import * as F from 'fluture'; export { F }; import * as ramda from 'ramda'; export { ramda as R }; // anonymize.js /** * Change each number, uppercase letter and lowercase letter * for a random number, uppercase letter and lowercase letter. * Rest of characters are kept equal, resulting in a same length * string. The algorithm returns string filled with * in cases that * changes were less than half of the characters. * @param toAnonymise The string to change. * @returns the randomized string. */ declare function anonymize(toAnonymise: string): string declare function cloneCopy(to: any, from: any, firstCleanTo: any, shallow: any): any; declare function wildcardToRegExp(pathSearch: any, flagsString: any, separator?: string): RegExp; declare function promiseAll(obj: any): any; /** * Create events by calling time(eventNames) and finish them by calling * timeEnd(eventNames). You can print the result in console by calling * report() */ declare interface Chrono { /** * Create event/s and start the timer. * @param eventNames name of the event or array with events */ time(eventNames: string | string[]): void /** * Stop the timer for the envent/s. * @param eventNames name of the event or array with events */ timeEnd(eventNames: string | string[]): void /** * console.log the following report below: * ``` * chronoCreation : 2023-11-05T11:50:54.798Z * report : 2023-11-05T11:50:56.119Z * * Timeline of events: * ┌────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ * │ Events │ ms 0 656 1198 1300 │ * ├────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ * │ step1 │ |--------------------------------------| || │ * │ step2 │ |------------------------------------| │ * │ step3 │ |-----------------------------| │ * └────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ * * Total elapse Time of each event: * ┌───────┬────────┬────────────┐ * │ name │ elapse │ percentage │ * ├───────┼────────┼────────────┤ * │ step1 │ 655 │ 36.85 │ * │ step2 │ 620 │ 34.86 │ * │ step3 │ 503 │ 28.29 │ * └───────┴────────┴────────────┘ * * Coinciding Events timeline: * ┌───────────────┬──────────┬────────────┐ * │ runningEvents │ elapseMs │ percentage │ * ├───────────────┼──────────┼────────────┤ * │ step1 │ 655 │ 51.39 │ * │ step2 │ 116 │ 9.16 │ * │ step2,step3 │ 503 │ 39.45 │ * └───────────────┴──────────┴────────────┘ * ``` */ report(): void /** * This is an implementation of Chrono().time() to use in pipeline of functions. Prepaire the time event function that will be * triggered in the execution of the pipeline. As this is for logging purposes data is passed to the next function. This function * takes the input and passes it to the next function without modifications. */ setTime: (event: string | string[]) => (data: T) => T; /** * This is an implementation of Chrono().timeEnd() to use in pipeline of functions. Prepaire the timeEnd event function that will be * triggered in the execution of the pipeline. As this is for logging purposes data is passed to the next function. This function * takes the input and passes it to the next function without modifications. */ setTimeEnd: (event: string | string[]) => (data: T) => T; /** * This is an implementation of Chrono().report() to use in pipeline of functions. Its execution will log the event reports as in * Chrono().report() and returns the same data received as input. */ logReport: (data: T) => T; getChronoState: () => {}; setChronoStateUsingPerformanceAPIFormat: (performanceGetEntriesByTypeOjb: any) => void; getChronoStateUsingPerformanceAPIFormat: () => any[]; average: () => void; } declare function Chrono(): Chrono declare function fetchImproved(...args: any[]): Promise<{ status: number; body: unknown; }>; //# declare function fletch({ url, options }?: { url: any; options: any; }): F.FutureInstance; declare function promiseFunToFutureFun(futurizePromFun: any): (...input: any[]) => F.FutureInstance; declare function ffletchMaker(fetchsDef: any, delay: any): (input: any) => F.FutureInstance; declare function logWithPrefix(title: any, displayFunc: any): (message: any) => any; declare function firstCapital(str: any): any; /** * String template funcionality. Given a string with "text {{var1}} text2 {{var2}}"" * and an state object {var1: 'fool', var2: 'bar'}. It returns a string substituting * the template variables for its value. "text fool text2 bar"" * state can be a string, an object or