# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= hdf5 VERSION= KEYWORDS= archivers science VARIANTS= std SDESC[std]= General purpose file format for scientific data HOMEPAGE= https://www.hdfgroup.org/solutions/hdf5/ CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= https://github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5/releases/download/hdf5_1.14.4.3/ DISTFILE[1]= hdf5-1.14.4-3.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[std]= set primary cxx fort tools dev examples OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none EXRUN[cxx]= hdf5:primary:std EXRUN[tools]= hdf5:dev:std EXRUN[fort]= hdf5:primary:std USES= cpe libtool c++:cxx fortran:fort mbsdfix DISTNAME= hdf5-1.14.4-3 LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE:primary LICENSE_FILE= BSD3CLAUSE:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING LICENSE_SCHEME= solo CPE_VENDOR= hdfgroup FPC_EQUIVALENT= science/hdf5 MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-instrument --enable-cxx --enable-fortran --enable-build-mode=production --disable-tests --with-examplesdir={{STD_EXAMPLESDIR}} SINGLE_JOB= yes INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip INSTALL_REQ_TOOLCHAIN= yes SOVERSION= 310.4.0 PLIST_SUB= HL_SOVER=310.0.4 HL_SOMAJOR=310 HDF5_FORT_SOVER=310.3.0 HDF5_FORT_SOMAJOR=310 HL_FORT_SOVER=310.0.4 HL_FORT_SOMAJOR=310 CPP_SOVERSION=310.0.4 CPP_SOMAJOR=310 CFLAGS= -Wno-missing-include-dirs post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-O3||g' ${WRKSRC}/config/gnu-flags ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -regex '.*/examples/Makefile.in' | ${XARGS} \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} \ -e '/LD_LIBRARY_PATH/ s|^|#|' \ -e 's|(INSTALL)|(BSD_INSTALL_DATA)|' ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name \*.sh\* | ${XARGS} \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|\[ -a|\[ -f|g' [FILE:827:descriptions/desc.primary] HDF5 is a completely new Hierarchical Data Format product consisting of a data format specification and a supporting library implementation. HDF5 is designed to address some of the limitations of the older HDF product and to address current and anticipated requirements of modern systems and applications. HDF5 includes the following improvements: - A new file format designed to address some of the deficiencies of HDF4.x, particularly the need to store larger files and more objects per file. - A simpler, more comprehensive data model that includes only two basic structures: a multidimensional array of record structures, and a grouping structure. - A simpler, better-engineered library and API, with improved support for parallel I/O, threads, and other requirements imposed by modern systems and applications. [FILE:46:descriptions/desc.cxx] This package contains the HDF5 C++ libraries. [FILE:50:descriptions/desc.fort] This package contains the HDF5 fortran libraries. [FILE:35:descriptions/desc.tools] This packages contains HDF5 tools. [FILE:99:distinfo] 019ac451d9e1cf89c0482ba2a06f07a46166caf23f60fea5ef3c37724a318e03 37007795 hdf5-1.14.4-3.tar.gz [FILE:113:manifests/plist.primary] lib/ libhdf5.so.%%SOMAJOR%% libhdf5.so.%%SOVERSION%% libhdf5_hl.so.%%HL_SOMAJOR%% libhdf5_hl.so.%%HL_SOVER%% [FILE:137:manifests/plist.cxx] lib/ libhdf5_cpp.so.%%CPP_SOMAJOR%% libhdf5_cpp.so.%%CPP_SOVERSION%% libhdf5_hl_cpp.so.%%HL_SOMAJOR%% libhdf5_hl_cpp.so.%%HL_SOVER%% [FILE:169:manifests/plist.fort] lib/ libhdf5_fortran.so.%%HDF5_FORT_SOMAJOR%% libhdf5_fortran.so.%%HDF5_FORT_SOVER%% libhdf5hl_fortran.so.%%HL_FORT_SOMAJOR%% libhdf5hl_fortran.so.%%HL_FORT_SOVER%% [FILE:207:manifests/plist.tools] bin/ h5c++ h5cc h5clear h5copy h5debug h5delete h5diff h5dump h5fc h5format_convert h5fuse h5import h5jam h5ls h5mkgrp h5perf_serial h5redeploy h5repack h5repart h5stat h5unjam h5watch [FILE:2012:manifests/plist.dev] include/ H5ACpublic.h H5AbstractDs.h H5Apublic.h H5ArrayType.h H5AtomType.h H5Attribute.h H5Classes.h H5CommonFG.h H5CompType.h H5Cpp.h H5CppDoc.h H5Cpublic.h H5DOpublic.h H5DSpublic.h H5DaccProp.h H5DataSet.h H5DataSpace.h H5DataType.h H5DcreatProp.h H5Dpublic.h H5DxferProp.h H5ESdevelop.h H5ESpublic.h H5EnumType.h H5Epubgen.h H5Epublic.h H5Exception.h H5FDcore.h H5FDdevelop.h H5FDdirect.h H5FDfamily.h H5FDhdfs.h H5FDioc.h H5FDlog.h