function on_char(code) { if (cSettings.visible) { for (var i = 0; i < p.settings.pages.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < p.settings.pages[i].elements.length; j++) { if (p.settings.pages[i].elements[j].objType == "TB") p.settings.pages[i].elements[j].on_char(code); } } } else if (p.playlistManager.inputboxID >= 0) { p.playlistManager.inputbox.on_char(code); } } function on_colours_changed() { get_colours(); p.topBar.setButtons(); p.headerBar.setButtons(); p.scrollbar.setButtons(); p.scrollbar.setCursorButton(); p.playlistManager.setButtons(); p.settings.setButtons(); resize_panels(); window.Repaint(); } function on_drag_drop(action, x, y, mask) { if (y < p.list.y) { action.Effect = 0; } else if (cPlaylistManager.visible && p.playlistManager.isHoverObject(x, y)) { if (g_drag_drop_playlist_id == -1) { if (p.playlistManager.ishoverHeader) { if (g_drag_drop_internal) { var pl = plman.CreatePlaylist(plman.PlaylistCount, "Dropped Items") plman.InsertPlaylistItems(pl, 0, plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(g_active_playlist), true); plman.ActivePlaylist = pl; action.Effect = 0; } else { action.Playlist = plman.CreatePlaylist(plman.PlaylistCount, "Dropped Items"); action.Base = 0; action.ToSelect = true; action.Effect = 1; } } else { action.Effect = 0; } } else if (playlist_can_add_items(g_drag_drop_playlist_id)) { var base = plman.GetPlaylistItemCount(g_drag_drop_playlist_id); if (g_drag_drop_internal) { if (g_drag_drop_playlist_id != g_active_playlist) { plman.UndoBackup(g_drag_drop_playlist_id); plman.InsertPlaylistItems(g_drag_drop_playlist_id, base, plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(g_active_playlist)); } action.Effect = 0; } else { plman.UndoBackup(g_drag_drop_playlist_id); action.Playlist = g_drag_drop_playlist_id; action.Base = base; action.ToSelect = false; action.Effect = 1; } } else { action.Effect = 0; } } else { var new_pos = g_drag_drop_bottom ? plman.GetPlaylistItemCount(g_active_playlist) : g_drag_drop_track_id; if (g_drag_drop_internal) { plman.UndoBackup(g_active_playlist); plman.MovePlaylistSelectionV2(g_active_playlist, new_pos); action.Effect = 0; } else if (playlist_can_add_items(g_active_playlist)) { plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.UndoBackup(g_active_playlist); action.Playlist = g_active_playlist; action.Base = new_pos; action.ToSelect = true; action.Effect = 1; } else { action.Effect = 0; } } g_drag_drop_playlist_manager_hover = false; g_drag_drop_playlist_id = -1; g_drag_drop_track_id = -1; g_drag_drop_row_id = -1; g_drag_drop_bottom = false; g_drag_drop_internal = false; full_repaint(); } function on_drag_enter() { g_drag_drop_status = true; } function on_drag_leave() { g_drag_drop_status = false; g_drag_drop_playlist_manager_hover = false; g_drag_drop_track_id = -1; g_drag_drop_row_id = -1; g_drag_drop_playlist_id = -1; p.list.buttonclicked = false; if (cScrollBar.interval) { window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = false; } window.Repaint(); } function on_drag_over(action, x, y, mask) { g_drag_drop_playlist_manager_hover = false; g_drag_drop_track_id = -1; g_drag_drop_row_id = -1; g_drag_drop_bottom = false; if (y < p.list.y) { action.Effect = 0; } else if (cPlaylistManager.visible && p.playlistManager.isHoverObject(x, y)) { g_drag_drop_playlist_manager_hover = true; p.playlistManager.check("drag_over", x, y); if (g_drag_drop_playlist_id == -1) { action.Effect = p.playlistManager.ishoverHeader ? 1 : 0; } else if (g_drag_drop_internal) { action.Effect = g_drag_drop_playlist_id == g_active_playlist ? 0 : 1; } else if (playlist_can_add_items(g_drag_drop_playlist_id)) { action.Effect = 1; } else { action.Effect = 0; } } else if (g_drag_drop_internal || playlist_can_add_items(g_active_playlist)) { p.list.check("drag_over", x, y); if (y > p.list.y && y < p.list.y + 40) { on_mouse_wheel(1); } else if (y > p.list.y + p.list.h - 40 && y < p.list.y + p.list.h) { on_mouse_wheel(-1); } action.Effect = 1; } else { action.Effect = 0; } full_repaint(); } function on_focus(is_focused) { if (p.playlistManager.inputboxID >= 0) { p.playlistManager.inputbox.on_focus(is_focused); } if (is_focused) { plman.SetActivePlaylistContext(); window.SetPlaylistSelectionTracking(); } else { p.playlistManager.inputboxID = -1; full_repaint(); } } function on_font_changed() { get_font(); p.topBar.setButtons(); p.headerBar.setButtons(); p.scrollbar.setButtons(); p.scrollbar.setCursorButton(); p.playlistManager.setButtons(); p.settings.setButtons(); resize_panels(); window.Repaint(); } function on_get_album_art_done(metadb, art_id, image) { if (!image) return; for (var i = 0; i < p.list.groups.length; i++) { var group = p.list.groups[i]; if (group.metadb && group.metadb.Compare(metadb)) { g_image_cache.set(group.group_key, image); break; } } } function on_item_focus_change(playlist, from, to) { if (playlist == g_active_playlist) { p.list.focusedTrackId = to; var center_focus_item = p.list.isFocusedItemVisible(); if ((!center_focus_item && !p.list.drawRectSel) || (center_focus_item && to == 0)) { p.list.setItems(true); } p.scrollbar.setCursor(p.list.totalRowVisible, p.list.totalRows, p.list.offset); } full_repaint(); } function on_key_down(vkey) { if (cSettings.visible) { g_textbox_tabbed = false; var elements = p.settings.pages[p.settings.currentPageId].elements; for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { if (typeof elements[j].on_key_down == "function") elements[j].on_key_down(vkey); } } else { if (p.playlistManager.inputboxID >= 0) { switch (vkey) { case VK_ESCAPE: case 222: p.playlistManager.inputboxID = -1; full_repaint(); break; default: p.playlistManager.inputbox.on_key_down(vkey); } } else { var mask = GetKeyboardMask(); if (mask == KMask.none) { switch (vkey) { case VK_F2: // rename playlist (playlist manager panel visible) if (cPlaylistManager.visible && playlist_can_rename(g_active_playlist)) { p.playlistManager.inputbox = new oInputbox(p.playlistManager.w - p.playlistManager.border - p.playlistManager.scrollbarWidth - scale(40), cPlaylistManager.rowHeight - 10, plman.GetPlaylistName(g_active_playlist), "", "renamePlaylist()"); p.playlistManager.inputboxID = g_active_playlist; // activate box content + selection activated if (cPlaylistManager.inputbox_timeout) window.ClearTimeout(cPlaylistManager.inputbox_timeout); cPlaylistManager.inputbox_timeout = window.SetTimeout(inputboxPlaylistManager_activate, 20); } break; case VK_F5: p.list.groups.forEach(function (item) { item.cover_img = null; }); g_image_cache.reset(); g_stub_image = fb.GetAlbumArtStub(cGroup.art_id); full_repaint(); break; case VK_TAB: togglePlaylistManager(); break; case VK_UP: var scrollstep = 1; var new_focus_id = 0; if (p.list.count > 0 && !p.list.keypressed && !cScrollBar.timeout) { p.list.keypressed = true; new_focus_id = (p.list.focusedTrackId > 0) ? p.list.focusedTrackId - scrollstep : 0; var grpId = p.list.getGroupIdfromTrackId(new_focus_id); if (p.list.focusedTrackId == 0 && p.list.offset > 0) { p.list.scrollItems(1, scrollstep); cScrollBar.timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { cScrollBar.timeout = false; p.list.scrollItems(1, scrollstep); if (cScrollBar.interval) window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = window.SetInterval(function () { p.list.scrollItems(1, scrollstep); }, 50); }, 400); } else { plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id, true); cScrollBar.timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { cScrollBar.timeout = false; if (cScrollBar.interval) window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = window.SetInterval(function () { new_focus_id = (p.list.focusedTrackId > 0) ? p.list.focusedTrackId - scrollstep : 0; var grpId = p.list.getGroupIdfromTrackId(new_focus_id); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id, true); }, 50); }, 400); } } break; case VK_DOWN: if (p.list.count > 0 && !p.list.keypressed && !cScrollBar.timeout) { p.list.keypressed = true; var new_focus_id = (p.list.focusedTrackId < p.list.count - 1) ? p.list.focusedTrackId + 1 : p.list.count - 1; plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id, true); cScrollBar.timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { cScrollBar.timeout = false; if (cScrollBar.interval) window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = window.SetInterval(function () { new_focus_id = (p.list.focusedTrackId < p.list.count - 1) ? p.list.focusedTrackId + 1 : p.list.count - 1; var grpId = p.list.getGroupIdfromTrackId(new_focus_id); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id, true); }, 50); }, 400); } break; case VK_PGUP: var scrollstep = p.list.totalRowVisible; var new_focus_id = 0; if (p.list.count > 0 && !p.list.keypressed && !cScrollBar.timeout) { p.list.keypressed = true; new_focus_id = (p.list.focusedTrackId > scrollstep) ? p.list.focusedTrackId - scrollstep : 0; if (p.list.focusedTrackId == 0 && p.list.offset > 0) { p.list.scrollItems(1, scrollstep); cScrollBar.timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { cScrollBar.timeout = false; p.list.scrollItems(1, scrollstep); if (cScrollBar.interval) window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = window.SetInterval(function () { p.list.scrollItems(1, scrollstep); }, 60); }, 400); } else { plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id, true); cScrollBar.timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { cScrollBar.timeout = false; if (cScrollBar.interval) window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = window.SetInterval(function () { new_focus_id = (p.list.focusedTrackId > scrollstep) ? p.list.focusedTrackId - scrollstep : 0; plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id, true); }, 60); }, 400); } } break; case VK_PGDN: var scrollstep = p.list.totalRowVisible; var new_focus_id = 0; if (p.list.count > 0 && !p.list.keypressed && !cScrollBar.timeout) { p.list.keypressed = true; new_focus_id = (p.list.focusedTrackId < p.list.count - scrollstep) ? p.list.focusedTrackId + scrollstep : p.list.count - 1; plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id, true); cScrollBar.timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { cScrollBar.timeout = false; if (cScrollBar.interval) window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = window.SetInterval(function () { new_focus_id = (p.list.focusedTrackId < p.list.count - scrollstep) ? p.list.focusedTrackId + scrollstep : p.list.count - 1; plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, new_focus_id, true); }, 