#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2008-2023 Jose Fonseca # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # """Generate a dot graph from the output of several profilers.""" __author__ = "Jose Fonseca et al" import sys import math import os.path import re import textwrap import optparse import xml.parsers.expat import collections import locale import json import fnmatch import codecs import io assert sys.version_info[0] >= 3 ######################################################################## # Model MULTIPLICATION_SIGN = chr(0xd7) def times(x): return "%u%s" % (x, MULTIPLICATION_SIGN) def percentage(p): return "%.02f%%" % (p*100.0,) def add(a, b): return a + b def fail(a, b): assert False # To enhance readability, labels are rounded to the number of decimal # places corresponding to the tolerance value. def round_difference(difference, tolerance): n = -math.floor(math.log10(tolerance)) return round(difference, n) def rescale_difference(x, min_val, max_val): return (x - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) def min_max_difference(profile1, profile2): f1_events = [f1[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] for _, f1 in sorted_iteritems(profile1.functions)] f2_events = [f2[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] for _, f2 in sorted_iteritems(profile2.functions)] differences = [] for i in range(len(f1_events)): try: differences.append(abs(f1_events[i] - f2_events[i]) * 100) except IndexError: differences.append(0) return min(differences), max(differences) tol = 2 ** -23 def ratio(numerator, denominator): try: ratio = float(numerator)/float(denominator) except ZeroDivisionError: # 0/0 is undefined, but 1.0 yields more useful results return 1.0 if ratio < 0.0: if ratio < -tol: sys.stderr.write('warning: negative ratio (%s/%s)\n' % (numerator, denominator)) return 0.0 if ratio > 1.0: if ratio > 1.0 + tol: sys.stderr.write('warning: ratio greater than one (%s/%s)\n' % (numerator, denominator)) return 1.0 return ratio class UndefinedEvent(Exception): """Raised when attempting to get an event which is undefined.""" def __init__(self, event): Exception.__init__(self) self.event = event def __str__(self): return 'unspecified event %s' % self.event.name class Event(object): """Describe a kind of event, and its basic operations.""" def __init__(self, name, null, aggregator, formatter = str): self.name = name self._null = null self._aggregator = aggregator self._formatter = formatter def __repr__(self): return self.name def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __hash__(self): return id(self) def null(self): return self._null def aggregate(self, val1, val2): """Aggregate two event values.""" assert val1 is not None assert val2 is not None return self._aggregator(val1, val2) def format(self, val): """Format an event value.""" assert val is not None return self._formatter(val) CALLS = Event("Calls", 0, add, times) SAMPLES = Event("Samples", 0, add, times) SAMPLES2 = Event("Samples", 0, add, times) # Count of samples where a given function was either executing or on the stack. # This is used to calculate the total time ratio according to the # straightforward method described in Mike Dunlavey's answer to # stackoverflow.com/questions/1777556/alternatives-to-gprof, item 4 (the myth # "that recursion is a tricky confusing issue"), last edited 2012-08-30: it's # just the ratio of TOTAL_SAMPLES over the number of samples in the profile. # # Used only when totalMethod == callstacks TOTAL_SAMPLES = Event("Samples", 0, add, times) TIME = Event("Time", 0.0, add, lambda x: '(' + str(x) + ')') TIME_RATIO = Event("Time ratio", 0.0, add, lambda x: '(' + percentage(x) + ')') TOTAL_TIME = Event("Total time", 0.0, fail) TOTAL_TIME_RATIO = Event("Total time ratio", 0.0, fail, percentage) labels = { 'self-time': TIME, 'self-time-percentage': TIME_RATIO, 'total-time': TOTAL_TIME, 'total-time-percentage': TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, } defaultLabelNames = ['total-time-percentage', 'self-time-percentage'] totalMethod = 'callratios' class Object(object): """Base class for all objects in profile which can store events.""" def __init__(self, events=None): if events is None: self.events = {} else: self.events = events def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __lt__(self, other): return id(self) < id(other) def __contains__(self, event): return event in self.events def __getitem__(self, event): try: return self.events[event] except KeyError: raise UndefinedEvent(event) def __setitem__(self, event, value): if value is None: if event in self.events: del self.events[event] else: self.events[event] = value class Call(Object): """A call between functions. There should be at most one call object for every pair of functions. """ def __init__(self, callee_id): Object.__init__(self) self.callee_id = callee_id self.ratio = None self.weight = None class Function(Object): """A function.""" def __init__(self, id, name): Object.__init__(self) self.id = id self.name = name self.module = None self.process = None self.calls = {} self.called = None self.weight = None self.cycle = None self.filename = None def add_call(self, call): if call.callee_id in self.calls: sys.stderr.write('warning: overwriting call from function %s to %s\n' % (str(self.id), str(call.callee_id))) self.calls[call.callee_id] = call def get_call(self, callee_id): if not callee_id in self.calls: call = Call(callee_id) call[SAMPLES] = 0 call[SAMPLES2] = 0 call[CALLS] = 0 self.calls[callee_id] = call return self.calls[callee_id] _parenthesis_re = re.compile(r'\([^()]*\)') _angles_re = re.compile(r'<[^<>]*>') _const_re = re.compile(r'\s+const$') def stripped_name(self): """Remove extraneous information from C++ demangled function names.""" name = self.name # Strip function parameters from name by recursively removing paired parenthesis while True: name, n = self._parenthesis_re.subn('', name) if not n: break # Strip const qualifier name = self._const_re.sub('', name) # Strip template parameters from name by recursively removing paired angles while True: name, n = self._angles_re.subn('', name) if not n: break return name # TODO: write utility functions def __repr__(self): return self.name def dump(self, sep1=",\n\t", sep2=":=", sep3="\n"): """ Returns as a string all information available in this Function object separators sep1:between entries sep2:between attribute name and value, sep3: inserted at end """ return sep1.join(sep2.join([k,str(v)]) for (k,v) in sorted(self.__dict__.items())) + sep3 class Cycle(Object): """A cycle made from recursive function calls.""" def __init__(self): Object.__init__(self) self.functions = set() def add_function(self, function): assert function not in self.functions self.functions.add(function) if function.cycle is not None: for other in function.cycle.functions: if function not in self.functions: self.add_function(other) function.cycle = self class Profile(Object): """The whole profile.""" def __init__(self): Object.__init__(self) self.functions = {} self.cycles = [] def add_function(self, function): if function.id in self.functions: sys.stderr.write('warning: overwriting function %s (id %s)\n' % (function.name, str(function.id))) self.functions[function.id] = function def add_cycle(self, cycle): self.cycles.append(cycle) def validate(self): """Validate the edges.""" for function in self.functions.values(): for callee_id in list(function.calls.keys()): assert function.calls[callee_id].callee_id == callee_id if callee_id not in self.functions: sys.stderr.write('warning: call to undefined function %s from function %s\n' % (str(callee_id), function.name)) del function.calls[callee_id] def find_cycles(self): """Find cycles using Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm.""" # Apply the Tarjan's algorithm successively until all functions are visited stack = [] data = {} order = 0 for function in self.functions.values(): order = self._tarjan(function, order, stack, data) cycles = [] for function in self.functions.values(): if function.cycle is not None and function.cycle not in cycles: cycles.append(function.cycle) self.cycles = cycles if 0: for cycle in cycles: sys.stderr.write("Cycle:\n") for member in cycle.functions: sys.stderr.write("\tFunction %s\n" % member.name) def prune_root(self, roots, depth=-1): visited = set() frontier = set([(root_node, depth) for root_node in roots]) while len(frontier) > 0: node, node_depth = frontier.pop() visited.add(node) if node_depth == 0: continue f = self.functions[node] newNodes = set(f.calls.keys()) - visited frontier = frontier.union({(new_node, node_depth - 1) for new_node in newNodes}) subtreeFunctions = {} for n in visited: f = self.functions[n] newCalls = {} for c in f.calls.keys(): if c in visited: newCalls[c] = f.calls[c] f.calls = newCalls subtreeFunctions[n] = f self.functions = subtreeFunctions def prune_leaf(self, leafs, depth=-1): edgesUp = collections.defaultdict(set) for f in self.functions.keys(): for n in self.functions[f].calls.keys(): edgesUp[n].add(f) # build the tree up visited = set() frontier = set([(leaf_node, depth) for leaf_node in leafs]) while len(frontier) > 0: node, node_depth = frontier.pop() visited.add(node) if node_depth == 0: continue newNodes = edgesUp[node] - visited frontier = frontier.union({(new_node, node_depth - 1) for new_node in newNodes}) downTree = set(self.functions.keys()) upTree = visited path = downTree.intersection(upTree) pathFunctions = {} for n in path: f = self.functions[n] newCalls = {} for c in f.calls.keys(): if c in path: newCalls[c] = f.calls[c] f.calls = newCalls pathFunctions[n] = f self.functions = pathFunctions def getFunctionIds(self, funcName): function_names = {v.name: k for (k, v) in self.functions.items()} return [function_names[name] for name in fnmatch.filter(function_names.keys(), funcName)] def getFunctionId(self, funcName): for f in self.functions: if self.functions[f].name == funcName: return f return False def printFunctionIds(self, selector=None, file=sys.stderr): """ Print to file function entries selected by fnmatch.fnmatch like in method getFunctionIds, with following extensions: - selector starts with "%": dump all information available - selector is '+' or '-': select all function entries """ if selector is None or selector in ("+", "*"): v = ",\n".join(("%s:\t%s" % (kf,self.functions[kf].name) for kf in self.functions.keys())) else: if selector[0]=="%": selector=selector[1:] function_info={k:v for (k,v) in self.functions.items() if fnmatch.fnmatch(v.name,selector)} v = ",\n".join( ("%s\t({k})\t(%s)::\n\t%s" % (v.name,type(v),v.dump()) for (k,v) in function_info.items() )) else: function_names = (v.name for v in self.functions.values()) v = ",\n".join( ( nm for nm in fnmatch.filter(function_names,selector ))) file.write(v+"\n") file.flush() class _TarjanData: def __init__(self, order): self.order = order self.lowlink = order self.onstack = False def _tarjan(self, function, order, stack, data): """Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm. See also: - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan's_strongly_connected_components_algorithm """ try: func_data = data[function.id] return order except KeyError: func_data = self._TarjanData(order) data[function.id] = func_data order += 1 pos = len(stack) stack.append(function) func_data.onstack = True for call in function.calls.values(): try: callee_data = data[call.callee_id] if callee_data.onstack: func_data.lowlink = min(func_data.lowlink, callee_data.order) except KeyError: callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] order = self._tarjan(callee, order, stack, data) callee_data = data[call.callee_id] func_data.lowlink = min(func_data.lowlink, callee_data.lowlink) if func_data.lowlink == func_data.order: # Strongly connected component found members = stack[pos:] del stack[pos:] if len(members) > 1: cycle = Cycle() for member in members: cycle.add_function(member) data[member.id].onstack = False else: for member in members: data[member.id].onstack = False