#!/usr/bin/env zsh # Change the max temp threshold to whatever you like HDDMAX=40 SSDMAX=60 TMPFILE=$(mktemp) EMAIL=$(awk '{ if ($1 == "root:") {print $2 } }' /etc/aliases) HOSTNAME=$(hostname) BOUNDARY=$(date +%s | md5sum | cut -b1-16) HDD=( $(smartctl --scan | cut -d ' ' -f1) ) function tempShell () { rows="%-22b %-34b %-2b\n" sep=$(printf "%.s=" {1..54}) printf "%s\n" "$sep" printf "$rows" "\e[37mDevice" "\e[37mSerial" "\e[37mTemp\e[m" printf "%s\n" "$sep" for i in "${HDD[@]}"; do TEMP=$(smartctl --json=g -A "$i" | grep 'json.temperature.current' | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tr -d \;) SN=$(smartctl --json=g -i "$i" | grep 'json.serial_number' | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tr -d \"\;) TYPE=$(smartctl --json=g -a "$i" | grep 'json.rotation_rate' | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tr -d \;) if [[ $TEMP -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ $TEMP -ge $SSDMAX && $TYPE -eq 0 || $TEMP -ge $HDDMAX && $TYPE -gt 0 ]]; then printf "$rows" "\e[37m$i" "\e[90m$SN" "\e[91;5m$TEMP\e[m" else printf "$rows" "\e[37m$i" "\e[90m$SN" "\e[96m$TEMP\e[m" fi else printf "$rows" "\e[37m$i" "\e[90m$SN" "\e[93mNA\e[m" fi done } function tempEmail () { if [[ "$EMAIL" == "None" ]]; then printf "%s\n" "Email is not configured for root user" "Please configure and run again" "exiting..." exit 1 fi { printf "To: %s\n" "$EMAIL" printf "Subject: TrueNAS %s: Drive Temp report on %s\n" "$HOSTNAME" "$HOSTNAME" printf "%s\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0" printf "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=%s\n" "$BOUNDARY" printf "%s\n" --"$BOUNDARY" "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" printf "%s\n" "" "" "" printf "%s\n" "" "" "" "" "" } >> "$TMPFILE" for i in "${HDD[@]}"; do TEMP=$(smartctl --json=g -A "$i" | grep 'json.temperature.current' | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tr -d \;) SN=$(smartctl --json=g -i "$i" | grep 'json.serial_number' | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tr -d \"\;) TYPE=$(smartctl --json=g -a "$i" | grep 'json.rotation_rate' | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tr -d \;) if [[ $TEMP -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ $TEMP -ge $SSDMAX && $TYPE -eq 0 || $TEMP -ge $HDDMAX && $TYPE -gt 0 ]]; then printf "%s\n" "" "" "" "" "" >> "$TMPFILE" else printf "%s\n" "" "" "" "" "" >> "$TMPFILE" fi else printf "%s\n" "" "" "" "" "" >> "$TMPFILE" fi done printf "%s\n" "
" "" "" >> "$TMPFILE" sendmail -t < "$TMPFILE" rm "$TMPFILE" } if [[ $1 == "shell" ]]; then tempShell elif [[ $1 == "email" ]]; then tempEmail else printf "%s\n" "Incorrect option of $1" "Please run again with [email] or [shell]" "exiting..." fi