[{:overview {:label "Overview", :opts {:order :row, :eltsper 1, :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :size "auto", :wrapfn {:tid :overview, :$split 0, :fn [quote interactive-doc-tab], :ns aerial.saite.usercode, :width "730px", :src "\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f1\n :LEFT '[\n [gap :size \"200px\"]\n [md {:style {:width 900 :font-size \"25px\"}}\n\"\n# Overview\n\n* Hanami\n * Short intro\n * Template review with code examples\n * Tab capability review\n * Picture frame review\n\n* Saite\n * Short history\n * Basic current state\n * Controls quick look\n * Editor capabilities\n * Server side support\n * Publishing\n * Format structure for docs(?)\n * Futures / Road map\n\"]\n])", :out-height "100px", :eid "ed-overview", :height "700px"}}, :specs [{:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f1, :left [[gap :size "200px"] [md {:style {:font-size "25px", :width 900}} "\n# Overview\n\n* Hanami\n * Short intro\n * Template review with code examples\n * Tab capability review\n * Picture frame review\n\n* Saite\n * Short history\n * Basic current state\n * Controls quick look\n * Editor capabilities\n * Server side support\n * Publishing\n * Format structure for docs(?)\n * Futures / Road map\n"]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}}]}} {:hanami {:label "Hanami", :opts {:order :row, :eltsper 1, :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :size "auto", :wrapfn {:tid :hanami, :$split 0, :fn [quote interactive-doc-tab], :ns aerial.saite.usercode, :width "730px", :src "\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f1\n :LEFT '[\n [gap :size \"200px\"]\n [md {:style {:width 900 :font-size \"25px\"}}\n\"\n# Hanami\n\n* Library \n * Enables construction of vis apps on top of Vega and Vega-Lite\n * Analogous to Shiny or Dash\n * Server/Client, and Client only apps\n * Template system\n * Templates parameterized by *substitution keys*\n * Abstract visualizations\n * Recursively transformed into legal VG/VGL specs (and other...)\n * Default set of templates (aerial.hanami.templates)\n * Default set of substitution keys (aerial.hanami.common)\n * General transformer `xform`\n * Completely changeable to suite your wants/needs\n * Simple potent messaging\n * Reagent - Re-Com enabled\n\n* Framework\n * Default header support\n * Tab system\n * Picture frames\n * Session groups\n\"]\n])", :out-height "100px", :eid "ed-hanami", :height "700px"}}, :specs [{:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f1, :left [[gap :size "200px"] [md {:style {:font-size "25px", :width 900}} "\n# Hanami\n\n* Library \n * Enables construction of vis apps on top of Vega and Vega-Lite\n * Analogous to Shiny or Dash\n * Server/Client, and Client only apps\n * Template system\n * Templates parameterized by *substitution keys*\n * Abstract visualizations\n * Recursively transformed into legal VG/VGL specs (and other...)\n * Default set of templates (aerial.hanami.templates)\n * Default set of substitution keys (aerial.hanami.common)\n * General transformer `xform`\n * Completely changeable to suite your wants/needs\n * Simple potent messaging\n * Reagent - Re-Com enabled\n\n* Framework\n * Default header support\n * Tab system\n * Picture frames\n * Session groups\n"]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}}]}} {:templates {:label "Templates", :opts {:order :row, :eltsper 1, :size "auto", :wrapfn {:tid :templates, :$split nil, :fn [quote editor-repl-tab], :layout :left-right, :ns aerial.saite.usercode, :width "730px", :src "\n;;; A walk through 'exercise' with templates, substitution keys and\n;;; transformations using them.\n\n;;; hc/xform is the general transformation function. It actually can work on any\n;;; nested set of collections. Typically the outer is a map, but need not be.\n;;; It has three signatures, one of which is variadic:\n;;; hc/xform [coll], hc/xform [coll submap], hc/xform [coll k v & kvs]\n\n;;; hc/get-default takes a key and returns its value in the default substitution\n;;; key map AKA 'submap'. Or nil if not there\n\n;;; To execute the forms here, one by one, you can put the cursor on the outer\n;;; most right paren and use Ctrl-X Ctrl-E (like Cider eval last sexp). Or,\n;;; put the cursor somewhere in the sexp (even at the end) and use\n;;; Ctrl-X Ctrl-C (like Cider Ctrl-C Ctrl-C eval outer sexp)\n\n;;; uses only the default submap\n(hc/xform {:a :X})\n(hc/get-default :X)\n\n;;; Values given as k/v pairs override any in the default submap\n(hc/xform {:a :X} :X \"foo\")\n\n;;; Next, we first get {:a {:y :Y}}, which is then recursively transformed\n(hc/xform {:a :X} :X {:y :Y})\n(hc/get-default :Y)\n\n;;; If a value is neither in the default submap nor given as a k/v pair,\n;;; it is taken as the literal value\n(hc/xform {:a :Saite})\n(hc/get-default :Saite)\n;;; Again, giving it a value in the k/v pairs will use that value\n(hc/xform {:a :Saite} :Saite 12)\n(hc/get-default :FOO)\n(hc/xform {:a :FOO} :FOO #{1 2})\n\n;;; Here we see an example of the third transformation rule in action\n;;; (https://github.com/jsa-aerial/hanami#basic-transformation-rules)\n;;; {:a :FOO} --> {:a #{}} --> {:a RMV} --> {}\n;;; hc/RMV is the special Specter value NONE, which when encountered\n;;; in a (Specter) transform means to remove the associated item.\n(hc/xform {:a :FOO} :FOO #{})\n\n;;; Many (most) default substitution key values are RMV. This is so the key\n;;; they are a value for will be removed from anywhere they appear, unless\n;;; a specific value is given for them.\n;;; {:a :FOO} --> {:a {:scale :XSCALE}} --> {:a {:scale RMV}} -->\n;;; {:a {}} --> {:a RMV} --> {}\n(hc/get-default :XSCALE)\n(hc/xform {:a :FOO} :FOO {:scale :XSCALE})\n\n;;; We can use the default data template fragment to show this basic idea in\n;;; action. The fragment has 4 items:\nht/data-options\n;;; Three of the associated substitution keys default to RMV\n(hc/get-default :NDATA)\n(hc/get-default :UDATA)\n(hc/get-default :DFMT)\n\n;;; :VALDATA is an interesting case as its default value is a function\n;;; (//github.com/jsa-aerial/hanami#function-values-for-substitution-keys)\n;;; This function looks up :FDATA and :DATA in the current submap passed to\n;;; it. If they are RMV, it returns RMV. hc/_defaults is the default submap.\n(hc/get-default :VALDATA)\n(hc/get-default :DATA)\n(hc/get-default :FDATA)\n((hc/get-default :VALDATA) @hc/_defaults)\n;;; If :DATA has a value it returns that.\n((hc/get-default :VALDATA) {:DATA [{\"one\" 1} {\"two\" 2} {\"three\" 3}]})\n\n;;; ON SERVER SIDE ONLY: If :FDATA has a value the :VALDATA function looks up \n;;; :FDATA's substitution key function\n;;; (https://github.com/jsa-aerial/hanami#subtitution-key-functions) and\n;;; passes it the value of :FDATA, and the current submap. This function will\n;;; resolve the value of :FDATA to a file (or error) and fetch its content.\n;;; On the client this always returns RMV. Place cursor at right paren.\n;;; Ctrl-X Ctrl-E runs on client. Ctrl-X J runs on server (will give file\n;;; not found error - unless you have a real json file there...)\n((hc/get-default :VALDATA)\n (merge @hc/_defaults {:FDATA \"~/.saite/Data/my-data.json\"}))\n\n\n;;; OK, after that diversion, back to how the third rule of xform and having\n;;; RMV for most defaults works in our favor in getting legal VG/VGL field\n;;; values while using very generic fragments in definitions. So, we can now\n;;; see that with just the defaults, all four items in data-options will\n;;; get RMV and so all four will be removed:\nht/data-options\n(hc/xform ht/data-options)\n;;; But if we give one a legal value we get a legal data field value\n(hc/xform ht/data-options :DATA [{\"one\" 1} {\"two\" 2} {\"three\" 3}])\n(hc/xform ht/data-options :UDATA \"data/cars.json\")\n;;; Yes, if you give more than one, you will get an ILLEGAL value. But then\n;;; you deserve what you get...\n\n\n;;; Because of this, we can just use hc/data-options as the default value of\n;;; the data field in a view (see Vega/Vega-Lite for information on views)\n;;; view-base is a fragment that is used in the definition of any view in\n;;; templates.\nht/view-base\n\n;;; As you see, there is a lot of stuff and most of it substitution keys which\n;;; themselves have a lot of stuff. Take :ENCODING for example\n(hc/get-default :ENCODING)\n\n;;; Again, a lot of stuff, most of it more substitution keys. But we are\n;;; bottoming out - _most_ of these have base values - many RMV. If we\n;;; transform this using just the defaults, we get a legal (default) encoding\n(hc/xform {:encoding :ENCODING})\n\n\n;;; Let's look at another pair in view-base, the :usermeta :USERDATA pair\n;;; The :usermeta field is a special field that the authors of VG/VGL (the\n;;; members of the Interactive Data Lab at UWash in Seattle) have included in\n;;; the schemas of VG and VGL. They understood user apps may want to encode\n;;; special data in a legal VG/VGL spec and this field supports that use\n;;; case. Generally, that data will be some form of _control_ data. That's\n;;; exactly how it is used in Saite. Out of the box, Hanami has :USERDATA\n;;; as RMV, so :usermeta will just be removed. But Saite gives it a value of\n;;; various control data.\n(hc/get-default :USERDATA)\n\n;;; Again, many values are substitution keys themselves with their own default\n;;; values. :msgop and :session-name are really server things and don't\n;;; concern us when working via the client. In the 'Tabs' tab and 'Gallery'\n;;; tab of this document, you will see values given for :LEFT, :TOP, :FID, :VID\n;;; which control how the associated picture frame and vis are displayed.\n(hc/xform (hc/get-default :USERDATA))\n\n\n;;; Now that we've seen :ENCODING and :USERDATA, let's go back to view-base and\n;;; see how these work to give a nearly complete Vega-Lite specification when\n;;; transformed. Put the cursor at the 'e' in view-base and Ctrl-X Ctrl-E to\n;;; get its value. Then use Ctrl-X Ctrl-C to get the transformed value.\n(hc/xform ht/view-base)\n;;; That's pretty close to being a legal view spec, but it doesn't have a data\n;;; value and so would throw an error in VGL. We can fix that by giving a\n;;; data source\n(hc/xform ht/view-base :UDATA \"data/cars.json\")\n\n;;; OK, the only thing left to get a legal spec is to add in a mark spec. Marks\n;;; basically define how VG/VGL render the view - line plot, scatter plot, bar\n;;; chart, area chart, etc etc. There are several out-of-box 'chart/plot'\n;;; templates that add a mark around view-base. Here are a couple. Put the\n;;; cursor at the end and Ctrl-X Ctrl-E. Notice the mark spec again has several\n;;; fields with substitution key values. Only the 'type' field is concrete.\nht/point-chart\nht/bar-chart\n\n;;; Now we are ready to get a complete legal Vega-Lite specification. We will\n;;; use the point-chart template which will give a scatter plot. So, we need\n;;; a data source and this one has it's x field as the string \"Horsepower\" and\n;;; its y field as \"Miles_per_Gallon\". That's all we really need, but to get\n;;; a nice color faceting, we also ask the \"Origin\" field be color faceted.\n;;; You can see this exact chart rendered in the 'Tabs' tab demo (where we\n;;; add frame and visual ids to control its placement in the doc body)\n(hc/xform\n ht/point-chart\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\"\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\")\n\n\n;;; We are pretty much at the end here. The last thing to cover concerns what\n;;; some have voiced a desire for - changing the default style of using\n;;; :UPPERCASE keywords for substitution keys. Nothing in any of the\n;;; transformation process requires this and you can make them be any style\n;;; or form you like. The following is a little exercise in how you can\n;;; automate that change\n;;; We already saw that hc/_defaults is the default submap. As you can see,\n;;; there are a lot of such default keys.\n(deref hc/_defaults)\n;;; We will need clojure.set and clojure.string for the exercise. Like any\n;;; form, requires can be evaluated. Just put the cursor on the right paren\n;;; like any other example, and Ctrl-X Ctrl-E these\n(require '[clojure.set :as set])\n(require '[clojure.string :as str])\n;;; We will turn our uppercase keys into lower case strings. mydefs is a map\n;;; from the uppercase keywords to their lower case strings. If you eval this\n;;; you will see the first (random) 10 cases. Comment the take out and\n;;; uncomment each xform in turn to see how the templates can be transformed\n;;; to use these lower case substitution keys.\n;;; This is just an example, more likely version would use namespace qualified\n;;; lowercase keywords.\n(let [mydefs (->> hc/_defaults deref\n (mapv (fn[[k v]](vector (-> k name str/lower-case) k)))\n (into {}) set/map-invert)]\n (take 10 mydefs)\n #_(hc/xform ht/view-base mydefs)\n #_(hc/xform ht/point-chart mydefs))", :out-height "700px", :eid "ed-templates", :height "700px"}}, :specs []}} {:tabs {:label "Tabs", :opts {:order :row, :eltsper 1, :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :size "auto", :wrapfn {:tid :tabs, :$split 0, :fn [quote interactive-doc-tab], :ns aerial.saite.usercode, :width "730px", :src "\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f1\n :LEFT '[\n [gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:width 900 :font-size \"25px\"}}\n\"\n# Tabs\n\n* Auto structuring of document by sections, chapters, or pages\n * Conceptually, each tab corresponds to one of these in the doc\n\n* Tab bodies can be further structured into columns and rows\n * Each row or column has an element count to auto control layout\n * An *element* is a *picture frame* (next up...)\n * *Wrapping functions* support embedding bodies in app specific controls or other layout\n * Examples: Saite interactive editor and doc tabs \n\n* *Extension tabs* are tabs whose body is user defined / app specific\n * Intended to let developer use tabs but with their own layouts\n * **note** tabs will still auto-render when moving among them\n * Example: Saite convert tab\n \n\"]\n ])\n\n\n;;; For this 'demo' it is a good idea to set the default height and\n;;; width of visualiztions to smaller values than the out-of-box\n;;; defaults. First save the out of box versions in case you want\n;;; to quickly restore\n(def prevhw [(hc/get-default :HEIGHT) (hc/get-default :WIDTH)])\n;;; This one will restore them\n(hc/update-defaults :HEIGHT (first prevhw) :WIDTH (last prevhw))\n\n;;; Now set them to nicer values for this demo tab\n(hc/update-defaults :HEIGHT 200 :WIDTH 250)\n\n\n;;; For the following, you can place the cursor in the form and\n;;; use Ctrl-X Ctrl-I (or Insert) to insert the defined picture\n;;; frame. If the picture is already showing, with the cursor\n;;; again in the form, use Ctr-X Ctrl-D (or Delete) to delete it.\n\n;;; Also, if you select a form and cut it (Alt-W), if the picture was\n;;; showing it will also be cut. When you yank the cut form (Ctrl-Y)\n;;; the picture will be inserted - in the correct relative position\n;;; as the code to the other forms.\n\n;;; Additionally you can click the pencil icon (Edit current tab) and\n;;; fool around with the ordering, elements (picframes) per row/col\n;;; and the gapping.\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/point-chart :FID :f2 :VID :v2\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\"\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\")\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/bar-chart :FID :f3 :VID :v3\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\" :XBIN true :YAGG :mean\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\")\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/line-chart :FID :f4 :VID :v4\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\" :XBIN true :YAGG :mean\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\")\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/layer-chart :FID :f5 :VID :v5\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\"\n :LAYER [(hc/xform\n ht/point-chart :FID :f2 :VID :v2 :OPACITY 0.3\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\")\n (hc/xform\n ht/line-chart :XBIN true :YAGG :mean\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\")])\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/line-chart :FID :f6 :VID :v6\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\" \n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" \n :COLOR \"Origin\" ;:SHAPE \"Origin\"\n :COLDEF {:field \"Origin\"})\n", :out-height "100px", :eid "ed-tabs", :height "700px"}}, :specs [{:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f1, :left [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "25px", :width 900}} "\n# Tabs\n\n* Auto structuring of document by sections, chapters, or pages\n * Conceptually, each tab corresponds to one of these in the doc\n\n* Tab bodies can be further structured into columns and rows\n * Each row or column has an element count to auto control layout\n * An *element* is a *picture frame* (next up...)\n * *Wrapping functions* support embedding bodies in app specific controls or other layout\n * Examples: Saite interactive editor and doc tabs \n\n* *Extension tabs* are tabs whose body is user defined / app specific\n * Intended to let developer use tabs but with their own layouts\n * **note** tabs will still auto-render when moving among them\n * Example: Saite convert tab\n \n"]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}}]}} {:pframes {:label "Picture Frames", :opts {:order :row, :eltsper 1, :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :size "auto", :wrapfn {:tid :pframes, :$split 0, :fn [quote interactive-doc-tab], :ns aerial.saite.usercode, :width "730px", :src "\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f1\n :LEFT '[\n [gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:width 900 :font-size \"25px\"}}\n\"\n# Picture Frames\n\n* Basic element for tab bodies\n * Composed of five parts\n * Top, Bottom, Left, Right frame panels; central visualization\n\n![img](https://github.com/jsa-aerial/hanami/blob/master/resources/public/images/picture-frame-layout.png?raw=true)\n\n* Each part is optional, but at least one must be present\n * Frames without a visualization part are called 'empty frames'\n\n* Each frame panel can be hiccup, re-com components, and/or Mark Down\n * In Saite, MD can include LaTex\n\n* Frame definitions are included in the `usermeta` data\n\n* Frames can (should) have frame IDs and visualization IDs\n * Substitution keys :FID and :VID\n* Frames may be added in 'bulk' or (as in Saite interactive tabs) added incrementally\n\n* Panel parts, in particular the vis, may be updated independently\n\n# Examples:\n\"]\n])\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f2\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"200px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\"Empty with **top** (this)\"]]\n :LEFT '[[gap :size \"50px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}} \"**Left** panel text\"]]\n :RIGHT '[[md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}} \"**Right** panel text\"]]\n :BOTTOM '[[gap :size \"200px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}} \"**Bottom** panel text\"]])\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f3\n \n :LEFT '[[gap :size \"50px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Two column format **left column** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus.