; ; Karate Champ VS 2. Reverse-engineering attempt by JOTD, focusing on 2 points: ; - CPU A.I. ; - animations ; ; CF02: time when entering highscore (BCD) ; ; current level info is propagated at 3 locations which mean different things: ; ; C0DC: number (1ST, 2ND...) ; C900: map index (picture, girl) ; C910: skill level (see below) ; background_and_state_bits_C911: background+state bits ; C028: attack flags (red player/red cpu), can be 08,09,0A TODO figure out when???? ; nb_credits_minus_one_C024: 0 when no credit, then if coin is inserted, set to 1, then ; immediately decreased, while showing "press 1P button" screen ; C910: skill level / speed of computer ; 0: slow => 12: super fast. $10 seems a threshold ; aggressivity is also increased ; increasing skill level dynamically works: computer goes super ninja) ; ; C556-59: 4 bytes looks like counters. When move is completed all 4 values are 8 ; C02D ; players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D: 05 1 player vs CPU, 0F 2 players. Changing dynamically works too! ; note: there are 4 structures C200, C220, C240, C260... there are copies of data for instance C229/C22A are copied ; to C269/C26A. Not sure of everything that's written below in terms of addresses... ; C200/C240: player 1 structures ; C220/C260: player 1 structures ; C220: another structure, A.I. related, probably sharing both parties characteristics ; TODO: figure out more values from that structure, specially: ; +07/+08: frame id/pointer on frame structure of own player, used as input of check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 by A.I ; so the CPU can recognize the moves ; +09 white player x ($20 min $DF max) ; +0A: current move index (at least during practice) ; +0B/+0C: frame id, like 07/08 for opponent player. Note: bit 8 of C22C set: opponent facing right, maybe ; only important for frame display ; +0D opponent player x ; +0E oppnent move index ; +0F ($C20F): player logical distance, often addressed as bit 7,(iy+$0f) ; distance seems to be computed from the backs of the players ; bit 7 set => means current player is turning his back to opponent) ; then ; 0: back 2 back distance > 0x70 ; 1-4: opponent faces current player (which can turn its back to opponent, see bit 7) ; 1: back 2 back distance > 0x58 ; 2: back 2 back distance > 0x40 ; 3: back 2 back distance > 0x28 ; 4: back 2 back distance > 0x10 ; 5-7: opponent turns back to current player (which can turn its back to opponent, see bit 7) ; 5: back 2 back distance > 0x60 ; 6: back 2 back distance > 0x30 ; 7: back 2 back distance > 0x18 ; 8: smaller distance (<= 0x10/0x18) (at least one player must turn his back) ; ; there's a $10 (8 ?) offset depending on facing ; C240: player 1 structure ; +2: 0 when not animated, else number of ticks to stay in the current animation frame ; +7,8: animation related. Bit 7 of C248: facing direction ; C249 (+$9): player 1 x coord. Ranges $20 (32 top left) to $DF (223 right), starts at 0x30 ; C24A (+$A): player 1 y coord. $E0 when fighting. Practice: ; C24B (+$B): player 1 current move: codes below ; C24C (+$C): rough distance 0-4 ; 0: far ; 1: intermediate, facing other player (regardless of other player facing direction) ; 2: very close, facing other player ("") ; 3: intermediate, turning back to other player ("") ; 4: very close, turning back to other player ("") ; ; ; C260: player 2 structure ; C269 (+$9): x coord. starts at 0xD0 ; C26A (+$A): y coord. $E0 when fighting. Practice: $90 ; C26B: player 2 current move (see codes below). Also set during "practice" ; C26C: player 2 rough distance to player 1 0 (same as C24C for second player) ; ; for instance if white is on the left (facing right) and red is on the right, close (facing right) ; the value of ; C24C is: 02 ; C26C is: 04 ; ; changing C249 immediately reflects on player 1 (white) moving x wise ; changing C269 immediately reflects on player 2 (red) moving x wise ; players can't be exactly at the same position. At least $10 distance is required ; (setting values too close to each other results in game correcting them, same for min/max) ; ; the codes don't match exact moves, but rather the attack type ; there is often only one attack type (back kick) but sometimes there are ; several: example with front kick and weak reverse punch, that only differ ; by attack distance ; ; values marked with "**" trigger the relevant moves only when injecting ; them by setting a at AB56. Injecting 07 doesn't make CPU turn around, but ; does something else. ; ; also attacks can be triggered in other places ; 0x00: not moving, guard ; 0x01: moving back ; 0x02: moving forward ; 0x03: pre-jump (jump to avoid low blow?) ; 0x04: crouch ; 0x05: back kick ; 0x06: ** back kick ; 0x07: turn around (only CPU can do that without using an aborted back jump/round kick) ; 0x08: jumping back kick ; 0x09: foot sweep (back) ; 0x0A: front kick (can also be small reverse punch at short range apparently) ; 0x0B: back round kick ; 0x0C: lunge punch (medium 200-400 forward+forward) ; 0x0D: jumping side kick ; 0x0E: ** foot sweep (front) ; 0x0F: round kick ; 0x10: lunge punch (high 300-600 rear+up) ; 0x11: lunge punch (high 500-1000 forward+up) ; 0x12: rear sommersault ; 0x13: reverse punch (crouch 400-800) ; 0x14: low kick ; 0x15: ** low kick ; 0x16: ** low kick ; 0x17: front sommersault ; 0x18: foot sweep (front) ; difficulty level only has an effect before "CMP" level number 16 ; in CMP (champ) level and stage 16 (brige CMP if I'm not mistaken), ; difficulty dip switches are ignored, game is just super fast ; and super hard ; ;A.I: how computer maintains its moves ? ; ; - attack moves: once the attack went through (and failed), depending ; on the skill level, computer waits a while with the move frozen ; (including jumping moves, which looks a bit weird). In champion level ; from level 16, there is no wait at all. ; - blocking moves: maintaned as long as the opponent is performing ; an attack move with a matching attack height ; I should get more info about player_2_attack_flags_C028 what does the values mean (09,0A...) ; probably related to animation frames not to A.I. so less interesting 0000: C3 45 B0 jp $B045 0003: C3 59 41 jp $4153 0006: 00 nop 0007: 00 nop 0008: 00 nop 0009: 00 nop 000A: 00 nop 000B: 00 nop 000C: 00 nop 000D: 00 nop 000E: 00 nop 000F: 00 nop 0010: 00 nop 0011: 00 nop 0012: 00 nop 0013: 00 nop 0014: 00 nop 0015: 00 nop 0016: 00 nop 0017: 00 nop 0018: 00 nop 0019: 00 nop 001A: 00 nop 001B: 00 nop 001C: 00 nop 001D: 00 nop 001E: 00 nop 001F: 00 nop 0020: 50 ld d,b 0021: 58 ld e,b 0022: 78 ld a,b 0023: 59 ld e,c 0024: 4F ld c,a 0025: 54 ld d,h 0026: 31 C4 83 ld sp,$2964 0029: C5 push bc 002A: 57 ld d,a 002B: D6 23 sub $89 002D: CF rst $08 002E: 88 adc a,b 002F: CC 5B D5 call z,$755B 0032: 5D ld e,l 0033: DC 36 9A call c,$3A9C 0036: 36 9A ld (hl),$3A 0038: 50 ld d,b 0039: 00 nop 003A: 50 ld d,b 003B: 00 nop 003C: 50 ld d,b 003D: 00 nop 003E: 5E ld e,(hl) 003F: C7 rst $00 0040: 7C ld a,h 0041: 4D ld c,l 0042: 7C ld a,h 0043: 4D ld c,l 0044: 7C ld a,h 0045: 4D ld c,l 0046: 7C ld a,h 0047: 4D ld c,l 0048: F8 ret m 0049: 50 ld d,b 004A: 33 inc sp 004B: B0 or b 004C: 36 B0 ld (hl),$B0 004E: 3F ccf 004F: B0 or b 0050: CD D5 B0 call display_error_text_B075 0053: 9A sbc a,d 0054: A6 and (hl) 0055: 1E EE ld e,$EE 0057: 59 ld e,c 0058: 97 sub a 0059: 66 ld h,(hl) 005A: 03 inc bc 005B: DB B2 in a,($B8) 005D: 46 ld b,(hl) 005E: C0 ret nz 005F: 00 nop 0060: 09 add hl,bc 0061: 77 ld (hl),a 0062: 08 ex af,af' 0063: 40 ld b,b 0064: C1 pop bc 0065: 8C adc a,h ; periodic interrupt 0066: C3 42 B0 jp periodic_interrupt_B048 0069: F0 ret p 006A: 84 add a,h 006B: 75 ld (hl),l 006C: DD db $dd 006D: 08 ex af,af' 006E: 5E ld e,(hl) 006F: E2 CC 02 jp po,$0866 0072: D9 exx 0073: 02 ld (bc),a 0074: 20 02 jr nz,$007E 0076: 00 nop 0077: 08 ex af,af' 0078: 94 sub h 0079: 08 ex af,af' 007A: 04 inc b 007B: 09 add hl,bc 007C: B5 or l 007D: 05 dec b 007E: 11 09 8B ld de,$2B03 0081: 09 add hl,bc 0082: 11 09 B5 ld de,$B503 0085: 05 dec b 0086: 04 inc b 0087: 09 add hl,bc 0088: 94 sub h 0089: 08 ex af,af' 008A: FF rst $38 008B: 04 inc b 008C: 06 05 ld b,$05 008E: 41 ld b,c 008F: 08 ex af,af' 0090: 13 inc de 0091: 05 dec b 0092: 3D dec a 0093: 04 inc b 0094: E5 push hl 0095: 04 inc b 0096: 6B ld l,e 0097: 04 inc b 0098: D7 rst $10 0099: 04 inc b 009A: D0 ret nc 009B: 04 inc b 009C: 41 ld b,c 009D: 08 ex af,af' 009E: 00 nop 009F: 08 ex af,af' 00A0: FF rst $38 00A1: 04 inc b 00A2: 06 05 ld b,$05 00A4: 41 ld b,c 00A5: 08 ex af,af' 00A6: 13 inc de 00A7: 05 dec b 00A8: 4E ld c,(hl) 00A9: 08 ex af,af' 00AA: C2 08 2C jp nz,$8602 00AD: 09 add hl,bc 00AE: 3D dec a 00AF: 04 inc b 00B0: E5 push hl 00B1: 04 inc b 00B2: 6B ld l,e 00B3: 04 inc b 00B4: D7 rst $10 00B5: 04 inc b 00B6: D0 ret nc 00B7: 04 inc b 00B8: 41 ld b,c 00B9: 08 ex af,af' 00BA: 23 inc hl 00BB: 0D dec c 00BC: 3C inc a 00BD: 0D dec c 00BE: A9 xor c 00BF: 0D dec c 00C0: 3C inc a 00C1: 0D dec c 00C2: 23 inc hl 00C3: 0D dec c 00C4: 3C inc a 00C5: 0D dec c 00C6: A9 xor c 00C7: 0D dec c 00C8: FF rst $38 00C9: 04 inc b 00CA: D5 push de 00CB: 08 ex af,af' 00CC: 28 08 jr z,$00D0 00CE: 28 08 jr z,$00D2 00D0: 94 sub h 00D1: 08 ex af,af' 00D2: 94 sub h 00D3: 08 ex af,af' 00D4: 04 inc b 00D5: 09 add hl,bc 00D6: B1 or c 00D7: 04 inc b 00D8: 11 09 8B ld de,$2B03 00DB: 09 add hl,bc 00DC: 8B adc a,e 00DD: 09 add hl,bc 00DE: 76 halt 00DF: 05 dec b 00E0: E3 ex (sp),hl 00E1: 05 dec b 00E2: 92 sub d 00E3: 09 add hl,bc 00E4: FC 05 45 call m,$4505 00E7: 09 add hl,bc 00E8: 09 add hl,bc 00E9: 0C inc c 00EA: 58 ld e,b 00EB: 09 add hl,bc 00EC: 4E ld c,(hl) 00ED: 08 ex af,af' 00EE: 00 nop 00EF: 08 ex af,af' 00F0: 8F adc a,a 00F1: 04 inc b 00F2: 85 add a,l 00F3: 02 ld (bc),a 00F4: 98 sbc a,b 00F5: 02 ld (bc),a 00F6: F1 pop af 00F7: 0D dec c 00F8: 00 nop 00F9: 08 ex af,af' 00FA: CD 05 D4 call $7405 00FD: 05 dec b 00FE: 5C ld e,h 00FF: 04 inc b 0100: 21 05 C9 ld hl,$6305 0103: 04 inc b 0104: 00 nop 0105: 08 ex af,af' 0106: F8 ret m 0107: 04 inc b 0108: 8D adc a,l 0109: 08 ex af,af' 010A: 5B ld e,e 010B: 08 ex af,af' 010C: 1A ld a,(de) 010D: 08 ex af,af' 010E: 07 rlca 010F: 08 ex af,af' 0110: 00 nop 0111: 08 ex af,af' 0112: 68 ld l,b 0113: 05 dec b 0114: 6F ld l,a 0115: 05 dec b 0116: 02 ld (bc),a 0117: 04 inc b 0118: 51 ld d,c 0119: 0C inc c 011A: 15 dec d 011B: 04 inc b 011C: 88 adc a,b 011D: 04 inc b 011E: 00 nop 011F: 08 ex af,af' 0120: FF rst $38 0121: 04 inc b 0122: 06 05 ld b,$05 0124: 41 ld b,c 0125: 08 ex af,af' 0126: 13 inc de 0127: 05 dec b 0128: 3D dec a 0129: 04 inc b 012A: E5 push hl 012B: 04 inc b 012C: 6B ld l,e 012D: 04 inc b 012E: D7 rst $10 012F: 04 inc b 0130: D0 ret nc 0131: 04 inc b 0132: 41 ld b,c 0133: 08 ex af,af' 0134: 00 nop 0135: 08 ex af,af' 0136: 00 nop 0137: 06 04 ld b,$04 0139: 08 ex af,af' 013A: 00 nop 013B: 20 40 jr nz,$017D 013D: 00 nop 013E: 00 nop 013F: 00 nop 0140: 01 FE FF ld bc,$FFFE 0143: DF rst $18 0144: BF cp a 0145: 3F ccf 0146: 6F ld l,a 0147: ED db $ed 0148: F9 ld sp,hl 0149: F3 di 014A: F6 FE or $FE 014C: DF rst $18 014D: 9F sbc a,a 014E: 3F ccf 014F: 6F ld l,a 0150: ED db $ed 0151: F9 ld sp,hl 0152: FA 75 05 jp m,$05D5 0155: 5A ld e,d 0156: A0 and b 0157: AB xor e 0158: 54 ld d,h 0159: 15 dec d 015A: CA 28 24 jp z,$8482 015D: 08 ex af,af' 015E: 00 nop 015F: 60 ld h,b 0160: C0 ret nz 0161: 90 sub b 0162: 12 ld (de),a 0163: 02 ld (bc),a 0164: 04 inc b 0165: 01 00 20 ld bc,$8000 0168: 92 sub d 0169: 16 06 ld d,$0C 016B: 0C inc c 016C: 08 ex af,af' 016D: 00 nop 016E: 60 ld h,b 016F: 40 ld b,b 0170: 10 00 djnz $0172 0172: 00 nop 0173: 00 nop 0174: 00 nop 0175: 00 nop 0176: 00 nop 0177: 00 nop 0178: 00 nop 0179: 00 nop 017A: 00 nop 017B: 00 nop 017C: 00 nop 017D: 00 nop 017E: 00 nop 017F: 00 nop 0180: 8E adc a,(hl) 0181: 30 55 jr nc,$01D8 0183: 78 ld a,b 0184: 0A ld a,(bc) 0185: BA cp d 0186: 41 ld b,c 0187: 5D ld e,l 0188: 42 ld b,d 0189: 82 add a,d 018A: 40 ld b,b 018B: 80 add a,b 018C: 10 02 djnz $0196 018E: 09 add hl,bc 018F: 01 20 20 ld bc,$8080 0192: 40 ld b,b 0193: 10 02 djnz $019D 0195: 09 add hl,bc 0196: 21 60 60 ld hl,$C0C0 0199: C0 ret nz 019A: 82 add a,d 019B: 14 inc d 019C: 02 ld (bc),a 019D: 04 inc b 019E: 01 20 60 ld bc,$C080 01A1: 40 ld b,b 01A2: 80 add a,b 01A3: 02 ld (bc),a 01A4: 04 inc b 01A5: 08 ex af,af' 01A6: 01 00 20 ld bc,$8000 01A9: 40 ld b,b 01AA: 80 add a,b 01AB: 10 02 djnz $01B5 01AD: 0C inc c 01AE: 9B sbc a,e 01AF: 76 halt 01B0: 07 rlca 01B1: 11 78 75 ld de,$D5D2 01B4: 10 A9 djnz $0159 01B6: A9 xor c 01B7: 41 ld b,c 01B8: 55 ld d,l 01B9: 17 rla 01BA: 87 add a,a 01BB: 57 ld d,a 01BC: 51 ld d,c 01BD: 0A ld a,(bc) 01BE: 99 sbc a,c 01BF: E2 07 58 jp po,$520D 01C2: 14 inc d 01C3: 26 06 ld h,$0C 01C5: 46 ld b,(hl) 01C6: 89 adc a,c 01C7: 9F sbc a,a 01C8: 40 ld b,b 01C9: 75 ld (hl),l 01CA: 81 add a,c 01CB: 42 ld b,d 01CC: 60 ld h,b 01CD: 66 ld h,(hl) 01CE: 68 ld l,b 01CF: 99 sbc a,c 01D0: 76 halt 01D1: 06 78 ld b,$D2 01D3: 14 inc d 01D4: 26 C9 ld h,$63 01D6: 9F sbc a,a 01D7: 00 nop 01D8: 75 ld (hl),l 01D9: 81 add a,c 01DA: 42 ld b,d 01DB: 64 ld h,h 01DC: 60 ld h,b 01DD: 6C ld l,h 01DE: 98 sbc a,b 01DF: 66 ld h,(hl) 01E0: 0F rrca 01E1: 58 ld e,b 01E2: 14 inc d 01E3: 26 46 ld h,$4C 01E5: 0E 89 ld c,$23 01E7: 84 add a,h 01E8: 00 nop 01E9: F5 push af 01EA: 81 add a,c 01EB: 42 ld b,d 01EC: 64 ld h,h 01ED: 62 ld h,d 01EE: 7C ld a,h 01EF: 98 sbc a,b 01F0: A6 and (hl) 01F1: 19 add hl,de 01F2: 58 ld e,b 01F3: 14 inc d 01F4: 26 46 ld h,$4C 01F6: 27 daa 01F7: A9 xor c 01F8: 84 add a,h 01F9: 40 ld b,b 01FA: F5 push af 01FB: 81 add a,c 01FC: 42 ld b,d 01FD: 64 ld h,h 01FE: 62 ld h,d 01FF: 7E ld a,(hl) 0200: 00 nop 0201: 00 nop 0202: 00 nop 0203: 01 08 00 ld bc,$0002 0206: 00 nop 0207: 09 add hl,bc 0208: 04 inc b 0209: 00 nop 020A: 00 nop 020B: 05 dec b 020C: 0C inc c 020D: 20 00 jr nz,$020F 020F: 1B dec de 0210: 16 17 ld d,$1D 0212: 00 nop 0213: 1E 1F ld e,$1F 0215: 80 add a,b 0216: 00 nop 0217: 81 add a,c 0218: 88 adc a,b 0219: 89 adc a,c 021A: 20 00 jr nz,$021C 021C: 00 nop 021D: 0D dec c 021E: 02 ld (bc),a 021F: 00 nop 0220: 00 nop 0221: 03 inc bc 0222: 0A ld a,(bc) 0223: 00 nop 0224: 0B dec bc 0225: 06 07 ld b,$0D 0227: 00 nop 0228: 00 nop 0229: 0E 0F ld c,$0F 022B: 00 nop 022C: 00 nop 022D: 10 11 djnz $0240 022F: 00 nop 0230: 00 nop 0231: 18 19 jr $0246 0233: 00 nop 0234: 00 nop 0235: 00 nop 0236: 84 add a,h 0237: 85 add a,l 0238: 8C adc a,h 0239: 00 nop 023A: 8D adc a,l 023B: 82 add a,d 023C: 83 add a,e 023D: 00 nop 023E: 8A adc a,d 023F: 8B adc a,e 0240: 00 nop 0241: 00 nop 0242: 00 nop 0243: 00 nop 0244: 86 add a,(hl) 0245: 87 add a,a 0246: 00 nop 0247: 00 nop 0248: 8E adc a,(hl) 0249: 8F adc a,a 024A: 00 nop 024B: 00 nop 024C: 90 sub b 024D: 91 sub c 024E: 00 nop 024F: 00 nop 0250: 00 nop 0251: 92 sub d 0252: 93 sub e 0253: 00 nop 0254: 00 nop 0255: 9A sbc a,d 0256: 9B sbc a,e 0257: 00 nop 0258: 00 nop 0259: 97 sub a 025A: 9E sbc a,(hl) 025B: 28 00 jr z,$025D 025D: 97 sub a 025E: 9E sbc a,(hl) 025F: 9F sbc a,a 0260: 00 nop 0261: 40 ld b,b 0262: 41 ld b,c 0263: 00 nop 0264: 00 nop 0265: 48 ld c,b 0266: 49 ld c,c 0267: 00 nop 0268: 00 nop 0269: 00 nop 026A: 00 nop 026B: 98 sbc a,b 026C: 99 sbc a,c 026D: 00 nop 026E: 00 nop 026F: 94 sub h 0270: 95 sub l 0271: 00 nop 0272: 00 nop 0273: 9C sbc a,h 0274: 9D sbc a,l 0275: 00 nop 0276: 00 nop 0277: 00 nop 0278: 9F sbc a,a 0279: 40 ld b,b 027A: 00 nop 027B: 00 nop 027C: 41 ld b,c 027D: 48 ld c,b 027E: 00 nop 027F: 00 nop 0280: 49 ld c,c 0281: 44 ld b,h 0282: 00 nop 0283: 00 nop 0284: 00 nop 0285: 00 nop 0286: 00 nop 0287: 00 nop 0288: 00 nop 0289: 45 ld b,l 028A: 4C ld c,h 028B: 00 nop 028C: 00 nop 028D: 4D ld c,l 028E: 42 ld b,d 028F: 00 nop 0290: 00 nop 0291: 00 nop 0292: 43 ld b,e 0293: 4A ld c,d 0294: 00 nop 0295: 00 nop 0296: 4B ld c,e 0297: 46 ld b,(hl) 0298: 00 nop 0299: 47 ld b,a 029A: 4E ld c,(hl) 029B: 4F ld c,a 029C: 00 nop 029D: 00 nop 029E: 00 nop 029F: 50 ld d,b 02A0: 51 ld d,c 02A1: 00 nop 02A2: 00 nop 02A3: 58 ld e,b 02A4: 59 ld e,c 02A5: 00 nop 02A6: 00 nop 02A7: 54 ld d,h 02A8: 55 ld d,l 02A9: 00 nop 02AA: 00 nop 02AB: 00 nop 02AC: 52 ld d,d 02AD: 53 ld d,e 02AE: 5A ld e,d 02AF: 5B ld e,e 02B0: 56 ld d,(hl) 02B1: 57 ld d,a 02B2: 00 nop 02B3: 00 nop 02B4: C0 ret nz 02B5: C1 pop bc 02B6: 00 nop 02B7: 00 nop 02B8: 00 nop 02B9: C8 ret z 02BA: C9 ret 02BB: 00 nop 02BC: 00 nop 02BD: C4 C5 00 call nz,$0065 02C0: 00 nop 02C1: CC CD 00 call z,$0067 02C4: 00 nop 02C5: 00 nop 02C6: C2 C3 00 jp nz,$0069 02C9: 00 nop 02CA: CA CB 00 jp z,$006B 02CD: 00 nop 02CE: C6 C7 add a,$6D 02D0: 00 nop 02D1: CE CF adc a,$6F 02D3: D0 ret nc 02D4: D1 pop de 02D5: D8 ret c 02D6: D9 exx 02D7: D4 D5 00 call nc,$0075 02DA: 00 nop 02DB: DC DD 20 call c,$8077 02DE: 00 nop 02DF: D2 D3 00 jp nc,$0079 02E2: 00 nop 02E3: DA DB D6 jp c,$7C7B 02E6: 00 nop 02E7: D7 rst $10 02E8: DE 00 sbc a,$00 02EA: 00 nop 02EB: 00 nop 02EC: 00 nop 02ED: 00 nop 02EE: 00 nop 02EF: 00 nop 02F0: 00 nop 02F1: DF rst $18 02F2: 20 00 jr nz,$02F4 02F4: 00 nop 02F5: 21 28 00 ld hl,$0082 02F8: 00 nop 02F9: 00 nop 02FA: 00 nop 02FB: 00 nop 02FC: 00 nop 02FD: 00 nop 02FE: 25 dec h 02FF: 2C inc l 0300: 2D dec l 0301: 22 23 2A ld ($8A89),hl 0304: 00 nop 0305: 00 nop 0306: 2B dec hl 0307: 26 27 ld h,$8D 0309: 00 nop 030A: 2E 2F ld l,$8F 030C: 00 nop 030D: 00 nop 030E: 30 31 jr nc,$02A1 0310: 00 nop 0311: 00 nop 0312: 00 nop 0313: 00 nop 0314: 38 39 jr c,$02A9 0316: 00 nop 0317: 00 nop 0318: 34 inc (hl) 0319: 35 dec (hl) 031A: 00 nop 031B: 00 nop 031C: 3C inc a 031D: 3D dec a 031E: 08 ex af,af' 031F: 4B ld c,e 0320: 46 ld b,(hl) 0321: 47 ld b,a 0322: 00 nop 0323: 4E ld c,(hl) 0324: 4F ld c,a 0325: 00 nop 0326: 00 nop 0327: 50 ld d,b 0328: 51 ld d,c 0329: 00 nop 032A: 00 nop 032B: 00 nop 032C: 00 nop 032D: AC xor h 032E: AD xor l 032F: 00 nop 0330: 00 nop 0331: A2 and d 0332: A3 and e 0333: AA xor d 0334: 00 nop 0335: AB xor e 0336: A6 and (hl) 0337: 00 nop 0338: 00 nop 0339: A7 and a 033A: AE xor (hl) 033B: 00 nop 033C: 00 nop 033D: AF xor a 033E: B0 or b 033F: 00 nop 0340: 00 nop 0341: B1 or c 0342: B8 cp b 0343: 00 nop 0344: 00 nop 0345: 00 nop 0346: 32 33 00 ld ($0099),a 0349: 00 nop 034A: 3A 3B 00 ld a,($009B) 034D: 00 nop 034E: 36 37 ld (hl),$9D 0350: 00 nop 0351: 00 nop 0352: 00 nop 0353: 3E 3F ld a,$9F 0355: A0 and b 0356: A1 and c 0357: A8 xor b 0358: A9 xor c 0359: 00 nop 035A: 00 nop 035B: A4 and h 035C: A5 and l 035D: 00 nop 035E: 00 nop 035F: 00 nop 0360: B9 cp c 0361: B4 or h 0362: 00 nop 0363: 00 nop 0364: B5 or l 0365: BC cp h 0366: 00 nop 0367: 00 nop 0368: BD cp l 0369: B2 or d 036A: 00 nop 036B: 00 nop 036C: 20 00 jr nz,$036E 036E: B3 or e 036F: BA cp d 0370: BB cp e 0371: 00 nop 0372: B6 or (hl) 0373: B7 or a 0374: BE cp (hl) 0375: BF cp a 0376: 60 ld h,b 0377: 61 ld h,c 0378: 00 nop 0379: 08 ex af,af' 037A: 58 ld e,b 037B: 59 ld e,c 037C: 54 ld d,h 037D: 00 nop 037E: 55 ld d,l 037F: 5C ld e,h 0380: 5D ld e,l 0381: 00 nop 0382: 00 nop 0383: 52 ld d,d 0384: 53 ld d,e 0385: 00 nop 0386: 00 nop 0387: 68 ld l,b 0388: 69 ld l,c 0389: 00 nop 038A: 00 nop 038B: 64 ld h,h 038C: 65 ld h,l 038D: 6C ld l,h 038E: 00 nop 038F: 6D ld l,l 0390: 62 ld h,d 0391: 63 ld h,e 0392: 00 nop 0393: 00 nop 0394: 00 nop 0395: 6A ld l,d 0396: 6B ld l,e 0397: 00 nop 0398: 00 nop 0399: 66 ld h,(hl) 039A: 67 ld h,a 039B: 00 nop 039C: 6E ld l,(hl) 039D: 6F ld l,a 039E: 70 ld (hl),b 039F: 00 nop 03A0: 00 nop 03A1: 71 ld (hl),c 03A2: 78 ld a,b 03A3: 79 ld a,c 03A4: 00 nop 03A5: 74 ld (hl),h 03A6: 75 ld (hl),l 03A7: 7C ld a,h 03A8: 00 nop 03A9: 7D ld a,l 03AA: 72 ld (hl),d 03AB: 73 ld (hl),e 03AC: 00 nop 03AD: 00 nop 03AE: 00 nop 03AF: 7A ld a,d 03B0: 7B ld a,e 03B1: 76 halt 03B2: 00 nop 03B3: 77 ld (hl),a 03B4: 7E ld a,(hl) 03B5: 00 nop 03B6: 7F ld a,a 03B7: E0 ret po 03B8: E1 pop hl 03B9: 00 nop 03BA: 00 nop 03BB: E8 ret pe 03BC: E9 jp (hl) 03BD: E4 00 E5 call po,$E500 03C0: EC ED 00 call pe,$00E7 03C3: E2 E3 EA jp po,$EAE9 03C6: 00 nop 03C7: 08 ex af,af' 03C8: 5A ld e,d 03C9: 5B ld e,e 03CA: 00 nop 03CB: 00 nop 03CC: 56 ld d,(hl) 03CD: 57 ld d,a 03CE: 00 nop 03CF: 00 nop 03D0: 5E ld e,(hl) 03D1: 5F ld e,a 03D2: 00 nop 03D3: 00 nop 03D4: 20 00 jr nz,$03D6 03D6: F1 pop af 03D7: F8 ret m 03D8: F9 ld sp,hl 03D9: 00 nop 03DA: F4 F5 00 call p,$00F5 03DD: FC FD F2 call m,$F8F7 03E0: 00 nop 03E1: 00 nop 03E2: 00 nop 03E3: F3 di 03E4: FA 00 FB jp m,$FB00 03E7: F6 F7 or $FD 03E9: 00 nop 03EA: FE FF cp $FF 03EC: 00 nop 03ED: 00 nop 03EE: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 03F1: 00 nop 03F2: 00 nop 03F3: 00 nop 03F4: 01 08 00 ld bc,$0002 03F7: 09 add hl,bc 03F8: 04 inc b 03F9: 05 dec b 03FA: 00 nop 03FB: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 03FE: 00 nop 03FF: 00 nop 0400: 0C inc c 0401: 0D dec c 0402: 00 nop 0403: 00 nop 0404: 02 ld (bc),a 0405: 03 inc bc 0406: 0A ld a,(bc) 0407: 0B dec bc 0408: 01 00 06 ld bc,$0C00 040B: 00 nop 040C: 00 nop 040D: 00 nop 040E: 07 rlca 040F: 0E 00 ld c,$00 0411: 0F rrca 0412: 10 11 djnz $0425 0414: 00 nop 0415: 01 00 18 ld bc,$1200 0418: 00 nop 0419: 00 nop 041A: 19 add hl,de 041B: 14 inc d 041C: 15 dec d 041D: 00 nop 041E: 1C inc e 041F: 1D dec e 0420: 12 ld (de),a 0421: 00 nop 0422: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0425: 13 inc de 0426: 00 nop 0427: 00 nop 0428: 1A ld a,(de) 0429: 1B dec de 042A: 16 17 ld d,$1D 042C: 1E 1F ld e,$1F 042E: 00 nop 042F: 01 00 80 ld bc,$2000 0432: 00 nop 0433: 00 nop 0434: 81 add a,c 0435: 88 adc a,b 0436: 89 adc a,c 0437: 00 nop 0438: 84 add a,h 0439: 85 add a,l 043A: 8C adc a,h 043B: 00 nop 043C: 08 ex af,af' 043D: C0 ret nz 043E: C1 pop bc 043F: C8 ret z 0440: 00 nop 0441: 00 nop 0442: C9 ret 0443: C4 00 00 call nz,$0000 0446: C5 push bc 0447: CC 00 01 call z,$0100 044A: 00 nop 044B: 8D adc a,l 044C: 82 add a,d 044D: 00 nop 044E: 83 add a,e 044F: 8A adc a,d 0450: 8B adc a,e 0451: 00 nop 0452: 86 add a,(hl) 0453: 87 add a,a 0454: 8E adc a,(hl) 0455: 00 nop 0456: 01 8F 90 ld bc,$302F 0459: 91 sub c 045A: 00 nop 045B: 98 sbc a,b 045C: 99 sbc a,c 045D: 00 nop 045E: 00 nop 045F: 94 sub h 0460: 95 sub l 0461: 00 nop 0462: 00 nop 0463: 01 9C 9D ld bc,$3736 0466: 92 sub d 0467: 00 nop 0468: 93 sub e 0469: 9A sbc a,d 046A: 00 nop 046B: 00 nop 046C: 9B sbc a,e 046D: 96 sub (hl) 046E: 00 nop 046F: 00 nop 0470: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0473: 97 sub a 0474: 00 nop 0475: 00 nop 0476: 00 nop 0477: 9E sbc a,(hl) 0478: 9F sbc a,a 0479: 00 nop 047A: 00 nop 047B: 40 ld b,b 047C: 41 ld b,c 047D: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0480: 00 nop 0481: 00 nop 0482: 00 nop 0483: 00 nop 0484: 48 ld c,b 0485: 49 ld c,c 0486: 00 nop 0487: 00 nop 0488: 44 ld b,h 0489: 45 ld b,l 048A: 01 4C 4D ld bc,$4746 048D: 00 nop 048E: 00 nop 048F: 42 ld b,d 0490: 43 ld b,e 0491: 00 nop 0492: 00 nop 0493: 4A ld c,d 0494: 4B ld c,e 0495: 00 nop 0496: 00 nop 0497: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 049A: 00 nop 049B: 00 nop 049C: 00 nop 049D: 46 ld b,(hl) 049E: 47 ld b,a 049F: 4E ld c,(hl) 04A0: 00 nop 04A1: 4F ld c,a 04A2: 50 ld d,b 04A3: 51 ld d,c 04A4: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 04A7: 00 nop 04A8: 00 nop 04A9: 00 nop 04AA: 00 nop 04AB: 58 ld e,b 04AC: 59 ld e,c 04AD: 00 nop 04AE: 00 nop 04AF: 54 ld d,h 04B0: 55 ld d,l 04B1: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 04B4: 5C ld e,h 04B5: 5D ld e,l 04B6: 00 nop 04B7: 00 nop 04B8: 52 ld d,d 04B9: 53 ld d,e 04BA: 00 nop 04BB: 00 nop 04BC: 5A ld e,d 04BD: 5B ld e,e 04BE: 01 56 57 ld bc,$5D5C 04C1: 00 nop 04C2: 00 nop 04C3: 5E ld e,(hl) 04C4: 5F ld e,a 04C5: 00 nop 04C6: 00 nop 04C7: C0 ret nz 04C8: C1 pop bc 04C9: 00 nop 04CA: 00 nop 04CB: 28 CD jr z,$0534 04CD: C2 00 00 jp nz,$0000 04D0: C3 CA 00 jp $006A 04D3: 00 nop 04D4: CB C6 set 0,(hl) 04D6: 00 nop 04D7: 00 nop 04D8: 01 C8 C9 ld bc,$6362 04DB: 00 nop 04DC: 00 nop 04DD: C4 C5 CC call nz,$6665 04E0: 00 nop 04E1: CD C2 C3 call $6968 04E4: 00 nop 04E5: 08 ex af,af' 04E6: C7 rst $00 04E7: 00 nop 04E8: 00 nop 04E9: 00 nop 04EA: CE CF adc a,$6F 04EC: 00 nop 04ED: 00 nop 04EE: D0 ret nc 04EF: D1 pop de 04F0: 00 nop 04F1: 00 nop 04F2: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 04F5: CA CB 00 jp z,$006B 04F8: 00 nop 04F9: C6 C7 add a,$6D 04FB: 00 nop 04FC: CE CF adc a,$6F 04FE: D0 ret nc 04FF: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0502: D1 pop de 0503: D8 ret c 0504: 00 nop 0505: 00 nop 0506: D9 exx 0507: D4 00 00 call nc,$0000 050A: D5 push de 050B: DC 01 00 call c,$0001 050E: 00 nop 050F: DD db $dd 0510: D2 00 00 jp nc,$0000 0513: D3 DA out ($7A),a 0515: 00 nop 0516: 00 nop 0517: DB D6 in a,($7C) 0519: 01 00 D7 ld bc,$7D00 051C: DE DF sbc a,$7F 051E: 00 nop 051F: 20 21 jr nz,$04A2 0521: 00 nop 0522: 00 nop 0523: 28 29 jr z,$04A8 0525: 00 nop 0526: 01 00 24 ld bc,$8400 0529: 25 dec h 052A: 2C inc l 052B: 00 nop 052C: 2D dec l 052D: 22 23 00 ld ($0089),hl 0530: 2A 2B 00 ld hl,($008B) 0533: 01 00 26 ld bc,$8C00 0536: 27 daa 0537: 00 nop 0538: 00 nop 0539: 2E 2F ld l,$8F 053B: 30 00 jr nc,$053D 053D: 31 38 00 ld sp,$0092 0540: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0543: 39 add hl,sp 0544: 34 inc (hl) 0545: 00 nop 0546: 00 nop 0547: 35 dec (hl) 0548: 3C inc a 0549: 00 nop 054A: 00 nop 054B: 3D dec a 054C: 32 01 00 ld ($0001),a 054F: 00 nop 0550: 33 inc sp 0551: 3A 00 00 ld a,($0000) 0554: 3B dec sp 0555: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 0557: 00 nop 0558: 37 scf 0559: 3E 01 ld a,$01 055B: 00 nop 055C: 00 nop 055D: 3F ccf 055E: A0 and b 055F: 00 nop 0560: 00 nop 0561: A1 and c 0562: A8 xor b 0563: 00 nop 0564: 00 nop 0565: A9 xor c 0566: A4 and h 0567: 01 00 A5 ld bc,$A500 056A: AC xor h 056B: AD xor l 056C: 00 nop 056D: A2 and d 056E: A3 and e 056F: AA xor d 0570: 00 nop 0571: AB xor e 0572: A6 and (hl) 0573: 00 nop 0574: 01 00 A7 ld bc,$AD00 0577: AE xor (hl) 0578: AF xor a 0579: 00 nop 057A: B0 or b 057B: B1 or c 057C: B8 cp b 057D: 00 nop 057E: B9 cp c 057F: B4 or h 0580: 00 nop 0581: 01 B5 BC ld bc,$B6B5 0584: 00 nop 0585: 00 nop 0586: BD cp l 0587: B2 or d 0588: 00 nop 0589: 00 nop 058A: B3 or e 058B: BA cp d 058C: 00 nop 058D: 00 nop 058E: 01 00 BB ld bc,$BB00 0591: B6 or (hl) 0592: 00 nop 0593: 00 nop 0594: B7 or a 0595: BE cp (hl) 0596: BF cp a 0597: 00 nop 0598: 60 ld h,b 0599: 61 ld h,c 059A: 00 nop 059B: 21 00 00 ld hl,$0000 059E: 68 ld l,b 059F: 69 ld l,c 05A0: 00 nop 05A1: 00 nop 05A2: 64 ld h,h 05A3: 65 ld h,l 05A4: 00 nop 05A5: 00 nop 05A6: 6C ld l,h 05A7: 6D ld l,l 05A8: 21 00 00 ld hl,$0000 05AB: 00 nop 05AC: 00 nop 05AD: 62 ld h,d 05AE: 63 ld h,e 05AF: 00 nop 05B0: 00 nop 05B1: 6A ld l,d 05B2: 6B ld l,e 05B3: 00 nop 05B4: 00 nop 05B5: 01 66 67 ld bc,$CDCC 05B8: 00 nop 05B9: 00 nop 05BA: 6E ld l,(hl) 05BB: 6F ld l,a 05BC: 00 nop 05BD: 00 nop 05BE: 70 ld (hl),b 05BF: 71 ld (hl),c 05C0: 00 nop 05C1: 00 nop 05C2: 01 00 72 ld bc,$D800 05C5: 73 ld (hl),e 05C6: 7A ld a,d 05C7: 00 nop 05C8: 7B ld a,e 05C9: 76 halt 05CA: 00 nop 05CB: 77 ld (hl),a 05CC: 7E ld a,(hl) 05CD: 7F ld a,a 05CE: 00 nop 05CF: 01 00 E0 ld bc,$E000 05D2: E1 pop hl 05D3: 00 nop 05D4: 00 nop 05D5: E8 ret pe 05D6: E9 jp (hl) 05D7: E4 E5 EC call po,$E6E5 05DA: ED db $ed 05DB: 00 nop 05DC: 01 E2 E3 ld bc,$E9E8 05DF: 00 nop 05E0: 00 nop 05E1: EA EB 00 jp pe,$00EB 05E4: 00 nop 05E5: E6 E7 and $ED 05E7: 00 nop 05E8: 00 nop 05E9: 01 EE EF ld bc,$EFEE 05EC: 00 nop 05ED: 00 nop 05EE: F0 ret p 05EF: F1 pop af 05F0: 00 nop 05F1: 00 nop 05F2: F8 ret m 05F3: F9 ld sp,hl 05F4: 00 nop 05F5: 00 nop 05F6: 08 ex af,af' 05F7: 00 nop 05F8: 05 dec b 05F9: 00 nop 05FA: 00 nop 05FB: 0C inc c 05FC: 0D dec c 05FD: 00 nop 05FE: 00 nop 05FF: 02 ld (bc),a 0600: 03 inc bc 0601: 00 nop 0602: 00 nop 0603: 08 ex af,af' 0604: 0A ld a,(bc) 0605: 0B dec bc 0606: 06 00 ld b,$00 0608: 07 rlca 0609: 0E 0F ld c,$0F 060B: 00 nop 060C: 00 nop 060D: 10 11 djnz $0620 060F: 00 nop 0610: 28 00 jr z,$0612 0612: D8 ret c 0613: D9 exx 0614: 00 nop 0615: 00 nop 0616: D4 D5 00 call nc,$0075 0619: DC DD D2 call c,$7877 061C: 00 nop 061D: 08 ex af,af' 061E: 18 19 jr $0633 0620: 00 nop 0621: 00 nop 0622: 14 inc d 0623: 15 dec d 0624: 00 nop 0625: 00 nop 0626: 1C inc e 0627: 1D dec e 0628: 00 nop 0629: 00 nop 062A: 08 ex af,af' 062B: 00 nop 062C: 12 ld (de),a 062D: 13 inc de 062E: 00 nop 062F: 00 nop 0630: 1A ld a,(de) 0631: 1B dec de 0632: 00 nop 0633: 16 17 ld d,$1D 0635: 1E 00 ld e,$00 0637: 08 ex af,af' 0638: 00 nop 0639: 1F rra 063A: 80 add a,b 063B: 00 nop 063C: 00 nop 063D: 81 add a,c 063E: 88 adc a,b 063F: 00 nop 0640: 89 adc a,c 0641: 84 add a,h 0642: 85 add a,l 0643: 00 nop 0644: 08 ex af,af' 0645: 8C adc a,h 0646: 8D adc a,l 0647: 00 nop 0648: 00 nop 0649: 82 add a,d 064A: 83 add a,e 064B: 00 nop 064C: 00 nop 064D: 8A adc a,d 064E: 8B adc a,e 064F: 00 nop 0650: 00 nop 0651: 08 ex af,af' 0652: 00 nop 0653: 86 add a,(hl) 0654: 00 nop 0655: 00 nop 0656: 87 add a,a 0657: 8E adc a,(hl) 0658: 8F adc a,a 0659: 00 nop 065A: 90 sub b 065B: 91 sub c 065C: 98 sbc a,b 065D: 00 nop 065E: 08 ex af,af' 065F: 00 nop 0660: 00 nop 0661: 00 nop 0662: 00 nop 0663: 99 sbc a,c 0664: 94 sub h 0665: 95 sub l 0666: 00 nop 0667: 9C sbc a,h 0668: 9D sbc a,l 0669: 92 sub d 066A: 00 nop 066B: 08 ex af,af' 066C: 00 nop 066D: 00 nop 066E: 00 nop 066F: 00 nop 0670: 93 sub e 0671: 9A sbc a,d 0672: 00 nop 0673: 00 nop 0674: 9B sbc a,e 0675: 96 sub (hl) 0676: 00 nop 0677: 00 nop 0678: 08 ex af,af' 0679: D3 DA out ($7A),a 067B: 00 nop 067C: 00 nop 067D: DB D6 in a,($7C) 067F: 00 nop 0680: 00 nop 0681: D7 rst $10 0682: DE 00 sbc a,$00 0684: 00 nop 0685: 08 ex af,af' 0686: DF rst $18 0687: 20 00 jr nz,$0689 0689: 00 nop 068A: 21 28 00 ld hl,$0082 068D: 00 nop 068E: 29 add hl,hl 068F: 24 inc h 0690: 00 nop 0691: 00 nop 0692: 08 ex af,af' 0693: 25 dec h 0694: 2C inc l 0695: 00 nop 0696: 00 nop 0697: 2D dec l 0698: 22 00 00 ld ($0000),hl 069B: 23 inc hl 069C: 2A 00 00 ld hl,($0000) 069F: 08 ex af,af' 06A0: 2B dec hl 06A1: 26 00 ld h,$00 06A3: 00 nop 06A4: 27 daa 06A5: 2E 00 ld l,$00 06A7: 00 nop 06A8: 2F cpl 06A9: 30 00 jr nc,$06AB 06AB: 00 nop 06AC: 08 ex af,af' 06AD: 31 38 00 ld sp,$0092 06B0: 00 nop 06B1: 39 add hl,sp 06B2: 34 inc (hl) 06B3: 00 nop 06B4: 00 nop 06B5: 35 dec (hl) 06B6: 3C inc a 06B7: 00 nop 06B8: 00 nop 06B9: 08 ex af,af' 06BA: 3D dec a 06BB: 32 00 00 ld ($0000),a 06BE: 33 inc sp 06BF: 3A 3B 00 ld a,($009B) 06C2: 36 37 ld (hl),$9D 06C4: 3E 00 ld a,$00 06C6: 08 ex af,af' 06C7: 3F ccf 06C8: A0 and b 06C9: 00 nop 06CA: 00 nop 06CB: A1 and c 06CC: A8 xor b 06CD: 00 nop 06CE: 00 nop 06CF: A9 xor c 06D0: A4 and h 06D1: 00 nop 06D2: 00 nop 06D3: 08 ex af,af' 06D4: A5 and l 06D5: AC xor h 06D6: 00 nop 06D7: 00 nop 06D8: AD xor l 06D9: A2 and d 06DA: 00 nop 06DB: 00 nop 06DC: A3 and e 06DD: AA xor d 06DE: 00 nop 06DF: 00 nop 06E0: 08 ex af,af' 06E1: 00 nop 06E2: AB xor e 06E3: A6 and (hl) 06E4: 00 nop 06E5: 00 nop 06E6: A7 and a 06E7: AE xor (hl) 06E8: 00 nop 06E9: 00 nop 06EA: AF xor a 06EB: B0 or b 06EC: 00 nop 06ED: 08 ex af,af' 06EE: 00 nop 06EF: B1 or c 06F0: B8 cp b 06F1: 00 nop 06F2: 00 nop 06F3: B9 cp c 06F4: B4 or h 06F5: 00 nop 06F6: B5 or l 06F7: BC cp h 06F8: BD cp l 06F9: 00 nop 06FA: 08 ex af,af' 06FB: B2 or d 06FC: B3 or e 06FD: 00 nop 06FE: 00 nop 06FF: BA cp d 0700: BB cp e 0701: 00 nop 0702: 00 nop 0703: B6 or (hl) 0704: B7 or a 0705: 00 nop 0706: 00 nop 0707: 08 ex af,af' 0708: BE cp (hl) 0709: BF cp a 070A: 61 ld h,c 070B: 00 nop 070C: 68 ld l,b 070D: 69 ld l,c 070E: 64 ld h,h 070F: 00 nop 0710: 65 ld h,l 0711: 6C ld l,h 0712: 6D ld l,l 0713: 00 nop 0714: 08 ex af,af' 0715: 62 ld h,d 0716: 63 ld h,e 0717: 00 nop 0718: 00 nop 0719: 6A ld l,d 071A: 6B ld l,e 071B: 00 nop 071C: 00 nop 071D: 66 ld h,(hl) 071E: 67 ld h,a 071F: 00 nop 0720: 00 nop 0721: 08 ex af,af' 0722: 6E ld l,(hl) 0723: 6F ld l,a 0724: 00 nop 0725: 00 nop 0726: 70 ld (hl),b 0727: 71 ld (hl),c 0728: 00 nop 0729: 00 nop 072A: 78 ld a,b 072B: 79 ld a,c 072C: 00 nop 072D: 00 nop 072E: 08 ex af,af' 072F: 00 nop 0730: 74 ld (hl),h 0731: 75 ld (hl),l 0732: 00 nop 0733: 00 nop 0734: 7C ld a,h 0735: 7D ld a,l 0736: 00 nop 0737: 00 nop 0738: 72 ld (hl),d 0739: 73 ld (hl),e 073A: 00 nop 073B: 08 ex af,af' 073C: 00 nop 073D: 7A ld a,d 073E: 7B ld a,e 073F: 00 nop 0740: 76 halt 0741: 77 ld (hl),a 0742: 00 nop 0743: 00 nop 0744: 7E ld a,(hl) 0745: 7F ld a,a 0746: 00 nop 0747: 00 nop 0748: 08 ex af,af' 0749: E0 ret po 074A: E1 pop hl 074B: E8 ret pe 074C: 00 nop 074D: E9 jp (hl) 074E: E4 00 00 call po,$0000 0751: E5 push hl 0752: EC 00 00 call pe,$0000 0755: 48 ld c,b 0756: 00 nop 0757: FA F3 00 jp m,$00F9 075A: 00 nop 075B: F6 FB or $FB 075D: 00 nop 075E: 00 nop 075F: FE F7 cp $FD 0761: 00 nop 0762: 49 ld c,c 0763: 00 nop 0764: 00 nop 0765: 00 nop 0766: 00 nop 0767: 00 nop 0768: 00 nop 0769: 08 ex af,af' 076A: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 076D: 04 inc b 076E: 09 add hl,bc 076F: 49 ld c,c 0770: 00 nop 0771: 00 nop 0772: 00 nop 0773: 00 nop 0774: 00 nop 0775: 00 nop 0776: 0C inc c 0777: 05 dec b 0778: 00 nop 0779: 00 nop 077A: 02 ld (bc),a 077B: 0D dec c 077C: 09 add hl,bc 077D: 00 nop 077E: 03 inc bc 077F: 0A ld a,(bc) 0780: 00 nop 0781: 00 nop 0782: 0B dec bc 0783: 06 00 ld b,$00 0785: 00 nop 0786: 07 rlca 0787: 0E 00 ld c,$00 0789: 09 add hl,bc 078A: 00 nop 078B: 00 nop 078C: 00 nop 078D: 00 nop 078E: 0F rrca 078F: 10 11 djnz $07A2 0791: 18 19 jr $07A6 0793: 14 inc d 0794: 15 dec d 0795: 00 nop 0796: 09 add hl,bc 0797: 00 nop 0798: 00 nop 0799: 16 17 ld d,$1D 079B: 00 nop 079C: 1E 1F ld e,$1F 079E: 80 add a,b 079F: 00 nop 07A0: 81 add a,c 07A1: 88 adc a,b 07A2: 89 adc a,c 07A3: 09 add hl,bc 07A4: 00 nop 07A5: 00 nop 07A6: 00 nop 07A7: 00 nop 07A8: 00 nop 07A9: 00 nop 07AA: 00 nop 07AB: 00 nop 07AC: 84 add a,h 07AD: 85 add a,l 07AE: 8C adc a,h 07AF: 8D adc a,l 07B0: 49 ld c,c 07B1: 00 nop 07B2: 9B sbc a,e 07B3: 9A sbc a,d 07B4: 93 sub e 07B5: 00 nop 07B6: 9E sbc a,(hl) 07B7: 97 sub a 07B8: 96 sub (hl) 07B9: 00 nop 07BA: 00 nop 07BB: 40 ld b,b 07BC: 9F sbc a,a 07BD: 49 ld c,c 07BE: 00 nop 07BF: 00 nop 07C0: 41 ld b,c 07C1: 00 nop 07C2: 00 nop 07C3: 44 ld b,h 07C4: 49 ld c,c 07C5: 48 ld c,b 07C6: 00 nop 07C7: 4D ld c,l 07C8: 4C ld c,h 07C9: 45 ld b,l 07CA: 49 ld c,c 07CB: 00 nop 07CC: 00 nop 07CD: 00 nop 07CE: 00 nop 07CF: 00 nop 07D0: 00 nop 07D1: 00 nop 07D2: 00 nop 07D3: 4B ld c,e 07D4: 4A ld c,d 07D5: 43 ld b,e 07D6: 42 ld b,d 07D7: 48 ld c,b 07D8: 00 nop 07D9: 00 nop 07DA: 44 ld b,h 07DB: 45 ld b,l 07DC: 00 nop 07DD: 00 nop 07DE: 4C ld c,h 07DF: 4D ld c,l 07E0: 00 nop 07E1: 42 ld b,d 07E2: 43 ld b,e 07E3: 4A ld c,d 07E4: 49 ld c,c 07E5: 00 nop 07E6: 00 nop 07E7: 7D ld a,l 07E8: 72 ld (hl),d 07E9: 00 nop 07EA: 73 ld (hl),e 07EB: 7A ld a,d 07EC: 7B ld a,e 07ED: 00 nop 07EE: 76 halt 07EF: 77 ld (hl),a 07F0: 7E ld a,(hl) 07F1: 41 ld b,c 07F2: 00 nop 07F3: 00 nop 07F4: 00 nop 07F5: 00 nop 07F6: 00 nop 07F7: 00 nop 07F8: 00 nop 07F9: 00 nop 07FA: 75 ld (hl),l 07FB: 74 ld (hl),h 07FC: 79 ld a,c 07FD: 78 ld a,b 07FE: 49 ld c,c 07FF: 4E ld c,(hl) 0800: 47 ld b,a 0801: 46 ld b,(hl) 0802: 00 nop 0803: 51 ld d,c 0804: 50 ld d,b 0805: 4F ld c,a 0806: 00 nop 0807: 54 ld d,h 0808: 59 ld e,c 0809: 58 ld e,b 080A: 00 nop 080B: 49 ld c,c 080C: 00 nop 080D: 5C ld e,h 080E: 55 ld d,l 080F: 00 nop 0810: 53 ld d,e 0811: 52 ld d,d 0812: 5D ld e,l 0813: 00 nop 0814: 56 ld d,(hl) 0815: 5B ld e,e 0816: 5A ld e,d 0817: 00 nop 0818: 49 ld c,c 0819: 00 nop 081A: 00 nop 081B: 00 nop 081C: 00 nop 081D: 00 nop 081E: 00 nop 081F: 00 nop 0820: 00 nop 0821: C0 ret nz 0822: 5F ld e,a 0823: 5E ld e,(hl) 0824: 57 ld d,a 0825: 49 ld c,c 0826: 00 nop 0827: C9 ret 0828: C8 ret z 0829: C1 pop bc 082A: 00 nop 082B: 00 nop 082C: C5 push bc 082D: C4 00 00 call nz,$0000 0830: CC 00 49 call z,$4300 0833: C3 C2 CD jp $6768 0836: 00 nop 0837: C6 CB add a,$6B 0839: CA 00 CE jp z,$6E00 083C: C7 rst $00 083D: 00 nop 083E: 00 nop 083F: 09 add hl,bc 0840: 00 nop 0841: B9 cp c 0842: B4 or h 0843: 00 nop 0844: 00 nop 0845: B5 or l 0846: BC cp h 0847: 00 nop 0848: 00 nop 0849: BD cp l 084A: B2 or d 084B: 00 nop 084C: 09 add hl,bc 084D: 00 nop 084E: B3 or e 084F: BA cp d 0850: 00 nop 0851: 00 nop 0852: BB cp e 0853: B6 or (hl) 0854: 00 nop 0855: 00 nop 0856: B7 or a 0857: BE cp (hl) 0858: 00 nop 0859: 09 add hl,bc 085A: 00 nop 085B: BF cp a 085C: 60 ld h,b 085D: 00 nop 085E: 00 nop 085F: 61 ld h,c 0860: 68 ld l,b 0861: 00 nop 0862: 00 nop 0863: 69 ld l,c 0864: 64 ld h,h 0865: 00 nop 0866: 09 add hl,bc 0867: 00 nop 0868: 65 ld h,l 0869: 6C ld l,h 086A: 00 nop 086B: 00 nop 086C: 6D ld l,l 086D: 62 ld h,d 086E: 00 nop 086F: 00 nop 0870: 63 ld h,e 0871: 6A ld l,d 0872: 00 nop 0873: 09 add hl,bc 0874: 00 nop 0875: 6B ld l,e 0876: 66 ld h,(hl) 0877: 00 nop 0878: 00 nop 0879: 67 ld h,a 087A: 6E ld l,(hl) 087B: 00 nop 087C: 00 nop 087D: 63 ld h,e 087E: 6A ld l,d 087F: 00 nop 0880: 09 add hl,bc 0881: 00 nop 0882: 6F ld l,a 0883: 70 ld (hl),b 0884: 00 nop 0885: 00 nop 0886: 67 ld h,a 0887: 6E ld l,(hl) 0888: 00 nop 0889: 00 nop 088A: 63 ld h,e 088B: 6A ld l,d 088C: 00 nop 088D: F2 FF 10 jp p,$10FF 0890: 70 ld (hl),b 0891: F2 00 00 jp p,$0000 0894: 70 ld (hl),b 0895: FC F4 05 call m,$05F4 0898: 70 ld (hl),b 0899: 0C inc c 089A: F6 08 or $02 089C: 70 ld (hl),b 089D: F6 F0 or $F0 089F: 02 ld (bc),a 08A0: 70 ld (hl),b 08A1: F5 push af 08A2: F6 0D or $07 08A4: 79 ld a,c 08A5: F9 ld sp,hl 08A6: FC FC 71 call m,$D1F6 08A9: 00 nop 08AA: F2 03 70 jp p,$D009 08AD: F4 FD FD call p,$F7F7 08B0: 72 ld (hl),d 08B1: FC F7 03 call m,$09FD 08B4: 7A ld a,d 08B5: FC F3 0D call m,$07F9 08B8: E8 ret pe 08B9: FC FD 04 call m,$04F7 08BC: 70 ld (hl),b 08BD: EE F6 xor $FC 08BF: F6 79 or $D3 08C1: EE F6 xor $FC 08C3: F6 74 or $D4 08C5: FC 0C 09 call m,$0306 08C8: 72 ld (hl),d 08C9: F8 ret m 08CA: 09 add hl,bc 08CB: 09 add hl,bc 08CC: 70 ld (hl),b 08CD: FC FB FB call m,$FBFB 08D0: 71 ld (hl),c 08D1: 08 ex af,af' 08D2: FC 05 7C call m,$D605 08D5: E6 F4 and $F4 08D7: 01 E5 F8 ld bc,$F2E5 08DA: FB ei 08DB: 0B dec bc 08DC: E4 F7 F5 call po,$F5FD 08DF: 05 dec b 08E0: 71 ld (hl),c 08E1: E7 rst $20 08E2: F5 push af 08E3: F5 push af 08E4: 79 ld a,c 08E5: 15 dec d 08E6: FA 0B 70 jp m,$D00B 08E9: FF rst $38 08EA: F2 F2 79 jp p,$D3F8 08ED: 10 F8 djnz $08E1 08EF: FE 78 cp $D2 08F1: 19 add hl,de 08F2: FF rst $38 08F3: FF rst $38 08F4: 78 ld a,b 08F5: 1C inc e 08F6: 08 ex af,af' 08F7: 08 ex af,af' 08F8: 7C ld a,h 08F9: 10 F6 djnz $08F7 08FB: F6 78 or $D2 08FD: FE E6 cp $EC 08FF: 03 inc bc 0900: 71 ld (hl),c 0901: F7 rst $30 0902: F7 rst $30 0903: F7 rst $30 0904: 70 ld (hl),b 0905: 1B dec de 0906: 80 add a,b 0907: 80 add a,b 0908: 7E ld a,(hl) 0909: 04 inc b 090A: F9 ld sp,hl 090B: 09 add hl,bc 090C: 78 ld a,b 090D: 02 ld (bc),a 090E: EF rst $28 090F: 10 71 djnz $08E2 0911: F7 rst $30 0912: E6 02 and $08 0914: 78 ld a,b 0915: 0A ld a,(bc) 0916: F8 ret m 0917: 0D dec c 0918: 71 ld (hl),c 0919: 02 ld (bc),a 091A: FE FE cp $FE 091C: 70 ld (hl),b 091D: FE EB cp $EB 091F: 0D dec c 0920: 71 ld (hl),c 0921: 0D dec c 0922: F0 ret p 0923: 08 ex af,af' 0924: 72 ld (hl),d 0925: 01 F0 08 ld bc,$02F0 0928: EC 10 FE call pe,$FE10 092B: 88 adc a,b 092C: ED db $ed 092D: 03 inc bc 092E: F8 ret m 092F: 0B dec bc 0930: 7C ld a,h 0931: 0B dec bc 0932: F1 pop af 0933: 03 inc bc 0934: 77 ld (hl),a 0935: FF rst $38 0936: E7 rst $20 0937: 05 dec b 0938: 7B ld a,e 0939: 0D dec c 093A: EF rst $28 093B: 0D dec c 093C: 78 ld a,b 093D: 01 FB FB ld bc,$FBFB 0940: 70 ld (hl),b 0941: 02 ld (bc),a 0942: F0 ret p 0943: 09 add hl,bc 0944: 78 ld a,b 0945: 10 09 djnz $094A 0947: 09 add hl,bc 0948: 78 ld a,b 0949: 0E 01 ld c,$01 094B: 01 75 FC ld bc,$F6D5 094E: 05 dec b 094F: 05 dec b 0950: 70 ld (hl),b 0951: F0 ret p 0952: 00 nop 0953: 00 nop 0954: E5 push hl 0955: 19 add hl,de 0956: 00 nop 0957: 00 nop 0958: 75 ld (hl),l 0959: F0 ret p 095A: F8 ret m 095B: F8 ret m 095C: E8 ret pe 095D: F0 ret p 095E: FC F6 E0 call m,$E0FC 0961: F9 ld sp,hl 0962: FF rst $38 0963: FF rst $38 0964: 70 ld (hl),b 0965: 14 inc d 0966: 01 FF 71 ld bc,$D1FF 0969: 07 rlca 096A: 00 nop 096B: 00 nop 096C: 7E ld a,(hl) 096D: 19 add hl,de 096E: FF rst $38 096F: FF rst $38 0970: 79 ld a,c 0971: 0E 00 ld c,$00 0973: 00 nop 0974: 7E ld a,(hl) 0975: F4 FC 08 call p,$02F6 0978: 70 ld (hl),b 0979: F5 push af 097A: FA 0D 79 jp m,$D307 097D: F5 push af 097E: FA 05 79 jp m,$D305 0981: 08 ex af,af' 0982: FC FC 70 call m,$D0F6 0985: F6 F9 or $F3 0987: 08 ex af,af' 0988: 70 ld (hl),b 0989: F6 09 or $03 098B: 09 add hl,bc 098C: 70 ld (hl),b 098D: F5 push af 098E: FA 04 7A jp m,$DA04 0991: F9 ld sp,hl 0992: 09 add hl,bc 0993: 09 add hl,bc 0994: 70 ld (hl),b 0995: F9 ld sp,hl 0996: 09 add hl,bc 0997: 09 add hl,bc 0998: 70 ld (hl),b 0999: FA F4 08 jp m,$02F4 099C: 70 ld (hl),b 099D: FB ei 099E: 08 ex af,af' 099F: 08 ex af,af' 09A0: 70 ld (hl),b 09A1: 10 09 djnz $09A6 09A3: 09 add hl,bc 09A4: 79 ld a,c 09A5: 09 add hl,bc 09A6: FB ei 09A7: 08 ex af,af' 09A8: 70 ld (hl),b 09A9: F1 pop af 09AA: F5 push af 09AB: 01 72 0B ld bc,$0BD8 09AE: F8 ret m 09AF: 0C inc c 09B0: E5 push hl 09B1: 15 dec d 09B2: F7 rst $30 09B3: 05 dec b 09B4: 71 ld (hl),c 09B5: 00 nop 09B6: F0 ret p 09B7: 02 ld (bc),a 09B8: 78 ld a,b 09B9: 00 nop 09BA: EF rst $28 09BB: 0C inc c 09BC: 78 ld a,b 09BD: 14 inc d 09BE: F2 04 70 jp p,$D004 09C1: 18 F5 jr $09B8 09C3: 08 ex af,af' 09C4: 78 ld a,b 09C5: 03 inc bc 09C6: 01 01 71 ld bc,$D101 09C9: 02 ld (bc),a 09CA: 00 nop 09CB: 00 nop 09CC: 78 ld a,b 09CD: 04 inc b 09CE: EF rst $28 09CF: 10 70 djnz $09A1 09D1: 14 inc d 09D2: FA FA 70 jp m,$D0FA 09D5: 04 inc b 09D6: F8 ret m 09D7: 03 inc bc 09D8: 70 ld (hl),b 09D9: 00 nop 09DA: EE 03 xor $09 09DC: 70 ld (hl),b 09DD: 14 inc d 09DE: F6 0D or $07 09E0: 75 ld (hl),l 09E1: 02 ld (bc),a 09E2: E7 rst $20 09E3: 04 inc b 09E4: 72 ld (hl),d 09E5: FA E6 00 jp m,$00EC 09E8: E9 jp (hl) 09E9: 11 F4 04 ld de,$04F4 09EC: E5 push hl 09ED: 10 F2 djnz $09E7 09EF: 0D dec c 09F0: 70 ld (hl),b 09F1: 07 rlca 09F2: F9 ld sp,hl 09F3: 0A ld a,(bc) 09F4: 71 ld (hl),c 09F5: 06 F8 ld b,$F2 09F7: 02 ld (bc),a 09F8: 71 ld (hl),c 09F9: 07 rlca 09FA: F8 ret m 09FB: 03 inc bc 09FC: 70 ld (hl),b 09FD: 06 F1 ld b,$F1 09FF: 02 ld (bc),a 0A00: 70 ld (hl),b 0A01: 0A ld a,(bc) 0A02: EF rst $28 0A03: 18 70 jr $09D5 0A05: 14 inc d 0A06: F3 di 0A07: 0B dec bc 0A08: 70 ld (hl),b 0A09: 0F rrca 0A0A: F4 0B 70 call p,$D00B 0A0D: 00 nop 0A0E: FC 07 70 call m,$D00D 0A11: 04 inc b 0A12: F1 pop af 0A13: 03 inc bc 0A14: 70 ld (hl),b 0A15: 0B dec bc 0A16: F0 ret p 0A17: 02 ld (bc),a 0A18: 70 ld (hl),b 0A19: 0C inc c 0A1A: EE 0C xor $06 0A1C: 71 ld (hl),c 0A1D: 10 F2 djnz $0A17 0A1F: 0B dec bc 0A20: 70 ld (hl),b 0A21: 07 rlca 0A22: F5 push af 0A23: 0A ld a,(bc) 0A24: 70 ld (hl),b 0A25: F6 F1 or $F1 0A27: 0C inc c 0A28: 70 ld (hl),b 0A29: 03 inc bc 0A2A: F0 ret p 0A2B: 05 dec b 0A2C: 70 ld (hl),b 0A2D: 0A ld a,(bc) 0A2E: F0 ret p 0A2F: 05 dec b 0A30: 74 ld (hl),h 0A31: 00 nop 0A32: F2 F2 78 jp p,$D2F8 0A35: 00 nop 0A36: 07 rlca 0A37: 07 rlca 0A38: 7F ld a,a 0A39: 00 nop 0A3A: 02 ld (bc),a 0A3B: 02 ld (bc),a 0A3C: E2 00 F2 jp po,$F800 0A3F: F2 70 00 jp p,$00D0 0A42: F0 ret p 0A43: F0 ret p 0A44: E1 pop hl 0A45: 00 nop 0A46: F5 push af 0A47: F5 push af 0A48: 7E ld a,(hl) 0A49: 00 nop 0A4A: E9 jp (hl) 0A4B: E9 jp (hl) 0A4C: F3 di 0A4D: 00 nop 0A4E: 0D dec c 0A4F: 0D dec c 0A50: 70 ld (hl),b 0A51: 00 nop 0A52: 0D dec c 0A53: 0D dec c 0A54: 7C ld a,h 0A55: 00 nop 0A56: 00 nop 0A57: 00 nop 0A58: FC 00 03 call m,$0900 0A5B: F1 pop af 0A5C: 70 ld (hl),b 0A5D: 00 nop 0A5E: 04 inc b 0A5F: F2 76 00 jp p,$00DC 0A62: 00 nop 0A63: 00 nop 0A64: FD db $fd 0A65: 00 nop 0A66: F2 F2 70 jp p,$D0F8 0A69: 00 nop 0A6A: 06 06 ld b,$0C 0A6C: 70 ld (hl),b 0A6D: 00 nop 0A6E: EA EA FC jp pe,$F6EA 0A71: 00 nop 0A72: 00 nop 0A73: 00 nop 0A74: 00 nop 0A75: 00 nop 0A76: 00 nop 0A77: 00 nop 0A78: 00 nop 0A79: 00 nop 0A7A: 00 nop 0A7B: 00 nop 0A7C: 00 nop 0A7D: 00 nop 0A7E: 00 nop 0A7F: 00 nop 0A80: 00 nop 0A81: 00 nop 0A82: 00 nop 0A83: 00 nop 0A84: 00 nop 0A85: 00 nop 0A86: 00 nop 0A87: 00 nop 0A88: 00 nop 0A89: 00 nop 0A8A: 08 ex af,af' 0A8B: 00 nop 0A8C: 00 nop 0A8D: 00 nop 0A8E: 01 BA 1B ld bc,$1BBA 0A91: 00 nop 0A92: 07 rlca 0A93: 08 ex af,af' 0A94: 00 nop 0A95: 00 nop 0A96: 00 nop 0A97: 01 D0 16 ld bc,$1C70 0A9A: 00 nop 0A9B: 1A ld a,(de) 0A9C: 08 ex af,af' 0A9D: 00 nop 0A9E: 00 nop 0A9F: 00 nop 0AA0: 01 8C 17 ld bc,$1D26 0AA3: 00 nop 0AA4: 5B ld e,e 0AA5: 08 ex af,af' 0AA6: 00 nop 0AA7: 00 nop 0AA8: 00 nop 0AA9: 01 76 17 ld bc,$1DDC 0AAC: 00 nop 0AAD: 8D adc a,l 0AAE: 08 ex af,af' 0AAF: 00 nop 0AB0: 00 nop 0AB1: 00 nop 0AB2: 01 38 1E ld bc,$1E92 0AB5: 00 nop 0AB6: F8 ret m 0AB7: 04 inc b 0AB8: 00 nop 0AB9: 00 nop 0ABA: 00 nop 0ABB: 01 42 1F ld bc,$1F48 0ABE: 00 nop 0ABF: 1E 09 ld e,$03 0AC1: 00 nop 0AC2: 00 nop 0AC3: 00 nop 0AC4: 01 FE 1F ld bc,$1FFE 0AC7: 00 nop 0AC8: 94 sub h 0AC9: 08 ex af,af' 0ACA: 00 nop 0ACB: 00 nop 0ACC: 00 nop 0ACD: 01 B4 80 ld bc,$20B4 0AD0: 00 nop 0AD1: 07 rlca 0AD2: 08 ex af,af' 0AD3: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0AD6: 04 inc b 0AD7: CA 81 00 jp z,$0021 0ADA: 1E 09 ld e,$03 0ADC: 05 dec b 0ADD: 00 nop 0ADE: 00 nop 0ADF: 04 inc b 0AE0: D1 pop de 0AE1: 81 add a,c 0AE2: 00 nop 0AE3: F8 ret m 0AE4: 04 inc b 0AE5: 06 00 ld b,$00 0AE7: 00 nop 0AE8: 04 inc b 0AE9: D2 81 00 jp nc,$0021 0AEC: 94 sub h 0AED: 08 ex af,af' 0AEE: 0F rrca 0AEF: 00 nop 0AF0: 00 nop 0AF1: 04 inc b 0AF2: DF rst $18 0AF3: 81 add a,c 0AF4: 00 nop 0AF5: FF rst $38 0AF6: 04 inc b 0AF7: 05 dec b 0AF8: 00 nop 0AF9: 00 nop 0AFA: 01 2C 81 ld bc,$2186 0AFD: 10 FF djnz $0AFE 0AFF: 04 inc b 0B00: 00 nop 0B01: 00 nop 0B02: 00 nop 0B03: 08 ex af,af' 0B04: 27 daa 0B05: 81 add a,c 0B06: 10 06 djnz $0B14 0B08: 05 dec b 0B09: 08 ex af,af' 0B0A: 00 nop 0B0B: 00 nop 0B0C: 08 ex af,af' 0B0D: BD cp l 0B0E: 81 add a,c 0B0F: 10 41 djnz $0B52 0B11: 08 ex af,af' 0B12: FE 00 cp $00 0B14: 00 nop 0B15: 08 ex af,af' 0B16: E1 pop hl 0B17: 81 add a,c 0B18: 10 13 djnz $0B33 0B1A: 05 dec b 0B1B: 0C inc c 0B1C: 00 nop 0B1D: 00 nop 0B1E: 08 ex af,af' 0B1F: 0B dec bc 0B20: 88 adc a,b 0B21: 10 4E djnz $0B71 0B23: 08 ex af,af' 0B24: 00 nop 0B25: 00 nop 0B26: 00 nop 0B27: 09 add hl,bc 0B28: 8D adc a,l 0B29: 88 adc a,b 0B2A: 10 13 djnz $0B45 0B2C: 05 dec b 0B2D: 00 nop 0B2E: 00 nop 0B2F: 00 nop 0B30: 05 dec b 0B31: 95 sub l 0B32: 88 adc a,b 0B33: 00 nop 0B34: 41 ld b,c 0B35: 08 ex af,af' 0B36: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 0B39: 05 dec b 0B3A: 96 sub (hl) 0B3B: 88 adc a,b 0B3C: 00 nop 0B3D: 06 05 ld b,$05 0B3F: 08 ex af,af' 0B40: 00 nop 0B41: 00 nop 0B42: 05 dec b 0B43: 49 ld c,c 0B44: 88 adc a,b 0B45: 00 nop 0B46: FF rst $38 0B47: 04 inc b 0B48: FE 00 cp $00 0B4A: 00 nop 0B4B: 05 dec b 0B4C: 4A ld c,d 0B4D: 88 adc a,b 0B4E: 00 nop 0B4F: 00 nop 0B50: 08 ex af,af' 0B51: FB ei 0B52: 00 nop 0B53: 00 nop 0B54: 05 dec b 0B55: 51 ld d,c 0B56: 88 adc a,b 0B57: 00 nop 0B58: BC cp h 0B59: 08 ex af,af' 0B5A: 04 inc b 0B5B: 00 nop 0B5C: 00 nop 0B5D: 05 dec b 0B5E: 52 ld d,d 0B5F: 88 adc a,b 0B60: 00 nop 0B61: 40 ld b,b 0B62: 05 dec b 0B63: 00 nop 0B64: 00 nop 0B65: 00 nop 0B66: 05 dec b 0B67: CC 88 00 call z,$0022 0B6A: 47 ld b,a 0B6B: 05 dec b 0B6C: 04 inc b 0B6D: 00 nop 0B6E: 00 nop 0B6F: 05 dec b 0B70: D4 88 00 call nc,$0022 0B73: 4E ld c,(hl) 0B74: 08 ex af,af' 0B75: 01 05 00 ld bc,$0005 0B78: 05 dec b 0B79: 28 88 jr z,$0B9D 0B7B: 10 41 djnz $0BBE 0B7D: 08 ex af,af' 0B7E: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 0B81: 05 dec b 0B82: 23 inc hl 0B83: 88 adc a,b 0B84: 00 nop 0B85: 00 nop 0B86: 08 ex af,af' 0B87: F7 rst $30 0B88: 00 nop 0B89: 00 nop 0B8A: 09 add hl,bc 0B8B: 30 88 jr nc,$0BAF 0B8D: 00 nop 0B8E: C2 08 FF jp nz,$FF02 0B91: FB ei 0B92: 00 nop 0B93: 09 add hl,bc 0B94: 3D dec a 0B95: 88 adc a,b 0B96: 10 C2 djnz $0C00 0B98: 08 ex af,af' 0B99: 00 nop 0B9A: FB ei 0B9B: 00 nop 0B9C: 09 add hl,bc 0B9D: A5 and l 0B9E: 88 adc a,b 0B9F: 10 C2 djnz $0C09 0BA1: 08 ex af,af' 0BA2: 00 nop 0BA3: FB ei 0BA4: 00 nop 0BA5: 09 add hl,bc 0BA6: B9 cp c 0BA7: 88 adc a,b 0BA8: 10 C2 djnz $0C12 0BAA: 08 ex af,af' 0BAB: 00 nop 0BAC: FB ei 0BAD: 00 nop 0BAE: 09 add hl,bc 0BAF: 00 nop 0BB0: 89 adc a,c 0BB1: 10 C2 djnz $0C1B 0BB3: 08 ex af,af' 0BB4: 00 nop 0BB5: FB ei 0BB6: 00 nop 0BB7: 09 add hl,bc 0BB8: 6F ld l,a 0BB9: 88 adc a,b 0BBA: 10 C2 djnz $0C24 0BBC: 08 ex af,af' 0BBD: 00 nop 0BBE: FB ei 0BBF: 00 nop 0BC0: 09 add hl,bc 0BC1: 77 ld (hl),a 0BC2: 88 adc a,b 0BC3: 10 C2 djnz $0C2D 0BC5: 08 ex af,af' 0BC6: 00 nop 0BC7: F6 00 or $00 0BC9: 09 add hl,bc 0BCA: EB ex de,hl 0BCB: 88 adc a,b 0BCC: 10 C2 djnz $0C36 0BCE: 08 ex af,af' 0BCF: 00 nop 0BD0: 04 inc b 0BD1: 00 nop 0BD2: 09 add hl,bc 0BD3: F8 ret m 0BD4: 88 adc a,b 0BD5: 10 C2 djnz $0C3F 0BD7: 08 ex af,af' 0BD8: 00 nop 0BD9: 05 dec b 0BDA: 00 nop 0BDB: 09 add hl,bc 0BDC: F3 di 0BDD: 88 adc a,b 0BDE: 10 C2 djnz $0C48 0BE0: 08 ex af,af' 0BE1: 00 nop 0BE2: 05 dec b 0BE3: 00 nop 0BE4: 09 add hl,bc 0BE5: 00 nop 0BE6: 89 adc a,c 0BE7: 10 C2 djnz $0C51 0BE9: 08 ex af,af' 0BEA: 00 nop 0BEB: 05 dec b 0BEC: 00 nop 0BED: 09 add hl,bc 0BEE: 0D dec c 0BEF: 89 adc a,c 0BF0: 10 C2 djnz $0C5A 0BF2: 08 ex af,af' 0BF3: 00 nop 0BF4: 05 dec b 0BF5: 00 nop 0BF6: 09 add hl,bc 0BF7: 0E 89 ld c,$23 0BF9: 10 C2 djnz $0C63 0BFB: 08 ex af,af' 0BFC: 00 nop 0BFD: 05 dec b 0BFE: 00 nop 0BFF: 09 add hl,bc 0C00: 15 dec d 0C01: 89 adc a,c 0C02: 10 FF djnz $0C03 0C04: 04 inc b 0C05: 05 dec b 0C06: 00 nop 0C07: 00 nop 0C08: 04 inc b 0C09: 16 89 ld d,$23 0C0B: 19 add hl,de 0C0C: FF rst $38 0C0D: 04 inc b 0C0E: 00 nop 0C0F: 00 nop 0C10: 00 nop 0C11: 04 inc b 0C12: 89 adc a,c 0C13: 89 adc a,c 0C14: 19 add hl,de 0C15: D5 push de 0C16: 08 ex af,af' 0C17: F7 rst $30 0C18: 00 nop 0C19: 00 nop 0C1A: 04 inc b 0C1B: 47 ld b,a 0C1C: 89 adc a,c 0C1D: 19 add hl,de 0C1E: 28 08 jr z,$0C22 0C20: 00 nop 0C21: 00 nop 0C22: 00 nop 0C23: 04 inc b 0C24: DD db $dd 0C25: 89 adc a,c 0C26: 19 add hl,de 0C27: 28 08 jr z,$0C2B 0C29: 00 nop 0C2A: 00 nop 0C2B: 00 nop 0C2C: 04 inc b 0C2D: DE 89 sbc a,$23 0C2F: 19 add hl,de 0C30: D5 push de 0C31: 08 ex af,af' 0C32: 00 nop 0C33: 00 nop 0C34: 00 nop 0C35: 04 inc b 0C36: A2 and d 0C37: 89 adc a,c 0C38: 00 nop 0C39: FF rst $38 0C3A: 04 inc b 0C3B: 09 add hl,bc 0C3C: 00 nop 0C3D: 00 nop 0C3E: 04 inc b 0C3F: BC cp h 0C40: 89 adc a,c 0C41: 00 nop 0C42: 00 nop 0C43: 08 ex af,af' 0C44: FB ei 0C45: 00 nop 0C46: 00 nop 0C47: 01 64 89 ld bc,$23C4 0C4A: 00 nop 0C4B: 5E ld e,(hl) 0C4C: 0C inc c 0C4D: 0E 00 ld c,$00 0C4F: 00 nop 0C50: 02 ld (bc),a 0C51: 6B ld l,e 0C52: 89 adc a,c 0C53: 03 inc bc 0C54: 15 dec d 0C55: 04 inc b 0C56: 06 00 ld b,$00 0C58: 00 nop 0C59: 02 ld (bc),a 0C5A: E0 ret po 0C5B: 89 adc a,c 0C5C: 27 daa 0C5D: D5 push de 0C5E: 08 ex af,af' 0C5F: F6 00 or $00 0C61: 00 nop 0C62: 02 ld (bc),a 0C63: EE 89 xor $23 0C65: 19 add hl,de 0C66: 5E ld e,(hl) 0C67: 0C inc c 0C68: 11 00 00 ld de,$0000 0C6B: 02 ld (bc),a 0C6C: 11 84 03 ld de,$0924 0C6F: EA 08 02 jp pe,$0802 0C72: 00 nop 0C73: 00 nop 0C74: 02 ld (bc),a 0C75: 8C adc a,h 0C76: 84 add a,h 0C77: 09 add hl,bc 0C78: 15 dec d 0C79: 04 inc b 0C7A: 06 00 ld b,$00 0C7C: 00 nop 0C7D: 02 ld (bc),a 0C7E: 94 sub h 0C7F: 84 add a,h 0C80: 27 daa 0C81: 77 ld (hl),a 0C82: 08 ex af,af' 0C83: F2 00 00 jp p,$0000 0C86: 02 ld (bc),a 0C87: 48 ld c,b 0C88: 84 add a,h 0C89: 09 add hl,bc 0C8A: 51 ld d,c 0C8B: 0C inc c 0C8C: 07 rlca 0C8D: 00 nop 0C8E: 00 nop 0C8F: 02 ld (bc),a 0C90: 50 ld d,b 0C91: 84 add a,h 0C92: 27 daa 0C93: 00 nop 0C94: 08 ex af,af' 0C95: F4 00 00 call p,$0000 0C98: 01 5E 84 ld bc,$245E 0C9B: 00 nop 0C9C: 8C adc a,h 0C9D: 05 dec b 0C9E: 0E 00 ld c,$00 0CA0: 88 adc a,b 0CA1: 04 inc b 0CA2: C5 push bc 0CA3: 84 add a,h 0CA4: 21 2F 08 ld hl,$028F 0CA7: FE 00 cp $00 0CA9: 00 nop 0CAA: 04 inc b 0CAB: 21 84 21 ld hl,$8124 0CAE: 99 sbc a,c 0CAF: 05 dec b 0CB0: 08 ex af,af' 0CB1: 00 nop 0CB2: 00 nop 0CB3: 0C inc c 0CB4: 37 scf 0CB5: 84 add a,h 0CB6: 21 36 08 ld hl,$029C 0CB9: 0D dec c 0CBA: 00 nop 0CBB: 1C inc e 0CBC: 04 inc b 0CBD: B3 or e 0CBE: 84 add a,h 0CBF: 21 A3 08 ld hl,$02A9 0CC2: 00 nop 0CC3: 00 nop 0CC4: 00 nop 0CC5: 04 inc b 0CC6: 75 ld (hl),l 0CC7: 84 add a,h 0CC8: 21 A3 08 ld hl,$02A9 0CCB: 00 nop 0CCC: 00 nop 0CCD: 00 nop 0CCE: 02 ld (bc),a 0CCF: 76 halt 0CD0: 84 add a,h 0CD1: 00 nop 0CD2: A3 and e 0CD3: 08 ex af,af' 0CD4: 00 nop 0CD5: 00 nop 0CD6: 00 nop 0CD7: 01 F1 84 ld bc,$24F1 0CDA: 21 A3 08 ld hl,$02A9 0CDD: 00 nop 0CDE: 00 nop 0CDF: 00 nop 0CE0: 02 ld (bc),a 0CE1: F2 84 00 jp p,$0024 0CE4: 99 sbc a,c 0CE5: 05 dec b 0CE6: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 0CE9: 02 ld (bc),a 0CEA: 0C inc c 0CEB: 85 add a,l 0CEC: 00 nop 0CED: 99 sbc a,c 0CEE: 05 dec b 0CEF: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 0CF2: 02 ld (bc),a 0CF3: 07 rlca 0CF4: 85 add a,l 0CF5: 00 nop 0CF6: 2F cpl 0CF7: 08 ex af,af' 0CF8: FE 00 cp $00 0CFA: 00 nop 0CFB: 02 ld (bc),a 0CFC: 14 inc d 0CFD: 85 add a,l 0CFE: 00 nop 0CFF: 8C adc a,h 0D00: 05 dec b 0D01: 08 ex af,af' 0D02: 00 nop 0D03: 00 nop 0D04: 01 1B 85 ld bc,$251B 0D07: 00 nop 0D08: 00 nop 0D09: 08 ex af,af' 0D0A: F8 ret m 0D0B: 00 nop 0D0C: 00 nop 0D0D: 01 88 85 ld bc,$2522 0D10: 00 nop 0D11: 00 nop 0D12: 08 ex af,af' 0D13: F4 00 00 call p,$0000 0D16: 04 inc b 0D17: 83 add a,e 0D18: 85 add a,l 0D19: 00 nop 0D1A: BC cp h 0D1B: 08 ex af,af' 0D1C: 05 dec b 0D1D: 00 nop 0D1E: 81 add a,c 0D1F: 05 dec b 0D20: 90 sub b 0D21: 85 add a,l 0D22: 28 40 jr z,$0D64 0D24: 05 dec b 0D25: FF rst $38 0D26: 00 nop 0D27: 00 nop 0D28: 05 dec b 0D29: 9E sbc a,(hl) 0D2A: 85 add a,l 0D2B: 28 47 jr z,$0D7A 0D2D: 05 dec b 0D2E: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0D31: 05 dec b 0D32: 46 ld b,(hl) 0D33: 85 add a,l 0D34: 28 69 jr z,$0CF9 0D36: 08 ex af,af' 0D37: 00 nop 0D38: 00 nop 0D39: 00 nop 0D3A: 05 dec b 0D3B: 5A ld e,d 0D3C: 85 add a,l 0D3D: 28 5A jr z,$0D99 0D3F: 05 dec b 0D40: F6 FB or $FB 0D42: 15 dec d 0D43: 04 inc b 0D44: C2 85 28 jp nz,$8225 0D47: 70 ld (hl),b 0D48: 08 ex af,af' 0D49: 0C inc c 0D4A: F7 rst $30 0D4B: 00 nop 0D4C: 04 inc b 0D4D: DC 85 28 call c,$8225 0D50: 70 ld (hl),b 0D51: 08 ex af,af' 0D52: FE 00 cp $00 0D54: 00 nop 0D55: 05 dec b 0D56: D7 rst $10 0D57: 85 add a,l 0D58: 00 nop 0D59: D3 09 out ($03),a 0D5B: F2 09 00 jp p,$0003 0D5E: 05 dec b 0D5F: 24 inc h 0D60: 85 add a,l 0D61: 00 nop 0D62: 6D ld l,l 0D63: 09 add hl,bc 0D64: 00 nop 0D65: 05 dec b 0D66: 00 nop 0D67: 05 dec b 0D68: 2B dec hl 0D69: 85 add a,l 0D6A: 00 nop 0D6B: 96 sub (hl) 0D6C: 04 inc b 0D6D: 09 add hl,bc 0D6E: 00 nop 0D6F: 00 nop 0D70: 01 38 85 ld bc,$2592 0D73: 00 nop 0D74: 00 nop 0D75: 08 ex af,af' 0D76: E5 push hl 0D77: 00 nop 0D78: 00 nop 0D79: 05 dec b 0D7A: 33 inc sp 0D7B: 85 add a,l 0D7C: 00 nop 0D7D: 69 ld l,c 0D7E: 08 ex af,af' 0D7F: 00 nop 0D80: 05 dec b 0D81: 00 nop 0D82: 05 dec b 0D83: A0 and b 0D84: 85 add a,l 0D85: 00 nop 0D86: 47 ld b,a 0D87: 05 dec b 0D88: 00 nop 0D89: 00 nop 0D8A: 00 nop 0D8B: 05 dec b 0D8C: AD xor l 0D8D: 85 add a,l 0D8E: 00 nop 0D8F: 40 ld b,b 0D90: 05 dec b 0D91: FF rst $38 0D92: 00 nop 0D93: 00 nop 0D94: 05 dec b 0D95: AE xor (hl) 0D96: 85 add a,l 0D97: 00 nop 0D98: BC cp h 0D99: 08 ex af,af' 0D9A: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0D9D: 05 dec b 0D9E: B5 or l 0D9F: 85 add a,l 0DA0: 00 nop 0DA1: 00 nop 0DA2: 08 ex af,af' 0DA3: FB ei 0DA4: 00 nop 0DA5: 00 nop 0DA6: 05 dec b 0DA7: B6 or (hl) 0DA8: 85 add a,l 0DA9: 00 nop 0DAA: 2E 05 ld l,$05 0DAC: 04 inc b 0DAD: 00 nop 0DAE: 88 adc a,b 0DAF: 05 dec b 0DB0: 69 ld l,c 0DB1: 85 add a,l 0DB2: 09 add hl,bc 0DB3: 77 ld (hl),a 0DB4: 08 ex af,af' 0DB5: F3 di 0DB6: 00 nop 0DB7: 00 nop 0DB8: 05 dec b 0DB9: 71 ld (hl),c 0DBA: 85 add a,l 0DBB: 09 add hl,bc 0DBC: 3B dec sp 0DBD: 05 dec b 0DBE: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0DC1: 05 dec b 0DC2: 7F ld a,a 0DC3: 85 add a,l 0DC4: 09 add hl,bc 0DC5: EA 08 FE jp pe,$FE02 0DC8: 00 nop 0DC9: 00 nop 0DCA: 05 dec b 0DCB: E7 rst $20 0DCC: 85 add a,l 0DCD: 09 add hl,bc 0DCE: A2 and d 0DCF: 05 dec b 0DD0: FF rst $38 0DD1: 00 nop 0DD2: 1C inc e 0DD3: 04 inc b 0DD4: FB ei 0DD5: 85 add a,l 0DD6: 09 add hl,bc 0DD7: FD db $fd 0DD8: 08 ex af,af' 0DD9: F7 rst $30 0DDA: 00 nop 0DDB: 00 nop 0DDC: 01 03 8C ld bc,$2609 0DDF: 09 add hl,bc 0DE0: FD db $fd 0DE1: 08 ex af,af' 0DE2: 00 nop 0DE3: 00 nop 0DE4: 00 nop 0DE5: 02 ld (bc),a 0DE6: 10 8C djnz $0E0E 0DE8: 00 nop 0DE9: A2 and d 0DEA: 05 dec b 0DEB: 08 ex af,af' 0DEC: 00 nop 0DED: 00 nop 0DEE: 02 ld (bc),a 0DEF: 1E 8C ld e,$26 0DF1: 00 nop 0DF2: EA 08 FE jp pe,$FE02 0DF5: 00 nop 0DF6: 00 nop 0DF7: 02 ld (bc),a 0DF8: 85 add a,l 0DF9: 8C adc a,h 0DFA: 00 nop 0DFB: 3B dec sp 0DFC: 05 dec b 0DFD: 00 nop 0DFE: 00 nop 0DFF: 00 nop 0E00: 02 ld (bc),a 0E01: 42 ld b,d 0E02: 8C adc a,h 0E03: 00 nop 0E04: 77 ld (hl),a 0E05: 08 ex af,af' 0E06: FF rst $38 0E07: 00 nop 0E08: 00 nop 0E09: 02 ld (bc),a 0E0A: 4F ld c,a 0E0B: 8C adc a,h 0E0C: 00 nop 0E0D: 2E 05 ld l,$05 0E0F: 0D dec c 0E10: 00 nop 0E11: 00 nop 0E12: 02 ld (bc),a 0E13: 5C ld e,h 0E14: 8C adc a,h 0E15: 00 nop 0E16: 00 nop 0E17: 08 ex af,af' 0E18: F6 00 or $00 0E1A: 00 nop 0E1B: 01 57 8C ld bc,$265D 0E1E: 00 nop 0E1F: 94 sub h 0E20: 08 ex af,af' 0E21: 10 00 djnz $0E23 0E23: 88 adc a,b 0E24: 09 add hl,bc 0E25: C4 8C 24 call nz,$8426 0E28: 04 inc b 0E29: 09 add hl,bc 0E2A: 09 add hl,bc 0E2B: 00 nop 0E2C: 00 nop 0E2D: 09 add hl,bc 0E2E: D3 8C out ($26),a 0E30: 24 inc h 0E31: B5 or l 0E32: 05 dec b 0E33: 00 nop 0E34: 00 nop 0E35: 00 nop 0E36: 09 add hl,bc 0E37: 2E 8C ld l,$26 0E39: 24 inc h 0E3A: B1 or c 0E3B: 04 inc b 0E3C: 0C inc c 0E3D: 00 nop 0E3E: 00 nop 0E3F: 05 dec b 0E40: A9 xor c 0E41: 8C adc a,h 0E42: 24 inc h 0E43: 11 09 0A ld de,$0A03 0E46: 00 nop 0E47: 1C inc e 0E48: 05 dec b 0E49: B2 or d 0E4A: 8C adc a,h 0E4B: 24 inc h 0E4C: 8B adc a,e 0E4D: 09 add hl,bc 0E4E: 09 add hl,bc 0E4F: 00 nop 0E50: 00 nop 0E51: 01 67 8C ld bc,$26CD 0E54: 24 inc h 0E55: 8B adc a,e 0E56: 09 add hl,bc 0E57: 00 nop 0E58: 00 nop 0E59: 00 nop 0E5A: 02 ld (bc),a 0E5B: 74 ld (hl),h 0E5C: 8C adc a,h 0E5D: 00 nop 0E5E: B5 or l 0E5F: 05 dec b 0E60: F9 ld sp,hl 0E61: 00 nop 0E62: 00 nop 0E63: 02 ld (bc),a 0E64: E3 ex (sp),hl 0E65: 8C adc a,h 0E66: 00 nop 0E67: B1 or c 0E68: 04 inc b 0E69: FC 00 00 call m,$0000 0E6C: 02 ld (bc),a 0E6D: F0 ret p 0E6E: 8C adc a,h 0E6F: 00 nop 0E70: B5 or l 0E71: 05 dec b 0E72: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 0E75: 02 ld (bc),a 0E76: FD 8C adc a,iyh 0E78: 00 nop 0E79: 04 inc b 0E7A: 09 add hl,bc 0E7B: 00 nop 0E7C: 00 nop 0E7D: 00 nop 0E7E: 02 ld (bc),a 0E7F: FE 8C cp $26 0E81: 00 nop 0E82: 94 sub h 0E83: 08 ex af,af' 0E84: F7 rst $30 0E85: 00 nop 0E86: 00 nop 0E87: 02 ld (bc),a 0E88: 05 dec b 0E89: 8D adc a,l 0E8A: 00 nop 0E8B: 00 nop 0E8C: 08 ex af,af' 0E8D: F1 pop af 0E8E: 00 nop 0E8F: 00 nop 0E90: 01 06 8D ld bc,$270C 0E93: 00 nop 0E94: 68 ld l,b 0E95: 05 dec b 0E96: 18 00 jr $0E98 0E98: 81 add a,c 0E99: 09 add hl,bc 0E9A: 19 add hl,de 0E9B: 8D adc a,l 0E9C: 25 dec h 0E9D: 6F ld l,a 0E9E: 05 dec b 0E9F: 00 nop 0EA0: 00 nop 0EA1: 00 nop 0EA2: 09 add hl,bc 0EA3: 81 add a,c 0EA4: 8D adc a,l 0EA5: 25 dec h 0EA6: 8F adc a,a 0EA7: 04 inc b 0EA8: 01 00 1C ld bc,$1600 0EAB: 08 ex af,af' 0EAC: 8F adc a,a 0EAD: 8D adc a,l 0EAE: 25 dec h 0EAF: 43 ld b,e 0EB0: 04 inc b 0EB1: FF rst $38 0EB2: 00 nop 0EB3: 00 nop 0EB4: 01 97 8D ld bc,$273D 0EB7: 25 dec h 0EB8: 43 ld b,e 0EB9: 04 inc b 0EBA: 00 nop 0EBB: 00 nop 0EBC: 00 nop 0EBD: 02 ld (bc),a 0EBE: 44 ld b,h 0EBF: 8D adc a,l 0EC0: 00 nop 0EC1: 6F ld l,a 0EC2: 05 dec b 0EC3: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0EC6: 05 dec b 0EC7: 58 ld e,b 0EC8: 8D adc a,l 0EC9: 00 nop 0ECA: 6F ld l,a 0ECB: 05 dec b 0ECC: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0ECF: 05 dec b 0ED0: 53 ld d,e 0ED1: 8D adc a,l 0ED2: 00 nop 0ED3: 68 ld l,b 0ED4: 05 dec b 0ED5: FF rst $38 0ED6: 00 nop 0ED7: 00 nop 0ED8: 05 dec b 0ED9: C0 ret nz 0EDA: 8D adc a,l 0EDB: 00 nop 0EDC: 00 nop 0EDD: 08 ex af,af' 0EDE: F1 pop af 0EDF: 00 nop 0EE0: 00 nop 0EE1: 01 CD 8D ld bc,$2767 0EE4: 00 nop 0EE5: 76 halt 0EE6: 05 dec b 0EE7: 0B dec bc 0EE8: 00 nop 0EE9: A1 and c 0EEA: 09 add hl,bc 0EEB: CE 8D adc a,$27 0EED: 2C inc l 0EEE: E3 ex (sp),hl 0EEF: 05 dec b 0EF0: 08 ex af,af' 0EF1: 00 nop 0EF2: 20 09 jr nz,$0EF7 0EF4: D6 8D sub $27 0EF6: 2C inc l 0EF7: 92 sub d 0EF8: 09 add hl,bc 0EF9: 08 ex af,af' 0EFA: 00 nop 0EFB: 20 09 jr nz,$0F00 0EFD: 2A 8D 2C ld hl,($8627) 0F00: FC 05 FF call m,$FF05 0F03: 00 nop 0F04: 20 05 jr nz,$0F0B 0F06: 32 8D 2C ld ($8627),a 0F09: 45 ld b,l 0F0A: 09 add hl,bc 0F0B: 08 ex af,af' 0F0C: 00 nop 0F0D: 20 05 jr nz,$0F14 0F0F: AC xor h 0F10: 8D adc a,l 0F11: 2C inc l 0F12: 09 add hl,bc 0F13: 0C inc c 0F14: FF rst $38 0F15: 00 nop 0F16: 35 dec (hl) 0F17: 05 dec b 0F18: B4 or h 0F19: 8D adc a,l 0F1A: 2C inc l 0F1B: 58 ld e,b 0F1C: 09 add hl,bc 0F1D: FE 00 cp $00 0F1F: 20 01 jr nz,$0F22 0F21: 68 ld l,b 0F22: 8D adc a,l 0F23: 2C inc l 0F24: 58 ld e,b 0F25: 09 add hl,bc 0F26: 00 nop 0F27: 00 nop 0F28: 20 02 jr nz,$0F32 0F2A: 63 ld h,e 0F2B: 8D adc a,l 0F2C: 00 nop 0F2D: 45 ld b,l 0F2E: 09 add hl,bc 0F2F: 01 00 20 ld bc,$8000 0F32: 02 ld (bc),a 0F33: 7D ld a,l 0F34: 8D adc a,l 0F35: 00 nop 0F36: FC 05 FE call m,$FE05 0F39: 00 nop 0F3A: 20 02 jr nz,$0F44 0F3C: 7E ld a,(hl) 0F3D: 8D adc a,l 0F3E: 00 nop 0F3F: 92 sub d 0F40: 09 add hl,bc 0F41: 01 00 20 ld bc,$8000 0F44: 02 ld (bc),a 0F45: E5 push hl 0F46: 8D adc a,l 0F47: 00 nop 0F48: E3 ex (sp),hl 0F49: 05 dec b 0F4A: FE 00 cp $00 0F4C: 20 02 jr nz,$0F56 0F4E: E6 8D and $27 0F50: 00 nop 0F51: 76 halt 0F52: 05 dec b 0F53: FE 00 cp $00 0F55: 20 02 jr nz,$0F5F 0F57: F9 ld sp,hl 0F58: 8D adc a,l 0F59: 00 nop 0F5A: 00 nop 0F5B: 08 ex af,af' 0F5C: F3 di 0F5D: 00 nop 0F5E: 20 01 jr nz,$0F61 0F60: FA 8D 00 jp m,$0027 0F63: 68 ld l,b 0F64: 05 dec b 0F65: 11 00 81 ld de,$2100 0F68: 04 inc b 0F69: 01 82 2D ld bc,$8728 0F6C: BA cp d 0F6D: 09 add hl,bc 0F6E: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 0F71: 04 inc b 0F72: 0F rrca 0F73: 82 add a,d 0F74: 2D dec l 0F75: B5 or l 0F76: 05 dec b 0F77: 08 ex af,af' 0F78: 00 nop 0F79: 00 nop 0F7A: 04 inc b 0F7B: 17 rla 0F7C: 82 add a,d 0F7D: 2D dec l 0F7E: 5F ld e,a 0F7F: 09 add hl,bc 0F80: 03 inc bc 0F81: 00 nop 0F82: 00 nop 0F83: 04 inc b 0F84: 8B adc a,e 0F85: 82 add a,d 0F86: 2D dec l 0F87: 10 0C djnz $0F8F 0F89: 07 rlca 0F8A: 00 nop 0F8B: 1C inc e 0F8C: 04 inc b 0F8D: 93 sub e 0F8E: 82 add a,d 0F8F: 2D dec l 0F90: C6 09 add a,$03 0F92: 09 add hl,bc 0F93: 00 nop 0F94: 00 nop 0F95: 01 4D 82 ld bc,$2847 0F98: 2D dec l 0F99: C6 09 add a,$03 0F9B: 00 nop 0F9C: 00 nop 0F9D: 00 nop 0F9E: 02 ld (bc),a 0F9F: 4E ld c,(hl) 0FA0: 82 add a,d 0FA1: 00 nop 0FA2: B5 or l 0FA3: 05 dec b 0FA4: 04 inc b 0FA5: 00 nop 0FA6: 00 nop 0FA7: 02 ld (bc),a 0FA8: 56 ld d,(hl) 0FA9: 82 add a,d 0FAA: 00 nop 0FAB: 5F ld e,a 0FAC: 09 add hl,bc 0FAD: EF rst $28 0FAE: 00 nop 0FAF: 00 nop 0FB0: 02 ld (bc),a 0FB1: C9 ret 0FB2: 82 add a,d 0FB3: 00 nop 0FB4: B5 or l 0FB5: 05 dec b 0FB6: FB ei 0FB7: 00 nop 0FB8: 00 nop 0FB9: 02 ld (bc),a 0FBA: CA 82 00 jp z,$0028 0FBD: BA cp d 0FBE: 09 add hl,bc 0FBF: FE 00 cp $00 0FC1: 00 nop 0FC2: 02 ld (bc),a 0FC3: D1 pop de 0FC4: 82 add a,d 0FC5: 00 nop 0FC6: 68 ld l,b 0FC7: 05 dec b 0FC8: FF rst $38 0FC9: 00 nop 0FCA: 00 nop 0FCB: 02 ld (bc),a 0FCC: D2 82 00 jp nc,$0028 0FCF: 00 nop 0FD0: 08 ex af,af' 0FD1: F1 pop af 0FD2: 00 nop 0FD3: 00 nop 0FD4: 01 DF 82 ld bc,$287F 0FD7: 00 nop 0FD8: FF rst $38 0FD9: 04 inc b 0FDA: 05 dec b 0FDB: 00 nop 0FDC: 81 add a,c 0FDD: 04 inc b 0FDE: 2C inc l 0FDF: 82 add a,d 0FE0: 22 06 05 ld ($050C),hl 0FE3: 00 nop 0FE4: 00 nop 0FE5: 00 nop 0FE6: 04 inc b 0FE7: 34 inc (hl) 0FE8: 82 add a,d 0FE9: 22 41 08 ld ($0241),hl 0FEC: FE 00 cp $00 0FEE: 00 nop 0FEF: 04 inc b 0FF0: A8 xor b 0FF1: 82 add a,d 0FF2: 22 13 05 ld ($0519),hl 0FF5: 0C inc c 0FF6: 00 nop 0FF7: 00 nop 0FF8: 04 inc b 0FF9: B0 or b 0FFA: 82 add a,d 0FFB: 22 4E 08 ld ($024E),hl 0FFE: 00 nop 0FFF: 00 nop 1000: 00 nop 1001: 04 inc b 1002: BE cp (hl) 1003: 82 add a,d 1004: 22 C2 08 ld ($0268),hl 1007: 09 add hl,bc 1008: E2 15 04 jp po,$0415 100B: 66 ld h,(hl) 100C: 82 add a,d 100D: 22 2C 09 ld ($0386),hl 1010: 08 ex af,af' 1011: F0 ret p 1012: 00 nop 1013: 04 inc b 1014: 7A ld a,d 1015: 82 add a,d 1016: 22 2C 09 ld ($0386),hl 1019: 00 nop 101A: 00 nop 101B: 00 nop 101C: 02 ld (bc),a 101D: E1 pop hl 101E: 82 add a,d 101F: 00 nop 1020: 4E ld c,(hl) 1021: 08 ex af,af' 1022: 19 add hl,de 1023: 82 add a,d 1024: 00 nop 1025: 02 ld (bc),a 1026: E2 82 00 jp po,$0028 1029: 41 ld b,c 102A: 08 ex af,af' 102B: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 102E: 02 ld (bc),a 102F: EF rst $28 1030: 82 add a,d 1031: 00 nop 1032: 00 nop 1033: 08 ex af,af' 1034: F7 rst $30 1035: 00 nop 1036: 00 nop 1037: 02 ld (bc),a 1038: FC 82 00 call m,$0028 103B: 4E ld c,(hl) 103C: 08 ex af,af' 103D: F7 rst $30 103E: 12 ld (de),a 103F: 00 nop 1040: 02 ld (bc),a 1041: F7 rst $30 1042: 82 add a,d 1043: 00 nop 1044: 13 inc de 1045: 05 dec b 1046: 00 nop 1047: 00 nop 1048: 00 nop 1049: 02 ld (bc),a 104A: 04 inc b 104B: 83 add a,e 104C: 00 nop 104D: 41 ld b,c 104E: 08 ex af,af' 104F: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 1052: 02 ld (bc),a 1053: 0B dec bc 1054: 83 add a,e 1055: 00 nop 1056: 06 05 ld b,$05 1058: 08 ex af,af' 1059: 00 nop 105A: 00 nop 105B: 02 ld (bc),a 105C: 18 83 jr $1087 105E: 00 nop 105F: FF rst $38 1060: 04 inc b 1061: 00 nop 1062: 00 nop 1063: 00 nop 1064: 02 ld (bc),a 1065: 13 inc de 1066: 83 add a,e 1067: 00 nop 1068: 00 nop 1069: 08 ex af,af' 106A: FB ei 106B: 00 nop 106C: 00 nop 106D: 01 80 83 ld bc,$2920 1070: 00 nop 1071: 68 ld l,b 1072: 05 dec b 1073: 11 00 88 ld de,$2200 1076: 0C inc c 1077: 8D adc a,l 1078: 83 add a,e 1079: 03 inc bc 107A: E1 pop hl 107B: 09 add hl,bc 107C: 0C inc c 107D: 00 nop 107E: 00 nop 107F: 0C inc c 1080: 96 sub (hl) 1081: 83 add a,e 1082: 03 inc bc 1083: 5E ld e,(hl) 1084: 0C inc c 1085: 10 00 djnz $1087 1087: 00 nop 1088: 0C inc c 1089: 51 ld d,c 108A: 83 add a,e 108B: 03 inc bc 108C: EE 09 xor $03 108E: F0 ret p 108F: 00 nop 1090: 00 nop 1091: 05 dec b 1092: CC 83 03 call z,$0929 1095: CB 0C rrc h 1097: 01 00 1C ld bc,$1600 109A: 04 inc b 109B: DB 83 in a,($29) 109D: 03 inc bc 109E: FB ei 109F: 09 add hl,bc 10A0: 0C inc c 10A1: 00 nop 10A2: 00 nop 10A3: 01 30 83 ld bc,$2990 10A6: 03 inc bc 10A7: FB ei 10A8: 09 add hl,bc 10A9: 00 nop 10AA: 00 nop 10AB: 00 nop 10AC: 02 ld (bc),a 10AD: 3D dec a 10AE: 83 add a,e 10AF: 00 nop 10B0: CB 0C rrc h 10B2: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 10B5: 02 ld (bc),a 10B6: A6 and (hl) 10B7: 83 add a,e 10B8: 00 nop 10B9: EE 09 xor $03 10BB: 00 nop 10BC: 00 nop 10BD: 00 nop 10BE: 02 ld (bc),a 10BF: B9 cp c 10C0: 83 add a,e 10C1: 00 nop 10C2: 5E ld e,(hl) 10C3: 0C inc c 10C4: 0B dec bc 10C5: 00 nop 10C6: 00 nop 10C7: 02 ld (bc),a 10C8: BA cp d 10C9: 83 add a,e 10CA: 00 nop 10CB: E1 pop hl 10CC: 09 add hl,bc 10CD: F9 ld sp,hl 10CE: 00 nop 10CF: 00 nop 10D0: 02 ld (bc),a 10D1: 7C ld a,h 10D2: 83 add a,e 10D3: 00 nop 10D4: 68 ld l,b 10D5: 05 dec b 10D6: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 10D9: 02 ld (bc),a 10DA: 77 ld (hl),a 10DB: 83 add a,e 10DC: 00 nop 10DD: 00 nop 10DE: 08 ex af,af' 10DF: F0 ret p 10E0: 00 nop 10E1: 00 nop 10E2: 01 E4 83 ld bc,$29E4 10E5: 00 nop 10E6: 6F ld l,a 10E7: 05 dec b 10E8: 11 00 81 ld de,$2100 10EB: 01 EB 83 ld bc,$29EB 10EE: 0A ld a,(bc) 10EF: D4 05 05 call nc,$0505 10F2: 00 nop 10F3: 00 nop 10F4: 04 inc b 10F5: 00 nop 10F6: 8A adc a,d 10F7: 0A ld a,(bc) 10F8: 5C ld e,h 10F9: 04 inc b 10FA: 00 nop 10FB: 00 nop 10FC: 00 nop 10FD: 04 inc b 10FE: 15 dec d 10FF: 8A adc a,d 1100: 0A ld a,(bc) 1101: 21 05 00 ld hl,$0005 1104: 00 nop 1105: 15 dec d 1106: 02 ld (bc),a 1107: 8A adc a,d 1108: 8A adc a,d 1109: 0A ld a,(bc) 110A: C9 ret 110B: 04 inc b 110C: 08 ex af,af' 110D: 00 nop 110E: 00 nop 110F: 01 9F 8A ld bc,$2A3F 1112: 0A ld a,(bc) 1113: C9 ret 1114: 04 inc b 1115: 00 nop 1116: 00 nop 1117: 00 nop 1118: 02 ld (bc),a 1119: 4C ld c,h 111A: 8A adc a,d 111B: 00 nop 111C: 21 05 FE ld hl,$FE05 111F: 00 nop 1120: 00 nop 1121: 04 inc b 1122: 5B ld e,e 1123: 8A adc a,d 1124: 00 nop 1125: 5C ld e,h 1126: 04 inc b 1127: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 112A: 04 inc b 112B: C8 ret z 112C: 8A adc a,d 112D: 00 nop 112E: D4 05 00 call nc,$0005 1131: 00 nop 1132: 00 nop 1133: 04 inc b 1134: C3 8A 00 jp $002A 1137: CD 05 00 call $0005 113A: 00 nop 113B: 00 nop 113C: 04 inc b 113D: D0 ret nc 113E: 8A adc a,d 113F: 00 nop 1140: 00 nop 1141: 08 ex af,af' 1142: F5 push af 1143: 00 nop 1144: 00 nop 1145: 01 DD 8A ld bc,$2A77 1148: 00 nop 1149: 17 rla 114A: 0C inc c 114B: 05 dec b 114C: 00 nop 114D: 88 adc a,b 114E: 04 inc b 114F: DE 8A sbc a,$2A 1151: 2B dec hl 1152: 39 add hl,sp 1153: 09 add hl,bc 1154: 0D dec c 1155: 00 nop 1156: 00 nop 1157: 04 inc b 1158: 39 add hl,sp 1159: 8A adc a,d 115A: 2B dec hl 115B: A0 and b 115C: 09 add hl,bc 115D: 09 add hl,bc 115E: 00 nop 115F: 00 nop 1160: 04 inc b 1161: A2 and d 1162: 8A adc a,d 1163: 2B dec hl 1164: 9D sbc a,l 1165: 0C inc c 1166: 05 dec b 1167: 00 nop 1168: 1C inc e 1169: 04 inc b 116A: B7 or a 116B: 8A adc a,d 116C: 2B dec hl 116D: A7 and a 116E: 09 add hl,bc 116F: 08 ex af,af' 1170: 00 nop 1171: 00 nop 1172: 01 78 8A ld bc,$2AD2 1175: 2B dec hl 1176: A7 and a 1177: 09 add hl,bc 1178: 00 nop 1179: 00 nop 117A: 00 nop 117B: 02 ld (bc),a 117C: 73 ld (hl),e 117D: 8A adc a,d 117E: 00 nop 117F: 8A adc a,d 1180: 0C inc c 1181: FF rst $38 1182: 00 nop 1183: 00 nop 1184: 02 ld (bc),a 1185: EE 8A xor $2A 1187: 00 nop 1188: A0 and b 1189: 09 add hl,bc 118A: FF rst $38 118B: 00 nop 118C: 00 nop 118D: 02 ld (bc),a 118E: F5 push af 118F: 8A adc a,d 1190: 00 nop 1191: 8A adc a,d 1192: 0C inc c 1193: F7 rst $30 1194: 00 nop 1195: 00 nop 1196: 02 ld (bc),a 1197: F6 8A or $2A 1199: 00 nop 119A: 39 add hl,sp 119B: 09 add hl,bc 119C: FF rst $38 119D: 00 nop 119E: 00 nop 119F: 02 ld (bc),a 11A0: 09 add hl,bc 11A1: 8B adc a,e 11A2: 00 nop 11A3: 17 rla 11A4: 0C inc c 11A5: F3 di 11A6: 00 nop 11A7: 00 nop 11A8: 02 ld (bc),a 11A9: 0A ld a,(bc) 11AA: 8B adc a,e 11AB: 00 nop 11AC: 00 nop 11AD: 08 ex af,af' 11AE: FB ei 11AF: 00 nop 11B0: 00 nop 11B1: 01 11 8B ld bc,$2B11 11B4: 00 nop 11B5: 68 ld l,b 11B6: 05 dec b 11B7: 11 00 81 ld de,$2100 11BA: 04 inc b 11BB: 12 ld (de),a 11BC: 8B adc a,e 11BD: 26 BA ld h,$BA 11BF: 09 add hl,bc 11C0: 00 nop 11C1: 00 nop 11C2: 00 nop 11C3: 04 inc b 11C4: 8C adc a,h 11C5: 8B adc a,e 11C6: 26 B5 ld h,$B5 11C8: 05 dec b 11C9: 08 ex af,af' 11CA: 00 nop 11CB: 00 nop 11CC: 04 inc b 11CD: 94 sub h 11CE: 8B adc a,e 11CF: 26 5F ld h,$5F 11D1: 09 add hl,bc 11D2: 02 ld (bc),a 11D3: 00 nop 11D4: 00 nop 11D5: 04 inc b 11D6: 48 ld c,b 11D7: 8B adc a,e 11D8: 26 10 ld h,$10 11DA: 0C inc c 11DB: 07 rlca 11DC: 00 nop 11DD: 1C inc e 11DE: 04 inc b 11DF: 50 ld d,b 11E0: 8B adc a,e 11E1: 26 74 ld h,$D4 11E3: 09 add hl,bc 11E4: 02 ld (bc),a 11E5: 00 nop 11E6: 00 nop 11E7: 01 5E 8B ld bc,$2B5E 11EA: 26 74 ld h,$D4 11EC: 09 add hl,bc 11ED: 00 nop 11EE: 00 nop 11EF: 00 nop 11F0: 02 ld (bc),a 11F1: C5 push bc 11F2: 8B adc a,e 11F3: 00 nop 11F4: B5 or l 11F5: 05 dec b 11F6: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 11F9: 02 ld (bc),a 11FA: D9 exx 11FB: 8B adc a,e 11FC: 00 nop 11FD: 5F ld e,a 11FE: 09 add hl,bc 11FF: F9 ld sp,hl 1200: 00 nop 1201: 00 nop 1202: 02 ld (bc),a 1203: DA 8B 00 jp c,$002B 1206: B5 or l 1207: 05 dec b 1208: FB ei 1209: 00 nop 120A: 00 nop 120B: 02 ld (bc),a 120C: 21 8B 00 ld hl,$002B 120F: BA cp d 1210: 09 add hl,bc 1211: FE 00 cp $00 1213: 00 nop 1214: 02 ld (bc),a 1215: 22 8B 00 ld ($002B),hl 1218: 68 ld l,b 1219: 05 dec b 121A: FF rst $38 121B: 00 nop 121C: 00 nop 121D: 02 ld (bc),a 121E: 2F cpl 121F: 8B adc a,e 1220: 00 nop 1221: 00 nop 1222: 08 ex af,af' 1223: F1 pop af 1224: 00 nop 1225: 00 nop 1226: 01 3C 8B ld bc,$2B96 1229: 00 nop 122A: FF rst $38 122B: 04 inc b 122C: 05 dec b 122D: 00 nop 122E: 00 nop 122F: 09 add hl,bc 1230: 37 scf 1231: 8B adc a,e 1232: 18 06 jr $1240 1234: 05 dec b 1235: 00 nop 1236: 00 nop 1237: 00 nop 1238: 05 dec b 1239: AB xor e 123A: 8B adc a,e 123B: 18 41 jr $127E 123D: 08 ex af,af' 123E: FE 00 cp $00 1240: 00 nop 1241: 05 dec b 1242: B3 or e 1243: 8B adc a,e 1244: 18 D0 jr $12B6 1246: 04 inc b 1247: 04 inc b 1248: F2 00 02 jp p,$0800 124B: 6D ld l,l 124C: 8B adc a,e 124D: 18 D7 jr $12CC 124F: 04 inc b 1250: 01 E8 00 ld bc,$00E2 1253: 02 ld (bc),a 1254: 6E ld l,(hl) 1255: 8B adc a,e 1256: 18 6B jr $1223 1258: 04 inc b 1259: F3 di 125A: F7 rst $30 125B: 00 nop 125C: 02 ld (bc),a 125D: 75 ld (hl),l 125E: 8B adc a,e 125F: 18 E5 jr $1246 1261: 04 inc b 1262: F9 ld sp,hl 1263: 04 inc b 1264: 00 nop 1265: 02 ld (bc),a 1266: 76 halt 1267: 8B adc a,e 1268: 18 3D jr $1201 126A: 04 inc b 126B: F4 0F 00 call p,$000F 126E: 02 ld (bc),a 126F: E9 jp (hl) 1270: 8B adc a,e 1271: 18 A4 jr $1217 1273: 04 inc b 1274: F3 di 1275: 1C inc e 1276: 00 nop 1277: 02 ld (bc),a 1278: EA 8B 18 jp pe,$122B 127B: 44 ld b,h 127C: 0C inc c 127D: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 1280: 02 ld (bc),a 1281: F1 pop af 1282: 8B adc a,e 1283: 00 nop 1284: 00 nop 1285: 08 ex af,af' 1286: F7 rst $30 1287: 00 nop 1288: 00 nop 1289: 01 F2 8B ld bc,$2BF8 128C: 00 nop 128D: 06 05 ld b,$05 128F: 08 ex af,af' 1290: 00 nop 1291: 00 nop 1292: 02 ld (bc),a 1293: FF rst $38 1294: 8B adc a,e 1295: 00 nop 1296: FF rst $38 1297: 04 inc b 1298: 00 nop 1299: 00 nop 129A: 00 nop 129B: 02 ld (bc),a 129C: 0C inc c 129D: 86 add a,(hl) 129E: 00 nop 129F: 00 nop 12A0: 08 ex af,af' 12A1: FB ei 12A2: 00 nop 12A3: 00 nop 12A4: 01 07 86 ld bc,$2C0D 12A7: 00 nop 12A8: 68 ld l,b 12A9: 05 dec b 12AA: 11 00 81 ld de,$2100 12AD: 04 inc b 12AE: 14 inc d 12AF: 86 add a,(hl) 12B0: 27 daa 12B1: 6F ld l,a 12B2: 05 dec b 12B3: 00 nop 12B4: 00 nop 12B5: 00 nop 12B6: 04 inc b 12B7: 88 adc a,b 12B8: 86 add a,(hl) 12B9: 27 daa 12BA: 02 ld (bc),a 12BB: 04 inc b 12BC: F7 rst $30 12BD: 00 nop 12BE: 00 nop 12BF: 04 inc b 12C0: 90 sub b 12C1: 86 add a,(hl) 12C2: 27 daa 12C3: 51 ld d,c 12C4: 0C inc c 12C5: 05 dec b 12C6: 00 nop 12C7: 00 nop 12C8: 04 inc b 12C9: 9E sbc a,(hl) 12CA: 86 add a,(hl) 12CB: 27 daa 12CC: 15 dec d 12CD: 04 inc b 12CE: F6 00 or $00 12D0: 1C inc e 12D1: 04 inc b 12D2: 46 ld b,(hl) 12D3: 86 add a,(hl) 12D4: 27 daa 12D5: 88 adc a,b 12D6: 04 inc b 12D7: 04 inc b 12D8: 00 nop 12D9: 00 nop 12DA: 01 5A 86 ld bc,$2C5A 12DD: 27 daa 12DE: 88 adc a,b 12DF: 04 inc b 12E0: 00 nop 12E1: 00 nop 12E2: 00 nop 12E3: 04 inc b 12E4: C1 pop bc 12E5: 86 add a,(hl) 12E6: 00 nop 12E7: 15 dec d 12E8: 04 inc b 12E9: F6 00 or $00 12EB: 00 nop 12EC: 0C inc c 12ED: CF rst $08 12EE: 86 add a,(hl) 12EF: 00 nop 12F0: 51 ld d,c 12F1: 0C inc c 12F2: 04 inc b 12F3: 00 nop 12F4: 00 nop 12F5: 0C inc c 12F6: DC 86 00 call c,$002C 12F9: 02 ld (bc),a 12FA: 04 inc b 12FB: FB ei 12FC: 00 nop 12FD: 00 nop 12FE: 0C inc c 12FF: D7 rst $10 1300: 86 add a,(hl) 1301: 00 nop 1302: 6F ld l,a 1303: 05 dec b 1304: 04 inc b 1305: 00 nop 1306: 00 nop 1307: 0C inc c 1308: 24 inc h 1309: 86 add a,(hl) 130A: 00 nop 130B: 68 ld l,b 130C: 05 dec b 130D: 00 nop 130E: 00 nop 130F: 00 nop 1310: 0C inc c 1311: 2B dec hl 1312: 86 add a,(hl) 1313: 00 nop 1314: 00 nop 1315: 08 ex af,af' 1316: FC 00 00 call m,$0000 1319: 01 38 86 ld bc,$2C92 131C: 00 nop 131D: 94 sub h 131E: 08 ex af,af' 131F: 0F rrca 1320: 00 nop 1321: 88 adc a,b 1322: 04 inc b 1323: 33 inc sp 1324: 86 add a,(hl) 1325: 0E 04 ld c,$04 1327: 09 add hl,bc 1328: 09 add hl,bc 1329: 00 nop 132A: 00 nop 132B: 04 inc b 132C: B5 or l 132D: 86 add a,(hl) 132E: 0E B5 ld c,$B5 1330: 05 dec b 1331: 00 nop 1332: 00 nop 1333: 00 nop 1334: 04 inc b 1335: 71 ld (hl),c 1336: 86 add a,(hl) 1337: 0E B1 ld c,$B1 1339: 04 inc b 133A: 0C inc c 133B: 00 nop 133C: 00 nop 133D: 04 inc b 133E: E7 rst $20 133F: 86 add a,(hl) 1340: 0E BE ld c,$BE 1342: 04 inc b 1343: F7 rst $30 1344: 00 nop 1345: 1C inc e 1346: 04 inc b 1347: 03 inc bc 1348: 87 add a,a 1349: 0E 72 ld c,$D8 134B: 04 inc b 134C: 08 ex af,af' 134D: 00 nop 134E: 00 nop 134F: 01 85 87 ld bc,$2D25 1352: 0E 72 ld c,$D8 1354: 04 inc b 1355: 00 nop 1356: 00 nop 1357: 00 nop 1358: 04 inc b 1359: 86 add a,(hl) 135A: 87 add a,a 135B: 00 nop 135C: B1 or c 135D: 04 inc b 135E: 00 nop 135F: 00 nop 1360: 00 nop 1361: 05 dec b 1362: 42 ld b,d 1363: 87 add a,a 1364: 00 nop 1365: B1 or c 1366: 04 inc b 1367: 08 ex af,af' 1368: 00 nop 1369: 00 nop 136A: 05 dec b 136B: 4F ld c,a 136C: 87 add a,a 136D: 00 nop 136E: B5 or l 136F: 05 dec b 1370: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 1373: 04 inc b 1374: 5C ld e,h 1375: 87 add a,a 1376: 00 nop 1377: 04 inc b 1378: 09 add hl,bc 1379: 00 nop 137A: 00 nop 137B: 00 nop 137C: 02 ld (bc),a 137D: 57 ld d,a 137E: 87 add a,a 137F: 00 nop 1380: 94 sub h 1381: 08 ex af,af' 1382: F7 rst $30 1383: 00 nop 1384: 00 nop 1385: 02 ld (bc),a 1386: C4 87 00 call nz,$002D 1389: 00 nop 138A: 08 ex af,af' 138B: F1 pop af 138C: 00 nop 138D: 00 nop 138E: 01 CB 87 ld bc,$2D6B 1391: 00 nop 1392: FF rst $38 1393: 04 inc b 1394: 03 inc bc 1395: 00 nop 1396: 00 nop 1397: 09 add hl,bc 1398: D8 ret c 1399: 87 add a,a 139A: 11 06 05 ld de,$050C 139D: 00 nop 139E: 00 nop 139F: 00 nop 13A0: 04 inc b 13A1: 20 87 jr nz,$13D0 13A3: 11 41 08 ld de,$0241 13A6: FE 00 cp $00 13A8: 00 nop 13A9: 05 dec b 13AA: 2E 87 ld l,$2D 13AC: 11 13 05 ld de,$0519 13AF: FE 00 cp $00 13B1: 00 nop 13B2: 02 ld (bc),a 13B3: 36 87 ld (hl),$2D 13B5: 11 3D 04 ld de,$0497 13B8: 0B dec bc 13B9: E1 pop hl 13BA: 00 nop 13BB: 02 ld (bc),a 13BC: AA xor d 13BD: 87 add a,a 13BE: 11 E5 04 ld de,$04E5 13C1: 0A ld a,(bc) 13C2: E7 rst $20 13C3: 00 nop 13C4: 02 ld (bc),a 13C5: B1 or c 13C6: 87 add a,a 13C7: 11 6B 04 ld de,$04CB 13CA: 07 rlca 13CB: 01 00 02 ld bc,$0800 13CE: B2 or d 13CF: 87 add a,a 13D0: 11 D7 04 ld de,$047D 13D3: 10 02 djnz $13DD 13D5: 00 nop 13D6: 02 ld (bc),a 13D7: BF cp a 13D8: 87 add a,a 13D9: 11 D0 04 ld de,$0470 13DC: F6 88 or $22 13DE: 00 nop 13DF: 02 ld (bc),a 13E0: 6C ld l,h 13E1: 87 add a,a 13E2: 11 41 08 ld de,$0241 13E5: 02 ld (bc),a 13E6: 0D dec c 13E7: 00 nop 13E8: 02 ld (bc),a 13E9: 67 ld h,a 13EA: 87 add a,a 13EB: 11 00 08 ld de,$0200 13EE: FD db $fd 13EF: 00 nop 13F0: 00 nop 13F1: 01 74 87 ld bc,$2DD4 13F4: 00 nop 13F5: 41 ld b,c 13F6: 08 ex af,af' 13F7: 08 ex af,af' 13F8: 00 nop 13F9: 00 nop 13FA: 02 ld (bc),a 13FB: 7B ld a,e 13FC: 87 add a,a 13FD: 00 nop 13FE: 06 05 ld b,$05 1400: 08 ex af,af' 1401: 00 nop 1402: 00 nop 1403: 02 ld (bc),a 1404: E8 ret pe 1405: 87 add a,a 1406: 00 nop 1407: FF rst $38 1408: 04 inc b 1409: 00 nop 140A: 00 nop 140B: 00 nop 140C: 02 ld (bc),a 140D: E3 ex (sp),hl 140E: 87 add a,a 140F: 00 nop 1410: 00 nop 1411: 08 ex af,af' 1412: FD db $fd 1413: 00 nop 1414: 00 nop 1415: 01 F0 87 ld bc,$2DF0 1418: 00 nop 1419: 1A ld a,(de) 141A: 08 ex af,af' 141B: FB ei 141C: 00 nop 141D: 00 nop 141E: 04 inc b 141F: FD db $fd 1420: 87 add a,a 1421: 00 nop 1422: 8D adc a,l 1423: 08 ex af,af' 1424: FE 00 cp $00 1426: 00 nop 1427: 04 inc b 1428: FE 87 cp $2D 142A: 00 nop 142B: 00 nop 142C: 08 ex af,af' 142D: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 1430: 04 inc b 1431: 05 dec b 1432: 8E adc a,(hl) 1433: 00 nop 1434: 00 nop 1435: 08 ex af,af' 1436: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 1439: 04 inc b 143A: 06 8E ld b,$2E 143C: 00 nop 143D: FF rst $38 143E: 04 inc b 143F: FF rst $38 1440: 00 nop 1441: 00 nop 1442: 02 ld (bc),a 1443: 19 add hl,de 1444: 8E adc a,(hl) 1445: 10 FF djnz $1446 1447: 04 inc b 1448: FF rst $38 1449: 00 nop 144A: 00 nop 144B: 02 ld (bc),a 144C: 1A ld a,(de) 144D: 8E adc a,(hl) 144E: 19 add hl,de 144F: 99 sbc a,c 1450: 05 dec b 1451: FD db $fd 1452: 00 nop 1453: 88 adc a,b 1454: 02 ld (bc),a 1455: 81 add a,c 1456: 8E adc a,(hl) 1457: 21 07 08 ld hl,$020D 145A: 09 add hl,bc 145B: 00 nop 145C: 00 nop 145D: 04 inc b 145E: 97 sub a 145F: 8E adc a,(hl) 1460: 00 nop 1461: BC cp h 1462: 08 ex af,af' 1463: FC 00 81 call m,$2100 1466: 02 ld (bc),a 1467: 44 ld b,h 1468: 8E adc a,(hl) 1469: 28 77 jr z,$1448 146B: 08 ex af,af' 146C: FE 00 cp $00 146E: 88 adc a,b 146F: 02 ld (bc),a 1470: 58 ld e,b 1471: 8E adc a,(hl) 1472: 09 add hl,bc 1473: 94 sub h 1474: 08 ex af,af' 1475: 10 00 djnz $1477 1477: 88 adc a,b 1478: 02 ld (bc),a 1479: C0 ret nz 147A: 8E adc a,(hl) 147B: 24 inc h 147C: 00 nop 147D: 08 ex af,af' 147E: 01 00 81 ld bc,$2100 1481: 01 D5 8E ld bc,$2E75 1484: 25 dec h 1485: E3 ex (sp),hl 1486: 05 dec b 1487: 0B dec bc 1488: 00 nop 1489: A1 and c 148A: 02 ld (bc),a 148B: D6 8E sub $2E 148D: 2C inc l 148E: 00 nop 148F: 08 ex af,af' 1490: 01 00 81 ld bc,$2100 1493: 01 2A 8E ld bc,$2E8A 1496: 2D dec l 1497: FF rst $38 1498: 04 inc b 1499: 0C inc c 149A: 00 nop 149B: 81 add a,c 149C: 02 ld (bc),a 149D: 31 8E 22 ld sp,$882E 14A0: 68 ld l,b 14A1: 05 dec b 14A2: 10 00 djnz $14A4 14A4: 88 adc a,b 14A5: 02 ld (bc),a 14A6: 3F ccf 14A7: 8E adc a,(hl) 14A8: 03 inc bc 14A9: 00 nop 14AA: 08 ex af,af' 14AB: 01 00 81 ld bc,$2100 14AE: 01 B4 8E ld bc,$2EB4 14B1: 0A ld a,(bc) 14B2: 17 rla 14B3: 0C inc c 14B4: 0C inc c 14B5: 00 nop 14B6: 88 adc a,b 14B7: 02 ld (bc),a 14B8: BB cp e 14B9: 8E adc a,(hl) 14BA: 2B dec hl 14BB: 00 nop 14BC: 08 ex af,af' 14BD: 01 00 81 ld bc,$2100 14C0: 01 70 8E ld bc,$2ED0 14C3: 26 FF ld h,$FF 14C5: 04 inc b 14C6: F8 ret m 14C7: 00 nop 14C8: 00 nop 14C9: 02 ld (bc),a 14CA: 7D ld a,l 14CB: 8E adc a,(hl) 14CC: 18 68 jr $1490 14CE: 05 dec b 14CF: 10 00 djnz $14D1 14D1: 81 add a,c 14D2: 02 ld (bc),a 14D3: E5 push hl 14D4: 8E adc a,(hl) 14D5: 27 daa 14D6: 94 sub h 14D7: 08 ex af,af' 14D8: 10 00 djnz $14DA 14DA: 88 adc a,b 14DB: 02 ld (bc),a 14DC: F9 ld sp,hl 14DD: 8E adc a,(hl) 14DE: 0E FF ld c,$FF 14E0: 04 inc b 14E1: 0C inc c 14E2: 00 nop 14E3: 00 nop 14E4: 02 ld (bc),a 14E5: 0F rrca 14E6: 8F adc a,a 14E7: 11 5B 08 ld de,$025B 14EA: F6 00 or $00 14EC: 00 nop 14ED: 04 inc b 14EE: 17 rla 14EF: 8F adc a,a 14F0: 00 nop 14F1: 8D adc a,l 14F2: 08 ex af,af' 14F3: 09 add hl,bc 14F4: 00 nop 14F5: 00 nop 14F6: 04 inc b 14F7: 84 add a,h 14F8: 8F adc a,a 14F9: 00 nop 14FA: 07 rlca 14FB: 08 ex af,af' 14FC: 05 dec b 14FD: 00 nop 14FE: 00 nop 14FF: 04 inc b 1500: 8B adc a,e 1501: 8F adc a,a 1502: 00 nop 1503: 07 rlca 1504: 08 ex af,af' 1505: 05 dec b 1506: 00 nop 1507: 00 nop 1508: 04 inc b 1509: 98 sbc a,b 150A: 8F adc a,a 150B: 00 nop 150C: 07 rlca 150D: 08 ex af,af' 150E: 05 dec b 150F: 00 nop 1510: 00 nop 1511: 01 93 8F ld bc,$2F39 1514: 10 07 djnz $1523 1516: 08 ex af,af' 1517: 05 dec b 1518: 00 nop 1519: 00 nop 151A: 01 40 8F ld bc,$2F40 151D: 19 add hl,de 151E: 8C adc a,h 151F: 05 dec b 1520: 10 00 djnz $1522 1522: 88 adc a,b 1523: 01 4D 8F ld bc,$2F47 1526: 21 1A 08 ld hl,$021A 1529: 04 inc b 152A: 00 nop 152B: 00 nop 152C: 04 inc b 152D: C9 ret 152E: 8F adc a,a 152F: 00 nop 1530: BC cp h 1531: 08 ex af,af' 1532: F1 pop af 1533: 00 nop 1534: 81 add a,c 1535: 01 CA 8F ld bc,$2F6A 1538: 28 77 jr z,$1517 153A: 08 ex af,af' 153B: FE 00 cp $00 153D: 88 adc a,b 153E: 01 D2 8F ld bc,$2F78 1541: 09 add hl,bc 1542: 04 inc b 1543: 09 add hl,bc 1544: 10 00 djnz $1546 1546: 88 adc a,b 1547: 02 ld (bc),a 1548: 2C inc l 1549: 8F adc a,a 154A: 24 inc h 154B: 07 rlca 154C: 08 ex af,af' 154D: 05 dec b 154E: 00 nop 154F: 81 add a,c 1550: 02 ld (bc),a 1551: 34 inc (hl) 1552: 8F adc a,a 1553: 25 dec h 1554: 07 rlca 1555: 08 ex af,af' 1556: 05 dec b 1557: 00 nop 1558: 00 nop 1559: 01 3B 8F ld bc,$2F9B 155C: 03 inc bc 155D: CD 05 18 call $1205 1560: 00 nop 1561: 81 add a,c 1562: 01 A8 8F ld bc,$2FA2 1565: 0A ld a,(bc) 1566: 76 halt 1567: 05 dec b 1568: F8 ret m 1569: 00 nop 156A: A1 and c 156B: 01 BD 8F ld bc,$2FB7 156E: 2C inc l 156F: 5F ld e,a 1570: 09 add hl,bc 1571: 0A ld a,(bc) 1572: 00 nop 1573: 81 add a,c 1574: 01 65 8F ld bc,$2FC5 1577: 2D dec l 1578: 07 rlca 1579: 08 ex af,af' 157A: 05 dec b 157B: 00 nop 157C: 00 nop 157D: 01 79 8F ld bc,$2FD3 1580: 22 39 09 ld ($0393),hl 1583: 18 00 jr $1585 1585: 88 adc a,b 1586: 01 7A 8F ld bc,$2FDA 1589: 2B dec hl 158A: B5 or l 158B: 05 dec b 158C: FC 00 88 call m,$2200 158F: 01 EF 8F ld bc,$2FEF 1592: 26 07 ld h,$0D 1594: 08 ex af,af' 1595: FB ei 1596: 00 nop 1597: 00 nop 1598: 01 F7 8F ld bc,$2FFD 159B: 18 6F jr $156C 159D: 05 dec b 159E: 15 dec d 159F: 00 nop 15A0: 81 add a,c 15A1: 01 04 90 ld bc,$3004 15A4: 27 daa 15A5: 07 rlca 15A6: 08 ex af,af' 15A7: 05 dec b 15A8: 00 nop 15A9: 00 nop 15AA: 01 18 90 ld bc,$3012 15AD: 0E 07 ld c,$0D 15AF: 08 ex af,af' 15B0: 05 dec b 15B1: 00 nop 15B2: 00 nop 15B3: 01 13 90 ld bc,$3019 15B6: 11 8D 08 ld de,$0227 15B9: FC 00 00 call m,$0000 15BC: 04 inc b 15BD: 80 add a,b 15BE: 90 sub b 15BF: 00 nop 15C0: 00 nop 15C1: 08 ex af,af' 15C2: F3 di 15C3: 00 nop 15C4: 00 nop 15C5: 04 inc b 15C6: 8D adc a,l 15C7: 90 sub b 15C8: 00 nop 15C9: 1A ld a,(de) 15CA: 08 ex af,af' 15CB: 04 inc b 15CC: 00 nop 15CD: 00 nop 15CE: 04 inc b 15CF: 8E adc a,(hl) 15D0: 90 sub b 15D1: 00 nop 15D2: 07 rlca 15D3: 08 ex af,af' 15D4: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 15D7: 04 inc b 15D8: 95 sub l 15D9: 90 sub b 15DA: 00 nop 15DB: 8D adc a,l 15DC: 08 ex af,af' 15DD: 07 rlca 15DE: 00 nop 15DF: 00 nop 15E0: 01 96 90 ld bc,$303C 15E3: 10 8D djnz $160C 15E5: 08 ex af,af' 15E6: 07 rlca 15E7: 00 nop 15E8: 00 nop 15E9: 01 49 90 ld bc,$3043 15EC: 19 add hl,de 15ED: 07 rlca 15EE: 08 ex af,af' 15EF: 00 nop 15F0: 00 nop 15F1: 00 nop 15F2: 01 4A 90 ld bc,$304A 15F5: 21 5B 08 ld hl,$025B 15F8: FF rst $38 15F9: 00 nop 15FA: 00 nop 15FB: 04 inc b 15FC: 51 ld d,c 15FD: 90 sub b 15FE: 00 nop 15FF: 07 rlca 1600: 08 ex af,af' 1601: 00 nop 1602: 00 nop 1603: 00 nop 1604: 01 52 90 ld bc,$3058 1607: 28 77 jr z,$15E6 1609: 08 ex af,af' 160A: 08 ex af,af' 160B: 00 nop 160C: 88 adc a,b 160D: 02 ld (bc),a 160E: 5F ld e,a 160F: 90 sub b 1610: 09 add hl,bc 1611: 04 inc b 1612: 09 add hl,bc 1613: 14 inc d 1614: 00 nop 1615: 88 adc a,b 1616: 01 C7 90 ld bc,$306D 1619: 24 inc h 161A: 07 rlca 161B: 08 ex af,af' 161C: 03 inc bc 161D: 00 nop 161E: 00 nop 161F: 01 28 90 ld bc,$3082 1622: 25 dec h 1623: 07 rlca 1624: 08 ex af,af' 1625: 03 inc bc 1626: 00 nop 1627: 20 01 jr nz,$162A 1629: 23 inc hl 162A: 90 sub b 162B: 2C inc l 162C: 5F ld e,a 162D: 09 add hl,bc 162E: 0E 00 ld c,$00 1630: 81 add a,c 1631: 01 30 90 ld bc,$3090 1634: 2D dec l 1635: 07 rlca 1636: 08 ex af,af' 1637: 03 inc bc 1638: 00 nop 1639: 00 nop 163A: 01 3E 90 ld bc,$309E 163D: 22 07 08 ld ($020D),hl 1640: 03 inc bc 1641: 00 nop 1642: 00 nop 1643: 01 A5 90 ld bc,$30A5 1646: 03 inc bc 1647: CD 05 19 call $1305 164A: 00 nop 164B: 81 add a,c 164C: 01 A6 90 ld bc,$30AC 164F: 0A ld a,(bc) 1650: 39 add hl,sp 1651: 09 add hl,bc 1652: 15 dec d 1653: 00 nop 1654: 88 adc a,b 1655: 01 61 90 ld bc,$30C1 1658: 2B dec hl 1659: B5 or l 165A: 05 dec b 165B: 06 00 ld b,$00 165D: 81 add a,c 165E: 02 ld (bc),a 165F: 7C ld a,h 1660: 90 sub b 1661: 26 FF ld h,$FF 1663: 04 inc b 1664: F1 pop af 1665: 00 nop 1666: 00 nop 1667: 02 ld (bc),a 1668: E4 90 18 call po,$1230 166B: 07 rlca 166C: 08 ex af,af' 166D: 03 inc bc 166E: 00 nop 166F: 00 nop 1670: 01 F8 90 ld bc,$30F2 1673: 27 daa 1674: 1A ld a,(de) 1675: 08 ex af,af' 1676: 04 inc b 1677: 00 nop 1678: 00 nop 1679: 01 F3 90 ld bc,$30F9 167C: 0E 8D ld c,$27 167E: 08 ex af,af' 167F: 07 rlca 1680: 00 nop 1681: 00 nop 1682: 01 00 91 ld bc,$3100 1685: 11 F8 04 ld de,$04F2 1688: FE 00 cp $00 168A: 00 nop 168B: 04 inc b 168C: 0D dec c 168D: 91 sub c 168E: 00 nop 168F: 00 nop 1690: 08 ex af,af' 1691: F8 ret m 1692: 00 nop 1693: 00 nop 1694: 04 inc b 1695: 0E 91 ld c,$31 1697: 00 nop 1698: 5B ld e,e 1699: 08 ex af,af' 169A: 03 inc bc 169B: 00 nop 169C: 00 nop 169D: 04 inc b 169E: 15 dec d 169F: 91 sub c 16A0: 00 nop 16A1: 07 rlca 16A2: 08 ex af,af' 16A3: 0A ld a,(bc) 16A4: 00 nop 16A5: 00 nop 16A6: 04 inc b 16A7: 16 91 ld d,$31 16A9: 00 nop 16AA: FF rst $38 16AB: 04 inc b 16AC: 08 ex af,af' 16AD: 00 nop 16AE: 00 nop 16AF: 02 ld (bc),a 16B0: 89 adc a,c 16B1: 91 sub c 16B2: 10 FF djnz $16B3 16B4: 04 inc b 16B5: 08 ex af,af' 16B6: 00 nop 16B7: 00 nop 16B8: 02 ld (bc),a 16B9: 8A adc a,d 16BA: 91 sub c 16BB: 19 add hl,de 16BC: 99 sbc a,c 16BD: 05 dec b 16BE: 00 nop 16BF: 00 nop 16C0: 88 adc a,b 16C1: 02 ld (bc),a 16C2: 91 sub c 16C3: 91 sub c 16C4: 21 8D 08 ld hl,$0227 16C7: 08 ex af,af' 16C8: 00 nop 16C9: 00 nop 16CA: 04 inc b 16CB: 47 ld b,a 16CC: 91 sub c 16CD: 00 nop 16CE: BC cp h 16CF: 08 ex af,af' 16D0: FF rst $38 16D1: 00 nop 16D2: 81 add a,c 16D3: 02 ld (bc),a 16D4: 54 ld d,h 16D5: 91 sub c 16D6: 28 77 jr z,$16B5 16D8: 08 ex af,af' 16D9: FA 00 88 jp m,$2200 16DC: 02 ld (bc),a 16DD: C8 ret z 16DE: 91 sub c 16DF: 09 add hl,bc 16E0: B1 or c 16E1: 04 inc b 16E2: 09 add hl,bc 16E3: 00 nop 16E4: 88 adc a,b 16E5: 02 ld (bc),a 16E6: D0 ret nc 16E7: 91 sub c 16E8: 24 inc h 16E9: 00 nop 16EA: 08 ex af,af' 16EB: F7 rst $30 16EC: 00 nop 16ED: 00 nop 16EE: 01 25 91 ld bc,$3185 16F1: 25 dec h 16F2: E3 ex (sp),hl 16F3: 05 dec b 16F4: 0D dec c 16F5: 00 nop 16F6: A1 and c 16F7: 02 ld (bc),a 16F8: 26 91 ld h,$31 16FA: 2C inc l 16FB: 5F ld e,a 16FC: 09 add hl,bc 16FD: 08 ex af,af' 16FE: 00 nop 16FF: 81 add a,c 1700: 02 ld (bc),a 1701: 3A 91 2D ld a,($8731) 1704: FF rst $38 1705: 04 inc b 1706: 08 ex af,af' 1707: 00 nop 1708: 81 add a,c 1709: 02 ld (bc),a 170A: A2 and d 170B: 91 sub c 170C: 22 68 05 ld ($05C2),hl 170F: 06 00 ld b,$00 1711: 88 adc a,b 1712: 02 ld (bc),a 1713: BC cp h 1714: 91 sub c 1715: 03 inc bc 1716: D4 05 04 call nc,$0405 1719: 00 nop 171A: 81 add a,c 171B: 02 ld (bc),a 171C: 6B ld l,e 171D: 91 sub c 171E: 0A ld a,(bc) 171F: 17 rla 1720: 0C inc c 1721: 08 ex af,af' 1722: 00 nop 1723: 88 adc a,b 1724: 01 E0 91 ld bc,$31E0 1727: 2B dec hl 1728: 5F ld e,a 1729: 09 add hl,bc 172A: 08 ex af,af' 172B: 00 nop 172C: 81 add a,c 172D: 02 ld (bc),a 172E: F5 push af 172F: 91 sub c 1730: 26 FF ld h,$FF 1732: 04 inc b 1733: FB ei 1734: 00 nop 1735: 00 nop 1736: 02 ld (bc),a 1737: 09 add hl,bc 1738: 98 sbc a,b 1739: 06 6F ld b,$CF 173B: 05 dec b 173C: 07 rlca 173D: 00 nop 173E: 81 add a,c 173F: 02 ld (bc),a 1740: 11 98 27 ld de,$8D32 1743: B1 or c 1744: 04 inc b 1745: 09 add hl,bc 1746: 00 nop 1747: 88 adc a,b 1748: 02 ld (bc),a 1749: 1F rra 174A: 98 sbc a,b 174B: 0E FF ld c,$FF 174D: 04 inc b 174E: FB ei 174F: 00 nop 1750: 00 nop 1751: 02 ld (bc),a 1752: 9B sbc a,e 1753: 98 sbc a,b 1754: 11 00 08 ld de,$0200 1757: F8 ret m 1758: 00 nop 1759: 00 nop 175A: 04 inc b 175B: 43 ld b,e 175C: 98 sbc a,b 175D: 00 nop 175E: 94 sub h 175F: 08 ex af,af' 1760: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 1763: 04 inc b 1764: 50 ld d,b 1765: 98 sbc a,b 1766: 00 nop 1767: 8D adc a,l 1768: 08 ex af,af' 1769: 08 ex af,af' 176A: 00 nop 176B: 00 nop 176C: 04 inc b 176D: 5D ld e,l 176E: 98 