return order def call_ratios(self, event): # Aggregate for incoming calls cycle_totals = {} for cycle in self.cycles: cycle_totals[cycle] = 0.0 function_totals = {} for function in self.functions.values(): function_totals[function] = 0.0 # Pass 1: function_total gets the sum of call[event] for all # incoming arrows. Same for cycle_total for all arrows # that are coming into the *cycle* but are not part of it. for function in self.functions.values(): for call in function.calls.values(): if call.callee_id != function.id: callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] if event in call.events: function_totals[callee] += call[event] if callee.cycle is not None and callee.cycle is not function.cycle: cycle_totals[callee.cycle] += call[event] else: sys.stderr.write("call_ratios: No data for " + function.name + " call to " + callee.name + "\n") # Pass 2: Compute the ratios. Each call[event] is scaled by the # function_total of the callee. Calls into cycles use the # cycle_total, but not calls within cycles. for function in self.functions.values(): for call in function.calls.values(): assert call.ratio is None if call.callee_id != function.id: callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] if event in call.events: if callee.cycle is not None and callee.cycle is not function.cycle: total = cycle_totals[callee.cycle] else: total = function_totals[callee] call.ratio = ratio(call[event], total) else: # Warnings here would only repeat those issued above. call.ratio = 0.0 def integrate(self, outevent, inevent): """Propagate function time ratio along the function calls. Must be called after finding the cycles. See also: - http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/graham82gprof.html """ # Sanity checking assert outevent not in self for function in self.functions.values(): assert outevent not in function assert inevent in function for call in function.calls.values(): assert outevent not in call if call.callee_id != function.id: assert call.ratio is not None # Aggregate the input for each cycle for cycle in self.cycles: total = inevent.null() for function in self.functions.values(): total = inevent.aggregate(total, function[inevent]) self[inevent] = total # Integrate along the edges total = inevent.null() for function in self.functions.values(): total = inevent.aggregate(total, function[inevent]) self._integrate_function(function, outevent, inevent) self[outevent] = total def _integrate_function(self, function, outevent, inevent): if function.cycle is not None: return self._integrate_cycle(function.cycle, outevent, inevent) else: if outevent not in function: total = function[inevent] for call in function.calls.values(): if call.callee_id != function.id: total += self._integrate_call(call, outevent, inevent) function[outevent] = total return function[outevent] def _integrate_call(self, call, outevent, inevent): assert outevent not in call assert call.ratio is not None callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] subtotal = call.ratio *self._integrate_function(callee, outevent, inevent) call[outevent] = subtotal return subtotal def _integrate_cycle(self, cycle, outevent, inevent): if outevent not in cycle: # Compute the outevent for the whole cycle total = inevent.null() for member in cycle.functions: subtotal = member[inevent] for call in member.calls.values(): callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] if callee.cycle is not cycle: subtotal += self._integrate_call(call, outevent, inevent) total += subtotal cycle[outevent] = total # Compute the time propagated to callers of this cycle callees = {} for function in self.functions.values(): if function.cycle is not cycle: for call in function.calls.values(): callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] if callee.cycle is cycle: try: callees[callee] += call.ratio except KeyError: callees[callee] = call.ratio for member in cycle.functions: member[outevent] = outevent.null() for callee, call_ratio in callees.items(): ranks = {} call_ratios = {} partials = {} self._rank_cycle_function(cycle, callee, ranks) self._call_ratios_cycle(cycle, callee, ranks, call_ratios, set()) partial = self._integrate_cycle_function(cycle, callee, call_ratio, partials, ranks, call_ratios, outevent, inevent) # Ensure `partial == max(partials.values())`, but with round-off tolerance max_partial = max(partials.values()) assert abs(partial - max_partial) <= 1e-7*max_partial assert abs(call_ratio*total - partial) <= 0.001*call_ratio*total return cycle[outevent] def _rank_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, ranks): """Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm. See also: - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra's_algorithm """ import heapq Q = [] Qd = {} p = {} visited = set([function]) ranks[function] = 0 for call in function.calls.values(): if call.callee_id != function.id: callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] if callee.cycle is cycle: ranks[callee] = 1 item = [ranks[callee], function, callee] heapq.heappush(Q, item) Qd[callee] = item while Q: cost, parent, member = heapq.heappop(Q) if member not in visited: p[member]= parent visited.add(member) for call in member.calls.values(): if call.callee_id != member.id: callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] if callee.cycle is cycle: member_rank = ranks[member] rank = ranks.get(callee) if rank is not None: if rank > 1 + member_rank: rank = 1 + member_rank ranks[callee] = rank Qd_callee = Qd[callee] Qd_callee[0] = rank Qd_callee[1] = member heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd_callee)) else: rank = 1 + member_rank ranks[callee] = rank item = [rank, member, callee] heapq.heappush(Q, item) Qd[callee] = item def _call_ratios_cycle(self, cycle, function, ranks, call_ratios, visited): if function not in visited: visited.add(function) for call in function.calls.values(): if call.callee_id != function.id: callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] if callee.cycle is cycle: if ranks[callee] > ranks[function]: call_ratios[callee] = call_ratios.get(callee, 0.0) + call.ratio self._call_ratios_cycle(cycle, callee, ranks, call_ratios, visited) def _integrate_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, partial_ratio, partials, ranks, call_ratios, outevent, inevent): if function not in partials: partial = partial_ratio*function[inevent] for call in function.calls.values(): if call.callee_id != function.id: callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] if callee.cycle is not cycle: assert outevent in call partial += partial_ratio*call[outevent] else: if ranks[callee] > ranks[function]: callee_partial = self._integrate_cycle_function(cycle, callee, partial_ratio, partials, ranks, call_ratios, outevent, inevent) call_ratio = ratio(call.ratio, call_ratios[callee]) call_partial = call_ratio*callee_partial try: call[outevent] += call_partial except UndefinedEvent: call[outevent] = call_partial partial += call_partial partials[function] = partial try: function[outevent] += partial except UndefinedEvent: function[outevent] = partial return partials[function] def aggregate(self, event): """Aggregate an event for the whole profile.""" total = event.null() for function in self.functions.values(): try: total = event.aggregate(total, function[event]) except UndefinedEvent: return self[event] = total def ratio(self, outevent, inevent): assert outevent not in self assert inevent in self for function in self.functions.values(): assert outevent not in function assert inevent in function function[outevent] = ratio(function[inevent], self[inevent]) for call in function.calls.values(): assert outevent not in call if inevent in call: call[outevent] = ratio(call[inevent], self[inevent]) self[outevent] = 1.0 def prune(self, node_thres, edge_thres, paths, color_nodes_by_selftime): """Prune the profile""" # compute the prune ratios for function in self.functions.values(): try: function.weight = function[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] except UndefinedEvent: pass for call in function.calls.values(): callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] if TOTAL_TIME_RATIO in call: # handle exact cases first call.weight = call[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] else: try: # make a safe estimate call.weight = min(function[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO], callee[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO]) except UndefinedEvent: pass # prune the nodes for function_id in list(self.functions.keys()): function = self.functions[function_id] if function.weight is not None: if function.weight < node_thres: del self.functions[function_id] # prune file paths for function_id in list(self.functions.keys()): function = self.functions[function_id] if paths and function.filename and not any(function.filename.startswith(path) for path in paths): del self.functions[function_id] elif paths and function.module and not any((function.module.find(path)>-1) for path in paths): del self.functions[function_id] # prune the edges for function in self.functions.values(): for callee_id in list(function.calls.keys()): call = function.calls[callee_id] if callee_id not in self.functions or call.weight is not None and call.weight < edge_thres: del function.calls[callee_id] if color_nodes_by_selftime: weights = [] for function in self.functions.values(): try: weights.append(function[TIME_RATIO]) except UndefinedEvent: pass max_ratio = max(weights or [1]) # apply rescaled weights for coloriung for function in self.functions.values(): try: function.weight = function[TIME_RATIO] / max_ratio except (ZeroDivisionError, UndefinedEvent): pass def dump(self): for function in self.functions.values(): sys.stderr.write('Function %s:\n' % (function.name,)) self._dump_events(function.events) for call in function.calls.values(): callee = self.functions[call.callee_id] sys.stderr.write(' Call %s:\n' % (callee.name,)) self._dump_events(call.events) for cycle in self.cycles: sys.stderr.write('Cycle:\n') self._dump_events(cycle.events) for function in cycle.functions: sys.stderr.write(' Function %s\n' % (function.name,)) def _dump_events(self, events): for event, value in events.items(): sys.stderr.write(' %s: %s\n' % (event.name, event.format(value))) ######################################################################## # Parsers class Struct: """Masquerade a dictionary with a structure-like behavior.""" def __init__(self, attrs = None): if attrs is None: attrs = {} self.__dict__['_attrs'] = attrs def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self._attrs[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._attrs[name] = value def __str__(self): return str(self._attrs) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._attrs) class ParseError(Exception): """Raised when parsing to signal mismatches.""" def __init__(self, msg, line): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = msg # TODO: store more source line information self.line = line def __str__(self): return '%s: %r' % (self.msg, self.line) class Parser: """Parser interface.""" stdinInput = True multipleInput = False def __init__(self): pass def parse(self): raise NotImplementedError class JsonParser(Parser): """Parser for a custom JSON representation of profile data. See schema.json for details. """ def __init__(self, stream): Parser.