\"]]\n :RIGHT '[[gap :size \"50px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Two column format **right column** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus.\"]]\n )\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/point-chart :FID :f4 :VID :v4\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\"\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\"\n :LEFT '[[gap :size \"50px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Two column format with vis **left column** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus.\"]\n [gap :size \"10px\"]\n [p {:style {:width \"50px\" :min-width \"10px\"}} \"\"]]\n :RIGHT '[[gap :size \"10px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Two column format with vis **right column** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus.\"]]\n )\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/point-chart :FID :f5 :VID :v5\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\"\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\"\n :LEFT '[[gap :size \"50px\"][p {:style {:width \"50px\" :min-width \"50px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"50px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Top bottom with vis **Top** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus.\"]\n [gap :size \"10px\"]\n [p {:style {:width \"50px\" :min-width \"10px\"}} \"\"]]\n :BOTTOM '[[gap :size \"50px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Top bottom with vis **Bottom** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus.\"]]\n )", :out-height "100px", :eid "ed-pframes", :height "700px"}}, :specs [{:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f1, :left [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "25px", :width 900}} "\n# Picture Frames\n\n* Basic element for tab bodies\n * Composed of five parts\n * Top, Bottom, Left, Right frame panels; central visualization\n\n![img](https://github.com/jsa-aerial/hanami/blob/master/resources/public/images/picture-frame-layout.png?raw=true)\n\n* Each part is optional, but at least one must be present\n * Frames without a visualization part are called 'empty frames'\n\n* Each frame panel can be hiccup, re-com components, and/or Mark Down\n * In Saite, MD can include LaTex\n\n* Frame definitions are included in the `usermeta` data\n\n* Frames can (should) have frame IDs and visualization IDs\n * Substitution keys :FID and :VID\n* Frames may be added in 'bulk' or (as in Saite interactive tabs) added incrementally\n\n* Panel parts, in particular the vis, may be updated independently\n\n# Examples:\n"]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}} {:usermeta {:frame {:bottom [[gap :size "200px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "**Bottom** panel text"]], :top [[gap :size "200px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Empty with **top** (this)"]], :pos :after, :at :end, :right [[md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "**Right** panel text"]], :fid :f2, :left [[gap :size "50px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "**Left** panel text"]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}} {:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :right [[gap :size "50px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Two column format **right column** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus."]], :fid :f3, :left [[gap :size "50px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Two column format **left column** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus."]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}} {:encoding {:y {:field "Miles_per_Gallon", :type "quantitative"}, :color {:field "Origin", :type "nominal"}, :x {:field "Horsepower", :type "quantitative"}, :tooltip [{:field "Horsepower", :type "quantitative"} {:field "Miles_per_Gallon", :type "quantitative"}]}, :usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :right [[gap :size "10px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Two column format with vis **right column** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus."]], :fid :f4, :left [[gap :size "50px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Two column format with vis **left column** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus."] [gap :size "10px"] [p {:style {:min-width "10px", :width "50px"}} ""]]}, :vid :v4, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :mark {:type "circle"}, :width 250, :background "floralwhite", :height 200, :data {:url "data/cars.json"}} {:encoding {:y {:field "Miles_per_Gallon", :type "quantitative"}, :color {:field "Origin", :type "nominal"}, :x {:field "Horsepower", :type "quantitative"}, :tooltip [{:field "Horsepower", :type "quantitative"} {:field "Miles_per_Gallon", :type "quantitative"}]}, :usermeta {:frame {:bottom [[gap :size "50px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Top bottom with vis **Bottom** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus."]], :top [[gap :size "50px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Top bottom with vis **Top** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod si ita est, sequitur id ipsum, quod te velle video, omnes semper beatos esse sapientes. Tamen a proposito, inquam, aberramus."] [gap :size "10px"] [p {:style {:min-width "10px", :width "50px"}} ""]], :pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f5, :left [[gap :size "50px"] [p {:style {:min-width "50px", :width "50px"}}]]}, :vid :v5, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :mark {:type "circle"}, :width 250, :background "floralwhite", :height 200, :data {:url "data/cars.json"}}]}} {:saite {:label "Saite", :opts {:order :row, :eltsper 1, :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :size "auto", :wrapfn {:tid :saite, :$split 0, :fn [quote interactive-doc-tab], :ns aerial.saite.usercode, :width "730px", :src "\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f1\n :LEFT '[\n [gap :size \"200px\"]\n [md {:style {:width 900 :font-size \"25px\"}}\n\"\n# Saite\n\n* History synopsis \n * Originally just a cleaned up variant of the many 'server push to client' libs\n * message system Hanasu much simpler and clean yet very potent\n * Highly repetitive visualizations - how to fix?\n * Functions? Methods? Protocols? ???\n * Everything is just data - leverage that ... *templates*\n * Highly repetive layouts\n * Why am I writing the same / similar hiccup?\n * Apps typically need two levels of organization - 'pages' and page bodies\n * Tab system with auto body layout\n * Why can't I have nice integrated external controls?\n * Re-Com and app level extensions\n * OK, is this an app or a lib???\n * Split - Hanami lib parts; Saite application using that\n * Hmmm why can't I have LaTex. And editors? And save / restore, and ...\n\"]\n])", :out-height "100px", :eid "ed-saite", :height "700px"}}, :specs [{:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f1, :left [[gap :size "200px"] [md {:style {:font-size "25px", :width 900}} "\n# Saite\n\n* History synopsis \n * Originally just a cleaned up variant of the many 'server push to client' libs\n * message system Hanasu much simpler and clean yet very potent\n * Highly repetitive visualizations - how to fix?\n * Functions? Methods? Protocols? ???\n * Everything is just data - leverage that ... *templates*\n * Highly repetive layouts\n * Why am I writing the same / similar hiccup?\n * Apps typically need two levels of organization - 'pages' and page bodies\n * Tab system with auto body layout\n * Why can't I have nice integrated external controls?\n * Re-Com and app level extensions\n * OK, is this an app or a lib???\n * Split - Hanami lib parts; Saite application using that\n * Hmmm why can't I have LaTex. And editors? And save / restore, and ...\n"]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}}]}} {:saite2 {:label "Saite current", :opts {:order :row, :eltsper 1, :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :size "auto", :wrapfn {:tid :saite2, :$split 0, :fn [quote interactive-doc-tab], :ns aerial.saite.usercode, :width "730px", :src "\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f1\n :LEFT '[\n [gap :size \"200px\"]\n [md {:style {:width 900 :font-size \"23px\"}}\n\"\n# Saite Current State (more or less...)\n\n * Starting to settle, but sill changing\n * Picture frame panels may be editors for the central vis\n * Editor enabled 'interactive' tabs\n * Basic 'repl' type\n * Interactive 'document' type\n * Namespace per tab (but can span tabs)\n * Save / restore\n * it's all just data\n * can restore from URL - publish (gists, github, github pages, etc etc)\n * Interactive tab manipulation controls\n * Configuration / customization (~/.saite/config.edn)\n * editor (default is emacs, but can be sublime or vim)\n * editor key bindings for nav / eval (default cider...)\n * Doc and Data locations\n * etc\n * Various server side support evolving\n * read from files (check!)\n * server side eval (check!)\n * mix server code and client code (check! - see 'Gallery' tab!)\n * auto sync of namespaces (check! - with implicit requires)\n * etc, etc\n\"]\n])", :out-height "100px", :eid "ed-saite2", :height "700px"}}, :specs [{:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f1, :left [[gap :size "200px"] [md {:style {:font-size "23px", :width 900}} "\n# Saite Current State (more or less...)\n\n * Starting to settle, but sill changing\n * Picture frame panels may be editors for the central vis\n * Editor enabled 'interactive' tabs\n * Basic 'repl' type\n * Interactive 'document' type\n * Namespace per tab (but can span tabs)\n * Save / restore\n * it's all just data\n * can restore from URL - publish (gists, github, github pages, etc etc)\n * Interactive tab manipulation controls\n * Configuration / customization (~/.saite/config.edn)\n * editor (default is emacs, but can be sublime or vim)\n * editor key bindings for nav / eval (default cider...)\n * Doc and Data locations\n * etc\n * Various server side support evolving\n * read from files (check!)\n * server side eval (check!)\n * mix server code and client code (check! - see 'Gallery' tab!)\n * auto sync of namespaces (check! - with implicit requires)\n * etc, etc\n"]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :order :row}}}}]}} {:saite3 {:label "Saite Future/Road map", :opts {:order :row, :eltsper 1, :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :size "auto", :wrapfn {:tid :saite3, :$split 0, :fn [quote interactive-doc-tab], :ns aerial.saite.usercode, :width "730px", :src "\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f1\n :LEFT '[\n [gap :size \"200px\"]\n [md {:style {:width 900 :font-size \"20px\"}}\n\"\n# Saite Future / Road Map (in no particular order)\n\n * Much more editor stuff\n * sexp slurp and spit for sure\n * other editors - Vim and Sublime\n * Block 'MD' support\n * What and how?\n * **No longer sure this is good or relevant**\n * Integrate Neanderthal and Panthera\n * These are definitely needed and **high priority**\n * Turnkey support (include MKL libs)\n * Other language support\n * Python\n * PyHanasu\n * Maybe no longer relevant with Panthera??\n * R\n * Depends on R-Interop (Daniel, Chris) or RHanasu??\n * Cytoscape\n * Needed for *sophisticated* interactive graphs\n * Not really in Vega's scope\n * Other vis libs integration??\n * Full self installing JAR (with PREPL or NREPL support)\n * Almost - not yet full self installing but executable available:\n `wget http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/~jsa/aerial.aerosaite-0.2.5-standalone.jar`\n \n\"]\n])", :out-height "100px", :eid "ed-saite3", :height "700px"}}, :specs [{:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f1, :left [[gap :size "200px"] [md {:style {:font-size "20px", :width 900}} "\n# Saite Future / Road Map (in no particular order)\n\n * Much more editor stuff\n * sexp slurp and spit for sure\n * other editors - Vim and Sublime\n * Block 'MD' support\n * What and how?\n * **No longer sure this is good or relevant**\n * Integrate Neanderthal and Panthera\n * These are definitely needed and **high priority**\n * Turnkey support (include MKL libs)\n * Other language support\n * Python\n * PyHanasu\n * Maybe no longer relevant with Panthera??\n * R\n * Depends on R-Interop (Daniel, Chris) or RHanasu??\n * Cytoscape\n * Needed for *sophisticated* interactive graphs\n * Not really in Vega's scope\n * Other vis libs integration??\n * Full self installing JAR (with PREPL or NREPL support)\n * Almost - not yet full self installing but executable available:\n `wget http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/~jsa/aerial.aerosaite-0.2.5-standalone.jar`\n \n"]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :order :row}}}}]}} {:gallery {:label "Gallery", :opts {:order :row, :eltsper 2, :rgap "80px", :cgap "20px", :size "auto", :wrapfn {:tid :gallery, :$split 0, :fn [quote interactive-doc-tab], :ns aerial.saite.usercode, :width "730px", :src "\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f1\n :LEFT '[\n [gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:width 900 :font-size \"25px\"}}\n\"\n# A Gallery of various visualizations and MD / LaTex\n Open the editor pane to see code and/or mess with it\n\"]])\n\n;;; This is empty with empty left frame. It's just a place holder to use up\n;;; the second slot in the first row...\n(hc/xform\n ht/empty-chart :FID :f1b\n :LEFT '[[gap :size \"100px\"][md {:style {:width 900 :font-size \"25px\"}} \"\"]])\n\n\n\n;;; Save current default H and W\n(def prevhw [(hc/get-default :HEIGHT) (hc/get-default :WIDTH)])\n;;; Set smaller values if desired\n(hc/update-defaults :HEIGHT 200 :WIDTH 250)\n;;; Restore if wanted\n(hc/update-defaults :HEIGHT (first prevhw) :WIDTH (last prevhw))\n\n\n;;; **************************************************************************\n;;; OK, NOTE, IF YOU WANT TO FOLLOW ALONG MAKING THE ELEMENTS ACCORDING TO THE\n;;; RUNNING COMMENTARY IN THE COMMENTS, YOU WILL FIRST WANT TO REMOVE ALL THE\n;;; PICFRAMES. THE EASIEST AND QUICKEST WAY TO DO THAT IS TO CLICK THE\n;;; \"Delete Frames\" button (dark with '-' inside). Select F2 through F15. DO\n;;; NOT SELECT F1 or F1b!! Click the 'check'/OK button. F2 through F15 will be\n;;; removed.\n;;; **************************************************************************\n\n\n;;; We are in row ording here with 2 elements (picframes) per row.\n;;; So every 2 in the following are a row.\n\n;;;The first two are pretty boring - you've seen them before\n(hc/xform\n ht/layer-chart :FID :f2 :VID :v2\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Layers - scatter with opacity 0.3; smoothed trend lines\"]]\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\"\n :LAYER [(hc/xform\n ht/point-chart :FID :f2 :VID :v2 :OPACITY 0.3\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\")\n (hc/xform\n ht/line-chart :XBIN true :YAGG :mean\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :COLOR \"Origin\")])\n\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/line-chart :FID :f3 :VID :v3\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Smoothed faceted line plot\"]]\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\" :XBIN true :YAGG :mean\n :HEIGHT 200 :WIDTH 250\n :X \"Horsepower\" :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" \n :COLOR \"Origin\" ;:SHAPE \"Origin\" \n :COLDEF {:field \"Origin\"})\n\n\n\n\n;;; Slightly more interesting since it uses a Vega template\n;;; Note :MODE...\n(hc/xform\n ht/contour-plot :MODE \"vega\" :FID :f4 :VID :v4\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Contour plot - notice: **mode** is Vega\"]]\n ;:HEIGHT 400, :WIDTH 500\n :X \"Horsepower\", :XTITLE \"Engine Horsepower\"\n :Y \"Miles_per_Gallon\" :YTITLE \"Miles/Gallon\"\n :UDATA \"data/cars.json\"\n :XFORM-EXPR #(let [d1 (% :X)\n d2 (% :Y)]\n (format \"datum['%s'] != null && datum['%s'] !=null\" d1 d2)))\n\n\n;;; For this next one, we need to run some code.\n;;; First, run this on the JVM to define it there!\n;;; Place cursor somewhere in the code and use Ctrl-X-Ctrl-J\n;;; (Run outer sexpr on JVM. This is like cider Ctrl-C Ctrl-C execute outer\n;;; sexpression)\n;;; Normally, this sort of stuff would be in a separate 'code' tab\n(defn roundit [r & {:keys [places] :or {places 4}}]\n (let [n (Math/pow 10.0 places)]\n (-> r (* n) Math/round (/ n))))\n\n;;; OK, you can now run this with Ctrl-X-Ctrl-C. It will perform computation\n;;; On the JVM and set the _client_ var `data` to the result\n;;; Again, this would likely be in the same separate 'code' tab\n(def data (clj (->> (range 0.001 100.0 0.1)\n (mapv #(do {:x (roundit %)\n :y (-> % Math/sqrt roundit)})))))\n(count data) ; Put cursor at right paren and Ctrl-X-Ctrl-E to get count\n\n;;; OK, now we can vis this with some LaTex - use Ctrl-X Ctrl-I (or Insert)\n(hc/xform\n ht/line-chart :FID :f5 :VID :v5\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"200px\"]\n [p {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Simple plot with LaTex: \\\\(f(x) = \\\\sqrt x\\\\)\"]]\n :DATA data)\n\n\n\n\n;;; The next two are area charts. Both are basically from the VGL gallery\n;;; But here we do them with some of the out-of-box templates\n(hc/xform\n ht/vconcat-chart :FID :f6 :VID :v6\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:width \"600px\":font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Simple Overview + Detail example. Left mouse down in lower for brush\"]]\n :UDATA \"data/sp500.csv\",\n :VCONCAT \n [(hc/xform\n ht/area-chart :WIDTH 500 :HEIGHT 200\n :X :date, :Y :price :XTYPE :temporal, :XSCALE {:domain {:selection :brush}})\n (hc/xform\n ht/area-chart :WIDTH 500 :HEIGHT 60,\n :SELECTION {:brush {:type :interval, :encodings [:x]}},\n :X :date :XTYPE :temporal\n :Y :price, :YAXIS {:tickCount 3, :grid false})])\n\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/area-chart :FID :f7 :VID :v7\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Simple area chart using series color scheme\"]]\n :UDATA \"data/unemployment-across-industries.json\"\n :TOOLTIP RMV\n :X :date, :XTYPE :temporal, :XUNIT :yearmonth, :XFORMAT \"%Y\"\n :Y \"count\" :AGG \"sum\"\n :COLOR {:field \"series\", :type \"nominal\",\n :scale {:scheme \"category20b\"}})\n\n\n\n\n;;; For the next two, we build a couple 'geo-templates'. So, this is also a bit\n;;; of an example of how to go about makeing a new vis abstraction with the\n;;; template system. The first is better than the second, but both could use\n;;; more abstraction.\n;;;\n;;; Need geo-encoding which is quite different from default encoding. Do this\n;;; by adding some new default substitution keys.\n(hc/update-defaults\n :GTTFIELD \"name\" :GTTTYPE \"nominal\"\n :PROJECTION {:type \"albersUsa\"}\n :GEOENCODING\n {:longitude {:field \"longitude\", :type \"quantitative\"},\n :latitude {:field \"latitude\", :type \"quantitative\"},\n :tooltip [{:field :GTTFIELD, :type :GTTTYPE}\n {:field \"longitude\", :type \"quantitative\"}\n {:field \"latitude\", :type \"quantitative\"}],\n :size :SIZE})\n;;; Define the template, note we override std encoding in view-base\n(def geo-chart\n (assoc ht/view-base :mark \"circle\" :projection :PROJECTION\n :encoding :GEOENCODING\n :config {:view {:stroke \"transparent\"}}))\n\n(hc/xform\n geo-chart :FID :f8 :VID :v8\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Geo chart using new geo template (see code)\"]]\n :SIZE {:value 10} :HEIGHT 300 :WIDTH 500\n :UDATA \"data/airports.csv\")\n\n\n;;; Vars for some global urls...\n;;; Put cursor at right paren and 'Ctrl-X Ctrl-E' them...