import { detect as detectBrowser } from "detect-browser"; import { getArrow } from "perfect-arrows"; import { addEscapeRoute, appendFrameAfter, deleteFrame, setAction, setActionOnFrameOrAfter, } from "./edits"; import { Action, ActionAnnotation, Definitions, Flowchart, Frame, Scene, Stack, StackPath, StackPathSegment, Step, SuccessfulStep, TraceTree, Viewchart, assertSuccessful, getActionText, getNextStacksInLevel, isEscapeRoute, makeTraceTree, putStepsInStacks, runAll, stackPathForStep, stackPathToString, stepsInStacksToViewchart, stringifyEqual, topLevelValueForStep, } from "./interpreter"; import { Layer, getLayerCommandCount, layer } from "./layer"; import { howManyTimesDidModWrap, mod } from "./number"; import { drawSpriteSheet, makeCandleRenderer } from "./ui_candle"; import { examples } from "./ui_examples"; import { UIState } from "./ui_state"; import { drawOutlinedText } from "./ui_text"; import { XYWH, drawArrow, expand, fillRect, fillRectGradient, inXYWH, loadImg, mm, saveFile, } from "./ui_util"; import { assertNever, indexById } from "./util"; import { Vec2, add, angleBetween, distance, mul, v } from "./vec2"; const browser = detectBrowser(); (window as any).DEBUG = true; function DEBUG() { return (window as any).DEBUG; } function debugPoint(lyr: Layer, pos: Vec2) {; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.arc(...pos, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI); lyr.fillStyle = "yellow"; lyr.fill(); lyr.restore(); } function debugLine(lyr: Layer, a: Vec2, b: Vec2) {; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.moveTo(...a); lyr.lineTo(...b); lyr.lineWidth = 2; lyr.strokeStyle = "yellow"; lyr.stroke(); lyr.restore(); } // just fyi ;) const zodiac = [ "♈︎", "♉︎", "♊︎", "♋︎", "♌︎", "♍︎", "♎︎", "♏︎", "♐︎", "♑︎", "♒︎", "♓︎", ]; const zodiacRankedInOrderOfCoolness = [ "♌︎", "♋︎", "♈︎", "♉︎", "♊︎", "♍︎", "♎︎", "♐︎", "♑︎", "♒︎", "♓︎", "♏︎", ]; let callHueSaturation = "249deg 37%"; // Nested `act` calls are supposed to be batched – the nested calls // shouldn't separately commit changes to the undo stack. This global // variable marks that a call is nested, and provides the mutable // state for the batch. let curStateYouCanChange: UIState | undefined = undefined; const act = (f: (stateYouCanChange: UIState) => void) => { if (!curStateYouCanChange) { // we're the top-level call curStateYouCanChange = structuredClone(state); f(curStateYouCanChange); pushState(curStateYouCanChange); curStateYouCanChange = undefined; } else { // we're nested f(curStateYouCanChange); } }; // DEFAULT FLOWCHART RIGHT HERE BUDDY let undoStack: UIState[] = [examples.dominoesBlank]; let redoStack: UIState[] = []; let pan: Vec2 = [0, 0]; const setPan = (v: Vec2) => { localStorage.setItem("pan", JSON.stringify(v)); pan = v; }; const loadExample = (key: keyof typeof examples) => { undoStack = [examples[key]]; redoStack = []; syncStacks(); }; const pushState = (newState: UIState) => { undoStack.push(newState); redoStack = []; syncStacks(); }; const syncStacks = () => { localStorage.setItem( "panda-stacks", JSON.stringify({ undoStack, redoStack }), ); }; const modifyFlowchart = ( flowchartId: string, modification: (old: Flowchart) => Flowchart, ) => { act((state) => { state.defs.flowcharts[flowchartId] = modification( state.defs.flowcharts[flowchartId], ); }); }; const ensureFlowchartExists = (flowchartId: string) => { act((state) => { if (!state.defs.flowcharts[flowchartId]) { state.defs.flowcharts[flowchartId] = { id: flowchartId, initialFrameId: "1", frames: indexById([{ id: "1", action: { type: "start" } }]), arrows: [], }; } }); }; const hashParams = (() => { let hash = window.location.hash; if (hash.startsWith("#")) { hash = hash.substring(1); } const [_path, queryString] = hash.split("?", 2); // this will remove duplicates, but we don't care return Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(queryString).entries()); })(); if (hashParams["example"]) { loadExample(hashParams["example"] as keyof typeof examples); window.location.replace("#"); // so you won't lose your work when you go back? hmmm } else { const maybeFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem("panda-stacks"); if (maybeFromLocalStorage) { ({ undoStack, redoStack } = JSON.parse(maybeFromLocalStorage)); } const maybePanFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem("pan"); if (maybePanFromLocalStorage) { pan = JSON.parse(maybePanFromLocalStorage); } } let viewDepth = Infinity; const persistentValuesById = new Map(); const interpTo = ( id: string, targetValue: number, initValue = targetValue, slowness = 3, ) => { let v = persistentValuesById.get(id); if (v === undefined) { persistentValuesById.set(id, initValue); v = initValue; } const newValue = v + (targetValue - v) / slowness; persistentValuesById.set(id, newValue); return newValue; }; let hoveredStackPathString = undefined as string | undefined; // globals for communication are the best let state: UIState; let traceTree: TraceTree; const c = document.getElementById("c") as HTMLCanvasElement; const cContainer = document.getElementById("c-container") as HTMLDivElement; const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { for (const entry of entries) { const { width, height } = entry.contentRect; c.width = width; c.height = height; } }); resizeObserver.observe(cContainer); const ctxReal = c.getContext("2d")!; async function main() { const [imgParchment, imgAsfault, imgCandleSheet] = await Promise.all([ loadImg("./parchment.jpg"), loadImg("./asfault.jpg"), loadImg("./candle_sheet.png"), ]); const patternParchment = ctxReal.createPattern(imgParchment, "repeat")!; const patternAsfault = ctxReal.createPattern(imgAsfault, "repeat")!; const backgroundMusic = new Audio("./ambient.mp3"); backgroundMusic.loop = true; let isPlayingBackgroundMusic = false; const drawCandle = makeCandleRenderer(imgCandleSheet); // don't touch this directly; use addClickHandler let _clickables: { xywh: XYWH; callback: () => void; }[] = []; const addClickHandler = (xywh: XYWH, callback: () => void) => { _clickables.push({ xywh, callback }); }; type InteractionState = | { type: "not-dragging" } // if we're dragging, the drag may be "unconfirmed" – not sure if // it's a drag or a click (save the click callback for later) | { type: "unconfirmed"; startPos: Vec2; callback: (() => void) | undefined; } | { type: "confirmed"; isPan: boolean; pointerType: string }; let ix: InteractionState = { type: "not-dragging" } as any; type Tool = | { type: "pointer" } | { type: "domino"; orientation: "h" | "v" } | { type: "call"; flowchartId: string } | { type: "workspace-pick"; source: number; index: number; stackPath: StackPath; value: unknown; } | { type: "purging-flame"; } | { type: "dev-action"; }; let tool: Tool = { type: "pointer" }; // set up cursor stuff let shiftHeld = false; let altHeld = false; window.