sbc a,b 176F: 00 nop 1770: 94 sub h 1771: 08 ex af,af' 1772: 05 dec b 1773: 00 nop 1774: 00 nop 1775: 04 inc b 1776: 5E ld e,(hl) 1777: 98 sbc a,b 1778: 00 nop 1779: FF rst $38 177A: 04 inc b 177B: F6 00 or $00 177D: 00 nop 177E: 02 ld (bc),a 177F: C5 push bc 1780: 98 sbc a,b 1781: 10 FF djnz $1782 1783: 04 inc b 1784: F6 00 or $00 1786: 00 nop 1787: 02 ld (bc),a 1788: C6 98 add a,$32 178A: 19 add hl,de 178B: 2F cpl 178C: 08 ex af,af' 178D: FE 00 cp $00 178F: 88 adc a,b 1790: 02 ld (bc),a 1791: D9 exx 1792: 98 sbc a,b 1793: 21 F8 04 ld hl,$04F2 1796: 02 ld (bc),a 1797: 00 nop 1798: 00 nop 1799: 04 inc b 179A: 2F cpl 179B: 98 sbc a,b 179C: 00 nop 179D: BC cp h 179E: 08 ex af,af' 179F: 04 inc b 17A0: 00 nop 17A1: 81 add a,c 17A2: 02 ld (bc),a 17A3: 3C inc a 17A4: 98 sbc a,b 17A5: 28 2E jr z,$1735 17A7: 05 dec b 17A8: FB ei 17A9: 00 nop 17AA: 88 adc a,b 17AB: 02 ld (bc),a 17AC: A4 and h 17AD: 98 sbc a,b 17AE: 09 add hl,bc 17AF: B5 or l 17B0: 05 dec b 17B1: F7 rst $30 17B2: 00 nop 17B3: 88 adc a,b 17B4: 02 ld (bc),a 17B5: B8 cp b 17B6: 98 sbc a,b 17B7: 24 inc h 17B8: 00 nop 17B9: 08 ex af,af' 17BA: FC 00 00 call m,$0000 17BD: 01 6D 98 ld bc,$32C7 17C0: 25 dec h 17C1: E3 ex (sp),hl 17C2: 05 dec b 17C3: 07 rlca 17C4: 00 nop 17C5: A1 and c 17C6: 02 ld (bc),a 17C7: 6E ld l,(hl) 17C8: 98 sbc a,b 17C9: 2C inc l 17CA: 00 nop 17CB: 08 ex af,af' 17CC: FC 00 00 call m,$0000 17CF: 01 76 98 ld bc,$32DC 17D2: 2D dec l 17D3: FF rst $38 17D4: 04 inc b 17D5: F6 00 or $00 17D7: 81 add a,c 17D8: 02 ld (bc),a 17D9: E9 jp (hl) 17DA: 98 sbc a,b 17DB: 22 E1 09 ld ($03E1),hl 17DE: 0C inc c 17DF: 00 nop 17E0: 88 adc a,b 17E1: 02 ld (bc),a 17E2: F1 pop af 17E3: 98 sbc a,b 17E4: 03 inc bc 17E5: D4 05 00 call nc,$0005 17E8: 00 nop 17E9: 81 add a,c 17EA: 02 ld (bc),a 17EB: 0C inc c 17EC: 99 sbc a,c 17ED: 0A ld a,(bc) 17EE: 17 rla 17EF: 0C inc c 17F0: F6 00 or $00 17F2: 88 adc a,b 17F3: 02 ld (bc),a 17F4: 1B dec de 17F5: 99 sbc a,c 17F6: 2B dec hl 17F7: 00 nop 17F8: 08 ex af,af' 17F9: FC 00 00 call m,$0000 17FC: 01 90 99 ld bc,$3330 17FF: 26 FF ld h,$FF 1801: 04 inc b 1802: FB ei 1803: 00 nop 1804: 00 nop 1805: 02 ld (bc),a 1806: 9D sbc a,l 1807: 99 sbc a,c 1808: 18 6F jr $17D9 180A: 05 dec b 180B: 0D dec c 180C: 00 nop 180D: 81 add a,c 180E: 02 ld (bc),a 180F: 45 ld b,l 1810: 99 sbc a,c 1811: 27 daa 1812: B5 or l 1813: 05 dec b 1814: F7 rst $30 1815: 00 nop 1816: 88 adc a,b 1817: 02 ld (bc),a 1818: 59 ld e,c 1819: 99 sbc a,c 181A: 0E FF ld c,$FF 181C: 04 inc b 181D: F6 00 or $00 181F: 00 nop 1820: 02 ld (bc),a 1821: CF rst $08 1822: 99 sbc a,c 1823: 11 00 08 ld de,$0200 1826: FB ei 1827: 00 nop 1828: 00 nop 1829: 04 inc b 182A: D7 rst $10 182B: 99 sbc a,c 182C: 00 nop 182D: 94 sub h 182E: 08 ex af,af' 182F: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 1832: 04 inc b 1833: 24 inc h 1834: 99 sbc a,c 1835: 00 nop 1836: 07 rlca 1837: 08 ex af,af' 1838: 18 00 jr $183A 183A: 00 nop 183B: 04 inc b 183C: 2B dec hl 183D: 99 sbc a,c 183E: 00 nop 183F: 00 nop 1840: 08 ex af,af' 1841: F6 00 or $00 1843: 00 nop 1844: 04 inc b 1845: 38 99 jr c,$187A 1847: 00 nop 1848: FF rst $38 1849: 04 inc b 184A: 05 dec b 184B: 00 nop 184C: 00 nop 184D: 02 ld (bc),a 184E: 33 inc sp 184F: 99 sbc a,c 1850: 10 FF djnz $1851 1852: 04 inc b 1853: 04 inc b 1854: 00 nop 1855: 00 nop 1856: 02 ld (bc),a 1857: A0 and b 1858: 99 sbc a,c 1859: 19 add hl,de 185A: 2F cpl 185B: 08 ex af,af' 185C: 09 add hl,bc 185D: 00 nop 185E: 88 adc a,b 185F: 02 ld (bc),a 1860: AD xor l 1861: 99 sbc a,c 1862: 21 1E 09 ld hl,$031E 1865: 00 nop 1866: 00 nop 1867: 00 nop 1868: 04 inc b 1869: 69 ld l,c 186A: 99 sbc a,c 186B: 00 nop 186C: BC cp h 186D: 08 ex af,af' 186E: 00 nop 186F: 00 nop 1870: 81 add a,c 1871: 02 ld (bc),a 1872: 6A ld l,d 1873: 99 sbc a,c 1874: 28 2E jr z,$1804 1876: 05 dec b 1877: FF rst $38 1878: 00 nop 1879: 88 adc a,b 187A: 02 ld (bc),a 187B: 72 ld (hl),d 187C: 99 sbc a,c 187D: 09 add hl,bc 187E: B5 or l 187F: 05 dec b 1880: 0C inc c 1881: 00 nop 1882: 88 adc a,b 1883: 02 ld (bc),a 1884: EC 99 24 call pe,$8433 1887: 68 ld l,b 1888: 05 dec b 1889: 0A ld a,(bc) 188A: 00 nop 188B: 81 add a,c 188C: 02 ld (bc),a 188D: FB ei 188E: 99 sbc a,c 188F: 25 dec h 1890: E3 ex (sp),hl 1891: 05 dec b 1892: 05 dec b 1893: 00 nop 1894: 81 add a,c 1895: 02 ld (bc),a 1896: 03 inc bc 1897: 94 sub h 1898: 2C inc l 1899: 68 ld l,b 189A: 05 dec b 189B: 0A ld a,(bc) 189C: 00 nop 189D: 81 add a,c 189E: 02 ld (bc),a 189F: 1D dec e 18A0: 94 sub h 18A1: 2D dec l 18A2: FF rst $38 18A3: 04 inc b 18A4: 04 inc b 18A5: 00 nop 18A6: 81 add a,c 18A7: 02 ld (bc),a 18A8: 85 add a,l 18A9: 94 sub h 18AA: 22 E1 09 ld ($03E1),hl 18AD: 0A ld a,(bc) 18AE: 00 nop 18AF: 88 adc a,b 18B0: 02 ld (bc),a 18B1: 99 sbc a,c 18B2: 94 sub h 18B3: 03 inc bc 18B4: CD 05 0C call $0605 18B7: 00 nop 18B8: 81 add a,c 18B9: 02 ld (bc),a 18BA: 42 ld b,d 18BB: 94 sub h 18BC: 0A ld a,(bc) 18BD: 17 rla 18BE: 0C inc c 18BF: 0D dec c 18C0: 00 nop 18C1: 88 adc a,b 18C2: 02 ld (bc),a 18C3: 57 ld d,a 18C4: 94 sub h 18C5: 2B dec hl 18C6: 68 ld l,b 18C7: 05 dec b 18C8: 0A ld a,(bc) 18C9: 00 nop 18CA: 81 add a,c 18CB: 02 ld (bc),a 18CC: D8 ret c 18CD: 94 sub h 18CE: 26 FF ld h,$FF 18D0: 04 inc b 18D1: 00 nop 18D2: 00 nop 18D3: 00 nop 18D4: 02 ld (bc),a 18D5: 20 94 jr nz,$190B 18D7: 18 6F jr $18A8 18D9: 05 dec b 18DA: 0B dec bc 18DB: 00 nop 18DC: 81 add a,c 18DD: 02 ld (bc),a 18DE: 2E 94 ld l,$34 18E0: 27 daa 18E1: B5 or l 18E2: 05 dec b 18E3: 0C inc c 18E4: 00 nop 18E5: 88 adc a,b 18E6: 02 ld (bc),a 18E7: 36 94 ld (hl),$34 18E9: 0E FF ld c,$FF 18EB: 04 inc b 18EC: 04 inc b 18ED: 00 nop 18EE: 00 nop 18EF: 02 ld (bc),a 18F0: B2 or d 18F1: 94 sub h 18F2: 11 00 08 ld de,$0200 18F5: F1 pop af 18F6: 00 nop 18F7: 00 nop 18F8: 04 inc b 18F9: 6C ld l,h 18FA: 94 sub h 18FB: 00 nop 18FC: 00 nop 18FD: 08 ex af,af' 18FE: F1 pop af 18FF: 00 nop 1900: 00 nop 1901: 04 inc b 1902: 67 ld h,a 1903: 94 sub h 1904: 00 nop 1905: 8D adc a,l 1906: 08 ex af,af' 1907: 08 ex af,af' 1908: 00 nop 1909: 00 nop 190A: 04 inc b 190B: 74 ld (hl),h 190C: 94 sub h 190D: 00 nop 190E: 1E 09 ld e,$03 1910: F7 rst $30 1911: 00 nop 1912: 00 nop 1913: 04 inc b 1914: 7B ld a,e 1915: 94 sub h 1916: 00 nop 1917: FF rst $38 1918: 04 inc b 1919: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 191C: 02 ld (bc),a 191D: E8 ret pe 191E: 94 sub h 191F: 10 FF djnz $1920 1921: 04 inc b 1922: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 1925: 02 ld (bc),a 1926: E3 ex (sp),hl 1927: 94 sub h 1928: 19 add hl,de 1929: 2F cpl 192A: 08 ex af,af' 192B: 0D dec c 192C: 00 nop 192D: 88 adc a,b 192E: 02 ld (bc),a 192F: F0 ret p 1930: 94 sub h 1931: 21 94 08 ld hl,$0234 1934: 00 nop 1935: 00 nop 1936: 00 nop 1937: 04 inc b 1938: 06 95 ld b,$35 193A: 00 nop 193B: BC cp h 193C: 08 ex af,af' 193D: FC 00 81 call m,$2100 1940: 02 ld (bc),a 1941: 19 add hl,de 1942: 95 sub l 1943: 28 2E jr z,$18D3 1945: 05 dec b 1946: 05 dec b 1947: 00 nop 1948: 88 adc a,b 1949: 02 ld (bc),a 194A: 81 add a,c 194B: 95 sub l 194C: 09 add hl,bc 194D: 6F ld l,a 194E: 05 dec b 194F: 00 nop 1950: 00 nop 1951: 81 add a,c 1952: 02 ld (bc),a 1953: 8F adc a,a 1954: 95 sub l 1955: 25 dec h 1956: 00 nop 1957: 08 ex af,af' 1958: F1 pop af 1959: 00 nop 195A: 20 02 jr nz,$1964 195C: 97 sub a 195D: 95 sub l 195E: 2C inc l 195F: B5 or l 1960: 05 dec b 1961: 09 add hl,bc 1962: 00 nop 1963: 81 add a,c 1964: 02 ld (bc),a 1965: 44 ld b,h 1966: 95 sub l 1967: 2D dec l 1968: FF rst $38 1969: 04 inc b 196A: 01 00 81 ld bc,$2100 196D: 02 ld (bc),a 196E: 58 ld e,b 196F: 95 sub l 1970: 22 E1 09 ld ($03E1),hl 1973: 0C inc c 1974: 00 nop 1975: 88 adc a,b 1976: 01 C0 95 ld bc,$3560 1979: 03 inc bc 197A: CD 05 0C call $0605 197D: 00 nop 197E: 81 add a,c 197F: 02 ld (bc),a 1980: D5 push de 1981: 95 sub l 1982: 0A ld a,(bc) 1983: 17 rla 1984: 0C inc c 1985: 04 inc b 1986: 00 nop 1987: 88 adc a,b 1988: 02 ld (bc),a 1989: 2A 95 2B ld hl,($8B35) 198C: B5 or l 198D: 05 dec b 198E: 09 add hl,bc 198F: 00 nop 1990: 81 add a,c 1991: 02 ld (bc),a 1992: 3F ccf 1993: 95 sub l 1994: 26 FF ld h,$FF 1996: 04 inc b 1997: FC 00 00 call m,$0000 199A: 02 ld (bc),a 199B: A7 and a 199C: 95 sub l 199D: 18 6F jr $196E 199F: 05 dec b 19A0: 08 ex af,af' 19A1: 00 nop 19A2: 81 add a,c 19A3: 02 ld (bc),a 19A4: BB cp e 19A5: 95 sub l 19A6: 27 daa 19A7: FF rst $38 19A8: 04 inc b 19A9: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 19AC: 02 ld (bc),a 19AD: 63 ld h,e 19AE: 95 sub l 19AF: 11 8A 0C ld de,$062A 19B2: 09 add hl,bc 19B3: 00 nop 19B4: 00 nop 19B5: 08 ex af,af' 19B6: 7D ld a,l 19B7: 95 sub l 19B8: 2B dec hl 19B9: FE 0D cp $07 19BB: 00 nop 19BC: 00 nop 19BD: 31 10 E6 ld sp,$EC10 19C0: 95 sub l 19C1: 00 nop 19C2: 0B dec bc 19C3: 02 ld (bc),a 19C4: 00 nop 19C5: 00 nop 19C6: 20 10 jr nz,$19D8 19C8: F9 ld sp,hl 19C9: 95 sub l 19CA: 00 nop 19CB: 12 ld (de),a 19CC: 02 ld (bc),a 19CD: 00 nop 19CE: 00 nop 19CF: 30 01 jr nc,$19D2 19D1: FA 95 00 jp m,$0035 19D4: 7D ld a,l 19D5: 0D dec c 19D6: 00 nop 19D7: 00 nop 19D8: 31 10 01 ld sp,$0110 19DB: 9C sbc a,h 19DC: 00 nop 19DD: E4 0D 00 call po,$0007 19E0: 00 nop 19E1: 20 10 jr nz,$19F3 19E3: 02 ld (bc),a 19E4: 9C sbc a,h 19E5: 00 nop 19E6: F1 pop af 19E7: 0D dec c 19E8: 00 nop 19E9: 00 nop 19EA: 30 01 jr nc,$19ED 19EC: 0F rrca 19ED: 9C sbc a,h 19EE: 00 nop 19EF: B0 or b 19F0: 0D dec c 19F1: 00 nop 19F2: 00 nop 19F3: 11 10 1C ld de,$1610 19F6: 9C sbc a,h 19F7: 00 nop 19F8: B7 or a 19F9: 0D dec c 19FA: 00 nop 19FB: 00 nop 19FC: 00 nop 19FD: 10 17 djnz $1A1C 19FF: 9C sbc a,h 1A00: 00 nop 1A01: 6A ld l,d 1A02: 0D dec c 1A03: 00 nop 1A04: 00 nop 1A05: 10 01 djnz $1A08 1A07: 84 add a,h 1A08: 9C sbc a,h 1A09: 00 nop 1A0A: 55 ld d,l 1A0B: 0D dec c 1A0C: 00 nop 1A0D: 00 nop 1A0E: 31 10 8B ld sp,$2B10 1A11: 9C sbc a,h 1A12: 00 nop 1A13: C8 ret z 1A14: 0D dec c 1A15: 00 nop 1A16: 00 nop 1A17: 20 10 jr nz,$1A29 1A19: 98 sbc a,b 1A1A: 9C sbc a,h 1A1B: 00 nop 1A1C: CF rst $08 1A1D: 0D dec c 1A1E: 00 nop 1A1F: 00 nop 1A20: 30 01 jr nc,$1A23 1A22: 93 sub e 1A23: 9C sbc a,h 1A24: 00 nop 1A25: B0 or b 1A26: 0D dec c 1A27: 00 nop 1A28: 00 nop 1A29: 11 10 40 ld de,$4010 1A2C: 9C sbc a,h 1A2D: 00 nop 1A2E: B7 or a 1A2F: 0D dec c 1A30: 00 nop 1A31: 00 nop 1A32: 00 nop 1A33: 10 4D djnz $1A7C 1A35: 9C sbc a,h 1A36: 00 nop 1A37: 6A ld l,d 1A38: 0D dec c 1A39: 00 nop 1A3A: 00 nop 1A3B: 10 01 djnz $1A3E 1A3D: 4E ld c,(hl) 1A3E: 9C sbc a,h 1A3F: 00 nop 1A40: D6 0D sub $07 1A42: 00 nop 1A43: 00 nop 1A44: 11 10 55 ld de,$5510 1A47: 9C sbc a,h 1A48: 00 nop 1A49: 23 inc hl 1A4A: 0D dec c 1A4B: 00 nop 1A4C: 00 nop 1A4D: 00 nop 1A4E: 10 56 djnz $1AAC 1A50: 9C sbc a,h 1A51: 00 nop 1A52: A9 xor c 1A53: 0D dec c 1A54: 00 nop 1A55: 00 nop 1A56: 10 01 djnz $1A59 1A58: C9 ret 1A59: 9C sbc a,h 1A5A: 00 nop 1A5B: 14 inc d 1A5C: 0D dec c 1A5D: 9D sbc a,l 1A5E: 40 ld b,b 1A5F: 00 nop 1A60: 08 ex af,af' 1A61: CA 9C 80 jp z,$2036 1A64: 81 add a,c 1A65: 0D dec c 1A66: 09 add hl,bc 1A67: 00 nop 1A68: 00 nop 1A69: 08 ex af,af' 1A6A: D1 pop de 1A6B: 9C sbc a,h 1A6C: 80 add a,b 1A6D: 8E adc a,(hl) 1A6E: 0D dec c 1A6F: 04 inc b 1A70: 00 nop 1A71: 00 nop 1A72: 08 ex af,af' 1A73: D2 9C 80 jp nc,$2036 1A76: 9B sbc a,e 1A77: 0D dec c 1A78: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 1A7B: 08 ex af,af' 1A7C: DF rst $18 1A7D: 9C sbc a,h 1A7E: 80 add a,b 1A7F: 42 ld b,d 1A80: 0D dec c 1A81: 00 nop 1A82: 00 nop 1A83: 00 nop 1A84: 01 2C 9C ld bc,$3686 1A87: 80 add a,b 1A88: 42 ld b,d 1A89: 0D dec c 1A8A: 00 nop 1A8B: 00 nop 1A8C: 00 nop 1A8D: 08 ex af,af' 1A8E: 27 daa 1A8F: 9C sbc a,h 1A90: 80 add a,b 1A91: 00 nop 1A92: 08 ex af,af' 1A93: F1 pop af 1A94: 00 nop 1A95: 00 nop 1A96: 01 3B 9C ld bc,$369B 1A99: 00 nop 1A9A: 6C ld l,h 1A9B: 0C inc c 1A9C: 53 ld d,e 1A9D: 40 ld b,b 1A9E: 00 nop 1A9F: 08 ex af,af' 1AA0: A8 xor b 1AA1: 9C sbc a,h 1AA2: 80 add a,b 1AA3: 79 ld a,c 1AA4: 0C inc c 1AA5: 05 dec b 1AA6: 00 nop 1AA7: 00 nop 1AA8: 08 ex af,af' 1AA9: A3 and e 1AAA: 9C sbc a,h 1AAB: 80 add a,b 1AAC: E0 ret po 1AAD: 0C inc c 1AAE: FE 00 cp $00 1AB0: 00 nop 1AB1: 08 ex af,af' 1AB2: B0 or b 1AB3: 9C sbc a,h 1AB4: 80 add a,b 1AB5: E7 rst $20 1AB6: 0C inc c 1AB7: 04 inc b 1AB8: 00 nop 1AB9: 00 nop 1ABA: 08 ex af,af' 1ABB: BD cp l 1ABC: 9C sbc a,h 1ABD: 80 add a,b 1ABE: FA 0C 01 jp m,$0106 1AC1: 00 nop 1AC2: 00 nop 1AC3: 08 ex af,af' 1AC4: BE cp (hl) 1AC5: 9C sbc a,h 1AC6: 80 add a,b 1AC7: 0D dec c 1AC8: 0D dec c 1AC9: 08 ex af,af' 1ACA: 00 nop 1ACB: 00 nop 1ACC: 01 65 9C ld bc,$36C5 1ACF: 80 add a,b 1AD0: 0D dec c 1AD1: 0D dec c 1AD2: 00 nop 1AD3: 00 nop 1AD4: 00 nop 1AD5: 08 ex af,af' 1AD6: 66 ld h,(hl) 1AD7: 9C sbc a,h 1AD8: 80 add a,b 1AD9: 00 nop 1ADA: 08 ex af,af' 1ADB: F1 pop af 1ADC: 00 nop 1ADD: 00 nop 1ADE: 01 7A 9C ld bc,$36DA 1AE1: 00 nop 1AE2: D2 0C DB jp nc,$7B06 1AE5: 40 ld b,b 1AE6: 00 nop 1AE7: 08 ex af,af' 1AE8: E1 pop hl 1AE9: 9C sbc a,h 1AEA: 80 add a,b 1AEB: 25 dec h 1AEC: 0C inc c 1AED: F6 00 or $00 1AEF: 00 nop 1AF0: 08 ex af,af' 1AF1: E2 9C 80 jp po,$2036 1AF4: 38 0C jr c,$1AFC 1AF6: 00 nop 1AF7: 00 nop 1AF8: 00 nop 1AF9: 08 ex af,af' 1AFA: EF rst $28 1AFB: 9C sbc a,h 1AFC: 80 add a,b 1AFD: 3F ccf 1AFE: 0C inc c 1AFF: 00 nop 1B00: 00 nop 1B01: 00 nop 1B02: 08 ex af,af' 1B03: FC 9C 80 call m,$2036 1B06: A6 and (hl) 1B07: 0C inc c 1B08: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 1B0B: 08 ex af,af' 1B0C: F7 rst $30 1B0D: 9C sbc a,h 1B0E: 80 add a,b 1B0F: B3 or e 1B10: 0C inc c 1B11: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 1B14: 01 04 9D ld bc,$3704 1B17: 80 add a,b 1B18: B3 or e 1B19: 0C inc c 1B1A: 00 nop 1B1B: 00 nop 1B1C: 00 nop 1B1D: 08 ex af,af' 1B1E: 0B dec bc 1B1F: 9D sbc a,l 1B20: 80 add a,b 1B21: 00 nop 1B22: 08 ex af,af' 1B23: F8 ret m 1B24: 00 nop 1B25: 00 nop 1B26: 02 ld (bc),a 1B27: 13 inc de 1B28: 9D sbc a,l 1B29: 00 nop 1B2A: D6 0D sub $07 1B2C: 00 nop 1B2D: 00 nop 1B2E: 11 10 80 ld de,$2010 1B31: 9D sbc a,l 1B32: 00 nop 1B33: 3C inc a 1B34: 0D dec c 1B35: 00 nop 1B36: 00 nop 1B37: 10 10 djnz $1B49 1B39: 8D adc a,l 1B3A: 9D sbc a,l 1B3B: 00 nop 1B3C: A9 xor c 1B3D: 0D dec c 1B3E: 00 nop 1B3F: 00 nop 1B40: 00 nop 1B41: 01 8E 9D ld bc,$372E 1B44: 00 nop 1B45: D5 push de 1B46: 08 ex af,af' 1B47: FD db $fd 1B48: 00 nop 1B49: 00 nop 1B4A: 02 ld (bc),a 1B4B: 95 sub l 1B4C: 9D sbc a,l 1B4D: 19 add hl,de 1B4E: D5 push de 1B4F: 08 ex af,af' 1B50: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 1B53: 02 ld (bc),a 1B54: 96 sub (hl) 1B55: 9D sbc a,l 1B56: 19 add hl,de 1B57: 5C ld e,h 1B58: 04 inc b 1B59: 00 nop 1B5A: 00 nop 1B5B: 00 nop 1B5C: 04 inc b 1B5D: 49 ld c,c 1B5E: 9D sbc a,l 1B5F: 00 nop 1B60: 00 nop 1B61: 08 ex af,af' 1B62: 00 nop 1B63: 00 nop 1B64: 00 nop 1B65: 01 4A 9D ld bc,$374A 1B68: 00 nop 1B69: 00 nop 1B6A: 08 ex af,af' 1B6B: 00 nop 1B6C: 00 nop 1B6D: 00 nop 1B6E: 01 52 9D ld bc,$3758 1B71: 00 nop 1B72: 53 ld d,e 1B73: 02 ld (bc),a 1B74: 00 nop 1B75: 00 nop 1B76: 00 nop 1B77: 02 ld (bc),a 1B78: CC 9D 00 call z,$0037 1B7B: 46 ld b,(hl) 1B7C: 02 ld (bc),a 1B7D: 1D dec e 1B7E: 00 nop 1B7F: 00 nop 1B80: 02 ld (bc),a 1B81: C7 rst $00 1B82: 9D sbc a,l 1B83: 00 nop 1B84: 53 ld d,e 1B85: 02 ld (bc),a 1B86: 18 00 jr $1B88 1B88: 00 nop 1B89: 02 ld (bc),a 1B8A: D4 9D 00 call nc,$0037 1B8D: 9F sbc a,a 1B8E: 02 ld (bc),a 1B8F: 18 00 jr $1B91 1B91: 00 nop 1B92: 02 ld (bc),a 1B93: DB 9D in a,($37) 1B95: 00 nop 1B96: 20 02 jr nz,$1BA0 1B98: 00 nop 1B99: 00 nop 1B9A: 00 nop 1B9B: 02 ld (bc),a 1B9C: 28 9D jr z,$1BD5 1B9E: 00 nop 1B9F: CC 02 00 call z,$0008 1BA2: 00 nop 1BA3: 80 add a,b 1BA4: 02 ld (bc),a 1BA5: 23 inc hl 1BA6: 9D sbc a,l 1BA7: 00 nop 1BA8: D9 exx 1BA9: 02 ld (bc),a ; move tables ; index 0 -> $18 followed by 3 frame pointers (often all 3 the same, not always) 1BBA: 00 89 0A 89 0A 89 0A 01 D1 0A DA 0A DA 0A 02 E3 0A EC 0A EC 0A 03 F5 0A F5 0A F5 0A 04 03 0C 03 0C 03 0C 05 9C 0C 9C 0C 9C 0C 06 9C 0C 9C 0C 9C 0C 07 11 8D 9C 0C 9C 0C 08 1A 0D 1A 0D 1A 0D 09 AA 0D AA 0D AA 0D 0A 1F 0E 1F 0E 94 0E 0B E5 0E E5 0E E5 0E 0C 63 0F 63 0F 1F 0E 0D D8 0F D8 0F D8 0F 0E 71 10 71 10 71 10 0F E6 10 E6 10 E6 10 10 49 11 49 11 49 11 11 B5 11 B5 11 E6 10 12 2A 12 2A 12 2A 12 13 A8 12 A8 12 A8 12 14 1D 13 1D 13 1D 13 15 1D 13 1D 13 1D 13 16 1D 13 1D 13 1D 13 17 92 13 92 13 92 13 18 71 10 71 10 71 10 FF 1C6A: 89 0A 89 0A 89 0A 00 92 0A 92 0A 92 0A 01 19 14 22 14 22 14 02 2B 14 34 14 34 14 03 3D 14 3D 14 3D 14 04 46 14 46 14 46 14 05 4F 14 4F 14 4F 14 06 4F 14 4F 14 4F 14 07 58 94 4F 14 4F 14 08 61 14 61 14 61 14 09 6A 14 6A 14 6A 14 0A 73 14 73 14 7C 14 0B 85 14 85 14 85 14 0C 8E 14 8E 14 73 14 0D 97 14 97 14 97 14 0E A0 14 A0 14 A0 14 0F A9 14 A9 14 A9 14 10 B2 14 B2 14 B2 14 11 BB 14 BB 14 A9 14 12 C4 14 C4 14 C4 14 13 CD 14 CD 14 CD 14 14 D6 14 D6 14 D6 14 15 D6 14 D6 14 D6 14 16 D6 14 D6 14 D6 14 17 DF 14 DF 14 DF 14 18 A0 14 A0 14 A0 14 FF 1D20: 92 0A 92 0A 92 0A 00 9B 0A 9B 0A 9B 0A 01 E8 14 F1 14 F1 14 02 FA 14 03 15 03 15 03 0C 15 0C 15 0C 15 04 15 15 BB 0B 15 15 05 1E 15 1E 15 1E 15 06 1E 15 1E 15 1E 15 07 27 95 1E 15 1E 15 08 30 15 30 15 30 15 09 39 15 39 15 39 15 0A 42 15 42 15 4B 15 0B 66 15 66 15 66 15 0C 6F 15 6F 15 42 15 0D 78 15 78 15 78 15 0E 54 15 54 15 54 15 0F 5D 15 5D 15 5D 15 10 81 15 81 15 81 15 11 8A 15 8A 15 5D 15 12 93 15 93 15 93 15 13 9C 15 9C 15 9C 15 14 A5 15 A5 15 A5 15 15 A5 15 A5 15 A5 15 16 A5 15 A5 15 A5 15 17 AE 15 AE 15 AE 15 18 54 15 54 15 54 15 FF 1DD6: 9B 0A 9B 0A 9B 0A 00 A4 0A A4 0A A4 0A 01 B7 15 C0 15 C0 15 02 C9 15 D2 15 D2 15 03 DB 15 DB 15 DB 15 04 E4 15 E4 15 E4 15 05 ED 15 ED 15 ED 15 06 ED 15 ED 15 ED 15 07 F6 95 ED 15 ED 15 08 FF 15 FF 15 FF 15 09 08 16 08 16 08 16 0A 11 16 11 16 1A 16 0B 23 16 23 16 23 16 0C 2C 16 2C 16 11 16 0D 35 16 35 16 35 16 0E 3E 16 3E 16 3E 16 0F 47 16 47 16 47 16 10 50 16 50 16 50 16 11 59 16 59 16 47 16 12 62 16 62 16 62 16 13 6B 16 6B 16 6B 16 14 74 16 74 16 74 16 15 74 16 74 16 74 16 16 74 16 74 16 74 16 17 7D 16 7D 16 7D 16 18 3E 16 3E 16 3E 16 FF 1E8C: A4 0A A4 0A A4 0A 00 AD 0A AD 0A AD 0A 01 86 16 8F 16 8F 16 02 98 16 A1 16 A1 16 03 AA 16 AA 16 AA 16 04 B3 16 B3 16 B3 16 05 BC 16 BC 16 BC 16 06 BC 16 BC 16 BC 16 07 C5 96 BC 16 BC 16 08 CE 16 CE 16 CE 16 09 D7 16 D7 16 D7 16 0A E0 16 E0 16 E9 16 0B F2 16 F2 16 F2 16 0C FB 16 FB 16 E0 16 0D 04 17 04 17 04 17 0E 0D 17 0D 17 0D 17 0F 16 17 16 17 16 17 10 1F 17 1F 17 1F 17 11 28 17 28 17 16 17 12 31 17 31 17 31 17 13 3A 17 3A 17 3A 17 14 43 17 43 17 43 17 15 43 17 43 17 43 17 16 43 17 43 17 43 17 17 4C 17 4C 17 4C 17 18 0D 17 0D 17 0D 17 FF 1F42: AD 0A AD 0A AD 0A 00 B6 0A B6 0A B6 0A 01 55 17 5E 17 5E 17 02 67 17 70 17 70 17 03 79 17 79 17 79 17 04 82 17 82 17 82 17 05 8B 17 8B 17 8B 17 06 8B 17 8B 17 8B 17 07 94 97 8B 17 8B 17 08 9D 17 9D 17 9D 17 09 A6 17 A6 17 A6 17 0A AF 17 AF 17 B8 17 0B C1 17 C1 17 C1 17 0C CA 17 CA 17 AF 17 0D D3 17 D3 17 D3 17 0E DC 17 DC 17 DC 17 0F E5 17 E5 17 E5 17 10 EE 17 EE 17 EE 17 11 F7 17 F7 17 E5 17 12 00 18 00 18 00 18 13 09 18 09 18 09 18 14 12 18 12 18 12 18 15 12 18 12 18 12 18 16 12 18 12 18 12 18 17 1B 18 1B 18 1B 18 18 DC 17 DC 17 DC 17 FF 1FF8: B6 0A B6 0A B6 0A 00 BF 0A BF 0A BF 0A 01 24 18 2D 18 2D 18 02 36 18 3F 18 3F 18 03 48 18 48 18 48 18 04 51 18 51 18 51 18 05 5A 18 5A 18 5A 18 06 5A 18 5A 18 5A 18 07 63 98 5A 18 5A 18 08 6C 18 6C 18 6C 18 09 75 18 75 18 75 18 0A 7E 18 7E 18 87 18 0B 90 18 90 18 90 18 0C 99 18 99 18 7E 18 0D A2 18 A2 18 A2 18 0E AB 18 AB 18 AB 18 0F B4 18 B4 18 B4 18 10 BD 18 BD 18 BD 18 11 C6 18 C6 18 B4 18 12 CF 18 CF 18 CF 18 13 D8 18 D8 18 D8 18 14 E1 18 E1 18 E1 18 15 E1 18 E1 18 E1 18 16 E1 18 E1 18 E1 18 17 EA 18 EA 18 EA 18 18 AB 18 AB 18 AB 18 FF 20AE: BF 0A BF 0A BF 0A 00 C8 0A C8 0A C8 0A 01 F3 18 FC 18 FC 18 02 05 19 0E 19 0E 19 03 17 19 17 19 17 19 04 20 19 20 19 20 19 05 29 19 29 19 29 19 06 29 19 29 19 29 19 07 32 99 29 19 29 19 08 3B 19 3B 19 3B 19 09 44 19 44 19 44 19 0A 28 0E 28 0E 4D 19 0B 56 19 56 19 56 19 0C 5F 19 5F 19 28 0E 0D 68 19 68 19 68 19 0E 71 19 71 19 71 19 0F 7A 19 7A 19 7A 19 10 83 19 83 19 83 19 11 8C 19 8C 19 7A 19 12 95 19 95 19 95 19 13 9E 19 9E 19 9E 19 14 26 13 26 13 26 13 15 26 13 26 13 26 13 16 26 13 26 13 26 13 17 A7 19 A7 19 A7 19 18 71 19 71 19 71 19 FF 2164: ; a shitload of frame tables here!!! ; then code resumes 3A9C: CD 4B B0 call load_iy_with_player_structure_B04B 3A9F: CD 18 B0 call $B012 3AA2: CD 41 96 call $3C41 3AA5: CD B0 96 call $3CB0 3AA8: CD B9 40 call $40B3 3AAB: CD 59 41 call $4153 3AAE: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 3AB1: E6 D0 and $70 3AB3: FE 80 cp $20 3AB5: CA 9E 96 jp z,$3C3E 3AB8: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 3ABB: CB BF res 7,a 3ABD: FE 10 cp $10 3ABF: D2 74 9A jp nc,$3AD4 3AC2: AF xor a 3AC3: FD E5 push iy 3AC5: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 3AC8: FD E1 pop iy 3ACA: FE 02 cp $08 3ACC: CA F2 9B jp z,$3BF8 3ACF: FE 0A cp $0A 3AD1: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3AD4: FD E5 push iy 3AD6: 06 06 ld b,$0C 3AD8: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 3ADB: FE 0A cp $0A 3ADD: 3E 02 ld a,$08 3ADF: CA E4 9A jp z,$3AE4 3AE2: 3E 03 ld a,$09 3AE4: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 3AE7: A7 and a 3AE8: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3AEB: AF xor a 3AEC: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 3AEF: FD E1 pop iy 3AF1: FE 09 cp $03 3AF3: CA E6 9B jp z,$3BEC 3AF6: FE 04 cp $04 3AF8: CA E6 9B jp z,$3BEC 3AFB: FE 05 cp $05 3AFD: CA E6 9B jp z,$3BEC 3B00: FE 02 cp $08 3B02: CA F2 9B jp z,$3BF8 3B05: FE 10 cp $10 3B07: CA E6 9B jp z,$3BEC 3B0A: FE 11 cp $11 3B0C: CA F8 9B jp z,$3BF2 3B0F: FE 07 cp $0D 3B11: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3B14: CD AD 9E call $3EA7 3B17: CD 3A 4D call $479A 3B1A: CD C9 4C call $4663 3B1D: CD 37 40 call $409D 3B20: CD B9 40 call $40B3 3B23: CD 59 41 call $4153 3B26: CD 5C 48 call $4256 3B29: A7 and a 3B2A: CA 6D 9B jp z,$3BC7 3B2D: FD E5 push iy 3B2F: E5 push hl 3B30: F5 push af 3B31: 3E 09 ld a,$03 3B33: 06 03 ld b,$09 3B35: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 3B38: A7 and a 3B39: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3B3C: F1 pop af 3B3D: E1 pop hl 3B3E: FD E1 pop iy 3B40: 47 ld b,a 3B41: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 3B44: FE 0A cp $0A 3B46: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 3B48: CA 47 9B jp z,$3B4D 3B4B: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 3B4D: E5 push hl 3B4E: C5 push bc 3B4F: FD E5 push iy 3B51: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 3B54: A7 and a 3B55: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3B58: 3E 02 ld a,$08 3B5A: 06 03 ld b,$09 3B5C: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 3B5F: A7 and a 3B60: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3B63: 3E 03 ld a,$09 3B65: 06 03 ld b,$09 3B67: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 3B6A: A7 and a 3B6B: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3B6E: FD E1 pop iy 3B70: FD 7E 0D ld a,(iy+$07) 3B73: 32 ED 61 ld ($C1E7),a 3B76: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) 3B79: 32 E2 61 ld ($C1E8),a 3B7C: CD 2D 44 call $4487 3B7F: C1 pop bc 3B80: 3E 0D ld a,$07 3B82: FD E5 push iy 3B84: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 3B87: A7 and a 3B88: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3B8B: FD E1 pop iy 3B8D: E1 pop hl 3B8E: DD 21 87 60 ld ix,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 3B92: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 3B95: FE 0A cp $0A 3B97: C2 A4 9B jp nz,$3BA4 3B9A: DD CB 00 5C bit 2,(ix+$00) 3B9E: CA 15 96 jp z,$3C15 3BA1: C3 B0 9B jp $3BB0 3BA4: FE 0B cp $0B 3BA6: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3BA9: DD CB 00 5E bit 3,(ix+$00) 3BAD: CA 15 96 jp z,$3C15 3BB0: 44 ld b,h 3BB1: 3E 04 ld a,$04 3BB3: C5 push bc 3BB4: FD E5 push iy 3BB6: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 3BB9: A7 and a 3BBA: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3BBD: FD E1 pop iy 3BBF: C1 pop bc 3BC0: 78 ld a,b 3BC1: CD 12 B0 call $B018 3BC4: C3 15 96 jp $3C15 3BC7: CD F7 4C call player_management_routine_46FD 3BCA: A7 and a 3BCB: CA 74 9A jp z,$3AD4 3BCE: FE 09 cp $03 3BD0: CA E6 9B jp z,$3BEC 3BD3: FE 04 cp $04 3BD5: CA E6 9B jp z,$3BEC 3BD8: FE 05 cp $05 3BDA: CA E6 9B jp z,$3BEC 3BDD: FE 02 cp $08 3BDF: CA F2 9B jp z,$3BF8 3BE2: FE 11 cp $11 3BE4: CA F8 9B jp z,$3BF2 3BE7: FE 10 cp $10 3BE9: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3BEC: CD 05 44 call $4405 3BEF: C3 15 96 jp $3C15 3BF2: CD 2D 44 call $4487 3BF5: C3 90 96 jp $3C30 3BF8: CD 2D 44 call $4487 3BFB: FD E5 push iy 3BFD: 3E 03 ld a,$09 3BFF: 06 03 ld b,$09 3C01: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 3C04: A7 and a 3C05: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3C08: 3E 02 ld a,$08 3C0A: 06 03 ld b,$09 3C0C: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 3C0F: A7 and a 3C10: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3C13: FD E1 pop iy 3C15: AF xor a 3C16: FD E5 push iy 3C18: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 3C1B: FD E1 pop iy 3C1D: FE 07 cp $0D 3C1F: CA 15 96 jp z,$3C15 3C22: A7 and a 3C23: CA A5 9A jp z,$3AA5 3C26: FE 19 cp $13 3C28: CA 9B 96 jp z,$3C3B 3C2B: FE 18 cp $12 3C2D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3C30: 3E 01 ld a,$01 3C32: CD D8 B0 call $B072 3C35: CD B3 44 call $44B9 3C38: C3 9E 96 jp $3C3E 3C3B: CD 17 45 call $451D 3C3E: CD 51 B0 call $B051 3C41: C9 ret 3C42: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 3C45: CB BF res 7,a 3C47: FE 01 cp $01 3C49: C2 AD 96 jp nz,$3CA7 3C4C: DD 21 A2 96 ld ix,$3CA8 3C50: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 3C53: FE 0A cp $0A 3C55: CA 57 96 jp z,$3C5D 3C58: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 3C5B: DD 19 add ix,de 3C5D: FD E5 push iy 3C5F: D1 pop de 3C60: 21 0D 00 ld hl,$0007 3C63: 19 add hl,de 3C64: EB ex de,hl 3C65: DD E5 push ix 3C67: E1 pop hl 3C68: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 3C6B: ED B0 ldir 3C6D: CD B9 40 call $40B3 3C70: CD 59 41 call $4153 3C73: CD F7 4C call player_management_routine_46FD 3C76: CD AD 9E call $3EA7 3C79: CD 37 40 call $409D 3C7C: CD B9 40 call $40B3 3C7F: CD 59 41 call $4153 3C82: CD F7 4C call player_management_routine_46FD 3C85: A7 and a 3C86: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3C89: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 3C8C: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 3C8F: CB BC res 7,h 3C91: 11 B1 1B ld de,$1BB1 3C94: A7 and a 3C95: ED 52 sbc hl,de 3C97: C2 DC 96 jp nz,$3C76 3C9A: FD E5 push iy 3C9C: 3E 02 ld a,$08 3C9E: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 3CA1: A7 and a 3CA2: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3CA5: FD E1 pop iy 3CA7: C9 ret 3CA8: D8 ret c 3CA9: 1B dec de 3CAA: 1F rra 3CAB: 72 ld (hl),d 3CAC: D8 ret c 3CAD: 3B dec sp 3CAE: 7F ld a,a 3CAF: 72 ld (hl),d 3CB0: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 3CB3: E6 DF and $7F 3CB5: FE 50 cp $50 3CB7: DA 7D 96 jp c,$3CD7 3CBA: D6 50 sub $50 ; demo fight (blue title screen) There's a table but there is probably only ; one title screen remaining. Others are leftovers from first version where ; there were more demos in attract mode. 3CBC: 21 1D 97 ld hl,$3D17 3CBF: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 3CC2: FE 0A cp $0A 3CC4: CA 6A 96 jp z,$3CCA 3CC7: 21 8D 97 ld hl,$3D27 3CCA: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 3CCD: E6 DF and $7F 3CCF: D6 50 sub $50 3CD1: CD 00 97 call $init_player_data_3D00 3CD4: C3 F7 96 jp $3CFD ; normal init 3CD7: 21 9D 97 ld hl,$3D37 3CDA: FE 90 cp $30 3CDC: D4 D5 B0 call nc,display_error_text_B075 3CDF: FE 80 cp $20 3CE1: DA EC 96 jp c,$3CE6 3CE4: D6 80 sub $20 ; init player X with $30 coord (+$10) 3CE6: CD 00 97 call init_player_data_3D00 3CE9: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 3CEC: FE 0A cp $0A 3CEE: CA F7 96 jp z,$3CFD ; player 2: symmetrize 3CF1: FD CB 02 FE set 7,(iy+$08) ; set direction facing left 3CF5: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 3CF8: ED 44 neg ; negate 255-x or something 3CFA: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 3CFD: C9 ret 3CFE: 00 nop 3CFF: 00 nop ; init player x,y whatever ; < a: background image / level index ; < iy: player struct to initialize (C240, C220) init_player_data_3D00: 87 add a,a 3D01: 87 add a,a 3D02: 4F ld c,a 3D03: 06 00 ld b,$00 3D05: 09 add hl,bc 3D06: FD E5 push iy 3D08: DD E1 pop ix 3D0A: 0E 0D ld c,$07 3D0C: DD 09 add ix,bc 3D0E: DD E5 push ix 3D10: D1 pop de 3D11: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 ; copy 4 values from for ex 3D53 to C247 3D14: ED B0 ldir 3D16: C9 ret ; start stance, x,y for player 1 3D17 89 0A 40 D0 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 40 C8 ..@Ð..........@È 3D27 89 8A C0 D0 89 8A 88 88 89 8A 88 88 89 0A 88 90 ..ÀÐ............ ; normal table 3D37 89 0A 30 C0 89 0A 30 E0 89 0A 30 C0 89 0A 30 E0 ..0À..0à..0À..0à 3D47 89 0A 30 E0 89 0A 30 E0 89 0A 30 E0 89 0A 30 E0 ..0à..0à..0à..0à 3D57 89 0A 30 E0 89 0A 30 E0 89 0A 30 E0 89 0A 30 C0 ..0à..0à..0à..0À 3D67 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 88 88 ................ 3D77 89 0A 60 C0 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 50 C0 89 0A 60 E0 ..`À......PÀ..`à 3D87 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 60 E0 89 0A 50 E0 89 0A 60 E0 ......`à..Pà..`à 3D97 89 0A 50 E0 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 50 C0 ..Pà..........PÀ 3DA7 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 88 88 89 0A 88 88 ................ 3DA8: 0A ld a,(bc) 3DA9: 22 22 23 ld ($8988),hl 3DAC: 0A ld a,(bc) 3DAD: 22 22 23 ld ($8988),hl 3DB0: 0A ld a,(bc) 3DB1: 22 22 23 ld ($8988),hl 3DB4: 0A ld a,(bc) 3DB5: 22 22 CD ld ($6788),hl ; probably move related, but not A.I. related (player movement) 3DB7: CD 4B B0 call load_iy_with_player_structure_B04B 3DBA: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 3DBD: FE 02 cp $08 3DBF: C2 62 97 jp nz,$3DC8 3DC2: CD BD B0 call $B0B7 3DC5: C3 70 97 jp $3DD0 3DC8: FE 03 cp $09 3DCA: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3DCD: CD BA B0 call $B0BA 3DD0: 06 13 ld b,$19 3DD2: 21 F2 97 ld hl,table_3DF8 3DD5: 11 09 00 ld de,$0003 3DD8: BE cp (hl) 3DD9: CA E9 97 jp z,$3DE3 3DDC: 19 add hl,de 3DDD: 10 F3 djnz $3DD8 3DDF: AF xor a 3DE0: C3 FD 97 jp $3DF7 3DE3: 47 ld b,a 3DE4: 23 inc hl 3DE5: FD E5 push iy 3DE7: 11 40 00 ld de,$0040 3DEA: FD 19 add iy,de 3DEC: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 3DF0: FD E1 pop iy 3DF2: CA FC 97 jp z,$3DF6 3DF5: 23 inc hl 3DF6: 7E ld a,(hl) 3DF7: C9 ret table_3DF8 3DF8: 00 00 00 20 01 02 10 02 01 40 03 03 80 04 04 02 ... .....@...... 3E08 05 0A 22 06 0C 12 07 0B 42 08 0D 82 09 0E 01 0A ..".....B... ... 3E18 05 21 0B 07 11 0C 06 41 0D 08 81 0E 09 04 0F 0F .!.....A.... ... 3E28 24 10 11 14 11 10 44 12 12 84 13 13 08 14 14 28 $.....D........( 3E38 15 16 18 16 15 48 17 17 88 18 18 77 81 97 3E40: 22 12 12 ld ($1818),hl 3E43: DD 21 3D 9E ld ix,$3E97 3E47: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 3E4A: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 3E4D: CB BC res 7,h 3E4F: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 3E52: A7 and a 3E53: CA D7 9E jp z,$3E7D 3E56: DD 21 9D 97 ld ix,$3D37 3E5A: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 3E5D: E6 DF and $7F 3E5F: FE 80 cp $20 3E61: D4 D5 B0 call nc,display_error_text_B075 3E64: 87 add a,a 3E65: 87 add a,a 3E66: 4F ld c,a 3E67: 06 00 ld b,$00 3E69: DD 09 add ix,bc 3E6B: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 3E6E: DD BE 09 cp (ix+$03) 3E71: CA D7 9E jp z,$3E7D 3E74: DA 2C 9E jp c,$3E86 3E77: DD 7E 09 ld a,(ix+$03) 3E7A: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 3E7D: FD 36 14 00 ld (iy+$14),$00 3E81: 3E 00 ld a,$00 3E83: C3 34 9E jp $3E94 3E86: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 3E89: C6 08 add a,$02 3E8B: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 3E8E: FD 36 14 FF ld (iy+$14),$FF 3E92: 3E FF ld a,$FF 3E94: C9 ret 3E95: 00 nop 3E96: 00 nop 3E97: 68 ld l,b 3E98: 13 inc de 3E99: 77 ld (hl),a 3E9A: 13 inc de 3E9B: F2 13 19 jp p,$1319 3E9E: 1A ld a,(de) 3E9F: 8E adc a,(hl) 3EA0: 1A ld a,(de) 3EA1: 43 ld b,e 3EA2: 1A ld a,(de) 3EA3: 99 sbc a,c 3EA4: 1B dec de 3EA5: FF rst $38 3EA6: FF rst $38 3EA7: CD 49 9E call $3E43 3EAA: A7 and a 3EAB: C2 38 9F jp nz,$3F92 3EAE: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 3EB1: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 3EB4: CB BC res 7,h 3EB6: E5 push hl 3EB7: DD E1 pop ix 3EB9: DD 6E 0C ld l,(ix+$06) 3EBC: DD 66 0D ld h,(ix+$07) 3EBF: 11 0D 00 ld de,$0007 3EC2: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 3EC5: 47 ld b,a 3EC6: 7E ld a,(hl) 3EC7: FE FF cp $FF 3EC9: CA 74 9E jp z,$3ED4 3ECC: B8 cp b 3ECD: CA 74 9E jp z,$3ED4 3ED0: 19 add hl,de 3ED1: C3 6C 9E jp $3EC6 3ED4: E5 push hl 3ED5: DD 21 9B AA ld ix,$walk_frames_list_AA3B 3ED9: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 3EDC: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 3EDF: CB BC res 7,h 3EE1: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 3EE4: E1 pop hl 3EE5: A7 and a 3EE6: CA 94 9F jp z,$3F34 3EE9: FD 5E 0D ld e,(iy+$07) 3EEC: FD 56 02 ld d,(iy+$08) 3EEF: CB BA res 7,d 3EF1: D5 push de 3EF2: DD E1 pop ix 3EF4: DD 7E 02 ld a,(ix+$08) 3EF7: FE 80 cp $20 3EF9: CA 94 9F jp z,$3F34 ; check attack distance (0,1,2 at C26C for player 2) 3EFC: FD 7E 06 ld a,(iy+$0c) 3EFF: FE 08 cp $02 3F01: C2 94 9F jp nz,$3F34 ; player are close enough for long range attacks ; (probably unrelated to A.I. more for front kick / reverse punch variation) 3F04: FD 46 0B ld b,(iy+$0b) 3F07: 05 dec b 3F08: C2 94 9F jp nz,$3F34 3F0B: DD 21 40 68 ld ix,player_1_struct_C240 3F0F: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 3F12: FE 0A cp $0A 3F14: C2 1B 9F jp nz,$3F1B 3F17: DD 21 C0 68 ld ix,player_2_struct_C260 3F1B: DD 5E 0D ld e,(ix+$07) 3F1E: DD 56 02 ld d,(ix+$08) 3F21: CB BA res 7,d 3F23: D5 push de 3F24: DD E1 pop ix 3F26: DD 4E 02 ld c,(ix+$08) 3F29: CB 79 bit 7,c 3F2B: CA 94 9F jp z,$3F34 3F2E: CD 39 9F call $3F93 3F31: C3 38 9F jp $3F92 3F34: FD 7E 06 ld a,(iy+$0c) 3F37: 23 inc hl 3F38: A7 and a 3F39: CA 4A 9F jp z,$3F4A 3F3C: FE 09 cp $03 3F3E: D2 4A 9F jp nc,$3F4A 3F41: 23 inc hl 3F42: 23 inc hl 3F43: FE 01 cp $01 3F45: CA 4A 9F jp z,$3F4A 3F48: 23 inc hl 3F49: 23 inc hl 3F4A: 5E ld e,(hl) 3F4B: 23 inc hl 3F4C: 56 ld d,(hl) 3F4D: D5 push de 3F4E: E1 pop hl 3F4F: CB BC res 7,h 3F51: E5 push hl 3F52: DD E1 pop ix 3F54: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) 3F57: AA xor d 3F58: FA DC 9F jp m,$3F76 3F5B: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l 3F5E: FD 74 02 ld (iy+$08),h 3F61: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 3F64: DD 86 08 add a,(ix+$02) ; write current x position 3F67: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 3F6A: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 3F6D: DD 86 09 add a,(ix+$03) 3F70: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 3F73: C3 38 9F jp $3F92 3F76: FD 73 0D ld (iy+$07),e 3F79: CB FA set 7,d 3F7B: FD 72 02 ld (iy+$08),d 3F7E: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 3F81: ED 44 neg 3F83: FD 86 03 add a,(iy+$09) 3F86: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 3F89: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 3F8C: DD 86 09 add a,(ix+$03) 3F8F: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 3F92: C9 ret 3F93: DD 21 00 6F ld ix,$CF00 3F97: CB B9 res 7,c 3F99: FD 7E 0D ld a,(iy+$07) 3F9C: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 3F9F: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) 3FA2: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 3FA5: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 3FA8: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 3FAB: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 3FAE: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 3FB1: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 3FB4: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 3FB7: CB BC res 7,h 3FB9: 7E ld a,(hl) 3FBA: DD 77 04 ld (ix+$04),a 3FBD: 23 inc hl 3FBE: 7E ld a,(hl) 3FBF: DD 77 05 ld (ix+$05),a 3FC2: DD E5 push ix 3FC4: DD 21 13 40 ld ix,$4019 3FC8: 06 00 ld b,$00 3FCA: 79 ld a,c 3FCB: 87 add a,a 3FCC: 4F ld c,a 3FCD: DD 09 add ix,bc 3FCF: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 3FD2: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 3FD5: 7D ld a,l 3FD6: B4 or h 3FD7: CC D5 B0 call z,display_error_text_B075 3FDA: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l 3FDD: FD 74 02 ld (iy+$08),h 3FE0: DD E1 pop ix 3FE2: DD 5E 04 ld e,(ix+$04) 3FE5: DD 56 05 ld d,(ix+$05) 3FE8: DD E5 push ix 3FEA: 23 inc hl 3FEB: 23 inc hl 3FEC: 4E ld c,(hl) 3FED: 23 inc hl 3FEE: 46 ld b,(hl) 3FEF: C5 push bc 3FF0: DD E1 pop ix 3FF2: CD 06 B0 call $key_value_linear_search_B00C 3FF5: A7 and a 3FF6: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 3FF9: DD E1 pop ix 3FFB: DD CB 01 DE bit 7,(ix+$01) 3FFF: CA 0A 40 jp z,$400A 4002: FD CB 02 FE set 7,(iy+$08) 4006: 7D ld a,l 4007: ED 44 neg 4009: 6F ld l,a 400A: 7D ld a,l 400B: DD 86 08 add a,(ix+$02) 400E: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 4011: 7C ld a,h 4012: DD 86 09 add a,(ix+$03) 4015: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 4018: C9 ret 4019: 00 nop 401A: 00 nop 401B: E8 ret pe 401C: 1A ld a,(de) 401D: 5B ld e,e 401E: 1A ld a,(de) 401F: 00 nop 4020: 00 nop 4021: E8 ret pe 4022: 1A ld a,(de) 4023: 3A 1A 5B ld a,($5B1A) 4026: 1A ld a,(de) 4027: 3A 1A 5B ld a,($5B1A) 402A: 1A ld a,(de) 402B: 00 nop 402C: 00 nop 402D: 00 nop 402E: 00 nop 402F: 5B ld e,e 4030: 1A ld a,(de) 4031: 5B ld e,e 4032: 1A ld a,(de) 4033: E8 ret pe 4034: 1A ld a,(de) 4035: 00 nop 4036: 00 nop 4037: 00 nop 4038: 08 ex af,af' 4039: 0D dec c 403A: 00 nop 403B: 07 rlca 403C: 08 ex af,af' 403D: 02 ld (bc),a 403E: 00 nop 403F: 1A ld a,(de) 4040: 08 ex af,af' 4041: F6 00 or $00 4043: 5B ld e,e 4044: 08 ex af,af' 4045: 00 nop 4046: 00 nop 4047: 8D adc a,l 4048: 08 ex af,af' 4049: 04 inc b 404A: 00 nop 404B: F8 ret m 404C: 04 inc b 404D: F7 rst $30 404E: 00 nop 404F: 1E 09 ld e,$03 4051: 08 ex af,af' 4052: 00 nop 4053: 94 sub h 4054: 08 ex af,af' 4055: F2 00 FF jp p,$FF00 4058: FF rst $38 4059: 00 nop 405A: 08 ex af,af' 405B: 0C inc c 405C: 00 nop 405D: 07 rlca 405E: 08 ex af,af' 405F: 0D dec c 4060: 00 nop 4061: 1A ld a,(de) 4062: 08 ex af,af' 4063: FA 00 5B jp m,$5B00 4066: 08 ex af,af' 4067: FF rst $38 4068: 00 nop 4069: 8D adc a,l 406A: 08 ex af,af' 406B: 09 add hl,bc 406C: 00 nop 406D: F8 ret m 406E: 04 inc b 406F: F6 00 or $00 4071: 1E 09 ld e,$03 4073: 01 00 94 ld bc,$3400 4076: 08 ex af,af' 4077: FD db $fd 4078: 00 nop 4079: FF rst $38 407A: FF rst $38 407B: 00 nop 407C: 08 ex af,af' 407D: 0D dec c 407E: 00 nop 407F: 07 rlca 4080: 08 ex af,af' 4081: 02 ld (bc),a 4082: 00 nop 4083: 1A ld a,(de) 4084: 08 ex af,af' 4085: F6 00 or $00 4087: 5B ld e,e 4088: 08 ex af,af' 4089: 00 nop 408A: 00 nop 408B: 8D adc a,l 408C: 08 ex af,af' 408D: 04 inc b 408E: 00 nop 408F: F8 ret m 4090: 04 inc b 4091: FE 00 cp $00 4093: 1E 09 ld e,$03 4095: 08 ex af,af' 4096: 00 nop 4097: 94 sub h 4098: 08 ex af,af' 4099: F3 di 409A: 00 nop 409B: FF rst $38 409C: FF rst $38 409D: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 40A0: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 40A3: CB BC res 7,h 40A5: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 40A8: 19 add hl,de 40A9: 7E ld a,(hl) 40AA: E6 DF and $7F 40AC: CA B8 40 jp z,$40B2 40AF: CD D8 B0 call $B072 40B2: C9 ret 40B3: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 40B6: CB BF res 7,a 40B8: FE 50 cp $50 40BA: CA 76 40 jp z,$40DC 40BD: FE 10 cp $10 40BF: DA 76 40 jp c,$40DC 40C2: DD 21 16 6D ld ix,$C71C 40C6: E6 F0 and $F0 40C8: FE 10 cp $10 40CA: CA 4C 41 jp z,$4146 40CD: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 40D0: FE 0B cp $0B 40D2: CA 4C 41 jp z,$4146 40D5: DD 21 46 6D ld ix,$C74C 40D9: C3 4C 41 jp $4146 40DC: DD 21 46 6D ld ix,$C74C 40E0: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 40E3: FE 0B cp $0B 40E5: CA 4C 41 jp z,$4146 40E8: DD 21 16 6D ld ix,$C71C 40EC: FD E5 push iy 40EE: FD 21 C0 68 ld iy,player_2_struct_C260 40F2: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 40F5: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 40F8: CB BC res 7,h 40FA: 11 02 00 ld de,$0008 40FD: 19 add hl,de 40FE: 7E ld a,(hl) 40FF: CB BF res 7,a 4101: FD E1 pop iy 4103: FE 80 cp $20 4105: CA 98 41 jp z,$4132 4108: FE 08 cp $02 410A: CA 98 41 jp z,$4132 410D: FE 03 cp $09 410F: CA 98 41 jp z,$4132 4112: FE 0A cp $0A 4114: CA 98 41 jp z,$4132 4117: FE 0E cp $0E 4119: CA 98 41 jp z,$4132 411C: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 411F: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 4122: CB BC res 7,h 4124: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 4127: 19 add hl,de 4128: 7E ld a,(hl) 4129: CB 7F bit 7,a 412B: C2 98 41 jp nz,$4132 412E: DD 21 D6 6D ld ix,$C77C 4132: DD E5 push ix 4134: DD 21 16 6D ld ix,$C71C 4138: AF xor a 4139: CD 43 48 call $4249 413C: DD 21 D6 6D ld ix,$C77C 4140: AF xor a 4141: CD 43 48 call $4249 4144: DD E1 pop ix 4146: 0E 01 ld c,$01 4148: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 414B: FE 0A cp $0A 414D: CA 58 41 jp z,$4152 4150: 0E 08 ld c,$02 4152: C9 ret 4153: CD 27 4D call get_current_frame_contents_478D 4156: E5 push hl 4157: 11 00 08 ld de,$0200 415A: A7 and a 415B: ED 52 sbc hl,de 415D: 16 07 ld d,$0D 415F: CD 09 B0 call $B003 4162: A7 and a 4163: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4166: 29 add hl,hl 4167: 29 add hl,hl 4168: 11 27 02 ld de,$088D 416B: 19 add hl,de 416C: 7E ld a,(hl) 416D: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4171: CA DC 41 jp z,$4176 4174: ED 44 neg 4176: FD 86 03 add a,(iy+$09) 4179: D6 80 sub $20 417B: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 417E: DD 77 10 ld (ix+$10),a 4181: DD 77 80 ld (ix+$20),a 4184: C6 10 add a,$10 4186: DD 77 04 ld (ix+$04),a 4189: DD 77 14 ld (ix+$14),a 418C: DD 77 84 ld (ix+$24),a 418F: C6 10 add a,$10 4191: DD 77 02 ld (ix+$08),a 4194: DD 77 12 ld (ix+$18),a 4197: DD 77 82 ld (ix+$28),a 419A: C6 10 add a,$10 419C: DD 77 06 ld (ix+$0c),a 419F: DD 77 16 ld (ix+$1c),a 41A2: DD 77 86 ld (ix+$2c),a 41A5: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 41A8: D6 90 sub $30 41AA: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 41AD: DD 77 0D ld (ix+$07),a 41B0: DD 77 0B ld (ix+$0b),a 41B3: DD 77 0F ld (ix+$0f),a 41B6: C6 10 add a,$10 41B8: DD 77 19 ld (ix+$13),a 41BB: DD 77 1D ld (ix+$17),a 41BE: DD 77 1B ld (ix+$1b),a 41C1: DD 77 1F ld (ix+$1f),a 41C4: C6 10 add a,$10 41C6: DD 77 89 ld (ix+$23),a 41C9: DD 77 8D ld (ix+$27),a 41CC: DD 77 8B ld (ix+$2b),a 41CF: DD 77 8F ld (ix+$2f),a 41D2: E1 pop hl 41D3: 06 00 ld b,$00 41D5: 7E ld a,(hl) 41D6: 07 rlca 41D7: 07 rlca 41D8: CB 18 rr b 41DA: 07 rlca 41DB: 07 rlca 41DC: E6 D0 and $70 41DE: B0 or b 41DF: B1 or c 41E0: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 41E4: CA E3 41 jp z,$41E9 41E7: EE 20 xor $80 41E9: DD E5 push ix 41EB: DD 23 inc ix 41ED: DD 23 inc ix 41EF: CD 43 48 call $4249 41F2: DD E1 pop ix 41F4: 23 inc hl 41F5: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 41F9: C2 07 48 jp nz,$420D 41FC: 06 06 ld b,$0C 41FE: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 4201: 7E ld a,(hl) 4202: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 4205: 23 inc hl 4206: DD 19 add ix,de 4208: 10 FD djnz $4201 420A: C3 42 48 jp $4248 420D: 56 ld d,(hl) 420E: DD 72 07 ld (ix+$0d),d 4211: 23 inc hl 4212: 56 ld d,(hl) 4213: DD 72 03 ld (ix+$09),d 4216: 23 inc hl 4217: 56 ld d,(hl) 4218: DD 72 05 ld (ix+$05),d 421B: 23 inc hl 421C: 56 ld d,(hl) 421D: DD 72 01 ld (ix+$01),d 4220: 23 inc hl 4221: 56 ld d,(hl) 4222: DD 72 17 ld (ix+$1d),d 4225: 23 inc hl 4226: 56 ld d,(hl) 4227: DD 72 13 ld (ix+$19),d 422A: 23 inc hl 422B: 56 ld d,(hl) 422C: DD 72 15 ld (ix+$15),d 422F: 23 inc hl 4230: 56 ld d,(hl) 4231: DD 72 11 ld (ix+$11),d 4234: 23 inc hl 4235: 56 ld d,(hl) 4236: DD 72 87 ld (ix+$2d),d 4239: 23 inc hl 423A: 56 ld d,(hl) 423B: DD 72 83 ld (ix+$29),d 423E: 23 inc hl 423F: 56 ld d,(hl) 4240: DD 72 85 ld (ix+$25),d 4243: 23 inc hl 4244: 56 ld d,(hl) 4245: DD 72 81 ld (ix+$21),d 4248: C9 ret 4249: 06 06 ld b,$0C 424B: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 424E: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 4251: DD 19 add ix,de 4253: 10 F3 djnz $424E 4255: C9 ret 4256: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 4259: CB BF res 7,a 425B: FE 10 cp $10 425D: DA C4 48 jp c,$4264 4260: AF xor a 4261: C3 BC 49 jp $43B6 4264: DD 21 6D 49 ld ix,$43C7 4268: FD 5E 0D ld e,(iy+$07) 426B: FD 56 02 ld d,(iy+$08) 426E: CB BA res 7,d 4270: CD 06 B0 call $key_value_linear_search_B00C 4273: A7 and a 4274: CA DB 48 jp z,$427B 4277: AF xor a 4278: C3 BC 49 jp $43B6 427B: E5 push hl 427C: DD 21 9F 46 ld ix,$4C3F 4280: FD 5E 0D ld e,(iy+$07) 4283: FD 56 02 ld d,(iy+$08) 4286: CB BA res 7,d 4288: CD 06 B0 call $key_value_linear_search_B00C 428B: A7 and a 428C: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 428F: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 4292: 84 add a,h 4293: 5F ld e,a 4294: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4297: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 429B: C2 A8 48 jp nz,$42A2 429E: 85 add a,l 429F: C3 A9 48 jp $42A3 42A2: 95 sub l 42A3: 57 ld d,a 42A4: E1 pop hl 42A5: FD E5 push iy 42A7: D5 push de 42A8: E5 push hl 42A9: FD 22 02 6F ld ($CF08),iy 42AD: FD 21 C0 68 ld iy,player_2_struct_C260 42B1: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 42B4: FE 0A cp $0A 42B6: CA B7 48 jp z,$42BD 42B9: FD 21 40 68 ld iy,player_1_struct_C240 42BD: CD 27 4D call get_current_frame_contents_478D 42C0: DD 21 00 6F ld ix,$CF00 42C4: 11 00 08 ld de,$0200 42C7: A7 and a 42C8: ED 52 sbc hl,de 42CA: 16 07 ld d,$0D 42CC: CD 09 B0 call $B003 42CF: A7 and a 42D0: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 42D3: 29 add hl,hl 42D4: 29 add hl,hl 42D5: 11 27 02 ld de,$088D 42D8: 19 add hl,de 42D9: 23 inc hl 42DA: 23 inc hl 42DB: 23 inc hl 42DC: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 42DF: 86 add a,(hl) 42E0: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 42E3: DD 77 0C ld (ix+$06),a 42E6: 7E ld a,(hl) 42E7: ED 44 neg 42E9: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 42EC: DD 77 0D ld (ix+$07),a 42EF: 21 65 49 ld hl,$43C5 42F2: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 42F5: 96 sub (hl) 42F6: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 42F9: 7E ld a,(hl) 42FA: 87 add a,a 42FB: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 42FE: 23 inc hl 42FF: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4302: 96 sub (hl) 4303: DD 77 04 ld (ix+$04),a 4306: 7E ld a,(hl) 4307: 87 add a,a 4308: DD 77 05 ld (ix+$05),a 430B: FD E5 push iy 430D: C3 49 49 jp $4343 4310: FD 2A 02 6F ld iy,($CF08) 4314: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 4317: FD BE 18 cp (iy+$12) 431A: CA 8F 49 jp z,$432F 431D: FD 7E 0D ld a,(iy+$07) 4320: FD BE 10 cp (iy+$10) 4323: C2 49 49 jp nz,$4343 4326: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) 4329: FD BE 11 cp (iy+$11) 432C: C2 49 49 jp nz,$4343 432F: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 4332: C6 09 add a,$03 4334: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 4337: DD 36 01 09 ld (ix+$01),$03 433B: 3D dec a 433C: DD 77 04 ld (ix+$04),a 433F: DD 36 05 05 ld (ix+$05),$05 4343: FD E1 pop iy 4345: E1 pop hl 4346: D1 pop de 4347: CD 48 B0 call $B042 434A: A7 and a 434B: CA 56 49 jp z,$435C 434E: 06 04 ld b,$04 4350: 7C ld a,h 4351: FE 05 cp $05 4353: D2 52 49 jp nc,$4358 4356: 06 05 ld b,$05 4358: 78 ld a,b 4359: C3 C6 49 jp $436C 435C: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 435F: DD 09 add ix,bc 4361: CD 48 B0 call $B042 4364: A7 and a 4365: CA C6 49 jp z,$436C 4368: 3E 05 ld a,$05 436A: CB 0C rrc h 436C: A7 and a 436D: CA B4 49 jp z,$43B4 4370: F5 push af 4371: E5 push hl 4372: DD 21 BD 49 ld ix,$43B7 4376: FD 5E 0D ld e,(iy+$07) 4379: FD 56 02 ld d,(iy+$08) 437C: CB BA res 7,d 437E: CD 06 B0 call $key_value_linear_search_B00C 4381: D1 pop de 4382: C1 pop bc 4383: A7 and a 4384: C2 39 49 jp nz,$4393 4387: 7D ld a,l 4388: BB cp e 4389: C2 39 49 jp nz,$4393 438C: AF xor a 438D: 21 00 00 ld hl,$0000 4390: C3 B4 49 jp $43B4 4393: EB ex de,hl 4394: 78 ld a,b 4395: FD 2A 02 6F ld iy,($CF08) 4399: FD 4E 0D ld c,(iy+$07) 439C: FD 46 02 ld b,(iy+$08) 439F: FD 71 10 ld (iy+$10),c 43A2: FD 70 11 ld (iy+$11),b 43A5: C5 push bc 43A6: DD E1 pop ix 43A8: DD 46 02 ld b,(ix+$08) 43AB: FD 70 19 ld (iy+$13),b 43AE: FD 46 0B ld b,(iy+$0b) 43B1: FD 70 18 ld (iy+$12),b 43B4: FD E1 pop iy 43B6: C9 ret 43B7: 22 1A 01 ld ($011A),hl 43BA: 01 70 1A ld bc,$1AD0 43BD: 08 ex af,af' 43BE: 08 ex af,af' 43BF: 12 ld (de),a 43C0: 1B dec de 43C1: 09 add hl,bc 43C2: 09 add hl,bc 43C3: FF rst $38 43C4: FF rst $38 43C5: 04 inc b 43C6: 02 ld (bc),a 43C7: 4A ld c,d 43C8: 19 add hl,de 43C9: 00 nop 43CA: 08 ex af,af' 43CB: 75 ld (hl),l 43CC: 18 09 jr $43D1 43CE: 02 ld (bc),a 43CF: E8 ret pe 43D0: 11 01 0A ld de,$0A01 43D3: C7 rst $00 43D4: 11 01 0C ld de,$0601 43D7: 0A ld a,(bc) 43D8: 11 00 0C ld de,$0600 43DB: 3E 10 ld a,$10 43DD: 00 nop 43DE: 04 inc b 43DF: 0E 10 ld c,$10 43E1: 01 0A 30 ld bc,$900A 43E4: 0F rrca 43E5: 08 ex af,af' 43E6: 04 inc b 43E7: 1B dec de 43E8: 0F rrca 43E9: 01 0A AF ld bc,$AF0A 43EC: 0E 08 ld c,$02 43EE: 08 ex af,af' 43EF: 46 ld b,(hl) 43F0: 0E 09 ld c,$03 43F2: 08 ex af,af' 43F3: 7D ld a,l 43F4: 07 rlca 43F5: 00 nop 43F6: 08 ex af,af' 43F7: 4D ld c,l 43F8: 07 rlca 43F9: 01 0A 60 ld bc,$C00A 43FC: 06 09 ld b,$03 43FE: 04 inc b 43FF: 78 ld a,b 4400: 06 09 ld b,$03 4402: 04 inc b 4403: FF rst $38 4404: FF rst $38 4405: FD E5 push iy 4407: FD 21 40 68 ld iy,player_1_struct_C240 440B: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 440E: FE 0B cp $0B 4410: CA 1D 44 jp z,$4417 4413: FD 21 C0 68 ld iy,player_2_struct_C260 4417: CD 27 4D call get_current_frame_contents_478D 441A: FD E1 pop iy 441C: FD 75 07 ld (iy+$0d),l 441F: FD 74 0E ld (iy+$0e),h 4422: 3E 04 ld a,$04 4424: FD E5 push iy 4426: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 4429: FD E1 pop iy 442B: FE 07 cp $0D 442D: CA 88 44 jp z,$4422 4430: A7 and a 4431: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4434: 78 ld a,b 4435: FE 06 cp $0C 4437: DA 40 44 jp c,$4440 443A: CD 70 45 call $45D0 443D: C3 49 44 jp $4443 4440: CD 9C 45 call $4536 4443: CD 37 40 call $409D 4446: CD B9 40 call $40B3 4449: CD 59 41 call $4153 444C: CD F7 4C call player_management_routine_46FD 444F: FE 07 cp $0D 4451: CA 46 44 jp z,$444C 4454: FE 02 cp $08 4456: CA 57 44 jp z,$445D 4459: A7 and a 445A: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 445D: CD AD 9E call $3EA7 4460: CD C9 4C call $4663 4463: CD 37 40 call $409D 4466: CD B9 40 call $40B3 4469: CD 59 41 call $4153 446C: CD F7 4C call player_management_routine_46FD 446F: FE 07 cp $0D 4471: CA C6 44 jp z,$446C 4474: A7 and a 4475: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4478: CD 27 4D call get_current_frame_contents_478D 447B: DD 21 1A 4C ld ix,$461A 447F: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 4482: A7 and a 4483: CA 57 44 jp z,$445D 4486: C9 ret 4487: CD F7 4C call player_management_routine_46FD 448A: A7 and a 448B: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 ; reached when player is hit, same c42B (technique index) ; value written with 2 now... 448E: FD 36 0B 08 ld (iy+$0b),$02 4492: 01 23 0A ld bc,$0A89 4495: C5 push bc 4496: CD AD 9E call $3EA7 4499: CD C9 4C call $4663 449C: CD B9 40 call $40B3 449F: CD 59 41 call $4153 44A2: CD F7 4C call player_management_routine_46FD 44A5: A7 and a 44A6: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 44A9: C1 pop bc 44AA: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 44AD: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 44B0: CB BC res 7,h 44B2: A7 and a 44B3: ED 42 sbc hl,bc 44B5: C2 35 44 jp nz,$4495 44B8: C9 ret 44B9: FD E5 push iy 44BB: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 44BD: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 44C0: FD E1 pop iy 44C2: CD B9 40 call $40B3 44C5: DD E5 push ix 44C7: AF xor a 44C8: CD 43 48 call $4249 44CB: DD E1 pop ix 44CD: 06 05 ld b,$05 44CF: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 44D2: D6 02 sub $08 44D4: 67 ld h,a 44D5: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 44D8: D6 40 sub $40 44DA: 6F ld l,a 44DB: FD E5 push iy 44DD: C5 push bc 44DE: E5 push hl 44DF: DD E5 push ix 44E1: 7D ld a,l 44E2: 90 sub b 44E3: 6F ld l,a 44E4: 06 1C ld b,$16 44E6: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 44E9: FE 0A cp $0A 44EB: CA F0 44 jp z,$44F0 44EE: 06 12 ld b,$18 44F0: 78 ld a,b 44F1: CD A8 B0 call $B0A2 44F4: 3E 10 ld a,$10 44F6: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 44F9: DD E1 pop ix 44FB: E1 pop hl 44FC: E5 push hl 44FD: DD E5 push ix 44FF: 06 1D ld b,$17 4501: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 4504: FE 0A cp $0A 4506: CA 0B 45 jp z,$450B 4509: 06 13 ld b,$19 450B: 78 ld a,b 450C: CD A8 B0 call $B0A2 450F: 3E 10 ld a,$10 4511: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 4514: DD E1 pop ix 4516: E1 pop hl 4517: C1 pop bc 4518: 10 69 djnz $44DD 451A: FD E1 pop iy 451C: C9 ret 451D: FD E5 push iy 451F: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 4521: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 4524: FD E1 pop iy 4526: 21 A2 1B ld hl,$1BA8 4529: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l 452C: FD 74 02 ld (iy+$08),h 452F: CD B9 40 call $40B3 4532: CD 59 41 call $4153 4535: C9 ret 4536: DD 21 40 68 ld ix,player_1_struct_C240 453A: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 453D: FE 0A cp $0A 453F: C2 4C 45 jp nz,$4546 4542: DD 21 C0 68 ld ix,player_2_struct_C260 4546: 21 59 4C ld hl,$4653 4549: 11 02 00 ld de,$0008 454C: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4550: C2 C0 45 jp nz,$4560 4553: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4556: DD 96 03 sub (ix+$09) 4559: DA CA 45 jp c,$456A 455C: 19 add hl,de 455D: C3 CA 45 jp $456A 4560: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4563: DD 96 03 sub (ix+$09) 4566: D2 CA 45 jp nc,$456A 4569: 19 add hl,de 456A: E5 push hl 456B: FD 5E 07 ld e,(iy+$0d) 456E: FD 56 0E ld d,(iy+$0e) 4571: DD 21 8C 4C ld ix,$4626 4575: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 4578: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 457B: 7D ld a,l 457C: A4 and h 457D: FE FF cp $FF 457F: CC D5 B0 call z,display_error_text_B075 4582: A7 and a 4583: ED 52 sbc hl,de 4585: CA 31 45 jp z,$4591 4588: DD 23 inc ix 458A: DD 23 inc ix 458C: DD 23 inc ix 458E: C3 D5 45 jp $4575 4591: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 4594: E1 pop hl 4595: 87 add a,a 4596: 4F ld c,a 4597: 06 00 ld b,$00 4599: 09 add hl,bc 459A: 5E ld e,(hl) 459B: 23 inc hl 459C: 56 ld d,(hl) 459D: D5 push de 459E: CD FF 45 call $45FF 45A1: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 45A5: CA AA 45 jp z,$45AA 45A8: ED 44 neg 45AA: FD 86 03 add a,(iy+$09) 45AD: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 45B0: E1 pop hl 45B1: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) 45B4: E6 20 and $80 45B6: B4 or h 45B7: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l 45BA: FD 77 02 ld (iy+$08),a 45BD: CD FF 45 call $45FF 45C0: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 45C4: C2 63 45 jp nz,$45C9 45C7: ED 44 neg 45C9: FD 86 03 add a,(iy+$09) 45CC: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 45CF: C9 ret 45D0: 50 ld d,b 45D1: 1E 80 ld e,$20 45D3: CD 00 B0 call $B000 45D6: DD 21 00 61 ld ix,$C100 45DA: DD 19 add ix,de 45DC: 21 F9 45 ld hl,$45F3 45DF: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) 45E2: DD AE 02 xor (ix+$08) 45E5: E6 20 and $80 45E7: C2 E7 45 jp nz,$45ED 45EA: 21 F3 45 ld hl,$45F9 45ED: DD 7E 0B ld a,(ix+$0b) 45F0: C3 35 45 jp $4595 45F3: 40 ld b,b 45F4: 1A ld a,(de) 45F5: 8A adc a,d 45F6: 1B dec de 45F7: EF rst $28 45F8: 13 inc de 45F9: B3 or e 45FA: 13 inc de 45FB: 0A ld a,(bc) 45FC: 1A ld a,(de) 45FD: EF rst $28 45FE: 13 inc de 45FF: CD 27 4D call get_current_frame_contents_478D 4602: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 4605: A7 and a 4606: ED 42 sbc hl,bc 4608: 16 07 ld d,$0D 460A: CD 09 B0 call $B003 460D: A7 and a 460E: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4611: 29 add hl,hl 4612: 29 add hl,hl 4613: 11 27 02 ld de,$088D 4616: 19 add hl,de 4617: 23 inc hl 4618: 7E ld a,(hl) 4619: C9 ret 461A: CF rst $08 461B: 0D dec c 461C: A9 xor c 461D: 0D dec c 461E: 6A ld l,d 461F: 0D dec c 4620: F1 pop af 4621: 0D dec c 4622: 12 ld (de),a 4623: 02 ld (bc),a 4624: FF rst $38 4625: FF rst $38 4626: A3 and e 4627: 08 ex af,af' 4628: 08 ex af,af' 4629: 70 ld (hl),b 462A: 08 ex af,af' 462B: 00 nop 462C: FD db $fd 462D: 08 ex af,af' 462E: 01 8B 09 ld bc,$032B 4631: 08 ex af,af' 4632: 43 ld b,e 4633: 04 inc b 4634: 08 ex af,af' 4635: 58 ld e,b 4636: 09 add hl,bc 4637: 01 C6 09 ld bc,$036C 463A: 08 ex af,af' 463B: 2C inc l 463C: 09 add hl,bc 463D: 00 nop 463E: FB ei 463F: 09 add hl,bc 4640: 01 C9 04 ld bc,$0463 4643: 09 add hl,bc 4644: A7 and a 4645: 09 add hl,bc 4646: 00 nop 4647: 74 ld (hl),h 4648: 09 add hl,bc 4649: 00 nop 464A: 88 adc a,b 464B: 04 inc b 464C: 08 ex af,af' 464D: 72 ld (hl),d 464E: 04 inc b 464F: 01 FF FF ld bc,$FFFF 4652: FF rst $38 4653: B3 or e 4654: 13 inc de 4655: EF rst $28 4656: 13 inc de 4657: 0A ld a,(bc) 4658: 1A ld a,(de) 4659: 74 ld (hl),h 465A: 13 inc de 465B: 40 ld b,b 465C: 1A ld a,(de) 465D: EF rst $28 465E: 13 inc de 465F: 8A adc a,d 4660: 1B dec de 4661: 74 ld (hl),h 4662: 13 inc de 4663: DD 21 40 68 ld ix,player_1_struct_C240 4667: 21 1A 97 ld hl,$3D1A 466A: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 466D: E6 DF and $7F 466F: FE 50 cp $50 4671: CA 28 4C jp z,$4682 4674: 21 9A 97 ld hl,$3D3A 4677: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 467A: CB BF res 7,a 467C: 87 add a,a 467D: 87 add a,a 467E: 4F ld c,a 467F: 06 00 ld b,$00 4681: 09 add hl,bc 4682: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 4685: E6 D0 and $70 4687: FE 10 cp $10 4689: CA 7C 4C jp z,$46D6 468C: 7E ld a,(hl) 468D: DD BE 0A cp (ix+$0a) 4690: C2 7C 4C jp nz,$46D6 4693: DD 21 C0 68 ld ix,player_2_struct_C260 4697: 7E ld a,(hl) 4698: DD BE 0A cp (ix+$0a) 469B: C2 7C 4C jp nz,$46D6 469E: DD 21 C0 68 ld ix,player_2_struct_C260 46A2: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 46A5: FE 0A cp $0A 46A7: CA AE 4C jp z,$46AE 46AA: DD 21 40 68 ld ix,player_1_struct_C240 46AE: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 46B1: DD 96 03 sub (ix+$09) 46B4: DA 6D 4C jp c,$46C7 46B7: FE 10 cp $10 46B9: D2 7C 4C jp nc,$46D6 46BC: DD 7E 03 ld a,(ix+$09) 46BF: C6 10 add a,$10 46C1: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 46C4: C3 7C 4C jp $46D6 46C7: ED 44 neg 46C9: FE 10 cp $10 46CB: D2 7C 4C jp nc,$46D6 46CE: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 46D1: D6 10 sub $10 46D3: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 46D6: DD 21 F3 4C ld ix,$46F9 46DA: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 46DD: DD BE 00 cp (ix+$00) 46E0: D2 E6 4C jp nc,$46EC 46E3: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 46E6: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 46E9: C3 F2 4C jp $46F8 46EC: DD BE 08 cp (ix+$02) 46EF: DA F2 4C jp c,$46F8 46F2: DD 7E 09 ld a,(ix+$03) 46F5: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 46F8: C9 ret 46F9: 80 add a,b 46FA: 80 add a,b 46FB: E0 ret po 46FC: 7F ld a,a player_management_routine_46FD: 46FD: FD 7E 14 ld a,(iy+$14) 4700: A7 and a 4701: C2 29 4D jp nz,$4783 4704: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 4707: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 470A: CB BC res 7,h 470C: E5 push hl 470D: DD E1 pop ix ; current frame data 470F: DD 4E 05 ld c,(ix+$05) ; load c (number of ticks of current frame?) 4712: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 4715: E6 06 and $0C 4717: FE 06 cp $0C ; 2 players human? 4719: CA DB 4D jp z,$477B ; 2-player: skip the part below ; this isn't called in 2p mode ; in 2p mode (or dynamically), players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D is $F ; at start in 1p mode players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D is $5 ; at start C02D is 4 ; bit 0 is added when a credit is inserted 4 => 5 ; ; during the demo, setting 0F to C02D seem to have no effect ; but during 2P play setting C02D from F to 5,6,7 makes red player ; attack white. So maybe there are more flags that need to be ; set or are overridden by demo mode ; setting to 8 (1000) => white attacks, red is player 2 ; 0xB (1011) also behaves that way ; setting to 0 or 3 => error ; maybe in non-demo mode at least 1 player should be controlled ; by a human player ; ; this is not part of the A.I. routine, rather part of the CPU moves ; animation speed ; 471C: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 471F: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) ; loads player Y, 0A: ground, 0B: preparing to jump 4722: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) ; is player 2 human? 4724: CA 94 4D jp z,$4734 ; player 2 is CPU 4727: FE 0A cp $0A ; attack sequence? 4729: CA DB 4D jp z,$477B ; attacking: skip 472C: FE 0B cp $0B ; not attacking / standing guard? 472E: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 ; sanity check, has to be 0B 4731: C3 49 4D jp $4743 ; the other player is human, skip below 4734: CB 5E bit 3,(hl) ; is player 1 human? 4736: CA D5 B0 jp z,display_error_text_B075 ; sanity: if reach here p1 is human 4739: FE 0B cp $0B 473B: CA DB 4D jp z,$477B ; not attacking: skip 473E: FE 0A cp $0A 4740: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 ; check skill level (just for moves speed, not for A.I) 4743: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) 4746: FE 10 cp $10 ; CMP level 16+: set maximum speed: -2 ticks per frame for all moves 4748: 3E FE ld a,$FE 474A: D2 D6 4D jp nc,$477C ; if > $10 skip (CMP level 16) ; if not CMP, check difficulty level 474D: 21 CD A7 ld hl,counter_attack_timer_table_AD67 4750: 3A 90 60 ld a,(dip_switches_copy_C030) 4753: CB 3F srl a 4755: CB 3F srl a 4757: CB 3F srl a 4759: E6 0C and $06 ; difficulty level 00 easy ... 06 hardest to pick one of the 4 tables 475B: 5F ld e,a 475C: 16 00 ld d,$00 475E: 19 add hl,de 475F: 5E ld e,(hl) 4760: 23 inc hl 4761: 56 ld d,(hl) ; de points on the timer table 4762: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) 4765: 87 add a,a 4766: 6F ld l,a 4767: 26 00 ld h,$00 4769: 19 add hl,de 476A: 3A 42 61 ld a,($C148) 476D: 47 ld b,a 476E: 3A 4D 61 ld a,($C147) 4771: B0 or b 4772: CA DC 4D jp z,$4776 4775: 23 inc hl ; It's loading a from one of the ; counter attack timer tables, but if it's > 0 then ; it sets it to 0... So all the values > 0 (which ; seem to be very well tuned) are zeroed... Only remains ; the negative ones (to speed up cpu moves) ; ; the positive values are used for computer reaction ; 4776: 7E ld a,(hl) 4777: A7 and a 4778: FA D6 4D jp m,$477C 477B: AF xor a ; skips there on high difficulty level (high speed actually) 477C: 81 add a,c ; sub delay to c => in a 477D: CA 29 4D jp z,$4783 ; can't be zero! 4780: F2 25 4D jp p,$4785 ; can't be negative 4783: 3E 01 ld a,$01 4785: FD E5 push iy 4787: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 478A: FD E1 pop iy 478C: C9 ret ; < HL: pointer of frame ; > HL: contents of frame (first 2 bytes) get_current_frame_contents_478D: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 4790: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 4793: CB BC res 7,h 4795: 5E ld e,(hl) 4796: 23 inc hl 4797: 56 ld d,(hl) 4798: EB ex de,hl 4799: C9 ret 479A: 00 nop 479B: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 479E: FE 0A cp $0A 47A0: CA A2 4D jp z,$47A8 47A3: FE 0B cp $0B 47A5: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 47A8: CD 27 4D call get_current_frame_contents_478D 47AB: 11 00 08 ld de,$0200 47AE: A7 and a 47AF: ED 52 sbc hl,de 47B1: C2 74 4D jp nz,$47D4 47B4: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 47B7: CB BF res 7,a 47B9: FE 10 cp $10 47BB: D2 74 4D jp nc,$47D4 47BE: 87 add a,a 47BF: 87 add a,a 47C0: 4F ld c,a 47C1: 06 00 ld b,$00 47C3: 21 9D 97 ld hl,$3D37 47C6: 09 add hl,bc 47C7: 23 inc hl 47C8: 23 inc hl 47C9: 23 inc hl 47CA: 7E ld a,(hl) 47CB: FD BE 0A cp (iy+$0a) 47CE: CA 74 4D jp z,$47D4 47D1: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 47D4: C9 ret 47D5: 00 nop 47D6: CD 4B B0 call load_iy_with_player_structure_B04B 47D9: 3E 19 ld a,$13 47DB: CD D8 B0 call $B072 47DE: CD 18 B0 call $B012 47E1: CD BD 42 call $48B7 47E4: CD C2 43 call $4968 47E7: CD D2 43 call $4978 47EA: FD E5 push iy 47EC: 3E 01 ld a,$01 47EE: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 47F1: FD E1 pop iy 47F3: A7 and a 47F4: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 47F7: CD 15 4B call $4B15 47FA: CD 56 4B call $4B5C 47FD: FE FF cp $FF 47FF: CA A2 42 jp z,$48A8 4802: CD C2 43 call $4968 4805: CD D2 43 call $4978 4808: CD F6 4B call $4BFC 480B: F5 push af 480C: CD 5E 47 call $4D5E 480F: A7 and a 4810: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4813: F1 pop af 4814: A7 and a 4815: CA FD 4D jp z,$47F7 4818: FE 08 cp $02 481A: CA 51 42 jp z,$4851 481D: FD E5 push iy 481F: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 4821: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 4824: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) 4826: C2 8B 42 jp nz,$482B 4829: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 482B: 06 09 ld b,$03 482D: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 4830: A7 and a 4831: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4834: 3E 08 ld a,$02 4836: 06 09 ld b,$03 4838: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 483B: A7 and a 483C: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 483F: FD E1 pop iy 4841: FD E5 push iy 4843: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 4845: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 4848: A7 and a 4849: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 484C: FD E1 pop iy 484E: C3 A2 42 jp $48A8 4851: CD 16 47 call $4D1C 4854: 3E 18 ld a,$12 4856: CD D8 B0 call $B072 4859: CD C2 43 call $4968 485C: CD D2 43 call $4978 485F: CD 5E 47 call $4D5E 4862: A7 and a 4863: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4866: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 4869: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 486C: CB BC res 7,h 486E: E5 push hl 486F: DD E1 pop ix 4871: DD 7E 04 ld a,(ix+$04) 4874: DD A6 05 and (ix+$05) 4877: DD A6 0C and (ix+$06) 487A: DD A6 0D and (ix+$07) 487D: FE FF cp $FF 487F: CA 22 42 jp z,$4888 4882: CD 15 4B call $4B15 4885: C3 53 42 jp $4859 4888: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 488B: FE 10 cp $10 488D: DA A2 42 jp c,$48A8 4890: 3E 04 ld a,$04 4892: 06 08 ld b,$02 4894: FD E5 push iy 4896: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 4899: FD E1 pop iy 489B: A7 and a 489C: C2 D5 B0 jp nz,display_error_text_B075 489F: 3E 08 ld a,$02 48A1: FD E5 push iy 48A3: CD 12 B0 call $B018 48A6: FD E1 pop iy 48A8: FD 6E 0E ld l,(iy+$0e) 48AB: FD 66 0F ld h,(iy+$0f) 48AE: 01 10 00 ld bc,$0010 48B1: CD 81 B0 call $B021 48B4: CD 51 B0 call $B051 ; evade sequence index 48B7: 3A 12 63 ld a,($C918) 48BA: FE 0C cp $06 ; not possible that it's >= 06 48BC: D4 D5 B0 call nc,display_error_text_B075 48BF: FE 09 cp $03 48C1: DA 6C 42 jp c,$48C6 ; > 3, just make it symmetrical? 48C4: D6 09 sub $03 48C6: FD 77 0B ld (iy+$0b),a 48C9: 3A 12 63 ld a,($C918) 48CC: FE 09 cp $03 48CE: DA 7C 42 jp c,$48D6 48D1: 0E 20 ld c,$80 48D3: FD 71 02 ld (iy+$08),c 48D6: FD 36 03 00 ld (iy+$09),$00 48DA: 21 42 43 ld hl,$4948 48DD: 3A 12 63 ld a,($C918) 48E0: FE 09 cp $03 48E2: DA ED 42 jp c,$48E7 48E5: D6 09 sub $03 48E7: 06 00 ld b,$00 48E9: 4F ld c,a 48EA: 09 add hl,bc 48EB: DD 21 9D 97 ld ix,$3D37 48EF: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 48F2: 87 add a,a 48F3: 87 add a,a 48F4: 4F ld c,a 48F5: 06 00 ld b,$00 48F7: DD 09 add ix,bc 48F9: DD 7E 09 ld a,(ix+$03) 48FC: 86 add a,(hl) 48FD: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 4900: 3A 13 63 ld a,($C919) 4903: FE 0D cp $07 4905: D4 D5 B0 call nc,display_error_text_B075 4908: FD 77 06 ld (iy+$0c),a 490B: 4F ld c,a 490C: 87 add a,a 490D: 81 add a,c 490E: DD 21 4B 43 ld ix,$494B 4912: 4F ld c,a 4913: 06 00 ld b,$00 4915: DD 09 add ix,bc 4917: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 491A: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a 491D: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 4920: FD B6 02 or (iy+$08) 4923: FD 77 02 ld (iy+$08),a 4926: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 4929: FD 77 07 ld (iy+$0d),a 492C: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 492F: D6 10 sub $10 4931: 87 add a,a 4932: 4F ld c,a 4933: 06 00 ld b,$00 4935: DD 21 C0 43 ld ix,$4960 4939: DD 09 add ix,bc 493B: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 493E: FD 77 0E ld (iy+$0e),a 4941: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 4944: FD 77 0F ld (iy+$0f),a 4947: C9 ret 4948: 72 ld (hl),d 4949: E2 F2 4A jp po,$4AF8 494C: 92 sub d 494D: 0F rrca 494E: 56 ld d,(hl) 494F: 92 sub d 4950: 0D dec c 4951: CE 92 adc a,$38 4953: 06 38 ld b,$92 4955: 92 sub d 4956: 0C inc c 4957: A7 and a 4958: 92 sub d 4959: 0D dec c 495A: 62 ld h,d 495B: 92 sub d 495C: 0D dec c 495D: E9 jp (hl) 495E: 92 sub d 495F: 07 rlca 4960: D6 6D sub $C7 4962: 26 6D ld h,$C7 4964: 36 6D ld (hl),$C7 4966: A6 and (hl) 4967: 6D ld l,l 4968: CD 4B B0 call load_iy_with_player_structure_B04B 496B: FD 6E 0E ld l,(iy+$0e) 496E: FD 66 0F ld h,(iy+$0f) 4971: E5 push hl 4972: DD E1 pop ix 4974: FD 4E 07 ld c,(iy+$0d) 4977: C9 ret 4978: CD 27 4D call get_current_frame_contents_478D 497B: 7E ld a,(hl) 497C: E6 20 and $80 497E: FD 77 17 ld (iy+$1d),a 4981: 79 ld a,c 4982: E6 0F and $0F 4984: FD B6 17 or (iy+$1d) 4987: FD 77 17 ld (iy+$1d),a 498A: 7E ld a,(hl) 498B: CB BF res 7,a 498D: CB B7 res 6,a 498F: 87 add a,a 4990: 5F ld e,a 4991: 16 00 ld d,$00 4993: E5 push hl 4994: 21 72 4A ld hl,$4AD8 4997: 19 add hl,de 4998: 5E ld e,(hl) 4999: 23 inc hl 499A: 56 ld d,(hl) 499B: E1 pop hl 499C: 23 inc hl 499D: 1A ld a,(de) 499E: 13 inc de 499F: FE FF cp $FF 49A1: CA 02 4A jp z,$4A08 49A4: FD 4E 03 ld c,(iy+$09) 49A7: CB 7F bit 7,a 49A9: C2 B0 43 jp nz,$49B0 49AC: 81 add a,c 49AD: C3 B5 43 jp $49B5 49B0: ED 44 neg 49B2: 47 ld b,a 49B3: 79 ld a,c 49B4: 90 sub b 49B5: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 49B8: 1A ld a,(de) 49B9: FD 4E 0A ld c,(iy+$0a) 49BC: CB 7F bit 7,a 49BE: C2 65 43 jp nz,$49C5 49C1: 81 add a,c 49C2: C3 6A 43 jp $49CA 49C5: ED 44 neg 49C7: 47 ld b,a 49C8: 79 ld a,c 49C9: 90 sub b 49CA: DA F3 43 jp c,$49F9 49CD: FE 02 cp $08 49CF: DA F3 43 jp c,$49F9 49D2: FE F2 cp $F8 49D4: D2 F3 43 jp nc,$49F9 49D7: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 49DA: 4E ld c,(hl) 49DB: 23 inc hl 49DC: 46 ld b,(hl) 49DD: 23 inc hl 49DE: DD 71 01 ld (ix+$01),c 49E1: CB 00 rlc b 49E3: CB 00 rlc b 49E5: CB 00 rlc b 49E7: CB 00 rlc b 49E9: DD 70 08 ld (ix+$02),b 49EC: FD 7E 17 ld a,(iy+$1d) 49EF: DD B6 08 or (ix+$02) 49F2: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 49F5: 13 inc de 49F6: C3 00 4A jp $4A00 49F9: 23 inc hl 49FA: 23 inc hl 49FB: 13 inc de 49FC: DD 36 00 00 ld (ix+$00),$00 4A00: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 4A03: DD 09 add ix,bc 4A05: C3 37 43 jp $499D 4A08: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 4A0B: FE 14 cp $14 4A0D: C2 71 4A jp nz,$4AD1 4A10: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4A14: CA A5 4A jp z,$4AA5 4A17: CD C2 43 call $4968 4A1A: 06 04 ld b,$04 4A1C: DD 4E 01 ld c,(ix+$01) 4A1F: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 4A22: DD 6E 11 ld l,(ix+$11) 4A25: DD 66 18 ld h,(ix+$12) 4A28: EE 20 xor $80 4A2A: DD 71 11 ld (ix+$11),c 4A2D: DD 77 18 ld (ix+$12),a 4A30: 7C ld a,h 4A31: EE 20 xor $80 4A33: DD 75 01 ld (ix+$01),l 4A36: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 4A39: DD 4E 05 ld c,(ix+$05) 4A3C: DD 7E 0C ld a,(ix+$06) 4A3F: DD 6E 07 ld l,(ix+$0d) 4A42: DD 66 0E ld h,(ix+$0e) 4A45: EE 20 xor $80 4A47: DD 71 07 ld (ix+$0d),c 4A4A: DD 77 0E ld (ix+$0e),a 4A4D: 7C ld a,h 4A4E: EE 20 xor $80 4A50: DD 75 05 ld (ix+$05),l 4A53: DD 77 0C ld (ix+$06),a 4A56: DD 7E 0A ld a,(ix+$0a) 4A59: EE 20 xor $80 4A5B: DD 77 0A ld (ix+$0a),a 4A5E: 11 14 00 ld de,$0014 4A61: DD 19 add ix,de 4A63: 10 BD djnz $4A1C 4A65: CD C2 43 call $4968 4A68: DD 4E 01 ld c,(ix+$01) 4A6B: DD 46 08 ld b,(ix+$02) 4A6E: DD 5E 05 ld e,(ix+$05) 4A71: DD 56 0C ld d,(ix+$06) 4A74: DD 73 01 ld (ix+$01),e 4A77: DD 72 08 ld (ix+$02),d 4A7A: DD 71 05 ld (ix+$05),c 4A7D: DD 70 0C ld (ix+$06),b 4A80: DD 4E 07 ld c,(ix+$0d) 4A83: DD 46 0E ld b,(ix+$0e) 4A86: DD 5E 11 ld e,(ix+$11) 4A89: DD 56 18 ld d,(ix+$12) 4A8C: DD 73 07 ld (ix+$0d),e 4A8F: DD 72 0E ld (ix+$0e),d 4A92: DD 71 11 ld (ix+$11),c 4A95: DD 70 18 ld (ix+$12),b 4A98: 06 05 ld b,$05 4A9A: DD CB 08 BE res 7,(ix+$02) 4A9E: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 4AA1: DD 19 add ix,de 4AA3: 10 F5 djnz $4A9A 4AA5: DD 21 74 4A ld ix,$4AD4 4AA9: FD 56 03 ld d,(iy+$09) 4AAC: FD 5E 0A ld e,(iy+$0a) 4AAF: CD 48 B0 call $B042 4AB2: A7 and a 4AB3: C2 71 4A jp nz,$4AD1 4AB6: CD C2 43 call $4968 4AB9: 06 14 ld b,$14 4ABB: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4ABE: DD AE 00 xor (ix+$00) 4AC1: E6 20 and $80 4AC3: CA 6A 4A jp z,$4ACA 4AC6: DD 36 00 00 ld (ix+$00),$00 4ACA: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 4ACD: DD 19 add ix,de 4ACF: 10 EA djnz $4ABB 4AD1: C9 ret 4AD2: 00 nop 4AD3: 00 nop 4AD4: 90 sub b 4AD5: 3F ccf 4AD6: 00 nop 4AD7: FF rst $38 4AD8: 00 nop 4AD9: 00 nop 4ADA: E0 ret po 4ADB: 4A ld c,d 4ADC: E9 jp (hl) 4ADD: 4A ld c,d 4ADE: E6 4A and $4A 4AE0: F2 F2 FF jp p,$FFF8 4AE3: F0 ret p 4AE4: F0 ret p 4AE5: 00 nop 4AE6: F0 ret p 4AE7: F0 ret p 4AE8: 00 nop 4AE9: 00 nop 4AEA: 00 nop 4AEB: FF rst $38 4AEC: 72 ld (hl),d 4AED: E0 ret po 4AEE: E2 E0 F2 jp po,$F8E0 4AF1: E0 ret po 4AF2: 02 ld (bc),a 4AF3: E0 ret po 4AF4: 12 ld (de),a 4AF5: E0 ret po 4AF6: 72 ld (hl),d 4AF7: F0 ret p 4AF8: E2 F0 F2 jp po,$F8F0 4AFB: F0 ret p 4AFC: 02 ld (bc),a 4AFD: F0 ret p 4AFE: 12 ld (de),a 4AFF: F0 ret p 4B00: 72 ld (hl),d 4B01: 00 nop 4B02: E2 00 F2 jp po,$F800 4B05: 00 nop 4B06: 02 ld (bc),a 4B07: 00 nop 4B08: 12 ld (de),a 4B09: 00 nop 4B0A: 72 ld (hl),d 4B0B: 10 E2 djnz $4AF5 4B0D: 10 F2 djnz $4B07 4B0F: 10 02 djnz $4B19 4B11: 10 12 djnz $4B2B 4B13: 10 FF djnz $4B14 4B15: FD 4E 0D ld c,(iy+$07) 4B18: FD 46 02 ld b,(iy+$08) 4B1B: CB B8 res 7,b 4B1D: C5 push bc 4B1E: DD E1 pop ix 4B20: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 4B23: DD 4E 09 ld c,(ix+$03) 4B26: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4B2A: C2 96 4B jp nz,$4B3C 4B2D: DD 56 04 ld d,(ix+$04) 4B30: FD 72 0D ld (iy+$07),d 4B33: DD 56 05 ld d,(ix+$05) 4B36: FD 72 02 ld (iy+$08),d 4B39: C3 4E 4B jp $4B4E 4B3C: DD 56 0C ld d,(ix+$06) 4B3F: FD 72 0D ld (iy+$07),d 4B42: DD 56 0D ld d,(ix+$07) 4B45: FD 72 02 ld (iy+$08),d 4B48: FD CB 02 FE set 7,(iy+$08) 4B4C: ED 44 neg 4B4E: FD 86 03 add a,(iy+$09) 4B51: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 4B54: 79 ld a,c 4B55: FD 86 0A add a,(iy+$0a) 4B58: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 4B5B: C9 ret 4B5C: DD 21 D5 4B ld ix,$4B75 4B60: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4B64: C2 CB 4B jp nz,$4B6B 4B67: DD 21 D3 4B ld ix,$4B79 4B6B: FD 56 03 ld d,(iy+$09) 4B6E: FD 5E 0A ld e,(iy+$0a) 4B71: CD 48 B0 call $B042 4B74: C9 ret 4B75: F0 ret p 4B76: 0F rrca 4B77: 00 nop 4B78: FF rst $38 4B79: 00 nop 4B7A: 0F rrca 4B7B: 00 nop 4B7C: FF rst $38 4B7D: FD E5 push iy 4B7F: FD 6E 10 ld l,(iy+$10) 4B82: FD 66 11 ld h,(iy+$11) 4B85: E5 push hl 4B86: FD E1 pop iy 4B88: CD 14 46 call $4C14 4B8B: FD E1 pop iy 4B8D: A7 and a 4B8E: C2 A0 4B jp nz,$4BA0 4B91: CD D7 46 call $4C7D 4B94: CD 48 B0 call $B042 4B97: A7 and a 4B98: CA A0 4B jp z,$4BA0 4B9B: 3E 08 ld a,$02 4B9D: C3 FB 4B jp $4BFB 4BA0: CD 65 46 call $4CC5 4BA3: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 4BA6: FE 14 cp $14 4BA8: C2 E6 4B jp nz,$4BEC 4BAB: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4BAE: D6 10 sub $10 4BB0: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4BB4: CA B3 4B jp z,$4BB9 4BB7: C6 80 add a,$20 4BB9: 57 ld d,a 4BBA: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 4BBD: D6 10 sub $10 4BBF: 5F ld e,a 4BC0: CD 48 B0 call $B042 4BC3: A7 and a 4BC4: C2 F3 4B jp nz,$4BF9 4BC7: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4BCA: C6 10 add a,$10 4BCC: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4BD0: CA 75 4B jp z,$4BD5 4BD3: D6 80 sub $20 4BD5: 57 ld d,a 4BD6: FD 5E 0A ld e,(iy+$0a) 4BD9: CD 48 B0 call $B042 4BDC: A7 and a 4BDD: C2 F3 4B jp nz,$4BF9 4BE0: FD 56 03 ld d,(iy+$09) 4BE3: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 4BE6: C6 10 add a,$10 4BE8: 5F ld e,a 4BE9: C3 F8 4B jp $4BF2 4BEC: FD 56 03 ld d,(iy+$09) 4BEF: FD 5E 0A ld e,(iy+$0a) 4BF2: CD 48 B0 call $B042 4BF5: A7 and a 4BF6: CA FB 4B jp z,$4BFB 4BF9: 3E 01 ld a,$01 4BFB: C9 ret 4BFC: 21 40 68 ld hl,player_1_struct_C240 4BFF: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 4C02: CB 57 bit 2,a 4C04: C2 0A 46 jp nz,$4C0A 4C07: 21 C0 68 ld hl,player_2_struct_C260 4C0A: FD 75 10 ld (iy+$10),l 4C0D: FD 74 11 ld (iy+$11),h 4C10: CD D7 4B call $4B7D 4C13: C9 ret 4C14: FD 5E 0D ld e,(iy+$07) 4C17: FD 56 02 ld d,(iy+$08) 4C1A: CB BA res 7,d 4C1C: DD 21 9F 46 ld ix,$4C3F 4C20: CD 06 B0 call $key_value_linear_search_B00C 4C23: A7 and a 4C24: C2 9E 46 jp nz,$4C3E 4C27: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4C2A: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4C2E: C2 9C 46 jp nz,$4C36 4C31: 85 add a,l 4C32: 57 ld d,a 4C33: C3 92 46 jp $4C38 4C36: 95 sub l 4C37: 57 ld d,a 4C38: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 4C3B: 84 add a,h 4C3C: 5F ld e,a 4C3D: AF xor a 4C3E: C9 ret 4C3F: 60 ld h,b 4C40: 06 76 ld b,$DC 4C42: ED 78 in a,(c) 4C44: 06 73 ld b,$D9 4C46: ED 4D reti 4C48: 07 rlca 4C49: 76 halt 4C4A: 7B ld a,e 4C4B: 7D ld a,l 4C4C: 07 rlca 4C4D: 76 halt 4C4E: F7 rst $30 4C4F: 46 ld b,(hl) 4C50: 0E 12 ld c,$18 4C52: EC AF 0E call pe,$0EAF 4C55: 12 ld (de),a 4C56: E4 1B 0F call po,$0F1B 4C59: 89 adc a,c 4C5A: 75 ld (hl),l 4C5B: 30 0F jr nc,$4C6C 4C5D: 1B dec de 4C5E: E4 0E 10 call po,$100E 4C61: 84 add a,h 4C62: F7 rst $30 4C63: 3E 10 ld a,$10 4C65: 13 inc de 4C66: F7 rst $30 4C67: 0A ld a,(bc) 4C68: 11 1D 75 ld de,$D517 4C6B: C7 rst $00 4C6C: 11 16 7A ld de,$DA1C 4C6F: E8 ret pe 4C70: 11 1B 73 ld de,$D91B 4C73: 75 ld (hl),l 4C74: 18 1A jr $4C90 4C76: E4 4A 19 call po,$134A 4C79: 1B dec de 4C7A: F5 push af 4C7B: FF rst $38 4C7C: FF rst $38 4C7D: 21 B7 46 ld hl,$4CBD 4C80: FD 4E 06 ld c,(iy+$0c) 4C83: 06 00 ld b,$00 4C85: 09 add hl,bc 4C86: DD 21 00 6F ld ix,$CF00 4C8A: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4C8D: 96 sub (hl) 4C8E: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 4C91: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 4C94: 96 sub (hl) 4C95: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 4C98: 7E ld a,(hl) 4C99: 87 add a,a 4C9A: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 4C9D: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 4CA0: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) 4CA3: FE 14 cp $14 4CA5: C2 B6 46 jp nz,$4CBC 4CA8: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 4CAB: D6 02 sub $08 4CAD: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 4CB0: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4CB4: CA B6 46 jp z,$4CBC 4CB7: C6 10 add a,$10 4CB9: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 4CBC: C9 ret 4CBD: 06 06 ld b,$0C 4CBF: 06 06 ld b,$0C 4CC1: 06 06 ld b,$0C 4CC3: 06 02 ld b,$08 4CC5: FD E5 push iy 4CC7: DD 21 00 6F ld ix,$CF00 4CCB: 21 14 47 ld hl,$4D14 4CCE: FD 4E 06 ld c,(iy+$0c) 4CD1: 06 00 ld b,$00 4CD3: 09 add hl,bc 4CD4: FD 5E 10 ld e,(iy+$10) 4CD7: FD 56 11 ld d,(iy+$11) 4CDA: D5 push de 4CDB: FD E1 pop iy 4CDD: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 4CE0: 96 sub (hl) 4CE1: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 4CE4: 7E ld a,(hl) 4CE5: 87 add a,a 4CE6: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 4CE9: CD 27 4D call get_current_frame_contents_478D 4CEC: 11 00 08 ld de,$0200 4CEF: A7 and a 4CF0: ED 52 sbc hl,de 4CF2: 16 07 ld d,$0D 4CF4: CD 09 B0 call $B003 4CF7: A7 and a 4CF8: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4CFB: 29 add hl,hl 4CFC: 29 add hl,hl 4CFD: 11 27 02 ld de,$088D 4D00: 19 add hl,de 4D01: 23 inc hl 4D02: 23 inc hl 4D03: 23 inc hl 4D04: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 4D07: 86 add a,(hl) 4D08: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 4D0B: 7E ld a,(hl) 4D0C: ED 44 neg 4D0E: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 4D11: FD E1 pop iy 4D13: C9 ret 4D14: 10 10 djnz $4D26 4D16: 10 10 djnz $4D28 4D18: 10 10 djnz $4D2A 4D1A: 10 10 djnz $4D2C 4D1C: DD 21 D4 47 ld ix,$4D74 4D20: FD 4E 06 ld c,(iy+$0c) 4D23: 06 00 ld b,$00 4D25: DD 09 add ix,bc 4D27: DD 09 add ix,bc 4D29: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 4D2C: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 4D2F: E5 push hl 4D30: DD E1 pop ix 4D32: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l 4D35: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4D39: CA 9E 47 jp z,$4D3E 4D3C: CB FC set 7,h 4D3E: FD 74 02 ld (iy+$08),h 4D41: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 4D44: DD 4E 09 ld c,(ix+$03) 4D47: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 4D4B: CA 50 47 jp z,$4D50 4D4E: ED 44 neg 4D50: FD 86 03 add a,(iy+$09) 4D53: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 4D56: 79 ld a,c 4D57: FD 86 0A add a,(iy+$0a) 4D5A: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 4D5D: C9 ret 4D5E: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 4D61: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 4D64: CB BC res 7,h 4D66: 11 02 00 ld de,$0008 4D69: 19 add hl,de 4D6A: 7E ld a,(hl) 4D6B: 00 nop 4D6C: FD E5 push iy 4D6E: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 4D71: FD E1 pop iy 4D73: C9 ret 4D74: 59 ld e,c 4D75: 92 sub d 4D76: C5 push bc 4D77: 92 sub d 4D78: DD db $dd 4D79: 92 sub d 4D7A: 3B dec sp 4D7B: 92 sub d 4D7C: BC cp h 4D7D: 92 sub d 4D7E: 71 ld (hl),c 4D7F: 92 sub d 4D80: E6 92 and $38 4D82: 20 9A jr nz,$4DBE 4D84: CD 4B B0 call load_iy_with_player_structure_B04B 4D87: CD 18 B0 call $B012 4D8A: FD E5 push iy 4D8C: 3E 02 ld a,$08 4D8E: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 4D91: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) 4D93: C2 3D 47 jp nz,$4D97 4D96: 3C inc a 4D97: CD 5D B0 call $B057 4D9A: A7 and a 4D9B: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4D9E: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 4DA0: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 4DA3: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) 4DA5: C2 A3 47 jp nz,$4DA9 4DA8: 3C inc a 4DA9: CD 5D B0 call $B057 4DAC: A7 and a 4DAD: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4DB0: 3E 04 ld a,$04 4DB2: CD 5D B0 call $B057 4DB5: A7 and a 4DB6: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4DB9: 3E 14 ld a,$14 4DBB: CD 5D B0 call $B057 4DBE: A7 and a 4DBF: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4DC2: FD E1 pop iy 4DC4: FD E5 push iy 4DC6: 3E 00 ld a,$00 4DC8: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 4DCB: FE 10 cp $10 4DCD: CA E0 47 jp z,$4DE0 4DD0: FE 01 cp $01 4DD2: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4DD5: 3E 0F ld a,$0F 4DD7: 06 80 ld b,$20 4DD9: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 4DDC: A7 and a 4DDD: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4DE0: FD E1 pop iy 4DE2: FD E5 push iy 4DE4: 3E F0 ld a,$F0 4DE6: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 4DE9: A7 and a 4DEA: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4DED: FD E1 pop iy 4DEF: 3E 01 ld a,$01 4DF1: 06 01 ld b,$01 4DF3: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 4DF6: A7 and a 4DF7: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 4DFA: CD 51 B0 call $B051 4DFD: 01 16 0A ld bc,$0A1C 4E00: 11 96 22 ld de,$883C 4E03: 21 00 17 ld hl,$1D00 4E06: CD 1B B0 call $B01B 4E09: DD 21 00 6F ld ix,$CF00 4E0D: DD 36 00 08 ld (ix+$00),$02 4E11: DD 36 01 10 ld (ix+$01),$10 4E15: DD 36 1E FF ld (ix+$1e),$FF 4E19: 21 00 40 ld hl,$4000 4E1C: DD E5 push ix 4E1E: 06 16 ld b,$1C 4E20: 0E E6 ld c,$EC 4E22: 56 ld d,(hl) 4E23: 1E 09 ld e,$03 4E25: C5 push bc 4E26: CD 0C B0 call random_B006 4E29: C1 pop bc 4E2A: 81 add a,c 4E2B: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 4E2E: DD 23 inc ix 4E30: 23 inc hl 4E31: 10 EF djnz $4E22 4E33: D1 pop de 4E34: E5 push hl 4E35: D5 push de 4E36: EB ex de,hl 4E37: 16 E8 ld d,$E2 4E39: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 4E3C: DD E1 pop ix 4E3E: E1 pop hl 4E3F: 3E 1F ld a,$1F 4E41: DD BE 01 cp (ix+$01) 4E44: CA 47 4E jp z,$4E4D 4E47: DD 34 01 inc (ix+$01) 4E4A: C3 16 4E jp $4E1C 4E4D: 21 D9 4E ld hl,$4E73 4E50: 16 2A ld d,$8A 4E52: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 4E55: 21 4B 4F ld hl,$4F4B 4E58: 16 39 ld d,$93 4E5A: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) 4E5D: FE 05 cp $05 4E5F: DA CF 4E jp c,$4E6F 4E62: 21 C5 4F ld hl,$4F65 4E65: FE 02 cp $08 4E67: DA CF 4E jp c,$4E6F 4E6A: 21 DF 4F ld hl,$4F7F 4E6D: 16 89 ld d,$23 4E6F: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 4E72: C9 ret 4E73: 1A ld a,(de) 4E74: 00 nop 4E75: F1 pop af 4E76: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4E79: FE 1B cp $1B 4E7B: 01 F1 F4 ld bc,$F4F1 4E7E: F4 FE 16 call p,$1CFE 4E81: 08 ex af,af' 4E82: F1 pop af 4E83: F4 FE 03 call p,$09FE 4E86: 01 EF F4 ld bc,$F4EF 4E89: F0 ret p 4E8A: EF rst $28 4E8B: F0 ret p 4E8C: FE 0D cp $07 4E8E: 08 ex af,af' 4E8F: EF rst $28 4E90: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4E93: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4E96: F0 ret p 4E97: FE 05 cp $05 4E99: 09 add hl,bc 4E9A: EF rst $28 4E9B: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4E9E: F4 FE 05 call p,$05FE 4EA1: 04 inc b 4EA2: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EA5: F4 F4 FE call p,$FEF4 4EA8: 04 inc b 4EA9: 05 dec b 4EAA: EF rst $28 4EAB: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EAE: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EB1: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EB4: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EB7: F0 ret p 4EB8: FE 1C cp $16 4EBA: 08 ex af,af' 4EBB: EF rst $28 4EBC: F4 F0 FE call p,$FEF0 4EBF: 15 dec d 4EC0: 09 add hl,bc 4EC1: EF rst $28 4EC2: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EC5: F0 ret p 4EC6: FE 14 cp $14 4EC8: 04 inc b 4EC9: EF rst $28 4ECA: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4ECD: F4 F4 F0 call p,$F0F4 4ED0: FE 14 cp $14 4ED2: 05 dec b 4ED3: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4ED6: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4ED9: F8 ret m 4EDA: FE 09 cp $03 4EDC: 0C inc c 4EDD: EF rst $28 4EDE: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EE1: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EE4: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EE7: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EEA: F4 F4 F0 call p,$F0F4 4EED: EF rst $28 4EEE: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EF1: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EF4: F0 ret p 4EF5: FE 09 cp $03 4EF7: 0D dec c 4EF8: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EFB: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4EFE: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F01: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F04: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F07: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F0A: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F0D: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F10: F0 ret p 4F11: FE 09 cp $03 4F13: 02 ld (bc),a 4F14: F1 pop af 4F15: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F18: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F1B: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F1E: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F21: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F24: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F27: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F2A: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F2D: F0 ret p 4F2E: FE 04 cp $04 4F30: 03 inc bc 4F31: F1 pop af 4F32: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F35: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F38: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F3B: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F3E: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F41: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F44: F4 F4 F4 call p,$F4F4 4F47: F4 F4 F8 call p,$F2F4 4F4A: FF rst $38 4F4B: 0A ld a,(bc) 4F4C: 09 add hl,bc 4F4D: A3 and e 4F4E: AA xor d 4F4F: AB xor e 4F50: A6 and (hl) 4F51: A7 and a 4F52: AE xor (hl) 4F53: AF xor a 4F54: B0 or b 4F55: B1 or c 4F56: B8 cp b 4F57: FE 0A cp $0A 4F59: 04 inc b 4F5A: B9 cp c 4F5B: B4 or h 4F5C: B5 or l 4F5D: BC cp h 4F5E: BD cp l 4F5F: B2 or d 4F60: B3 or e 4F61: BA cp d 4F62: BB cp e 4F63: B6 or (hl) 4F64: FF rst $38 4F65: 0A ld a,(bc) 4F66: 09 add hl,bc 4F67: B7 or a 4F68: BE cp (hl) 4F69: BF cp a 4F6A: 60 ld h,b 4F6B: 61 ld h,c 4F6C: 68 ld l,b 4F6D: 69 ld l,c 4F6E: 64 ld h,h 4F6F: 65 ld h,l 4F70: 6C ld l,h 4F71: FE 0A cp $0A 4F73: 04 inc b 4F74: 6D ld l,l 4F75: 62 ld h,d 4F76: 63 ld h,e 4F77: 6A ld l,d 4F78: 6B ld l,e 4F79: 66 ld h,(hl) 4F7A: 67 ld h,a 4F7B: 6E ld l,(hl) 4F7C: 6F ld l,a 4F7D: 29 add hl,hl 4F7E: FF rst $38 4F7F: 0A ld a,(bc) 4F80: 09 add hl,bc 4F81: 00 nop 4F82: 01 08 09 ld bc,$0302 4F85: 04 inc b 4F86: 05 dec b 4F87: 0C inc c 4F88: 0D dec c 4F89: 02 ld (bc),a 4F8A: 03 inc bc 