\n(def vgdata-base\n \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vega/vega-datasets/master/data/\")\n(def us-10m (str vgdata-base \"us-10m.json\"))\n(def unemployment (str vgdata-base \"unemployment.tsv\"))\n\n;;; Not a very good template - needs more and better abstraction...\n(def geo-choro\n (assoc ht/view-base :mark \"geoshape\" :projection :PROJECTION))\n;;; Using the geo-choro hack....\n;;; In particular, the 'transform' here needs to be abstracted. The 'raw'\n;;; VGL form is _really_ easy to mess up!!!\n(hc/xform\n geo-choro :FID :f9 :VID :v9\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Geo chart using geo-choro template (see code)\"]]\n :UDATA us-10m :DFMT {:type \"topojson\", :feature \"counties\"}\n :WIDTH 500 :HEIGHT 300\n :TRANSFORM [{:lookup \"id\"\n :from {:data {:url unemployment} :key \"id\", :fields [\"rate\"]}}]\n :ENCODING {:color {:field \"rate\", :type \"quantitative\"}})\n\n\n\n\n;;; In the next two, we mix server side computation with client side rendering\n;;; of the computation result.\n;;;\n;;; Use Ctrl-X Ctrl-C to execute the actual form; results in output area\n;;;\n;;; Use Ctrl-X Ctrl-I or Insert to insert the vis of that computation\n;;; Use Ctrl-X Ctrl-D or Delete to remove vis\n(hc/xform\n ht/layer-chart :FID :f10 :VID :v10\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [p {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"SI: \\\\(I(X) = -logP(X) = log(\\\\frac {1} {p})= -log(p)\\\\)\"]]\n :TITLE \"Self Information (unexpectedness)\"\n :LAYER [(hc/xform ht/xrule-layer :AGG \"mean\")\n (hc/xform ht/line-layer\n :XTITLE \"Probability of event\"\n :YTITLE \"-log(p)\")]\n :DATA (clj (->> (range 0.005 0.999 0.001)\n (mapv (fn[p] {:x p, :y (- (m/log2 p)) :col \"SI\"})))))\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/layer-chart :FID :f11 :VID :v11\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [p {:style {:width \"600px\" :font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Entropy: \\\\(H(X) = E[I(X)] = E[-log P(X)] = -\\\\sum\\\\limits_{i=1}^n P(x_i) log P(x_i)\\\\)\"]]\n :TITLE \"Entropy (Unpredictability)\"\n :LAYER [(hc/xform ht/gen-encode-layer\n :MARK \"line\"\n :XTITLE \"Probability of event\" :YTITLE \"H(p)\")\n (hc/xform ht/xrule-layer :AGG \"mean\")]\n :DATA (clj (->> (range 0.00005 0.9999 0.001)\n (mapv (fn[p] {:x p,\n :y (- (- (* p (m/log2 p)))\n (* (- 1 p) (m/log2 (- 1 p))))})))))\n\n\n\n\n;;; Run this on server and set _client_ obsdist to the same value. So, both\n;;; the server and the client (in this namespace) have var `obsdist` defined.\n;;; This will be our supposed 'real observed' distribution in the following\n;;; Use Ctrl-X Ctrl-C\n(def obsdist\n (clj (def obsdist\n (let [obs [[0 9] [1 78] [2 305] [3 752] [4 1150] [5 1166]\n [6 899] [7 460] [8 644] [9 533] [10 504]]\n totcnt (->> obs (mapv second) (apply +))\n pdist (map (fn[[k cnt]] [k (double (/ cnt totcnt))]) obs)]\n pdist))))\n\n\n;;; These two show how you can use relative entropy to zero in on a\n;;; correct (binomial) model of an observed distribution\n(hc/xform\n ht/line-chart :FID :f12 :VID :v12\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"150px\"]\n [p {:style {:width \"600px\" :font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"\\\\(KLD(P \\\\Vert Q) = \\\\sum\\\\limits_{x \\\\in X} P(x) log \\\\frac {Q(x)}{P(x)}\\\\)\"]]\n :POINT true\n :TITLE \"KLD minimum entropy: True P to Binomial Q estimate\"\n :XTITLE \"Binomial Distribution P paramter\"\n :YTITLE \"KLD(P||Q)\"\n :DATA (clj (mapv #(let [RE (it/KLD (->> obsdist (into {}))\n (->> (p/binomial-dist 10 %)\n (into {})))\n REtt (roundit RE)\n ptt (roundit % :places 2)]\n {:x % :y RE})\n (range 0.06 0.98 0.01))))\n\n(hc/xform\n ht/line-chart :FID :f13 :VID :v13\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [p {:style {:width \"600px\" :font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"\\\\(JSD(P \\\\Vert Q) = \\\\frac{1}{2} KLD(P \\\\Vert M) + \\\\frac{1}{2} KLD(Q \\\\Vert M), M = \\\\frac{1}{2}(P + Q) \\\\)\"]]\n :POINT true\n :TITLE \"JSD minimum entropy: True P to Binomial Q estimate\"\n :XTITLE \"Binomial Distribution P paramter\"\n :YTITLE \"JSD(P||Q)\"\n :DATA (clj (mapv #(let [RE (it/jensen-shannon\n (->> obsdist (into {}))\n (->> (p/binomial-dist 10 %)\n (into {})))\n REtt (roundit RE)\n ptt (roundit % :places 2)]\n {:x % :y RE})\n (range 0.06 0.98 0.01))))\n\n\n\n;;; That's nice, but neither of those is a true metric. JSD is close as it is\n;;; symmetric and positive-definite. It's also nicely bounded [0,1] when base\n;;; 2 log is used. But it doesn't satisfy the triangle property.\n;;; However, not too long ago, two independent researchers showed that the\n;;; sqrt(JSD) is a metric. That's amazingly useful as this version can be\n;;; used for true distances - for example in metric trees\n(hc/xform\n ht/line-chart :FID :f14 :VID :v14\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"150px\"]\n [p {:style {:width \"600px\" :font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"\\\\(\\\\sqrt{JSD(P \\\\Vert Q)}\\\\), a relative entropy based metric\"]]\n :POINT true\n :TITLE \"SQRT(JSD) minimum entropy: True P to Binomial Q estimate\"\n :XTITLE \"Binomial Distribution P paramter\"\n :YTITLE \"JSD(P||Q)\"\n :DATA (clj (mapv #(let [RE (Math/sqrt\n (it/jensen-shannon\n (->> obsdist (into {}))\n (->> (p/binomial-dist 10 %)\n (into {}))))\n REtt (roundit RE)\n ptt (roundit % :places 2)]\n {:x % :y RE})\n (range 0.06 0.98 0.01))))\n\n;;; Use Ctrl-X J at right paren\n(def JSD it/jensen-shannon)\n;;; Use Ctrl-X Ctrl-C : execute on JVM bind to client `mixed-data`\n(def mixed-data\n (clj (concat\n (mapv #(let [RE (it/KLD (->> obsdist (into {}))\n (->> (p/binomial-dist 10 %)\n (into {})))]\n {:x % :y RE :RE \"KLD\"})\n (range 0.06 0.98 0.01))\n (mapv #(let [RE (Math/sqrt (JSD (->> obsdist (into {}))\n (->> (p/binomial-dist 10 %)\n (into {}))))]\n {:x % :y RE :RE \"JSD\"})\n (range 0.06 0.98 0.01)))))\n\n\n;;; Interactive layer plot with both KLD and Sqrt(JSD)\n(hc/xform\n ht/layer-chart :FID :f15 :VID :v15\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"150px\"]\n [p {:style {:width \"500px\" :font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"\\\\(\\\\sqrt{JSD(P \\\\Vert Q)}\\\\) and \\\\(KLD(P \\\\Vert Q)\\\\). Zoom with mouse wheel. Pan with shift-left-mouse\"]]\n :TITLE \"Minimum entropy: True P to Binomial Q estimate\"\n :DATA mixed-data\n :LAYER [(hc/xform ht/line-chart\n :POINT true\n :TRANSFORM [{:filter {:field \"RE\" :equal \"KLD\"}}]\n :SELECTION ht/interval-scales :INAME \"grid1\"\n :COLOR {:field \"RE\" :type \"nominal\"\n :legend {:type \"symbol\" :offset 0 :title \"RE\"}}\n :XTITLE \"Binomial Distribution P paramter\"\n :YTITLE \"KLD(P||Q)\")\n (hc/xform ht/line-chart\n :POINT true\n :TRANSFORM [{:filter {:field \"RE\" :equal \"JSD\"}}]\n :SELECTION ht/interval-scales :INAME \"grid2\"\n :COLOR {:field \"RE\" :type \"nominal\"\n :legend {:type \"symbol\" :offset 0 :title \"RE\"}}\n :XTITLE \"Binomial Distribution P paramter\"\n :YTITLE \"Sqrt(JSD(P||Q))\")]\n :RESOLVE {:scale {\"y\" \"independent\"}})\n\n\n\n\n;;; This last one is another Vega plot. But it is so large that it is not\n;;; paired with another in the same row....\n(hc/xform\n ht/tree-layout :MODE \"vega\" :FID :f99 :VID :v99\n :LEFT '[[p {:style {:width \"100px\":min-width \"100px\"}}]]\n :TOP '[[gap :size \"100px\"]\n [md {:style {:font-size \"16px\"}}\n \"Another Vega plot, this time showing tree layout\"]]\n :WIDTH 650, :HEIGHT 1600\n :UDATA\n \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vega/vega-datasets/master/data/flare.json\"\n :LINKSHAPE \"diagonal\" :LAYOUT \"tidy\" :FONTSIZE 11\n :CFIELD \"depth\")\n\n", :out-height "100px", :eid "ed-gallery", :height "700px"}}, :specs [{:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f1, :left [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "25px", :width 900}} "\n# A Gallery of various visualizations and MD / LaTex\n Open the editor pane to see code and/or mess with it\n"]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}} {:usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f1b, :left [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "25px", :width 900}} ""]]}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}} {:usermeta {:frame {:top [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Layers - scatter with opacity 0.3; smoothed trend lines"]], :pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f2, :left [[p {:style {:min-width "100px", :width "100px"}}]]}, :vid :v2, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :config {:bar {:discreteBandSize 5, :binSpacing 1, :continuousBandSize 5}}, :width 400, :background "floralwhite", :layer [{:encoding {:y {:field "Miles_per_Gallon", :type "quantitative"}, :color {:field "Origin", :type "nominal"}, :opacity {:value 0.3}, :x {:field "Horsepower", :type "quantitative"}, :tooltip [{:field "Horsepower", :type "quantitative"} {:field "Miles_per_Gallon", :type "quantitative"}]}, :usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f2}, :vid :v2, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :mark {:type "circle"}, :width 400, :background "floralwhite", :height 300} {:encoding {:y {:field "Miles_per_Gallon", :type "quantitative", :aggregate :mean}, :color {:field "Origin", :type "nominal"}, :x {:field "Horsepower", :type "quantitative", :bin true}}, :usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :mark {:type "line"}, :width 400, :background "floralwhite", :height 300}], :height 300, :data {:url "data/cars.json"}} {:encoding {:y {:field "Miles_per_Gallon", :type "quantitative", :aggregate :mean}, :color {:field "Origin", :type "nominal"}, :column {:field "Origin"}, :x {:field "Horsepower", :type "quantitative", :bin true}}, :usermeta {:frame {:top [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Smoothed faceted line plot"]], :pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f3, :left [[p {:style {:min-width "100px", :width "100px"}}]]}, :vid :v3, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :mark {:type "line"}, :width 250, :background "floralwhite", :height 200, :data {:url "data/cars.json"}} {:autosize "pad", :legends [{:fill "color", :type "gradient"}], :usermeta {:frame {:top [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Contour plot - notice: **mode** is Vega"]], :pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f4, :left [[p {:style {:min-width "100px", :width "100px"}}]]}, :vid :v4, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :config {:range {:heatmap {:scheme "greenblue"}}}, :axes [{:scale "x", :grid true, :orient "bottom", :title "Engine Horsepower", :domain false} {:scale "y", :grid true, :orient "left", :title "Miles/Gallon", :domain false}], :width 400, :scales [{:zero false, :name "x", :type "linear", :round true, :nice true, :domain {:field "Horsepower", :data "source"}, :range "width"} {:zero false, :name "y", :type "linear", :round true, :nice true, :domain {:field "Miles_per_Gallon", :data "source"}, :range "height"} {:zero true, :name "color", :type "sequential", :domain {:field "value", :data "contours"}, :range "heatmap"}], :padding 5, :marks [{:transform [{:field "datum", :type "geopath"}], :type "path", :from {:data "contours"}, :encode {:enter {:stroke {:value "#888"}, :fill {:scale "color", :field "value"}, :fillOpacity {:value 0.35}, :strokeWidth {:value 1}}}} {:name "marks", :type "symbol", :from {:data "source"}, :encode {:update {:y {:scale "y", :field "Miles_per_Gallon"}, :fill [{:value "black", :test "points"} {:value "transparent"}], :size {:value 4}, :x {:scale "x", :field "Horsepower"}}}}], :$schema "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v4.json", :signals [{:name "count", :value 10, :bind {:options [1 5 10 20], :input "select"}} {:name "points", :value true, :bind {:input "checkbox"}}], :height 300, :data [{:transform [{:type "filter", :expr "datum['Horsepower'] != null && datum['Miles_per_Gallon'] !=null"}], :name "source", :url "data/cars.json"} {:transform [{:y {:expr "scale('y', datum.Miles_per_Gallon)"}, :type "contour", :size [{:signal "width"} {:signal "height"}], :count {:signal "count"}, :x {:expr "scale('x', datum.Horsepower)"}}], :name "contours", :source "source"}]} {:encoding {:y {:field "y", :type "quantitative"}, :x {:field "x", :type "quantitative"}}, :usermeta {:frame {:top [[gap :size "200px"] [p {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Simple plot with LaTex: \\(f(x) = \\sqrt x\\)"]], :pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f5, :left [[p {:style {:min-width "100px", :width "100px"}}]]}, :vid :v5, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :rgap "20px", :cgap "20px", :order :row}}}, :mark {:type "line"}, :width 400, :background "floralwhite", :height 300, :data {:values [{:y 0.0316, :x 0.001} {:y 0.3178, :x 0.101} {:y 0.4483, :x 0.201} {:y 0.5486, :x 0.301} {:y 0.6332, :x 0.401} {:y 0.7078, :x 0.501} {:y 0.7752, :x 0.601} {:y 0.8373, :x 0.701} {:y 0.895, :x 0.801} {:y 0.9492, :x 0.901} {:y 1.0005, :x 1.001} {:y 1.0493, :x 1.101} {:y 1.0959, :x 1.201} {:y 1.1406, :x 1.301} {:y 1.1836, :x 1.401} {:y 1.2252, :x 1.501} {:y 1.2653, :x 1.601} {:y 1.3042, :x 1.701} {:y 1.342, :x 1.801} {:y 1.3788, :x 1.901} {:y 1.4146, :x 2.001} {:y 1.4495, :x 2.101} {:y 1.4836, :x 2.201} {:y 1.5169, :x 2.301} {:y 1.5495, :x 2.401} {:y 1.5815, :x 2.501} {:y 1.6128, :x 2.601} {:y 1.6435, :x 2.701} {:y 1.6736, :x 2.801} {:y 1.7032, :x 2.901} {:y 1.7323, :x 3.001} {:y 1.761, :x 3.101} {:y 1.7891, :x 3.201} {:y 1.8169, :x 3.301} {:y 1.8442, :x 3.401} {:y 1.8711, :x 3.501} {:y 1.8976, :x 3.601} {:y 1.9238, :x 3.701} {:y 1.9496, :x 3.801} {:y 1.9751, :x 3.901} {:y 2.0002, :x 4.001} {:y 2.0251, :x 4.101} {:y 2.0496, :x 4.201} {:y 2.0739, :x 4.301} {:y 2.0979, :x 4.401} {:y 2.1216, :x 4.501} {:y 2.145, :x 4.601} {:y 2.1682, :x 4.701} {:y 2.1911, :x 4.801} {:y 2.2138, :x 4.901} {:y 2.2363, :x 5.001} {:y 2.2585, :x 5.101} {:y 2.2806, :x 5.201} {:y 2.3024, :x 5.301} {:y 2.324, :x 5.401} {:y 2.3454, :x 5.501} {:y 2.3666, :x 5.601} {:y 2.3877, :x 5.701} {:y 2.4085, :x 5.801} {:y 2.4292, :x 5.901} {:y 2.4497, :x 6.001} {:y 2.47, :x 6.101} {:y 2.4902, :x 6.201} {:y 2.5102, :x 6.301} {:y 2.53, :x 6.401} {:y 2.5497, :x 6.501} {:y 2.5692, :x 6.601} {:y 2.5886, :x 6.701} {:y 2.6079, :x 6.801} {:y 2.627, :x 6.901} {:y 2.6459, :x 7.001} {:y 2.6648, :x 7.101} {:y 2.6835, :x 7.201} {:y 2.702, :x 7.301} {:y 2.7205, :x 7.401} {:y 2.7388, :x 7.501} {:y 2.757, :x 7.601} {:y 2.7751, :x 7.701} {:y 2.793, :x 7.801} {:y 2.8109, :x 7.901} {:y 2.8286, :x 8.001} {:y 2.8462, :x 8.101} {:y 2.8637, :x 8.201} {:y 2.8811, :x 8.301} {:y 2.8984, :x 8.401} {:y 2.9156, :x 8.501} {:y 2.9327, :x 8.601} {:y 2.9497, :x 8.701} {:y 2.9666, :x 8.801} {:y 2.9835, :x 8.901} {:y 3.0002, :x 9.001} {:y 3.0168, :x 9.101} {:y 3.0333, :x 9.201} {:y 3.0498, :x 9.301} {:y 3.0661, :x 9.401} {:y 3.0824, :x 9.501} {:y 3.0985, :x 9.601} {:y 3.1146, :x 9.701} {:y 3.1307, :x 9.801} {:y 3.1466, :x 9.901} {:y 3.1624, :x 10.001} {:y 3.1782, :x 10.101} {:y 3.1939, :x 10.201} {:y 3.2095, :x 10.301} {:y 3.2251, :x 10.401} {:y 3.2405, :x 10.501} {:y 3.2559, :x 10.601} {:y 3.2712, :x 10.701} {:y 3.2865, :x 10.801} {:y 3.3017, :x 10.901} {:y 3.3168, :x 11.001} {:y 3.3318, :x 11.101} {:y 3.3468, :x 11.201} {:y 3.3617, :x 11.301} {:y 3.3765, :x 11.401} {:y 3.3913, :x 11.501} {:y 3.406, :x 11.601} {:y 3.4207, :x 11.701} {:y 3.4353, :x 11.801} {:y 3.4498, :x 11.901} {:y 3.4642, :x 12.001} {:y 3.4786, :x 12.101} {:y 3.493, :x 12.201} {:y 3.5073, :x 12.301} {:y 3.5215, :x 12.401} {:y 3.5357, :x 12.501} {:y 3.5498, :x 12.601} {:y 3.5638, :x 12.701} {:y 3.5778, :x 12.801} {:y 3.5918, :x 12.901} {:y 3.6057, :x 13.001} {:y 3.6195, :x 13.101} {:y 3.6333, :x 13.201} {:y 3.6471, :x 13.301} {:y 3.6607, :x 13.401} {:y 3.6744, :x 13.501} {:y 3.688, :x 13.601} {:y 3.7015, :x 13.701} {:y 3.715, :x 13.801} {:y 3.7284, :x 13.901} {:y 3.7418, :x 14.001} {:y 3.7551, :x 14.101} {:y 3.7684, :x 14.201} {:y 3.7817, :x 14.301} {:y 3.7949, :x 14.401} {:y 3.808, :x 14.501} {:y 3.8211, :x 14.601} {:y 3.8342, :x 14.701} {:y 3.8472, :x 14.801} {:y 3.8602, :x 14.901} {:y 3.8731, :x 15.001} {:y 3.886, :x 15.101} {:y 3.8988, :x 15.201} {:y 3.9116, :x 15.301} {:y 3.9244, :x 15.401} {:y 3.9371, :x 15.501} {:y 3.9498, :x 15.601} {:y 3.9624, :x 15.701} {:y 3.975, :x 15.801} {:y 3.9876, :x 15.901} {:y 4.0001, :x 16.001} {:y 4.0126, :x 16.101} {:y 4.025, :x 16.201} {:y 4.0374, :x 16.301} {:y 4.0498, :x 16.401} {:y 4.0621, :x 16.501} {:y 4.0744, :x 16.601} {:y 4.0867, :x 16.701} {:y 4.0989, :x 16.801} {:y 4.1111, :x 16.901} {:y 4.1232, :x 17.001} {:y 4.1353, :x 17.101} {:y 4.1474, :x 17.201} {:y 4.1594, :x 17.301} {:y 4.1715, :x 17.401} {:y 4.1834, :x 17.501} {:y 4.1954, :x 17.601} {:y 4.2073, :x 17.701} {:y 4.2191, :x 17.801} {:y 4.231, :x 17.901} {:y 4.2428, :x 18.001} {:y 4.2545, :x 18.101} {:y 4.2663, :x 18.201} {:y 4.278, :x 18.301} {:y 4.2896, :x 18.401} {:y 4.3013, :x 18.501} {:y 4.3129, :x 18.601} {:y 4.3245, :x 18.701} {:y 4.336, :x 18.801} {:y 4.3475, :x 18.901} {:y 4.359, :x 19.001} {:y 4.3705, :x 19.101} {:y 4.3819, :x 19.201} {:y 4.3933, :x 19.301} {:y 4.4047, :x 19.401} {:y 4.416, :x 19.501} {:y 4.4273, :x 19.601} {:y 4.4386, :x 19.701} {:y 4.4498, :x 19.801} {:y 4.4611, :x 19.901} {:y 4.4722, :x 20.001} {:y 4.4834, :x 20.101} {:y 4.4946, :x 20.201} {:y 4.5057, :x 20.301} {:y 4.5167, :x 20.401} {:y 4.5278, :x 20.501} {:y 4.5388, :x 20.601} {:y 4.5498, :x 20.701} {:y 4.5608, :x 20.801} {:y 4.5718, :x 20.901} {:y 4.5827, :x 21.001} {:y 4.5936, :x 21.101} {:y 4.6045, :x 21.201} {:y 4.6153, :x 21.301} {:y 4.6261, :x 21.401} {:y 4.6369, :x 21.501} {:y 4.6477, :x 21.601} {:y 4.6584, :x 21.701} {:y 4.6692, :x 21.801} {:y 4.6799, :x 21.901} {:y 4.6905, :x 22.001} {:y 4.7012, :x 22.101} {:y 4.7118, :x 22.201} {:y 4.7224, :x 22.301} {:y 4.733, :x 22.401} {:y 4.7435, :x 22.501} {:y 4.7541, :x 22.601} {:y 4.7646, :x 22.701} {:y 4.775, :x 22.801} {:y 4.7855, :x 22.901} {:y 4.7959, :x 23.001} {:y 4.8063, :x 23.101} {:y 4.8167, :x 23.201} {:y 4.8271, :x 23.301} {:y 4.8375, :x 23.401} {:y 4.8478, :x 23.501} {:y 4.8581, :x 23.601} {:y 4.8684, :x 23.701} {:y 4.8786, :x 23.801} {:y 4.8889, :x 23.901} {:y 4.8991, :x 24.001} {:y 4.9093, :x 24.101} {:y 4.9195, :x 24.201} {:y 4.9296, :x 24.301} {:y 4.9397, :x 24.401} {:y 4.9498, :x 24.501} {:y 4.9599, :x 24.601} {:y 4.97, :x 24.701} {:y 4.9801, :x 24.801} {:y 4.9901, :x 24.901} {:y 5.0001, :x 25.001} {:y 5.0101, :x 25.101} {:y 5.0201, :x 25.201} {:y 5.03, :x 25.301} {:y 5.0399, :x 25.401} {:y 5.0499, :x 25.501} {:y 5.0597, :x 25.601} {:y 5.0696, :x 25.701} {:y 5.0795, :x 25.801} {:y 5.0893, :x 25.901} {:y 5.0991, :x 26.001} {:y 5.1089, :x 26.101} {:y 5.1187, :x 26.201} {:y 5.1285, :x 26.301} {:y 5.1382, :x 26.401} {:y 5.1479, :x 26.501} {:y 5.1576, :x 26.601} {:y 5.1673, :x 26.701} {:y 5.177, :x 26.801} {:y 5.1866, :x 26.901} {:y 5.1962, :x 27.001} {:y 5.2059, :x 27.101} {:y 5.2155, :x 27.201} {:y 5.225, :x 27.301} {:y 5.2346, :x 27.401} {:y 5.2441, :x 27.501} {:y 5.2537, :x 27.601} {:y 5.2632, :x 27.701} {:y 5.2727, :x 27.801} {:y 5.2821, :x 27.901} {:y 5.2916, :x 28.001} {:y 5.301, :x 28.101} {:y 5.3105, :x 28.201} {:y 5.3199, :x 28.301} {:y 5.3293, :x 28.401} {:y 5.3386, :x 28.501} {:y 5.348, :x 28.601} {:y 5.3573, :x 28.701} {:y 5.3667, :x 28.801} {:y 5.376, :x 28.901} {:y 5.3853, :x 29.001} {:y 5.3945, :x 29.101} {:y 5.4038, :x 29.201} {:y 5.413, :x 29.301} {:y 5.4223, :x 29.401} {:y 5.4315, :x 29.501} {:y 5.4407, :x 29.601} {:y 5.4499, :x 29.701} {:y 5.459, :x 