--[[ XChip's NodeMCU IDE Original Source: http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1549 Petr Stehlik found the source in October 2016 and gave it a new home at https://github.com/joysfera/nodemcu-web-ide under the GPL license. Then updated it for new async socket send(), fixed, cleaned up, added external editor with syntax highlighting and further improves it. Dirk van den Brink, Jr. added minor tweaks Jan. 2019 --]] local function pairsByKeys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end local function editor(aceEnabled) -- feel free to disable the shiny Ajax.org Cloud Editor local AceEnabled = aceEnabled == nil and true or aceEnabled srv = net.createServer(net.TCP) srv:listen(80, function(conn) local rnrn = 0 local Status = 0 local DataToGet = 0 local method = "" local url = "" local vars = "" conn:on("receive", function(sck, payload) if Status == 0 then _, _, method, url, vars = string.find(payload, "([A-Z]+) /([^?]*)%??(.*) HTTP") -- print("Method, URL, vars: ", method, url, vars) end if method == "POST" then if Status == 0 then -- print("status", Status) _, _, DataToGet, payload = string.find(payload, "Content%-Length: (%d+)(.+)") if DataToGet then DataToGet = tonumber(DataToGet) -- print("DataToGet = "..DataToGet) rnrn = 1 Status = 1 else print("bad length") end end -- find /r/n/r/n if Status == 1 then -- print("status", Status) local payloadlen = string.len(payload) local mark = "\r\n\r\n" local i for i=1, payloadlen do if string.byte(mark, rnrn) == string.byte(payload, i) then rnrn = rnrn + 1 if rnrn == 5 then payload = string.sub(payload, i+1, payloadlen) file.open(url, "w") file.close() Status = 2 break end else rnrn = 1 end end if Status == 1 then return end end if Status == 2 then -- print("status", Status) if payload then DataToGet = DataToGet - string.len(payload) --print("DataToGet:", DataToGet, "payload len:", string.len(payload)) file.open(url, "a+") file.write(payload) file.close() else sck:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nERROR") Status = 0 end if DataToGet == 0 then sck:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nOK") Status = 0 end end return end -- end of POST method handling DataToGet = -1 if url == "favicon.ico" then -- print("favicon.ico handler sends 404") sck:send("HTTP/1.1 404 file not found\r\nServer: NodeMCU IDE\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n404 - File Not FoundYa done goofed.") return end local sen = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: NodeMCU IDE\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n" -- it wants a file in particular if url ~= "" and vars == "" then DataToGet = 0 sck:send(sen) return end sen = sen .. "NodeMCU IDE" sen = sen .. "" sen = sen .. "


" if vars == "edit" then if AceEnabled then local mode = 'ace/mode/' if url:match(".css") then mode = mode .. 'css' elseif url:match(".html") then mode = mode .. 'html' elseif url:match(".json") then mode = mode .. 'json' elseif url:match(".js") then mode = mode .. 'javascript' elseif url:match(".md") then mode = mode .. 'markdown' else mode = mode .. 'lua' end sen = sen .. "
" .. "" else sen = sen .. "
" .. "" end sen = sen .. " [Run File] [Main Page] " elseif vars == "run" then sen = sen .. "Output of the run:
        local function output_CB(opipe)   -- upval: sck
           for line in opipe:reader() do
             sen = sen .. line .. "\n"
        node.output(output_CB, 0) 
        ok, result = pcall(dofile, url)
       --delay the output capture by 1000 milliseconds to give some time to the user routine in pcall()
        tmr.create():alarm(1000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, function() 
            if result then
                local outp = tostring(result):sub(1,1300) -- to fit in one send() packet
                result = nil
                sen = sen .. outp
            sen = sen .. "

[Edit File] [Run Again] [Main Page]" sck:send(sen) end) return elseif vars == "compile" then collectgarbage() node.compile(url) url = "" elseif vars == "delete" then file.remove(url) url = "" elseif vars == "restart" then node.restart() return end local message = {} message[#message + 1] = sen sen = nil if url == "" then local l = file.list(); message[#message + 1] = "\n" for k,v in pairsByKeys(l) do local line = "\n" end message[#message + 1] = line end remaining, used, total=file.fsinfo() message[#message + 1] = "
" ..k.. "" ..v.. "" local editable = k:sub(-4, -1) == ".lua" or k:sub(-4, -1) == ".css" or k:sub(-5, -1) == ".html" or k:sub(-5, -1) == ".json" or k:sub(-4, -1) == ".txt" or k:sub(-4, -1) == ".csv" or k:sub(-3, -1) == ".md" if editable then line = line .. "edit" end line = line .. "" if k:sub(-4, -1) == ".lua" then line = line .. "compile" end line = line .. "delete" if ((k:sub(-4, -1) == ".lua") or (k:sub(-3, -1) == ".lc")) then line = line .. "run
Total: "..total.." Bytes | Used: "..used.." Bytes | Remaining: "..remaining.." Bytes

" remaining, used, total=nil message[#message + 1] = "[New File] " message[#message + 1] = "[Restart]" end message[#message + 1] = "" local function send_table(sk) if #message > 0 then sk:send(table.remove(message, 1)) else sk:close() message = nil end end sck:on("sent", send_table) send_table(sck) end) conn:on("sent", function(sck) if DataToGet >= 0 and method == "GET" then if file.open(url, "r") then file.seek("set", DataToGet) local chunkSize = 512 local line = file.read(chunkSize) file.close() if line then sck:send(line) DataToGet = DataToGet + chunkSize if string.len(line) == chunkSize then return end end end end sck:close() sck = nil end) end) end if wifi.sta.status() == wifi.STA_GOTIP then print("http://"..wifi.sta.getip().."/") editor() else print("WiFi connecting...") wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_GOT_IP, function() wifi.eventmon.unregister(wifi.eventmon.STA_GOT_IP) print("NodeMCU Web IDE running at http://"..wifi.sta.getip().."/") editor() end) end