function oGroup(index, start, metadb, group_key) { this.index = index; this.start = start; this.metadb = metadb; this.group_key = group_key; this.count = 1; this.total_time_length = 0; this.total_group_duration_txt = ""; this.totalPreviousRows = 0; this.finalise = function (count, total_time_length) { this.count = count; this.total_time_length = total_time_length; this.total_group_duration_txt = utils.FormatDuration(total_time_length); } } function oItem(row_index, type, metadb, track_index, group_index, track_index_in_group, heightInRow, groupRowDelta, obj) { this.row_index = row_index; this.type = type; // 0 track, 1 group this.metadb = metadb; this.track_index = track_index; this.group_index = group_index; this.track_index_in_group = track_index_in_group; this.heightInRow = heightInRow; this.groupRowDelta = groupRowDelta; this.obj = obj; if (this.type == 1 && this.metadb) { var tfo = get_tfo(p.list.groupby[cGroup.pattern_idx].l1 + "^^" + p.list.groupby[cGroup.pattern_idx].r1 + "^^" + p.list.groupby[cGroup.pattern_idx].l2 + "^^" + p.list.groupby[cGroup.pattern_idx].r2); var arr = tfo.EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb).split("^^"); this.l1 = arr[0] this.r1 = arr[1]; this.l2 = arr[2]; this.r2 = arr[3]; } this.drawRowContents = function (gr) { var is_focused = p.list.focusedTrackId == this.track_index; var is_playing = p.list.nowplaying.PlaylistIndex == g_active_playlist && p.list.nowplaying.PlaylistItemIndex == this.track_index; var is_selected = plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); var txt_color = is_selected ? g_colour_selected_text : g_colour_text; var fader_txt = setAlpha(txt_color, 180); var rating_colour = g_dynamic ? txt_color : g_colour_rating; var mood_colour = g_dynamic ? txt_color : g_colour_mood; if (is_selected) { gr.FillRectangle(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, g_colour_selection); } if (is_focused) { DrawRectangle(gr, this.x, this.y, this.w - 1, this.h - 1, fader_txt); } if (cList.enableExtraLine) { var tf1_y = this.y; var tf1_h = (this.h / 2) + 2; var tf2_y = this.y + (this.h / 2); var tf2_h = (this.h / 2) - 2; } else { var tf1_y = this.y; var tf1_h = this.h; var tf2_y = 0; var tf2_h = 0; } columns.mood_x = ww; columns.rating_x = ww; var tf_arr = get_tfo(g_tf_pattern).EvalActivePlaylistItem(this.track_index).split("^^"); var tf2_arr = cList.enableExtraLine ? get_tfo(g_tf2_pattern).EvalActivePlaylistItem(this.track_index).split("^^") : []; for (var j = 0; j < p.headerBar.columns.length; j++) { if (p.headerBar.columns[j].w > 0) { var cx = p.headerBar.columns[j].x + g_z5; var cw = (Math.abs(p.headerBar.w * p.headerBar.columns[j].percent / 100000)) - g_z10; switch (p.headerBar.columns[j].ref) { case "State": switch (p.headerBar.columns[j].align) { case 0: // do nothing break; case 1: cx += cw - g_queue_width; break; case 2: cx += (cw - g_queue_width) / 2; break; }; if (is_playing) { if (fb.IsPaused) { gr.WriteText(chars.pause, g_font_fluent_20.str, txt_color, cx, this.y + 2, g_queue_width, cRow.playlist_h - 4, 2, 2); } else { gr.WriteText(, g_font_fluent_20.str, g_seconds % 2 == 0 ? txt_color : setAlpha(txt_color, 60), cx + 2, this.y + 2, g_queue_width, cRow.playlist_h - 4, 2, 2); } } else { var queue_index = tf_arr[j]; if (queue_index.length) { DrawRectangle(gr, cx, this.y + 2, g_queue_width, cRow.playlist_h - 5, txt_color); gr.WriteText(queue_index, g_font_20_bold.str, txt_color, cx + 1, this.y + 1, g_queue_width, cRow.playlist_h - 4, 2, 2, 1, 1); } } break; case "Mood": columns.mood_w = cRow.playlist_h; p.headerBar.columns[j].minWidth = 36; switch (p.headerBar.columns[j].align) { case 0: columns.mood_x = cx; break; case 1: columns.mood_x = cx + (cw - columns.mood_w); break; case 2: columns.mood_x = cx + ((cw - columns.mood_w) / 2); break; } if (properties.use_foo_lastfm_playcount_sync && foo_lastfm_playcount_sync) { this.mood = get_tfo("$if2(%lfm_loved%,0)").EvalActivePlaylistItem(this.track_index); } else { this.mood = StripCode(tf_arr[j], chars.etx) || 0; } gr.WriteText(this.mood == 0 ? chars.heart_off : chars.heart_on, g_font_fluent_20.str, mood_colour, columns.mood_x, this.y, columns.mood_w, cRow.playlist_h, 2, 2); break; case "Rating": cw = p.headerBar.columns[j].w - g_z5; p.headerBar.columns[j].minWidth = columns.rating_w; // columns.rating_w set inside get_font switch (p.headerBar.columns[j].align) { case 0: columns.rating_x = cx; break; case 1: columns.rating_x = cx + (cw - columns.rating_w); break; case 2: columns.rating_x = cx + ((cw - columns.rating_w) /2); break; } this.rating = StripCode(tf_arr[j], chars.etx) || 0; gr.WriteText(chars.rating_off.repeat(5), g_font_fluent_20.str, rating_colour & 0x20ffffff, columns.rating_x, this.y, columns.rating_w, cRow.playlist_h, 0, 2); gr.WriteText(chars.rating_on.repeat(this.rating), g_font_fluent_20.str, rating_colour, columns.rating_x, this.y, columns.rating_w, cRow.playlist_h, 0, 2); break; default: this.drawText(gr, tf_arr[j], txt_color, cx, tf1_y, cw, tf1_h, p.headerBar.columns[j].align); if (cList.enableExtraLine) this.drawText(gr, tf2_arr[j], fader_txt, cx, tf2_y, cw, tf2_h, p.headerBar.columns[j].align); break; } } } } this.drawText = function (gr, text, colour, x, y, w, h, align) { if (!text || text == "null") return; if (g_dynamic) text = StripCode(text, chars.etx); DrawColouredText(gr, text, g_font_12.str, colour, x, y, w, h, align, 2, 1, 