# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-python3-openid VERSION= 3.2.0 KEYWORDS= python VARIANTS= v11 v12 SDESC[v11]= OpenID support for servers and consumers (3.11) SDESC[v12]= OpenID support for servers and consumers (3.12) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/necaris/python3-openid CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPIWHL/e0/a5/c6ba13860bdf5525f1ab01e01cc667578d6f1efc8a1dba355700fb04c29b DISTFILE[1]= python3_openid-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[v11]= single SPKGS[v12]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY311 PY312 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[v11]= PY311=ON PY312=OFF VOPTS[v12]= PY311=OFF PY312=ON DISTNAME= python3_openid-3.2.0.dist-info GENERATED= yes [PY311].RUN_DEPENDS_ON= python-defusedxml:single:v11 [PY311].USES_ON= python:v11,wheel [PY312].RUN_DEPENDS_ON= python-defusedxml:single:v12 [PY312].USES_ON= python:v12,wheel [FILE:349:descriptions/desc.single] This is a set of Python packages to support use of the OpenID decentralized identity system in your application, update to Python 3. Want to enable single sign-on for your web site? Use the openid.consumer package. Want to run your own OpenID server? Check out openid.server. Includes example code and support for a variety of storage back-ends. [FILE:116:distinfo] 6626f771e0417486701e0b4daff762e7212e820ca5b29fcc0d05f6f8736dfa6b 133681 python3_openid-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl