# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= ruby-net-http-persistent VERSION= 4.0.4 KEYWORDS= ruby VARIANTS= v31 v32 v33 SDESC[v31]= Manages persistent HTTP connections (v31) SDESC[v32]= Manages persistent HTTP connections (v32) SDESC[v33]= Manages persistent HTTP connections (v33) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/drbrain/net-http-persistent CONTACT= Ruby_Automaton[ruby@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= RUBYGEMS/ DISTFILE[1]= net-http-persistent-4.0.4.gem:main DIST_SUBDIR= ruby DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[v31]= single SPKGS[v32]= single SPKGS[v33]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= RUBY31 RUBY32 RUBY33 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[v31]= RUBY31=ON RUBY32=OFF RUBY33=OFF VOPTS[v32]= RUBY31=OFF RUBY32=ON RUBY33=OFF VOPTS[v33]= RUBY31=OFF RUBY32=OFF RUBY33=ON DISTNAME= net-http-persistent-4.0.4 GENERATED= yes [RUBY31].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= ruby-connection_pool:single:v31 [RUBY31].USES_ON= gem:v31 [RUBY32].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= ruby-connection_pool:single:v32 [RUBY32].USES_ON= gem:v32 [RUBY33].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= ruby-connection_pool:single:v33 [RUBY33].USES_ON= gem:v33 [FILE:587:descriptions/desc.single] Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP including a thread pool for connecting to multiple hosts. Using persistent HTTP connections can dramatically increase the speed of HTTP. Creating a new HTTP connection for every request involves an extra TCP round-trip and causes TCP congestion avoidance negotiation to start over. Net::HTTP supports persistent connections with some API methods but does not make setting up a single persistent connection or managing multiple connections easy. Net::HTTP::Persistent wraps Net::HTTP and allows you to focus on how to make HTTP requests. [FILE:113:distinfo] b62b7e528f72890f5cd67e7f687eeae55cf9f2cda22fd659494363da2fa7f4b2 27136 ruby/net-http-persistent-4.0.4.gem