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { if (e.key === "Shift") { shiftHeld = true; } if (e.key === "Alt") { altHeld = true; } if (e.key === "z" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && !e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); if (undoStack.length > 1) { redoStack.push(undoStack.pop()!); syncStacks(); } } if ( (e.key === "y" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) || (e.key === "z" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.shiftKey) ) { e.preventDefault(); if (redoStack.length > 0) { undoStack.push(redoStack.pop()!); syncStacks(); } } if (e.key === "s" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault(); saveFile( new Blob([JSON.stringify(state, null, 2)], { type: "application/json;charset=utf-8", }), "state.json", ); } if (e.key === "p" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault(); setPan([0, 0]); } if (e.key === "o" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault(); let prompt = "Select # or key of example to load:\n"; for (const [i, key] of Object.keys(examples).entries()) { prompt += `${i + 1}. ${key}\n`; } prompt += "(To load a file, drop it onto the canvas.)"; const result = window.prompt(prompt); if (!result) return; for (const [i, key] of Object.keys(examples).entries()) { if (result === key || result === `${i + 1}`) { loadExample(key as keyof typeof examples); return; } } window.alert("Can't find that, sorry."); } if (e.key === "h") { tool = { type: "domino", orientation: "h" }; } if (e.key === "v" && !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { tool = { type: "domino", orientation: "v" }; } if (e.key === "Escape") { tool = { type: "pointer" }; } if (e.key === "a") { tool = { type: "dev-action" }; } if (e.key === "i" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault(); const result = window.prompt( "JSON for initial value:", JSON.stringify(state.initialValue), ); if (!result) return; try { const newState = { ...state, initialValue: JSON.parse(result) }; pushState(newState); } catch (e) { window.alert("Can't read that JSON, sorry."); } } if (e.key >= "1" && e.key <= "9") { viewDepth = parseInt(e.key) - 1; } if (e.key === "0" && !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { viewDepth = Infinity; } }); window.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { if (e.key === "Shift") { shiftHeld = false; } if (e.key === "Alt") { altHeld = false; } }); let mouseX = 0; let mouseY = 0; let pointerType: string; let mouseDown = false; const updateMouse = (e: PointerEvent) => { // clientX/Y works better than offsetX/Y for Chrome/Safari compatibility. const dragOffset = ix.type === "confirmed" && pointerType === "touch" ? 50 : 0; mouseX = e.clientX; mouseY = e.clientY - dragOffset; pointerType = e.pointerType; }; const hoveredClickable = () => { return _clickables.find(({ xywh }) => inXYWH(mouseX, mouseY, xywh)); }; c.addEventListener("pointermove", (e) => { updateMouse(e); if (ix.type === "unconfirmed") { if (distance(ix.startPos, [e.clientX, e.clientY]) > 4) { if (ix.callback) { ix.callback(); ix = { type: "confirmed", isPan: false, pointerType }; } else { e; ix = { type: "confirmed", isPan: true, pointerType }; } } } if (shiftHeld || (ix.type === "confirmed" && ix.isPan)) { setPan(add(pan, [e.movementX, e.movementY])); } }); c.addEventListener("pointerdown", (e) => { updateMouse(e); mouseDown = true; const callback = hoveredClickable()?.callback; ix = { type: "unconfirmed", startPos: [mouseX, mouseY], callback }; }); c.addEventListener("pointerup", (e) => { updateMouse(e); mouseDown = false; if (ix.type === "unconfirmed") { // a click! if (ix.callback) { ix.callback(); } else { tool = { type: "pointer" }; } } else if (ix.type === "confirmed") { if (!ix.isPan) { // a drag! const callback = hoveredClickable()?.callback; if (callback) { callback(); } else { tool = { type: "pointer" }; } } else { // end of a pan; it's all good } } else if (ix.type === "not-dragging") { // impossible! whatever } else { assertNever(ix); } ix = { type: "not-dragging" }; }); let draggedOver = false; c.addEventListener("dragover", (e) => { draggedOver = true; e.preventDefault(); // important for drop? }); c.addEventListener("dragleave", (e) => { draggedOver = false; }); c.addEventListener("drop", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const file = e.dataTransfer!.files[0]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { state = JSON.parse(reader.result as string); pushState(state); }; reader.readAsText(file); draggedOver = false; }); c.addEventListener("wheel", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); setPan(add(pan, [-e.deltaX, -e.deltaY])); }); const drawParchmentBox = ( lyr: Layer, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, opts: { empty?: boolean } = {}, ) => { const { empty = false } = opts; const xywh = [x, y, w, h] as const;; lyr.shadowColor = "rgba(0,0,0,1)"; lyr.shadowOffsetY = 4; lyr.shadowBlur = 15; if (empty) { lyr.globalAlpha = 0.3; } if (browser?.name === "safari") { // Safari doesn't seem to draw shadows for drawImage? lyr.fillStyle = "black"; lyr.fillRect(...xywh); } lyr.drawImage(imgParchment, Math.random(), Math.random(), w, h, ...xywh); if (empty) { lyr.globalAlpha = 1; lyr.strokeStyle = "rgba(183,167,148)"; lyr.lineWidth = 1; lyr.strokeRect(...xywh); } lyr.restore(); }; const sceneW = 100; const sceneH = 100; const cellSize = 20; const dominoPadding = 5; const drawDomino = ( lyr: Layer, x: number, y: number, orientation: "h" | "v", justPlaced: boolean, opts: { onClick?: () => void; isBad?: boolean; } = {}, ) => { const { onClick, isBad } = opts;; const xywh = expand( XYWH( x - cellSize / 2, y - cellSize / 2, orientation === "h" ? cellSize * 2 : cellSize, orientation === "v" ? cellSize * 2 : cellSize, ), -dominoPadding, ); if (justPlaced) { lyr.beginPath(); lyr.fillStyle = isBad ? `rgba(128,0,0,0.5)` : "#fce8a7"; lyr.shadowColor = isBad ? `rgba(128,0,0,0.5)` : "#fce8a7"; lyr.shadowBlur = 8; lyr.rect(...expand(xywh, 2)); lyr.fill(); } lyr.beginPath(); lyr.fillStyle = "#25221E"; lyr.rect(...xywh); lyr.fill(); if (onClick) { addClickHandler( [xywh[0] - 10, xywh[1] - 10, xywh[2] + 20, xywh[3] + 20], onClick, ); } lyr.restore(); }; const drawDominoes = ( lyr: Layer, value: { width: number; height: number; dominoes: [[number, number], [number, number]][]; }, path: StackPath, action: Action | undefined, pos: Vec2, ) => { const { defs } = state; function gridToXY([x, y]: [number, number]): [number, number] { return [pos[0] + 10 + cellSize * x, pos[1] + 20 + cellSize * y]; } // precompute overall offset of the bottom call let dx = 0; let dy = 0; for (const segment of path.callPath) { const frame = defs.flowcharts[segment.flowchartId].frames[segment.frameId]; const action = frame.action as Action & { type: "call" }; const lens = action.lens!; // TODO: what if not here dx += lens.dx; dy += lens.dy; } // grid squares lyr.beginPath(); lyr.lineWidth = 3; lyr.strokeStyle = "#70665a"; let hoveredCell: [number, number] | undefined = undefined; for (let c = 0; c < value.width; c++) { for (let r = 0; r < value.height; r++) { const xywh = [...gridToXY([c, r]), cellSize, cellSize] as const; lyr.rect(...xywh); if (inXYWH(mouseX, mouseY, xywh)) { hoveredCell = [c, r]; } if (tool.type === "domino") { const { orientation } = tool; addClickHandler(xywh, () => { const { flowchartId, frameId } =; modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => setActionOnFrameOrAfter(old, frameId, { type: "place-domino", domino: [ [c - dx, r - dy], add([c - dx, r - dy], orientation === "h" ? [1, 0] : [0, 1]), ], }), ); tool = { type: "pointer" }; }); } if (tool.type === "call") { const callFlowchartId = tool.flowchartId; addClickHandler(xywh, () => { const { flowchartId, frameId } =; act(() => { ensureFlowchartExists(callFlowchartId); modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => setActionOnFrameOrAfter(old, frameId, { type: "call", flowchartId: callFlowchartId, lens: { type: "domino-grid", dx: c - dx, dy: r - dy, }, }), ); }); tool = { type: "pointer" }; }); } } } lyr.moveTo(...gridToXY([0, 0])); lyr.lineTo(...gridToXY([value.width, 0])); lyr.moveTo(...gridToXY([0, 0])); lyr.lineTo(...gridToXY([0, value.height])); lyr.stroke(); if (tool.type === "call" && hoveredCell) { const xywh = [ ...gridToXY(hoveredCell), cellSize * (value.width - hoveredCell[0]), cellSize * (value.height - hoveredCell[1]), ] as const; lyr.lineWidth = 2; lyr.strokeStyle = `hsl(${callHueSaturation} 45%)`; lyr.strokeRect(...xywh); lyr.fillStyle = `hsl(${callHueSaturation} 30% / 30%)`; lyr.fillRect(...xywh); } // dominoes const lyrTop = lyr.spawnLater(); // so out-of-bounds dominoes go above the lens layers for (const domino of value.dominoes) { let justPlaced = false; if (action?.type === "place-domino") { if ( stringifyEqual(add(domino[0], [-dx, -dy]), action.domino[0]) && stringifyEqual(add(domino[1], [-dx, -dy]), action.domino[1]) ) { justPlaced = true; } } const orientation = domino[0][0] === domino[1][0] ? "v" : "h"; const isBad = domino[0][0] < 0 || domino[1][0] >= value.width || domino[0][1] < 0 || domino[1][1] >= value.height; drawDomino( justPlaced ? lyrTop : lyr, ...add(gridToXY(domino[0]), [cellSize / 2, cellSize / 2]), orientation, justPlaced, { isBad }, ); } // lens layers let x = 0; let y = 0; let width = value.width; let height = value.height; for (const [i, segment] of path.callPath.entries()) { const frame = defs.flowcharts[segment.flowchartId].frames[segment.frameId]; const action = frame.action as Action & { type: "call" }; const lens = action.lens!; // TODO: what if not here x += lens.dx; y += lens.dy; width -= lens.dx; height -= lens.dy; // shaded background lyr.beginPath(); lyr.rect(...pos, sceneW, sceneH); lyr.rect(...gridToXY([x, y]), width * cellSize, height * cellSize); // use parchment fade or darkness fade? if (true) { lyr.fillStyle = patternParchment; patternParchment.setTransform(new DOMMatrix().translate(...pan, 0)); lyr.globalAlpha = i === path.callPath.length - 1 ? 0.8 : 0.4; } else { lyr.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)"; } lyr.fill("evenodd"); lyr.globalAlpha = 1; // outline lyr.lineWidth = 2; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.rect(...gridToXY([x, y]), width * cellSize, height * cellSize); // lyr.setLineDash([2, 2]); lyr.strokeStyle = `hsl(${callHueSaturation} 50%)`; lyr.stroke(); }; }; const drawWorkspace = ( lyr: Layer, scene: Scene & { type: "success"; value: { contents: unknown[][] } }, path: StackPath, pos: Vec2, opts: { badSource?: number } = {}, ) => { const { badSource } = opts; if (scene.type !== "success") { throw new Error("bad scene type"); } const lyrTop = lyr.spawnLater(); // so drop target lines go above the contents const contents = scene.value.contents; let annotation: | (ActionAnnotation & { type: "workspace-pick" }) | undefined = undefined; if (scene.actionAnnotation?.type === "workspace-pick") { annotation = scene.actionAnnotation; } const isDropTarget = badSource === undefined && path && tool.type === "workspace-pick" && stackPathToString(tool.stackPath) === stackPathToString(path); let curY = pos[1] + 10; if (isDropTarget) { drawDropTargetLine( lyrTop, pos[0] + 10, curY - 5, pos[0] + sceneW - 20, curY - 5, { type: "after", index: -1 }, ); } let removalXYWH: XYWH | undefined = undefined; let insertionXYWH: XYWH | undefined = undefined; for (let [idxInWorkspace, item] of contents.entries()) { if (idxInWorkspace > 0) { curY += 5; } const result = drawWorkspaceValue( lyr, lyrTop, item, idxInWorkspace, path, [pos[0] + 10, curY], { removalIdx: annotation?.src[0] === idxInWorkspace ? annotation?.src[1] : undefined, insertionIdx: annotation?.dst[0] === idxInWorkspace ? annotation?.dst[1] : undefined, isBad: badSource === idxInWorkspace, interactable: badSource === undefined, }, ); curY = result.maxY; if (result.removalXYWH) { removalXYWH = result.removalXYWH; } if (result.insertionXYWH) { insertionXYWH = result.insertionXYWH; } if (isDropTarget) { curY += 5; drawDropTargetLine( lyrTop, pos[0] + 10, curY, pos[0] + sceneW - 20, curY, { type: "after", index: idxInWorkspace, }, ); } } if (tool.type === "call") { const xywh = [pos[0], pos[1], sceneW, sceneH] as const; const callFlowchartId = tool.flowchartId; if (inXYWH(mouseX, mouseY, xywh)) {; lyr.globalAlpha = 0.33; lyr.fillStyle = `hsl(${callHueSaturation} 70%)`; lyr.fillRect(...xywh); lyr.restore(); } addClickHandler(xywh, () => { const { flowchartId, frameId } =; act(() => { ensureFlowchartExists(callFlowchartId); modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => setActionOnFrameOrAfter(old, frameId, { type: "call", flowchartId: callFlowchartId, }), ); }); tool = { type: "pointer" }; }); } if (insertionXYWH && removalXYWH) { const removalPt = mm(removalXYWH); const insertionPt = mm(insertionXYWH); const dist = distance(removalPt, insertionPt); const angle = angleBetween(removalPt, insertionPt); function getSector(a: number, s = 8) { return Math.floor(s * (0.5 + ((a / (Math.PI * 2)) % s))); } const sceneCenter = add(pos, [sceneW / 2, sceneH / 2]); const angleAroundCenter = ((angleBetween(removalPt, sceneCenter) - angleBetween(insertionPt, sceneCenter) + Math.PI) % (Math.PI * 2)) - Math.PI; // const arrow = getBoxToBoxArrow(...removalXYWH, ...insertionXYWH, { const arrow = getArrow(,, { bow: 0.1, stretch: 1, stretchMin: 0, stretchMax: 50, padStart: 3, padEnd: 8, flip: (getSector(angle) % 2 === 0) !