1); } this.draw = function (gr, x, y, w, h) { var is_item_selected = plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); var cover_size = 0; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; if (this.type == 0) { // track if (fb.IsPlaying && plman.PlayingPlaylist == g_active_playlist && this.track_index == p.list.nowplaying.PlaylistItemIndex) { p.list.nowplaying_y = this.y; } this.drawRowContents(gr); if (!properties.showgroupheaders && this.track_index_in_group == 0) { gr.FillRectangle(this.x, this.y, this.w, 2, g_colour_text & 0x10ffffff); } if (this.ishover && g_drag_drop_status && g_drag_drop_row_id > -1 && this.row_index == g_drag_drop_row_id) { gr.FillRectangle(this.x, this.y - Math.floor(cList.borderWidth / 2), this.w, cList.borderWidth, g_colour_selection); gr.FillRectangle(this.x, this.y - Math.floor(cList.borderWidth / 2) - 3 * cList.borderWidth, cList.borderWidth, 7 * cList.borderWidth, g_colour_selection); gr.FillRectangle(this.x + this.w - cList.borderWidth, this.y - Math.floor(cList.borderWidth / 2) - 3 * cList.borderWidth, cList.borderWidth, 7 * cList.borderWidth, g_colour_selection); } } else if (this.type == 1) { // group header var groupDelta = this.groupRowDelta * cRow.playlist_h; gr.FillRectangle(this.x, (this.y - groupDelta) + 1, this.w, this.h - 2, setAlpha(g_colour_text, 8)); gr.FillRectangle(this.x, (this.y - groupDelta) - 1 + this.h, this.w, 1, setAlpha(g_colour_text, 25)); if (this.obj && this.heightInRow > 1 && { cover_size = this.heightInRow * cRow.playlist_h;; var cv_x = Math.floor(this.x + g_z5); var cv_y = Math.floor((this.y - groupDelta) + g_z5); var cv_s = Math.floor(cover_size - g_z10); if (!this.obj.cover_img) { this.obj.cover_img = g_image_cache.get(this.metadb, this.obj.group_key); } DrawCover(gr, this.obj.cover_img || g_stub_image, cv_x, cv_y, cv_s, cv_s); } else { cover_size = g_z4; } var text_left_padding = g_z2; var scrollbar_gap = (p.scrollbar.visible && (p.list.totalRows > p.list.totalRowVisible)) ? 0 : cScrollBar.width; var lg1_right_field_w = this.r1.calc_width(g_font_group1.obj) + cList.borderWidth * 2; var lg2_right_field_w = this.r2.calc_width(g_font_group2.obj) + cList.borderWidth * 2; var group_text_colour = g_colour_highlight; var group_text_colour_fader = setAlpha(group_text_colour, 180); if (this.heightInRow == 1) { gr.WriteText(this.l1 + " / " + this.l2, g_font_group1.str, group_text_colour, this.x + cover_size + text_left_padding, (this.y - groupDelta) - 1, this.w - cover_size - text_left_padding * 4 - lg1_right_field_w - scrollbar_gap, this.h, 0, 2, 1, 1); gr.WriteText(this.r1, g_font_group1, group_text_colour, this.x + cover_size + text_left_padding, (this.y - groupDelta) - 1, this.w - cover_size - text_left_padding * 5 + 2 - scrollbar_gap, this.h, 1, 2, 1, 1); gr.FillRectangle(this.x + cover_size + text_left_padding, Math.round(this.y + cRow.playlist_h * 1 - groupDelta - 5), this.w - cover_size - text_left_padding * 5 + 2 - scrollbar_gap, 1, group_text_colour); } else { gr.WriteText(this.l1, g_font_group1.str, group_text_colour, this.x + cover_size + text_left_padding, (this.y - groupDelta) + 3, this.w - cover_size - text_left_padding * 4 - lg1_right_field_w - scrollbar_gap, cRow.playlist_h, 0, 2, 1, 1); gr.WriteText(this.l2, g_font_group2.str, group_text_colour_fader, this.x + cover_size + text_left_padding, (this.y + cRow.playlist_h - groupDelta) - 4, this.w - cover_size - text_left_padding * 4 - lg2_right_field_w - scrollbar_gap, cRow.playlist_h, 0, 2, 1, 1); gr.WriteText(this.r1, g_font_group1.str, group_text_colour, this.x + cover_size + text_left_padding, (this.y - groupDelta) + 3, this.w - cover_size - text_left_padding * 5 + 2 - scrollbar_gap, cRow.playlist_h, 1, 2, 1, 1); gr.WriteText(this.r2, g_font_group2.str, group_text_colour_fader, this.x + cover_size + text_left_padding, (this.y + cRow.playlist_h - groupDelta) - 4, this.w - cover_size - text_left_padding * 5 + 1 - scrollbar_gap, cRow.playlist_h, 1, 2, 1, 1); gr.FillRectangle(this.x + cover_size + text_left_padding, (this.y + cRow.playlist_h * 2 - groupDelta) - 8, this.w - cover_size - text_left_padding * 5 + 2 - scrollbar_gap, 1, group_text_colour); if (this.obj && this.heightInRow > 2) { var lg3_left_field = this.obj.count + (this.obj.count > 1 ? " tracks. " : " track. ") + this.obj.total_group_duration_txt + "."; var lg3_right_field = (this.group_index + 1) + " / " + p.list.groups.length; var lg3_right_field_w = lg3_right_field.calc_width(g_font_12.obj) + cList.borderWidth * 2; gr.WriteText(lg3_left_field, g_font_12.str, group_text_colour_fader, this.x + cover_size + text_left_padding, (this.y + cRow.playlist_h * 2 - groupDelta) - 4, this.w - cover_size - text_left_padding * 4 - lg3_right_field_w - scrollbar_gap, cRow.playlist_h, 0, 0, 1); } } if (this.ishover && g_drag_drop_status && g_drag_drop_row_id > -1 && this.row_index == g_drag_drop_row_id) { gr.FillRectangle(this.x, this.y - Math.floor(cList.borderWidth / 2), this.w, cList.borderWidth, g_colour_selection); gr.FillRectangle(this.x, this.y - Math.floor(cList.borderWidth / 2) - 3 * cList.borderWidth, cList.borderWidth, 7 * cList.borderWidth, g_colour_selection); gr.FillRectangle(this.x + this.w - cList.borderWidth, this.y - Math.floor(cList.borderWidth / 2) - 3 * cList.borderWidth, cList.borderWidth, 7 * cList.borderWidth, g_colour_selection); } } } this.drag_drop_check = function (x, y, id) { var