# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-charset-normalizer VERSION= 3.4.0 KEYWORDS= python VARIANTS= v12 v13 SDESC[v12]= Charset Detection, for Everyone (3.12) SDESC[v13]= Charset Detection, for Everyone (3.13) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/Ousret/charset_normalizer CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPIWHL/bf/9b/08c0432272d77b04803958a4598a51e2a4b51c06640af8b8f0f908c18bf2 DISTFILE[1]= charset_normalizer-3.4.0-py3-none-any.whl:main DIST_SUBDIR= python-src DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[v12]= single SPKGS[v13]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY312 PY313 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[v12]= PY312=ON PY313=OFF VOPTS[v13]= PY312=OFF PY313=ON DISTNAME= charset_normalizer-3.4.0.dist-info GENERATED= yes [PY312].USES_ON= python:v12,wheel [PY313].USES_ON= python:v13,wheel [FILE:4139:descriptions/desc.single]
The Real First Universal Charset Detector
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This project offers you an alternative to **Universal Charset Encoding Detector**, also known as **Chardet**. | Feature | [Chardet] | Charset Normalizer | [cChardet] | |--------------------------------------------------|:---------------------------------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:-----------------------------------------------:| | `Fast` | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | | `Universal**` | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | | `Reliable` **without** distinguishable standards | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | | `Reliable` **with** distinguishable standards | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | `License` | LGPL-2.1[image][image]
*\*\* : They are clearly using specific code for a specific encoding even if covering most of used one*