== angleAroundCenter > 0, straights: false, }); => { lyr.lineWidth = 2; lyr.strokeStyle = "#fce8a7cc"; lyr.fillStyle = "#fce8a7cc"; lyr.shadowColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)"; lyr.shadowOffsetY = 2; lyr.shadowBlur = 10; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.arc(...removalPt, 3, 0, Math.PI * 2); lyr.fill(); drawArrow(lyr, arrow, { headLength: Math.min(12, dist / 4), headWidth: 8, }); }); }; }; const drawWorkspaceValue = ( lyr: Layer, lyrTop: Layer | undefined, value: unknown[], idxInWorkspace: number, path: StackPath | undefined, pos: Vec2, opt: { removalIdx?: number; insertionIdx?: number; isBad?: boolean; interactable?: boolean; } = {}, ): { maxY: number; removalXYWH: XYWH | undefined; insertionXYWH: XYWH | undefined; } => { const { removalIdx, insertionIdx, isBad, interactable = true } = opt; let removalXYWH: XYWH | undefined = undefined; let insertionXYWH: XYWH | undefined = undefined; const isDropTarget = interactable && path && tool.type === "workspace-pick" && stackPathToString(tool.stackPath) === stackPathToString(path); let left = pos[0]; if (isDropTarget && lyrTop) { drawDropTargetLine( lyrTop, left - 5, pos[1], left - 5, pos[1] + cellSize, { type: "at", index: idxInWorkspace, side: "before", }, ); } let cellContents: ( | { type: "item"; value: unknown; isAdded: boolean; idx: number } | { type: "removal" } )[] = unknown, idx: number) => ({ type: "item", value: item, isAdded: insertionIdx === idx, idx, })); if (removalIdx !== undefined) { cellContents.splice( insertionIdx !== undefined && insertionIdx < removalIdx ? removalIdx + 1 : removalIdx, 0, { type: "removal" }, ); } const lyrRemoval = lyr.spawnLater(); // grid squares for (let [i, cell] of cellContents.entries()) { const isInsertion = cell.type === "item" && cell.isAdded; const isRemoval = cell.type === "removal"; const cellPos = [left, pos[1] + cellSize * 0] as const; const xywh = [...cellPos, cellSize, cellSize] as const; if (isInsertion) { insertionXYWH = xywh; } if (isRemoval) { removalXYWH = xywh; } (isRemoval ? lyrRemoval : lyr).do((lyr) => { // the box if (isInsertion) {; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.fillStyle = "#fce8a7"; lyr.shadowColor = "#fce8a7"; lyr.shadowBlur = 8; lyr.rect(...expand(xywh, 2)); lyr.fill(); lyr.restore(); } lyr.beginPath(); lyr.lineWidth = 3; lyr.strokeStyle = isBad ? `rgba(128,0,0,0.5)` : "#70665a"; if (isRemoval) { lyr.setLineDash([4, 4]); } lyr.rect(...xywh); lyr.stroke(); lyr.setLineDash([]); if (interactable && !isRemoval && tool.type === "pointer" && path) { if (inXYWH(mouseX, mouseY, xywh)) { lyr.fillStyle = "rgba(255,200,0,0.4)"; lyr.fill(); } if (cell.type === "item") addClickHandler(xywh, () => { tool = { type: "workspace-pick", source: idxInWorkspace, index: cell.idx, stackPath: path, value: cell.value, }; }); } // the text if (cell.type === "item") { lyr.font = "14px serif"; lyr.textAlign = "center"; lyr.textBaseline = "middle"; lyr.fillStyle = ["♦", "♥"].includes(cell.value as string) ? "rgba(200,0,0,0.8)" : "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)"; lyr.fillText( typeof cell.value === "string" ? cell.value : JSON.stringify(cell.value), ...add(cellPos, v(cellSize / 2)), ); } if ( isDropTarget && tool.type === "workspace-pick" && tool.source === idxInWorkspace && cell.type === "item" && tool.index === cell.idx ) { lyr.fillStyle = "rgba(200,200,200,1)"; lyr.fillRect(...xywh); } }); left += cellSize; } if (cellContents.length === 0) { const cellPos = [left, pos[1] + cellSize * 0] as const; const xywh = [...cellPos, cellSize, cellSize] as const; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.lineWidth = 3; lyr.strokeStyle = isBad ? `rgba(128,0,0,0.5)` : "#70665a"; lyr.setLineDash([4, 4]); lyr.rect(...xywh); lyr.stroke(); lyr.setLineDash([]); left += cellSize; } if (isDropTarget && lyrTop) { // replacement line drawDropTargetLine( lyrTop, pos[0] + cellSize / 4, pos[1] + cellSize / 2, left - cellSize / 4, pos[1] + cellSize / 2, { type: "at", index: idxInWorkspace, side: "replace", }, ); } left += 5; if (isDropTarget) { drawDropTargetLine(lyr, left, pos[1], left, pos[1] + cellSize, { type: "at", index: idxInWorkspace, side: "after", }); }; return { maxY: pos[1] + cellSize, removalXYWH, insertionXYWH }; }; const drawDropTargetLine = ( lyr: Layer, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, target: (Action & { type: "workspace-pick" })["target"], ) => { const lineXYWH = [x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1] as const; const mouseXYWH = expand(lineXYWH, 5);; lyr.strokeStyle = inXYWH(mouseX, mouseY, mouseXYWH) ? "rgba(255,200,0,0.8)" : "#70665a"; lyr.lineWidth = 3; lyr.setLineDash([2, 2]); lyr.beginPath(); lyr.moveTo(x1, y1); lyr.lineTo(x2, y2); lyr.stroke(); lyr.restore(); addClickHandler(mouseXYWH, () => { if (tool.type === "workspace-pick") { const { source, index, stackPath } = tool; const { flowchartId, frameId } =; modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => setActionOnFrameOrAfter(old, frameId, { type: "workspace-pick", source, index, target, }), ); tool = { type: "pointer" }; } }); }; const drawSceneValue = ( lyr: Layer, step: Step, value: any, frame: Frame, defs: Definitions, topLeft: Vec2, ) => { value = topLevelValueForStep(step, value, traceTree, defs) as any;; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.rect(...topLeft, sceneW, sceneH); lyr.clip(); if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null && "dominoes" in value) { drawDominoes( lyr, value as any, stackPathForStep(step, traceTree), frame.action, topLeft, ); } else if ( typeof value === "object" && value !