H5FDmirror.h H5FDmpi.h H5FDmpio.h H5FDmulti.h H5FDonion.h H5FDpublic.h H5FDros3.h H5FDsec2.h H5FDsplitter.h H5FDstdio.h H5FDsubfiling.h H5FDwindows.h H5FaccProp.h H5FcreatProp.h H5File.h H5FloatType.h H5Fpublic.h H5Gpublic.h H5Group.h H5IMpublic.h H5IdComponent.h H5Idevelop.h H5Include.h H5IntType.h H5Ipublic.h H5LDpublic.h H5LTpublic.h H5LaccProp.h H5LcreatProp.h H5Ldevelop.h H5Library.h H5Location.h H5Lpublic.h H5MMpublic.h H5Mpublic.h H5Object.h H5OcreatProp.h H5Opublic.h H5PLextern.h H5PLpublic.h H5PTpublic.h H5PacketTable.h H5Ppublic.h H5PredType.h H5PropList.h H5Rpublic.h H5Spublic.h H5StrType.h H5TBpublic.h H5TSdevelop.h H5Tdevelop.h H5Tpublic.h H5VLconnector.h H5VLconnector_passthru.h H5VLnative.h H5VLpassthru.h H5VLpublic.h H5VarLenType.h H5Zdevelop.h H5Zpublic.h H5api_adpt.h H5config_f.inc H5f90i.h H5f90i_gen.h H5overflow.h H5pubconf.h H5public.h H5version.h h5_gen.mod h5a.mod h5d.mod h5do.mod h5ds.mod h5e.mod h5es.mod h5f.mod h5fortkit.mod h5fortran_types.mod h5g.mod h5global.mod h5i.mod h5im.mod h5l.mod h5lib.mod h5lt.mod h5lt_const.mod h5o.mod h5p.mod h5r.mod h5s.mod h5t.mod h5tb.mod h5tb_const.mod h5vl.mod h5z.mod hdf5.h hdf5.mod hdf5_hl.h lib/ libhdf5.a libhdf5.settings libhdf5.so libhdf5_cpp.a libhdf5_cpp.so libhdf5_fortran.a libhdf5_fortran.so libhdf5_hl.a libhdf5_hl.so libhdf5_hl_cpp.a libhdf5_hl_cpp.so libhdf5_hl_fortran.a libhdf5_hl_fortran.so libhdf5hl_fortran.a libhdf5hl_fortran.so [FILE:1728:manifests/plist.examples] share/examples/hdf5/ README run-all-ex.sh share/examples/hdf5/c/ h5_attribute.c h5_chunk_read.c h5_cmprss.c h5_compound.c h5_crtatt.c h5_crtdat.c h5_crtgrp.c h5_crtgrpar.c h5_crtgrpd.c h5_debug_trace.c h5_drivers.c h5_elink_unix2win.c h5_extend.c h5_extend_write.c h5_extlink.c h5_group.c h5_mount.c h5_rdwt.c h5_read.c h5_ref2reg_deprec.c h5_ref_compat.c h5_ref_extern.c h5_reference_deprec.c h5_select.c h5_shared_mesg.c h5_subset.c h5_write.c run-c-ex.sh share/examples/hdf5/c++/ chunks.cpp compound.cpp create.cpp extend_ds.cpp h5group.cpp h5tutr_cmprss.cpp h5tutr_crtatt.cpp h5tutr_crtdat.cpp h5tutr_crtgrp.cpp h5tutr_crtgrpar.cpp h5tutr_crtgrpd.cpp h5tutr_extend.cpp h5tutr_rdwt.cpp h5tutr_subset.cpp readdata.cpp run-c++-ex.sh writedata.cpp share/examples/hdf5/fortran/ compound.f90 compound_complex_fortran2003.f90 compound_fortran2003.f90 h5_cmprss.f90 h5_crtatt.f90 h5_crtdat.f90 h5_crtgrp.f90 h5_crtgrpar.f90 h5_crtgrpd.f90 h5_extend.f90 h5_rdwt.f90 h5_subset.f90 hyperslab.f90 mountexample.f90 nested_derived_type.f90 ph5example.f90 refobjexample.f90 refregexample.f90 run-fortran-ex.sh rwdset_fortran2003.f90 selectele.f90 share/examples/hdf5/hl/run-hl-ex.sh share/examples/hdf5/hl/c/ ex_ds1.c ex_image1.c ex_image2.c ex_lite1.c ex_lite2.c ex_lite3.c ex_table_01.c ex_table_02.c ex_table_03.c ex_table_04.c ex_table_05.c ex_table_06.c ex_table_07.c ex_table_08.c ex_table_09.c ex_table_10.c ex_table_11.c ex_table_12.c image24pixel.txt image8.txt pal_rgb.h ptExampleFL.c run-hlc-ex.sh share/examples/hdf5/hl/c++/ ptExampleFL.cpp run-hlc++-ex.sh share/examples/hdf5/hl/fortran/ ex_ds1.f90 exlite.f90 run-hlfortran-ex.sh [FILE:6979:patches/patch-tools_lib_h5diff__array.c] --- tools/lib/h5diff_array.c.orig 2024-04-15 19:47:31 UTC +++ tools/lib/h5diff_array.c @@ -1718,8 +1718,8 @@ diff_float_element(unsigned char *mem1, *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_float); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_float); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_float); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_float); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ @@ -1755,8 +1755,8 @@ diff_float_element(unsigned char *mem1, *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_float); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_float); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_float); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_float); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ((!isnan1 && !isnan2)) { @@ -1803,8 +1803,8 @@ diff_float_element(unsigned char *mem1, *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_float); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_float); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_float); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_float); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ @@ -1896,8 +1896,8 @@ diff_double_element(unsigned char *mem1, *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_double); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_double); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_double); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ @@ -1932,8 +1932,8 @@ diff_double_element(unsigned char *mem1, *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_double); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_double); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_double); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if (!isnan1 && !isnan2) { @@ -1978,8 +1978,8 @@ diff_double_element(unsigned char *mem1, *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_double); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_double); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_double); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ @@ -2071,8 +2071,8 @@ diff_ldouble_element(unsigned char *mem1 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_double); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_double); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_double); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ @@ -2106,8 +2106,8 @@ diff_ldouble_element(unsigned char *mem1 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_double); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_double); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_double); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ @@ -2153,8 +2153,8 @@ diff_ldouble_element(unsigned char *mem1 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_double); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_double); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_double); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_double); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ @@ -2246,8 +2246,8 @@ diff_float16_element(unsigned char *mem1 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_float16); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_float16); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_float16); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_float16); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ @@ -2283,8 +2283,8 @@ diff_float16_element(unsigned char *mem1 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_float16); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_float16); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_float16); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_float16); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ if ((!isnan1 && !isnan2)) { @@ -2331,8 +2331,8 @@ diff_float16_element(unsigned char *mem1 *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (opts->do_nans) { - isnan1 = isnan(temp1_float16); - isnan2 = isnan(temp2_float16); + isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(temp1_float16); + isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(temp2_float16); } /* both not NaN, do the comparison */ @@ -3353,8 +3353,8 @@ equal_double(double value, double expect * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ - bool isnan1 = isnan(value); - bool isnan2 = isnan(expected); + bool isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(value); + bool isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(expected); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * we consider NaN == NaN to be true @@ -3400,8 +3400,8 @@ equal_ldouble(long double value, long do * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ - bool isnan1 = isnan(value); - bool isnan2 = isnan(expected); + bool isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(value); + bool isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(expected); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * we consider NaN == NaN to be true @@ -3446,8 +3446,8 @@ equal_float(float value, float expected, * detect NaNs *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ - bool isnan1 = isnan(value); - bool isnan2 = isnan(expected); + bool isnan1 = __builtin_isnan(value); + bool isnan2 = __builtin_isnan(expected); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * we consider NaN == NaN to be true