4F8B: FE 0A cp $0A 4F8D: 04 inc b 4F8E: 0A ld a,(bc) 4F8F: 0B dec bc 4F90: 06 07 ld b,$0D 4F92: 0E 0F ld c,$0F 4F94: 10 11 djnz $4FA7 4F96: 18 19 jr $4FAB 4F98: FF rst $38 4F99: FD 34 03 inc (iy+$09) 4F9C: 01 16 0C ld bc,$061C 4F9F: 11 9F 12 ld de,$183F 4FA2: 21 0A 17 ld hl,$1D0A 4FA5: CD 1B B0 call $B01B 4FA8: 21 96 50 ld hl,$503C 4FAB: FD 7E 0D ld a,(iy+$07) 4FAE: 87 add a,a 4FAF: 4F ld c,a 4FB0: 06 00 ld b,$00 4FB2: 09 add hl,bc 4FB3: 4E ld c,(hl) 4FB4: 23 inc hl 4FB5: 46 ld b,(hl) 4FB6: C5 push bc 4FB7: DD E1 pop ix 4FB9: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 4FBC: 3E FF ld a,$FF 4FBE: DD BE 00 cp (ix+$00) 4FC1: CA 7B 4F jp z,$4FDB 4FC4: DD 66 00 ld h,(ix+$00) 4FC7: DD 6E 01 ld l,(ix+$01) 4FCA: C5 push bc 4FCB: CD 87 B0 call $B02D 4FCE: C1 pop bc 4FCF: 36 F9 ld (hl),$F3 4FD1: 09 add hl,bc 4FD2: 36 1A ld (hl),$1A 4FD4: DD 23 inc ix 4FD6: DD 23 inc ix 4FD8: C3 B6 4F jp $4FBC 4FDB: FD 7E 0D ld a,(iy+$07) 4FDE: FD 36 0D 01 ld (iy+$07),$01 4FE2: A7 and a 4FE3: CA EA 4F jp z,$4FEA 4FE6: FD 36 0D 00 ld (iy+$07),$00 4FEA: FD CB 03 4C bit 0,(iy+$09) 4FEE: CA 84 50 jp z,$5024 4FF1: 21 40 50 ld hl,$5040 4FF4: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) 4FF7: 4F ld c,a 4FF8: 87 add a,a 4FF9: 81 add a,c 4FFA: 4F ld c,a 4FFB: 06 00 ld b,$00 4FFD: 09 add hl,bc 4FFE: E5 push hl 4FFF: DD E1 pop ix 5001: DD 66 00 ld h,(ix+$00) 5004: DD 6E 01 ld l,(ix+$01) 5007: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 500A: DD 21 02 6D ld ix,$C708 500E: FD E5 push iy 5010: CD A8 B0 call $B0A2 5013: FD E1 pop iy 5015: FD 34 02 inc (iy+$08) 5018: 3E 09 ld a,$03 501A: FD BE 02 cp (iy+$08) 501D: D2 84 50 jp nc,$5024 5020: FD 36 02 00 ld (iy+$08),$00 5024: FD CB 03 4C bit 0,(iy+$09) 5028: C2 9B 50 jp nz,$503B 502B: 3A 00 6D ld a,(referee_x_pos_C700) 502E: D6 01 sub $01 5030: 32 00 6D ld (referee_x_pos_C700),a 5033: 3A 04 6D ld a,($C704) 5036: C6 01 add a,$01 5038: 32 04 6D ld ($C704),a 503B: C9 ret 503C: 46 ld b,(hl) 503D: 50 ld d,b 503E: D9 exx 503F: 50 ld d,b 5040: 12 ld (de),a 5041: 22 18 12 ld ($1812),hl 5044: 25 dec h 5045: 19 add hl,de 5046: 12 ld (de),a 5047: 28 14 jr z,$505D 5049: 12 ld (de),a 504A: 25 dec h 504B: 15 dec d 504C: 04 inc b 504D: 0A ld a,(bc) 504E: 07 rlca 504F: 0A ld a,(bc) 5050: 19 add hl,de 5051: 0A ld a,(bc) 5052: 17 rla 5053: 0A ld a,(bc) 5054: 0C inc c 5055: 0B dec bc 5056: 03 inc bc 5057: 0B dec bc 5058: 15 dec d 5059: 0B dec bc 505A: 12 ld (de),a 505B: 0B dec bc 505C: 06 06 ld b,$0C 505E: 10 06 djnz $506C 5060: 1B dec de 5061: 06 0D ld b,$07 5063: 07 rlca 5064: 14 inc d 5065: 07 rlca 5066: 08 ex af,af' 5067: 0E 11 ld c,$11 5069: 0E 1D ld c,$17 506B: 0E 17 ld c,$1D 506D: 0E 0A ld c,$0A 506F: 0F rrca 5070: 1A ld a,(de) 5071: 0F rrca 5072: FF rst $38 5073: 02 ld (bc),a 5074: 0A ld a,(bc) 5075: 11 0A 16 ld de,$1C0A 5078: 0A ld a,(bc) 5079: 09 add hl,bc 507A: 0B dec bc 507B: 0B dec bc 507C: 0B dec bc 507D: 0E 0B ld c,$0B 507F: 14 inc d 5080: 0B dec bc 5081: 1A ld a,(de) 5082: 0B dec bc 5083: 1D dec e 5084: 06 05 ld b,$05 5086: 07 rlca 5087: 06 07 ld b,$0D 5089: 11 07 16 ld de,$1C0D 508C: 07 rlca 508D: 03 inc bc 508E: 0E 19 ld c,$13 5090: 0E 13 ld c,$19 5092: 0E 04 ld c,$04 5094: 0F rrca 5095: 07 rlca 5096: 0F rrca 5097: 1C inc e 5098: 0F rrca 5099: FF rst $38 509A: 0E 01 ld c,$01 509C: D6 04 sub $04 509E: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) 50A1: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) 50A4: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) 50A7: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) 50AA: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) 50AD: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) 50B0: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) 50B3: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) 50B6: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) 50B9: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) 50BC: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) 50BF: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) 50C2: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) 50C5: 2A 0E 01 ld hl,($010E) 50C8: DE 04 sbc a,$04 50CA: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) 50CD: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) 50D0: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) 50D3: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) 50D6: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) 50D9: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) 50DC: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) 50DF: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) 50E2: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) 50E5: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) 50E8: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) 50EB: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) 50EE: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) 50F1: 2A CD 4B ld hl,($4B67) 50F4: B0 or b 50F5: CD 18 B0 call $B012 50F8: FD 36 19 09 ld (iy+$13),$03 50FC: 11 2D 69 ld de,$C387 50FF: 21 45 58 ld hl,$5245 5102: 01 03 00 ld bc,$0009 5105: ED B0 ldir 5107: DD 21 DD 97 ld ix,$3D77 510B: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 510E: D6 10 sub $10 5110: 87 add a,a 5111: 87 add a,a 5112: 06 00 ld b,$00 5114: 4F ld c,a 5115: DD 09 add ix,bc 5117: DD 7E 09 ld a,(ix+$03) 511A: D6 80 sub $20 511C: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 511F: FD 46 19 ld b,(iy+$13) 5122: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 5125: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) 5127: C2 8B 51 jp nz,$512B 512A: 04 inc b 512B: CB 40 bit 0,b 512D: C2 96 51 jp nz,$513C 5130: FD CB 02 FE set 7,(iy+$08) 5134: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 5137: ED 44 neg 5139: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 513C: 3E 14 ld a,$14 513E: CD D8 B0 call $B072 5141: CD C2 43 call $4968 5144: CD D2 43 call $4978 5147: CD 5E 47 call $4D5E 514A: CD 15 4B call $4B15 514D: CD 56 4B call $4B5C 5150: FE FF cp $FF 5152: CA 9C 58 jp z,$5236 5155: FD 7E 18 ld a,(iy+$12) 5158: A7 and a 5159: C2 C1 51 jp nz,$5161 515C: 3E 14 ld a,$14 515E: CD D8 B0 call $B072 5161: CD C2 43 call $4968 5164: CD D2 43 call $4978 5167: CD F6 4B call $4BFC 516A: F5 push af 516B: CD 5E 47 call $4D5E 516E: F1 pop af 516F: A7 and a 5170: CA 4A 51 jp z,$514A 5173: FE 08 cp $02 5175: CA AE 51 jp z,$51AE 5178: FE 01 cp $01 517A: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 517D: FD 7E 18 ld a,(iy+$12) 5180: A7 and a 5181: C2 4A 51 jp nz,$514A 5184: FD E5 push iy 5186: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 5188: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 518B: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) 518D: C2 31 51 jp nz,$5191 5190: 3C inc a 5191: 06 10 ld b,$10 5193: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5196: A7 and a 5197: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 519A: 3E 08 ld a,$02 519C: 06 10 ld b,$10 519E: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 51A1: A7 and a 51A2: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 51A5: FD E1 pop iy 51A7: FD 36 18 FF ld (iy+$12),$FF 51AB: C3 4A 51 jp $514A 51AE: CD 16 47 call $4D1C 51B1: 3E 18 ld a,$12 51B3: CD D8 B0 call $B072 51B6: CD C2 43 call $4968 51B9: CD D2 43 call $4978 51BC: CD 5E 47 call $4D5E 51BF: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 51C2: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 51C5: CB BC res 7,h 51C7: E5 push hl 51C8: DD E1 pop ix 51CA: 3E 10 ld a,$10 51CC: CD D8 B0 call $B072 51CF: DD 7E 04 ld a,(ix+$04) 51D2: DD A6 05 and (ix+$05) 51D5: DD A6 0C and (ix+$06) 51D8: DD A6 0D and (ix+$07) 51DB: FE FF cp $FF 51DD: CA EC 51 jp z,$51E6 51E0: CD 15 4B call $4B15 51E3: C3 BC 51 jp $51B6 51E6: FD E5 push iy 51E8: 3E 07 ld a,$0D 51EA: FD 96 19 sub (iy+$13) 51ED: 47 ld b,a 51EE: 3E 04 ld a,$04 51F0: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 51F3: FD E1 pop iy 51F5: 3E 04 ld a,$04 51F7: FD 96 19 sub (iy+$13) 51FA: CB 27 sla a 51FC: CB 27 sla a 51FE: CB 27 sla a 5200: CB 27 sla a 5202: CD 12 B0 call $B018 5205: FD E5 push iy 5207: 3E 40 ld a,$40 5209: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 520C: A7 and a 520D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5210: FD E1 pop iy 5212: FD 35 19 dec (iy+$13) 5215: C2 F6 50 jp nz,$50FC 5218: 3E 08 ld a,$02 521A: 06 01 ld b,$01 521C: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 521F: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 5221: 06 11 ld b,$11 5223: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 5226: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) 5228: C2 86 58 jp nz,$522C 522B: 3C inc a 522C: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 522F: A7 and a 5230: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5233: C3 48 58 jp $5242 5236: CD C2 43 call $4968 5239: DD E5 push ix 523B: E1 pop hl 523C: 01 50 00 ld bc,$0050 523F: CD 81 B0 call $B021 5242: CD 51 B0 call $B051 5245: 17 rla 5246: 9A sbc a,d 5247: E2 B0 00 jp po,$00B0 524A: 0D dec c 524B: 09 add hl,bc 524C: 46 ld b,(hl) 524D: 6D ld l,l 524E: 00 nop 524F: 00 nop 5250: 3E 00 ld a,$00 5252: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 5256: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 5259: 21 66 59 ld hl,$53CC 525C: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 525F: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 5262: 7E ld a,(hl) 5263: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 5266: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5269: 32 98 60 ld ($C032),a 526C: 3E 01 ld a,$01 526E: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5271: A7 and a 5272: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5275: 3E 20 ld a,$80 5277: CD AE B0 call $B0AE 527A: 3A 90 60 ld a,(dip_switches_copy_C030) 527D: CB 7F bit 7,a ; free play bit 527F: CA 2D 58 jp z,$5287 5282: 3E 09 ld a,$03 5284: 32 84 60 ld (nb_credits_minus_one_C024),a 5287: 3E 00 ld a,$00 5289: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 528C: CD C0 B0 call $B060 528F: 3E 01 ld a,$01 5291: CD 15 B0 call $B015 5294: 3A 84 60 ld a,(nb_credits_minus_one_C024) 5297: A7 and a ; after game over check if there are still credits 5298: CA 50 58 jp z,$5250 529B: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 529F: FD 21 02 63 ld iy,$C908 52A3: 3E 00 ld a,$00 52A5: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 52A8: FD 77 00 ld (iy+$00),a 52AB: 21 47 59 ld hl,$534D 52AE: 7E ld a,(hl) 52AF: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 52B2: FD 77 01 ld (iy+$01),a 52B5: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 52B8: FD 75 08 ld (iy+$02),l 52BB: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 52BE: FD 74 09 ld (iy+$03),h 52C1: 3E 00 ld a,$00 52C3: DD 77 04 ld (ix+$04),a 52C6: FD 77 04 ld (iy+$04),a 52C9: DD 77 05 ld (ix+$05),a 52CC: FD 77 05 ld (iy+$05),a 52CF: DD 77 0C ld (ix+$06),a 52D2: FD 77 0C ld (iy+$06),a 52D5: DD 77 0D ld (ix+$07),a 52D8: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a 52DB: 32 76 60 ld (level_number_C0DC),a 52DE: 32 77 60 ld ($C0DD),a 52E1: 32 7E 60 ld ($C0DE),a 52E4: 32 7F 60 ld ($C0DF),a 52E7: 32 E0 60 ld ($C0E0),a 52EA: 32 E1 60 ld ($C0E1),a 52ED: 32 E8 60 ld ($C0E2),a 52F0: 32 E9 60 ld ($C0E3),a 52F3: 32 E4 60 ld ($C0E4),a 52F6: 32 E5 60 ld ($C0E5),a 52F9: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 52FC: CB C6 set 0,(hl) 52FE: CB D6 set 2,(hl) 5300: 21 84 60 ld hl,nb_credits_minus_one_C024 5303: 7E ld a,(hl) 5304: D6 01 sub $01 5306: 27 daa 5307: 77 ld (hl),a 5308: CD 1E B0 call $B01E 530B: 3E 01 ld a,$01 530D: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5310: 01 96 00 ld bc,$003C 5313: CD 90 B0 call $B030 5316: 3E 20 ld a,$80 5318: CD D8 B0 call $B072 531B: CD 60 B0 call $B0C0 531E: CD 38 DB call $7B92 5321: CD 16 D6 call $7C1C 5324: CD C3 B0 call $B069 5327: CB 57 bit 2,a 5329: C2 CC 58 jp nz,$5266 532C: 3A 84 60 ld a,(nb_credits_minus_one_C024) 532F: A7 and a 5330: CA 1B 59 jp z,$531B 5333: CD C3 B0 call $B069 5336: CB 5F bit 3,a 5338: CA 1B 59 jp z,$531B ; set 2 player mode 533B: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 533E: CB CE set 1,(hl) 5340: CB DE set 3,(hl) 5342: 21 84 60 ld hl,nb_credits_minus_one_C024 5345: 7E ld a,(hl) 5346: D6 01 sub $01 5348: 27 daa 5349: 77 ld (hl),a 534A: C3 CC 58 jp $5266 534D: 59 ld e,c 534E: 8D adc a,l 534F: 0D dec c 5350: 9D sbc a,l 5351: 1D dec e 5352: 55 ld d,l 5353: 84 add a,h 5354: 04 inc b 5355: 94 sub h 5356: 14 inc d 5357: 55 ld d,l 5358: 88 adc a,b 5359: 08 ex af,af' 535A: 98 sbc a,b 535B: 18 55 jr $53B2 535D: 80 add a,b 535E: 00 nop 535F: 90 sub b 5360: 10 55 djnz $53B7 5362: 8A adc a,d 5363: 0A ld a,(bc) 5364: 9A sbc a,d 5365: 1A ld a,(de) 5366: 55 ld d,l 5367: 82 add a,d 5368: 02 ld (bc),a 5369: 92 sub d 536A: 12 ld (de),a 536B: 55 ld d,l 536C: 85 add a,l 536D: 05 dec b 536E: 95 sub l 536F: 15 dec d 5370: 55 ld d,l 5371: 83 add a,e 5372: 03 inc bc 5373: 93 sub e 5374: 13 inc de 5375: 55 ld d,l 5376: 8C adc a,h 5377: 0C inc c 5378: 9C sbc a,h 5379: 1C inc e 537A: 55 ld d,l 537B: 89 adc a,c 537C: 09 add hl,bc 537D: 99 sbc a,c 537E: 19 add hl,de 537F: 55 ld d,l 5380: 81 add a,c 5381: 01 91 11 ld bc,$1131 5384: 55 ld d,l 5385: 8B adc a,e 5386: 0B dec bc 5387: 9B sbc a,e 5388: 1B dec de 5389: 55 ld d,l 538A: 8D adc a,l 538B: 0D dec c 538C: 9D sbc a,l 538D: 1D dec e 538E: 55 ld d,l 538F: 84 add a,h 5390: 04 inc b 5391: 94 sub h 5392: 14 inc d 5393: 55 ld d,l 5394: 88 adc a,b 5395: 08 ex af,af' 5396: 98 sbc a,b 5397: 18 55 jr $53EE 5399: 80 add a,b 539A: 00 nop 539B: 90 sub b 539C: 10 55 djnz $53F3 539E: 8A adc a,d 539F: 0A ld a,(bc) 53A0: 9A sbc a,d 53A1: 1A ld a,(de) 53A2: 55 ld d,l 53A3: 82 add a,d 53A4: 02 ld (bc),a 53A5: 92 sub d 53A6: 12 ld (de),a 53A7: 55 ld d,l 53A8: 85 add a,l 53A9: 05 dec b 53AA: 95 sub l 53AB: 15 dec d 53AC: 55 ld d,l 53AD: 83 add a,e 53AE: 03 inc bc 53AF: 93 sub e 53B0: 13 inc de 53B1: 55 ld d,l 53B2: 8C adc a,h 53B3: 0C inc c 53B4: 9C sbc a,h 53B5: 1C inc e 53B6: 55 ld d,l 53B7: 89 adc a,c 53B8: 09 add hl,bc 53B9: 99 sbc a,c 53BA: 19 add hl,de 53BB: 55 ld d,l 53BC: 81 add a,c 53BD: 01 91 11 ld bc,$1131 53C0: 55 ld d,l 53C1: 8B adc a,e 53C2: 0B dec bc 53C3: FF rst $38 53C4: 47 ld b,a 53C5: 59 ld e,c 53C6: 54 ld d,h 53C7: 40 ld b,b 53C8: 51 ld d,c 53C9: 9B sbc a,e 53CA: 54 ld d,h 53CB: 51 ld d,c 53CC: 78 ld a,b 53CD: 70 ld (hl),b 53CE: 20 FF jr nz,$53CF 53D0: 66 ld h,(hl) 53D1: 59 ld e,c 53D2: 21 62 60 ld hl,$C0C8 53D5: 06 10 ld b,$10 53D7: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 53D9: 23 inc hl 53DA: 10 FB djnz $53D7 53DC: CD C0 B0 call $B060 ; 1 player mode (and also at game bootup) 53DF: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 53E2: CB D6 set 2,(hl) 53E4: 3E 20 ld a,$80 53E6: CD D8 B0 call $B072 53E9: 3E 08 ld a,$02 53EB: CD 15 B0 call $B015 53EE: CD 1E B0 call $B01E 53F1: 3E 01 ld a,$01 53F3: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 53F6: A7 and a 53F7: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 53FA: 01 96 00 ld bc,$003C 53FD: CD 90 B0 call $B030 5400: 21 02 63 ld hl,$C908 5403: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5406: CB 57 bit 2,a 5408: CA 0E 54 jp z,$540E ; copy the contents of C900 to C907 (8 bytes) 540B: 21 00 63 ld hl,$C900 540E: 11 10 63 ld de,computer_skill_C910 5411: 01 02 00 ld bc,$0008 5414: ED B0 ldir 5416: 3E 09 ld a,$03 5418: CD 5D B0 call $B057 541B: A7 and a 541C: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 541F: 3E 08 ld a,$02 5421: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5424: A7 and a 5425: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5428: 3E 05 ld a,$05 542A: CD 5D B0 call $B057 542D: A7 and a 542E: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5431: 3E 0F ld a,$0F 5433: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5436: A7 and a 5437: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 543A: 3E 00 ld a,$00 543C: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 543F: CD D4 53 call $5974 5442: A7 and a 5443: CA E4 59 jp z,$53E4 5446: 3E 00 ld a,$00 5448: 47 ld b,a 5449: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 544C: CD 51 B0 call $B051 544F: CD 23 DA call $7A89 5452: CD 7C DA call $7AD6 5455: CD B1 B0 call $B0B1 5458: A7 and a 5459: CA C4 54 jp z,$5464 545C: CD B4 B0 call $B0B4 545F: 3E 00 ld a,$00 5461: CD 12 B0 call $B018 5464: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 5467: CB BF res 7,a 5469: CB 27 sla a 546B: 4F ld c,a 546C: 06 00 ld b,$00 546E: DD 21 DB 54 ld ix,$547B 5472: DD 09 add ix,bc 5474: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 5477: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 547A: E9 jp (hl) 547B: 83 add a,e 547C: 55 ld d,l 547D: 83 add a,e 547E: 55 ld d,l 547F: 83 add a,e 5480: 55 ld d,l 5481: 83 add a,e 5482: 55 ld d,l 5483: 83 add a,e 5484: 55 ld d,l 5485: 83 add a,e 5486: 55 ld d,l 5487: 83 add a,e 5488: 55 ld d,l 5489: 83 add a,e 548A: 55 ld d,l 548B: 83 add a,e 548C: 55 ld d,l 548D: 83 add a,e 548E: 55 ld d,l 548F: 83 add a,e 5490: 55 ld d,l 5491: 83 add a,e 5492: 55 ld d,l 5493: 83 add a,e 5494: 55 ld d,l 5495: 83 add a,e 5496: 55 ld d,l 5497: 83 add a,e 5498: 55 ld d,l 5499: 83 add a,e 549A: 55 ld d,l 549B: F2 5C 24 jp p,$8456 549E: B0 or b 549F: 24 inc h 54A0: 47 ld b,a 54A1: F2 5C 2D jp p,$8756 54A4: B0 or b 54A5: F2 5C 24 jp p,$8456 54A8: 47 ld b,a 54A9: F2 5C 24 jp p,$8456 54AC: 47 ld b,a 54AD: 2A B0 27 ld hl,($8DB0) 54B0: B0 or b 54B1: 24 inc h 54B2: 47 ld b,a 54B3: 00 nop 54B4: 00 nop 54B5: 00 nop 54B6: 00 nop 54B7: 00 nop 54B8: 00 nop 54B9: 00 nop 54BA: 00 nop 54BB: 6D ld l,l 54BC: 52 ld d,d 54BD: 6D ld l,l 54BE: 52 ld d,d 54BF: 6D ld l,l 54C0: 52 ld d,d 54C1: 6D ld l,l 54C2: 52 ld d,d 54C3: 6D ld l,l 54C4: 52 ld d,d 54C5: 6D ld l,l 54C6: 52 ld d,d 54C7: 6D ld l,l 54C8: 52 ld d,d 54C9: 6D ld l,l 54CA: 52 ld d,d 54CB: 6D ld l,l 54CC: 52 ld d,d 54CD: 6D ld l,l 54CE: 52 ld d,d 54CF: 6D ld l,l 54D0: 52 ld d,d 54D1: 6D ld l,l 54D2: 52 ld d,d 54D3: 6D ld l,l 54D4: 52 ld d,d 54D5: 6D ld l,l 54D6: 52 ld d,d 54D7: 6D ld l,l 54D8: 52 ld d,d 54D9: 6D ld l,l 54DA: 52 ld d,d 54DB: FF rst $38 54DC: 52 ld d,d 54DD: FF rst $38 54DE: 52 ld d,d 54DF: FF rst $38 54E0: 52 ld d,d 54E1: FF rst $38 54E2: 52 ld d,d 54E3: FF rst $38 54E4: 52 ld d,d 54E5: FF rst $38 54E6: 52 ld d,d 54E7: FF rst $38 54E8: 52 ld d,d 54E9: FF rst $38 54EA: 52 ld d,d 54EB: FF rst $38 54EC: 52 ld d,d 54ED: FF rst $38 54EE: 52 ld d,d 54EF: FF rst $38 54F0: 52 ld d,d 54F1: FF rst $38 54F2: 52 ld d,d 54F3: FF rst $38 54F4: 52 ld d,d 54F5: FF rst $38 54F6: 52 ld d,d 54F7: FF rst $38 54F8: 52 ld d,d 54F9: FF rst $38 54FA: 52 ld d,d 54FB: 85 add a,l 54FC: 53 ld d,e 54FD: 85 add a,l 54FE: 53 ld d,e 54FF: 85 add a,l 5500: 53 ld d,e 5501: 85 add a,l 5502: 53 ld d,e 5503: 85 add a,l 5504: 53 ld d,e 5505: 85 add a,l 5506: 53 ld d,e 5507: 85 add a,l 5508: 53 ld d,e 5509: 85 add a,l 550A: 53 ld d,e 550B: 85 add a,l 550C: 53 ld d,e 550D: 85 add a,l 550E: 53 ld d,e 550F: 85 add a,l 5510: 53 ld d,e 5511: 85 add a,l 5512: 53 ld d,e 5513: 85 add a,l 5514: 53 ld d,e 5515: 85 add a,l 5516: 53 ld d,e 5517: 85 add a,l 5518: 53 ld d,e 5519: 85 add a,l 551A: 53 ld d,e 551B: EA D2 D2 jp pe,$7878 551E: B0 or b 551F: DB B0 in a,($B0) 5521: 8A adc a,d 5522: 5F ld e,a 5523: F4 5B 9C call p,$365B 5526: 52 ld d,d 5527: D5 push de 5528: B0 or b 5529: 3E 00 ld a,$00 552B: 32 4D 61 ld ($C147),a 552E: 32 42 61 ld ($C148),a 5531: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 5533: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5536: A7 and a 5537: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 553A: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 553C: CD 5D B0 call $B057 553F: A7 and a 5540: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5543: 3E 04 ld a,$04 5545: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5548: 3E 09 ld a,$03 554A: CD 5D B0 call $B057 554D: 3E 0D ld a,$07 554F: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5552: A7 and a 5553: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5556: 3E 02 ld a,$08 5558: CD 5D B0 call $B057 555B: A7 and a 555C: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 555F: 3E 03 ld a,$09 5561: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5564: A7 and a 5565: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5568: 3E 00 ld a,$00 556A: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 556D: FE 02 cp $08 556F: C2 36 55 jp nz,$559C 5572: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 5574: 06 02 ld b,$08 5576: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5579: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 557B: 06 02 ld b,$08 557D: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5580: 3E 02 ld a,$08 5582: 06 03 ld b,$09 5584: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5587: 3E 03 ld a,$09 5589: 06 03 ld b,$09 558B: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 558E: 3E 0D ld a,$07 5590: 06 02 ld b,$08 5592: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5595: A7 and a 5596: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5599: C3 C2 55 jp $5568 559C: FE 01 cp $01 559E: CA A3 55 jp z,$55A9 55A1: FE 08 cp $02 55A3: CA 50 5C jp z,$5650 55A6: CD D5 B0 call display_error_text_B075 55A9: 3E 20 ld a,$80 55AB: CD D8 B0 call $B072 55AE: 3E 0D ld a,$07 55B0: CD 54 B0 call $B054 55B3: 3E 02 ld a,$08 55B5: CD 54 B0 call $B054 55B8: 3E 03 ld a,$09 55BA: CD 54 B0 call $B054 55BD: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 55BF: CD 54 B0 call $B054 55C2: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 55C5: CB 57 bit 2,a 55C7: CA 14 5C jp z,$5614 55CA: 3A CD 61 ld a,(match_timer_C167) 55CD: A7 and a 55CE: CA 14 5C jp z,$5614 55D1: 3A CD 61 ld a,(match_timer_C167) 55D4: D6 01 sub $01 55D6: 27 daa 55D7: 32 CD 61 ld (match_timer_C167),a 55DA: CD FB C4 call $64FB 55DD: 3E 02 ld a,$08 55DF: CD D8 B0 call $B072 55E2: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 55E5: E6 06 and $0C 55E7: FE 06 cp $0C 55E9: C2 FE 55 jp nz,$55FE 55EC: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 55EF: CB 9E res 3,(hl) 55F1: 3E 01 ld a,$01 55F3: CD 12 B0 call $B018 55F6: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 55F9: CB DE set 3,(hl) 55FB: C3 09 5C jp $5603 55FE: 3E 01 ld a,$01 5600: CD 12 B0 call $B018 5603: 3E 0C ld a,$06 5605: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5608: 3A CD 61 ld a,(match_timer_C167) 560B: A7 and a 560C: C2 71 55 jp nz,$55D1 560F: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 5611: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5614: 3E 0D ld a,$07 5616: CD 54 B0 call $B054 5619: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 561B: CD 54 B0 call $B054 561E: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 5621: CB 7F bit 7,a 5623: C2 49 5C jp nz,$5643 5626: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5629: FE 0A cp $0A 562B: CA 92 5C jp z,$5638 562E: 21 42 61 ld hl,$C148 5631: 34 inc (hl) 5632: 7E ld a,(hl) 5633: FE 08 cp $02 5635: DA 91 55 jp c,$5531 5638: 21 E0 60 ld hl,$C0E0 563B: CD 03 5F call $5F09 563E: 3E C4 ld a,$64 5640: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5643: 3E 01 ld a,$01 5645: 47 ld b,a 5646: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5649: A7 and a 564A: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 564D: CD 51 B0 call $B051 5650: 3E 20 ld a,$80 5652: CD D8 B0 call $B072 5655: 3E 0D ld a,$07 5657: CD 54 B0 call $B054 565A: 3E 02 ld a,$08 565C: CD 54 B0 call $B054 565F: 3E 03 ld a,$09 5661: CD 54 B0 call $B054 5664: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 5666: CD 54 B0 call $B054 5669: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 566C: CB 5F bit 3,a 566E: CA BB 5C jp z,$56BB 5671: 3A CD 61 ld a,(match_timer_C167) 5674: A7 and a 5675: CA BB 5C jp z,$56BB 5678: 3A CD 61 ld a,(match_timer_C167) 567B: D6 01 sub $01 567D: 27 daa 567E: 32 CD 61 ld (match_timer_C167),a 5681: CD FB C4 call $64FB 5684: 3E 02 ld a,$08 5686: CD D8 B0 call $B072 5689: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 568C: E6 06 and $0C 568E: FE 06 cp $0C 5690: C2 A5 5C jp nz,$56A5 5693: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 5696: CB 96 res 2,(hl) 5698: 3E 01 ld a,$01 569A: CD 12 B0 call $B018 569D: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 56A0: CB D6 set 2,(hl) 56A2: C3 AA 5C jp $56AA 56A5: 3E 01 ld a,$01 56A7: CD 12 B0 call $B018 56AA: 3E 0C ld a,$06 56AC: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 56AF: 3A CD 61 ld a,(match_timer_C167) 56B2: A7 and a 56B3: C2 D2 5C jp nz,$5678 56B6: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 56B8: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 56BB: 3E 0D ld a,$07 56BD: CD 54 B0 call $B054 56C0: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 56C2: CD 54 B0 call $B054 56C5: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 56C8: CB 7F bit 7,a 56CA: C2 EA 5C jp nz,$56EA 56CD: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 56D0: FE 05 cp $05 56D2: CA 7F 5C jp z,$56DF 56D5: 21 4D 61 ld hl,$C147 56D8: 34 inc (hl) 56D9: 7E ld a,(hl) 56DA: FE 08 cp $02 56DC: DA 91 55 jp c,$5531 56DF: 21 E9 60 ld hl,$C0E3 56E2: CD 03 5F call $5F09 56E5: 3E C4 ld a,$64 56E7: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 56EA: 3E 01 ld a,$01 56EC: 06 08 ld b,$02 56EE: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 56F1: A7 and a 56F2: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 56F5: CD 51 B0 call $B051 56F8: 21 E9 DD ld hl,$77E3 56FB: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 56FE: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 5700: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 5703: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) 5705: C2 03 5D jp nz,$5709 5708: 3C inc a 5709: CD 5D B0 call $B057 570C: A7 and a 570D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5710: 3E 02 ld a,$08 5712: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 5715: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) 5717: C2 1B 5D jp nz,$571B 571A: 3C inc a 571B: CD 5D B0 call $B057 571E: A7 and a 571F: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5722: 3E 04 ld a,$04 5724: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5727: A7 and a 5728: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 572B: 3E D2 ld a,$78 572D: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5730: A7 and a 5731: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5734: 3E 0C ld a,$06 5736: 32 42 61 ld ($C148),a 5739: 32 4D 61 ld ($C147),a 573C: 21 8E 60 ld hl,periodic_counter_16bit_C02E 573F: 56 ld d,(hl) ; choose among 6 evade sequences ; 3 sequences + mirrored 5740: 1E 0C ld e,$06 5742: CD 0C B0 call random_B006 5745: 32 12 63 ld ($C918),a 5748: 3A 42 61 ld a,($C148) 574B: FE 09 cp $03 574D: C2 5D 5D jp nz,$5757 5750: 21 4D 61 ld hl,$C147 5753: 35 dec (hl) 5754: 23 inc hl 5755: 35 dec (hl) 5756: 7E ld a,(hl) 5757: 32 13 63 ld ($C919),a 575A: 3A 01 60 ld a,($C001) 575D: E6 F0 and $F0 575F: 07 rlca 5760: 07 rlca 5761: 07 rlca 5762: 07 rlca 5763: 47 ld b,a 5764: 3A 08 60 ld a,($C002) 5767: E6 0F and $0F 5769: B0 or b 576A: 1F rra 576B: DA DA 5D jp c,$577A 576E: 3E 10 ld a,$10 5770: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5773: A7 and a 5774: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5777: C3 AD 5D jp $57A7 577A: 1F rra 577B: DA 2A 5D jp c,$578A 577E: 3E 11 ld a,$11 5780: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5783: A7 and a 5784: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5787: C3 AD 5D jp $57A7 578A: 1F rra 578B: DA 3A 5D jp c,$579A 578E: 3E 18 ld a,$12 5790: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5793: A7 and a 5794: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5797: C3 AD 5D jp $57A7 579A: 1F rra 579B: DA A7 5D jp c,$57AD 579E: 3E 19 ld a,$13 57A0: CD 5D B0 call $B057 57A3: A7 and a 57A4: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 57A7: 21 4D 61 ld hl,$C147 57AA: 35 dec (hl) 57AB: 23 inc hl 57AC: 35 dec (hl) ; very strange code getting skill then rotating the value ; (divide by 4 but get low bits in high bits) ; then clipping the value to 15 if >= 16 ; looks like someone didn't know about sra... ; ; so basically what it does is that it divides the skill ; level by 4, to adjust appear period. It creates harder and ; harder evade stages (if it wasn't already super-hard like that) ; because objects appear faster and faster. At higher level (not ; reachable without hacking the game), 2 objects can be present on ; screen: for instance one object is in the middle of the screen when ; the next object appears! ; ; this is called each time an object is introduced in the evade ; sequence ; 57AD: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) 57B0: CB 3F srl a 57B2: CB 3F srl a 57B4: FE 10 cp $10 57B6: DA BB 5D jp c,$57BB ; clip to 15 57B9: 3E 0F ld a,$0F 57BB: E6 0F and $0F 57BD: 4F ld c,a 57BE: 06 00 ld b,$00 57C0: 21 73 D3 ld hl,evade_object_period_table_79D9 57C3: 09 add hl,bc 57C4: 7E ld a,(hl) 57C5: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 57C8: A7 and a 57C9: CA E6 5D jp z,$57EC 57CC: FE 09 cp $03 57CE: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 57D1: 3E 06 ld a,$0C 57D3: CD 15 B0 call $B015 57D6: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 57D8: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 57DB: A7 and a 57DC: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 57DF: 3E 01 ld a,$01 57E1: 47 ld b,a 57E2: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 57E5: A7 and a 57E6: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 57E9: CD 51 B0 call $B051 57EC: 3A 4D 61 ld a,($C147) 57EF: A7 and a 57F0: C2 96 5D jp nz,$573C 57F3: DD 21 00 60 ld ix,$C000 57F7: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 57FA: E6 D0 and $70 57FC: 47 ld b,a 57FD: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 5800: E6 0F and $0F 5802: B0 or b 5803: CA 18 52 jp z,$5812 5806: 3E 1E ld a,$1E 5808: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 580B: A7 and a 580C: C2 66 5D jp nz,$57CC 580F: C3 F9 5D jp $57F3 5812: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5815: 3E 0F ld a,$0F 5817: 06 80 ld b,$20 5819: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 581C: A7 and a 581D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5820: 3E 28 ld a,$82 5822: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5825: A7 and a 5826: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5829: 3E 01 ld a,$01 582B: 47 ld b,a 582C: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 582F: A7 and a 5830: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5833: CD 51 B0 call $B051 5836: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5839: E6 09 and $03 583B: FE 09 cp $03 583D: C2 B3 52 jp nz,$58B9 5840: 3A 90 60 ld a,(dip_switches_copy_C030) 5843: CB 7F bit 7,a ; free play 5845: CA 47 52 jp z,$584D 5848: 3E 09 ld a,$03 584A: 32 84 60 ld (nb_credits_minus_one_C024),a 584D: 3A 84 60 ld a,(nb_credits_minus_one_C024) 5850: A7 and a 5851: C2 AE 52 jp nz,$58AE 5854: 21 1C D2 ld hl,$7816 5857: 16 32 ld d,$98 5859: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 585C: 3E 15 ld a,$15 585E: 32 43 61 ld ($C149),a 5861: 06 96 ld b,$3C 5863: C5 push bc 5864: 3E 01 ld a,$01 5866: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5869: CD C3 B0 call $B069 586C: C1 pop bc 586D: CB 57 bit 2,a 586F: C2 B3 52 jp nz,$58B9 5872: 3A 84 60 ld a,(nb_credits_minus_one_C024) 5875: A7 and a 5876: C2 AE 52 jp nz,$58AE 5879: 10 E2 djnz $5863 587B: 21 15 06 ld hl,$0C15 587E: 22 00 6F ld ($CF00),hl 5881: 3E FF ld a,$FF 5883: 32 04 6F ld (address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04),a 5886: 21 43 61 ld hl,$C149 5889: 7E ld a,(hl) 588A: D6 01 sub $01 588C: 27 daa 588D: FE 33 cp $99 588F: CA B3 52 jp z,$58B9 5892: 77 ld (hl),a 5893: 47 ld b,a 5894: E6 0F and $0F 5896: 32 09 6F ld ($CF03),a 5899: 78 ld a,b 589A: E6 F0 and $F0 589C: 0F rrca 589D: 0F rrca 589E: 0F rrca 589F: 0F rrca 58A0: 32 08 6F ld ($CF02),a 58A3: 21 00 6F ld hl,$CF00 58A6: 16 32 ld d,$98 58A8: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 58AB: C3 C1 52 jp $5861 58AE: 21 84 60 ld hl,nb_credits_minus_one_C024 58B1: 35 dec (hl) 58B2: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 58B5: CB D6 set 2,(hl) 58B7: CB DE set 3,(hl) 58B9: 3E 01 ld a,$01 58BB: 06 01 ld b,$01 58BD: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 58C0: A7 and a 58C1: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 58C4: CD 51 B0 call $B051 58C7: 3E 09 ld a,$03 58C9: CD D8 B0 call $B072 58CC: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 58CE: CD 5D B0 call $B057 58D1: A7 and a 58D2: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 58D5: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 58D7: CD 5D B0 call $B057 58DA: A7 and a 58DB: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 58DE: 3E 0C ld a,$06 58E0: CD 5D B0 call $B057 58E3: 06 0D ld b,$07 58E5: C5 push bc 58E6: 3E 9F ld a,$3F 58E8: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 58EB: A7 and a 58EC: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 58EF: C1 pop bc 58F0: 10 F9 djnz $58E5 58F2: 3E 01 ld a,$01 58F4: 47 ld b,a 58F5: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 58F8: A7 and a 58F9: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 58FC: CD 51 B0 call $B051 58FF: 3E 04 ld a,$04 5901: CD D8 B0 call $B072 5904: 3E 0C ld a,$06 5906: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5909: 06 05 ld b,$05 590B: C5 push bc 590C: 3E 9F ld a,$3F 590E: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5911: A7 and a 5912: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5915: C1 pop bc 5916: 10 F9 djnz $590B 5918: 3E 01 ld a,$01 591A: 47 ld b,a 591B: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 591E: A7 and a 591F: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5922: CD 51 B0 call $B051 5925: 3E 08 ld a,$02 5927: CD D8 B0 call $B072 592A: 3E 0C ld a,$06 592C: CD 5D B0 call $B057 592F: 06 08 ld b,$02 5931: C5 push bc 5932: 3E 9F ld a,$3F 5934: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5937: A7 and a 5938: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 593B: C1 pop bc 593C: 10 F9 djnz $5931 593E: 21 B3 DD ld hl,$77B9 5941: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5944: E6 09 and $03 5946: FE 09 cp $03 5948: C2 53 53 jp nz,$5959 594B: 21 BD D2 ld hl,$78B7 594E: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5951: CB 57 bit 2,a 5953: C2 53 53 jp nz,$5959 5956: 21 24 D2 ld hl,$7884 5959: 16 32 ld d,$98 595B: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 595E: 3E 50 ld a,$50 5960: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5963: A7 and a 5964: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5967: 3E 01 ld a,$01 5969: 47 ld b,a 596A: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 596D: A7 and a 596E: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5971: CD 51 B0 call $B051 5974: 47 ld b,a 5975: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 5978: CB 7F bit 7,a 597A: C2 58 5B jp nz,$5B52 597D: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5980: E6 09 and $03 5982: FE 09 cp $03 5984: CA FF 53 jp z,$59FF 5987: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 598A: CB BF res 7,a 598C: FE 51 cp $51 598E: C2 36 53 jp nz,$599C 5991: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5994: E6 F0 and $F0 5996: 32 87 60 ld (players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D),a 5999: 3E FF ld a,$FF 599B: C9 ret 599C: FE 10 cp $10 599E: D2 56 5B jp nc,$5B5C 59A1: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 59A4: CB 57 bit 2,a 59A6: CA 65 53 jp z,$59C5 59A9: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 59AD: 78 ld a,b 59AE: FE 01 cp $01 59B0: C2 F3 53 jp nz,$59F9 ; increase level 59B3: 21 76 60 ld hl,level_number_C0DC 59B6: 34 inc (hl) 59B7: 3A 14 63 ld a,($C914) 59BA: FE FF cp $FF 59BC: CA EC 53 jp z,$59E6 ; increase level number too (separate counters than C0DC: C900) 59BF: DD 34 00 inc (ix+$00) 59C2: C3 56 5B jp $5B5C 59C5: CB 5F bit 3,a 59C7: CC D5 B0 call z,display_error_text_B075 59CA: DD 21 02 63 ld ix,$C908 59CE: 78 ld a,b 59CF: FE 08 cp $02 59D1: C2 F3 53 jp nz,$59F9 59D4: 21 76 60 ld hl,level_number_C0DC 59D7: 34 inc (hl) 59D8: 3A 14 63 ld a,($C914) 59DB: FE FF cp $FF 59DD: CA EC 53 jp z,$59E6 59E0: DD 34 00 inc (ix+$00) 59E3: C3 56 5B jp $5B5C 59E6: DD 34 00 inc (ix+$00) 59E9: 21 63 59 ld hl,$53C9 59EC: 7E ld a,(hl) 59ED: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 59F0: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 59F3: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 59F6: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 59F9: CD D7 5B call $5B7D 59FC: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 59FF: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 5A02: CB BF res 7,a 5A04: FE 10 cp $10 5A06: D2 B2 5A jp nc,$5AB8 5A09: 78 ld a,b 5A0A: FE 01 cp $01 5A0C: C2 C1 5A jp nz,$5A61 5A0F: 21 76 60 ld hl,level_number_C0DC 5A12: 34 inc (hl) 5A13: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 5A17: DD 34 00 inc (ix+$00) 5A1A: DD 46 01 ld b,(ix+$01) 5A1D: C5 push bc 5A1E: DD 70 05 ld (ix+$05),b 5A21: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 5A24: CB 96 res 2,(hl) 5A26: 3A 14 63 ld a,($C914) 5A29: FE FF cp $FF 5A2B: C2 48 5A jp nz,$5A42 5A2E: 21 63 59 ld hl,$53C9 5A31: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 5A35: 7E ld a,(hl) 5A36: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 5A39: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 5A3C: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 5A3F: C3 43 5A jp $5A49 5A42: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 5A46: CD A1 5B call $5BA1 5A49: 21 6C 59 ld hl,$53C6 5A4C: C1 pop bc 5A4D: DD 21 02 63 ld ix,$C908 5A51: DD 70 05 ld (ix+$05),b 5A54: 7E ld a,(hl) 5A55: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 5A58: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 5A5B: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 5A5E: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 5A61: FE 08 cp $02 5A63: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5A66: 21 76 60 ld hl,level_number_C0DC 5A69: 34 inc (hl) 5A6A: DD 21 02 63 ld ix,$C908 5A6E: DD 34 00 inc (ix+$00) 5A71: DD 46 01 ld b,(ix+$01) 5A74: C5 push bc 5A75: DD 70 05 ld (ix+$05),b 5A78: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 5A7B: CB 9E res 3,(hl) 5A7D: 3A 14 63 ld a,($C914) 5A80: FE FF cp $FF 5A82: C2 33 5A jp nz,$5A99 5A85: 21 63 59 ld hl,$53C9 5A88: DD 21 02 63 ld ix,$C908 5A8C: 7E ld a,(hl) 5A8D: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 5A90: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 5A93: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 5A96: C3 A0 5A jp $5AA0 5A99: DD 21 02 63 ld ix,$C908 5A9D: CD A1 5B call $5BA1 5AA0: 21 6C 59 ld hl,$53C6 5AA3: C1 pop bc 5AA4: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 5AA8: DD 70 05 ld (ix+$05),b 5AAB: 7E ld a,(hl) 5AAC: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 5AAF: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 5AB2: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 5AB5: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 5AB8: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 5ABB: CB BF res 7,a 5ABD: FE 51 cp $51 5ABF: C2 FA 5A jp nz,$5AFA 5AC2: 3A 14 63 ld a,($C914) 5AC5: FE FF cp $FF 5AC7: CA 75 5A jp z,$5AD5 5ACA: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5ACD: EE 06 xor $0C 5ACF: 32 87 60 ld (players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D),a 5AD2: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 5AD5: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5AD8: CB 57 bit 2,a 5ADA: CA E3 5A jp z,$5AE9 5ADD: CB 87 res 0,a 5ADF: CB 97 res 2,a 5AE1: CB DF set 3,a 5AE3: 32 87 60 ld (players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D),a 5AE6: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 5AE9: CB 5F bit 3,a 5AEB: CC D5 B0 call z,display_error_text_B075 5AEE: CB 8F res 1,a 5AF0: CB 9F res 3,a 5AF2: CB D7 set 2,a 5AF4: 32 87 60 ld (players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D),a 5AF7: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 5AFA: FE 55 cp $55 5AFC: C2 56 5B jp nz,$5B5C 5AFF: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 5B03: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 5B06: FE 55 cp $55 5B08: CA 0F 5B jp z,$5B0F 5B0B: DD 21 02 63 ld ix,$C908 5B0F: CD A1 5B call $5BA1 5B12: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5B15: E6 0F and $0F 5B17: FE 0F cp $0F 5B19: C2 40 5B jp nz,$5B40 5B1C: 3A 01 63 ld a,($C901) 5B1F: FE 51 cp $51 5B21: C2 98 5B jp nz,$5B32 5B24: 21 03 63 ld hl,$C909 5B27: 11 01 63 ld de,$C901 5B2A: 01 09 00 ld bc,$0003 5B2D: ED B0 ldir 5B2F: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 5B32: 21 01 63 ld hl,$C901 5B35: 11 03 63 ld de,$C909 5B38: 01 09 00 ld bc,$0003 5B3B: ED B0 ldir 5B3D: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 5B40: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 5B43: FE 0B cp $0B 5B45: C2 47 5B jp nz,$5B4D 5B48: CB 86 res 0,(hl) 5B4A: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 5B4D: CB 8E res 1,(hl) 5B4F: C3 DA 5B jp $5B7A 5B52: 21 62 60 ld hl,$C0C8 5B55: 06 10 ld b,$10 5B57: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 5B59: 23 inc hl 5B5A: 10 FB djnz $5B57 5B5C: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5B5F: CB 57 bit 2,a 5B61: CA CB 5B jp z,$5B6B 5B64: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 5B68: CD A1 5B call $5BA1 5B6B: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5B6E: CB 5F bit 3,a 5B70: CA DA 5B jp z,$5B7A 5B73: DD 21 02 63 ld ix,$C908 5B77: CD A1 5B call $5BA1 5B7A: 3E 00 ld a,$00 5B7C: C9 ret 5B7D: DD 21 02 63 ld ix,$C908 5B81: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5B84: CB 57 bit 2,a 5B86: CA 27 5B jp z,$5B8D 5B89: DD 21 00 63 ld ix,$C900 5B8D: DD 46 01 ld b,(ix+$01) 5B90: DD 70 05 ld (ix+$05),b 5B93: 21 6C 59 ld hl,$53C6 5B96: 7E ld a,(hl) 5B97: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 5B9A: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 5B9D: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 5BA0: C9 ret 5BA1: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 5BA4: CB 7F bit 7,a 5BA6: CA 6A 5B jp z,$5BCA 5BA9: DD 6E 08 ld l,(ix+$02) 5BAC: DD 66 09 ld h,(ix+$03) 5BAF: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 5BB2: 09 add hl,bc 5BB3: 7E ld a,(hl) 5BB4: FE FF cp $FF 5BB6: C2 60 5B jp nz,$5BC0 5BB9: 23 inc hl 5BBA: 4E ld c,(hl) 5BBB: 23 inc hl 5BBC: 46 ld b,(hl) 5BBD: C5 push bc 5BBE: E1 pop hl 5BBF: 7E ld a,(hl) 5BC0: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 5BC3: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 5BC6: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 5BC9: C9 ret 5BCA: DD 6E 08 ld l,(ix+$02) 5BCD: DD 66 09 ld h,(ix+$03) 5BD0: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 5BD3: 09 add hl,bc 5BD4: 7E ld a,(hl) 5BD5: 47 ld b,a 5BD6: E6 F0 and $F0 5BD8: FE 40 cp $40 5BDA: C2 E8 5B jp nz,$5BE2 5BDD: DD 7E 05 ld a,(ix+$05) 5BE0: B0 or b 5BE1: 47 ld b,a 5BE2: DD 70 01 ld (ix+$01),b 5BE5: DD 75 08 ld (ix+$02),l 5BE8: DD 74 09 ld (ix+$03),h 5BEB: 23 inc hl 5BEC: 7E ld a,(hl) 5BED: FE FF cp $FF 5BEF: C0 ret nz 5BF0: DD 77 04 ld (ix+$04),a 5BF3: C9 ret 5BF4: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) 5BF7: A7 and a 5BF8: CA 05 56 jp z,$5C05 5BFB: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5BFE: E6 09 and $03 5C00: FE 09 cp $03 5C02: C2 0F 56 jp nz,$5C0F 5C05: 3E 01 ld a,$01 5C07: 06 01 ld b,$01 5C09: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5C0C: CD 51 B0 call $B051 5C0F: 01 9E A0 ld bc,$A03E 5C12: CD 90 B0 call $B030 5C15: 21 9C D7 ld hl,$7D36 5C18: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 5C1B: CD 7C DA call $7AD6 5C1E: CD B4 B0 call $B0B4 5C21: 3E 00 ld a,$00 5C23: CD 12 B0 call $B018 5C26: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) 5C29: 87 add a,a 5C2A: 87 add a,a 5C2B: 87 add a,a 5C2C: 4F ld c,a 5C2D: 06 00 ld b,$00 5C2F: 21 8D 57 ld hl,$5D27 5C32: 11 00 6D ld de,referee_x_pos_C700 5C35: ED B0 ldir 5C37: DD 21 E0 60 ld ix,$C0E0 5C3B: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5C3E: CB 57 bit 2,a 5C40: C2 4D 56 jp nz,$5C47 5C43: DD 21 E9 60 ld ix,$C0E3 5C47: FD 21 01 6D ld iy,$C701 5C4B: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 5C4E: DD E5 push ix 5C50: DD 21 ED 57 ld ix,$5DE7 5C54: CD 8D 5E call $5E27 5C57: DD E1 pop ix 5C59: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 5C5C: DD E5 push ix 5C5E: DD 21 0D 5E ld ix,$5E07 5C62: CD 8D 5E call $5E27 5C65: DD E1 pop ix 5C67: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 5C6A: DD 21 FD 57 ld ix,$5DF7 5C6E: CD 8D 5E call $5E27 5C71: 21 FA 56 ld hl,$5CFA 5C74: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 5C77: 3E 00 ld a,$00 5C79: 32 4A 61 ld ($C14A),a 5C7C: 32 CD 61 ld (match_timer_C167),a 5C7F: 21 07 19 ld hl,$130D 5C82: 16 32 ld d,$98 5C84: CD 00 C5 call $6500 5C87: 3E D2 ld a,$78 5C89: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5C8C: A7 and a 5C8D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5C90: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) 5C93: 3D dec a 5C94: 32 43 61 ld ($C149),a 5C97: FD 21 00 6D ld iy,referee_x_pos_C700 5C9B: 3A 43 61 ld a,($C149) 5C9E: FE FF cp $FF 5CA0: CA 7F 56 jp z,$5CDF 5CA3: 87 add a,a 5CA4: 87 add a,a 5CA5: 87 add a,a 5CA6: 4F ld c,a 5CA7: 06 00 ld b,$00 5CA9: FD 09 add iy,bc 5CAB: FD E5 push iy 5CAD: D1 pop de 5CAE: 21 1F 57 ld hl,$5D1F 5CB1: 01 02 00 ld bc,$0008 5CB4: ED B0 ldir 5CB6: 3E 02 ld a,$08 5CB8: CD D8 B0 call $B072 5CBB: 21 4A 61 ld hl,$C14A 5CBE: 7E ld a,(hl) 5CBF: C6 01 add a,$01 5CC1: 27 daa 5CC2: 77 ld (hl),a 5CC3: 32 CD 61 ld (match_timer_C167),a 5CC6: 16 32 ld d,$98 5CC8: 21 07 19 ld hl,$130D 5CCB: CD 00 C5 call $6500 5CCE: 3E 05 ld a,$05 5CD0: CD 5C 5E call $5E56 5CD3: 21 43 61 ld hl,$C149 5CD6: 35 dec (hl) 5CD7: 3E 0F ld a,$0F 5CD9: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5CDC: C3 3D 56 jp $5C97 5CDF: CD DC 5E call $5E76 5CE2: 3E 80 ld a,$20 5CE4: CD D8 B0 call $B072 5CE7: 3E D2 ld a,$78 5CE9: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5CEC: A7 and a 5CED: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5CF0: 3E 01 ld a,$01 5CF2: 06 01 ld b,$01 5CF4: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5CF7: CD 51 B0 call $B051 5CFA: 0D dec c 5CFB: 19 add hl,de 5CFC: 05 dec b 5CFD: 32 00 32 ld ($9800),a 5D00: 00 nop 5D01: 32 9E D2 ld ($783E),a 5D04: 81 add a,c 5D05: 32 9E D2 ld ($783E),a 5D08: 9E sbc a,(hl) 5D09: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 5D0C: 9E sbc a,(hl) 5D0D: D2 98 32 jp nc,$9832 5D10: 9E sbc a,(hl) 5D11: D2 96 32 jp nc,$983C 5D14: 96 sub (hl) 5D15: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 5D18: 96 sub (hl) 5D19: 32 00 32 ld ($9800),a 5D1C: 00 nop 5D1D: 32 FF 00 ld ($00FF),a 5D20: 00 nop 5D21: 00 nop 5D22: 00 nop 5D23: 00 nop 5D24: 00 nop 5D25: 00 nop 5D26: 00 nop 5D27: 82 add a,d 5D28: 00 nop 5D29: 00 nop 5D2A: 42 ld b,d 5D2B: 82 add a,d 5D2C: 00 nop 5D2D: 00 nop 5D2E: 52 ld d,d 5D2F: 42 ld b,d 5D30: 00 nop 5D31: 00 nop 5D32: 42 ld b,d 5D33: 42 ld b,d 5D34: 00 nop 5D35: 00 nop 5D36: 52 ld d,d 5D37: C2 00 00 jp nz,$0000 5D3A: 42 ld b,d 5D3B: C2 00 00 jp nz,$0000 5D3E: 52 ld d,d 5D3F: 22 00 00 ld ($0000),hl 5D42: 42 ld b,d 5D43: 22 00 00 ld ($0000),hl 5D46: 52 ld d,d 5D47: A2 and d 5D48: 00 nop 5D49: 00 nop 5D4A: 42 ld b,d 5D4B: A2 and d 5D4C: 00 nop 5D4D: 00 nop 5D4E: 52 ld d,d 5D4F: 62 ld h,d 5D50: 00 nop 5D51: 00 nop 5D52: 42 ld b,d 5D53: 62 ld h,d 5D54: 00 nop 5D55: 00 nop 5D56: 52 ld d,d 5D57: 82 add a,d 5D58: 00 nop 5D59: 00 nop 5D5A: D0 ret nc 5D5B: 82 add a,d 5D5C: 00 nop 5D5D: 00 nop 5D5E: 20 42 jr nz,$5DA8 5D60: 00 nop 5D61: 00 nop 5D62: D0 ret nc 5D63: 42 ld b,d 5D64: 00 nop 5D65: 00 nop 5D66: 20 C2 jr nz,$5DD0 5D68: 00 nop 5D69: 00 nop 5D6A: D0 ret nc 5D6B: C2 00 00 jp nz,$0000 5D6E: 20 22 jr nz,$5CF8 5D70: 00 nop 5D71: 00 nop 5D72: D0 ret nc 5D73: 22 00 00 ld ($0000),hl 5D76: 20 A2 jr nz,$5D20 5D78: 00 nop 5D79: 00 nop 5D7A: D0 ret nc 5D7B: A2 and d 5D7C: 00 nop 5D7D: 00 nop 5D7E: 20 62 jr nz,$5D48 5D80: 00 nop 5D81: 00 nop 5D82: D0 ret nc 5D83: 62 ld h,d 5D84: 00 nop 5D85: 00 nop 5D86: 20 82 jr nz,$5DB0 5D88: 00 nop 5D89: 00 nop 5D8A: A2 and d 5D8B: 82 add a,d 5D8C: 00 nop 5D8D: 00 nop 5D8E: B2 or d 5D8F: 42 ld b,d 5D90: 00 nop 5D91: 00 nop 5D92: A2 and d 5D93: 42 ld b,d 5D94: 00 nop 5D95: 00 nop 5D96: B2 or d 5D97: C2 00 00 jp nz,$0000 5D9A: A2 and d 5D9B: C2 00 00 jp nz,$0000 5D9E: B2 or d 5D9F: 22 00 00 ld ($0000),hl 5DA2: A2 and d 5DA3: 22 00 00 ld ($0000),hl 5DA6: B2 or d 5DA7: A2 and d 5DA8: 00 nop 5DA9: 00 nop 5DAA: A2 and d 5DAB: A2 and d 5DAC: 00 nop 5DAD: 00 nop 5DAE: B2 or d 5DAF: 62 ld h,d 5DB0: 00 nop 5DB1: 00 nop 5DB2: A2 and d 5DB3: 62 ld h,d 5DB4: 00 nop 5DB5: 00 nop 5DB6: B2 or d 5DB7: 82 add a,d 5DB8: 00 nop 5DB9: 00 nop 5DBA: 70 ld (hl),b 5DBB: 82 add a,d 5DBC: 00 nop 5DBD: 00 nop 5DBE: E0 ret po 5DBF: 42 ld b,d 5DC0: 00 nop 5DC1: 00 nop 5DC2: 70 ld (hl),b 5DC3: 42 ld b,d 5DC4: 00 nop 5DC5: 00 nop 5DC6: E0 ret po 5DC7: C2 00 00 jp nz,$0000 5DCA: 70 ld (hl),b 5DCB: C2 00 00 jp nz,$0000 5DCE: E0 ret po 5DCF: 22 00 00 ld ($0000),hl 5DD2: 70 ld (hl),b 5DD3: 22 00 00 ld ($0000),hl 5DD6: E0 ret po 5DD7: A2 and d 5DD8: 00 nop 5DD9: 00 nop 5DDA: 70 ld (hl),b 5DDB: A2 and d 5DDC: 00 nop 5DDD: 00 nop 5DDE: E0 ret po 5DDF: 62 ld h,d 5DE0: 00 nop 5DE1: 00 nop 5DE2: 70 ld (hl),b 5DE3: 62 ld h,d 5DE4: 00 nop 5DE5: 00 nop 5DE6: E0 ret po 5DE7: 22 58 23 ld ($8952),hl 5DEA: 58 ld e,b 5DEB: 60 ld h,b 5DEC: 58 ld e,b 5DED: 61 ld h,c 5DEE: 58 ld e,b 5DEF: 42 ld b,d 5DF0: 58 ld e,b 5DF1: 43 ld b,e 5DF2: 58 ld e,b 5DF3: 82 add a,d 5DF4: 58 ld e,b 5DF5: 83 add a,e 5DF6: 58 ld e,b 5DF7: B0 or b 5DF8: 58 ld e,b 5DF9: B1 or c 5DFA: 58 ld e,b 5DFB: 50 ld d,b 5DFC: 54 ld d,h 5DFD: 51 ld d,c 5DFE: 54 ld d,h 5DFF: 70 ld (hl),b 5E00: 58 ld e,b 5E01: 71 ld (hl),c 5E02: 58 ld e,b 5E03: 32 51 33 ld ($9951),a 5E06: 51 ld d,c 5E07: A0 and b 5E08: 58 ld e,b 5E09: A1 and c 5E0A: 58 ld e,b 5E0B: A2 and d 5E0C: 54 ld d,h 5E0D: A3 and e 5E0E: 54 ld d,h 5E0F: 62 ld h,d 5E10: 51 ld d,c 5E11: 63 ld h,e 5E12: 51 ld d,c 5E13: C2 59 C3 jp nz,$6953 5E16: 59 ld e,c 5E17: 22 58 23 ld ($8952),hl 5E1A: 58 ld e,b 5E1B: 60 ld h,b 5E1C: 58 ld e,b 5E1D: 61 ld h,c 5E1E: 58 ld e,b 5E1F: 42 ld b,d 5E20: 58 ld e,b 5E21: 43 ld b,e 5E22: 58 ld e,b 5E23: 82 add a,d 5E24: 58 ld e,b 5E25: 83 add a,e 5E26: 58 ld e,b 5E27: 06 02 ld b,$08 5E29: CB 3F srl a 5E2B: DA 9C 5E jp c,$5E36 5E2E: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 5E31: DD 19 add ix,de 5E33: 10 F4 djnz $5E29 5E35: C9 ret 5E36: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 5E39: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 5E3C: FD 75 00 ld (iy+$00),l 5E3F: FD 74 01 ld (iy+$01),h 5E42: DD 6E 08 ld l,(ix+$02) 5E45: DD 66 09 ld h,(ix+$03) 5E48: FD 75 04 ld (iy+$04),l 5E4B: FD 74 05 ld (iy+$05),h 5E4E: 11 02 00 ld de,$0008 5E51: FD 19 add iy,de 5E53: C3 8E 5E jp $5E2E 5E56: DD 21 77 60 ld ix,$C0DD 5E5A: DD 86 01 add a,(ix+$01) 5E5D: 27 daa 5E5E: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 5E61: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 5E64: CE 00 adc a,$00 5E66: 27 daa 5E67: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 5E6A: 21 77 60 ld hl,$C0DD 5E6D: 16 32 ld d,$98 5E6F: 01 19 18 ld bc,$1213 5E72: CD 9F B0 call $B03F 5E75: C9 ret 5E76: 06 04 ld b,$04 5E78: C5 push bc 5E79: 3E 00 ld a,$00 5E7B: CD 5C 5E call $5E56 5E7E: 3E 14 ld a,$14 5E80: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5E83: A7 and a 5E84: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5E87: 21 00 5F ld hl,$5F00 5E8A: 16 32 ld d,$98 5E8C: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 5E8F: 3E 14 ld a,$14 5E91: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5E94: A7 and a 5E95: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5E98: C1 pop bc 5E99: 10 77 djnz $5E78 5E9B: 01 04 14 ld bc,$1404 5E9E: DD 21 62 60 ld ix,$C0C8 5EA2: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 5EA5: CB 57 bit 2,a 5EA7: C2 B1 5E jp nz,$5EB1 5EAA: 01 0C 14 ld bc,$1406 5EAD: DD 21 70 60 ld ix,$C0D0 5EB1: FD 21 77 60 ld iy,$C0DD 5EB5: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 5EB8: FD 86 01 add a,(iy+$01) 5EBB: 27 daa 5EBC: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 5EBF: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 5EC2: FD 8E 00 adc a,(iy+$00) 5EC5: 27 daa 5EC6: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 5EC9: C5 push bc 5ECA: DD E5 push ix 5ECC: 2A 60 60 ld hl,($C0C0) 5ECF: 7D ld a,l 5ED0: 6C ld l,h 5ED1: 67 ld h,a 5ED2: DD 46 00 ld b,(ix+$00) 5ED5: DD 4E 01 ld c,(ix+$01) 5ED8: A7 and a 5ED9: ED 42 sbc hl,bc 5EDB: D2 E3 5E jp nc,$5EE9 5EDE: 11 60 60 ld de,$C0C0 5EE1: DD E5 push ix 5EE3: E1 pop hl 5EE4: 01 09 00 ld bc,$0003 5EE7: ED B0 ldir 5EE9: DD E1 pop ix 5EEB: C1 pop bc 5EEC: 16 32 ld d,$98 5EEE: DD E5 push ix 5EF0: E1 pop hl 5EF1: CD 9F B0 call $B03F 5EF4: 01 08 14 ld bc,$1402 5EF7: 21 60 60 ld hl,$C0C0 5EFA: 16 32 ld d,$98 5EFC: CD 9F B0 call $B03F 5EFF: C9 ret 5F00: 18 19 jr $5F15 5F02: 96 sub (hl) 5F03: 96 sub (hl) 5F04: 96 sub (hl) 5F05: 96 sub (hl) 5F06: 96 sub (hl) 5F07: 96 sub (hl) 5F08: FF rst $38 ; check level number < 8 > 10 whatever 5F09: 3A 76 60 ld a,(level_number_C0DC) 5F0C: FE 02 cp $08 5F0E: DA 1F 5F jp c,$5F1F 5F11: 23 inc hl 5F12: FE 10 cp $10 5F14: DA 17 5F jp c,$5F1D 5F17: 23 inc hl 5F18: D6 10 sub $10 5F1A: C3 1F 5F jp $5F1F 5F1D: D6 02 sub $08 5F1F: 3C inc a 5F20: 47 ld b,a 5F21: AF xor a 5F22: 37 scf 5F23: CB 17 rl a 5F25: 10 F6 djnz $5F23 5F27: B6 or (hl) 5F28: 77 ld (hl),a 5F29: C9 ret 5F2A: 01 91 A4 ld bc,$A431 5F2D: CD 90 B0 call $B030 5F30: 21 E3 29 ld hl,$83E9 5F33: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 5F36: 21 C0 A8 ld hl,$A260 5F39: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 5F3C: 21 9C D7 ld hl,$7D36 5F3F: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 5F42: CD B4 B0 call $B0B4 5F45: CD 7C DA call $7AD6 5F48: 3E 00 ld a,$00 5F4A: CD 12 B0 call $B018 5F4D: 21 06 C0 ld hl,$600C 5F50: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 5F53: 21 8E C0 ld hl,$602E 5F56: 16 A2 ld d,$A8 5F58: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 5F5B: CD C3 B0 call $B069 5F5E: E6 06 and $0C 5F60: 32 4F 61 ld ($C14F),a 5F63: 06 4C ld b,$46 5F65: C5 push bc 5F66: 3E 09 ld a,$03 5F68: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5F6B: A7 and a 5F6C: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5F6F: CD C3 B0 call $B069 5F72: E6 06 and $0C 5F74: C1 pop bc 5F75: C2 F2 5F jp nz,$5FF8 5F78: 32 4F 61 ld ($C14F),a 5F7B: 10 E2 djnz $5F65 5F7D: 01 19 0C ld bc,$0613 5F80: 11 97 A0 ld de,$A03D 5F83: 21 0E 12 ld hl,$180E 5F86: CD 1B B0 call $B01B 5F89: 3E 04 ld a,$04 5F8B: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5F8E: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 5F90: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5F93: A7 and a 5F94: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5F97: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 5F99: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5F9C: A7 and a 5F9D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5FA0: 3E 02 ld a,$08 5FA2: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5FA5: A7 and a 5FA6: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5FA9: 3E 03 ld a,$09 5FAB: CD 5D B0 call $B057 5FAE: A7 and a 5FAF: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5FB2: CD C3 B0 call $B069 5FB5: E6 06 and $0C 5FB7: 32 4F 61 ld ($C14F),a 5FBA: 3E 09 ld a,$03 ; within this B05A call the computer performs the current technique ; animation 5FBC: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5FBF: A7 and a 5FC0: C2 71 5F jp nz,$5FD1 5FC3: CD C3 B0 call $B069 5FC6: E6 06 and $0C 5FC8: C2 08 C0 jp nz,$6002 5FCB: 32 4F 61 ld ($C14F),a 5FCE: C3 BA 5F jp $5FBA 5FD1: 3E C4 ld a,$64 5FD3: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5FD6: 3E 0F ld a,$0F 5FD8: 06 80 ld b,$20 5FDA: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5FDD: A7 and a 5FDE: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5FE1: 3E D2 ld a,$78 5FE3: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 5FE6: A7 and a 5FE7: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5FEA: 3E 01 ld a,$01 5FEC: 06 01 ld b,$01 5FEE: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 5FF1: A7 and a 5FF2: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 5FF5: CD 51 B0 call $B051 5FF8: 3A 4F 61 ld a,($C14F) 5FFB: A7 and a 5FFC: CA EA 5F jp z,$5FEA 5FFF: C3 DB 5F jp $5F7B 6002: 3A 4F 61 ld a,($C14F) 6005: A7 and a 6006: CA EA 5F jp z,$5FEA 6009: C3 BA 5F jp $5FBA 600C: 0C inc c 600D: 05 dec b 600E: 63 ld h,e 600F: 08 ex af,af' 6010: 6A ld l,d 6011: 08 ex af,af' 6012: 6B ld l,e 6013: 08 ex af,af' 6014: 66 ld h,(hl) 6015: 08 ex af,af' 6016: 67 ld h,a 6017: 08 ex af,af' 6018: 6E ld l,(hl) 6019: 08 ex af,af' 601A: 6F ld l,a 601B: 08 ex af,af' 601C: FE 0C cp $06 601E: 0C inc c 601F: 70 ld (hl),b 6020: 08 ex af,af' 6021: 43 ld b,e 6022: 08 ex af,af' 6023: 4A ld c,d 6024: 08 ex af,af' 6025: 4B ld c,e 6026: 08 ex af,af' 6027: 46 ld b,(hl) 6028: 08 ex af,af' 6029: 47 ld b,a 602A: 08 ex af,af' 602B: 4E ld c,(hl) 602C: 08 ex af,af' 602D: FF rst $38 602E: 03 inc bc 602F: 0E 18 ld c,$12 6031: 0F rrca 6032: 96 sub (hl) 6033: 88 adc a,b 6034: 12 ld (de),a 6035: 1E 96 ld e,$3C 6037: 07 rlca 6038: 12 ld (de),a 6039: 96 sub (hl) 603A: 1D dec e 603B: 12 ld (de),a 603C: 17 rla 603D: FE 0C cp $06 603F: 10 80 djnz $6061 6041: 0A ld a,(bc) 6042: 1D dec e 6043: 17 rla 6044: 96 sub (hl) 6045: 13 inc de 6046: 1B dec de 6047: 0A ld a,(bc) 6048: 06 17 ld b,$1D 604A: 18 06 jr $6058 604C: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 604E: 13 inc de 604F: 1B dec de 6050: 0E 16 ld c,$1C 6052: 16 FE ld d,$FE 6054: 0C inc c 6055: 18 13 jr $6070 6057: 15 dec d 6058: 0A ld a,(bc) 6059: 88 adc a,b 605A: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 605C: 96 sub (hl) 605D: 16 17 ld d,$1D 605F: 0A ld a,(bc) 6060: 1B dec de 6061: 17 rla 6062: 96 sub (hl) 6063: 0B dec bc 6064: 1E 17 ld e,$1D 6066: 17 rla 6067: 12 ld (de),a 6068: 1D dec e 6069: FF rst $38 606A: FD 21 80 68 ld iy,$C220 606E: 0E 00 ld c,$00 6070: 06 00 ld b,$00 6072: 21 00 C9 ld hl,$6300 6075: 09 add hl,bc 6076: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l 6079: FD 74 02 ld (iy+$08),h 607C: 7E ld a,(hl) 607D: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 6080: 3E 0D ld a,$07 6082: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 6085: 3E 00 ld a,$00 6087: FD 77 0B ld (iy+$0b),a 608A: 21 8E 60 ld hl,periodic_counter_16bit_C02E 608D: 56 ld d,(hl) 608E: 1E 09 ld e,$03 6090: CD 0C B0 call random_B006 6093: FD 77 06 ld (iy+$0c),a 6096: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 6099: CB 5F bit 3,a 609B: C2 23 C1 jp nz,$6189 609E: 3E 00 ld a,$00 60A0: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 60A3: FE 06 cp $0C 60A5: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 60A8: FD 21 39 C9 ld iy,$6393 60AC: DD 21 C0 68 ld ix,player_2_struct_C260 60B0: DD 6E 0D ld l,(ix+$07) 60B3: DD 7E 02 ld a,(ix+$08) 60B6: E6 DF and $7F 60B8: 67 ld h,a 60B9: 06 00 ld b,$00 60BB: FD 5E 00 ld e,(iy+$00) 60BE: FD 56 01 ld d,(iy+$01) 60C1: A7 and a 60C2: EB ex de,hl 60C3: ED 52 sbc hl,de 60C5: CA EC C0 jp z,$60E6 60C8: EB ex de,hl 60C9: FD 23 inc iy 60CB: FD 23 inc iy 60CD: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) 60D0: FD A6 01 and (iy+$01) 60D3: FE FF cp $FF 60D5: CA CC C1 jp z,$6166 60D8: FE FE cp $FE 60DA: C2 BB C0 jp nz,$60BB 60DD: FD 23 inc iy 60DF: FD 23 inc iy 60E1: 06 FF ld b,$FF 60E3: C3 BB C0 jp $60BB 60E6: FD 21 80 68 ld iy,$C220 60EA: 78 ld a,b 60EB: A7 and a 60EC: C2 15 C1 jp nz,$6115 60EF: 3A CB 68 ld a,($C26B) 60F2: A7 and a 60F3: C2 CC C1 jp nz,$6166 60F6: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 60F9: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 60FC: A7 and a 60FD: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6100: FD 21 80 68 ld iy,$C220 6104: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) ; current practice technique index (decreasing to $FF) 6107: FE FF cp $FF 6109: CA CC C1 jp z,$6166 ; practice done 610C: FD 35 0A dec (iy+$0a) ; decrease index ; 1 player mode - display the technique name in "practice" 610F: CD E6 C1 call display_practice_technique_name_61EC 6112: C3 CC C1 jp $6166 6115: 06 98 ld b,$32 6117: C5 push bc 6118: 3E 01 ld a,$01 611A: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 611D: A7 and a 611E: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6121: C1 pop bc 6122: 05 dec b 6123: CA 59 C1 jp z,$6153 6126: FD 21 C0 68 ld iy,player_2_struct_C260 612A: DD 21 40 68 ld ix,player_1_struct_C240 612E: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 6131: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 6134: DD 5E 0D ld e,(ix+$07) 6137: DD 56 02 ld d,(ix+$08) 613A: A7 and a 613B: ED 52 sbc hl,de 613D: C2 1D C1 jp nz,$6117 6140: FD 21 80 68 ld iy,$C220 6144: FD 34 0B inc (iy+$0b) 6147: 3E 04 ld a,$04 6149: 06 08 ld b,$02 614B: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 614E: 3E 08 ld a,$02 6150: CD 12 B0 call $B018 6153: 3E 00 ld a,$00 6155: 32 CB 68 ld ($C26B),a 6158: CD 90 C8 call $6230 615B: FD 21 80 68 ld iy,$C220 615F: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 6162: A7 and a 6163: CA D4 C1 jp z,$6174 6166: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 6168: 06 07 ld b,$0D 616A: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 616D: A7 and a 616E: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6171: C3 3C C0 jp $6096 6174: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 6176: 06 07 ld b,$0D 6178: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 617B: 3E 08 ld a,$02 617D: 06 0F ld b,$0F 617F: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 6182: A7 and a 6183: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6186: C3 3C C0 jp $6096 6189: 3E 01 ld a,$01 618B: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 618E: A7 and a 618F: CA B4 C1 jp z,$61B4 6192: FE 03 cp $09 6194: CA 23 C1 jp z,$6189 6197: FE 06 cp $0C 6199: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 619C: CD BD 97 call $3DB7 619F: 32 CB 68 ld ($C26B),a 61A2: AF xor a 61A3: 32 C6 68 ld ($C26C),a 61A6: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 61A8: 06 07 ld b,$0D 61AA: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 61AD: A7 and a 61AE: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 61B1: C3 23 C1 jp $6189 61B4: FD 21 80 68 ld iy,$C220 61B8: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 61BB: FE FF cp $FF 61BD: CA 23 C1 jp z,$6189 61C0: FD 35 03 dec (iy+$09) 61C3: C2 23 C1 jp nz,$6189 61C6: 3E C4 ld a,$64 61C8: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a ; during practice (2 player mode) ; decrements C22A: number of techniques to mimic 61CB: FD 35 0A dec (iy+$0a) 61CE: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 61D1: FE FF cp $FF 61D3: CA E8 C1 jp z,$61E2 ; end of practice 61D6: CD 90 C8 call $6230 61D9: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 61DC: CD E6 C1 call display_practice_technique_name_61EC 61DF: C3 23 C1 jp $6189 61E2: 3E 08 ld a,$02 61E4: 06 0F ld b,$0F 61E6: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 61E9: C3 23 C1 jp $6189 ; called with decreasing A (10 -> 0) ; and uses a lookup table to get the proper move names ; < a: index in table ; < iy: table pointer ($C220) display_practice_technique_name_61EC: 61EC: 87 add a,a 61ED: 87 add a,a 61EE: 4F ld c,a 61EF: 06 00 ld b,$00 61F1: C5 push bc 61F2: FD 7E 06 ld a,(iy+$0c) 61F5: CB 27 sla a 61F7: 4F ld c,a 61F8: 06 00 ld b,$00 61FA: DD 21 C1 C9 ld ix,practice_table_end_6361 61FE: DD 09 add ix,bc 6200: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 6203: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 6206: E5 push hl 6207: DD E1 pop ix 6209: C1 pop bc 620A: DD 09 add ix,bc ; practice 620C: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) ; technique id loaded 620F: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D 6212: CB 5E bit 3,(hl) 6214: C2 1A C8 jp nz,$621A ; computer is showing the moves: load technique in player 2 structure 6217: 32 CB 68 ld ($C26B),a 621A: DD E5 push ix 621C: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 621F: CD 5E C8 call $625E 6222: DD E1 pop ix 6224: DD 6E 08 ld l,(ix+$02) 6227: DD 66 09 ld h,(ix+$03) 622A: 16 32 ld d,$98 622C: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 622F: C9 ret 6230: 21 CD C9 ld hl,$6367 6233: 11 00 6F ld de,$CF00 6236: 01 86 00 ld bc,$002C 6239: ED B0 ldir 623B: 21 00 6F ld hl,$CF00 623E: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 6241: 3E 11 ld a,$11 6243: 32 00 6F ld ($CF00),a 6246: 32 0B 6F ld ($CF0B),a 6249: 32 1C 6F ld ($CF16),a 624C: 32 81 6F ld ($CF21),a 624F: 21 00 6F ld hl,$CF00 6252: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 6255: 21 D9 C4 ld hl,$6473 6258: 16 32 ld d,$98 625A: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 625D: C9 ret 625E: 21 7E C8 ld hl,$62DE 6261: 11 00 6F ld de,$CF00 6264: 01 88 00 ld bc,$0022 6267: ED B0 ldir 6269: F5 push af 626A: 17 rla 626B: 17 rla 626C: 17 rla 626D: 17 rla 626E: 17 rla 626F: E6 0F and $0F 6271: CD 3D C8 call $6297 6274: DD 21 00 6F ld ix,$CF00 6278: 3E 18 ld a,$12 627A: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 627D: DD 77 0D ld (ix+$07),a 6280: 3E 14 ld a,$14 6282: DD 77 0E ld (ix+$0e),a 6285: DD 77 19 ld (ix+$13),a 6288: 3E 11 ld a,$11 628A: DD 77 12 ld (ix+$18),a 628D: DD 77 17 ld (ix+$1d),a 6290: F1 pop af 6291: E6 0F and $0F 6293: CD 3D C8 call $6297 6296: C9 ret 6297: 0E 00 ld c,$00 6299: 1F rra 629A: DA AD C8 jp c,$62A7 629D: 0C inc c 629E: F5 push af 629F: 79 ld a,c 62A0: FE 04 cp $04 62A2: F1 pop af 62A3: C2 33 C8 jp nz,$6299 62A6: C9 ret 62A7: CB 21 sla c 62A9: 06 00 ld b,$00 62AB: DD 21 6E C8 ld ix,$62CE 62AF: FD 21 C0 68 ld iy,player_2_struct_C260 62B3: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 62B7: CA BE C8 jp z,$62BE 62BA: DD 21 7C C8 ld ix,$62D6 62BE: DD 09 add ix,bc 62C0: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 62C3: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 62C6: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 62C9: C9 ret 62CA: 00 nop 62CB: 00 nop 62CC: 00 nop 62CD: 00 nop 62CE: 0E 6F ld c,$CF 62D0: 12 ld (de),a 62D1: 6F ld l,a 62D2: 00 nop 62D3: 6F ld l,a 62D4: 0D dec c 62D5: 6F ld l,a 62D6: 12 ld (de),a 62D7: 6F ld l,a 62D8: 0E 6F ld c,$CF 62DA: 00 nop 62DB: 6F ld l,a 62DC: 0D dec c 62DD: 6F ld l,a 62DE: 06 16 ld b,$1C 62E0: A6 and (hl) 62E1: 22 A7 22 ld ($88AD),hl 62E4: FF rst $38 62E5: 06 1F ld b,$1F 62E7: BC cp h 62E8: 22 BD 22 ld ($88B7),hl 62EB: FF rst $38 62EC: 0E 17 ld c,$1D 62EE: B1 or c 62EF: 22 FE 0E ld ($0EFE),hl 62F2: 1E B5 ld e,$B5 62F4: 22 FF 0B ld ($0BFF),hl 62F7: 17 rla 62F8: AE xor (hl) 62F9: 22 FE 0B ld ($0BFE),hl 62FC: 1E B8 ld e,$B2 62FE: 22 FF 87 ld ($2DFF),hl ; practice table of move names words (lunge, front, back ...) and ids ; and positions to show them so the player(s) can execute them ; ; it's more difficult in 2-player mode because some moves are ambiguous ; ex: lunge punch or foot sweep exist as 2 different moves but there are ; only 3 sequences of 8 moves so no big surprises after a while ; ; format: ; move_id ???? text address ; the sequences are iterated decreasing ; ; one possible sequence is (see <===) front kick, back kick, 6301: dc.b $11 14 44 64 ; lunge punch (high, forward) dc.b $05 02 C3 63 ; back kick dc.b $09 82 E9 63 ; foot sweep dc.b $0A 01 F8 63 ; front kick dc.b $0B 21 07 64 ; back round kick dc.b $10 24 44 64 ; lunge punch (high, still) dc.b $14 08 66 64 ; low kick dc.b $0F 04 35 64 ; round kick <==== first move of sequence #1 dc.b $08 42 D1 63 ; jumping back kick dc.b $10 24 44 64 ; lunge punch (high, still) dc.b $13 84 54 64 ; reverse punch dc.b $0F 04 35 64 ; round kick dc.b $09 82 E9 63 ; foot sweep (back) dc.b $14 08 66 64 ; low kick dc.b $05 02 C3 63 ; back kick dc.b $0A 01 F8 63 ; front kick <==== start of sequence #2 dc.b $08 42 D1 63 ; jumping back kick dc.b $0F 04 35 64 ; round kick dc.b $09 82 E9 63 ; foot sweep (back) dc.b $10 24 44 64 ; lunge punch dc.b $14 08 66 64 ; low kick dc.b $05 02 C3 63 ; back kick dc.b $0A 01 F8 63 ; front kick practice_table_end_6361: dc.b $11 14 44 64 ; lunge punch <==== start of sequence #3 6365: 41 ld b,c 6366: C9 ret 6367: 0B dec bc 6368: 16 96 ld d,$3C 636A: 22 A6 72 ld ($D8AC),hl 636D: A7 and a 636E: 72 ld (hl),d 636F: 96 sub (hl) 6370: 22 FE 0B ld ($0BFE),hl 6373: 17 rla 6374: AE xor (hl) 6375: 72 ld (hl),d 6376: AF xor a 6377: 22 B0 22 ld ($88B0),hl 637A: B1 or c 637B: 72 ld (hl),d 637C: FE 0B cp $0B 637E: 1E B8 ld e,$B2 6380: 72 ld (hl),d 6381: B9 cp c 6382: 22 B4 22 ld ($88B4),hl 6385: B5 or l 6386: 72 ld (hl),d 6387: FE 0B cp $0B 6389: 1F rra 638A: 96 sub (hl) 638B: 22 BC 72 ld ($D8B6),hl 638E: BD cp l 638F: 72 ld (hl),d 6390: 96 sub (hl) 6391: 22 FF 23 ld ($89FF),hl 6394: 0A ld a,(bc) 6395: 38 0A jr c,$63A1 6397: 3B dec sp 6398: 0A ld a,(bc) 6399: A7 and a 639A: 0A ld a,(bc) 639B: 62 ld h,d 639C: 0A ld a,(bc) 639D: A4 and h 639E: 0A ld a,(bc) 639F: BC cp h 63A0: 0A ld a,(bc) 63A1: BF cp a 63A2: 0A ld a,(bc) 63A3: FE FE cp $FE 63A5: 63 ld h,e 63A6: 06 7B ld b,$DB 63A8: 06 50 ld b,$50 63AA: 07 rlca 63AB: E0 ret po 63AC: 07 rlca 63AD: 55 ld d,l 63AE: 0E 84 ld c,$24 63B0: 0F rrca 63B1: 33 inc sp 63B2: 0F rrca 63B3: 1D dec e 63B4: 10 AD djnz $635D 63B6: 10 19 djnz $63CB 63B8: 11 DC 11 ld de,$1176 63BB: EB ex de,hl 63BC: 11 7E 18 ld de,$12DE 63BF: 59 ld e,c 63C0: 19 add hl,de 63C1: FF rst $38 63C2: FF rst $38 63C3: 04 inc b 63C4: 17 rla 63C5: 0B dec bc 63C6: 0A ld a,(bc) 63C7: 06 14 ld b,$14 63C9: FE 04 cp $04 63CB: 1E 14 ld e,$14 63CD: 18 06 jr $63DB 63CF: 14 inc d 63D0: FF rst $38 ; "JUMPING" 63D1: 09 add hl,bc 63D2: 17 rla 63D3: 19 add hl,de 63D4: 1E 1C ld e,$16 63D6: 13 inc de 63D7: 18 1D jr $63F0 63D9: 10 FE djnz $63D9 63DB: 09 add hl,bc 63DC: 1E 0B ld e,$0B 63DE: 0A ld a,(bc) 63DF: 06 14 ld b,$14 63E1: FE 09 cp $03 63E3: 1F rra 63E4: 14 inc d 63E5: 18 06 jr $63F3 63E7: 14 inc d 63E8: FF rst $38 63E9: 04 inc b 63EA: 17 rla 63EB: 0F rrca 63EC: 12 ld (de),a 63ED: 12 ld (de),a 63EE: 17 rla 63EF: FE 04 cp $04 63F1: 1E 16 ld e,$1C 63F3: 80 add a,b 63F4: 0E 0E ld c,$0E 63F6: 13 inc de 63F7: FF rst $38 63F8: 04 inc b 63F9: 17 rla 63FA: 0F rrca 63FB: 1B dec de 63FC: 12 ld (de),a 63FD: 1D dec e 63FE: 17 rla 63FF: FE 04 cp $04 6401: 1E 14 ld e,$14 6403: 18 06 jr $6411 6405: 14 inc d 6406: FF rst $38 6407: 04 inc b 6408: 17 rla 6409: 0B dec bc 640A: 0A ld a,(bc) 640B: 06 14 ld b,$14 640D: FE 04 cp $04 640F: 1E 1B ld e,$1B 6411: 12 ld (de),a 6412: 1E 1D ld e,$17 6414: 07 rlca 6415: FE 04 cp $04 6417: 1F rra 6418: 14 inc d 6419: 18 06 jr $6427 641B: 14 inc d 641C: FF rst $38 641D: 09 add hl,bc 641E: 17 rla 641F: 19 add hl,de 6420: 1E 1C ld e,$16 6422: 13 inc de 6423: 18 1D jr $643C 6425: 10 FE djnz $6425 6427: 09 add hl,bc 6428: 1E 16 ld e,$1C 642A: 18 07 jr $6439 642C: 0E FE ld c,$FE 642E: 09 add hl,bc 642F: 1F rra 6430: 14 inc d 6431: 18 06 jr $643F 6433: 14 inc d 6434: FF rst $38 6435: 04 inc b 6436: 17 rla 6437: 1B dec de 6438: 12 ld (de),a 6439: 1E 1D ld e,$17 643B: 07 rlca 643C: FE 04 cp $04 643E: 1E 14 ld e,$14 6440: 18 06 jr $644E 6442: 14 inc d 6443: FF rst $38 ; lunge 6444: 04 inc b 6445: 17 rla 6446: 15 dec d 6447: 1E 1D ld e,$17 6449: 10 0E djnz $6459 644B: FE 04 cp $04 644D: 1E 13 ld e,$19 644F: 1E 1D ld e,$17 6451: 06 11 ld b,$11 6453: FF rst $38 6454: 09 add hl,bc 6455: 17 rla 6456: 1B dec de 6457: 0E 1F ld c,$1F 6459: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 645B: 16 0E ld d,$0E 645D: FE 09 cp $03 645F: 1E 13 ld e,$19 6461: 1E 1D ld e,$17 6463: 06 11 ld b,$11 6465: FF rst $38 6466: 04 inc b 6467: 17 rla 6468: 15 dec d 6469: 12 ld (de),a 646A: 80 add a,b 646B: FE 04 cp $04 646D: 1E 14 ld e,$14 646F: 18 06 jr $647D 6471: 14 inc d 6472: FF rst $38 6473: 09 add hl,bc 6474: 17 rla 6475: 96 sub (hl) 6476: 96 sub (hl) 6477: 96 sub (hl) 6478: 96 sub (hl) 6479: 96 sub (hl) 647A: 96 sub (hl) 647B: 96 sub (hl) 647C: FE 09 cp $03 647E: 1E 96 ld e,$3C 6480: 96 sub (hl) 6481: 96 sub (hl) 6482: 96 sub (hl) 6483: 96 sub (hl) 6484: 96 sub (hl) 6485: 96 sub (hl) 6486: FE 09 cp $03 6488: 1F rra 6489: 96 sub (hl) 648A: 96 sub (hl) 648B: 96 sub (hl) 648C: 96 sub (hl) 648D: 96 sub (hl) 648E: 96 sub (hl) 648F: 96 sub (hl) 6490: FF rst $38 6491: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 6494: E6 DF and $7F 6496: FE 10 cp $10 6498: DA 3E C4 jp c,$649E 649B: CD 51 B0 call $B051 ; initialize match timer to 30 seconds (BCD) 649E: 21 90 00 ld hl,$0030 64A1: DD 21 CD 61 ld ix,match_timer_C167 64A5: DD 75 00 ld (ix+$00),l 64A8: DD 74 01 ld (ix+$01),h 64AB: CD FB C4 call $64FB 64AE: 3E 00 ld a,$00 64B0: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 64B3: FE 03 cp $09 64B5: CA AE C4 jp z,$64AE 64B8: FE 0A cp $0A 64BA: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 64BD: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 64BF: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 64C2: FE 03 cp $09 64C4: CA AE C4 jp z,$64AE 64C7: A7 and a 64C8: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 64CB: 3A CD 61 ld a,(match_timer_C167) 64CE: D6 01 sub $01 64D0: 27 daa 64D1: 32 CD 61 ld (match_timer_C167),a 64D4: 3A C2 61 ld a,($C168) 64D7: DE 00 sbc a,$00 64D9: 27 daa 64DA: 32 C2 61 ld ($C168),a 64DD: FE 33 cp $99 64DF: CA E2 C4 jp z,$64E8 64E2: CD FB C4 call $64FB 64E5: C3 B7 C4 jp $64BD 64E8: 3E 00 ld a,$00 64EA: 32 CD 61 ld (match_timer_C167),a 64ED: 3E 08 ld a,$02 64EF: 06 02 ld b,$08 64F1: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 64F4: A7 and a 64F5: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 64F8: CD 51 B0 call $B051 64FB: 16 32 ld d,$98 64FD: 21 0F 05 ld hl,$050F 6500: 22 00 6F ld ($CF00),hl 6503: 3E FF ld a,$FF 6505: 32 0C 6F ld ($CF06),a 6508: 3A CD 61 ld a,(match_timer_C167) 650B: 47 ld b,a 650C: E6 0F and $0F 650E: 6F ld l,a 650F: 62 ld h,d 6510: 22 04 6F ld (address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04),hl 6513: 78 ld a,b 6514: CB 3F srl a 6516: CB 3F srl a 6518: CB 3F srl a 651A: CB 3F srl a 651C: E6 0F and $0F 651E: 6F ld l,a 651F: 22 08 6F ld ($CF02),hl 6522: 21 00 6F ld hl,$CF00 6525: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 6528: C9 ret 6529: AF xor a 652A: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 652D: F5 push af 652E: 78 ld a,b 652F: DD 21 F2 6D ld ix,$C7F8 6533: FD 21 40 61 ld iy,$C140 6537: FE 08 cp $02 6539: CA C6 C5 jp z,$656C 653C: FE 0D cp $07 653E: CA C6 C5 jp z,$656C 6541: FE 1D cp $17 6543: CA C6 C5 jp z,$656C 6546: FD 21 40 68 ld iy,player_1_struct_C240 654A: FE 03 cp $09 654C: CA C6 C5 jp z,$656C 654F: FE 0A cp $0A 6551: CA C6 C5 jp z,$656C 6554: FD 21 C0 68 ld iy,player_2_struct_C260 6558: FE 0B cp $0B 655A: CA E9 C5 jp z,$65E3 655D: FD 21 20 69 ld iy,$C380 6561: FE 14 cp $14 6563: CA 68 C5 jp z,$65C2 6566: CD 4E B0 call $B04E 6569: C3 BD C5 jp $65B7 656C: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 656F: D6 4C sub $46 6571: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 6574: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 6577: D6 0D sub $07 6579: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 657C: 3E 01 ld a,$01 657E: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 6581: FD 21 FB C5 ld iy,$65FB 6585: F1 pop af 6586: A7 and a 6587: CC 83 C5 call z,$6529 658A: FE 07 cp $0D 658C: D4 D5 B0 call nc,display_error_text_B075 658F: 4F ld c,a 6590: 87 add a,a 6591: 81 add a,c 6592: 4F ld c,a 6593: 06 00 ld b,$00 6595: FD 09 add iy,bc 6597: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) 659A: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a 659D: FD 7E 01 ld a,(iy+$01) 65A0: DD B6 08 or (ix+$02) 65A3: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 65A6: 3E 5A ld a,$5A 65A8: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 65AB: A7 and a 65AC: C2 87 C5 jp nz,$652D 65AF: 3E 00 ld a,$00 65B1: 32 F2 6D ld ($C7F8),a 65B4: C3 83 C5 jp $6529 65B7: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 65BA: D6 12 sub $18 65BC: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 65BF: C3 D4 C5 jp $6574 65C2: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 65C5: D6 09 sub $03 65C7: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 65CA: 3E 0C ld a,$06 65CC: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) 65D0: CA 75 C5 jp z,$65D5 65D3: 3E E6 ld a,$EC 65D5: FD 86 03 add a,(iy+$09) 65D8: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 65DB: 3E 08 ld a,$02 65DD: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 65E0: C3 21 C5 jp $6581 65E3: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 65E6: D6 4C sub $46 65E8: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 65EB: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) 65EE: D6 0D sub $07 65F0: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 65F3: 3E 08 ld a,$02 65F5: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 65F8: C3 21 C5 jp $6581 65FB: 00 nop 65FC: 00 nop 65FD: 00 nop 65FE: F1 pop af 65FF: 90 sub b 6600: 01 F8 90 ld bc,$30F2 6603: 08 ex af,af' 6604: F9 ld sp,hl 6605: 90 sub b 6606: 09 add hl,bc 6607: F4 90 04 call p,$0430 660A: F5 push af 660B: 90 sub b 660C: 05 dec b 660D: FC 90 0C call m,$0630 6610: FD db $fd 6611: 90 sub b 6612: 0D dec c 6613: F2 90 02 jp p,$0830 6616: F3 di 6617: 90 sub b 6618: 03 inc bc 6619: FA 90 0A jp m,$0A30 661C: E0 ret po 661D: 40 ld b,b 661E: 0B dec bc 661F: E1 pop hl 6620: 40 ld b,b 6621: 06 CD ld b,$67 6623: 47 ld b,a 6624: DA CD F5 jp c,$F567 6627: C3 CD EE jp $EE67 662A: C3 CD CB jp $6B67 662D: CA 3A 00 jp z,$009A 6630: 6D ld l,l 6631: 32 EA 61 ld ($C1EA),a 6634: 3A 09 6D ld a,($C703) 6637: 32 EB 61 ld ($C1EB),a 663A: 2A 62 60 ld hl,($C0C8) 663D: 22 72 60 ld ($C0D8),hl 6640: 2A 70 60 ld hl,($C0D0) 6643: 22 7A 60 ld ($C0DA),hl ; init player points to both zero 6646: 21 00 00 ld hl,$0000 6649: 22 1A 63 ld (player_1_points_C91A),hl 664C: 22 16 63 ld (player_2_points_C91A),hl 664F: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 6652: E6 09 and $03 6654: FE 09 cp $03 6656: C2 5F CC jp nz,$665F 6659: CD 6F CB call $6BCF 665C: CD EE CB call $6BEE 665F: 3E 90 ld a,$30 6661: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 6664: A7 and a 6665: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6668: 01 09 08 ld bc,$0203 666B: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 666F: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 6672: C6 10 add a,$10 6674: 57 ld d,a 6675: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 6678: D6 12 sub $18 667A: 5F ld e,a 667B: 26 0A ld h,$0A 667D: CD CA DA call $7A6A 6680: 01 17 01 ld bc,$011D 6683: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 6686: C6 10 add a,$10 6688: 57 ld d,a 6689: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 668C: D6 02 sub $08 668E: 5F ld e,a 668F: DD 21 B6 6D ld ix,$C7BC 6693: 26 05 ld h,$05 6695: CD CE DA call $7A6E 6698: CD 52 DA call $7A58 669B: 3E 85 ld a,$25 669D: CD D8 B0 call $B072 66A0: 3E 09 ld a,$03 66A2: 06 0A ld b,$0A 66A4: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 66A7: A7 and a 66A8: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 66AB: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 66AD: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 66B0: C5 push bc 66B1: F5 push af 66B2: CD 47 DA call $7A4D 66B5: F1 pop af 66B6: C1 pop bc 66B7: A7 and a 66B8: C2 00 CD jp nz,$6700 66BB: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 66BD: 06 0A ld b,$0A 66BF: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 66C2: A7 and a 66C3: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 66C6: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 66C8: 06 0A ld b,$0A 66CA: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 66CD: A7 and a 66CE: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 66D1: 3A 00 6D ld a,(referee_x_pos_C700) 66D4: D6 10 sub $10 66D6: 32 E6 61 ld ($C1EC),a 66D9: C6 80 add a,$20 66DB: 32 E7 61 ld ($C1ED),a 66DE: 3E EA ld a,$EA 66E0: 32 03 6D ld ($C709),a 66E3: 3E 14 ld a,$14 66E5: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 66E8: A7 and a 66E9: C2 00 CD jp nz,$6700 66EC: 3A E3 61 ld a,(referee_walk_direction_C1E9) 66EF: 0E F6 ld c,$FC 66F1: A7 and a 66F2: CA FD CC jp z,$66F7 66F5: 0E 04 ld c,$04 66F7: CD 09 CB call $6B03 66FA: CD 80 CB call $6B20 66FD: C3 E9 CC jp $66E3 6700: F5 push af 6701: C5 push bc 6702: CD CB CA call $6A6B 6705: C1 pop bc 6706: F1 pop af 6707: FE 02 cp $08 6709: C2 17 C2 jp nz,$681D 670C: 3E 01 ld a,$01 670E: CD 85 CA call $6A25 6711: 01 05 08 ld bc,$0205 6714: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 6718: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 671B: C6 10 add a,$10 671D: 57 ld d,a 671E: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 6721: D6 12 sub $18 6723: 5F ld e,a 6724: 26 05 ld h,$05 6726: CD CA DA call $7A6A 6729: 01 17 01 ld bc,$011D 672C: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 672F: C6 10 add a,$10 6731: 57 ld d,a 6732: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 6735: D6 02 sub $08 6737: 5F ld e,a 6738: DD 21 B6 6D ld ix,$C7BC 673C: 26 05 ld h,$05 673E: CD CE DA call $7A6E 6741: CD 52 DA call $7A58 6744: 3E 84 ld a,$24 6746: CD D8 B0 call $B072 6749: 3E D0 ld a,$70 674B: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 674E: A7 and a 674F: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6752: CD 47 DA call $7A4D 6755: CD CB CA call $6A6B 6758: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 675A: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 675D: 01 0D 08 ld bc,$0207 6760: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 6764: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 6767: C6 10 add a,$10 6769: 57 ld d,a 676A: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 676D: D6 12 sub $18 676F: 5F ld e,a 6770: 26 01 ld h,$01 6772: CD CA DA call $7A6A 6775: 01 17 01 ld bc,$011D 6778: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 677B: C6 10 add a,$10 677D: 57 ld d,a 677E: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 6781: D6 02 sub $08 6783: 5F ld e,a 6784: DD 21 B6 6D ld ix,$C7BC 6788: 26 05 ld h,$05 678A: CD CE DA call $7A6E 678D: CD 52 DA call $7A58 6790: 3E 82 ld a,$28 6792: CD D8 B0 call $B072 6795: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 6797: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 679A: CD 47 DA call $7A4D 679D: 21 16 63 ld hl,player_2_points_C91A 67A0: 3A 1A 63 ld a,(player_1_points_C91A) 67A3: BE cp (hl) 67A4: CA A7 CD jp z,$67AD 67A7: D2 EA CD jp nc,$67EA 67AA: C3 B2 CD jp $67B8 67AD: 23 inc hl 67AE: 3A 1B 63 ld a,($C91B) 67B1: BE cp (hl) 67B2: CA A2 C3 jp z,$69A8 67B5: D2 EA CD jp nc,$67EA 67B8: 3E 09 ld a,$03 67BA: CD 85 CA call $6A25 67BD: CD D3 C6 call $6C79 67C0: 3E 83 ld a,$29 67C2: CD D8 B0 call $B072 67C5: 3E 90 ld a,$30 67C7: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 67CA: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 67CC: 06 18 ld b,$12 67CE: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 67D1: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 67D3: 06 19 ld b,$13 67D5: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 67D8: 3E 62 ld a,$C8 67DA: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 67DD: 3E 08 ld a,$02 67DF: 47 ld b,a 67E0: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 67E3: A7 and a 67E4: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 67E7: CD 51 B0 call $B051 67EA: 3E 08 ld a,$02 67EC: CD 85 CA call $6A25 67EF: CD B8 C6 call $6CB2 67F2: 3E 8A ld a,$2A 67F4: CD D8 B0 call $B072 67F7: 3E 90 ld a,$30 67F9: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 67FC: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 67FE: 06 18 ld b,$12 6800: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 6803: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 6805: 06 19 ld b,$13 6807: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 680A: 3E 62 ld a,$C8 680C: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 680F: 3E 08 ld a,$02 6811: 06 01 ld b,$01 6813: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 6816: A7 and a 6817: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 681A: CD 51 B0 call $B051 681D: F5 push af 681E: C5 push bc 681F: 3E 82 ld a,$28 6821: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 6824: A7 and a 6825: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6828: 3E 0F ld a,$0F 682A: 06 03 ld b,$09 682C: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 682F: C1 pop bc 6830: F1 pop af 6831: C5 push bc 6832: FE 04 cp $04 6834: CA 9F C2 jp z,$683F 6837: FE 05 cp $05 6839: CA EA C2 jp z,$68EA 683C: CD D5 B0 call display_error_text_B075 683F: 3E 8D ld a,$27 6841: CD D8 B0 call $B072 6844: 3E 09 ld a,$03 6846: 06 03 ld b,$09 6848: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 684B: A7 and a 684C: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 684F: CD 86 C6 call clear_text_6C2C 6852: C1 pop bc 6853: 78 ld a,b 6854: FE 0A cp $0A 6856: C2 A8 C2 jp nz,$68A2 6859: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 685D: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 6860: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 6863: CD EC C6 call display_scoring_technique_6CE6 6866: 3E 08 ld a,$02 6868: CD 85 CA call $6A25 686B: CD B8 C6 call $6CB2 686E: 3A 1A 63 ld a,(player_1_points_C91A) 6871: 3C inc a 6872: FE 08 cp $02 6874: C2 36 C2 jp nz,$689C 6877: 32 1A 63 ld (player_1_points_C91A),a 687A: CD 97 CB call $6B3D 687D: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 687F: 06 18 ld b,$12 6881: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 6884: 3E C4 ld a,$64 6886: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 6889: 3E 08 ld a,$02 688B: 06 01 ld b,$01 688D: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 6890: A7 and a 6891: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6894: 3E 09 ld a,$03 6896: CD 54 B0 call $B054 6899: CD 51 B0 call $B051 689C: 32 1A 63 ld (player_1_points_C91A),a 689F: C3 53 C3 jp $6959 68A2: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 68A6: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 68A9: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 68AC: CD EC C6 call display_scoring_technique_6CE6 68AF: 3E 09 ld a,$03 68B1: CD 85 CA call $6A25 68B4: CD D3 C6 call $6C79 68B7: 3A 16 63 ld a,(player_2_points_C91A) 68BA: 3C inc a 68BB: FE 08 cp $02 68BD: C2 E4 C2 jp nz,$68E4 68C0: 32 16 63 ld (player_2_points_C91A),a 68C3: CD DD CB call $6B77 68C6: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 68C8: 06 18 ld b,$12 68CA: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 68CD: 3E 62 ld a,$C8 68CF: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 68D2: 3E 08 ld a,$02 68D4: 47 ld b,a 68D5: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 68D8: A7 and a 68D9: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 68DC: 3E 09 ld a,$03 68DE: CD 54 B0 call $B054 68E1: CD 51 B0 call $B051 68E4: 32 16 63 ld (player_2_points_C91A),a 68E7: C3 53 C3 jp $6959 68EA: 3E 8C ld a,$26 68EC: CD D8 B0 call $B072 68EF: 3E 09 ld a,$03 68F1: 06 03 ld b,$09 68F3: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 68F6: A7 and a 68F7: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 68FA: CD 86 C6 call clear_text_6C2C 68FD: C1 pop bc 68FE: 78 ld a,b 68FF: FE 0A cp $0A 6901: C2 90 C3 jp nz,$6930 6904: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 6908: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 690B: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 690E: CD EC C6 call display_scoring_technique_6CE6 6911: 3E 08 ld a,$02 6913: CD 85 CA call $6A25 6916: CD B8 C6 call $6CB2 6919: 3A 1B 63 ld a,($C91B) 691C: 3C inc a 691D: FE 08 cp $02 691F: C2 8A C3 jp nz,$692A 6922: 3E 00 ld a,$00 6924: 32 1B 63 ld ($C91B),a 6927: C3 CE C2 jp $686E 692A: 32 1B 63 ld ($C91B),a 692D: C3 53 C3 jp $6959 6930: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 6934: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) 6937: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) 693A: CD EC C6 call display_scoring_technique_6CE6 693D: 3E 09 ld a,$03 693F: CD 85 CA call $6A25 6942: CD D3 C6 call $6C79 6945: 3A 17 63 ld a,($C91D) 6948: 3C inc a 6949: FE 08 cp $02 694B: C2 5C C3 jp nz,$6956 694E: 3E 00 ld a,$00 6950: 32 17 63 ld ($C91D),a 6953: C3 BD C2 jp $68B7 6956: 32 17 63 ld ($C91D),a 6959: 3E B0 ld a,$B0 695B: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 695E: CD 47 DA call $7A4D 6961: CD 97 CB call $6B3D 6964: CD DD CB call $6B77 6967: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 6969: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 696C: A7 and a 696D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6970: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 6972: 06 00 ld b,$00 6974: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 6977: A7 and a 6978: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 697B: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 697D: 06 00 ld b,$00 697F: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 6982: A7 and a 6983: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6986: CD CB CA call $6A6B 6989: 21 5C CF ld hl,$6F56 698C: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 698F: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 6992: E6 09 and $03 6994: FE 09 cp $03 6996: C2 36 C3 jp nz,$699C 6999: CD EE CB call $6BEE 699C: 3E 1E ld a,$1E 699E: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 69A1: A7 and a 69A2: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 69A5: C3 C2 CC jp $6668 69A8: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 69AB: FE 05 cp $05 69AD: CA B2 CD jp z,$67B8 69B0: FE 0A cp $0A 69B2: CA EA CD jp z,$67EA 69B5: 2A 62 60 ld hl,($C0C8) 69B8: 7D ld a,l 69B9: 6C ld l,h 69BA: 67 ld h,a 69BB: ED 5B 72 60 