# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= perl-Tie-ToObject VERSION= 0.03 KEYWORDS= perl VARIANTS= 538 540 SDESC[540]= Tie to an existing object (5.40) SDESC[538]= Tie to an existing object (5.38) HOMEPAGE= none CONTACT= Perl_Automaton[perl@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= CPAN/ID:N/NU/NUFFIN DISTFILE[1]= Tie-ToObject-0.03.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[540]= single SPKGS[538]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PERL_538 PERL_540 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[540]= PERL_538=OFF PERL_540=ON VOPTS[538]= PERL_538=ON PERL_540=OFF DISTNAME= Tie-ToObject-0.03 GENERATED= yes SINGLE_JOB= yes [PERL_540].USES_ON= perl:540,configure [PERL_538].USES_ON= perl:538,configure [FILE:331:descriptions/desc.single] While "tie" in perldoc allows tying to an arbitrary object, the class in question must support this in it's implementation of TIEHASH, TIEARRAY or whatever. This class provides a very tie constructor that simply returns the object it was given as it's first argument; this way side effects of calling $object->TIEHASH are avoided. [FILE:103:distinfo] a31a0d4430fe14f59622f31db7f25b2275dad2ec52f1040beb030d3e83ad3af4 3018 Tie-ToObject-0.03.tar.gz