonvar(Y) ), ( X = [Y|_] ) ), !. ''(X, Y) :- when( ( nonvar(X) ; nonvar(Y) ), ( X = [_|Y] ) ), !. ''(literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( md5_hash(A, B, []) ) ). ''(literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( sha_hash(A, C, [algorithm(sha1)]), hash_atom(C, B) ) ). ''(literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( sha_hash(A, C, [algorithm(sha256)]), hash_atom(C, B) ) ). ''(literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( sha_hash(A, C, [algorithm(sha512)]), hash_atom(C, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( makevars(A, C, delta), difference(C, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( intersect(A, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( conj_list(A, D), ( ground(D) -> distinct(D, C) ; C = D ), length(C, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- conj_list(A, B). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( conj_list(A, C), member(B, C) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( conj_list(A, C), \+member(B, C) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( copy_term_nat(A, C), findvars(C, D, beta), makevars(C, B, beta(D)), nb_getval(wn, W), labelvars(B, W, N), nb_setval(wn, N) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( conjoin(A, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( getlist(A, C), ( member(D, C), var(D), var(B) -> true ; append(C, B) ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( getlist(A, C), C = [B|D], nonvar(D) ) ). ''([A|B], [A, B]). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(B) ), ( getlist(B, C), member(A, C) ) ). ''(A, [B, C]) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( getlist(A, D), nth0(B, D, C) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( getlist(A, C), last(C, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( ( getlist(A, C) -> true ; conj_list(A, D), ( ground(D) -> distinct(D, C) ; C = D ) ), length(C, B) ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- when( ( nonvar(A), nonvar(B) ), ( getlist(A, D), findall(E, ( member(F, D), G =.. [B, F, E], G ), C ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( getlist(A, C), member(B, C) ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( nth0(B, A, C) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A), nonvar(B) ), ( sort(0, @=<, A, C), sort(0, @=<, B, C) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+''(A, B). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( getlist(A, C), \+member(B, C) ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- when( ( nonvar(A), nonvar(B) ), ( selectchk(B, A, D), ( \+member(B, D) -> C = D ; ''([D, B], C) ) ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( nth0(B, A, D), selectchk(D, A, C) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( getlist(A, C), list_to_set(C, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( getlist(A, C), C = [_|B] ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A), nonvar(B) ), ( getlist(A, C), getlist(B, D), sort(C, E), sort(D, E) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+''(A, B). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( sort(A, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( list_to_set(A, B) ) ). :- if(current_prolog_flag(emscripten, true)). userInput(A, B) :- await(A, B). :- else. userInput(A, B) :- writeln(A), read(B). :- endif. ''(X, Y) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(X) ), ( ( askcache(X, Y) -> true ; X = literal(U, type('')), userInput(U, C), term_to_atom(C, D), sub_atom(D, 1, _, 1, V), Y = literal(V, type('')), assertz(askcache(X, Y)) ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- catch(call(A), _, fail), A \= B, unify(A, C), conj_list(C, D), forall( member(E, D), ( ( E = ''(Prem, Conc) -> retract(implies(Prem, Conc, Src)), assertz(retwist(Prem, Conc, Src)) ; ( E = ':-'(Ci, Pi), Pi \= true -> ( flag(nope) -> Ph = Pi ; ( Pi = when(Ai, Bi) -> conj_append(Bi, istep(Si, Pi, Ci, _), Bh), Ph = when(Ai, Bh) ; conj_append(Pi, istep(Si, Pi, Ci, _), Ph) ), ':-'(Ci, Ph), assertz(retwist(Pi, Ci, Si)) ), retract(':-'(Ci, Ph)) ; E \= ':-'(_, true), retract(E) ) ), djiti_answer(answer(E), Z), retractall(Z), ( flag('pass-only-new'), pass_only_new(E) -> retract(pass_only_new(E)) ; true ) ) ), nb_getval(wn, W), labelvars(B, W, N), nb_setval(wn, N), unify(B, F), conj_list(F, G), forall( member(H, G), ( djiti_assertz(H), ( flag('pass-only-new'), \+pass_only_new(H) -> assertz(pass_only_new(H)) ; true ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- ( nonvar(X) -> Y = true ; Y = false ). ''(A, B) :- call(A), catch(call(B), _, fail), ( flag(nope) -> true ; copy_term_nat(''(B, ''(A, B)), C), istep('<>', B, ''(A, B), C) ). ''(A, B) :- \+ \+call(A), \+ \+catch(call(B), _, fail), ( flag(nope) -> true ; copy_term_nat(''(B, ''(A, B)), C), istep('<>', B, ''(A, B), C) ). ''(A, B) :- call_cleanup(A, B), ( flag(nope) -> true ; conj_append(A, B, C), copy_term_nat(''(C, ''(A, B)), D), istep('<>', C, ''(A, B), D) ). ''(A, B) :- call(A), ( \+catch(call(B), _, fail) -> true ; catch(call(B), _, fail), ( flag(nope) -> true ; conj_append(A, B, C), copy_term_nat(''(C, ''(A, B)), D), istep('<>', C, ''(A, B), D) ) ). ''(B, A) :- \+flag(restricted), nonvar(A), A \= [_, _], !, when( ( nonvar(B) ), ( reset_gensym, tmp_file(Tmp1), open(Tmp1, write, Ws1, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws1), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(C, D), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [C, D]) ), nl ), labelvars(A, 0, _), wt(A), write('.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp2), open(Tmp2, write, Ws2, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws2), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(E, F), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [E, F]) ), nl ), write('{'), wt(''(B, _)), write('} => {'), wt(''(B, _)), write('}.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp3), !, ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> A1 = ['cmd.exe', '/C'] ; A1 = [] ), ( current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), append(Argu, ['--'|_], Argv) -> append(Argu, ['--'], A2) ; A2 = ['eye'] ), ( flag(quiet) -> Quiet = '--quiet' ; Quiet = '' ), append([A1, A2, ['--nope', Quiet, Tmp1, '--query', Tmp2, '>', Tmp3]], A4), findall([G, ' '], ( member(G, A4) ), H ), flatten(H, I), atomic_list_concat(I, J), ( catch(exec(J, _), _, fail) -> n3_n3p(Tmp3, semantics), absolute_uri(Tmp3, Tmp), atomic_list_concat(['<', Tmp, '>'], Res), semantics(Res, L), conj_list(K, L), labelvars(K, 0, _), B = [_, _, M], K = ''([_, _, M], _), delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3) ; delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3), fail ) ) ). ''([A, B, C], Sc) :- within_scope(Sc), nonvar(B), \+is_list(B), catch(findall(A, B, E), _, E = []), ( flag(warn) -> copy_term_nat([A, B, E], [Ac, Bc, Ec]), labelvars([Ac, Bc, Ec], 0, _), ( fact(''([Ac, Bc, G], Sc)) -> ( E \= G -> format(user_error, '** WARNING ** conflicting_collectAllIn_answers ~w VERSUS ~w~n', [[A, B, G], [A, B, E]]), flush_output(user_error) ; true ) ; assertz(fact(''([Ac, Bc, Ec], Sc))) ) ; true ), E = C. ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( reset_gensym, tmp_file(Tmp1), open(Tmp1, write, Ws1, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws1), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(C, D), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [C, D]) ), nl ), labelvars(A, 0, _), wt(A), write('.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp2), !, ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> A1 = ['cmd.exe', '/C'] ; A1 = [] ), ( current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), append(Argu, ['--'|_], Argv) -> append(Argu, ['--'], A2) ; A2 = ['eye'] ), ( flag(quiet) -> Quiet = '--quiet' ; Quiet = '' ), append([A1, A2, ['--nope', Quiet, Tmp1, '--pass-all', '>', Tmp2]], A4), findall([G, ' '], ( member(G, A4) ), H ), flatten(H, I), atomic_list_concat(I, J), ( catch(exec(J, _), _, fail) -> n3_n3p(Tmp2, semantics), absolute_uri(Tmp2, Tmp), atomic_list_concat(['<', Tmp, '>'], Res), semantics(Res, L), conj_list(B, L), labelvars(B, 0, _), delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2) ; delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), fail ) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( conjoin(A, M), unify(M, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), ''(A, C), ''(C, B). ''(X, Y) :- copy_term_nat(X, Y). ''([A, B], C) :- when( ( ground(A) ; nonvar(C) ), ( ground(A), ( var(B) -> ( member(B, ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']), dtlit([A, B], C), getnumber(C, D), dtlit([_, B], D) -> true ; ( dtlit([A, ''], C), getbool(C, _), B = '' -> true ; B = '', C = A ) ) ; A = literal(E, _), ( B = prolog:atom -> C = E ; C = literal(E, type(B)) ), ! ) ; nonvar(C), dtlit([A, B], C) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- unify(X, Y). ''([A, B], Sc) :- within_scope(Sc), when( ( nonvar(A), nonvar(B) ), ( forall(A, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( pfx(_, A) -> B = true ; B = false ) ). ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), nonvar(B), B \= [_, _], !, when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( reset_gensym, tmp_file(Tmp1), open(Tmp1, write, Ws1, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws1), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(C, D), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [C, D]) ), nl ), labelvars(B, 0, _), wt(B), write('.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp2), open(Tmp2, write, Ws2, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws2), ( flag('no-qnames') -> true ; forall( pfx(E, F), format('@prefix ~w ~w.~n', [E, F]) ), nl ), write('{'), wt(''(A, _)), write('} => {'), wt(''(A, _)), write('}.'), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), tmp_file(Tmp3), !, ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> A1 = ['cmd.exe', '/C'] ; A1 = [] ), ( current_prolog_flag(argv, Argv), append(Argu, ['--'|_], Argv) -> append(Argu, ['--'], A2) ; A2 = ['eye'] ), ( flag(quiet) -> Quiet = '--quiet' ; Quiet = '' ), append([A1, A2, ['--nope', Quiet, Tmp1, '--query', Tmp2, '>', Tmp3]], A4), findall([G, ' '], ( member(G, A4) ), H ), flatten(H, I), atomic_list_concat(I, J), ( catch(exec(J, _), _, fail) -> n3_n3p(Tmp3, semantics), absolute_uri(Tmp3, Tmp), atomic_list_concat(['<', Tmp, '>'], Res), semantics(Res, L), conj_list(K, L), labelvars(K, 0, _), A = M, K = ''(M, _), delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3) ; delete_file(Tmp1), delete_file(Tmp2), delete_file(Tmp3), fail ) ) ). ''([A, B, C], Sc) :- within_scope(Sc), when( ( nonvar(A), nonvar(B), nonvar(C) ), ( if_then_else(A, B, C) ) ). ''(A, B) :- implies(U, V, _), unify(U, A), unify(V, B), ( commonvars(A, B, []) -> labelvars(B, 0, _, avar) ; true ), ( var(B) -> true ; B \= answer(_, _, _), B \= (answer(_, _, _), _) ). ''(_, X) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(X) ), ( ( scope(X) -> true ; sub_atom(X, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(X, _, 1, 0, '>'), sub_atom(X, 1, _, 1, Z), catch( args(['--turtle', Z]), _, ( catch( args(['--n3', Z]), Exc, ( format(user_error, '** ERROR ** ~w **~n', [Exc]), flush_output(user_error), fail ) ) ) ) ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- within_scope(X), !, when( ( nonvar(Y) ), ( call(Y) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( nonvar(X), nonvar(Y) ), ( X \= [_, _], conj_list(X, A), conj_list(Y, B), includes(A, B) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- within_scope(X), !, when( ( nonvar(Y) ), ( \+ \+call(Y) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( nonvar(X), nonvar(Y) ), ( conj_list(X, A), conj_list(Y, B), \+ \+includes(A, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- ''(A, C), ( nonvar(B) -> intersect([B, C], M), unify(M, B) ; B = C ). ''(A, B) :- makevars([A, B], [C, D], beta), \+ \+unify(C, B), \+ \+unify(A, D). ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(A, lang(B))). ''(A, literal(B, type(''))) :- term_variables(A, V), labelvars([A, V], 0, _, avar), with_output_to_chars((wq(V, allv), wt(A)), E), escape_string(E, F), atom_codes(B, F). ''(A, literal(B, type(''))) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( sub_atom(A, 1, _, 1, C), ( sub_atom_last(C, _, 1, N, '#') -> sub_atom(C, _, N, 0, B) ; sub_atom_last(C, _, 1, N, '/') -> sub_atom(C, _, N, 0, B) ; sub_atom_last(C, _, 1, N, ':') -> sub_atom(C, _, N, 0, B) ) ) ). ''(A, literal(B, type(''))) :- ( n3s(A, literal(B, type(''))) -> true ; retractall(wpfx(_)), with_output_to_chars(wh, C1), retractall(wpfx(_)), \+ (C1 = [], \+flag('no-qnames')), numbervars(A), with_output_to_chars(wt(A), C2), append(C1, C2, C), escape_string(C, D), atom_codes(B, D), assertz(n3s(A, literal(B, type('')))) ). ''(A, literal(B, type(''))) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( sub_atom(A, 1, _, 1, C), ( sub_atom_last(C, N, 1, _, '#') -> M is N+1, sub_atom(C, 0, M, _, B) ; sub_atom_last(C, N, 1, _, '/') -> M is N+1, sub_atom(C, 0, M, _, B) ; sub_atom_last(C, N, 1, _, ':') -> M is N+1, sub_atom(C, 0, M, _, B) ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( ( \+atomic(X), \+atomic(Y) -> findvars([X, Y], Z, beta), Z = [] ; true ), \+''(X, Y) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- within_scope(X), !, when( ( nonvar(Y) ), ( \+call(Y) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( nonvar(X), nonvar(Y) ), ( X \= [_, _], conj_list(X, A), conj_list(Y, B), \+includes(A, B) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- \+''(X, Y). ''(literal(A, _), B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( parsed_as_n3(A, B) -> true ; atom_codes(A, C), escape_string(D, C), atom_codes(E, D), tmp_file(Tmp), open(Tmp, write, Ws, [encoding(utf8)]), tell(Ws), writef(E, []), told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ), atomic_list_concat([''], F), ''(F, B), assertz(parsed_as_n3(A, B)) ) ). ''([literal(A, type(''))|B], C) :- read_term_from_atom(A, D, [variables(B)]), findall(E, ( member(literal(E, type('')), C) ), F ), phrase(D, F, []). ''(A, literal(B, type(''))) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ; nonvar(B) ), ( pfx(C, A), sub_atom(C, 0, _, 1, B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( sub_atom(A, 1, _, 1, C), sub_atom(C, N, 1, _, '#'), sub_atom(C, 0, N, _, D), atomic_list_concat(['<', D, '>'], B) ) ). ''(A, B) :- raw_type(A, C), C = B. ''(A, B) :- C is A-1, between(0, C, B). ''(X, Y) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(X) ), ( ( semantics(X, L) -> conj_list(Y, L) ; sub_atom(X, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(X, _, 1, 0, '>'), sub_atom(X, 1, _, 1, Z), catch( n3_n3p(Z, semantics), Exc, ( format(user_error, '** ERROR ** ~w **~n', [Exc]), flush_output(user_error), fail ) ), semantics(X, L), conj_list(Y, L) ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(X) ), ( ( semantics(X, L) -> conj_list(Y, L) ; sub_atom(X, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(X, _, 1, 0, '>'), sub_atom(X, 1, _, 1, Z), catch( n3_n3p(Z, semantics), Exc, assertz(semantics(X, [literal(Exc, type(''))])) ), semantics(X, L), conj_list(Y, L) ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(X) ), ( ( shellcache(X, Y) -> true ; X = literal(U, type('')), setup_call_cleanup( process_create('/bin/sh', ['-c', U], [stdout(pipe(Out))]), read_string(Out, _, V), close(Out) ), atom_string(W, V), Y = literal(W, type('')), assertz(shellcache(X, Y)) ) ) ). ''(Y, X) :- when( ( nonvar(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( ( is_list(Y), length(Y, I), I < 8 -> Z =.. [tuple, X|Y] ; Z = tuple(X, Y) ), ( call(Z) -> true ; var(X), nb_getval(tuple, M), N is M+1, nb_setval(tuple, N), atom_number(A, N), nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, 't_', A, '>'], X), assertz(Z) ) ) ), ( \+keep_skolem(X) -> assertz(keep_skolem(X)) ; true ). ''(X, Y) :- tell(user_error), copy_term_nat(X, U), wg(U), write(' TRACE '), copy_term_nat(Y, V), ( number(X), X < 0 -> fm(V) ; wg(V) ), nl, told, ( flag('output', Output) -> tell(Output) ; true ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( atomic(X), X \= [], ( atom_concat(some, V, X) -> nb_getval(var_ns, Sns), atomic_list_concat(['<', Sns, 'sk_', V, '>'], U) ; ( atom_concat(avar, V, X) -> atomic_list_concat([''], U) ; U = X ) ), sub_atom(U, 1, _, 1, Z), atomic_list_concat(['<', Z, '>'], U), Y = literal(Z, type('')), ! ; ground(Y), Y = literal(Z, type('')), atomic_list_concat(['<', Z, '>'], X) ) ). ''(X, literal(Y, type(''))) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( ''(X, literal(U, type(''))), ( uuid(U, Y) -> true ; uuid(Y), assertz(uuid(U, Y)) ) ) ). ''(_, literal(V, type(''))) :- version_info(V). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is abs(U) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is acos(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is cos(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is acosh(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is cosh(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is asin(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is sin(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is asinh(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is sinh(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is atan(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is tan(V) ) ). ''([X, Y], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), Z is atan(U/V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is atanh(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is tanh(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is ceiling(U) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is cos(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is acos(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is cosh(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is acosh(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is U*180/pi, ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is V*pi/180 ) ). ''([X, Y], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ; ground(Z) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), Z is U-V, ! ; getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Z, W), Y is U-W, ! ; getnumber(Y, V), getnumber(Z, W), X is V+W ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), U =:= V ) ). ''([X, Y], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ; ground([X, Z]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), ( getnumber(Y, V), Z is U**V, ! ; getnumber(Z, W), W =\= 0, U =\= 0, Y is log(W)/log(U) ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is floor(U) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), U > V ) ). ''([X, Y], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), ( V =\= 0 -> Z is round(floor(U/V)) ; throw(zero_division(''([X, Y], Z))) ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), U < V ) ). ''([X, Y], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ; ground([X, Z]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), ( getnumber(Y, V), V =\= 0, U =\= 0, Z is log(U)/log(V), ! ; getnumber(Z, W), Y is U**(1/W) ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( max_list(X, Y) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( nonvar(X) ), ( ( getlist(X, Z) -> true ; conj_list(X, U), ( ground(U) -> distinct(U, Z) ; Z = U ) ), length(Z, Y) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( min_list(X, Y) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is -U, ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is -V ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), U =\= V ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), U =< V ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), U >= V ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( product(X, Y) ) ). ''([X, Y], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ; ground(Z) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), ( V =\= 0 -> Z is U/V ; throw(zero_division(''([X, Y], Z))) ), ! ; getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Z, W), ( W =\= 0 -> Y is U/W ; throw(zero_division(''([X, Y], Z))) ), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), getnumber(Z, W), X is V*W ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is U*pi/180, ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is V*180/pi ) ). ''([X, Y], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), ( V =\= 0 -> Z is U-V*round(floor(U/V)) ; throw(zero_division(''([X, Y], Z))) ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is round(round(U)) ) ). ''([X, Y], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getnumber(X, U), getnumber(Y, V), F is 10**floor(V), Z is round(round(U*F))/F ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is sin(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is asin(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is sinh(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is asinh(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( sum(X, Y) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is tan(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is atan(V) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ; ground(Y) ), ( getnumber(X, U), Y is tanh(U), ! ; getnumber(Y, V), X is atanh(V) ) ). ''(literal(X, Z), literal(Y, Z)) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( sub_atom(X, 0, 1, _, A), upcase_atom(A, B), sub_atom(X, 1, _, 0, C), downcase_atom(C, D), atom_concat(B, D, Y) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( getlist(X, C), labelvars(C, 0, _, avar), ( member(D, C), var(D), var(Y) -> true ; findall(S, ( member(A, X), getcodes(A, S) ), Z ), flatten(Z, E), atom_codes(F, E), Y = literal(F, type('')) ) ) ). ''(literal(X, Z), literal(Y, Z)) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( sub_atom(X, _, _, _, Y) ) ). ''(literal(X, Z), literal(Y, Z)) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( downcase_atom(X, U), downcase_atom(Y, V), sub_atom(U, _, _, _, V) ) ). ''(literal(X, Z), literal(Y, Z)) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( downcase_atom(X, R), downcase_atom(Y, S), normalize_space(atom(U), R), normalize_space(atom(V), S), sub_atom(U, _, _, _, V) ) ). ''(literal(X, _), literal(Y, _)) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( sub_atom(X, _, _, 0, Y) ) ). ''(literal(X, _), literal(Y, _)) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( downcase_atom(X, U), downcase_atom(Y, U) ) ). ''([literal(A, _)|B], literal(C, type(''))) :- when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, D), subst([[[0'%, 0's], [0'~, 0'w]]], D, E), preformat(B, F), format_to_chars(E, F, G), atom_codes(C, G) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getstring(X, U), getstring(Y, V), U @> V ) ). ''([X, Y], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ; ground(Z) ), ( ground([X, Y]), getlist(X, C), getcodes(Y, D), labelvars(C, 0, _, avar), ( member(E, C), var(E), var(Z) -> true ; findall([D, S], ( member(A, X), getcodes(A, S) ), U ), flatten(U, V), ( V = [] -> F = V ; append(D, F, V) ), atom_codes(G, F), Z = literal(G, type('')) ) ; ground(Z), getcodes(Z, U), getcodes(Y, C), escape_string(T, U), escape_string(V, C), ( V = [] -> findall(literal(A, type('')), ( member(B, T), atom_codes(A, [B]) ), Q ) ; esplit_string(T, V, [], W), findall(literal(A, type('')), ( member(B, W), atom_codes(A, B) ), Q ) ), findall(literal(N, type('')), ( member(literal(M, type('')), Q), atom_codes(M, Mc), escape_string(Mc, Nc), atom_codes(N, Nc) ), X ) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getstring(X, U), getstring(Y, V), U @< V ) ). ''(literal(A, _), B) :- when( ( ground(A) ), ( sub_atom(A, 0, B, 0, _) ) ). ''(literal(X, Z), literal(Y, Z)) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( downcase_atom(X, Y) ) ). ''(literal(X, _), literal(Y, _)) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( regex(Y, X, _) ) ). ''(X, Y) :- \+''(X, Y). ''(X, Y) :- \+''(X, Y). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getstring(X, U), getstring(Y, V), U @=< V ) ). ''(X, Y) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( getstring(X, U), getstring(Y, V), U @>= V ) ). ''(X, Y) :- \+''(X, Y). ''([literal(X, _), literal(Search, _), literal(Replace, _)], literal(Y, type(''))) :- when( ( ground([X, Search, Replace]) ), ( ( atomic_list_concat(['(', Search, ')'], Se), regex(Se, X, [S|_]) -> ( sub_atom(Search, 0, 1, _, '^') -> atom_concat(S, T, X), atom_concat(Replace, T, Y) ; ( sub_atom(Search, _, 1, 0, '$') -> atom_concat(T, S, X), atom_concat(T, Replace, Y) ; atom_codes(X, XC), string_codes(S, SC), atom_codes(Replace, RC), subst([[[0'$, 0'1], SC]], RC, TC), subst([[SC, TC]], XC, YC), atom_codes(Y, YC) ) ) ; Y = X ) ) ). ''([literal(X, _), SearchList, ReplaceList], literal(Y, type(''))) :- when( ( ground([X, SearchList, ReplaceList]) ), ( preformat(SearchList, SearchList2), preformat(ReplaceList, ReplaceList2), replace(SearchList2, ReplaceList2, X, Z), atom_string(Y, Z) ) ). ''([literal(X, _), literal(Y, _)], literal(Z, type(''))) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( regex(Y, X, [W|_]), atom_string(Z, W) ) ). ''([literal(X, _), literal(Y, _)], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( scrape(X, Y, V), preformat(Z, V) ) ). ''([literal(X, _), literal(Y, _)], Z) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( regex(Y, X, L), findall(literal(A, type('')), ( member(M, L), atom_string(A, M) ), Z ) ) ). ''(literal(X, _), literal(Y, _)) :- when( ( ground([X, Y]) ), ( sub_atom(X, 0, _, _, Y) ) ). ''([literal(A, _), B, C], literal(D, type(''))) :- !, when( ( ground([A, B, C]) ), ( getint(B, I), getint(C, J), ( I < 1 -> G is 0, H is J+I-1 ; G is I-1, H is J ), ( H < 0 -> D = '' ; sub_atom(A, G, H, _, D) ) ) ). ''([literal(A, _), B], literal(D, type(''))) :- when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getint(B, I), sub_atom(A, 0, E, 0, _), J is E-I+1, ( I < 1 -> G is 0, H is J+I-1 ; G is I-1, H is J ), ( H < 0 -> D = [] ; sub_atom(A, G, H, _, D) ) ) ). ''(literal(X, Z), literal(Y, Z)) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( upcase_atom(X, Y) ) ). ''(literal(X, _), literal(Y, type(''))) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( sub_atom(X, 8, 2, _, Y) ) ). ''(literal(X, _), literal(Y, type(''))) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( timestamp(Y) ) ). ''(literal(X, _), literal(Y, type(''))) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( sub_atom(X, 5, 2, _, Y) ) ). ''(literal(X, _), literal(Y, type(''))) :- when( ( ground(X) ), ( sub_atom(X, 0, 4, _, Y) ) ). % RIF built-ins according to RIF Datatypes and Built-Ins 1.0 -- http://www.w3.org/TR/rif-dtb/ % pred:literal-not-identical ''([literal(A, B), literal(C, B)], D) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B, C]) ), ( A \== C -> D = true ; D = false ) ). % 4.4.4 pred:iri-string ''([A, literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ; nonvar(B) ), ( atom(A), sub_atom(A, 1, _, 1, U), atomic_list_concat(['<', U, '>'], A), !, ( U = B -> C = true ; C = false ) ; nonvar(B), ( atomic_list_concat(['<', B, '>'], A) -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % 4.5.1 Numeric Functions ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( sum([A, B], C) ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), C is U-V ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), C is U*V ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), ( V =\= 0 -> C is U/V ; throw(zero_division(''([A, B], C))) ) ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), ( V =\= 0 -> C is integer(floor(U/V)) ; throw(zero_division(''([A, B], C))) ) ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), ( V =\= 0 -> C is U-V*integer(floor(U/V)) ; throw(zero_division(''([A, B], C))) ) ) ). % pred:numeric-equal ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), ( U =:= V -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:numeric-less-than ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), ( U < V -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:numeric-greater-than ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), ( U > V -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:numeric-not-equal ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), ( U =\= V -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:numeric-less-than-or-equal ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), ( U =< V -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:numeric-greater-than-or-equal ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getnumber(A, U), getnumber(B, V), ( U >= V -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % func:not ''([A], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( getbool(A, U), ( ground(B) -> getbool(B, V) ; V = B ), inv(U, V) ) ). % pred:boolean-equal ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getbool(A, U), getbool(B, U) -> C = true ; C = false ) ). % pred:boolean-less-than ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getbool(A, false), getbool(B, true) -> C = true ; C = false ) ). % pred:boolean-greater-than ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getbool(A, true), getbool(B, false) -> C = true ; C = false ) ). % func:compare @@partial implementation: no collation ''([literal(A, B), literal(C, B)], D) :- \+flag(restricted), !, ( A @< C -> D = -1 ; ( A == C -> D = 0 ; ( A @> C -> D = 1 ) ) ). % func:concat ''(A, literal(B, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( findall(F, ( member(literal(S, type('')), A), atom_codes(S, F) ), C ), flatten(C, D), atom_codes(B, D) ) ). % func:string-join ''([A, literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(B, D), findall([D, E], ( member(literal(F, type('')), A), atom_codes(F, E) ), G ), ( G = [[_, H]|I] -> flatten([H|I], J), atom_codes(C, J) ; C = '' ) ) ). % func:substring ''([literal(A, _), B, C], literal(D, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), !, when( ( ground([A, B, C]) ), ( getint(B, I), getint(C, J), ( I < 1 -> G is 0, H is J+I-1 ; G is I-1, H is J ), ( H < 0 -> D = '' ; sub_atom(A, G, H, _, D) ) ) ). ''([literal(A, _), B], literal(D, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( getint(B, I), sub_atom(A, 0, E, 0, _), J is E-I+1, ( I < 1 -> G is 0, H is J+I-1 ; G is I-1, H is J ), ( H < 0 -> D = [] ; sub_atom(A, G, H, _, D) ) ) ). % func:string-length ''([literal(A, _)], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( sub_atom(A, 0, B, 0, _) ) ). % func:upper-case ''([literal(A, B)], literal(C, B)) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( upcase_atom(A, C) ) ). % func:lower-case ''([literal(A, B)], literal(C, B)) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( downcase_atom(A, C) ) ). % func:encode-for-uri ''([literal(A, B)], literal(C, B)) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( www_form_encode(A, C) ) ). % func:substring-before @@partial implementation: no collation ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( sub_atom(A, W, _, _, B), sub_atom(A, 0, W, _, C) ) ). % func:substring-after @@partial implementation: no collation ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( sub_atom(A, _, _, W, B), sub_atom(A, _, W, 0, C) ) ). % pred:contains @@partial implementation: no collation ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( sub_atom(B, 0, D, 0, _), sub_atom(A, _, D, _, B) -> C = true ; C = false ) ). % pred:starts-with @@partial implementation: no collation ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( sub_atom(A, 0, _, _, B) -> C = true ; C = false ) ). % pred:ends-with @@partial implementation: no collation ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( sub_atom(A, _, _, 0, B) -> C = true ; C = false ) ). % pred:matches @@partial implementation: no flags ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( regex(B, A, _) -> C = true ; C = false ) ). % func:year-from-dateTime ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), datetime(C, _, _, _, _, _, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:month-from-dateTime ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), datetime(_, C, _, _, _, _, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:day-from-dateTime ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), datetime(_, _, C, _, _, _, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:hours-from-dateTime ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), datetime(_, _, _, C, _, _, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:minutes-from-dateTime ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), datetime(_, _, _, _, C, _, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:seconds-from-dateTime ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), datetime(_, _, _, _, _, C, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:year-from-date ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), date(C, _, _, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:month-from-date ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), date(_, C, _, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:day-from-date ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), date(_, _, C, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:hours-from-time ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), time(C, _, _, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:minutes-from-time ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), time(_, C, _, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:seconds-from-time ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), time(_, _, C, _, U, []), ( nonvar(B) -> C =:= B ; C = B ) ) ). % func:years-from-duration ''([literal(_, type(''))], 0) :- \+flag(restricted), !. ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), yearmonthduration(C, U, []), D is C//12, ( nonvar(B) -> D =:= B ; D = B ) ) ). % func:months-from-duration ''([literal(_, type(''))], 0) :- \+flag(restricted), !. ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), yearmonthduration(C, U, []), D is C-(C//12)*12, ( nonvar(B) -> D =:= B ; D = B ) ) ). % func:days-from-duration ''([literal(_, type(''))], _) :- \+flag(restricted), !. ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), daytimeduration(C, U, []), D is integer(C)//86400, ( nonvar(B) -> D =:= B ; D = B ) ) ). % func:hours-from-duration ''([literal(_, type(''))], _) :- \+flag(restricted), !. ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), daytimeduration(C, U, []), D is (integer(C)-(integer(C)//86400)*86400)//3600, ( nonvar(B) -> D =:= B ; D = B ) ) ). % func:minutes-from-duration ''([literal(_, type(''))], _) :- \+flag(restricted), !. ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), daytimeduration(C, U, []), D is (integer(C)-(integer(C)//3600)*3600)//60, ( nonvar(B) -> D =:= B ; D = B ) ) ). % func:seconds-from-duration ''([literal(_, type(''))], _) :- \+flag(restricted), !. ''([literal(A, type(''))], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), daytimeduration(C, U, []), D is C-(integer(C)//60)*60, ( nonvar(B) -> D =:= B ; D = B ) ) ). % func:timezone-from-dateTime ''([literal(A, type(''))], literal(B, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), datetime(_, _, _, _, _, _, C, U, []), ( ground(B) -> atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, V, []), D =:= C ; daytimeduration(C, E), atom_codes(B, E) ) ) ). % func:timezone-from-date ''([literal(A, type(''))], literal(B, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), date(_, _, _, C, U, []), ( ground(B) -> atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, V, []), D =:= C ; daytimeduration(C, E), atom_codes(B, E) ) ) ). % func:timezone-from-time ''([literal(A, type(''))], literal(B, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), time(_, _, _, C, U, []), ( ground(B) -> atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, V, []), D =:= C ; daytimeduration(C, E), atom_codes(B, E) ) ) ). % func:subtract-dateTimes ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, U, []), datetime(E, V, []), F is D-E, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), daytimeduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; daytimeduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:subtract-dates ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, U, []), date(E, V, []), F is D-E, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), daytimeduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; daytimeduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:subtract-times ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), time(D, U, []), time(E, V, []), F is D-E, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), daytimeduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; daytimeduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:add-yearMonthDurations ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), yearmonthduration(D, U, []), yearmonthduration(E, V, []), F is D+E, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), yearmonthduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; yearmonthduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:subtract-yearMonthDurations ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), yearmonthduration(D, U, []), yearmonthduration(E, V, []), F is D-E, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), yearmonthduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; yearmonthduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:multiply-yearMonthDuration ''([literal(A, type('')), B], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), yearmonthduration(D, U, []), getnumber(B, E), F is integer(round(D*E-1)+1), ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), yearmonthduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; yearmonthduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:divide-yearMonthDuration ''([literal(A, type('')), B], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), yearmonthduration(D, U, []), getnumber(B, E), F is integer(round(D/E-1)+1), ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), yearmonthduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; yearmonthduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), yearmonthduration(D, U, []), yearmonthduration(E, V, []), F is D/E, ( ground(C) -> C =:= F ; C = F ) ) ). % func:add-dayTimeDurations ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, U, []), daytimeduration(E, V, []), F is D+E, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), daytimeduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; daytimeduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:subtract-dayTimeDurations ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, U, []), daytimeduration(E, V, []), F is D-E, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), daytimeduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; daytimeduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:multiply-dayTimeDuration ''([literal(A, type('')), B], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), daytimeduration(D, U, []), getnumber(B, E), F is integer(round(D*E-1)+1), ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), daytimeduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; daytimeduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:divide-dayTimeDuration ''([literal(A, type('')), B], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), daytimeduration(D, U, []), getnumber(B, E), F is integer(round(D/E-1)+1), ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), daytimeduration(G, W, []), G =:= F ; daytimeduration(F, H), atom_codes(C, H) ) ) ). % func:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, U, []), daytimeduration(E, V, []), F is D/E, ( ground(C) -> C =:= F ; C = F ) ) ). % func:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, E, F, G, H, I, J, U, []), yearmonthduration(K, V, []), L is E+K-1, Q is D+integer(floor(L/12)), R is L-integer(floor(L/12))*12+1, memotime(datime(Q, R, F, G, H, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), O is M+I+31536000-N-J, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), datetime(P, W, []), O =:= P ; Offset is -J, stamp_date_time(O, date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, _, _, _), Offset), fmsec(0, Second, Sec), datetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Sec, Offset, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % func:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, E, F, G, U, []), yearmonthduration(K, V, []), L is E+K-1, Q is D+integer(floor(L/12)), R is L-integer(floor(L/12))*12+1, memotime(datime(Q, R, F, 0, 0, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), O is (integer(floor(M+31536000-N-G))//60)*60, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), date(P, W, []), O =:= P ; date(O, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % func:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, E, F, G, H, I, J, U, []), daytimeduration(K, V, []), L is I+K, memotime(datime(D, E, F, G, H, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), O is M+L+31536000-N-J, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), datetime(P, W, []), O =:= P ; Offset is -J, stamp_date_time(O, date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, _, _, _), Offset), fmsec(0, Second, Sec), datetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Sec, Offset, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % extra func:add-duration-to-dateTime ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, E, F, G, H, I, J, U, []), yearmonthduration(K, V, V2), L is E+K-1, Q is D+integer(floor(L/12)), R is L-integer(floor(L/12))*12+1, memotime(datime(Q, R, F, G, H, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), O is M+I+31536000-N-J, daytimeduration(K2, [0'P|V2], []), L2 is I+K2, O2 is O+L2+31536000-N-J, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), datetime(P, W, []), O2 =:= P ; Offset is -J, stamp_date_time(O2, date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, _, _, _), Offset), fmsec(0, Second, Sec), datetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Sec, Offset, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % func:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, E, F, G, U, []), daytimeduration(K, V, []), L is integer(K), memotime(datime(D, E, F, 0, 0, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), O is (integer(floor(M+L+31536000-N))//86400)*86400-G, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), date(P, W, []), O =:= P ; date(O, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % func:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), time(D, E, F, G, U, []), daytimeduration(K, V, []), L is F+K, memotime(datime(1972, 12, 31, D, E, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), Z is M+L+31536000-N-G, O is Z-86400*integer(floor(Z/86400)), ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), time(P, W, []), O =:= P-86400*integer(floor(P/86400)) ; Offset is -G, stamp_date_time(O, date(_, _, _, Hour, Minute, Second, _, _, _), Offset), fmsec(0, Second, Sec), time(Hour, Minute, Sec, Offset, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % func:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, E, F, G, H, I, J, U, []), yearmonthduration(K, V, []), L is E-K-1, Q is D+integer(floor(L/12)), R is L-integer(floor(L/12))*12+1, memotime(datime(Q, R, F, G, H, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), O is M+I+31536000-N-J, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), datetime(P, W, []), O =:= P ; Offset is -J, stamp_date_time(O, date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, _, _, _), Offset), fmsec(0, Second, Sec), datetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Sec, Offset, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % func:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, E, F, G, U, []), yearmonthduration(K, V, []), L is E-K-1, Q is D+integer(floor(L/12)), R is L-integer(floor(L/12))*12+1, memotime(datime(Q, R, F, 0, 0, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), O is (integer(floor(M+31536000-N-G))//60)*60, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), date(P, W, []), O =:= P ; date(O, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % func:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, E, F, G, H, I, J, U, []), daytimeduration(K, V, []), L is I-integer(K), memotime(datime(D, E, F, G, H, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), O is M+L+31536000-N-J, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), datetime(P, W, []), O =:= P ; Offset is -J, stamp_date_time(O, date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, _, _, _), Offset), fmsec(0, Second, Sec), datetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Sec, Offset, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % func:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, E, F, G, U, []), daytimeduration(K, V, []), L is -integer(K), memotime(datime(D, E, F, 0, 0, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), O is (integer(floor(M+L+31536000-N))//86400)*86400-G, ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), date(P, W, []), O =:= P ; date(O, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % func:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(C, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), time(D, E, F, G, U, []), daytimeduration(K, V, []), L is F-K, memotime(datime(1972, 12, 31, D, E, 0), M), memotime(datime(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), N), Z is M+L+31536000-N-G, O is Z-86400*integer(floor(Z/86400)), ( ground(C) -> atom_codes(C, W), time(P, W, []), O =:= P-86400*integer(floor(P/86400)) ; Offset is -G, stamp_date_time(O, date(_, _, _, Hour, Minute, Second, _, _, _), Offset), fmsec(0, Second, Sec), time(Hour, Minute, Sec, Offset, S), atom_codes(C, S) ) ) ). % pred:dateTime-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, U, []), datetime(E, V, []), ( D =:= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:dateTime-less-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, U, []), datetime(E, V, []), ( D < E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:dateTime-greater-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, U, []), datetime(E, V, []), ( D > E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:date-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, U, []), date(E, V, []), ( D =:= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:date-less-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, U, []), date(E, V, []), ( D < E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:date-greater-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, U, []), date(E, V, []), ( D > E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:time-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), time(D, U, []), time(E, V, []), ( D =:= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:time-less-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), time(D, U, []), time(E, V, []), ( D < E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:time-greater-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), time(D, U, []), time(E, V, []), ( D > E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:duration-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), duration(D, U, []), duration(E, V, []), ( D =:= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:dayTimeDuration-less-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, U, []), daytimeduration(E, V, []), ( D < E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:dayTimeDuration-greater-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, U, []), daytimeduration(E, V, []), ( D > E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:yearMonthDuration-less-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), yearmonthduration(D, U, []), yearmonthduration(E, V, []), ( D < E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:yearMonthDuration-greater-than ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), yearmonthduration(D, U, []), yearmonthduration(E, V, []), ( D > E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:dateTime-not-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, U, []), datetime(E, V, []), ( D =\= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:dateTime-less-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, U, []), datetime(E, V, []), ( D =< E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:dateTime-greater-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), datetime(D, U, []), datetime(E, V, []), ( D >= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:date-not-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, U, []), date(E, V, []), ( D =\= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:date-less-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, U, []), date(E, V, []), ( D =< E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:date-greater-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), date(D, U, []), date(E, V, []), ( D >= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:time-not-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), time(D, U, []), time(E, V, []), ( D =\= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:time-less-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), time(D, U, []), time(E, V, []), ( D =< E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:time-greater-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), time(D, U, []), time(E, V, []), ( D >= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:duration-not-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), duration(D, U, []), duration(E, V, []), ( D =\= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:dayTimeDuration-less-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, U, []), daytimeduration(E, V, []), ( D =< E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:dayTimeDuration-greater-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), daytimeduration(D, U, []), daytimeduration(E, V, []), ( D >= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:yearMonthDuration-less-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), yearmonthduration(D, U, []), yearmonthduration(E, V, []), ( D =< E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % pred:yearMonthDuration-greater-than-or-equal ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground([A, B]) ), ( atom_codes(A, U), atom_codes(B, V), yearmonthduration(D, U, []), yearmonthduration(E, V, []), ( D >= E -> C = true ; C = false ) ) ). % func:PlainLiteral-from-string-lang ''([literal(A, type(''))], literal(A, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), !. ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(B, type(''))], literal(A, lang(C))) :- \+flag(restricted), downcase_atom(B, C). % func:string-from-PlainLiteral ''([literal(A, type(''))], literal(A, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), !. ''([literal(A, lang(_))], literal(A, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted). % func:lang-from-PlainLiteral ''([literal(_, type(''))], literal('', type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted), !. ''([literal(_, lang(A))], literal(A, type(''))) :- \+flag(restricted). % func:PlainLiteral-compare @@partial implementation: no collation ''([literal(A, type('')), literal(C, type(''))], D) :- \+flag(restricted), !, ( A @< C -> D = -1 ; ( A == C -> D = 0 ; ( A @> C -> D = 1 ) ) ). ''([literal(A, lang(B)), literal(C, lang(B))], D) :- \+flag(restricted), ( A @< C -> D = -1 ; ( A == C -> D = 0 ; ( A @> C -> D = 1 ) ) ). % func:PlainLiteral-length ''([literal(A, type(''))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), !, sub_atom(A, 0, C, 0, _). ''([literal(A, lang(_))], C) :- \+flag(restricted), sub_atom(A, 0, C, 0, _). % pred:matches-language-range @@partial implementation: no false results ''([literal(A, lang(B)), literal(C, type(''))], true) :- \+flag(restricted), A \= '', atom_codes(C, U), regexp_wildcard(U, V), atom_codes(E, V), atomic_list_concat(['^', E], F), downcase_atom(F, G), downcase_atom(B, H), regex(G, H, _). % pred:is-list ''([A], B) :- \+flag(restricted), ( is_list(A) -> B = true ; B = false ). % pred:list-contains ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( member(B, A), C = true ; \+member(B, A), C = false ) ). % func:make-list ''(A, A) :- \+flag(restricted). % func:count ''([A], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( length(A, B) ) ). % func:get ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A), ground(B) ), ( getnumber(B, U), nth0(U, A, C) ) ). % func:sublist ''([A, B, C], D) :- \+flag(restricted), !, when( ( nonvar(A), ground([B, C]) ), ( getint(B, U), getint(C, V), length(A, W), ( U < 0 -> I is W+U ; I is U ), ( V < 0 -> J is W+V ; J is V ), append(E, F, A), length(E, I), append(D, G, F), K is J-I, ( length(D, K) -> true ; G = [] ), ! ) ). ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A), ground(B) ), ( getint(B, U), length(A, W), ( U < 0 -> I is W+U ; I is U ), append(E, C, A), length(E, I), ! ) ). % func:append ''([A|B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), append(A, B, C). % func:concatenate ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( append(A, B) ) ). % func:insert-before ''([A, B, C], D) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A), ground([B, C]) ), ( getint(B, U), length(A, W), ( U < 0 -> I is W+U ; I is U ), append(G, H, A), length(G, I), append([G, [C], H], D) ) ). % func:remove ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A), ground(B) ), ( getint(B, U), length(A, W), ( U < 0 -> I is W+U ; I is U ), append(G, [_|T], A), length(G, I), append(G, T, C) ) ). % func:reverse ''([A], B) :- \+flag(restricted), reverse(A, B). % func:index-of ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A), ground(B) ), ( findall(I, ( nth0(I, A, B) ), C ) ) ). % func:union ''(A, B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( append(A, C), distinct(C, B) ) ). % func:distinct-values ''([A], B) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( nonvar(A) ), ( distinct(A, B) ) ). % func:intersect ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A), ground(B) ), ( findall(I, ( member(I, A), member(I, B) ), C ) ) ). % func:except ''([A, B], C) :- \+flag(restricted), when( ( ground(A), ground(B) ), ( findall(I, ( member(I, A), \+member(I, B) ), C ) ) ). % Prolog built-ins prolog_sym(abolish, abolish, rel). prolog_sym(abort, abort, rel). prolog_sym(abs, abs, func). prolog_sym(absolute_file_name, absolute_file_name, rel). prolog_sym(acos, acos, func). prolog_sym(acosh, acosh, func). prolog_sym(acyclic_term, acyclic_term, rel). prolog_sym(alarm, alarm, rel). prolog_sym(append, append, rel). prolog_sym(arg, arg, rel). prolog_sym(arithmetic_equal, =:=, rel). prolog_sym(arithmetic_greater_than, >, rel). prolog_sym(arithmetic_greater_than_or_equal, >=, rel). prolog_sym(arithmetic_less_than, <, rel). prolog_sym(arithmetic_less_than_or_equal, =<, rel). prolog_sym(arithmetic_not_equal, =\=, rel). prolog_sym(asin, asin, func). prolog_sym(asinh, asinh, func). prolog_sym(assert, assert, rel). prolog_sym(asserta, asserta, rel). prolog_sym(assertz, assertz, rel). prolog_sym(at_end_of_stream, at_end_of_stream, rel). prolog_sym(atan, atan, func). prolog_sym(atan2, atan2, func). prolog_sym(atanh, atanh, func). prolog_sym(atom, atom, rel). prolog_sym(atom_chars, atom_chars, rel). prolog_sym(atom_codes, atom_codes, rel). prolog_sym(atom_concat, atom_concat, rel). prolog_sym(atom_length, atom_length, rel). prolog_sym(atom_number, atom_number, rel). prolog_sym(atomic, atomic, rel). prolog_sym(atomic_concat, atomic_concat, rel). prolog_sym(atomic_list_concat, atomic_list_concat, rel). prolog_sym(b_getval, b_getval, rel). prolog_sym(b_setval, b_setval, rel). prolog_sym(bagof, bagof, rel). prolog_sym(between, between, rel). prolog_sym(break, break, rel). prolog_sym(call, call, rel). prolog_sym(call_residue_vars, call_residue_vars, rel). prolog_sym(callable, callable, rel). prolog_sym(catch, catch, rel). prolog_sym(ceiling, ceiling, func). prolog_sym(char_code, char_code, rel). prolog_sym(char_conversion, char_conversion, rel). prolog_sym(char_type, char_type, rel). prolog_sym(character_count, character_count, rel). prolog_sym(clause, clause, rel). prolog_sym(close, close, rel). prolog_sym(code_type, code_type, rel). prolog_sym(compare, compare, rel). prolog_sym(compound, compound, rel). prolog_sym(conjunction, ',', rel). prolog_sym(consult, consult, rel). prolog_sym(copy_term, copy_term, rel). prolog_sym(copy_term_nat, copy_term_nat, rel). prolog_sym(cos, cos, func). prolog_sym(cosh, cosh, func). prolog_sym(cputime, cputime, func). prolog_sym(create_mutable, create_mutable, rel). prolog_sym(create_prolog_flag, create_prolog_flag, rel). prolog_sym(current_atom, current_atom, rel). prolog_sym(current_char_conversion, current_char_conversion, rel). prolog_sym(current_input, current_input, rel). prolog_sym(current_key, current_key, rel). prolog_sym(current_module, current_module, rel). prolog_sym(current_op, current_op, rel). prolog_sym(current_output, current_output, rel). prolog_sym(current_predicate, current_predicate, rel). prolog_sym(current_prolog_flag, current_prolog_flag, rel). prolog_sym(cut, !, rel). prolog_sym(cyclic_term, cyclic_term, rel). prolog_sym(date_time_stamp, date_time_stamp, rel). prolog_sym(date_time_value, date_time_value, rel). prolog_sym(day_of_the_week, day_of_the_week, rel). prolog_sym(delete, delete, rel). prolog_sym(dif, dif, rel). prolog_sym(discontiguous, discontiguous, rel). prolog_sym(disjunction, ;, rel). prolog_sym(display, display, rel). prolog_sym(div, div, func). prolog_sym(duplicate_term, duplicate_term, rel). prolog_sym(dynamic, dynamic, rel). prolog_sym(e, e, func). prolog_sym(ensure_loaded, ensure_loaded, rel). prolog_sym(environ, environ, rel). prolog_sym(epsilon, epsilon, func). prolog_sym(erase, erase, rel). prolog_sym(erf, erf, func). prolog_sym(erfc, erfc, func). prolog_sym(exception, exception, rel). prolog_sym(exists, exists, rel). prolog_sym(exp, exp, func). prolog_sym(fail, fail, rel). prolog_sym(false, false, rel). prolog_sym(file_base_name, file_base_name, rel). prolog_sym(file_name_extension, file_name_extension, rel). prolog_sym(findall, findall, rel). prolog_sym(flatten, flatten, rel). prolog_sym(float, float, rel). prolog_sym(float_fractional_part, float_fractional_part, func). prolog_sym(float_function, float, func). prolog_sym(float_integer_part, float_integer_part, func). prolog_sym(floor, floor, func). prolog_sym(flush_output, flush_output, rel). prolog_sym(forall, forall, rel). prolog_sym(format, format, rel). prolog_sym(format_time, format_time, rel). prolog_sym(freeze, freeze, rel). prolog_sym(frozen, frozen, rel). prolog_sym(functor, functor, rel). prolog_sym(garbage_collect, garbage_collect, rel). prolog_sym(garbage_collect_atoms, garbage_collect_atoms, rel). prolog_sym(gc, gc, rel). prolog_sym(gcd, gcd, func). prolog_sym(get, get, rel). prolog_sym(get_byte, get_byte, rel). prolog_sym(get_char, get_char, rel). prolog_sym(get_code, get_code, rel). prolog_sym(get_mutable, get_mutable, rel). prolog_sym(get_time, get_time, rel). prolog_sym(get0, get0, rel). prolog_sym(getcwd, getcwd, rel). prolog_sym(ground, ground, rel). prolog_sym(halt, halt, rel). prolog_sym(if, soft_cut, rel). prolog_sym(if_then, ->, rel). prolog_sym(if_then_else, if_then_else, rel). prolog_sym(ignore, ignore, rel). prolog_sym(include, include, rel). prolog_sym(initialization, initialization, rel). prolog_sym(instance, instance, rel). prolog_sym(integer, integer, rel). prolog_sym(integer_conjunction, /\, func). prolog_sym(integer_disjunction, \/, func). prolog_sym(integer_exclusive_disjunction, xor, func). prolog_sym(integer_function, integer, func). prolog_sym(integer_left_logical_shift, <<, func). prolog_sym(integer_negation, \, func). prolog_sym(integer_power, ^, func). prolog_sym(integer_quotient, //, func). prolog_sym(integer_right_logical_shift, >>, func). prolog_sym(is, is, rel). prolog_sym(is_list, is_list, rel). prolog_sym(is_stream, is_stream, rel). prolog_sym(keysort, keysort, rel). prolog_sym(last, last, rel). prolog_sym(length, length, rel). prolog_sym(lgamma, lgamma, func). prolog_sym(line_count, line_count, rel). prolog_sym(line_position, line_position, rel). prolog_sym(listing, listing, rel). prolog_sym(log, log, func). prolog_sym(log10, log10, func). prolog_sym(lsb, lsb, func). prolog_sym(max, max, func). prolog_sym(max_list, max_list, rel). prolog_sym(member, member, rel). prolog_sym(memberchk, memberchk, rel). prolog_sym(message_to_string, message_to_string, rel). prolog_sym(min, min, func). prolog_sym(min_list, min_list, rel). prolog_sym(minus, -, func). prolog_sym(mod, mod, func). prolog_sym(msb, msb, func). prolog_sym(multifile, multifile, rel). prolog_sym(name, name, rel). prolog_sym(nb_current, nb_current, rel). prolog_sym(nb_delete, nb_delete, rel). prolog_sym(nb_getval, nb_getval, rel). prolog_sym(nb_linkarg, nb_linkarg, rel). prolog_sym(nb_linkval, nb_linkval, rel). prolog_sym(nb_setarg, nb_setarg, rel). prolog_sym(nb_setval, nb_setval, rel). prolog_sym(nl, nl, rel). prolog_sym(nonvar, nonvar, rel). prolog_sym(not_provable, \+, rel). prolog_sym(not_unifiable, \=, rel). prolog_sym(nth, nth, rel). prolog_sym(nth_clause, nth_clause, rel). prolog_sym(nth0, nth0, rel). prolog_sym(nth1, nth1, rel). prolog_sym(number, number, rel). prolog