ld de,($C0D8) 69BF: 7B ld a,e 69C0: 5A ld e,d 69C1: 57 ld d,a 69C2: A7 and a 69C3: ED 52 sbc hl,de 69C5: E5 push hl 69C6: 2A 70 60 ld hl,($C0D0) 69C9: 7D ld a,l 69CA: 6C ld l,h 69CB: 67 ld h,a 69CC: ED 5B 7A 60 ld de,($C0DA) 69D0: 7B ld a,e 69D1: 5A ld e,d 69D2: 57 ld d,a 69D3: A7 and a 69D4: ED 52 sbc hl,de 69D6: D1 pop de 69D7: A7 and a 69D8: ED 52 sbc hl,de 69DA: CA E9 C3 jp z,$69E3 69DD: DA EA CD jp c,$67EA 69E0: D2 B2 CD jp nc,$67B8 69E3: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) 69E6: CB 5F bit 3,a 69E8: C2 EA CD jp nz,$67EA 69EB: C3 B2 CD jp $67B8 69EE: 21 5C CF ld hl,$6F56 69F1: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 69F4: C9 ret 69F5: 21 0D CA ld hl,$6A07 69F8: 11 00 6F ld de,$CF00 69FB: 01 88 00 ld bc,$0022 69FE: ED B0 ldir 6A00: 21 00 6F ld hl,$CF00 6A03: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 6A06: C9 ret 6A07: 0C inc c 6A08: 08 ex af,af' 6A09: 79 ld a,c 6A0A: 10 79 djnz $69DF 6A0C: 10 74 djnz $69E2 6A0E: 32 75 32 ld ($98D5),a 6A11: B9 cp c 6A12: 3A 79 10 ld a,($10D3) 6A15: 79 ld a,c 6A16: 10 FE djnz $6A16 6A18: 0D dec c 6A19: 09 add hl,bc 6A1A: 79 ld a,c 6A1B: 10 72 djnz $69F5 6A1D: 32 73 32 ld ($98D9),a 6A20: 7A ld a,d 6A21: 32 79 10 ld ($10D3),a 6A24: FF rst $38 6A25: FD 21 00 6D ld iy,referee_x_pos_C700 6A29: 3D dec a 6A2A: 87 add a,a 6A2B: 4F ld c,a 6A2C: 06 00 ld b,$00 6A2E: DD 21 53 CA ld ix,$6A59 6A32: DD 09 add ix,bc 6A34: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 6A37: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 6A3A: E5 push hl 6A3B: DD E1 pop ix 6A3D: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 6A40: FD 77 05 ld (iy+$05),a 6A43: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 6A46: FD B6 0C or (iy+$06) 6A49: FD 77 0C ld (iy+$06),a 6A4C: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) 6A4F: FD 77 07 ld (iy+$0d),a 6A52: DD 7E 09 ld a,(ix+$03) 6A55: FD 77 11 ld (iy+$11),a 6A58: C9 ret 6A59: 5F ld e,a 6A5A: CA CD CA jp z,$6A67 6A5D: C9 ret 6A5E: CA EF 00 jp z,$00EF 6A61: EE E7 xor $ED 6A63: EB ex de,hl 6A64: 00 nop 6A65: 00 nop 6A66: E7 rst $20 6A67: EB ex de,hl 6A68: 20 EE jr nz,$6A58 6A6A: 00 nop 6A6B: DD 21 E1 CA ld ix,$referee_start_position_table_6AE1 ; start position for referee 6A6F: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 6A72: CB BF res 7,a 6A74: 87 add a,a 6A75: 4F ld c,a 6A76: 06 00 ld b,$00 6A78: DD 09 add ix,bc 6A7A: DD 66 00 ld h,(ix+$00) 6A7D: DD 6E 01 ld l,(ix+$01) 6A80: DD 21 75 CA ld ix,$6AD5 6A84: FD 21 00 6D ld iy,referee_x_pos_C700 6A88: FD 74 00 ld (iy+$00),h 6A8B: FD 74 04 ld (iy+$04),h 6A8E: FD 74 02 ld (iy+$08),h 6A91: 7C ld a,h 6A92: D6 10 sub $10 6A94: FD 77 06 ld (iy+$0c),a 6A97: C6 80 add a,$20 6A99: FD 77 10 ld (iy+$10),a 6A9C: FD 75 09 ld (iy+$03),l 6A9F: 7D ld a,l 6AA0: C6 10 add a,$10 6AA2: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a 6AA5: C6 10 add a,$10 6AA7: FD 77 0B ld (iy+$0b),a 6AAA: 7D ld a,l 6AAB: C6 04 add a,$04 6AAD: FD 77 0F ld (iy+$0f),a 6AB0: FD 77 19 ld (iy+$13),a 6AB3: FD 21 01 6D ld iy,$C701 6AB7: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 6ABA: FE FF cp $FF 6ABC: C8 ret z 6ABD: FD 77 00 ld (iy+$00),a 6AC0: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) 6AC3: FD 77 01 ld (iy+$01),a 6AC6: DD 23 inc ix 6AC8: DD 23 inc ix 6ACA: FD 23 inc iy 6ACC: FD 23 inc iy 6ACE: FD 23 inc iy 6AD0: FD 23 inc iy 6AD2: C3 BD CA jp $6AB7 6AD5: ED 44 neg 6AD7: E2 44 E3 jp po,$E944 6ADA: 44 ld b,h 6ADB: 00 nop 6ADC: 45 ld b,l 6ADD: 00 nop 6ADE: 45 ld b,l 6ADF: FF rst $38 6AE0: FF rst $38 referee_start_position_table_6AE1 6AE1 C0 48 78 70 78 58 78 70 78 70 78 70 78 70 78 70 ÀHxpxXxpxpxpxpxp 6AF1 78 70 91 70 78 70 88 58 78 70 78 70 78 70 78 70 xp.pxp.Xxpxpxpxp 6B01 78 58 6B03: DD 21 00 6D ld ix,referee_x_pos_C700 6B07: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 6B0A: 06 05 ld b,$05 6B0C: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 6B0F: 81 add a,c 6B10: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 6B13: DD 19 add ix,de 6B15: 10 F5 djnz $6B0C 6B17: 3A 0A 6D ld a,($C70A) 6B1A: EE 20 xor $80 6B1C: 32 0A 6D ld ($C70A),a 6B1F: C9 ret 6B20: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 6B24: 3A 00 6D ld a,(referee_x_pos_C700) 6B27: FD BE 06 cp (iy+$0c) ; min referee x 6B2A: D2 99 CB jp nc,$6B33 6B2D: 3E FF ld a,$FF 6B2F: 32 E3 61 ld (referee_walk_direction_C1E9),a 6B32: C9 ret 6B33: FD BE 07 cp (iy+$0d) ; max referee x for this stage 6B36: D8 ret c 6B37: 3E 00 ld a,$00 6B39: 32 E3 61 ld (referee_walk_direction_C1E9),a 6B3C: C9 ret 6B3D: 21 0C 08 ld hl,$0206 6B40: 11 64 CB ld de,$6BC4 6B43: 3A 1A 63 ld a,(player_1_points_C91A) 6B46: FE 00 cp $00 6B48: CA 56 CB jp z,$6B5C 6B4B: 21 0D 08 ld hl,$0207 6B4E: 11 6D CB ld de,$6BC7 6B51: FE 01 cp $01 6B53: CA 56 CB jp z,$6B5C 6B56: 21 0C 08 ld hl,$0206 6B59: 11 6A CB ld de,$6BCA 6B5C: CD B1 CB call $6BB1 6B5F: 21 0D 09 ld hl,$0307 6B62: 11 64 CB ld de,$6BC4 6B65: 3A 1B 63 ld a,($C91B) 6B68: FE 00 cp $00 6B6A: CA D9 CB jp z,$6B73 6B6D: 21 0D 09 ld hl,$0307 6B70: 11 6D CB ld de,$6BC7 6B73: CD B1 CB call $6BB1 6B76: C9 ret 6B77: 21 0B 08 ld hl,$020B 6B7A: 11 64 CB ld de,$6BC4 6B7D: 3A 16 63 ld a,(player_2_points_C91A) 6B80: FE 00 cp $00 6B82: CA 3C CB jp z,$6B96 6B85: 21 0B 08 ld hl,$020B 6B88: 11 6D CB ld de,$6BC7 6B8B: FE 01 cp $01 6B8D: CA 3C CB jp z,$6B96 6B90: 21 0B 08 ld hl,$020B 6B93: 11 6A CB ld de,$6BCA 6B96: CD B1 CB call $6BB1 6B99: 21 0B 09 ld hl,$030B 6B9C: 11 64 CB ld de,$6BC4 6B9F: 3A 17 63 ld a,($C91D) 6BA2: FE 00 cp $00 6BA4: CA A7 CB jp z,$6BAD 6BA7: 21 0B 09 ld hl,$030B 6BAA: 11 6D CB ld de,$6BC7 6BAD: CD B1 CB call $6BB1 6BB0: C9 ret 6BB1: 22 00 6F ld ($CF00),hl 6BB4: EB ex de,hl 6BB5: 11 08 6F ld de,$CF02 6BB8: 01 0C 00 ld bc,$0006 6BBB: ED B0 ldir 6BBD: 21 00 6F ld hl,$CF00 6BC0: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 6BC3: C9 ret 6BC4: 79 ld a,c 6BC5: 10 FF djnz $6BC6 6BC7: 79 ld a,c 6BC8: 52 ld d,d 6BC9: FF rst $38 6BCA: 79 ld a,c 6BCB: 52 ld d,d 6BCC: 79 ld a,c 6BCD: 52 ld d,d 6BCE: FF rst $38 6BCF: 06 09 ld b,$03 6BD1: C5 push bc 6BD2: CD EE CB call $6BEE 6BD5: 3E 0F ld a,$0F 6BD7: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 6BDA: A7 and a 6BDB: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6BDE: CD 86 C6 call clear_text_6C2C 6BE1: 3E 0F ld a,$0F 6BE3: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 6BE6: A7 and a 6BE7: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6BEA: C1 pop bc 6BEB: 10 E4 djnz $6BD1 6BED: C9 ret 6BEE: 21 53 C6 ld hl,$6C59 6BF1: 16 30 ld d,$90 6BF3: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 6BF6: 21 0D 0C ld hl,$0607 6BF9: 22 00 6F ld ($CF00),hl 6BFC: 3A 42 61 ld a,($C148) 6BFF: 6F ld l,a 6C00: 26 32 ld h,$98 6C02: 22 08 6F ld ($CF02),hl 6C05: 21 96 32 ld hl,$983C 6C08: 22 04 6F ld (address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04),hl 6C0B: 21 8C 32 ld hl,$9826 6C0E: 22 0C 6F ld ($CF06),hl 6C11: 21 96 32 ld hl,$983C 6C14: 22 02 6F ld ($CF08),hl 6C17: 3A 4D 61 ld a,($C147) 6C1A: 6F ld l,a 6C1B: 26 30 ld h,$90 6C1D: 22 0A 6F ld ($CF0A),hl 6C20: 3E FF ld a,$FF 6C22: 32 06 6F ld ($CF0C),a 6C25: 21 00 6F ld hl,$CF00 6C28: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 6C2B: C9 ret ; empty text to erase previous values clear_text_6C2C: 6C2C: 21 95 C6 ld hl,$6C35 6C2F: 16 30 ld d,$90 6C31: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 6C34: C9 ret 6C35: 05 dec b 6C36: 05 dec b 6C37: 92 sub d 6C38: 96 sub (hl) 6C39: 96 sub (hl) 6C3A: 96 sub (hl) 6C3B: 96 sub (hl) 6C3C: 96 sub (hl) 6C3D: 96 sub (hl) 6C3E: 96 sub (hl) 6C3F: 96 sub (hl) 6C40: FE 05 cp $05 6C42: 0C inc c 6C43: 92 sub d 6C44: 96 sub (hl) 6C45: 96 sub (hl) 6C46: 96 sub (hl) 6C47: 96 sub (hl) 6C48: 96 sub (hl) 6C49: 96 sub (hl) 6C4A: 96 sub (hl) 6C4B: 96 sub (hl) 6C4C: FE 05 cp $05 6C4E: 0D dec c 6C4F: 93 sub e 6C50: 9A sbc a,d 6C51: 9A sbc a,d 6C52: 9A sbc a,d 6C53: 9A sbc a,d 6C54: 9A sbc a,d 6C55: 9A sbc a,d 6C56: 9A sbc a,d 6C57: 9A sbc a,d 6C58: FF rst $38 6C59: 05 dec b 6C5A: 05 dec b 6C5B: E0 ret po 6C5C: E1 pop hl 6C5D: 77 ld (hl),a 6C5E: 77 ld (hl),a 6C5F: 77 ld (hl),a 6C60: 77 ld (hl),a 6C61: 77 ld (hl),a 6C62: E8 ret pe 6C63: E9 jp (hl) 6C64: FE 05 cp $05 6C66: 0C inc c 6C67: 67 ld h,a 6C68: FE 07 cp $0D 6C6A: 0C inc c 6C6B: 70 ld (hl),b 6C6C: FE 05 cp $05 6C6E: 0D dec c 6C6F: EC ED E2 call pe,$E8E7 6C72: E2 E2 E2 jp po,$E8E8 6C75: E2 E3 EA jp po,$EAE9 6C78: FF rst $38 6C79: 01 0B 08 ld bc,$020B 6C7C: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 6C80: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 6C83: C6 10 add a,$10 6C85: 57 ld d,a 6C86: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 6C89: D6 12 sub $18 6C8B: 5F ld e,a 6C8C: 26 05 ld h,$05 6C8E: CD CA DA call $7A6A 6C91: 01 65 01 ld bc,$01C5 6C94: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 6C97: C6 10 add a,$10 6C99: 57 ld d,a 6C9A: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 6C9D: D6 02 sub $08 6C9F: 5F ld e,a 6CA0: DD 21 B6 6D ld ix,$C7BC 6CA4: 26 05 ld h,$05 6CA6: CD CE DA call $7A6E 6CA9: CD 52 DA call $7A58 6CAC: 3E 45 ld a,$45 6CAE: 32 BE 6D ld ($C7BE),a 6CB1: C9 ret 6CB2: 01 07 08 ld bc,$020D 6CB5: FD 21 E0 61 ld iy,$C1E0 6CB9: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 6CBC: D6 80 sub $20 6CBE: 57 ld d,a 6CBF: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 6CC2: D6 12 sub $18 6CC4: 5F ld e,a 6CC5: 26 05 ld h,$05 6CC7: CD CA DA call $7A6A 6CCA: 01 16 01 ld bc,$011C 6CCD: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) 6CD0: D6 10 sub $10 6CD2: 57 ld d,a 6CD3: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) 6CD6: D6 02 sub $08 6CD8: 5F ld e,a 6CD9: DD 21 B6 6D ld ix,$C7BC 6CDD: 26 05 ld h,$05 6CDF: CD CE DA call $7A6E 6CE2: CD 52 DA call $7A58 6CE5: C9 ret display_scoring_technique_6CE6: 6CE6: CB BC res 7,h 6CE8: DD 21 1E C7 ld ix,$6D1E 6CEC: FD 21 9E C7 ld iy,$6D3E 6CF0: DD 5E 00 ld e,(ix+$00) 6CF3: DD 56 01 ld d,(ix+$01) 6CF6: EB ex de,hl 6CF7: A7 and a 6CF8: ED 52 sbc hl,de 6CFA: CA 14 C7 jp z,$6D14 6CFD: EB ex de,hl 6CFE: DD 23 inc ix 6D00: DD 23 inc ix 6D02: FD 23 inc iy 6D04: FD 23 inc iy 6D06: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 6D09: DD A6 01 and (ix+$01) 6D0C: FE FF cp $FF 6D0E: C2 F0 C6 jp nz,$6CF0 6D11: CD D5 B0 call display_error_text_B075 6D14: FD 6E 00 ld l,(iy+$00) 6D17: FD 66 01 ld h,(iy+$01) 6D1A: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 6D1D: C9 ret 6D1E: 60 ld h,b 6D1F: 06 78 ld b,$D2 6D21: 06 4D ld b,$47 6D23: 07 rlca 6D24: 7D ld a,l 6D25: 07 rlca 6D26: 46 ld b,(hl) 6D27: 0E AF ld c,$AF 6D29: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 6D2B: 0F rrca 6D2C: 30 0F jr nc,$6D3D 6D2E: 0E 10 ld c,$10 6D30: 3E 10 ld a,$10 6D32: 0A ld a,(bc) 6D33: 11 C7 11 ld de,$116D 6D36: E8 ret pe 6D37: 11 75 18 ld de,$12D5 6D3A: 4A ld c,d 6D3B: 19 add hl,de 6D3C: FF rst $38 6D3D: FF rst $38 6D3E: 9B sbc a,e 6D3F: CE 9B adc a,$3B 6D41: CE 51 adc a,$51 6D43: CE D2 adc a,$78 6D45: CE 30 adc a,$90 6D47: CE 84 adc a,$24 6D49: CF rst $08 6D4A: A2 and d 6D4B: CE 0A adc a,$0A 6D4D: CF rst $08 6D4E: 6B ld l,e 6D4F: CE D2 adc a,$78 6D51: CE F8 adc a,$F2 6D53: CE 0A adc a,$0A 6D55: CF rst $08 6D56: 0A ld a,(bc) 6D57: CF rst $08 6D58: 84 add a,h 6D59: CF rst $08 6D5A: 48 ld c,b 6D5B: CF rst $08 6D5C: FF rst $38 6D5D: FF rst $38 6D5E: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 6D61: CB BF res 7,a 6D63: FE 59 cp $53 6D65: C2 CF C7 jp nz,$6D6F 6D68: 26 D2 ld h,$78 6D6A: 2E 42 ld l,$48 6D6C: C3 2B C7 jp $6D8B 6D6F: FE 10 cp $10 6D71: DC 51 B0 call c,$B051 6D74: FE 80 cp $20 6D76: D4 51 B0 call nc,$B051 6D79: E6 0F and $0F 6D7B: 87 add a,a 6D7C: 4F ld c,a 6D7D: 06 00 ld b,$00 6D7F: DD 21 E1 CA ld ix,$referee_start_position_table_6AE1 6D83: DD 09 add ix,bc 6D85: DD 66 00 ld h,(ix+$00) 6D88: DD 6E 01 ld l,(ix+$01) 6D8B: FD 21 00 6D ld iy,referee_x_pos_C700 6D8F: FD 74 00 ld (iy+$00),h 6D92: FD 74 04 ld (iy+$04),h 6D95: FD 74 02 ld (iy+$08),h 6D98: 7C ld a,h 6D99: C6 10 add a,$10 6D9B: FD 77 06 ld (iy+$0c),a 6D9E: FD 75 09 ld (iy+$03),l 6DA1: 7D ld a,l 6DA2: C6 10 add a,$10 6DA4: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a 6DA7: C6 10 add a,$10 6DA9: FD 77 0B ld (iy+$0b),a 6DAC: 7D ld a,l 6DAD: C6 04 add a,$04 6DAF: FD 77 0F ld (iy+$0f),a 6DB2: 3E 44 ld a,$44 6DB4: FD 36 01 ED ld (iy+$01),$E7 6DB8: FD 36 05 E2 ld (iy+$05),$E8 6DBC: FD 36 03 E3 ld (iy+$09),$E9 6DC0: FD 77 08 ld (iy+$02),a 6DC3: FD 77 0C ld (iy+$06),a 6DC6: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 6DC9: FD 36 0E 45 ld (iy+$0e),$45 6DCD: 3E 00 ld a,$00 6DCF: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 6DD2: FE 80 cp $20 6DD4: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6DD7: FD 21 00 6D ld iy,referee_x_pos_C700 6DDB: FD 36 07 E6 ld (iy+$0d),$EC 6DDF: FD 36 05 EB ld (iy+$05),$EB 6DE3: 01 01 08 ld bc,$0201 6DE6: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) 6DE9: C6 10 add a,$10 6DEB: 57 ld d,a 6DEC: FD 7E 09 ld a,(iy+$03) 6DEF: D6 12 sub $18 6DF1: 5F ld e,a 6DF2: 26 01 ld h,$01 6DF4: CD CA DA call $7A6A 6DF7: 01 1A 01 ld bc,$011A 6DFA: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) 6DFD: C6 90 add a,$30 6DFF: 57 ld d,a 6E00: FD 7E 09 ld a,(iy+$03) 6E03: D6 12 sub $18 6E05: 5F ld e,a 6E06: 26 01 ld h,$01 6E08: DD 21 62 6D ld ix,$C7C8 6E0C: CD CE DA call $7A6E 6E0F: 01 1B 01 ld bc,$011B 6E12: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) 6E15: C6 10 add a,$10 6E17: 57 ld d,a 6E18: FD 7E 09 ld a,(iy+$03) 6E1B: D6 02 sub $08 6E1D: 5F ld e,a 6E1E: DD 21 B6 6D ld ix,$C7BC 6E22: 26 01 ld h,$01 6E24: CD CE DA call $7A6E 6E27: CD 52 DA call $7A58 6E2A: 21 BE 6D ld hl,$C7BE 6E2D: CB FE set 7,(hl) 6E2F: 3E 96 ld a,$3C 6E31: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 6E34: A7 and a 6E35: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 6E38: CD 51 B0 call $B051 6E3B: 0D dec c 6E3C: 05 dec b 6E3D: 0B dec bc 6E3E: 32 0A 32 ld ($980A),a 6E41: 06 32 ld b,$98 6E43: 14 inc d 6E44: 32 FE 0D ld ($07FE),a 6E47: 0C inc c 6E48: 14 inc d 6E49: 32 18 32 ld ($9812),a 6E4C: 06 32 ld b,$98 6E4E: 14 inc d 6E4F: 32 FF 0C ld ($06FF),a 6E52: 05 dec b 6E53: 19 add hl,de 6E54: 32 1E 32 ld ($981E),a 6E57: 1C inc e 6E58: 32 13 32 ld ($9819),a 6E5B: 18 32 jr $6DF5 6E5D: 1D dec e 6E5E: 32 10 32 ld ($9810),a 6E61: FE 0C cp $06 6E63: 0C inc c 6E64: 0B dec bc 6E65: 32 0A 32 ld ($980A),a 6E68: 06 32 ld b,$98 6E6A: 14 inc d 6E6B: 32 FE 0C ld ($06FE),a 6E6E: 0D dec c 6E6F: 95 sub l 6E70: 30 9C jr nc,$6EA8 6E72: 30 9D jr nc,$6EAB 6E74: 30 95 jr nc,$6EAB 6E76: 30 FF jr nc,$6E77 6E78: 0D dec c 6E79: 05 dec b 6E7A: 0F rrca 6E7B: 32 12 32 ld ($9818),a 6E7E: 12 ld (de),a 6E7F: 32 17 32 ld ($981D),a 6E82: FE 0D cp $07 6E84: 0C inc c 6E85: 16 32 ld d,$98 6E87: 80 add a,b 6E88: 32 0E 32 ld ($980E),a 6E8B: 0E 32 ld c,$98 6E8D: 13 inc de 6E8E: 32 FF 0D ld ($07FF),a 6E91: 05 dec b 6E92: 0F rrca 6E93: 32 1B 32 ld ($981B),a 6E96: 12 ld (de),a 6E97: 32 1D 32 ld ($9817),a 6E9A: 17 rla 6E9B: 32 FE 0D ld ($07FE),a 6E9E: 0C inc c 6E9F: 14 inc d 6EA0: 32 18 32 ld ($9812),a 6EA3: 06 32 ld b,$98 6EA5: 14 inc d 6EA6: 32 FF 0D ld ($07FF),a 6EA9: 05 dec b 6EAA: 0B dec bc 6EAB: 32 0A 32 ld ($980A),a 6EAE: 06 32 ld b,$98 6EB0: 14 inc d 6EB1: 32 FE 0D ld ($07FE),a 6EB4: 0C inc c 6EB5: 1B dec de 6EB6: 32 12 32 ld ($9818),a 6EB9: 1E 32 ld e,$98 6EBB: 1D dec e 6EBC: 32 07 32 ld ($980D),a 6EBF: FE 0D cp $07 6EC1: 0D dec c 6EC2: 95 sub l 6EC3: 30 9C jr nc,$6EFB 6EC5: 30 9D jr nc,$6EFE 6EC7: 30 95 jr nc,$6EFE 6EC9: 30 FF jr nc,$6ECA 6ECB: 0C inc c 6ECC: 05 dec b 6ECD: 19 add hl,de 6ECE: 32 1E 32 ld ($981E),a 6ED1: 1C inc e 6ED2: 32 13 32 ld ($9819),a 6ED5: 18 32 jr $6E6F 6ED7: 1D dec e 6ED8: 32 10 32 ld ($9810),a 6EDB: FE 0C cp $06 6EDD: 0C inc c 6EDE: 16 32 ld d,$98 6EE0: 18 32 jr $6E7A 6EE2: 07 rlca 6EE3: 32 0E 32 ld ($980E),a 6EE6: FE 0C cp $06 6EE8: 0D dec c 6EE9: 95 sub l 6EEA: 30 9C jr nc,$6F22 6EEC: 30 9D jr nc,$6F25 6EEE: 30 95 jr nc,$6F25 6EF0: 30 FF jr nc,$6EF1 6EF2: 0D dec c 6EF3: 05 dec b 6EF4: 1B dec de 6EF5: 32 12 32 ld ($9818),a 6EF8: 1E 32 ld e,$98 6EFA: 1D dec e 6EFB: 32 07 32 ld ($980D),a 6EFE: FE 0D cp $07 6F00: 0C inc c 6F01: 14 inc d 6F02: 32 18 32 ld ($9812),a 6F05: 06 32 ld b,$98 6F07: 14 inc d 6F08: 32 FF 0D ld ($07FF),a 6F0B: 05 dec b 6F0C: 15 dec d 6F0D: 32 1E 32 ld ($981E),a 6F10: 1D dec e 6F11: 32 10 32 ld ($9810),a 6F14: 0E 32 ld c,$98 6F16: FE 0D cp $07 6F18: 0C inc c 6F19: 13 inc de 6F1A: 32 1E 32 ld ($981E),a 6F1D: 1D dec e 6F1E: 32 06 32 ld ($980C),a 6F21: 11 32 FF ld de,$FF98 6F24: 0C inc c 6F25: 05 dec b 6F26: 1B dec de 6F27: 32 0E 32 ld ($980E),a 6F2A: 1F rra 6F2B: 32 0E 32 ld ($980E),a 6F2E: 1B dec de 6F2F: 32 16 32 ld ($981C),a 6F32: 0E 32 ld c,$98 6F34: FE 0C cp $06 6F36: 0C inc c 6F37: 13 inc de 6F38: 32 1E 32 ld ($981E),a 6F3B: 1D dec e 6F3C: 32 06 32 ld ($980C),a 6F3F: 11 32 FF ld de,$FF98 6F42: 0D dec c 6F43: 05 dec b 6F44: 15 dec d 6F45: 32 12 32 ld ($9818),a 6F48: 80 add a,b 6F49: 32 FE 0D ld ($07FE),a 6F4C: 0C inc c 6F4D: 14 inc d 6F4E: 32 18 32 ld ($9812),a 6F51: 06 32 ld b,$98 6F53: 14 inc d 6F54: 32 FF 0C ld ($06FF),a 6F57: 05 dec b 6F58: 96 sub (hl) 6F59: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 6F5C: 96 sub (hl) 6F5D: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 6F60: 96 sub (hl) 6F61: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 6F64: 96 sub (hl) 6F65: 32 FE 0C ld ($06FE),a 6F68: 0C inc c 6F69: 96 sub (hl) 6F6A: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 6F6D: 96 sub (hl) 6F6E: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 6F71: 96 sub (hl) 6F72: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 6F75: 96 sub (hl) 6F76: 32 FE 0C ld ($06FE),a 6F79: 0D dec c 6F7A: 9A sbc a,d 6F7B: 30 9A jr nc,$6FB7 6F7D: 30 9A jr nc,$6FB9 6F7F: 30 9A jr nc,$6FBB 6F81: 30 9A jr nc,$6FBD 6F83: 30 9A jr nc,$6FBF 6F85: 30 9A jr nc,$6FC1 6F87: 30 FF jr nc,$6F88 6F89: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 6F8C: CB BF res 7,a 6F8E: FE 80 cp $20 6F90: DC D5 B0 call c,display_error_text_B075 6F93: FE 50 cp $50 6F95: D4 D5 B0 call nc,display_error_text_B075 6F98: FE 40 cp $40 6F9A: D2 AB D9 jp nc,$73AB 6F9D: FE 90 cp $30 6F9F: D2 B5 D1 jp nc,$71B5 6FA2: DD 21 10 63 ld ix,computer_skill_C910 6FA6: DD 6E 08 ld l,(ix+$02) 6FA9: DD 66 09 ld h,(ix+$03) 6FAC: 23 inc hl 6FAD: 23 inc hl 6FAE: 7E ld a,(hl) 6FAF: FE FF cp $FF 6FB1: C2 B6 CF jp nz,$6FBC 6FB4: 21 59 DD ld hl,$7753 6FB7: 16 32 ld d,$98 6FB9: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 6FBC: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 6FBF: CB BF res 7,a 6FC1: D6 80 sub $20 6FC3: 87 add a,a 6FC4: 87 add a,a 6FC5: 4F ld c,a 6FC6: 06 00 ld b,$00 6FC8: DD 21 BB D4 ld ix,$74BB 6FCC: DD 09 add ix,bc 6FCE: DD 66 00 ld h,(ix+$00) 6FD1: DD 6E 01 ld l,(ix+$01) 6FD4: DD 4E 08 ld c,(ix+$02) 6FD7: DD 46 09 ld b,(ix+$03) 6FDA: FD 21 D6 6D ld iy,$C77C 6FDE: FD 74 00 ld (iy+$00),h 6FE1: FD 75 09 ld (iy+$03),l 6FE4: FD 74 04 ld (iy+$04),h 6FE7: 7D ld a,l 6FE8: C6 10 add a,$10 6FEA: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a 6FED: 7C ld a,h 6FEE: D6 82 sub $28 6FF0: FD 77 02 ld (iy+$08),a 6FF3: 16 10 ld d,$10 6FF5: 82 add a,d 6FF6: FD 77 06 ld (iy+$0c),a 6FF9: 82 add a,d 6FFA: FD 77 10 ld (iy+$10),a 6FFD: 82 add a,d 6FFE: FD 77 14 ld (iy+$14),a 7001: 82 add a,d 7002: FD 77 12 ld (iy+$18),a 7005: 82 add a,d 7006: FD 77 16 ld (iy+$1c),a 7009: 7D ld a,l 700A: D6 12 sub $18 700C: FD 77 0B ld (iy+$0b),a 700F: FD 77 0F ld (iy+$0f),a 7012: FD 77 19 ld (iy+$13),a 7015: FD 77 1D ld (iy+$17),a 7018: FD 77 1B ld (iy+$1b),a 701B: FD 77 1F ld (iy+$1f),a 701E: C5 push bc 701F: FD 71 01 ld (iy+$01),c 7022: FD 70 08 ld (iy+$02),b 7025: 0C inc c 7026: FD 71 05 ld (iy+$05),c 7029: FD 70 0C ld (iy+$06),b 702C: 3E 4D ld a,$47 702E: 06 6D ld b,$C7 7030: 0E 7C ld c,$D6 7032: FD 71 03 ld (iy+$09),c 7035: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 7038: FD 71 07 ld (iy+$0d),c 703B: FD 77 0E ld (iy+$0e),a 703E: FD 36 11 7D ld (iy+$11),$D7 7042: FD 77 18 ld (iy+$12),a 7045: FD 36 15 72 ld (iy+$15),$D8 7049: FD 77 1C ld (iy+$16),a 704C: FD 71 13 ld (iy+$19),c 704F: FD 70 1A ld (iy+$1a),b 7052: FD 71 17 ld (iy+$1d),c 7055: FD 70 1E ld (iy+$1e),b 7058: C1 pop bc 7059: DD 21 60 61 ld ix,$C1C0 705D: DD 71 0D ld (ix+$07),c 7060: DD 71 0B ld (ix+$0b),c 7063: 3E 08 ld a,$02 7065: 81 add a,c 7066: DD 77 03 ld (ix+$09),a 7069: DD 77 07 ld (ix+$0d),a 706C: DD 70 02 ld (ix+$08),b 706F: DD 70 0A ld (ix+$0a),b 7072: DD 70 06 ld (ix+$0c),b 7075: CB F8 set 7,b 7077: DD 70 0E ld (ix+$0e),b 707A: DD 6E 0D ld l,(ix+$07) 707D: DD 66 02 ld h,(ix+$08) 7080: FD 75 01 ld (iy+$01),l 7083: FD 74 08 ld (iy+$02),h 7086: FD 36 11 72 ld (iy+$11),$D8 708A: FD 36 18 6D ld (iy+$12),$C7 708E: FD 36 15 7D ld (iy+$15),$D7 7092: FD 36 1C 6D ld (iy+$16),$C7 7096: DD E5 push ix 7098: FD E5 push iy 709A: 3E 14 ld a,$14 709C: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 709F: A7 and a 70A0: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 70A3: FD E1 pop iy 70A5: DD E1 pop ix 70A7: FD 36 11 7D ld (iy+$11),$D7 70AB: FD 36 18 4D ld (iy+$12),$47 70AF: FD 36 15 72 ld (iy+$15),$D8 70B3: FD 36 1C 4D ld (iy+$16),$47 70B7: DD E5 push ix 70B9: FD E5 push iy 70BB: 3E 14 ld a,$14 70BD: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 70C0: A7 and a 70C1: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 70C4: FD E1 pop iy 70C6: DD E1 pop ix 70C8: DD 6E 03 ld l,(ix+$09) 70CB: DD 66 0A ld h,(ix+$0a) 70CE: FD 75 01 ld (iy+$01),l 70D1: FD 74 08 ld (iy+$02),h 70D4: FD 36 11 72 ld (iy+$11),$D8 70D8: FD 36 18 6D ld (iy+$12),$C7 70DC: FD 36 15 7D ld (iy+$15),$D7 70E0: FD 36 1C 6D ld (iy+$16),$C7 70E4: DD E5 push ix 70E6: FD E5 push iy 70E8: 3E 14 ld a,$14 70EA: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 70ED: A7 and a 70EE: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 70F1: FD E1 pop iy 70F3: DD E1 pop ix 70F5: FD 36 11 7D ld (iy+$11),$D7 70F9: FD 36 18 4D ld (iy+$12),$47 70FD: FD 36 15 72 ld (iy+$15),$D8 7101: FD 36 1C 4D ld (iy+$16),$47 7105: DD E5 push ix 7107: FD E5 push iy 7109: 3E 14 ld a,$14 710B: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 710E: A7 and a 710F: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 7112: FD E1 pop iy 7114: DD E1 pop ix 7116: DD 6E 0B ld l,(ix+$0b) 7119: DD 66 06 ld h,(ix+$0c) 711C: FD 75 01 ld (iy+$01),l 711F: FD 74 08 ld (iy+$02),h 7122: FD 36 11 72 ld (iy+$11),$D8 7126: FD 36 18 6D ld (iy+$12),$C7 712A: FD 36 15 7D ld (iy+$15),$D7 712E: FD 36 1C 6D ld (iy+$16),$C7 7132: DD E5 push ix 7134: FD E5 push iy 7136: 3E 14 ld a,$14 7138: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 713B: A7 and a 713C: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 713F: FD E1 pop iy 7141: DD E1 pop ix 7143: FD 36 11 7D ld (iy+$11),$D7 7147: FD 36 18 4D ld (iy+$12),$47 714B: FD 36 15 72 ld (iy+$15),$D8 714F: FD 36 1C 4D ld (iy+$16),$47 7153: DD E5 push ix 7155: FD E5 push iy 7157: 3E 14 ld a,$14 7159: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 715C: A7 and a 715D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 7160: FD E1 pop iy 7162: DD E1 pop ix 7164: DD 6E 07 ld l,(ix+$0d) 7167: DD 66 0E ld h,(ix+$0e) 716A: FD 75 01 ld (iy+$01),l 716D: FD 74 08 ld (iy+$02),h 7170: FD 36 11 72 ld (iy+$11),$D8 7174: FD 36 18 6D ld (iy+$12),$C7 7178: FD 36 15 7D ld (iy+$15),$D7 717C: FD 36 1C 6D ld (iy+$16),$C7 7180: DD E5 push ix 7182: FD E5 push iy 7184: 3E 14 ld a,$14 7186: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7189: A7 and a 718A: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 718D: FD E1 pop iy 718F: DD E1 pop ix 7191: FD 36 11 7D ld (iy+$11),$D7 7195: FD 36 18 4D ld (iy+$12),$47 7199: FD 36 15 72 ld (iy+$15),$D8 719D: FD 36 1C 4D ld (iy+$16),$47 71A1: DD E5 push ix 71A3: FD E5 push iy 71A5: 3E 14 ld a,$14 71A7: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 71AA: A7 and a 71AB: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 71AE: FD E1 pop iy 71B0: DD E1 pop ix 71B2: C3 DA D0 jp $707A 71B5: 3A 14 63 ld a,($C914) 71B8: FE FF cp $FF 71BA: C2 62 D1 jp nz,$71C8 71BD: 21 4B D5 ld hl,$754B 71C0: 11 E4 6D ld de,$C7E4 71C3: 01 10 00 ld bc,$0010 71C6: ED B0 ldir 71C8: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 71CB: CB BF res 7,a 71CD: D6 90 sub $30 71CF: 87 add a,a 71D0: 87 add a,a 71D1: 4F ld c,a 71D2: 06 00 ld b,$00 71D4: DD 21 EB D4 ld ix,$74EB 71D8: DD 09 add ix,bc 71DA: DD 66 00 ld h,(ix+$00) 71DD: DD 6E 01 ld l,(ix+$01) 71E0: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 71E3: CB 57 bit 2,a 71E5: C2 E6 D1 jp nz,$71EC 71E8: 3E 40 ld a,$40 71EA: 84 add a,h 71EB: 67 ld h,a 71EC: DD 4E 08 ld c,(ix+$02) 71EF: DD 46 09 ld b,(ix+$03) 71F2: FD 21 D6 6D ld iy,$C77C 71F6: FD 74 00 ld (iy+$00),h 71F9: FD 74 04 ld (iy+$04),h 71FC: FD 75 09 ld (iy+$03),l 71FF: 3E 10 ld a,$10 7201: 85 add a,l 7202: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a 7205: FD 71 01 ld (iy+$01),c 7208: FD 70 08 ld (iy+$02),b 720B: 0C inc c 720C: FD 71 05 ld (iy+$05),c 720F: FD 70 0C ld (iy+$06),b 7212: 0C inc c 7213: DD 21 60 61 ld ix,$C1C0 7217: DD 71 03 ld (ix+$09),c 721A: E5 push hl 721B: 7C ld a,h 721C: D6 80 sub $20 721E: 57 ld d,a 721F: 7D ld a,l 7220: D6 82 sub $28 7222: 5F ld e,a 7223: 01 F4 05 ld bc,$05F4 7226: 26 4D ld h,$47 7228: CD CA DA call $7A6A 722B: E1 pop hl 722C: E5 push hl 722D: FD 21 B6 6D ld iy,$C7BC 7231: 3E 02 ld a,$08 7233: 84 add a,h 7234: FD 77 00 ld (iy+$00),a 7237: 7D ld a,l 7238: D6 12 sub $18 723A: FD 77 09 ld (iy+$03),a 723D: FD 36 01 20 ld (iy+$01),$80 7241: FD 36 08 4D ld (iy+$02),$47 7245: E1 pop hl 7246: 7C ld a,h 7247: D6 82 sub $28 7249: 47 ld b,a 724A: C6 10 add a,$10 724C: 4F ld c,a 724D: 7D ld a,l 724E: D6 80 sub $20 7250: 6F ld l,a 7251: FD 21 00 6D ld iy,referee_x_pos_C700 7255: FD 70 00 ld (iy+$00),b 7258: FD 70 04 ld (iy+$04),b 725B: FD 71 02 ld (iy+$08),c 725E: FD 70 06 ld (iy+$0c),b 7261: FD 71 10 ld (iy+$10),c 7264: FD 70 14 ld (iy+$14),b 7267: FD 71 12 ld (iy+$18),c 726A: FD 70 16 ld (iy+$1c),b 726D: FD 71 80 ld (iy+$20),c 7270: FD 75 0B ld (iy+$0b),l 7273: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l 7276: 3E 10 ld a,$10 7278: 85 add a,l 7279: FD 77 09 ld (iy+$03),a 727C: FD 77 0F ld (iy+$0f),a 727F: FD 77 19 ld (iy+$13),a 7282: C6 10 add a,$10 7284: FD 77 1D ld (iy+$17),a 7287: FD 77 1B ld (iy+$1b),a 728A: C6 10 add a,$10 728C: FD 77 1F ld (iy+$1f),a 728F: FD 77 89 ld (iy+$23),a 7292: 3E 21 ld a,$81 7294: FD 77 01 ld (iy+$01),a 7297: 3C inc a 7298: FD 77 05 ld (iy+$05),a 729B: 3C inc a 729C: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a 729F: 3E 01 ld a,$01 72A1: FD 77 07 ld (iy+$0d),a 72A4: 3C inc a 72A5: FD 77 11 ld (iy+$11),a 72A8: 3C inc a 72A9: FD 77 15 ld (iy+$15),a 72AC: 3C inc a 72AD: FD 77 13 ld (iy+$19),a 72B0: 3C inc a 72B1: FD 77 17 ld (iy+$1d),a 72B4: 3C inc a 72B5: FD 77 81 ld (iy+$21),a 72B8: 3E 41 ld a,$41 72BA: FD 77 08 ld (iy+$02),a 72BD: FD 77 0C ld (iy+$06),a 72C0: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a 72C3: 06 41 ld b,$41 72C5: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 72C8: CB 57 bit 2,a 72CA: C2 6F D8 jp nz,$72CF 72CD: 06 48 ld b,$42 72CF: FD 70 0E ld (iy+$0e),b 72D2: FD 70 18 ld (iy+$12),b 72D5: FD 70 1C ld (iy+$16),b 72D8: FD 70 1A ld (iy+$1a),b 72DB: FD 70 1E ld (iy+$1e),b 72DE: FD 70 88 ld (iy+$22),b 72E1: FD 21 74 6D ld iy,$C7D4 72E5: 7C ld a,h 72E6: D6 82 sub $28 72E8: FD 77 00 ld (iy+$00),a 72EB: FD 77 02 ld (iy+$08),a 72EE: C6 10 add a,$10 72F0: FD 77 04 ld (iy+$04),a 72F3: FD 77 06 ld (iy+$0c),a 72F6: 7D ld a,l 72F7: D6 04 sub $04 72F9: FD 77 09 ld (iy+$03),a 72FC: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a 72FF: C6 10 add a,$10 7301: FD 77 0B ld (iy+$0b),a 7304: FD 77 0F ld (iy+$0f),a 7307: FD 36 08 41 ld (iy+$02),$41 730B: FD 36 0C 61 ld (iy+$06),$C1 730F: FD 36 0A 45 ld (iy+$0a),$45 7313: FD 36 0E 65 ld (iy+$0e),$C5 7317: 0E 00 ld c,$00 7319: C5 push bc 731A: DD 21 00 6D ld ix,referee_x_pos_C700 731E: CB 41 bit 0,c 7320: C2 83 D9 jp nz,$7329 7323: 21 3F D9 ld hl,$739F 7326: C3 86 D9 jp $732C 7329: 21 A5 D9 ld hl,$73A5 732C: DD 21 01 6D ld ix,$C701 7330: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 7333: 06 0C ld b,$06 7335: 7E ld a,(hl) 7336: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a 7339: DD 19 add ix,de 733B: 23 inc hl 733C: 10 FD djnz $7335 733E: 3E 1B ld a,$1B 7340: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7343: A7 and a 7344: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 7347: DD 21 60 61 ld ix,$C1C0 734B: DD 7E 03 ld a,(ix+$09) 734E: 32 D7 6D ld ($C77D),a 7351: C1 pop bc 7352: 79 ld a,c 7353: FE 02 cp $08 7355: D2 CC D9 jp nc,$7366 7358: FD 21 D6 6D ld iy,$C77C 735C: FD 35 00 dec (iy+$00) 735F: FD 35 04 dec (iy+$04) 7362: 0C inc c 7363: C3 13 D9 jp $7319 7366: FD 21 74 6D ld iy,$C7D4 736A: FD 36 01 C5 ld (iy+$01),$65 736E: FD 36 05 C5 ld (iy+$05),$65 7372: FD 36 03 CC ld (iy+$09),$66 7376: FD 36 07 CC ld (iy+$0d),$66 737A: FD E5 push iy 737C: 3E 10 ld a,$10 737E: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7381: FD E1 pop iy 7383: FD 36 01 CD ld (iy+$01),$67 7387: FD 36 05 CD ld (iy+$05),$67 738B: FD 36 03 C2 ld (iy+$09),$68 738F: FD 36 07 C2 ld (iy+$0d),$68 7393: FD E5 push iy 7395: 3E 10 ld a,$10 7397: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 739A: FD E1 pop iy 739C: C3 CC D9 jp $7366 739F: 00 nop 73A0: 00 nop 73A1: 00 nop 73A2: 01 08 09 ld bc,$0302 73A5: 21 28 29 ld hl,$8382 73A8: 0D dec c 73A9: 02 ld (bc),a 73AA: 03 inc bc 73AB: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 73AE: CB BF res 7,a 73B0: D6 40 sub $40 73B2: 87 add a,a 73B3: 87 add a,a 73B4: 4F ld c,a 73B5: 06 00 ld b,$00 73B7: DD 21 1B D5 ld ix,$751B 73BB: DD 09 add ix,bc 73BD: DD 66 00 ld h,(ix+$00) 73C0: DD 6E 01 ld l,(ix+$01) 73C3: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 73C6: CB 57 bit 2,a 73C8: C2 6F D9 jp nz,$73CF 73CB: 3E D2 ld a,$78 73CD: 84 add a,h 73CE: 67 ld h,a 73CF: DD 4E 08 ld c,(ix+$02) 73D2: DD 46 09 ld b,(ix+$03) 73D5: FD 21 D6 6D ld iy,$C77C 73D9: FD 74 00 ld (iy+$00),h 73DC: FD 75 09 ld (iy+$03),l 73DF: 3E 10 ld a,$10 73E1: 85 add a,l 73E2: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a 73E5: FD 74 04 ld (iy+$04),h 73E8: FD 71 01 ld (iy+$01),c 73EB: FD 70 08 ld (iy+$02),b 73EE: 0C inc c 73EF: FD 71 05 ld (iy+$05),c 73F2: FD 70 0C ld (iy+$06),b 73F5: E5 push hl 73F6: 7C ld a,h 73F7: D6 90 sub $30 73F9: 57 ld d,a 73FA: 7D ld a,l 73FB: D6 82 sub $28 73FD: 5F ld e,a 73FE: 01 F3 05 ld bc,$05F9 7401: 26 4A ld h,$4A 7403: CD CA DA call $7A6A 7406: E1 pop hl 7407: E5 push hl 7408: FD 21 B6 6D ld iy,$C7BC 740C: 3E 02 ld a,$08 740E: 84 add a,h 740F: FD 77 00 ld (iy+$00),a 7412: 7D ld a,l 7413: D6 12 sub $18 7415: FD 77 09 ld (iy+$03),a 7418: FD 36 01 86 ld (iy+$01),$2C 741C: FD 36 08 45 ld (iy+$02),$45 7420: E1 pop hl 7421: 7C ld a,h 7422: D6 82 sub $28 7424: 47 ld b,a 7425: C6 10 add a,$10 7427: 4F ld c,a 7428: 7D ld a,l 7429: D6 10 sub $10 742B: FD 21 00 6D ld iy,referee_x_pos_C700 742F: FD 70 00 ld (iy+$00),b 7432: FD 71 04 ld (iy+$04),c 7435: FD 70 02 ld (iy+$08),b 7438: FD 71 06 ld (iy+$0c),c 743B: FD 70 10 ld (iy+$10),b 743E: FD 71 14 ld (iy+$14),c 7441: FD 77 09 ld (iy+$03),a 7444: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a 7447: C6 10 add a,$10 7449: FD 77 0B ld (iy+$0b),a 744C: FD 77 0F ld (iy+$0f),a 744F: C6 10 add a,$10 7451: FD 77 19 ld (iy+$13),a 7454: FD 77 1D ld (iy+$17),a 7457: 21 6E 41 ld hl,$41CE 745A: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 745D: CB 57 bit 2,a 745F: C2 C5 D4 jp nz,$7465 7462: 21 6E 48 ld hl,$42CE 7465: FD 75 01 ld (iy+$01),l 7468: FD 74 08 ld (iy+$02),h 746B: 23 inc hl 746C: FD 75 05 ld (iy+$05),l 746F: FD 74 0C ld (iy+$06),h 7472: 23 inc hl 7473: FD 75 03 ld (iy+$09),l 7476: FD 74 0A ld (iy+$0a),h 7479: 23 inc hl 747A: FD 75 07 ld (iy+$0d),l 747D: FD 74 0E ld (iy+$0e),h 7480: 23 inc hl 7481: FD 75 11 ld (iy+$11),l 7484: FD 74 18 ld (iy+$12),h 7487: 23 inc hl 7488: FD 75 15 ld (iy+$15),l 748B: FD 74 1C ld (iy+$16),h 748E: 3E 82 ld a,$28 7490: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7493: A7 and a 7494: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 7497: FD 21 00 6D ld iy,referee_x_pos_C700 749B: FD 36 01 74 ld (iy+$01),$D4 749F: FD 36 05 75 ld (iy+$05),$D5 74A3: 3E 82 ld a,$28 74A5: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 74A8: A7 and a 74A9: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 74AC: FD 21 00 6D ld iy,referee_x_pos_C700 74B0: FD 36 01 6E ld (iy+$01),$CE 74B4: FD 36 05 6F ld (iy+$05),$CF 74B8: C3 2E D4 jp $748E 74BB: D2 A0 82 jp nc,$28A0 74BE: 58 ld e,b 74BF: D2 60 62 jp nc,$C8C0 74C2: 51 ld d,c 74C3: D2 A0 42 jp nc,$48A0 74C6: 58 ld e,b 74C7: D2 60 A2 jp nc,$A8C0 74CA: 54 ld d,h 74CB: D2 60 60 jp nc,$C0C0 74CE: 58 ld e,b 74CF: D2 60 70 jp nc,$D0C0 74D2: 58 ld e,b 74D3: D2 60 A0 jp nc,$A0C0 74D6: 58 ld e,b 74D7: D2 60 22 jp nc,$88C0 74DA: 58 ld e,b 74DB: D2 60 50 jp nc,$50C0 74DE: 54 ld d,h 74DF: D2 60 32 jp nc,$98C0 74E2: 51 ld d,c 74E3: D2 60 B0 jp nc,$B0C0 74E6: 58 ld e,b 74E7: D2 A0 C2 jp nc,$68A0 74EA: 59 ld e,c 74EB: D0 ret nc 74EC: A0 and b 74ED: 8B adc a,e 74EE: 58 ld e,b 74EF: D0 ret nc 74F0: 60 ld h,b 74F1: 6B ld l,e 74F2: 51 ld d,c 74F3: D0 ret nc 74F4: A0 and b 74F5: 4B ld c,e 74F6: 58 ld e,b 74F7: D0 ret nc 74F8: 60 ld h,b 74F9: AB xor e 74FA: 54 ld d,h 74FB: D0 ret nc 74FC: 60 ld h,b 74FD: 69 ld l,c 74FE: 58 ld e,b 74FF: D0 ret nc 7500: 60 ld h,b 7501: 79 ld a,c 7502: 58 ld e,b 7503: D0 ret nc 7504: 60 ld h,b 7505: A9 xor c 7506: 58 ld e,b 7507: D0 ret nc 7508: 60 ld h,b 7509: 2B dec hl 750A: 58 ld e,b 750B: D0 ret nc 750C: 60 ld h,b 750D: 59 ld e,c 750E: 54 ld d,h 750F: D0 ret nc 7510: 60 ld h,b 7511: 3B dec sp 7512: 51 ld d,c 7513: D0 ret nc 7514: 60 ld h,b 7515: B9 cp c 7516: 58 ld e,b 7517: D0 ret nc 7518: A0 and b 7519: CB 59 bit 3,c 751B: 42 ld b,d 751C: A0 and b 751D: 8E adc a,(hl) 751E: 58 ld e,b 751F: 42 ld b,d 7520: 60 ld h,b 7521: 6E ld l,(hl) 7522: 51 ld d,c 7523: 42 ld b,d 7524: A0 and b 7525: 4E ld c,(hl) 7526: 58 ld e,b 7527: 42 ld b,d 7528: 60 ld h,b 7529: AE xor (hl) 752A: 54 ld d,h 752B: 42 ld b,d 752C: 60 ld h,b 752D: 6C ld l,h 752E: 58 ld e,b 752F: 42 ld b,d 7530: 60 ld h,b 7531: 7C ld a,h 7532: 58 ld e,b 7533: 42 ld b,d 7534: 60 ld h,b 7535: AC xor h 7536: 58 ld e,b 7537: 42 ld b,d 7538: 60 ld h,b 7539: 2E 58 ld l,$52 753B: 42 ld b,d 753C: 60 ld h,b 753D: 5C ld e,h 753E: 54 ld d,h 753F: 42 ld b,d 7540: 60 ld h,b 7541: 3E 51 ld a,$51 7543: 42 ld b,d 7544: 60 ld h,b 7545: BC cp h 7546: 58 ld e,b 7547: 42 ld b,d 7548: A0 and b 7549: CE 59 adc a,$53 754B: C4 13 4C call nz,$4619 754E: 20 C0 jr nz,$75B0 7550: 1A ld a,(de) 7551: 4C ld c,h 7552: 30 D0 jr nc,$75C4 7554: 1B dec de 7555: 4C ld c,h 7556: 30 20 jr nc,$74D8 7558: 16 4C ld d,$46 755A: 30 3E jr nc,$74FA 755C: 00 nop 755D: 32 4B 68 ld (current_move_C24B),a 7560: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 7563: CB BF res 7,a 7565: FE 10 cp $10 7567: DA DB A9 jp c,$fight_mainloop_A37B 756A: 47 ld b,a 756B: E6 F0 and $F0 756D: FE 10 cp $10 756F: C2 2C D5 jp nz,$7586 7572: 78 ld a,b 7573: E6 0F and $0F 7575: 87 add a,a 7576: 4F ld c,a 7577: 06 00 ld b,$00 7579: DD 21 3F D5 ld ix,$759F 757D: DD 09 add ix,bc 757F: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 7582: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 7585: E9 jp (hl) 7586: FE 50 cp $50 7588: C2 D5 B0 jp nz,display_error_text_B075 758B: 78 ld a,b 758C: E6 0F and $0F 758E: 87 add a,a 758F: 4F ld c,a 7590: 06 00 ld b,$00 7592: DD 21 61 D5 ld ix,$75C1 7596: DD 09 add ix,bc 7598: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 759B: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 759E: E9 jp (hl) 759F: 67 ld h,a 75A0: D5 push de 75A1: 67 ld h,a 75A2: D5 push de 75A3: 67 ld h,a 75A4: D5 push de 75A5: 67 ld h,a 75A6: D5 push de 75A7: 67 ld h,a 75A8: D5 push de 75A9: 67 ld h,a 75AA: D5 push de 75AB: 67 ld h,a 75AC: D5 push de 75AD: 67 ld h,a 75AE: D5 push de 75AF: 67 ld h,a 75B0: D5 push de 75B1: 67 ld h,a 75B2: D5 push de 75B3: 67 ld h,a 75B4: D5 push de 75B5: 67 ld h,a 75B6: D5 push de 75B7: 67 ld h,a 75B8: D5 push de 75B9: 67 ld h,a 75BA: D5 push de 75BB: 67 ld h,a 75BC: D5 push de 75BD: 67 ld h,a 75BE: D5 push de 75BF: D5 push de 75C0: B0 or b 75C1: DB A9 in a,($A3) 75C3: 00 nop 75C4: 00 nop 75C5: 00 nop 75C6: 00 nop 75C7: 67 ld h,a 75C8: D5 push de 75C9: 00 nop 75CA: 00 nop 75CB: D5 push de 75CC: B0 or b 75CD: 3E 00 ld a,$00 75CF: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 75D2: FE 03 cp $09 75D4: CA 67 D5 jp z,$75CD 75D7: FE 06 cp $0C 75D9: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 75DC: CD BD 97 call $3DB7 75DF: 32 4B 68 ld (current_move_C24B),a 75E2: AF xor a 75E3: 32 46 68 ld ($C24C),a 75E6: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 75E8: 06 07 ld b,$0D 75EA: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 75ED: A7 and a 75EE: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 75F1: C3 67 D5 jp $75CD 75F4: DD 21 58 DC ld ix,$7652 75F8: DD E5 push ix 75FA: DD 46 01 ld b,(ix+$01) 75FD: C5 push bc 75FE: 3E 00 ld a,$00 7600: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7603: FE 06 cp $0C 7605: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 7608: C1 pop bc 7609: DD E1 pop ix 760B: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 760E: 32 4B 68 ld (current_move_C24B),a 7611: 05 dec b 7612: CA 8C DC jp z,$7626 7615: DD E5 push ix 7617: C5 push bc 7618: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 761A: 06 07 ld b,$0D 761C: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 761F: A7 and a 7620: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 7623: C3 FE D5 jp $75FE 7626: DD E5 push ix 7628: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 762A: 06 07 ld b,$0D 762C: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 762F: A7 and a 7630: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 7633: DD E1 pop ix 7635: DD 23 inc ix 7637: DD 23 inc ix 7639: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 763C: FE FF cp $FF 763E: CC 4A DC call z,$764A 7641: DD E5 push ix 7643: C5 push bc 7644: DD 46 01 ld b,(ix+$01) 7647: C3 FE D5 jp $75FE 764A: 3E 00 ld a,$00 764C: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 764F: C3 4A DC jp $764A 7652: 1D dec e 7653: 06 19 ld b,$13 7655: 06 FF ld b,$FF 7657: 3E 00 ld a,$00 7659: 32 CB 68 ld ($C26B),a 765C: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 765F: CB BF res 7,a 7661: FE 10 cp $10 7663: DA DB A9 jp c,$fight_mainloop_A37B 7666: 47 ld b,a 7667: E6 F0 and $F0 7669: FE 10 cp $10 766B: C2 28 DC jp nz,$7682 766E: 78 ld a,b 766F: E6 0F and $0F 7671: 87 add a,a 7672: 4F ld c,a 7673: 06 00 ld b,$00 7675: DD 21 3B DC ld ix,$769B 7679: DD 09 add ix,bc 767B: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 767E: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 7681: E9 jp (hl) 7682: FE 50 cp $50 7684: C2 D5 B0 jp nz,display_error_text_B075 7687: 78 ld a,b 7688: E6 0F and $0F 768A: 87 add a,a 768B: 4F ld c,a 768C: 06 00 ld b,$00 768E: DD 21 B7 DC ld ix,$76BD 7692: DD 09 add ix,bc 7694: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 7697: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 769A: E9 jp (hl) 769B: 86 add a,(hl) 769C: DD 86 DD add a,(ix+$77) 769F: 86 add a,(hl) 76A0: DD 86 DD add a,(ix+$77) 76A3: 86 add a,(hl) 76A4: DD 86 DD add a,(ix+$77) 76A7: 86 add a,(hl) 76A8: DD 86 DD add a,(ix+$77) 76AB: 86 add a,(hl) 76AC: DD 86 DD add a,(ix+$77) 76AF: 86 add a,(hl) 76B0: DD 86 DD add a,(ix+$77) 76B3: 86 add a,(hl) 76B4: DD 86 DD add a,(ix+$77) 76B7: 86 add a,(hl) 76B8: DD 86 DD add a,(ix+$77) 76BB: D5 push de 76BC: B0 or b 76BD: DB A9 in a,($A3) 76BF: 00 nop 76C0: 00 nop 76C1: 00 nop 76C2: 00 nop 76C3: CA C0 00 jp z,$0060 76C6: 00 nop 76C7: D5 push de 76C8: B0 or b 76C9: DD 21 8D DD ld ix,$7727 76CD: DD E5 push ix 76CF: DD 46 01 ld b,(ix+$01) 76D2: C5 push bc 76D3: 3E 00 ld a,$00 76D5: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 76D8: FE 06 cp $0C 76DA: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 76DD: C1 pop bc 76DE: DD E1 pop ix 76E0: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 76E3: 32 CB 68 ld ($C26B),a 76E6: 05 dec b 76E7: CA FB DC jp z,$76FB 76EA: DD E5 push ix 76EC: C5 push bc 76ED: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 76EF: 06 07 ld b,$0D 76F1: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 76F4: A7 and a 76F5: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 76F8: C3 79 DC jp $76D3 76FB: DD E5 push ix 76FD: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 76FF: 06 07 ld b,$0D 7701: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 7704: A7 and a 7705: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 7708: DD E1 pop ix 770A: DD 23 inc ix 770C: DD 23 inc ix 770E: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 7711: FE FF cp $FF 7713: CC 1F DD call z,$771F 7716: DD E5 push ix 7718: DD 46 01 ld b,(ix+$01) 771B: C5 push bc 771C: C3 79 DC jp $76D3 771F: 3E 00 ld a,$00 7721: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7724: C3 1F DD jp $771F 7727: 1D dec e 7728: 06 0B ld b,$0B 772A: 06 FF ld b,$FF 772C: 3E 00 ld a,$00 772E: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7731: FE 03 cp $09 7733: CA 86 DD jp z,$772C 7736: FE 06 cp $0C 7738: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 773B: CD BD 97 call $3DB7 773E: 32 CB 68 ld ($C26B),a 7741: AF xor a 7742: 32 C6 68 ld ($C26C),a 7745: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 7747: 06 07 ld b,$0D 7749: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 774C: A7 and a 774D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 7750: C3 86 DD jp $772C 7753: 0A ld a,(bc) 7754: 06 96 ld b,$3C 7756: 96 sub (hl) 7757: 96 sub (hl) 7758: 96 sub (hl) 7759: 96 sub (hl) 775A: 96 sub (hl) 775B: 96 sub (hl) 775C: 96 sub (hl) 775D: 96 sub (hl) 775E: 96 sub (hl) 775F: 96 sub (hl) 7760: 96 sub (hl) 7761: FE 0A cp $0A 7763: 07 rlca 7764: 96 sub (hl) 7765: 0F rrca 7766: 18 1D jr $777F 7768: 0A ld a,(bc) 7769: 15 dec d 776A: 96 sub (hl) 776B: 10 0A djnz $7777 776D: 1C inc e 776E: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 7770: FE 0A cp $0A 7772: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 7774: 96 sub (hl) 7775: 96 sub (hl) 7776: 96 sub (hl) 7777: 96 sub (hl) 7778: 96 sub (hl) 7779: 96 sub (hl) 777A: 96 sub (hl) 777B: 96 sub (hl) 777C: 96 sub (hl) 777D: 96 sub (hl) 777E: 96 sub (hl) 777F: FF rst $38 7780: 21 33 DD ld hl,$7799 7783: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 7786: CB 57 bit 2,a 7788: C2 2E DD jp nz,$778E 778B: 21 A4 DD ld hl,$77A4 778E: 16 32 ld d,$98 7790: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 7793: 3E 20 ld a,$80 7795: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7798: C9 ret 7799: 06 0E ld b,$0E 779B: 13 inc de 779C: 15 dec d 779D: 0A ld a,(bc) 779E: 88 adc a,b 779F: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 77A1: 96 sub (hl) 77A2: 01 FF 06 ld bc,$0CFF 77A5: 0E 13 ld c,$19 77A7: 15 dec d 77A8: 0A ld a,(bc) 77A9: 88 adc a,b 77AA: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 77AC: 96 sub (hl) 77AD: 08 ex af,af' 77AE: FF rst $38 77AF: 1D dec e 77B0: 0D dec c 77B1: 17 rla 77B2: 18 1C jr $77CA 77B4: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 77B6: 09 add hl,bc 77B7: 00 nop 77B8: FF rst $38 77B9: 0A ld a,(bc) 77BA: 06 96 ld b,$3C 77BC: 96 sub (hl) 77BD: 96 sub (hl) 77BE: 96 sub (hl) 77BF: 96 sub (hl) 77C0: 96 sub (hl) 77C1: 96 sub (hl) 77C2: 96 sub (hl) 77C3: 96 sub (hl) 77C4: 96 sub (hl) 77C5: 96 sub (hl) 77C6: FE 0A cp $0A 77C8: 07 rlca 77C9: 96 sub (hl) 77CA: 10 0A djnz $77D6 77CC: 1C inc e 77CD: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 77CF: 12 ld (de),a 77D0: 1F rra 77D1: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 77D3: 96 sub (hl) 77D4: FE 0A cp $0A 77D6: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 77D8: 96 sub (hl) 77D9: 96 sub (hl) 77DA: 96 sub (hl) 77DB: 96 sub (hl) 77DC: 96 sub (hl) 77DD: 96 sub (hl) 77DE: 96 sub (hl) 77DF: 96 sub (hl) 77E0: 96 sub (hl) 77E1: 96 sub (hl) 77E2: FF rst $38 77E3: 0C inc c 77E4: 05 dec b 77E5: 61 ld h,c 77E6: 38 68 jr c,$77AA 77E8: 38 69 jr c,$77AD 77EA: 38 64 jr c,$77B0 77EC: 38 65 jr c,$77B3 77EE: 38 6C jr c,$77B6 77F0: 38 6D jr c,$77B9 77F2: 38 FE jr c,$77F2 77F4: 0C inc c 77F5: 0C inc c 77F6: 62 ld h,d 77F7: 38 4F jr c,$7848 77F9: 38 50 jr c,$784B 77FB: 38 51 jr c,$784E 77FD: 38 58 jr c,$7851 77FF: 38 59 jr c,$7854 7801: 38 54 jr c,$7857 7803: 38 FE jr c,$7803 7805: 0C inc c 7806: 0D dec c 7807: 55 ld d,l 7808: 38 5C jr c,$7860 780A: 38 5D jr c,$7863 780C: 38 52 jr c,$7866 780E: 38 53 jr c,$7869 7810: 38 5A jr c,$786C 7812: 38 5B jr c,$786F 7814: 38 FF jr c,$7815 7816: 05 dec b 7817: 0A ld a,(bc) 7818: 15 dec d 7819: 12 ld (de),a 781A: 16 0E ld d,$0E 781C: 1B dec de 781D: 96 sub (hl) 781E: 17 rla 781F: 12 ld (de),a 7820: 96 sub (hl) 7821: 06 12 ld b,$18 7823: 1D dec e 7824: 17 rla 7825: 18 1D jr $783E 7827: 1E 0E ld e,$0E 7829: 96 sub (hl) 782A: 0F rrca 782B: 18 10 jr $783D 782D: 11 17 FE ld de,$FE1D 7830: 08 ex af,af' 7831: 06 18 ld b,$12 7833: 1D dec e 7834: 16 0E ld d,$0E 7836: 1B dec de 7837: 17 rla 7838: 96 sub (hl) 7839: 06 12 ld b,$18 783B: 18 1D jr $7854 783D: 96 sub (hl) 783E: 80 add a,b 783F: 18 17 jr $785E 7841: 11 18 1D ld de,$1712 7844: 96 sub (hl) 7845: 01 05 96 ld bc,$3C05 7848: 16 0E ld d,$0E 784A: 06 12 ld b,$18 784C: 1D dec e 784D: 07 rlca 784E: FE 05 cp $05 7850: 0E 80 ld c,$20 7852: 18 1D jr $786B 7854: 1D dec e 7855: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 7857: 96 sub (hl) 7858: 17 rla 7859: 12 ld (de),a 785A: 96 sub (hl) 785B: 06 12 ld b,$18 785D: 1D dec e 785E: 17 rla 785F: 18 1D jr $7878 7861: 1E 0E ld e,$0E 7863: FE 03 cp $09 7865: 10 16 djnz $7883 7867: 18 1D jr $7880 7869: 10 15 djnz $7880 786B: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 786D: 13 inc de 786E: 15 dec d 786F: 0A ld a,(bc) 7870: 88 adc a,b 7871: FE 0D cp $07 7873: 18 13 jr $788E 7875: 1B dec de 7876: 0E 16 ld c,$1C 7878: 16 96 ld d,$3C 787A: 01 13 96 ld bc,$3C19 787D: 0B dec bc 787E: 1E 17 ld e,$1D 7880: 17 rla 7881: 12 ld (de),a 7882: 1D dec e 7883: FF rst $38 7884: 03 inc bc 7885: 06 96 ld b,$3C 7887: 96 sub (hl) 7888: 96 sub (hl) 7889: 96 sub (hl) 788A: 96 sub (hl) 788B: 96 sub (hl) 788C: 96 sub (hl) 788D: 96 sub (hl) 788E: 96 sub (hl) 788F: 96 sub (hl) 7890: 96 sub (hl) 7891: 96 sub (hl) 7892: 96 sub (hl) 7893: 96 sub (hl) 7894: FE 03 cp $09 7896: 07 rlca 7897: 96 sub (hl) 7898: 08 ex af,af' 7899: 13 inc de 789A: 96 sub (hl) 789B: 10 0A djnz $78A7 789D: 1C inc e 789E: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 78A0: 12 ld (de),a 78A1: 1F rra 78A2: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 78A4: 96 sub (hl) 78A5: FE 03 cp $09 78A7: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 78A9: 96 sub (hl) 78AA: 96 sub (hl) 78AB: 96 sub (hl) 78AC: 96 sub (hl) 78AD: 96 sub (hl) 78AE: 96 sub (hl) 78AF: 96 sub (hl) 78B0: 96 sub (hl) 78B1: 96 sub (hl) 78B2: 96 sub (hl) 78B3: 96 sub (hl) 78B4: 96 sub (hl) 78B5: 96 sub (hl) 78B6: FF rst $38 78B7: 03 inc bc 78B8: 06 96 ld b,$3C 78BA: 96 sub (hl) 78BB: 96 sub (hl) 78BC: 96 sub (hl) 78BD: 96 sub (hl) 78BE: 96 sub (hl) 78BF: 96 sub (hl) 78C0: 96 sub (hl) 78C1: 96 sub (hl) 78C2: 96 sub (hl) 78C3: 96 sub (hl) 78C4: 96 sub (hl) 78C5: 96 sub (hl) 78C6: 96 sub (hl) 78C7: FE 03 cp $09 78C9: 07 rlca 78CA: 96 sub (hl) 78CB: 01 13 96 ld bc,$3C19 78CE: 10 0A djnz $78DA 78D0: 1C inc e 78D1: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 78D3: 12 ld (de),a 78D4: 1F rra 78D5: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 78D7: 96 sub (hl) 78D8: FE 03 cp $09 78DA: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 78DC: 96 sub (hl) 78DD: 96 sub (hl) 78DE: 96 sub (hl) 78DF: 96 sub (hl) 78E0: 96 sub (hl) 78E1: 96 sub (hl) 78E2: 96 sub (hl) 78E3: 96 sub (hl) 78E4: 96 sub (hl) 78E5: 96 sub (hl) 78E6: 96 sub (hl) 78E7: 96 sub (hl) 78E8: 96 sub (hl) 78E9: FF rst $38 78EA: 3E 01 ld a,$01 78EC: CD D8 B0 call $B072 78EF: 01 96 10 ld bc,$103C 78F2: CD 90 B0 call $B030 78F5: 21 EA A0 ld hl,$A0EA 78F8: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 78FB: 21 33 D3 ld hl,$7999 78FE: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 7901: 3E 1E ld a,$1E 7903: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7906: A7 and a 7907: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 790A: 3E 02 ld a,$08 790C: CD 5D B0 call $B057 790F: 3E 03 ld a,$09 7911: CD 5D B0 call $B057 7914: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 7916: CD 5D B0 call $B057 7919: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 791B: CD 5D B0 call $B057 791E: 06 1E ld b,$1E 7920: C5 push bc 7921: 21 D8 D3 ld hl,$7972 7924: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 7927: 3E 14 ld a,$14 7929: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 792C: 21 57 D3 ld hl,$795D 792F: 16 32 ld d,$98 7931: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 7934: 3E 14 ld a,$14 7936: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7939: C1 pop bc 793A: 10 E4 djnz $7920 793C: 3E 02 ld a,$08 793E: CD 54 B0 call $B054 7941: 3E 03 ld a,$09 7943: CD 54 B0 call $B054 7946: 3E 0A ld a,$0A 7948: CD 54 B0 call $B054 794B: 3E 0B ld a,$0B 794D: CD 54 B0 call $B054 7950: 3E 01 ld a,$01 7952: 47 ld b,a 7953: CD 57 B0 call $B05D 7956: A7 and a 7957: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 795A: CD 51 B0 call $B051 795D: 0C inc c 795E: 16 96 ld d,$3C 7960: 96 sub (hl) 7961: 96 sub (hl) 7962: 96 sub (hl) 7963: 96 sub (hl) 7964: 96 sub (hl) 7965: 96 sub (hl) 7966: 96 sub (hl) 7967: 96 sub (hl) 7968: 96 sub (hl) 7969: 96 sub (hl) 796A: 96 sub (hl) 796B: 96 sub (hl) 796C: 96 sub (hl) 796D: 96 sub (hl) 796E: 96 sub (hl) 796F: 96 sub (hl) 7970: 96 sub (hl) 7971: FF rst $38 7972: 0C inc c 7973: 16 96 ld d,$3C 7975: 32 13 32 ld ($9819),a 7978: 15 dec d 7979: 32 0A 32 ld ($980A),a 797C: 88 adc a,b 797D: 32 0E 32 ld ($980E),a 7980: 1B dec de 7981: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7984: 1F rra 7985: 32 16 32 ld ($981C),a 7988: 96 sub (hl) 7989: 32 13 30 ld ($9019),a 798C: 15 dec d 798D: 30 0A jr nc,$7999 798F: 30 88 jr nc,$79B3 7991: 30 0E jr nc,$79A1 7993: 30 1B jr nc,$79B0 7995: 30 96 jr nc,$79D3 7997: 30 FF jr nc,$7998 7999: 01 1F 96 ld bc,$3C1F 799C: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 799F: 96 sub (hl) 79A0: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 79A3: 96 sub (hl) 79A4: 32 13 32 ld ($9819),a 79A7: 1B dec de 79A8: 32 12 32 ld ($9818),a 79AB: 07 rlca 79AC: 32 1E 32 ld ($981E),a 79AF: 06 32 ld b,$98 79B1: 17 rla 79B2: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 79B5: 12 ld (de),a 79B6: 32 0F 32 ld ($980F),a 79B9: 96 sub (hl) 79BA: 32 07 32 ld ($980D),a 79BD: 0A ld a,(bc) 79BE: 32 17 32 ld ($981D),a 79C1: 0A ld a,(bc) 79C2: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 79C5: 0E 32 ld c,$98 79C7: 0A ld a,(bc) 79C8: 32 16 32 ld ($981C),a 79CB: 17 rla 79CC: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 79CF: 96 sub (hl) 79D0: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 79D3: 96 sub (hl) 79D4: 32 FF 01 ld ($01FF),a 79D7: 0C inc c 79D8: FF rst $38 ; object appearing rate according to level ; max level is 24. 24/4 = 6 so more than half of the ; table isn't used ; maybe it's a remnant of the first version, where evade stages ; were twice as frequent evade_object_period_table_79D9: dc.b 78 6E 64 5A 55 50 4B 46 41 3C 37 37 37 37 37 37 79E9: 21 08 6D ld hl,$C702 79EC: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 79EF: 06 1E ld b,$1E 79F1: 3E 40 ld a,$40 79F3: F5 push af 79F4: B6 or (hl) 79F5: 77 ld (hl),a 79F6: F1 pop af 79F7: 19 add hl,de 79F8: 10 F3 djnz $79F3 79FA: C9 ret 79FB: DD 21 82 6D ld ix,$C728 79FF: DD 72 00 ld (ix+$00),d 7A02: DD 71 01 ld (ix+$01),c 7A05: DD 36 08 05 ld (ix+$02),$05 7A09: DD 73 09 ld (ix+$03),e 7A0C: C5 push bc 7A0D: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 7A10: DD 09 add ix,bc 7A12: C1 pop bc 7A13: 3E 10 ld a,$10 7A15: 82 add a,d 7A16: 57 ld d,a 7A17: 0C inc c 7A18: 10 E5 djnz $79FF 7A1A: C9 ret 7A1B: 21 BE 6D ld hl,$C7BE 7A1E: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 7A21: 06 0F ld b,$0F 7A23: 3E 40 ld a,$40 7A25: F5 push af 7A26: B6 or (hl) 7A27: 77 ld (hl),a 7A28: F1 pop af 7A29: 19 add hl,de 7A2A: 10 F3 djnz $7A25 7A2C: C9 ret 7A2D: DD 21 60 6D ld ix,$C7C0 7A31: DD 72 00 ld (ix+$00),d 7A34: DD 71 01 ld (ix+$01),c 7A37: DD 36 08 05 ld (ix+$02),$05 7A3B: DD 73 09 ld (ix+$03),e 7A3E: C5 push bc 7A3F: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 7A42: DD 09 add ix,bc 7A44: C1 pop bc 7A45: 3E 10 ld a,$10 7A47: 82 add a,d 7A48: 57 ld d,a 7A49: 0C inc c 7A4A: 10 E5 djnz $7A31 7A4C: C9 ret 7A4D: 21 B6 6D ld hl,$C7BC 7A50: 06 10 ld b,$10 7A52: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 7A54: 23 inc hl 7A55: 10 FB djnz $7A52 7A57: C9 ret 7A58: 21 BE 6D ld hl,$C7BE 7A5B: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 7A5E: 06 04 ld b,$04 7A60: 3E 50 ld a,$50 7A62: F5 push af 7A63: B6 or (hl) 7A64: 77 ld (hl),a 7A65: F1 pop af 7A66: 19 add hl,de 7A67: 10 F3 djnz $7A62 7A69: C9 ret 7A6A: DD 21 60 6D ld ix,$C7C0 7A6E: DD 72 00 ld (ix+$00),d 7A71: DD 71 01 ld (ix+$01),c 7A74: DD 74 08 ld (ix+$02),h 7A77: DD 73 09 ld (ix+$03),e 7A7A: C5 push bc 7A7B: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 7A7E: DD 09 add ix,bc 7A80: C1 pop bc 7A81: 3E 10 ld a,$10 7A83: 82 add a,d 7A84: 57 ld d,a 7A85: 0C inc c 7A86: 10 EC djnz $7A6E 7A88: C9 ret 7A89: DD 21 18 DB ld ix,$7B12 7A8D: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 7A90: CB BF res 7,a 7A92: FE 50 cp $50 7A94: DA 32 DA jp c,$7A98 7A97: C9 ret 7A98: E6 0F and $0F 7A9A: 87 add a,a 7A9B: 87 add a,a 7A9C: 4F ld c,a 7A9D: 06 00 ld b,$00 7A9F: DD 21 18 DB ld ix,$7B12 7AA3: DD 09 add ix,bc 7AA5: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) 7AA8: DD A6 01 and (ix+$01) 7AAB: FE FF cp $FF 7AAD: C8 ret z 7AAE: DD 4E 00 ld c,(ix+$00) 7AB1: DD 46 01 ld b,(ix+$01) 7AB4: DD E5 push ix 7AB6: CD 90 B0 call $B030 7AB9: DD E1 pop ix 7ABB: DD 6E 08 ld l,(ix+$02) 7ABE: DD 66 09 ld h,(ix+$03) 7AC1: 7E ld a,(hl) 7AC2: 23 inc hl 7AC3: A6 and (hl) 7AC4: FE FF cp $FF 7AC6: C8 ret z 7AC7: 2B dec hl 7AC8: E5 push hl 7AC9: 5E ld e,(hl) 7ACA: 23 inc hl 7ACB: 56 ld d,(hl) 7ACC: EB ex de,hl 7ACD: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 7AD0: E1 pop hl 7AD1: 23 inc hl 7AD2: 23 inc hl 7AD3: C3 61 DA jp $7AC1 7AD6: 3A 98 60 ld a,($C032) 7AD9: CB 4F bit 1,a 7ADB: C8 ret z 7ADC: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 7ADF: FE 54 cp $54 7AE1: CA EE DA jp z,$7AEE 7AE4: FE 59 cp $53 7AE6: CA EE DA jp z,$7AEE 7AE9: CD B1 B0 call $B0B1 7AEC: A7 and a 7AED: C8 ret z 7AEE: 01 0C 14 ld bc,$1406 7AF1: 21 08 DB ld hl,$7B02 7AF4: C5 push bc 7AF5: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 7AF8: C1 pop bc 7AF9: 21 70 60 ld hl,$C0D0 7AFC: 16 32 ld d,$98 7AFE: CD 9F B0 call $B03F 7B01: C9 ret 7B02: 14 inc d 7B03: 05 dec b 7B04: 08 ex af,af' 7B05: 32 1E 32 ld ($981E),a 7B08: 13 inc de 7B09: 32 FE 12 ld ($18FE),a 7B0C: 0C inc c 7B0D: 00 nop 7B0E: 32 00 32 ld ($9800),a 7B11: FF rst $38 7B12: 9F sbc a,a 7B13: 30 4A jr nc,$7B5F 7B15: DB 97 in a,($3D) 7B17: A0 and b 7B18: 50 ld d,b 7B19: DB 91 in a,($31) 7B1B: A4 and h 7B1C: 5C ld e,h 7B1D: DB 96 in a,($3C) 7B1F: F2 56 DB jp p,$7B5C 7B22: 96 sub (hl) 7B23: F2 20 DB jp p,$7B80 7B26: 9F sbc a,a 7B27: 72 ld (hl),d 7B28: C8 ret z 7B29: DB 97 in a,($3D) 7B2B: 32 C2 DB ld ($7B68),a 7B2E: 9E sbc a,(hl) 7B2F: F2 CE DB jp p,$7B6E 7B32: 96 sub (hl) 7B33: F2 D4 DB jp p,$7B74 7B36: 9E sbc a,(hl) 7B37: F2 DA DB jp p,$7B7A 7B3A: 97 sub a 7B3B: 6C ld l,h 7B3C: 2C inc l 7B3D: DB 97 in a,($3D) 7B3F: F0 ret p 7B40: 26 DB ld h,$7B 7B42: FF rst $38 7B43: FF rst $38 7B44: FF rst $38 7B45: FF rst $38 7B46: FF rst $38 7B47: FF rst $38 7B48: FF rst $38 7B49: FF rst $38 7B4A: 1C inc e 7B4B: 21 9C D7 ld hl,$7D36 7B4E: FF rst $38 7B4F: FF rst $38 7B50: AE xor (hl) 7B51: DE 9C sbc a,$36 7B53: D7 rst $10 7B54: FF rst $38 7B55: FF rst $38 7B56: E3 ex (sp),hl 7B57: 29 add hl,hl 7B58: 9C sbc a,h 7B59: D7 rst $10 7B5A: FF rst $38 7B5B: FF rst $38 7B5C: 4A ld c,d 7B5D: 2D dec l 7B5E: 9C sbc a,h 7B5F: D7 rst $10 7B60: FF rst $38 7B61: FF rst $38 7B62: F0 ret p 7B63: 23 inc hl 7B64: 9C sbc a,h 7B65: D7 rst $10 7B66: FF rst $38 7B67: FF rst $38 7B68: D2 26 9C jp nc,$368C 7B6B: D7 rst $10 7B6C: FF rst $38 7B6D: FF rst $38 7B6E: 43 ld b,e 7B6F: 2E 9C ld l,$36 7B71: D7 rst $10 7B72: FF rst $38 7B73: FF rst $38 7B74: 21 31 9C ld hl,$3691 7B77: D7 rst $10 7B78: FF rst $38 7B79: FF rst $38 7B7A: 4B ld c,e 7B7B: 34 inc (hl) 7B7C: 9C sbc a,h 7B7D: D7 rst $10 7B7E: FF rst $38 7B7F: FF rst $38 7B80: 1A ld a,(de) 7B81: 3D dec a 7B82: 9C sbc a,h 7B83: D7 rst $10 7B84: FF rst $38 7B85: FF rst $38 7B86: 3F ccf 7B87: 33 inc sp 7B88: 9C sbc a,h 7B89: D7 rst $10 7B8A: FF rst $38 7B8B: FF rst $38 7B8C: B2 or d 7B8D: 36 9C ld (hl),$36 7B8F: D7 rst $10 7B90: FF rst $38 7B91: FF rst $38 7B92: 3A 84 60 ld a,(nb_credits_minus_one_C024) 7B95: 21 AC DB ld hl,$7BA6 7B98: FE 00 cp $00 7B9A: CA A0 DB jp z,$7BA0 7B9D: 21 6A DB ld hl,$7BCA 7BA0: 16 32 ld d,$98 7BA2: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 7BA5: C9 ret 7BA6: 05 dec b 7BA7: 0A ld a,(bc) 7BA8: 13 inc de 7BA9: 1B dec de 7BAA: 0E 16 ld c,$1C 7BAC: 16 96 ld d,$3C 7BAE: 01 13 96 ld bc,$3C19 7BB1: 0B dec bc 7BB2: 1E 17 ld e,$1D 7BB4: 17 rla 7BB5: 12 ld (de),a 7BB6: 1D dec e 7BB7: 96 sub (hl) 7BB8: 0F rrca 7BB9: 12 ld (de),a 7BBA: 1B dec de 7BBB: FE 03 cp $09 7BBD: 06 16 ld b,$1C 7BBF: 18 1D jr $7BD8 7BC1: 10 15 djnz $7BD8 7BC3: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 7BC5: 13 inc de 7BC6: 15 dec d 7BC7: 0A ld a,(bc) 7BC8: 88 adc a,b 7BC9: FF rst $38 7BCA: 05 dec b 7BCB: 0A ld a,(bc) 7BCC: 13 inc de 7BCD: 1B dec de 7BCE: 0E 16 ld c,$1C 7BD0: 16 96 ld d,$3C 7BD2: 01 13 96 ld bc,$3C19 7BD5: 0B dec bc 7BD6: 1E 17 ld e,$1D 7BD8: 17 rla 7BD9: 12 ld (de),a 7BDA: 1D dec e 7BDB: 96 sub (hl) 7BDC: 0F rrca 7BDD: 12 ld (de),a 7BDE: 1B dec de 7BDF: FE 03 cp $09 7BE1: 06 16 ld b,$1C 7BE3: 18 1D jr $7BFC 7BE5: 10 15 djnz $7BFC 7BE7: 0E 96 ld c,$3C 7BE9: 13 inc de 7BEA: 15 dec d 7BEB: 0A ld a,(bc) 7BEC: 88 adc a,b 7BED: FE 05 cp $05 7BEF: 0E 13 ld c,$19 7BF1: 1B dec de 7BF2: 0E 16 ld c,$1C 7BF4: 16 96 ld d,$3C 7BF6: 08 ex af,af' 7BF7: 13 inc de 7BF8: 96 sub (hl) 7BF9: 0B dec bc 7BFA: 1E 17 ld e,$1D 7BFC: 17 rla 7BFD: 12 ld (de),a 7BFE: 1D dec e 7BFF: 96 sub (hl) 7C00: 0F rrca 7C01: 12 ld (de),a 7C02: 1B dec de 7C03: FE 04 cp $04 7C05: 10 0F djnz $7C16 7C07: 18 10 jr $7C19 7C09: 11 17 96 ld de,$3C1D 7C0C: 0B dec bc 7C0D: 0E 17 ld c,$1D 7C0F: 80 add a,b 7C10: 0E 0E ld c,$0E 7C12: 1D dec e 7C13: 96 sub (hl) 7C14: 13 inc de 7C15: 15 dec d 7C16: 0A ld a,(bc) 7C17: 88 adc a,b 7C18: 0E 1B ld c,$1B 7C1A: 16 FF ld d,$FF 7C1C: 21 54 D6 ld hl,$7C54 7C1F: 16 32 ld d,$98 7C21: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 7C24: 21 16 1F ld hl,$1F1C 7C27: 22 00 6F ld ($CF00),hl ; at least during "press 1P button" screen ; check number of credits, maybe to display them ; as there's a "daa" instruction (bcd conversion) 7C2A: 3A 84 60 ld a,(nb_credits_minus_one_C024) 7C2D: C6 01 add a,$01 7C2F: 27 daa 7C30: 47 ld b,a 7C31: DD 21 00 6F ld ix,$CF00 7C35: E6 0F and $0F 7C37: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a 7C3A: 78 ld a,b 7C3B: CB 3F srl a 7C3D: CB 3F srl a 7C3F: CB 3F srl a 7C41: CB 3F srl a 7C43: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a 7C46: 3E FF ld a,$FF 7C48: DD 77 04 ld (ix+$04),a 7C4B: 21 00 6F ld hl,$CF00 7C4E: 16 32 ld d,$98 7C50: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 7C53: C9 ret 7C54: 15 dec d 7C55: 1F rra 7C56: 06 1B ld b,$1B 7C58: 0E 07 ld c,$0D 7C5A: 18 17 jr $7C79 7C5C: FF rst $38 7C5D: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 7C60: FE 54 cp $54 7C62: 3E 08 ld a,$02 7C64: CA D2 D6 jp z,$7C78 7C67: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) 7C6A: FE 59 cp $53 7C6C: 3E 08 ld a,$02 7C6E: CA D2 D6 jp z,$7C78 7C71: CD B1 B0 call $B0B1 7C74: A7 and a 7C75: CC 51 B0 call z,$B051 7C78: 3D dec a 7C79: 87 add a,a 7C7A: 4F ld c,a 7C7B: 06 00 ld b,$00 7C7D: DD 21 0C D7 ld ix,$7D06 7C81: DD 09 add ix,bc 7C83: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 7C86: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 7C89: E5 push hl 7C8A: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 7C8D: 09 add hl,bc 7C8E: E5 push hl 7C8F: FD E1 pop iy 7C91: E1 pop hl 7C92: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 7C95: CB 57 bit 2,a 7C97: C2 3E D6 jp nz,$7C9E 7C9A: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 7C9D: 09 add hl,bc 7C9E: E5 push hl 7C9F: DD E1 pop ix 7CA1: DD E5 push ix 7CA3: FD E5 push iy 7CA5: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) 7CA8: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) 7CAB: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 7CAE: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 7CB1: E6 06 and $0C 7CB3: FE 06 cp $0C 7CB5: C2 61 D6 jp nz,$7CC1 7CB8: FD 6E 00 ld l,(iy+$00) 7CBB: FD 66 01 ld h,(iy+$01) 7CBE: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 7CC1: 3E 82 ld a,$28 7CC3: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7CC6: FD E1 pop iy 7CC8: DD E1 pop ix 7CCA: A7 and a 7CCB: C2 FA D6 jp nz,$7CFA 7CCE: DD E5 push ix 7CD0: FD E5 push iy 7CD2: DD 6E 08 ld l,(ix+$02) 7CD5: DD 66 09 ld h,(ix+$03) 7CD8: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 7CDB: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) 7CDE: E6 06 and $0C 7CE0: FE 06 cp $0C 7CE2: C2 EE D6 jp nz,$7CEE 7CE5: FD 6E 08 ld l,(iy+$02) 7CE8: FD 66 09 ld h,(iy+$03) 7CEB: CD 96 B0 call $B03C 7CEE: 3E 82 ld a,$28 7CF0: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7CF3: FD E1 pop iy 7CF5: DD E1 pop ix 7CF7: C3 A1 D6 jp $7CA1 7CFA: DD E5 push ix 7CFC: 3E 00 ld a,$00 7CFE: CD 5A B0 call $B05A 7D01: DD E1 pop ix 7D03: C3 A1 D6 jp $7CA1 7D06: 0A ld a,(bc) 7D07: D7 rst $10 7D08: 0A ld a,(bc) 7D09: D7 rst $10 7D0A: 18 D7 jr $7D89 7D0C: 1B dec de 7D0D: D7 rst $10 7D0E: 84 add a,h 7D0F: D7 rst $10 7D10: 87 add a,a 7D11: D7 rst $10 7D12: 14 inc d 7D13: 09 add hl,bc 7D14: 01 32 1E ld bc,$1E98 7D17: 32 13 32 ld ($9819),a 7D1A: FF rst $38 7D1B: 14 inc d 7D1C: 09 add hl,bc 7D1D: 96 sub (hl) 7D1E: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7D21: 96 sub (hl) 7D22: 32 FF 14 ld ($14FF),a 7D25: 05 dec b 7D26: 08 ex af,af' 7D27: 32 1E 32 ld ($981E),a 7D2A: 13 inc de 7D2B: 32 FF 14 ld ($14FF),a 7D2E: 05 dec b 7D2F: 96 sub (hl) 7D30: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7D33: 96 sub (hl) 7D34: 32 FF 05 ld ($05FF),a 7D37: 00 nop 7D38: 6C ld l,h 7D39: 30 6D jr nc,$7D02 7D3B: 30 62 jr nc,$7D05 7D3D: 30 62 jr nc,$7D07 7D3F: 30 62 jr nc,$7D09 7D41: 30 62 jr nc,$7D0B 7D43: 30 62 jr nc,$7D0D 7D45: 30 63 jr nc,$7D10 7D47: 30 6A jr nc,$7D13 7D49: 30 1B jr nc,$7D66 7D4B: 31 1B 31 ld sp,$911B 7D4E: 1B dec de 7D4F: 31 1B 31 ld sp,$911B 7D52: 6B ld l,e 7D53: 30 62 jr nc,$7D1D 7D55: 30 62 jr nc,$7D1F 7D57: 30 62 jr nc,$7D21 7D59: 30 62 jr nc,$7D23 7D5B: 30 62 jr nc,$7D25 7D5D: 30 62 jr nc,$7D27 7D5F: 30 63 jr nc,$7D2A 7D61: 30 66 jr nc,$7D2F 7D63: 30 FE jr nc,$7D63 7D65: 05 dec b 7D66: 01 67 30 ld bc,$90CD 7D69: 6E ld l,(hl) 7D6A: 32 6F 32 ld ($98CF),a 7D6D: 96 sub (hl) 7D6E: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7D71: 96 sub (hl) 7D72: 32 6E 30 ld ($90CE),a 7D75: 6F ld l,a 7D76: 30 70 jr nc,$7D48 7D78: 30 71 jr nc,$7D4B 7D7A: 30 78 jr nc,$7D4E 7D7C: 30 7C jr nc,$7D54 7D7E: 30 7C jr nc,$7D56 7D80: 30 E4 jr nc,$7D66 7D82: 30 11 jr nc,$7D95 7D84: 32 18 32 ld ($9812),a 7D87: 16 32 ld d,$98 7D89: 06 32 ld b,$98 7D8B: 12 ld (de),a 7D8C: 32 1B 32 ld ($981B),a 7D8F: 0E 32 ld c,$98 7D91: E5 push hl 7D92: 30 FE jr nc,$7D92 7D94: 05 dec b 7D95: 08 ex af,af' 7D96: 67 ld h,a 7D97: 30 79 jr nc,$7D6C 7D99: 10 79 djnz $7D6E 7D9B: 10 74 djnz $7D71 7D9D: 32 75 32 ld ($98D5),a 7DA0: B9 cp c 7DA1: 3A 79 10 ld a,($10D3) 7DA4: 79 ld a,c 7DA5: 10 70 djnz $7D77 7DA7: 30 7C jr nc,$7D7F 7DA9: 30 7C jr nc,$7D81 7DAB: 30 7C jr nc,$7D83 7DAD: 30 7C jr nc,$7D85 7DAF: 30 E4 jr nc,$7D95 7DB1: 30 96 jr nc,$7DEF 7DB3: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7DB6: 08 ex af,af' 7DB7: 32 00 32 ld ($9800),a 7DBA: 00 nop 7DBB: 32 00 32 ld ($9800),a 7DBE: 00 nop 7DBF: 32 E5 30 ld ($90E5),a 7DC2: FE 05 cp $05 7DC4: 09 add hl,bc 7DC5: 67 ld h,a 7DC6: 30 96 jr nc,$7E04 7DC8: 32 79 10 ld ($10D3),a 7DCB: 72 ld (hl),d 7DCC: 32 73 32 ld ($98D9),a 7DCF: 7A ld a,d 7DD0: 32 79 10 ld ($10D3),a 7DD3: 96 sub (hl) 7DD4: 32 70 30 ld ($90D0),a 7DD7: 96 sub (hl) 7DD8: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7DDB: 96 sub (hl) 7DDC: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7DDF: E4 30 96 call po,$3C90 7DE2: 32 01 32 ld ($9801),a 7DE5: 1E 32 ld e,$98 7DE7: 13 inc de 7DE8: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7DEB: 96 sub (hl) 7DEC: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7DEF: E5 push hl 7DF0: 30 FE jr nc,$7DF0 7DF2: 05 dec b 7DF3: 04 inc b 7DF4: 7B ld a,e 7DF5: 30 76 jr nc,$7DD3 7DF7: 30 77 jr nc,$7DD6 7DF9: 30 77 jr nc,$7DD8 7DFB: 30 77 jr nc,$7DDA 7DFD: 30 77 jr nc,$7DDC 7DFF: 30 77 jr nc,$7DDE 7E01: 30 7E jr nc,$7DE1 7E03: 30 7F jr nc,$7DE4 7E05: 30 17 jr nc,$7E24 7E07: 80 add a,b 7E08: 18 80 jr $7E2A 7E0A: 1C inc e 7E0B: 80 add a,b 7E0C: 0E 80 ld c,$20 7E0E: E4 30 96 call po,$3C90 7E11: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E14: 96 sub (hl) 7E15: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E18: 96 sub (hl) 7E19: 32 00 32 ld ($9800),a 7E1C: 00 nop 7E1D: 32 E5 30 ld ($90E5),a 7E20: FE 05 cp $05 7E22: 05 dec b 7E23: 92 sub d 7E24: 30 96 jr nc,$7E62 7E26: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E29: 96 sub (hl) 7E2A: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E2D: 96 sub (hl) 7E2E: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E31: 96 sub (hl) 7E32: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E35: 96 sub (hl) 7E36: 80 add a,b 7E37: 09 add hl,bc 7E38: 32 00 32 ld ($9800),a 7E3B: 96 sub (hl) 7E3C: 80 add a,b 7E3D: E4 30 96 call po,$3C90 7E40: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E43: 96 sub (hl) 7E44: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E47: 96 sub (hl) 7E48: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E4B: 96 sub (hl) 7E4C: 32 E5 30 ld ($90E5),a 7E4F: FE 05 cp $05 7E51: 0C inc c 7E52: 92 sub d 7E53: 30 96 jr nc,$7E91 7E55: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E58: 96 sub (hl) 7E59: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E5C: 96 sub (hl) 7E5D: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E60: 96 sub (hl) 7E61: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E64: 96 sub (hl) 7E65: 80 add a,b 7E66: 96 sub (hl) 7E67: 80 add a,b 7E68: 96 sub (hl) 7E69: 80 add a,b 7E6A: 96 sub (hl) 7E6B: 80 add a,b 7E6C: E4 30 96 call po,$3C90 7E6F: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E72: 96 sub (hl) 7E73: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E76: 96 sub (hl) 7E77: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a 7E7A: 96 sub (hl) 7E7B: 32 E5 30 ld ($90E5),a 7E7E: FE 05 cp $05 7E80: 0D dec c 7E81: 93 sub e 7E82: 30 9A jr nc,$7EBE 7E84: 30 9A jr nc,$7EC0 7E86: 30 9A jr nc,$7EC2 7E88: 30 9A jr nc,$7EC4 7E8A: 30 9A jr nc,$7EC6 7E8C: 30 9A jr nc,$7EC8 7E8E: 30 9A jr nc,$7ECA 7E90: 30 9A jr nc,$7ECC 7E92: 30 4A jr nc,$7EDE 7E94: 30 4A jr nc,$7EE0 7E96: 30 4A jr nc,$7EE2 7E98: 30 4A jr nc,$7EE4 7E9A: 30 EB jr nc,$7E87 7E9C: 30 E6 jr nc,$7E8A 7E9E: 30 E6 jr nc,$7E8C 7EA0: 30 E6 jr nc,$7E8E 7EA2: 30 E6 jr nc,$7E90 7EA4: 30 E6 jr nc,$7E92 7EA6: 30 E6 jr nc,$7E94 7EA8: 30 E7 jr nc,$7E97 7EAA: 30 EE jr nc,$7E9A 7EAC: 30 FF jr nc,$7EAD 7EAE: 08 ex af,af' 7EAF: 00 nop 7EB0: 97 sub a 7EB1: 82 add a,d 7EB2: 97 sub a 7EB3: 82 add a,d 7EB4: 97 sub a 7EB5: 82 add a,d 7EB6: FE 1B cp $1B 7EB8: 00 nop 7EB9: 97 sub a 7EBA: 82 add a,d 7EBB: 97 sub a 7EBC: 82 add a,d 7EBD: 97 sub a 7EBE: 82 add a,d 7EBF: FE 08 cp $02 7EC1: 01 97 82 ld bc,$283D 7EC4: 97 sub a 7EC5: 82 add a,d 7EC6: 97 sub a 7EC7: 82 add a,d 7EC8: FE 1B cp $1B 7ECA: 01 97 82 ld bc,$283D 7ECD: 97 sub a 7ECE: 82 add a,d 7ECF: 97 sub a 7ED0: 82 add a,d 7ED1: FE 08 cp $02 7ED3: 08 ex af,af' 7ED4: 9F sbc a,a 7ED5: 5B ld e,e 7ED6: 9F sbc a,a 7ED7: 5B ld e,e 7ED8: 9F sbc a,a 7ED9: 5B ld e,e 7EDA: FE 1B cp $1B 7EDC: 08 ex af,af' 7EDD: 9F sbc a,a 7EDE: 5B ld e,e 7EDF: 9F sbc a,a 7EE0: 5B ld e,e 7EE1: 9F sbc a,a 7EE2: 5B ld e,e 7EE3: FE 08 cp $02 7EE5: 09 add hl,bc 7EE6: 40 ld b,b 7EE7: 5B ld e,e 7EE8: 40 ld b,b 7EE9: 5B ld e,e 7EEA: 40 ld b,b 7EEB: 5B ld e,e 7EEC: FE 1B cp $1B 7EEE: 09 add hl,bc 7EEF: 40 ld b,b 7EF0: 5B ld e,e 7EF1: 40 ld b,b 7EF2: 5B ld e,e 7EF3: 40 ld b,b 7EF4: 5B ld e,e 7EF5: FE 08 cp $02 7EF7: 04 inc b 7EF8: 41 ld b,c 7EF9: 09 add hl,bc 7EFA: 48 ld c,b 7EFB: 09 add hl,bc 7EFC: 41 ld b,c 7EFD: 09 add hl,bc 7EFE: FE 1B cp $1B 7F00: 04 inc b 7F01: 48 ld c,b 7F02: 09 add hl,bc 7F03: 41 ld b,c 7F04: 09 add hl,bc 7F05: 48 ld c,b 7F06: 09 add hl,bc 7F07: FE 08 cp $02 7F09: 05 dec b 7F0A: 41 ld b,c 7F0B: 09 add hl,bc 7F0C: 48 ld c,b 7F0D: 09 add hl,bc 7F0E: 41 ld b,c 7F0F: 09 add hl,bc 7F10: FE 1B cp $1B 7F12: 05 dec b 7F13: 48 ld c,b 7F14: 09 add hl,bc 7F15: 41 ld b,c 7F16: 09 add hl,bc 7F17: 48 ld c,b 7F18: 09 add hl,bc 7F19: FE 08 cp $02 7F1B: 0C inc c 7F1C: 41 ld b,c 7F1D: 09 add hl,bc 7F1E: 48 ld c,b 7F1F: 09 add hl,bc 7F20: 41 ld b,c 7F21: 09 add hl,bc 7F22: FE 1B cp $1B 7F24: 0C inc c 7F25: 48 ld c,b 7F26: 09 add hl,bc 7F27: 41 ld b,c 7F28: 09 add hl,bc 7F29: 48 ld c,b 7F2A: 09 add hl,bc 7F2B: FE 08 cp $02 7F2D: 0D dec c 7F2E: 41 ld b,c 7F2F: 09 add hl,bc 7F30: 48 ld c,b 7F31: 09 add hl,bc 7F32: 41 ld b,c 7F33: 09 add hl,bc 7F34: FE 1B cp $1B 7F36: 0D dec c 7F37: 48 ld c,b 7F38: 09 add hl,bc 7F39: 41 ld b,c 7F3A: 09 add hl,bc 7F3B: 48 ld c,b 7F3C: 09 add hl,bc 7F3D: FE 08 cp $02 7F3F: 02 ld (bc),a 7F40: 41 ld b,c 7F41: 09 add hl,bc 7F42: 48 ld c,b 7F43: 09 add hl,bc 7F44: 41 ld b,c 7F45: 09 add hl,bc 7F46: 48 ld c,b 7F47: 09 add hl,bc 7F48: 41 ld b,c 7F49: 09 add hl,bc 7F4A: 48 ld c,b 7F4B: 09 add hl,bc 7F4C: 41 ld b,c 7F4D: 09 add hl,bc 7F4E: 41 ld b,c 7F4F: 09 add hl,bc 7F50: 96 sub (hl) 7F51: 00 nop 7F52: 96 sub (hl) 7F53: 00 nop 7F54: 96 sub (hl) 7F55: 00 nop 7F56: 96 sub (hl) 7F57: 09 add hl,bc 7F58: 49 ld c,c 7F59: 09 add hl,bc 7F5A: 48 ld c,b 7F5B: 09 add hl,bc 7F5C: 41 ld b,c 7F5D: 09 add hl,bc 7F5E: 48 ld c,b 7F5F: 09 add hl,bc 7F60: 41 ld b,c 7F61: 09 add hl,bc 7F62: 48 ld c,b 7F63: 09 add hl,bc 7F64: 41 ld b,c 7F65: 09 add hl,bc 7F66: 48 ld c,b 7F67: 09 add hl,bc 7F68: 41 ld b,c 7F69: 09 add hl,bc 7F6A: 48 ld c,b 7F6B: 09 add hl,bc 7F6C: 41 ld b,c 7F6D: 09 add hl,bc 7F6E: 48 ld c,b 7F6F: 09 add hl,bc 7F70: 41 ld b,c 7F71: 09 add hl,bc 7F72: 48 ld c,b 7F73: 09 add hl,bc 7F74: 41 ld b,c 7F75: 09 add hl,bc 7F76: 48 ld c,b 7F77: 09 add hl,bc 7F78: FE 08 cp $02 7F7A: 03 inc bc 7F7B: 41 ld b,c 7F7C: 09 add hl,bc 7F7D: 48 ld c,b 7F7E: 09 add hl,bc 7F7F: 41 ld b,c 7F80: 09 add hl,bc 7F81: 48 ld c,b 7F82: 09 add hl,bc 7F83: 41 ld b,c 7F84: 09 add hl,bc 7F85: 48 ld c,b 7F86: 09 add hl,bc 7F87: 41 ld b,c 7F88: 09 add hl,bc 7F89: 41 ld b,c 7F8A: 09 add hl,bc 7F8B: 96 sub (hl) 7F8C: 00 nop 7F8D: 96 sub (hl) 7F8E: 00 nop 7F8F: 96 sub (hl) 7F90: 00 nop 7F91: 96 sub (hl) 7F92: 09 add hl,bc 7F93: 49 ld c,c 7F94: 09 add hl,bc 7F95: 48 ld c,b 7F96: 09 add hl,bc 7F97: 41 ld b,c 7F98: 09 add hl,bc 7F99: 48 ld c,b 7F9A: 09 add hl,bc 7F9B: 41 ld b,c 7F9C: 09 add hl,bc 7F9D: 48 ld c,b 7F9E: 09 add hl,bc 7F9F: 41 ld b,c 7FA0: 09 add hl,bc 7FA1: 48 ld c,b 7FA2: 09 add hl,bc 7FA3: 41 ld b,c 7FA4: 09 add hl,bc 7FA5: 48 ld c,b 7FA6: 09 add hl,bc 7FA7: 41 ld b,c 7FA8: 09 add hl,bc 7FA9: 48 ld c,b 7FAA: 09 add hl,bc 7FAB: 41 ld b,c 7FAC: 09 add hl,bc 7FAD: 48 ld c,b 7FAE: 09 add hl,bc 7FAF: 41 ld b,c 7FB0: 09 add hl,bc 7FB1: 48 ld c,b 7FB2: 09 add hl,bc 7FB3: FE 08 cp $02 7FB5: 0A ld a,(bc) 7FB6: 41 ld b,c 7FB7: 09 add hl,bc 7FB8: 48 ld c,b 7FB9: 09 add hl,bc 7FBA: 41 ld b,c 7FBB: 09 add hl,bc 7FBC: 48 ld c,b 7FBD: 09 add hl,bc 7FBE: 41 ld b,c 7FBF: 09 add hl,bc 7FC0: 48 ld c,b 7FC1: 09 add hl,bc 7FC2: 41 ld b,c 7FC3: 09 add hl,bc 7FC4: 41 ld b,c 7FC5: 09 add hl,bc 7FC6: 96 sub (hl) 7FC7: 00 nop 7FC8: 96 sub (hl) 7FC9: 00 nop 7FCA: 96 sub (hl) 7FCB: 00 nop 7FCC: 96 sub (hl) 7FCD: 09 add hl,bc 7FCE: 49 ld c,c 7FCF: 09 add hl,bc 7FD0: 48 ld c,b 7FD1: 09 add hl,bc 7FD2: 41 ld b,c 7FD3: 09 add hl,bc 7FD4: 48 ld c,b 7FD5: 09 add hl,bc 7FD6: 41 ld b,c 7FD7: 09 add hl,bc 7FD8: 48 ld c,b 7FD9: 09 add hl,bc 7FDA: 41 ld b,c 7FDB: 09 add hl,bc 7FDC: 48 ld c,b 7FDD: 09 add hl,bc 7FDE: 41 ld b,c 7FDF: 09 add hl,bc 7FE0: 48 ld c,b 7FE1: 09 add hl,bc 7FE2: 41 ld b,c 7FE3: 09 add hl,bc 7FE4: 48 ld c,b 7FE5: 09 add hl,bc 7FE6: 41 ld b,c 7FE7: 09 add hl,bc 7FE8: 48 ld c,b 7FE9: 09 add hl,bc 7FEA: 41 ld b,c 7FEB: 09 add hl,bc 7FEC: 48 ld c,b 7FED: 09 add hl,bc 7FEE: FE 08 cp $02 7FF0: 0B dec bc 7FF1: 41 ld b,c 7FF2: 09 add hl,bc 7FF3: 48 ld c,b 7FF4: 09 add hl,bc 7FF5: 41 ld b,c 7FF6: 09 add hl,bc 7FF7: 48 ld c,b 7FF8: 09 add hl,bc 7FF9: 41 ld b,c 7FFA: 09 add hl,bc 7FFB: 48 ld c,b 7FFC: 09 add hl,bc 7FFD: 41 ld b,c 7FFE: 09 add hl,bc 7FFF: 41 ld b,c 8000: 09 add hl,bc 8001: 96 sub (hl) 8002: 00 nop 8003: 96 sub (hl) 8004: 00 nop 8005: 96 sub (hl) 8006: 00 nop 8007: 96 sub (hl) 8008: 09 add hl,bc 8009: 49 ld c,c 800A: 09 add hl,bc 800B: 48 ld c,b 800C: 09 add hl,bc 800D: 41 ld b,c 800E: 09 add hl,bc 800F: 48 ld c,b 8010: 09 add hl,bc 8011: 41 ld b,c 8012: 09 add hl,bc 8013: 48 ld c,b 8014: 09 add hl,bc 8015: 41 ld b,c 8016: 09 add hl,bc 8017: 48 ld c,b 8018: 09 add hl,bc 8019: 41 ld b,c 801A: 09 add hl,bc 801B: 48 ld c,b 801C: 09 add hl,bc 801D: 41 ld b,c 801E: 09 add hl,bc 801F: 48 ld c,b 8020: 09 add hl,bc 8021: 41 ld b,c 8022: 09 add hl,bc 8023: 48 ld c,b 8024: 09 add hl,bc 8025: 41 ld b,c 8026: 09 add hl,bc 8027: 48 ld c,b 8028: 09 add hl,bc 8029: FE 08 cp $02 802B: 06 97 ld b,$3D 802D: 5B ld e,e 802E: 9F sbc a,a 802F: 5B ld e,e 8030: 9F sbc a,a 8031: 5B ld e,e 8032: 9F sbc a,a 8033: 5B ld e,e 8034: 9F sbc a,a 8035: 5B ld e,e 8036: 9F sbc a,a 8037: 5B ld e,e 8038: 9F sbc a,a 8039: 5B ld e,e 803A: 9F sbc a,a 803B: 5B ld e,e 803C: 96 sub (hl) 803D: 00 nop 803E: 96 sub (hl) 803F: 00 nop 8040: 96 sub (hl) 8041: 00 nop 8042: 96 sub (hl) 8043: 09 add hl,bc 8044: 97 sub a 8045: 5B ld e,e 8046: 9F sbc a,a 8047: 5B ld e,e 8048: 9F sbc a,a 8049: 5B ld e,e 804A: 9F sbc a,a 804B: 5B ld e,e 804C: 9F sbc a,a 804D: 5B ld e,e 804E: 9F sbc a,a 804F: 5B ld e,e 8050: 9F sbc a,a 8051: 5B ld e,e 8052: 9F sbc a,a 8053: 5B ld e,e 8054: 9F sbc a,a 8055: 5B ld e,e 8056: 9F sbc a,a 8057: 5B ld e,e 8058: 97 sub a 8059: 5B ld e,e 805A: 9F sbc a,a 805B: 5B ld e,e 805C: 9F sbc a,a 805D: 5B ld e,e 805E: 9F sbc a,a 805F: 5B ld e,e 8060: 9F sbc a,a 8061: 5B ld e,e 8062: 9F sbc a,a 8063: 5B ld e,e 8064: FE 08 cp $02 8066: 07 rlca 8067: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8068: 5B ld e,e 8069: 40 ld b,b 806A: 5B ld e,e 806B: 40 ld b,b 806C: 5B ld e,e 806D: 40 ld b,b 806E: 5B ld e,e 806F: 40 ld b,b 8070: 5B ld e,e 8071: 40 ld b,b 8072: 5B ld e,e 8073: 40 ld b,b 8074: 5B ld e,e 8075: 40 ld b,b 8076: 5B ld e,e 8077: 96 sub (hl) 8078: 00 nop 8079: 96 sub (hl) 807A: 00 nop 807B: 96 sub (hl) 807C: 00 nop 807D: 96 sub (hl) 807E: 09 add hl,bc 807F: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8080: 5B ld e,e 8081: 40 ld b,b 8082: 5B ld e,e 8083: 40 ld b,b 8084: 5B ld e,e 8085: 40 ld b,b 8086: 5B ld e,e 8087: 40 ld b,b 8088: 5B ld e,e 8089: 40 ld b,b 808A: 5B ld e,e 808B: 40 ld b,b 808C: 5B ld e,e 808D: 40 ld b,b 808E: 5B ld e,e 808F: 40 ld b,b 8090: 5B ld e,e 8091: 40 ld b,b 8092: 5B ld e,e 8093: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8094: 5B ld e,e 8095: 40 ld b,b 8096: 5B ld e,e 8097: 40 ld b,b 8098: 5B ld e,e 8099: 40 ld b,b 809A: 5B ld e,e 809B: 40 ld b,b 809C: 5B ld e,e 809D: 40 ld b,b 809E: 5B ld e,e 809F: FE 08 cp $02 80A1: 0E 97 ld c,$3D 80A3: 82 add a,d 80A4: 97 sub a 80A5: 82 add a,d 80A6: 97 sub a 80A7: 82 add a,d 80A8: 97 sub a 80A9: 82 add a,d 80AA: 97 sub a 80AB: 82 add a,d 80AC: 97 sub a 80AD: 82 add a,d 80AE: 97 sub a 80AF: 82 add a,d 80B0: 97 sub a 80B1: 82 add a,d 80B2: 9A sbc a,d 80B3: 8B adc a,e 80B4: 9A sbc a,d 80B5: 8B adc a,e 80B6: 9A sbc a,d 80B7: 8B adc a,e 80B8: 9B sbc a,e 80B9: 8B adc a,e 80BA: 97 sub a 80BB: 82 add a,d 80BC: 97 sub a 80BD: 82 add a,d 80BE: 97 sub a 80BF: 82 add a,d 80C0: 97 sub a 80C1: 82 add a,d 80C2: 97 sub a 80C3: 82 add a,d 80C4: 97 sub a 80C5: 82 add a,d 80C6: 97 sub a 80C7: 82 add a,d 80C8: 97 sub a 80C9: 82 add a,d 80CA: 97 sub a 80CB: 82 add a,d 80CC: 97 sub a 80CD: 82 add a,d 80CE: 97 sub a 80CF: 82 add a,d 80D0: 97 sub a 80D1: 82 add a,d 80D2: 97 sub a 80D3: 82 add a,d 80D4: 97 sub a 80D5: 82 add a,d 80D6: 97 sub a 80D7: 82 add a,d 80D8: 97 sub a 80D9: 82 add a,d 80DA: FE 08 cp $02 80DC: 0F rrca 80DD: 97 sub a 80DE: 82 add a,d 80DF: 97 sub a 80E0: 82 add a,d 80E1: 97 sub a 80E2: 82 add a,d 80E3: 97 sub a 80E4: 82 add a,d 80E5: 97 sub a 80E6: 82 add a,d 80E7: 97 sub a 80E8: 82 add a,d 80E9: 97 sub a 80EA: 82 add a,d 80EB: 97 sub a 80EC: 82 add a,d 80ED: 97 sub a 80EE: 82 add a,d 80EF: 97 sub a 80F0: 82 add a,d 80F1: 97 sub a 80F2: 82 add a,d 80F3: 97 sub a 80F4: 82 add a,d 80F5: 97 sub a 80F6: 82 add a,d 80F7: 97 sub a 80F8: 82 add a,d 80F9: 97 sub a 80FA: 82 add a,d 80FB: 97 sub a 80FC: 82 add a,d 80FD: 97 sub a 80FE: 82 add a,d 80FF: 97 sub a 8100: 82 add a,d 8101: 97 sub a 8102: 82 add a,d 8103: 97 sub a 8104: 82 add a,d 8105: 97 sub a 8106: 82 add a,d 8107: 97 sub a 8108: 82 add a,d 8109: 97 sub a 810A: 82 add a,d 810B: 97 sub a 810C: 82 add a,d 810D: 97 sub a 810E: 82 add a,d 810F: 97 sub a 8110: 82 add a,d 8111: 97 sub a 8112: 82 add a,d 8113: 97 sub a 8114: 82 add a,d 8115: FF rst $38 8116: 05 dec b 8117: 03 inc bc 8118: C9 ret 8119: 2B dec hl 811A: 9F sbc a,a 811B: 22 C4 2B ld ($8B64),hl 811E: FE 09 cp $03 8120: 0A ld a,(bc) 8121: C9 ret 8122: 2B dec hl 8123: 9F sbc a,a 8124: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 8127: 9F sbc a,a 8128: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 812B: 9F sbc a,a 812C: 22 C4 2B ld ($8B64),hl 812F: FE 08 cp $02 8131: 0B dec bc 8132: C9 ret 8133: 2B dec hl 8134: 9F sbc a,a 8135: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 8138: 9F sbc a,a 8139: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 813C: 9F sbc a,a 813D: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 8140: 9F sbc a,a 8141: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 8144: C4 2B FE call nz,$FE8B 8147: 08 ex af,af' 8148: 06 C5 ld b,$65 814A: 2B dec hl 814B: 9F sbc a,a 814C: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 814F: 9F sbc a,a 8150: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 8153: 9F sbc a,a 8154: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 8157: 9F sbc a,a 8158: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 815B: CC 2B FE call z,$FE8B 815E: 04 inc b 815F: 07 rlca 8160: C5 push bc 8161: 2B dec hl 8162: 9F sbc a,a 8163: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 8166: CC 2B C5 call z,$658B 8169: 2B dec hl 816A: 9F sbc a,a 816B: 22 CC 2B ld ($8B66),hl 816E: FE 0E cp $0E 8170: 06 C9 ld b,$63 8172: 2B dec hl 8173: 9F sbc a,a 8174: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 8177: C4 2B FE call nz,$FE8B 817A: 07 rlca 817B: 07 rlca 817C: C9 ret 817D: 2B dec hl 817E: 9F sbc a,a 817F: 22 9F 22 ld ($883F),hl 8182: 9F sbc a,a 8183: 22 CC 2B ld ($8B66),hl 8186: FE 07 cp $0D 8188: 0E C5 ld c,$65 818A: 2B dec hl 818B: CC 2B C5 call z,$658B 818E: 2B dec hl 818F: CC 2B FE call z,$FE8B 8192: 1C inc e 8193: 07 rlca 8194: 5B ld e,e 8195: 7B ld a,e 8196: 5B ld e,e 8197: 7B ld a,e 8198: 5B ld e,e 8199: 7B ld a,e 819A: 5B ld e,e 819B: 7B ld a,e 819C: 5B ld e,e 819D: 7B ld a,e 819E: 5B ld e,e 819F: 7B ld a,e 81A0: 5B ld e,e 81A1: 7B ld a,e 81A2: 5B ld e,e 81A3: 7B ld a,e 81A4: FE 15 cp $15 81A6: 0E 50 ld c,$50 81A8: 7B ld a,e 81A9: 56 ld d,(hl) 81AA: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81AC: DB 56 in a,($5C) 81AE: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81B0: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81B2: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81B4: DB 56 in a,($5C) 81B6: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81B8: DB FE in a,($FE) 81BA: 14 inc d 81BB: 0F rrca 81BC: 51 ld d,c 81BD: 7B ld a,e 81BE: 4F ld c,a 81BF: DB 56 in a,($5C) 81C1: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81C3: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81C5: DB 56 in a,($5C) 81C7: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81C9: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81CB: DB 4F in a,($4F) 81CD: DB 56 in a,($5C) 81CF: DB FE in a,($FE) 81D1: 15 dec d 81D2: 10 58 djnz $8226 81D4: 7B ld a,e 81D5: 4F ld c,a 81D6: DB 55 in a,($55) 81D8: A9 xor c 81D9: 5D ld e,l 81DA: A9 xor c 81DB: 4F ld c,a 81DC: DB 56 in a,($5C) 81DE: DB 55 in a,($55) 81E0: A9 xor c 81E1: 5D ld e,l 81E2: A9 xor c 81E3: 55 ld d,l 81E4: A9 xor c 81E5: FE 1C cp $16 81E7: 11 58 7B ld de,$DB52 81EA: C3 3B C8 jp $629B 81ED: 3B dec sp 81EE: 5D ld e,l 81EF: A9 xor c 81F0: 55 ld d,l 81F1: A9 xor c 81F2: 9F sbc a,a 81F3: A0 and b 81F4: C1 pop bc 81F5: 3B dec sp 81F6: C8 ret z 81F7: 3B dec sp 81F8: FE 1D cp $17 81FA: 18 CD jr $8263 81FC: C9 ret 81FD: C3 3B 9F jp $3F9B 8200: A0 and b 8201: 9F sbc a,a 8202: A0 and b 8203: C8 ret z 8204: 3B dec sp 8205: C1 pop bc 8206: 3B dec sp 8207: 9F sbc a,a 8208: A0 and b 8209: FE 12 cp $18 820B: 19 add hl,de 820C: 57 ld d,a 820D: C9 ret 820E: C3 3B C1 jp $619B 8211: 3B dec sp 8212: 9F sbc a,a 8213: A0 and b 8214: C8 ret z 8215: 3B dec sp 8216: 53 ld d,e 8217: A9 xor c 8218: FE 12 cp $18 821A: 14 inc d 821B: 5E ld e,(hl) 821C: C9 ret 821D: CA 3B C1 jp z,$619B 8220: 3B dec sp 8221: 9F sbc a,a 8222: A0 and b 8223: 52 ld d,d 8224: A9 xor c 8225: 56 ld d,(hl) 8226: DB FE in a,($FE) 8228: 12 ld (de),a 8229: 15 dec d 822A: 5F ld e,a 822B: C9 ret 822C: C3 3B 53 jp $599B 822F: A9 xor c 8230: 5A ld e,d 8231: A9 xor c 8232: 4F ld c,a 8233: DB 56 in a,($5C) 8235: DB FE in a,($FE) 8237: 12 ld (de),a 8238: 1C inc e 8239: C0 ret nz 823A: C9 ret 823B: 52 ld d,d 823C: DB 4F in a,($4F) 823E: DB 56 in a,($5C) 8240: DB 56 in a,($5C) 8242: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8244: DB FE in a,($FE) 8246: 12 ld (de),a 8247: 1D dec e 8248: 57 ld d,a 8249: C9 ret 824A: 5D ld e,l 824B: DB 56 in a,($5C) 824D: DB 4F in a,($4F) 824F: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8251: DB 56 in a,($5C) 8253: DB FE in a,($FE) 8255: 08 ex af,af' 8256: 1C inc e 8257: 5B ld e,e 8258: 7B ld a,e 8259: 5B ld e,e 825A: 7B ld a,e 825B: FE 08 cp $02 825D: 1D dec e 825E: 4F ld c,a 825F: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8261: DB 59 in a,($53) 8263: 7B ld a,e 8264: FE 08 cp $02 8266: 12 ld (de),a 8267: 44 ld b,h 8268: DB 47 in a,($4D) 826A: 3B dec sp 826B: 4E ld c,(hl) 826C: 3B dec sp 826D: 9F sbc a,a 826E: 32 9F 32 ld ($983F),a 8271: 4E ld c,(hl) 8272: 3B dec sp 8273: 4E ld c,(hl) 8274: 3B dec sp 8275: 9F sbc a,a 8276: 32 4E 3B ld ($9B4E),a 8279: 4E ld c,(hl) 827A: 3B dec sp 827B: 9F sbc a,a 827C: 32 4E 3B ld ($9B4E),a 827F: 9F sbc a,a 8280: 32 47 3B ld ($9B4D),a 8283: 9F sbc a,a 8284: 32 9F 32 ld ($983F),a 8287: 4E ld c,(hl) 8288: 3B dec sp 8289: 4E ld c,(hl) 828A: 3B dec sp 828B: 4E ld c,(hl) 828C: 3B dec sp 828D: 9F sbc a,a 828E: 32 9F 32 ld ($983F),a 8291: 4E ld c,(hl) 8292: 3B dec sp 8293: 9F sbc a,a 8294: 32 4E 3B ld ($9B4E),a 8297: 9F sbc a,a 8298: 32 4E 3B ld ($9B4E),a 829B: 4E ld c,(hl) 829C: 3B dec sp 829D: 4C ld c,h 829E: DB FE in a,($FE) 82A0: 08 ex af,af' 82A1: 13 inc de 82A2: 46 ld b,(hl) 82A3: 3B dec sp 82A4: 47 ld b,a 82A5: 3B dec sp 82A6: 46 ld b,(hl) 82A7: 3B dec sp 82A8: 47 ld b,a 82A9: 3B dec sp 82AA: 46 ld b,(hl) 82AB: 3B dec sp 82AC: 47 ld b,a 82AD: 3B dec sp 82AE: 46 ld b,(hl) 82AF: 3B dec sp 82B0: 47 ld b,a 82B1: 3B dec sp 82B2: 46 ld b,(hl) 82B3: 3B dec sp 82B4: 46 ld b,(hl) 82B5: 3B dec sp 82B6: 47 ld b,a 82B7: 3B dec sp 82B8: 47 ld b,a 82B9: 3B dec sp 82BA: 46 ld b,(hl) 82BB: 3B dec sp 82BC: 47 ld b,a 82BD: 3B dec sp 82BE: 46 ld b,(hl) 82BF: 3B dec sp 82C0: 47 ld b,a 82C1: 3B dec sp 82C2: 47 ld b,a 82C3: 3B dec sp 82C4: 47 ld b,a 82C5: 3B dec sp 82C6: 47 ld b,a 82C7: 3B dec sp 82C8: 47 ld b,a 82C9: 3B dec sp 82CA: 46 ld b,(hl) 82CB: 3B dec sp 82CC: 46 ld b,(hl) 82CD: 3B dec sp 82CE: 47 ld b,a 82CF: 3B dec sp 82D0: 47 ld b,a 82D1: 3B dec sp 82D2: 46 ld b,(hl) 82D3: 3B dec sp 82D4: 47 ld b,a 82D5: 3B dec sp 82D6: 46 ld b,(hl) 82D7: 3B dec sp 82D8: 46 ld b,(hl) 82D9: 3B dec sp 82DA: FE 08 cp $02 82DC: 1A ld a,(de) 82DD: 4A ld c,d 82DE: 3B dec sp 82DF: 4B ld c,e 82E0: 3B dec sp 82E1: 4A ld c,d 82E2: 3B dec sp 82E3: 4B ld c,e 82E4: 3B dec sp 82E5: 4A ld c,d 82E6: 3B dec sp 82E7: 4B ld c,e 82E8: 3B dec sp 82E9: 4A ld c,d 82EA: 3B dec sp 82EB: 4A ld c,d 82EC: 3B dec sp 82ED: 4A ld c,d 82EE: 3B dec sp 82EF: 4B ld c,e 82F0: 3B dec sp 82F1: 4B ld c,e 82F2: 3B dec sp 82F3: 4B ld c,e 82F4: 3B dec sp 82F5: 4A ld c,d 82F6: 3B dec sp 82F7: 4B ld c,e 82F8: 3B dec sp 82F9: 4B ld c,e 82FA: 3B dec sp 82FB: 4A ld c,d 82FC: 3B dec sp 82FD: 4A ld c,d 82FE: 3B dec sp 82FF: 4B ld c,e 8300: 3B dec sp 8301: 4B ld c,e 8302: 3B dec sp 8303: 4A ld c,d 8304: 3B dec sp 8305: 4B ld c,e 8306: 3B dec sp 8307: 4A ld c,d 8308: 3B dec sp 8309: 4B ld c,e 830A: 3B dec sp 830B: 4B ld c,e 830C: 3B dec sp 830D: 4B ld c,e 830E: 3B dec sp 830F: 4A ld c,d 8310: 3B dec sp 8311: 4A ld c,d 8312: 3B dec sp 8313: 4B ld c,e 8314: 3B dec sp 8315: FE 08 cp $02 8317: 1B dec de 8318: 45 ld b,l 8319: 59 ld e,c 831A: 42 ld b,d 831B: 3B dec sp 831C: 43 ld b,e 831D: 3B dec sp 831E: 43 ld b,e 831F: 3B dec sp 8320: 43 ld b,e 8321: 3B dec sp 8322: 42 ld b,d 8323: 3B dec sp 8324: 42 ld b,d 8325: 3B dec sp 8326: 42 ld b,d 8327: 3B dec sp 8328: 43 ld b,e 8329: 3B dec sp 832A: 43 ld b,e 832B: 3B dec sp 832C: 42 ld b,d 832D: 3B dec sp 832E: 43 ld b,e 832F: 3B dec sp 8330: 42 ld b,d 8331: 3B dec sp 8332: 43 ld b,e 8333: 3B dec sp 8334: 43 ld b,e 8335: 3B dec sp 8336: 43 ld b,e 8337: 3B dec sp 8338: 42 ld b,d 8339: 3B dec sp 833A: 42 ld b,d 833B: 3B dec sp 833C: 43 ld b,e 833D: 3B dec sp 833E: 42 ld b,d 833F: 3B dec sp 8340: 43 ld b,e 8341: 3B dec sp 8342: 42 ld b,d 8343: 3B dec sp 8344: 42 ld b,d 8345: 3B dec sp 8346: 43 ld b,e 8347: 3B dec sp 8348: 43 ld b,e 8349: 3B dec sp 834A: 42 ld b,d 834B: 3B dec sp 834C: 43 ld b,e 834D: 3B dec sp 834E: 4D ld c,l 834F: 59 ld e,c 8350: FE 08 cp $02 8352: 16 4F ld d,$4F 8354: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8356: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8358: DB 4F in a,($4F) 835A: DB 4F in a,($4F) 835C: DB 59 in a,($53) 835E: 7B ld a,e 835F: FE 1C cp $16 8361: 16 50 ld d,$50 8363: 7B ld a,e 8364: 4F ld c,a 8365: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8367: DB 56 in a,($5C) 8369: DB 4F in a,($4F) 836B: DB 56 in a,($5C) 836D: DB 4F in a,($4F) 836F: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8371: DB FE in a,($FE) 8373: 08 ex af,af' 8374: 17 rla 8375: 4F ld c,a 8376: DB 56 in a,($5C) 8378: DB 4F in a,($4F) 837A: DB 4F in a,($4F) 837C: DB 56 in a,($5C) 837E: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8380: DB 59 in a,($53) 8382: 7B ld a,e 8383: FE 15 cp $15 8385: 17 rla 8386: 50 ld d,b 8387: 7B ld a,e 8388: 4F ld c,a 8389: DB 56 in a,($5C) 838B: DB 56 in a,($5C) 838D: DB 4F in a,($4F) 838F: DB 56 in a,($5C) 8391: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8393: DB 56 in a,($5C) 8395: DB 4F in a,($4F) 8397: DB FE in a,($FE) 8399: 08 ex af,af' 839A: 1E 4F ld e,$4F 839C: DB 4F in a,($4F) 839E: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83A0: DB 56 in a,($5C) 83A2: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83A4: DB 56 in a,($5C) 83A6: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83A8: DB 54 in a,($54) 83AA: 7B ld a,e 83AB: FE 15 cp $15 83AD: 1E 58 ld e,$52 83AF: 7B ld a,e 83B0: 56 ld d,(hl) 83B1: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83B3: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83B5: DB 56 in a,($5C) 83B7: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83B9: DB 56 in a,($5C) 83BB: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83BD: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83BF: DB FE in a,($FE) 83C1: 08 ex af,af' 83C2: 1F rra 83C3: 4F ld c,a 83C4: DB 56 in a,($5C) 83C6: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83C8: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83CA: DB 56 in a,($5C) 83CC: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83CE: DB 56 in a,($5C) 83D0: DB 59 in a,($53) 83D2: 7B ld a,e 83D3: FE 15 cp $15 83D5: 1F rra 83D6: 50 ld d,b 83D7: 7B ld a,e 83D8: 4F ld c,a 83D9: DB 56 in a,($5C) 83DB: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83DD: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83DF: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83E1: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83E3: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83E5: DB 4F in a,($4F) 83E7: DB FF in a,($FF) 83E9: 08 ex af,af' 83EA: 00 nop 83EB: 8F adc a,a 83EC: 06 89 ld b,$23 83EE: 06 90 ld b,$30 83F0: 06 FE ld b,$FE 83F2: 08 ex af,af' 83F3: 01 91 A4 ld bc,$A431 83F6: 84 add a,h 83F7: 06 83 ld b,$29 83F9: 06 FE ld b,$FE 83FB: 08 ex af,af' 83FC: 08 ex af,af' 83FD: 91 sub c 83FE: A4 and h 83FF: 84 add a,h 8400: 06 8B ld b,$2B 8402: 06 FE ld b,$FE 8404: 08 ex af,af' 8405: 09 add hl,bc 8406: 8E adc a,(hl) 8407: 06 84 ld b,$24 8409: 06 8A ld b,$2A 840B: 06 FE ld b,$FE 840D: 08 ex af,af' 840E: 04 inc b 840F: 90 sub b 8410: 06 89 ld b,$23 8412: 06 86 ld b,$2C 8414: 06 FE ld b,$FE 8416: 08 ex af,af' 8417: 05 dec b 8418: 83 add a,e 8419: 06 84 ld b,$24 841B: 06 87 ld b,$2D 841D: 06 FE ld b,$FE 841F: 08 ex af,af' 8420: 0C inc c 8421: 8B adc a,e 8422: 06 89 ld b,$23 8424: 06 8F ld b,$2F 8426: 06 FE ld b,$FE 8428: 08 ex af,af' 8429: 0D dec c 842A: 8A adc a,d 842B: 06 84 ld b,$24 842D: 06 91 ld b,$31 842F: A4 and h 8430: FE 1B cp $1B 8432: 00 nop 8433: 84 add a,h 8434: 06 8E ld b,$2E 8436: 06 8F ld b,$2F 8438: 06 FE ld b,$FE 843A: 1B dec de 843B: 01 89 06 ld bc,$0C23 843E: 90 sub b 843F: 06 87 ld b,$2D 8441: 06 FE ld b,$FE 8443: 1B dec de 8444: 08 ex af,af' 8445: 84 add a,h 8446: 06 91 ld b,$31 8448: A4 and h 8449: 8F adc a,a 844A: 06 FE ld b,$FE 844C: 1B dec de 844D: 09 add hl,bc 844E: 89 adc a,c 844F: 06 87 ld b,$2D 8451: 06 8E ld b,$2E 8453: 06 FE ld b,$FE 8455: 1B dec