groupDelta = this.groupRowDelta * cRow.playlist_h; this.ishover = (x >= this.x && x < this.x + this.w && y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.h - groupDelta); if (this.ishover) { var trackId = p.list.getTrackId(this.row_index); g_drag_drop_track_id = this.track_index; g_drag_drop_row_id = this.row_index; } } this.check = function (event, x, y) { var is_item_selected = plman.IsPlaylistItemSelected(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); var groupDelta = this.groupRowDelta * cRow.playlist_h; this.ishover = (x >= this.x && x < this.x + this.w && y >= this.y && y < this.y + this.h - groupDelta); var rating_hover = (this.type == 0 && x >= columns.rating_x && x <= columns.rating_x + columns.rating_w && y > this.y + 2 && y < this.y + this.h - 2); var mood_hover = (this.type == 0 && x >= columns.mood_x && x <= columns.mood_x + columns.mood_w - 3 && y > this.y + 2 && y < this.y + this.h - 2); switch (event) { case "lbtn_down": if (this.ishover) { p.list.item_clicked = true; if (this.type == 1) { // group header if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) { if (this.obj && p.list.focusedTrackId != this.track_index) { if (p.list.SHIFT_start_id != null) { p.list.selectAtoB(p.list.SHIFT_start_id, this.track_index + this.obj.count - 1); } else { p.list.selectAtoB(p.list.focusedTrackId, this.track_index + this.obj.count - 1); } } } else if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) { plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); p.list.selectGroupTracks(this.group_index, true); p.list.SHIFT_start_id = null; } else { plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); p.list.selectGroupTracks(this.group_index, true); p.list.SHIFT_start_id = null; } } else { // track if (!rating_hover && !mood_hover) { if (is_item_selected) { g_drag_drop_internal = true; if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) { if (p.list.focusedTrackId != this.track_index) { if (p.list.SHIFT_start_id != null) { p.list.selectAtoB(p.list.SHIFT_start_id, this.track_index); } else { p.list.selectAtoB(p.list.focusedTrackId, this.track_index); } } } else if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) { plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, this.track_index, false); } else if (plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(g_active_playlist).Count == 1) { plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, this.track_index, true); } } else { // click on a not selected track if (utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT)) { if (p.list.focusedTrackId != this.track_index) { if (p.list.SHIFT_start_id != null) { p.list.selectAtoB(p.list.SHIFT_start_id, this.track_index); } else { p.list.selectAtoB(p.list.focusedTrackId, this.track_index); } } } else { p.list.selX = x; p.list.selY = y; p.list.drawRectSel_click = true; p.list.selStartId = this.track_index; p.list.selStartOffset = p.list.offset; p.list.selEndOffset = p.list.offset; p.list.selDeltaRows = 0; p.list.selAffected.splice(0, p.list.selAffected.length); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); if (!utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) { plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); } plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, this.track_index, true); p.list.SHIFT_start_id = null; } } } } } break; case "lbtn_dblclk": if (this.ishover) { if (this.type == 1) { // group header p.list.setItems(false); full_repaint(); } else { // track if (!rating_hover && !mood_hover) { plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); } } } break; case "lbtn_up": g_drag_drop_internal = false; if (this.ishover && this.metadb) { var handles = fb.CreateHandleList(this.metadb); var rp = this.metadb.RawPath; var can_tag = rp.indexOf("file://") == 0 || rp.indexOf("cdda://") == 0; if (rating_hover ) { var new_rating = Math.ceil((x - columns.rating_x) / (columns.rating_w / 5)); if (foo_playcount) { if (new_rating != this.rating && new_rating > 0) { handles.RunContextCommand("Playback Statistics/Rating/" + new_rating); } else { handles.RunContextCommand("Playback Statistics/Rating/"); } } else if (can_tag) { if (new_rating != this.rating && new_rating > 0) { handles.UpdateFileInfoFromJSON(JSON.stringify({"RATING" : new_rating})); } else { handles.UpdateFileInfoFromJSON(JSON.stringify({"RATING" : ""})); } } } else if (mood_hover) { if (properties.use_foo_lastfm_playcount_sync) { if (foo_lastfm_playcount_sync) { var loved = get_tfo("$if2(%lfm_loved%,0)").EvalWithMetadb(this.metadb); handles.RunContextCommand(" Playcount Sync/" + (loved == 1 ? "Unlove" : "Love")); } } else if (can_tag) { if (typeof this.mood == "undefined" || this.mood == 0) { var now_ts = new Date().getTime() / 1000; var now_str = utils.TimestampToDateString(now_ts); handles.UpdateFileInfoFromJSON(JSON.stringify({"MOOD" : now_str})); } else { handles.UpdateFileInfoFromJSON(JSON.stringify({"MOOD" : ""})); } } } handles.Dispose(); } this.drawRectSel_click = false; this.drawRectSel = false; break; case "rbtn_up": if (this.ishover) { if (is_item_selected) { plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); } else { if (this.type == 1) { // group header plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); p.list.selectGroupTracks(this.group_index, true); p.list.SHIFT_start_id = null; } else { // track plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, this.track_index); plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); plman.SetPlaylistSelectionSingle(g_active_playlist, this.track_index, true); } } } break; case "move": // update on mouse move to draw rect selection zone if (!this.drawRectSel) { this.drawRectSel = this.drawRectSel_click; } if (p.list.drawRectSel) { if (this.ishover) { if (this.type == 0) { // track p.list.selEndId = this.track_index; } else { // group header if (this.track_index > 0) { if (y > p.list.selY) { if (p.list.selStartId <= p.list.selEndId) { if (this.track_index == this.track_index + 1) { p.list.selEndId = this.track_index - 0; } else { p.list.selEndId = this.track_index - 1; } } else { if (this.track_index == this.track_index + 1) { p.list.selEndId = this.track_index - 1; } else { p.list.selEndId = this.track_index - 0; } } } else { if (p.list.selStartId < p.list.selEndId) { if (this.track_index == this.track_index + 1) { p.list.selEndId = this.track_index - 0; } else { p.list.selEndId = this.track_index - 1; } } else { if (this.track_index == this.track_index + 1) { p.list.selEndId = this.track_index - 1; } else { p.list.selEndId = this.track_index - 0; } } } } } if (!cList.interval) { window.SetCursor(IDC_HAND); cList.interval = window.SetInterval(function () { if (mouse_y < p.list.y + cRow.playlist_h) { p.list.selEndId = p.list.selEndId > 0 ? p.list.items[0].track_index : 0; if (p.scrollbar.visible) on_mouse_wheel(1); } else if (mouse_y > p.list.y + p.list.h - cRow.playlist_h) { p.list.selEndId = p.list.selEndId < p.list.count - 1 ? p.list.items[p.list.items.length - 1].track_index : p.list.count - 1; if (p.scrollbar.visible) on_mouse_wheel(-1); } // set selection on items in the rect area drawn plman.SetPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist, p.list.selAffected, false); p.list.selAffected.splice(0, p.list.selAffected.length); var deb = p.list.selStartId <= p.list.selEndId ? p.list.selStartId : p.list.selEndId; var fin = p.list.selStartId <= p.list.selEndId ? p.list.selEndId : p.list.selStartId; for (var i = deb; i <= fin; i++) { p.list.selAffected.push(i); } plman.SetPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist, p.list.selAffected, true); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, p.list.selEndId); p.list.selEndOffset = p.list.offset; }, 100); } else { window.SetCursor(IDC_ARROW); } } } if (g_drag_drop_internal) { plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(g_active_playlist).DoDragDrop(1); g_drag_drop_internal = false; } break; } } } function oGroupBy(ref, label, tf, expandedHeight, showCover, l1, r1, l2, r2) { this.ref = ref; this.label = label; = tf; this.expandedHeight = expandedHeight; this.showCover = showCover; this.l1 = l1; this.r1 = r1; this.l2 = l2; this.r2 = r2; } function oList(object_name) { this.saveGroupBy = function () { var data = ["ref", "label", "tf", "expandedHeight", "showCover", "l1", "r1", "l2", "r2"]; data.forEach((function (item) { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.groupby.length; i++) { arr.push(this.groupby[i][item]); } var str = arr.join("^^"); window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2." + item, str); }).bind(this)); } this.initGroupBy = function () { this.groupby = []; var ref = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.ref", "Album^^Custom").split("^^"); var label = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.label", "Album Artist | Album | Disc^^Folder Structure").split("^^"); var tf = window.GetProperty("", "%album artist%%album%%discnumber%^^$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)").split("^^"); var expandedHeight = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.expandedHeight", "3^^3").split("^^"); var showCover = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.showCover", "1^^1").split("^^"); var l1 = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.l1", "$if(%album%,%album% ['('Disc %discnumber% of %totaldiscs%')'],)^^$directory(%path%,1)").split("^^"); var r1 = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.r1", "[%date%]^^[%date%]").split("^^"); var l2 = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.l2", "$if(%length%,%album artist%,Stream)^^$directory(%path%,2)").split("^^"); var r2 = window.GetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.GROUPBY2.r2", "$if2(%genre%,Other)^^$if2(%genre%,Other)").split("^^"); this.totalGroupBy = ref.length; for (var i = 0; i < this.totalGroupBy; i++) { this.groupby.push(new oGroupBy(ref[i], label[i], tf[i], expandedHeight[i], showCover[i], l1[i], r1[i], l2[i], r2[i])); } } this.getTotalRows = function () { var ct = 0; var cv = 0; var fin = this.groups.length; for (var i = 0; i < fin; i++) { this.groups[i].totalPreviousRows += ct; this.groups[i].totalPreviousTracks += cv; ct += this.groups[i].count + cGroup.expandedHeight; cv += this.groups[i].count; } return ct; } this.updateGroupByPattern = function (pattern_idx) { tf_group_key = get_tfo(this.groupby[pattern_idx].tf); = this.groupby[pattern_idx].showCover == "1"; } this.init_groups = function () { this.groups = []; this.totalRows = 0; g_total_duration_text = utils.FormatDuration(this.handleList.CalcTotalDuration()); if (this.count == 0) return; var previous = ""; var g = 0, t = 0, group_duration = 0; var group_keys = []; if (properties.showgroupheaders) { this.updateGroupByPattern(cGroup.pattern_idx); group_keys = tf_group_key.EvalWithMetadbs(this.handleList).toArray(); } for (var i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { var metadb = this.handleList.GetItem(i); var length = Math.max(metadb.Length, 0); var current = properties.showgroupheaders ? group_keys[i] : metadb.Path; if (current != previous) { if (g > 0) { this.groups[g - 1].finalise(t, group_length); } this.groups.push(new oGroup(g, i, metadb, current)); t = 1; g++; group_length = length; previous = current; } else { t++; group_length += length; } } this.groups[g - 1].finalise(t, group_length); this.totalRows = this.getTotalRows(); } this.updateHandleList = function () { if (properties.showgroupheaders) { cGroup.expandedHeight = Math.floor(this.groupby[cGroup.pattern_idx].expandedHeight); } else { cGroup.expandedHeight = 0; } this.focusedTrackId = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(g_active_playlist); if (this.handleList) this.handleList.Dispose(); this.handleList = plman.GetPlaylistItems(g_active_playlist); this.count = this.handleList.Count; this.init_groups(); this.getStartOffsetFromFocusId(); } this.setSize = function (x, y, w, h) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.totalRowVisible = Math.floor(this.h / cRow.playlist_h); this.totalRowToLoad = this.totalRowVisible + 1; } this.selectAtoB = function (start_id, end_id) { var affectedItems = []; if (this.SHIFT_start_id == null) { this.SHIFT_start_id = start_id; } plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); var previous_focus_id = this.focusedTrackId; if (start_id < end_id) { var deb = start_id; var fin = end_id; } else { var deb = end_id; var fin = start_id; } for (var i = deb; i <= fin; i++) { affectedItems.push(i); } plman.SetPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist, affectedItems, true); plman.SetPlaylistFocusItem(g_active_playlist, end_id); if (affectedItems.length > 1) { if (end_id > previous_focus_id) { var delta = end_id - previous_focus_id; this.SHIFT_count += delta; } else { var delta = previous_focus_id - end_id; this.SHIFT_count -= delta; } } } this.selectGroupTracks = function (gp_id, state) { var affectedItems = []; var first_trk = this.groups[gp_id].start; var total_trks = this.groups[gp_id].count; for (var i = first_trk; i < first_trk + total_trks; i++) { affectedItems.push(i); } plman.SetPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist, affectedItems, state); } this.getStartOffsetFromFocusId = function () { this.focusedTrackId = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(g_active_playlist); if (this.focusedTrackId == -1) { this.offset = 0; } else { this.focusedRowId = this.getRowId(this.focusedTrackId); if (this.totalRows > this.totalRowVisible) { var mid = Math.floor(this.totalRowToLoad / 2) - 1; if (this.focusedRowId <= mid) { this.offset = 0; } else { var d = this.totalRows - (this.focusedRowId + 1); if (d >= Math.floor(this.totalRowToLoad / 2)) { this.offset = this.focusedRowId - mid; } else { this.offset = this.totalRows - this.totalRowVisible; } } if (this.offset < 0) this.offset = 0; } else { this.offset = 0; } } return this.offset; } this.getGroupIdfromTrackId = function (valeur) { var mediane = 0; var deb = 0; var fin = this.groups.length - 1; while (deb <= fin) { mediane = Math.floor((fin + deb) / 2); if (valeur >= this.groups[mediane].start && valeur < this.groups[mediane].start + this.groups[mediane].count) { return mediane; } else if (valeur < this.groups[mediane].start) { fin = mediane - 1; } else { deb = mediane + 1; } } return -1; } this.getGroupIdFromRowId = function (valeur) { var mediane = 0; var deb = 0; var fin = this.groups.length - 1; while (deb <= fin) { mediane = Math.floor((fin + deb) / 2); grp_height = cGroup.expandedHeight; grp_size = grp_height + this.groups[mediane].count; if (valeur >= this.groups[mediane].totalPreviousRows && valeur < this.groups[mediane].totalPreviousRows + grp_size) { return mediane; } else if (valeur < this.groups[mediane].totalPreviousRows) { fin = mediane - 1; } else { deb = mediane + 1; } } return -1; } this.getRowId = function (trackId) { var grp_id = this.getGroupIdfromTrackId(trackId); return this.groups[grp_id].totalPreviousRows + cGroup.expandedHeight + (trackId - this.groups[grp_id].start); } this.getTrackId = function (rowId) { this.s_group_id = this.getGroupIdFromRowId(rowId); if (this.s_group_id >= 0) { this.s_group_height = cGroup.expandedHeight; var a = rowId - this.groups[this.s_group_id].totalPreviousRows; if (a < this.s_group_height) { // row is in the group header this.s_groupheader_line_id = a; this.s_track_id = this.groups[this.s_group_id].start; } else { // row is a track this.s_groupheader_line_id = -1; this.s_track_id = (a - this.s_group_height) + this.groups[this.s_group_id].start; } return this.s_track_id; } return 0; } this.scrollItems = function (delta, scrollstep) { cList.scroll_direction = (delta < 0 ? -1 : 1); if (delta > 0) { // scroll up this.offset -= scrollstep; if (this.offset < 0) this.offset = 0; } else { // scroll down this.offset += scrollstep; if (this.offset > this.totalRows - this.totalRowVisible) { this.offset = this.totalRows - this.totalRowVisible; } if (this.offset < 0) this.offset = 0; } this.setItems(false); p.scrollbar.setCursor(p.list.totalRowVisible, p.list.totalRows, p.list.offset); if (!p.list.drawRectSel) full_repaint(); } this.setItems = function (forceFocus) { var track_index_in_group = 0; var row_index = 0; if (forceFocus) { // from focus item centered in panel if (this.totalRows > this.totalRowVisible) { var i = this.getStartOffsetFromFocusId(); if (this.totalRows - this.offset <= this.totalRowVisible) { var total_rows_to_draw = this.totalRows < this.totalRowVisible ? this.totalRows : this.totalRowVisible; } else { var total_rows_to_draw = this.totalRows < this.totalRowToLoad ? this.totalRows : this.totalRowToLoad; } this.items.splice(0, this.items.length); while (i < this.offset + total_rows_to_draw) { this.getTrackId(i); if (this.s_groupheader_line_id >= 0) { // group header this.items.push(new oItem(row_index, 1, this.handleList.GetItem(this.s_track_id), this.s_track_id, this.s_group_id, 0, this.s_group_height, this.s_groupheader_line_id, this.groups[this.s_group_id])); i += this.s_group_height - this.s_groupheader_line_id; row_index += this.s_group_height - this.s_groupheader_line_id; } else { // track row track_index_in_group = this.s_track_id - this.groups[this.s_group_id].start; this.items.push(new oItem(row_index, 0, this.handleList.GetItem(this.s_track_id), this.s_track_id, this.s_group_id, track_index_in_group, 1, 0, null)); i++; row_index++; } } } else { this.offset = 0; var i = 0; // offset = 0 this.items.splice(0, this.items.length); while (i < this.totalRows) { this.getTrackId(i); if (this.s_groupheader_line_id >= 0) { // group header this.items.push(new oItem(row_index, 1, this.handleList.GetItem(this.s_track_id), this.s_track_id, this.s_group_id, 0, this.s_group_height, this.s_groupheader_line_id, this.groups[this.s_group_id])); i += this.s_group_height - this.s_groupheader_line_id; row_index += this.s_group_height - this.s_groupheader_line_id; } else { // track row track_index_in_group = this.s_track_id - this.groups[this.s_group_id].start; this.items.push(new oItem(row_index, 0, this.handleList.GetItem(this.s_track_id), this.s_track_id, this.s_group_id, track_index_in_group, 1, 0, null)); i++; row_index++; } } } } else { // fill items from current offset if (this.totalRows > this.totalRowVisible) { if (typeof this.offset == "undefined") { this.getStartOffsetFromFocusId(); } var i = this.offset; if (this.totalRows - this.offset <= this.totalRowVisible) { var total_rows_to_draw = this.totalRows < this.totalRowVisible ? this.totalRows : this.totalRowVisible; } else { var total_rows_to_draw = this.totalRows < this.totalRowToLoad ? this.totalRows : this.totalRowToLoad; } this.items.splice(0, this.items.length); while (i < this.offset + total_rows_to_draw) { this.getTrackId(i); if (this.s_groupheader_line_id >= 0) { // group header this.items.push(new oItem(row_index, 1, this.handleList.GetItem(this.s_track_id), this.s_track_id, this.s_group_id, 0, this.s_group_height, this.s_groupheader_line_id, this.groups[this.s_group_id])); i += this.s_group_height - this.s_groupheader_line_id; row_index += this.s_group_height - this.s_groupheader_line_id; } else { // track row track_index_in_group = this.s_track_id - this.groups[this.s_group_id].start; this.items.push(new oItem(row_index, 0, this.handleList.GetItem(this.s_track_id), this.s_track_id, this.s_group_id, track_index_in_group, 1, 0, null)); i++; row_index++; } } } else { var i = 0; // offset = 0 this.items.splice(0, this.items.length); while (i < this.totalRows) { this.getTrackId(i); if (this.s_groupheader_line_id >= 0) { // group header this.items.push(new oItem(row_index, 1, this.handleList.GetItem(this.s_track_id), this.s_track_id, this.s_group_id, 0, this.s_group_height, this.s_groupheader_line_id, this.groups[this.s_group_id])); i += this.s_group_height - this.s_groupheader_line_id; row_index += this.s_group_height - this.s_groupheader_line_id; } else { // track row track_index_in_group = this.s_track_id - this.groups[this.s_group_id].start; this.items.push(new oItem(row_index, 0, this.handleList.GetItem(this.s_track_id), this.s_track_id, this.s_group_id, track_index_in_group, 1, 0, null)); i++; row_index++; } } } } } this.getOffsetFromCursorPos = function () { var r = (this.cursorPos / this.h); this.offset = Math.round(r * this.totalRows); if (this.offset < 0) this.offset = 0; } this.isFocusedItemVisible = function () { if (this.totalRows <= this.totalRowVisible) { return true; } else { var fin = this.items.length; for (var i = 0; i < fin; i++) { if (this.items[i].group_index >= 0 && this.items[i].type == 0 && this.focusedTrackId == this.items[i].track_index && this.items[i].row_index < this.totalRowVisible) { return true; } } } return false; } this.draw = function (gr) { var item_h = 0; if (cList.scroll_timer) { var row_top_y = this.y - (cList.scroll_delta * cList.scroll_direction); } else { var row_top_y = this.y; } var width = 0; this.nowplaying = plman.GetPlayingItemLocation(); var fin = this.items.length; for (var i = 0; i < fin; i++) { item_h = this.items[i].heightInRow * cRow.playlist_h; // test if scrollbar displayed or not for the items width to draw if (this.totalRows <= this.totalRowVisible || !properties.showscrollbar) { width = this.w; } else { width = this.w - cScrollBar.width; } this.items[i].draw(gr, this.x, row_top_y, width, item_h); row_top_y += item_h - (this.items[i].groupRowDelta * cRow.playlist_h); } if (g_drag_drop_status && g_drag_drop_bottom) { var rowId = fin - 1; var item_height_row = (this.items[rowId].type == 0 ? 