60); }, 400); } break; case VK_RETURN: plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId); break; case VK_END: if (p.list.count > 0) { plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, p.list.count - 1); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, p.list.count - 1, true); } break; case VK_HOME: if (p.list.count > 0) { plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, 0); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, 0, true); } break; case VK_DELETE: if (playlist_can_remove_items(g_active_playlist)) { plman.UndoBackup(g_active_playlist); plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); } break; } } else { switch (mask) { case KMask.shift: switch (vkey) { case VK_SHIFT: // SHIFT key alone p.list.SHIFT_count = 0; break; case VK_UP: // SHIFT + KEY UP if (p.list.SHIFT_count == 0) { if (p.list.SHIFT_start_id == null) { p.list.SHIFT_start_id = p.list.focusedTrackId; } plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId, true); if (p.list.focusedTrackId > 0) { p.list.SHIFT_count--; p.list.focusedTrackId--; plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId, true); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId); } } else if (p.list.SHIFT_count < 0) { if (p.list.focusedTrackId > 0) { p.list.SHIFT_count--; p.list.focusedTrackId--; plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId, true); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId); } } else { plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId, false); p.list.SHIFT_count--; p.list.focusedTrackId--; plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId); } break; case VK_DOWN: // SHIFT + KEY DOWN if (p.list.SHIFT_count == 0) { if (p.list.SHIFT_start_id == null) { p.list.SHIFT_start_id = p.list.focusedTrackId; } plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId, true); if (p.list.focusedTrackId < p.list.count - 1) { p.list.SHIFT_count++; p.list.focusedTrackId++; plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId, true); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId); } } else if (p.list.SHIFT_count > 0) { if (p.list.focusedTrackId < p.list.count - 1) { p.list.SHIFT_count++; p.list.focusedTrackId++; plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId, true); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId); } } else { plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId, false); p.list.SHIFT_count++; p.list.focusedTrackId++; plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId); } break; } break; case KMask.ctrl: if (vkey == 65) { // CTRL+A fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Edit/Select all"); full_repaint(); } if (vkey == 88) { // CTRL+X if (playlist_can_remove_items(g_active_playlist)) { var items = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(g_active_playlist); if (items.CopyToClipboard()) { plman.UndoBackup(g_active_playlist); plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); } items.Dispose(); } } if (vkey == 67) { // CTRL+C var items = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(g_active_playlist); items.CopyToClipboard(); items.Dispose(); } if (vkey == 86) { // CTRL+V if (playlist_can_add_items(g_active_playlist) && fb.CheckClipboardContents()) { var clipboard_contents = fb.GetClipboardContents(); plman.UndoBackup(g_active_playlist); plman.InsertPlaylistItems(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId + 1, clipboard_contents); clipboard_contents.Dispose(); } } if (vkey == 73) { // CTRL+I cTopBar.visible = !cTopBar.visible; window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.TopBar.Visible", cTopBar.visible); resize_panels(); full_repaint(); } if (vkey == 84) { // CTRL+T // Toggle Toolbar if (!p.on_key_timeout) { cHeaderBar.locked = !cHeaderBar.locked; window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.HEADERBAR2.Locked", cHeaderBar.locked); if (!cHeaderBar.locked) { p.headerBar.visible = false; } resize_panels(); full_repaint(); p.on_key_timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { p.on_key_timeout = false; }, 300); } } if (vkey == 89) { // CTRL+Y fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Edit/Redo"); } if (vkey == 90) { // CTRL+Z fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Edit/Undo"); } break; } } } } } function on_key_up(vkey) { if (!cSettings.visible) { p.list.keypressed = false; if (cScrollBar.timeout) { window.ClearTimeout(cScrollBar.timeout); cScrollBar.timeout = false; } if (cScrollBar.interval) { window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = false; } if (vkey == VK_SHIFT) { p.list.SHIFT_start_id = null; p.list.SHIFT_count = 0; } } } function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk(x, y, mask) { g_double_clicked = true; if (cSettings.visible) { p.settings.on_mouse("lbtn_dblclk", x, y); } else { p.list.check("lbtn_dblclk", x, y); if (p.headerBar.visible) p.headerBar.on_mouse("lbtn_dblclk", x, y); if (cPlaylistManager.visible) { p.playlistManager.check("lbtn_dblclk", x, y); } else { if (properties.showscrollbar && p.scrollbar && p.list.totalRows > 0 && (p.list.totalRows > p.list.totalRowVisible)) { p.scrollbar.check("lbtn_dblclk", x, y); if (p.scrollbar.hover) { on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y); } } } } } function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) { if (cSettings.visible) { p.settings.on_mouse("lbtn_down", x, y); } else { p.list.check("lbtn_down", x, y); if (!cPlaylistManager.visible) { if (p.playlistManager.woffset == 0 && properties.showscrollbar && p.scrollbar && p.list.totalRows > 0 && (p.list.totalRows > p.list.totalRowVisible)) { p.scrollbar.check("lbtn_down", x, y); } if (p.scrollbar.hover && !p.scrollbar.cursorDrag) { var scrollstep = p.list.totalRowVisible; if (y < p.scrollbar.cursorPos) { if (!p.list.buttonclicked && !cScrollBar.timeout) { p.list.buttonclicked = true; p.list.scrollItems(1, scrollstep); cScrollBar.timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { cScrollBar.timeout = false; p.list.scrollItems(1, scrollstep); if (cScrollBar.interval) window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = window.SetInterval(function () { if (p.scrollbar.hover) { if (mouse_x > p.scrollbar.x && p.scrollbar.cursorPos > mouse_y) { p.list.scrollItems(1, scrollstep); } } }, 60); }, 400); } } else { if (!p.list.buttonclicked && !cScrollBar.timeout) { p.list.buttonclicked = true; p.list.scrollItems(-1, scrollstep); cScrollBar.timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { cScrollBar.timeout = false; p.list.scrollItems(-1, scrollstep); if (cScrollBar.interval) window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = window.SetInterval(function () { if (p.scrollbar.hover) { if (mouse_x > p.scrollbar.x && p.scrollbar.cursorPos + p.scrollbar.cursorHeight < mouse_y) { p.list.scrollItems(-1, scrollstep); } } }, 60); }, 400) } } } } else { p.playlistManager.check("lbtn_down", x, y); } if (cTopBar.visible) { p.topBar.buttonCheck("lbtn_down", x, y); } if (p.headerBar.visible) { p.headerBar.on_mouse("lbtn_down", x, y); } } } function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) { if (cSettings.visible) { p.settings.on_mouse("lbtn_up", x, y); } else { p.list.buttonclicked = false; if (cScrollBar.timeout) { window.ClearTimeout(cScrollBar.timeout); cScrollBar.timeout = false; } if (cScrollBar.interval) { window.ClearInterval(cScrollBar.interval); cScrollBar.interval = false; } p.list.check("lbtn_up", x, y); if (p.playlistManager.woffset > 0 || cPlaylistManager.visible) { p.playlistManager.check("lbtn_up", x, y); } if (properties.showscrollbar && p.scrollbar && p.list.totalRows > 0 && (p.list.totalRows > p.list.totalRowVisible)) { p.scrollbar.check("lbtn_up", x, y); } if (cTopBar.visible) { p.topBar.buttonCheck("lbtn_up", x, y); } if (p.headerBar.visible) { p.headerBar.on_mouse("lbtn_up", x, y); } full_repaint(); } } function on_mouse_mbtn_down(x, y, mask) { g_middle_clicked = true; togglePlaylistManager(); } function on_mouse_mbtn_up(x, y, mask) { if (g_middle_click_timeout) window.ClearTimeout(g_middle_click_timeout); g_middle_click_timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { g_middle_click_timeout = false; g_middle_clicked = false; }, 250); } function on_mouse_move(x, y) { if (x == mouse_x && y == mouse_y) return; if (cSettings.visible) { p.settings.on_mouse("move", x, y); } else { if (p.playlistManager.woffset > 0) { if (!cPlaylistManager.blink_interval) { p.playlistManager.check("move", x, y); } } p.list.check("move", x, y); if (!cPlaylistManager.visible) { if (properties.showscrollbar && p.scrollbar && p.list.totalRows > 0 && (p.list.totalRows > p.list.totalRowVisible)) { p.scrollbar.check("move", x, y); } } if (p.headerBar.visible) { p.headerBar.on_mouse("move", x, y); } if (cPlaylistManager.drag_moved) { if (p.playlistManager.ishoverItem) { window.SetCursor(IDC_HELP); } else { window.SetCursor(IDC_NO); } } } mouse_x = x; mouse_y = y; } function on_mouse_rbtn_up(x, y) { if (cSettings.visible) { p.settings.on_mouse("rbtn_up", x, y); } else { if (x >= ww - p.scrollbar.w) return false; if (p.headerBar.visible) p.headerBar.on_mouse("rbtn_up", x, y); p.playlistManager.check("rbtn_up", x, y); p.list.check("rbtn_up", x, y); } return true; } function on_mouse_wheel(delta) { if (g_middle_clicked) return; if (cSettings.visible) { p.settings.on_mouse("wheel", mouse_x, mouse_y, delta); if (cSettings.wheel_timeout) window.ClearTimeout(cSettings.wheel_timeout); cSettings.wheel_timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { cSettings.wheel_timeout = false; on_mouse_move(mouse_x + 1, mouse_y + 1); }, 50); } if (p.list.ishover || cScrollBar.timeout) { if (!g_mouse_wheel_timeout) { g_mouse_wheel_timeout = window.SetTimeout(function () { g_mouse_wheel_timeout = false; p.list.scrollItems(delta, cList.scrollstep); }, 20); } } else { p.playlistManager.check("wheel", mouse_x, mouse_y, delta); } } function on_paint(gr) { if (cSettings.visible) { p.settings && p.settings.draw(gr); } else { gr.Clear(g_colour_background); if (fb.IsPlaying && properties.showwallpaper && images.wallpaper) { DrawWallpaper(gr); } if (p.list) { if (p.list.count == 0) { if (plman.PlaylistCount > 0) { var text_top = plman.GetPlaylistName(g_active_playlist); var text_bot = "This playlist is empty"; } else { var text_top = "JSPlaylist coded by Br3tt"; var text_bot = "Create a playlist to start!"; } var y = Math.floor(wh / 2); gr.WriteText(text_top, g_font_20_bold.str, g_colour_text, 0, y - g_z5 - height(g_font_20_bold.obj), ww, height(g_font_20_bold.obj), 2, 1, 1); gr.FillRectangle(40, Math.floor(wh / 2), ww - 80, 1, g_colour_text & 0x40ffffff); gr.WriteText(text_bot, g_font_12_bold.str, blendColours(g_colour_text, g_colour_background, 0.35), 0, y + g_z5, ww, height(g_font_12_bold.obj), 2, 0, 1); } else { p.headerBar.calculateColumns(); if (properties.showscrollbar && p.scrollbar && p.list.totalRows > 0 && (p.list.totalRows > p.list.totalRowVisible)) { p.scrollbar.visible = true; p.scrollbar.draw(gr); } else { p.scrollbar.visible = false; } p.list.draw(gr); } } // draw background part above playlist (topbar + headerbar) if (cTopBar.visible || p.headerBar.visible) { gr.FillRectangle(0, 0, ww, p.list.y, g_colour_background); } // TopBar if (cTopBar.visible) { p.topBar && p.topBar.draw(gr); } // HeaderBar if (p.headerBar.visible) { p.headerBar && p.headerBar.drawColumns(gr); if (p.headerBar.borderDragged && p.headerBar.borderDraggedId >= 0) { // all borders for (var b = 0; b < p.headerBar.borders.length; b++) { var lg_x = p.headerBar.borders[b].x - 2; var lg_w = p.headerBar.borders[b].w; var segment_h = 5; var gap_h = 5; if (b == p.headerBar.borderDraggedId) { var d = ((mouse_x / 10) - Math.floor(mouse_x / 10)) * 10; // give a value between [0;9] } else { d = 5; } var ty = 0; for (var lg_y = p.list.y; lg_y < p.list.y + p.list.h + segment_h; lg_y += segment_h + gap_h) { ty = lg_y - segment_h + d; th = segment_h; if (ty < p.list.y) { th = th - Math.abs(p.list.y - ty); ty = p.list.y; } if (b == p.headerBar.borderDraggedId) { gr.FillRectangle(lg_x, ty, lg_w, th, g_colour_text & 0x32ffffff); } else { gr.FillRectangle(lg_x, ty, lg_w, th, g_colour_text & 0x16ffffff); } } } } } else { p.headerBar && p.headerBar.drawHiddenPanel(gr); } p.playlistManager && p.playlistManager.draw(gr); } } function on_playback_dynamic_info_track(type) { if (type == 1) { images.wallpaper = get_wallpaper(); if (properties.enableDynamicColours) { on_colours_changed(); } full_repaint(); } } function on_playback_new_track() { images.wallpaper = get_wallpaper(); if (properties.enableDynamicColours) { on_colours_changed(); } full_repaint(); } function on_playback_pause(state) { if (p.list.nowplaying_y + cRow.playlist_h > p.list.y && p.list.nowplaying_y < p.list.y + p.list.h) { window.RepaintRect(p.list.x, p.list.nowplaying_y, p.list.w, cRow.playlist_h); } } function on_playback_queue_changed() { full_repaint(); } function on_playback_stop(reason) { if (reason != 2) { if (images.wallpaper) images.wallpaper.Dispose(); images.wallpaper = null if (properties.enableDynamicColours) { on_colours_changed(); } full_repaint(); } } function on_playback_time(time) { g_double_clicked = false; g_seconds = time; if (!cSettings.visible && p.list.nowplaying_y + cRow.playlist_h > p.list.y && p.list.nowplaying_y < p.list.y + p.list.h) window.RepaintRect(p.list.x, p.list.nowplaying_y, p.list.w, cRow.playlist_h); } function on_playlist_item_ensure_visible(playlist, index) { if (g_double_clicked) return; on_item_focus_change(playlist, 0, index); } function on_playlist_items_added(playlistIndex) { if (playlistIndex == g_active_playlist) { update_playlist(); p.topBar.setDatas(); p.headerBar.resetSortIndicators(); full_repaint(); } } function on_playlist_items_changed(playlistIndex) { if (playlistIndex == g_active_playlist) { update_playlist(); p.topBar.setDatas(); p.headerBar.resetSortIndicators(); full_repaint(); } } function on_playlist_items_removed(playlistIndex, new_count) { if (playlistIndex == g_active_playlist) { update_playlist(); p.topBar.setDatas(); p.headerBar.resetSortIndicators(); full_repaint(); } } function on_playlist_items_reordered(playlistIndex) { if (playlistIndex == g_active_playlist && p.headerBar.columnDragged == 0) { update_playlist(); p.headerBar.resetSortIndicators(); full_repaint(); } else { p.headerBar.columnDragged = 0; } } function on_playlist_items_replaced(playlistIndex) { if (playlistIndex == g_active_playlist) { update_playlist(); p.topBar.setDatas(); p.headerBar.resetSortIndicators(); full_repaint(); } } function on_playlist_items_selection_change() { full_repaint(); } function on_playlist_switch() { g_active_playlist = plman.ActivePlaylist update_playlist(); p.topBar.setDatas(); p.headerBar.resetSortIndicators(); full_repaint(); } function on_playlists_changed() { g_active_playlist = plman.ActivePlaylist; p.topBar.setDatas(); if (cPlaylistManager.visible && cPlaylistManager.drag_dropped) { window.SetCursor(IDC_ARROW); } p.playlistManager.refresh(); full_repaint(); } function on_size() { ww = window.Width; wh = window.Height; resize_panels(); if (!g_init_on_size) { update_playlist(); g_init_on_size = true; } } function DrawCover(gr, img, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h) { if (img) { var s = Math.min(dst_w / img.Width, dst_h / img.Height); var w = Math.floor(img.Width * s); var h = Math.floor(img.Height * s); dst_x += Math.round((dst_w - w) / 2); dst_w = w; dst_h = h; gr.DrawImage(img, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height); } DrawRectangle(gr, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w - 1, dst_h - 1, g_colour_text); } function DrawWallpaper(gr) { if (images.wallpaper.Width / images.wallpaper.Height < ww / wh) { var src_x = 