__init__(self) self.stream = stream def parse(self): obj = json.load(self.stream) assert obj['version'] == 0 profile = Profile() profile[SAMPLES] = 0 fns = obj['functions'] for functionIndex in range(len(fns)): fn = fns[functionIndex] function = Function(functionIndex, fn['name']) try: function.module = fn['module'] except KeyError: pass try: function.process = fn['process'] except KeyError: pass function[SAMPLES] = 0 function.called = 0 profile.add_function(function) for event in obj['events']: callchain = [] for functionIndex in event['callchain']: function = profile.functions[functionIndex] callchain.append(function) # increment the call count of the first in the callchain function = profile.functions[event['callchain'][0]] function.called = function.called + 1 cost = event['cost'][0] callee = callchain[0] callee[SAMPLES] += cost profile[SAMPLES] += cost for caller in callchain[1:]: try: call = caller.calls[callee.id] except KeyError: call = Call(callee.id) call[SAMPLES2] = cost caller.add_call(call) else: call[SAMPLES2] += cost callee = caller if False: profile.dump() # compute derived data profile.validate() profile.find_cycles() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) return profile class LineParser(Parser): """Base class for parsers that read line-based formats.""" def __init__(self, stream): Parser.__init__(self) self._stream = stream self.__line = None self.__eof = False self.line_no = 0 def readline(self): line = self._stream.readline() if not line: self.__line = '' self.__eof = True else: self.line_no += 1 line = line.rstrip('\r\n') self.__line = line def lookahead(self): assert self.__line is not None return self.__line def consume(self): assert self.__line is not None line = self.__line self.readline() return line def eof(self): assert self.__line is not None return self.__eof XML_ELEMENT_START, XML_ELEMENT_END, XML_CHARACTER_DATA, XML_EOF = range(4) class XmlToken: def __init__(self, type, name_or_data, attrs = None, line = None, column = None): assert type in (XML_ELEMENT_START, XML_ELEMENT_END, XML_CHARACTER_DATA, XML_EOF) self.type = type self.name_or_data = name_or_data self.attrs = attrs self.line = line self.column = column def __str__(self): if self.type == XML_ELEMENT_START: return '<' + self.name_or_data + ' ...>' if self.type == XML_ELEMENT_END: return '' if self.type == XML_CHARACTER_DATA: return self.name_or_data if self.type == XML_EOF: return 'end of file' assert 0 class XmlTokenizer: """Expat based XML tokenizer.""" def __init__(self, fp, skip_ws = True): self.fp = fp self.tokens = [] self.index = 0 self.final = False self.skip_ws = skip_ws self.character_pos = 0, 0 self.character_data = '' self.parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate() self.parser.StartElementHandler = self.handle_element_start self.parser.EndElementHandler = self.handle_element_end self.parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.handle_character_data def handle_element_start(self, name, attributes): self.finish_character_data() line, column = self.pos() token = XmlToken(XML_ELEMENT_START, name, attributes, line, column) self.tokens.append(token) def handle_element_end(self, name): self.finish_character_data() line, column = self.pos() token = XmlToken(XML_ELEMENT_END, name, None, line, column) self.tokens.append(token) def handle_character_data(self, data): if not self.character_data: self.character_pos = self.pos() self.character_data += data def finish_character_data(self): if self.character_data: if not self.skip_ws or not self.character_data.isspace(): line, column = self.character_pos token = XmlToken(XML_CHARACTER_DATA, self.character_data, None, line, column) self.tokens.append(token) self.character_data = '' def next(self): size = 16*1024 while self.index >= len(self.tokens) and not self.final: self.tokens = [] self.index = 0 data = self.fp.read(size) self.final = len(data) < size self.parser.Parse(data, self.final) if self.index >= len(self.tokens): line, column = self.pos() token = XmlToken(XML_EOF, None, None, line, column) else: token = self.tokens[self.index] self.index += 1 return token def pos(self): return self.parser.CurrentLineNumber, self.parser.CurrentColumnNumber class XmlTokenMismatch(Exception): def __init__(self, expected, found): Exception.__init__(self) self.expected = expected self.found = found def __str__(self): return '%u:%u: %s expected, %s found' % (self.found.line, self.found.column, str(self.expected), str(self.found)) class XmlParser(Parser): """Base XML document parser.""" def __init__(self, fp): Parser.__init__(self) self.tokenizer = XmlTokenizer(fp) self.consume() def consume(self): self.token = self.tokenizer.next() def match_element_start(self, name): return self.token.type == XML_ELEMENT_START and self.token.name_or_data == name def match_element_end(self, name): return self.token.type == XML_ELEMENT_END and self.token.name_or_data == name def element_start(self, name): while self.token.type == XML_CHARACTER_DATA: self.consume() if self.token.type != XML_ELEMENT_START: raise XmlTokenMismatch(XmlToken(XML_ELEMENT_START, name), self.token) if self.token.name_or_data != name: raise XmlTokenMismatch(XmlToken(XML_ELEMENT_START, name), self.token) attrs = self.token.attrs self.consume() return attrs def element_end(self, name): while self.token.type == XML_CHARACTER_DATA: self.consume() if self.token.type != XML_ELEMENT_END: raise XmlTokenMismatch(XmlToken(XML_ELEMENT_END, name), self.token) if self.token.name_or_data != name: raise XmlTokenMismatch(XmlToken(XML_ELEMENT_END, name), self.token) self.consume() def character_data(self, strip = True): data = '' while self.token.type == XML_CHARACTER_DATA: data += self.token.name_or_data self.consume() if strip: data = data.strip() return data class GprofParser(Parser): """Parser for GNU gprof output. See also: - Chapter "Interpreting gprof's Output" from the GNU gprof manual http://sourceware.org/binutils/docs-2.18/gprof/Call-Graph.html#Call-Graph - File "cg_print.c" from the GNU gprof source code http://sourceware.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/src/gprof/cg_print.c?rev=1.12&cvsroot=src """ def __init__(self, fp): Parser.__init__(self) self.fp = fp self.functions = {} self.cycles = {} def readline(self): line = self.fp.readline() if not line: sys.stderr.write('error: unexpected end of file\n') sys.exit(1) line = line.rstrip('\r\n') return line _int_re = re.compile(r'^\d+$') _float_re = re.compile(r'^\d+\.\d+$') def translate(self, mo): """Extract a structure from a match object, while translating the types in the process.""" attrs = {} groupdict = mo.groupdict() for name, value in groupdict.items(): if value is None: value = None elif self._int_re.match(value): value = int(value) elif self._float_re.match(value): value = float(value) attrs[name] = (value) return Struct(attrs) _cg_header_re = re.compile( # original gprof header r'^\s+called/total\s+parents\s*$|' + r'^index\s+%time\s+self\s+descendents\s+called\+self\s+name\s+index\s*$|' + r'^\s+called/total\s+children\s*$|' + # GNU gprof header r'^index\s+%\s+(time\s+)?self\s+children\s+called\s+name\s*$' ) _cg_ignore_re = re.compile( # spontaneous r'^\s+\s*$|' # internal calls (such as "mcount") r'^.*\((\d+)\)$' ) _cg_primary_re = re.compile( r'^\[(?P\d+)\]?' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?:(?P\d+)(?:\+(?P\d+))?)?' + r'\s+(?P\S.*?)' + r'(?:\s+\d+)>)?' + r'\s\[(\d+)\]$' ) _cg_parent_re = re.compile( r'^\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)?' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)?' + r'\s+(?P\d+)(?:/(?P\d+))?' + r'\s+(?P\S.*?)' + r'(?:\s+\d+)>)?' + r'\s\[(?P\d+)\]$' ) _cg_child_re = _cg_parent_re _cg_cycle_header_re = re.compile( r'^\[(?P\d+)\]?' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?:(?P\d+)(?:\+(?P\d+))?)?' + r'\s+\d+)\sas\sa\swhole>' + r'\s\[(\d+)\]$' ) _cg_cycle_member_re = re.compile( r'^\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)?' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)?' + r'\s+(?P\d+)(?:\+(?P\d+))?' + r'\s+(?P\S.*?)' + r'(?:\s+\d+)>)?' + r'\s\[(?P\d+)\]$' ) _cg_sep_re = re.compile(r'^--+$') def parse_function_entry(self, lines): parents = [] children = [] while True: if not lines: sys.stderr.write('warning: unexpected end of entry\n') line = lines.pop(0) if line.startswith('['): break # read function parent line mo = self._cg_parent_re.match(line) if not mo: if self._cg_ignore_re.match(line): continue sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry: %r\n' % line) else: parent = self.translate(mo) parents.append(parent) # read primary line mo = self._cg_primary_re.match(line) if not mo: sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry: %r\n' % line) return else: function = self.translate(mo) while lines: line = lines.pop(0) # read function subroutine line mo = self._cg_child_re.match(line) if not mo: if self._cg_ignore_re.match(line): continue sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry: %r\n' % line) else: child = self.translate(mo) children.append(child) function.parents = parents function.children = children self.functions[function.index] = function def parse_cycle_entry(self, lines): # read cycle header line line = lines[0] mo = self._cg_cycle_header_re.match(line) if not mo: sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry: %r\n' % line) return cycle = self.translate(mo) # read cycle member lines cycle.functions = [] for line in lines[1:]: mo = self._cg_cycle_member_re.match(line) if not mo: sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry: %r\n' % line) continue call = self.translate(mo) cycle.functions.append(call) self.cycles[cycle.cycle] = cycle def parse_cg_entry(self, lines): if lines[0].startswith("["): self.parse_cycle_entry(lines) else: self.parse_function_entry(lines) def parse_cg(self): """Parse the call graph.""" # skip call graph header while not self._cg_header_re.match(self.readline()): pass line = self.readline() while self._cg_header_re.match(line): line = self.readline() # process call graph entries entry_lines = [] while line != '\014': # form feed if line and not line.isspace(): if self._cg_sep_re.match(line): self.parse_cg_entry(entry_lines) entry_lines = [] else: entry_lines.append(line) line = self.readline() def parse(self): self.parse_cg() self.fp.close() profile = Profile() profile[TIME] = 0.0 cycles = {} for index in self.cycles: cycles[index] = Cycle() for entry in self.functions.values(): # populate the function function = Function(entry.index, entry.name) function[TIME] = entry.self if entry.called is not None: function.called = entry.called if entry.called_self is not None: call = Call(entry.index) call[CALLS] = entry.called_self function.called += entry.called_self # populate the function calls for child in entry.children: call = Call(child.index) assert child.called is not None call[CALLS] = child.called if child.index not in self.functions: # NOTE: functions that were never called but were discovered by gprof's # static call graph analysis dont have a call graph entry so we need # to add them here missing = Function(child.index, child.name) function[TIME] = 0.0 function.called = 0 profile.add_function(missing) function.add_call(call) profile.add_function(function) if entry.cycle is not None: try: cycle = cycles[entry.cycle] except KeyError: sys.stderr.write('warning: entry missing\n' % entry.cycle) cycle = Cycle() cycles[entry.cycle] = cycle cycle.add_function(function) profile[TIME] = profile[TIME] + function[TIME] for cycle in cycles.values(): profile.add_cycle(cycle) # Compute derived events profile.validate() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, TIME) profile.call_ratios(CALLS) profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME, TIME) profile.ratio(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TOTAL_TIME) return profile # Clone&hack of GprofParser for VTune Amplifier XE 2013 gprof-cc output. # Tested only with AXE 2013 for Windows. # - Use total times as reported by AXE. # - In the absence of call counts, call ratios are faked from the relative # proportions of total time. This affects only the weighting of the calls. # - Different header, separator, and end marker. # - Extra whitespace after function names. # - You get a full entry for , which does not have parents. # - Cycles do have parents. These are saved but unused (as they are # for functions). # - Disambiguated "unrecognized call graph entry" error messages. # Notes: # - Total time of functions as reported by AXE passes the val3 test. # - CPU Time:Children in the input is sometimes a negative number. This # value goes to the variable descendants, which is unused. # - The format of gprof-cc reports is unaffected by the use of # -knob enable-call-counts=true (no call counts, ever), or # -show-as=samples (results are quoted in seconds regardless). class AXEParser(Parser): "Parser for VTune Amplifier XE 2013 gprof-cc report output." def __init__(self, fp): Parser.