29.801} {:y 5.4682, :x 29.901} {:y 5.4773, :x 30.001} {:y 5.4864, :x 30.101} {:y 5.4955, :x 30.201} {:y 5.5046, :x 30.301} {:y 5.5137, :x 30.401} {:y 5.5228, :x 30.501} {:y 5.5318, :x 30.601} {:y 5.5408, :x 30.701} {:y 5.5499, :x 30.801} {:y 5.5589, :x 30.901} {:y 5.5679, :x 31.001} {:y 5.5768, :x 31.101} {:y 5.5858, :x 31.201} {:y 5.5947, :x 31.301} {:y 5.6037, :x 31.401} {:y 5.6126, :x 31.501} {:y 5.6215, :x 31.601} {:y 5.6304, :x 31.701} {:y 5.6392, :x 31.801} {:y 5.6481, :x 31.901} {:y 5.6569, :x 32.001} {:y 5.6658, :x 32.101} {:y 5.6746, :x 32.201} {:y 5.6834, :x 32.301} {:y 5.6922, :x 32.401} {:y 5.701, :x 32.501} {:y 5.7097, :x 32.601} {:y 5.7185, :x 32.701} {:y 5.7272, :x 32.801} {:y 5.7359, :x 32.901} {:y 5.7446, :x 33.001} {:y 5.7533, :x 33.101} {:y 5.762, :x 33.201} {:y 5.7707, :x 33.301} {:y 5.7794, :x 33.401} {:y 5.788, :x 33.501} {:y 5.7966, :x 33.601} {:y 5.8053, :x 33.701} {:y 5.8139, :x 33.801} {:y 5.8225, :x 33.901} {:y 5.831, :x 34.001} {:y 5.8396, :x 34.101} {:y 5.8482, :x 34.201} {:y 5.8567, :x 34.301} {:y 5.8652, :x 34.401} {:y 5.8738, :x 34.501} {:y 5.8823, :x 34.601} {:y 5.8908, :x 34.701} {:y 5.8992, :x 34.801} {:y 5.9077, :x 34.901} {:y 5.9162, :x 35.001} {:y 5.9246, :x 35.101} {:y 5.933, :x 35.201} {:y 5.9415, :x 35.301} {:y 5.9499, :x 35.401} {:y 5.9583, :x 35.501} {:y 5.9667, :x 35.601} {:y 5.975, :x 35.701} {:y 5.9834, :x 35.801} {:y 5.9917, :x 35.901} {:y 6.0001, :x 36.001} {:y 6.0084, :x 36.101} {:y 6.0167, :x 36.201} {:y 6.025, :x 36.301} {:y 6.0333, :x 36.401} {:y 6.0416, :x 36.501} {:y 6.0499, :x 36.601} {:y 6.0581, :x 36.701} {:y 6.0664, :x 36.801} {:y 6.0746, :x 36.901} {:y 6.0828, :x 37.001} {:y 6.0911, :x 37.101} {:y 6.0993, :x 37.201} {:y 6.1075, :x 37.301} {:y 6.1156, :x 37.401} {:y 6.1238, :x 37.501} {:y 6.132, :x 37.601} {:y 6.1401, :x 37.701} {:y 6.1483, :x 37.801} {:y 6.1564, :x 37.901} {:y 6.1645, :x 38.001} {:y 6.1726, :x 38.101} {:y 6.1807, :x 38.201} {:y 6.1888, :x 38.301} {:y 6.1969, :x 38.401} {:y 6.2049, :x 38.501} {:y 6.213, :x 38.601} {:y 6.221, :x 38.701} {:y 6.229, :x 38.801} {:y 6.2371, :x 38.901} {:y 6.2451, :x 39.001} {:y 6.2531, :x 39.101} {:y 6.2611, :x 39.201} {:y 6.2691, :x 39.301} {:y 6.277, :x 39.401} {:y 6.285, :x 39.501} {:y 6.2929, :x 39.601} {:y 6.3009, :x 39.701} {:y 6.3088, :x 39.801} {:y 6.3167, :x 39.901} {:y 6.3246, :x 40.001} {:y 6.3325, :x 40.101} {:y 6.3404, :x 40.201} {:y 6.3483, :x 40.301} {:y 6.3562, :x 40.401} {:y 6.364, :x 40.501} {:y 6.3719, :x 40.601} {:y 6.3797, :x 40.701} {:y 6.3876, :x 40.801} {:y 6.3954, :x 40.901} {:y 6.4032, :x 41.001} {:y 6.411, :x 41.101} {:y 6.4188, :x 41.201} {:y 6.4266, :x 41.301} {:y 6.4344, :x 41.401} {:y 6.4421, :x 41.501} {:y 6.4499, :x 41.601} {:y 6.4576, :x 41.701} {:y 6.4654, :x 41.801} {:y 6.4731, :x 41.901} {:y 6.4808, :x 42.001} {:y 6.4885, :x 42.101} {:y 6.4962, :x 42.201} {:y 6.5039, :x 42.301} {:y 6.5116, :x 42.401} {:y 6.5193, :x 42.501} {:y 6.5269, :x 42.601} {:y 6.5346, :x 42.701} {:y 6.5422, :x 42.801} {:y 6.5499, :x 42.901} {:y 6.5575, :x 43.001} {:y 6.5651, :x 43.101} {:y 6.5727, :x 43.201} {:y 6.5803, :x 43.301} {:y 6.5879, :x 43.401} {:y 6.5955, :x 43.501} {:y 6.6031, :x 43.601} {:y 6.6107, :x 43.701} {:y 6.6182, :x 43.801} {:y 6.6258, :x 43.901} {:y 6.6333, :x 44.001} {:y 6.6409, :x 44.101} {:y 6.6484, :x 44.201} {:y 6.6559, :x 44.301} {:y 6.6634, :x 44.401} {:y 6.6709, :x 44.501} {:y 6.6784, :x 44.601} {:y 6.6859, :x 44.701} {:y 6.6934, :x 44.801} {:y 6.7008, :x 44.901} {:y 6.7083, :x 45.001} {:y 6.7157, :x 45.101} {:y 6.7232, :x 45.201} {:y 6.7306, :x 45.301} {:y 6.738, :x 45.401} {:y 6.7454, :x 45.501} {:y 6.7529, :x 45.601} {:y 6.7603, :x 45.701} {:y 6.7676, :x 45.801} {:y 6.775, :x 45.901} {:y 6.7824, :x 46.001} {:y 6.7898, :x 46.101} {:y 6.7971, :x 46.201} {:y 6.8045, :x 46.301} {:y 6.8118, :x 46.401} {:y 6.8192, :x 46.501} {:y 6.8265, :x 46.601} {:y 6.8338, :x 46.701} {:y 6.8411, :x 46.801} {:y 6.8484, :x 46.901} {:y 6.8557, :x 47.001} {:y 6.863, :x 47.101} {:y 6.8703, :x 47.201} {:y 6.8776, :x 47.301} {:y 6.8848, :x 47.401} {:y 6.8921, :x 47.501} {:y 6.8993, :x 47.601} {:y 6.9066, :x 47.701} {:y 6.9138, :x 47.801} {:y 6.9211, :x 47.901} {:y 6.9283, :x 48.001} {:y 6.9355, :x 48.101} {:y 6.9427, :x 48.201} {:y 6.9499, :x 48.301} {:y 6.9571, :x 48.401} {:y 6.9643, :x 48.501} {:y 6.9714, :x 48.601} {:y 6.9786, :x 48.701} {:y 6.9858, :x 48.801} {:y 6.9929, :x 48.901} {:y 7.0001, :x 49.001} {:y 7.0072, :x 49.101} {:y 7.0143, :x 49.201} {:y 7.0215, :x 49.301} {:y 7.0286, :x 49.401} {:y 7.0357, :x 49.501} {:y 7.0428, :x 49.601} {:y 7.0499, :x 49.701} {:y 7.057, :x 49.801} {:y 7.0641, :x 49.901} {:y 7.0711, :x 50.001} {:y 7.0782, :x 50.101} {:y 7.0853, :x 50.201} {:y 7.0923, :x 50.301} {:y 7.0994, :x 50.401} {:y 7.1064, :x 50.501} {:y 7.1134, :x 50.601} {:y 7.1205, :x 50.701} {:y 7.1275, :x 50.801} {:y 7.1345, :x 50.901} {:y 7.1415, :x 51.001} {:y 7.1485, :x 51.101} {:y 7.1555, :x 51.201} {:y 7.1625, :x 51.301} {:y 7.1694, :x 51.401} {:y 7.1764, :x 51.501} {:y 7.1834, :x 51.601} {:y 7.1903, :x 51.701} {:y 7.1973, :x 51.801} {:y 7.2042, :x 51.901} {:y 7.2112, :x 52.001} {:y 7.2181, :x 52.101} {:y 7.225, :x 52.201} {:y 7.2319, :x 52.301} {:y 7.2389, :x 52.401} {:y 7.2458, :x 52.501} {:y 7.2527, :x 52.601} {:y 7.2595, :x 52.701} {:y 7.2664, :x 52.801} {:y 7.2733, :x 52.901} {:y 7.2802, :x 53.001} {:y 7.287, :x 53.101} {:y 7.2939, :x 53.201} {:y 7.3008, :x 53.301} {:y 7.3076, :x 53.401} {:y 7.3144, :x 53.501} {:y 7.3213, :x 53.601} {:y 7.3281, :x 53.701} {:y 7.3349, :x 53.801} {:y 7.3417, :x 53.901} {:y 7.3485, :x 54.001} {:y 7.3553, :x 54.101} {:y 7.3621, :x 54.201} {:y 7.3689, :x 54.301} {:y 7.3757, :x 54.401} {:y 7.3825, :x 54.501} {:y 7.3892, :x 54.601} {:y 7.396, :x 54.701} {:y 7.4028, :x 54.801} {:y 7.4095, :x 54.901} {:y 7.4163, :x 55.001} {:y 7.423, :x 55.101} {:y 7.4297, :x 55.201} {:y 7.4365, :x 55.301} {:y 7.4432, :x 55.401} {:y 7.4499, :x 55.501} {:y 7.4566, :x 55.601} {:y 7.4633, :x 55.701} {:y 7.47, :x 55.801} {:y 7.4767, :x 55.901} {:y 7.4834, :x 56.001} {:y 7.4901, :x 56.101} {:y 7.4967, :x 56.201} {:y 7.5034, :x 56.301} {:y 7.5101, :x 56.401} {:y 7.5167, :x 56.501} {:y 7.5234, :x 56.601} {:y 7.53, :x 56.701} {:y 7.5366, :x 56.801} {:y 7.5433, :x 56.901} {:y 7.5499, :x 57.001} {:y 7.5565, :x 57.101} {:y 7.5631, :x 57.201} {:y 7.5697, :x 57.301} {:y 7.5763, :x 57.401} {:y 7.5829, :x 57.501} {:y 7.5895, :x 57.601} {:y 7.5961, :x 57.701} {:y 7.6027, :x 57.801} {:y 7.6093, :x 57.901} {:y 7.6158, :x 58.001} {:y 7.6224, :x 58.101} {:y 7.629, :x 58.201} {:y 7.6355, :x 58.301} {:y 7.6421, :x 58.401} {:y 7.6486, :x 58.501} {:y 7.6551, :x 58.601} {:y 7.6617, :x 58.701} {:y 7.6682, :x 58.801} {:y 7.6747, :x 58.901} {:y 7.6812, :x 59.001} {:y 7.6877, :x 59.101} {:y 7.6942, :x 59.201} {:y 7.7007, :x 59.301} {:y 7.7072, :x 59.401} {:y 7.7137, :x 59.501} {:y 7.7202, :x 59.601} {:y 7.7266, :x 59.701} {:y 7.7331, :x 59.801} {:y 7.7396, :x 59.901} {:y 7.746, :x 60.001} {:y 7.7525, :x 60.101} {:y 7.7589, :x 60.201} {:y 7.7654, :x 60.301} {:y 7.7718, :x 60.401} {:y 7.7782, :x 60.501} {:y 7.7847, :x 60.601} {:y 7.7911, :x 60.701} {:y 7.7975, :x 60.801} {:y 7.8039, :x 60.901} {:y 7.8103, :x 61.001} {:y 7.8167, :x 61.101} {:y 7.8231, :x 61.201} {:y 7.8295, :x 61.301} {:y 7.8359, :x 61.401} {:y 7.8423, :x 61.501} {:y 7.8486, :x 61.601} {:y 7.855, :x 61.701} {:y 7.8614, :x 61.801} {:y 7.8677, :x 61.901} {:y 7.8741, :x 62.001} {:y 7.8804, :x 62.101} {:y 7.8868, :x 62.201} {:y 7.8931, :x 62.301} {:y 7.8994, :x 62.401} {:y 7.9058, :x 62.501} {:y 7.9121, :x 62.601} {:y 7.9184, :x 62.701} {:y 7.9247, :x 62.801} {:y 7.931, :x 62.901} {:y 7.9373, :x 63.001} {:y 7.9436, :x 63.101} {:y 7.9499, :x 63.201} {:y 7.9562, :x 63.301} {:y 7.9625, :x 63.401} {:y 7.9688, :x 63.501} {:y 7.975, :x 63.601} {:y 7.9813, :x 63.701} {:y 7.9876, :x 63.801} {:y 7.9938, :x 63.901} {:y 8.0001, :x 64.001} {:y 8.0063, :x 64.101} {:y 8.0126, :x 64.201} {:y 8.0188, :x 64.301} {:y 8.025, :x 64.401} {:y 8.0313, :x 64.501} {:y 8.0375, :x 64.601} {:y 8.0437, :x 64.701} {:y 8.0499, :x 64.801} {:y 8.0561, :x 64.901} {:y 8.0623, :x 65.001} {:y 8.0685, :x 65.101} {:y 8.0747, :x 65.201} {:y 8.0809, :x 65.301} {:y 8.0871, :x 65.401} {:y 8.0933, :x 65.501} {:y 8.0994, :x 65.601} {:y 8.1056, :x 65.701} {:y 8.1118, :x 65.801} {:y 8.1179, :x 65.901} {:y 8.1241, :x 66.001} {:y 8.1303, :x 66.101} {:y 8.1364, :x 66.201} {:y 8.1425, :x 66.301} {:y 8.1487, :x 66.401} {:y 8.1548, :x 66.501} {:y 8.1609, :x 66.601} {:y 8.1671, :x 66.701} {:y 8.1732, :x 66.801} {:y 8.1793, :x 66.901} {:y 8.1854, :x 67.001} {:y 8.1915, :x 67.101} {:y 8.1976, :x 67.201} {:y 8.2037, :x 67.301} {:y 8.2098, :x 67.401} {:y 8.2159, :x 67.501} {:y 8.222, :x 67.601} {:y 8.2281, :x 67.701} {:y 8.2341, :x 67.801} {:y 8.2402, :x 67.901} {:y 8.2463, :x 68.001} {:y 8.2523, :x 68.101} {:y 8.2584, :x 68.201} {:y 8.2644, :x 68.301} {:y 8.2705, :x 68.401} {:y 8.2765, :x 68.501} {:y 8.2826, :x 68.601} {:y 8.2886, :x 68.701} {:y 8.2946, :x 68.801} {:y 8.3007, :x 68.901} {:y 8.3067, :x 69.001} {:y 8.3127, :x 69.101} {:y 8.3187, :x 69.201} {:y 8.3247, :x 69.301} {:y 8.3307, :x 69.401} {:y 8.3367, :x 69.501} {:y 8.3427, :x 69.601} {:y 8.3487, :x 69.701} {:y 8.3547, :x 69.801} {:y 8.3607, :x 69.901} {:y 8.3667, :x 70.001} {:y 8.3726, :x 70.101} {:y 8.3786, :x 70.201} {:y 8.3846, :x 70.301} {:y 8.3905, :x 70.401} {:y 8.3965, :x 70.501} {:y 8.4024, :x 70.601} {:y 8.4084, :x 70.701} {:y 8.4143, :x 70.801} {:y 8.4203, :x 70.901} {:y 8.4262, :x 71.001} {:y 8.4321, :x 71.101} {:y 8.4381, :x 71.201} {:y 8.444, :x 71.301} {:y 8.4499, :x 71.401} {:y 8.4558, :x 71.501} {:y 8.4617, :x 71.601} {:y 8.4676, :x 71.701} {:y 8.4735, :x 71.801} {:y 8.4794, :x 71.901} {:y 8.4853, :x 72.001} {:y 8.4912, :x 72.101} {:y 8.4971, :x 72.201} {:y 8.503, :x 72.301} {:y 8.5089, :x 72.401} {:y 8.5148, :x 72.501} {:y 8.5206, :x 72.601} {:y 8.5265, :x 72.701} {:y 8.5324, :x 72.801} {:y 8.5382, :x 72.901} {:y 8.5441, :x 73.001} {:y 8.5499, :x 73.101} {:y 8.5558, :x 73.201} {:y 8.5616, :x 73.301} {:y 8.5674, :x 73.401} {:y 8.5733, :x 73.501} {:y 8.5791, :x 73.601} {:y 8.5849, :x 73.701} {:y 8.5908, :x 73.801} {:y 8.5966, :x 73.901} {:y 8.6024, :x 74.001} {:y 8.6082, :x 74.101} {:y 8.614, :x 74.201} {:y 8.6198, :x 74.301} {:y 8.6256, :x 74.401} {:y 8.6314, :x 74.501} {:y 8.6372, :x 74.601} {:y 8.643, :x 74.701} {:y 8.6488, :x 74.801} {:y 8.6545, :x 74.901} {:y 8.6603, :x 75.001} {:y 8.6661, :x 75.101} {:y 8.6719, :x 75.201} {:y 8.6776, :x 75.301} {:y 8.6834, :x 75.401} {:y 8.6891, :x 75.501} {:y 8.6949, :x 75.601} {:y 8.7006, :x 75.701} {:y 8.7064, :x 75.801} {:y 8.7121, :x 75.901} {:y 8.7179, :x 76.001} {:y 8.7236, :x 76.101} {:y 8.7293, :x 76.201} {:y 8.735, :x 76.301} {:y 8.7408, :x 76.401} {:y 8.7465, :x 76.501} {:y 8.7522, :x 76.601} {:y 8.7579, :x 76.701} {:y 8.7636, :x 76.801} {:y 8.7693, :x 76.901} {:y 8.775, :x 77.001} {:y 8.7807, :x 77.101} {:y 8.7864, :x 77.201} {:y 8.7921, :x 77.301} {:y 8.7978, :x 77.401} {:y 8.8035, :x 77.501} {:y 8.8091, :x 77.601} {:y 8.8148, :x 77.701} {:y 8.8205, :x 77.801} {:y 8.8262, :x 77.901} {:y 8.8318, :x 78.001} {:y 8.8375, :x 78.101} {:y 8.8431, :x 78.201} {:y 8.8488, :x 78.301} {:y 8.8544, :x 78.401} {:y 8.8601, :x 78.501} {:y 8.8657, :x 78.601} {:y 8.8714, :x 78.701} {:y 8.877, :x 78.801} {:y 8.8826, :x 78.901} {:y 8.8883, :x 79.001} {:y 8.8939, :x 79.101} {:y 8.8995, :x 79.201} {:y 8.9051, :x 79.301} {:y 8.9107, :x 79.401} {:y 8.9163, :x 79.501} {:y 8.9219, :x 79.601} {:y 8.9275, :x 79.701} {:y 8.9331, :x 79.801} {:y 8.9387, :x 79.901} {:y 8.9443, :x 80.001} {:y 8.9499, :x 80.101} {:y 8.9555, :x 80.201} {:y 8.9611, :x 80.301} {:y 8.9667, :x 80.401} {:y 8.9722, :x 80.501} {:y 8.9778, :x 80.601} {:y 8.9834, :x 80.701} {:y 8.9889, :x 80.801} {:y 8.9945, :x 80.901} {:y 9.0001, :x 81.001} {:y 9.0056, :x 81.101} {:y 9.0112, :x 81.201} {:y 9.0167, :x 81.301} {:y 9.0223, :x 81.401} {:y 9.0278, :x 81.501} {:y 9.0333, :x 81.601} {:y 9.0389, :x 81.701} {:y 9.0444, :x 81.801} {:y 9.0499, :x 81.901} {:y 9.0554, :x 82.001} {:y 9.061, :x 82.101} {:y 9.0665, :x 82.201} {:y 9.072, :x 82.301} {:y 9.0775, :x 82.401} {:y 9.083, :x 82.501} {:y 9.0885, :x 82.601} {:y 9.094, :x 82.701} {:y 9.0995, :x 82.801} {:y 9.105, :x 82.901} {:y 9.1105, :x 83.001} {:y 9.116, :x 83.101} {:y 9.1215, :x 83.201} {:y 9.1269, :x 83.301} {:y 9.1324, :x 83.401} {:y 9.1379, :x 83.501} {:y 9.1434, :x 83.601} {:y 9.1488, :x 83.701} {:y 9.1543, :x 83.801} {:y 9.1597, :x 83.901} {:y 9.1652, :x 84.001} {:y 9.1707, :x 84.101} {:y 9.1761, :x 84.201} {:y 9.1816, :x 84.301} {:y 9.187, :x 84.401} {:y 9.1924, :x 84.501} {:y 9.1979, :x 84.601} {:y 9.2033, :x 84.701} {:y 9.2087, :x 84.801} {:y 9.2142, :x 84.901} {:y 9.2196, :x 85.001} {:y 9.225, :x 85.101} {:y 9.2304, :x 85.201} {:y 9.2359, :x 85.301} {:y 9.2413, :x 85.401} {:y 9.2467, :x 85.501} {:y 9.2521, :x 85.601} {:y 9.2575, :x 85.701} {:y 9.2629, :x 85.801} {:y 9.2683, :x 85.901} {:y 9.2737, :x 86.001} {:y 9.2791, :x 86.101} {:y 9.2844, :x 86.201} {:y 9.2898, :x 86.301} {:y 9.2952, :x 86.401} {:y 9.3006, :x 86.501} {:y 9.306, :x 86.601} {:y 9.3113, :x 86.701} {:y 9.3167, :x 86.801} {:y 9.3221, :x 86.901} {:y 9.3274, :x 87.001} {:y 9.3328, :x 87.101} {:y 9.3381, :x 87.201} {:y 9.3435, :x 87.301} {:y 9.3489, :x 87.401} {:y 9.3542, :x 87.501} {:y 9.3595, :x 87.601} {:y 9.3649, :x 87.701} {:y 9.3702, :x 87.801} {:y 9.3756, :x 87.901} {:y 9.3809, :x 88.001} {:y 9.3862, :x 88.101} {:y 9.3915, :x 88.201} {:y 9.3969, :x 88.301} {:y 9.4022, :x 88.401} {:y 9.4075, :x 88.501} {:y 9.4128, :x 88.601} {:y 9.4181, :x 88.701} {:y 9.4234, :x 88.801} {:y 9.4287, :x 88.901} {:y 9.434, :x 89.001} {:y 9.4393, :x 89.101} {:y 9.4446, :x 89.201} {:y 9.4499, :x 89.301} {:y 9.4552, :x 89.401} {:y 9.4605, :x 89.501} {:y 9.4658, :x 89.601} {:y 9.4711, :x 89.701} {:y 9.4763, :x 89.801} {:y 9.4816, :x 89.901} {:y 9.4869, :x 90.001} {:y 9.4922, :x 90.101} {:y 9.4974, :x 90.201} {:y 9.5027, :x 90.301} {:y 9.5079, :x 90.401} {:y 9.5132, :x 90.501} {:y 9.5185, :x 90.601} {:y 9.5237, :x 90.701} {:y 9.529, :x 90.801} {:y 9.5342, :x 90.901} {:y 9.5394, :x 91.001} {:y 9.5447, :x 91.101} {:y 9.5499, :x 91.201} {:y 9.5552, :x 91.301} {:y 9.5604, :x 91.401} {:y 9.5656, :x 91.501} {:y 9.5708, :x 91.601} {:y 9.5761, :x 91.701} {:y 9.5813, :x 91.801} {:y 9.5865, :x 91.901} {:y 9.5917, :x 92.001} {:y 9.5969, :x 92.101} {:y 9.6021, :x 92.201} {:y 9.6073, :x 92.301} {:y 9.6125, :x 92.401} {:y 9.6177, :x 92.501} {:y 9.6229, :x 92.601} {:y 9.6281, :x 92.701} {:y 9.6333, :x 92.801} {:y 9.6385, :x 92.901} {:y 9.6437, :x 93.001} {:y 9.6489, :x 93.101} {:y 9.6541, :x 93.201} {:y 9.6592, :x 93.301} {:y 9.6644, :x 93.401} {:y 9.6696, :x 93.501} {:y 9.6748, :x 93.601} {:y 9.6799, :x 93.701} {:y 9.6851, :x 93.801} {:y 9.6903, :x 93.901} {:y 9.6954, :x 94.001} {:y 9.7006, :x 94.101} {:y 9.7057, :x 94.201} {:y 9.7109, :x 94.301} {:y 9.716, :x 94.401} {:y 9.7212, :x 94.501} {:y 9.7263, :x 94.601} {:y 9.7314, :x 94.701} {:y 9.7366, :x 94.801} {:y 9.7417, :x 94.901} {:y 9.7468, :x 95.001} {:y 9.752, :x 95.101} {:y 9.7571, :x 95.201} {:y 9.7622, :x 95.301} {:y 9.7673, :x 95.401} {:y 9.7725, :x 95.501} {:y 9.7776, :x 95.601} {:y 9.7827, :x 95.701} {:y 9.7878, :x 95.801} {:y 9.7929, :x 95.901} {:y 9.798, :x 96.001} {:y 9.8031, :x 96.101} {:y 9.8082, :x 96.201} {:y 9.8133, :x 96.301} {:y 9.8184, :x 96.401} {:y 9.8235, :x 96.501} {:y 9.8286, :x 96.601} {:y 9.8337, :x 96.701} {:y 9.8387, :x 96.801} {:y 9.8438, :x 96.901} {:y 9.8489, :x 97.001} {:y 9.854, :x 97.101} {:y 9.8591, :x 97.201} {:y 9.8641, :x 97.301} {:y 9.8692, :x 97.401} {:y 9.8743, :x 97.501} {:y 9.8793, :x 97.601} {:y 9.8844, :x 97.701} {:y 9.8894, :x 97.801} {:y 9.8945, :x 97.901} {:y 9.8995, :x 98.001} {:y 9.9046, :x 98.101} {:y 9.9096, :x 98.201} {:y 9.9147, :x 98.301} {:y 9.9197, :x 98.401} {:y 9.9248, :x 98.501} {:y 9.9298, :x 98.601} {:y 9.9348, :x 98.701} {:y 9.9399, :x 98.801} {:y 9.9449, :x 98.901} {:y 9.9499, :x 99.001} {:y 9.9549, :x 99.101} {:y 9.96, :x 99.201} {:y 9.965, :x 99.301} {:y 9.97, :x 99.401} {:y 9.975, :x 99.501} {:y 9.98, :x 99.601} {:y 9.985, :x 99.701} {:y 9.99, :x 99.801} {:y 9.995, :x 99.901}]}} {:usermeta {:frame {:top [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px", :width "600px"}} "Simple Overview + Detail example. 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:order :row}}}, :mark {:type "area"}, :width 500, :background "floralwhite", :height 200} {:encoding {:y {:field :price, :type "quantitative", :axis {:grid false, :tickCount 3}}, :x {:field :date, :type :temporal}, :tooltip [{:field :date, :type :temporal} {:field :price, :type "quantitative"}]}, :usermeta {:frame {:pos :after, :at :end}, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :mark {:type "area"}, :width 500, :background "floralwhite", :selection {:brush {:type :interval, :encodings [:x]}}, :height 60}], :height 300, :data {:url "data/sp500.csv"}} {:encoding {:y {:field "count", :type "quantitative"}, :color {:scale {:scheme "category20b"}, :field "series", :type "nominal"}, :x {:field :date, :type :temporal, :timeUnit :yearmonth, :axis {:format "%Y"}}}, :usermeta {:frame {:top [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Simple area chart using series color scheme"]], :pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f7, :left [[p {:style {:min-width "100px", :width "100px"}}]]}, :vid :v7, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :mark {:type "area"}, :width 400, :background "floralwhite", :height 300, :data {:url "data/unemployment-across-industries.json"}} {:encoding {:longitude {:field "longitude", :type "quantitative"}, :size {:value 10}, :latitude {:field "latitude", :type "quantitative"}, :tooltip [{:field "name", :type "nominal"} {:field "longitude", :type "quantitative"} {:field "latitude", :type "quantitative"}]}, :usermeta {:frame {:top [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Geo chart using new geo template (see code)"]], :pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f8, :left [[p {:style {:min-width "100px", :width "100px"}}]]}, :vid :v8, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :config {:view {:stroke "transparent"}}, :mark "circle", :width 500, :background "floralwhite", :projection {:type "albersUsa"}, :height 300, :data {:url "data/airports.csv"}} {:encoding {:color {:field "rate", :type "quantitative"}}, :transform [{:lookup "id", :from {:key "id", :fields ["rate"], :data {:url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vega/vega-datasets/master/data/unemployment.tsv"}}}], :usermeta {:frame {:top [[gap :size "100px"] [md {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "Geo chart using geo-choro template (see code)"]], :pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f9, :left [[p {:style {:min-width "100px", :width "100px"}}]]}, :vid :v9, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :mark "geoshape", :width 500, :background "floralwhite", :projection {:type "albersUsa"}, :height 300, :data {:format {:type "topojson", :feature "counties"}, :url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vega/vega-datasets/master/data/us-10m.json"}} {:usermeta {:frame {:top [[gap :size "100px"] [p {:style {:font-size "16px"}} "SI: \\(I(X) = -logP(X) = log(\\frac {1} {p})= -log(p)\\)"]], :pos :after, :at :end, :fid :f10, :left [[p {:style {:min-width "100px", :width "100px"}}]]}, :vid :v10, :session-name "Exploring", :opts {:mode "vega-lite", :source false, :export {:png true, :svg true}, :renderer "canvas", :scaleFactor 1, :editor true}, :msgop :tabs, :tab {:label "Expl1", :id :expl1, :opts {:eltsper 2, :size "auto", :order :row}}}, :config {:bar {:discreteBandSize 5, :binSpacing 