_sym(number_chars, number_chars, rel). prolog_sym(number_codes, number_codes, rel). prolog_sym(numbervars, numbervars, rel). prolog_sym(numlist, numlist, rel). prolog_sym(on_signal, on_signal, rel). prolog_sym(once, once, rel). prolog_sym(op, op, rel). prolog_sym(open, open, rel). prolog_sym(parse_time, parse_time, rel). prolog_sym(peek_byte, peek_byte, rel). prolog_sym(peek_char, peek_char, rel). prolog_sym(peek_code, peek_code, rel). prolog_sym(permutation, permutation, rel). prolog_sym(pi, pi, func). prolog_sym(plus, +, rel). prolog_sym(plus_function, +, func). prolog_sym(popcount, popcount, func). prolog_sym(portray_clause, portray_clause, rel). prolog_sym(power, **, func). prolog_sym(predicate_property, predicate_property, rel). prolog_sym(predsort, predsort, rel). prolog_sym(print, print, rel). prolog_sym(print_message, print_message, rel). prolog_sym(print_message_lines, print_message_lines, rel). prolog_sym(product, *, func). prolog_sym(prolog_flag, prolog_flag, rel). prolog_sym(prolog_load_context, prolog_load_context, rel). prolog_sym(prompt, prompt, rel). prolog_sym(put, put, rel). prolog_sym(put_byte, put_byte, rel). prolog_sym(put_char, put_char, rel). prolog_sym(put_code, put_code, rel). prolog_sym(quotient, /, func). prolog_sym(random, random, func). prolog_sym(random_float, random_float, func). prolog_sym(rational, rational, rel). prolog_sym(rational_function, rational, func). prolog_sym(rationalize, rationalize, func). prolog_sym(read, read, rel). prolog_sym(read_term, read_term, rel). prolog_sym(recorda, recorda, rel). prolog_sym(recorded, recorded, rel). prolog_sym(recordz, recordz, rel). prolog_sym(rem, rem, func). prolog_sym(rename_file, rename_file, rel). prolog_sym(repeat, repeat, rel). prolog_sym(retract, retract, rel). prolog_sym(retractall, retractall, rel). prolog_sym(reverse, reverse, rel). prolog_sym(round, round, func). prolog_sym(same_length, same_length, rel). prolog_sym(see, see, rel). prolog_sym(seeing, seeing, rel). prolog_sym(seen, seen, rel). prolog_sym(select, select, rel). prolog_sym(selectchk, selectchk, rel). prolog_sym(set_input, set_input, rel). prolog_sym(set_output, set_output, rel). prolog_sym(set_prolog_flag, set_prolog_flag, rel). prolog_sym(set_stream_position, set_stream_position, rel). prolog_sym(setarg, setarg, rel). prolog_sym(setof, setof, rel). prolog_sym(set_random, set_random, rel). prolog_sym(shell, shell, rel). prolog_sym(sign, sign, func). prolog_sym(simple, simple, rel). prolog_sym(sin, sin, func). prolog_sym(sinh, sinh, func). prolog_sym(skip, skip, rel). prolog_sym(sort, sort, rel). prolog_sym(source_file, source_file, rel). prolog_sym(source_location, source_location, rel). prolog_sym(sqrt, sqrt, func). prolog_sym(stamp_date_time, stamp_date_time, rel). prolog_sym(statistics, statistics, rel). prolog_sym(stream_position, stream_position, rel). prolog_sym(stream_position_data, stream_position_data, rel). prolog_sym(stream_property, stream_property, rel). prolog_sym(sub_atom, sub_atom, rel). prolog_sym(sublist, sublist, rel). prolog_sym(subsumes_term, subsumes_term, rel). prolog_sym(succ, succ, rel). prolog_sym(sum_list, sum_list, rel). prolog_sym(tab, tab, rel). prolog_sym(tan, tan, func). prolog_sym(tanh, tanh, func). prolog_sym(tell, tell, rel). prolog_sym(telling, telling, rel). prolog_sym(term_greater_than, @>, rel). prolog_sym(term_greater_than_or_equal, @>=, rel). prolog_sym(term_hash, term_index, rel). prolog_sym(term_identical, ==, rel). prolog_sym(term_less_than, @<, rel). prolog_sym(term_less_than_or_equal, @=<, rel). prolog_sym(term_not_identical, \==, rel). prolog_sym(term_to_atom, term_to_atom, rel). prolog_sym(term_variables, term_variables, rel). prolog_sym(throw, throw, rel). prolog_sym(time, time, rel). prolog_sym(time_file, time_file, rel). prolog_sym(told, told, rel). prolog_sym(true, true, rel). prolog_sym(truncate, truncate, func). prolog_sym(unifiable, unifiable, rel). prolog_sym(unify, =, rel). prolog_sym(unify_with_occurs_check, unify_with_occurs_check, rel). prolog_sym(univ, =.., rel). prolog_sym(unknown, unknown, rel). prolog_sym(update_mutable, update_mutable, rel). prolog_sym(use_module, use_module, rel). prolog_sym(var, var, rel). prolog_sym(variant, variant, rel). prolog_sym(version, version, rel). prolog_sym(when, when, rel). prolog_sym(with_output_to, with_output_to, rel). prolog_sym(write, write, rel). prolog_sym(write_canonical, write_canonical, rel). prolog_sym(write_term, write_term, rel). prolog_sym(writeln, writeln, rel). prolog_sym(writeq, writeq, rel). % % Support % def_pfx('math:', ''). def_pfx('e:', ''). def_pfx('list:', ''). def_pfx('xsd:', ''). def_pfx('log:', ''). def_pfx('r:', ''). def_pfx('rdfs:', ''). def_pfx('time:', ''). def_pfx('rdf:', ''). def_pfx('string:', ''). def_pfx('owl:', ''). def_pfx('n3:', ''). put_pfx(_, URI) :- atomic_list_concat(['<', URI, '>'], U), pfx(_, U), !. put_pfx(_, URI) :- atomic_list_concat(['<', URI, '>'], U), def_pfx(Pf, U), \+pfx(Pf, _), !, assertz(pfx(Pf, U)). put_pfx(Pf, URI) :- atomic_list_concat(['<', URI, '>'], U), fresh_pf(Pf, Pff), assertz(pfx(Pff, U)). fresh_pf(Pf, Pfx) :- atom_concat(Pf, ':', Pfx), \+pfx(Pfx, _), !. fresh_pf(_, Pfx) :- gensym(ns, Pfn), fresh_pf(Pfn, Pfx). cnt(A) :- nb_getval(A, B), C is B+1, nb_setval(A, C), ( flag('debug-cnt'), C mod 10000 =:= 0 -> format(user_error, '~w = ~w~n', [A, C]), flush_output(user_error) ; true ). cnt(A, I) :- nb_getval(A, B), C is B+I, nb_setval(A, C), ( flag('debug-cnt'), C mod 10000 =:= 0 -> format(user_error, '~w = ~w~n', [A, C]), flush_output(user_error) ; true ). within_scope([A, B]) :- ( var(B) -> B = 1 ; true ), ( B = 0 -> brake ; nb_getval(limit, C), ( C < B -> nb_setval(limit, B) ; true ), recursion(B) ), nb_getval(scope, A). exo_pred(exopred(P, S, O), A) :- atomic(P), !, A =.. [P, S, O]. exo_pred(A, A). exopred(P, S, O) :- ( var(P), var(S), var(O) -> pred(P), H =.. [P, S, O], clause(H, true) ; ( var(P) -> pred(P) ; atom(P), current_predicate(P/2) ), call(P, S, O) ). exogen :- forall( ( clause(exopred(P, S, O), Body), ( nonvar(S) ; nonvar(O) ) ), ( ( var(P) -> pred(P) ; atom(P), current_predicate(P/2) ), Head =.. [P, S, O], ( \+clause(Head, Body) -> assertz(Head :- Body) ; true ) ) ). exogen. ucall(A) :- ( A = (B, C) -> vcall(B), ucall(C) ; vcall(A) ). vcall(A) :- ( ( A =.. [_, V, W] ; A = exopred(_, V, W) ), ( is_gl(V) ; is_gl(W) ) -> unify(A, B) ; B = A ), ( B =.. [C, D, E], pred(C), ( is_gl(D) ; is_gl(E) ) -> G =.. [C, H, I], call(G), unify(H, D), unify(I, E) ; call(B) ). is_gl(A) :- nonvar(A), \+is_list(A), ( A = (_, _), ! ; A =.. [F, _, _], F \= literal, F \= rdiv, ! ; A = exopred(_, _, _) ). is_graph(true). is_graph(A) :- is_gl(A). unify(A, B) :- nonvar(A), A = exopred(P, S, O), ( ( nonvar(B) ; nonvar(P) ) -> ( nonvar(P) -> atom(P) ; true ), B =.. [P, T, R], atom(P), unify(S, T), unify(O, R) ; B = exopred(P, T, R), unify(S, T), unify(O, R) ), !. unify(A, B) :- nonvar(B), B = exopred(P, S, O), ( ( nonvar(A) ; nonvar(P) ) -> ( nonvar(P) -> atom(P) ; true ), A =.. [P, T, R], atom(P), unify(S, T), unify(O, R) ; A = exopred(P, T, R), unify(S, T), unify(O, R) ), !. unify(A, B) :- is_list(A), !, getlist(B, C), C = A. unify(A, B) :- is_list(B), !, getlist(A, C), C = B. unify(A, B) :- nonvar(A), nonvar(B), ( A = (_, _) ; B = (_, _) ), !, conj_list(A, C), conj_list(B, D), includes(C, D), includes(D, C). unify(A, B) :- nonvar(A), nonvar(B), A =.. [P, S, O], B =.. [P, T, R], !, unify(S, T), unify(O, R). unify(A, A). conj_list(true, []) :- !. conj_list(A, [A]) :- A \= (_, _), A \= false, !. conj_list((A, B), [A|C]) :- conj_list(B, C). conj_append(A, true, A) :- !. conj_append((A, B), C, (A, D)) :- conj_append(B, C, D), !. conj_append(A, B, (A, B)). cflat([], []). cflat([A|B], C) :- cflat(B, D), copy_term_nat(A, E), ( E = (_, _), conj_list(E, F) -> append(F, D, C) ; ( E = true -> C = D ; C = [E|D] ) ). couple([], [], []). couple([A|B], [C|D], [[A, C]|E]) :- couple(B, D, E). move_rdf([], []). move_rdf([''(A, B)|C], D) :- !, assertz(''(A, B)), move_rdf(C, D). move_rdf([''(A, B)|C], D) :- !, assertz(''(A, B)), move_rdf(C, D). move_rdf([''(A, B)|C], D) :- !, assertz(''(A, B)), move_rdf(C, D). move_rdf([A|B], [A|C]) :- move_rdf(B, C). includes(_, []) :- !. includes(X, [Y|Z]) :- member(U, X), unify(U, Y), includes(X, Z). conjoin([X], X) :- !. conjoin([true|Y], Z) :- conjoin(Y, Z), !. conjoin([X|Y], Z) :- conjoin(Y, U), conj_append(X, U, V), ( ground(V) -> conj_list(V, A), list_to_set(A, B), conj_list(Z, B) ; Z = V ). difference([true, _], true) :- !. difference([X, true], X) :- !. difference([X, Y], Z) :- conj_list(X, U), conj_list(Y, V), difference(U, V, W), distinct(W, J), conj_list(Z, J). difference([], _, []) :- !. difference([X|Y], U, V) :- member(Z, U), unify(X, Z), !, difference(Y, U, V). difference([X|Y], U, [X|V]) :- difference(Y, U, V). intersect([X], X) :- !. intersect([true|_], true) :- !. intersect([X|Y], Z) :- intersect(Y, I), conj_list(X, U), conj_list(I, V), intersect(U, V, W), distinct(W, J), conj_list(Z, J), !. intersect([], _, []) :- !. intersect([X|Y], U, V) :- member(Z, U), unify(X, Z), V = [X|W], intersect(Y, U, W). intersect([_|Y], U, V) :- intersect(Y, U, V). cartesian([], []). cartesian([A|B], [C|D]) :- member(C, A), cartesian(B, D). distinct(A, B) :- ( ground(A) -> distinct_hash(A, B) ; distinct_value(A, B) ). distinct_hash([], []) :- ( retract(hash_value(_, _)), fail ; true ), !. distinct_hash([A|B], C) :- term_index(A, D), ( hash_value(D, E) -> ( unify(A, E) -> C = F ; C = [A|F] ) ; assertz(hash_value(D, A)), C = [A|F] ), distinct_hash(B, F). distinct_value([], []). distinct_value([A|B], [A|D]) :- nonvar(A), !, del(B, A, E), distinct_value(E, D). distinct_value([_|A], B) :- distinct_value(A, B). del([], _, []). del([A|B], C, D) :- copy_term_nat(A, Ac), copy_term_nat(C, Cc), unify(Ac, Cc), !, del(B, C, D). del([A|B], C, [A|D]) :- del(B, C, D). subst(_, [], []). subst(A, B, C) :- member([D, E], A), append(D, F, B), !, append(E, G, C), subst(A, F, G). subst(A, [B|C], [B|D]) :- subst(A, C, D). replace([], [], X, X) :- !. replace([Search|SearchRest], [Replace|ReplaceRest], X, Y) :- atomic_list_concat(['(', Search, ')'], Scap), scrape(X, Scap, Scrape), atom_codes(Replace, RC), srlist(Scrape, RC, Subst), atom_codes(X, XC), subst(Subst, XC, ZC), atom_codes(Z, ZC), replace(SearchRest, ReplaceRest, Z, Y). scrape(X, Y, [V|Z]) :- regex(Y, X, [W|_]), atom_string(V, W), sub_atom(X, _, _, I, V), sub_atom(X, _, I, 0, U), !, scrape(U, Y, Z). scrape(_, _, []). srlist([], _, []). srlist([A|B], C, [[E, C]|D]) :- string_codes(A, E), srlist(B, C, D). quicksort([], []). quicksort([A|B], C) :- split(A, B, D, E), quicksort(D, F), quicksort(E, G), append(F, [A|G], C). split(_, [], [], []). split(A, [B|C], [B|D], E) :- sort([A, B], [B, A]), !, split(A, C, D, E). split(A, [B|C], D, [B|E]) :- split(A, C, D, E). zip_list([], [], []). zip_list([A|B], [C|D], [[E,C]|F]) :- ( atom_concat('avar', G, A) -> atomic_list_concat([''], E) ; E = A ), zip_list(B, D, F). sub_list(A, A) :- !. sub_list([A|B], C) :- sub_list(B, A, C). sub_list(A, _, A) :- !. sub_list([A|B], C, [C|D]) :- !, sub_list(B, A, D). sub_list([A|B], _, C) :- sub_list(B, A, C). e_transpose([], []). e_transpose([A|B], C) :- e_transpose(A, [A|B], C). e_transpose([], _, []). e_transpose([_|A], B, [C|D]) :- lists_fr(B, C, E), e_transpose(A, E, D). lists_fr([], [], []). lists_fr([[A|B]|C], [A|D], [B|E]) :- lists_fr(C, D, E). sum([], 0) :- !. sum([A|B], C) :- getnumber(A, X), sum(B, D), C is X+D. product([], 1) :- !. product([A|B], C) :- getnumber(A, X), product(B, D), C is X*D. avg(A, B) :- sum(A, As), length(A, An), B is As/An. cov([A, B], C) :- avg(A, Am), avg(B, Bm), cov1(A, B, Am, Bm, Cp), length(A, An), C is Cp/(An-1). cov1([], [], _, _, 0). cov1([A|B], [C|D], E, F, G) :- cov1(B, D, E, F, H), getnumber(A, I), getnumber(C, J), G is (I-E)*(J-F)+H. pcc([A, B], C) :- avg(A, Am), avg(B, Bm), cov1(A, B, Am, Bm, Cp), std1(A, Am, Ap), std1(B, Bm, Bp), C is Cp/sqrt(Ap*Bp). rms(A, B) :- rms1(A, Ar), length(A, An), B is sqrt(Ar/An). rms1([], 0). rms1([A|B], C) :- rms1(B, D), getnumber(A, E), C is E^2+D. std(A, B) :- avg(A, Am), std1(A, Am, As), length(A, An), B is sqrt(As/(An-1)). std1([], _, 0). std1([A|B], C, D) :- std1(B, C, E), getnumber(A, F), D is (F-C)^2+E. bmax([A|B], C) :- bmax(B, A, C). bmax([], A, A). bmax([A|B], C, D) :- getnumber(A, X), getnumber(C, Y), ( X > Y -> bmax(B, A, D) ; bmax(B, C, D) ). bmin([A|B], C) :- bmin(B, A, C). bmin([], A, A). bmin([A|B], C, D) :- getnumber(A, X), getnumber(C, Y), ( X < Y -> bmin(B, A, D) ; bmin(B, C, D) ). inconsistent([''(A, '')|B]) :- memberchk(''(A, ''), B), !. inconsistent([''(A, '')|B]) :- memberchk(''(A, ''), B), !. inconsistent([_|B]) :- inconsistent(B). inverse(''(A, ''), ''(A, '')) :- !. inverse(''(A, ''), ''(A, '')). bnet :- ( ''([A|B], _), sort(B, C), findall(Y, ( ''([A|X], Y), sort(X, C) ), L ), sum(L, S), length(L, N), Z is S/N, \+bcnd([A|B], _), assertz(bcnd([A|B], Z)), inverse(A, D), \+bcnd([D|B], _), E is 1-Z, assertz(bcnd([D|B], E)), fail ; bcnd([''(A, _)|B], _), ( \+bvar(A), assertz(bvar(A)) ; true ), member(''(C, _), B), \+bref(C, A), assertz(bref(C, A)), \+bvar(C), assertz(bvar(C)), fail ; true ). bval(''). bval(''). brel(''(A, _), ''(B, _)) :- bref(A, B), !. brel(A, ''(B, _)) :- bref(C, B), brel(A, ''(C, _)). bpar([], []) :- !. bpar([''(A, _)|B], [A|C]) :- bpar(B, C). bget(A, B, 1.0) :- memberchk(A, B), !. bget(''(A, ''), B, 0.0) :- memberchk(''(A, ''), B), !. bget(''(A, ''), B, C) :- ( memberchk(''(A, ''), B), !, C is 0.0 ; !, bget(''(A, ''), B, D), C is 1-D ). bget(A, B, C) :- ( bgot(A, B, C) -> true ; ( member(X, B), brel(A, X), member(G, B), findall(_, ( member(Z, [A|B]), brel(G, Z) ), [] ), del(B, G, H), !, bget(G, [A|H], U), bget(A, H, V), bget(G, H, W), ( W < 1e-15 -> C is 0.5 ; E is U*V/W, bmin([E, 1.0], C) ) ; findall([Z, Y], ( bcnd([A|O], P), bcon(O, B, Q), Z is P*Q, bpar(O, Y) ), L ), findall(Z, ( member([_, Z], L) ), N ), distinct(N, I), findall(Z, ( member(Y, I), findall(P, ( member([P, Y], L) ), Q ), sum(Q, R), length(Q, S), length(Y, T), ( Q = [] -> Z is 0.0 ; D is 2**(T-ceiling(log(S)/log(2))), ( D < 1 -> Z is R*D ; Z is R ) ) ), J ), ( J = [] -> C is 0.0 ; bmax(J, C) ) ), assertz(bgot(A, B, C)) ). bcon([], _, 1.0) :- !. bcon(_, B, 0.5) :- inconsistent(B), !. bcon([A|B], C, D) :- bget(A, C, E), bcon(B, [A|C], F), D is E*F. tmp_file(A) :- ( current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi), current_prolog_flag(windows, true), current_prolog_flag(pid, B) -> atomic_list_concat(['pl_eye_', B, '_'], C) ; C = 'eye' ), tmp_file(C, A). exec(A, B) :- shell(A, B), ( B =:= 0 -> true ; throw(exec_error(A)) ). getcwd(A) :- working_directory(A, A). % % Modified Base64 for XML identifiers % base64xml(A, B) :- base64(A, C), atom_codes(C, D), subst([[[0'+], [0'_]], [[0'/], [0':]], [[0'=], []]], D, E), atom_codes(B, E). term_index(A, B) :- term_hash(A, B). if_then_else(A, B, C) :- ( catch(call(A), _, fail) -> catch(call(B), _, fail) ; catch(call(C), _, fail) ). soft_cut(A, B, C) :- ( catch(call(A), _, fail) *-> catch(call(B), _, fail) ; catch(call(C), _, fail) ). inv(false, true). inv(true, false). +(A, B, C) :- plus(A, B, C). ':-'(A, B) :- ( var(A) -> cpred(C), A =.. [C, _, _] ; true ), ( A = exopred(P, S, O) -> Ax =.. [P, S, O] ; Ax = A ), clause(Ax, D), ( \+flag(nope), ( D = when(H, I) -> conj_append(J, istep(Src, _, _, _), I), B = when(H, J) ; conj_append(B, istep(Src, _, _, _), D) ) -> term_index(true, Pnd), ( \+prfstep(':-'(Ax, B), true, Pnd, ':-'(Ax, B), _, forward, Src) -> assertz(prfstep(':-'(Ax, B), true, Pnd, ':-'(Ax, B), _, forward, Src)) ; true ) ; D = B ). sub_atom_last(A, B, C, D, E) :- sub_atom(A, B, C, D, E), F is B+1, sub_atom(A, F, _, 0, G), ( sub_atom(G, _, C, _, E) -> sub_atom_last(G, B, C, D, E) ; true ). lookup(A, B, C) :- tabl(A, B, C), !. lookup(A, B, C) :- var(A), nb_getval(tabl, M), N is M+1, nb_setval(tabl, N), atom_number(I, N), atomic_list_concat([B, '_tabl_entry_', I], A), assertz(tabl(A, B, C)). escape_string([], []) :- !. escape_string([0'\t|A], [0'\\, 0't|B]) :- !, escape_string(A, B). escape_string([0'\b|A], [0'\\, 0'b|B]) :- !, escape_string(A, B). escape_string([0'\n|A], [0'\\, 0'n|B]) :- !, escape_string(A, B). escape_string([0'\r|A], [0'\\, 0'r|B]) :- !, escape_string(A, B). escape_string([0'\f|A], [0'\\, 0'f|B]) :- !, escape_string(A, B). escape_string([0'"|A], [0'\\, 0'"|B]) :- !, escape_string(A, B). escape_string([0'\\|A], [0'\\, 0'\\|B]) :- !, escape_string(A, B). escape_string([A|B], [A|C]) :- escape_string(B, C). escape_squote([], []) :- !. escape_squote([0''|A], [0'\\, 0''|B]) :- !, escape_squote(A, B). escape_squote([A|B], [A|C]) :- escape_squote(B, C). escape_unicode([], []) :- !. escape_unicode([A, B|C], D) :- 0xD800 =< A, A =< 0xDBFF, 0xDC00 =< B, B =< 0xDFFF, E is 0x10000+(A-0xD800)*0x400+(B-0xDC00), ( 0x100000 =< E -> with_output_to(codes(F), format('\\U00~16R', [E])) ; with_output_to(codes(F), format('\\U000~16R', [E])) ), append(F, G, D), !, escape_unicode(C, G). escape_unicode([A|B], [A|C]) :- escape_unicode(B, C). esplit_string([], _, [], []) :- !. esplit_string([], _, A, [A]) :- !. esplit_string([A|B], C, [], D) :- memberchk(A, C), !, esplit_string(B, C, [], D). esplit_string([A|B], C, D, [D|E]) :- memberchk(A, C), !, esplit_string(B, C, [], E). esplit_string([A|B], C, D, E) :- append(D, [A], F), esplit_string(B, C, F, E). quant(A, some) :- var(A), !. quant(''(_, _), allv) :- !. quant(':-'(_, _), allv) :- !. quant(answer('', _, _), allv) :- !. quant(answer(':-', _, _), allv) :- !. quant(answer('', _, _), allv) :- !. quant(_, some). labelvars(A, B, C) :- quant(A, Q), labelvars(A, B, C, Q). labelvars(A, B, C, D) :- var(A), !, atom_number(E, B), atomic_list_concat([D, E], A), % failing when A is an attributed variable C is B+1. labelvars(A, B, B, _) :- atomic(A), !. labelvars(''(A, B), C, C, D) :- D \= avar, nonvar(A), nonvar(B), !. labelvars((A, B), C, D, Q) :- !, labelvars(A, C, E, Q), labelvars(B, E, D, Q). labelvars([A|B], C, D, Q) :- !, labelvars(A, C, E, Q), labelvars(B, E, D, Q). labelvars(A, B, C, Q) :- nonvar(A), functor(A, _, D), labelvars(0, D, A, B, C, Q). labelvars(A, A, _, B, B, _) :- !. labelvars(A, B, C, D, E, Q) :- F is A+1, arg(F, C, G), labelvars(G, D, H, Q), labelvars(F, B, C, H, E, Q). relabel(A, A) :- var(A), !, nb_getval(wn, W), labelvars(A, W, N, allv), nb_setval(wn, N). relabel([], []) :- !. relabel([A|B], [C|D]) :- !, relabel(A, C), relabel(B, D). relabel(A, B) :- atom(A), !, ( ''(A, B) -> labelvars(B, 0, _) ; B = A ). relabel(A, A) :- number(A), !. relabel(A, B) :- A =.. [C|D], relabel(C, E), relabel(D, F), B =.. [E|F]. dynify(A) :- var(A), !. dynify(A) :- atomic(A), !. dynify([]) :- !. dynify([A|B]) :- !, dynify(A), dynify(B). dynify(A) :- A =.. [B|C], length(C, N), ( current_predicate(B/N) -> true ; dynamic(B/N) ), dynify(C). conjify((A, B), (C, D)) :- !, conjify(A, C), conjify(B, D). conjify(''([literal(when, type('')), ''([literal(A, type(''))|B], true), C], true), when(D, C)) :- !, D =.. [A|B]. conjify(''([], true), !) :- !. conjify(''([literal(!, type(''))], true), !) :- !. conjify(''(A, _), (A, !)) :- !. conjify(A, A). atomify(A, A) :- var(A), !. atomify([A|B], [C|D]) :- !, atomify(A, C), atomify(B, D). atomify(literal(A, type('')), A) :- atom(A), !. atomify(A, A). commonvars(''(A, _), B, C) :- !, commonvars(A, B, C). commonvars(A, B, C) :- term_variables(A, D), term_variables(B, E), copy_term_nat([D, E], [F, G]), labelvars([F, G], 0, _), findall(H, ( member(H, F), member(H, G) ), C ). getvars(A, B) :- findvars(A, C, alpha), distinct(C, B). makeblank(A, B) :- findvars(A, C, beta), distinct(C, D), findall([F, E], ( member(F, D), ( sub_atom(F, _, 19, _, '/.well-known/genid/'), sub_atom(F, _, 1, G, '#') -> H is G-1, sub_atom(F, _, H, 1, I), ( sub_atom(F, _, 3, _, '#t_') -> E = F ; atom_concat('_:', I, E) ) ; ( sub_atom(F, 0, 2, _, '_:') -> E = F ; atom_concat('_:', F, E) ) ) ), J ), makevar(A, B, J). makevars(A, B, beta(C)) :- !, distinct(C, D), findvars(A, Z, zeta), append(D, Z, E), findall([X, _], ( member(X, E) ), F ), makevar(A, B, F). makevars(A, B, Z) :- findvars(A, C, Z), distinct(C, D), findall([X, _], ( member(X, D) ), F ), makevar(A, B, F). makevar(A, B, D) :- atomic(A), !, ( atom(A), member([A, B], D) -> true ; B = A ). makevar(A, A, _) :- var(A), !. makevar([], [], _) :- !. makevar([A|B], [C|D], F) :- makevar(A, C, F), makevar(B, D, F), !. makevar(A, B, F) :- A =.. C, makevar(C, [Dh|Dt], F), ( nonvar(Dh) -> B =.. [Dh|Dt] ; Dt = [Ds, Do], B = exopred(Dh, Ds, Do) ). findvars(A, B, Z) :- atomic(A), !, ( atom(A), findvar(A, Z) -> B = [A] ; B = [] ). findvars(A, [], _) :- var(A), !. findvars([], [], _) :- !. findvars([A|B], C, Z) :- !, findvars(A, D, Z), findvars(B, E, Z), append(D, E, C). findvars(A, B, Z) :- A =.. C, findvars(C, B, Z). shallowvars(A, B, Z) :- atomic(A), !, ( atom(A), findvar(A, Z) -> B = [A] ; B = [] ). shallowvars(A, [], _) :- var(A), !. shallowvars([], [], _) :- !. shallowvars([A|B], C, Z) :- shallowvars(A, D, Z), shallowvars(B, E, Z), append(D, E, C), !. shallowvars(_, [], _). findvar(A, alpha) :- !, ( atom_concat('$', C, _), is_list(D), is_graph(E), !, find_graffiti(E, F), findvars(E, G, beta), intersection(D, G, H), append(H, F, B). find_graffiti(A, B) :- A =.. C, find_graffiti(C, B). raw_type(A, '') :- var(A), !. raw_type(A, '') :- is_list(A), !. raw_type(A, '') :- number(A), !. raw_type(true, ''). raw_type(false, ''). raw_type(A, '') :- atom(A), \+ sub_atom(A, 0, _, _, some), \+ sub_atom(A, 0, _, _, avar), \+ (sub_atom(A, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(A, _, 1, 0, '>')), !. raw_type(literal(_, _), '') :- !. raw_type(rdiv(_, _), '') :- !. raw_type('', '') :- !. raw_type((_, _), '') :- !. raw_type(set(_), '') :- !. raw_type(A, '') :- functor(A, B, C), B \= ':', C >= 2, !. raw_type(A, '') :- nb_getval(var_ns, B), sub_atom(A, 1, _, _, B), sub_atom(A, _, 4, _, '#bn_'), !. raw_type(A, '') :- nb_getval(var_ns, B), sub_atom(A, 1, _, _, B), sub_atom(A, _, 3, _, '#e_'), !. raw_type(A, '') :- sub_atom(A, _, 19, _, '/.well-known/genid/'), !. raw_type(A, '') :- sub_atom(A, 1, _, _, 'http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/var#qe_'), !. raw_type(_, ''). getnumber(rdiv(A, B), C) :- nonvar(A), !, C is A/B. getnumber(A, A) :- number(A), !. getnumber(A, epsilon) :- nonvar(A), A = '', !. getnumber(A, A) :- nonvar(A), memberchk(A, [inf, -inf, nan]), !. getnumber(literal(A, type('')), B) :- !, ground(A), atom_codes(A, C), datetime(B, C, []). getnumber(literal(A, type('')), B) :- !, ground(A), atom_codes(A, C), date(B, C, []). getnumber(literal(A, type('')), B) :- !, ground(A), atom_codes(A, C), time(B, C, []). getnumber(literal(A, type('')), B) :- !, ground(A), atom_codes(A, C), duration(B, C, []). getnumber(literal(A, type('')), B) :- !, ground(A), atom_codes(A, C), yearmonthduration(B, C, []). getnumber(literal(A, type('')), B) :- !, ground(A), atom_codes(A, C), daytimeduration(B, C, []). getnumber(literal(A, _), B) :- ground(A), atom_codes(A, C), numeral(C, D), catch(number_codes(B, D), _, fail). getint(A, B) :- getnumber(A, C), B is integer(round(C)). getbool(literal(false, type('')), false). getbool(literal(true, type('')), true). getbool(literal('0', type('')), false). getbool(literal('1', type('')), true). getbool(false, false). getbool(true, true). getlist(A, A) :- var(A), !. getlist(set(A), A) :- !. getlist([], []) :- !. getlist('', []) :- !. getlist([A|B], [C|D]) :- getlist(A, C), !, getlist(B, D). getlist([A|B], [A|D]) :- !, getlist(B, D). getlist(A, [B|C]) :- ''(A, B), ( ''(A, B2), B2 \= B -> throw(malformed_list_extra_first(A, B, B2)) ; true ), ( ''(A, D), ( ''(A, D2), D2 \= D -> throw(malformed_list_extra_rest(A, D, D2)) ; true ) -> true ; throw(malformed_list_no_rest(A)) ), ( getlist(D, C) -> true ; throw(malformed_list_invalid_rest(D)) ). getterm(A, A) :- var(A), !. getterm(A, B) :- ''(A, B), !. getterm([], []) :- !. getterm('', []) :- !. getterm([A|B], [C|D]) :- getterm(A, C), !, getterm(B, D). getterm(A, [B|C]) :- ''(A, D), ( ''(A, D2), D2 \= D -> throw(malformed_list_extra_first(A, D, D2)) ; true ), ( ''(A, E), ( ''(A, E2), E2 \= E -> throw(malformed_list_extra_rest(A, E, E2)) ; true ) -> true ; throw(malformed_list_no_rest(A)) ), !, getterm(D, B), ( getterm(E, C), is_list(C) -> true ; throw(malformed_list_invalid_rest(E)) ). getterm(graph(A, B), graph(A, C)) :- graph(A, B), !, getterm(B, D), conjify(D, C). getterm(graph(A, B), ''(B, C)) :- getconj(A, D), D \= A, !, getterm(D, E), conjify(E, C). getterm(A, B) :- graph(A, _), !, getconj(A, C), getterm(C, D), conjify(D, B). getterm(A, B) :- A =.. [C|D], getterm(D, E), B =.. [C|E]. getconj(A, B) :- nonvar(A), findall(C, ( graph(A, C) ), D ), D \= [], !, conjoin(D, B). getconj(A, A). getstring(A, B) :- ''(A, B), !. getstring(A, A). getcodes(literal(A, _), B) :- nonvar(A), !, atom_codes(A, B). getcodes(A, B) :- nonvar(A), with_output_to_chars(wg(A), C), escape_string(C, B). map(_, [], []) :- !. map(A, [B|C], [D|E]) :- F =.. [A, B, D], call(F), map(A, C, E). remember(A) :- \+call(A), !, assertz(A). remember(_). preformat([], []) :- !. preformat([literal(A, type(''))|B], [A|D]) :- !, preformat(B, D). preformat([A|B], [A|D]) :- preformat(B, D). numeral([0'-, 0'.