__init__(self) self.fp = fp self.functions = {} self.cycles = {} def readline(self): line = self.fp.readline() if not line: sys.stderr.write('error: unexpected end of file\n') sys.exit(1) line = line.rstrip('\r\n') return line _int_re = re.compile(r'^\d+$') _float_re = re.compile(r'^\d+\.\d+$') def translate(self, mo): """Extract a structure from a match object, while translating the types in the process.""" attrs = {} groupdict = mo.groupdict() for name, value in groupdict.items(): if value is None: value = None elif self._int_re.match(value): value = int(value) elif self._float_re.match(value): value = float(value) attrs[name] = (value) return Struct(attrs) _cg_header_re = re.compile( '^Index |' '^-----+ ' ) _cg_footer_re = re.compile(r'^Index\s+Function\s*$') _cg_primary_re = re.compile( r'^\[(?P\d+)\]?' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?P\S.*?)' + r'(?:\s+\d+)>)?' + r'\s+\[(\d+)\]' + r'\s*$' ) _cg_parent_re = re.compile( r'^\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)?' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)?' + r'\s+(?P\S.*?)' + r'(?:\s+\d+)>)?' + r'(?:\s+\[(?P\d+)\]\s*)?' + r'\s*$' ) _cg_child_re = _cg_parent_re _cg_cycle_header_re = re.compile( r'^\[(?P\d+)\]?' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)' + r'\s+\d+)\sas\sa\swhole>' + r'\s+\[(\d+)\]' + r'\s*$' ) _cg_cycle_member_re = re.compile( r'^\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)?' + r'\s+(?P\d+\.\d+)?' + r'\s+(?P\S.*?)' + r'(?:\s+\d+)>)?' + r'\s+\[(?P\d+)\]' + r'\s*$' ) def parse_function_entry(self, lines): parents = [] children = [] while True: if not lines: sys.stderr.write('warning: unexpected end of entry\n') return line = lines.pop(0) if line.startswith('['): break # read function parent line mo = self._cg_parent_re.match(line) if not mo: sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry (1): %r\n' % line) else: parent = self.translate(mo) if parent.name != '': parents.append(parent) # read primary line mo = self._cg_primary_re.match(line) if not mo: sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry (2): %r\n' % line) return else: function = self.translate(mo) while lines: line = lines.pop(0) # read function subroutine line mo = self._cg_child_re.match(line) if not mo: sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry (3): %r\n' % line) else: child = self.translate(mo) if child.name != '': children.append(child) if function.name != '': function.parents = parents function.children = children self.functions[function.index] = function def parse_cycle_entry(self, lines): # Process the parents that were not there in gprof format. parents = [] while True: if not lines: sys.stderr.write('warning: unexpected end of cycle entry\n') return line = lines.pop(0) if line.startswith('['): break mo = self._cg_parent_re.match(line) if not mo: sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry (6): %r\n' % line) else: parent = self.translate(mo) if parent.name != '': parents.append(parent) # read cycle header line mo = self._cg_cycle_header_re.match(line) if not mo: sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry (4): %r\n' % line) return cycle = self.translate(mo) # read cycle member lines cycle.functions = [] for line in lines[1:]: mo = self._cg_cycle_member_re.match(line) if not mo: sys.stderr.write('warning: unrecognized call graph entry (5): %r\n' % line) continue call = self.translate(mo) cycle.functions.append(call) cycle.parents = parents self.cycles[cycle.cycle] = cycle def parse_cg_entry(self, lines): if any("as a whole" in linelooper for linelooper in lines): self.parse_cycle_entry(lines) else: self.parse_function_entry(lines) def parse_cg(self): """Parse the call graph.""" # skip call graph header line = self.readline() while self._cg_header_re.match(line): line = self.readline() # process call graph entries entry_lines = [] # An EOF in readline terminates the program without returning. while not self._cg_footer_re.match(line): if line.isspace(): self.parse_cg_entry(entry_lines) entry_lines = [] else: entry_lines.append(line) line = self.readline() def parse(self): sys.stderr.write('warning: for axe format, edge weights are unreliable estimates derived from function total times.\n') self.parse_cg() self.fp.close() profile = Profile() profile[TIME] = 0.0 cycles = {} for index in self.cycles: cycles[index] = Cycle() for entry in self.functions.values(): # populate the function function = Function(entry.index, entry.name) function[TIME] = entry.self function[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] = entry.percentage_time / 100.0 # populate the function calls for child in entry.children: call = Call(child.index) # The following bogus value affects only the weighting of # the calls. call[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] = function[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] if child.index not in self.functions: # NOTE: functions that were never called but were discovered by gprof's # static call graph analysis dont have a call graph entry so we need # to add them here # FIXME: Is this applicable? missing = Function(child.index, child.name) function[TIME] = 0.0 profile.add_function(missing) function.add_call(call) profile.add_function(function) if entry.cycle is not None: try: cycle = cycles[entry.cycle] except KeyError: sys.stderr.write('warning: entry missing\n' % entry.cycle) cycle = Cycle() cycles[entry.cycle] = cycle cycle.add_function(function) profile[TIME] = profile[TIME] + function[TIME] for cycle in cycles.values(): profile.add_cycle(cycle) # Compute derived events. profile.validate() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, TIME) # Lacking call counts, fake call ratios based on total times. profile.call_ratios(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO) # The TOTAL_TIME_RATIO of functions is already set. Propagate that # total time to the calls. (TOTAL_TIME is neither set nor used.) for function in profile.functions.values(): for call in function.calls.values(): if call.ratio is not None: callee = profile.functions[call.callee_id] call[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] = call.ratio * callee[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] return profile class CallgrindParser(LineParser): """Parser for valgrind's callgrind tool. See also: - https://valgrind.org/docs/manual/cl-format.html """ _call_re = re.compile(r'^calls=\s*(\d+)\s+((\d+|\+\d+|-\d+|\*)\s+)+$') def __init__(self, infile): LineParser.__init__(self, infile) # Textual positions self.position_ids = {} self.positions = {} # Numeric positions self.num_positions = 1 self.cost_positions = ['line'] self.last_positions = [0] # Events self.num_events = 0 self.cost_events = [] self.profile = Profile() self.profile[SAMPLES] = 0 def parse(self): # read lookahead self.readline() self.parse_key('version') self.parse_key('creator') while self.parse_part(): pass if not self.eof(): sys.stderr.write('warning: line %u: unexpected line\n' % self.line_no) sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % self.lookahead()) # compute derived data self.profile.validate() self.profile.find_cycles() self.profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) self.profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) self.profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) return self.profile def parse_part(self): if not self.parse_header_line(): return False while self.parse_header_line(): pass if not self.parse_body_line(): return False while self.parse_body_line(): pass return True def parse_header_line(self): return \ self.parse_empty() or \ self.parse_comment() or \ self.parse_part_detail() or \ self.parse_description() or \ self.parse_event_specification() or \ self.parse_cost_line_def() or \ self.parse_cost_summary() _detail_keys = set(('cmd', 'pid', 'thread', 'part')) def parse_part_detail(self): return self.parse_keys(self._detail_keys) def parse_description(self): return self.parse_key('desc') is not None def parse_event_specification(self): event = self.parse_key('event') if event is None: return False return True def parse_cost_line_def(self): pair = self.parse_keys(('events', 'positions')) if pair is None: return False key, value = pair items = value.split() if key == 'events': self.num_events = len(items) self.cost_events = items if key == 'positions': self.num_positions = len(items) self.cost_positions = items self.last_positions = [0]*self.num_positions return True def parse_cost_summary(self): pair = self.parse_keys(('summary', 'totals')) if pair is None: return False return True def parse_body_line(self): return \ self.parse_empty() or \ self.parse_comment() or \ self.parse_cost_line() or \ self.parse_position_spec() or \ self.parse_association_spec() __subpos_re = r'(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\d+|\+\d+|-\d+|\*)' _cost_re = re.compile(r'^' + __subpos_re + r'( +' + __subpos_re + r')*' + r'( +\d+)*' + '$') def parse_cost_line(self, calls=None): line = self.lookahead().rstrip() mo = self._cost_re.match(line) if not mo: return False function = self.get_function() if calls is None: # Unlike other aspects, call object (cob) is relative not to the # last call object, but to the caller's object (ob), so try to # update it when processing a functions cost line try: self.positions['cob'] = self.positions['ob'] except KeyError: pass values = line.split() assert len(values) <= self.num_positions + self.num_events positions = values[0 : self.num_positions] events = values[self.num_positions : ] events += ['0']*(self.num_events - len(events)) for i in range(self.num_positions): position = positions[i] if position == '*': position = self.last_positions[i] elif position[0] in '-+': position = self.last_positions[i] + int(position) elif position.startswith('0x'): position = int(position, 16) else: position = int(position) self.last_positions[i] = position events = [float(event) for event in events] if calls is None: function[SAMPLES] += events[0] self.profile[SAMPLES] += events[0] else: callee = self.get_callee() callee.called += calls try: call = function.calls[callee.id] except KeyError: call = Call(callee.id) call[CALLS] = calls call[SAMPLES2] = events[0] function.add_call(call) else: call[CALLS] += calls call[SAMPLES2] += events[0] self.consume() return True def parse_association_spec(self): line = self.lookahead() if not line.startswith('calls='): return False _, values = line.split('=', 1) values = values.strip().split() calls = int(values[0]) call_position = values[1:] self.consume() self.parse_cost_line(calls) return True _position_re = re.compile(r'^(?P[cj]?(?:ob|fl|fi|fe|fn))=\s*(?:\((?P\d+)\))?(?:\s*(?P.