0; var src_w = images.wallpaper.Width; var src_h = Math.round(wh * images.wallpaper.Width / ww); var src_y = Math.round((images.wallpaper.Height - src_h) / 2); } else { var src_y = 0; var src_w = Math.round(ww * images.wallpaper.Height / wh); var src_h = images.wallpaper.Height; var src_x = Math.round((images.wallpaper.Width - src_w) / 2); } gr.DrawImage(images.wallpaper, 0, p.list.y, ww, p.list.h, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, 0.1); } function GetKeyboardMask() { if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) return KMask.ctrl; if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) return KMask.shift; return KMask.none; } function num(strg, nb) { var i; var str = strg.toString(); var k = nb - str.length; if (k > 0) { for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { str = "0" + str; } } return str.toString(); } function button(normal, hover, down) { this.img = [normal, hover, down]; this.w = this.img[0].Width; this.h = this.img[0].Height; this.state = ButtonStates.normal; this.update = function (normal, hover, down) { this.img = [normal, hover, down]; this.w = this.img[0].Width; this.h = this.img[0].Height; } this.draw = function (gr, x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; if (this.img[this.state]) gr.DrawImage(this.img[this.state], this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); } this.checkstate = function (event, x, y) { this.ishover = (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - 1 && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h - 1); var old = this.state; switch (event) { case "lbtn_down": switch (this.state) { case ButtonStates.normal: case ButtonStates.hover: this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.down : ButtonStates.normal; this.isdown = true; break; } break; case "lbtn_up": this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal; this.isdown = false; break; case "move": switch (this.state) { case ButtonStates.normal: case ButtonStates.hover: this.state = this.ishover ? ButtonStates.hover : ButtonStates.normal; break; } break; } if (this.state != old) { window.RepaintRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); } return this.state; } } function get_tfo(pattern) { if (!tfos[pattern]) { tfos[pattern] = fb.TitleFormat(pattern); } return tfos[pattern]; } function renamePlaylist() { if (!p.playlistManager.inputbox.text || p.playlistManager.inputbox.text == "" || p.playlistManager.inputboxID == -1) p.playlistManager.inputbox.text = p.playlistManager.playlists[p.playlistManager.inputboxID].name; if (p.playlistManager.inputbox.text.length > 1 || (p.playlistManager.inputbox.text.length == 1 && (p.playlistManager.inputbox.text >= "a" && p.playlistManager.inputbox.text <= "z") || (p.playlistManager.inputbox.text >= "A" && p.playlistManager.inputbox.text <= "Z") || (p.playlistManager.inputbox.text >= "0" && p.playlistManager.inputbox.text <= "9"))) { p.playlistManager.playlists[p.playlistManager.inputboxID].name = p.playlistManager.inputbox.text; plman.RenamePlaylist(p.playlistManager.playlists[p.playlistManager.inputboxID].idx, p.playlistManager.inputbox.text); full_repaint(); } p.playlistManager.inputboxID = -1; } function inputboxPlaylistManager_activate() { if (cPlaylistManager.inputbox_timeout) { window.ClearTimeout(cPlaylistManager.inputbox_timeout); cPlaylistManager.inputbox_timeout = false; } p.playlistManager.inputbox.on_focus(true); p.playlistManager.inputbox.edit = true; p.playlistManager.inputbox.Cpos = p.playlistManager.inputbox.text.length; p.playlistManager.inputbox.anchor = p.playlistManager.inputbox.Cpos; p.playlistManager.inputbox.SelBegin = p.playlistManager.inputbox.Cpos; p.playlistManager.inputbox.SelEnd = p.playlistManager.inputbox.Cpos; if (!cInputbox.cursor_interval) { p.playlistManager.inputbox.resetCursorTimer(); } p.playlistManager.inputbox.dblclk = true; p.playlistManager.inputbox.SelBegin = 0; p.playlistManager.inputbox.SelEnd = p.playlistManager.inputbox.text.length; p.playlistManager.inputbox.text_selected = p.playlistManager.inputbox.text; = true; full_repaint(); } function togglePlaylistManager() { if (!cPlaylistManager.hscroll_interval) { if (cPlaylistManager.visible) { cPlaylistManager.hscroll_interval = window.SetInterval(function () { p.playlistManager.repaint(); p.playlistManager.woffset -= cPlaylistManager.step; if (p.playlistManager.woffset <= 0) { p.playlistManager.woffset = 0; cPlaylistManager.visible = false; p.headerBar.button.update(p.headerBar.slide_open, p.headerBar.slide_open, p.headerBar.slide_open); full_repaint(); window.ClearInterval(cPlaylistManager.hscroll_interval); cPlaylistManager.hscroll_interval = false; } }, 16); } else { p.playlistManager.refresh(); cPlaylistManager.hscroll_interval = window.SetInterval(function () { p.playlistManager.woffset += cPlaylistManager.step; if (p.playlistManager.woffset >= cPlaylistManager.width) { p.playlistManager.woffset = cPlaylistManager.width; cPlaylistManager.visible = true; p.headerBar.button.update(p.headerBar.slide_close, p.headerBar.slide_close, p.headerBar.slide_close); full_repaint(); window.ClearInterval(cPlaylistManager.hscroll_interval); cPlaylistManager.hscroll_interval = false; } else { p.playlistManager.repaint(); } }, 16); } } } function