1 : this.items[rowId].heightInRow); var item_height = item_height_row * cRow.playlist_h; var limit = this.items[rowId].y + item_height; var rx = this.items[rowId].x; var ry = this.items[rowId].y; var rw = this.items[rowId].w; gr.FillRectangle(rx, ry + item_height - Math.floor(cList.borderWidth / 2), rw, cList.borderWidth, g_colour_selection); gr.FillRectangle(rx, ry + item_height - Math.floor(cList.borderWidth / 2) - 4 * cList.borderWidth, cList.borderWidth, 9 * cList.borderWidth, g_colour_selection); gr.FillRectangle(rx + rw - cList.borderWidth, ry + item_height - Math.floor(cList.borderWidth / 2) - 4 * cList.borderWidth, cList.borderWidth, 9 * cList.borderWidth, g_colour_selection); } // Draw rect selection if (this.drawRectSel) { this.selDeltaRows = this.selEndOffset - this.selStartOffset; if (this.selX <= mouse_x) { if (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h <= mouse_y) { gr.FillRectangle(this.selX, (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h), mouse_x - this.selX, mouse_y - (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h), g_colour_selection & 0x33ffffff); gr.DrawRectangle(this.selX, (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h), mouse_x - this.selX - 1, mouse_y - (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h) - 1, 1, g_colour_selection & 0x66ffffff); } else { gr.FillRectangle(this.selX, mouse_y, mouse_x - this.selX, this.selY - mouse_y - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h, g_colour_selection & 0x33ffffff); gr.DrawRectangle(this.selX, mouse_y, mouse_x - this.selX - 1, this.selY - mouse_y - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h - 1, 1, g_colour_selection & 0x66ffffff); } } else { if (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h <= mouse_y) { gr.FillRectangle(mouse_x, (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h), this.selX - mouse_x, mouse_y - (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h), g_colour_selection & 0x33ffffff); gr.DrawRectangle(mouse_x, (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h), this.selX - mouse_x - 1, mouse_y - (this.selY - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h) - 1, 1, g_colour_selection & 0x66ffffff); } else { gr.FillRectangle(mouse_x, mouse_y, this.selX - mouse_x, this.selY - mouse_y - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h, g_colour_selection & 0x33ffffff); gr.DrawRectangle(mouse_x, mouse_y, this.selX - mouse_x - 1, this.selY - mouse_y - this.selDeltaRows * cRow.playlist_h - 1, 1, g_colour_selection & 0x66ffffff); } } } } this.isHoverObject = function (x, y) { return (x > this.x && x < this.x + this.w - p.playlistManager.woffset && y > this.y && y < this.y + this.h); } this.check = function (event, x, y, delta) { this.ishover = this.isHoverObject(x, y); switch (event) { case "lbtn_down": this.mclicked = this.ishover; if (this.ishover) { this.item_clicked = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.items[i].check(event, x, y); } if (!p.scrollbar.isHoverObject(x, y) && x < p.scrollbar.x) { if (this.items.length > 0 && !this.item_clicked) { this.selX = x; this.selY = y; this.drawRectSel_click = true; this.selStartId = this.items[this.items.length - 1].track_index; this.selStartOffset = p.list.offset; this.selEndOffset = p.list.offset; this.selDeltaRows = 0; this.selAffected.splice(0, this.selAffected.length); if (!utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL)) { plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); } this.SHIFT_start_id = null; full_repaint(); } } } break; case "lbtn_up": if (this.ishover) { for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.items[i].check(event, x, y); } } p.list.drawRectSel_click = false; p.list.drawRectSel = false; if (cList.interval) { window.ClearInterval(cList.interval); cList.interval = false; } if (this.mclicked) { window.SetCursor(IDC_ARROW); this.mclicked = false; } break; case "drag_over": g_drag_drop_bottom = false; if (this.count > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.items[i].drag_drop_check(x, y, i); } if (p.playlistManager.woffset == 0 || (cPlaylistManager.visible && x < p.playlistManager.x - p.playlistManager.woffset)) { var rowId = this.items.length - 1; var item_height_row = (this.items[rowId].type == 0 ? 1 : this.items[rowId].heightInRow); var limit = this.items[rowId].y + item_height_row * cRow.playlist_h; if (y > limit) { g_drag_drop_bottom = true; g_drag_drop_track_id = this.items[rowId].track_index; g_drag_drop_row_id = p.list.getTrackId(rowId); } } } else { g_drag_drop_bottom = true; g_drag_drop_track_id = 0; g_drag_drop_row_id = 0; } break; case "move": for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.items[i].check(event, x, y); } if (!this.drawRectSel) { this.drawRectSel = this.drawRectSel_click; } break; case "lbtn_dblclk": if (this.ishover) { for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.items[i].check(event, x, y); } } break; case "rbtn_up": if (this.ishover) { for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.items[i].check(event, x, y); } if (this.items.length) { var rowId = this.items.length - 1; var item_height_row = (this.items[rowId].type == 0 ? 