+))?') _position_table_map = { 'ob': 'ob', 'fl': 'fl', 'fi': 'fl', 'fe': 'fl', 'fn': 'fn', 'cob': 'ob', 'cfl': 'fl', 'cfi': 'fl', 'cfe': 'fl', 'cfn': 'fn', 'jfi': 'fl', } _position_map = { 'ob': 'ob', 'fl': 'fl', 'fi': 'fl', 'fe': 'fl', 'fn': 'fn', 'cob': 'cob', 'cfl': 'cfl', 'cfi': 'cfl', 'cfe': 'cfl', 'cfn': 'cfn', 'jfi': 'jfi', } def parse_position_spec(self): line = self.lookahead() if line.startswith('jump=') or line.startswith('jcnd='): self.consume() return True mo = self._position_re.match(line) if not mo: return False position, id, name = mo.groups() if id: table = self._position_table_map[position] if name: self.position_ids[(table, id)] = name else: name = self.position_ids.get((table, id), '') self.positions[self._position_map[position]] = name self.consume() return True def parse_empty(self): if self.eof(): return False line = self.lookahead() if line.strip(): return False self.consume() return True def parse_comment(self): line = self.lookahead() if not line.startswith('#'): return False self.consume() return True _key_re = re.compile(r'^(\w+):') def parse_key(self, key): pair = self.parse_keys((key,)) if not pair: return None key, value = pair return value def parse_keys(self, keys): line = self.lookahead() mo = self._key_re.match(line) if not mo: return None key, value = line.split(':', 1) if key not in keys: return None value = value.strip() self.consume() return key, value def make_function(self, module, filename, name): # FIXME: module and filename are not being tracked reliably #id = '|'.join((module, filename, name)) id = name try: function = self.profile.functions[id] except KeyError: function = Function(id, name) if module: function.module = os.path.basename(module) function[SAMPLES] = 0 function.called = 0 self.profile.add_function(function) return function def get_function(self): module = self.positions.get('ob', '') filename = self.positions.get('fl', '') function = self.positions.get('fn', '') return self.make_function(module, filename, function) def get_callee(self): module = self.positions.get('cob', '') filename = self.positions.get('cfi', '') function = self.positions.get('cfn', '') return self.make_function(module, filename, function) def readline(self): # Override LineParser.readline to ignore comment lines while True: LineParser.readline(self) if self.eof() or not self.lookahead().startswith('#'): break class PerfParser(LineParser): """Parser for linux perf callgraph output. It expects output generated with perf record -g perf script | gprof2dot.py --format=perf """ def __init__(self, infile): LineParser.__init__(self, infile) self.profile = Profile() def readline(self): # Override LineParser.readline to ignore comment lines while True: LineParser.readline(self) if self.eof() or not self.lookahead().startswith('#'): break def parse(self): # read lookahead self.readline() profile = self.profile profile[SAMPLES] = 0 while not self.eof(): self.parse_event() # compute derived data profile.validate() profile.find_cycles() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) if totalMethod == "callratios": # Heuristic approach. TOTAL_SAMPLES is unused. profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) elif totalMethod == "callstacks": # Use the actual call chains for functions. profile[TOTAL_SAMPLES] = profile[SAMPLES] profile.ratio(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TOTAL_SAMPLES) # Then propagate that total time to the calls. for function in profile.functions.values(): for call in function.calls.values(): if call.ratio is not None: callee = profile.functions[call.callee_id] call[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] = call.ratio * callee[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] else: assert False return profile def parse_event(self): if self.eof(): return line = self.consume() assert line callchain = self.parse_callchain() if not callchain: return callee = callchain[0] callee[SAMPLES] += 1 self.profile[SAMPLES] += 1 for caller in callchain[1:]: try: call = caller.calls[callee.id] except KeyError: call = Call(callee.id) call[SAMPLES2] = 1 caller.add_call(call) else: call[SAMPLES2] += 1 callee = caller # Increment TOTAL_SAMPLES only once on each function. stack = set(callchain) for function in stack: function[TOTAL_SAMPLES] += 1 def parse_callchain(self): callchain = [] while self.lookahead(): function = self.parse_call() if function is None: break callchain.append(function) if self.lookahead() == '': self.consume() return callchain call_re = re.compile(r'^\s+(?P
[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(?P.*)\s+\((?P.*)\)$') addr2_re = re.compile(r'\+0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$') def parse_call(self): line = self.consume() mo = self.call_re.match(line) assert mo if not mo: return None function_name = mo.group('symbol') # If present, amputate program counter from function name. if function_name: function_name = re.sub(self.addr2_re, '', function_name) if not function_name or function_name == '[unknown]': function_name = mo.group('address') module = mo.group('module') function_id = function_name + ':' + module try: function = self.profile.functions[function_id] except KeyError: function = Function(function_id, function_name) function.module = os.path.basename(module) function[SAMPLES] = 0 function[TOTAL_SAMPLES] = 0 self.profile.add_function(function) return function class OprofileParser(LineParser): """Parser for oprofile callgraph output. See also: - http://oprofile.sourceforge.net/doc/opreport.html#opreport-callgraph """ _fields_re = { 'samples': r'(\d+)', '%': r'(\S+)', 'linenr info': r'(?P\(no location information\)|\S+:\d+)', 'image name': r'(?P\S+(?:\s\(tgid:[^)]*\))?)', 'app name': r'(?P\S+)', 'symbol name': r'(?P\(no symbols\)|.+?)', } def __init__(self, infile): LineParser.__init__(self, infile) self.entries = {} self.entry_re = None def add_entry(self, callers, function, callees): try: entry = self.entries[function.id] except KeyError: self.entries[function.id] = (callers, function, callees) else: callers_total, function_total, callees_total = entry self.update_subentries_dict(callers_total, callers) function_total.samples += function.samples self.update_subentries_dict(callees_total, callees) def update_subentries_dict(self, totals, partials): for partial in partials.values(): try: total = totals[partial.id] except KeyError: totals[partial.id] = partial else: total.samples += partial.samples def parse(self): # read lookahead self.readline() self.parse_header() while self.lookahead(): self.parse_entry() profile = Profile() reverse_call_samples = {} # populate the profile profile[SAMPLES] = 0 for _callers, _function, _callees in self.entries.values(): function = Function(_function.id, _function.name) function[SAMPLES] = _function.samples profile.add_function(function) profile[SAMPLES] += _function.samples if _function.application: function.process = os.path.basename(_function.application) if _function.image: function.module = os.path.basename(_function.image) total_callee_samples = 0 for _callee in _callees.values(): total_callee_samples += _callee.samples for _callee in _callees.values(): if not _callee.self: call = Call(_callee.id) call[SAMPLES2] = _callee.samples function.add_call(call) # compute derived data profile.validate() profile.find_cycles() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) return profile def parse_header(self): while not self.match_header(): self.consume() line = self.lookahead() fields = re.split(r'\s\s+', line) entry_re = r'^\s*' + r'\s+'.join([self._fields_re[field] for field in fields]) + r'(?P\s+\[self\])?$' self.entry_re = re.compile(entry_re) self.skip_separator() def parse_entry(self): callers = self.parse_subentries() if self.match_primary(): function = self.parse_subentry() if function is not None: callees = self.parse_subentries() self.add_entry(callers, function, callees) self.skip_separator() def parse_subentries(self): subentries = {} while self.match_secondary(): subentry = self.parse_subentry() subentries[subentry.id] = subentry return subentries def parse_subentry(self): entry = Struct() line = self.consume() mo = self.entry_re.match(line) if not mo: raise ParseError('failed to parse', line) fields = mo.groupdict() entry.samples = int(mo.group(1)) if 'source' in fields and fields['source'] != '(no location information)': source = fields['source'] filename, lineno = source.split(':') entry.filename = filename entry.lineno = int(lineno) else: source = '' entry.filename = None entry.lineno = None entry.image = fields.get('image', '') entry.application = fields.get('application', '') if 'symbol' in fields and fields['symbol'] != '(no symbols)': entry.symbol = fields['symbol'] else: entry.symbol = '' if entry.symbol.startswith('"') and entry.symbol.endswith('"'): entry.symbol = entry.symbol[1:-1] entry.id = ':'.join((entry.application, entry.image, source, entry.symbol)) entry.self = fields.get('self', None) != None if entry.self: entry.id += ':self' if entry.symbol: entry.name = entry.symbol else: entry.name = entry.image return entry def skip_separator(self): while not self.match_separator(): self.consume() self.consume() def match_header(self): line = self.lookahead() return line.startswith('samples') def match_separator(self): line = self.lookahead() return line == '-'*len(line) def match_primary(self): line = self.lookahead() return not line[:1].isspace() def match_secondary(self): line = self.lookahead() return line[:1].isspace() class HProfParser(LineParser): """Parser for java hprof output See also: - http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/HPROF.html """ trace_re = re.compile(r'\t(.*)\((.*):(.*)\)') trace_id_re = re.compile(r'^TRACE (\d+):$') def __init__(self, infile): LineParser.__init__(self, infile) self.traces = {} self.samples = {} def parse(self): # read lookahead self.readline() while not self.lookahead().startswith('------'): self.consume() while not self.lookahead().startswith('TRACE '): self.consume() self.parse_traces() while not self.lookahead().startswith('CPU'): self.consume() self.parse_samples() # populate the profile profile = Profile() profile[SAMPLES] = 0 functions = {} # build up callgraph for id, trace in self.traces.items(): if not id in self.samples: continue mtime = self.samples[id][0] last = None for func, file, line in trace: if not func in functions: function = Function(func, func) function[SAMPLES] = 0 profile.add_function(function) functions[func] = function function = functions[func] # allocate time to the deepest method in the trace if not last: function[SAMPLES] += mtime profile[SAMPLES] += mtime else: c = function.get_call(last) c[SAMPLES2] += mtime last = func # compute derived data profile.validate() profile.find_cycles() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) return profile def parse_traces(self): while self.lookahead().startswith('TRACE '): self.parse_trace() def parse_trace(self): l = self.consume() mo = self.trace_id_re.match(l) tid = mo.group(1) last = None trace = [] while self.lookahead().startswith('\t'): l = self.consume() match = self.trace_re.search(l) if not match: #sys.stderr.write('Invalid line: %s\n' % l) break else: function_name, file, line = match.groups() trace += [(function_name, file, line)] self.traces[int(tid)] = trace def parse_samples(self): self.consume() self.consume() while not self.lookahead().startswith('CPU'): rank, percent_self, percent_accum, count, traceid, method = self.lookahead().split() self.samples[int(traceid)] = (int(count), method) self.consume() class SysprofParser(XmlParser): def __init__(self, stream): XmlParser.__init__(self, stream) def parse(self): objects = {} nodes = {} self.element_start('profile') while self.token.type == XML_ELEMENT_START: if self.token.name_or_data == 'objects': assert not objects objects = self.parse_items('objects') elif self.token.name_or_data == 'nodes': assert not nodes nodes = self.parse_items('nodes') else: self.parse_value(self.token.name_or_data) self.element_end('profile') return self.build_profile(objects, nodes) def parse_items(self, name): assert name[-1] == 's' items = {} self.element_start(name) while self.token.type == XML_ELEMENT_START: id, values = self.parse_item(name[:-1]) assert id not in items items[id] = values self.element_end(name) return items def parse_item(self, name): attrs = self.element_start(name) id = int(attrs['id']) values = self.parse_values() self.element_end(name) return id, values def parse_values(self): values = {} while self.token.type == XML_ELEMENT_START: name = self.token.name_or_data value = self.parse_value(name) assert name not in values values[name] = value return values def parse_value(self, tag): self.element_start(tag) value = self.character_data() self.element_end(tag) if value.isdigit(): return int(value) if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'): return value[1:-1] return value def build_profile(self, objects, nodes): profile = Profile() profile[SAMPLES] = 0 for id, object in objects.items(): # Ignore fake objects (process names, modules, "Everything", "kernel", etc.) if object['self'] == 0: continue function = Function(id, object['name']) function[SAMPLES] = object['self'] profile.add_function(function) profile[SAMPLES] += function[SAMPLES] for id, node in nodes.items(): # Ignore fake calls if node['self'] == 0: continue # Find a non-ignored parent parent_id = node['parent'] while parent_id != 0: parent = nodes[parent_id] caller_id = parent['object'] if objects[caller_id]['self'] != 0: break parent_id = parent['parent'] if parent_id == 0: continue callee_id = node['object'] assert objects[caller_id]['self'] assert objects[callee_id]['self'] function = profile.functions[caller_id] samples = node['self'] try: call = function.calls[callee_id] except KeyError: call = Call(callee_id) call[SAMPLES2] = samples function.add_call(call) else: call[SAMPLES2] += samples # Compute derived events profile.validate() profile.find_cycles() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) return profile class XPerfParser(Parser): """Parser for CSVs generated by XPerf, from Microsoft Windows Performance Tools. """ def __init__(self, stream): Parser.