# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= libharu VERSION= 2.4.4 KEYWORDS= print VARIANTS= std SDESC[std]= Cross-platform library for generating PDF files HOMEPAGE= http://libharu.org CONTACT= Michael_Reim[kraileth@elderlinux.org] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= GITHUB/libharu:libharu:v2.4.4 DISTFILE[1]= generated:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[std]= set primary dev OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none USES= cmake dos2unix libtool zlib png LICENSE= ZLIB:primary LICENSE_FILE= ZLIB:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS LICENSE_SCHEME= solo FPC_EQUIVALENT= print/libharu SOVERSION= 2.4.4 PLIST_SUB= MAJOR=2.4 CMAKE_ARGS= -DLIBHPDF_STATIC=OFF post-patch: awk '/The license of Haru/{f=1;next} /Acknowledgment/{f=0} f' ${WRKSRC}/README.md > ${WRKDIR}/TERMS post-stage: ${INSTALL_LIB} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/src/lib* ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/ ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/libharu/README.md ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/libharu/CHANGES ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/libharu/INSTALL ${RMDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/libharu pre-configure: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "/bindings/d" ${WRKSRC}/CMakeLists.txt ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s#add_library(haru#add_library(hpdf#" \ ${WRKSRC}/src/CMakeLists.txt ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s#target_link_libraries (haru#target_link_libraries (hpdf#" \ ${WRKSRC}/src/CMakeLists.txt [FILE:654:descriptions/desc.primary] LibHaru is a free, cross platform, open source library for generating PDF files. It is written in ANSI C, so theoretically it supports most of the modern OSes. Some of its features include: - Generating PDF files with lines, text, images - Outline, text annotation, link annotation - Compressing document with deflate-decode - Embedding PNG, Jpeg images - Embedding Type1 font and TrueType font - Creating encrypted PDF files - Using various character sets (ISO8859-1~16, MSCP1250~8, KOI8-R) - Supporting CJK fonts and encodings. You can add the feature of PDF creation by using HARU without understanding complicated internal structure of PDF [FILE:107:distinfo] 227ab0ae62979ad65c27a9bc36d85aa77794db3375a0a30af18acdf4d871aee6 1411606 libharu-libharu-2.4.4.tar.gz [FILE:53:manifests/plist.primary] lib/ libhpdf.so.%%MAJOR%% libhpdf.so.%%SOVERSION%% [FILE:524:manifests/plist.dev] include/ hpdf.h hpdf_3dmeasure.h hpdf_annotation.h hpdf_catalog.h hpdf_conf.h hpdf_config.h hpdf_consts.h hpdf_destination.h hpdf_doc.h hpdf_encoder.h hpdf_encrypt.h hpdf_encryptdict.h hpdf_error.h hpdf_exdata.h hpdf_ext_gstate.h hpdf_font.h hpdf_fontdef.h hpdf_gstate.h hpdf_image.h hpdf_info.h hpdf_list.h hpdf_mmgr.h hpdf_namedict.h hpdf_objects.h hpdf_outline.h hpdf_page_label.h hpdf_pages.h hpdf_pdfa.h hpdf_streams.h hpdf_types.h hpdf_u3d.h hpdf_utils.h hpdf_version.h lib/libhpdf.so