1, :continuousBandSize 5}}, :width 400, :background "floralwhite", :title {:text "Self Information (unexpectedness)"}, :layer [{:encoding {:color {:value "red"}, :size {:value 2}, :x {:field "x", :type "quantitative", :aggregate "mean"}}, :mark "rule"} {:encoding {:y {:field "y", :type "quantitative", :axis {:title "-log(p)"}}, :x {:field "x", :type "quantitative", :axis {:title "Probability of event"}}}, :mark {:type "line"}}], :height 300, :data {:values [{:y 7.643856189774724, :col "SI", :x 0.005} {:y 7.380821783940932, :col "SI", :x 0.006} {:y 7.158429362604482, :col "SI", :x 0.007} {:y 6.965784284662088, :col "SI", :x 0.008} {:y 6.795859283219775, :col "SI", :x 0.009000000000000001} {:y 6.643856189774724, :col "SI", :x 0.010000000000000002} {:y 6.50635266602479, :col "SI", :x 0.011000000000000003} {:y 6.38082178394093, :col "SI", :x 0.012000000000000004} {:y 6.265344566520994, :col "SI", :x 0.013000000000000005} {:y 6.158429362604482, :col "SI", :x 0.014000000000000005} {:y 6.058893689053567, :col "SI", :x 0.015000000000000006} {:y 5.965784284662086, :col "SI", :x 0.016000000000000007} {:y 5.878321443411747, :col "SI", :x 0.017000000000000008} {:y 5.795859283219775, :col "SI", :x 0.01800000000000001} {:y 5.717856771218501, :col "SI", :x 0.01900000000000001} {:y 5.643856189774724, :col "SI", :x 0.02000000000000001} {:y 5.573466861883326, :col "SI", :x 0.02100000000000001} {:y 5.50635266602479, :col "SI", :x 0.022000000000000013} {:y 5.442222328605073, :col "SI", :x 0.023000000000000013} {:y 5.38082178394093, :col "SI", :x 0.024000000000000014} {:y 5.321928094887362, :col "SI", :x 0.025000000000000015} {:y 5.265344566520994, :col "SI", :x 0.026000000000000016} {:y 5.210896782498618, :col "SI", :x 0.027000000000000017} {:y 5.158429362604482, :col "SI", :x 0.028000000000000018} {:y 5.107803289534514, :col "SI", :x 0.02900000000000002} {:y 5.058893689053567, :col "SI", :x 0.03000000000000002} {:y 5.011587974275211, :col "SI", :x 0.03100000000000002} {:y 4.965784284662086, :col "SI", :x 0.03200000000000002} {:y 4.921390165303633, :col "SI", :x 0.03300000000000002} {:y 4.878321443411747, :col "SI", :x 0.03400000000000002} {:y 4.83650126771712, :col "SI", :x 0.035000000000000024} {:y 4.795859283219774, :col "SI", :x 0.036000000000000025} {:y 4.756330919033137, :col "SI", :x 0.037000000000000026} {:y 4.717856771218501, :col "SI", :x 0.03800000000000003} {:y 4.680382065799838, :col "SI", :x 0.03900000000000003} {:y 4.643856189774724, :col "SI", :x 0.04000000000000003} {:y 4.608232280044002, :col "SI", :x 0.04100000000000003} {:y 4.573466861883325, :col "SI", :x 0.04200000000000003} {:y 4.539519529959988, :col "SI", :x 0.04300000000000003} {:y 4.506352666024789, :col "SI", :x 0.04400000000000003} {:y 4.473931188332411, :col "SI", :x 0.04500000000000003} {:y 4.442222328605073, :col "SI", :x 0.046000000000000034} {:y 4.411195432984449, :col "SI", :x 0.047000000000000035} {:y 4.38082178394093, :col "SI", :x 0.048000000000000036} {:y 4.351074440546879, :col "SI", :x 0.04900000000000004} {:y 4.321928094887362, :col "SI", :x 0.05000000000000004} {:y 4.293358942690591, :col "SI", :x 0.05100000000000004} {:y 4.2653445665209935, :col "SI", :x 0.05200000000000004} {:y 4.2378638300988865, :col "SI", :x 0.05300000000000004} {:y 4.210896782498618, :col "SI", :x 0.05400000000000004} {:y 4.184424571137426, :col "SI", :x 0.05500000000000004} {:y 4.158429362604482, :col "SI", :x 0.05600000000000004} {:y 4.132894270497344, :col "SI", :x 0.057000000000000044} {:y 4.107803289534513, :col "SI", :x 0.058000000000000045} {:y 4.0831412353002445, :col "SI", :x 0.059000000000000045} {:y 4.058893689053567, :col "SI", :x 0.060000000000000046} {:y 4.035046947099199, :col "SI", :x 0.06100000000000005} {:y 4.011587974275211, :col "SI", :x 0.06200000000000005} {:y 3.9885043611621698, :col "SI", :x 0.06300000000000004} {:y 3.965784284662086, :col "SI", :x 0.06400000000000004} {:y 3.9434164716336313, :col "SI", :x 0.06500000000000004} {:y 3.9213901653036327, :col "SI", :x 0.06600000000000004} {:y 3.8996950942043136, :col "SI", :x 0.06700000000000005} {:y 3.878321443411747, :col "SI", :x 0.06800000000000005} {:y 3.8572598278839174, :col "SI", :x 0.06900000000000005} {:y 3.8365012677171197, :col "SI", :x 0.07000000000000005} {:y 3.816037165157404, :col "SI", :x 0.07100000000000005} {:y 3.795859283219774, :col "SI", :x 0.07200000000000005} {:y 3.7759597257820694, :col "SI", :x 0.07300000000000005} {:y 3.7563309190331364, :col "SI", :x 0.07400000000000005} {:y 3.736965594166205, :col "SI", :x 0.07500000000000005} {:y 3.717856771218501, :col "SI", :x 0.07600000000000005} {:y 3.698997743967185, :col "SI", :x 0.07700000000000005} {:y 3.680382065799838, :col "SI", :x 0.07800000000000006} {:y 3.6620035364849834, :col "SI", :x 0.07900000000000006} {:y 3.643856189774724, :col "SI", :x 0.08000000000000006} {:y 3.6259342817774614, :col "SI", :x 0.08100000000000006} {:y 3.6082322800440023, :col "SI", :x 0.08200000000000006} {:y 3.5907448533151616, :col "SI", :x 0.08300000000000006} {:y 3.5734668618833254, :col "SI", :x 0.08400000000000006} {:y 3.556393348524384, :col "SI", :x 0.08500000000000006} {:y 3.539519529959988, :col "SI", :x 0.08600000000000006} {:y 3.5228407888133577, :col "SI", :x 0.08700000000000006} {:y 3.506352666024789, :col "SI", :x 0.08800000000000006} {:y 3.490050853695688, :col "SI", :x 0.08900000000000007} {:y 3.4739311883324113, :col "SI", :x 0.09000000000000007} {:y 3.4579896444633897, :col "SI", :x 0.09100000000000007} {:y 3.442222328605073, :col "SI", :x 0.09200000000000007} {:y 3.426625473554055, :col "SI", :x 0.09300000000000007} {:y 3.411195432984449, :col "SI", :x 0.09400000000000007} {:y 3.3959286763311383, :col "SI", :x 0.09500000000000007} {:y 3.38082178394093, :col "SI", :x 0.09600000000000007} {:y 3.3658714424749583, :col "SI", :x 0.09700000000000007} {:y 3.351074440546878, :col "SI", :x 0.09800000000000007} {:y 3.3364276645824766, :col "SI", :x 0.09900000000000007} {:y 3.3219280948873613, :col "SI", :x 0.10000000000000007} {:y 3.307572801910291, :col "SI", :x 0.10100000000000008} {:y 3.2933589426905905, :col "SI", :x 0.10200000000000008} {:y 3.2792837574788676, :col "SI", :x 0.10300000000000008} {:y 3.2653445665209935, :col "SI", :x 0.10400000000000008} {:y 3.2515387669959632, :col "SI", :x 0.10500000000000008} {:y 3.2378638300988865, :col "SI", :x 0.10600000000000008} {:y 3.224317298260939, :col "SI", :x 0.10700000000000008} {:y 3.2108967824986174, :col "SI", :x 0.10800000000000008} {:y 3.1975999598851597, :col "SI", :x 0.10900000000000008} {:y 3.1844245711374266, :col "SI", :x 0.11000000000000008} {:y 3.17136841831198, :col "SI", :x 0.11100000000000008} {:y 3.158429362604482, :col "SI", :x 0.11200000000000009} {:y 3.1456053222468983, :col "SI", :x 0.11300000000000009} {:y 3.1328942704973444, :col "SI", :x 0.11400000000000009} {:y 3.120294233717711, :col "SI", :x 0.11500000000000009} {:y 3.107803289534514, :col "SI", :x 0.11600000000000009} {:y 3.0954195650786813, :col "SI", :x 0.11700000000000009} {:y 3.083141235300245, :col "SI", :x 0.11800000000000009} {:y 3.0709665213541424, :col "SI", :x 0.11900000000000009} {:y 3.0588936890535674, :col "SI", :x 0.12000000000000009} {:y 3.0469210473874915, :col "SI", :x 0.1210000000000001} {:y 3.0350469470991994, :col "SI", :x 0.1220000000000001} {:y 3.0232697793228462, :col "SI", :x 0.1230000000000001} {:y 3.0115879742752107, :col "SI", :x 0.1240000000000001} {:y 2.999999999999999, :col "SI", :x 0.12500000000000008} {:y 2.9885043611621698, :col "SI", :x 0.12600000000000008} {:y 2.9770995978899206, :col "SI", :x 0.12700000000000009} {:y 2.965784284662086, :col "SI", :x 0.12800000000000009} {:y 2.954557029238832, :col "SI", :x 0.1290000000000001} {:y 2.943416471633632, :col "SI", :x 0.1300000000000001} {:y 2.932361283124636, :col "SI", :x 0.1310000000000001} {:y 2.9213901653036323, :col "SI", :x 0.1320000000000001} {:y 2.9105018491608967, :col "SI", :x 0.1330000000000001} {:y 2.8996950942043136, :col "SI", :x 0.1340000000000001} {:y 2.888968687611255, :col "SI", :x 0.1350000000000001} {:y 2.878321443411747, :col "SI", :x 0.1360000000000001} {:y 2.8677522017015593, :col "SI", :x 0.1370000000000001} {:y 2.857259827883917, :col "SI", :x 0.1380000000000001} {:y 2.846843211938579, :col "SI", :x 0.1390000000000001} {:y 2.8365012677171197, :col "SI", :x 0.1400000000000001} {:y 2.826232932263293, :col "SI", :x 0.1410000000000001} {:y 2.8160371651574043, :col "SI", :x 0.1420000000000001} {:y 2.805912947883697, :col "SI", :x 0.1430000000000001} {:y 2.7958592832197735, :col "SI", :x 0.1440000000000001} {:y 2.7858751946471516, :col "SI", :x 0.1450000000000001} {:y 2.775959725782069, :col "SI", :x 0.1460000000000001} {:y 2.7661119398257217, :col "SI", :x 0.1470000000000001} {:y 2.7563309190331364, :col "SI", :x 0.1480000000000001} {:y 2.7466157641999245, :col "SI", :x 0.1490000000000001} {:y 2.736965594166205, :col "SI", :x 0.1500000000000001} {:y 2.727379545337007, :col "SI", :x 0.1510000000000001} {:y 2.7178567712185004, :col "SI", :x 0.1520000000000001} {:y 2.7083964419694344, :col "SI", :x 0.1530000000000001} {:y 2.698997743967185, :col "SI", :x 0.1540000000000001} {:y 2.6896598793878486, :col "SI", :x 0.1550000000000001} {:y 2.680382065799838, :col "SI", :x 0.1560000000000001} {:y 2.671163535770459, :col "SI", :x 0.1570000000000001} {:y 2.662003536484983, :col "SI", :x 0.1580000000000001} {:y 2.652901329377731, :col "SI", :x 0.1590000000000001} {:y 2.6438561897747235, :col "SI", :x 0.16000000000000011} {:y 2.634867406547469, :col "SI", :x 0.16100000000000012} {:y 2.6259342817774614, :col "SI", :x 0.16200000000000012} {:y 2.6170561304310085, :col "SI", :x 0.16300000000000012} {:y 2.6082322800440023, :col "SI", :x 0.16400000000000012} {:y 2.59946207041627, :col "SI", :x 0.16500000000000012} {:y 2.5907448533151616, :col "SI", :x 0.16600000000000012} {:y 2.5820799921880337, :col "SI", :x 0.16700000000000012} {:y 2.573466861883326, :col "SI", :x 0.16800000000000012} {:y 2.5649048483799017, :col "SI", :x 0.16900000000000012} {:y 2.5563933485243844, :col "SI", :x 0.17000000000000012} {:y 2.5479317697761883, :col "SI", :x 0.17100000000000012} {:y 2.539519529959988, :col "SI", :x 0.17200000000000013} {:y 2.5311560570253615, :col "SI", :x 0.17300000000000013} {:y 2.5228407888133577, :col "SI", :x 0.17400000000000013} {:y 2.5145731728297576, :col "SI", :x 0.17500000000000013} {:y 2.506352666024789, :col "SI", :x 0.17600000000000013} {:y 2.4981787345790885, :col "SI", :x 0.17700000000000013} {:y 2.490050853695688, :col "SI", :x 0.17800000000000013} {:y 2.4819685073978297, :col "SI", :x 0.17900000000000013} {:y 2.4739311883324113, :col "SI", :x 0.18000000000000013} {:y 2.4659383975788804, :col "SI", :x 0.18100000000000013} {:y 2.4579896444633897, :col "SI", :x 0.18200000000000013} {:y 2.450084446378044, :col "SI", :x 0.18300000000000013} {:y 2.442222328605073, :col "SI", :x 0.18400000000000014} {:y 2.434402824145774, :col "SI", :x 0.18500000000000014} {:y 2.4266254735540547, :col "SI", :x 0.18600000000000014} {:y 2.4188898247744497, :col "SI", :x 0.18700000000000014} {:y 2.411195432984449, :col "SI", :x 0.18800000000000014} {:y 2.4035418604410137, :col "SI", :x 0.18900000000000014} {:y 2.3959286763311383, :col "SI", :x 0.19000000000000014} {:y 2.3883554566263374, :col "SI", :x 0.19100000000000014} {:y 2.38082178394093, :col "SI", :x 0.19200000000000014} {:y 2.3733272473940055, :col "SI", :x 0.19300000000000014} {:y 2.3658714424749583, :col "SI", :x 0.19400000000000014} {:y 2.3584539709124757, :col "SI", :x 0.19500000000000015} {:y 2.3510744405468778, :col "SI", :x 0.19600000000000015} {:y 2.34373246520571, :col "SI", :x 0.19700000000000015} {:y 2.336427664582476, :col "SI", :x 0.19800000000000015} {:y 2.3291596641184373, :col "SI", :x 0.19900000000000015} {:y 2.3219280948873613, :col "SI", :x 0.20000000000000015} {:y 2.3147325934831575, :col "SI", :x 0.20100000000000015} {:y 2.3075728019102915, :col "SI", :x 0.20200000000000015} {:y 2.30044836747691, :col "SI", :x 0.20300000000000015} {:y 2.2933589426905905, :col "SI", :x 0.20400000000000015} {:y 2.28630418515664, :col "SI", :x 0.20500000000000015} {:y 2.2792837574788676, :col "SI", :x 0.20600000000000016} {:y 2.2722973271627604, :col "SI", :x 0.20700000000000016} {:y 2.265344566520994, :col "SI", :x 0.20800000000000016} {:y 2.258425152581203, :col "SI", :x 0.20900000000000016} {:y 2.2515387669959637, :col "SI", :x 0.21000000000000016} {:y 2.244685095954901, :col "SI", :x 0.21100000000000016} {:y 2.237863830098887, :col "SI", :x 0.21200000000000016} {:y 2.231074664436248, :col "SI", :x 0.21300000000000016} {:y 2.224317298260939, :col "SI", :x 0.21400000000000016} {:y 2.2175914350726256, :col "SI", :x 0.21500000000000016} {:y 2.2108967824986174, :col "SI", :x 0.21600000000000016} {:y 2.2042330522176066, :col "SI", :x 0.21700000000000016} {:y 2.1975999598851597, :col "SI", :x 0.21800000000000017} {:y 2.1909972250609124, :col "SI", :x 0.21900000000000017} {:y 2.1844245711374266, :col "SI", :x 0.22000000000000017} {:y 2.1778817252706544, :col "SI", :x 0.22100000000000017} {:y 2.17136841831198, :col "SI", :x 0.22200000000000017} {:y 2.1648843847417814, :col "SI", :x 0.22300000000000017} {:y 2.158429362604482, :col "SI", :x 0.22400000000000017} {:y 2.152003093445049, :col "SI", :x 0.22500000000000017} {:y 2.1456053222468983, :col "SI", :x 0.22600000000000017} {:y 2.139235797371171, :col "SI", :x 0.22700000000000017} {:y 2.1328942704973444, :col "SI", :x 0.22800000000000017} {:y 2.126580496565142, :col "SI", :x 0.22900000000000018} {:y 2.120294233717711, :col "SI", :x 0.23000000000000018} {:y 2.1140352432460285, :col "SI", :x 0.23100000000000018} {:y 2.107803289534514, :col "SI", :x 0.23200000000000018} {:y 2.101598140007806, :col "SI", :x 0.23300000000000018} {:y 2.0954195650786813, :col "SI", :x 0.23400000000000018} {:y 2.0892673380970863, :col "SI", :x 0.23500000000000018} {:y 2.083141235300245, :col "SI", :x 0.23600000000000018} {:y 2.077041035763827, :col "SI", :x 0.23700000000000018} {:y 2.0709665213541424, :col "SI", :x 0.23800000000000018} {:y 2.0649174766813374, :col "SI", :x 0.23900000000000018} {:y 2.0588936890535674, :col "SI", :x 0.24000000000000019} {:y 2.0528949484321246, :col "SI", :x 0.2410000000000002} {:y 2.0469210473874915, :col "SI", :x 0.2420000000000002} {:y 2.0409717810563053, :col "SI", :x 0.2430000000000002} {:y 2.0350469470992, :col "SI", :x 0.2440000000000002} {:y 2.0291463456595156, :col "SI", :x 0.2450000000000002} {:y 2.0232697793228462, :col "SI", :x 0.2460000000000002} {:y 2.0174170530774083, :col "SI", :x 0.2470000000000002} {:y 2.0115879742752107, :col "SI", :x 0.2480000000000002} {:y 2.005782352594005, :col "SI", :x 0.2490000000000002} {:y 1.9999999999999991, :col "SI", :x 0.25000000000000017} {:y 1.9942407307113141, :col "SI", :x 0.25100000000000017} {:y 1.9885043611621696, :col "SI", :x 0.25200000000000017} {:y 1.9827907099677762, :col "SI", :x 0.25300000000000017} {:y 1.9770995978899202, :col "SI", :x 0.25400000000000017} {:y 1.971430847803228, :col "SI", :x 0.25500000000000017} {:y 1.965784284662086, :col "SI", :x 0.25600000000000017} {:y 1.9601597354682079, :col "SI", :x 0.2570000000000002} {:y 1.9545570292388321, :col "SI", :x 0.2580000000000002} {:y 1.9489759969755323, :col "SI", :x 0.2590000000000002} {:y 1.9434164716336315, :col "SI", :x 0.2600000000000002} {:y 1.9378782880922016, :col "SI", :x 0.2610000000000002} {:y 1.932361283124636, :col "SI", :x 0.2620000000000002} {:y 1.9268652953697838, :col "SI", :x 0.2630000000000002} {:y 1.9213901653036327, :col "SI", :x 0.2640000000000002} {:y 1.9159357352115245, :col "SI", :x 0.2650000000000002} {:y 1.9105018491608965, :col "SI", :x 0.2660000000000002} {:y 1.9050883529745324, :col "SI", :x 0.2670000000000002} {:y 1.8996950942043136, :col "SI", :x 0.2680000000000002} {:y 1.8943219221054621, :col "SI", :x 0.2690000000000002} {:y 1.8889686876112552, :col "SI", :x 0.2700000000000002} {:y 1.8836352433082146, :col "SI", :x 0.2710000000000002} {:y 1.8783214434117468, :col "SI", :x 0.2720000000000002} {:y 1.8730271437422337, :col "SI", :x 0.2730000000000002} {:y 1.8677522017015593, :col "SI", :x 0.2740000000000002} {:y 1.8624964762500642, :col "SI", :x 0.2750000000000002} {:y 1.857259827883917, :col "SI", :x 0.2760000000000002} {:y 1.8520421186128977, :col "SI", :x 0.2770000000000002} {:y 1.8468432119385787, :col "SI", :x 0.2780000000000002} {:y 1.8416629728328986, :col "SI", :x 0.2790000000000002} {:y 1.8365012677171195, :col "SI", :x 0.2800000000000002} {:y 1.83135796444116, :col "SI", :x 0.2810000000000002} {:y 1.8262329322632926, :col "SI", :x 0.2820000000000002} {:y 1.8211260418302038, :col "SI", :x 0.2830000000000002} {:y 1.816037165157404, :col "SI", :x 0.2840000000000002} {:y 1.810966175609982, :col "SI", :x 0.2850000000000002} {:y 1.8059129478836966, :col "SI", :x 0.2860000000000002} {:y 1.8008773579863981, :col "SI", :x 0.2870000000000002} {:y 1.7958592832197737, :col "SI", :x 0.2880000000000002} {:y 1.7908586021614075, :col "SI", :x 0.2890000000000002} {:y 1.7858751946471514, :col "SI", :x 0.2900000000000002} {:y 1.7809089417538022, :col "SI", :x 0.2910000000000002} {:y 1.775959725782069, :col "SI", :x 0.2920000000000002} {:y 1.7710274302398383, :col "SI", :x 0.2930000000000002} {:y 1.7661119398257217, :col "SI", :x 0.2940000000000002} {:y 1.7612131404128826, :col "SI", :x 0.2950000000000002} {:y 1.7563309190331364, :col "SI", :x 0.2960000000000002} {:y 1.7514651638613203, :col "SI", :x 0.2970000000000002} {:y 1.7466157641999247, :col "SI", :x 0.2980000000000002} {:y 1.741782610463981, :col "SI", :x 0.2990000000000002} {:y 1.7369655941662052, :col "SI", :x 0.3000000000000002} {:y 1.732164607902384, :col "SI", :x 0.3010000000000002} {:y 1.727379545337007, :col "SI", :x 0.3020000000000002} {:y 1.7226103011891352, :col "SI", :x 0.3030000000000002} {:y 1.7178567712185007, :col "SI", :x 0.3040000000000002} {:y 1.7131188522118375, :col "SI", :x 0.3050000000000002} {:y 1.7083964419694342, :col "SI", :x 0.3060000000000002} {:y 1.7036894392919066, :col "SI", :x 0.3070000000000002} {:y 1.6989977439671848, :col "SI", :x 0.3080000000000002} {:y 1.6943212567577117, :col "SI", :x 0.3090000000000002} {:y 1.6896598793878486, :col "SI", :x 0.3100000000000002} {:y 1.6850135145314835, :col "SI", :x 0.3110000000000002} {:y 1.6803820657998376, :col "SI", :x 0.3120000000000002} {:y 1.675765437729468, :col "SI", :x 0.3130000000000002} {:y 1.6711635357704593, :col "SI", :x 0.3140000000000002} {:y 1.6665762662748074, :col "SI", :x 0.3150000000000002} {:y 1.6620035364849832, :col "SI", :x 0.3160000000000002} {:y 1.6574452545226788, :col "SI", :x 0.3170000000000002} {:y 1.6529013293777306, :col "SI", :x 0.3180000000000002} {:y 1.6483716708972167, :col "SI", :x 0.31900000000000023} {:y 1.6438561897747237, :col "SI", :x 0.32000000000000023} {:y 1.6393547975397829, :col "SI", :x 0.32100000000000023} {:y 1.634867406547469, :col "SI", :x 0.32200000000000023} {:y 1.6303939299681611, :col "SI", :x 0.32300000000000023} {:y 1.6259342817774614, :col "SI", :x 0.32400000000000023} {:y 1.6214883767462691, :col "SI", :x 0.32500000000000023} {:y 1.6170561304310085, :col "SI", :x 0.32600000000000023} {:y 1.6126374591640036, :col "SI", :x 0.32700000000000023} {:y 1.6082322800440025, :col "SI", :x 0.32800000000000024} {:y 1.6038405109268445, :col "SI", :x 0.32900000000000024} {:y 1.5994620704162703, :col "SI", :x 0.33000000000000024} {:y 1.5950968778548684, :col "SI", :x 0.33100000000000024} {:y 1.5907448533151614, :col "SI", :x 0.33200000000000024} {:y 1.5864059175908238, :col "SI", :x 0.33300000000000024} {:y 