__init__(self) self.stream = stream self.profile = Profile() self.profile[SAMPLES] = 0 self.column = {} def parse(self): import csv reader = csv.reader( self.stream, delimiter = ',', quotechar = None, escapechar = None, doublequote = False, skipinitialspace = True, lineterminator = '\r\n', quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONE) header = True for row in reader: if header: self.parse_header(row) header = False else: self.parse_row(row) # compute derived data self.profile.validate() self.profile.find_cycles() self.profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) self.profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) self.profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) return self.profile def parse_header(self, row): for column in range(len(row)): name = row[column] assert name not in self.column self.column[name] = column def parse_row(self, row): fields = {} for name, column in self.column.items(): value = row[column] for factory in int, float: try: value = factory(value) except ValueError: pass else: break fields[name] = value process = fields['Process Name'] symbol = fields['Module'] + '!' + fields['Function'] weight = fields['Weight'] count = fields['Count'] if process == 'Idle': return function = self.get_function(process, symbol) function[SAMPLES] += weight * count self.profile[SAMPLES] += weight * count stack = fields['Stack'] if stack != '?': stack = stack.split('/') assert stack[0] == '[Root]' if stack[-1] != symbol: # XXX: some cases the sampled function does not appear in the stack stack.append(symbol) caller = None for symbol in stack[1:]: callee = self.get_function(process, symbol) if caller is not None: try: call = caller.calls[callee.id] except KeyError: call = Call(callee.id) call[SAMPLES2] = count caller.add_call(call) else: call[SAMPLES2] += count caller = callee def get_function(self, process, symbol): function_id = process + '!' + symbol try: function = self.profile.functions[function_id] except KeyError: module, name = symbol.split('!', 1) function = Function(function_id, name) function.process = process function.module = module function[SAMPLES] = 0 self.profile.add_function(function) return function class SleepyParser(Parser): """Parser for GNU gprof output. See also: - http://www.codersnotes.com/sleepy/ - http://sleepygraph.sourceforge.net/ """ stdinInput = False def __init__(self, filename): Parser.__init__(self) from zipfile import ZipFile self.database = ZipFile(filename) self.symbols = {} self.calls = {} self.profile = Profile() _symbol_re = re.compile( r'^(?P\w+)' + r'\s+"(?P[^"]*)"' + r'\s+"(?P[^"]*)"' + r'\s+"(?P[^"]*)"' + r'\s+(?P\d+)$' ) def openEntry(self, name): # Some versions of verysleepy use lowercase filenames for database_name in self.database.namelist(): if name.lower() == database_name.lower(): name = database_name break return self.database.open(name, 'r') def parse_symbols(self): for line in self.openEntry('Symbols.txt'): line = line.decode('UTF-8').rstrip('\r\n') mo = self._symbol_re.match(line) if mo: symbol_id, module, procname, sourcefile, sourceline = mo.groups() function_id = ':'.join([module, procname]) try: function = self.profile.functions[function_id] except KeyError: function = Function(function_id, procname) function.module = module function[SAMPLES] = 0 self.profile.add_function(function) self.symbols[symbol_id] = function def parse_callstacks(self): for line in self.openEntry('Callstacks.txt'): line = line.decode('UTF-8').rstrip('\r\n') fields = line.split() samples = float(fields[0]) callstack = fields[1:] callstack = [self.symbols[symbol_id] for symbol_id in callstack] callee = callstack[0] callee[SAMPLES] += samples self.profile[SAMPLES] += samples for caller in callstack[1:]: try: call = caller.calls[callee.id] except KeyError: call = Call(callee.id) call[SAMPLES2] = samples caller.add_call(call) else: call[SAMPLES2] += samples callee = caller def parse(self): profile = self.profile profile[SAMPLES] = 0 self.parse_symbols() self.parse_callstacks() # Compute derived events profile.validate() profile.find_cycles() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) return profile class PstatsParser: """Parser python profiling statistics saved with te pstats module.""" stdinInput = False multipleInput = True def __init__(self, *filename): import pstats try: self.stats = pstats.Stats(*filename) except ValueError: sys.stderr.write('error: failed to load %s, maybe they are generated by different python version?\n' % ', '.join(filename)) sys.exit(1) self.profile = Profile() self.function_ids = {} def get_function_name(self, key): filename, line, name = key module = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] module = os.path.basename(module) return "%s:%d:%s" % (module, line, name) def get_function(self, key): try: id = self.function_ids[key] except KeyError: id = len(self.function_ids) name = self.get_function_name(key) function = Function(id, name) function.filename = key[0] self.profile.functions[id] = function self.function_ids[key] = id else: function = self.profile.functions[id] return function def parse(self): self.profile[TIME] = 0.0 self.profile[TOTAL_TIME] = self.stats.total_tt for fn, (cc, nc, tt, ct, callers) in self.stats.stats.items(): callee = self.get_function(fn) callee.called = nc callee[TOTAL_TIME] = ct callee[TIME] = tt self.profile[TIME] += tt self.profile[TOTAL_TIME] = max(self.profile[TOTAL_TIME], ct) for fn, value in callers.items(): caller = self.get_function(fn) call = Call(callee.id) if isinstance(value, tuple): for i in range(0, len(value), 4): nc, cc, tt, ct = value[i:i+4] if CALLS in call: call[CALLS] += cc else: call[CALLS] = cc if TOTAL_TIME in call: call[TOTAL_TIME] += ct else: call[TOTAL_TIME] = ct else: call[CALLS] = value call[TOTAL_TIME] = ratio(value, nc)*ct caller.add_call(call) if False: self.stats.print_stats() self.stats.print_callees() # Compute derived events self.profile.validate() self.profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, TIME) self.profile.ratio(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TOTAL_TIME) return self.profile class DtraceParser(LineParser): """Parser for linux perf callgraph output. It expects output generated with # Refer to https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph#dtrace # 60 seconds of user-level stacks, including time spent in-kernel, for PID 12345 at 97 Hertz sudo dtrace -x ustackframes=100 -n 'profile-97 /pid == 12345/ { @[ustack()] = count(); } tick-60s { exit(0); }' -o out.user_stacks # The dtrace output gprof2dot.py -f dtrace out.user_stacks # Notice: sometimes, the dtrace outputs format may be latin-1, and gprof2dot will fail to parse it. # To solve this problem, you should use iconv to convert to UTF-8 explicitly. # TODO: add an encoding flag to tell gprof2dot how to decode the profile file. iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 out.user_stacks | gprof2dot.py -f dtrace """ def __init__(self, infile): LineParser.__init__(self, infile) self.profile = Profile() def readline(self): # Override LineParser.readline to ignore comment lines while True: LineParser.readline(self) if self.eof(): break line = self.lookahead().strip() if line.startswith('CPU'): # The format likes: # CPU ID FUNCTION:NAME # 1 29684 :tick-60s # Skip next line LineParser.readline(self) elif not line == '': break def parse(self): # read lookahead self.readline() profile = self.profile profile[SAMPLES] = 0 while not self.eof(): self.parse_event() # compute derived data profile.validate() profile.find_cycles() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) if totalMethod == "callratios": # Heuristic approach. TOTAL_SAMPLES is unused. profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) elif totalMethod == "callstacks": # Use the actual call chains for functions. profile[TOTAL_SAMPLES] = profile[SAMPLES] profile.ratio(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TOTAL_SAMPLES) # Then propagate that total time to the calls. for function in profile.functions.values(): for call in function.calls.values(): if call.ratio is not None: callee = profile.functions[call.callee_id] call[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] = call.ratio * callee[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] else: assert False return profile def parse_event(self): if self.eof(): return callchain, count = self.parse_callchain() if not callchain: return callee = callchain[0] callee[SAMPLES] += count self.profile[SAMPLES] += count for caller in callchain[1:]: try: call = caller.calls[callee.id] except KeyError: call = Call(callee.id) call[SAMPLES2] = count caller.add_call(call) else: call[SAMPLES2] += count callee = caller # Increment TOTAL_SAMPLES only once on each function. stack = set(callchain) for function in stack: function[TOTAL_SAMPLES] += count def parse_callchain(self): callchain = [] count = 0 while self.lookahead(): function, count = self.parse_call() if function is None: break callchain.append(function) return callchain, count call_re = re.compile(r'^\s+(?P.*)`(?P.*)') addr2_re = re.compile(r'\+0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$') def parse_call(self): line = self.consume() mo = self.call_re.match(line) if not mo: # The line must be the stack count return None, int(line.strip()) function_name = mo.group('symbol') # If present, amputate program counter from function name. if function_name: function_name = re.sub(self.addr2_re, '', function_name) # if not function_name or function_name == '[unknown]': # function_name = mo.group('address') module = mo.group('module') function_id = function_name + ':' + module try: function = self.profile.functions[function_id] except KeyError: function = Function(function_id, function_name) function.module = os.path.basename(module) function[SAMPLES] = 0 function[TOTAL_SAMPLES] = 0 self.profile.add_function(function) return function, None class CollapseParser(LineParser): """Parser for the output of stackcollapse (from https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph) """ def __init__(self, infile): LineParser.__init__(self, infile) self.profile = Profile() def parse(self): profile = self.profile profile[SAMPLES] = 0 self.readline() while not self.eof(): self.parse_event() # compute derived data profile.validate() profile.find_cycles() profile.ratio(TIME_RATIO, SAMPLES) profile.call_ratios(SAMPLES2) if totalMethod == "callratios": # Heuristic approach. TOTAL_SAMPLES is unused. profile.integrate(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO) elif totalMethod == "callstacks": # Use the actual call chains for functions. profile[TOTAL_SAMPLES] = profile[SAMPLES] profile.ratio(TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TOTAL_SAMPLES) # Then propagate that total time to the calls. for function in compat_itervalues(profile.functions): for call in compat_itervalues(function.calls): if call.ratio is not None: callee = profile.functions[call.callee_id] call[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] = call.ratio * callee[TOTAL_TIME_RATIO] else: assert False return profile def parse_event(self): line = self.consume() stack, count = line.rsplit(' ',maxsplit=1) count=int(count) self.profile[SAMPLES] += count calls = stack.split(';') functions = [self._make_function(call) for call in calls] functions[-1][SAMPLES] += count # TOTAL_SAMPLES excludes loops for func in set(functions): func[TOTAL_SAMPLES] += count # add call data callee = functions[-1] for caller in reversed(functions[:-1]): call = caller.calls.get(callee.id) if call is None: call = Call(callee.id) call[SAMPLES2] = 0 caller.add_call(call) call[SAMPLES2] += count callee = caller call_re = re.compile(r'^(?P[^ ]+) \((?P.