window.SetProperty('2K3.ARTREADER.ID', 0); function _text_display(x, y, w, h, buttons) { this.clear_layout = function () { if (this.text_layout) { this.text_layout.Dispose(); this.text_layout = null; } this.text = ''; } this.containsXY = function (x, y) { return x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h; } this.lbtn_up = function (x, y) { return this.containsXY(x, y); } this.metadb_changed = function () { this.refresh(); } this.move = function (x, y) { = x; = y; window.SetCursor(IDC_ARROW); return this.containsXY(x, y); } this.playback_time = function () { if ( { this.refresh(); } } this.paint = function (gr) { if ( { _drawImage(gr, ? albumart.blur_img : albumart.img, 0, 0, panel.w, panel.h, image.crop); _drawOverlay(gr, 0, 0, panel.w, panel.h, 120); } if ( > 0) { _drawImage(gr, albumart.img, albumart.x, albumart.y, albumart.w, albumart.h, image.centre); } if (!this.text_layout) return; gr.WriteTextLayout(this.text_layout, this.colour_string, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, this.offset); } this.rbtn_up = function (x, y) { panel.m.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1200, 'Custom text...'); panel.m.AppendMenuItem(CheckMenuIf(, 1201, 'Per-second updates'); panel.m.AppendMenuSeparator(); panel.m.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1202, 'Custom colours and fonts explained'); panel.m.AppendMenuSeparator(); if (!this.buttons) { panel.m.AppendMenuItem(MF_GRAYED, 1203, 'Layout'); panel.m.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1204, 'Text only'); panel.m.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1205, 'Album Art top, Text bottom'); panel.m.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1206, 'Album Art left, Text right'); panel.m.CheckMenuRadioItem(1204, 1206, + 1204); panel.m.AppendMenuSeparator(); panel.m.AppendMenuItem(CheckMenuIf(, 1207, 'Album art background'); panel.m.AppendMenuItem(GetMenuFlags(,, 1208, 'Enable blur effect'); panel.m.AppendMenuSeparator(); } if ( != 1) { panel.s10.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1210, 'Left'); panel.s10.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1211, 'Right'); panel.s10.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1212, 'Centre'); panel.s10.CheckMenuRadioItem(1210, 1212, + 1210); panel.s10.AppendTo(panel.m, MF_STRING, 'Text alignment (horizontal)'); panel.s11.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1220, 'Top'); panel.s11.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1221, 'Bottom'); panel.s11.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1222, 'Centre'); panel.s11.CheckMenuRadioItem(1220, 1222, + 1220); panel.s11.AppendTo(panel.m, MF_STRING, 'Text alignment (vertical)'); if ( == 0) { panel.m.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1230, 'Margin...'); } panel.m.AppendMenuSeparator(); } } this.rbtn_up_done = function (idx) { switch (idx) { case 1200: try { var tmp = utils.TextBox('You can use full title formatting here. Custom colours and fonts are supported', window.Name,; if (tmp != { = tmp; this.refresh(); } } catch (e) {} break; case 1201:; break; case 1202: utils.Run(''); break; case 1204: case 1205: case 1206: = idx - 1204; this.refresh(true); break; case 1207:; if ( { panel.custom_background = false; albumart.metadb_changed(); } else { panel.custom_background = true; } this.refresh(true); break; case 1208:; albumart.metadb_changed(); break; case 1210: case 1211: case 1212: = idx - 1210; this.refresh(true); break; case 1220: case 1221: case 1222: = idx - 1220; this.refresh(true); break; case 1230: var tmp = utils.InputBox('Enter a margin here. It will be ignored if Album Art is enabled.', window.Name,; if (tmp != { = tmp; this.size(); window.Repaint(); } break; } } this.refresh = function (force) { this.default_colour = ? RGB(240, 240, 240) : panel.colours.text; if (panel.metadb) { var tmp = ''; var tfo = panel.get_tfo(; if (panel.selection.value == 0 && fb.IsPlaying) { var loc = plman.GetPlayingItemLocation(); if (loc.IsValid) { tmp = tfo.EvalPlaylistItem(loc.PlaylistIndex, loc.PlaylistItemIndex); } else { tmp = tfo.Eval(); } } else { var PlaylistIndex = plman.ActivePlaylist; var PlaylistItemIndex = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(PlaylistIndex); tmp = tfo.EvalPlaylistItem(PlaylistIndex, PlaylistItemIndex); } if (force || tmp != this.text) { this.clear_layout() this.text = tmp; if (this.text.length) { var font_obj = JSON.parse(panel.fonts.normal); var font_styles = GetFontStyles(this.text, font_obj); var colour_styles = GetColourStyles(this.text, this.default_colour); this.colour_string = JSON.stringify(colour_styles); if ( == 1) { this.text_layout = utils.CreateTextLayout2(StripCodes(this.text), JSON.stringify(font_styles), 2, 2); } else { this.text_layout = utils.CreateTextLayout2(StripCodes(this.text), JSON.stringify(font_styles),,; } } } } else { this.clear_layout(); } this.size(); window.Repaint(); } this.size = function () { this.text_height = 0; var margin = _scale(12); switch ( { case 0: // text only var margin_property = _scale(; this.x = margin_property; this.y = margin_property; this.w = panel.w - (margin_property * 2); this.h = panel.h - (margin_property * 2); if (this.text_layout) this.text_height = this.text_layout.CalcTextHeight(this.w); break; case 1: // album art top, text bottom this.x = margin; this.w = panel.w - (margin * 2); if (this.text_layout) this.text_height = this.text_layout.CalcTextHeight(this.w); if (this.buttons) { this.y = panel.h - _scale(30) - this.text_height - (margin * 2); this.h = this.text_height; } else { this.y = panel.h - this.text_height - (margin * 2); this.h = this.text_height + (margin * 2); } albumart.x = margin; albumart.y = margin; albumart.w = panel.w - (margin * 2); if (this.buttons) { albumart.h = panel.h - this.h - margin - _scale(60); } else { albumart.h = panel.h - this.h - margin; } break; case 2: // album art left, text right albumart.x = margin; albumart.y = margin; albumart.w = (panel.w / 2) - margin; albumart.h = panel.h - (margin * 2); this.x = (margin * 2) + albumart.w; this.y = margin; this.w = albumart.w - margin; this.h = panel.h - (margin * 2); if (this.text_layout) this.text_height = this.text_layout.CalcTextHeight(this.w); break; } if (this.text_height < this.h) this.offset = 0; else if (this.offset < this.h - this.text_height) this.offset = this.h - this.text_height; this.scroll_step = _scale(panel.fonts.size.value) * 4; } this.wheel = function (s) { if (this.containsXY(, { if (this.text_height > this.h) { this.offset += s * this.scroll_step; if (this.offset > 0) this.offset = 0; else if (this.offset < this.h - this.text_height) this.offset = this.h - this.text_height; window.RepaintRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); } return true; } return false; } panel.display_objects.push(this); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.buttons = buttons; this.default_colour = 0; this.colour_string = ''; this.text_layout = null; this.text_height = 0; this.scroll_step = 0; = 0; = 0; this.offset = 0; this.text = ''; if (this.buttons) { window.SetProperty('2K3.TEXT.ALBUMART', true); window.SetProperty('2K3.TEXT.ALBUMART.BLUR', true); window.SetProperty('2K3.TEXT.LAYOUT', 1); } = { text_tf : new _p('2K3.TEXT.DISPLAY.TF', '$font(Segoe UI,24,700)\r\n[%title%$crlf()]\r\n$font(Segoe UI,18)\r\n[%artist%$crlf()]\r\n$font(Segoe UI,14)\r\n[%album% \'(\'%date%\')\'$crlf()]\r\n$font(Segoe UI,10)\r\n[%__bitrate% kbps %codec% [%codec_profile% ][%__tool% ][%__tagtype%]]'), halign : new _p('2K3.TEXT.HALIGN', 2), valign : new _p('2K3.TEXT.VALIGN', 2), per_second : new _p('2K3.TEXT.PER.SECOND', false), albumart : new _p('2K3.TEXT.ALBUMART', true), albumart_blur : new _p('2K3.TEXT.ALBUMART.BLUR', true), layout : new _p('2K3.TEXT.LAYOUT', 0), // 0 text only, 1 album art top text bottom 2 album art left text right margin : new _p('2K3.TEXT.MARGIN', 6), } if ( { panel.custom_background = false; } }