1.582079992188034, :col "SI", :x 0.33400000000000024} {:y 1.5777669993169514, :col "SI", :x 0.33500000000000024} {:y 1.5734668618833256, :col "SI", :x 0.33600000000000024} {:y 1.5691795034802276, :col "SI", :x 0.33700000000000024} {:y 1.5649048483799017, :col "SI", :x 0.33800000000000024} {:y 1.560642821525742, :col "SI", :x 0.33900000000000025} {:y 1.5563933485243844, :col "SI", :x 0.34000000000000025} {:y 1.5521563556379134, :col "SI", :x 0.34100000000000025} {:y 1.547931769776188, :col "SI", :x 0.34200000000000025} {:y 1.5437195184892738, :col "SI", :x 0.34300000000000025} {:y 1.5395195299599882, :col "SI", :x 0.34400000000000025} {:y 1.5353317329965548, :col "SI", :x 0.34500000000000025} {:y 1.5311560570253615, :col "SI", :x 0.34600000000000025} {:y 1.526992432083825, :col "SI", :x 0.34700000000000025} {:y 1.522840788813358, :col "SI", :x 0.34800000000000025} {:y 1.5187010584524339, :col "SI", :x 0.34900000000000025} {:y 1.5145731728297573, :col "SI", :x 0.35000000000000026} {:y 1.5104570643575252, :col "SI", :x 0.35100000000000026} {:y 1.5063526660247888, :col "SI", :x 0.35200000000000026} {:y 1.5022599113909059, :col "SI", :x 0.35300000000000026} {:y 1.4981787345790887, :col "SI", :x 0.35400000000000026} {:y 1.4941090702700417, :col "SI", :x 0.35500000000000026} {:y 1.4900508536956885, :col "SI", :x 0.35600000000000026} {:y 1.4860040206329863, :col "SI", :x 0.35700000000000026} {:y 1.4819685073978297, :col "SI", :x 0.35800000000000026} {:y 1.4779442508390348, :col "SI", :x 0.35900000000000026} {:y 1.473931188332411, :col "SI", :x 0.36000000000000026} {:y 1.469929257774915, :col "SI", :x 0.36100000000000027} {:y 1.465938397578881, :col "SI", :x 0.36200000000000027} {:y 1.4619585466663352, :col "SI", :x 0.36300000000000027} {:y 1.4579896444633897, :col "SI", :x 0.36400000000000027} {:y 1.4540316308947066, :col "SI", :x 0.36500000000000027} {:y 1.4500844463780436, :col "SI", :x 0.36600000000000027} {:y 1.446148031818873, :col "SI", :x 0.36700000000000027} {:y 1.4422223286050733, :col "SI", :x 0.36800000000000027} {:y 1.43830727860169, :col "SI", :x 0.36900000000000027} {:y 1.434402824145774, :col "SI", :x 0.3700000000000003} {:y 1.4305089080412827, :col "SI", :x 0.3710000000000003} {:y 1.4266254735540547, :col "SI", :x 0.3720000000000003} {:y 1.4227524644068483, :col "SI", :x 0.3730000000000003} {:y 1.4188898247744492, :col "SI", :x 0.3740000000000003} {:y 1.4150374992788428, :col "SI", :x 0.3750000000000003} {:y 1.4111954329844485, :col "SI", :x 0.3760000000000003} {:y 1.4073635713934218, :col "SI", :x 0.3770000000000003} {:y 1.4035418604410133, :col "SI", :x 0.3780000000000003} {:y 1.3997302464909944, :col "SI", :x 0.3790000000000003} {:y 1.395928676331138, :col "SI", :x 0.3800000000000003} {:y 1.392137097168764, :col "SI", :x 0.3810000000000003} {:y 1.3883554566263372, :col "SI", :x 0.3820000000000003} {:y 1.3845837027371288, :col "SI", :x 0.3830000000000003} {:y 1.3808217839409298, :col "SI", :x 0.3840000000000003} {:y 1.3770696490798222, :col "SI", :x 0.3850000000000003} {:y 1.3733272473940057, :col "SI", :x 0.3860000000000003} {:y 1.3695945285176758, :col "SI", :x 0.3870000000000003} {:y 1.3658714424749583, :col "SI", :x 0.3880000000000003} {:y 1.362157939675894, :col "SI", :x 0.3890000000000003} {:y 1.3584539709124752, :col "SI", :x 0.3900000000000003} {:y 1.3547594873547337, :col "SI", :x 0.3910000000000003} {:y 1.3510744405468778, :col "SI", :x 0.3920000000000003} {:y 1.3473987824034797, :col "SI", :x 0.3930000000000003} {:y 1.3437324652057097, :col "SI", :x 0.3940000000000003} {:y 1.3400754415976208, :col "SI", :x 0.3950000000000003} {:y 1.3364276645824764, :col "SI", :x 0.3960000000000003} {:y 1.3327890875191282, :col "SI", :x 0.3970000000000003} {:y 1.3291596641184371, :col "SI", :x 0.3980000000000003} {:y 1.3255393484397402, :col "SI", :x 0.3990000000000003} {:y 1.3219280948873613, :col "SI", :x 0.4000000000000003} {:y 1.3183258582071657, :col "SI", :x 0.4010000000000003} {:y 1.3147325934831573, :col "SI", :x 0.4020000000000003} {:y 1.3111482561341188, :col "SI", :x 0.4030000000000003} {:y 1.3075728019102912, :col "SI", :x 0.4040000000000003} {:y 1.304006186890099, :col "SI", :x 0.4050000000000003} {:y 1.3004483674769098, :col "SI", :x 0.4060000000000003} {:y 1.2968993003958391, :col "SI", :x 0.4070000000000003} {:y 1.2933589426905903, :col "SI", :x 0.4080000000000003} {:y 1.289827251720337, :col "SI", :x 0.4090000000000003} {:y 1.28630418515664, :col "SI", :x 0.4100000000000003} {:y 1.2827897009804032, :col "SI", :x 0.4110000000000003} {:y 1.2792837574788676, :col "SI", :x 0.4120000000000003} {:y 1.2757863132426406, :col "SI", :x 0.4130000000000003} {:y 1.272297327162761, :col "SI", :x 0.4140000000000003} {:y 1.268816758427799, :col "SI", :x 0.4150000000000003} {:y 1.2653445665209937, :col "SI", :x 0.4160000000000003} {:y 1.2618807112174224, :col "SI", :x 0.4170000000000003} {:y 1.2584251525812031, :col "SI", :x 0.4180000000000003} {:y 1.2549778509627345, :col "SI", :x 0.4190000000000003} {:y 1.2515387669959632, :col "SI", :x 0.4200000000000003} {:y 1.24810786159569, :col "SI", :x 0.4210000000000003} {:y 1.2446850959549007, :col "SI", :x 0.4220000000000003} {:y 1.2412704315421363, :col "SI", :x 0.4230000000000003} {:y 1.237863830098887, :col "SI", :x 0.4240000000000003} {:y 1.2344652536370218, :col "SI", :x 0.4250000000000003} {:y 1.2310746644362478, :col "SI", :x 0.4260000000000003} {:y 1.2276920250415957, :col "SI", :x 0.4270000000000003} {:y 1.224317298260939, :col "SI", :x 0.4280000000000003} {:y 1.2209504471625403, :col "SI", :x 0.4290000000000003} {:y 1.2175914350726258, :col "SI", :x 0.4300000000000003} {:y 1.2142402255729878, :col "SI", :x 0.4310000000000003} {:y 1.2108967824986174, :col "SI", :x 0.43200000000000033} {:y 1.2075610699353612, :col "SI", :x 0.43300000000000033} {:y 1.2042330522176068, :col "SI", :x 0.43400000000000033} {:y 1.2009126939259953, :col "SI", :x 0.43500000000000033} {:y 1.1975999598851597, :col "SI", :x 0.43600000000000033} {:y 1.1942948151614876, :col "SI", :x 0.43700000000000033} {:y 1.1909972250609124, :col "SI", :x 0.43800000000000033} {:y 1.1877071551267278, :col "SI", :x 0.43900000000000033} {:y 1.1844245711374264, :col "SI", :x 0.44000000000000034} {:y 1.1811494391045654, :col "SI", :x 0.44100000000000034} {:y 1.1778817252706544, :col "SI", :x 0.44200000000000034} {:y 1.1746213961070677, :col "SI", :x 0.44300000000000034} {:y 1.1713684183119801, :col "SI", :x 0.44400000000000034} {:y 1.1681227588083258, :col "SI", :x 0.44500000000000034} {:y 1.1648843847417814, :col "SI", :x 0.44600000000000034} {:y 1.1616532634787684, :col "SI", :x 0.44700000000000034} {:y 1.158429362604482, :col "SI", :x 0.44800000000000034} {:y 1.1552126499209392, :col "SI", :x 0.44900000000000034} {:y 1.152003093445049, :col "SI", :x 0.45000000000000034} {:y 1.148800661406705, :col "SI", :x 0.45100000000000035} {:y 1.1456053222468983, :col "SI", :x 0.45200000000000035} {:y 1.142417044615851, :col "SI", :x 0.45300000000000035} {:y 1.1392357973711709, :col "SI", :x 0.45400000000000035} {:y 1.1360615495760273, :col "SI", :x 0.45500000000000035} {:y 1.1328942704973444, :col "SI", :x 0.45600000000000035} {:y 1.1297339296040163, :col "SI", :x 0.45700000000000035} {:y 1.126580496565142, :col "SI", :x 0.45800000000000035} {:y 1.123433941248278, :col "SI", :x 0.45900000000000035} {:y 1.1202942337177109, :col "SI", :x 0.46000000000000035} {:y 1.117161344232748, :col "SI", :x 0.46100000000000035} {:y 1.1140352432460283, :col "SI", :x 0.46200000000000035} {:y 1.1109159014018495, :col "SI", :x 0.46300000000000036} {:y 1.1078032895345138, :col "SI", :x 0.46400000000000036} {:y 1.1046973786666923, :col "SI", :x 0.46500000000000036} {:y 1.1015981400078056, :col "SI", :x 0.46600000000000036} {:y 1.0985055449524241, :col "SI", :x 0.46700000000000036} {:y 1.0954195650786813, :col "SI", :x 0.46800000000000036} {:y 1.0923401721467094, :col "SI", :x 0.46900000000000036} {:y 1.0892673380970863, :col "SI", :x 0.47000000000000036} {:y 1.0862010350493028, :col "SI", :x 0.47100000000000036} {:y 1.0831412353002448, :col "SI", :x 0.47200000000000036} {:y 1.0800879113226909, :col "SI", :x 0.47300000000000036} {:y 1.077041035763827, :col "SI", :x 0.47400000000000037} {:y 1.0740005814437759, :col "SI", :x 0.47500000000000037} {:y 1.0709665213541424, :col "SI", :x 0.47600000000000037} {:y 1.0679388286565745, :col "SI", :x 0.47700000000000037} {:y 1.0649174766813374, :col "SI", :x 0.47800000000000037} {:y 1.0619024389259057, :col "SI", :x 0.47900000000000037} {:y 1.0588936890535674, :col "SI", :x 0.48000000000000037} {:y 1.055891200892044, :col "SI", :x 0.48100000000000037} {:y 1.0528949484321244, :col "SI", :x 0.4820000000000004} {:y 1.0499049058263128, :col "SI", :x 0.4830000000000004} {:y 1.0469210473874915, :col "SI", :x 0.4840000000000004} {:y 1.0439433475875959, :col "SI", :x 0.4850000000000004} {:y 1.040971781056305, :col "SI", :x 0.4860000000000004} {:y 1.0380063225797438, :col "SI", :x 0.4870000000000004} {:y 1.0350469470991996, :col "SI", :x 0.4880000000000004} {:y 1.0320936297098522, :col "SI", :x 0.4890000000000004} {:y 1.0291463456595153, :col "SI", :x 0.4900000000000004} {:y 1.0262050703473928, :col "SI", :x 0.4910000000000004} {:y 1.023269779322846, :col "SI", :x 0.4920000000000004} {:y 1.0203404482841745, :col "SI", :x 0.4930000000000004} {:y 1.0174170530774083, :col "SI", :x 0.4940000000000004} {:y 1.014499569695114, :col "SI", :x 0.4950000000000004} {:y 1.0115879742752107, :col "SI", :x 0.4960000000000004} {:y 1.0086822430998, :col "SI", :x 0.4970000000000004} {:y 1.005782352594005, :col "SI", :x 0.4980000000000004} {:y 1.0028882793248255, :col "SI", :x 0.4990000000000004} {:y 0.999999999999999, :col "SI", :x 0.5000000000000003} {:y 0.9971174914668777, :col "SI", :x 0.5010000000000003} {:y 0.9942407307113141, :col "SI", :x 0.5020000000000003} {:y 0.9913696948565589, :col "SI", :x 0.5030000000000003} {:y 0.9885043611621696, :col "SI", :x 0.5040000000000003} {:y 0.985644707022929, :col "SI", :x 0.5050000000000003} {:y 0.982790709967776, :col "SI", :x 0.5060000000000003} {:y 0.9799423476587457, :col "SI", :x 0.5070000000000003} {:y 0.9770995978899203, :col "SI", :x 0.5080000000000003} {:y 0.9742624385863908, :col "SI", :x 0.5090000000000003} 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0.9241251330248714, :col "SI", :x 0.5270000000000004} {:y 0.9213901653036326, :col "SI", :x 0.5280000000000004} {:y 0.9186603725480604, :col "SI", :x 0.5290000000000004} {:y 0.9159357352115245, :col "SI", :x 0.5300000000000004} {:y 0.9132162338579325, :col "SI", :x 0.5310000000000004} {:y 0.9105018491608965, :col "SI", :x 0.5320000000000004} {:y 0.9077925619029101, :col "SI", :x 0.5330000000000004} {:y 0.9050883529745322, :col "SI", :x 0.5340000000000004} {:y 0.9023892033735769, :col "SI", :x 0.5350000000000004} {:y 0.8996950942043136, :col "SI", :x 0.5360000000000004} {:y 0.8970060066766734, :col "SI", :x 0.5370000000000004} {:y 0.8943219221054619, :col "SI", :x 0.5380000000000004} {:y 0.8916428219095807, :col "SI", :x 0.5390000000000004} {:y 0.8889686876112551, :col "SI", :x 0.5400000000000004} {:y 0.8862995008352708, :col "SI", :x 0.5410000000000004} {:y 0.8836352433082145, :col "SI", :x 0.5420000000000004} {:y 0.8809758968577246, :col "SI", :x 0.5430000000000004} {:y 0.8783214434117467, :col "SI", :x 0.5440000000000004} {:y 0.8756718649977974, :col "SI", :x 0.5450000000000004} {:y 0.8730271437422337, :col "SI", :x 0.5460000000000004} {:y 0.8703872618695294, :col "SI", :x 0.5470000000000004} {:y 0.8677522017015594, :col "SI", :x 0.5480000000000004} {:y 0.8651219456568875, :col "SI", :x 0.5490000000000004} {:y 0.8624964762500641, :col "SI", :x 0.5500000000000004} {:y 0.8598757760909285, :col "SI", :x 0.5510000000000004} {:y 0.8572598278839171, :col "SI", :x 0.5520000000000004} {:y 0.854648614427379, :col "SI", :x 0.5530000000000004} {:y 0.8520421186128977, :col "SI", :x 0.5540000000000004} {:y 0.8494403234246177, :col "SI", :x 0.5550000000000004} {:y 0.8468432119385786, :col "SI", :x 0.5560000000000004} {:y 0.8442507673220543, :col "SI", :x 0.5570000000000004} {:y 0.8416629728328986, :col "SI", :x 0.5580000000000004} {:y 0.839079811818896, :col "SI", :x 0.5590000000000004} {:y 0.8365012677171196, :col "SI", :x 0.5600000000000004} {:y 0.8339273240532933, :col "SI", :x 0.5610000000000004} {:y 0.83135796444116, :col "SI", :x 0.5620000000000004} {:y 0.8287931725818566, :col "SI", :x 0.5630000000000004} {:y 0.8262329322632925, :col "SI", :x 0.5640000000000004} {:y 0.823677227359536, :col "SI", :x 0.5650000000000004} {:y 0.8211260418302037, :col "SI", :x 0.5660000000000004} {:y 0.8185793597198573, :col "SI", :x 0.5670000000000004} {:y 0.8160371651574041, :col "SI", :x 0.5680000000000004} {:y 0.8134994423555041, :col "SI", :x 0.5690000000000004} {:y 0.8109661756099821, :col "SI", :x 0.5700000000000004} {:y 0.8084373492992433, :col "SI", :x 0.5710000000000004} {:y 0.8059129478836967, :col "SI", :x 0.5720000000000004} {:y 0.8033929559051812, :col "SI", :x 0.5730000000000004} {:y 0.8008773579863983, :col "SI", :x 0.5740000000000004} {:y 0.7983661388303485, :col "SI", :x 0.5750000000000004} {:y 0.7958592832197736, :col "SI", :x 0.5760000000000004} {:y 0.7933567760166036, :col "SI", :x 0.5770000000000004} {:y 0.7908586021614072, :col "SI", :x 0.5780000000000004} {:y 0.7883647466728494, :col "SI", :x 0.5790000000000004} {:y 0.7858751946471516, :col "SI", :x 0.5800000000000004} {:y 0.7833899312575572, :col "SI", :x 0.5810000000000004} {:y 0.7809089417538021, :col "SI", :x 0.5820000000000004} {:y 0.7784322114615896, :col "SI", :x 0.5830000000000004} {:y 0.7759597257820688, :col "SI", :x 0.5840000000000004} {:y 0.7734914701913193, :col "SI", :x 0.5850000000000004} {:y 0.7710274302398382, :col "SI", :x 0.5860000000000004} {:y 0.7685675915520339, :col "SI", :x 0.5870000000000004} {:y 0.7661119398257217, :col "SI", :x 0.5880000000000004} {:y 0.7636604608316253, :col "SI", :x 0.5890000000000004} {:y 0.7612131404128825, :col "SI", :x 0.5900000000000004} {:y 0.7587699644845537, :col "SI", :x 0.5910000000000004} {:y 0.7563309190331362, :col "SI", :x 0.5920000000000004} {:y 0.7538959901160824, :col "SI", :x 0.5930000000000004} {:y 0.7514651638613202, :col "SI", :x 0.5940000000000004} {:y 0.7490384264667802, :col "SI", :x 0.5950000000000004} {:y 0.7466157641999245, :col "SI", :x 0.5960000000000004} {:y 0.7441971633972809, :col "SI", :x 0.5970000000000004} {:y 0.741782610463981, :col "SI", :x 0.5980000000000004} {:y 0.7393720918733004, :col "SI", :x 0.5990000000000004} {:y 0.7369655941662051, :col "SI", :x 0.6000000000000004} {:y 0.7345631039509006, :col "SI", :x 0.6010000000000004} {:y 0.732164607902384, :col "SI", :x 0.6020000000000004} {:y 0.7297700927620012, :col "SI", :x 0.6030000000000004} {:y 0.7273795453370071, :col "SI", :x 0.6040000000000004} {:y 0.7249929525001292, :col "SI", :x 0.6050000000000004} {:y 0.722610301189135, :col "SI", :x 0.6060000000000004} {:y 0.720231578406404, :col "SI", :x 0.6070000000000004} {:y 0.7178567712185006, :col "SI", :x 0.6080000000000004} {:y 0.7154858667557537, :col "SI", :x 0.6090000000000004} {:y 0.7131188522118374, :col "SI", :x 0.6100000000000004} {:y 0.7107557148433565, :col "SI", :x 0.6110000000000004} {:y 0.7083964419694343, :col "SI", :x 0.6120000000000004} {:y 0.7060410209713045, :col "SI", :x 0.6130000000000004} {:y 0.7036894392919066, :col "SI", :x 0.6140000000000004} {:y 0.7013416844354838, :col "SI", :x 0.6150000000000004} {:y 0.6989977439671846, :col "SI", :x 0.6160000000000004} {:y 0.6966576055126682, :col "SI", :x 0.6170000000000004} {:y 0.6943212567577115, :col "SI", :x 0.6180000000000004} {:y 0.6919886854478214, :col "SI", :x 0.6190000000000004} {:y 0.6896598793878485, :col "SI", :x 0.6200000000000004} {:y 0.6873348264416046, :col "SI", :x 0.6210000000000004} {:y 0.6850135145314835, :col "SI", :x 0.6220000000000004} {:y 0.6826959316380842, :col "SI", :x 0.6230000000000004} {:y 0.6803820657998376, :col "SI", :x 0.6240000000000004} {:y 0.6780719051126367, :col "SI", :x 0.6250000000000004} {:y 0.6757654377294677, :col "SI", :x 0.6260000000000004} {:y 0.6734626518600472, :col "SI", :x 0.6270000000000004} {:y 0.6711635357704591, :col "SI", :x 0.6280000000000004} {:y 0.6688680777827968, :col "SI", :x 0.6290000000000004} {:y 0.6665762662748071, :col "SI", :x 0.6300000000000004} {:y 0.664288089679537, :col "SI", :x 0.6310000000000004} {:y 0.6620035364849831, :col "SI", :x 0.6320000000000005} {:y 0.6597225952337448, :col "SI", :x 0.6330000000000005} {:y 0.6574452545226788, :col "SI", :x 0.6340000000000005} {:y 0.6551715030025578, :col "SI", :x 0.6350000000000005} {:y 0.6529013293777307, :col "SI", :x 0.6360000000000005} {:y 0.6506347224057857, :col "SI", :x 0.6370000000000005} {:y 0.6483716708972166, :col "SI", :x 0.6380000000000005} {:y 0.6461121637150916, :col "SI", :x 0.6390000000000005} {:y 0.6438561897747237, :col "SI", :x 0.6400000000000005} {:y 0.641603738043345, :col "SI", :x 0.6410000000000005} {:y 0.6393547975397829, :col "SI", :x 0.6420000000000005} {:y 0.6371093573341386, :col "SI", :x 0.6430000000000005} {:y 0.6348674065474691, :col "SI", :x 0.6440000000000005} {:y 0.6326289343514696, :col "SI", :x 0.6450000000000005} {:y 0.6303939299681611, :col "SI", :x 0.6460000000000005} {:y 0.6281623826695785, :col "SI", :x 0.6470000000000005} {:y 0.6259342817774614, :col "SI", :x 0.6480000000000005} {:y 0.6237096166629476, :col "SI", :x 0.6490000000000005} {:y 0.6214883767462692, :col "SI", :x 0.6500000000000005} {:y 0.6192705514964505, :col "SI", :x 0.6510000000000005} {:y 0.6170561304310085, :col "SI", :x 0.6520000000000005} {:y 0.6148451031156552, :col "SI", :x 0.6530000000000005} {:y 0.6126374591640035, :col "SI", :x 0.6540000000000005} {:y 0.6104331882372734, :col "SI", :x 0.6550000000000005} {:y 0.6082322800440023, :col "SI", :x 0.6560000000000005} {:y 0.6060347243397564, :col "SI", :x 0.6570000000000005} {:y 0.6038405109268445, :col "SI", :x 0.6580000000000005} {:y 0.6016496296540342, :col "SI", :x 0.6590000000000005} {:y 0.5994620704162703, :col "SI", :x 0.6600000000000005} {:y 0.5972778231543944, :col "SI", :x 0.6610000000000005} {:y 0.5950968778548683, :col "SI", :x 0.6620000000000005} {:y 0.5929192245494982, :col "SI", :x 0.6630000000000005} {:y 0.5907448533151612, :col "SI", :x 0.6640000000000005} {:y 0.5885737542735341, :col "SI", :x 0.6650000000000005} {:y 0.5864059175908238, :col "SI", :x 0.6660000000000005} {:y 0.5842413334775011, :col "SI", :x 0.6670000000000005} {:y 0.5820799921880337, :col "SI", :x 0.6680000000000005} {:y 0.5799218840206251, :col "SI", :x 0.6690000000000005} {:y 0.5777669993169512, :col "SI", :x 0.6700000000000005} {:y 0.5756153284619024, :col "SI", :x 0.6710000000000005} {:y 0.5734668618833257, :col "SI", :x 0.6720000000000005} {:y 0.571321590051769, :col "SI", :x 0.6730000000000005} {:y 0.5691795034802275, :col "SI", :x 0.6740000000000005} {:y 0.5670405927238928, :col "SI", :x 0.6750000000000005} {:y 0.5649048483799016, :col "SI", :x 0.6760000000000005} {:y 0.5627722610870892, :col "SI", :x 0.6770000000000005} {:y 0.5606428215257422, :col "SI", :x 0.6780000000000005} {:y 0.5585165204173542, :col "SI", :x 0.6790000000000005} {:y 0.5563933485243843, :col "SI", :x 0.6800000000000005} {:y 0.5542732966500148, :col "SI", :x 0.6810000000000005} {:y 0.5521563556379135, :col "SI", :x 0.6820000000000005} {:y 0.5500425163719955, :col "SI", :x 0.6830000000000005} {:y 0.5479317697761882, :col "SI", :x 0.6840000000000005} {:y 0.5458241068141969, :col "SI", :x 0.6850000000000005} {:y 0.5437195184892737, :col "SI", :x 0.6860000000000005} {:y 0.5416179958439858, :col "SI", :x 