*):(?P[0-9]+)\)$') def _make_function(self, call): """turn a call str into a Function takes a call site, as found between semicolons in the input, and returns a Function definition corresponding to that call site. """ mo = self.call_re.match(call) if mo: name, module, line = mo.groups() func_id = "%s:%s" % (module, name) else: name = func_id = call module = None func = self.profile.functions.get(func_id) if func is None: func = Function(func_id, name) func.module = module func[SAMPLES] = 0 func[TOTAL_SAMPLES] = 0 self.profile.add_function(func) return func formats = { "axe": AXEParser, "callgrind": CallgrindParser, "collapse": CollapseParser, "hprof": HProfParser, "json": JsonParser, "oprofile": OprofileParser, "perf": PerfParser, "prof": GprofParser, "pstats": PstatsParser, "sleepy": SleepyParser, "sysprof": SysprofParser, "xperf": XPerfParser, "dtrace": DtraceParser, } ######################################################################## # Output class Theme: def __init__(self, bgcolor = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), mincolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), maxcolor = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), fontname = "Arial", fontcolor = "white", nodestyle = "filled", minfontsize = 10.0, maxfontsize = 10.0, minpenwidth = 0.5, maxpenwidth = 4.0, gamma = 2.2, skew = 1.0): self.bgcolor = bgcolor self.mincolor = mincolor self.maxcolor = maxcolor self.fontname = fontname self.fontcolor = fontcolor self.nodestyle = nodestyle self.minfontsize = minfontsize self.maxfontsize = maxfontsize self.minpenwidth = minpenwidth self.maxpenwidth = maxpenwidth self.gamma = gamma self.skew = skew def graph_bgcolor(self): return self.hsl_to_rgb(*self.bgcolor) def graph_fontname(self): return self.fontname def graph_fontcolor(self): return self.fontcolor def node_bgcolor(self, weight): return self.color(weight) def node_fgcolor(self, weight): if self.nodestyle == "filled": return self.graph_bgcolor() else: return self.color(weight) def node_fontsize(self, weight): return self.fontsize(weight) def node_style(self): return self.nodestyle def edge_color(self, weight): return self.color(weight) def edge_fontsize(self, weight): return self.fontsize(weight) def edge_penwidth(self, weight): return max(weight*self.maxpenwidth, self.minpenwidth) def edge_arrowsize(self, weight): return 0.5 * math.sqrt(self.edge_penwidth(weight)) def fontsize(self, weight): return max(weight**2 * self.maxfontsize, self.minfontsize) def color(self, weight): weight = min(max(weight, 0.0), 1.0) hmin, smin, lmin = self.mincolor hmax, smax, lmax = self.maxcolor if self.skew < 0: raise ValueError("Skew must be greater than 0") elif self.skew == 1.0: h = hmin + weight*(hmax - hmin) s = smin + weight*(smax - smin) l = lmin + weight*(lmax - lmin) else: base = self.skew h = hmin + ((hmax-hmin)*(-1.0 + (base ** weight)) / (base - 1.0)) s = smin + ((smax-smin)*(-1.0 + (base ** weight)) / (base - 1.0)) l = lmin + ((lmax-lmin)*(-1.0 + (base ** weight)) / (base - 1.0)) return self.hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l) def hsl_to_rgb(self, h, s, l): """Convert a color from HSL color-model to RGB. See also: - http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#hsl-color """ h = h % 1.0 s = min(max(s, 0.0), 1.0) l = min(max(l, 0.0), 1.0) if l <= 0.5: m2 = l*(s + 1.0) else: m2 = l + s - l*s m1 = l*2.0 - m2 r = self._hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h + 1.0/3.0) g = self._hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h) b = self._hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h - 1.0/3.0) # Apply gamma correction r **= self.gamma g **= self.gamma b **= self.gamma return (r, g, b) def _hue_to_rgb(self, m1, m2, h): if h < 0.0: h += 1.0 elif h > 1.0: h -= 1.0 if h*6 < 1.0: return m1 + (m2 - m1)*h*6.0 elif h*2 < 1.0: return m2 elif h*3 < 2.0: return m1 + (m2 - m1)*(2.0/3.0 - h)*6.0 else: return m1 TEMPERATURE_COLORMAP = Theme( mincolor = (2.0/3.0, 0.80, 0.25), # dark blue maxcolor = (0.0, 1.0, 0.5), # satured red gamma = 1.0 ) PINK_COLORMAP = Theme( mincolor = (0.0, 1.0, 0.90), # pink maxcolor = (0.0, 1.0, 0.5), # satured red ) GRAY_COLORMAP = Theme( mincolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.85), # light gray maxcolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # black ) BW_COLORMAP = Theme( minfontsize = 8.0, maxfontsize = 24.0, mincolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # black maxcolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # black minpenwidth = 0.1, maxpenwidth = 8.0, ) PRINT_COLORMAP = Theme( minfontsize = 18.0, maxfontsize = 30.0, fontcolor = "black", nodestyle = "solid", mincolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # black maxcolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # black minpenwidth = 0.1, maxpenwidth = 8.0, ) themes = { "color": TEMPERATURE_COLORMAP, "pink": PINK_COLORMAP, "gray": GRAY_COLORMAP, "bw": BW_COLORMAP, "print": PRINT_COLORMAP, } def sorted_iteritems(d): # Used mostly for result reproducibility (while testing.) keys = list(d.keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys: value = d[key] yield key, value class DotWriter: """Writer for the DOT language. See also: - "The DOT Language" specification http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html """ strip = False wrap = False def __init__(self, fp): self.fp = fp def wrap_function_name(self, name): """Split the function name on multiple lines.""" if len(name) > 32: ratio = 2.0/3.0 height = max(int(len(name)/(1.0 - ratio) + 0.5), 1) width = max(len(name)/height, 32) # TODO: break lines in symbols name = textwrap.fill(name, width, break_long_words=False) # Take away spaces name = name.replace(", ", ",") name = name.replace("> >", ">>") name = name.replace("> >", ">>") # catch consecutive return name show_function_events = [TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, TIME_RATIO] show_edge_events = [TOTAL_TIME_RATIO, CALLS] def graphs_compare(self, profile1, profile2, theme, options): self.begin_graph() fontname = theme.graph_fontname() fontcolor = theme.graph_fontcolor() nodestyle = theme.node_style() tolerance, only_slower, only_faster, color_by_difference = ( options.tolerance, options.only_slower, options.only_faster, options.color_by_difference) self.attr('graph', fontname=fontname, ranksep=0.25, nodesep=0.125) self.attr('node', fontname=fontname, style=nodestyle, fontcolor=fontcolor, width=0, height=0) self.attr('edge', fontname=fontname) functions2 = {function.name: function for _, function in sorted_iteritems(profile2.functions)} for _, function1 in sorted_iteritems(profile1.functions): labels = [] name = function1.name try: function2 = functions2[name] if self.wrap: name = self.wrap_function_name(name) if color_by_difference: min_diff, max_diff = min_max_difference(profile1, profile2) labels.append(name) weight_difference = 0 shape = 'box' orientation = '0' for event in self.show_function_events: if event in function1.events: event1 = function1[event] event2 = function2[event] difference = abs(event1 - event2) * 100 if event == TOTAL_TIME_RATIO: weight_difference = difference if difference >= tolerance: if event2 > event1 and not only_faster: shape = 'cds' label = (f'{event.format(event1)} +' f' {round_difference(difference, tolerance)}%') elif event2 < event1 and not only_slower: orientation = "90" shape = 'cds' label = (f'{event.format(event1)} - ' f'{round_difference(difference, tolerance)}%') else: # protection to not color by difference if we choose to show only_faster/only_slower weight_difference = 0 label = event.format(function1[event]) else: weight_difference = 0 label = event.format(function1[event]) else: if difference >= tolerance: if event2 > event1: label = (f'{event.format(event1)} +' f' {round_difference(difference, tolerance)}%') elif event2 < event1: label = (f'{event.format(event1)} - ' f'{round_difference(difference, tolerance)}%') else: label = event.format(function1[event]) labels.append(label) if function1.called is not None: labels.append(f"{function1.called} {MULTIPLICATION_SIGN}/ {function2.called} {MULTIPLICATION_SIGN}") except KeyError: shape = 'box' orientation = '0' weight_difference = 0 if function1.process is not None: labels.append(function1.process) if function1.module is not None: labels.append(function1.module) if self.strip: function_name = function1.stripped_name() else: function_name = function1.name if color_by_difference: min_diff, max_diff = 0, 0 # dot can't parse quoted strings longer than YY_BUF_SIZE, which # defaults to 16K. But some annotated C++ functions (e.g., boost, # https://github.com/jrfonseca/gprof2dot/issues/30) can exceed that MAX_FUNCTION_NAME = 4096 if len(function_name) >= MAX_FUNCTION_NAME: sys.stderr.write('warning: truncating function name with %u chars (%s)\n' % (len(function_name), function_name[:32] + '...')) function_name = function_name[:MAX_FUNCTION_NAME - 1] + chr(0x2026) if self.wrap: function_name = self.wrap_function_name(function_name) labels.append(function_name) for event in self.show_function_events: if event in function1.events: label = event.format(function1[event]) labels.append(label) if function1.called is not None: labels.append("%u%s" % (function1.called, MULTIPLICATION_SIGN)) if color_by_difference and weight_difference: # min and max is calculated whe color_by_difference is true weight = rescale_difference(weight_difference, min_diff, max_diff) elif function1.weight is not None and not color_by_difference: weight = function1.weight else: weight = 0.0 label = '\n'.join(labels) self.node(function1.id, label=label, orientation=orientation, color=self.color(theme.node_bgcolor(weight)), shape=shape, fontcolor=self.color(theme.node_fgcolor(weight)), fontsize="%f" % theme.node_fontsize(weight), tooltip=function1.filename, ) calls2 = {call.callee_id: call for _, call in sorted_iteritems(function2.calls)} functions_by_id1 = {function.id: function for _, function in sorted_iteritems(profile1.functions)} for _, call1 in sorted_iteritems(function1.calls): labels = [] try: # if profiles do not have identical setups, callee_id will not be identical either call_id1 = call1.callee_id call_name = functions_by_id1[call_id1].name call_id2 = functions2[call_name].id call2 = calls2[call_id2] for event in self.show_edge_events: if event in call1.events: label = f'{event.format(call1[event])} / {event.format(call2[event])}' labels.append(label) except KeyError: for event in self.show_edge_events: if event in call1.events: label = f'{event.format(call1[event])}' labels.append(label) weight = 0 if color_by_difference else call1.weight label = '\n'.join(labels) self.edge(function1.id, call1.callee_id, label=label, color=self.color(theme.edge_color(weight)), fontcolor=self.color(theme.edge_color(weight)), fontsize="%.2f" % theme.edge_fontsize(weight), penwidth="%.2f" % theme.edge_penwidth(weight), labeldistance="%.2f" % theme.edge_penwidth(weight), arrowsize="%.2f" % theme.edge_arrowsize(weight), ) self.end_graph() def graph(self, profile, theme): self.begin_graph() fontname = theme.graph_fontname() fontcolor = theme.graph_fontcolor() nodestyle = theme.node_style() self.attr('graph', fontname=fontname, ranksep=0.25, nodesep=0.125) self.attr('node', fontname=fontname, shape="box", style=nodestyle, fontcolor=fontcolor, width=0, height=0) self.attr('edge', fontname=fontname) for _, function in sorted_iteritems(profile.functions): labels = [] if function.process is not None: labels.append(function.process) if function.module is not None: labels.append(function.module) if self.strip: function_name = function.stripped_name() else: function_name = function.name # dot can't parse quoted strings longer than YY_BUF_SIZE, which # defaults to 16K. But some annotated C++ functions (e.g., boost, # https://github.com/jrfonseca/gprof2dot/issues/30) can exceed that MAX_FUNCTION_NAME = 4096 if len(function_name) >= MAX_FUNCTION_NAME: sys.stderr.write('warning: truncating function name with %u chars (%s)\n' % (len(function_name), function_name[:32] + '...')) function_name = function_name[:MAX_FUNCTION_NAME - 1] + chr(0x2026) if self.wrap: function_name = self.wrap_function_name(function_name) labels.append(function_name) for event in self.show_function_events: if event in function.events: label = event.format(function[event]) labels.append(label) if function.called is not None: labels.append("%u%s" % (function.called, MULTIPLICATION_SIGN)) if function.weight is not None: weight = function.weight else: weight = 0.0 label = '\n'.join(labels) self.node(function.id, label = label, color = self.color(theme.node_bgcolor(weight)), fontcolor = self.color(theme.node_fgcolor(weight)), fontsize = "%.2f" % theme.node_fontsize(weight), tooltip = function.filename, ) for _, call in sorted_iteritems(function.calls): callee = profile.functions[call.callee_id] labels = [] for event in self.show_edge_events: if event in call.events: label = event.format(call[event]) labels.append(label) if call.weight is not None: weight = call.weight elif callee.weight is not None: weight = callee.weight else: weight = 0.0 label = '\n'.join(labels) self.edge(function.id, call.callee_id, label = label, color = self.color(theme.edge_color(weight)), fontcolor = self.color(theme.edge_color(weight)), fontsize = "%.2f" % theme.edge_fontsize(weight), penwidth = "%.2f" % theme.edge_penwidth(weight), labeldistance = "%.2f" % theme.edge_penwidth(weight), arrowsize = "%.2f" % theme.edge_arrowsize(weight), ) self.end_graph() def begin_graph(self): self.write('digraph {\n') def end_graph(self): self.write('}\n') def attr(self, what, **attrs): self.write("\t") self.write(what) self.attr_list(attrs) self.write(";\n") def node(self, node, **attrs): self.write("\t") self.id(node) self.attr_list(attrs) self.write(";\n") def edge(self, src, dst, **attrs): self.write("\t") self.id(src) self.write(" -> ") self.id(dst) self.attr_list(attrs) self.write(";\n") def attr_list(self, attrs): if not attrs: return self.write(' [') first = True for name, value in sorted_iteritems(attrs): if value is None: continue if first: first = False else: self.write(", ") self.id(name) self.write('=') self.id(value) self.write(']') def id(self, id): if isinstance(id, (int, float)): s = str(id) elif isinstance(id, str): if id.isalnum() and not id.startswith('0x'): s = id else: s = self.escape(id) else: raise TypeError self.write(s) def color(self, rgb): r, g, b = rgb def float2int(f): if f <= 0.0: return 0 if f >= 1.0: return 255 return int(255.0*f + 0.5) return "#" + "".join(["%02x" % float2int(c) for c in (r, g, b)]) def escape(self, s): s = s.replace('\\', r'\\') s = s.replace('\n', r'\n') s = s.replace('\t', r'\t') s = s.replace('"', r'\"') return '"' + s + '"' def write(self, s): self.fp.write(s) ######################################################################## # Main program def naturalJoin(values): if len(values) >= 2: return ', '.join(values[:-1]) + ' or ' + values[-1] else: return ''.join(values) def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): """Main program.""" global totalMethod formatNames = list(formats.keys()) formatNames.sort() themeNames = list(themes.keys()) themeNames.sort() labelNames = list(labels.keys()) labelNames.sort() optparser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="\n\t%prog [options] [file] ...") optparser.add_option( '-o', '--output', metavar='FILE', type="string", dest="output", help="output filename [stdout]") optparser.add_option( '-n', '--node-thres', metavar='PERCENTAGE', type="float", dest="node_thres", default=0.5, help="eliminate nodes below this threshold [default: %default]") optparser.add_option( '-e', '--edge-thres', metavar='PERCENTAGE', type="float", dest="edge_thres", default=0.1, help="eliminate edges below this threshold [default: %default]") optparser.add_option( '-f', '--format', type="choice", choices=formatNames, dest="format", default="prof", help="profile format: %s [default: %%default]" % naturalJoin(formatNames)) optparser.add_option( '--total', type="choice", choices=('callratios', 'callstacks'), dest="totalMethod", default=totalMethod, help="preferred method of calculating total time: callratios or callstacks (currently affects only perf format) [default: %default]") optparser.add_option( '-c', '--colormap', type="choice", choices=themeNames, dest="theme", default="color", help="color map: %s [default: %%default]" % naturalJoin(themeNames)) optparser.add_option( '-s', '--strip', action="store_true", dest="strip", default=False, help="strip function parameters, template parameters, and const modifiers from demangled C++ function names") optparser.add_option( '--color-nodes-by-selftime', action="store_true", dest="color_nodes_by_selftime", default=False, help="color nodes by self time, rather than by total time (sum of self and descendants)") optparser.add_option( '--colour-nodes-by-selftime', action="store_true", dest="color_nodes_by_selftime", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) optparser.add_option( '-w', '--wrap', action="store_true", dest="wrap", default=False, help="wrap function names") optparser.add_option( '--show-samples', action="store_true", dest="show_samples", default=False, help="show function samples") optparser.add_option( '--node-label', metavar='MEASURE', type='choice', choices=labelNames, action='append', dest='node_labels', help="measurements to on show the node (can be specified multiple times): %s [default: %s]" % ( naturalJoin(labelNames), ', '.join(defaultLabelNames))) # add option to show information on available entries () optparser.add_option( '--list-functions', type="string", dest="list_functions", default=None, help="""\ list functions available for selection in -z or -l, requires selector argument ( use '+' to select all). Recall that the selector argument is used with Unix/Bash globbing/pattern matching, and that entries are formatted '::'. When argument starts with '%', a dump of all available information is performed for selected entries, after removal of leading '%'. """) # add option to create subtree or show paths optparser.add_option( '-z', '--root', type="string", dest="root", default="", help="prune call graph to show only descendants of specified root function") optparser.add_option( '-l', '--leaf', type="string", dest="leaf", default="", help="prune call graph to show only ancestors of specified leaf function") optparser.add_option( '--depth', type="int", dest="depth", default=-1, help="prune call graph to show only descendants or ancestors until specified depth") # add a new option to control skew of the colorization curve optparser.add_option( '--skew', type="float", dest="theme_skew", default=1.0, help="skew the colorization curve. Values < 1.0 give more variety to lower percentages. Values > 1.0 give less variety to lower percentages") # add option for filtering by file path optparser.add_option( '-p', '--path', action="append", type="string", dest="filter_paths", help="Filter all modules not in a specified path") optparser.add_option( '--compare', action="store_true", dest="compare", default=False, help="Compare two graphs with almost identical structure. With this option two files should be provided." "gprof2dot.py [options] --compare [file1] [file2] ...") optparser.add_option( '--compare-tolerance', type="float", dest="tolerance", default=0.001, help="Tolerance threshold for node difference (default=0.001%)." "If the difference is below this value the nodes are considered identical.") optparser.add_option( '--compare-only-slower', action="store_true", dest="only_slower", default=False, help="Display comparison only for function which are slower in second graph.") optparser.add_option( '--compare-only-faster', action="store_true", dest="only_faster", default=False, help="Display comparison only for function which are faster in second graph.") optparser.add_option( '--compare-color-by-difference', action="store_true", dest="color_by_difference", default=False, help="Color nodes based on the value of the difference. " "Nodes with the largest differences represent the hot spots.") (options, args) = optparser.parse_args(argv) if len(args) > 1 and options.format != 'pstats' and not options.compare: optparser.error('incorrect number of arguments') try: theme = themes[options.theme] except KeyError: optparser.error('invalid colormap \'%s\'' % options.theme) # set skew on the theme now that it has been picked. if options.theme_skew: theme.skew = options.theme_skew totalMethod = options.totalMethod try: Format = formats[options.format] except KeyError: optparser.error('invalid format \'%s\'' % options.format) if Format.stdinInput: if not args: fp = sys.stdin parser = Format(fp) elif options.compare: fp1 = open(args[0], 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') fp2 = open(args[1], 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') parser1 = Format(fp1) parser2 = Format(fp2) else: fp = open(args[0], 'rb') bom = fp.read(2) if bom == codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE: # Default on Windows PowerShell (https://github.com/jrfonseca/gprof2dot/issues/88) encoding = 'utf-16le' else: encoding = 'utf-8' fp.seek(0) fp = io.TextIOWrapper(fp, encoding=encoding) parser = Format(fp) elif Format.multipleInput: if not args: optparser.error('at least a file must be specified for %s input' % options.format) if options.compare: parser1 = Format(args[-2]) parser2 = Format(args[-1]) else: parser = Format(*args) else: if len(args) != 1: optparser.error('exactly one file must be specified for %s input' % options.format) parser = Format(args[0]) if options.compare: profile1 = parser1.parse() profile2 = parser2.parse() else: profile = parser.parse() if options.output is None: output = open(sys.stdout.fileno(), mode='wt', encoding='UTF-8', closefd=False) else: output = open(options.output, 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') dot = DotWriter(output) dot.strip = options.strip dot.wrap = options.wrap labelNames = options.node_labels or defaultLabelNames dot.show_function_events = [labels[l] for l in labelNames] if options.show_samples: dot.show_function_events.append(SAMPLES) if options.compare: profile1.prune(options.node_thres/100.0, options.edge_thres/100.0, options.filter_paths, options.color_nodes_by_selftime) profile2.prune(options.node_thres/100.0, options.edge_thres/100.0, options.filter_paths, options.color_nodes_by_selftime) if options.root: profile1.prune_root(profile1.getFunctionIds(options.root), options.depth) profile2.prune_root(profile2.getFunctionIds(options.root), options.depth) else: profile.prune(options.node_thres/100.0, options.edge_thres/100.0, options.filter_paths, options.color_nodes_by_selftime) if options.root: rootIds = profile.getFunctionIds(options.root) if not rootIds: sys.stderr.write('root node ' + options.root + ' not found (might already be pruned : try -e0 -n0 flags)\n') sys.exit(1) profile.prune_root(rootIds, options.depth) if options.list_functions: profile.printFunctionIds(selector=options.list_functions) sys.exit(0) if options.leaf: leafIds = profile.getFunctionIds(options.leaf) if not leafIds: sys.stderr.write('leaf node ' + options.leaf + ' not found (maybe already pruned : try -e0 -n0 flags)\n') sys.exit(1) profile.prune_leaf(leafIds, options.depth) if options.compare: dot.graphs_compare(profile1, profile2, theme, options) else: dot.graph(profile, theme) if __name__ == '__main__': main()