1 : this.items[rowId].heightInRow); var limit = this.items[rowId].y + item_height_row * cRow.playlist_h; if (y > limit) { plman.ClearPlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); } } p.list.contextMenu(x, y); } break; } } this.contextMenu = function (x, y) { var menu = window.CreatePopupMenu(); var sub = window.CreatePopupMenu(); var context = fb.CreateContextMenuManager(); var can_remove_flag = EnableMenuIf(playlist_can_remove_items(g_active_playlist)); var can_paste_flag = EnableMenuIf(playlist_can_add_items(g_active_playlist) && fb.CheckClipboardContents()); var colour_flag = EnableMenuIf(properties.enableCustomColours); menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 1, "Panel Settings..."); sub.AppendMenuItem(CheckMenuIf(properties.enableDynamicColours), 2, "Enable Dynamic"); sub.AppendMenuItem(CheckMenuIf(properties.enableCustomColours), 3, "Enable Custom"); sub.AppendMenuSeparator(); sub.AppendMenuItem(colour_flag, 4, "Text"); sub.AppendMenuItem(colour_flag, 5, "Highlight"); sub.AppendMenuItem(colour_flag, 6, "Background"); sub.AppendMenuItem(colour_flag, 7, "Selected background"); sub.AppendMenuSeparator(); sub.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 8, "Mood"); sub.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 9, "Rating"); sub.AppendTo(menu, MF_STRING, "Colours"); menu.AppendMenuSeparator(); var items = plman.GetPlaylistSelectedItems(g_active_playlist); if (items.Count > 0) { if (items.Count == 1) { menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 20, "Play"); menu.SetDefault(20); menu.AppendMenuSeparator(); } menu.AppendMenuItem(can_remove_flag, 21, "Crop"); menu.AppendMenuItem(can_remove_flag, 22, "Remove"); menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 23, "Invert selection"); menu.AppendMenuSeparator(); menu.AppendMenuItem(can_remove_flag, 24, "Cut"); menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_STRING, 25, "Copy"); menu.AppendMenuItem(can_paste_flag, 26, "Paste"); menu.AppendMenuSeparator(); context.InitContextPlaylist(); context.BuildMenu(menu, 1000); } else { menu.AppendMenuItem(can_paste_flag, 27, "Paste"); } var idx = menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y); menu.Dispose(); switch (idx) { case 0: break; case 1: for (var i = 0; i < p.settings.pages.length; i++) { p.settings.pages[i].reSet(); } p.settings.currentPageId = 0; cSettings.visible = true; full_repaint(); break; case 2: properties.enableDynamicColours = !properties.enableDynamicColours; window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Enable Dynamic Colours", properties.enableDynamicColours); on_colours_changed(); break; case 3: properties.enableCustomColours = !properties.enableCustomColours; window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.Enable Custom Colours", properties.enableCustomColours); on_colours_changed(); break; case 4: g_colour_text = utils.ColourPicker(g_colour_text); window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR TEXT NORMAL", g_colour_text); on_colours_changed(); break; case 5: g_colour_highlight = utils.ColourPicker(g_colour_highlight); window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR TEXT HIGHLIGHT", g_colour_highlight); on_colours_changed(); break; case 6: g_colour_background = utils.ColourPicker(g_colour_background); window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR BACKGROUND NORMAL", g_colour_background); on_colours_changed(); break; case 7: g_colour_selection = utils.ColourPicker(g_colour_selection); window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR BACKGROUND SELECTED", g_colour_selection); on_colours_changed(); break; case 8: g_colour_mood = utils.ColourPicker(g_colour_mood); window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR.MOOD", g_colour_mood); window.Repaint(); break; case 9: g_colour_rating = utils.ColourPicker(g_colour_rating); window.SetProperty("JSPLAYLIST.COLOUR.RATING", g_colour_rating); window.Repaint(); break; case 20: plman.ExecutePlaylistDefaultAction(g_active_playlist, p.list.focusedTrackId); break; case 21: plman.UndoBackup(g_active_playlist); plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist, true); break; case 22: plman.UndoBackup(g_active_playlist); plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); break; case 23: plman.InvertSelection(g_active_playlist); break; case 24: items.CopyToClipboard(); plman.UndoBackup(g_active_playlist); plman.RemovePlaylistSelection(g_active_playlist); break; case 25: items.CopyToClipboard(); break; case 26: var pos = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(g_active_playlist) + 1; this.pasteItems(pos); break; case 27: var pos = plman.GetPlaylistItemCount(g_active_playlist); this.pasteItems(pos); break; default: context.ExecuteByID(idx - 1000); break; } items.Dispose(); context.Dispose(); return true; } this.pasteItems = function (pos) { var clipboard_contents = fb.GetClipboardContents(); plman.UndoBackup(g_active_playlist); plman.InsertPlaylistItems(g_active_playlist, pos, clipboard_contents); clipboard_contents.Dispose(); } this.objectName = object_name; this.focusedTrackId = plman.GetPlaylistFocusItemIndex(g_active_playlist); this.handleList = plman.GetPlaylistItems(g_active_playlist); this.count = this.handleList.Count; this.groups = []; this.items = []; this.groupby = []; this.totalGroupBy = 0; this.SHIFT_start_id = null; this.SHIFT_count = 0; this.ishover = false; this.buttonclicked = false; this.selAffected = []; this.drawRectSel_click = false; this.drawRectSel = false; this.item_clicked = false; this.initGroupBy(); }