an array. * For mode=url a state array is converted into a list of values separated by comma. * For mode=url a state object is converted into query field=value separated by & * If mode is different to url. state is stringigify. * @example * ``` * varSubsDoubleBracket(` * { * "id": 1231, * "description": "{{description=\"This is a test\"}}", * "car": "{{plate}}", * }`, {plate:{a:3}}) //? * ``` * This will produce * ``` * `{ * "id": 1231, * "description": "{{description=\"This is a test\"}}", * "car": {a:3}, * }` * ``` * varSubsDoubleBracket('https://bank.account?account={{account}}', {account:['10232-1232','2331-1233']},'url') * https://bank.account?account=10232-1232,2331-1233 * * varSubsDoubleBracket('https://bank.account?{{params}}', {params:{a:'10232-1232',b:'2331-1233'}},'url') * https://bank.account?a=10232-1232&b=2331-1233} * * @param strToResolveVars string with variables to be substituted. The string can represent a Json or url. * @param state state with the values to substitute the template vars. * @param mode: url: for converting state arrays into separated comma field=value1,value2 * and objects into field=value & field2=value2. if mode is not specified: state is stringify. * @returns string after substituting the template vars for its corresponding values from state object. */ declare function varSubsDoubleBracket(strToResolveVars: string, state: any, mode?: 'url'): string; declare function queryObjToStr(query: any): string; declare class CustomError extends Error { constructor(name?: string, message?: string, data?: { status: number; }); data: { status: number; }; } declare function createCustomErrorClass(errorName: string): { new (name?: string, message?: string, data?: { status: number}): { name: string; data: { status: number; }; map(func: Function): any; chain(func: Function): any; message: string; stack?: string; }; of: typeof CustomError; captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void; prepareStackTrace?: (err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any; stackTraceLimit: number; }; declare function urlCompose(gatewayUrl: any, serviceName: any, servicePath: any): { gatewayUrl: any; serviceName: any; servicePath: any; url: any; }; declare function urlDecompose(url: any, listOfServiceNames: any): any; declare function indexOfNthMatch(string: any, toMatch: any, nth: any): any; declare namespace colors { const red: string; const green: string; const yellow: string; const cyan: string; const blue: string; const reset: string; const reverse: string; const fgBlack: string; const fgRed: string; const fgGreen: string; const fgYellow: string; const fgBlue: string; const fgMagenta: string; const fgCyan: string; const fgWhite: string; const bgBlack: string; const bgRed: string; const bgGreen: string; const bgYellow: string; const bgBlue: string; const bgMagenta: string; const bgCyan: string; const bgWhite: string; const bright: string; const dim: string; const underscore: string; const blink: string; const hidden: string; } declare function colorMessage(message: any, color: any): string; declare function colorMessageByStatus(message: any, status: any): string; declare function colorByStatus(status: any): string; declare function findDeepKey(objIni: any, keyToFind: any): any[]; declare function deepFreeze(o: any): any; declare function getAt(obj: any, valuePath: any): any; declare function setAt(obj: any, valuePath: any, value: any): string; /** * Create a sorter function to use as a parameter in array.prototype.sort(sorter): * It can order by several fields. If fields are equal it will uneven using * subsequent fields. * @param paths List of paths to sort by. One path for each field to order by. Route path is * of the shape. ex: 'person.details.age'. If it is only one field it can be a string. * @param isAsc Optional. Default: true. true: to order ascending. false: to order descending * @returns Return a sorter function to include in array.prototype.sort(sorter) */ declare function sorterByPaths(paths: any, isAsc?: boolean): (objA: any, objB: any) => number; declare function filterFlatMap(mapWithUndefinedFilterFun: any, data: any): any[]; declare function arraySorter(isAsc?: boolean): (a: any, b: any) => 1 | -1 | 0; declare function isPromise(obj: any): boolean; declare function sleep(ms: any): Promise; declare function sleepWithValue(ms: any, value: any): Promise; declare