# Get API key from here: https://ipgeolocation.io/ $API_KEY = "d4600b4efdef42b39828f5155041a457" $LOGFILE_NAME = "failed_rdp.log" $LOGFILE_PATH = "C:\ProgramData\$($LOGFILE_NAME)" # This filter will be used to filter failed RDP events from Windows Event Viewer $XMLFilter = @' '@ <# This function creates a bunch of sample log files that will be used to train the Extract feature in Log Analytics workspace. If you don't have enough log files to "train" it, it will fail to extract certain fields for some reason -_-. We can avoid including these fake records on our map by filtering out all logs with a destination host of "samplehost" #> Function write-Sample-Log() { "latitude:47.91542,longitude:-120.60306,destinationhost:samplehost,username:fakeuser,sourcehost:,state:Washington,country:United States,label:United States -,timestamp:2021-10-26 03:28:29" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:-22.90906,longitude:-47.06455,destinationhost:samplehost,username:lnwbaq,sourcehost:,state:Sao Paulo,country:Brazil,label:Brazil -,timestamp:2021-10-26 05:46:20" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:52.37022,longitude:4.89517,destinationhost:samplehost,username:CSNYDER,sourcehost:,state:North Holland,country:Netherlands,label:Netherlands -,timestamp:2021-10-26 06:12:56" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:40.71455,longitude:-74.00714,destinationhost:samplehost,username:ADMINISTRATOR,sourcehost:,state:New York,country:United States,label:United States -,timestamp:2021-10-26 10:44:07" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:33.99762,longitude:-6.84737,destinationhost:samplehost,username:AZUREUSER,sourcehost:,state:Rabat-Salé-Kénitra,country:Morocco,label:Morocco -,timestamp:2021-10-26 11:03:13" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:-5.32558,longitude:100.28595,destinationhost:samplehost,username:Test,sourcehost:,state:Penang,country:Malaysia,label:Malaysia -,timestamp:2021-10-26 11:04:45" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:41.05722,longitude:28.84926,destinationhost:samplehost,username:AZUREUSER,sourcehost:,state:Istanbul,country:Turkey,label:Turkey -,timestamp:2021-10-26 11:50:47" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:55.87925,longitude:37.54691,destinationhost:samplehost,username:Test,sourcehost:,state:null,country:Russia,label:Russia -,timestamp:2021-10-26 12:13:45" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:52.37018,longitude:4.87324,destinationhost:samplehost,username:AZUREUSER,sourcehost:,state:North Holland,country:Netherlands,label:Netherlands -,timestamp:2021-10-26 12:33:46" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:17.49163,longitude:-88.18704,destinationhost:samplehost,username:Test,sourcehost:,state:null,country:Belize,label:Belize -,timestamp:2021-10-26 13:13:25" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 "latitude:-55.88802,longitude:37.65136,destinationhost:samplehost,username:Test,sourcehost:,state:Central Federal District,country:Russia,label:Russia -,timestamp:2021-10-26 14:25:33" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 } # This block of code will create the log file if it doesn't already exist if ((Test-Path $LOGFILE_PATH) -eq $false) { New-Item -ItemType File -Path $LOGFILE_PATH write-Sample-Log } # Infinite Loop that keeps checking the Event Viewer logs. while ($true) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 # This retrieves events from Windows EVent Viewer based on the filter $events = Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $XMLFilter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Error) { #Write-Host "No Failed Logons found. Re-run script when a login has failed." } # Step through each event collected, get geolocation # for the IP Address, and add new events to the custom log foreach ($event in $events) { # $event.properties[19] is the source IP address of the failed logon # This if-statement will proceed if the IP address exists (>= 5 is arbitrary, just saying if it's not empty) if ($event.properties[19].Value.Length -ge 5) { # Pick out fields from the event. These will be inserted into our new custom log $timestamp = $event.TimeCreated $year = $event.TimeCreated.Year $month = $event.TimeCreated.Month if ("$($event.TimeCreated.Month)".Length -eq 1) { $month = "0$($event.TimeCreated.Month)" } $day = $event.TimeCreated.Day if ("$($event.TimeCreated.Day)".Length -eq 1) { $day = "0$($event.TimeCreated.Day)" } $hour = $event.TimeCreated.Hour if ("$($event.TimeCreated.Hour)".Length -eq 1) { $hour = "0$($event.TimeCreated.Hour)" } $minute = $event.TimeCreated.Minute if ("$($event.TimeCreated.Minute)".Length -eq 1) { $minute = "0$($event.TimeCreated.Minute)" } $second = $event.TimeCreated.Second if ("$($event.TimeCreated.Second)".Length -eq 1) { $second = "0$($event.TimeCreated.Second)" } $timestamp = "$($year)-$($month)-$($day) $($hour):$($minute):$($second)" $eventId = $event.Id $destinationHost = $event.MachineName# Workstation Name (Destination) $username = $event.properties[5].Value # Account Name (Attempted Logon) $sourceHost = $event.properties[11].Value # Workstation Name (Source) $sourceIp = $event.properties[19].Value # IP Address # Get the current contents of the Log file! $log_contents = Get-Content -Path $LOGFILE_PATH # Do not write to the log file if the log already exists. if (-Not ($log_contents -match "$($timestamp)") -or ($log_contents.Length -eq 0)) { # Announce the gathering of geolocation data and pause for a second as to not rate-limit the API #Write-Host "Getting Latitude and Longitude from IP Address and writing to log" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 # Make web request to the geolocation API # For more info: https://ipgeolocation.io/documentation/ip-geolocation-api.html $API_ENDPOINT = "https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo?apiKey=$($API_KEY)&ip=$($sourceIp)" $response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $API_ENDPOINT # Pull Data from the API response, and store them in variables $responseData = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json $latitude = $responseData.latitude $longitude = $responseData.longitude $state_prov = $responseData.state_prov if ($state_prov -eq "") { $state_prov = "null" } $country = $responseData.country_name if ($country -eq "") {$country -eq "null"} # Write all gathered data to the custom log file. It will look something like this: # "latitude:$($latitude),longitude:$($longitude),destinationhost:$($destinationHost),username:$($username),sourcehost:$($sourceIp),state:$($state_prov), country:$($country),label:$($country) - $($sourceIp),timestamp:$($timestamp)" | Out-File $LOGFILE_PATH -Append -Encoding utf8 Write-Host -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Magenta "latitude:$($latitude),longitude:$($longitude),destinationhost:$($destinationHost),username:$($username),sourcehost:$($sourceIp),state:$($state_prov),label:$($country) - $($sourceIp),timestamp:$($timestamp)" } else { # Entry already exists in custom log file. Do nothing, optionally, remove the # from the line below for output # Write-Host "Event already exists in the custom log. Skipping." -ForegroundColor Gray -BackgroundColor Black } } } }