de 8456: 04 inc b 8457: 84 add a,h 8458: 06 8F ld b,$2F 845A: 06 90 ld b,$30 845C: 06 FE ld b,$FE 845E: 1B dec de 845F: 05 dec b 8460: 89 adc a,c 8461: 06 91 ld b,$31 8463: A4 and h 8464: 83 add a,e 8465: 06 FE ld b,$FE 8467: 1B dec de 8468: 0C inc c 8469: 84 add a,h 846A: 06 91 ld b,$31 846C: A4 and h 846D: 8B adc a,e 846E: 06 FE ld b,$FE 8470: 1B dec de 8471: 0D dec c 8472: 89 adc a,c 8473: 06 83 ld b,$29 8475: 06 8A ld b,$2A 8477: 06 FE ld b,$FE 8479: 08 ex af,af' 847A: 02 ld (bc),a 847B: 86 add a,(hl) 847C: 06 89 ld b,$23 847E: 06 91 ld b,$31 8480: A4 and h 8481: 17 rla 8482: 24 inc h 8483: 1E 24 ld e,$84 8485: 1F rra 8486: 24 inc h 8487: 84 add a,h 8488: 06 91 ld b,$31 848A: A4 and h 848B: 91 sub c 848C: A4 and h 848D: 84 add a,h 848E: 06 8D ld b,$27 8490: 06 82 ld b,$28 8492: 06 91 ld b,$31 8494: A4 and h 8495: 89 adc a,c 8496: 06 83 ld b,$29 8498: 06 8A ld b,$2A 849A: 06 91 ld b,$31 849C: A4 and h 849D: 83 add a,e 849E: 06 8A ld b,$2A 84A0: 06 91 ld b,$31 84A2: A4 and h 84A3: 89 adc a,c 84A4: 06 91 ld b,$31 84A6: A4 and h 84A7: 85 add a,l 84A8: 06 8C ld b,$26 84AA: 06 91 ld b,$31 84AC: A4 and h 84AD: 84 add a,h 84AE: 06 8B ld b,$2B 84B0: 06 86 ld b,$2C 84B2: 06 FE ld b,$FE 84B4: 08 ex af,af' 84B5: 03 inc bc 84B6: 80 add a,b 84B7: 24 inc h 84B8: 84 add a,h 84B9: 06 88 ld b,$22 84BB: 24 inc h 84BC: 0A ld a,(bc) 84BD: B4 or h 84BE: 91 sub c 84BF: A4 and h 84C0: 91 sub c 84C1: A4 and h 84C2: 12 ld (de),a 84C3: 24 inc h 84C4: 13 inc de 84C5: 24 inc h 84C6: 1A ld a,(de) 84C7: 24 inc h 84C8: 91 sub c 84C9: A4 and h 84CA: 91 sub c 84CB: A4 and h 84CC: 85 add a,l 84CD: 06 8C ld b,$26 84CF: 06 84 ld b,$24 84D1: 06 8B ld b,$2B 84D3: 06 86 ld b,$2C 84D5: 06 91 ld b,$31 84D7: A4 and h 84D8: 8B adc a,e 84D9: 06 86 ld b,$2C 84DB: 06 91 ld b,$31 84DD: A4 and h 84DE: 84 add a,h 84DF: 06 91 ld b,$31 84E1: A4 and h 84E2: 8D adc a,l 84E3: 06 82 ld b,$28 84E5: 06 0A ld b,$0A 84E7: B4 or h 84E8: 83 add a,e 84E9: 06 8A ld b,$2A 84EB: 06 91 ld b,$31 84ED: A4 and h 84EE: FE 08 cp $02 84F0: 0A ld a,(bc) 84F1: 17 rla 84F2: 24 inc h 84F3: 89 adc a,c 84F4: 06 1F ld b,$1F 84F6: 24 inc h 84F7: 91 sub c 84F8: A4 and h 84F9: 91 sub c 84FA: A4 and h 84FB: 16 24 ld d,$84 84FD: 19 add hl,de 84FE: 24 inc h 84FF: 14 inc d 8500: 24 inc h 8501: 15 dec d 8502: 24 inc h 8503: 1C inc e 8504: 24 inc h 8505: 91 sub c 8506: A4 and h 8507: 8D adc a,l 8508: 06 82 ld b,$28 850A: 06 1D ld b,$17 850C: 24 inc h 850D: 12 ld (de),a 850E: 24 inc h 850F: 13 inc de 8510: 24 inc h 8511: 1A ld a,(de) 8512: 24 inc h 8513: 91 sub c 8514: A4 and h 8515: 91 sub c 8516: A4 and h 8517: 91 sub c 8518: A4 and h 8519: 89 adc a,c 851A: 06 91 ld b,$31 851C: A4 and h 851D: 91 sub c 851E: A4 and h 851F: 91 sub c 8520: A4 and h 8521: 91 sub c 8522: A4 and h 8523: 8B adc a,e 8524: 06 86 ld b,$2C 8526: 06 80 ld b,$20 8528: 24 inc h 8529: FE 08 cp $02 852B: 0B dec bc 852C: 91 sub c 852D: A4 and h 852E: 84 add a,h 852F: 06 91 ld b,$31 8531: A4 and h 8532: 0A ld a,(bc) 8533: B4 or h 8534: 91 sub c 8535: A4 and h 8536: 1B dec de 8537: 24 inc h 8538: 07 rlca 8539: 24 inc h 853A: 0E 24 ld c,$84 853C: 0F rrca 853D: 24 inc h 853E: 10 24 djnz $84C4 8540: 91 sub c 8541: A4 and h 8542: 91 sub c 8543: A4 and h 8544: 11 24 18 ld de,$1284 8547: 24 inc h 8548: 19 add hl,de 8549: 24 inc h 854A: 14 inc d 854B: 24 inc h 854C: 15 dec d 854D: 24 inc h 854E: 1C inc e 854F: 24 inc h 8550: 0A ld a,(bc) 8551: B4 or h 8552: 91 sub c 8553: A4 and h 8554: 84 add a,h 8555: 06 91 ld b,$31 8557: A4 and h 8558: 03 inc bc 8559: B4 or h 855A: 0A ld a,(bc) 855B: B4 or h 855C: 83 add a,e 855D: 06 8A ld b,$2A 855F: 06 91 ld b,$31 8561: A4 and h 8562: 17 rla 8563: 24 inc h 8564: FE 09 cp $03 8566: 06 89 ld b,$23 8568: 06 FE ld b,$FE 856A: 0E 06 ld c,$0C 856C: 0B dec bc 856D: 24 inc h 856E: 06 24 ld b,$84 8570: 07 rlca 8571: 24 inc h 8572: 0E 24 ld c,$84 8574: 0F rrca 8575: 24 inc h 8576: 10 24 djnz $84FC 8578: 91 sub c 8579: A4 and h 857A: 91 sub c 857B: A4 and h 857C: 91 sub c 857D: A4 and h 857E: 91 sub c 857F: A4 and h 8580: 91 sub c 8581: A4 and h 8582: 91 sub c 8583: A4 and h 8584: 8B adc a,e 8585: 06 86 ld b,$2C 8587: 06 FE ld b,$FE 8589: 09 add hl,bc 858A: 07 rlca 858B: 84 add a,h 858C: 06 FE ld b,$FE 858E: 0B dec bc 858F: 07 rlca 8590: 03 inc bc 8591: B4 or h 8592: 0A ld a,(bc) 8593: B4 or h 8594: FE 1C cp $16 8596: 07 rlca 8597: 0A ld a,(bc) 8598: B4 or h 8599: 03 inc bc 859A: B4 or h 859B: 0A ld a,(bc) 859C: B4 or h 859D: FE 0A cp $0A 859F: 0E 0A ld c,$0A 85A1: B4 or h 85A2: FE 05 cp $05 85A4: 0F rrca 85A5: 03 inc bc 85A6: B4 or h 85A7: 0A ld a,(bc) 85A8: B4 or h 85A9: FE 14 cp $14 85AB: 0F rrca 85AC: 0A ld a,(bc) 85AD: B4 or h 85AE: FE 08 cp $02 85B0: 18 0A jr $85BC 85B2: B4 or h 85B3: FE 16 cp $1C 85B5: 19 add hl,de 85B6: 0A ld a,(bc) 85B7: B4 or h 85B8: FE 1C cp $16 85BA: 1D dec e 85BB: 03 inc bc 85BC: B4 or h 85BD: FE 02 cp $08 85BF: 12 ld (de),a 85C0: 0A ld a,(bc) 85C1: B4 or h 85C2: FE 13 cp $19 85C4: 12 ld (de),a 85C5: 0A ld a,(bc) 85C6: B4 or h 85C7: FE 08 cp $02 85C9: 13 inc de 85CA: 0A ld a,(bc) 85CB: B4 or h 85CC: 91 sub c 85CD: A4 and h 85CE: 0A ld a,(bc) 85CF: B4 or h 85D0: 0A ld a,(bc) 85D1: B4 or h 85D2: FE 10 cp $10 85D4: 13 inc de 85D5: 0A ld a,(bc) 85D6: B4 or h 85D7: 0A ld a,(bc) 85D8: B4 or h 85D9: 03 inc bc 85DA: B4 or h 85DB: FE 1D cp $17 85DD: 13 inc de 85DE: 03 inc bc 85DF: B4 or h 85E0: FE 16 cp $1C 85E2: 13 inc de 85E3: 03 inc bc 85E4: B4 or h 85E5: 0A ld a,(bc) 85E6: B4 or h 85E7: FE 08 cp $02 85E9: 1A ld a,(de) 85EA: 02 ld (bc),a 85EB: A4 and h 85EC: 0C inc c 85ED: A4 and h 85EE: 05 dec b 85EF: A4 and h 85F0: 05 dec b 85F1: A4 and h 85F2: 05 dec b 85F3: A4 and h 85F4: 02 ld (bc),a 85F5: A4 and h 85F6: 0C inc c 85F7: A4 and h 85F8: 0C inc c 85F9: A4 and h 85FA: 0D dec c 85FB: A4 and h 85FC: 05 dec b 85FD: A4 and h 85FE: 0C inc c 85FF: A4 and h 8600: 0D dec c 8601: A4 and h 8602: 02 ld (bc),a 8603: A4 and h 8604: 02 ld (bc),a 8605: A4 and h 8606: 05 dec b 8607: A4 and h 8608: 05 dec b 8609: A4 and h 860A: 05 dec b 860B: A4 and h 860C: 0D dec c 860D: A4 and h 860E: 05 dec b 860F: A4 and h 8610: 05 dec b 8611: A4 and h 8612: 02 ld (bc),a 8613: A4 and h 8614: 0C inc c 8615: A4 and h 8616: 0C inc c 8617: A4 and h 8618: 0C inc c 8619: A4 and h 861A: 0D dec c 861B: A4 and h 861C: 05 dec b 861D: A4 and h 861E: 0C inc c 861F: A4 and h 8620: 02 ld (bc),a 8621: A4 and h 8622: FE 08 cp $02 8624: 1B dec de 8625: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8626: A0 and b 8627: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8628: A0 and b 8629: 9E sbc a,(hl) 862A: A0 and b 862B: 9E sbc a,(hl) 862C: A0 and b 862D: 9E sbc a,(hl) 862E: A0 and b 862F: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8630: A0 and b 8631: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8632: A0 and b 8633: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8634: A0 and b 8635: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8636: A0 and b 8637: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8638: A0 and b 8639: 9E sbc a,(hl) 863A: A0 and b 863B: 9E sbc a,(hl) 863C: A0 and b 863D: 9E sbc a,(hl) 863E: A0 and b 863F: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8640: A0 and b 8641: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8642: A0 and b 8643: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8644: A0 and b 8645: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8646: A0 and b 8647: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8648: A0 and b 8649: 9E sbc a,(hl) 864A: A0 and b 864B: 9E sbc a,(hl) 864C: A0 and b 864D: 9E sbc a,(hl) 864E: A0 and b 864F: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8650: A0 and b 8651: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8652: A0 and b 8653: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8654: A0 and b 8655: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8656: A0 and b 8657: 9E sbc a,(hl) 8658: A0 and b 8659: 9E sbc a,(hl) 865A: A0 and b 865B: 9E sbc a,(hl) 865C: A0 and b 865D: FE 08 cp $02 865F: 16 98 ld d,$32 8661: 76 halt 8662: 98 sbc a,b 8663: 76 halt 8664: 09 add hl,bc 8665: 76 halt 8666: 04 inc b 8667: 76 halt 8668: 00 nop 8669: 26 01 ld h,$01 866B: 76 halt 866C: 08 ex af,af' 866D: 76 halt 866E: 98 sbc a,b 866F: 76 halt 8670: 98 sbc a,b 8671: 76 halt 8672: 98 sbc a,b 8673: 76 halt 8674: 98 sbc a,b 8675: 76 halt 8676: 98 sbc a,b 8677: 76 halt 8678: 04 inc b 8679: 76 halt 867A: 01 76 08 ld bc,$02DC 867D: 76 halt 867E: 98 sbc a,b 867F: 76 halt 8680: 09 add hl,bc 8681: 76 halt 8682: 04 inc b 8683: 76 halt 8684: 00 nop 8685: 26 01 ld h,$01 8687: 76 halt 8688: 04 inc b 8689: 76 halt 868A: 00 nop 868B: 26 01 ld h,$01 868D: 76 halt 868E: 08 ex af,af' 868F: 76 halt 8690: 98 sbc a,b 8691: 76 halt 8692: 98 sbc a,b 8693: 76 halt 8694: 09 add hl,bc 8695: 76 halt 8696: 04 inc b 8697: 76 halt 8698: FE 08 cp $02 869A: 17 rla 869B: 00 nop 869C: 26 00 ld h,$00 869E: 26 00 ld h,$00 86A0: 26 00 ld h,$00 86A2: 26 C2 ld h,$68 86A4: 2B dec hl 86A5: 00 nop 86A6: 26 C2 ld h,$68 86A8: 2B dec hl 86A9: 00 nop 86AA: 26 00 ld h,$00 86AC: 26 00 ld h,$00 86AE: 26 C2 ld h,$68 86B0: 2B dec hl 86B1: 00 nop 86B2: 26 C2 ld h,$68 86B4: 2B dec hl 86B5: 00 nop 86B6: 26 00 ld h,$00 86B8: 26 96 ld h,$3C 86BA: 22 00 26 ld ($8C00),hl 86BD: C2 2B 96 jp nz,$3C8B 86C0: 22 00 26 ld ($8C00),hl 86C3: 00 nop 86C4: 26 C2 ld h,$68 86C6: 2B dec hl 86C7: C2 2B 00 jp nz,$008B 86CA: 26 96 ld h,$3C 86CC: 22 00 26 ld ($8C00),hl 86CF: C2 2B 00 jp nz,$008B 86D2: 26 FE ld h,$FE 86D4: 08 ex af,af' 86D5: 1E 00 ld e,$00 86D7: 26 96 ld h,$3C 86D9: 22 00 26 ld ($8C00),hl 86DC: C2 2B 00 jp nz,$008B 86DF: 26 C2 ld h,$68 86E1: 2B dec hl 86E2: 00 nop 86E3: 26 00 ld h,$00 86E5: 26 96 ld h,$3C 86E7: 22 00 26 ld ($8C00),hl 86EA: C2 2B 00 jp nz,$008B 86ED: 26 00 ld h,$00 86EF: 26 C2 ld h,$68 86F1: 2B dec hl 86F2: 96 sub (hl) 86F3: 22 00 26 ld ($8C00),hl 86F6: C2 2B 00 jp nz,$008B 86F9: 26 C2 ld h,$68 86FB: 2B dec hl 86FC: 00 nop 86FD: 26 C2 ld h,$68 86FF: 2B dec hl 8700: 00 nop 8701: 26 96 ld h,$3C 8703: 22 00 26 ld ($8C00),hl 8706: 00 nop 8707: 26 00 ld h,$00 8709: 26 00 ld h,$00 870B: 26 C2 ld h,$68 870D: 2B dec hl 870E: FE 08 cp $02 8710: 1F rra 8711: 00 nop 8712: 26 00 ld h,$00 8714: 26 00 ld h,$00 8716: 26 00 ld h,$00 8718: 26 00 ld h,$00 871A: 26 00 ld h,$00 871C: 26 96 ld h,$3C 871E: 22 00 26 ld ($8C00),hl 8721: 00 nop 8722: 26 00 ld h,$00 8724: 26 00 ld h,$00 8726: 26 00 ld h,$00 8728: 26 00 ld h,$00 872A: 26 00 ld h,$00 872C: 26 00 ld h,$00 872E: 26 00 ld h,$00 8730: 26 00 ld h,$00 8732: 26 00 ld h,$00 8734: 26 00 ld h,$00 8736: 26 00 ld h,$00 8738: 26 00 ld h,$00 873A: 26 00 ld h,$00 873C: 26 00 ld h,$00 873E: 26 00 ld h,$00 8740: 26 00 ld h,$00 8742: 26 00 ld h,$00 8744: 26 00 ld h,$00 8746: 26 00 ld h,$00 8748: 26 FF ld h,$FF 874A: 08 ex af,af' 874B: 00 nop 874C: 96 sub (hl) 874D: 70 ld (hl),b 874E: 96 sub (hl) 874F: 70 ld (hl),b 8750: 96 sub (hl) 8751: 70 ld (hl),b 8752: FE 1B cp $1B 8754: 00 nop 8755: 96 sub (hl) 8756: 70 ld (hl),b 8757: 96 sub (hl) 8758: 70 ld (hl),b 8759: 96 sub (hl) 875A: 70 ld (hl),b 875B: FE 08 cp $02 875D: 01 96 70 ld bc,$D03C 8760: 96 sub (hl) 8761: 70 ld (hl),b 8762: 96 sub (hl) 8763: 70 ld (hl),b 8764: FE 1B cp $1B 8766: 01 96 70 ld bc,$D03C 8769: 96 sub (hl) 876A: 70 ld (hl),b 876B: 96 sub (hl) 876C: 70 ld (hl),b 876D: FE 08 cp $02 876F: 08 ex af,af' 8770: 56 ld d,(hl) 8771: 74 ld (hl),h 8772: 56 ld d,(hl) 8773: 74 ld (hl),h 8774: 56 ld d,(hl) 8775: 74 ld (hl),h 8776: FE 1B cp $1B 8778: 08 ex af,af' 8779: 96 sub (hl) 877A: 70 ld (hl),b 877B: 96 sub (hl) 877C: 70 ld (hl),b 877D: 96 sub (hl) 877E: 70 ld (hl),b 877F: FE 08 cp $02 8781: 09 add hl,bc 8782: 5E ld e,(hl) 8783: 74 ld (hl),h 8784: 57 ld d,a 8785: 74 ld (hl),h 8786: 5E ld e,(hl) 8787: 74 ld (hl),h 8788: FE 1B cp $1B 878A: 09 add hl,bc 878B: CE 76 adc a,$DC 878D: 96 sub (hl) 878E: 70 ld (hl),b 878F: 96 sub (hl) 8790: 70 ld (hl),b 8791: FE 08 cp $02 8793: 04 inc b 8794: C0 ret nz 8795: 74 ld (hl),h 8796: 5F ld e,a 8797: 74 ld (hl),h 8798: C0 ret nz 8799: 74 ld (hl),h 879A: FE 1B cp $1B 879C: 04 inc b 879D: 9F sbc a,a 879E: 72 ld (hl),d 879F: D9 exx 87A0: 76 halt 87A1: CE 76 adc a,$DC 87A3: FE 08 cp $02 87A5: 05 dec b 87A6: C8 ret z 87A7: 74 ld (hl),h 87A8: 2B dec hl 87A9: 7C ld a,h 87AA: C8 ret z 87AB: 74 ld (hl),h 87AC: FE 1B cp $1B 87AE: 05 dec b 87AF: 9F sbc a,a 87B0: 72 ld (hl),d 87B1: 9F sbc a,a 87B2: 72 ld (hl),d 87B3: 9F sbc a,a 87B4: 72 ld (hl),d 87B5: FE 08 cp $02 87B7: 0C inc c 87B8: 57 ld d,a 87B9: 74 ld (hl),h 87BA: 5E ld e,(hl) 87BB: 74 ld (hl),h 87BC: 57 ld d,a 87BD: 74 ld (hl),h 87BE: FE 1B cp $1B 87C0: 0C inc c 87C1: 9F sbc a,a 87C2: 72 ld (hl),d 87C3: 9F sbc a,a 87C4: 72 ld (hl),d 87C5: 9F sbc a,a 87C6: 72 ld (hl),d 87C7: FE 08 cp $02 87C9: 0D dec c 87CA: 5F ld e,a 87CB: 74 ld (hl),h 87CC: C0 ret nz 87CD: 74 ld (hl),h 87CE: 5F ld e,a 87CF: 74 ld (hl),h 87D0: FE 1B cp $1B 87D2: 0D dec c 87D3: 9F sbc a,a 87D4: 72 ld (hl),d 87D5: 9F sbc a,a 87D6: 72 ld (hl),d 87D7: 9F sbc a,a 87D8: 72 ld (hl),d 87D9: FE 08 cp $02 87DB: 02 ld (bc),a 87DC: C4 74 C5 call nz,$65D4 87DF: 74 ld (hl),h 87E0: C4 74 C5 call nz,$65D4 87E3: 74 ld (hl),h 87E4: C4 74 CC call nz,$66D4 87E7: 74 ld (hl),h 87E8: 96 sub (hl) 87E9: 72 ld (hl),d 87EA: 96 sub (hl) 87EB: 72 ld (hl),d 87EC: CE 76 adc a,$DC 87EE: 96 sub (hl) 87EF: 72 ld (hl),d 87F0: 96 sub (hl) 87F1: 72 ld (hl),d 87F2: 96 sub (hl) 87F3: 72 ld (hl),d 87F4: 96 sub (hl) 87F5: 72 ld (hl),d 87F6: 96 sub (hl) 87F7: 72 ld (hl),d 87F8: 96 sub (hl) 87F9: 72 ld (hl),d 87FA: 9D sbc a,l 87FB: 74 ld (hl),h 87FC: 94 sub h 87FD: 74 ld (hl),h 87FE: 94 sub h 87FF: 74 ld (hl),h 8800: 94 sub h 8801: 74 ld (hl),h 8802: 94 sub h 8803: 74 ld (hl),h 8804: 94 sub h 8805: 74 ld (hl),h 8806: 94 sub h 8807: 74 ld (hl),h 8808: 94 sub h 8809: 74 ld (hl),h 880A: 94 sub h 880B: 74 ld (hl),h 880C: 94 sub h 880D: 74 ld (hl),h 880E: 94 sub h 880F: 74 ld (hl),h 8810: 9A sbc a,d 8811: 74 ld (hl),h 8812: 9F sbc a,a 8813: 54 ld d,h 8814: FE 08 cp $02 8816: 03 inc bc 8817: DC A6 DC call c,$76AC 881A: A6 and (hl) 881B: DC A6 DC call c,$76AC 881E: A6 and (hl) 881F: DC A6 96 call c,$3CAC 8822: 70 ld (hl),b 8823: 96 sub (hl) 8824: 70 ld (hl),b 8825: D8 ret c 8826: 76 halt 8827: 9F sbc a,a 8828: 72 ld (hl),d 8829: D9 exx 882A: 76 halt 882B: 96 sub (hl) 882C: 70 ld (hl),b 882D: 96 sub (hl) 882E: 70 ld (hl),b 882F: 96 sub (hl) 8830: 70 ld (hl),b 8831: 96 sub (hl) 8832: 70 ld (hl),b 8833: 96 sub (hl) 8834: 70 ld (hl),b 8835: 92 sub d 8836: 74 ld (hl),h 8837: 95 sub l 8838: 74 ld (hl),h 8839: 95 sub l 883A: 74 ld (hl),h 883B: 95 sub l 883C: 74 ld (hl),h 883D: 95 sub l 883E: 74 ld (hl),h 883F: 95 sub l 8840: 74 ld (hl),h 8841: 95 sub l 8842: 74 ld (hl),h 8843: 95 sub l 8844: 74 ld (hl),h 8845: 95 sub l 8846: 74 ld (hl),h 8847: 95 sub l 8848: 74 ld (hl),h 8849: 97 sub a 884A: 74 ld (hl),h 884B: 9B sbc a,e 884C: 86 add a,(hl) 884D: 40 ld b,b 884E: 54 ld d,h 884F: FE 08 cp $02 8851: 0A ld a,(bc) 8852: DC A6 DC call c,$76AC 8855: A6 and (hl) 8856: CB A4 res 4,h 8858: C6 A4 add a,$A4 885A: DC A6 96 call c,$3CAC 885D: 70 ld (hl),b 885E: 96 sub (hl) 885F: 70 ld (hl),b 8860: D1 pop de 8861: 76 halt 8862: 9F sbc a,a 8863: 72 ld (hl),d 8864: D4 76 96 call nc,$3CDC 8867: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 886A: 41 ld b,c 886B: 74 ld (hl),h 886C: 48 ld c,b 886D: 74 ld (hl),h 886E: 48 ld c,b 886F: 74 ld (hl),h 8870: 93 sub e 8871: F6 9C or $36 8873: F6 9C or $36 8875: F6 9C or $36 8877: F6 9C or $36 8879: F6 9C or $36 887B: F6 9C or $36 887D: F6 9C or $36 887F: F6 9C or $36 8881: F6 9C or $36 8883: F6 9E or $3E 8885: F6 96 or $3C 8887: 86 add a,(hl) 8888: 48 ld c,b 8889: 74 ld (hl),h 888A: FE 08 cp $02 888C: 0B dec bc 888D: C3 A4 DC jp $76A4 8890: A6 and (hl) 8891: CA A4 C7 jp z,$6DA4 8894: A4 and h 8895: DC A6 CE call c,$6EAC 8898: 76 halt 8899: 96 sub (hl) 889A: 70 ld (hl),b 889B: D0 ret nc 889C: 76 halt 889D: 9F sbc a,a 889E: 72 ld (hl),d 889F: D5 push de 88A0: 76 halt 88A1: 96 sub (hl) 88A2: 70 ld (hl),b 88A3: CE 76 adc a,$DC 88A5: 49 ld c,c 88A6: 74 ld (hl),h 88A7: 45 ld b,l 88A8: 86 add a,(hl) 88A9: 45 ld b,l 88AA: 86 add a,(hl) 88AB: 45 ld b,l 88AC: 86 add a,(hl) 88AD: 97 sub a 88AE: 82 add a,d 88AF: 97 sub a 88B0: 82 add a,d 88B1: 4D ld c,l 88B2: 54 ld d,h 88B3: 42 ld b,d 88B4: 54 ld d,h 88B5: 42 ld b,d 88B6: 54 ld d,h 88B7: 42 ld b,d 88B8: 54 ld d,h 88B9: 42 ld b,d 88BA: 54 ld d,h 88BB: 42 ld b,d 88BC: 54 ld d,h 88BD: 97 sub a 88BE: 82 add a,d 88BF: 97 sub a 88C0: 82 add a,d 88C1: 44 ld b,h 88C2: 74 ld (hl),h 88C3: 45 ld b,l 88C4: 86 add a,(hl) 88C5: FE 08 cp $02 88C7: 06 9F ld b,$3F 88C9: 72 ld (hl),d 88CA: CD A4 9F call $3FA4 88CD: 72 ld (hl),d 88CE: 9F sbc a,a 88CF: 72 ld (hl),d 88D0: CD A4 9F call $3FA4 88D3: 72 ld (hl),d 88D4: CF rst $08 88D5: 76 halt 88D6: 9F sbc a,a 88D7: 72 ld (hl),d 88D8: 9F sbc a,a 88D9: 72 ld (hl),d 88DA: 9F sbc a,a 88DB: 72 ld (hl),d 88DC: CF rst $08 88DD: 76 halt 88DE: 9F sbc a,a 88DF: 72 ld (hl),d 88E0: CF rst $08 88E1: 76 halt 88E2: 4C ld c,h 88E3: 66 ld h,(hl) 88E4: 4C ld c,h 88E5: 66 ld h,(hl) 88E6: 4C ld c,h 88E7: 66 ld h,(hl) 88E8: 97 sub a 88E9: 82 add a,d 88EA: 97 sub a 88EB: 82 add a,d 88EC: 43 ld b,e 88ED: 54 ld d,h 88EE: 9F sbc a,a 88EF: 72 ld (hl),d 88F0: 9F sbc a,a 88F1: 72 ld (hl),d 88F2: 9F sbc a,a 88F3: 72 ld (hl),d 88F4: 9F sbc a,a 88F5: 72 ld (hl),d 88F6: 9F sbc a,a 88F7: 72 ld (hl),d 88F8: 97 sub a 88F9: 82 add a,d 88FA: 97 sub a 88FB: 82 add a,d 88FC: 96 sub (hl) 88FD: 00 nop 88FE: 4C ld c,h 88FF: 66 ld h,(hl) 8900: FE 08 cp $02 8902: 07 rlca 8903: 9F sbc a,a 8904: 72 ld (hl),d 8905: 9F sbc a,a 8906: 72 ld (hl),d 8907: 9F sbc a,a 8908: 72 ld (hl),d 8909: 9F sbc a,a 890A: 72 ld (hl),d 890B: 9F sbc a,a 890C: 72 ld (hl),d 890D: 9F sbc a,a 890E: 72 ld (hl),d 890F: 9F sbc a,a 8910: 72 ld (hl),d 8911: 9F sbc a,a 8912: 72 ld (hl),d 8913: 9F sbc a,a 8914: 72 ld (hl),d 8915: 9F sbc a,a 8916: 72 ld (hl),d 8917: 9F sbc a,a 8918: 72 ld (hl),d 8919: 9F sbc a,a 891A: 72 ld (hl),d 891B: 9F sbc a,a 891C: 72 ld (hl),d 891D: 4C ld c,h 891E: 66 ld h,(hl) 891F: 4C ld c,h 8920: 66 ld h,(hl) 8921: 4C ld c,h 8922: 66 ld h,(hl) 8923: 97 sub a 8924: 82 add a,d 8925: 97 sub a 8926: 82 add a,d 8927: 43 ld b,e 8928: 54 ld d,h 8929: 9F sbc a,a 892A: 72 ld (hl),d 892B: 9F sbc a,a 892C: 72 ld (hl),d 892D: 9F sbc a,a 892E: 72 ld (hl),d 892F: 9F sbc a,a 8930: 72 ld (hl),d 8931: 9F sbc a,a 8932: 72 ld (hl),d 8933: 97 sub a 8934: 82 add a,d 8935: 97 sub a 8936: 82 add a,d 8937: 96 sub (hl) 8938: 00 nop 8939: 4C ld c,h 893A: 66 ld h,(hl) 893B: FE 08 cp $02 893D: 0E 53 ld c,$59 893F: 54 ld d,h 8940: 52 ld d,d 8941: 54 ld d,h 8942: 53 ld d,e 8943: 54 ld d,h 8944: 52 ld d,d 8945: 54 ld d,h 8946: 53 ld d,e 8947: 54 ld d,h 8948: 52 ld d,d 8949: 54 ld d,h 894A: 53 ld d,e 894B: 54 ld d,h 894C: 52 ld d,d 894D: 54 ld d,h 894E: 53 ld d,e 894F: 54 ld d,h 8950: 52 ld d,d 8951: 54 ld d,h 8952: 53 ld d,e 8953: 54 ld d,h 8954: 52 ld d,d 8955: 54 ld d,h 8956: 53 ld d,e 8957: 54 ld d,h 8958: 4C ld c,h 8959: 66 ld h,(hl) 895A: 4C ld c,h 895B: 66 ld h,(hl) 895C: 4C ld c,h 895D: 66 ld h,(hl) 895E: 97 sub a 895F: 82 add a,d 8960: 97 sub a 8961: 82 add a,d 8962: 43 ld b,e 8963: 54 ld d,h 8964: 9F sbc a,a 8965: 72 ld (hl),d 8966: 9F sbc a,a 8967: 72 ld (hl),d 8968: 9F sbc a,a 8969: 72 ld (hl),d 896A: 4F ld c,a 896B: 54 ld d,h 896C: 50 ld d,b 896D: 54 ld d,h 896E: 97 sub a 896F: 82 add a,d 8970: 97 sub a 8971: 82 add a,d 8972: 96 sub (hl) 8973: 00 nop 8974: 4C ld c,h 8975: 66 ld h,(hl) 8976: FE 08 cp $02 8978: 0F rrca 8979: 5B ld e,e 897A: 54 ld d,h 897B: 5A ld e,d 897C: 54 ld d,h 897D: 5B ld e,e 897E: 54 ld d,h 897F: 5A ld e,d 8980: 54 ld d,h 8981: 5B ld e,e 8982: 54 ld d,h 8983: 5A ld e,d 8984: 54 ld d,h 8985: 5B ld e,e 8986: 54 ld d,h 8987: 5A ld e,d 8988: 54 ld d,h 8989: 5B ld e,e 898A: 54 ld d,h 898B: 5A ld e,d 898C: 54 ld d,h 898D: 5B ld e,e 898E: 54 ld d,h 898F: 5A ld e,d 8990: 54 ld d,h 8991: 5B ld e,e 8992: 54 ld d,h 8993: 4C ld c,h 8994: 66 ld h,(hl) 8995: 4C ld c,h 8996: 66 ld h,(hl) 8997: 4C ld c,h 8998: 66 ld h,(hl) 8999: 97 sub a 899A: 82 add a,d 899B: 97 sub a 899C: 82 add a,d 899D: 4A ld c,d 899E: 54 ld d,h 899F: 4B ld c,e 89A0: 54 ld d,h 89A1: 46 ld b,(hl) 89A2: 54 ld d,h 89A3: 47 ld b,a 89A4: 54 ld d,h 89A5: 4E ld c,(hl) 89A6: 54 ld d,h 89A7: 4E ld c,(hl) 89A8: 54 ld d,h 89A9: 97 sub a 89AA: 82 add a,d 89AB: 97 sub a 89AC: 82 add a,d 89AD: 96 sub (hl) 89AE: 00 nop 89AF: 4C ld c,h 89B0: 66 ld h,(hl) 89B1: FE 0F cp $0F 89B3: 10 96 djnz $89F1 89B5: 00 nop 89B6: 96 sub (hl) 89B7: 00 nop 89B8: 51 ld d,c 89B9: 74 ld (hl),h 89BA: 58 ld e,b 89BB: 86 add a,(hl) 89BC: 58 ld e,b 89BD: 86 add a,(hl) 89BE: 59 ld e,c 89BF: 74 ld (hl),h 89C0: DD 74 DD ld (ix+$77),h 89C3: 74 ld (hl),h 89C4: DD 74 DD ld (ix+$77),h 89C7: 74 ld (hl),h 89C8: DD 74 58 ld (ix+$52),h 89CB: 86 add a,(hl) 89CC: 58 ld e,b 89CD: 86 add a,(hl) 89CE: 54 ld d,h 89CF: 74 ld (hl),h 89D0: 96 sub (hl) 89D1: 00 nop 89D2: FE 10 cp $10 89D4: 11 5D F6 ld de,$FC57 89D7: DD 74 DD ld (ix+$77),h 89DA: 74 ld (hl),h 89DB: DD 74 DD ld (ix+$77),h 89DE: 74 ld (hl),h 89DF: DD 74 DD ld (ix+$77),h 89E2: 74 ld (hl),h 89E3: DD 74 DD ld (ix+$77),h 89E6: 74 ld (hl),h 89E7: DD 74 DD ld (ix+$77),h 89EA: 74 ld (hl),h 89EB: 5C ld e,h 89EC: F6 55 or $55 89EE: F6 FF or $FF 89F0: 08 ex af,af' 89F1: 00 nop 89F2: 96 sub (hl) 89F3: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 89F6: 96 sub (hl) 89F7: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 89FA: FE 1A cp $1A 89FC: 00 nop 89FD: 96 sub (hl) 89FE: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A01: D6 34 sub $94 8A03: D7 rst $10 8A04: 34 inc (hl) 8A05: FE 08 cp $02 8A07: 01 96 22 ld bc,$883C 8A0A: 96 sub (hl) 8A0B: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A0E: 96 sub (hl) 8A0F: 22 FE 1A ld ($1AFE),hl 8A12: 01 96 22 ld bc,$883C 8A15: D3 26 out ($8C),a 8A17: DE 34 sbc a,$94 8A19: DF rst $18 8A1A: 34 inc (hl) 8A1B: FE 08 cp $02 8A1D: 08 ex af,af' 8A1E: 96 sub (hl) 8A1F: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A22: 96 sub (hl) 8A23: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A26: FE 1A cp $1A 8A28: 08 ex af,af' 8A29: D4 26 DB call nc,$7B8C 8A2C: 64 ld h,h 8A2D: 67 ld h,a 8A2E: D4 7D D4 call nc,$74D7 8A31: FE 08 cp $02 8A33: 09 add hl,bc 8A34: 96 sub (hl) 8A35: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A38: 96 sub (hl) 8A39: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A3C: FE 1A cp $1A 8A3E: 09 add hl,bc 8A3F: 97 sub a 8A40: D0 ret nc 8A41: D2 D4 20 jp nc,$8074 8A44: D4 21 D4 call nc,$7481 8A47: FE 08 cp $02 8A49: 04 inc b 8A4A: 96 sub (hl) 8A4B: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A4E: 96 sub (hl) 8A4F: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A52: FE 1A cp $1A 8A54: 04 inc b 8A55: 97 sub a 8A56: D0 ret nc 8A57: 25 dec h 8A58: D4 28 D4 call nc,$7482 8A5B: 29 add hl,hl 8A5C: D4 FE 08 call nc,$02FE 8A5F: 05 dec b 8A60: 96 sub (hl) 8A61: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A64: 96 sub (hl) 8A65: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A68: FE 1A cp $1A 8A6A: 05 dec b 8A6B: 2C inc l 8A6C: D4 2D D4 call nc,$7487 8A6F: 97 sub a 8A70: D0 ret nc 8A71: 24 inc h 8A72: 96 sub (hl) 8A73: FE 08 cp $02 8A75: 0C inc c 8A76: 96 sub (hl) 8A77: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A7A: 96 sub (hl) 8A7B: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8A7E: FE 1A cp $1A 8A80: 0C inc c 8A81: 97 sub a 8A82: D0 ret nc 8A83: 22 D4 23 ld ($8974),hl 8A86: D4 24 96 call nc,$3C84 8A89: FE 08 cp $02 8A8B: 0D dec c 8A8C: 6C ld l,h 8A8D: 34 inc (hl) 8A8E: 6D ld l,l 8A8F: 26 64 ld h,$C4 8A91: 26 65 ld h,$C5 8A93: 34 inc (hl) 8A94: FE 1A cp $1A 8A96: 0D dec c 8A97: 30 D4 jr nc,$8B0D 8A99: 2A D4 2B ld hl,($8B74) 8A9C: D4 97 D0 call nc,$703D 8A9F: FE 08 cp $02 8AA1: 02 ld (bc),a 8AA2: 6B ld l,e 8AA3: 26 62 ld h,$C8 8AA5: D4 63 D4 call nc,$74C9 8AA8: 6A ld l,d 8AA9: 26 66 ld h,$CC 8AAB: 26 96 ld h,$3C 8AAD: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8AB0: 96 sub (hl) 8AB1: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8AB4: 96 sub (hl) 8AB5: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8AB8: 96 sub (hl) 8AB9: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8ABC: 96 sub (hl) 8ABD: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8AC0: 96 sub (hl) 8AC1: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8AC4: 96 sub (hl) 8AC5: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8AC8: 96 sub (hl) 8AC9: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8ACC: 96 sub (hl) 8ACD: 22 37 C4 ld ($649D),hl 8AD0: 97 sub a 8AD1: D0 ret nc 8AD2: 38 D4 jr c,$8B48 8AD4: 26 D4 ld h,$74 8AD6: 27 daa 8AD7: D4 31 D4 call nc,$7491 8ADA: FE 08 cp $02 8ADC: 03 inc bc 8ADD: 37 scf 8ADE: C4 70 96 call nz,$3CD0 8AE1: 78 ld a,b 8AE2: D4 75 A4 call nc,$A4D5 8AE5: A3 and e 8AE6: 76 halt 8AE7: 9F sbc a,a 8AE8: 72 ld (hl),d 8AE9: 9F sbc a,a 8AEA: 72 ld (hl),d 8AEB: A3 and e 8AEC: 76 halt 8AED: 9F sbc a,a 8AEE: 72 ld (hl),d 8AEF: 9F sbc a,a 8AF0: 72 ld (hl),d 8AF1: 9F sbc a,a 8AF2: 72 ld (hl),d 8AF3: A3 and e 8AF4: 76 halt 8AF5: A3 and e 8AF6: 76 halt 8AF7: A3 and e 8AF8: 76 halt 8AF9: 9F sbc a,a 8AFA: 72 ld (hl),d 8AFB: A3 and e 8AFC: 76 halt 8AFD: 9F sbc a,a 8AFE: 72 ld (hl),d 8AFF: 9F sbc a,a 8B00: 72 ld (hl),d 8B01: A3 and e 8B02: 76 halt 8B03: A3 and e 8B04: 76 halt 8B05: 9F sbc a,a 8B06: 72 ld (hl),d 8B07: A3 and e 8B08: 76 halt 8B09: 3F ccf 8B0A: A4 and h 8B0B: 97 sub a 8B0C: D0 ret nc 8B0D: 97 sub a 8B0E: D0 ret nc 8B0F: 2E D4 ld l,$74 8B11: 2F cpl 8B12: D4 39 D4 call nc,$7493 8B15: FE 08 cp $02 8B17: 0A ld a,(bc) 8B18: 6F ld l,a 8B19: A4 and h 8B1A: 71 ld (hl),c 8B1B: 96 sub (hl) 8B1C: 79 ld a,c 8B1D: D4 74 D4 call nc,$74D4 8B20: AA xor d 8B21: A4 and h 8B22: AB xor e 8B23: A4 and h 8B24: AA xor d 8B25: A4 and h 8B26: AB xor e 8B27: A4 and h 8B28: AA xor d 8B29: A4 and h 8B2A: AB xor e 8B2B: A4 and h 8B2C: B0 or b 8B2D: 76 halt 8B2E: B1 or c 8B2F: 76 halt 8B30: AA xor d 8B31: A4 and h 8B32: AB xor e 8B33: A4 and h 8B34: AA xor d 8B35: A4 and h 8B36: AB xor e 8B37: A4 and h 8B38: AA xor d 8B39: A4 and h 8B3A: AB xor e 8B3B: A4 and h 8B3C: AA xor d 8B3D: A4 and h 8B3E: AB xor e 8B3F: A4 and h 8B40: AA xor d 8B41: A4 and h 8B42: AB xor e 8B43: A4 and h 8B44: 3E D4 ld a,$74 8B46: 97 sub a 8B47: D0 ret nc 8B48: 24 inc h 8B49: 96 sub (hl) 8B4A: 32 D4 34 ld ($9474),a 8B4D: D4 35 D4 call nc,$7495 8B50: FE 08 cp $02 8B52: 0B dec bc 8B53: 6E ld l,(hl) 8B54: A4 and h 8B55: 70 ld (hl),b 8B56: 96 sub (hl) 8B57: 71 ld (hl),c 8B58: 96 sub (hl) 8B59: 7C ld a,h 8B5A: A4 and h 8B5B: A2 and d 8B5C: 94 sub h 8B5D: A2 and d 8B5E: 94 sub h 8B5F: AE xor (hl) 8B60: 76 halt 8B61: AF xor a 8B62: 76 halt 8B63: A6 and (hl) 8B64: 76 halt 8B65: A7 and a 8B66: 76 halt 8B67: B8 cp b 8B68: 76 halt 8B69: B9 cp c 8B6A: 76 halt 8B6B: A2 and d 8B6C: 94 sub h 8B6D: A2 and d 8B6E: 94 sub h 8B6F: A2 and d 8B70: 94 sub h 8B71: A2 and d 8B72: 94 sub h 8B73: A2 and d 8B74: 94 sub h 8B75: A2 and d 8B76: 94 sub h 8B77: A2 and d 8B78: 94 sub h 8B79: A2 and d 8B7A: 94 sub h 8B7B: A2 and d 8B7C: 94 sub h 8B7D: A0 and b 8B7E: A4 and h 8B7F: 97 sub a 8B80: D0 ret nc 8B81: 24 inc h 8B82: 96 sub (hl) 8B83: 36 96 ld (hl),$3C 8B85: 3A D4 3C ld a,($9674) 8B88: D4 3D D4 call nc,$7497 8B8B: FE 08 cp $02 8B8D: 06 A2 ld b,$A8 8B8F: 94 sub h 8B90: A2 and d 8B91: 94 sub h 8B92: A2 and d 8B93: 94 sub h 8B94: A2 and d 8B95: 94 sub h 8B96: A2 and d 8B97: 94 sub h 8B98: A2 and d 8B99: 94 sub h 8B9A: B3 or e 8B9B: 76 halt 8B9C: 96 sub (hl) 8B9D: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8BA0: 96 sub (hl) 8BA1: 22 B4 76 ld ($DCB4),hl 8BA4: A2 and d 8BA5: 94 sub h 8BA6: A2 and d 8BA7: 94 sub h 8BA8: A2 and d 8BA9: 94 sub h 8BAA: A2 and d 8BAB: 94 sub h 8BAC: A2 and d 8BAD: 94 sub h 8BAE: A2 and d 8BAF: 94 sub h 8BB0: A2 and d 8BB1: 94 sub h 8BB2: A2 and d 8BB3: 94 sub h 8BB4: A2 and d 8BB5: 94 sub h 8BB6: A2 and d 8BB7: 94 sub h 8BB8: A8 xor b 8BB9: A4 and h 8BBA: 97 sub a 8BBB: D0 ret nc 8BBC: 97 sub a 8BBD: D0 ret nc 8BBE: 97 sub a 8BBF: D0 ret nc 8BC0: 33 inc sp 8BC1: D4 3B D4 call nc,$749B 8BC4: 36 96 ld (hl),$3C 8BC6: FE 08 cp $02 8BC8: 07 rlca 8BC9: A2 and d 8BCA: 94 sub h 8BCB: A2 and d 8BCC: 94 sub h 8BCD: A2 and d 8BCE: 94 sub h 8BCF: A2 and d 8BD0: 94 sub h 8BD1: B2 or d 8BD2: 76 halt 8BD3: BA cp d 8BD4: 76 halt 8BD5: BB cp e 8BD6: 76 halt 8BD7: 96 sub (hl) 8BD8: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8BDB: 96 sub (hl) 8BDC: 22 B5 76 ld ($DCB5),hl 8BDF: A2 and d 8BE0: 94 sub h 8BE1: A2 and d 8BE2: 94 sub h 8BE3: A2 and d 8BE4: 94 sub h 8BE5: A2 and d 8BE6: 94 sub h 8BE7: A2 and d 8BE8: 94 sub h 8BE9: A2 and d 8BEA: 94 sub h 8BEB: A2 and d 8BEC: 94 sub h 8BED: A2 and d 8BEE: 94 sub h 8BEF: A2 and d 8BF0: 94 sub h 8BF1: A2 and d 8BF2: 94 sub h 8BF3: A1 and c 8BF4: A4 and h 8BF5: 97 sub a 8BF6: D0 ret nc 8BF7: 97 sub a 8BF8: D0 ret nc 8BF9: 97 sub a 8BFA: D0 ret nc 8BFB: 24 inc h 8BFC: 96 sub (hl) 8BFD: 36 96 ld (hl),$3C 8BFF: 97 sub a 8C00: A0 and b 8C01: FE 08 cp $02 8C03: 0E A2 ld c,$A8 8C05: 94 sub h 8C06: BF cp a 8C07: 76 halt 8C08: B6 or (hl) 8C09: 76 halt 8C0A: B7 or a 8C0B: 76 halt 8C0C: 96 sub (hl) 8C0D: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8C10: 96 sub (hl) 8C11: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8C14: 96 sub (hl) 8C15: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8C18: BD cp l 8C19: 76 halt 8C1A: A2 and d 8C1B: 94 sub h 8C1C: A2 and d 8C1D: 94 sub h 8C1E: A2 and d 8C1F: 94 sub h 8C20: A2 and d 8C21: 94 sub h 8C22: A2 and d 8C23: 94 sub h 8C24: A2 and d 8C25: 94 sub h 8C26: A2 and d 8C27: 94 sub h 8C28: A2 and d 8C29: 94 sub h 8C2A: A2 and d 8C2B: 94 sub h 8C2C: A2 and d 8C2D: 94 sub h 8C2E: A9 xor c 8C2F: A4 and h 8C30: 97 sub a 8C31: D0 ret nc 8C32: 36 96 ld (hl),$3C 8C34: 97 sub a 8C35: D0 ret nc 8C36: 24 inc h 8C37: 96 sub (hl) 8C38: 97 sub a 8C39: D0 ret nc 8C3A: 36 96 ld (hl),$3C 8C3C: FE 08 cp $02 8C3E: 0F rrca 8C3F: 68 ld l,b 8C40: D6 BE sub $BE 8C42: 76 halt 8C43: 60 ld h,b 8C44: 76 halt 8C45: 61 ld h,c 8C46: 76 halt 8C47: 60 ld h,b 8C48: 76 halt 8C49: 61 ld h,c 8C4A: 76 halt 8C4B: 61 ld h,c 8C4C: 76 halt 8C4D: 60 ld h,b 8C4E: 76 halt 8C4F: 60 ld h,b 8C50: 76 halt 8C51: 61 ld h,c 8C52: 76 halt 8C53: 69 ld l,c 8C54: D6 68 sub $C2 8C56: D6 69 sub $C3 8C58: D6 68 sub $C2 8C5A: D6 68 sub $C2 8C5C: D6 68 sub $C2 8C5E: D6 69 sub $C3 8C60: D6 69 sub $C3 8C62: D6 68 sub $C2 8C64: D6 69 sub $C3 8C66: D6 68 sub $C2 8C68: D6 A4 sub $A4 8C6A: A4 and h 8C6B: A5 and l 8C6C: A4 and h 8C6D: A4 and h 8C6E: A4 and h 8C6F: A5 and l 8C70: A4 and h 8C71: AC xor h 8C72: A4 and h 8C73: AC xor h 8C74: A4 and h 8C75: AD xor l 8C76: A4 and h 8C77: FF rst $38 8C78: 08 ex af,af' 8C79: 00 nop 8C7A: 96 sub (hl) 8C7B: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8C7E: 96 sub (hl) 8C7F: 22 FE 1B ld ($1BFE),hl 8C82: 00 nop 8C83: 96 sub (hl) 8C84: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8C87: 96 sub (hl) 8C88: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 8C8B: 01 96 22 ld bc,$883C 8C8E: 96 sub (hl) 8C8F: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8C92: FE 1B cp $1B 8C94: 01 96 22 ld bc,$883C 8C97: 96 sub (hl) 8C98: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8C9B: FE 08 cp $02 8C9D: 08 ex af,af' 8C9E: 96 sub (hl) 8C9F: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8CA2: 96 sub (hl) 8CA3: 22 FE 1B ld ($1BFE),hl 8CA6: 08 ex af,af' 8CA7: 96 sub (hl) 8CA8: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8CAB: 96 sub (hl) 8CAC: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 8CAF: 09 add hl,bc 8CB0: 96 sub (hl) 8CB1: 22 90 C5 ld ($6530),hl 8CB4: 91 sub c 8CB5: C5 push bc 8CB6: FE 08 cp $02 8CB8: 04 inc b 8CB9: 95 sub l 8CBA: C5 push bc 8CBB: 98 sbc a,b 8CBC: C5 push bc 8CBD: 99 sbc a,c 8CBE: C5 push bc 8CBF: FE 08 cp $02 8CC1: 05 dec b 8CC2: 9F sbc a,a 8CC3: C0 ret nz 8CC4: 9C sbc a,h 8CC5: C5 push bc 8CC6: 9F sbc a,a 8CC7: C0 ret nz 8CC8: FE 1B cp $1B 8CCA: 09 add hl,bc 8CCB: 94 sub h 8CCC: C5 push bc 8CCD: 9D sbc a,l 8CCE: C5 push bc 8CCF: 92 sub d 8CD0: C5 push bc 8CD1: FE 1B cp $1B 8CD3: 04 inc b 8CD4: 99 sbc a,c 8CD5: C5 push bc 8CD6: 98 sbc a,b 8CD7: C5 push bc 8CD8: 99 sbc a,c 8CD9: C5 push bc 8CDA: FE 1B cp $1B 8CDC: 05 dec b 8CDD: 9F sbc a,a 8CDE: C0 ret nz 8CDF: 9C sbc a,h 8CE0: C5 push bc 8CE1: 9F sbc a,a 8CE2: C0 ret nz 8CE3: FE 08 cp $02 8CE5: 0C inc c 8CE6: F2 36 F3 jp p,$F99C 8CE9: 36 FA ld (hl),$FA 8CEB: 36 FE ld (hl),$FE 8CED: 1B dec de 8CEE: 0C inc c 8CEF: F3 di 8CF0: 36 FA ld (hl),$FA 8CF2: 36 F2 ld (hl),$F8 8CF4: 36 FE ld (hl),$FE 8CF6: 08 ex af,af' 8CF7: 0D dec c 8CF8: F7 rst $30 8CF9: A4 and h 8CFA: 00 nop 8CFB: A5 and l 8CFC: FE 1B cp $1B 8CFE: 0D dec c 8CFF: F7 rst $30 8D00: A4 and h 8D01: 00 nop 8D02: A5 and l 8D03: FE 08 cp $02 8D05: 02 ld (bc),a 8D06: F6 A4 or $A4 8D08: FB ei 8D09: A4 and h 8D0A: 01 A5 FE ld bc,$FEA5 8D0D: 10 02 djnz $8D17 8D0F: EA A4 EB jp pe,$EBA4 8D12: A4 and h 8D13: EE A4 xor $A4 8D15: FE 13 cp $19 8D17: 02 ld (bc),a 8D18: 7A ld a,d 8D19: 84 add a,h 8D1A: 77 ld (hl),a 8D1B: 84 add a,h 8D1C: F6 A4 or $A4 8D1E: FB ei 8D1F: A4 and h 8D20: 01 A5 FE ld bc,$FEA5 8D23: 0F rrca 8D24: 03 inc bc 8D25: ED db $ed 8D26: A4 and h 8D27: E3 ex (sp),hl 8D28: A4 and h 8D29: E6 A4 and $A4 8D2B: E7 rst $20 8D2C: A4 and h 8D2D: FE 12 cp $18 8D2F: 03 inc bc 8D30: 72 ld (hl),d 8D31: 84 add a,h 8D32: 73 ld (hl),e 8D33: 84 add a,h 8D34: 76 halt 8D35: 84 add a,h 8D36: 7B ld a,e 8D37: 84 add a,h 8D38: FE 08 cp $02 8D3A: 0A ld a,(bc) 8D3B: EA A4 EB jp pe,$EBA4 8D3E: A4 and h 8D3F: EE A4 xor $A4 8D41: FE 03 cp $09 8D43: 0A ld a,(bc) 8D44: 7A ld a,d 8D45: 84 add a,h 8D46: 77 ld (hl),a 8D47: 84 add a,h 8D48: FE 0F cp $0F 8D4A: 0A ld a,(bc) 8D4B: EC A4 E2 call pe,$E8A4 8D4E: A4 and h 8D4F: F0 ret p 8D50: A4 and h 8D51: EF rst $28 8D52: A4 and h 8D53: FE 1D cp $17 8D55: 0A ld a,(bc) 8D56: 7A ld a,d 8D57: 84 add a,h 8D58: 96 sub (hl) 8D59: 80 add a,b 8D5A: 73 ld (hl),e 8D5B: 84 add a,h 8D5C: 76 halt 8D5D: 84 add a,h 8D5E: 96 sub (hl) 8D5F: 80 add a,b 8D60: 77 ld (hl),a 8D61: 84 add a,h 8D62: FE 08 cp $02 8D64: 0B dec bc 8D65: E3 ex (sp),hl 8D66: A4 and h 8D67: E6 A4 and $A4 8D69: E7 rst $20 8D6A: A4 and h 8D6B: FE 02 cp $08 8D6D: 0B dec bc 8D6E: 72 ld (hl),d 8D6F: 84 add a,h 8D70: 73 ld (hl),e 8D71: 84 add a,h 8D72: 76 halt 8D73: 84 add a,h 8D74: 7B ld a,e 8D75: 84 add a,h 8D76: FE 0F cp $0F 8D78: 0B dec bc 8D79: E5 push hl 8D7A: A4 and h 8D7B: E4 A4 F1 call po,$F1A4 8D7E: A4 and h 8D7F: FE 1C cp $16 8D81: 0B dec bc 8D82: 72 ld (hl),d 8D83: 84 add a,h 8D84: 73 ld (hl),e 8D85: 84 add a,h 8D86: 96 sub (hl) 8D87: 80 add a,b 8D88: E0 ret po 8D89: 84 add a,h 8D8A: E9 jp (hl) 8D8B: 84 add a,h 8D8C: 96 sub (hl) 8D8D: 80 add a,b 8D8E: 76 halt 8D8F: 84 add a,h 8D90: 7B ld a,e 8D91: 84 add a,h 8D92: FE 08 cp $02 8D94: 06 E2 ld b,$E8 8D96: A4 and h 8D97: F0 ret p 8D98: A4 and h 8D99: EF rst $28 8D9A: A4 and h 8D9B: FE 0D cp $07 8D9D: 06 7A ld b,$DA 8D9F: 84 add a,h 8DA0: 96 sub (hl) 8DA1: 80 add a,b 8DA2: 73 ld (hl),e 8DA3: 84 add a,h 8DA4: 76 halt 8DA5: 84 add a,h 8DA6: 96 sub (hl) 8DA7: 80 add a,b 8DA8: 77 ld (hl),a 8DA9: 84 add a,h 8DAA: FE 15 cp $15 8DAC: 06 7A ld b,$DA 8DAE: 84 add a,h 8DAF: 96 sub (hl) 8DB0: 80 add a,b 8DB1: 73 ld (hl),e 8DB2: 84 add a,h 8DB3: 96 sub (hl) 8DB4: 80 add a,b 8DB5: 7F ld a,a 8DB6: 84 add a,h 8DB7: E8 ret pe 8DB8: 84 add a,h 8DB9: 96 sub (hl) 8DBA: 80 add a,b 8DBB: 76 halt 8DBC: 84 add a,h 8DBD: 96 sub (hl) 8DBE: 80 add a,b 8DBF: 77 ld (hl),a 8DC0: 84 add a,h 8DC1: FE 08 cp $02 8DC3: 07 rlca 8DC4: E4 A4 F1 call po,$F1A4 8DC7: A4 and h 8DC8: FE 0C cp $06 8DCA: 07 rlca 8DCB: 72 ld (hl),d 8DCC: 84 add a,h 8DCD: 73 ld (hl),e 8DCE: 84 add a,h 8DCF: 96 sub (hl) 8DD0: 80 add a,b 8DD1: E0 ret po 8DD2: 84 add a,h 8DD3: E9 jp (hl) 8DD4: 84 add a,h 8DD5: 96 sub (hl) 8DD6: 80 add a,b 8DD7: 76 halt 8DD8: 84 add a,h 8DD9: 7B ld a,e 8DDA: 84 add a,h 8DDB: FE 15 cp $15 8DDD: 07 rlca 8DDE: F8 ret m 8DDF: 84 add a,h 8DE0: F4 84 FC call p,$F624 8DE3: 84 add a,h 8DE4: 96 sub (hl) 8DE5: 80 add a,b 8DE6: 7E ld a,(hl) 8DE7: 84 add a,h 8DE8: E1 pop hl 8DE9: 84 add a,h 8DEA: 96 sub (hl) 8DEB: 80 add a,b 8DEC: FD 84 add a,iyh 8DEE: F5 push af 8DEF: 84 add a,h 8DF0: F9 ld sp,hl 8DF1: 84 add a,h 8DF2: FE 05 cp $05 8DF4: 0E 7A ld c,$DA 8DF6: 84 add a,h 8DF7: 96 sub (hl) 8DF8: 80 add a,b 8DF9: 73 ld (hl),e 8DFA: 84 add a,h 8DFB: 96 sub (hl) 8DFC: 80 add a,b 8DFD: 7F ld a,a 8DFE: 84 add a,h 8DFF: E8 ret pe 8E00: 84 add a,h 8E01: 96 sub (hl) 8E02: 80 add a,b 8E03: 76 halt 8E04: 84 add a,h 8E05: 96 sub (hl) 8E06: 80 add a,b 8E07: 77 ld (hl),a 8E08: 84 add a,h 8E09: FE 05 cp $05 8E0B: 0F rrca 8E0C: F8 ret m 8E0D: 84 add a,h 8E0E: F4 84 FC call p,$F624 8E11: 84 add a,h 8E12: 96 sub (hl) 8E13: 80 add a,b 8E14: 7E ld a,(hl) 8E15: 84 add a,h 8E16: E1 pop hl 8E17: 84 add a,h 8E18: 96 sub (hl) 8E19: 80 add a,b 8E1A: FD 84 add a,iyh 8E1C: F5 push af 8E1D: 84 add a,h 8E1E: F9 ld sp,hl 8E1F: 84 add a,h 8E20: FE 13 cp $19 8E22: 10 EA djnz $8E0E 8E24: A4 and h 8E25: EB ex de,hl 8E26: A4 and h 8E27: EE A4 xor $A4 8E29: FE 12 cp $18 8E2B: 11 ED A4 ld de,$A4E7 8E2E: E3 ex (sp),hl 8E2F: A4 and h 8E30: E6 A4 and $A4 8E32: E7 rst $20 8E33: A4 and h 8E34: FE 12 cp $18 8E36: 18 EC jr $8E1E 8E38: A4 and h 8E39: E2 A4 F0 jp po,$F0A4 8E3C: A4 and h 8E3D: EF rst $28 8E3E: A4 and h 8E3F: FE 12 cp $18 8E41: 19 add hl,de 8E42: E5 push hl 8E43: A4 and h 8E44: E4 A4 F1 call po,$F1A4 8E47: A4 and h 8E48: FF rst $38 8E49: 08 ex af,af' 8E4A: 00 nop 8E4B: 85 add a,l 8E4C: 15 dec d 8E4D: 88 adc a,b 8E4E: 15 dec d 8E4F: 96 sub (hl) 8E50: 00 nop 8E51: FE 1B cp $1B 8E53: 00 nop 8E54: 96 sub (hl) 8E55: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8E58: 96 sub (hl) 8E59: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 8E5C: 01 97 10 ld bc,$103D 8E5F: 97 sub a 8E60: 10 85 djnz $8E87 8E62: 15 dec d 8E63: FE 1B cp $1B 8E65: 01 96 22 ld bc,$883C 8E68: 96 sub (hl) 8E69: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8E6C: FE 08 cp $02 8E6E: 08 ex af,af' 8E6F: 97 sub a 8E70: 10 16 djnz $8E8E 8E72: 15 dec d 8E73: 97 sub a 8E74: 10 FE djnz $8E74 8E76: 1B dec de 8E77: 08 ex af,af' 8E78: 96 sub (hl) 8E79: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8E7C: 96 sub (hl) 8E7D: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 8E80: 09 add hl,bc 8E81: 97 sub a 8E82: 10 16 djnz $8EA0 8E84: 15 dec d 8E85: 97 sub a 8E86: 10 FE djnz $8E86 8E88: 1B dec de 8E89: 09 add hl,bc 8E8A: 96 sub (hl) 8E8B: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8E8E: 96 sub (hl) 8E8F: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 8E92: 04 inc b 8E93: 97 sub a 8E94: 10 97 djnz $8ED3 8E96: 10 97 djnz $8ED5 8E98: 10 FE djnz $8E98 8E9A: 1B dec de 8E9B: 04 inc b 8E9C: 96 sub (hl) 8E9D: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8EA0: 96 sub (hl) 8EA1: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 8EA4: 05 dec b 8EA5: 97 sub a 8EA6: 10 97 djnz $8EE5 8EA8: 10 97 djnz $8EE7 8EAA: 10 FE djnz $8EAA 8EAC: 1B dec de 8EAD: 05 dec b 8EAE: 96 sub (hl) 8EAF: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8EB2: 96 sub (hl) 8EB3: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 8EB6: 0C inc c 8EB7: 80 add a,b 8EB8: 15 dec d 8EB9: 81 add a,c 8EBA: 15 dec d 8EBB: 1F rra 8EBC: 15 dec d 8EBD: FE 1B cp $1B 8EBF: 0C inc c 8EC0: 96 sub (hl) 8EC1: 22 90 C5 ld ($6530),hl 8EC4: 91 sub c 8EC5: C5 push bc 8EC6: FE 08 cp $02 8EC8: 0D dec c 8EC9: 26 1C ld h,$16 8ECB: 89 adc a,c 8ECC: 15 dec d 8ECD: 84 add a,h 8ECE: 15 dec d 8ECF: FE 1B cp $1B 8ED1: 0D dec c 8ED2: 95 sub l 8ED3: C5 push bc 8ED4: 98 sbc a,b 8ED5: C5 push bc 8ED6: 99 sbc a,c 8ED7: C5 push bc 8ED8: FE 08 cp $02 8EDA: 02 ld (bc),a 8EDB: 26 1C ld h,$16 8EDD: 96 sub (hl) 8EDE: 10 96 djnz $8F1C 8EE0: 10 1B djnz $8EFD 8EE2: 15 dec d 8EE3: 97 sub a 8EE4: 10 97 djnz $8F23 8EE6: 10 96 djnz $8F24 8EE8: 00 nop 8EE9: 96 sub (hl) 8EEA: 00 nop 8EEB: 96 sub (hl) 8EEC: 00 nop 8EED: 97 sub a 8EEE: 10 08 djnz $8EF2 8EF0: 15 dec d 8EF1: 09 add hl,bc 8EF2: 15 dec d 8EF3: 96 sub (hl) 8EF4: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8EF7: 96 sub (hl) 8EF8: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8EFB: 96 sub (hl) 8EFC: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8EFF: 96 sub (hl) 8F00: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8F03: 96 sub (hl) 8F04: 22 94 C5 ld ($6534),hl 8F07: 94 sub h 8F08: C5 push bc 8F09: 95 sub l 8F0A: C5 push bc 8F0B: 9C sbc a,h 8F0C: C5 push bc 8F0D: 9A sbc a,d 8F0E: C5 push bc 8F0F: 9C sbc a,h 8F10: C5 push bc 8F11: 9F sbc a,a 8F12: C0 ret nz 8F13: FE 08 cp $02 8F15: 03 inc bc 8F16: 26 1C ld h,$16 8F18: 96 sub (hl) 8F19: 10 96 djnz $8F57 8F1B: 10 96 djnz $8F59 8F1D: 00 nop 8F1E: 97 sub a 8F1F: 10 97 djnz $8F5E 8F21: 10 06 djnz $8F2F 8F23: 15 dec d 8F24: 07 rlca 8F25: 15 dec d 8F26: 96 sub (hl) 8F27: 00 nop 8F28: 97 sub a 8F29: 10 04 djnz $8F2F 8F2B: 15 dec d 8F2C: 05 dec b 8F2D: 15 dec d 8F2E: 96 sub (hl) 8F2F: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8F32: 96 sub (hl) 8F33: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8F36: 96 sub (hl) 8F37: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 8F3A: 96 sub (hl) 8F3B: 22 9D C5 ld ($6537),hl 8F3E: 92 sub d 8F3F: C5 push bc 8F40: 99 sbc a,c 8F41: C5 push bc 8F42: 9F sbc a,a 8F43: C0 ret nz 8F44: 9A sbc a,d 8F45: C5 push bc 8F46: 9F sbc a,a 8F47: C0 ret nz 8F48: 93 sub e 8F49: C5 push bc 8F4A: 9F sbc a,a 8F4B: C0 ret nz 8F4C: 9F sbc a,a 8F4D: C0 ret nz 8F4E: FE 08 cp $02 8F50: 0A ld a,(bc) 8F51: 26 1C ld h,$16 8F53: 96 sub (hl) 8F54: 10 96 djnz $8F92 8F56: 10 96 djnz $8F94 8F58: 00 nop 8F59: 16 15 ld d,$15 8F5B: 97 sub a 8F5C: 10 0E djnz $8F6C 8F5E: 15 dec d 8F5F: 0F rrca 8F60: 15 dec d 8F61: 18 15 jr $8F78 8F63: 97 sub a 8F64: 10 0A djnz $8F70 8F66: 15 dec d 8F67: 05 dec b 8F68: 15 dec d 8F69: 96 sub (hl) 8F6A: 10 96 djnz $8FA8 8F6C: 10 96 djnz $8FAA 8F6E: 10 96 djnz $8FAC 8F70: 10 96 djnz $8FAE 8F72: 10 96 djnz $8FB0 8F74: 10 96 djnz $8FB2 8F76: 10 96 djnz $8FB4 8F78: 10 96 djnz $8FB6 8F7A: 10 96 djnz $8FB8 8F7C: 10 96 djnz $8FBA 8F7E: 10 96 djnz $8FBC 8F80: 10 96 djnz $8FBE 8F82: 10 96 djnz $8FC0 8F84: 10 96 djnz $8FC2 8F86: 10 96 djnz $8FC4 8F88: 10 FE djnz $8F88 8F8A: 08 ex af,af' 8F8B: 0B dec bc 8F8C: 26 1C ld h,$16 8F8E: 96 sub (hl) 8F8F: 10 96 djnz $8FCD 8F91: 10 1B djnz $8FAE 8F93: 15 dec d 8F94: 1E 15 ld e,$15 8F96: 97 sub a 8F97: 10 10 djnz $8FA9 8F99: 15 dec d 8F9A: 11 15 19 ld de,$1315 8F9D: 15 dec d 8F9E: 97 sub a 8F9F: 10 0C djnz $8FA7 8FA1: 15 dec d 8FA2: 05 dec b 8FA3: 15 dec d 8FA4: 97 sub a 8FA5: 00 nop 8FA6: 9F sbc a,a 8FA7: F7 rst $30 8FA8: 97 sub a 8FA9: 00 nop 8FAA: 97 sub a 8FAB: 00 nop 8FAC: 97 sub a 8FAD: 00 nop 8FAE: 9F sbc a,a 8FAF: F7 rst $30 8FB0: 8D adc a,l 8FB1: 15 dec d 8FB2: 96 sub (hl) 8FB3: 10 96 djnz $8FF1 8FB5: 10 96 djnz $8FF3 8FB7: 10 96 djnz $8FF5 8FB9: 10 96 djnz $8FF7 8FBB: 10 96 djnz $8FF9 8FBD: 10 96 djnz $8FFB 8FBF: 10 96 djnz $8FFD 8FC1: 10 96 djnz $8FFF 8FC3: 10 FE djnz $8FC3 8FC5: 08 ex af,af' 8FC6: 06 26 ld b,$8C 8FC8: 1C inc e 8FC9: 96 sub (hl) 8FCA: 10 96 djnz $9008 8FCC: 10 96 djnz $900A 8FCE: 00 nop 8FCF: 97 sub a 8FD0: 10 97 djnz $900F 8FD2: 10 96 djnz $9010 8FD4: 00 nop 8FD5: 96 sub (hl) 8FD6: 00 nop 8FD7: 96 sub (hl) 8FD8: 00 nop 8FD9: 97 sub a 8FDA: 10 0A djnz $8FE6 8FDC: 15 dec d 8FDD: 05 dec b 8FDE: 15 dec d 8FDF: FE 15 cp $15 8FE1: 06 8D ld b,$27 8FE3: 15 dec d 8FE4: 96 sub (hl) 8FE5: 10 96 djnz $9023 8FE7: 10 96 djnz $9025 8FE9: 10 96 djnz $9027 8FEB: 10 96 djnz $9029 8FED: 10 96 djnz $902B 8FEF: 10 96 djnz $902D 8FF1: 10 96 djnz $902F 8FF3: 10 FE djnz $8FF3 8FF5: 08 ex af,af' 8FF6: 07 rlca 8FF7: 26 1C ld h,$16 8FF9: 96 sub (hl) 8FFA: 10 96 djnz $9038 8FFC: 10 1B djnz $9019 8FFE: 15 dec d 8FFF: 97 sub a 9000: 10 97 djnz $903F 9002: 10 96 djnz $9040 9004: 00 nop 9005: 96 sub (hl) 9006: 00 nop 9007: 96 sub (hl) 9008: 00 nop 9009: 16 15 ld d,$15 900B: 02 ld (bc),a 900C: 15 dec d 900D: 03 inc bc 900E: 15 dec d 900F: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9010: 10 82 djnz $903A 9012: 15 dec d 9013: 83 add a,e 9014: 15 dec d 9015: 8A adc a,d 9016: 15 dec d 9017: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9018: 10 9E djnz $9058 901A: 10 9B djnz $9057 901C: F7 rst $30 901D: 96 sub (hl) 901E: F7 rst $30 901F: 8D adc a,l 9020: 15 dec d 9021: 96 sub (hl) 9022: 10 96 djnz $9060 9024: 10 96 djnz $9062 9026: 10 96 djnz $9064 9028: 10 96 djnz $9066 902A: 10 96 djnz $9068 902C: 10 96 djnz $906A 902E: 10 FE djnz $902E 9030: 08 ex af,af' 9031: 0E 26 ld c,$8C 9033: 1C inc e 9034: 96 sub (hl) 9035: 10 96 djnz $9073 9037: 10 96 djnz $9075 9039: 00 nop 903A: 97 sub a 903B: 10 16 djnz $9059 903D: 15 dec d 903E: 96 sub (hl) 903F: 00 nop 9040: 96 sub (hl) 9041: 00 nop 9042: 96 sub (hl) 9043: 00 nop 9044: 1E 15 ld e,$15 9046: 0D dec c 9047: 15 dec d 9048: FE 14 cp $14 904A: 0E 97 ld c,$3D 904C: F7 rst $30 904D: 9E sbc a,(hl) 904E: F7 rst $30 904F: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9050: 10 8D djnz $9079 9052: 15 dec d 9053: 96 sub (hl) 9054: 10 96 djnz $9092 9056: 10 96 djnz $9094 9058: 10 96 djnz $9096 905A: 10 96 djnz $9098 905C: 10 96 djnz $909A 905E: 10 FE djnz $905E 9060: 08 ex af,af' 9061: 0F rrca 9062: 26 1C ld h,$16 9064: 96 sub (hl) 9065: 10 96 djnz $90A3 9067: 10 96 djnz $90A5 9069: 00 nop 906A: 97 sub a 906B: 10 1E djnz $908B 906D: 15 dec d 906E: 14 inc d 906F: D5 push de 9070: 15 dec d 9071: D5 push de 9072: 96 sub (hl) 9073: 00 nop 9074: 0B dec bc 9075: 15 dec d 9076: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9077: 10 82 djnz $90A1 9079: 15 dec d 907A: 83 add a,e 907B: 15 dec d 907C: 8A adc a,d 907D: 15 dec d 907E: FE 1C cp $16 9080: 0F rrca 9081: 8B adc a,e 9082: 15 dec d 9083: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9084: 10 8D djnz $90AD 9086: 15 dec d 9087: 96 sub (hl) 9088: 10 96 djnz $90C6 908A: 10 96 djnz $90C8 908C: 10 96 djnz $90CA 908E: 10 96 djnz $90CC 9090: 10 FE djnz $9090 9092: 08 ex af,af' 9093: 10 26 djnz $9021 9095: 1C inc e 9096: 96 sub (hl) 9097: 10 96 djnz $90D5 9099: 10 1B djnz $90B6 909B: 15 dec d 909C: 97 sub a 909D: 10 97 djnz $90DC 909F: 10 1C djnz $90B7 90A1: 85 add a,l 90A2: 1D dec e 90A3: 85 add a,l 90A4: FE 19 cp $13 90A6: 10 8B djnz $90D3 90A8: 15 dec d 90A9: FE 13 cp $19 90AB: 10 8D djnz $90D4 90AD: 15 dec d 90AE: 96 sub (hl) 90AF: 10 96 djnz $90ED 90B1: 10 96 djnz $90EF 90B3: 10 96 djnz $90F1 90B5: 10 FE djnz $90B5 90B7: 08 ex af,af' 90B8: 11 26 1C ld de,$168C 90BB: 96 sub (hl) 90BC: 10 96 djnz $90FA 90BE: 10 96 djnz $90FC 90C0: 00 nop 90C1: 97 sub a 90C2: 10 97 djnz $9101 90C4: 10 12 djnz $90DE 90C6: 85 add a,l 90C7: 13 inc de 90C8: B7 or a 90C9: 8F adc a,a 90CA: 15 dec d 90CB: FE 12 cp $18 90CD: 11 8B 15 ld de,$152B 90D0: 9E sbc a,(hl) 90D1: 10 8D djnz $90FA 90D3: 15 dec d 90D4: 96 sub (hl) 90D5: 10 96 djnz $9113 90D7: 10 96 djnz $9115 90D9: 10 FE djnz $90D9 90DB: 08 ex af,af' 90DC: 18 26 jr $906A 90DE: 1C inc e 90DF: 96 sub (hl) 90E0: 10 96 djnz $911E 90E2: 10 96 djnz $9120 90E4: 00 nop 90E5: 16 15 ld d,$15 90E7: 97 sub a 90E8: 10 1A djnz $9104 90EA: B7 or a 90EB: FE 1D cp $17 90ED: 18 8B jr $911A 90EF: 15 dec d 90F0: 9E sbc a,(hl) 90F1: 10 9E djnz $9131 90F3: 10 8B djnz $9120 90F5: 15 dec d 90F6: 8D adc a,l 90F7: 15 dec d 90F8: 96 sub (hl) 90F9: 10 96 djnz $9137 90FB: 10 FE djnz $90FB 90FD: 08 ex af,af' 90FE: 19 add hl,de 90FF: 26 1C ld h,$16 9101: 96 sub (hl) 9102: 10 96 djnz $9140 9104: 10 96 djnz $9142 9106: 00 nop 9107: 1E 15 ld e,$15 9109: 0B dec bc 910A: 15 dec d 910B: FE 1A cp $1A 910D: 19 add hl,de 910E: 8F adc a,a 910F: 15 dec d 9110: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9111: 10 8D djnz $913A 9113: 15 dec d 9114: 96 sub (hl) 9115: 10 FE djnz $9115 9117: 08 ex af,af' 9118: 14 inc d 9119: 26 1C ld h,$16 911B: 96 sub (hl) 911C: 10 96 djnz $915A 911E: 10 1B djnz $913B 9120: 15 dec d 9121: 0B dec bc 9122: 15 dec d 9123: 8F adc a,a 9124: 15 dec d 9125: 82 add a,d 9126: 15 dec d 9127: 83 add a,e 9128: 15 dec d 9129: 8A adc a,d 912A: 15 dec d 912B: FE 13 cp $19 912D: 14 inc d 912E: 8F adc a,a 912F: 15 dec d 9130: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9131: 10 8B djnz $915E 9133: 15 dec d 9134: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9135: 10 8D djnz $915E 9137: 15 dec d 9138: FE 08 cp $02 913A: 15 dec d 913B: 26 1C ld h,$16 913D: 96 sub (hl) 913E: 10 8C djnz $9166 9140: 15 dec d 9141: FE 0F cp $0F 9143: 15 dec d 9144: 8E adc a,(hl) 9145: 15 dec d 9146: 8F adc a,a 9147: 15 dec d 9148: 86 add a,(hl) 9149: 15 dec d 914A: 87 add a,a 914B: 15 dec d 914C: FE 1A cp $1A 914E: 15 dec d 914F: 8B adc a,e 9150: 15 dec d 9151: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9152: 10 8B djnz $917F 9154: 15 dec d 9155: FE 08 cp $02 9157: 1C inc e 9158: 26 1C ld h,$16 915A: 8C adc a,h 915B: 15 dec d 915C: FE 08 cp $02 915E: 1D dec e 915F: 8C adc a,h 9160: 15 dec d 9161: FE 1B cp $1B 9163: 12 ld (de),a 9164: 8B adc a,e 9165: 15 dec d 9166: FE 1A cp $1A 9168: 13 inc de 9169: 8B adc a,e 916A: 15 dec d 916B: FE 03 cp $09 916D: 1A ld a,(de) 916E: 8E adc a,(hl) 916F: 15 dec d 9170: 8F adc a,a 9171: 15 dec d 9172: 86 add a,(hl) 9173: 15 dec d 9174: 87 add a,a 9175: 15 dec d 9176: FE 0D cp $07 9178: 17 rla 9179: 8F adc a,a 917A: 15 dec d 917B: FE 1D cp $17 917D: 17 rla 917E: 8F adc a,a 917F: 15 dec d 9180: FF rst $38 9181: 08 ex af,af' 9182: 00 nop 9183: 9F sbc a,a 9184: 30 9F jr nc,$91C5 9186: 30 9F jr nc,$91C7 9188: 30 FE jr nc,$9188 918A: 1B dec de 918B: 00 nop 918C: 9F sbc a,a 918D: 30 9F jr nc,$91CE 918F: 30 9F jr nc,$91D0 9191: 30 FE jr nc,$9191 9193: 08 ex af,af' 9194: 01 9F 30 ld bc,$903F 9197: 9F sbc a,a 9198: 30 9F jr nc,$91D9 919A: 30 FE jr nc,$919A 919C: 1B dec de 919D: 01 9F 30 ld bc,$903F 91A0: 9F sbc a,a 91A1: 30 9F jr nc,$91E2 91A3: 30 FE jr nc,$91A3 91A5: 08 ex af,af' 91A6: 08 ex af,af' 91A7: 9F sbc a,a 91A8: 30 9F jr nc,$91E9 91AA: 30 9F jr nc,$91EB 91AC: 30 FE jr nc,$91AC 91AE: 1B dec de 91AF: 08 ex af,af' 91B0: 9F sbc a,a 91B1: 30 9F jr nc,$91F2 91B3: 30 9F jr nc,$91F4 91B5: 30 FE jr nc,$91B5 91B7: 08 ex af,af' 91B8: 09 add hl,bc 91B9: 9F sbc a,a 91BA: 30 9F jr nc,$91FB 91BC: 30 9F jr nc,$91FD 91BE: 30 FE jr nc,$91BE 91C0: 1B dec de 91C1: 09 add hl,bc 91C2: 9F sbc a,a 91C3: 30 9F jr nc,$9204 91C5: 30 9F jr nc,$9206 91C7: 30 FE jr nc,$91C7 91C9: 08 ex af,af' 91CA: 04 inc b 91CB: 9F sbc a,a 91CC: 30 9F jr nc,$920D 91CE: 30 9F jr nc,$920F 91D0: 30 FE jr nc,$91D0 91D2: 1B dec de 91D3: 04 inc b 91D4: D8 ret c 91D5: 35 dec (hl) 91D6: C3 35 9F jp $3F95 91D9: 30 FE jr nc,$91D9 91DB: 08 ex af,af' 91DC: 05 dec b 91DD: 9F sbc a,a 91DE: 30 9F jr nc,$921F 91E0: 30 9F jr nc,$9221 91E2: 30 FE jr nc,$91E2 91E4: 1B dec de 91E5: 05 dec b 91E6: 97 sub a 91E7: 30 C2 jr nc,$9251 91E9: 35 dec (hl) 91EA: 9F sbc a,a 91EB: 30 FE jr nc,$91EB 91ED: 08 ex af,af' 91EE: 0C inc c 91EF: 9F sbc a,a 91F0: 30 9F jr nc,$9231 91F2: 30 9F jr nc,$9233 91F4: 30 FE jr nc,$91F4 91F6: 1B dec de 91F7: 0C inc c 91F8: CD 35 9F call $3F95 91FB: 30 9F jr nc,$923C 91FD: 30 FE jr nc,$91FD 91FF: 08 ex af,af' 9200: 0D dec c 9201: 9F sbc a,a 9202: 30 9F jr nc,$9243 9204: 30 9F jr nc,$9245 9206: 30 FE jr nc,$9206 9208: 1B dec de 9209: 0D dec c 920A: 9F sbc a,a 920B: 30 9F jr nc,$924C 920D: 30 9F jr nc,$924E 920F: 30 FE jr nc,$920F 9211: 08 ex af,af' 9212: 02 ld (bc),a 9213: C6 35 add a,$95 9215: D8 ret c 9216: 35 dec (hl) 9217: C3 35 C7 jp $6D95 921A: 35 dec (hl) 921B: D1 pop de 921C: 35 dec (hl) 921D: C7 rst $00 921E: 35 dec (hl) 921F: D8 ret c 9220: 35 dec (hl) 9221: C3 35 9F jp $3F95 9224: 30 9F jr nc,$9265 9226: 30 9F jr nc,$9267 9228: 30 9F jr nc,$9269 922A: 30 9F jr nc,$926B 922C: 30 9F jr nc,$926D 922E: 30 C5 jr nc,$9295 9230: 35 dec (hl) 9231: 97 sub a 9232: 30 CA jr nc,$929E 9234: 35 dec (hl) 9235: CF rst $08 9236: 35 dec (hl) 9237: CA 35 CB jp z,$6B95 923A: 35 dec (hl) 923B: CA 35 CC jp z,$6695 923E: 35 dec (hl) 923F: CD 35 9F call $3F95 9242: 30 9F jr nc,$9283 9244: 30 9F jr nc,$9285 9246: 30 9F jr nc,$9287 9248: 30 9F jr nc,$9289 924A: 30 FE jr nc,$924A 924C: 08 ex af,af' 924D: 03 inc bc 924E: 97 sub a 924F: 30 CA jr nc,$92BB 9251: 35 dec (hl) 9252: CF rst $08 9253: 35 dec (hl) 9254: CF rst $08 9255: 35 dec (hl) 9256: CA 35 CB jp z,$6B95 9259: 35 dec (hl) 925A: CC 35 CD call z,$6795 925D: 35 dec (hl) 925E: 9F sbc a,a 925F: 30 9F jr nc,$92A0 9261: 30 9F jr nc,$92A2 9263: 30 9F jr nc,$92A4 9265: 30 9F jr nc,$92A6 9267: 30 9F jr nc,$92A8 9269: 30 9F jr nc,$92AA 926B: 30 CE jr nc,$92DB 926D: 35 dec (hl) 926E: 9F sbc a,a 926F: 30 9F jr nc,$92B0 9271: 30 9F jr nc,$92B2 9273: 30 9F jr nc,$92B4 9275: 30 9F jr nc,$92B6 9277: 30 9F jr nc,$92B8 9279: 30 9F jr nc,$92BA 927B: 30 C6 jr nc,$92E9 927D: 35 dec (hl) 927E: C7 rst $00 927F: 35 dec (hl) 9280: D8 ret c 9281: 35 dec (hl) 9282: C3 35 D1 jp $7195 9285: 35 dec (hl) 9286: FE 08 cp $02 9288: 0A ld a,(bc) 9289: CE 35 adc a,$95 928B: 9F sbc a,a 928C: 30 9F jr nc,$92CD 928E: 30 9F jr nc,$92CF 9290: 30 9F jr nc,$92D1 9292: 30 9F jr nc,$92D3 9294: 30 9F jr nc,$92D5 9296: 30 9F jr nc,$92D7 9298: 30 9F jr nc,$92D9 929A: 30 9F jr nc,$92DB 929C: 30 9F jr nc,$92DD 929E: 30 9F jr nc,$92DF 92A0: 30 9F jr nc,$92E1 92A2: 30 9F jr nc,$92E3 92A4: 30 9F jr nc,$92E5 92A6: 30 9F jr nc,$92E7 92A8: 30 9F jr nc,$92E9 92AA: 30 9F jr nc,$92EB 92AC: 30 9F jr nc,$92ED 92AE: 30 9F jr nc,$92EF 92B0: 30 9F jr nc,$92F1 92B2: 30 9F jr nc,$92F3 92B4: 30 C5 jr nc,$931B 92B6: 35 dec (hl) 92B7: CC 35 D0 call z,$7095 92BA: 35 dec (hl) 92BB: CA 35 CA jp z,$6A95 92BE: 35 dec (hl) 92BF: C2 35 FE jp nz,$FE95 92C2: 08 ex af,af' 92C3: 0B dec bc 92C4: 9F sbc a,a 92C5: 30 9F jr nc,$9306 92C7: 30 9F jr nc,$9308 92C9: 30 9F jr nc,$930A 92CB: 30 9F jr nc,$930C 92CD: 30 9F jr nc,$930E 92CF: 30 9F jr nc,$9310 92D1: 30 9F jr nc,$9312 92D3: 30 9F jr nc,$9314 92D5: 30 9F jr nc,$9316 92D7: 30 9F jr nc,$9318 92D9: 30 9F jr nc,$931A 92DB: 30 9F jr nc,$931C 92DD: 30 9F jr nc,$931E 92DF: 30 9F jr nc,$9320 92E1: 30 9F jr nc,$9322 92E3: 30 9F jr nc,$9324 92E5: 30 9F jr nc,$9326 92E7: 30 9F jr nc,$9328 92E9: 30 9F jr nc,$932A 92EB: 30 40 jr nc,$932D 92ED: 27 daa 92EE: 41 ld b,c 92EF: 27 daa 92F0: 9F sbc a,a 92F1: 30 9F jr nc,$9332 92F3: 30 9F jr nc,$9334 92F5: 30 9F jr nc,$9336 92F7: 30 9F jr nc,$9338 92F9: 30 9F jr nc,$933A 92FB: 30 FE jr nc,$92FB 92FD: 08 ex af,af' 92FE: 06 57 ld b,$5D 9300: 35 dec (hl) 9301: 5E ld e,(hl) 9302: 35 dec (hl) 9303: 5F ld e,a 9304: 35 dec (hl) 9305: C0 ret nz 9306: 35 dec (hl) 9307: 57 ld d,a 9308: 35 dec (hl) 9309: C1 pop bc 930A: 35 dec (hl) 930B: 9F sbc a,a 930C: 30 9F jr nc,$934D 930E: 30 9F jr nc,$934F 9310: 30 9F jr nc,$9351 9312: 30 9F jr nc,$9353 9314: 30 9F jr nc,$9355 9316: 30 9F jr nc,$9357 9318: 30 9F jr nc,$9359 931A: 30 9F jr nc,$935B 931C: 30 9F jr nc,$935D 931E: 30 9F jr nc,$935F 9320: 30 9F jr nc,$9361 9322: 30 9F jr nc,$9363 9324: 30 9F jr nc,$9365 9326: 30 9F jr nc,$9367 9328: 30 48 jr nc,$936C 932A: 27 daa 932B: 9F sbc a,a 932C: 30 9F jr nc,$936D 932E: 30 9F jr nc,$936F 9330: 30 9F jr nc,$9371 9332: 30 9F jr nc,$9373 9334: 30 9F jr nc,$9375 9336: 30 FE jr nc,$9336 9338: 08 ex af,af' 9339: 07 rlca 933A: 96 sub (hl) 933B: 30 96 jr nc,$9379 933D: 30 96 jr nc,$937B 933F: 30 96 jr nc,$937D 9341: 30 96 jr nc,$937F 9343: 30 96 jr nc,$9381 9345: 30 C4 jr nc,$93AB 9347: 35 dec (hl) 9348: C8 ret z 9349: 35 dec (hl) 934A: C9 ret 934B: 35 dec (hl) 934C: C8 ret z 934D: 35 dec (hl) 934E: C9 ret 934F: 35 dec (hl) 9350: C1 pop bc 9351: 35 dec (hl) 9352: 57 ld d,a 9353: 35 dec (hl) 9354: 5F ld e,a 9355: 35 dec (hl) 9356: 5F ld e,a 9357: 35 dec (hl) 9358: C0 ret nz 9359: 35 dec (hl) 935A: 9F sbc a,a 935B: 30 9F jr nc,$939C 935D: 30 9F jr nc,$939E 935F: 30 49 jr nc,$93A4 9361: 35 dec (hl) 9362: 49 ld c,c 9363: 35 dec (hl) 9364: 44 ld b,h 9365: 35 dec (hl) 9366: 45 ld b,l 9367: 35 dec (hl) 9368: 4C ld c,h 9369: 35 dec (hl) 936A: 9F sbc a,a 936B: 30 9F jr nc,$93AC 936D: 30 9F jr nc,$93AE 936F: 30 9F jr nc,$93B0 9371: 30 FE jr nc,$9371 9373: 0D dec c 9374: 0E 54 ld c,$54 9376: F7 rst $30 9377: 59 ld e,c 9378: F7 rst $30 9379: 58 ld e,b 937A: F7 rst $30 937B: 51 ld d,c 937C: F7 rst $30 937D: 50 ld d,b 937E: F7 rst $30 937F: 4F ld c,a 9380: F7 rst $30 9381: 4E ld c,(hl) 9382: F7 rst $30 9383: 47 ld b,a 9384: F7 rst $30 9385: 46 ld b,(hl) 9386: F7 rst $30 9387: FE 18 cp $12 9389: 0E 4B ld c,$4B 938B: F5 push af 938C: FE 1C cp $16 938E: 0E 4B ld c,$4B 9390: F5 push af 9391: FE 1A cp $1A 9393: 0E 4B ld c,$4B 9395: F5 push af 9396: FE 08 cp $02 9398: 0F rrca 9399: 51 ld d,c 939A: F7 rst $30 939B: 50 ld d,b 939C: F7 rst $30 939D: 4F ld c,a 939E: F7 rst $30 939F: 4E ld c,(hl) 93A0: F7 rst $30 93A1: 55 ld d,l 93A2: F7 rst $30 93A3: 55 ld d,l 93A4: F7 rst $30 93A5: 5A ld e,d 93A6: 05 dec b 93A7: 5B ld e,e 93A8: 05 dec b 93A9: 56 ld d,(hl) 93AA: 05 dec b 93AB: 55 ld d,l 93AC: F7 rst $30 93AD: 47 ld b,a 93AE: F7 rst $30 93AF: 46 ld b,(hl) 93B0: F7 rst $30 93B1: FE 08 cp $02 93B3: 10 55 djnz $940A 93B5: F7 rst $30 93B6: 55 ld d,l 93B7: F7 rst $30 93B8: 55 ld d,l 93B9: F7 rst $30 93BA: 52 ld d,d 93BB: 05 dec b 93BC: 53 ld d,e 93BD: 05 dec b 93BE: 5D ld e,l 93BF: 05 dec b 93C0: 55 ld d,l 93C1: F7 rst $30 93C2: 55 ld d,l 93C3: F7 rst $30 93C4: 47 ld b,a 93C5: F7 rst $30 93C6: 46 ld b,(hl) 93C7: F7 rst $30 93C8: FE 0F cp $0F 93CA: 10 4B djnz $9417 93CC: F5 push af 93CD: FE 14 cp $14 93CF: 10 4B djnz $941C 93D1: F5 push af 93D2: FE 08 cp $02 93D4: 11 5C 05 ld de,$0556 93D7: 5D ld e,l 93D8: 05 dec b 93D9: 55 ld d,l 93DA: F7 rst $30 93DB: 55 ld d,l 93DC: F7 rst $30 93DD: 55 ld d,l 93DE: F7 rst $30 93DF: 55 ld d,l 93E0: F7 rst $30 93E1: 47 ld b,a 93E2: F7 rst $30 93E3: 46 ld b,(hl) 93E4: F7 rst $30 93E5: FE 06 cp $0C 93E7: 11 4B F5 ld de,$F54B 93EA: FE 1C cp $16 93EC: 11 4B F5 ld de,$F54B 93EF: FE 13 cp $19 93F1: 11 4B F5 ld de,$F54B 93F4: FE 08 cp $02 93F6: 18 55 jr $944D 93F8: F7 rst $30 93F9: 55 ld d,l 93FA: F7 rst $30 93FB: 55 ld d,l 93FC: F7 rst $30 93FD: 55 ld d,l 93FE: F7 rst $30 93FF: 47 ld b,a 9400: F7 rst $30 9401: 46 ld b,(hl) 9402: F7 rst $30 9403: FE 1B cp $1B 9405: 18 4B jr $9452 9407: F5 push af 9408: FE 08 cp $02 940A: 19 add hl,de 940B: 55 ld d,l 940C: F7 rst $30 940D: 55 ld d,l 940E: F7 rst $30 940F: 47 ld b,a 9410: F7 rst $30 9411: 46 ld b,(hl) 9412: F7 rst $30 9413: FE 08 cp $02 9415: 14 inc d 9416: 47 ld b,a 9417: F7 rst $30 9418: 46 ld b,(hl) 9419: F7 rst $30 941A: FE 0C cp $06 941C: 14 inc d 941D: 4A ld c,d 941E: F5 push af 941F: FE 03 cp $09 9421: 15 dec d 9422: 4A ld c,d 9423: F5 push af 9424: FE 0F cp $0F 9426: 1C inc e 9427: 4A ld c,d 9428: F5 push af 9429: FE 1D cp $17 942B: 1C inc e 942C: 4A ld c,d 942D: F5 push af 942E: FE 0A cp $0A 9430: 1B dec de 9431: 42 ld b,d 9432: F5 push af 9433: 43 ld b,e 9434: F5 push af 9435: FE 19 cp $13 9437: 16 42 ld d,$48 9439: F5 push af 943A: 43 ld b,e 943B: F5 push af 943C: FE 12 cp $18 943E: 16 42 ld d,$48 9440: F5 push af 9441: 43 ld b,e 9442: F5 push af 9443: FE 0F cp $0F 9445: 16 42 ld d,$48 9447: F5 push af 9448: 43 ld b,e 9449: F5 push af 944A: FF rst $38 944B: 08 ex af,af' 944C: 00 nop 944D: 97 sub a 944E: 12 ld (de),a 944F: 97 sub a 9450: 12 ld (de),a 9451: 97 sub a 9452: 12 ld (de),a 9453: FE 1B cp $1B 9455: 00 nop 9456: 97 sub a 9457: 12 ld (de),a 9458: 97 sub a 9459: 12 ld (de),a 945A: 97 sub a 945B: 12 ld (de),a 945C: FE 08 cp $02 945E: 01 97 12 ld bc,$183D 9461: 97 sub a 9462: 12 ld (de),a 9463: 97 sub a 9464: 12 ld (de),a 9465: FE 1B cp $1B 9467: 01 97 12 ld bc,$183D 946A: DB 17 in a,($1D) 946C: 97 sub a 946D: 12 ld (de),a 946E: FE 08 cp $02 9470: 08 ex af,af' 9471: DB 17 in a,($1D) 9473: D6 17 sub $1D 9475: D7 rst $10 9476: 17 rla 9477: FE 1B cp $1B 9479: 08 ex af,af' 947A: DE 17 sbc a,$1D 947C: 97 sub a 947D: 12 ld (de),a 947E: 97 sub a 947F: 12 ld (de),a 9480: FE 08 cp $02 9482: 09 add hl,bc 9483: 97 sub a 9484: 12 ld (de),a 9485: 97 sub a 9486: 12 ld (de),a 9487: 97 sub a 9488: 12 ld (de),a 9489: FE 1B cp $1B 948B: 09 add hl,bc 948C: 97 sub a 948D: 12 ld (de),a 948E: 97 sub a 948F: 12 ld (de),a 9490: 97 sub a 9491: 12 ld (de),a 9492: FE 08 cp $02 9494: 04 inc b 9495: 97 sub a 9496: 12 ld (de),a 9497: 97 sub a 9498: 12 ld (de),a 9499: DB 17 in a,($1D) 949B: FE 1B cp $1B 949D: 04 inc b 949E: 20 17 jr nz,$94BD 94A0: 97 sub a 94A1: 12 ld (de),a 94A2: 97 sub a 94A3: 12 ld (de),a 94A4: FE 08 cp $02 94A6: 05 dec b 94A7: 97 sub a 94A8: 12 ld (de),a 94A9: 97 sub a 94AA: 12 ld (de),a 94AB: 97 sub a 94AC: 12 ld (de),a 94AD: FE 1B cp $1B 94AF: 05 dec b 94B0: 20 17 jr nz,$94CF 94B2: D7 rst $10 94B3: 17 rla 94B4: DE 17 sbc a,$1D 94B6: FE 08 cp $02 94B8: 0C inc c 94B9: 96 sub (hl) 94BA: 00 nop 94BB: 96 sub (hl) 94BC: 00 nop 94BD: A7 and a 94BE: 67 ld h,a 94BF: FE 1B cp $1B 94C1: 0C inc c 94C2: 20 17 jr nz,$94E1 94C4: 97 sub a 94C5: 12 ld (de),a 94C6: 97 sub a 94C7: 12 ld (de),a 94C8: FE 08 cp $02 94CA: 0D dec c 94CB: 96 sub (hl) 94CC: 00 nop 94CD: 96 sub (hl) 94CE: 00 nop 94CF: A6 and (hl) 94D0: 67 ld h,a 94D1: FE 1B cp $1B 94D3: 0D dec c 94D4: 96 sub (hl) 94D5: 00 nop 94D6: 97 sub a 94D7: 12 ld (de),a 94D8: 97 sub a 94D9: 12 ld (de),a 94DA: FE 08 cp $02 94DC: 02 ld (bc),a 94DD: 96 sub (hl) 94DE: 00 nop 94DF: 96 sub (hl) 94E0: 00 nop 94E1: A6 and (hl) 94E2: 67 ld h,a 94E3: A6 and (hl) 94E4: 67 ld h,a 94E5: A6 and (hl) 94E6: 67 ld h,a 94E7: A6 and (hl) 94E8: 67 ld h,a 94E9: D6 17 sub $1D 94EB: D7 rst $10 94EC: 17 rla 94ED: DE 17 sbc a,$1D 94EF: 97 sub a 94F0: 12 ld (de),a 94F1: 97 sub a 94F2: 12 ld (de),a 94F3: 97 sub a 94F4: 12 ld (de),a 94F5: 97 sub a 94F6: 12 ld (de),a 94F7: 97 sub a 94F8: 12 ld (de),a 94F9: 97 sub a 94FA: 12 ld (de),a 94FB: 97 sub a 94FC: 12 ld (de),a 94FD: 97 sub a 94FE: 12 ld (de),a 94FF: 97 sub a 9500: 12 ld (de),a 9501: DF rst $18 9502: 17 rla 9503: 20 17 jr nz,$9522 9505: 96 sub (hl) 9506: 00 nop 9507: 96 sub (hl) 9508: 00 nop 9509: 96 sub (hl) 950A: 00 nop 950B: 20 17 jr nz,$952A 950D: DF rst $18 950E: 17 rla 950F: 20 17 jr nz,$952E 9511: 97 sub a 9512: 12 ld (de),a 9513: 97 sub a 9514: 12 ld (de),a 9515: FE 08 cp $02 9517: 03 inc bc 9518: 96 sub (hl) 9519: 00 nop 951A: 96 sub (hl) 951B: 00 nop 951C: A6 and (hl) 951D: 67 ld h,a 951E: A6 and (hl) 951F: 67 ld h,a 9520: A6 and (hl) 9521: 67 ld h,a 9522: A6 and (hl) 9523: 67 ld h,a 9524: 97 sub a 9525: 12 ld (de),a 9526: 97 sub a 9527: 12 ld (de),a 9528: 97 sub a 9529: 12 ld (de),a 952A: 97 sub a 952B: 12 ld (de),a 952C: 97 sub a 952D: 12 ld (de),a 952E: 97 sub a 952F: 12 ld (de),a 9530: 97 sub a 9531: 12 ld (de),a 9532: 97 sub a 9533: 12 ld (de),a 9534: DB 17 in a,($1D) 9536: D6 17 sub $1D 9538: D7 rst $10 9539: 17 rla 953A: DE 17 sbc a,$1D 953C: DF rst $18 953D: 17 rla 953E: 20 17 jr nz,$955D 9540: DF rst $18 9541: 17 rla 9542: 20 17 jr nz,$9561 9544: DF rst $18 9545: 17 rla 9546: 96 sub (hl) 9547: 00 nop 9548: DF rst $18 9549: 17 rla 954A: 20 17 jr nz,$9569 954C: 97 sub a 954D: 12 ld (de),a 954E: 97 sub a 954F: 12 ld (de),a 9550: FE 08 cp $02 9552: 0A ld a,(bc) 9553: 96 sub (hl) 9554: 00 nop 9555: 96 sub (hl) 9556: 00 nop 9557: A6 and (hl) 9558: 67 ld h,a 9559: A6 and (hl) 955A: 67 ld h,a 955B: A6 and (hl) 955C: 67 ld h,a 955D: A6 and (hl) 955E: 67 ld h,a 955F: 97 sub a 9560: 12 ld (de),a 9561: 97 sub a 9562: 12 ld (de),a 9563: 97 sub a 9564: 12 ld (de),a 9565: 97 sub a 9566: 12 ld (de),a 9567: 97 sub a 9568: 12 ld (de),a 9569: 97 sub a 956A: 12 ld (de),a 956B: 97 sub a 956C: 12 ld (de),a 956D: DE 17 sbc a,$1D 956F: 97 sub a 9570: 12 ld (de),a 9571: 97 sub a 9572: 12 ld (de),a 9573: 97 sub a 9574: 12 ld (de),a 9575: 97 sub a 9576: 12 ld (de),a 9577: DF rst $18 9578: 17 rla 9579: 20 17 jr nz,$9598 957B: DF rst $18 957C: 17 rla 957D: 20 17 jr nz,$959C 957F: DF rst $18 9580: 17 rla 9581: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9582: 12 ld (de),a 9583: DF rst $18 9584: 17 rla 9585: 20 17 jr nz,$95A4 9587: 21 17 28 ld hl,$821D 958A: 17 rla 958B: FE 08 cp $02 958D: 0B dec bc 958E: 96 sub (hl) 958F: 00 nop 9590: 96 sub (hl) 9591: 00 nop 9592: A6 and (hl) 9593: 67 ld h,a 9594: A6 and (hl) 9595: 67 ld h,a 9596: A6 and (hl) 9597: 67 ld h,a 9598: A6 and (hl) 9599: 67 ld h,a 959A: A8 xor b 959B: 15 dec d 959C: A8 xor b 959D: 15 dec d 959E: A8 xor b 959F: 15 dec d 95A0: A1 and c 95A1: 17 rla 95A2: 97 sub a 95A3: 12 ld (de),a 95A4: 97 sub a 95A5: 12 ld (de),a 95A6: 97 sub a 95A7: 12 ld (de),a 95A8: 97 sub a 95A9: 12 ld (de),a 95AA: 97 sub a 95AB: 12 ld (de),a 95AC: 97 sub a 95AD: 12 ld (de),a 95AE: 97 sub a 95AF: 12 ld (de),a 95B0: 97 sub a 95B1: 12 ld (de),a 95B2: DF rst $18 95B3: 17 rla 95B4: 20 17 jr nz,$95D3 95B6: DF rst $18 95B7: 17 rla 95B8: 20 17 jr nz,$95D7 95BA: 96 sub (hl) 95BB: 00 nop 95BC: 96 sub (hl) 95BD: 00 nop 95BE: 21 17 28 ld hl,$821D 95C1: 17 rla 95C2: 25 dec h 95C3: 17 rla 95C4: 2C inc l 95C5: 17 rla 95C6: FE 08 cp $02 95C8: 06 96 ld b,$3C 95CA: 00 nop 95CB: 96 sub (hl) 95CC: 00 nop 95CD: A6 and (hl) 95CE: 67 ld h,a 95CF: A6 and (hl) 95D0: 67 ld h,a 95D1: A6 and (hl) 95D2: 67 ld h,a 95D3: A6 and (hl) 95D4: 67 ld h,a 95D5: A8 xor b 95D6: 15 dec d 95D7: A8 xor b 95D8: 15 dec d 95D9: A8 xor b 95DA: 15 dec d 95DB: A0 and b 95DC: 15 dec d 95DD: 97 sub a 95DE: 12 ld (de),a 95DF: 3F ccf 95E0: 17 rla 95E1: 37 scf 95E2: 17 rla 95E3: 33 inc sp 95E4: 17 rla 95E5: 97 sub a 95E6: 12 ld (de),a 95E7: 97 sub a 95E8: 12 ld (de),a 95E9: 97 sub a 95EA: 12 ld (de),a 95EB: 97 sub a 95EC: 12 ld (de),a 95ED: 96 sub (hl) 95EE: 00 nop 95EF: 20 17 jr nz,$960E 95F1: 96 sub (hl) 95F2: 00 nop 95F3: 20 17 jr nz,$9612 95F5: DF rst $18 95F6: 17 rla 95F7: 20 17 jr nz,$9616 95F9: 2D dec l 95FA: 17 rla 95FB: 22 17 23 ld ($891D),hl 95FE: 17 rla 95FF: 2A 17 FE ld hl,($FE1D) 9602: 08 ex af,af' 9603: 07 rlca 9604: AB xor e 9605: 15 dec d 9606: AB xor e 9607: 15 dec d 9608: AB xor e 9609: 15 dec d 960A: AB xor e 960B: 15 dec d 960C: AB xor e 960D: 15 dec d 960E: AC xor h 960F: 15 dec d 9610: A9 xor c 9611: 15 dec d 9612: A4 and h 9613: 15 dec d 9614: A8 xor b 9615: 15 dec d 9616: 3B dec sp 9617: 17 rla 9618: 39 add hl,sp 9619: E5 push hl 961A: 97 sub a 961B: 10 39 djnz $95B0 961D: E5 push hl 961E: 3B dec sp 961F: 17 rla 9620: 97 sub a 9621: 12 ld (de),a 9622: 39 add hl,sp 9623: E5 push hl 9624: 34 inc (hl) 9625: 17 rla 9626: 97 sub a 9627: 12 ld (de),a 9628: DF rst $18 9629: 17 rla 962A: 96 sub (hl) 962B: 00 nop 962C: 96 sub (hl) 962D: 00 nop 962E: 20 17 jr nz,$964D 9630: DF rst $18 9631: 17 rla 9632: 20 17 jr nz,$9651 9634: 2B dec hl 9635: 17 rla 9636: 26 17 ld h,$1D 9638: 27 daa 9639: 17 rla 963A: 2E 17 ld l,$1D 963C: FE 08 cp $02 963E: 0E 9E ld c,$3E 9640: 52 ld d,d 9641: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9642: 52 ld d,d 9643: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9644: 52 ld d,d 9645: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9646: 52 ld d,d 9647: AD xor l 9648: 57 ld d,a 9649: 9E sbc a,(hl) 964A: 52 ld d,d 964B: AA xor d 964C: 57 ld d,a 964D: A8 xor b 964E: 15 dec d 964F: A8 xor b 9650: 15 dec d 9651: 36 17 ld (hl),$1D 9653: 39 add hl,sp 9654: E5 push hl 9655: 39 add hl,sp 9656: E5 push hl 9657: 39 add hl,sp 9658: E5 push hl 9659: 36 17 ld (hl),$1D 965B: 97 sub a 965C: 12 ld (de),a 965D: 39 add hl,sp 965E: E5 push hl 965F: 3C inc a 9660: 17 rla 9661: 38 17 jr c,$9680 9663: DF rst $18 9664: 17 rla 9665: 20 17 jr nz,$9684 9667: DF rst $18 9668: 17 rla 9669: 20 17 jr nz,$9688 966B: DF rst $18 966C: 17 rla 966D: 96 sub (hl) 966E: 00 nop 966F: 2F cpl 9670: 17 rla 9671: 30 17 jr nc,$9690 9673: 31 17 24 ld sp,$841D 9676: 17 rla 9677: FE 08 cp $02 9679: 0F rrca 967A: A3 and e 967B: 57 ld d,a 967C: A3 and e 967D: 57 ld d,a 967E: A3 and e 967F: 57 ld d,a 9680: A3 and e 9681: 57 ld d,a 9682: A2 and d 9683: 57 ld d,a 9684: A3 and e 9685: 57 ld d,a 9686: AA xor d 9687: 57 ld d,a 9688: A8 xor b 9689: 15 dec d 968A: A8 xor b 968B: 15 dec d 968C: 3E 17 ld a,$1D 968E: 97 sub a 968F: 10 39 djnz $9624 9691: E5 push hl 9692: 39 add hl,sp 9693: E5 push hl 9694: 3E 17 ld a,$1D 9696: 32 85 39 ld ($9325),a 9699: E5 push hl 969A: 3D dec a 969B: 17 rla 969C: 96 sub (hl) 969D: 00 nop 969E: DF rst $18 969F: 17 rla 96A0: 20 17 jr nz,$96BF 96A2: DF rst $18 96A3: 17 rla 96A4: 20 17 jr nz,$96C3 96A6: DF rst $18 96A7: 17 rla 96A8: 96 sub (hl) 96A9: 00 nop 96AA: 29 add hl,hl 96AB: 17 rla 96AC: 24 inc h 96AD: 17 rla 96AE: 24 inc h 96AF: 17 rla 96B0: 24 inc h 96B1: 17 rla 96B2: FE 08 cp $02 96B4: 10 A3 djnz $965F 96B6: 57 ld d,a 96B7: A3 and e 96B8: 57 ld d,a 96B9: A3 and e 96BA: 57 ld d,a 96BB: A3 and e 96BC: 57 ld d,a 96BD: A2 and d 96BE: 57 ld d,a 96BF: A3 and e 96C0: 57 ld d,a 96C1: AA xor d 96C2: 57 ld d,a 96C3: A8 xor b 96C4: 15 dec d 96C5: A8 xor b 96C6: 15 dec d 96C7: 3E 17 ld a,$1D 96C9: 97 sub a 96CA: 10 97 djnz $9709 96CC: 10 97 djnz $970B 96CE: 10 3E djnz $966E 96D0: 17 rla 96D1: 3A 85 39 ld a,($9325) 96D4: E5 push hl 96D5: 96 sub (hl) 96D6: 00 nop 96D7: 96 sub (hl) 96D8: 00 nop 96D9: 96 sub (hl) 96DA: 00 nop 96DB: 96 sub (hl) 96DC: 00 nop 96DD: 96 sub (hl) 96DE: 00 nop 96DF: 96 sub (hl) 96E0: 00 nop 96E1: 96 sub (hl) 96E2: 00 nop 96E3: 96 sub (hl) 96E4: 00 nop 96E5: 29 add hl,hl 96E6: 17 rla 96E7: 24 inc h 96E8: 17 rla 96E9: 24 inc h 96EA: 17 rla 96EB: 24 inc h 96EC: 17 rla 96ED: FE 08 cp $02 96EF: 11 9F 72 ld de,$D83F 96F2: 9F sbc a,a 96F3: 72 ld (hl),d 96F4: D5 push de 96F5: 77 ld (hl),a 96F6: DC 77 D9 call c,$73DD 96F9: 77 ld (hl),a 96FA: D4 77 FE call nc,$FEDD 96FD: 12 ld (de),a 96FE: 11 DD 77 ld de,$DD77 9701: D2 77 D3 jp nc,$79DD 9704: 77 ld (hl),a 9705: DA 77 9F jp c,$3FDD 9708: 72 ld (hl),d 9709: 9F sbc a,a 970A: 72 ld (hl),d 970B: FE 08 cp $02 970D: 18 D9 jr $9782 970F: 77 ld (hl),a 9710: D4 77 FE call nc,$FEDD 9713: 16 18 ld d,$12 9715: DD 77 D2 ld (ix+$78),a 9718: 77 ld (hl),a 9719: FF rst $38 971A: 08 ex af,af' 971B: 00 nop 971C: 96 sub (hl) 971D: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 9720: 96 sub (hl) 9721: 22 FE 1B ld ($1BFE),hl 9724: 00 nop 9725: 96 sub (hl) 9726: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 9729: 96 sub (hl) 972A: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 972D: 01 96 22 ld bc,$883C 9730: 96 sub (hl) 9731: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 9734: FE 1B cp $1B 9736: 01 96 22 ld bc,$883C 9739: 96 sub (hl) 973A: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 973D: FE 08 cp $02 973F: 08 ex af,af' 9740: AE xor (hl) 9741: 35 dec (hl) 9742: AE xor (hl) 9743: 35 dec (hl) 9744: AE xor (hl) 9745: 35 dec (hl) 9746: FE 1B cp $1B 9748: 08 ex af,af' 9749: 96 sub (hl) 974A: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 974D: 96 sub (hl) 974E: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 9751: 09 add hl,bc 9752: AF xor a 9753: 15 dec d 9754: AF xor a 9755: 15 dec d 9756: AF xor a 9757: 15 dec d 9758: FE 1B cp $1B 975A: 09 add hl,bc 975B: 96 sub (hl) 975C: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 975F: 96 sub (hl) 9760: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 9763: 04 inc b 9764: AF xor a 9765: 15 dec d 9766: AF xor a 9767: 15 dec d 9768: AF xor a 9769: 15 dec d 976A: FE 1B cp $1B 976C: 04 inc b 976D: 96 sub (hl) 976E: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 9771: 96 sub (hl) 9772: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 9775: 05 dec b 9776: AF xor a 9777: 15 dec d 9778: AF xor a 9779: 15 dec d 977A: AF xor a 977B: 15 dec d 977C: FE 1B cp $1B 977E: 05 dec b 977F: 96 sub (hl) 9780: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 9783: 96 sub (hl) 9784: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 9787: 0C inc c 9788: B0 or b 9789: 15 dec d 978A: B0 or b 978B: 15 dec d 978C: B0 or b 978D: 15 dec d 978E: FE 1B cp $1B 9790: 0C inc c 9791: 96 sub (hl) 9792: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 9795: 96 sub (hl) 9796: 22 FE 08 ld ($02FE),hl 9799: 0D dec c 979A: 9F sbc a,a 979B: 00 nop 979C: 9F sbc a,a 979D: 00 nop 979E: 9F sbc a,a 979F: 00 nop 97A0: FE 1B cp $1B 97A2: 0D dec c 97A3: 64 ld h,h 97A4: 77 ld (hl),a 97A5: 65 ld h,l 97A6: 77 ld (hl),a 97A7: 6C ld l,h 97A8: 77 ld (hl),a 97A9: FE 08 cp $02 97AB: 02 ld (bc),a 97AC: 9F sbc a,a 97AD: 00 nop 97AE: 9F sbc a,a 97AF: 00 nop 97B0: 9F sbc a,a 97B1: 00 nop 97B2: 9F sbc a,a 97B3: 00 nop 97B4: 9F sbc a,a 97B5: 00 nop 97B6: 9F sbc a,a 97B7: 00 nop 97B8: 9F sbc a,a 97B9: 00 nop 97BA: 9F sbc a,a 97BB: 00 nop 97BC: 9F sbc a,a 97BD: 00 nop 97BE: 9F sbc a,a 97BF: 00 nop 97C0: 9F sbc a,a 97C1: 00 nop 97C2: 9F sbc a,a 97C3: 00 nop 97C4: 9F sbc a,a 97C5: 00 nop 97C6: 9F sbc a,a 97C7: 00 nop 97C8: 9F sbc a,a 97C9: 00 nop 97CA: 9F sbc a,a 97CB: 00 nop 97CC: 9F sbc a,a 97CD: 00 nop 97CE: 9F sbc a,a 97CF: 00 nop 97D0: 96 sub (hl) 97D1: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 97D4: 96 sub (hl) 97D5: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 97D8: 96 sub (hl) 97D9: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 97DC: 96 sub (hl) 97DD: 22 67 77 ld ($DDCD),hl 97E0: 6E ld l,(hl) 97E1: 77 ld (hl),a 97E2: 6F ld l,a 97E3: 77 ld (hl),a 97E4: FE 08 cp $02 97E6: 03 inc bc 97E7: 9F sbc a,a 97E8: 00 nop 97E9: 9F sbc a,a 97EA: 00 nop 97EB: B1 or c 97EC: 05 dec b 97ED: B8 cp b 97EE: 05 dec b 97EF: 9F sbc a,a 97F0: 00 nop 97F1: 9F sbc a,a 97F2: 00 nop 97F3: B1 or c 97F4: 05 dec b 97F5: B8 cp b 97F6: 05 dec b 97F7: 9F sbc a,a 97F8: 00 nop 97F9: 9F sbc a,a 97FA: 00 nop 97FB: B1 or c 97FC: 05 dec b 97FD: B8 cp b 97FE: 05 dec b 97FF: 9F sbc a,a 9800: 00 nop 9801: 9F sbc a,a 9802: 00 nop 9803: B1 or c 9804: 05 dec b 9805: B8 cp b 9806: 05 dec b 9807: 9F sbc a,a 9808: 00 nop 9809: 9F sbc a,a 980A: 00 nop 980B: 96 sub (hl) 980C: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 980F: B3 or e 9810: 27 daa 9811: B2 or d 9812: 27 daa 9813: BF cp a 9814: 27 daa 9815: 60 ld h,b 9816: 27 daa 9817: 96 sub (hl) 9818: 22 E4 77 ld ($DDE4),hl 981B: E5 push hl 981C: 77 ld (hl),a 981D: EC 77 FE call pe,$FEDD 9820: 08 ex af,af' 9821: 0A ld a,(bc) 9822: 9F sbc a,a 9823: 00 nop 9824: 9F sbc a,a 9825: 00 nop 9826: 96 sub (hl) 9827: 00 nop 9828: B9 cp c 9829: 05 dec b 982A: 9F sbc a,a 982B: 00 nop 982C: 9F sbc a,a 982D: 00 nop 982E: 96 sub (hl) 982F: 00 nop 9830: B9 cp c 9831: 05 dec b 9832: 9F sbc a,a 9833: 00 nop 9834: 9F sbc a,a 9835: 00 nop 9836: 96 sub (hl) 9837: 00 nop 9838: B9 cp c 9839: 05 dec b 983A: 9F sbc a,a 983B: 00 nop 983C: 9F sbc a,a 983D: 00 nop 983E: 96 sub (hl) 983F: 00 nop 9840: B9 cp c 9841: 05 dec b 9842: 9F sbc a,a 9843: 00 nop 9844: 9F sbc a,a 9845: 00 nop 9846: 96 sub (hl) 9847: 22 BB 27 ld ($8DBB),hl 984A: BA cp d 984B: 27 daa 984C: B6 or (hl) 984D: 27 daa 984E: BE cp (hl) 984F: 27 daa 9850: 61 ld h,c 9851: 27 daa 9852: ED db $ed 9853: 77 ld (hl),a 9854: E2 77 E3 jp po,$E9DD 9857: 77 ld (hl),a 9858: EA 77 FE jp pe,$FEDD 985B: 08 ex af,af' 985C: 0B dec bc 985D: 9F sbc a,a 985E: 00 nop 985F: 9F sbc a,a 9860: 00 nop 9861: 9F sbc a,a 9862: 00 nop 9863: 9F sbc a,a 9864: 00 nop 9865: 9F sbc a,a 9866: 00 nop 9867: 9F sbc a,a 9868: 00 nop 9869: 9F sbc a,a 986A: 00 nop 986B: 9F sbc a,a 986C: 00 nop 986D: 9F sbc a,a 986E: 00 nop 986F: 9F sbc a,a 9870: 00 nop 9871: 9F sbc a,a 9872: 00 nop 9873: 9F sbc a,a 9874: 00 nop 9875: 9F sbc a,a 9876: 00 nop 9877: 9F sbc a,a 9878: 00 nop 9879: 9F sbc a,a 987A: 00 nop 987B: 9F sbc a,a 987C: 00 nop 987D: 9F sbc a,a 987E: 00 nop 987F: 9F sbc a,a 9880: 00 nop 9881: 97 sub a 9882: 22 97 22 ld ($883D),hl 9885: B7 or a 9886: 27 daa 9887: 97 sub a 9888: 22 E8 27 ld ($8DE2),hl 988B: 97 sub a 988C: 22 97 22 ld ($883D),hl 988F: 97 sub a 9890: 22 69 67 ld ($CDC3),hl 9893: 63 ld h,e 9894: C5 push bc 9895: FE 08 cp $02 9897: 06 B5 ld b,$B5 9899: 05 dec b 989A: B5 or l 989B: 05 dec b 989C: B5 or l 989D: 05 dec b 989E: B5 or l 989F: 05 dec b 98A0: B5 or l 98A1: 05 dec b 98A2: B5 or l 98A3: 05 dec b 98A4: B5 or l 98A5: 05 dec b 98A6: B5 or l 98A7: 05 dec b 98A8: B5 or l 98A9: 05 dec b 98AA: B5 or l 98AB: 05 dec b 98AC: B5 or l 98AD: 05 dec b 98AE: B5 or l 98AF: 05 dec b 98B0: B5 or l 98B1: 05 dec b 98B2: B5 or l 98B3: 05 dec b 98B4: B5 or l 98B5: 05 dec b 98B6: B5 or l 98B7: 05 dec b 98B8: B5 or l 98B9: 05 dec b 98BA: B4 or h 98BB: 05 dec b 98BC: 96 sub (hl) 98BD: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 98C0: 64 ld h,h 98C1: 77 ld (hl),a 98C2: 65 ld h,l 98C3: 77 ld (hl),a 98C4: 6C ld l,h 98C5: 77 ld (hl),a 98C6: 6D ld l,l 98C7: 77 ld (hl),a 98C8: 62 ld h,d 98C9: 77 ld (hl),a 98CA: 96 sub (hl) 98CB: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 98CE: 6A ld l,d 98CF: C5 push bc 98D0: FE 08 cp $02 98D2: 07 rlca 98D3: BC cp h 98D4: 05 dec b 98D5: BC cp h 98D6: 05 dec b 98D7: BC cp h 98D8: 05 dec b 98D9: BC cp h 98DA: 05 dec b 98DB: BC cp h 98DC: 05 dec b 98DD: BC cp h 98DE: 05 dec b 98DF: BC cp h 98E0: 05 dec b 98E1: BC cp h 98E2: 05 dec b 98E3: BC cp h 98E4: 05 dec b 98E5: BC cp h 98E6: 05 dec b 98E7: BC cp h 98E8: 05 dec b 98E9: BC cp h 98EA: 05 dec b 98EB: BC cp h 98EC: 05 dec b 98ED: BC cp h 98EE: 05 dec b 98EF: BC cp h 98F0: 05 dec b 98F1: BC cp h 98F2: 05 dec b 98F3: BC cp h 98F4: 05 dec b 98F5: BD cp l 98F6: 05 dec b 98F7: 96 sub (hl) 98F8: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 98FB: 67 ld h,a 98FC: 77 ld (hl),a 98FD: 6E ld l,(hl) 98FE: 77 ld (hl),a 98FF: 6F ld l,a 9900: 77 ld (hl),a 9901: 70 ld (hl),b 9902: 77 ld (hl),a 9903: E9 jp (hl) 9904: C5 push bc 9905: 79 ld a,c 9906: C5 push bc 9907: 71 ld (hl),c 9908: C5 push bc 9909: 6B ld l,e 990A: C5 push bc 990B: FE 08 cp $02 990D: 0E E0 ld c,$E0 990F: 05 dec b 9910: E0 ret po 9911: 05 dec b 9912: E0 ret po 9913: 05 dec b 9914: E0 ret po 9915: 05 dec b 9916: E0 ret po 9917: 05 dec b 9918: E0 ret po 9919: 05 dec b 991A: E0 ret po 991B: 05 dec b 991C: E0 ret po 991D: 05 dec b 991E: E0 ret po 991F: 05 dec b 9920: E0 ret po 9921: 05 dec b 9922: E0 ret po 9923: 05 dec b 9924: E0 ret po 9925: 05 dec b 9926: E0 ret po 9927: 05 dec b 9928: E0 ret po 9929: 05 dec b 992A: E0 ret po 992B: 05 dec b 992C: E0 ret po 992D: 05 dec b 992E: E0 ret po 992F: 05 dec b 9930: E1 pop hl 9931: 05 dec b 9932: 96 sub (hl) 9933: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 9936: 96 sub (hl) 9937: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 993A: 96 sub (hl) 993B: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl 993E: 96 sub (hl) 993F: 22 74 C5 ld ($65D4),hl 9942: 78 ld a,b 9943: C5 push bc 9944: 96 sub (hl) 9945: 22 FE 14 ld ($14FE),hl 9948: 0F rrca 9949: 75 ld (hl),l 994A: F7 rst $30 994B: 7C ld a,h 994C: F7 rst $30 994D: EB ex de,hl 994E: F7 rst $30 994F: EB ex de,hl 9950: F7 rst $30 9951: 72 ld (hl),d 9952: F7 rst $30 9953: 73 ld (hl),e 9954: F7 rst $30 9955: EB ex de,hl 9956: F7 rst $30 9957: EB ex de,hl 9958: F7 rst $30 9959: 72 ld (hl),d 995A: F7 rst $30 995B: 73 ld (hl),e 995C: F7 rst $30 995D: FE 15 cp $15 995F: 10 7D djnz $9938 9961: F7 rst $30 9962: 75 ld (hl),l 9963: F7 rst $30 9964: 7C ld a,h 9965: F7 rst $30 9966: EB ex de,hl 9967: F7 rst $30 9968: EB ex de,hl 9969: F7 rst $30 996A: 72 ld (hl),d 996B: F7 rst $30 996C: 73 ld (hl),e 996D: F7 rst $30 996E: EB ex de,hl 996F: F7 rst $30 9970: EB ex de,hl 9971: F7 rst $30 9972: FE 1D cp $17 9974: 11 7D F7 ld de,$FDD7 9977: 7A ld a,d 9978: F7 rst $30 9979: 7B ld a,e 997A: F7 rst $30 997B: 76 halt 997C: F7 rst $30 997D: 76 halt 997E: F7 rst $30 997F: 7E ld a,(hl) 9980: F7 rst $30 9981: 7F ld a,a 9982: F7 rst $30 9983: FE 13 cp $19 9985: 18 7D jr $995E 9987: F7 rst $30 9988: 75 ld (hl),l 9989: F7 rst $30 998A: 7C ld a,h 998B: F7 rst $30 998C: EB ex de,hl 998D: F7 rst $30 998E: EB ex de,hl 998F: F7 rst $30 9990: FE 1B cp $1B 9992: 19 add hl,de 9993: 7D ld a,l 9994: F7 rst $30 9995: 7A ld a,d 9996: F7 rst $30 9997: 7B ld a,e 9998: F7 rst $30 9999: FE 17 cp $1D 999B: 14 inc d 999C: 7D ld a,l 999D: F7 rst $30 999E: FF rst $38 999F: 08 ex af,af' 99A0: 00 nop 99A1: 96 sub (hl) 99A2: 10 96 djnz $99E0 99A4: 10 96 djnz $99E2 99A6: 10 FE djnz $99A6 99A8: 1B dec de 99A9: 00 nop 99AA: 96 sub (hl) 99AB: 10 96 djnz $99E9 99AD: 10 96 djnz $99EB 99AF: 10 FE djnz $99AF 99B1: 08 ex af,af' 99B2: 01 96 10 ld bc,$103C 99B5: 96 sub (hl) 99B6: 10 96 djnz $99F4 99B8: 10 FE djnz $99B8 99BA: 1B dec de 99BB: 01 96 10 ld bc,$103C 99BE: 96 sub (hl) 99BF: 10 96 djnz $99FD 99C1: 10 FE djnz $99C1 99C3: 08 ex af,af' 99C4: 08 ex af,af' 99C5: 96 sub (hl) 99C6: 10 96 djnz $9A04 99C8: 10 96 djnz $9A06 99CA: 10 FE djnz $99CA 99CC: 1B dec de 99CD: 08 ex af,af' 99CE: 96 sub (hl) 99CF: 10 96 djnz $9A0D 99D1: 10 96 djnz $9A0F 99D3: 10 FE djnz $99D3 99D5: 08 ex af,af' 99D6: 09 add hl,bc 99D7: 96 sub (hl) 99D8: 10 96 djnz $9A16 99DA: 10 96 djnz $9A18 99DC: 10 FE djnz $99DC 99DE: 1B dec de 99DF: 09 add hl,bc 99E0: 96 sub (hl) 99E1: 10 96 djnz $9A1F 99E3: 10 96 djnz $9A21 99E5: 10 FE djnz $99E5 99E7: 08 ex af,af' 99E8: 04 inc b 99E9: 96 sub (hl) 99EA: 10 96 djnz $9A28 99EC: 10 96 djnz $9A2A 99EE: 10 FE djnz $99EE 99F0: 1B dec de 99F1: 04 inc b 99F2: 96 sub (hl) 99F3: 10 96 djnz $9A31 99F5: 10 96 djnz $9A33 99F7: 10 FE djnz $99F7 99F9: 08 ex af,af' 99FA: 05 dec b 99FB: 96 sub (hl) 99FC: 10 96 djnz $9A3A 99FE: 10 96 djnz $9A3C 9A00: 10 FE djnz $9A00 9A02: 1B dec de 9A03: 05 dec b 9A04: 96 sub (hl) 9A05: 10 96 djnz $9A43 9A07: 10 96 djnz $9A45 9A09: 10 FE djnz $9A09 9A0B: 08 ex af,af' 9A0C: 0C inc c 9A0D: 96 sub (hl) 9A0E: 10 96 djnz $9A4C 9A10: 10 96 djnz $9A4E 9A12: 10 FE djnz $9A12 9A14: 1B dec de 9A15: 0C inc c 9A16: 96 sub (hl) 9A17: 10 96 djnz $9A55 9A19: 10 96 djnz $9A57 9A1B: 10 FE djnz $9A1B 9A1D: 08 ex af,af' 9A1E: 0D dec c 9A1F: 96 sub (hl) 9A20: 10 96 djnz $9A5E 9A22: 10 96 djnz $9A60 9A24: 10 FE djnz $9A24 9A26: 1B dec de 9A27: 0D dec c 9A28: 96 sub (hl) 9A29: 10 96 djnz $9A67 9A2B: 10 96 djnz $9A69 9A2D: 10 FE djnz $9A2D 9A2F: 08 ex af,af' 9A30: 02 ld (bc),a 9A31: E7 rst $20 9A32: 35 dec (hl) 9A33: E7 rst $20 9A34: 35 dec (hl) 9A35: E7 rst $20 9A36: 35 dec (hl) 9A37: E7 rst $20 9A38: 35 dec (hl) 9A39: E7 rst $20 9A3A: 35 dec (hl) 9A3B: E7 rst $20 9A3C: 35 dec (hl) 9A3D: E7 rst $20 9A3E: 35 dec (hl) 9A3F: E7 rst $20 9A40: 35 dec (hl) 9A41: E7 rst $20 9A42: 35 dec (hl) 9A43: E7 rst $20 9A44: 35 dec (hl) 9A45: E7 rst $20 9A46: 35 dec (hl) 9A47: E7 rst $20 9A48: 35 dec (hl) 9A49: E7 rst $20 9A4A: 35 dec (hl) 9A4B: E7 rst $20 9A4C: 35 dec (hl) 9A4D: F0 ret p 9A4E: 35 dec (hl) 9A4F: F1 pop af 9A50: 35 dec (hl) 9A51: E7 rst $20 9A52: 35 dec (hl) 9A53: E7 rst $20 9A54: 35 dec (hl) 9A55: E7 rst $20 9A56: 35 dec (hl) 9A57: E7 rst $20 9A58: 35 dec (hl) 9A59: E7 rst $20 9A5A: 35 dec (hl) 9A5B: E7 rst $20 9A5C: 35 dec (hl) 9A5D: E7 rst $20 9A5E: 35 dec (hl) 9A5F: E7 rst $20 9A60: 35 dec (hl) 9A61: E7 rst $20 9A62: 35 dec (hl) 9A63: E7 rst $20 9A64: 35 dec (hl) 9A65: E7 rst $20 9A66: 35 dec (hl) 9A67: E7 rst $20 9A68: 35 dec (hl) 9A69: FE 08 cp $02 9A6B: 03 inc bc 9A6C: E7 rst $20 9A6D: 35 dec (hl) 9A6E: E7 rst $20 9A6F: 35 dec (hl) 9A70: E7 rst $20 9A71: 35 dec (hl) 9A72: E7 rst $20 9A73: 35 dec (hl) 9A74: E7 rst $20 9A75: 35 dec (hl) 9A76: E7 rst $20 9A77: 35 dec (hl) 9A78: E7 rst $20 9A79: 35 dec (hl) 9A7A: E7 rst $20 9A7B: 35 dec (hl) 9A7C: E7 rst $20 9A7D: 35 dec (hl) 9A7E: E7 rst $20 9A7F: 35 dec (hl) 9A80: E7 rst $20 9A81: 35 dec (hl) 9A82: E7 rst $20 9A83: 35 dec (hl) 9A84: E7 rst $20 9A85: 35 dec (hl) 9A86: E7 rst $20 9A87: 35 dec (hl) 9A88: F8 ret m 9A89: 35 dec (hl) 9A8A: F9 ld sp,hl 9A8B: 35 dec (hl) 9A8C: E7 rst $20 9A8D: 35 dec (hl) 9A8E: E7 rst $20 9A8F: 35 dec (hl) 9A90: E7 rst $20 9A91: 35 dec (hl) 9A92: E7 rst $20 9A93: 35 dec (hl) 9A94: E7 rst $20 9A95: 35 dec (hl) 9A96: E7 rst $20 9A97: 35 dec (hl) 9A98: E7 rst $20 9A99: 35 dec (hl) 9A9A: E7 rst $20 9A9B: 35 dec (hl) 9A9C: E7 rst $20 9A9D: 35 dec (hl) 9A9E: E7 rst $20 9A9F: 35 dec (hl) 9AA0: E7 rst $20 9AA1: 35 dec (hl) 9AA2: E7 rst $20 9AA3: 35 dec (hl) 9AA4: FE 08 cp $02 9AA6: 0A ld a,(bc) 9AA7: E6 35 and $95 9AA9: E6 35 and $95 9AAB: E6 35 and $95 9AAD: E6 35 and $95 9AAF: E6 35 and $95 9AB1: E6 35 and $95 9AB3: E6 35 and $95 9AB5: E6 35 and $95 9AB7: E6 35 and $95 9AB9: E6 35 and $95 9ABB: E6 35 and $95 9ABD: E6 35 and $95 9ABF: E6 35 and $95 9AC1: EF rst $28 9AC2: 35 dec (hl) 9AC3: F4 35 E6 call p,$EC95 9AC6: 35 dec (hl) 9AC7: E6 35 and $95 9AC9: E6 35 and $95 9ACB: E6 35 and $95 9ACD: E6 35 and $95 9ACF: E6 35 and $95 9AD1: E6 35 and $95 9AD3: E6 35 and $95 9AD5: E6 35 and $95 9AD7: E6 35 and $95 9AD9: E6 35 and $95 9ADB: E6 35 and $95 9ADD: E6 35 and $95 9ADF: FE 08 cp $02 9AE1: 0B dec bc 9AE2: E6 35 and $95 9AE4: E6 35 and $95 9AE6: E6 35 and $95 9AE8: E6 35 and $95 9AEA: E6 35 and $95 9AEC: E6 35 and $95 9AEE: F3 di 9AEF: 27 daa 9AF0: FA 27 F7 jp m,$FD8D 9AF3: 27 daa 9AF4: 00 nop 9AF5: 2E 01 ld l,$01 9AF7: 2E 08 ld l,$02 9AF9: 2E 09 ld l,$03 9AFB: 2E F5 ld l,$F5 9AFD: 35 dec (hl) 9AFE: FC 35 16 call m,$1C95 9B01: 2E 17 ld l,$1D 9B03: 2E 1E ld l,$1E 9B05: 2E 1F ld l,$1F 9B07: 2E 80 ld l,$20 9B09: 2E 81 ld l,$21 9B0B: 2E 88 ld l,$22 9B0D: 2E E6 ld l,$EC 9B0F: 35 dec (hl) 9B10: E6 35 and $95 9B12: E6 35 and $95 9B14: E6 35 and $95 9B16: E6 35 and $95 9B18: E6 35 and $95 9B1A: FE 08 cp $02 9B1C: 06 E6 ld b,$EC 9B1E: 35 dec (hl) 9B1F: E6 35 and $95 9B21: F3 di 9B22: 27 daa 9B23: FA 27 FB jp m,$FB8D 9B26: 27 daa 9B27: F6 27 or $8D 9B29: 9F sbc a,a 9B2A: 00 nop 9B2B: 9F sbc a,a 9B2C: 00 nop 9B2D: 9F sbc a,a 9B2E: 00 nop 9B2F: 9F sbc a,a 9B30: 00 nop 9B31: 12 ld (de),a 9B32: 6C ld l,h 9B33: 13 inc de 9B34: 6C ld l,h 9B35: 1A ld a,(de) 9B36: 6C ld l,h 9B37: 1B dec de 9B38: 6C ld l,h 9B39: 8D adc a,l 9B3A: 6C ld l,h 9B3B: 82 add a,d 9B3C: 6C ld l,h 9B3D: 83 add a,e 9B3E: 6C ld l,h 9B3F: 8A adc a,d 9B40: 6C ld l,h 9B41: 9F sbc a,a 9B42: 00 nop 9B43: 9F sbc a,a 9B44: 00 nop 9B45: 9F sbc a,a 9B46: 00 nop 9B47: 9F sbc a,a 9B48: 00 nop 9B49: 89 adc a,c 9B4A: 2E 84 ld l,$24 9B4C: 2E 85 ld l,$25 9B4E: 2E 8C ld l,$26 9B50: 2E E6 ld l,$EC 9B52: 35 dec (hl) 9B53: E6 35 and $95 9B55: FE 08 cp $02 9B57: 07 rlca 9B58: FD db $fd 9B59: 27 daa 9B5A: F2 27 0C jp p,$068D 9B5D: 2E 0D ld l,$07 9B5F: 2E 02 ld l,$08 9B61: 2E 03 ld l,$09 9B63: 2E 14 ld l,$14 9B65: 6C ld l,h 9B66: 15 dec d 9B67: 6C ld l,h 9B68: 1C inc e 9B69: 6C ld l,h 9B6A: 1D dec e 9B6B: 6C ld l,h 9B6C: 1D dec e 9B6D: 6C ld l,h 9B6E: 1D dec e 9B6F: 6C ld l,h 9B70: 1D dec e 9B71: 6C ld l,h 9B72: 1D dec e 9B73: 6C ld l,h 9B74: 1D dec e 9B75: 6C ld l,h 9B76: 1D dec e 9B77: 6C ld l,h 9B78: 1D dec e 9B79: 6C ld l,h 9B7A: 1D dec e 9B7B: 6C ld l,h 9B7C: 1D dec e 9B7D: 6C ld l,h 9B7E: 8B adc a,e 9B7F: 6C ld l,h 9B80: 86 add a,(hl) 9B81: 6C ld l,h 9B82: 87 add a,a 9B83: 6C ld l,h 9B84: 9F sbc a,a 9B85: 00 nop 9B86: 9F sbc a,a 9B87: 00 nop 9B88: 9F sbc a,a 9B89: 00 nop 9B8A: 9F sbc a,a 9B8B: 00 nop 9B8C: 89 adc a,c 9B8D: 2E 84 ld l,$24 9B8F: 2E FE ld l,$FE 9B91: 08 ex af,af' 9B92: 0E 04 ld c,$04 9B94: 2E 05 ld l,$05 9B96: 2E 06 ld l,$0C 9B98: 2E 07 ld l,$0D 9B9A: 2E 18 ld l,$12 9B9C: 6C ld l,h 9B9D: 19 add hl,de 9B9E: 6C ld l,h 9B9F: 1D dec e 9BA0: 6C ld l,h 9BA1: 1D dec e 9BA2: 6C ld l,h 9BA3: 1D dec e 9BA4: 6C ld l,h 9BA5: 1D dec e 9BA6: 6C ld l,h 9BA7: 99 sbc a,c 9BA8: 6C ld l,h 9BA9: 98 sbc a,b 9BAA: 6C ld l,h 9BAB: 96 sub (hl) 9BAC: 60 ld h,b 9BAD: 96 sub (hl) 9BAE: 60 ld h,b 9BAF: 96 sub (hl) 9BB0: 60 ld h,b 9BB1: 96 sub (hl) 9BB2: 60 ld h,b 9BB3: 90 sub b 9BB4: 6C ld l,h 9BB5: 91 sub c 9BB6: 6C ld l,h 9BB7: 1D dec e 9BB8: 6C ld l,h 9BB9: 1D dec e 9BBA: 6C ld l,h 9BBB: 1D dec e 9BBC: 6C ld l,h 9BBD: 1D dec e 9BBE: 6C ld l,h 9BBF: 8E adc a,(hl) 9BC0: 6C ld l,h 9BC1: 8F adc a,a 9BC2: 6C ld l,h 9BC3: 9F sbc a,a 9BC4: 00 nop 9BC5: 9F sbc a,a 9BC6: 00 nop 9BC7: 9F sbc a,a 9BC8: 00 nop 9BC9: 9F sbc a,a 9BCA: 00 nop 9BCB: FE 08 cp $02 9BCD: 0F rrca 9BCE: 0A ld a,(bc) 9BCF: 2E 0B ld l,$0B 9BD1: 2E 10 ld l,$10 9BD3: 6C ld l,h 9BD4: 11 6C 1D ld de,$17C6 9BD7: 6C ld l,h 9BD8: 1D dec e 9BD9: 6C ld l,h 9BDA: 1D dec e 9BDB: 6C ld l,h 9BDC: 1D dec e 9BDD: 6C ld l,h 9BDE: 99 sbc a,c 9BDF: 6C ld l,h 9BE0: 98 sbc a,b 9BE1: 6C ld l,h 9BE2: 96 sub (hl) 9BE3: 60 ld h,b 9BE4: 96 sub (hl) 9BE5: 60 ld h,b 9BE6: 96 sub (hl) 9BE7: 60 ld h,b 9BE8: 96 sub (hl) 9BE9: 60 ld h,b 9BEA: 96 sub (hl) 9BEB: 60 ld h,b 9BEC: 96 sub (hl) 9BED: 60 ld h,b 9BEE: 96 sub (hl) 9BEF: 60 ld h,b 9BF0: 96 sub (hl) 9BF1: 60 ld h,b 9BF2: 90 sub b 9BF3: 6C ld l,h 9BF4: 91 sub c 9BF5: 6C ld l,h 9BF6: 1D dec e 9BF7: 6C ld l,h 9BF8: 1D dec e 9BF9: 6C ld l,h 9BFA: 1D dec e 9BFB: 6C ld l,h 9BFC: 1D dec e 9BFD: 6C ld l,h 9BFE: 8E adc a,(hl) 9BFF: 6C ld l,h 9C00: 8F adc a,a 9C01: 6C ld l,h 9C02: 9F sbc a,a 9C03: 00 nop 9C04: 9F sbc a,a 9C05: 00 nop 9C06: FE 08 cp $02 9C08: 10 0E djnz $9C18 9C0A: 6C ld l,h 9C0B: 0F rrca 9C0C: 6C ld l,h 9C0D: 9A sbc a,d 9C0E: 6C ld l,h 9C0F: 9A sbc a,d 9C10: 6C ld l,h 9C11: 9C sbc a,h 9C12: BC cp h 9C13: 9D sbc a,l 9C14: BC cp h 9C15: 9A sbc a,d 9C16: 6C ld l,h 9C17: 9A sbc a,d 9C18: 6C ld l,h 9C19: 95 sub l 9C1A: BC cp h 9C1B: 94 sub h 9C1C: BC cp h 9C1D: 94 sub h 9C1E: BC cp h 9C1F: 94 sub h 9C20: BC cp h 9C21: 94 sub h 9C22: BC cp h 9C23: 94 sub h 9C24: BC cp h 9C25: 94 sub h 9C26: BC cp h 9C27: 94 sub h 9C28: BC cp h 9C29: 94 sub h 9C2A: BC cp h 9C2B: 94 sub h 9C2C: BC cp h 9C2D: 94 sub h 9C2E: BC cp h 9C2F: 95 sub l 9C30: BC cp h 9C31: 9A sbc a,d 9C32: 6C ld l,h 9C33: 9A sbc a,d 9C34: 6C ld l,h 9C35: 9C sbc a,h 9C36: BC cp h 9C37: 9D sbc a,l 9C38: BC cp h 9C39: 9A sbc a,d 9C3A: 6C ld l,h 9C3B: 9A sbc a,d 9C3C: 6C ld l,h 9C3D: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9C3E: 6C ld l,h 9C3F: 9F sbc a,a 9C40: 6C ld l,h 9C41: FE 08 cp $02 9C43: 11 9B 6C ld de,$C63B 9C46: 9B sbc a,e 9C47: 6C ld l,h 9C48: 9B sbc a,e 9C49: 6C ld l,h 9C4A: 9B sbc a,e 9C4B: 6C ld l,h 9C4C: 92 sub d 9C4D: BC cp h 9C4E: 93 sub e 9C4F: BC cp h 9C50: 9B sbc a,e 9C51: 6C ld l,h 9C52: 9B sbc a,e 9C53: 6C ld l,h 9C54: 9B sbc a,e 9C55: 6C ld l,h 9C56: 9B sbc a,e 9C57: 6C ld l,h 9C58: 9B sbc a,e 9C59: 6C ld l,h 9C5A: 9B sbc a,e 9C5B: 6C ld l,h 9C5C: 9B sbc a,e 9C5D: 6C ld l,h 9C5E: 9B sbc a,e 9C5F: 6C ld l,h 9C60: 9B sbc a,e 9C61: 6C ld l,h 9C62: 9B sbc a,e 9C63: 6C ld l,h 9C64: 9B sbc a,e 9C65: 6C ld l,h 9C66: 9B sbc a,e 9C67: 6C ld l,h 9C68: 9B sbc a,e 9C69: 6C ld l,h 9C6A: 9B sbc a,e 9C6B: 6C ld l,h 9C6C: 9B sbc a,e 9C6D: 6C ld l,h 9C6E: 9B sbc a,e 9C6F: 6C ld l,h 9C70: 92 sub d 9C71: BC cp h 9C72: 93 sub e 9C73: BC cp h 9C74: 9B sbc a,e 9C75: 6C ld l,h 9C76: 9B sbc a,e 9C77: 6C ld l,h 9C78: 9B sbc a,e 9C79: 6C ld l,h 9C7A: 9B sbc a,e 9C7B: 6C ld l,h 9C7C: FE 08 cp $02 9C7E: 18 96 jr $9CBC 9C80: 6C ld l,h 9C81: 96 sub (hl) 9C82: 6C ld l,h 9C83: 96 sub (hl) 9C84: 6C ld l,h 9C85: 96 sub (hl) 9C86: 6C ld l,h 9C87: 96 sub (hl) 9C88: 6C ld l,h 9C89: 96 sub (hl) 9C8A: 6C ld l,h 9C8B: 96 sub (hl) 9C8C: 6C ld l,h 9C8D: 96 sub (hl) 9C8E: 6C ld l,h 9C8F: 96 sub (hl) 9C90: 6C ld l,h 9C91: 96 sub (hl) 9C92: 6C ld l,h 9C93: 96 sub (hl) 9C94: 6C ld l,h 9C95: 96 sub (hl) 9C96: 6C ld l,h 9C97: 96 sub (hl) 9C98: 6C ld l,h 9C99: 96 sub (hl) 9C9A: 6C ld l,h 9C9B: 96 sub (hl) 9C9C: 6C ld l,h 9C9D: 96 sub (hl) 9C9E: 6C ld l,h 9C9F: 96 sub (hl) 9CA0: 6C ld l,h 9CA1: 96 sub (hl) 9CA2: 6C