0.6870000000000005} {:y 0.5395195299599881, :col "SI", :x 0.6880000000000005} {:y 0.5374241119577947, :col "SI", :x 0.6890000000000005} {:y 0.5353317329965546, :col "SI", :x 0.6900000000000005} {:y 0.5332423842738275, :col "SI", :x 0.6910000000000005} {:y 0.5311560570253614, :col "SI", :x 0.6920000000000005} {:y 0.5290727425248722, :col "SI", :x 0.6930000000000005} {:y 0.5269924320838251, :col "SI", :x 0.6940000000000005} {:y 0.5249151170512163, :col "SI", :x 0.6950000000000005} {:y 0.5228407888133577, :col "SI", :x 0.6960000000000005} {:y 0.5207694387936629, :col "SI", :x 0.6970000000000005} {:y 0.5187010584524337, :col "SI", :x 0.6980000000000005} {:y 0.5166356392866496, :col "SI", :x 0.6990000000000005} {:y 0.5145731728297572, :col "SI", :x 0.7000000000000005} {:y 0.5125136506514628, :col "SI", :x 0.7010000000000005} {:y 0.5104570643575254, :col "SI", :x 0.7020000000000005} {:y 0.5084034055895508, :col "SI", :x 0.7030000000000005} {:y 0.5063526660247888, :col "SI", :x 0.7040000000000005} {:y 0.5043048373759301, :col "SI", :x 0.7050000000000005} {:y 0.5022599113909058, :col "SI", :x 0.7060000000000005} {:y 0.5002178798526872, :col "SI", :x 0.7070000000000005} {:y 0.4981787345790885, :col "SI", :x 0.7080000000000005} {:y 0.4961424674225699, :col "SI", :x 0.7090000000000005} {:y 0.49410907027004164, :col "SI", :x 0.7100000000000005} {:y 0.4920785350426707, :col "SI", :x 0.7110000000000005} {:y 0.49005085369568824, :col "SI", :x 0.7120000000000005} {:y 0.4880260182181979, :col "SI", :x 0.7130000000000005} {:y 0.48600402063298626, :col "SI", :x 0.7140000000000005} {:y 0.48398485299633426, :col "SI", :x 0.7150000000000005} {:y 0.4819685073978296, :col "SI", :x 0.7160000000000005} {:y 0.4799549759601813, :col "SI", :x 0.7170000000000005} {:y 0.4779442508390347, :col "SI", :x 0.7180000000000005} {:y 0.4759363242227882, :col "SI", :x 0.7190000000000005} {:y 0.47393118833241127, :col "SI", :x 0.7200000000000005} {:y 0.47192883542126346, :col "SI", :x 0.7210000000000005} {:y 0.46992925777491495, :col "SI", :x 0.7220000000000005} {:y 0.4679324477109682, :col "SI", :x 0.7230000000000005} {:y 0.4659383975788806, :col "SI", :x 0.7240000000000005} {:y 0.4639470997597892, :col "SI", :x 0.7250000000000005} {:y 0.46195854666633535, :col "SI", :x 0.7260000000000005} {:y 0.4599727307424917, :col "SI", :x 0.7270000000000005} {:y 0.4579896444633897, :col "SI", :x 0.7280000000000005} {:y 0.4560092803351489, :col "SI", :x 0.7290000000000005} {:y 0.45403163089470644, :col "SI", :x 0.7300000000000005} {:y 0.45205668870964866, :col "SI", :x 0.7310000000000005} {:y 0.45008444637804357, :col "SI", :x 0.7320000000000005} {:y 0.44811489652827413, :col "SI", :x 0.7330000000000005} {:y 0.4461480318188732, :col "SI", :x 0.7340000000000005} {:y 0.4441838449383592, :col "SI", :x 0.7350000000000005} {:y 0.44222232860507316, :col "SI", :x 0.7360000000000005} {:y 0.4402634755670163, :col "SI", :x 0.7370000000000005} {:y 0.4383072786016899, :col "SI", :x 0.7380000000000005} {:y 0.436353730515935, :col "SI", :x 0.7390000000000005} {:y 0.43440282414577386, :col "SI", :x 0.7400000000000005} {:y 0.43245455235625213, :col "SI", :x 0.7410000000000005} {:y 0.4305089080412827, :col "SI", :x 0.7420000000000005} {:y 0.4285658841234897, :col "SI", :x 0.7430000000000005} {:y 0.4266254735540546, :col "SI", :x 0.7440000000000005} {:y 0.4246876693125621, :col "SI", :x 0.7450000000000006} {:y 0.42275246440684816, :col "SI", :x 0.7460000000000006} {:y 0.42081985187284887, :col "SI", :x 0.7470000000000006} {:y 0.41888982477444936, :col "SI", :x 0.7480000000000006} {:y 0.416962376203335, :col "SI", :x 0.7490000000000006} {:y 0.41503749927884276, :col "SI", :x 0.7500000000000006} {:y 0.4131151871478142, :col "SI", :x 0.7510000000000006} {:y 0.4111954329844486, :col "SI", :x 0.7520000000000006} {:y 0.4092782299901578, :col "SI", :x 0.7530000000000006} {:y 0.4073635713934217, :col "SI", :x 0.7540000000000006} {:y 0.40545145044964476, :col "SI", :x 0.7550000000000006} {:y 0.40354186044101337, :col "SI", :x 0.7560000000000006} {:y 0.4016347946763544, :col "SI", :x 0.7570000000000006} {:y 0.3997302464909943, :col "SI", :x 0.7580000000000006} {:y 0.3978282092466197, :col "SI", :x 0.7590000000000006} {:y 0.3959286763311381, :col "SI", :x 0.7600000000000006} {:y 0.39403164115854056, :col "SI", :x 0.7610000000000006} {:y 0.392137097168764, :col "SI", :x 0.7620000000000006} {:y 0.3902450378275555, :col "SI", :x 0.7630000000000006} {:y 0.38835545662633725, :col "SI", :x 0.7640000000000006} {:y 0.38646834708207184, :col "SI", :x 0.7650000000000006} {:y 0.38458370273712894, :col "SI", :x 0.7660000000000006} {:y 0.3827015171591526, :col "SI", :x 0.7670000000000006} {:y 0.3808217839409298, :col "SI", :x 0.7680000000000006} {:y 0.3789444967002595, :col "SI", :x 0.7690000000000006} {:y 0.37706964907982227, :col "SI", :x 0.7700000000000006} {:y 0.37519723474705174, :col "SI", :x 0.7710000000000006} {:y 0.3733272473940056, :col "SI", :x 0.7720000000000006} {:y 0.37145968073723856, :col "SI", :x 0.7730000000000006} {:y 0.36959452851767566, :col "SI", :x 0.7740000000000006} {:y 0.3677317845004861, :col "SI", :x 0.7750000000000006} {:y 0.36587144247495834, :col "SI", :x 0.7760000000000006} {:y 0.3640134962543759, :col "SI", :x 0.7770000000000006} {:y 0.36215793967589405, :col "SI", :x 0.7780000000000006} {:y 0.3603047666004168, :col "SI", :x 0.7790000000000006} {:y 0.3584539709124753, :col "SI", :x 0.7800000000000006} {:y 0.3566055465201066, :col "SI", :x 0.7810000000000006} {:y 0.35475948735473367, :col "SI", :x 0.7820000000000006} {:y 0.35291578737104534, :col "SI", :x 0.7830000000000006} {:y 0.35107444054687775, :col "SI", :x 0.7840000000000006} {:y 0.3492354408830966, :col "SI", :x 0.7850000000000006} {:y 0.34739878240347954, :col "SI", :x 0.7860000000000006} {:y 0.34556445915459955, :col "SI", :x 0.7870000000000006} {:y 0.3437324652057097, :col "SI", :x 0.7880000000000006} {:y 0.34190279464862744, :col "SI", :x 0.7890000000000006} {:y 0.3400754415976207, :col "SI", :x 0.7900000000000006} {:y 0.33825040018929414, :col "SI", :x 0.7910000000000006} {:y 0.33642766458247636, :col "SI", :x 0.7920000000000006} {:y 0.3346072289581075, :col "SI", :x 0.7930000000000006} {:y 0.3327890875191282, :col "SI", :x 0.7940000000000006} {:y 0.33097323449036825, :col "SI", :x 0.7950000000000006} {:y 0.3291596641184371, :col "SI", :x 0.7960000000000006} {:y 0.3273483706716142, :col "SI", :x 0.7970000000000006} {:y 0.3255393484397402, :col "SI", :x 0.7980000000000006} {:y 0.3237325917341092, :col "SI", :x 0.7990000000000006} {:y 0.3219280948873613, :col "SI", :x 0.8000000000000006} {:y 0.32012585225337586, :col "SI", :x 0.8010000000000006} {:y 0.3183258582071657, :col "SI", :x 0.8020000000000006} {:y 0.3165281071447715, :col "SI", :x 0.8030000000000006} {:y 0.31473259348315735, :col "SI", :x 0.8040000000000006} {:y 0.31293931166010663, :col "SI", :x 0.8050000000000006} {:y 0.3111482561341186, :col "SI", :x 0.8060000000000006} {:y 0.3093594213843056, :col "SI", :x 0.8070000000000006} {:y 0.30757280191029124, :col "SI", :x 0.8080000000000006} {:y 0.3057883922321084, :col "SI", :x 0.8090000000000006} {:y 0.3040061868900989, :col "SI", :x 0.8100000000000006} {:y 0.302226180444813, :col "SI", :x 0.8110000000000006} {:y 0.30044836747690973, :col "SI", :x 0.8120000000000006} {:y 0.2986727425870582, :col "SI", :x 0.8130000000000006} {:y 0.29689930039583895, :col "SI", :x 0.8140000000000006} {:y 0.2951280355436461, :col "SI", :x 0.8150000000000006} {:y 0.2933589426905904, :col "SI", :x 0.8160000000000006} {:y 0.29159201651640254, :col "SI", :x 0.8170000000000006} {:y 0.28982725172033713, :col "SI", :x 0.8180000000000006} {:y 0.2880646430210773, :col "SI", :x 0.8190000000000006} {:y 0.2863041851566399, :col "SI", :x 0.8200000000000006} {:y 0.2845458728842811, :col "SI", :x 0.8210000000000006} {:y 0.28278970098040307, :col "SI", :x 0.8220000000000006} {:y 0.2810356642404603, :col "SI", :x 0.8230000000000006} {:y 0.2792837574788676, :col "SI", :x 0.8240000000000006} {:y 0.2775339755289078, :col "SI", :x 0.8250000000000006} {:y 0.2757863132426406, :col "SI", :x 0.8260000000000006} {:y 0.2740407654908113, :col "SI", :x 0.8270000000000006} {:y 0.2722973271627607, :col "SI", :x 0.8280000000000006} {:y 0.27055599316633555, :col "SI", :x 0.8290000000000006} {:y 0.26881675842779884, :col "SI", :x 0.8300000000000006} {:y 0.26707961789174145, :col "SI", :x 0.8310000000000006} {:y 0.2653445665209938, :col "SI", :x 0.8320000000000006} {:y 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0.60240842465535, :x 0.1470500000000001} {:y 0.6049388386290946, :x 0.1480500000000001} {:y 0.6074578144775807, :x 0.1490500000000001} {:y 0.6099654155906522, :x 0.1500500000000001} {:y 0.6124617044820093, :x 0.1510500000000001} {:y 0.6149467428065017, :x 0.1520500000000001} {:y 0.6174205913769641, :x 0.1530500000000001} {:y 0.6198833101806128, :x 0.1540500000000001} {:y 0.6223349583950153, :x 0.1550500000000001} {:y 0.6247755944036479, :x 0.1560500000000001} {:y 0.627205275811053, :x 0.1570500000000001} {:y 0.6296240594576107, :x 0.1580500000000001} {:y 0.6320320014339362, :x 0.1590500000000001} {:y 0.634429157094914, :x 0.1600500000000001} {:y 0.6368155810733803, :x 0.1610500000000001} {:y 0.639191327293467, :x 0.1620500000000001} {:y 0.6415564489836134, :x 0.1630500000000001} {:y 0.6439109986892602, :x 0.1640500000000001} {:y 0.6462550282852321, :x 0.1650500000000001} {:y 0.6485885889878205, :x 0.16605000000000011} {:y 0.6509117313665741, :x 0.16705000000000012} {:y 0.6532245053558077, :x 0.16805000000000012} {:y 0.6555269602658348, :x 0.16905000000000012} {:y 0.6578191447939354, :x 0.17005000000000012} {:y 0.6601011070350654, :x 0.17105000000000012} {:y 0.6623728944923131, :x 0.17205000000000012} {:y 0.6646345540871144, :x 0.17305000000000012} {:y 0.6668861321692301, :x 0.17405000000000012} {:y 0.6691276745264939, :x 0.17505000000000012} {:y 0.6713592263943362, :x 0.17605000000000012} {:y 0.6735808324650928, :x 0.17705000000000012} {:y 0.6757925368971003, :x 0.17805000000000012} {:y 0.6779943833235892, :x 0.17905000000000013} {:y 0.680186414861376, :x 0.18005000000000013} {:y 0.6823686741193624, :x 0.18105000000000013} {:y 0.6845412032068465, :x 0.18205000000000013} {:y 0.6867040437416496, :x 0.18305000000000013} {:y 0.6888572368580667, :x 0.18405000000000013} {:y 0.6910008232146422, :x 0.18505000000000013} {:y 0.6931348430017776, :x 0.18605000000000013} {:y 0.6952593359491758, :x 0.18705000000000013} {:y 0.6973743413331237, :x 0.18805000000000013} {:y 0.6994798979836219, :x 0.18905000000000013} {:y 0.7015760442913606, :x 0.19005000000000014} {:y 0.7036628182145503, :x 0.19105000000000014} {:y 0.705740257285608, :x 0.19205000000000014} {:y 0.7078083986177027, :x 0.19305000000000014} {:y 0.7098672789111664, :x 0.19405000000000014} {:y 0.7119169344597717, :x 0.19505000000000014} {:y 0.7139574011568797, :x 0.19605000000000014} {:y 0.715988714501463, :x 0.19705000000000014} {:y 0.7180109096040044, :x 0.19805000000000014} {:y 0.7200240211922782, :x 0.19905000000000014} {:y 0.7220280836170121, :x 0.20005000000000014} {:y 0.7240231308574372, :x 0.20105000000000015} {:y 0.7260091965267268, :x 0.20205000000000015} {:y 0.7279863138773266, :x 0.20305000000000015} {:y 0.7299545158061793, :x 0.20405000000000015} {:y 0.7319138348598468, :x 0.20505000000000015} {:y 0.7338643032395316, :x 0.20605000000000015} {:y 0.7358059528059999, :x 0.20705000000000015} {:y 0.7377388150844099, :x 0.20805000000000015} {:y 0.7396629212690458, :x 0.20905000000000015} {:y 0.7415783022279614, :x 0.21005000000000015} {:y 0.7434849885075345, :x 0.21105000000000015} {:y 0.7453830103369339, :x 0.21205000000000016} {:y 0.7472723976325029, :x 0.21305000000000016} {:y 0.7491531800020583, :x 0.21405000000000016} {:y 0.7510253867491106, :x 0.21505000000000016} {:y 0.7528890468770029, :x 0.21605000000000016} {:y 0.7547441890929738, :x 0.21705000000000016} {:y 0.7565908418121455, :x 0.21805000000000016} {:y 0.7584290331614373, :x 0.21905000000000016} {:y 0.7602587909834067, :x 0.22005000000000016} {:y 0.762080142840021, :x 0.22105000000000016} {:y 0.7638931160163609, :x 0.22205000000000016} {:y 0.7656977375242541, :x 0.22305000000000016} {:y 0.767494034105846, :x 0.22405000000000017} {:y 0.769282032237105, :x 0.22505000000000017} {:y 0.7710617581312642, :x 0.22605000000000017} {:y 0.7728332377422034, :x 0.22705000000000017} {:y 0.7745964967677688, :x 0.22805000000000017} {:y 0.7763515606530366, :x 0.22905000000000017} {:y 0.778098454593516, :x 0.23005000000000017} {:y 0.7798372035382988, :x 0.23105000000000017} {:y 0.781567832193152, :x 0.23205000000000017} {:y 0.783290365023557, :x 0.23305000000000017} {:y 0.7850048262576967, :x 0.23405000000000017} {:y 0.7867112398893906, :x 0.23505000000000018} {:y 0.7884096296809792, :x 0.23605000000000018} {:y 0.7901000191661584, :x 0.23705000000000018} {:y 0.791782431652768, :x 0.23805000000000018} {:y 0.793456890225529, :x 0.23905000000000018} {:y 0.7951234177487381, :x 0.24005000000000018} {:y 0.7967820368689142, :x 0.24105000000000018} {:y 0.798432770017402, :x 0.24205000000000018} {:y 0.8000756394129311, :x 0.24305000000000018} {:y 0.8017106670641331, :x 0.24405000000000018} {:y 0.803337874772016, :x 0.24505000000000018} {:y 0.8049572841323985, :x 0.24605000000000019} {:y 0.8065689165383036, :x 0.24705000000000019} {:y 0.8081727931823139, :x 0.2480500000000002} {:y 0.8097689350588859, :x 0.2490500000000002} {:y 0.8113573629666295, :x 0.25005000000000016} {:y 0.8129380975105497, :x 0.25105000000000016} {:y 0.8145111591042486, :x 0.25205000000000016} {:y 0.8160765679720989, :x 0.25305000000000016} {:y 0.817634344151374, :x 0.25405000000000016} {:y 0.8191845074943521, :x 0.25505000000000017} {:y 0.8207270776703794, :x 0.25605000000000017} {:y 0.8222620741679072, :x 0.25705000000000017} {:y 0.8237895162964908, :x 0.25805000000000017} {:y 0.8253094231887614, :x 0.25905000000000017} {:y 0.8268218138023635, :x 0.26005000000000017} {:y 0.8283267069218654, :x 0.26105000000000017} {:y 0.8298241211606355, :x 0.26205000000000017} {:y 0.8313140749626944, :x 0.2630500000000002} {:y 0.8327965866045329, :x 0.2640500000000002} {:y 0.8342716741969072, :x 0.2650500000000002} {:y 0.8357393556866011, :x 0.2660500000000002} {:y 0.8371996488581664, :x 0.2670500000000002} {:y 0.8386525713356322, :x 0.2680500000000002} {:y 0.8400981405841906, :x 0.2690500000000002} {:y 0.8415363739118555, :x 0.2700500000000002} {:y 0.842967288471098, :x 0.2710500000000002} {:y 0.8443909012604537, :x 0.2720500000000002} {:y 0.8458072291261101, :x 0.2730500000000002} {:y 0.847216288763466, :x 0.2740500000000002} {:y 0.848618096718671, :x 0.2750500000000002} {:y 0.8500126693901386, :x 0.2760500000000002} {:y 0.8514000230300405, :x 0.2770500000000002} {:y 0.8527801737457753, :x 0.2780500000000002} {:y 0.8541531375014173, :x 0.2790500000000002} {:y 0.8555189301191437, :x 0.2800500000000002} {:y 0.8568775672806404, :x 0.2810500000000002} {:y 0.8582290645284869, :x 0.2820500000000002} {:y 0.8595734372675226, :x 0.2830500000000002} {:y 0.8609107007661903, :x 0.2840500000000002} {:y 0.8622408701578632, :x 0.2850500000000002} {:y 0.8635639604421498, :x 0.2860500000000002} {:y 0.8648799864861829, :x 0.2870500000000002} {:y 0.8661889630258867, :x 0.2880500000000002} {:y 0.8674909046672292, :x 0.2890500000000002} {:y 0.8687858258874523, :x 0.2900500000000002} {:y 0.8700737410362893, :x 0.2910500000000002} {:y 0.871354664337161, :x 0.2920500000000002} {:y 0.8726286098883569, :x 0.2930500000000002} {:y 0.8738955916641977, :x 0.2940500000000002} {:y 0.8751556235161847, :x 0.2950500000000002} {:y 0.8764087191741281, :x 0.2960500000000002} {:y 0.8776548922472651, :x 0.2970500000000002} {:y 0.8788941562253565, :x 0.2980500000000002} {:y 0.8801265244797729, :x 0.2990500000000002} {:y 0.8813520102645618, :x 0.3000500000000002} {:y 0.8825706267175029, :x 0.3010500000000002} {:y 0.8837823868611454, :x 0.3020500000000002} {:y 0.8849873036038358, :x 0.3030500000000002} {:y 0.8861853897407244, :x 0.3040500000000002} {:y 0.887376657954766, :x 0.3050500000000002} {:y 0.8885611208176994, :x 0.3060500000000002} {:y 0.8897387907910186, :x 0.3070500000000002} {:y 0.8909096802269275, :x 0.3080500000000002} {:y 0.8920738013692844, :x 0.3090500000000002} {:y 0.8932311663545294, :x 0.3100500000000002} {:y 0.8943817872126046, :x 0.3110500000000002} {:y 0.8955256758678559, :x 0.3120500000000002} {:y 0.8966628441399278, :x 0.3130500000000002} {:y 0.8977933037446418, :x 0.3140500000000002} {:y 0.8989170662948669, :x 0.3150500000000002} {:y 0.9000341433013732, :x 0.3160500000000002} {:y 0.9011445461736809, :x 0.3170500000000002} {:y 0.9022482862208894, :x 0.3180500000000002} {:y 0.903345374652504, :x 0.3190500000000002} {:y 0.9044358225792447, :x 0.3200500000000002} {:y 0.9055196410138477, :x 0.3210500000000002} {:y 0.9065968408718548, :x 0.3220500000000002} {:y 0.9076674329723933, :x 0.3230500000000002} {:y 0.9087314280389441, :x 0.3240500000000002} {:y 0.9097888367001017, :x 0.3250500000000002} {:y 0.91083966949032, :x 0.32605000000000023} {:y 0.9118839368506549, :x 0.32705000000000023} {:y 0.9129216491294896, :x 0.32805000000000023} {:y 0.9139528165832559, :x 0.32905000000000023} {:y 0.9149774493771426, :x 0.33005000000000023} {:y 0.9159955575857971, :x 0.33105000000000023} {:y 0.9170071511940154, :x 0.33205000000000023} {:y 0.9180122400974248, :x 0.33305000000000023} {:y 0.919010834103156, :x 0.33405000000000024} {:y 0.920002942930509, :x 0.33505000000000024} {:y 0.9209885762116061, :x 0.33605000000000024} {:y 0.9219677434920421, :x 0.33705000000000024} {:y 0.9229404542315189, :x 0.33805000000000024} {:y 0.9239067178044786, :x 0.33905000000000024} {:y 0.9248665435007237, :x 0.34005000000000024} {:y 0.9258199405260321, :x 0.34105000000000024} {:y 0.9267669180027609, :x 0.34205000000000024} {:y 0.9277074849704469, :x 0.34305000000000024} {:y 0.9286416503863935, :x 0.34405000000000024} {:y 0.9295694231262563, :x 0.34505000000000025} {:y 0.9304908119846153, :x 0.34605000000000025} {:y 0.9314058256755433, :x 0.34705000000000025} {:y 0.9323144728331665, :x 0.34805000000000025} {:y 0.933216762012216, :x 0.34905000000000025} {:y 0.9341127016885737, :x 0.35005000000000025} {:y 0.9350023002598118, :x 0.35105000000000025} {:y 0.9358855660457219, :x 0.35205000000000025} {:y 0.9367625072888424, :x 0.35305000000000025} {:y 0.9376331321549743, :x 0.35405000000000025} {:y 0.9384974487336932, :x 0.35505000000000025} {:y 0.9393554650388536, :x 0.35605000000000026} {:y 0.9402071890090864, :x 0.35705000000000026} {:y 0.9410526285082905, :x 0.35805000000000026} {:y 0.9418917913261196, :x 0.35905000000000026} {:y 0.9427246851784574, :x 0.36005000000000026} {:y 0.9435513177078942, :x 0.36105000000000026} {:y 0.9443716964841913, :x 0.36205000000000026} {:y 0.9451858290047412, :x 0.36305000000000026} {:y 0.9459937226950231, :x 0.36405000000000026} {:y 0.9467953849090518, :x 0.36505000000000026} {:y 0.9475908229298184, :x 0.36605000000000026} {:y 0.9483800439697303, :x 0.36705000000000026} {:y 0.9491630551710397, :x 0.36805000000000027} {:y 0.9499398636062721, :x 0.36905000000000027} {:y 0.9507104762786436, :x 0.37005000000000027} {:y 0.9514749001224783, :x 0.37105000000000027} {:y 0.952233142003616, :x 0.37205000000000027} {:y 0.952985208719817, :x 0.37305000000000027} {:y 0.9537311070011598, :x 0.37405000000000027} {:y 0.9544708435104368, :x 0.37505000000000027} {:y 0.9552044248435394, :x 0.3760500000000003} {:y 0.9559318575298449, :x 0.3770500000000003} {:y 0.9566531480325915, :x 0.3780500000000003} {:y 0.9573683027492538, :x 0.3790500000000003} {:y 