function sleepWithFunction(ms: any, func: any, ...params: any[]): Promise; declare function notTo(funct: any): (...params: any[]) => boolean; declare function arrayToObject(arr: any, defaultValueFunction: any): any; declare function arrayOfObjectsToObject(iterable: any): any; declare function removeDuplicates(arr: any): any[]; /** * Access each node of the object calling the reviver function. Reviver can return: * undefined: no change * traverse.skip: stop accessing subtrees * traverse.stop: stop completly the object traverse * traverse.delete: delete the current node * traverse.match(stringQuery, reviverPath) return true if reviverPath match query string * * @param objIni The object to traverse. * @param reviver The function to be called for each node * @pureFunction true: work with a deepClone of objIni, false: work with objIni passed as a parameter. * @returns Return the object after applying reviver actions */ declare function traverse(objIni: any, reviver: (value: any, path: string[], parent: any, prop: string) => any, pureFunction?: boolean): any declare namespace traverse { export const skip: symbol; export const stop: symbol; const _delete: symbol; export { _delete as delete }; } /** * Takes vertifical slices of a two nested array and calls functionToRun with each slice * @example * ``` * traverseVertically ( * functionToRun * ['marathonResults'], // List of fields for the second level nested array * [{name:'Jose',marathonResults:[12,35]},{name:'Ana',marathonResults:[1]}] * ) * ``` * This will produce folllowing calls * ``` * functionToRun([{name:'Jose', marathonResults:12}, {name:'Ana',marathonResults:1}]) * functionToRun([{name:'Jose', marathonResults:35}, {name:'Ana',marathonResults:undefined}]) * ``` * * @param functionToRun This function will be called for each vertical slice. * @param verFields Fields inside each item of the traverse array that contains the second nested arrays to iterate vertically. * @param toTraverse: Array to be traverse * @returns void */ declare function traverseVertically(functionToRun: (verticalSlice: object, runIndex: number) => any, verFields: string[], toTraverse: any[]): void /** * Totally recreate a new object with the selected values using jsonpath-plus format for queries. * * @param paths Array with the queries for the projection. First char must be + to include or - to remove * @param json Subject object to project. * @example * // returns {a:{b:{c:3,e:9}}} * project(['+$.a.b','-$.a.b.d'], {a:{b:{c:3,d:5,e:9}}}); * @returns any */ declare function project(paths:string[], json:any):any declare function copyPropsWithValue(objDest: any, shouldUpdateOnlyEmptyFields?: boolean): (input: any) => any; declare function copyPropsWithValueUsingRules(objDest: any, copyRules: any, shouldUpdateOnlyEmptyFields?: boolean): (inputObj: any) => any; declare class EnumMap { constructor(values: any); get(target: any, prop: any): any; set(_undefined: any, prop: any): void; invert(): EnumMap; } declare class Enum { constructor(values: any, rules: any); get: (_target: any, prop: any) => any; set: (_undefined: any, prop: any, value: any) => boolean; getValue: () => any; } declare function transition(states: any, events: any, transitions: any): { (event: any): any; valueOf(): any; }; declare function pushUniqueKey(row: any, table: any, indexes?: number[]): any; declare function pushUniqueKeyOrChange(newRow: any, table: any, indexes: number[], mergeFun: any): any; declare function pushAt(pos: any, value: any, arr: any): any; declare function memoize(): { memoizeMap: (func: any, ...params: any[]) => any; memoizeWithHashFun: (func: any, hashFunc: any, ...params: any[]) => any; }; declare function fillWith(mapper: any, lenOrWhileTruthFun: any): any[]; type Month = '01' | '02' | '03' | '04' | '05' | '06' | '07' | '08' | '09' | '10' | '11' | '12'; type Day = '01' | '02' | '03' | '04' | '05' | '06' | '07' | '08' | '09' | '10' | '11' | '12' | '13' | '14' | '15' | '16' | '17' | '18' | '19' | '20' | '21' | '22' | '23' | '24' | '25' | '26' | '27' | '28' | '29' | '30' | '31'; type Separator = '/' | '-' type StringDate = `${number}${Separator}${Month}${Separator}${Day}${string}`; declare function isDate(d: any): boolean; declare function isEmpty(value: any): boolean; declare function isStringADate(stringDate: string): boolean; declare function formatDate(format: any, date?: Date | StringDate): string | undefined; declare function dateFormatter(format: string): (date: Date | StringDate) => string | undefined; declare function YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss_ToUtcDate(dateYYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss: string): number; declare function dateToObj(date: Date | StringDate): { YYYY: number; MM: number; DD: number; hh: number; mm: number; ss: number; mil: number; } | undefined; declare function diffInDaysYYYY_MM_DD(iniDate: Date | StringDate, endDate: Date | StringDate): number; declare function addDays(daysToSubtract: number, date: Date | StringDate): Date; declare function subtractDays(daysToSubtract: number, date: Date | StringDate): Date; declare function previousDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6, date: Date | StringDate): Date; declare function getSameDateOrPreviousFridayForWeekends(date: Date | StringDate): Date; declare function isDateMidnight(date: Date):boolean | undefined; declare function setDateToMidnight(date: Date | StringDate): Date; declare function replaceAll(str: any, ...fromTo: any[]): any; declare function cleanString(str: any): any; declare function repeat(numberOfTimes: any): { times: (funToRepeat: any) => any[]; awaitTimes: (funToRepeat: any) => Promise; value: (value: any) => any[]; }; declare function oneIn(period: any): { calls: (runFunc: any) => { (...args: any[]): any; reset(): number; }; }; declare function loopIndexGenerator(initValue: any, iterations: any): Generator; declare function retryWithSleep(times: number, updateSleepTimeFun: (currentSleepTime?:number, index?:number)=>number, funToRun: (...params:T[])=>any, funToRunParams: T[]|undefined, shouldStopRetrying?: (result?:any)=>boolean): Promise; declare function processExit(error: any): void; declare const log: any; declare namespace RE { export { groupByWithCalc }; export { innerRightJoinWith }; export { unionWithHashKeys }; export { updateWithHashKeys }; export { between }; export { matchByPropId }; export { splitCond }; export { filterMap }; export { mapWithNext }; export { mapWithPrevious }; export { partialAtPos }; export { pipeWithChain }; export { pipe }; export { pipeWhile }; export { parallel }; export { runFutureFunctionsInParallel }; export { runFunctionsSyncOrParallel }; export { pickPaths }; export { mergeArrayOfObjectsRenamingProps }; export { RLog }; export { findSolution }; export { something }; export { uncurry }; } /** * Calculate the new value for the acum and current of the match. * @param acum first value always start with undefined. then it * will have the accumulation. Use (acum??0) for safety. * @param current value of the field to merge. */ declare function mergeFields(acum?:any,current?:any, acumRow?:any, currentRow?:any):any type mergeFieldsType = typeof mergeFields interface objCalc { [fieldCalc:string]: mergeFieldsType } /** * Group the records that using the hash(row) as input produces * the same key and apply fied calculations using each field of * the calc object. * @param groupBy hash function of the input row * @param mergeFieldsObject Object with fields and how to calculate the new value */ declare function groupByWithCalc( groupBy:(row:any)=>any, calc:objCalc ):(data:any[]) => any[] /** * Returns true if records need to be merged * @param leftRow row form left data to match * @param rightRow row from right data to match * @return true if merge is required */ declare function leftRightMatchingD(leftRow?:any, rightRow?:any):boolean /** * update matched records * @param key each of the fields for a match record * @param leftValue left value of the key * @param rightValue right value of the key * @return the new value to be assigned to the key */ declare function updateD(key?:string, leftValue?:any, rightValue?:any):any /** * introduce the rightData to join * @param rightData each of the fields for a match record * @return the final result for the innerRightJoinWith */ declare function injectRightDataD(rightData:any[]):any[] declare function injectLeftData(leftData:any[]):typeof injectRightDataD /** * Right join using condition and merge function by keys. * Response will be for each record in the right will be match with 1..N records in the left. * Left record that dont mat will not be present in the response. * Each record will be composed of the sum of fields from right and left. * If there are coincident field names. the update