# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-django-mptt VERSION= 0.16.0 KEYWORDS= python VARIANTS= v12 v13 SDESC[v12]= Django Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (3.12) SDESC[v13]= Django Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (3.13) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/django-mptt/django-mptt/ CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPIWHL/45/27/61a39b0d716e52be2df7d9fed6e35fe10eb3faaf207cdfaac3f9f68ecb1a DISTFILE[1]= django_mptt-0.16.0-py3-none-any.whl:main DIST_SUBDIR= python-src DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[v12]= single SPKGS[v13]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY312 PY313 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[v12]= PY312=ON PY313=OFF VOPTS[v13]= PY312=OFF PY313=ON DISTNAME= django_mptt-0.16.0.dist-info GENERATED= yes [PY312].RUN_DEPENDS_ON= python-django-js-asset:single:v12 [PY312].USES_ON= python:v12,wheel [PY313].RUN_DEPENDS_ON= python-django-js-asset:single:v13 [PY313].USES_ON= python:v13,wheel [FILE:3233:descriptions/desc.single] ========================================== **This project is currently unmaintained** ========================================== Alternatives to django-mptt include: * `django-treebeard `_ includes a MPTT implementation (called a nested set), but the state of maintenance is unclear. * Maybe you do not need MPTT, especially when using newer databases. See `django-tree-queries `_ for an implementation using recursive Common Table Expressions (CTE). See the [announcement blog post]. =========== django-mptt =========== Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your Django Models and working with trees of Model instances. Project home: https://github.com/django-mptt/django-mptt/ Documentation: https://django-mptt.readthedocs.io/ Discussion group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/django-mptt-dev What is Modified Preorder Tree Traversal? ========================================= MPTT is a technique for storing hierarchical data in a database. The aim is to make retrieval operations very efficient. The trade-off for this efficiency is that performing inserts and moving items around the tree are more involved, as there's some extra work required to keep the tree structure in a good state at all times. Here are a few articles about MPTT to whet your appetite and provide details about how the technique itself works: * `Trees in SQL`_ * `Storing Hierarchical Data in a Database`_ * `Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL`_ .. _`Trees in SQL`: https://www.ibase.ru/files/articles/programming/dbmstrees/sqltrees.html .. _`Storing Hierarchical Data in a Database`: https://www.sitepoint.com/hierarchical-data-database/ .. _`Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL`: http://mikehillyer.com/articles/managing-hierarchical-data-in-mysql/ What is ``django-mptt``? ======================== ``django-mptt`` is a reusable Django app that aims to make it easy for you to use MPTT with your own Django models. It takes care of the details of managing a database table as a tree structure and provides tools for working with trees of model instances. Requirements ------------ * A supported version of Python: https://devguide.python.org/versions/#supported-versions * A supported version of Django: https://www.djangoproject.com/download/#supported-versions Feature overview ---------------- * Simple registration of models - fields required for tree structure will be added automatically. * The tree structure is automatically updated when you create or delete model instances, or change an instance's parent. * Each level of the tree is automatically sorted by a field (or fields) of your choice. * New model methods are added to each registered model for: * changing position in the tree * retrieving ancestors, siblings, descendants * counting descendants * other tree-related operations * A TreeManager manager is added to all registered models. This provides methods to: * move nodes around a tree, or into a different tree * insert a node anywhere in a tree * rebuild the MPTT fields for the tree (useful when you do bulk updates outside of Django) [FILE:125:distinfo] 8716849ba3318d94e2e100ed0923a05c1ffdf8195f8472b690dbaf737d2af3b5 115934 python-src/django_mptt-0.16.0-py3-none-any.whl