# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= chocolate-doom VERSION= 3.0.1 KEYWORDS= games VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Source port accurately recreating the DooM engine HOMEPAGE= https://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Chocolate_Doom CONTACT= Michael_Reim[kraileth@elderlinux.org] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= https://www.chocolate-doom.org/downloads/3.0.1/ DISTFILE[1]= chocolate-doom-3.0.1.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= complete primary docs OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none USES= cpe gmake pkgconfig python:build png SDL_COMPONENTS= sdl2 mixer2 net2 LICENSE= GPLv2+:primary LICENSE_TERMS= primary:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS LICENSE_FILE= GPLv2+:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING LICENSE_SCHEME= solo CPE_PRODUCT= chocolate_doom CPE_VENDOR= chocolate-doom FPC_EQUIVALENT= games/chocolate-doom MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu SUB_FILES= messages-primary.ucl post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's!__PREFIX__!${PREFIX}!' ${WRKSRC}/src/d_iwad.c post-install: .for f in chocolate-doom-setup chocolate-heretic-setup chocolate-hexen-setup chocolate-strife-setup ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${f} .endfor post-extract: ${HEAD} -n 13 ${WRKSRC}/src/doomkeys.h > ${WRKDIR}/TERMS [FILE:779:descriptions/desc.primary] Chocolate-doom is a so-called source port of the original DooM engine. After ID Software released the DooM source code, many such projects were created to bring the game to different platforms and add many new features. What makes chocolate-doom different from all the others is that it does not aim to add anything that would alter the gameplay. The project aims to faithfully and accurately re-create the original experience from the 90s. It goes as far with this as implementing compatibility code so that popular hacks for the DOS EXE files are emulated and old patch WADs can be supported. In addition to DooM the following other DooM engine games are supported: - DooM II - Final DooM (TNT / Plutonia) - Heretic - HeXen (including DK) - Strife - Chex Quest [FILE:106:distinfo] d435d6177423491d60be706da9f07d3ab4fabf3e077ec2a3fc216e394fcfc8c7 2514985 chocolate-doom-3.0.1.tar.gz [FILE:1149:manifests/plist.primary] bin/ chocolate-doom chocolate-doom-setup chocolate-heretic chocolate-heretic-setup chocolate-hexen chocolate-hexen-setup chocolate-server chocolate-strife chocolate-strife-setup share/appdata/ chocolate-doom.appdata.xml chocolate-heretic.appdata.xml chocolate-hexen.appdata.xml chocolate-strife.appdata.xml share/applications/ chocolate-doom.desktop chocolate-heretic.desktop chocolate-hexen.desktop chocolate-setup.desktop chocolate-strife.desktop share/applications/screensavers/chocolate-doom-screensaver.desktop share/bash-completion/completions/ chocolate-doom chocolate-heretic chocolate-hexen chocolate-strife share/icons/ chocolate-doom.png chocolate-setup.png share/man/man5/ chocolate-doom.cfg.5.gz chocolate-heretic.cfg.5.gz chocolate-hexen.cfg.5.gz chocolate-strife.cfg.5.gz default.cfg.5.gz heretic.cfg.5.gz hexen.cfg.5.gz strife.cfg.5.gz share/man/man6/ chocolate-doom-setup.6.gz chocolate-doom.6.gz chocolate-heretic-setup.6.gz chocolate-heretic.6.gz chocolate-hexen-setup.6.gz chocolate-hexen.6.gz chocolate-server.6.gz chocolate-setup.6.gz chocolate-strife-setup.6.gz chocolate-strife.6.gz [FILE:517:manifests/plist.docs] share/doc/chocolate-doom/ CMDLINE.doom ChangeLog INSTALL.doom NEWS.md NOT-BUGS.md PHILOSOPHY.md README.Music.md README.md share/doc/chocolate-heretic/ CMDLINE.heretic ChangeLog INSTALL.heretic NEWS.md PHILOSOPHY.md README.Music.md README.md share/doc/chocolate-hexen/ CMDLINE.hexen ChangeLog INSTALL.hexen NEWS.md PHILOSOPHY.md README.Music.md README.md share/doc/chocolate-strife/ CMDLINE.strife ChangeLog INSTALL.strife NEWS.md PHILOSOPHY.md README.Music.md README.Strife.md README.md [FILE:769:patches/patch-src_d__iwad.c] --- src/d_iwad.c.orig 2020-06-25 03:10:06 UTC +++ src/d_iwad.c @@ -652,13 +652,14 @@ static void AddXdgDirs(void) if (env == NULL) { // (Trailing / omitted from paths, as it is added below) - env = "/usr/local/share:/usr/share"; + env = "/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/__PREFIX__/share"; } // The "standard" location for IWADs on Unix that is supported by most // source ports is /usr/share/games/doom - we support this through the // XDG_DATA_DIRS mechanism, through which it can be overridden. AddIWADPath(env, "/games/doom"); + AddIWADPath(env, "/games/doomengine"); // The convention set by RBDOOM-3-BFG is to install Doom 3: BFG // Edition into this directory, under which includes the Doom [FILE:303:patches/patch-src_hexen_mn__menu.c] --- src/hexen/mn_menu.c.orig 2020-06-25 03:10:06 UTC +++ src/hexen/mn_menu.c @@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ boolean MenuActive; int InfoType; int messageson = true; boolean mn_SuicideConsole; -boolean demoextend; // from h2def.h // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ [FILE:459:files/messages-primary.ucl.in] primary: { type: "install" message: <