# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= perl-Quantum-Superpositions VERSION= 2.03 KEYWORDS= perl VARIANTS= 538 540 SDESC[540]= QM-like superpositions in Perl (5.40) SDESC[538]= QM-like superpositions in Perl (5.38) HOMEPAGE= none CONTACT= Perl_Automaton[perl@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= CPAN/ID:L/LE/LEMBARK DISTFILE[1]= Quantum-Superpositions-2.03.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[540]= single SPKGS[538]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PERL_538 PERL_540 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[540]= PERL_538=OFF PERL_540=ON VOPTS[538]= PERL_538=ON PERL_540=OFF DISTNAME= Quantum-Superpositions-2.03 GENERATED= yes SINGLE_JOB= yes [PERL_540].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= perl-Class-Multimethods:single:540 [PERL_540].USES_ON= perl:540,configure [PERL_538].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= perl-Class-Multimethods:single:538 [PERL_538].USES_ON= perl:538,configure [FILE:260:descriptions/desc.single] The Quantum::Superpositions module adds two new operators to Perl: any and all. Each of these operators takes a list of values (states) and superimposes them into a single scalar value (a superposition), which can then be stored in a standard scalar variable. [FILE:113:distinfo] d325e4366b93fb93fc118d21610ff59b5ba0b420a845f8a95aeaca3ed0c7ec42 14347 Quantum-Superpositions-2.03.tar.gz