-- This file is covered by the Internet Software Consortium (ISC) License -- Reference: ../License.txt package AdaBase is pragma Pure; type Error_Modes is (silent, warning, raise_exception); type Case_Modes is (lower_case, natural_case, upper_case); type Trax_Isolation is (read_uncommitted, read_committed, repeatable_read, serializable); type Log_Category is (connecting, disconnecting, transaction, execution, statement_preparation, statement_execution, miscellaneous, note); type Driver_Type is (foundation, driver_mysql, driver_postgresql, driver_sqlite, driver_firebird); type Null_Priority is (native, nulls_first, nulls_last); type ISO_Keyword_List is array (Trax_Isolation) of String (1 .. 16); type Trax_ID is mod 2 ** 64; subtype BLOB_Maximum is Positive range 2 ** 12 .. 2 ** 30; subtype SQL_State is String (1 .. 5); subtype Driver_Codes is Integer range -999 .. 4999; subtype Posix_Port is Natural range 0 .. 65535; subtype Affected_Rows is Trax_ID; ISO_Keywords : constant ISO_Keyword_List := ("READ UNCOMMITTED", "READ COMMITTED ", "REPEATABLE READ ", "SERIALIZABLE "); blankstring : constant String := ""; stateless : constant SQL_State := " "; portless : constant Posix_Port := 0; type field_types is (ft_nbyte0, ft_nbyte1, ft_nbyte2, ft_nbyte3, ft_nbyte4, ft_nbyte8, ft_byte1, ft_byte2, ft_byte3, ft_byte4, ft_byte8, ft_real9, ft_real18, ft_textual, ft_widetext, ft_supertext, ft_timestamp, ft_chain, ft_enumtype, ft_settype, ft_bits, ft_utf8, ft_geometry); ERRMODE_EXCEPTION : exception; end AdaBase;