image_cache() { this.get = function (metadb, group_key) { var img = this.cachelist[group_key]; if (img) return img; if (!this.requested[group_key]) { this.requested[group_key] = true; window.SetTimeout(function () { metadb.GetAlbumArtThumbAsync(window.ID, cGroup.art_id); }, 20); } return null; } this.set = function (group_key, image) { this.cachelist[group_key] = image; full_repaint(); } this.reset = function () { for (var key in this.cachelist) { this.cachelist[key].Dispose(); } this.cachelist = {}; this.requested = {}; } this.cachelist = {}; this.requested = {}; } function full_repaint() { need_repaint = true; } function resize_panels() { cRow.playlist_h = scale(cRow.default_playlist_h); if (cList.enableExtraLine) { cRow.playlist_h += scale(6); } p.topBar.setSize(0, 0, ww, cTopBar.visible ? cTopBar.height + cHeaderBar.borderWidth : 0); p.headerBar.visible = cHeaderBar.locked; p.headerBar.setSize(0, p.topBar.h, ww, cHeaderBar.height); p.headerBar.calculateColumns(); // set Size of List var list_h = wh - p.topBar.h - (p.headerBar.visible ? p.headerBar.h + cHeaderBar.borderWidth : 0); p.list.setSize(0, wh - list_h, ww, list_h); if (g_init_on_size) { p.list.setItems(true); } // set Size of scrollbar p.scrollbar.setSize(p.list.x + p.list.w - cScrollBar.width, p.list.y, cScrollBar.width, p.list.h); p.scrollbar.setCursor(p.list.totalRowVisible, p.list.totalRows, p.list.offset); // set Size of Settings p.settings.setSize(0, 0, ww, wh); // set Size of PlaylistManager if (cPlaylistManager.visible) { cPlaylistManager.visible = g_init_on_size; p.playlistManager.woffset = g_init_on_size ? 0 : cPlaylistManager.width; } p.playlistManager.setSize(ww, p.list.y, cPlaylistManager.width, p.list.h); p.playlistManager.refresh(); } function init() { get_font(); get_colours(); plman.SetActivePlaylistContext(); images.wallpaper = get_wallpaper(); g_stub_image = fb.GetAlbumArtStub(cGroup.art_id); p.list = new oList("p.list"); p.topBar = new oTopBar(); p.headerBar = new oHeaderBar(); p.scrollbar = new PlaylistScrollBar(); p.playlistManager = new oPlaylistManager(); p.settings = new oSettings(); window.SetInterval(function () { if (!window.IsVisible) { need_repaint = true; return; } if (need_repaint) { need_repaint = false; window.Repaint(); } }, 40); } function update_playlist() { g_group_id_focused = 0; p.list.updateHandleList(); p.list.setItems(false); p.scrollbar.setCursor(p.list.totalRowVisible, p.list.totalRows, p.list.offset); if (cHeaderBar.sortRequested) { window.SetCursor(IDC_ARROW); cHeaderBar.sortRequested = false; } } function height(font) { return font.Size + scale(4); } function scale(size) { return Math.round(size * g_font_size / 12); } function js_font(name, size, bold) { var obj = { Name : name, Size : scale(size), Weight : bold ? 700 : 400, }; return { obj : obj, str : JSON.stringify(obj), }; } function get_font() { var default_font; if (window.IsDefaultUI) { default_font = JSON.parse(window.GetFontDUI(FontTypeDUI.playlists)); } else { default_font = JSON.parse(window.GetFontCUI(FontTypeCUI.items)); } var name = default_font.Name; g_font_size = default_font.Size; cTopBar.height = scale(54); cHeaderBar.height = scale(26); cHeaderBar.borderWidth = scale(2); cSettings.topBarHeight = scale(50); cSettings.tabPaddingWidth = scale(16); cSettings.rowHeight = scale(30); cPlaylistManager.width = scale(220); cPlaylistManager.rowHeight = scale(28); cPlaylistManager.statusBarHeight = scale(18); cScrollBar.width = scale(cScrollBar.defaultWidth); g_z2 = scale(2); g_z4 = scale(4); g_z5 = scale(5); g_z10 = scale(10); g_z16 = scale(16); g_font_12 = js_font(name, 12); g_font_12_bold = js_font(name, 12, true); g_font_20_bold = js_font(name, 20, true); g_font_fluent_12 = js_font("Segoe Fluent Icons", 12); g_font_fluent_20 = js_font("Segoe Fluent Icons", 20); g_font_fluent_40 = js_font("Segoe Fluent Icons", 40); g_font_group1 = js_font(name, 16); g_font_group2 = js_font(name, 14); columns.rating_w = (chars.rating_off.calc_width(g_font_fluent_20.obj) * 5) + 4; g_queue_width = "0000".calc_width(g_font_20_bold.obj); } function get_colours() { g_dynamic = false; g_colour_mood = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR.MOOD", RGB(196,30,35)); g_colour_rating = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR.RATING", RGB(255, 128, 0)); if (properties.enableDynamicColours) { var arr = GetNowPlayingColours(); if (arr.length) { g_dynamic = true; g_colour_background = arr[0]; g_colour_text = arr[1]; g_colour_selection = arr[2]; g_colour_selected_text = arr[3]; g_colour_highlight = g_colour_text; return; } } if (properties.enableCustomColours) { g_colour_background = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR BACKGROUND NORMAL", RGB(25, 25, 35)); g_colour_selection = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR BACKGROUND SELECTED", RGB(130,150,255)); g_colour_text = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR TEXT NORMAL", RGB(180, 180, 180)); g_colour_selected_text = DetermineTextColour(g_colour_selection); g_colour_highlight = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR TEXT HIGHLIGHT", g_colour_text); } else { if (window.IsDefaultUI) { g_colour_background = window.GetColourDUI(ColourTypeDUI.background); g_colour_selection = window.GetColourDUI(ColourTypeDUI.selection); g_colour_text = window.GetColourDUI(ColourTypeDUI.text); g_colour_selected_text = DetermineTextColour(g_colour_selection); g_colour_highlight = window.GetColourDUI(ColourTypeDUI.highlight); } else { g_colour_background = window.GetColourCUI(ColourTypeCUI.background); g_colour_selection = window.GetColourCUI(ColourTypeCUI.selection_background); g_colour_text = window.GetColourCUI(ColourTypeCUI.text); g_colour_selected_text = window.GetColourCUI(ColourTypeCUI.selection_text); g_colour_highlight = g_colour_text; } } } function get_wallpaper() { var img = null; if (!properties.showwallpaper) return img; var metadb = fb.GetNowPlaying(); if (!metadb) return img; if (properties.wallpapertype == -1) { if (utils.IsFile(properties.wallpaperpath)) { img = utils.LoadImage(properties.wallpaperpath); } else { img = utils.LoadImage(fb.ProfilePath + properties.wallpaperpath); } } else { img = metadb.GetAlbumArt(properties.wallpapertype); } if (img && properties.wallpaperblurred) { img.StackBlur(properties.wallpaperblurvalue); } return img; } var g_middle_clicked = false; var g_middle_click_timeout = false; var g_textbox_tabbed = false; var g_init_on_size = false; var g_seconds = 0; var g_mouse_wheel_timeout = false; var g_active_playlist = plman.ActivePlaylist; var g_image_cache = new image_cache(); var g_stub_image = null; var g_drag_drop_status = false; var g_drag_drop_bottom = false; var g_drag_drop_track_id = -1; var g_drag_drop_row_id = -1; var g_drag_drop_playlist_id = -1; var g_drag_drop_playlist_manager_hover = false; var g_drag_drop_internal = false; var g_colour_text = 0; var g_colour_selected_text = 0; var g_colour_background = 0; var g_colour_selection = 0; var g_colour_highlight = 0; var g_colour_mood = 0; var g_colour_rating = 0; var g_font_size = 0; var g_queue_width = 0; var g_dynamic = false; var g_double_clicked = false; var g_tf_pattern = ""; var g_tf2_pattern = ""; var ww = 0, wh = 0; var mouse_x = 0, mouse_y = 0; var need_repaint = false; var foo_playcount = fb.CheckComponent("foo_playcount"); var foo_lastfm_playcount_sync = fb.CheckComponent("foo_lastfm_playcount_sync"); var tfos = {}; var tf_group_key = null; var KMask = { none: 0, ctrl: 1, shift: 2 }; var ButtonStates = { normal: 0, hover: 1, down: 2 }; var properties = { enableDynamicColours: window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Enable Dynamic Colours", false), enableCustomColours: window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Enable Custom Colours", false), showgroupheaders : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Show Group Headers", true), showscrollbar : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Show Scrollbar", true), showwallpaper : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Show Wallpaper", false), wallpaperblurred : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Wallpaper Blurred", false), wallpaperblurvalue : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Wallpaper StackBlur value", 60), wallpapertype : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Wallpaper Type", 0), wallpaperpath : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Default Wallpaper Path", ""), max_columns : 24, max_patterns : 25, use_foo_lastfm_playcount_sync : window.GetProperty("Love tracks with foo_lastfm_playcount_sync", false), }; var images = { wallpaper : null, }; var cRow = { default_playlist_h : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Playlist Row Height in Pixel", 28), playlist_h : 29, }; var p = { topbar : null, headerBar : null, list : null, playlistManager : null, settings : null, on_key_timeout : false }; var cSettings = { visible : false, topBarHeight : 50, tabPaddingWidth : 16, rowHeight : 30, wheel_timeout : false }; var cPlaylistManager = { width : 220, rowHeight : 28, showStatusBar : true, statusBarHeight : 18, step : 50, visible : false, hscroll_interval : false, drag_clicked : false, drag_moved : false, drag_target_id : -1, drag_source_id : -1, drag_dropped : false, rightClickedId : null, init_timeout : false, inputbox_timeout : false, }; var cTopBar = { height : 54, visible : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.TopBar.Visible", true) }; var cHeaderBar = { height : 26, borderWidth : 2, locked : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.HEADERBAR2.Locked", true), timerAutoHide : false, sortRequested : false }; var cScrollBar = { defaultWidth : 17, width : 17, buttonType : { cursor : 0, up : 1, down : 2 }, interval : false, timeout : false, timer_counter : 0, repaint_timeout : false, }; var cGroup = { expandedHeight : 3, pattern_idx : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.INDEX", 0), art_id : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.ART.ID", 0), }; var cover = { show : true }; var cList = { scrollstep : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Playlist Scroll Step", 3), scroll_timer : false, scroll_delta : cRow.playlist_h, scroll_direction : 1, scroll_step : Math.floor(cRow.playlist_h / 3), scroll_div : 2, borderWidth : 2, enableExtraLine : window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Enable Extra Line", true) }; var columns = { mood_x : 0, mood_w : 0, rating_x : 0, rating_w : 0, }; init();