== null && "type" in value && value.type === "workspace" ) { // TODO: drawSceneValue is a big mess drawWorkspace( lyr, { type: "success", value, actionAnnotation: (step.scene as any).actionAnnotation, }, stackPathForStep(step, traceTree), topLeft, ); } else { drawOutlinedText( lyr, JSON.stringify(value, null, 2) ?? "idk", [topLeft[0] + 10, topLeft[1] + 10], { textAlign: "left", textBaseline: "top" }, ); } lyr.restore(); }; const drawScene = ( lyr: Layer, step: Step, topleft: Vec2, onHover: () => void, ) => { const { defs } = state; const frame = defs.flowcharts[step.flowchartId].frames[step.frameId]; const xywh = [...topleft, sceneW, sceneH] as const; if (inXYWH(mouseX, mouseY, expand(xywh, 10))) { onHover(); } const isOutlined = traceTree.finalStepIds.includes(; if (isOutlined) {; // lyr.shadowColor = "white"; // lyr.shadowBlur = 10; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.lineWidth = 4; lyr.strokeStyle = "white"; lyr.rect(...xywh); lyr.stroke(); lyr.restore(); } // if (step.scene.type === "error") { //; // lyr.shadowColor = "white"; // lyr.shadowBlur = 10; // lyr.beginPath(); // lyr.lineWidth = 4; // lyr.strokeStyle = "#d66047"; // lyr.rect(...xywh); // lyr.stroke(); // lyr.restore(); // } drawParchmentBox(lyr, ...xywh); => { const borderWidth = 1; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.strokeStyle = `#675E53`; lyr.lineWidth = borderWidth; lyr.stroke; lyr.rect(...expand(xywh, -borderWidth / 2)); lyr.stroke(); }); if (step.scene.type === "error") { const errorAnnotation = step.scene.errorAnnotation; if (errorAnnotation) { if (errorAnnotation.type === "workspace-pick-bad-source") { drawWorkspace( lyr, errorAnnotation.scene, stackPathForStep(step, traceTree), topleft, { badSource: errorAnnotation.source, }, ); } if (errorAnnotation.type === "scene") { drawSceneValue( lyr, step, errorAnnotation.scene.value, frame, defs, topleft, ); } } => { const borderWidth = 4; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.strokeStyle = `rgba(128,0,0,0.5)`; lyr.lineWidth = borderWidth; lyr.stroke; lyr.rect(...expand(xywh, -borderWidth / 2)); lyr.fillStyle = "rgba(30,0,0,0.3)"; lyr.fill(); lyr.stroke(); }); drawOutlinedText( lyr, step.scene.message, [topleft[0] + sceneW, topleft[1] + sceneH], { textAlign: "right", color: "#e8816b" }, ); return; } assertSuccessful(step); drawSceneValue(lyr, step, step.scene.value, frame, defs, topleft); if (tool.type === "purging-flame" && frame.action?.type !== "start") { addClickHandler(xywh, () => { const { flowchartId, frameId } = step; modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => deleteFrame(old, frameId)); tool = { type: "pointer" }; }); } if (tool.type === "dev-action") { addClickHandler(xywh, () => { const action = frame.action; const newActionStr = window.prompt( "Enter new action JSON:", action === undefined ? "" : JSON.stringify(action), ); if (newActionStr === null) return; try { const newAction = JSON.parse(newActionStr); const { flowchartId, frameId } = step; modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => setAction(old, frameId, newAction, true), ); tool = { type: "pointer" }; } catch (e) { window.alert("Can't read that JSON, sorry."); } }); } }; let lastEndTime =; requestAnimationFrame(drawLoopProtected); let t = 0; function drawLoopProtected() { requestAnimationFrame(drawLoopProtected); try { drawLoop(); } catch (e) { throw e; // pushState(examples.dominoesBlank); } } function drawLoop() { t++; // oscillate around violet const hueRotation = 250 + Math.sin(t / 100) * 15; callHueSaturation = `${hueRotation.toFixed(2)}deg 37%`; // console.log("draw"); // This one will be drawn on the real canvas const lyrMain = layer(ctxReal); const lyrAbove = lyrMain.spawnLater(); state =!; (window as any).state = state; const { defs } = state; // run program on every frame lol traceTree = makeTraceTree(); (window as any).traceTree = traceTree; // TODO: hardcoding the first flowchart const flowchart = state.defs.flowcharts[state.initialFlowchartId]; const initStep: SuccessfulStep = { id: "*", prevStepId: undefined, flowchartId:, frameId: flowchart.initialFrameId, scene: { type: "success", value: state.initialValue }, caller: undefined, }; runAll(initStep, defs, traceTree, 0); _clickables = []; const [cursorName, cursorStyle] = shiftHeld || (ix.type === "confirmed" && ix.isPan) ? ["glove1", "url('./glove1.png') 7 3, pointer"] : tool.type === "pointer" ? mouseDown ? ["glove2", "url('./glove2.png') 7 3, pointer"] : ["glove3", "url('./glove3.png') 7 3, pointer"] : tool.type === "dev-action" ? ["help", "help"] : ["none", "none"]; = cursorStyle; // draw background ctxReal.fillStyle = patternAsfault; patternAsfault.setTransform(new DOMMatrix().translate(...pan, 0)); ctxReal.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); ctxReal.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)"; ctxReal.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); const drawConnectorLine = ( lyr: Layer, start: Vec2, end: Vec2, opts: { dead?: boolean } = {}, ) => { const { dead = false } = opts; const middleX = start[0] + (end[0] - start[0]) / 2; const paddedEndX = end[0] - 10; const jointX = Math.max(middleX, paddedEndX);; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.globalAlpha = 0.2; lyr.globalCompositeOperation = "screen"; lyr.moveTo(...start); lyr.lineTo(...[jointX, start[1]]); lyr.lineTo(...[jointX, end[1]]); lyr.lineTo(...end); lyr.strokeStyle = "rgb(170, 113, 37)"; lyr.lineWidth = dead ? 2 : 5; //// or maybe we want dashed lines? // if (dead) { // lyr.setLineDash([4, 2]); // } lyr.stroke(); lyr.restore(); }; const drawFlowchartSigil = ( lyr: Layer, flowchartId: string, pos: Vec2, exists: boolean = true, ) => { drawOutlinedText(lyr, flowchartId, pos, { textAlign: "left", textBaseline: "top", size: 40, family: "monospace", color: `hsl(${callHueSaturation} 70% ${exists ? "" : "/ 50%"})`, }); if (tool.type === "pointer") { addClickHandler([...pos, 40, 40], () => { tool = { type: "call", flowchartId }; }); } }; // draw trace const scenePadX = 20; const scenePadY = 40; const callPad = 20; const callTopPad = 20; const drawViewchart = ( lyr: Layer, lyrAboveViewchart: Layer, viewchart: Viewchart, topLeft: Vec2, ): { maxX: number; maxY: number; } => { const lyrAbove = lyr.spawnLater(); const lyrBelow = lyr.spawnHere(); drawFlowchartSigil( lyrAbove, viewchart.flowchartId, add(topLeft, [0, -60]), ); if (viewchart.callPath.length > viewDepth) { // TODO: we're backwards-engineering the padding put around // the viewchart; this