0.9580773280119101, :x 0.3800500000000003} {:y 0.9587802300876067, :x 0.3810500000000003} {:y 0.9594770151787152, :x 0.3820500000000003} {:y 0.9601676894232885, :x 0.3830500000000003} {:y 0.9608522588954078, :x 0.3840500000000003} {:y 0.9615307296055292, :x 0.3850500000000003} {:y 0.9622031075008225, :x 0.3860500000000003} {:y 0.9628693984655077, :x 0.3870500000000003} {:y 0.9635296083211846, :x 0.3880500000000003} {:y 0.9641837428271613, :x 0.3890500000000003} {:y 0.9648318076807743, :x 0.3900500000000003} {:y 0.9654738085177085, :x 0.3910500000000003} {:y 0.9661097509123086, :x 0.3920500000000003} {:y 0.9667396403778905, :x 0.3930500000000003} {:y 0.967363482367045, :x 0.3940500000000003} {:y 0.9679812822719395, :x 0.3950500000000003} {:y 0.968593045424614, :x 0.3960500000000003} {:y 0.9691987770972758, :x 0.3970500000000003} {:y 0.9697984825025853, :x 0.3980500000000003} {:y 0.9703921667939439, :x 0.3990500000000003} {:y 0.9709798350657726, :x 0.4000500000000003} {:y 0.9715614923537901, :x 0.4010500000000003} {:y 0.972137143635285, :x 0.4020500000000003} {:y 0.9727067938293865, :x 0.4030500000000003} {:y 0.973270447797328, :x 0.4040500000000003} {:y 0.9738281103427107, :x 0.4050500000000003} {:y 0.9743797862117591, :x 0.4060500000000003} {:y 0.9749254800935788, :x 0.4070500000000003} {:y 0.9754651966204038, :x 0.4080500000000003} {:y 0.9759989403678457, :x 0.4090500000000003} {:y 0.9765267158551361, :x 0.4100500000000003} {:y 0.9770485275453675, :x 0.4110500000000003} {:y 0.9775643798457294, :x 0.4120500000000003} {:y 0.9780742771077403, :x 0.4130500000000003} {:y 0.9785782236274787, :x 0.4140500000000003} {:y 0.9790762236458093, :x 0.4150500000000003} {:y 0.979568281348604, :x 0.4160500000000003} {:y 0.9800544008669629, :x 0.4170500000000003} {:y 0.9805345862774304, :x 0.4180500000000003} {:y 0.9810088416022072, :x 0.4190500000000003} {:y 0.9814771708093604, :x 0.4200500000000003} {:y 0.9819395778130297, :x 0.4210500000000003} {:y 0.9823960664736302, :x 0.4220500000000003} {:y 0.9828466405980534, :x 0.4230500000000003} {:y 0.9832913039398625, :x 0.4240500000000003} {:y 0.9837300601994874, :x 0.4250500000000003} {:y 0.9841629130244147, :x 0.4260500000000003} {:y 0.9845898660093748, :x 0.4270500000000003} {:y 0.9850109226965273, :x 0.4280500000000003} {:y 0.9854260865756422, :x 0.4290500000000003} {:y 0.9858353610842774, :x 0.4300500000000003} {:y 0.9862387496079551, :x 0.4310500000000003} {:y 0.9866362554803343, :x 0.4320500000000003} {:y 0.9870278819833804, :x 0.4330500000000003} {:y 0.9874136323475313, :x 0.4340500000000003} {:y 0.9877935097518613, :x 0.4350500000000003} {:y 0.9881675173242429, :x 0.4360500000000003} {:y 0.9885356581415042, :x 0.4370500000000003} {:y 0.9888979352295837, :x 0.43805000000000033} {:y 0.9892543515636837, :x 0.43905000000000033} {:y 0.9896049100684192, :x 0.44005000000000033} {:y 0.9899496136179662, :x 0.44105000000000033} {:y 0.9902884650362032, :x 0.44205000000000033} {:y 0.9906214670968561, :x 0.44305000000000033} {:y 0.9909486225236332, :x 0.44405000000000033} {:y 0.9912699339903651, :x 0.44505000000000033} {:y 0.9915854041211344, :x 0.44605000000000034} {:y 0.991895035490409, :x 0.44705000000000034} {:y 0.992198830623169, :x 0.44805000000000034} {:y 0.9924967919950327, :x 0.44905000000000034} {:y 0.9927889220323787, :x 0.45005000000000034} {:y 0.9930752231124667, :x 0.45105000000000034} {:y 0.993355697563555, :x 0.45205000000000034} {:y 0.9936303476650159, :x 0.45305000000000034} {:y 0.9938991756474475, :x 0.45405000000000034} {:y 0.9941621836927845, :x 0.45505000000000034} {:y 0.9944193739344052, :x 0.45605000000000034} {:y 0.9946707484572368, :x 0.45705000000000034} {:y 0.994916309297857, :x 0.45805000000000035} {:y 0.995156058444596, :x 0.45905000000000035} {:y 0.9953899978376313, :x 0.46005000000000035} {:y 0.9956181293690853, :x 0.46105000000000035} {:y 0.9958404548831166, :x 0.46205000000000035} {:y 0.9960569761760096, :x 0.46305000000000035} {:y 0.9962676949962644, :x 0.46405000000000035} {:y 0.9964726130446799, :x 0.46505000000000035} {:y 0.9966717319744381, :x 0.46605000000000035} {:y 0.9968650533911843, :x 0.46705000000000035} {:y 0.9970525788531048, :x 0.46805000000000035} {:y 0.9972343098710037, :x 0.46905000000000036} {:y 0.9974102479083755, :x 0.47005000000000036} {:y 0.9975803943814765, :x 0.47105000000000036} {:y 0.9977447506593937, :x 0.47205000000000036} {:y 0.997903318064111, :x 0.47305000000000036} {:y 0.9980560978705727, :x 0.47405000000000036} {:y 0.998203091306747, :x 0.47505000000000036} {:y 0.9983442995536832, :x 0.47605000000000036} {:y 0.9984797237455709, :x 0.47705000000000036} {:y 0.9986093649697927, :x 0.47805000000000036} {:y 0.9987332242669791, :x 0.47905000000000036} {:y 0.9988513026310568, :x 0.48005000000000037} {:y 0.9989636010092979, :x 0.48105000000000037} {:y 0.9990701203023649, :x 0.48205000000000037} {:y 0.9991708613643542, :x 0.48305000000000037} {:y 0.9992658250028377, :x 0.48405000000000037} {:y 0.9993550119789014, :x 0.48505000000000037} {:y 0.999438423007182, :x 0.48605000000000037} {:y 0.9995160587559018, :x 0.48705000000000037} {:y 0.9995879198468993, :x 0.4880500000000004} {:y 0.999654006855662, :x 0.4890500000000004} {:y 0.9997143203113507, :x 0.4900500000000004} {:y 0.9997688606968275, :x 0.4910500000000004} {:y 0.9998176284486777, :x 0.4920500000000004} {:y 0.9998606239572319, :x 0.4930500000000004} {:y 0.9998978475665825, :x 0.4940500000000004} {:y 0.9999292995746034, :x 0.4950500000000004} {:y 0.9999549802329617, :x 0.4960500000000004} {:y 0.9999748897471308, :x 0.4970500000000004} {:y 0.9999890282764006, :x 0.4980500000000004} {:y 0.9999973959338844, :x 0.4990500000000004} {:y 0.9999999927865248, :x 0.5000500000000003} {:y 0.9999968188550967, :x 0.5010500000000003} {:y 0.9999878741142086, :x 0.5020500000000003} {:y 0.9999731584923007, :x 0.5030500000000003} {:y 0.9999526718716427, :x 0.5040500000000003} {:y 0.9999264140883266, :x 0.5050500000000003} {:y 0.99989438493226, :x 0.5060500000000003} {:y 0.9998565841471558, :x 0.5070500000000003} {:y 0.999813011430519, :x 0.5080500000000003} {:y 0.999763666433634, :x 0.5090500000000003} {:y 0.9997085487615458, :x 0.5100500000000003} {:y 0.9996476579730422, :x 0.5110500000000003} {:y 0.9995809935806326, :x 0.5120500000000003} {:y 0.999508555050524, :x 0.5130500000000003} {:y 0.9994303418025963, :x 0.5140500000000003} {:y 0.9993463532103728, :x 0.5150500000000003} {:y 0.9992565886009919, :x 0.5160500000000003} {:y 0.9991610472551734, :x 0.5170500000000003} {:y 0.9990597284071845, :x 0.5180500000000003} {:y 0.9989526312448025, :x 0.5190500000000003} {:y 0.9988397549092762, :x 0.5200500000000003} {:y 0.9987210984952843, :x 0.5210500000000003} {:y 0.9985966610508912, :x 0.5220500000000003} {:y 0.9984664415775022, :x 0.5230500000000003} {:y 0.9983304390298139, :x 0.5240500000000003} {:y 0.998188652315765, :x 0.5250500000000003} {:y 0.998041080296483, :x 0.5260500000000004} {:y 0.9978877217862288, :x 0.5270500000000004} {:y 0.9977285755523397, :x 0.5280500000000004} {:y 0.9975636403151702, :x 0.5290500000000004} {:y 0.9973929147480287, :x 0.5300500000000004} {:y 0.9972163974771145, :x 0.5310500000000004} {:y 0.9970340870814509, :x 0.5320500000000004} {:y 0.996845982092815, :x 0.5330500000000004} {:y 0.9966520809956687, :x 0.5340500000000004} {:y 0.9964523822270825, :x 0.5350500000000004} {:y 0.9962468841766612, :x 0.5360500000000004} {:y 0.9960355851864651, :x 0.5370500000000004} {:y 0.9958184835509283, :x 0.5380500000000004} {:y 0.995595577516777, :x 0.5390500000000004} {:y 0.9953668652829426, :x 0.5400500000000004} {:y 0.9951323450004745, :x 0.5410500000000004} {:y 0.9948920147724493, :x 0.5420500000000004} {:y 0.9946458726538778, :x 0.5430500000000004} {:y 0.9943939166516105, :x 0.5440500000000004} {:y 0.9941361447242385, :x 0.5450500000000004} {:y 0.9938725547819944, :x 0.5460500000000004} {:y 0.9936031446866491, :x 0.5470500000000004} {:y 0.9933279122514063, :x 0.5480500000000004} {:y 0.9930468552407954, :x 0.5490500000000004} {:y 0.9927599713705608, :x 0.5500500000000004} {:y 0.9924672583075493, :x 0.5510500000000004} {:y 0.9921687136695947, :x 0.5520500000000004} {:y 0.9918643350253993, :x 0.5530500000000004} {:y 0.9915541198944149, :x 0.5540500000000004} {:y 0.9912380657467181, :x 0.5550500000000004} {:y 0.9909161700028855, :x 0.5560500000000004} {:y 0.9905884300338648, :x 0.5570500000000004} {:y 0.9902548431608447, :x 0.5580500000000004} {:y 0.9899154066551206, :x 0.5590500000000004} {:y 0.9895701177379581, :x 0.5600500000000004} {:y 0.9892189735804551, :x 0.5610500000000004} {:y 0.9888619713033984, :x 0.5620500000000004} {:y 0.9884991079771209, :x 0.5630500000000004} {:y 0.9881303806213535, :x 0.5640500000000004} {:y 0.9877557862050752, :x 0.5650500000000004} {:y 0.9873753216463608, :x 0.5660500000000004} {:y 0.986988983812225, :x 0.5670500000000004} {:y 0.9865967695184643, :x 0.5680500000000004} {:y 0.986198675529495, :x 0.5690500000000004} {:y 0.9857946985581907, :x 0.5700500000000004} {:y 0.9853848352657133, :x 0.5710500000000004} {:y 0.9849690822613449, :x 0.5720500000000004} {:y 0.9845474361023142, :x 0.5730500000000004} {:y 0.9841198932936206, :x 0.5740500000000004} {:y 0.9836864502878555, :x 0.5750500000000004} {:y 0.983247103485021, :x 0.5760500000000004} {:y 0.9828018492323451, :x 0.5770500000000004} {:y 0.982350683824093, :x 0.5780500000000004} {:y 0.9818936035013772, :x 0.5790500000000004} {:y 0.9814306044519632, :x 0.5800500000000004} {:y 0.980961682810072, :x 0.5810500000000004} {:y 0.9804868346561808, :x 0.5820500000000004} {:y 0.9800060560168182, :x 0.5830500000000004} {:y 0.9795193428643586, :x 0.5840500000000004} {:y 0.9790266911168118, :x 0.5850500000000004} {:y 0.9785280966376104, :x 0.5860500000000004} {:y 0.9780235552353929, :x 0.5870500000000004} {:y 0.9775130626637833, :x 0.5880500000000004} {:y 0.9769966146211697, :x 0.5890500000000004} {:y 0.9764742067504764, :x 0.5900500000000004} {:y 0.9759458346389344, :x 0.5910500000000004} {:y 0.9754114938178481, :x 0.5920500000000004} {:y 0.9748711797623585, :x 0.5930500000000004} {:y 0.974324887891203, :x 0.5940500000000004} {:y 0.9737726135664713, :x 0.5950500000000004} {:y 0.9732143520933576, :x 0.5960500000000004} {:y 0.9726500987199109, :x 0.5970500000000004} {:y 0.972079848636779, :x 0.5980500000000004} {:y 0.9715035969769499, :x 0.5990500000000004} {:y 0.9709213388154914, :x 0.6000500000000004} {:y 0.9703330691692834, :x 0.6010500000000004} {:y 0.9697387829967496, :x 0.6020500000000004} {:y 0.9691384751975836, :x 0.6030500000000004} {:y 0.9685321406124705, :x 0.6040500000000004} {:y 0.9679197740228083, :x 0.6050500000000004} {:y 0.9673013701504194, :x 0.6060500000000004} {:y 0.9666769236572642, :x 0.6070500000000004} {:y 0.9660464291451468, :x 0.6080500000000004} {:y 0.965409881155417, :x 0.6090500000000004} {:y 0.9647672741686703, :x 0.6100500000000004} {:y 0.9641186026044413, :x 0.6110500000000004} {:y 0.9634638608208947, :x 0.6120500000000004} {:y 0.9628030431145111, :x 0.6130500000000004} {:y 0.9621361437197677, :x 0.6140500000000004} {:y 0.9614631568088176, :x 0.6150500000000004} {:y 0.9607840764911605, :x 0.6160500000000004} {:y 0.9600988968133135, :x 0.6170500000000004} {:y 0.9594076117584733, :x 0.6180500000000004} {:y 0.9587102152461768, :x 0.6190500000000004} {:y 0.9580067011319554, :x 0.6200500000000004} {:y 0.9572970632069856, :x 0.6210500000000004} {:y 0.9565812951977347, :x 0.6220500000000004} {:y 0.9558593907656008, :x 0.6230500000000004} {:y 0.9551313435065497, :x 0.6240500000000004} {:y 0.954397146950746, :x 0.6250500000000004} {:y 0.9536567945621786, :x 0.6260500000000004} {:y 0.9529102797382827, :x 0.6270500000000004} {:y 0.9521575958095552, :x 0.6280500000000004} {:y 0.9513987360391671, :x 0.6290500000000004} {:y 0.9506336936225683, :x 0.6300500000000004} {:y 0.9498624616870888, :x 0.6310500000000004} {:y 0.9490850332915338, :x 0.6320500000000004} {:y 0.9483014014257749, :x 0.6330500000000004} {:y 0.9475115590103331, :x 0.6340500000000004} {:y 0.9467154988959599, :x 0.6350500000000004} {:y 0.945913213863209, :x 0.6360500000000004} {:y 0.9451046966220065, :x 0.6370500000000004} {:y 0.9442899398112113, :x 0.6380500000000005} {:y 0.9434689359981736, :x 0.6390500000000005} {:y 0.942641677678284, :x 0.6400500000000005} {:y 0.941808157274519, :x 0.6410500000000005} {:y 0.9409683671369811, :x 0.6420500000000005} {:y 0.9401222995424295, :x 0.6430500000000005} {:y 0.9392699466938088, :x 0.6440500000000005} {:y 0.9384113007197683, :x 0.6450500000000005} {:y 0.937546353674177, :x 0.6460500000000005} {:y 0.9366750975356308, :x 0.6470500000000005} {:y 0.9357975242069545, :x 0.6480500000000005} {:y 0.9349136255146963, :x 0.6490500000000005} {:y 0.9340233932086164, :x 0.6500500000000005} {:y 0.9331268189611681, :x 0.6510500000000005} {:y 0.9322238943669727, :x 0.6520500000000005} {:y 0.9313146109422876, :x 0.6530500000000005} {:y 0.9303989601244669, :x 0.6540500000000005} {:y 0.9294769332714148, :x 0.6550500000000005} {:y 0.928548521661033, :x 0.6560500000000005} {:y 0.9276137164906595, :x 0.6570500000000005} {:y 0.9266725088765004, :x 0.6580500000000005} {:y 0.9257248898530545, :x 0.6590500000000005} {:y 0.9247708503725303, :x 0.6600500000000005} {:y 0.9238103813042554, :x 0.6610500000000005} {:y 0.9228434734340767, :x 0.6620500000000005} {:y 0.9218701174637558, :x 0.6630500000000005} {:y 0.9208903040103528, :x 0.6640500000000005} {:y 0.9199040236056041, :x 0.6650500000000005} {:y 0.9189112666952923, :x 0.6660500000000005} {:y 0.9179120236386057, :x 0.6670500000000005} {:y 0.9169062847074914, :x 0.6680500000000005} {:y 0.9158940400859985, :x 0.6690500000000005} {:y 0.9148752798696138, :x 0.6700500000000005} {:y 0.9138499940645867, :x 0.6710500000000005} {:y 0.9128181725872473, :x 0.6720500000000005} {:y 0.9117798052633135, :x 0.6730500000000005} {:y 0.910734881827191, :x 0.6740500000000005} {:y 0.9096833919212612, :x 0.6750500000000005} {:y 0.9086253250951626, :x 0.6760500000000005} {:y 0.9075606708050594, :x 0.6770500000000005} {:y 0.9064894184129029, :x 0.6780500000000005} {:y 0.9054115571856816, :x 0.6790500000000005} {:y 0.9043270762946618, :x 0.6800500000000005} {:y 0.9032359648146174, :x 0.6810500000000005} {:y 0.9021382117230495, :x 0.6820500000000005} {:y 0.9010338058993956, :x 0.6830500000000005} {:y 0.8999227361242282, :x 0.6840500000000005} {:y 0.8988049910784423, :x 0.6850500000000005} {:y 0.8976805593424311, :x 0.6860500000000005} {:y 0.8965494293952523, :x 0.6870500000000005} {:y 0.8954115896137805, :x 0.6880500000000005} {:y 0.8942670282718514, :x 0.6890500000000005} {:y 0.8931157335393902, :x 0.6900500000000005} {:y 0.8919576934815314, :x 0.6910500000000005} {:y 0.8907928960577245, :x 0.6920500000000005} {:y 0.8896213291208285, :x 0.6930500000000005} {:y 0.8884429804161929, :x 0.6940500000000005} {:y 0.8872578375807274, :x 0.6950500000000005} {:y 0.8860658881419567, :x 0.6960500000000005} {:y 0.8848671195170643, :x 0.6970500000000005} {:y 0.8836615190119204, :x 0.6980500000000005} {:y 0.8824490738200997, :x 0.6990500000000005} {:y 0.8812297710218822, :x 0.7000500000000005} {:y 0.8800035975832408, :x 0.7010500000000005} {:y 0.8787705403548165, :x 0.7020500000000005} {:y 0.8775305860708771, :x 0.7030500000000005} {:y 0.8762837213482615, :x 0.7040500000000005} {:y 0.8750299326853102, :x 0.7050500000000005} {:y 0.8737692064607785, :x 0.7060500000000005} {:y 0.8725015289327374, :x 0.7070500000000005} {:y 0.8712268862374548, :x 0.7080500000000005} {:y 0.869945264388265, :x 0.7090500000000005} {:y 0.8686566492744181, :x 0.7100500000000005} {:y 0.8673610266599155, :x 0.7110500000000005} {:y 0.8660583821823273, :x 0.7120500000000005} {:y 0.8647487013515935, :x 0.7130500000000005} {:y 0.8634319695488066, :x 0.7140500000000005} {:y 0.8621081720249784, :x 0.7150500000000005} {:y 0.8607772938997853, :x 0.7160500000000005} {:y 0.859439320160301, :x 0.7170500000000005} {:y 0.8580942356597043, :x 0.7180500000000005} {:y 0.8567420251159725, :x 0.7190500000000005} {:y 0.8553826731105536, :x 0.7200500000000005} {:y 0.8540161640870187, :x 0.7210500000000005} {:y 0.8526424823496955, :x 0.7220500000000005} {:y 0.8512616120622809, :x 0.7230500000000005} {:y 0.8498735372464328, :x 0.7240500000000005} {:y 0.8484782417803403, :x 0.7250500000000005} {:y 0.8470757093972748, :x 0.7260500000000005} {:y 0.8456659236841162, :x 0.7270500000000005} {:y 0.8442488680798588, :x 0.7280500000000005} {:y 0.8428245258740943, :x 0.7290500000000005} {:y 0.8413928802054711, :x 0.7300500000000005} {:y 0.8399539140601318, :x 0.7310500000000005} {:y 0.8385076102701239, :x 0.7320500000000005} {:y 0.8370539515117894, :x 0.7330500000000005} {:y 0.8355929203041279, :x 0.7340500000000005} {:y 0.8341244990071339, :x 0.7350500000000005} {:y 0.8326486698201105, :x 0.7360500000000005} {:y 0.8311654147799548, :x 0.7370500000000005} {:y 0.8296747157594169, :x 0.7380500000000005} {:y 0.8281765544653343, :x 0.7390500000000005} {:y 0.8266709124368343, :x 0.7400500000000005} {:y 0.8251577710435116, :x 0.7410500000000005} {:y 0.8236371114835761, :x 0.7420500000000005} {:y 0.8221089147819702, :x 0.7430500000000005} {:y 0.8205731617884588, :x 0.7440500000000005} {:y 0.8190298331756857, :x 0.7450500000000005} {:y 0.817478909437201, :x 0.7460500000000005} {:y 0.8159203708854568, :x 0.7470500000000005} {:y 0.8143541976497699, :x 0.7480500000000005} {:y 0.8127803696742507, :x 0.7490500000000005} {:y 0.8111988667157015, :x 0.7500500000000005} {:y 0.8096096683414771, :x 0.7510500000000006} {:y 0.8080127539273125, :x 0.7520500000000006} {:y 0.8064081026551144, :x 0.7530500000000006} {:y 0.8047956935107167, :x 0.7540500000000006} {:y 0.8031755052815976, :x 0.7550500000000006} {:y 0.8015475165545616, :x 0.7560500000000006} {:y 0.7999117057133788, :x 0.7570500000000006} {:y 0.7982680509363893, :x 0.7580500000000006} {:y 0.7966165301940638, :x 0.7590500000000006} {:y 0.7949571212465251, :x 0.7600500000000006} {:y 0.7932898016410269, :x 0.7610500000000006} {:y 0.7916145487093905, :x 0.7620500000000006} {:y 0.7899313395653966, :x 0.7630500000000006} {:y 0.788240151102134, :x 0.7640500000000006} {:y 0.7865409599893022, :x 0.7650500000000006} {:y 0.7848337426704657, :x 0.7660500000000006} {:y 0.7831184753602657, :x 0.7670500000000006} {:y 0.7813951340415763, :x 0.7680500000000006} {:y 0.7796636944626181, :x 0.7690500000000006} {:y 0.777924132134016, :x 0.7700500000000006} {:y 0.7761764223258083, :x 0.7710500000000006} {:y 0.7744205400644016, :x 0.7720500000000006} {:y 0.7726564601294726, :x 0.7730500000000006} {:y 0.7708841570508134, :x 0.7740500000000006} {:y 0.7691036051051219, :x 0.7750500000000006} {:y 0.7673147783127335, :x 0.7760500000000006} {:y 0.7655176504342946, :x 0.7770500000000006} {:y 0.7637121949673755, :x 0.7780500000000006} {:y 0.7618983851430209, :x 0.7790500000000006} {:y 0.7600761939222396, :x 0.7800500000000006} {:y 0.758245593992427, :x 0.7810500000000006} {:y 0.7564065577637245, :x 0.7820500000000006} {:y 0.7545590573653091, :x 0.7830500000000006} {:y 0.7527030646416156, :x 0.7840500000000006} {:y 0.7508385511484874, :x 0.7850500000000006} {:y 0.748965488149256, :x 0.7860500000000006} {:y 0.7470838466107452, :x 0.7870500000000006} {:y 0.7451935971992025, :x 0.7880500000000006} {:y 0.7432947102761487, :x 0.7890500000000006} {:y 0.7413871558941535, :x 0.7900500000000006} {:y 0.7394709037925251, :x 0.7910500000000006} {:y 0.7375459233929211, :x 0.7920500000000006} {:y 0.7356121837948707, :x 0.7930500000000006} {:y 0.7336696537712131, :x 0.7940500000000006} {:y 0.7317183017634434, :x 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