function will be called to resolve the value. * If update is not present, the default behaviour will be to choose the value from right. * last chain function call is to introduce right Data. * @param leftRightMatching matchinf function * @param update update function * @param leftData leftData * @return a function ready to receive rightData */ declare function innerRightJoinWith( leftRightMatching:typeof leftRightMatchingD, update:undefined | typeof updateD, leftData:any[] ):typeof injectRightDataD /** * Right join using condition and merge function by keys. * Data is introduce calling in sequence 3 times first * the params 2nd with left data and 3rd with right data. * @param leftRightMatching matchinf function * @param update update function * @return a function ready to receive rightData that when * invoke returns a function ready to receive leftData. Last * invaction with leftData will get the final result. */ declare function innerRightJoinWith( leftRightMatching:typeof leftRightMatchingD, update:typeof updateD ):typeof injectLeftData /** * Add input rows which hash is not present in the target * duplicates in the target will be deleted keeping the last row. * @param isAsc undefined: does not order. true: return result in asc order. false: in desc order * @param hashAddNoDups hash function for the input data * @param addNoDupsToTheEnd input data * @param hashMaster hash function for the target data * @param master target data */ declare function unionWithHashKeysUnc( isAsc: boolean|undefined, hashAddNoDups: (elem: T) => string, addNoDupsToTheEnd: T[], hashMaster: (elem: P) => string, master: P[] ): (T|P)[]; /** * Add input rows which hash is not present in the target * duplicates in the target will be deleted keeping the last row. * @param isAsc undefined: does not order. true: return result in asc order. false: in desc order * @param hashAddNoDups hash function for the input data * @param addNoDupsToTheEnd input data * @param hashMaster hash function for the target data * @return a function ready to receive the target data */ declare function unionWithHashKeys( isAsc: boolean|undefined, hashAddNoDups: (elem: T) => string, addNoDupsToTheEnd: T[], hashMaster: (elem: T) => string, ):(master: P[]) => (T|P)[]; declare const between: any; declare const matchByPropId: any; declare const splitCond: any; declare function filterMap(filterFun:(el:T)=>boolean, mapFun:(el:T)=>T, data:T[]): T[]; declare const mapWithNext: any; declare const mapWithPrevious: any; /** * Exclude elements of the subject Array that matches * the valuesToRemove. * You can specify the field in both Arrays for the match. * a field with value undefined will math using the value instead * of the values of the property indicated by the field */ declare function exclude(fieldToRemove:string|undefined, valuesToRemove: any[], fieldSubject:string|undefined, subjectArray:T[]):T[]; declare function pipeWithChain(...func: any[]): (...params: any[]) => any; declare function pipe(...func: any[]): (...params: any[]) => any; declare function pipeWhile(funCond: any, ini: any): (...funcs: any[]) => (...inputs: any[]) => any; declare function parallel(numberOfthreads?: number): (futuresOrValues: any) => F.FutureInstance; declare function runFutureFunctionsInParallel(numberOfThreads?: number): (functionsToRunInParallel: any) => (data: any) => F.FutureInstance; declare function runFunctionsSyncOrParallel(numberOfThreads?: number): (functionsToRun: any) => (data: any) => any; declare function RLog(prefix: any): (...obj: any[]) => any; declare function findSolution(solutionToFind: any, solutions: any): any; declare function something(lib: any): (...args: any[]) => any; declare const pickPaths: any; declare const mergeArrayOfObjectsRenamingProps: any; declare function uncurry(withLog?: boolean): (funcParam: any) => (...args: any[]) => any; declare function partialAtPos(fun: any, pos: any): (...paramValues: any[]) => any; type PlanOptions = { numberOfThreads?: number; mockupsObj?: object; }; type Plan = { /** * ```plainText * |-> fun2A -> fun3-| * fun1 --| |-> fun5 * |-> fun2B -> fun4-| * * ``` * * ```javascript * const myCalc = plan().build([ * fun1, * [fun2A, fun3], * [fun2B, fun4], * fun5 * ]) * ``` */ build: (planDef: any[]) => (...args: any[]) => any; /** * plan utility function to wrap a function to use in a plan pipeline. The tipical scenario for using this