ld l,h 9CA3: 96 sub (hl) 9CA4: 6C ld l,h 9CA5: 96 sub (hl) 9CA6: 6C ld l,h 9CA7: 96 sub (hl) 9CA8: 6C ld l,h 9CA9: 96 sub (hl) 9CAA: 6C ld l,h 9CAB: 96 sub (hl) 9CAC: 6C ld l,h 9CAD: 96 sub (hl) 9CAE: 6C ld l,h 9CAF: 96 sub (hl) 9CB0: 6C ld l,h 9CB1: 96 sub (hl) 9CB2: 6C ld l,h 9CB3: 96 sub (hl) 9CB4: 6C ld l,h 9CB5: 96 sub (hl) 9CB6: 6C ld l,h 9CB7: FF rst $38 9CB8: 08 ex af,af' 9CB9: 00 nop 9CBA: 97 sub a 9CBB: 90 sub b 9CBC: 97 sub a 9CBD: 90 sub b 9CBE: 97 sub a 9CBF: 90 sub b 9CC0: FE 1B cp $1B 9CC2: 00 nop 9CC3: 97 sub a 9CC4: 90 sub b 9CC5: 97 sub a 9CC6: 90 sub b 9CC7: 97 sub a 9CC8: 90 sub b 9CC9: FE 08 cp $02 9CCB: 01 97 90 ld bc,$303D 9CCE: 97 sub a 9CCF: 90 sub b 9CD0: 97 sub a 9CD1: 90 sub b 9CD2: FE 1B cp $1B 9CD4: 01 97 90 ld bc,$303D 9CD7: 28 9C jr z,$9D0F 9CD9: 97 sub a 9CDA: 90 sub b 9CDB: FE 08 cp $02 9CDD: 08 ex af,af' 9CDE: 97 sub a 9CDF: 90 sub b 9CE0: 97 sub a 9CE1: 90 sub b 9CE2: 97 sub a 9CE3: 90 sub b 9CE4: FE 1B cp $1B 9CE6: 08 ex af,af' 9CE7: 20 9C jr nz,$9D1F 9CE9: 21 9C 97 ld hl,$3D36 9CEC: 90 sub b 9CED: FE 08 cp $02 9CEF: 09 add hl,bc 9CF0: 97 sub a 9CF1: 90 sub b 9CF2: 21 9C 20 ld hl,$8036 9CF5: 9C sbc a,h 9CF6: FE 1B cp $1B 9CF8: 09 add hl,bc 9CF9: 28 9C jr z,$9D31 9CFB: 97 sub a 9CFC: 90 sub b 9CFD: 97 sub a 9CFE: 90 sub b 9CFF: FE 08 cp $02 9D01: 04 inc b 9D02: 97 sub a 9D03: 90 sub b 9D04: 20 9C jr nz,$9D3C 9D06: 21 9C FE ld hl,$FE36 9D09: 1B dec de 9D0A: 04 inc b 9D0B: 97 sub a 9D0C: 90 sub b 9D0D: C1 pop bc 9D0E: 9C sbc a,h 9D0F: C0 ret nz 9D10: 9C sbc a,h 9D11: FE 08 cp $02 9D13: 05 dec b 9D14: 28 9C jr z,$9D4C 9D16: 97 sub a 9D17: 90 sub b 9D18: 97 sub a 9D19: 90 sub b 9D1A: FE 1B cp $1B 9D1C: 05 dec b 9D1D: C4 9C C8 call nz,$6236 9D20: 9C sbc a,h 9D21: C9 ret 9D22: 9C sbc a,h 9D23: FE 08 cp $02 9D25: 0C inc c 9D26: 97 sub a 9D27: 90 sub b 9D28: 97 sub a 9D29: 90 sub b 9D2A: 97 sub a 9D2B: 90 sub b 9D2C: FE 1B cp $1B 9D2E: 0C inc c 9D2F: C5 push bc 9D30: 9C sbc a,h 9D31: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9D32: 90 sub b 9D33: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9D34: 90 sub b 9D35: FE 08 cp $02 9D37: 0D dec c 9D38: 97 sub a 9D39: 90 sub b 9D3A: 28 9C jr z,$9D72 9D3C: 97 sub a 9D3D: 90 sub b 9D3E: FE 1B cp $1B 9D40: 0D dec c 9D41: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9D42: 90 sub b 9D43: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9D44: 90 sub b 9D45: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9D46: 90 sub b 9D47: FE 08 cp $02 9D49: 02 ld (bc),a 9D4A: 97 sub a 9D4B: 90 sub b 9D4C: 97 sub a 9D4D: 90 sub b 9D4E: 28 9C jr z,$9D86 9D50: 97 sub a 9D51: 90 sub b 9D52: 21 9C 20 ld hl,$8036 9D55: 9C sbc a,h 9D56: 21 9C 97 ld hl,$3D36 9D59: 90 sub b 9D5A: D7 rst $10 9D5B: 9C sbc a,h 9D5C: D6 9C sub $36 9D5E: 97 sub a 9D5F: 90 sub b 9D60: 97 sub a 9D61: 90 sub b 9D62: 97 sub a 9D63: 90 sub b 9D64: 28 9C jr z,$9D9C 9D66: 21 9C 20 ld hl,$8036 9D69: 9C sbc a,h 9D6A: 28 9C jr z,$9DA2 9D6C: 97 sub a 9D6D: 90 sub b 9D6E: C2 4E CD jp nz,$674E 9D71: 9C sbc a,h 9D72: CC 9C 9E call z,$3E36 9D75: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9D78: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9D79: D2 D0 DE jp nc,$7E70 9D7C: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9D7D: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9D80: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9D81: D2 FE 08 jp nc,$02FE 9D84: 03 inc bc 9D85: 97 sub a 9D86: 90 sub b 9D87: 97 sub a 9D88: 90 sub b 9D89: 4C ld c,h 9D8A: 4E ld c,(hl) 9D8B: 97 sub a 9D8C: 90 sub b 9D8D: 97 sub a 9D8E: 90 sub b 9D8F: 97 sub a 9D90: 90 sub b 9D91: 28 9C jr z,$9DC9 9D93: 97 sub a 9D94: 90 sub b 9D95: DE 9C sbc a,$36 9D97: DF rst $18 9D98: 9C sbc a,h 9D99: 97 sub a 9D9A: 90 sub b 9D9B: 28 9C jr z,$9DD3 9D9D: 21 9C 20 ld hl,$8036 9DA0: 9C sbc a,h 9DA1: 20 9C jr nz,$9DD9 9DA3: 21 9C 97 ld hl,$3D36 9DA6: 90 sub b 9DA7: CA 4E C3 jp z,$694E 9DAA: 4E ld c,(hl) 9DAB: C7 rst $00 9DAC: DE CE sbc a,$6E 9DAE: DE CF sbc a,$6F 9DB0: DE 24 sbc a,$84 9DB2: DE 29 sbc a,$83 9DB4: DE D1 sbc a,$71 9DB6: DE D5 sbc a,$75 9DB8: DE 9E sbc a,$3E 9DBA: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9DBD: FE 08 cp $02 9DBF: 0A ld a,(bc) 9DC0: 97 sub a 9DC1: 90 sub b 9DC2: 97 sub a 9DC3: 90 sub b 9DC4: 4D ld c,l 9DC5: 4E ld c,(hl) 9DC6: 42 ld b,d 9DC7: 4E ld c,(hl) 9DC8: 97 sub a 9DC9: 90 sub b 9DCA: 49 ld c,c 9DCB: 4E ld c,(hl) 9DCC: 4C ld c,h 9DCD: 4E ld c,(hl) 9DCE: 97 sub a 9DCF: 90 sub b 9DD0: 97 sub a 9DD1: 90 sub b 9DD2: 97 sub a 9DD3: 90 sub b 9DD4: 97 sub a 9DD5: 90 sub b 9DD6: 97 sub a 9DD7: 90 sub b 9DD8: 97 sub a 9DD9: 90 sub b 9DDA: 97 sub a 9DDB: 90 sub b 9DDC: 28 9C jr z,$9E14 9DDE: 97 sub a 9DDF: 90 sub b 9DE0: CA 4E C3 jp z,$694E 9DE3: 4E ld c,(hl) 9DE4: 96 sub (hl) 9DE5: 42 ld b,d 9DE6: 96 sub (hl) 9DE7: 42 ld b,d 9DE8: 96 sub (hl) 9DE9: 42 ld b,d 9DEA: 96 sub (hl) 9DEB: 42 ld b,d 9DEC: 96 sub (hl) 9DED: 42 ld b,d 9DEE: 96 sub (hl) 9DEF: 42 ld b,d 9DF0: D8 ret c 9DF1: DE D9 sbc a,$73 9DF3: DE D4 sbc a,$74 9DF5: DE 9E sbc a,$3E 9DF7: D2 FE 08 jp nc,$02FE 9DFA: 0B dec bc 9DFB: 97 sub a 9DFC: 90 sub b 9DFD: 4C ld c,h 9DFE: 4E ld c,(hl) 9DFF: 4D ld c,l 9E00: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E01: 43 ld b,e 9E02: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E03: 44 ld b,h 9E04: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E05: 45 ld b,l 9E06: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E07: 4D ld c,l 9E08: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E09: 97 sub a 9E0A: 90 sub b 9E0B: 97 sub a 9E0C: 90 sub b 9E0D: 97 sub a 9E0E: 90 sub b 9E0F: 97 sub a 9E10: 90 sub b 9E11: 97 sub a 9E12: 90 sub b 9E13: 97 sub a 9E14: 90 sub b 9E15: 97 sub a 9E16: 90 sub b 9E17: 97 sub a 9E18: 90 sub b 9E19: 97 sub a 9E1A: 90 sub b 9E1B: C6 4E add a,$4E 9E1D: 96 sub (hl) 9E1E: 42 ld b,d 9E1F: 96 sub (hl) 9E20: 42 ld b,d 9E21: 96 sub (hl) 9E22: 42 ld b,d 9E23: 96 sub (hl) 9E24: 42 ld b,d 9E25: 96 sub (hl) 9E26: 42 ld b,d 9E27: 96 sub (hl) 9E28: 42 ld b,d 9E29: 96 sub (hl) 9E2A: 42 ld b,d 9E2B: 96 sub (hl) 9E2C: 42 ld b,d 9E2D: 96 sub (hl) 9E2E: 42 ld b,d 9E2F: 25 dec h 9E30: DE 9E sbc a,$3E 9E32: D2 FE 08 jp nc,$02FE 9E35: 06 97 ld b,$3D 9E37: 90 sub b 9E38: 48 ld c,b 9E39: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E3A: 44 ld b,h 9E3B: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E3C: 4A ld c,d 9E3D: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E3E: 45 ld b,l 9E3F: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E40: 45 ld b,l 9E41: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E42: 97 sub a 9E43: 90 sub b 9E44: 97 sub a 9E45: 90 sub b 9E46: 47 ld b,a 9E47: 9C sbc a,h 9E48: 46 ld b,(hl) 9E49: 9C sbc a,h 9E4A: 4B ld c,e 9E4B: AC xor h 9E4C: 0A ld a,(bc) 9E4D: B4 or h 9E4E: 91 sub c 9E4F: A4 and h 9E50: 91 sub c 9E51: A4 and h 9E52: 91 sub c 9E53: A4 and h 9E54: 91 sub c 9E55: A4 and h 9E56: 91 sub c 9E57: A4 and h 9E58: 0A ld a,(bc) 9E59: B4 or h 9E5A: 91 sub c 9E5B: A4 and h 9E5C: 91 sub c 9E5D: A4 and h 9E5E: 4B ld c,e 9E5F: F5 push af 9E60: 97 sub a 9E61: D0 ret nc 9E62: DC AC DD call c,$77A6 9E65: AC xor h 9E66: D2 AC D3 jp nc,$79A6 9E69: AC xor h 9E6A: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9E6B: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9E6E: FE 08 cp $02 9E70: 07 rlca 9E71: 97 sub a 9E72: 90 sub b 9E73: 97 sub a 9E74: 90 sub b 9E75: 48 ld c,b 9E76: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E77: 49 ld c,c 9E78: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E79: 97 sub a 9E7A: 90 sub b 9E7B: 97 sub a 9E7C: 90 sub b 9E7D: 50 ld d,b 9E7E: 9C sbc a,h 9E7F: 4F ld c,a 9E80: 9C sbc a,h 9E81: 4E ld c,(hl) 9E82: 9C sbc a,h 9E83: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9E84: D2 5C AC jp nc,$A656 9E87: 97 sub a 9E88: D0 ret nc 9E89: 03 inc bc 9E8A: B4 or h 9E8B: FE 12 cp $18 9E8D: 07 rlca 9E8E: 03 inc bc 9E8F: B4 or h 9E90: 97 sub a 9E91: D0 ret nc 9E92: 03 inc bc 9E93: B4 or h 9E94: 97 sub a 9E95: D0 ret nc 9E96: DA AC DB jp c,$7BA6 9E99: AC xor h 9E9A: FE 08 cp $02 9E9C: 0E 97 ld c,$3D 9E9E: 90 sub b 9E9F: 97 sub a 9EA0: 90 sub b 9EA1: 41 ld b,c 9EA2: 4E ld c,(hl) 9EA3: 97 sub a 9EA4: 90 sub b 9EA5: 59 ld e,c 9EA6: 9C sbc a,h 9EA7: 58 ld e,b 9EA8: 9C sbc a,h 9EA9: 51 ld d,c 9EAA: 9C sbc a,h 9EAB: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9EAC: D2 52 AC jp nc,$A658 9EAF: 5D ld e,l 9EB0: AC xor h 9EB1: 0A ld a,(bc) 9EB2: B4 or h 9EB3: FE 16 cp $1C 9EB5: 0E 4B ld c,$4B 9EB7: F5 push af 9EB8: FE 08 cp $02 9EBA: 0F rrca 9EBB: 97 sub a 9EBC: 90 sub b 9EBD: 97 sub a 9EBE: 90 sub b 9EBF: 40 ld b,b 9EC0: 4E ld c,(hl) 9EC1: 41 ld b,c 9EC2: 4E ld c,(hl) 9EC3: 54 ld d,h 9EC4: AC xor h 9EC5: 5A ld e,d 9EC6: AC xor h 9EC7: 5A ld e,d 9EC8: AC xor h 9EC9: 5D ld e,l 9ECA: AC xor h 9ECB: FE 13 cp $19 9ECD: 0F rrca 9ECE: 80 add a,b 9ECF: 24 inc h 9ED0: 81 add a,c 9ED1: 24 inc h 9ED2: 88 adc a,b 9ED3: 24 inc h 9ED4: FE 08 cp $02 9ED6: 10 4B djnz $9F23 9ED8: F5 push af 9ED9: 97 sub a 9EDA: D0 ret nc 9EDB: 97 sub a 9EDC: D0 ret nc 9EDD: 97 sub a 9EDE: D0 ret nc 9EDF: 0A ld a,(bc) 9EE0: B4 or h 9EE1: 97 sub a 9EE2: D0 ret nc 9EE3: 97 sub a 9EE4: D0 ret nc 9EE5: 97 sub a 9EE6: D0 ret nc 9EE7: 03 inc bc 9EE8: B4 or h 9EE9: FE 13 cp $19 9EEB: 10 17 djnz $9F0A 9EED: 24 inc h 9EEE: 1E 24 ld e,$84 9EF0: 1F rra 9EF1: 24 inc h 9EF2: 0A ld a,(bc) 9EF3: B4 or h 9EF4: 97 sub a 9EF5: D0 ret nc 9EF6: FE 04 cp $04 9EF8: 11 03 B4 ld de,$B409 9EFB: 97 sub a 9EFC: D0 ret nc 9EFD: 97 sub a 9EFE: D0 ret nc 9EFF: 97 sub a 9F00: D0 ret nc 9F01: 42 ld b,d 9F02: F5 push af 9F03: 43 ld b,e 9F04: F5 push af 9F05: FE 1B cp $1B 9F07: 11 03 B4 ld de,$B409 9F0A: FE 05 cp $05 9F0C: 18 03 jr $9F17 9F0E: B4 or h 9F0F: FE 1B cp $1B 9F11: 18 03 jr $9F1C 9F13: B4 or h 9F14: FE 08 cp $02 9F16: 19 add hl,de 9F17: 03 inc bc 9F18: B4 or h 9F19: FE 16 cp $1C 9F1B: 19 add hl,de 9F1C: 03 inc bc 9F1D: B4 or h 9F1E: FE 1A cp $1A 9F20: 14 inc d 9F21: 0A ld a,(bc) 9F22: B4 or h 9F23: FE 17 cp $1D 9F25: 15 dec d 9F26: 2C inc l 9F27: AC xor h 9F28: FE 1A cp $1A 9F2A: 1C inc e 9F2B: 0A ld a,(bc) 9F2C: B4 or h 9F2D: 97 sub a 9F2E: D0 ret nc 9F2F: 97 sub a 9F30: D0 ret nc 9F31: 2D dec l 9F32: AC xor h 9F33: FE 08 cp $02 9F35: 1D dec e 9F36: 03 inc bc 9F37: B4 or h 9F38: FE 13 cp $19 9F3A: 1D dec e 9F3B: 03 inc bc 9F3C: B4 or h 9F3D: 97 sub a 9F3E: D0 ret nc 9F3F: 97 sub a 9F40: D0 ret nc 9F41: 22 AC 9E ld ($3EA6),hl 9F44: D2 FE 08 jp nc,$02FE 9F47: 12 ld (de),a 9F48: 97 sub a 9F49: D0 ret nc 9F4A: 0A ld a,(bc) 9F4B: B4 or h 9F4C: 1D dec e 9F4D: 24 inc h 9F4E: 12 ld (de),a 9F4F: 24 inc h 9F50: 13 inc de 9F51: 24 inc h 9F52: 1A ld a,(de) 9F53: 24 inc h 9F54: FE 1C cp $16 9F56: 12 ld (de),a 9F57: 03 inc bc 9F58: B4 or h 9F59: 97 sub a 9F5A: D0 ret nc 9F5B: 97 sub a 9F5C: D0 ret nc 9F5D: 97 sub a 9F5E: D0 ret nc 9F5F: 2A AC 23 ld hl,($89A6) 9F62: AC xor h 9F63: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9F64: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9F67: FE 08 cp $02 9F69: 13 inc de 9F6A: 97 sub a 9F6B: D0 ret nc 9F6C: 11 24 18 ld de,$1284 9F6F: 24 inc h 9F70: 19 add hl,de 9F71: 24 inc h 9F72: 14 inc d 9F73: 24 inc h 9F74: 15 dec d 9F75: 24 inc h 9F76: 1C inc e 9F77: 24 inc h 9F78: FE 1D cp $17 9F7A: 13 inc de 9F7B: 0A ld a,(bc) 9F7C: B4 or h 9F7D: 97 sub a 9F7E: D0 ret nc 9F7F: 22 AC 9E ld ($3EA6),hl 9F82: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9F85: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9F86: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9F89: FE 09 cp $03 9F8B: 1A ld a,(de) 9F8C: 0B dec bc 9F8D: 24 inc h 9F8E: 06 24 ld b,$84 9F90: 07 rlca 9F91: 24 inc h 9F92: 0E 24 ld c,$84 9F94: 0F rrca 9F95: 24 inc h 9F96: 10 24 djnz $9F1C 9F98: 97 sub a 9F99: D0 ret nc 9F9A: 97 sub a 9F9B: D0 ret nc 9F9C: 0A ld a,(bc) 9F9D: B4 or h 9F9E: 97 sub a 9F9F: D0 ret nc 9FA0: 97 sub a 9FA1: D0 ret nc 9FA2: 03 inc bc 9FA3: B4 or h 9FA4: 97 sub a 9FA5: D0 ret nc 9FA6: 97 sub a 9FA7: D0 ret nc 9FA8: 97 sub a 9FA9: D0 ret nc 9FAA: 0A ld a,(bc) 9FAB: B4 or h 9FAC: 03 inc bc 9FAD: B4 or h 9FAE: 5B ld e,e 9FAF: AC xor h 9FB0: 56 ld d,(hl) 9FB1: AC xor h 9FB2: 57 ld d,a 9FB3: AC xor h 9FB4: 23 inc hl 9FB5: AC xor h 9FB6: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9FB7: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9FBA: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9FBB: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9FBE: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9FBF: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9FC2: FE 08 cp $02 9FC4: 1B dec de 9FC5: 4B ld c,e 9FC6: F5 push af 9FC7: 97 sub a 9FC8: D0 ret nc 9FC9: 97 sub a 9FCA: D0 ret nc 9FCB: 97 sub a 9FCC: D0 ret nc 9FCD: 97 sub a 9FCE: D0 ret nc 9FCF: 97 sub a 9FD0: D0 ret nc 9FD1: 97 sub a 9FD2: D0 ret nc 9FD3: 97 sub a 9FD4: D0 ret nc 9FD5: 03 inc bc 9FD6: B4 or h 9FD7: 97 sub a 9FD8: D0 ret nc 9FD9: 5B ld e,e 9FDA: AC xor h 9FDB: 56 ld d,(hl) 9FDC: AC xor h 9FDD: 57 ld d,a 9FDE: AC xor h 9FDF: 5E ld e,(hl) 9FE0: AC xor h 9FE1: 5B ld e,e 9FE2: AC xor h 9FE3: 56 ld d,(hl) 9FE4: AC xor h 9FE5: 57 ld d,a 9FE6: AC xor h 9FE7: 23 inc hl 9FE8: AC xor h 9FE9: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9FEA: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9FED: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9FEE: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9FF1: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9FF2: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9FF5: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9FF6: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9FF9: 9E sbc a,(hl) 9FFA: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E 9FFD: FE 08 cp $02 9FFF: 16 57 ld d,$5D A001: AC xor h A002: 23 inc hl A003: AC xor h A004: 5F ld e,a A005: AC xor h A006: 57 ld d,a A007: AC xor h A008: 56 ld d,(hl) A009: AC xor h A00A: 23 inc hl A00B: AC xor h A00C: 5F ld e,a A00D: AC xor h A00E: 57 ld d,a A00F: AC xor h A010: 56 ld d,(hl) A011: AC xor h A012: 23 inc hl A013: AC xor h A014: 9E sbc a,(hl) A015: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A018: 9E sbc a,(hl) A019: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A01C: 9E sbc a,(hl) A01D: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A020: 9E sbc a,(hl) A021: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A024: 9E sbc a,(hl) A025: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A028: 9E sbc a,(hl) A029: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A02C: 9E sbc a,(hl) A02D: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A030: 9E sbc a,(hl) A031: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A034: 9E sbc a,(hl) A035: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A038: FE 08 cp $02 A03A: 17 rla A03B: 9E sbc a,(hl) A03C: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A03F: 9E sbc a,(hl) A040: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A043: 9E sbc a,(hl) A044: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A047: 9E sbc a,(hl) A048: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A04B: 9E sbc a,(hl) A04C: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A04F: 9E sbc a,(hl) A050: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A053: 9E sbc a,(hl) A054: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A057: 9E sbc a,(hl) A058: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A05B: 9E sbc a,(hl) A05C: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A05F: 9E sbc a,(hl) A060: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A063: 9E sbc a,(hl) A064: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A067: 9E sbc a,(hl) A068: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A06B: 9E sbc a,(hl) A06C: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A06F: 9E sbc a,(hl) A070: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A073: FE 08 cp $02 A075: 1E 9E ld e,$3E A077: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A07A: 9E sbc a,(hl) A07B: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A07E: 9E sbc a,(hl) A07F: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A082: 9E sbc a,(hl) A083: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A086: 9E sbc a,(hl) A087: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A08A: 9E sbc a,(hl) A08B: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A08E: 9E sbc a,(hl) A08F: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A092: 9E sbc a,(hl) A093: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A096: 9E sbc a,(hl) A097: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A09A: 9E sbc a,(hl) A09B: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A09E: 9E sbc a,(hl) A09F: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0A2: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0A3: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0A6: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0A7: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0AA: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0AB: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0AE: FE 08 cp $02 A0B0: 1F rra A0B1: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0B2: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0B5: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0B6: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0B9: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0BA: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0BD: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0BE: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0C1: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0C2: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0C5: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0C6: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0C9: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0CA: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0CD: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0CE: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0D1: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0D2: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0D5: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0D6: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0D9: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0DA: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0DD: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0DE: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0E1: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0E2: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0E5: 9E sbc a,(hl) A0E6: D2 9E D2 jp nc,$783E A0E9: FF rst $38 A0EA: 06 08 ld b,$02 A0EC: 9F sbc a,a A0ED: 12 ld (de),a A0EE: B7 or a A0EF: 13 inc de A0F0: BE cp (hl) A0F1: 13 inc de A0F2: 9F sbc a,a A0F3: 12 ld (de),a A0F4: 9F sbc a,a A0F5: 12 ld (de),a A0F6: BF cp a A0F7: 13 inc de A0F8: 60 ld h,b A0F9: 13 inc de A0FA: 61 ld h,c A0FB: 13 inc de A0FC: FE 06 cp $0C A0FE: 09 add hl,bc A0FF: 9F sbc a,a A100: 12 ld (de),a A101: 68 ld l,b A102: 13 inc de A103: 69 ld l,c A104: 13 inc de A105: 64 ld h,h A106: 13 inc de A107: 65 ld h,l A108: 13 inc de A109: 6C ld l,h A10A: 13 inc de A10B: 6D ld l,l A10C: 13 inc de A10D: 62 ld h,d A10E: 13 inc de A10F: FE 06 cp $0C A111: 04 inc b A112: 63 ld h,e A113: 13 inc de A114: 6A ld l,d A115: 13 inc de A116: 6B ld l,e A117: 13 inc de A118: 66 ld h,(hl) A119: 13 inc de A11A: 67 ld h,a A11B: 13 inc de A11C: 6E ld l,(hl) A11D: 13 inc de A11E: 6F ld l,a A11F: 13 inc de A120: FE 06 cp $0C A122: 05 dec b A123: 70 ld (hl),b A124: 13 inc de A125: 71 ld (hl),c A126: 13 inc de A127: 78 ld a,b A128: 13 inc de A129: 79 ld a,c A12A: 13 inc de A12B: 74 ld (hl),h A12C: 13 inc de A12D: 75 ld (hl),l A12E: 13 inc de A12F: 7C ld a,h A130: 13 inc de A131: 7D ld a,l A132: 13 inc de A133: FE 06 cp $0C A135: 0C inc c A136: 72 ld (hl),d A137: 13 inc de A138: 73 ld (hl),e A139: 13 inc de A13A: 7A ld a,d A13B: 13 inc de A13C: 7B ld a,e A13D: 13 inc de A13E: 76 halt A13F: 13 inc de A140: 77 ld (hl),a A141: 13 inc de A142: 7E ld a,(hl) A143: 13 inc de A144: 7F ld a,a A145: 13 inc de A146: FE 06 cp $0C A148: 0D dec c A149: E0 ret po A14A: 13 inc de A14B: E1 pop hl A14C: 13 inc de A14D: E8 ret pe A14E: 13 inc de A14F: E9 jp (hl) A150: 13 inc de A151: E4 13 E5 call po,$E519 A154: 13 inc de A155: EC 13 ED call pe,$E719 A158: 13 inc de A159: FE 06 cp $0C A15B: 02 ld (bc),a A15C: E2 13 E3 jp po,$E919 A15F: 13 inc de A160: 9F sbc a,a A161: 12 ld (de),a A162: EA 13 EB jp pe,$EB19 A165: 13 inc de A166: E6 13 and $19 A168: E7 rst $20 A169: 13 inc de A16A: EE 13 xor $19 A16C: FE 06 cp $0C A16E: 03 inc bc A16F: EF rst $28 A170: 13 inc de A171: F0 ret p A172: 13 inc de A173: F1 pop af A174: 13 inc de A175: F8 ret m A176: 13 inc de A177: F9 ld sp,hl A178: 13 inc de A179: F4 13 F5 call p,$F519 A17C: 13 inc de A17D: FC 13 FE call m,$FE19 A180: 06 0A ld b,$0A A182: FD db $fd A183: 13 inc de A184: F2 13 F3 jp p,$F919 A187: 13 inc de A188: FA 13 FB jp m,$FB19 A18B: 13 inc de A18C: F6 13 or $19 A18E: F7 rst $30 A18F: 13 inc de A190: FC 1B FE call m,$FE1B A193: 06 0B ld b,$0B A195: FD db $fd A196: 1B dec de A197: 00 nop A198: 1A ld a,(de) A199: 01 1A 08 ld bc,$021A A19C: 1A ld a,(de) A19D: 09 add hl,bc A19E: 1A ld a,(de) A19F: 9F sbc a,a A1A0: 12 ld (de),a A1A1: 04 inc b A1A2: 1A ld a,(de) A1A3: FE 06 cp $0C A1A5: 06 9F ld b,$3F A1A7: 12 ld (de),a A1A8: 05 dec b A1A9: 1A ld a,(de) A1AA: 0C inc c A1AB: 1A ld a,(de) A1AC: 0D dec c A1AD: 1A ld a,(de) A1AE: 02 ld (bc),a A1AF: 1A ld a,(de) A1B0: 03 inc bc A1B1: 1A ld a,(de) A1B2: 0A ld a,(bc) A1B3: 1A ld a,(de) A1B4: 0B dec bc A1B5: 1A ld a,(de) A1B6: FE 06 cp $0C A1B8: 07 rlca A1B9: 06 1A ld b,$1A A1BB: 07 rlca A1BC: 1A ld a,(de) A1BD: 0E 1A ld c,$1A A1BF: 0F rrca A1C0: 1A ld a,(de) A1C1: 10 1A djnz $A1DD A1C3: 11 1A 18 ld de,$121A A1C6: 1A ld a,(de) A1C7: 19 add hl,de A1C8: 1A ld a,(de) A1C9: FE 06 cp $0C A1CB: 0E 14 ld c,$14 A1CD: 1A ld a,(de) A1CE: 15 dec d A1CF: 1A ld a,(de) A1D0: 1C inc e A1D1: 1A ld a,(de) A1D2: 1D dec e A1D3: 1A ld a,(de) A1D4: 12 ld (de),a A1D5: 1A ld a,(de) A1D6: 13 inc de A1D7: 1A ld a,(de) A1D8: 1A ld a,(de) A1D9: 1A ld a,(de) A1DA: 1B dec de A1DB: 1A ld a,(de) A1DC: FE 06 cp $0C A1DE: 0F rrca A1DF: 16 1A ld d,$1A A1E1: 17 rla A1E2: 1A ld a,(de) A1E3: 1E 1A ld e,$1A A1E5: 1F rra A1E6: 1A ld a,(de) A1E7: 80 add a,b A1E8: 1A ld a,(de) A1E9: 81 add a,c A1EA: 1A ld a,(de) A1EB: FE 06 cp $0C A1ED: 10 88 djnz $A211 A1EF: 1A ld a,(de) A1F0: 89 adc a,c A1F1: 1A ld a,(de) A1F2: 9F sbc a,a A1F3: 12 ld (de),a A1F4: 84 add a,h A1F5: 1A ld a,(de) A1F6: 85 add a,l A1F7: 1A ld a,(de) A1F8: 8C adc a,h A1F9: 1A ld a,(de) A1FA: FE 06 cp $0C A1FC: 11 8D 1A ld de,$1A27 A1FF: 82 add a,d A200: 1A ld a,(de) A201: 83 add a,e A202: 1A ld a,(de) A203: 8A adc a,d A204: 1A ld a,(de) A205: 8B adc a,e A206: 1A ld a,(de) A207: 86 add a,(hl) A208: 1A ld a,(de) A209: FE 06 cp $0C A20B: 18 87 jr $A23A A20D: 1A ld a,(de) A20E: 8E adc a,(hl) A20F: 1A ld a,(de) A210: 8F adc a,a A211: 1A ld a,(de) A212: 90 sub b A213: 1A ld a,(de) A214: 91 sub c A215: 1A ld a,(de) A216: 98 sbc a,b A217: 1A ld a,(de) A218: 99 sbc a,c A219: 1A ld a,(de) A21A: FE 06 cp $0C A21C: 19 add hl,de A21D: 94 sub h A21E: 1A ld a,(de) A21F: 95 sub l A220: 1A ld a,(de) A221: 9C sbc a,h A222: 1A ld a,(de) A223: 9D sbc a,l A224: 1A ld a,(de) A225: 92 sub d A226: 1A ld a,(de) A227: 93 sub e A228: 1A ld a,(de) A229: 9A sbc a,d A22A: 1A ld a,(de) A22B: FE 06 cp $0C A22D: 14 inc d A22E: 9B sbc a,e A22F: 1A ld a,(de) A230: 96 sub (hl) A231: 1A ld a,(de) A232: 97 sub a A233: 1A ld a,(de) A234: 9E sbc a,(hl) A235: 1A ld a,(de) A236: 9F sbc a,a A237: 1A ld a,(de) A238: 40 ld b,b A239: 1A ld a,(de) A23A: 41 ld b,c A23B: 1A ld a,(de) A23C: FE 06 cp $0C A23E: 15 dec d A23F: A6 and (hl) A240: 1A ld a,(de) A241: A7 and a A242: 1A ld a,(de) A243: 9F sbc a,a A244: 12 ld (de),a A245: AE xor (hl) A246: 1A ld a,(de) A247: AF xor a A248: 1A ld a,(de) A249: B0 or b A24A: 1A ld a,(de) A24B: FE 06 cp $0C A24D: 1C inc e A24E: B1 or c A24F: 1A ld a,(de) A250: B8 cp b A251: 1A ld a,(de) A252: F0 ret p A253: 1B dec de A254: F1 pop af A255: 1B dec de A256: F8 ret m A257: 1B dec de A258: FE 06 cp $0C A25A: 1D dec e A25B: F9 ld sp,hl A25C: 1B dec de A25D: F4 1B FF call p,$FF1B A260: 08 ex af,af' A261: 16 96 ld d,$3C A263: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A266: 96 sub (hl) A267: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A26A: 96 sub (hl) A26B: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A26E: 96 sub (hl) A26F: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A272: 96 sub (hl) A273: 32 96 22 ld ($883C),a A276: A6 and (hl) A277: 72 ld (hl),d A278: A7 and a A279: 72 ld (hl),d A27A: 96 sub (hl) A27B: 22 96 32 ld ($983C),hl A27E: 96 sub (hl) A27F: 32 96 22 ld ($883C),a A282: A6 and (hl) A283: 72 ld (hl),d A284: A7 and a A285: 72 ld (hl),d A286: 96 sub (hl) A287: 22 96 32 ld ($983C),hl A28A: B2 or d A28B: E0 ret po A28C: B3 or e A28D: E0 ret po A28E: BA cp d A28F: E0 ret po A290: BB cp e A291: E0 ret po A292: B6 or (hl) A293: E0 ret po A294: B7 or a A295: E0 ret po A296: BE cp (hl) A297: E0 ret po A298: 9F sbc a,a A299: 10 FE djnz $A299 A29B: 08 ex af,af' A29C: 17 rla A29D: 96 sub (hl) A29E: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2A1: 96 sub (hl) A2A2: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2A5: 96 sub (hl) A2A6: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2A9: 96 sub (hl) A2AA: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2AD: 96 sub (hl) A2AE: 32 AE 72 ld ($D8AE),a A2B1: AF xor a A2B2: 22 B0 22 ld ($88B0),hl A2B5: B1 or c A2B6: 72 ld (hl),d A2B7: 96 sub (hl) A2B8: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2BB: AE xor (hl) A2BC: 72 ld (hl),d A2BD: AF xor a A2BE: 22 B0 22 ld ($88B0),hl A2C1: B1 or c A2C2: 72 ld (hl),d A2C3: 96 sub (hl) A2C4: 32 BF E0 ld ($E0BF),a A2C7: 60 ld h,b A2C8: E0 ret po A2C9: 61 ld h,c A2CA: E0 ret po A2CB: 68 ld l,b A2CC: E0 ret po A2CD: 69 ld l,c A2CE: E0 ret po A2CF: 64 ld h,h A2D0: E0 ret po A2D1: 65 ld h,l A2D2: E0 ret po A2D3: 9F sbc a,a A2D4: 10 FE djnz $A2D4 A2D6: 08 ex af,af' A2D7: 1E 96 ld e,$3C A2D9: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2DC: 96 sub (hl) A2DD: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2E0: 96 sub (hl) A2E1: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2E4: 96 sub (hl) A2E5: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2E8: 96 sub (hl) A2E9: 32 B8 72 ld ($D8B2),a A2EC: B9 cp c A2ED: 22 B4 22 ld ($88B4),hl A2F0: B5 or l A2F1: 72 ld (hl),d A2F2: 96 sub (hl) A2F3: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A2F6: B8 cp b A2F7: 72 ld (hl),d A2F8: B9 cp c A2F9: 22 B4 22 ld ($88B4),hl A2FC: B5 or l A2FD: 72 ld (hl),d A2FE: 96 sub (hl) A2FF: 32 48 E8 ld ($E242),a A302: 49 ld c,c A303: E8 ret pe A304: 44 ld b,h A305: E8 ret pe A306: 45 ld b,l A307: E8 ret pe A308: 4C ld c,h A309: E8 ret pe A30A: 4D ld c,l A30B: E8 ret pe A30C: 42 ld b,d A30D: E8 ret pe A30E: 96 sub (hl) A30F: 32 FE 08 ld ($02FE),a A312: 1F rra A313: 96 sub (hl) A314: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A317: 96 sub (hl) A318: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A31B: 96 sub (hl) A31C: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A31F: 96 sub (hl) A320: 32 96 32 ld ($983C),a A323: 96 sub (hl) A324: 32 96 22 ld ($883C),a A327: BC cp h A328: 72 ld (hl),d A329: BD cp l A32A: 72 ld (hl),d A32B: 96 sub (hl) A32C: 22 96 32 ld ($983C),hl A32F: 96 sub (hl) A330: 32 96 22 ld ($883C),a A333: BC cp h A334: 72 ld (hl),d A335: BD cp l A336: 72 ld (hl),d A337: 96 sub (hl) A338: 22 96 32 ld ($983C),hl A33B: 9F sbc a,a A33C: 10 9F djnz $A37D A33E: 10 9F djnz $A37F A340: 10 9F djnz $A381 A342: 10 9F djnz $A383 A344: 10 9F djnz $A385 A346: 10 9F djnz $A387 A348: 10 9F djnz $A389 A34A: 10 FF djnz $A34B A34C: 00 nop move_human_player_A34D: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) A350: CB 7F bit 7,a A352: 3E 00 ld a,$00 A354: C2 DA A9 jp nz,$A37A ; special screens, don't move human player A357: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D A35A: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) A35D: FE 03 cp $09 A35F: 3E 00 ld a,$00 A361: C2 C6 A9 jp nz,$A36C A364: CB 5E bit 3,(hl) A366: CA DA A9 jp z,$A37A A369: C3 D1 A9 jp $A371 A36C: CB 56 bit 2,(hl) A36E: CA DA A9 jp z,$A37A A371: CD BD 97 call $3DB7 ; player (human) technique A374: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; player 1: hl = C24B A377: 77 ld (hl),a A378: 3E FF ld a,$FF A37A: C9 ret ; roughly called every 60th frames, sometimes 2 times in the frame ; probably not or loosely synchronized with 60Hz interrupt fight_mainloop_A37B: CD 4B B0 call load_iy_with_player_structure_B04B A37E: FD 36 10 00 ld (iy+$10),$00 A382: AF xor a A383: CD 5A B0 call $B05A A386: FE 03 cp $09 A388: CA DB A9 jp z,$fight_mainloop_A37B A38B: FE 06 cp $0C A38D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 ; this loops (outside the periodic interrupt) ; when players are shown and fight. either in the intro/demo ; or during a real fight fight_mainloop_A390: A390: CD 4B B0 call load_iy_with_player_structure_B04B ; now (1 player vs red CPU: iy = $C200) A393: CD 82 A4 call update_players_struct_C2xx_A428 A396: CD 47 A9 call move_human_player_A34D A399: A7 and a A39A: C2 10 A4 jp nz,cpu_move_done_A410 ; only humans: end ; 1 player mode: handle computer A39D: DD 21 9B AA ld ix,walk_frames_list_AA3B A3A1: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) A3A4: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) ; <= what the computer frame is A3A7: E5 push hl ; the computer tries to find its own displayed frame in the various lists ; is the computer walking? A3A8: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A3AB: E1 pop hl A3AC: A7 and a ; if walking/stands guard, computer can attack the player A3AD: C2 9B A5 jp nz,maybe_attack_opponent_A53B A3B0: DD 21 47 AA ld ix,jump_frames_list_AA4D A3B4: E5 push hl A3B5: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A3B8: E1 pop hl A3B9: A7 and a A3BA: C2 66 AB jp nz,handle_cpu_land_from_jump_ABCC A3BD: DD 21 C7 AA ld ix,hitting_frame_list_AA6D A3C1: E5 push hl A3C2: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A3C5: E1 pop hl A3C6: A7 and a A3C7: C2 E9 AB jp nz,full_blown_hit_ABE3 ; missed cpu hit: let player react ; the rest of the routine is used to maintain block as long as needed ; (as long as opponent is performing the same menacing move or another ; move of the same attack height) A3CA: DD 21 27 AA ld ix,blocking_frame_list_AA8D A3CE: E5 push hl A3CF: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A3D2: E1 pop hl A3D3: A7 and a A3D4: C2 FF AB jp nz,$computer_completed_a_blocking_move_ABFF ; computer has completed a blocking move A3D7: E5 push hl A3D8: DD E1 pop ix A3DA: DD 7E 02 ld a,(ix+$08) A3DD: A7 and a A3DE: C2 62 A6 jp nz,$ACC8 ; move done A3E1: C3 6B A6 jp $ACCB ; move done cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4: A3E4: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) A3E7: CB BF res 7,a ; clears bit 7 ; this is during demo mode (blue "karate champ" background), 2 cpu players ; during cpu vs cpu demo (bridge), it's not $50 A3E9: FE 50 cp $50 A3EB: CA 10 A4 jp z,cpu_move_done_A410 A3EE: FD CB 10 4C bit 0,(iy+$10) A3F2: C2 10 A4 jp nz,cpu_move_done_A410 ; we enter here when computer is about to attack, but (in lower difficulty levels < 16) ; it lets the opponent a chance to counter attack just before the attack ; the time for the opponent to react is smaller and smaller with increasing skill level ; attack has been already decided by functions that end up ; calling A3E4 A3F5: 21 CD A7 ld hl,counter_attack_timer_table_AD67 A3F8: CD 6E A6 call let_opponent_react_depending_on_skill_level_ACCE ; something animation related must have been set up to handle the special (why?) ; case of counter attack with jump. Otherwise return code doesn't matter much A3FB: FE 03 cp $09 A3FD: CA DB A9 jp z,$fight_mainloop_A37B ; jump attack: loop back (without attacking) A400: A7 and a A401: CA 03 A4 jp z,$A409 ; 0 A404: FE FF cp $FF A406: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 ; a = $FF: non jump counter attack has been launched by opponent ; iy is C220 ; the attack move is already loaded in cpu C26B A409: FD CB 10 6C set 0,(iy+$10) A40D: C3 30 A9 jp fight_mainloop_A390 ; called after a non-attacking move (walk, sommersault, turn back...) ; but can also be called after deciding an attack... cpu_move_done_A410: A410: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) A413: FE 03 cp $09 A415: 3E 0B ld a,$0B A417: CA 16 A4 jp z,$A41C A41A: 3E 0A ld a,$0A A41C: 06 07 ld b,$0D A41E: CD 57 B0 call $B05D A421: A7 and a A422: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 A425: C3 DB A9 jp fight_mainloop_A37B update_players_struct_C2xx_A428: A428: CD B7 B0 call $B0BD ; calls write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 ??? A42B: ED 5B 4D 68 ld de,($C247) ; load animation/position of player 1 A42F: 2A 43 68 ld hl,($C249) ; load xy for player 1 A432: D9 exx ; EXX exchanges BC, DE, and HL with shadow registers with BC', DE', and HL'. A433: ED 5B CD 68 ld de,($C267) ; load animation/position of player 2 A437: 2A C3 68 ld hl,($C269) ; load xy for player 2 A43A: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) A43D: FE 03 cp $09 A43F: CA 49 A4 jp z,$A443 A442: D9 exx ; depending on the configuration (which is the human opponent), swap values ; frame ID (16 bit) in e and d A443: FD 73 0D ld (iy+$07),e A446: FD 72 02 ld (iy+$08),d ; l: x coord (player 1: $C209) min $20 A449: FD 75 03 ld (iy+$09),l A44C: FD 74 0A ld (iy+$0a),h ; A44F: D9 exx ; copy coords to opponent structure A450: FD 73 0B ld (iy+$0b),e A453: FD 72 06 ld (iy+$0c),d A456: FD 75 07 ld (iy+$0d),l A459: FD 74 0E ld (iy+$0e),h A45C: CD 60 B0 call $B0C0 A45F: FD CB 02 DE bit 7,(iy+$08) A463: CA 20 A4 jp z,$A480 A466: FD CB 02 BE res 7,(iy+$08) A46A: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) A46D: 2F cpl A46E: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a A471: FD 7E 06 ld a,(iy+$0c) A474: EE 20 xor $80 A476: FD 77 06 ld (iy+$0c),a A479: FD 7E 07 ld a,(iy+$0d) A47C: 2F cpl A47D: FD 77 07 ld (iy+$0d),a A480: 21 CB 68 ld hl,$C26B A483: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) A486: FE 03 cp $09 A488: CA 2E A4 jp z,$A48E A48B: 21 4B 68 ld hl,current_move_C24B A48E: 22 04 6F ld (address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04),hl A491: 23 inc hl A492: CD 3C A4 call $A496 A495: C9 ret ; sets attack distance (0,1,2) A496: E5 push hl A497: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 A499: FD 36 0F 03 ld (iy+$0f),$09 A49D: DD 21 00 6F ld ix,$CF00 A4A1: 2A 93 A5 ld hl,($A539) A4A4: 22 08 6F ld ($CF02),hl A4A7: 21 83 A5 ld hl,$A529 A4AA: FD 56 07 ld d,(iy+$0d) A4AD: FD 5E 0E ld e,(iy+$0e) A4B0: AF xor a A4B1: FD 35 0F dec (iy+$0f) A4B4: CA E5 A4 jp z,$A4E5 A4B7: CD 0A A5 call $A50A A4BA: A7 and a A4BB: CA 69 A4 jp z,$A4C3 A4BE: 23 inc hl A4BF: 23 inc hl A4C0: C3 B0 A4 jp $A4B0 A4C3: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) A4C6: 86 add a,(hl) A4C7: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a A4CA: 23 inc hl A4CB: 7E ld a,(hl) A4CC: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a A4CF: 23 inc hl A4D0: CD 48 B0 call $B042 A4D3: A7 and a A4D4: CA B0 A4 jp z,$A4B0 A4D7: 3E 03 ld a,$09 A4D9: FD 96 0F sub (iy+$0f) A4DC: FD 77 0F ld (iy+$0f),a A4DF: CB 3F srl a A4E1: D2 E5 A4 jp nc,$A4E5 A4E4: 3C inc a A4E5: E1 pop hl A4E6: 77 ld (hl),a A4E7: FD 7E 07 ld a,(iy+$0d) ; opponent x A4EA: FD BE 03 cp (iy+$09) ; player x A4ED: DA FE A4 jp c,$A4FE ; opponent is on the right A4F0: FD CB 06 DE bit 7,(iy+$0c) A4F4: C2 03 A5 jp nz,$A509 A4F7: FD CB 0F FE set 7,(iy+$0f) A4FB: C3 03 A5 jp $A509 A4FE: FD CB 06 DE bit 7,(iy+$0c) A502: CA 03 A5 jp z,$A509 A505: FD CB 0F FE set 7,(iy+$0f) A509: C9 ret A50A: 7E ld a,(hl) A50B: A7 and a A50C: FA 1A A5 jp m,$A51A A50F: FD 86 03 add a,(iy+$09) A512: 3E 00 ld a,$00 A514: D2 82 A5 jp nc,$A528 A517: C3 8C A5 jp $A526 A51A: ED 44 neg A51C: 47 ld b,a A51D: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) A520: 90 sub b A521: 3E 00 ld a,$00 A523: D2 82 A5 jp nc,$A528 A526: 3E FF ld a,$FF A528: C9 ret A529: dc.b 58 17 40 17 28 17 00 27 A0 17 B8 17 D0 17 E8 17 00 FF ; jump table depending on the value of iy+0xF ; this jumps to another jump table selector (which is not very performant ; as all the routines jumped to just load ix to a different value, a double ; jump could probably have been avoided. But who am I to criticize Z80 code ? ; ; note: block moves are probably triggered when cpu decides to move back and ; the player attacks at the same time (code $01) ; maybe_attack_opponent_A53B A53B: DD 21 4F A5 ld ix,jump_table_A54F A53F: 06 00 ld b,$00 A541: FD 4E 0F ld c,(iy+$0f); iy = C220: algebraic distance index (0-8 + facing direction bit 7) A544: CB 21 sla c ; times 2 (and gets rid of the direction bit) A546: DD 09 add ix,bc A548: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) A54B: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) A54E: E9 jp (hl) ; fine distance 0-8 see table at the start of the file jump_table_A54F: dc.w ai_load_table_opp_faces_very_far_A561 ; 0 dc.w ai_load_table_opp_faces_far_A561 ; 1 dc.w ai_load_table_opp_faces_close_A56F ; 2 dc.w ai_load_table_opp_faces_closer_A576 ; 3 dc.w ai_load_table_opp_faces_closest_A57D ; 4 dc.w ai_load_table_opp_turns_back_far_A584 ; 5 dc.w ai_load_table_opp_turns_back_close_A58B ; 6 dc.w ai_load_table_opp_turns_back_closer_A592 ; 7 dc.w ai_load_table_opp_turns_back_closest_A599 ; 8 ; p1 left, p2 right, far away (C20F = 0) ai_jump_table_opp_faces_very_far_A561: A561: DD 21 B1 A5 ld ix,computer_ai_jump_table_all_move_towards_opponent_A651 A565: C3 37 A5 jp jump_to_routine_from_table_A59D ; p1 left, p2 right, less far away (1) ai_load_table_opp_faces_far_A561: A561: DD 21 65 A5 ld ix,ai_jump_table_opp_faces_far_A5C5 A56C: C3 37 A5 jp jump_to_routine_from_table_A59D ; p1 left, p2 right, less far away (2) ai_load_table_opp_faces_close_A56F: A56F: DD 21 73 A5 ld ix,ai_jump_table_opp_faces_close_A5D9 A573: C3 37 A5 jp jump_to_routine_from_table_A59D ; p1 left, p2 right, less far away (3) ai_load_table_opp_faces_closer_A576: A576: DD 21 E7 A5 ld ix,ai_jump_table_opp_faces_closer_A5ED A57A: C3 37 A5 jp jump_to_routine_from_table_A59D ; p1 left, p2 right, very close (4) ai_load_table_opp_faces_closest_A57D: A57D: DD 21 01 AC ld ix,ai_jump_table_opp_faces_closest_A601 A581: C3 37 A5 jp jump_to_routine_from_table_A59D ; p1 right, p2 left, far away (5) ai_load_table_opp_turns_back_far_A584: A584: DD 21 15 AC ld ix,ai_jump_table_A615 A588: C3 37 A5 jp jump_to_routine_from_table_A59D ; 6 ai_load_table_opp_turns_back_close_A58B: A58B: DD 21 83 AC ld ix,ai_jump_table_A629 A58F: C3 37 A5 jp jump_to_routine_from_table_A59D ; 7 ai_load_table_opp_turns_back_closer_A592: A592: DD 21 97 AC ld ix,ai_jump_table_A63D A596: C3 37 A5 jp jump_to_routine_from_table_A59D ; p1 right, p2 left, very close (8) ; turn back (to face opponent) ai_load_table_opp_turns_back_closest_A599: A599: DD 21 51 AC ld ix,computer_ai_jump_table_all_turn_back_A651 jump_to_routine_from_table_A59D A59D: DD E5 push ix A59F: CD C5 AC call classify_opponent_move_start_A665 ; retrieve value 1 -> 9 A5A2: DD E1 pop ix ; a is the index of the routine in selected computer_ai_jump_table ; it cannot be 0 A5A4: 87 add a,a A5A5: 06 00 ld b,$00 A5A7: 4F ld c,a A5A8: DD 09 add ix,bc A5AA: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) A5AD: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) ; jump to the routine A5B0: E9 jp (hl) ; makes sense: players are far away, CPU just tries to get closer to player ; but can also change direction computer_ai_jump_table_all_move_towards_opponent_A651: dc.w display_error_text_B075 ; what opponent does: dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4 ; 1: no particular stuff dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4 ; 2: frontal attack dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4 ; 3: rear attack dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4 ; 4: crouch dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4 ; 5 in-jump dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4 ; 6: sommersault forward dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4 ; 7: sommersault backwards dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4 ; 8: starting a jump dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4 ; 9: move not in list ai_jump_table_opp_faces_far_A5C5 dc.w display_error_text_B075 ; what opponent does: dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A6E7 ; 1: no particular stuff dc.w cpu_forward_or_stop_if_facing_A6EF ; 2: frontal attack dc.w cpu_forward_or_stop_if_not_facing_A700 ; 3: rear attack dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A6E7 ; 4: crouch ($A711 jumps there) dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A6E7 ; 5 in-jump ($A714 jumps there) dc.w cpu_forward_or_backward_depending_on_facing_A7D5 ; 6: sommersault forward $A717 jumps there dc.w cpu_backward_or_forward_depending_on_facing_A7E6 ; 7: sommersault backwards $A71A jumps there dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A71D ; 8: starting a jump dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A71D ; 9: move not in list ai_jump_table_opp_faces_close_A5D9: dc.w display_error_text_B075 ; what opponent does: dc.w attack_once_out_of_16_frames_else_walk_A725 ; 1: no particular stuff dc.w cpu_avoids_low_attack_if_facing_else_maybe_attacks_A73F ; 2: frontal attack dc.w cpu_maybe_attacks_if_facing_else_avoids_low_attack_A786 ; 3: rear attack dc.w just_walk_A7C5 ; 4: crouch dc.w just_walk_A7CD ; 5 in-jump dc.w cpu_forward_or_backward_depending_on_facing_A7D5 ; 6: sommersault forward dc.w cpu_backward_or_forward_depending_on_facing_A7E6 ; 7: sommersault backwards dc.w attack_once_out_of_16_frames_else_walk_A725 ; 8: starting a jump $A7F7 jumps there dc.w cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A7FA ; 9: move not in list ai_jump_table_opp_faces_closer_A5ED dc.w display_error_text_B075 ; what opponent does: dc.w pick_cpu_attack_A802 ; 1: no particular stuff dc.w cpu_reacts_to_low_attack_if_facing_else_attacks_A80C; 2: frontal attack dc.w cpu_react_to_low_attack_or_perform_attack_A85B ; 3: rear attack dc.w cpu_small_chance_of_low_kick_else_walk_A893 ; 4: crouch dc.W pick_cpu_attack_A802 ; was $A8A8 ; 5 in-jump dc.W pick_cpu_attack_A802 ; was $A8A8 ; 6: sommersault forward dc.w move_fwd_or_bwd_checking_sommersault_and_dir_A8E8 ; 7: sommersault backwards dc.w pick_cpu_attack_A802 ; $A911 calls it ; 8: starting a jump dc.w pick_cpu_attack_A802 ; $A914 calls it ; 9: move not in list ai_jump_table_opp_faces_closest_A601 dc.w display_error_text_B075 ; what opponent does: dc.w get_out_of_edge_or_low_kick_A917 ; 1: no particular stuff dc.w cpu_reacts_to_low_attack_if_facing_else_attacks_A80C; 2: frontal attack $A92F dc.w front_kick_or_fwd_sommersault_to_recenter_A94E ; 3: rear attack ; $A932 jumps there dc.w perform_low_kick_A935 ; 4: crouch ; $A93D jumps there dc.w front_kick_or_fwd_sommersault_to_recenter_A94E ; 5 in-jump ; $A93D jumps there dc.w high_attack_if_forward_sommersault_or_walk_A8AB ; 6: sommersault forward ; $A940 jumps there dc.w move_fwd_or_bwd_checking_sommersault_and_dir_A8E8 ; 7: sommersault backwards ; $A943 jumps there dc.w perform_walk_back_A946 ; 8: starting a jump dc.w front_kick_or_fwd_sommersault_to_recenter_A94E ; 9: move not in list ai_jump_table_A615 dc.w display_error_text_B075 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 ai_jump_table_A629 dc.w display_error_text_B075 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 dc.w cpu_move_turn_around_A966 ai_jump_table_A63D dc.w display_error_text_B075 ; what opponent does: dc.w pick_cpu_attack_A96E ; 1: no particular stuff dc.w cpu_complex_reaction_to_front_attack_A980 ; 2: frontal attack dc.w cpu_complex_reaction_to_rear_attack_A9D6 ; 3: rear attack dc.w foot_sweep_back_AA10 ; 4: crouch dc.w pick_cpu_attack_A96E ; 5 in-jump $AA22 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA25 ; 6: sommersault forward dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA25 ; 7: sommersault backwards dc.w pick_cpu_attack_A96E ; 8: starting a jump $AA2D dc.w pick_cpu_attack_A96E ; 9: move not in list $AA30 computer_ai_jump_table_all_turn_back_A651 dc.w display_error_text_B075 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA33 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA33 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA33 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA33 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA33 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA33 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA33 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA33 dc.w cpu_turn_back_AA33 A5B1: D5 push de A5B2: B0 or b A5B3: 74 ld (hl),h A5B4: AC xor h A5B5: 74 ld (hl),h A5B6: AC xor h A5B7: 74 ld (hl),h A5B8: AC xor h A5B9: 74 ld (hl),h A5BA: AC xor h A5BB: 74 ld (hl),h A5BC: AC xor h A5BD: 74 ld (hl),h A5BE: AC xor h A5BF: 74 ld (hl),h A5C0: AC xor h A5C1: 74 ld (hl),h A5C2: AC xor h A5C3: 74 ld (hl),h A5C4: AC xor h A5C5: D5 push de A5C6: B0 or b A5C7: ED db $ed A5C8: AC xor h A5C9: EF rst $28 A5CA: AC xor h A5CB: 00 nop A5CC: AD xor l A5CD: 11 AD 14 ld de,$14A7 A5D0: AD xor l A5D1: 1D dec e A5D2: AD xor l A5D3: 1A ld a,(de) A5D4: AD xor l A5D5: 17 rla A5D6: AD xor l A5D7: 17 rla A5D8: AD xor l A5D9: D5 push de A5DA: B0 or b A5DB: 85 add a,l A5DC: AD xor l A5DD: 9F sbc a,a A5DE: AD xor l A5DF: 2C inc l A5E0: AD xor l A5E1: 65 ld h,l A5E2: AD xor l A5E3: 67 ld h,a A5E4: AD xor l A5E5: 75 ld (hl),l A5E6: AD xor l A5E7: EC AD FD call pe,$F7A7 A5EA: AD xor l A5EB: FA AD D5 jp m,$75A7 A5EE: B0 or b A5EF: 08 ex af,af' A5F0: A2 and d A5F1: 06 A2 ld b,$A8 A5F3: 5B ld e,e A5F4: A2 and d A5F5: 39 add hl,sp A5F6: A2 and d A5F7: A2 and d A5F8: A2 and d A5F9: AB xor e A5FA: A2 and d A5FB: E2 A2 11 jp po,$11A8 A5FE: A3 and e A5FF: 14 inc d A600: A3 and e A601: D5 push de A602: B0 or b A603: 1D dec e A604: A3 and e A605: 8F adc a,a A606: A3 and e A607: 98 sbc a,b A608: A3 and e A609: 95 sub l A60A: A3 and e A60B: 97 sub a A60C: A3 and e A60D: 40 ld b,b A60E: A3 and e A60F: 49 ld c,c A610: A3 and e A611: 4C ld c,h A612: A3 and e A613: 4E ld c,(hl) A614: A3 and e A615: D5 push de A616: B0 or b A617: CC A3 CC call z,$66A9 A61A: A3 and e A61B: CC A3 CC call z,$66A9 A61E: A3 and e A61F: CC A3 CC call z,$66A9 A622: A3 and e A623: CC A3 CC call z,$66A9 A626: A3 and e A627: CC A3 D5 call z,$75A9 A62A: B0 or b A62B: CC A3 CC call z,$66A9 A62E: A3 and e A62F: CC A3 CC call z,$66A9 A632: A3 and e A633: CC A3 CC call z,$66A9 A636: A3 and e A637: CC A3 CC call z,$66A9 A63A: A3 and e A63B: CC A3 D5 call z,$75A9 A63E: B0 or b A63F: CE A3 adc a,$A9 A641: 20 A3 jr nz,$A5EC A643: 7C ld a,h A644: A3 and e A645: 10 AA djnz $A5F1 A647: 88 adc a,b A648: AA xor d A649: 85 add a,l A64A: AA xor d A64B: 85 add a,l A64C: AA xor d A64D: 87 add a,a A64E: AA xor d A64F: 90 sub b A650: AA xor d A651: D5 push de A652: B0 or b A653: 99 sbc a,c A654: AA xor d A655: 99 sbc a,c A656: AA xor d A657: 99 sbc a,c A658: AA xor d A659: 99 sbc a,c A65A: AA xor d A65B: 99 sbc a,c A65C: AA xor d A65D: 99 sbc a,c A65E: AA xor d A65F: 99 sbc a,c A660: AA xor d A661: 99 sbc a,c A662: AA xor d A663: 99 sbc a,c A664: AA xor d ; given opponent moves (not distance), return a value between 1 and 9 ; to be used in a per-distance/facing configuration jump table ; iy: points on C220 (the A.I. structure) ; 1: no particular stuff ; 2: frontal high attack ; 3: rear attack ; 4: crouch ; 5: in-jump ; 6: sommersault forward ; 7: sommersault backwards ; 8: starting a jump ; 9: move not in list classify_opponent_move_start_A665: A665: FD 6E 0B ld l,(iy+$0b) A668: FD 66 06 ld h,(iy+$0c) ; hl <= opponent frame A66B: CB BC res 7,h ; remove last bit (facing direction) A66D: DD 21 9B AA ld ix,$walk_frames_list_AA3B A671: E5 push hl A672: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A675: E1 pop hl A676: A7 and a A677: 3E 01 ld a,$01 A679: C2 79 AC jp nz,move_found_A6D3 A67C: DD 21 B9 AA ld ix,crouch_frame_list_AAB3 ; load a table, there are 7 tables like this A680: E5 push hl A681: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A684: E1 pop hl A685: A7 and a A686: 3E 04 ld a,$04 A688: C2 79 AC jp nz,move_found_A6D3 A68B: DD 21 47 AA ld ix,jump_frames_list_AA4D A68F: E5 push hl A690: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A693: E1 pop hl A694: A7 and a A695: 3E 05 ld a,$05 A697: C2 79 AC jp nz,move_found_A6D3 A69A: DD 21 35 AA ld ix,forward_sommersault_frame_list_AA95 A69E: E5 push hl A69F: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A6A2: E1 pop hl A6A3: A7 and a A6A4: 3E 0C ld a,$06 ; during forward sommersault (not at start) A6A6: C2 79 AC jp nz,move_found_A6D3 A6A9: DD 21 A5 AA ld ix,backwards_sommersault_frame_list_AAA5 A6AD: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A6B0: A7 and a A6B1: 3E 0D ld a,$07 ; during backwards sommersault (not at start) A6B3: C2 79 AC jp nz,move_found_A6D3 A6B6: CD 76 AA call opponent_starting_frontal_attack_AADC A6B9: A7 and a A6BA: 3E 08 ld a,$02 ; frontal attack (very large move list!) A6BC: C2 79 AC jp nz,move_found_A6D3 A6BF: CD ED AA call opponent_starting_rear_attack_AAE7 A6C2: A7 and a A6C3: 3E 09 ld a,$03 A6C5: C2 79 AC jp nz,move_found_A6D3 A6C8: CD 18 AB call opponent_starting_a_sommersault_AB12 A6CB: A7 and a A6CC: 3E 02 ld a,$08 A6CE: C2 79 AC jp nz,move_found_A6D3 A6D1: 3E 03 ld a,$09 move_found_A6D3: C9 ret ; move forward with a special case TODO cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_far_away_A6D4: A6D4: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; here writes to C26B (if player 2 CPU) to tell CPU to walk forward ; hl = C26B A6D7: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 ; move forward ; iy=$C220 ; C22D is roughly minus opponent x (CPL which inverts bits, performed at A47C) ; it actually is done to get 256-opponent x A6D9: FD 7E 07 ld a,(iy+$0d) A6DC: FD BE 03 cp (iy+$09) ; opponent x A6DF: D2 E4 AC jp nc,$A6E4 ; turn back if player is on the right (almost) half of the screen (difficult ; to achieve when both players are far away. Possible with well ; timed sommersaults) A6E2: 36 0D ld (hl),$07 A6E4: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; simplest & dumbest move forward cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A6E7: A6E7: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A6EA: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A6EC: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; move if not facing, stop if facing cpu_forward_or_stop_if_facing_A6EF: A6EF: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A6F2: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 ; stop A6F4: DD CB 0F DE bit 7,(ix+$0f) ; are players facing or back to back A6F8: CA F7 AC jp z,$A6FD ; facing ; back to back: move A6FB: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A6FD: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; move if facing, stop if not facing cpu_forward_or_stop_if_not_facing_A700: A700: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A703: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 A705: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A709: C2 0E AD jp nz,$A70E A70C: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A70E: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A711: C3 ED AC jp cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A6E7 A714: C3 ED AC jp cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A6E7 A717: C3 75 AD jp cpu_forward_or_backward_depending_on_facing_A7D5 A71A: C3 EC AD jp cpu_backward_or_forward_depending_on_facing_A7E6 ; send "walk forward", exactly the same as A6E7 cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A71D: A71D: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A720: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A722: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; called by a jp (hl) when distance between players is "medium" (C26C 0 -> 1) attack_once_out_of_16_frames_else_walk_A725 A725: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A728: E6 0F and $0F ; periodic counter: decide an attack each 1/4s roughly ; (actually if reaches that point with the counter aligned on 16, not ; sure if it's each 1/4s) A72A: C2 94 AD jp nz,$A734 A72D: CD 8E AB call select_cpu_attack_AB2E A730: A7 and a A731: C2 96 AD jp nz,$A73C ; a != 0 => attacked: always true ; returns 0: just walk, don't attack. Only reaches here because periodic ; counter is not a multiple of 16 (0x10) A734: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; just send walk forward order to CPU A737: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A739: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A73C: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 ; if not facing, either attack or walk forward (50% chance each) ; if facing, react to low attack by walking forward/backwards or jump cpu_avoids_low_attack_if_facing_else_maybe_attacks_A73F: A73F: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A743: CA 57 AD jp z,$A75D ; not facing each other A746: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A749: E6 01 and $01 ; 50% chance attack A74B: CA 55 AD jp z,$A755 A74E: CD 8E AB call select_cpu_attack_AB2E A751: A7 and a A752: C2 29 AD jp nz,$A783 ; always true ; just walk, don't attack, one time out of 2 A755: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A758: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A75A: C3 20 AD jp $A780 ; cpu_move_done_A410 ; facing each other A75D: CD 02 AB call opponent_starting_low_kick_AB08 A760: A7 and a A761: CA C6 AD jp z,$A76C ; low kick: just walk A764: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A767: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A769: C3 20 AD jp $A780 ; react to foot sweep A76C: CD F7 AA call opponent_starting_low_attack_AAFD A76F: A7 and a A770: CA DB AD jp z,$A77B A773: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; evasive jump up A776: 36 09 ld (hl),$03 A778: C3 20 AD jp $A780 ; move back / block possible attack A77B: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A77E: 36 01 ld (hl),$01 A780: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A783: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 cpu_maybe_attacks_if_facing_else_avoids_low_attack_A786: A786: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A78A: C2 A4 AD jp nz,$A7A4 ; facing each other A78D: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) ; 50% chance, (but by checking bit 1, so not the same value as below) A790: CB 4F bit 1,a A792: CA 36 AD jp z,$A79C A795: CD 8E AB call select_cpu_attack_AB2E A798: A7 and a A799: C2 68 AD jp nz,$A7C2 ; always true ; just walk, don't attack A79C: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A79F: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A7A1: C3 BF AD jp $A7BF ; not facing each other: if low attack, 50% chance of jump, ; 50% ; move back / block possible attack A7A4: CD F7 AA call opponent_starting_low_attack_AAFD A7A7: CA BA AD jp z,$A7BA A7AA: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A7AD: CB 47 bit 0,a ; 50% chance A7AF: C2 BA AD jp nz,$A7BA A7B2: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; 50% chance evasive jump A7B5: 36 09 ld (hl),$03 A7B7: C3 BF AD jp $A7BF ; move back / block possible attack A7BA: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A7BD: 36 01 ld (hl),$01 A7BF: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A7C2: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 just_walk_A7C5: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A7C8: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A7CA: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 just_walk_A7CD: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A7D0: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A7D2: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; move forward, except if back to back in which case ; move back / block possible attack cpu_forward_or_backward_depending_on_facing_A7D5: A7D5: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A7D8: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A7DA: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A7DE: C2 E9 AD jp nz,$A7E3 A7E1: 36 01 ld (hl),$01 A7E3: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; move backwards/block, except if back to back in which case move forwards cpu_backward_or_forward_depending_on_facing_A7E6: A7E6: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A7E9: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A7EB: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A7EF: CA F4 AD jp z,$A7F4 A7F2: 36 01 ld (hl),$01 A7F4: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A7F7: C3 85 AD jp attack_once_out_of_16_frames_else_walk_A725 ; dumb move forward, same code exactly as A6E7 cpu_move_forward_towards_enemy_A7FA: A7FA: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A7FD: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A7FF: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; pick an attack pick_cpu_attack_A802: CD 8E AB call select_cpu_attack_AB2E A805: A7 and a A806: CC D5 B0 call z,display_error_text_B075 ; never called a != 0 always! A809: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 cpu_reacts_to_low_attack_if_facing_else_attacks_A80C: A80C: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) ; => C20F A810: C2 4E A2 jp nz,$A84E ; jumps if not facing each other ; players facing each other A813: CD 02 AB call opponent_starting_low_kick_AB08 A816: A7 and a A817: CA 81 A2 jp z,$A821 ; opponent starting low kick: react with jumping side kick A81A: CD 22 AB call perform_jumping_side_kick_if_level_2_AB88 A81D: A7 and a A81E: C2 55 A2 jp nz,$A855 ; low difficulty level or no low kick, check if starting low kick or foot sweep A821: CD F7 AA call opponent_starting_low_attack_AAFD A824: A7 and a A825: CA 92 A2 jp z,$A838 ; react to foot sweep/low kick A828: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A82B: 36 09 ld (hl),$03 ; evasive jump A82D: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A830: E6 09 and $03 A832: CA 52 A2 jp z,$A858 A835: C3 4C A2 jp $A846 A838: CD F8 AA call opponent_starting_high_attack_AAF2 A83B: A7 and a A83C: CA 4C A2 jp z,$A846 A83F: CD 33 AB call perform_foot_sweep_if_level_3_AB99 A842: A7 and a A843: C2 55 A2 jp nz,$A855 A846: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; move back / block possible attack A849: 36 01 ld (hl),$01 A84B: C3 55 A2 jp $A855 ; and opponent has some time to react... ; routine duplicated a lot... pick an attack fails if 0 (which never happens) A84E: CD 8E AB call select_cpu_attack_AB2E A851: A7 and a A852: CC D5 B0 call z,display_error_text_B075 A855: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 A858: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; if not facing, check if low attack: if low attack jump or move back/block (50%) ; if not low attack, then perform foot sweep if level >=3 else back ; if facing, select an attack cpu_react_to_low_attack_or_perform_attack_A85B: A85B: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A85F: CA 2C A2 jp z,$A886 ; not facing each other A862: CD F7 AA call opponent_starting_low_attack_AAFD A865: A7 and a A866: CA DB A2 jp z,$A87B A869: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; avoid low attack by jump 50% of the time A86C: 36 09 ld (hl),$03 A86E: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A871: CB 47 bit 0,a A873: C2 30 A2 jp nz,$A890 ; else move back/block if player attacks A876: 36 01 ld (hl),$01 A878: C3 27 A2 jp $A88D ; not starting low attack: ; move back/block unless skill level >= 3 in which case attacks with foot sweep A87B: CD 33 AB call perform_foot_sweep_if_level_3_AB99 A87E: C2 27 A2 jp nz,$A88D ; move back/block A881: 36 01 ld (hl),$01 A883: C3 27 A2 jp $A88D ; facing each other... pick an attack A886: CD 8E AB call select_cpu_attack_AB2E ;;A889: A7 and a ;;A88A: CC D5 B0 call z,display_error_text_B075 ; can't happen A88D: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 A890: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 cpu_small_chance_of_low_kick_else_walk_A893: A893: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; decide a low kick once out of 8 ticks (12% chance of low kick) A896: 36 14 ld (hl),$14 A898: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A89B: E6 0D and $07 A89D: CA A5 A2 jp z,$A8A5 ; just walk A8A0: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A8A2: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A8A5: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 A8A8: C3 08 A2 jp pick_cpu_attack_A802 high_attack_if_forward_sommersault_or_walk_A8AB: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A8AE: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A8B2: C2 6F A2 jp nz,$A8CF ; not turning backs to each other A8B5: E5 push hl A8B6: DD 21 3B AA ld ix,forward_sommersault_frame_list_end_AA9B A8BA: FD 6E 0B ld l,(iy+$0b) A8BD: FD 66 06 ld h,(iy+$0c) A8C0: CB BC res 7,h A8C2: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A8C5: A7 and a A8C6: E1 pop hl A8C7: C2 6F A2 jp nz,$A8CF ; end of forward sommersault: attack ; just walk forward A8CA: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A8CC: C3 E5 A2 jp $A8E5 ; odds: lunge (0 - 25%), jumping kick (2,3 - 50%), round kick (1 - 25%) A8CF: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A8D2: 36 10 ld (hl),$10 ; rear+up lunge punch A8D4: E6 09 and $03 A8D6: CA E8 A2 jp z,$A8E2 A8D9: 36 07 ld (hl),$0D ; rather a jumping side kick A8DB: FE 01 cp $01 A8DD: CA E8 A2 jp z,$A8E2 A8E0: 36 0F ld (hl),$0F ; rather a round kick A8E2: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A8E5: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 move_fwd_or_bwd_checking_sommersault_and_dir_A8E8: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A8EB: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A8EF: CA 06 A3 jp z,$A90C ; not turning back to each other: goto "move back/block" A8F2: E5 push hl ; check if opponent is performing sommersault (back) while ; turning backs to each other A8F3: DD 21 A3 AA ld ix,backwards_sommersault_frame_list_end_AAA9 A8F7: FD 6E 0B ld l,(iy+$0b) A8FA: FD 66 06 ld h,(iy+$0c) A8FD: CB BC res 7,h A8FF: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 A902: A7 and a A903: E1 pop hl A904: C2 06 A3 jp nz,$A90C ; not performing sommersault: move forward A907: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 ; move forward A909: C3 0E A3 jp $A90E ; opponent is performing back sommersault when same facing ; direction: move back to avoid being a target to rear attack when opponent lands A90C: 36 01 ld (hl),$01 ; move back A90E: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A911: C3 08 A2 jp pick_cpu_attack_A802 A914: C3 08 A2 jp pick_cpu_attack_A802 get_out_of_edge_or_low_kick_A917: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A91A: 36 14 ld (hl),$14 ; low kick A91C: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) ; opponent x A91F: FE 90 cp $30 ; if opponent almost completely on the left, don't attack, perform sommersault A921: D2 83 A3 jp nc,$A929 A924: 36 1D ld (hl),$17 ; sommersault A926: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; immediate (it's not an attack) A929: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 ; opponent can react to low kick A92C: 00 nop A92D: 00 nop A92E: 00 nop A92F: C3 06 A2 jp cpu_reacts_to_low_attack_if_facing_else_attacks_A80C A932: C3 4E A3 jp front_kick_or_fwd_sommersault_to_recenter_A94E perform_low_kick_A935: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A938: 36 14 ld (hl),$14 A93A: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 A93D: C3 4E A3 jp front_kick_or_fwd_sommersault_to_recenter_A94E A940: C3 AB A2 jp high_attack_if_forward_sommersault_or_walk_A8AB A943: C3 E2 A2 jp move_fwd_or_bwd_checking_sommersault_and_dir_A8E8 perform_walk_back_A946: A946: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A949: 36 01 ld (hl),$01 A94B: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 front_kick_or_fwd_sommersault_to_recenter_A94E: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; front kick A951: 36 0A ld (hl),$0A A953: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) ; C209: white player x coordinate A956: FE 90 cp $30 ; far left? A958: D2 C0 A3 jp nc,$A960 ; front sommersault if player x < $30 to get outside the border A95B: 36 1D ld (hl),$17 A95D: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A960: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 A963: 00 nop A964: 00 nop A965: 00 nop cpu_move_turn_around_A966: A966: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A969: 36 0D ld (hl),$07 ; turn around A96B: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 pick_cpu_attack_A96E: CD 8E AB call select_cpu_attack_AB2E ;;A971: A7 and a ;;A972: C2 D7 A3 jp nz,$A97D always true ; not reached so commented ;;A975: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ;;A978: 36 0D ld (hl),$07 ; turn around ;;A97A: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A97D: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 cpu_complex_reaction_to_front_attack_A980: A980: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A984: C2 BB A3 jp nz,$A9BB ; facing opponent, who is turning its back to cpu ; (this routine is only called from distance 07 or 87) ; it probably doesn't end up here very frequently (or never) ; I played a lot and I never ended up there... A987: CD 02 AB call opponent_starting_low_kick_AB08 A98A: A7 and a A98B: CA 35 A3 jp z,$A995 ; react to low kick by jumping back kick if facing ; (but, but... opponent is turning its back..., why????) ; the low kick, after that, cpu is turned the wrong way) A98E: CD AA AB call perform_jumping_back_kick_ABAA A991: A7 and a A992: C2 79 A3 jp nz,$A9D3 ; always true A995: CD F7 AA call opponent_starting_low_attack_AAFD A998: A7 and a A999: CA A6 A3 jp z,$A9AC ; opponent is starting low attack A99C: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A99F: 36 09 ld (hl),$03 ; jump to avoid low attack A9A1: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A9A4: E6 09 and $03 A9A6: CA 70 A3 jp z,$A9D0 ; 25% chance: jump to avoid low attack A9A9: C3 61 A3 jp $A9C1 ; 75% chance: turn back (and maybe get hit) A9AC: CD F8 AA call opponent_starting_high_attack_AAF2 A9AF: CA 61 A3 jp z,$A9C1 ; react to high attack by foot sweep, back (has a chance to land) A9B2: CD BB AB call perform_foot_sweep_back_ABBB A9B5: C2 79 A3 jp nz,$A9D3 ; always true: end move A9B8: C3 61 A3 jp $A9C1 ; back to back (not facing, but this routine is only used ; with distance $87 so computer is turning its back too) ; it happens sometimes, but opponent has to perform some frontal ; attack that cannot connect, like low kick... A9BB: CD 8E AB call select_cpu_attack_AB2E A9BE: C2 79 A3 jp nz,$A9D3 A9C1: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A9C4: 36 0D ld (hl),$07 A9C6: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A9C9: CB 47 bit 0,a A9CB: CA 70 A3 jp z,$A9D0 ; turn back or walk forward (50% chance) A9CE: 36 08 ld (hl),$02 A9D0: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 A9D3: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 cpu_complex_reaction_to_rear_attack_A9D6: FD CB 0F DE bit 7,(iy+$0f) A9DA: CA FE A3 jp z,pick_cpu_attack_A9FE A9DD: CD F7 AA call opponent_starting_low_attack_AAFD A9E0: A7 and a A9E1: CA F4 A3 jp z,$A9F4 ; starting low attack: jump to avoid it (75% chance) ; or turn back (25% chance) A9E4: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) A9E7: 36 09 ld (hl),$03 A9E9: 3A 8E 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) A9EC: E6 09 and $03 A9EE: CA 0A AA jp z,$AA0A A9F1: C3 05 AA jp $AA05 ; not starting low attack: perform foot sweep A9F4: CD BB AB call perform_foot_sweep_back_ABBB A9F7: A7 and a A9F8: C2 07 AA jp nz,$AA0D ; always true A9FB: C3 05 AA jp $AA05 ; never reached ; facing each other: pick an attack pick_cpu_attack_A9FE A9FE: CD 8E AB call select_cpu_attack_AB2E AA01: A7 and a AA02: C2 07 AA jp nz,$AA0D ; turn back AA05: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) AA08: 36 0D ld (hl),$07 AA0A: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 AA0D: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 foot_sweep_back_AA10: CD BB AB call perform_foot_sweep_back_ABBB ;;AA13: A7 and a ;;AA14: C2 1F AA jp nz,$AA1F ; always true ;;AA17: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ;;AA1A: 36 0D ld (hl),$07 ;;AA1C: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 AA1F: C3 E4 A9 jp cpu_move_done_opponent_can_react_A3E4 AA22: C3 CE A3 jp pick_cpu_attack_A96E cpu_turn_back_AA25: AA25: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) AA28: 36 0D ld (hl),$07 AA2A: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 AA2D: C3 CE A3 jp pick_cpu_attack_A96E AA30: C3 CE A3 jp pick_cpu_attack_A96E cpu_turn_back_AA33: AA33: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) AA36: 36 0D ld (hl),$07 AA38: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; collection of tables exploited by B009 at various points of the A.I. code ; probably specific animation frames of techniques so the computer ; can counter attack / react on them ; ; for example 890A (0A89 first item of the first list) is: stand guard facing left ; facing right this would be 8A89 ; 8B22 would be the value in C22B if player starts a jump (joy up) facing right walk_frames_list_AA3B: dc.b 89 0A 92 0A 9B 0A A4 0A AD 0A B6 0A BF 0A C8 0A FF FF jump_frames_list_AA4D: dc.b 22 0B 8E 0B 97 0B A0 0B A9 0B B2 0B BB 0B C4 0B CD 0B D6 0B DF 0B E8 0B F1 0B FA 0B 73 0B FF FF ; frames where the blow reaches its end/is full blown (including jumping side kick...) hitting_frame_list_AA6D: dc.b C0 0C D2 0C 47 0D D7 0D 4C 0E AF 0E 1B 0F 90 0F 0E 10 9E 10 0A 11 6D 11 E2 11 D5 12 4A 13 FF FF blocking_frame_list_AA8D: ; final moves of blocks dc.b 88 1A D0 1A 18 1B FF FF ; uchiuke sotouke gedanbarai ; (high) (medium) (low) forward_sommersault_frame_list_AA95: dc.b AD 13 B6 13 BF 13 forward_sommersault_frame_list_end_AA9B dc.b C8 13 D1 13 DA 13 E3 13 FF FF backwards_sommersault_frame_list_AAA5: dc.b 45 12 4E 12 ; includes the follwing frames ; start next frame backwards_sommersault_frame_list_end_AAA9: dc.b 57 12 60 12 72 12 7B 12 FF FF ; zenith frame almost landing ; of bwdsommersault after landing ; player gets down, including foot sweep ; all frames are final frames of the moves. transition frames ; aren't listed crouch_frame_list_AAB3: dc.b $27 0C E0 0D A7 10 DE 12 FF FF crouch fwsb fswf reverse punch (800) ; some other tables loaded by the code below (accessed by a table too) ; one byte per attack ; ; codes aren't the same as attack commands but that's not really a problem ; thanks to the debugger and conditionnal breakpoints!!! ; computer fetches them in frame ids at offset 8 ; in identify_opponent_current_move_AB1D ; ; $01: back kick ; $02: jumping side kick ; $03: foot sweep back ; $04: front kick ; $05: small reverse punch ; $06: back round kick ; $07: lunge punch 400 ; $08: jumping side kick ; side or back????? ; $09: foot sweep front ; $0A: round kick ; $0B: lunge punch 600 ; $0C: lunge punch 1000 ; $0D: reverse punch 800 ; $0E: low kick ; $0F: ???? not in those tables ; $10: sommersault back/backwards ; $11: sommersault front/forward ; $12: sommersault back/backwards too!! table_AABD: dc.b 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E FF table_AAC9 dc.b 01 02 03 FF table_high_attacks_AACD dc.b 02 06 08 0A 0B 0C FF table_low_attacks_AAD4 dc.b 03 09 0E FF table_sommersaults_AAD8 dc.b 10 11 12 FF opponent_starting_frontal_attack_AADC AADC: CD 17 AB call identify_opponent_current_move_AB1D AADF: DD 21 B7 AA ld ix,table_AABD AAE3: CD 0F B0 call table_linear_search_B00F AAE6: C9 ret ; rear attack but not low attack. Just back kick jumping back kick opponent_starting_rear_attack_AAE7 AAE7: CD 17 AB call identify_opponent_current_move_AB1D AAEA: DD 21 63 AA ld ix,table_AAC9 AAEE: CD 0F B0 call table_linear_search_B00F AAF1: C9 ret opponent_starting_high_attack_AAF2 AAF2: CD 17 AB call identify_opponent_current_move_AB1D AAF5: DD 21 67 AA ld ix,table_high_attacks_AACD AAF9: CD 0F B0 call table_linear_search_B00F AAFC: C9 ret opponent_starting_low_attack_AAFD: AAFD: CD 17 AB call identify_opponent_current_move_AB1D AB00: DD 21 74 AA ld ix,table_low_attacks_AAD4 AB04: CD 0F B0 call table_linear_search_B00F AB07: C9 ret ; return a = 0 if current frame is $0E (low kick) opponent_starting_low_kick_AB08 AB08: CD 17 AB call identify_opponent_current_move_AB1D AB0B: FE 0E cp $0E AB0D: CA 11 AB jp z,$AB11 AB10: AF xor a AB11: C9 ret opponent_starting_a_sommersault_AB12 AB12: CD 17 AB call identify_opponent_current_move_AB1D AB15: DD 21 72 AA ld ix,table_sommersaults_AAD8 AB19: CD 0F B0 call table_linear_search_B00F AB1C: C9 ret ; iy=C220, loads ix with current frame pointer of opponent, then ; identifies opponent exact frame/move (starting move probably) identify_opponent_current_move_AB1D: ; load current frame pointer AB1D: FD 4E 0B ld c,(iy+$0b) AB20: FD 46 06 ld b,(iy+$0c) ; remove direction bit AB23: CB B8 res 7,b AB25: C5 push bc AB26: DD E1 pop ix ; load at offset 8 to get move id. Ex 4 = front kick AB28: DD 7E 02 ld a,(ix+$08) ; reset move direction bit AB2B: CB BF res 7,a AB2D: C9 ret ; > a: attack id (cf table at start of the source file) ; but this routine cannot return 0 because tables it points to don't contain 0 ; furthermore, this routine is sometimes followed by a sanity check crashing with ; an error message if a is 0 on exit. Since it's random, how could the sanity check NOT fail? ; ; injecting values performs the move... or the move is discarded by caller select_cpu_attack_AB2E: AB2E: DD 21 52 AB ld ix,master_cpu_move_table_AB58 ; table of pointers of move tables ; choose the proper move list depending on facing & distance AB32: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; <= C26B AB35: 23 inc hl AB36: 7E ld a,(hl) ; get value in C26C: facing configuration/rough distance 0-4 AB37: 87 add a,a AB38: 4F ld c,a AB39: 06 00 ld b,$00 AB3B: DD 09 add ix,bc AB3D: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) AB40: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) ; get msb of 16 bit counter for randomness AB43: ED 5B 8E 60 ld de,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) AB47: 5E ld e,(hl) ; pick a number 0-value of hl (not included) AB48: 23 inc hl ; skip number of values AB49: E5 push hl AB4A: CD 0C B0 call random_B006 AB4D: E1 pop hl AB4E: 06 00 ld b,$00 AB50: 4F ld c,a AB51: 09 add hl,bc ; gets CPU move to make AB52: 7E ld a,(hl) AB53: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; gives attack order to the CPU ; only attack moves (not walk moves) are given here AB56: 77 ld (hl),a AB57: C9 ret ; some moves are done or not depending on how the players are ; located and if current player can reach opponent with a blow ; (the CPU isn't going to perform a back move in the void) ; the direction of opponent isn't considered here ; (the 5 values relate to player struct + $0C) master_cpu_move_table_AB58: dc.w move_list_far_away_AB62 ; far away (we don't care much about facing) dc.w move_list_facing_mid_range_AB70 ; mid-range, cpu faces opponent (who can face cpu or not...) dc.w move_list_facing_close_range_AB7B ; close-range, cpu faces opponent dc.w move_list_turning_back_AB84 ; mid-range, cpu has its back turned on opponent dc.w move_list_turning_back_AB84 ; close-range, cpu has its back turned on opponent (same as above) ; move list starts by number of moves (for random pick) ; not the same move indexes as above, move indexes are listed at start of ; document move_list_far_away_AB62: ; 13 moves: back, jbk, footsweep, front kick/punch, back round, lunge, jsk, round, lunge, lunge, revpunch, lowk ; the move doesn't really matter as it cannot connect (too far) dc.b 0D 05 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 13 14 ; lunge backroundkick lungemedium jsk 0E(???) round lunge, lunge, revpunch, lowkick move_list_facing_mid_range_AB70: dc.b 0A 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 13 14 ; front kick, back round, lungemedium, jsk, round, lunge, revpunch, lowkick move_list_facing_close_range_AB7B ; small reverse, back round, lungemediumj sk,... dc.b 08 0A 0B 0C 0D 0F 10 13 14 ; list of only reverse attacks (mostly defensive, cpu turns its back on the opponent) ; back kick jbk foot sweep back move_list_turning_back_AB84 dc.b 03 05 08 09 perform_jumping_side_kick_if_level_2_AB88: AB88: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) AB8B: FE 01 cp $01 AB8D: 3E 00 ld a,$00 AB8F: DA 32 AB jp c,$AB98 ; if level >= 1, perform jumping side kick, else do nothing AB92: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) AB95: 3E 07 ld a,$0D AB97: 77 ld (hl),a AB98: C9 ret ; reacting to jumping side kick at close distance perform_foot_sweep_if_level_3_AB99: AB99: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) AB9C: FE 08 cp $02 AB9E: 3E 00 ld a,$00 ABA0: DA A3 AB jp c,$ABA9 ; if level >= 2 perform a foot sweep ABA3: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ABA6: 3E 0E ld a,$0E ABA8: 77 ld (hl),a ABA9: C9 ret perform_jumping_back_kick_ABAA: ; useless, skill level is always >= 0 ; maybe difficulty was pumped up since kchamp ; asm used defines for a level threshold ;;ABAA: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) ;;ABAD: FE 00 cp $00 ;;ABAF: 3E 00 ld a,$00 ;;ABB1: DA BA AB jp c,$ABBA ABB4: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ABB7: 3E 02 ld a,$08 ABB9: 77 ld (hl),a ABBA: C9 ret perform_foot_sweep_back_ABBB ; useless, skill level is always >= 0 ;;ABBB: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) ;;ABBE: FE 00 cp $00 ;;ABC0: 3E 00 ld a,$00 ;;ABC2: DA 6B AB jp c,$ABCB ABC5: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ABC8: 3E 03 ld a,$09 ABCA: 77 ld (hl),a ABCB: C9 ret ; computer is jumping handle_cpu_land_from_jump_ABCC: FD 6E 0D ABCC: ld l,(iy+$07) ABCF: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) ABD2: 11 D9 0B ld de,$0B73 ; jump frame ABD5: A7 and a ABD6: ED 52 sbc hl,de ABD8: C2 E0 AB jp nz,$ABE0 ABDB: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; land if reaches a given point ABDE: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 ABE0: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; computer just tried to hit player but failed ; now wait for player response (or not, if skill level is high enough) full_blown_hit_ABE3: ABE3: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) ; tell CPU to stop moving / stand guard ABE6: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 ABE8: 21 EF A7 ld hl,counter_attack_time_table_ADEF ABEB: CD 6E A6 call let_opponent_react_depending_on_skill_level_ACCE ABEE: FE 03 cp $09 ABF0: CA DB A9 jp z,fight_mainloop_A37B ABF3: A7 and a ABF4: CA F6 AB jp z,$ABFC ABF7: FE FF cp $FF ABF9: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 ABFC: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; called if the computer blocks, checks if computer must ; maintain the block depending on opponent current frame/move ; it will stop blocking as soon as the current opponent blow ; doesn't match the current computer block computer_completed_a_blocking_move_ABFF: ABFF: DD 21 29 A6 ld ix,block_key_table_AC83 AC03: FD 5E 0D ld e,(iy+$07) AC06: FD 56 02 ld d,(iy+$08) ; look for de (computer current block frame) in key/value table ; the frames match high/medium/low attack moves that can be blocked AC09: CD 06 B0 call key_value_linear_search_B00C AC0C: A7 and a AC0D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 AC10: E5 push hl AC11: DD E1 pop ix ; ix contains the corresponding pointer ; now load opponent frame AC13: FD 6E 0B ld l,(iy+$0b) AC16: FD 66 06 ld h,(iy+$0c) AC19: CB BC res 7,h ; check if opponent performs some moves (facing computer block)... AC1B: CD 03 B0 call check_hl_in_ix_list_B009 AC1E: A7 and a AC1F: CA 9E A6 jp z,$AC3E ; opponent doesn't perform one of the moves AC22: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) AC25: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 AC27: 21 1D AE ld hl,counter_attack_time_table_AE17 AC2A: CD 6E A6 call let_opponent_react_depending_on_skill_level_ACCE AC2D: FE 03 cp $09 AC2F: CA DB A9 jp z,$fight_mainloop_A37B AC32: A7 and a AC33: CA 20 A6 jp z,$AC80 AC36: FE FF cp $FF AC38: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 AC3B: C3 20 A6 jp $AC80 ; search for the same moves, but by attack id this time (not by frame id) ; 7 bit is set but it's still attack id ; it looks that the frame/move search isn't very reliable, this search ; looks very redundant (and in a lot of other parts of the code it's ; also done that way) AC3E: DD 21 A7 A6 ld ix,block_key_table_ACAD AC42: FD 5E 0D ld e,(iy+$07) AC45: FD 56 02 ld d,(iy+$08) AC48: CD 06 B0 call key_value_linear_search_B00C AC4B: A7 and a AC4C: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 AC4F: E5 push hl AC50: FD 6E 0B ld l,(iy+$0b) AC53: FD 66 06 ld h,(iy+$0c) AC56: CB BC res 7,h AC58: E5 push hl AC59: DD E1 pop ix AC5B: DD 7E 02 ld a,(ix+$08) AC5E: DD E1 pop ix AC60: CD 0F B0 call table_linear_search_B00F AC63: A7 and a ; if opponent is performing a move matching the block AC64: C2 20 A6 jp nz,$AC80 ; move not found: stand guard, wait for opponent reaction AC67: 2A 04 6F ld hl,(address_of_current_player_move_byte_CF04) AC6A: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 AC6C: 21 1D AE ld hl,counter_attack_time_table_AE17 AC6F: CD 6E A6 call let_opponent_react_depending_on_skill_level_ACCE AC72: FE 03 cp $09 AC74: CA DB A9 jp z,$fight_mainloop_A37B AC77: A7 and a AC78: CA 20 A6 jp z,$AC80 AC7B: FE FF cp $FF AC7D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 AC80: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 block_key_table_AC83 dc.w $1A88,$AC91 ; high block dc.w $1AD0,$AC9D ; medium block dc.w $1B18,$ACA3 ; low block dc.w $FFFF ; hitting points of high techniques brkick (and next frame) jskick (and landing) AC91 dc.b 50 0D 24 0F 17 10 lpunch 600 lpunch 1000 dc.b 76 11 EB 11 FF FF ; hitting points of medium techniques AC9D dc.b B8 0E 99 0F FF FF ; hitting points of low techniques ACA3 dc.b C9 0C DB 0C 55 0E DE 12 FF FF block_key_table_ACAD dc.w $1A88,high_attacks_ACBB ; high block dc.w $1AD0,medium_attacks_ACC1 ; medium block dc.w $1B18,low_attacks_ACC4 ; low block dc.w $FFFF high_attacks_ACBB dc.b 82 86 88 8B 8C FF ; jskick brkick jbkick lp600 lp1000 medium_attacks_ACC1 dc.b 85 87 FF ; weak reverse, lunge punch 400 low_attacks_ACC4 dc.b 81 84 8D FF ; back kick, front kick, revpunch 800 ACC8: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ACCB: C3 10 A4 jp cpu_move_done_A410 ; blocks a given number of frames (depending on table and level) during which ; the opponent has time to pre-react before the computed already decided ; attack is launched ; < hl pointer on a 4 pointer table containing each $20 values of data; each ; table corresponds to a difficulty setting (4 total) ; if upper-hard championship level >= 16: no time for player to react just before ; an attack ; > a: $00: attacks ; > a: $09: doesn't attack let_opponent_react_depending_on_skill_level_ACCE: ACCE: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) ACD1: FE 10 cp $10 ACD3: 3E 00 ld a,$00 ACD5: D2 1C A7 jp nc,$AD16 ; if level >= $10, skip the routine altogether ; this is called when skill level is < 16 (under high level of champ) ; game checks difficulty level at that point ; (in CMP high mode it doesn't matter) ACD8: 3A 90 60 ld a,(dip_switches_copy_C030) ACDB: CB 3F srl a ACDD: CB 3F srl a ACDF: CB 3F srl a ACE1: E6 0C and $06 ; a = 0: difficulty: easy ; a = 2: difficulty: medium ; a = 4: difficulty: hard ; a = 6: difficulty: hardest ACE3: 06 00 ld b,$00 ACE5: 4F ld c,a ACE6: 09 add hl,bc ACE7: 5E ld e,(hl) ACE8: 23 inc hl ACE9: 56 ld d,(hl) ; proper table (matching skill level) is loaded in de ; one of the table addresses is $AD8F for instance ; check skill level again ACEA: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) ACED: CB 27 sla a ; times 2 ACEF: 6F ld l,a ACF0: 26 00 ld h,$00 ; offset for the byte value in the table ACF2: 19 add hl,de ; check those mysterious C148, C147 values that look = 0 ; everywhere in the code it seems that the only thing that is done with ; them is that they're set to 0 so the code below is useless ; (a!=b!=0 would crank the difficulty up slightly, letting the program ; pick the (shorter) delay value after the current one (they come in pairs) ACF3: 3A 42 61 ld a,($C148) ACF6: 47 ld b,a ACF7: 3A 4D 61 ld a,($C147) ACFA: B0 or b ACFB: CA FF A6 jp z,$ACFF ; a=b=0: don't increase hl (harder) ACFE: 23 inc hl ACFF: 7E ld a,(hl) AD00: 47 ld b,a AD01: A7 and a AD02: 3E 00 ld a,$00 ; return value if a<=0 AD04: CA 1C A7 jp z,$AD16 ; if a=0, exit, attack immediately AD07: FA 1C A7 jp m,$AD16 ; if a<0 exit, attack immediately ; a was strictly positive AD0A: 78 ld a,b ; restore read value of a (number of waiting frames) AD0B: A7 and a AD0C: CC D5 B0 call z,display_error_text_B075 ; can't happen! we just testedf it AD0F: FD E5 push iy ; this can block cpu moves up to 1/2 second at low skill level AD11: CD 13 A7 call let_opponent_react_AD19 AD14: FD E1 pop iy AD16: C9 ret ; never called in CMP hardest mode (level >= 16) ; < b # of frames to wait for opponent reaction. 30 frames = 1/2 second (easiest setting) ; > a:00 no opponent reaction ; :09 opponent reacted with a jump (front/back) (from observation) ; :ff opponent reacted with some other attack(exits before timeout) ; ; to clock that, I've used MAME breakpoint commands ; bpset AD19,1,{printf "enter: "; time; g} ; bpset AD64,1,{printf "exit: %02x ",a; time; g} let_opponent_react_AD19: ; load proper opponent structure AD19: FD 21 40 68 ld iy,player_1_struct_C240 AD1D: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) AD20: FE 03 cp $09 AD22: CA 83 A7 jp z,$AD29 AD25: FD 21 C0 68 ld iy,player_2_struct_C260 AD29: FD 6E 0D ld l,(iy+$07) AD2C: FD 66 02 ld h,(iy+$08) ; current player frame/stance id in hl AD2F: CB BC res 7,h ; remove direction of frame AD31: E5 push hl AD32: DD E1 pop ix AD34: FD 7E 19 ld a,(iy+$13) AD37: A7 and a AD38: CA 59 A7 jp z,$AD53 AD3B: DD BE 02 cp (ix+$08) AD3E: CA 4E A7 jp z,$AD4E AD41: FD 7E 18 ld a,(iy+$12) AD44: A7 and a AD45: CA 59 A7 jp z,$AD53 AD48: FD BE 0B cp (iy+$0b) AD4B: C2 59 A7 jp nz,$AD53 AD4E: 3E FF ld a,$FF ; opponent reacted: exit loop AD50: C3 C4 A7 jp $AD64 AD53: FD E5 push iy AD55: C5 push bc AD56: 3E 01 ld a,$01 AD58: CD 5A B0 call $B05A AD5B: C1 pop bc AD5C: FD E1 pop iy AD5E: A7 and a AD5F: C2 C4 A7 jp nz,$AD64 AD62: 10 65 djnz $AD29 AD64: C9 ret AD65: 00 nop AD66: 00 nop ; this is used for computer reaction, but also in a different way ; for animation speedup depending on the difficulty level ; ; for animation, only negative values are considered. Positive values ; are seen as 0 (no frame count decrease = no speed increase) ; ; for reaction time, negative values count as 0 (no time to react ; after a CPU attack) ; counter_attack_timer_table_AD67: dc.w $AD6F ; easy dc.w $AD8F ; medium dc.w $ADAF ; hard dc.w $ADCF ; hardest ; $20 values per entry, number of frames to wait for opponent response ; just before cpu attacks (when an attack has been decided) ; first value matches skill 0, and so on. The values go in pair, ; a mysterious C148/C147 memory location allows to pick the second item, ; otherwise each skill level shifts 2 by 2. And after level 16, it's maxed out ; to -2 ($FE) for animation and 0 for reaction time AD6F: dc.b 30 2D 2A 26 23 20 1D 1A o-.-¯-Ï-0-*&# .. AD77 17 14 10 0D 0A 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF ............ÿÿÿÿ AD87 FF FE FE FE FE FE FE FE AD8F: dc.b 30 26 20 1B 17 13 10 0D ÿþþþþþþþ0& ..... AD97 0B 08 06 05 03 02 01 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FE FE ...........ÿÿÿþþ ADA7 FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE ADAF: dc.b 30 20 10 0E 0B 09 07 06 þþþþþþþþ0 ... .. ADB7 05 04 03 02 02 01 00 00 00 00 FF FF FE FE FE FE ..........ÿÿþþþþ ADC7 FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE ADCF dc.b 30 14 08 07 06 05 04 03 þþþþþþþþ0....... ADD7 02 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FE FE FE FE FE ........ÿÿÿþþþþþ ADE7 FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE counter_attack_time_table_ADEF: dc.w $ADF7 dc.w $ADF7 dc.w $ADF7 dc.w $ADF7 ADF7 20 20 18 18 18 18 10 10 08 08 07 07 06 06 04 03 .............. AE07 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ counter_attack_time_table_AE17: dc.w $AE1F dc.w $AE1F dc.w $AE1F dc.w $AE1F AE1F: dc.b 20 20 20 20 18 18 10 10 .®.®.®.® .... AE27 08 08 07 07 06 06 05 05 04 04 03 03 02 02 01 01 ................ AE37 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ AE41: 00 nop AE42: 00 nop AE43: 00 nop AE44: 00 nop AE45: 00 nop AE46: 00 nop AE47: 00 nop AE48: 00 nop AE49: 00 nop AE4A: 00 nop AE4B: 00 nop AE4C: 00 nop AE4D: 00 nop AE4E: 00 nop AE4F: 00 nop AE50: 00 nop AE51: 00 nop AE52: 00 nop AE53: 00 nop AE54: 00 nop AE55: 00 nop AE56: 00 nop AE57: 00 nop AE58: 00 nop AE59: 00 nop AE5A: 00 nop AE5B: 00 nop AE5C: 00 nop AE5D: 00 nop AE5E: 00 nop AE5F: 00 nop AE60: 00 nop AE61: 00 nop AE62: 00 nop AE63: 00 nop AE64: 00 nop AE65: 00 nop AE66: 00 nop AE67: 00 nop AE68: 00 nop AE69: 00 nop AE6A: 00 nop AE6B: 00 nop AE6C: 00 nop AE6D: 00 nop AE6E: 00 nop AE6F: 00 nop AE70: 00 nop AE71: 00 nop AE72: 00 nop AE73: 00 nop AE74: 00 nop AE75: 00 nop AE76: 00 nop AE77: 00 nop AE78: 00 nop AE79: 00 nop AE7A: 00 nop AE7B: 00 nop AE7C: 00 nop AE7D: 00 nop AE7E: 00 nop AE7F: 00 nop AE80: 00 nop AE81: 00 nop AE82: 00 nop AE83: 00 nop AE84: 00 nop AE85: 00 nop AE86: 00 nop AE87: 00 nop AE88: 00 nop AE89: 00 nop AE8A: 00 nop AE8B: 00 nop AE8C: 00 nop AE8D: 00 nop AE8E: 00 nop AE8F: 00 nop AE90: 00 nop AE91: 00 nop AE92: 00 nop AE93: 00 nop AE94: 00 nop AE95: 00 nop AE96: 00 nop AE97: 00 nop AE98: 00 nop AE99: 00 nop AE9A: 00 nop AE9B: 00 nop AE9C: 00 nop AE9D: 00 nop AE9E: 00 nop AE9F: 00 nop AEA0: 00 nop AEA1: 00 nop AEA2: 00 nop AEA3: 00 nop AEA4: 00 nop AEA5: 00 nop AEA6: 00 nop AEA7: 00 nop AEA8: 00 nop AEA9: 00 nop AEAA: 00 nop AEAB: 00 nop AEAC: 00 nop AEAD: 00 nop AEAE: 00 nop AEAF: 00 nop AEB0: 00 nop AEB1: 00 nop AEB2: 00 nop AEB3: 00 nop AEB4: 00 nop AEB5: 00 nop AEB6: 00 nop AEB7: 00 nop AEB8: 00 nop AEB9: 00 nop AEBA: 00 nop AEBB: 00 nop AEBC: 00 nop AEBD: 00 nop AEBE: 00 nop AEBF: 00 nop AEC0: 00 nop AEC1: 00 nop AEC2: 00 nop AEC3: 00 nop AEC4: 00 nop AEC5: 00 nop AEC6: 00 nop AEC7: 00 nop AEC8: 00 nop AEC9: 00 nop AECA: 00 nop AECB: 00 nop AECC: 00 nop AECD: 00 nop AECE: 00 nop AECF: 00 nop AED0: 00 nop AED1: 00 nop AED2: 00 nop AED3: 00 nop AED4: 00 nop AED5: 00 nop AED6: 00 nop AED7: 00 nop AED8: 00 nop AED9: 00 nop AEDA: 00 nop AEDB: 00 nop AEDC: 00 nop AEDD: 00 nop AEDE: 00 nop AEDF: 00 nop AEE0: 00 nop AEE1: 00 nop AEE2: 00 nop AEE3: 00 nop AEE4: 00 nop AEE5: 00 nop AEE6: 00 nop AEE7: 00 nop AEE8: 00 nop AEE9: 00 nop AEEA: 00 nop AEEB: 00 nop AEEC: 00 nop AEED: 00 nop AEEE: 00 nop AEEF: 00 nop AEF0: 00 nop AEF1: 00 nop AEF2: 00 nop AEF3: 00 nop AEF4: 00 nop AEF5: 00 nop AEF6: 00 nop AEF7: 00 nop AEF8: 00 nop AEF9: 00 nop AEFA: 00 nop AEFB: 00 nop AEFC: 00 nop AEFD: 00 nop AEFE: 00 nop AEFF: 00 nop AF00: 00 nop AF01: 00 nop AF02: 00 nop AF03: 00 nop AF04: 00 nop AF05: 00 nop AF06: 00 nop AF07: 00 nop AF08: 00 nop AF09: 00 nop AF0A: 00 nop AF0B: 00 nop AF0C: 00 nop AF0D: 00 nop AF0E: 00 nop AF0F: 00 nop AF10: 00 nop AF11: 00 nop AF12: 00 nop AF13: 00 nop AF14: 00 nop AF15: 00 nop AF16: 00 nop AF17: 00 nop AF18: 00 nop AF19: 00 nop AF1A: 00 nop AF1B: 00 nop AF1C: 00 nop AF1D: 00 nop AF1E: 00 nop AF1F: 00 nop AF20: 00 nop AF21: 00 nop AF22: 00 nop AF23: 00 nop AF24: 00 nop AF25: 00 nop AF26: 00 nop AF27: 00 nop AF28: 00 nop AF29: 00 nop AF2A: 00 nop AF2B: 00 nop AF2C: 00 nop AF2D: 00 nop AF2E: 00 nop AF2F: 00 nop AF30: 00 nop AF31: 00 nop AF32: 00 nop AF33: 00 nop AF34: 00 nop AF35: 00 nop AF36: 00 nop AF37: 00 nop AF38: 00 nop AF39: 00 nop AF3A: 00 nop AF3B: 00 nop AF3C: 00 nop AF3D: 00 nop AF3E: 00 nop AF3F: 00 nop AF40: 00 nop AF41: 00 nop AF42: 00 nop AF43: 00 nop AF44: 00 nop AF45: 00 nop AF46: 00 nop AF47: 00 nop AF48: 00 nop AF49: 00 nop AF4A: 00 nop AF4B: 00 nop AF4C: 00 nop AF4D: 00 nop AF4E: 00 nop AF4F: 00 nop AF50: 00 nop AF51: 00 nop AF52: 00 nop AF53: 00 nop AF54: 00 nop AF55: 00 nop AF56: 00 nop AF57: 00 nop AF58: 00 nop AF59: 00 nop AF5A: 00 nop AF5B: 00 nop AF5C: 00 nop AF5D: 00 nop AF5E: 00 nop AF5F: 00 nop AF60: 00 nop AF61: 00 nop AF62: 00 nop AF63: 00 nop AF64: 00 nop AF65: 00 nop AF66: 00 nop AF67: 00 nop AF68: 00 nop AF69: 00 nop AF6A: 00 nop AF6B: 00 nop AF6C: 00 nop AF6D: 00 nop AF6E: 00 nop AF6F: 00 nop AF70: 00 nop AF71: 00 nop AF72: 00 nop AF73: 00 nop AF74: 00 nop AF75: 00 nop AF76: 00 nop AF77: 00 nop AF78: 00 nop AF79: 00 nop AF7A: 00 nop AF7B: 00 nop AF7C: 00 nop AF7D: 00 nop AF7E: 00 nop AF7F: 00 nop AF80: 00 nop AF81: 00 nop AF82: 00 nop AF83: 00 nop AF84: 00 nop AF85: 00 nop AF86: 00 nop AF87: 00 nop AF88: 00 nop AF89: 00 nop AF8A: 00 nop AF8B: 00 nop AF8C: 00 nop AF8D: 00 nop AF8E: 00 nop AF8F: 00 nop AF90: 00 nop AF91: 00 nop AF92: 00 nop AF93: 00 nop AF94: 00 nop AF95: 00 nop AF96: 00 nop AF97: 00 nop AF98: 00 nop AF99: 00 nop AF9A: 00 nop AF9B: 00 nop AF9C: 00 nop AF9D: 00 nop AF9E: 00 nop AF9F: 00 nop AFA0: 00 nop AFA1: 00 nop AFA2: 00 nop AFA3: 00 nop AFA4: 00 nop AFA5: 00 nop AFA6: 00 nop AFA7: 00 nop AFA8: 00 nop AFA9: 00 nop AFAA: 00 nop AFAB: 00 nop AFAC: 00 nop AFAD: 00 nop AFAE: 00 nop AFAF: 00 nop AFB0: 00 nop AFB1: 00 nop AFB2: 00 nop AFB3: 00 nop AFB4: 00 nop AFB5: 00 nop AFB6: 00 nop AFB7: 00 nop AFB8: 00 nop AFB9: 00 nop AFBA: 00 nop AFBB: 00 nop AFBC: 00 nop AFBD: 00 nop AFBE: 00 nop AFBF: 00 nop AFC0: 00 nop AFC1: 00 nop AFC2: 00 nop AFC3: 00 nop AFC4: 00 nop AFC5: 00 nop AFC6: 00 nop AFC7: 00 nop AFC8: 00 nop AFC9: 00 nop AFCA: 00 nop AFCB: 00 nop AFCC: 00 nop AFCD: 00 nop AFCE: 00 nop AFCF: 00 nop AFD0: 00 nop AFD1: 00 nop AFD2: 00 nop AFD3: 00 nop AFD4: 00 nop AFD5: 00 nop AFD6: 00 nop AFD7: 00 nop AFD8: 00 nop AFD9: 00 nop AFDA: 00 nop AFDB: 00 nop AFDC: 00 nop AFDD: 00 nop AFDE: 00 nop AFDF: 00 nop AFE0: 00 nop AFE1: 00 nop AFE2: 00 nop AFE3: 00 nop AFE4: 00 nop AFE5: 00 nop AFE6: 00 nop AFE7: 00 nop AFE8: 00 nop AFE9: 00 nop AFEA: 00 nop AFEB: 00 nop AFEC: 00 nop AFED: 00 nop AFEE: 00 nop AFEF: 00 nop AFF0: 00 nop AFF1: 00 nop AFF2: 00 nop AFF3: 00 nop AFF4: 00 nop AFF5: 00 nop AFF6: 00 nop AFF7: 00 nop AFF8: 00 nop AFF9: 00 nop AFFA: 00 nop AFFB: 00 nop AFFC: 00 nop AFFD: 00 nop AFFE: 00 nop AFFF: 00 nop B000: C3 69 B0 jp $B0C3 B003: C3 7B B0 jp $B0DB random_B006: C3 EE B0 jp $B0EE B009: C3 FF B0 jp check_hl_in_ix_list_B0FF key_value_linear_search_B00C: C3 84 B1 jp key_value_linear_search_B124 table_linear_search_B00F: C3 42 B1 jp table_linear_search_B148 B012: C3 56 B1 jp $B15C B015: C3 D1 B1 jp $B171 B018: C3 AB B1 jp $B1AB B01B: C3 2E B8 jp $B28E B01E: C3 B8 B8 jp $B2B2 B021: C3 B7 B8 jp $B2BD B024: C3 6A B8 jp $B2CA B027: C3 73 B8 jp $B2D9 B02A: C3 EC B8 jp $B2E6 B02D: C3 FC B8 jp $B2F6 B030: C3 1C B9 jp $B316 B033: C3 91 B9 jp $B331 B036: C3 49 B9 jp $B343 display_text_B039: C3 5D B9 jp display_text_B357 B03C: C3 31 B9 jp $B391 B03F: C3 6E B9 jp $B3CE B042: C3 40 B4 jp $B440 B045: C3 C3 B4 jp $startup_B469 periodic_interrupt_B048 : C3 8F BD jp on_periodic_interrupt_B72F B04B: C3 D4 B5 jp load_iy_with_player_structure_B574 B04E: C3 2E B5 jp $B58E B051: C3 A5 B5 jp $B5A5 B054: C3 67 B5 jp $B5CD B057: C3 80 BC jp $B620 B05A: C3 5E BC jp $B65E B05D: C3 AE BC jp $B6AE B060: C3 D8 BB jp $BB72 B063: C3 DA BB jp $BB7A B066: C3 28 BB jp check_coin_ports_BB82 B069: C3 28 BB jp check_coin_ports_BB82 B06C: C3 38 BB jp get_dip_switches_BB92 B06F: C3 3C BB jp $BB96 B072: C3 B5 BB jp $BBB5 B075: C3 2C B1 jp display_error_text_B186 B078: C3 07 E0 jp $E00D B07B: C3 83 E0 jp $E029 B07E: C3 B1 B8 jp $B2B1 B081: C3 00 00 jp $0000 B084: C3 00 E0 jp $E000 B087: C3 00 E0 jp $E000 B08A: C3 00 E0 jp $E000 B08D: C3 00 E0 jp $E000 B090: C3 00 E0 jp $E000 B093: C3 00 E0 jp $E000 B096: C3 00 E0 jp $E000 B099: C3 7E E1 jp $E1DE B09C: C3 FB E1 jp $E1FB B09F: C3 FB E1 jp $E1FB B0A2: C3 57 FD jp $F75D B0A5: C3 00 00 jp $0000 B0A8: C3 00 E0 jp $E000 B0AB: C3 00 E0 jp $E000 B0AE: C3 7F BB jp $BBDF B0B1: C3 DE B8 jp $B27E B0B4: C3 44 F7 jp $FD44 B0B7: C3 A2 BB jp $read_port_0_BBA8 B0BA: C3 A7 BB jp $BBAD B0BD: C3 E8 BB jp write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 B0C0: C3 E2 BB jp write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B0C3: 21 00 00 ld hl,$0000 B0C6: 06 00 ld b,$00 B0C8: 4A ld c,d B0C9: 3E 02 ld a,$08 B0CB: CB 25 sla l B0CD: CB 14 rl h B0CF: CB 23 sla e B0D1: D2 75 B0 jp nc,$B0D5 B0D4: 09 add hl,bc B0D5: 3D dec a B0D6: C2 6B B0 jp nz,$B0CB B0D9: EB ex de,hl B0DA: C9 ret B0DB: AF xor a B0DC: 06 10 ld b,$10 B0DE: CB 25 sla l B0E0: CB 14 rl h B0E2: CB 17 rl a B0E4: BA cp d B0E5: DA EB B0 jp c,$B0EB B0E8: 92 sub d B0E9: CB C5 set 0,l B0EB: 10 F1 djnz $B0DE B0ED: C9 ret ; random method ; < d: seed from timer ; < e: max value (not included) ; > a: value between 0 and e (not included) ; > d B0EE: AF xor a ; clears a B0EF: 06 02 ld b,$08 ; b <- $08 ; do it 8 times at least B0F1: CB 22 sla d ; d *= 2 B0F3: CB 17 rl a ; a <- 1 if carry set else 0 B0F5: BB cp e ; compare a with e B0F6: DA F6 B0 jp c,$B0FC ; if e >= a skip to djnz, repeat only if a == e B0F9: 93 sub e ; a <- a-e B0FA: CB C2 set 0,d ; d &= 1 B0FC: 10 F9 djnz $B0F1 ; repeat 8 times B0FE: C9 ret ; < ix: table like walk_frames_list_AA3B, jump_frames_list_AA4D... 2 value list ending with FF FF ; < hl: frame word ; < bc ; > a 0 or $FF depending on value in hl & 0x7FFF found in list pointed in ix check_hl_in_ix_list_B0FF: B0FF: E5 push hl B100: C1 pop bc ; save hl in bc B101: C5 push bc B102: E1 pop hl ; restore hl (useless the first time but there's a loop) B103: DD 5E 00 ld e,(ix+$00) ; load first value of table e B106: DD 56 01 ld d,(ix+$01) ; load second value of table in d B109: 7A ld a,d B10A: A3 and e B10B: FE FF cp $FF ; check if both e and d are $FF B10D: CA 88 B1 jp z,$B122 ; if so, end of scan B110: A7 and a ; clear carry for sbc operation B111: ED 52 sbc hl,de ; did we match de with hl ? B113: CA 17 B1 jp z,$B11D ; if so end, putting FF in a (found) B116: DD 23 inc ix B118: DD 23 inc ix B11A: C3 01 B1 jp $B101 ; next value to scan B11D: 3E FF ld a,$FF ; found B11F: C3 89 B1 jp $B123 ; not found B122: AF xor a ; a <= 0 B123: C9 ret ; another search routine (key value) ; < de: word to look for ; < ix: table to look into ; > a=0 found ; > if found loads hl with the word after ; the value of de found in ix list key_value_linear_search_B124: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 B127: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) B12A: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) B12D: 7D ld a,l B12E: A4 and h B12F: FE FF cp $FF B131: CA 4D B1 jp z,$B147 ; h=a=$FF => end B134: A7 and a B135: ED 52 sbc hl,de B137: CA 9F B1 jp z,$B13F B13A: DD 09 add ix,bc ; add 4 to ix B13C: C3 8D B1 jp $B127 B13F: DD 6E 08 ld l,(ix+$02) B142: DD 66 09 ld h,(ix+$03) B145: 3E 00 ld a,$00 B147: C9 ret ; < ix: pointer on table (ends with $FF) ; < a: value to look for ; > a = 0 if not found, else a is unchanged table_linear_search_B148: B148: DD 46 00 ld b,(ix+$00) ; (clever way to test b against $FF without changing a probably) B14B: 04 inc b B14C: CA 5A B1 jp z,$B15A ; table ends by $FF: if 0 => end B14F: DD BE 00 cp (ix+$00) ; check if A == (ix) B152: CA 5B B1 jp z,$B15B ; found => exit B155: DD 23 inc ix ; else keep searching B157: C3 42 B1 jp table_linear_search_B148 B15A: AF xor a ; not found: set a to zero B15B: C9 ret B15C: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) B15F: 57 ld d,a B160: 1E 80 ld e,$20 B162: CD 69 B0 call $B0C3 B165: 21 0D 61 ld hl,$C107 B168: 19 add hl,de B169: 06 13 ld b,$19 B16B: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 B16D: 23 inc hl B16E: 10 FB djnz $B16B B170: C9 ret B171: FE 12 cp $18 B173: D4 2C B1 call nc,display_error_text_B186 B176: FD E5 push iy B178: F5 push af B179: CD 67 B5 call $B5CD B17C: F1 pop af B17D: 3C inc a B17E: FE 12 cp $18 B180: C2 D2 B1 jp nz,$B178 B183: FD E1 pop iy B185: C9 ret display_error_text_B186 B186: DD E1 pop ix B188: CD E8 BB call write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 B18B: F5 push af B18C: C5 push bc B18D: D5 push de B18E: E5 push hl B18F: FD E5 push iy B191: 21 A9 B1 ld hl,$B1A3 ; ERROR B194: 16 32 ld d,$98 B196: CD 5D B9 call display_text_B357 B199: FD E1 pop iy B19B: E1 pop hl B19C: D1 pop de B19D: C1 pop bc B19E: F1 pop af ; infinite loop B19F: 00 nop B1A0: C3 3F B1 jp $B19F B1A3: 0E 10 ld c,$10 B1A5: 0E 1B ld c,$1B B1A7: 1B dec de B1A8: 12 ld (de),a B1A9: 1B dec de B1AA: FF rst $38 B1AB: FD E5 push iy B1AD: F5 push af B1AE: DD 21 62 60 ld ix,$C0C8 B1B2: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) B1B5: E6 06 and $0C B1B7: FE 06 cp $0C B1B9: CA 64 B1 jp z,$B1C4 B1BC: CB 57 bit 2,a B1BE: C2 7E B1 jp nz,$B1DE B1C1: C3 7A B1 jp $B1DA B1C4: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) B1C7: FE 0A cp $0A B1C9: CA 7E B1 jp z,$B1DE B1CC: FE 0B cp $0B B1CE: CA 7A B1 jp z,$B1DA B1D1: F1 pop af B1D2: F5 push af B1D3: A7 and a B1D4: C4 2C B1 call nz,display_error_text_B186 B1D7: C3 7E B1 jp $B1DE B1DA: DD 21 70 60 ld ix,$C0D0 B1DE: F1 pop af B1DF: DD 86 01 add a,(ix+$01) B1E2: 27 daa B1E3: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a B1E6: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) B1E9: CE 00 adc a,$00 B1EB: 27 daa B1EC: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a B1EF: 2A 60 60 ld hl,($C0C0) B1F2: 7D ld a,l B1F3: 6C ld l,h B1F4: 67 ld h,a B1F5: DD 46 00 ld b,(ix+$00) B1F8: DD 4E 01 ld c,(ix+$01) B1FB: A7 and a B1FC: ED 42 sbc hl,bc B1FE: D2 06 B8 jp nc,$B20C B201: 11 60 60 ld de,$C0C0 B204: DD E5 push ix B206: E1 pop hl B207: 01 09 00 ld bc,$0003 B20A: ED B0 ldir B20C: 21 60 60 ld hl,$C0C0 B20F: 16 32 ld d,$98 B211: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) B214: CB BF res 7,a B216: FE 54 cp $54 B218: CA 8D B8 jp z,$B227 B21B: FE 59 cp $53 B21D: CA 8D B8 jp z,$B227 B220: CD DE B8 call $B27E B223: A7 and a B224: CA DB B8 jp z,$B27B B227: 01 08 14 ld bc,$1402 B22A: CD 6E B9 call $B3CE B22D: 01 04 14 ld bc,$1404 B230: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) B233: CB BF res 7,a B235: FE 54 cp $54 B237: CA 42 B8 jp z,$B248 B23A: FE 59 cp $53 B23C: CA 42 B8 jp z,$B248 B23F: CD DE B8 call $B27E B242: 01 04 14 ld bc,$1404 B245: FE 08 cp $02 B247: C0 ret nz B248: 16 32 ld d,$98 B24A: 21 62 60 ld hl,$C0C8 B24D: CD 6E B9 call $B3CE B250: 3A 98 60 ld a,($C032) B253: CB 4F bit 1,a B255: CA DB B8 jp z,$B27B B258: 01 0C 14 ld bc,$1406 B25B: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) B25E: CB BF res 7,a B260: FE 54 cp $54 B262: CA D9 B8 jp z,$B273 B265: FE 59 cp $53 B267: CA D9 B8 jp z,$B273 B26A: CD DE B8 call $B27E B26D: 01 0C 14 ld bc,$1406 B270: FE 08 cp $02 B272: C0 ret nz B273: 21 70 60 ld hl,$C0D0 B276: 16 32 ld d,$98 B278: CD 6E B9 call $B3CE B27B: FD E1 pop iy B27D: C9 ret B27E: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) B281: CB BF res 7,a B283: FE 50 cp $50 B285: DA 2B B8 jp c,$B28B B288: 3E 00 ld a,$00 B28A: C9 ret B28B: 3E 08 ld a,$02 B28D: C9 ret B28E: C5 push bc B28F: E5 push hl B290: C5 push bc B291: D5 push de B292: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 B295: D1 pop de B296: C1 pop bc B297: C5 push bc B298: 73 ld (hl),e B299: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 B29C: 09 add hl,bc B29D: 72 ld (hl),d B29E: 01 FF 09 ld bc,$03FF B2A1: A7 and a B2A2: ED 42 sbc hl,bc B2A4: C1 pop bc B2A5: 05 dec b B2A6: C2 3D B8 jp nz,$B297 B2A9: E1 pop hl B2AA: 25 dec h B2AB: C1 pop bc B2AC: 0D dec c B2AD: C2 2E B8 jp nz,$B28E B2B0: C9 ret B2B1: C9 ret B2B2: AF xor a B2B3: 21 00 6D ld hl,referee_x_pos_C700 B2B6: 01 FB 6D ld bc,$C7FB B2B9: CD 6A B8 call $B2CA B2BC: C9 ret B2BD: DD E1 pop ix B2BF: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 B2C1: 23 inc hl B2C2: 0B dec bc B2C3: 78 ld a,b B2C4: B1 or c B2C5: C2 BF B8 jp nz,$B2BF B2C8: DD E9 jp (ix) B2CA: 03 inc bc B2CB: 57 ld d,a B2CC: 72 ld (hl),d B2CD: 23 inc hl B2CE: 79 ld a,c B2CF: BD cp l B2D0: C2 66 B8 jp nz,$B2CC B2D3: 78 ld a,b B2D4: BC cp h B2D5: C2 66 B8 jp nz,$B2CC B2D8: C9 ret B2D9: CB 3C srl h B2DB: CB 3C srl h B2DD: CB 3C srl h B2DF: CB 3D srl l B2E1: CB 3D srl l B2E3: CB 3D srl l B2E5: C9 ret B2E6: 26 00 ld h,$00 B2E8: 6F ld l,a B2E9: CB 25 sla l B2EB: CB 14 rl h B2ED: CB 25 sla l B2EF: CB 14 rl h B2F1: 11 00 6D ld de,referee_x_pos_C700 B2F4: 19 add hl,de B2F5: C9 ret B2F6: 16 00 ld d,$00 B2F8: 5C ld e,h B2F9: CB 23 sla e B2FB: CB 12 rl d B2FD: CB 23 sla e B2FF: CB 12 rl d B301: CB 23 sla e B303: CB 12 rl d B305: CB 23 sla e B307: CB 12 rl d B309: CB 23 sla e B30B: CB 12 rl d B30D: AF xor a B30E: 67 ld h,a B30F: 01 E0 79 ld bc,$D3E0 B312: 09 add hl,bc B313: ED 52 sbc hl,de B315: C9 ret B316: 21 00 70 ld hl,$D000 B319: DD 21 00 74 ld ix,$D400 B31D: 11 00 04 ld de,$0400 B320: 71 ld (hl),c B321: 00 nop B322: 00 nop B323: 00 nop B324: DD 70 00 ld (ix+$00),b B327: 23 inc hl B328: DD 23 inc ix B32A: 1B dec de B32B: 7A ld a,d B32C: B3 or e B32D: C2 80 B9 jp nz,$B320 B330: C9 ret B331: 23 inc hl B332: 23 inc hl B333: 03 inc bc B334: 03 inc bc B335: AF xor a B336: 16 09 ld d,$03 B338: 0A ld a,(bc) B339: 8E adc a,(hl) B33A: 27 daa B33B: 77 ld (hl),a B33C: 2B dec hl B33D: 0B dec bc B33E: 15 dec d B33F: C2 92 B9 jp nz,$B338 B342: C9 ret B343: 23 inc hl B344: 23 inc hl B345: 03 inc bc B346: 03 inc bc B347: AF xor a B348: 16 09 ld d,$03 B34A: 0A ld a,(bc) B34B: 5F ld e,a B34C: 7E ld a,(hl) B34D: 9B sbc a,e B34E: 27 daa B34F: 77 ld (hl),a B350: 2B dec hl B351: 0B dec bc B352: 15 dec d B353: C2 4A B9 jp nz,$B34A B356: C9 ret ; display text ; < hl pointer on text ; : format x y text (not in ASCII) ; codes are: ; 0-9: digits ; 10-35: A-Z ; 0x3C: space ; 0xFE: end ; < d ??? display_text_B357: B357: FD E5 push iy B359: E5 push hl B35A: FD E1 pop iy B35C: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B35F: 67 ld h,a B360: FD 23 inc iy B362: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B365: 6F ld l,a B366: D5 push de B367: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 B36A: D1 pop de B36B: FD 23 inc iy B36D: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B370: FE FF cp $FF B372: CA 2E B9 jp z,$B38E ; FE: end of string B375: FE FE cp $FE B377: C2 DF B9 jp nz,$B37F B37A: FD 23 inc iy B37C: C3 56 B9 jp $B35C B37F: 77 ld (hl),a B380: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 B383: 09 add hl,bc B384: 72 ld (hl),d B385: 01 80 04 ld bc,$0420 B388: AF xor a B389: ED 42 sbc hl,bc B38B: C3 CB B9 jp $B36B B38E: FD E1 pop iy B390: C9 ret B391: FD E5 push iy B393: E5 push hl B394: FD E1 pop iy B396: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B399: 67 ld h,a B39A: FD 23 inc iy B39C: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B39F: 6F ld l,a B3A0: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 B3A3: FD 23 inc iy B3A5: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B3A8: FE FF cp $FF B3AA: CA 6B B9 jp z,$B3CB B3AD: FE FE cp $FE B3AF: C2 BD B9 jp nz,$B3B7 B3B2: FD 23 inc iy B3B4: C3 3C B9 jp $B396 B3B7: 77 ld (hl),a B3B8: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 B3BB: 09 add hl,bc B3BC: FD 23 inc iy B3BE: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B3C1: 77 ld (hl),a B3C2: 01 80 04 ld bc,$0420 B3C5: AF xor a B3C6: ED 42 sbc hl,bc B3C8: C3 A9 B9 jp $B3A3 B3CB: FD E1 pop iy B3CD: C9 ret B3CE: E5 push hl B3CF: D5 push de B3D0: 60 ld h,b B3D1: 69 ld l,c B3D2: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 B3D5: D1 pop de B3D6: 06 09 ld b,$03 B3D8: FD E1 pop iy B3DA: 0E 00 ld c,$00 B3DC: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B3DF: E6 F0 and $F0 B3E1: CB 3F srl a B3E3: CB 3F srl a B3E5: CB 3F srl a B3E7: CB 3F srl a B3E9: A7 and a B3EA: CA F8 B9 jp z,$B3F2 B3ED: 0E 01 ld c,$01 B3EF: C3 FE B9 jp $B3FE B3F2: 0C inc c B3F3: 0D dec c B3F4: C2 FE B9 jp nz,$B3FE B3F7: 05 dec b B3F8: CA F7 B9 jp z,$B3FD B3FB: 3E 96 ld a,$3C B3FD: 04 inc b B3FE: 77 ld (hl),a B3FF: C5 push bc B400: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 B403: 09 add hl,bc B404: 72 ld (hl),d B405: A7 and a B406: ED 42 sbc hl,bc B408: 01 80 00 ld bc,$0020 B40B: AF xor a B40C: ED 42 sbc hl,bc B40E: C1 pop bc B40F: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B412: E6 0F and $0F B414: CA 16 B4 jp z,$B41C B417: 0E 01 ld c,$01 B419: C3 82 B4 jp $B428 B41C: 0C inc c B41D: 0D dec c B41E: C2 82 B4 jp nz,$B428 B421: 05 dec b B422: CA 8D B4 jp z,$B427 B425: 3E 96 ld a,$3C B427: 04 inc b B428: 77 ld (hl),a B429: C5 push bc B42A: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 B42D: 09 add hl,bc B42E: 72 ld (hl),d B42F: A7 and a B430: ED 42 sbc hl,bc B432: 01 80 00 ld bc,$0020 B435: AF xor a B436: ED 42 sbc hl,bc B438: C1 pop bc B439: FD 23 inc iy B43B: 05 dec b B43C: C2 76 B9 jp nz,$B3DC B43F: C9 ret B440: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) B443: BA cp d B444: CA 4A B4 jp z,$B44A B447: D2 CD B4 jp nc,$B467 B44A: DD 86 01 add a,(ix+$01) B44D: BA cp d B44E: DA CD B4 jp c,$B467 B451: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) B454: BB cp e B455: CA 5B B4 jp z,$B45B B458: D2 CD B4 jp nc,$B467 B45B: DD 86 09 add a,(ix+$03) B45E: BB cp e B45F: DA CD B4 jp c,$B467 B462: 3E FF ld a,$FF B464: C3 C2 B4 jp $B468 B467: AF xor a B468: C9 ret startup_B469: 3E 48 ld a,$42 B46B: 32 81 67 ld ($CD21),a B46E: 31 00 6F ld sp,$CF00 B471: CD E8 BB call write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 B474: ED 56 im 1 B476: 31 00 6F ld sp,$CF00 B479: 21 00 60 ld hl,$C000 B47C: 01 20 00 ld bc,$0080 B47F: CD B7 B8 call $B2BD B482: CD 41 BB call $BB41 B485: 3E FF ld a,$FF B487: 32 86 60 ld ($C02C),a B48A: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B48D: 31 00 6F ld sp,$CF00 B490: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B493: 21 0C 60 ld hl,$C006 B496: 3A 83 60 ld a,($C029) B499: A7 and a B49A: C2 AD B4 jp nz,$B4A7 B49D: 3A 8A 60 ld a,($C02A) B4A0: A7 and a B4A1: C2 09 B5 jp nz,$B503 B4A4: C3 39 B4 jp $B493 B4A7: AF xor a B4A8: 57 ld d,a B4A9: BE cp (hl) B4AA: C2 B2 B4 jp nz,$B4B8 B4AD: 2C inc l B4AE: BE cp (hl) B4AF: C2 B2 B4 jp nz,$B4B8 B4B2: 2C inc l B4B3: BE cp (hl) B4B4: C2 B2 B4 jp nz,$B4B8 B4B7: 2C inc l B4B8: 7D ld a,l B4B9: D6 0C sub $06 B4BB: 5F ld e,a B4BC: CB 03 rlc e B4BE: CB 03 rlc e B4C0: CB 03 rlc e B4C2: 06 00 ld b,$00 B4C4: 4E ld c,(hl) B4C5: A7 and a B4C6: CB 11 rl c B4C8: CB 10 rl b B4CA: DD 21 D7 B2 ld ix,$B87D B4CE: DD 09 add ix,bc B4D0: DD 46 00 ld b,(ix+$00) B4D3: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) B4D6: 83 add a,e B4D7: 5F ld e,a B4D8: 32 82 60 ld (player_2_attack_flags_C028),a B4DB: 78 ld a,b B4DC: AE xor (hl) B4DD: 77 ld (hl),a B4DE: CB 03 rlc e B4E0: 16 00 ld d,$00 B4E2: FD 21 85 B2 ld iy,$B825 B4E6: FD 19 add iy,de B4E8: FD 6E 00 ld l,(iy+$00) B4EB: FD 66 01 ld h,(iy+$01) B4EE: F9 ld sp,hl B4EF: 21 83 60 ld hl,$C029 B4F2: 35 dec (hl) B4F3: FD 21 80 00 ld iy,$0020 B4F7: FD 19 add iy,de B4F9: FD 6E 00 ld l,(iy+$00) B4FC: FD 66 01 ld h,(iy+$01) B4FF: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B502: E9 jp (hl) B503: CD E8 BB call write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 B506: 21 06 60 ld hl,$C00C B509: FD 21 06 60 ld iy,$C00C B50D: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) B510: FD B6 01 or (iy+$01) B513: FD B6 08 or (iy+$02) B516: FD B6 09 or (iy+$03) B519: CA 27 B4 jp z,$B48D B51C: AF xor a B51D: 57 ld d,a B51E: BE cp (hl) B51F: C2 87 B5 jp nz,$B52D B522: 2C inc l B523: BE cp (hl) B524: C2 87 B5 jp nz,$B52D B527: 2C inc l B528: BE cp (hl) B529: C2 87 B5 jp nz,$B52D B52C: 2C inc l B52D: 7D ld a,l B52E: D6 06 sub $0C B530: 5F ld e,a B531: CB 03 rlc e B533: CB 03 rlc e B535: CB 03 rlc e B537: A7 and a B538: 06 00 ld b,$00 B53A: 4E ld c,(hl) B53B: CB 11 rl c B53D: CB 10 rl b B53F: DD 21 D7 B2 ld ix,$B87D B543: DD 09 add ix,bc B545: DD 46 00 ld b,(ix+$00) B548: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) B54B: 83 add a,e B54C: 5F ld e,a B54D: 32 82 60 ld (player_2_attack_flags_C028),a B550: 78 ld a,b B551: AE xor (hl) B552: 77 ld (hl),a B553: CB 03 rlc e B555: 16 00 ld d,$00 B557: 21 E5 BD ld hl,$B7E5 B55A: 19 add hl,de B55B: 5E ld e,(hl) B55C: 23 inc hl B55D: 56 ld d,(hl) B55E: 1A ld a,(de) B55F: 6F ld l,a B560: 13 inc de B561: 1A ld a,(de) B562: 67 ld h,a B563: F9 ld sp,hl B564: EB ex de,hl B565: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 B568: 19 add hl,de B569: 46 ld b,(hl) B56A: 23 inc hl B56B: 7E ld a,(hl) B56C: 21 8A 60 ld hl,$C02A B56F: 35 dec (hl) B570: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B573: C9 ret ; load iy with player structure load_iy_with_player_structure_B574: B574: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) B577: FD 21 00 61 ld iy,$C100 B57B: 47 ld b,a B57C: 0E 00 ld c,$00 B57E: A7 and a B57F: CB 18 rr b B581: CB 19 rr c B583: CB 18 rr b B585: CB 19 rr c B587: CB 18 rr b B589: CB 19 rr c B58B: FD 09 add iy,bc B58D: C9 ret B58E: FD 21 00 61 ld iy,$C100 B592: 47 ld b,a B593: 0E 00 ld c,$00 B595: A7 and a B596: CB 18 rr b B598: CB 19 rr c B59A: CB 18 rr b B59C: CB 19 rr c B59E: CB 18 rr b B5A0: CB 19 rr c B5A2: FD 09 add iy,bc B5A4: C9 ret B5A5: CD E8 BB call write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 B5A8: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) B5AB: 21 00 60 ld hl,$C000 B5AE: 4F ld c,a B5AF: 06 00 ld b,$00 B5B1: 11 00 00 ld de,$0000 B5B4: E6 0D and $07 B5B6: 5F ld e,a B5B7: 79 ld a,c B5B8: E6 F2 and $F8 B5BA: 1F rra B5BB: 1F rra B5BC: 1F rra B5BD: 4F ld c,a B5BE: 09 add hl,bc B5BF: DD 21 D5 B2 ld ix,$B875 B5C3: DD 19 add ix,de B5C5: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) B5C8: AE xor (hl) B5C9: 77 ld (hl),a B5CA: C3 27 B4 jp $B48D B5CD: CD E8 BB call write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 B5D0: 21 00 60 ld hl,$C000 B5D3: 4F ld c,a B5D4: 06 00 ld b,$00 B5D6: 11 00 00 ld de,$0000 B5D9: E6 0D and $07 B5DB: 5F ld e,a B5DC: 79 ld a,c B5DD: E6 F2 and $F8 B5DF: 1F rra B5E0: 1F rra B5E1: 1F rra B5E2: 4F ld c,a B5E3: 09 add hl,bc B5E4: DD 21 D5 B2 ld ix,$B875 B5E8: DD 19 add ix,de B5EA: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) B5ED: 47 ld b,a B5EE: A6 and (hl) B5EF: C8 ret z B5F0: 78 ld a,b B5F1: AE xor (hl) B5F2: 77 ld (hl),a B5F3: 11 0C 00 ld de,$0006 B5F6: 19 add hl,de B5F7: 78 ld a,b B5F8: A6 and (hl) B5F9: CA 0D BC jp z,$B607 B5FC: 78 ld a,b B5FD: AE xor (hl) B5FE: 77 ld (hl),a B5FF: 21 83 60 ld hl,$C029 B602: 35 dec (hl) B603: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B606: C9 ret B607: 19 add hl,de B608: 78 ld a,b B609: A6 and (hl) B60A: CA 12 BC jp z,$B618 B60D: 78 ld a,b B60E: AE xor (hl) B60F: 77 ld (hl),a B610: 21 8A 60 ld hl,$C02A B613: 35 dec (hl) B614: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B617: C9 ret B618: 19 add hl,de B619: 78 ld a,b B61A: AE xor (hl) B61B: 77 ld (hl),a B61C: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B61F: C9 ret B620: CD E8 BB call write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 B623: 21 00 60 ld hl,$C000 B626: 4F ld c,a B627: 06 00 ld b,$00 B629: 11 00 00 ld de,$0000 B62C: E6 0D and $07 B62E: 5F ld e,a B62F: 79 ld a,c B630: E6 F2 and $F8 B632: 1F rra B633: 1F rra B634: 1F rra B635: 4F ld c,a B636: 09 add hl,bc B637: DD 21 D5 B2 ld ix,$B875 B63B: DD 19 add ix,de B63D: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) B640: 5F ld e,a B641: A6 and (hl) B642: C2 52 BC jp nz,$B658 B645: 7B ld a,e B646: B6 or (hl) B647: 77 ld (hl),a B648: 01 0C 00 ld bc,$0006 B64B: 09 add hl,bc B64C: 7B ld a,e B64D: B6 or (hl) B64E: 77 ld (hl),a B64F: 21 83 60 ld hl,$C029 B652: 34 inc (hl) B653: AF xor a B654: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B657: C9 ret B658: 3E FF ld a,$FF B65A: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B65D: C9 ret ; < a: probably? number of frames to wait until next frame ; this can be slower or faster if a computer is playing ; depending on the difficulty level B65E: CD E8 BB call write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 B661: F5 push af B662: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) B665: 21 18 60 ld hl,$C012 B668: 4F ld c,a B669: 06 00 ld b,$00 B66B: 11 00 00 ld de,$0000 B66E: E6 0D and $07 B670: 5F ld e,a B671: 79 ld a,c B672: E6 F2 and $F8 B674: 1F rra B675: 1F rra B676: 1F rra B677: 4F ld c,a B678: 09 add hl,bc B679: DD 21 D5 B2 ld ix,$B875 B67D: DD 19 add ix,de B67F: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) B682: B6 or (hl) B683: 77 ld (hl),a B684: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) B687: FD 21 00 61 ld iy,$C100 B68B: 47 ld b,a B68C: 0E 00 ld c,$00 B68E: A7 and a B68F: CB 18 rr b B691: CB 19 rr c B693: CB 18 rr b B695: CB 19 rr c B697: CB 18 rr b B699: CB 19 rr c B69B: FD 09 add iy,bc B69D: F1 pop af ; writes in player struct + 2: number of frames to wait until next frame B69E: FD 77 08 ld (iy+$02),a B6A1: 21 00 00 ld hl,$0000 B6A4: 39 add hl,sp B6A5: FD 75 00 ld (iy+$00),l B6A8: FD 74 01 ld (iy+$01),h B6AB: C3 27 B4 jp $B48D B6AE: CD E8 BB call write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 B6B1: C5 push bc B6B2: F5 push af B6B3: 21 00 60 ld hl,$C000 B6B6: 4F ld c,a B6B7: 06 00 ld b,$00 B6B9: 11 00 00 ld de,$0000 B6BC: E6 0D and $07 B6BE: 5F ld e,a B6BF: 79 ld a,c B6C0: E6 F2 and $F8 B6C2: 1F rra B6C3: 1F rra B6C4: 1F rra B6C5: 4F ld c,a B6C6: 09 add hl,bc B6C7: E5 push hl B6C8: DD 21 D5 B2 ld ix,$B875 B6CC: DD 19 add ix,de B6CE: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) B6D1: 47 ld b,a B6D2: A6 and (hl) B6D3: CA 8C BD jp z,$B726 B6D6: 11 0C 00 ld de,$0006 B6D9: 19 add hl,de B6DA: 78 ld a,b B6DB: A6 and (hl) B6DC: C2 8C BD jp nz,$B726 B6DF: 78 ld a,b B6E0: 11 06 00 ld de,$000C B6E3: 19 add hl,de B6E4: 78 ld a,b B6E5: 2F cpl B6E6: A6 and (hl) B6E7: 77 ld (hl),a B6E8: D1 pop de B6E9: 21 06 00 ld hl,$000C B6EC: 19 add hl,de B6ED: 78 ld a,b B6EE: A6 and (hl) B6EF: CA F3 BC jp z,$B6F9 B6F2: FD 21 8A 60 ld iy,$C02A B6F6: FD 35 00 dec (iy+$00) B6F9: 78 ld a,b B6FA: B6 or (hl) B6FB: 77 ld (hl),a B6FC: F1 pop af B6FD: FD 21 00 61 ld iy,$C100 B701: 47 ld b,a B702: 0E 00 ld c,$00 B704: A7 and a B705: CB 18 rr b B707: CB 19 rr c B709: CB 18 rr b B70B: CB 19 rr c B70D: CB 18 rr b B70F: CB 19 rr c B711: FD 09 add iy,bc B713: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) B716: FD 77 05 ld (iy+$05),a B719: C1 pop bc B71A: FD 70 0C ld (iy+$06),b B71D: 21 8A 60 ld hl,$C02A B720: 34 inc (hl) B721: AF xor a B722: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B725: C9 ret B726: E1 pop hl B727: F1 pop af B728: C1 pop bc B729: 3E FF ld a,$FF B72B: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B72E: C9 ret ; main interrupt (vblank) routine, called every 1/60s on_periodic_interrupt_B72F: B72F: 08 ex af,af' B730: D9 exx B731: DD E5 push ix B733: FD E5 push iy B735: CD E8 BB call write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 ; copy some data from C700 to D800 (254 bytes) B738: 21 00 6D ld hl,referee_x_pos_C700 B73B: 11 00 72 ld de,$D800 B73E: 01 F6 00 ld bc,$00FC B741: ED B0 ldir ; increment attack counter B743: 2A 8E 60 ld hl,(periodic_counter_16bit_C02E) B746: 23 inc hl B747: 22 8E 60 ld (periodic_counter_16bit_C02E),hl B74A: 3A 8B 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_8bit_C02B) B74D: 3C inc a B74E: 32 8B 60 ld (periodic_counter_8bit_C02B),a B751: AF xor a B752: CD CF BB call write_a_in_port_0_BB6F B755: CD D7 BA call manage_coin_inserted_BA7D B758: 21 18 60 ld hl,$C012 B75B: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 B75E: 16 00 ld d,$00 B760: CD D7 BD call $B77D B763: 0E 02 ld c,$08 B765: CD D7 BD call $B77D B768: 0E 10 ld c,$10 B76A: CD D7 BD call $B77D B76D: 0E 12 ld c,$18 B76F: CD D7 BD call $B77D B772: FD E1 pop iy B774: DD E1 pop ix B776: D9 exx B777: 08 ex af,af' B778: CD E2 BB call write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 B77B: ED 45 retn B77D: 7E ld a,(hl) B77E: A7 and a B77F: C2 24 BD jp nz,$B784 B782: 23 inc hl B783: C9 ret B784: 1E 00 ld e,$00 B786: A7 and a B787: C2 26 BD jp nz,$B78C B78A: 23 inc hl B78B: C9 ret B78C: CB 3F srl a B78E: DA 35 BD jp c,$B795 B791: 1C inc e B792: C3 2C BD jp $B786 B795: DD 21 00 61 ld ix,$C100 B799: F5 push af B79A: 79 ld a,c B79B: 83 add a,e B79C: C5 push bc B79D: 47 ld b,a B79E: 4A ld c,d B79F: A7 and a B7A0: CB 18 rr b B7A2: CB 19 rr c B7A4: CB 18 rr b B7A6: CB 19 rr c B7A8: CB 18 rr b B7AA: CB 19 rr c B7AC: DD 09 add ix,bc B7AE: C1 pop bc ; read current frame timeout value B7AF: DD 7E 08 ld a,(ix+$02) B7B2: A7 and a B7B3: CA E0 BD jp z,$B7E0 ; zero => skip B7B6: 3D dec a ; decrease frame value B7B7: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a ; and store it B7BA: C2 E0 BD jp nz,$B7E0 ; non-zero => skip ; frame timeout reached (if ix == player 1 or player 2 struct C240 or C260) ; seems that it can be used for other animations or timeouts ; to put a breakpoint that filters player 2 animation: bp B7BD,ix == C260 B7BD: DD 77 0C ld (ix+$06),a B7C0: DD 21 8A 60 ld ix,$C02A B7C4: DD 34 00 inc (ix+$00) B7C7: DD 21 D5 B2 ld ix,$B875 B7CB: DD 19 add ix,de B7CD: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) B7D0: AE xor (hl) B7D1: 77 ld (hl),a B7D2: E5 push hl B7D3: C5 push bc B7D4: 0E 0C ld c,$06 B7D6: A7 and a B7D7: ED 42 sbc hl,bc B7D9: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) B7DC: B6 or (hl) B7DD: 77 ld (hl),a B7DE: C1 pop bc B7DF: E1 pop hl B7E0: F1 pop af B7E1: 1C inc e B7E2: C3 2C BD jp $B786 B7E5: 00 nop B7E6: 61 ld h,c B7E7: 80 add a,b B7E8: 61 ld h,c B7E9: 40 ld b,b B7EA: 61 ld h,c B7EB: C0 ret nz B7EC: 61 ld h,c B7ED: 20 61 jr nz,$B7B0 B7EF: A0 and b B7F0: 61 ld h,c B7F1: 60 ld h,b B7F2: 61 ld h,c B7F3: E0 ret po B7F4: 61 ld h,c B7F5: 00 nop B7F6: 68 ld l,b B7F7: 80 add a,b B7F8: 68 ld l,b B7F9: 40 ld b,b B7FA: 68 ld l,b B7FB: C0 ret nz B7FC: 68 ld l,b B7FD: 20 68 jr nz,$B7C1 B7FF: A0 and b B800: 68 ld l,b B801: 60 ld h,b B802: 68 ld l,b B803: E0 ret po B804: 68 ld l,b B805: 00 nop B806: 69 ld l,c B807: 80 add a,b B808: 69 ld l,c B809: 40 ld b,b B80A: 69 ld l,c B80B: C0 ret nz B80C: 69 ld l,c B80D: 20 69 jr nz,$B7D2 B80F: A0 and b B810: 69 ld l,c B811: 60 ld h,b B812: 69 ld l,c B813: E0 ret po B814: 69 ld l,c B815: 00 nop B816: 64 ld h,h B817: 80 add a,b B818: 64 ld h,h B819: 40 ld b,b B81A: 64 ld h,h B81B: C0 ret nz B81C: 64 ld h,h B81D: 20 64 jr nz,$B7E3 B81F: A0 and b B820: 64 ld h,h B821: 60 ld h,b B822: 64 ld h,h B823: E0 ret po B824: 64 ld h,h B825: 80 add a,b B826: 64 ld h,h B827: 40 ld b,b B828: 64 ld h,h B829: C0 ret nz B82A: 64 ld h,h B82B: 20 64 jr nz,$B7F1 B82D: A0 and b B82E: 64 ld h,h B82F: 60 ld h,b B830: 64 ld h,h B831: E0 ret po B832: 64 ld h,h B833: 00 nop B834: 65 ld h,l B835: 80 add a,b B836: 65 ld h,l B837: 40 ld b,b B838: 65 ld h,l B839: C0 ret nz B83A: 65 ld h,l B83B: 20 65 jr nz,$B802 B83D: A0 and b B83E: 65 ld h,l B83F: 60 ld h,b B840: 65 ld h,l B841: E0 ret po B842: 65 ld h,l B843: 00 nop B844: 6C ld l,h B845: 80 add a,b B846: 6C ld l,h B847: 40 ld b,b B848: 6C ld l,h B849: C0 ret nz B84A: 6C ld l,h B84B: 20 6C jr nz,$B813 B84D: A0 and b B84E: 6C ld l,h B84F: 60 ld h,b B850: 6C ld l,h B851: E0 ret po B852: 6C ld l,h B853: 00 nop B854: 6D ld l,l B855: 80 add a,b B856: 6D ld l,l B857: 40 ld b,b B858: 6D ld l,l B859: C0 ret nz B85A: 6D ld l,l B85B: 20 6D jr nz,$B824 B85D: A0 and b B85E: 6D ld l,l B85F: 60 ld h,b B860: 6D ld l,l B861: E0 ret po B862: 6D ld l,l B863: 00 nop B864: 62 ld h,d B865: 00 nop B866: 60 ld h,b B867: 02 ld (bc),a B868: 60 ld h,b B869: 10 60 djnz $B82B B86B: 12 ld (de),a B86C: 60 ld h,b B86D: 80 add a,b B86E: 60 ld h,b B86F: 82 add a,d B870: 60 ld h,b B871: 90 sub b B872: 60 ld h,b B873: 92 sub d B874: 60 ld h,b ; looks very much like joystick combination tables to check player moves B875: B875 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80 B87D 00 00 01 00 02 01 01 00 ..... @......... B885 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B895 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 10 04 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B8A5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B8B5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 20 05 01 00 02 01 01 00 ........ ....... B8C5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B8D5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 10 04 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B8E5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B8F5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 40 06 01 00 02 01 01 00 ........@....... B905 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B915 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 10 04 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B925 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B935 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 20 05 01 00 02 01 01 00 ........ ....... B945 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B955 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 10 04 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B965 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B975 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 80 07 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B985 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B995 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 10 04 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B9A5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B9B5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 20 05 01 00 02 01 01 00 ........ ....... B9C5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B9D5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 10 04 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B9E5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ B9F5 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 40 06 01 00 02 01 01 00 ........@....... BA05 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ BA15 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 10 04 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ BA25 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ BA35 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 20 05 01 00 02 01 01 00 ........ ....... BA45 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ BA55 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 10 04 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ BA65 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 08 03 01 00 02 01 01 00 ................ BA75 04 02 01 00 02 01 01 00 B8D5: 04 inc b B8D6: 08 ex af,af' B8D7: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B8DA: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B8DD: 10 04 djnz $B8E3 B8DF: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B8E2: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B8E5: 04 inc b B8E6: 08 ex af,af' B8E7: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B8EA: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B8ED: 02 ld (bc),a B8EE: 09 add hl,bc B8EF: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B8F2: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B8F5: 04 inc b B8F6: 08 ex af,af' B8F7: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B8FA: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B8FD: 40 ld b,b B8FE: 0C inc c B8FF: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B902: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B905: 04 inc b B906: 08 ex af,af' B907: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B90A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B90D: 02 ld (bc),a B90E: 09 add hl,bc B90F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B912: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B915: 04 inc b B916: 08 ex af,af' B917: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B91A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B91D: 10 04 djnz $B923 B91F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B922: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B925: 04 inc b B926: 08 ex af,af' B927: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B92A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B92D: 02 ld (bc),a B92E: 09 add hl,bc B92F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B932: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B935: 04 inc b B936: 08 ex af,af' B937: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B93A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B93D: 80 add a,b B93E: 05 dec b B93F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B942: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B945: 04 inc b B946: 08 ex af,af' B947: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B94A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B94D: 02 ld (bc),a B94E: 09 add hl,bc B94F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B952: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B955: 04 inc b B956: 08 ex af,af' B957: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B95A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B95D: 10 04 djnz $B963 B95F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B962: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B965: 04 inc b B966: 08 ex af,af' B967: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B96A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B96D: 02 ld (bc),a B96E: 09 add hl,bc B96F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B972: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B975: 04 inc b B976: 08 ex af,af' B977: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B97A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B97D: 20 0D jr nz,$B986 B97F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B982: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B985: 04 inc b B986: 08 ex af,af' B987: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B98A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B98D: 02 ld (bc),a B98E: 09 add hl,bc B98F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B992: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B995: 04 inc b B996: 08 ex af,af' B997: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B99A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B99D: 10 04 djnz $B9A3 B99F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9A2: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9A5: 04 inc b B9A6: 08 ex af,af' B9A7: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9AA: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9AD: 02 ld (bc),a B9AE: 09 add hl,bc B9AF: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9B2: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9B5: 04 inc b B9B6: 08 ex af,af' B9B7: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9BA: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9BD: 80 add a,b B9BE: 05 dec b B9BF: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9C2: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9C5: 04 inc b B9C6: 08 ex af,af' B9C7: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9CA: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9CD: 02 ld (bc),a B9CE: 09 add hl,bc B9CF: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9D2: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9D5: 04 inc b B9D6: 08 ex af,af' B9D7: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9DA: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9DD: 10 04 djnz $B9E3 B9DF: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9E2: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9E5: 04 inc b B9E6: 08 ex af,af' B9E7: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9EA: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9ED: 02 ld (bc),a B9EE: 09 add hl,bc B9EF: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9F2: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9F5: 04 inc b B9F6: 08 ex af,af' B9F7: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 B9FA: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 B9FD: 40 ld b,b B9FE: 0C inc c B9FF: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA02: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA05: 04 inc b BA06: 08 ex af,af' BA07: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA0A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA0D: 02 ld (bc),a BA0E: 09 add hl,bc BA0F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA12: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA15: 04 inc b BA16: 08 ex af,af' BA17: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA1A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA1D: 10 04 djnz $BA23 BA1F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA22: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA25: 04 inc b BA26: 08 ex af,af' BA27: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA2A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA2D: 02 ld (bc),a BA2E: 09 add hl,bc BA2F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA32: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA35: 04 inc b BA36: 08 ex af,af' BA37: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA3A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA3D: 80 add a,b BA3E: 05 dec b BA3F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA42: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA45: 04 inc b BA46: 08 ex af,af' BA47: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA4A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA4D: 02 ld (bc),a BA4E: 09 add hl,bc BA4F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA52: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA55: 04 inc b BA56: 08 ex af,af' BA57: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA5A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA5D: 10 04 djnz $BA63 BA5F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA62: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA65: 04 inc b BA66: 08 ex af,af' BA67: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA6A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA6D: 02 ld (bc),a BA6E: 09 add hl,bc BA6F: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA72: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 BA75: 04 inc b BA76: 08 ex af,af' BA77: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 BA7A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 manage_coin_inserted_BA7D BA7D: DD 21 84 60 ld ix,nb_credits_minus_one_C024 BA81: CD 28 BB call check_coin_ports_BB82 BA84: E6 60 and $C0 BA86: 47 ld b,a BA87: CA 67 BA jp z,$BACD BA8A: CB 7F bit 7,a BA8C: CA A3 BA jp z,$BAA9 BA8F: DD CB 09 DE bit 7,(ix+$03) BA93: C2 A3 BA jp nz,$BAA9 BA96: DD 34 01 inc (ix+$01) BA99: 3E 80 ld a,$20 BA9B: CD 7F BB call $BBDF BA9E: 3A 90 60 ld a,(dip_switches_copy_C030) BAA1: E6 09 and $03 BAA3: 21 85 60 ld hl,$C025 BAA6: CD EC BA call $BAE6 BAA9: 78 ld a,b BAAA: CB 77 bit 6,a BAAC: CA 67 BA jp z,$BACD BAAF: DD CB 09 DC bit 6,(ix+$03) BAB3: C2 67 BA jp nz,$BACD BAB6: DD 34 08 inc (ix+$02) BAB9: 3E 80 ld a,$20 BABB: CD 7F BB call $BBDF BABE: 3A 90 60 ld a,(dip_switches_copy_C030) BAC1: CB 3F srl a BAC3: CB 3F srl a BAC5: E6 09 and $03 BAC7: 21 8C 60 ld hl,$C026 BACA: CD EC BA call $BAE6 BACD: DD 70 09 ld (ix+$03),b BAD0: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) BAD3: E6 09 and $03 BAD5: C2 E5 BA jp nz,$BAE5 BAD8: 3A 84 60 ld a,(nb_credits_minus_one_C024) BADB: A7 and a BADC: CA E5 BA jp z,$BAE5 BADF: AF xor a BAE0: 06 0C ld b,$06 BAE2: CD AE BC call $B6AE BAE5: C9 ret BAE6: A7 and a BAE7: C2 FA BA jp nz,$BAFA BAEA: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) BAED: C6 01 add a,$01 BAEF: 27 daa BAF0: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a BAF3: 35 dec (hl) BAF4: C4 2C B1 call nz,display_error_text_B186 BAF7: C3 40 BB jp $BB40 BAFA: FE 01 cp $01 BAFC: C2 0F BB jp nz,$BB0F BAFF: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) BB02: C6 08 add a,$02 BB04: 27 daa BB05: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a BB08: 35 dec (hl) BB09: C4 2C B1 call nz,display_error_text_B186 BB0C: C3 40 BB jp $BB40 BB0F: FE 08 cp $02 BB11: C2 8B BB jp nz,$BB2B BB14: 7E ld a,(hl) BB15: FE 08 cp $02 BB17: DA 40 BB jp c,$BB40 BB1A: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) BB1D: C6 01 add a,$01 BB1F: 27 daa BB20: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a BB23: 35 dec (hl) BB24: 35 dec (hl) BB25: C4 2C B1 call nz,display_error_text_B186 BB28: C3 40 BB jp $BB40 BB2B: 7E ld a,(hl) BB2C: FE 09 cp $03 BB2E: DA 40 BB jp c,$BB40 BB31: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) BB34: C6 01 add a,$01 BB36: 27 daa BB37: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a BB3A: 35 dec (hl) BB3B: 35 dec (hl) BB3C: 35 dec (hl) BB3D: C4 2C B1 call nz,display_error_text_B186 BB40: C9 ret BB41: ED 56 im 1 BB43: D1 pop de BB44: 21 00 70 ld hl,$D000 BB47: 01 00 10 ld bc,$1000 BB4A: CD B7 B8 call $B2BD BB4D: 21 00 60 ld hl,$C000 BB50: 01 00 10 ld bc,$1000 BB53: CD B7 B8 call $B2BD BB56: D5 push de BB57: CD E5 FC call $F6E5 BB5A: 3E 08 ld a,$02 BB5C: 32 60 60 ld ($C0C0),a BB5F: CD 38 BB call get_dip_switches_BB92 BB62: 32 90 60 ld (dip_switches_copy_C030),a BB65: AF xor a BB66: CD 80 BC call $B620 BB69: 3E 20 ld a,$80 BB6B: CD 7F BB call $BBDF BB6E: C9 ret write_a_in_port_0_BB6F: BB6F: D3 00 out ($00),a BB71: C9 ret BB72: 3E 00 ld a,$00 BB74: D3 00 out ($00),a BB76: 32 91 60 ld ($C031),a BB79: C9 ret BB7A: 3E 01 ld a,$01 BB7C: D3 00 out ($00),a BB7E: 32 91 60 ld ($C031),a BB81: C9 ret ; read system port BB82: C5 push bc BB83: DB 20 in a,($80) BB85: 2F cpl ; only 4 first bits are used ; PORT_BIT( 0x01, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN1 ) ; PORT_BIT( 0x02, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_COIN2 ) ; PORT_BIT( 0x04, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START1 ) ; PORT_BIT( 0x08, IP_ACTIVE_LOW, IPT_START2 ) BB86: E6 0F and $0F BB88: 47 ld b,a BB89: 0F rrca BB8A: 0F rrca BB8B: E6 60 and $C0 ; coin inserted bits BB8D: B0 or b BB8E: E6 66 and $CC BB90: C1 pop bc BB91: C9 ret ; get dip switches ;PORT_START("DSW") ;PORT_DIPNAME( 0x03, 0x03, DEF_STR( Coin_B ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x01, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x03, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x02, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) ;PORT_DIPNAME( 0x0c, 0x0c, DEF_STR( Coin_A ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( 3C_1C ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x04, DEF_STR( 2C_1C ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x0c, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x08, DEF_STR( 1C_2C ) ) ;PORT_DIPNAME( 0x30, 0x10, DEF_STR( Difficulty ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x30, DEF_STR( Easy ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x20, DEF_STR( Medium ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x10, DEF_STR( Hard ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( Hardest ) ) ;PORT_DIPNAME( 0x40, 0x00, DEF_STR( Demo_Sounds ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x40, DEF_STR( Off ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) ;PORT_DIPNAME( 0x80, 0x80, DEF_STR( Free_Play ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x80, DEF_STR( Off ) ) ;PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( On ) ) get_dip_switches_BB92: DB 60 in a,($C0) BB94: 2F cpl ; invert bits (active low logic) BB95: C9 ret BB96: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) BB99: CB 5F bit 3,a BB9B: CA A4 BB jp z,$BBA4 BB9E: CD A7 BB call $BBAD BBA1: C3 AD BB jp $BBA7 BBA4: CD A2 BB call read_port_0_BBA8 BBA7: C9 ret read_port_0_BBA8: DB 00 in a,($00) BBAA: C3 AF BB jp $BBAF BBAD: DB 40 in a,($40) BBAF: 2F cpl BBB0: 07 rlca BBB1: 07 rlca BBB2: 07 rlca BBB3: 07 rlca BBB4: C9 ret BBB5: F5 push af BBB6: 3A 90 60 ld a,(dip_switches_copy_C030) BBB9: CB 77 bit 6,a ; demo sounds enabled BBBB: C2 6C BB jp nz,$BBC6 BBBE: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) BBC1: E6 09 and $03 BBC3: CA 77 BB jp z,$BBDD BBC6: F1 pop af BBC7: F5 push af BBC8: FE 20 cp $80 BBCA: C2 7A BB jp nz,$BBDA BBCD: 3E 00 ld a,$00 BBCF: D3 08 out ($02),a BBD1: 3E 01 ld a,$01 BBD3: D3 08 out ($02),a BBD5: C3 77 BB jp $BBDD BBD8: F1 pop af BBD9: F5 push af BBDA: CD 7F BB call $BBDF BBDD: F1 pop af BBDE: C9 ret BBDF: D3 40 out ($40),a BBE1: C9 ret write_0_in_port_1_BBE2 BBE2: F5 push af BBE3: AF xor a BBE4: D3 01 out ($01),a BBE6: F1 pop af BBE7: C9 ret write_1_in_port_1_BBE8 BBE8: F5 push af BBE9: 3E 01 ld a,$01 BBEB: D3 01 out ($01),a BBED: F1 pop af BBEE: C9 ret BBEF: 00 nop BBF0: 10 C2 djnz $BC5A BBF2: 08 ex af,af' BBF3: 00 nop BBF4: 05 dec b BBF5: 00 nop BBF6: 09 add hl,bc BBF7: 0E 89 ld c,$23 BBF9: 10 C2 djnz $BC63 BBFB: 08 ex af,af' BBFC: 00 nop BBFD: 05 dec b BBFE: 00 nop BBFF: 09 add hl,bc BC00: 15 dec d BC01: 89 adc a,c BC02: 10 FF djnz $BC03 BC04: 04 inc b BC05: 05 dec b BC06: 00 nop BC07: 00 nop BC08: 04 inc b BC09: 16 89 ld d,$23 BC0B: 19 add hl,de BC0C: FF rst $38 BC0D: 04 inc b BC0E: 00 nop BC0F: 00 nop BC10: 00 nop BC11: 04 inc b BC12: 89 adc a,c BC13: 89 adc a,c BC14: 19 add hl,de BC15: D5 push de BC16: 08 ex af,af' BC17: F7 rst $30 BC18: 00 nop BC19: 00 nop BC1A: 04 inc b BC1B: 47 ld b,a BC1C: 89 adc a,c BC1D: 19 add hl,de BC1E: 28 08 jr z,$BC22 BC20: 00 nop BC21: 00 nop BC22: 00 nop BC23: 04 inc b BC24: DD db $dd BC25: 89 adc a,c BC26: 19 add hl,de BC27: 28 08 jr z,$BC2B BC29: 00 nop BC2A: 00 nop BC2B: 00 nop BC2C: 04 inc b BC2D: DE 89 sbc a,$23 BC2F: 19 add hl,de BC30: D5 push de BC31: 08 ex af,af' BC32: 00 nop BC33: 00 nop BC34: 00 nop BC35: 04 inc b BC36: A2 and d BC37: 89 adc a,c BC38: 00 nop BC39: FF rst $38 BC3A: 04 inc b BC3B: 09 add hl,bc BC3C: 00 nop BC3D: 00 nop BC3E: 04 inc b BC3F: BC cp h BC40: 89 adc a,c BC41: 00 nop BC42: 00 nop BC43: 08 ex af,af' BC44: FB ei BC45: 00 nop BC46: 00 nop BC47: 01 64 89 ld bc,$23C4 BC4A: 00 nop BC4B: 5E ld e,(hl) BC4C: 0C inc c BC4D: 0E 00 ld c,$00 BC4F: 00 nop BC50: 02 ld (bc),a BC51: 6B ld l,e BC52: 89 adc a,c BC53: 03 inc bc BC54: 15 dec d BC55: 04 inc b BC56: 06 00 ld b,$00 BC58: 00 nop BC59: 02 ld (bc),a BC5A: E0 ret po BC5B: 89 adc a,c BC5C: 27 daa BC5D: D5 push de BC5E: 08 ex af,af' BC5F: F6 00 or $00 BC61: 00 nop BC62: 02 ld (bc),a BC63: EE 89 xor $23 BC65: 19 add hl,de BC66: 5E ld e,(hl) BC67: 0C inc c BC68: 11 00 00 ld de,$0000 BC6B: 02 ld (bc),a BC6C: 11 84 03 ld de,$0924 BC6F: EA 08 02 jp pe,$0802 BC72: 00 nop BC73: 00 nop BC74: 02 ld (bc),a BC75: 8C adc a,h BC76: 84 add a,h BC77: 09 add hl,bc BC78: 15 dec d BC79: 04 inc b BC7A: 06 00 ld b,$00 BC7C: 00 nop BC7D: 02 ld (bc),a BC7E: 94 sub h BC7F: 84 add a,h BC80: 27 daa BC81: 77 ld (hl),a BC82: 08 ex af,af' BC83: F2 00 00 jp p,$0000 BC86: 02 ld (bc),a BC87: 48 ld c,b BC88: 84 add a,h BC89: 09 add hl,bc BC8A: 51 ld d,c BC8B: 0C inc c BC8C: 07 rlca BC8D: 00 nop BC8E: 00 nop BC8F: 02 ld (bc),a BC90: 50 ld d,b BC91: 84 add a,h BC92: 27 daa BC93: 00 nop BC94: 08 ex af,af' BC95: F4 00 00 call p,$0000 BC98: 01 5E 84 ld bc,$245E BC9B: 00 nop BC9C: 8C adc a,h BC9D: 05 dec b BC9E: 0E 00 ld c,$00 BCA0: 88 adc a,b BCA1: 04 inc b BCA2: C5 push bc BCA3: 84 add a,h BCA4: 21 2F 08 ld hl,$028F BCA7: FE 00 cp $00 BCA9: 00 nop BCAA: 04 inc b BCAB: 21 84 21 ld hl,$8124 BCAE: 99 sbc a,c BCAF: 05 dec b BCB0: 08 ex af,af' BCB1: 00 nop BCB2: 00 nop BCB3: 0C inc c BCB4: 37 scf BCB5: 84 add a,h BCB6: 21 36 08 ld hl,$029C BCB9: 0D dec c BCBA: 00 nop BCBB: 1C inc e BCBC: 04 inc b BCBD: B3 or e BCBE: 84 add a,h BCBF: 21 A3 08 ld hl,$02A9 BCC2: 00 nop BCC3: 00 nop BCC4: 00 nop BCC5: 04 inc b BCC6: 75 ld (hl),l BCC7: 84 add a,h BCC8: 21 A3 08 ld hl,$02A9 BCCB: 00 nop BCCC: 00 nop BCCD: 00 nop BCCE: 02 ld (bc),a BCCF: 76 halt BCD0: 84 add a,h BCD1: 00 nop BCD2: A3 and e BCD3: 08 ex af,af' BCD4: 00 nop BCD5: 00 nop BCD6: 00 nop BCD7: 01 F1 84 ld bc,$24F1 BCDA: 21 A3 08 ld hl,$02A9 BCDD: 00 nop BCDE: 00 nop BCDF: 00 nop BCE0: 02 ld (bc),a BCE1: F2 84 00 jp p,$0024 BCE4: 99 sbc a,c BCE5: 05 dec b BCE6: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 BCE9: 02 ld (bc),a BCEA: 0C inc c BCEB: 85 add a,l BCEC: 00 nop BCED: 99 sbc a,c BCEE: 05 dec b BCEF: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 BCF2: 02 ld (bc),a BCF3: 07 rlca BCF4: 85 add a,l BCF5: 00 nop BCF6: 2F cpl BCF7: 08 ex af,af' BCF8: FE 00 cp $00 BCFA: 00 nop BCFB: 02 ld (bc),a BCFC: 14 inc d BCFD: 85 add a,l BCFE: 00 nop BCFF: 8C adc a,h BD00: 05 dec b BD01: 08 ex af,af' BD02: 00 nop BD03: 00 nop BD04: 01 1B 85 ld bc,$251B BD07: 00 nop BD08: 00 nop BD09: 08 ex af,af' BD0A: F8 ret m BD0B: 00 nop BD0C: 00 nop BD0D: 01 88 85 ld bc,$2522 BD10: 00 nop BD11: 00 nop BD12: 08 ex af,af' BD13: F4 00 00 call p,$0000 BD16: 04 inc b BD17: 83 add a,e BD18: 85 add a,l BD19: 00 nop BD1A: BC cp h BD1B: 08 ex af,af' BD1C: 05 dec b BD1D: 00 nop BD1E: 81 add a,c BD1F: 05 dec b BD20: 90 sub b BD21: 85 add a,l BD22: 28 40 jr z,$BD64 BD24: 05 dec b BD25: FF rst $38 BD26: 00 nop BD27: 00 nop BD28: 05 dec b BD29: 9E sbc a,(hl) BD2A: 85 add a,l BD2B: 28 47 jr z,$BD7A BD2D: 05 dec b BD2E: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 BD31: 05 dec b BD32: 46 ld b,(hl) BD33: 85 add a,l BD34: 28 69 jr z,$BCF9 BD36: 08 ex af,af' BD37: 00 nop BD38: 00 nop BD39: 00 nop BD3A: 05 dec b BD3B: 5A ld e,d BD3C: 85 add a,l BD3D: 28 5A jr z,$BD99 BD3F: 05 dec b BD40: F6 FB or $FB BD42: 15 dec d BD43: 04 inc b BD44: C2 85 28 jp nz,$8225 BD47: 70 ld (hl),b BD48: 08 ex af,af' BD49: 0C inc c BD4A: F7 rst $30 BD4B: 00 nop BD4C: 04 inc b BD4D: DC 85 28 call c,$8225 BD50: 70 ld (hl),b BD51: 08 ex af,af' BD52: FE 00 cp $00 BD54: 00 nop BD55: 05 dec b BD56: D7 rst $10 BD57: 85 add a,l BD58: 00 nop BD59: D3 09 out ($03),a BD5B: F2 09 00 jp p,$0003 BD5E: 05 dec b BD5F: 24 inc h BD60: 85 add a,l BD61: 00 nop BD62: 6D ld l,l BD63: 09 add hl,bc BD64: 00 nop BD65: 05 dec b BD66: 00 nop BD67: 05 dec b BD68: 2B dec hl BD69: 85 add a,l BD6A: 00 nop BD6B: 96 sub (hl) BD6C: 04 inc b BD6D: 09 add hl,bc BD6E: 00 nop BD6F: 00 nop BD70: 01 38 85 ld bc,$2592 BD73: 00 nop BD74: 00 nop BD75: 08 ex af,af' BD76: E5 push hl BD77: 00 nop BD78: 00 nop BD79: 05 dec b BD7A: 33 inc sp BD7B: 85 add a,l BD7C: 00 nop BD7D: 69 ld l,c BD7E: 08 ex af,af' BD7F: 00 nop BD80: 05 dec b BD81: 00 nop BD82: 05 dec b BD83: A0 and b BD84: 85 add a,l BD85: 00 nop BD86: 47 ld b,a BD87: 05 dec b BD88: 00 nop BD89: 00 nop BD8A: 00 nop BD8B: 05 dec b BD8C: AD xor l BD8D: 85 add a,l BD8E: 00 nop BD8F: 40 ld b,b BD90: 05 dec b BD91: FF rst $38 BD92: 00 nop BD93: 00 nop BD94: 05 dec b BD95: AE xor (hl) BD96: 85 add a,l BD97: 00 nop BD98: BC cp h BD99: 08 ex af,af' BD9A: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 BD9D: 05 dec b BD9E: B5 or l BD9F: 85 add a,l BDA0: 00 nop BDA1: 00 nop BDA2: 08 ex af,af' BDA3: FB ei BDA4: 00 nop BDA5: 00 nop BDA6: 05 dec b BDA7: B6 or (hl) BDA8: 85 add a,l BDA9: 00 nop BDAA: 2E 05 ld l,$05 BDAC: 04 inc b BDAD: 00 nop BDAE: 88 adc a,b BDAF: 05 dec b BDB0: 69 ld l,c BDB1: 85 add a,l BDB2: 09 add hl,bc BDB3: 77 ld (hl),a BDB4: 08 ex af,af' BDB5: F3 di BDB6: 00 nop BDB7: 00 nop BDB8: 05 dec b BDB9: 71 ld (hl),c BDBA: 85 add a,l BDBB: 09 add hl,bc BDBC: 3B dec sp BDBD: 05 dec b BDBE: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 BDC1: 05 dec b BDC2: 7F ld a,a BDC3: 85 add a,l BDC4: 09 add hl,bc BDC5: EA 08 FE jp pe,$FE02 BDC8: 00 nop BDC9: 00 nop BDCA: 05 dec b BDCB: E7 rst $20 BDCC: 85 add a,l BDCD: 09 add hl,bc BDCE: A2 and d BDCF: 05 dec b BDD0: FF rst $38 BDD1: 00 nop BDD2: 1C inc e BDD3: 04 inc b BDD4: FB ei BDD5: 85 add a,l BDD6: 09 add hl,bc BDD7: FD db $fd BDD8: 08 ex af,af' BDD9: F7 rst $30 BDDA: 00 nop BDDB: 00 nop BDDC: 01 03 8C ld bc,$2609 BDDF: 09 add hl,bc BDE0: FD db $fd BDE1: 08 ex af,af' BDE2: 00 nop BDE3: 00 nop BDE4: 00 nop BDE5: 02 ld (bc),a BDE6: 10 8C djnz $BE0E BDE8: 00 nop BDE9: A2 and d BDEA: 05 dec b BDEB: 08 ex af,af' BDEC: 00 nop BDED: 00 nop BDEE: 02 ld (bc),a BDEF: 1E 8C ld e,$26 BDF1: 00 nop BDF2: EA 08 FE jp pe,$FE02 BDF5: 00 nop BDF6: 00 nop BDF7: 02 ld (bc),a BDF8: 85 add a,l BDF9: 8C adc a,h BDFA: 00 nop BDFB: 3B dec sp BDFC: 05 dec b BDFD: 00 nop BDFE: 00 nop BDFF: 00 nop BE00: 02 ld (bc),a BE01: 42 ld b,d BE02: 8C adc a,h BE03: 00 nop BE04: 77 ld (hl),a BE05: 08 ex af,af' BE06: FF rst $38 BE07: 00 nop BE08: 00 nop BE09: 02 ld (bc),a BE0A: 4F ld c,a BE0B: 8C adc a,h BE0C: 00 nop BE0D: 2E 05 ld l,$05 BE0F: 0D dec c BE10: 00 nop BE11: 00 nop BE12: 02 ld (bc),a BE13: 5C ld e,h BE14: 8C adc a,h BE15: 00 nop BE16: 00 nop BE17: 08 ex af,af' BE18: F6 00 or $00 BE1A: 00 nop BE1B: 01 57 8C ld bc,$265D BE1E: 00 nop BE1F: 94 sub h BE20: 08 ex af,af' BE21: 10 00 djnz $BE23 BE23: 88 adc a,b BE24: 09 add hl,bc BE25: C4 8C 24 call nz,$8426 BE28: 04 inc b BE29: 09 add hl,bc BE2A: 09 add hl,bc BE2B: 00 nop BE2C: 00 nop BE2D: 09 add hl,bc BE2E: D3 8C out ($26),a BE30: 24 inc h BE31: B5 or l BE32: 05 dec b BE33: 00 nop BE34: 00 nop BE35: 00 nop BE36: 09 add hl,bc BE37: 2E 8C ld l,$26 BE39: 24 inc h BE3A: B1 or c BE3B: 04 inc b BE3C: 0C inc c BE3D: 00 nop BE3E: 00 nop BE3F: 05 dec b BE40: A9 xor c BE41: 8C adc a,h BE42: 24 inc h BE43: 11 09 0A ld de,$0A03 BE46: 00 nop BE47: 1C inc e BE48: 05 dec b BE49: B2 or d BE4A: 8C adc a,h BE4B: 24 inc h BE4C: 8B adc a,e BE4D: 09 add hl,bc BE4E: 09 add hl,bc BE4F: 00 nop BE50: 00 nop BE51: 01 67 8C ld bc,$26CD BE54: 24 inc h BE55: 8B adc a,e BE56: 09 add hl,bc BE57: 00 nop BE58: 00 nop BE59: 00 nop BE5A: 02 ld (bc),a BE5B: 74 ld (hl),h BE5C: 8C adc a,h BE5D: 00 nop BE5E: B5 or l BE5F: 05 dec b BE60: F9 ld sp,hl BE61: 00 nop BE62: 00 nop BE63: 02 ld (bc),a BE64: E3 ex (sp),hl BE65: 8C adc a,h BE66: 00 nop BE67: B1 or c BE68: 04 inc b BE69: FC 00 00 call m,$0000 BE6C: 02 ld (bc),a BE6D: F0 ret p BE6E: 8C adc a,h BE6F: 00 nop BE70: B5 or l BE71: 05 dec b BE72: FA 00 00 jp m,$0000 BE75: 02 ld (bc),a BE76: FD 8C adc a,iyh BE78: 00 nop BE79: 04 inc b BE7A: 09 add hl,bc BE7B: 00 nop BE7C: 00 nop BE7D: 00 nop BE7E: 02 ld (bc),a BE7F: FE 8C cp $26 BE81: 00 nop BE82: 94 sub h BE83: 08 ex af,af' BE84: F7 rst $30 BE85: 00 nop BE86: 00 nop BE87: 02 ld (bc),a BE88: 05 dec b BE89: 8D adc a,l BE8A: 00 nop BE8B: 00 nop BE8C: 08 ex af,af' BE8D: F1 pop af BE8E: 00 nop BE8F: 00 nop BE90: 01 06 8D ld bc,$270C BE93: 00 nop BE94: 68 ld l,b BE95: 05 dec b BE96: 18 00 jr $BE98 BE98: 81 add a,c BE99: 09 add hl,bc BE9A: 19 add hl,de BE9B: 8D adc a,l BE9C: 25 dec h BE9D: 6F ld l,a BE9E: 05 dec b BE9F: 00 nop BEA0: 00 nop BEA1: 00 nop BEA2: 09 add hl,bc BEA3: 81 add a,c BEA4: 8D adc a,l BEA5: 25 dec h BEA6: 8F adc a,a BEA7: 04 inc b BEA8: 01 00 1C ld bc,$1600 BEAB: 08 ex af,af' BEAC: 8F adc a,a BEAD: 8D adc a,l BEAE: 25 dec h BEAF: 43 ld b,e BEB0: 04 inc b BEB1: FF rst $38 BEB2: 00 nop BEB3: 00 nop BEB4: 01 97 8D ld bc,$273D BEB7: 25 dec h BEB8: 43 ld b,e BEB9: 04 inc b BEBA: 00 nop BEBB: 00 nop BEBC: 00 nop BEBD: 02 ld (bc),a BEBE: 44 ld b,h BEBF: 8D adc a,l BEC0: 00 nop BEC1: 6F ld l,a BEC2: 05 dec b BEC3: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 BEC6: 05 dec b BEC7: 58 ld e,b BEC8: 8D adc a,l BEC9: 00 nop BECA: 6F ld l,a BECB: 05 dec b BECC: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 BECF: 05 dec b BED0: 53 ld d,e BED1: 8D adc a,l BED2: 00 nop BED3: 68 ld l,b BED4: 05 dec b BED5: FF rst $38 BED6: 00 nop BED7: 00 nop BED8: 05 dec b BED9: C0 ret nz BEDA: 8D adc a,l BEDB: 00 nop BEDC: 00 nop BEDD: 08 ex af,af' BEDE: F1 pop af BEDF: 00 nop BEE0: 00 nop BEE1: 01 CD 8D ld bc,$2767 BEE4: 00 nop BEE5: 76 halt BEE6: 05 dec b BEE7: 0B dec bc BEE8: 00 nop BEE9: A1 and c BEEA: 09 add hl,bc BEEB: CE 8D adc a,$27 BEED: 2C inc l BEEE: E3 ex (sp),hl BEEF: 05 dec b BEF0: 08 ex af,af' BEF1: 00 nop BEF2: 20 09 jr nz,$BEF7 BEF4: D6 8D sub $27 BEF6: 2C inc l BEF7: 92 sub d BEF8: 09 add hl,bc BEF9: 08 ex af,af' BEFA: 00 nop BEFB: 20 09 jr nz,$BF00 BEFD: 2A 8D 2C ld hl,($8627) BF00: FC 05 FF call m,$FF05 BF03: 00 nop BF04: 20 05 jr nz,$BF0B BF06: 32 8D 2C ld ($8627),a BF09: 45 ld b,l BF0A: 09 add hl,bc BF0B: 08 ex af,af' BF0C: 00 nop BF0D: 20 05 jr nz,$BF14 BF0F: AC xor h BF10: 8D adc a,l BF11: 2C inc l BF12: 09 add hl,bc BF13: 0C inc c BF14: FF rst $38 BF15: 00 nop BF16: 35 dec (hl) BF17: 05 dec b BF18: B4 or h BF19: 8D adc a,l BF1A: 2C inc l BF1B: 58 ld e,b BF1C: 09 add hl,bc BF1D: FE 00 cp $00 BF1F: 20 01 jr nz,$BF22 BF21: 68 ld l,b BF22: 8D adc a,l BF23: 2C inc l BF24: 58 ld e,b BF25: 09 add hl,bc BF26: 00 nop BF27: 00 nop BF28: 20 02 jr nz,$BF32 BF2A: 63 ld h,e BF2B: 8D adc a,l BF2C: 00 nop BF2D: 45 ld b,l BF2E: 09 add hl,bc BF2F: 01 00 20 ld bc,$8000 BF32: 02 ld (bc),a BF33: 7D ld a,l BF34: 8D adc a,l BF35: 00 nop BF36: FC 05 FE call m,$FE05 BF39: 00 nop BF3A: 20 02 jr nz,$BF44 BF3C: 7E ld a,(hl) BF3D: 8D adc a,l BF3E: 00 nop BF3F: 92 sub d BF40: 09 add hl,bc BF41: 01 00 20 ld bc,$8000 BF44: 02 ld (bc),a BF45: E5 push hl BF46: 8D adc a,l BF47: 00 nop BF48: E3 ex (sp),hl BF49: 05 dec b BF4A: FE 00 cp $00 BF4C: 20 02 jr nz,$BF56 BF4E: E6 8D and $27 BF50: 00 nop BF51: 76 halt BF52: 05 dec b BF53: FE 00 cp $00 BF55: 20 02 jr nz,$BF5F BF57: F9 ld sp,hl BF58: 8D adc a,l BF59: 00 nop BF5A: 00 nop BF5B: 08 ex af,af' BF5C: F3 di BF5D: 00 nop BF5E: 20 01 jr nz,$BF61 BF60: FA 8D 00 jp m,$0027 BF63: 68 ld l,b BF64: 05 dec b BF65: 11 00 81 ld de,$2100 BF68: 04 inc b BF69: 01 82 2D ld bc,$8728 BF6C: BA cp d BF6D: 09 add hl,bc BF6E: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 BF71: 04 inc b BF72: 0F rrca BF73: 82 add a,d BF74: 2D dec l BF75: B5 or l BF76: 05 dec b BF77: 08 ex af,af' BF78: 00 nop BF79: 00 nop BF7A: 04 inc b BF7B: 17 rla BF7C: 82 add a,d BF7D: 2D dec l BF7E: 5F ld e,a BF7F: 09 add hl,bc BF80: 03 inc bc BF81: 00 nop BF82: 00 nop BF83: 04 inc b BF84: 8B adc a,e BF85: 82 add a,d BF86: 2D dec l BF87: 10 0C djnz $BF8F BF89: 07 rlca BF8A: 00 nop BF8B: 1C inc e BF8C: 04 inc b BF8D: 93 sub e BF8E: 82 add a,d BF8F: 2D dec l BF90: C6 09 add a,$03 BF92: 09 add hl,bc BF93: 00 nop BF94: 00 nop BF95: 01 4D 82 ld bc,$2847 BF98: 2D dec l BF99: C6 09 add a,$03 BF9B: 00 nop BF9C: 00 nop BF9D: 00 nop BF9E: 02 ld (bc),a BF9F: 4E ld c,(hl) BFA0: 82 add a,d BFA1: 00 nop BFA2: B5 or l BFA3: 05 dec b BFA4: 04 inc b BFA5: 00 nop BFA6: 00 nop BFA7: 02 ld (bc),a BFA8: 56 ld d,(hl) BFA9: 82 add a,d BFAA: 00 nop BFAB: 5F ld e,a BFAC: 09 add hl,bc BFAD: EF rst $28 BFAE: 00 nop BFAF: 00 nop BFB0: 02 ld (bc),a BFB1: C9 ret BFB2: 82 add a,d BFB3: 00 nop BFB4: B5 or l BFB5: 05 dec b BFB6: FB ei BFB7: 00 nop BFB8: 00 nop BFB9: 02 ld (bc),a BFBA: CA 82 00 jp z,$0028 BFBD: BA cp d BFBE: 09 add hl,bc BFBF: FE 00 cp $00 BFC1: 00 nop BFC2: 02 ld (bc),a BFC3: D1 pop de BFC4: 82 add a,d BFC5: 00 nop BFC6: 68 ld l,b BFC7: 05 dec b BFC8: FF rst $38 BFC9: 00 nop BFCA: 00 nop BFCB: 02 ld (bc),a BFCC: D2 82 00 jp nc,$0028 BFCF: 00 nop BFD0: 08 ex af,af' BFD1: F1 pop af BFD2: 00 nop BFD3: 00 nop BFD4: 01 DF 82 ld bc,$287F BFD7: 00 nop BFD8: FF rst $38 BFD9: 04 inc b BFDA: 05 dec b BFDB: 00 nop BFDC: 81 add a,c BFDD: 04 inc b BFDE: 2C inc l BFDF: 82 add a,d BFE0: 22 06 05 ld ($050C),hl BFE3: 00 nop BFE4: 00 nop BFE5: 00 nop BFE6: 04 inc b BFE7: 34 inc (hl) BFE8: 82 add a,d BFE9: 22 41 08 ld ($0241),hl BFEC: FE 00 cp $00 BFEE: 00 nop BFEF: 04 inc b BFF0: A8 xor b BFF1: 82 add a,d BFF2: 22 13 05 ld ($0519),hl BFF5: 0C inc c BFF6: 00 nop BFF7: 00 nop BFF8: 04 inc b BFF9: B0 or b BFFA: 82 add a,d BFFB: 22 4E 08 ld ($024E),hl BFFE: 00 nop BFFF: 00 nop C000: 00 nop C001: 00 nop C002: 00 nop C003: 00 nop C004: 00 nop C005: 00 nop C006: 00 nop C007: 00 nop C008: 00 nop C009: 00 nop C00A: 00 nop C00B: 00 nop C00C: 00 nop C00D: 00 nop C00E: 00 nop C00F: 00 nop C010: 00 nop C011: 00 nop C012: 00 nop C013: 00 nop C014: 00 nop C015: 00 nop C016: 00 nop C017: 00 nop C018: 00 nop C019: 00 nop C01A: 00 nop C01B: 00 nop C01C: 00 nop C01D: 00 nop C01E: 00 nop C01F: 00 nop C020: 00 nop C021: 00 nop C022: 00 nop C023: 00 nop C024: 00 nop C025: 00 nop C026: 00 nop C027: 00 nop C028: 00 nop C029: 00 nop C02A: 00 nop C02B: 00 nop C02C: 00 nop players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D: 00 nop C02E: 00 nop C02F: 00 nop C030: 00 nop C031: 00 nop C032: 00 nop C033: 00 nop C034: 00 nop C035: 00 nop C036: 00 nop C037: 00 nop C038: 00 nop C039: 00 nop C03A: 00 nop C03B: 00 nop C03C: 00 nop C03D: 00 nop C03E: 00 nop C03F: 00 nop C040: 00 nop C041: 00 nop C042: 00 nop C043: 00 nop C044: 00 nop C045: 00 nop C046: 00 nop C047: 00 nop C048: 00 nop C049: 00 nop C04A: 00 nop C04B: 00 nop C04C: 00 nop C04D: 00 nop C04E: 00 nop C04F: 00 nop C050: 00 nop C051: 00 nop C052: 00 nop C053: 00 nop C054: 00 nop C055: 00 nop C056: 00 nop C057: 00 nop C058: 00 nop C059: 00 nop C05A: 00 nop C05B: 00 nop C05C: 00 nop C05D: 00 nop C05E: 00 nop C05F: 00 nop C060: 00 nop C061: 00 nop C062: 00 nop C063: 00 nop C064: 00 nop C065: 00 nop C066: 00 nop C067: 00 nop C068: 00 nop C069: 00 nop C06A: 00 nop C06B: 00 nop C06C: 00 nop C06D: 00 nop C06E: 00 nop C06F: 00 nop C070: 00 nop C071: 00 nop C072: 00 nop C073: 00 nop C074: 00 nop C075: 00 nop C076: 00 nop C077: 00 nop C078: 00 nop C079: 00 nop C07A: 00 nop C07B: 00 nop C07C: 00 nop C07D: 00 nop C07E: 00 nop C07F: 00 nop C080: 00 nop C081: 00 nop C082: 00 nop C083: 00 nop C084: 00 nop C085: 00 nop C086: 00 nop C087: 00 nop C088: 00 nop C089: 00 nop C08A: 00 nop C08B: 00 nop C08C: 00 nop C08D: 00 nop C08E: 00 nop C08F: 00 nop C090: 00 nop C091: 00 nop C092: 00 nop C093: 00 nop C094: 00 nop C095: 00 nop C096: 00 nop C097: 00 nop C098: 00 nop C099: 00 nop C09A: 00 nop C09B: 00 nop C09C: 00 nop C09D: 00 nop C09E: 00 nop C09F: 00 nop C0A0: 00 nop C0A1: 00 nop C0A2: 00 nop C0A3: 00 nop C0A4: 00 nop C0A5: 00 nop C0A6: 00 nop C0A7: 00 nop C0A8: 00 nop C0A9: 00 nop C0AA: 00 nop C0AB: 00 nop C0AC: 00 nop C0AD: 00 nop C0AE: 00 nop C0AF: 00 nop C0B0: 00 nop C0B1: 00 nop C0B2: 00 nop C0B3: 00 nop C0B4: 00 nop C0B5: 00 nop C0B6: 00 nop C0B7: 00 nop C0B8: 00 nop C0B9: 00 nop C0BA: 00 nop C0BB: 00 nop C0BC: 00 nop C0BD: 00 nop C0BE: 00 nop C0BF: 00 nop C0C0: 00 nop C0C1: 00 nop C0C2: 00 nop C0C3: 00 nop C0C4: 00 nop C0C5: 00 nop C0C6: 00 nop C0C7: 00 nop C0C8: 00 nop C0C9: 00 nop C0CA: 00 nop C0CB: 00 nop C0CC: 00 nop C0CD: 00 nop C0CE: 00 nop C0CF: 00 nop C0D0: 00 nop C0D1: 00 nop C0D2: 00 nop C0D3: 00 nop C0D4: 00 nop C0D5: 00 nop C0D6: 00 nop C0D7: 00 nop C0D8: 00 nop C0D9: 00 nop C0DA: 00 nop C0DB: 00 nop C0DC: 00 nop C0DD: 00 nop C0DE: 00 nop C0DF: 00 nop C0E0: 00 nop C0E1: 00 nop C0E2: 00 nop C0E3: 00 nop C0E4: 00 nop C0E5: 00 nop C0E6: 00 nop C0E7: 00 nop C0E8: 00 nop C0E9: 00 nop C0EA: 00 nop C0EB: 00 nop C0EC: 00 nop C0ED: 00 nop C0EE: 00 nop C0EF: 00 nop C0F0: 00 nop C0F1: 00 nop C0F2: 00 nop C0F3: 00 nop C0F4: 00 nop C0F5: 00 nop C0F6: 00 nop C0F7: 00 nop C0F8: 00 nop C0F9: 00 nop C0FA: 00 nop C0FB: 00 nop C0FC: 00 nop C0FD: 00 nop C0FE: 00 nop C0FF: 00 nop C100: 00 nop C101: 00 nop C102: 00 nop C103: 00 nop C104: 00 nop C105: 00 nop C106: 00 nop C107: 00 nop C108: 00 nop C109: 00 nop C10A: 00 nop C10B: 00 nop C10C: 00 nop C10D: 00 nop C10E: 00 nop C10F: 00 nop C110: 00 nop C111: 00 nop C112: 00 nop C113: 00 nop C114: 00 nop C115: 00 nop C116: 00 nop C117: 00 nop C118: 00 nop C119: 00 nop C11A: 00 nop C11B: 00 nop C11C: 00 nop C11D: 00 nop C11E: 00 nop C11F: 00 nop C120: 00 nop C121: 00 nop C122: 00 nop C123: 00 nop C124: 00 nop C125: 00 nop C126: 00 nop C127: 00 nop C128: 00 nop C129: 00 nop C12A: 00 nop C12B: 00 nop C12C: 00 nop C12D: 00 nop C12E: 00 nop C12F: 00 nop C130: 00 nop C131: 00 nop C132: 00 nop C133: 00 nop C134: 00 nop C135: 00 nop C136: 00 nop C137: 00 nop C138: 00 nop C139: 00 nop C13A: 00 nop C13B: 00 nop C13C: 00 nop C13D: 00 nop C13E: 00 nop C13F: 00 nop C140: 00 nop C141: 00 nop C142: 00 nop C143: 00 nop C144: 00 nop C145: 00 nop C146: 00 nop C147: 00 nop C148: 00 nop C149: 00 nop C14A: 00 nop C14B: 00 nop C14C: 00 nop C14D: 00 nop C14E: 00 nop C14F: 00 nop C150: 00 nop C151: 00 nop C152: 00 nop C153: 00 nop C154: 00 nop C155: 00 nop C156: 00 nop C157: 00 nop C158: 00 nop C159: 00 nop C15A: 00 nop C15B: 00 nop C15C: 00 nop C15D: 00 nop C15E: 00 nop C15F: 00 nop C160: 00 nop C161: 00 nop C162: 00 nop C163: 00 nop C164: 00 nop C165: 00 nop C166: 00 nop C167: 00 nop C168: 00 nop C169: 00 nop C16A: 00 nop C16B: 00 nop C16C: 00 nop C16D: 00 nop C16E: 00 nop C16F: 00 nop C170: 00 nop C171: 00 nop C172: 00 nop C173: 00 nop C174: 00 nop C175: 00 nop C176: 00 nop C177: 00 nop C178: 00 nop C179: 00 nop C17A: 00 nop C17B: 00 nop C17C: 00 nop C17D: 00 nop C17E: 00 nop C17F: 00 nop C180: 00 nop C181: 00 nop C182: 00 nop C183: 00 nop C184: 00 nop C185: 00 nop C186: 00 nop C187: 00 nop C188: 00 nop C189: 00 nop C18A: 00 nop C18B: 00 nop C18C: 00 nop C18D: 00 nop C18E: 00 nop C18F: 00 nop C190: 00 nop C191: 00 nop C192: 00 nop C193: 00 nop C194: 00 nop C195: 00 nop C196: 00 nop C197: 00 nop C198: 00 nop C199: 00 nop C19A: 00 nop C19B: 00 nop C19C: 00 nop C19D: 00 nop C19E: 00 nop C19F: 00 nop C1A0: 00 nop C1A1: 00 nop C1A2: 00 nop C1A3: 00 nop C1A4: 00 nop C1A5: 00 nop C1A6: 00 nop C1A7: 00 nop C1A8: 00 nop C1A9: 00 nop C1AA: 00 nop C1AB: 00 nop C1AC: 00 nop C1AD: 00 nop C1AE: 00 nop C1AF: 00 nop C1B0: 00 nop C1B1: 00 nop C1B2: 00 nop C1B3: 00 nop C1B4: 00 nop C1B5: 00 nop C1B6: 00 nop C1B7: 00 nop C1B8: 00 nop C1B9: 00 nop C1BA: 00 nop C1BB: 00 nop C1BC: 00 nop C1BD: 00 nop C1BE: 00 nop C1BF: 00 nop C1C0: 00 nop C1C1: 00 nop C1C2: 00 nop C1C3: 00 nop C1C4: 00 nop C1C5: 00 nop C1C6: 00 nop C1C7: 00 nop C1C8: 00 nop C1C9: 00 nop C1CA: 00 nop C1CB: 00 nop C1CC: 00 nop C1CD: 00 nop C1CE: 00 nop C1CF: 00 nop C1D0: 00 nop C1D1: 00 nop C1D2: 00 nop C1D3: 00 nop C1D4: 00 nop C1D5: 00 nop C1D6: 00 nop C1D7: 00 nop C1D8: 00 nop C1D9: 00 nop C1DA: 00 nop C1DB: 00 nop C1DC: 00 nop C1DD: 00 nop C1DE: 00 nop C1DF: 00 nop C1E0: 00 nop C1E1: 00 nop C1E2: 00 nop C1E3: 00 nop C1E4: 00 nop C1E5: 00 nop C1E6: 00 nop C1E7: 00 nop C1E8: 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00 nop DDE0: 00 nop DDE1: 00 nop DDE2: 00 nop DDE3: 00 nop DDE4: 00 nop DDE5: 00 nop DDE6: 00 nop DDE7: 00 nop DDE8: 00 nop DDE9: 00 nop DDEA: 00 nop DDEB: 00 nop DDEC: 00 nop DDED: 00 nop DDEE: 00 nop DDEF: 00 nop DDF0: 00 nop DDF1: 00 nop DDF2: 00 nop DDF3: 00 nop DDF4: 00 nop DDF5: 00 nop DDF6: 00 nop DDF7: 00 nop DDF8: 00 nop DDF9: 00 nop DDFA: 00 nop DDFB: 00 nop DDFC: 00 nop DDFD: 00 nop DDFE: 00 nop DDFF: 00 nop DE00: 00 nop DE01: 00 nop DE02: 00 nop DE03: 00 nop DE04: 00 nop DE05: 00 nop DE06: 00 nop DE07: 00 nop DE08: 00 nop DE09: 00 nop DE0A: 00 nop DE0B: 00 nop DE0C: 00 nop DE0D: 00 nop DE0E: 00 nop DE0F: 00 nop DE10: 00 nop DE11: 00 nop DE12: 00 nop DE13: 00 nop DE14: 00 nop DE15: 00 nop DE16: 00 nop DE17: 00 nop DE18: 00 nop DE19: 00 nop DE1A: 00 nop DE1B: 00 nop DE1C: 00 nop DE1D: 00 nop DE1E: 00 nop DE1F: 00 nop DE20: 00 nop DE21: 00 nop DE22: 00 nop DE23: 00 nop DE24: 00 nop DE25: 00 nop DE26: 00 nop DE27: 00 nop DE28: 00 nop DE29: 00 nop DE2A: 00 nop DE2B: 00 nop DE2C: 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00 nop DE7A: 00 nop DE7B: 00 nop DE7C: 00 nop DE7D: 00 nop DE7E: 00 nop DE7F: 00 nop DE80: 00 nop DE81: 00 nop DE82: 00 nop DE83: 00 nop DE84: 00 nop DE85: 00 nop DE86: 00 nop DE87: 00 nop DE88: 00 nop DE89: 00 nop DE8A: 00 nop DE8B: 00 nop DE8C: 00 nop DE8D: 00 nop DE8E: 00 nop DE8F: 00 nop DE90: 00 nop DE91: 00 nop DE92: 00 nop DE93: 00 nop DE94: 00 nop DE95: 00 nop DE96: 00 nop DE97: 00 nop DE98: 00 nop DE99: 00 nop DE9A: 00 nop DE9B: 00 nop DE9C: 00 nop DE9D: 00 nop DE9E: 00 nop DE9F: 00 nop DEA0: 00 nop DEA1: 00 nop DEA2: 00 nop DEA3: 00 nop DEA4: 00 nop DEA5: 00 nop DEA6: 00 nop DEA7: 00 nop DEA8: 00 nop DEA9: 00 nop DEAA: 00 nop DEAB: 00 nop DEAC: 00 nop DEAD: 00 nop DEAE: 00 nop DEAF: 00 nop DEB0: 00 nop DEB1: 00 nop DEB2: 00 nop DEB3: 00 nop DEB4: 00 nop DEB5: 00 nop DEB6: 00 nop DEB7: 00 nop DEB8: 00 nop DEB9: 00 nop DEBA: 00 nop DEBB: 00 nop DEBC: 00 nop DEBD: 00 nop DEBE: 00 nop DEBF: 00 nop DEC0: 00 nop DEC1: 00 nop DEC2: 00 nop DEC3: 00 nop DEC4: 00 nop DEC5: 00 nop DEC6: 00 nop DEC7: 00 nop DEC8: 00 nop DEC9: 00 nop DECA: 00 nop DECB: 00 nop DECC: 00 nop DECD: 00 nop DECE: 00 nop DECF: 00 nop DED0: 00 nop DED1: 00 nop DED2: 00 nop DED3: 00 nop DED4: 00 nop DED5: 00 nop DED6: 00 nop DED7: 00 nop DED8: 00 nop DED9: 00 nop DEDA: 00 nop DEDB: 00 nop DEDC: 00 nop DEDD: 00 nop DEDE: 00 nop DEDF: 00 nop DEE0: 00 nop DEE1: 00 nop DEE2: 00 nop DEE3: 00 nop DEE4: 00 nop DEE5: 00 nop DEE6: 00 nop DEE7: 00 nop DEE8: 00 nop DEE9: 00 nop DEEA: 00 nop DEEB: 00 nop DEEC: 00 nop DEED: 00 nop DEEE: 00 nop DEEF: 00 nop DEF0: 00 nop DEF1: 00 nop DEF2: 00 nop DEF3: 00 nop DEF4: 00 nop DEF5: 00 nop DEF6: 00 nop DEF7: 00 nop DEF8: 00 nop DEF9: 00 nop DEFA: 00 nop DEFB: 00 nop DEFC: 00 nop DEFD: 00 nop DEFE: 00 nop DEFF: 00 nop DF00: 00 nop DF01: 00 nop DF02: 00 nop DF03: 00 nop DF04: 00 nop DF05: 00 nop DF06: 00 nop DF07: 00 nop DF08: 00 nop DF09: 00 nop DF0A: 00 nop DF0B: 00 nop DF0C: 00 nop DF0D: 00 nop DF0E: 00 nop DF0F: 00 nop DF10: 00 nop DF11: 00 nop DF12: 00 nop DF13: 00 nop DF14: 00 nop DF15: 00 nop DF16: 00 nop DF17: 00 nop DF18: 00 nop DF19: 00 nop DF1A: 00 nop DF1B: 00 nop DF1C: 00 nop DF1D: 00 nop DF1E: 00 nop DF1F: 00 nop DF20: 00 nop DF21: 00 nop DF22: 00 nop DF23: 00 nop DF24: 00 nop DF25: 00 nop DF26: 00 nop DF27: 00 nop DF28: 00 nop DF29: 00 nop DF2A: 00 nop DF2B: 00 nop DF2C: 00 nop DF2D: 00 nop DF2E: 00 nop DF2F: 00 nop DF30: 00 nop DF31: 00 nop DF32: 00 nop DF33: 00 nop DF34: 00 nop DF35: 00 nop DF36: 00 nop DF37: 00 nop DF38: 00 nop DF39: 00 nop DF3A: 00 nop DF3B: 00 nop DF3C: 00 nop DF3D: 00 nop DF3E: 00 nop DF3F: 00 nop DF40: 00 nop DF41: 00 nop DF42: 00 nop DF43: 00 nop DF44: 00 nop DF45: 00 nop DF46: 00 nop DF47: 00 nop DF48: 00 nop DF49: 00 nop DF4A: 00 nop DF4B: 00 nop DF4C: 00 nop DF4D: 00 nop DF4E: 00 nop DF4F: 00 nop DF50: 00 nop DF51: 00 nop DF52: 00 nop DF53: 00 nop DF54: 00 nop DF55: 00 nop DF56: 00 nop DF57: 00 nop DF58: 00 nop DF59: 00 nop DF5A: 00 nop DF5B: 00 nop DF5C: 00 nop DF5D: 00 nop DF5E: 00 nop DF5F: 00 nop DF60: 00 nop DF61: 00 nop DF62: 00 nop DF63: 00 nop DF64: 00 nop DF65: 00 nop DF66: 00 nop DF67: 00 nop DF68: 00 nop DF69: 00 nop DF6A: 00 nop DF6B: 00 nop DF6C: 00 nop DF6D: 00 nop DF6E: 00 nop DF6F: 00 nop DF70: 00 nop DF71: 00 nop DF72: 00 nop DF73: 00 nop DF74: 00 nop DF75: 00 nop DF76: 00 nop DF77: 00 nop DF78: 00 nop DF79: 00 nop DF7A: 00 nop DF7B: 00 nop DF7C: 00 nop DF7D: 00 nop DF7E: 00 nop DF7F: 00 nop DF80: 00 nop DF81: 00 nop DF82: 00 nop DF83: 00 nop DF84: 00 nop DF85: 00 nop DF86: 00 nop DF87: 00 nop DF88: 00 nop DF89: 00 nop DF8A: 00 nop DF8B: 00 nop DF8C: 00 nop DF8D: 00 nop DF8E: 00 nop DF8F: 00 nop DF90: 00 nop DF91: 00 nop DF92: 00 nop DF93: 00 nop DF94: 00 nop DF95: 00 nop DF96: 00 nop DF97: 00 nop DF98: 00 nop DF99: 00 nop DF9A: 00 nop DF9B: 00 nop DF9C: 00 nop DF9D: 00 nop DF9E: 00 nop DF9F: 00 nop DFA0: 00 nop DFA1: 00 nop DFA2: 00 nop DFA3: 00 nop DFA4: 00 nop DFA5: 00 nop DFA6: 00 nop DFA7: 00 nop DFA8: 00 nop DFA9: 00 nop DFAA: 00 nop DFAB: 00 nop DFAC: 00 nop DFAD: 00 nop DFAE: 00 nop DFAF: 00 nop DFB0: 00 nop DFB1: 00 nop DFB2: 00 nop DFB3: 00 nop DFB4: 00 nop DFB5: 00 nop DFB6: 00 nop DFB7: 00 nop DFB8: 00 nop DFB9: 00 nop DFBA: 00 nop DFBB: 00 nop DFBC: 00 nop DFBD: 00 nop DFBE: 00 nop DFBF: 00 nop DFC0: 00 nop DFC1: 00 nop DFC2: 00 nop DFC3: 00 nop DFC4: 00 nop DFC5: 00 nop DFC6: 00 nop DFC7: 00 nop DFC8: 00 nop DFC9: 00 nop DFCA: 00 nop DFCB: 00 nop DFCC: 00 nop DFCD: 00 nop DFCE: 00 nop DFCF: 00 nop DFD0: 00 nop DFD1: 00 nop DFD2: 00 nop DFD3: 00 nop DFD4: 00 nop DFD5: 00 nop DFD6: 00 nop DFD7: 00 nop DFD8: 00 nop DFD9: 00 nop DFDA: 00 nop DFDB: 00 nop DFDC: 00 nop DFDD: 00 nop DFDE: 00 nop DFDF: 00 nop DFE0: 00 nop DFE1: 00 nop DFE2: 00 nop DFE3: 00 nop DFE4: 00 nop DFE5: 00 nop DFE6: 00 nop DFE7: 00 nop DFE8: 00 nop DFE9: 00 nop DFEA: 00 nop DFEB: 00 nop DFEC: 00 nop DFED: 00 nop DFEE: 00 nop DFEF: 00 nop DFF0: 00 nop DFF1: 00 nop DFF2: 00 nop DFF3: 00 nop DFF4: 00 nop DFF5: 00 nop DFF6: 00 nop DFF7: 00 nop DFF8: 00 nop DFF9: 00 nop DFFA: 00 nop DFFB: 00 nop DFFC: 00 nop DFFD: 00 nop DFFE: 00 nop DFFF: 00 nop E000: 3E 00 ld a,$00 E002: 21 02 E0 ld hl,$E008 E005: C3 91 E0 jp $E031 E008: 00 nop E009: 00 nop E00A: FA 78 ED jp m,$E7D2 E00D: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) E010: E6 09 and $03 E012: FE 09 cp $03 E014: C2 81 E0 jp nz,$E021 E017: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E019: 06 01 ld b,$01 E01B: CD AE BC call $B6AE E01E: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 E021: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E023: 21 80 E9 ld hl,$E320 E026: C3 91 E0 jp $E031 E029: 3E 0C ld a,$06 E02B: 21 8C E9 ld hl,$E326 E02E: C3 91 E0 jp $E031 E031: E5 push hl E032: F5 push af E033: 3E 15 ld a,$15 E035: CD 80 BC call $B620 E038: 3E 1C ld a,$16 E03A: CD 80 BC call $B620 E03D: 3E 1D ld a,$17 E03F: CD 80 BC call $B620 E042: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E044: CD 5E BC call $B65E E047: F1 pop af E048: 47 ld b,a E049: F5 push af E04A: 3E 15 ld a,$15 E04C: CD AE BC call $B6AE E04F: F1 pop af E050: 47 ld b,a E051: F5 push af E052: 3E 1C ld a,$16 E054: CD AE BC call $B6AE E057: F1 pop af E058: 47 ld b,a E059: 3E 1D ld a,$17 E05B: CD AE BC call $B6AE E05E: CD D4 B5 call $B574 E061: E1 pop hl E062: FD 36 17 00 ld (iy+$1d),$00 E066: 7E ld a,(hl) E067: FD 77 1E ld (iy+$1e),a E06A: 23 inc hl E06B: 7E ld a,(hl) E06C: FD 77 1F ld (iy+$1f),a E06F: 23 inc hl E070: FD 75 1B ld (iy+$1b),l E073: FD 74 16 ld (iy+$1c),h E076: CD D4 B5 call $B574 E079: FD 6E 1B ld l,(iy+$1b) E07C: FD 66 16 ld h,(iy+$1c) E07F: E5 push hl E080: DD E1 pop ix E082: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) E085: FE F7 cp $FD E087: CA EC E0 jp z,$E0E6 E08A: FE FF cp $FF E08C: CA 02 E1 jp z,$E108 E08F: FE FE cp $FE E091: CA 3A E1 jp z,$E19A E094: FE F6 cp $FC E096: CA B0 E1 jp z,$E1B0 E099: FE FB cp $FB E09B: CA 0B E1 jp z,$E10B E09E: FE FA cp $FA E0A0: CA 77 E0 jp z,$E0DD E0A3: FE F3 cp $F9 E0A5: CA 6D E0 jp z,$E0C7 E0A8: FE F2 cp $F8 E0AA: C2 85 E1 jp nz,$E125 E0AD: DD 6E 01 ld l,(ix+$01) E0B0: DD 66 08 ld h,(ix+$02) E0B3: 11 DC E0 ld de,$E076 E0B6: D5 push de E0B7: DD 23 inc ix E0B9: DD 23 inc ix E0BB: DD 23 inc ix E0BD: DD E5 push ix E0BF: D1 pop de E0C0: FD 73 1B ld (iy+$1b),e E0C3: FD 72 16 ld (iy+$1c),d E0C6: E9 jp (hl) E0C7: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) E0CA: DD 23 inc ix E0CC: DD 23 inc ix E0CE: DD E5 push ix E0D0: E1 pop hl E0D1: FD 75 1B ld (iy+$1b),l E0D4: FD 74 16 ld (iy+$1c),h E0D7: CD 5E BC call $B65E E0DA: C3 DC E0 jp $E076 E0DD: DD 23 inc ix E0DF: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) E0E2: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) E0E5: E9 jp (hl) E0E6: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) E0E9: DD 46 08 ld b,(ix+$02) E0EC: DD E5 push ix E0EE: FD E5 push iy E0F0: CD AE BC call $B6AE E0F3: FD E1 pop iy E0F5: DD E1 pop ix E0F7: 01 09 00 ld bc,$0003 E0FA: DD 09 add ix,bc E0FC: DD E5 push ix E0FE: E1 pop hl E0FF: FD 75 1B ld (iy+$1b),l E102: FD 74 16 ld (iy+$1c),h E105: C3 DC E0 jp $E076 E108: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 E10B: FD E5 push iy E10D: DD E5 push ix E10F: AF xor a E110: CD 5E BC call $B65E E113: DD E1 pop ix E115: FD E1 pop iy E117: DD 23 inc ix E119: DD E5 push ix E11B: E1 pop hl E11C: FD 75 1B ld (iy+$1b),l E11F: FD 74 16 ld (iy+$1c),h E122: C3 DC E0 jp $E076 E125: 21 D0 00 ld hl,$0070 E128: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) E12B: E6 DF and $7F E12D: 4F ld c,a E12E: 06 00 ld b,$00 E130: CB 21 sla c E132: CB 10 rl b E134: 09 add hl,bc E135: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l E138: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) E13B: E6 20 and $80 E13D: B4 or h E13E: FD 77 02 ld (iy+$08),a E141: FD 7E 1E ld a,(iy+$1e) E144: DD 86 01 add a,(ix+$01) E147: FD 77 1E ld (iy+$1e),a E14A: FD 77 03 ld (iy+$09),a E14D: FD 7E 1F ld a,(iy+$1f) E150: DD 86 08 add a,(ix+$02) E153: FD 77 1F ld (iy+$1f),a E156: FD 77 0A ld (iy+$0a),a E159: FD E5 push iy E15B: DD E5 push ix E15D: DD 21 00 6D ld ix,referee_x_pos_C700 E161: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) E164: FE 08 cp $02 E166: CA C7 E1 jp z,$E16D E169: DD 21 90 6D ld ix,$C730 E16D: 0E 01 ld c,$01 E16F: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) E172: FE 08 cp $02 E174: CA D3 E1 jp z,$E179 E177: 0E 08 ld c,$02 E179: CD 09 00 call $0003 E17C: DD E1 pop ix E17E: FD E1 pop iy E180: DD 7E 09 ld a,(ix+$03) E183: DD E5 push ix E185: FD E5 push iy E187: CD 5E BC call $B65E E18A: FD E1 pop iy E18C: E1 pop hl E18D: 01 04 00 ld bc,$0004 E190: 09 add hl,bc E191: FD 75 1B ld (iy+$1b),l E194: FD 74 16 ld (iy+$1c),h E197: C3 DC E0 jp $E076 E19A: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) E19D: FD 77 17 ld (iy+$1d),a E1A0: DD 23 inc ix E1A2: DD 23 inc ix E1A4: DD E5 push ix E1A6: E1 pop hl E1A7: FD 75 1B ld (iy+$1b),l E1AA: FD 74 16 ld (iy+$1c),h E1AD: C3 DC E0 jp $E076 E1B0: FD 7E 17 ld a,(iy+$1d) E1B3: 3D dec a E1B4: FD 77 17 ld (iy+$1d),a E1B7: A7 and a E1B8: C2 67 E1 jp nz,$E1CD E1BB: DD 23 inc ix E1BD: DD 23 inc ix E1BF: DD 23 inc ix E1C1: DD E5 push ix E1C3: E1 pop hl E1C4: FD 75 1B ld (iy+$1b),l E1C7: FD 74 16 ld (iy+$1c),h E1CA: C3 DC E0 jp $E076 E1CD: DD 23 inc ix E1CF: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) E1D2: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) E1D5: FD 75 1B ld (iy+$1b),l E1D8: FD 74 16 ld (iy+$1c),h E1DB: C3 DC E0 jp $E076 E1DE: AF xor a E1DF: CD 5E BC call $B65E E1E2: 06 00 ld b,$00 E1E4: 4F ld c,a E1E5: CB 21 sla c E1E7: DD 21 46 E8 ld ix,$E24C E1EB: DD 09 add ix,bc E1ED: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) E1F0: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) E1F3: E5 push hl E1F4: CD D4 B5 call $B574 E1F7: E1 pop hl E1F8: C3 C8 E0 jp $E062 E1FB: AF xor a E1FC: CD 5E BC call $B65E E1FF: 06 00 ld b,$00 E201: 4F ld c,a E202: CB 21 sla c E204: DD 21 82 E8 ld ix,$E228 E208: DD 09 add ix,bc E20A: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) E20D: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 E210: FE 1C cp $16 E212: CA 12 E8 jp z,$E218 E215: 01 18 00 ld bc,$0012 E218: DD 09 add ix,bc E21A: DD 6E 00 ld l,(ix+$00) E21D: DD 66 01 ld h,(ix+$01) E220: 7D ld a,l E221: A4 and h E222: FE FF cp $FF E224: CC A5 B5 call z,$B5A5 E227: E9 jp (hl) E228: 8B adc a,e E229: E9 jp (hl) E22A: 2C inc l E22B: B1 or c E22C: 2C inc l E22D: B1 or c E22E: 4F ld c,a E22F: E4 D9 F1 call po,$F173 E232: 2C inc l E233: B1 or c E234: 23 inc hl E235: E6 2A and $8A E237: EC 12 ED call pe,$E718 E23A: 90 sub b E23B: E3 ex (sp),hl E23C: 2C inc l E23D: B1 or c E23E: 2C inc l E23F: B1 or c E240: 8B adc a,e E241: E9 jp (hl) E242: FF rst $38 E243: FF rst $38 E244: 2C inc l E245: B1 or c E246: 23 inc hl E247: E6 8B and $2B E249: E9 jp (hl) E24A: 8B adc a,e E24B: E9 jp (hl) E24C: 5E ld e,(hl) E24D: E8 ret pe E24E: 2C inc l E24F: B1 or c E250: 2C inc l E251: B1 or c E252: C1 pop bc E253: E8 ret pe E254: C4 E8 2C call nz,$86E2 E257: B1 or c E258: CD E8 C7 call $6DE2 E25B: E8 ret pe E25C: D0 ret nc E25D: E8 ret pe E25E: 00 nop E25F: 00 nop E260: FF rst $38 E261: 00 nop E262: 00 nop E263: FF rst $38 E264: 00 nop E265: 00 nop E266: FF rst $38 E267: 00 nop E268: 00 nop E269: FA A2 E6 jp m,$ECA8 E26C: FF rst $38 E26D: 00 nop E26E: 00 nop E26F: FF rst $38 E270: 00 nop E271: 00 nop E272: FF rst $38 E273: 3E 1C ld a,$16 E275: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 E278: C9 ret E279: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) E27C: FE 02 cp $08 E27E: C8 ret z E27F: FD E5 push iy E281: 3E 0F ld a,$0F E283: 06 01 ld b,$01 E285: CD AE BC call $B6AE E288: FD E1 pop iy E28A: 3E 09 ld a,$03 E28C: CD 00 E9 call $E300 E28F: FD E5 push iy E291: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E293: CD 5E BC call $B65E E296: FD E1 pop iy E298: 3E 0C ld a,$06 E29A: CD 00 E9 call $E300 E29D: FD E5 push iy E29F: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E2A1: CD 5E BC call $B65E E2A4: FD E1 pop iy E2A6: 3E 09 ld a,$03 E2A8: CD 00 E9 call $E300 E2AB: FD E5 push iy E2AD: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E2AF: CD 5E BC call $B65E E2B2: FD E1 pop iy E2B4: 3E 0C ld a,$06 E2B6: CD 00 E9 call $E300 E2B9: FD E5 push iy E2BB: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E2BD: CD 5E BC call $B65E E2C0: FD E1 pop iy E2C2: 3E 09 ld a,$03 E2C4: CD 00 E9 call $E300 E2C7: FD E5 push iy E2C9: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E2CB: CD 5E BC call $B65E E2CE: FD E1 pop iy E2D0: 3E 0C ld a,$06 E2D2: CD 00 E9 call $E300 E2D5: FD E5 push iy E2D7: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E2D9: CD 5E BC call $B65E E2DC: FD E1 pop iy E2DE: 3E 09 ld a,$03 E2E0: CD 00 E9 call $E300 E2E3: FD E5 push iy E2E5: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E2E7: CD 5E BC call $B65E E2EA: FD E1 pop iy E2EC: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E2EE: CD 00 E9 call $E300 E2F1: FD E5 push iy E2F3: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E2F5: CD 5E BC call $B65E E2F8: FD E1 pop iy E2FA: 3E 20 ld a,$80 E2FC: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 E2FF: C9 ret E300: FD E5 push iy E302: F5 push af E303: FD 7E 1E ld a,(iy+$1e) E306: D6 02 sub $08 E308: 67 ld h,a E309: FD 7E 1F ld a,(iy+$1f) E30C: D6 40 sub $40 E30E: 6F ld l,a E30F: DD 21 A0 6D ld ix,$C7A0 E313: F1 pop af E314: CD 57 FD call $F75D E317: FD E1 pop iy E319: C9 ret E31A: 00 nop E31B: 00 nop E31C: FA CE E5 jp m,$E56E E31F: FF rst $38 E320: 00 nop E321: 00 nop E322: FA 91 FC jp m,$F631 E325: FF rst $38 E326: 00 nop E327: 00 nop E328: F2 52 E7 jp p,$ED58 E32B: 06 80 ld b,$20 E32D: C5 push bc E32E: 21 D9 E9 ld hl,$E373 E331: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) E334: FE 02 cp $08 E336: C2 96 E9 jp nz,$E33C E339: 21 34 E9 ld hl,$E394 E33C: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E33F: 21 FD E9 ld hl,$E3F7 E342: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E345: 3E 02 ld a,$08 E347: CD 5E BC call $B65E E34A: 21 B5 E9 ld hl,$E3B5 E34D: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) E350: FE 02 cp $08 E352: C2 52 E9 jp nz,$E358 E355: 21 7C E9 ld hl,$E3D6 E358: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E35B: 21 89 E4 ld hl,$E423 E35E: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E361: 3E 02 ld a,$08 E363: CD 5E BC call $B65E E366: C1 pop bc E367: 10 64 djnz $E32D E369: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E36B: 06 01 ld b,$01 E36D: CD AE BC call $B6AE E370: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 E373: 02 ld (bc),a E374: 17 rla E375: 06 A0 ld b,$A0 E377: 11 A0 0A ld de,$0AA0 E37A: A0 and b E37B: 15 dec d E37C: A0 and b E37D: 15 dec d E37E: A0 and b E37F: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E381: 1D dec e E382: A0 and b E383: 10 A0 djnz $E325 E385: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E387: 96 sub (hl) E388: A0 and b E389: 16 A0 ld d,$A0 E38B: 17 rla E38C: A0 and b E38D: 0A ld a,(bc) E38E: A0 and b E38F: 10 A0 djnz $E331 E391: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E393: FF rst $38 E394: 02 ld (bc),a E395: 11 06 A0 ld de,$A00C E398: 11 A0 0A ld de,$0AA0 E39B: A0 and b E39C: 15 dec d E39D: A0 and b E39E: 15 dec d E39F: A0 and b E3A0: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E3A2: 1D dec e E3A3: A0 and b E3A4: 10 A0 djnz $E346 E3A6: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E3A8: 96 sub (hl) E3A9: A0 and b E3AA: 16 A0 ld d,$A0 E3AC: 17 rla E3AD: A0 and b E3AE: 0A ld a,(bc) E3AF: A0 and b E3B0: 10 A0 djnz $E352 E3B2: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E3B4: FF rst $38 E3B5: 02 ld (bc),a E3B6: 17 rla E3B7: 96 sub (hl) E3B8: A0 and b E3B9: 96 sub (hl) E3BA: A0 and b E3BB: 96 sub (hl) E3BC: A0 and b E3BD: 96 sub (hl) E3BE: A0 and b E3BF: 96 sub (hl) E3C0: A0 and b E3C1: 96 sub (hl) E3C2: A0 and b E3C3: 96 sub (hl) E3C4: A0 and b E3C5: 96 sub (hl) E3C6: A0 and b E3C7: 96 sub (hl) E3C8: A0 and b E3C9: 96 sub (hl) E3CA: A0 and b E3CB: 96 sub (hl) E3CC: A0 and b E3CD: 96 sub (hl) E3CE: A0 and b E3CF: 96 sub (hl) E3D0: A0 and b E3D1: 96 sub (hl) E3D2: A0 and b E3D3: 96 sub (hl) E3D4: A0 and b E3D5: FF rst $38 E3D6: 02 ld (bc),a E3D7: 11 96 A0 ld de,$A03C E3DA: 96 sub (hl) E3DB: A0 and b E3DC: 96 sub (hl) E3DD: A0 and b E3DE: 96 sub (hl) E3DF: A0 and b E3E0: 96 sub (hl) E3E1: A0 and b E3E2: 96 sub (hl) E3E3: A0 and b E3E4: 96 sub (hl) E3E5: A0 and b E3E6: 96 sub (hl) E3E7: A0 and b E3E8: 96 sub (hl) E3E9: A0 and b E3EA: 96 sub (hl) E3EB: A0 and b E3EC: 96 sub (hl) E3ED: A0 and b E3EE: 96 sub (hl) E3EF: A0 and b E3F0: 96 sub (hl) E3F1: A0 and b E3F2: 96 sub (hl) E3F3: A0 and b E3F4: 96 sub (hl) E3F5: A0 and b E3F6: FF rst $38 E3F7: 1D dec e E3F8: 10 96 djnz $E436 E3FA: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl E3FD: 96 sub (hl) E3FE: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl E401: FE 1D cp $17 E403: 11 96 22 ld de,$883C E406: AF xor a E407: 22 B0 22 ld ($88B0),hl E40A: 96 sub (hl) E40B: 22 FE 1D ld ($17FE),hl E40E: 18 96 jr $E44C E410: 22 B9 22 ld ($88B3),hl E413: B4 or h E414: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl E417: FE 1D cp $17 E419: 19 add hl,de E41A: 96 sub (hl) E41B: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl E41E: 96 sub (hl) E41F: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl E422: FF rst $38 E423: 1D dec e E424: 10 96 djnz $E462 E426: 22 A6 22 ld ($88AC),hl E429: A7 and a E42A: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl E42D: FE 1D cp $17 E42F: 11 AE 22 ld de,$88AE E432: AF xor a E433: 22 B0 22 ld ($88B0),hl E436: B1 or c E437: 22 FE 1D ld ($17FE),hl E43A: 18 B8 jr $E3EE E43C: 22 B9 22 ld ($88B3),hl E43F: B4 or h E440: 22 B5 22 ld ($88B5),hl E443: FE 1D cp $17 E445: 19 add hl,de E446: 96 sub (hl) E447: 22 BC 22 ld ($88B6),hl E44A: BD cp l E44B: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl E44E: FF rst $38 E44F: CD 64 F7 call $FDC4 E452: FD 21 90 6D ld iy,$C730 E456: 21 25 C2 ld hl,$6885 E459: 06 0A ld b,$0A E45B: FD 74 00 ld (iy+$00),h E45E: FD 36 01 BA ld (iy+$01),$BA E462: FD 36 08 46 ld (iy+$02),$4C E466: FD 75 09 ld (iy+$03),l E469: 7C ld a,h E46A: C6 10 add a,$10 E46C: FD 77 04 ld (iy+$04),a E46F: FD 36 05 BB ld (iy+$05),$BB E473: FD 36 0C 46 ld (iy+$06),$4C E477: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l E47A: 2C inc l E47B: 2C inc l E47C: 2C inc l E47D: 2C inc l E47E: 2C inc l E47F: 2C inc l E480: 2C inc l E481: 11 02 00 ld de,$0008 E484: FD 19 add iy,de E486: 10 79 djnz $E45B E488: 21 42 E5 ld hl,$E548 E48B: E5 push hl E48C: CD DE B8 call $B27E E48F: E1 pop hl E490: FE 01 cp $01 E492: CA 32 E4 jp z,$E498 E495: 21 59 E5 ld hl,$E553 E498: AF xor a E499: CD 5E BC call $B65E E49C: 47 ld b,a E49D: C5 push bc E49E: FD 21 90 6D ld iy,$C730 E4A2: 3E 14 ld a,$14 E4A4: D3 A2 out ($A8),a E4A6: C5 push bc E4A7: FD 36 01 BD ld (iy+$01),$B7 E4AB: FD 36 05 B2 ld (iy+$05),$B8 E4AF: FD E5 push iy E4B1: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E4B3: CD 5E BC call $B65E E4B6: FD E1 pop iy E4B8: 11 02 00 ld de,$0008 E4BB: FD 19 add iy,de E4BD: C1 pop bc E4BE: 10 E8 djnz $E4A2 E4C0: 3E 1D ld a,$17 E4C2: CD 67 B5 call $B5CD E4C5: 21 D9 E9 ld hl,$E373 E4C8: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) E4CB: FE 02 cp $08 E4CD: C2 79 E4 jp nz,$E4D3 E4D0: 21 34 E9 ld hl,$E394 E4D3: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E4D6: C1 pop bc E4D7: 78 ld a,b E4D8: FE 0A cp $0A E4DA: C2 F8 E4 jp nz,$E4F2 E4DD: 3E 80 ld a,$20 E4DF: F5 push af E4E0: 21 8B EC ld hl,$E62B E4E3: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) E4E6: FE 02 cp $08 E4E8: C2 EE E4 jp nz,$E4EE E4EB: 21 46 EC ld hl,$E64C E4EE: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E4F1: F1 pop af E4F2: CD AB B1 call $B1AB E4F5: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) E4F8: FE 02 cp $08 E4FA: CA 82 E5 jp z,$E528 E4FD: 06 04 ld b,$04 E4FF: C5 push bc E500: 21 C4 C2 ld hl,$6864 E503: DD 21 20 6D ld ix,$C780 E507: 3E 09 ld a,$03 E509: CD 57 FD call $F75D E50C: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E50E: CD 5E BC call $B65E E511: 21 C4 C2 ld hl,$6864 E514: DD 21 20 6D ld ix,$C780 E518: 3E 0C ld a,$06 E51A: CD 57 FD call $F75D E51D: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E51F: CD 5E BC call $B65E E522: C1 pop bc E523: 10 7A djnz $E4FF E525: C3 87 E5 jp $E52D E528: 3E 20 ld a,$80 E52A: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 E52D: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E52F: CD 5E BC call $B65E E532: 3E 0C ld a,$06 E534: 06 0C ld b,$06 E536: CD AE BC call $B6AE E539: 3E 20 ld a,$80 E53B: CD 5E BC call $B65E E53E: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E540: 06 01 ld b,$01 E542: CD AE BC call $B6AE E545: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 E548: 06 13 ld b,$19 E54A: EE A9 xor $A3 E54C: 97 sub a E54D: A0 and b E54E: 97 sub a E54F: A0 and b E550: EE A9 xor $A3 E552: FF rst $38 E553: 06 13 ld b,$19 E555: EF rst $28 E556: A9 xor c E557: 9F sbc a,a E558: 72 ld (hl),d E559: 9F sbc a,a E55A: 72 ld (hl),d E55B: EF rst $28 E55C: A9 xor c E55D: FF rst $38 E55E: E5 push hl E55F: 21 87 60 ld hl,players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D E562: CB 5E bit 3,(hl) E564: CA C3 E5 jp z,$E569 E567: C6 0A add a,$0A E569: E1 pop hl E56A: CD 57 FD call $F75D E56D: C9 ret E56E: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E570: D3 A2 out ($A8),a E572: 3E 0C ld a,$06 E574: CD 80 BC call $B620 E577: CD D4 B5 call $B574 E57A: 3E 1C ld a,$16 E57C: CD 80 BC call $B620 E57F: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E581: CD 80 BC call $B620 E584: 21 C0 C2 ld hl,$6860 E587: FD 21 C7 EC ld iy,$E66D E58B: DD 21 00 6D ld ix,referee_x_pos_C700 E58F: AF xor a E590: CD 5E E5 call $E55E E593: 3E 90 ld a,$30 E595: CD 5E BC call $B65E E598: 21 C0 C2 ld hl,$6860 E59B: FD 21 C7 EC ld iy,$E66D E59F: DD 21 00 6D ld ix,referee_x_pos_C700 E5A3: E5 push hl E5A4: FD E5 push iy E5A6: DD E5 push ix E5A8: AF xor a E5A9: CD 5E E5 call $E55E E5AC: 3E 08 ld a,$02 E5AE: CD 5E BC call $B65E E5B1: CD 3C BB call $BB96 E5B4: DD E1 pop ix E5B6: FD E1 pop iy E5B8: E1 pop hl E5B9: A7 and a E5BA: C2 7E E5 jp nz,$E5DE E5BD: FD 23 inc iy E5BF: FD 23 inc iy E5C1: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) E5C4: FE 20 cp $80 E5C6: C2 7C E5 jp nz,$E5D6 E5C9: 3E 10 ld a,$10 E5CB: D3 A2 out ($A8),a E5CD: FD 5E 01 ld e,(iy+$01) E5D0: FD 56 08 ld d,(iy+$02) E5D3: D5 push de E5D4: FD E1 pop iy E5D6: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) E5D9: 85 add a,l E5DA: 6F ld l,a E5DB: C3 A9 E5 jp $E5A3 E5DE: DD E5 push ix E5E0: E5 push hl E5E1: FD E5 push iy E5E3: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E5E5: CD 5E E5 call $E55E E5E8: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E5EA: CD 5E BC call $B65E E5ED: FD E1 pop iy E5EF: E1 pop hl E5F0: DD E1 pop ix E5F2: 2C inc l E5F3: 2C inc l E5F4: 2C inc l E5F5: 7D ld a,l E5F6: FE C2 cp $68 E5F8: DA 7E E5 jp c,$E5DE E5FB: FD 46 01 ld b,(iy+$01) E5FE: C5 push bc E5FF: 3E 1C ld a,$16 E601: CD AE BC call $B6AE E604: 3E 08 ld a,$02 E606: CD 2E B5 call $B58E E609: FD 36 03 62 ld (iy+$09),$C8 E60D: FD 36 0A 60 ld (iy+$0a),$C0 E611: C1 pop bc E612: 78 ld a,b E613: FE 0A cp $0A E615: C2 1A EC jp nz,$E61A E618: 06 0B ld b,$0B E61A: C5 push bc E61B: 3E 40 ld a,$40 E61D: CD 5E BC call $B65E E620: C1 pop bc E621: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E623: CD AE BC call $B6AE E626: 3E 00 ld a,$00 E628: CD 5E BC call $B65E E62B: 02 ld (bc),a E62C: 17 rla E62D: 13 inc de E62E: A0 and b E62F: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E631: 1B dec de E632: A0 and b E633: 0F rrca E634: A0 and b E635: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E637: 06 A0 ld b,$A0 E639: 17 rla E63A: A0 and b E63B: 96 sub (hl) E63C: A0 and b E63D: 96 sub (hl) E63E: A0 and b E63F: 96 sub (hl) E640: A0 and b E641: 96 sub (hl) E642: A0 and b E643: 08 ex af,af' E644: A0 and b E645: 00 nop E646: A0 and b E647: 00 nop E648: A0 and b E649: 00 nop E64A: A0 and b E64B: FF rst $38 E64C: 02 ld (bc),a E64D: 11 13 A0 ld de,$A019 E650: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E652: 1B dec de E653: A0 and b E654: 0F rrca E655: A0 and b E656: 0E A0 ld c,$A0 E658: 06 A0 ld b,$A0 E65A: 17 rla E65B: A0 and b E65C: 96 sub (hl) E65D: A0 and b E65E: 96 sub (hl) E65F: A0 and b E660: 96 sub (hl) E661: A0 and b E662: 96 sub (hl) E663: A0 and b E664: 08 ex af,af' E665: A0 and b E666: 00 nop E667: A0 and b E668: 00 nop E669: A0 and b E66A: 00 nop E66B: A0 and b E66C: FF rst $38 E66D: F2 01 FA jp p,$FA01 E670: 01 FB 08 ld bc,$02FB E673: F7 rst $30 E674: 08 ex af,af' E675: FE 09 cp $03 E677: FF rst $38 E678: 09 add hl,bc E679: 00 nop E67A: 04 inc b E67B: 01 05 08 ld bc,$0205 E67E: 0C inc c E67F: 09 add hl,bc E680: 0D dec c E681: 05 dec b E682: 02 ld (bc),a E683: 0C inc c E684: 03 inc bc E685: 02 ld (bc),a E686: 0A ld a,(bc) E687: 20 C7 jr nz,$E6F6 E689: EC FD 21 call pe,$81F7 E68C: 90 sub b E68D: 6D ld l,l E68E: 21 29 C2 ld hl,$6883 E691: 06 0A ld b,$0A E693: FD 74 00 ld (iy+$00),h E696: FD 36 01 3B ld (iy+$01),$9B E69A: FD 36 08 4F ld (iy+$02),$4F E69E: FD 75 09 ld (iy+$03),l E6A1: 11 02 00 ld de,$0008 E6A4: FD 19 add iy,de E6A6: 7D ld a,l E6A7: C6 06 add a,$0C E6A9: 6F ld l,a E6AA: 10 ED djnz $E693 E6AC: FD 21 94 6D ld iy,$C734 E6B0: 06 0A ld b,$0A E6B2: 21 29 D2 ld hl,$7883 E6B5: FD 74 00 ld (iy+$00),h E6B8: FD 36 01 3B ld (iy+$01),$9B E6BC: FD 36 08 6F ld (iy+$02),$CF E6C0: FD 75 09 ld (iy+$03),l E6C3: 11 02 00 ld de,$0008 E6C6: FD 19 add iy,de E6C8: 7D ld a,l E6C9: C6 06 add a,$0C E6CB: 6F ld l,a E6CC: 10 ED djnz $E6B5 E6CE: AF xor a E6CF: CD 5E BC call $B65E E6D2: FD 21 90 6D ld iy,$C730 E6D6: 47 ld b,a E6D7: C5 push bc E6D8: 3E 14 ld a,$14 E6DA: D3 A2 out ($A8),a E6DC: C5 push bc E6DD: FD 36 01 36 ld (iy+$01),$9C E6E1: FD 36 05 36 ld (iy+$05),$9C E6E5: FD E5 push iy E6E7: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E6E9: CD 5E BC call $B65E E6EC: FD E1 pop iy E6EE: 11 02 00 ld de,$0008 E6F1: FD 19 add iy,de E6F3: C1 pop bc E6F4: 10 E8 djnz $E6D8 E6F6: 3E 1D ld a,$17 E6F8: CD 67 B5 call $B5CD E6FB: 21 D9 E9 ld hl,$E373 E6FE: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E701: C1 pop bc E702: 78 ld a,b E703: FE 0A cp $0A E705: C2 18 ED jp nz,$E712 E708: 3E 80 ld a,$20 E70A: F5 push af E70B: 21 8B EC ld hl,$E62B E70E: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E711: F1 pop af E712: CD AB B1 call $B1AB E715: C3 F5 E4 jp $E4F5 E718: FD 21 90 6D ld iy,$C730 E71C: 21 D6 52 ld hl,$587C E71F: 06 0A ld b,$0A E721: E5 push hl E722: FD 36 01 A0 ld (iy+$01),$A0 E726: FD 36 05 3F ld (iy+$05),$9F E72A: FD 36 03 3F ld (iy+$09),$9F E72E: FD 36 07 A0 ld (iy+$0d),$A0 E732: FD 36 08 6B ld (iy+$02),$CB E736: FD 36 0C 6B ld (iy+$06),$CB E73A: FD 36 0A 4B ld (iy+$0a),$4B E73E: FD 36 0E 4B ld (iy+$0e),$4B E742: FD 75 09 ld (iy+$03),l E745: FD 75 0D ld (iy+$07),l E748: FD 75 0B ld (iy+$0b),l E74B: FD 75 0F ld (iy+$0f),l E74E: FD 74 00 ld (iy+$00),h E751: 7C ld a,h E752: C6 10 add a,$10 E754: FD 77 04 ld (iy+$04),a E757: C6 10 add a,$10 E759: FD 77 02 ld (iy+$08),a E75C: C6 10 add a,$10 E75E: FD 77 06 ld (iy+$0c),a E761: 11 10 00 ld de,$0010 E764: FD 19 add iy,de E766: E1 pop hl E767: 3E 06 ld a,$0C E769: 85 add a,l E76A: 6F ld l,a E76B: 10 B4 djnz $E721 E76D: AF xor a E76E: CD 5E BC call $B65E E771: 47 ld b,a E772: C5 push bc E773: FD 21 90 6D ld iy,$C730 E777: 3E 14 ld a,$14 E779: D3 A2 out ($A8),a E77B: C5 push bc E77C: FD 36 01 A4 ld (iy+$01),$A4 E780: FD 36 05 A9 ld (iy+$05),$A3 E784: FD 36 03 A9 ld (iy+$09),$A3 E788: FD 36 07 A4 ld (iy+$0d),$A4 E78C: FD E5 push iy E78E: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E790: CD 5E BC call $B65E E793: FD E1 pop iy E795: 11 10 00 ld de,$0010 E798: FD 19 add iy,de E79A: C1 pop bc E79B: 10 7A djnz $E777 E79D: 3E 1D ld a,$17 E79F: CD 67 B5 call $B5CD E7A2: 21 D9 E9 ld hl,$E373 E7A5: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E7A8: C1 pop bc E7A9: 78 ld a,b E7AA: FE 0A cp $0A E7AC: C2 B3 ED jp nz,$E7B9 E7AF: 3E 80 ld a,$20 E7B1: F5 push af E7B2: 21 8B EC ld hl,$E62B E7B5: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E7B8: F1 pop af E7B9: CD AB B1 call $B1AB E7BC: 3E 0C ld a,$06 E7BE: 06 0C ld b,$06 E7C0: CD AE BC call $B6AE E7C3: 3E 20 ld a,$80 E7C5: CD 5E BC call $B65E E7C8: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E7CA: 06 01 ld b,$01 E7CC: CD AE BC call $B6AE E7CF: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 E7D2: CD 64 F7 call $FDC4 E7D5: CD 44 F7 call $FD44 E7D8: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E7DA: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 E7DD: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) E7E0: D6 10 sub $10 E7E2: CB 27 sla a E7E4: 21 68 E3 ld hl,$E9C2 E7E7: 06 00 ld b,$00 E7E9: 4F ld c,a E7EA: 09 add hl,bc E7EB: E5 push hl E7EC: CD D4 B5 call $B574 E7EF: E1 pop hl E7F0: 7E ld a,(hl) E7F1: FD 77 0D ld (iy+$07),a E7F4: 23 inc hl E7F5: 7E ld a,(hl) E7F6: FD 77 02 ld (iy+$08),a E7F9: 3E 00 ld a,$00 E7FB: FD 66 0D ld h,(iy+$07) E7FE: FD 6E 02 ld l,(iy+$08) E801: DD 21 40 6D ld ix,$C740 E805: CD FF EB call $EBFF E808: CD D4 B5 call $B574 E80B: FD 7E 0D ld a,(iy+$07) E80E: C6 D0 add a,$70 E810: 67 ld h,a E811: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) E814: C6 10 add a,$10 E816: 6F ld l,a E817: E5 push hl E818: 7C ld a,h E819: D6 10 sub $10 E81B: 7D ld a,l E81C: C6 10 add a,$10 E81E: 6F ld l,a E81F: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) E822: E6 02 and $08 E824: CA 87 E2 jp z,$E82D E827: 7C ld a,h E828: C6 42 add a,$48 E82A: ED 44 neg E82C: 67 ld h,a E82D: CB 3C srl h E82F: CB 3C srl h E831: CB 3C srl h E833: CB 3D srl l E835: CB 3D srl l E837: CB 3D srl l E839: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) E83C: CD E4 F3 call $F9E4 E83F: E1 pop hl E840: 06 0A ld b,$0A E842: 3E 0C ld a,$06 E844: DD 21 C2 6D ld ix,$C768 E848: E5 push hl E849: DD E5 push ix E84B: F5 push af E84C: C5 push bc E84D: CD FF EB call $EBFF E850: C1 pop bc E851: F1 pop af E852: DD E1 pop ix E854: E1 pop hl E855: DD 23 inc ix E857: DD 23 inc ix E859: DD 23 inc ix E85B: DD 23 inc ix E85D: 24 inc h E85E: 24 inc h E85F: 24 inc h E860: 24 inc h E861: 10 E5 djnz $E848 E863: CD D4 B5 call $B574 E866: FD 66 0D ld h,(iy+$07) E869: FD 6E 02 ld l,(iy+$08) E86C: FD 21 0C EA ld iy,$EA06 E870: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E872: DD 21 40 6D ld ix,$C740 E876: E5 push hl E877: FD E5 push iy E879: DD E5 push ix E87B: F5 push af E87C: CD FF EB call $EBFF E87F: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E881: CD 5E BC call $B65E E884: CD 3C BB call $BB96 E887: A7 and a E888: C2 BE E2 jp nz,$E8BE E88B: F1 pop af E88C: 47 ld b,a E88D: DD E1 pop ix E88F: FD E1 pop iy E891: E1 pop hl E892: FD 23 inc iy E894: FD 23 inc iy E896: FD 23 inc iy E898: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) E89B: FE F7 cp $FD E89D: C2 A4 E2 jp nz,$E8A4 E8A0: FD 21 0C EA ld iy,$EA06 E8A4: FD 7E 01 ld a,(iy+$01) E8A7: 84 add a,h E8A8: 67 ld h,a E8A9: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) E8AC: 85 add a,l E8AD: 6F ld l,a E8AE: 06 04 ld b,$04 E8B0: FD 7E 01 ld a,(iy+$01) E8B3: FE 08 cp $02 E8B5: C2 BA E2 jp nz,$E8BA E8B8: 06 05 ld b,$05 E8BA: 78 ld a,b E8BB: C3 DC E2 jp $E876 E8BE: 3E 20 ld a,$80 E8C0: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 E8C3: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E8C5: CD 5E BC call $B65E E8C8: F1 pop af E8C9: DD E1 pop ix E8CB: FD E1 pop iy E8CD: E1 pop hl E8CE: FD E5 push iy E8D0: E5 push hl E8D1: CD D4 B5 call $B574 E8D4: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) E8D7: E1 pop hl E8D8: FD E1 pop iy E8DA: 6F ld l,a E8DB: 3E 88 ld a,$22 E8DD: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 E8E0: FD E5 push iy E8E2: E5 push hl E8E3: 3E 00 ld a,$00 E8E5: DD 21 40 6D ld ix,$C740 E8E9: CD FF EB call $EBFF E8EC: 3E 08 ld a,$02 E8EE: CD 5E BC call $B65E E8F1: E1 pop hl E8F2: 3E 02 ld a,$08 E8F4: 84 add a,h E8F5: 67 ld h,a E8F6: DD 21 40 6D ld ix,$C740 E8FA: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E8FC: E5 push hl E8FD: CD FF EB call $EBFF E900: 3E 08 ld a,$02 E902: CD 5E BC call $B65E E905: E1 pop hl E906: 3E 02 ld a,$08 E908: 84 add a,h E909: 67 ld h,a E90A: DD 21 40 6D ld ix,$C740 E90E: 3E 08 ld a,$02 E910: E5 push hl E911: CD FF EB call $EBFF E914: 3E 08 ld a,$02 E916: CD 5E BC call $B65E E919: E1 pop hl E91A: DD 21 40 6D ld ix,$C740 E91E: 3E 09 ld a,$03 E920: CD FF EB call $EBFF E923: FD E1 pop iy E925: FD 46 08 ld b,(iy+$02) E928: 3E 1D ld a,$17 E92A: CD AE BC call $B6AE E92D: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 E930: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E932: CD 80 BC call $B620 E935: AF xor a E936: CD 5E BC call $B65E E939: 47 ld b,a E93A: C5 push bc E93B: FD 21 C2 6D ld iy,$C768 E93F: A7 and a E940: CA C7 E3 jp z,$E96D E943: 3E 14 ld a,$14 E945: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 E948: C5 push bc E949: FD 36 01 73 ld (iy+$01),$D9 E94D: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) E950: CB 57 bit 2,a E952: C2 53 E3 jp nz,$E959 E955: FD CB 08 FE set 7,(iy+$02) E959: FD E5 push iy E95B: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E95D: CD 5E BC call $B65E E960: FD E1 pop iy E962: FD 23 inc iy E964: FD 23 inc iy E966: FD 23 inc iy E968: FD 23 inc iy E96A: C1 pop bc E96B: 10 7C djnz $E943 E96D: 3E 1C ld a,$16 E96F: CD 67 B5 call $B5CD E972: 21 D9 E9 ld hl,$E373 E975: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E978: C1 pop bc E979: 78 ld a,b E97A: FE 0A cp $0A E97C: C2 38 E3 jp nz,$E992 E97F: 21 8B EC ld hl,$E62B E982: CD 31 B9 call $B391 E985: 3E 0F ld a,$0F E987: 06 80 ld b,$20 E989: CD AE BC call $B6AE E98C: A7 and a E98D: C4 2C B1 call nz,display_error_text_B186 E990: 06 0B ld b,$0B E992: C5 push bc E993: 3E 08 ld a,$02 E995: CD 2E B5 call $B58E E998: C1 pop bc E999: FD 36 03 62 ld (iy+$09),$C8 E99D: FD 36 0A 60 ld (iy+$0a),$C0 E9A1: 3E 04 ld a,$04 E9A3: C5 push bc E9A4: CD AE BC call $B6AE E9A7: C1 pop bc E9A8: 78 ld a,b E9A9: FE 0B cp $0B E9AB: C2 B0 E3 jp nz,$E9B0 E9AE: 3E 80 ld a,$20 E9B0: CD AB B1 call $B1AB E9B3: 3E 20 ld a,$80 E9B5: CD 5E BC call $B65E E9B8: 3E 01 ld a,$01 E9BA: 06 01 ld b,$01 E9BC: CD AE BC call $B6AE E9BF: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 E9C2: 12 ld (de),a E9C3: 20 82 jr nz,$E9ED E9C5: 36 12 ld (hl),$18 E9C7: 20 12 jr nz,$E9E1 E9C9: 20 82 jr nz,$E9F3 E9CB: 36 12 ld (hl),$18 E9CD: 20 12 jr nz,$E9E7 E9CF: 20 12 jr nz,$E9E9 E9D1: 20 12 jr nz,$E9EB E9D3: 20 82 jr nz,$E9FD E9D5: 36 82 ld (hl),$28 E9D7: 36 12 ld (hl),$18 E9D9: 20 12 jr nz,$E9F3 E9DB: 20 12 jr nz,$E9F5 E9DD: 20 12 jr nz,$E9F7 E9DF: 20 12 jr nz,$E9F9 E9E1: 20 7F jr nz,$E9C2 E9E3: EA F9 EA jp pe,$EAF3 E9E6: 0D dec c E9E7: EB ex de,hl E9E8: 1B dec de E9E9: EB ex de,hl E9EA: 92 sub d E9EB: EB ex de,hl E9EC: 46 ld b,(hl) E9ED: EB ex de,hl E9EE: C0 ret nz E9EF: EB ex de,hl E9F0: C5 push bc E9F1: EB ex de,hl E9F2: CA EB CF jp z,$6FEB E9F5: EB ex de,hl E9F6: 29 add hl,hl E9F7: EB ex de,hl E9F8: 3D dec a E9F9: EB ex de,hl E9FA: AB xor e E9FB: EB ex de,hl E9FC: 62 ld h,d E9FD: EB ex de,hl E9FE: 76 halt E9FF: EB ex de,hl EA00: F0 ret p EA01: EB ex de,hl EA02: F5 push af EA03: EB ex de,hl EA04: FA EB FF jp m,$FFEB EA07: 08 ex af,af' EA08: 00 nop EA09: FF rst $38 EA0A: 08 ex af,af' EA0B: 00 nop EA0C: FF rst $38 EA0D: 08 ex af,af' EA0E: 00 nop EA0F: FF rst $38 EA10: 08 ex af,af' EA11: 00 nop EA12: 00 nop EA13: 08 ex af,af' EA14: 00 nop EA15: FF rst $38 EA16: 08 ex af,af' EA17: 00 nop EA18: FF rst $38 EA19: 08 ex af,af' EA1A: 00 nop EA1B: 00 nop EA1C: 08 ex af,af' EA1D: 00 nop EA1E: 00 nop EA1F: 08 ex af,af' EA20: 00 nop EA21: FF rst $38 EA22: 08 ex af,af' EA23: 00 nop EA24: 00 nop EA25: 08 ex af,af' EA26: 00 nop EA27: 00 nop EA28: 08 ex af,af' EA29: 00 nop EA2A: 00 nop EA2B: 08 ex af,af' EA2C: 00 nop EA2D: 00 nop EA2E: 08 ex af,af' EA2F: 00 nop EA30: 00 nop EA31: 08 ex af,af' EA32: 00 nop EA33: 00 nop EA34: 08 ex af,af' EA35: 00 nop EA36: 00 nop EA37: 08 ex af,af' EA38: 00 nop EA39: 00 nop EA3A: 08 ex af,af' EA3B: 00 nop EA3C: 00 nop EA3D: 08 ex af,af' EA3E: 00 nop EA3F: 00 nop EA40: 08 ex af,af' EA41: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 EA44: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 EA47: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 EA4A: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 EA4D: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 EA50: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 EA53: 01 01 08 ld bc,$0201 EA56: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 EA59: 08 ex af,af' EA5A: 01 08 09 ld bc,$0302 EA5D: 00 nop EA5E: 08 ex af,af' EA5F: 04 inc b EA60: 01 08 05 ld bc,$0502 EA63: 00 nop EA64: 08 ex af,af' EA65: 0C inc c EA66: 01 08 0D ld bc,$0702 EA69: 01 08 02 ld bc,$0802 EA6C: 01 08 03 ld bc,$0902 EA6F: 01 08 0A ld bc,$0A02 EA72: FF rst $38 EA73: FE 05 cp $05 EA75: FF rst $38 EA76: FE 04 cp $04 EA78: FF rst $38 EA79: FE 09 cp $03 EA7B: FF rst $38 EA7C: FE 08 cp $02 EA7E: 00 nop EA7F: FE 01 cp $01 EA81: FF rst $38 EA82: FE 00 cp $00 EA84: 00 nop EA85: FE 00 cp $00 EA87: FF rst $38 EA88: FE 00 cp $00 EA8A: 00 nop EA8B: FE 00 cp $00 EA8D: FF rst $38 EA8E: FE 00 cp $00 EA90: 00 nop EA91: FE 00 cp $00 EA93: 00 nop EA94: FE 00 cp $00 EA96: 00 nop EA97: FE 00 cp $00 EA99: 00 nop EA9A: FE 00 cp $00 EA9C: 00 nop EA9D: FE 00 cp $00 EA9F: 00 nop EAA0: FE 00 cp $00 EAA2: 00 nop EAA3: FE 00 cp $00 EAA5: 00 nop EAA6: FE 00 cp $00 EAA8: 00 nop EAA9: FE 00 cp $00 EAAB: 00 nop EAAC: FE 00 cp $00 EAAE: 00 nop EAAF: FE 00 cp $00 EAB1: 00 nop EAB2: FE 00 cp $00 EAB4: 00 nop EAB5: FE 00 cp $00 EAB7: 00 nop EAB8: FE 00 cp $00 EABA: 00 nop EABB: FE 00 cp $00 EABD: 00 nop EABE: FE 00 cp $00 EAC0: 01 FE 00 ld bc,$00FE EAC3: 00 nop EAC4: FE 00 cp $00 EAC6: 00 nop EAC7: FE 00 cp $00 EAC9: 01 FE 00 ld bc,$00FE EACC: 01 FE 00 ld bc,$00FE EACF: 00 nop EAD0: FE 00 cp $00 EAD2: 01 FE 00 ld bc,$00FE EAD5: 01 FE 00 ld bc,$00FE EAD8: 01 FE 00 ld bc,$00FE EADB: 01 FE 00 ld bc,$00FE EADE: F7 rst $30 EADF: 08 ex af,af' EAE0: 09 add hl,bc EAE1: ED db $ed EAE2: 05 dec b EAE3: 01 E2 05 ld bc,$05E8 EAE6: 01 E3 05 ld bc,$05E9 EAE9: 01 EA 05 ld bc,$05EA EAEC: 01 EB 05 ld bc,$05EB EAEF: 01 E6 05 ld bc,$05EC EAF2: 01 08 09 ld bc,$0302 EAF5: E7 rst $20 EAF6: 05 dec b EAF7: 01 EE 05 ld bc,$05EE EAFA: 01 EF 05 ld bc,$05EF EAFD: 01 F0 05 ld bc,$05F0 EB00: 01 F1 05 ld bc,$05F1 EB03: 01 F8 05 ld bc,$05F2 EB06: 01 08 09 ld bc,$0302 EB09: F9 ld sp,hl EB0A: 05 dec b EB0B: 01 F4 05 ld bc,$05F4 EB0E: 01 F5 05 ld bc,$05F5 EB11: 01 FC 05 ld bc,$05F6 EB14: 01 FD 05 ld bc,$05F7 EB17: 01 F2 05 ld bc,$05F8 EB1A: 01 09 09 ld bc,$0303 EB1D: F3 di EB1E: 05 dec b EB1F: 01 FA 05 ld bc,$05FA EB22: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 EB25: 01 FB 05 ld bc,$05FB EB28: 01 F6 05 ld bc,$05FC EB2B: 01 FF 05 ld bc,$05FF EB2E: 01 F7 05 ld bc,$05FD EB31: 01 FE 05 ld bc,$05FE EB34: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 EB37: 01 08 09 ld bc,$0302 EB3A: 7B ld a,e EB3B: 05 dec b EB3C: 01 76 05 ld bc,$05DC EB3F: 01 77 05 ld bc,$05DD EB42: 01 7E 05 ld bc,$05DE EB45: 01 7F 05 ld bc,$05DF EB48: 01 E0 05 ld bc,$05E0 EB4B: 01 08 09 ld bc,$0302 EB4E: E1 pop hl EB4F: 05 dec b EB50: 01 E8 05 ld bc,$05E2 EB53: 01 E9 05 ld bc,$05E3 EB56: 01 E4 05 ld bc,$05E4 EB59: 01 E5 05 ld bc,$05E5 EB5C: 01 EC 05 ld bc,$05E6 EB5F: 01 01 01 ld bc,$0101 EB62: 72 ld (hl),d EB63: 05 dec b EB64: 07 rlca EB65: 01 01 73 ld bc,$D901 EB68: 05 dec b EB69: 07 rlca EB6A: 01 01 7A ld bc,$DA01 EB6D: 05 dec b EB6E: 07 rlca EB6F: 08 ex af,af' EB70: 09 add hl,bc EB71: E2 05 28 jp po,$8205 EB74: ED db $ed EB75: 05 dec b EB76: 28 EA jr z,$EB62 EB78: 05 dec b EB79: 28 E3 jr z,$EB64 EB7B: 05 dec b EB7C: 28 E6 jr z,$EB6A EB7E: 05 dec b EB7F: 28 EB jr z,$EB6C EB81: 05 dec b EB82: 28 08 jr z,$EB86 EB84: 09 add hl,bc EB85: EE 05 xor $05 EB87: 28 E7 jr z,$EB76 EB89: 05 dec b EB8A: 28 F0 jr z,$EB7C EB8C: 05 dec b EB8D: 28 EF jr z,$EB7E EB8F: 05 dec b EB90: 28 F8 jr z,$EB84 EB92: 05 dec b EB93: 28 F1 jr z,$EB86 EB95: 05 dec b EB96: 28 08 jr z,$EB9A EB98: 09 add hl,bc EB99: F4 05 28 call p,$8205 EB9C: F9 ld sp,hl EB9D: 05 dec b EB9E: 28 FC jr z,$EB96 EBA0: 05 dec b EBA1: 28 F5 jr z,$EB98 EBA3: 05 dec b EBA4: 28 F2 jr z,$EB9E EBA6: 05 dec b EBA7: 28 FD jr z,$EBA0 EBA9: 05 dec b EBAA: 28 09 jr z,$EBAF EBAC: 09 add hl,bc EBAD: 00 nop EBAE: 00 nop EBAF: 28 FA jr z,$EBAB EBB1: 05 dec b EBB2: 28 F3 jr z,$EBAD EBB4: 05 dec b EBB5: 28 FF jr z,$EBB6 EBB7: 05 dec b EBB8: 28 F6 jr z,$EBB6 EBBA: 05 dec b EBBB: 28 FB jr z,$EBB8 EBBD: 05 dec b EBBE: 28 00 jr z,$EBC0 EBC0: 00 nop EBC1: 28 FE jr z,$EBC1 EBC3: 05 dec b EBC4: 28 F7 jr z,$EBC3 EBC6: 05 dec b EBC7: 28 08 jr z,$EBCB EBC9: 09 add hl,bc EBCA: 76 halt EBCB: 05 dec b EBCC: 28 7B jr z,$EBA9 EBCE: 05 dec b EBCF: 28 7E jr z,$EBAF EBD1: 05 dec b EBD2: 28 77 jr z,$EBB1 EBD4: 05 dec b EBD5: 28 E0 jr z,$EBB7 EBD7: 05 dec b EBD8: 28 7F jr z,$EBB9 EBDA: 05 dec b EBDB: 28 08 jr z,$EBDF EBDD: 09 add hl,bc EBDE: E8 ret pe EBDF: 05 dec b EBE0: 28 E1 jr z,$EBC3 EBE2: 05 dec b EBE3: 28 E4 jr z,$EBC9 EBE5: 05 dec b EBE6: 28 E9 jr z,$EBCB EBE8: 05 dec b EBE9: 28 EC jr z,$EBD1 EBEB: 05 dec b EBEC: 28 E5 jr z,$EBD3 EBEE: 05 dec b EBEF: 28 01 jr z,$EBF2 EBF1: 01 72 05 ld bc,$05D8 EBF4: 07 rlca EBF5: 01 01 73 ld bc,$D901 EBF8: 05 dec b EBF9: 27 daa EBFA: 01 01 7A ld bc,$DA01 EBFD: 05 dec b EBFE: 07 rlca EBFF: FD 21 E8 E3 ld iy,$E9E2 EC03: 11 00 00 ld de,$0000 EC06: 47 ld b,a EC07: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) EC0A: E6 02 and $08 EC0C: CA 19 E6 jp z,$EC13 EC0F: 78 ld a,b EC10: C6 03 add a,$09 EC12: 47 ld b,a EC13: 78 ld a,b EC14: 5F ld e,a EC15: CB 23 sla e EC17: CB 12 rl d EC19: FD 19 add iy,de EC1B: FD 5E 00 ld e,(iy+$00) EC1E: FD 56 01 ld d,(iy+$01) EC21: D5 push de EC22: FD E1 pop iy EC24: 01 08 00 ld bc,$0002 EC27: FD 09 add iy,bc EC29: FD 46 FF ld b,(iy-$01) EC2C: FD 4E FE ld c,(iy-$02) EC2F: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) EC32: E6 02 and $08 EC34: CA 44 E6 jp z,$EC44 EC37: 79 ld a,c EC38: CB 27 sla a EC3A: CB 27 sla a EC3C: CB 27 sla a EC3E: CB 27 sla a EC40: 84 add a,h EC41: ED 44 neg EC43: 67 ld h,a EC44: C5 push bc EC45: 41 ld b,c EC46: E5 push hl EC47: 7C ld a,h EC48: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a EC4B: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) EC4E: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a EC51: FD 7E 08 ld a,(iy+$02) EC54: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a EC57: 7D ld a,l EC58: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a EC5B: FD 7E 01 ld a,(iy+$01) EC5E: CB 27 sla a EC60: CB 27 sla a EC62: CB 27 sla a EC64: CB 27 sla a EC66: DD B6 08 or (ix+$02) EC69: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a EC6C: 3E 10 ld a,$10 EC6E: 84 add a,h EC6F: 67 ld h,a EC70: FD 23 inc iy EC72: FD 23 inc iy EC74: FD 23 inc iy EC76: DD 23 inc ix EC78: DD 23 inc ix EC7A: DD 23 inc ix EC7C: DD 23 inc ix EC7E: 10 6D djnz $EC47 EC80: E1 pop hl EC81: 3E 10 ld a,$10 EC83: 85 add a,l EC84: 6F ld l,a EC85: C1 pop bc EC86: 10 B6 djnz $EC44 EC88: C9 ret EC89: 06 12 ld b,$18 EC8B: DD 21 C0 6D ld ix,$C760 EC8F: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) EC92: FE 1D cp $17 EC94: C2 37 E6 jp nz,$EC9D EC97: 06 90 ld b,$30 EC99: DD 21 30 6D ld ix,$C790 EC9D: DD E5 push ix EC9F: 78 ld a,b ECA0: CD 5E BC call $B65E ECA3: DD E1 pop ix ECA5: C3 71 E6 jp $ECD1 ECA8: 3E 01 ld a,$01 ECAA: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 ECAD: 01 96 D0 ld bc,$703C ECB0: CD 1C B9 call $B316 ECB3: CD AE F1 call $F1AE ECB6: 21 DC FE ld hl,$FE76 ECB9: 16 30 ld d,$90 ECBB: CD 5D B9 call display_text_B357 ECBE: 06 0B ld b,$0B ECC0: 21 00 00 ld hl,$0000 ECC3: E5 push hl ECC4: C5 push bc ECC5: CD 28 E7 call $ED82 ECC8: C1 pop bc ECC9: E1 pop hl ECCA: 2C inc l ECCB: 10 FC djnz $ECC3 ECCD: DD 21 90 6D ld ix,$C730 ECD1: 21 90 F5 ld hl,$F530 ECD4: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) ECD7: FE 1D cp $17 ECD9: C2 7F E6 jp nz,$ECDF ECDC: 21 84 F4 ld hl,$F424 ECDF: FD 21 A7 E7 ld iy,$EDAD ECE3: 06 FF ld b,$FF ECE5: DD E5 push ix ECE7: E5 push hl ECE8: FD E5 push iy ECEA: C5 push bc ECEB: DD E5 push ix ECED: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) ECF0: FE 1D cp $17 ECF2: C2 0C E7 jp nz,$ED06 ECF5: 3A 8B 60 ld a,(periodic_counter_8bit_C02B) ECF8: E6 0F and $0F ECFA: CB 3F srl a ECFC: CB 3F srl a ECFE: CB 3F srl a ED00: C6 10 add a,$10 ED02: 57 ld d,a ED03: C3 02 E7 jp $ED08 ED06: 16 08 ld d,$02 ED08: 7A ld a,d ED09: CD 57 FD call $F75D ED0C: 3E 01 ld a,$01 ED0E: CD 5E BC call $B65E ED11: 06 06 ld b,$0C ED13: DD E1 pop ix ED15: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 ED18: DD 36 00 00 ld (ix+$00),$00 ED1C: DD 19 add ix,de ED1E: 10 F2 djnz $ED18 ED20: C1 pop bc ED21: FD E1 pop iy ED23: E1 pop hl ED24: DD E1 pop ix ED26: FD 23 inc iy ED28: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) ED2B: FE 20 cp $80 ED2D: C2 A9 E7 jp nz,$EDA3 ED30: FD 23 inc iy ED32: FD 5E 00 ld e,(iy+$00) ED35: FD 56 01 ld d,(iy+$01) ED38: D5 push de ED39: FD E1 pop iy ED3B: 05 dec b ED3C: C2 A9 E7 jp nz,$EDA3 ED3F: 3A 82 60 ld a,(player_2_attack_flags_C028) ED42: FE 1D cp $17 ED44: C2 DF E7 jp nz,$ED7F ED47: DD 21 90 6D ld ix,$C730 ED4B: 06 84 ld b,$24 ED4D: 11 04 00 ld de,$0004 ED50: DD 36 00 00 ld (ix+$00),$00 ED54: DD 19 add ix,de ED56: 10 F2 djnz $ED50 ED58: 06 09 ld b,$03 ED5A: C5 push bc ED5B: 21 05 0A ld hl,$0A05 ED5E: 3E 04 ld a,$04 ED60: CD E4 F3 call $F9E4 ED63: 3E 40 ld a,$40 ED65: CD 5E BC call $B65E ED68: 21 05 0A ld hl,$0A05 ED6B: 3E 05 ld a,$05 ED6D: CD E4 F3 call $F9E4 ED70: 3E 40 ld a,$40 ED72: CD 5E BC call $B65E ED75: C1 pop bc ED76: 10 E8 djnz $ED5A ED78: 3E 01 ld a,$01 ED7A: 06 01 ld b,$01 ED7C: CD AE BC call $B6AE ED7F: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 ED82: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 ED85: E5 push hl ED86: FD E1 pop iy ED88: 11 00 04 ld de,$0400 ED8B: 19 add hl,de ED8C: E5 push hl ED8D: DD E1 pop ix ED8F: 11 E0 FF ld de,$FFE0 ED92: 06 80 ld b,$20 ED94: FD 36 00 96 ld (iy+$00),$3C ED98: DD 36 00 22 ld (ix+$00),$88 ED9C: DD 19 add ix,de ED9E: FD 19 add iy,de EDA0: 10 F8 djnz $ED94 EDA2: C9 ret EDA3: 25 dec h EDA4: 25 dec h EDA5: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) EDA8: 85 add a,l EDA9: 6F ld l,a EDAA: C3 E5 E6 jp $ECE5 EDAD: F3 di EDAE: F6 FE or $FE EDB0: FE FE cp $FE EDB2: FF rst $38 EDB3: FF rst $38 EDB4: FF rst $38 EDB5: FF rst $38 EDB6: FF rst $38 EDB7: 00 nop EDB8: FF rst $38 EDB9: 00 nop EDBA: 00 nop EDBB: 00 nop EDBC: 00 nop EDBD: 00 nop EDBE: 00 nop EDBF: 00 nop EDC0: 01 00 01 ld bc,$0100 EDC3: 00 nop EDC4: 01 01 01 ld bc,$0101 EDC7: 01 08 08 ld bc,$0202 EDCA: 08 ex af,af' EDCB: 09 add hl,bc EDCC: 05 dec b EDCD: 09 add hl,bc EDCE: 20 A7 jr nz,$ED7D EDD0: E7 rst $20 EDD1: 04 inc b EDD2: 01 1D D0 ld bc,$7017 EDD5: 0A ld a,(bc) EDD6: D0 ret nc EDD7: 1C inc e EDD8: D0 ret nc EDD9: 0E D0 ld c,$70 EDDB: 96 sub (hl) EDDC: D0 ret nc EDDD: 1B dec de EDDE: D0 ret nc EDDF: 0E D0 ld c,$70 EDE1: 10 D0 djnz $EE53 EDE3: 18 D0 jr $EE55 EDE5: 16 D0 ld d,$70 EDE7: 17 rla EDE8: D0 ret nc EDE9: 1B dec de EDEA: D0 ret nc EDEB: 0A ld a,(bc) EDEC: D0 ret nc EDED: 17 rla EDEE: D0 ret nc EDEF: 18 D0 jr $EE61 EDF1: 12 ld (de),a EDF2: D0 ret nc EDF3: 1D dec e EDF4: D0 ret nc EDF5: FE 1D cp $17 EDF7: 08 ex af,af' EDF8: 17 rla EDF9: 22 18 22 ld ($8812),hl EDFC: 1C inc e EDFD: 22 0E 22 ld ($880E),hl EE00: FE 05 cp $05 EE02: 09 add hl,bc EE03: 7B ld a,e EE04: B8 cp b EE05: 76 halt EE06: B8 cp b EE07: 76 halt EE08: B8 cp b EE09: 76 halt EE0A: B8 cp b EE0B: 76 halt EE0C: B8 cp b EE0D: 77 ld (hl),a EE0E: B8 cp b EE0F: 96 sub (hl) EE10: D0 ret nc EE11: 96 sub (hl) EE12: D0 ret nc EE13: 7B ld a,e EE14: B8 cp b EE15: 76 halt EE16: B8 cp b EE17: 76 halt EE18: B8 cp b EE19: 76 halt EE1A: B8 cp b EE1B: 76 halt EE1C: B8 cp b EE1D: 77 ld (hl),a EE1E: B8 cp b EE1F: 96 sub (hl) EE20: D0 ret nc EE21: 96 sub (hl) EE22: D0 ret nc EE23: 96 sub (hl) EE24: D0 ret nc EE25: 96 sub (hl) EE26: D0 ret nc EE27: 96 sub (hl) EE28: 22 96 32 ld ($983C),hl EE2B: 96 sub (hl) EE2C: 32 96 22 ld ($883C),a EE2F: FE 05 cp $05 EE31: 04 inc b EE32: 96 sub (hl) EE33: B0 or b EE34: 96 sub (hl) EE35: B0 or b EE36: 96 sub (hl) EE37: B0 or b EE38: 96 sub (hl) EE39: B0 or b EE3A: 96 sub (hl) EE3B: B0 or b EE3C: 7E ld a,(hl) EE3D: B8 cp b EE3E: 96 sub (hl) EE3F: D0 ret nc EE40: 96 sub (hl) EE41: D0 ret nc EE42: 96 sub (hl) EE43: B0 or b EE44: 96 sub (hl) EE45: B0 or b EE46: 96 sub (hl) EE47: B0 or b EE48: 96 sub (hl) EE49: B0 or b EE4A: 96 sub (hl) EE4B: B0 or b EE4C: 7E ld a,(hl) EE4D: B8 cp b EE4E: 96 sub (hl) EE4F: D0 ret nc EE50: 96 sub (hl) EE51: D0 ret nc EE52: 96 sub (hl) EE53: D0 ret nc EE54: 96 sub (hl) EE55: D0 ret nc EE56: 84 add a,h EE57: 22 84 22 ld ($8824),hl EE5A: 84 add a,h EE5B: 22 84 22 ld ($8824),hl EE5E: FE 05 cp $05 EE60: 0C inc c EE61: 7B ld a,e EE62: B8 cp b EE63: 77 ld (hl),a EE64: B8 cp b EE65: 7B ld a,e EE66: B8 cp b EE67: 77 ld (hl),a EE68: B8 cp b EE69: 7B ld a,e EE6A: B8 cp b EE6B: 77 ld (hl),a EE6C: B8 cp b EE6D: 7B ld a,e EE6E: B8 cp b EE6F: 77 ld (hl),a EE70: B8 cp b EE71: 7B ld a,e EE72: B8 cp b EE73: 77 ld (hl),a EE74: B8 cp b EE75: 7B ld a,e EE76: B8 cp b EE77: 77 ld (hl),a EE78: B8 cp b EE79: 7B ld a,e EE7A: B8 cp b EE7B: 77 ld (hl),a EE7C: B8 cp b EE7D: 7B ld a,e EE7E: B8 cp b EE7F: 77 ld (hl),a EE80: B8 cp b EE81: 7B ld a,e EE82: B8 cp b EE83: 77 ld (hl),a EE84: B8 cp b EE85: 7B ld a,e EE86: B8 cp b EE87: 77 ld (hl),a EE88: B8 cp b EE89: 7B ld a,e EE8A: B8 cp b EE8B: 77 ld (hl),a EE8C: B8 cp b EE8D: FE 05 cp $05 EE8F: 0D dec c EE90: 0A ld a,(bc) EE91: B0 or b EE92: 7E ld a,(hl) EE93: B8 cp b EE94: 0B dec bc EE95: B0 or b EE96: 7E ld a,(hl) EE97: B8 cp b EE98: 06 B0 ld b,$B0 EE9A: 7E ld a,(hl) EE9B: B8 cp b EE9C: 07 rlca EE9D: B0 or b EE9E: 7E ld a,(hl) EE9F: B8 cp b EEA0: 0E B0 ld c,$B0 EEA2: 7E ld a,(hl) EEA3: B8 cp b EEA4: 0F rrca EEA5: B0 or b EEA6: 7E ld a,(hl) EEA7: B8 cp b EEA8: 10 B0 djnz $EE5A EEAA: 7E ld a,(hl) EEAB: B8 cp b EEAC: 11 B0 7E ld de,$DEB0 EEAF: B8 cp b EEB0: 18 B0 jr $EE62 EEB2: 7E ld a,(hl) EEB3: B8 cp b EEB4: 19 add hl,de EEB5: B0 or b EEB6: 7E ld a,(hl) EEB7: B8 cp b EEB8: 14 inc d EEB9: B0 or b EEBA: 7E ld a,(hl) EEBB: B8 cp b EEBC: FE 05 cp $05 EEBE: 02 ld (bc),a EEBF: 7B ld a,e EEC0: B8 cp b EEC1: 77 ld (hl),a EEC2: B8 cp b EEC3: 7B ld a,e EEC4: B8 cp b EEC5: 77 ld (hl),a EEC6: B8 cp b EEC7: 7B ld a,e EEC8: B8 cp b EEC9: 77 ld (hl),a EECA: B8 cp b EECB: 7B ld a,e EECC: B8 cp b EECD: 77 ld (hl),a EECE: B8 cp b EECF: 7B ld a,e EED0: B8 cp b EED1: 77 ld (hl),a EED2: B8 cp b EED3: 7B ld a,e EED4: B8 cp b EED5: 77 ld (hl),a EED6: B8 cp b EED7: 7B ld a,e EED8: B8 cp b EED9: 77 ld (hl),a EEDA: B8 cp b EEDB: 7B ld a,e EEDC: B8 cp b EEDD: 77 ld (hl),a EEDE: B8 cp b EEDF: 7B ld a,e EEE0: B8 cp b EEE1: 77 ld (hl),a EEE2: B8 cp b EEE3: 7B ld a,e EEE4: B8 cp b EEE5: 77 ld (hl),a EEE6: B8 cp b EEE7: 7B ld a,e EEE8: B8 cp b EEE9: 77 ld (hl),a EEEA: B8 cp b EEEB: FE 05 cp $05 EEED: 03 inc bc EEEE: 15 dec d EEEF: B0 or b EEF0: 7E ld a,(hl) EEF1: B8 cp b EEF2: 1C inc e EEF3: B0 or b EEF4: 7E ld a,(hl) EEF5: B8 cp b EEF6: 1D dec e EEF7: B0 or b EEF8: 7E ld a,(hl) EEF9: B8 cp b EEFA: 12 ld (de),a EEFB: B0 or b EEFC: 7E ld a,(hl) EEFD: B8 cp b EEFE: 13 inc de EEFF: B0 or b EF00: 7E ld a,(hl) EF01: B8 cp b EF02: 1A ld a,(de) EF03: B0 or b EF04: 7E ld a,(hl) EF05: B8 cp b EF06: 1B dec de EF07: B0 or b EF08: 7E ld a,(hl) EF09: B8 cp b EF0A: 16 B0 ld d,$B0 EF0C: 7E ld a,(hl) EF0D: B8 cp b EF0E: 17 rla EF0F: B0 or b EF10: 7E ld a,(hl) EF11: B8 cp b EF12: 1E B0 ld e,$B0 EF14: 7E ld a,(hl) EF15: B8 cp b EF16: 1F rra EF17: B0 or b EF18: 7E ld a,(hl) EF19: B8 cp b EF1A: FE 05 cp $05 EF1C: 0A ld a,(bc) EF1D: 7B ld a,e EF1E: B8 cp b EF1F: 77 ld (hl),a EF20: B8 cp b EF21: 7B ld a,e EF22: B8 cp b EF23: 77 ld (hl),a EF24: B8 cp b EF25: 7B ld a,e EF26: B8 cp b EF27: 77 ld (hl),a EF28: B8 cp b EF29: 7B ld a,e EF2A: B8 cp b EF2B: 77 ld (hl),a EF2C: B8 cp b EF2D: 7B ld a,e EF2E: B8 cp b EF2F: 77 ld (hl),a EF30: B8 cp b EF31: 7B ld a,e EF32: B8 cp b EF33: 77 ld (hl),a EF34: B8 cp b EF35: 7B ld a,e EF36: B8 cp b EF37: 77 ld (hl),a EF38: B8 cp b EF39: 7B ld a,e EF3A: B8 cp b EF3B: 77 ld (hl),a EF3C: B8 cp b EF3D: 7B ld a,e EF3E: B8 cp b EF3F: 77 ld (hl),a EF40: B8 cp b EF41: 7B ld a,e EF42: B8 cp b EF43: 76 halt EF44: B8 cp b EF45: 76 halt EF46: B8 cp b EF47: 76 halt EF48: B8 cp b EF49: 77 ld (hl),a EF4A: B8 cp b EF4B: FE 05 cp $05 EF4D: 0B dec bc EF4E: 80 add a,b EF4F: B0 or b EF50: 7E ld a,(hl) EF51: B8 cp b EF52: 81 add a,c EF53: B0 or b EF54: 7E ld a,(hl) EF55: B8 cp b EF56: 88 adc a,b EF57: B0 or b EF58: 7E ld a,(hl) EF59: B8 cp b EF5A: 89 adc a,c EF5B: B0 or b EF5C: 7E ld a,(hl) EF5D: B8 cp b EF5E: 85 add a,l EF5F: B0 or b EF60: 7E ld a,(hl) EF61: B8 cp b EF62: 8C adc a,h EF63: B0 or b EF64: 7E ld a,(hl) EF65: B8 cp b EF66: 8D adc a,l EF67: B0 or b EF68: 7E ld a,(hl) EF69: B8 cp b EF6A: 87 add a,a EF6B: B0 or b EF6C: 7E ld a,(hl) EF6D: B8 cp b EF6E: 8F adc a,a EF6F: B0 or b EF70: 7E ld a,(hl) EF71: B8 cp b EF72: 83 add a,e EF73: B0 or b EF74: 8A adc a,d EF75: B0 or b EF76: 8B adc a,e EF77: B0 or b EF78: 86 add a,(hl) EF79: B0 or b EF7A: 7E ld a,(hl) EF7B: B8 cp b EF7C: FF rst $38 EF7D: 02 ld (bc),a EF7E: 07 rlca EF7F: 13 inc de EF80: 32 12 32 ld ($9818),a EF83: 18 32 jr $EF1D EF85: 1D dec e EF86: 32 17 32 ld ($981D),a EF89: 96 sub (hl) EF8A: D0 ret nc EF8B: 96 sub (hl) EF8C: D0 ret nc EF8D: 96 sub (hl) EF8E: D0 ret nc EF8F: 1B dec de EF90: 32 0A 32 ld ($980A),a EF93: 1D dec e EF94: 32 14 32 ld ($9814),a EF97: 96 sub (hl) EF98: D0 ret nc EF99: 96 sub (hl) EF9A: D0 ret nc EF9B: 96 sub (hl) EF9C: D0 ret nc EF9D: 1D dec e EF9E: 32 0A 32 ld ($980A),a EFA1: 1C inc e EFA2: 32 0E 32 ld ($980E),a EFA5: FE 0F cp $0F EFA7: 0E 7B ld c,$DB EFA9: B8 cp b EFAA: 76 halt EFAB: B8 cp b EFAC: 76 halt EFAD: B8 cp b EFAE: 76 halt EFAF: B8 cp b EFB0: 76 halt EFB1: B8 cp b EFB2: 77 ld (hl),a EFB3: B8 cp b EFB4: 96 sub (hl) EFB5: D0 ret nc EFB6: 7B ld a,e EFB7: B8 cp b EFB8: 76 halt EFB9: B8 cp b EFBA: 76 halt EFBB: B8 cp b EFBC: 76 halt EFBD: B8 cp b EFBE: 76 halt EFBF: B8 cp b EFC0: 77 ld (hl),a EFC1: B8 cp b EFC2: FE 04 cp $04 EFC4: 0F rrca EFC5: 01 32 85 ld bc,$2598 EFC8: 32 FE 0F ld ($0FFE),a EFCB: 0F rrca EFCC: 96 sub (hl) EFCD: B0 or b EFCE: 96 sub (hl) EFCF: B0 or b EFD0: 96 sub (hl) EFD1: B0 or b EFD2: 96 sub (hl) EFD3: B0 or b EFD4: 96 sub (hl) EFD5: B0 or b EFD6: 7E ld a,(hl) EFD7: B8 cp b EFD8: 96 sub (hl) EFD9: D0 ret nc EFDA: 96 sub (hl) EFDB: B0 or b EFDC: 96 sub (hl) EFDD: B0 or b EFDE: 96 sub (hl) EFDF: B0 or b EFE0: 96 sub (hl) EFE1: B0 or b EFE2: 96 sub (hl) EFE3: B0 or b EFE4: 7E ld a,(hl) EFE5: B8 cp b EFE6: FE 0F cp $0F EFE8: 10 7B djnz $EFC5 EFEA: B8 cp b EFEB: 76 halt EFEC: B8 cp b EFED: 76 halt EFEE: B8 cp b EFEF: 76 halt EFF0: B8 cp b EFF1: 76 halt EFF2: B8 cp b EFF3: 77 ld (hl),a EFF4: B8 cp b EFF5: 96 sub (hl) EFF6: D0 ret nc EFF7: 7B ld a,e EFF8: B8 cp b EFF9: 76 halt EFFA: B8 cp b EFFB: 76 halt EFFC: B8 cp b EFFD: 76 halt EFFE: B8 cp b EFFF: 76 halt F000: B8 cp b F001: 77 ld (hl),a F002: B8 cp b F003: FE 04 cp $04 F005: 11 08 32 ld de,$9802 F008: 85 add a,l F009: 32 FE 0F ld ($0FFE),a F00C: 11 96 B0 ld de,$B03C F00F: 96 sub (hl) F010: B0 or b F011: 96 sub (hl) F012: B0 or b F013: 96 sub (hl) F014: B0 or b F015: 96 sub (hl) F016: B0 or b F017: 7E ld a,(hl) F018: B8 cp b F019: 96 sub (hl) F01A: D0 ret nc F01B: 96 sub (hl) F01C: B0 or b F01D: 96 sub (hl) F01E: B0 or b F01F: 96 sub (hl) F020: B0 or b F021: 96 sub (hl) F022: B0 or b F023: 96 sub (hl) F024: B0 or b F025: 7E ld a,(hl) F026: B8 cp b F027: FE 0F cp $0F F029: 18 7B jr $F006 F02B: B8 cp b F02C: 76 halt F02D: B8 cp b F02E: 76 halt F02F: B8 cp b F030: 76 halt F031: B8 cp b F032: 76 halt F033: B8 cp b F034: 77 ld (hl),a F035: B8 cp b F036: 96 sub (hl) F037: D0 ret nc F038: 7B ld a,e F039: B8 cp b F03A: 76 halt F03B: B8 cp b F03C: 76 halt F03D: B8 cp b F03E: 76 halt F03F: B8 cp b F040: 76 halt F041: B8 cp b F042: 77 ld (hl),a F043: B8 cp b F044: FE 04 cp $04 F046: 19 add hl,de F047: 09 add hl,bc F048: 32 85 32 ld ($9825),a F04B: FE 0F cp $0F F04D: 19 add hl,de F04E: 96 sub (hl) F04F: B0 or b F050: 96 sub (hl) F051: B0 or b F052: 96 sub (hl) F053: B0 or b F054: 96 sub (hl) F055: B0 or b F056: 96 sub (hl) F057: B0 or b F058: 7E ld a,(hl) F059: B8 cp b F05A: 96 sub (hl) F05B: D0 ret nc F05C: 96 sub (hl) F05D: B0 or b F05E: 96 sub (hl) F05F: B0 or b F060: 96 sub (hl) F061: B0 or b F062: 96 sub (hl) F063: B0 or b F064: 96 sub (hl) F065: B0 or b F066: 7E ld a,(hl) F067: B8 cp b F068: FE 0F cp $0F F06A: 14 inc d F06B: 7B ld a,e F06C: B8 cp b F06D: 76 halt F06E: B8 cp b F06F: 76 halt F070: B8 cp b F071: 76 halt F072: B8 cp b F073: 76 halt F074: B8 cp b F075: 77 ld (hl),a F076: B8 cp b F077: 96 sub (hl) F078: D0 ret nc F079: 7B ld a,e F07A: B8 cp b F07B: 76 halt F07C: B8 cp b F07D: 76 halt F07E: B8 cp b F07F: 76 halt F080: B8 cp b F081: 76 halt F082: B8 cp b F083: 77 ld (hl),a F084: B8 cp b F085: FE 04 cp $04 F087: 15 dec d F088: 04 inc b F089: 32 85 32 ld ($9825),a F08C: FE 0F cp $0F F08E: 15 dec d F08F: 96 sub (hl) F090: B0 or b F091: 96 sub (hl) F092: B0 or b F093: 96 sub (hl) F094: B0 or b F095: 96 sub (hl) F096: B0 or b F097: 96 sub (hl) F098: B0 or b F099: 7E ld a,(hl) F09A: B8 cp b F09B: 96 sub (hl) F09C: D0 ret nc F09D: 96 sub (hl) F09E: B0 or b F09F: 96 sub (hl) F0A0: B0 or b F0A1: 96 sub (hl) F0A2: B0 or b F0A3: 96 sub (hl) F0A4: B0 or b F0A5: 96 sub (hl) F0A6: B0 or b F0A7: 7E ld a,(hl) F0A8: B8 cp b F0A9: FE 0F cp $0F F0AB: 1C inc e F0AC: 7B ld a,e F0AD: B8 cp b F0AE: 76 halt F0AF: B8 cp b F0B0: 76 halt F0B1: B8 cp b F0B2: 76 halt F0B3: B8 cp b F0B4: 76 halt F0B5: B8 cp b F0B6: 77 ld (hl),a F0B7: B8 cp b F0B8: 96 sub (hl) F0B9: D0 ret nc F0BA: 7B ld a,e F0BB: B8 cp b F0BC: 76 halt F0BD: B8 cp b F0BE: 76 halt F0BF: B8 cp b F0C0: 76 halt F0C1: B8 cp b F0C2: 76 halt F0C3: B8 cp b F0C4: 77 ld (hl),a F0C5: B8 cp b F0C6: FE 04 cp $04 F0C8: 1D dec e F0C9: 05 dec b F0CA: 32 85 32 ld ($9825),a F0CD: FE 0F cp $0F F0CF: 1D dec e F0D0: 96 sub (hl) F0D1: B0 or b F0D2: 96 sub (hl) F0D3: B0 or b F0D4: 96 sub (hl) F0D5: B0 or b F0D6: 96 sub (hl) F0D7: B0 or b F0D8: 96 sub (hl) F0D9: B0 or b F0DA: 7E ld a,(hl) F0DB: B8 cp b F0DC: 96 sub (hl) F0DD: D0 ret nc F0DE: 96 sub (hl) F0DF: B0 or b F0E0: 96 sub (hl) F0E1: B0 or b F0E2: 96 sub (hl) F0E3: B0 or b F0E4: 96 sub (hl) F0E5: B0 or b F0E6: 96 sub (hl) F0E7: B0 or b F0E8: 7E ld a,(hl) F0E9: B8 cp b F0EA: FE 0F cp $0F F0EC: 12 ld (de),a F0ED: 7B ld a,e F0EE: B8 cp b F0EF: 76 halt F0F0: B8 cp b F0F1: 76 halt F0F2: B8 cp b F0F3: 76 halt F0F4: B8 cp b F0F5: 76 halt F0F6: B8 cp b F0F7: 77 ld (hl),a F0F8: B8 cp b F0F9: 96 sub (hl) F0FA: D0 ret nc F0FB: 7B ld a,e F0FC: B8 cp b F0FD: 76 halt F0FE: B8 cp b F0FF: 76 halt F100: B8 cp b F101: 76 halt F102: B8 cp b F103: 76 halt F104: B8 cp b F105: 77 ld (hl),a F106: B8 cp b F107: FE 04 cp $04 F109: 13 inc de F10A: 0C inc c F10B: 32 85 32 ld ($9825),a F10E: FE 0F cp $0F F110: 13 inc de F111: 96 sub (hl) F112: B0 or b F113: 96 sub (hl) F114: B0 or b F115: 96 sub (hl) F116: B0 or b F117: 96 sub (hl) F118: B0 or b F119: 96 sub (hl) F11A: B0 or b F11B: 7E ld a,(hl) F11C: B8 cp b F11D: 96 sub (hl) F11E: D0 ret nc F11F: 96 sub (hl) F120: B0 or b F121: 96 sub (hl) F122: B0 or b F123: 96 sub (hl) F124: B0 or b F125: 96 sub (hl) F126: B0 or b F127: 96 sub (hl) F128: B0 or b F129: 7E ld a,(hl) F12A: B8 cp b F12B: FE 19 cp $13 F12D: 1F rra F12E: 96 sub (hl) F12F: 32 FF 0A ld ($0AFF),a F132: B0 or b F133: 0B dec bc F134: B0 or b F135: 06 B0 ld b,$B0 F137: 07 rlca F138: B0 or b F139: 0E B0 ld c,$B0 F13B: 0F rrca F13C: B0 or b F13D: 10 B0 djnz $F0EF F13F: 11 B0 18 ld de,$12B0 F142: B0 or b F143: 19 add hl,de F144: B0 or b F145: 14 inc d F146: B0 or b F147: 15 dec d F148: B0 or b F149: 1C inc e F14A: B0 or b F14B: 1D dec e F14C: B0 or b F14D: 12 ld (de),a F14E: B0 or b F14F: 13 inc de F150: B0 or b F151: 1A ld a,(de) F152: B0 or b F153: 1B dec de F154: B0 or b F155: 16 B0 ld d,$B0 F157: 17 rla F158: B0 or b F159: 1E B0 ld e,$B0 F15B: 1F rra F15C: B0 or b F15D: 80 add a,b F15E: B0 or b F15F: 81 add a,c F160: B0 or b F161: 88 adc a,b F162: B0 or b F163: 89 adc a,c F164: B0 or b F165: 85 add a,l F166: B0 or b F167: 8C adc a,h F168: B0 or b F169: 8D adc a,l F16A: B0 or b F16B: 87 add a,a F16C: B0 or b F16D: 8F adc a,a F16E: B0 or b F16F: 83 add a,e F170: B0 or b F171: 8F adc a,a F172: B0 or b F173: AF xor a F174: CD 5E BC call $B65E F177: CB 27 sla a F179: C6 0F add a,$0F F17B: 6F ld l,a F17C: 26 04 ld h,$04 F17E: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 F181: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 F184: 09 add hl,bc F185: E5 push hl F186: 06 0A ld b,$0A F188: 11 80 00 ld de,$0020 F18B: 36 30 ld (hl),$90 F18D: A7 and a F18E: ED 52 sbc hl,de F190: 10 F3 djnz $F18B F192: 3E 80 ld a,$20 F194: CD 5E BC call $B65E F197: E1 pop hl F198: E5 push hl F199: 06 0A ld b,$0A F19B: 11 80 00 ld de,$0020 F19E: 36 00 ld (hl),$00 F1A0: A7 and a F1A1: ED 52 sbc hl,de F1A3: 10 F3 djnz $F19E F1A5: 3E 80 ld a,$20 F1A7: CD 5E BC call $B65E F1AA: E1 pop hl F1AB: C3 25 F1 jp $F185 F1AE: 21 D7 EF ld hl,$EF7D F1B1: CD 31 B9 call $B391 F1B4: 06 0C ld b,$06 F1B6: FD 21 40 60 ld iy,$C040 F1BA: DD 21 02 6F ld ix,$CF08 F1BE: DD 36 00 0D ld (ix+$00),$07 F1C2: DD 36 01 0F ld (ix+$01),$0F F1C6: DD 36 0E FF ld (ix+$0e),$FF F1CA: C5 push bc F1CB: 06 09 ld b,$03 F1CD: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) F1D0: CB 3F srl a F1D2: CB 3F srl a F1D4: CB 3F srl a F1D6: CB 3F srl a F1D8: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a F1DB: DD 36 09 32 ld (ix+$03),$98 F1DF: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) F1E2: E6 0F and $0F F1E4: DD 77 04 ld (ix+$04),a F1E7: DD 36 05 32 ld (ix+$05),$98 F1EB: FD 23 inc iy F1ED: DD 23 inc ix F1EF: DD 23 inc ix F1F1: DD 23 inc ix F1F3: DD 23 inc ix F1F5: 10 7C djnz $F1CD F1F7: FD E5 push iy F1F9: DD 21 0A 6F ld ix,$CF0A F1FD: 06 05 ld b,$05 F1FF: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) F202: A7 and a F203: C2 10 F8 jp nz,$F210 F206: DD 36 00 96 ld (ix+$00),$3C F20A: DD 23 inc ix F20C: DD 23 inc ix F20E: 10 EF djnz $F1FF F210: 21 02 6F ld hl,$CF08 F213: CD 31 B9 call $B391 F216: FD E1 pop iy F218: DD 21 02 6F ld ix,$CF08 F21C: DD 34 01 inc (ix+$01) F21F: DD 34 01 inc (ix+$01) F222: 11 0F 00 ld de,$000F F225: FD 19 add iy,de F227: C1 pop bc F228: 10 A0 djnz $F1CA F22A: 06 0C ld b,$06 F22C: FD 21 40 60 ld iy,$C040 F230: DD 21 02 6F ld ix,$CF08 F234: DD 36 00 0F ld (ix+$00),$0F F238: DD 36 01 0F ld (ix+$01),$0F F23C: DD 36 08 96 ld (ix+$02),$3C F240: DD 36 04 07 ld (ix+$04),$0D F244: DD 36 05 0A ld (ix+$05),$0A F248: DD 36 0C 1D ld (ix+$06),$17 F24C: DD 36 0D FF ld (ix+$07),$FF F250: FD 7E 11 ld a,(iy+$11) F253: 3C inc a F254: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a F257: FE 0A cp $0A F259: DA DB F8 jp c,$F27B F25C: DD 36 08 01 ld (ix+$02),$01 F260: DD 36 09 00 ld (ix+$03),$00 F264: CA DB F8 jp z,$F27B F267: DD 36 08 06 ld (ix+$02),$0C F26B: DD 36 09 11 ld (ix+$03),$11 F26F: DD 36 04 0A ld (ix+$04),$0A F273: DD 36 05 1C ld (ix+$05),$16 F277: DD 36 0C 13 ld (ix+$06),$19 F27B: 21 02 6F ld hl,$CF08 F27E: 16 B0 ld d,$B0 F280: C5 push bc F281: CD 5D B9 call display_text_B357 F284: 11 18 00 ld de,$0012 F287: FD 19 add iy,de F289: DD 21 02 6F ld ix,$CF08 F28D: DD 34 01 inc (ix+$01) F290: DD 34 01 inc (ix+$01) F293: C1 pop bc F294: 10 AC djnz $F23C F296: 06 0C ld b,$06 F298: FD 21 40 60 ld iy,$C040 F29C: DD 21 02 6F ld ix,$CF08 F2A0: DD 36 00 1D ld (ix+$00),$17 F2A4: DD 36 01 0F ld (ix+$01),$0F F2A8: DD 36 02 FF ld (ix+$08),$FF F2AC: 06 0C ld b,$06 F2AE: C5 push bc F2AF: FD 7E 0C ld a,(iy+$06) F2B2: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a F2B5: FD 7E 0D ld a,(iy+$07) F2B8: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a F2BB: FD 7E 02 ld a,(iy+$08) F2BE: DD 77 04 ld (ix+$04),a F2C1: FD 7E 03 ld a,(iy+$09) F2C4: DD 77 05 ld (ix+$05),a F2C7: FD 7E 0A ld a,(iy+$0a) F2CA: DD 77 0C ld (ix+$06),a F2CD: FD 7E 0B ld a,(iy+$0b) F2D0: DD 77 0D ld (ix+$07),a F2D3: FD E5 push iy F2D5: 21 02 6F ld hl,$CF08 F2D8: CD 31 B9 call $B391 F2DB: FD E1 pop iy F2DD: C1 pop bc F2DE: DD 21 02 6F ld ix,$CF08 F2E2: DD 34 01 inc (ix+$01) F2E5: DD 34 01 inc (ix+$01) F2E8: 11 18 00 ld de,$0012 F2EB: FD 19 add iy,de F2ED: 10 BF djnz $F2AE F2EF: C9 ret F2F0: 06 0C ld b,$06 F2F2: DD 21 40 60 ld ix,$C040 F2F6: 11 18 00 ld de,$0012 F2F9: FD 21 62 60 ld iy,$C0C8 F2FD: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) F300: CB 57 bit 2,a F302: C2 03 F9 jp nz,$F309 F305: FD 21 70 60 ld iy,$C0D0 F309: FD 7E 08 ld a,(iy+$02) F30C: DD 96 08 sub (ix+$02) F30F: FD 7E 01 ld a,(iy+$01) F312: DD 9E 01 sbc a,(ix+$01) F315: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) F318: DD 9E 00 sbc a,(ix+$00) F31B: D2 87 F9 jp nc,$F32D F31E: DD 19 add ix,de F320: 10 ED djnz $F309 F322: E1 pop hl F323: 3E 01 ld a,$01 F325: 06 01 ld b,$01 F327: CD AE BC call $B6AE F32A: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 F32D: 3E 0C ld a,$06 F32F: 90 sub b F330: C5 push bc F331: FD E5 push iy F333: DD E5 push ix F335: 47 ld b,a F336: 3E 1C ld a,$16 F338: CD AE BC call $B6AE F33B: DD E1 pop ix F33D: FD E1 pop iy F33F: C1 pop bc F340: 05 dec b F341: CA 55 F9 jp z,$F355 F344: 3E 00 ld a,$00 F346: C6 18 add a,$12 F348: 10 F6 djnz $F346 F34A: 06 00 ld b,$00 F34C: 4F ld c,a F34D: 21 33 60 ld hl,$C099 F350: 11 AB 60 ld de,$C0AB F353: ED B8 lddr F355: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) F358: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a F35B: FD 7E 01 ld a,(iy+$01) F35E: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a F361: FD 7E 08 ld a,(iy+$02) F364: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a F367: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) F36A: DD 77 11 ld (ix+$11),a F36D: DD 22 0C 6F ld ($CF06),ix F371: 01 0C 00 ld bc,$0006 F374: DD 09 add ix,bc F376: DD 36 00 96 ld (ix+$00),$3C F37A: DD 36 01 B0 ld (ix+$01),$B0 F37E: DD 36 08 96 ld (ix+$02),$3C F382: DD 36 09 B0 ld (ix+$03),$B0 F386: DD 36 04 96 ld (ix+$04),$3C F38A: DD 36 05 B0 ld (ix+$05),$B0 F38E: DD 36 0C 96 ld (ix+$06),$3C F392: DD 36 0D B0 ld (ix+$07),$B0 F396: DD 36 02 96 ld (ix+$08),$3C F39A: DD 36 03 B0 ld (ix+$09),$B0 F39E: C9 ret F39F: F5 push af F3A0: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F3A3: D6 0D sub $07 F3A5: 57 ld d,a F3A6: 1E 0B ld e,$0B F3A8: CD 69 B0 call $B0C3 F3AB: DD 21 91 F1 ld ix,$F131 F3AF: DD 19 add ix,de F3B1: 3A 00 6F ld a,($CF00) F3B4: D6 05 sub $05 F3B6: 06 00 ld b,$00 F3B8: 4F ld c,a F3B9: DD 09 add ix,bc F3BB: F1 pop af F3BC: 0E B0 ld c,$B0 F3BE: A7 and a F3BF: CA 64 F9 jp z,$F3C4 F3C2: 0E A2 ld c,$A8 F3C4: 79 ld a,c F3C5: F5 push af F3C6: 3A 00 6F ld a,($CF00) F3C9: 67 ld h,a F3CA: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F3CD: 6F ld l,a F3CE: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 F3D1: 11 00 04 ld de,$0400 F3D4: 19 add hl,de F3D5: F1 pop af F3D6: 77 ld (hl),a F3D7: 47 ld b,a F3D8: 3A 00 6F ld a,($CF00) F3DB: FE 1D cp $17 F3DD: CA EC F9 jp z,$F3E6 F3E0: FE 13 cp $19 F3E2: CA EC F9 jp z,$F3E6 F3E5: C9 ret F3E6: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F3E9: FE 0B cp $0B F3EB: C0 ret nz F3EC: 11 E0 FF ld de,$FFE0 F3EF: 19 add hl,de F3F0: 70 ld (hl),b F3F1: C9 ret F3F2: C9 ret F3F3: 3E 01 ld a,$01 F3F5: CD 5E BC call $B65E F3F8: 3A 09 6F ld a,($CF03) F3FB: D6 01 sub $01 F3FD: 27 daa F3FE: 32 09 6F ld ($CF03),a F401: 3A 08 6F ld a,($CF02) F404: DE 00 sbc a,$00 F406: 27 daa F407: 32 08 6F ld ($CF02),a F40A: 26 12 ld h,$18 F40C: 2E 09 ld l,$03 F40E: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 F411: E5 push hl F412: DD E1 pop ix F414: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 F417: 3A 08 6F ld a,($CF02) F41A: CB 3F srl a F41C: CB 3F srl a F41E: CB 3F srl a F420: CB 3F srl a F422: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a F425: 3A 08 6F ld a,($CF02) F428: E6 0F and $0F F42A: DD 77 E0 ld (ix-$20),a F42D: DD 09 add ix,bc F42F: DD 36 00 32 ld (ix+$00),$98 F433: DD 36 E0 32 ld (ix-$20),$98 F437: 21 08 6F ld hl,$CF02 F43A: 7E ld a,(hl) F43B: 23 inc hl F43C: B6 or (hl) F43D: FE 00 cp $00 F43F: C2 44 F4 jp nz,$F444 F442: 3D dec a F443: C9 ret F444: CD 3C BB call $BB96 F447: A7 and a F448: CA F9 F9 jp z,$F3F3 F44B: F5 push af F44C: 3E 00 ld a,$00 F44E: CD 3F F9 call $F39F F451: F1 pop af F452: F5 push af F453: E6 F0 and $F0 F455: FE 20 cp $80 F457: CA 30 F4 jp z,$F490 F45A: FE 40 cp $40 F45C: CA A8 F4 jp z,$F4A2 F45F: FE 80 cp $20 F461: CA B4 F4 jp z,$F4B4 F464: FE 10 cp $10 F466: C2 E9 F4 jp nz,$F4E3 F469: 3A 00 6F ld a,($CF00) F46C: 3C inc a F46D: 3C inc a F46E: 32 00 6F ld ($CF00),a F471: FE 1B cp $1B F473: DA 27 F4 jp c,$F48D F476: 3E 05 ld a,$05 F478: 32 00 6F ld ($CF00),a F47B: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F47E: 3C inc a F47F: 3C inc a F480: FE 07 cp $0D F482: DA 2D F4 jp c,$F487 F485: 3E 0D ld a,$07 F487: 32 01 6F ld ($CF01),a F48A: C3 E9 F4 jp $F4E3 F48D: C3 E9 F4 jp $F4E3 F490: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F493: 3C inc a F494: 3C inc a F495: FE 07 cp $0D F497: DA 36 F4 jp c,$F49C F49A: 3E 0D ld a,$07 F49C: 32 01 6F ld ($CF01),a F49F: C3 E9 F4 jp $F4E3 F4A2: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F4A5: 3D dec a F4A6: 3D dec a F4A7: FE 05 cp $05 F4A9: C2 AE F4 jp nz,$F4AE F4AC: 3E 0B ld a,$0B F4AE: 32 01 6F ld ($CF01),a F4B1: C3 E9 F4 jp $F4E3 F4B4: 3A 00 6F ld a,($CF00) F4B7: 3D dec a F4B8: 3D dec a F4B9: FE 09 cp $03 F4BB: CA 64 F4 jp z,$F4C4 F4BE: 32 00 6F ld ($CF00),a F4C1: C3 E9 F4 jp $F4E3 F4C4: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F4C7: FE 0D cp $07 F4C9: C2 73 F4 jp nz,$F4D9 F4CC: 3E 13 ld a,$19 F4CE: 32 00 6F ld ($CF00),a F4D1: 3E 0B ld a,$0B F4D3: 32 01 6F ld ($CF01),a F4D6: C3 E9 F4 jp $F4E3 F4D9: 3E 13 ld a,$19 F4DB: 32 00 6F ld ($CF00),a F4DE: 21 01 6F ld hl,$CF01 F4E1: 35 dec (hl) F4E2: 35 dec (hl) F4E3: 3E 01 ld a,$01 F4E5: CD 3F F9 call $F39F F4E8: F1 pop af F4E9: E6 0F and $0F F4EB: CA 70 F5 jp z,$F5D0 F4EE: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F4F1: FE 0B cp $0B F4F3: C2 01 F5 jp nz,$F501 F4F6: 3A 00 6F ld a,($CF00) F4F9: FE 13 cp $19 F4FB: C2 01 F5 jp nz,$F501 F4FE: 3E FF ld a,$FF F500: C9 ret F501: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F504: FE 0B cp $0B F506: C2 55 F5 jp nz,$F555 F509: 3A 00 6F ld a,($CF00) F50C: FE 1D cp $17 F50E: C2 55 F5 jp nz,$F555 F511: 3E 1C ld a,$16 F513: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 F516: 3A 05 6F ld a,($CF05) F519: 3D dec a F51A: FE FF cp $FF F51C: CA 70 F5 jp z,$F5D0 F51F: 32 05 6F ld ($CF05),a F522: 26 0E ld h,$0E F524: 2E 04 ld l,$04 F526: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 F529: E5 push hl F52A: 3A 05 6F ld a,($CF05) F52D: 5F ld e,a F52E: 16 80 ld d,$20 F530: CD 69 B0 call $B0C3 F533: E1 pop hl F534: A7 and a F535: ED 52 sbc hl,de F537: 36 96 ld (hl),$3C F539: 11 00 04 ld de,$0400 F53C: 19 add hl,de F53D: 36 B0 ld (hl),$B0 F53F: 2A 0C 6F ld hl,($CF06) F542: 3A 05 6F ld a,($CF05) F545: CB 27 sla a F547: C6 0C add a,$06 F549: 06 00 ld b,$00 F54B: 4F ld c,a F54C: 09 add hl,bc F54D: 36 84 ld (hl),$24 F54F: 23 inc hl F550: 36 B0 ld (hl),$B0 F552: C3 70 F5 jp $F5D0 F555: 3E 1C ld a,$16 F557: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 F55A: 3A 01 6F ld a,($CF01) F55D: D6 0D sub $07 F55F: 57 ld d,a F560: 1E 0B ld e,$0B F562: CD 69 B0 call $B0C3 F565: 26 00 ld h,$00 F567: 3A 00 6F ld a,($CF00) F56A: D6 05 sub $05 F56C: 6F ld l,a F56D: 19 add hl,de F56E: 11 91 F1 ld de,$F131 F571: 19 add hl,de F572: E5 push hl F573: 26 0E ld h,$0E F575: 2E 04 ld l,$04 F577: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 F57A: E5 push hl F57B: 3A 05 6F ld a,($CF05) F57E: FE 09 cp $03 F580: C2 24 F5 jp nz,$F584 F583: 3D dec a F584: 57 ld d,a F585: 1E 80 ld e,$20 F587: CD 69 B0 call $B0C3 F58A: E1 pop hl F58B: A7 and a F58C: ED 52 sbc hl,de F58E: E5 push hl F58F: FD E1 pop iy F591: DD E1 pop ix F593: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) F596: FD 77 00 ld (iy+$00),a F599: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 F59C: FD 09 add iy,bc F59E: FD 36 00 A2 ld (iy+$00),$A8 F5A2: FD 2A 0C 6F ld iy,($CF06) F5A6: 3A 05 6F ld a,($CF05) F5A9: FE 09 cp $03 F5AB: C2 AF F5 jp nz,$F5AF F5AE: 3D dec a F5AF: CB 27 sla a F5B1: C6 0C add a,$06 F5B3: 06 00 ld b,$00 F5B5: 4F ld c,a F5B6: FD 09 add iy,bc F5B8: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) F5BB: FD 77 00 ld (iy+$00),a F5BE: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) F5C1: FD 77 01 ld (iy+$01),a F5C4: 3A 05 6F ld a,($CF05) F5C7: FE 09 cp $03 F5C9: CA 67 F5 jp z,$F5CD F5CC: 3C inc a F5CD: 32 05 6F ld ($CF05),a F5D0: 06 02 ld b,$08 F5D2: 3E 01 ld a,$01 F5D4: C5 push bc F5D5: CD 5E BC call $B65E F5D8: 3A 09 6F ld a,($CF03) F5DB: D6 01 sub $01 F5DD: 27 daa F5DE: 32 09 6F ld ($CF03),a F5E1: 3A 08 6F ld a,($CF02) F5E4: DE 00 sbc a,$00 F5E6: 27 daa F5E7: 32 08 6F ld ($CF02),a F5EA: 26 12 ld h,$18 F5EC: 2E 09 ld l,$03 F5EE: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 F5F1: 3A 08 6F ld a,($CF02) F5F4: CB 3F srl a F5F6: CB 3F srl a F5F8: CB 3F srl a F5FA: CB 3F srl a F5FC: 77 ld (hl),a F5FD: E5 push hl F5FE: FD E1 pop iy F600: 3A 08 6F ld a,($CF02) F603: E6 0F and $0F F605: FD 77 E0 ld (iy-$20),a F608: 01 00 04 ld bc,$0400 F60B: FD 09 add iy,bc F60D: FD 36 00 32 ld (iy+$00),$98 F611: FD 36 E0 32 ld (iy-$20),$98 F615: CD 3C BB call $BB96 F618: C1 pop bc F619: E6 0F and $0F F61B: CA 80 FC jp z,$F620 F61E: 06 02 ld b,$08 F620: 21 08 6F ld hl,$CF02 F623: 7E ld a,(hl) F624: 23 inc hl F625: B6 or (hl) F626: C2 86 FC jp nz,$F62C F629: 3E FF ld a,$FF F62B: C9 ret F62C: 10 A4 djnz $F5D2 F62E: C3 F9 F9 jp $F3F3 F631: 3E 01 ld a,$01 F633: CD B5 BB call $BBB5 F636: 3E 01 ld a,$01 F638: CD 5E BC call $B65E F63B: CD F0 F8 call $F2F0 F63E: 01 96 D0 ld bc,$703C F641: CD 1C B9 call $B316 F644: DD 21 00 6D ld ix,referee_x_pos_C700 F648: 06 40 ld b,$40 F64A: DD 36 00 00 ld (ix+$00),$00 F64E: DD 23 inc ix F650: DD 23 inc ix F652: DD 23 inc ix F654: DD 23 inc ix F656: 10 F8 djnz $F64A F658: 21 71 E7 ld hl,$EDD1 F65B: CD 31 B9 call $B391 F65E: CD AE F1 call $F1AE F661: DD 21 02 6F ld ix,$CF08 F665: DD 36 00 05 ld (ix+$00),$05 F669: DD 36 01 04 ld (ix+$01),$04 F66D: DD 36 08 96 ld (ix+$02),$3C F671: DD 36 04 07 ld (ix+$04),$0D F675: DD 36 05 0A ld (ix+$05),$0A F679: DD 36 0C 1D ld (ix+$06),$17 F67D: DD 36 0D FF ld (ix+$07),$FF F681: 3A 10 63 ld a,(computer_skill_C910) F684: 3C inc a F685: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a F688: FE 0A cp $0A F68A: DA A6 FC jp c,$F6AC F68D: DD 36 08 01 ld (ix+$02),$01 F691: DD 36 09 00 ld (ix+$03),$00 F695: CA A6 FC jp z,$F6AC F698: DD 36 08 06 ld (ix+$02),$0C F69C: DD 36 09 11 ld (ix+$03),$11 F6A0: DD 36 04 0A ld (ix+$04),$0A F6A4: DD 36 05 1C ld (ix+$05),$16 F6A8: DD 36 0C 13 ld (ix+$06),$19 F6AC: 21 02 6F ld hl,$CF08 F6AF: 16 A2 ld d,$A8 F6B1: CD 5D B9 call display_text_B357 F6B4: AF xor a F6B5: 32 09 6F ld ($CF03),a F6B8: 3E 90 ld a,$30 F6BA: 32 08 6F ld ($CF02),a F6BD: AF xor a F6BE: 32 05 6F ld ($CF05),a F6C1: 3E 05 ld a,$05 F6C3: 32 00 6F ld ($CF00),a F6C6: 3E 0D ld a,$07 F6C8: 32 01 6F ld ($CF01),a F6CB: 3E 01 ld a,$01 F6CD: CD 3F F9 call $F39F F6D0: CD F9 F9 call $F3F3 F6D3: CD AE F1 call $F1AE F6D6: 3E 90 ld a,$30 F6D8: CD 5E BC call $B65E F6DB: 3E 01 ld a,$01 F6DD: 06 01 ld b,$01 F6DF: CD AE BC call $B6AE F6E2: CD A5 B5 call $B5A5 F6E5: 01 C6 00 ld bc,$006C F6E8: 21 F1 FC ld hl,$F6F1 F6EB: 11 40 60 ld de,$C040 F6EE: ED B0 ldir F6F0: C9 ret F6F1: 08 ex af,af' F6F2: 00 nop F6F3: 00 nop F6F4: 00 nop F6F5: 00 nop F6F6: 00 nop F6F7: 19 add hl,de F6F8: B0 or b F6F9: 1E B0 ld e,$B0 F6FB: 06 B0 ld b,$B0 F6FD: 14 inc d F6FE: B0 or b F6FF: 88 adc a,b F700: B0 or b F701: 00 nop F702: 09 add hl,bc F703: 01 20 00 ld bc,$0080 F706: 00 nop F707: 00 nop F708: 00 nop F709: 1C inc e F70A: B0 or b F70B: 0A ld a,(bc) F70C: B0 or b F70D: 1B dec de F70E: B0 or b F70F: 88 adc a,b F710: B0 or b F711: 96 sub (hl) F712: B0 or b F713: 00 nop F714: 08 ex af,af' F715: 01 C0 00 ld bc,$0060 F718: 00 nop F719: 00 nop F71A: 00 nop F71B: 14 inc d F71C: B0 or b F71D: 1E B0 ld e,$B0 F71F: 1D dec e F720: B0 or b F721: 17 rla F722: B0 or b F723: 0A ld a,(bc) F724: B0 or b F725: 00 nop F726: 08 ex af,af' F727: 01 40 00 ld bc,$0040 F72A: 00 nop F72B: 00 nop F72C: 00 nop F72D: 1B dec de F72E: B0 or b F72F: 0E B0 ld c,$B0 F731: 18 B0 jr $F6E3 F733: 14 inc d F734: B0 or b F735: 12 ld (de),a F736: B0 or b F737: 00 nop F738: 01 01 80 ld bc,$2001 F73B: 00 nop F73C: 00 nop F73D: 00 nop F73E: 00 nop F73F: 19 add hl,de F740: B0 or b F741: 12 ld (de),a F742: B0 or b F743: 1D dec e F744: B0 or b F745: 88 adc a,b F746: B0 or b F747: 96 sub (hl) F748: B0 or b F749: 00 nop F74A: 01 01 00 ld bc,$0001 F74D: 00 nop F74E: 00 nop F74F: 00 nop F750: 00 nop F751: 8F adc a,a F752: B0 or b F753: 8F adc a,a F754: B0 or b F755: 8F adc a,a F756: B0 or b F757: 8F adc a,a F758: B0 or b F759: 8F adc a,a F75A: B0 or b F75B: 00 nop F75C: 01 FD 21 ld bc,$81F7 F75F: 64 ld h,h F760: FD db $fd F761: 11 00 00 ld de,$0000 F764: 5F ld e,a F765: CB 23 sla e F767: CB 12 rl d F769: FD 19 add iy,de F76B: FD 5E 00 ld e,(iy+$00) F76E: FD 56 01 ld d,(iy+$01) F771: D5 push de F772: FD E1 pop iy F774: 01 08 00 ld bc,$0002 F777: FD 09 add iy,bc F779: FD 46 FF ld b,(iy-$01) F77C: FD 4E FE ld c,(iy-$02) F77F: C5 push bc F780: 41 ld b,c F781: E5 push hl F782: 7C ld a,h F783: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a F786: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) F789: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a F78C: FD 7E 08 ld a,(iy+$02) F78F: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a F792: 7D ld a,l F793: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a F796: FD 7E 01 ld a,(iy+$01) F799: CB 27 sla a F79B: CB 27 sla a F79D: CB 27 sla a F79F: CB 27 sla a F7A1: DD B6 08 or (ix+$02) F7A4: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a F7A7: 3E 10 ld a,$10 F7A9: 84 add a,h F7AA: 67 ld h,a F7AB: FD 23 inc iy F7AD: FD 23 inc iy F7AF: FD 23 inc iy F7B1: DD 23 inc ix F7B3: DD 23 inc ix F7B5: DD 23 inc ix F7B7: DD 23 inc ix F7B9: 10 6D djnz $F782 F7BB: E1 pop hl F7BC: 3E 10 ld a,$10 F7BE: 85 add a,l F7BF: 6F ld l,a F7C0: C1 pop bc F7C1: 10 B6 djnz $F77F F7C3: C9 ret F7C4: 88 adc a,b F7C5: F2 96 F2 jp p,$F83C F7C8: 26 F2 ld h,$F8 F7CA: 3A F2 BC ld a,($B6F8) F7CD: F2 64 F2 jp p,$F8C4 F7D0: A2 and d F7D1: F2 F2 FD jp p,$F7F8 F7D4: 0C inc c F7D5: F2 14 F2 jp p,$F814 F7D8: 5D ld e,l F7D9: F2 D1 F2 jp p,$F871 F7DC: FF rst $38 F7DD: FF rst $38 F7DE: FF rst $38 F7DF: FF rst $38 F7E0: FF rst $38 F7E1: FF rst $38 F7E2: FF rst $38 F7E3: FF rst $38 F7E4: 72 ld (hl),d F7E5: F2 FE F2 jp p,$F8FE F7E8: 84 add a,h F7E9: F3 di F7EA: 50 ld d,b F7EB: F3 di F7EC: 84 add a,h F7ED: F3 di F7EE: 50 ld d,b F7EF: F3 di F7F0: D6 F3 sub $F9 F7F2: 3C inc a F7F3: F3 di F7F4: B0 or b F7F5: F3 di F7F6: 6A ld l,d F7F7: F3 di F7F8: 08 ex af,af' F7F9: 08 ex af,af' F7FA: 23 inc hl F7FB: 09 add hl,bc F7FC: 06 2A ld b,$8A F7FE: 09 add hl,bc F7FF: 06 2B ld b,$8B F801: 09 add hl,bc F802: 06 26 ld b,$8C F804: 09 add hl,bc F805: 06 08 ld b,$02 F807: 08 ex af,af' F808: 27 daa F809: 09 add hl,bc F80A: 06 2E ld b,$8E F80C: 09 add hl,bc F80D: 06 2F ld b,$8F F80F: 09 add hl,bc F810: 06 30 ld b,$90 F812: 09 add hl,bc F813: 06 08 ld b,$02 F815: 08 ex af,af' F816: 31 09 06 ld sp,$0C03 F819: 38 09 jr c,$F81E F81B: 06 39 ld b,$93 F81D: 09 add hl,bc F81E: 06 34 ld b,$94 F820: 09 add hl,bc F821: 06 08 ld b,$02 F823: 04 inc b F824: 48 ld c,b F825: 04 inc b F826: 01 49 04 ld bc,$0443 F829: 01 44 04 ld bc,$0444 F82C: 01 45 04 ld bc,$0445 F82F: 01 4C 04 ld bc,$0446 F832: 01 4D 04 ld bc,$0447 F835: 01 42 04 ld bc,$0448 F838: 01 43 04 ld bc,$0449 F83B: 01 08 04 ld bc,$0402 F83E: 4A ld c,d F83F: 04 inc b F840: 01 4B 04 ld bc,$044B F843: 01 46 04 ld bc,$044C F846: 01 47 04 ld bc,$044D F849: 01 4E 04 ld bc,$044E F84C: 01 4F 04 ld bc,$044F F84F: 01 50 04 ld bc,$0450 F852: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 F855: 01 00 08 ld bc,$0200 F858: 04 inc b F859: 48 ld c,b F85A: 04 inc b F85B: 08 ex af,af' F85C: 49 ld c,c F85D: 04 inc b F85E: 08 ex af,af' F85F: 44 ld b,h F860: 04 inc b F861: 08 ex af,af' F862: 45 ld b,l F863: 04 inc b F864: 08 ex af,af' F865: 4C ld c,h F866: 04 inc b F867: 08 ex af,af' F868: 4D ld c,l F869: 04 inc b F86A: 08 ex af,af' F86B: 42 ld b,d F86C: 04 inc b F86D: 08 ex af,af' F86E: 43 ld b,e F86F: 04 inc b F870: 08 ex af,af' F871: 08 ex af,af' F872: 04 inc b F873: 4A ld c,d F874: 04 inc b F875: 08 ex af,af' F876: 4B ld c,e F877: 04 inc b F878: 08 ex af,af' F879: 46 ld b,(hl) F87A: 04 inc b F87B: 08 ex af,af' F87C: 47 ld b,a F87D: 04 inc b F87E: 08 ex af,af' F87F: 4E ld c,(hl) F880: 04 inc b F881: 08 ex af,af' F882: 4F ld c,a F883: 04 inc b F884: 08 ex af,af' F885: 50 ld d,b F886: 04 inc b F887: 08 ex af,af' F888: 00 nop F889: 00 nop F88A: 08 ex af,af' F88B: 00 nop F88C: 08 ex af,af' F88D: 08 ex af,af' F88E: C1 pop bc F88F: 04 inc b F890: 01 C8 04 ld bc,$0462 F893: 01 C9 04 ld bc,$0463 F896: 01 C4 04 ld bc,$0464 F899: 01 08 08 ld bc,$0202 F89C: CD 04 01 call $0104 F89F: CD 04 21 call $8104 F8A2: C2 04 05 jp nz,$0504 F8A5: C2 04 25 jp nz,$8504 F8A8: 08 ex af,af' F8A9: 08 ex af,af' F8AA: C5 push bc F8AB: 04 inc b F8AC: 01 C5 04 ld bc,$0465 F8AF: 21 CC 04 ld hl,$0466 F8B2: 05 dec b F8B3: CC 04 25 call z,$8504 F8B6: 08 ex af,af' F8B7: 08 ex af,af' F8B8: 00 nop F8B9: 00 nop F8BA: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 F8BD: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 F8C0: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 F8C3: 01 08 09 ld bc,$0302 F8C6: CD 04 01 call $0104 F8C9: CD 04 21 call $8104 F8CC: C2 04 05 jp nz,$0504 F8CF: C2 04 25 jp nz,$8504 F8D2: C9 ret F8D3: 04 inc b F8D4: 05 dec b F8D5: C4 04 05 call nz,$0504 F8D8: 04 inc b F8D9: 09 add hl,bc F8DA: C3 04 08 jp $0204 F8DD: CA 04 09 jp z,$0304 F8E0: CB 04 rlc h F8E2: 09 add hl,bc F8E3: C6 04 add a,$04 F8E5: 09 add hl,bc F8E6: C7 rst $00 F8E7: 04 inc b F8E8: 09 add hl,bc F8E9: CE 04 adc a,$04 F8EB: 09 add hl,bc F8EC: FF rst $38 F8ED: 09 add hl,bc F8EE: 09 add hl,bc F8EF: CF rst $08 F8F0: 04 inc b F8F1: 09 add hl,bc F8F2: D0 ret nc F8F3: 04 inc b F8F4: 09 add hl,bc F8F5: D1 pop de F8F6: 04 inc b F8F7: 09 add hl,bc F8F8: D8 ret c F8F9: 04 inc b F8FA: 09 add hl,bc F8FB: D9 exx F8FC: 04 inc b F8FD: 09 add hl,bc F8FE: 04 inc b F8FF: 09 add hl,bc F900: C3 04 09 jp $0304 F903: CA 04 09 jp z,$0304 F906: CB 04 rlc h F908: 09 add hl,bc F909: 64 ld h,h F90A: 04 inc b F90B: 09 add hl,bc F90C: C7 rst $00 F90D: 04 inc b F90E: 09 add hl,bc F90F: CE 04 adc a,$04 F911: 09 add hl,bc F912: FF rst $38 F913: 09 add hl,bc F914: 09 add hl,bc F915: D3 04 out ($04),a F917: 09 add hl,bc F918: D5 push de F919: 04 inc b F91A: 09 add hl,bc F91B: DC 04 09 call c,$0304 F91E: DD db $dd F91F: 04 inc b F920: 09 add hl,bc F921: D2 04 09 jp nc,$0304 F924: 0E 01 ld c,$01 F926: D6 04 sub $04 F928: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) F92B: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) F92E: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) F931: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) F934: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) F937: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) F93A: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) F93D: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) F940: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) F943: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) F946: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) F949: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) F94C: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) F94F: 2A 0E 01 ld hl,($010E) F952: DE 04 sbc a,$04 F954: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) F957: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) F95A: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) F95D: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) F960: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) F963: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) F966: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) F969: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) F96C: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) F96F: 2A D6 04 ld hl,($047C) F972: 2A D7 04 ld hl,($047D) F975: 2A DE 04 ld hl,($047E) F978: 2A DF 04 ld hl,($047F) F97B: 2A 08 04 ld hl,($0402) F97E: 51 ld d,c F97F: 04 inc b F980: 01 58 04 ld bc,$0452 F983: 01 59 04 ld bc,$0453 F986: 01 54 04 ld bc,$0454 F989: 01 55 04 ld bc,$0455 F98C: 01 5C 04 ld bc,$0456 F98F: 01 5D 04 ld bc,$0457 F992: 01 52 04 ld bc,$0458 F995: 01 08 04 ld bc,$0402 F998: 53 ld d,e F999: 04 inc b F99A: 01 5A 04 ld bc,$045A F99D: 01 5B 04 ld bc,$045B F9A0: 01 56 04 ld bc,$045C F9A3: 01 57 04 ld bc,$045D F9A6: 01 5E 04 ld bc,$045E F9A9: 01 5F 04 ld bc,$045F F9AC: 01 C0 04 ld bc,$0460 F9AF: 01 08 04 ld bc,$0402 F9B2: 51 ld d,c F9B3: 04 inc b F9B4: 08 ex af,af' F9B5: 58 ld e,b F9B6: 04 inc b F9B7: 08 ex af,af' F9B8: 59 ld e,c F9B9: 04 inc b F9BA: 08 ex af,af' F9BB: 54 ld d,h F9BC: 04 inc b F9BD: 08 ex af,af' F9BE: 55 ld d,l F9BF: 04 inc b F9C0: 08 ex af,af' F9C1: 5C ld e,h F9C2: 04 inc b F9C3: 08 ex af,af' F9C4: 5D ld e,l F9C5: 04 inc b F9C6: 08 ex af,af' F9C7: 52 ld d,d F9C8: 04 inc b F9C9: 08 ex af,af' F9CA: 08 ex af,af' F9CB: 04 inc b F9CC: 53 ld d,e F9CD: 04 inc b F9CE: 08 ex af,af' F9CF: 5A ld e,d F9D0: 04 inc b F9D1: 08 ex af,af' F9D2: 5B ld e,e F9D3: 04 inc b F9D4: 08 ex af,af' F9D5: 56 ld d,(hl) F9D6: 04 inc b F9D7: 08 ex af,af' F9D8: 57 ld d,a F9D9: 04 inc b F9DA: 08 ex af,af' F9DB: 5E ld e,(hl) F9DC: 04 inc b F9DD: 08 ex af,af' F9DE: 5F ld e,a F9DF: 04 inc b F9E0: 08 ex af,af' F9E1: C0 ret nz F9E2: 04 inc b F9E3: 08 ex af,af' F9E4: FD 21 82 FA ld iy,$FA28 F9E8: 16 00 ld d,$00 F9EA: 5F ld e,a F9EB: CB 23 sla e F9ED: CB 12 rl d F9EF: FD 19 add iy,de F9F1: FD 5E 00 ld e,(iy+$00) F9F4: FD 56 01 ld d,(iy+$01) F9F7: D5 push de F9F8: FD E1 pop iy F9FA: FD 46 01 ld b,(iy+$01) F9FD: FD 4E 00 ld c,(iy+$00) FA00: FD 23 inc iy FA02: FD 23 inc iy FA04: C5 push bc FA05: 41 ld b,c FA06: C5 push bc FA07: E5 push hl FA08: CD FC B8 call $B2F6 FA0B: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) FA0E: 77 ld (hl),a FA0F: 11 00 04 ld de,$0400 FA12: 19 add hl,de FA13: FD 7E 01 ld a,(iy+$01) FA16: 77 ld (hl),a FA17: E1 pop hl FA18: C1 pop bc FA19: 24 inc h FA1A: FD 23 inc iy FA1C: FD 23 inc iy FA1E: 10 EC djnz $FA06 FA20: 7C ld a,h FA21: 91 sub c FA22: 67 ld h,a FA23: 2C inc l FA24: C1 pop bc FA25: 10 77 djnz $FA04 FA27: C9 ret FA28: B8 cp b FA29: FA 6C FA jp m,$FAC6 FA2C: 0A ld a,(bc) FA2D: FB ei FA2E: E6 FB and $FB FA30: 7A ld a,d FA31: FA F8 FA jp m,$FAF2 FA34: 8E adc a,(hl) FA35: F6 48 or $42 FA37: F6 5C or $56 FA39: F6 CA or $6A FA3B: F6 FF or $FF FA3D: FF rst $38 FA3E: FF rst $38 FA3F: FF rst $38 FA40: FF rst $38 FA41: FF rst $38 FA42: FF rst $38 FA43: FF rst $38 FA44: FF rst $38 FA45: FF rst $38 FA46: FF rst $38 FA47: FF rst $38 FA48: C2 FA C2 jp nz,$68FA FA4B: FA C2 FA jp m,$FA68 FA4E: C2 FA C2 jp nz,$68FA FA51: FA C2 FA jp m,$FA68 FA54: C2 FA C2 jp nz,$68FA FA57: FA C2 FA jp m,$FA68 FA5A: C2 FA C2 jp nz,$68FA FA5D: FA C2 FA jp m,$FA68 FA60: C2 FA C2 jp nz,$68FA FA63: FA C2 FA jp m,$FA68 FA66: C2 FA 03 jp nz,$09FA FA69: 04 inc b FA6A: A1 and c FA6B: 9A sbc a,d FA6C: A8 xor b FA6D: 9A sbc a,d FA6E: A8 xor b FA6F: 9A sbc a,d FA70: A8 xor b FA71: 9A sbc a,d FA72: A8 xor b FA73: 9A sbc a,d FA74: A8 xor b FA75: 9A sbc a,d FA76: A8 xor b FA77: 9A sbc a,d FA78: A8 xor b FA79: 9A sbc a,d FA7A: A4 and h FA7B: 9A sbc a,d FA7C: 9F sbc a,a FA7D: 92 sub d FA7E: 9F sbc a,a FA7F: 92 sub d FA80: 9F sbc a,a FA81: 92 sub d FA82: 9F sbc a,a FA83: 92 sub d FA84: 9F sbc a,a FA85: 92 sub d FA86: 9F sbc a,a FA87: 92 sub d FA88: 9F sbc a,a FA89: 92 sub d FA8A: 9F sbc a,a FA8B: 92 sub d FA8C: A9 xor c FA8D: 9A sbc a,d FA8E: 9F sbc a,a FA8F: 92 sub d FA90: 9F sbc a,a FA91: 92 sub d FA92: 9F sbc a,a FA93: 92 sub d FA94: 9F sbc a,a FA95: 92 sub d FA96: 9F sbc a,a FA97: 92 sub d FA98: 9F sbc a,a FA99: 92 sub d FA9A: 9F sbc a,a FA9B: 92 sub d FA9C: 9F sbc a,a FA9D: 92 sub d FA9E: A9 xor c FA9F: 9A sbc a,d FAA0: 9F sbc a,a FAA1: 92 sub d FAA2: 9F sbc a,a FAA3: 92 sub d FAA4: 9F sbc a,a FAA5: 92 sub d FAA6: 9F sbc a,a FAA7: 92 sub d FAA8: 9F sbc a,a FAA9: 92 sub d FAAA: 9F sbc a,a FAAB: 92 sub d FAAC: 9F sbc a,a FAAD: 92 sub d FAAE: 9F sbc a,a FAAF: 92 sub d FAB0: A5 and l FAB1: 9A sbc a,d FAB2: 09 add hl,bc FAB3: 09 add hl,bc FAB4: 56 ld d,(hl) FAB5: 48 ld c,b FAB6: 5E ld e,(hl) FAB7: 5A ld e,d FAB8: C0 ret nz FAB9: C8 ret z FABA: 57 ld d,a FABB: 48 ld c,b FABC: 5F ld e,a FABD: 5A ld e,d FABE: C1 pop bc FABF: C8 ret z FAC0: C0 ret nz FAC1: C8 ret z FAC2: 56 ld d,(hl) FAC3: 48 ld c,b FAC4: C8 ret z FAC5: 5A ld e,d FAC6: 09 add hl,bc FAC7: 09 add hl,bc FAC8: 5E ld e,(hl) FAC9: 5A ld e,d FACA: C8 ret z FACB: 5A ld e,d FACC: C0 ret nz FACD: C8 ret z FACE: 5F ld e,a FACF: 5A ld e,d FAD0: C8 ret z FAD1: 5A ld e,d FAD2: C1 pop bc FAD3: C8 ret z FAD4: C0 ret nz FAD5: C8 ret z FAD6: 5E ld e,(hl) FAD7: 5A ld e,d FAD8: 56 ld d,(hl) FAD9: 48 ld c,b FADA: 0B dec bc FADB: 01 18 22 ld bc,$8812 FADE: 1D dec e FADF: 22 16 22 ld ($881C),hl FAE2: 0E 22 ld c,$88 FAE4: 1B dec de FAE5: 22 17 22 ld ($881D),hl FAE8: 96 sub (hl) FAE9: 22 06 22 ld ($880C),hl FAEC: 12 ld (de),a FAED: 22 18 22 ld ($8812),hl FAF0: 1D dec e FAF1: 22 0B 01 ld ($010B),hl FAF4: 96 sub (hl) FAF5: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl FAF8: 96 sub (hl) FAF9: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl FAFC: 96 sub (hl) FAFD: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl FB00: 96 sub (hl) FB01: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl FB04: 96 sub (hl) FB05: 22 96 22 ld ($883C),hl FB08: 96 sub (hl) FB09: 22 16 04 ld ($041C),hl FB0C: 56 ld d,(hl) FB0D: 48 ld c,b FB0E: 5E ld e,(hl) FB0F: 5A ld e,d FB10: C0 ret nz FB11: C8 ret z FB12: C8 ret z FB13: 48 ld c,b FB14: 57 ld d,a FB15: C8 ret z FB16: 5F ld e,a FB17: B8 cp b FB18: C1 pop bc FB19: 48 ld c,b FB1A: C1 pop bc FB1B: C8 ret z FB1C: 56 ld d,(hl) FB1D: C8 ret z FB1E: 5F ld e,a FB1F: C8 ret z FB20: 5E ld e,(hl) FB21: 48 ld c,b FB22: C1 pop bc FB23: 48 ld c,b FB24: 5F ld e,a FB25: 48 ld c,b FB26: C9 ret FB27: 48 ld c,b FB28: C8 ret z FB29: 5A ld e,d FB2A: 57 ld d,a FB2B: C8 ret z FB2C: C9 ret FB2D: B8 cp b FB2E: C0 ret nz FB2F: 48 ld c,b FB30: C9 ret FB31: C8 ret z FB32: 57 ld d,a FB33: C8 ret z FB34: 5F ld e,a FB35: B8 cp b FB36: 56 ld d,(hl) FB37: 5A ld e,d FB38: C0 ret nz FB39: 48 ld c,b FB3A: C0 ret nz FB3B: 48 ld c,b FB3C: 5E ld e,(hl) FB3D: C8 ret z FB3E: C0 ret nz FB3F: 48 ld c,b FB40: 5F ld e,a FB41: C8 ret z FB42: 5E ld e,(hl) FB43: C8 ret z FB44: 56 ld d,(hl) FB45: C8 ret z FB46: C9 ret FB47: 48 ld c,b FB48: C1 pop bc FB49: 5A ld e,d FB4A: 57 ld d,a FB4B: B8 cp b FB4C: 5E ld e,(hl) FB4D: B8 cp b FB4E: 5E ld e,(hl) FB4F: C8 ret z FB50: 5E ld e,(hl) FB51: B8 cp b FB52: 5E ld e,(hl) FB53: C8 ret z FB54: 5E ld e,(hl) FB55: 48 ld c,b FB56: 5E ld e,(hl) FB57: C8 ret z FB58: 5E ld e,(hl) FB59: 5A ld e,d FB5A: 5E ld e,(hl) FB5B: 48 ld c,b FB5C: C0 ret nz FB5D: 48 ld c,b FB5E: C0 ret nz FB5F: 5A ld e,d FB60: C8 ret z FB61: C8 ret z FB62: 57 ld d,a FB63: 48 ld c,b FB64: C8 ret z FB65: C8 ret z FB66: C8 ret z FB67: B8 cp b FB68: 57 ld d,a FB69: C8 ret z FB6A: 5F ld e,a FB6B: C8 ret z FB6C: 57 ld d,a FB6D: B8 cp b FB6E: 57 ld d,a FB6F: C8 ret z FB70: 57 ld d,a FB71: 48 ld c,b FB72: 57 ld d,a FB73: C8 ret z FB74: 57 ld d,a FB75: 5A ld e,d FB76: 5F ld e,a FB77: 48 ld c,b FB78: 57 ld d,a FB79: C8 ret z FB7A: 57 ld d,a FB7B: C8 ret z FB7C: 56 ld d,(hl) FB7D: 48 ld c,b FB7E: 5E ld e,(hl) FB7F: C8 ret z FB80: 5E ld e,(hl) FB81: 48 ld c,b FB82: 56 ld d,(hl) FB83: C8 ret z FB84: 5E ld e,(hl) FB85: C8 ret z FB86: C0 ret nz FB87: C8 ret z FB88: 5E ld e,(hl) FB89: 48 ld c,b FB8A: 56 ld d,(hl) FB8B: B8 cp b FB8C: C0 ret nz FB8D: 5A ld e,d FB8E: C8 ret z FB8F: 48 ld c,b FB90: C8 ret z FB91: 48 ld c,b FB92: 56 ld d,(hl) FB93: C8 ret z FB94: 56 ld d,(hl) FB95: 48 ld c,b FB96: 56 ld d,(hl) FB97: 48 ld c,b FB98: 56 ld d,(hl) FB99: 5A ld e,d FB9A: C0 ret nz FB9B: 48 ld c,b FB9C: C8 ret z FB9D: B8 cp b FB9E: C8 ret z FB9F: C8 ret z FBA0: C8 ret z FBA1: 48 ld c,b FBA2: 5E ld e,(hl) FBA3: 48 ld c,b FBA4: C0 ret nz FBA5: 48 ld c,b FBA6: C0 ret nz FBA7: C8 ret z FBA8: C0 ret nz FBA9: 48 ld c,b FBAA: 56 ld d,(hl) FBAB: B8 cp b FBAC: C9 ret FBAD: B8 cp b FBAE: C1 pop bc FBAF: C8 ret z FBB0: 5F ld e,a FBB1: 48 ld c,b FBB2: 5F ld e,a FBB3: C8 ret z FBB4: 56 ld d,(hl) FBB5: 48 ld c,b FBB6: 5E ld e,(hl) FBB7: 5A ld e,d FBB8: C0 ret nz FBB9: C8 ret z FBBA: C8 ret z FBBB: 48 ld c,b FBBC: 57 ld d,a FBBD: C8 ret z FBBE: 5F ld e,a FBBF: B8 cp b FBC0: C1 pop bc FBC1: 48 ld c,b FBC2: C1 pop bc FBC3: C8 ret z FBC4: 56 ld d,(hl) FBC5: C8 ret z FBC6: 5F ld e,a FBC7: C8 ret z FBC8: 5E ld e,(hl) FBC9: 48 ld c,b FBCA: C1 pop bc FBCB: 48 ld c,b FBCC: 5F ld e,a FBCD: 48 ld c,b FBCE: C9 ret FBCF: 48 ld c,b FBD0: C8 ret z FBD1: 5A ld e,d FBD2: 57 ld d,a FBD3: C8 ret z FBD4: C9 ret FBD5: B8 cp b FBD6: C0 ret nz FBD7: 48 ld c,b FBD8: C9 ret FBD9: C8 ret z FBDA: 57 ld d,a FBDB: C8 ret z FBDC: 5F ld e,a FBDD: B8 cp b FBDE: 56 ld d,(hl) FBDF: 5A ld e,d FBE0: C0 ret nz FBE1: 48 ld c,b FBE2: C0 ret nz FBE3: 48 ld c,b FBE4: 5E ld e,(hl) FBE5: C8 ret z FBE6: C0 ret nz FBE7: 48 ld c,b FBE8: 5F ld e,a FBE9: C8 ret z FBEA: 5E ld e,(hl) FBEB: C8 ret z FBEC: 80 add a,b FBED: 01 96 42 ld bc,$483C FBF0: 96 sub (hl) FBF1: 42 ld b,d FBF2: 96 sub (hl) FBF3: 42 ld b,d FBF4: 96 sub (hl) FBF5: 42 ld b,d FBF6: 96 sub (hl) FBF7: 42 ld b,d FBF8: 96 sub (hl) FBF9: 42 ld b,d FBFA: 96 sub (hl) FBFB: 42 ld b,d FBFC: 96 sub (hl) FBFD: 42 ld b,d FBFE: 96 sub (hl) FBFF: 42 ld b,d FC00: 96 sub (hl) FC01: 42 ld b,d FC02: 96 sub (hl) FC03: 42 ld b,d FC04: 96 sub (hl) FC05: 42 ld b,d FC06: 96 sub (hl) FC07: 42 ld b,d FC08: 96 sub (hl) FC09: 42 ld b,d FC0A: 96 sub (hl) FC0B: 42 ld b,d FC0C: 96 sub (hl) FC0D: 42 ld b,d FC0E: 96 sub (hl) FC0F: 42 ld b,d FC10: 96 sub (hl) FC11: 42 ld b,d FC12: 96 sub (hl) FC13: 42 ld b,d FC14: 96 sub (hl) FC15: 42 ld b,d FC16: 96 sub (hl) FC17: 42 ld b,d FC18: 96 sub (hl) FC19: 42 ld b,d FC1A: 96 sub (hl) FC1B: 42 ld b,d FC1C: 96 sub (hl) FC1D: 42 ld b,d FC1E: 96 sub (hl) FC1F: 42 ld b,d FC20: 96 sub (hl) FC21: 42 ld b,d FC22: 96 sub (hl) FC23: 42 ld b,d FC24: 96 sub (hl) FC25: 42 ld b,d FC26: 96 sub (hl) FC27: 42 ld b,d FC28: 96 sub (hl) FC29: 42 ld b,d FC2A: 96 sub (hl) FC2B: 42 ld b,d FC2C: 96 sub (hl) FC2D: 42 ld b,d FC2E: 09 add hl,bc FC2F: 09 add hl,bc FC30: 56 ld d,(hl) FC31: 48 ld c,b FC32: 5E ld e,(hl) FC33: 5A ld e,d FC34: C0 ret nz FC35: 48 ld c,b FC36: 57 ld d,a FC37: C8 ret z FC38: 5F ld e,a FC39: B8 cp b FC3A: C1 pop bc FC3B: 48 ld c,b FC3C: 56 ld d,(hl) FC3D: C8 ret z FC3E: 5F ld e,a FC3F: C8 ret z FC40: 5E ld e,(hl) FC41: 48 ld c,b FC42: 09 add hl,bc FC43: 09 add hl,bc FC44: 5F ld e,a FC45: 48 ld c,b FC46: C0 ret nz FC47: 5A ld e,d FC48: C8 ret z FC49: 48 ld c,b FC4A: C9 ret FC4B: C8 ret z FC4C: C0 ret nz FC4D: B8 cp b FC4E: 5E ld e,(hl) FC4F: 48 ld c,b FC50: C8 ret z FC51: C8 ret z FC52: C8 ret z FC53: C8 ret z FC54: 57 ld d,a FC55: 48 ld c,b FC56: 09 add hl,bc FC57: 09 add hl,bc FC58: C9 ret FC59: 48 ld c,b FC5A: C8 ret z FC5B: 5A ld e,d FC5C: 5F ld e,a FC5D: 48 ld c,b FC5E: C0 ret nz FC5F: C8 ret z FC60: C0 ret nz FC61: B8 cp b FC62: C0 ret nz FC63: 48 ld c,b FC64: 57 ld d,a FC65: C8 ret z FC66: C8 ret z FC67: C8 ret z FC68: 57 ld d,a FC69: 48 ld c,b FC6A: 09 add hl,bc FC6B: 09 add hl,bc FC6C: 5E ld e,(hl) FC6D: 48 ld c,b FC6E: 5E ld e,(hl) FC6F: 5A ld e,d FC70: 5F ld e,a FC71: 48 ld c,b FC72: C8 ret z FC73: C8 ret z FC74: C0 ret nz FC75: B8 cp b FC76: 57 ld d,a FC77: 48 ld c,b FC78: C0 ret nz FC79: C8 ret z FC7A: 57 ld d,a FC7B: C8 ret z FC7C: C0 ret nz FC7D: 48 ld c,b FC7E: FD 21 E0 F6 ld iy,$FCE0 FC82: 01 00 00 ld bc,$0000 FC85: 4F ld c,a FC86: CB 21 sla c FC88: CB 10 rl b FC8A: FD 09 add iy,bc FC8C: FD 4E 00 ld c,(iy+$00) FC8F: FD 46 01 ld b,(iy+$01) FC92: C5 push bc FC93: FD E1 pop iy FC95: 01 08 00 ld bc,$0002 FC98: FD 09 add iy,bc FC9A: FD 46 FF ld b,(iy-$01) FC9D: FD 4E FE ld c,(iy-$02) FCA0: C5 push bc FCA1: 41 ld b,c FCA2: E5 push hl FCA3: 7C ld a,h FCA4: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a FCA7: FD 7E 00 ld a,(iy+$00) FCAA: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a FCAD: DD 72 08 ld (ix+$02),d FCB0: 7D ld a,l FCB1: DD 77 09 ld (ix+$03),a FCB4: FD 7E 01 ld a,(iy+$01) FCB7: CB 27 sla a FCB9: CB 27 sla a FCBB: CB 27 sla a FCBD: CB 27 sla a FCBF: DD B6 08 or (ix+$02) FCC2: DD 77 08 ld (ix+$02),a FCC5: 3E 10 ld a,$10 FCC7: 84 add a,h FCC8: 67 ld h,a FCC9: FD 23 inc iy FCCB: FD 23 inc iy FCCD: DD 23 inc ix FCCF: DD 23 inc ix FCD1: DD 23 inc ix FCD3: DD 23 inc ix FCD5: 10 66 djnz $FCA3 FCD7: E1 pop hl FCD8: 3E 10 ld a,$10 FCDA: 85 add a,l FCDB: 6F ld l,a FCDC: C1 pop bc FCDD: 10 61 djnz $FCA0 FCDF: C9 ret FCE0: E8 ret pe FCE1: F6 04 or $04 FCE3: 06 A5 ld b,$A5 FCE5: 04 inc b FCE6: AC xor h FCE7: 04 inc b FCE8: AC xor h FCE9: 04 inc b FCEA: AD xor l FCEB: 04 inc b FCEC: A2 and d FCED: 04 inc b FCEE: A3 and e FCEF: 04 inc b FCF0: A3 and e FCF1: 04 inc b FCF2: AA xor d FCF3: 04 inc b FCF4: A2 and d FCF5: 04 inc b FCF6: A3 and e FCF7: 04 inc b FCF8: A3 and e FCF9: 04 inc b FCFA: AA xor d FCFB: 04 inc b FCFC: A2 and d FCFD: 04 inc b FCFE: A3 and e FCFF: 04 inc b FD00: A3 and e FD01: 04 inc b FD02: AA xor d FD03: 04 inc b FD04: A2 and d FD05: 04 inc b FD06: A3 and e FD07: 04 inc b FD08: A3 and e FD09: 04 inc b FD0A: AA xor d FD0B: 04 inc b FD0C: A2 and d FD0D: 04 inc b FD0E: A3 and e FD0F: 04 inc b FD10: A3 and e FD11: 04 inc b FD12: AA xor d FD13: 04 inc b FD14: A2 and d FD15: 04 inc b FD16: A3 and e FD17: 04 inc b FD18: A3 and e FD19: 04 inc b FD1A: AA xor d FD1B: 04 inc b FD1C: A2 and d FD1D: 04 inc b FD1E: A3 and e FD1F: 04 inc b FD20: A3 and e FD21: 04 inc b FD22: AA xor d FD23: 04 inc b FD24: A2 and d FD25: 04 inc b FD26: A3 and e FD27: 04 inc b FD28: A3 and e FD29: 04 inc b FD2A: AA xor d FD2B: 04 inc b FD2C: A2 and d FD2D: 04 inc b FD2E: A3 and e FD2F: 04 inc b FD30: A3 and e FD31: 04 inc b FD32: AA xor d FD33: 04 inc b FD34: A2 and d FD35: 04 inc b FD36: A3 and e FD37: 04 inc b FD38: A3 and e FD39: 04 inc b FD3A: AA xor d FD3B: 04 inc b FD3C: A2 and d FD3D: 04 inc b FD3E: A3 and e FD3F: 04 inc b FD40: A3 and e FD41: 04 inc b FD42: AA xor d FD43: 04 inc b FD44: 1E 04 ld e,$04 FD46: 16 30 ld d,$90 FD48: 21 10 63 ld hl,computer_skill_C910 FD4B: 3A 98 60 ld a,($C032) FD4E: E6 09 and $03 FD50: FE 09 cp $03 FD52: C2 CC F7 jp nz,$FD66 FD55: 1E 08 ld e,$02 FD57: 16 32 ld d,$98 FD59: 21 00 63 ld hl,$C900 FD5C: CD CA F7 call $FD6A FD5F: 1E 0C ld e,$06 FD61: 16 30 ld d,$90 FD63: 21 02 63 ld hl,$C908 FD66: CD CA F7 call $FD6A FD69: C9 ret FD6A: D5 push de FD6B: E5 push hl FD6C: 1C inc e FD6D: 1C inc e FD6E: 1C inc e FD6F: 1C inc e FD70: DD 21 02 6F ld ix,$CF08 FD74: DD 73 00 ld (ix+$00),e FD77: DD 36 01 01 ld (ix+$01),$01 FD7B: E1 pop hl ; check level number, to display 1ST => 10G => CMP ; only called at start of a round FD7C: 7E ld a,(hl) FD7D: FE 0A cp $0A FD7F: DA 24 F7 jp c,$FD84 ; < 10 ? skip ; max to 10 FD82: 3E 0A ld a,$0A FD84: 4F ld c,a FD85: 87 add a,a FD86: 81 add a,c FD87: 4F ld c,a FD88: 06 00 ld b,$00 FD8A: 21 A9 F7 ld hl,$FDA3 FD8D: 09 add hl,bc FD8E: 11 0A 6F ld de,$CF0A FD91: ED A0 ldi FD93: ED A0 ldi FD95: ED A0 ldi FD97: DD 36 05 FF ld (ix+$05),$FF FD9B: 21 02 6F ld hl,$CF08 FD9E: D1 pop de FD9F: CD 5D B9 call display_text_B357 FDA2: C9 ret FDA3: 01 16 17 ld bc,$1D1C FDA6: 08 ex af,af' FDA7: 1D dec e FDA8: 07 rlca FDA9: 09 add hl,bc FDAA: 1B dec de FDAB: 07 rlca FDAC: 04 inc b FDAD: 17 rla FDAE: 11 05 17 ld de,$1D05 FDB1: 11 0C 17 ld de,$1D06 FDB4: 11 0D 17 ld de,$1D07 FDB7: 11 02 17 ld de,$1D08 FDBA: 11 03 17 ld de,$1D09 FDBD: 11 01 00 ld de,$0001 FDC0: 10 06 djnz $FDCE FDC2: 1C inc e FDC3: 13 inc de FDC4: 21 E1 F7 ld hl,$FDE1 FDC7: C3 77 F7 jp $FDDD FDCA: 3A 11 63 ld a,($background_and_state_bits_C911) FDCD: CB 7F bit 7,a FDCF: C2 77 F7 jp nz,$FDDD FDD2: 21 14 FE ld hl,$FE14 FDD5: FE 02 cp $08 FDD7: CA 77 F7 jp z,$FDDD FDDA: 21 45 FE ld hl,$FE45 FDDD: CD 31 B9 call $B391 FDE0: C9 ret FDE1: 0C inc c FDE2: 05 dec b FDE3: 3E 38 ld a,$92 FDE5: 3F ccf FDE6: 38 BB jr c,$FDA3 FDE8: 38 B6 jr c,$FDA6 FDEA: 38 B7 jr c,$FDA9 FDEC: 38 BE jr c,$FDAC FDEE: 38 BF jr c,$FDAF FDF0: 38 FE jr c,$FDF0 FDF2: 0C inc c FDF3: 0C inc c FDF4: 60 ld h,b FDF5: 38 27 jr c,$FD84 FDF7: 38 2E jr c,$FD87 FDF9: 38 2F jr c,$FD8A FDFB: 38 30 jr c,$FD8D FDFD: 38 31 jr c,$FD90 FDFF: 38 38 jr c,$FD93 FE01: 38 FE jr c,$FE01 FE03: 0C inc c FE04: 0D dec c FE05: 39 add hl,sp FE06: 38 34 jr c,$FD9C FE08: 38 35 jr c,$FD9F FE0A: 38 3C jr c,$FDA2 FE0C: 38 3D jr c,$FDA5 FE0E: 38 32 jr c,$FDA8 FE10: 38 33 jr c,$FDAB FE12: 38 FF jr c,$FE13 FE14: 08 ex af,af' FE15: 05 dec b FE16: DA BA DB jp c,$7BBA FE19: BA cp d FE1A: D6 BA sub $BA FE1C: D7 rst $10 FE1D: BA cp d FE1E: 00 nop FE1F: 00 nop FE20: DE BA sbc a,$BA FE22: DF rst $18 FE23: BA cp d FE24: FE 08 cp $02 FE26: 0C inc c FE27: 20 B8 jr nz,$FDDB FE29: 21 B8 28 ld hl,$82B2 FE2C: B8 cp b FE2D: 29 add hl,hl FE2E: B8 cp b FE2F: 24 inc h FE30: B8 cp b FE31: 25 dec h FE32: B8 cp b FE33: 2C inc l FE34: B8 cp b FE35: FE 08 cp $02 FE37: 0D dec c FE38: 2D dec l FE39: B8 cp b FE3A: 22 B8 23 ld ($89B2),hl FE3D: B8 cp b FE3E: 2A B8 2B ld hl,($8BB2) FE41: B8 cp b FE42: 26 B8 ld h,$B2 FE44: FF rst $38 FE45: 0C inc c FE46: 05 dec b FE47: DA BA DB jp c,$7BBA FE4A: BA cp d FE4B: D6 BA sub $BA FE4D: D7 rst $10 FE4E: BA cp d FE4F: 00 nop FE50: 00 nop FE51: DE BA sbc a,$BA FE53: DF rst $18 FE54: BA cp d FE55: FE 0C cp $06 FE57: 0C inc c FE58: 20 B8 jr nz,$FE0C FE5A: 21 B8 28 ld hl,$82B2 FE5D: B8 cp b FE5E: 29 add hl,hl FE5F: B8 cp b FE60: 24 inc h FE61: B8 cp b FE62: 25 dec h FE63: B8 cp b FE64: 2C inc l FE65: B8 cp b FE66: FE 0C cp $06 FE68: 0D dec c FE69: 2D dec l FE6A: B8 cp b FE6B: 22 B8 23 ld ($89B2),hl FE6E: B8 cp b FE6F: 2A B8 2B ld hl,($8BB2) FE72: B8 cp b FE73: 26 B8 ld h,$B2 FE75: FF rst $38 FE76: 0D dec c FE77: 17 rla FE78: 90 sub b FE79: 96 sub (hl) FE7A: 06 12 ld b,$18 FE7C: 13 inc de FE7D: 88 adc a,b FE7E: 1B dec de FE7F: 18 10 jr $FE91 FE81: 11 17 96 ld de,$3C1D FE84: 01 03 02 ld bc,$0809 FE87: 04 inc b FE88: FE 0D cp $07 FE8A: 1F rra FE8B: 07 rlca FE8C: 0A ld a,(bc) FE8D: 17 rla FE8E: 0A ld a,(bc) FE8F: 96 sub (hl) FE90: 0E 0A ld c,$0A FE92: 16 17 ld d,$1D FE94: 96 sub (hl) FE95: 1E 16 ld e,$1C FE97: 0A ld a,(bc) FE98: 91 sub c FE99: 18 1D jr $FEB2 FE9B: 06 85 ld b,$25 FE9D: FF rst $38 FE9E: 00 nop FE9F: 21 62 60 ld hl,$C0C8 FEA2: 3A 87 60 ld a,(players_type_human_or_cpu_flags_C02D) FEA5: CB 57 bit 2,a FEA7: C2 B1 5E jp nz,$5EB1 FEAA: 01 0C 14 ld bc,$1406 FEAD: DD 21 70 60 ld ix,$C0D0 FEB1: FD 21 77 60 ld iy,$C0DD FEB5: DD 7E 01 ld a,(ix+$01) FEB8: FD 86 01 add a,(iy+$01) FEBB: 27 daa FEBC: DD 77 01 ld (ix+$01),a FEBF: DD 7E 00 ld a,(ix+$00) FEC2: FD 8E 00 adc a,(iy+$00) FEC5: 27 daa FEC6: DD 77 00 ld (ix+$00),a FEC9: C5 push bc FECA: DD E5 push ix FECC: 2A 60 60 ld hl,($C0C0) FECF: 7D ld a,l FED0: 6C ld l,h FED1: 67 ld h,a FED2: DD 46 00 ld b,(ix+$00) FED5: DD 4E 01 ld c,(ix+$01) FED8: A7 and a FED9: ED 42 sbc hl,bc FEDB: D2 E3 5E jp nc,$5EE9 FEDE: 11 60 60 ld de,$C0C0 FEE1: DD E5 push ix FEE3: E1 pop hl FEE4: 01 09 00 ld bc,$0003 FEE7: ED B0 ldir FEE9: DD E1 pop ix FEEB: C1 pop bc FEEC: 16 32 ld d,$98 FEEE: DD E5 push ix FEF0: E1 pop hl FEF1: CD 9F B0 call $B03F FEF4: 01 08 14 ld bc,$1402 FEF7: 21 60 60 ld hl,$C0C0 FEFA: 16 32 ld d,$98 FEFC: CD 9F B0 call $B03F FEFF: C9 ret FF00: 18 19 jr $FF15 FF02: 96 sub (hl) FF03: 96 sub (hl) FF04: 96 sub (hl) FF05: 96 sub (hl) FF06: 96 sub (hl) FF07: 96 sub (hl) FF08: FF rst $38 FF09: 3A 76 60 ld a,($C0DC) FF0C: FE 02 cp $08 FF0E: DA 1F 5F jp c,$5F1F FF11: 23 inc hl FF12: FE 10 cp $10 FF14: DA 17 5F jp c,$5F1D FF17: 23 inc hl FF18: D6 10 sub $10 FF1A: C3 1F 5F jp $5F1F FF1D: D6 02 sub $08 FF1F: 3C inc a FF20: 47 ld b,a FF21: AF xor a FF22: 37 scf FF23: CB 17 rl a FF25: 10 F6 djnz $FF23 FF27: B6 or (hl) FF28: 77 ld (hl),a FF29: C9 ret FF2A: 01 91 A4 ld bc,$A431 FF2D: CD 90 B0 call $B030 FF30: 21 E3 29 ld hl,$83E9 FF33: CD 96 B0 call $B03C FF36: 21 C0 A8 ld hl,$A260 FF39: CD 96 B0 call $B03C FF3C: 21 9C D7 ld hl,$7D36 FF3F: CD 96 B0 call $B03C FF42: CD B4 B0 call $B0B4 FF45: CD 7C DA call $7AD6 FF48: 3E 00 ld a,$00 FF4A: CD 12 B0 call $B018 FF4D: 21 06 C0 ld hl,$600C FF50: CD 96 B0 call $B03C FF53: 21 8E C0 ld hl,$602E FF56: 16 A2 ld d,$A8 FF58: CD 93 B0 call display_text_B039 FF5B: CD C3 B0 call $B069 FF5E: E6 06 and $0C FF60: 32 4F 61 ld ($C14F),a FF63: 06 4C ld b,$46 FF65: C5 push bc FF66: 3E 09 ld a,$03 FF68: CD 5A B0 call $B05A FF6B: A7 and a FF6C: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 FF6F: CD C3 B0 call $B069 FF72: E6 06 and $0C FF74: C1 pop bc FF75: C2 F2 5F jp nz,$5FF8 FF78: 32 4F 61 ld ($C14F),a FF7B: 10 E2 djnz $FF65 FF7D: 01 19 0C ld bc,$0613 FF80: 11 97 A0 ld de,$A03D FF83: 21 0E 12 ld hl,$180E FF86: CD 1B B0 call $B01B FF89: 3E 04 ld a,$04 FF8B: CD 5D B0 call $B057 FF8E: 3E 0A ld a,$0A FF90: CD 5D B0 call $B057 FF93: A7 and a FF94: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 FF97: 3E 0B ld a,$0B FF99: CD 5D B0 call $B057 FF9C: A7 and a FF9D: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 FFA0: 3E 02 ld a,$08 FFA2: CD 5D B0 call $B057 FFA5: A7 and a FFA6: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 FFA9: 3E 03 ld a,$09 FFAB: CD 5D B0 call $B057 FFAE: A7 and a FFAF: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 FFB2: CD C3 B0 call $B069 FFB5: E6 06 and $0C FFB7: 32 4F 61 ld ($C14F),a FFBA: 3E 09 ld a,$03 FFBC: CD 5A B0 call $B05A FFBF: A7 and a FFC0: C2 71 5F jp nz,$5FD1 FFC3: CD C3 B0 call $B069 FFC6: E6 06 and $0C FFC8: C2 08 C0 jp nz,$6002 FFCB: 32 4F 61 ld ($C14F),a FFCE: C3 BA 5F jp $5FBA FFD1: 3E C4 ld a,$64 FFD3: CD 5A B0 call $B05A FFD6: 3E 0F ld a,$0F FFD8: 06 80 ld b,$20 FFDA: CD 57 B0 call $B05D FFDD: A7 and a FFDE: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 FFE1: 3E D2 ld a,$78 FFE3: CD 5A B0 call $B05A FFE6: A7 and a FFE7: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 FFEA: 3E 01 ld a,$01 FFEC: 06 01 ld b,$01 FFEE: CD 57 B0 call $B05D FFF1: A7 and a FFF2: C4 D5 B0 call nz,display_error_text_B075 FFF5: CD 51 B0 call $B051 FFF8: 3A 4F 61 ld a,($C14F) FFFB: A7 and a FFFC: CA EA 5F jp z,$5FEA FFFF: C3 C3 45 jp $4569