# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= box2d VERSION= 2.4.1 KEYWORDS= misc games VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= 2D physics engine for games HOMEPAGE= https://box2d.org/ CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= GITHUB/erincatto:box2d:v2.4.1 DISTFILE[1]= generated:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none USES= cmake pkgconfig c++:single XORG_COMPONENTS= x11 xrandr xinerama xcursor LICENSE= MIT:single LICENSE_FILE= MIT:{{WRKSRC}}/LICENSE LICENSE_SCHEME= solo FPC_EQUIVALENT= misc/box2d SOVERSION= 2.4.1 CMAKE_ARGS= -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON -DBOX2D_BUILD_DOCS:BOOL=OFF -DBOX2D_BUILD_TESTBED:BOOL=OFF -DBOX2D_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DBOX2D_USER_SETTINGS:BOOL=OFF post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/*.so [FILE:693:descriptions/desc.single] Box2D is a 2D physics engine for games. Collision: * Continuous collision detection * Contact callbacks: begin, end, pre-solve, post-solve * Convex polygons and circles * Multiple shapes per body * One-shot contact manifolds * Dynamic tree broadphase * Efficient pair management * Fast broadphase AABB queries * Collision groups and categories Physics: * Continuous physics with time of impact solver * Persistent body-joint-contact graph * Island solution and sleep management * Contact, friction, and restitution * Stable stacking with a linear-time solver * Revolute, prismatic, distance, pulley, gear, joints * Joint limits, motors, and friction * Momentum decoupled position correction [FILE:107:distinfo] d6b4650ff897ee1ead27cf77a5933ea197cbeef6705638dd181adc2e816b23c2 1224516 erincatto-box2d-2.4.1.tar.gz [FILE:836:manifests/plist.single] include/box2d/ b2_api.h b2_block_allocator.h b2_body.h b2_broad_phase.h b2_chain_shape.h b2_circle_shape.h b2_collision.h b2_common.h b2_contact.h b2_contact_manager.h b2_distance.h b2_distance_joint.h b2_draw.h b2_dynamic_tree.h b2_edge_shape.h b2_fixture.h b2_friction_joint.h b2_gear_joint.h b2_growable_stack.h b2_joint.h b2_math.h b2_motor_joint.h b2_mouse_joint.h b2_polygon_shape.h b2_prismatic_joint.h b2_pulley_joint.h b2_revolute_joint.h b2_rope.h b2_settings.h b2_shape.h b2_stack_allocator.h b2_time_of_impact.h b2_time_step.h b2_timer.h b2_types.h b2_weld_joint.h b2_wheel_joint.h b2_world.h b2_world_callbacks.h box2d.h lib/ libbox2d.so libbox2d.so.%%SOVERSION%% libbox2d.so.2 lib/cmake/box2d/ box2dConfig-%%CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE%%.cmake box2dConfig.cmake box2dConfigVersion.cmake