is: * ```javascript * plan().build( * [ * queryAllCustomersWithBalanceGreatThan2000, * map(fetchAddres, 5) // mapThreads = 5 * ] * ) * ``` * As queryAllCustomersWithBalanceGreatThan2000 could return 50k customers. We could be banned for the fetchAddress API. * so we need to call in batch of 5 calls. This does not affect the the default value numberOfThreads=Infinity for the * rest of the pipeline. * @param fun function to apply to every element of the input. * @param mapThreads The functions will be run in batchs of size mapThreads. * @returns a function that can be included in the pipeline. */ map: (fun: (data: any ) => any, mapThreads?: number) => (data: any) => any[]; }; /** * ```plainText * |-> fun2A -> fun3-| * fun1 --| |-> fun5 * |-> fun2B -> fun4-| * * ``` * ```javascript * const myCalc = plan().build([ * fun1, * [fun2A, fun3], * [fun2B, fun4], * fun5 * ]) * * myCalc(3).then(result => console.log(result)) * ``` * * @param options: { numberOfThreads: 3 (default Infinity) * , mockupsObj {fun1:3,fun5:Promise.resolve(4)}} (substitute the function for a value) } * @return An object with two method functions: build, plan */ declare function plan(options?: PlanOptions): Plan; declare function sanitize(obj: any, sanitizers: string[], noSanitzedUptoLogLevel: any): any; declare function lengthSanitizer(_: any, value: any): string; declare function bearerSanitizer(_: any, bearerToken: any): string; type AddColumn = ({ type, id, title }: { type: any; id: any; title: any }) => AddColumnReturn type AddColumnReturn = { addColumn: AddColumn draw: Draw } type Draw = () => string type TableReturn = { addColumn: AddColumn auto: () => { draw: Draw } } /** * stringify data in a tabular format so you can log it with: * console.log(Table(data).auto().draw()) * You can use two modes. Using auto as above gives a log * similar to console.table(data). * Using addColumns you select the fields and specify the format * console.log(Table(data). * .addColumn({ type: Text(), id: 'event', title: 'Events' }) * .addColumn({ type: Timeline(), id: 'intervals' }).draw()) * .draw()) * @param data The data to draw in the console. * @returns . */ declare function Table(data: any): TableReturn declare function center(text: any, size: any): any; declare function left(text: any, size: any): any; declare function Text({ HEADING_IDENTATION, ROW_IDENTATION }?: { HEADING_IDENTATION: typeof center; ROW_IDENTATION: typeof left; }): { loadParams: (paramId: any) => (paramTitle: any) => { id: any; load: (columnData: any) => void; getSize: () => any; heading: { nextValue: () => Generator; }; row: { nextValue: () => Generator; }; }; }; declare function Timeline(): { loadParams: (paramId: any) => (paramTitle: any) => { id: any; load: (columnData: any) => void; getSize: () => any; heading: { nextValue: () => Generator; }; row: { nextValue: () => Generator; }; }; }; export { Chrono, CustomError, Enum, EnumMap, RE, RLog, Table, Text, Timeline, YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss_ToUtcDate, addDays, anonymize, arrayOfObjectsToObject, arraySorter, arrayToObject, bearerSanitizer, between, cleanString, cloneCopy, colorByStatus, colorMessage, colorMessageByStatus, colors, copyPropsWithValue, copyPropsWithValueUsingRules, createCustomErrorClass, dateFormatter, dateToObj, deepFreeze, diffInDaysYYYY_MM_DD, exclude, fetchImproved, ffletchMaker, fillWith, filterFlatMap, filterMap, findDeepKey, findSolution, firstCapital, fletch, formatDate, getAt, getSameDateOrPreviousFridayForWeekends, groupByWithCalc, indexOfNthMatch, innerRightJoinWith, isDate, isDateMidnight, isEmpty, isPromise, isStringADate, lengthSanitizer, log, logWithPrefix, loopIndexGenerator, mapWithNext, mapWithPrevious, matchByPropId, memoize, mergeArrayOfObjectsRenamingProps, notTo, oneIn, parallel, partialAtPos, pickPaths, pipe, pipeWhile, pipeWithChain, plan, previousDayOfWeek, processExit, project, promiseAll, promiseFunToFutureFun, pushAt, pushUniqueKey, pushUniqueKeyOrChange, queryObjToStr, removeDuplicates, repeat, replaceAll, retryWithSleep, runFunctionsSyncOrParallel, runFutureFunctionsInParallel, sanitize, setAt, setDateToMidnight, sleep, sleepWithFunction, sleepWithValue, something, sorterByPaths, splitCond, subtractDays, transition, traverse, traverseVertically, uncurry, unionWithHashKeys, unionWithHashKeysUnc, urlCompose, urlDecompose, varSubsDoubleBracket, wildcardToRegExp };