|A], [0'-, 0'0, 0'.|A]) :- !. numeral([0'+, 0'.|A], [0'+, 0'0, 0'.|A]) :- !. numeral([0'.|A], [0'0, 0'.|A]) :- !. numeral(A, B) :- append([C, [0'., 0'e], D], A), append([C, [0'., 0'0, 0'e], D], B), !. numeral(A, B) :- append([C, [0'., 0'E], D], A), append([C, [0'., 0'0, 0'E], D], B), !. numeral(A, B) :- last(A, 0'.), append(A, [0'0], B), !. numeral(A, A). rdiv_codes(rdiv(A, B), C) :- append(D, [0'.|E], C), append(D, E, F), number_codes(A, F), lzero(E, G), number_codes(B, [0'1|G]), !. rdiv_codes(rdiv(A, 1), C) :- number_codes(A, C). lzero([], []) :- !. lzero([_|A], [0'0|B]) :- lzero(A, B). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), C], B) :- nonvar(C), ''(C, ''), integer(B), !, atom_number(A, B). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], B) :- integer(B), !, atom_number(A, B). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], B) :- float(B), !, atom_number(A, B). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], B) :- ( number(B) -> datetime(B, C) ; nonvar(B), B = date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Offset, _, _), datetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Offset, C) ), !, atom_codes(A, C). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], B) :- ( number(B) -> date(B, C) ; nonvar(B), B = date(Year, Month, Day, _, _, _, Offset, _, _), date(Year, Month, Day, Offset, C) ), !, atom_codes(A, C). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], B) :- ( number(B) -> time(B, C) ; nonvar(B), B = date(_, _, _, Hour, Minute, Second, Offset, _, _), time(Hour, Minute, Second, Offset, C) ), !, atom_codes(A, C). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], B) :- number(B), !, daytimeduration(B, C), atom_codes(A, C). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], B) :- number(B), !, yearmonthduration(B, C), atom_codes(A, C). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], B) :- number(B), !, daytimeduration(B, C), atom_codes(A, C). dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], A) :- atomic(A), getbool(A, A), !. dtlit([literal(A, type('')), prolog:atom], A) :- atomic(A), \+ (sub_atom(A, 0, 1, _, '<'), sub_atom(A, _, 1, 0, '>')), !. dtlit([literal(A, type('')), ''], literal(A, lang(_))) :- !. dtlit([literal(A, type('')), B], literal(A, type(B))). hash_to_ascii([], L1, L1). hash_to_ascii([A|B], [C, D|L3], L4) :- E is A>>4 /\ 15, F is A /\ 15, code_type(C, xdigit(E)), code_type(D, xdigit(F)), hash_to_ascii(B, L3, L4). memotime(datime(A, B, C, D, E, F), G) :- ( mtime(datime(A, B, C, D, E, F), G) -> true ; catch(date_time_stamp(date(A, B, C, D, E, F, 0, -, -), H), _, fail), fmsec(F, H, G), assertz(mtime(datime(A, B, C, D, E, F), G)) ). datetime(A, L1, L13) :- int(B, L1, [0'-|L3]), int(C, L3, [0'-|L5]), int(D, L5, [0'T|L7]), int(E, L7, [0':|L9]), int(F, L9, [0':|L11]), decimal(G, L11, L12), timezone(H, L12, L13), I is -H, catch(date_time_stamp(date(B, C, D, E, F, G, I, -, -), J), _, fail), fmsec(G, J, A). datetime(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, L1, L13) :- int(A, L1, [0'-|L3]), int(B, L3, [0'-|L5]), int(C, L5, [0'T|L7]), int(D, L7, [0':|L9]), int(E, L9, [0':|L11]), decimal(F, L11, L12), timezone(G, L12, L13). date(A, L1, L7) :- int(B, L1, [0'-|L3]), int(C, L3, [0'-|L5]), int(D, L5, L6), timezone(H, L6, L7), I is -H, catch(date_time_stamp(date(B, C, D, 0, 0, 0, I, -, -), E), _, fail), fmsec(0, E, A). date(A, B, C, D, L1, L7) :- int(A, L1, [0'-|L3]), int(B, L3, [0'-|L5]), int(C, L5, L6), timezone(D, L6, L7). time(A, L1, L7) :- int(B, L1, [0':|L3]), int(C, L3, [0':|L5]), decimal(D, L5, L6), timezone(E, L6, L7), ( B = 24 -> A is C*60+D-E ; A is B*3600+C*60+D-E ). time(A, B, C, D, L1, L7) :- int(A, L1, [0':|L3]), int(B, L3, [0':|L5]), decimal(C, L5, L6), timezone(D, L6, L7). duration(A, L1, L7) :- dsign(B, L1, [0'P|L3]), years(C, L3, L4), months(D, L4, L5), days(E, L5, L6), dtime(F, L6, L7), A is B*(C*31556952+D*2629746+E*86400.0+F). yearmonthduration(A, L1, L5) :- dsign(B, L1, [0'P|L3]), years(C, L3, L4), months(D, L4, L5), A is B*(C*12+D). daytimeduration(A, L1, L5) :- dsign(B, L1, [0'P|L3]), days(C, L3, L4), dtime(D, L4, L5), A is B*(C*86400.0+D). timezone(A, L1, L4) :- int(B, L1, [0':|L3]), !, int(C, L3, L4), A is B*3600+C*60. timezone(0, [0'Z|L2], L2) :- !. timezone(0, L1, L1). dsign(1, [0'+|L2], L2). dsign(-1, [0'-|L2], L2). dsign(1, L1, L1). dtime(A, [0'T|L2], L5) :- !, hours(B, L2, L3), minutes(C, L3, L4), seconds(D, L4, L5), A is B*3600+C*60+D. dtime(0, L1, L1). years(A, L1, L3) :- int(A, L1, [0'Y|L3]). years(0, L1, L1). months(A, L1, L3) :- int(A, L1, [0'M|L3]). months(0, L1, L1) . days(A, L1, L3) :- int(A, L1, [0'D|L3]). days(0, L1, L1). hours(A, L1, L3) :- int(A, L1, [0'H|L3]). hours(0, L1, L1). minutes(A, L1, L3) :- int(A, L1, [0'M|L3]). minutes(0, L1, L1). seconds(A, L1, L3) :- decimal(A, L1, [0'S|L3]). seconds(0, L1, L1). int(A, L1, L4) :- sgn(B, L1, L2), digit(C, L2, L3), digits(D, L3, L4), number_codes(A, [B, C|D]). decimal(A, L1, L5) :- sgn(B, L1, L2), digit(C, L2, L3), digits(D, L3, L4), fraction(E, L4, L5), append([B, C|D], E, F), number_codes(A, F). sgn(0'+, [0'+|L2], L2). sgn(0'-, [0'-|L2], L2). sgn(0'+, L1, L1). fraction([0'., A|B], [0'.|L2], L4) :- !, digit(A, L2, L3), digits(B, L3, L4). fraction([], L1, L1). digits([A|B], L1, L3) :- digit(A, L1, L2), digits(B, L2, L3). digits([], L1, L1). digit(A, [A|L2], L2) :- code_type(A, digit). fmsec(A, B, C) :- integer(A), !, C is floor(B). fmsec(_, B, B). datetime(A, B) :- stamp_date_time(A, date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, _, _, _), 0), fmsec(A, Second, Sec), ycodes(Year, C), ncodes(Month, D), ncodes(Day, E), ncodes(Hour, F), ncodes(Minute, G), ncodes(Sec, H), append([C, [0'-], D, [0'-], E, [0'T], F, [0':], G, [0':], H, [0'Z]], B). datetime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Offset, B) :- ycodes(Year, C), ncodes(Month, D), ncodes(Day, E), ncodes(Hour, F), ncodes(Minute, G), ncodes(Second, H), ( Offset =:= 0 -> append([C, [0'-], D, [0'-], E, [0'T], F, [0':], G, [0':], H, [0'Z]], B) ; ( Offset > 0 -> I = [0'-], OHour is Offset//3600 ; I = [0'+], OHour is -Offset//3600 ), ncodes(OHour, J), OMinute is (Offset mod 3600)//60, ncodes(OMinute, K), append([C, [0'-], D, [0'-], E, [0'T], F, [0':], G, [0':], H, I, J, [0':], K], B) ). date(A, B) :- N is A+3600*12, stamp_date_time(N, date(Year, Month, Day, _, _, _, _, _, _), 0), ycodes(Year, C), ncodes(Month, D), ncodes(Day, E), Offset is (round(floor(N)) mod 86400) - 3600*12, ( Offset =:= 0 -> append([C, [0'-], D, [0'-], E, [0'Z]], B) ; ( Offset > 0 -> I = [0'-], OHour is Offset//3600 ; I = [0'+], OHour is -Offset//3600 ), ncodes(OHour, J), OMinute is (Offset mod 3600)//60, ncodes(OMinute, K), append([C, [0'-], D, [0'-], E, I, J, [0':], K], B) ). date(Year, Month, Day, Offset, B) :- ycodes(Year, C), ncodes(Month, D), ncodes(Day, E), ( Offset =:= 0 -> append([C, [0'-], D, [0'-], E, [0'Z]], B) ; ( Offset > 0 -> I = [0'-], OHour is Offset//3600 ; I = [0'+], OHour is -Offset//3600 ), ncodes(OHour, J), OMinute is (Offset mod 3600)//60, ncodes(OMinute, K), append([C, [0'-], D, [0'-], E, I, J, [0':], K], B) ). time(A, B) :- stamp_date_time(A, date(_, _, _, Hour, Minute, Second, _, _, _), 0), fmsec(A, Second, Sec), ncodes(Hour, F), ncodes(Minute, G), ncodes(Sec, H), append([F, [0':], G, [0':], H, [0'Z]], B). time(Hour, Minute, Second, Offset, B) :- ncodes(Hour, F), ncodes(Minute, G), ncodes(Second, H), ( Offset =:= 0 -> append([F, [0':], G, [0':], H, [0'Z]], B) ; ( Offset > 0 -> I = [0'-], OHour is Offset//3600 ; I = [0'+], OHour is -Offset//3600 ), ncodes(OHour, J), OMinute is (Offset mod 3600)//60, ncodes(OMinute, K), append([F, [0':], G, [0':], H, I, J, [0':], K], B) ). yearmonthduration(A, B) :- ( A < 0 -> C = [0'-] ; C = [] ), D is abs(A), E is D//12, number_codes(E, Years), F is D-(D//12)*12, number_codes(F, Months), append([C, [0'P], Years, [0'Y], Months, [0'M]], B). daytimeduration(A, B) :- AInt is round(floor(A)), AFrac is A-AInt, ( AInt < 0 -> C = [0'-] ; C = [] ), D is abs(AInt), E is D//86400, number_codes(E, Days), F is (D-(D//86400)*86400)//3600, number_codes(F, Hours), G is (D-(D//3600)*3600)//60, number_codes(G, Minutes), H is D-(D//60)*60+AFrac, number_codes(H, Seconds), append([C, [0'P| Days], [0'D, 0'T| Hours], [0'H| Minutes], [0'M| Seconds], [0'S]], B). ncodes(A, B) :- number_codes(A, D), ( A < 10 -> B = [0'0| D] ; B = D ). ycodes(A, B) :- C is abs(A), number_codes(C, D), ( C < 10 -> E = [0'0, 0'0, 0'0| D] ; ( C < 100 -> E = [0'0, 0'0| D] ; ( C < 1000 -> E = [0'0| D] ; E = D ) ) ), ( A >= 0 -> B = E ; B = [0'-|E] ). absolute_uri('-', '-') :- !. absolute_uri(A, B) :- ( is_absolute_url(A) -> B = A ; absolute_file_name(A, C), prolog_to_os_filename(D, C), atom_codes(D, E), subst([[[0x20], [0'%, 0'2, 0'0]]], E, F), atom_codes(G, F), atomic_list_concat(['file://', G], B) ). resolve_uri(A, _, A) :- sub_atom(A, _, 1, _, ':'), !. resolve_uri('', A, A) :- !. resolve_uri('#', A, B) :- !, atomic_list_concat([A, '#'], B). resolve_uri(A, B, A) :- \+sub_atom(B, _, 1, _, ':'), !. resolve_uri(A, B, C) :- so_uri(U), atom_length(U, V), sub_atom(A, 0, 1, _, '#'), sub_atom(B, 0, V, _, U), !, atomic_list_concat([B, A], C). resolve_uri(A, B, C) :- sub_atom(A, 0, 2, _, './'), !, sub_atom(A, 2, _, 0, R), resolve_uri(R, B, C). resolve_uri(A, B, C) :- sub_atom(A, 0, 3, _, '../'), !, sub_atom(A, 3, _, 0, R), so_uri(U), atom_length(U, V), sub_atom(B, 0, V, D, U), sub_atom(B, V, D, _, E), ( sub_atom(E, F, 1, G, '/'), sub_atom(E, _, G, 0, H), \+sub_atom(H, _, _, _, '/'), K is V+F -> sub_atom(B, 0, K, _, S) ; S = B ), resolve_uri(R, S, C). resolve_uri(A, B, C) :- so_uri(U), atom_length(U, V), sub_atom(A, 0, 1, _, '/'), sub_atom(B, 0, V, D, U), sub_atom(B, V, D, _, E), ( sub_atom(E, F, 1, _, '/') -> sub_atom(E, 0, F, _, G) ; G = E ), !, atomic_list_concat([U, G, A], C). resolve_uri(A, B, C) :- so_uri(U), atom_length(U, V), sub_atom(B, 0, V, D, U), sub_atom(B, V, D, _, E), ( sub_atom(E, F, 1, G, '/'), sub_atom(E, _, G, 0, H), \+sub_atom(H, _, _, _, '/') -> sub_atom(E, 0, F, _, I) ; I = E ), !, atomic_list_concat([U, I, '/', A], C). resolve_uri(A, _, _) :- nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(unresolvable_relative_uri(A, after_line(Ln))). so_uri('http://'). so_uri('https://'). so_uri('ftp://'). so_uri('file://'). wcacher(A, B) :- wcache(A, B), !. wcacher(A, B) :- wcache(C, D), sub_atom(A, 0, I, _, C), sub_atom(A, I, _, 0, E), atomic_list_concat([D, E], B). prolog_verb(S, Name) :- ( atom(S), atom_concat('\'\'', A) -> ( B = conjunction -> Pred = '\', \'' ; ( B = disjunction -> Pred = '\';\'' ; ( prolog_sym(B, Pred, _) -> true ; nb_getval(line_number, Ln), throw(invalid_prolog_builtin(B, after_line(Ln))) ) ) ), Name = prolog:Pred ; Name = S ). timestamp(Stamp) :- get_time(StampN), datetime(StampN, StampC), atom_codes(StampA, StampC), ( sub_atom(StampA, I, 1, 0, 'Z'), I > 23 -> sub_atom(StampA, 0, 23, _, StampB), atomic_list_concat([StampB, 'Z'], Stamp) ; Stamp = StampA ). uuid(UUID) :- Version = 4, A is random(0xffffffff), B is random(0xffff), C is random(0x0fff) \/ Version<<12, D is random(0x3fff) \/ 0x8000, E is random(0xffffffffffff), format(atom(UUID), '~`0t~16r~8+-~|\c ~`0t~16r~4+-~|\c ~`0t~16r~4+-~|\c ~`0t~16r~4+-~|\c ~`0t~16r~12+', [A, B, C, D, E]). regex(Pattern, String, List) :- atom_codes(Pattern, PatternC), escape_string(PatC, PatternC), atom_codes(Pat, PatC), atom_codes(String, StringC), escape_string(StrC, StringC), atom_codes(Str, StrC), re_matchsub(Pat, Str, Dict, []), findall(Value, ( get_dict(Key, Dict, Value), Key \== 0 ), List ). regexp_wildcard([], []) :- !. regexp_wildcard([0'*|A], [0'., 0'*|B]) :- !, regexp_wildcard(A, B). regexp_wildcard([A|B], [A|C]) :- regexp_wildcard(B, C). fm(A) :- ( A = ! -> true ; format(user_error, '*** ~q~n', [A]), flush_output(user_error) ), cnt(fm). mf(A) :- forall( catch(A, _, fail), ( portray_clause(user_error, A), cnt(mf) ) ), flush_output(user_error).