is dumb; for (let i = -1; i < 2; i++) { lyr.beginPath(); lyr.arc( topLeft[0] + sceneW / 2 - callPad + i * 20, topLeft[1] + sceneH / 2 - callPad, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2, ); lyr.globalAlpha = 0.5; lyr.fillStyle = patternParchment; lyr.fill(); } lyr.restore(); return { maxX: topLeft[0] + sceneW - callPad, maxY: topLeft[1] + sceneH - 2 * callPad - 2 * callTopPad, }; } const flowchart = defs.flowcharts[viewchart.flowchartId]; const initialStack = viewchart.stackByFrameId[flowchart.initialFrameId]; const r = drawStackAndDownstream( lyr, lyrAboveViewchart, initialStack, ...topLeft, viewchart, ); // final connector lines, out of viewchart for (const v of r.finalPosForConnectors) { drawConnectorLine(lyrBelow, v.pos, [r.maxX, topLeft[1] + sceneH / 2], { dead: v.dead, }); } // initial little connector line on the left const start = add(topLeft, v(-scenePadX, sceneH / 2)); const end = add(start, v(scenePadX, 0)); drawConnectorLine(lyrBelow, start, end);; return r; }; const drawInset = ( lyr: Layer, callPath: StackPathSegment[], curX: number, curY: number, maxX: number, maxY: number, ) => { const callPathStr = JSON.stringify(callPath); const w = interpTo(`inset-${callPathStr}-w`, maxX + callPad - curX); const h = interpTo(`inset-${callPathStr}-h`, maxY + callPad - curY); lyr.fillStyle = `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${0.15 * callPath.length})`; lyr.fillRect(curX, curY + callTopPad, w, h - callTopPad); // shadows (via gradients inset from the edges) // left fillRectGradient( lyr, curX, curY + 10, 15, h - 10, "rgba(0,0,0,0.7)", "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "H", ); // right fillRectGradient( lyr, curX + w, curY + 10, -15, h - 10, "rgba(0,0,0,0.7)", "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "H", ); // bottom fillRectGradient( lyr, curX, curY + h, w, -5, "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)", "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "V", ); // top fillRect(lyr, curX, curY, w, 20, "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)"); fillRectGradient( lyr, curX, curY + 20, w, -10, "rgba(0,0,0,0.7)", "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "V", ); fillRectGradient( lyr, curX, curY + 20, w, 10, "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)", "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "V", ); }; const drawEscapeRouteMark = ( lyr: Layer, centerPos: Vec2, onClick?: () => void, disabled?: boolean, ) => { const markRadius = 13; // draw a circle with shadow before drawing // the actual circle with texture because it caused perf issues // to draw the actual circle with a shadow.; lyr.shadowColor = disabled ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)" : `rgba(100,10,10,0.7)`; lyr.shadowOffsetY = 2; lyr.shadowBlur = 10; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.arc(...centerPos, markRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); lyr.fill(); lyr.restore(); // draw actual circle; lyr.beginPath(); lyr.arc(...centerPos, markRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); lyr.fillStyle = patternParchment; lyr.fill(); lyr.restore(); const flickeringOpacity = Math.sin(t / 20) / 30 + 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.05; lyr.fillStyle = disabled ? "gray" : `rgba(128,0,0,${flickeringOpacity})`; lyr.lineWidth = 1; lyr.strokeStyle = disabled ? "black" : `#24130D`; lyr.stroke(); lyr.fill();; lyr.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"; lyr.font = "25px serif"; lyr.textAlign = "center"; lyr.textBaseline = "middle"; lyr.fillText("‡", ...add(centerPos, v(0, 1))); lyr.restore(); if (onClick) { addClickHandler( [ centerPos[0] - markRadius, centerPos[1] - markRadius, markRadius * 2, markRadius * 2, ], onClick, ); } }; const drawEscapeDagger = (lyr: Layer, topPos: Vec2, height: number) => { const flickeringOpacity = Math.sin(t / 20) / 30 + 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.05; lyr.fillStyle = `rgba(162, 91, 79,${flickeringOpacity})`; const x = topPos[0]; const y = topPos[1]; const w = 4.5; const handleW = 15; // handle lyr.fillRect( x - handleW / 2, y + 7 + (Math.random() - 0.5), handleW / 2 - w / 2, w, ); lyr.fillRect( x + w / 2, y + 7 + (Math.random() - 0.5), handleW / 2 - w / 2, w, ); lyr.fillRect( x - handleW / 2, y + height - 25 + (Math.random() - 0.5), handleW / 2 - w / 2, w, ); lyr.fillRect( x + w / 2, y + height - 25 + (Math.random() - 0.5), handleW / 2 - w / 2, w, ); // blade lyr.fillRect( x - w / 2 + (Math.random() - 0.5), y + (Math.random() - 0.5), w, height, ); }; const escapeRouteDropY = sceneH - 10; const drawStack = ( lyr: Layer, lyrAboveViewchart: Layer, stack: Stack, curX: number, myY: number, ): { maxX: number; maxY: number; layerUsed: Layer } => { const stackPathString = stackPathToString(stack.stackPath); const steps = => traceTree.steps[stepId]); let maxX = curX; let maxY = myY; const hovered = (inXYWH(mouseX, mouseY, [curX, myY, sceneW, sceneH]) || hoveredStackPathString === stackPathString) && myY < c.height - sceneH; // weird stuff happens (inc. crash) if we hover a stack too close to bottom if (hovered) { hoveredStackPathString = undefined; } const stackH = 35; const layerToUse = hovered ? lyrAboveViewchart : lyr; => { for (const [stepIdx, step] of steps.entries()) { let targetX = curX; let targetY = myY + (stepIdx / stack.stepIds.length) * stackH; if (hovered) { const stackFanX = sceneW + 10; const stackFanY = sceneH + 10; const modArgs = [ myY + stepIdx * stackFanY, c.height - sceneH, myY, ] as const; targetX = curX + Math.floor(howManyTimesDidModWrap(...modArgs)) * stackFanX; targetY = mod(...modArgs); } const xy: Vec2 = [ interpTo(stackPathString + stepIdx + "x", targetX - pan[0]) + pan[0], interpTo(stackPathString + stepIdx + "y", targetY - pan[1]) + pan[1], ]; drawScene(lyr, step, xy, () => { hoveredStackPathString = stackPathString; }); if (stepIdx === 0) { // TODO: Only one step is used to determine size. This is // needed, at least, for consistent connector placement. maxX = Math.max(maxX, curX + sceneW); maxY = Math.max(maxY, myY + sceneH); } } if (stack.stepIds.length > 1) { // draw number of steps in stack drawOutlinedText( lyr, `${stack.stepIds.length}`, [curX + sceneW, myY], { textAlign: "right", size: 20, color: "#BDAA94", }, ); } if (stack.stepIds.length === 0) { const w = 60; const h = 50; drawParchmentBox(lyr, curX, myY, w, h, { empty: true, }); maxX = Math.max(maxX, curX + w); maxY = Math.max(maxY, myY + h); } }); return { maxX, maxY, layerUsed: layerToUse }; }; /** * returns maximum X & Y values reached */ const drawStackAndDownstream = ( lyr: Layer, lyrAboveViewchart: Layer, stack: Stack, myX: number, myY: number, viewchart: Viewchart, ): { maxX: number; maxY: number; initialPosForConnector: Vec2 | undefined; finalPosForConnectors: { pos: Vec2; dead: boolean }[]; } => { const lyrAbove = lyr.spawnLater(); const lyrBelow = lyr.spawnHere(); let curX = myX; let curY = myY; let maxY = myY; const { flowchartId, frameId } =; const flowchart = defs.flowcharts[flowchartId]; const frame = flowchart.frames[frameId]; const steps = => traceTree.steps[stepId]); // draw call, if any // curX is lhs of call hole let drewCallHole = false; if (frame.action?.type === "call") { const childViewchart = viewchart.callViewchartsByFrameId[frameId] as | Viewchart | undefined; if (childViewchart) { const child = drawViewchart( lyrAbove, lyrAboveViewchart, childViewchart, [curX + callPad, curY + callPad + callTopPad], ); maxY = Math.max(maxY, child.maxY + callPad); drawInset( lyrBelow, childViewchart.callPath, curX, curY, child.maxX - callPad, child.maxY + callPad, ); // TODO: think about this spacing; seems like call stack // should be more attached to call hole? curX = child.maxX + callPad; drewCallHole = true; } } // draw stack // curX is now lhs of stack const stackPathString = stackPathToString(stack.stackPath); // TODO: returning layerUsed feels bad to me const drawStackResult = drawStack( lyr, lyrAboveViewchart, stack, curX, myY, ); const stackH = drawStackResult.maxY - myY; if (drewCallHole) { drawConnectorLine( lyr, [curX - scenePadX, curY + stackH / 2], [curX, curY + stackH / 2], ); } maxY = Math.max(maxY, drawStackResult.maxY); let label = getActionText(flowchart.frames[frameId].action); if (label.startsWith("call")) { // special case to make call sigil look good for Elliot's browser font rendering drawOutlinedText(drawStackResult.layerUsed, "call", [curX, myY], { textAlign: "left", }); drawOutlinedText( drawStackResult.layerUsed, label.slice("call".length), [curX + 10, myY], { textAlign: "left", size: 19, family: "monospace", color: `hsl(${callHueSaturation} 70%)`, }, ); } else { drawOutlinedText(drawStackResult.layerUsed, label, [curX, myY], { textAlign: "left", }); } if (frame.action?.type === "workspace-pick") { const action = frame.action; const index = action.index; addClickHandler([curX, myY - 6, sceneW, 12], () => { modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => setAction( old, frameId, { ...action, index: typeof index === "number" ? "first" : index === "first" ? "last" : index === "last" ? "any" : "first", }, true, ), ); }); } if (isEscapeRoute(frameId, flowchart)) { // draw escape route mark on-top of escape route frame drawEscapeRouteMark(drawStackResult.layerUsed, [myX + sceneW / 2, myY]); } curX = drawStackResult.maxX; const buttonRadius = 20; if (inXYWH(mouseX, mouseY, [curX, myY, buttonRadius, sceneH])) { // draw semi-circle on the right lyr.beginPath(); lyr.arc(curX + 10, myY + sceneH / 2, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2); lyr.fillStyle = patternParchment; lyr.fill(); addClickHandler( [ curX - buttonRadius, myY + sceneH / 2 - buttonRadius, buttonRadius * 2, buttonRadius * 2, ], () => { modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => appendFrameAfter(old, frameId), ); }, ); } const hasSuccess = stack.stepIds .map((stepId) => traceTree.steps[stepId]) .some((step) => step.scene.type === "success"); // draw downstream let maxX = curX + scenePadX; const nextStacks = getNextStacksInLevel(stack, stepsInStacks, defs); const finalPosForConnectors: { pos: Vec2; dead: boolean }[] = []; // hacky thing to position unused escape routes or escape-route ghosts let lastConnectionJoint: Vec2 = [curX + scenePadX / 2, myY + sceneH / 2]; if (nextStacks.length === 0) { finalPosForConnectors.push({ pos: [curX, myY + stackH / 2], dead: !hasSuccess, }); } for (const [i, nextStack] of nextStacks.entries()) { if ( isEscapeRoute(, flowchart) && nextStack.stepIds.length === 0 ) { // draw unused escape route mark const markPos = add(lastConnectionJoint, [ sceneW / 2 + scenePadX / 2, escapeRouteDropY, ]); drawEscapeRouteMark(lyr, markPos, undefined, true); const w = 60; const h = 50; const xywh = [...add(markPos, [-w / 2, 7]), w, h] as const; drawParchmentBox(lyrBelow, ...xywh, { empty: true, }); if (tool.type === "purging-flame") { const { flowchartId, frameId } =; addClickHandler(xywh, () => { modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => deleteFrame(old, frameId)); tool = { type: "pointer" }; }); } maxY = Math.max(maxY, markPos[1] + h - 10); continue; } if (i > 0) curY += scenePadY; const child = drawStackAndDownstream( lyr, lyrAboveViewchart, nextStack, curX + scenePadX, curY, viewchart, ); for (const v of child.finalPosForConnectors) { finalPosForConnectors.push(v); } if (isEscapeRoute(, flowchart)) { const x = curX + scenePadX + sceneW / 2; const y = myY - scenePadY + 10; drawEscapeDagger(lyrBelow, [x, y], curY - y); } // draw connector line if (child.initialPosForConnector) { const start = [curX, myY + stackH / 2] as Vec2; const end = child.initialPosForConnector; if (!isEscapeRoute(, flowchart)) { drawConnectorLine(lyrBelow, start, end, { dead: !hasSuccess }); lastConnectionJoint = add(child.initialPosForConnector, [ -scenePadX / 2, 0, ]); } } maxX = Math.max(maxX, child.maxX); curY = child.maxY; } maxY = Math.max(maxY, curY); // do we need an escape route? if (steps.some((step) => step.isStuck) && !frame.escapeRouteFrameId) { const markPos = add(lastConnectionJoint, [ sceneW / 2 + scenePadX / 2, escapeRouteDropY, ]); // draw clickable escape route mark drawEscapeRouteMark(lyr, markPos, () => { if (!frame.escapeRouteFrameId) { modifyFlowchart(flowchartId, (old) => addEscapeRoute(old, frameId)); } }); finalPosForConnectors.push({ pos: markPos, dead: !hasSuccess });; const pos = add(markPos, v(15, 0)); lyr.translate(...pos); lyr.scale(1 + Math.sin(t / 10) * 0.1, 1 + Math.sin(t / 10) * 0.1); lyr.translate(...mul(-1, pos)); drawOutlinedText(lyr, "!?", add(markPos, v(15, 0)), { textAlign: "left", textBaseline: "middle", size: 20, color: "#A25848", }); lyr.restore(); const x = curX + scenePadX + sceneW / 2; const y = myY - scenePadY + 10; drawEscapeDagger(lyrBelow, [x, y], markPos[1] - y); maxY = Math.max(maxY, markPos[1]); } // debug box if (false) { lyr.beginPath(); lyr.rect(myX, myY, maxX - myX, curY - myY); lyr.fillStyle = "rgba(255,0,0,0.2)"; // lyr.lineWidth = 2; lyr.fill(); }; return { maxX, maxY, initialPosForConnector: [ myX, myY + (drewCallHole ? sceneH / 2 : stackH / 2), ], finalPosForConnectors, }; }; const stepsInStacks = putStepsInStacks(traceTree); const viewchart = stepsInStacksToViewchart(stepsInStacks); const lyrAboveViewchart = lyrMain.spawnLater(); const topLevel = drawViewchart( lyrMain, lyrAboveViewchart, viewchart, add(pan, v(100)), );; // is there more than one final stack? const finalStacks = Object.values(viewchart.stackByFrameId).filter( (stack) => traceTree.finalStepIds.includes(stack.stepIds[0]), ); if (finalStacks.length > 1) { const extraX = 100; drawConnectorLine( lyrMain, [topLevel.maxX, pan[1] + sceneW / 2 + 100], [topLevel.maxX + extraX, pan[1] + sceneW / 2 + 100], ); drawStack( lyrMain, lyrAboveViewchart, { stackPath: { callPath: [], final: { flowchartId: state.initialFlowchartId, frameId: "FINAL" }, }, stepIds: traceTree.finalStepIds, }, topLevel.maxX + extraX, pan[1] + 100, ); } const flowchartIds = [ ...Object.values(state.defs.flowcharts).map((f) =>, zodiacRankedInOrderOfCoolness.find((z) => !state.defs.flowcharts[z])!, ]; // draw inventory drawer // 300 const drawerWidth = 320 + 50 * flowchartIds.length; drawParchmentBox( lyrAbove, c.width - drawerWidth, c.height - 80, drawerWidth + 10, 110, { empty: true, }, ); for (const [i, flowchartId] of flowchartIds.entries()) { drawFlowchartSigil( lyrAbove, flowchartId, [c.width - 340 - 50 * (flowchartIds.length - 1 - i), c.height - 60], state.defs.flowcharts[flowchartId] !== undefined, ); } drawDomino( lyrAbove, c.width - 270, c.height - 20 - (cellSize - dominoPadding * 2), "h", false, { onClick: () => { tool = { type: "domino", orientation: "h" }; }, }, ); drawDomino( lyrAbove, c.width - 220, c.height - 20 - (2 * cellSize - dominoPadding * 2), "v", false, { onClick: () => { tool = { type: "domino", orientation: "v" }; }, }, ); drawCandle(lyrAbove); addClickHandler([c.width - 145, c.height - 160, 90, 130], () => { tool = { type: "purging-flame" }; }); // the ear => { lyrAbove.fillStyle = isPlayingBackgroundMusic ? "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)" : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; lyrAbove.textAlign = "right"; lyrAbove.textBaseline = "bottom"; lyrAbove.font = "35px serif"; lyrAbove.fillText("𓂈", c.width - 9, c.height - 35); }); addClickHandler([c.width - 38, c.height - 69, 38, 30], async () => { if (!isPlayingBackgroundMusic) { try { // On the first user interaction, try playing the audio await; isPlayingBackgroundMusic = true; } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to start audio playback:", error); isPlayingBackgroundMusic = false; } } else { // If it was already playing, just pause it backgroundMusic.pause(); isPlayingBackgroundMusic = false; } }); // the eye => { lyrAbove.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; lyrAbove.textAlign = "right"; lyrAbove.textBaseline = "bottom"; lyrAbove.font = "20px serif"; lyrAbove.fillText("𓂀", c.width - 8, c.height - 8); }); addClickHandler([c.width - 38, c.height - 33, 38, 30], () => { window.location.href = "./credits.html"; }); (window as any).DEBUG = false; if (tool.type === "pointer") { // handled by css cursor } else if (tool.type === "domino") { drawDomino(lyrAbove, mouseX, mouseY, tool.orientation, false); } else if (tool.type === "call") { drawOutlinedText(lyrAbove, tool.flowchartId, [mouseX, mouseY], { size: 40, color: `hsl(${callHueSaturation} 70%)`, family: "monospace", }); } else if (tool.type === "workspace-pick") { drawWorkspaceValue( lyrAbove, undefined, [tool.value], 0, undefined, add([mouseX, mouseY], v(-cellSize / 2)), ); } else if (tool.type === "purging-flame") { drawSpriteSheet( lyrAbove, imgCandleSheet, 1, 127, 10, [100, 100], [mouseX - 156, mouseY - 72], [300, 300], ); } else if (tool.type === "dev-action") { // handled by css cursor } else { assertNever(tool); } if (tool.type === "pointer") { // handled by css cursor } else if (tool.type === "domino") { drawDomino(lyrAbove, mouseX, mouseY, tool.orientation, false); } else if (tool.type === "call") { drawOutlinedText(lyrAbove, tool.flowchartId, [mouseX, mouseY], { size: 40, color: `hsl(${callHueSaturation} 70%)`, family: "monospace", }); } else if (tool.type === "workspace-pick") { drawWorkspaceValue( lyrAbove, undefined, [tool.value], 0, undefined, add([mouseX, mouseY], v(-cellSize / 2)), ); } else if (tool.type === "purging-flame") { drawSpriteSheet( lyrAbove, imgCandleSheet, 1, 127, 10, [100, 100], [mouseX - 156, mouseY - 72], [300, 300], ); } else if (tool.type === "dev-action") { // handled by css cursor } else { assertNever(tool); } if (tool.type === "pointer") { // handled by css cursor } else if (tool.type === "domino") { drawDomino(lyrAbove, mouseX, mouseY, tool.orientation, false); } else if (tool.type === "call") { drawOutlinedText(lyrAbove, tool.flowchartId, [mouseX, mouseY], { size: 40, color: `hsl(${callHueSaturation} 70%)`, family: "monospace", }); } else if (tool.type === "workspace-pick") { drawWorkspaceValue( lyrAbove, undefined, [tool.value], 0, undefined, add([mouseX, mouseY], v(-cellSize / 2)), ); } else if (tool.type === "purging-flame") { drawSpriteSheet( lyrAbove, imgCandleSheet, 1, 127, 10, [100, 100], [mouseX - 156, mouseY - 72], [300, 300], ); } else if (tool.type === "dev-action") { // handled by css cursor } else { assertNever(tool); } if (draggedOver) { lyrAbove.fillStyle = "rgba(128, 255, 128, 0.5)"; lyrAbove.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); } // mouse position debug if (false) { lyrAbove.fillStyle = "white"; lyrAbove.fillRect(mouseX - 100, mouseY, 200, 1); lyrAbove.fillRect(mouseX, mouseY - 100, 1, 200); } // clickables debug if (false) { lyrAbove.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 255, 1)"; lyrAbove.lineWidth = 4; for (const clickable of _clickables) { lyrAbove.strokeRect(...clickable.xywh); } } // ix state debug if (false) { => { lyrAbove.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 255, 1)"; lyrAbove.lineWidth = 4; lyrAbove.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 255, 1)"; lyrAbove.fillText(JSON.stringify(ix), 20, 20); }); } const endTime =; if (false) { drawOutlinedText( lyrAbove, `${Math.round(endTime - lastEndTime)}ms`, [10, 10], { textAlign: "left", textBaseline: "top", size: 20, }, ); } lastEndTime = endTime; if (false) { console.log("about to draw", getLayerCommandCount(lyrMain)); }; lyrMain.draw(); } } main();